Soilder, Poet, King with the 7, Reyna and Nico.
There will come a soilder
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down
Percy, Frank, Hazel
There will come a poet
Who's weapon is his word
He will slay you with his tongue
Leo, Annabeth, Piper
There will come a ruler
Who's brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy.
Jason, Nico, Reyna
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Wishlist for interactions:
Steve and Clark Kent (as new friends)
Steve Rogers and Bruce Wayne (undecided)
Steve and Sarah Rogers (as son and mother)
Steve and Howard Stark (as friends)
Steve and Natasha (as friends or in a romantic relationship)
Steve and Black Panther (as friends and teammates)
Steve and Homelander (as foes)
Steve and Soilder Boy (as foes)
Steve and Starlight (as friends)
Steve and Wolverine (undecided)
Steve and Sam Wilson (as friends)
Steve and Bucky Barnes (as friends)
Steve and David Nolan from OUAT (as friends)
Steve and The Evil Queen (undecided)
Steve and Emma Swan (as friends)
.....Anyone from OUAT
comment if your interested in any of these interactions
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dnfinite123 · 9 months
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Snyderverse Hawkeye, with Jensen Ackles Clint Barton. So with this one I wanted to basically make the equivalent of Suicide Squad like how the Avengers is to Justice League. So what better than the Thunderbolts, also I plan on making two versions of the team, one would be the David Ayer Suicide Squad equivalent, while the other would be James Gunns The Suicide Squad equivalent. So with this one I imagine that Hawkeye in Rick Flags type role, is recruited by Thunderbolt Ross (in an Amanda Waller role) working for the Government, to lead a team of villains to do good. Basically this team would take influence from when Hawkeye lead em in the comics. I also believe that they dive into Snyderverse Hawkeyes backstory, how he use to be a former villain like in the comics, and how his upbringing such as abusive father, or life in the circus, and how effected him, leading to his reform as an agent of shield. How Hawkeye having a past of being against the law, tries to help out these criminals reform, giving them another chance. 
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the equivalent of Suicide Squad in the DCEU. I've already done an edit of Snyderverse Hawkeye in a Rick Flags type role, so with Techno I imagine him in Deadshot role, and like many in this universe I imagine Techno is an already established character in said universe, formally going by the name of the fixer. Where he would be recruited by Thunderbolt Ross to join new team, the Thunderbolts lead by Hawkeye. Snyderverse Techno, with Pedro Pascal as Paul Norbert Ebersol.
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So for the team I imagine that the Killer Croc equivalent would be Abomination, who prior would have had his beef with Hulk, and was now under Shield custody. Formally a KGB Agent who underwent heavy treatment in an experiment to replicate the Super Soilder serum, based on Banners own stolen research, which lead to him gaining power but mutating in the process. Where they would use him as a super weapon to rival not just Captian America, but the Hulk in power, after some run ins with the Hulk Shield captured him, and later on Thunderbolt Ross would get him out under his own means, and recruit him to join a new team, the Thunderbolts. So Snyderverse Abomination, with Gerard Butler as Emil Blonsky.
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So with Mach One I imagine like how with Captian Boomerang in Suicide Squad gave us a cameo from the Flash. I imagine the same for Abner Jenkins, where back in his days as the beetle, he's taken down by Spidey, and thrown in jail. Where later on he's given the opportunity by Thunderbolt Ross to join team, where he not only well be taken out of prison, but also be able to upgrade his gear and put to good use by reinventing himself into Mach One, so Snyderverse Mach-One, with Collin Farrell as Abner Jenkins.
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so with Melissa Gold like the rest has already been established as a criminal prior to the events that unfolds. She went by the name Screaming Mimi, until she was caught after loosing her former partner/lover Angar the Screamer in a hiest. After being detained once she burned out her power, she was taken in by shield were years later she'd be released and given the chance by Thunderbolt Ross to join team, as it could be her second chance. Where they help her regain her power with a new code name. So Snyderverse Songbird, with Cara Delevingne as Melissa Gold.
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So Atlas, like comics was a former Marine/Mercenary, that underwent special treatment that granted him his powers, in an attempt to replicate pym particles. At first he went by the name Power Man and was getting jobs as hired muscel for criminals and other villains. Until he was brought in by Shield and given the chance by Thunderbolt Ross to join team. Giving him the code name of Atlas along with new suit/gear. So Snyderverse Atlas, with Nathen Fillion as Erik Josten.
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So with Metorite, Like the comics, was a Phychologyst, and an aide to Dr. Faustus, until she stole the power of the moonstone from the former Moonstone, Loyde Bloch. Taking his power, name as her Like gwn, and starting her own career as a supervillain. Though in time after being locked up in the vualt, strings would be pulled to free her by Thunderbolt Ross orders to have her join the team. Going by new name and gear of provided to her. So Snyderverse Metorite, with Charlize Theron as Karla Soften. 
