#Sorry Chip is being gross tonight
chiropterx · 1 year
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Kirk doesn't always smell the freshest. His habit of getting caught up in his research (and resulting depression after getting divorced with Francine) absolutely took a toll on his mental health and the formula only makes things worse, making him sweat profusely due to raising his body temperature. Kirk can shower but he'll soon start developing a certain 'musky', even animalistic aroma that is only more prominent as Man-Bat.
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devilstruly · 3 months
- 'let's put the end in friends'
pairing (drumroll please) - jason todd x f.reader
includes - mutual pining, best friend dick grayson, batfam being nosy as shit, reader is kind of camera shy/insecure, jealous jason but in a cute way, angry confession (personal fav), mild angst but with a happy ending obvi, swearing, briefly mentioned smut (like one sentence at the end) + anything i might've missed
a/n - hi hello...idk what to say honestly. this was a very random idea i got at like 3am and i can just hope that you guys will like it. also my characteristics of the fam are solely based on the webtoon. yes the title is inspired by taehyung's single what about it
@dreamingaboutsakuratrees this one's for you (and everyone else who voted on that poll) <3
'Yes! Yes, that's perfect! Gosh, the camera absolutely loves you two!'
'Thanks, Delilah ~'
Dick sends the photographer a wink, paired with that signature grin of his, and she nearly falls on her ass. You roll your eyes at the scene affectionately, focused on fixing your hair and checking your makeup for the nth time in the past hour.
'Will you quit it?'
Beside you, your best friend whines and you swat him away with your hand, eyes never leaving the mirror.
'I'm sorry! I just wanna make sure it looks good!'
'You look beautiful. You're doing great, you just need to relax. Focus on me, yeah?'
It's honestly impossible to say no to those eyes, you've learned that a long while ago. The fact that he knows the effect he has doesn't help either.
The photoshoot goes by in a blur. You've changed at least five outfits, done the couple shoots, done the single ones, had a lunch break, etc etc. Throughout the day you learn that the crew that works for Gotham Gazette is actually quite nice, which helped ease your nerves immensely.
Now six hours later, you're sitting in your comfortable clothes, in the passenger seat of Dick's car, on the familiar road towards the Wayne Mansion.
As soon as you step through the door you're greeted with a flash of purple.
'How was it?! Tell me everything! When will the cover be out?! What did you wear?! Who did you see?!'
Stephanie looks as if she's about to burst and simultaneously split her face in half with her grin.
'It went...well, it went.'
Beside you Dick rolls his eyes so hard you could almost hear the gesture.
'Don't listen to her, it was great. She was great.'
You immediately hide your face in your hands, much to the man's amusement. One of Dick's arms wraps around your shoulders and the three of you head for the library.
'Well, well, well, if it isn't Gotham's power couple ~'
'Gross. Everybody knows they are mere friends.'
'We know. But the rest of Gotham is skeptical.'
'You are hallucinating, Drake. This is why you should stop drinking multitudinous of coffee.'
'Listen here you little shit-'
Dick, as always, steps in between the two brothers, effectively averting what could result in another prank war between the two. And it's not even prank season yet.
'Damian, you and I need to discuss that plan for tonight, right?'
'What are you talking ab-'
'The sooner we start the better!'
With that the two dissappear from the room, a very confused Damian letting himself be led by a beaming Dick.
Allowing yourself to feel the tiredness from everything you've done today, you plop on the now empty seat on the couch and sigh deeply.
'Thanks, Cass.'
You smile gratefully at the girl, sinking into the cushions more and more while chewing on the chocolate chip cookie.
Duke begins, the suspicious tone causing you to raise a brow before he continues.
'...When do we get to see the pictures?'
With this, every pair of eyes in the room turns to you, and you have to avoid the urge to groan.
'The actual magazine comes out in a week. But they'll email us the pictures the day after tomorrow I think.'
'I can't wait to see them! I bet you and Dick had so much chemistry in the photos!'
'Honestly, next to him I don't think anyone will notice me.'
'Of course they will! Especially if you did a couple shoot and got all close and-'
A loud slam interrupts Steph and her rambling and all of you turn to look at a very annoyed Jason. Which, to be fair, is just normal Jason.
He's silent when he stands up and walks across the room, hands stuffed in his pockets. If you had to guess, you'd say he was avoiding eye-contact too.
'Not helping Duke.'
- a few days later -
Everyone is sitting in the living room, crowded around Tim's computer, with you and Dick in the middle.
Dick chirps as soon as he sees his brother enter the room.
'Come look at the photos!'
'No thanks.'
That was the second time that week that Jason refused to look you in the eyes and downright ignored your existence. But you knew better than to press Jason Todd.
Besides, maybe it wasn't even personal.
This was definitely personal.
You haven't talked to Jason in days, and it was driving you insane. The worst part is that you have no idea what the fuck you did.
So naturally, as one does, you'll ask him about it. Deciding that it's best to do it after patrol, particularly after the two of you took down some thugs together and were left alone, you refuse to go back home until you two work this out.
'See you tomorrow.'
Red Hood stops dead in his tracks, and despite his back being turned to you, you can see the tension in his shoulders.
'This needs to stop.'
'I have no idea what-'
'Cut the bullshit, Jay. Why the fuck have you been avoiding me?'
He inhales deeply, mustering up the courage to turn around and face you. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest, accompanied with a very annoyed glare.
'I'm waiting.'
'It's nothing that concerns you.'
His answer makes you at least five times more furious and you scoff.
'Oh yeah? Well I beg to differ. I think I deserve to know why my friend has spent an entire week actively avoiding me.'
Due to his helmet you can't see it, but Jason rolls his eyes in annoyance.
'Why do you care, anyway? I'd say Richard has been keeping you busy.'
This makes you splutter, completely catching you of guard. His words are on repeat in your mind as you try to piece two and two together.
'What the fuck does Dick have to do with any of this?!'
'You tell me!'
Both of your voices echo off the empty walls in the alleyway before a thick silence takes over. Jason takes off his helmet and places it on a nearby fire escape so he can run a hand through his hair.
You watch him, still mildly annoyed, but the sight of his face welcoming nonetheless. And then he looks up and you feel an arrow shoot right through your heart.
His green eyes are soft, dare you say pleading, when they meet your own.
'I-' He takes a deep breath. 'It's the damn photoshoot.'
Before you can ask him to elaborate he's already going off, arms flying every which way with gestures he uses to emphasize his points.
'All I've been hearing for days has been about you and Dick looking all couple-y and what not. I mean you looked gorgeous, honestly why would anyone pay attention to him when you're right there, but god was it getting annoying.'
You have to blink a few times before your brain catches up with his words. Much to his dismay, you don't soften, if anything you look even more pissed now.
'I still don't understand why you've been avoiding me.'
'Because I fucking like you!'
The volume of his words startles you and you swear he was heard a couple blocks away.
'You what now-'
Jason takes a step closer to you.
Another step.
Another step.
He's gotten so close to the point of cornering you against a wall, the intensity behind his eyes rendering you unable to look away. You allow yourself a few silent moments to simply appreciate his beauty this close before putting him out of his misery. By your standards at least.
'So this whole time you've just been jealous?'
It takes all of your willpower not to laugh when he deadpans.
'I never took you for a jealous guy to be hones-'
'Shut the fuck up already and kiss me.'
'Yessir ~'
He groans at the term and you make a mental note to use it again later when you're at his apartment.
Who needs to sleep anyway?
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carmenlire · 2 years
Kiss It Better
read on ao3
Sangwoo knows as soon as he wakes up that his annual cold is imminent.
It’s been the bane of his autumn since he was in middle school. Every year, without fail, he gets the most terrible cold. His throat will become so sore he can’t eat; his joints ache something awful until he’s too sensitive even just laying still. He goes through a box of tissues an hour and is an all around mess.
He hates it. It interferes with his school work and makes him feel so rumpled and gross. He always ends up missing at least two full days of classes and it’s infuriating knowing that his immune system can’t just continue with business as usual.
Today is day zero. The first day he feels a little tickle in his throat, can see his very near future– the swollen eyes, the hoarse voice that just makes him cough even more, the sweat-soaked chills.
This year is different. This year, Sangwoo thinks as he turns his head and looks over at Jaeyoung, he has a boyfriend.
The idea is still novel even if they’ve been dating for almost a year. Sangwoo is so happy that he didn’t even think is was possible to feel this much. He sighs a little as he reaches out and runs a gentle hand through Jaeyoung’s hair. As much as it pains him, Sangwoo is well aware that the next week isn’t going to be very fun.
Frowning a little in thought, Sangwoo’s heart clenches at the way Jaeyoung turns towards his hand even further, wanting to be closer even when he’s sleeping.
It’s a little embarrassing and even more unbelievable that Sangwoo has this boy and he loves him to distraction and is loved just as fiercely in return.
As he watches his boyfriend in the early morning light, Sangwoo knows that he needs to pull back a little.
Sangwoo doesn’t want Jaeyoung to catch his cold– he has an important deadline coming up– and, more than that, he doesn’t want to be the reason that Jaeyoung feels as miserable as he knows he will when he can’t remember what it felt like to be able to breath out of both nostrils and when his chest didn’t ache just from breathing.
Plus, well, he also doesn’t want Jaeyoung to see him like that. Gross and snotty and even more easily irritable than usual.
(Forget that now that they’re together, while Sangwoo can be prickly and exacting, Jaeyoung is rarely treated to the full Sangwoo Effect anymore. Yuna thinks it’s disgusting how soft they are on each other, especially considering how this all started).
Sangwoo sighs again, petulant at himself and his body, as he carefully climbs out of bed. He gets ready quietly, moving through his morning routine without waking Jaeyoung, and leaves for his first class of the day. All throughout his morning, he plans how to go about this.
This being operation avoid Jaeyoungie-hyung.
He starts out fairly strong, or at least he’d like to think so.
Jaeyoung, for his part, starts his own day without suspecting anything. His own alarm goes off minutes after Sangwoo’s left for campus and he reaches out a hand, still heavy with sleep, to Sangwoo’s side of the bed. Feeling the coolness of sheets, he sighs but he knows that their schedules on Tuesday mornings never sync up.
Still, it doesn’t take Jaeyoung long to notice that something is off with his routine-loving boyfriend as the man in question starts coming up with excuses for why he can’t see Jaeyoung.
Oh, he has to meet a professor during lunch. Sorry hyung, I have to get this project done tonight you can’t come over. The first time it happens, Jaeyoung pouts for a second just to be dramatic but goes ahead and meets Yuna and Hyeongtak for lunch without issue. Yuna ends up throwing a few of her chips at him when he can’t help but mention– more than once– that Sangwoo never plans meetings during their lunch hour. Hyeongtak, for his part, just pilfers the chips from Jaeyoung’s plate to his own.
When Sangwoo avoids him that night, however, Jaeyoung’s suspicious side take a sharp and sudden interest but he still easily accepts it at face value, working halfheartedly on one of his commissions for half the evening before growing restless without Sangwoo there to ground him. To his consternation, it seems that he really has become so used to working next to his boyfriend in the evenings that not having Sangwoo there is a void that’s endlessly distracting in the worst way.
Instead, Jaeyoung starts a new show on Netflix that Sangwoo refused to watch because of its historical inaccuracy while also managing to send his boyfriend a truly alarming number of messages that aim to both annoy and endear.
Sangwoo responds to them later that night after he finishes his homework and Jaeyoung is treated to a goodnight selca that makes his heart warm and his cheeks ache with how much he loves his boy.
He’s wearing one of Jaeyoung’s hoodies, hair messy like it only is right before or after bed, and there’s a hint of a smile on his face. The message is short and sweet. Goodnight, hyung. I love you. Don’t forget to set an alarm for an hour earlier than usual.
Part of Jaeyoung wants to scoff because they’ve been dating less than a year and he’d made it just fine on his own before he had a boyfriend that was part Google Calendar-- but a much bigger part of him just wiggles in delight because Sangwoo has memorized his schedule and cares enough to send these little reminders. It makes something soft and warm curl up and flutter in his stomach anytime he stops to think about it.
Still, as he studies the picture, he thinks he sees a hint of red lining Sangwoo’s eyes, touching the tip of his nose. Jaeyoung stares at the selca long enough to commit it to memory but he tells himself it was just the lighting and goes to sleep– but not before sending his own selca and with message containing way too many heart emojis.
All of which to say, Sangwoo is able to dodge Jaeyoung for another day before his careful plans melt into disarray. By this time, his throat hurts anytime he tries to swallow and he accidentally-on-purpose snapped at an upperclassman who tried to wheedle for the answers to this afternoon’s homework. He’s started sniffling, too, which is especially irritating whenever it’s otherwise quiet in the library and he’s the only one being so disruptive.
It’s Thursday and he already knows that his plans for the weekend will consist of nothing but being lonely and miserable with nothing but a box of Kleenex for company.
Because that’s another thing. It’s been less than 48 hours since he saw Jaeyoung and he’s going half crazy with it. Knowing that Jaeyoung is so close but that he can’t see him is affecting Sangwoo more than he thought it would. Especially when he’s so miserable and feels like shit and knows that it’ll get worse before it gets better.
He catches himself wanting to text Jaeyoung every hour– sometimes just to talk but a lot of the time he has to stop himself from asking his boyfriend to come over. God, he wants nothing more than to lay down on his boyfriend’s chest, to be wrapped up in arms that make him feel small and safe and cared for. He’s been sleeping in one of Jaeyoung’s hoodies for the past couple of days but it’s a sad imitation of the real thing.
But no, he tells himself firmly for the hundredth time. He doesn’t want to get his boyfriend sick. Jaeyoung has so much going on and it would be selfish and unfair of him to not only impose but impose knowing that Jaeyoung could catch this hellish cold.
Saying it doesn’t help the way he wants, though. He’s always been a little needy, a bit clingy when he’s not feeling well. When it’s happened at university, he’s powered through knowing that there was no other option. Knowing that Jaeyoung is just a call away is bittersweet.
Jaeyoung, for his part, definitely knows by this point that something is up and that Sangwoo is avoiding him.
What he doesn’t know is why.
Sangwoo’s replies are still as understatedly attentive as ever. He still sent a goodnight selca last night. But besides his time in France, this is the longest they’ve gone without seeing each other in person and it’s driving Jaeyoung more than a little crazy.
Deciding enough is enough and that Sangwoo can damn well tell him to his face why he’s avoiding him, Jaeyoung decides to meet him after his coding class that afternoon. It’s Thursday and Thursdays are always their movie nights and Sangwoo hasn’t ghosted him yet but Jaeyoung can see it coming and he plans to stop Sangwoo in his tracks.
Most of Jaeyoung’s afternoon is spent meeting with a few potential collaborators on a web campaign. As soon as that concludes, however, Jaeyoung crosses the city to campus.
Looking down at his watch, he sees that Sangwoo’s class should be letting out in ten minutes, so he heads over to the computer science building to wait. He replies to Yuna’s texts in the meantime and looks up just as a dozen or so students start pouring out the doors.
He scans their faces but none of them are Sangwoo, which is unusual. His boyfriend is usually the first one out. Jaeyoung’s just getting ready to text him, see if he missed him after all, when he finally sees Sangwoo exiting the building.
Before he even quite knows what he’s seeing, something in Jaeyoung’s heart just melts. It’s a cold November day, the sky dark and gloomy, the air frigid. And there Sangwoo is, bundled in one of his hoodies– a red one, to Jaeyoung’s surprise– face mask and hat all but completely obscuring his face. Over the hoodie, is one of Jaeyoung’s jackets that he’d thought he’d lost last time he did laundry.
His mouth curls at the corner in delight. He’s such a little thief, Jaeyoung thinks absolutely besotted.
“Sangwoo-ah,” Jaeyoung calls out.
Sangwoo jerks to a standstill, looking up. Even though most of his face is covered, Jaeyoung sees well enough that Sangwoo feels caught.
“Hyung?” Sangwoo asks, not stepping any closer. “What are you doing here?”
Well, fine then. Jaeyoung takes it upon himself to close the distance between them. He doesn’t stop until he’s standing right in front of Sangwoo and then he leans down until he’s in his space. “Can’t a man surprise his boyfriend after class?” He raises an eyebrow, knowing he’s definitely annoying Sangwoo.
And there’s the spark in Sangwoo’s eyes that’s always a dead giveaway that he’s about to get huffy. Something in Jaeyoung preens in satisfaction– he loves getting a reaction out of Sangwoo.
In the next moment, though, he’s frowning. Because sure there’s a spark now but Sangwoo’s eyes still look a little dull, the shadows underneath pronounced. His forehead is a little sweaty and that doesn’t make sense at all– sure, Sangwoo is wearing a hoodie and jacket but it is November and it is freezing. He’s dressed appropriately.
“Baby,” Jaeyoung asks, voice dropping to something low and warm.
Sangwoo had said once, half delirious with sleep deprivation, that he loves Jaeyoung’s voice always but especially when it takes on this cadence. Makes me feel taken cared of, feels like it wraps around me, makes me feel warm, he’d said.
The admission had ruined Jaeyoung in a way that made him want to use the voice all the time, just to watch the way tension melted off Sangwoo’s shoulders.
He’d made a study of it– using the voice during sex was a given but slipping into it when Sangwoo was stressed, when he wanted to tease in a way that made both of them turn into each other, when it was just the two of them and Jaeyoung just wanted Sangwoo to know he was there– the feeling is indescribable, knowing the power Sangwoo lets him wield.
Now, when there’s just a few other students rushing around, when it’s like the two of them are in their own bubble on campus, using that tone stills something deep in both of them.
Jaeyoung reaches a hand up, trails a finger over the shell of Sangwoo’s ear.
He wasn’t really worried that something was wrong. Most of Jaeyoung just missed Sangwoo and wanted to see him and maybe tease him about how could school be more important than spending quality time with his perfect boyfriend.
Now, though– well, he’s still not worried but he knows something is up and he knows they aren’t leaving this spot until Sangwoo tells him what it is.
Sangwoo is staring straight ahead at his chin, not making eye contact. Jaeyoung leans even further down, until he’s almost touching the fabric of Sangwoo’s face mask, until his boyfriend has no choice but to meet his gaze.
“Baby,” he murmurs again, watching as something shifts behind those beautiful eyes– even when he’s not at his best, Sangwoo still takes his breath away. “Tell hyung what’s wrong, hm?”
He sees Sangwoo blink a few times– clearing his head, Jaeyoung thinks with not inconsiderable smugness— and he hears Sangwoo suck in a breath before his boyfriend is leaning back, holding a hand to Jaeyoung’s chest to keep the space between them.
“I told you that I need to focus on school for the next few days,” Sangwoo says. The words words feel stiff, like he’s rehearsed them too much to ring true.
Jaeyoung reaches up for the hand staying him, links their fingers together before bringing them right back flush against each other.
