#Solar Eclipse Live Today
totheidiot · 6 months
i hate that the solar eclipse just now serves as a reminder that nobody loves me.
#🍂 arian's shit#IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AND NOTHING HAPPENED. but yeah#i will always think of the solar eclipse i witnessed and think about that#two people one of them my friend the other i thought i could consider my friend but HE PROBABLY DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT.#they both talked and did their things and laughed and they are so damn close to each other it almost made me cry and reminded me that#it was such a profound moment too when i realized what was going on#they were in another world that didn't have me and i get that. i do. they have known each other for a year and i abruptly showed up#two months ago and one of them we are getting close she likes me around#at least i think#the other one he is nice he is supposed to be like this he is nice to everyone that is who he is#so what is happening: he is completely indifferent to me. most he did was remember my name and face. but he is nice.#i like them both so so much it almosg does hurt when i stood there awkwardly almost like i was intruding#and i realized that i have never not been close to anyone#no acquaintances all the friendships i have had they sre the reason why i live and i know that they live for me too#we have known each other since kindergarten. they held my face and cried and told me that i was love when i was leaving for the last time#they love me. i am sure of it.#but now i don't have anyone near whom i do love. people don't love me. i used to be love.#it also hurts that i am Average Person In The World#i am not funny. i do not have unique quirks. i do not have a single talent.#all i am good for is saying the wrong things all time.#even in my old life i was someone. someone who isn't the same as the person who saw the solar eclipse today and felt all this#i was the idiot. I WAS THE IDIOT. i was the writer person.#i don't feel like any of these things now. they had a thing in common: their capacity to love and be loved.#i love very easily but i am not an easy person to love.#vent post#god this is such a small little thing i am the most pathetic thing in the world#feel free to scroll away don't even read this shit#arian contemplates his universe
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dansidoon · 6 months
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April 8, 2024
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seven-thewanderer · 2 years
Imma share this too, since why not
I drew both Bloodmoon (again) & Solar Flare
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I also drew Bloodmoon for whoever they would separate
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septemberpdf · 1 year
there are some people in my life right now that i would be okay losing touch with after high school. well not okay like id be sad but it wouldnt be the end of the world. but if i lose touch with her i will never get over it
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badwolfarcadiabay · 6 months
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In honor of the solar eclipse today, a poll:
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lilacstro · 2 months
understanding draconic charts
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This was another finger breaking post, maybe because my fingers are already tired. I am starting another diploma in astrology very soon so I would not have much time to post at all, so I am trying to post some good information that should help someone :)
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history and significance:
Ok, so some people think of draconic charts as something related to past lives. Something we have carried from our past, while some people simply believe it is the chart of soul.
In traditional western astrology, the meanings some people relate it to, become different, in modern western astrology they are different again, and then there comes a significant difference when we see them from a vedic pov
draconic, is talking about dragon. The head of the dragon (North Node or Rahu) is benefic in traditional western astrology while the Tail of dragon was considered malefic and a nature of mars and saturn as to what Guido Bonnati says in his book Tractaurus Territus.
However, contrary to any such difference of nature made in traditional astrology, modern astrologer dane rudhyar, rather talks about the north node as mouth of the dragon, so something that we need to eat (or learn and consume) while the tail of dragon as evacuatory organ and something that we are supposed to leave behind
Vedic astrology, however, does this classification very much differently. The Rahu, is a significance of material wealth, mysticism, fear, confusion while Ketu represents spirituality, Rahu is the head of a demon, and not really a dragon and ketu is the torso of the same demon, Swarbhanu who disguised himself into the line of the hindu gods, devas, to get amrit or the nectar that makes one immortal. Vishnu, was the one distributing the nectar disguised as Mohini, a beautiful women, and as soon as he paid attention that it is actually a disguised demon drinking the amrit, he sent his chakra to disassociate his head from his body in an attempt to stop him, but the nectar already went down his throat making him immortal. Hence, this is why his body is still said to be revolving in the celeste and the cause of solar and lunar eclipses, especially in natal charts when it tightly aspects or conjuncts either Sun or Moon, the effects of which is another topic of discussion for someday else.
coming back, you can see how different each meanings are in different perspectives, but for today, we will be seeing how can your draconic chart affect you as a person.
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how are they calculated:
Draconic charts are made by setting North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra at zero degrees and hence adjusting other celestial bodies in your chart accordingly. The zero degrees is probably to imply the starting of your soul's journey.
if you are interested to know the mathematical calculation, you basically subtract the degree of your natal North Node from other degrees of your planets.
let us see an example to calculate draconic sun
NORTH NODE = 28° 10' 30" CANCER (118° 10' 30")
TROPICAL SUN = 9° 39'47" VIRGO (159° 39' 47")
DRACONIC SUN = 159° 39' 47" -118°10' 30"= 41°29' 17" = 11° 29' 17" TAURUS (i am assuming you guys are aware of calculations done in degrees and minutes :) )
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the chart is based very closely on the moon since the nodes create the chart so in a normal natal chart the nodes are called the nodes of the Moon and it's because the nodes are determined based on where the sun meets the moon on the ecliptic. So if you imagine the orbit of the sun and the orbit of the moon they cross at two points and those become the nodes and they're always opposite of each other they never move one faster than the other they are always synchronized.
so interpret your draconic chart elements as if they were conjunct to the moon.
Look below:
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Compared to how our natal chart focuses on sun, the draconic is more focused on moon. So for example, if you have a Taurus Moon in draconic and a Pisces Sun in natal, your Taurus energy emotions would be expressed through your Pisces Sun.
It is important to remember everyone's North Node and South Node is in Aries and Libra in draconic, while different in natal chart. We should also keep in mind to pay extra attention to the conjunctions moon and nodes makes (it shows heightened energy) and oppositions (it shows challenges)
Draconic charts more so show our shadow, subconscious self (just like the moon), things and behaviors that may not be suspected in our natal chart, things we do for no reason at times.
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Interpretation of planets:
while it would not be possible to cover each and every method of interpretation for draconic charts, I would try to explain as much as possible.
The Draconic Sun: your true light and soul essence
The Draconic Moon: your soul's desire and seat of the soul
The Draconic Ascendant: the way your soul approaches its lifetimes
The Draconic Descendant: the relationships you seek; reflection of your soul
The Draconic IC: your soul's beliefs/truths
The Draconic MC: your soul's mission/purpose
The Draconic Mercury: how your soul communicates through to you; input information
The Draconic Venus: how you feel loved and show love; your values
The Draconic Mars: your passion and what gets you excited
The Draconic Jupiter: your spiritual connection; exploring and learning
The Draconic Saturn: your soul's structure and what restricts it; karma
The Draconic Uranus: your soul's originality and quirks
The Draconic Neptune: your hidden shadows
The Draconic Pluto: your personal power and healing abilities; taboo traits
basically, everything, but from a soul's prespective.
Let us take Joe Biden's chart for example.
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tropical and draconic
the tropical natal chart’s Ascendant ruler in the 8th house points to transformative and especially power related themes in his external life, while the Draconic Ascendant ruler in Cancer suggests a spiritual emphasis on nurturing, emotional sensitivity, and connections to home and family in his soul’s journey. This placement implies that his higher purpose and karmic connections may revolve around caring for others, exploring the mysteries of his roots, and deepening emotional connections. (credits: medium.com)
now again you interpret the signs the same way, but just fold things into what your soul and inner shadows want, and what your automatic feelings and behaviors could mean because there are aspects that become hidden in the natal chart but are seen further in the draconic charts.
for example, oprah winfrey's draconic moon is in aquarius and she indeed someone who is into NGOs, chatitable work and all that kind of stuff.
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going beyond mundane interpretations
So when we superimpose both the natal and draconic charts, the angles, planets and houses that the draconic chart makes to our natal, can provide reasons for our conscious behaviors and what comes from "our prior conditioning"
let us see an example. Margret Atwood. She is a Canadian Writer. Looking at her chart, can you guess what kind of things she must write?
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her venus and mercury both are in 7th house in Sagittarius, so should it not be happy go lucky things? optimistic or even say, religious things? No she instead writes on feminism, power and politics.
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Let us see her draconic chart
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what do we see folks? her ascendant is in scorpio, alright makes sense. And the ruler of her draconic Ascendant, pluto lies in her third and her draconic mars conjuncts her natal pluto, which further drives her to take initiatives on these kinds of things, since pluto alone in 3rd could also cause wanting to hide such things or probably not being so strong and upfront about it.
also see her draconic mercury and venus lie so near to her natal Uranus, so say rebelling through writing and arts. You can see the covers of her books and they are indeed like so.