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so Snyderverse Black Widow. I imagine like with the comics she use to be a Russian spy until she met Hawkeye on a mission, where they became close. And after some run in's with Ironman, they were later captured/separated until they were both given second chance and became agents of shield. No with Thunderbolt Ross assembling his team and recruiting Hawkeye to lead the team, Clint request to have Natasha as his backup on the team. So if Hawkeye is the equivalent of Rick Flags, I imagine Black Widow would be the equivalent of Katana. So Snyderverse Black Widow, with Heather Doerksen as Natasha Romanoff. 
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so Snyderverse Batroc the Leaper, same as his comic counterpart, as a mercenary. Was a criminal and then captured, later on being brought in as a recrite for Thunderbolts. I imagine he would be the equivalent of Slipknot and that he'd be the one to die, being used as an example of what coukd happene to the team if they fail the mission. So Snyderverse Batroc the Leaper, with Adrien Brody as Georges Bartroc.
A.U not done by me big shoutout to a deveantart username 2006slick
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spoiledspine · 1 year
Soilder F is David Cleary
Soilder F is David Cleary
Soilder F is David Cleary
Soilder F is David Cleary
Soilder F is David Cleary
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Daily reminder that Soilder F is David Cleary who is responsible for 10 deaths of unarmed protesters in Ireland
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cantfixyou · 1 year
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The King
"There will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn, smeared with oil like David's boy." Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
tagged by : @slayedeath​ ! tagging : you !
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aboyandhisstarship · 5 years
Tinder AU: Christmas Party
East Africa:
The helicopter flew through the air as David catnapped; it was about one in the morning and they were about 40 minutes out from their target.
Erin said shaking him gently “Wake up Nomad.”
David blinked a couple of times glancing around “I will never understand why The Navy still use these old choppers.” As the aircraft swayed,
Erin sighed “I will never understand how you can sleep on these things.”
David shrugged “practice.”
Erin nodded tucking her knees into herself as David took a sip of water “Frist Job?”
Erin sighed “I joined the Foreign Service, but did not expect to be flying into an unstable region with a man whose name I don’t even know to negotiate a peace deal.”
David chuckled “first one is the hardest.”
David glanced at his watch “what day is it?”
Erin blinked “uhhh December 23rd?”
Dave sighed before taking another sip of water, Erin asked “got someplace to be?” interest in her voice
David smiled “no idea what you mean Ma’am.”
 South Carolina:
Gwen growled as she paced saying “what do you mean he was sent out!”
Jasper raised his hand’s “he drew the short straw…should be a cake walk.”
Gwen narrowed her eyes “the party is tomorrow! And he promised he would be here!”
Jasper smiled “it is a simple overwatch gig…he will be back before you know it.”
Gwen bit her lip hiding her worry before adding “fine.”
 East Africa:
The chopper landed as David lowered his night vison googles saying coolly “alright a team of locals are already on sight. I will be set up in a post about 500 meters away, you say my call sign and I come in hot to pull you out alright? They wanted you to come alone so be careful alright.”
Erin nodded “thanks Nomad.” Speaking shaking
David touched her shoulder gently “Christmas Party…”
Erin frowned “what?”
David shook his head “where I need to be, my girlfriend, faculty party…I promised I would be there…I miss a lot of stuff so…”
Erin nodded “I will be quick.”
David sighed “be safe…she will be mad if I miss the party, she will be furious if I die.” He joked
David disappeared into the woods saying “Dog Patch we have passed salmon” as Erin started down the path.
South Carolina:
Gwen sighed as she paced and Lilly glared at her “Gwen.”
Gwen snapped “WHAT!...sorry.” she finished quickly with an apologetic tone.
Lilly pointed out patiently “Jasper said it will be an easy mission and he will back soon.”
Gwen nodded “I know…I just worry…”
Lilly held her hand gently “nothing wrong with that, even if he is late I don’t anyone will hold it against him.”
Gwen smiled “your right Lilly.”
 On target:
David lifted up his night vision googles looking through his scope saying “Alright Erin I’m in position…just breathe deeply you got this”
4 hours later:
David breathed calmly as he watched the meeting, the sun was rising and there had been some close calls, but Erin was the woman for the job and had managed to almost broker a peace. The parties signed a small piece of paper before Erin shook there hands saying “I was happy you all could come to an agreement.”
Erin turned to leave as David reported over the radio “Dog patch we have passed Oyster…moving to RV.”
Miller said “Roger Nomad good job.”
David disappeared into the woods.
Erin and David boarded as David radioed “Dog patch we are RTB.”
Before he sat down as Erin burst out laughing “I did it!”
David smiled “told you first one was the hardest.” Glancing at his watch.
South Carolina:
Gwen had her dress laid out on her bed looking at her phone muttering “nothing from David…3:15…two hours to go.”
Erin smiled “the pilot is burning rubber…metaphorically.”
David chuckled as he shook his head “I’ll be late…but still there…guess I will take it.”
Erin smiled “Listen…Nomad.”
David shook his head “no worry about you being captured anymore…David.”
Erin nodded “of course you’re a David.”
David frowned “what are you saying?”
Erin chuckled “Well David, Thank you for everything.”  Before moving into another part of the plane,
South Carolina:
Gwen Arrived at the Christmas noticeably lacking David, Andrew Pikeman said “Oh Gwendolyn where is the American Sniper?”
