#Smoothies In College Station
Vitamins College Station
Finding the right enhancement for your wholesome requirements begins with understanding what your nourishing necessities are. In the event that you are a perseverance sprinter, your requirements will be not quite the same as somebody who is a weight trainer. Albeit each individual has different nutrient requirements, there are a few standard sums that individuals can use as an aide.
In the event that you are buying your multivitamins or enhancements from a wellbeing food store, they can probably furnish you with a posting of the suggested measures of the nutrients you will take. To show up at the store somewhat more ready, Vitamins College Station you can find the suggested nutrient portions through a basic Web search.
Most competitors don't know which multi-mineral or home grown supplements are appropriate for them. The Web can again be an incredible asset for finding which nutrients and minerals are the most ideal for competitors. Various competitors require various nutrients to guarantee they can get the most ideal exhibition.
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Subsequent to doing a tad of examination on the various sorts of multivitamin supplement pills and fluids that are accessible, a competitor then, at that point, necessities to track down the best cost for those nutrients. Despite the fact that costs can change broadly from one store to another, for the most part the Web is the best put to track down an extraordinary arrangement on nutrients. There are four primary areas that you can acquire nutrients from:
1. Supermarket - Generally has the most well known nutrients and not an excessive amount of assortment. You can find brand name nutrients as well as nonexclusive nutrients.
2. Wellbeing Food Market - On the grounds that these stores have practical experience in natural and quality food varieties, you will find a huge assortment of natural entire food sources nutrients accessible at them. You might need to follow through on a greater expense at this kind of foundation.
3. Nutrient and Supplement Store - These are in many cases situated in shopping centers and convey a wide assortment of nutrients and enhancements. Every nutrient and mineral accessible can generally be tracked down in this sort of store.
4. Web - The Web is rapidly becoming one of the most incredible hotspots for tracking down things that you want. You can typically get a great cost on nutrients and enhancements and you for the most part don't have an extremely huge delay before they are conveyed straightforwardly to your entryway.
Purchasing a nutrient enhancement doesn't need to be any not quite the same as purchasing a nutrient enhancement for any other person. In the event that you require some investment and do a little research early, you will be good to go when you enter the store. Or on the other hand even better, simply do all your examination and shopping on the web and save yourself a lot of time and cash!
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garmanarnarr · 3 months
Rickorty Week Day 6: "Say You'll Marry Me"
college-aged Morty | 2.8k words | Rated M, language, vomit, suicidal ideation, rock bottom Rick Sanchez
Morty throws the trunk of his dad’s station wagon shut with a thump. 
“You sure you don’t need to bring my Ninja smoothie blender, Morty?” Dad asks, for a second time, standing on the driveway beside him with his arms crossed over his chest. The August morning is hot and clear. Gene’s sprinklers are going hard on the lawn next door. 
“I think it’ll make you really popular with your roommate. You said they’re from California, right? They must be healthy. There’s a little more space behind the driver’s side–”
“N-nah, I’m good, Dad,” Morty says. He goes around to the passenger door to do a last check of his overflowing laundry hamper and make sure his video game console box made it in. He doesn’t want to forget Bonestorm III. All told, he doesn’t really have that much to bring, though, and the car’s only half full. He wears pretty much the same clothes all the time, and doesn’t have a ton of books or movies or anything. His booby bikini girl poster is rolled up in the footwell of the backseat and one or two of his robot figurines he just couldn’t part with are packed into cardboard boxes. All the advice listacles his parents found online for Summer’s freshmen year of college said that bringing something from home was important, so the idea has been passed down. 
He reaches into his pocket and palms the little evil intent detector that Rick had made for him a few years back. A tiny credit-card sized piece of metal that reads people’s brainwaves and vibrates if they’re planning on hurting him or torturing him or whatever. They’d used it on an adventure, a rare heist –Morty can see Rick’s eye roll– but he hadn’t had the heart to throw it away. He’d gone back and forth for ages on whether or not to even bring it. He still doesn’t have to, he tells himself; he has hundreds of miles of highway driving ahead of him where he can just chuck it out the window and let it get crushed on the side of the road. He tightens his grip. 
His mom comes out of the garage, checking her watch. “We gotta get this show going,” she says. The garage feels weirdly empty until Morty realizes it’s because Rick’s ship isn’t in it. Hasn’t been there for a while. He pulls his hand out of his pocket and starts loading the last few bags. 
“If we don’t leave soon we won’t make it to our motel until, like, eleven, and lord knows what we’re going to find in Fresno after sundown,” Mom says.  
Dad follows Morty as he transfers a final trash bag of gym shorts and shit into the back seat. 
“What– what about my George Foreman Lean Griddle? Or, my Slap Chop? You never know when you’ll need onions in little cubes, those always make me cry….” 
Dad sniffs, then wipes away a tear, even though he’s trying to look like he isn’t. Oh, God. He had volunteered to drive Morty first, of course, before being overruled. 
Morty turns back and gives him a small smile. “I’m really fine, Dad. But thanks.” 
“Oh my God, I’m sorry, just give me a moment, son.” 
Something in Morty’s pocket buzzes. His hand flies to Rick’s detector, for a second, until he realizes it was the other one. He pulls out his phone and opens it to check his messages while Dad tries to get it together. Two are from Summer, who’s been spending her senior year of college in London with the textile arts department of her school doing fashion stuff. 
dont let dad cry all over u little bro 
cuz hes gonna
The newer message is from his girlfriend, Anne.
status report mortimer
Morty finds himself looking for some kind of message from Rick– which is stupid. Rick doesn’t text. 
He texts Anne: 
finally leaving lol 
She responds immediately:
call me when you guys stop for the night? 
Morty’s heart clenches fondly. They’re going to different schools to study different things in different parts of the country— newly separate time zones– and it’s going to be hard, but he likes her a lot. Enough to give it a shot. He winces as he remembers Rick’s deadpan dismissal when Morty had mentioned that he and Anne were going to do long distance over dinner a month or two ago. D–didn’t take you for that much of an idiot, Morty. As soon as she gets there she’s gonna be getting allll sorts of co-ed dicks in her mouth. But I guess you don’t mind sloppy digital seconds?  
Ofc i will, he types. 
Nobody’s heard from Rick in two or three weeks. Morty had kind of expected– well, he didn’t know what he’d expected, but he’d really thought that Rick would do him better than this. All he does is talk about how stupid Morty is all the time; maybe he’s pissed at being sort of wrong. He’d been straight up shocked when Morty got his acceptance letter in the mail, the packet fat in Morty’s hand as he raced down from his room to show everyone. While Summer screamed, and both his parents had cried, Rick had stared at the letter Morty was holding, hard, then sipped his beer, then turned back to the TV. N-nice one, Morty. A real cool sixty grand a year investment, there. 
“Let’s go, Morty,” Mom says, opening the passenger side door. “I need some coffee if we’re gonna do this.” 
Finally, Dad wipes his face. After taking a few deep, calming breaths, he walks over and sweeps Morty up in a hug. 
“I’m proud of you, Morty.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“We didn’t think you’d make it, but you did. Of course you did. And that’s what matters.” 
“Bye, Dad,” Morty said, leaning into the hug. “I–I love you.” 
