#Someone with wings being shown off as a curiosity
sophieswundergarten · 11 months
Still obsessed with a Magic Creature/Cursed AU, but thinking about what if instead of the (relative) safety of the orphanages and stuff, the kids are captured/exploited for their unique abilities and Mr. B and co get to mount a rescue and save them
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octahyde · 1 month
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Ugh I love Ortho so MUCH… robots being autistic coded (ESPECIALLY low empathy coded) is usually basically guaranteed to be ableist and dehumanize them, but for Ortho it’s the exact opposite.
In many cases, robots have very stereotypical traits- cold, cut off, and inability to understand humans. When they do warm up to humans, it’s seen as “fixing” them.
But for Ortho in general, it’s the exact opposite- his autistic traits instead push the fact that regardless of his body, he IS human. His curiosity of the world he views differently is much more in line with how actual autistic children behave irl, and it is constantly used to show how he relates to others.
ESPECIALLY his special interests in film, which is what attracts Vil to him as someone to take under her wing.
Furthermore, as I’m showing in these screenshots, his low empathy. Low empathy is the name of the game with autistic robot caricatures, and is one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood types of autism in real life. However, again- it’s shown with love and compassion in his writing.
(TWST is really back and forth with low empathy- with Idia it’s used mostly as a joke that gets her into trouble (the time she told the kidnapped overblotters she was going to probe and experiment on them, and was upset nobody realized she was joking). Meanwhile, much of the conflict in Book 7 is because Malleus has low empathy and doesn’t understand what happiness is to him is NOT the same as what happiness is to others.)
With Ortho, his low empathy is one of his biggest fuels for curiosity: he got into movies to try to understand how humans act and behave. As a humanoid at NRC, he is curious and pays a LOT of attention to how different people act, what does and doesn’t upset people, how they portray emotions, etc. He does not get or relate to others on a lot of things, which makes him desire to learn more so he can learn why others behave differently than him, and, in turn, understand and navigate potential situations with these people better. It even helps him with his passion and special interest in film and acting!
It’s just… idk. Autism is a very diverse and stigmatized disorder, and seeing him be handled so lovingly with a type of autism that in general is more stigmatized even in the community because of how bad negative stereotypes around it are. So seeing a character with these heavily stigmatized symptoms being used in an allegory that portrays him as MORE human for them, not less, really makes me happy. :)
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metannoyuhhh · 8 months
I just saw a TikTok about the fears and motivations of TMAGP and I don’t think I can sleep until I get this out.
So the main big bad(s) of The Magnus Archives was the fears and their entities and artifacts. All the main characters and statement givers, if not the rest of the world, were effected by them. Motivated by them even.
Even if someone wasn’t experiencing one of the fears firsthand, a connection to someone who has or even just a read through of a particular statement could motivate one to do so much.
Jon had The Web first. He experienced Mr. Spider at such a young age and his fear of spiders carries on for as long as he does. Then it was The Eye, the position he presumably worked so hard for turned out to be far more sinister. He was trapped and he was paranoid and he was surrounded solely by other paranoid victims. And yet, this fear did nothing but push Jon to do more research, to find what was going on, and to fix it. He was scared and he was tearing himself and his relationships apart but he saved the world, at least once.
Martin was Lonely for a long time, making him a perfect candidate to be taken under Peters Lukas’ wing. He was isolated from the beginning, watching his family and friends drop one by one like flies. Close to the end he felt he had no choice but to give in. He probably knew it was wrong to give himself up to The Lonely but if that meant saving what was left that he cared for, he’d do it every time.
Tim was such a doting big brother who lost his other half in such a devastating and horrific way. His brother was picked off by The Stranger when his curiosity got the better of him and his best friend was murdered and replaced and he didn’t even notice for months. His fear turned to aggression and his aggression turned to vigor to research and fight to do his damn best to stop The Unknowing, and he did.
In The Magnus Archives, fear and trauma is what motivates people. It’s the rush of adrenaline that gets people moving and fighting. And while sometimes it’s also to get something they want (a better world, to save someone, revenge) there is always trauma that comes first. You cannot have the motivation and obsession shown in TMA without having experienced the fears in one way or another.
I think The Magnus Protocol is going to flip this on it’s head. Instead of fear fueling motivation, it’s going to be motivation that leads to the fear and trauma.
Gwen is a perfect example of this. She’s so dedicated to her job and so obsessed with filing things accurately so that she can work her way up to the managers role. And I think her precision and dedication to the statements and the knowledge they hold will put her straight into The Eye’s influence, or maybe even The Web.
Sam is a similar case, his curiosity about the files is going to lead him to something unsavory that he won’t be able to get out of.
In The Magnus Protocol everyone wants something. Gwen wants power, Sam wants knowledge, Colin wants to get ahold of this strange computer system, and I think Chester and Norris most all want each other.
I think Jon and Martins love for each other, their wanting to be together and still sacrificing that in hopes of bringing the world back fundamentally changed the way this world operates. They wanted to be together so they came back in the form of our little text to speech bots, they will always be together now, even if that means being trapped in a desktop from the 90’s.
The Magnus protocol is going to be about wants, and I think that is going to be apparent very soon as Colin works on the app more and as Sam dives deeper into the files and as Gwen works her way up the corporate ladder.
It may even be that these characters become entities because of their wants. Like the woman in episode two who wanted to perfect her art and herself at the cost of her physical appearance and relationships. It really wouldn’t even shock me if my the end of this all of our main characters will have succumbed to a fear in some way, except for maybe Alyce.
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kristannafever · 8 months
A Snow Angel and a Substitute
Kristanna Modern AU Rated: T+ WC: 7122
~Completely self indulgent oneshot
“Yo, Mr. B!”
Kristoff turned around right as the snowball exploded against his shoulder.  His eyes narrowed at the three teenage boys who were busting a gut laughing.
“Get your asses to class!” he yelled, a smirk pulling at the side of his mouth as he brushed the snow off his jacket.
The boys grinned at him and took off running through the deep snow.  Kristoff shook his head and resumed his work with the shovel.  It was a crying shame their rural school never got the walks cleared in the morning in time, forcing parents and children to navigate the blinding white landscape.  He’d seen his fair share of people slip and fall, not to mention that one time he took a tumble on the way to his truck after school. 
More students filed off the buses, stepping around him as he resumed shoveling the snow.  It was a long walkway along the front of the school to the bus loop, and he was going to have to hurry back inside to make it in time for the second bell to teach his class.
“There he goes again.”
Anna looked up from where she was sitting at one of the tables in the staff break room.  There were four other teachers, all ladies, looking out the window at someone.   This was a new school for her and her first time substituting at it; if she knew the other teachers better, she might go see that the commotion was about.
“He’s such an angel for doing that,” one of them said.
“Every time it snows.  And he always has a smile on his face,” the first one who spoke answered.
“If I wasn’t married, I would be all over him,” another woman said through a dreamy sigh. 
“Ha.  Get in line.  Almost all of us single ladies have already tried and failed to get a date.”
Anna had no idea what they were talking about but curiosity got the better of her and she got up and approached the window.  Outside was a tall man, his blond hair decorated with snowflakes, shoveling the walkways around the school.
The one who spoke first turned slightly, noticing Anna’s presence.  “Oh, you’re Miss Arendelle, right?  The sub for Mrs. Gleeman’s class?”
“That’s me.”  She smiled.  “I’m Anna.”
“I’m Tracy.  Welcome to the school.”  She offered her hand and Anna shook it.  “You get a good look at Mr. B out there?”
“Mr. B?” Anna asked.
Tracy gave her a wicked smile.  “Mr. Kristoff Bjorgman.  He teaches science in the junior high wing.  You’ll see once you meet him.”
Anna was certainly intrigued.  She imagined she’d have a chance to bump into him since she was taking over the Junior High’s English period in the same wing for the entire month while Mrs. Gleeman recovered from knee surgery.    
The rest of the teachers introduced themselves and Anna found them all to be warm and inviting.  They included her in their conversation about the goings-on of the school until the first bell rang and all the women broke up to head to their classrooms. 
Anna headed to the classroom that the principal had shown her when she’d arrived, and turned the corner to come face to face with a very snow-covered blond man whom she’d been looking at only moments before.
“Oh, hello…” he said, shaking snow off his hair and then brushing it off the shoulders of his coat.  “You must be subbing for Mrs. G.”
Anna was immediately enamored with the pink hue of his cheeks from being out in the cold and exerting himself with the shovel.  “I am,” she said with a smile.  “My name is Anna.”
“Kristoff,” he said, and offered a hand.  “Kids call me Mr. B.”
Anna shook it, expecting it to be cold, but instead it was delightfully warm.  “Nice to meet you, Kristoff.”
He gave her a tiny smile.  “Have a good morning.”  Then he walked around her and straight to the classroom beside hers. 
Anna paused at the door to her classroom and took a deep breath.  It was always nerve-racking teaching in a new school she wasn’t familiar with, and grade seven was by far the most ruthless grade she’d ever taught for.  With any luck, she’d get through the day without having a nervous breakdown.
So far, the morning had gone off without too much issue.  There were some rowdy boys in the class to be sure, but none of them did anything too rash beyond talking when they weren’t supposed to be.  The biggest distraction of the morning happened when the classroom next to theirs erupted with noise.
Her students had been reading quietly to prepare for the book report they were going to do on their chosen book, when there was a whooshing sound, a class full of teenagers oohing and ahhing, and then ruckus laughter.  It filtered through the wall with remarkable clarity.
“I can’t wait for science,” whispered one of the boys in the back to his friend. 
“Me either,” his friend responded.  “Mr. B is the best!”
That brought hushed murmurs of agreement from other students and within seconds they were all talking.  Anna looked at the clock, and with only five minutes left in the period, she figured she’d let them be.  In the meantime, she took the opportunity to look up this Mr. B on line, only to find that he had no presence there beyond being listed as a teacher on the school’s website.
The bell rang and the kids filed out to head to their next class.  Not long after the grade eights filed in, talking and laughing.  Anna had read over their curriculum and was prepared.  That class went a little quicker since they were discussing their upcoming biography projects and Anna had to answer a lot of questions before the bell rang for lunch. 
Anna lingered a moment to gather her notes for the grade nine’s she would be teaching after lunch, then grabbed her bag and headed for the staff room.  Walking passed Mr. B’s classroom, she noticed him out of the corner of her eye.  Pausing, she turned towards the open door and leaned against the frame.
“Do all the teachers eat lunch in their classrooms?”
His head remained still but his eyes looked up from the book he was reading, a sandwich paused half way to his mouth in his other hand.  He blinked at her and finally brough his head up, setting his lunch down.  “Um, no.  But I do.”
“Oh?” Anna cocked her head to the side.  “Is everyone here that insufferable?”
A smirk played out on his lips and he set his book down, looking away from her eyes.  “No, nothing like that.  I just like peace and quiet.”
Anna nodded slowly.  “I get it.  Sometimes I need a breather from all the talking and listening to the students.”
Kristoff looked back and smiled at her but didn’t look like he was going to say anything in response, so Anna told him to have a good lunch and headed to the staff room.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff was out there again the next morning, shoveling the snow that had fallen overnight.  The school district crews had been there in the afternoon to clear the accumulation from the day, but everything was once again under a blanket of snow.
Anna walked into the staff room to a nearly identical scene from the morning before, only this time where were five other female teachers lined up at the window.  She didn’t bother to join them since it seemed a little juvenile.  Not that she didn’t understand; he truly was a very handsome man, but why bother ogling when he wasn’t interested.  Anna certainly would have joined him if he’d offered her to eat lunch with him yesterday.  Only he hadn’t, so it was fair to assume there was no interest for her either.
She put her lunch in the fridge and headed to her classroom.  There were already a few students milling around in it, and she got everything set up for the day.  Then the junior high door opened and shut and the sound of someone stomping boots on the mat came down the hallway.  Kristoff breezed by her open door a moment later on his way to his classroom without sparing her so much as a glance. 
“Yo, Mr. B!” came through the wall a moment later, and the sound of kids bombarding him with comments and questions was drowned out by the second bell. 
The day progressed much like the day before, only with the other grade seven and eight classes.  Then the lunch bell rang and Anna headed to the staff room, glancing briefly in Kristoff’s classroom to find it empty.   As soon as she entered the staff area, she could see why.  He was digging around in the fridge, bent at the waist, with every single pair of female eyes staring at his wonderfully shaped back side.
Anna fought with a smile and the urge to break out with laughter.  These women were worse than love struck teenagers.
Kristoff pulled out a brown paper bag and shut the fridge as he turned in her direction.  He almost slammed right into her, and had to stumble back a step.  “Oh, sorry.  Didn’t mean to almost run you over.”
“No worries.”  Anna smiled at him.
The side of his mouth curved up in response but he walked around her and said, “Have a good lunch.”
“You too,” Anna said to his back as he left the room.
Silence stretched on for a moment when Tracy piped up.  “He is so fine.”
A male teacher sitting at a table guffawed at her comment.  “Put it back in your pants, you cougar.  He ain’t interested.”
“I know that,” she snapped at him.  “Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate that fine form.  Not to mention that perfect ass.”
Some of the ladies in the room giggled while the male teacher rolled his eyes with comedic drama that told her the ribbing was all in good fun.   Anna turned away from the group and grabbed her lunch and found a spot to eat while conversations turned away from the attractiveness of co-workers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff never had to shovel the next morning, which disappointed him just a little.  He liked doing it, getting out in the cold fresh air and making life a little better for the parents and students.  One of the gym teachers used to do it, but the guy only shoveled the entryway to the front doors, so when Kristoff got to the shovel before him one morning, he never made a move to grab it again.  It was for the better.  This way the entre walkway was free and clear of deep snow, and Kristoff always got the de-icer to sprinkle if there was ice left on the walks. 
One of the good things about not having to shovel at least was not seeing a bunch of faces staring at him from the window of the staff room.  Some of those ladies were relentless. 
At least it was hump-day and Kristoff was excited to dazzle the kids with another experiment.  He put his lunch in the fridge, ignoring the stares, and went to his classroom to organize his day.  As the kids filtered in, he was greeted warmly. 
He tried not to listen to much of what they were saying, especially when he heard a swear word or two fall out of their mouths, but one of the boys talking caught his attention when he mentioned ‘Miss A’.
“… is so awesome.  She’s so chill.  I like her.”
“Dude, she’s hot!”
“Jackson!” Kristoff warned, not bringing his eyes up from the quiz he was grading.  “Inappropriate.”
“Sorry, Mr. B,” Jackson responded sheepishly. 
Kristoff went back to his work.  He understood these kids had hormones fucking up their brains at this age.  Hell, he’d received googly eyes from plenty of the girls over his years teaching.  It was natural for them to feel those feelings.  And of course, not one of them ever acted on them.  Which sadly, couldn’t be said for all teachers.
He’d worked with a guy before who’d crossed the line with one of his students.  Kristoff laid him out with one punch when he found out, and got him fired on the spot.  The girl was consenting and technically eighteen, but it was still so fucking wrong.  
He saw a flash of colour scurry past his open door and met Anna’s eyes for one brief second as she hurried down the hall.  Kristoff stared at nothing for a moment, regretting not thinking of something better to say to her when she’d stopped by his classroom that first day.  Truth is, she was hot.  And he was instantly captivated by her eyes and her easygoing smile. 
The noise level in the room was getting out of hand so Kristoff had to rein in the students and begin class.  The morning flew by, and before he knew it, the lunch bell was ringing and he was swiftly left alone in his classroom.  He hurried to grab his lunch and managed to get out before too many people came in, and was once again alone in the solitude of his classroom a moment later.
Mid way through unpacking his sandwiches, a familiar voice came from his open door. 
“How do you do it?” she asked. 
Kristoff looked at her, those clear blue, intelligent, eyes, and felt a jolt of longing.  He hadn’t really ever felt an attraction like this before, and it went well beyond her looks. 
“How do I do what?”
“Get them to love you so much,” she said with mock exasperation as she took a couple steps into the room and threw her hands up dramatically.  “Those kids adore you.”
He felt his cheeks warm instantly, and shrugged to her.  “I just like teaching science.”
She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.  “Nuh uh.  It’s more than that.  You have a natural talent for reaching these young people.  They look up to you, and they listen to you, and most importantly, they learn from you.”
The heat in his face deepened and he had no idea what to say.
She sighed.  “We all had those teachers growing up.  You remember, right?  The one, or if you’re lucky, two, that really make a difference.  The one’s that leave an impression.  You are one of those.  How do you do it?”
Kristoff was at a complete loss for words.  No one had ever said anything so flattering to him before.  He was further taken with her. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.”  She uncrossed her arms and turned back towards the door.
He had a moment of panic, wanting this conversation to keep going only his mind was still drawing a blank.  She was almost out of sight when words finally came to him and came out with halting awkwardness.  “I don’t really know how… I just love science.”
She turned back and looked at him with curiosity.  “You really don’t have like, a secret, or something?”
He shook his head.  “No.  Not at all.  In fact, I’m actually a really quiet person.  I just… like talking about science.”
Anna stared at him, making him a little uncomfortable.  “So you’re basically a unicorn,” she said finally.
The absurdity of the statement made him laugh.  “What?”
She waved her hand in front of her face.  “Never mind.  Just means you’re a rare individual.”  Then she turned and disappeared out the door before he could utter another word. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He was tired as hell, and shoveling the dump of snow that had fallen overnight was hard work.  By the time he stomped his snow-covered boots on the mat and changed into his school sneakers, he was ready to call it a day and go home.  Only the day was only just starting. 
The reason he couldn’t sleep, appeared rushing to her classroom as he approached his door, and she threw him one of those breathtaking smiles as she passed him.
All morning, he struggled to concentrate, leaving his kids quietly passing silent glances at one another.  He finally had more than he could take and told them to just take out their textbooks and read over the material in their unit to study for the upcoming test next week.  While they silently worked, he stared at his computer and tried to make himself work. 
He almost dozed off and the bell ran, startling him, which was embarrassingly noticed by almost all of his students.  They filtered out of the class throwing him questioning glances and his next class sauntered in.  He managed to hold it together a bit better, then he looked at the clock, realized how much time was left, and told them to do the same as he did with his other class.
Miss A… Anna… was thoroughly under his skin.
By the time the lunch bell rang, it felt like eight hours had passed instead of four.  He went to the corner of his desk where he’d thrown his lunch bag when he came in.  He was too tired to put it in the fridge and he pulled the items out without really thinking about it and started to eat his first sandwich.
Then she was at his door again. 
“It’s noticeably quiet over here today.”
“Pardon?” he asked, his tired mind trying to understand.
“Your classes are kind of loud,” she said, walking into the room and right up to his desk.
He swallowed the sudden thickness in his throat and maintained eye contact with her.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to be a disruption.”
She gave him a brilliant smile.  “That’s not what I’m saying.”  Anna grabbed a nearby student chair and pulled it towards his desk, sitting across from him.  “I just mean the kids seem a little less upbeat today.  And… so do you.”
Did that mean she had been watching him while he was shoveling?  Did she notice that his enthusiasm was not what it was at the beginning of the week?
“Just tired…” was all he could think of to say. 
She stared back at him with eyes that were more knowing than anyone else he’d ever met.  “I get it.  We all have those days.  That’s why the kids seem quiet.  They feed off your energy, and when you don’t have it, they worry.”
He frowned.  “You think they worry about me?”
“Of course they do!  That’s all I heard murmured when my next class came in.  They come straight from you to me.”
“They noticed,” he said more to himself than Anna as his gaze fell to his desk.  He was a little taken aback, as this had never really happened to him before.  Upon reflection, he supposed he was pretty constant with his attitude.  No wonder the kids were thrown off.