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So basically, whatever houses our draconic charts coincide with, it becomes an important point of attention to us.
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Let us see the chart of BTS Jungkook:
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his draconic MC is on overlapping his IC. and we know Jungkook has been giving auditions and became a trainee when he was really young. His career started when he was child basically.
there are many more of observations I see, but we are not specifically doing his chart analysis so we will move on
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The house that our draconic/tropical 12th and tropical/draconic 12th overlap to, those houses can show where we may see struggles in.
let us see angelina jolie for example
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her tropical 12th house coincides with her draconic 8th, and we know she did and does struggle with depression, mental health and such issues in her life. Even more beautiful, her both tropical and draconic MC are in each others 5th house, and she is indeed working in the entertainment industry.
Stephen hawkings had this overlap in his 6th house, and his health was indeed something that troubled him for the time he lived
we can also predict life events through transitory draconic charts, but it will get a little over head and advanced so we will not be covering it. Covid, Kobe Bryant's accident and some other things were predicted through transitory draconic charts. You can also see karmic relationships and your goals as souls together or what you invoke deeply in each other through draconic synastry charts. People have used this for multiple celeb couples, including Former Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
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Astrologer Maria Blaquier during her workshop at Kepler School for draconic charts says, that we can relate more to our south node moon at times, and I would want a few of you to confim this too!! For example, if you have a moon in Taurus in draconic, it becomes a moon in scorpio as a south node moon.
However, she further said that a few of her clients tend to say that they used to previously embody their south node moon and now relate to the nn moon, so this relates more to the modern astrological point of nodes that we discussed at the start.
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i would also suggest paying close attention to tight aspects and conjuctions between your draconic and natal planets. Let us see an example from my friend's chart.
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she has her draconic sun really tightly aspecting her natal Neptune, and no matter what happens, she is never interested in hitting someone back even when they do her wrong, and is very spiritual by nature.
now let us see how her natal pluto and draconic moon are at very close orbs, and she is indeed someone who is explosive and destructive when she is mad, or running high on emotions, her natal chart have littlest to no evidence of having this kind of rage.
I hope you all enjoyed this post.
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9th-empress-suravi · 11 months
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"The Ring of Fire" Today's Solar Ring Eclipse 2023
✨Live Solar Eclipse 2023 (click on below link) :
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Ok I need your hcs on what each of the moon boys do to annoy Khonshu. Like do intentionally to be petty.
WHEEZING! (Also I'm so sorry this took so long! <3)
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Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged? • ko-fi •
Warnings: swearing
Has a personal vendetta against Khonshu for scaring the hell out of him, so regularly does everything he can to be a little shit at any opportunity. 
Talks, a lot. Constant talking, constant questions, purposefully not even listening to the answers and just talking over him with even more questions. 
Tells Khonshu his knowledge of ancient Egypt is wrong (Steven knows it isn’t, but he enjoys how mad Khonshu gets). Also tells him his pronunciation of hieroglyphics needs work.
Will loudly sigh and declare that “the moon looks like shit today.”
Threatens him with Steven. All. The Time. 
“If you don’t start being reasonable I’ll get Steven.” 
Or just straight up peaces out and lets Steven deal with him. 
Once he realises that Jake doesn’t like Khonshu pissing him off either, he threatens him with Jake too.
Will also repeat whatever Khonshu says as a question as if he doesn’t understand him. (He does.) It always takes Khonshu a minute to realise Marc is messing with him. 
“Marc Spector, I need you to-” “Or what, you’ll make Layla your avatar?” Khonshu: -.-*
Ignores him.
Literally no reaction.
Khonshu could cause a solar eclipse and Jake doesn’t bat an eye.
Doesn’t flinch when Khonshu’s loud.
Doesn’t look up when he does that breeze thing. 
Just carries on about his day as if the god wasn’t talking. 
There are a couple of things that cause Jake to react that way, either it’s Jake’s day off/lunch break (he literally marks the dates and times on a calendar just for Khonshu and taps it if he bothers him during that time once. Then it’s straight up ignore town.) 
“Jake Lockey, I have a task for you.” 
Jake points to the calendar which has ‘Jake annual leave’ written on it in red pen. 
OR Khonshu’s annoyed him (or more likely Marc or Steven, or both.) He will not talk to Khonshu until the god apologies to all the offended parties. 
Khonshu once did the whole, ‘I have lived for millennia, you think I can’t wait out you ignoring me?’ to Jake, who was reading the newspaper. Jake promptly looked up once, slowly, to look straight at Khonshu and then went back to reading. When Jake was still ignoring him the next day Khonsu appologised in a very grumpy god way.
Thank you for reading!
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corvidcrossbow · 4 months
~•♡•~ Total Eclipse Of The Heart
➳ Summary: You take Daryl to watch the 2017 solar eclipse (Daryl x GN!Reader)
➳ Setting: Southern Virginia, August 21st, 2017 (in the 6 year timeskip in season 9)
➳ Word count: 1.6k
➳ C/W: Nothing
➳ A/N: Simple thing cuz I hated Leah watching something as special as the eclipse w/ Daryl in the show cuz I DO NOT LIKE her ass so I rewrote it cuz I believe there's few things more bonding than watching an eclipse with someone. Whippin out the dad music reference on this one. (I am working on reqs! I just have training for my job which my boss very reassuringly dubbed “bootcamp” and health shit is beating my ass I need to call like 3 specialty clinics again um 🗿)
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“Ya ever gon’ tell me where we goin'?”
“Nope. Almost there,” You replied, a cheeky grin on your face as you swiveled your head back to glance at Daryl who sat behind you on his motorcycle. You'd dragged him out of his guilt-ridden solitude in the forest and demanded he get on, saying you needed to show him something and would not be taking ‘nah’ for an answer. You'd been driving southwest for nearly two hours now, headed towards something specific.
Daryl had little sense of the date, having spent nearly the last 3 ½ years out in the woods, wrapped up in his search for Rick. You stayed with him from time to time, Carol checking in as well, but he was too stubborn to go home with either of you no matter how many times you urged it. Even if he knew the day, you weren't sure he'd even know why it was special.
You, however, had been tracking the calendar and lunar cycles, and kept one specific date and pattern in your mind for the last 7 years; August 21st, 2017. You remembered ages ago, reading on science forums and listening to programs on the television, that today, the paths of the moon and the sun would perfectly align and grace a total solar eclipse across the entirety of the United States.
Your lives were such shit in so many ways: flesh eating, rotting corpses snarling after you at every second, run in after run in with malicious and corrupt people and groups, the lack of food, water, shelter and security, so many people gone – and that didn't include everything from before the dead reawoke. And with Daryl unadmittably depressed after the bridge, you would've done anything to show him there were other things in life to focus on. To live for.
So you left Alexandria early in the morning, found Daryl's camp, and forced him to join you. At first he'd thought something godawful had once again disturbed the communities, so bad you couldn’t tell him. But when you started driving the opposite direction, he grew confused and repeatedly asked what was going on, yet you never gave him an answer. Still, he trusted it was important – trusted you – and let you lead him.
You pulled off the side of the road, powering down the engine and putting up the kickstand, sliding off and stepping to walk into the forest. You'd gone further down into Virginia, knowing that was closer to totality. It wouldn't be complete, but the distance made a difference. “Alright, c'mon.”
Daryl grabbed your wrist, tugging you back and catching your attention, his eyebrows narrowed. “Really? Tha hell's s’all this? Ya haul me'ah hundred miles away tah walk in tha damn forest?”
“Ya spend all your time in a forest anyway, Dixon.” His expression hardered a little, and you sighed. “Please just follow me. I promise you, it's worth it.”
He looked over the features of your face, judging the sentiment they conveyed, and after a moment let you go. You were already here, no point in going back now. As you spun back around, he begrudgingly trailed after you.
You scanned the environment as you went, stopping near an opening in the canopy of trees that gave view to the sky. You could tell by the slanting of shadows and the slightly abnormal shape of light above you that the process had already begun, all that was left was to observe. So you set your bag down and sat, motioning for Daryl to as well.
“Thi'sa picnic or sum?” He questioned, grunting a little as he unsurely slung his belongings off his shoulder to the ground and did the same, settling beside you.
“Could be, I do have some food.” He didn't seem amused. “But no, not a picnic. You know what the day is? Any idea why it's meaningful?”
“Ts'summer, kno’ tha’. M'ah supposed tah kno’?”
