#So remember if you have to give a pill to a cat
takeiteasyjoan · 1 year
Dewormer pills successfully administered to both cats!
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maiko-san · 7 months
Catnap + Dogday x Reader (Part 6)
<<< Part 5
Relationship : Fluff
Warning : ⚠️ Mention of blood, mild amnesia ⚠️
Recap : After inhaling the red smoke, you find yourself awake in Catnap's hidden room. For some reason, you don't remember what happened before you got here....
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Yet again, you wake up from your slumber. You let out a groan and massage your temple.
Your head is throbbing and your whole body aches for no reason. Probably you slept on the wrong side of the bed— wait.
This is Catnap's room.
You're laying on his large cat bed and you begin to question yourself...
Why are you here?
You remember being in the infirmary after you exhausted yourself with work. But something doesn't feel right and you swore something happened after.
You try to remember what had happened but nothing came up, everything is a blur.
It made you feel frustrated.
A sharp pain in your head makes you jolt as you hisses in pain. You decide to ease yourself from thinking too much.
"Catnap?" you called out for the feline mascot.
Where did the cat go?
You look around the room and notice a tray with medicines on them with a few bottles of water.
You pick up the pills and it was the prescription given by the doctor for your headaches.
You didn't think twice and took the pill so it will make your headaches go away.
After that you lay back down on the soft bed, you can return to your office after your headaches goes away.
As much as you want to walk back to your office, you don't want to stumble around like a drunk idiot and hurt yourself.
You close your eyes and rest....
You hear soft purring in your ears, you slowly open your eyes and purple fur fills your vision.
You knew who it was and it is Catnap.
Hugging you close to his body with one arm over you as he purrs softly in his sleep. His body is curled around you in a protective manner.
You unconsciously bring your hand up and rub the feline's head, causing his purring to become louder.
Catnap's eyes open as he stares down at you, he shifts a bit to give you some space.
"How....are you...feeling?"
"I feel a little bit better...hmm...I remember being in the infirmary, did you bring me here Catnap?"
"Yes...I brought you here.... the infirmary bed is...bad...and not good for sleeping"
You hum at his response as you continue to pet him, Catnap closes his eyes and accepts the affection he's receiving from you.
You smile at the sight of the purring cat, you quite enjoy petting him and the other SC. They were made to comfort children in the orphanage after all.
You lift yourself off the bed and stretch yourself, "Well, I guess it's time for me to go back to my office!" this caused Catnap to snap out from his purring state.
"You can't!"
This causes you to flinch slightly at his sudden change of tone, "Why?" you questioned the cat.
Catnap froze, why didn't he think this through? He doesn't want you to go back to your office and see the massacre.
Also, the risk of losing you to the other toys is high.
"Everything.... already closed down"
Catnap said. It's entirely true that it's already past closing time. The playcare and the cable car usually shut down after 9:00 p.m. The only people who have access to everything are the night guards.
"What?! It's already past 9:00 p.m.?!"
You were shocked. You've slept that long? Catnap nods as you rub your forehead, guess you have to sleep in for the night huh.
You pucker up your lips before your stomach lets out a loud growl indicating your hunger.
Catnap's ears perk up at the sound as you smile sheepishly, "I haven't eaten since afternoon...I do remember leaving my lunch on my table" you hummed.
"I'll go get it!"
Catnap said as he stands up on all fours. Before you could question him, Catnap jumps up to the hole above leaving you inside the room.
"Huh?! Catnap, wait! Take me with you!"
You called out for him but to no avail. You let out a sigh as you stare up at the entrance on the ceiling. This room is easy to get in but hard to get out.
You have no choice but to wait for Catnap to come back.
You wait...
What's taking Catnap so long?
You wish there's a clock in here and you don't have a watch to tell you the time. You assume he was gone for 15 minutes now.
Then, you hear something and it comes from the hole.
Something large drops down onto the cat bed, causing you to flinch. It was a blue box with a star on it. It has a crank on its side too. Is it...a music box?
For some reason, you feel the sense of deja vu.
You stare at it for a while, narrowing your eyes at the box.
You just couldn't keep your eyes away from it, if you do something bad would happen.
You and this mysterious box are engaged in a staring competition.
A few minutes pass and nothing happens but that uneasy feeling hasn't left your guts.
Then, the box begins to wind up and plays the well known 'Pop's goes the weasel'
'Get. the. f*ck. outta. there!'
As soon you take a step back, the lid pops and comes out from it, was a monster with razor sharp teeth and claws covered in fresh blood.
By the blessing from the god, you somehow slip and avoid getting eaten by the red headed monster.
That's the only thing you could cry out as you quickly get to your feet and run.
The box monster springs itself towards you like a charging bull, you scream out in fear as you yet again dodge it but it manages to scratch your leg.
You fall on to the ground as you watch your leg bleed, the box monster stalks towards you with hungry eyes.
Your body begin to shakes in fear.
There's no way you can survive this, there is no escape!
As the monster lunges at you, you feel something sharp hooking itself on the back of your shirt and drags you high up.
The box monster was surprised as you are, it let out a frustrated roar as you feel yourself being dragged away by a strange force.
A/n : I know it's a short chapter but I want to leave a cliffhanger.
Also, the Reader had mild amnesia but having it doesn't mean that she forgot her entire identity!
It is only the memories of the previous event were wiped out and she only forgot the event of her being kidnapped and the hour of joy.
But she does remember being in the infirmary, resting.
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Medication Mishaps
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: When a mix-up in meds leaves her without any, Lando and Oscar are there to her navigate without them.
Notes: for @norizznorris. Sorry I don't do male readers! Regardless, I hope this is what you wanted! :)
Side Note: This one made me laugh the entire time while writing it. My fiancé is unmedicated and very high on the ADHD spectrum. Every day is an adventure!
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Ah, the joys of being neurodivergent. When somehow the world is to much and simultaneously to little. When the nagging impulsive thoughts and continues need for caffeine aren't enough, then the interests that lay dormant for years come back swinging; upset they've been neglected for so long.
Medication helps. Which - of course it does - it's engineered brain chemicals in the form of a chalky pill designed to help someone function in a world where only one kind of brain is excepted. It's better than it was, the world has come further in recent years.
yet here she is, taking her last pill from the bottle. A little piece in her cries knowing she'll have to go pick up her new meds today. The pharmacy feels like to much and she'd rather lay in bed and give into the executive dysfunction. Then she remembers she's flying with Lando and Oscar to their race tomorrow.
With that thought in mind, she groans and hauls herself out of bed. The boys are doing factory work today and won't be back until later. Plenty of time to come home and waste away the hours in bed and pray her energy comes back.
She lied to herself earlier. Any optimism for the day has just disappeared.
"What do you mean you don't have my meds?"
"There was a mix-up with the orders, but we'll have them in a few days." The pharmacist gives her a sheepish smile.
She just sighs and turns on the balls of her feet. How she's going to tell her boys, she has no idea yet. The insecurity of them not wanting her around the paddock because of in burns in the back of her mind.
She still has today at least. Maybe she'll just ride it out and not tell them.
That plan fails miserably the second they walk into the flat. The sight of her visibly distressed on the couch alerts them that something is wrong.
The sit down on either side of her. The question trying to escape their mouths. She beats them to it. "There was a mix-up with my meds. I won't have them until after we get back."
"And we'll help you manage, yeah? You'd do the same for us."
"Lan... she has done the same for you, like, daily."
Sometimes, she's convinced she lives on a different planet entirely. Like the brain and body she has are simply not meant to be here and there must have been a mistake with the storks.
Lando hands her a Redbull, courtesy of Max since he has to many. "I figured this might help?" Seeing as she nearly just threw hands with whoever was chewing unnecessarily loudly, caffeine might help.
She looks at Lando and Oscar, between the three of them, there are seven drinks. Only one of which is the Aussie's. "Oscar is being boring again."
the man in question huffs. "Water is good for you."
"But it's wretched to taste sometimes."
Lando nods at her in agreement. "See Oscar, boring."
"Nothing is ever boring with you two."
The beginning wasn't bad. Not like it is right now with her brain only wanting to do one specific things, she hasn't remember to eat since early this morning, and the tag on her shirt makes her want to pull her skin off.
Oscar looks at her curled up in his drivers room with a horrendous amount of care and sympathy. He slots in next to her and leans his head against the wall. "Hard day?"
"I need like - five pounds of dino nuggies and a nap."
"Anything I can do to help right now? We'll work on food when Lando is done."
She curls up in Oscar's lap like a cat. The lack of regulated sleep finally catching up to her. She's on the verge of sleep when Lando busts through the door yelling about something.
She throws a pillow at him in annoyance. "You owe me food."
Lando pauses. "That sounds brilliant."
Oscar shakes his head in defeat later that night as Lando gradually sneaks food off her plate and pretends they can't see him. If he's not caught then it didn't happen and Jon can't get mad at him.
She hasn't stopped talking with Lando for the last two hours. What exactly they've been going on about, she has no idea at this point. Their original conversation led to rabbit trails and other distractions that got in the way. The original story now long forgotten as they discuss the possibilities for new shoes.
Her phone dings, an automated message alerting her to her refilled meds. She shows Lando in excitement. The joys of functioning like a human again are nearly in her grasp.
Lando and Oscar both look at her in amusement. The latter has been using their conversation as an excuse to read. He sets his book down, a look she hasn't seen before crossing his features.