“I love you, too.”
Morty doesn’t realize how much he misses the sound of a portal opening up until he hears one right behind them. Dad jerks back with a frightened twitch. 
“What the hell–?”
Rick doesn’t so much step out onto the driveway as fall. He looks to be in a really bad way. Maybe as bad as Morty has ever seen him: scraggly and torn up, not even really standing up straight, too drunk for his body to cope with the flat, even keel of the pavement. One arm of his labcoat is missing, ripped off at the shoulder, and Morty’s thankful to see that the arm beneath is intact. Skinny, and maybe there are track lines, there, faint in the bright sunshine, but intact. There’s dried vomit crusted on his sweater. 
“M-Morty, oh, God,” Rick moans. Morty feels a sinister shiver run over his shoulders and up the back of his neck as he watches Rick try to shield his eyes, blinking rapidly into the hot light. “Christ. Fuck.” 
“Dad?” Mom asks, poking her head out of the driver’s window. 
“Rick? Here to say goodbye to Morty?” Jerry asks, cautiously. Morty watches as he scooches himself to stand between his son and Rick, a little bit. A surprisingly brave move. 
“Isn’t that w-what we’re all doing?” Rick asks back, taking a step forwards, then falling to one knee with a lurch as he loses his balance. “Saying fuckin’ goodbye— goAAUUGhodbye to Morty? Because he’s going away f-f-forever and never coming back?”  
Rick’s drunken stare pins Morty to the side of the car, which had been parked outside so long while they packed that the metal is starting to get hot. The words sound like a taunt, but Morty can hear the truth there, a hard kernel in the middle. 
“Hi, Rick,” he says, trying for indifference. In his pocket, he squeezes his hand around the detector. 
Rick narrows his eyes. “R-R-Rick and Morty. One thhhhousand fuckin’ years. What, whatever happened to that shit, huh?”
“Dad–” Mom’s getting back out of the car. 
“So I’m going to school. Big whoop,” Morty says, annoyed. Everything about this is annoying: Rick disappearing whenever he wanted then showing up just in the nick of time fucking shit faced like he’s trying to bail out the Vindicators. “You’ve been gone for, like, three weeks, Rick. And you didn’t feel the need to tell anybody about that. N-not that I would expect anything else at this stage. So, you know, whatever.”
“Three weeks?” Rick’s struggling to stand back up, now. “Three weeks?”
“You’ve never owed anyone anything in your whole goddamn– your whole stupid life, R-Rick. Not my family, not me. Not even Mom.” 
Rick’s expression is foggy and drunk, but underneath, Morty can see he’s hurt.  
“I think you should go, Dad,” Mom says in her stop-doing-this-right-now-or-you’re-fucked voice. “I don’t care if you portal out of here, or crash on the sofa to ride out your hangover, or whatever, but just. Let us leave.” 
Somehow, Rick manages to get one leg in front of the other so he can advance up the driveway towards Morty with halting, wavering steps like a zombie in a horror movie. The detector in Morty’s pocket buzzes. Dad looks back and forth between them, scared. 
“Three weeks, Morty?” he grinds out, again. He’s close enough now for Morty to see how bloodshot his eyes are. “I’ll give– give you three weeks. Y-you know what happens when you go to college Morty? You have four years to get too fuckin’ big for your idiotic little britches.” He grabs one hand around Morty’s bicep, grip crushingly strong. Morty can smell his rancid breath across his face, agitated, huffy. “And then you, you go and think you can do goAUUGHd, good things for the world, or whatever, you get those little aspir– aspirations in your head, Morty, you get these fucking ideas in your head–” 
“It’s already been years, Rick,” Morty says, trying not to turn away. “Doing whatever, well at least, pretty much whatever, I-I guess, you wanted me to do.”
“– and you don’t even know how stupid these i–ideas are, until, boom, you’ve lived your whole sad-ass pathetic-ass life doing jack fucking shit. Goin’ and bein’ a techbro office slave narc or some shit. I just can’t, I just can’t ffffucking– oh fuck—” 
Rick starts to throw up pretty spectacularly all over the ground, and the side of the car, and on Morty’s sneakers. 
“Oh my god, Dad!”
“Oh, Rick that’s just disgusting!!”
Morty just stays quiet until Rick seems finished and he slumps against the car, moaning. He watches as Rick slides down until he’s half knelt, half crouched by the front bumper, the vomit running down the gentle slope of the driveway to touch his shoes and the spread hand on the ground that’s keeping him from falling on his face. He makes a sound when Morty comes closer, a sort of whimper. Morty gets down beside him. Unable to stop himself, he puts a hand on his grandpa’s back and starts rubbing little circles as Rick groans, spitting out a wad of bile. There are a lot of different colors in the vomit, ones Morty can’t recognize even though he’s pretty familiar with Rick’s binge habits by this point. 
“Fuck youUUGh. Fffffuck you, Morty. I– I mean that. So much. '' Rick’s staring at the ground. He pinches the bridge of his nose with his hand. Morty wonders if maybe he’s going to be sick again. 
“Yeah, fuck you, too, man,” Morty says, but there’s no heart in it. He just feels sad. He wishes– he doesn’t know what he wishes. 
“F-forever. Fuck you, forever,” Rick mutters quietly, almost to himself. Little dark spots show up on the driveway beneath his head, and Morty realizes he’s crying. Or maybe it’s post-vomit drool? It’s hard to see his face. 
“M-Morty, Morty listen to me,” Rick says. He sounds defeated, almost confused. As old as he really is. 
“I’m listening, Rick.” 
“I’m gonna do somethin’ stupid. Sooo, so stupid.” Rick’s still staring at the ground. 
Dad’s shadow has crept next to Rick’s foot. “Rick, I really don’t think–” 
“Whatever you’re about to do, think twice before you traumatize my son,” Mom says. Then she pauses and adds: “More.”  
Morty keeps rubbing circles across Rick’s knobby spine. “What, Rick? What– what’re you gonna do?”
“Say you’ll.” Rick chokes a little. 
“Say what?”
“Say you’ll marry me, Morty.” 
Morty blinks. “What?”
“JeEUGHsus Christ, don’t make me say it again.” 
Morty’s body is a live wire. His hand scrunches the back of Rick’s coat tightly. “No. Say it again.” 
Rick stares up at him with watery eyes. 
“Marry me,” he says, quietly. Pathetically. There’s some drool and left-over throwup clinging to his chin. 
There was this one adventure they’d gone on where Morty had mangled his leg so badly that his shin bone had actually broken the surface of his skin. Burst right through below his kneecap, like a jagged, bloody tooth. It was screamingly painful– Rick actually had to knock him out until he was able to fix it with some nanobots. Morty realizes that this is the same as that; that this is some core part of Rick, torn through all the heaped layers of nihilism and drugs and whatever else poisons who his grandpa is. This is the exposed bone. 
When Morty looks up at his parents, he can’t read the expressions on their faces. 
“I– I’m not a good person, Morty,” Rick says, grabbing weakly at Morty’s t-shirt to get his attention again. Like he can’t bear to let Morty look anywhere else. He sounds like he’s really losing it. “I’m a horrible person, Morty. Say– say that you’ll marry me. God, I’ll blow my fuckin’ brains out if you don’t— let’s just g-g-get out of—oh my God—” 
Morty’s pocket vibrates. He doesn’t know if it’s the detector or his phone, and he should care, should be terrified, but he doesn’t. 