She nodded.  “Don’t worry, no one is saying anything bad.  Just that you look tired.”
He looked back into her eyes.  “Yeah, I am tired.”
Shit, if his tiredness was throwing his kids off, her question as to why certainty threw him off.   “Just a restless night,” he said carefully.
“That’s too bad.”  She frowned.  “Everything okay?  You need to talk about something?”
The fact that the reason he couldn’t sleep was asking him why, was amusing his tired brain.  “No, it’s all good.  Just couldn’t stop thinking.”
“Ah, I have those nights once in a while.”  She leaned back in the chair.  “Definitely no fun.”
He shook his head slowly, watching her eyes as they flicked to the clock and then back to his desk, before finally coming up and meeting his gaze.  It was all over her face; she was going to get up and leave him to his solitude and join the masses in the break room.  All he had to do was say the words.  She stood and it came out of his mouth. 
“If you want, you can bring your lunch here and we could talk.”
A slow smile spread across her face.  “Sure.  I’ll be right back.”
Kristoff watched her leave the room and caught her eyes as she looked back at him.  That was a good sign. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Anna had a restless night, and now she had a better understanding of why Kristoff had looked tired the day before.
The talk they had over their short lunch, had opened up something between them.  It was there, and real, and she could feel it.  Kristoff could too, she could tell.  His eyes bored into hers as they talked, taking her in in the way she was taking him in with hers.  And then the bell rang way too soon.
Anna went back to her room feeling fluttery and light.  She even lingered a moment after class, and waited until she saw him walk past her room, looking in and smiling.  She’d called out that she’d walk to the parking lot with him, and he waited while she put on her coat and grabbed her purse.  The talk was brief, but she was suddenly desperate to find out everything about him. 
And then he was on her mind all night long. 
The next morning, it hadn’t snowed and the forecast was for clear skies, so Anna went into her classroom early, not surprised one little bit that Kristoff was in his.  She stopped by his door and noticed there was only one kid there so far, reading quietly at his desk.  She was hoping for an empty classroom but this was going to have to do and the student in question was a quiet one.  Not that this wasn’t going to start a rumor. 
She approached the desk where he was going through some papers.  “Morning, Kristoff.  How are you?”
He looked up quickly and have her an even quicker smile.  “Morning!  I’m Good, how about you, Anna?”
“I’m good.  A little tired, but you know… pretty good.”  She suddenly felt a little flustered in his warm brown gaze. 
“Hmm.  Didn’t sleep well?”
“Not really.”
“Seems to be going around.”
Anna did not miss what he meant by that and by the way he was looking at her.  “How about you?  You catch up on your rest?”
His smile widened and he chuckled low.  “Went to bed at eight, so yeah.  Got nine hours in.”
“That’s great!  I imagine your class will be lively again today.”
“With the experiment I have planned to show the kids, we’ll definitely be disturbing you.”
Anna grinned at him.  “Wonderful.  I love hearing the kids have fun.”
“If it gets too loud though, please let me know.  Mrs. G complained to me all the time.”
“I promise it won’t,” she said, noticing a few kids filtering into the class behind her.  If she was going to go for it, she better get it out now.  “Have a fun morning, and if you want, you can join me in my classroom today for lunch?”
One eyebrow twitched up ever so slightly.  “Sure.  I’d love to.”
Despite Anna’s attempt to keep things low key, she was already hearing kids talk rumors.  And it had only taken a matter of hours for the gossip to spread.  The kids were apparently tickled pink with the idea of Miss A and Mr. B getting together and going on a date.   Now all Anna had to do was get Kristoff to ask her out on one. 
Kristoff showed up for lunch before all the kids had left the room, which she knew would further stoke the flames of the chatter.  Not that she really cared. 
He asked her all about how she got into teaching and she had a great time talking to him, then the bell rang and they finished teaching out their day and walking to the parking lot together again.  He bid her a good night but did not ask her out.  It had disappointed her, but Kristoff seemed kind of laid-back to her, like he just rolled with it, so maybe he just had no presence of mind to rush things.  Unlike Anna, who had already pictured kissing him, among other things, about a dozen times. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristoff parked in the staff lot and lingered in his truck a moment.  There was no snow to shovel, so no real reason to hurry into the school so early.  That, and Anna’s car wasn’t there yet.
He was going to ask her out on a date, of that he was certain.  What he wasn’t so certain about was whether or not it was a good idea.  He’d already heard the kids whisper about them, and it bothered him.  He was very careful to maintain professionalism in the workplace, and while there were absolutely no rules about dating a staff member, the fact that the kids were so into it was weird to him. 
He decided to let it go when he saw Anna’s car pull of the main road and made a show of slowly grabbing his bag and getting out of the truck so it wasn’t obvious that he had waited for her.  She parked beside him with a bright smile while he shut his door and lingered.  Her head popped up over the roof of the car a moment later.
“Morning, Kristoff.  Walk in with me?”
He smiled.  “Sure.”
“Just a sec…”  She disappeared back into her car to gather her things. 
“No problem.”  It took her a moment, making him smile a little more.  Finally, she gathered her bag and her purse and shut her door.
“TGIF, am I right?”  She laughed, falling in step beside him. 
“Definitely.  Any plans for the weekend?”
“Eh, not really.  Call my sister on Sunday, but that’s about it.  Maybe some Christmas shopping.  I like to get that done early.”
So did Kristoff.  In fact, he was already done.
“How about you?” she asked, as they rounded the bus loop and headed towards the front doors. 
“Oh, not too much.  Go to my folks for dinner on Sunday.”  He took a quick breath and went for it.  “Maybe take you out for dinner tomorrow night?”
Anna stopped in her tracks only feet from the front door and Kristoff resisted the urge to look at the staff window to see who was spying on them.  That was the whole reason he wanted to ask her when they were alone.  The gossip among the staff was sometimes worse than the children.  
She smiled at him in a way he hadn’t yet seen, and it made his stomach do little flips.  “Sure, Kristoff.  I would love that.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On Monday morning, Anna was accosted by Tracy in the staff room. 
The woman had her hands on her hips.  “So you and Mr. B went on a date this weekend?”
Anna bristled at the stern look from the older woman.  “How in the hell did you hear about that?”  She’d been careful not to let the kids know about their date plans, and no one had been around when he’d asked her. 
“Janice, the kindergarten teacher, was at the restaurant that night and saw the two of you canoodling over dinner.”
“So?  Two consenting adults going on a date isn’t a crime.”
“It is when the man is that fine,” Tracy said, arching and eyebrow and giving Anna and evil smile.  “Good for you, girl.”
Anna smiled and giggled nervously with no idea of how to respond to that.
“I’m just joking with you, Anna.  Relax.”  Tracy left the staff room laughing to herself and Anna’s cheeks were on fire. 
She quickly grabbed another coffee and rushed to her classroom, stopping briefly by Kristoff’s open door to smile at him.  Their date, had been magical.  Kristoff was wonderful, kind, honest, intelligent, and sexy as all get out.  He was the man she’d been looking for her entire life.  The sparks flew, and yeah, she supposed they were canoodling over dinner. 
Then Kristoff dropped her off at her place, declined the invite inside, then kissed her in the most wonderful, yet chaste way, leaving her weak in the knees.  She was already head over heels about him and could not wait to go on their next date.  If all went well, they’d be spending more of the weekend together than just their Friday night.
Kristoff went on with explaining the science projects that the kids were going to create and test, but his mind was completely occupied with thoughts of Anna and how he already knew that he was going to fall deeply in love with her.
She ignited things in his soul that he didn’t even know were there.  Time with her was some of the best of his entire life.  And the best part was, he could feel the same kind of energy coming from Anna.   She had wanted him to come into her place when he dropped her off, she made that very clear.  But Kristoff was raised with respect and somehow, he managed to decline despite what his body was telling him.  They were going out again this Friday and he knew she was going to ask again for him to come in after their date, and while he planned to say no, wanting to hold out for the third, he had to wonder if he’d have enough strength to deny her again.
It turned out that Kristoff did not possess the strength to be able to deny her again, and after their second date, him and Anna made love for the first time.  They were inseparable after that.
Anna had been set to leave the school when Mrs. Gleeman returned, only to be informed that the healing was taking its toll on the much older woman, and she’d need another three to four weeks of recovery.  Kristoff was sad that Mrs. G (even as grouchy as she always was to him) was having a hard time, but happy that meant Anna would be at the school a little longer.   And with the thought of her eventually leaving the school looming in his mind, he asked her to move in with him only five weeks after their first date. 
His home had never felt like home until Anna had moved in.  She made his life so much better, and they did absolutely everything together.  Except, at school it was business, and they kept the fact that they were so involved, from everyone there.   Even Tracy had stopped pestering Anna after not getting the information she wanted.  The kids still talked, because Kristoff and Anna still took turns eating lunch in each other’s classrooms, but with no ammo besides a healthy friendship, the murmurs soon ceased. 
More time went on and Anna had been getting genuinely depressed when it was looking like she’d have to move onto another school to substitute at, when low and behold, Mrs. G showed up one morning to meet with the principal and Anna.
Mrs. Gleeman’s daughter, lifelong friends with one of the mothers who Anna taught, had commented about her improvement in her child’s grades and the fact that she was genuinely having a better time at school.  Apparently, Anna’s sharp ears, zero tolerance for bullying and taunting, and constant encouragement to be kind and to help one another, had put an end to her friend’s daughter getting picked on.  Now she even had a couple of good friends and raved about what a great teacher Miss A was.  And apparently, they were not the first parent to comment on the positive changes in their children.
By the end of that meeting, with Mrs. Gleeman’s plans to retire early and her encouragement, Anna had a permanent job teaching junior high English.  She had thanked the older woman and the principal profusely, and went back to her classroom weeping with happiness.  Her students, shocked to see her in such a state, inquired to her emotion.  Kristoff had never heard such a ruckus roar of approval coming from her classroom as she told them she wasn’t going anywhere.  By the end of that day, it was all the kids who entered his class could talk about.
Then, the inevitable happened.  Him and Anna were out bowling on a date in town, when one of their students happened to be there at the same time.  Neither he or Anna had noticed the kid until after a bunch of PDA, and by then it was much too late.  They decided to pretend the student wasn’t there and went about their date.  And as they expected, the following Monday, tongues were wagging among the kids, and they had not stopped for over a week.  Therefore, by that second Friday since that date, Kristoff had an idea to put that to rest once and for all.
He had to put his plan together quickly, informing the principal and other junior high teachers for approval before getting the most important part of his plan.  He was a little nervous, having only been with Anna for six months, but knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were meant for each other.
The morning finally came, and all the junior high students were called into the gym to address the rumors that had been flying around for the past couple weeks.  Kristoff watched them all file in, shaking with nerves.  He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but having Anna stand by his side, filled him with confidence. 
“How could they not have given us a heads up that we had to address this?” she asked him, leaning over to speak low as the remaining kids and teachers came into the gym.  She’d been informed by the principal at the same time as her class that they were all about to meet to talk about two teachers rumored to be in a relationship.
“Uh, actually, this was my idea.”
Anna’s head snapped in his direction and she looked at him with wide questioning eyes.  “And you didn’t tell me?”
Kristoff pursed his lips but didn’t answer her.  The door to the gym swung shut with the last teacher ushering the kids in and he decided to just go for it.
“Hey, hey!”  He held up his hands.  “Quiet down.”  The kids were too excited and the volume didn’t drop one bit.  “Quiet down, please!” he said, louder, repeating himself a few times, and finally the murmurs died down.
He spared a glance at Anna standing beside him, her cheeks alight with embarrassment and looking over all the kids to the back of the room.   He felt a pang of regret, like this was suddenly a really bad idea, then he looked back at the kids and found renewed strength.
“I’ve had several students mention something to me,” he started.  “Raise your hand if you’ve heard a rumor about Miss A and I.”
Every single student raised their hands and started to giggle and talk.  The noise level took off again and Kristoff had to speak over the din.  “Hands down.  Okay!  Hands down, quiet please.”
The students all quieted and Kristoff resumed his speech.  “There is a rumor going around that Miss A and I are dating.  So I think it’s about time that we address that rumor, and confirm that the answer is… yes, Miss A and I are dating.”
The kids freaked out.  They all shouted with genuine glee and Kristoff looked over to see Anna smiling despite the fact that her face was now crimson.  She looked back at him still shocked and wondering what in the hell he was doing given the fact that he had not mentioned this to her beforehand, but also looking a bit more relaxed about the whole ordeal.
It took him a moment to settle the kids back down, all the while his heart hammered away in his chest.  Once the students were finally settled again, he went for it. 
“The truth is, we are a little more than dating…”  The murmurs began so Kristoff talked over them to get it out and not prolong this any more than it already had been.  “Because I am completely in love with her.”
The kids gasped and started to cheer again and Anna had started to get emotional at the clear delight and support from their students.  She wiped at her glistening eyes as she looked back at Kristoff, and he raised his hand, waiting a moment to get enough of the chatter down to finish this. 
“Quiet, please,” he said loudly, his hand slipping into his pocket.  “Quiet down!”  The noise died and Kristoff took one last nervous swallow, slowly turning to Anna and sinking to his knee.  “I was wondering if Miss A, would like to become Mrs. B?”
Anna’s hands flew to her mouth as the gym erupted with excited screaming.  All Kristoff could do was look at her in question as his words would be drown out by the excited teenagers.  She nodded an enthusiastic yes before offering him her hand to slip the ring onto.  As soon as it was in place he was up on his feet, pulling her into a protective hug while the students carried on their joy for their teachers.   He knew she was going to be shocked, made evident to him in the way she was shaking in his arms, but he knew she would appreciate his plan. 
And she did.  Later that night, after a celebratory dinner, she confided in him how wonderful his gesture was to include their kids, and how special she felt. 
Then they made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
“Yo, Mrs. B!”
Anna turned around and ducked anticipating what was about to happen.  The snowball sailed over her head and she gave the now eighth graders a stern look, even though she couldn’t help but smile.  “Get your butts to class, gentlemen!”
The boys laughed and took off to their door with Kristoff chuckling beside her.  “Seem’s like I’m just chopped liver to them now,” he said.  “Those snowballs used to have my title on them.”
Anna laughed.  “Don’t worry.  It’s the first snowfall of the season.  I am sure the next one will have Mr. all over it.”
Kristoff hummed his amusement and him and Anna continued to shovel the walks.  They decided to do it together since it would get done faster, and Kristoff mentioned to her that he was genuinely relived not to see a bunch of faces watching him from the staff room window anymore.
The whole junior high body was invited to their wedding ceremony.  Not to it proper, of course that would have been crazy, but to watch the live stream if they were so inclined.  After the first couple days of their honeymoon, Anna had checked and was surprised to see how many people had actually watched it.  There were tons of wonderful and supportive comments.
Those first two weeks of newlywedded bliss exploring the fjords of Norway, had been the best of Anna’s entire life aside from the day she married her best friend.  Kristoff was the most wonderful person she had ever met in her life, and she was thankful to be able to call him her husband.
They finished shoveling and returned to their classrooms to begin preparing for the day, when the principal made an announcement that he would like all the junior high students to assemble in the gym.   Anna ushered her kids out of the classroom and received a concerned and questioning look from Kristoff when she met him in the hallway. 
She shrugged her shoulders and kept back the smile that was fighting to form her lips.  Anna had truly adored the way that Kristoff had proposed, but still vowed to herself to get him back. 
The teachers gathered in the corner while the kids huddled together, sitting on the floor and waiting for whatever they were about to be told.  The principal came in, greeted everyone, and got the ball rolling.
“Quiet down, please,” he said, gesturing with his hands for the kids to settle.   “I’ve called you all in her to receive an announcement from one of our teachers.  Mrs. Bjorgman, you have the floor.”
Kristoff’s head whipped in her direction and he stared at her with shock, so Anna decided to get it out while she still had the nerves.
“Well, I have to say that I am going to be taking a leave of absence.” 
The students started to murmur with concern and Kristoff went so far as to reach out and grab her hand.
“Anna?” he asked quietly, his tone full of worry.
Anna looked back at him, gave hum a gentle smile, and returned to the kids.  “I will be taking leave of my position at the end of April.”
Hands shot up with questions and Anna felt Kristoff squeeze her hand firmly but did not look over at him yet.  She picked Brie, since she was sitting in the front row.  “Yes, Brie?”
The grade sevener frowned.  ““Are you coming back?” 
“Yes, of course.”
The students started to murmur louder and Anna picked another kid with their hand up.  “Yes, Brandon?”
“How long will you be gone?”
The students quieted down immediately to hear the answer.  “A year.” 
More hands shot up and Anna felt Kristoff squeeze her hand again.  She picked another student.  “Yes, Samantha?”
“Why are you leaving?”
Anna finally looked at Kristoff, and his expression was in awe.  She knew he was too smart not to figure out what she was going to say next, and she smiled at him, eyes welling up with happy tears.
She turned back to the kids.  “Mr. B and I are going to have a baby.”
Much like Kristoff’s proposal, the kids cheered for them, and Anna let the tears come as Kristoff pulled her into a protective hug. 
“Anna, I am so happy,” Kristoff said, his voice wavering with emotion.  “I can’t believe you’ve kept this a secret for four months.”
Anna laughed, not at all surprised Kristoff had done the math.  She pulled back to look at his glassy eyes and happy smile.  “Well, I had to get you back for that surprise proposal.  So… surprise!”
He chuckled, and pulled her into another hug, the volume of the kids rising as they began talking excitedly.  “This is the absolute best surprise,” he said in her ear.  “Thank you, Anna.”
Anna hugged him back tighter.  Her heart was happy and full, and she could not wait to meet their first baby in the spring.
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mxnsterbabe · 1 year
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Male Owl Fae/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 3,332 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
You start a new job at the Reader's Garden, a twenty-four hour library with a secret resident. As you get to know Anjouan, you can't help but fall for him.
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You stepped into the Reader's Garden twenty-four hour library, nervous and excited for your first night shift. The towering shelves and musty smell of old books filled the air, creating an atmosphere of mystery and wonder. Rumours of supernatural beings inhabiting the library had always surrounded the place, but you dismissed them as mere stories meant to keep people entertained.
The clock struck nine as a friendly colleague greeted you with a warm smile; she was a beautiful elven woman with thick black curls and a bright smile.
"I'm Nousha," she said kindly, "want a tour of the Reader's Garden?"
You beamed right back. "You bet."
Nousha led you through the labyrinth of bookshelves, pointing out the different sections and areas you'd be responsible for. Her voice echoed softly in the vast space as she explained the library's layout and rules.
As you walked, you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you. You glanced around the dimly lit crevices and caught glimpses of shadows shifting in the corners of your vision. Your heart raced, but you reminded yourself that it was just your imagination and focused on Nousha's words.
Finally, Nousha brought you to the back of the library, where a dusty old door creaked open to reveal a hidden, ancient section. "This area is rarely visited," she murmured, "but you'll need to check on it occasionally. We have a couple of regulars who could disappear in here for hours." She paused, brows furrowed. "Some say this part of the library is haunted, but I've never seen anything myself."
You chuckled nervously, trying to brush off the eerie feeling that settled in your chest. You knew it was just a job, and there was nothing to be afraid of. The two of you spent a few more minutes exploring the older section, with its rows of leather-bound books and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
After your tour, Nousha wished you luck and left you alone in the silent library. "That's pretty much it," she admitted with a smile. "If you need anything, I'm just a phone call away. Sorry to leave you on your own for the first shift, but we're so understaffed..." she trailed off with an apologetic wince.
Honestly, the peace and quiet was half the reason you chose this job to begin with. You offered a smile and replied, "it's no problem, honestly. Get home safe, Nousha, and thanks for the tour."