"Have you ever thought what it would be like if you didn't have to take meds?"
Lando shoots him a nasty glare. "Oi, she can't help-"
"Not what I meant." The Aussie crashes onto the bed with them, book now tucked away. "I just mean that having a different kind of brain shouldn't be such a difficult thing for the world to cope with. But the second someone is different-" He looks at Lando. "-Like they struggle with reading or processing information." Then he turns to her. "Or they struggle to with focusing and sensory things. They are ready to create some kind of fix to make those brains work like theirs." The genuine concern and sadness from him is almost heartbreaking.
"In a perfect world, yes. For now though, I think me and Lando can both settle for having someone who cares as much as you do."
"Just wish I could do more."
Lando hums and, quite literally, rolls over onto Oscar. "Just like our best is enough, so is yours."
"However, if the world could provide me with free drinks, I wouldn't be complaining."
Oscar chuckles and drags her closer despite Lando's weight on him. "I'll make a note of it for when I become ruler of the world."
"You never said you were planning that!"
"It's been my secret plan this whole time."
"... It's always the quiet ones."
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Remember when I told you all about the "Damian & Tim bonding fic, where Damian gets turned into a cat?"?
Well, I do.
I have two wips! One for a fic and the other is a small art sketch
"It's OK! You are OK! With me, you are safe!"
Tim hummed, as he gently rubbed the little fluff ball dry, making sure to clean its eyes and ears out in the process.
He had found it in a trashcan on patrol, all alone, shivering and seemingly abandoned.
The teen couldn't get himself to leave it there.
After all, he wasn't that cruel, and Damian would probably break his back again if he found out that he let an innocent animal die.
It meowed weakly, as he used two of his fingers to gently massage its stomach. He couldn't feel any swellings and injuries, so it should be fine. Hopefully.
"Hey, it's alright! We'll get some food into you and then you'll feel better."
The kitten looked too young to stomach solid food, so milk was it.
He knew that cowmilk was bad for cats, but almond milk should be fine, at least till he could get some special cat milk and wet food to ween the little one out.
After making sure that it was warm and comfortable on his couch, he made his way to his kitchen.
The search for some almond milk and a saucer to fill it in took him some minutes and when he returned to his living room, the cat was gone.
Gone was probably a harsh word, considering that he could hear some really pissed off growls from beneath his bookshelf.
It was quite impressive, considering that the animal making those sounds was barley bigger than his hand.
"Poor little baby, this situation must be quite scary for you."
He pushed the makeshift bowl next to the furniture, avoiding the sweep of tiny claws, before he all but collapsed on his couch.
Then he quietly cursed himself.
In the trouble of making sure that the kitty was alright, he had utterly forgotten about his own needs.
"I am such an idiot."
The vigilante forced himself back on his feet, as he glared at the couch.
Who knows what kind of toxins and germs he had gotten onto it now.
"You know, this totally ruins my whole week. I usually deepclean my furniture every Monday. But with all the blood and shit on my suit this can't wait."
He smiled gently towards the kittens direction, who had stopped growing when he started speaking.
"I will take a short shower, before cleaning the couch and taking my meds. Please try to drink a bit of the milk, alright?"
The teen was aware that the cat couldn't understand or answer him, but he wanted it to get comfortable with his voice
Soaking his suit in disinfectant, showering, checking his body for small injuries, going through his skincare routine, throwing his suit into the washing machine, getting a clean suit ready for the next patrol and starting up his textile-deep-cleaning routine took him nearly an hour.
It left him utterly exhausted and wanting to sleep.
But he still had to finish the cleaning, drink that disgusting, nutrien rich smoothie, take his meds and work on that case Duke asked him about.
His eyes wandered to the kittens hiding place and a smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the empty saucer.
"Good work! Eat a lot and grow stronger. "
The tiny head of the kitten popped out and Tim had to stifle his laughter at the animals unimpressed expression.
"Oh, Damian will absolutely adore you."
It meowed as Tim concentrated back on cleaning the couch.
"He is my little brother and he adores animals. I am planning to give you to him when the weekend comes around."
This was the safest course of actions for him and the one thing will guarantee a happy life for it.
The kittens eyes were watching him clean the couch, as he explained every step to it.
" Now we are just going to let the disinfectant soak in and let it dry. I'll take my medicine and then we'll try to get some more food into you! "
It actually came out of its hiding place when he brought out his yellow pill bottle.
Somehow, it looked as if he had offended it, as it meowed loudly at him to get his attention.
"This is just the medicine that I spoke about. I am sick, you know. A year ago, I lost my spleen due to an injury. I had a flare up a few days ago, since Steph decided to drop in unannounced. Its fine now though."
Steph had been hurt and he was the closest, so he was glad that she came to him instead of bleeding out somewhere.
But the fever he got afterwards was not so nice.
The kitty meowed, as it clawed at his leg, what was suprisingly painful.
"Whats the matter?! This hurts, you know?"
Tim picked the small animal up, as it growled angrily at him.
"You know. You kinda remind me of my little brother right now."
It had the same green eyes as him.
"You are even behaving like him right now!"
He smiled as it spitted in his direction, Biting and clawing at his hand.
Getting the hint, he gently placed it back onto the ground, where it quickly went back to his hiding place.
Tim couldn't help himself as he sighted, as he saw the blood running down his hand.
He needed to disinfect and bandage ut up as quickly as possible now.
"Jason, calm down-, i cant understand what you are saying if you scream like this!"
Damian glared at the teen from bellow his hiding spot, as he placed back and forth in his living room, his elder brothers voice screaming through the speaker of the phone.
It was pathetic.
No Vigilante, especially one that studied under his father, should allow someone to yell at them.
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pinkyyoshi · 27 days
Saving all my love for you♡︎(CHAPTER ONE)
simon “Ghost“ Riley x Reader
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Syn: Reader grew up as a hopeless romantic, always seeing the brighter side of things and always getting her heart broken. She finds herself falling in love with a man who happens to already be taken and ends up in a fucked up situation.
CW: Self-harm, manipulation, arguing, ANGST ANGST ANGST, profanity, cheating, mommy-issues, drug-use, SA(NOT BY GHOST!)
A/N: Thank you for tapping in. Welcome to the first offical chapter to my first ff! I appreciate all criticism, I actually encourage it so lmk guys!! If you haven’t read the prologue, you might wanna do that for better context also forgot to mention that readers’ alias is “Sage“ but nonetheless enjoy the very first chapter and I'm gonna try and update as fast as I can everyday!! Here we goミ★
“So it’s not much of a secret. You two are deffo fucking.” Gaz wiggles his eyebrow, elbowing her side and Soap puts a hand over his mouth to hide the cheeky smile plastered on his face. You weren’t in the room yet, just right outside, and you can hear how sweet the sound of her laugh is. The sound of her nervous voice and her giggles. Oh so she hangs out with the task force now? Should stay in her lane, you think to yourself before pinching the bridge of your nose and sighing.
“What am I thinking? I have no reason to be jealous. God I’m such a loser…” You mumble to yourself, earning a pat on your back from your captain who was just entering the room himself.
“Mornin’ sergeant, let’s go”
As the two of you enter the room, you can feel the stares from Gaz, Soap, and Chel on you. Oh that’s right, her name is Chel. It must’ve slipped your mind, but I guess seeing her face made you remember. Hard to forget really…
Knock it off Sage! She’s innocent!
God my palms are sweaty. Just sit down, you see these guys everyday so why is your stomach churning? Must be the morning sickness…wait morning sickness?! You’re on the pill dumbass. Maybe this is morning Guilt...Or maybe-
“Mornin’ Sage!” Soap and Gaz peers at you while Chel just gives you a shy smile before getting up from her seat. And dismissing herself
“Looks like you guys are getting started. Better get back to my patient, she’s probably waking up by now!” She giggles, covering her mouth. She does it so gracefully, like a mermaid or some shit. Almost sickens you, it’s annoying…no it’s not. I’m just being a green-eyed cat.
The men all wave her off as she walks out of the room. You sigh, and lean on the table with your cheek in the palm of your hand. Facing Simon is gonna be so painful today. Well it’s really painful everyday, you think to yourself with another sigh. It has been ever since we started whatever we have. I remember the first night we got together…
The sounds of wet kisses and ruffled up fabric, whether it was your guys’ clothes or the sheets, are the only things to be heard in the room. He unbuckles his pants without his rough lips leaving your smooth ones.
You place a hand in his chest, in an attempt to reluctantly push him away. It was highly unprofessional for the two of you to be doing this anyways. “Sir…we shouldn't, we could get in big trouble if anyone saw us like this.” You blush trying to hide the obvious tint in your cheeks
“Well then love…it’s a good thing we’re at my place, in my dark locked room, curtains closed, just the two of us away from base…alone” He whispers the last part, closely in your ears nibbling on your earlobe, earning a giggle out of you.
‘Okay’ is all that you mouth, and immediately go back in.
You remember it like it was yesterday, though it was…almost a year ago. It was actually around the time that Chel started at this base. On that mission… December 14th. Simon taking a bullet for you might’ve been the worst decision he ever made. Because that single bullet landed him in the hospital where he had met Chel and forgotten all about you, made you sick to your stomach.
You let out a sigh, and slouch back into your chair, earning devious looks from the other men in the room around watching you.
