#Soph’s masterlist of characters
Currently accepting requests from prompt lists and just general requests for:
Melissa Schemmenti
Chessy (possibly, I rewatch Parent Trap a lot)
Kit Voss
Cordelia Goode
Tammy (Oceans 8)
Ally Mayfair Richards
Lana Winters
Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt
Arthur Mills (King Arthur from OUAT) - quite possibly the only man who will be accepted.
Amelia Mills (my oc)
This list isn’t just for x reader.
Kit x Reader, Melissa x reader, Cordelia x Reader.
Priority to: Melissa, Chessy, Kit, Arthur. Possibly also to Coco and Cordelia.
Arthur x reader is possibly not happening. I’d love to touch on my crossover BROTP with him in it. And some crossover OTPs.
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whatislovevavy · 2 months
Tia Maria and Whiskey on the Rocks
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Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OC (Cherry)
Author's Note: hey y'all, apologies for the extremely late posting, I've been going through some life transitions and finding time and motivation to write has been difficult, but here it is now :) This is part two of Most of Freedom and Of Pleasure, and is apart of @thedroneranger 's Pick Your Poison Writing Challenge with the prompt being Espresso Martinis I'm glad I got to include one of my favorite drinks with one of my favorite songs with a character I love writing for <3 I'm most likely going to do a third part with smut in it, so let me know if that would be something you lovely people would like to read :)
Warnings: Mentions of Smut, Fluff, Alcohol, Pilots catching feelings
WC: 5.2k
All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook 
This is an 18+ fanfic, so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
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Goddamn it. 
You slid the end call button as Phoenix didn’t pick up, fighting with the raindrops that fell and streaked down your phone screen, and trying to keep your jacket secure around your frame that didn’t seem to be saving your red dress from being soaked by the rain. The overwhelming damp and cold feeling seeped into your scalp and made the floodgates that held your tears back crack and crumble all the more. 
You regretted this date, much more than all of the others. 
A shaky sigh left your lips, frustration, and anger forming its potent mix in your mind. 
You tried to keep your eyes on your phone and to stay calm; you didn’t need the people eyeing you on the sidewalk feeling sorry for you. They had nothing to feel sorry for anyway.  You were just a person that had a disaster of a date and was stuck out in the rain trying to get home. Absolutely nothing to feel sorry for. You huffed, tensing your jaw as you found cover under an awning of a bookstore. Trying not to look at anyone that gave you that characteristic look of pity as they walked by. Biting your lip, you contemplated calling the last number you wanted to be calling late on a Friday night. 
Just get it over with, you thought. 
You quickly tapped the call button next to the infuriating little contact icon. Biting into your lip harder, finding the puddle reflecting the San Diego city lights more appealing than attempting to meet any passerbyers gaze as each tone brought you closer to a ride home. Or the teasing of a lifetime. Maybe both. 
That familiar silk laced drawl made you shut your eyes and wish anyone else had picked up when you called. But alas, here you were.
“Wasn’t expectin’ to hear from you. I thought you were busy entertainin’ what’s his name, Dylan? Derrick?” 
The humor in his voice brought a hot surge of frustration to the tips of your fingers as you gripped your phone harder, jaw tensing. 
“Look, I’m not in the mood for this right now…” Your voice losing its bite, but only by a little, “I’ve had a really shitty night, and,” you took a shaky breath, the frustration of the evening coming in full force on your psyche, “I need a ride home.” Jake's teasing grin wilted. You never would have called him, unless it was serious. He licked his lower lip, turning to look back at his friends finishing up a game of pool from the corner near the bathrooms, the steadily growing chatter in the bar making it more difficult to hear you as the seconds passed. He rubbed the back of his neck, swallowing. “Ok, sit tight, sweets. I'll come get you, you're still at Benny’s?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. That’s…odd. You never told him where you were going. The wind and rain made you pull your jacket tighter around yourself. The evening rain makes you shiver, jaw chittering. Taking a deep breath, “yeah, I'm outside,” eyes diverting from the passing traffic to the worn, gold tinged cursive on the window, “Clara’s bookstore.“Your eyes trained on the rain soaked overhead awning dripping to the sidewalk in front of your painted toes peeking from your heels as you waited for his response. 
Jake's eyebrows furrowed, eyes diverting from his phone screen to the rain streaked windows facing the beach. That's a decent walk from where you ate, he thought, eyebrows raising. Must've been quite a guy to make you leave early. And in the pouring rain, no less.
“I'll be there soon, Cher. Are you somewhere safe? Somewhere out of the rain?”
If you didn't know any better, you'd say the insufferable, look-out-for-number-one-only, selfish, arrogant  Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, who spent each free moment he wasn't peacocking around base, making your nerves burn and fray, sounded concerned about your well being. 
As soon as Jake heard your dreary, evidently rain soaked confirmation, he opted out of the game, forcing Bob to take his place with little to no explanation besides that  a commitment came up,”  striding down the Hard Deck steps to his parked truck. 
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He's not ditching you. He wouldn't do that. You repeated what felt like mantras as the minutes ticked by. Hot tears started to brew at the corners of your eyes. You clutched your now soaked jacket over your dress, your toes sinking into the soggy faux leather of your heels as you leaned back against the concrete column of the closed store. The amber overhead lights making warped reflections in the puddles of the buildings and cars passing by.
Your breathing was ragged as you felt the familiar flames of frustration lick at your brain, something that had only stopped when Jake said he was going to go come get you. 
You felt so stupid. Wearing this dress. These heels. Your smudged make-up that, at one point, looked presentable. You just wanted to go home and eat a pint of ice cream. 
God, why hadn't Phoenix picked up?
You clenched your eyes in frustration, a rigid breath leaving your throat as you leaned your head back against the column. 
The familiar hum of Jake's truck brought your teary gaze up to the almost barely visible silhouette in the driver's seat. 
Jake's door flew open, jogging with a jacket clutched in hand. Your eyes widened as he got closer to you, wrapping you up in his jacket. 
By the time he reached you, his hair was drenched, now a more dull golden hue. His charm remained, unfortunately, in the city’s downpour. 
“Come on sweets, let's get you inside.” Your mouth parted slightly. The sight of his shirt clinging to his biceps and broad shoulders, and the subtle scent of sweat, his natural musk, and rain almost made you miss his statement. 
His rich jade eyes traced the soft reflection of the street light off of your soaked hair, to your smudged make up, to the drenched portions of your dress and jacket to your slight shiver you were evidently trying to repress. 
His lips curved into a slight frown. You didn't deserve to be treated this way on a date. Especially not when you looked so-
His eyes returned to your deep brown ones, undertoned by your smudged mascara, finding them already on his; sharper than a moment ago, daring him to pity you. 
He carefully wrapped his jacket tighter around your shoulders, guiding you to the passenger door of his truck, headlights still blinding, and refracting with the incoming rain.
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The car ride was silent except for the quiet sounds from the radio. Jake would take occasional glances your way at stop lights, but your gaze remained on the road ahead; head leaned against the side rest of his car, body still wrapped in his jacket. You had to stop yourself from unintentionally cocooning yourself deeper into it. 
“You want me to drop you off at your apartment?” 
You glanced at him, “yeah.” 
His frown curved deeper. Your tone lacked the usual spitfire attitude you always bared him, instead replaced by a sense of accepted defeat. A few beats of silence passed before Jake cleared his throat. “This Dylan guy must've been some date…you want to talk about it?” Your lip quirked up a bit. His name was Derrick, but you didn't have the heart to correct him. 
You adjusted closer to the side of the passenger seat, leaning your head on the window. 
“Not really.” 
There was that same defeated tone again, the one that made Jake's heartache in a way he had never felt before for you. Or for anyone for that matter. 
Jake brought his truck from a coast to a stop in front of your apartment building. His comforting gaze settled on your face, gaze still avoiding his. “Thanks for the ride home.” Your cherrywood eyes met his, giving him a tight smile before grabbing your purse, soaked coat, and leaving his jacket on the leather seat. His frown deepened, jaw tensing a bit as he watched you open his truck door. How dare this pathetic excuse of a man bring you to this state, a complete 180 to how he saw you every day since he met you. 
“Wait,” you looked back towards him, expecting some usual hangman-esque comment that would surely make you throw your soaked shoe at him. “Look, Hangman, I appreciate the ride home, but I'm not in the mood to sleep with you as a ‘thank you’.” His eyebrows pinched. Did you really think that low of him? And in that same defeated tone? “That,” he sighed, “that’s not what I was going to say,” he reassured, pushing his hair back with his hand. Opposing hand still on the steering wheel, watch gleaming in the glow of the radio. 
“Let me buy you some food and a drink, I know you like the Cajun fries at that bar downtown.” 
You were taken aback by the offer. Frankly, you weren't in the mood if this was a joke. “It'd be my treat,” he lightly pressed with a comforting tone. You bit the inside of your lip, examining his face for any sign of ill intent, but you found nothing in his warm sea glass eyes or the defined features of his nose and jaw. 
Cajun fries sounded nice. 
Really nice.
And a drink sounded even better. 
“Plus, I heard your stomach grumbling so you can't lie to me.”  A smile almost broke out across your lips. 
“I don't know, Hang,” you sighed.  The thought of snuggling up on your couch in a warm blanket, with a pint of ice cream and watching some trash reality show sounded appealing. But you were hungry and you had yet to go grocery shopping. And you had no booze.
“I promise, I'll make it worth your while…” 
You bit your lip, “a drink does sound really nice…”
His lips twitched into a smile, eyes twinkling. 
“Don't make me regret this, Hang…”the familiar spark in your voice slowly returned, making his heart skip a beat, “let me just change shoes first.” You grimaced as you remembered just how soaked your shoes were as the rain finally let up. 
“Wouldn't dream of it, Sweets,” he reassured as you left him towards your front door, a concealed smile on your face that cracked with each stride to your door. He let his eyes skim from your bare back to your concealed hips with an appreciative gaze as the red material of your dress flowed around your bare thighs. His view closed off as you shut your front door. 
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You let your eyes drift across the interior of the bar at your booth, leaning your cheek on your hand. Jake had left you at the booth to get you a drink. You tried to give him a request, but he left before he could hear you. At least whatever concoction he brought you would be free. You let your eyes drift shut, listening to the sound of the bar top and the music player in the corner. 
“One Tia Maria Espresso Martini for the lovely lady, and the fries are on their way.” You opened your eyes to see the almost onyx colored elixir with a layer of frothy foam in the glass, a triage of espresso beans that looked almost weightless on the foam layer. 
How did he know this was your favorite? You had never ordered them at Penny’s since she didn't have Tia Maria. You looked at him, eyebrows raised, expecting some sort of explanation for how he knew about this. 
“I remember you tried to order one of these at Penny's and thought you'd like it,” he said with a subtle tone of shyness, like he was apprehensive that he had overstepped, making your eyebrows knit together.
“I don't fully understand why you like them,” he teased, stirring his whiskey on the rocks in his glass, an effortlessly charming smile beginning to form on his lips, “but it makes sense.” 
Your eyes narrowed at his playful ones, “what's that supposed to mean?” 
He leaned back against the booth, eyes tracing the pretty features of your face and caramel skin tone, the neon lights above your seat adding to the gleam of your wavy, soft, dark hair. 
Taking a sip from his glass, you tried to focus on his face and not the subtle bob of his adam’s apple as he took a warming sip of the amber liquid. 
“You're kind of an acquired taste,” he took another sip, “bitter, but have a sweet side deep down.” Your eyes narrowed, “I'm not an acquired taste, you're just annoying and insufferable 99% of the time, so you never see my sweet side,” you clipped, eyes slowly sharpening. His lip quirked. To anyone else it would seem like you hated his guts. But he knew better, knew you better. He playfully put his hand over his heart, “Oh, Sweets, annoying and insufferable? You wound me.”  You rolled your eyes, a smile slipping around the rim of your martini glass. The bittersweet elixir flowing down your throat. His grin widened, “there's that smile,” he teased. Before you could quip him back, the root of your culinary desire was placed on the table with a soft tap and a gentle "enjoy" from the waitress. The savory, warm smell of the spices and fries almost made you moan, only now realizing just how hungry you were. You had left your date just as you were barely through your starting salad. 
“Easy there, Sweets, don't want you to choke,” he teased, giving you a wink.
You rolled your eyes at the poorly disguised innuendo, “don't tell me how to eat my fries, Bagman.” 
He barely held back his laugh at what was essentially a growl. He contemplated telling you that technically they were his fries, but he opted to keep them to himself. If having three sisters had taught him anything, it's to never get between a woman and her food. 
A comfortable silence fell over the table as he glanced around the bar and back to you, still picking at your fries. Eyes tracing over the defined round edges of your sinful red colored nails that he tried to not think about how they would feel pressed into his shoulder blades, to your necklace that dipped teasingly between your breasts. The subtle rise of your chest. The sprinkle of freckles and gentle flutter of your eyelashes on your cheeks. The touched-up mascara on your eyelashes. The soft flush of your cheeks. The cute curve of your nose. The gentle slope of your lips. 
“You listening?”
His eyes shot to your own, his face a bit pink after having been caught. 
“Of course, Sweets,” 
Your eyes narrowed as you put your fry down in the basket, scoffing. 
“I asked,” you leaned forward, arms crossing on the table, his eyes doing their damnedest to not dart down to your cleavage, “why you brought me here, because I don't buy it was only because my stomach was making noises.”
