#Silent Passage
muhammadgiovanni · 3 months
Bob Carpenter “Miracle Man” Silent Passage, 1975.
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maridiayachtclub · 1 month
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dark souls 2 is a game where you can climb down a big, seemingly bottomless pit in the middle of town, down past several layers of secret tombs, into a vast and pitch black hollow with no bottom and bridged by a rickety wooden deathtrap of a shanty town, to the entrance of a deep crevasse, where the surrounding stone thunders with a muffled and almost living heartbeat and the crumbling walkways seethe with the poisonous blood of the earth, and then carefully pick your way over one very particular edge and fall to a small ledge jutting out into the yawning black, there to find a shadowy tunnel that leads into a quiet, secluded passage, all but entirely dark; and in that unfathomably remote place, silently leaning against the wall, is your friend, Lucatiel of Mirrah, barely lifting her head to acknowledge you- but if you stop to talk, she will speak to you of her deepest fears, and the nature of the soul
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xchdraws · 5 months
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so.. *tucks hair* there's this beast living inside me who may be myself
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sereniphile-blog · 3 months
Titanic was a little bitch movie star who died tragically young in spectacular fashion. We know. Is nobody going to talk about her older sisters who both had incredibly successful careers? They fought in the war!
Britanic deserved a Medal of Honor, acting as a hospital vessel until a mine sank her in Greece. (Side note, sank in a tenth of the time Big T did, and 97% of the victims survived 🙄). She never got into the entertainment biz. She wanted to be a nurse, and she was a damn good one.
Olympic stepped on people and they liked it. She tore a U-boat in half (also a friendly boat but they had it coming), and served as troop transport until the war ended. They called her “Old Reliable”. Here that Unsinkable? They called her reliable. She was in service two years before the Titanic was born, and she was still serving two decades after the Titanic sank. The Olympic retired during the Great Depression, for which the Axis are eternally grateful.
And then the Nasties made The Titanic(1943) as anti-capitalist propaganda, But it ended up banned because of the uncomfortable parallels with a special kind of camping
Anyway, one of the titanic’s fuel depots was on fire for most of the trip, which resulted in the ship leaning slightly. Fortunately, the side with a hole in it was the opposite side, so it balanced back out for a while.
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marlinspirkhall · 2 years
looks like benadryl cumberbatch will escape this episode unscathed 
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sincerity--extreme · 1 year
I just sat down to play for an hour before going to bed, it was 10pm and I wanted to go to bed at 11 to try to get up early cause there's a lot to do, but anyway, it was 10 and I said I'd play for an hour and turn it off and go to bed and so I went... Again, I JUST sat down, started playing, got a notification on my phone so I checked on it and apparently it's 1:30 am? How?!??!? Why is time allowed to do that?? No way over 3 hours have passed already, it doesn't make any sense, can anyone explain that phenomenon?
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senadimell · 2 years
It’s been several weeks since I started watching Nosferatu, and I finally picked it up last night since I now have a knitting project suitably mindless that I can do without having to look at it and can watch the movie in peace. I’ve finished the third act, and I have to say, this is honestly really faithful to Dracula. Since it’s never been a secret that Nosferatu is heavily inspired by Dracula (read: an unauthorized adaption), I’m going to assign Dracula names to the roles characters play in the story rather than use their actual names most of the time.
The character combinations are interesting, but make a lot of sense given the large cast of characters in the book. I haven’t gotten far enough for most of the secondary characters to be a major presence, but I’ve read that they’re mostly absent, so the focus remains mostly on the Jonathan and Mina figures.
One of the biggest changes so far is that Mr. Hawkins and Renfield are combined into Knock, a now-malicious solicitor secretly in kahoots with the Count.
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Narratively speaking, this actually makes a more of sense than it might sound at first. Mr. Hawkins is mostly a plot device in the original story, not really a character, and given the restraints of a silent film, it would be rather challenging to establish why and how the Count wants to visit England. When you strip down the conversations from the captivity portion of the novel, you’re left with the challenge of how to convey the Count’s desire or to establish how exactly he made arrangements with a foreign solicitor, so giving him an agent abroad is a pretty economical way to convey that. Then, when the Count is travelling, using Knock as a Renfield-figure and thrall of the Count serves to heighten the tension, and while the “the life is in the blood” speeches are a little less mysterious, they do pair very well with the back-and-forth between the not-Demeter and not-Van Helsing teaching a botany class about carnivorous plants. 
