#Slytherin couple
slytherinravebabe · 4 months
Go to Pinterest and google your Initial + Your Slytherin boy’s (Or HL boy!) initial + Core
The first 8 pictures is you and your Slytherin boy’s Aesthetic ✨
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V + T Core
Honestly this is exactly how I would picture picture Theo and I 😭
@slytherinslut0 @pizzaapeteer @finalgirllx @ashisgreedy @jayybugg @jeniffler @princesschief @littlearticbear @mspegasus17 @waabbittzzz @witchyvibes91 @urfavfrenchgrl @princess-sallow
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Source: We Heart It
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terra-esperra · 1 year
Ending are Beginnings
can be found on AO3 & Wattpad
Chapter 2: Hurt, Comfort, and More Trouble
She felt like she was on a cloud. Her sounding felt comfortable and warm. A stark contrast to how her last memory of passing out on the cold ground of the Forbidden Forrest, stained with the blood of the poachers she slew.
Aurora slowly opened her eyes. As the haze of sleep started to thin, she was able to sit up and take in her surroundings. She realized she was actually in her dorm room. She couldn’t recall at all how she even got there after last night. She fell back to her mattress with a huff.
‘I hope I released all those magical creatures before leaving.’
She closed her eyes to try to remember anything after releasing her magic. Though, try as she might, her memory was completely blank. It was definitely a very unsettling feeling.
Though, more unsettling is how exhausted she still felt. Whatever amount of sleep she did get did nothing to help. Her energy was completely drained along with her magic. She barely had enough energy to keep her eyes open, let alone the thought of getting out of bed and going to class.
She felt numb. Raw even.
Her mind went back to the confrontation she had with Sebastian. She breathy thought if they would have any classes together, and that brought a frown to her face. She did not want to see him right now. She didn’t want to see anyone right now. But today was the first day of classes and knew tardiness was not going to be tolerated.
Took all of Aurora will power to sit back up again. Quick glance around the room and she realized her housemates were all gone. Clock on the wall told her breakfast services were wrapping up and classes would be starting in an hour. She needed to get moving. She just swung her legs to the side of the bed, ready to get up when Imelda came into the room.
“What are you still doing in bed. You missed breakfast and class is in an hour.” She made her way over to her side of the room, looking for something in her trunk at the foot of her bed.
“Guess all of yesterday’s excitement got to me and I need the extra rest.”
Imelda closed her trunk and turn towards her, the face she was making told Aurora she wasn’t convince.
“Excitement huh?” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned back, “Couldn’t help but noticed you weren’t at the sorting ceremony. What excitement did you get yourself into?”
Aurora faces paled, “Oh, well, you know.” She wasn’t ready to make an excuse.
Imelda raised her eyebrows with a look of curiosity and judgement, “Noticed a certain freckled face snake wasn’t their either.”
Aurora raised her hands in front of herself in defense. “That is purely coincidental!”
Imelda still wasn’t believing her.
“Look, I don’t care what you and Sallow do in your free time. Just make sure you’re at the try outs today. I don’t need a yearly filling in a spot if you don’t show.”
Aurora’s let out a weary sigh. She completely forgot about the Quidditch try outs scheduled for later that day. She already felt so worn down.
“Of course not, Imelda.” Aurora got up from her bed to walk over to her friend. “I’ll be there at the try outs.”
“And Sallow?”
Aurora scuffed as she grabbed her toiletries for the shower she was in desperate need of. “Who?”
She knew she wasn’t going to fool the raven-haired witch, but she’ll continue to deny anything as long as she could.
“Whatever you say. Just don’t be late.” Imelda said as she walked out of the doom to get a head start to her classes.
Aurora gave her a nod before she left out the door. Once the door was shut, the front she held fell, and the exhaustion washed over again like freezing water. This was going to be one of the longest of her life.
