#SWOON anyways im missing my girl as always and just thinking about how excited i am to hold her
sapphicsnzs · 5 months
kissing someone and your noses brush against each other and it’s just enough to make them sneeze…fuck
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Playing truth or dare with college!Peter and MJ dares you to give him a (private) lap dance
This turned out to be much longer than expected
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (Lap dance?ish?kind of? i went a bit of script im sorry, thigh riding, grinding, dirty talk, dom!peter, innocence kink, corruption kink?, masterbation, oral[male rec], mild degrading), alcohol consumption, everyone is 18+, kinda fluffy in the beginning but we do be getting smutty real quick tho, MJ being your personal wing woman
Also please dont take drinks from strangers this is fiction and not real life, always drink responsibly :)))
Word Count : 4.8k
Behind Doors
Fratboy!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
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You tried to keep your staring to a minimum, you really did. But how could you when he stood in the middle of the crowd, glowing like an angel amongst everyone. He was laughing with his friends, his head tilted back with his eyes squeezed shut and a smile that could make anyone's day so much brighter. You wanted nothing more but to run your hands through his floppy brown hair bouncing on his head as he told his mates a story, his facial and hand movements lively when he moved them around, accentuating the words falling from his mouth.
His fit didn’t help either. A tight white t-shirt paired with blue jeans and a gold chain that hung from his neck, begging to be played with in any way. It was simplistic but made you swoon all the same. His muscles printed through the fabric didn’t help much either, his biceps almost tearing through the sleeves a mouth watering contrast to his cheerful face.
It was like staring at a greek god that radiated puppy dog energy.
“You’re not being subtle you know,” MJ whispered into you ear nudging your side with her elbow, “Just go talk to him,”
You shook your head, heat rising to your face as you averted your eyes from the brown eyed boy, turning to face your best friend, “You know i can’t do that,”
“Not with that you aren’t,” she pointed at the red solo cup you held in your hand filled halfway with orange juice. She quickly snatched the cup away from you, dumping the contents in the grass of the backyard.
“Hey!” You gasped, but made no effort to stop her.
“You need to loosen up,” she stabbed her finger into the middle of your chest, shoving her drink into your hands, “All of it, now,”
You took the cup hesitantly swirling the contents inside around for a bit, watching as the liquid moved smoothly around the sides of the plastic. You looked back up at MJ, feeling small when she stared you down with a stern look. You knew you weren’t finding a way out of this one.
“Fine,” you grumbled before tilting your head back, chugging the alcohol down. You let out a few coughs afterwards, giggling as MJ started to cheer.
“That’s my girl!” She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her side, “Now for about five more,”
Two hours and four drinks later, or maybe it was six you weren't keeping count, the party finally started to die down. The liquor running through your system did its job well in letting you loosen up so you could enjoy the party without being distracted by a certain brown haired boy.
You had lost MJ halfway through the night, your mind finally processing that she wasn’t by your side when you reached for her to dance with you. As you busied yourself by looking around the room, you felt someone place their hand on your lower back, sending shivers up your spine with the touch. You whipped your head around, expecting your equity intoxicated friend but only to be met with the same brown eyes you’ve been fawning over at the beginning of the night.
“Hey,” he said into your ear so that you heard it over all the noise. He moved his hand off your back after he got your attention. You tried your best to keep the tiny whine from escaping your throat at the loss of his touch. The free feeling you felt with the alcohol completely vanished with the sound of his voice turning you into that shy nerd all over again.
“Looking for someone?” He said, pushing the tips of his fingers into the front pockets of his pants.
You stood speechless, you mouth agape that Peter Parker, the Peter Parker was talking to you. MJ was wrong, no amount of alcohol could’ve prepared you for the moment. At least you didn't scurry away like a mouse like you would’ve if you were fully sober.
“I- uh,” you coughed, trying to get some words out but failing miserably.
“Sorry, It’s just I saw you looking around,” he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling at your flustered state. His cheeks starting to turn a light pink which made you swoon even harder, “I assume you’re looking for MJ, since you were with her for most of the night,”
“Oh, right,” you mumbled, laughing awkwardly, looking down to the ground, “How did you know I was with her?”
“You guys are always together!” He smiled showing off his pearly whites, “Around campus you know? I’ve seen you guys together in my classes as well,”
“You noticed me?” You whispered, mainly to yourself but he managed to pick up your words, making you even more embarrassed than before.
“Of course!” He passed his hand through his hair, looking straight into your eyes, “How could I not Y/n?”
You stood speechless, your mouth opening and closing as if you wanted to say something but changed your mind last minute. Millions of thoughts ran through your brain per second, the most frequent being your name rolling off his tongue.
“Anyways, uh, the main reason i came was to bring you to MJ,” he chuckled nervously, seeming just as flustered as you, “She’s in one of the spare bedrooms with some of the boys, we’re playing a good ole’ game of truth and dare,” he voice raised adorably, making you giggle lightly, “You don’t need to join or anything, but i don’t think you would want to be alone out here,”
“Yeah!” you replied a bit to quickly, shaking your head at your enthusiasm, “I mean, yeah, I would like to join you,”
“Sick!” He smiled brightly, grabbing your hand. Your eyes widened at the action as he pulled you through the crowd, you looked down at the ground, allowing him to maneuver you around the mass of bodies.
“Just so you don’t get lost,” he said, looking back at you, pointing out your intertwined hands.
“Of course!” You said back, holding back your squeals of excitement.
You were honestly surprised with how sweet he was acting towards you. Despite his status as part of the biggest frat on campus, his reputation upholded him as the good boy of the group, the one who helped old lady’s across the street or bought lunch for you when you didn't have the money. Sure, you saw this on multiple occasions but to experience it for yourself was a nice change, and just solidified your crush on him even more.
When he reached the stairway vacant of anybody, he still didn't let go of your hand, only tightening his fingers around yours. He walked down the dark hallway and approached a door ,giving you a reassuring smile before turning the knob and pushing it open, revealing around eight or nine people. Some laid on the bed, beers in hand as they laughed while others sat on the couch. You spotted MJ on the floor, laughing with Harry Osborn.
“Who’s the chick Parker?” One of the boys said, silencing the room and putting everyone's attention on you.
“This is Y/n,” he gestured towards you, “Y/n, everyone,” Peter finally let go of your hand, popped himself on the edge of the bed, picking up a beer from the side table and nodding his head at the empty space besides him.
You looked towards MJ panicked, but all she did was mouth ‘go’ with a shit eating grin. You sneered back at her, rolling your eyes as you walked up to the bed, bending your right leg back to sit on your calf while the other dangled over the edge.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Peter leaned into your ear, whispering gently, “Again, you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to,”
You pouted at his actions, melting at the fact that he was so observant with you. You looked down at his beer, before looking back up at him. If you were going to get through the rest of the night, you needed to be absolutely wasted.
“Do you have another beer?” You asked him, pointed to his bottle.
“You could just have mine,” he offered his drink, passing it off to you.
You bit your lip, taking a long swig of the liquid, “Thank you,”
Before the both of you could converse any longer, a girl with short blond hair you knew from English, called out from the corner, “Okay, okay, who wants to go next?”
“I think Y/n should go,” flash said, holding up his bottle towards you, “She’s the new one isn’t she?”
Peter looked at you, silently asking if you needed him to say anything. But you decided to take things into your own hands for the first time that night.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you said, taking another swig of beer.
“Alright Y/n,” Harry said smugly, leaning back on his forearm, “Truth or dare?”
You thought about it for a bit, missing the smug look on MJ’s face as you muttered, “Dare”
“I dare you to give Peter a lap dance,” she said immediately, leaning back as she held in her laugh at your washed out face, “I mean we could send you to the other room if you want more privacy,”
You sat speechless and once again wanted to melt into the sheets beneath you. You felt Peter’s hand wrap around yours, giving him your attention.
“Only if you want to,” he muttered, giving you a soft smile.
“I-,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather the little confidence you had left, “Which room?”
Hollers and shouts bounced off the walls, as everyone hyped both of you up. Peter stood, pulling you up with him, leading you out the room.
“Take as much time as you need!” You heard MJ shout after you before the door closed, leaving you and Peter alone once again.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as Peter guided you once again to another room. You gulped, wondering if you had made the right decision so give a lap dance to your crush. He didn’t say anything as he knocked on a door, opening it when he didn't hear any noise come from the room.
“After you,” he said politely.
“Thank you,” you said shyly, walking to the middle of the room.
Peter closed the door behind him, leaning against the wood, “Sooooo,” he dragged looking you up and down, “I- uh, didn't expect you to say yes,”
“Me neither,” you chuckled, looking down to the floor.
“I mean if you don’t want to, it’s just a silly bet,” Peter said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Do-,” you coughed, “Do you want me too?”
“It’s up to you really,”
“But would you mind if i-“
“I mean I wouldn’t be against it-,”
You both laughed nervously falling into silence after that. You looked around the room, finding interest with everything besides him. You were fidgety, playing with your fingers while tapping your foot on the floor rapidly to calm your nerves. It was stupid, you’ve been dreaming about him for so long, and now that you were finally in a room together you clamed up, not knowing what to do in his presence.
Peter on the other hand kept his gaze on you, his eyes racking your body up and down. He wasn't going to lie to himself and say that he’d never thought of this moment, the moment where you and him were finally together, in a room, all alone.
You were different from the girls he was used to in the frat. You were untouched, well to his knowledge, you were a clean slate and from the small confrontations he’s had with you, he could tell you were obedient too.
He wanted so bad to just have his way with you, to absolutely ravish you like he did in his dreams. But he wanted to savour it. After so long of watching you pin over him, purely to feed his ego, he was ready to take things to the next level and what better way than with a good lap dance. Sure he was the good guy, both as himself and as his alternate persona as a hero, but when it comes to you, all his morals were thrown out the window.
Besides, you were both intoxicated and he didn't want your first time together to be at a stupid party in a room he was barely familiar with.
After a few more seconds of silence, Peter decided to take things into his own hands, to make his fantasy a reality, or to just get it started at least. He was the first to make a move, walking right up to you, taking your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to look at him while his other hand made its way to the side of your waist, pulling you closer.
“Y/n?” He asked, swiping his thumb across your lips. He may have an unhealthy obsession with them but it didnt matter because in the next few moments he would make them his, “I’m not stupid you know,”
You blinked rapidly, tilting your head to the side at his statement, confused and slightly hurt.
Peter only chuckled, slipping his thumb between your lips for a split second before pulling it back out and resting it back on your plump lip, testing the waters, “I said i noticed you, and when I mean I noticed you,” he leaned forward, placing his lips near your ear, “I meant everything, down to the constant heart eyes,”
You held your breath, not knowing how to feel, what to think. Peter Parker, the Peter Parker, was standing in front of you, playing with your lips with such close proximity, telling you that he was aware of your existence. That there was a chance that he might feel the same way about you.
You had to remind yourself that this was just a bet, that he didn’t mean anything he was saying. He was only doing it because he had to. Even if he was a sweet boy by heart, he still had a reputation for sleeping around, that to him you were just another girl to add to his collection. 
But when he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you knew you'd fall victim as well.
“Mhh,” he hummed, “such a good girl, just like i knew you’d be,” suddenly, he pulled his thumb out of your mouth and sat back down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap, “Now, i believe you have a dare to fulfill,”
“I- uh,” you stuttered, hesitantly placing your hands on his shoulder as you settled into his hold.
“You’ve never done this before, have you princess?” Peter mumbled, hovering his lips over yours.
“i-,” you shook your head, lost for words when he called you princess.
He hummed, one of his hands gripping your waist while the other laided on your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, “Let’s start off slow then,” his thumb moved to your mouth once more, playing with the bottom lip. You sat frozen, letting him take control. You didn't trust your body to move, you could barely even talk.
“I’ve always wondered what it was like to kiss these perfect lips,” he whispered, moving to kiss your neck, trailing his way up to the corner of your mouth, “I’d imagine you’ve though the same,”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his shoulders. Peter laughed, his breath hot on your face.
“You’re going to need to say something if you want me to continue princess,”
“Yes,” you squeaked, clearing your throat, embarrassed by your quick response, “Yes, I-uh, I’ve thought about this, yeah,”
“Hmm, good,” he mumbled before finally latching his lips on yours, keeping your face close with his hand.
His lips were rougher that you imagined, probably from constantly licking them for most of the night. But the more you kissed, your mouths opening and closing with each other like its own dance, the more wet and lustful it became. You could feel your body begin to relax into his, melting into the warmth. His confidence only grew with the soft moans escaping your mouth, quickly slipping his tongue inside when your lips parted, exploring your mouth with vigour and purpose.
Your breath hitched in response, using your own tongue to match his movements and tangling it with his, fighting for dominance you were sure he was going to win. Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the short curls at the base of his neck, smiling when he groaned into your mouth. You beamed at him when you finally pulled away, a string of spit connected your lips.
“This seems more than just a lap dance,” you let out a shaky sigh, resting your forehead against his.
He chuckled, using his hands to bring your hips closer to his crotch, your dress rolling further up around your waist.
“Then what are you waiting for,” he said cockily, leaning back on his forearms, looking back at you expectantly.
You let out a breath, readjusting yourself on his lap before moving your hips slowly. Your pussy barely made contact with his now hard cock poking through his jeans, teasing it ever once in a while when your panties brushed the tent. You smirked, despite not knowing what the hell you were doing, it seemed like you were doing a decent job.
“Don’t get to cocky princess,” he groaned, squeezing your waist tightly, “You forget that I’m the one in charge here,”
You bit your lip, muttering a soft sorry.
He hummed, nudging his nose with yours, “Let me help you then,” 
He grasped your hips, pulling your it closer to his crotch, grinding it against your core. You let him guide you with his hands, following his lead supporting yourself with your own hands clutching on to his shoulder.   
He let out a long sigh, his head falling back. You took that as the queue to grind faster, enjoying the effect you had on him with such a simple movement. Your confidence grew with the noises escaping his throat along with the occasional praise only fueling your need.
In a rush of the moment, you moved your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him into a needy kiss. It was much more sloppier and messier than the previous one, your focus more on moving your hips than keeping your lips in sync with his.
But you wanted more. As much as you enjoyed Peter’s eyes trailing your body, his hands exploring your waist and the angelic look on his face, you couldn't help but wonder if it stopped there. If you could make his moans louder, his hips jut against your with need, just as much as you needed him.
After a few more moments, an idea popped into your head with the faint sound of music coming from downstairs.
“Peter,” you decided to purr in your ear, biting your lip when his eyes fluttered open, dark and filled with lust.
“Yes princess,” He cooed, moving his hands back to your waist while keeping eye contact, brushing his lips over yours. But before he could fully kiss you, you pulled away, giggling at the little whine he let out.
“What is it?” he pouted, rolling his eyes when you didn’t respond, only biting your lip in thought. He grabbed your jaw, focussing your gaze back on him, “You were being such a good girl, what happened hmm?”
“I- I have an idea,” you gulped, the confidence you felt seconds ago melting away under his stare, “Do you have a speaker?”
He nodded his head, pointed to a desk in the corner with a small black speaker sitting on top. You smirked, hopping off his lap and running to the box. Peter leaned back on hands, watching with curious eyes as you pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, tapping it open and typing in your password.
“What’s going through that head of your princess,” he mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear.
You only giggled in response, playing around with the speaker to turn in on. After a few more seconds of fiddling, you spun around with your phone in hand and a teasing smile on your face. Your finger pressed down on the screen, the room filling with the song Love Is A Bitch by Two Feet.
He scoffed, “And here I am thinking you were just an innocent little thing,” 
You bit your lip, looking down shyly and placing your phone on the table, your back facing him, “I just wanted to set the mood,”
“Was grinding down on me not enough?” he teased, “Are you always this greedy?”
You let out a breath before turning around, your heart practically beating out of your chest, “Only with you,”
You glanced up at the brunette face, nervous that maybe you took it too far. It was just a simple lap dance, nothing more and nothing less and you should've kept it that way. But the kiss was addicting, keeping you in a daze where all you wanted was more. More of his touch, his mouth, his taste.
You’ve wanted him for so long and now that you dipped your toes in the waters, you wanted to dive in and never come out. What really kept you going was his reactions to your touch, the small grunts and moans escaping his mouth because of you. He wanted this as much as you did or else he would’ve shut you down by now, right?
You were just getting ahead of yourself.
“Come here Y/n,” he almost growled, his eyes never leaving you while you shuffled your way between his legs, yelping when he gripped your waist and pulled you back down. Instead of straddling his waist, he moved you so your legs were on either side of his left thigh.
You went to speak but the gripped your jaw with his forefinger and thumb, forcing your eyes on him.
“You never fail to surprise me princess,” he whispered, his free hand trailing up your waist, brushing past your breasts, “I thought I had to treat you like a good girl, take my time with you” he chuckled darkly, “Turns out you need this just as much as I do, my greedy, desperate little thing,”
You bit your lip, tucking your head in the crook of his neck to avoid his stare. The pet names he gave you was already enough to leave you a mess but adding ‘my’ in front of it made you melt. You wanted to be his, you wanted him to take control of your body and use you as he pleased. He adjusted his thigh, having it bump against your clothed pussy. Heat rose to your face when you let out a small whimper, settling back on his leg, craving the friction but you didn’t move, waiting for specific instructions.
“You weren’t so shy before, what happened?” he kissed the shell of your ear, “Go on princess, ride my thigh like the desperate whore I know you are,” 
Without thinking you began to grind your pussy along his thigh, your face growing hotter when you felt the wetness seep on to his jeans. Peter kept his hands on your waist, keeping your movements at his own past, occasionally bouncing his leg, enjoying the little whines you let out. When you started moving faster, he knew you were nearing your high.
“Princess, look at me,” he grunted,“I want to see that pretty face when you cum,”
You let out a shaky sigh, pulling your head up to face him but you could barely keep your head up, too concentrated on moving your hips against the rough fabric of his jeans. He quickly recognised this and wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly to get some of your attention. 
“Peter,” you whimpered, near to tears with how close you were to climaxing, “Peter please,”
“What is it princess? You want to cum? Is that it?”
You nodded quickly, “Please,”
“Go ahead princess,” he grinned, smashing his lips against your to swallow your moans as you came on his thigh, your hips moving in slow strokes to prolong the feeling. You pulled away after a few moments of feverish kissing, your arms falling limp around his shoulders.
“Fuck,” you sighed, your forehead falling against his with the breathless laugh, “That was-”
“Great? Amazing? The best experience of your life?” he laughed, falling back against the mattress, pulling you down with him. You giggled, shoving your face in his neck and inhaling his comforting scent.
“Yeah,” you turned your head to face him, pouting when a piece of his hair fell in front of his stunning eyes. You moved it out of his face, kissing his nose in the process, “I liked it a lot,”
“That’s good, that’s good,” he whispered, tightening his arms around you.
All of a sudden you felt something poke at the inside of your thigh. It took you a few moments to realise that he was hard and was probably aching to get off at this point in the night. 
“Do- do you want me to help?” you said shyly, sitting up on your hands to fully face him.
“You don't have to princess,” his hands passed up and down your waist, “Seeing you fall apart from my thigh is all I needed tonight,”
The twitch of his eye and dryness of his lips told you otherwise. 
“Are you sure?” you bit your lip, moving your hand slowly down to his hard on, “because I don’t mind helping Petey,”
You didn’t know where the nickname came from but it was too late to take it back. Judging by the dark look in his eyes and the almost cynical look on his face he didn’t mind.