“Ey! What’s got you all down in the dumps?” soap, making his way over to sit next to you asks in a curious tone. He leans back in his chair, placing a hand on your thigh. You just can’t help but let out another sigh, blowing raspberries while you’re at it. Just then, Simon walks in ready for the meeting to start,on time like always, but you’re too down in the dumps to notice him.
“Lemme guess. Trouble in Paradise yeh?” Gaz snorts, taking a sip of his overly sweet coffee.
“Yer boyfriend not treating you right?” Soap wriggles his eyebrows
“Woah-ho-ho! Boyfriend?! Since when?” Gaz exclaims. Not sure why he’s so surprised. I mean it’s not like I can tell him that Simon is really my boyfriend. Wait- can I even call him that? This is some evil shit I’m in. Poor Chel. I’m such a piece of shit, seriously. But I guess-
“Eyyyy! LT’! You just sneak in here? We were just talking abou’ Sage’s boyfriend!” Soap blurts out. Is he serious? This shit is SO awkward! When did Simon even get in here! Must’ve been too delirious to notice.
You shuffle your feet under the table, looking down to your lap seeing that Johnny’s hand still grips your thigh.
“The Bloke’s been mistreating our girl. Rough” Gaz snorts, patting your back, accidentally spilling a drop on Johnny’ shoulder while he’s at it
“Tha' Right?” Simon subtly squints his eyes at Johnny's hand on your thigh. You’re too annoyed to notice. At this point you’re so fed up. When is the briefing gonna start? Is it hot in here or am I the only one because everyone else seems to be alright. Get out of your head Sage! Out!
You start to feel your palms sweat. Is this really morning guilt!? Too in your head to realize that the meeting has started. You knew it was gonna be a long day.
Nonetheless, the meeting goes by smoothly, just going over the agenda and then getting on to do your own things. Luckily, you had business with Price all the way across base, so you were basically away from Simon all day, which left you to focus on more important things, and before you knew it, the day was over.
The drive home was quiet and gloomy, the white noise was deafening honestly and the fog that surrounded your car made it hard to see. It was that time of the year, it was getting colder and darker. Nights like these were when you really wanted someone to hold. Didn’t even feel like turning on the radio, didn’t even feel like crying. Just thinking to yourself. Thinking that maybe a quick pit stop wouldn’t hurt and surely Katy wouldn’t mind any guests.
By the way, Katy’s my best friend, she’s a fashion designer for a local record label so she’s always in that scene. Hanging around those cool small bands and stuff.
You ran to the liquor store real quick, just a couple of blocks away from Katy’s house, and just as you were walking up to the counter, you saw her.
She seemed to have been purchasing condoms or something, the thought made you sad. You already know who those are for. She bags up her items and turns around on her heel to exit until she sees you with a gloomy look on your face.
She gasps “Oh! Sage..? That’s your name right? Didn’t think I’d bump into you here. WHat are you doing? It’s so late out” she chuckles and smiles at you brightly.
God you felt sick. If only she knew the stuff that you did behind her back, she’d hate you. Her smile is just so pure and unknowing. The type of smile that makes you wanna stop sneaking around.
“Hehe…yeah it’s Sage. Just uhm…getting some drinks. Getting ready to head over to my friend y’know” You laugh nervously, placing the pack of beer on the counter.
She smiles and pats your shoulder. “Well be careful with all of that. I’ll be seeing you around. Bye bye!” She exclaims and walks off to her car.
The drive over to Katy’s house had your ears ringing. That might’ve been a wake up call. She’s just so nice and friendly. If you weren’t so guilty, the two of you could’ve actually been good friends. Alright then it’s decided.
“Sooo...Your ultimate plan is to just ignore him..?” Katy squints her eyes at you all concerned.
“Yeah! I mean it should be easy. I’ll use Chel as motivation, maybe I can even become friends with her!”
Katy sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose like this bitch can’t be serious. Ever since you told Katy about your little fling, she’s been viewing you differently. Of course she’ll always love you but she acknowledges that what you’re doing is just morally wrong. So wrong. She just sighs and looks at you with a defeated look.
“Welp. If that’s what you think. Love always wins though. Because I mean...you can’t just ignore him forever. You work with the man. He’s your higher up for fucks sake!” she pauses and shakes her head “If you don’t formally break things off with him, things aren’t gonna end up like how you want them to.” Katy bites her inner cheek, before getting up to get a glass of water and you’re left, sat there on the carpeted floor of her living room, letting her words replay over and over again in your head.
They rung in your ears for hours and hours, even after you got home, laid awake in your comforter. The dark room brings negativity to your thoughts and before you knew it, you were crying hard, just bawling your eyes out. You didn’t know what to do, you felt like you were stuck, but you love him so much, it’s gonna be so hard to let him go.
Katy also said something that kind of made you feel better, “You know, It’s his fault too. At the end of the day, He’s the border between the two of you women. He’s leading both of you on and that’s not okay.”
She was right of course, but you have to take at least some accountability. All of this shit was just stressing you out. Suddenly your phone lights up on your nightstand, lighting up the entire room.
Lt.: Hey it’s Simon, can you talk right now?
To be continued...
THANK YOU FOR READING!!! Criticism is appreciated!!
(masterlist is coming soon!!)
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Gaps 3
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Yandere Platonic Batfam x Mentally Ill/Forgetful Reader
Warning: This is a yandere work, and as such, contains themes of obsession and unhealthy relationships. This particular snippet from Gaps will be an escalation, since this is a series, so trigger warning for kidnapping, non-consensual drugging, obsessive behaviors and manipulation.
There was a half full bottle of psychiatric meds in the glove box of your car. You have absolutely no clue when this got there, buried as it was under your insurance information, registration, and car owners manual, but it was there.
You turn the bottle over in your hands, reading the small label. Prazosin. You were glad to have some extra, in case Bruce hadn’t been able to get your refill this month. He had been good about it, the past couple of months while you waited for your appointment at the DMV, but it was always good to have spares, just in case. And something in your stomach urged you not to rely on the billionaire too much.
You pocket the bottle of pills. Sure, your script had been changed from prazosin to nitrazepam, by Dr. Leslie Thompkins since she was the only person that would treat you without an ID, but you didn’t like how the nitrazepam left you sluggish the next morning. You also didn’t like the thought of just how vulnerable you would be, in such a deep sleep.
Your cell phone rings. You pick up on the first ring, humming.
“(Y/N).” It was Damian. A bit of a surprise, since he didn’t really seek you out, but not an entirely unwelcome one. “You used to have a cat, correct?”
You snort. Of course one of the few times Damian calls you, it was about an animal. You didn’t expect anything less.
“Yeah. I had a Maine Coon kitten for a while before I moved. She was the sweetest little thing too, would always climb onto my shoulders whenever I got home from work.”
“What happened to her?”
“When I moved, I had to give her to my roommate. I visit her whenever I go to Bludhaven.” You explain, beginning your nightly routine. You brush the knots out of your hair, root around for your pajamas, drop two tablets in your hand.
“I see. I’m sorry you had to leave her behind.”
You smile, glancing at the time. The two tablets go down easy, and you double and triple check your locks. In Gotham, it didn’t hurt to be vigilant.
“It’s not a problem. I do have work tomorrow, so I’m gonna turn in, okay?”
“Of course. Get some rest, (Y/N).” He says it like it’s practically a demand, and you laugh when the line goes dead.
You drift off to sleep, eventually, your limbs heavy and numb.
Your woken up by the sound of your bedroom door creaking open. Your heart stops, before thundering in your chest, slamming fast against your ribs.
Your mind races, and you force yourself to breath slow and deep, feigning sleep. The average thief wouldn’t bother to kill a sleeping person, but who knew what would happen if they thought there were witnesses. Carefully, you shift, making sure the movement looked to be the shifting of a sleeping body.
There’s a sound of crackling above you, and you don’t know what that means before the intruder speaks.
“You sure you got the dosage right? They’re moving around a lot for someone who’s sedated.” A modulated voice, indistinguishable thanks to the static. Your stomach drops, and it takes everything you have not to stiffen in terror. No average thief would have a fucking voice modulator. And what did they mean, the dosage? What the fuck did they mean?
Your fingers close around the handle of the small folding knife you kept under your pillow.
“It’s not full sedation. They’ll sleep deeply enough that we can move freely, but too high of a dosage would cause issues.” A low, gravelly voice and you feel your breath hitch. Both voices go quiet.
You hear a soft rattle as a pill bottle is picked up. Your heart hammers in your throat. You can’t remember which bottle of meds was by your bedside.
“Didn’t you get them put on nitrazepam?”
“Old man, this isn’t nitrazepam. It’s an old script of prazosin.”
Silence. Deafening silence. Your eyes snap open.
You don’t even give yourself time to process the fact that there were two of Gotham’s vigilantes in your room. You don’t give yourself time to panic, or feel betrayed, because if you do, you won’t stop. You’ll be frozen and defenseless and unable to do anything.
You lunge up, throwing the blankets off yourself, and you try to twist away when the goddamn Red Hood lunges to catch you, only for his arm to wrap around your waist, yanking you back. The small fold out knife clatters to the ground, and a hand wraps around your wrist.
“Why don’t we all just cool off, yeah? No more stabbing attempts.” He sounds almost amused, but there’s an edge of danger in his voice that makes you shudder. He releases you, and you stagger away from him.
Batman hovers in the corner of the room, and even though he is the furthest from you, he feels so much closer.
“You got my script changed. Why?” Your voice is trembling, and you grimace. You don’t like the way you sound far too vulnerable.