After Aurora was able to shower and get herself to look somewhat appropriate, she made her way to class. First class was advanced potions. Normally, Aurora looked forward to Professors Sharp’s class, but that shower did not help at all to wake her up anymore. She made it to the class with a minute to spare. Luckily, she shared the class with Natty, who was thoughtful enough to save the seat next to her. However, once Aurora sat down and Natsai was able to get a good look at her friend for the first time, her eyes widened with concern.
“You look terrible, what happened?”
Aurora tried to put on her best smile.
“Good morning to you too. Thank you for saving a spot for me.” Aurora said as she got settled. “I’m fine, really,” she tried to reassure her, “I just didn’t get much sleep last night.”
Natty frowned, not believing that is all that was ailing her friend. Aurora should have known she would have been harder to convince. Imelda is her friend but is extremely self-centered. Even by Slytherin standards. Natty, was the exact opposite. Aurora could tell her Gryffindor friend wanted to press for more details, but Sharp had already started the class. He began with a brief introduction to what he would be expecting from them as seventh years, and a general summary of what they would be studying. Sharp had just finished talking when someone walked into the class.
“Ah Mr. Sallow, wonderful you decided to grace us with your presence.” Professor Sharp greeted him, voice laced with dry humor.
“My apologies sir. Overslept.” Aurora overheard Sebastian explained to Sharp, but she kept her face forward, focused on the Professor at end of the classroom. She didn’t want the chance to catch Sebastian’s eyes. She could hear him pulling up a seat somewhere close behind her.
“You are now a seventh year, Mr. Sallow. Practically an adult. It’s time to become a bit more responsible, wouldn’t you say. Don’t let it happen again or it will cost your house points.”
“Yes sir.”
Sharp hummed under his breath a response before continuing with the class.
Aurora tried to pay attention to the lecture the best she could, but her eyes felt heavy and her mind ached. She could feel Sebastian staring her down was well, which was not helping her either.
“Aurora, my friend, are you sure you’re alright. You’re very pale and look faint,” Natty whispered very concerned.
“I’m fine Natty, please don’t worry and pay attention. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Sharp’s irritation.”
Natty did not further pressure her for answers after that, instead she focused on helping Aurora keep up with lesson throughout the remainder of the class. The class was only an hour, but Aurora was barely hanging on. Constantly shaking her head in attempt to stay awake. And ignoring the heat on her back from a Slytherin boy’s gaze.
Finally, class was dismissed. Aurora let her sigh in relief as she started to gather her things. She has only just put her books away in her back when she could hear someone approach her from behind.
“Aurora, can we-“
“Let’s go Natty.”
Aurora cut the boy off, grab Natsai’s hand, and quickly walked out the room and headed towards their next class. Natty quickly caught up with Aurora’s stride, and quietly walked alongside her. Aurora could see her friends ever growing concern on her face, but she was grateful that Natsai didn’t ask any questions on what just occurred. Probably sensing how venerable she was.
Aurora hated feeling like this. Like she was about to completely break.
There was only a couple more classes scheduled for the first day, and before Aurora knew it, late afternoon had approached. Which meant it was time for the Quidditch Slytherin tryouts. She briefly thought of skipping, missing Quidditch for the rest of the year did not sound like a bad idea to her at this point, but she knew Imelda would be furious at her and did not want to deal with that wrath. Since most of the team from last year is returning, then it shouldn’t take too long. Imelda would just make sure none of them seemed to slack off during the holiday and before scouting for new recruits to fill the vacant spots.
She only had to hang on for an hour or so. Then she could crawl back to bed and sleep for the rest of the night.
She arrived at the field dress in her jersey and practice uniform, most of the students trying out where already there and begun flying around.
Aurora could see Imelda across the field, barking at some of the younger tryouts already. She made her way over to the captain, so Imelda was aware that she did, in fact, showed up.
Imelda didn’t turn her head to acknowledge her as she approached.
“You’re late.” Her eyes focused on other students, taking mental notes on their speed and form on the broom.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Aurora retorted before hoping on her broom and taking off.
She fell in formation with the rest of the veteran players. Trying to keep up as the sped around the field, going through obstacles and making turns on Imelda’s commands.