Nousha left with a wave and a kindly grin, leaving you alone in the cavernous library foyer. The shadows seemed to grow longer, and the air felt colder as the night deepened. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, and turned to the stacks of books that needed put away.
It was well past midnight when you first heard it – a soft rustle, like the flutter of wings, followed by the faintest whisper. You froze, listening intently, but the sound didn't come again. You brushed it off as the wind or the creaking of old wood and continued your work.
But as the night wore on, the whispers grew more persistent, and you couldn't ignore them any longer. With your heart pounding, you followed the sounds, which led you to the dusty old door Nousha had shown you earlier. You hesitated, hand on the doorknob, wondering if you should venture into the ancient, secluded section. Curiosity got the better of you, and you pushed the door open with a long creak.
As you stepped into the ancient part of the library, the whispers grew louder, and you felt the tickle of a gaze watching you from... somewhere. You searched the dark corners, shining your flashlight into the shadows, until you finally spotted a figure perched on one of the shelves. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized it wasn't a human, or even an elf or orc – he was clearly fae, with large, luminous eyes and a cloak of feathers draped over his shoulders.
You offered a gentle smile, hoping to convey peaceful intentions. The fae's eyes seemed to search your face for any signs of deceit or danger. His features were a blend of human and owl, with a sharp, angular face and large, expressive eyes framed by an array of intricate feathers. His white wings, a magnificent sight to behold, spanned several feet, their tips touching the bookshelves on either side of him. He was like nothing you had ever seen before, leaving you breathless.
Fae were uncommon enough in Oceanhall town, but someone as magnificent as this was even rarer. Standing face-to-face with this strange owl fae, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over you.
His eyes narrowed as he continued to study you, head tilted to one side. You could tell he was skittish and unsure of how to react to your presence. You decided to break the silence, hoping to ease his concerns.
"Hi," you whispered softly, keeping your voice low and gentle. "I didn't mean to startle you."
His wings twitched again, and he tilted his head to one side, as if contemplating your words. You took another step back, giving him more space, and noticed that he seemed to relax, if only slightly.
You tried to come up with something else to say, something that might help bridge the gap between you. "I've always loved this library," you continued, your voice filled with sincerity. "There's something magical about it. It's why I wanted to work here. Well, that and the fact the night shift is always quiet. Who comes to a library at one o'clock anyway?"
He seemed to consider your words for a moment, his eyes flicking between you and the books that surrounded him. It was clear that he, too, felt a deep connection to this place. Just as you thought he might respond, a sudden noise from elsewhere in the library made him tense up.
He looked around nervously, and you could see the fear in his eyes. He was afraid of being discovered, of being forced to leave the sanctuary he had found within the library. Before you could say anything more, he spread his magnificent wings and took off across the cavernous library, disappearing into the shadows like a phantom.
You stood there for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest, trying to process what had just happened. The encounter had been so brief, so unexpected, and yet it still left you reeling.
As you turned to leave the ancient section of the library, your mind raced with questions. Who was he? Why had he chosen this library as his refuge? And, most importantly, would you ever see him again?
The next day, as the sun cast its golden rays through the library windows, you found yourself unable to shake the memory of your encounter with the owl fae. Your mind was consumed with thoughts of him, and you felt an inexplicable need to learn more about his presence in the library. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you approached Nousha, who was busy sorting through a cart of books.
"Hey, Nousha," you began hesitantly, "I wanted to ask you something. Do you know anything about an owl fae living here in the library?"
Nousha looked at you, a puzzled expression on her face. "An owl fae? I've never heard of such a creature in our library. We have a few fae regulars, but they don't live here?"
You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should share the details of your encounter. "Well, last night, during my shift, I saw something... unusual. Maybe I imagined it."
You knew you hadn't, of course, but if Nousha didn't know then maybe it wasn't sensible to tell her too much. You thought of the fear that flashed across the fae's face when you first saw him, and sympathy twisted your heart.
Nousha's eyes widened in surprise. "I've been working here for years, and I've never seen anything unusual. Maybe he's just a shy visitor who usually stays hidden."
You nodded, considering her words. "Yeah, maybe... if you see anything weird, can you let me know?"
"Sure, of course."
You thanked Nousha for her help and went back to your work, but the mystery of the fae continued to gnaw at you. If no one else had seen him, then perhaps he had a reason for remaining hidden. Was he in danger, or was he simply distrustful?
As the day wore on, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to the dusty old door that led to the ancient section. You knew that the chances of seeing the owl fae again during the day were slim, but you couldn't help but hope that you might catch a glimpse of him.
When your shift ended, you lingered in the library, reading up on fae lore and legends in the hopes of finding some information about owl fae. The books offered a wealth of knowledge on various fae species, but there was no mention of any creature resembling the one you had encountered.
As the night unfolded, you discreetly searched for the elusive creature, hoping to catch a glimpse of him among the towering bookshelves. After what felt like hours of fruitless searching, you found yourself back at the entrance to the ancient section. Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the dusty old door and stepped inside, your heart pounding with anticipation.
You moved quietly through the dimly lit room, your eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the owl fae. Then, you spotted him – perched on one of the highest shelves, his wings tucked neatly around him as he peered down at you with curiosity and caution.
Determined to coax him into conversation, you approached him slowly, speaking in a soft and gentle tone. "Hello again," you said. "I've been hoping to see you. Are you all right in here?"
The owl fae tilted his head, considering your words. After a moment, he hesitantly replied, his voice barely audible, "What do you want with me?"
You paused, searching for the right words. "I'm curious," you admitted, "and I want to understand why you're here, in the Reader's Garden. I promise, I won't harm you or expose your secret."
He seemed to ponder your promise before finally speaking again. "My name is Anjouan," he said softly, "and this library... it's my sanctuary. It's the one place where I feel safe."
As Anjouan spoke, you could hear the vulnerability in his voice, and you felt a sense of protectiveness towards him. "I think I understand," you said, "I promise, I won't tell anyone you're here."
Anjouan's eyes shimmered with gratitude, and for the first time, you saw a hint of warmth in his gaze. "Thank you," he whispered.
You offered a smile, inching towards where he perched high above you. Although a part of you didn't want to scare him off again, the larger part of you wanted to get closer. "Do you mind if I stay a while?" you asked.
He spread one enormous wing as if beckoning you closer. "Yes, please do."
The two of you sat together in the dimly lit ancient section of the library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and the hushed whispers of stories long forgotten.
As the night wore on, you and Anjouan spoke about everything and nothing – the books you loved, the worlds you dreamed of, the little things that made life worth living. The more you learned about Anjouan, the more enchanted you became by his gentle nature and the wisdom that seemed to flow from him like the ink on the pages he cherished.
You noticed a change in Anjouan as well, a few minutes at a time. After a while he shifted closer to you, bent low to meet your gaze despite his towering height.
"I want you to know how grateful I am to have found you," he murmured, making you shiver. "For so long, I've been hiding here, isolated from the rest of the town. I know that my kind are more accepted now, but when I first went into hiding... anyway, you've shown me that maybe I don't have to hide anymore."
You felt your heart swell with affection for the tender-hearted man before you. "Anjouan," you replied, reaching out to gently touch his feathered arm, "I'm grateful too.."
Anjouan's eyes softened as he leaned into your touch, clearly moved by your words. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you waved gentle fingers through his soft feathers.
As the night drew to a close and the first rays of dawn began to filter through the library's windows, you knew that your time with Anjouan had to come to an end for now. But as you said your goodbyes and returned to the foyer, you already felt a pang of reluctance at having to leave him.
Over the following weeks, you saw Anjouan more and more. When you weren't dealing with the odd nightly regular, you spent countless hours together in the library exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of the Reader's Garden. As the days turned into nights, the library became a haven where you could leave the worries of the world behind and immerse yourself in the magic of each other's company.
One morning before your shift ended, you decided to surprise Anjouan with an early breakfast. You had noticed that he was often so absorbed in his reading that he would forget to eat, and you wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself. It didn't occur to you that he didn't actually need to. So, with a steaming thermos of tea and a basket filled with an assortment of pastries and fruit, you made your way to the ancient section, where you knew Anjouan would be waiting.
As you entered the room, Anjouan looked up from the book he was reading, his eyes lighting up with surprise and delight as he saw what you had brought. "Evelyn, what's all this?" he asked, a touch of wonder in his voice.
"I thought we could share breakfast together," you replied with a smile, setting the basket and thermos down on a nearby table. "I wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself."
Anjouan's eyes shimmered with amusement as he looked at the spread you had prepared. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice gentle. "No one has ever done something like this for me before."
You reached out to squeeze his hand gently, your fingers brushing against the soft cream feathers that adorned his arms. "You're important to me, Anjouan," you said earnestly, "and I want you to know that you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you."
Anjouan looked into your eyes, and for a moment, it felt as though the rest of the world ceased to exist. All that mattered was the sparkle in his eyes, the gentle flush of his cheeks where the feathers were thinner.
Slowly, Anjouan leaned in towards you, his breath warm and sweet as it mingled with your own. Your heart raced in anticipation, and as his lips finally met yours, it felt as though time itself had stopped,.
The kiss was tender and sweet, leaving you breathless with giddiness. As you pulled apart, your eyes locked with Anjouan's, and you could see the warmth reflected in his gaze.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "for showing me that there is still love and kindness in this world. You've shown me more in our short time together than decades of hiding here."
His voice was soft like the rustle of leaves, his large eyes glittering - but the moment was cut short when you heard footsteps approaching. Nousha entered the dimly lit room, her eyes widening in shock as they fell upon Anjouan.
Her gaze darted from Anjouan to you as if questioning her own sanity. Her face paled, her lips trembling in disbelief. You could see the panic rising within her, her breaths shallow and rapid.
In an instant, she turned heel and darted from the room. Her heart raced, her fear almost palpable. You knew that you had to act quickly to calm her down before she ran off and alerted the whole library.
You rushed to Nousha's side, gripping her arm gently, yet firmly enough to halt her escape. Her eyes were wide, searching yours for answers.
"Nousha, wait," you pleaded, your voice low and soothing. "It's okay. He's a friend."
You gestured to Anjouan, who tilted his head, observing the scene with quiet curiosity. Nousha's gaze returned to him, her body trembling as she struggled to comprehend the extraordinary creature before her.
Seeing her continued distress, you guided her to a nearby chair, urging her to sit down. She complied, her legs wobbling beneath her.
"Take deep breaths," you advised, demonstrating the action. "Anjouan is not here to harm anyone. He's been living in the library for a long time, and he hasn't caused you trouble yet."
As Nousha attempted to steady her breathing, you shot a reassuring smile towards Anjouan. He nodded, understanding the need for patience. Although his gaze shone with hesitancy, he didn't try to disappear.
Gradually, Nousha's breathing returned to normal, and her body began to relax. She continued to watch Anjouan, curiosity now replacing her initial fear.
"Really?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "He's... friendly?"
You nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, I promise. Would you like to meet him?"
With a cautious nod, Nousha agreed, and you led her closer to Anjouan. As she took her first tentative steps towards him, you felt a sense of pride in her bravery.
Anjouan ducked his head, and Nousha hesitantly shook his outstretched hand. Bit by bit, they both began to relax.
"See?" you offered kindly, "he's no different to any other fae."
"Yeah," she murmured; and although she was still pale, she didn't look nearly as distraught. "Sorry I freaked out."
After Nousha's initial introduction to Anjouan, she decided it was time for her to leave. Maybe she was still processing everything that had happened. With a shaky smile and a whispered promise to keep the secret, she exited the ancient section of the library, leaving you alone with Anjouan again.
As the door closed behind her, you felt a sense of quiet intimacy return to the room. The soft amber light filtering through the dusty windows cast a warm glow over the countless tomes and scrolls surrounding you.
Anjouan's eyes met yours, and his angular features creased into a soft smile. You moved closer to him, your footsteps barely audible against the worn wooden floor. His feathers shimmered in the dim light, and his gaze held a gentle warmth that made your heart swell.
You reached out a tentative hand, and Anjouan leaned into your touch, allowing you to stroke his soft feathers. His eyes closed, and a contented sigh escaped his beak. In that moment, you felt as though you shared a bond that transcended the barriers between your worlds, a connection built on trust, respect, and mutual curiosity.
You sat down on the floor beside him, your back resting against a bookshelf; and Anjouan nestled close to you, his warmth and presence enveloping you like a comforting embrace. The silence between you was comfortable, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of a page turning or the distant footsteps of library patrons.
As you sat there with Anjouan, you felt a profound sense of belonging, as if you had found a hidden sanctuary within the walls of the library. It was a place where you could be yourself, free from the judgment and expectations of the outside world.
You shared a smile with Anjouan, his eyes filled with gratitude and affection. In the soft, hushed atmosphere of the ancient library, you leaned in for another kiss.
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celestialastronmy · 9 months
How do you feel about Soos as a character?
Short answer he's one of my faves
Soos is the kind of guy you can't help but love. With his easygoing attitude, a heart of gold, and an unmatched love for fixing things (both mechanical and personal), he's the glue that keeps the Mystery Shack and by extension, the Pines family together. But what is it about Grunkle Stan and the rest of the Pine tree-clad crew that has Soos pledging his undying allegiance?
First off, Soos sees in Grunkle Stan a father figure, someone who took him under his wing when he was just a lovable, handy kid. Grunkle Stan, with his shady business practices and gruff exterior, might not seem like the mentor of the year, but to Soos, he's the bee's knees. Stan's trust in Soos to keep the Shack running, and his occasional, though rarely shown, softer side, has helped to foster a sense of family that Soos holds dear. It's not just about employment; it's about belonging.
It's this feeling of belonging that feeds Soos' devotion, transforming it into actions that speak volumes. Whether it's throwing himself headfirst into the latest supernatural shenanigans to defend the Pines or simply being the dependable guy who will drop everything to help Dipper and Mabel with their outlandish schemes, Soos is there. His loyalty is not born out of obligation, but out of genuine love and respect for the Pines.
And let's not forget the Mystery Shack itself, a place Soos reveres almost as much as the family that runs it. To him, it's more than a tourist trap; it's a home that's as weird and wonderful as he is. His dedication to the Shack is a testament to his character, showing that he values the things that make life a little more magical.
But this loyalty doesn't mean Soos is blind to Grunkle Stan's faults. Part of what makes Soos' devotion so endearing is his ability to see past the gruff exterior to the person underneath. He understands that people, like the curiosities of Gravity Falls, are complex and multifaceted. Soos chooses to stand by the Pines family not because they're perfect but because they're his imperfect little slice of home.
In every moment of crisis, every adventure gone awry, Soos proves that loyalty isn't just about standing by someone when the going's good it's about sticking around when the going gets weird, er, tough. And in a place like Gravity Falls, that's pretty much all the time.
Soos' devotion is the kind that makes you believe in the power of found families. He's the reminder that sometimes the best kind of loyalty is the one that comes with a smile, a "Dude," and an unwavering readiness to dive into the unknown, as long as it's for the people you care about. Soos might not be related to the Pines by blood, but he's as much a part of that family tree as any branch, twig, or pine needle. And that's something truly special.
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surveillance-0011 · 7 months
I recently got to the HOTD fandom and I saw @hollybluberry's and others devil concept and I had a question which is
what are your headcanons on @hollybluberry's and the other devil concepts people made?
ah oops sorry im getting to this late!!
i don't really have too many head canons for other people's devil concepts,, but off the top of my head
@hollybluberry devil:
friendly but takes no shit
spends a lot of time preening their wings.
Enjoys the sun (odd since many creatures who are more nocturnal) but also fond of clear nights and looking at stars
Points out constellations and the like while stargazing. Holds up Tower to the sky and points to Ophiuchus and is like "look it's you!!" It's like holding up a cat to the Sphinx
Has tried to point out Lacerta to Heirophant with even less success.
gets upset/disappointed seeing the other bosses fight (ive always headcanoned that all together the bosses usually don't get along too well with only the handful of factions/little groups getting along... better??) and often has to break things up. I assume they'd listen to her.
As Blu mentioned Magician and Hangedman have seen her angry and consequentially they're a Bit Scared. Magician isn't visibly frightened but treats them with a lot of respect and is uncharacteristically agreeable+polite with them. Hangedman has started to avoid her, on the other hand, immediately stopping what he's doing if he looks over to see her looking peeved. He's like. actually fucking terrified of her and he's not someone who really gets scared all that much. So it's a bit strange and he won't elaborate on why he's so scared of them.
Most creatures are intimidated by her but none are actively hostile towards her. Some of the bosses don't always approve but it's hard to stay mad at her because she's much more gentle/lax and levelheaded relative to the others.
Likes sweet snacks with fruit.
hates thornheart and pities curien/wheel of fate, though she's not gentle with him either. WOF isn't intimidated by her at all though, though whether or not he's seen her angry or not is hard to say.
Moon, on the other hand, thinks all the eyes are cute. I mean, moon's self preservation skills are dogshit and he's biased since he's got three eyes, but hey.
Assuming that a boss fight with her, knowing how she'd let them win, would maybe have a phase where she fights out of fear or being hijacked by Thornheart?
Generally full of whimsy and curiosity for the world around them and wishes to see more of the world, and how it was before humanity fell.
@pixelcoin devil:
aggro towards most humans. Cool with creatures and other lab grown undead etc as long as they don't show aggression first
Still, anyone who could prove their worth may be shown mercy...
Kind and polite to their few closest allies
also annoyed by any fights between the bosses. much more... assertive in their ways of breaking up any discourse (read:mauling)
they get injured in the antics just as frequently though, so it balances stuff out.
a little silly. we stay silly
finds zeal and other smaller creatures cute, much to their chagrin. Especially zeal's chagrin, but he does appreciate being seen as endearing and doted upon rather than treated like some pest.
Wasn't like that at first, though. There was not a good first impression. Devil still calls him out on his bullshit now too, but he's forgiven a bit easier than most.
Also i am sure zeal is getting the (metaphorically speaking here hopefully) Webkinz Milk Plush Treatment. to be loved is to be changed.
Kuarl is not amused by this.
Strength kind of is.
Belligerent and high energy. Also a bitch to deal with when they get mad. much more violent than Blu's Devil, I assume.
A total powerhouse, often unaware of their full strength. Many an accidental energy beam shot through a wall....
Their eyes get stuck outta their head a lot. Magician is skeeved out to hell and back every time this happens but tries (and fails) not to show it as Devil often goes to him for help
Devil is a sort of tentative leader? They're treated as one of the big men on campus, yknow, but I think with their youth they may have some power struggles or find themself pushed around by the more domineering ones like Emperor or Moon.
Goatlike mannerisms but only really eats meat.
Hangedman isn't as put off by this one...for... don't know actually. Then again this Devil is more like the baby of the curien-thornheart-goldman fucked up family of all time so?? idk??
i think both the devils would manage to kind of sort of get along. hopefully. i would like them to :3c
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dw-writes · 6 months
Why are Stolas and Sins are being so kind to MC!Angel? Was it because she was a fallen?
Well, that and Stolas is a kinda person, so we've seen? So are the sins (sans Mammon).
The only times we've seen Stolas as mean or cruel is when I.M.P. was trapped in the human world, when Via ran away, and when he's fighting with Stella. He might be a demon, but he's not a terrible person. I think he'd really care about someone who literally fell in his lap in such a disastrous way.
The Sins, too. Theres some we havent seen much of at all, but besides Mammon, they're kind people. Bee wants Loona to loosen up and enjoy herself, she's about indulgence to a limit, but don't force yourself. And while Ozzie was mean to Stolas during House of Asmodeous, he's keeping up a front to keep a secret that he's terrified of getting out (that he later drops in Midseason Finale/post-2 Minutes Notice) so I can't see him being cruel to an angel. A little indifferent maybe, but also sympathetic (he'd feel some kind of way for the angel, because he sees a little bit of his Froggie).