Some people looked on in interest as Gwen rolled her eyes “He had to work.”
Andrew smiled “his loss.”
Gwen scoffed as she headed to the drinks table muttering “no David…I am getting Hammered.”
Fort Bragg, Airfield:
David got off the plane and Jasper was waiting for him a suit in the car, Jasper said “change in the car Davie you’re already late.”
David said “right.”  Climbing into the back as Jasper took off
 Faculty Christmas Party:
Gwen sat alone drinking sadly, a couple people tried to talk to her but she spent of her time waving them off.
The door opened and a very tired redhead entered his tie slightly askew, he looked around awkwardly as people started to take note of him.
 Gwen looked up her eyes brighting “David.” Running up to him
David smiled “sorry I’m late.”
Gwen kissed his cheek gently saying “nothing to worry  about.”
Gwen then dragged David around to meet people.
30 minutes later:
David smiled as he looked at Gwen holding out his arm as a waltz started “shall we sunflower?”
Gwen sighed “really solider Boy?” she teased
David smiled “I will try not to step on your toes.”
Gwen took his hand as they stepped onto the floor dancing tightly the stress of the last few days melting away.
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movie-magic · 2 years
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The Thunderbolts Are Here!
JLD as Val!
David Harbour back as Red Guardian!
Ghost is here!
Wyatt Russell back as Walker
Taskmaster is back.
Florence Pugh as Yelena
And Sebastian Stan back as Bucky Barnes!!
Filming begins early next year!
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cosmicsparkle · 4 years
An Introduction
Hi there, my name is Grace. I created this blog because I have had this itch I wanted to scratch all summer, I just needed to write something. I finally decided to get back into fan fiction. I never really posted anything before but I wrote a lot of stuff for myself. Unfortunately it was all lost when I moved (don’t put all your eggs in one basket folks) so I am starting from scratch.
Anyway I have a ton of characters I will write for and as a bisexual I am pretty comfortable writing for LGBTQ+, my main restriction is that I am currently not too comfortable writing smut. 
An abbreviated list of shows and movies I will write for is here, please don’t hesitate to make requests or ask about anything else. I am sure I forgot some.
Criminal Minds
Harry Potter 
Grey’s Anatomy (I am only in like season 3 though)
Supernatural (season 11) 
Doctor Who (haven’t seen it in forever but was my first love)
Only seen a little Game of Thrones but I am a huge fan
The Flash
Percy Jackson 
And please please please don’t hesitate to ask me about other things because again, I’m very forgetful and watch a lot more than I can remember. 
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Lams, “i’d take our relationship back in a heartbeat," but John is dead and Alexander is talking to him. They can both be talking or just him, whatever, artistic freedom. :)
Sorry this is so late!!! I've been focusing my attention on Yrs Forever!! (As it is almost done) But your wish is my command! Modern au but with their historical apperances! I was gonna post this ficlet request on August 27 (cause...you know...) but like I also don't have the paitence to wait that long. So yeah. That's a thing-
Alexander Hamilton closes his eyes as soon as he steps into his apartment, hsi back pressed against the door and his jaw unusually tight. He breathes in slowly, holding his breath for a few seconds before slowly reopening his eyess. He hopes his boyfriend, his dear Laurens, would be before him but instead only to reveal before him an empty staircase. He groans miserbaly, and swallows the lump down his throat, grimacing as he does so--as though it had hurt him to do so.
It's been a month since he died. A whole entire month since his Jack left him, since he'd broken the promise he made to him. The promise he'd never leave him.
Hamilton shakes his head and climbs up the steps to his bedroom. He stares at the wooden door, his beautiful indigo-violet eyes ticking down towards the doorhandle. He smiles at the memory of when they had their first kiss, from at a party at Laurens's old friend's Tench Tilghman's place, Laurens counting Hamilton's freckles with a black sharpie, thinking he found Orion before leaning in to capture his lips. He remembers the first time they had sex, remembers clearly of Laurens slamming his back onto this very door, pinning him place as he kisses Hamilton roughly, quickly, heatedly, moving his lips down the side of Hamilton's neck, under his jaw.
Hamilton sighs long and slow before shaking his head at the memory, trying to learn to move on. But for some reason, he can't. He can't seem to let his John go.
Hamilton let's out another shaky breath before twisting the doorknob and gently pushing the door open. He hasn't stepped foot into this room for over a month, not after since Laurens's death. Always too frightened. But today, on August 27, the very same day in which he--Hamilton clears his throat, blinking his misty eyes. Well, anyways.
But today, he's feeling rather bold in doing so. Any other time, he'd be working down in the dining room table with his older foster brother, Lafayette, and parents around him--along with his friends, Richard Kidder Meade, Tench Tilghman, James McHenry, Robert Hanson Harrison, and David Humphreys of course. Or he'd be in one of the offices up here on the second floor, working in peace. Or hiding up in the attic, rummaging through old boxes of him and Laurens, watching old video tapes Laurens had made for each special moment. Hamilton stays where he stands currently in front of the entranceway, his eyes unfazed and misty. It feels like forever since he's been in this room.