“You want to help me princess? Are you sure you know what you’re in for?”
You shook your head eagerly, “Just tell me what you want,”
“And what if i want you to suck my cock?”
“I would do it,”
“Do what?”
“Su- suck your cock,” you replied bashfully looking down at your hands now intertwined on his stomach.
“Aww, is my princess getting shy?” he fake pouted, “After getting off on my thigh like a slut, you’re getting shy about taking me in your mouth?”
“It’s alright princess i’ll guide you through it,” he reached down to unzip his jeans, shuffling awkwardly to push them down so he could get his member out. You watched as his hard dick slapped against his chest, big and throbbing.
He moved your hips back so that you straddled his legs this time, taking your hand and raising it to your mouth.
“Spit,” he instructed, looking up at you with hunger, “Now,”
You hesitantly spit into your hand, watching in awe as the wad fell into your hand.
“Good girl,” he sighed, moving your hand to wrap your small finger around the base of his cock, “Have you ever jerked someone off princess?”
“Just two,” you respond hesitantly.
Peter gritted his teeth, trying to get the idea of you touching anyone else out of his mind, “Well let's make this your third and final guy hmm?” his breath hitched when you started to move your hand up and down his cock, “You’re mine now princess,”
In the spur of the moment you leaned down, licking the red tip of his member, “Only yours,” you whispered before taking him halfway in your mouth, gagging and pulling yourself back up.
“Take your time princess,” he gulped, “fuck but you could do that again if you’d like though,”
You giggled, licking and kissing the sides of his cock and taking it once more, reaching further than this time than you did the last. You bobbed your head continuously only raising your head to take a breath and going in again.
“Fuck princess, I knew your mouth would be good,” he groaned, “You’re doing so well, taking my cock so good down your throat, fuck!”
You smiled around his length, the back of your throat contracting around the tip making him moan your name. Before he could praise you even more, someone's voice cut his words off.
“Everything alright in there?” MJ said through the door but you were too lost in your daze to answer or recognise her voice.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Peter smirked, pushing you to take the rest of his cock, “We’re just going to take longer than expected,”
Part two maybe??
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7@wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r
Crossed out means i couldn't tag :(
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titsuya · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
SLAAYYYYY THIS IS GONNA BE SO LONG !!! yay im excited. n if i miss anyone im so sorry :( but i got most of the moots that i talk to the most !!
@solarchuu tee is my pretty baby!! i love them so so so much. like words can not describe how much i love them. they were one of my first mooties and one of my first few moots that i still talk to after,,, what ?? 5 months ?? I MISSED THEM SO MUCH WHEN THEM WENT ON HIATUS!!! they make me feel so pretty and i love them sm for that pls tee ur so hot kiss me now
@ellesmain ELLE BABY I LOVE U HELLO??? AND I MISS U ALWAYS !!!! god i love her work and just the way she always randomly pops up in my inbox with the sweetest words. shes so nice and i already know shes pretty nd yeah oikawa is so lucky to have her and so am i :,(
@cursedmoonchild ok sandy i know we don’t talk that much but omg when we do, it always makes me smile :,) i love interacting with her please kiss me asap ++ SHE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE TO GIVE THE BEST HUGS ??? I WANT TO HUG HER.
@joyaphoria joy i know you probably will never see this bc you left tumblr (or on an extremely long hiatus) but it would feel like a crime if i didn’t introduce you. joy :( i love u so much. like you would make me smile every single day with some dumbass suna headcanon ever tho u know i hated them :( but i would do anything to talk to u again,, i hope ur doing ok & i miss u more than you’ll ever know
@silversslut MIA I LOVE THIS PRETTY GIRL!!!! I LOVE OUR RANDOM TALKS AND I LOVE WHEN SHE RANDOMLY SENDS ME THINGS ON INSTAGRAM— THEY MAKE ME LAUGH SO FUCKING HARD AHHEVWVS ! thank u for being my first moot on insta and thank u for not doxxing me :p ++ i hope ur doing okay baby <3
@https-inarizaki RIN MY SPOUSE HI I LOVE THEM AND WHEN THEY RANDOMLY DIE AND COME BACK TO LIFE. i hope ur doing okay, i know you’ve been busy. kissing u and hugging u so hard rn bc i know u hate it <3
@bunny-rei menace to society but i <3 THEM and their random messages of ur webtoons + ur so sexy ahahhshs omf
@yvvji sage. god. they remind me of my favorite song? like i never get tired of talking to them? like? i love them so much? ur love is my drug — kesha is my fave song btw (im kidding but holy shit i love you)
@bokutoism RYU COME HOME IM GOING TO COOK FOR U PLS. im obsessed with them. and will continue to tell them how in love with them i am for the rest of my life. i, to say the least, get so happy when they’re in my inbox. yeah i <3 you.
@kissyomi DEEEEEE MY BESTFRIEND. MY PERSONAL HYPEMAN. shes gonna get slapped one day 😧 stop calling me a slut or i will end you/ j I LOVE U THO AHHSHA. thank u for caring about me more than everyone else. even tho ur an aries 🤢
@kyoutxni fyn we dont talk that much but hey, just wanted to say i <3 you and every single conversation we have :(
@getoswhore if she ever posts another face reveal, i will kill her /jjjj no but fr the way my eyes popped out of my head??? anyways, hi im sar we’ve been moots for a while but its time for us to fall in love and be gay
@fsrintaro honey, my sweetheart, im so sorry for not following u back for the longest i literally didnt see u followed me. ANYWAYS SHES THe sweETEST MOOT I COULD ASK FOR. kiss me. now.
@saintmanjiro hey she makes me so nervous bc oh my fucking god her writing. im so blessed to be moots with her. on my knees rn thinking about all of her works.
@reitani ok im not exaggerating when i say this but REI ???? is probably one of my favorite accts on this app, why? SHE HAS IT ALL??? theme. talent. and shes a sweetheart. yes. you? i love you.
@melsun MEL MY BABYYYYYY I LOVE HER SO MUCHHHHHHHH OMFG AND YES HER WRITING SLAYS TOO <3 i cant believe i met her on my sfw acct now we only talk on this account LOL anyways, she’s perfect <3
@vryr one of my favorite tokyo revengers blogs. literally turned me into a slut (real) inspired me heavily. i love her and her talent and her messages always make me cheese like a bitch, it’s actually gross. and shes the hottest person whatever im jealous
@izukuskani SWEETEST BABY EVER AND THE WORK ON HER ACCOUNT YESSSSS. shes so pretty and nice too !!! i love her :D
@luvboku i think she’s actually the love of my life. hands down if i had to pick someone to spend the rest of my life with thats not animated, its her. yeah shes got me down BAD. she doesn’t know this but im obsessed with her. oh yeah and her account is beautiful and her works are rlly good !!! and shes pretty so pretty oh my god *drools*
@kisakunt blair where do i begin with them?? ive been moots with them for less than a week, but i love interacting with them sm??? they’re so fucking funny like i laughed at my dashboard for 5 whole minutes bc they’re just that funny. im going to stalk them. ANOTHER ACCT THAT NEVER MISSES WITH THEMES !!! i will be bothering them for the rest of their life now
@miykui AMAZING WRITER ?? LIKE THEY WROTE VIRGIN KAZUTORA SO WELL ??? IM IN AWE ??? like im a slut and its urs and arzu’s fault so thanks a lot guys.
@kireissei peachy, my pretty, we literally became moots earlier this week but like i already am in love with her. she’s and angel, not even kidding, i love when she’s in my inbox!!
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oppabimbab · 5 years
the harder, the better | park jinyoung
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genre : smut (riding, stroking, cursing)
starring : jinyoung x reader
synopsis : when you can’t help the jealousy and anger at your boyfriend, park jinyoung, you start to act up like a bitch but he end up making sure that you well aware; he wants no one but you. he wants to fuck you harder, more than anyone else
words count : 3653 words
side note : hello thirsty hoes. im back with jinyoung’s fic bc tl seems dry af (i know yall is doing quarantine thingy thats fine) its kinda bad lmaooo but yeah you gonna read it anyway 👀
You sip the remaining champagne inside the tall glass that you have been swirling for god-knows-how-long. Just as much as you love that alcohol, today it tastes like a motherfucking poison in your throat. It’s burning your tongue every time you swallow a drop—like a fire. Just like your heart.
You glance at your boyfriend, Jinyoung, who is talking casually to bunch of his friends that he bumps to at the bar counter, not too far from your seats.
He looks as majestic as he always does—broad shoulder, long and toned legs, muscular arms and delicious torso.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with how your boyfriend behaves with his friends but what bothers you the most is that one bitch, who is always clinging to him from the first minute you come here to the party.
Irene. That beautiful bitch. She always stands there beside Jinyoung; chuckling at every words that come out from his mouth—moving her ass and exposing her boobs for them to brush against him while she gave the endless refilled wine to him. Let alone, staring at him while he smiles and laughing, like you aren’t existed here.
Damn, is that a friend should do? You know she is Jinyoung’s colleague, he has been chanting that to you and you’re convinced but you can’t remember that, a friend should grind her body to her colleague like she wants to fuck him—that much. You’re positive until today when you clearly can’t hold the anger anymore.
When the last drop of the champagne touch your throat, you met her eyes. Her bitchy eyes along with the foxy smile, plastering all over her face before she scoots closer to Jinyoung and on purpose, she ‘accidently’ makes herself fall on him—making her exposed boobs slightly brush on his arms.
Just how gentleman Jinyoung is, he looks shock and immediately helps her to get on her feet. Making her smile becomes wider, at you.
Seeing that, you can’t help but feel extremely intimidated and pissed. Not sure if it’s solely on that bitch Irene or your boyfriend. You inhale some air to calm yourself from the sight. You try to look unbother, not giving any piece of damn at her, who is having fun drooling at your man.
For real, Irene is extremely gorgeous. You can’t deny. You know people swoon over her because of her beauty and sexiness every time she passes by, doing the bare minimum—or simply said, she is the main star of this party. Everyone loves her. She looks perfect. Just like him.
Now, that thought bothers you the most.
The ride is filled with silences from both of you and him as he drives back to the apartment that you have been sharing with him for the past 9 months.
You don’t feel like talking to him. At all. He asked you to come along to this party but why the fuck did he make you feel less—like you don’t belong there, as his girl. You’re not sure what he did wrong but when you saw him walking back to you at the table after almost touching other girl’s boobs, you immediately feel upset. Extremely upset. You’re pissed, annoyed, jealous and angry. You can’t bring yourself to talk to him at this moment.
And he seems like he doesn’t care about that. Good thing because all you want is to go back to sleep with this anger. You stare out of the window, completely silent.
“You’re giving an attitude,” he breaks the silence between you and him as the silence happens way too long. You cock your eyebrow and glance at him slightly before looking back at the window.
“Excuse me?” you say—trying not to sound annoyed or pissed even honestly, you want to scream.
He exhales some air before tilting his head at you, looking at your obvious frustrated face. You can feel his big hand snake on your exposed thigh, giving it a slow rub while the other hand is on the steering.
“May I know, why is my girl acting up like this?” he sounds calm and serene—unlike you. You push his hand away from your skin without looking at him.
“Focus. I’m not in the mood, Jinyoung,”
You see his face changes, from the corner of your eyes but you don’t care. The least thing he can do is stop being such an asshole at this moment. You don’t want to talk, not to him.
“Why are you always acting up without reason at times like this?” he says through gritted teeth as he clenches his jaws. You can’t believe he just said that.
“What? Me?”
“Yes, you,”
“Are you serious? I said i’m not in the mood. Just drives us home and leave me alone, Jinyoung. You’re such an asshole,” you can’t help your anger anymore when he is pointing the arrow back at you. Sure, he said something harmless but at times like this, everything pisses you off. You’re fucking pissed when he stares back you like he did nothing.
Before he could say anything, he stops the car at the side of the road. Your eyebrow furrowed at his gesture as you look at him, confused and pissed. Jinyoung looks back you, completely mad.
“Alright. Why don’t you tell this asshole, your problem? For fuck sake baby, I don’t know if you don’t tell me,” he runs his hands through the hair, sounded frustrated at your moody ass tonight.
You shrug.
“I don’t know. Ask Irene,” now, you know you sound like an immature bitch but you don’t care. He is being such an asshole.
“Irene?” he cocks his eyebrow.
You don’t reply anything.
“What does Irene has to do with this topic?”
He is dumb.
“That’s fine, Jinyoung. I want to go home. I’m tired. Let’s talk about this later,,” you heave a small sigh, rubbing your head as you ignore his question because you don’t feel like explaining the little anger in yourself now. Or both of you will get into a serious fight. You just don’t want him around.
You look at him and his eyes changed. They are darkened and hooded—the same eyes when he is mad and pissed.
“Fucking sit on me now,” he commands. Your jaw drops at him as he unbuckle the seat belt around his body. Which part of going home that he doesn’t understand?
“Jinyoung! I don’t wan—“
“I said sit on me. Make me repeat and I’ll make you regret,” his eyes burn with fire, you can see the popping veins along his jaw and neck. You’re not sure why but he looks fucking delicious.
You heave a frustrated sigh as you unbuckle the seat belt before you climb all over him and sit on his lap—facing him with your back only few inches away from the steering wheel.
Both of you stare at each other before you look away from his eyes when you can’t contain the jealousy and anger in yourself every time you think of what happened earlier. It upsets you so much that you can feel your heart is aching.
“Now, fucking tell me why you’re behaving like you miss my cock,” he utters the words as he brings both his hands on your hips—looking up to find your eyes. You hiss at his touch, making his eyebrow lifted.
“I’m so pissed,”
“You can’t be pissed in this dress. Definitely not in this dress that makes me want to fuck you hard,” Jinyoung trails his eyes to your neck, your exposed chest and to your ass. You know he is good at dirty talk because you can feel butterflies all over your stomach.
You scoff at him.
“Sure but I think Irene wants you to fuck her harder than me. Sure, Jinyoung,” you can’t look at him on the eyes as your heart hurts at the thought. You try to get off from his lap before you feel his grip tightened around your hips.
“I see,” he nods.
“Baby, are you jealous?” he looks at you, hiding his beautiful smile behind his bitten lip.
“Yes. Very much,” you stare back at hiim—telling him how deep the pain and jealousy is.
His smile gets wider.
The silence starts to build between you two before he speaks up.
“Everyone can see that she wants you. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that,” you roll your eyes, annoyance starts to build when you think of her. Jinyoung hides his smile.
“Do you believe that?” he asks and you had it enough. You squeal at him, to let you go back to your place and end this night but he wouldn’t budge as he grabs your hips tighter to keep you on his lap.
“How do I make you realise that I’m all yours?” he squeaks, rubbing your clothed ass along with your inner thigh, causing you to whimper softly.
“Fucking you here, in this car?” he whispers before he leans closer to your body and starts to trail sloppy kisses on the sweet spot while he chants the dirty words. You can’t help but squirm at his touch as you bring your hands to hold on to his shoulder.
“Jinyoung, don’t,” you whimper at his touch even deep inside, you know you want this more than him. He chuckles at your words.
“I can feel your juices on my thigh, then you’re telling me no? Such a cute kitten,” he bites the soft skin on the collarbone as he calls your favourite pet name. When you no longer can hold the sudden excitement in your body, you start to grind on his thigh, rubbing your pussy on his thick thigh. It makes him groans, in pleasure while staring at your pussy. He grunts in frustration when the thin underwear covers the red pussy.
“Jinyoung....,” you moan his name and he hums at your calls while bitting his lips. His eyes darkened when he can see your red pussy under the thin fabric underwear. He must be thanking God for letting you to wear such a short dress so it makes it’s easier for him to hover the pussy.
“Oh my god,” he grunts as he pulls your hips, to make the move becomes faster and wilder, eventually growing the huge bulge that is starting to touch your throbbing clit. You moan out loud at the touch, throwing your head to the back while keeping the same pace on his lap as he pulls your closer with his big hands The feeling—so fucking good. The car is filled with hot breath from both of you.
“Ah!” your breath hitched when you can feel a familiar knot inside your pussy and abdomen—making you to look at him while moaning his name. He likes it when his name comes out from your mouth when he is abusing the pussy. He feels like a sexy dominant and he will make sure the scream gets louder when he finally pumps his cock inside you.
“How the hell I want to fuck her harder when I have this pussy, wet and juicy—just for me? Tell me how, baby,” he whispers, rubbing his index finger on your clothed clitoris, circling and pinching it while looking at your moaning mess face, when you’re coming to the climax.
He hisses—completely mesmerised at your beautiful cunt.
“Ah! Jinyoung!” as he rubs your clit and forcing you to grind on his huge bulge, you let out a small squirt on his jeans—soaking it wet with the juices. He hums in approval—licking the liquid around his finger while staring at you, like a provocative beast.
“Sweet cunt,” he says while chuckling.
“Is that enough?” he adds, cocking his eyebrow at you. You pant on his shoulder, slightly confused at his question.
“I want more,” you whisper. Needy and desperate, completely different than you were few minutes ago. His chest vibrats as he giggles.
Before you could say anything, he lifts the hem of your mini dress and pulls it to your chest—leaving your boobs bounce to his sight. You squeal in surprise. In just a blink of eyes, he unclasps and throws your bra to the back seat. You look outside—you sure don’t wanna let anyone see you this erotic.
“Fuck,” his eyes darkened when he brings his eyes to your boobs—chanting a trail of curses before he gropes them, roughly. Your body jerk at the touch, making the boobs bounce.
“You’re fucking beautiful, do you know that?” he says before taking one of your nipples into his mouth—sucking the bud hungrily. Your chin is up—moaning even louder than before as you press your body closer to him—deepened his mouth to your hardened bud. Your run your hand through his hair while the other one, holding on the car seat.
Every words that come out from his mouth, sounds like an ecstasy and it’s making your cunt pools with liquid. Skin tingles a lot and all you wanted is to feel him inside your body. He hums, biting the nipple, causing you to fill the car with his name. His warm and playful tongue—goddamn it feels like heaven.
“Jinyoung, get inside me,” you whine like a kitten when he pulls from you. You can see a boyish grin all over his face as he stares at you like a motherfuckinh predator. Your pussy clenches at the sight.
Before you could say anything, he trails his fingers to the strap of your panty before he rips it—exposing the raw pussy to his eyes.
“Oh my god,” you scream. He giggles, throwing the panty to the passenger seat as he slaps your ass.
“I’ll buy you a new one later,” he whispers, staring at the pussy as he gives it slow stroke. You whine at the touch. It’s slow and addicting, now you suddenly miss his big cock.
Impatient, you push him against the car seat before you unbuckle the belt around his jeans, slightly pull the pant to his knees—leaving his boxer alone. He says nothing as he let you get the touch of his cock by yourself. When you see the throbbing bulge, you immediately pull the boxer—making his dick slapping your lower abdomen. You moan at the contact.
“Come, baby. Do whatever you want to do,” he gives a small kiss on your neck before he leans against the seat to let you take over. You catch his eyes for a few seconds before you look down and starts stroking his member from up to down, smearing the pre-cum all over the veiny cock. He groans at your soft touch, making you look at him while bitting your lower lip—seductively.
Jinyoung throws his head to the back, slapping your ass over and over again as you please him. His dick is damn big and hard—you wonder how would he feels like inside this tight pussy of yours? Your cunt is screaming for the fill.