Your tone wasn't sharp or accusatory, but it still put him a bit on edge. 
He took a deep breath through his nose, trying to get comfortable in his seat. You had a habit of putting him on edge, but in a way that made him crave more. It was almost adrenaline inducing. 
“Just wanted to treat you a little, that not allowed?” 
His collected, charismatic answer made you narrow your eyes. 
“You're not a very good liar.”
His lip quirked into a grin, diverting his gaze down to his empty glass before bringing his warm eyes up to your own again. His grin settling into a thin line. It wasn't exactly a lie.
“I didn't want you to wallow on your couch thinking about that Danny guy. You don't deserve to feel that way.” 
Your eyebrows rose, lip quirking. That definitely wasn't the answer you were expecting and it was still the wrong name, again. 
His eyes dart away from yours to the bar top. Clearing his throat, “you want another martini?”
You blink, breaking your thoughts, toying with the empty glass,  “yeah, I'll take another.”
Your eyes followed the way his body moved under his button up shirt that exposed a delicious amount of chest hair, and his worn, rich burnt sienna leather jacket. The way his stride exuded a rare sense of carefree confidence. The broadness of his shoulders under his jacket. The thickness of his fingers around the delicate glass of your martini. The way his golden locks of hair reflected the overhead lights of the bar and various neon signs on the wall you both were seated at. 
It made you almost forget that you knew what it felt like to have his bare skin against your own. It made you forget, for just a moment, that you’d been fucking this man with no strings attached. 
“Here you are, Sweets,”His smooth drawl derailed your train of thought that would have surely made you clench your thighs. 
He placed the martini on the table with an almost silent clank against the table, eyes bright and playful, the rich green color added by the neon cloverleaf above his head. 
Your lip quirked, “thank you…. You know I don't like it when you call me, Sweets, Hang.”
A smirk grew on his lips, “I think it suits you,” his gentle gaze on yours. 
You scowled, trying to repress the smile that threatened to break through. He didn't need more encouragement to call you these…you wanted to say demeaning titles, but that felt a bit cruel. It was more like a pet name, a source of teasing that wore your nerves down faster than any other trick he had in his well developed arsenal. He'd always been something akin to a wart. Once you caught him, he was hard to leave. 
“Fries any good?”
You looked down to the near-empty basket to his teasing features.  A small smile broke through as you gently pushed the basket to him. After all, he did pay for them.
You watched as he took a few and brought them between his perfect teeth, eyes darting between the sight of him dipping a few more in ketchup, to picking at your red manicured nails. A comfortable silence fell over the table and quiet conversation followed, from what plans were set for their work colleagues to hang out next, to whether Bob was going to ask Admiral Simpson’s new secretary out.
“I don’t think he’s gonna do it.” Jake said confidently as he leaned back against the booth, his arm over the back, his other hand holding his near empty glass of whiskey. Your eyebrows rose, feeling a bit more loose and warm since first sitting down, mostly attributed to the fact you were finishing up your third martini. You cracked a smile, eyes comfortably heavy, “you don’t know Floyd very well then.” His eyebrows rose, encouraging you to go on. You leaned forward, eyes bright and intense, just how Jake liked them, “you do know what Bob stands for don’t you?” His lip quirked, eyes bright and mirthful, “of course, baby on board.” You took a sip from your glass, rolling your eyes at his typical cocksure tone, “No, it stands for…” His brow quirked waiting for you to finish, his grin starting to form as he watched your eyes dance across the ceiling looking for the words in your impaired state. 
You leaned forward closer across the table, putting your pointer fingers up, biting at the inside of your cheek, losing your battle with the grin that wanted to gleam on your face, “it stands for Big Ol’ Balls.” His own laughter bubbled up in his throat as he watched you crumble into near hysterics at what had just left your mouth. 
His laughter settled while yours continued, failing to do anything else but just listen to the sweet noise. He had heard your laugh before, but he’d never had any significant part of bringing it out of you. He let a smile grace his lips at the sweet noise. As your laughter died down, he let his eyes wander to the jukebox in the corner and the thinning out crowd at the bar. He bit the inside of his cheek, the creases of his forehead showing as he listened to the song emulating from the speakers. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Jake asks, not fully thinking about the question. 
Your espresso martini almost did a full stop in your throat. Tonight had been a series of firsts with Hangman; sharing fries, him buying you drinks, and seeing you in your romantic element. Dancing together was an oddly intimate first. Sure, you’d both fucked each other’s brains out almost every other day, but dancing, well, dancing was something that seemed to be a step further than that. It didn’t involve a physical closeness attributed to taking your frustrations out on each other; it was two people flowing together, not trying to wrack each other’s physical resolve. It completely contradicted the original purpose of getting physically close to this insufferable, arrogant man; an outlet for pent up frustration through deeply satisfying, carnal escapades. 
Before you could stop yourself, you nodded. 
He rose up out of the booth first with a squeak, offering you his hand. Your deep brown eyes looking up at him, then darting to his outstretched hand, your lips parting. 
This was new, uncharted territory.
“I promise I won’t bite,” he reassured with a smile. He tried to not think about the way your red dress hugged your curves so deliciously, or how your cleavage almost spilled over the top of your garment. You had already had three martinis, and were definitely feeling the effects of them. He didn’t want to make you feel pressured into anything that you both typically took part in when you were this close physically. But he still wanted to be close to you. 
You bit the inside of your lip and, for reasons only God could tell you, you took his hand. 
He led you to the corner near the jukebox that was otherwise mostly emptied out. The beginning of England Dan and John Ford Coley’s I'd really love to see you tonight flowed from the speakers as Jake settled his hands on your waist, your own apprehensively around his neck, keeping your body upright as you let the initial beats flow through you in your relaxed state. His evergreen eyes traced over your melted brown ones, admiring the subtle flush of your cheeks to your low, lidded eyes. 
Hello, yeah, it's been a while
Not much, how about you?
Your eyes darted around his face, avoiding his eyes that seemed to solely focus on your own. His hands squeezed your hips. In attraction or comfort, you couldn’t quite tell. 
I'm not sure why I called
I guess I really just wanted to talk to you
You should have felt more alarmed by the close proximity and unorthodox reason behind it, but, and you didn’t want to admit it, the proximity felt nice. Maybe it was because of the drinks? It had to be  because of the drinks.
And I was thinking maybe later on
We could get together for a while
One of his hands left your hip to softly, ever so softly, to lift your chin up to meet his eyes. “What are you getting shy about?” The gentle smirk on his lips paired perfectly with his rich green eyes.
It's been such a long time
And I really do miss your smile
You swallowed, eyes trapped in a jade coated trance. “I think I just had too much to drink.” His lip quirked at your soft, almost whispered tone, holding you as you both swayed to the music. He knew you could hold more alcohol, but didn’t press. 
I'm not talking about moving in
And I don't want to change your life
He brought you closer to him, resting his head against the side of your own. Savoring the soft smell of citrus from your hair and the warm skin of your lower back against the palm of his hand, and the silk texture of your hand in his own. 
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I'd really love to see you tonight
This felt like the most alien and natural thing he had done with you. It almost made him forget that within only the last few hours, he was fucking you against the hunter green lockers, feeling you cum on his cock. 
We could go walking through a windy park
Or take a drive along the beach
He tried to not ruin the delicate moment he was having with you, and he figured his dick pressing into you might make you forget about all the good the night has brought between you two. A larger part of him than he cared to admit didn’t want to go back to the no-strings-attached arrangement he’d had with you for the past few months. 
Or stay at home and watch TV
You see it really doesn't matter much to me
He wanted more moments like this with you. But he could feel the apprehension that, as much as he didn’t want to admit, was mostly attributed to his reputation. In the months since first feeling you fall apart under him, he hadn’t slept with anyone else. Not even the desperate tag chasers in form-fitting maxi dresses at the Hard Deck. And that had to count for something. 
I'm not talking about moving in
And I don't want to change your life
He couldn’t help the pang in his chest; you were definitely open to dating other men. Could he really change your mind about him? 
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I'd really love to see you tonight
You had to admit, if someone had told you months ago that you would be slow dancing with Hangman in a nearly empty bar, and you wouldn't be trying to claw his throat out, you would have told them they’d been breathing in too much jet fuel. As much as you hated to admit it, it felt nice and, dare say, comforting being here with him. 
I won't ask for promises
So you don't have to lie
The soft texture of his jacket, warm hold, and soothing scent around his neck made you sigh. It was different from his usual mix of jet fuel, sweat, bergamot, and cedarwood. A part of you really hated how anything looked good on him and that he smelled amazing in whatever scent wafted off of him. 
We've both played that game before
Say I love you and say goodbye
“I’m sorry your date didn’t go well tonight,” You gently leaned back from his head, eyes meeting his own. Your eyes drooped comfortably as you looked over his face, trying to detect any sense of pity or ridicule. But all you found were warm, soulful, malachite eyes looking back into your burnt sienna ones under the neon lights. If your mind was clearer, you’d say it was romantic. But this was Hangman, and what he did best was no-commitment hookups in the dead of night. Not romance. It would take more than three martinis to make you forget that. 
I'm not talking about moving in
And I don't want to change your life
“Yeah, me too,” you muttered before leaning your head back on his shoulder. He swallowed gently, afraid that the movement would disturb you. 
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I'd really love to see you tonight
Jake continued to hold you close as slow songs continued to ebb and flow from the speaker, one after the other; trying to not let his mind drift to how this would play out tomorrow in your more sober mind, until he could feel your weight grow heavier against his body as you swayed gently. 
“Hey, Sweets,” he whispered against your hair. You hummed, eyes fluttered closed. “I should get you home.” You hummed in agreement, not having the strength to fight him on the pet name. Your sequoia-colored eyes peeking open, making him smile. 
He settled the tab, placing his leather jacket around your shoulders that wrapped you in warmth and the soothing smell of cedarwood and cinnamon. 
He walked you back to his truck, opening the door for you and making sure you were settled before closing the door. 
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The car ride back was silent as you tried to stay awake, listening to the slow country song on the radio, your eyes drifting shut. The smooth stall of the truck made your eyes flutter open. Jake gently reached out to you, gingerly rubbing the knuckle of his forefinger against your exposed forearm to get your attention. You flinched at the unexpected, soft, almost non-existent contact, body tensing. “We’re here, Sweets,” his gentle tone letting your body ease back into the seat. 
Before your mind thought to open the door, he was already on the other side opening it for you, and offering you his hand to step down. It was truly unfair how good he looked under the streetlights outside your apartment, with his unbuttoned shirt, sunglasses hooked in the front, and slightly disheveled hair. It made you wonder how you came to hate this man in the first place. But then again, hate was a strong word and maybe he didn’t deserve to have it placed on him. Maybe it was only because of the three espresso martinis he bought you, tinting your vision of who he was tonight. 
Jake didn’t ask if you wanted him to walk you to your door. He held your hand gently in a way that seemed unusual for him as he walked with you up the stone steps to your front door. “Thanks for tonight. I really needed it.” His face broke out into a soft, sincere smile, “anytime, Cherry.” Your lips tugged into a smile, diverting your eyes to the house keys in your hand. His eyes couldn't stop drawing to the strand of dark hair that kept getting in your eyes. Your gaze shot to him as he let his forefinger sweep the hair behind your ear. 
“You deserve to have fun every once in a while.”He murmured, eyes tracing over the fine features of your face and the rich color of your hair under the porch light. His soft eyes brought a certain warmth that you'd never experienced with him. 
You gave him a smile, as you fiddled with your keys, fighting off the blush that threatened to break through. 
“Do you think,” you swallowed, “that you could not tell anyone about my really shitty date?” Jake, putting on a small smile, nodded, “yeah, of course, Sweets. I mean, I think I did a pretty good job at rectifying the experience.” 
His gentle, carefree smirk made your lip tip up into a small smile and shake your head. 
You let go of his hand, resisting to admit that you missed the contact already. 
“I’ll see you on Monday, Hang,” you bid farewell. 
He watched with a gentle smile and warm eyes as you closed the door behind you, giving him a soft wave. 
His lips pursed, morphing back into a smile as he walked back to his truck. The night seemed to fulfill him more than all of your trysts combined.
It had to count for something that you didn't ask him to never mention your... date? if he could even call it that...
You leaned back against your shut front door, a smile on your lips that he had never brought past your lips. 
Maybe it was only because of the three espresso martinis and this haze would lift in the morning, and he’d go back to being Hangman. 
Or maybe, just maybe, he truly wasn't as bad as you thought. 
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People who may be interested <3
@roosterforme @sebsxphia @mamachasesmayhem @withahappyrefrain @entertainmentgirl80 @teacupsandtopgun @seresinhangmanjake @goldenseresinretriever @sailor-aviator @hello7442 @gigisimsonmars @yepyeahuhhuh @tess-lecter-blog@hookslove1592 @86laura11 @seresinsbrat @isabelstardis @shamelessghostwagonwobbler @emma8895eb @taytaylala12 @kmc1989 @h-ngm-ns @hangmans-wingman @marvel-hotchner @nemesis729 @a-lil-bit-nuts @justagirllivinginaghibliworld @mizzzpink @themusingofagothicsoul @potato-girl99981  @a-beaverhausen   @callmemana@joalslibrary @peachiicherries @whiskeyswriting @jkbindigo11 @princess76179 @clancycucumber230 @chaoticassidy @superskittles @cherrycola27 @cheekymcgrath @djs8891 @novastories@urmom-999 @zombicupcake3 @catsficrecs @abaker74 @kmc1989 @hangmanshoney @caidi-paris @i-wanna-be-your-muse @shara-ne @memeorydotcom @memoriesat30@shanimallina87 @whoeverineedtobe @slippinginto-theairwaves
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tessa-liam · 7 months
Marabelle Series
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The Game of Kings 
Chapter 10
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F! OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 2483 
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The Game of Kings – Chapter 10 
Chapter Summary – Liam and Sophie practice for the charity polo match. Leo is on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean where he meets a woman. Speaking with his father, Leo abdicates the throne. Liam sends Sophie a Valentine’s Day gift. 
