#Sasquatch Dance
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pokiespout · 1 year
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Self-portrait as a sasquatch waitress named Shannon.
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skookworks · 2 years
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Follow the Instructions
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geryone · 5 months
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Slow Dance with Sasquatch, Jeremy Radin
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07170 · 2 years
anyone have a pdf for jeremy radin’s slow dance with sasquatch?
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armoralor · 2 months
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Happy Birthday ︎★ @sapphicsparkles ︎★ the patron saint of Satine & Bo-Katan Kryze. // There was a time when we weren't enemies. Perhaps that time has come again. // Salt Is For Curing by Sonya Vatomsky // Eclogue by Rosanna Warren // Slow Dance with Sasquatch by Jeremy Radin // Elizabeth (1998) // Battlestar Galactica (2004) // T*RFs fuck off, only interact if you love trans & nonbinary folks ★
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kraken17 · 19 days
“Which ones?”
“Excuse me?”
“Which stories about my family have you heard?” asked Wednesday, putting down the book and fixing her stare on Gates, “The one about my great Aunt Calpurnia and how she danced naked in the town square before seducing a minister? Or maybe you've heard the stories of how Prospecto Addams gave up searching for gold in the Yukon to go live with a family of sasquatches... Perhaps you mean when my Cousin Itt was exhibited in a zoo? Or that time when my parents conceived my little brother in a fit of passion in public during a charity auction…"
-Excerpt from Woeful Feline (a Tale from the Wednesday-Verse), Chapter 5: Slices of Life and Flesh.
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Epilogue: Lilly Tarun
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You were waiting by the harbor, your leg swinging off the ledge you were perched on. You had just watched your boyfriend calmly walk off the dock back at camp, because Chef wanted him to go home, to go to you. That was the only reason he had been voted off in the first place.
By your estimations, your fiancé would be arriving very soon.
Anger was screaming in the back of your head, she knew that once he returned she’d be gone again. Quicker than a lost memory. She was telling you to get up, that you didn’t need anyone and you never needed anyone, she wanted you to grab your backpack, and start running. 
But your heart was aching.
All you wanted.
Was very close.
Suddenly, you saw it. The rickety boat, and unsurprisingly Duncan had thrown the Captain overboard as well, quite a while ago. Duncan was driving, you caught his eyes, and they were dark, sad, and dull. He docked the boat and stepped off, he didn’t know you were there yet. But that didn’t last very long. You let yourself fall off your ledge and onto the boardwalk and began running.
A smile broke on your face and you were whooping for joy. Before you could stop yourself, you launched yourself into a cartwheel which turned into a back handspring which ended with you flying on top of Duncan.
Anger was gone, you felt Duncan wrap his arms around you slowly, as if he didn’t believe you were there. “Am I imagining this?” He whispered his breath tickling your ear. “Mm, you tell me.” You smiled cheekily and landed a thousand kisses across his face causing a small smile to break onto him. “Hola mi vida.” He laughed and hugged you tighter, burrowing his face into your hair. 
“Can’t believe you lost.” You whisper-teased. But Duncan was silent, he had his hand on your stomach, and a shocked expression on his face. He had just felt the kick of Lily or James Tarun. You smiled fondly, you haven't had your period since your second to last night in camp, with Duncan.
“...Baby, are you pregnant?” He whispered and a smile landed on your face. 
“Duncan, you're gonna be a daddy.” You spoke quietly, holding a hand to his face, with a bright smile on your lips. Slowly, a huge smile appeared on your fiancè’s face and he picked you up, gently and twirled you around.
Planning for the wedding was easy as pie. Probably because you let Courtney do mostly everything.
She was so excited the girl had been freaking out. She had Gwen stitch you a beautiful dark green wedding dress. It reached the floor and dragged behind you, it had gold sparkles on the hem, and you had flared sleeves which made you look as if you were floating, you wore gold heels, and simple makeup. 
You stared at yourself on the day of your wedding. “Are you sure it’s okay?” Gwen was super nervous. She hadn’t done stitch work in forever.
In all honesty it was fine, just a little long. There was exactly one hour until the ceremony began. All the girl campers were herded into the bridal suite trying to calm you down. You nodded and smiled softly. “It’s great, Gwen.” You smiled, but Eva disagreed. “You think it’s too long.” Her eyes flickered up and down your body. 
Gwen laughed.
“I figured that would happen. So when it’s time to dance, just tug at whatever size you’d prefer and the rest of the dress will come off easily, making it the perfect size.” Gwen explained. “I still think you should’ve worn the monkey outfit I bought you! You could’ve attracted a sasquatch.” Izzy complained and you smiled ruffling her hair in a motherly fashion.
Sadie clapped her hands together and jumped up and down excitedly. “You look so pretty.” Katie whispered, you squeezed her hand.
Each of your bridesmaids had their preferred color and dress style. Bridgette wore an ocean-blue cocktail dress, Leshawna wore a cream-colored wrap dress, Gwen wore a dark blue victorian-style dress, Sadie and Katie wore neon pink rompers with beautiful sleeves, Izzy wore a rainbow colored jumpsuit, Courtney wore a greenish-brownish criss-cross dress, Lindsay wore a crimson red sundress, and Eva wore a blue suit.
Bridgette came up to the mirror and you made eye contact through the glass. “Are you doing okay?” She mouthed. You nodded a watery smile playing on your face.
The entire group of girls awed and gave you a big bear-hug. 
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Leshawna quickly opened it up, ready to yell at whatever boy it was this time. But instead it was your unofficial brother's girlfriends. “We thought she needed a hug.” Jasmine said with tears in her eyes, she was Leo’s girlfriend.
You all had a big group hug, with yourself in the middle.
“Remember, you have loved that idiot since you were born, right? You're perfect for each other.” Luna, Avery’s girlfriend, gave you a quick hug. It was five minutes till it was time. “Now this was forty dollars worth of makeup, do NOT make me cry,” The girl was fanning her face.