And then there's Mammon who is greedy through and through. He'd capitalize on MC!Angel at the drop of a hat if he could, have the angel strung up in a cage Ye Ol' Freak Show style or performing (Glitz and Glam have wings, he's 100% figure out a way to abuse that from the angel).
Bel is mostly concerned. Bel is shown to be linked to medicinal things - medications, hospitals of all kinds, ect., but specifically those that could cause a slowing down or numbing feel (Stolas's anti depressants, the nurse at the hospital when Loona's taken for shots, etc.) so I headcanon that he's concerned. Later on, its possible for that to change (Concern into curiosity).
Satan knows how rage feels. He's literally the king of Wrath. And for him whats better than an angel exhibiting his primal sin? (This can also be applied to Ozzie in later chapters). But also that he knows how it feels to be set aside in such a way. He's mistaken for Luci far too often (as we saw from Mammon), and its not something to be brushed off as the sin of Wrath.
Levi is going to be a special case. I have VERY BIG PLANS for the Queen of Envy, and they all involve her getting as close to the angel as she can.
Please keep in mind, everything outside of Bee, Mammon, and Ozzie are headcanons, and Bel's is based on observation. Everything else is headcanon.
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pandorafallz · 1 year
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Exile AU | Tourk
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 A Toruk was not an Ikran.
That much was simple within moments of the bond and the natural instincts to throw him off his back was immense; a lot to fight through to get the Toruk to fly straight and onwards to gather his baring on his new ride.
The Toruk was smart, calculating and intelligent… but not sentient. At least, not in a way that was familiar to Jake. His previous mating bond with Neytiri had shown him the bond between two sentient beings so he…knew there was a difference.
“I need you so shut up and keep going!” Jake huffed, tugging on the Toruk’s queues for a better grip.
This Toruk was belly-filled from a recent hunt, male—thankfully—he was sure a female Toruk wouldn’t bend to his will as this male was doing, despite resistance. Unlike the Ikran, this didn’t feel binding yet; its solidarity was pure nature but even this bond was foreign to him.
Unlike something he had ever experienced. Curiosity in the connection of a weaker prey…
But Jake could feel it responding to his more complex and alien mind; naturally picking up cues that he thought in English; language translating naturally by the link as a mutual exchange.He could feel the Toruk’s body as if it was his, beating heart the adrenaline in its blood from the surprise drop-in. It was a beast and he could feel him start to calm but he could feel something else.
A rightness that settled in his heart. He could see through his eyes; a vastly familiar sight he had experienced only once.
His Dream hunt.
This was his spirit animal.
Jake hated the notion of fate….or destiny but this…this was a calling card that this was what he was always meant to do. Meant to be.
Toruk Makto.
Grace was going to be so annoyed about that. Jake could almost laugh at the expression that would be on her face if he told her.
He took a heavy breath, feeling confident that he could do more; pushing his will further into the reptile as he forged a level of loyalty as they flew that was necessary that he would come back in the times he could need. A bond that would need to be nurtured.
He could feel how the wind dipped and curved under their wings, entering the Omatikaya territory but he took his time to swoop across the remains of Hometree first. His stomach filled with guilt at the sight, however, Toruk snarled at the unfamiliar emotion, pushing back against that with anger instead. Jake inhaled deeply, pushing those feelings aside; for later.
A few yips echoed from underneath.
Jake’s ears twitched towards the sound, his head turning to see a few Ikran already in the air though some were moving towards him, concerning calls. He could feel Toruk bristle with the notion of possible threat of numbers ahead but Jake steered off; enough to show that at least someone was on it than it looking for a snack though he watched.
The tone in the calls changed but Jake turned off from the fallen tree back towards the Tree of Souls; Toruk was very aware of those following behind.
Tsu’tey yip echoed the closets as they descended down, but Jake looped to find the clearest of areas before Toruk touched down and with a dramatic flair, Toruk roared and frightened the already surprised clan.
The silence that fell was unmistakable as Jake inhaled deeply, Toruk lowering his head to allow him off and onto the rocky surface of their perch before he pulled his queue free. Toruk shivered a little at the disconnect but remained calm. Jake gently ran his hand across the leathery skin with some assurance.
The look of reverence, shock and pale faces were shining back at him, though the look of annoyed disbelief of ‘Really?’ from Grace was shot from behind Mo’at’s shoulder, even at this distance was hilarious but he didn’t linger on the humorous side of this with her just yet. This was not a time for that.
Becoming Toruk Makto was a huge, cultural significance for the Na’vi; he couldn’t take it lightly or make a joke of it. His head turned as Ikrans landed as well close by, a few scampering off to be away from their predator but Jake’s eyes lingered on the form of Tsu’tey as he jumped off his Ikran’s back close to the tree with an astonished expression he never thought the man would give him.
“Toruk Makto….” The voices echoed now as he made his through the crowd towards the tree. Mo’at’s face was as astonished as the rest, if a bit more reserved but she seemed to find herself quickly.
His eyes followed to see Neytiri curled up on a mat with her arms around herself, looking groggily and pale though her jaw was a little slacked at the sight but he was sure she was also just feeling like crap as well like when he had first got up; this surprise didn’t help.
It’d pass.
His eyes moved this time to Tsu’tey whose unease was pulled into every muscle of his body, his hands clenched though he could see the cogs in the young Olo'eyktan’s mind spinning in no doubt confusion and fear.
“Tsu’tey,” Jake addressed him directly, “Son of Ateyo. I stand before you ready to serve the Omatikaya people as promised. You are Olo'eyktan and a great warrior, I cannot do much more without you.”
Tsu’tey swallowed thickly, barely fighting a twitch as Toruk roared but seemed to find himself words to speak. “Toruk Makto.” He straightened up, even going as far as to place a hand on his chest. “I will fly with you.”
The relief flooded through his veins at those words. Acceptance. “The Sky people will come for the remains of Hometree in seven days to clear the land for a new mine.” He spoke, “I think it’s time we push back and end this time of Great Sorrow.”
Tsu’tey’s head tilted, lips pursing but anger slithered back into his face. “Yes.” His agreement was sound.
“With your permission, I would like to speak to the clan but…I will need your help in translating.” His words weren’t fluent but…this also come from Tsu’tey’s lips as well.
Tsu’tey’s head tilted, sparing a look to the awaiting faces but nodded.
Jake inhaled deeply, turning to face the people, straightening out his posture to look…well more the part. He didn’t feel overly brilliant but he had been mulling on this now on his ride back in the back of his mind. What to say had to be important…it had to inspire and impact.
“The Sky People have sent us a message” Tsutye’s voice echoing beside him, pulling the attention of everyone, “—that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. Well, we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. You tell the other clans to come. You tell them that Toruk Makto calls to them!” Life and new fire began to spread into the clan members now, calls of agreement echoing. “You fly now, with me, my brothers, sisters, and we will show the Sky People that they cannot take whatever they want! And that this, this is our land!” He finished, only to end with a triumphant raise of his fist as others raised their weapons and bows.
Toruk, riled up with the display let out a roar.
“I know the way to the clans.” A voice of a new warrior spoke, Tarsem if Jake recalled correctly. Only a day behind in his Uniltaron if he was already a warrior and new bow.
“He can lead you there.” Tsu’tey spoke, “Neytiri cannot.”
Jake nodded though didn’t hesitate to get moving, allowing the young warrior to follow in his shadow and up onto Toruk’s back, making the bond as other Omatikaya hurried for their mounts as well. Tarsem’s hand grabbed a hold of him with a word of direction as they rose up before Toruk took the lead.
Grace watched the great animal take flight, surprised for a moment that Tsu’tey didn’t follow or join before she hastily had to remind herself that he was the clan leader; he was needed here. She knew Tarsem briefly; he had joined the school for a brief time to learn. A very serious child.
“Tsu’tey! I could have gone!” Neytiri’s voice was weak, but filled with fire as she got to her feet but with an uneasy gait.
“You are not well,” Tsu’tey spoke, “I am not risking you when you can be strong later.”
“Daughter, he is right, you’re spirit is still weak and you will need time to recover.” Mo’at spoke, “For now, we must tend to those who cannot join Toruk Makto and his war call.”
Neytiri hissed in displeasure. “Jake was fine!”
“He is Toruk Makto but…he also had his soul transferred to his new body; he could have recovered far easier from your separation due to that experiance,” Mo’at spoke, gently coaxing Neytiri to sit back down. “It will pass.”
“We must prepare to accept any coming to the call.” Tsu’tey spoke, “We will be here for the last of the Omatikaya. Hunt for them. Protect them. Those young and old enough to help, we must prepare the near caves for dwellings and resume collecting the last supplies from Hometree.”
Other able hands went to follow such orders before Grace found herself lost on what she could do to help. She was no warrior. A teacher but no warrior. There were many children she could help and teach but… right now? There was no time for that and…she didn’t know how to help the people.
“Can I help?” Grace asked, turning her attention to Mo’at mostly.
Her voice pulled the attention of Neytiri, Mo’at and Tsu’tey though Tsu’tey just walked off with a high head to get the remainders of the clan into action.
“There is little you can do. Many warrior clans will answer the call. We should prepare for them.” Mo’at spoke.
“Warrior clans?” Grace frowned, but couldn’t help but feel there was a few overlooked ideas that would help. “What about the Tawkami clan?”
“They are not warriors.” Mo’at spoke, “They’re pacifists when possible.”
Grace nodded, “I know but… they’re also healers. You said yourself years ago that Eywa did not grant you all knowledge of illnesses and sicknesses but you and many here will not be enough to help all those injured in the upcoming battle. They may have faster medical remedies and able hands to cater to those injured with you.”
Her words were light, though she was relieved to see Mo’at genuinely considering this option.
“I cannot leave myself to ask them to come. They do not like Dreamwalkers and will be distrustful, as you remember.” Mo’at shifted on the spot. “But your idea had merit.”
“I can go, Mother.” Neytiri spoke up, “I can get them to come.”
Mo’at gave her daughter a long look. “You’re not well, daughter.”
“I will be fine but I must be useful. If I cannot follow Toruk Makto then I must help the people he sends. I can take a Pa’li and Grace if you’re so worried. She is no longer a Dreamwalker, she is Na’vi. I will convince them.” Her voice was full of conviction as she stared down at her mother. “Please.” Her voice broke a little.
Mo’at turned towards Tsu’tey’s distant form. “The choice is not all mine.”
“Are you okay?”
The trip was long but Grace rode on the back behind Neytiri as they went. It had been hard watching the girl convince Tsu’tey to let her go but Grace was glad to be allowed to go with her. Even though her presence would slim down their chances; it was better than Neytiri going alone in her weak state and the remaining people they had needed to be elsewhere getting everything sorted.
“Yes.” Neytiri’s voice was curt as she spoke, “I am better.”
“Do you want to talk about what’s bothering you?” She kept her tone light than to push the girl more than she was willing to talk; this was still a raw wound and…probably confusing
“Okay.” Grace sighed deeply, her eyes taking in the plants that they passed with some familiarity as her hand moved off Neytiri’s side to scratch at her arm when—
“Stop scratching.”
Grace dropped her hand back into place. “Sorry. It’s a…absentminded action.” Since Mo’at had her bond with the tree and meditate, it was…different. Less intense and not at the forefront of her mind but…she supposed it wasn’t entirely all gone. It was certainly gone from her arms which were still leaf and paste bound but her legs were a little itchy.
“It’s not good for you. I had hoped your mind would have settled by now” Neytiri spoke, “I do not like you hurting yourself.”
“I appreciate your concern, Neytiri but… I am still healing inside.” She tapped her temple. “I am not in pain but…I feel the lingering sensation of it here.” She gently pressed a finger to the space under Neytiri’s right-side ribs; a distinct place. “It’s…not as bad as it was. It will take time for it to fade but… it’s something I have to live with now.” It twinged in every breath but nothing more. She knew Mo’at would probably have her bond with Eywa again for a second session once they got back.
She knew she probably has a lot she still needed to process in regards to Eywa being real… and she had to reflect on it as well. But…she wasn’t ready to completely delve into the fine print when she was barely able to live inside her new body. Once the conflict had ended; once there was a moment of proper peace. It was for the same reason she wasn’t thinking much about the fact the RDA, or Quaritch as essentially murdered her and Jake.
She just…wasn’t ready. Grace was fine with waiting and crying about it when it was convenient for her.
Neytiri exhaled deeply. “I see.”
“When we get back, do you think you could teach me how to tend to basic wounds? I can’t fight when the battle starts but…I can help in other ways.” She knew how to treat avatars' basic wounds more but…those methods weren’t the same as Na’vi nor as extensive as the shrapnel or bullet wounds that would come their way. When these bodies and the Na’vi children had been ill, she had helped Mo’at with the sicknesses the RDA brought with them. But… this time she had no recourses like that at her disposal.
“I can but… I do believe that you may be put to overseeing the children and assisting the elderly in the cave systems close to the Tree of Souls. Those that too young and too elderly to fight but…the elderly retain the Omatikaya culture for the young if too many are killed in the coming fight.” Neytiri spoke.
“Will you be fighting?”
Grace already knew the answer before the woman had spoken, feeling how her posture turned prideful with resolution.
Grace sighed but was not unsurprised either. Neytiri was always a fighter. This was not any different to any other fight but only the cost now was far more significant. If they lost this battle, the Omatikaya and surrounding clans would feel the loss of the Tree of Souls heavily.
“We’re here,” Neytiri spoke, straightening up before encouraging them both off the Pa’li.
Grace blinked, finally taking in her surroundings better to see the subtle changes of the scenery; the fewer trees but bigger plants and flora that had been grown and crafted. Two women and a male seemed to step out with weariness at their approach.
“I see you, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite,” the lead woman spoke, “but, I must ask you to remove the Dreamwalker as we said to your mother. None are welcome here.”
Neytiri’s eyes flattened back. “Grace is no longer a Dreamwalker. The Sky people killed her, so she passed through the eye of Eywa and was reborn Na’vi.”
If there was a curious gaze, Grace didn’t feel it but she knew she probably looked ‘better’. She hadn’t been able to access her avatar-sized clothing; they had been cut off so they were ruined but she had a suitable chest covering and a good loin cloth so she didn’t feel as naked but it wasn’t something she was as comfortable with but for now, it seemed to help speak truth to Neytiri’s words.
“Why are you here?”
“The Sky people have destroyed our Hometree. Many Omatikaya killed. Toruk Makto had risen and clans are being called to aid to drive the Sky People from our home.”
“Perhaps we should take this to our Olo'eyktan.” The second woman spoke.
All three looked perturbed by the information but thankfully there was mutual agreement between the three before they were led on into their territory.
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ai-luni · 2 years
You are everything good in this world
Peter Ballard/Henry Creel/001 x fem!reader 
Series Masterlist, Part 2.1
Word count: 8.2k
Summary: You are an innocent, naive nurse fresh out of school when you receive a job offer in which you think you’ll get to help young orphaned children. Instead you dig a little too deep and find the horrid truths of your work with the help of an orderly who calls you everything good in this world. 
Warnings: Literally everything... Peter himself, Dr Brenner himself, Violence, torture, a spider, swearing, slut shaming, smut 18+, overstimulation, toxic traits, gaslighting, ANGSTY TRAGIC ENDING, bad writing 
A/N: I’m not a writer and I know most of these tropes have already been written about but I started this when I finished vol 1 and needed to finish for myself. My writing is purely self indulgent so it’s a little bit of a self insert, i hope someone can enjoy it anyway. I’m gonna dip now :)
You were young, keen and fresh out of nursing school when you received an offer from a job in a little town called Hawkins, Indiana. It was a good offer - too good to be true - with in house accommodation and the chance to aid young orphaned children. Or so you were told. You found it ironic how your big adventure and journey of self discovery led you to a small town instead of a big city. You weren’t any less excited about it however.
Arriving at the lab, you were taken aback. You weren’t sure what you were expecting but it really wasn’t this. Everything was so sterile and closed off. Many floors were strictly off limits, every door beyond the reception desk needed an ID pass and you greatly struggled to picture how this was a place to help children.
You were on a 6 week work trial before you could move in to be the inhouse nurse. You were staying at the motel in Hawkins for the time being. The thought of moving into that building gave you chills at night but you were excited for these new experiences (and on your first night, very excited to meet the children), however something about that place felt off.
You were given a tour of the building on your first day, meeting the medical wing staff and Dr Brenner himself. He explained to you that this lab was not a usual institution for children or just any children for that matter. But special children, the most special he has ever seen for that matter. He went on to apologise for the trial period, they need to ensure you are in fact the kind of person they are looking for and that they can ensure your trust and confidentiality. 
You asked when you’d get to meet the children and all you were given in response was “In due time.” From then on your tour continued, showing you the living quarters and work space you’d be granted access to as well your uniform of a white blouse, white pencil skirt and nurse’s cap - clean black heeled shoes were advised for appearances although not mandatory, however you learnt quickly with a guy like Dr Brenner, it was never wise to never go against his wishes.
It was the end of your first week when you finally met the orderly staff that supervise the children. They all held pleasantries very well and were lovely company. You were invited to join a few to the cafeteria for their lunch time break, to which you graciously accepted. Though they laughed at your jokes, you found many took themselves too seriously.
There was one however that piqued your curiosity. He did not speak to you that day, nor for any of the weeks during your trial period, but you saw him often. Like you were being shown a sign - he was always leaving the cafeteria when you were entering and passing you in the hallways in the mornings by your office door. He was tall, bright, blond and sympathetic looking. You wanted to hear his voice. You often wondered after seeing him if his voice was in fact as gentle and kind as he looked or boyish and playful or maybe even the complete opposite of how he looked: dark and cold.
It wasn’t until your final week during your trial did you meet one of the children. You were sitting in your little office bay as usual when you heard a knock on the door. Looking up, you saw the tall, blond boy dressed all in white walk in with a little girl holding his hand.
“Good morning Miss L/N. I understand you’re still on your trial period but thirteen here has hurt her hand and would like a bandage.” You nodded trying to conceal the fact that your thoughts were racing for the sake of professionalism. It was gentle and kind, his voice was gentle and kind.
Patting the bed next to you for the little child to sit, you retrieved the little stash of band aids from under your desk. Now ducking down to be eye level with the little girl whose legs dangled off the bed, you decided - as your actual first encounter with a child - you’d try your best to make her like you.
“I'm a nurse Y/N, what’s your name?” you said in a soft tone, perhaps coming off like you were talking to a baby.
“Thirteen.” She replied in a weak tone, to which you thought she was joking. After a silent moment of no follow up you turned to the orderly who stood next to the door, legs apart, arms behind his back and nodding at you with a smile. You hear him hiding a small chuckle and return your attention to the child in front of you trying to seem unfazed at the possibility that this child’s name is thirteen. Thirteen lifts her palm to show you a small cut.
“Oh dear, how did this happen?” You say softly, focusing more on gently applying the band aid to the little girl’s hand.
“Papa says I’m not allowed to say.” You looked at the child’s face again, clearly failing to hide how foreign this moment felt. ‘Papa?’ barely left your lips in a sigh before realising perhaps she meant Dr Brenner. Smiling again you set her free to go, to which she jumped off the bed and back to grab the boy’s hand. You completely forgot he was standing there but the intensity of his stare towards you accompanied by the smile on his face made your ears feel red hot.
“Thank you Nurse Y/N” the boy says, a smile growing wider than leading the child out of the room.