“The old man is paranoid as hell, that’s why.” Hood grumbles, crossing his arms. He leans back, giving you space, and even though you know you aren’t any safer, you appreciate it.
“Hood. Now is not the time.” Batman growls, and Hood snorts.
“When would be the time old man? We would have avoided all of this if we had just gone with my plan.” Hood points out. You have no idea what he means.
“They weren’t ready.” Batman snaps, and you don’t know what that means. “This isn’t the place for this discussion, Hood.”
He turns to you, and for a moment, hesitates. The moment passes, and he lifts his hands, tugging back his cowl.
You stare. Staring back at you with intense blue eyes is Bruce Wayne.
So many things click in your mind. The inexplicable cancelling of your appointments. The paranoia. The way you had been struggling to work past the constant fear you were being watched. The way your things went missing when you needed them.
“(Y/N), I know you’re confused right now. Just let me explain.” Bruce says gently, and you shake your head, backing up.
“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say right now. You.. how long have you been breaking into my apartment? How long have you been using my meds to do it? And why?!”
“(Y/N), you barely manage to function on a day to day basis. I was just insuring your safety.”
“My safety?! Arguably I would be even more vulnerable SEDATED in an apartment in Gotham? Why do you think I check my locks so often? Why I have lists, of every possible thing I could need? I KNOW how to take care of myself, but clearly I made some sort of mistake when met all of you!” You shriek, and there are hot, ugly tears streaming down your face.
You didn’t need this, you didn’t need him, and you certainly did not need him pulling the strings on your life.
“Alright, you clearly can’t handle this old man.” Hood turns to you, arms crossed. “Listen, I get it. Batman’s a controlling, manipulative bastard. But we aren’t having this discussion here.”
You yell when his hand closes around your arm, and raise your hand to slap him away. He tugs you forward, twisting your arm behind your back and holding it there, and you yell.
A sharp pain in your neck, and your vision blurs.
You feel your knees buckle, feel yourself start to sag.
Gloved hands hold you up, and your head spins. Armored arms scoop you up, and you push at the thick Kevlar.
The last thing you see before unconsciousness takes you is white lenses staring down.
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gavalaa · 1 year
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Sketches of all my redone designs for my Phantom Thieves from my AU, Icarus! Lots of info down below on the cut, so if you want to know more about the details and inspiration, feel free to keep reading!
This includes Akechi’s design for his Princely/Robin Hood attire, BEFORE his Icarus attire you might have seen from my other posts! Check out the Icarus AU tag for more info! Icarus has a main focus on Akechi and his relationship to the thieves, but the AU is actually an entire rewrite with new designs, 3rd semester and epilogue/strikers/tactica stories, hence Zenkichi and Sophia’s inclusion.
Read below for individual info:
I decided to include more motifs towards their persona’s and general vibes; and also just my own personal touches haha.
AKIRA - Not much has changed, I really like his design overall. I raised his boots to be like Arsene’s and changed his neck area.
MORGANA - I hate the OG pill shaped head, his new design is based heavily on the shape of Palico’s from Monster Hunter. Added a little more nod to Zorro/His persona motifs and also just made him cuter! Little hamburger headed cat.
RYUJI - I made him a little bulkier and gave some more weight to his outfit overall. I gave him heavier boots and a slightly buffer build to relate back more to his sporty style.
ANN - honestly was never too big on her latex outfit, I wanted to call back to a personal favorite female lead; Christine Daae, and used one of the versions of her Don Juan costume as inspiration. I remember seeing Phantom live and in many stage versions of her character, the Don Juan scene was a pure moment of female control, and she was truly working the Phantom and controlling every movement on the stage. Her presence is commanding, and I thought it was a very fitting tribute to Ann’s character as feminine strength. (I’m absolutely not referring to the movie iteration of Daae btw.)
YUSUKE - I referred to some historical art and legend of Goemon to add more elements of design to his outfit. When I color them, I want to add some really strong pops of color to his clothing to really drive the aesthetics and artistry home.
MAKOTO - Another totally redid outfit, I opted to give her a design which relates back to Popess Joan, and also Anat. I gave her a clawed hand on her right side and an uncovered hand on her left as both a nod to Anat’s hand raised in iconography of her from art history, but also to show the duality of Anat’s title as both a goddess of war, and of love. It also relates to the mythology of Joan and her nature as both a leader and a martyr. I changed her mask to a Venetian Commedia mask as well.
FUTABA - ok. I’ll be honest. I never liked her skin-tight outfit, it just doesn’t match her personality at all. Also, the high tech Egyptian feel never really sold me. I totally understand the tomb thing, but I truthfully think a dungeon/palace which was more like… tech/nerd themed would have been much more “futaba” the inspiration for this new outfit relates back to her persona, the Necromomicon, as well as her nerdy personality, and her affiliation as Alibaba (Ali Baba.) I wanted to go more lovecraftian, long sleeves and patterning designed to look more like lovecraftian tendrils, and big baggy pants and her classic shoes to match. The patterning on her undershirt will resemble a rib cage, both as a reference to her deathly “tomb” iconography, but also to Lovecraftian and Necronomicon lore. I think she matches the description of a nerdy, techie DND dungeon master more than the initial outfit, so that’s the route I took personally.
HARU - relating back to some fashions from 17th c France, where Milady’s story (the three musketeers) takes place, I kept her design relatively similar. I just gave her a little more iconography relating to the three musketeers and that general timeframe.
AKECHI - in his pre-Icarus outfit, I’ve given him a princely sort of outfit befitting of his two faced nature, and edited it to relate to Robin Hood a little more. I tried to keep it sleek and just generally very concealing and layered.
SUMIRE - i gave her some iconography relating back to one of her personas, who is an inference to Freya. I also included some more nods to classic Cinderella, with fantasy gown elements. Overall, relatively similar.
ZENKICHI - again, relatively similar, I really like his outfit. I just opened up the face some to show more personality and spiced up the outfit generally to keep it matching. honestly, les mis/Valjean was a hard one, but I also think his character could be heavily related back to Edmond Dante (Monte Cristo.) so I gave some nods to that as well.
SOPHIA - I turned her into a FINGIE!!!! I made her whole dress as a nod to her persona/to pandora’s tiles around her/the pillars. I wanted to make her small and almost unnatural since she’s an AI, and I thought having a little guy on the team would add some more variation.
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 ao3 (Complete)
Eddie has a telephone voice, which Dustin finds absolutely hysterical. As the pizza place answers, his whole register switches into something a little smoother, over-pronouncing each word, and Dustin watches him with undisguised glee.
Eddie must read his thoughts because while their order is repeated back to him, he blushes, covers the receiver and mouths, “Oh, fuck off.”
When he hangs up, he playfully cuffs Dustin on the back of the head. “Do you mind? I was putting on the performance of a lifetime there.”
“What performance?” comes Steve’s voice, and Dustin turns to see him leaning against the counter, Tews following at his heels.
“That I’m a polite young man, of course,” Eddie says with a toothy smile.
Steve whistles, all faux impressed. “The Academy will be in touch, man.” He dodges Eddie’s attempt to trip him up, smirking—then yawns a bit into his palm. “Henderson, your cat’s like a sleeping pill or something.”
Dustin scoops up Tews, rocks him until he wriggles out of his arms. “Why can’t you be cute like that with me? You just claw at all my clothes, you little shit.”
“Dustin!” Eddie gasps, “don’t use such language around the baby.”
“Yeah, dude,” Steve snickers. “Don’t wanna offend Mr Polite Young Man’s delicate sensibilities.”
Eddie whacks him with the take-out menu.
Their back-and-forth hardly stops all throughout dinner. Eddie makes it look easy, Dustin thinks: how he delivers each quip so there’s never a lingering silence, yet still spaces them out so that Steve has more time to retort back.
And because Eddie keeps talking engagingly, Steve clears his plate without seeming to realise it; and Dustin feels himself calm at the sight of his eyes gradually brightening.
It’s not the only sight he takes note of.
Eddie is sitting close to Steve, their shoulders touching—and whenever he wants the box of pizza passed to him, or more soda, he just taps Steve’s arm in question, all while carrying on the conversation. Maybe before, Dustin wouldn’t think anything of it, but now he considers how Eddie had sat on the couch with Steve, his hand in his hair, how he’s been there for him the whole day; and a silent little lightbulb goes off in Dustin’s brain.
Because it goes both ways.
The girls Steve has dated wouldn’t do this—have never done this, at least as far as Dustin can tell, remembering flashes of dates he’d seen on the rare occasions Steve wasn’t driving him places, at the cinema or diner, or…
He gets the feeling that Steve has always been subtly holding some parts of himself back with them. He doesn’t do that with Eddie. He lets him in.  Dustin watches as Eddie tidies the counter, gently nudging Steve out of the way with his hip. It’s like finally solving a puzzle: now Dustin knows which way to look, he can’t believe how he didn’t notice it before.
Instead of saying anything, he busies himself with finding fresh blankets for Steve. As he shakes them out, it occurs to him that this is kind of what Steve must do for him every time he stays over—the difference being that he’s over often enough to have a set of pyjamas waiting for him in the guest room. Steve even ironed them once, which Dustin had teased him relentlessly for, but secretly found it… nice.
As it nears 10pm, Steve suddenly jolts from where he’s sitting on the couch, dislodging Tews from his lap again.