Hamilton let's his bookbag slump onto the floor beside his door, taking a moment to let his new surroundings sink in. He sees his bed, the very same bed where he'd had Laurens beside him, beautiful sky eyes half-opened, honey blonde hair fallen loose and framing his angular face like a golden halo. Laurens's bare body exposed before him under the sheets. Hamilton encourages himself to take a leap forward and closes the door behind him.
It's quiet in his room. Dark and cold. He wraps his arms around his small, wasp-waisted frame as he shivers, the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand suddenly up. He feels like he's missing something.
And he is.
Hamilton swallows hard, his jaw clenched once more, as he moves around the room, letting his hand trace over the soft silk of his bedsheets before him, stopping where Laurens's foot would be. He stares at the sheets, linen white before ticking his eyes up to where the moutain of pillows lays before him and up to the wooden headboard. He can faintly see the ghostly outline of Laurens and himself sleeping together in this very bed. He presses his lips together and forces himself to look away, letting out a shuddering breath before finally having the courage to head toward his desk.
His hands rest on the back of the chair as he stares down. He ticks his eyes up to find a framed photograph of him and Laurens sharing a kiss, both of them smiling against the other's lips. Despite the ache he feels, the twisting of his stomach, he can feel the corners of his lips being quirked up.
He reaches for a framed photograph of his beautiful Laurens on the other side, just of him--a simple portrait, Hamilton's dashing soilder. He sighs as turns, the photorgaph still clutched in his hands, before he flops himself down on the edge of the bed, a few dark red curls fall loose and bounce on his forehead.
"Oh, Jack..." Hamilton whispers, his voice raw, choking. He lets his thumb trace over the side of Laurens's face, near his ear, over his hairline. "You know...I'd take our relationship back in a heartbeat."
A pause. Followed by endless silence. He sighs again before flopping down onto the bed, tilting his head to one shoulder as he eyes the portrait before him.
"I um...I um....How've you been? John?" he says to himself. He pauses, waits for a moment, before letting out a dry laugh, followed by a sniff. "College has been okay...rough obviously but okay. Gil had already gone back to France for his own college education and me stuck here in Manhattan and you? Who knows where you could be. But...I do hope...wherever you are...Jack...I...I do hope you now have peace."
Hamilton presses his lips together tightly once more, in hopes it would hold back the small whimper in which escapes him. He clenches his teeth as he narrows his eyes at Laurens before him, the small grin on his face, the twinkle in his sky-blue eyes--blue, a rich, vibrant blue, clear as the sky on a summer's day. He shakes his head, anger replacing the grief.
"You promised me..." he whispers sharply, his voice hissing like a snake, his chest heaving. "You...you....you promised me you wouldn't leave me...you said so yourself those very words." He swallows hard as he blinks his eyes fast, a tight scowl on his face. "You lying bastard!"
With a frustrated grunt, he tosses the framed photograph across the room, wincing as it smashes against the wall, watching it fall to the floor with a clatter, making himself jump back with surprise. Surprisingly, the glass doesn't shatter. Hamilton sniffs and wraps his arms around himself again, feeling himself shrink--feeling small, vulnerable, and weak. And he hates feeling weak and vulnerable.
"How could you?" he whimpers at the framed photograph now on the floor instead of his hands. "How could you, John? You know how I am when I get too attached to people. You knew what I would do, what I would feel if I had lost another person in my life. " He feels something wet trickle down his freckled cheeks. He ignores it. "You know of my past, a past which I would rather keep tucked away in a small closet inside the back of my head."
"Please, John..." he whispers, licking his dry, chapped lips--dry from the lack of kisses. "Please...come back to me...I can't...not you too..."
Another pause.
"I know, I know I haven't fully accepted the fact that you're...you're gone...but..." Hamilton shakes his head as he collapses onto his knees, leaning forward and with one arm reaches out for the frame. "They told me you were sick. You were sick and you went out there anyways. You knew...didn't you?"
"What about the letter? The letter I sent you? I sent it around the fifteenth. Did you get it? Did you even read it? Did it get miscarried?"
Hamilton freezes in place, his face paling and his eye widen with realization. He stands shakily, his hands trembling as his mind whirls and his stomach spins, making him double over slightly and clutch his stomach with one arm as he leans against the edge of the bed.
"The 15th..." he whispers shakily, glancing back down at Laurens's portrait in his trembly hands. "The 15th...you...it takes about a couple days to a week for corrospondences to be delievered...you...you may not have even recieved it on the 27th..."
Hamilton feels himself queasy, his vision blurring as his head spins, a loud ringing in his ears.
"Oh God!" he wails, bringing a shaky hand up to his parted lips to hide the chocked sob. "John...Oh, John...please..."
He falls to his knees again, gently placing the portrait onto the bed. He blinks his eyes fast, his whole body trembling as he clasps his hands together and presses his forehead agaisnt his knuckles.