After few more strokes, you stop. Lifting your ass up while you rub the tip of his cock on the wet entrance, increasing the sensitivity. Both of you and him moan like crazy. Slowly, you sit down on him—completely burying his dick inside your tight and slippery pussy—causing you to scream to the air. Jinyoung hisses, breathing hard as he looks down where his dick get buried.
“Goddamn. You take my cock so well,” he moans, gripping your juicy ass so you can move in sync with him. You hold on the car seat while the other hand is palming his chest as you start to ride on his dick. Jinyoung has been really big, why the hell he makes the sex feel so damn good even you already had hundred sex with him? You open your mouth and moan while staring at each other’s eyes.
“I’m your kitten,” you whisper, bouncing up and down on his dick—slapping his balls with your ass like tomorrow doesn’t come. He chuckles.
“Yeah. My kitten,” he bites his lower lip, grabbing your breast in his big hand and squeeze it roughly. A gush of air leaves your lungs at the sensation. You scream his name.
“Jinyoung! Ah!” your body jerk. The sound of slapping skin fills the car, you’re very sure the car is shaking like hell. But, your mind is too busy to think about that. His big cock in your tight cunt. What a perfect combination.
“Fucking sexy. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life,” he grunts through gritted teeth as he gropes the breast while he watches you humping on his dick. You moan like a mess. Throwing your head to the back, know nothing but his dick. When he notices your move becomes slower, he grabs your hips and quickened the pace up and down. Letting your wet pussy coating his member with white substances.
“Ah! Baby!” you leans forward and breathe on his neck, moaning, whimpering while he takes over. Jinyoung grunts in every thrust. He will make sure your pussy will be swollen.
“Fuck me harder, baby. Harder,”
“Of course,” he grunts. The pace quickened and the thrust deepened—making he hits your G-spot over and over again with no mercy. Tears prick on your eyes. It feels so good. So damn good being in his embrace while he is pumping inside you.
“Good, isn’t it?”
“Y-yes. Ah! Please, don’t stop,” your body twitches.
“You’re the only one who can make my cock becomes this hard,” he whispers to your ears.
“You make me want to bang this pussy harder every time I see you,”
“So,” thrust
“Fucking” thrust
“beautiful,” thrust
“and,” thrust
“hot,” thrust
He thrusts in every words. You scream erotically and pant heavily on his sexy neck. Your legs becoming weak and shaky as your move starts to be sloppy.
“Even Irene can’t make me this horny. Only you. I’m all yours, baby girl. I’m yours,” he kisses your shoulder, still taking your pussy while chanting endless I love you’s. You can’t help but feel extremely loved. Sex is great but his words and reassurance—oh it brings you to another wonderland. You moan his name, moving your hips to reach the climax.
Breath hitched, endless moans, steamy car and rising chests.
“Jinyoung...” you calls him.
“Cum inside me,”
He chuckles, staring at you as you pulls away from his neck—pumping for few more times as you can feel his dick is twitching inside you. You clench around him—making him groan like a beast.
“Oh fuck, you feel so good around me,” he moans and growls when your pussy clench around his cock. His breath hitched and shorten.
“Ah! Ah!” a lewd moan escapes your mouth when he pumps his cum inside you, making your body bouncing and jerking at every shot. Your nails claw on his chest , bitting down the lower lip while you stare to his darkened eyes. The eye contacts—so sexy. You scream as you reach the intense climax. Jinyoung grunts while he keeps grinding your ass on his cock to fill every part of your pussy with his warm semen, making it drips out of the pussy and wet the seat.
You bury your face on his neck, nuzzling his strong scent while panting hard—to let yourself calm. That was amazing. You didn’t know sex in car would turn out this good and hot. The car is filled nothing but steam from your and his hot breath.
“I have my favourite kink now,” he says, stroking your back—tracing his slender fingers along the spine, sending you an adrenaline.
“What is it?” you squeak, tired from the intense fuck.
“Car fuck. I should fuck you at the back seat next time. Let’s see how loud your scream is,”
“Asshole,” you slap his chest playfully and it receives another sweet laughter from him. He knows you’re joking.
When you both finally calmed down, you clean the mess on his seat before you climb back to your seat, looking completely mess. Smudge make up, missing panty, throbbing and swollen pussy. Jinyoung is a beast.
As the car starts to move, he glances at you as he pulls your dress to see the pussy. His raspy voice starts to fill the car.
“Keep the pussy wet. I can’t wait to eat your sweet cunt when we get home,”
“So, you know nothing but my name and my cock,”
follow me for thirsty smuts *winks*
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nillawrites · 5 years
MACARONI & GLUE [Teacher!Henry]
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In which Mr.Cavill’s kindergartners come up with a master plan to set him and Ms.Y/L/N up.
— A/N: hi! this is the first oneshot im posting here, if you recognize it it’s because this is actually something i’d previously posted for somebody else on a diff acc but just rewrote it for henry haha. anyways, requests are open and i plan to fill them within the next week! thanks for reading!
— WORDS: 1.8k
Henry shuffled behind the wall as he eyed the woman just down the hall. Her legs looked great in her beige skirt as she bent down to give each of her first graders high fives as they walked into the classroom. Her smile was bright and her love for her students radiated throughout the entire school, brightening everyone’s day. Brightening his day.
When all of her students reentered the classroom, she stood to dust off her outfit and was about to follow behind them, but something caught her eye. A mysterious brown curl peeked out from the wall just a few feet away. She chuckled to herself and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Good morning, Mr.Cavill.” Y/N called out, knocking him off his balance a little. He presumed he was being sneaky but that obviously wasn’t the case, and now embarrassed wasn’t nearly a good enough word to describe how he felt in this moment.
He pocketed his hands in his khakis and stepped out from behind the wall, a bashful smile on his lips to match hers. The blush on the burly man’s cheeks was impossible to miss and he swayed back and forth on his toes as he replied huskily, “Good morning to you too, Ms.Y/L/N.”
She considered teasing him a bit more but decided against it when one of Henry’s own students came up to tug on the side of his tucked-in button up shirt. Henry looked down at the brunette boy who was staring right back at him with expectant eyes considering he hadn’t come back to the classroom in all but a minute.
Henry lifted his head back to Y/N as he pointed towards his door and began to back away with a lopsided grin, insisting, “I should probably get back to my own class now, eh?”
Y/N shut her eyes and grinned, “Yeah, I think that’d be a good idea.”
By the time she’d finished her sentence the little boy had pulled him completely behind the wall but she didn’t fail to hear his “See you at lunch!” before his door was slammed shut. She rolled her eyes and laughed before ducking into her own classroom.
Henry tortured himself over that moment for the rest of that morning. His kindergartners were clever enough to realize something was wrong with him when they noticed him staring down at his demo macaroni art project, his face stoic. While the classroom buzzed with life around him, he remained sitting at the too-tiny table with a few of his other students, cheeks still ablaze.
And the brunette boy from earlier, Liam, knew exactly why.
“I think teacher has a crush on miss Y/L/N.” He said to his friend nonchalantly, hands messy as he attempted to expertly place a piece of macaroni onto his masterpiece.
His friend Jamia perked up at his claim, her eyes going wide and ginger curls bouncing. “How do you know?”
Liam shrugged, tipping his Elmer’s glue bottle and letting out a lot more than intended. “He acts weird around her!”
Jamia smiled and swooned, holding her hands to her heart. “Are they together?”
Liam only shook his head, peacefully continuing to add onto his art. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when Henry stood that he came up with an idea. The little boy ordered Jamia to get him some construction paper and stickers, the girl excitedly coming back with the “secret supplies” a minute later.
He explained the plan to his friend and they both got to work, Liam leading the operation. His tongue stuck out from his lips as he tried to keep his hands steady, writing out a few words to the best of his ability. He tried to sound out the words which helped him a little, and when they were done, the two folded the letter they’d created and placed a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker over it. Jamia added the final touch by gluing a random piece of macaroni to make it look more presentable.
Just in the nick of time, as well. Henry walked around the class to check that everyone was doing their work correctly, and when he got to the two’s table, excitement was written all over their faces. He should’ve known then and there that something was suspicious, his eyes flickering down to the sealed letter. However, he thought nothing of it, giving them a thumbs up and walking back to his desk.
Y/N wiped her hands, sighing to herself as she looked over her empty classroom. Everyone had been dismissed to recess and it was rare that she experienced silence like this, so every time she did, she made sure to take advantage of it.
Leaning back in her seat, she rubbed over her eyes. She loved her students to death, but jeez, did they wear her out. Her silence was broken when she heard some kind of rustling, causing her to begrudgingly open her eyes. She did so just in time to notice a tiny finger pushing a pink folded piece of construction paper underneath the crack of her door.
This brought a small smile to her lips and she stood from her squeaky seat, short heels clicking against the marble flooring. She bent down to grab the paper with the Thomas the Tank Engine sticker, her manicured fingers peeling it back and carefully opening it.
DeEr Miss Y/L/N
Yu ar s o beeOtEfull and s mart. I lov yu.
Frum, mister Caveel
An uncontainable laugh ripped past her lips as she read over the letter that was so obviously written by one of Mr.Cavill’s kindergartners. The spelling gave that much away immediately.
She couldn’t deny how sweet it was, though.
A knock on her door caused her head to whip back up, meeting the eyes of none other than Mr.Cavill himself through the window of the door. He wore his signature good-guy smile that only got wider once he noticed that he’d startled Y/N the slightest bit, the woman holding a hand to her heart.
She quickly folded the letter back up and went to swing the door open, allowing Henry to walk into her classroom. He took the liberty of shutting it behind himself and admired the view as she walked back to her desk, plopping down in her chair again.
“Long day, huh?” Henry asked, walking over and pulling a chair up to the other side of her desk. 
“You have no idea.” Y/N sighed, biting her lip and watching as his perfect hands began to unpack the lunch he’d brought along. Her stomach growling was what jolted her from her trance and made her remember one of her current frustrations. “I forgot my lunch at home and the tiny bag of Cheetos I had isn’t really helping me either.”
Henry jumped into action at her words and he pushed one of his dishes her way, insisting that she take it. “It’s only two tacos, but it’s better than a bag of Cheetos.”
Y/N frowned and looked down at the food, “Are you sure? I could totally just get more chips.”
“I’m sure.” Henry reinforced, his heart racing at her reluctant, kind attitude. He brought his leftover restaurant chips and salsa out and set them down on her desk, the two beginning to eat in comfortable silence.
He would sometimes catch a glimpse of her when she wasn’t looking, admiring how she tried to eat politely in front of him while still unknowingly having a piece of beef on the corner of her lip. This made him chuckle and her gaze shifted back to him, confusion written over her face.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing.” Henry quickly shook his head, sporting a playful grin which she reciprocated.
The two’s relationship was strange. It was a constant push and pull, an almost there but never really. He’d made it very clear from the first week of school that he thought she was amazing and she reciprocated those feelings, but no matter how the conversation went, it always ended with a “We’re co-workers, we can’t”.
Obviously, that never stopped Henry from trying.
“What’s this?” He cocked his head and wiped his mouth, recognizing the Thomas the Tank Engine stickered letter from his own classroom.
Y/N licked her fingers and laughed, nodding towards the paper. “Why don’t you see for yourself?”
Henry pursed his lips at her semi-scary words but reached to grab the paper anyways, opening it and quickly reading over the broken English. Y/N watched with a smirk once he set the letter down, trying to stifle his grin as he rubbed his temples.
“Anything you’d like to say for yourself?” She teased, leaning a little bit closer to him.
Henry let out a hearty laugh and shook his head. “Kids and their wild imaginations, right? But maybe it’s not wild. I heard kids are good at sensing things, ya’know? Like ghosts and stuff.”
Y/N gave him a puzzled look and Henry realized what he’d just rambled about was strange so in an attempt to redeem himself, he clarified.
“B-But maybe instead of ghosts, it’s love. They can sense love. Maybe.”
Y/N laughed at his desperate attempt to regain his composure and explain himself but it was fruitless and Henry realized this too, laughing along with her. This fit went on for about 30 seconds before she was wiping her eyes and leaning back in her seat, tapping on her desk with her nails.
Her rhythmic pace made him nervous as he leaned back as well, awaiting her next words. It was obvious that she wanted to say something but something was holding her back, and Henry knew exactly what it was.
“Y/N.” He whispered, not willing breaking their eye contact for a mere second. “Say it.”
She bit her lip and took a deep breath, scared to let the words leave her mouth. They’d been beating around the bush for so long and this isn’t the only time he’s offered her his lunch at all (She was a forgetful person), but today felt different and they both felt it. Everyone around them knew it- Even five year old kids, it seemed. It was time to stop the games.
“..Maybe it is love.” Y/N nodded, the corners of her mouth lifting ever so slightly. “I guess we’ll have to find out over dinner and a huge glass of wine, huh?”
Henry’s eyes widened as she finally allowed him in- gave him a chance at the one thing he’d been yearning after for so long. “A-Are you serious?” He stuttered out, his smile that of an excited child’s.
“Yes, I’m serious.” She confirmed happily, beginning to help him pack up his lunch. “I think I’m finally ready to put myself out there again.. And to be frank, I really like you.”
“Well duh. Who wouldn’t like me? I’m tall, funny, and incredibly handsome.” Henry jokingly rolled his eyes just as the bell rung, signifying the second half of their school day. When she scoffed, he continued, “So, uh, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Y/N smiled widely and nodded, shooing the man out of her class just as kids began to pour back in.
“Sounds great. Now get to class, Mr.Cavill.”
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Dream Come True
Steve harrington x Hopper! Reader (coraline AU)
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Summary: escaping your everyday life after you move to live with your father couldn't have been something you wanted more, luckily for you you are given the chance
Warning: swearing, Horror themes like idk It's Coraline i think that speaks for itself no?
So i don't know if im going to end up making this a series or not but hey if this does really well then I might, but just this is so long so i might have to.
In front of you sat a small box with many opportunities, two small glossy black buttons, thread and the promise of freedom...
You watched the rain drops race down the window intently as your father drove you home from the headwear store. you'd only been In Hawkins for only half a month, having to move there with your father after your mom died. And you had only spent the time unpacking, today you had finally convinced your dad to take you to get supplies so you could really make your new rooms more like you.
The car bounced slightly causing your head to lift and hit the window. "Ow!"
"Sorry pot hole..." Hopper said glancing over to you. "You alright?"
"Yea...but guess it takes a while to figure out if you have brain damage or not.." You muttered sitting straight in the car seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"C'mon don't be that way...you get to redecorate your room..that must be exciting for you? Give you something to do while we wait for the rain to clear up. "I guess..." You perked up at a new idea popping into your head.
"Maybe I can start a garden in the front too? Make it look pretty? I have a garden box so we wouldn't need anything, el can help me too!?" You said almost as a question seeing if he would go along with the idea.
"Sure... Sounds good, just wait till the rain clears up so you aren't bringing mud in." You frowned lightly, ut had been raining for the past three days without any sign of stopping soon. "Yea...sure."
The car came to a slow stop infront of the house. "I'll help you get this stuff inside and make you lunch but I've got to go back to work." You nodded as you got out of the car.
You'd begun by rearanging the few things of furniture in the room,while hopper set to work at making you a lunch. You starting with the dresser dragging it across the room to set it in its new place.
You dusted off your hands and turned your attention to look at the new space you made, stopping once it was caught by something on the wall where the dresser once was.
"Hello..." You slid across the floor and dragged your fingers across the outline of a small door in the wall.
"Hey Dad!?" You yelled getting up to look for him. "Whats up?"
"What this?" You asked now running your finger over the key hole. "Do you have the key!?" You asked hopefully turing to look up at him in the dokr way. He shook his head and shrugged. "I...maybe? I'm not sure...if i did it's probably boared up! They're would be no point."
You rolled your eyes. "Now Food in on the counter your sister is with Mike so make sure to call in about an hour to check on her-"
"Can you please look for a key?" You cut in. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can, but I'm late so just finish unpacking and setting up and I'll look for it when I come back." You huffed but nodded and started to finish setting up your room.
After about an hour and a half you'd finished painting, unpacking and decorating your room, you had finished. Even had lunch and called El just like hopper had asked. Now you simpily sat in your room staring at the photo of your previous bestfriends that sat on the bedside table.
Back in New York with your mom you never had to worry about being bored, all your friends where their and there where places to go. Hawkins was diffrent, granted you where still adjusting but that didn't make it any less difficult.
The phone rang snapping you of of your thoughts. You hustled across the house to puck it up. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! Just the girl I was looking for!"
"Hey Robin,whats up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering since the rains cleared up would you be intrested in taking a tour of Hawkins with me and Steve?"
You thought about it for a moment, The first day you'd mobed here and met everyone they where the two you'd hit it off with, well You did with Robin anyways so you didn't see why you couldn't get out.
"Yea...I'd love to!"
"Cool! We'll be there in a few."
"So what does one do around here?" You asked following beside Robin And Steve down the sidewalk. "Well there's the arcade... " steve started but quickly trailed off. "There are some shops around town." Robin added.
"Is there like, i dunno a mall maybe? A movie theater at least?"
"Movie theater yes, mall not so much."
"It a...it burned down." Steve informed. "Oh...wow..." You followed them through town, going in and out of every store that was open.
"So Steve...." You attempted to start while looking through a clothing Rack in a thrift store.
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Uh no..no ya know I'm kinda just testing the waters...seeing if theres anyone worth dating around here."
"And?" You asked not looking up at him, you could clearly tell he was trying to act cool around you.
"And?" He repeated your question.
"Is there?...anyone worth dating around here?"
"Nah none that are really my type." He said nonchalantly fixing his hair in the mirror across from him. "Wow...are you always this increadibly douchie? Or are you like this just for me?" You asked leaning on clothing rack to look at him better.
"What I'm not...I'm not being-"
"You kinda where Harrington." Robin said from across the store earing a chuckle from you. His face flushed and he pretened to look at a jacket that seemingly caught his attention. "Ah don't be that way stevie...it's sooo charming, I'm practically swooning for you." You said sarcastically. "Shut up!"
The sun was hanging low through the trees casting that late afternoon orange glow upon the three of you as you walked back home.
"This place is...pretty boring...how do you guys manage?"
"Hawkins isn't all bad...besides It's a lot more exciting than you would think." Robin said while offering you some of her candy. "You just gotta...know where to look."
"Sometimes the intresting things find you." Steve said stopping once your house came into view. "If you say so...thanks for showing me around."
"No problem, maybe we can hang out again soon." She offered as you started to continue forward. "Yea! That would be great!" They both waved to you as you stepped into the house shutting the door.
You placed a few of the nick nacks you'd bought onto the top of your dresser for decoration, glancing at something that wasn't there before. A glossy black key.
You plucked it from its spot on the dresser and turned to the small door quickly slidding across the floor once again to get to the door. You hestitantly dragged the key across the outline of the door ripping the wall paper open before slipping the key inside.
It slid in perfectly, giving you some sort of relife as it clicked open, you pulled it open being met with nithing but brick.
"Damn..." You huffed and shut the door and placed the key back ontop of the dresser.
Something yanked you from your sleep suddenly and you lied awake, a sliver of silver moonlight hitting your face through the curtains as you did so.
It was quiet as you lied there except for an ever so faint sound of humming that you just barrely missed. You stayed still fir a second trying to pin point the sound, it continued for a while as you did so softly floating through the air from an unknown source, you finally gave in and tossed the covers off and stood up from your bed moving around the room to find it stopping when your foot hit something on the ground.