He isn't.  
Turns out, Shoney’s is a regional chain.
Morty doesn’t realize this until they reach the last one at the edge of the state, just before they cross the border. ‘Last Shoneys for the next 24,800 miles,’ says the sign at the exit. There’s a graphic of an arrow reaching all the way around the globe, back to the little point on the map they’re driving through. Morty has traveled the multiverse with Rick, to places billions of light years away, so far away time doesn’t mean anything at all, but somehow this is already the longest trip he’s ever taken. Like that one scene in the Lord of the Rings where Sam crosses the corn field. If I take one more step, this’ll be the furthest from home I’ve ever been. That was a really good movie, Morty thinks. 
His mom throws the car into park. She’s had to adjust the driver’s seat to be closer to the steering wheel because her legs are shorter than Dad’s, and change all the mirrors, too. She drives way faster than him, swerving lanes to cut around traffic like a maniac. Maybe that runs on her side of the family. 
“Food?” she asks, simply. Morty nods. He twists to look over his shoulder. 
Rick stirs in the back seat, thin eyelids fluttering. They’d made space for him by shoving over a bunch of the boxes to one side and moving some to the trunk. There aren’t really that many, anyways. He’s wearing a clean pair of pants and a t-shirt that belongs to Dad, which helps, but he still has an undernote of puke and sweat. 
He makes a hungover-sounding groan. He still hasn’t opened his eyes.
“You want Shoney’s?” Morty asks. “L-last chance.”
“Shoney’s, you say?” He cracks an eye open, gaze flickering around to look up at the building they’re parked at. “Didn’t know they had them out here. O-on earth, I mean.” 
Mom watches him silently in the rearview mirror. Rick just looks at Morty. 
“Y-you know what, fuck it, sure,” he says finally, popping open the car door and getting out. The sun is even hotter, here, and scorching air blows into the car when he slams it closed. Mom and Morty do the same, one, then the other.  
Together, they go inside to eat lunch. 
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Daily Check-in: April 15, 2024 🎀
I know I said I was switching themes, but I didn't get any good pictures yesterday so the theme switch will occur once I learn how to take pictures that I find acceptable!
Anywho, Monday started off good, then got bad, and I'm hoping Tuesday will be better. Got a lot done, but got off work super late. Anxious about lots of job and financial stuff. It's hard being a girl in this economy.
🩷 What I Accomplished:
completed my online psyc assignment
completed chapters 3 and 4 of Latin American Spanish Busuu
Listened to 2 spanish podcast episodes of ABC la Productividad
studied through some Spanish flashcards
completed my medical terminology lecture, flashcards, self test, and timed test
rescheduled an appointment
worked an ~8 hour shift
read a chapter of The Untethered Soul
got to eat some yummy leftover chicken alfredo pasta for dinner at work
shipped off the shoes I sold on depop
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
my co-worker friend brought me some of her K-pop merch she didn't want!
talked to my dad on the phone
had a really nice morning routine
my pasta was still super yummy
made a berry banan smoothie and an avo bagel with an egg for breakfast, it was devine
cleaned my station at work extra good (detailed the stainless steel, cleaned out some fridges, scrubbed my floors, etc)
my friend got a 2nd coffee for free at work and gave it to me (iced Caramel macchiato for the win!)
🩷 What Could've Been Better:
my boyfriend and I are having major issues and I'm struggling emotionally at the moment
went to bed super late because of work
didn't shower before bed (gross, I know but I made sure to shower Tuesday morning and am going tk wash my sheets on Sunday)
didn't pay much attention in my chem lecture
spent money that I didn't need to have spent
🩷 Stuff For Tuesday:
complete my Spanish study tasks
read a chapter of a book
email psyc doc about doing appointment over zoom this week
study chemistry
complete chemistry assignment
possibly finish chem lab stuff that's due tomorrow afternoon
work a ~7.5 hour shift
keep looking for possible 2nd summer job if the 8 week work thing doesn't happen
apply for one or two scholarships for next school year
Here's to having some better days, hopefully.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
p.s Check Out My Depop Shop! I still have some more lostings to upload!
💕 Song of The Day
Hozier - Too Sweet
This songs vibe seems fitting for me right now.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
melda tâe, pray tell: what are the ojv!style/starsev's favorite foods? <3
HELLO MELMË!!! Oooo this is such a fun ask ilysm and I love any excuse to be Incredibly Annoying abt the OrangeJuiceVerse so YEP HERE WE GO!!!
Kyle- Kyle SO has a sweet tooth!!! (I love that that’s a universal Kyle hc btw) that boy is THERE for any baked goods deadass even those shitty gas station packaged muffins (Stan is scribbling out the nutritional information (or as he calls it, Food Lore, well into their 30s)) and Kyle def consumes anything sugary. As for actual real food, he likes Italian a lot which works very well bc pasta is a general hit w everyone. Favorite fast food place is subway and he ALWAYS rearranges the sandwich components to make sure the distribution is right (he claims he doesn’t have obsessive compulsive tendencies) (he does) so this guy is THE reason the ojv is called the ojv, his favorite beverage is orange juice with seven ice cubes and a pinch of salt bc he’s picky even when he claims to not be, he’s also a red wine enjoyer
STAN!!! Oh my god he and Cartman and Kenny are bottomless pits!!! Stan is a big boi and he’s packing away everything he eats bc 1) he hates waste, and 2) he’s just hungry. BUT he’s really more of a savory guy. Veggie king, ofc, and he’s at every fast food place in town ordering any vegetarian option, ALSO!!! This man LOVES spicy food but his stomach doesn’t. He’ll get a couple crunchwraps sub refried beans and slather that shit in Diablo sauce, but there’s a pretty good chance he’s gonna be nauseous a few hours later. Also he loves Kyle’s cooking!!! Bc Ky likes to cook when he’s stressed and Stan likes Kyle, and Kyle makes this really kickass homemade bread (jalapeño cheese bread oh my god I really want some now) Stan is also SO bad at drinking water but he is in fact a soda enjoyer. Miller Lite and the cheapest vodka known to man (before he stopped drinking) are a staple, also he frequents the local smoothie king and gets a chocolate hulk. For most of their life style has been ordering an olive and pineapple pizza. Stan always dips it in extra marinara.
Tweek- he is seriously just a snacker. Like Girl Dinner has nothing on Tweek Dinner. His meals look like a Charlie Brown thanksgiving. If he even remembers food is a thing. But like Craig will come home and be like “what do u want for dinner” and Tweek’s like “oh I ate a whole jar of pickles” the amount of half eaten granola bars in that house smh. BUT he can decimate so much garlic bread. A very big lemonade fan.
Craig! He’ll eat whatever, nonchalant KING unless!!!! He’s having a bad day and is already on the cusp of a meltdown. If he’s overstimulated it’s a sprite and an uncrustable. A grape uncrustable. Also I just feel like he likes seafood? I cannot explain why, but he does. Also he’s really good about hydration, he likes routine and he has one of those bottles w the time markers lmao. And he’s weirdly pretentious abt craft beers like when he and Kyle take their lil excursions to their spot he’s drinking an ipa that’s lowkey gross but then he’s just shrugging at Kyle and being all “idk the citrus hits in the aftertaste” like an asshole.
