#Smooth Criminals Chapter 2
the-scarlet-witch-22 · 6 months
Love and Liabilities (Agatha Harkness x FemReader): Chapter One
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Summary: While you attend a pretrial conference for your current case, you’re stunned to learn your opposing council is your former ex…and law school professor, Agatha Harkness
Word Count: 4.7k
Tags: 18+ Minors Do Not Engage!! Smut, Light Choking, Light Degradation Kink, Mommy Kink, Hate Sex
A/N: Hi :) This idea has been bouncing around my brain since the promo pics came out. Lawyer Agatha, the gift we all need for the new year. This is my first real attempt at writing smut, but I hope y’all enjoy. Updates will be around every 2 weeks. If you’d like to be added to a tag list, please let me know. Feel free to let me know what you think! 💜 Also a special shout-out to my sweet beta/girlfriend, Sarah, thank you for always listening to my crazy ideas.
Smoothing out a wrinkle from your pantsuit, you looked over your case materials from outside the courtroom. It had been almost a decade since you graduated law school, and you’d spent the time since working in corporate law as a junior attorney, before leaving the firm and working your way up as a top prosecutor. To say you were married to your job would be an understatement. It wasn’t enough to be good, you simply had to be the best. You’d always pride yourself on your ability to dig deep in a case and pull out missing details, or find a crack in a seemingly perfect alibi. You were ruthless, but you knew you had to be. The defense attorneys you found yourself battling in court were absolute sharks, and if they sensed an ounce of hesitation on your end it would be a total bloodbath.
Dealing with criminal defense cases was as interesting as it sounded, although it wasn’t what you envisioned you’d be doing after law school. You had different dreams back then, more altruistic visions of helping those who needed it. Closing your eyes, you saw a brief flash of the strikingly blue eyes and dark hair that caused you to change your choice of career, before you quickly shook those thoughts aside. It had been almost ten years since you’d allowed yourself to think about her- about any of it, and it wouldn’t benefit you to take a stroll down memory lane before the biggest case of your career.
A law clerk eventually came by to inform you the judge was ready for you. This was it. Gathering your materials, you walked through the details again in your mind. Pre-trial conferences were relatively helpful when trying to reach a plea bargain, review evidence, as well as decide what to present to the jury. There was no doubt in your mind that this case would go to trial. After all, a woman who kidnaps two children and takes them to a small town in New Jersey didn’t leave much to plead innocent from. What was the name of it, Westchester? Westmont? No, no, you mentally crossed those out, until the name finally came to mind…Westview. Westview, New Jersey.
The room was relatively empty, and you recognized the judge, Carol Danvers. She had a reputation for being rather uptight, but was typically fair in her rulings. She’d moved up through various circuit courts throughout her career, and you’d heard rumblings she was being eyed for a potential Supreme Court nomination. Setting your briefcase on the empty chair next to you, you thought of any possible hiccups from the defense. Supposedly a brief psych evaluation had been done after the incident to rule anything out, so they wouldn’t try and plead insanity, right? You couldn’t see Carol ruling in favor of that. There was the small problem of genetics; the woman was the boys’ birth mother. But, you’d looked over the adoption contracts, as had your colleagues, and they were airtight. It had been a closed adoption, and from what you could tell there had been no contact for over a decade. Plus, with solid testimonies from both families and multiple eyewitnesses you weren’t worried of whatever argument the defense would make in her favor.
Speaking of the defense, you quickly realized the defense attorney hadn’t arrived yet, which was a bit unusual. Racking your brain, you tried to remember the name of the attorney Yelena said was leading the case, but no one came to mind. Pepper Potts perhaps? Carol also appeared to notice the lack of the second attorney, as she whispered with one of the law clerks. You could barely make out what they were saying, but she sounded annoyed. But, no matter, you knew this had absolutely no impact on you.
Carol finally sighed in defeat at whatever the law clerk told her, something about hitting a fire hydrant? “Well, as we’re waiting on the defense to resolve their…tardiness, will the prosecution step forward?”
Standing up, you grabbed a copy of your materials, evidence, testimonies, anything the judge would need, before taking a step towards the judge. “Your honor, the state of New York is ready to move forward with our case. You’ll find sufficient evidence to dismiss any plea deal, as well as ensure we can schedule a trial date.”
Handing the papers to the judge, you watched as she flipped through them, an unreadable expression on her face. Minutes passed before she looked up at you. “The prosecution is dismissing the plea deal being proposed by the defense?”
Nodding, you recalled the deal that had been sent over to your office. It was preposterous, and was heavily dependent on the mental state of the defendant, or rather the lack of mental state of the defendant. “Yes, your honor. The state has inculpatory evidence to convict the defendant, as well as a number of witnesses willing to testify.”
A voice you’d only heard in your dreams for the past decade spoke up, and you nearly froze in place. “Inculpatory evidence? That’s a rather bold claim, I’d call it circumstantial at best.”
It couldn’t be. Paralyzed, you forced yourself to ignore it, to ignore her and keep your eyes locked forward. It couldn’t possibly be her, you would have remembered hearing her name as the defense attorney. Clearing your throat, you continued, trying to keep yourself calm. “With all due respect, your honor, the typical procedure for a case involving the abduction of a minor is what we’re basing this precedent on-”
An obnoxiously loud cackle cut you off, and nearly made you whip your head around in annoyance. The slow clacking of heels echoed throughout the room, followed by the faint scent of Burberry that invaded your senses. Brief flashes of lecture halls and late night office hour visits intertwined with the smell of cigars and expensive whiskey. Lengthy, heated arguments over the moral justification of various Supreme Court rulings whilst being undressed and pressed against the door. Diamond jewelry and lavish bouquets being delivered to your modest law school apartment as you sheepishly explained to your roommates you were seeing an older woman. Secret rendezvous in dimly lit piano bars in Manhattan which would end in a king size bed in a penthouse you could never dream of affording.
It all led back to the same thought, the same woman you’d done your best to let go of. The very same woman you currently found yourself standing face to face with. Agatha Harkness. Clever blue eyes met yours, and a slow smirk painted her perfect red lips. She hadn’t changed much over the past decade. Her dark hair, now peppered with some gray, was pinned back with a few loose strands framing her face, and you briefly thought of how well it suited her. The fitted black pantsuit which accentuated her features, and black heels that made her look deceptively tall as she towered over you.
For a moment it was as if no time had passed at all, and you were back in her lecture hall. But as quickly as that oddly nostalgic feeling overcame you like a tidal wave, it swept away, leaving you with the reality of the situation. Clearing your throat, you looked past Agatha, keeping your focus on Judge Danvers. “As I was saying. While looking at prior cases involving the abduction of a minor we were able to set a precedent that-”
Agatha let out another cackle, and it took everything in you to not roll your eyes. However it appeared Carol was at the end of her rope with patience, as she banged her gavel twice. “Does the defense have something they wish to share with the rest of us?”
“Your honor,” Agatha drawled out, her voice sweet like honey, “The prosecution is making bold assumptions on precedents that do not directly follow the evidence of this particular case. To rule anything otherwise would be direct defamation to my client.”
“Defamation?” You all but hissed, momentarily forgetting you were in the middle of a courtroom. The answering smirk Agatha gave you only fuelled your fire. “Your honor, the defense is all but negating the direct evidence of the defendant’s guilt. We would like to proceed to trial while throwing out the plea deal.”
Agatha’s shark tooth grin widened, and you had a sneaking suspicion she was baiting you to get a reaction. Typical, as she always prided herself on being ten steps ahead of her opponent. Taking a deep breath, you regained your calm composure. It would do you no good to allow your emotions to take over. That would merely ensure Agatha to have one more victory over you, one more thing she would take away from you. But things were different this time, you weren’t some feeble, naive law student fawning over her professor. The playing field was finally leveled, and it was about time she realized that.
Unfortunately, you forgot Agatha never played fair. You curiously watched her grab two folders from her briefcase, all but tossing one at you whilst handing Carol the other. “While we’re discussing the plea deal your honor, I’ve included additional information regarding my client’s psychiatric evaluation.”
Practically tearing the folder open, your eyes scanned the lengthy documents before landing on something that nearly made you fall over. Before you could get a word in, Agatha continued on. “Due to our country’s ever failing healthcare and medical practices, my client has been unable to receive a proper psychiatric evaluation. Your honor, I am requesting a continuance to this trial until my client can get the help she needs.”
Carol’s focus remained on the papers, an inscrutable expression coloring her features. “I’m granting a one month continuance for the defendant, Wanda Maximoff, to be given a psychiatric evaluation. As long as Miss Maximoff follows the terms of her probation and doesn’t leave the state of New York, we’ll resume this conference one month from today. Thank you to the prosecution and defense, you’re dismissed.”
Not wanting to see the smug smirk on Agatha’s face, you packed up your materials, including the folder Agatha gave you, and did your best to hurry out of the courtroom. It was foolish to think you’d beat Agatha at the game she taught you to play. That’s what it always was to Agatha, a game. It was like everyone around her was playing checkers while she was constructing the most elaborate game of chess known to man. All while she moved you around as whatever piece she desired; because that’s how she viewed you, as an object she could twist and mold to her liking until you outlived your usefulness.
Ignoring the familiar sound of her heels approaching, you drafted a quick email to one of your colleagues with the news of the trial being halted before going to order your Uber. You didn’t have to look up to know Agatha was standing in front of you, because that was just part of her intricate plan. She surely knew you were furious, because of course she did. Hadn’t she once told you she knew everything? At the time you thought it was a cheeky remark to make you laugh, but looking back you came to terms with the fact that the only person Agatha Harkness could ever care for was herself.
You were growing weary of the rising tension, so you finally broke the silence, keeping your eyes locked on your phone. “Can I help you with something?”
“I’m not sure,” Agatha replied, and although you weren’t looking at her you could practically feel her gaze burning into you. “I never took you for a sore loser, dear.”
There it was, she was trying to get her claws back in you. Keeping your tone even, you checked on the status of your Uber. “I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to. I’m just doing my job.”
Before you could comprehend what was happening, your phone was ripped from your hands. “Hey!” You exclaimed, angrily whipping your head up and your eyes narrowed, meeting the deep blue eyes you used to get lost in. “Give me back my phone.”
“Checking for your ride?” Agatha mocked, arching an eyebrow up at you. “Is that more interesting than talking to me?”
“Watching paint dry would be more interesting than speaking with you,” You retorted, your discomfort quickly growing.
“Now darling, is that any way to speak to me?” Agatha teased, her voice gradually dropping in volume. “It’s been so long.”
Glaring at her, you tried to pry your phone from her hands, but she put it in her back pocket. “And whose fault is that again?” Your voice was laced with venom, you subconsciously wanted to make her feel as badly as you had. “Should we take a stroll down memory lane and recall what caused this?”
Agatha’s gaze hardened at that jab, and you momentarily wondered if you pushed too hard. “I’m surprised you’re leading this case. I thought you wanted to,” she paused and used air quotes, “‘help the voiceless’, not strangle them.”
“How dare you,” You seethed, not caring that your voice was growing in volume. “I’m just doing my job, Agatha. Besides, isn’t strangling the helpless what you do best?”
Agatha tilted her head back, and let out another cackle. “Doing your job? You’re trying to imprison an innocent mother.”
“Your innocent mother kidnapped two minors and took them over state lines,” You fired back, vaguely aware that Agatha was taking small, slow steps towards you.
“She’s still their mother,” Agatha pointed out and you felt your face grow red from rage.
“Regardless of DNA, it was a closed adoption. She waived her parental rights,” You argued, unaware of anything but the infuriating woman standing in front of you. “Surely you’ve been practicing long enough to know how to read a contract.”
“And I thought I taught you to read between the lines of said contracts,” Agatha countered, and you knew she was testing your argument, it’s what she always did. “Things aren’t always black and white, dear.”
No they weren’t, you silently agreed. By this point your back was to the wall of the deserted corridor, Agatha still towering over you. Your faces were practically touching, and you could practically taste her lips. Both of you were panting from the exertion of bickering, and it wouldn’t take much to close the distance. She was so close, closer than she had been to you in so long. Having her back in your orbit, taking over all of your senses, made you forget the reasons you were so angry with her. Instead, it made you remember how many other times you had found yourself in this exact same position.
You could feel your ironclad restraint begin to slip away, and Agatha appeared to notice it as well. She let out a low chuckle as she turned her face to the side, her breath now hot against your ear, and allowing her to whisper, “Looks like it still doesn’t take much to get you riled up, does it?”
Shuddering, you struggled to get your breathing even, thinking of the many reasons why this was a horrible idea. Your history aside, you were on opposing sides of what would most likely be a very public case. It wasn’t just unprofessional to be doing this, it could potentially jeopardize your whole career. But it was hard to think about any of that when you locked eyes with the woman you had spent so much time trying to forget. Her right hand left your waist to push back the loose strands of your hair, tucking them behind your ear.
Each movement was slow, and delicate, and as her fingers slowly trailed down your neck, she gently squeezed, before gradually applying more pressure, and you had to physically restrain yourself from moaning. You could feel the heat pooling between your legs and had to close your eyes from the overwhelming sensation. Agatha’s lips moved to your neck, pressing hot, open kisses on your flesh while her fingers began to move lower, cupping your left breast before slowly pinching your nipple. This time you couldn’t stop the quiet moan that left your lips, and Agatha quickly used her free hand to silence you, covering your mouth.
“You always had a problem being quiet,” Agatha murmured, lips still on your skin. “Let’s find somewhere more…secluded to continue this, hm?”
Feeling yourself nod, you opened your eyes and let out a pathetic whine as she let go of you. It didn’t take long to find an empty storage closet, and Agatha practically shoved you inside before slamming the door behind her.
Pressing you against the bare wall, her eyes scanned yours before asking, “Are you sure?”
Being with Agatha like this was the greatest euphoric high, and it always left you wanting more and more. It didn’t have to mean anything, and you certainly didn’t want it to. It was just two people working out their frustrations, right? You nodded again, grabbing her right hand and placing it back around your throat. “Are you going to choke me again or are you too much of a coward?”
She nearly growled at that, and squeezed, a little rougher this time. You pressed your face into her shoulder, trying to silence the noises you always made when she touched you. She had barely started but it was so good, and you didn’t hesitate when she used her free hand to try and remove your blazer. Taking a step back to take off your blouse and bra, you nearly tripped over some boxes, and her hands steadied you.
“Careful,” She lightly teased, eyes still dark from arousal. “I’m not nearly finished with you.”
Her hands skillfully unhooked your bra, carelessly tossing it to the side, before lowering her mouth to your breast, and lewdly sucked. As if she anticipated the noises you’d inevitably make, she roughly pressed two fingers in your open mouth for you to suck. Moaning around them, you eagerly sucked and sucked, thinking of where you wanted her fingers to go next. Agatha’s tongue swirled around your nipple, teasing it enough to make it go erect before using her teeth to pull. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, your last functioning brain cells wondering how she could still have this strong of an effect on you.
She let out a low hum, clearly enjoying this as much as you were before moving to your other breast, only this time she bit down, and the rush of pain and pleasure flooded you. Unable to cry out as she fucked her fingers further down your throat before adding a third, causing you to gag around them. Releasing your breast, Agatha panted out, “Look at how pathetic you are, sucking on my fingers like a good little slut. What a good girl.”
Whimpering around her fingers, you clenched at the filth spewing from her lips. You hated this, how easily she could flip the switch and have you dripping and wanting her to fuck you through the floorboards. Agatha cooed, using her free hand to gently stroke your face, and roughly pulled her fingers out of your mouth. She was face level again, and you watched the gears turn in her head as she weighed out what to do with you. That same free hand cupped your jaw, and she was so close, your brain buzzing from the endorphins. It was so good, you hated how good it was.
Her normally perfectly red lips were stained and parted slightly as she looked at you with an indecipherable stare, and you were still breathless from her earlier ministrations. Before you could fully comprehend what you were doing, you grabbed her hair and smashed your lips together. You swore you heard her groan, but it was gone as quickly as it came, and you had no time to contemplate it as you felt her tongue teasing the entrance of your mouth. It has been so long, so very long, but you fell back into the familiar dance you could never forget.
Everything Agatha did she dominated, for she had such a strong presence that was impossible to ignore. Just kissing her was enough to get you off, as her tongue expertly swirled around yours, sending you further and further from the edge of reality. You were so far gone you barely noticed her hands moving lower, and lower, until they were pawing at your ass. Groping and grabbing, she was insatiable as she conquered your mouth. You broke apart for merely a second and without speaking, you helped get rid of your pants, slightly stunned you were still this in sync after all this time.
But again, you had no time to ponder that thought as Agatha quickly slammed you against the wall, and you couldn’t help but moan at the pain. The same fingers you eagerly sucked on were now teasing your entrance, rubbing gentle, slow circles. Agatha’s breath was hot in your ear, and you whined, trying to thrust your hips up for more friction. You needed more, you needed her more than ever before. Going without for so long was fine, you’d nearly forgotten what it felt like, what she felt like; but the second you remembered you couldn’t bear a second without it.
“Someone’s awfully worked up,” Agatha taunted, her voice softly whispering in your ear. “Did you want something?”
“Agatha…” You breathed out, your voice nearly cracking. “Please…”
Her fingers teased your clit, and the sensation made you cry out, causing Agatha to silence you with yet another kiss. “Behave,” she murmured against your lips, “Do you want me inside you? Do you want me to fill that sweet little cunt?”
Mewling, you again tried to tilt your hips up, desperate to feel her inside you, but her other hand kept you in place. “Agatha, please, I…I need it, please fuck me.”
Agatha arched an eyebrow, “I know your brain just melts when that pussy gets wet, but we both know that’s not what you want to call me, is it?” Blushing, you tried to avert your eyes but it was impossible. She nipped at your lips before continuing. “Be a good girl and beg for it.”
“Mommy,” The words slipped past your lips and you felt another rush of heat between your legs while Agatha moaned.
“Good girl,” Agatha praised you, and before you could prepare yourself she roughly entered you with two fingers, filling you completely.
Her fingers were so long and so good, hitting the spots you had trouble reaching. You couldn’t help but clench around them, and she groaned in your ear. Wasting no time, she set a fast and hard rhythm, skillfully fucking you better than anyone else since her had been able to.
“I almost forgot how good your cunt feels around my fingers,” Agatha hissed, nibbling on your ear, “Suck me in, slut.”
Your hips met her fingers, and you desperately chased your orgasm. “Harder, please mommy fuck me harder.”
Putting all of her weight on you, Agatha swiftly added a third finger and you nearly squealed at how full you felt. Her fingers were so deep, and you were so close, so very close to the edge.
“Such a good whore for mommy,” Agatha cooed, and her voice was strained, you could tell she was close too. “Do you want to come on my fingers?”
“Mommy please,” You cried out, unable to focus on anything but wanting to feel her fingers make you come harder than you could ever remember.
Agatha’s hips rested against your knee, and she began riding your leg, chasing her own high. “Come for mommy, baby. Soak my fingers.”
Twisting her fingers and hitting your G-spot again, and again causing you to quickly unravel. Feeling your orgasm coming, you clenched around her fingers, needing her to stay inside you. Your knees buckled and you swore you saw stars, unable to speak as you silently cried out. Agatha came right as you did, grunting in your ear and roughly thrusting against your leg as she came undone.
“Fuck,” She panted, keeping her fingers inside you as you continued to twitched around them. “Good girl, such a good girl for mommy.”
Breathing heavily, you gradually felt yourself come back to Earth. You were drenched with sweat, and you were sure you looked positively debauched. Agatha was staring at you with yet another inscrutable expression on her face, and you felt yourself relaxing around her fingers as she slowly pulled out. You grabbed her hand, and lewdly cleaned her fingers off, watching her eyes darken once more as you made a point to swirl your tongue around them until they were clean.