“Maybe, I don't expect you to. Here.” You twisted and opened your bag, reaching for a welding mask you'd brought along and passed it to him. “Look at the sun.”
The archer eyed the facial shield, then you, but listened and held it to his face before shifting his gaze up. He squinted, taking sight of the arc carving that ate into the historically circular form of the burning celestial body. And you explained; “It's August 21st… 2017.”
He had to think for a bit. “Tha eclipse?” He lowered the mask and peered back at you. Memories lodged deep in the layers of his mind sparked; learning about eclipses way back in highschool and hearing his teacher mention it, then the annular one in ‘94 and seeing pictures plastered all over the news where they discussed the future.
“Yeah, thought we should see it. It'll look better down here, not perfect, but still… and the lens on that is dark enough it shouldn't hurt our eyes,” You answered, taking your own look before laying back and using your bag as a pillow. It wasn't particularly comfortable, but that's roughly the last thing you cared about right now.
He couldn't help but just stare for a minute, studying how nonchalant you were about everything. How you'd so easily removed him from his rut when so many other attempts had failed, even with his cluelessness around your intentions – like some larger force took hold and finally willed him to break his destructive routine.
Daryl sprawled out next to you on the forest floor, trading the welding shield back and forth over the course of the next half hour, as well as a piece of paper to see the casted geometry. You both watched as more and more of the sun was etched away, taking mental images each time and comparing the new form to the old. It was mostly quiet, lost in similar awe but varying thoughts. You inched closer every time it was his turn, assuming he noticed but didn't point it out.
“Y'know… total solar eclipses are meant to be when the deities and energies fuse, just as the paths do. A window for opportunities and transformation… time for change,” You commented, recalling all people said about the symbolism of such an event. He gave an ‘Mm’, just so you knew he'd heard you, but paid more attention to the progression in the ethers.
The world around you began to rapidly darken, a sliver of orange glow visible in the makeshift glasses. Knowing it was close, you slid your left palm into his right, weaving fingers together, and he returned the hold, still remaining absorbed in the view.
The moon crossed over the sun – at least as best it would from your vantage point; golden rays illuminating around solid black. As Daryl's eyes locked on the sky, taking it all in, yours locked on him, choosing to watch him over a potentially once in a lifetime occurrence. He lowered the mask to briefly see it fully, now reaching for the sheet.
He looked at peace, maybe for the first time in his life: the constant storm of thoughts that persistently clouded his mind finally parting, even if for just a small moment. You witnessed the glitter of genuine emotion return to his blue's, something you'd feared was so long abandoned it may have been forgotten. Rich browns of his wavy hair glowed iridescent auburns when shimmers of sunlight peeked through the leaves, perfectly complementing everything about his being.
You knew you each needed that change.
“I love you.”
He took a second, making sure the sound of your voice was real and not crafted by his own imagination. His head turned, somewhat staggered to find your eyes already meeting his. It was impossible to rip away, your visions warping together as you seemed to merge, entranced by the little crescents that reflected on each other's irises. His free hand ditched the paper and reached over as he partly rolled to his side.
“For a long time.”
In fluid movements, Daryl's calloused fingers smoothed across the delicate skin on your cheek, leaning in and bringing you to him in a longing kiss. You didn't entirely expect it, although you didn't expect anything in particular at all, too unsure of how he'd react. But you pushed back against him, deepening the kiss and paying no thought to anything beside how it felt to finally overlap with him – till he broke away.
“I love ya too,” He mused, accent thickening in the confession. When you opened your mouth to continue, he shut you up with another peck and angled your face straight above. “Watch. M'not bein’ tha reason ya miss this.”
Words could wait, but the eclipse would not. So you obliged, cuddling closer to him and squeezing his hand as birds and insects sung in a concerned ensemble triggered by the daylight's disappearance.
The tranquility was eerie, a sensation mostly left in the rubble of society and replaced by prevalent chaos. You wondered if the feeling was shared elsewhere; at home with everyone in Alexandria, with survivors across the entire rest of the country. Maybe those who didn't know thought the holy spirit was returning to rescue your raptured souls. Did the walkers pause to look too? Everything so out of the ordinary it caught their attention?
But none of that mattered to you, because you had it here. And you basked in it with the one person you'd always hoped you would've.
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©corvidcrossbow 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified or adapted to other platforms. My work may be translated only if asked and with proof of given consent.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 6 months
STWG 04-09-2024
Prompt: eclipse
Steve could feel the change in the air as it was coming.
The solar eclipse, he'd been ready to go lie down with a migraine and then Dustin and Eddie had met his gaze with big puppy eyes and he was doomed. He'd give anything for these two dorks.
So Steve took his medicine and laid on one of the pool loungers, his eclipse shades in place as he watched the moon cover the sun, the thought of Eddie as he was wrapped in his embrace and how at home he'd felt from the first day they became more. His hand found Eddie's as they stared up into the sky, and watched as it became a ring of black with light surrounding it. Once it was over he looked over to Eddie excited about what he'd seen as well to see him on one knee, a silver band in his hand with the sun and moon engraved.
"Stevie, you have been my light through the dark, the person who's seen me in all my ways and loved through them all. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?" Eddie shyly asked, his dimples on full display.
Steve felt tears slipping down his cheeks as he nodded, Dustin and Robin whooping in the background, he knew he'd never forget today for as long as he lived.
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uyuforu · 8 months
Pick-a-Card: Your February 2024
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pile 1 -> pile 2->piles 3
pick an image and scroll down to read your reading
pictures found on Pinterest
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Book a reading with Uyu:
*Uyu’s Email Adress: [email protected]
*This is the only email address I have!
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Pile 1 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The kite; The paper plane; The bee + The Caduceus
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Leo; Sagittarius; Solar eclipse reversed + Taurus
Original Tarot de Marseille: Temperance reversed; 10 of cups reversed; Ace of pentacles reversed; 3 of wands; The high priestess; The stars + King of swords
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: The empress reversed; 6 of wands; 8 of swords; King of wands; The tower reversed; The hermit + 8 of wands
Lenormand Oracle: The dog; The bridge; The mountain; The garden; They key; The fishes + The house
Destiny's Keys Oracle: The bunch of keys; Dependency; The end + Love
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> So Pile 1, I heard also Pile 3 sometimes so if you were also drawn to Pile 3, check it out, there may be a sign for you there too. Coming back for this Pile, it seems like in February 2024 there is something you should let go of. Something in your life needs to go, or you need to release something you were dependent of. You maybe felt not enough strong to handle that before, or to actually let this go, but in February you will feel like it is the right time to do so. This thing may have become toxic for you. If you let go of it, which apparently you will, you will open a new door for yourself, and this will be a big step in order to love yourself. So letting go of this is actually a good thing. It maybe seems hard now, but you will realize later it was actually best for you. You will thank yourself later for that.
-> Something was imbalanced in your life, something was going very well, and you weren't feeling comfortable in it either. The cards are saying that it feels hard to let go of this thing that has become toxic in your life, but you need to. It may hurt you, but you know you have to walk away. The cards are saying without it, you will shine more and live a happier and more stable life. You need to let yourself some time in order to heal from it still. Don't force yourself to be happy directly after leaving that dependency situation, but let yourself grief it. You will feel sad and as if you made a mistake at first, because you dependency will still speak for you then. But you will soon realize it was a true success, a very good decision of yours. You will maybe receive signs as confirmation from the universe too. You will heal, don't worry. This situation is a lesson you need to learn from.
-> There really is a key theme about patience here. Take your time, don't rush into things. Be patient and trust the universe. Even if times seem hard and complicated, you will get through it, and light will eventually come your way. You will maybe feel lost after moving away from that toxic thing, but it's because it's a new situation for you. The cards want you to know you did the right choice, and abundance will come your way soon. So despite some hard times, good things will come your way, don't worry.
-> Signs: Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Doors, Flowers, Animals, Insects, Keys, Books, Spring, Nature, Stars, Sun, 18, 38, 21, 20, 33, 34, 8, 3.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 2 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The cup; The rabbit; The celebration + The brain
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Taurus; Cancer reversed; Autumn + 11H
Original Tarot de Marseille: Temperance reversed; 10 of wands reversed; The empress; 2 of wands; Ace of cups; Death + Judgment
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 2 of swords; 10 of swords; 10 of cups; 10 of pentacles; 9 of cups reversed; 6 of wands + The hermit
Lenormand Oracle: The ship; The bear; The tree; The love; The mountain; The doors + The garden
Destiny's Keys Oracle: Knots in the brain; Healing; Abundance + Yes
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> Something has been bothering you recently Pile 2, and you will finally get over it this month. Also, before we dive deep into it, I kept saying Pile 1 instead of Pile 2, maybe you should check it out too. There were some kind of problems that were very heavy on you, and you had the impression you weren't able to get rid of it. Maybe you also had, sensed a heavy energy on you. Something was hard, something felt impossible, something felt stuck. You maybe had a bad news, or this could also be you having a sort of fight, argument, or disagreement with someone. You maybe thought about it often. It was bothering you. You felt frustrated. This could have been at work though, because it doesn't seem like a personal situation. This could happened at work or in your studies (if you are still a student). The environment was heavy or you didn't felt comfortable because of that problem, that knot you had. But you seem to have a confident energy too, so im not too worried about you.