"What the hell!?" Jumping back slightly at the contact you looked down seeing a long greyish green vine across your bedroom floor. "What the hell..." You repeared examining it closer you followed it with your gaze seeing it came from the small opening of the little door a slight glow came from it along with little white particals that floated up into the air around it.
You moved carefully over to it kneeling next to it careful to avoide the vine protruding from it, as you did you could hear the humming closer now. You pulled the door open getting a blast of air blown back into your face along with a bright glow. You gasped slightly watching a tunnle appear almost instantly infront of you.
The humming slightly louder now. With out a second thought you climbed through, eventually met with another door which you easily pushed open and found yourself crawling through only to see you'd cralwed back into your bedroom. "Huh?" The humming was louder, unmistakable too, you knew that song. You looked at your bedroom door seeing the light from the living room shining in.
"Dad!?" You stood up and exited the room being greeted by the smell of food cooking. "Dad? What are you do-" you stopped a few feet from the counter seeing him move around the kitchen
"Hey sweet pea! You're just in time for dinner!" You gulped thickly when he turned to face you. "Oh god...I must be mistaken...you aren't my dad...my dad-" it was him but, diffrent. He seemed plaer yet more lively.
"Doesn't cook?" He asked guesturing to the freshly cooked meal. You couldn't help but stumble back a little bit as he approached you with a light hearted laugh. "Well thats because I'm your other father dear! Well better father"
"Why don't you get your mom and Tell her dinner is ready!"
"Well your Mother of course silly! I actually think she's in the garden out front." He pushed you forward lightly and you glanced back cautiously before going to the front door.
You opened the door and stepped outside being greeted by a beautifully bright garden. "Holy sh-"
"Watch your mouth young lady!" You jumped turning tonthe voice and and gulping.
"Oh my god....mom!?" You stopped and covered your mouth feeling tears briming in your eyes.
"Hello sweet pea!" She opened her arms and you instantly ran to her and hugged her. You could tell just like with your father she was diffrent but couldn't exactly tell whatbwas diffrent.
"You...your alive!"
"Well of course I am! Oh come look at this!"
She pulled away taking your hand and pulling you down the steps of the pourch into the flower filled front yard.
She held your shoulders as you watched the flowers practically bloom before you. "I planted them just this afternoon! Our faviorte!" It was true the flowers before you where always both you and your mothers faviorte.
"They're beautiful mom! Oh!" You turned to her with a smile. "Dad said dinner was ready and sent me to get you."
"Oh! We don't wanna keep him waiting!" She said giggling with you and guiding you back to the house.
"There they are!" Hopper yelled setting the last of the food on the table. "Thirsty?" Your mom asked as you sat down. "Mmm you know I could go for a purple cow!"
"Coming right up!" She knocked on the table lightly the lights above lowered themselves offering you said drink, along with extra grape soda and vanilla icecream just incase.
"Wow thank you!" You said taking the drink and extras. Hopper placed a plate infront of you. "Here comes the Gravey train choochoo!" You mom said earning a laugh from both you and your dad.
A toy train in fact made its way across the table stopping infront of you to dump gravey on your plate.
"Mmh! This is so good!" Youbsaid stuffing your mouth full of food. "More?" Hopper asked.
"No thank you I'm stuffed." You said leaning back and taking a last sip of your icecream float.
Hopper took the plate from you and your mother placed a cake before you that read 'Welcome home'
"We've been expecting you for a while!" Hopper said.
"Of course! You beling here! With your family!"
You smiled lightly.
"Thanks...but It's late...I should go to bed.."
"Oh of course!" You stood up and they both followed you to your bedroom. You crawled into bed and they took turns kissing your forhead and wishing you a goodnight. You slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully.
"It was so weird!" You said throwing a rock into the water infront of you.
"Well it was just a dream, nothing to freak about." Robin shrugged.
"Yea I mean your mom was there it couldn't have been real..."
You and robin both glared at Steve. "I...well thats not what I meant..." He gulped slinging his own rock into the water.
"He's right though." You said softly. "But it just...it felt so real! The food the...feeling! But I woke up and the door was all bricked up again..."
"That's just further proof it was only a dream." Robin said as you sat beside her.
"Yea..." It was already late afternoon and you had decided to stay out until the sun had set well into night.
Steve had dropped robin off at her house and so you sat alone with him in his car as he took you home.
"Sorry about what i said...about your mom..."
He said finally. "No...it's ok...like i said you where right...it's just a dream..." He frowned slightly, you could tell he was beating himself up about it.
In all honestly you hadn't gotten off on the best of feet with him but it's wasn't so awful to be around him, he just had a hard time telling when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut. But you liked him.
"Well here we are." He said pulling up to the house. "Thank." You said with a smile before getting out and going inside.
"Hey kid!" Hopper said happily as you stepped inside.
"Hey!" You smiled. "Oh hey, sorry I never got around to finding that key for you."
"Thats ok I found it"
El stood in the door way with a concerned look. "What are you-" you hurried to your room and pulled the key out and showed him.
"You where right though...there was nothing there." You shrugged going back to your room.
"Bad place." You jumped at El's voice behind you. "What?"
"Don't keep going there it's a bad place..." She said quietly. "What bad place?"
"El! Its Mike's on the phone!" El quickly left to take the phone.
"Bad place?..."
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hellswolfie · 4 years
HOO The Son of Neptune
So recently i’ve done a “review” of The Lost Hero and so i decided to do it again for the Son of Neptune because it feels good to vent somewhere ^^ 
also, once again, just because i criticize it, it doesn’t mean i didn’t like this book. In fact I actually liked it way more than The Lost Hero (the lack of Jiper will do that to you ^^)
Anyway lets go !
- Hazel’s Big Secret. Dont get me wrong, i love her and her backstory is really interesting, but like...The Girl Who Has A Big Secret That She Hides Because If People Knew Surely They Would Hate Her Forever....its so rebondant with Piper’s story in the last book. So yeah, i admit, it made me roll my eyes a few times. 
- The age difference between Hazel and Frank. Knowing tumblr, im probably not the only one thinking this ^^ but yeah, while a 13 years old with a 16 years old is not the end of the world, it still made me extremely uncomfy at times, especially when Frank was rambling on how hot Hazel was like please stop X( and the fact that absolutely no one in the book thinks there is anything wrong or even weird with that like seriously ??
- Percy losing the Achille Curse. Yeah, i get that he had to lose it at some point, because if he was invulnerable all the time it would be too easy, but I just wish it could have been explored more, you know ? Like it was completely cast away with a plot convenience and never thought about again, while in The Last Olympian, everyone was saying how horrible and how much a curse it was, like im sure there were so many interesting things to do with it...
- The fact that they are all just too Good. Not in the sense that they’re badasses and all of that, but like how every time, the heroes always make the right moral decision. Im putting it there because thats the scene with Ella that did it for me...When they all decide instantly they wont capture her, even tho the Blind Guy would have told them everything they needed to know TO SAVE THE WORLD if they did, and that none of them ever really liked harpies in the first place...Like none of them even CONSIDER it !! Even Frank who is supposed to be the one willing to make hard decision for the greater good !! I dont know it just really irked me. I love charaters having to bend their morals or making difficult decision and mystakes, thats always what make them interesting !
- Percy already considering New Rome as his Family. It just...doesnt make sense. He spent what ? One day here ? Two at most ? And some of them wanted him dead ??? Why would he ever thought of them as his family as much as Camp Half Blood that fast ????  I know its maybe a little thing, but it shows that once again, having all the character and relationship development happen in the course of a few days make them rushed !
- Percy Jackson. I literaly had to stop reading when I saw his name in the first page because it made me too excited and i was smiling like an idiot while reading his chapters. I really hadnt realised how much i missed him until this moment !! Hes still so badass and kind and brave and smart and i love him so much !!! and seeing him in other people’s POV ?? AMAZING !!! everyone thinks hes a snack and thats what he deserves ^^ (and the scene where everyone waas omg its Ares bow before him and he was just like fuck this guy was Epic XD)
- Frank : a baby ^^ but seriously i really really like him. He has a lot of potential here, with how smart and strategic he can be (also his capacities as a leader), and i loved to see a perspective from a child of Ares who is  just too nice for his own good, it was really intersting (i would love for him to meet Clarisse lol). And his grandma ? A Queen. 
 - Hazel. Yes this time, i liked of all the trio. I admit i was a bit hard on her at first because i kept thinking “if you wanted a child of Hades to be one of the Seven, why not Nico ??” because yes i really wanted to see more Nico and to have him be a main :( but anyway, i rapidly warmed up to her, she s so fucking badass and brave and she deserves the best ever <3 Also she has the best Horse lol (if we dont count Blackjack because hes a pegasus of course).
- Reyna : a Badass Queen. Jiper is gonna hurt her so much, i can smell it from here, and thats just one more reason to hate this couple...But really shes such a good leader, strong and firm but willing to listen and compromise. I love her !!
- Nico. I love him so much and he deserves to be more present !! Also now hes a prisonner like can someone other than Hazel be worried about that please ??? And seeing him as a big brother was so sweet !!
- Percabeth. Well we didnt see much but the little glimpses we had...Percy only remembering Annabeths name...swoon
- Frazel. Like i said earlier i really didnt like their age difference but their dynamic is really great. They have so much respect and admiration for one another, and it didnt feel forced at all, it feels good to have a couple like that from time to time ^^
- New Rome. I really loved getting to explore this. The other aspects of the Gods, their way of living...It was really really interesting to see. It brings a whole new and fesh perspective on the mythologie and what does it mean to be a halfblood and i loved it. 
- The scene where Percy calls his mum. It was such a great emotional scene to me. Like in the mids off al the crazy stuff with saving the world and fighting monsters, Percy calling his mum is the scene that really reminds the reader that yeah, hes really badass and all but hes also a sixteen years old who disappeared for months and who needs his mum. It really humanizes him and brings the reader back to “reality” in such a raw way and yeah...Almost bought tears to my eyes...
Ok I think that was it. Feel free to discuss it (respectfully of course) ^^. 
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cabotinageking · 4 years
(this is entirely @killingsim ‘s fault. i’m going to have to redo my verses just to add this.  the context is- remnant verse? remnant au. this is so cursed and feral im so sorry)
Footsteps echoed across cold concrete. The whirr of machines could be heard under the pulse of pop music. If you listened closely, beyond that, you might hear a giggle echo through the grimy air, light feet dancing over the rooftops, the pop of anything from soda bottles to explosives. 
It meant one thing, and that one thing was good for absolutely nobody. 
DICE were out.
A series of city maps and pipelines were spread over a desk in the center of an empty restaurant- a building that was bustling during the day, during the evening, but in the dead of night was empty- except for the overly dramatic candlelight flickering over the plans made inside, for the clowns crawling over it like trussed-up gargoyles. A spread of delicate desserts laid out on a nearby table, decorated with confectionery glitter. The leader of the group grabbed a strawberry puff and stuffed it in his mouth as he surveyed the maps again, ignoring the muffled noises coming from behind him. 
“You said he took the bait, right?”
A girl who was by no means old enough to be out this late, let alone in the sort of company she was keeping, nodded once, an almost dreamy smile settling on her face. “We probably have a few hours,” she said softly, flicking a curled ponytail over her shoulder- pink butterfly hairclips contrasting with the blood soaked into her straightjacket uniform.
What sort of monster would drag children into a mess like this? 
Kokichi leaned over absent-mindedly to ruffle her hair, a gesture that might have been sweet in any other context- but this was no kindly older brother, just a leader and his adoring followers, crowding closer, eager for approval. “Excellent,” he said, withdrawing his hand to clap, to spin around with a twirl of his cloak that threatened to blow out the elegant candles. “Well, knowing my beloved Saihara-chan, anything could happen! So, group A- positions, now. Waiting at the ready.” Chin tipped to the side, for just a moment, that childish smile flickered into something darker. “You won’t let me down, will you?”
Hastily tripping over themselves to comply, the group scattered over the building; some slipping through windows to climb onto the roof, some darting through the roofbeams, some tucking themselves into nooks and crannies or hanging from the outside walls. DICE was made up of kids and runaways, people easy to induct and difficult to protect- but Kokichi wasn’t just any leader of strays. Once upon a time, he used to run from the police, escape by the skin of his teeth, struggle to keep ten teenagers housed and fed and happy. He used to set up city-wide pranks, guerilla performances, art projects that were still standing even now.
He thought a little bigger, these days.
“Group B, collect the machines. I want the explosives set up with time to spare. Get to it!” He clapped his hands twice, cheery and sweet, and watched the rest of them scurry off to get to business. Left on his own, he paced through the center of the restaurant, humming along to the music he was playing, picking strawberries from a glass bowl and sipping champagne mixed with cheap soft drinks. They don’t tell you this, but supervillains end up with a lot of downtime on their hands when it comes to waiting for their pin-striped heroes to show up. Kokichi usually used this time to plot ahead for future events- Saihara-chan was just so picky about chasing him, so Kokichi liked to give him several leads a day- even if he usually only ended following a few throughout the week, when Kokichi directly interfered in his cases. He complained about the inconvenience a lot, but how else was Kokichi supposed to get his attention when he was always ignoring his other invitations?
Trailing his fingers through the mix of berries, Kokichi finally glanced up when the muffled sounds started to rise above the music. He raised an eyebrow, swinging away from the table to bend at the waist and stare at his guest with all the cheerful invitation he could muster. 
Center-stage, middle of the restaurant, the trapped man seemed to have woken up enough to start to struggle, trying to raise his voice above the tape on his mouth, pull away from the ticking devices strapped to his limbs. Kokichi gave him one of his brightest smiles, tucking his arms behind his back. “Look’s like sleeping beauty’s up and present with us,” he called to the others, walking over to stop right in front of the man. Leaning down, he flicked him on the forehead, letting out a little laugh. “Bet you’re pretty confused, huh? Well, I have good news and bad news.”
Raising a finger, he tilted his head to the side. “The good news is that I’m not your original kidnapper- or even associated with her. In fact, depending on what my beloved detective is currently up to, she might not be a problem for you anymore.” 
The smile on his face sharped, darkness crossing over his eyes. “The bad news is that I’m much, much scarier.”
Immediately, the man began struggling again, tugging at his restraints, trying to make guttural noises in the back of his throat. Kokichi sighed and turned away, his voice similar to a disappointed child’s. “If he doesn’t shut up, someone cut out his tongue,” he complained, twirling a finger through his hair. “He’s ruining the atmosphere.” Sure, he was usually in the mood for screams that died into pathetic whimpering, for the look in someone’s eyes as blood dripped from their ears, for the ways they tried to bargain with him as he played games to win their fingers. But tonight was supposed to be special- he was in such a nice restaurant, and he’d got a really good game planned, and he was hoping it would all be- dare he say- romantic. Just him, and his detective, one of them holding a knife, dancing over a chessboard- maybe if he was lucky, Saihara would win the game and decide to linger anyway…. Maybe he’d make an attempt on Kokichi’s life just for him to slip away at the last moment…. It was going to be perfect. 
Unfortunately, someone trying to whine past their duct-tape gag was going to ruin that atmosphere. Kokichi wanted this hostage to stay delicate and fragile in the center of the room, like a good damsel in distress. If he had to sedate him, that was fine, but he’d prefer he were conscious to watch the dance between villain and hero, to desperately cheer on his perceived savior, before Saihara crossed over to collect him… Hey, there was a reason Kokichi liked him so much.
Stirring from his daydream, Kokichi reached for a knife and flipped it from hand to hand. “Mm? What is it? A message from my beloved?” He batted his eyelashes.
“It’s from… the Warriors of Hope, boss.” The boy fidgeted in some kind of eager anxiety- he must have been about the same age as Kokichi, but had at least a foot of height on him, which was probably why his posture was so bowed.
Kokichi waved a hand carelessly, turning away to pick at the bowl of strawberries again. “I said I would visit them this weekend. I’ve got important business tonight.” And he did- it was so tricky to get to Saihara’s cases before the detective himself did. Having a live victim here was a rare opportunity, and Kokichi was excited to see what the detective would do for the right to reclaim the man. 
He couldn’t see the boy’s face anymore, too busy gazing dreamily at the berry juice staining his fingers. 
“Monaca specifically requested you tonight.”
The smile slid off his face like butter. Red dripped from his hand. 
“She said you could send some of us, instead, if you wanted.”
Kokichi raised his hand to his mouth and sucked the juice off thoughtfully. It tasted oddly metallic. 
“I guess I miss those little scamps, too. Tell everyone to get back to the base,” he sighed. “It’s no fun if I can’t watch. Just blow the place in the next hour and run some of the videos for Saihara.” He considered his options as he bit at his own skin. Rearranging his face into another signature smile, he twirled around once more and walked over to pat the boy on the shoulder condescendingly. 
“Make sure you stay in touch with me, okay? Just leave everything as it is and go home. But let me know if anything weird happens- who knows if Saihara-chan might finally snap and decide he wants me dead for real.” Kokichi swooned, holding a hand to his forehead and dramatically falling back, forcing the poor boy to lunge forward and catch him before he hit the ground. “I’ll have to come back immediately if he tries anything…. I can’t risk missing my chance for him to finally catch me!” 
The boy stuttered fevered agreements as he set Kokichi back on his feet and fixed his cloak, looking away from him in nervous adoration. That was fine. It gave Kokichi a moment to think ahead.
It wasn’t Saihara he was worried about.
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
My collection - part two John wick AU
A/n: so ive already wrote part 2 because ive been brain storming ideas all day at work and i just had to get some of them down. So this was the out come.
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A week had passed and y/n had found herself in front of her new college. This is where her life would begin and y/n felt a knot form in her stomach from nervousness and excitement. “So what do you think?” y/n turned to where the voice had come from and saw Tom. y/n smiled “it looks huge” she laughed and Tom wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Don't worry about it you will get used to it. Come on you need to get to your first class” Tom lead her around the college showing her the various points of interest before he stopped outside a lecture room. “So this is where i leave you. But I will see you at lunch and I will introduce you to a few on my friends” Tom leaned against the wall. “Thanks again tom. I don't have many friends yet” y/n laughed looking down. “Don't worry. You will have no trouble making friends here” he said before someone had called his name “ ok i have to go. See you later” he said “bye” y/n muttered as she watched him walk towards a group of guys who were all staring and watched as they all clapped and laughed as he got closer. y/n heard Tom say a quick shut up before they moved out of view. y/n giggled before pushing open the door to the lecture room which was still filling up with students.
She placed herself a few rows back from the front and pulled out various books and pens ready for the class to begin. “Good morning everyone.” y/n looked up and a small amount of panic set in as she saw John stood in front of the class in a suit, his hair slicked back:a complete 180 of the john y/n had met just a week earlier. She sat up straighter in her chair. “It's nice to see you all after such a nice break a…” John paused as he made eye contact with y/n and smiled. “I also see we have a new face in the class.” and just like that all eyes were on y/n. y/n wanted to jump out of the nearest window out of pure embarrassment but decided to give a small smile instead which john returned. “Ok moving on please open your books to page 70. We have a lot to cover this year people.” john said keeping intense eye contact with the new girl in his class.
y/n tried to focus as much as she could on the lesson but every now and then her mind would slip back to her teacher/ neighbour and why he gave her such a weird vibe.  She just couldn’t pinpoint why she felt this way about this man. He had done nothing wrong to threaten her in anyway shape or form. In Fact so far he had been a model neighbour. So why was she scared to be around him?.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the bell and everyone stood up rushing to go to lunch. y/n tried to put her stuff away as fast as she could.