KENNY ok Kenny is also not picky in the slightest, how could he be with how he grew up, but I feel like he’s especially fond of easy meals like casseroles, frozen pizza, that kind of stuff. When he starts actually making a stable living off his art he hits up ALL the local food trucks and small businesses and broadens his food knowledge, and he’s keeping the smaller struggling businesses going just by his support. He is another example of ojv losers not drinking enough water, thinks Mountain Dew counts, literally he would’ve developed scurvy in college if left to his own devices. SMH ily kenneth also he and Stan have both thrown up bc they tried to one up each other doing shots of hot sauce
Marj my queen! She, like Kyle, likes sugar, if the homies are going to a diner she’s getting pancakes, and she takes her coffee ALL dressed up. Also kenny is the grillmaster and Marj is making the BEST sides for the bbq!!! Omg she loves her some pasta salad and a lil shrimp shishkabab moment like put this girl on the cover of a southern living magazine with her sweet iced tea (she makes the best sweet tea) marj my goddess pls quit causing problems on the internet and just use ur hospitality degree to run a b&b and make the best biscuits and gravy ever
Cartman. Bruh. Eric Cartman. He has THE most expensive taste known to man when he’s older but until he gets into the Rich People scene he doesn’t really care about what he’s eating or if it’s of good quality. In college he dragged the m5 to some shitty steakhouse bc he heard it was a good deal, and also bc he was mad at Stan for belting As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked and he knew Stan wouldn’t have any food options there lmfao that asshole (he did have to put a dollar in the Fuckwad Jar). He will also eat the weirdest combination of things. Who is putting whipped cream and chocolate syrup on fried chicken? This man. He is a Diet Coke enjoyer lmfao also he drinks martinis with olives bc “it makes me look sexy and kewl” he doesn’t like olives btw he’s just an asshole
I HAD TOO MUCH FUN WITH THIS!!! The ask is always open for ANY of my AU’s or if ur just bored or want fic recs I’m a huge loser and my sp obsession is ever ridiculous.
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thegarden66 · 11 months
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Garden of Eden
Chapter 1: Call this # Now
Ice cubes melting in her Glass, a young boy tugging at his moms dress to show her a rock he found, someone ordering a coffee, leaves falling off the trees, raked together to perfectly frame the sidewalk by the campus cafe. Usually it was easy for y/n to listen to her girlfriends talk about everything that the college life of rich girls had to offer. But somehow today, she couldn't quite seem to focus. „Hey, are you listening?“ Cassie looks at her with big eyes „Sorry. I zoned out, what did you say?" she stirs her coffee and takes a sip. „I was just telling you how Rickie acted like a total dick earlier.“ Cassie crosses her arms. „I was thinking of going to the party without him today, you feel me? Post some pics of me looking good, just to make him jealous or something.“ she says unfazed. „You're coming, right?“ „Yeah, of course! Not sure what you're supposed to do about Rickie though. Hasn't he always been like this? Maybe you should just let him go.“ Cassie rolls her eyes, chewing on the straw of her smoothie. "Ugh, I don't know why I even asked you in the first place. It's not like you're known for boys being your speciality." She opens her mouth as to add to her rant, but decides against it. Emma gives her a nudge with her elbow. "Cass you're such a bitch sometimes. It's not her fault you're dating an asshole." Cassie looks down on her freshly done nails and sighs. „Yeah, I know. It’s just- I don’t understand why he's acting like this. He used to be all nice and a real gentleman but now all he does is get mad and bitch around." Y/n looks out of the coffee shop window and the conversation fades into the background. She finishes her drink, grabs her purse and gets up. „Its fine Cass. I get it, you’re upset. It’s just I-„ she pauses. „Im not good at this stuff. You know me. I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I genuinely don’t know what. I’m sorry.“ she looks at her friend with a tired smile. „I think I should really go now though, I still need to grab some stationary for uni and I shouldn't be home too late. Bye guys, see you later!“
Stepping out of the cafe, she takes a big breath, fixes her skirt and pulls out her phone, hoping the girls didn’t notice her obvious lie to get out of there. She types in a number and her phone starts ringing. As a voice on the other end of the line greets her, y/n smiles and starts nervously running her fingers along the hem of her cardigan. "Hello, I'm y/n. Is this the manager of Club Velvet?“ „It’s him.“ the voice answers „Amazing! I called one of your staff members earlier to ask if it would be possible to shoot some scenes at your venue for a documentary I'm working on. I know you have a small gig coming up tomorrow with a punk band performing and I'd love to interview some of the guests, film the performance and maybe even speak to the band. Would that be possible? If you want to look at my work I can forward some of my previous documentaries." „Ah, yes. The aspiring movie director.“ he answers with a sarcastic undertone. „Sure, that’s fine with me. Yes, my colleague already told me about it and you can film at our location but I'd have to ask the boys from the band first if they would be up for an interview. I’ll do that and call you back later alright?" "Oh really? That would be amazing thank you so much. I'm practically already waiting for your call back!" Y/n says, laughing nervously. The line goes silent for a second until she hears the manager breathing in sharply on the other end. „Yeah sure. You’ll hear from me. G‘bye" The connection cuts off and y/n stands there awkwardly for a second before she makes her way down to the subway station.
The way home goes by twice as fast as usual and as much as she loves to people watch while riding the train, she just sits there with her eyes closed and a big smile on her face, thinking about the upcoming shoot. There has always been this passion for people in her life. Learning their hobbies ambitions and dreams, what they do to pass the time and the things they enjoy. It was in high school when she discovered filmmaking and even though she's never thought of herself as a very creative person, capturing the world from her own perspective has revealed a new side of herself. Only as she walks up the stairs to her apartment in Manhattan her mood shifts when she remembers the upcoming New-Term Fall-Party. Y/n has never been one to pass up on a good party and surely it’s gonna be a great evening. Yet a quiet voice inside of her head is begging to stay home and she can’t understand why.
Either way, canceling on the girls would be easier said than done and the following disappointment and being excluded from any friend group activities for a week ist absolutely not worth staying home. As Y/n steps into the already steaming hot shower, it’s almost making her forget the looming dread of going out tonight. She gets out, curls her hair and ties it into a half up/ half down hairstyle. Because makeup has never been her strong suit, she keeps it simple with brown eyeshadow to accentuate her eyes, a rosy shimmer on top, mascara, blush and a nude lip that matches the color of her jumper dress ontop of her favorite bell-sleeved blouse. To tie the outfit together, she puts on black knee high leather boots, a matching bag and a blazer. One last check in the mirror, a quick breathing exercise and she is out the door, and as a small treat to herself, on her way to take a cab to the party.