Flying was usually relaxing to Aurora, even when it was in a stressful setting like Quidditch. It was easy to tune the rest of the world out, focusing only the goal of the game and the wind in her hair. Flying came second nature to her. She was felt quiet calm flying around with the other students, that she didn’t realize that her eyes were getting heavier.
She felt like she only blinked. Then felt the hard impact of the ground before her world went black for the second time in less than a day.
Aurora felt like she didn’t have enough air in her lungs as she gasped her air, startling herself awake. It took a couple moments for her to find breath, then the aching caught up to her. She felt like she was hit by a graphorn. Every muscle cramped up and throb, protested any movement she attempted to make. She couldn’t move her arms, her chest ached with every breath, and her head left like it would implode. She finally was able to focus her eyes, only then did she recognize the ceiling as that of the hospital wing.
The room was dark from the night. Only the warm lighting of candles and the moon through the windows illuminated the room. Aurora took another minute to will herself to get her bearings, just enough to attempt to look around. She couldn’t hear much of anything. Not even the sound of the nurse making her rounds. Though, it was only the first day of the new school year, doubtful there were many students that made it a point to get sent to hospital on the first day.
Aurora finally was able to find some strength to be able to look around her surroundings, wanting to confirm that she was alone in the large wing. Her eyes widen in shock with she realized that she was indeed not alone. To her right, sitting up asleep in a chair next to her was Sebastian. His arms crossed over his body, head tilted to rest against his shoulder, a soft rise and fall from his chest.
She couldn’t understand him. It’s well into the night, currently past visiting hours, and even the nurse was probably in bed, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. The hospital wing would hardly be a difficult place for the resourceful boy to sneak into. But she couldn’t under why. He ignored her for a whole year, and now he won’t leave her alone.
Tears started welling up in her eyes. All the memories of the fifth year started to surface. How close they were. Never separated but for a few hours at a time. Then there was nothing. No contact. No all nighters in the undercroft. No sneaking glances at each other. No holding hands when no one was looking. No sharing their deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams. Nothing. There was nothing between them for an entire year. And the pain was crusher more than if she was run over by a graphorn.
‘I need to get out of here.’
She panicked. The air begun to feel thin, she wasn’t to catch her breath once more. She was able to push herself off the bed, but unfortunately her legs decided to betray her and buckled under her weight. Aurora landed on her knees to the floor with a thud. She only stopped for a second, but then she could hear from the other side of the bed Sebastian starting to move, being woken up from her not so quiet escape attempt.
“Aurora?” Sebastian got up from his chair and peered over the hospital bed to find her on the floor, trying to crawl away. “What are you doing?” He emphasized every word.
“Getting away from you,” she grumbled back.
She heard him huffed in response before hearing his footsteps getting closer behind her.
“Oh no you don’t. Come back to bed, the healing potion hasn’t had nearly enough time to heal your broken ribs.”
Broken ribs. That would make sense why her chest burned with every breath she was able to take. Still did not stop her in trying to get away from him. Unfortunately, her stubbornness alone would not be enough to save her. She felt him come up behind her and started to pick her up, but Aurora has never been known to concede to defeat.
“Just leave me alone Sebastian!” Tears streaming down her face as she tried to struggle against his hold. She just wanted him to go back to ignoring her.
Her efforts were in vain. He had grown too much. He used his larger figure to his advantage and completely overwhelmed her. Though he significantly outweighed her, and his grip of firm against her fussing, his arms were still very gentle as one wrapped behind her shoulders- mindful of her injuries, and the other came under her knees, cradling her to his chest.
She still fought against his hold.
“Aurora, you’re going to hurt yourself even more. stop this.” He tighter his hold on her, bringing her even closer to his chest.
“You ignored my existence for a full year, surely you can continue to do so!”
He let out an annoyed huff “Would you please stop being so stubborn. You have been injured and are in oblivious pain. Let me help you.”