Sangwoo doesn’t protest.
Time to play a little dirty, then. Jaeyoung smiles, something small that curves the edge of his eyes. Sangwoo’s own narrow in warning but Jaeyoung doesn’t pay him any mind.
He squeezes the hand still in his, wraps his other arm around Sangwoo until it rests low on his back. He pulls him forward into an embrace close to a hug as he whispers in his ear, “Come on, baby. You know I can tell when you’re lying.”
To his surprise, Sangwoo doesn’t immediately pull back and get defensive. Sangwoo doesn’t deflect or start arguing at all. There’s no quip on his tongue, eager to spill out and start a round of bickering that’s usually fun and engaging.
No, instead his cute little boyfriend just snuggles into him?
Jaeyoung can’t help the shiver that snakes up his spine as Sangwoo noses along the column of his throat. His face mask is scratchy against his skin but his boyfriend doesn’t seem to mind the barrier between them.
Sangwoo’s arms come up to wrap around his waist, holding tight as if to make sure Jaeyoung doesn't try to pull away. He lays his head against Jaeyoung’s shoulder, seems to settle in, letting out an absent hum of relief.
Tightening his grip, Jaeyoung starts swaying them back and forth a little. Resting his head on top of Sangwoo’s, Jaeyoung can’t help his smile. He squeezes him closer. “Sangwoo-ah, baby, can you answer me?”
Something in Jaeyoung– definitely his heart– absolutely melts at the way Sangwoo relaxes completely against him. This isn’t anything new, Sangwoo has a tendency to slip like this when it’s just them, but it is unexpected for it to happen in public. And while Jaeyoung still doesn’t think anything is dangerously wrong, he needs to find out what’s going on.
Finally, Sangwoo sighs. His voice is low and hoarse and rough at the edges. His tone is petulant as he reluctantly says, “I don’t feel good, hyung.”
Jaeyoung’s heart squeezes painfully before tumbling at Sangwoo’s feet. He lays the softest kiss to the shell of Sangwoo’s ear, more impression of intent than anything else. “What’s wrong, baby?”
It’s silent for a long moment that fills with the sounds of birds in the distance, the chatter of a group of students several yards away talking about the midterm they all just failed. Internally, Jaeyoung starts compiling a list of things he might need in the immediate future, from medicine to Sangwoo’s favorite Ghibli film to that chicken congee recipe he had his eomma email him during his freshman year.
Sangwoo eventually pulls back enough to meet Jaeyoung’s eyes. His own are red and a little hazy. He stares at Jaeyoung for a long moment and Jaeyoung lets himself look back. The truth is, Sangwoo looks more than a little miserable and things are coming together but he needs Sangwoo to just tell him so that Jaeyoung can do what he wants to– what, suddenly, he has a burning need to do.
“I’m in the midst of an annual cold,” Sangwoo finally says, sounding extremely disgruntled. Jaeyoung bites his cheek so he doesn’t smile– God, Sangwoo is so cute like this.
Jaeyoung leans a little closer, narrowing his eyes in the way that’s mostly teasing but still has a kernel of seriousness. “And why didn’t you tell me? Me, your boyfriend, whose job is to take care of his boyfriend when he’s not feeling well?” He pouts exaggeratedly. “I can’t take care of you if you avoid me, Jagiya, if you don't tell me when something's wrong.”
Studiously avoiding his gaze, Sangwoo takes a shuddering breath before he mutters, “You shouldn’t have to take care of me, especially not when you have so much on your plate right now.”
Jaeyoung immediately shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter,” he says firmly.
Even under the mask, Jaeyoung can see Sangwoo’s mouth turn down. “I could get you sick.”
Jaeyoung reaches a hand up to flick against the brim of Sangwoo’s hat just to see the mulish set of his brows better. “Doesn’t matter,” he repeats.
“Sangwoo-ah,” Jaeyoung cuts him off, leaning down until he’s back in his space. He gentles his voice. “Baby, I love you and I love taking care of you.” And oh, here he gets to see the quiet happiness well in Sangwoo’s eyes, the easing of tension along his brow.
“I want to be there when you’re happy and feeling good but I also want to be there when you feel like shit and not your best. Don’t you want that, too?”
“It’s not fair,” Sangwoo offers weakly, closely his eyes against the onslaught that is a pouting Jaeyoung.
Jaeyoung hums in thought. “What’s not fair, my stubborn boyfriend, is you trying to hide this from me. Do you know how amazing I am at playing nursemaid? You haven’t even tasted my congee!”
Sangwoo leans forward until he can rest his forehead against Jaeyoung’s chest. “I’m probably going to be an ass when I’m sick.”
Sangwoo feels Jaeyoung laugh before his boyfriend’s hands come up to rub soothingly down his back. It feels amazing, exactly what he’d been imagining over the past few days when he desperately wanted to call Jaeyoung for the comfort only his boyfriend could provide– he feels warm and cared for and it’s so good he feels tears sting his eyes.
Now that he’s caught, he doesn’t really want to argue and belabor his point.
No, he knows what he wants– what he’s wanted since he first started coming down with this hellish cold– and he just doesn’t have it in himself to deny him– them both, apparently– of this any longer.
His voice is tinged with exhaustion but any remaining tension drains out of him as Sangwoo finally accepts that he does have someone he can lean on and that the person is not only willing but eager to do so.
“Please take care of me, Jaeyoungie-hyung.”
Jaeyoung’s heart stills at the request, soft spoken but aching with want. His chest feels too small to contain this feeling, the sheer desire to care for the man in front of him in any way he needs, in every way he can. “Of course, baby,” he whispers against the top of his head, laying a kiss over his hat-covered hair. “Of course.”
It’s another few moments before Jaeyoung eases his hold on Sangwoo just to immediately take his hand. He leans down, quick, just to kiss the edge of Sangwoo's cheek where it meets the mask and even in that barely-there touch, Jaeyoung felt the warmth of Sangwoo's flush. “Let’s go home.”
Over the next three days, Sangwoo’s cold does indeed gets worse. He loses his voice almost completely, his coughing annoys him so much that he can only wonder at how Jaeyoung seems unbothered, and he goes through enough tissues that he should’ve bought stock in Kleenex.
Through it all, Jaeyoung takes care of him. That first night, they went back to Sangwoo’s apartment together and while Sangwoo took a shower, Jaeyoung ran to the corner mart to pick up anything he might need, including groceries for his eomma’s congee.
When he gets back to the apartment, Sangwoo is in a clean sweatshirt of Jaeyoung’s and a pair of leggings, damp hair hanging in his eyes. Jaeyoung urges him to rest on the couch while he sets about making dinner. He hasn’t been sick in a while, though, and so when he gets to step seven he calls his eomma just to make sure that Sangwoo will have something edible to eat at the end of this.
His mom is endeared– Jaeyoung has talked extensively about Sangwoo– and Jaeyoung keeps his voice low as he finishes cooking in the kitchen.
More often than he’d admit, Jaeyoung takes a step back to check in on his boyfriend. At one point, he loses himself watching the slow rise and fall of his chest, enthralled with the way the light from the lamp in the corner warms Sangwoo’s otherwise pale face.
He makes it back in the kitchen just on time. He would’ve been so upset if he’d overcooked the chicken, he thinks wryly. Sangwoo’s throat is already itchy and irritated, he doesn’t need to try to choke down dry chicken on top of it.
All of that effort must pay off because Sangwoo actually does cry, just a little, when Jaeyoung wakes him up with a bowl later in the evening. Jaeyoung doesn’t tease, doesn’t show just how he’s melted into a puddle at seeing his boyfriend’s eyes widen upon seeing dinner after his nap, at the way Sangwoo tears up because it’s so good and Jaeyoung is taking care of him so well even though it’s only been two hours and he loves this man so much, he’s so lucky–
Jaeyoung cuts his rambling off with a kiss, looking pleased with himself when he pulls back.
Sangwoo, for his part, is horrified. “You’re going to get sick,” he hisses, covering his mouth, scandalized.
Jaeyoung just shrugs and winks at him. “Guess you’ll have to take care of me, then, huh?”
Sangwoo does his best to glower but it quickly morphs into a sneeze and Jaeyoung laughs softly, way too fucking endeared as Sangwoo just looks like a sad kitten and really, he wonders, the heart can’t be meant to hold all of this feeling.
Most of the weekend is spent with Sangwoo cuddled up to Jaeyoung, resting his absolutely aching head against his boyfriend’s chest and using Jaeyoung as his own space heater. Jaeyoung keeps a strict schedule with the medicine and fluids and they spend the entire weekend watching movies or resting. Jaeyoung, for his part, spends a lot of the time that Sangwoo is asleep simply watching his boyfriend.
It’s a quiet but no less striking contentment.
Even though Sangwoo’s hair is sweaty and Jaeyoung definitely knows he’s going to be sick by this time next week, it’s more than worth it to him. And contrary to Sangwoo’s warning, he’s not an asshole at all– he’s pliant and soft around the edges, clingy in a way Jaeyoung loves, in a way he doesn’t ever see himself getting used to.
It tempers something in him, being Sangwoo’s boyfriend, the person Sangwoo can rest with, the person Sangwoo lets in. It’s something he’s never had before and treasures immensely– even if it means Sangwoo sneezing right in his face on Saturday morning when Jaeyoung wakes him up for his morning dose of medicine.
And sure enough, ten days later it’s Sangwoo’s chance to return the favor as Jaeyoung proves to be a dramatic– but not difficult, not at all if you know him, if you love him, if you treasure any and all chance to show him and care for him– patient himself.
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Forgive me father for I am stoned.
It’s been 69 years since my last confession.
Tonight I find myself desiring to review a series of novels that I read over a year ago. Let us begin:
*Neal Caffrey hat flip seamlessly turns into a Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka-esque roll and a flip.*
The “Indebted” Series by Pepper Winters was a Dark Romance erotic novel that I read a year or two ago. It’s worth noting that these books are *dark*. Like, there’s some serious topics. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️There is a fair amount of sex with highly dubious consent at best and a few scenes of outright assault at worst. To Winters’ credit, the outright rape scenes were not played as pornographic, but as horrific and traumatizing. Scenes are graphic, including scenes in which the main character is repeatedly drowned, and whipped raw. The main character is also very nearly beheaded, and there is more than a little murder. If that’s not your cup of tea, do not read further.
Also I plan on including (what I hope is) constructive critique. It’s good to exercise the possums’ brains. Also I’m stoned so I might get snarky. I’m sorry.
With that out of the way,
If I was to rate it purely on the technical quality of the text, I’d have to rate it a 3/5. The prose is decent, although it can be a bit clunky at times. Some lines are a touch too wordy, others I can’t quite tell what’s going on in the scene.
Plot-wise, I’d rate it a 5/5. It’s a dark twist on the “my mom sold me to one direction” type of prompt. Nila Weaver it forced to “inherit a debt” to the Hawk family. As payment for something in like, the 1800s, the women of the Weaver family have to all sign a contract that legally allows the Hawk family to put them through these 3 torturous scenarios, and then LITERALLY BEHEAD THEM. The Hawks own this huge diamond mine, so they’re super rich. The Weavers are all into textiles. Nila is a fashion designer.
So she is whisked away by Jethro Hawk, the man she’d be sharing the debt with. He collars her with something called the Weaver Wailer, a choker made of priceless diamonds that cannot be unlocked unless rolled up completely, meaning it can only be removed once her head has been chopped off.
They all but fuck the night they meet, before he forces her to sleep in the stables. The next day she is sexually assaulted by just about everyone that works for the Hawks, and then gets to know Jethro’s family. Keep in mind, the members of Jethro’s family that she ends up befriending are all members who assaulted her hours prior. Meanwhile, our supposed love interest, actually isn’t supposed to have touched her at all yet.
Nila keeps trying to get Jethro to call her by her first name, but he refuses, only calling her Ms. Weaver. He has this chip off his shoulder about being called crazy, and he does a bad job of hiding the fact that he clearly has feelings for Nila already. They nearly fuck a few times, Nila befriends his brother, and then it’s time for the First Debt. Jethro brings Nila to the greenhouse, strips her and binds her wrists to a pole in the center. He informs her of how one of his ancestors worked for the Weaver family, and was whipped in the freezing cold for stealing food from the kitchen for his family or something. Jethro then whips Nila raw. After the whipping, there’s a shit ton of sexual tension. Jethro jerks off onto her back (GROSS!!! INFECTION!!!! DO NOT DO THIS) while he very explicitly and very seriously considers raping Nila while she’s on the whipping post. After’s he’s all done (no rape, thank gods. Remember, this is our love interest guys), he administers what technically qualifies as aftercare, but like, yk. It’s *fulllllll* of red flags. While he does this, he explains that he was actually supposed to lock her in a freezer for a while first, to make it hurt more. He doctored the footage from the cameras so it doesn’t have audio. Nila’s also upgraded out of the weird taxidermy room she’s in and into the Weaver wing of the estate, which is a luxury set of rooms where she can continue to design and make garments. She immediately begins designing her magnum opus collection. She’s almost happy.
Throughout all of this, Nila has been corresponding with an anonymous person over text who goes by the handle Kite007. She becomes convinced that Kite is actually Kestrel, Jethro’s brother. The main reasoning is that a Kite is a type of bird, just like a Kestrel. And also the obvious Hawk connection from there as well. She sets out to try and prove this.
Fuck I’m tired. Maybe I’ll continue this in the morning. Maybe I won’t. Who knows?
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soulwillower · 3 years
housesitting •  richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: no
had this in my drafts and figured i’d finish it and post it, sorry for being away, but idk if i’ll keep writing! hope you enjoy, i’ll prob still come back and update/post fics on this account on occasion. love u guys lots and i hope you’re all doing okay <3333
warnings: drinking, unprotected sex, oral (fem and male receiving), light deepthroating/face fucking, praise kink, degradation, use of the words slut, whore, etc, suuuper unedited
(losers + reader are 21+.)
4.7k words
the moment you stepped back into your flat, dropping your bag heavily on the ground with a sigh, you finally felt like you could breathe. 
today and yesterday had been a nightmare - you and your roommate bill had gone home, planning to stay for a week with family and friends back home. 
you'd spent the first night out with old friends at the bar enjoying yourselves and  you'd even gone home with a handsome boy you'd had a crush on in high school. but just as he was about to go down on you, after you'd gone down on him despite how terrible his b.o. was, he said he wouldn’t because it was 'gross.' 
you hate to admit but you were slightly tipsy and horny, so you still stayed for ten minutes of awful, boring missionary before he fell asleep. then when you'd left in the uber, a voice message from your boss threatened to fire you if you didn't come in and finish a project - so you had to scramble for a flight home, leaving bill back with your friends in maine for a few days, and now you're just ready for a shower, a nicely packed bowl, and a large dinner. 
because good god, that was an awful trip. 
"hello?" you call, rubbing your eyes as you walk towards your kitchen, wondering if your roommate's best friend was still here - he was supposed to stay and take care of the apartment while you were away. 
but instead, your eyes landed on a complete mess in the kitchen; solo cups everywhere, trash, empty chip bags, furniture moved and counters sticky from spilt beer. 
"what the fuck?" you project, eyes landing on the figure who walks into the kitchen, towel hanging low on his hips as water drips from wet, shaggy curls of hair. you meet the bright eyes of richie tozier, your roommate’s best friend. 
he looks like a deer in headlights, his glasses slightly fogged as he blinks his eyes owlishly and you swear his eye lashes tangle together as he blinks. "oh, hey y/n, why are you here?" 
and honestly, richie has always made your fingers tingle and your abdomen clench when he so much as looks at you, despite bill’s groaning and glaring when you refer to him as ‘hot friend number one.’ (he had a lot of hot friends). 
but you’re wound up, stressed, frustrated, and exhausted so all you can do is look from the boy to the mess and then back, stunned, "this is my apartment." 
he chuckles, wiping a drip of water off of his chest. you have to fight to look away, feeling burning from irritation and also something else as your chest heaves. you're just so tired, and this boy who you don't know very well has trashed your place and maybe even had a party and you just want to smoke and go to bed and- 
"say, what are you doing back so soon, toots? thought i had the place to myself for the next five days." he says too casually, grinning like he's catching up with an old friend. his hand runs through his wet hair, droplets rolling down his bare skin and causing you to fight the urge to keep your eyes on his face.
you shake your head. "richie, why does my kitchen look like a scene from dexter?" you say, trying to keep yourself calm. 
he tilts his head in an irksome, handsome way that makes you want to scream, "pretty sure dexter was....murdering murderers, not slamming smirnoff at three am."  "clean it up! what gives you the nerve to have a party in someone else's fucking apartment? while they're gone?!" you yell, throwing your hands in the air. richie shrugs uncomfortably and you're briefly in shock at how much faith richie is putting in the small tuck he's made with the towel, barely keeping up on in his waist. he laughs somewhat nervously, "sheesh, doll, it would've been cleaned by sunday, you just surprised me and almost gave me a heart attack while i was in the shower. bill told me we could throw at your place as long as we were responsible." he sounds pretty genuine, but you're just so tightly wound and frustrated.
"well this," you gesture to your place, "is not responsible." you glare, "i'm going to shower. i've had a long fucking day, and when i get out the place better be fucking spotless and you better be gone. i'm not asking." you snap. 
he grins as you push past him, turning to watch you storm towards the bathroom with an apologetic grimace on his face. 
you took as long as you could in the shower, savoring every warm drop until you stepped out of your bathroom, expecting to see an empty apartment. 
"what are you staring at?" the boy with the curls mutters as he fixes the wine glass he'd placed on the counter. you're pretty speechless as you look around, wondering how richie had managed to get your place more clean and inviting than how you'd left it. dishes are all clean, put away, the counters spotless; the oven is set with a timer for two hours, and the smell of lasagna invites your nose with a rumble of your stomach. two glasses of wine are poured, sitting at the counter as richie chews on his lip anxiously, hair glinting in the dark mood lighting from the lamp near the window. 
"i felt bad. you seem like you had a long day and i didn't mean to make it worse." he admits. 
you step forward, suddenly feeling hot as you watch him, his jaw clenched slightly and sharper than you remember it. he's actually really fucking beautiful, you realize. 
"you didn't have to do all this." you say, biting your lip as you take the wine glass from his hand. 
"i know." he says with a cocky smirk. your face feels hot as you watch him slide out the stools by your breakfast bar, sitting down and sipping on his own wine. 
with a smile, you sit next to him. he was always the friend of bills that made you the most flustered - he's a tall, loud, garish bartender who spends most his time doing stand up at the clubs on the weekends even though he studied applied mathematics in school. he's the kind of boy that everybody has a crush on, because he's got that dorky yet beautiful sculpt; dark, curly locks, pale skin with a splattering of bright freckles. his eyes pierce yours whenever you're in the same room and his grin makes your stomach flip on it's head. 