As your brain fog cleared, you were all too aware of the uncomfortable silence growing around you. With every high that came with being with Agatha, it was almost always followed by an indescribable low. There were so many things you wanted to ask her, so many things you needed to know. Brief flashes of arguments and slamming doors. Dozens of unanswered calls, and late nights spent wondering what you had done wrong to deserve her random outbursts of anger. But with every argument, every heated fight, it would always end the same way; with Agatha pressing you against some surface and having her way with you.
There had been so much more going on at that point than you were aware of, and as the pieces slowly came together, she was too far gone for you to be able to help. You’d begged and pleaded with her, but it never mattered. What was it your therapist had said to you? You couldn’t help someone who didn’t want to help themselves. Letting go of her nearly killed you, and now you made the mistake of opening that door again, knowing how much more complicated it would be. You weren’t just her law student anymore, you were on opposing sides of a trial.
It appeared Agatha was having the same train of thought as you, for she wordlessly helped you find your clothes. In spite of her just being inside you, you made a point of turning around as you got dressed, as the air in the room seemed to drop and any of the warmth that had been there prior had disappeared. There was so much you wanted to say, yet simultaneously wanted to get as far away from her as you could.
Agatha finally broke the silence as she fixed her hair, and she was back to her usual condescending self. “You know you’re wrong pursuing this case, right? It’s not too late to back out.”
Rolling your eyes, you finally grabbed your phone from her back pocket and saw your Uber driver understandably canceled your ride. That would certainly tank your rating. You quickly ordered another before replying with, “You know this meant absolutely nothing to me, right?”
Pushing past her to exit the room, she let out another cackle, the sound like grating nails on a chalkboard in your ears. You knew she wouldn’t follow you, and you were thankful for that. This was an indiscretion, a momentary lapse of judgment. You’ve been on edge with all the extra hours you’ve been working; you weren’t thinking clearly. The courthouse was still relatively empty, and you left the building, trying to get the thought of Agatha out of your mind. Why did she have to be so infuriating?
Your Uber eventually rolled up and as you got in you went to check your work email. It never failed to amaze you how quickly your inbox would fill up when you didn’t check it for more than five minutes. Scrolling through, you vaguely listened to the music your driver had in in the background, until a familiar song started playing. Frank Sinatra, a favorite artist of a certain attorney. The Way You Look Tonight had always been one of her favorites, and you could remember the last time you listened to it together.
Your mind absentmindedly drifted, the memories you’d tried to lock away slowly creeping back up to the surface. It seemed no matter how hard you tried to forget, she didn’t want you to. Settling into your seat, listening to Frank Sinatra, you thought back to the first time you met Agatha, or rather, how you met Professor Harkness.
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c0wgurlz · 8 months
Trouble On My Left, Trouble On My Right
Chapter 2: Operation, Find Caroline a Cowboy
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gif by @bodybebangin
Kayce Dutton x Reader/OC - Friends to Lovers
He doesn't even have to take half a step to catch back up with me. “Come on Caroline, you know I’m just teasing you.” He pats my back as a peace offering. “Although,” Okay, maybe not. “I have it on good authority that I can please the ladies, so save a horse and all that.” Winking flirtatiously, he belts out a laugh, finally removing his hand from my bare back. And what a blessing that is, because if he had kept touching me while talking about… that, I’d be liable to combust.
Chapter 1
Sorry it took me so long to update! I'm a teacher and my free time is fairly limited. We're at a point in the school year now though that is much less stressful, so expect fairly regular updates, at least for the next few chapters.
Comments are so appreciated! I'd love to know what ya'll like and what ya'll think I could improve upon.
As always: I do not own Yellowstone (2018) or any of its characters. This work is not monetized.
THIS FIC IS CROSSPOSTED TO AO3. It is not posted to any other site. I am lookingcold on AO3 and that is all. I do not give permission for my work to be posted by others to any other platform.
We don’t talk for the rest of the walk, but the silence is comfortable, like it always is between us. Kayce and I have never asked too much of each other, have always read each others’ moods as if they were our own, and that apparently hasn’t changed from the five years we’ve spent apart. It’s glaringly obvious to us both that neither is up for idle chit chat. 
And while I’m really not up for small talk, the silence does, unfortunately, give me entirely too much time to overthink. What felt like such a natural decision, what felt like fulfilling my duty this morning, now feels foolhardy, and quite possibly too risky. Now this isn’t to say that I’m doubting my choice. Helping Mr. John, helping Kayce, helping the family and ranch that raised me, that picked up my pieces and glued me back together over and over, is a no brainer. Helping the people and the place I love most in the world feels as natural as breathing. But smoothing over a murder? That’s- No, I’m not doubting my choice, but I’m sure as hell doubting my sanity. When I said the Duttons needed a criminal defense lawyer, not a PR specialist, I wasn’t exaggerating. And if I’m being honest, this job feels more like that of an accessory than a public relations consult.
The front porch of the big house comes into view well before I’m ready. This dinner may be a reunion of sorts, but it’ll undoubtedly be a business meeting as well. Steeling my nerves for such talks doesn’t come quite as naturally to me as it once did. I feel like a knight with rusty armor. Weak at critical points, weak where it matters. More aptly, I feel like a little girl again, staring into the headlights of a train with no way to move and no way to stop it. I’m no coward, please don’t think that of me, but you know that feeling of impending doom? The one that makes your spine tingle and your stomach drop to your knees? Dread is probably the best word. That’s all I can feel as I stand at the bottom step of the Dutton’s porch. 
I must hesitate for too long, or stare off into space, or look absolutely fucking terrified, because in a flash Kayce is back down the two steps he’d already taken and by my side. He doesn’t say anything, you’d think we’d taken a vow of silence, but just looks at me imploringly, resembling a curious puppy so much I almost crack a smile. And then Kacye, sweet Kayce, wraps his calloused hand around mine and tucks it against his chest, over his heart, before tipping his head, ushering me up the stairs. Once I’m half way up I get a fond, “Atta girl,” and what woman doesn’t love being praised like an obedient mare. I snort in response and kick out my foot to trip him, but only a little bit, on the last stair. Can’t have hime getting too full of himself.
Dinner is nice, but rather awkward if I’m totally honest, mainly due to the fact that Beth and Jamie are in attendance. Let’s just say Gator clears the table well before dinner should truly be over. To my surprise, we don’t talk business, but rather I’m questioned, interrogated really, over what I’ve been up to the past five years and why haven’t I called and would it really kill me to send a text every few months. Beth is the one who leads this inquiry. Jamie and I were never particularly close, so he remains silent for the most part, and he leaves in a huff shortly after Beth throws a fork like it’s a trident directly at his forehead. Can’t say I blame him, even I can only handle so much of Beth when she’s at her worst.
My interrogation is blissfully, or so I thought, cut short by Mr. John when he asks, “So, ya’ll have any plans tonight?” He folds his napkin meticulously, trying to look nonchalant but missing the mark by a shameful amount. If I thought that feeling of dread had left me, I was wrong.
I narrow my eyes and prepare to defend myself against an interrogation of a different kind. Before I can grit out a suspicious, “No, why,” however, Beth pipes up. “Actually Daddy, since you asked,” at this she turns to me, “Caroline, how do you feel about heading into town and getting gloriously drunk and then gloriously fucked? You’ve been gone far too long, so you’ve got to be re-initiated, re-tainted if you will.” She looks me up and down, assessing. “You’re far too shiny, like a little cherub.”
Jesus Christ, I think she’s suggesting I fuck a townie. And Mary and Joseph I haven’t even so much as kissed someone since my divorce - ok, well maybe a peck or two here or there, but that’s besides the point. Here I was, so worried about talking business, about skirting around the subject of murder, only to be blindsided by an age old Dutton scheme. Operation: Find Caroline a Cowboy. Well if Beth thinks I’m about to get biblical with some rando she is absolutely, positively looney tunes. Now, how to communicate all of that in a tactful way? Taking a shallow breath, I part my lips and prepare to spout some placating, buzzword bullshit. Something along the lines of, “Well, as fun as that sounds, I’m actually really tired. Maybe later this weekend?” or “How about we just kick back in the bunkhouse tonight, save the salaciousess for this Saturday?” Before I can even utter a word though, Kayce butts in on my behalf.
“Do you maybe think you could save the corruption for later, Beth? I’ve already promised the boys that I’ll bring Caroline around for cards tonight.” While his voice is calm, casual even, Kayce gives himself away the moment he begins to bounce his leg, the tap tap tap of the heel of his boot loud in the otherwise quiet room. He’s uncomfortable, maybe even irritated, which aren’t we all at least a little bit when speaking to Beth, but there’s something else. A boyishness to his demeanor that I haven’t seen since high school. There’s also the fact that we had decidedly made zero plans to visit the bunkhouse tonight. So. Interesting.
I’m certainly not the only one to notice his odd shift in behavior, as Mr. John’s lips curl into a smirk and Beth’s face arranges inself into a pleased, self-satisfied expression. She frequently wears the look of someone who knows enough to destroy literally any given person’s life, but this look is more playful, one of a cat that’s pinned a mouse by its tail. Ignoring Kayce, she turns her attention back to me. “Caroline, sweetheart, don’t even think about screwing any of those cowboys. I know old habits die hard, but trust me when I say not a single one of them is worth a ride.” Now, to be clear, Beth knows, I know, Mr. John knows, and even Kayce knows that Beth has only ever screwed one of said cowboys out in that bunkhouse, still, her dig elicits the desired reaction from Kayce. And furthermore, she makes it clear that she’s not just trying to set me up with any old cowboy. I’m on to her. Operation: Find Caroline a Kayce.
With a cringe of disgust and a flushed face, he exclaims, “Fuck’s sake Beth, I’m not taking her out there to pimp her out.” He’s stopped smoothing the tablecloth, but now he’s exasperatedly running his hand through his still damp hair. Shit, Kayce. You think he’d have learned by now how to not play into Beth’s hand. Some people just have to learn the hard way I suppose. 
Beth’s eyebrows lift and the corner of her mouth quirks. “Well you’re not a very good bestfriend then, are you?”
“Fuck you.” Kayce mutters, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms petulantlly.
“Maybe you should be saying that to her.” Beth points at me with her napkin, dropping it onto her plate as she rises from the table. “This has been fun. Possibly the best family dinner we’ve had all year.” Planting a kiss on Mr. John’s cheek she says, “Love you Daddy, have a drink with me later, will you? I think we should talk.” Then, rounding the table to me, she strokes my hair, almost motherly, “Caroline, sweetheart, clear your schedule Saturday. Me and you are going to paint the town red.” Finally, reaching Kayce, she sighs, “Goodnight, dummy. Let me know if you’d like help finding your balls.” And just like a tornado, she’s there wreaking havoc one moment, and gone the next.
The dining room is uncomfortably silent for a beat after she exits, until Mr. John blessedly breaks the awkwardness yet again. “Beth’s antics aside, I don’t think ya’ll should be going out anywhere tonight. We’ve got several important meetings lined up tomorrow morning and I need both of you sharp. Especially you Kayce, tomorrow will require you to tell a very particular version of events and I can’t risk you fucking that up. Alright, Son?”
Looking slightly cowed, Kayce nods his head in agreement. “Alright.”
Having determined this hell of a dinner has gone on long enough, I begin to make moves to excuse Kayce and myself. “Dinner was delicious Mr. John, thank you for having me. And thank you for such fine company.” I may be lying out of my ass, but my momma didn’t raise me to be rude.
Mr. John exhales a dry laugh and rises from the table. It’s moments like this where his and Beth’s resemblance is striking. “No need to thank me, honey. You’re family, you’re welcome at my table anytime.” Pushing in his chair he surveys Kayce and I with calculating eyes. “Why don’t you two head on home, you both look like you’ve been put through the wringer.”
Gee Mr. John, I wonder the hell why?
Our walk back isn’t nearly as silent as our walk to the house. To say Kayce is pissed would be putting it lightly. “What in the actual fuck was all that? I mean, Beth was no surprise, but what shit is Dad trying to pull?”
“Kayce, your daddy barely said a word.” I’m more focused on the words left unsaid.
“He didn’t have to say anything Carrie, he sat there like a smug bastard and let Beth say it all for him.” Kayce may as well be pitching a fit the way he kicks at the ground, arms hugged tight to his chest like a wronged toddler. Honestly, the image is kind of amusing, so much so that I have to stifle a laugh. I must not do a good enough job, because I can feel the glare that Kayce shoots through the side of my head. “What?”
Not wanting to add fuel to the fire, I’m quick to hide my growing grin. “Well first off, I’m gonna overlook the fact you pulled out my forbidden nickname. But second, do you remember that Christmas when we were thirteen? How Beth hung mistletoe from literally every single doorway, and how your daddy actually enforced the kissing rule?” I raise my eyebrows high, daring him to conveniently “forget” an awkward moment from our childhood as he often pretends to do.
The tips of his ears turn pink, but he sighs his agreement. “Yeah I remember, we must’ve kissed two dozen times. At the time I thought dying would’ve been a kinder fate.”
Asshole. I punch him in the arm, hard. “Wow. Thanks a lot. The sentiment is shared.” Rolling my eyes and checking for invisible dirt beneath my nails, I continue. “Anyways, what they’re doing now, Beth and your daddy, is just an enormous escalation of what they did then. I don’t think Mr. John will rest in his grave until I give him a grandbaby - with you.” I look at Kayce pointedly. It’s no secret that Mr. John, and Beth by extension, have been holding out hope that me and Kayce would fall madly in love and have lots of babies. When Kayce married Monica the teasing and hinting stopped, after all Mr. John would never disrespect their marriage in such a way, and when I married Judd it was almost like a fence went up between us, between myself and the Duttons that is, but now that both of our spouses are out of the picture? I’m certainly not surprised the trouble has started back up.
I expect Kayce to splutter and turn a darker shade of red. Despite his gruff exterior he’s always been reserved and easy to embarrass. He surprises me though when he mutters, “Maybe we should just give him what he wants then. Get him and Beth off our backs.”
I shock myself with the cackle that bursts its way out of my body. It bubbles out partly because of the utter glee I get from Kayce having a sense of humor for once and partly from the insanity of such a suggestion. “So you’re telling me, that your solution to getting your daddy and Beth to leave us alone, is to have a baby together? Yeah, because they definitely would have no interest in our love lives after a stunt like that.” I bump his hip with mine. “I can just hear Beth now, ‘I’m thinking a Fall wedding, you look horrible in bright colors and nobody wants to wear a suit in eighty-eight degree weather.’ We’d never hear the end of it.”
Kayce shrugs, shooting me a wry grin. “Hey, if we marry each other at least we’ll know what we’re getting into. No surprises.”
“Yeah, and no sex,” slips past my lips before I can swallow it down. What a stupid fucking thing to say. Good job Caroline, talk about fucking, or not fucking, your best friend some more why don’t you. Now I’m the one who’s blushing. Pink from the roots of my hair to my chest. And what a fatal mistake I’ve made by opening my fat mouth. My whole life I’ve had to be one step ahead of Kayce, embarrassing him before he can embarrass me worse, yet here I am giving him a golden opportunity.
His grin only widens. “I hate to break it to you Carrie, but to make a baby people have to have sex.” He slings an arm around my shoulders, adding insult to injury. “You know when a man loves a woman…”
I elbow him in the ribs before he can continue. He laughs at my embarrassment just as much as he groans from the pain. “Oh shut up.” Now I cross my arms, increasing my stride so that his arm falls from my shoulders.
He doesn’t even have to take half a step to catch back up with me. “Come on Caroline, you know I’m just teasing you.” He pats my back as a peace offering. “Although,” Okay, maybe not. “I have it on good authority that I can please the ladies, so save a horse and all that.” Winking flirtatiously, he belts out a laugh, finally removing his hand from my bare back. And what a blessing that is, because if he had kept touching me while talking about… that, I’d be liable to combust. If Kayce had always been shy and reserved in his day to day life, where I had been bright and obnoxious in mine, the topic of sex is where we switched places. I think calling myself a prude may be a tad harsh, but I certainly have never been one to broadcast my sexual business. Kayce on the other hand has never shied away from flirting, or kissing, or having sex in nearly every one of Mr. John’s pastures - you don’t get someone pregnant at nineteen by keeping it in your pants after all. 
Playing the game I had with Kayce in the bathroom earlier today had felt safe, probably because I was the one in control, but this battle of wills feels altogether different, like someone is poking at an insecurity, at a bruise I didn’t even know I had. It’s confusing at best and humiliating at worst. Throwing his words back at him, I huff, “Now Kayce Dutton, you know this conversation is entirely improper, so I suggest you drop it. And also,” I whirl around on the step I’ve just taken. Thank God we’ve reached the foreman’s house because I don’t know how much longer I can participate in this back and forth before I’m forced to will myself out of existence. “Who says I’d even want to have a baby with you? Good authority or not. I know ya’ll’ve gotten new ranch hands since I’ve last been here, all of whom I haven’t gotten to size up yet. You never know, maybe one of them is babydaddy material.” I poke him firmly in the chest. “Don’t assume I haven’t got options.” Before Kayce can respond I storm up the remaining steps and into the house, kicking my boots off perhaps a bit too aggressively before striding into the kitchen. What I plan to do in the kitchen, I don’t know, but I still don’t know which room I’m staying in and the living room feels too cozy to stew in, so the kitchen it is.
Kayce saddles in much more calmly, but his fierce expression gives his true feelings away. “Are you serious?” He grunts, and if I wasn’t so embarrassed, mad, confused, hurt - for some reason that alludes me, I might have found the rocky timbre of his voice sexy. 
“Serious about what?” I avoid his gaze petulantly, pouring myself a glass of water for a lack of anything better to do.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He groans, tipping his head back and rubbing at his eyes. “Are you really picking a fight over whether or not we should get imaginary married, have imaginary sex, and have an imaginary baby? You do hear how crazy that sounds?”
“So now I’m crazy?” My voice is cool, and serious, even though at this point I realize I’ve lost the argument. Even though I’ve realized there never should’ve been an argument in the first place.
Any fight Kayce had left in him drains away. I see the moment that it leaves his body, his eyes softening and his shoulders relaxing. “Caroline, honey, what’d I do?”
Almost as if there’s an invisible string connecting us, my body relaxes too. I blow out a breath, dump my water down the drain, and come to stand in front of him. No island between us. “You didn’t really do anything, just poked at a sore spot, that’s all.”
Sensing that this may be a conversation best saved for later, Kayce graciously changes the subject. Scratching at the back of his neck with one hand and gesturing towards the bathroom with the other he murmurs, “Well uh, if you still wanna have that spa night we should probably get going, we’ve got a early morning tomorrow and if I’m gonna let you take my spa virginity we’ve gotta do this thing right.” That earns him a hard exhale, the ghost of what could’ve been a laugh. But he must know not to expect much else, that I’m still nursing my bruised ego, because he carries on. “So why don’t I go get that bubble bath started and you can sort through your uh lotions and potions, decide on how best to pretty me up. And then maybe we could talk, about anything you want.” He begins to walk backwards, making his way towards the bathroom. It’s odd to hear the soft pad of his socked feet on the hardwood and not the click of his boots, but also kind of nice, endearing.
“Okay,” I breath, “Yeah, that’d be - that’d be nice.” I move to walk past him, into the hall where I’d left my bags. “I think you’ve got a bit of a sunburn so I’ll see if I’ve got an aloe mask for you. If you plan on putting yourself back on the market you’d better start taking care of your looks.”
I’m very purposefully facing away from him, so I don’t see the melancholy on his face so much as I hear it in his voice. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s likely to happen. My days of chasing tail are definitely over.” I don’t reply, not too keen on opening that can of worms further, and so an uncomfortable silence settles over us. It’s only broken when Kayce sighs, “Well, I’ll uh, I’ll be in the bathroom whenever you’re ready.”