Music Inspiration: Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift (feat Ed Sheeren) 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #72, prompt 2 - “I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....” 
A/N4: My submission for Choices Holidays Valentine’s Day Prompts 2024 - Be my valentine/I love you @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays
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.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Club 
After adjusting the strap on Marabelle's harness, Sophie accepted the polo mallet from an attendant. She was in her element today; any time spent riding her horse was a joy but spending time with Liam, on top of that ...this was a dream come true. 
When Liam invited her to join his polo team, she was over the moon. To be personally invited to join him was extremely flattering. Her heartbeat raced and butterflies danced inside anytime and every time she thought of him. 
‘Remembering that beautiful Sunday afternoon while working on a paper for class on the terrace of the Beaumont estate, Sophie looked up, pleasantly surprised to see Liam and Maxwell come into view.  
“Good afternoon, Sophie.” Liam smiled warmly as he walked up to her table. “Hard at work as always, I see.” 
“Oh, hello, Liam. Maxwell.” Sophie stood, moving her laptop to the side. 
Liam bent down to kiss her cheek and waited for her to sit back down before he took a seat himself at the glass patio table. 
“Yes, just trying to get this paper finished before the deadline.” 
Maxwell, grinning mischievously, “Ah, the diligent scholar. Little blossom, take a break for a moment. Liam has something he would like to ask you.” 
“Oh?” Sophie smiled, curiously looking at Liam. 
Clearing his throat, a hint of nervousness in his demeanor, “well, I know your love and passion for horses. And as you know, there is a fundraising event planned for flooding relief in Portavira on Valentine’s Day. 
Sophie nods sadly, “Yes, I have heard of that tragedy; It is heartbreaking.” 
Taking a breath, Liam continued. “Indeed...I was wondering if you would consider joining my polo team. Your skills would be invaluable, and I can assure you, we would make quite the formidable duo on the field.” 
Clearly taken aback, but flattered, “Oh, Liam, I ... I don’t know what to say.” 
“Say yes, Soph! It’ll be a fantastic experience, and I can personally vouch for Liam’s team being a lot of fun. ‘Ya know, cuz I am on it.” Maxwell chuckled. 
Sophie smiled, touched by their enthusiasm, “well, how can I refuse such a charming invitation? I'd be honored to join your team, Liam.” 
Liam, grinning widely, “wonderful! I knew I could count on you, Sophie. This event is going to be legendary, mark my words. Thank you, love.”’ 
Practicing today for the Portavira Charity Polo match, Sophie, along with Liam, Drake, Melanie and Maxwell were in the field taking turns with knock-ins. 
She looked over to the sideline and spotted Liam watching her intently. He gave her a small wave and she waved back with a smile.  
"Let's go, girl," Sophie urged her horse. 
Marabelle broke into a gallop, Sophie leaning forward and keeping pace. 
Liam watched as Sophie rode toward the goal, her posture perfect, her movements smooth and confident. 
Sophie raised her mallet and struck the ball, sending it sailing through the air. 
"Nice shot," Liam called out. 
“Yes!” Sophie cried out as she turned back down the field to where Liam was standing. 
"You're a natural out there!"
"Thanks," Sophie replied, blushing. Liam offered his hand as she dismounted Marabelle. "I love riding.” 
"So, are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" 
"I am," Sophie said. "I'm a little nervous, too. It's my first time playing in front of a crowd." 
"You'll be great," Liam assured her. "And we'll be a great team." 
“Will the entire team meet today?” 
“Yes, you will meet Rashad and Tariq this afternoon.” 
“Are we interrupting?” Drake asked hesitantly as he and Melanie walked over. 
"Hey guys ... of course not," Liam answered. 
"How's practice going?" Melanie asked. 
"Great," Liam and Sophie replied in unison, both grinning, sharing coy smiles. 
"Looks like you've got a winning team, Liam." Melanie grinned, noticing Sophie move closer to his side.
"Thanks," Liam replied, a wide grin on his face. 
“I think so, too,” Liam winked at Sophie, who smiled softly in return. 
“We only have 7 players though. Leo flew out of Cordonia last night.” Drake shot Liam a concerned look, making a mental note of asking Liam about his brother’s absence after practice. 
"We're gonna have so much fun," Drake grinned. 
"You're playing, too?" Sophie asked, surprised. 
"Of course. You didn't think Liam would let me miss the opportunity to beat him, did you?" 
"We'll see about that," Liam smirked. 
"Oh, it's on," Drake replied, a competitive glint in his eyes. 
"Don't worry, we'll kick their asses," Melanie said to Sophie. 
"Yes, we will," Sophie agreed, laughing. 
As Drake and Melanie left to finish their rounds, Liam and Sophie continued practicing. Their easy banter and playfulness made it clear to anyone watching that there was a definite attraction between them.
... And the way Liam looked at her when their eyes met, his gaze filled with admiration and affection...it made Sophie's heart race. 
She could only imagine how good it would feel to be in his arms again, his lips on hers. 
The thought made her blush, and she tried to push it aside, focusing on the game. But the feeling remained, simmering beneath the surface as they walked their horses to the stable. 
"You're incredible," Liam murmured as they left the field. 
"Thank you," Sophie replied, grinning. "You weren't so bad yourself." 
"High praise coming from you," he teased. 
"I mean it," Sophie said, her tone serious. Liam reached over and took her hand in his as the stable hands led the horses to their stalls. 
With a gentle smile, “high praise indeed, Sophie. And I assure you, I mean it. Your talent with Marabelle is unmatched.” 
Their hands remained clasped as they walked to the clubhouse. 
Azamara Cruise Ship, off the Italian coast, Mediterranean Sea 
As the luxury ship cruised through the Mediterranean Sea, the sun was setting in a vibrant display of reds and oranges. 
Leo stood on the deck, admiring the view, lost in thought. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?"  
He turned to see a young woman standing beside him, her blond hair blowing in the breeze. 
"It is," he agreed, turning his attention back to the sunset. 
"I'm Katie, by the way." 
"Nice to meet you," Katie said, offering her hand. 
"Likewise," Leo replied, shaking her hand. 
"So, Leo, what brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Just needed to get away for a bit." 
"Yeah, me too," Katie replied. 
"It's been a tough week," Leo confided. 
"Really, how so?" Katie asked. 
"I had to make a decision that changed the course of my life." 
"That's heavy," Katie replied. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
"Not really," Leo admitted. "I'd rather just try to forget about it for a while." 
"Fair enough," Katie replied. "So, tell me, Leo, what do you do for fun?" 
Leo laughed. "Honestly? Not much." 
"Seriously?" Katie challenged.
"Yeah. I have a pretty serious job, and I'm usually focused on that.” 
"Well, that's no good," Katie replied. "You need to have some fun, too.” 
"What do you do for fun, Katie?" 
"Everything!" she exclaimed. "I love exploring new places, trying new things, meeting new people." 
"Sounds exciting.” Leo chuckled, turning his body towards her. 
"It is," she went on. "And it's made me a lot more open-minded and adventurous.” 
"Adventurous, huh?" Leo asked, intrigued by her temerity. 
"Yeah," Katie said, grinning. 
"Well, I could use a little adventure in my life." 
"Then come with me," she said, holding out her hand. 
Leo hesitated for a moment, then took her hand. 
Katie led him down to the pool area, where several people were lounging and enjoying the warm evening air. 
"Come on," she said, tugging him along. 
"Where are we going?" 
"To the hot tub," she replied. 
Leo followed her to the hot tub and watched as she slipped out of her cover-up, revealing a white bikini underneath. 
She stepped into the hot tub and turned to look at him. 
"Well, are you coming?" Her eyebrow raised.
Leo could not resist her invitation. He quickly removed his clothes down to his boxers and joined her in the hot tub. 
"Ahhh, this is nice," he sighed, sinking into the warm water. 
"Isn't it?" Katie agreed, her body glistening in the soft light. 
"So, what do you do for fun, Leo?" 
"I'm a crown prince," Leo said. "So, my life is pretty much dedicated to duty." 
"That doesn't sound very fun," Katie said, frowning. 
"It's not," Leo admitted, noting her non-chalance of his mention of his title. 
"Well, I'm sure we can find something fun for you to do," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
"I'm sure we can," he agreed, his heart beginning to race. 
"How long are you on the cruise for?" Katie asked. 
"The rest of the week," Leo replied. 
"Perfect," Katie said. "We have plenty of time to get into some trouble." 
"Trouble, huh?" 
"Don't worry," she said, laughing. "I won't get you in too much trouble. 
"I'm counting on it," Leo replied, his gaze locked on hers. 
"You are a flirt, Leo." 
"I can't help it," he said, his voice low. This woman was everything that Madeleine wasn't.
"You're very flirtable." 
Katie laughed. "I'm sure that's not a word, but I'll take the compliment." 
"Good," he said, smiling. 
"So, what's your story, Katie?" 
"My story?" 
"Yeah. What brings you out here? On a pleasure cruise?" 
"Same thing as you," Katie replied. 
"An escape..."
Beaumont Estate, Ramsford, Cordonia 
Sophie woke to the sound of knocking on her door. Groggily, she pulled herself out of bed and stumbled across the room. She opened the door to see Daniel standing there, a huge grin on his face and a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses in his hands. 
"Good morning, Squirrel," he chirped. 
"Morning, Dan. What are you doing here so early?" 
"I wanted to bring these to you before you left for the polo match." 
"Wow, they're beautiful," Sophie said, accepting the bouquet. "Thank you." 
"They're not from me, silly. They're from your prince..." 
"Oh," Sophie blushed. 
"Here's the note," Daniel said, handing her a small envelope. 
"Be my Valentine," Sophie read, her heart racing. 
"Aww, that's so sweet," Daniel smiled. "He's really smitten with you." 
"I guess so," Sophie replied, still a bit stunned. 
"So, are you excited about the game today?" 
"Yeah, I am," Sophie said. "I just hope I don't mess up." 
"You'll be fine," Daniel assured her. "I have complete faith in you." 
"Thanks, Dan," Sophie said, giving him a hug. 
"You're welcome, Squirrel." 
Sophie spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the polo match, her heart fluttering every time she lookrd at her roses. She couldn't believe he had sent her such a romantic gift, and she was eager to see him... to thank him personally.
Cordonian Royal Palace 
The morning of the charity polo match, King Constantine was getting dressed when his attendant informed him of an incoming international call.  
“Sir, your son, Leo, is on line one."
Constantine was surprised and concerned, and at once picked up the phone. 
"Son, what's wrong? Where are you?" 
"Father, I had to get away. I had to think." 
"What's there to think about, Leo? Your duty is clear. Your kingdom needs you." 
"But I don't want this," Leo said, his voice thick with emotion. "I never wanted this." 
"Son, I know it's not easy, but we all have to do things we don't want to. It's part of being royalty." 
"... that's the burden we bear." 
"I can't do it," Leo said. "I won't."
"You must," Constantine said, his tone firm. 
"No, I won't. I would rather give up my title than marry Madeleine."
"I'm sorry, son, but you don't have a choice."
"Then I'll abdicate," Leo said, his voice shaking. 
"Leo, where are you now? Are you somewhere safe?" 
"I'm on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean." 
"You are, what?! You are the Crown Prince. You need to return home right away." 
"I won't," Leo replied somberly.
"Leo, listen to me. Your place is here, in Cordonia. You just can’t walk away."
“I have. Liam will be a better King," Leo insisted. 
"Leo! You ...."
“Father," Leo interrupted.
"When have you ever put me or Liam first?” 
“I wasn’t the one to walk away. You were....”, Constantine admonished.
Leo remained quiet, steadfast in his decision.
"Leo, please," Constantine replied, his voice pleading. 
"Goodbye, Father," Leo said, and then he hung up the phone. 
Constantine stood there, stunned. 
.......All I know since yesterday 
Is that everything changed....... 
Thanks for reading
Perma-tags: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesprompts @choicesholidays
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rekino2114 · 1 month
🚨new character alert🚨
Y/n:something wrong soph?
Sophie:Jenny just called me genderbent Micheal afton
Y/n:........I mean
Sophie:You agree with her?
Y/n:soph, you're a traumatized oldest child with two dead siblings,family issues, and who wears purple and your dad might be in a rabbit animatronic. What do you want me to say?
Sophie:........I...see your point now
Y/n:Don't worry, soph I love you, don't forget that ok?