"so, why'd you come back early?" richie asks as he takes a sip, eyes staring at you brightly from behind the rim of the glass. you huff a small bitter laugh, "my boss told me i had to come back because we're understaffed. told me the extra hours are 'building charater' or something. but i was having a shitty trip anyways, so i may as well just volunteer my time." 
he laughs, muttering, "good girl. doin' the lords work." you almost laugh but his words have heat sent straight between your legs and you can't tind words, suddenly in a state of shock. oh, god, this wine is getting to you.
richie's always been so hot, you're not surprised that one casual phrase had you so frantic like this. you blink, richie muttering, "y/n?" gently. 
you shake your head, snapping to look at him, "y-yeah? sorry, i just- what did you say?" you're embarrassed. you're embarrassed because richie didn't even mean it like that and you didn't expect to like being called that by him and you're embarrassed because he knows now, god look at his smirk, you're done for. 
"i asked why your trip was shit." he says simply, smirk on his face causing your face to heat up even more. you sigh, eyeing him, "i tried to enjoy myself and then i have the worst hookup experience of my life. then i came back to a messy apartment." you admit, shaking your head as richie pours you both another glass of wine, "the worst? that's a shame. what'd he do, throw up on you?" 
you laugh, "no, nothing like that. he was a minute man, and he refused to..." you shake your head, wondering why you're admitting this to a guy you barely know. you've never hung out one-on-one before with him.  "-he made me do all the work. and then he fell asleep. the worst part is, i've liked him since high school." you admit, dropping your face into your hands as richie lets out a chuckle. 
richie's shaking his head, "see, those types are the ones who just shouldn't be allowed in the gene pool. lazy. missin' out on all the fun, especially with a gal like you." he says with a wink. you laugh, face feeling hot. "i'm no fun." you say bashfully. 
richie raises his brows with a grin, his smile making you melt, heat pooling in between your legs from the way he runs his fingers across the rim of his glass. "i highly doubt that, doll." 
his eyes dip down in a not-so-subtle way as he takes in your body, biting his lip and making you clear your throat with a heated face. "sorry you had to put up with a guy who couldn't fuck you the right way. and that your boss also fucked you. and that i ruined your night." 
you shake your head, "i just had so much pent up stress from the last few days." he's eyeing you, and you wonder if he wants to fuck you as bad as you want to be fucked right now. would bill kill you? yeah, he would, but richie is so damn fine and you were left so high and dry last night that you’re just about ready to jump onto his lap. 
as if reading your mind, richie hums, "bill's still in maine, yeah?" he asks casually, eyes fluttering to the timer on the oven that ready an hour. 
you nod, "yeah, he's actually hanging out with the guy i hooked up with tonight." you say with a light huff. richie groans a laugh, "no fuckin' way. i promise, not all of bill's friends are bad at sex." richie says with a grin, and you laugh. "you sure about that?" 
he hums, eyeing you but not responding. 
“guess i’ll just have to find out.” you say boldly, butterflies fluttering in your chest when richie shoots you a deep look, slicking his lips through a smile. he hums, "so i don't get it, what was so bad about it?" 
you sigh, "he wouldn't go down on me. said he was 'too tired' and ‘too much work’ then he wanted to lay down so i rode him for, like, five minutes and then he fell asleep." 
richie's laughing, and you swat his arm as your face burns, "it's not funny! it's humiliating, richie." 
he snorts, standing up to place your empty glasses in the sink, recycling the empty bottle. "sorry, doll. that's just shit. he should've at least had the decency to make you cum." 
you almost choke on your spit at his bluntness, face blossoming and thighs tingling. "y-yeah." 
"anyways, i can get going, if you'd like. guess i’m done being the house sitter. the lasagna will be done in an hour or so." he says with a nod, eyes staring at yours fiercely. you hum, standing up as richie walks closer. "or you could stay." you say, looking up at him from where he stands in front of you. 
"you lonely or somethin', doll?" he rumbles lowly, lifting a brow. biting your lip, you swallow, "something like that." you say, lifting a challenging brow. 
“so if it was stan here, or mike...” he starts, walking towards you until he’s close enough that you’re afraid he can hear your heart thump, “you’d want them to stay?” 
you swallow dryly, “if bill lived with someone else, would you want to stay?” his smirk makes you clench your thighs. his long fingers raise and curl around your jaw, tilting your head back before tucking hair behind your ear. you swallow roughly, his hands are so big. his rings that he wears are thick and ice cold and feel so good against your warm face. 
your heart pounds as he smirks, eyes challenging you. the waiting is killing you.
"you've got a pretty mouth." he whispers, sending shocks all around your body. "y-you've got a pretty everything." you stutter out, feeling extremely flustered and suddenly shy. "thanks, honey." he says with a laugh, making you feel even more bashful.  
"y'know..." he drawls, hand settled on your neck, caressing your jaw, "i've wanted you since i first saw you." 
you can't help the whimper as it falls from your lips. it's a small, shy noise of need and it makes richie beam a beautiful, sexy grin that has your knees weak. "please..." you whimper, eyes staring at his, the suspense making you anxious with need. 
"please what?" he asks quietly, clearly loving the tense air. you almost roll your eyes, "kiss me." you say, rushed. 
he pulls away slightly, giving you a stern look. “please.” he says, smirk creeping onto his face. you burn in slight humiliation because he knows what he’s doing. 
“please kiss me, richie.” you finally say, swallowing.
"good girl." he says with a smirk and you feel like you're burning up under his gaze. but then he’s leaning in and his lips are on yours and wow, richie is a good kisser. he’s pulling you towards him tightly, hungrily; his teeth bite gently at your lower lip as his tongue swipes your own, pulling you into him. he was needy in the way he kissed you, a dominance in him that you're not surprised to find. you craved it, you craved him; and then he's pushing you back, up onto the stool as he moves between your legs. 
his mouth is then marking your neck, claiming you, and you love it, the feeling of his teeth against your warm skin, the sweetness of his smile against you.
his hands brush up your thighs and past the hem of your shorts, legs spread so he’s pressed flush against you, his bulge so close to where you want him. "richie," you let out a mangled whimper, hair knotting in his soft curls. he laughs, lips finding your ear, "always wondered how you'd sound when i had you like this," he says quietly, "can't wait to hear what pretty noises you make when i'm inside you." 
his fingers find the damp seat of your panties, dancing across it and making your legs shake with anticipation and neediness. you’re already a soaked, mewling mess as you grasp for him, hungry and needy and you want him closer, closer. 
he pulls you off the stool, then, and you both stare at each other for a moment. he almost dies at the state of you; already fucked-out, hair mussed up and still wet, your eyes lidded and your lips kiss-swollen. 
you can’t believe your eyes, richie’s curly hair fluffy from being freshly washed, the taste of wine on his lips, the freckles, the collarbone peeking from his collar, the smirk that could melt black ice. he looks like he could tear you apart. you hope he will. 
“you’re hot.” you blurt. 
he rushes at you again, melding your lips together with a searing hot kiss as he shoves you backwards towards the bedrooms. 
"bill told me to stay away from you," richie says as he walks you down the hall, your feet nearly stumbling and shaky as you walk backwards, lips seeking his every moment, "he said i'd ruin you." he adds. 
you lift a brow, too flustered to say anything as you stare up at richie, inhaling sharply as his hand trails down to cup your ass lightly, still walking backwards. "he knows how pretty i think you are. how hot, how... perfect." he whispers into the skin of your neck, raising goosebumps. "but i want to fuck you so well you forget your name. i don't care about what bill wants." 
you look at him, desperate and needy. "i don't give a fuck what bill says. i want you, please." you say, pawing richie and kissing him needily. richie’s leaving dark love bites on the column of your neck and you know it's wrong, and you shouldn't, but you let him kick open the door into bill's room, guiding you to bill’s bed instead of yours. “please, wan’ you so bad,” you pant, the needy throbbing getting unbearable, desperate for some release. 
“how bad, pretty girl?” he asks, smoothing down your hair. biting your lip, you sit on the bed, eyes level with the zipper of his pants. the sight of you staring up at him from below his hard, clothed cock makes his pants feel even tighter and he hums, "you sure?" 
you nod enthusiastically, "wanna make you feel good, please." he lets out a soft noise as your hands go to pull down his fly, “filthy girl." he says lowly, making heat drip from your core. you shift, trying to relieve some pressure. you feel hot when you realize you want him to degrade you, that you love it. “god, say that again.” you moan, mouthing around his bulge. his hands come to caress your face, watching you, 
"you like being my little whore, huh? so good just for me. bet you’ve thought of my cock in your mouth before, haven’t you?" 
you nod, biting your lip. he grins and you’re moving to pull him out of his pants, trying to conceal your shocked face as you take in his size. your cheeks heat up, hand grazing his length and meeting his own hand as he pumps himself a few times, lining his tip up to your lips. 
“open.” he says simply and you comply willingly, laying your tongue out. he’s teasing his cock on your tongue and you’re whining, desperate to feel him in your mouth, to make him feel good. 
“just wait until i say so, baby.” he says, slapping your tongue lightly with his cock and making you shift on your legs, dripping wet.
he groans, one hand coming to hold your head softly, making you tingle. you watch as he stares at you, lips parted and eyes blown wide. his cock is glistening with precum as it lays on your tongue. “suck my cock pretty girl.” he mutters, caressing your cheek. so you close your lips, slowly sucking on his tip before taking a bit more, moving your head slowly. 
you lick a stripe up the base of his cock and up to his tip, swirling your tongue. he groans in relief and pleasure as you take as much of him into your mouth as possible slowly, bobbing your head and taking as much in as you can. he’s bigger than anyone you’ve been with before, and the need to feel him inside you and to make him fall apart has you taking him as deep as you can.
you take him deeper, your eyes clouding with tears as you try not to gag and he hums, hands pulling your hair from your eyes - you can tell he’s straining not to buck his hips as you bob up and down on him.
“god, you feel so good, y/n.” he groans. you pull back, sucking on his tip as you swirl your tongue, catching your breath. his hands fall to your head and he gently, slowly thrusts his hips slightly. you gag, mouth wet as he pulls out of your mouth and wipes the trails of spit from your lips. “do it again, please.” you gasp, and he grins. “such a  slut.” 
he guides your face back to him, “tap me three times if it’s too much.” you take him in again, holding as long as you can and loving the way he’s thrusting into your mouth. he groans, both hands on your head, his chest rising and falling shakily.
"god, that’s so perfect. my good little toy.” he rumbles and your chest flutters. you feel him twitch and you sense he may be close, so you start to bob your head again.
he stops you, "no, pretty girl. i'm going to cum inside of you, okay?" you swallow, mouth dry, "okay." please. 
he sinks to his knees, gently pushing you so you're laying down on the bed again, pulling your legs so they hang off the side of the mattress. he's pulling your shorts off, your underwear following as he spreads your legs wider, kissing your thighs. “look at that pretty pussy. soaked, all for me.”
you're breathing shakily as one finger rises to gently rub your slit, making you moan softly. his touch is feathery-light, teasing you and making you whine, moving your hips. "shhh." he says softly, bringing his tongue to lick up your slit. you moan out, relieved to have some sort of satisfaction. richie's hand moves up to push up your top, thumbing your nipples as he starts to suck your clit. he pins your hips down, "be a good slut and stay still for me." he says, burying his face as your toes start to curl in pleasure, the burning sensation of pleasure increasing. 
he rubs circles into your hips with one hand as he slides two fingers into your heat, making you whimper, his fingers start to pick up pace as he continues to circle your clit with his tongue. his long fingers curl up inside of you, still pushing into you fast and rough, hitting your g-spot. you moan, “richie, harder, please.”
he hums, lifting his head as you gasp for breath, "since you asked so nicely, doin' everything i say." his fingers are moving again, faster than before. his tongue runs over your clit, practically moaning into your heat, fingers moving faster. you moan unabashedly, feeling yourself clench and knowing you're about to cum. your legs wrap around his shoulders as your hips move slightly, 
“cum on my tongue like a good little slut, okay baby?” he says gently. you moan, eyes shutting as you see stars. you're hitting your high and then richie's watching you, praising you as you fall apart, letting out soft whimpers. 
then you're sitting up as he rises from his knees, licking his lips. pulling him into a searing kiss, he crawls on top of you, rutting into you a few times before pulling back. 
he's pulling himself out of his pants and you swallow around your words, resisting the shocked face that threatens to creep on to you when you see how big he is. you moan as you watch him pump himself, pulling off his shirt as you pull off your own. 
he grins as he looks at you, "so good for me, my little slut. you want me to fuck you now?" he asks and you eagerly pull yourself up to your elbows, "yes, please, rich, fuck me." 
he hums, pushing his cock against your slit, the tip rubbing your sensitive clit and making you moan sharply. he continues to tease you, one hand on his cock and the other holding your waist. "use me, please." you whisper in his ear, hand holding him to you from the back of his neck. 
he lets out a sharp breath, hand snaking to your neck and pushing you back onto the mattress. "you want me to use you?" he asks, thrusting against you slowly, teasing your slit. "like my little plaything?" 
"yes, god, richie, please-" but then he's sliding into you all at once, his large cock stretching you as he moves his hips, sheathing into you. you feel so full that all you can do is gasp, richie kissing your forehead as his hand rests on your throat. "gonna fuck you on bill's bed, okay? and you're gonna be good for me, right? my good little cockslut." 
you nod yes, "so good for you." you say, and he smiles. he starts to pull out, easing back in and starting a shallow rhythm, getting you used to his size. you're euphoric as he starts to languidly pump into you, one hand on your neck and the other on your chest, palming your tit. 
he starts thrusting into you, picking up speed - rough and fast. his hips buck up against you, pulling back fully before filling you up. his thumb gently grazes your sensitive clit and you grip his bare back, raking your nails down in pleasure. "do you walk around thinking of how it'd feel to get fucked by me, baby?" he whispers in your ear as he pounds you into the mattress. you moan, "yes, r-rich, i've wanted you for s-so long," you trail off into a moan. "feels so good." you mutter, panting, words babbling from your mouth incoherently. 
you barely have a warning before you cum a second time, clenching so hard that richie's hips sstutter, his moan ringing with your own. he looks down at you, thumb trailing into your open mouth, you eagerly sucking on it like a lollipop. "god, you're so tight, doll. such a good little whore for me. i bet you'd let me do anything to you, anywhere." 
your legs are shaking as he keeps thrusting you through your orgasm, feeling sensitive and euphoric. he smirks, "yeah? bet you'd let me fuck you anywhere, just my little fuck toy. so perfect for me." 
you nod, kissing him needily, tears from oversensitivity pricking your eyes. "want you filling me up richie, feels so good." 
"anywhere?" he asks, eyebrows knit in pleasure as he fucks into you. he's so possesive, it makes your face warm. you nod, "anywhere." 
he's smirking, and you know he's thinking about how shocked bill would be if he found out. it makes it that much hotter as you turn and see the picture of bill and richie on the wall near the door. 
then richie pulls out of you and you're being flipped onto your knees, richie's large hand pushing your face towards the soft sheets. you can't help the moans that escape you as he spits onto your dripping cunt, fingers playing with your used pussy as you moan, sensitive and still desperate. "pretty baby, all fucked out. can you take one more?" he asks, hands roaming your ass. you nod, yelping gently when a hand smacks down on your ass. 
"can you take one more?" he asks. "yes!" you moan into the mattress with need. he mutters, "good girl." as he pushes into you, the new angle making you moan loudly. with every thrust, he pushes you down on the mattress, making you grip against the edge of it with pleasure. one of his hands drops down to rub your clit, and you buck needily against his touch. after only a few minutes, the combination of the snap of his hips, the few slaps on your ass, and his hands on your clit push you over the edge, clenching around his cock as you whimper. your legs barely stay up after you cum, and his arm wraps around you to hold you as he pounds into you, chasing his own high. 
"yes, my pretty girl, so good." he praises again, hips speeding up. you think he's close because his breathing is faster, hands gripping your hips hard as he kisses down your spine, "take it." he whispers onto your back as he finally cums, pulling out and finishing on your ass and lower back, moaning lightly. 
you can't believe what just happened as richie disappears, returning at the speed of light with a damp washcloth to clean you off. you blush at how sweet the gesture is before he falls next to you on the bed, sighing. "i'll be honest, i didn't expect that." 
you laugh, "neither did i. i thought i was coming home to an empty apartment and some microwave ramen." 
he's staring at you, a smirk on his face, “i'd apologize again but holy fuck, you look so pretty when you cum.” you don't know what to say, feeling hot as you roll your eyes with a grin. he laughs and kisses you, “you’re cute, you know.” 
"says you." you mutter against his lips. you thank god bill won't be back soon as you watch his best friend rise, naked, from beside you and grab a spare hoodie and gym shorts from bill's closet, throwing them on before handing you his own shirt to wear.
"so, lasagna?" he asks, glasses askew slightly. you laugh as you stand on shaky legs, "it's the least you could do." you joke. 
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @chl0bee  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @groovybimbo @deepestofwaters  @unfortu-nate-ly @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie  @decafcoffeew @etaerealboy
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lucy90712 · 3 years
cravings/mood swings (pregnancy series)
Series masterlist
The hormones from pregnancy have made me an entirely different person at times which was a huge shock to both me and George when they first started to hit because I've always been pretty good with my emotions and hormones even when on my period. To me it isn't as bad because I only notice after my mood swings but poor George has to deal with me during.
George came down the stairs after filming a video and came to join me sat on the sofa. I was eating salty crisps (chips) some of which George stole as he sat down, this really set off my hormones for whatever reason and I looked at him with just pure anger that he would even dare to steal my food that I had been craving.
"George what the fuck I wanted those" I almost shouted
"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to I can get you more if you want them" he said panicked slightly
I gave no reaction to what George said as I came down from my rage because I realised I was being way too over the top. I always feel awful when I yell at George because he doesn't deserve it at all but he just happens to be around all the time so he's the one who bares the brunt of all my emotions. I apologised to George and gave him some of my crisps to make up for it and we cuddled on the sofa for a bit.
Later in the evening George was showing me cute videos he has of cat from when he was in his office which were just so adorable and made me so incredibly happy but then the sadness came over and tears started to fall down my face.
"Hey what's wrong?" George asked
"It's just so cute like how can one small animal be so cute" I sobbed
He comforted me and we spent the rest of the evening doing things that didn't provoke any emotions in me.
My cravings have been very strong though my pregnancy so far which is a combination of normal things and weird concoctions just whatever I was feeling in that exact moment and I mean that exact moment. My cravings are things that have to be satisfied within the hour or else it's too late and I get over it.
It's about 10pm and I'm just chilling waiting for Clay to get out the shower so we can watch the office together. At that exact moment a craving for pickles came over me, its not a craving I've had before but its one that I know is kind of common. I checked all the cupboards and fridge to see if we had any but we didn't which made me quite sad.