“Sorry, baby,” Steve says distractedly, gives Tews an apologetic pat. Dustin notices the little pinch of stress around his eyes again, and doesn’t mention the fact that Eddie’s already got him calling his cat ‘baby’, too.
“What’s up?” Eddie says. He’s lounging on the floor, has a few of Dustin’s comics spread out in front of him.
“I told Robin I was gonna pick her up, I forgot. Shit, she’ll be closing soon.”
“On it,” Eddie says, almost singsong. In one move, he leaps to his feet and retrieves the keys to his van. “Back quicker than you can say—”
“Jack Robinson,” Dustin finishes; Eddie says it a lot, probably picked it up from his uncle.
Eddie winks at him, turns to Steve and gives a dimpled little smile before leaving.
Steve looks off into the distance, still frowning.
After making sure Tews has safely moved over to his food bowl, Dustin jumps onto the couch, blankets and all.
“Oof,” Steve huffs, “you trying to crush me?” But though he acts like he’s going to shove Dustin off, he never once does.
They poke at each other, complaining about bony elbows and freezing feet. As Dustin adjusts the blankets, he shifts so that Steve’s the one on the inside of the couch. Steve has never mentioned anything, but Dustin’s suspected for a little while that he likes to sleep with his back against a surface; probably makes him feel less exposed.
Now that Eddie isn’t here, Dustin can’t stop his mind from wandering back to Steve, sitting alone in the junkyard. To the thought of him waking up in an empty house, terrified out of his mind.
“You know you can… like, stay over whenever, right?” Dustin says.
Steve has said pretty much the same to him, but Dustin knows there’s a bit of a difference: that maybe Steve finds it easier to offer than take something for himself.
He feels Steve shrug next to him.
“Uh, you sure? Don’t wanna cramp your style, little man.” His voice goes into his parody of a middle-aged suburban dad, and Dustin has a sudden clarity about what his aim is: to make Dustin scoff and roll his eyes at him, and forget about the offer.
But he doesn’t take the bait.
He leans briefly into Steve’s shoulder and says, “You know I’d be fine with it, right? Like, Mike and Nancy, they hang out all the time even if they don’t act like it, just barge into each other’s rooms. Same thing with Lucas and Erica. Like, sure, they annoy each other sometimes, but that kinda comes with the deal.”
“Oh,” Steve says softly, and Dustin glances to the side; he doesn’t know what it is that he’s said, but Steve looks deeply touched. “Thanks, Dustin. Really. Thanks.” Dustin takes a deep breath. Gathers his courage. “I get them, too.”
Dustin sighs, turns a little into Steve’s side. “Nightmares,” he mumbles.
“Oh,” Steve says again, and he wraps an arm around Dustin. “Oh, bud, I’m sorry. You… you wanna talk about it?”
Dustin pauses. Nods.
Steve squeezes his shoulders. “I know what happened with… with Eddie was awful, man, it’s my fault you went through all that shit alone—”
“No,” Dustin interrupts, because making Steve feel guilty isn’t remotely his aim. “They’re not… they’re not only about Eddie.” He closes his eyes; he’s not told this to anyone. “Sometimes they’re about you. Losing you.”
“Sometimes the bats get you, too. Or…” And it’s stupid that what he says next makes him falter—compared to the previous dreams, it’s hardly anything, no blood or gore, but…
“Or you’re—I can see you, and I-I can’t tell which one of us is in The Upside Down, but you… you can’t hear me.”
“Hey.” Steve gently prods Dustin in the cheek, holds his gaze. “I’d always hear you. You never have to doubt that, got it? I’ll always come find you.”
Dustin nods again—for a moment, doesn’t trust himself to speak. He wiggles a little closer, sniffs.
Steve pulls him into a proper hug. “I’m sorry, I just—fuck, I get so scared sometimes, Dustin. I don’t—” He swallows. “I know I don’t say it, but, God, I love you so damn much. I don’t want a-anything to happen to you.”
Dustin returns the hug. Pulls back and makes sure Steve is looking him in the eye when he says, deadpan, “Steve. I hate to break it to you, but so much has happened to me.”
Steve snorts. “You know what I—ugh, you’re the worst.”
Dustin pauses. “But if something ever did happen,” he says carefully, tries to measure his tone to show he doesn’t mean anything Upside Down-related, not anymore, “then we’d be okay, in the end, I swear. You’ve got me, I’ve got you, right?”
Steve exhales. Nods a little jerkily. “Right.”
And what the hell, Dustin figures he might as well say it now—it’s too important to just remain an unsaid, sort of mutually understood thing.
“Steve? I love you, too.”
It takes a second, and then Dustin feels Steve start to shake. This time, the tears aren’t hidden; he just… lets them be.
“Aw, goddamn it,” Steve laughs wetly, “why’d you have to go and say that?”
“You started it,” Dustin says.
“Shut up,” Steve says, lips trembling a bit as he smiles.
Dustin gives him time, just waits in the quiet until Steve’s breathing comes out steady again.
“J,” Steve says eventually.
“Jaws,” Dustin says.
“Oh, boo. Predictable, Henderson.”
“…Damn it, all I can think of is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
“That doesn’t start with V, dumbass.”
Steve lets out a long yawn, like it’s crept up on him. “I know, butthead.”
They go on like that, throwing out letters and movie titles like it’s a tennis match. Gradually, it takes longer and longer for Steve to reply, his voice growing mumbly until it trails off entirely; and Dustin feels him go slack and heavy with sleep.
He looks up at the ceiling, hears the front door softly open and close. Tews is in the hallway, greeting Eddie with a more vocal miaow, and Dustin laughs quietly as he hears Eddie croon, “Oh, baby, hello, aren’t you just the best, huh?”
When he enters the living room, Eddie spots that Steve’s fallen asleep immediately. His expression softens, and then he smiles, looks at Dustin and says, “You’re gonna get a crick in your neck if you keep laying all stiff like that.”
“Was worried I’d wake him up.”
“Nah, you won’t. Here, I’ll help.”
And Eddie very carefully manages to tilt Steve further against the back of the couch, giving Dustin just enough room to move away from the embrace so he can stretch out properly.
Eddie is about to head back to his spot on the floor, where he’s placed a sleeping bag from the van, when Steve makes a tiny, vague noise of distress.
Dustin and Eddie both freeze.
“M’gotta…” Steve sighs, face twitching. His eyes remain closed. “Car keys, where… they need… have to…”
“Shh. Hey, Steve, you’re okay.” Eddie reaches across, strokes Steve’s hair. “You’re… you’re just dreaming, sweetheart.”
“That’s it, go back to sleep. You’re at Dustin’s remember? Everyone’s safe.”
“Dustin,” Steve echoes faintly. “Safe…”
Eddie waits until Steve has settled back into a deep, hopefully dreamless sleep, then draws back his hand.
Dustin turns, watches him unzip the sleeping bag and lie down.
“Do you love him?” he asks.
Eddie stares up at him. Then: “Yeah,” he says simply.
“Good,” Dustin says.
Eddie’s mouth parts slightly. He blinks. “That’s it?” he whispers.
Dustin blinks back at him. “I mean, yeah? Should I… um, have said something else?”
Eddie exhales a laugh, smiles. “No, you’re good. That was… great.”
A moment of comfortable silence.
“Hey, Dustin.” Eddie lowers his voice further, even though Steve’s out for the count. “He, uh. He doesn’t know, okay? Not… not yet.”
“I kinda think he does, though,” Dustin says, then pulls back the blanket so he can raise one hand in acknowledgment. “But, like, I’m not gonna tell him. Swear on my mom.”
Eddie laughs again, and he somehow makes it sound thoughtful. “We’ll get there, man.”
And Dustin knows Eddie isn’t just referring to him and Steve, dancing around the beginning of something great.
Dustin thinks of Steve waking up and checking the news for car wrecks. Of the nightmares, shared between them all.
We’ll get there.
“You can come round whenever, too, obviously,” Dustin says. “Like, we could make it a thing? Saturdays or something, mom won’t mind. All three of us.”
Eddie’s expression goes soft again, his eyes overly bright. It kind of reminds Dustin of how his mom sometimes looks at him on the first day of school, or Christmas morning.
Eddie smiles. “Nothing.” He sighs, closing his eyes. “Just… wish more people were as kind as you, Dustin Henderson.”
Dustin looks down at him, pride and affection welling in his chest. He can feel Steve’s light snores ruffling his hair, and he shuts his eyes, knows that two of the people he loves most in the world are on either side of him.
We’ll be okay. We’ll get there.
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rugggie · 1 year
My school bus graveyard obsession has come back, and what better way to indulge it than writing abt it🤞
Sbg Drabbles... my favorite characters x fem! Reader
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You and Logan have been friends forever, forever being since middle school, 6th grade to be exact. So You've been though a lot of each other's cringe phases, relationships, family issues, drama.... So it was no wonder you guys were so close, what you didn't expect was to be going through this together. Every single night since the savannah field trip was like hell, Roman eating creatures trying to kill the 8 of you, running like your life depends on it, being scared to go to bed at night, not being able to tell anyone.
And now to make it even worse.. you just watched the side of your best friends stomach get scratched open.
"H-how bad is it.." Logan chocked out though sobs, while everyone just looked at it "why aren't you guys saying anything?! It's bad isn't it, it hurts I'm scared!" He said in obvious panic.
You walked over to him sitting down in front of him "no, you're good bro." You spoke calmly smiling, lying to his face.. even though on the inside you were also freaking out. You took your hand cupping his cheek, and wiped his tears away.