Sophie:if that was a joke about my pills I swear i'll-
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A/n:so as you may or may not have understood from the fact that I am the one person (literally the one) to write for Virginia Arnoldson I like analog horror quite a lot but there aren't that many human....alive girls that I could write for and then I remembered Sophie, hope you'll enjoy what I write for her. Credit for the art to Marcie on pinterest
Also to celebrate 300 followers and my return I won't only add Sophie but also another new character to the masterlist (a much more recognizable one) so stay tuned for another announcement tomorrow
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clementinegreye · 6 months
clementinegreye's masterlist and navigation station:
you can make requests or simply come chat to me; here
💌 hotd:
🪩 aemond targaryen
the end of love || 1.1k
aemond cheating on his wife is not cool - but it can be poetic when he’s filled with regret.
adoration and resentment (coming soon - currently on Ao3 and going through a re-write!)
lover you should've come over (modern!aemond x brothers best friend reader. coming soon!)
💌 criminal minds:
🍋 aaron hotchner
the sweetest sin of all || 3.4k
the sweetest sin of all (part 2) || 2.6k
who'd have thought aaron hotchner was a man so consumed by longing (lightly inspiredin the midst of investigating a serial killer who chooses victims based on the seven deadly sins, aaron hotchner finds himself entangled in more than just the case (inspired by hozier's new song 'too sweet'):
🌷spencer reid
safer dreams || 2.3k
it's not easy to keep someone safe in your nightmares, something Spencer knows all too well.
false god || 1.2k
it's never a good idea to reminisce about a relationship, especially one that ended with betrayal left you with a permanent scar
some stuff about me and my writing below the line:
about me: hi! my name’s soph, im 23 and an aquarius.
some quick fire facts about me; i’m a cat person, i have a chronic illness, get anxious a lot and my favourite show is criminal minds (in case you couldn’t tell), im trying to get back into reading this year, i have an abnormal amount of jellycats (yes the soft toys) and i love fruit (all fruit)! 🍋‍🟩🍓🍒🍊
i’ve been writing since i was 15 and i’ve been posting my work for a few years now, albeit under different blogs and i post some of my stories on Ao3, which i’ll link below.
writing/requests notes and guidelines:
i currently only write for criminal minds and hotd. i’m happy to write angst, fluff, hurt/comfort etc. just be specific in the ask what you’d like and i can try accommodate it!
i use she/her pronouns and therefore feel comfortable writing from that perspective (or gender neutral). i’m hesitant to write male!reader as i don’t want to inaccurately portray something i have no experience with.
as a guideline i definitely won’t write anything containing rape, hardcore incest or child abuse, non-consensual sex or anything including minors or those underage. i am also hesitant to write really abusive situations.
i’ve never written smut but, i guess i could give it a go. if you’re request it and i don’t write it, i’m probably not comfortable with it. 🌷☁️🐚
my requests are OPEN and right now and i’ll write for any criminal minds/hotd character (i’ll give anything a try once lol) if you want to request something or even just come have a chat and get to know me better my inbox is always open!
i always appreciate feedback and comments, likes and reblog also! but if you just fancy reading something go ahead, there’s no pressure on this blog to interact, it’s always appreciated but i know how i sometimes interact with things on tumblr so i understand. 🌟
my works are only posted here on this blog and on Ao3, if you see them somewhere else please let me know. 🩷
note: i do not support AI or using AI to write, i’ve been practicing writing for many years and i think it’s a shame to use it and it feels like it undervalues the hard work people put in to writing. while AI might be a useful tool for some things my writing does NOT include it and my writing is my own. (i do use grammarly to check my spelling because i can be a silly goose and miss things because i edit all my fics myself but that’s it).
you can also find my work here on Ao3:
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eunsonia · 3 months
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not everyone wants to be blair waldorf ! - not everyone can be
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎
soph(ie)! sheher! enfp! scorpio! outer banks! hunger games! pjo! dominic fike! beabadoobee! frank ocean! writing blog! i ♡ sunfiy! same user on wattpad!
masterlist! (to be added. . .) guidelines! character list! (to be added. . .)
divider by @cafekitsune!
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planetsage · 2 months
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this blog is strictly eighteen-plus. do not interact with me or my content if you are a minor or if you do not have your age somewhere visible on your blog. do not interact if you encourage or fuel drama / send anonymous hate.
when requesting, spill it all! i love indulging in people’s fantasies and bringing them to life— let it be known what you want. right now, my requests are open. i will update when / if they are closed. if you send in a request while they are closed, i will leave it on the back burner and come back to it when they are back open, but please check before requesting!
overall, just be nice, and respectful, and enjoy your stay.
🪷 tags !
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — planetsage ( all of my writing )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — planetsage’s 400 ( drabbles from my 400 event )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — home ( navigation page )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — about the creator ( about me page )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — plant seeds ( rules page )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — watch them grow ( tags )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — the sanctuary ( masterlist )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — milestones ( milestone posts )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — rerun ( reblogs )
˚⊱𖥸⊰˚ — games ( tag / reblog games )
𖧧˚⋆💌ʚɞ — from, sage ( inbox )
𖧧˚⋆🧚🏾‍♀️ʚɞ — wharf talk ( just chatting )
𖧧˚⋆📋ʚɞ — queue ( queued posts )
𖧧˚⋆🎐ʚɞ — icymi ( in case you missed it / self reblogs )
𖧧˚⋆📝ʚɞ — character name talk ( drabbles for character )
𖧧˚⋆🪷ʚɞ — that’s so sage ( me core / aesthetic posts )
𖧧˚⋆🩰ʚɞ — to tug at the heart ( poems or writings reblogs )
𖧧˚⋆💒ʚɞ — sage & character name ( self ship )
𖧧˚⋆📖ʚɞ — fic recs ( fic recs )
𖧧˚⋆📖ʚɞ — read later ( tbr )
𖧧˚⋆🖼️ʚɞ — art ( art reblogs )
🪷 mutuals !
𖧧˚⋆👯‍♀️ʚɞ — muts ( mutuals )
𖧧˚⋆💌ʚɞ — to, mutual name ( mutuals name )
⤷ so so, my alby baby, coy, meriem, gg baby, cowgirlcujoh, nina, tori, wisteria, chi, sagey, linnie, lia, lina, nina, stella, naomi, ezreal, synthia, nova, dee, mitch, lucy, angel, covielle, gabi, vera, kat, kim, mya, anti, lani, aashi, letta, lili, supa, soph, cj
🪷 anons !
𖧧˚⋆ 🎴ʚɞ — kaonashi ( anonymous )
𖧧˚⋆ 👤ʚɞ — anon name / emoji ( anon name )
⤷ coming soon . . .
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ninihoons · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ DITTO — 00. PROFILES
-synopsis: being a idol is hard, being an idol in a relationship is even harder. y/n being best friends with yang seoyoung, jungwon’s sister it’s hard to keep the secret that she’s dating her brother especially when she said he’s off limits. things get more complicated when y/n and jungwon have to be mc’s together.
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PARADISE is a 5 member girl group under KQ Entertainment. The group consists of Y/n, Seoyoung, Athena, Moon, and HyeJin. They debuted April 1st, 2022 with the digital album “Tomboy”.
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PARADISE played by g-idle — the group, ateez’s little sister’s. they had a successful debut and gained a lot of fans when tomboy was released.
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LEE YN played by lee chaein from purple kiss — our main character, she is 05’ liner and loves her boyfriend so much and talks about him anytime she can get. she‘s closest to her group member yang seoyoung, who’s her boyfriend’s sister.
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YANG SEOYOUNG played by kang haerin from new jeans — our main character’s best friend. she’s also enhy pen’s jungwon little sister. 06 liner’, a very big bts fan, jimin is her bias btw.
KIM MOON played by bae sumin from stayc — our main character’s member. she’s the oldest in the group, an 01’ liner so the girls really look up to her. she’s also the leader and a big twice fan, mina being her bias.
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ATHENA LEE played by danielle marsh from new jeans — our main character’s member. she’s also a 05’ liner, her and y/n being a few months apart in age. she has a girlfriend that the girls know about though, huh yunjin of le sserafim.
PARK HYEJIN played by oh haewon from nmixx — our main character’s member. she’s a 03’ liner and really close friends with ningning of aespa and is kinda the only one who can tell that y/n has a close relationship with jungwon but doesn’t say anything to respect her privacy.
profiles one - paradise
next ♡ masterlist.
author’s note: layout inspired by @kynrki
ditto! a jungwon smau.
genre: established relationship, secret relationship, angst, fluff
pairing: idol!jungwon x idol!reader
warnings: swearing, ignore timestamps
— taglist: (open) @shinsou-rii @wen-yo @scaramouches-maid @ladycocosposts @peachy-soph @jeongintwt @invusblog @strwberrydinosaur @aki1e @shionmarryme @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @yur1a1 @xjustashx @arizejkt19 @chaechae-23 @busydogcorp @chaewon-slays @str4wb3rizz @ashy1um
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Soph’s masterlist <3
-> marauders
✧ keep you in my locket (21k) | mature | wolfstar | jily | canon-compliant marauders | work in progress
Canon-Compliant Marauders fic - following each of the members of the Marauders through a lifetime of mischief and love, and how they became the heroes that they are.
written in different POVs &
features small character studies chapters.
✧ Love me ! (13k) | explicit | wolfstar | jily | jegulus | dorlene | marauders fame au | work in progress
Set in the early 2000s - Sirius Black is the lead singer in a famous rock band who desperately tries his best to escape his nepotism background with his music. Luckily, his escape succeeds by the friends he makes along the way.
✧ Venus, Cupid, and the Devil within (23k) | explicit | wolfstar | immortal au | work in progress | tagged dead dove for detailed description of death and blood
Sirius is very infatuated with witchcraft, and at 16, he makes a blood ritual with his best friend Remus that would make them immortal together.
Remus doesn't believe in any of that - he's there for his friend so he let's them do the ritual. What neither of them know is that the ritual might've had an effect after all.
✧ the misfortune behind the masterminds of the loved (1k) | explicit | wolfstar | jegulus | surrounding the black brothers | modern day au | work in progress
"Nightmares are just fragments of your brain, sorting out things you thought about during the day. you know, your brain is playing bingo whenever it goes to sleep - that's why maybe something you briefly thought about during the day would play such an importance in your dream and possibly haunt you."
"But you weren't there." the younger brother sobbed.
"I know, but I am here now, aren't I? And I guarantee you, Reg, I'll always be there."
-> madness within <3
✧ wildest dreams (9k) | explicit | cowboy remus au | based off of a taylor swift song
✧ playing dangerous (5k) | explicit | officer remus / criminal sirius au | based off of a lana del rey song
✧ after hours (3k) | explicit | boss remus / employee sirius au
✧ is it over now? (2k) | explicit | post-azkaban wolfstar
disclaimer :
i do not support jkr & her disgusting views.
please don’t repost my fics on any other platform (especially not wattpad) without having given my consent or giving credit!! thank you!! <3
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fayes-fics · 9 months
i know you don't take requests right now but i have so many, i hope you read them, don't feel obligated to do them but yeah wtv u want id appreciate tho if you took them into a consideration 1. i want a love triangle between benedict, reader, sophie beckett, and yeah i want him to choose the reader, no hard feelings for soph tho maybe he could have an enemies to lovers with the reader (regency) 2. two co-workers hooking up (modern) i'll send the rest in another msg
Hi Nonny!
Sorry, I am indeed closed to any fic requests right now. Please feel free to resubmit when I open to requests; however, please do read my request guidelines page (linked in my blog header) HERE before submitting.
Please also note, I do not currently take requests involving Benophie - I use the show as canon, and until Sophie appears, I have no sense of her character yet. I do occasionally write Kanthony (usually as background to Ben/reader) and just Kate in fics, as I have a good grounding in who she is.
I have written quite a few co-worker modern fics for Benedict and Anthony. Please do check out my modern AU masterlists for those.
Thanks for your message, and sorry to disappoint. I have over 20 WIP requests I am working on right now, all from early 2023 (Yes, I am THAT slow), so my slate is currently full.
Thanks for your message 😁🧡🧡
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whatislovevavy · 11 months
10. As You Wish
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Jake Seresin x OC (Caledonia Hughes)
WC: 5.8k
Masterlist  Previous Part   Next Part
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+), some angst but don't worry ;)
AN: Apolgies for the wait, but here it is enjoy :) Thank you @sebsxphia for the encouragement to write this story when it was in development, it means the world <3 Also a big thank you to @royallyprincesslilly for the design of the divider 
Please consider leaving a comment, a tip, or reblogging, leaving likes doesn't do anything on this hellsite. It helps with motivation when writing and the tips help since I’m between jobs at the moment :)
All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook 
These characters, except for Caledonia and Ella, are obviously not my own. This is an 18+ fanfic, so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
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Jake could feel his breath settle into the deepest part of his lungs, like a layer of fog sinking into a valley. 
You looked just as beautiful as the day he last left you. 
"What are you doing here?" 
His heart ached at your apprehensive tone.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat, trying to stop any tears from flowing down his cheeks. 
"I-I, uh" 
You looked at him with that same sense of fear that he never wanted you to view him with. 
He swallowed, diverting his eyes.
Your gaze was too much for him. Too heavy for him to meet. 
"I needed to see you."
Your eyebrows rose. Arms crossing as you bit the inside of your cheek, scowling.  
He swallowed again, his throat almost closing as your steadily piercing gaze met his own.
He tried to take a step towards you.
You took one to match behind you. 
The sight made his heart clench. 