Clay came down the stairs to see me staring at the empty cupboard with a few tears in my eyes. He came over to me looking at what I was before becoming very confused at what exactly was going through my mind clearly wondering if I was going a bit insane.
"Is everything alright?" He asked
"We don't have any pickles" I whined
"Do you want me to go and get you some?" He asked
I nodded my head and we went to the car to drive to the store to go buy pickles mainly because I didn't want to be left alone. Clay actually went into the store while I stayed in the car because he didn't want me getting cold but he soon came back with two jars of pickles just incase I wanted more another day.
Back at home I ate half the pickles in the jar and very much enjoyed it and so did baby which was the whole point of going to get them. I imagine just like every other craving I will get over it and move on to a new one.
My mood swings have been insane so far during pregnancy like way morse than they would be before my period is due to arrive. I feel so awful that Sapnap has to deal with me because he used to hate it when I got so very emotional before my period and now its constant and like x1000.
I have been slightly more emotional than usual today which has just been ruining my day because I can't seem to get anything done without crying or raging at myself but I've yet to spend much time with Sapnap so he has been spared from my disastrous day so far. This soon changed when he came downstairs and sat with me on the sofa.
He attempted to cuddle with me but something in my brain told me that I didn't want that and I should be mad at him for even trying to be affectionate even though I love him so very much.
"No get off me" I said a bit too harshly
"Oh I'm sorry baby is there anything you want?" He asked trying to be accommodating
I shrugged him off still slightly angry but getting over it very quickly and feeling bad for half yelling at him. My anger soon completely dissolved and was replaced by sadness at the fact that I had yelled and now wanted to cuddle but he wasn't going to want to now right, I mean I've just yelled at him so why would he want to cuddle.
A few tears started to form in my eyes and soon spilled out onto my face wetting my cheeks which I tired to hide by facing away from Sapnap but of course he knows me and tried to see what I was hiding. As soon as he saw I was crying he put his hands on my face to wipe the tears and gave me a kiss.
"What's wrong babe? How can I fix it?" He asked
"I feel bad for yelling and I want cuddles but you don't want to give them to me because I was mean" I explained
"You are so silly of course I'll still give you cuddles if you want them" he said
He pulled me into a big bear hug where we stayed for the rest of the day and night.
I have been having a lot of odd cravings over the past few weeks most of which are completely unnatural and Alex thinks are gross but they actually taste really good. To me at least.
Tonight I was really feeling like eating chicken nuggets with honey, I really wanted to eat it but I was scared to ask Alex to come to the store with me because he would think it was weird and judge me which my fragile little heart couldn't take.
"Alex will you go to the store with me please?" I asked
"Of course love what do you want this time?" He asked
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I whispered
"What was that" he questioned
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I said a bit louder
"That sounds interesting lets go" he said
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and to the car where we went to McDonald's for the chicken nuggets and then target for the honey before going back home. Alex was interested to try this combination too so the both of us sat down to try it. At first the flavour was really weird but once you got used to it it was really good actually and now I think I'm obsessed and by the looks of things so is Alex because his face looked like he had just had the best thing ever.
Oh my has it been a rollercoaster so far, I've been so over emotional and have been craving so many different things it is so hard to keep up with for me let alone Karl.
This morning I was trying to make breakfast and I couldn't open the milk which upset me but then the bowls were up too high so I couldn't reach which made me even more upset but the last straw for this morning was when I had just sat down after struggling with everything and someone rang the doorbell just as I was about to eat the cereal I had really been wanting. I answered the door to collect the parcel the man had before going back to the living room with tears starting to slip down my face.
I'm not sure why I was so upset but I was which stopped me eating my cereal because I was crying which made me cry more because I really wanted the cereal, it was just an awful cycle. Karl walked in as I was staring at my full bowl of cereal sobbing which caused him to run over to see what was wrong.
"Hey hey whats wrong?" He asked
"Nothing is going right and all I want to do is eat my cereal but I can't because I'm crying which is making me more upset" I ranted
"Oh honey I'm sorry how about you follow my breathing to calm down and then eat your cereal ok?" He suggested
He helped me calm down enough to be able to eat my cereal which was kind of soggy by now but I still very much enjoyed it and soon got back to my normal self.
My hormones are all over the place which normally I can handle but every now and then I get too overly emotional and just cry over random things, this usually happens when I'm alone so I just deal with it myself.
Today Wilbur took the day off from working so he's here to see the rollercoaster that is my day and believe me it can be a rollercoaster. I had a breakdown this morning when doing chores I was unloading the dishwasher and I kept almost dropping everything I touched which made me so mad at myself and really sad at the same time. I just left the room and sat down for a minute talking to myself to sort my brain out then went back to doing chores.
Later in the afternoon we were watching a nature documentary which we do a lot and there was this lizard and her babies that were being hunted by a large bird, I was willing them to get away but the bird caught the babies and the mother got away. This made me so sad that the lizard lost her babies while I was sat there carrying my baby. I started crying thinking about the fact that anything could happen to little bean once their here.
"It's ok love its just natures way" Wilbur said
"But what if bad things happen to bean when their here obviously not like that but anything could happen" I sniffled
"We will protect bean as best we can to stop anything bad happening but for now their safe where they are" Wilbur said
This made me feel better and luckily the rest of the documentary wasn't sad at all and there was some cute moments which made me forget about all my worries.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Spooky Stories to Hold Them Close
Shinobu Kochou x They/Them Reader Modern AU
A/N:  I’ve got camping on the brain so I wrote a camp AU. There is a manga character mentioned in here but I morph them a bit to fit what I’m going for so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Please enjoy!  Shinobu: If there are any spirits out here tonight tell me, does this sound like Shakira? lolay lolay lo- 
Word Count: 4,821
It was summer again, and (Y/n) groaned as they removed their camp issued baseball cap to swipe at the sweat that had accumulated over their brow. Not even the cheap material could save them from the intense heat of the day. God, they would kill to be back at the counselor’s cabin to enjoy just a smidge of AC but no, instead they were out with the unruly boys of Cabin K, making sure that they carried out their punishment of hard labor after causing a food fight in the mess hall.
“Come on boys, those canoes better be sparkling if you’re going to be taking your sweet time like this.” (Y/n) called, fanning themself with their hat.
“There’s a spider in this one!” Zenitsu cried. “This is so gross, there’s no way anyone’s ever cleaned these before!”
“Don’t worry Zenitsu, I’ll get it.” Tanjirou smiled earnestly.
(Y/n) felt bad for that kid. He was such an enabler though. The others looked up to him and respected him a lot. Who knows how much better it be if he knocked their heads more often. But because of his soft and nurturing demeanor, Tanjirou was always getting caught up in his cabin mates’ shenanigans. Speaking of which...
“Inosuke! If so much as a toe goes in that water you’ll be at the craft table with the junior kids making macaroni art until the only color you know yellow!” (Y/n) warned.
A strangled wail mixed with a roar left the boy’s mouth, the sound didn’t even sound like it could come from a human being. It was like that boy was a feral boar. Given how he’s kept coming back year after year, he may as well be just that.
“It’s hot! I’ll wash the boat in the lake!” He yelled, pulling the canoe closer to the sandy beach.
“Inosuke I’m serious! Macaroni art! That, and I’ll call your mother!” (Y/n) yelled back.
“Damn you and your sick threats!”
“My, still at it are we?”
(Y/n) sighed, turning with a tight smile towards Shinobu as their fellow counselor came up beside them. They tried not to let their eyes wander too long over the expanse of soft looking skin Shinobu’s shorts left exposed.
“Yeah, and as you can see, Tomioka ditched me to go help Sabito with something.” (Y/n) huffed, returning a watchful eye over Inosuke as he dragged the canoe back up to the others.
“Oh, you poor thing.” Shinobu tutted, stepping closer to rub (Y/n)’s back as a sign of sympathy. The proximity brought the scent of sunscreen and damp earth to (Y/n)’s nose. It was an intoxicating scent that (Y/n) had grown to associate with Shinobu always.
“Yeah, are you getting ready for swim lessons right now? Tradesies?” They asked hopefully, mustering up the best puppy dog eyes they could make. They only succeeded in making Shinobu laugh though, which honestly, wasn’t a bad constellation prize.
“Mm, no, sorry. You’re not the only one wanting to get relief from this heatwave.” Shinobu pinched the front of her shirt pulling at it to circulate some airflow. A motion (Y/n) definitely did not follow with their eyes.
“I did grab you and the boys some water though.” Shinobu said, digging into the drawstring bag that was slung over her shoulder and presenting (Y/n) with four bottles of cold water. “And to think I purposfully didn’t get one for Tomioka and he isn’t even here to stare off into the middle distance. Such a waste.”
“You’re such a bully sometimes, you know that?” (Y/n) chuckled, placing all bottles at their feet except for one, “remind me to stay on your good side.”
“You’d really be on my good side if you came to the counselor fire after the kids turn in. The theme is Fright Night, sponsored by yours truly,” Shinobu winked playfully.
Immediately (Y/n) felt a tad ill. “Fright Night?”
“Yes!” Shinobu nodded, a small, yet very excited grin on her face, “it’ll be held at Hangman’s Clearing, of course, a full night of frightening tales and games by the fire... and delicious treats! Provided Mitsuri doesn’t eat them all on the way. You’ll come, right?”
(Y/n) wasn’t particularly fond of the supernatural or chilling tales of murder or other dark themes. In fact, it would be fair to say they loathed them. They hated being scared and this themed get together should have had (Y/n) running in the opposite direction. ‘Should have’ being the key in this situation.
Shinobu looked so hopeful, waiting expectantly for (Y/n)’s reply. It would be impossible to say no to that face. A face that (Y/n) looked forward to seeing every summer and was always desperately looking for an excuse to see as often as possible. It couldn’t be that bad, right? (Y/n) could handle a few spooks in exchange for hanging out with Shinobu all night. Yeah, they could do this.
“It’s not a trick question, (Y/n). A simple yes or no would suffice.” Shinobu teased. “Though if it helps sway your decision at all, it would make me really happy if you would come.”
And with that, (Y/n)’s fate was sealed.
“Okay, sure, yeah, I’ll come.” (Y/n) bashfully agreed, their heartbeat picking up in pace at Shinobu’s delighted giggle.
“Great! I’ll see you at the clearing at ten. Don’t be late or,” she suddenly latched on to (Y/n)’s arm, startling them, “the ghosts will get you!”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” (Y/n) laughed weakly. Their skin tingling from where Shinobu had grabbed them.
“I better get to the beach, the kids are getting antsy.” Shinobu said before proceeding to pull her shirt over her head. She was wearing her swimsuit of course, but still. (Y/n) nearly had an aneurysm because of the casual reveal. “See you later, (Y/n).”
“Sssseee you. Bye. Thanks for the water.” (Y/n) then made themselves busy by taking several sips of said water.
“Anytime,” Shinobu’s eyes traveled past (Y/n)’s body before returning to them with a sympathetic smile, “looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) squinted before their eyes blew wide and they jerked their head back in the direction of the canoes. “Tanjirou, why is there a canoe in that tree! I swear I can’t leave you guys alone for two minutes!” (Y/n) stalked over to the boys and Shinobu watched their back, laughing as (Y/n) ran up to Inosuke and tackled him to the ground before he could scale the tree with another canoe.
Night fell much too quickly after a full day of scheduled activities and once all the campers had retired to their cabins for curfew, (Y/n) knew their time to mentally prepare for the counselor fire had run out. At least they hadn’t had to walk to the clearing themself, as they had bumped into Mitsuri and Iguro at the edge of the forest entrance.
Iguro seemed miffed that his alone time with the bubbly counselor had been interrupted but Mitsuri was all too happy to catch up with (Y/n) about their day as they walked to Hangman’s Clearing.
Soon the light of a fire could be seen between the trees and they met up with the other counselors who had decided to join in. Sitting around the fire, (Y/n) saw Kyoujurou and Tengen talking to each other while poking at the fire. (Y/n) frowned, wondering where Shinobu was.
It took everything in (Y/n)’s power to swallow the scream that threatened to spill from their mouth as arms wrapped around them from behind. Instead it turned into a pitiful and embarrassing squeak. (Y/n) wasn’t sure which would have been better.
“Oh dear, (Y/n). Did I startle you? I’m sorry.” Shinobu released (Y/n) from her hold and patted their shoulder.
“It’s okay!” (Y/n) promised, not wanting Shinobu to feel bad. “Besides, that’s kind of the point of tonight, isn’t it?”
“Right! I’m glad you could come (Y/n). I didn’t know if you liked scary things.” Shinobu said as they followed Mitsuri and Iguro to the fire.
“Yeah...” (Y/n) replied, lying against their better judgment. They just wanted Shinobu to think they were cool, impress her somehow maybe. “Horror is.. great.”
“Is this it?” Tengen asked, leaning his back against a sturdy log.
“Yes. Gyomei is staying behind to keep an ear out for the kids, as are Sabito and Tomioka. Sanemi said the whole thing wasn’t worth his time.” Shinobu explained as she took her own seat at the fire, motioning for (Y/n) to sit next to her.
“Did you even really invite Tomioka?” Tengen snorted.
“Of course I did, but as you all know, Tomioka is a wet blanket so he declined and Sabito decided to stay with him.” Shinobu clapped her hands against her thighs, “Now, enough about them. Let’s get the festivities started, shall we? Mitsuri, you brought the goods?”
“I sure did!” Mitsuri cheered, taking the nearly overflowing backpack she had been toting off of her shoulders. It landed in the dirt with a heavy thud. “I’ve got s’more fixings, jiffy pop, chips, sodas, water, hotdogs...”
“Wow Mitsuri, you really went all out. How did you carry it all?” (Y/n) marveled.
Mitsuri flexed one of her biceps, smacking the muscle with her hand. “Strength, pure will power and an intense love of all things delicious!” She said, her lips curled into an adorable smile.
The counselor fire started out great. For the first hour they all talked and ate, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the twinkle of the stars, laughing with each other as they recalled the memories that they had made over the years.
But like anything else, the conversation dried to a slow trickle and most of the food had been polished off. The once hearty blaze of the fire was now a low flame with glowing embers. Shinobu took it as her cue to begin the main event.
(Y/n) blinked at the sudden brightness that flashed beside them. They squinted against the light and saw that Shinobu was brandishing a flashlight, highlighting her face for a moment before moving the light to cast shadows over the sinister smile growing across her face.
“Anyone have a scary story they’d like to share or are you all content to dive into the main event?” Shinobu asked, placing her free hand confidently over her chest.
“Oo! I got one, Shinobu! Pick me!” Mitsuri called, calling out in her seat beside Iguro.
“Alright, catch!” Shinobu tossed the flashlight to Mitsuri who caught it with an excited squee.
“Okay, so, um.. oh! Once, there was this girl who woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. She decided that she wanted a midnight snack and remembered that there was still a piece of her favorite raspberry cheesecake left. A perfect creamy treat! She could practically taste it already.”
Mitsuri wiggled on the log, leaning forward in her excitement. Light from the fire illuminated the green tips of her hair making them appear to glow.
“So she got out of her warm and comfy bed and crept into the dark, cold hallway, thump thump thump, and down the squeaky stairs, squeak squawk squeak, until she finally made it to the kitchen.
Mitsuri reached out towards the fire with her free hand and made a motion like grabbing a door, slowly pulling it back.
“She opened the refrigerator door and then—“ Mitsuri slapped her hand down upon her thigh with startling force, “to her absolute horror, she remembered that she had eaten the last piece of cheesecake at lunch the previous day! There was no more cheesecake to be had, and she had to settle for confetti cake ice cream when what she was really craving was the cheesecake!”
Mitsuri shook her head sorrowfully, and Iguro rubbed a soothing hand over her back while she collected herself.
“The end.” Mitsuri finished, clicking the flashlight off.
“Haha! Good one Mitsuri. The emotion behind your tale made it feel so real!” Kyoujirou loudly proclaimed. Shinobu giggled from her seat beside (Y/n) who also couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“It was real!” Mitsuri said seriously. “It happened to me just a couple weeks ago!” she shuddered.
“I don’t know, that was hardly scary Kanroji.” Tengen shrugged.
“I’d like to see you do better!” Mitsuri pouted.
“I could, but I’d rather let Kochou get on with her activities. Her knee is bouncing. Impatient, Kochou?”
“Ha ha! That it is!” Kyoujirou laughed.
“I can wait,” Shinobu countered, her leg ceased its bouncing due to being caught. “Does anyone else want to share a story?”
A chorus of head shakes met Shinobu’s question and she shrugged, a sly smiling curling at her lips.
“Very well then, Mitsuri, the flashlight please.”
“You got it!” Mitsuri cheered, tossing the light back to Shinobu.
Shinobu clicked the light back on, her eyes roamed over her audience one by one.
“Have you all heard of the serial killer Douma the Cannibal?” Shinobu asked.
“Of course,” Iguro spoke up. “He killed at least seventy women throughout the 1910s until well into the 1920s. However, their still connecting cold case murders to him even now. Some experts believe he could have killed well over two hundred. A really despicable monster to say the least.”
“Very true.” Shinobu nodded solemnly, “His parents ran a cult, believing he was some kind of messiah or deity. They let him do whatever he wished. It started with the killings of small animals but quickly escalated once that had lost its appeal. We don’t know much of motivations, but it’s believed he killed simply because he enjoyed it. Famously developing a taste for his victims after he ran out of places to store them.”
(Y/n) shivered, clutching themself in a hug as they waited for Shinobu to continue. This was worse than any old ghost story, the girl beside them was talking about an actual person! Well, at least he was dead right? Right?
“He was apprehended right here in this very clearing actually.” Shinobu said, looking around at the dark forest that surrounded them “The mob hung him, strung him up in one of these trees, hence the name Hangman’s Clearing.”
(Y/n) swallowed thickly. Why here, he couldn’t be dead someplace else? And they made a fucking summer camp here, what the actual fuck? Suddenly the woods seemed much more sinister.
“He deserved it of course,” Shinobu continued with a sigh, “but just think of what we could have learned if they chained him up instead. There are still many bodies unaccounted for. But perhaps,” Shinobu turned to (Y/n), making them jump a little as her hand slid behind them to pick up a box.
“But perhaps tonight, in the field where he gasped for his last breaths, we can learn something from beyond.”
Oh hell to the fucking no. She was holding a goddamn ouija board and matching planchette.
(Y/n) felt the hairs on the back of their neck rise to attention. There was no way, how could they get themself out of this? Calling upon the spirit of a serial killer was not what they had signed up for. Everyone else however, seemed to lean in and stare with excitement at the prospect, even Mitsuri quickly hopped out of her seat to sit on Shinobu’s other side.
“Oo, oo! Shinobu what a good idea!” she cheered.