The rest of the bridesmaids did the same, all choking on their tears.
It was time. You sat at the end of the bridal train, holding your bouquet, your arm was linked with Chef’s. Who had a small smile on his face, and was biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying. Izzy was in front of you, linked arms with Gwen. But just before it was time, Izzy turned around and walked quickly to you. 
“You have been more of a mother for me, then either of my parents ever had. I love you, and you deserve the world, mami.” The girl smiled watery and wrapped her arms around you. You choked on a sob. “I love you too, kiddo.” You hadn’t even realized it. But you already had a kid. Izzy Connelley, this freaky redhead, who you’d give anything for.
She quickly walked up to her spot with her arm intertwined with Gwen’s as the music began.
“Are you scared?” Chef asked, it was almost time for you to walk up. You thought for a moment.
“I’m not scared of a lot of things. He makes me fearless.” You said with a small nod. Chef smiled. This friendly, terrifying, angry, delinquent kid made him so excited for his little girls to grow up. 
He hoped they’d be just like you.
Then you stepped out into the shaded area, the wedding was covered by the trees. So you’d have some privacy. There were all the sane contestants back together again, in one area, for a wedding, and if people knew about that there’d be hordes and hordes of screaming fans.
You looked out at the people, with crooked smiles on their faces. 
You stifled a laugh as Leo flipped you off, which caused him to get punched by Avery, which caused them both to get punched by their partners. You felt your heart skip a beat once you saw your father standing by Duncan’s mom. After all these years it was still hard not to get mad at him, to not yell, but instead you just smiled.
Then you saw Duncan, who was staring at you with a dumbfounded expression. You waved slyly, and a light blush pulled itself on his cheeks. He wore a dark green suit and his typical hair. You finally reached the platform and stepped on, giving Chef a kiss on the cheek.
“You hurt her and I’ll be putting your butt in my next dish, got that, Tarun?” He ordered the boy, who gave him a mock salute with a cheeky smile.
“Can’t believe we’re getting married.” He mouthed. You both stood in front of each other as DJ spoke, he was the priest, and was going on about legacy currently. “I can.” You mouthed before winking. Duncan raised an eyebrow as DJ finally got onto vows.
The boy was still staring at you, so DJ had to hit him over the head with the bible causing Duncan to curse. “You said you wrote your vows, now say them, dude.” DJ shook his head, before turning to you. “You could’ve had any dude, girl.” He said, disbelieving, causing you to laugh.
“Y/N L/N, I’d choose you in a hundred lifetimes, a hundred words, in any version of reality I’d choose you. I’d find you, I’d choose you. I love the way your eyebrows crease when you're upset, I love the way you can juggle balls but not pens, I love the way you talk, the way you breathe, the way you live. I love you. I have loved you since I first met you. When I was younger, there was this girl who I adored, and whenever she laughed it was like a question, and all I wanted was the answer. That girl was you, it will always be you.” 
“Now it’s your turn, Y/N.” DJ pointed at you and you smiled squeezing Duncan’s hand. 
“Duncan Tarun, you are more me, then I am. Whatever our souls are made of, whatever is left of them, mine and yours are the same. I thought I was unworthy of love, because I was alone for a really long time, my dad was not in his mind, and no one talked to me. But there was you, my neighbor who I had been in love with since forever, you made me remember what it felt like, to feel, to breathe. The only reason I live the way I do, is because my bestfriend. Duncan Tarun, if I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to have you in each one. Because what good is a puzzle without her missing piece?” 
Both of you turned to look at Duncan’s brothers and shook your heads, nearly in sync. “How did we get married before you?” Duncan sighed. 
“Now, I pronounce you idiot and girl in love with idiot. You may kiss the bride.” DJ laughed as Duncan grabbed you, and covered your face in kisses.
The entire place erupted into cheers from everywhere. The brothers were screaming and doing whatever older brothers do, your parents were smiling, the bridesmaids were outright sobbing, Eva was looking at everyone awkwardly but smiling all the same, Izzy was whooping and swinging from light to light, the groomsmen were ruffling Duncan’s hair, and giving you fistbumps. 
Now it was time for the party.
It was amazing. Everything about it was so perfect. You watched fondly as Izzy tackled Lindsay effectively breaking her phone. Duncan’s favorite song was playing right now, and you and him were dancing together. Trent was in charge of being the DJ. Your messed up, ugly, beautiful, insane, crazy, calm, family danced until they were breathing heavily.
You were dancing with Lindsay, giggling about Heather when your father came up to you. His hair was turning gray, he was thin, and had permanent bags under his eyes. “Can I have this dance?” He held his hand out. “Is this your grandpa?” Lindsay murmured in your ear and you shooed her off. You stared at the hand, your heart pounding.
This wasn’t right, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
You did not invite your father because you wanted to forgive him, you invited him as a common courtesy. That did not mean you had to talk to him. 
Duncan came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist kissing your neck, before realizing who was in front of you, and he paused, his body tensing with anger. “Mr. L/N, what do you want?” He said very quietly. “I want a dance with my daughter, who I have not seen in a very long time.” Your father replied. 
Duncan stepped in between you both and bent down a little to look you in the eyes. “¿Quieres bailar con él, vida mía?” Which roughly translates into, ‘do you want to dance with him, my life?’. You nodded curtly and Duncan stepped away squeezing your shoulders.
You began to dance with your father.
“You look so much like your mother.” Your father kissed your forehead, and you flinched away. His eyes softened. “Honey, you know why I sent you away. Duncan’s father made me.” He explained. That turned on a switch in your mind.
“All of my life, you have made excuses on why you left me to the wolves. Mom died when I was a child, and as far as I know, so did my dad. You barely talked to me growing up, you never fed me, you never even told me you love me. So stop making excuses, Miles.” You hissed. Your dad recoiled.