The major downside of that choice is that it removes much of the nuance present in the books regarding the characters under the Count’s sway. Renfield and Seward’s back and forth about the nature of sanity is so far completely absent, and I expect this will be the case through the movie, going off of the visual language’s cartoonishly malicious depiction of Knock. Renfield’s humanity is really just not shown, and while Knock’s gleeful manner while eating bugs is quite similar to Renfield’s manner in the book, I highly doubt the element of resistance will show up.
Still, overall, this feels like a simplification rather than a warping of the story. Unfortunately, it’s a simplification that results in a caricature of mental illness, and yet I don’t think it’s a fundamental misreading of the story, unlike Drac/Mina pairings.
The second major change so far is that Mina and Lucy’s role have been combined into one, and given their similar narrative roles as vulnerable and beloved targets, this makes a lot of sense. Now, the Mina-figure is the sleepwalker. There is a slight change in that the prophetic dreams start earlier, but it also serves to emphasize her connection with Jonathan without the letter and journal devices. It also establishes her vulnerability early on, pretty much as soon as we realize that Jonathan is in peril, which is an effective way to convey the peril of Lucy-Mina without diary entries and serves to jump-start the middle act of the story (which I admittedly found rather slow during Dracula Daily)
In a related vein, there’s another convenience change that’s either big or small depending on what you view as an important theme. In Dracula, the Count seems primarily interested in England, and his later vendetta is the result of his predatory nature, not the driving motivation. In Nosferatu, that’s flipped, and his primary motivation to leave his castle is to track down not-Mina. He presumably did first send for a solicitor, though, so the motivation isn’t absent, it’s just less developed.
Apart from character changes, the biggest other change is that the Count spreads plague rather than just killing or turning characters. So far, it doesn’t feel fundamentally different from the book, but I don’t know yet if it will have larger plot implications down the line.
I will say, though, that the time period is always waiting a little bit uncomfortably at the back of my mind. It came out in 1922, and there’s just so much going on in the Weimar Republic at this time. It’s a culturally wild time. I don’t know a lot about this film, or its make, or how it was received, so I’m just left with vague implications about the various changes and how they would be received. What does it suggest that he spreads a plague? What does his increased focus on preying on Mina mean? What are the implications of the fact that he has an apparently willing agent abroad, or that Renfield is only a slavish caricature, totally devoted to the count?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they’re always looming somewhere as I watch.
#dracula daily#nosferatu#i initially was confused by why he was travelling by boat before realizing i'm conflating germany and the weimar republic#and forgetting about different territorial boundaries#then i also wondered whether or not the plague device diminished the effectiveness of the captain's sacrifice—why was he tying himself up?#i think i would not understand why he's doing it if i wasn't already familiar with dracula#still though i really loved those scenes#which i guess makes sense. the demeter passages were one of my favorite parts of Dracula Daily#however i will say that watching the captain and mate throw the corpse of their crewmate overboard was visually effective#in a way that i think the fearful journal entries would not have been able to translate directly to film#and i think one of the most impactful changes made by the chronological format (she says having only read it that way)#because for me the slow terrifying countdown was one of the most ominous parts of the book#because i was both concerned for the crew of the demeter but also worried about the main characters#if they survive and make it that's terrible; if they don't it's a tragedy#and since as a modern reader i already kind of know that dracula is a vampire and bad news#i don't think that the unravelling the mystery of the abandoned ship would have led to any real dread#i may not have known much about Dracula but as a modern reader i do know that the count's a vampire and that means bad news#(okay more accurate to say until her dream)#I have to say: epistolary to silent film might be one of the widest gulfs to jump (with maybe only ballet being further?)#because your ability to use words is very limited and an epistolary is all about the words#the thing they do have in common is the need to distill things down to their essence#because the conceit of the epistolary requires you to at least believe the characters are recounting what happened#so you can't get TOO detailed or verbose without an explanation for how their memory is so good or they don't get fatigued#and when they recount things they're really summarizing what happened. so they have to pick what matters most#and with a silent film you're trying to convey emotions without verbal/speaking people's primary form of communication#so body language is exaggerated and you are very limited in how much you can use words#and have to boil things down to their essentials
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moss-feratu · 9 months
Happy 5 animalism day for Ethel!! I picked up animal dominion hehe unliving hive moment
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Danny was enjoying himself. His new haunt was suprisingly spacious and came with lots of charges who needed protection and care.