She lifted her head enough to glare into his eyes. His beautiful dark colored eyes stared back at her with unwavering determination.
“Why do you even care?!”
“Because I do care about you!” He paused for only a moment before continuing, “I always have!”
Her eyes widen and she stopped her fight after his declaration. She just gave in. Aurora let out a pain whimper like an injured pup and curled her body towards him to snuggle into his chest. If she was completely honest, she wanted nothing more than to be able to crawl into his skin and just stay there. This last day or two had her rotating around too many strong and different emotions, it was too much to take. The tears that had started her now freely falling down.
He walked the short distance back to the bed. Instead of releasing her down to bed alone, like she thought he would, Sebastian climbed into the bed with her still wrapped in his arms. His back supported by the pillows and headboard, Aurora was still secured in his strong arms, though now resting on his crossed legs.
He leaned his head close to her face so he could look back into her eyes. The arm that was under her legs rose- no longer needing to support her, and his hand started to wipe the tears from her face.
“Is this comfortable enough for you? Are you in anymore pain?” He whispered so gently to her; she almost missed it.
She was so distracted from the tenderness in his beautiful face, she completely forgot why she was even there in the first place. Aurora took a quick mental check to focus on the signs of her body and any more pain she could have been in but hadn’t noticed. Her chest did ache, but she couldn’t tell if it was from the ribs that were still healing from being broken, or from her increased heart rate.
Aurora could only shake her head in response before she buried her face into his chest and brought her hand up to grip his shirt until her knuckles turned white.
“Why did you leave me?” She spoked in a hushed voice as the tears continued down her cheeks, referring to the last year.
She felt Sebastian’s rise as he took a deep breath before letting out a sigh and responded, “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
She lifted her first from his chest and gave him a weak punch back down. Her body shaking from her weeping as the tears got bigger.
“Don’t give me that bullshit! Tell me the truth!”
His grip tightened around her as he pulled her closer. Her curled into a ball with her as the center.
“It is the truth.” His own voice shook, as well as his body. Aurora tilted her head up again slightly, just enough to see the tears that started to run down his face. His eyes were shut this time, refusing to look at her.
“It seemed like all I did was caused you pain. Everything from casing the cruciatus curse in the scriptorium, to the catacombs, the goblin mine, and then you absorbing Isidora’s power because I begged you too for Anne. I was horrible to you- and Ominis. But Ominis and I have years together, I took what I had with you for advantage in less than a year.
“I thought,” he paused to take a shaky breath, “I knew that you were better off without me.”
She punched his chest again.
“That wasn’t your decision to make on your own.”
He pulled her even closer, whispering sorry into her ear.
“You don’t get to make choices that effect the both of us by yourself,” she continued, punching him again.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“I went along with you on my own free will during fifth year. You never forced me or used Imperio on me to get me to go along with you,” another punch to the chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Sebastian repeated.
“STOP saying you’re sorry!” She continues to hit him in the chest. She wanted to pound into him all the pain he caused her when he walked away. In his attempt to try and protect her from hurt, he did the exact opposite and much worst.
No more words were spoken between them after that. Sebastian continued to hold her as she kept her vice grip on his sweater while they cried together. It took some time for Aurora to finally calm down enough for sleep to take over her drained body. She felt her eyes get heavy as sleep demanded to take her. Before she succumbed to sleep’s hold, felt Sebastian get up to lay her on the bed alone. She didn’t to be alone was her last waking thought. Her hand that had a grip on his cloths moved to holding his hand, sending a plea to not leave. She thought she felt him leave a kiss on her forehead before she let the darkness take her.
The next time Aurora awoke, the sun was shining high through the window. She guessed by its position that it was late morning or even noon. She turned her head, wondering if Sebastian had stayed or if he had snuck out. To her surprised, he was in fact still next to her. She found him asleep once again, this time however he had his head laying on top of his arms, with his one hand still intertwined with her’s.
She was mindful to keep the arm that was entrapped by Sebastian steady, and she scudded closer to him. Once she settled back down, she used her free hand to run her fingers through his hair.