Still looking down, I pause the mindless shuffling I’d been doing through my bags, “Alright, just give me a few minutes.” Having found the masks I was looking for well before now, I finally rise from out of my crouch, left knee popping in protest. “Like you said, you deserve a proper first spa night,” I turn my body to reveal my profile, pretending to check the label of the plastic tub in my hands, “I’ve gotta make sure I pull out all the stops. You know I don’t half ass anything.” Feeling generous, I finally offer him a small smile, turning to fully face him.
The relief in his eyes catches me off guard. “Don’t I know it.”
I don’t know what I expected when Kayce said he’d go run a bubble bath. Too absorbed in my own thoughts, I didn’t consider that such an activity is typically done alone, certainly not with a friend, and even more certainly not with a totally platonic, albeit sexy, boy bestfriend. When I finally make my way into the bathroom however, I’m greeted by the sight of Kayce settled into the comically large clawfoot tub, chin tucked to his chest so that bubbles cling to his beard, eyes unfocused and contemplative. “Didn’t realize I invited Santa Claus.” I joke, at a loss for anything else to say. Too scared to say the wrong thing or ask the wrong question.
At the sound of my voice his head jerks up, the sudden movement sloshing water just shy of the lip of the tub. “Santa Claus?” He furrows his eyebrows. He really does look like a puppy.
“You’ve got bubbles,” I gesture to my chin, miming a full beard.
He chuckles, “Oh, yeah, I guess I just got bored and,” he shrugs, “I’ve gotten used to playing with Tate in the bath. You’re lucky I didn’t break out the bubble mohawk.”
“The bubble mohawk?” I giggle, “I don’t know, I think I’d like to see that actually. Just make sure I’ve got a camera on me when you do break it out, yeah?” Lining my “lotions and potions” up on the counter, I look away, still trying to figure out what exactly is going on here, or what Kayce expects me to do, to say.
He must sense my hesitancy because he volunteers, “I hope I got the water hot enough. I know how you women like to scorch your skin off, but I’m afraid I’m just a bit too delicate.” He’s pushed himself into a full sitting position now. The water pools just under his chest and it takes everything in me to meet his eyes.
“So we are taking a bath together then?” I huff. “Because that’s not weird at all.” Still, I move to pull my blouse up and over my head, clipping my hair up so that it no longer hangs down my back. “And if you’re not actively in pain, then no, you don’t have the water hot enough. But that’s alright, I’ll manage.”
Ignoring my comment about the water, his eyebrows furrow once again in confusion. “Why’s it weird? You’re the one that suggested it.”
“No. I didn’t.” I shoot some side eye at him, because who in their right mind would suggest such a thing. Hopping around to remove my socks before balling them up and tossing them into the hall so that they don’t get wet, I continue, “And it’s weird because usually when grown adults take a bath together it’s only because something else is gonna follow.”
Rolling his eyes, he insists, “Yes. You did. You said you normally take a bubble bath for spa nights, so here we are, taking a bubble bath. And it’s not weird. I’m wearing my underwear, and I assumed you’d wear yours too. It’s no different than going swimming together.” He sounds way too exasperated for a conversation that is this stupid.
Remember how I said Kayce and I have never had trouble reading each other? Yeah I take that back. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I sigh, “That was not a suggestion. That was a statement. But thank you for the clarification. Now before I literally die of embarrassment, would you like the lavender hair mask,” I forcefully lift one colorful jar into the air, and then another, “or the apple?”
Looking as fed up as I feel, Kayce responds gruffly, “The lavender.”
Tag List: @cheneyq @targaryenpower @starset21 @darlingmunson30 @ilovemrytleturtle @screechingtriumphtiger @chlo-feigh @twoheartedfool @softi92 @hannahufflepuff @its-moonblr
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im-ovulating · 10 months
Now, hear me out....
I just can't get this idea out of my head:
It's a mini smut series. Each part is for a different underrated 1A boy, but interconnected. There will be two different endings, each with two different outcomes.
As I was getting ready to post this, I realized that the idea was akin to Aberration by @bakuhoes-dumbass , so to be on the safe side, I reached out and got permission. Aberration is so attention grabbing and (personally) keeps the you on the edge of your seat. It's 10x better than anything I'm gonna write for this, so check it out! Thanks again to @bakuhoes-dumbass for giving me the green light!
**Y/n is the new psychiatrist for the Yuei Institute for Dangerous Individuals (YIDI). But she's also the warden's niece -giving her more loopholes to wiggle through than your average psychotherapist. Cue the jailbird shenanigans when they get a whiff of their new toy.
Warnings: Contains slight passive hybristophillia, various talk of criminal behavior and non consensual/dubiously consented to actions and scenarios, do not read if you are sensitive to said topics!
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Prologue: A deeper introduction to the jailbirds
Let's get to know the inmates, shall we?
Chapter 1: Shoji Mezo- Convicted on multiple counts of gang-related torture; currently serving 3 life sentences with no chance of parole. Time incarcerated: 6 years, 4 months.
In which your first session with the sadist derails an a way you never expected. As it turns out, the jailbirds are missing more than just their freedom.
Chapter 2: Ojiro Mashirao- Convicted on 1 count of 1st degree murder following a confession refusal; currently serving 20 years with no chance of parole. Time incarcerated: 2 years, 9 months.
You survived your first day. What more could go wrong? A lot, apparently. After the surprisingly saucey session (ooh alliteration) with Shoji, you can confidently say you're better prepared for the type of inmates you're dealing with. Or so you thought...
Chapter 3: Tokoyami Fumikage- Convicted for the attempted murder of his best friend, claiming "the shadows told him to do it"; currently serving 15 years with a chance of parole after 5 years. Time incarcerated: 4 years, 8 months.
Your new deal is firmly in place, and you're prepared to do what you agreed to. You just didn't expect your end of the deal to be enforced again so soon. It's all in the name of helping... Right?
Chapter 4: Koji Koda- Convicted of arson, assault, and non-peaceful protesting of multiple animal testing facilities; currently serving 40 years with a chance of parole for $15,000 bond. Time incarcerated: 3 years, 7 months.
Animal rights activists can't be too scary... can they? You're a little less than a month into your new job, and it's going relatively smooth. The deal is going as planned, and you seem to be making progress. Turns out this activist isn't scary after all... He's downright terrifying.
Chapter 5 : Rikidou Sato- Convicted for drug trafficking and the assault of 5 police officers; currently serving 90 years with a chance of parole after 40 years. Time incarcerated: 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days.
Marking the last day of your first month is your final first session. After today, you can confidently say that you know what to expect with your assigned inmates. That doesn't mean what you're to expect will be easy. Withdrawal really brings out the worst in people, doesn't it?
Epilogue 1: Every action has consequences... Unfortunately, Y/n engaged in the same action with 5 different people. So, which one is the reason for this consequence?
Mentions pregnancy and abortion, if you are sensitive to either of those topics, I'd advise you to redirect to Epilogue 2 for the second ending. Open ended/up to interpretation of the reader. Can be read for any of the inmates
Epilogue 2: Every action has consequences...Unfortunately, Y/n's bleeding heart is her consequence. But for whom does it bleed?
Contains an individual ending for each inmate. 'Pick your own ending' style
"Jailbirds" Coming Soon
Full Masterlist:
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siconetribal · 3 months
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 9
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Warning: Threats, Harassment, Discussion of possible links to/interest in criminal activity, and Y/N being a trouble magnet
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, here is a link to the other parts:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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The store was spotless. The last customer had left about half an hour ago. There was nothing else to do, so Y/N took it upon herself to make sure it was pristine and ready for the next night traveler that would grace the establishment. Did she honestly expect anyone to come in? No, but this just meant she had one last thing to do before the shift was through.
“And now, I wait.” She mumbled as hopped up onto the stool behind the counter. It was going to be a boring and hellish shift with so little to do, but that just meant she was getting paid to do nothing. And that is far better than having to deal with some cranky customer. Grabbing her book from under the counter, she dove into the realm that awaited. A place where good, evil, and morally grey collided into a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors of adventure, intrigue, and romance. Within these pages, she was not some minimum wager struggling to make ends meet in some crime-ridden city. Within these bound sheets, she was free…until the chime of the front door pulled her back to reality. Of course, someone comes in just when I thought I’d be doing nothing.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” The familiar accented voice made Y/N’s jaw tighten as she slipped her bookmark back into the book and looked up to see none other than Citlalli’s troublesome cousin, Matías, and his posse of trouble. The one who always had some kind of job that would promise big reward, and would definitely get you killed if you were lucky. She could still recall the look on the Penguin's face when he realized he was being had. A look she never wanted to see once in her lifetime, let alone again. 
I’d rather deal with those secret menu drinks and hear the brainless chatter of the overprivileged youth than deal with him. A lobotomy sounds delightful, even. “Welcome, what can I get started for you today?” She plastered on her award-winning customer service smile as she stood from the stool and stepped up to the register.
“C’mon Lindura, don't be like that.” He softly clicked his tongue and reached across the counter to grab her hand. Y/N was quick to pull her arm back to her side.
“I will have to ask you to refrain from reaching across the counter, sir. If you need time for your order, you may do so, but I request you step aside. Anyone who is ready in the group, I am happy to help.”
“Damn, Matty, she’s not playing with you today.” The group snickered.
“Fuck off, that’s just how mi pequeña petardo is.” Matías eyed Y/N and smirked. It made her skin crawl, and she wanted to burn every inch that had the poor luck of being seen by such a leering gaze. “Isn’t that right, Nena? You like playing hard to get, don't worry, I’m not giving up that easy.”
No, please do. Give up, better yet, please walk into a wall however many times it takes for you to completely forget about my existence as a whole. She bit back the retort, reminding herself that she was at work and being recorded. She needed this job to pay off the 4k. “Sir, I'm not "playing ard to get", you're simply impossible to want. I am but a simple café employee working her shift, nothing more. So, what would you like?”
“For you to finally say yes and be mine.” She had to admit it was a smooth answer, but coming from him it was more greasy, like deep fried onion rings fresh out of the fier and still swimming in the oil. Her temple began to throb as the group cheered and encouraged Matías to go on. Emboldened, he leaned over the counter some more and attempted to grab her again. She smacked his hand away and glared.
“Strike two, Matías, keep this up, and I’ll call the cops.” She kept her voice flat as she glared at him. “Now, do you want to order anything or not? If not, get out and leave me alone. I’m not interested in you, your idiotic lackeys, or whatever pitch you're trying to sell.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are talking to us like that, bitch?” The one to Matías’ right snapped, grabbing and tugging her closer by the front of her apron. “Do you know who you’re messing with?” It was obvious from the clothes that he wore and the way he held himself, this guy was a hot headed rich kid trying to be cool.
“Someone with severe halitosis?” She rolled her eyes, trying to tug his hand off of her apron. “Let me go, or you'll regret it.”
“Regret it?” The rich kid scoffed. “How? Gonna call the cops? Then what? Even if we give ya the chance to call them, it’s gonna take time for them to get here. That gives us plenty of time for some fun. Plus my dad knows the commissioner, they can’t do shit” His slimy smug smirk was the last straw. Her free hand gripped the counter edge as she tried to create distance by pulling back as she tugged at his wrist in the opposite direction.
“I’m how.” Everyone turned at the newcomer’s voice, surprised to see that someone else was there at all, since the door had not chimed at someone else coming in.
No way, Wonder Boy?! Y/N’s jaw dropped at the turn of luck of having someone as witness to the harassment.
“And who the fuck are you supposed to be? Piss off and mind your own business.” The tallest of the group stepped forward.
“Guys, settle down.” Matías glared at Jason. There was something unnerving about him, and he knew fighting him as they are now would be a loss on their end. “Joey, let her go.”
“But Matty,” the rich kid turned to their leader to insist, but one look from Matías was all it took for him to back down. “You’re lucky, bitch.” He sneered, shoving her backwards hard enough to send her falling back into the counter behind her. The sharp pain up her spine was hard to ignore, but she refused to give them the satisfaction.
“You’ve misunderstood the situation, my friend! Lindura and I, we go way back. She’s my cousin’s best friend, after all.” He gave Jason a broad smile as he hooked an arm around Joey. “Joey here likes to play rough, we were all just joking around. We were actually in to see our good friend Ryan. He was supposed to be in tonight, which is why we stopped by in the first place. Seeing Lindura was just a big surprise.”
So he was expecting Ryan? Or is he just bluffing and just said the first generic white name he could think of? Y/N eyed Citlalli’s cousin with great suspicion. Her gut was telling her that it was most likely the former, and there was a lot that was not being said. Knowing what she did about him, what was unsaid was usually dangerous, and her expensive knight in shining armor did not need to get involved in all that. Is he trying to get other staff mixed up in his schemes? Don’t tell me he’s trying to pull a fast one on the Penguin again. Or is this him trying to gain turf and get noticed by some other criminal mastermind? Didn’t he idolize the Riddler or Scarecrow? Yeah, I need to be associated with that just as much I need a hundred bullets turning me into human Swiss cheese!
“Lindura?” She snapped out of her thoughts at the call of the annoying pet name she was given by Matías.
“For the hundredth time, quit calling me that.” She snapped. Shit, what did he say? “Also, don't get me or him involved in whatever this is. You’re on private property and our company wants nothing to do with any of it, understand? If you’re not ordering, leave. He wants to order, and you’re holding him up.” She motioned to Jason, purposely avoiding any confirmation of someone named Ryan being employed here. The less she said, the more distance she could keep from whatever was going on. I’ll just let Mr. B know later. I better let Cici know, too, I don’t want her or the rest of her family getting dragged into his nonsense. Matías glared at her response, looking between her and Jason in silence. He was clearly angry with her and her answer, but said nothing more. He turned towards the door, which was behind Jason, and shoved past him. His little group of lackeys followed suit, glaring and sneering at Jason, who barely even flinched at their attempts of intimidation. He turned and watched the group climb into their car and drive off before turning back to face Y/N.
“So, he’s really a friend of yours or,” he trailed off.
“More like a pain in my side. Like he said, he’s my best friend’s annoying cousin.” She sighed, rubbing the sore spot on her back. “Thanks, for stepping in like that. He’s…not the best person to be around and hangs around unsavory people, as you saw. I want as little to do with him as possible, but he just can’t seem to take a hint.”
“Is that what you call hinting? I’d hate to see what you being blunt is,” he chuckled as he walked up to the counter. Does she remember who I am? “So, this would be the second time I save you?”
Ah, so he does know it’s me! “Are you asking? Because I might need to start charging you, again.” He raised his hands up in mock surrender.
Yup, definitely does. “Purely rhetorical, but if you must, you can put it on my tab.” He chuckled. Y/N rolled her eyes at his confidence, she had to. Otherwise, she would have found it cute, and she needed to not find him anymore attractive than she already did. “So, are you closing up shop or can I order?”
“Sadly, I’m stuck here until the next shift comes in at 8. For some reason, we need to be a 24-hour location. So, what’ll it be, Wonder Boy? Order whatever you like, it’ll be on the house. The Least I can do for you since you saved me from that mess.” She straightened her apron and stood in front of the register once more.
“Something tells me your boss won’t like that, and you'll end up paying for it. How about I buy us both something, and you come join me at a table?” Jason offered, looking around at the vacant shop, to point out that she really had nothing to lose if she did. It was a very tempting offer, though she was equally happy with just sitting back here and reading her book, but when would be the next time she would meet him? To get a chance to actually talk to him and sort out this hotel mess?
“Well, if you insist,” she forced a heavy sigh of reluctance. “What’ll you have? The bakery items are either made in house or bought fresh from local shops, by the way. I’d suggest one of the sandwiches if you're looking for something more filling or aren't too big on sweets.” He hummed audibly as he stepped to the right, peering into the display case before glancing up at the menu that was hung up behind her before making his selection and insisting she or more than a drink. As promised, he paid for the entire order, and she quickly got to work making everything.
The second son of Bruce Wayne silently watched as she moved around behind the counter, sometimes disappearing behind the door to what he could only assume was the kitchen. After weeks of searching, he finally had her. He finally found the young woman he landed into a sizable amount of financial hardship, and she was not against spending time with him. Now I just need to figure out a way to bring up the topic. If those assholes didn’t make such a scene, I could've easily brought it up now and insisted on paying. But now she’s going to feel indebted to me for saving her again, and might fight me on it. There's got to be a way to make this work. He frowned, crossing his arms as he watched the back of her head move left and right as she began to make whatever drink she had put in for herself. He knew it could not be his order, he kept it simple with coffee, medium with creamer and sugar. The fact that I broke a coffee machine, and she works at a café, she must really think I’m some sort of imbecile. He ruffled his hair to release some pent-up frustration.
“Here’s your coffee and sandwich. Here’s my drink and pastry,” he heard her mumble to herself as she reviewed the ticket once more before stepping out from behind the counter. “We should be good. If you need anything, just let me know and I’ll grab it for you. Anywhere in particular you want to sit?” He glanced around the room before settling on a window side table that was a half booth on the window with chairs on the opposite.
That looks like it’s the closes to the counter, so she doesn’t have to go running if someone else comes in, and the lot is visible from there too. If those assholes decide to come back, I can handle it. “Over there is fine.” He pointed towards the table, placing everything on his tray and carrying it over. Y/N watched with raised eyebrows at the gentlemanly treatment. She was not one to judge by looks, but he certainly did not look like the type to be so courteous. “Are you coming?” She blinked away her look of surprise as she walked towards him.
“Color me impressed. Is saving damsels your forte?” She grabbed the chair to take a seat when Jason motioned for her to sit in the booth.
“I’ll let you know if you got anyone coming in.” He took the chair from her and sat down. “As for me saving damsels, I guess it depends. Do you make it a business to always be in distress?” He smirked, stirring his coffee a bit before taking a sip.
“I don’t make it my business, if you must know. Trouble likes to court me whenever it gets the chance.” She scowled, plopping onto the cushioned seating. “And it seems like you are around quite often when it’s doing its damnedest. Should I be wary of you?”
Oh, you have no idea. “Is that any way to treat your savior, twice over?” He exaggerated his frown as he leaned back into his seat.
“That depends, are you causing the trouble so you can do the saving, or am I just that lucky to have you around to save me?”
“You’re not ‘just lucky’ if it’s me doing the saving. You could say I’m a bit of a professional,” he thumbed his nose, earning a loud “ha” from Y/N.
“Fancy yourself as some sort of warrior of justice? A lesser known caped crusader?”
“No capes, definitely no capes.” He sternly answered. Y/N stared at him, surprised by the tone of his voice, but ended up laughing it off, just like the last statement. He was clearly playing along with her line of inquiry. Jason, on the other hand, was being honest and was a little annoyed by her lack of believing him. It did not help that he found her laughter melodious and the joy of it so infectious that it placated the momentary irritation of her waving his words off as something humorous.
“Ok, a capeless crusader, got it.” She picked up her drink and took a sip. “Well, thank you, in all seriousness. You really saved me on both counts. I’m pretty sure that drink you took on my behalf was drugged, which would explain why you were so out of it afterwards. And even now, even though he knows me, Matías wasn’t going to stop that Joey guy from causing a ruckus. The last thing I need is something that’ll cost me or Cici’s job.”
“Cici, that’s the girl who took my order last time, right?” He thought back to his first visit here. He recalled reading the name tag of the employee he requested to keep his association with Bruce Wayne hidden.“The one and only,” she nodded her head. “Which, speaking of, I wasn’t, she didn’t-” she let out a heavy sigh and raised a finger signaling that she needed a moment to gather her thoughts. Jason raised an eyebrow in question, but said nothing as he let her take her time while he ate his sandwich. How exactly do I explain this without sounding like I’m blaming him or demanding money?