"John...please...if you can hear me...just please...show me..." He sucks in a shaky breath. "Show me the way...please...I...I miss you, my love...I...I can't even..." He squeezes his eyes tighter as more tears manage to escape. "I can't even...I love you...I love you...I just...I just want to kiss you..." He glances up from his knuckles and up at the ceiling. "I want to see you...I...I want to hear my name from your lips...see your smile...hear your laugh...I want...I want to kiss you, Jack. I mean as I say. I'd take our relationship back in a heartbeat. I...I...want to kiss you. Just one last time..."
Hamilton waits. He waits for a few minutes, for anything. But all he hears is silence.
He breaks, the glass inside him shatters. He screams, wails with desperation and anger before he folds his arms over each other and rests his forehead on top of them, still on his knees, sobbing as quietly as he can, sniffling occasionally, mumbling Laurens's name under his breath like a chant.
After a few minutes, he wails again, tears streaming freely like a waterfall down his red, puffy freckled cheeks and his bedroom door slams open at the sound of his pleading cry. He feels arms wrap around him, one arcross his chest and one around his back, the person's hand up to his dark russet curls. The person, who Hamilron happens to discover is Lafayette himself, pulls him close until his forehead is now pressed against his chest.
"Please..." Hamilton whimpers, clutching onto Lafayette's shirt.
Lafayette sighs heavily and presses a soft kiss to his temple before resting his cheek on top of his head, shushing him occasionally.
"I'm sorry..." Hamiton whispers. "I'm so sorry....I...What did I do wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong, mon petit frere," Lafayette assures him with a warm smile as he lifs Hamilton's chin up, brushing back a few loose curls.
Hamilton wipes his red, puffy cheeks frustratingly, embarrassed of himself. "There must have...I must have done something wrong, Gil...he deployed...he promised me he'd come home to me...that he wouldn't leave me..."
"Alex..." Lafayette whispers, his own heart cracking at the sight of Hamilton before him, who he loves more than anything.
"They said he was sick," Hamilton chokes, slowly glancing up at Lafayette. "Malaria, they said...Malaria..."
"Yet he went to battle anyways..." He chokes. "He knew...he knew..."
"Shh..." Lafayette whispers, helping Hamilton stand once more and guiding him towards the bed. "Sleep Alex. You need let yourself rest."
Hamilton shakes his head. "I can't sleep. It's a waste of time..." He shivers at the word. "There's other things...essays to be complete....exams..."
"Shh," Lafayette insists, forcing him to lie down on the bed. "You must rest, mon ami. Your body is telling you it does. You've overworked yourself again, didn't you?"
Hamilton lets himself collapse onto the pillow with a thump, covering his eyes with his hands.
"Get some rest, mon ami," Lafayette whispers, tucking a lose strand of red hair behind his ear as soon as he lowers his hand.
Hamilton nods and watches Lafayette walk towards his bedroom door. He's about to swing it open, when Hamilton stops him.
"Gil?" Hamilton calls, causing Lafayette to stop in his tracks.
He turns to Hamilton over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. "Yes?"
Hamilton smiles in what Lafayette must think have been forever. "Thank you."
Lafayette chuckles, feeling the corners of his lips quirk up. "Of course, Alex. That's what brothers are for."
After the door clicks shut behind Lafayette, Hamilton lets his eyes shut and for the first time in many days-
He smiles in his sleep.
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acerace · 3 years
Two Birds!! I put that on my 3rd life playlist too!! Tell me about that one?
(And just some more of the songs I recognized and am curious about if you're up to them!!)
-Blood in the Water (I love this song!!)
-Viva la Vida (Scar? 👀)
- Soilder, Poet, King (the possibilities!!)
Ohohoh *rubs my hands together*
Editing Clover here, uh, it’s been a hot second since you sent this. Oops. It got extremely buried in my drafts (like post 140 out of 250 buried) and then it got very long so uhhh to recap for everyone else, I have a 3rd Life playlist here which is in order with detailed explanations from People I Don’t Like to In Our Bedroom After the War. There's a bunch more songs after those that haven't been sorted (yet?) but are still very much 3rd Life vibes. Send me asks about the songs I go wild for this stuff :D 
So have some (very late) rambling about the above songs below the cut! 