He had hurt her so much. The pain of that still pierced at her heart.
But she had miss him even more.
“How are you feeling this morning,” a gentle soft female voice came up from behind her.
Nurse Blainey walked up with a pitcher of water and a glass. Pouring out some of the water, she offers Aurora the glass to drink, the young Slytherin accepted it graciously.
“Thank you,” she whispered, trying to not wake up the brunette next to her, “I feel okay. My ribs are just a bit sore.”
“That’s to be expected. Even with magic and potions, bones take time heal. You should be right as rain tomorrow.”
Aurora drank her water and handed the empty glass back to nurse. She turned back over to watch Sebastian sleep and continued to her gentle movements through his hair.
“Thats good to know. Do I have to stay here until they are completely healed?”
“No, you may leave when you’re ready.” Nurse Blainey paused to look over the two students. “I had sent that boy to his dorms last night before curfew. He doesn’t listen very well, does he?”
Aurora let small chuckle escape her lips, “No, not at all. Sebastian does what he wants, regardless of the advice or guidance of others. I believe he’s allergic to authority as well ma’am.”
She could hear the nurse let out a defeated sign behind her, “I’ll let it slide this time, but only this once. So, try to stay healthy and stay out of the hospital wing. For both your sakes.”
Aurora turned back to the nurse with a smile on her face, “That’s the goal. Thank you very much for everything.”
Nurse Blainey gave her a small nod before walking back to her office, leaving the two Slytherin’s alone once again. Aurora turned back to Sebastian and allowed herself to completely relax in the bed. He hasn’t moved a muscle since she woke up, other than the soft rise and fall from his chest. He looked to peaceful in his sleep.
From where she was at now, she was able to get a better view of the changes of his face after all the time they spent apart. He’ll eighteen soon, yet his face made him appeared a bit more matured than that, so long as he kept his mouth shut. As she noticed from a distance on move in day, his face had grown leaner, his jaw more defined. His freckles have not fade at all, and still colored across his face. His hair was brushed back a bit neater than he kept it in fifth year, but to her pleasure it was just as soft.
Before she even knew what she was doing or could even stop herself, she leaned towards him and kissed him on top of his head. As she pulled back, his grip on her hand tightened as he opened his eyes and met hers.
“Good morning,” his voice groggy with sleep still.
“Morning,” she greeted back.
They both sat in silence looking at each other. Neither was sure what to say, or where to go from there. Some much has been left unsaid, yet no words could describe how either was feeling. After what felt like forever, Sebastian opened his mouth to try to say something when both of them heard loud footsteps approaching them.
Aurora looked up as Sebastian turned around to see who was approaching them.
Professor Weasley, Headmaster Black, and Professor Sharp were walking into the hospital wing with two men that the students didn’t recognize dress in black formal suits.
‘Aurors?’ Aurora thought with confusion and concern. Next thing she knew, Sebastian stood up in front of her, putting himself in the middle of her and the approaching adults. His grip on her hand never wavering.
“Aurora, I’m glad to see you awaken. You gave us quiet the scare when you fell off your broom yesterday.” Professor Weasley grated as she walked around to the other side of the bed, across from Sebastian. Aurora noticed the almost protective stance she had as she settled next to her, mirroring Sebastian.
The Aurors stopped just short of the foot of her bed. They both looked very similar together, like brothers. Though one was taller than the other. The matching suits didn’t help in disguising them either. The Headmaster and Professor Sharp settled at a greater distance diagonal to them. The men’s demeanor was cold and serious. She did not have a good feeling at all that they were there and approaching her. Sebastian seemed to notice her nerves; he gave her hand a quick squeeze of reassurance.
“Ms. McKnight,” the taller Aurora started to address her, “I’m sure our presence is a bit of a surprise for you, but my partner and I have been handling a long on-going case and we would like to ask you some questions.”