Emma, Cassie and Julie are already standing infront of the club. The four have been best girlfriends since Highschool. They greet each other with hugs and compliments and make their way past the bouncer, straight to the bar, where Julie promptly orders a round of drinks. The barkeeper hands out champagne flutes to the four and Emma turns around, facing her friends, and tying her arms around Cassie’s and Julie’s waists. She sticks her head in the middle of the group and speaks a toast, yelling over the club music. „To a new term, hot parties, wild nights and my favorite girls.“ They all laugh, clunk their glasses and take a sip. „So are we gonna go dance or what?“ Cassie shouts. They move to the dance floor, shoving away confused first term students and making room for themselves, shaking their hips, balancing champagne glasses in their hands until they find a good place to stay. Four girls dancing in a circle, singing along to bad remixes of pop songs, forgetting the world around them. To y/n this moment is movie worthy. The purest form of bliss she could ever imagine. The effortless fun of dancing to rihanna with your best friends while pearls of sweat are forming on their foreheads. It almost makes her feel stupid about not wanting to go at first. After a while of silly dancing and singing the wrong lyrics to obnoxiously bad pop songs Cassie looks at her phone and gestures the girls to follow her off the dance floor. „What’s wrong?“ Julie asks. „Rickie called, he wants to meet!“ Emma looks at her confused „What about looking hot and making him jealous?!“ Cassie holds back a chuckle and shrugs. „I’ll meet you guys again later.“ The other girls exchange looks and Julie rolls her eyes. „I guess in the meantime I’ll go get some more drinks. I could really use a break!“ „Sure Julie! Y/n and I are gonna go check for a free couch in one of the lounges! I know one of the bouncers. Maybe i can get us into vip!“ Emma grabs y/n‘s Arm, ready to go as y/n feels her phone vibrate in her bag. „Emma wait!“ She lifts up her phone. „I really gotta take this call! I’ll step outside for a second“ she hurries outside while Emma looks after her, barely making it in time to take the Call. „Miss y/n. We spoke earlier.“ it’s the Manager. Her heart starts beating faster and she’s fidgeting nervously. „You asked me if you could speak to the band, remember?“ „Yes of course!“ „Well it seems like todays your lucky day! They’re free for a short interview but in a bit of a time crunch. I can forward you the contact but if you want to meet them you have to call this number now!“
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fabulousficsfrom911 · 2 years
Found Family Recs of 2022
Signo de los Tiempos by EtoileGarden
Chapters: 11/11 Rating: Mature Summary:
Sign of the times
He’d had low grade nausea all morning, but had powered through it anyway, going for a jog, drinking a smooth, showering, dressing, heading to work. When he’d stepped into the station and smelled bacon cooking up in the loft upstairs - Bobby already hard at work on making breakfast for the shift - Buck’s brain had done a little complicated maneuver in which it attempted to tell him something like, mm bacon, but instead had tripped him up with an alert warning that he was about to evacuate his smoothie from his stomach. 
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You Belong Here by Jaded13wolf
Chapters: 63/63 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Summary:
Two facts are facing Evan Buckley 1. After the Lawsuit Buck is on the outs with his team at the 118. 2. When he was doing his recertification test before falling ill to the Pulmonary Embolism he got a job offer from Owen Strand to join them at the 126. Now almost 5 months later he is still being treated less then dirt at the 118. Maybe it’s time to move. Now if only he can get through a shift and doesn’t screw up at this new place everything would be great. Based off a prompt found at JessTrixBlue prompts
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College Professors Need to Keep Their Mouths Shut by ThirteenRedVampireBites
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Summary:
May's Media course Professor brings up two extremely hard moments in her life. One stupid comment later... May makes a call.
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Dress-code: AGAP (As Gay As Possible) by amourbleue
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (Acceptance received too late to be included in voting but allowed to rec) Summary:
Athena learned her lesson after she arrested a girl for bullying May. This time she devised a better plan to protect Buck after hearing a certain girlfriend was homophobic towards her son. Buck refused to tell Eddie, so now it was in Athena's hands for justice.
Or, if you mess with the Buckaroo, you get the crew.
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chloemarievaughan · 4 months
May 9
Grey and I went to breakfast at the cafe right in front our the air bnb, the Castle Gate cafe. It was a delicious choice, we enjoyed some smoothies and Grey had a full Scottish breakfast, with bacon, beans, toast, mushrooms, and tomatos. I had some avocado toast, not quite as good as the one I had on our first day in Scotland though.
Grey had to take a 20 minute walk and then a 30 minute tram to the airport, and he wanted to be early, so we left after breakfast and I walked with him in that direction. There was a tram coming every 7 minutes, so we said our goodbyes and I tried to quickly walk to the train station for the next train to Stirling. of course I missed it by like a minute- and should have just sat outside the train station in a park to wait for the next one in 30 minutes, but instead just relaxed in the train station for a minute. Grey ended up realizing his flight to DC is 45 minutes delayed and so he was in the airport SUPER early on accident. Better safe than sorry though!
When Grey and I told Dad we were planning to go to Scotland, he offered to buy us a beer if we made it to a Brew Dog Brewery location. There are several Brew Dogs in Columbus, but it originated in Scotland and dad was an early investor when they first came to Columbus. we saw Brew Dog in a museum gift shop once but there aren’t any brew dogs in the cities where we were staying aside from Edinburgh so we weren’t sure if we would make it to one. luckily, Grey found one in the airport to enjoy a brew while waiting for his flight! Cheers Dad! 🍻
As far as me, I do love to travel by myself! Grey is a very chill traveling companion but there is something wonderful about doing whatever I want when I want; I never have to wait for a companion who is taking longer than I am in a museum exhibit, and can decide only on my own needs if I want to sit down on a bench and take a break or when it’s time to eat, etc. I haven’t really traveled by myself since my big college graduation trip in 2015 but maybe I should start back up. I am great company 😂😂
When I was young, Mom and Dad went on a fantastic trip to Scotland- interestingly, we didn’t overlap too many locations, they went to Oban and Glasgow rather than further north where Grey and I went. they brought Sophie and I souvenir kilts and then forever talked about their favorite location on the trip, Stirling. Stirling is one of the locations they would love to spend a few months getting a taste of life there; so naturally I had to make time for a day in Stirling! It’s an hour train ride from Edinburgh, so I bought a convenient anytime return ticket to do a mini day trip today.
I had a ticket for entering the castle at 11:00, and I have to say, Stirling Castle was WAY better than Edinburgh Castle! Probably less than a quarter of the amount of tourists were visiting, and they include a tour with the price of admission. The tour guide was from London and he had a mullet and was wearing some spectacular tartan pants. He gave a lovely ~ hour long discussion of the castle as we walked around the grounds, including two of the famous battles with William Wallace (Braveheart) and Robert the Bruce. The first mention of Stirling Castle is in a letter from the early 1100s so it must have been built even earlier, but it was a constant site of battles due to strategic location on the border of two rivers between the highlands and lowlands, and so the oldest part of the castle still standing dates to the end of the 13th century because things kept being destroyed. The castle was where kings and queens of Scotland lived and were coronated in the 1500s, but more recently (until about 1960!) it was used as an active military garrison and they used the old chapel and great hall as military barracks, ruining the interior.