The old butler guy, Alfred, seemed to at least have an idea of what was going on. He had been making extra food lately and leaving it out for Danny to eat in a secluded area. Danny always made sure to turn the plate invisible and sneak it back to his hidden passage panic room before he started eating.
In return, Danny made sure to do lots of chores around the manor. Intangibility and wind manipulation made dusting super easy if you knew how to use it right.
Danny also took his job as a guardian spirit seriously. He overheard the bats fighting about not wanting to be coddled on patrol and decided it was best to let them handle themselves outside of the manor. Danny himself hated when people stuck thier noses into his business.
Jazz had screwed him over countless times with her good intentions.
But the manor was different. This was his new haunt after his old one kicked him out. This family had invited him in whether they knew it or not. Also, since the Fentons and GIW don't exist in this world, they'd have a hell of a time kicking him out.
It's best not to let it come to that. So Danny had to make these people love him the way Amity Park never did.
The Wayne's however are rather dense. You would think them being the worlds greatest detectives would mean something, but they kept silently blaming each other for things happening around the manor until they couldn't.
A book being put away when they were done with it or their messes being cleaned up when they came back into a room could be easily explained by how many people lived there. The family entering the dining room, discussing what they were going to order for dinner since Alfred was gone for a week only to find a full meal waiting for them on the diner table? They couldn't brush that off.
None of them could cook.
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sereniphile-blog · 3 months
Titanic was a little bitch movie star who died tragically young in spectacular fashion. We know. Is nobody going to talk about her older sisters who both had incredibly successful careers? They fought in the war!
Britanic deserved a Medal of Honor, acting as a hospital vessel until a mine sank her in Greece. (Side note, sank in a tenth of the time Big T did, and 97% of the victims survived 🙄). She never got into the entertainment biz. She wanted to be a nurse, and she was a damn good one.
Olympic stepped on people and they liked it. She tore a U-boat in half (also a friendly boat but they had it coming), and served as troop transport until the war ended. They called her “Old Reliable”. Here that Unsinkable? They called her reliable. She was in service two years before the Titanic was born, and she was still serving two decades after the Titanic sank. The Olympic retired during the Great Depression, for which the Axis are eternally grateful.
And then the Nasties made The Titanic(1943) as anti-capitalist propaganda, But it ended up banned because of the uncomfortable parallels with a special kind of camping
Anyway, one of the titanic’s fuel depots was on fire for most of the trip, which resulted in the ship leaning slightly. Fortunately, the side with a hole in it was the opposite side, so it balanced back out for a while.
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luna-azzurra · 11 months
Subtle character actions
- He traced the rim of his coffee cup with his finger, lost in thought.
- She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes avoiding direct contact.
- He absentmindedly twisted the ring on his finger, a silent habit he'd had for years.
- She sighed almost imperceptibly, a sign of her hidden frustration.
- He raised an eyebrow, a subtle signal of skepticism.
- She adjusted her glasses, a small gesture that indicated her nervousness.
- He tapped his fingers on the table, creating a quiet rhythm only he understood.
- She let out a soft, barely audible chuckle, a sign of her amusement.
- He folded the corner of a page in the book he was reading, a secret way of marking his favorite passages.
- She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, revealing her discomfort in the situation.
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
The 12 houses explained: short word format
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1st: Aries, Mars, Yang, Dragon, Bee, Face, Eyes, Eyebrows, Voice, Accent, First Glance, Passion, Drive, Self Esteem, 3rd Eye, Intuition, Hard on yourself, Mutable, Patience, Leader, Stoic, Muscles, Neck/Head tension, Animals, Intensity, Head scarf, Tender headed, Attracting energy vampires, Hard headed, Red, Purple, Sexual energy, Humor, Introvert/extrovert, Fear of child baring because loss of freedom, Judgement, Lymph nodes, Guitar, Fast talker, Sharp talker, Forward thinking, Warrior, Personality, Spine...