“Congratulations on passing your trial period Y/n. We’ve decided you are exactly the kind of person we are looking for and I’ll be sure to send someone to help you with your things, you need not worry.” Dr Brenner greeted you in the reception doors with these words as you entered with your things in multiple bags and cases, “It is time you finally meet the children.
He led you to ‘The Rainbow Room’ whoch you have heard of quite a bit but never got to see inside. When you entered, Dr Brenner called attention to all of the children and lined them up in front of you. The room was exactly like the rest of the building, sterile white tiles, fluorescent lights and no windows. It wasn’t exactly the place you’d want to let a child grow up in but the decorations and the toys scattered around made it a little more bearable and warm.
One by one Dr Brenner told you the numbers of each child, desperately trying to hide your astonishment at the fact all of the children were named after numbers. And there were so few children there too. It was then that Dr Brenner’s words of “not just any child” really started to sink in. What was so special about these children that they had to have their names taken away?
“Children, say hello to our new Nurse, Nurse Y/N.” Dr Brenner announces to the children.
“Hello Nurse Y/N.” The children responded in a collective bored and wavering tone. You examined the children from across the room, looking at their young eyes, some mischievous, some bright and others plain scary. You saw little thirteen that you treated yesterday, she smiled brightly while showing you the band aid still on her palm. You gave a small wave back. This adorable interaction completely making your day.
In the early weeks of moving in, you rarely interacted with people throughout the day. You found friends with some of the orderlies and reception staff however conversations with them are quick and only pleasant at best. Most days Dr Brenner would come by once to check on how you are fairing; once a week you may have someone actually come into the sick bay for treatment.
It was a Tuesday morning when you entered your office to find the tall, blond orderly sitting on the side of the bed, back slumped over and his head resting in his hands. He hadn’t heard you come in and for the brief moment when you caught him off guard, you noticed how intimidating his stare was. Usually when you saw him, he held the sweetest puppy dog eyes but this morning he looked troubled and almost angry.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” You questioned quietly, not to startle him too much. You startled him very much which startled you and brought your hand to your chest trying to laugh it off.
“Good morning.” he gave you a sheepish little smile as an apology. You returned it with an understanding one. Getting your gear ready for the day around the desk, you started to question him.
“Is there anything I can help you with this morning, mr?”
“Ballard, Peter Ballard.” He replied in his boyish way.
“You’ve called me by my name for months now and I didn’t even know yours,” you joked before returning to the task at hand, “Now what seems to be the problem?”
You treated Peter of a suspicious burn on his wrist that morning, reinforcing the common phrase that circulates this building of ‘Papa says I’m not allowed to say.’ The word ‘papa’ coming from Peter’s lips however sounds more ironic and bitter than from the children. You were told not to question ‘Papa’.
That morning - though awkward - opened a gateway to a new friendship and perhaps even a little crush on your behalf. One of which you tried to tuck away as Dr Brenner would not be too pleased about workplace relationships. You learnt many things about the boy, his favourite things - colours, foods, hobbies, etc. You connected with him about certain things like the children and complained about Dr Brenner. He’d confide in you about how this building was starting to feel like a prison and you somehow managed to get Peter to tell you about his nightmares and help him understand those nights.
You’d often catch and talk to Peter at meal times or if he brings a child into or is just passing your office. He started to take the longer route to certain rooms just to stop by your office and ask if you needed anything which then turned into any free time he had being spent in your office if there were no other children or staff in there.
He sat on the bed in your office waiting for you to finish some paperwork before engaging in conversation. More often than not, he’d prefer to wait and work alongside you rather than awkwardly waiting in any other public space on this floor. His eyes wandering around the room, he spots the remnants of a web in the cover of the room, finally catching your attention when he ventures over to investigate.
“What’s wrong Peter?” You speak, looking up once you finish the sentence you were writing. He didn’t respond, walking further to the corner of the room. Naturally you got up to see what he was doing, this was odd behaviour for him and you weren’t sure if you should be concerned or flattered that he may just feel more comfortable with you to treat your office like a home.
“Look.” He says quietly, eyes intensely focused on his hand, reaching to the floor and rising back to his face. He shifts on his toes, crouched and raises his eyes to look at you with awe in his eyes. You yelped when you saw the black spider crawling on his hand - or at least you thought you yelped but no sound left your mouth, instead your hands came to cover your open mouth.
“It’s okay.” He says softly with a genuine smile, he looked so relaxed with the spider.
“Peter?! Why would you-?! Isn't it dangerous?!” You stuttered, Peter’s calmness being the only thing keeping you from freaking out. But it didn’t stop you from almost whisper-yelling at him as if raising your voice will make the spider angry.
“Only if provoked. Here,” He reached his hand out to you, moving slowly so as to not disturb the creature. You stood there like a deer in the headlights, so frightened by the ugly thing, you couldn’t seem to find the courage. You looked back to Peter, his eyes intense - almost cold - until he noticed your nervous gaze and he softened. Shaking his head with a soft smile at your cowardice, “It’s not going to hurt you, not while I’m here with you.”
You couldn’t believe you were reaching for the thing, but your hand met with Peter’s and the spider crawled onto your soft skin. You kept you other hand close to your chest, looking back up to Peter when you felt your nerves pick up. He was intensely staring at your hand, the spider so comfortable, crawling on your delicate smooth, skin.
“It’s beautiful.” Fell off his lips almost unintentionally, his chest rising and falling deeper and deeper. There was something that hit him so differently seeing this contrast of something regarded as so ill and dangerous melding like water with the most graceful and peaceful specimen he has ever seen. As every life he’s lived, he’d yet found something different to make it all feel worth it, until now. Until he found the anomaly of the human race that would be worth respecting, worth playing with, worth his time.
“I suppose so.” You respond - assuming he was talking about the spider - still not understanding the whole thrill of this. You grew lot more comfortable looking at the spider now. Even gently guiding it back to the shelf next to you to for it to waddle back to its web.
Once seeing the spider reached it’s web again, you looked back to Peter who was now only inches from you, leaning down to face you. Your breath hitched, you didn’t even see him step closer but you could now feel the heat from him and hear his breathing. It made your heart race. He reached to push some of your hair behind your ear, gently and slowly, as though you were the most precious item he’d ever seen. However halting mid movement once he saw your neck, his thumb gracing down to outline a small dull red scar. His fingers cold to the touch, sending shivers down your spine.
“When did you get this?” He said in a serious tone that caught you off guard, now moving to your side to further examine the scar.
“I’m the nurse here! You don’t have the worry about me.” You pulled away playfully however still very taken back by the sudden change in mood.
“Y/N,” His stare unfaltering, “I need to know. When did this happen.”
“I- I don’t remember,” you were suddenly nervous, like you were in trouble, “I- well- I know it appeared after I got here, I just don’t remember how I got it. It’s just a scar, I’m not dying.”
Peter’s face boiled in an emotion that you hadn’t seen from him before. Anger. With a hint of nothing else in his face but pure anger. ‘Brenner’ He breathed out and looked up to the security camera in the corner of the room - that to be honest, you forgot was there most of the time.
From that interaction, you were hyper aware of that scar on your neck - usually just trying to cover it with your hair if you didn’t have to put it up. As well you started to grow even more suspicious of Dr Brenner. You were already a little too curious of his treatment of the children for his liking but now you were more aware of his treatment of you and his staff. Peter felt almost proud of you when he saw you put your guard up around the man whether in the hallway, the rainbow room or cafeteria. 
It was one afternoon, however, when one of the younger children came into your office with a bruised spine, burns across his scalp and a severe concussion that you were finally starting to lose your patience. You examined the child, tucked them into your sick bay bed with a support teddy (which was provided by you when you came to work here) and left for a moment to find Peter.
You were fuming though you tried to stay calm in the public eye - not that it made any difference, your stomps echoed through the tiled hallways. You made your way to the rainbow room, taking a deep breath before entering and scanning the room with your eyes for Peter. He was crouched next to the child guiding a marble with his eyes closed. The children watched you walk straight to him however pay you little mind. Peter however stood up immediately, noticing you were upset.
“Good evening Peter. I need your assistance if you have a moment to spare.” Keeping up appearances. It worked. He departed with the child and walked beside you out of the rainbow room. When you felt you were deep enough into the hallways, you stopped him and your fake persona melted in front of him.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THESE CHILDREN?! THIS ISN’T NORMAL! THIS IS LEGAL! PETER DID YOU KNOW?!” You were whisper yelling, aware that other people may hear you. You were panicking in front of him to the point he grabbed your upper arms to steady you and telling you to breathe. He took a deep breath himself.
“The truth is…” he contemplated for a moment whether to tell you, “Not everything here is what they seem.”
You looked at him absolutely dumbfounded as he told you of the children's special abilities and Dr Brenner’s plan to build weapons out of them. The sort of training these kids are put through and so on. You almost thought it was a joke, all of this going on under your nose, all of this that sounds completely impossible. He told you about the chip in your neck and explained that’s why he got so concerned when he first saw it.
“I have never lied to you before Y/N, especially not about the likelihood of this. I’ve tried to keep you in the dark for your own sake and protection because I fear what Dr Brenner may do if you knew the true nature of this project, what it may do to you if you knew the true nature of this project. But it seems not telling you has ended up worse and I apologise so deeply Y/N. It was never my intention to hurt y-”
“Peter, you have done nothing wrong. Thank you for always telling me the truth.” You stood in complete disbelief but you trusted Peter with your whole heart and in that moment you swore to help these children, but now you know really from what. You felt Peters hand on your shoulder taking you out of your thoughts. He guided you into his arms and you hugged him in the middle of the hallway.
“Peter, Y/N.” Dr Brenner’s voice revealed itself from behind Peter. You stole another moment in the privacy of Peter’s arms to build up the courage to face the doctor after what you just learnt.
“Good evening Dr Brenner.” You said with a smile, pretending to wipe a tear out of your eyes.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, brows furrowed in his usual calm, intimidating tone.
“Yes, yes,” You pretended to compose yourself, painting on a sheepish look. Also very aware of the child holding his hand beside him. “I’ve just been a little… well homesick is all. Peters just been a dear consolidating friend in reminding me of my family and friends here.”
Your nervousness was showing through your fiddling fingers, keeping your gaze on the child next to Brenner as you shared a gentle smile at the word ‘friends’. It was in this moment as well that Peter saw you pick his side and cover for him, he felt proud of himself that he could warn you of danger and that you actually listened. He felt proud of himself that he could suede the purest person he’d ever met to stick by his side.
Peter would think of that moment, at night, in bed alone most often. The way you lied for him, the way only he could make you steer away from your ‘righteous’ nature and lie for him. The way you listened to him and believed his every word. The way you sought him out first for help, for the truth and depended on him for comfort. The way you held him in your arms and rested your head on his chest. The way his arms wrapped around your smaller frame and could feel your back through your linen shirt. He was utterly enamoured by you.
Over the course of the year, he slowly slowly started to open up to you and he knew you were just as enamoured by him as he was of you. He protected you in this building, telling you every secret he knew, who of the orderlies and staff he thought you should stay clear of and bringing you things you needed throughout the day like an assistant. On some days even, Peter became the only person you would see for the entire day. His puppy dog eyes and sweet smile was enough to keep you going in his building. Most nights the thought of his touch was all you needed.
It was only recently that Peter started talking more and more about little number 11. He held a real fondness of her, often telling you she was the strongest of all the children. The first time you heard this, it took you greatly by surprise as she was a sweet girl but incredibly fragile from the times you’ve treated her. He looked at you with the intense stare you rarely saw - the stare that raises your heartbeat and frightens you, needing to remind yourself that it’s only Peter and there was no need to be intimidated - when telling you not to pity that girl.
It was because of Peter that yourself and 11 became closer friends. Often you’d try to learn more about the girl when she came into your office and you always greeted her, especially when you entered the rainbow room to call on a child for a check up. Peter thought it very sweet however the other children started to notice as well.
A lot of the older children became more hostile to 11 as a result of getting more attention but became hostile to you as well. 11 begun spend more and more afternoons in your office after being picked on by those kids and you welcomed her every time. She’ll tell you in very limited words that the children would tell her 'you have to be put in your place’ or that ‘they do it for her own good.’ and that she just wanted to be their friend.
You told her often “Friends don’t lie.” You tried your best to make it crystal clear that they were only bullies and that she was worth so much more than to be tossed around like that. You’d remind her how powerful she was to be here. As well that she had a brave and strong heart and you really admire that about her.
One afternoon you hadn’t seen Peter all day and you were getting very distressed and restless. He wasn’t at the dinner meal time either which only made you feel worse, cleaning your office to distract yourself all night. By 7 o’clock there was a knock on your door which you ran too thinking it was Peter however instead you found little 11 standing there alone.
You welcomed her in of course and she tried to explain to you what she saw today. Of Peter being punished for helping her. You thanked her so deeply for telling you to which she replied with “Friends don’t lie.” You gave her a hug as tears started to spill unwillingly out of your eyes from worry and sent her off to her room for the night.
So that night when you were packing up your office, you hid a few supplies and ointments in your undergarments and tried your best to sneak to his room without being spotted. You weren’t sure if he didn’t come see you for treatment because he didn’t want you to see him that way or because Dr Brenner prohibited him but neither was going to stop you for helping him.
You knock on his door and he opens the door harshly thinking you were someone else. However his eyes softened immediately upon seeing you and he drags you in to close the door. He lets you fawn over him, scolding him for not seeing you and what not when all he did was groan in pain as he tried to sit on the edge of his bed.
He followed your orders in taking off his shirt so you could see his wounds, pulling out the supplies you brought. Now sitting shirtless with his arms out, he watched you expectedly as you were too focused on examining him to notice the elephant in the room. He enjoyed seeing your flustered look when seeing him shirtless and your pure worry while treating him.
“11 and I are more alike than you think.” He states out of the blue, breaking your focus. That's when you finally noticed the number. 001. He watches your face turn from concern to utter despair.
“No” you look up at him, slowly your hands rise to his head. You softly grab his hair and bring him to your chest. Pure love and sorrow in your embrace that he melts into you.
”Not you, not them.” You whimpered into his hair. Your heart broke at the thought of him going through what you’ve seen these children go through and now more.
You almost healed his inner child in that moment alone. He feels a tear drop on his hair and pulls back to look at you, his hand resting on your waist. Bringing a thumb to your cheek to wipe away your tears. In the complete silence of the little tiled room, you broke loose.
“I’m so scared.” You whimpered, tears slowly continuing to build in your eyes. He quickly retorted with his thumb now grazing over your lips, his gentle eyes comforting you, “You never have to be afraid again. Not with me.”
He pulled you to him, lips resting against his for a moment. You closed your eyes until both of you pulled back. Opening your eyes, you see him watching your lips while licking his own. Your heart was beating so fast.
“Again” he says in a daze. He’d never kissed anyone before but to share this moment with you was almost too much for him. You did as he said and kissed him again. Your lips took over and moved against each other on their own. His grip tighten and you pulled away, a small moanish sigh left your lips from the feeling. You take charge, connecting your lips to his again, tongue to tongue and he’s taken off guard. But he’s a quick learner.
With a gruff grunt, he yanks you onto his lap, your hands resting on his chest. His hand holding your jaw to him and the other pulling up your skirt. This was too good a feeling to be real, this was a feeling he could get used to for sure. A feeling of pure pleasure and love, he wants to hold you and protect you from this hell hole.
“I fear he already knows” You whisper against his lips. You didn’t dare speak the doctor’s name in a moment like this.
“I’m afraid so,” He mumbled back against your lips, “But if he lays a hand on you, I’ll be the end of everything he knows.”
You pulled back, taking out the pins in your hair and letting it fall onto your shoulders. His eyes watching your movements so intensely, his thigh bouncing from a feeling he couldn’t identify, nervousness or excitement maybe.
Your hands held his shoulders to keep you stable on his lap. You looked down to his chest, your mannerisms turning sheepish and he could tell there was something you needed to ask him. He moved a piece of hair out of your face and behind your ear, and following that motion your head turned to him and locked eyes.
“Will you have me?” He was confused by your question. You straightened yourself on his lap, gaining the courage to continue, “I don’t know what will happen beyond this point, tomorrow. I don’t know if I can even help these kids if I tried. But I know I’m here with you right now and that might be all I get.” 
His eyes grew wide and clouded full of love. He was starting to realise what you were referring to.
“I don’t want to regret anything, I don’t want to miss you. I need you.” You continued. He was so mesmerised by you that he brought you in for another kiss, rough and heavy, he wanted to express how he felt about you and this - in his inexperience - was the best way he knew how to.
He watched you lick your lips and lean back in his lap - supporting you with a grip on your hips. He watched your nimble little hands work on the button at your collar, letting it fall open. Then the next button and the next until he stopped you. Holding your delicate hands in his like fine china and bringing them to his lips for a gentle kiss. He guides your hands back to his shoulders and works on the rest of your buttons for you one by one.
Reaching the belt of your skirt, he yanks your tucked in shirt out rougher than intended and you let out a little giggle to which he matches your smile, a genuine, warm smile. All your buttons were undone and you guide his hands into your unbuttoned shirt, leaving his hands on his chest, letting your shirt slip off your shoulders.
With his hands awkwardly placed over your underwear where you placed them, he watched your chest rise and fall, up and down with every deep breath under his warm hands. Your nervous look turned to one of slight smugness, mostly adoration. You reached your arms behind your back to unclasp your bra and with that it fell to the ground. He looked so unsure where to place his hands.
You lifted his chin to look you in the eye and with a gently loving smile, you gave him a nod. With that he cupped your breast and explored the feeling. He observed the way you reacted to his movements, when your breath hitched or fastened. Hitting the jackpot when his thumb met your nipple, like a research project.
He was rubbing circles with his thumb, relishing the sight of you watching his hands as he worked. Your head almost subconsciously following the movement, as you’re lips were parted and almost drooling. He’s never had this effect on anyone before but you didn’t tell him to stop. He never knew his limits, but the effect he had was intoxicating for him in a way he didn’t know was possible.
“Aah!” His fingers were rough and dry. He looked at you jerking back his hands immediately, unsure if he did something wrong to hurt you. You still had this blissed out look on your face as you looked at him but you licked your lips. Slowly, to draw his attention and your eyes flicked down. He gave you a knowing look once it clicked what you wanted. 
He gave you a devilish smile before connecting his lips to your nipple. You gripped his hair and let out a gasp, his lips moving as they did on your lips and soon remembered to let his tongue join the ensemble. His eyes continued to watch the look on your face when he got the chance. Every time you made a noise, it only egged him on more. Soon he was onto the other nipple and your fingers were busy twisting and pulling his hair.
He committed every little movement and noise you made to memory and was absolutely addicted. He couldn’t seem to stop, he couldn’t seem to pull himself off you when you were making noises like that. You were pulling his hair and making noises straight out of a porno. Only finally giving you a break when he pulled off you, leaning back to get a look at you all dishevelled. You were falling forward in his lap, already tired, chest completely red and sore, rising rapidly as you tried to catch your breath.
“Peter” you let out a moanish-sigh and his head fell back at the sound. He let out groans in pain, you weren’t sure whether the source was from the burns or his tight white pants. Once you regain your composure, you let your hand slide along the inside of his left thigh in front of you. He returned his look to you, somehow more dishevelled than you were and you’ve barely touched him.
“Please.” he said, almost submissively and your hand fell over where he needed you most. You were only palming him gently through his white chinos but truly it was enough for him to snap. His head had fallen back entirely, hands off your waist and leaning on the bed behind him to keep him steady and upright.
His neck was on full display to you and taking the opportunity, you manoeuvred your way to lean your knees against the bed and rest your chest against his with your hand still between your bodies. Lips connecting to his neck and feeling the vibrations of every noise he made. You kissed around his neck, trying not to leave marks that might be spotted until you reached the chip behind his ear.