“We would prefer to talk to you alone, but seeing as you are a student with no legal guardian your professors have agreed to stand in for you,” the shorter added in. “We kindly ask your boyfriend to leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Sebastian took a defiant step forward, silently challenging all of them. She wasn’t even going to acknowledge the boyfriend comment.
“Gentleman, if you don’t mind, I obviously just woken up from a rather unpleasant stay here in the hospital wing. And my friend here has been very worried. Anything you would like to talk about, he can be here for. We hold no secrets.”
‘Well, that used to be true.’
The two Aurors glance at each other before continuing, “Very well, we will get right down to it then.”
“Recently there have been surges of magic released throughout the area. We strongly believe they are tied with the multiple deaths that have occurred in the area?”
Aurora did not hide her confusion. “What do you mean by multiple deaths?”
“Camps, ranging from 5 to 50 people have been found dead. These camps have been found throughout the forest, valleys, and abandon castles for miles around.”
She heard Sebastian suck in a breath as his hand tightened its grip.
‘They’re really going to slide over the details that these camps are poachers’ camps.’
Aurora was having a hard time controlling her true emotions from coming across her face. The way they were trying to word this integration sounded like they wanted to make those poachers camps sound like an attack on innocents.
“That sounds horrible. I am sorry to hear about this. Though, I don’t know how I would be able to help.”
The shorter Auror was the one to respond to her. “The magic that is release leaves small amount of evidence that has proved difficult to trace. We have reason to believe that this magic has ties to ancient powers beyond our understanding. Ancient magical power that we have been told you have knowledge of.”
Aurora did not like where this was going. She instinctively pulled Sebastian’s hand closer to her for support. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. Sebastian leaned in closer to her, sending a glare towards the Aurors.
“I do not know what you are asking for but I’m afraid I cannot help.” Aurora tried.
“Ms. McKnight, we would like you to come with us-“
“That is quiet enough.” Professor Weasley cut the men off. “Ms. McKnight is a student and will not be leaving the castle grounds for any reason. Unless you are accusing my student of a crime and she is being place into custody, then I’m going to need to ask you to leave now gentleman.” Professor Weasley had moved her arm across the bed above Aurora, effectively creating a barrier between the two students and the Aurors.
“We suggest that Ms. McKnight corporates with this investigation.” They did not hide they announced from their tones or faces from basically being told to stop asking the young women any more questions.
“And we suggest that you leave now,” Professor Sharp had spoken up from the back. Aurora nearly forgot they were there.
“Fine.” One of the Aurors turned into his inner coat pocket and pulled a card out before laying it at Aurora’s feet. “We will be in touch Ms. McKnight.”
And with that, they two men made their way out of the wing, with a frantic Headmaster in tow. Professor Sharp sent a nod her way before following the men out. Before Aurora could even process what just occurred, Professor Weasley was bending down to her face, while gently petting her hair.
“That quiet enough excitement for one day. You rest up now, you are expected to return to classes tomorrow.” Aurora simply nodded in agreement as she silently watched her professor walk out as well.
Her emotions seemed to finally catch up to her as the gravity of the situation she found herself in seems to sink in. Tears returned to her face. She brought her hands up to cover her face while sobs racked her body.
Sebastian’s arms pulling her towards his chest was her only source of comfort.
Again, this is my very first fanfic ever. Please by kind with critiques. This story has not been proofread. Also, It is nearly 5am, and I'm at the end of an 18hr workday. I know this chapter was kind of all over the place, but I'm trying to get to the main event of the story as soon as possible. This story became a lot more then i originally attended. But I am enjoying getting my thoughts down and sharing them. Thank you for reading!
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not-rab · 5 months
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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killsworthss · 1 month
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Can’t stop and won’t stop my delulu
You can do it with vidu studio or lumalabs
Have fun loves 🤭🤍
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deadghosy · 2 months
★prompt: being blind since birth, and being the new fifth year. Another blind student takes his chances to get to know you.