Two Birds, aka "oh I am going to cry now thanks". This song is one of the hardest to pin down for me just because it's so emotive? Like to me the wire can be So Much but I think this interpretation- of pessimistic Grian and optimistic Scar- sits best with me
I think of it as a Grian and Scar song, with them being the two birds, plus the general vibes of "we know this can't last, that this won't end well, but let's pretend it's all going to be okay anyway". Also bird imagery for Grian my beloved
The wire is reality I think, the fact that they both can't be the last survivor, and Grian is the bird that can't let go of this fact- Scar considers him a genuine friend, that they're partners, and Scar knows this is going to end in blood and death but he believes in Grian anyway but Grian can't really accept this? Like Scar is aware of the wire and the reality they live in, but he wants to leave it behind, to live without that knowledge weighing down on him. But Grian can't- he can't fly away with Scar, as much as he wants to, he can't leave. He's playing the game of thrones and he can't put the pieces down, in a way. He's firmly stuck in harsh reality and nothing Scar can say can get him to put the worry away :(
"Two birds of a feather / Say that they're always gonna stay together" desert duo my beloved, with Grian realizing he can't leave Scar, can't leave him to die, they're partners, but it's session 8 and everyone is dying around them,, reality is crashing down and it's not going to be kind to them,,
And then the outro,,, paired with the finale,,,,, with Scar flying away as his death and the song ending as Grian jumps-
Two Birds is such an emotional song and putting it into words is hard but tl;dr sand people becoming genuine friends as the world demands they kill each other,,,
Blood // Water was first listed as a general Red song, everyone is pissed and fighting and it’s no holds barred, but it’s also a vengeful!Scott song. In the first chorus and verse 1 Scott is thinking about how the Flower Husbands couldn’t escape the violence and death, and the “knock at the door” is the Red Army showing up with their book. The first drop is Jimmy’s death </3 and the rest of the song is Scott red and furious, out for vengeance, bloodthirsty, unable to process his grief or emotions so he lashes out again and again and again. And the last verse, the drop at the end, is Scott dying </3 
Viva la Vida is another general song with specific lines written out to correspond to images in my head. Also I’m pretty sure I had this written down from before the final session so bits might not line up anymore XD 
“I used to rule the world / Seas would rise when I gave the word”- teams at their castles looking proud- Scar and Grian, Bdubs and Cleo, Ren and Martyn, Etho Impulse and Tango, Scott and Jimmy, and BigB Joel and Skizz in their own homes 
“Now in the morning, I sleep alone / Sweep the streets I used to own”- split up- Jimmy and Cleo and Skizz are dead, yellow Grian and red Scar looking at the blown up desert, Ren, Martyn, Etho, Tango, and Impulse divided and looking at their damaged bases 
“Now the old King is dead, long live the King”- Martyn killing Ren to make him red  
And I discovered that my castles stand / Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand”- bases collapsing- tnt, fire, changing loyalties 
Chorus- battles, allies 
“Once you'd gone, there was never / Never an honest word”- deaths, permadeaths, being left alone after your partner dies 
“People couldn't believe what I'd become”- the bloodlust 
Revolutionaries wait / For my head on a silver plate”- more fighting, battle at the desert, Cleo trying to kill Ren, Impulse siding with the Crastle 
“Just a puppet on a lonely string”- Grian and Scar, reverses to Grian killing everyone with a smile 
“Aw, who would ever want to be king?”- Grian as everyone dies around him, realizing he is alone 
And Soldier, Poet, King is a Red Army song! The soldier is Skizz, the poet is Martyn, and the king is Ren <3 you can imagine it at any point in the story but I have it as an early song, before people started permadying, before the big battles broke out. But it can also be each of them dying- verse 1 first four lines is Skizz defending Dogwarts, then charging into the Crastle, then dying in the last line. Same idea for Martyn, he lives proudly and victoriously in the first four lines and then gets shot on “slay” reaching for Ren, who is offscreen, and we can’t see what’s happened to him. “There will come a ruler / whose brow is laid in thorn / smeared with oil like David’s boy” is the sacrifice on the altar, the Red King rising, and “he will tear your city down” is Ren defending Dogwarts for the last time, with him dying on the pause after the “oh lei oh lai” bit. The outro could be anything- the end of 3rd Life as the ghosts watch, flashbacks to happy memories and how the group formed, or, on a happier note, Skizz Ren and Martyn reuniting at the Hermit Raiders Twitch Rivals event <3 
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For the ship thing, Sheridan x Delenn because I'm basic. Numbers 1, 14, 19, and 23?
1) rate ship out of ten
I’m gonna give this a 10/10. it’s our main ship, it’s basically every aspect of a ship at one point or another. you want enemies to lovers? there’s your war criminal and there’s your ballsy opposing soilder. you want found family? you got found family (Command Staff and Rangers). you want friends to lovers? right there. an alternative “only one bed” scene, too (in the White Star).
14) best gifts they’ve given each other
Delenn would tell you “another twenty years of love” “David”, and/or “a chance to correct my wrongdoings”. Sheridan’s actual best gift to Delenn was a trip to Florida. nothing has ever changed her perspective on the differences between humans more, and that they were probably more alien to each other than she was to them. also, Disneyworld. that’s where she got hooked on Star Wars. she also thinks George Lucas is one of Earth’s best known prophets, looking into the Human past to see Earth Gov’s future.
Delenn’s best gift to Sheridan? Sheridan would say “a legacy”. in actuality, it was probably a denn’ bok. what made this one so special? she handcrafted and made it herself. engraved on it is “my sun, sky, and moon” in both English and Adronato.
19) who takes the bugs outside when they get in?
Delenn will take the little creatures outside. Sheridan takes them out with a shoe when she’s not around, but when she is, he’ll take them outside to avoid the infamous All Life is Precious speech.
23) who whispers inappropriate things into the other person’s ear to cause inappropriately timed laughter?
at first, it was Sheridan, and he took no blame for it. he was proud of his work and it helped him focus on what was being said, no matter how ridiculous. after awhile, Ivanova caught onto his behavior, but knew she couldn’t directly usurp him directly, however, she could have Delenn get back at him on her behalf. Delenn, being a quick study, made this quite easy. Sheridan has never been more proud of either one of them.