“I hate him.” You muttered against his skin absentmindedly, catching his attention and bringing him out of the moment. He pulled you up in front of him pulling down your skirt, slipping off your shoes and groaning once more as you stood in front of him in nothing but your panties.
“Sit.” he orders, you do as he says. With a grunt he stands in front of you like you did him moments before. He desperately fiddled with his belt, his hands were shaking but he was too focused on taking off his trousers to notice. Once finally free he lets out a sigh of relief as the cold air hits his skin.
“Peter.” you did it again and it drove him crazy, the sight of you sitting there almost naked staring at his dick was an effect he didn’t know he could have on a person.
“Lay down Peter, please.” you almost begged. 
He laid down beside you and you straddled him, pulling off your panties one leg after the other. He watched you as your cold fingers traced down his torso then gently grazed over his cock. He completely stopped breathing but couldn’t look away. 
He was in so much pain, desperate for release but he didn’t want this moment to end. Everything you did made it worse but he couldn’t bring himself to quicken the pace. You were dripping down your thigh, he watched you scrape some of your wetness off your thigh and drag it down his shaft. You wrapped your hand around him, thumb rubbing at the slit spreading the pre-cum it let out, him letting out a groan from deep in his chest along with it
“Are you ready Peter?” You said weakly, mostly the nerves were finally showing through. Positioning yourself above him with his eyes intensely trained on the sight.
You rode him. Slowly at first. He’d never felt this kind of pleasure before and he certainly wasn’t going to interfere with what you were doing. The room was silent beside the echoing noises of the friction of your skin, the repetitive squelching from inside you, every hum that you made involuntarily at every little movement. Everything added up into pure over stimulation on his senses. He could hear his own noises, groans and hums and moans and sighs echo back at him and he almost gave you submission. His hands rested on your hips as you rolled back and forth on him, yours hands resting on his shoulders for stability and moaning in his ear.
You grabbed his hand off your hips and guided him to your clit, helping him move in the way you like and once he got the hang of it, your body completely fell over onto him. He saw you break down in front of his eyes at this simple movement and something within him snapped in a need for dominance.
His grip on your hip tightens, bruises forming as he begins thrusting up into you. You’re yelping almost in pain but that only pushes him longer as he shows no signs of slowing down. He flips you over, delicately placing you below him, it was the only moment for you to breathe before he continued.
He begins to pound into you again, thumb still working on your clit. You’re gripping his hair and the nape of his neck for dear life as you're on the verge of screaming and crying from love and fear and pain and he’s got his arm out beside you, steadying himself, chin resting on your collarbone as he watches you scream and squirm. The sudden change in his demeanour and the pace and everything is sending you so overboard that you’re orgasming before you can even put a coherent thought together. It was only Peter.
“Pete-aA, a- AH - AgaIN PETER.”
At the point you begin to calm down only slightly, he started rutting into you with a grunt with every thrust. “You’re free now. With me you’re free Y/N. You won’t leave me, you won’t ever leave me. Y/n hmm Y/n” and it continued like that with each thrust. He’d grunt and call out for you and grunt and call out for you. Relishing the feeling of your squirming and jerking your hips, like you were a bunny he was setting free from it’s misery. He had to have you.
For a while you were way past your orgasm but he was still rutting into you. So strained you could feel the veins on his neck and see the veins on his forehead pop out. You’d scream for him and only him, not any jerk, not Brenner. You’d scream his name, and feel for him. You were gasping for air, nails frantically scratching at his back, hair, shoulders, arms, anywhere you could grip.
With what little might you could muster, you lifted your head to look at him, face red and completely tear stained, mascara pooling under your eyes. “I am free, with you Peter! You set me free!” you cried, out of breath and completely dick crazed. He was a goner. Completely inside of you he stayed and rutted as he released. Your name falling off his lips, only yours.
He fell onto you, releasing all the tension in his muscle as he gently held you. You laid there under him gasping for air and grabbing his hair and shoulder.
He looked at you with complete awe and amazement, that was the best he’d ever felt, the most free he’s ever felt yet the most powerful he’d ever felt. He loved you, he would kill for you, but watching you stay there under him, crying and screaming and taking it because you loved him. It was a love he’s never felt before. He did nothing but stare at you and breathe as he thought and you stared at him back, in love.
Something in him clicked like it sometimes did, his eyes reverted back to their Peter puppy dog eyes, he chucked and giggled and sighed resting his head next to yours in a playful ‘wow’ sort of fashion. You only giggled in return and held him closer. He jolted up on his elbow to look at you, jump scaring you in the moment and looked at him expectedly.
“Stay with me, just tonight y/n.” Your eyes lit up as he did to match until the hope drained out of you.
“You know I can’t Peter.” You looked into his eyes, deep into his wide black hole of eyes, there was a void space in his eyes that drew you into a trance. He knew how to use this power on you.
“Like you said, we don’t know what's going to happen tomorrow but you have me now.” He could see he was persuading you easily. You bit your lip and let out a loud breath when lying back down in his arms. He grabbed your chin, roughly, pulling you to look at him. 
“You’ll be with me forever, you’ll never have to feel fear again with me, especially not from the likes of those men out there.” With that the two of you spent the night, you in his arms, him in your arms. He could feel your heart racing and the fear behind it as tomorrow morning came closer and closer. You both knew tomorrow was going to be a living hell and you weren’t sure if you were ready for it but you had no regret being with Peter.
Neither of you slept properly, the night was full of deep late night conversations, giggles, you spoke of your families, he told you of his childhood and wanted to take you again when instead of rejecting him, you embraced him and were interested in the stuff he likes to talk about, spiders, power, dominance. It was the longest and shortest night of his life and he didn’t even leave the bed once.
He mentioned his plan to free 11. You saw it as a mission to heal his inner child and thought him incredibly selfless to sacrifice himself for the sweetest little girl you’d ever met. Of course you’d offer to help, you’d do anything for Peter and if he was going to sacrifice himself, you’d have nothing else left to live for either. 
You told Peter to give her your ID card, so he can meet her in the basement and in the early morning, he took you again because he couldn’t keep his hands off you and how pure of a soul you were.
“You are everything good in this world, I will protect you.” He’d repeat all night.
Now the next morning, you watched Peter prepares himself for the day then walk you to your room, trying his best to avoid cameras and keep you out of sight. And thus the most dreaded day of your life begins.
It was cold, the only warmth you felt was the redness of your cheeks and ears when you thought back to last night. Your morning went as usual except the way Peter looked at you when passing in the hall was different and made you wet in your pants.
Dr Brenner visited your medical office, notifying you that you and the other nurse will be needed in the lab room in an hour as the children are playing another game. You tried to play off your complete nervousness - of just being in the same room as him as if he already knew what happened last night - by giving a kind and understanding smile you usually try to wear. He leaves with no inhibitions but you just know deep down, he knows.
You do as you're told. In the next hour, walk to the lab room he called you too and watch the children leave. You enter to find 2 on the ground, a collar around his neck you’d seen before leaving burns on the children. Terror is evident in your eyes and Peter can see that from where he stands in the corner of the room. You walk in, trying to stay calm, everyone is watching you and the other nurse that came with you to escort the child.
Dr Brenner welcomes you and thanks you for coming on time. He takes the collar off 2 and steps aside for you to help up to your office.
“Of course. It’s only our job to help these children sir.” you gave a reassuring smile. Usually Brenner liked to hear these sort of things from his staff but today he stops you, telling the other nurse to take the child and leave you. Confused, you look to Peter, he looked seemingly more concerned than confused.
“Y/N stay with us.” Brenner says calmly. You spin to face him and his orderlies. Your heart is racing and your breathing so heavy that you could hear your heart beat in your ears. Dr Brenner motions for you to stand where you found 2.
Not daring to go against his orders, you walked to the spot in front of the Doctor. Peter was starting to catch on to what was about to happen and he was getting angry, visibly angry. His anger only made you more nervous. The other orderlies even started to look nervous and confused. Dr Brenner touches your arm and you tense up completely.
“Please, Y/N there’s no need to get nervous now.” He walks behind you, hand on your waist, collar in his hand, “No, you haven’t done anything wrong to be this nervous, have you?”
He never once falters from his scolding fatherly tone, no matter how ridiculous the situation. You’re shaking and whimpering and trembling under his touch. Peter observes the complete weakness in you, not the way you were with him. His fist was clenched, he was going to snap. He cleared his throat, trying to diffuse this situation but it only made it worse. Dr Brenner’s eyes snap to the boy, so do yours. Your eyes pleading for help and Dr Brenner notices.
“I’m afraid my suspicions were correct.” He scoffs under his breath and starts putting the collar on you.
“You say you do this for the children, correct? You want to help my children?” He says, walking back in front of you now that the collar was around your neck. You were shaking so violently that you could barely stand, tears were falling from your eyes wildly without any prior permission. Brenner looked to the man on his side, instantly getting the cue and walking over to hold Peter back. And as though in slow motion, he reached for the dial in his hand and turned it on. 
Before you could properly comprehend what was happening and that you were in pain, you found yourself on the floor.
“I didn’t want to have to do this Y/n but it’s necessary to remind you of the rules and that of basic respect and manners. This is no place for a whore.”
You were on the floor screaming in pain. Peter was screaming at Brenner from where he was being held back to watch.
After a couple long minutes, a few of which you’d blacked out through, Brenner finally turned the collar off. He crouched in front of you, lifting your chin to look at him, gazing directly into your eyes as he said, “It’s only for your own good, I don’t want to have to let go of you because of this little incident.” 
It was about noon now, after you were left to hobble back to your room alone, that Peter finally visited you. Bringing you food and water. He sat with you in your bed, holding you and apologising for not being able to protect you and saying he will get revenge for you. You went all too sure what he was saying but you were just happy to have him by your side for a little bit.
You gave him your ID card and told him to give it to her, and get her out today. It was time, today was the day. He took it and listened to you. You had to assure him many times that you’d be okay if he left you here before he actually got up to leave. And after a kiss he went to start the plan as you fell asleep.
You woke up to someone entering your room, you could sense it had only been a few hours later but Peter was already back in your room. He ran straight to you, yanking you to his chest before you were fully awake to comprehend what was going on.
“Ow” you let out and he apologised vowing to be gentler next time, “Peter? What's going on? Did you give her the ID? What's go- Peter you’re bleeding!”
You sat up now, completely sobered and concerned. You observed his neck where the chip used to be now dripping with blood. He looked at you with determined eyes, the intense stare that used to scare you.
“I’m free now Y/N. I can protect you now. I love you Y/N.” he took a rough, hard kiss from you once again and laid you back down, “I can protect you now.”
“No Peter! Wait, what’s going on?!” You were getting up to stop him leaving without telling you but he just pulled you to his chest and kissed your hair.
“You have to stay here, I’m going to protect you. You trust me.” He repeated once more before picking you up and putting you back into your bed. You watched him leave bewildered and the door shut behind him. You didn’t have your ID card or a key of any kind and now Peter’s left you confused and worried he was hurt.
You ran to the door after him, trying desperately to find a way to get it open to no avail. In despair, you slid to the floor, sitting with your back to the door and waited. The only thing you could do.
There was a scream.
And another.
The alarm started going off.
You tried once again at the door but it wouldn’t open, you were getting frantic again. You started to hit the door but no one was left around to hear.
“PETER!” You were screaming, banging at the door with your fist, desperate for someone, anyone to hear you.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Athena
So. I have to deal with the virgin goddesses… By mythos, there really shouldn't ever be children of Artemis, Hestia, or Athena (yes, Athena was a virgin goddess). PJ got past that by making it canon that Annabeth and her siblings were born from cracking open Athena's skull (yes, that's also more or less the canon explanation). They gloss over it real quick but I remember, Rick. I've always remembered and that mental image has haunted me for years...
I can't, in good conscience, ignore the history around Athena's worship (call it an academic restraint) but I REFUSE to do the skull thing. So, since I make the rules here, I'm going with magic adoption. They still get magic powers, they're just more human than demigod. Cool? Cool.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena
The human that popped out of the portal seemed to have enough sense not to attack everyone in the room for a change, but even Lucifer could tell that was more of a strategic choice than for lack of ability...
Their very existence was highly unusual… and quite worrisome. He wasn't even aware Athena could have "children" of her own, but apparently she had been taking in some particularly bright humans to raise and train like her own...
Unbeknownst to him, a surprising amount of human scholars, diplomats, and generals have her to thank for their trade… and that alone should speak to the level of intrigue at play here. 
Was this an accident or Athena's attempt to plant an Olympian spy in the Devildom too…? Either way, he didn't trust them from the get go…
Look, Lucifer isn’t stupid. Athena is a goddess of Wisdom and War and war happens on more than just the battlefield… 
Since they've shown up records have been going missing, official documents keep getting misplaced, and he swears that there's some kind of bug in the student council room...!
It's infuriating watching the MC suck up to Diavolo when he's almost certain that they're running their own agenda behind the scenes! And he can't prove any of it!! They cover their tracks too well!
Lucifer has one of those corkboards covered in newspapers and string in a secret wing of the Castle - 100% dedicated to just tracking the MC's activities…. The longer they're there, the more obsessed he becomes...
He swears between Simeon, Solomon, and MC he feels like a shepherd wondering why the sheep are growling… The Devildom has never been in more danger than it is right now... Send help.
To be honest, he kind of thought that they were just going to be Satan 2.0 but that's not really true.
They're more than just a book sponge! Though they do read, like a lot. Let’s just say from one schemer to another… Game recognizes Game.
They come up with plans and ideas soooo fast, it’s insane! Honestly, there are times where he has a new money-making plot and he just brings it to the MC first to run it over. 
Nine times out of ten, not only do they sniff out any problems but they have a solution for him in a matter of minutes! His scheme game has been on point since they’ve shown up!!
They’re also even better tutoring than Satan is, so he’s even managed to get a couple A’s for the first time in his life! Lucifer actually told him he was proud (which he secretly recorded and now uses as a ringtone much to his brother’s regret...)
So yeah, he likes them... buuut that doesn’t keep him from thinking they act a little weird sometimes... 
Mammon: *points to a unused tower close to the RAD building* Over there is the Tower of Sorrow. We use it for storage.
MC: Ah. Interesting… *starts writing in a notebook, muttering* It may need a few minor tweaks but the location is defensible...
Mammon: *stops* Ya say somethin’?
MC: *looks back up* Nope! Say, you’ve been to the Castle a lot haven’t you? Do you know any good ways in?
Mammon: Uhm… Why do ya want to know that…? *starts looking around for Lucifer*
MC: In case of emergencies. I like being prepared. 🙂
Mammon: Look, I don’t know what Lucifer might’a told ya…
MC: I’ll pay you a thousand Grimm for it.
Mammon: Well shit, ya want those maps with or without color?
... Yeeeah, that’s pretty weird… But it’s probably fine. I mean, as long as they keep giving him money, who’s he to complain? 🤷‍♀️
Also thought that they’d be a lot more like Satan but was pleasantly surprised that they were into more than books.
What else did they like exactly? Military strategy!!
It’s been a looong time since he’s been able to talk to someone who’s actually interested in all the battles he’s fought, both in the Celestial Realm and the Devildom, and their curiosity is kind of flattering...! Not a lot of people take his strategic prowess all that seriously anymore...
Plus, they are the BEST partner to have any turn-based strategy game. Hands down. He once got stuck on a level of D-COM for weeks until the MC walked in and mopped the floor with the AI!! They have a serious head for probability and tactics.
The House once made the mistake of letting these two be on the same team during a Hell Game and they absolutely demolished the competition. Mammon didn’t even get a single shot off before half his team was lost to a rigged paint grenade… It took a whole day to clean up… 
However, Levi’s also noticed some odd things about the human… He likes that they’re interested in his past but maybe they’re a little… too interested?
Levi: -and that’s how we defeated the Four Horsemen before they escaped from Purgatory. 
MC: Wow, Levi that’s seriously impressive!! *furiously scribbling on a notebook*
Levi: Well t-thanks… 😅 But, uhm... are you writing that down…?
MC: Hm? Oh no, just doodling. *they lift up the notebook to show a bunch of cute little sketches on the page… and not the magic-based invisible ink all over them…*
Levi: Oh you draw too? Can you do fanart???
MC: Eh, sometimes. But say Levi, can you tell me about your naval ranks again? I’m still really curious… *gets the pen ready again with a smile*
Oh, it's been a long game of cat-and-mouse between these two… and unfortunately, it’s been pretty addicting too.
He honestly had every intention of tricking the human into making a huge mess do he could bother Lucifer, but at every turn they proved just a hair too clever for him...
He once gave them a cursed book to “lend” to Lucifer, but they saw through it the moment they touched it and lifted the spell before handing it over.
He rigged a podium to spray glitter during one of Lucifer's speeches but the MC disconnected the trigger mic before he even got on stage. It was pretty dang frustrating...
At one point he got so desperate that, just as a test, he tried to trap them in the House's Music Room. Fortunately for them, it only took a few minutes to work out an escape. They even passed by him in the hallway with a wink!
It's confounding! It's infuriating!! 
...and it's so damn sexy... He should be furious but he’s just in awe!!
Add on that they know their art, literature, and multiple different crafts thanks to the tutelage of their adopted mother and that’s it. He’s finished. This boy is in love.
Truthfully though, a part of him is 90% sure that they’re also gathering state secrets… Like, they’re watching Barbs and Diavolo far too close for comfort - but he just can't bring himself to care. 🤷‍♀️
The MC could walk into his room one day and say, "Hey, do you want to help overthrow the monarchy with me?" and he dreads it because deep down he knows that he wouldn’t say no…
Take some notes, kids. Some bad influences get you to drink or do drugs. Others pull you into a centuries long conspiracy to destabilize and topple rival realms from within… But he has fallen for their brain hard. Devil help them all…
They’re pretty clever, he’ll give them that, but uh… Are they a little off to anybody else?
Asmo is a charmer by birthright so he has a bit of nose for when someone’s just a liiittttle too nice… Not much of a nose mind you, because he can be thrown off by compliments himself, but enough to think that the MC might be a little too… “kind” for their own good...
First off, who wants to spend that much time with Levi?? They don’t even seem that interested in anime! They just keeping asking him for old war stories…
Then all the sucking up they do to Diavolo and Barbatos? Look, he gets it. Diavolo is a delicious piece of man-hunk and his butler could give him a lesson or two in sweet-talk (and he has), but they seem to be just a little too… nosy.
Of course, Asmo’s suspicions disappear pretty quickly after they start to spoil him with spa nights and beauty secrets they picked up from “casual research” into the subject.
And you know, get a little Demonus in Asmo and start massaging his back? Oh, sweetie he’ll sing like a bird!! … with gossip. Singing with gossip.
Asmo: So I’ve heard that Lucifer has been spending more time at RAD than usual… His whole club is talking about it, they think he’s meeting with some witch!
MC: Hm, is that so? *works on a knot near his shoulder blades* What do you think?
Asmo: Ooh~! Right there, MC! *purrs and lays his head on his arms* Well come on, this is Lucifer we’re talking about! I’m sure he’s just working.
Asmo: Hmm... though come to think of it, I think I heard him asking Barbatos for the spare keys to the Tower of Sorrow…
MC: Oh really? Huh. *works out the knot and gets up* I just remembered that I left some papers with Satan... I’ll be right back.
Asmo: You’re going already??
MC: *waves him off quickly* I’ll be right back, Asmo. *hurries out the door to do totally on-the-up-and-up things… surely*
Honestly he doesn't like this one… But not for the reasons you'd expect.