He was still crying, like a lot but he was definitely calming down. "Ashlyn, can you pass me the pain medicine?" You said, still trying to keep your composure.
"Mhm, here.." he said passing you one of the pills, you took it out of your hand offering it to Logan "here, take this it should make it hurt less..."
Logan didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and swallowed the pill..
"Hey, Logan remember that one time in like 8th grade..." you paused scooting into a more comfortable position "..where you got in trouble for calling Mr W an idiot,, because he marked your test wrong and wouldn't change it.. than I felt bad and called Mr W a mother fucker so we could both get lunch detention together..?" Logan nodded, looking at you smiling a bit.
"Oh! and that one time my dad took us fishing and I got a fishing hook stuck in my hand and I made you pull it out?" Logan laughed a little.
"That was horrible, I was so scared I was gonna get it more stuck" he mumbled with a shaky voice.
"Oh my god.. remember 7th grade?!" You said with wide eyes as if you were having flash backs, which you were...(dark times..) flash backs to your bad anime phase, and Logan's stranger things phase.
You laughed, giving you the look.. you both knew what you were talking about. Everyone around you two looked very confused.. aiden even started asking questions that you both could never answer.
You kept talking to him as Ben patched him up, it was definitely helping him calm down.. you grabbed his hand when ben was about to disinfect the wound. Logan death gripped your hand biting his lip. You just smiled and kept bringing up stupid stuff the two of you have done.
It was probably obvious to everyone but Logan that you liked him, Taylor asked you about it before, You tried denying it but it was obvious
You were the only person in the world that would sit and listen to his 10 hour rants about astrology, the only person in the world that stands up for him constantly, you wanted to be the only person in the world that liked him. It was painful to see him hanging out with Taylor, of course you knew Taylor wouldn't ever do something like that to you. But you couldn't help but think he would end up liking her she was smart, funny, positive, and so so pretty. You never knew when the right time to tell him was, or if he even liked you like that.. but for now its best for everyone if you just stay friends.. you wouldn't wanna go messing everything up, and you definitely don't want Logan to feel awkward around you.
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You and aiden were the definition of polar opposites, he was a thrill seeker, dare I say crazy.
You were carful, and a lot more prone to freaking out in situations like this.
"A-Ashlyn what was that... it looked like the thing we saw at the weed house..!" you said, panic and fear present in your voice. You had just left you, and your friends shared room. "A-and where is {friends name}?!" You started to cry, wanting to turn back and go get her.
"She wasn't in the room with you?" Taylor gasped, more than a little freaked out. You shook your head no, Ashlyn stayed quiet leading the two of you out of the room.
"Taylor!" You heard a relieved voice, that had to belong to Tyler yell.
"Ty!?" She said in what sounded like disbelief.
"Oh so it was you guys, why are you running? And why are you crying y/n?" Aiden teased with his usual smile on his face.
"The thing from the serrel weed house.. it was in Ashlyn and Taylor's room.." you breathed out, still terrified.
"What's going on!?" Tyler asked, hugging his sister.
"There's something in the-" Ashlyn all of a sudden stopped mid sentence turning around.. the thing was there again. Right in front of you again.
You looked at it wide eyed, still trying to put some sort of reason, or logic behind this all, tuning out everyone. You were pulled out of your thoughts by Aiden grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room. You all got out safely, making sure to slam the door shut.
"W-what was that thing.." Logan stuttered out, shaking with fear..
"According to Tyler, that would be the "prank" from earlier today." Aiden said, in a very condescending tone. "You know what I find kinda weird,, no one's even come out of their rooms even after all the screaming and banging." The door knob wiggled, thankfully Ben grabbed it before the thing could get out
"That could've been bad!" Aiden smiled, and laughed
"Could've?!?" Tyler spoke angrily, looking at Aiden like he was crazy. You still haven't said anything, you just kept staring at the door still gripping Aidens hand. completely disconnecting from everybody.
"STOP TAKING THIS AS A JOKE, ITS BEEN BAD! THE SKY IS RED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Tyler angrily yelled Trying to knock some sense into aiden, they kept bickering only to have it interrupted by Taylor's quiet voice
"G-guys.." she paused almost in fear "look down.." everybody but you looked down, you did not want any part of this anymore. "Out of sight out of mind" you kept repeating in your head
"How far away is your room?" Ashlyn asked Aiden
"5, or 6 doors down.." he said almost nervously, well you could tell he was nervous. The grip he had on your hand tightened.
"Y/n, Aiden give me the strings off your shorts.."
"Kayyy,,,, why?" He asked pulling his string out of his pants..
You quickly pulled it out handing it to her.
"Y/n.. are you okay, your face is really pale.." Ashlyn said with concern examining your face..
"Y-yeah I'm totally finnee" you weakly whispered out, still on the verge of pissing your pants. She told you guys her plan on using it to trap the devil spawn. She told everybody to go, you were still paralyzed with fear, and the person who was dragging you alone let go of your hand tying the rope to a pole.
Ben let go of the door so the others started booking it, Aiden yet again grabbed you and yanked you along with them. You were struggling to keep up with everyone, maybe due to the fact you're fairly unathletic. You were already panting and gasping for air by the time the thing was right behind you. Turing your head fast enough to get whiplash you saw it reach out for you, Aiden tugged you forward causing it to only rip the back of your shirt. Ashlyn crashed the cleaning cart into it, slamming it against the wall.Ben gave you a look of concern, like he was asking if you were okay. You nodded your head sorta understanding what he meant.
"Y'know.." Aiden said letting go of your hand and grabbing a bottle of bleach "this could be pretty fun!" He laughed looking like an absolute crazy man, he sprayed the bleach in the creatures eyes.. the side of its face started to melt and its mouth unhinged, as if it was supposed to be screaming but none of you could hear anything.. well except Ashlyn, by the why she was plugging her ears.
"Why isn't it screaming..? Is it mute lol" Aiden said tilting his head.
"Ew, why does it look like that.." you whispered finally getting a good look at its terrifying ugly face.
"Y/n, Aiden c'mon! We gotta go!" Ashlyn yelled at the two of you.
"Nah c'mon I think we can take 'em! There's enough bottles-" Aiden went back to making his crazy face, you grabbed him this time pulling him back and running to the room with Logan, Tyler and Taylor.
You shut and locked the door, finally relaxing and falling backwards onto the floor trying to catch your breath. "GAH!" You yelled and jumped back as the monsters started banging on the door.
"Maybe we should put the couch in front of the door.." Ashlyn said. You guys moved the chair, you sat on the floor next to Aiden calmed down a little.
"Hey, Aiden.. thank you for saving me like 6 time out there.." you sheepishly whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Nah, it was nothing! But it was super funny to see you so scared!" He laughed hardly elbowing your side.
"Nuh-uh! So not funny it was scary!" You protested elbowing him back
"Okay, scared cat.. you couldn't even move" he said laughing 10x harder than he was before.
You giggled with him a little bit, sorta embarrassed about how much of a baby you were being in front of him. And even more of the fact that you guys were holding hands.
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eris-snow · 11 months
1. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐞?
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst, fluff, confusion
Remembering what life used to be like is akin to playing with fire. It's nostalgic, but if you're not careful, it burns.
“Have you heard about the ghost in the hall?”
Katsuki’s eyebrows furrows as his head snaps to Denki in confusion. “What?” He spits.
“You know, that rumour going around!” Denki says excitedly. “The school hall? The piano? It says that it’s haunted by a ghost!”
“Kaminari, you know that rumour is a load of hogwash,” sighs Kirishima as he plops himself beside his friend. “Someone probably made it up.”
“You guys don’t appreciate a good horror story!” Denki huffs.
“I don’t appreciate fuckery,” Katsuki states bluntly. “Now scram before I **make a horror story out of you.”
The classroom is quiet when people go out for recess. It’s not silent, but a void of chatter and life that it usually holds. The class monitor glances around the classroom, nods, and turns the lights off.
It’s funny that he misses one person who sits there, staring out of the window while sitting in her seat.
“What do you need all this shit for?” Katsuki grunts, putting down the boxes filled with god-knows-what. All Might gives him a small smile.
U.A.’s hall is futuristic and sleek. Due to the numerous windows, the room soaks up all the natural light from outside. Even with the lights off, He can see everything easily at a glance. Everything is minimalistic and aesthetic: puritan wood planks, round, white pillars and a roof so high he’s curious about how cleaners get up there. He’s surprised dust isn't falling down like snow.
“It’s trophies for the General Studies, Business and Support courses. Speech Day is coming soon, Young Bakugou,” All Might pats the box he hauled here, taped and sealed so no one can see the sparkly awards inside of it, “so Nezu required these trophies to be transferred here for the event. Thank you for helping me—”
“Yeah, yeah, it ain’t anything,” He huffs dismissively. “Go now, Izuku’s probably waiting at Gym Beta like the lost sheep he is.”
All Might nods, completely unfazed at his student’s blunt, unfiltered language. “Are you sure you can handle—”
“I faced the epitome of death,” Katsuki says flatly. “I think I can handle a couple of boxes.”
“Thank you once again, Young Bakugou!”
With a wave, he makes his way out of the dimly lit hall.
Bakugou exhales out a tired breath, refocusing on his task. After the war with Shigaraki, the heroes had busied themselves with the reconstruction of buildings and rebranding of heroes as a whole. Most of the time he spent while interning was boring as fuck—walk around blocks, help an old man walk down a flight of stairs or save a fucking cat from a short-ass tree, etc, etc.