2nd: Taurus, Venus, Yin, Panda, Neck/Throat, Throat chakra, Mouth, Thyroid, Heart, Pink, Blue, Fluid, Security, Resources, Musician, Silent, Introvert, Nose, Scent, Taste, Parent, Singing, Arms, Dancing, Food, Breeze, Partnership, Sharing, Values, Luxury, Pleasure, Easy going, Soft spoken, Naivety, Split decisions, Indecisive, Moon, Father, Sturdy, Poker face, Children, Trustworthy, Grit, Victory, Horses, Trials...
3rd: Gemini, Mercury, Yin/Yang, Jack Rabbit, Hands, Feet, Speech, Tongue, Lungs, Fast pace, Exercise, excitement, Bounce back, Joy, Vigor, Youth, Fidget, Anxiety, Habits, Expressive, Musician, Storyteller, School, Journalist, Moral system, Networking, Group, Siblings, Questioning, Stocks/trading, Choices, Dedication, Picky, Options, Dare Devil, Flirt, Long lasting, Hopes, Trees/Forest, Art, Comedian, Chances, Materials, Time, Loyal, Boundaries, ...
4th: Cancer, Moon, Yin, Owl, Family, Mother, Compassion, Creation, Birth, Life, Regret, Sleep, Nipple, Breast, Anus, Stomach, Womb, Bellybutton, Heart, Sacral, Blue, White, Yellow, Ocean, Cold, Night, Cycle, Fly on the wall, Unspoken secrets, Pores, Suicide, Whispers, Distracted, Outsider, Alchemy, Caregiver, Chef, Guidance, Critical, Teeth, Passage/Gateway, Humming, Drums, Weight on your back, Pressures, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Obedience, Horse, Animals, Words that cut...
5th: Leo, Sun, Yang, Lion, Spine, Heart, Pets, Fun, Youthful, Children, Love affairs, Expression, Dance, Gymnastics, Loud, Bright colors, Short trips, Friends, Aunts/Uncles, Get togethers, Cars, Innovative, Actor, Protection, Magician, Gardening, Gossip, Alchemy, Adulthood, Relaxing, Bonding, Self destruction, Slick words, Hard work, Spotlight, Sharing, Rebuilding, Clothing, Renewed vision, Drawing board, Companionship, Grounding...
6th: Virgo, Mercury, Yin, Ant, Crane, Praying Mantis, Work environment, Routine, Structure, Time, Patience, Health issues, Hygiene, Nervous system, digestive system, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Notebooks, Writing, Movies, Home, Relaxing, Forgiving, Generous, Social Life, Bonding, Practice, Foresight, Letting go, Stable, Helpful, Tense, Pressure, Negative thoughts, Reminisce, Addiction, Sorrow, Indecision, Indigestion, Saving Finances, Strong will, Codependency, Maturing, Realizing, Criticism, Self Honoring...
7th: Libra, Venus, Yin, Dragon Fly, Peacock, Marraige, Partnership, Contracts, Joint endeavors, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Caring what others think, Voice, Accent, Culture, Rebuilding, Learning new ways to do, Home decor, Learning gratitude, Giving, Reseveing, Welcome home, Comfort, Jot, Warmth, Spring, Flowers, New thought processes, Building Legacy, Defending yourself, Possessions, Slower living, Connecting to nature, Center of attention...
8th: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Yin/Yang, Vulture, Jaguar, Phoenix Death/Rebirth, Fears, Dark, Dreams, Escaping, Running, Hoarding, Lack, Homelessness, Strength, Stamina, Restart, Hard work paying off, Legacy, Against all odds, Elimination system, Pelvis, All the holes in the body, Burgundy, Purple, Black, Sex organs, Releasing worries, Manipulation, Smothering, Misunderstood, Coffee, Over giving, Partnership, Friendship, Sensuality, Secretion, Body odor, Roses, Fruit trees, Chapel, Railroad, Balancing, Power, Unseen forces, Intimidation, Relaxation...