There were excellent historical preservation and restoration efforts put into place once the army left and they were able to recreate things like the ceiling of the great hall (made of 350 Scottish oak trees held in place with wood pins rather than nails) based on exact architectural surveys completed in the days of old. even more impressively to me is that they spent ~10 years commissioning a new set of castle tapestries to be woven! from 2003-2014! The new tapestries are in the style of a set of old tapestries about the Hunt of a Unicorn but it took a team of weavers years to research, plan, and design the tapestries and then years to actually weave them. They are hanging in the beautiful Queens apartment in the castle. The Queen who lived in the castle was Mary of Guise. Her husband, James V, died just as the castle was completed so he never lived in the rooms intended for him, and they were kept empty at Mary’s request. But her chambers have been recreated, complete with actors sharing information about the past of the rooms. In the outer rooms, a servant girl was embroidering a scene of a black child being presented to the king. While there was limited diversity in Scotland in the 1500s, there is evidence that a woman was paid for a presentation of a non-white “moorish” child to the king, meaning it was noteworthy at the time to see any people in the court with skin colors other than white. In the next room, a lady of the court discussed the history of the tapestries in the room, and in the last room, a man dressed as a guard demonstrated the use of his giant claymore sword/ axe thing. He was fun to listen to, had a seriously strong Scottish accent and even spoke some Gaelic; the first I have heard this trip! He also spoke French to a couple on the tour and still had a Scottish accent while speaking French 😂
the view from the castle was incredible as well, all around, I had a lovely time. I considered walking to the Wallace Monument, but unfortunately it was about 2 miles out and not easy to get to on a bus so I decided not to. Instead i ducked into the Church of the Holy Rude (funny name, church wasn’t worth the 4.50 entrance fee. The most interesting touch about the church was that at one point, one of the pastors split with the others on theological grounds, and their solution was to build a wall in the middle of the church dividing up the parishioners and not having to work together. It was finally out back together hundreds of years later in the early 1900s)
Took a leaf out of Grey’s book and looked up google restaurant reviews and ended up with a lovely late lunch at a restaurant in Stirling called Brea. I had a steak burger and a cider and then realized they had my favorite Oban 14 from the chocolate tasting! So I had to get it again. Loved it just as much! Then I realized that I was immediately next door to Brew Dog Stirling! Which I noticed because I was trying to connect to the WiFi and then Brew Dog’s WiFi popped up 😂They didn’t open until 4 so I had 45 minutes to kill. Was in need of a water so ended up accidentally walking through the Stirling mall. Randomly there is a little touristy museum showing the old walls underneath the mall. I had seen the old town cemetery earlier and thought about walking around, but hadn’t realized that I had made it all the way back down the big hill in Stirling and so had to hike all the way back up. But the creepy vibes of the kirkyard cemetary with graves dating back to the late 1500s in the beautiful but gloomy overcast Scottish day was worth the walk. went back down and enjoyed a Brew Dog on dad I told the bartender that Dad was buying my beer and there was a brewdog where I lived and he knew about Columbus haha! Cheers again Dad! 🍻
The next train to Edinburgh was at 5:00 so I walked back to the train station. The Stirling train station is a lovely blue and white decor that I haven’t seen in other train stations here. Enjoyed another walk through town and made it back to my apartment, and had a reservation for the White Hart Inn, across the street from me, the inn was established in 1516! Crazy history. The food was okay but I appreciated eating in the oldest restaurant I have ever been to (by far 😂) back to my apartment for some tea and an early night!
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Why did you elbow me? 185
Achilles Castle part 87
Lemonade and lies PART 30
Mentions Olivia Benson from law and order SVU.
Tanner: pov I bet that was hard for her Mr Castle says you have no idea she was a control freak at the time, she is not so much a control freak anymore. Having health issues does that to you. Her father was told by her therapist to Film and take pictures of her recovery as much as possible, that way she and her Dr's can see how far she has come down the road.
Castle: pov Some of it she hasn't seen since then it's too hard for her to watch. I still remember it like it was yesterday her dad was nice enough to text me a video labeled Katie's first steps. The therapist says I'm doing really good and don't need to use the wheelchair anymore just the crutches.
Dave: pov Alexis maybe we should make a video montage for the charity day at college. To show what type of damage a bullet can do and what it's like to recover from heart surgery . I just don't know how we would get the footage. Maybe we can ask around to see if people have footage of their recovery so we can use it. Or.
Alexis: pov Dave I know what you are going to say I will call my dad and ask him if there is any footage of Beckett from when she was recovering. I know it's not a pleasant topic or memory for Beckett. Dad should be done with therapy soon.
Kate: pov turns out the car might have been tampered with before the accident, hmm interesting I say goodbye to the mechanic and head back to the hospital to pick up Castle. The traffic wasn't too bad. Once I help Castle into the car we stop to pick up some food. He suggests brown rice bowls since they are my favorite. The line inside isn't that long and the guy knows me pretty well since I come here so much. He even gives me a free strawberry smoothie.
Castle: pov At the precinct Kate is carrying in the bags of food while I use my crutches. In the briefing room she put the food down Ryan and Esposito are explaining what they found in the papers which isn't much. Kate tells them what the mechanic said about the car being tampered with before the accident.
Kate: pov the smoothie tastes so good. I think I ate to much food after lunch the 4 of us keep looking through the papers the boys found they are a bunch of papers that proved that Blair did not cause the accident, Ryan is suddenly shouting that he found the evidence that points us right to our killer now that we know who the killer is I will send the boys to go pick up the killer. .
Esposito: pov the house looks a mess and run down, we are not sure if anyone is home, no one replies to our shouts so me and Esposito break the door down and clear the house room by room. I let Ryan handcuff our suspect who is resisting arrest.
Ryan: pov back at the station Kate says she will handle the interrogation of our killer. I put our suspect in interrogation room 1. Kate walks in the room and tells Tammy we have proof she killed her sister and that the accident that her boyfriend died in was not Blair's fault because the car had been tampered with by you Tammy. We have proof I talked to the mechanic who worked on the car before the accident.
Castle: pov I make my way over to Kate's office on my crutches, I want to do something special tonight for dinner, maybe go out. Kate suddenly starts laughing. I ask her what is so funny she says something Liv said on the phone to her. She had a random meeting at 1pp and some guy spilled his coffee on her. It took a few seconds before she realized it was Elliot who was in a rush because he was in trouble for something that had to do with his anger issues. Liv also has a rape case and the husband confessed to everything in 1 minute because he say's its not rape if you are married. I guess her day isn't going well and I have no comment on the last thing. Kate says Liv was lucky she had her bag in the car from last night and could quickly change her shirt.
Esposito: pov Castle is now in Kate's office talking with her, he brushes her hair out of her face. We solved our case, and it turns out the twin sister Tammy killed Blair because she was hanging with Tammy's boyfriend and in a shocking turn of events Tammy tampered with the car, the night of the accident she caused the accident and car fire wow.
Kate: pov ugh I have so much paperwork and I'm starting to get tired. Castle says, Kate if you don't want to go out to eat or are too tired it's fine, I know you have issues going out to eat and don't do well with very large crowds.
Castle: pov I head to the breakroom to answer my phone. It is Alexis calling, she mentions her and Dave are thinking about adding a video montage since Alexis picked the heart charity and Dave picked the end gun violence one for charity day at their college. They both want to know if there is any footage of Kate during her recovery and can I ask Kate if she would be willing to let them use the footage for the video. I tell them I know there is some footage from what Jim told me and will ask but I don't know what her answer will be. She is a very private person. I ask Kate if she is ready to head home. The ride home didn't take that long. I decided to ask Kate about the footage. To be continued. ……….