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vagabond-umlaut · 5 months
sweet & sour is a horrible flavour
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Chapter 2 of functio laesa Gojo x Fem!Reader; Geto & Reader [platonic]; Canon Divergent AU; Isekai. Fluff & Angst & Drama & Humor; Reincarnation; Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies; Incredibly Self-Indulgent; Eventual Happy Ending; Eventual Friendships & Romance.
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Writing the Reader & Geto interact with each other is actually fun...
Chapter warnings: Reader is unable to pay her hospital bills. There's a small mention or two of cops. Sad Reader [briefly]. Cult leader Geto. [This chapter's not as serious or gloomy as the warnings make it seem; still, it never hurts to be careful while listing them.]
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Scratch whatever you thought three days ago.
Yeah, yeah, you're sure. Totally scratch that.
Yeah. So. You see, the thing is: dying is actually fun.
What is not fun is dying, then waking up, next falling into a boiling hot bowl of soup. Especially one garnished with legal shit out of everything. Double especially, one which may or may not involve the hospital folks wanting to call the cops on you.
Gulping down the last dredges of your cold coffee [no, not the cold coffee™️; it's the coffee which's turned cold], you shoot a quick smile to the woman at the billing counter. Only to earn an insultingly suspicious look in return, one which darts from you to the landline on her desk far too many times for your liking.
Defeated, you drop the act and sigh. Then erupt into a gush of tears.
"Please, Ma'am," you beg, voice trembling and warbling, "I'm not any criminal on the run, I swear. I had an accident in the forest following which I lost consciousness. I woke up after how many hours, I don't know, but only when I was lying on the hospital bed. With several bandages wrapped around my limbs and a stitch on my forehead, that too."
You pause, wanting to gauge your listener's reaction. Still suspicious, maybe more than before... Fine. Never mind. Carry on.
"I know I look very fishy right now but–"
"You can just pay your hospital bills and leave," The woman cuts you off, none too gently. You should take offense for that but you decide not to. You need to be in her good books to get out of this safely. And swiftly. And–
"How much was the total amount again?" you ask.
"Ten thousand yen."
You check your pockets [the eighth time in the last thirty minutes] and sniffle, "But I don't even have one yen with me."
"You can always call your family or friends and arrange some help," A kind elderly lady interjects from beside. You shake your head in the most crestfallen fashion you can manage. Not that it's too hard or anything. The very mention of your loved ones is more than enough to send you down a new cliff of depression. "I've no one left in the world, Ma'am. I'm all alone."
"What about your insurance?" Another person joins in. Yet another kind stranger. "Surely, it'll be enough to cover your bills?"
"Yeah..." You start, but the woman doesn't let you finish, butting in, "Of course, the insurance will be enough but the thing is she doesn't have an insurance. And before you suggest her applying for one, she cannot: her name is mysteriously not there even in a single government rec–"
"I shall pay twenty thousand yen. Let her off the hook, please?" A friendly voice cuts her off in one short smooth stroke.
You screw your eyes shut.
Wondering, if now is too late a time to beg the lady to call the cops on you instead.
At the very least, you won't meet your end, being called a monkey in the jail.
"Is that all you would like to eat?"
A simple question, really.
But you know the man asking it is not so simple. Very possibly, nor his intentions behind asking you either. For all you know [which is A LOT], he could be fattening you up like a pig before getting rid of you in a sacrifice or some shit. He does run a murderous cult, after all... You borrow a beat to chew the cupcake then return a curt nod.
"Are you sure?" Geto continues to press, however, sounding as worried as he looks. The sweet taste on your tongue turns bitter all of a sudden. "You need not worry about the money, if that's what—"
In retrospect, you know you'll regret your next course of action. If anything ever goes wrong, you know this will be when and where everything goes wrong first. Yet, you don't let anything stop you from placing your cupcake back on the plate and interrupting his sentence with a scoff. Eyes burning and chest aching from the uncanny resemblance between the care you used to receive from your friends, back in your world, and the care you're being shown now, by Geto Suguru of all people.
You manage to twist your face into a weak smile. "You wanted to ask questions from me, right?"
The man across from you stares at you for a bit. Then nods, quickly slipping into his usual mask of cordiality. It makes you want to scoff again, but you hold yourself back this time. You might lose control of your emotions from time to time, but you're better than digging your own grave... Yeah, you're better than that. You have to be if you don't wanna die a second time.
Geto leans back into his chair, wearing a warm expression. Have you already mentioned how good an actor he can be? He hums, "That I do, but I would much rather if I don't ask you those here. My home is a couple of hours away. Mind accompanying me there?"
"No, I don't think I will mind," You answer immediately but slowly. Almost as if you're muliing your words over while speaking them out. You aren't, though. You know what to say, what to ask, what to expect. A quiet feel of knowing sneaks into your careful query. "But I don't think you'll let me go soon, will you?"
"No," He agrees easily after watching you for a while [sort of taken aback, you can tell], "You're a peculiar specimen. It's rare to come across ones like you."
Specimen? SPECIMEN???
You draw in a deep breath to calm yourself before shoving out a tense chuckle. He is finally showing his true colours, huh?
"Very funny choice of words, Geto-san," You comment, thoughts in a bloody war with your words, "But the teeny-tiny problem here is: I Am Not A Specimen. And..." Pausing to take a sip of your chai, you resume, "Since I'll be giving answers to your questions, I shall be expecting something in return. Okay, yea?"
An amused look. Curious too, boredly so.
You beg your self-esteem to remain unhurt for a minute more. Just. A. Minute. More.
Geto inquires, "What do you want in return?"
"I want you to let me live," You shoot without a moment wasted, adopting a steely tone to hide your apprehension while you say the words you've been rehearsing in your mind for a while now, "But it's not just in the literal sense of the word 'live'. I want to live how any human being likes to live. With my well-being and dignity intact. If you want me to return the help you showed me earlier, I can cook or clean your house or tutor your kids— but I won't let you hold that over my head to keep me as a prisoner or a slave." Leaning forwards towards the centre of the table, you pin the man under a grave stare. "Do you agree or do you not?"
A beat passes. Then another. And another. Geto cracks a smile at you, but you can see it's not a smile. It's a sliver of a warning. He hums, "You do know you're in a more disadvantageous place than me, right?"
"In terms of cursed energy and all that stuff, I am," You agree easily, then add, smiling the exact same smile you're being shown, "But in terms of knowledge, I doubt you're anywhere near me. The things I know can change everything. Agree to my demands and I promise to answer whatever question you ask truthfully, be it regarding the past, the present or the future. What do you think? Fair deal, right?"
Of course, it is!!! An indignant voice screams in the back of your head. It is right. You know. Still, you decide to keep quiet, deciding to finish the rest of your breakfast while your listener mulls over the terms you laid down— or maybe, thinks of ways to murder you without creating a fuss in this crowded café. You don't think you can be very sure right now...
You didn't go too far, did you?
A cough draws your attention away from the empty plates before. Absently, you think the cupcakes and the scrambled eggs weren't too bad for a last meal. Geto regards you, as curiously as ever but now with a new tinge of disquiet. The sight fills you with a dark form of glee— a twisted sense of victory.
He lets go of a disturbingly long sigh.
"I agree to your demands," The man says, wearing the stiffest smile you've ever seen him wear, be it in this world or in yours, "But only if you promise to never tell me anything of the future— don't ask why, I am simply not fond of spoilers," He adds firmly when you open your mouth; you snap it shut. His tone doesn't scare you, however. Nor does the edge in his voice when he asks, repeating your words from earlier, "Do you agree or do you not?"
"I won't give you spoilers, alright, okay," You hum after a few moments. Decidedly satisfied after cutting open every word spoken to you and extracting its deepest meanings and implications, until there's nothing left for you to see— well, almost nothing. You hesitate a little before giving in to voice out the confusion nagging and poking you.
"But aren't you interested in what I know, Geto-san? Isn't me knowing too much why you called me 'a peculiar specimen'?"
Your question earns no response for a while... Until he leans back into his seat and with an odd glint in his gaze, asks, "You think you coming here was simply an accident and nothing more, don't you?"
"Yeah..." You answer honestly, despite the sudden feeling of uncertainty creeping into your senses and crawling down your spine. Tainting and troubling the brief lull of comfort and security you've built for yourself.
You watch Geto regard you for a few more seconds before he offers a faint grin— one that spells nothing nice. Nothing good. His voice drops to a hushed whisper.
"Then I don't think you know as much as you believe you do, Miss."
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Reader: *flexing her isekai-granted muscles like there's no tomorrow*
Geto, meanwhile: *having a traumatic flashback to that time in HS, Gojo spoilt a movie the poor boy was waiting eagerly for, for nearly a year*
Divider by @benkeibear. Header from Pinterest. I don't own the characters used here.
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animestsstuff2 · 9 days
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Part 2
Masterlist here!
Your villain alias is Angel! Sometimes referred to by Dabi as Dove due to your wings but for anonymity purposes you (the reader) will be referred to as Angel for the majority of this fic🤍
Content warning: this is set after season 4/5 and will have spoilers up until season 7 mainly in later chapters tho! Hawks flirting cuz hes lowkey smooth with da ladys
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Night two, 2:00am.
Hawks was jittery, was it from the third can of coffee? Or from his jumbled thoughts? He called the doctor after his shift yesterday and didn’t get a helpful solution. He shifted from his standing position on the top of his agency, crouching low as his eyes scanned the streets below not really focused as his mind drifted to the phone call.
“Sounds like your primal needs are poking through hawks” Hawks sighed as he lay on his bed, fingers carding through damp hair.
“Primal needs? What’dya mean?” He asked uselessly, he knew exactly what the doctor meant.
“Your quirk. You didn’t just get the mutation of wings Hawks like most mutation quirks other qualities are mixed. An example would be a cat-like quirk they, not all the time now, can be prone to getting a heat. Thats dependent though on how cat-like they are, its differen-“ Hawks zoned out, his face pink as the doctor continued on about heats and mating seasons. His body warm as his mind filled with thoughts.
He knows everything about his quirk, knows the weight of each feather, the way his wings have to be folded, the way they stretch. Its like breathing, so..why didn’t he know this? If animals mate every year why didn’t the spring months bother him until now, what has changed.
“Anyways! I digress. I speculate the reasoning for your sudden awaken in your more primal instincts is due to meeting someone of interest” Hawks attention was back on the phone pressed to his ear as he sat up. A sudden thought pushing to the forefront of his mind.
“Uh, yeah thanks. Gotta go” click, the phone was tossed aside as he got up, naked as the day he was born and began pacing his bedroom.
Was this your doing? Maybe this was your quirk. You had pressed something into his back last night and he forgot to figure out what. A groan fell from his lips as he sat back on his bed, hands cupping his face. No, this wasn’t some stupid quirk other than his in play. He wasn’t one for relationships, no time for them. He never reacted this way before towards his few flings. It had to be related to you, to your quirk. If only you weren’t a villain, maybe a mutual agreement could have be-
Hawks blinked as his visor displayed a sudden report of criminal activity. A break in at a lab thirty minutes away. Hawks was gone from the rooftop. It would only take him ten to reach the crime. His heart beat hard against his chest as he thought of you being there, was this you? Would he see you again. This intrusive thoughts filled the blondes mind, one after the other. It was like someone else was in his brain, they didn’t feel like they were coming from him. Hawks eyes scanned the lab, seeing the sirens blare and lights illuminate the surrounding area. His wings flapping and keeping him up high as he saw two other pros join the scene below.
Hawks eyes narrowed watching as they entered through the main door but just as they did a flash of white flew through the window to the left. He didn’t miss a beat as he soared after you. His heart beating faster now, easily catching up with you as he stayed above seeing you with a handful of supplies. He pulled a long feather from his back but his hand faltered. You flipped over now, slowing your pace as your eyes met his. Your gloved hand trailing up to trace the edge of the fluffy feather. Hawks heart skipped at the touch, it felt too sensitive, too raw even with gloves.
“C’mon Hero, it’s for the league. You’re not gonna stop me are you?” Your voice was low and teasing as you slowed even further. Your white wings outstretched as you circled one another high in the sky, going up and away from view. It looked almost like a dance as Hawks felt his words get caught in his throat, only able to focus on the eyes that gleamed above the mask. You had a new one, no long a plain white cloth but rather a white mask now fit on your face.
Hawks put his feather back regaining his composure as he flashed a grin, ignoring the way his wings stretched too far, tensed too much and his body ran warm. The two of you now alone, above the clouds. He couldn’t stop himself from glancing at the white wings behind you, smaller than his both in length and size overall but big enough to carry you.
“Stop you? I’d never lay a hand on a pretty thing like you” He wasn’t intending to say that but the words slipped out before he could think of another response. Your cheeks flushed and the reaction egged him on, something pulling in his chest.
“Um, right. Well..Do I have to make it look like we fought? So people don’t ask questions?” You mumbled, thankful for the night sky and your mask for hiding the pink on your cheeks. Hawks brow raised at your reply and he chuckled.
You really must be new to the league. Why were you even part of it? You didn’t seem crazy like the rest of those nut-jobs, especially that blood freak. Hawks wings bristled as he recalled the time he first met her. He focused back on you. The grin never leaving his face.
“Didn’t know you liked it rough Angel. I promise i’ll not hurt you too bad” the implication behind his words made your wings falter slightly and you almost fell. Your face definitely red as you thought of a response. Your eyes breaking contact with the avians yellow ones as you felt your stomach twist. Your emotions had been wired since meeting him yesterday, unable to play it cool anymore.
“Thats not what I meant! I-I have to go!” Hawks grin feel as your wings flapped and spun you round. His hand moved quicker as he grabbed your forearm and your body tensed as the feeling went straight to the tension in your stomach.
“W-Wait. I was just messing with ya Angel” He didn’t know what else to say to make you stay. He didn’t know why he was even bothering, no rational thought could make sense of why the feeling in his chest wanted you to stay near him so badly.
“Whatever. I have to go. It’s already quarter to three if i’m not back before then boss will kill me” you mumbled, turning your head over your shoulder to glance at him. Your hair moving in the slight wind which picked up had strands falling over your face. Hawks all but blinked dumbly as his grip on you faltered and you pulled away.
You were quick immediately taking off as your white wings became nothing but a blur. His own puffed out and twitching, not even realising how fast they were flapping. His mind finally zoning back in as he let himself drop, coming down from the sky just a ways away from the hospital and going over seeing police already at the scene.
“Hawks! Did ya see anything?” His eyes moved over to a police man waving his hand. He headed over shaking his head and plastering a familiar grin on his face.
“Nah. I got sight of somethin’ but they disappeared through a portal before I could get close” he lied, it was for the league, not you. Hawks left before he could be questioned further remembering Kurogiri was in police custody, not a great lie.
His wings bringing him to a large building just a bit away from the lab. He felt it again. His body warm and skin sweaty. His wings spanned out from his back as he removed his gloves and wiped his clammy hands onto his bottoms. His throat feeling dry all of a sudden as he tried to ignore the tension in his stomach. His fingers carding through his hair as he let out a sigh.
Did you feel this?…
You did in-fact feel it. Your wings bristled as the wind caught under them, stretched out. You swooped through the air as you grew closer to the ground. Your arms wrapped around the supplies you’d been asked to gather. Your cheeks warm and hands clammy. You landed softly on the rooftop your wings staying stretched out slightly behind you as you made your way over to the fire exit door.
It swung open as you stepped inside the dingy stairwell. It was lit by a single bulb with no shade. The door swung shut behind you as you made your way down and into the sort of communal area below. The warehouse served as a secondary base of operations before the planned move to Deika city to uncover some ‘present’ One For All left behind for Shigaraki.
You entered the communal area seeing Toga and Twice sat on the dusty sofa toying with some board-game the most likely stole. You spotted Spinner hunched over the stove by the Kitchenette as he fumbled with a knife.
“Where’s Shigaraki?” You asked all of them.
“Tomura? Hes out right now! - no hes in his room! Twice gave a typical double response and your eyes moved to Toga.
“He’s in the workspace with Dabi!” She giggled and you nodded. She creeped you out the most to be honest. Her insistent begging to have some of your blood so she could fly bothered you.
You headed down the hallway to the ‘office’ it was really just Shigaraki’s room that he liked to call his office. You knocked once and heard the raspy voice beckon from inside as you stepped in and placed the supply boxes on his desk. His hands folding the papers in front of him and moving them away. Dabi who was previously leaning over the table straightened himself as he looked you over.
“How’d it go? Any run ins Dove?” The tall man asked as a smirk stretched across his marred skin. Your eyes averted from his as some feathers fluffed up recalling your encounter with the blonde haired hero.
“N-, No it went fine” you mumbled out. Your skin growing warm as your cheeks flushed. A single finger curled around your mask and pulling it down as it fell under your chin.
“No? Why ya all red for then? You run into our little bird?” His voice teased you as Shigaraki straightened up. This information new to his ears.
“Whats this? What little bird Dabi?” His fingers already scratching at his forearms skin.
“Ya know, our little birdy Hawks. Angel here has some feelings for him I reckon” Dabi chuckled as your skin prickled with bumps. The villain costume you had made thankfully hiding the goosebumps which prickled your arm.
“Hmm, that’s not good..no, not good at all Angel” Shigaraki stated as his nails curled against his skin further.
“No! It’s not true. I did run into him but he let me go. My face is just warm from flying so fast to get away” You quickly shot out and Shigaraki’s eyes gave you a once over before shrugging his shoulders and waving a hand.
“Whatever, just don’t let it become bothersome. You can leave the supplies here. Dabi you can go too” He mumbled and you nodded turning as Dabi followed close behind you now both exiting the room.
“You sure nothin’ happened Angel?” Dabi’s voice from behind made you jump as fingers trailed up the spine of your wing. His slender fingers pinching a feather..pluck! You flinched and spun round on reflex seeing Dabi with a sly grin on his face.
“You know. I don’t care much for the league or everyone else’s agenda except my own. The care I have for them is solely to fuel my own agenda and consequently it’s in my benefit to ensure everyone stays in their place” You swallowed thickly as the hallway became hot. Dabi’s hooded eyes staring at yours as your feather lay flat in his palm.
“See, i don’t bother going out of my way to learn about mutation quirks, the ins and outs. But I understand some people come together due to them, ya know, hook up or breed even” he laughed at his snide comment. You felt yourself grow warmer, cheeks flushing and heart rate increasing.
“And i just wanted to make sure our little Dove isn’t all twitterpated over our little Birdy, Hawks. Cause’ ya know, that wouldn’t benefit me at all” He stated and your eyes honed in on the blue flame that swallowed your feather. All that remained was ash and your right wing twitched feeling a slight twinge of pain.
“You understand, don’t ya Dove?” His grin only grew, stables stretching as they held the charred skin together.
You just nodded unable to form any words to reply but it was enough for Dabi and he turned without another word. You watched him retreat down the hall and through the door to the communal area and only then when the door shut did your rigid muscles relax and your breath finally become short as you clutched a hand over your chest.
“Fuck” you mumbled as you forced your feet to take you to your room. Your hand gripping the handle too tightly as you shut it behind yourself and rested your forehead against the wood. Your mind buzzing with thoughts as you concluded the only thing you should do and that was to ignore Hawks, which couldn’t be that hard.
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I also don’t know whether to make the character (you) a real villain with a vendetta against hero society or make her a unfortunate but good person who has caught herself intwined and/or in debt to the L.O.V
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owlwithanapple · 2 months
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 2
When the alarm clock rang, you opened your eyes looked at the ceiling. The paint color of the ceiling was your favorite blue. You sat on the bed, raised your hands, stretched out, and yawned.