He agrees with everyone else that they seem a little shady, but Solomon and Simeon are too so it's not like that's anything new... 🤷‍♀️
No, no. He dislikes them because they're the person who FINALLY figured out how to keep him from eating all the food in the kitchen!!
Turns out that the trick was to put a teleportation charm on the fridge door that would send all the food away if it’s opened after a certain time of night… 
And where does it go? The Purgatory Hall fridge. And where does the Purgatory Hall food go…? The HoL fridge…
It doesn’t sound so bad until you remember that it means half of their fridge is now Solomon’s leftovers…. 🤢
After they put the same kind of spell on the pantry, it was all over… He couldn't get midnight snacks from the House anymore… Everything was contaminated by Solomon…
The MC is a nice enough person, he doesn’t have a lot of complaints about them, but he wants them to leave. Now. This is inexcusable… He’s so hungry… and he doesn’t want to die by “goulash” or whatever Solomon calls his latest culinary catastrophe… He’s still too young for death… 😓
In a way, he absolutely could not have asked for a better person to help him get out of that attic.
… In another way, he got one of the worst possible people to try and kill... Like. They saw through his scheme sooo fast…
How was he supposed to know that the human had training in body language and sniffing out lies???
Getting the door open was a piece of cake for them. They knew enough magic to undo the seals and just rummaged around Lucifer's stuff long enough to find the key to the door. He could not have found a more competent individual for a break out, really.
It’s just… well he didn’t expect to go from locked in a room like a prisoner to tied up in enchanted rope, still like a prisoner but now mobile. 😑 
They even used his own hug ruse against him! They caught his wrists when they got close and tied him up before he could shake them off...
Admittedly, it wasn't exactly the best look for them either - what with walking Belphegor downstairs to the others like a one-man-prison-caravan but they're as silver-tongued as they are sly so they talked their way out of it beautifully… 
And like hell was he going to trust them after that!! And not even Beel liked them so something had to be up...
Well, you want a detective? Look no farther than Belphie (no seriously, it’s in the canon). He can put things together pretty fast when he puts his mind to it and watching the MC for a while gave him enough proof to work off of...
He always knew that, humans were bad news and the MC just proved it to him all over again. They are bad news, bad bad news and they’re going to-!
Overthrow… Diavolo…? Is that what he is getting from them…? Huh…
Wait a second, MC. You might just have him interested… 😏
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ghostmacandcheese · 2 years
Heaven help the fools chapter 2
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(Hello! I hope you like this fanfic. It’s going to be six chapters, that way i can put a good amount of detail into the story. It isn’t a Y/N reader, as the main character does have a name, and if it seems strange or annoying the way the conversations flow or the way things are described, sorry, thats just how i think and react to things. While most of the stuff in this is false, obviously, there will be a note at the end of each chapter letting you guys know what was actually real from personal experiences! Hope you all enjoy, i know i had a lot of fun writing this!)
Summery: you meet Steven in the museum gift shop and become fast friends, and maybe something even more!
Pairing: just Steven x female reader
Warnings: some swearing, being the family disappointment, sleep disorders
Genre: fluff, meet-cute, friends to lovers
Chapter 2: not quite a date
I sat in the mummification wing of the museum, pencils and sketch pad in hand, ready to take another crack at the intricate sarcophagus drawing I'd been working on all week. I'd been hoping to catch steven after that first time meeting, but he hasn't shown up at all in the past week, so now I've just given up hope and dedicated my time to this stupid drawing I now have to finish.
As I sketch out the face on the sarcophagus, I feel someone standing behind me. God, why can't people realize it's rude to stand behind someone when they're drawing. Can't you see I'm busy? I huff, irritated. “If you're gonna watch over my shoulder, at least bother tipping. Replacing a personal space bubble costs a lot nowadays, you know.” I continue sketching, feeling the eyes looking over my shoulder move to the front of my head, and I look up, ready to chide off another stranger hoping for a quick picture in front of another dead body, but suddenly regret every decision I had ever made when I realize the lingering eyes belonged to the one and only steven grant.
“I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I-i thought I saw you here, and donna, my boss, says you've been coming here for the past week, drawing everything in the place. I was just curious what you were doing. I-i think it looks great.” he smiles timidly, scared he'll say something wrong.
I give him an apologetic smile. “Don't be sorry, I just had a lot of people bother me over the past week when all I wanted to do was sketch. I also don't like people watching me. I didn't mean to be rude.” I go back to working on the face mask, and he continues to awkwardly stand there. No, Steven please, don't be awkward, I don't know what to say when things are awkward! Um, um think! Art? Yeah, go with art. Talk about art. “S-so,” I start, unsure of where I'm supposed to be going with the conversation. “I- uh, you haven't been here for the past week. I was wondering where you were.” that's…that's not art. We had a great topic and I just threw it away. Nice.
“Oh, yeah, I had to go out of town for a bit. Wait, you looked for me?” his eyes filled with hope and curiosity, and his cheeks turned a slight red.
“Uh, yeah. You were an interesting person and I enjoyed our conversation. It was fun. I don't normally talk to people when I go out, I actually prefer just doing things alone.'' I chuckle nervously, twisting my moldable eraser in my hands. “Oh, I can leave if you want, then I didn't mean to intrude.” I looked up quickly. “Oh, no please! Don't go!” why. Why did we just say that? Why couldn't we let him walk away and stare at him from afar? God, I'm impulsive. “I-i mean, I like talking to you. You-your easy to talk to. You don't think I'm weird. I mean, maybe you do, and I just don't know, I'm not a mind reader after all and- sorry. I didn't mean to ramble, I got nervous, heh.” he just laughed. “Um, I was gonna grab a coffee, did you wanna come?” I offer the invitation, hoping he'll say yes so we can talk more, but begging he'll say no so he just remains a nameless person I see on occasion. But he's not nameless, stupid, he told us his name. It's steven. Are you dumb? I'm not dumb, I know his names steven, I did it for dramatic purposes! God, why are we like this? “Sure, I would love to!” he exclaims, looking excited. “Excellent. I know a great place!” I gather my pencils and sketchbook and toss them in my bag, standing to face him. Oh, I didn't realize before, we were almost the same height. Heh, smol bean steven. I chuckle to myself, and Steven looks at me curiously. “What are you laughing about?” “hmm? Oh, I just thought of something funny, don't worry about it. Come on, it's this way!”
We sit down with our coffees, and I look around, observing the people in the cafe today. “Mmm, this coffee is good.” he smiles after taking a sip. “Yeah, I love the brown sugar cold foam latte, it's delicious.” I take a sip of my drink before taking a bite of my blueberry scone. “S-so,” he hesitates, picking at a small spot on the table. “I feel like I don't know anything about you. G-got any interesting things about yourself?” he looks up at me from under those beautiful lashes, and my heart melts a little. “Yeah, I suppose. Um, to start with I moved here about 8 months ago, and I just started going out and getting to know places.”
“It took you that long?”
“Yeah, I have a hard time with change and control, so it took me a while to unpack all my stuff and get comfortable where I live.” I brush the crumbs from my scone onto the floor, looking at him curiously. “What about you?”
“Oh, um, I own a fish with only one fin. His name is Gus.” I laugh.
“What's so funny?” he asks, confused. “Nothing, it's just, you ask me to tell you interesting things about myself and I tell you I have control issues, and when I ask you the same thing, you tell me you have a fish with one fin?” “oh, well, I figured you already knew about the bed cuff thing, so that was the only other thing I could think of.”
“Oh, I completely forgot about that!” he looks at me, confused.
“I have a really bad memory, can't remember anything past this morning. It's like my brain takes all my thoughts and jumbles them up and puts em I a box and leaves me to sort through it, so because nothing is in order, I don't know what happened. I also have no concept of time, space, or awareness. I get lost very easily.” he laughs at that. “Well, anything else interesting about you, miss Ophelia Jane?” he looks at me, thoughtful. I feel like his eyes are searching my soul.
“Um, let's see, for three years I was planning on opening a bakery, till I realized it was something my mother wanted from me, and not what I actually wanted to do, so now I'm a content creator/artist, or as my parents see it, a disappointment.” I look up from my coffee, wondering why he's so quiet, and see a look of utter hurt and sadness on his face. “I-im so sorry. That sounds awful!” “oh, it's ok, really, I forget most of the time that not everyone thinks depression jokes are funny. Don't worry about my disappointed parents' though, they're used to it. I'm the oldest of five, and I got all the” I make jazz hands to emphasize “emotional damage. Anyway, let's not be depressed!” I chuckle again, looking at his slightly shocked face. “Erm, yeah, so you said you do art? What kind? Besides sketching, I mean.” “oh, well I do mainly sketching, painting, and digital art. But I don't really do that stuff for work, it's more of a hobby. For now, I work here on the weekends to pay the bills.” “really? I didn't know. I mean, how would I, I don't stalk you or anything, I promise-” “steven, I get it, it's all good. So, you work at the museum right? What's your favorite part?” as soon as those words leave my lips, I see his eyes light up excitedly. Yes! Talk to me for hours, you beautiful sleep-deprived god! He begins to raddle off all of the best exhibits in the museum and how Egypt shaped the rest of the modern world, and I just sat there, watching this man talk more than he's probably talked in years.
We ended the coffee ‘date’ about an hour after we got on the subject of ancient Egypt, and steven promised me a tour of his favorite wings in the museum. “H-hey, um, could I, I mean, would it be alright if-if I gave you my number? I really like talking to you, and then we could plan to hang out more!” he looked really nervous, as if he was just waiting for me to say no. OOOOOHHHH!! NOWS ARE CHANCE! HE'S GIVING US HIS NUMBER! HEHEHEHE!
“Sure, here, put it on my phone, and ill text you so you know it's me, ok?” I grin at him, happy I finally have someone to talk to who doesn't mind my never-ending chattering.
‘O-ok sounds good! Um, well, ill catch you on the flip flop, laters gators!” he waves and walks away, leaving me chuckling at the ridiculous but seemingly characteristic goodbye he just gave me. I have steven's grants number! I WILL NO LONGER BE SINGLE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! I skip slightly down the street, waiting for the bus to come and take me home. What a great day. It wasn't quite a date, but it was nice all the same. I'm glad I met him.
*end chapter authors note*
Hey guys, me again. Hope you liked this chapter, i thought it was really cute. Anyway, here’s your interesting facts about me that i put into the story to make it seem more relatable(?)
1) i am very impulsive, so that entire interaction in the beginning could totally happen with someone if was brave enough to talk to people
2) i have very bad control issues and have a hard time with new things, so I’m pretty sure if i did move somewhere he wit would take me almost a year to get used to it all and be ok
3) that whole thing about the bakery, disappointing your parents, and being the oldest of five kids is all true, and to top it all of, i was homeschooled and had autism and didn’t know it. What a great mix, huh?
4) i talk. A LOT. Like, imagine steven going on a big thing about how much he loves Egypt, but its me, talking about everything like that. A lot of people hate me for it.
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
Meet Cute (GN!Reader/Mothman)
Pairing: GenderNeutral!Reader/Male!Mothman
Genre: Cryptids
Warnings: Car accidents, descriptions of bruisings and pain
Word Count: 2564 words
Summary: After an incident, You find yourself in the care of a rather strange savior.
Request: Hey, long time fan, but I could never think of anything to request! I was wondering if cryptids were considered monsters here? Would you be willing to write a meet-cute with Mothman? Maybe something along the lines of them saving the reader from a disaster and sparks fly, and boy, if that's not a pun: like a moth to a flame. Mothman can be man or gender neutral, and I'd like the reader to be gender neutral! But everything is to your discretion! Have fun~! And thank you~!
He doesn’t usually do this.
As he cradles your neck, feeling the microfibers of human hair at the base of your skull and your thrumming heartbeat, it feels as if you could shatter apart in his talons. Your pupils flutter behind your eyelids, the pain of the collison definitely affecting you, even in your near-unconscious state. He sets you down on the scraps of thrown away jackets and ratty down-comforters, paying extra attention to your head and side, where splotches of purple and yellow already bloom up your ribcage. You easily fall into the warmth of the pile, snuggling into the fabric.
He sighs, anxiety decreasing as your body relaxes. Having already checked you, he thinks you should last a night before needing to go to a human hospital, just to double-check. He perches by you, tuning the ancient radio to a subtle night-time station, and waits.
Your chest flutters rhythmically, peacefully. Your features seem to shine in the firelight, catching the shadows and giving the appearance of a Baroque painting. So serene for someone just hit by a car.
He sighs.
He just hopes you won’t freak out.
You wake up in a jerk, immediately filled with regret as your right side screams in pain. You clench your teeth, hand immediately checking your ribs as the memories of last night come flooding back.
You had been walking back home after a night out with your friends. You weren’t drunk, barely even tipsy, but had decided to walk the short path to your tiny house anyway. It was quick, just a 5 minute jaunt by the side of the highway and away from the bar. Just enough time for some asshole to swerve off the side of the road, send you flying, and take off without a care for the deer they assumed they just killed.
It takes a little while longer for you to process that you are definitely not in a hospital right now; Not even in your own house, or any house for that matter. A dying fire crackles nearby, the rising sun beams peaking through makeshift curtains attached to a structure of branches. You sit in a small pallet of fabric, right next to a collection of newspapers and old cctvs.
It’s ramshackle, sure, but well-loved. It doesn’t look like a permanent residence, but is lived-in nonetheless.
“Are you feeling alright?”
A calm tenor breaks the silence, causing you to shoot your eyes away from your surroundings and to focus on the person across from you.
Well, person probably isn’t the right word.
His eyes, even in the morning light, flash with red. They’re huge, set deeply into his face with very indistinguishable features. His neck is nestled into a large amount of fluff, reminiscent of winter scarf, that extends back into his large wings, which are tucked behind him. The antennas that flicker on top of his head are distinctly insect-like, but his long, muscular body and hands are more mammalian. Not human, but more similar to an animal. His hands are long and near-spindly, each finger ended with a long claw.
All these features should come together into an uncanny-valley, terror-inducing nightmare. But there’s something about his voice, the way he sits, so cautious yet concerned, that says the contrary.
“U-Uh...I think so.” You shift your body, a lightning bolt of pain shoots through your ribs and you wince. “I’ve felt better, though.” You tentatively lean down and touch your side, trying to check for a fracture without hurting yourself even more.
The creature stands up, wings still closed and kept to his back, and walks over to you.
“Would you mind if I checked your injuries? I have some experience with collisions such as yours.”
After a second, you nod. He steps closer to you, still moving at a micro-speed, and his hands slowly begin to wander up your side. You suck in a breath, but are more afraid of the potential pain than him. His slow, southern drawl reminds you of old movies and your grandpa, radiating comfort with almost every word. Plus, whatever he was, he had shown you more compassion than the human asshole who had hit you last night, so you felt a little more relaxed having him this close.
Nevertheless, he treats you gingerly, fingers just grazing your bruised side. You wince as his index finger finds a particularly dark bruise, and the creature quickly pulls back.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it just-fuck that hurt.”
The creature nods but doesn’t move to touch you again.
“Does it hurt when you breathe deeply?”
You shake your head. You had been taking calming breaths to assuage the anxiety of waking up in what might be a monster’s den.
The monster hums, a light chittering sound, like several wind chimes all at once. He reaches over to a small, nearly-rotted, medicine bag in the corner and pulls out an ancient-looking jar of pain cream. He gingerly slides it towards you. “You may try this, it might relieve the pain for a while. Although you should probably see a human doctor to see if you’ve sustained any serious damage to your ribcage.”
You uncork the cream and tentatively dab a bit on your fingers, looking up with a  shaky smile to your savior.
“Uh, t-thank you. For everything-”
Your hand jerks to your stomach, face going flush as you accidentally brush against your swollen side. The creature perks up.
“I believe I have some human food. Would you like some?”
Sucking in a quick breath, trying to hide the tiny pain and your embarrassment, you nod.
The creature stands up, fumbling with the remains of a kitchen cabinet. From his hunched posture, you’d guess this tiny shelter isn’t big enough for his full height. With his long fingers, he reaches and flicks on the radio. The sounds of a local station’s jingle filters through the air as he grabs a can of beans from a shelf.
You slowly begin to rub in the medication to your side, occasionally looking up at your savior as he flutters around his den. Despite his extended limbs and large body, every movement is very similar to that of a human’s; He moves around the make-shift kitchen like a doting partner, a thought which brings a small blush to your face.
The illusion is shattered when he tears the top of the can clean off, cutting through the metal like a hot knife through butter. As he turns to rekindle the fire and start your breakfast, you quickly look back to your wound, trying to hide your curiosity.
The creature lazily stirs your breakfast as a song begins playing on the radio. The strumming bass is perfect for the morning haze, the low drawl of the singer rhythmic and relaxing. You notice the creature bobbing his head, humming along to the tune. His voice sounds slightly distorted, squeaking like the crackle of tv static. You find you quite like it.
The silence returns, filled only by the radio and the crackling fire. The creature's disposition is amicable, but you're still not sure how to initiate small talk.
“Um, thank you, again. For everything. You really saved my ass.”
The creature gestures with their hand as if to say “No problem.”
“I saw that man hit you with that car and take off. As you were hidden from the road, I thought it best I intervene.” The creature pulls off the now-cooked beans and grabs a spoon, handing the can to you. You take it eagerly, another rumble growling from your stomach. You hadn’t realized how hungry you were, foregoing all table manners to scarf down the breakfast.
“If I am being honest, I don’t typically interact with humans in such a….direct manner.”
“Ah, I guess that,” You eyes do another survey of his gangly, inhuman appearance, “makes sense.”
The creature nods, grabbing an apple before sitting across the fire from you. You can tell he is tense, probably waiting with baited breath for you to come to your senses and scream. There is a small part of you that wants too, desperately, but you silence it with a large mouthful of beans. The apple is tossed back and forth between the creatures hands, his eyes locked on the fire. The curiosity of how he eats things sneaks its way into your thought process. “Do you have a name?”
The creature perks, pausing it’s movements and looking at you with its large, red eyes.
“.....I’ve heard humans call me Mothman. I think it is quite accurate.”
You nod, swallowing down another bite of beans. “Do you...like that name?”
The creature doesn’t respond, eyes still piercing into your heart. His face has a small micro-expression, but you’re not sure you can read it. “Because my brother always said first impressions are the perfect time to reinvent yourself, so I could call you something else if you wanted?”
The creature's eyes flicker, in a movement you think is slight shock, before his eyes roll back to the fire. The small light of the fire flatters the dark black of his fur (You think it’s fur?) and only accentuate his large eyes, flashing and reflecting like rubies. In his relaxed position, he sort of looks….handsome.
“You may call me Mothman. Thank you for asking.”
You nod, letting the strumming banjo of a new song on the radio fill the void. The bouncy beat has you unconsciously bobbing your head as you scoop a spoonful.
“I love this song.” You mutter, lamenting how you're almost out of food to stuff your mouth with.
Mothman hums in agreement. “Me as well, this station is my favorite.”
Given your empty bean can, you take the leap into a conversation.
“Do you have a favorite kind of music genre?”
Mothman fiddles with the stem of his apple, brow (if it can even be called that) furrowing.
“I guess I never thought of what my favorite would be. I mostly listen to whatever the radio plays, enjoyable or not. Though,” Mothman points his thumb to the radio, “I love the sound this instrument makes, though I am unsure what it is called. It’s almost like….”
Mothman’s voice begins to make a squeaking trill, one extremely similar to that of plucked strings, although much sharper and shorter.
“Oh, you mean the banjo? Uh, the one that goes like-” You try your best to imitate the chords of the banjo, unconsciously moving your fingers to imitate playing. It’s not nearly as musical as Mothmans’, but his eyes widen and he nods excitedly.