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
Soilder, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos gives me big 3zun vibes
YOOO I FUCKING LOVE THAT SONG (it’s a Miles Vorkosigan song in Borders of Infinity, if anyone’s read it) but good GOD I’ve never thought of it as 3zun and it’s perfect.
“There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword/He will tear your city down”
“There will come a poet whose weapon is his word/He will slay you with his tongue”
“There will come a ruler whose brow is laid with thorn/Smeared with oil like David’s boy”
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drunkenworgen · 4 years
Soilders, Poets, and Kings
Tumblr media
Your Result:
The King
"There will come a ruler/Whose brow is laid in thorn/Smeared with oil like David's boy"
Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
Quiz found here.
Tagged by @areniaagn
Tagging whoever wishes to do this
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dianadragonfly · 5 years
Blogging “The Sign of Three”
I’m noticing that I’ve been reading so much amazing fan fic that my sense of the characters has changed. There are so many layers to Sherlock Holmes —all of the fan fics I’ve been I’ve been reading layered on top of Gatiss/Moffat’s Sherlock on top of all the cultural ideas of Sherlock and all the adaptations down the the ACD canon. ACD lost control of his Sherlock almost as soon as he brought him into creation. Most art is like this but Sherlock has an impressive number of layers.
So the beginning — I love Lestrade and Sally.
Ugh, I hate the fact that it’s a cheap joke that calls Greg to miss his big moment. Amusing tho. Lestrade would have phoned or called before bringing the helicopters.
Is it bad that my heart sort of hurts to see only 1 tea cup on the tray?
Ugh. Mrs. Hudson’s lecturing on marriage reminds me of me in my 20s. All my friends were getting married and settling down and having babies. I wanted zero to do with it all and was made to feel like a freak for it. There was one particular bridal shower that might have been the low point of that time of my life. The sort of smug assumption that one who was not married has no valid opinions ... I recognize that. Why does everyone treat Sherlock like he’s incapable of being hurt?
THE LOOK AT THE CHAIR! My heart! That’s the sound of my heart cracking! Isn’t there a .gif someone of Sherlock and John staring at empty chairs? @simplyclockwork has said something to the effect that this fandom stans staring at empty chairs.
I’m sure this is boring for the 10 followers I actually have, but it’s fun to me to take notes and recall how the episodes are out together.
I love Sherlock and Jannine. Too bad he wrecked this cute little friendship in the next episode.
David is obviously terrified of touching Mary. Hahah
If Mary has only had this identity for 5 years and John pretty much doesn’t have family, where are all these guests from? Here (Midwest US) there is a wedding, sometimes a meal for the wedding party, then a party/reception for everyone. One can attend any combination of the three that you are invited to and not seem rude. The British weddings that I remember have been an all day affair. Not something you do for a causal friend.
“Oh Sherlock, neither of us was his first.” This partnership between Sherlock and Mary is so cute and so pure. I freakin hate where it went. She recognizes that Sherlock and John’s relationship was the most important relationship in Sherlock’s life. She is aware he feels pushed to the side and uses that knowledge to comfort him, not torment him.
Mycroft of course uses it to torment him. That “Redbeard” reference was pretty heavy-handed, Mycroft. Might as well have blinking lights saying “Foreshadowing!”
When the room goes silent for Sherlock, I cringe so hard. Thank you for cutting away...
Oohhh the reaction Mary has to the name “Cam.” That’s how you foreshadow.
Considering how subtle the writing is and how understated so many things are, I don’t believe the continually clunky references to Series 4 ideas are just badly done. There’s something else... I’ve read the meta about it and I believe that I’m missing something huge, but that’s a conversation for another DVD.
I love the “asking Sherlock to be best man” scene. The look on his face. It’s so different from his blank blink when Molly says she sees him. Oh! wedding planning scene. Mary’s shirt is covered with little thumbs up emojis— I didn’t notice that.
Sherlock’s face. He doesn’t understand why John would want to not be involved with the minutiae of wedding planning.
Has anyone explained why Bainbridge was targeted?
Sherlock in the fuzzy hat - squee.
There are so many jokes online about Sherlock having a military kink. I don’t see it. I mean maybe ... he looks somewhat amused at soilders — but he does at all humanity. Oh, the look he gives John when John pulls rank. Maybe. . .
Oh no, here comes Meat Dagger! There are several Sherlolly fan fics where Sherlock calls him “Meat Dagger.” Not in a complementary manner.
“Stories worth telling” - the storytelling theme emerges again.
Uh.. why is John’s face on Vitruvian man? That’s just bizarre. Fandom seems to see it as proof that Sherlock sees John as an ideal man. I’m not sure. But bizarre.
Those cylinders aren’t phallic at all... nope.
Ohhh ... curled up on the stairs. So cute.
The scene. The scene. The knee touch is coming up!! They are so funny and relaxed with each other. I never noticed Johns feet on Sherlock’s chair. This scene has been analyzed to death but it’s so amazing. They are just enjoying each other’s company, making each other laugh, and maybe? drunk enough to flirt in ways they won’t let themselves do when sober.