-> In February, you will also need to let that knot, that problem, anything that it is, go. You will have to make a choice, but you will need to let this go in the end. This thing was maybe immature or not good for you, it feels very bitchy in a way. If it's a person, it could be that they talked shit behind your back for example. But instead of coming to them and make them eat grass (idk lol), you will choose to walk away and detach from this person. You will find a stronger meaning in the act of letting go this month. You will find better people, better situations than this one who was actually not so good for you. This was maybe a lesson about you and the love and respect you have for yourself.
-> With the act of walking away, letting go, I see a lot off abundance and great news coming to you. You will find a more healing, more gentle path. Maybe also meet new people who are perfect for you. I see a celebration, a crowd of people applauding you. A party too could take place. And for some of you, a lot of money. You will feel happy because you knew you made the right choice. You will feel more in tune with your guides.
-> Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio, Fall/ Autumn, Water, 10, 1010, Yes, 2, 20, 111, Brain, Psychic abilities, Animals, Parties, Money, Nature.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 3 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The city; The man; The ribbon + The oasis
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Fire; Chiron; Change + The Guide
Original Tarot de Marseille: Strength; 7 of swords; 9 of pentacles; The magician; The chariot; The devil + 3 of pentacles
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: The magician reversed; Jack of pentacles; 4 of wands; Justice; 8 of pentacles; 7 of cups reversed; 5 of wands + 10 of cups
Lenormand Oracle: The clouds; The dice; The woman; The flowers; The garden; The whip + The birds
Destiny's Keys Oracle: Be careful about the ego; Commitment; Passion + End
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> So this feels more like a love situation for you Pile 3. There is someone with masculine energy coming towards you this month. This person may have been busy for a while, and you might have been talking a little, or not at all recently. This person is coming in with a very strong energy, and may have an offer for you. They seem like they have hope about your situation, they may have worked on themselves, and they are coming in with an offer, they want to come and propose a stable relationship, or a serious commitment. This person wants a fresh start with you, they want to start over again. Or they actually want to start something with you, if nothing happened before. This person has a lot of desire for you, I tell you. They only want you, and they might be a little obsessed with you, think about you all the time.
-> They can be flirty, or you may feel a sort of player vibe from them. This is something that you maybe don't like. Something must have failed in the past, something must have not gone right. But time has passed, and you were patient. I don't think you were waiting for this person, at least you were just living your life. But this offer is coming in. This person wants to make things right with you. They want to offer you a stable relationship, something official and something long term. This is not a trick, you may be scared of this person's real intentions. But I see them being very serious about you. It seemed like they worked on themselves while you were away. You have been disappointed by past behaviors. But this is a win right now, and this is love.
-> By offering you this offer, this person is gonna make your realize they have grown, they have healed from past relationships, and they may have worked on themselves if they had toxic behaviors. The will maybe ask you to see you somewhere, to meet in a place outside, or this could also mean literally ask you out. This action will have happy consequences. I do think you are gonna accept this offer, at least for most of you. But even if you accept it, there will be still a part of you that will be afraid the past deceptions will come back, or old toxic behaviors. You could also be scared that this person is lying and using you. Or this could also mean this person's toxic behavior wanting to come back from time to time. This is a general reading, so please only take whate resonates. If you do not trust this person, then do not accept them back. If you do and are willing to help them, please do so. Trust your intuition.
-> Signs: Fire signs, Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Mars, Leo, Flowers, 1, 9, 7, 6, 39, 29, 20, 11, 111, 12, Love, Social Medias, ONS, FWB, Situationship, Valentine's Day.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun 🔆🌑😎
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Sup y'all. Welcome to my lil end-of-March reading! Thank you for voting in the polls for April's next PAC topic for the 1 year special, which will be coming up next. Also thank you very, very much once again for participating in my 2nd tarot game! I'm still answering feedback and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it as I did. I'm looking forward to the next game in summer (possibly a Midsummer game? 🧚‍♀️🐈🎶☀)
I was shuffling my Alchemy Elements deck and noticed that three random cards I pulled out were from the Sun suit (the four suits in this oracle are Moon, Sun, Star, and Earth). I had no topic in mind, so I allowed different mystery messages to come through. These light messages will be relevant to you as you pass through the new moon solar eclipse and all through the next lunar month.
Pick which one of the three sun cards resonates with you:
Flower 💐 Animal 🐎 River 🌊
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Pile 1. Flower 💐
Gratitude, Bird of Paradise, Knowledge; Mountain, Astral Travel, Tower, Promise, Garden
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The world outside is calling you, pile 1. You can't smell the roses blooming if you keep containing yourself under the roof. The beautiful days want you to explore and wander like a child discovering nature for the first time. Perhaps there are flowers you've never seen up close, maybe it's been a while since nature gave you new things to learn and marvel. Botanical gardens are filled with surprises, as are concrete cracks in the city.
Your hands seem too easily tied up in the working world, fulfilling task after task as if every day was meant to be the same. I see a person staring outside their cubicle, wondering when they'll find the time to make it to the park. Wondering when they'll be able to go to that fair, or practice surf lessons. Wondering, hoping, dreaming of the day when the walls can come down, and there will be no separation between daily life and the life filled with endless creative possibilities, waiting to be picked and weaved into crowns.
The path is neither just up ahead, nor light years away; it's right in front of you now. Accept the moment you find yourself in, even if it's impossible, because the surprises you are looking for are already surrounding you. It may feel like you have to climb far to see any hope of change, but you're asked to find stillness and beauty hidden within the climb. Even if you're not wandering through a field of wildflowers yet, there may be chance blossoms within your reach. Be thankful for the present peace you find. Ivy wraps around ivory walls; nature will find a way to you.
Wherever you intend to go, you may need to leave behind the opinions of others that don't help or encourage you. Let them have their perspectives, for they have their own paths to walk. You have yours waiting just outside the door. The light outside may overwhelm you, but it beckons you to appreciate what it has in store for you. So much more awaits you. But what you have today is just as beautiful.
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Pile 2. Animal 🐎
Balance, Lenten Rose, Insight; Letter, Mirage, Heart, Bouquet, Moon
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I hope the sun brings you brighter days, pile 2. There are friends (including animal friends!) who want to bask under the warm luminous skies with you. This time encourage us to stretch our arms out, walk with an extra skip, and enjoy what tomorrow has in store. However, there is anxiety keeping you held in, preventing you from racing ahead. You are being called to expand, move your body, and find ways to embrace joyful freedom more.
Before email and mail trucks were a thing, we had pony mail, which could take weeks to arrive to your mailbox. The information you're receiving doesn't match up to the reality you're soon living in. By the time you're reading the newspaper you have, another one will be on its way, contradicting the one in your hands. Reading over and over can help us feel ready to take on the world, but does it? Or is it keeping you in a loop of confirming news that confirms the news that conforms to the news you're expecting?
Newsflash: the most important place, the space that occurs before it's recorded in the papers, is the place your attention should focus on. If you can meet up with your friends in person, try hanging out with them outside of chatting online. Allow yourself to experience life alongside someone, to feel the wind in your hair as they drive; if you have a pet, spend an afternoon with them on a long walk. A friendly person who can help you desires connection.
Life is a mix of bright and sunny days, mixed with cloudy and rainy days. There are days to be serious and days to be goofy. There are times to stay at home online and times to go out with others. There are moments to feel sadness and worry, and moments of humor and happiness. Take it easy on yourself, pile 2, and whatever topic has you fixated on it, allow yourself the chance to step outside, walk away, and feel the light of the sun and moon on your face.
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Pile 3. River 🌊
Desire, Cyclamen, Reminiscence; Tree, Protection, Animus, Star, Crossroads
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It's okay to not know everything about your path ahead, pile 3. You may be figuring things out as you go along, without any set marker. You're being reminded that whatever path you take, things will turn out okay. Many twists and turns can make a long river, but you will be prepared. It's safe to keep moving in the flow with the currents. When the rolling waves seem slow and steady, it's best to ride along with it, for you have more time than you think to row through.