“I gave you every opportunity to succeed. You got sent to the best camps, and got the best training. Any trauma those camps caused only made you stronger.” He returned. Your anger was back and with a vengeance.
“I WAS SEVEN. THE ONLY THING SUPPOSED TO BE MAKING ME STRONGER WAS MILK.” You screamed, your vision was turning red. Suddenly there were arms around you.
Duncan’s arms were around your waist picking you up, even though you were screaming and kicking, and Duncan’s mom guided you off. The groomsmen escorted your father off the property and the bridesmaids all glared at him.
Duncan and his mom put you in a room and closed the door. You were fanning your face. “Lindsay spent five hours on this makeup, I swear if one tear-” You groaned. Artemis walked over to you, with a soft smile.
“Honey, my husband was not a very nice-man and I see that resemblance in your father. Grief makes people do crazy things.” She whispered. “That anger is why my son adores you.” Artemis laughed softly. She was always quite timid. “She’s right, you know.” Duncan was leaning against the door his arms crossed.
“This is supposed to be our day, Scorpion. Do not let anyone else get in the way of that.” Duncan sighed, walking over to you and wrapping you in a hug.
Artemis stared at you both. Her son, and her unofficial daughter. Two crazy kids in love. She knows that you will kiss away all of her son’s scars, and make him a little more whole each passing day. Because the way you look at Duncan only proves how much you love him.
As you all walked out, the bridesmaids flocked over to you. “Do you want me to give your daddy a whoopin 'cause I will,” Leshawna had a hand on her hip looking at you. You laughed. “It's alright.” Courtney raised a hand “Do you want me to drain his bank account?” she held up a computer which held his bank information… somehow..
“Guys, I’m fine. Now let’s get this wedding back on!”
Duncan and Izzy were having a drink off, Owen and DJ were talking with your brothers, Gwen and Trent were still DJing, the brothers gfs/bfs were watching their partners fondly, Courtney and Leshawna were dancing, Lindsay and Eva were taking pictures, Artemis was picking up, Chef and his wife were slow-dancing. 
You were holding your stomach, content with feeling the kicks of baby Lily Tarun.
Suddenly a very drunk Chris walked in the room. You stood up quickly, that embarrassed camper instinct still very there. But it was replaced with anger. You wanted to hit him again. You really wanted to hit him again.
Owen sat on Duncan before he could do anything, and Leshawna and Eva grabbed both of your arms. 
“Just let him be, Scorpion.” Eva whispered, and eventually the struggle stopped and they dropped your arms and Duncan pushed Owen off of him.
“I have this thing where I get older but never wiser.” Chris and Owen were drunk singing and you wanted to shoot your brains out. “This is torture,” You grumbled as Avery walked over to you. “Hey kid.” He smiled ruffling your hair. 
“Hey, loser.” You stuck your tongue out at Avery and he jokingly flicked it.
You watched as James took a camera off a place you didn’t know a camera was and you rolled your eyes. “Why is your brother spying on us?” You asked your head on Duncan’s shoulder. The green-haired boy shrugged. “He said he did it for the vine.” He took a sip of his whiskey and you had to resist grabbing it.
“One thing I miss is alcohol.” You grumbled, sniffing the cup longingly. Duncan laughed. “You see, you're an alcoholic, and I’m a drug addict. We’re a perfect pair.” that caused you to laugh. Duncan looked up and saw Leo yelling that it was time for a picture.
[Picture description:
You and Duncan were kissing, his arms around your waist and your arms around his neck, Bridgette was the only one looking at the camera, Geoff had an arm wrapped around her hip and was kissing the top of her head. Izzy was swinging from the headlights and fell mid-air, Owen was trying to catch her. Trent and Gwen were at the DJ stand looking at records, Eva had her arms crossed and was looking at the ceiling in annoyance, Leshawna was laughing and staring at Owen laughing, DJ was watering the bouquet in your hand, Lindsay had her eyes closed and was smiling, Courtney was shaking her head in exasperation, the brothers were wrestling, and their partners were taking shots of tequila, Chef had his daughters crawling up him and he was laughing, and Sadie and Katie were hugging clearly very happy.]
The camera pans out and it shows the picture framed, and in red ink has the words ‘Family’ with a small heart by it. The camera pans out further and you see it's in a bar, and in the corner the words ‘The Total Drama Bar’ and you see a man with green hair serving up drinks, and a pregnant lady walking down the stairs holding her daughter…
Lily Tarun. 
Lily and James were searching in your bedroom looking for money. They found an old box that had the words ‘TDI’ on it. “Oi, James, look at this.” Lily ordered her younger brother who quickly walked over and sat on his knees beside his sister.
They opened up the box. Which was full of pictures. Their dad had green hair, which was odd. Grandpa Chef was in the pictures, as well as their aunts and uncles. Suddenly you walked into the room with a fond smile on your face.
“Okay troublemakers, who wants to hear the story about a place called Total Drama Island…” both of your kids raised their hands and came running to you as you sat on the bed holding the pictures.
“Now be warned kids, nothing about this story is false, but all of it is dangerous. It starts off in juvie, in a city far, far away…”
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tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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peaceofflights · 1 year
Being in a Relationship With Wally Clark Would Include:
A/N: Someone asked me for a part two to “Falling in love with Wally Clark” where reader confesses their feelings to Wally. For that, and to understand some of the context I suggest going back and reading “What’s Three Years in the Eyes of Eternity.” which is bookmarked on my page!
Warning: this one delves a bit more into your physical relationship, nothing is too explicit. However, if you don’t like don’t read.
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Being in a relationship with Wally Clark would include:
•You expecting things to change a lot, but in reality they don’t. You still do pretty much the same things as before… with some added perks.
•Holding hands everywhere you go. If Wally thought you were a hand holder before, he had no idea. It makes you feel connected to him to hold his hand, even if you’re doing absolutely nothing.