The first few times I watched, I missed Sherlock suddenly being interested and awake when the client references “taking it further.”
From where do I know the “I’m just going to whip this out?” joke? Pink Panther?
I buy that Sherlock has little experience with alcohol, but not John. John wouldn’t let himself get that completely drunk — he’s a drinker. Even though he has cheated on Sherlock’s system, I think he’d know the difference. Unless he just decided “screw it. It’s my last night with Sherlock.” Which would help explain the knee touch. He’s not planning on getting drunk and sleeping with Sherlock or anything, but . . . It would have to be deliberate for John to drink enough to end up in the slammer. Or buzzed on the staircase. Or maybe he’s somewhat faking his buzz to see what happens.
Dear Lestrade: I love you.
Mrs. Hudson presenting the full English breakfast. Oh my god! I feel sick for John.
Watching on a TV with a Blu Ray is so awesome. I was able to pause and read the little blurb about Major Sholto that Sherlock pulled up.
Back to the wedding ... we’ve been away from it for a while. It’s kind of a shock.
— note : small children had the phone and big child (spouse) got the TV for a bit. —
Oh the scene where his speech goes off the rails. I cringe so hard for him.
Irene in his mind palace... naked ... my son walked by, looked at the screen, said “Not watching!” Hehehe
Mycroft is sort of a god/Greek chorus figure in fandom and in this version of the mind palace. He provides the exposition, he is all knowing, he is the God-in-a-box. Interesting how he has evolved.
Molly is shooting daggers at Sherlock when they leave to rescue Sholto. Cute.
Of course Mary knows his room number. I would have loved for their partnership to last longer.
That kiss on Mary’s forehead.
There’s a theory that Major Sholto and John were lovers or that at least he wanted to be John’s boyfriend. The “neither of us were the first” quip is mostly taken as just a cute joke by me most of the time. But “Mr. Holmes, you and I are similar, I think.” And “We wouldn’t do that to John Watson.” There is great love and admiration shared by both of them at the least.
Sherlock and Janine dancing. “I wish you weren’t.. whatever it is you are.” line. I interpreted it as Sherlock being a genius/ aloof / etc. But maybe it’s more of a reference to his sexuality, as fandom insists.
That might be the whitest wedding I’ve seen outside of my hometown. Not one friend or associate of color?
The pregnancy reveal. So much fandom analysis of this. I am unable to pause and really look at it because again, although there are many electronic devices in the household, whenever I��m on a TV, it gets comandeered. WHY DO I HAVE TO HIDE MY FANDOM IN MY OWN DAMN HOUSE! ?
But the pregnancy is a big thing. Life cannot go back to how it was. This a significant departure from ACD canon as well. There’s no going back to being just Sherlock and John and hoping Mary just disappears.
I see Sherlock’s sadness for real this time and it’s not just because I let all the theories influence me. I didn’t realize how much time it takes to establish the shot before Sherlock leaves. He looks around. John and Mary are dancing and Mary exchanges a look — a “thank you” type of look. Like she understands Sherlock but she will not ever give up John. Sherlock catches Janine’s eye and starts to move toward her. Then it’s revealed Janine is dancing with one of the men Sherlock pointed out as a good candidate for sex. He sees Molly. She’s dancing with Tom. He’s pushed her away and she’s stayed away. It occurs to him that he is, as Janine says, “whatever it is” he is. But he no longer belongs with John and Mary (“We can’t all three dance”) and so he leaves.
I feel for him so so much.
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aboyandhisstarship · 5 years
wakes up from coma
another stupid AU!? yes please.
It’s the suicide Squad! 
worlds nicest trained killer: David Greenwood (code name Flag) field commander 
Cameron Campbell (literally the worst/waller of this AU)
Maxwell Chabra: AKA Black spider former league of Assassins  was forced into this life by his parents is convinced his life has value 
Nikki Costa: Cheeatea, cursed to be not quite an animal not quite human rejected by everyone will eventually her place on the squad 
Neil Watson: calculater  genius but not social, learns the benefits of teamwork and that everyone has something to give  
Gwen Santos: Kantanna  Davids oldest friend, he did somthing for her way back her that made her stick around even through his most insufferable bouts of postivity, will never admit it but is a bit jealous of his positive outlook 
 Nerris: enchantress, AN animator who wrong wrong place ended up getting possessed by a witch the squad helps her learn control and turn there relationship into a symbiotic one
Nurf: subject of a medical experiment that turned him super storng, never got a fair shake of the stick and ended up in and out of prison, the squad will give him the chance to prove to himself he is more then the sum of his parts.
Ered: killer frost,(cause she is cool get it!?)  given ice powers in the middle of a tragic Incident Meredith Miller has had trouble finding people who accept her...the squad will give her those people. 
Tabii: Rose Wilson (Raveneger) mostly for eyepatch jokes, but aslo so she can learn se is not her father but is instead her own person...but mostly eyepatch jokes 
 add more as i come with them although as always your thoughts
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