It was as if john had super powers because he was suddenly next to her. “y/n. What are the odds that you’re in my class” john gave a smile and y/n gave the best attempt at a smile she could. “Small world John” she replied “dr wick” he said sternly, the smile dropping from his mouth instantly and was replaced with a look that could kill. y/n was shocked at the harshness of his words and john must have understood the confusion on her face because the smile quickly came back as if someone had switched a flip in him. “please call me dr Wick whilst you are in class. You don’t want people getting the wrong idea”. That sentence made y/n shudder out of disgust. Any other girl would have swooned and it would of had the same effect on her any other time but for some reason it didn't. Dr wick was a good looking man but there was that feeling again. The feeling that there was something off with this man. “Well i must be going. Im meeting friends for lunch” she hastily pushed past him running out of the class before anything else could be said to make y/n feel any more weirded out. It was at that moment she knew she was going to be seeing a lot more of john and she dreaded it.
John looked down at the table y/n had been sitting at and smirked when he saw she had left her planner on the desk. It was as if some unseen force was pushing john towards the young girl. He slipped into the seat and closed his eyes; the seat was still warm and he could smell her sweet perfume. John looked down and opened the planner and flipped through it all. There was nothing of any interest, a few notes for her homework and some to do lists. He skimmed over the words 'pick up veg' 'tidy pantry' ect. But two sentences took his interest 'gym meeting at 2pm sat' and ‘ parents visiting sunday’. He now knew where she would be this weekend and made a mental note of it. He finished flipping through the book until he got to the back and the smile that had previously been on his face had now changed to anger. He picked up a note. Reading the words slowly he felt the anger grow in his chest. John screw up The note tom had given y/n with his number on and shoved it in his pocket.  John knew tom and he would make sure he was going to stay away from her. He picked up the book and moved over to his desk and put it into his bag. Sighing he closed his eyes and pictured y/n.
Never before had john been so quickly drawn to a girl before. Was it her y/h/c hair? Or y/e/c eyes? John didn’t know. But he wanted her and that's all he did know.
Y/n walked into the canteen and saw Tom sitting at a table with a few other people. As she got closer Tom looked up and saw her, a smile grew on his face. "hi" y/n said and tom stood up "hi. Everyone this is y/n. She’s living in my grandads old house. Y/n this is sarah, jack and leon." they each looked at the new girl and greeted her, beginning a conversation and talking with her as if they had been friends for years. They made y/n feel at home and soon the encounter with john was pushed to the back of her mind. If only the same could be said for john.
Dr. Wick walked into the canteen and scanned for his new favourite student. He saw her sitting with tom and the way the two students looked at each other sent a deep hatred through his body.
John stormed over to the table. Y/n looked up and  her face went pale. "y/n? What's wrong?" tom asked. " Tom" john seethed  "what did i say to you about your work? It's terrible i want you to redo it again but this time i want you to do 50 pages. On my desk tomorrow. You also have 2 weeks detention for making me read such a terrible piece of work" john stormed off and the whole canteen was staring at the boy. "what was that about?" leon said breaking the silence. Tom shook his head "I don't know. I handed in my assignment a few days ago and he said it was perfect. He never acts like that. He’s always the nice teacher. I'm sorry I have to go. I won't be able to re-do the work in time if I don't start now. I’ll text you later y/n" tom quickly stood up and rushed out of the canteen. Leaving everyone to their lunch.
The school day had finished and y/n climbed into her car just as the rain started to pour. As she turned the key the car didn't start . "ohh come on" she groaned resting her head on the wheel as she tried several more times and nothing. She jumped out the car and started the long walk home, deciding on calling someone to fix it tomorrow . As she walked out the car park, a car pulled up beside her. It was a beat up old mustang and as the window rolled down she inwardly cried. John leaned out the window.
"miss y/l/n. Where's your car?" John asked with a weird tone in his voice. "it broke down. I'll call someone to fix it tomorrow" she said quickly as she pulled her jacket closer to shield herself from the rain. "I can give you a ride home. I mean you do live across the street" john laughed but y/n didn't. "um i'm fine really i ca…." john interrupted her "nonsense i am not letting you walk in this rain" y/n looked up “it's not really that bad I can walk “ and as if on cue the rain got heavier and thunderstruck. 'why do you hate me God' y/n thought. "sure. Fine" she said throwing her hands in the air and she walked to the other side of the car and climbed in.
As she got in the car she tried to sit back as far as she could in the car in an attempt to disappear but obviously luck was not on her side. "so what do you think of the college so far?" John asked as he began the drive back to their street. y/n looked out the window and replied “yhh i really like it actually. Everyone is so nice. '' John looked at her “good”
The rest of the car ride home was quiet only filled with the sound of raindrops hitting against the metal contraption that the pair sat in and soon enough john had pulled into his driveway.
“And we’re here” john smiled gently hitting his hands on the wheel.”thanks again John. I really appreciate it. I have to go. I've got a lot of work to do still” y/n climbed out the car and practically ran to her door. John stood in the driveway and watched as the girl entered her house. Even when she was out of view John still stood there watching in the pouring rain.
Eventually he made his way into his house, changed into comfy clothes and made a beeline to his chair where he continued to watch y/n. If only she knew that nets may work if it's light outside, but when it's dark out and the lights are on inside, it gives the world a perfect view.  This had becomes Johns new favourite pastime. Watching the pretty girl across the street. John could see y/n walking up the stairs and go into her room where she began the routine of undressing and walking into the bathroom to shower. Its was John's favourite show really and knowing no one knew what he saw made him buzz with excitement.  John had y/n routine memorised already. Come home, shower, tidy up, watch tv, eat and read. However this night the routine changed when there was a figure at her door. John stood up suddenly and watched as he saw y/n answer the door and suddenly smile. ‘Who was this? Why were they there? How dare they interrupt our time together!’ hundreds of questions and thoughts went through his head as he watched the two interact. As the mysterious figure came into the light, John felt the anger boil inside his chest once again and grabbed a glass from the table and threw it across the room smashing it against the wall.
The doorbell rang and y/n was confused. She never had visitors at this time or anytime honestly. She made her way to the door and opened it revealing a very wet Tom. “hi” he smiled “hi” she replied. “What are you doing her? Come in quickly before you catch pneumonia” she laughed dragging him in and taking his jacket to hang in the hall, the rain falling of it and creating a small puddle. The two walked into the living room and sat down. “Well, sometimes when it rains heavily the garden floods and i just wanted to check it was alright” tom scratched his neck and looked down. y/n laughed “ you're a terrible liar you know that right. What do you really want “ john looked down before looking her in the eyes again. “Well i wanted to actually ask you out. On a date. With me.” y/n smiled and walked forward placing a soft kiss on his cheek “i would love to. How about we watch a movie here? I have popcorn” tom nodded and the two began to make the preparations needed for the movie night to proceed. Soon enough the two were cuddled next to eachother as the film played, unbenounced to them that john was watching their every movement and planning to make things right once again.
Soon the pair were fast asleep, wrapped in a blanket to keep the cold air out and John saw his chance.
He slowly made his way over to the house and round the back to the patio doors where there was a clearer view of the couple on the sofa. The sight made john feel sick. She was his and his only. He grasped the handle with his gloved hand and it slid open. John walked in quietly making sure to close the door behind him. He looked around, the place just screamed y/n and he like it. All the little things she had collected throughout her life and all the pictures which held so many memories. John looked around carefully taking in every detail he could. He soon stopped when he heard a soft moan come from the pair. y/n moved in her sleep to get comfy again but didn’t wake up. John walked over to them quietly and looked over her sleeping form, bringing one of his fingers down to ghost over her body. Her hair was a mess over the pillow but somehow she still managed to look like one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. John could have stayed there looking at her forever but his mind was brought back to reality  when his eyes scanned down to her waist. Tom’s hand hugged her waist as they slept and john's mission had become clear again. Pulling out a chloroform soaked cloth he held it over tom's face. There was no struggle as toms slumber was took even deeper and john was free to continue. John slowly and carefully picked tom up as if he weighed nothing and hoisted him over his shoulder making sure not to wake y/n up. slowly john mad his way back to the patio doors where he had come in and just like that john had disappeared into the darkness, taking y/ns chance at love with him. There was no trace that john was even there.
The morning sun beamed through the open curtains and the quiet morning was interrupted by the sound of y/n alarm, signalling her that it was time to wake up for college. Stretching, y/n sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. As the memories of last night flooded back to her causing her to smile like a child in a candy shop. She looked around the room and was confused as to why she was alone. "tom?" she called out and was met with silence. She stood up and looked around the house but he was nowhere to be found. A little bit of sadness crept into her chest as she put two and two together. Y/n was not dumb. She knew when she wasn't wanted and it wasn't the first time she had been left. " see this is why I don't bother having a love life. They Are never interested" she said angrily to herself and stormed upstairs to get dressed. From today she was going to focus on her work and nothing was going to stop her.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
S1 Rewatch: Lena’s Take [1.08]
it’s before midnight. i win!
favourite scene:
it’s a tie. okay. it’s a tie because i love love. on one hand, the scene where zay aggressively stands up for charlie... tells him he’s way to good to be walked all over... causing charlie to realize SOMETHING is going on with his silly feelings.... several points were fucking made, let me TELL YOU. god. damn. zay is so passionately defensive of charlie despite them only being friends through school, charlie just basically falling into zay’s dark eyes (we know he was). every bit of development they get i cling on to and lemme tell you the SEROTONIN i received this evening! i love the way they encourage each other to be bolder and better people, and to be more uniquely themselves. it’s such a mutually supportive relationship (at both the platonic and romantic stages) and i THRIVE off of it. i reiterate: when zay told charlie he was too good to be walked all over i literally absolutely MELTED. that is the sweetest shit, on GOD. anyway... on the other hand, we have the rl waltz scene like shut up that was the most romantic shit i’ve ever seen in my life bro!!!! WHEN RILEY TILTS HIS CHIN UP I WENT FERAL! i know rl takes a backseat to zc in my reviews usually but this is just. Such a GOOD scene and i really do love them. lucas just realizing he is off the deep end for this girl while they softly sway under the stage lights.... do you know the yearning, the longing i have to play out this scenario with someone? i swooned so hard i almost fainted just reading it. lucas has fallen and so have i baybee!!
favourite performance:
every number in ambition is always iconic, but there’s really no contest to the best one this number— the sheer wonderful fun energy dancing queen has CARRIES it to number one with ease. easily one of the season’s top numbers— dave’s dumb dance break (seriously imagining him flossing and moonwalking to the chorus has me internally dying), jeff’s iconic break dancing (we love an ACTUALLY semi-coordinated techie!) and the whole loose, carefree number is absolutely wonderful. not to mention i LOVE techie group performances. love them, y’all. truly the best of the best.
favourite character this ep:
i can’t choose, i seriously cannot choose. i think i’ll say dylan and asher (they have to go together, really) solely for their hilarious, fearful exchange with lucas (“blindfold asher, he’s scared of heights!”). they care about their friends (especially lucas) SO much, and it shows the effective balance of humour and serious emotion they’re able to bring to the table. plus blowing kisses to riley and just. Being best bros with lucas was so good.... i love them truly, and i don’t say it enough.
favourite line(s):
charlie, fondly: this school is bananas.
farkle: it’s like he’s sweating mediocrity.
maya: us performers can smell fear. especially his; it’s rare.
and of course:
zay: there’s being polite, and there’s being a pushover. you’re way too good to let people step on you like that. 🥺🥰
an underrated moment:
all the little zc moments... all the little zc MOMENTS! zay nudging charlie causing him to choke on his food, the shoulder pat and hand glance (obsessing over hands is lgbt culture), charlie literally dying while watching zay teach choreo to that romantic strangers like me line... ok ur honour im filing a report that says i love them!!! charlie is already SO FAR GONE for this boy, and he’s beginning to realize. he’s the physical manifestation of gay panic and god it’s funny. also, honourable mention goes to lucas going feral cat mode at zay but not riley— lucas, you’re not subtle.
something i missed the first time around:
back on my jack hunter bs to say that i really noticed him shine this episode, along with eric! it really is so enjoyable watching the two of them grow from two people with contrasting views constantly at odds to a rock solid team united by their determination to put the students first— and their sleuthing scenes are intriguing highlights, drawing you further into the mystery. we don’t know much yet but we NEED to learn more.
first impression vs your reread impression:
this episode is more fun and upbeat than i remembered (i mostly remembered farkle struggling and that’s it) and it was thoroughly enjoyable. the romance development, the “main plot” of the aaac mystery beginning its build, really good interactions between people who dont usually interact (farkle and riley, charlie and maya a bit, bit of zay and lucas, charlie and farkle) which is ALWAYS a blast. good times for most, leading to long awaited peace (that won’t last, but so what? we got there). had a great time reading as always.
literally your mind ma’am... all the above you said? truth! zay and charlie’s first ever journey to the costume loft... the power it holds... truly you can tell that one thing es and i value in a relationship is mutual respect and support because that’s something that’s paralleled in zc AND rl (you could, actually, make a pretty extensive parallel set between the two relationships, despite their obvious differences). it’s literally beautiful that zay and charlie see the talent and potential in one another that it feels like no one else sees -- whether they want them to (zay) or whether they choose to fade into the background (charlie), and they like... inarguably believe that the other person is the superior performer. there’s such a mutual admiration there. it speaks to the same feature of rl in which lucas literally believes riley is 10 times more talented than anyone at aaa and won’t let her forget it, and riley sees the weight that lucas carries even if he’s the first to diminish his purpose. you could say, in effect, that each main dynamic sees the other as “the best they have to offer...” and that... perhaps... is love........... sorry to just pop tf here im feral tonite
anyway, SHOUT OUT to your shout out for my dad jack hunter and also dyl and asher. i cannot express how excited i am for y’all to get to s2 and see more our boys in action... all the above you said is true abt them... 17 more days,,,,,,
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hollandsdisney · 6 years
Lingering Eyes
I love these prompts, they’re so good! I’d love to read 1 & 10 as Peter Parker and 7 as Tom!!! (Only if you have the time of course and are inspired!) I love your writing and enjoy reading your fics! 💕 please keep up the incredible work!
Requested: Yes
Prompts: “Why are you looking at me?”
“what, i can’t admire beauty?”
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: None
a/n: first of all credit to @spideyfield for the inspiration haha now I’m crying in the club! (also y/c/n means your character’s name hehe.) thank you for the request, love!
send me your request!
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Working on set was always a surprise. You never knew what to expect and you never expected anything short of amazing from the director.
Working on this movie was exhilarating, fun, and new to you, and you loved your cast with every bone in your body. You were the love interest working alongside Tom Holland. You swooned at this news, not only because he was one of the best actors in Hollywood today and this was a dream come true for you, but he also was one of your celebrity crushes. So to say you were excited was more of an understatement.
Of course, on screen love is way different then off-screen love, more so because on screen love is fake and paints love to be way more easier than it actually is.
Anyway, this day in particular was pretty special because it was one of your first one on one scenes with Tom. Were you internally freaking out? Absolutely. Would you let that be obvious? Hopefully not.
The scene was very intimate, it’s where Tom’s character would admit his feelings for your character, and it was one of the many pinnacles in this movie. It made you feel super giddy and warm inside. It was a scene in which the audience are supposed to shout “Finally!” at their screens.
“Okay, Tom, so you’re going to give your lines and you directly afterwards give a kind of ‘oh shit did that just come out my mouth?’ look,” the director explained.
“Oh, mate, I do that everyday of my life, that’s nothing new,” he joked.
Hearing that made you giggle as you walked up to the both of them.
“Ah, perfect! Y/N, you stand right where I’m standing,” he positioned you and backed up.
“Alright! Lets do a run through. Places people!” he clapped and exits the scene.
You looked at Tom and began your lines.
“We have to get to work before they find out we’ve sneaked around in here,” you walked around him to the fake computer, pretending to type random codes.
“They won’t know we’re in here, were too smart for them,” he replied cockily.
“Don’t be too quick to let your guard down. Hey, why are you looking at me? Focus,” you looked quickly from him to the computer.
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Y/C/N?” he smirked, then contorted his face to look like what he said wasn’t what he meant.
“Perfect! Awesome, just like that guys. We’re going to do it again, but with the cameras rolling,” he nodded, strutting to the camera and sound guys.
“How are you today miss Y/N?” Tom asked once everyone went off to get everything prepared.
“Im doing well! How about yourself? you ask standing up and smoothing down your skirt.
“Pretty good, I get to work on an awesome movie with a talented woman such as yourself so, cant complain,” he smiled.
“Are you still in character? The cameras aren’t rolling, you know,” you joke.
“I know that. But I-I like to compliment my fellow actors,” he stuttered.
Before you could make a comment, the director was back and yelled “Action!” once again.
You both ran through the scene again as you did before, feeling the most confident on both parts.
“Why are you looking at me?” you asked again.
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Y/N?” Tom delivered his line, this time not faking the look of horror on his face.
Well, you were not expecting that.
You felt stunned and kept your face towards the fake computer in front of you.
“..Right. Tom, thats her real name, not her character’s name. But, I like that look of pure horror! Keep that!” the director yelled, leaving the both of you unsettled and having to continue the scene correctly.
By the time you were done, it was dark out. You had been on set since noon, so it was probably around 6 pm now.
You didn’t forget about what happened earlier with Tom’s slip up, and you were wondering if he was thinking about it, too.
It left you in all states of confusion.
Did he mean to say your character’s name, but it was honestly just a mistake? Or did he say it because he wanted to? Or are you crazy for thinking the latter?
You wanted to confront Tom about it, but figured it’d be best to let it go, and besides, he was conversing with the director anyway, and you had to get home to prepare dinner.
As you gathered your things and opened the door to leave the building, you heard your name be called.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up!” Tom jogged towards you and held the door for you to walk through first.
“Some scene today, huh?” he let out a breathy laugh. You began your walk to your cars.
“Yeah, good job today,” you said. Good job today? What are you, an elementary school teacher? You mentally slapped yourself for making that comment.
“Same goes for you. So uh..about that scene,” he started.
“Oh right. Where you accidentally said my name. It’s fine, happens to the best of us, right?” you shrug , letting him believe you didn’t think much of it. Which was a lie because you thought about it all day.
“Well, yes it does. But I kind of didn’t say it on accident..” he confessed.
You blinked at him, confusion painting over your face.
“When I read the lines prior to us having this scene, I laughed to myself because I knew this was something so kiddish, yet still something I’d say to a pretty girl such as yourself. So guess I kept that thought in mind and delivered it with your name..so..whoops,” he admitted, panic settling on his face.
“So in real life you were admiring my beauty?” you ask, a wave of confidence rushing over you.
“I guess you could say that,” he chuckled.
You tilted your head to the side, taking in his profile and how the corner of his eyes crinkled, smiling because of you.
You may have lingered a little too long, because the next time he speaks he asks, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Tom?” you tease, repeating his lines and turn on your heels, leaving him speechless.