A part of him was glad to be given a break given the situation, especially when he was first out of the hospital. His doctor was as stiff as a light pole, and even with Katsuki’s threats to stuff explosions down the guy’s throat, he refused to budge an inch about his no vigorous activity policy and dumb pills 3 times a day.
But come on. It’s been 15 bloody months after All For One decided to roll over with a bolder named Gigantomachia. 10, if you’re counting from Deku’s ‘All Might” moment of standing victorious on the battlefield with his fist in the air after Shigaraki laid unconscious at his feet. The occasional jewellery store robbery can only get so interesting.
He stacks the last of the boxes on the table in centre stage, dusts his hands and stares out at the chairs that line the halls. The Hero Course’s speech day takes place the day after the other courses, and as the U.A.’s Sports festival champion, he has to attend by default.
He never liked Speech Day, with its unnecessarily long talks, but he does enjoy the feeling of recognition for his hard work. The lights shining on him, the deafening applause and the muted silence of those who hate him—the awards he earns are indisputably his, and no one could take the spotlight away from him.
The creaking of the maple flooring makes his head snap to the direction of the noise. Behind the velvet curtains, someone hovers near the grand piano. The figure looks tiny when standing next to the instrument, and Katsuki has to squint to make out the shadow behind the lush red drapes.
“Oi! What’re you doing here, extra? Playing hide-and-seek?”
The silhouette's movements stutter, which makes Katsuki roll his eyes as he takes long strides backstage and rips the curtain away.
“Would it kill you to speak—?”
The decibel level in his voice flips to zero like the arrow in a speedometer. His eyes catch yours for the first time, for some reason, his heart stammers at the sight of you.
“Oh, what the hell—” He starts, before you stare at him dumbly with wide eyes brimming with unbridled shock. You open your mouth, chew your bottom lip and rasp out 5 words.
“How can you see me?”
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deadbydangit · 6 months
Could you do more bringing home an animal with Artist, Claudette and the shape?
I think I can do that. Sorry it took so long. Please enjoy.
With a reader who brings home an animal: Artist, Claudette, Shape
Carmina isn't much of an animal person.
It isn't to say she doesn't like animals.
They just, aren't her thing.
So the care is going to be left up to you.
She would have been fine with just about any animal you brought home.
Except a cat.
When she was alive, a cat wouldn't have been a big deal.
But now that she's no longer human, and also kind of part crow, it's more of a problem.
You know, cats chase birds and all.
The crow part of her wants nothing to do with the cat.
If anything, she purposely avoids it.
Anytime that goes near her she moves far away.
It's almost as if she's doing it on instinct.
However, when the cat isn't doing anything, she's perfectly fine with it.
If anything, it makes a great painting subject.
Cats are naturally fairly lazy, so they're great to paint.
She doesn't have many muses in the realm, so this is a nice change of pace from just painting rocks and trees.
She loves painting you, don't get her wrong.
But a good artist paints many different things.
Occasionally, you can find the two hanging out together when she needs a lazy moment.
The two will just sit there in silence, enjoying the peace.
It isn't much, but when it does happen it's very cute and peaceful.
Claudette Moral
Claudette isn't much of a pet person.
It isn't as if she doesn't like animals, she likes them plenty.
She just never had any desire to own a pet.
Also, what if it's something that eats her plants?
She couldn't have an animal that would eat her plants!
If anything, her plants were her pets.
And she wouldn't want to put them in danger.
So when you brought home a tarantula she was apprehensive.
Until she realized that the tarantula could help her plants as well.
The tarantula could eat the bugs, and her plants would be happy.
It's a win-win.
And, to be honest, she prefers bugs to fluffy creatures anyways.
She always had.
Playing with your eight legged companion reminds her of her childhood when she used to play with pill bugs.
Those were the good parts of her childhood, the part she wants to remember.
She talks to it often too.
"Okay, I need you to guard this plant right here. I think there have been some aphids and I need you to take care of them, okay?"
Like she's giving it instructions.
It's even brought Claudette out of her shell a little bit.
It's giving her the confidence to go out and talk to more people.
However, she holds the tarantula in her hands when she tries to talk to new people.
And, unfortunately, it can be kind of a turn-off for some.
She nearly caused white to faint when she showed her tarantula to him.
But, a more confident and happy Claudette is one of the sweetest things you will ever see.
Michael never had a pet.
He spent most of his childhood up to his adult life in the asylum.
Occasionally, people would bring around therapy dogs. But that was it.
And he was rarely allowed near them considering his violent nature.
The only other interaction he's had with animals is police dogs. And those typically aren't too friendly to him.
There can only be one other reason you brought an animal home. Food.
He thinks it's going to be dinner.
You're going to need to watch this dog like a hawk.
Because if you turn your back, Michael might have it on a chopping board ready to cut it up.
You're really going to have to sit down and explain to him that no, you will not be eating this dog.
It's going to be like showing a toddler how to pet a dog properly.
You're going to need a lot of time and patience.
And, to be honest, Michael exudes a terrifying aura. This dog will more than likely not like him at first.
But, with time, the two will learn to tolerate each other.
Maybe, if you're lucky, they'll become decent friends.
However, it's good for Michael to learn some responsibility.
Learning to take care of something might make him a better person.
Probably not.
But you can try.
You might find him one day passed out on the couch, the dog asleep on his stomach.
Take a picture, because it won't happen often.
It's the little moments like this that make Michael seem more human.
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eighthday · 8 months
Review first season "Vigil"
Ep 3. An episode about loneliness and loss.
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Although the series is shown from Amy's point of view, but in this episode, each character experiences his own trauma and deals with it in their own way. (An episode about each of us.) The pressure on Amy is starting to build up. The first attempt to find the killer came to a dead end. Amy's time on the submarine has been extended from 3 days to 3 weeks, and her pills have run out. And she let Poppy down again by promising what she couldn't deliver. After all, it was then that she realized that she would not have the opportunity to wish Poppy a happy birthday. Who rewarded her with such boundless responsibility and a sense of guilt not even for her mistakes? These downward steps, which she has taken more than once in the past, will reach a deep end and a state of revelation on her part at the end of the episode.
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And then the present comes and passes familygram ❤️from Kirsten. A pleasant little thing again)
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This familygram is more personal than all the others. Was Amy a little happy that the radio operator who delivered the telegram only confirmed that Amy knew about Kirsten's attitude towards her, but was afraid to admit? It is likely that Amy does not specifically reminisce about Kirsten, not understanding and doubting where they are in the present. Is this her approach in a relationship, or does she not want to hurt herself even more?
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This is also one of the few times when Amy smiles sincerely. Kirsten hides behind a wish from a cat to emphasize, but not to attract the attention of other people, highlighting only three words for herself. "So do I". It's about work, but for me it's also a part of Kirsten.
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Looking at this scene, I have several questions: Who are all these people except Amy and Poppy? Why are Ian's parents not at the funeral? Is Poppy being picked up by a close family friend or a social worker?(They can't be Ian's relatives, because if they were, Poppy would have stayed with them) Is there no one on Amy's side who could support her? Are they even alive or is she alone?
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It's great to know that, after several previous attempts, these two have started to build a good relationship in Amy's absence)
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In addition, we see a lot of photographs in many scenes that decorate Amy's home. Who enjoys taking pictures, storing them on their phone, and then printing them out? Amy has many skills besides saving her own phone password from Poppy.
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"It's unfair." Say this phrase to a detective who must uncover the truth and restore justice, who works so hard that he becomes a DCI, who has tools and assistants at his disposal, who solves cases after case, but who due to chance loses his future. We don't know why Amy left medical school after the second year, which is very difficult to enter, but maybe she was searching for justice? Amy saves and gives a chance not only to Harry, but also to herself. If you put a mirror in front of Amy, the main core of the scene wouldn't change. She admits something to herself that she couldn't even tell the therapist or Kirsten.
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Since Kirsten sent such a familygram, there was more than just one moment associated with this book. Most likely, there were also many other books, because Amy couldn't immediately understand the message. Amy is probably used to seeing Kirsten awake in the early morning and therefore does not ask her anything, but simply raises Kirsten's hand in a familiar, confident gesture to hug her and be closer.
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P.S. It couldn't have been another animal, could it?)
Who remembers the story of Jonah? The prophet who was swallowed by a whale for three days so that he would become what he was destined to become.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Restless Masterlist
A Chocolate Bar Could Never Compare to Your Eyes- doddleoddlc
Summary: After a long day of restless studying, Phil is hungry and tries to get a candy bar from a vending machine. However, the vending machine won’t give it up and he gets his arm stuck in it. Dan shows up and tries to help.
Cat Stickers (ao3) - goldfishsunglasses
Summary: Dan gets restless in the night, and Phil tries to soothe him with cat stickers.
courage (teach me to be shy) (ao3) - aesthetichomo
Summary: The thing is, Dan has never been calm.
He can't remember a point in his life when he wasn't on the brink of panicking. His years have been spent in a whirlwind of pill cocktails crafted by exhausted doctors and a fed-up family, and not once has he had a moment of true, unwavering serenity.
He meets Phil, and that still doesn't change.
But it makes it a hell of a lot easier to live with.
(or, sad boys fall in love in a library.)
He Keeps On Dropping Hints (so i won’t be the only one that’s going down for this) (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Dan has discovered that solo tour life can be lonely in more ways than one. One particularly restless night, he aims to satiate himself - though Phil seems determined to make it as difficult as possible.