At times you may desire to keep your boat docked, unable to leave the shore and its many amenities. You may look back on what you used to love (or perhaps found addicting) and wish it were easier to wave it away. Don't be afraid to take souvenirs with you, to remind you of the good times you had. It'll make the transition smoother for when it's time to depart to your next destination. Big changes often require carrying things lightly.
Your north star is shining its beacon out to you. To find it, you must make it; to make it, you must find it. You must set your course by getting clear on where you most want to go. No one else can make this choice for you, for it's your unique trip. The map is with you, provided to you by years of experience and growth. There may be many different distractions, and it's okay to stop to them first just to explore instead of making it to the end goal right away. It's all part of your grand adventure, and the many secrets and surprises make it all the more exciting..
When there's a wish, there's a way. You have the drive within you to set sail towards your greatest yearning in life. Even if it doesn't seem it, you are able to channel the bravery and passion from within. When the skies are dark and you cannot navigate with the stars, you can look to the light beaming out from your soul to find your own way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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lowlights · 6 months
cosmic disruption
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summary: the eclipse happens, and everything changes.
Joel Miller x gn!reader // 1.5k
warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, reader and Joel are patrol buddies, cute handholding, a smooch, self-indulgent eclipse nonsense
thank you to @ezrasbirdie for telling me to write this and @saradika for the divider!
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To say that “normal” had changed a lot in the two decades since the outbreak was a laughable understatement. Society had upended in every single way possible, reshaping itself into something brand new and most often focused on the basics of survival. Amidst the hard work of existing, Jackson sometimes afforded you a few moments that made you feel like your old normal. 
As you thumbed through a yellowed astronomy almanac in the small town library, a date only two weeks from today caught your eye. “Globally, total solar eclipses happen every 18 months,” you read to yourself, “however they only occur once every 400 years in a singular location.” The little science nerd who still lived inside of you jumped for joy when you saw a list of cities in the path of totality for this year. 
“Jackson!” you announced triumphantly to Joel as he walked through the door. 
“Yeah, we’re in Jackson,” he confirmed with a confused look. 
“No, look! Jackson is in the path of totality! We get to see a total solar eclipse in a couple of weeks, look here- Joel, look!” you held the book in front of his face, tapping the page eagerly. 
Joel grimaced. “Well that’s fine, but we ain’t got time for all that seeing as that’s our patrol day. Who cares what the sun is doin’ anyway, as long as it rises and sets each day?” 
You lowered the book, defeated. “I care. I wanted to be an astronomer when I was a kid, did I ever tell you?” Your thoughts drifted far away to that little kid who got their first telescope on their eighth birthday. The world seemed so full of possibility then. 
Joel’s face softened a bit. “I don’t think you ever told me that. Hard to say though with all that yapping you do during patrols, sometimes I just drown it out.” 
You slapped his arm half-heartedly as he smirked, his eyes bright with humor, and carefully put the book back on the shelf. “Did you come in here just to give me a hard time, Miller?” you asked. 
He shook his head. “Long past lunch and I didn’t see you in the mess. Heard you might be over here gettin’ lost in the books again. C’mon, they’ve got those roasted potatoes you like so much. Saved you some.” 
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You thought about the eclipse on and off for several days but put it mostly out of your mind as you took care of your chores and went off on your patrols every three days. Joel had long been your preferred patrolling partner, once you figured out that his silence and scowl didn’t mean he hated you. He grumbled about most things but in a way that always made you smile. 
He might give you a hard time for how much you talked, but it was Joel who was the true storyteller. He wouldn’t admit it for anything, but he came alive when you got him talking about music or his brother or even woodworking. There were many topics that Joel wouldn’t speak on, and you had gotten pretty good at not pushing even when your curiosity burned at you. 
Today you were focused on tilling the soil for next month’s garden starts to be transplanted outside. You liked working with your hands, truth be told, and this was a job that no one else wanted. You were happily alone with your thoughts, humming a tune under your breath, when Joel walked up. 
“Hey there, Miller. Whatcha got there?” you asked, laying down your backhoe and tugging your gloves off. 
Joel shifted uncomfortably on his feet as he held out a plywood box to you. “Made you this,” he said without explanation. You took the box from his hands and marveled at how light it was despite being the size of a large microwave. 
“Thank you? What… is it?” you inquired. Joel was not the gift-giving type, and this was surely one of the oddest things anyone had ever given you. 
Joel looked uncomfortable. “Did I do it wrong? It’s been a long time since I made one.” 
“Do what wrong? What is this?” you turned the box around, noting a large hole cut out of the bottom and an aluminum panel on one side. 
“Today is eclipse day, ain’t it? That’s what the book said. I looked it up and it says it starts in about 20 minutes, and this will let you look at it without burning your retinas clean off. Unless you want to look directly at the sun which is your business, I s’pose,” Joel rambled hurriedly. 
Realization hit you. “Oh, Joel. Did you make me a pinhole viewer?” 
He nodded. “It’s for your eclipse.” 
Your eclipse. You sat the box down carefully before practically flinging yourself at Joel, wrapping your arms around his neck. Emotion welled up in your chest. “Thank you, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” 
Joel froze for just a moment before reciprocating your hug. He drew you in tight against his body, tucking his nose against your neck. “It wasn’t any trouble. Just wanted you to have something, not a big deal.” 
You sniffled. “It is a big deal, Miller. Thank you.” 
You both were hesitant to part, holding on to each other as long as you could. You had never so much as shook Joel Miller’s hand before today, but something about being in his embrace felt…right. Like you should have been there long before this moment.
Joel gave you a squeeze before you broke apart. “Let’s go over to the other side of that tree line there, you’ll get the best view,” he suggested. He picked up the box with one hand and reached out for you with the other. You laced your fingers through his without a thought and followed him towards the clearing. 
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“Alright now, what you do is turn your back to the sun like this and put your head inside,” he instructed, lowering the box to rest on your shoulders. You noted that he had padded the sharp edges of the cutout with fabric so that it rested comfortably. “And just move your head around til you see the sun on the paper inside there.” 
You followed his instructions until the eclipse came into view. “Oh my god, there it is! Oh, Joel. You can see the Sun’s corona, and oh - I think that was a flare! Joel, you have to see this!” 
You started to lift the box off of your head, but Joel stopped you. “No, sweetheart, this is just for you. Just tell me what you see.” 
“You’re not staring at the sun, are you?” you asked with genuine concern. 
“No I’m not staring at the sun, for Christ’s sake,” he responded gruffly. You just laughed. 
Joel held your hand and squeezed every so often, humming in acknowledgment at everything you were saying as you watched the moon pass in front of the sun. At one point you just stared in an awed silence, thinking about how you wouldn’t have believed even an hour ago that you would be standing here holding hands with Joel Miller and looking at the sky. 
The moon and the sun didn’t know that there was an apocalypse, and at this moment you forgot there was also. 
Finally, as the moon continued its trek across the sky, you lifted the box off of your head. As your eyes adjusted to the light, Joel’s smiling face met yours. You had never seen him smile so big with happiness radiating from his eyes. 
“That was…more than amazing. Thank you. How did you know how to make that?” you asked, immediately regretting the question as the smile faltered just a bit. 
Joel cleared his throat. “Made it with my, uh, daughter for her third grade science project.” 
He didn’t offer any more details and you didn’t ask. You just took his hand again and smiled sadly. You knew loss too, like everyone in this world, and you didn’t need to ask how much pain he had been through. 
“You know, you’re awfully sweet, Miller. I’m going to have to tell the rest of the town,” you joked, watching the sadness lift just a bit from his face. “They’re going to expect you to be nice to them from now on.” 
He laughed and shook his head. “They know better than to think that. Tommy said they know it’s just for you, anyway.” 
“Just for me?” you asked quietly. 
He looked away. “I’m no good at this, sweetheart. But I took a shine to you a long time ago and I’m not hidin’ it anymore. Do you…do you think you could take a liking to an old bastard like me?” 
“Joel…” you breathed out, turning his head back so you could look straight into his deep brown eyes. “I never thought you would feel that way about me. I hoped, so many times, that you would just lean over and kiss me. Or that I would get the courage to tell you how I felt. I could do more than take a liking to you, Miller.” 
Without another word, Joel Miller kissed you. Gently, deeply, a perhaps a little clumsily. It had been a long time since either one of you had done that. You hoped you would get the chance to do it again and again. 