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rivervixen327 · 5 years
A change of heart (James and lily)
Aesthetic for chapter
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Chapter ONE↓
The summer holidays were finally over and none could be happy about the fact, than the two sisters that sat silently in the back of their father's car. Petunia Evans was on cloud nine so much so that she hadn't complained once about the owl, that lay resting in it's cage on her sisters lap. Neither had she moaned about coming to wave off her younger sister,as she got on the train back to her precious school. Petunia Evans was in a good mood as she had been all summer long,yes it's very true the blondes holiday had been a Great one. She had met a boy over the summer break at the firm she was interning at, collecting coffee and fetching tea was all petunia Evans really did. It was wasn't anything truly exciting and to be honest she didn't really learn much, but she had a met a boy.
Vernon Dursley was the name he was a little older than her, he had an apprenticeships at Grunings he made drills and was very good, it was same firm that the blonde work at. Over the summer they had gotten close and had started courting as Petunia put it. Lily hadn't met him as her sister had refused to let her, but according to her mother Vernon Dursley was utterly ridiculous. He was on all accounts over wait and had a rather thin line of hair on his upper lip, Which he had called a mustache. Mr Evans would've laughed but he didn't want to seem rude and risk damaging his already fragile relationship with his eldest daughter, so he had refrained from doing so and gave the young man permission to continue to date Petunia. Mr and Mrs Evans had also agreed to allow the blonde permission to attend a weeks vacation with some of her school friends, down in the Welsh Ilse. It was safe to say everything this summer had seemed to go her way, resulting in her high right now.
Now lily's summer hadn't been a good affair , in fact it had been terrible. It started with her sister, the redhead had been pushed out all summer by Petunia Evans, she hadn't let her meet the boy whom had captured her heart. She had forbidden her attended the 18th birthday barbecue her parents were throwing for her. Though Petunia pushing her away was nothing knew, the older girl had been doing it since lily got her letter six years ago now. It was what happened with her best friend this summer that had left lily Evans stumped.
Severus Snape was a tall boy with greasy black hair and large hooked nose, people often said was snotty. That boy was lily's best friend, he was the first person whom made the red head feel normal, as opposed to the way her sister made her feel. And she was the first person to look at the young boy and not be repulsed, by his appearance. Over the years the pair had spent a lot of time together making for a  life long friendship, spending their summers under the willow tree in Which they had met. But this summer something was different, Severus Snape had been distant, the young man had been on Edge. His already short fuse and gotten shorter, yelling in the street to the muggles who let Thier eyes linger on him to long as they passed. Picking fights in public parks and youth club's he would likely loose without using his wand and exposing the wizarding world. He had even on occasion snap at lily, a girl who he loved and one day hoped would love him back. But at the rate he was pushing her away it became less likely that such a thing was going to happen. Lily Evans was extremely smart and new that something was going on, that the greasy haired boy was hiding something, something he didn't want her to know. Lily knew he wouldn't tell her and she had no hope in trying to reach the boy who trusted no but her had been keeping her at arms length.
So lily sat in the back of car twiddling her fingers, preying  that summer would come to an end instantly.
The Evans family car pulled up about outside kings Cross Station, in no time lily and family were walking through station Heading for platform nine and three quarters, Muggles staring as they did so. That was the Muggle way to lear longingly at thing's that seem different, or strange in anyway. And something about a young sixteen year old girl pushing a trolley filled with trunks and a black owl with flecks of white In his feathers,caused them to stare. Lily like the other witches and wizards of Hogwarts was used to it by now, it was nothing knew to her. All the whispering, the pointing of little children were expected, so it didn't faze her. Petunia Evans on the other hand hated. She hated being the girl with a odd sister whom got all the attention, she lothed the feeling of being constantly over shadowed even by strangers, most she would never likely to see again.
Five minutes later lily and her family had found the magical entrance to the train, and all four of them and ran threw wall just as instructed by lily years before. It seemed funny to the Evans family that there was a whole other world behind one little wall, a world of wonder and magic. And yet here they were standing in the thick of it, while they watched their youngest daughter suddenly feel at home and that she did.
A smile lit up the face of the red head as she stood scanning the station, watching the new first years run through too the platform for the first time on shaky leg's. One little boy coming up to her as she looked the least intimidating, his hair was short and his cheeks still held his baby fat perfectly.
"Excuse me, but where do I take my trolley" lily smiled and bent down a little to reach his eye level, she could tell he was nervous and very clearly like her. A Muggle born.
"Hello, you see that man over there take it to him and then head for the train, earlier you get on the better compartment you get." Lily said shoeing him on, the boys father following him smiling. Kindly at the redhead.
Lily turned back to her mother and father aswell as a very bored looking petunia Evans, hugging each of them as she said her goodbyes. Her sisters scowl warning lily to do no such thing with her, so the young witch gave a simple curt nod. Something that Appeared odd to others as they glanced at the interaction between sister, but the lily and petunia Evans the act was a far more normal occurrence than hugging.
"Oh baby, promise me you'll write every week" Catherine Evans spoke to her daughter, lily nodded and waved one last time before running off to find her Friends.
Marlene McKinnon was the easiest to Spot you Heard her before you saw, she was always getting in trouble in class because of it. Once it cost gryffindor twenty House, Slughorn felt terrible for taking the point's but the blonde was being extremely loud. But in her defence she was having a battle of wits with Sirius Black, it didn't end well for ethier of them. Especially when professor McGonagall found out, the pair had been given detention and they ended up hating eachother more than before.
"COME ON MUM, DAD IM GOING TO BE LATE" it was then lily saw her, blonde wild locks went barrelling towards the front of train with fifteen minutes to spare, the blonde was in such a chaotic state she completely missed the redhead standing to the side of her.
"Hey Mar we've got half and hour till the train leaves not fifteen."
"Lils that's not the__ OH MY GOD LILY " the blonde screamed throwing her arms around the Muggle girl.
"Missed you too mar, but do you mind if I breathe now, thanks" lily pushed her way out of the blondes arm's. Marlene McKinnon's mum and dad had left once they saw the two walking off completely forgetting they were still there.
"So let's go and find Dorcas and Alice, hey did you here about Alice yet" both girls keeping an eye out as they walked around the platform for the two missing from their little click.
"No, is she okay. "
"Oh she's Great, like really Great." Marlene spoke suggestively.
"What happened mar" lily stopped her in their tracks worried.
"How about we let the huffle-slut tell you__ ALICE FORTESCUE, GET OVER HERE YOU HUFFLE-SL" the brunette was barley five feet from the girls, but still Marlene McKinnon raised the volume of her voice to grab the attention of Alice Fortescue. And we'll it worked.
"Will you shut up, oh hey lily." Alice Fortescue now stood in front of her two friends, and a few seconds later the wild curly locks of Dorcas meadowes followed.
"hello Dizzy Dorcas, how did you find us" lily said earning her a shove on the side of her arm, by the Coco skinned girl.
"I heard Mar"
"Yeah I think everyone did" Alice Fortescue quipped.
"Hey I wasn't that loud" said the blonde mock affended, her Voice still slightly raised.
"Yes Mar yes you were, anyway i hear you have something to tell me Alice." Instantly Alice went red in the face, she wasn't embarrassed by what she had to tell lily Evans, it was just she wasn't used to it yet.
Taking a deep breath she spilled the beans " me and Frank are dating, he asked me over the summer, first week actually."
"Oh Alice that's great we've been rooting for you two" the redhead squealed happy for her friend.
"Did he get down on one knee," Marlene asked, all three girls looking at her like she had a third eye.
"Mar he asked her out not to marry her"
"I know that Dizzy Dorcas, but it just seems very Frank Longbottom, you know very proper." Alice rolled her eyes,
"No but he did give me flowers." The brunette swooned,
"Ugh, so lils how was your summer with the devil spawn." Dorcas meadowes had turned to conversation to the redhead, who's smile faltered.
"Petunia was well petunia she ignored my very existence," lily said.
"That's not the devil spawn I was asking about, I ment Severus Snape, you know tall with a chip pan for hair."
"I don't kn __" lily was interrupted by Alice, tapping her on the shoulder, pointing out the teen in question. "Lils, look other there"
Lily followed the gaze of her friends, green eyes Landed on the young boy with greasy hair. He walked through the platform, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Black, Rodolphus Lestrange and Narcissa Black she was pushing her trolley. Lucius Malfoy to most was the scumm of the earth, he graduated from Hogwarts last year and just like his father had become a death eater along with Bellatrix Black. The girl with mast of curly black hair was practically psychotic, taking every chance she could to hex her cousin Sirius Black. The girls understood in a way why Lucius and Bellatrix were on the platform, the pair must of been seeing Narcissa Black off to her final year of school. But Rodolphus lestrange was a mystery, he had left Hogwarts about four years prior to Lucius and Bellatrix and yet here he stood. He had a reputation of being cruel even in school, it was wide a spread rumor that he had tortured a Hogwarts house nearly to death. Of course nobody could prove it even back then so Rodolphus lestrange for away with it. and there they all stood with lily's best friend.
"Well I guess that's where Sevs been all summer" lily said Turing away,
"So you haven't seen him all Summer," Alice placed a hand on lily's shoulder, the girl smiling at gesture.
"I saw Sev a few times but he seemed different, distant his temper was shorter than usual."
"Wow, come let's get a compartment. Maybe you guys can talk later" the black eyes Severus Snape falling on lily, he watched as she walked away. Silently vowing to reconnect with his best friend this schooling year of Hogwarts.
James potter and Company had just made to the platform with ten minutes to spare, as usual they planned to meet between platforms nine and ten and as usual He and Sirius were late. Remus had raised his arms in the air like a disapproving father and Peter well he was Peter, he just wanted food.
" Where in Merlin were you two?, We could've missed the train"
"Keep your knickers on Mooney, we've got ten minutes" Sirius Black spoke slinging his arm around Peter Pettigrew, while the tall boy scowled at their attitude.
"What he said mate, don't wolf out on us I was getting you a gift." James potter a bespeckled boy with black tousled hair, smirked whipping out a bar of Muggle milk chocolate.
"Thanks mate you're forgiven" Remus lupin mumbled taking the chocolate bar off his friend, peters mouth watering for a peice.
"seriously, he's forgiven, It was my Idea. I'm hurt, I'm hurt Mooney." Sirius Black spoke falling backwards, into his best friends arms. Far more dramatically then it sounds.
"Face it pads he loves me more," James push the raven haired boy up and out of arms, now walking backwards like a smart arse. Hair blowing more skew-whiff if that was even possible.
"Does not"
"Does too, he wants to steam up my specks"
"Shut it prongs he wants to kiss me and run his fingers through my hair, I mean come on I'm gorgeous." James bent over in laughter. Sirius's hair was dreadful, jet black and full of knots no matter how many times he pulled a brush through it.
"The bush you mean." James quipped.
"Remus kiss me, comon kiss me. Fine let me give you a big old smooch then " the tall boy cringed, he couldn't think of anything worse, snapping a strip of creamy chocolate off for Peter.
"No thanks, come__is that Lucius Malfoy"
Now all four boys had their eyes trained on the older boy, amused by whatever his three friends were doing. But on closer inspection Remus lupin noticed the four of young Wizards and Rodolphus lestrange were hazing a first year, before the poor tike hadn't even boreded the express. "Prongs, Padfoot are you seeing this" The two young Wizards didn't say a word in reply, instead they rushed off in the direction of Lucius Malfoy and his possy leaving Peter to trail behind.
As they got closer they saw a cute blonde girl, obviously a first year, robes barley off the floor and she still had her cart. Lucius Malfoy used his wand to riffel through the girls trunk, pulling the pages out off her new school books. James potter rolled his eyes, as they met with Severus Snape levitating the small blonde girl upside down now. The bespeckled boy taking the opportunity to startle the former student .
"Didn't know you could read Malfoy," the blonde Wizard jumping back startled by the sudden appearance of the bespeckled boy. The much older death eater rolling his eyes at Lucius Malfoy's obvious fear of the sixth year boy.
"I fail to see how that's any of you're business Potter" Malfoy spat
"Well I just made it my business, let the girl go Snivellus don't want to get bogey's on the poor thing." James potter spoke to the raven haired boy lowering the girl, once her feet reached the ground she legged it behind Remus lupin and Sirius Black. You couldn't blame the girl, the wolf boy was unnaturally tall and raven haired Wizard held a dark look in his grey orb's that would even scare her father.
"Arh yes potter I forgot you hang around blood traitors and mauled half-bloods." The boy with tawny curls retreating into his tatty clothes at the mention of his scared face, James and Sirius Black whipped out their wands in the defence of their friend.
"Watch you're mouth Malfoy." This time Sirius Black spoke up his voice venomous, the blonde ignored his second cousin and turned to the werewolf. Rodolphus lestrange deciding to leave the argument was a childish one and he definitely wasn't a child.
"Father works In the ministry's office lupin, there a bit if an enigma surrounding you." Malfoy paused for a second. "May I asked, did an unfortunate event befall you, or were always this hideous."
Though Remus didn't get to answer the question and not that he would any way, but the fist Peter Pettigrew had landed it's into the jaw of pureblood dick Lucius Malfoy. The three remaining marauders stared at their friend, Remus lupin was simply grateful that Peter chose this moment to finally snap. While James and Sirius looked on like a proud dads also laughing at the boy who had just been flattened, Malfoy though was fuming.
"My fa__" stoping when he heard James and Sirius making a bet.
" Three galleons if he says my father will hear about this" James smirked "your on pads"
"You little Rat my father will hear about this " the blonde Wizard stumbled to his feet with the help of girlfriend. Admittedly narcissa Black was far too pretty for the wizard and perhaps if she had more courage she'd of ran away from her depraved family, much like her older sister. But alas she didn't.
"Damit, here take em" james shoved the golden coins into the hands of Sirius Black, who took them gladly.
"Mark my words, dangerous times are coming boys and when they do,don't imagine you'll be Safe " the boy wizard said pushing his girlfriend away form the four boys.
" Thankyou for helping me, I'm Gabby Douglas." Came a soft voice from behind Remus lupin.
"It's not a problem munchkin, all in days work for the mighty Padfoot and friends" the first year smiled at the door sixth years stood looking down at her.
"Now run off and sit with the first year's okay." The tall boy with brown curls spoke to the girl.
The Marauders following suit made it just time, to bord the Hogwarts express. By now most of compartments upfront Were occupied and filled by loud and confused first year's, All seemingly unaware of the prejudice that would follow once they had been sorted. For some the friends they made on the train weren't likely to stick with you through the years to come, unless you where lucky like the four boys plodding along now. Sure with a few exceptions you could be friends with a Slytherin but it almost always ended in disaster, as lily Evans would find out the harsh way, just a few months into the new school year.
The boys eventually found Thier compartment near the back of the train and as luck would have it, it was the same very one that they had met in way back when in first year. They didn't know then that perhaps this would be the last time it was just the four of them, in that dinky compartment. If they had then maybe Peter Pettigrew wouldn't of buried his face in mountains if food, and somehow still have room for dinner In the Great hall later tonight. Perhaps if he knew Remus lupin wouldn't of let his heavy eyes droop shut at the impeding doom of the full moon tonight. The first day back and he was  having to spend it in pitiful sleep and in a grotty room. And perhaps James and Sirius wouldn't of spent their time plotting yet another well thought out hex on Slytherin. But things  simply were as they always had been, four best friend's who more like brother's really gearing up for another year of leaning, and shenanigans.
Word count : 3395
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter, let me know what think. What you didn't like and what you did, in the comments.
Untill next time  Hollie xx
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papikakashikahn · 6 years
Jaebum/ Eye Candy AU/Request
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This one is for @ur-fav-trashcan 😊, this also took a long time to complete although it’s only 3,000 words, but I really like it, and I hope you will took! Ps to anyone reading this now: This request is from the GOT7 forum I posted acouple weeks ago. The link is right here if you wanna check it out and make a request. Anyways, enjoy!
Tonight, was the night.
You had planned this night for at least 3 months now. 3 months of treacherous attention to detail, and countless phone calls with caterers, and yet it was finally here.
It was your birthday party. The only problem? Your boyfriend of 2 years was not in attendance.
To say you were missing Jae was an understatement. He was on tour with his members in Japan for about a month now. Not having your boyfriend with you on such a special day as this was… depressing to say the least. But you put on a brave face considering it was still your birthday after all. You had planned this for months, and you knew when the day came, Jaebum would be away anyways. There was no reason to cry over spilled milk. Afterall, things like this were to be expected when you were dating an idol, but you never really understood how horrible it felt until now.
Your friends had told you time and time again just how hard it would be, getting into a relationship with an idol, but you never paid much mind to it considering you and Jaebum’s relationship was so rewarding.
There was no man on earth that could treat you like Im Jaebum did.
Jaebum gave you all of his attention whenever he could, he was protective, but not TOO protective, he was warm and affectionate, but above all, Jaebum only acted this way around you. He was all yours. And that was the best part.
It was your party you had planned for months and here you were, thinking about Jae. There was really no remedy to your situation. Alcohol didn’t help because if you were drunk, you would start crying from your sadness. Friends were nice to be around on your birthday, but then they just bring up Jae and how he’s doing on tour Everything just comes back to the fact that Jaebum is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and that just made you sad.
You were beginning to really regret ever throwing this party in the first place. You couldn’t help but snicker though in realization, that the one who came up with the idea to have a birthday party like this to begin with… was Jaebum.
~ 3 months ago ~
“Jaebum have you seen my Nike hat around? I was gonna wear it out but I can’t seem to find it in the room…” you explained, wandering around the two of you’s apartment in search of the accessory.
“Mmm...” Jaebum mumbled numbly as he stared down at his phone while laying on the couch.
You shifted your jaw around annoyed.
“Are you listening to me?” you asked him, narrowing your eyes at his figure. This time Jaebum didn’t even make a sound t0 acknowledge you were talking, he just tapped away his phone screen.
Jaebum did always give you his attention when he could… just not right at this moment.
“Jae.” you repeated, waiting for his response, but to no avail.
“JAE!” you shouted in a louder voice. Still, he remained motionless. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Jinyoung was the cuter one out of the JJ project.” you snipped at him, expecting him to turn to you at your comment...which wasn’t true but still. When Jaebum didn’t, you decided to take it upon yourself to MAKE him pay attention to you.
You proceeded to walk around the couch and crawl onto him, placing your head on his abdomen as your body laid beside him on your couch. Jaebum moved his phone to the side to reveal your puppy dog eyes staring back at him.
“Why you-no listen?” you whined at him in a childish voice. He stared down at you quietly, blinking from time to time. “You don’t like me no more?” you tilted your head at him.
He moved his phone back in front of him, ignoring you.
“No. Now go talk to Jinyoung, you thought he was cuter anyways.” he answered you. You couldn’t help but smile, grabbing his phone from him playfully. Jaebum didn’t give much protest though as you took it away from him.
“Yah! So you were listening!” you pointed out, poking his side which caused him  to flinch. After he stopped fidgeting, a smirk tugged at his lips as he stared down at you.
“...You should have a birthday party.” he announced randomly. You were taken aback at such a sudden statement.
“...But baby, my birthday isn’t for another 3 months… and by that time you’ll already be in Japan.” you reminded him as if he forgot, muttering towards the end.
He twisted a piece of your hair in between his fingers as he looked to you.
“I know, but I just thought if I threw you a big party you’ll forget i’m even away.” he explained. You scoffed at his suggestion.
“But would it really be any fun if you weren't there? I was just planning on crying at home while watching dream knight.” you snickered at him.