•If you’re in a conversation with other people holding pinkies, that way you aren’t too on top of each other.
• Coming up with the most ridiculous nick names for each other. They start off cute, but eventually just start getting really weird.
“Awe, my honey bear”
“Life is short puddin’ pop.”
“My adorable little doo doo”
“The cutest Sasquatch in town.”
•All of the forehead kisses. It started because your friends wouldn’t stop making gagging noises every time you two kissed. So now every time he has to part from you he leaves a very sweet but overly dramatic kiss to your head.
•He’s kind of the obsessed with you. When you’re across from each other either in the cafeteria, Football Field, or Theater you can often catch him staring at you. I mean he did this before your started dating, but instead of pretending to look away or do something else if you catch him; now he’ll give you a wink that of course leads to a lot of blushing on both ends.
•You’ve taken to calling him your puppy dog, since of course he is! At first it was just to other people but once he accidentally heard it come out of your mouth he couldn’t stop beaming. So from that moment forward he was to referred to as puppy.
•If you don’t call him puppy when your alone he’ll get mad.
“Um excuse me!? Who is Wally? Do we know a Wally? I am your puppy? I’m a good boy.”
It’s absolutely ridiculous, and he’s mostly kidding, but it’s just really adorable.
•The two of you do a lot of the same activities you did before you started dating; trying to find good movies to watch in the library, playing endless games of hide and seek, creating your own secret language. However, there are also some new things you do too…
•Yeah… LOTS of new things.
•It starts out pretty innocent, but after the homecoming dance things moved a little faster than they should have.
• Clothes were removed, hands were found in inappropriate places.
•Which brings you back to today. Neither of you by any means are blushing virgins, your college years were good to you. But you both agree that you have your entire after after life to spend together, you don’t need to spend every moment jumping each other’s bones.
•However, you two definitely aren’t saints and your new found physical relationship is one you love exploring.
• Though sometimes Wally’s age and slight less experience leads to some interesting situations. It doesn’t matter how many times you remind him, it feels like every morning you wake up to find some sort of new bruise highlighted on your skin. Which then leads to the never ending bullying of your friends.
•Look he’s your puppy and adore him, but also it would nice if you could go anywhere without being covered head to neck in hickies.
•Though his smirk when you bring it up you helps you realize it was in fact NOT an accident.
•He brings you gifts to make you smile. Sometimes it’s a poorly painted canvas he made in the art room or him serenading you to your favorite song, but it made you realize that you need to step up you girlfriend skills. Which leads you to finally letting him teach you to play football.
• It’s the first time you really focus and attempt to learn the rules and even if you aren’t very good you’ve never seen him so happy.
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moviehealthcommunity · 4 months
This pinned post contains every movie we have determined to be safe for photosensitive audiences! This will be updated as new titles enter and leave theaters. This is NOT medical advice. These are just titles to which we have given flashing lights scores of 0 or 1 out of 10.
*=currently in theaters
The 40-Year-Old Virgin 80 for Brady Abominable American Fiction Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Away From Her A Bad Moms Christmas The Ballad of Buster Scruggs The Beguiled The Big Sick The Bikeriders Billy Madison Book Club: The Next Chapter The Breakfast Club Casablanca Challengers Cheaper by the Dozen (2022) The Christmas Chronicles A Christmas Story Christmas Christopher Robin Cinderella (2015) Clerks Cocaine Bear Coco Coming to America Crazy Rich Asians Crimson Peak Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Cyrano Daddy's Home Daddy's Home 2 Dear Evan Hansen Dirty Dancing Dogma Dolores Claiborne Downhill Downton Abbey Drive My Car Eight Crazy Nights Eileen Elemental Elf Enemy Ever After: A Cinderella Story Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile The Fighting Preacher Five Feet Apart Gladiator Going in Style The Goldfinch Good Will Hunting Green Book The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug The Hurt Locker The Hustle I Don't Know How She Does It The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild IF In Bruges Instant Family Interview with the Vampire It Ends with Us* It's a Wonderful Life Jojo Rabbit Kimi Knives Out Last Christmas The Laundromat Little Women (2019) Lizzie Logan Lucky The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Luca Lying and Stealing Ma Rainey's Black Bottom A Madea Christmas Madea's Family Reunion Madea's Witness Protection Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Mallrats A Man Called Otto The Many Saints of Newark Marriage Story Mary Poppins Returns Mary Queen of Scots Mean Girls (2004) The Menu Miracle of 34th Street (1994) Misery Monty Python's Life of Brian Mrs. Doubtfire The Muppet Christmas Carol Muppet Treasure Island Murder Mystery Next Goal Wins Night at the Museum Office Space On the Basis of Sex Origin Pan's Labyrinth Past Lives The Perfection The Polar Express The Power of the Dog A Prayer Before Dawn Psycho (1960) Psycho (1998) Pulp Fiction The Report The Rhythm Section Rise of the Planet of the Apes Roma The Room Rudy The Santa Clause The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Sasquatch Sunset Seven Psychopaths The Shallows Shanghai Noon Shaun the Sheep Movie The Shining Shrek the Third Smokey and the Bandit Son In Law Spencer The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) Three Thousand Years of Longing Ticket to Paradise Uncut Gems United 93 West Side Story (1961) The Whale Windfall The Wizard of Oz Women Talking Won't You Be My Neighbor? Worth Zombieland: Double Tap The Zone of Interest
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #234
It rained today!! It rained a lot!! And there was thunder booming outside and everything!!!
…SO I WENT OUTSIDE!!!! But I didn't get any pictures; it was raining so hard that I felt it best to leave both my glasses and my cellphone at home.
And I ran!! And I looked up at the sky and let the rain fall onto my hair and face!! And I let my shoes glide along the surfaces of puddles, spraying water everywhere!!! And I found some really deep puddles to stomp around in and I kicked the water up into the air, and I listened to the booming thunder in the distance, and…!! and…!!! AND…!!!!