“Thank you for my eclipse, Joel.” 
“My pleasure, sweetheart.” 
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alexandraisyes · 5 months
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Earth! Oooh now we’re getting into the lore ooooooo the loooore (Also I'm brainstorming an official name for this AU since I actually wanna give it it's own actual story, so feel free to shoot me some ideas)
She’s the second oldest of her pod (Solar is the oldest). Her entire pod is made of betta mers, composed of Solar, her, Eclipse and Lunar. Eclipse was from another smaller pod before he left after reaching maturity in search of a mate.
There used to be entire interwoven communities of merfolk before most of the mers were hunt to extinction by whalers, fishermen, and pirates. Fishermen saw them as pests for eating the same fish they were trying to get, whalers just tossed their corpses back into the ocean if they were accidentally caught, and the pirates had a black market for their scales, fins and tails. So three different angles were causing lots of mer deaths.
Several shallow water mers couldn’t retreat to deeper waters and the reefs where they lived became slaughter grounds. The only mers that were alive during the main slaughter have left or have managed to hide and evade. Of the mers in the AU only KC and Flare are old enough that they were part of the original tribes that lived in the area. Anyways that’s enough lore for today hehe.
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luvrsux · 6 months
“Sweet Treat”
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word count: 3.9k
summary: you’re a professional baker and someone who you liked in your past, ace, is infatuated with your skills
contents: fluff
a/n: my bad for the over 4 month hiatus. so much has happened but pls don’t expect fanfics as frequently. i just wanted to post this because i missed writing 🤍
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The day was as bright as a solar eclipse. The weather was just perfect that it’d wrap around your shoulders like a soft blanket on a cold winter day. The air brushed your scalp and behind your ears in just the right way—as you were speedily sprinting your way to work.
The “perfect” day would’ve been actually perfect if you hadn’t mistaken your day off for today instead of tomorrow. You would’ve been trotting along this very sidewalk, breathing in the fresh air and smiling at pedestrians with that sweet smile you’d use at your job—but no. Your lungs might as well be coming out your mouth with how much you’ve been hyperventilating.
To your rather small amount of luck, the bakery wasn’t far. It would’ve been a 10 minute walk but it turned into a 5 minute run which felt like eons. You lived in a rather compacted, populated city, so your body crashed and ran through innocent pedestrians, causing multitudes of ‘sorry!’ and ‘my bad!’
You finally met with the glass door of your small bakery you used your talents on. Your baking skills made this small bakery turn into one of the most famous ones in this city. Well, you and your equally amazing co-worker, Pudding.
You swung open the door with the last bit of energy you had left in you. Your legs were wobbling and the floor seemed to be as equally as comfortable as your bed. Pudding, who was wide eyed and holding a serving tray to serve the only table there. You gulped, trying to moisturize your dry throat from your heaving. You carved her an embarrassed smile while your eyes watched her serve the table.
“Pudding, I’m so so sorry! I thought today was Thursday” You excused and Pudding just absorbed it like a dry sponge. She murmured her polite gestures to the consumers after placing their desired order. You watched her brown big tails bob as she trotted towards you.
“No worries! I’m sure you’ll make it up to me by restocking any missing treats on the front desk” She smiled, a hint of sarcasm behind her chocolate eyes. You peered behind her shoulder to see more than half of the front glass missing. Pudding knew she could bake and stock but chose not to because that’s your job at the end of the day. You sighed.
“Of course. Write down anything I need to bake” You hang up your bag on the coat rack beside the door. Pudding smiled innocently and hummed but you knew it was fake. Pudding was black and white, and can easily go dark in a blink of an eye. Luckily, though, you two do get along rather well.
You walk past her to burst into the double doors leading into the sleek, silver kitchen. Everything was cleaned and freshened up, prepared for your talents. You washed your hands, pumping the bright colored soap gel into your palms and rubbed them together. You shook off your dewed hands and looked behind you to the steel table. A sticky note.
“Way ahead of me, I guess”
Your body moved mindlessly and aimlessly as you baked and baked and baked. A dozen lemon bars and fudge bars, A dozen and a half of croissants, some drizzled in chocolate and some with matcha, ten muffins of different flavors, refilling the large cookie jar, carrot cake cupcakes and macarons. Your apron was lathered with flour, chocolate and remanences of sweet filling. Despite all of that, you still had one more order to go. You threw the tin tray of unbaked strawberry cupcakes in the large oven.
The kitchen smelled entirely of sweet baked goods, and that may sound good but it made you nauseous. You needed to step out for fresh air, even the smell of coffee sounded better than all this yeast. You picked up the tray of now cooled cinnamon sugar muffins to stock up.
“I told you, we’re all out! Now leave!”
You heard puddings scratchy, angry voice even before bursting out the doors. There before her stood a tall, brunette guy with a smug grin. Seemed like the mere presence of this stranger irritated Pudding beyond belief. You blinked, tray in hand as you watched Pudding try to shoo off this customer.
“C’mon, you don’t have any in the kitchen or somethin’? I’m starving” His voice was like butter, as soft and smooth as the ones you’d plop into your mixture to make. Not only that but it was *awfully* familiar.
“Do I have to spell it out?” Pudding scrunched her nose up only to receive a hearty chuckle from the man himself. You took in a deep breath and quickly stood beside your angry pastry chef friend.
“Hey I just finished making these” You smiled. Pudding averted her angry expression to you, immediately softening up when she laid her agitated eyes on you. She made eye contact with the smoking muffins that were calling the attention of this person before her. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle this” You whispered.
Pudding pouted at the customer and strutted off, flipping one of her pigtails as a ‘fuck you’ while she snaked into the kitchen to most likely bake her anger out. You opened the glass fold to restock the section the cinnamon sugar muffins belonged and the guy before you widened his eyes.
“I knew they had some in the back!” He exclaimed, leaning over the desk to snatch one off the tray. You gasped and tried to retreat but stopped when you made eye contact with his face.
“I’ve been craving these since forever!” He took a hearty bite out of it, carefully unfolding the wrapping. You watched him chewed and chewed, his freckles lying upon his inflated cheeks. His eyes were closed shut, as if he was envisioning the flavors through his eyelids. He moaned like this was his last meal on Earth.
“Portgas Ace” You blurted. His trance was interrupted. He flickered his eyes open and stopped chewing momentarily. His sudden awkward eye contact caused your cheeks to flair out of sheer embarrassment.
“Oh I-… That’s your name right? I think we went to the same high school” You explained. He raised an eyebrow and swallowed. His expression then beamed once he recognized your face.
“Right, right! You were in the culinary club and you’d always make the best food! Uhhh (F/N), was it?” He snapped his fingers while he pondered. By now you were finished with restocking and the tray was tucked under your arm. You smiled.
“Yeah, that’s me! Everyone in the club hated you for always eating our food with your younger brother but personally I didn’t mind” You explained. You typed on the register for the amount of money Ace owed for his now bitten muffin he stole from you. “Made me appreciate my talents” You continued.
“I remember your cooking and baking were my favorite. My bad if I ever disrupted you or anything. Hey, did you make this?” He pointed at the muffin. The cinnamon sugar muffin is your own special recipe. It was the first baking recipe you learned on your own just by experimenting. You nodded bashfully.
“It’s my own recipe” You smiled. Ace blinked for a moment. No wonder he loved these things so much, he thought. “Anyway, your total is 2-“
“I want a dozen of these”
His request almost made you choke on your saliva. You blinked for a moment and realized that his request was almost the entire stock you had left. You opened your mouth agape to say something before he continued.
“I remember having one of these months ago before I moved and never forgot about em’. I’m going to a get together tonight and I need nothing but the best for the guests” He explained with a smile on his face, all while eating the muffin in his own hand.
Your temporary halt came to an end and you began rapidly typing in the register to calculate what it’ll all come to, including his own.
“26.55…” You murmur, still stunned that this one guy was so amazed by your recipe that he’d wanna buy a dozen. Not only for himself, though. For other people.
“Here” Ace’s fingers held a sleek card in between them to pay for his order. You took it, gently brushing your fingertips against his. You swiped his card to reveal a successful transaction for his sweets.
“Thanks, really” You saw, gushing like a little girl while giving his card back. Ace just chuckled upon taking it back. His smile was beaming and happy, like he had no care in the world.
“Keep makin’ those! I’ll be the ones keeping you in business just for those babies” He joked. You giggled, grabbing a dozen box for the muffins. The box was a soft pastel pink with white polka dots. The bakeries logo was printed on the middle in cursive. You placed each and every muffin delicately until all twelve were placed. You closed the box and stretched your arms to drop them into Aces hands.