In the past, you didn't have a chance to get up on time in the "organization", always wake up by the sudden attack. The sudden tranquility made you very uncomfort, felt as if something was missing.
You get out of bed, go into the bathroom, pick up the toothbrush and squeeze the toothpaste to start brushing your teeth, squeeze some facial cleanser and rub it in the palm of your hand, apply it evenly to your face, wash the facial cleanser on your face with water, and wipe your face with a face towel.
You take off your pajamas and underwear, adjust the water temperature to warm water, which can release the fatigue on your body, turn on the shower head and let the warm water wash your body, squeeze some shower gel on your body and then wash it.
Take a towel to wipe every part of the body, dry the wet hair with a hair dryer, leave the bathroom and return to the room. The most distressing question every day is what to eat, what to wear and what to do.
Open the drawer in the wardrobe, which is full of all kinds of underwear. Choose a set to put it on, choose a simple vest and denim trousers to match, which can highlight the curve of your figure, and then tie your hair up. Today's matching is complete.
You posed to the mirror in front of you and appreciated your figure, but you were heard "Woff!" from the living room. Somebody interrupt you, your pet corgi, named Kirin, which barks outside the door.
As soon as he see you open the door open , he quickly run into your room. You see him jumping like a child in your bed. You lie on his fluffy stomach and absorb energy to heal you.
You pinched his fat cheeks. "Little bad boy, I'm going for a walk today. Don't make trouble. Do you understand?"
"Woff~" He ignore you and lie lazily on the bed. You open the curtains let the sun outside shine in. His cute appearance is really super charming and healing.
"If there is a bed, there is no master, you traitor corgi." You smiled at Kirin and touched his head, you took out your bag and mobile phone from the drawer and left the room. You went to the hallway and put on a pair of boots and left home.
The first time walked on the street, opposite of last night. In the morning, it was full of hardworking workers, and at night, a bunch of criminals were messing up the city. The buildings saw last night seemed like a horror city. But, the buildings in the morning were clearer.
Yesterday you only had a bowl of instant noodles, so today you must have a good meal, but facing a strange city and crowds, you are really a little scared, but you have to overcome these obstacles. Since you are here, you can't rely on others.
Told yourself that you must learn to be strong. You are a very experienced ninja. How could you give in because of fear? So you took the first step. Inadvertently, a motorcycle came from the right. Thanks to him braking in time, he didn't hit you.
You were so obsessed with self-thinking that you completely forgot that you were wandering at the intersection. You subconsciously stepped back two steps from the motorcycle. If the rider hadn't stopped in time, your death record in Gotham City would be crossing the road without looking.
When the news of your death reaches the "organization", they definitely make fun of you. You will die with eyes wide open and cannot be buried in country. Calm down first, don't mess up your thoughts, and apologize to him first.
You saw him get off and push the motorcycle aside park it. You went forward to apologize. As soon as you got close, noticed that he was tall. Before you could say anything, he had taken off his helmet. His face looked very handsome, cool and stylish motorcycle, a part of his bangs is white, smooth black jumpsuit, matched with a cool leather jacket, and a pair of combat boots, the overall look is cool and atmospheric.
You noticed that his handsome face was the type of man that was pleasing to the eye, and he also had a sexy temperament. I saw Batman last night and thought he was quite mysterious and sexy, especially his lips. Are the males in Gotham City all that good looking?
"Lovey, are you okay?" You were interrupted by him when you were thinking. You panicked and hesitated about how to answer. As a ninja, you are a very confident person. But now you just an ordinary person, so you have to give a relative conclusion.
Unlike before you could easily knock people out, hide in the shadows, or scare people. Since you are an ordinary person, you should play an ordinary role. You smiled slightly to show that you are kind, and then an idea came to you, "I'm fine, sorry, I didn't look at the road when I walked."
Jason POV
I have been busy on patrolling and fighting criminals for several consecutive nights, and I don’t even have enough time to sleep. I woke up early today with a lot of resentment. I ate fast food for three meals, and I made a mistake to schedule the maintenance of the motorcycle in the early morning. I didn’t even have a little free time.
There is no point in complaining more. Work is work. The motorcycle can help me at work, and can’t ignore it. Criminals won’t wait, and I can’t take it lightly.
"Hwah~, so fucking sleepy." I yawned, changed into clean clothes, went to the garage to start the motorcycle, picked up the helmet and put it on, rode the motorcycle and left home.
Morning of Gotham City, people come and go, busy office workers, and the bustling commercial streets. People never stop but flow away one after another. I stopped at the intersection waited the traffic light to turn on.
Accidents always happen. When the traffic light turns on, I continue to drive. I see a woman suddenly walk out of the road. I brake immediately. The thrill of a moment makes me completely sober.
I parked my motorcycle aside, making sure was fine, I spoke to the woman. She said "I'm fine." From the looks of her, apart from some old injuries on her arms, there were no signs of me hitting her, she didn't ask me for compensation. I was so lucky.
But look closely, although she is wearing simple clothes, she is particularly eye-catching, with a pretty face, a slim upper body, jeans that make her legs look long, and long brown hair. She is simply beautiful.
Perhaps can be said the bad luck of several consecutive days has finally brought a good thing. I wanted to ask her out, but accidentally trespassing on the road cannot be a reason for conversation. It is really distressing. I have done everything I should care about.
What should I do?
You were lucky not to be hit, but why did he keep staring at you? Did he want compensation? That would be reasonable. There will always be such people in life. They suffer even though nothing happened. Gotham City is not short of such people.
It's just like what happened during the training. It was obviously not you broke the sword, but framed by others and punished. You knelt on the stone cut bamboo with a sword every night. The person who framed you, will definitely beat him up next time you see him.
With no choice, you reached into pocket took out your wallet, wanting to give him some cash as compensation, but plans can't keep up with changes. When you opened it, there was no cash in it, only your ID, driver's license and two bank cards.
You forgot go to the ATM to collect the cash you need for daily use. You took out your phone and checked your bank account. You found that you had not yet processed the online transfer procedure. You could not use force,"Ummm,I'm sorry, I don't have any cash on me."
When he heard what you said, he immediately shook his head to indicate no. You were confused. He noticed your expression showed confusion, and hurriedly explained, " No, Lovey ,I don't mean anything else. I just want to make sure you are unharmed."
You were stunned but relieved, thankful the situation didn't develop to serious level and didn't need to be resolved by force. You hesitated for a moment and pointed to the other side, "Then I'll leave first, bye."
When you said you were leaving, he had no reason to keep you, he had to let you go. "Yeah, bye sweetie." You heard his reply and walked across the street to the other side, while he got on his motorcycle dejected and frustrated.
Jason POV
"Fuck me! Why am I such an idiot and so timid! Ask her out for breakfast! Hey, Lovey , do you want to have breakfast together..., it's so simple! Why are you so stiff!
I complained as soon as I got on the motorcycle, regretting not getting her contact number. I hadn't even started chatting her up yet, and I, Red Hood, backed off when I met a girl.
But what's the matter with the scar on her arm...
You left the intersection , on the way, you smelled a faint smell of coffee. You followed the smell to a cafe. It was the smell coming from the cafe.
The smell increased your hunger, you stepped into the cafe. There were many people in a hurry, perhaps office workers. You noticed the cafe was a counter ordering place, called the number and went to pick up the food.
You hurriedly followed the line waited for your turn to order. After a few minutes, finally it was your turn. You went to the counter read the menu. The menu was accompanied by pictures for reference. You wanted to try every food, but didn't order more just to avoid wasting food.
You ordered your favorite cup of cappuccino and a simple delicious English breakfast. The waiter gave you a number card, noting you were dining indoors. You found a seat by the window and put the number card down to reserve a seat.
While waiting, you listened to the lyrical songs playing in the cafe. During that free time, you took out your phone to check the news. Sure enough, there was content about Batman arresting criminals.
"The hell?" Something caught your attention. Last night, someone filmed a video of you doing parkour on the street wearing equipment and posted it on social media. But! What is "Gotham runner"? ! The title is so shit!
Let's pause the story content and make a simple self-introduction here. My name is Y/N, code name Kitsune, I just turned 20 years old, I grew up in the organization "SHINOBI" founded in Japan.
It is an organization that trains people to have super high-level combat capabilities. "SHINOBI" is divided into two groups, SHIRO and KURO. Even are divided into two groups, everyone's work style is completely different, but the purpose is the same, which is to contribute safety of public security for the country and produce social poisons.
No matter which group, there are levels, such as S, A, B, C, D, which are called "Cyber ​​Ninja". I am a ninja in A, which belongs to the middle and high-level group. I go on missions and take a break from my busy schedule.
For some reason, I was kicked out by "SHINOBI" and exiled here. Forget it, as long as they can continue to provide equipment and money, it won't be disadvantageous to me. For the time being, I will just watch and find something I want to do.
The above is my introduction, and the details will continue from the story.
When you hear the waiter calling your number, you take the receipt to the front desk to collect the food, and go back to your seat to eat.
"Huh?" You looked out the window. It was the motorcycle guy just now! Are you kidding? Why did him chase you here? Is he following you? You let your guard down didn't even notice that you were being followed.
He knocked on the window again. He stood outside the window and talked. His lips moved as he said, "Wait for me." Then he ran into cafe and stood in front of you. His forehead was a little sweaty. He put his hands on the table and winked at you, "Hi, Lovey."
What exactly does he want to do? You can't feel any murderous intent at all. You don't understand what his intention is. Does he know your true identity? Since he is in front of you, you can't back down.
"Can I sit down?" He asked politely. You were embarrassed to refuse him, so you nodded. He moved the chair back and sat down. You took a sip of cappuccino to your mouth. You took a peek and saw that his appearance was durable.
You put down the cup and looked at him, facing him with a very optimistic attitude. "What a coincidence, you are also nearby?"
He heard your question, and this time he decided to go for it. "Hahaha, yes, my motorcycle is being maintained nearby."
You nodded slightly "So...?"
He swallowed and held out his hand "Do you mind making friends? My name is Jason. What about you?"
You were confused. What is this? A scam? You held his hand "No, hello, my name is Y/N."
After letting go of his hand, you just looked at the plate of food on the table in silence. You didn't know how to send him away, but you felt bad to send him away like this, you took the initiative to start a conversation "I just moved to Gotham City recently, and I'm not familiar with this place. It's good to make some friends."
He frowned when he heard it, and you realized that his expression was different, but soon he returned to a smile, this time he looked more confident and charming "Wow, then I have the honor to be your first friend?"
He spoke with a sweet tone accent, you have met many men, but this is the first time you have met a man with such a personality. You are unconsciously interested in him. "Haha, of course."
At the moment you laughed, Jason felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart, an unprecedented feeling. Even though he had been with many girls before, your actions were attracting him step by step. He blurted out what he wanted to say most in his heart, "Y/N...Your smile is very beautiful."
The sudden compliment made you a little overwhelmed. You didn't hate it. There was a warmth lingering in your heart. He gave you a feeling that was a little difficult to grasp, but he was not a bad person.
In a strange city, you are alone without any friends. Maybe it is a good thing to make a friend. Since you have started a new life, you should move in a new direction and not stop at the same place.
The wonderful thing is you two can chat with each other. Through Jason, you know every bit of the city. He even recommends restaurants and supermarkets near the apartment to you, which are exactly what you need to know.
When you came to Gotham City, you didn’t know much about the daily life of this city. You didn’t even know where the supermarket was. Thanks to him, you finally know it. You can go to the supermarket to buy some things in your free time later, and then go home to cook.
When Jason learned that you immigrated here from Japan, he was very surprised, and you live alone. He heard you also have a corgi. Jason likes dogs very much.
Jason POV
Actually, someone just contacted me said the motorcycle has been fixed can be picked up, but I replied it would be later, because I want to continue spend my time with her. It will be too late if I don’t seize this rare opportunity now.
I didn’t expect to have such a good chat with her. I didn’t notice how much time had passed. At first, I was really afraid I would scare her away, but she was so easy to talk to. I was glad I didn’t miss the opportunity when I met her.
Suddenly a phone rang was interrupted us. I clicked on the phone and it showed "Dickhead". I hung up the phone and continued to chat with her.
The word "Dickhead" show again, the second call. I hung up the phone impatiently. The quiet time was interrupted by the third call again. It was that "Dickhead" again.
After a while, I received several text messages…
Dickhead: Good morning, Babybird😆
I muted my phone put it on the table. A few minutes later, it suddenly vibrated. I picked up the phone and saw that it was “Boy Wonder”. Even Tim called, but I hung up.
His phone kept ringing, maybe it was something urgent. You two had been chatting for a long time, and it felt like it was time to find something else to do, so you said, "Jason, if you're busy, let's talk next time."
Indeed, you talked for a long time, and the phone kept interrupting the conversation, so he turned off his phone in anger, but you didn't know when would talk again. You got up walked to the counter to ask the waiter for a piece of paper and a pen, and then put them on the table.
"What's wrong?" He was confused and looked at you blankly.
You thought and wanted to know if he would have a chance to see you again, so you took a bold try. You opened the pen cap and wrote your private phone number on the paper.
After writing, you folded the paper and put it in the front pocket of his jacket, and said "Let's keep in touch." Jason was dumbfounded and quickly took out the paper. It was your phone number. He excitedly said, "Wait for my call!" and then left the cafe.
Jason POV
I ran to pick up the motorcycle that had been maintained. When paid the bill, I confirmed the paper was still in pocket. It had your phone number. I can’t lose it, otherwise the chance to see her again would not be so easy.
I happened to want to buy breakfast today, and then I saw her sitting by the window. Without thinking, I went to the window to attract her attention. Although she looked at me with a smile on her face, I knew she were confused when I suddenly appeared out of thin air.
I leaned against the motorcycle and took out my phone to turn it on. I found a bunch of missed calls and messages from "Dickhead". I was hesitant because very difficult talk to this guy. I had no choice but to call "Dickhead" again.
"Hey, idiot Dickhead, what do you want to talk to me for?"
"Hey, Babybird! You finally answered my call! ~"
"Fuck you..." I was about to hang up the phone.
"Did you call me back for breakfast?"
"Right! So smart!" Dick said happily, and I was annoyed...
"Go to hell, Dickhead!" I yelled at him.
"Damn, you really know how to mess things up at the right time. Don't let Tim sit in my seat." I hung up the phone.
I saved Y/N's phone number and clicked into the chat room see your profile picture was a corgi face. This was the corgi you mentioned. The description said "Hello" in Japanese. What a simple style.
Looking at your chat room, I hesitated about how to start the topic, but I still put away my phone, put on my helmet, and rode my motorcycle back to the manor first. Bruce asked Tim to investigate something, maybe I could help.
You are sitting alone in a cafe, looking at your phone, but you haven't received any message from Jason, which means he is really busy. You are a little lonely. Don't think about it now. Going to the supermarket to replenish food is the most important thing.
You walk on the street and feel that this city brings a strange charm. It is a scenery you have never seen before. This can be said to be your new beginning and new life.
Occasionally, miss your previous life.Practiced as soon as you woke up. Even the rest time was only ten minutes. Three meals were carefully selected and prepared. There was no day to go out and stroll around, just stayed indoors.
Now can walk on the street with a swagger, eat and drink casually, and see the sun. Even the shadow can be seen. It is no longer a dim room. You are now on the road of light.
Now there is a foul smell of alcohol coming from behind. It is conceivable that this smell has been smelled since you left the cafe and walked a distance. You walked into the alley decided to lure the wolf into the house. You stood there motionless waiting for him to take the bait. The prey always appears as the prey.
"Hey, beauty~ Come have a drink with uncle~ I'll treat you~" Sure enough, the good times didn't last long. A strange uncle with a strong smell of alcohol stood behind you and followed you all the way to the alley, even putting his hand on your butt without any hesitation.
Originally, I just wanted to shake him off and run away, but facing such a person who is mentally confused and addicted to alcohol, the more you resist him, the more excited he will be, indicating that the problem cannot be solved in an ordinary way.
You turned around to face him and observed that he was holding a bottle of wine in his hand. If you use force to solve it, he might hit your head with the bottle. At that time, you hand it over to the police, they will be treated as mentally confused and the matter will be hastily dealt with.
You looked around to make sure that there was no one around and no surveillance. You put your hands behind so that he couldn't see your hand, you clenched your fist and hit him on the chin at lightning speed to make him lose his balance. Then he fell to the ground and fell into a short coma.
You made sure he fallen to the ground then dragged him to the side of the trash can. You leaned over and whispered in his ear, "If you touch me again, I will break both of your hands."
"Ah..." You thought of the point. It was too late for you to say that he fainted, but this kind of person deserves a lesson. If he makes the same mistake again, you can only pray that he will not meet you again, otherwise it will definitely not be as simple as fainting.
The matter is resolved, you leave the alley and walk among the crowd as a passerby. This is a habit. Ninjas always act secretly and remain vigilant and cautious no matter where they are.
Your phone receives a message. You click into the chat room to find out. It is a report from "Gotham runner" and there is a message send by your companion "So lame, bad name." You reply "Shut up!"
Put the troubles behind continue to carry out the main task, which is go to the supermarket to buy things and fill the empty kitchen with food. No matter whether you are a ninja or an ordinary person, it is never allowed to have no snacks at home!
Chapter 2 End.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 3?
Leave a message to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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selfox · 26 days
Cy's live-ish reactions are coming back.
FINALLY! I pulled myself together and got to the end of Ungrateful (to this reaction will be later).
These are chapters from Make a Wish till the start of Ungrateful of Random Tales Of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
I had reaction ready for a while, but I really needed to restart it so it would keep me in momentum so it'll have practically 2 reactions - Initial and second one. So that's why I need more time to edit the Ungrateful ark reaction ^^"
Make a wish
Initial first read
Shegooooo omg. Xd nice save. Its so precious how you decided to cook for him Xd dr d you lil, I'll give you a noogie, your hints xd you are precious Guys your tension is palpable. OMG DRAKKEN YOU SMOOTH FUCKER, SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Ma'am... You 2 have been an epitome of UST Tvgggh itty bitty Drakken grow big and strong ...... Not like buffkken tho xD tho buffkken still deserves love Oh Shego, sweetheart...
Second reread
Shego, more like how much one person wants to keep their name out of press. I would have been surprised if it was mentioned. Overall it's all sus indeed.
Well considering what happened not just because of Botox, but you sharing with him very personal information AND whole your cat and mouse game with feelings
I love this subtlety. I can't call it anything else. Especially when it's others POV. After second read you immediately get what Drakken been keeping inside.
I need to understand how Drakken is even making money. Like.... I get stealing money or things to sell, but... Do they do that in enough quantity? Plus you need some steady income with henchmen, lairs and ... Stuff??
Ma'am, you've done the goof.
This man is so traumatized over her disappearing on vacations.
And, Drak, I hate to bring it to you. You are just in love with her OTL Man... I want to hug him, poor blue man.
Shego, you would be surprised how many factors come into play regarding baking. So it's completely understandable. Cus you don't have enough practice.
And here I want to hug Shego, she is... I want to say tsundere, but it's just simple denial of everything. And this cupcake… when you make something yourself it hits different. And she knows it deep inside.
Smart ass Drakken xD
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Every time I have the same reaction and it's audibly say: "Ough, about that"
Like I've said before those 2 are precious in their banter... It's so on edge of flirt, but much more meaningful. And the turn of events how that laser became her hoverboard. This warmth. I know they don't do that, but I envision them leaning to one another as if talking conspirationally. Have really soft almost whispering voices.
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So close and yet so far. Once again smooth
What still gets me and practically hammers down is how it isn't said what his wish is, and yet you still get what he wants.