“Yes! Yes, that sound is very pleasant. I’d say any music with that in it is my favorite.”
“Ah, country, that’s a really popular one around here. Have you ever heard ‘Goodbye Earl’ by The Chicks?”
Mothman shakes his head. Your face drops in surprise.
“Oh, it’s so good, it’s about-” As you lean over to give a long spiel about the song, another bolt of pain shoots up your side, forcing you to bite your cheek so as to not cry out. You keel over your legs, clutching your rib cage.
Right, car accident.
In a second, Mothman is next to you, tentatively laying a hand on your shoulder. His fingertips just barely brush your skin, yet you can still feel a slight fuzziness, the same that covers his whole body.
“You might want to see a human doctor, soon.” You suck in through your teeth, slowly adjusting yourself back upwards. “Yeah, yeah, that’s probably a smart idea.
“I can take you as far as the end of the highway, if you’d like to call a friend or a cab.”
You nod, not trusting your voice to stay steady. Mothman’s other hand slowly moves to your other hip, only applying a modicum of pressure.
“May I help you stand up?” He almost-whispers, a hot breath of air blowing across the side of your neck as he speaks. A shiver runs down your spine as his large fingers play gently against your skin, covering a good portion of your pelvis. You’re thankful you can explain away any blush with the pain. You nod once more.
The two of you stand up gingerly, Mothman almost extending to his full height and brushing the blanket-ceiling with his antennae. You take a couple of small steps, the pain in your side taking the occasional moment to sting you.
Your eyes squint as you exit the encampment, sun already fully risen and in your face.
“If at any point you feel uncomfortable or in pain, let me know.”
You turn your head towards Mothman, but before you can ask any questions he sweeps you up in a bridal carry and extends his wings in one motion. From the corner of your eyes you can see dark red patterns that swirl on them, invisible until caught by the sunlight. Your hands instinctively lace around his neck, fingers tucking into the soft fluff of his neck. Mothman gives you a quick nod and what you think is an assuring smile
Without a word, you two take off.
You two fly low to the ground, Mothman expertly maneuvering through the trees and underbrush as he glides along the highway. You’re sure if you were to drive by, he’d look like a flickering shadow in the woods, nothing more.
He sets you down by the edge of town, just out of sight of the semi-busy main street. You basically collapse to your feet, heart pounding with adrenaline and mind wracked with “Holy fuck, I just flew with the goddamn Mothman.”
“This is where I must depart. Do you think you can find suitable transportation to the hospital from here?”
You nod, still trying to wrestle your vocabulary from ‘What the fuck, Holy shit, Oh my god.’
Mothman gives you another smile and comforting nod, patting you on the shoulder.
“Very good. Good luck on your travels. Oh, and try not to be hit by any cars, alright?”
With a playful glare from you, Mothman begins to unfurl his wings and ready himself to fly back into the woods, buut before he can-
“Wait! Uh….” Mothman halts, wings still wide open. Your mouth and mind stagger, not even sure what you wanted to say. “I have some old country cassettes back at my place. If I found my mom’s old WalkMan I could….show them to you? Some time, maybe? Give you a chance to be your own radio DJ?”
Mothman’s face remains relatively neutral, but the way his antennae unfurl and his wings slightly perk upwards betrays his interest. It’s extremely adorable, like a little kid who hears the word ‘ice cream.’
“Yes, I think I would love that.”
“A-Awesome.” You breath out, not realizing how long you had held it in. “Same place, maybe next Saturday? Though hopefully I won’t be thrown in there by a car this time.”
Mothman lets out a series of squeaks, which you assume is his laugh. He gives you a thumbs up. “Cool, it’s a date.”
With the last word, you walk away, still hobbling with your probably-fractured rib, a large smile on your face.
As Mothman flies away, the cold wind of a West Virginia morning blowing across his body, he can’t deny the certain warmth that radiates from his chest.
I have a date.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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dabiboy · 4 years
As I said yesterday, here's some dad material. Hawks and Dabi, fluff this time👀.
Author's note: I really liked the lyrics of the second song, it fit wells 😅
The clock stroke two am, and the silence of the room was filled with Haru's scream. Was it pain? Was it fear? Was it hungry? You couldn't now, he was just a bit more than one month, so all you could do was guessing. You squirmed a bit, ready to get up and go check on the baby, but a warm hand on your arm stopped you.
"I got this" Hawks said in a raspy and sleepy voice.
"You sure? You worked a lot today"
"And because of it I couldn't be with him that much. If my son needs me, I'll go to him even if I was missing my two legs" you couldn't help but feel your heart warm, but at the same time you let out a lazy laugh.
"Maybe he needs me" you teased.
"Nah, listen, he's clearly saying dad" Hawks laughed "Go back to sleep, honey. You need to rest. I'll let you know if he's hungry"
After leaving a short kiss on your shoulder, Keigo got up and made his way to Haru's room. The little creature in the crib was crying his lungs out, and even though it was worrying Hawks allowed himself to smile, he was still amazed. How could he love someone that much?
He leaned closer the crib so he could hold the kid and look at him. For a second, his crying stopped, and Haru locked eyes with Keigo, doubt, curiosity, but then? The crying started again, making Keigo laugh a bit.
"C'mon, I'm not that ugly, aren't I?" He said.
Once the baby in his arms, he held him against his chest, letting him feel his warm and heartbeats. Keigo started humming softly as he walked around the room, getting closer to the window.
"You have made my life complete, and I love you so," Keigo sang lowly, resting his cheek on the baby's temple. "Love me tender, love me true. All my dreams fullfill. For my darling, I love you" He sang "And I always will"
It seemed it was working, because there was no more crying, instead, some soft like cooing sounds as the baby held onto his father's neck as he looked at the bright lights of the city.
"I'm never letting you go, kid" Keigo whispered, softly caressing his back "I swear I'll try me best to be good at this" low chuckle "But one thing's for sure. You will always have your dad, k'? One day we'll fly together. And I'll be there to catch you if you fall, always. That's a promise"
He smiled, pressing a kiss on Haru's forehead. Keigo kept humming, swinging from side to side slowly. After some minutes, he layed on a small couch next to the crib, holding the baby against his chest. His soft breathing and warm little body seemed to calm Keigo too, and without even knowing his wings were wrapped around the little human securely, together with his arms.
"My precious chicken nugget"
Those were Keigo's last words before falling asleep with his baby on his chest. Wishing that moment was forever.
"I'm busy right now, princess. Can't go" Dabi said simply on the other side of the line.
"Dabi please, I'm travelling in five minutes and no one is available, I can't leave Kaji alone. Less at night. I arrive in them morning, please."
"Shit, fine. I'll try to make it fast"
After hung up, he cursed to himself and finish his work. Just villain things.
Dabi didn't even bother in telling Shigaraki to fuck off before he went back to your apartment, it was just one night, right? He was going to be fine. It was just a kid, not an alien. And it was his kid. A kid that was always excited to see his dad, and actually, that was what scared him.
Once he make it home, he used the spare key to get inside, and in less than five seconds some tiny arms were wrapped around his legs.
"You came!" Kaji said, holding him tenderly, making Dabi stiffed.
"Yeah, I did" He replied simply, and notice the mess he had on the table "watcha' doing?"
"I was drawing, but astronauts are hard to do" Kaji whined and ran back to the table, climbing to the chair to show Dabi his drawing "See?"
"Looks like crap" Dabi said simply "Should try again, maybe improve the proportions" That's all he said before moving to the couch and let himself fall there, covering his face with his forearm. Kaji looked at his drawing, considering his dad's advice, not worying about his attitude because he knew he was... Harsh.
"Wanna draw with me?" Kaji asked, excited again.
"Nah, keep doing your things. Act like I'm not here" Dabi replied, he was not going to sit a draw cute things. No way in hell.
Kaji just hummed back, and kept fixing his drawing. But still, his attention was on Dabi. He wasn't there often, and when he was he was... Boring and distant, but he was like that. The times that he had shown more affection were when Kaji was feeling bad, and now he was being a functional five year old.
After some minutes, he stood up. Making Dabi look with just one eye when he heard the running steps going away, and then coming back. The kid showed up with a blanket covered with stars around his shoulders, catching Dabi's attention. Kaji opened the big windows that led to the balcony, and sat on a couch.
"Mom says I can't be alone out here" Yes, he was persuasive.
"And now you're doing what your mom says?" Dabi asked, lifting an eyebrow "Go to bed, Kaji. Is fucking late" honestly, it was Dabi the one that wanted to sleep.
"But I'm not tired. And I wanna be here! The sky is clear and stars look very pretty" Kaji lifted his eyes to the sky, shinning just like the stars above.
"Shit, fine" Dabi stood up, and walked to the couch Kaji was sitting on "Move your ass"
The kid moved faster than ever, happy because his dad finally agreed to something. Dabi sighed, eyes up to the sky as well. He had always watched the stars, something he liked doing yet no one knew. And apparentely, his son liked that too.
"Wanna play rock, paper, scissors?"
"What about a guessing game?"
"I sat here already, I'm not playing too, Kaji"
After a moment of silence, Dabi did feel a bit bad. Kaji's mood changed, because he was now much quieter, looking down and not at the stars. Dabi knew his time with him was not going to be much, and now? He was just wasting it. Ah shit.
"You're so boring" Kaji mumbled, playing with his fingers "My classmates... They all do fun things with their dads, I... I can't even tell them about you" He sounded sad, and he was. He didn't even look at him.
"You think I'm boring?" Dabi said, "Am I really, brat?"
Dabi grabbed his body so he could tumble him on the couch, the kid looked scared at the sudden action, but then, Dabi started tickling his stomach, armpits, neck, everywhere "So you do think I'm boring, but look at ya' " Dabi kept tickling him, Kaji's laughing loudly and happier than ever, trying to keep the glasses on his face as he tried to get free from his dad's attack "Laughing like a crazy kid huh"
"Dad stop! You're not boring anymore" He said among bursts of laughter.
"Said that again" Dabi teased, his hands never stopping.
"You're not boring! You're the best dad ever" He said and Dabi stopped at those words, looking at him with sad yet surprised eyes.
"That's better" He went back to his mind, and ruffled Kaji's hair, eyes on the sky again
"Look! A shooting star!" Kaji pointed to the sky, a huge smile on his face "Quick, make a wish dad!"
Was he allowed to wish something? He didn't know, the only thing that he asked was his son not to be like him. Night moved on, and the warm summer breeze calmed down the two blue eyed boys on the balcony, and from one minute to a another Kaji's head was on Dabi's lap, sleeping peacefully. He covered him with the blanket, and left a soft pat on his shoulder before closing his eyes.
He wished things were different.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 years
Tumblr media
Daryl Dixon x Reader [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
Babysitting Judith was amazing, not that she needed a babysitter but Michonne preferred if someone was with her while she herself couldn’t be there.
“Come on Jude, time for bed!” You called out, chasing after her, trying to g her ready to sleep and hoping she’d lose some of that typical child energy by chasing her around the house or longer than was honestly needed. You’d never mind it all, it was great to only have to worry about a little kid’s bed time for once in a while. The only worries being the ones between the four walls you were currently sharing with probably the happiest resident of Alexandria. After running up and down the stairs countless times the little one finally started slowing down. “Oh noooo you’re catching meee!” She whined when you eventually picked her up and carried her to her room. “Yeah I did, you sleepyhead, you got to tired to run away. That means ya gotta sleep.” You carefully tucked her in and gave her a small kiss on her head. “Goodnight, kid.”  You id softly as you left the bedroom. Before you could close the door completely, you heard a small ‘Goodnight’ and smiled to yourself as you closed the door and went back downstairs to drop yourself onto the couch.
You had been staying at this place for two days now and were currently deep in conversation with Kelly, who decided you needed some company after Judith’s bedtime. And of course none of your friend’s evening visits would be complete without a skillfully stolen bottle of alcohol and the two of you were deeply indulged in tipsy talk of boys, girls and anything that was not meant for children's ears.
“No, really. You wouldn’t even be able to imagine what I’d let that guy do to me..” You rambled on and on about your secret, not so little crush. “I wanna have his babies, oh my god.”
Kelly was practically crying in her seat from laughing too much, trying to hush herself to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally wake up Judith. “I never thought you were the one for kids, though?” She questioned into the room. “Especially now with the world gone to shit and all.”
You just kept blabbing on about how in love you were and how there was finally some hope once their group came into Alexandria and Kelly only fed you more questions to answer without an ounce of shame, all he way until the bottle was empty and your heart had spilled enough to satisfy her curiosity and you were close to falling asleep on the couch.
After Kelly left it wasn’t long before you passed out and slept peacefully until morning, when you were woken up by Michonne who had arrived home earlier than you expected. Your first instinct was to glance over the coffee table and lucky for you Kelly had thought to take the empty bottle back with her when she left. “G’morning, you.” You muttered, still half asleep. Looking further across the room you saw Judith quietly sitting at the dinner table, doodling something and making sure she wouldn’t wake you up while you still slept. “Good morning!” She happily called from the table, to which you lazily waved hello back while slowly getting up, praising whoever was listening to bless you with a morning without a hangover after drinking as much as you did yesterday.
“thank you so much for watching her again.” Michonne spoke as she gave you a goodbye hug at the front door after you shared breakfast and packed your things to head back home. “If you ever need the favor returned, let me know alright” She called after you with a mischievous smile and a happy wave before closing the door again.
You made your way back home and took a quick shower before going off to find Daryl who was supposed to come over yesterday to talk about that run you two were going on tomorrow, but he never showed up and you were curious to find out why.
Daryl was making his way over to Michonne’s place where he was meeting y/n to discuss their run, but before he knocked on the front door he heard laughter coming from the living room and checked through the window and spotted Kelly and her sharing a drink and laughing, listening in to their conversation he quickly decided he wasn’t gonna be a part of all that and went back home. The words he heard her speak mulling around in his head throughout the whole night and into the morning.
It wasn’t long before you found Daryl. After checking his place and finding empty, you saw Aaron’s garage door open and peeked in to see Daryl working on his bike. “Hey, good morning!” You called from outside the garage. You received  a Hey back without him looking away from his bike. “Can I interrupt or are you dropping by my place when you’re done?” You asked, still from your safe distance. No one was allowed too close to his bike whenever he was working on it, not even Judith dared to get close to uncle Daryl’s garage when he was working. “S’alright. Lemme finish up here first.” He still hadn’t taken a single glance away from his bike and you took it as your sign to leave him alone and wait back at your place.
After sitting in the living room for what felt like way too long you started wandering around the house, picking up one item after the other and see if it was useful enough to pack for your run. You remembered Daryl telling you to only pack what was necessary, but you found so many things useful with your what-if way of thinking that you always carried an already full bag from the start of the run and having Daryl carry more than he was planning to because of your, according to him, bad habits.
Eventually there was a knock on your door and you almost threw yourself down the stairs to open the door and allow Daryl to come in and finally sit down to work out a plan.
“Hey! Good to finally see you.” You invited him into your home that was still a mess of items never put back after runs, blankets and pillows  thrown around the couch and that was only the living room. There was more silence from him as he paced around, trying to find a spot that wouldn’t be right next to you on the couch. Questions were all over your mind, but you had to get to the point. Your biggest problem now was not being able to focus at all on the important run you were gonna go on, before going over why he hadn’t shown up and had been so weirdly quiet and distant.
“Were you working on our bike all night again? you didn’t drop by yesterday like you said you would.” You were sounding more worried than you wanted to let on, you knew that there was something wrong if Daryl spent all day tinkering away at his bike. He was still looking around at all of the stuff scattered throughout your place, mulling over the multiple ways he could answer. ‘You were drinking’ was one of them. ‘Ya were havin’ fun’ was another one, he’d never want to end your enjoyable night with a friend by coming over to talk about work. ‘Didn’t wanna hear more about the guy ya wanted to bone ya.’ Or more likely, not wanting to find out which pretty young guy she was so happily talking about.
“Came by,  heard ya talk about guys with Kelly.” He said carefully, still avoiding your gaze. “Okay, so? You know we would have stopped as soon as you walked in, right? This is way more important than my tips rambling.” You had noticed him staring around and you felt guilty for not even cleaning up a little bit, knowing he’d drop by today. You had started with grabbing the pillows and tossing them into your basket an folding the blankets on top of it to at least make some space on the couch for Daryl to come and sit while you sat back down in the chair next to it.
“Or is there something else you want to talk about? there’s clearly something bothering you.” You didn’t feel safe going on this run tomorrow if this wasn’t talked about and properly dealt with.
Daryl knew this as well, if you two were going to go on a run without your heads on straight, either of you could end up getting hurt or worse and thinking about that idea had Daryl close to panicking earlier last night on top of those thoughts of what you talked about. He knew this was something he needed to share today and it was stressing him out.
“S’what ya said to Kelly. Heard something I should forget about. Tha’s all.” He sighed as he dumped himself on your couch, unsure if he chose the right words and afraid of the confrontation he was gonna have and couldn’t simply run away from.
“So you heard me talk to Kelly about,” You sighed, thinking back to your conversation, going from topic to topic, crossing out everything that wouldn’t have affected him like this and ended up on hat moment where you were shamelessly telling her what you’d want Daryl to do to you, but you couldn’t remember if you’d even used his name at all. “We talked about boys, so what?” You never mentioned his name in the part that he heard, or what you thought he had and now you had to decide wether you were telling him who all of that was about and confess, or let him imagine who you might have been talking about and get it wrong every time.
“Why’d ya want a guy to do that to ya in this world?” Daryl asked just loud enough for you to catch it before you could say anything else, and now you had to think of an answer. You thought about how much easier this was to answer if Kelly had been the one asking the question. Realizing what your head just told you, you knew how to answer him. Just tell him what you’d tell Kelly that was the truth and it should be said out loud before you could come up with a shitty excuse. Not daring to look him in the eyes, you were twiddling your fingers in your lap, gathering the courage to speak your thoughts out loud. Taking a deep breath you had to go for it. “All that was about you. We were talking about you. We both think you’re amazing. Her only as friends of course but I’ve been feeling more for quite a while and I’m sorry you heard all that. We drank too much and I wasn’t thinking.”  Rambling on you almost went into an over-explaining fit because of how nervous you were and honestly you just wanted to disappear.
The silence wasn’t helping at all either, making your doubts ring even louder in your head. “Ya crazy, kid. But a good crazy.” You carefully looked his way after being dragged out of your head by his voice. “I don’t get it, really. Jus’ happy ya ain’t after one of them Alexandrian boys.” This had you giggle as Kelly gave you the exact same answer when she asked if you were interested in someone and found out it was Daryl.
“Is that all you’re gonna say? You don’t get it but what? You’re okay with it? You just don’t feel the same? Or you do but you don’t know how to say it.” You weren’t sure why you were asking so much, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to know the answers.
“Can’t say I slept well after what ya said an’ thinkin’ it was about one of them other boys.” He was talking around the point and while you just wanted him to say what he was thinking, you knew it was difficult for him too. “So, what now? We just pretend this never happened, go on before?”
Daryl thought about it for a bit, pacing around the room rummaging in his pocket and pulling outa pack of cigarettes, holding them up for you to see. “You can smoke inside, there’s an ashtray in the kitchen.” You motioned towards the kitchen counter, understanding he needed a smoke after such a difficult talk. You saw him visibly relax as he took a few drags and sat back down with the ashtray balanced on his leg. Rethinking his plan he placed the ashtray back on the coffee table and placed his cigarette in it before leaning back in the chair and patting his leg, motioning for you to come over. “Yer gonna have ta help me with this.” He said and picked up his cigarette again as you hadn’t moved yet. “I do like ya a lot. But I wanna go on that run before we talk about all of this.”
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