Well, of course I got soaked. The insides of my boots got all squishy and weird, hahaha! My hair became a shaggy, sopping mess. My clothing was literally dripping wet.
And then there was the guy in the groundskeeper's cart. I wasn't expecting anyone to be around because it really was raining super hard outside. But still he was there, and… goodness, I felt more than a little self-conscious; I'm very well aware that it's not "normal" for a grown person to frolic in the rain with reckless abandon. The fact that joy is not considered normal in my world is beyond my understanding (and is probably a large part of what's fucking wrong with this place), but it is what it is.
…Still, who fucking cares? I only get one shot at making life awesome for the soft animal that carries my soul, and I am autistic; I am socially unacceptable by default anyfuckingway, so what do I have to lose? So after pausing to bow at the man, and after engaging in brief, but pleasant conversation, in my own mind, I waved a great big huge middle finger at the lingering echoes of past people who tell me I should be ashamed of myself, and I continued to fucking frolic, like a goddamn BOSS. Those old thoughts are terrorists, and we don't fucking negotiate with terrorists.
And you know what!!! After that, I found a particularly deep puddle!!! It was so deep that the water went all the way up to the middle of my shins!!! IT WAS FUCKING GREAT!!!! And so I jumped and splashed and twirled around and stomped and kicked the water EVERYWHERE!!!! It was WONDERFUL!!!
The man came by in his cart again, this time with another man riding in the cart. So I turned and bowed to them once more. They told me that pretty soon, they were going to try to drain the puddles; they wanted to let me know because they thought I looked like I was having fun, and they didn't want me to be sad unexpectedly. So I thanked them, and I bid them peace, safety, and luck, and I told them that I hope they find excuses to dance today. And then I went home. I took my time. I jumped in a few more puddles. I rolled around in some wet grass. But I went home. And it was good.
Of course, by the time I got home, I maybe looked like a bit of a sasquatch, hahaha! So J took a few pictures; I am at home, so in these, I am not bothering to hide the weird ways that the autism and the dyspraxia and the hypermobility make me move and hold myself (people get uncomfortable and unsettled when I don't mask...); for today at least, I do not fucking care! And for today at least, I think maybe these will make you smile, even just a little:
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...In case you wonder why autistic people tend to do "t-rex arms"? It's because we're more likely to be hypermobile, and keeping our biceps partially flexed prevents the humerus from coming out of its socket from the effects of gravity. The more you know!
For whatever reason, J then asked me to do my "best impression of a cheese goblin." It's very silly, but he asked, and what he asks for, he gets!
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...I, uh... I think I accidentally did a "Frankenstein" instead of a "cheese goblin". And I tried to be really scary, but I don't think I was very successful, because I couldn't keep a straight face while doing it for very long, as you could see, ahahaha~!
Anyway, so everything I was wearing was covered in rainwater. So I had to take it all off and put it in the washer and then change into dry things! And then I put it all in the dryer, and it should be mostly dry now, I think??? My boots might need a few more cycles, but that's okay. I don't mind.
The rain stopped just a little, shortly after I got home. But then, while I was writing this letter to you, it began again, although not quite as strongly as before! Sometimes I think maybe you might miss the rain, so I tried to snag a video of it for you:
Hey, Sephiroth!!! If you're in my neighborhood the next time it rains like this, let's go outside and dance, okay??? And let's go splash around in the puddles and run around with wet hair and dripping clothes and soggy boots, and let's yell and laugh right back at the thunder and give permission for the wind and the rain to caress our faces!!! And then let's go home and be cheese goblins or Frankensteins or whatever!!! And then we can get cookies or macaroni and cheese!! It'll be fun, I promise!!!
You know what, Sephiroth!! You know what! I think I'm gonna play some Dead Cells now; it has been far too long!! Come and join me if you want to!!
I will end this here for today!! I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had fun writing it!!
I love you!!! Please stay safe and work hard out there, okay? But don't work so hard that you break, got it??? You wouldn't want me to come snatch you up and sentence you to a thousand years of cookies and milk and cartoons and macaroni and cheese and nature walks and yummy tea, would you????
...Who am I kidding? Of course you would! But please don't overwork yourself until you break, anyway, okay? I'm sure you remember what happened last time. I'm sure you don't wanna repeat your mistakes. I'm sure you wanna be able to make better choices.
Do your best, okay? I'll write again soon!
Your friend, Lumine
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pupyr0arz · 6 months
Werewolf!sam/dean. Continuation of I could eat god. Wip.
Scene sam is shaving, dean is on the bed. Dean is dancing around the wolfism. Sam lets him
The silence is the strangest thing about their new morning routine. He would’ve expected a joke, being called a Sasquatch, the endless complaining from his brother that happened if he ever grew anything like a 5 o'clock shadow. Instead, he wakes with what feels like a full beard, and if he isn’t feeling like lying to himself that day, looks like one too. He slinks into the bathroom and doesn’t leave until it’s gone. Dean doesn’t say a word, just pretends like the shuffling sound of Sam getting up didn’t wake him up in the first place. 
It feels like a regression to months ago, what feels like years now.  When Jess was raw and sharp between them, and Dean was all harshness and catching edges as he watched Sam’s every movement like he would cut and run. Sam was almost tempted to then, if to just prove that he would, could, untangle himself again. 
Now Sam just aches at the glances and aborted twitches, wishes he could reach out and hold Dean’s hand tight and assure him he won’t leave. He can’t, now. He’s Dean’s problem. That smarts. It used to be ruffled hair and sitting in the backseat instead of shotgun.
Schrödinger’s dilemma, if it exists when unadressed.
Sam’s shotgun is still back at that city. Dean had stepped over it, not glanced at it twice. Dean’s sits in the trunk. Loaded. Like always. Sam knows it’s lead, when it should be silver, but he didn’t see for sure. 