Every smile he brought to your lips, every sweet laugh, and adorable snort was canceled out by the sight. 
A tense silence settled between you both, disrupted only by the soft buzz of the overhead parking lot light. 
You sighed, toying with the strap of your purse. 
"You said," you licked your lips, "we shouldn't do this anymore. I'm sorry. What did you mean by it?"
His shoulders tensed as he took in your tense jaw and eyes that were now as sharp as hypodermic needles. 
"I said that-" 
"You texted me. You didn't even have the decency to say it to my face."
He took a deep breath in, eyes full of remorse. 
"Please hear me out, Caledonia. I thought- I thought I couldn't give you what you deserved. I-I screwed up." 
Your eyes fluttered in disbelief, his tone nothing like you ever heard. 
He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, letting his glassy eyes meet yours, almost missing the slight shift in your demeanor. 
"I don't… I don't understand." 
You swallowed as you saw him take a step closer to you.
You stood still and let him, the soft lapping of waves along the shoreline and high pitched ring of the overhead parking lot light caressing your ears. 
He took another step towards you, his heart warming at the fact you didn't flee. 
Perhaps all was not lost. 
"It's not an exaggeration to say that these past four weeks without you have been some of the worst weeks I've experienced in my entire life. And, " he took a few tentative steps closer, swallowing. 
You put a hand softly on his chest to stop him from coming any closer, and his trail of words.
You swallowed, shaking your head, moving your eyes up to the light polluted night sky, and biting your lip as you thought of the right words to say. 
"Do you realize what you put me through? You don’t get to come here and act like I’ll always be the one desperate and waiting for you,” you sighed,” you dropped me after your job was done. Did you only want me so you could say you could take someone's virginity and brag about it later? Was that all I was to you?"
"Caledonia, no-"
"You made me think, " you scoffed, "that there was even the smallest chance that you cared about me… wanted me, and that's more cruel than anything I could ever do to you."
Your voice held something foreign as your eyes teared and your hand retracted; venom.
"Do you have any idea the mental state you put me in? How much hope you gave me? Or were you too busy thinking about the ego boost you'd receive bragging about how you took the unwanted girl's virginity to think about it?”
Your snarl made his heart clench.
Jake could feel the tears start to build up, his voice thick and shaky. 
"I -I never thought of you as being unwanted-" 
"Really? You're telling me you had nothing to gain from screwing the hard to love, mentally decrepit, overweight girl? Huh? Is that why you came to my defense at the retirement gala? To get brownie points to screw me more?"
Your voice was thick with frustration, hot tears flowing down your soft cheeks as you angrily wiped them away, scolding yourself for crying in front of him. 
“No, No, that was never my intention-”
“God, Jake, why are you here? Really here? Because it can’t be for me.”
As soon as the words left your lips, it clicked. 
Like the final piece completing a puzzle. 
Jake’s heart clenched at the scoff that left your lips.
“You’re only here for you. You did this whole thing for you. Not for me, you selfish bastard.”
His skin crawled at the seethe and frustration thick tone, your rage boiling over. 
“Caledonia- you’re right. I did it for me, but not in the way your thinking-”
You scoffed, “Jesus, I should have listened to Phoenix."
You put your shaking head into your hands, raspy breaths coming through the cracks between your fingers. 
His lip quivered, “I did it, because I wanted you and I didn’t know how to be with you.”
Your breathing paused, the ringing prominent in your ears as you took in each letter of each heavy word passing his lips. 
“Jake, don’t bullshit me. You could have any girl you want, so why did you have to play with me like this?”
Your strained, wounded voice broke him.
He swallowed and continued, "I did it because it was the only way I knew how, you’re so smart and sweet, you deserve someone who’s just as smart as you, just as sweet and kind… someone who deserves you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed.
He let out a shaky breath, “I, um, I’m not good with relationships. I’ve only ever had one serious relationship in my life and it… didn’t go well, in the slightest.”
“I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing for years…”
Sleeping together with no inent of remembering their name. 
Skin on skin with no intent to remember their softness. 
The way their whispered words of pleasure met his ears. 
It all made your skin itch in the moment. 
“...Because it was safer. I-I’m not good at this,” he scoffed, aggressively running through his already disheveled hair, “ I fly multi-million dollar jets at the speed of sound and I’ve never been scared once to do it. But being with you? Intimately and wholly? That scares me. It always has. And I didn’t know why until tonight.”
He took a shaky breath.
“Because if someone as good as you can love me, then I have something to fear up there,” your glassy eyes watched as he languidly pointed up towards the inky, onyx night sky. 
“I have something special to lose if I burn in, and that’s you. Since I saw you in your jeans and X-files shirt working Penny’s bar top for the first time, with your cute ponytail and sweet smile, it’s been you. And I’ve been too stupid and blind to see it. ”
He swallowed, eyes teary, gently reaching out for your hand. 
"Please, Caledonia, I- I can't let you go again." 
Your glassy eyes shot from his own to his calloused hand cradling your soft one.
You knew what he was asking. 
"Jake, I… I can't."
He was already so close, your eyes moving from his pleading eyes to his lips, and back to his eyes. 
You hated how this man held the power to make your resolve crumble to a fine powder. 
"Please, just one chance to make it right." 
You swallowed, almost tasting his natural, soothing scent as a soft ocean breeze brought it to your senses.
"I already gave you a chance, and look where it got me,” you whispered to him, fighting with yourself, unable to push him away. 
Jake softly bit the inside of his lower lip. 
Your body tensed as he gently lowered himself to the asphalt, his hand still softly holding your own.
You don't know why you let him keep hold of your hand, but you couldn't stop him even if you tried. 
You'd never seen this man plead, much less get on his knees for something. Or someone.
The sight almost made you wince as you imagined how the small pebbles would dig into the skin of his bare knees.
He swallowed, voice thick. 
"Answer me this one question, and I promise if you say no, I'll never step foot in the Hard Deck again and you'll never have to see me again." 
Your breathing rattled in your throat. 
His jaw tensed, eyes gleaming with bubbling tears in the overhead parking lot light. 
You looked so beautiful from his place on the asphalt, like a man begging for forgiveness from a goddess. 
The copper shine of your chestnut highlights almost forming a crown around your head. 
"Have you ever seen me in your life?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed, lips still painted into a frown. 
"Because everywhere I go, I see you. In the blue ocean that matches your eyes. Whenever I drive by Francisco’s, I taste the raspberry-pistachio gelato you love. I can barely drive by your campus without thinking of how smart and talented you are. When I go to the grocery store, all I think about is how I want you there with me… to pick out what we want for dinner, to argue about what kind of bread to bring home together…How’d you be able to explain what each chemical on the food label would do and how you would do your ecstatic hand movements you always do when you explain things you love. Every time, I see a woman smile or laugh, I can’t help but think… smiling and laughter look so much better on you. I can barely listen to Fanboy talk about Star Wars without thinking about how much you love the originals more than the prequels. Every time I so much as walk into my closet, you’re there. And… I should have been more honest with you. About everything." 
He took a breath, licking his bottom lip. 
"That night I came to pick you up for the retirement ball…you looked like the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. And when we went to Pleasure of the 3rd Kind? I told Myrtle that we had been together a year. I always told myself it was for the discount, but I never gave a shit about the discount. I just wanted to be with you."
You could feel your lungs constrict at the words passing his lips, paralyzing you in place.  
"And that day you asked why you’re my favorite bar maid? It was never because of the booze you give me," he scoffed. "It was always because of the way you looked at me, and how much I craved being with you… I defended you at the ball because you deserved to be defended, you’re too beautiful, kind and strong to be treated that way by anyone. And when you took care of me and made me beef stew when I was sick? That made me realize how deep I was in with you.”
He took a pause to swallow and gather his rampant thoughts.
“And, I know your mental health and weight have made you think that you’re hard to love. But the thing is… you were never hard to love and those qualities never deterred me from loving you."
He watched your glassy eyes as he licked his bottom lip.
"Falling in love with you was as easy as kissing you and falling asleep next to you. Hell, it was easier than breathing, easier than telling my heart to beat."
Tears streamed down your face as his pleading eyes continued to bore into yours.
“I should never have done what I did to you and, if you’ll let me, I’ll spend however long it takes trying to make it right, even if it takes me the rest of my life to do so. But I can’t leave you again.”
His voice shaky and thick, “I can’t. I love you too much to let you go again.”
A hitched breath passed your lips as your bottom lip quivered. 
Your voice matched his in lack of stability, “you love me?”
Jake nodded, keeping his glossy gaze on you. Both hands now cradling one of your own. 
“I do, Caledonia…I’m so sorry that I was too stupid to see it sooner. I understand if you don’t feel the same given…everything…but you deserved the honesty and an apology.”
You took a shaky breath, fluttering your tear soaked eye lashes, diverting your eyes to the cracks in the asphalt, your soul feeling like a whirlpool in the core of your chest.
"I see you too. Everywhere I go. When I serve Corona’s and whiskey neats…hear that stupid Berlin song at Penny’s,” a small, brief smile that didn’t fully reach your eyes, “when I put a damn bra on every morning… grade the freshman’s organic chem tests, play fucking cards with Amelia, make my family’s beef stew,” You sniffled, wiping away tears that were less saturated with malice and rage. 
“As much as I hated what you did, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and the… things we did together. It always felt like more than it was and I ignored it. Didn’t bring it up because I didn’t want to ruin what semblance we had of being something more than just… whatever it was we were.” 
Jake could feel tears running down his face, he wiped them away, feeling a smile start to blossom. 
“We were so stupid.” Your tear strained voice crackled against his ears. 
“No, No you’re not. You never were. I’m the one who was a complete fool and let you go. I was a coward, and I shouldn’t have run away from you.” 
You bit the inside of your lip lightly as Jake’s eyes pleaded with your own.
Your lip quivered, blinking away tears.
He watched on, eyes never leaving yours as you carefully stepped towards him, silently encouraging him to rise up. 
You smashed your lips against his, cradling your hands along his jaw and the back of his neck. Jake almost stumbled backward before gaining his bearings. 
The lack of touch from the other ignited a raging fire inside your souls that was only enouraged by the other. 
A new found established love taking hold. 
You separated with a soft gasp.
“I love you too, Jake,”
A bright, boyish, tear filled grin took over his face, eyes bright with reinvigorated life. 
You loved him. 
And he loved you.
He was given a last chance, and he would be damned if he was going to waste it.
His lips melded with yours as he gently guided your back onto the hood of your car. 
"God, I missed you so much. I'm never letting you go again." 
His desperate, mumbled words made your heart skip a beat. 
“I missed you too, promise me you won’t do something this rash and stupid again without talking to me first.” You mumbled against his lips. 
He nodded as if in a love-drenched haze. The only thing he could focus on was the feeling of you with him again. How your soft lips melded so easily with his own. 
He gently pulled way, letting his nose bump yours with a grin. A small giggle passed your lips as tears stained your cheeks. 
"Now we're even." His hushed tone made you smile. 
A bright grin took over your features as you gently scratched at the hair at the base of his skull. 
"We should go inside,” his whispered tone made you shiver.
You nodded, cerulean, teary eyes on his gleaming, jade ones, “I need you, Jake. I love you.”
His thumb caressed your cheek as tears of joy fled down your soft skin. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” You smiled at the soft kiss he placed to your lips. 
He hastily guided you on unsteady legs towards the door of the Hard Deck, littering kisses along your neck and face as you searched for the right key. 
You huffed in frustration as he made the task infinitely more difficult. 
He smirked into the flesh of your neck, squeezing your waist as you turned the lock with a click. 
As soon as you both were inside with the door locked behind you, his lips were back on yours.
He couldn’t get enough of your taste, having spent far too much time away from it to be able to have it taken away from him again. 
A squeal left your lips as Jake grabbed the back of your thighs, wrapping them around his hips and stumbly traversing the bar illuminated only by the ethereal glow of the jukebox, red tinged light of the exit signs, and dull city lights across the bay. 
“Jake, slow down, I'm not going anywhere,” you softly said against his lips. 
He stopped his movements, letting your breaths mingle together as he pulled away. 
Your glossy eyes met his own. 
The thrumming of your heart resonating in your ears. 
"You mean that?" 
You swallowed at his heavy, whispered tone, nodding. 
Jake gently brought his lips back onto your own, letting your soft flesh meld with your own, his tongue entwining with your own. 
A whimper passed your lips as he let you down onto the soft felt of the pool table. 
"God, I love all the sounds you make." 
He whispered tenderly, his eyes full of love and warmth. 
“Sound so fucking beautiful,” he groaned as he stripped your shirt off between heat-filled kisses. 
Kisses filled with teeth and tongue, an act to get as humanly possible in the moment. 
He took a pause to admire your bra-clad breasts, his gleaming eyes meeting yours in silent permission in the distant city lights off the water. 
You nodded feverishly. His nimble fingers undoing your lacy, navy blue bra. 
His lip quirked at the sight, feeling at the lacy material.
He missed you and your navy blue. 
The sight of your bare mounds against the dim light made his cock stir, his calloused hands came up to tenderly feel at your peaks, letting them harden against the calloused pads of his fingers. 
A soft heavenly noise left your lips at the contact; a mewl. 
He never knew he could miss a sound so much. 
His tongue came down to caress your flesh, littering open mouthed kisses along your neck, sucking bruises along your throat down to your breasts.