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When you were sorted to Slytherin, Ominis sensed something different about you. That’s when his dearest friend had said your eyes were like his. Ominis felt his eyes widen. "Another blind student.." that was surly not on his bingo card. As his wand sensed you trying to tell where the Slytherin table was. His body reacted before his mind as Ominis had guided to the table.
Some of the kids whisper at how the cold gaunt had taken action to helping another blind student. You thanked him which made his heart feel warm. He only nodded and sat back down, griping his wand.
After a few days, Ominis started to warm up to you. Making you go under his wing and teach you how to use your surroundings and other senses well.
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Simply teaches you how to use your wand to navigate around Hogwarts. It took some time with you, but progress and patience is key.
Sometimes locking pinkies together while walking around bigger areas. He would be in front while you are behind since he more prone to using his wand
You start to notice Ominis sleeps during some of the classes you have together. You would smile and lean your head against his shoulder. Prompting to him unconsciously smiling in his sleep.
He knows your fragrance very well, and if you have a natural smell to you. He knows you are close just by that smell. With him being blind he could proximately call out to you with heightened senses.
Read out loud to you, he can’t fathom to leave you out of books he finds interesting.
Pinkie holding turns to holding your hand when he starts to get more comfortable with you.
Sebastian teasing Ominis at how he started to notice how his blind friend posture lessens when you are around.
Feeling each other’s faces to know what you “look” like to each other. When you said he felt pretty. His face went red as his lips pressed against each other. He could decide between saying you felt beautiful as well or just thanking you. Being the gentleman he is, he thanked you and the compliment you.
Your feature felt like something he can’t get out of his touch and mind. You felt like you were crafted to perfection. You couldn’t get out of his head.
Ominis’s heart almost stopped when you had gripped the sleeve of his cloak. He oddly likes it when you are close to him. He hates to admit he does find it cute when you are dependent on him.
When it’s nighttime, you two undress each other. Not in any sexual way but more in an intimate way of showing care and love to each other. Soft giggles and chuckles at how you two try to help each other while being blind together.
On a serious note, learning you hold ancient magic and having to do dangerous quests and battling with poachers make Ominis almost go into a panic attack and a heart attack as well. The thought of you being killed, danger, or even harmed making Ominis wake up in the sweat. Feeling for you in the same bed as him as he grips your hand to his chest.
He loves the feeling of your heartbeat, and you do as well. With your heart still going makes him calm and it reminds him that you are still with him.
Ominis when sitting in the great hall always wait for your presence. Sebastian could really tell that this Gaunt was being a little impatient about when you were coming. Ominis was quite a little snappy than usual.
But when you walked in holding your wand just like how Ominis does, Ominis immediately stuck his head up like a puppy sensing you through his wand. His knuckles were almost white with how hard he was gripping it.
He sadly has feelings for you. But he loves having these feelings towards you.
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aiuredsworld · 7 months
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So they said Harry and Draco went to Hogsmeade tgt huh🤨?
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charbroiledchicken · 20 days
what was more culturally significant - the renaissance or 'he never did fall in love again."
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moniefires · 3 months
oh! my boy is a monster !!!! 🔪
(( (play lady gaga) ))
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starlittragedies · 2 months
the gryffindors loved their common room as well as their dorms but when they got to visit the snake den (due to their slytherin partner) i bet you that they wouldn’t want to leave.
because wdym the slytherins have a glass view of the great lake???
wdym they have satin sheets and velvet couches???
the only true downside was that the dungeons were very cold, but that isn’t a problem for the slytherins and their counterpart gryffindors ;)
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Rosekiller, being the relationship that everyone thinks is a friendship with high sexual tension and waiting for them to confess their feelings and finally start dating.
They have been married for years.
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puridewart · 1 year
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“I think we did well”
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
Fiercely and obsessively (wrapped around your finger) — Part 8
| Rosekiller Soulmate AU | Previous part is here | Word Count: 767 |
Barty hadn’t figured he’d have to wait very long, but he was starting to have second thoughts by the time the weekend rolled around. Evan had gone back to acting odd again, even more so than he’d been before his birthday. Every time Barty went to knock his shoulder, or to ruffle his hair, or to lean against him on the couch, Evan would shy away from him like his touch was poisonous. And each time, Barty would recoil before attempting to brush it off as a fluke or misunderstanding. But the more times it happened, the harder it was to dismiss.