Dean silently buys him extra razors. The shirt he was wearing is replaced, folded neatly in his pack like Sam put it there himself.
He makes himself scarce in the morning, scoping out diners. Sam’s never been hungrier in his life, not even when he was more spine than sinew, all growing pains and spite.
Sam orders salads. Gets water, chicken if he’s feeling adventurous, eats croutons dipped in ranch and celery sticks. Dean pushes him plates after he finishes, and he eats them too, licks the plates clean of grease. On paper, to the waitress, to the world, when they sit down it’s salads. 
Business as usual.
It would be easier to just keep a beard, but Dean has always resented anything that makes him look older, divorces Sam from the child in his mind and the wound is too raw to want to rock the boat in Dean’s affections. It would be easier to admit, to allow their rocky routine they patched together fade into something new, but Dean has his teeth in their childhood and Sam isn’t strong enough to worry it out of his mouth. 
At this point, Sam is half convinced there isn’t anything he could do to truly chase Dean off other than leave himself, but he’s not going to aggravate him. He can’t be left alone with this.
Besides, he doesn’t feel like it would be right. It’s irrational, but it feels like he might as well toss the books hidden in the bottom of his duffle and his Stanford hoodie if he hands this up too. Like if all they had in the world would crumble away if they dropped these rituals, all signs that Sam and Dean from before any of this would fade in the sun.
They cling to the normalcy of before for their own reasons, he supposes.
Sam should bring it up, should break the thick layer of ice over the subject. He deserves to know, if anything, and the worry eats away at him day and night.  Except, he doesn’t. He lets them have their little games, dancing around the subject over and over again, lets the silence fill the car and ferment. 
Sam tried once, on the third day after. He had taken a jackhammer to it and swung gracelessly, had screamed and even cried a bit, pointed and pushed and yelled.
Dean had said a single word on the subject, pulling Sam off the floor and wiping the blood from his face and hands, picking splinters from raw skin. Just one small word, said so, wretchedly Sam had shut up and sat down. The shotgun stayed in its place in the truck. 
They don’t have any direction now. Sam had dug for the burner connected to Dad, and hadn't found a trace. Either Dean was hiding it, trying to keep Sam safe in some asinine way, or things had gotten far worse than he thought.
notes to self: Sam originally doesn’t notice how hungry for meat he is. Dean feeds this and then eventually just confronts him with human flesh. Sam is like wtf—oh. Dean is only going to do this when he’s sure sam WILL eat it bc he’s not playing abt this. Sam eating=people dying whatever. Sam will get used to it and so will Dad they Have To no other option in his head
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numinousmysteries · 8 months
Dancing the Tandava (3/10)
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Washington, D.C. 1993
It’s only a few months into her assignment on the X-Files and Scully has made it a point to arrive at the office on time. Still, her perplexing partner always manages to get there first. It’s as if he sleeps in this underground lair or he’s afraid to leave her alone in his sacred space. Neither would shock her.
She doesn’t have a handle on Mulder quite yet. His intelligence fascinates and intimidates her. Trying to keep up with his mental leaps leaves her breathless. His ideas are out there, but his hunches are correct an eerie amount of the time. The unexplainable phenomena she’s seen piques her innate curiosity even though none of it fits into her framework of the coherent, reassuringly knowable universe.
He has every right to treat her with disdain. He had her number as a spy (albeit an unwilling and increasingly disobedient one) from their first meeting, and her doubting nature and innate need to play by the book only slows him down. But he seems truly interested in her thoughts and ideas even if they don’t align with his own. She was mortified when she nearly stripped in front of him on their first case to show him the marks on her back, but he never made her feel embarrassed.
Her job is to keep tabs on him but the more cases they investigate together, the more inclined she feels to protect him and his work. Her loyalty is slowly shifting from the establishments she’s long unquestionably trusted to Mulder and his singular quest.
When she shows up this crisp November morning, he’s already at his desk thumbing through a file. He’s wearing thin, wire-framed glasses and a tie with a dizzying, Escher-esque maroon and olive pattern. She thinks he’s handsome, then pushes the thought away. Getting involved with superiors and co-workers is a habit she’s actively trying to break.
“Morning, Scully,” he says, without looking up.
“Morning,” she replies, coming to sit across from him. “Anything interesting?” She gestures to the file on the desk.
“That depends,” he says, taking off his reading glasses and making eye contact with her. This boyish smile and the gleam behind his eyes are already familiar to her. They’re signs he’s found a case that’ll likely lead them into trouble. It both scares and excites her. “How interested are you in the Fouke monster, a.k.a. the Southern Sasquatch, a.k.a. the Swamp Stalker?”
“I have to admit it’s never crossed my mind,” she says.
“Oh, Scully.” His smile widens. “You’re in for a treat.” He turns the file around so she can read it. The first thing she notices is an amateur sketch of a Bigfoot-like creature with red eyes.
“A giant, hairy creature first spotted in Fouke, Arkansas, in the mid-nineteenth century, the Fouke monster has been described as being over 10-feet tall with glowing blood-red eyes. In 1971, Bobby and Elizabeth Ford of Fouke reported that the creature had broken into their home. A neighbor actually shot at it, and supposedly made contact, but it wandered off into the night. That was the last sighting, until a week ago when a group of teenagers camping out at nearby Boggy Creek say he got into their tent and stole all of their rations, including two family-size bags of Doritos.”
“Is Doritos theft a federal crime?” she asks him with a raised eyebrow. He better have more evidence than the shaky testimony of some teenagers to go off. “Or do you just want to go Sasquatch hunting?”
“By the tone of your voice I can tell you’ve never had the pleasure of goin’ squatchin,’' he says, his hazel eyes lighting up as they meet hers. It’s almost enough to make her blush.
The shrill ringing of the phone on his desk interrupts them before she can respond.
“Mulder,” he answers. She can hear the garbled sound of a male voice on the other end of the line.