You keened, arching your chest into him as he took a peak into his mouth, gently sucking and biting at the sensitive nerves. His hands grasped at your hips, working at unzipping your jeans. Your nails dug into his cotton-clad shoulders spurring him on, sliding your jeans down your soft, beautiful thighs to the hardwood floor. 
His breath caught in his throat at the sight of you bare except for the navy blue lace panties.
“You’re so beautiful, too good for me, Lass.”
Your heart warmed, a blush taking over as you preened against the soft felt of the pool table. 
You watched as he stripped himself of his shirt and pants, feeling your throat dry at the sight and core clench. 
Your words died on your lips as he gently leaned down and placed a full-hearted kiss against your lips, as if you were his only supply of oxygen. 
Your nails scratched against his abs to his pecs to the back of his neck, relishing in each groan that passed his lips.
“Jesus, sweetheart, I love when you feel me up, touch me.”
You giggled against his lips, “I love feeling you,” you reached down for his hardened bare cock that was settled at the edge of the table and between your thighs, “and kissing you.”
“Mhm, I missed that too. But I missed one thing almost as much. “
He gently retracted from your touch and settled on his knees. 
You could barely meet his eyes over your lounged form, settling your body on your elbows observing as Jake kneaded your thighs, stomach and breasts, brushing his thumbs along your nipples. 
A soft sigh passed his lips, as his dilated pupiled eyes took in each inch of exposed flesh. 
“I miss tasting you, feeling you cum against my tongue, miss hearing all the pretty noises you make for me… have always made for me.”
You shuddered as you kept your eyes on him as he gently ran his nose along the crease between your flushed, soaked folds, taking in a deep, full chested inhale. 
He could feel his cock throb at your smell.
“So sweet, Lass, always so sweet n' pretty,” he gently ran his forefinger along your flushed folds, separating them to see your engorged clit. 
“Fuck, you’re so good for me.”
A yelp left your throat as he licked a broad, perfect stroke up your cunt, quickly covering your mouth with your hand. 
"Oh, Jake, you don't have to do that. It's a little overgrown down th-," you whispered.
"Baby, I don't mind…I have a lot of time to make up for. God, I missed your gorgeous pussy and beautiful ass," he growled, making you shudder as he kneaded the flesh of your backside.
He sighed as he took another broad lick up your cunt.
"You're so fucking sweet… don't know how I lasted so long without your taste." 
Your face reddened by the second as he kept his dark, rainforest green eyes on yours. Your nails dug into the back of his head, keeping him in place as he continued to savor each drop of essence from your flushed folds that rivaled that of ripe peaches. 
He smiled around his extended tongue as your hips bucked involuntarily, letting your gently rub your hips against him. 
His hands squeezed at your hips to keep you steady as he sucked at your clit. 
“Oh, fuck,” you gasped, letting your body lay back onto the table. 
Your body was just as responsive, if not more, than the last time he had you. 
“God I love it when you ride my tongue, always been such a good girl.” 
You whimpered as he returned to your sopping cunt. 
Your eyes rolled back as the sensations flooded your brain, reaching out for anything to grip and hold. 
Jake’s hands reached for your own, intertwining with them.
I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.
He placed his strong forearms over your tummy, keeping your hands and lower body still to his ministrations. 
“Oh, fuck, please don’t stop, baby,” you cried out into the empty bar as he gave your clit a harsh suck, letting it go with a soft pop. 
He loved watching you from here, taking each stroke of pleasure he could give you. 
Jake took his hand from one of your own, letting it run along your flushed entrance, before gently settling at your hole. 
You moaned as he put two of his fingers inside you, stroking that piece of salvation imbedded with-in your velvet walls. 
“Jake, please,” your manicured nails dug into his scalp to keep him in place, trying to find enough strength to rub your eager cunt against his welcoming mouth. 
But his hold on you was too strong, he had you open and ready for whatever he wanted to give you. 
He could feel your moans and mewls resonate through your body, your thighs twitching and your walls choking his fingers. 
“Come on baby, just a little more for me,” he growled against your cunt. 
The squelching and feel of your cunt made it hard to think straight as he helped push you over the edge. 
“Fuck, please don’t stop,” you wantonly mewled, “I’m so close.” 
He rubbed that special spot inside you with more vigor, needing to bring you to your release. 
He paid attention to your clit, lapping and sucking at it diligently, chasing each whine that spilled from your throat that told you you were close. 
“Fuck, baby, Jake, sweetheart, please more.” 
You couldn't help your thighs from shaking in his iron grasp as he consumed your cunt like it was his last meal on earth. 
With that he gave one last, perfect suck at your clit, making your eyes clench shut and tremors flood your body. 
Whines and moans spilled from your throat as you came down from your high, the man between your legs continuing his onslaught, cleaning up every last drop of your essence as you whimpered and mewled. 
He gave one last soft, broad lick up your core before placing a soft kiss to your still sensitive clit. 
A soft sigh of amazement passed his lips, his eyes staying on your own. 
You softly caught your breath, letting your eyes meet his. 
"I-is something wrong?" 
He scoffed, shaking his head. 
"Nothing in the slightest, Caledonia. I just… really missed watching you cum…Such a good girl… so fucking pretty when you cum, could eat your pretty, little pussy all day.”
A bashful smile broke out across your lips, matching his, as his sweet, sinful, soft, desperate voice met your ears. 
"Can't wait to feel you around my dick, Lass."
You bit your lip, admiring him as he rose up, running his broad hands along your thighs and stomach. 
His eyes met yours in a silent question
“Penny has birth control," your wispy voice made him smile.
“I just need to feel you,” you whimpered, rising up on your elbows, giving him those same innocent, sweet eyes like he didn’t just consume your cunt like it was his last meal. 
His breathing was heavy, letting his cock nudge at your entrance. His eyes meeting yours, silently asking. 
You nodded feverishly.
He kept his loving gaze on you, leaning in to meet your lips, swallowing each sigh and whine as he pushed his thick cock into your molten cunt. 
“Shh, it’s ok Caledonia, doing such a good job for me, being such a good girl.”
Jesus, you felt just as tight as the first night he had you, he thought. 
He littered kisses along your neck and back to your lips as he let you adjust to his dick. 
“Fuck, you always feel so perfect,” he groaned against your lips. 
You whimpered, “I love feeling you inside me, how thick you are. Please move Jake, I need you to move,” you pleaded with teary eyes. 
Who was he to deny you?
He smiled, placing a soft kiss to your plush lips. 
He rose up to his full height, “God, you're so fucking gorgeous.” 
His words made you clench around his cock and feel a wave of desperation you only felt for Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. 
He looked down to where he was connected to you, letting his thumb rub tight circles onto your clit as he gently thrusted into your cunt. 
His eyes clenched shut as he savored the exquisite feeling of your velvet walls choking his weeping member. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned, wrapping your legs around his waist and leaning down.
Chest to chest.
Heartbeat to heartbeat. 
His glassy eyes stayed on your own, and your blushing cheeks and beautiful parted lips. 
A sharp whine left your throat as he nailed that perfect spot inside you. 
The slapping of skin that came with his maintenance of tempo filled the Hard Deck with an erotic ambiance paired with your sweet moans and the squelching of your cunt. 
“Jake, please,”
A whine left your throat as his hips moved more diligently, his head laying at the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent and softly biting at the flesh. 
“Oh, fuck, please, you feel so good, right there!” 
He put all of his weight into each thrust into your cunt, hitting that same little spot inside you over and over again. 
"God, I love you so much, you and your perfect little pussy,” he groaned out, feeling the rubber band in his core stretch. 
Your lips parted as a silent scream passed through your lips, incognitable noises spewing from your perfect lips stroking his cock and stoking the flames of his love for you. 
Tears welled in your eyes as the intensity of your orgasm paired with his words made your heart skip a beat.
You gasped for breath as his lips met yours, swallowing each overstimulated whine he pulled out of you as he continued to savor each flutter of your silken walls. 
He hissed as your nails scratched and clutched at him as he found his release with a deep groan, pulsing his essence into your welcoming cunt. 
"I love you too, Jake" you hoarsely whispered. 
But it was still soft and sweet as honey. 
Jake lifted his head from the crease of your neck, his glassy eyes meeting yours. 
A genuine grin consumed his features as he caught his breath.
He leaned in, letting his nose rub against yours, his smile widening as your giggle met his ears.  
“I love you so much,” he whispered, eyes full of love. 
Your breath hitched. You could still feel his cock inside, leaking his seed into you. 
“I love you too, Jake, so much,”
He let out a soft sigh as if a weight was removed from his chest. He brought his lips back to yours as he gently pulled out, swallowing your soft sigh. 
You could only focus on his mouth on yours, his soft touch, the way his natural smell brought you so much peace and comfort. 
“You know, I always wanted to do the dirty with you on this table. Thought about it everytime I saw you serving drinks over here.”  
You clenched around his length, “Me too,” you whispered against his lips. 
His cock twitched in a mixture of both of your releases in your still dripping cunt. 
“Really?” he purred, “the thought of ruining this table and having all our friends play pool with it tomorrow night get you hot and bothered, sweetheart?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice. 
He chuckled darkly, “I thought so sweets, can feel you squeezin’ me so tight at the thought… such a needy, little Lass.” 
“I’m not needy, Jake, you’re the one that came back to me, remember?” 
His smile widened, a chuckle passing his lips.  
“Maybe I’m just as needy as you are sweetheart, nothing wrong with being needy, especially when we’re both here. I love taking care of you, Caledonia.”
He gave you a sultry grin, before bringing his lips to yours, letting your kiss him in a soft but strong kiss, like waves licking along the sides of an adrift row boat causing it to rock.
He gently pulled out, much to your protest, and gently turned you around on the pool table. 
You sighed softly, brain still fuzzy from your previous high. 
Jake covered your body as he gently thrusted into your molten core, a soft moan leaving your throat. His head nestled in the crook of your neck and hands placed on each side you, intertwining your fingers together along the felt of the table. 
Each sigh from his lips caressed the soft flesh of your neck, as he savored each inch of your body with his hands and cock. 
His gentle thrusts hit your senses like lightning to a rod of copper. 
You let your eye lids drop close, focusing on the soft, comforting feeling of him around you and his steady thrusting into your weeping pussy. 
Mewls and moans left your lips as he softly bit and nipped at your tender flesh, taking your earlobe between his teeth as he continued to pummel your cunt at a faster pace. 
Your body shivered at the growl that left his throat as he gave a particularly deep thrust right into that perfect, little spot that made you putty in his hands. 
"You gonna cum, sweetheart?" 
His gravelly, exertion ridden tone made your core clench around his dick. 
You could only mewl and nod pathetically, feeling him smile into your neck.
He gently guided your head to face him as he littered kisses along your neck, sucking pretty magenta hued blotches onto your soft skin. 
"Look at me, honey," you let your glassy eyes flutter open as he split you with his cock with each diligent thrust. 
"God, you're so fucking beautiful, I love taking you apart like this."
He gently squeezed the base of your throat, keeping your head towards him. 
His lips smashed against yours, swallowing each sigh and cry that threatened to leave your lips as you felt the coil in your belly tighten impossibly so. 
He groaned as he felt you twitch against him and around his thick cock, your nails digging into the back of his head in a delicious friction that made his spine tingle. 
You whined as his lips left yours, his forehead leaning against your own as he put his entire lower body into each perfect thrust.
You whimpered ahsinst his lips as a deep, gut-punch groan rattled against your neck and senses, feeling his release paint your walls. 
He swallowed each one of your whimpers and moans as he gently thrusted into your heat, feeling his engorged member become more sensitive. 
He caught his breath, letting his eyes clench shut as he savored the feeling of your walls holding him like a vice. 
He littered kisses along your shoulder, neck and cheek, bringing your lips back to his, relishing in each giggle that passed your lips. 
“I mean’t what I said. I can’t leave you again and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”
You blushed at his desperate, sleep gravelled tone, turning to face him in the soft light, “I think you’re off to an excellent start, cowboy,” you whispered, letting out a soft giggle like his dick wasn’t still spent inside you. 
“I’ll be on my hands and knees for you, baby,”  he nuzzled his head into your neck and stole a kiss from you. 
“Mhm, that does sound appealing. She missed you down there, ya know…”
 You bit back a smile, feeling him laugh into the back of your shoulder. 
“I’ll be sure to explain my absence to your pretty, little friend down there,” he gently rubbed at your clit, “Let’s get back to my place.”
You turned to face him, eyes warm but tired. 
“I want to stay here for a bit, just to feel you. I missed you… a lot” 
He nodded, placing a kiss to your shoulder, “As you wish, Caledonia.” 
His hushed tone made you smile. You relished in the tender feel of his hands intertwined with your own, his plush lips, and soft, warm skin encompassing yours as the dim city lights across the bay and the warm glow of Penny’s beloved jukebox illuminated his love-filled embrace. 