A good idea? Mitsuri, honey, what is wrong with you, respectfully. (Y/n) held their face in their hand. That girl had been their only chance of escape, but she seemed just as invested as everyone else!
“Thank you, let’s get this set up then, shall we?” Shinobu grinned.
Tengen and Kyoujirou pushed the logs around into a makeshift table and everyone kneeled around it. Shinobu placed the board and planchette neatly in the middle, beckoning everyone to place a finger on the planchette.
(Y/n) jolted to attention as Shinobu placed her hand over theirs, giving them a questioning glance.
“(Y/n), are you still with us?” She teased.
“Yeah, sorry.” They gulped, watching in dismay as Shinobu smiled at them and pulled their hand up to the board, curling all fingers but one and playfully pushing it against the planchette before placing her own over the wood. There was no getting out of this.
Shinobu then went on about how the board worked and what not, (Y/n) didn’t really listen, too busy trying to find their happy place and pretend they weren’t there.
“Are there any spirits with us tonight?” Shinobu asked, pulling (Y/n) out of their head at the most inopportune moment.
At first there was no movement, for which (Y/n) was thankful, but ever so slowly the planchette did move.
“K-Kyou, you aren’t pushing it are you?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask.
“Not at all my friend!” Kyoujirou heartily replied as the planchette continued moving in (Y/n)’s direction.
The fact that it was moving in their direction wasn’t the issue, but rather the fact that (Y/n)’s corner of the board had ‘yes’ written on it.
“Ah, a yes! This is so exciting!” Mitsuri wiggled.
“Nice, how flamboyant!” Tengen added, pumping his free fist.
“What is your name spirit?” Shinobu continued.
(Y/n) let out a shaky breath as the planchette moved away from them. Watching with dread as it skimmed across the board.
“Where are the victims you buried in these woods, you worthless, demonic bastard?” Shinobu tensed beside (Y/n), concentrating heavily on the board, her tone was commanding as she demanded an answer.
(Y/n) would have found it extremely attractive if they weren’t already scared out of their mind. The taunting of a serial killer ghost was the last thing they wanted to be a part of. Especially if they were talking demons, (Y/n) was too young to die like this. Well, they’d never be at an age where death by demon possession would seem favorable, but that was not the point!
The planchette moved across several letters and (Y/n) lost track of what was being spelled out. Which was just as well, ignorance is bliss after all, right? They waited for the others to figure it out with bated breath.
“Follow the sounds of the woods and we’ll find the signs, hm?” Iguro muttered. “Sounds like a trap.”
“What does it matter? Not like ghosts exist anyway. This is all a part of the ambiance, right Shinobu?” Tengen laughed, laying back on his forearms.
“I wasn’t pushing the planchette if that’s what you are suggesting, Uzui.” Shinobu answered seriously. “But if anyone else wants to confess to it, by all means don’t waste our time.”
“I didn’t!” Mitsuri denied while Iguro shook his head.
“I didn’t either.” (Y/n) also spoke up, an undetectable tremor pulled at their vocal chords.
“Nor have I!” Kyoujirou boomed.
“Then there is only one way to know for sure that this is all legitimate,” Shinobu said, brandishing the small lantern she had lit to illuminate the board, “we break off and search the surrounding woods.”
“Break off? Like, search in the dark alone?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask for clarification. Couldn’t they all just head back to the cabins together and watch a movie on Tengen’s smuggled DVD player and forget this whole mess?
“No, not alone,” Shinobu smiled, looping her free arm through (Y/n)’s, “that would be too dangerous. Pairs would be better.”
“I’m going with Kanroji.” Iguro immediately declared. Mitsuri wiggled and clapped, happy to go with him.
“Guess that leaves you and me,” Tengen grinned, fist bumping Kyoujirou, “let’s kick some ghost ass!”
“Yes!” Kyoujirou enthusiastically replied.
“Great, then it’s decided!” Shinobu nodded, squeezing (Y/n)’s arm closer to her as she stood up, pulling them up with her. “Meet back here in half an hour?”
A range of approvals sounded and once they synced up their watches (since phones weren’t allowed at camp), the three separate pairs went off in different directions into the dark woods.
(Y/n) used to love these woods, coming back summer after summer, it was one of the things they looked forward to every year. It only took about twenty minutes for them to learn to hate it as Shinobu led them through the bramble and roots by lantern light.
“You’re being awfully quiet, something on your mind?” Shinobu asked after an owl hooted in the distance, startling (Y/n) a bit.
“No, I’m just,” (Y/n) made a vague gesture with their hands, “concentrating, I guess.” They finished lamely.
Shinobu hummed in amusement, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. It is all rather exciting isn’t it? I hope we find something.”
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) forced a smile as Shinobu looked over her shoulder at them. It quickly fell from their face once Shinobu turned to face front again, guiding (Y/n) further down the darkened path.
(Y/n) had never been more tense in their life. They didn’t know if they were thankful for Shinobu’s commentary as they kept walking or if they wanted her to be quiet so they could hear any approaching threat. Whatever the case, they kept their mouth shut. Only answering Shinobu with one word responses, affirming or negative noises or just the shake or nod of their head when Shinobu would look back at them. If Shinobu thought it odd, she didn’t comment on her fellow counselor’s behavior.
After awhile, (Y/n) attempted to pretend they were somewhere else again. Still with Shinobu, but somewhere nice like an amusement park or a beach at sunset... maybe sunrise instead. (Y/n) was jostled from their musings when Shinobu stopped suddenly, causing (Y/n) to bump into her.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered, spiking (Y/n) blood pressure through the roof.
“No.” They squeaked.
“Listen.” Shinobu hushed, pulling (Y/n) down to their knees, they both crouched to the ground, listening so hard their ears were buzzing.
A snapping of a branch in the distance, the rustle of leaves.
“What,” (Y/n) swallowed, “what was that?” They whispered.
“Shhh,” Shinobu exhaled, covering (Y/n)’s lips with her fingers as she continued to listen.
It was quiet again, and as Shinobu gave up on listening and removed her fingers from over (Y/n)’s mouth—
A loud scream could be heard far off in the trees, then everything went quiet again for all of three seconds before (Y/n) absolutely lost it.
“Oh my god!” They gasped, clutching Shinobu’s arm tightly to their chest, their eyes wide and unfocused. “Oh my god, that sounded like Mitsuri! Oh god, oh fuck! Shit!”
“(Y/n)?” Shinobu looked at them, a bewildered expression molding her face as she observed their sudden outburst. She quickly moved to comfort them though, setting the lantern down to hug them, rubbing their back as it shuddered with ragged breaths. “Hey, it’s alright. You’re okay.”
“For now!” (Y/n) frantically retorted. “It’s only a matter of time before whatever got Mitsuri and Iguro come for us!”
“(Y/n), wait—“ Shinobu tried to calm them, but they just kept spiraling.
“Why did I agree to this? I should have left the second you took out that ouija board, but no! I stayed just so I could spend more time with you and now we’re gonna be murdered by a demon serial killer ghost before I could finally work up the courage to ask you out!”
“(Y/n)!” Shinobu tried again, speaking a bit sharper this time, forcing (Y/n) to look at her and hoping to calm them with her attentions. “Hey, we’re going to be alright. You’re alright. Listen to me, okay? I set this all up.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) weakly croaked.
“I messed with the ouija board. We weren’t really communicating with anything. I planned for us to split off into groups. We heard Mitsuri scream because—“
“Who’s ready to die!?” A loud maniacal laugh sounded behind them and a chainsaw roared to life.
(Y/n) screamed, otherwise paralyzed in Shinobu’s embrace. Their head tucked under Shinobu’s with their cheek pressed snugly against her chest as they waited for the chainsaw blade to tear through their skin.
“Sanemi, turn that off right now! Stop, damn you!” Shinobu yelled over the noise.
“Okay, okay!” the false murderer, Sanemi, turned off the whirring blade with a tisk. “I was only following your own instructions, Kochou. Why are you looking at me like I was really gonna... oh damn, are they okay?” Sanemi winced, gesturing at (Y/n) quivering in Shinobu’s arms like a leaf.
“Do they look okay to you?” Shinobu huffed, more angry at herself than Sanemi. She continued rubbing at (Y/n)’s back, trying to coax them out of their tight ball while Sanemi stood by awkwardly at the side, rubbing his neck and looking into the woods.
“I’ll uh, gather everybody up and take ‘em back to camp.” Sanemi eventually spoke up. “You have things all under control here?”
“Yes, please go. Thank you Sanemi.” Shinobu shooed him off, not even looking away from (Y/n) as she did so. As Sanemi lumbered back into the forest Shinobu continued to help (Y/n) calm down.
“It’ll be okay, you’ll be alright. I’m so sorry. It’s all over now. It’s just you and me and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.” Shinobu promised. “Can you look at me (Y/n), please?”
Ever so slowly, (Y/n) pulled back. They were still visibly shaken and meek which pulled heavily on Shinobu’s heart.
“I’m sorry.” (Y/n) shuddered, closing in on themself as they looked away from Shinobu, “I ruined your event.”
“Hey, you didn’t ruin anything.” Shinobu spoke in a no-nonsense tone. “I should have noticed you weren’t having a good time.”
“I was having a good time at first. I just really wanted to spend time with you, I thought I could handle it.”
“You can spend time with me whenever you want; all you need to do is ask.” Shinobu smiled softly. “And if anything makes you uncomfortable I want you to tell me right away, okay?”
“Okay,” (Y/n) sniffed.
“I think we’ve spent enough time in the woods tonight.” Shinobu stood, holding her hand out for (Y/n) to take.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) chuckled weakly, accepting the hand and rising to their feet. Shinobu kept her hold on them as she picked up the lantern and guided (Y/n) back to the cabins.
Once they reached the clearing, the other counselors involved in the night’s festivities surrounded them, making sure everything was alright. Mitsuri gave (Y/n) a long, comforting hug while Kyoujirou squeezed their shoulder warmly. Tengen and Iguro shared a few kind sentiments and Sanemi grumbled out a sincere apology for scaring them so badly.
As everyone was turning in to their bunks for the night, Shinobu stopped in front of (Y/n)’s bunk as they were pulling back the covers, waving Tengen’s contraband DVD player in her hand.
“Hey, so, I figured you might have a hard time sleeping tonight. Would you want to watch a movie with me?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think that would help a lot. As long as it’s not horror anyway.” (Y/n) added.
“No, I’ve learned my lesson,” Shinobu shook her head making herself at home in (Y/n)’s bunk as she untangled the ear buds, “a romantic comedy is just about as far from horror as one can get I think.”
(Y/n) tried to give Shinobu her own space, but the small bunk didn’t leave much room for that and Shinobu didn’t seem interested in preserving her personal space anyway. Instead pulling (Y/n) to rest against her side after she set everything up.
“Are you comfortable?” She asked, finger poised over the play button.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) nodded against her shoulder, “thanks.”
“Of course.” Shinobu nodded, pressing play.
As the movie played they quietly made fun of it together and commented on the events as they transpired. Once earning Tengen’s wrath for laughing a little too loud while the rest were trying to sleep.
“You know,” (Y/n) whispered during one of the lulls in the story, “if you wanted to watch a horror movie with me some other time I think I could do it if you stayed by my side like this.” They bashfully admitted.
“Well, there is one coming out that I’d like to see this fall...” Shinobu informed with a teasing smile and (Y/n) scoffed lightly.
“I don’t like how quickly you came up with a plan, but I’ll look forward to it.” They said.
“Hey, it’s still a ways off. I hope to have several tamer dates between now and then.” Shinobu casually dropped.
“You do?” (Y/n)’s face grew warm, “With me?” They added just in case, making Shinobu giggle and nod her head.
“Yes, with you. So think of what you want to do for our next free day.”
(Y/n) grinned and snuggled further into Shinobu’s side.
Eventually they fell asleep while Shinobu’s fingers lightly scratched the back of their neck. She turned off the movie and carefully set the DVD player on the floor below. Then she curled up against (Y/n) and fell asleep as well.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
MC that doesn't have any energy during the day, just moping around all tired. But from like, 12 AM to 6 AM, really energized and would go out and do the most Chaotic Shit TM. You know when you just come up with some crack idea at 2 AM? MC every goddamn night. Probably tried making a bathtub fly.
(if you do want to do this, please do the brothers and the undateables ^^)
XD WHY IS THIS ME???!!!!! I'm always so tired and never leave my bed but it could be 1 am and suddenly I rise from the dead and just do random things around the house
Though these aren't chaotic, mostly just the boys trying to stop you as they're tired and want to sleep but you're messing around too much. I tried to base it off my own activities and things that would seem funny - sorry if you wanted something more chaotic but I couldn't think of anything
When he learned about your strange late morning/early morning shenanigans
He saw it was a way for you to finally get your school work done
Every room - and I mean EVERY - had a textbook from your different class with notes, he goes to bed late so he put them their before he tucked in for the night
He could hear your distress at the continuous reminder of work you needed to do
You knew this was his work so you went to his room
Climbing on his bed and just walked over his body
"Stop it, I'm trying to learn how to replicate the set ups from home alone."
"You can do that after doing your coursework, I'm being merciful with you, don't push it."
You just threw yourself down beside him
Pretending to suddenly fall asleep and began to loudly fake snore
You remained like that whilst Lucifer tried to ignore you
He took this as a sign of war
He was going to monitor you all day if he has to, he refuses to let your bad grades affect their image
But you got bored of snoring and left
He felt relief; his desire to sleep over weighing his desire to force you to study
When you came back with a toy gun you altered to shoot golf balls he knew thing's weren't going well
You shot at his lower body between each words
This was definitely war
He was sleeping just fine until he heard his car rev up
He bolted awake and saw that his car was on, a string of curses coming from inside
He knew of your weird habit of becoming energised at ridiculous times but he wasn't expecting you to do this
He could tell it was you by your voice
He stormed up the stairs towards his car
"Oi! What are you doing in my car? Go to bed!"
You finally were able to turn off the car, just leaning on the wheel casually as if you didn't just accidentally turn it on
"I'm just cruising~ nothing to see here!"
He wasn't amused
He got you out of his car and strung you over his shoulder, scolding you for being so irresponsible and slightly bragging about how much trouble you'd be in if it weren't for him
You tried to explain you were just pretending to drive but you saw the keys still inside and got curious
He just threw you on his bed and held you, hiding his blush in his pillow
You let him fall asleep but when you tried to escape it ended up with your shoulders in a head lock and your ass stuck in the air
It seems your productive night has came to an end
It was a fifty - fifty chance that levithan was awake or not
But Lucifer gave him an earful about staying up late as it's effecting grades
So you betted he was asleep and your desire to game and wonder aroulnd his room set itself in motion
What made it awkward, was when you came in you heard a suspicious girly moan come from his headphones
You both just stared at each other, unmoving
"Uh- this isn't- this is just a dream, this is definitely not happening."
You checked out the game he was playing; recognizing it to be a dating sim he's been following the development of
You just nodded, shuffling over to his set up
"Scoot over dream levi, I wanna see the hot babes."
He got even more embarassed; face completely red as you sat on your player 2 chair
You put your hand on his, forcing his finger to click the mouse and watched what was happening on screen, listening to the loud music from his headphones
Luckily, the voice acting was just suspicious - like most animes - and it was a fairly cute game
You did end up swirling around in your chair aroulnd his room
Both of you coming up with strategies to get the best girl to like you
Though, too much moving and spinning made you and the chair fall over
You bonked Into his bathtub, your ribs squishing against the rim after the trip
Levi let you make all the gaming decisions to make up for it
He planned to have some late night reading, hoping it'll make him tired enough to actually sleep
He found you sitting on the floor in the library
Torn books and littered paper was surrounding you
Then he noticed the paper stars and cranes pouring out from your lap as you froze mid fold
"That's....a thousand stars and cranes - where did you get all this paper from?"
"......the books belonged to me before you assume anything!"
He slowly nodded
He wasn't a fan of the destruction of books but they were yours so he couldn't say anything
He felt odd just leaving you in the barely lit library
Just folding paper who knows how long
He asked if you were hungry, guessing you've been awake for a long time
You just shoved paper into your mouth and began chewing
He was horrified
You immediately spat it out, cringing
"that was a bad idea.... that was gross."
He's going to get you food
When he came back he felt more energised; walking around will do that for you
So he decided to just stay with you whilst you folded the many pages of your destroyed books
It was around 6 am when you finally yawned; Satan fell asleep already
You looked at the fire place, your tired brain screaming for arson
He woke up as he heard your fits of poorly muffled giggles
You were throwing your stars in the fire as you sat a fair distance from it
When you threw the cranes, accepting some didn't fly far enough and didn't burn, he asked what you were doing
"It's survival of the fittest, only the strongest cranes survive in this paper world."
You were already in his room, you've been sleeping in it almost all day
So when you finally got out you looked around, spotting the makeup kit he got in a sponsorship
He lets his brother's or you use it as it's a spare
But if you touch his stuff; you will perish
So you decided to use that one, practising all sorts of looks and tried not to laugh when you made yourself a clown
You decided to stay in the clown makeup and go into his practice room
What was his practice room?
Well, he hates exercising Infront of people as he'll be sweaty and his hair will get ruined
So that's where he goes but the real magic was the pole in the middle of it
You felt a spark of inspiration
Looking up tutorials on your phone on how to pole dance
It did not go great
You were sliding too fast
Falling over and when you tried to spin, you would just get stuck
"I love you but if you keep disturbing my beauty sleep I will throw you out the window."
He was grouchy; his hair was barely smoothed out and arms crossed
You hugged the pole you were slowly sliding down; a long loud screech coming down
You definitely felt like a clown
"Sorry- you look handsome already so is there really any need for beauty sleep?"
He blushed, agreeing he was beautiful before giving you a "I will end you" smile
You got the hint, flattery wasn't going to work
Perhaps your pole dancing adventures can wait
He was aware of your strange energy burst at night, you were talking about it with him the other day
He's been wondering if he would ever spot you and tonight he did
He found you in the kitchen
Just chipping away at the frost on the top of the freezer trays with a small knife
He crouched down behind you, picking you up
Beel let you sit on his thigh and began to eat anything he could get his hands on
Meanwhile you were aggressively stabbing the formed ice
"Why are you doing that?"
He grabbed a handful of the ice chunks that fell from your stabbing
"Not sure what I want to do tonight and the build up was bothering me."
He didn't need to know anymore, just nodding and letting you do your own thing whilst he ate
He cleared out the entire fridge in no time
Letting you eat anything you wanted whilst you were hard at work
He noticed one part of the ice wasn't giving it to your stabbings
He just gripped it and easily broke it off
You thanked him and ignored how he was able to eat the big block with breaking it
Whenever something was too stubborn he would just break it off for you
It went on like that until you were satisfied
You closed the empty freezer and turned to your assistant
"Good work, but I'll need your help again, I can't reach the top cupboard and I know it's big enough to let me sit in it."