“My what?” Mulder shouts into the phone, startling her. “Who is he?...Okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can.”
He hangs up the phone and turns his attention back to her. “Change of plans,” he says. “The Fouke monster will have to wait. We’re headed to Montauk. East End of Long Island.”
While she’s partly relieved she won’t have to interview a bunch of stoned teenagers about their alleged monster sighting, the rapid shift in Mulder’s attention gives her whiplash.
“What’s in Montauk?” she asks.
“A historic lighthouse, the shark hunter who inspired Jaws, and actually decent surfing for the East Coast,” he says, grinning at her.
“And yet why do I suspect you aren’t going to ask me to pack a wetsuit?” she asks.
He gives her a shoulder shrug and a pouty lower lip. “I wouldn’t stop you.”
“Seriously, Mulder,” she says, starting to lose her patience. “Why are we going to Montauk?”
“A disoriented young man has appeared at a decommissioned army base and specifically asked to speak with us.” He’s already up out of his chair digging through a filing cabinet.
“Did he mention what he’s so desperate to talk to us about?” she asks, trying to see what files he’s gathering.
“He says he’s from the future. The year 2023 to be exact.”
Scully laughs. “Mulder, that’s ridiculous. He’s probably some UFO fanatic who wants to meet you.”
Mulder shakes his head. He’s taking this seriously. “I think you overestimate my popularity,” he says.
“What about Max Fenig? He said he’d been following your work for years and that he’s not the only one.”
“Well, no one else has ever claimed to be my son before,” Mulder says. “Or that you’re his mother.”
She’s immediately taken back. Mulder has proposed a lot of improbable theories and ideas during their partnership, but this one might be the most ludicrous. He’s already grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair but Scully raises her hand to stop him.
“Mulder, wait,” she insists. “I don’t have to tell you how ridiculous that is. While I can’t speak for you, I know I don’t have a child, and I can say with total certainty that we’ve never had one together. Besides, you said ‘young man.’ How old is he?”
“I don’t know,” Mulder responds. “The officer said early 20s. He didn’t have any identification with him.”
“We were children ourselves 20 years ago,” she says, barely resisting an eye roll. “I can all but guarantee you this is someone pulling a prank.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you,” Mulder says. “But I have a feeling we should check this out. It’s not just what he said, it’s where he turned up.”
“Montauk?” she asks, confused.
“Not just anywhere in Montauk. At Camp Hero.”
“Yes, a decommissioned army base as you said,” she repeats.
“A supposedly decommissioned army base,” he grins. “CIA operatives at Camp Hero have reportedly been using extraterrestrial technology for experiments on everything from mind control and weather manipulation to the creation of wormholes for time travel. The project allegedly shut down in the 1980s when the base closed, but I’ve heard rumors that the work never stopped.”
He flips a file open on the desk facing her. Inside is a black and white photo of a giant radar tower and a hand-drawn blueprint of a building with rooms labeled “hypnosis lab” and “carrier oscillator.”
She tilts her head at him and squints. This is a lot, even for Mulder.
“So your theory is that you and I have a son who’s traveled back in time to—what? Come say hi?” she asks.
Mulder shrugs. “You said it yourself in your thesis: ‘Although common sense may rule out the possibility of time travel, the laws of quantum physics certainly do not.’”
If she did believe in time travel, this would be the perfect moment to return to her undergraduate days and choose a new thesis topic for her future partner to one day quote back to her.
“I know what I wrote, Mulder,” she says. “But that was a theoretical argument not a practical one. I was discussing the possibility of time dilation, an expanding or contracting of relative time as it’s experienced. There’s no science or technology that would actually allow someone to move forward or backward in time.”
“No science or technology that we know of yet,” he counters. “Let’s see what our boy cooked up in 2023.”
There is always the option not to leave with him—to stay in the office and write up a report while he goes chasing what is almost certainly a dead end—but she knows she’ll never choose that door. Instead, she retrieves her coat from the hook on the back of the office door and follows her frustrating, beguiling partner.
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Tags: @cadybear420 @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor @choicesmc
Comment/reblog if I should do a band incorrect quotes
Jeremy: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Emma: Self- esteem, haven't seen you in years! Mia: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Payton: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Sydney: My moral code, is that you? Jeremy: Jeremy: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Jeremy: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched? Sydney: IT. Mia: Annabelle. Payton: Paranormal Activity. Emma: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
Emma: You know what I learned from my friendship with Mia? Sydney: There's no such thing as too mean? Payton: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them? Jeremy: Always hold a grudge?
Emma: What does “take out” mean? Sydney: Food. Jeremy: Dating. Mia: Murder. Payton: It can be all three if you're brave enough.
Jeremy: Payton's refusing to wear her glasses! Payton: Jeremy, look, I wore the glasses for a day. My eyes are much better now. Watch. Payton: * points to Sydney* Sydney. Payton: * points to Mia* Mia. Payton: * points to Emma* Sasquatch.
Jeremy: Bye Emma! Bye Sydney! Bye Mia! Bye Payton! Bye Emma! Sydney: You said 'bye Emma' twice. Jeremy: I like Emma.
The gang's thoughts on stabbing Emma: Would never stab anyone. Payton: Would stab someone in retaliation. Sydney: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Mia: Would stab without warning. Jeremy: Would stab as a warning.
Payton: What did you guys get in your yearbook? Sydney: 'Prettiest Smile' Mia: 'Nicest Personality' Jeremy: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Emma: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Sydney: What makes you all smile? Emma: Friends and Family. Payton: Snacks. Mia: Victory and success. Jeremy: Face muscles.
Mia: Guys… the principal just called— Payton: It was Emma! Emma: It was Sydney! Sydney: It was Jeremy! Jeremy: It was me!