Working the Nerves
Initial first read
🤣🤣🤣 Daaaw roumd boi 🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg Shego Yep, I will be laughing all chapter OMG DREW YOU DIDN'T F SHEGO Ouch f hair .... Ok this is some unfortunate incidents, I'm sus Ok, this one on you Bonding :3 Dr d you are an addict DRAKKEN YOU MAD LAD STRONG LAD
Sugar rush and hyperfocus can do some things to a lad. Tho a silver lining to your love handles, Dr D, that it is comfier to cuddle.
I adore that back and forth banter, and to hear how they are at it for 3 days and, honestly, they can do it even longer given chance.
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I am still curious what it is now.
You know, during the rewatch of the show, I hadn't realize how fricken much, Shego sits either unusually or plainly on a table/desk. She is just a feline.
She is a very black green tinted cat to herself. Is it Friday 13 of some sort? Did she break some mirror recently? Walked under the ladder??
Ok yeah I completely forgot this part that explains how they have money through stocks.
Gods, I get that funk that Drakken has. Low on inspo and on occasion motivation is hell.
Overall sometimes I think there should exist a skit with name "Adventures of Dr. Drakken and his ADHD brain"
Shego, my lass, you do affect him, don't worry Daaaw XD Painting her nails, daaaww.... Wait is that a mirror of her and Pandora? I think I'm reading too much into it Jddjjdjdj KIM
I am still chuckling and those two are still children. Both of them. Rection above still stands XD
On painting toenails, I'm having a flashback to Shego and Pandora's past.
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Bad girl gone good
🤔🤔🤔 hmm I wondered how she was internally… “Shego, I need you” Hehe, someone in love~ and she finally understood it
What hits me how un-Shego these thoughts are, how the tone feels softer in a way.
"Dr. Drakken" - yeahhhh so very formal it feels weird thinking it's coming from Shego, but considering it's Miss Go.
Its the scrambled eggs of thoughts that gets me here with Miss Go laying in the guest bed. How they are going all over.
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Heart is still the same, isn't it? And that concern that she has for him.
I love reading this moment of realization that she wants Drakken. Plain and simple. And wanted for a while. Where we are? chapter 83. Time runs fast.
Roller coaster
🤣 "villain royalty, how Disney" Ma'am Maaam You can't kill attraction by behaving like Helga Pataki Ough rough OYL Oh gods my heart ;-; partners Bdhdhdhd “I'm in trouble”, ma'am, you just fell in love
What in the hell happened there? (srsly, I am trying to place it at shows timeline and I'm in confusion, cus it feels like I should know what happened in this lair, I know that later moment will be Capt'n Drakken, but still )
Yep, being tsundere. And I give a point to Drakken for being perceptive.
heh, just the heat~
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Famous last words
Shego, you need therapy.
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I'm chuckling in my face palm, those 2 are perfect for one another. Ma'am, you are just the same.
Couples counselling, my guys. Those 2 are so stuck in that idea that their feelings are unrequired. And how their miscommunication keeps happening. My guys, you assume too much guah!
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I have, had had and will have such an urge to shake her (and him) to get some sense into their heads.
The Chinese Food Of Peace.
*guttural groan of anguish cus of these 2 dumbasses*
Glad she finally finally realized and relaxed about it my GOD. All it took is one talk with your best friend/love and see how everything settled down???
Don't get me wrong I love this a lot, the warmth of their convo, the smiles and ALL OF THAT. Just they are dummies. I love them, but they are dummies. Squared even.
Thus see you all in Ungrateful.
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swissmissficrecs · 6 months
Top 10 Sherlock fics by kudos in 2023
Top 10 fics completed in 2023 that garnered the most kudos on AO3. Excluded: chaptered "fics" that are actually collections of standalone ficlets and crossovers that are mostly about the other fandom. Fics that began posting earlier (in some cases, years earlier) obviously have the advantage of more time to rack up kudos. Kudo counts as of 2 Jan 2024.
1. 1,720 kudos: The Case of the Man Who Was Wanted by MyDearLadyDisdain (232K, M, Sherlock/Harry Potter) After an inexplicable case in Surrey, Sherlock is after the strangest criminal he's ever encountered: a mass murderer, that has eluded the authorities for almost 14 years. Unfortunately, Sherlock Holmes is the only one that can see right away that this Harry Potter character is completely innocent. And hang on, is that tea set floating?
2. 1,682 kudos: Shift by stopthat (48K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock is tired. John senses a shift.
3. 1,102 kudos: Ride On by Silvergirl (38K, E, Johnlock) After the disastrous reveal at the Landmark, John tells Sherlock there can be no excuse for what he’s done, and no forgiveness. Sherlock leaves London and starts a new life, and not even the British Government knows where. It’s up to John to track him down and make things right, with a trip around the world and a clue only John would recognize.
4. 851 kudos: Till Death Do Us Part (Not Yet, Not Yet) by Civilized_muppets (8K, T, Johnlock) In which Sherlock and John have been married for years, not that any member of the yard has ever heard of John, much less that Sherlock was married at all, until John is kidnapped from Afghanistan.
5. 797 kudos: The story of the Forgotten Wallet. by Headphones_on_the_Skull (25K, E, Johnlock) Just some dirty Alpha/Omega Johnlock porn.
6. 788 kudos: Nothing to Celebrate by DiscordantWords (30K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes is back from the dead. Things only get worse from there.
7. 726 kudos: A Tale of Two Soldiers by batslikepastel (14K, T, Johnlock, Jolto, Mystrade) It's Christmas, and Sherlock and John are finally flatmates again after the tumultuous events of the previous year. But a sudden revelation about John's sexuality and James Sholto's unexpected presence throw a wrench into Sherlock's plans, and his jealousy threatens to overwhelm him even as John remains blithely oblivious. Their relationship has reached a turning point, and the ball is in John's court now.
8. 671 kudos: Nightjet by khorazir (22K, M, Johnlock) Officially deceased for eighteen months and still looking for the last remainders of Moriarty’s criminal empire, an exhausted Sherlock boards a night train in Germany to bring him to his next hunting ground. Due to a mishap with the sleeper cars, he is forced to share a compartment with a stranger – who turns out to be not quite as strange as Sherlock thought. The universe isn’t lazy, after all …
9. 646 kudos: Our Love Keeps the Things It Finds by her_ladyships_soap (25K, T, Mystrade) Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. It's simple human biology. Over the course of every person's life, they develop tattoos of the things their soulmate loves most. Though he has always disliked the concept, Mycroft Holmes is painted from head to toe with dozens of brightly-coloured tattoos. Greg Lestrade, once-firm believer and hopeless romantic, has just nine. They are all quietly sophisticated, sketched in smooth shades of black and grey and easy to hide. Neither of them has gained a tattoo in years. But when they both suddenly find new markings, things finally fall into place.
10. 636 kudos: In Fine Spirits by EventHorizon (189K, M, Mystrade, Johnlock) A very upscale bar/private club needs a bartender and scruffy, punky Greg Lestrade is certain he has the right skills (and needs the job), so walks in to apply in person. He didn't realize that someone else he knew works there, also. Though… 'knew' probably isn't the proper term for a one-night stand where you didn't even learn their name during the fun…
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slifarianhawk · 4 months
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Chapter 2: an invitation (Wriothesley's P.O.V.)
I picked up the lady who moaned at my touch. Her clothes were tattered and now coated in what appeared to be her blood. Thankfully the infirmary was close by and she was in no real danger.
I jogged over to the next hall opening and walked up the steps. Several guards looked on in confusion but I waived them off saying it was fine. I heard Sigewinne discussing the proper treatment of a rash with an older male inmate who frequented the Pankration ring.
"Now be sure to apply this ointment before going to work in the production zone and before you go to bed." Our head nurse said cheerfully.
"Yes, mam. Oh, Your grace! I didn't see you there. What happened someone passed out in the ring and you happened to be there?" The older man asked staring at the woman on my shoulder.
"Nope, not this time. Was doing my rounds and this newbie slipped down the steps to her dorm hallway. That doesn't explain this though." I said lifting the side of her shirt as I laid her down on the middle infirmary bed.
"Oh, so this must be Ms. Silva then. Nuevillette wrote me about her yesterday. He said a new inmate would be coming in pretty badly injured. He said to expect her treatment at the hospital to be less than stellar given what happened between her and the guards." Sigewinne said staring at the wound, "It looks like her stitches were snapped."
"She tripped down one of the connecting flights of stairs leading from her dorm room hall. Could the fall of caused the damage to the stitching?" I asked, crossing my arms.
I stared at the unconscious lady before me. She had striking deep navy hair with some forest green low lights. It was a rather strange combination. I noticed there was blood on the palm of her hand slowly drying in the stale humid air of Meropide.
"The stitching still had to of been struck multiple times for the edges of the wound to be so far apart. Nuevillette did write saying she could have enemies among our guards." Sigewinne said cleaning the wound and restitching it.
I noted that the male visiting Sigewinne earlier had slipped out without saying anything. Sigewinne took her time with closing up the inmate's wound. Then for good measure, she rubbed some of the salve she normally uses on cuts and bruises I obtain when I fight in the ring.
"So her name is Silva? I haven't read her file yet but did notice one titled that in the new inmate paperwork." I said as Sigewinne put away her medical supplies into a locked cabinet after pulling out fresh bandages. 
"That's right! Nuevillette said for me to help her get adjusted. I think he pities her." The human-like Melusine said shaking her head as she wrapped the fresh bandages around Silva's body.
"What makes you think that?" I said in surprise.
"The tone of his letter was different. It wasn't the usual great things about his day or a warning saying she was dangerous. He also said to be on the lookout for withdrawal effects." She said sitting at her desk, "Isn't the champion duelist visiting you soon?"
"Crap, that was why I was doing my rounds. I knew I would be busy for the next few hours." I said walking towards the exit, "Oh Sigewinne, please invite Ms. Silva to my office for tea when she wakes up. No one's first day in Meropide should be spent in the infirmary."
She smiled at me and nodded, "Yes your grace."
I took one last look at Silva. I felt a twang in my chest. She had a sad look on her sleeping face. It reminds me of how I looked after my trial. I shook my head, my hair tufts swishing a bit.
I left the infirmary and headed toward my office. My office... it still feels surreal. It hadn't even been a third of the year since I'd taken control of Meropide. I went from a lowly criminal in the eyes of the law to the Duke of the Fortress. I could have laughed.
I arrived at the cold doors of my office. With an easy push, they swing open welcoming me back to my solidarity. Ascending the metal stairs, I smiled as I heard the smooth jazz that played on my record player.
I walked over to my sofa and grabbed my kettle from the coffee table. It was nice they installed a tea nook when I became Duke. It saves me the trouble of having to boil water in the kitchen.
"Let's see, what blend do I drink with Ms. Clorinde? Hmm... it's about time for dinner so how about... ahh here it is Fontainian Garden." I said pulling out the glass jar with the loose tea leaves.
This was an uncommon item in the rag and bones shop so I bought it whenever I could. Hopefully, Clorinde likes this blend. She was quite picky when it came to tea.
There was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" I ask out placing a couple of spoonfuls of the leaves into the kettle.
"It's Clorinde. Come on Wriothesley, open the door. We have important things that need to be discussed." A harsh female voice rang out.
"Coming!" I shouted setting down the pot.
I walked down the stairs and opened the door. In front of me was Clorinde with a decent-sized crate behind her. I raised my brow and gave her a funny look.
"I thought you said we were just going to be friends," I said crossing my arms and smiling, "didn't expect you to want to move in after what happened."
Clorinde just glared at me and shoved past, "Just grab the crate Wriothesley. It's your new prisoner's belongings. Not much gets to me but the thought of that woman just skipping
"Alright, alright, Archons you seem like you need a cup of tea. Thankfully I have some brewing." I said lift the crate and brought it into my office.
Closing the door, I ascended the stairs. Clorinde sat down on the couch. I shook my head and sat the box down on my desk. The kettle started whistling as I grabbed the sugar from the bookshelf. I plopped two cubes into a cup and poured the slightly red-colored tea.
"Care for a cup?" I asked looking over my shoulder.
"If you insist. One sugar cube would be nice, please." She said her shoulders relaxing as she laid back and got comfortable.
"So this is the girl who landed ten guards in the hospital. I haven't read her file yet but the steambird sure had decent coverage on it. Said she took them out with a dendro vision. If that's the case why wasn't she sent here as a precaution? That's what they do with dangerous prisoners. It's protocol so why wasn't it followed." I said curiously pouring Clorinde's tea and placing one cube in it.
I sat at my desk placing her teacup at the top of it. She stood up and shuffled through the files until she uncovered Ms. Silva's. Handing me the file she walked back towards that couch, taking her tea.
"Take a look and you will understand." She said.
"You know it's rude to rifle through someone's work desk," I smirked as I opened the file.
"Just read it, then we can proceed with the main reason why I am here." Clorinde huffed.
I started skimming the folder. There wasn't much on Ms. Silva. Her travel records show she came through the Chenyu vale of Liyue and was in Mondstat before that on a job for Dr. Baizhu of Bubu pharmacy in Liyue. She wrote down that her reason for traveling to Fontaine was research. That didn't explain much either.
"Weird how there is so little right, Wriothesley? Normally we would have all her information. We contacted Liyue, Sumeru, and Mondstat. They only have records of her traveling for research. We could only assume she's from Inazuma as her first record is a travel permit to  Liyue from Ritou. It was commissioned by an Ayato Kamisato. Every one of her permits is for research. Nuevillette asked me to bring the belongings from her hotel room and search through the items with you." Clorinde said taking a sip of the warm beverage in her hand.
I continued to read over the file and a note from Monsieur Nuevillette shocked me. I could hear his voice as I read the line.
"Ms. Silva was attacked and drugged using a potent Dendro drug that has been spreading like wildfire through the court of Fontaine. While there have been only a few deaths due to this drug. Ms. Silva has shown us that those with dendritic energy have a horrific effect on these drugs. A Dendritic energy overcharge causes a massive burst of the Dendro element dealing damage once the user is put under stress. What Ms. Silva told me has led me to believe that there is a tie between this drug and a dendro dragon. Keep an eye on her at all costs Wriothesley. Something tells me she will be the key to solving this case." His voice rang in my ears.
"WRIOTHESLEY!" Clorinde shouted snapping me out of my trance.
"Huh, oh sorry Clorinde. It's just Nuevillette's notes. They just have me a little on edge." I said setting down the file and picking up my now cooled tea.
"I was trying to say that you should be careful with regarding her. I just have a bad feeling, call it hunter intuition." She said setting her empty cup down.
"I will now let's get going through this stuff I'm sure Ms. Silva would at least like some of this stuff back. As long as it is appropriate for the fortress of course." I said prying open the wooden box.
As the box cracked open, I was met with a soft aroma. It reminded me of walking into a luxury tea shop in the city.  When the lid came off there was a multitude of sealed glass jars with many varieties of herbs. They seemed to be being kept fresh by cut mist flowers. I've seen the corollas being used but not whole flowers.
"So it seems she does not possess a vision after all," Clorinde said sifting through a small pile of folded clothes.
"There is a small silk pouch right here," I said picking up the purple purse, and with an unfortunate turn of events the contents spilled out.
"Letters and documents?" Clorinde said picking up the papers strewn about.
I glanced down and saw a lovely wax seal of a glaze lily on a golden letter, "What's this?"
"I have no clue. It must be important and it has been opened previously. Why don't you go ahead and read it?" Clorinde asked.
"Everyone has the right to privacy. In one sense or the other. I have no search warrant, so I won't read it." I said setting it down on her pile of documents, a smirk growing on my lips, "I'll ask her directly."
"And how do you plan on doing that? From what I heard from the guard who escorted her, she fell and passed out." Clorinde said crossing her arms.
"Did he now? Because from what Sigewinne has told me she had to of been shoved multiple times with relatively decent force. She was bleeding  when she fell right in front of me." I said with a slight growl in my voice.
One thing I detested among my staff was lying to higher-ups. I knew lying to prisoners was sometimes unavoidable, however, lying to me or a champion duelist would get my blood boiling. Clorinde stared at me with mild shock in her eyes.
"Sigh, I'll leave this to you then but your grace as a friend I have some advice for you." She said as she walked to the stairs.
"Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked staring at the golden envelope.
"Don't forget Nuevillette's warning. That woman is a danger." I heard Clorinde say as she exited my office.
"Tsk. I can handle myself. This is Meropide. No newbie could cause that much of a distraction. Her sorrowful sleeping face came to my mind. Could she?
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thoughtsroamguy · 1 year
I created a master list of my (currently) available stories. You can use the links to read on Webnovel. Likes and comments are appreciated, but reblogs are super appreciated 😇! Look under the cut for them!
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A Hero's Respite: Alessia Sanguis travels between worlds and universes to prevent calamities of untold destruction. It's become the norm for her to see a world on the brink of destruction; so when she travels to the amicable world Pax, she can't help but feel out of place. Simple farmer Furti assures her that there is no world-ending threat. So what is interdimensional hero Alessia to do in a peaceful world? Who is she without a catastrophe looming over her? A respite is all this world has to offer...right?
There are currently 2 chapters.
Content warning: this series contains depictions of bodily harm.
Take a deserved break here!
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A Bountiful Galaxy: Zenith Gee is an interstellar bounty hunter whose reputation is known throughout all civilized galaxies. Her skill with her twin pistols? Unmatched in speed or precision. Her dedication to her bounties? Unparalleled in tenacity and thoroughness. Her capture record? Pristine. Every dastardly criminal she’s brought in was captured alive. Her social skills? Could use some work. It’s a rough universe for an awkward and shy woman such as herself, but maybe the confident doll Ealnem Erco can smooth things over for her. A bountiful galaxy is waiting for these two out there; what will be the greatest prize of them all?
There are currently 2 chapters.
Get your bounty here!
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Fangs of Ennui: Felix Claret is used to disappointment, he's long since given up on having any expectations for anything ever. Even so, he's uniquely let down when two strangers get into a fight while he's working a graveyard shift. Now a handsome stranger introduces him into a dark ancient world, but with the best possible intentions. He probably means well, but to Felix, it sounds like a pain in the neck. 
There are currently 2 chapters.
Content warning: This series contains depictions of graphic violence.
Sink your teeth in it here!
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Bullets & Spells: Worlds collide when a young woman is saved by a witch after being double-crossed. The fates of Hollyhock and Hazel become entwined as they delve deeper into their respective worlds of crime and magic. Can they survive the journey for the truth about who they are, how they fit in with their peoples, what destiny has in store for them; and perhaps most importantly, what they mean to each other? Can an assassin and a witch really be together, or are bullets and spells too different to coexist?
There are currently 22 chapters.
Content warning: this series as of the first volume contains scenes of graphic violence, bodily harm, drug abuse, and mentions of sexual violence (it’s never directly depicted).
Load the first bullet and prime the first spell here!
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Sparks Between Us: Jason Duval knows he isn’t the protagonist of his story, that role belongs to Lamar Brown. Even in their world where people get superpowers, Lamar is extraordinarily powerful. But the young hero only wants to find his destiny and move on with his life. Can Jason help him find it?
There are currently 3 chapters.
Get charged here!
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No Idea: Love in a B&B:
What’s small town girl Becky Dover to do when she meets big city girl Rayla Moore? No Idea Rayla’s staying at Becky’s B&B, so they’ll have the chance to find out!
There are currently 2 chapters.
Check-in for a stay here!
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Regicide: Delve into a world of magic and adventure with you at the center! Life hasn’t been kind to you but with the powers that being a Caster grants, you don’t need it to.
There are currently 2 chapters.
Content warning: this series contains scenes of intense violence.
Utter your first incantation here!
More to come soon!
If any piqued your interest, thanks for reading and super thank you for sharing!
240 notes · View notes
riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment. Keep studying, stay away from drugs and if you are sensitive to this topic you better continue in the next chapter.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3.7k
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 7: BUTTER (M) I MYG x F!reader
"Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover Gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that, ooh."