He got to eat more so he had no issue, helping you get into the cupboard once he was done clearing it out
You were so energised yet you couldn't think of what to do
You put a spell on you to stop you from feeling pain and began to let yourself roly-poly down the hallways
You penciled rolled abit too fast at one pointand ended up thumping down the stairs
You were thankful the spell worked
It got to the point you just kept rolling around until you couldn't anymore
You padded the broom closet
Immediately doing a double take when you noticed a body In the darkness
You went over and turned on the closets light
"is there a reason you're sleeping in the broom closet?"
Belphie was grumbling, trying to hide his face from the light
He glared up at you for disturbing his sleep
"Is there a reason you're rolling around the house?"
You ended up dragging belphie around the house
You felt like you committed a crime and it was fun
He was fast asleep and you were bored
You dragged him by the ankle and tried to keep his body from banging into anything along the way
You ended up bumping into Beel, he was looking for his twin, and he noticed you were dragging him
Belphie slightly woke up, waving at his brother before going back to sleep
Beel carried the two of you back to the his bedroom; hugging you both
If it weren't for these warm beefy arms you would be free! Free to terrorise all the shadows in the room
You gave up your night activities when even Belphie wrapped an arm around you
Dia was sneaking around the house, hoping not to run into his butler
He didn't want be to be sent back to bed
He was planning to have a light night snack and see how you were going
He knew you were always doing something during the nights, it surprised him when he found out because you were always in bed whenever he saw you
He checked your bedroom and didn't see you in your bed
Suddenly, he noticed a pile of black by his feet
He saw you, scrunched up on your back with the little D's covering your body, all hugging you
"oh! I almost didn't spot you under there, are you alright?"
"I'm great~ you should join me."
The little D's You were able to scratch were purring in their sleep
He found the sight adorable as he crouched down
"I'm teaching them to love me so they can willingly become armour for when I take over the Devildom - we'll be like the rat king!"
He just quietly laughed; the prince helping you pet and scratch the little D's
He agreed you'd make a good ruler
Though he had to force himself to be silent as you started chanting whispers of 'You will be my armor' and 'rat king'
Decided to leave you and your brain washing, going to the kitchen like he intended
Though when he walked past your room again you and the little Ds weren't there
He found you in his room, pouting and dangling off the chandelier
He helped you down, asking what was wrong
You told him the little D's banished you from the cuddle pile because you kept trying to make them move as one being
He patted your head and told you you'll become the overlord some day
"Why are you making pudding at 3 am?"
He already knew why, just like he knew you were here hence why he visited you
But that didn't stop him from asking
He knew you liked it when he showed his intrigue in things even if he already knew about them
"my hands demand to CREATE- oops sorry - hopefully that didn't wake anyone."
He was always surprised to see you up and about during the nights
He was always the one looking after you in the morningsa; making sure you ate and had a drink
Whilst you just laid in bed, always barely awake and unmotivated
He stayed with you, watching over you as you made your pudding
Making soft spoken discussion as he guided you through any steps you seemed to become hesitant in
You ended up making 10 batches of pudding
Barbatos eating a few whilst he watched you
When you grew bored of pudding making you ate the cups he didn't eat
Saving a few for lord Diavolo in the fridge
He complimented your pudding, telling you that they were very delicious
You felt proud; having a spark to make more food
He told you what would be best during this time of night and helped you
Though it did end up with the both of you covered in flour and barb slipping on a dropped egg
You both thought it was best to clean up and stop for the night
He was very embarassed he made a fool of himself
He didn't expect to find you in his working space
He knew you would be awake but didn't even think of you doing what you're doing right now
"is there a reason you're drinking my potions like their shots? I must say this is rather interesting - how many did you have?"
You wiped your mouth, your hiccup coming out as exploding bubbles
You looked at the small glass viles, and saw ALOT of them empty
More than you realized
"uh- 3?"
he just chuckled, reading the notes you made
The notes was recording what each potion did to you
He was thankful you remembered this was his safe batch
Unknown to him you in fact did NOT remember and was having a Russian roulette game with them
He sat with you, making a cure for your explosive hiccups
You happily drunk it and felt better
He laughed more when he saw your scribbles; drawing what happened to you
Solomon will be making you his potion tester from now one so beware
He was an early riser; awake by 3 am and usually did some writing or watched TV until he got tired again
He had a mug of tea, shuffling through the dorm
He's hung out with you plenty of times whilst you cure your late night boredom
But he was surprised when he saw you in the living room, mini flashlight in your mouth and scrubbing the floors with a sponge mop
"Oh, you don't need to clean - that's very sweet of you but don't you think it's abit early to do this?"
You looked at him, semi blinding him with the flashlight
Immediately took it out of your mouth and apologized
You agreed it was but you wanted to do it as you've been meaning to for the past week
He just nodded, letting you do your own thing whilst he enjoyed his drink
But you suddenly felt awkward; no longer wanting to clean now that someone was in the room
You made your way over to him, climbing on the coffee table and jumping onto the sofa
He was curious on why you weren't doing your thing anymore
"dunno know, just feels awkward when people watch me do stuff."
He suggested leaving you be, saying he'll stay in his room
But now you felt bad because he wanted to rest in the living room
In the end, he helped you clean and you both fell asleep in the bathtub, cuddling up with towels working as padding and a blanket
You liked creeping Luke out
It was fun, so far you've convinced them that you're a type of demon that watches bad children whilst they sleep
But really you just wanted to feel like a cryptic, sitting in the corner of his room on a cupboard
It wasn't long for him to wake up from your staring
"I'm going to tell Simeon if you keep staring at me."
You wanted to laugh; he really was a child
Luke wasn't aware that you were a night owl, he just assumed you were always tired and sleeping
He liked to help you around the house and look after you when he could
It almost made you feel had
He's been extra stubborn about liking the Devildom to the point he's Been insulting his friends and trying to push them away
"Luke, you've been very bad, pushing your friends away just because they're a demon isn't good - embrace your friendships."
You weren't amazing at changing your voice but it seemed to work on him
He complained that it wasn't right for angels and demons to be friends
But you quickly reminded him what this whole exchange program was about
"you have been chosen to help fix the divide between the three realms, just hang out with the people you care about or I'll eat your toes!"
He immediately got scared, scrunching into himself and only peered slightly out of his blanket
He made you promise to leave him alone if he made up with the demons
You agreed, feeling bad for disturbing his sleep but thankful your plan worked
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garbagevanfleet · 4 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: talk of sex and such, feelings Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: alright, this is terribly late again because im a depressed snail at heart, but its longer than usual, so i hope that makes up for it. If you read my fic at all, i love you. If you interact with this fic in anyway, i want to wed you. 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack
You woke up in a daze of fuzzy but pleasant memories. You were trying to blink the sleep from your eyes when Josh entered your line of sight. He had emerged from the hallway, completely naked save for the necklace he’d been in the night before, little water droplets slipping from his curls to his shoulders. 
You shot up in bed, and as you did, the comforter fell away from your body. It took you a moment for you to realize that it was the air hitting your bare skin that was making you feel chilled, but it didn’t last long. Your face turned beet red as you quickly picked the sheet back up to cover yourself. 
He was giving you an odd look - somewhere between amused and concerned. “Are you alright?” he tried cautiously, still standing there stark naked. 
“Josh! You can’t just walk around naked,” you complained, stuttering on your words as they came out. 
He snorted a laugh. “What? First of all, this is my room. Second of all, it’s a little late to try and protect your modesty.”
You rolled your eyes at him until you realized what he was talking about. “Oh my god, we had sex last night,” you whispered to him like it was a secret, a tiny smile on your lips. 
He nodded, breathing a laugh. “Yeah.”
You experimentally shifted in your seat before grimacing up at him. “That would explain why I’m sitting in a damp spot.”
You could only describe the laugh that escaped him as a cackle, honest and unabashed. “Gross.”
You had to say you agreed with him. 
There was a cautious moment, where you stared at each other, both unsure of what to say. 
“Are we good?” he tried quietly like he was a little scared of what you were going to say.
You patted the spot next to you and he clambered in as he was told. You leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
“Of course, we are,” you assured, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. 
“If it’s going to make you feel better to pretend it didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be mad.”
You pulled away and looked up at him with a frown. “What are you talking about?”
He shrugged, sporting a nervous smile. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
You heaved a big sigh, shifting to look into his eyes. “Josh, I want you to listen to me really carefully, okay?”
He nodded.
You slowly reached up to cup one side of his face in your hand. “I don’t regret it - actually, I had a really nice night. I just think that it would be best for everyone involved if it didn’t happen again. We probably shouldn’t be romantic...or naked around each other.”
The expression he wore seemed like an understanding one, at least to you.
“You want me to make pancakes? Maybe chocolate chip banana?” you offered, giving him a cheeky smile. 
He couldn’t help but match it. “Yes. You’re probably going to want to put your tits away first though.”
“You first,” you quipped, smacking the back of your hand against his peck. 
The rest of the weekend, the two of you spent watching Christmas movies on the couch (even though the holiday was more than a month away) while you worked on sewing the costumes. Josh had offered to ask the theater department if you could borrow a sewing machine, but you had been way too afraid of it to try and use it, so it sat in your room alone. That did, however, leave you to sew 26 costumes by hand. Well, more like 24, since Rachel had two of them mostly done. 
You were finding it oddly fun though, even though your fingers hurt by the fifth stitch or so. The hardest part was making sure you worked on the basics of every costume first - your instinct was to work on one at a time until it was perfect, but you knew you had to be smart about time management. Luckily, even though it was only near mid-November, Michigan’s weather was lovably unpredictable. The weather station had called for snow only through the weekend, but, in reality, it was Monday evening by the time it was done dumping snow - giving you a full three day weekend. 
Kate had been sending you pictures of the pieces of the set she had taken home with her to work on, and you couldn’t hide how impressed you were with her work. You would almost be offended at how good it looked if you hadn’t known she was an Art History major with a heavy side of sculpture work. 
In the last two weeks before the production, you barely got to see Josh. He would walk you to school, but then you usually wouldn’t see him for the entire rest of the day. You tried to wait up for him on Thursday night, but you ended up falling asleep on the couch, and woke at 1 am to him gently patting your shoulder. 
“Hey, you should get up and go to your bed.”
You blinked up at him, sitting up and brushing your sleep-mussed hair from your eyes. 
“You’re home so late,” you scolded half-heartedly, pulling your borrowed sweatshirt closer to your face. 
“I know, sorry. There’s still a lot to do, especially after we got snowed in last weekend,” he replied, sitting gingerly on the armrest. 
“I told you that I’m happy to help however I can.”
He smiled at you, but you had to admit that he looked over-tired. You’d been watching him burn the candle at both ends for three days straight. “It’s a lot of stuff that only I can do. Like going over the music and making the final set diagrams.”
You hummed in understanding as a response. 
“Want me to carry you to bed? You can come sleep in mine if you want,” he offered through a crinkly-nosed smile. 
You grinned back at him, genuine at first, but it quickly turned melancholy. “Josh,” you said under your breath. “I’d love that, but I don’t think it’s good for us to share a bed anymore.”
His expression fell, face turning blank. He nodded at you, standing and giving you a disappointed smile. “Sleep well,” he wished, patting your shoulder again once before retreating to his room. 
You stayed on the couch for a while, your knees tucked up to your chest, as you sat in your guilt. You had known it was stupid of you to have ever let things turn anything other than platonic with him - it had been undeniably fun, but he was your roommate, for fuck’s sake. You had to see him every day, eat your meals with him. Had you not selfishly let yourself go there in the first place, you’d be cuddled up beside him tonight. 
It had been so lovely having any kind of affection - platonic or otherwise - that you let yourself get carried away. 
When you finally got up and went to bed, Josh’s light was still on, his door shut for one of the first times since you moved in. 
Kate took you out for breakfast on Saturday morning to a local hole-in-the-wall that she swore had the very best pancakes she’d ever eaten. She had shown up in a puffer jacket that looked so warm, it made you jealous. 
You’d been chatting easily about your classes and the play, but when you had finished your first cup of coffee, there was a lull in the conversation. 
You hadn’t meant to say it, it just bubbled out. “I slept with Josh.”
She glanced up at you through her jet black lashes, stony-faced. “Yeah,” she replied, way too calm, sounding like she was wondering why you were even telling her.
You blinked at her for a moment. “Did you hear me? I had sex with Josh.”
She nodded. “Do you want me to pretend like I’m shocked?”
You grimaced at her, and in a whiny tone, responded, “Yes, please.”
A nervous laugh escaped her as she fixed her features to display a surprised expression. “You did what?!” she asked - purely for your benefit. 
You groaned at her. “Okay, I get it. I feel so bad about it, Kate.”
Her cherry lips shaped into a puzzled frown.  “Why?”
A deep sigh filled your ribcage - you had been hoping it would clear your head, but no luck. 
“Because I desperately miss being able to be platonically intimate with him and it not being awkward. Before this, I was sleeping in his bed from time to time when I got too cold and we would cuddle.”
“Why can’t you go back to that?” 
“Are you listening? I slept with him,” you groaned. “All I can think about is him on top of me now.”
She scoffed, her chipped nails tapping against her glass of diet Coke. “Imagine how he feels - Josh had real, honest to god feelings for you, I think. Like for a while.”
“You said that, but I don’t know. How do you know that he didn’t just want to sleep with me? Like not in a conscious way, but what if he just wanted affection? What then, Kate?”
She had one dark eyebrow raised at you as she sipped at her straw. “Because I know that’s not true.”
“How would you be able to know that? Because you see him sometimes at school-” 
She cut you off with a confident smile. “I know because I talked to Jake about it.”
You almost blew past it - that is until you realized what she had said. The two of you shared a long, silent moment as you stared at each other. 
“You’ve been talking to Jake?” you asked, trying to keep your tone even so she didn’t know how excited that made you. 
“I have talked to him in the past, yes. He said that he already knew, but he was able to pry it out of Josh when he was drunk once.” 
You stared at her. “Okay, there’s a lot to unpack here right now, I think we can both agree with that. But can we start with you and Jake?” 
She huffed a disbelieving laugh as she set her hand on yours on the table comfortingly like she was trying to cushion the news. “Josh has some feelings for you - the real kind.”
In an effort to prolong the moment that it was time for you to speak again, you picked up a bite of your breakfast and popped it in your mouth. The moment always comes though, no matter how long you try to put it off. 
“I can’t,” you said quietly, shaking your head in disappointment. Then when she prompted you with a confused look, you finished. “I can’t risk it. I mean, maybe there could be something there, but he’s my roommate. And my best friend - there’s no way I’d ever get lucky enough again to find someone I connected with like that if things went sour and I had to move out.”
She licked her lips absently. “My advice would be to think about it - for literally as long as you need to. I’m confident that you’ll figure out what you want.”
You nodded, not entirely convinced one way or another. “It’s hard because he’s so fucking cute,” you said in faux disgust. 
“And sweet,” she added. “Don’t forget that.”
You shot her an accusatory look. 
After a long pause, a smile found its way to your lips. “How cool would it be though if we were both dating one of them?” 
She laughed, picking a syrup-covered strawberry off her plate and chewing it with care. “Not me, I can’t be tamed. Jake is really hot and everything, but I got shit to do, you know?”
You scoffed at her. 
“I’m definitely keeping him in my contacts though,” she said with mischievous eyes. 
 You didn’t directly see Josh for the rest of the weekend, though he left evidence of his presence scattered through the apartment. He had left his hair mousse out on the sink and the toothpaste cap off of its tube in the bathroom, some crumbs of a sandwich he packed for lunch in the kitchen, and a note on his bedroom door. 
Can you please feed Penny a couple of flakes for dinner? If you have any time today, I’d appreciate it if you could spend some of it with her. See you sometime soon! - J
You plucked the paper off the door where it was barely hanging by a thin strip of green floral tape and smiled as you read it again. 
His bedroom was dim, hid away from the sun by his closed blinds. The desk by his door was covered in books - textbooks, music books, books for his English lit class, and one you’d seen him reading for fun on more than one occasion. On the hardwood floor next to his bed was a stack of papers, and even though you knew you shouldn’t you crouched to peek through them. 
They appeared to be rough drafts of plans for the play - nothing too exciting, but they were charmingly eccentric. He had done little doodles of his ideas for sets and props, even a whole sheet of costume ideas that caught your eye. You pulled it from the messy stack and folded it into your pocket. 
Careful not to spill any water, you moved Penny in her globe to your bedside table, but as you stared at her through the glass you frowned. 
You pulled your phone out and snapped a picture of her, trying to make sure you got an accurate portrayal of her size. She looked at you, sticking her lips out of the water in search of food. You remembered Josh’s warning about overfeeding her the first day you’d met him and it brought a genuine smile to your lips. You promised her you’d be back, holding your finger just above the water and letting her press her mouth to it. 
On the ride over to Petsmart, you had called your mom, asking if it would be okay if you borrowed some cash, to which she agreed to after her usual line of questioning. When you pulled into the parking lot, you checked your bank account just to make sure it transferred okay, always nervous that you’d get to the register and your card would decline.
You spent longer than you should have reading articles online as you studied the tanks, all set up in rows for purchase. They weren’t as expensive as you’d expect a water-sealed glass box to be, and after you were confident you had picked the right one, you still had plenty left in your budget for the dressings. 
You picked a couple of fun decorations - a fake log for her to hide in if she wanted to and one that looked like part of a broken Greecian statue. The part that took you the longest was picking out the healthiest-looking plants. You had read that goldfish often like to eat live plants, but you couldn’t bring yourself to buy fake ones - the plant lover in you knew it was a cardinal sin. 
A very kind cashier agreed to help you carry your haul to your car, even helping you shift it all correctly so you could make it fit. You left him a secret tip, even though he denied at first, and thanked him profusely.
Getting the tank into the apartment was the hardest part. You realized just how lucky you were that you didn’t live above the first floor. 
By the time you got the tank situated back on his dresser, your muscles - especially in your legs - were protesting, but you weren’t done yet. You grabbed an empty ice cream pail and started to fill the tank, one trip at a time until it was about 3/4’s full of water. 
The decorations had to be shifted multiple times before you liked their position enough to start pouring in the gravel around them. A Youtube tutorial taught you exactly how much of each chemical to add and how to put together the filter, and then you left it to cycle as you returned to your room.
Perched on your bed, you pulled the sheet of costumes from your pocket and studied it. You pinned it to your corkboard. Undeniably, the cutest design he had come up with was for the door mouse - grey fabric, huge ears, and a rope tail. 
The rest of the unfinished costumes were in a cardboard box by the side of your bed - you hadn’t moved it anywhere because you knew you’d be back at it before too long at any given time. You bent down off the side of your bed and rummaged through the different fabrics until you found the one you were looking for - a grey-blue faux suede deal. You were pretty sure you had enough to make it work. 