9th: Sagittarius,Jupiter, Yang, Donkey, Whale, Shark, Liver, Legs, Posture, Religion, Long distance, Foreign travel, New ideas, Creative thoughts, Energy, Witty, Nomad, Idealistic, Larger than life, Focused on success, Friendship, Gatherings, Social Life, Relaxing, Luxury, Boundaries, Tired, Mental Illness, Restrictions, Insecurities, Grandparents, Quiet time, Relationships, Sharing, Attention, Harmony, Rebirth, Hard work, Getting over, Time, Late night thoughts, Male role model, Weight on your back, Responsibilities, Greedy, Guarded, Proud, Protection, Unique, Lavender...
10th: Capricorn, Saturn, Yang, Sheep, Alligator Honey Badger, Cactus, Sterile, Marble, White, Grey, Cold, Winter, Snow, Reputation, Social status, Farming, Popularity, Bones, Skin, Nails, Hair, Sharp, Leather, Goat, Structure, Skin conditions, Over explaining, Hard on others/yourself, Violin, Holding onto the past, Hard choices, Seeing others happen, Collecting, Finding purpose, Unique interest, Creative ways to make money, Standing up for yourself, Tunnel vision, Sharing, Networking, Group efforts, Working on love...
11th: Aquarius, Uranus, Yin/Yang, Moose, Mongoose, Snake, Friends, Parties, Organizations, Goals, Hopes, School, Science, mutable, unique style, Different friend groups, Water, Lakes, Rivers, Driving, Circulatory System, Pituitary glands, Changing course, Fear of change, Social media, Learning to stand alone, Trusting intuition, Defending loved ones, nonchalant, Increasing expectations, Std, Dead tree, Sticking it out, Elders, Community, Taking a stand, Protest, Elections, Politics, Numbers, Releasing restrictions...
12th: Pisces, Neptune, Yin, Fish, Birds, Friends, More to go around, Letting go, Releasing Past, Decor, Eye for style, Luxury, Opinionated, Energy field, Subconscious, Mountains, Fog, Spa, Skincare, Hygiene, Safety, Frienemies, Luck, Protection, Unprovided jealously, Foreign, Secret, Being watched, Self expression, Confidence, Talents, Anxiety, Depression, Breath, Dreams, Sleeping, Ufc/boxing, Always wanting more, Magician, Plants, Sunshine, Exotic, Target, Maturity, Completion...
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demonlordcosnime · 2 years
lets play silent hill homecoming part 10
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connorsui · 26 days
☆ ■■ Stargazing in Your Eyes■■ ☆
- Sylus x fem! Reader
Synopsis: Sylus finds himself lost in admiration for you during a quiet, intimate moment at home, where the vastness of city lights seems small compared to the beauty he sees in your eyes.
Genre/warnings: pure fluff and comfort, no warning my luv we both die in hearts
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The quiet of the evening wrapped around you like a warm blanket, filling the room with a peaceful stillness. Sylus lay comfortably between your thighs, his head resting just below your stomach as you silently read a book. The pages turned softly in your hands, but his attention wasn’t on the story in your lap. No, Sylus was entirely captivated by you.
His eyes drifted over your features, drinking in every curve and line of your face. He loved the way your eyebrows furrowed slightly in concentration, how your lips parted ever so slightly when you came across a particularly interesting passage. But it wasn’t just the obvious perfections that held him—he adored the small things too, the little “imperfections” that made you uniquely, beautifully you. The faint freckle just below your eye, the way your nose crinkled when you stifled a yawn, and the soft shadows beneath your lashes that hinted at late nights spent together.
He marveled at how your skin seemed to glow, warmed by the light of the lamp nearby. Every detail of you was etched into his mind, a constellation of beauty that he could never tire of exploring. When his gaze finally settled on your eyes, he felt as if he were staring into the deepest part of you, as if he could almost see your soul shining back at him. There was a depth there that took his breath away, a quiet strength and kindness that made him fall for you over and over again.