Suddenly Jaebum grabbed you by your face, your eyes widening at him.
“I thought we talked about mentioning those words Y/N.” he warned you. You pouted under his stare innocently.
“What about when I miss you… should I watch dream high instead?” you questioned playfully. Jaebum glared at you and your antics. His hand dropped from your face, back to your hair.
“Anyways, I was being serious. It’s important you’re with your friends on your birthday… especially when I can’t be.” he explained while looking down.
You couldn’t help but study him for a moment, a sheepish smile forming on your face. “Is someone afraid I’m going to be lonely?” you asked him mischievously. His eyes darted up to yours at your tone, his face turning red.
You couldn’t help but squeal while lightly hitting his shoulder. You ducked your head into the crook of his neck.
“You’re so cute when you’re worried about me!” you exclaimed excitedly.
Jaebum stroked your hair slowly as you kissed his jaw. “Whatever, so you’ll think about it?” he asked you with a groan. You removed your face from Jaebum's neck and propped yourself onto your elbows to look at him.
“Sure, If being with other people on my birthday makes you feel better about you not being there, then i’ll do it! Hell, i’ll even plan it.” you assured him. Jaebum rolled his eyes.
“Y/N, the point is for YOU to feel better about me not being there.” he informed you. You sighed, laying your head on his shoulder.
“In that case, just don’t leave!” you suggested cheerfully. Jaebum smirked at your comment as he traced circles on your arm.
“You make a great point Y/N.” he answered you.
You smiled as you rubbed your face into his sweater.
“...So have you seen my hat?” you asked him.
“No. But we could look in the bedroom again.” Jaebum suggested. You raised your head to check the look on his face. Jaebum's lips curled into that weird smile of his.  
“Come here!” he exclaimed before turning so that you were underneath him.
You cried out a shriek as Jaebum kissed you all over, especially in the places he knew you were the most sensitive of course.
“JB!” you shouted hitting his chest, you couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter.
You smirked remembering it, not only because of what happened after, but because of how Jae’s offer to throw you a birthday party was reduced to him giving his opinion on what color the balloons should be. Of course, he had recommended black knowing him…
Nevertheless, you refused for Jae to plan your party all by himself while he was so busy planning for GOT7’s new japanese release. In Fact, you had gotten really into the planning of the party yourself, considering you were a perfectionist.
Thinking back to it, it was nice that Jae wanted to do something for you to make you feel better about the whole tour situation… but at the moment you weren't really feeling much better. And the fact that you decided to make the balloons black, wasn’t helping either.
“So what did Jaebum get for you for your birthday?” a not-so close coworker of yours shouted over the loud music.
It was questions like these people had been asking you the whole night.
“Flowers!” you shouted to her, evoking a swoon from just how romantic of a gift it was. Earlier today you got sent a bouquet of red carnations (because he knew you didn’t like roses). When Jaebum facetimed you, he asked if you had received them and told you that he had ordered them to be delivered to you on your birthday months in advance. After members like Jackson and Jinyoung said happy birthday to you, the conversation hadn’t lasted much longer. The two of you said that you loved each other and when everybody else in the room mocked you, you ended with that. Then again… you did remember he had mentioned a few other surprises coming your way today. But you hadn't received anything else today that you could remember. Maybe he was talking about when he got home in a few weeks.
“How’s he doing on tour?” another girl asked you. Your eyes darted all over your apartment, realizing she asked you a question. “Uhh… he’s good!” you shouted to her with a smile. “Did he call you today?” another asked excitedly. “Yea what did he say?” another added.
“I think that enough questions, Y/N is trying to forget he’s away. May I remind you it’s her birthday party?” your best friend Eun Mi interrupted. The girls excited looks slowly faded at Eun Mi’s comment. “Let's go get some champagne Y/N.” Eun Mi told you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you elsewhere.
You looked over your shoulder to the group and bowed your head as if to apologize. Thank god you had someone like Eun Mi in your life though, who could read you like a book and say what was on your mind for you. You didn’t want to dodge people’s questions, because of course that would look suspicious. You were always on your toes to make sure you didn’t make your boyfriend look bad. Jaebum was never a bad boyfriend, even when he was away on your birthday, he was still the best boyfriend in the world. It was just others that often liked to assume things when you hadn’t answered their question right away. Being so attentive to your responses was tiring, and the more they had brought up JB, the sadder you become.
“Sorry about that Y/N, I know it must be hard that he’s not here…” Eun Mi apologized as she poured you a glass of champagne.
You sighed as you took it from her. “No it’s fine.” you answered solemnly. There was about a hundred people or so in your apartment, and yet you were the one feeling lonely.
“This was such a bad idea.” You muttered to yourself more than to Eun Mi, as you straightened your dress anxiously. She tilted her head as she looked at you, drinking the glass of champagne in one shot, wanting to drown in your sadness.
“No it wasn’t, you just have to have some fun!” Eun Mi exclaimed peppily, grabbing your now-empty glass of champagne and setting it on the table beside you, Eun Mi proceeded to drag you off into the crowd as you groaned. “It’s my party and I can cry if I want to!” you shouted at him as she dragged you behind. After finding an empty spot within the crowd, she stopped and turned to you. “We should dance!” she yelled over the music which was giving you a headache by the minuet. You rolled your eyes at her suggestion, shaking your head. She stomped her foot with a whine. “Y/N, come on it’s your birthday!” Eun Mi insisted. She started moving her body in the most atrocious ways to make you laugh, which it of course did. Eun Min was good at making you laugh, even when you weren't in the mood. You decided to join in on making yourself look like a fool as well, because if you weren't having fun at your own party, how would that look?
The house music was from a playlist you had made yourself, along with everything else that made this party so spectacular. You had really put in a lot of work to this party, so therefor you had every right to enjoy it. You wouldn't let all this hard work pay off for nothing, even if JB wasn’t here. He wanted you to enjoy your birthday, and you would do just that, if not for yourself than for him.
“You seem to be having fun without me.” you had practically heard Jaebum say. It was almost like you could feel his presence right behind you. Enjoying this odd sensation, you continued dancing, ignoring how Eun Mi had stopped. After a few seconds of feeling awkward dancing alone though, you looked up at her, confused.
Eun Mi was standing frozen before you, pointing at something behind you with a shaking hand.
“...What are they bringing out the cake? It’s only-” you turned around curious as to what she was pointing at, only to find the person you were missing most in front of you.
Jaebum stood, in a black bomber jacket, with a black shirt underneath as well as black pants. Not to mention his black hair as well, was styled so that it was up (one of your favorite hairstyles). His earrings gleamed ever so slightly.
Facetime just didn’t do him enough justice. Your boyfriend was complete and utter eye candy. And everyone else in the room seemed to notice it too.
“JAE!” you screamed, jumping on him like a wild animal. You wrapped your arms under his shoulders, hugging him as if your life depended on it. Was it just you, or his shoulders had gotten wider since the last time you had seen them?
“I said something to you, didn’t you hear me?” he scoffed at you. You clung to his body still, kissing his jawline, feeling ready to cry (tears of joy).
“I thought it was in my imagination.” you confessed to him, laughing lightly. Just as you were about to pull away to kiss him on the lips (which you had been waiting an entire month for), he had slid his hand down your lower back to press you against him again. Surprised, you gripped onto his broad shoulders which you loved so much.
“Have you been a good girl for Daddy?” he whispered to you. Your eyes widened at his sudden change of tone. Did he really have to play this game with you right here? Right now? Did he understand just what he was doing?
“Of course, I always am.” you whispered to him playfully.
Jaebum’s finger tips dug into your back dimples which he knew so well.
“Good girls gone bad, good girls want me.” Jaebum muttered to in your ear, his breath fanning the under of your ear, causing you to become tense. Your face warmed again at tone.
“Okay, I’m gonna give you two some alone time before I throw up.” Eun Mi announced before leaving the two of you like she had said.
The two of you ignored Eun mi comment as Jaebum's hand gripped your side, before pulling away to look at you.
“You look gorgeous.” he stated simply. Your faced automatically warmed at his compliment.
“Thank you.” you muttered looking to the side as you tried to suppress your blush.
Jaebum slyly tilted your head in his direction by lifting your chin, charminly. “I’m gone for a month and you don’t even look at me for more than 5 seconds?” he questioned with a smirk. You grabbed onto his jacket trying to pull him into a kiss, but Jaebum refused.
“You’ve replaced me haven’t you? Who is he? I know I’ve been away but my god Y/N, you didn’t have to do this to me.” he stated sarcastically, looking around the crowded apartment. You hit his arm causing him to hold it in pain as he sneered.
“Wow, I didn’t realize how much I missed your aggressive hits until now.” Jaebum told you as you rolled your eyes at him.
You proceed to wrap your arms around his torso possessively. “I missed you.” you urged to him. Jaebum smiled to himself as he stroked your hair. “I missed you too baby girl.”
You hadn’t realized how much you need Jaebum’s pet names until now either.
“But um...how-what-why are you here?” you stammered looking up at him, your head still on his chest. Jaebum raised his eyebrows at you. You shook your head, snuggling it into his chest. “I mean, I’m over the moon about it, really Jae! But how could you even manage to make it being on tour and all?!” you asked him. Jaebum scoffed while rubbing your shoulder.
“I had off today, but I have to go back tomorrow.” he told you. You couldn’t help but pout as you hugged him tighter. He had just gotten here, and yet he was going to be leaving so soon?
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself in realization though. You looked up to him with a smirk plastered on your face.
“You left paradise for me?” you teased him. He furrowed his eyebrows when looking down at you.
“You’re my paradise.” he responded simply.
Your face turned red like a traffic light as you burrowed your face into his chest. Jaebum smiled and proceeded to kiss the top of your head as you hugged him around the waist tightly.
“Happy Birthday Y/N… I love you.”
After a moment or two, you looked up at him again.
“I love you too.” you told him happily. Jaebum smiled sheepishly at you. You proceeded to stand on your tiptoes to press the two of your lips pressed together, which again, you had been waiting an entire month for.
Your lips melted together in harmony, neither one of you able to get enough. You had lots of lost time to make up for...
Releasing from the kiss, you stared up at him, fooling around with the fabric of his jacket.
“Can we take this somewhere more… private?” you asked him, batting your eyelashes softly. He smirked at what you were implying as his hand delicately touched your neck.
“But what about the cake?” Jaebum asked you. You licked your lips, slipping your fingers under his gold chain which you imagined would look good on him just by itself.
You suddenly pulled on it, bringing your faces close together.
“But don’t I deserve a reward for being such a good girl since you’ve been gone? It is my birthday...” you purred to him, letting go of his chain as he stood paralyzed at your words. Taking his vulnerability as an advantage, you leaned up to his ear.
“Plus you’ll be getting some anyways… that is... if you’re good.” you whispered to him mischievously.
Leaning back down, you stared up at your boyfriend who had a completely different look in his eye.
You pulled him by his hand as you made your way through the crowd, in search of the stairs.
 In all your 23 years of life, THIS was the best gift you’d ever received.
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wanna-17 · 7 years
lee daehwi first meeting! AU
summary: in which you are somi’s best friend and you find out that she has a hidden twin brother who you are a fan of 
length: 1.3k
a/n: HIHI so i decided to start a new series which is gonna be a sweet and short one called first meeting! AU with the wanna one members. since it’s really only going to cover your first meeting with the particular member, it’s up to you whether you want to interpret it as romantically or platonic friendship, maybe if the context suits and i get enough requests i could do a part 2 for some in the future? we’ll see but i will be prioritising getting each member done first. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy this first one of my precious baby lee daehwi and look forward to the rest of the members :) 
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so you’re in high school 
and ever since high school started you became best friends with a girl called somi 
you guys had different personalities, you were more on the shy side and she was more outgoing 
but somehow you guys clicked and found that you guys had a lot of things to talk about and common interests 
also during this time produce 101 is airing and you’re absolutely addicted to the show 
and lee daehwi, the first centre literally swooped you off your feet 
he was no doubt your bias and you’d been voting for him like crazy everyday 
and ofc since somi was your best friend you’d always rant about how cute and talented lee daehwi was and somi would just sigh and roll her eyes sometimes 
well one day at school your class is given a project to be completed in pairs and obviously you and somi are a pair 
usually you two would complete your work at the library but since the weather was really horrible 
you guys decided to head to your place over the weekend 
and you guys do that except you dont get the work done 
so you guys decide to go to somi’s place sometime after school next week to finish it 
and tbh you’ve been very curious about where somi lives
even though you guys are best friends you guys always met either in public or at your place
you were just super curious as to what her house was like and why she was lowkey secretive about where she lived
so the day before going to somi’s place
you guys are having lunch at school and somi is suddenly like: “oh y/n when you come tomorrow, my twin brother will most likely be home visiting” 
and u r like
“WAIT HANG ON A SECNOD U HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?? SINCE WHEN???” you semi yell when you stand up from your seat 
you are surprised and shocked bc ur friend has a twin brother and she never told you 
“ssHHHHH be quiet” says somi gesturing you to sit back down 
and so you do and say
“how come you didnt tell me somi?” while pouting 
“well…i guess you never asked whether i had siblings or not” replies somi nervously 
“hmm yeah fair enough, well what its like having a twin brother? what’s he like” you ask excitedly
you’d  never met anyone that had a twin before and u suddenly find out that your best friend in fact has a twin brother which makes you feel kinda weird and excited 
“it’s alright, we’re just like any other sibling pair, he can be slightly annoying sometimes but he’s a good brother overall. i miss him” replies somi looking down 
“ohhhhh where is he? does he go to high school here?” you asked wondering if somi’s twin was actually at your school and completely hidden from u 
“no he doesn’t”
“where does he go then? and what’s his name? what does he look like?” you asked bombarding somi with questions as you were super curious now
since somi was one of the prettiest girls in the school you were lowkey thinking maybe somi’s twin is really hot HAHA
“i actually can’t say his name but he’s really ugly” says somi laughing
“why not????” you ask somi, “is he a spy or something?? with a hidden identity???” 
somi shook her head laughing at you as you continued to pester her about her twin 
“you’ll see tomorrow when you come over” says somi “i think things might change when you see who it is” as she sighs
now you were C U R I O U S as to why somi kept it so secret 
and for some odd reason, who somi’s twin brother was was all you thought about for the rest of the day 
your thoughts went wild as you thought, what if he’s actually a spy? or illegal? a criminal? someone dangerous? what if he’s the youngest ceo in our country?
and for some seriously odd reason you were excited to meet somi’s twin brother 
the next day you head to somi’s house with the address typed in google maps 
you rang the doorbell and somi opened the door
as you stepped in you saw how the house wasn’t too big nor was it too small it was quite spacious and clean and very cozy 
you saw some baby pictures placed up on a shelf of somi and her twin; you recognised somi easily and the twin brother was really cute too 
you guys take a seat on the big couch and start working on the project when suddenly you hear footsteps come down the stairs 
you were super focused on your work tbh so you didn’t look up 
until a voice says 
“hey sis is this your friend that always talks about me?” 
and the voice is SO FAMILIAR 
and you’re suddenly afraid to look up 
you do recognise that voice but no way it just couldn’t be 
“yep it is” says somi, “look at the state she is in now” 
your entire body was frozen and wouldn’t react and you were looking at the ground
“she’s so cute like that” says the voice
you feel your cheeks go bright red and your heart suddenly beating extraordinarily fast 
you close your eyes and tell yourself you are dreaming 
you take a deep breath and look up 
and you are met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen; one eye was monolid and the other was double lidded but honestly that was what was attractive about him 
it was truly lee daehwi lmao sorry i made it so so dramatic haha
he was smiling down at your with the sweetest and cutest smile 
“hello y/n! it’s nice to finally meet you!” says daehwi cheerfully 
“u-h-h hello– daehwi-ssi” you stutter nervously as you die internally 
daehwi laughed and his laughter was like a beautiful melody
“no need to be formal y/n, we’re the same age! you don’t look great right now, i’ll grab a glass of water for you” says daehwi as he heads to the kitchen 
when he’s gone you turn to somi straight away 
“DUDE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME DAEHWI WAS UR BROTHER?? i wouldn’t have fangirled over him to you and its sooooo embarrassing” 
“chill y/n it was actually pretty funny, you totally have a crush on my twin, look at ur face” says somi laughing 
“sTOP omg this is all ur fault im so embarrassed, i embarrassed myself in front of my bias” you say as your bury your face in your hands
“seriously y/n this is your chance to talk to him and i don’t usually say this about that idiot but he’s actually a very nice guy, so don’t be nervous anymore” 
you take deep breaths and try to collect yourself before daehwi comes back 
when he does you’re much calmer even though you still feel like you are living in a dream 
“here’s your water” says daehwi as he hands over the glass of water
both your finger trips lightly made contact and you felt your heart racing again 
“thanks daehwi” you say giving him a shy smile 
he asks what the project is about and starts helping you guys and in no time you guys are done 
and daehwi is super friendly and outgoing so in no time you get really comfortable around him
and realise that HES JUST A REALLY NICE AND KIND HUMAN like any human and not some “far unreachable star that’s like a god” 
you find out he has cute habits and loves cleaning and fashion and wants to make people happier through his music
you guys talk for the next two hours getting to know each other and you tell him that you’ll continue to support him on produce 101 and he’s super thankful 
at this rate somi had literally fallen asleep and is taking a nap on the sofa 
he opens up about how it’s hard to meet people’s expectations and that he doesn’t want to disappoint others and you guys have really deep conversations 
and in no time it’s already dark outside 
and daehwi even offers to walk you to the bus stop 
and he puts on a black hoodie with the hood up just in case ppl recognise him anyone watching school 2017 bc i love x’s outfit hehe
you guys reach the bus stop
“y/n it was nice meeting you and i was able to get my mind off things thanks to you” 
“no worries daehwi, i’m so glad to have met you and you’re just as wonderful and kind as i’d imagined you to be” you reply cringing at your own cheesiness
daehwi laughs again as he ruffles your hair “you’re so kind too” 
“anyways y/n will you do me a favour and not tell anyone that i am somi’s twin? i dont want things to get hard for her if people know about our sibling relationship” 
you swoon, he was even so nice to his sister 
you nod “of course”
the bus comes and you guys wave goodbye 
you couldn’t believe that you met daehwi and got so close to him 
he was so nice and down to earth 
you lowkey wondered if you’d ever be able to see him again since he was already famous and busy with filming 
you convinced yourself that he was probably this nice to everyone and you were really lucky because you were his sister’s best friend 
suddenly your phone buzzed and you received a message from an unknown number 
“hello y/n, it’s daehwi - i got your number from somi. that’s okay right? next week i’ll be back in town again, so do you wanna hang out? just the two of us this time ;)”
efgqkejfhfjhjf i hope you guys liked this?? i have no idea what the response is gonna be like and lmao i made somi and daehwi twins bc they could totally be siblings :) i realised i probably rant too much lmaooo so let me know what you guys think as i’m always open to feedback and thoughts about my work :) please also look forward to my next one in this series! 
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a-deluded-banana · 5 years
a shot in the dark
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a shot in the dark
She had no place to be and no promises to keep. It was one of those lazy, Kool-Aid-sipping, porch-swinging August afternoons, the ones that feel as if time is just ambling along or maybe pausing for a nice long nap. There had been so many of those afternoons that summer. The freedom would be pleasant, she thought, if only there were something to do with it. There hadn’t been a speck of excitement in the town of Douglasville since Mr. Hobbes’ cow disappeared three months ago. Curious and adventure-hungry, she was a loaded spring.