@marvel-hotchner @nemesis729 @a-lil-bit-nuts@justagirllivinginaghibliworld @mizzzpink @themusingofagothicsoul @mayhemmanaged @sebsxphia @potato-girl99981  @a-beaverhausen @withahappyrefrain @hangmans-wingman  @callmemana @joalslibrary @peachiicherries @whiskeyswriting @entertainmentgal8 @jkbindigo11 @princess76179 @clancycucumber230@teacupsandtopgun@chaoticassidy @superskittles @cherrycola27 @cheekymcgrath @h-ngm-ns @emma8895eb @djs8891 @novastories @urmom-999 @taytaylala12 @zombicupcake3 @catsficrecs @abaker74 @kmc1989 @hangmanshoney @caidi-paris @i-wanna-be-your-muse @shara-ne @memeorydotcom @memoriesat30@shanimallina87 @whoeverineedtobe
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tessa-liam · 2 years
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- Chapter 2 – Once Upon a Time 
The Royal Romance, an AU series 
Series Premise: An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobles, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Catch Up: Marabelle Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC (Sophia) 
Other Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC (Daniel) 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Sophia Taylor, Bethany Beaumont, Melanie Smithson, Tyler Gregson. 
Rating: M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language. Not Beta'd; Please excuse all errors. 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2390, Read 11 minutes 
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- 2 - Once Upon a Time 
Chapter summary: Sophie is introduced to Marabelle, all thanks to her encounter with her personal ‘knight in shining armor’. 
Music Inspiration: One Call Away – Charlie Puth 
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week #22 prompt #3 - “I am at my wits’ end with you.” 
A/N2: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the US; is Barthelemy Beaumont’s 2nd wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) was Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N3: Melanie Smithson is a love interest for Drake. Tyler Ericsson is Prince Liam’s personal assistant. 
A/N4: Using my new Tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed.
A/N5: Thank you @/Ainna for your beautiful commission😍
En route to the horse stables, near the Cordonian Royal Polo Club. 
“This is where we played polo growing up, Sophia,” Bertrand commented as he pointed to the gate of the Cordonian Royal Polo Club. 
Sophie looked out the window and saw a beautiful clubhouse with a spacious polo field and several horses grazing in the field. 
“Wow! That looks impressive.” 
“It really is. We used to play every weekend during the summer.” Maxwell said fondly. 
“At the Sage Hill Stables near New York, I had completed a dressage program,” explained Sophie. “That is where I really fell in love with horses. I would go riding at that ranch, once my lessons were completed, at every chance I got.” 
“Well, Soph, once your new horse is settled in at our stables, you can explore the countryside whenever you want.”  
"Max, you will have to come with me to show where the best trails are to ride."
Bertrand smiled seeing the look of happiness on Sophie’s face. 
When they arrived at the horse ranch, they were greeted by a young woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. 
“Duke Ramsford, welcome. My name is Melanie Smithson. Drake Walker has asked me to meet with you this morning.” 
“Hello, thank you for meeting with us, my dear. This is my brother Lord Maxwell Beaumont, and this is my cousin, Lady Sophia Taylor.” Bertrand replied. 
“Will Drake be meeting with us?” Maxwell asked Bertrand. 
“If I may,” Melanie interrupts, “Drake will be joining us very shortly. He was called away by the Crown Prince to attend the Polo club. I can give Lady Sophia a tour while we wait for Drake to join us.”
"Thank you, Miss Smithson. That is much appreciated," Bertrand replied. 
As Melanie toured Sophie around the stables, Bertrand showed Maxwell which horses he was planning to buy for the their stables.
The ranch was expansive with a small indoor riding arena, a large outdoor riding area, a round pen, and two barns. 
There were several horses in each barn. Some of the horses were in stalls while others were roaming freely outside.  
“Do you see a horse that you would like to ride, Sophia?” asked Melanie. 
 “All of them actually,” Sophie teased. “And please call me Sophie.” 
“There is a particular horse that caught my eye that I found on your website that would be suitable for Sophie.” Bertrand said as he pulled out his phone to show Melanie the picture of the horse he had in mind. 
“Oh, yes, well why don’t I get him ready so that you can go for a trial run.” 
“That sounds great, thank you,” Sophie smiled. 
Melanie walked over to the stall where the horse was standing. This horse was black with brown spots; his tail was long and swished as she approached him. Opening the stall door, Melanie led the horse out of the barn. He was then saddled and was ready to go. 
“His name is ‘Bandit’. He is a 4 year old retired thoroughbred racehorse.” 
Sophie walked over to the horse and stroked his nose with her hand. The large stallion whinnied at the touch and nudged her hand.
“I do not think this horse is the best fit for Sophie, Bertrand. Look at the size of him! We should wait for Drake to get here.” 
“No, Maxwell, this is the perfect horse for her. You need to let her make her own decision.” 
“All I am saying is, is that Drake can help Sophie with her decision and help her to decide if this horse is a good fit.” Maxwell huffed, frustrated. 
“Sophia, please ride this horse to see if you feel comfortable. I am sure Mr. Walker will be here momentarily.” Bertrand directed. 
“Maxwell, I am at my wits’ end with you.” Bertrand admonished, pinching his nose. 
Melanie handed the reins to Sophie, and they took off walking toward the outdoor riding area. 
As Sophie mounted the horse, she could feel the horse’s muscles under his coat. He felt muscular and powerful. 
After circling the arena, they began to trot. Melanie directed Sophie to lead Bandit to the open riding area. As Sophie used the reins to guide the horse, she held onto the saddle horn and tried to relax as the horse started to pick up speed to run. As the horse reached full speed, she felt herself being pushed back against the seat of the saddle. 
Then, the horse began running faster. The wind rushed past Sophie as the horse sped up even more. 
Without warning, the sound of a starting pistol sounded to her left. 
The horse reared up on his hind legs and bolted. Sophie clung to the saddle horn and reins as the horse galloped across the field. 
“Oh my God,” Maxwell screamed as Bertrand’s face turned white. Melanie quickly mounted a horse to chase after Sophie and her ‘spooked’ horse. 
“What the hell!” Drake appeared behind Maxwell. 
“I told you that this horse wasn’t right for Sophie, Bertrand!” 
“Fuck me!” Drake bolted and ran to saddle a horse quickly in order to do after Melanie and Sophie. 
As Bandit ran, Sophie’s adrenaline was at an all-time high. Any thoughts of fear were pushed far back in her thinking.  
In the distance, Sophie could see another rider on a grey horse in her periphery chasing after her. Melanie shouted something but Sophie couldn’t hear what she said because the wind blew through her hair. 
Then, she heard the sound of hooves pounding the ground behind her. Before Sophie knew what was happening, two arms reached in front of her to grip the reins.  
The rider pulled back forcibly on the reins and slowed the horse to a trot. 
Sophie looked to her side and saw a blond haired man wearing a polo uniform.  
{Sophie thought, ‘Whoa. He’s really cute!’} 
When the man looked over to her, his blue eyes sparkled with concern, “are you alright, Miss...?
He asked in a deep, baritone accent. 
“Oh, Sophie." She answered. 
“Charmed to make your acquaintance, Sophie.” 
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for slowing this horse for me.” 
“Of course, I would hate to have seen you get hurt. Please, call me Liam.” 
“Well, Liam, thank you again, I was nervous to pull back. In case he decided to rear up again!” 
“That was a smart decision; I see you have hands on experience with riding.” 
“Yes, I do. I am looking for a horse for my own and my cousin Bertrand suggested I try this horse.” 
“Ah, here, let me help you get down.” Liam dismounted from his horse and went over to help Sophie get down from hers.  
“I hope you enjoyed your ride, well, before your horse was startled.” Liam intently looked at Sophie. 
“The ride was okay; I love all horses. But, to be honest, I don’t feel ‘a connection’ with this one.” 
“If I may say, you are new to Cordonia. You had mentioned that Bertrand is your cousin.” 
Sophie explained, “yes, I moved here from New York recently to live with my Aunt Bethany. Bertrand and Maxwell are my cousins.” 
“Ah, I see. Well then, I have to thank the Beaumont’s for looking after this venture for you” 
As they both sat down on a log close by, the gallops of two incoming horses and their riders could be heard. Melanie and Drake came galloping up to them and slowed to a stop. 
After dismounting, they walked over to Liam and Sophie. Melanie curtsied, and Drake went to shake Liam’s hand. 
“Li, man, I owe you one. Sophie, are you okay? I am so sorry for not being at our appointment on time this morning!” 
“I should have chosen a different horse for you to ride, but Duke Ramsford was so adamant that he wanted you to ride Bandit in particular. I wasn’t thinking; I am so sorry.” 
Melanie was clearly flustered that she allowed Sophie to ride that particular horse....and that Prince Liam, of all people had to get involved to correct her mistake and save the day. 
“Please, please stop,” Sophie interjected. “Thank you both for your concern, but honestly, it was a blast!” Smiling, Sophie continued, “I am in awe of his speed; he is so powerful.” Sophie bashfully chuckled but then remembered that she caused a Royal to come to her rescue. 
“I do apologize to you, Liam, for taking you away from your polo match.” Sophie said softly, shaking her head, thinking that causing such a distraction to a member of royalty was unexcusable. 
“Please, no apologies are needed.” Liam countered. “I was just in the right place at the right time.” 
Drake continued, “that horse had spent far too much time locked in a stall. He was skittish when I rescued him from a stable in Cormery Isle.” 
Liam raised a brow, “Vancoeur’s Duchy; I will talk to him at the next council meeting.” 
Drake asked again, “Sophie, are you sure that you are, okay? 
Why so quiet?” 
“It’s been an action filled morning,” Liam looked over to Sophie and smiled.
“I guess we’ll have to introduce ourselves properly later. Right now, I think we need to get you back to the ranch to rest.” 
“Okay,” answered Sophie, lowering her gaze. As she stood up to join Melanie, Liam also rose. 
“I am charmed to make your acquaintance, Sophie,” Liam raised her hand to kiss. 
“It’s great to meet you,” Sophie smiled bashfully. 
“Ladies, I will take the horses back to the ranch. Melanie, please walk with Sophie and later arrange refreshments for Sophie and her cousins at the ranch.” Drake instructed. 
As Sophie and Melanie turned to leave, Liam pulled Drake back. 
“Drake, the winning derby horse that was retired last month, has she been rehomed yet?” 
Sitting on the porch at the ranch, Sophie, Maxwell, and Bertrand were enjoying iced tea, waiting for Drake to return. 
Bertrand was once again perusing the net for potential horses, while Maxwell told Sophie about his ‘Beaumont Welcome Bash’ idea to introduce her to their group of friends and members of the court. 
“Max, how many people will you invite to this party?” 
“I was thinking, maybe, 150 to 200 people. Oh, and of course Crown Prince Leo and Prince Liam.” Secretly, Max was also a planning a surprise to celebrate her 18th birthday that night as well. 
 Sophie thought back to earlier this morning when Melanie curtsied to the man that stopped her horse, Liam. 
“Maxwell, the man that I met this morning, Liam....” 
At that moment, Bertrand stood up, knocking his chair over. "Prince Liam was the man who saved you?!!” 
“Maxwell, why did you not tell me that detail!” 
Maxwell’s cell phone chimed with a message from Drake. 
“Okay, Drake wants us to meet with him now at the Polo Club. I think he has found the perfect horse for Sophie.” 
Arriving at the polo club, Drake was waiting at the entrance and ushered the cousins to the polo club stables behind the clubhouse. 
Bertrand and Maxwell waited at the entrance to the stables as Drake and Sophie walked toward to the row of horse stalls. 
As Sophie moved forward, she saw a familiar face standing beside a beautiful black horse. 
Liam looked over and smiled. 
“Thank you for coming.” 
Sophie dropped down to curtsy, “thank you for meeting me here, Your Highness.”  
“Please Sophie, no formalities are needed. I would like to suggest this horse for a ride.” 
“Hello again, Liam,” Sophie looked up at his smiling face and she was mesmerized by his crystal blue eyes. 
As Drake watched the exchange between Liam and Sophie, he noted that while his friend was gazing at Sophie, Sophie blushed. Clearing his throat, Drake spoke, “Sophie, this is Marabelle. She won the derby last season, and her owner retired her from racing wanting to rehome her. 
Sophie stepped up to stroke Marabelle's nose as the horse bumped her hand in response. "She is gorgeous. Want to go for a ride with me, Marabelle?” 
Liam smiled, “okay, let's give Sophie some time to bond with the horse.”  
“Liam, would you like to ride with me?” Sophie asked. 
“I would be honored, thank you for asking.” 
“Your highness, I will prepare your horse.” Prince Liam's assistant announced.
“Thank you, Tyler.” 
“Li, I have some horses to show Bertrand. I will see you in a bit.” 
Drake turned to retrieve Bertrand and Maxwell for the viewing. 
Finishing a run, Sophie and Liam rode their horses along a brook nestled in the trees.
After a time, Liam suggested resting the horses, and dismounted. Sophie was next, but when her feet touched the ground, one foot landed on a rock, and she stumbled forward. Liam was quick to assist and took her hand to steady her. 
As they walked along the brook, Liam and Sophie chatted while their horses grazed, tethered together. 
Sophie smiled at Liam, “Thank you for riding with me; I have taken up so much of your time today.” 
“Hmmm...you’re right. Now I’ll have to find some other excuse to get you to stay,” Liam grinned. 
“An excuse for me to stay? You don’t need an excuse. Turns out...I’m having fun.” Sophie giggled, not minding that Liam was still holding her hand. 