You giggled, breaking the silence and his trance. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
Sylus’s lips curved into a gentle smile as he shifted slightly, propping himself up on his elbows to get a closer look at you. “No… I’m just admiring your beauty.”
His voice was soft, full of quiet reverence and adoration. He spoke as though he were sharing a secret with the stars, as if your beauty was something so profound it could hardly be put into words. The universe might have been infinite, but in that moment, Sylus only had eyes for you. Every part of you—perfections and imperfections alike—was a part of the celestial map he held in his heart, a map that always led him back to you.
Without a word, Sylus reached up and gently pushed the book from your hands, letting it fall softly to the side. His eyes never left yours as he leaned in closer, the air between you charged with an unspoken promise. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing lightly over your cheeks as he closed the distance.
His lips met yours in a kiss that was tender and full of longing, a gentle press that spoke of all the love he felt for you. The softness of your lips against his was everything he had imagined and more, a moment of pure connection that made the world outside seem a distant memory. As he deepened the kiss, the universe might have been vast and mysterious, but in this intimate embrace, Sylus found his entire world contained in the warmth and tenderness of your touch.
When he finally pulled back, he gazed at you with a look of utter adoration. His fingers continued to gently caress your face, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek.
“You’re my favorite part of every day,” he whispered, his voice tender and sincere. “I just needed to remind you of that.”
His words were a soothing balm, and the simple, heartfelt gesture left you both enveloped in a bubble of unspoken affection and warmth.
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dark-moonlust · 3 months
Tentacle Trouble PART 2: Breeding Mate
Pairing: Tentacle monster x human reader
Summary: Carrying your monster mate’s eggs is no simple task. You must be filled with his seed to nurture the eggs and your mate is more than eager to pound you to oblivion and fill you to the brim.
Warnings: minors don't interact, 18+!!!!, explicit tentacle smut, pregnancy kink, triple pen in mouth, pussy and ass, loads of come. Don’t like, don’t read.
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Living with your tentacled monster was easier than you’d expected. The days ever since your mating had become a blur of passionate moments and comforting touches. You were also fully pregnant, your mate’s eggs nestled safely within you. Your belly was round and heavy, making you waddle funnily —or incredibly cutely as your mate often praised. He could look at you like hours, gazing at your features and not get bored.
You couldn’t believe he loved you so much, yet it was all real. Your mate was a beast of the sea, yet he was caring, gentle and satisfied all your desires. You saw past his appearance and felt deeply connected to his heart.
A hand curving over your stomach, you swayed as you kicked the blankets and moved out of your cozy nest. You wore no clothes underneath; it was just you and your mate at the cave you were living together and you were never cold, your caring monster kept you warm and filled at all times.
The cave was silent and lit by the glow of bioluminescent algae on the walls. The gentle sound of the sea came from outside as you waddled through its passages. You’d woken up because your mate wasn’t there to embrace you. You were heavily dependent on him and the feel of his tentacles all around you. Pregnancy hormones drove you crazy daily, but your mate was more than eager to satisfy you in every way.
“Where are you, love?” you called out, a little tense. His absence was unsettling. He rarely left your side.
Right on time, you heard the soft slither of tentacles on stone. Sighing in relief, you rushed to him— as fast as your swollen belly would allow. You met him at the place that you’d redecorated as the living room. Your mate took most of the space, his body round and huge, surrounded by tentacles. His three eyes twinkled and when he saw you, lingering on your swollen breasts and belly. He slithered quickly to your side, tentacles reaching out to support you.
“I’m back, little one.” His voice was a soothing hum in your mind. “Did you miss me?”
“Hmm, I was worried,” you muttered, your lips quivering. Stupid hormones again.
A tentacle cupped your face. "Hush, don’t worry. I am here now. I had to find something special for you.”
Nuzzling into him, you glanced down and noticed the bundle he carried, wrapped in sea leaves. He gave it to you and you unwrapped the leaves to find a selection of fruit, sweets and other human snacks. Your heart swelled. He’d gone to find human food for you and from the sight of it, he’d risked his life.
“You went to find food for me?”
His voice touched your mind. "A friend of mine, a merman, often brings me human snacks from the land. I traded some pearls to get these for you."