“Maisie, what did I tell you? You’ll break your neck. And don’t let your skirt fall down like that.” Her mother’s voice cut into her thoughts. Reluctantly she swung down from the porch railing where she had been hanging by her knees and fixed her mother with a glare from across the yard.
But her sulkiness dissipated at the sound of familiar footsteps. “Maisie, Maisie, c’mon!” It was Thomas, one of the neighborhood kids, a red-headed, freckle-faced wisp of a boy. He was Maisie’s favorite—although she’d never admit it—because he had a rebellious streak and never missed an opportunity to stir up mischief at school. Everyone knew him by the way he walked, a distinct long-short rhythm, the mark of anyone crippled by polio. The other kids teased him for it. He was in the sixth grade, a year older than Maisie, but in the summer that didn’t matter.
“I gotta show you somethin’. C’mon!” In his eyes danced the excitement Maisie had been waiting for.
“What is it?”
“You’ll see.” His lanky, sunburnt arm beckoned her to follow.
With a cautionary glance over her shoulder at her mother, who was hanging up a pair of underwear and humming busily to herself, Maisie fell into step beside the boy, the dirt road’s dusty exhales rising in their wake. When they had reached the corner before Thomas's house, he slackened his pace, a finger to his lips. Staying close to the side of the house, he led Maisie into the backyard.
They stood before Thomas's father’s toolshed. Rusty hinges creaked twice as the door opened and quickly closed again. Once they were out of sight, Thomas's eyes changed. “You gotta swear not to tell anyone, okay?”
“‘Cause if my dad finds out, I’m dead meat. Got it?”
Maisie nodded, her interest piqued.
“Pinky promise?”
“Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in--”
“Come over here then, and remember, be quiet.” The shifting of some crates, a box of white paint cans, and the broken frame of a washboard revealed as wooden chest, which Thomas opened.
Maisie had never seen a gun before—not in real life, at least. It lay on a neatly folded bed of blue velvet and looked like it would hurt her if she made it angry.
“I found the key under my dad’s bed.”
“Does it work?”
“Yep, she’s all loaded up and everythin’.” He lifted the gun out of its holding place as if it were a sleeping princess, and cradled it in his arms. “A big one, too.”
She let him swoon over it until curiosity got the better of her. “Can I hold it?”
“If you’re careful. Don’t drop it.” He held out the weapon, albeit reluctantly. “Well c’mon. It’s not gonna jump out and bite you.”
She hadn’t expected it to feel so heavy in her hands. Nor had she expected the thrill that travelled up her spine or the peculiar sense of boldness. Still, she tried not to let Thomas see her shaking hands.
“You’re holdin’ it like a girl,” he laughed.
“Well how do you know the right way to hold it?”
“Every guy knows how to hold a gun,” he replied, puffing out his chest slightly.
“Show me, then.”
He guided her fingers around the weapon. “You wrap your right hand over your left, and your pointer finger—no, not that one, your pointer—goes along here like this. And when you wanna shoot, you put it here.”
Her finger leapt off the trigger as soon as his guiding hands were gone. “You don’t plan to use it, do you?” She gingerly returned it.
“Naw, I wouldn’t actually use it. It could come in handy, though.”
But when she looked up at him to ask why, all she saw was the angry black eye of the thing, hovering inches from hers. “Put that down!” She backed up, skittish suddenly, nearly upsetting a small tower of boxes.
“Gee, I was only joking.” But Thomas pointed it at the window instead, cocked his head, and winked down the length of the gun, a John Wayne drawl coming from his licked lips. “Let’s go on an adventure.”
“What kind of adventure?”
“Remember that old crank Mr. Grimm?”
Of course she did. Everybody knew Mr. Grimm. The infamous town drunk lived at the outer edge of the village, in a droopy-eyed house that stood directly next to the dump; rumor had it the old man had been born and raised right in that very dump, and Maisie suspected he’d die there too.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“Well, he’s always sayin’ things about my leg on my way to school. I’m ‘bout to show him what I’m made of.”
Not a soul in Douglasville knew of an anger quite as bitter or as deep-rooted as Mr. Grimm's. Every morning at sunup, already scowling, he would hobble down the street, making sure to tromp on someone’s flower bed on the way, and take his usual place on the stoop of the corner post office, where he sat and commented on ladies’ dresses and grumbled about the state of politics and generally cursed everything under the sun—but his favorite pastime of all was tormenting schoolchildren. Especially Thomas, with his leg brace and funny walk.
“...What do you mean?”
“Oh, just tease ‘im a little, you know how he gets all worked up over things.” He had slipped the gun down his pant leg and now stood with a hand on the doorknob. “You coming?”
“You’re not… bringing that along, are you?”
“Only in case of an emergency. And to scare ‘im.” He shrugged as if people went out every day with guns hidden under their pants. “Aw c’mon, it’ll be funny!”
Maisie picked at a scab on her elbow. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t be such a sissy.”
He might as well have slapped her square in the face; there was nothing Maisie hated more than being called a sissy. “Okay,” she said, but only to nurse her wounded pride, and because she was left with no other option. And besides, Thomas had a point; it would be pretty funny. And so the adventure was on.
Crows ruled the dump from atop heaping thrones of discarded things, pecking and perching and ruffling their dust-coated black feathers. To Maisie, as well as most of the kids of Douglasville, the dump was a land of endless possibility. What was tossed out when someone died or moved out could be salvaged and take on a new life for another. So Maisie had come to know her way around the dump like the back of her hand.
Now Thomas was shushing her. “He’ll be gettin’ home right about now.” As if in response, Mr. Grimm came staggering up the sidewalk, sending the two daredevils darting for cover behind the nearest mountain of junk. Mr. Grimm’s door slammed.
Thomas peered over a worn-out tire. “Looks like we can hide under the kitchen window. He won’t be able to see us down there. I say go, we make a run for it, got it?” Maisie got a little thrill and gave him a thumbs-up.
They made it to safety. Crouching in their hideout, Maisie looked above her head at a gnarled mass of vines, shriveled by the summer heat and clinging to the trellis. It whispered as if threatening to tell their secret.
“Go look in the window,” Thomas hissed in her ear, “and tell me what you see.”
“Why can’t you do it?” Maisie whined.
“‘Cause I gotta be on the lookout in case we need to get out of here in a hurry. Go on.” But his leg brace glinted the real reason as the sun beat down on his twisted frame and his eyes full of brewing storm.
Against her better judgement, but out of pity that Thomas couldn’t, Maisie trusted the trellis with her weight as she craned her neck to see over the windowsill. Even from outside, the air in the house felt stagnant and thick. Flies circled over a half-eaten loaf of stale-looking bread on the counter, and there was dust in the kitchen sink. Finally she noticed the man asleep in an armchair, one wrinkly arm dangling by his side as if he’d been dropped there by accident.
When she reported the news, Thomas visibly deflated. “We’ll just wait until he wakes up then.”
Their hiding place was smaller than it had looked from afar, and their clammy skin was pressed together in some places. In their pre-adolescence a shared self-consciousness descended upon them. Maisie busied herself by wrapping bits of dead vine around her finger. She’d never really thought of people in terms of boy or girl; were they really that different anyway? Why did she wear a skirt and not pants to church? What was it exactly that made a boy a boy and a girl a girl? She had extracted some vague clues from scraps of overheard grown-up conversation and a magazine she’d found in her dad’s coat pocket, but these were mismatched pieces of a puzzle she sensed you didn’t ask about anyway.
Above their heads, Mr. Grimm’s radio crackled out something about President Kennedy having made an appearance at a baseball game last Saturday. “My dad says President Kennedy is a blockhead Catholic,” Thomas whispered, wiping a trickle of sweat out of his eyes.
“You think we really will get a man on the moon someday?” Maisie pondered.
“Naw, I don’t think so.”
Maisie thought about it. “I do.”
“My dad says it’s a load of nonsense.”
Silence settled in. Beside Mr. Grimm’s house stood a quite healthy-looking apple tree Maisie hadn’t noticed before. She found a rotten apple and rolled it around with her toe. The fruit was small and green with a light dusting of pale red like a baby’s cheek. She wondered why death had come so early in its lifetime; perhaps a squirrel had accidentally knocked it off its branch. In any case, here it sat in Mr. Grimm’s dirt, decayed and full of worms.
Over time a lurking black shape became visible in Maisie’s peripheral vision like a shadow. As soon as she realized what it was, her heart leapt into her throat and she whisper-shrieked, “Put that thing down! Put it down!” The gun had been so close she had practically felt its breath on her temple—just like in the toolshed, only this time she didn’t know how long it had been there. By instinct, she had shrunk back against the trellis.
“Why do you do that?” she demanded.
“Shh! Stop being so loud.” He was polishing the weapon with the hem of his shirt.
“Why do you point it at me like that?”
“For practice.”
“Practice for what?”
“C’mon, you know I’m not gonna hurt you.”
"I know," Maisie said, "I just... I just hate it bein’ so close.”
“I’m gonna scare ‘im good,” Thomas was saying. “He’ll think he’s under attack, and when ‘e comes over to see what’s goin’ on, we’ll hide. Then, just when he’s startin’ to settle down again, I’ll shoot his hat right off, or somethin’. That’ll scare ‘im good.” Thomas's ginger hair flamed in the sun.
Maisie could hardly blame him for wanting to torment the old man; Mr. Grimm was a good-for-nothing bully, that part she knew—but the boy's eyes had a strange light, she thought.
But a noise in the house left the thought suspended in midair. Both children froze like deer in headlights as Thomas's eyes locked with Maisie’s.
As soon as Maisie could haul both of them up without causing a racket, the children were peeping over the windowsill by the stale bread and still-blabbering radio, the gun poised between their heads. Mr. Grimm stirred in his armchair. A tendril of dead vine crunched under Maisie's foot on the trellis and both children held their breath.
For the first time Maisie wondered what had happened to Mr. Grimm to make him so bitter. Perhaps the man had never been anything except angry in his life. A bony, blue-veined hand clutched drunkenly at a half-empty bottle arm’s length away on the table, knocking it to the floor. He swore at the broken fragments, then fell silent again.
“Well,” Maisie hissed, eager for the gun to be back in its cabinet, “wanna call it a day?”
But Thomas made no reply. A vein in his forehead was pulsing like the pounding of Maisie’s heart.
Maisie’s trembling grip on the trellis slackened with sweat. Through the window on the opposite wall of the house the sun was hanging heavy in the sky, and Maisie longed to be swinging on the porch railing again, without a care in the world. Besides, her mother must be wild with worry by now.
When Thomas looked at her, her stomach felt like it was being squeezed by a fist, and she felt like yelling out in powerlessness. In her confusion the thought came to her that Thomas could pull that very same trigger on her if he pleased, with only Mr. Grimm and the junkyard crows to bear witness. All earlier excitement was as stale as Mr. Grimm’s bread. Thomas's finger twitched. Would he? Could he?
Maisie tried to reassure herself. It was just a game of hide-and-seek—or better yet, they were a pair of secret agents waiting to expose the bad guys and save the day--only Maisie wasn’t sure who the bad guy was.
Then time went from barely moving to racing. With a considerable amount of effort, Mr. Grimm stood up from his chair and turned around. When he saw them, a look of drunken loathing contorted his face. The crows understood; they scattered, cawing their warnings. Maisie closed her eyes. Thomas cocked the gun, and in that moment she knew that whatever he was going to do, she couldn’t stop if she tried.
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makkeuga · 7 years
markhyuck prince/servant au
mark as a prince and hyuck as his servant and..... this is like headcanons i guess 
this is way too long jesus christ good luck 2 reading </33
- ok so mark would be the most admirable prince ever because he is so hard working and modest and kind and all the girls swoon over him tbh
- hyuck is his like... personal servant kinda?? who always wakes him up and makes him his bed and all so he isn't like too low in the hierarchy  
- mark's family didnt want a maid to do that stuff for him bc they dont want their perfect son to feel lust over any girl
- but as we all know, mark isnt really even interested in girls but we will get to that later
- okay so hyuck and mark are very close since hyuck was born to the castle too since his mom was a servant like him and they grew up together
- they are lowkey highkey best friends but !! they have to keep it low because its not suitable for a good boy like mark to hang out with people like donghyuck.
- mark always tells donghyuck his worries and opens up to him before going to bed and he would sit on the edge of his huge bed in his nightgown talking to him and donghyuck would pretend to do some last minute chores so he doesnt have to go just yet
- but of course he always has to go because mark is a prince and donghyuck is just a servant
- all the other boys bore mark so much. he has to attend these fancy ass dinners and all because well, duties, and the other children are just as dull as middle aged men or either too rebellious and talking down to others. mark isnt good at making friends in general even though his parents always tell him to so he tries
- and yet he is always thinking about donghyuck and comparing him to the other boys. donghyuck is always better, always more funnier and more understanding
- so when he gets back to his room donghyuck is waiting for him and mark is on the verge of tears (of frustration) and he almost tears off the fancy clothing he is wearing because its tough to be the perfect prince
- donghyuck would just sigh and take marks hand and rub his thumb over his knuckles and shake his head
- "they are all so horrible, i wish i could take you to those dinners instead"
- "i wouldn't be suitable for that anyway, you have to find a girl to marry who you will take as your companion"
- mark would just go all quiet and shrug his shoulders because mark wants no girl. he is quite convinced donghyuck is all he needs (and his parents, he loves them, really)
- he would also miss the sad look in donghyuck's eyes
- because all the girls swoon over mark but donghyuck is the one who really knows him and who really loves and admires him. not the perfect image but the real mark who gets his palms dirty when he falls off a horse and who whines like a child when he has to get up in the morning
- ok but in the mornings after hyuck has gotten up and ready, he goes to wake mark up. he sneaks carefully into his room and shuts the door and then is when he marches determinedly to the windows and opens the curtains to let the morning rays of sun in
- "good morning sunshine!" he'd yell to mark who would just turn on his side under the heavy blanket and well, whine and groan
- "it's time to rise and shine!" hyuck singsongs the same cliches every morning so it doesnt affect mark anymore so he just closes his eyes
- donghyuck walks to his bed and starts pulling the blanket off but mark just grabs (sleepily!!) donghyuck by his arm and tugs him into the bed next to him and just wraps his arms around the younger boy
- because sleepy mark is also very cuddly mark. its the same thing every morning and it makes donghyuck lose his marbles bc... no.... u cant do that.. ily my bro... thats whats he is thinking
- mark keeps his eyes shut but when he opens them donghyuck's face is so close and the sunshine coming thru the window is reflecting on his eyes and he just looks super beautiful like that and mark is kind of starstruck
- he gets the butterflies and all but he refuses to think about it so he just smiles and laughs with his voice kinda deep because its the morning. mark doesnt understand why donghyuck looks so flustered
- hyuck hits his head with his palm and sighs very loudly
- "you have to get washed up" and drags him up
- donghyuck has known for a very long time that he doesnt like mark only as a friend. he isnt even exactly sure when it escalated to that point bc mark just has always kind of been there and hyuck has seen him grow and mess up and all
- he is /super/ possessive of mark tbh but he never tells the older boy it. like in the whatever space where the servants and maids and all live he can hear the servant girls giggling about how handsome and perfect mark is and how they are jealous of the princess who gets to marry him and donghyuck goes all >:[
- so hyuck would just say something snappy or mean that mark wouldnt like girls like them bc !! he is so jealous !!! bc donghyuck isnt a girl and he is still just a servant after all and it makes him so mad
- donghyuck has some issues with anger management too like nothing super hardcore but anger makes him wanna break bricks
- so he just walks out and tries to find mark
- and like when he is walking somewhere with mark and he sees the girls hyuck just steps closer to mark and glares at them because the older boy is his
- even though he knows he isnt and it wont last but he wants to pretend!
- mark on the other hand had a long, long (ass) ride with realizing what he felt towards hyuck... like where hyuck realized it in their preteens mark only realized it just now as in like... age of 16
- its like... he never really felt attraction to girls anyways or it was always like "i guess they are pretty but thats it" where about donghyuck he was like "my beautiful intelligent funny understanding warm best friend" but it was always like !! best friend !! boys dont like boys !!
- like. highkey in denial
- but it was also bc he was quite young and all so he thought that he will have crushes on girls when he grows up. but he never does and at first he is kind of confused and scared bc everyone is talking abt he will feel strange things towards girls but he never does
- at some point he just puts the two together like... the feelings you should feel towards girls and what he feels towards donghyuck
- again it scares him bc mark is stuck to the stuff he has been taught to!!!
- but after a while he is like.. hyuck is my best friend and i dont wanna lose him bc of this.... so its okay.... and just accepts it (its tough but!!! he manages)
- he doesnt tell hyuck tho
- they both are highkey oblivious but the way they act is so boyfriend-ish anyways so they rlly wouldnt need a lot of chance
- sometimes when the duties and the life in castle gets too much mark asks hyuck to sneak him out
- when he did it for the first time hyuck was hesitant and kind of angry like "??? dont u realize i could get killed for doing this?????" but tbh hyuck is so whipped and cant say no to mark
- and now it happens more often
- mark loves the rush and excitement and seeing the normal life around the town and hyuck just loves to please mark (thats a lie, its not about pleasing but making him happy)
- mark wears a cloak with a hood and keeps his gaze down and narrows his shoulders to appear smaller. he holds donghyucks hand while they r walking on the cobblestone ground bc... he doesnt even have a reason he just wants to hold his hand
- donghyuck doesnt question it bc he doesnt want mark to stop either
- they always have a blast in the town and mark feels normal and ordinary which he likes
- but this time when they r drinking hot chocolate in a narrow street, sitting on a porch, mark doesnt let go of hyucks hand. he just keeps his fingers linked with his while looking away bc he is kinda embarrassed
- they finish their drinks in silence and mark is lowkey sad bc its getting late and they have to go soon but he isnt just ready to let the moment pass so he leans his head on hyuck's shoulder and goes like
- "i dont want this to end. i wanna be normal. with u" and hyuck feels so so so sad
- but they return to the castle, like always
- ok but its mark who confesses bc... he knows he has the upper hand if things would go wrong (which he doesnt wanna talk about)
- its after a fencing practice and mark is all sweaty and gross and covered in mud and mark is gonna take a bath and obviously hyuck is in the bathroom to help him
- but mark is still kind of high on adrenaline while being very exhausted so its a strange state of mind he is in and thats what leads to him just blurting it out (also that how pretty donghyuck looks with a little bit dirt on his cheekbone and messy hair)
- so mark just blurts it out like vomiting "donghyuckilikeyousomuchlikeishouldlikegirlsbutilikeyou"
- and donghyuck is like....excuse me
- like he heard it but ??!!!???!?!?!? his brain is yelling and screaming and he is like what
- mark is coming down to it too and almost taking it back but hyuck is raises his finger saying that shut up, let me think, so mark just stands there lowkey panicking
- "you like me?"
- "im sor---"
- "you, the prince, mark lee, like me?"
- "i didn't----"
- "shut the fuck up"
- and donghyuck just walks to him and kisses him but its not like boom lips on lips action but very careful and gentle and very very clumsy bc neither of them know what they r doing
- but yay! they both realize they love each other!
- also they know it wont be easy but........ they both agree that its worth a try
- and mark gets more of his morning snuggles
and im ending this here its almost 3am adios this was a ride i maybe will continue this someday who knows
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