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
291 of 2023
Which controversial/offensive emoji are you? pt.2 🫃🧔🏽‍♀️🚻✝️🍷
Created by joybucket
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Pregnant Man🫃 You're a man. You're pregnant. You've been pregnant before. You're transgender. You're a man who wants to be pregnant. You've used the pregnant man emoji before. You're either a man who's more feminine than masculine or you're a woman who's more masculine than feminine. You don't think you'd be a very good mother. You're not sure who you are. ....and you want to find out. Total: 1 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Glass of Wine 🍷 You've tried wine before. You drink a glass of wine every night with dinner. You've tried some wine that you liked. You consider yourself classy and sophisticated. You drink. 🍹 You've sampled wine before at a wine sampling event. You've ordered a glass of wine at a restaurant. You enjoy weddings. 💒 You like to make people feel more relaxed and carefree. You want to help people have a good time. Total: 6 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Beer 🍺 You've drank beer before. You like the taste of beer. You've been drunk. You're often found at parties. You've been to a kegger. You've played beer pong. You've made someone pass out. You've made yourself throw up. 🤮 You were part of a sorority or fraternity when you were in college. You're Irish. ☘️ 🇮🇪 Total: 3.5 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Pineapple 🍍 You think pineapple tastes delicious. You like pineapple on pizza. 🍕🍍 You like tropical fruit smoothies. You've woken up to find your hair was sticking straight up. You like Pina coladas. 🍹 You often don't feel like you belong. You've had a lot of haters. You live in a tropical location. 🌴 You know who lives in a pineapple under the sea. 👖👀🧽 You think you know what the secret ingredient in the Krabby Patty is. Total: 2 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Unisex Restroom Sign 🚻 You've had a random stranger ask you where the bathroom is. You don't believe that men and women should have separate bathrooms. You aren't sure of your gender. You find this emoji offensive. 🚻 You've used a unisex public restroom. You often wear unisex clothing. You wear both men's clothing and women's clothing. (these days the difference is not really prominent lol) You aren't good at drawing people; you only know how to draw stick figures. You're almost always with your significant other when you go out. You've used a gas station bathroom. Total: 3.5 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Christian Cross ✝️ You believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. You listen to Christian music. 🎶 You've surrendered your life to Christ. ✝️ You own a cross necklace. You own a pair of cross earrings. You live your life in surrender to Jesus Christ daily. You believe that Jesus died and then rose again three days later. You enjoy reading Scripture. 📖 You've been filled with the Holy Spirit. 🔥 You celebrate Easter. 🐣 ✝️ Total: 3 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Two Women Kissing 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 You're a woman. .....and you're attracted to other women. ....and you're a lesbian. .....and you've had a girlfriend. .....and you've kissed another girl or woman. ....and you liked it. You like the song "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. You're female, and you've had another female tell you she had a crush on you. You want to be in a romantic relationship with another woman. You've had a girl crush and wondered if that meant you were a lesbian. Total: 0 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Two Men Kissing 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 You're a man. ....and you're attracted to other men. ....and you're gay. ....and you've kissed another guy. ....and you liked it. ....and you've had a boyfriend. You want to be in a romantic relationship with another guy. You're a man, but you have feminine hobbies. You've been attracted to another male and wondered if that meant that you were gay. You're a man, and you've kissed another guy in public. Total: 8.5 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Church ⛪️ You've been to church. You currently go to church every Sunday. You've had a bad experience in a church. You've had a good experience in a church. You've been hurt by the church. You've been to a church youth group. You love going to church. You enjoy singing praise and worship songs. You've been baptized in water. 💦 You know a lot of Scriptures by heart. 📖 Total: 0 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Bearded Woman 🧔🏽‍♀️ You've used the "bearded woman" emoji. You're a woman. You've grown a beard. You want to grow a beard. You think you look like a freak. You've been called a freak. People have made fun of you because of the way you looked. You're a woman, but you consider yourself more masculine than feminine. You've had long hair and a beard. You didn't know this emoji was a "bearded woman." 🧔🏽‍♀️ Total: 2 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Which controversial/offensive emoji are you according to this survey? A: Two men kissing :D 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Are you happy with your result?
I could expect it.
Have you ever used that emoji before?
No, I don’t think so.
Do you like that emoji?
Neither like nor dislike.
When was the last time you used that emoji?
I think never.
What are three ways in which you resemble that emoji?
I kissed a man, even more than once. :P I’m a man and I’m attracted to other men.
...and what are three ways in which you don't?
I’m not effeminate, my hobbies are not feminine, and I generally *pass* as straight.
Which emoji is your favorite among the ones on this survey?
Beer :P
Which emoji have you used the most among the ones this survey?
I think beer or wine, but I’m not sure.
Which emojis on this survey have you never used?
Kissing men, kissing women, unisex bathrooms, and a pregnant man lol.
Do you feel like your family accepts you for who you are?
They have no choice.
Do you feel like your friends accept you for who you are?
They’re not overthinking it, they love me for who I am.
Do you feel like your doctors are accepting of you?
Why wouldn’t they? Here in my country everyone is equal.
Do you feel like your doctors listen to you and want to help you?
Of course. I think I have the best doctors ever.
Who is the best doctor you've ever had?
All of my specialists.
Do you currently have a good doctor?
Yeah, all of them.
Do you currently have a doctor you can trust?
See above.
Have you ever had a doctor you couldn't trust?
I don’t think so.
Do you like taking surveys that are rated R?
I like surveys that are interesting. No matter how they’re rated.
Do you like taking surveys about controversial topics?
Why not. As long as they’re interesting.
When was the last time you flipped someone off? 🖕
Probably quite recently, but just as a joke.
Have you ever been flipped off by a random stranger?
No, I haven’t.
Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook?
I don’t use Facebook.
What's one thing you find offensive that hasn't already been mentioned?
Can’t think of anything.
Which offensive emoji(s) do you think I should include next?
Do whatever you want.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey?
As usual.
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I hope you have a wonderful day! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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arigotabigheart · 2 years
Smoothies from Smoothie King and McDonald’s are my favorite. I hold smoothies while working out to stay slim. Chips are great before smoothies. It’s carbs! And potassium! And it makes you feel better with working out. Plus I can just follow a bag of chips from the gas station to track my next running day. On that day, I will normally purchase my favorite smoothie of my choice and then go to college to exercise.
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localizee · 2 years
You can find the right pre-workout, protein powder, creatine, fat burner, vitamins, supplements, and even smoothies to suit your individual needs.