Shipping Port, Incheon Bay, South Korea.
The cold wind whipped through the shipping dock, sending chills down the spines of those unfortunate enough to be present. Under the dim, flickering lights, Suga stood in the middle of the warehouse with a menacing aura.
It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop on the other side of the dock.
Everyone knew it was the calm right before the thunder.
You see, Kim Namjoon was raised to be Kim Dohan’s right hand. He took charge of all the business matters of the clans. Meeting with corrupt government officials, blackmailing the police chief and practically having most of Seoul’s most important CEO’s practically eating from his palm.
But Suga was not only the clan's trafficker.
He was his father’s shadow. 
And shadows ruled the underworld. 
Every thug, gangster, trafficker, hitman.
They all knew him. 
They all feared him. 
That is why today he was on a mission to find out who had betrayed The Clan.
As simple as that, the Leader wanted a name.
And revenge.
His father told the rest of his brothers that Suga he would be traveling with him to Russia to retrieve the gun shipment they recently lost. As if the situation wasn't absurd enough, there were whispers of the rival Chinese clan, the long-extinct "Jade Dragon.” was the one behind it.
Yes, in quotes. 
Suga didn’t buy any of that bullshit.
That, and the fact that his father wanted to keep today’s mission a secret from his own brothers. 
That told him his father was suspicious of something too.
The night from two days ago was far from ordinary. No one who valued their souls would ever try to cross the Seven Moons or the Devil himself: Kim Dohan. Nevertheless. A shipment that was supposed to contain an arsenal of illegal firearms had instead arrived filled with dirt. 
And don’t forget the dragon head.
Made of gold and real jade. 
A little too dramatic for Suga’s taste, if you asked him.
Everything around it was fucking suspicious. 
All of Asia knew, Kim Dohan had personally made sure to wipe out the Jade Dragon twenty years ago, and Suga knew well enough that dead snakes couldn't bite.
That is why he was going to spend the night interrogating a shivering, terrified security worker who claimed to have seen something the night before the shipment arrived. The man's eyes darted around nervously, as if expecting to find a savior in the shadows. But the only thing the night held was darkness and the malevolent laughter of fate.
"I-I swear, I saw it, Mr. Kim!" the security worker stammered, his voice barely audible. "Your brother, he was there! Talking to three other men… They looked Korean, not Chinese!"
Suga raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned in closer to the trembling man. "My brother, you say. Isn't that interesting? I wonder which one of my six brothers could have been here" he said, his voice dripping with dark sarcasm. "Tell me more about these 'Korean' men."
The security worker gulped, trying to recall the details as sweat pooled on his forehead. "W-well, they were all dressed in black, and they… they had this sinister air about them, like they were up to no good."
Suga laughed, the sound rich and full of mockery. "Oh, men in black with a sinister air? How very illuminating! Like they were up to no good. Did you hear gentlemen? Like anybody here is actually up to anything good" The rest of Suga’s men laughed with him. He leaned back and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing the light of a fire illuminating his scar. Making him look like a sadistic prince from hell. He walked closer as he studied the man before him. "You wouldn't happen to be leading me on a wild goose chase, would you?"
"N-no, sir!" the security worker squeaked, desperation etched on his face. "I swear, that's what I saw! And your brother, Mr. Kim there is no way I would not recognize him "
Suga sighed, rolling his eyes as if he were dealing with a particularly annoying child. "Fine, I believe you," he said, his voice dripping with insincerity. "But if I find out that you're lying to me or leading me astray, just remember that I have a penchant for making people... disappear. So from now on, everything out of the ordinary that you see. You’ll report back to me. Do you understand?"
The security worker nodded frantically, sweat now pouring down his face. "Y-yes, sir! I understand!"
As Suga turned away, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. One of his brothers, conspiring with mysterious Korean men, and shipments full of dirt instead of guns. 
Life was nothing if not a dark comedy.
And he was simply waiting for the punchline.
Serendipity Club, Itaewon, Seoul South Korea
Park Jimin’s Club was Opulent.
Tonight serendipity is packed with more people than usual, it's not every day you see all so many of the young leaders in the same place and that was an event for the nightlife in Seoul.
To be able to meet one of them in a situation like this was a strike of good luck. But six in one place, it was almost a divine sight to meet those beautiful men  all dressed in sharp designer suits, their hair perfectly styled. They are laughing and joking, clearly enjoying themselves.  The VIP lounge of the club was filled with clansmen and bodyguards.
You were watching them from the other side of the glass door. In that moment you can feel the weight of the situation on your shoulders. You are here to gather information on the  Seven Moons clan's activities in Seoul, and you know that any misstep could be deadly.
What happened last night with suga was Only that. A means to an end. Nothing more than you doing your job and collecting information. 
You noticed that the six leaders were surrounded by more alcohol than a horde of twenty-something frat kids could consume and enough dope, courtesy of one of Suga’s shipments, to put them all in rehab.
Today the seven Moons were going to have fun.
They were going to celebrate the arrival of their heiress.
And what a way to welcome her to the clan.
In that private room there was enough money to pay for an entire college degree.
At Harvard.
About 30 times.
Or fund a small country.
Anything was possible for the Seven Moons.
From the giant window that adorned the room they could see what was going on below them on the dance floors. They were surrounded by more opulence than the mansion at Versailles, with huge crystal chandeliers and sculptures that cost a fortune. Leather sofas and mahogany tables. The walls are adorned with paintings and sculptures, all of which look like they were purchased at a high price.
Or stolen. 
But everything was classy at Park Jimin's club.
Even the small trays where they served a fine white powder were made of gold, with the symbol of the clan.
Class and style.
People used to say that this was Mount Olympus and up there resided the Gods. But no commoner could see what went on inside their VIP room.mSomething that was quite convenient if you stopped to think about the kind of entertainment that went on from time to time behind those security gates.
Of course, also the occasional murder or torture. With prior permission from the owner and of course you had to swear Park Jimin you will not stain the new upholstery.
Normal stuff.
“Hey Hyung, let's serve another round of shots for everyone” exclaimed Jungkook over the sound of the music raising the bottle of Vodka towards Jhope, who smiled openly feeling the bubbly effect of one of his favorite pills.
“Shots for everyone!” shouted the older one, pouring some of the contents of the glasses he had just poured. The others toasted with them, it had been a long time since they had had fun together and the night was just beginning “So Park, what time will the show start?” Jin asked with one of the club owner's angels sitting right next to him.
“Hyung, please don't torture us with your dance steps today” Jimin joked and the eldest of the seven moons replied with a light punch on the shoulder.
“Easy boss, Jin-ssi's dance steps are my favorite” your attention is drawn to the woman sitting next to the oldest of the seven on the table. She is stunning, with long black hair and piercing eyes. She looks regal, like a queen holding court. You realized she was one of Park Jimin’s angels and couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her, knowing that she is being used as a pawn in this dangerous game.
Her big cat eyes and sensual body were covered by her elegant black dress. Jade was a femme-fatale who loved the adrenaline rush of working for The Seven Moons.
Don’t be mistaken. Nothing was obscene in Park Jimin's club.
He was famous for never allowing any of the attendees to get rough with his angels, not even his own siblings.
Everyone followed the rules.
Unless they wanted to be beaten out of the club.
Or turned into a bloodstain on the marble floor.
That's why people literally killed themselves to work there, it wasn't just the money they made or the protection of the clan.
Park Jimin’s angels were independent, they could come and go as they pleased, they belonged to no one. Unlike other places where the women and men who worked in that world did not have the same luck.
Jimin knew that sincere loyalty was much better than fear. The angels were happy and so were their customers. The money kept flowing and so were the secrets. A job well done you could say.
“Shit, if she's an angel kill me now and I'll die a happy man” The comment from one of the clansmen at the next table made all the moons turn to look at you as you crossed the sea of bodyguards to make way to where they were sitting.
Your skin glowed under the Serendipity lights, your hair cascaded almost reaching your waist. All your curves and long legs could be seen to perfection thanks to how short the satin dress she was wearing was.
Versace, something very appropriate for a...
“Goddess, she's no angel," Namjoon's deep voice answered her before taking another sip of Whiskey without taking his eyes off her, "And she's completely out of reach for all of you... unless you want to lose the hand you're touching her with." 
You mentally cursed Anya and Garam for convincing you to wear that piece of fabric that was called an excuse for a dress and left nothing to the imagination. You didn't even want to think about how much it had cost
Of course, an agent's salary would not allow you to pay for even one of the earrings you were wearing.
“Today is your formal presentation in Seoul’s underworld. You can't go wearing these nun school rich girl dresses. Please” Anya had told you when they were still in the Boutique “Besides, Namjoon gave you his black credit card, let's call it retribution to justice”
“All for the sake of good and justice” You had sighed in surrender and the two women jumped up and down in celebration.
“Welcome to my club, Miss Lee, if you want to have a good time in this boring city” Jimin greeted you with a kiss on her hand “This is your home” You noticed that the man had made different colored locks in his hair, if anyone else had tried it he would probably look ridiculous but for some reason he looked amazing.
Jungkook surprised you with a hug as he approached the table “Noona, you look very beautiful tonight” a mischievous gleam crossed the younger man's eyes “You must promise to dance with me first okay?”
“No, this is my club. Miss Nari Dances with me” Jimin opened his eyes, offended as he continued to argue with his brother.
“I'm sorry children, but I'm the eldest. It is a show of respect and tradition. I would be the first one to dance with Miss Lee.'' Jin interrupted both of them with a matter of fact tone. The three of them began to fight and laugh among themselves. At first you found the behavior of these mobsters, who were usually too serious and respectful, too strange.
But then you saw some little bags with colored pills on the table and raised an eyebrow.
Ah, ecstasy.
You noticed that Namjoon was still staring at you sitting with his arms outstretched on the couch rest “Nice dress, Lee Nari.” the penetrating gaze of the clan's second-in-command made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up “Can I invite you a drink?”
Smiling, you nodded “Pour me whatever you are drinking, Kim Namjoon” As you sat next to him you realized at that moment that they were going to ask you to try anything else on that table. 
You can't help but think about the dangerous position you were in. Accepting to use drugs with the clan is a slippery slope that you know very well you shouldn't even consider. But you need to maintain my cover, and the pressure to fit in with the clan is intense.
So you had to play along, even if you knew it could go horribly wrong  “Also, you can share with me whatever you are on right now”
“I didn't know you liked Molly, but I guess there is enough of that in the pretentious universities of America” Taehyun's turn to speak had been listening to you silently watching your every move, as usual. 
“That's true, we like to have fun at pretentious colleges in America” you replied by dropping the pill on your tongue and shrugging your shoulders. You got up and took Namjoon’s hand to walk to the center of the dancefloor. With the other brothers joining you right behind. 
As the music fills the room, you feel the heat of the Right Hand's body pressed against yours. You dance together, your bodies swaying in sync, but your mind is far from the moment.
Here 's the thing. 
You knew perfectly well the dangerous game you were playing right now. Letting yourself loose when you knew perfectly well that every man in that room was heavily armed. You learned during your training back in the headquarters that this was a show of trust inside the Clans.
You had to play your part to perfection. Because men let their guard down when they feel free.
And if they feel free they start talking.
Which reminded you. Your team in France has not responded to your last message, and you find it odd that my boss, the Lieutenant, did not warn you about the arranged marriage between Mr. Lee’s daughter and one of the seven sons.
Your heart races as you realize that you are in deeper than you thought. The consequences of being caught are simple: One misstep and you will be dead. 
As the song comes to an end, Namjoon leans in close to you, his eyes burning with intensity. "I need to go outside for fresh air. By myself." he looks surprised for a second but then he turns around and barks an order to one of the bodyguards to take you outside, and you feel a mix of fear and excitement ripple through you.
You are led by one of Namjoon’s bodyguards across a sea of moving bodies and gangsters to get to an emergency exit in the back of the VIP room. You go down the stairs and once you are at the door the man tells you you have 5 minutes.
The pounding music and flashing lights of the club faded behind you once you stepped outside. 
That’s when you saw him leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers. You noticed that for the first time you’ve seen him he was wearing a suit. Hair sleek to the back. His deep black eyes stared directly at you.
That was the last thing you needed to see while high on molly.
You almost whispered, approaching him carefuly. “What-”
“You look surprised, little flower. Like if you just saw a ghost. Were you expecting someone else” He interrupted you and you felt a shiver down your spine. 
You could feel the effect of the drug spreading through your bloodstream “No, you're exactly the person I wanted to see tonight” Your words were sincerity mixed with alcohol. He took a step closer and you felt his hand tugging at the fabric of your dress that covered your hips. 
Why do you have to be so fucking beautiful?
The man let out a laugh and held her tighter by the waist “You're going to have to share with me whatever they gave you upstairs, little flower,”
Did you say that or did you think it?
Suga brought his lips to your ear. So close you could feel their ghost touch on your skin “It has to be pretty good shit. For you to admit that you think I'm fucking beautiful and I don't want to be left behind in the fun” You gasped and he gave you one of those devilish smirks you were starting to like. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be in Russia?” You said eyes locked in his “And miss all of today’s fun. No way in hell I would miss you in this dress, pretty flower. But before she could respond, he stepped closer, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "You're a beautiful woman, Lee Nari," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous.
Ah, fuck it.
You were in too deep on the effects of the pills mixed with alcohol. 
Probably what you were thinking at the time was a terrible idea.
But the effects of the drug made you feel so damn good.
And Suga usually had a mysterious aura to him, something dark and alluring that attracted you to him.
Like a moth to a flame. 
You had burned before. 
And you really liked the pain.
You took another pill that you had hidden on your dress and placed it on your tongue. You knew that she was playing a dangerous game, but you couldn't help the attraction you felt for that man. In a moment of impulse, you leaned in with your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.
And kissed him.
Kissed him as if you were alone in that place full of people.
As if you couldn’t be seen by absolutely everyone who was there.
The effect of the drug deliciously amplified the sensations and you could swear that the Suga’s lips tasted like chocolate strawberries, your favorite dessert. 
“You're getting me in trouble little flower." said the man As you broke apart, you could see the surprise and suspicion in his eyes.
“Good thing I love trouble," but before you could move again a hand grabbed Suga's arm, pulling him away from you.
Turns out your five minutes were up and the bodyguard had gone upstairs to tell Namjoon you were kissing his brother outside of the club. 
Didn’t snitches get stitches in this clan?
Or lose a finger or something.
The Right Hand eyes were looking directly at you. He was furious, you could see the veins of his neck pop, blood rushing through them filled with anger. 
Oh you’d fucked up. 
Big time.
Now the both of you were really in trouble “May I know, what the fuck are you doing here, you bastard?” Namjoon grabbed two fists full of Suga’s shirt.
“Having fun like everyone else at this party, or isn't that what we all came here for, Daddy's boy?” replied the older one with his sarcastic chuckle.
“Call me that one more time and I'll break your fucking face” Namjoon so close to Suga's face while he looked amused by his reaction. 
As if he had been waiting for it.
“Oh your majesty, I'd love to see you try....”
Before chaos could form the rest of the siblings approached to separate them. You were still standing in the middle of the two, unsure if you should try to calm things down. 
But you knew you’d only make it worse.
“Let's calm down a little, you know the rules: no fighting in my club - Jimin intervened trying to calm them down a little “If you are going to break each other's faces or measure each other's dick or whatever it is you are doing right now. Do it somewhere else” he finished with a tone of authority.
Kim Namjoon might be the right hand of the clan, but this was Park's kingdom. But it didn't help anyway...
“You just love to play with what doesn’t belong to you, don't you?” Namjoon responded in a mocking tone.
To that you raised an eyebrow, you were nobodies. But before you could speak Jhope put a hand on your shoulder giving you a sympathetic look “Not now, princess Nari” he whispered. 
Suga grabbed the hand that was still holding him by the collar “Are you sure of what you’re saying, Kim? Do you want me to remind you who you are and who I am?”
You had a feeling they were no longer talking about you. But all you could do was look at them terrified realizing that you had provoked something you couldn't stop.
They both meant much more.
“I'm going to kill you tonight, you son of a bitch” Namjoon growled and Suga had a smirk on his lips but the expression of his eyes wanted blood.
“Hope, take Miss Lee out of here. That's an order” Namjoon said without looking at you.
The young gangster approached you with an apologetic  look “I'm sorry princess Nari, but we'd better go” He took you by the arm to take you out of the place and ushered you to a SUV that was already parked and ready for you to leave.
“I knew you'd be trouble." Taehyung whispered as you passed him.
Your eyes stung from tears that were trying to come out.
You felt humiliated.
You had screwed up completely.
Suga was your fucking weakness and your needed to get him out of her system.
The faster this mission would be over.
Faster she could get away from all of this.
And away from him.
I have a confesion to make: This August D concept photos are making me feel things. What a good moment to be alive honestly. Because I would gladly let gangster August D Kill m... Ahem.
Here's another confession. Butter is actually one of my fav chapters, because its all the build up to the real deal of the story. But I got inspired by the pictures of this beautiful, beautiful human and decided to add a new scene to the chapter.
For the ones who don't know Hate is actually a story I've aready finished on wattpad and I am translating (from spanish) and cross posting it here on tumblr. Also, the original story is actually an OCxSuga and not a reader POV. But I really am enjoying this changes. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing.
There is so much more to come and I am excited to show you!
For the ones who are interested, the tag list is open If you want to be on it you can leave a comment or send me an ask! 💌💌
Tag list: @allamericanuniverse @drunkzseok
Love, Ria.
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mjmagics · 1 year
Chapter 2
Warnings: MC almost gets kidnapped, anxiety of large places, MC swearing a lot, teenage hormonal responses
Word Count: 1,500+
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I’m not an idiot 
Gotham City,  New Jersey. USA 
Robin watched as a plane landed at the Gotham International  Airport or the GIA. According to his father’s research, a gang leader who went by the name of King of Spades would be coming home to America from the United Kingdom, where he robbed a series of banks. He caused quite a stir for Batman’s allies in the UK, and the whole team was eager to end his criminal career, along with his gang members. 
“Batman, I see the target,” Robin stated, pressing down on the earpiece he wore so those on the comlink could hear him. 
“Great job, Robin,” Batman replied. “Now get to the next zone, Red Robin and Nightwing are in the building to monitor the target. Do not engage. We are to follow him to the hideout of the Royal Flush Gang.” 
The boy in red and green sighed. “I know, Batman, I’m not an idiot.” 
“I was simply reminding you,” Batman pointed out. “There is a break-in at a local retail store, Spoiler and I will handle it,” The man announced before cutting off the conversation.  
“You know what would be useful right now?” A voice came through on the intercom. 
“What, Nightwing?”  Robin asked. 
“Oo! Let me guess,” yet another voice exclaimed. “Miss Martian’s mental link?” 
“Ding ding ding,” Nightwing replied. “Red Robin is our winner.” Then the man sighed, “I’m missing my old team. Missions like this always remind me of them.” 
“Sorry we’re not good enough for you, Grayson,” Robin spat. 
“Boys, focus,” Batman’s voice came through on the earpiece. “And no real names, you all know this.” 
Robin tutted in frustration. “Yes sir.” 
“I can feel your anger from here, Robin,” Nightwing stated, there was a shutter in his voice before he let out a dry laugh. “Shit, I see our target. He is making his way to the far east exit.” 
“On it,” Red Robin replied. “I have eyes on him, is Batgirl and Red Hood ready?” 
“They are,” Batman answered. “Robin, can you tag his car?” 
“That’s easy,” Robin stated. “I was trained since a child for missions much more strenuous than this.” 
“Strenuous?” Nightwing asked. 
“It’s a synonym for hard,” the younger chuckled. “It’s a bit disappointing you don’t know the word.” 