“Thanks so much! I’ll be coming here more often”
Ace left with the pretty box in hand as well as a pretty smile plastered on his face like he just saw a unicorn. You watched in awe. Back in high school, you remember everyone having a gawking crush on the boy. He was attractive and tied every girl with a thread by their hearts just by his charm. You weren’t one of them, though. At least not like that.
When Ace would compliment your cooking, it’d warm your heart better than any oven you’d use to bake your goods. You never knew if it was romantic or not, but you’d look forward to Ace disrupting the clubs time just to taste your cooking or treats. You felt that all over again. Nostalgia kissed your cheeks like a long loss lover.
“Hate that guy…”
Your trance was disrupted by your co worker. Pudding watched him disappear with folded arms. Her aura and expression was devilish despite her sweet, pure appearance. Her tone against Ace might as well shoot him through his chest. You raised an eyebrow.
“Why?” You pondered. You felt embarrassed even thinking about being flattered by Ace considering one of your closest friends seemed to chew his head off. She scoffed and cleaned the cashier counter of crumbs.
“He comes in here and just eats all of our samples and says—ahem” She cleared her throat only to attempt to lower her voice to sound masculine, only to not really work as much. “It’s only samples, they’re meant to be free” Pudding attempted to mock Ace’s voice, only to cause a snicker from you.
“He seemed to really like the cinnamon sugars. That’s all I care about” You replied, shrugging your shoulders bashfully. You felt Puddings eyes pierce through you.
“Don’t tell me you actually like him?” Pudding judged. Those words made the hairs on your body spike up. You peered toward her and just scoffed.
You didn’t respond. You didn’t know how to. You just brushed past her to place the tray you’ve been clenching on back in the kitchen where it belonged. You heard Puddings small heals crack behind you like firecrackers.
“If you actually like him I wouldn’t… Entirely judge you”
Pudding rolled her eyes as she followed you to the kitchen. The room was filled of the smell of fresh vanilla cake. Pudding must’ve made it after her tussle with Ace. You carved a smile.
“I don’t like him. I mean I guess I did in high school, but I dunno” You place the tray into the vastly large sink to cleanse it from the residue of the muffins. Cleanliness is everything in the cooking industry after all.
“He probably has a girlfriend. He always has back then” You projected your voice over the loud sink. You scrubbed until the tray sparkled.
“And you wondered why I didn’t like him” Pudding remarked. You flicked off the metal sink from pouring out fresh water. You whipped your head back.
“Don’t you like that chef? Sanji? From culinary school?” Your words made Puddings face turn the same hex as a tomato. You giggled in amusement.
“N-No! He’s such a— Low life loser!” She frantically explained. She sure convinced you. She puffed her cheeks and began aggressively taking our ingredients to make yet another dish out of her emotions. You took it as a sign to just stay at the register for the day…
Weeks pass and Ace came in almost every day just for the same order. It started off with the cinnamon sugar muffins. Then it evolved to a cinnamon sugar muffin with a cup of black coffee. Then it evolved to just him staying at the bakery table just to study and occasionally talk to you while you were at the register. Ace might as well be an employee with how much time he’d lounge there.
Ace would sometimes bring a group of friends, sometimes consisting of his two brothers. They, too, would compliment your baking as much as Ace would but it didn’t feel the same. The way Ace said it and how’d he appreciate it on a regular basis made your heart flutter every time.
But there he was, approaching your register ready to order the same thing. You gave him a sweet smile and snaking your hand to the cinnamon sugar glass cabinet. Your hand movement made Ace carve that same smile you’d crave every time.
“Nice to see you again, Ace” You giggle, bagging his muffin and preparing his coffee. You heard his smooth chuckle from behind, like he was wrapping those toned arms around your waist.
“You too, (F/N). Can’t wait to start my morning with your baking” He winks. You turn and snap the lid on his molten coffee. You caught a glimpse of him biting his lower lips and furrowing his eyebrows, like he was pondering something.
“Hey uh-… Actually I came to ask you something” He blurted out. You just barely finished typing his order on the register to pay. You blinked your eyelids a few times.
“What is it?” You murmur, ready to expect the worse. Ace inhaled, scratching the back of his neck and using the same hand to massage his chin.
“Well uh-… Jeez this is hard” You heard him stammer. You raised an eyebrow, wondering why such a cocky, confident guy like him was struggling to talk to you.
“Are you—… Tired of the muffins? I can actually show you a new recipe you may like instead-“
“No, no!”
His freckles were drowning in his own blush. His cheeks were a bright red and you couldn’t hold in a giggle for much longer. He continued to breathe in and out until he leaned over the counter before you.
“I was wonderin’ if… Maybe you’d like to come over? We’ve been talking for a bit I figured I’d— Y’know—“
You put him to a halt by finally letting out your flattered giggles. Ace felt even more embarrassed and looked up at you with folded lips. You waved your hands.
“Sorry, sorry It’s just—.. Are you asking me out right now? Like a teenage girl?” You tease. Ace let out a bashful chuckle, feeling oddly naked that now he’s doing the asking.
“Yeah, I guess so” His response made you giggle even more. You died down and eyed him up and down with loving eyes.
“Yes, I’d love to. Better have a nice dinner planned for an experienced chef and baker like me” You mimicked Aces confidence only to make him laugh with you. You both had bright cheeks and felt like teenagers again.
“Okay then. I’ll see you there” He winked. You heard a swish come from the counter. He moved his arms off to walk off without his average order. He didn’t care about his regular, he cared about asking you out. You gushed. Especially when you read his address name and number written on a sticky note he may or may not have pre-written on the counter.
“Remember when you said you don’t like him?” A squeaky voice from behind spoke. It sent shockwaves throughout your body and you hitched.
You made sure to wear your best yet appropriate outfit. Nothing too fancy but nothing like you just rolled out of bed. You patted down your clothes, adjusted your hair and made sure you looked presentable as you stood before Ace’s front door. Once you finally gained the confidence to knock, you heard swears from beyond the door. A frantic, brunette swung open the door and you were startled, to say the least.
“Uh— Are you alright?” You asked, peering behind his shoulder to see a small gust of smoke. Did he just come out of a raging fire you didn’t know about, you thought.
“Hey!” He sang, carving an awkward smile. He stepped aside to open the door for you. “Yeah Im uh— Great! Come in”
Ace was nervous and struggling to make a good environment for you. Usually, this would be easy for him since he was a harem himself but he genuinely liked you. Something about you feeding his stomach in just the right ways and you being sweet and generous about it.
Ace’s kitchen was full of smoke upon arrival. There laid a baking tray on his kitchen counter and you eyed it for a moment. Had Ace been… baking?
“I uh— Made you something” He closed the door and scurried to the kitchen. He tried picking up the tray but scorched his hand. He winced and shook his hand to erase the pain. You almost let out a snicker.
You quickly dropped your bag to approach your date to analyze his creation. They looked like rocks shaped in muffins. Seemed like Ace kept them under the heat for too long…
“You can tell I’m not quite the best baker” He chuckled while running his fingers through his locks to massage his scalp. You picked up a “muffin” and scrunched up your nose as you took a bite.
It was awful.
But somehow you can enjoy it regardless since this guy went out of his way to enter your hobbies and talents to impress you. You carved a smile. The best ingredient for any dish is love.
“How about we bake something together” You suggested. Ace’s eyes went wide and bright, like you spoke heavenly words that melted in his ears.
You tied your hair to get it out of the way, scrubbed your hands and rummaged around Ace’s house for ingredients. Ace had just enough to make a simple vanilla cake with buttercream icing. You mainly instructed Ace to grab the ingredients and measure them out for you to mix and mix.
You let Ace lick and eat the spoon you used to mix the cake batter. He moaned and smiled like a child and it made you blush. You poured the cake batter into a baking tin that was doused in butter. You splashed a bit of batter on your face on accident. You felt Ace’s thumb pick it up effortlessly and lick it off. You swore you’d melt right there and then. You left it up to Ace to place it into the oven as you began to prepare the frosting.
“So what made you wanna bake?” You ask in the midst of your mixing. Ace had been leaning against the counter on his back and licked his fingers of any excess batter.
“I guess… I wanted to impress you?” Ace looked at you with pleading eyes. You felt your body temperature rise into the clouds just by his look. “I um-.. Never really felt this way about a person before… Sorry If it’s so awkward”
You made sure to test the icings texture until it was to your liking. You smiled in delight.