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Tags for all:
@ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @xpandass420x @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75
Marabelle Tag:
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percervall · 2 years
Going trick or treating
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Player: Jordan Henderson Words: 1831 Requested: Anon Warnings: Fluff, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage A/N: Hope you like it lovely! Thank you for requesting this prompt 😊 I decided to go for Jordan, the idea I had made more sense for him
Autumn masterlist
Click here to be added to the taglist
Jordan heard his wife talk to their daughter in hushed tones. The 3-year-old had been excited for Halloween for weeks, asking every night before bed “how many sleeps dada?”. He smiled and put the cottage pie in the oven, ready to heat up when they got home after the festivities at the AXA. Jordan rinsed the knife and cutting board and dried off his hands, turning around when he heard the unmistakable pitter-patter of their toddler running into the kitchen.
“Okay baby, tell dada,” his wife whispered. Jordan leaned against the kitchen counter, a smile on his face. She looked adorable in her Halloween costume. Their daughter looked up at him, big blue eyes twinkling.
“I’m the Greek Scouser!” she cheered, arms up in the air. Sophie was obsessed with one of Jordan’s teammates, she absolutely adored the Greek left back –much to the amusement of the rest of the team. So when Jordan and Emma had asked Sophie what she wanted to be for Halloween, the little girl immediately said ‘uncle Kos’, and wouldn’t let anyone change her mind. In fact, she had even decided who Jordan should dress as.
“I think my heart just might explode,” Emma said, taking in her daughter’s joy. She had even managed to pull Sophie’s curly brown hair back into a matching miniature bun. Her own hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her and Jordan were wearing the training staff tracksuits. Sophie had been adamant that daddy should be Klopp so she decided to dress as a female version of Pep. It was by far the comfiest Halloween costume she’d ever worn, especially now. Luckily the tracksuit bottoms had functioning pockets so she could hide her hands away. She just didn’t know how to tell Jordan, not after last time. 
“Tsimi is going to love this,” Jordan said, running a hand through his beard, pulling Emma from her thoughts. They had spent an hour dying it so he’d look the part and it had turned out better than either of them had expected. 
“Alright Soph, let's put your coat on so we can go outside. You can take it off when we’re at the party,” she said, ushering the little girl into the hallway. 
For once they stood out in the crowd. Everybody at the AXA had gotten the memo to dress up. Most of the children were dressed as their favourite characters, there were a handful of princesses and a couple of Fireman Sams. Emma even spotted some great Paw Patrol costumes. Jordan was wearing a pair of fake glasses and a baseball cap that looked similar enough to Klopp’s along with the official tracksuit including the initials on both jacket and bottoms. She wore a matching set, but her initials were changed to PL. Emma made a mental note to thank the kitmen for hooking them up with their outfits. Sophie was dressed in the homekit with Tsimikas 21 across the back of her jersey, and a pair of red tights underneath the shorts to keep her warm. She’d even found a pair of official LFC socks in Sophie’s size and the girl already owned a pair of Nike trainers. Suffice to say, the little girl looked ready to play football. 
“Shall we go find uncle Kos?” Emma asked Sophie as she took the toddler by the hand before she could run off again. Jordan chuckled and followed them. He worried for his daughter’s heart if Kostas ever left Liverpool. As they made their way through the crowd, they could hear people aww at Sophie and laugh when they spotted them. 
“Uncle Kos!” Sophie shouted as she spotted her favourite person, breaking free from her mother’s hand. Kostas interrupted his conversation with Diogo, James and Andy, and dropped to his knees, holding his arms open. Sophie ran into them and laughed when Kostas rose to stand. All four Liverpool players started laughing when they spotted Jordan.
“Oh, that’s amazing. Has Klopp seen yet?” James said. 
“No, but I don’t think it’ll take long for him to spot us.” 
“Sophie has been practising all day on her best Kostas Tsimikas impression,” Emma said, “can you tell uncle Kos?” 
Sophie nodded her head and shouted in her unmistakable Scouse accent: “I’m the Greek Scouser!” 
Kostas laughed and cheered for her. 
“Careful Kos, you’ve got competition!” Andy said with his trademark grin. 
“She even has the Tsimikas bun!” Diogo said, laughing.
“It’s all or nothing for this girl,” Jordan said, looking lovingly at his daughter. 
They all turned around when they heard Jurgen’s unmistakable laugh. 
“I see our new signing got here!” Klopp said when he joined them. He then moved his eyes to take in Jordan and Emma’s costumes and started laughing again.
“It’s like looking in the mirror. Pep! You need to see this!” he shouted over his shoulder. 
“Sophie wouldn’t take no for an answer. Daddy had to dress up as Klopp,” Emma explained. Klopp laughed again. He himself was dressed in lederhosen, playing into the German stereotype. 
“I see we can take tomorrow off,” Pep said with a grin when he joined them. Emma shrugged.
“I can teach them all about stretches and how the muscles work, but I’m useless at running drills,” she said. The men laughed at that. 
“Hey, maybe that’s just what they need,” Jordan said with a grin. 
“Ready to get all the candy Soph?” Kostas asked the little girl. She turned to look at her parents.
“You can go with uncle Kos if you want baby,” Emma said, “Mummy and daddy will be right here, okay?” Sophie nodded. Kostas took the tote bag Emma had brought for her and carried her to the first person handing out sweets. 
“Our baby’s all grown up,” Emma said with a pout. Jordan chuckled and pulled her against his side, wrapping an arm around her. Emma looked up at him. 
“I’m not ready for her to grow up Jord,” she said.
“I know, neither am I. Guess we’ll just have to accept it.” 
Emma sighed and nodded. Jordan smiled and gave her a quick kiss.
“Okay, now that’s just wrong,” Andy said, shuddering, “Klopp kissing a female Pep. Thanks for the nightmares.” Jordan and Emma laughed, watching Andy go to find his own children. 
“It is a little weird,” Emma said, “the grey beard does evoke more Klopp and less Hendo.” 
Jordan chuckled. “I’ll rinse it out when we get home.” 
“Good, I prefer to share my bed with Hendo.” 
“Glad to hear that,” Jordan said, kissing her again. Emma smiled into the kiss, resting a hand against his cheek.
“I need to tell you something… I was planning on a big surprise but I can’t wait any longer,” Emma said after she broke their kiss. She suddenly felt nervous, her heart hammering against her chest. Emma hadn’t planned on keeping this a secret for as long as she had, but seeing as her last pregnancy ended with a miscarriage at 8 weeks, she had wanted to wait a little longer before telling him. And with Jordan’s away fixtures on top of  all the travelling for the Champions League and her work schedule, there had hardly been any time for the two of them to spend together. 
“Emma? What’s wrong?” Jordan asked, worry evident in his voice.
“Nothing’s wrong. I-.. Everything’s really good, actually. Remember what we talked about when we came to visit in Switzerland?” Sophie had spent a day being spoiled rotten by his teammates while they got to spend some much needed time together as husband and wife. After they had spent the entire day in bed, they had talked about what their future would look like. A tiny spark of hope fluttered in his chest as he looked at her, nodding.
“Uhm, well, turns out we scored in Switzerland,” Emma said cryptically, fiddling with the cuff of her jacket. 
“Are you-... Really?” Jordan whispered, eyes wide. Emma nodded, eyes brimming with tears.
“I’m almost 15 weeks,” she whispered back. Jordan let out a relieved laugh, hugging her to his chest.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me. Another little baby,” Jordan said, a lump in his throat. 
“Soph is going to be the best big sister.” Jordan smiled and brushed her tears away with his thumbs. 
“Dada! Dada, look!” Sophie called from halfway across the room. Jordan and Emma turned to look at her. Kostas had moved her to on top of his shoulder, her tote bag in his hand.
“Did uncle Kos get you all the best sweets?” Jordan said when they were in front of them. Sophie nodded enthusiastically. “I got so many sweeties dada! Even ma-teasers! Uncle Kos carried them all!” 
Sophie’s joy was infectious and all the adults chuckled. 
“Good thing uncle Kos is very strong, baby,” Emma said.
“I strong too!” Sophie said, not at all impressed that her mum would discredit her strength.
Emma chuckled. “I know you are, baby. Alright, say goodbye to uncle Kos. The party’s over and we need to go home.” Kostas lifted her off his shoulders and gave her to Jordan, handing the tote to Emma.
“Bu-bye uncle Kos! Will you come play soon? I got a goal from Nanna for my birthday!” 
Kostas smiled. “How about I ask Thiago to come with Isa and Leo and we have a competition?” 
“Yes!” Sophie said, “can we mummy? Pwease?” 
Emma pretended to think for a moment. “Alright then,” she said, feigning giving in to their plans. Sophie cheered, arms stretched above her head. Jordan smiled lovingly at his daughter. He couldn’t wait to see her as a big sister. He said his goodbyes to his teammates and friends, and carried Sophie outside to the car. 
Sophie was fast asleep, the excitement of the Halloween party having worn her out. Jordan had managed to get the grey hair dye out of his beard. He had changed the jacket for one of his old sweaters, but was still wearing the tracksuit bottoms. Emma had changed into a pair of pyjama bottoms and a long sleeve top. 
They had settled in on the couch. She had put a record on, neither of them feeling up to watching anything. Instead they just snuggled under a blanket, both with a hot drink. 
“May I?” Jordan asked. Emma nodded, instantly knowing what he meant. He smiled that loving smile that always made her heart skip a beat, and scooted down so his head was resting in her lap. He gently put a hand on the slight swell of her stomach, rubbing it slowly with his thumb. 
“Hi baby, I’m your daddy. I know you can’t hear me yet, but we love you so much already,” he murmured against the fabric of her shirt. Emma swallowed back her tears, resting a hand on top of his. She couldn’t wait to see him holding a tiny newborn, but for now she was more than content to stick to daydreaming about it. 
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kirishwima · 3 months
Soph's Big ol' JJK masterlist! (still a wip)
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- JJK guys responding to lyrics from Too Sweet (Pt 1) , (Pt 2)
- JJK guys respongind to ‘would you love me if I was a frog? (Pt 1), (Pt 2)
- JJK guys texting you when they feel insecure (Pt 1), (Pt 2) (Pt 3)
- JJK guys texts when you try to make them jealous on purpose (Pt 1) , (Pt 2)
-JJK guys texts when you prank them that you crashed their car (Pt. 1), (Pt. 2)
-JJK guys when you do crash their car, and they're pissed (Pt. 1)
-JJK guys when you text them photos of frogs labelled 'Us' (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2)
-Telling the JJK guys to do something for likes (Pt. 1)
-Pre-relationship texts with the JJK guys: When they go on a date with someone else (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2)
-Pre relationship texts with the JJK guys: When you go on a date with someone else (Pt. 1), (Pt. 2), (Pt. 3)
-JJK guys when you obsess over a fictional character (Pt. 1), (Pt. 2), (Pt. 3)
-JJK guys when you don't tell them 'I love you' back (Pt. 1), (Pt. 2)
-JJK guys when you gift them something handmade (Pt. 1), (Pt. 2)
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Random Bf texts with…
- Satoru
-Suguru (Part 1) (and Part 2)
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Drabbles 'bout...
Posessive Satoru
Househusband Suguru
Casual intimacy with Satoru
Cult leader Suguru
Instagram posts from Gojo
Gojo sleep talking
How they'd act when you're studying
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-More will be added soon!-
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stargirlv0id · 8 months
My Masterlist!
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Just a quick introduction to my page:
Hi, my name is Soph, and I am a writer! I am from south america :) I have an editing account on TikTok, and my works are in my private page on Wattpad, and I have decided to post some of them here! I am still practicing my writing ability, so it may not please everyone.
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About What I Write:
I write mostly some of my scenarios, that are scripted in DR Script.
Yes! I am "shifter." | haven't yet, but still trying!
I also take requests, but I´ll write them in my point of view.
I won't write anything sexual, but don't be dissatisfied! There's a lot of good writers out there, who do, and are good at it.
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Who I May Write About:
I write mostly about my comfort characters.
- Theodore Nott } portrayed by Lorenzo Zurzolo.
- Lorenzo Zurzolo.
- Peter Parker } portrayed by Tom Holland.
- Chris Sturniolo.
- Sarah Cameron.
- Hermione Granger.
- Mattheo Riddle } portrayed by Benjamin Wadsworth.
- Alaska Young
And maybe more!
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My Works:
• Theodore Nott:
• Sarah Cameron
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
i have this unsettling feeling of need to organize my shit
✓ - Personal favorites!
☆ - Most notes
Updated: September 11, 2019 - 22:21 (GMT+8)
Requests and Short Fics
Sirius Oswald
“Much Better”
"Bliss" + Fallen Angel AU + Damned AU
"The Heavens Lost A Dove" + Fallen Angel AU
"If We Were Meant To Be" + Cradlesona + School Days AU
"Home Soon" + Cradlesona
"You Look Peaceful When You Sleep" + Cradlesona
Luka Clemence
“The Sleeping Beauty Waltz” ✓
“First and Last Love” ☆
"Too Late" + OC
"I'm Here Now" + Shaped Soulmate AU
Fenrir Godspeed
"Hard to Get" + Mild NSFW
Lancelot Kingsley
“I Trusted You” ✓☆
Jonah Clemence
"Everything" + University AU
"Blank Canvas" + Colored Soulmate AU
Edgar Bright
“Everything Will Be Just Fine”
"Ribbons" + OC
Harr Silver
“Stay” ☆
"For the Treats" ☆
Longer Fics
Sirius Oswald
“Damned” - Part One, Two [discontinued temporarily]
Fenrir Godspeed
"Fragile, But Not Weak"
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