Jeremy: Why are your tongues purple? Sydney: We had slushies.I had a blue one. Mia: I had a red one. Jeremy: oh Jeremy: Jeremy: OH Emma: Emma: You drank each other's slushies?
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geryone · 5 months
Tumblr media
Slow Dance with Sasquatch, Jeremy Radin
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derpoprime · 29 days
— Scrunkly Week Day 5
prompt(s): laughter in the cold fog, dream of a winter wonder
absolutely no beta reading for this; if i die, i die. and if i hate this when i wake up in the morning, i'll just have to suck it up. godbless selfshipping, may self pawtrait live on forever. amen.
Hell froze over for another stretch of time. Nothing happened, really, it's just that time of the season for the Devildom again. Strung up lights and rumors of romance danced about the air as human world Christmas drew near. Everyone knew Diavolo would celebrate it. That's why they've all gotten ready beforehand.
Three, in particular, have taken to an adventure this winter. Footprints in sets of three went off into the woods, and only because Bearjollnr swore he'd seen a sort of fantastical animal headed this way.
Three went to two feet crunched in the snow as Asmo picked him up off the ground for easier travel (and because the viking had gotten very tired on running with his tiny legs). By this point they were halfway in the Forbidden Forest. No signs of anything, albeit Nybbas clearly sees something in the way the air shifted. He turned his head about, honed in on auditory cues the other two couldn't hear.
"Maybe... was I mistaken?" Bearjollnr began aloud, to himself.
A few steps ahead of them, Nybbas continued to mutter sentences to the air; whether or not those sentences connected was yet to be seen.
Asmo sighed, the cold painting his breath in wisps of white. He stood there for a while, as he held Bearjollnr in his arms and stared at his Sweet Little Pome and let the world drift off. Nothing in this life could stop that man. Not if the effort pushed him to his limits. Not when he was having such a blast like this.
Oh, but Asmo knew he could stop him. Easily. He could make Nybbas do anything he wanted, in fact, if he whined or said "pretty please" sweet enough. Nybbas worshipped the ground he stood on, and in return Asmo would cradle him gently in his arms, careful not to break that devotion. Careful not to break him.
Of course he couldn't ruin the image of Nybbas scrambling to find some sasquatch in the woods like a wonderstruck child. The whole world could burn before he let that happen.
"Oh, but we're having so much fun," he whispered, watching him. "We can't go back now, can we?"
"... I suppose you're right,"
Bearjollnr didn't really get it, but he knew some form of special bond tied the two together in something. Something he struggled to wrap his mind around as he stroked his luscious beard on instinct, failing to remember he has long since lost that beard. Maybe this creature he saw could bring it back.
Sir Asmodeus hadn't been wrong, either, though. Bearjollnr found midnight trips to be quite the festivity. One of the spices of life, he ventured to say once.
Asmo skipped over to Nybbas, who was nearly about to bolt away somewhere had he not grabbed his arm.
"Heart?" he tilts his head.
"Hello!" Asmo chirped before pecking his cheek. "Did you find something?"
A lock of his hair turned sunset colors.
"I believe... there,"
He pointed towards a shining light some decent few paces away, faded though its glow still made it through the slightest cracks in the trees. Bearjollnr could hardly believe it. What a wonderful sight! They must make their way there immediately.
So he conveyed to the other two, but they seemed a little dazed looking at each other. He had to shake them both to snap them out of it. Once he succeeded, they were off. It took much fewer strides for them than it would've for him, and in what felt like but a few seconds, they came face to face with the source of the glow.
Some sort of an amulet, rested within the ethereal form of a deer. At its forehead, to be specific, cupped in-between constellations that drifted throughout its "skin", stars in its hooves lighting up when it stomped them. It made no noise, yet its presence sung a lullaby. Bearjollnr had never seen anything like this before. It was beautiful.
Asmo broke the silence first. "You're so pretty!"
Then followed Nybbas. "What... what are you?"
The deer spoke in ideas much too grand for demons. Its amulet glides itself to Bearjollnr's palm as its body disintegrated into the night. More and more it told them of concepts they could never understand, up until it couldn't exist anymore. And the next thing they knew, they were alone. The glow turned small and concentrated to just above the face of the amulet, moving in circles of space and time near Bearjollnr's eyes.
He understood the wisdom delivered to his senses. Make a wish.
So he did.
Uproarious commotion would then follow the whole of the Devildom as they three took to bobsledding its grounds. Asmo and Nybbas rained festive decor on the streets. Bearjollnr had the wheel, bobbing back and forth with the rhythm of the uneven road.
As would be beneficial to not only them, but the whole of the realm, Bearjollnr had simply wished for "the winter joy to rage on". This would be Lord Diavolo's wish, he knew. He also wished for his beard back, but that was neither here nor there. Since the demons with him thought his first wish too boring, though, he settled for a... louder way, to welcome the season's greetings.
"Hi–yup!" went another one of Asmo's precise shots, landed to the top of a pine tree.
Seeing as it happened to belong to one of his adorning fans, he also shot them a kiss and a wink, killing them instantly. He turned his body to check on them. They got up again. Thankfully.
Beside him, Nybbas used both hands to chuck to as many victims as he could near the top of their head, yet always missing by an inch or so, hitting their homes instead and donning it with jolly. He cackled through the scares he gave the townsfolk.
Bearjollnr himself heaved laughter from his beard covered chest like he hadn't in a long, long time. This felt so freeing. "This is amazing! You two were right about this!"
"Well, of course," Asmo said, attempting to fix his hair before someone threw something back. "Wh– hey!"
Nybbas tensed as he climbed over their now empty bag of items, searching for whoever that was. "An obituary guaranteed."
Whatever happened with the rest, any other resident of the Devildom could tell you. In great detail, no less. They were all witness to it that night. Whimsy, passion, adrenaline—not one thing absent till the morning break of dawn, when Lucifer had them on their knees to atone for the mess they made as they crashed the sled into the House of Lamentation.
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