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kirobi3098 · 2 years
At Aggieland Supplements, we be proud of providing our customers using the finest smoothies in College or university Station and Bryan. Our smoothies are manufactured rich in-top quality components and are fantastic for those searching for a healthier dinner replacement. Along with our scrumptious smoothies, we also offer a full menus of supplements, preworkouts, and vitamin supplements & supplements. Whether you're looking to stay healthy and fit or simply want to like a scrumptious shake, our retail store is the perfect spot for you! For more information about Supplement Store Near Me college station bryan visit https://aggielandsupplements.com/pages/smoothies-in-college-station
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fiercedancers · 6 years
People in other parts of this country really don’t have Wawa huh.... how do you survive
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leiawritesstories · 3 years
Throne of Glass Masterlist
anything marked with ** includes NSFW content
We Did It
Mornings in the Studio
The Erilean Peace Summit
The Red Dress**
In The Evenings
In The Empty Gym
Emrys’s Waterfront Café
I Wasn’t Concerned About That
Moving Day
Quarter After One**
Late-Night Dances
Waking Up Next To You Is The Best Part Of My Day
Goodnight Moon
Because I Trust You
Arsonist’s Lullabye 
Apologies // Apologies Accepted 
Blade Handling
Nameless Is My Price
Is There A Reason You’re Always Staring At Me In Class?
Say Yes**
My Cliché
The Best Kind of Chaos
Chef Rowan**
Tiny Rowan
I Propose A Toast...
Golden Summer
The Aliexpress Watch // PART 2
Wild Proposal Stories // How Rowan Proposed
The Bitch Queen of the Highway 
Wrong Bedmate
Enda’s Single Brother
Before You Go
Matching Pajamas 
Rowan Is Sick (And Grumpy About It)
Fleetfoot the Matchmaker 
Surrogate Mama Aelin 
Rowaelin at the Movies
Broken Vacuum
Hop Right On
Just Like Mama
Thanks To The Thunderstorm
Sleepy Aelin 
That Wasn’t A Kick
Bad Bitch Strut 
Heat Me Right Up
blood-soaked gown
DILF Rowan At School // DILF Rowan part 2
Love Language 
Definitely Not Drunk
Move-In Romance
The Mirror 
What We Are
Glimpse of Us
The Daddy Dance
All Cuffed Up**
A Giant Clingy Mess
The Trouble With Teenagers
Facts or Fiction
If We’re Still Single... // Morning // One Week Later
A Restaurant Rivalry**
You Little Cheater
Good Soup 
Just Hold Me
WHO Is This? // Instruct Me**
“How Unfortunate” // Part Two // ....
Next Thing You Know // PART TWO // PART THREE
the memory of you
Lights, Camera, Yulemas!
A Rose As Red As Blood
a song that had been just ours 
How Unfortunate
Illicit Affairs** // Part 2
The Price
Don’t Have To Hurt Anymore
Decoration Station
That Dream Within A Dream
It Doesn’t Work Like That
Carbon Copy
Can’t Let You Move
My Oaf
Emerson Moves To College
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
An ongoing list of alternative items for your SF AUs~ ☕🥪🏠
Addison Tea Alternatives:
Anything gooey, slimy, thick, supposedly edible (or applied to the body), and justifiably dark-colored that could be consumed or used frequently.
-Chocolate (or other flavored) milk
-Candy (processed into taffy, jaw breakers, mints, gum)
-Sauce/dressing/dip (soy sauce, hot sauce, salad dressing, chip dip, etc.)
-Filling (for pastries, etc.)
-Medicine/ supplement/ vitamin/ tonic/ lozenge/ cough syrup/ 'miracle cure'
-Ointment/ salve/ lotion/ soap/ balm/ body scrub
Anywhere where people will spend a lot of time, can purchase/receive food, and has hidden/restricted areas where people could potentially be kidnapped or murdered.
Addison Apartment Alternatives:
-Condos/ townhomes/ housing development
-Hotel/ Motel
-Academy/ school/ college
-Mall/shopping center
-Hospital/ rehabilitation center/ hospice
-Shelter/food bank
-Grocery/ convenience store/ gas station
-Restaurant/ Café/ Diner
-Bar/ club
-Spa/ resort
-Amusement park/ water park
-Community center
Any food or dish that can be made in large batches with cheap, processed, heavily seasoned/salted meat.
Bologna Alternatives:
-Hamburger/Sloppy Joes
-Hot dogs/sausages/bratwurst
-Pot pies/turnovers
-Dumplings/pot stickers/eggrolls
-Chicken nuggets/strips
-Fish sticks
-stuffed peppers/mushrooms/etc.
-'''''Plant-based meat substitute''''''
Any object that can be used with lethal force (personal bonus points for items seen within the apartments or key inventory/story items)
Weapon Alternatives:
-Pocket Knife
-Guitar/ guitar strap
-Wooden Boards
-Booze Bottle
-Misc. object from each room
-No Weapon (bare hands)
-Sara lol
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Unlocking Your Peak Performance: Aggieland Supplements in College Station
In the bustling college town of College Station, where the pursuit of academic excellence and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand, Aggieland Supplements emerges as the go-to destination for students and residents alike seeking to optimize their well-being. As the demand for quality supplements continues to rise, Aggieland Supplements stands out as a beacon of health and vitality, offering a diverse range of products to support the unique needs of the College Station community.
Why Aggieland Supplements? Aggieland Supplements is not just a store; it's a hub for health enthusiasts, fitness aficionados, and anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being. Strategically located in the heart of College Station, this supplement haven caters to the specific requirements of a community driven by academic rigor, sports, and an active lifestyle.
Product Diversity: One of the critical strengths of Aggieland Supplements lies in its expansive product range. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast aiming to build muscle, a student seeking cognitive support, or someone looking to boost their immune system, Aggieland Supplements has you covered. The shelves are stocked with premium brands and trusted products, from protein powders and vitamins to pre-workout formulas and weight management solutions.
Expert Guidance: Navigating the world of supplements can be overwhelming, especially for those new to fitness and wellness. At Aggieland Supplements, a team of knowledgeable and friendly experts is ready to assist customers in finding the perfect products tailored to their individual goals. Whether you aim to improve your energy levels during exams or enhance your physical performance in the gym, the knowledgeable staff at Aggieland Supplements will guide you every step.
Local Convenience: Aggieland Supplements understands the busy lifestyle of college students and residents. With its central location, the store provides unparalleled convenience for those looking to quickly grab their supplements between classes or on the way to the gym. The store's commitment to the local community is reflected in its convenient hours, making it accessible for early risers and night owls.
Community Engagement: Beyond being a retail establishment, Aggieland Supplements actively engages with the College Station community. The store fosters a sense of community around health and wellness by hosting events, workshops, and informational sessions. Whether it's a fitness challenge, nutritional seminar, or product launch, Aggieland Supplements ensures that its patrons are not just customers but active participants in a shared journey toward better health.
Quality Assurance: Aggieland Supplements prioritizes quality, ensuring all products on its shelves meet rigorous standards. From sourcing premium ingredients to partnering with reputable brands, the store is committed to providing supplements that contribute positively to its customers' health and fitness goals. With Aggieland Supplements, you can trust that you invest in products that align with your wellness objectives.
Conclusion: In the dynamic landscape of College Station, Aggieland Supplements emerges as a beacon of health and vitality. Catering to the diverse needs of students and residents, this supplement haven offers a wide array of quality products and provides expert guidance, local convenience, and community engagement. Suppose you're searching for supplements in College Station to support your academic and fitness journey. In that case, Aggieland Supplements is your one-stop destination for unlocking your peak performance and achieving holistic well-being.
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