You fished your phone out from where you had buried it under the covers when you shifted and called the one person that could help. 
“Hello?” Kate mumbled, sounding like you’d just woken her up despite it being noon. 
You giggled at her. “Hi, I’m playing my best friend card. I know you’ve helped so much, but can you please please come work on these costumes with me?”
She hummed and then went silent for a good, long moment. “Give me ten to wake up and get dressed.”
A beaming smile spread across your face. “Kate, I love you so much. I’m going to Venmo you money to get coffee and donuts, okay?”
“Hmm, I do like donuts.” She sounded pleased.
“Good! Bring Jake too.”
The knock on your door came a half-hour later. You jumped from your bed, racing to let them in. Jake was dressed in the softest-looking flannel shirt you’d ever seen, a drink carrier in his hands that housed three drink cups. 
“Okay, so there are three jobs that need to be done. Measuring and marking, cutting, and sewing. If we each take one of those jobs, I’m confident we can finish a couple of the costumes today. I’ll let you guys pick first,” you informed as you lead them into your room. 
“I’ll take cutting,” Kate said, prompting Jake to reply that he’d like measuring. 
You handed Jake the notebook of measurements with a grin. “Rachel,” you started with a sneer. “Did a lot of the calculations for us, thank god. All you have to do is measure out the fabric. The tricky part is making sure you do it in a way that will leave enough fabric for the rest of the costumes.”
“Not a problem,” Jake responded with a smirk. “And I think her name is just ‘Rachel’, not ‘Rachel’.”
Kate shot him a look on your behalf. “I think she was just making a referencing the fact that Rachel left your brother with a huge ass list of things to do completely alone, not that she was jealous.”
“Jealous of what?” you asked accusatorily, a scowl painted on your face. 
Jake put both of his hands up in defense., but he didn’t appear apologetic in the slightest. Smugly, he said, “I’m just saying-”
Kate reached out and smacked his chest. “Jake, shut up. Okay, what one should we start on?”
“I’m going to have Jake start with this one.” You turned to the page in the notebook that showed the measurements for the door mouse, laying it out by him. “This is the main fabric. Kate, I have a lot of the Queen of Heart’s fabric measured and marked already, so I’ll have you start cutting that. There’s a lot of little pieces to that one.”
Kate looked at the six different fabrics you’d laid out for her, one eyebrow cocked at you. “Have you been getting any of your own homework done at all?”
Your cheeks flushed as you nervously rubbed at the back of your neck. “Let’s stay on track, shall we?” you replied, pretty much answering her question. “We’ve got one week until the production, and I know the costumes have to be done at least a day ahead of time.”
They both just stared at you in varying stages of disbelief. 
“Don’t look at me like that. We can do this,” you assured, sounding a hell of a lot more confident than you actually were. “Now let’s get to work.”
When Josh got home, you were nearly sleeping on the couch, the remains of your current project in your lap. You peeked at the clock.
10:54 pm. 
“You’re home so late,” you whispered, for no particular reason. 
“I know,” he agreed, wiping his hand over his face after he took his jacket off. 
“Come sit with me a minute,” you requested, shifting so he would have space. He gave you a grateful smile, immediately crossing the room to do as he was told. 
After a moment, he cautiously wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Is this okay?” he asked quietly. 
You gave him a smile. “Yeah, it’s perfect.”
You knew he must have been tired because he wasn’t talking a mile a minute like you were used to after not seeing him for long. 
“Are you hungry?” you asked.
He hummed, sounding like he was close to passing out. “I am, but I can make myself something.”
You scoffed, “Absolutely not. You got get into bed and I’ll bring something to you in a second.”
He reluctantly got up off the couch and clambered into his room. You waited patiently for him to notice the surprise, grinning to yourself when you heard him gasp. 
You listened as you made him a sandwich, and you couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying, but you knew he was talking to Penny just by the tone of his voice.
As you rounded the corner into his room, he turned and gave you a smile as bright as the sun. 
“Did you do this, or did Fish Santa come early?” he asked, his finger pressed against the glass of the tank. 
“Well, kind of both,” you responded through a laugh as you sat next to him on the bed and delivered his sandwich to his lap. “You can consider it your early Christmas present.”
He stared at you for a long beat, looking like he might cry. You knew you’d never be able to handle that, so you pulled him in for a hug, tightening your arms around him when he hugged you back. 
“You’ve been working so hard,” you whispered. “I miss my best friend.”
He turned his face, pressing his nose into your cheek in a move that felt a step or two farther than friends.
“I’ve put everything I have into this,” he admitted, and you were too scared to ask if he meant the play or something else. You sat like that with him for a long moment before he pulled away, giving you a thankful smile. 
“I’m sure you need time to decompress, so I’ll leave you be. Eat and then get some sleep, okay?” You stood and headed for the door, turning when he called your name. 
“Thank you,” he said.
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littlegnoblin · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend and other half @donestiel
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Dean comes home from work to find Cas and Jack sitting at the table, red heart-shaped lollipops strewn in front of them. 
He gives Cas a quick kiss. “You trying to give the kid a sugar rush or what?” 
“Daddy! It’s for Valemtime’s Day!” Jack yells excitedly, hopping off his chair to hug Dean’s legs.  
“It’s pronounced valentine, Jack.”
“I don’t know, valemtime kinda has a nice ring to it,” Dean says. Jack beams up at him and he can’t help but ruffle his hair. 
“Yes, well, the holiday has become so bastardized that I suppose renaming it wouldn’t hurt.” Cas squints at the box the candy came in. “Does no one find it odd that their children are passing around cards demanding others belong to them?”
Dean sits down and pulls Jack into his lap, flipping through the little pink cards. “I don’t know that you’re supposed to think about it that hard, dude.” He comes across a card that reads ‘kiss me’ and holds it up. “This, on the other hand-- they’re five, what the hell do they need to be kissin’ for?”
“I want kisses!” Jack protests. 
“You’re a little kiss monster.” Cas leans in and presses a big, exaggerated smooch to Jack’s cheek. “How was that? Did it satisfy the beast?”
Jack giggles and nods enthusiastically. 
“Hey, I’m gonna need to sample one of those kisses myself. Make sure they’re regulation-- standard procedure.”
“Is that right?”
“‘Fraid so,” Dean says with a shit eating grin. 
He’s expecting a goofy kiss like the one he gave Jack but Cas uses his thumb to tilt Dean’s chin just so and kisses him deeply. 
They break apart when two tiny hands push at their faces and Jack tells them to knock it off. 
“This is what Valentine’s Day is all about, champ. Besides, I thought you liked kisses.”
“You guys do it gross.” 
Dean smiles and bounces his eyebrows at Cas, who rolls his eyes but can’t hide the small curl of his mouth. 
“Perhaps your father will help you write your classmates’ names on the cards while I get dinner ready.”
“I can cook,” Dean says quickly. The thought of Cas’ last attempt at cooking has his stomach churning and he’s pretty sure feeding that toxic waste to Jack would be considered child abuse. 
Cas holds up a cardboard box. “It’s frozen pizza.”
“Alright, I’ll do babysitting duty. Just make sure you take the plastic off this time.”
“It’s not babysitting when it’s your own child and that was one time.”
“One time too many,” Dean mutters.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Nothing, dear.”
Cas glares at him. “I expect you to eat a healthy portion of salad along with your pizza tonight.”
“You making it yourself or is it bagged?”
The glare intensifies. 
Jack tugs on his sleeve. “Daddy, did you like doing valentine’s stuff in school?”
“Nah, it, uh-- it wasn’t really a thing when I was your age.” 
That’s a blatant lie but Dean’s not going to tell him the truth and bum him out. What five year old wants to hear that their dad didn’t do Valentine’s Day exchanges because there was barely enough money for food, let alone candy, and he never really stuck around any school long enough to get included in the holiday stuff. Shit’s depressing. 
“So you never got no cards or nothin’?”
“Nope.” Dean never got cards but he did get invited under the bleachers a few times in high school to unwrap a different kind of present. He’s not telling him that either, though. 
“That sucks. Can I have a lollipop?”
“Nice try, kid.” Dean taps on the card in front of them. “Get to writing.” 
He oversees the careful labelling of the cards, reminding Jack to double check the list of names anytime he spells something wrong and corrects a few backwards letters. They debate who gets what card and Jack complains that he has to give one to Tom who keeps cutting him in line. 
Cas rejoins them in the middle of Jack’s impassioned rant, hiding his smile behind his hand. 
“While I agree that Tom is a-- what was it you called him?”
“A butthead.”
“Yes, right, a butthead. While I agree he is a butthead, unfortunately I think you need to be the bigger person. Maybe this will even convince him to stop cutting in line and you two can be friends.”
“No way. I don’t wanna be friends with Tom.”
“You never know,” Dean says. “I didn’t like your dad when we first met, but I think he’s a pretty okay guy now.”
Jack looks at him wide eyed. “You didn’t like Daddy?”
“No way, he was a butthead.”
“It was more of a misunderstanding,” Cas explains. 
“Oh is that what we’re calling it?”
Cas lifts an eyebrow and stares him down. “What would you call it, Dean?” 
Shit, that should not be so hot. 
“Not the point; the point is that I didn’t think I would ever like your dad and now we’re married. Things change.”
Jack furrows his brows, considering. “I don’t want to marry Tom.”
Dean snorts. “You don’t have to. In fact, please don’t. His mom is a nightmare.” Cas kicks him under the table. “What! She is!”
“You don’t have to marry him and you don’t have to be friends with him,” Cas says, ignoring Dean completely, “but you do have to give him a card and some candy.” 
Jack grumbles but does as he’s told. Dean’s legs are starting to fall asleep but he’s become increasingly aware of how fast Jack is growing up and soon-- way too fucking soon, if you ask him-- he won’t be sitting in his lap at all so he silently resigns to not feeling his legs for the next ten minutes. 
“All done!” Jack yells and throws his hands in the air. 
“Sweet, now let's stick some candy in these bad boys and call it a night.”
“Wait, there’s a extra, what should I do with it?”
“Is there anyone who’s not in your class that you’d like to give a valentine to?”
Jack gasps and slaps a hand over Dean’s eyes, nearly poking one out in the process. “Close your eyes, Daddy!”
Dean dutifully closes his eyes until Jack tells him he’s finished. He slowly opens one eye and sees the pink card held about an inch from his face.
“For me?” he gasps dramatically.
The front of the card reads ‘You’re the best!’ and when he opens it, he finds ‘Daddy’ written in some of the neatest handwriting from Jack he’s ever seen. Beneath it he’s signed his name, the K backwards like it always is on his first try. 
“I gave it to you because you never had one before and also you’re the best daddy ever, who makes me yummy chocolate chip pancakes and cheeseburgers and does funny voices for bedtime stories,” Jack explains. 
Dean wraps his arms around his son and rests his cheek on top of his head, his heart feeling fit to burst. “Thank you, Jack. I’m gonna keep this forever.” And he means it. 
“Welcome. Can I have a lollipop now?”
Cas points at Dean. “He gets that from you.”
 After the valentines are carefully put away and they’ve had dinner (plastic free and edible, which Cas seems proud of), Jack gets a bath and is tucked in bed. Dean and Cas spend the rest of the night sprawled out on the couch watching reruns of Doctor Sexy and drinking beer. Party city. 
When the Doctor Sexy reruns switch to Jeopardy, Dean knows it’s officially midnight. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I guess.” 
They tip their bottles together. 
“I hope I didn’t disappoint you by not planning anything,” Cas says, picking at the label on his beer. 
“What? No, of course not. We never do anything. I thought we were on the same page about avoiding that shit after our first Valentine’s together.”
They both shudder thinking about the sweaty cupid ‘handshake’. 
“We are, but we never actually discussed it and I…” Cas pauses and tilts his head. “I think having Jack around and seeing the world through his eyes, experiencing things in a new way, it makes me wonder if we’re not missing out on some of the little things.”
“Hey, we appreciate lots of the little things-- like you not cooking frozen pizza with the plastic still on.”
“Okay, okay. So you sayin’ you wanna celebrate now?”
“Sam and Eileen do.”
“Sam and Eileen are saps. And they don’t have a five year old running around.” 
Cas makes a sound of agreement and softly strokes the back of Dean’s neck, sending shivers down his spine. “You make a fair point. In all honesty, I don’t want to do anything extravagant but I would like to take the opportunity to remind you how much I love you. Am I allowed to be sappy for a moment?”
Dean clears his throat. “Yeah, I guess you deserve one day to get it all out.” He puts their bottles down and faces his husband. “Lay it on me, big guy.”
Instead of looking annoyed, Cas just looks fond. “You know, it’s ironic that a man as full of love as you are is so quick to dismiss any sentimentality. You are a fascinating creature.” A thumb sweeps under his eye where he’s got permanent dark circles and settles at the corner where his lines get deeper every day. It makes Dean want to squirm but he holds still under the reverent touch. “Perhaps that’s why I never stood a chance.”
“C’mon, man,” Dean says, dropping his eyes to the couch. 
“Hush, I’m allowed, I’ll have you know. My husband gave me explicit permission.”
“Well, your husband is thinking about rescinding the offer.”
“I love you.” 
Cas says it with such conviction that Dean can’t help but look back at him, at his bright eyes and soft smile; at the evidence of his love written all over his face. 
“I love you, endlessly, Dean Winchester. For everything that you are; the good and the bad. From the moment I saw your soul in hell, so bright it was almost blinding, I knew I would never be the same. You breathed life into me, gave me meaning and purpose, taught me the value of love, and you did it all, selflessly, simply by being the man that you are.” Cas draws him close, presses their foreheads together. “I can never give back all that you’ve given me but I promise you will have my love until we are nothing but a forgotten memory, and longer still.”
Dean squeezes his eyes shut and they breath together in the small space between them. 
“You can’t-- you can’t just say shit like that,” he whispers. 
“And why not?”
“Because it’s not true, first of all.” Cas opens his mouth to argue but Dean covers it with his hand and hurries on. “You’ve already given all of that back and more. God, Cas, if it weren’t for you I’d have been dead years ago. I needed to stick around-- to take care of Sammy, to stop whatever or whoever was trying to end the world next-- but you… you made me want to live. Really live, not just survive, you know? I fuckin’ love you, man.”
Cas pushes Dean’s hand away and presses his lips against Dean’s fervently. 
When they finally break apart for desperately needed air, they both pretend they aren’t sniffling like little girls. 
“You happy now? Can we go back to not doing this?”
Cas laughs. “I hadn’t planned on making it quite so emotional, I apologize. You always bring out the most in me.”
“Ugh, enough,” Dean groans, shoving Cas’ smiling face away. “You aren’t allowed to say anything even approaching romantic for the next twenty four hours, capiche?”
“I can agree to that, as long as I’m allowed to give you a gift later.”
“I thought you said you didn’t plan anything?”
“It’s nothing big.” Cas’ fingers sneak under Dean’s shirt and trail along his stomach, dipping to his waistband. “I just happened to walk by Victoria’s Secret and see a pair of pink satin panties in the window.”
Dean’s heart beats a little faster. “Oh yeah?” he says breathlessly. “Not gonna lie, that seems more like a present for you.”
Cas hums and leans over Dean, forcing him to lie back on the couch. “Well then I suppose I’ll just have to do whatever you want while you wear them.”
When he kisses him he tastes like cherry candy and Dean thinks could learn to like this holiday. 
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 6: Fan
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 “And that’s how you cook rice,” Kita says as he puts the pot in the rice cooker. You nod, embarrassed. You settle back on the floor. hiding your face from the two boys as they talk about how their friends. Osamu’s phone starts ringing so he answers it and a loud voice speaks.
“Bro! (Y/N) really lives with Shinsuke?” The caller says in awe so you look at Osamu. He turns the camera to you and you wave your hands, mouthing a hi. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”
“Aran, calm down. You act like it’s your first time meeting a celebrity,” Osamu tells the person on the line.
“I can talk to him if he wants to,” you offer to Osamu which Aran hears loud and clear. You hear him shuffle around before Osamu gives you the phone. You greet him with a smile, forgetting about the rice incident. “Hello, Aran-san. Is that right?”
“Yes. I’m a big fan! Actually my whole team is! We watch your vlogs on our breaks,” Aran rambles, making you smile. Interacting with fans is something that helps you cope up with your stress, and knowing that you got a group of athletes as your fans, makes you feel overwhelmed, but in a good way.
“Really? It’s nice to hear that you enjoy my videos. I’ll upload more content soon,” you reply, the smile not leaving your face.
“Who are you talking to?” You hear someone ask from the background.
“(Y/N),” Aran replies excitedly.
“You might have gone crazy,” the other man replies.
“No! I’m serious! Look!” Aran flips his phone to who he’s with, revealing you on the screen. You awkwardly bow then wave.
“It is her! How did you-? Does she have a fan event or something! Hello, (Y/N). I just finished watching the vlog you uploaded yesterday,” the man tells you, coming in close to the camera. “I’m Gao!”
“Hi, Gao-san! It’s nice meeting you!” You greet him cheerfully and the three of you continue to talk.
Kita and Osamu just watch you talk to them. They feels like an online fan signing is happening in front of them. The two of them continue to talk on their own. Minutes later, Osamu hears the rice cooker’s alarm go off so he stands up and gets the rice, leaving you and Kita alone on the table.
You are still talking to the boys, which have now turned into a whole team.  Kita observes you carefully. The way you smile on the phone as if they’re really in front you is making him feel weird inside. And you’re really listening to what they’re saying, which is making that already weird feeling even weirder.
‘Am I becoming a fan?’ Kita asks himself, unsure of what he’s feeling.
“The rice is here,” Osamu announces as he puts the pot at the side.
“I have to leave now,” you tell the men in front of you. “It was fun talking to all of you. And I promise to go to one of your games one day. Bye!” You wave at the phone. You hear a chorus of good byes before you end it. You give the phone back to Osamu, apologizing to him for using his phone.
“It’s okay. You seemed like you were enjoying talking to them,” he remarks, sitting across you.
“Yeah. I love talking to fans,” you say confidently, smiling at Osamu. And there is it again, the weird feeling Kita is new to.
‘Maybe I am becoming a fan,’ he tells himself, getting rice from the pot. “How much rice do you want?” Kita suddenly asks you. Your mind short circuits from his question. It’s not a big deal and even back home, someone does it for you but since Kita is the one doing it the rice feels extra special.
“I think that’s enough,” you answer as he shows you the bowl of rice. He hands it to you and you accept it with both of your hands.
The three of you eat and talk. You ask them questions about their friendship, and you learn that Kita used to play volleyball. You also find out that Kita stopped studying after high school so he can provide for his grandmother. The more you know about him, the more you start to like him despite being the complete opposite of your ideal type.