And so, seeing as this weekend happened to be a Hogsmeade weekend, Barty had vowed to corner Evan and find out just what was making him so skittish this time.
“What are you wearing?” Barty asked Evan from across the dorm, where he was digging through his dresser. Evan looked up.
“Um… a shirt and some shorts,” he said. “Why?”
Barty sighed. “It’s just that Dorcas got me this nice, muggle-style shirt for my birthday, but I’m worried it might look out of place. What do you think?” He held up the shirt, which Dorcas had called a tank top, and showed it to Evan.
Evan took in the tiny sleeves and elastic fabric, and his eyes flicked to Barty’s torso. He was no doubt imagining how it would look on Barty in a throng of wizards and assessing if it was too risqué or not. Why, then, his cheeks filled with color, Barty didn’t know, but he didn’t much care as he waited for Evan to respond.
“Yeah,” Evan rasped, then snapped his mouth shut like he had said something bad. But he didn’t take it back, which was good enough for Barty.
“Okay,” he decided. “I’ll wear it.”
An hour later they were with Regulus, Pandora, Dorcas, and Marlene, walking through the town of Hogsmeade. Dorcas had been delighted when she saw Barty’s choice of outfit, and even Marlene had commented on how she liked the grunge design of it. It was a nice confident boost, especially when Evan hadn’t been saying much to him at all ever since the conversation in their dorm.
“Marlene and I are going to go Zonko’s, if that’s okay,” Dorcas told the group. Behind her, Marlene grinned, clearly excited at the prospect of the joke shop. “See you guys later.”
“Actually,” Pandora interrupted, “Reg and I will walk with you a bit. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks, so we can all walk together until you reach Zonko’s.”
“Sounds good,” Dorcas responded, nodding her head. She turned towards him and Evan. “That leaves you two alone. Try not to burn anything down, please.”
Barty gasped, affronted. He searched the faces of his other friends, because surely one of them had just a little bit of faith them, right?
He found nothing but nods and murmurs of agreement.
“Seriously, you guys?” he asked. Pandora smiled, Dorcas shrugged, and Reg tilted his head. Marlene just laughed.
“I think she’s right to be saying that,” she said, still laughing. “You two are the craziest pair I’ve ever seen. That being said, I really would like to go to Zonko’s now, so please do try not to argue against plain facts too much.”
Next to him, Evan snorted inelegantly.
“I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he promised, and Marlene nodded at him once before turning and hooking her arm in Dorcas’s to pull her along after her. Regulus started to trail after them, and with one last small chuckle, Pandora went, too.
Leaving Barty alone with Evan.
“So, uh,” he began, not entirely sure that this is where he wanted to have this conversation, but if it had to be here then so be it. But Evan stopped him before he could get much farther than that.
“I was thinking we could go to the Shrieking Shack.”
Barty wrinkled his nose. There wasn’t much to do there other than stand at the fence and look at a rundown house with an odd name, and why Evan wanted to go there was lost on him. Except… there probably wouldn’t be anyone there other than them. And if no one was there to overhear, then Barty could ask Evan what was up without worrying what other people might think.
“Yeah, sure,” Barty agreed after only a slight pause. Evan didn’t wait to say anything more before turning and walking off, then looking back with a raised eyebrow as if to say, “You coming?”
Barty immediately hurried to catch up, and off they went.
(Part 9 is here)
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Slytherin: I went out yesterday… I need a rest period before I do again
Hufflepuff: How are you gonna survive in this world?
Slytherin: Spite
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ggwendolyn · 11 months
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dating Tom Marvolo Riddle moodboard.
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03junkie · 11 days
hello can someone please rec me a dorlene centric fic preferably w an ‘everyone is gay’ tag
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