I Want it All with You (ao3) - phanielspiano
Summary: Phil is restless the night before he and Dan go to Ireland. Phil watches Dan sleep and has some thoughts about their past, present, and future.
Late Night Baths (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: phil knows dan loves him when he sacrifices his sleep time and time again to help with phil’s pain
Piano man (ao3) - krissyxlove
Summary: When Phil is feeling restless, Dan plays the piano for him.
Restless (ao3) - overwhelmedbysonder
Summary: the one where Phil struggles with depression, PTSD and being mute, and Dan just wants to hug him.
Restless (ao3) - euphoriaseoks
Summary: “Why?” he simply asks, and Dan knows what he means. Why did you leave me? Why did you suddenly disappear from my life? Why wasn’t I good enough? He can’t answer that if he’s being honest.
Four years after everything went to hell, Dan and Phil meet again (Based on “When We Were Young” by Adele)
The Edge (ao3) - Japhan2024
Summary: Dan is restless about his future… but then he decides.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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Benjamin Linus Trivia Headcanons
should i start writing for this fandom? would i get an audience from like, the 10 active lost blogs on tumblr.com? i can do reader-inserts and general stuff. have some random ben headcanons that live rent-free in my brain
warnings: some angst, mentions of child abuse (all my homies hate roger linus)
Ben learned to cook when he was still a kid. Roger didn't have a lot of interest in cooking anything and was probably fine living off microwaveable DHARMA meals and dry cereal. Ben often stayed over at Annie's house for dinner and learned early on how to manipulate conversations so they'd end with the adults giving him food or letting him stay for lunch or dinner because aside from that he didn't really get a lot of warm meals. Sandwiches were one of the first things he learned to make but it quickly evolved into complicated meals. He only ever cooked when his father was at work so Roger wouldn't demand to have some of the food as well and reprimand him if it wasn't to his liking. Ben eventually taught Alex how to cook.
Ben had the typical abused kid habit of hoarding stuff under his bed and wherever he could best hide his possessions in his room because he feared his father wouldn't approve of them or destroy them when he was drunk and enraged by a minor inconvenience.
This became a habit that continued way into adulthood. A lot of his drawers have secret compartment where he keeps items that aren't necessarily secret or vital to his plans but just a little more valuable to him than everything else he owns.
Ben became so used to lying as his default that after he becomes Hurley's #2 he has to actively correct himself. Hurley would ask him a question and Ben's immediate response is to lie before he goes "oh wait hold on-" and then says the truth.
After Alex dies, everytime he's in mortal danger he's struggling with the thought that now no one's going to remember the real him or hardly anything about him that wasn't based on a lie if he died
His favorite songs are "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel and "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra.
Has gone to Jacob's cabin at least once to rant about how much he thinks Goodwin sucks
One of those people who brush their teeth before breakfast
The thought that Jacob might not actually exist is definitely something that has occurred in Ben's mind and he tried to push that idea away everytime it creeped up on him.
Worst hay fever known to man. Is fine on the island but everytime he leaves it in spring or summer he has to pop 2 allergy pills a day to function normally
Has these cute little cat sneezes. People have definitely tried not to laugh about it in his presence.
He has never been held as a kid and it's very noticeable
Ben has been in many situations where his life was in danger but two of them include choking on cereal and attempting to teach himself how to drive after Roger refused to do it
Has never been drunk. Only over his dead body would he put himself into a situation where he's at risk of spilling all his secrets in an intoxicated state.
The music that plays in the bear cage when you earn a fish biscuit doesn't actually come from the DHARMA Initiative; it isn't in the Hydra Orientation video even though there's sound when they activate that mechanism. Ben added that music in retrospect for his own personal amusement. Definitely sat in the surveillance room snickering to himself whenever Sawyer got a fish biscuit.
He tried to draw an identikit of Jacob solely based on Richard's descriptions on more than one occasion.
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mallowmaenad · 5 months
FELIDAE -- We need to redesign our fursona.
YOU -- What's wrong with it?
INSTINCT [Medium: Success] -- It is from an older time, a time of weakness. We must show strength.
YOU -- Hmmm... yeah. Where should we start?
REPLICANT -- What better than a blank page?
YOU -- You open your sketchbook.
YOU -- Obviously we're still going for a cat.
FELIDAE -- Obviously.
SECRETARY [Easy: Success] -- You have gone on record saying that "Big the Cat is one of the only men I'd ever fuck," as well as "My transition goals are Big the Cat but with huge tits," Maybe channel that spirit into this design.
SUGGESTIVE TORIEL INTROJECT -- I know you always had a thing for big, soft, furry animals.
YOU -- I don't want to be too big, dealing body dysphoria 'n all.
ITALIAN UNCLE -- Hey, just throw some like, Neco-Arc or Chowder shit in there. Or like... That furry guy from Final Fantasy 7.
SECRETARY [Medium: Success] Cait Sith.
YOU -- Can I get some childhood memories while we're remembering things?
REPLICANT [Formidable: Failure] -- Your mom's favorite color was orange!
YOU -- Thanks. Anyway, let's make it a bit short, a bit mischievous, goblinesque.
SECRETARY -- You can't just make new words by appending "-esque" to the end of existing nouns.
YOU -- You add stripes on its tail and knowing eyes. You imagine it's gaze glowing a faint yellow.
MURDER MOMMY [Medium: Success] -- This thing looks really weak. How will anyone take it seriously? How will it eat and fuck without some kind of KNIFE-ORGANS?!
FELIDAE [Medium: Failure] -- When the human drops a salivating lump of wet food into the food dish, of course.
ARCHMAGE [Easy: Success] -- Yeah, we need more power. Dark and evil power.
JESTER -- Not too intimidating though, it needs to have a silly side to it!
YOU [Challenging: Failure] -- You express your inner derangement, the approachableness but underlying danger. You give the feline creature a crooked smile, wild, unkempt fur and hands that curl into sharp claws.
DEVIL [Medium: Success] -- This looks like if viziepop drew zangoose.
JESTER [Easy: Sucess] -- it looks like if Viziepop drew an obese Zangoose, at least obese by her standards.
DELIRIUM [Formidable: Failure] -- I'm sure if we keep greasing the elbows this critter will look glamoured up in say... twenty or so more attempts! Otherwise everyone will hate it and I'll be vewy vewy sad...
FAUST FROM CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FIGHTING GAME GUILTY GEAR [Legendary: Success] -- Please take your pills... Also... You forgot to eat lunch...
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theoceanoasis · 4 months
Ohhh where's Optimus taking cat!Hot Rod and cat!Soundwave? Can we get a part two to that please?
On the way to the airport Soundwave was yowling and biting at the cage. When he looked over he could see the rage in his eyes.
"You didn't have to go, you chose this."
Of course he didn't listen. Continuing to try and free himself. With a sigh he parked the car and opened his bag.
Inside were sleeping pills for pets. He didn't want to give them to either cat. However Soundwave was determined to get out and would probably try to crash the plane in retaliation.
Of course he knew the cat wasn't going to eat the pill at least not without force. Glancing at the time. He was relieved he decided to come here early because this was going to take awhile.
It took a long time. The moment he opened the cage Soundwave launched himself at him. Hot Rod tried to stop him as he grabbed the cat by the back of his neck. The two then struggled with him trying to push the pill into his mouth and Soundwave fighting back.
By the time he was done he'd been scratched and bitten all over. Both of his hands were bleeding and he was exhausted.
After he gave Soundwave his pill. He scooped Hot Rod up before he could fight back and shoved it down his throat.
He felt a little bad being rough with his own cat. However he was the one who decided to mate with Unicrons incarnate.
When he glanced at the time he cursed. Despite being early he was now behind schedule because it had taken so long.
He rushed inside the airport and luckily managed to make it just in time.
When the plane landed he grabbed Hot Rod and Soundwave, who were just starting to wake up. Soundwave was sleepily glaring at him and he laughed. Even on drugs he still looked angry.
He rented a car and got insurance because of Soundwave. He wouldn't be surprised if he intentionally ruined the car in retaliation.
He looked around the neighborhood trying to find the right house. Feeling excited for Hot Rod knowing he was going to like the surprise.
When he found the right house he parked and looked at the two cats who were now awake. Hot Rod was looking around in excitement and Soundwave was still trying to free himself.
Grabbing the cats he stepped outside and knocked on the door.
"Yes and you must be Brainstorm?"
The man nodded letting them inside.
"My cat should be around here somewhere."
He opened the crate and Soundwave slowly walked out with Hot Rod behind him.
"I thought you only has one cat."
"That Unicron spawn of a cat right there is not mine. My cat just has horrible taste."
Brainstorm laughed and he watched Hot Rod look around sniffing the air, curious about where he was.
There was a meow nearby and Brainstorm reached down picking up his own cat and putting him near Hot Rod.
The two cats tensed their fur puffing up slightly as they stared at each other. Soundwave looked about ready to intervene in case the other cat attacked. Hot Rod slowly walked forward as the two smelled each other.
He nervously watched worried Hot Rod would be rejected. When the other cats tail stuck up and then he began enthusiastically licking Hot Rod and meowing.
"Looks like Perceptor remembers his kitten."
Hot Rod pressed against his carrier in excitement. The two of them speaking in a language they couldn't understand. Although they could tell they were both happy to be reunited.
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