Your eyes watered. “You are unbelievably sweet. Thank you.” You reached on your toes, caressing his slimy head. “Thank you so much, baby.”
Your mate didn’t mind to be affectionately called baby by you. On the contrary, you could shear he went more aroused each time you spoke his nickname so sweetly.
Immensely happy, you devoured the fruit and snacks and fortified yourself on the delicious chocolate. Your mate didn’t like human food and was content to have his tentacles all around you, caressing your belly soothingly. When you finished your meal, you sat back against him, a wave of contentment washing over you.
“Hmm…” you smiled up at him, resting your hands atop the tentacles cradling your belly.
“The eggs keep pulsing,” he sensed. “They need to be nurtured.”
“Yes, need you, too…” you whined just as his limbs tucked you to sit close to his massive body, your back against his front. Slimy tentacles spiraled around your ankles, opening you up, baring your slick pussy. Trickles of cum escaped the puffed lips from when he’d fucked you earlier. Your mate feed you his seed in every way possible. The eggs required his essence in your system to grow healthy and strong.
Two more tentacles wrapped around your full tits, the tips of the appendages wetting and flicking your leaking nipples. Another tentacle teased your cunt, the tip rubbing the moist folds before breaching inside. A second one followed, helping spread your pussy so that his monstrous ridged cock could thrust up inside you. Holding you from your arms, your mate lifted you up and down on his shaft, driving deep.
You came with a sweet roar, your pussy seizing around him.
But that was only the beginning.
More slippery limbs slid up your body, placing you on all fours, ass propped into the air. From behind you, your mate’s appendages enfolded your belly and rubbed your poor little clit, sending waves of pleasure through you. A tentacle coaxed your mouth apart and slowly filled your mouth, stuffing you down to your throat. It leaked sweet nutritious essence down your throat.
You breathed steadily from your nose and whimpered when you felt another appendage poking your the tight bud of your ass. It was slightly smaller than his primary tentacle-cock but still twice as thick and long as a human cock. It breached the tight ring of muscle, the mushroom head lodging deep in your guts.
Whines and moans were wrenched from you when he began fucking all your three holes simultaneously. His cock pulled put from your pussy long enough for his other cock to rail your ass, while the tentacle down your throat filled your belly with sweet nutrients. The only sounds in the cave were those of your muffled cries and the lewd squelching of his tentacles as they thrust in and out of your body.
Pleasure heightened again as you started panting, hard for you to breathe with the tentacle thrusting down your throat. Your mate sensed that immediately and freed your mouth, just in time for you to take a deep inhale and let out a loud moan as you climaxed. Whining, sobbing and thrashing, you could only ride your orgasm and surrender to the furious pounding of his cocks claiming you.
Your mate let out a monstrous sound and his relentless thrusting finally stopped. Both cocks plunged as deep at they could go, exploding with a torrent of cum. They spurted and spurted for minutes, filling your holes to overflowing. His seed tricked down your shaking thighs and to prevent any more from spilling out, he lifted you to lie back against him, his cocks plugging his cum inside you.
“Fuckkk…” you muttered, blissfully-spent, eyes glazed. “Baby, I think you overdid it this time.”
You winced at the the amount of cum in your pussy and ass. It was too much and it made your belly swell even further. You felt like you carried a baby elephant.
“I’m sorry, little one. But you know I must keep my seed inside you for a while,” he told you. “It’s good for the eggs.”
You nodded. “Are the eggs alright?”
He hummed, his tentacles tracing abstract patterns across your swollen belly.
“More than alright. Our eggs are growing strong inside you. You did so well, my strong human,” he said in your mind, his voice filled with pride. “You let me fuck your pretty little holes and took my load like a good mate. Beautiful, you’re so beautiful and strong.”
“Love you,” you whispered, just before your eyes shut and you fell asleep.
“And I love you,” he replied, his tentacles weaving over you like a makeshift blanket to keep you warm and protected.
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yrmehiel · 2 years
❝Somehow grasping at vanishing snowflakes is like grasping at happiness: an act of possession that instantly gives way to nothing.❞
— Excerpt from: The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
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