“So you’re saying you like me?” You blurted out, taking a sheet of plastic wrap to cover the bowl of icing while the cake finished baking in the oven. You saw Ace’s face plaster in pigment.
His voice was low and genuine. You both made direct eye contact for a moment before you looked down to avoid the overwhelming amount of embarrassment. Ace carved a smile, already knowing you won’t object his confession. If anything, you felt the same way.
“Do you?” His voice was low and soft. He caressed you without even touching you… yet. You let out a small giggle and sigh.
“I can say so, yeah…” You reply. Ace’s chuckle hugged you. You fondled with your fingers, twisting and turning them before opening your mouth agape. “So…”
You caught a quick glimpse of Ace biting his lip before he laid a hand on your cheek. You hitched before you felt his warm, tender lips on yours and quickly synced against yours. You hum, sending vibrations throughout his face. You felt him smile against your lips and it was only contagious. You couldn’t help it.
You pulled away and fluttered your eyes open. You looked up and down at his face and he smiled like a dope. You giggled.
“Your lips taste like cake” You gush. Ace chuckled and licked his own lips for a taste. Your bodies were pulled close, like just one slight move could end up in a kiss again.
“Guess that made the kiss more enjoyable” He winked. You sarcastically rolled your eyes and pushed his face away. You can only take so much flattery.
Once the cake was done and cooled, you and Ace giggled while you lathered it with the frosting. It obviously looked like a mediocre, homemade cake but that didn’t matter. This wasn’t just your cake. This was you and Ace’s cake. It meant more to you than anything that you didn’t even wanna take a bite. Ace waved a fork full of the cake in your face.
“No you try it first!” You reject. Ace shook his head and folded his lips.
“No, no. You’re the guest, c’mon” He encouraged. You sighed, knowing that you’d get nowhere if you didn’t oblige. You open your mouth wide to let Ace drop the cake into your mouth and chewed.
It tasted better than anything you’ve tasted before. The ingredients were generic, but this cake tasted more magical simply because you made it with someone you felt intimate with. You smiled.
“It’s amazing…”
“I know”
You giggled helplessly and swallowed. Ace took a bite himself and shook his head. Of course it was amazing to him. He could taste anything you’d made any day of the week and appreciate like it was his meal on death row.
“Now, here’s the billion dollar question” Ace spoke, liking off the excess icing off the fork. You hummed.
“Which is sweeter? Me or the cake?” He smirked. You giggled and shook your head. You took it upon yourself to wrap your arms around his neck and you felt his arms secure your back.
“Let’s find out”
Those three words made Ace latch his hungry lips against yours. Your mouths were as sweet as the bakery you worked at. All you could taste was vanilla and buttercream. This was, by far, sweeter than the cake. You both made out in sync for what seemed like years. Ace pulled away, leaving a small connection between your lips via saliva.
“Your lips, for sure”
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all credits and characters belong to eiichiro oda
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thegrapeandthefig · 7 months
Calendar manipulation in Ancient Greece
This really isn’t a topic I’m thrilled to tackle, but since the Theogamia there has been so much talk about calendar discrepancies that it looks like the right time to bring this up. Don’t expect this to be eloquent, I’m writing this while absolutely knackered.
I’m not going to focus too much on the problem of modern calendar reconstructions, what I’ll be going into here is the historical evidence we have about how awfully inconsistent the ancient Athenian calendar could be, either by nature or by human intervention over time.
The problem of the new moon
In theory, the Athenian calendar and other Greek calendars are lunar and each month begins on the new moon. Sacha Stern, in Calendars in Antiquity, tells us that the writer Geminus (1st c. BCE), states that the Greek month began when the new moon crescent was first sighted but Geminus also states that the new moon can sometimes be sighted on the 1st of the month, but sometimes not until the 3rd. This statement is interesting, because it implies that, should the moon not be visible (clouds), there was a mathematical basis to the calculation of the months that still made the month begin regardless of what the sky looked like.
There comes also the problem of conjunction (aka when the moon in orbit passes between the sun and the earth, making the moon invisible). The traditional ancient assumption is that the day of conjunction is the last day of the month. However, the interval between the day of conjunction and of the new moon is usually around two days; so if the month began when the new moon was first sighted, conjunction should have been typically on the penultimate day of the previous month.
Those difficulties, along the fact that other authors, such as Aratus give conflicting information leads Stern to say this:
Modern scholars have generally accepted Geminus’ statements that the Greek month began at first visibility of the new moon. However, it is clear on Geminus’ own evidence, as well as on the evidence of the other passages just mentioned, that this rule was not strictly followed, and indeed, quite possibly, that it did not constitute a rule. Moreover, we do not know of any procedure that may have been used, and indeed that would have been necessary, for such a rule to be enforced. There is no evidence, for example, in the whole of Graeco-Roman literature of anyone sighting the new moon.
And this leads us to the rather uncomfortable idea that, in practice, a lot of the calendars simply might not have been as well aligned with astronomical moon phases in the way we conceptualize it today.
Francis M. Dunn, in an article titled Tampering with the Calendar, lists passages from ancient Greek sources that seem to corroborate this idea:
Thucydides 2.28 in a passing mention of a solar eclipse […] distinguishes the astronomical "new moon" or conjunction, at which eclipses must occur, from the conventional "new moon" or noumenia, which followed the first visible crescent. The historian, in other words, is aware that there is an astronomical "new moon" or conjunction which is different from the first day of the civic month.
Man-made adjustments
Because calendars impacted the religious, civic and political lives of each city-states, it wasn’t uncommon for city-states to make adjustments to them.
The type of modification we’re most used to is the addition of intercalary days or month that aim to realign the calendar with astronomical reality. But we have evidence that this isn’t the only motivation.
For example:
In the 430's (SEG XXXVI 12), 420's (SEG XL 12) or 410's (SEG XLII 17), in connection with offerings at Eleusis, the demos instructed the archon to add a second Hekatombaion.
In 228/7 a second Hekatombaion was added to the civic calendar.
Between 294 and 288, in connection with a tour by artists of Dionysus during Lenaion, four cities in Euboea made provision for the archons to add months as necessary.
At the end of the fourth century, probably in 307/6, two days were apparently added near the end of Gamelion.
In 271/0 four days were added in the first decade of Elaphebolion.
As we can see, additions and subtractions of one or several days, if not sometimes months, could happen. They were often added either at the beginning of a month or at the end of a month, which makes it easier to imagine that it could be done to readjust the calendar to the moon, but in the cases where it was linked to a festival, it was clearly done to schedule said festival:
”Of the three cases of intercalary months, two are explicitly related to religious festivals (the dedication of first fruits at Eleusis, IG I3 78; and dramatic festivals in Euboea, IG xii.9 207”
“The evidence therefore supports an assumption that most adjustments were part of the normal operation of the civic calendar - ensuring that the calendar was roughly in phase with sun and moon, and ensuring that festivals would take place at a necessary or convenient time.”
An insoluble debate
The problem of ancient Greek calendars as a whole has been a point of contention among scholars for so long, for the simple reason that it makes dating anything difficult. The most notable example is the one around the differences between the Athenian calendar and the Spartan one when it comes to dating something like the battle of Marathon. Plutarch tells us it was on the 6th of Boedromion, but Herodotus tells us it was during the full moon (and therefore later, if the calendars matched the lunar cycle). This is where the issue of inter-city calendar alignment emerges, since each city-state functioned in their own independent ways, they could resort to calendar adjustments at any time they wanted and further misaligning themselves with one another.
But scholars don’t necessarily agree! Some, like Pritchett believed that the calendars were irregular no matter what, while others like Meritt believed they were regular, and that the evidence of irregularity was due to exceptional circumstances. The problem at this point is that it is much harder to prove regularity than the opposite.
So where does it leave us?
The reconstructed calendars we use today as modern worshippers are all based on some form of regularity, but we need to remember that none of them are a direct continuation of the ancient calendars. For the most part, they are based on the metonic cycle and on the other luni-solar calendars in use today by various faiths and cultures around the world. In fact, a lot of the reconstructions of Athenian calendars are using the same mathematical model as the Hebrew calendar. And that, in a nutshell, explains why different reconstruction have different results when it comes to placing specific days and festivals. So it really comes down to personal choice. Choosing a calendar that is more “popular” might be more appealing to you for particular reasons, while others might choose their calendar based on entirely different criteria. I guess the point I’m trying to get to is that, there won’t be a “standard” calendar without some kind of wide decision to stick to a precise model, and as long as there is no religious authority, the calendars will remain ever so slightly different, because they never really were regular in the way that we understand our solar Gregorian calendar to be.
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