“Ouch, how does that burn feel, Nightwing,” Red Robin chimed with a chuckle.
“I know what strenuous means, I’ m just surprised you know,” Nightwing sighed with defeat. 
“I’m not an idiot.” 
“I never said you were!”
“I’m heading to the car now,” Robin growled before switching off his Bluetooth device and storming out of the area. 
On the other side of the airport, Jade Knutsvig was just stepping off the warm plane and into the humid building full of bodies pushing and pulling to board their flights on time. Her eyes widened as she assessed the large building. In all her years she had never been in an airport as large as GIA. Other than the Mall of America, she had never been in a place this large. She had barely traveled outside of her home state. It was completely foreign to the girl.
After the first wave of shock passed, she found herself sitting on a bench, taking in the glass walls that allowed the pale orange light of the setting sun into the structure. It reminded her of tree sap, and she pulled a piece of crystallized amber from her carry-on. Amber could absorb negative energy, and ever since she was a young girl she was able to rely on the smooth stone to ease her anxieties. 
Jade whispered a small prayer to herself. It wasn’t to any god, but it was a cry for the universe to help guide her through the maze of the airport. After a few deep breaths, Jade pulled out her phone to message her sister. As the device turned on she could see the shadow of a man looming over her. Without looking at him she could already feel an untrustworthy energy radiating from his aura. 
“Are you lost?” The man questioned. “Where is your mom?” 
“I’m by myself,” She swiftly answered. The girl was unfamiliar with the hostilities of larger communities. Jade grew up in the comfort of small towns where everyone knew their neighbors and had their noses in one another's business. Her eyes glanced up at the man, and once she made eye contact with him her stomach dropped. 
“My name is Bruce Wayne. You might not know of me, but I’m a bit of a celebrity around here. I saw you got off a fight from Minneapolis. Are you from there?” 
“No,” Jade whispered. Where is Eliza she found herself thinking. She flies me all the way out to Gotham only to abandon me in an airport! 
Being stuck in her thoughts, Jade missed the moment that the man before her reached for her right forearm. His large hand grasped her body, and a rough pull brought her to her feet. 
“Woah, dude,” She exclaimed, trying to tug away from him. Her attempt to escape his friends was useless and it only made him hold tighter. “You don’t know what you’re doing! My sister is waiting for me, she will know I’m missing.” 
Pleading wasn’t helping Jade’s case, and the man began to lead Jade into the crowd of the airport. Her bag was left behind on the bench, along with her phone. Panic began to set in. This was nothing like home. 
“Help!” Jade screamed, “Help me! Someone!”
The man began to dig his nails into her skin, “shut up,” he growled. He then turned to the crowd the circled them. “Sorry, my daughter is just throwing a fit.” 
“Help! Please. I don’t know this man!” The young woman began to recall what her older sister taught her many years ago. “Please! This isn’t my dad!” 
“Barbra?” A voice sounded from the crowd, and a man with bright blue eyes and dark hair stepped out. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” 
Another stranger? Why couldn’t her sister be here to grab her? Yet, this guy seemed a lot better than the man who has dragged her across the airport. “Uh- Hi,” Jade said awkwardly. “I don’t know this man. I think he’s trying to kidnap me.” 
The assailant let go of the teen and began to push his way through the crowd. The man who referee to her as Barbara stepped closer. “Hey, let me help you.” 
“I’m okay,” Jade snapped. She was anxious, homesick, and had her life flash before her eyes. Overthinking took over her, and her brain visualized each situation that could have come to her if the man hadn’t saved her. 
“It's no bother,” The man stated. 
“I thank you for your help,” Jade huffed, checking her pockets for anything she might have. The girl found nothing but wanted to gift the man something. She closed her eyes while her right hand was shoved in her hoodie pocket and created a shard of jade stone. She presented it to him, flat in her palm. “Here, a token of my appreciation.” 
The man accepted it and opened his mouth as if he was going to comment on it. Before he could another man, closer to Jade’s sister’s age, stood next to him. “Hey, I know you’re trying to play hero but she’s safe. We have things to do.” 
The man who saved Jade nodded. “Thank you,” He stated, shaking the piece of jade that was in his hands to signify his gratitude. Jade simply nodded before she ran back to her stuff, surprised to see it had not been stolen by a thief. 
The moment she found her phone she called her sister. Her heart was still racing, and then a mix of fear and adrenaline made her legs weak. “Where are you?” Her voice was a whisper, and the moment Eliza replied with: “I’m at the gate c-19. Is that not yours?” 
“No,” The girl said, but as the syllables left her mouth so did a sob of fear. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Where are you? I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
“I’m at “ Jade choked down another sob. “I’m at gate C-13. I wanna go home,” The girl cried, trying to hide in her hoodie. “Eliza, a man grabbed me.” 
“Oh my god,” Eliza gasped. In the background of the call, Jade could hear Eliza’s pace go from a brisk walk to a run. “I see you,” She replied quickly. 
Jade looked around before her eyes met Eliza’s. She felt a wave of warmth wash over her. It wasn’t natural, it was Eliza’s power soothing her. The two finally met, and Jade didn’t have time to hang up the call before Eliza’s arms were around her, her body heat matching the temperature of warmth that was soothed Jade meer seconds before. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” Eliza repeated. 
After the two calmed down, filed a police report with airport security and Gotham PD, and retrieved Jade’s bags, the two began their car ride to their home. Jade fell asleep in traffic, and Eliza pondered if the man trying to kidnap her sister was an omen to get her sister out of Gotham already.
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
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Claire Belmonte is an influencer-turned-vigilante. Robin Huong is her reluctant bodyguard who’s just trying to make it to her next paycheck in one piece. Together they’re taking down a multimillion dollar crime syndicate—if they don’t end up killing each other first. But what’s an heiress-influencer doing getting involved in a criminal empire, anyway? And what kind of history does Claire have with the syndicate’s boss—a smooth-talking butch with a taste for three-piece suits? It's two parts spy drama, one part romance, where everyone's got something to hide and nothing to lose.
happy femslash february here's an in-progress webcomic that’s currently ~180 pages (pretty far into chapter 2). I really like the art! the style is fun and the colors really pop, plus the writing is very charming. truly cringefail disaster duo doing their best (and not doing too bad!) (just yknow. not always sticking the landing) (lol). like the summary says, it’s lighter on the romance, but this is Very Much A Story With Women Who Love Women—definitely a comic to check out if you’re in the mood for action, drama, and comedy. I’ve linked to the website for the comic, but somewhat recently it’s also been put up on tapas! the artist also sometimes posts bonus art and sketches on her tumblr ^^
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halfetirosie · 3 months
Dante is COOL, let it be known!!!
(Desert of Dusk, Chapter 12 & 13 Reactions)
Exhibit B of Dante not getting enough credit + MY NEWFOUND NEED TO SKIN "NIGHT RAT" AND HIS CRONIES ALIVE
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Even when he's up against criminals, Dante's playing by their rules, which is goddamn admirable,
2. Exhibit C of Dante not getting enough credit
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.....Dante do be skillful as hell tho, even when he's injured! Look at him go! Fuck 'em up, Dante!!!
3. The Duality of Dante: Always craving praise, but feels shy when he gets sincere compliments :) ♡
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He is so cute!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
4. Exhibit D of Dante not getting enough credit
Ouch, my Feels.....
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I feel like all of us are so distracted by how silly and fun to tease Dante is, we forget just how much he carries on his shoulders....♡
5. Ohhhhh shit! IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL (again)!!!!
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I'm sure he'll win the duel, but I REALLY hope he successfully gets the elemental spirits of fire to bless the town!!! It'll be really awkward if it doesn't work...
7. JRNSBKSDFEAASMR!?!??!#?!@&!???!!!??!!!
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Lemme tell you, I was NOT expecting the rare appearance of Smooth Dante, but it is a welcome surprise! :D
That wink tho... HOT DAMN!
I Can't wait to watch the finale later!
٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- ♡♡♡
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Even the devil was once an angel | [1/?]
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Summary: You are a psychiatrist and decide to play a dangerous game with the worst of criminal minds. Or: you're a bit bored too.
Pairing: Jim Moriarty x Fem!Reader
Chapter word count: 2714
Warning: +18, mind games, angst and smut, hurt/comfort, stalker!Moriarty (Jim Moriarty is his own warning)
Next Chap: 2
I. The day we met
The first time you meet James Moriarty, he pretends to be someone else.
That morning London showed leniency to its citizens, letting the clouds clear from the gloomy day of the day before and giving way to warm sunshine that broke the dry and cold temperatures.
The little park outside your window was teeming with so many different people. Mothers who accompanied their children to school, engaged couples who stopped along the road to exchange affection, elderly people who let themselves be carried away by their pets.
For a brief moment you identified in one of those people, away from the twisted world you floated in, gasping for air to try not to fall down again.
How pleasant it must have been to lead such a simple life. Follow a policy that doesn't put your life at risk for even a second.
You heard the unmistakable sound of an email and turned on yourself in the mobile chair, taking your mind away from your fantasies and returning to reality. You opened the mail and read its contents.
You absentmindedly ran your fingertips over the computer keyboard, quickly deciphering the message and dwelling on the unmistakable initials of Mycroft Holmes. 
Although it sounded more like an order than a real request for assistance, you forced yourself to respond passively and affirmatively about your presence at the appointed meeting place.
Just before you could send the mail, a soft knock came to your door.
Let your eye scroll one last time on the encrypted script you used and then with a click you send your reply back to the sender. You immediately closed your email-box and invited your patient to come in.
Your secretary had warned you that same morning that a new patient had requested a consultation and since she had determined from the tone of his voice that it was urgent she had placed him the same day.
The white door clicked and this little man appeared on its doorstep and snapped his neck from right to left, trying to locate you.
When he found you, his lips parted in an embarrassed smile and he moved from one foot to the other on the door while he seemed to assume an excited and anxious attitude that made you raise your eyebrows in a funny way.
“Good morning,” he stomped forward and reached over your desk, “Richard Brook. I made a meeting this morning with your assistant.”
With a smile, you grabbed his hand and noticed an unusual nervous tremor. The grip was weak and his fingers were smooth but before you could linger too long, his hand slipped away from you.
“Of course, I've already been informed. Nice to meet you, Mr. Brook.”
You rose to your feet and with your heels you noticed that you were slightly taller than the man. You went around the desk, approaching him and with one arm pointed to the real leather armchair not far from you.
You avoided touching him, raising a hand behind his back only to urge him to move forward but without creating real contact. You felt too much agitation in the air. Probably an unexpected gesture from you would have put him on the run.
“Oh, yes, thank you.” He makes an odd leap forward as he runs a hand behind his neck. “Please, just Richard.” He added as he dropped to the soft dark leather.
The room offered a wide space, occupied only by a mahogany desk and an office chair, the welcoming chair for patients and a small single armchair where you sat immediately, closer to study your client.
He was wearing a one-size-fits-all gray T-shirt and ripped jeans of a faded blue. He waved his sneakers over each other, often making your gaze fall down.
“Anything makes you comfortable, Richard.”
You forced your gaze back to him, focusing on his hazel eyes and his dark, undone hair.
Everything about him showed little attention to himself but inevitably your eyes rested on young, well-manicured hands. His nails were short and freshly trimmed, no bite marks along the surrounding flesh and cuticles.
Richard caught your attention and casually placed his hands between his thighs, hiding any other signals. 
An alarm bell rang in your brain, warning you that you had a great actor in front of you.
Before he could notice your moment of evaluation, let the most sincere smile slip on your face and closed your eyelids to prevent him from reading a fake.
“So, Richard. What would you like to talk about today? Is there a reason for your presence here?”
You brought your hand to your chest and hips, mimicking a search for something and stood up. You had to get back to your desk as quickly as possible.
The man followed your movement, his mouth slightly open to speak.
“What a careless, I forgot the folder. Forgive me a second...”
You had just passed the chair when the reloading click of an unmistakable weapon rang behind you.
“Unusual for the government's personal psychiatrist to forget something so elementary. Reeeeeally disappointing.”
It was the low pitch slowly rising into a childish moan that sent a shiver down your spine.
It wasn't the first time you had dealt with psychotic killers but it was definitely the first time anyone had found you in the undercover job.
You wore the best rigid and impenetrable mask you could find in that unexpected situation and forced your eyes to focus only on the weapon that was pointed directly at you instead of looking for the cameras that Mycroft had placed in your office. If you only had a vague idea who he was you were sure he would easily catch your eye.
The rigid and anxious body of the man who had entered the office seemed to have completely melted away, giving way to one full of arrogance and sadistic fun.
“Beginner's mistake, right?”
You frowned at his remark but luckily the guy was protagonist enough to explain without having to ask for anything.
“The hands. I didn't want to ruin them. I'm a prima donna on this.” He held his right one up in front of his face, looking curiously at the nails. “I must have underestimated you a little too much.”
He laughed a little at your neutral expression, almost wanting to break it just for the sake of seeing you scared or angry.
“It seems that my boys are doing a great job with bugs...” He dropped his back against the chair as if he were the owner of the place and waved the gun to point to the whole office before pointing it at you again.
You felt that if you remained silent for a long time, the man would have shot you without thinking twice.
“Who are you?” It was a stupid question, the first thing you thought of saying without sounding nervous.
The amusement that lit up his face turned into an expression of complete coldness. His eyes blocked your every chance of reading, darkening and narrowing dangerously.
“No, no, no...” he moaned, looked away from your figure but before you could even think of moving a muscle, he jumped up from his chair and took two big strides in your direction.
It took all your willpower not to flinch from that sudden outburst that had dragged him within inches of you. The barrel of the gun pressed hard just above your breasts, giving you bursts of pain from the excessive pressure.
“Haven't you figured out who I am yet ?!”
The high tone of voice made you clench your jaw and painfully bite the inside of your cheek to avoid jolting. The difference in height didn't give you any advantage and the more you looked into the depths of those dilated pupils, the more you became aware that it was an animal ready to jump on your throat.
You thought about it for a few moments and then sighed loudly. It couldn't be anyone but him.
“My assistant does careful research on every patient who crosses my threshold. Before letting you in, she must have necessarily identified you and this means that the results she found on Richard Brook were reliable. However, you staged a little theater, committing yourself to make me believe that you are exactly the desperate and melancholy little boy without keep in mind my professionalism.”
You watched his irritated expression slowly crack. You took that as a good sign.
“The ability to create a well-recognized false identity, the art of knowing how to play a role, your knowledge about my work, the fact that I have stand in the way of only one subject in the last two years...” eyes from bottom to top, connecting your gazes again. “I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Moriarty.”
You were incredibly angry with Holmes for not showing you at least half a photo of the man you were dismantling the entire criminal link to.
Knowing the identity of Moriarty was reserved for very few, true, but if there was even the slightest chance that the criminal could identify you, you wanted him to have been reported to you.
James Moriarty gave you a smile before turning his back to you and spread his arms in a theatrical and dramatic gesture.
“Din din din! Looks like someone just spared a bullet.” He commented enthusiastically.
Without being seen, you turned your head to the desk and thought of the Walther suspended and away from you under the desk. You took a couple of steps back, pretending to have pain in your joints and being forced into a movement to stretch your legs.
But the criminal didn't seem to care because he slipped the gun between his waistband and jeans, stretched like a cat with his arms up, and began wandering around the room, studying the various photos and documents leaning against the gray wall.
“I thought you were just another puppet in the hands of the government, doctor.” He said your title as a strange mockery as he grabbed your psychotherapist qualification off the wall. “But I have to change my mind, you seem to be vaguely competent in what you do.”
The rational and conservative part of you suppressed the compelling and suicidal urge to retort and humiliate him.
“He seems to be very knowledgeable about me. I thought there were no documents certifying my work with the government.”
You took another cautious step back and finally felt the surface of the desk beneath your fingers as you slowly arched your knees to feel down.
“What a stupid conclusion, doc. I can call you doc, right?”
You finally feel your fingers closing around the grip of the gun but you see Moriarty's free arm rise high and the sound of a snap of fingers resounds in the room.
A few seconds passed where you couldn't figure out what had changed but then the figure of the criminal turned and focused on you and at the gun that you were holding by your side.
Exasperated, he rolled his eyes.
“I feel offended, doc. I thought we were having fun here.” He rests the frame that he was holding back in its place, adjusting it to the maximum of obsessive and then holds out a hand to you, in a clear gesture.
When you look down on your hand you find the red dot of a sniper rifle and a tired smile is painted on your lips. Did you seriously have any chance against this man who was 10 steps ahead of you?
“You can't blame me for trying, can you?”
Your voice came out more amused than it should and Moriarty noticed it because he returned to smile at you with that maniacal expression as you put the gun in his open hand.
You had learned a lot about James Moriarty. Mycroft Holmes had told you about it, back then when he had entrusted you with several members of the Mexican cartel to be questioned and 'persuaded' to gossip about their highest bidder. You had been told of the criminal's incredible danger and you were also aware of his unstable voluptuousness in changing his mind, opinion and actions. 
You were certain that if the vocabulary was aware of the person, under the word psychopath you would find his face.
To buy time, it was enough to play his own game without unbalancing.
“We are not all great geniuses, Mr. Moriarty, but I assure you that we can do very well even without being.”
Interminable seconds of silence passed and your thoughts wandered to your young secretary a few meters from you, regardless of what was happening inside your room. If the man had shot, would she have run to see what happened or would she have run away?
You were hoping for the second one, you really didn't want to have a woman on your conscience not aware of your real job.
James closed his hand on the weapon but also grabbed your fingers in the process. You still felt that the sniper was aimed at you but Moriarty had an interested and heated look in his eyes.
“I can't deny it. John Watson seems to be a great addition to the balance of the Holmes and you...” he chuckled, maniacally as he absently stroked your fingers over the gun, the barrel of the gun pointed at you “... you definitely pissed me off doing that magic number on my precious buyers and sellers.”
Then, without warning, you felt the cold surface of the Walther forcefully push under your chin, like a dangerous caress. The fingers of James' right hand landed on your face and he used his thumb to force against your lips, violently, squeezing the soft flesh against your white teeth.
“I wonder how much your language proficiency is really worth.”
An unhealthy thought won you over. Jim Moriarty was really a rare case to study, a level of psychic disorder so severe that it could no longer even be considered pathological but that he maintained a healthy and real awareness of himself and the surrounding environment. You had dealt with psychopaths or schizophrenics but they all had a different, almost abstract, unreal conception of the world. 
And he had a weakness. He liked to play.
You must have been a bit crazy too to propose what you were about to propose to him.
“How about betting then?”
The pressure on your face eased, the gun lowered a few centimeters but you didn't dare to take your eyes off the man who was holding you in his hand and under fire. His body reaction had confirmed that you were riding the right wave, though.
“I can give you a demonstration of how I do it. I guess you are thinking that your clients are stupid enough to be manipulated by a simple psychotherapist. If you really think you are immune to all sorts of my therapy, you risk nothing.”
You felt his fingertips absentmindedly caress your skin just below your dark circles and for a second you had the terrible feeling that he could snap and pull your eyes out of their sockets just for the sake of making you scream and apologize for your insolence.
But instead of doing so, a long groan of perplexity vibrated from his throat as his lips slowly curved into a crooked but satisfied smile.
He unexpectedly pressed his hand with the gun against your cheek and the free hand on the opposite side. You felt the cold metal push until it left temporary marks but you were too busy with his face hovering over yours to be distracted.
“You have a special subject to study, what do I have in return?”
“A temporary distraction...” his face remained impassive at your words so you forced yourself to add more sarcastically than rationally: "and the satisfaction of being able to shoot me in case I have shown you that I'm not as good as the government describes me.”
You were still alive and your head wasn't leaking brain matter so, somehow, he must have liked your answer when he left your office.
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