You see Osamu out while Kita offers to do the dishes. As Osamu’s car leaves,  you hear a dog bark. You look around the parking area, searching for the source of sound. You spot white fur by the bushes so you slowly approach it. Suddenly, a small white dog jumps on you, making you yelp in surprise. After you’ve regained composure, you properly hold the dog.
“Hi, there, little...” You lift him up and check its genital. “Boy. You’re a little boy. Are you lost?” You nuzzle your nose on its nose, shaking the dogs body slowly. You take a better look at him.
He has a puffy long coat which is snowy white, but his ears are grey. He has amber eyes and a very smiley face. He looks like an extra tiny fox. He’s small so you assume that he’s a puppy. You look for a collar or any tag, but you don’t see any. You can’t say that it’s Kita’s neighbor’s dog, because he doesn’t have one. The closest house to his is at least a 5 minute drive.
You stare at him intently, wondering why he looks familiar. Then you finally know who he looks like.
“You look like, Kita,” you coo, bopping its nose. It licks your nose in return so you giggle. “Want to meet Kita?” He barks in response, which you take as a yes. You carry him inside excitedly, not taking in mind about Kita’s reaction to the strange furry animal.
You finally step in the kitchen where Kita is and you proudly show him your new found friend. Kita drops the fork he was washing, totally frozen on his spot. Why are you carrying a dog in his house? Where did you even get that dog?
“What’s that?” Kita asks you, picking up the fork he dropped.
“It’s a dog!” You answer with a proud smile. “Isn’t he cute?”
“Where did you get that thing?” He looks so horrified and grossed out. If anything, he’s ready to throw the dog out of his house.
“I saw him outside. He doesn’t have a collar or any tag on so I brought him inside,” you reply with an innocent tone so he takes a deep breath in.
“What makes you think you can just bring any animal in my house?” His voice is louder than a while ago so you frown. “Bring it back to wherever you found it.”
“No! Look at him! He’s so small! What if a car runs over it?” You gasp, hugging the dog even tighter. Kita looks at you in disgust.
“That’s his destiny,” he remarks but you ignore him. “This is my house, you know. And I don’t want animals in here.” You and the dog stare at him with puppy eyes but he just gags. “You take it out of my house now.”
“No more buts. My house, my rules,” he tells you firmly, but you don’t back down.
“Can we let him stay inside just for tonight? I promise I’ll find him a home by tomorrow!” You beg him.
“Please, Kita!”
“Please. Please. Please. Pretty please.”
“Still no.”
“It’s just for tonight. Right, boy?” You ask the puppy and he barks. “See? He’s a good boy.” Kita groans, defeated. You’re even more persistent than the twins, and those two are tenacious as hell.
“Fine. As long as it doesn’t make a mess and noise, he can stay. Just for tonight. I’ll be the one bringing him to the compound tomorrow,” Kita finally agrees but you don’t like his idea.
“Compound? No! I’ll find him a good home myself,” you argue once again. Kita sharply looks at you, but you don’t seem moved or afraid by it. “I’m searching for a home now.” You put the dog on the ground and run to your room to post a picture of him online.
The furry animal and Kita stare at each other for a long time. “Why does he look like someone I know?” Kita questions, tilting his head to the side. The dog mirrors his action. “Osamu when he had grey hair? Or that guy from MSBY?”
“I’ve found a name for him!” You shout, sliding your feet back to the kitchen.
“You’re supposed to look for an owner, not a name,” Kita snaps at you. You ignore his words and pick the dog up and stretch your arms towards Kita’s direction, presenting him the dog.
“Rice. Let’s name him Rice,” you state and he turns around, completely in disagreement with your plans. You put Rice down and move closer to Kita. “It’s a cute name! It suits him. He even looks like you! Rice is just the most suitable name.” Kita grimaces at how you compared him to a dog.
“You’ve only been here for a few hours, and in that few hours you’ve made porridge and brought a strange dog in.” Kita faces you, the distance between the two of you small but safe.
“I’m sorry...” You lower your head, frowning. You hear him sigh so you look back up anxiously.
“I’ll go to the vet tomorrow and see if he’s chipped and has an owner. If he doesn’t, he can stay here. But you need to take care of him,” Kita tells you, giving in to your pleads. ‘Why do I feel like I have a child?’
Out of excitement, you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him. Once you’ve realized what you’ve done, you pull away from him then run back to your room, Rice following you.
“Why did I do that?” You groan, your face buried on your pillow. Rice barks and you see him sit across you. You smile widely, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you remember the hug again. “He’s so warm!” You squeal like a teenage girl. You start rolling on the floor, muffling your squeals and shrieks on the pillow. “He smells even better up close.”
Meanwhile, Kita is back to washing the dishes, but is completely distracted. He can’t stop thinking about your hug. The thought of your hug turns into a smile. Then, it becomes your voice. After that, it’s your face. ‘She’s cute.’ He finds himself smiling while washing the dishes.
He finally realizes what the weird feeling is.
‘Do I like her?’
Dogs noses are wet to help absorb scent chemicals
Three dogs survived the Titanic sinking
Pomeranians weren’t always so little. They used to weigh as much as 20 to 30 pounds before being bred down in size by Queen Victoria of England.
Despite their small stature, they are famous for thinking they can take on big dogs with their little bark. This makes socializing a Pomeranian with other dogs important in order to avoid aggressive behavior.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 9
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
When she wakes, she momentarily can’t place where she is. The room is dim and there’s a soft whirring sound, a warm body tucked close against her back. Mulder’s apartment, she remembers. They’d decided to make it a double feature, collecting their clothes and switching out Mars Attacks for Twister. She must have drifted off at some point, with Mulder spooning her on the narrow couch, and the automatic rewind on the VCR kicked on when the movie ended. She pulls in a deep breath and his arm around her waist tightens momentarily.
“Stay,” he croaks from behind her, sounding as though he had also fallen asleep.
“I can’t, Mulder,” she replies, twisting her body around to face him, her nose pressed into his chest.
“Why?” he asks, brushing his palm up and down over her back.
“Because, I shouldn’t.” She knows her tone isn’t all that convincing.
“Says who?” he asks, though not indignantly.
“Says…I don’t know. Me, I guess,” she replies in a defeated tone.
He sighs, then pauses to consider his words.
“I don’t want to pressure you. But the idea of not seeing you again for a week kind of makes me want to die.” His words are soft and measured, communicating honesty, not frustration.
“That’s very dramatic,” she answers with a teasing lilt.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m pathetic.”
She worms up until she’s close enough to kiss him, pressing her lips to his cheek and then his mouth.
“You’re not pathetic,” she says tenderly, “you’re actually very sweet. I’ll make you a deal; I’m not going to stay the night,” she quirks a smile at his dramatic frown, “but we can get dinner tomorrow, and if you want to have coffee one day this week, you can come down.” She gives him a hopeful smile.
“That seems like a fair deal,” he says, kissing her forehead. “But if you get home, or wake up in the middle of the night, and realize you’ve made a horrible mistake, just call me. I’ll come right over.”
“I promise I will,” she says, then disentangles herself from his arms and collects her purse and shoes. She says goodbye to Priscilla, then bids a very long and very kiss-filled goodbye to Mulder before he finally releases his grip on her. As she waits for the elevator she hears the patter of his bare feet on the hallway floor and turns to see him skittering towards her, pulling her into one last kiss before he runs back to his apartment door, waving at her with a coy little smile.
Once she’s buckled into her car, she lets out a deep breath. She’d barely made it out of there; if Mulder had asked one more time, kissed her once more on the couch, she might have caved. Might have stayed the night, and might have done who knows what else. She can easily see the strong potential for this budding relationship to fast track to being more serious than she feels ready for, and it scares her. She’s never felt this strongly about anyone so soon after becoming involved with them. Clearly he has a strong pull on her, given that she cheated on Ethan with him, it’s just a lot, and she’s a person who likes to think clearly and make rational decisions. When she’s with Mulder, she loses the ability to think rationally.
When she’s home and tucked into bed, she does wish he were there, curled up behind her. Knowing she could call him and he’d be here in fifteen minutes is tempting, but she talks herself out of it. Not yet, not until she’s sure that this is more than just animal attraction. More than wanting to prove she didn’t destroy her relationship with Ethan over nothing.
It has to be more. And she suspects that it will be.
“Okay, spill it,” Missy says, and Dana looks at her with a mildly shocked expression, not even having fully taken her seat at the cafe with a mocha in hand before Missy gets down to business.
“Hello to you, too, Missy. How was your evening?” she asks her sister with a facetious tone.
“I hung around by myself and wondered what kind of action my little sister was getting that I wasn’t, so please, indulge me.”
Dana laughs and shakes her head, debating how much detail to give.
“It was nice, we just watched a couple movies, ate pizza, drank beer.”
“...and?” Missy asks expectantly.
“...and, we watched Mars Attacks and Twister,” Dana answers, knowing that this is not the information Missy is asking for.
Missy drops her head to the side with a frustrated glare. “Dana, quit being a prude, or I’ll just make up my own story and tell it to you right here in the coffee shop, I know you’d love that.”
Dana makes a face. “Okay, fine. Yes, we...fooled around. But we didn’t have sex.”
“Really, why not?” Missy questions incredulously.
“Missy, it’s not that abnormal not to sleep with someone on the second date,” Dana retorts with an annoyed tone.
“It is if they’ve already gone down on you and you’ve been obsessing over them for almost a year,” Missy shoots back.
“Well, regardless of your unsolicited opinion,” Dana replies, “emphasis on unsolicited, I’m choosing to wait a bit, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Fine, whatever floats your boat, Sis. Please elaborate on ‘fooled around’.”
Dana scoffs. “We...kissed, and some other things. Why are you asking for all this detail, Missy? I don’t recall you ever asking me to be this explicit regarding my sex life with Ethan.”
Missy rolls her eyes. “I’m willing to bet Ethan was into missionary with the lights off. This Mulder guy has serious sexual energy, he seems like the kind of man who knows what he’s doing. When’s his birthday?”
Scully frowns at the memory. “October 13th,” she answers flatly.
Missy shoots her a surprised expression, but suppresses it quickly. “Oh, wow, okay. Um, so he’s a libra. That’s a good thing, libras are very generous lovers.”
“I have seen evidence of that, however my pants stayed on last night so nothing to report in that respect,” Dana answers, taking a sip of her coffee to avoid looking at her sister.
“But his didn’t?” Missy asks with a smirk, and Dana purses her lips but doesn’t respond. It’s as good as saying yes.
“Dana Katherine Scully,” Missy teases with a knowing smile. “Some things never change.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Dana asks defensively.
“Oh please, Dana, we went to the same school, you don’t think I heard the story about you and Marcus behind the gymnasium?”
Dana’s mouth hangs open in shock.
“Well, I hope he enjoyed his favor being reciprocated nine months later,” Missy continues, then adds “did you swallow?”
Her mouth drops open wider and she slaps Missy gently on the upper arm. “Melissa, don’t be gross!”
Missy is giggling and swatting her away. “You know what Dad always said, Dana, ‘a Scully sees it through to the end!’” She crosses her arms over her face in self-defense as Dana peppers her with little slaps, though they’re both laughing.
Finally, the tittering subsides and they are both back in their respective seats, catching their breath.
“So when are you seeing him again?” Missy asks, tucking her feet underneath her legs.
“Tonight, actually.” Dana answers self-consciously.
“Oh really? So soon?”
“Well he practically begged me to stay the night and said he didn’t want to wait until next weekend, so it was somewhat of a compromise,” Dana answers, the arrangement sounding like a red flag to her own ears.
“Dang, he’s got it bad,” Missy remarks with a little frown. “Is it too much? Are you doing that thing?”
“What thing?” Dana asks defensively.
“That thing where you get overwhelmed when someone is really interested in you and you sabotage it?” Missy ventures.
Dana furrows her eyebrows. “I don’t do that,” she says, but her tone suggests that she may not believe herself. “I just don’t want to get all caught up in the excitement of a new relationship and not look at things objectively,” she finishes.
“You know,” Missy says helpfully, “that exciting new relationship, not thinking clearly, crazy in love feeling is something most people like, Sis.”
Dana shrugs. “You know me,” she says plainly, “I’m not really one for excitement.”
“I have a sneaking suspicion that Mulder is going to put that to the test,” Missy retorts with a smile, and Dana cringes.
“I think you may be right.”
Her demeanor when he picks her up for dinner seems just a bit guarded and is markedly different than it had been when they parted ways last night. He brushes it off, figuring that things between them are still new and awkward, and recognizing that he’s probably coming on just a little too strong.
The day has been grey and cool, and she’s wearing jeans and an oversized blue sweater, her hair pulled half up into a little bun. He smiles warmly at her, but stops short of telling her how amazing she looks, sensing that she might not want to hear it. They make their way to a little Mexican place near her house and she is polite but quiet as they order, munching on chips and salsa with a pensive expression.
“Are you okay?” he asks cautiously, and she nods. “I’m freaking you out, aren’t I?” he adds, and she shakes her head gently, but looks at him with wide eyes from beneath her lashes, and he knows it’s true.
He sits back, running his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Is it the sex part or the feelings part?” he questions, and when her eyebrows lift in surprise he suggests “Both?”
She laughs softly and shakes her head. “It’s really not you, Mulder, it’s me. I’m just not very comfortable with the whole,” she swirls her wrist around in the air, “whirlwind feeling, when things are new.”
He leans forward on his elbows and looks at her seriously. “Tell me what you need me to do differently, Scully, and I promise I’ll do it.”
“Maybe just...don’t act as though I hung the moon?” she offers with a pained expression. “I’m just a human person like anyone else, faults and all. It makes me worry that when you really get to know me you won’t like what you find.”
He gives her an amused smirk. “At the risk of further idolizing you, what’s not to like?”
“You want me to write a list?” She asks, returning his smirk, and he gives her a half shrug, half nod. “Well, if I’m basing this on what my family, friends, and past partners might say; I’m very rigid in my thinking on most matters, take myself far too seriously, am emotionally distant much of the time, don’t really know how to have fun and...I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. Basically I’m a total stick in the mud.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says, smiling at her. Her self-consciousness is wildly endearing.
“Okay now you have to go,” she says, picking at her paper napkin.
“Oh, what are my worst qualities?” he clarifies, “Jeez, this could take a while. Um, I’m very singularly focused, as in whatever I’m chasing down at the moment I become completely obsessed with to the detriment of all other things in my life,” he casts her a little glance to confirm that she understands that this is what he’s doing with her, which she does.
“I’m a workaholic, though that’s a lot easier to manage when I’m not all that invested in what I’m working on. I’m terrible with things like birthdays, anniversaries, or generally sentimental things, I just forget them completely. I’m also persistent to a fault, and have a hard time letting things, and people, go, even when I should,” he looks at her again, and she gives him a tight-lipped smile. His worst qualities are the ones that are at risk of scaring her off right now.
“Well then, perhaps,” Scully offers, “I’ll work on not trying to shut you out, and you can work on not trying quite so hard to get in.”
“We’re still talking about feelings here, right?” he jokes, and she rolls her eyes.
“There’s another flaw I forgot, making jokes at completely inappropriate times.”
She smiles at him, with teeth, and he knows they’ll be okay. He needs to be mindful, but he hasn’t totally fucked it up yet.
The rest of their meal goes without incident. He talks about spontaneous human combustion while she calmly explains why it’s medically and scientifically impossible. The way she can disagree with him without talking to him like he’s a lunatic endears to him even further, but he works hard not to let it show. When the waiter comes by and asks about dessert, she shakes her head.
“I have ice cream at home,” she says after the waiter leaves, “saves us five bucks.”
He masks the surprise and delight he feels knowing she’s essentially just invited him back to her apartment, and absolutely does not allow himself to hope that she’ll let him stay the night. It’s a work night after all, and she’s just made clear that she has a tendency towards rules and guidelines; sleepovers on a school night seem like something she’d be against.
Back at her apartment, she gives him a quick tour, having neglected to do so when he was here last week, and he’s impressed though not surprised by how grown up and clean her place is. It matches her personality perfectly, and that makes him like the place immediately.
She opens the freezer and pulls out a pint of ice cream, then retrieves two spoons and hops up on to the counter, which brings them just about face to face height-wise. The cold blast from the open freezer has hardened her nipples and he avoids looking as they pass the pint back and forth, taking alternate bites and talking about their favorite and least favorite flavors. Soon enough, the tub is empty, and she sets it and the two spoons to the side, leaning back against the cupboard behind her. He steps closer into the space between her thighs and places his hands gently on her hips.
“Do you want me to go?” he asks in a neutral tone, not wanting to sound like he’s trying to persuade her.
She quirks her mouth to the side in consideration. “Maybe not just yet,” she says, then hooks her legs around the backs of his thighs and pulls him closer.
He suppresses a victorious smile and instead leans forward to kiss her, simultaneously slipping his hands under the hem of her sweater. She jumps a little at the contact, and he realizes how cold his fingers must be from the ice cream. He pulls his hands free, rubbing them together briskly in the space between their bodies as he continues to kiss her smiling mouth. When he’s satisfied that they are warm, he returns them to her bare sides and she hums in approval. Her hands find the back of his neck, scratching through his hair as his fingers trail their way up the ladder of her rib cage until they meet with the soft underside of her bare breasts. He wants to make mention of the lack of bra, but isn’t sure if calling attention to it would make her self conscious, so he says nothing and just enjoys it. Brushing his thumbs along the seam where chest becomes breast, he moves to kiss down her neck, teasing at the skin behind her ear with the firm tip of his tongue. Finding the spot she seems to like the best, he then runs his thumbs up until they meet with her hardened nipples and she emits a little moan that goes straight to his dick. He stays on this particular combination of rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger while licking and kissing her neck until she’s tightening the grip of her legs around his hips, seeking friction. He pushes the fabric of her sweater up slowly enough that she has plenty of time to tell him if she wants to stop, but once her breasts are exposed and his mouth is wrapped around one of her nipples, he is absolutely sure that she doesn’t. She lets her head fall back against the cupboard, breathing hard through her open mouth. He brings the fingers of one hand to the button on her jeans, then pauses.
“Okay?” he asks around the nipple between his lips, and she hums out an “mmmhmmm.”
Flicking the button open and easing the fly down, he slips his hand palm-up under her panties, drifting down through her neatly trimmed hair and into the slick heat of her. She’s deliciously wet, and knowing he caused it makes him feel weak in the knees as he rubs his groin against the edge of the counter, even more turned on than he had been before. He slides his fingers up and down over her swollen lips, his tongue still lapping and sucking at her nipples alternately, and she is panting and quaking beneath him, hips writhing and fingers digging into his neck telling him that she wants more. He circles his dampened thumb around her clit and she whimpers, clutching his head to her chest. His middle finger finds her entrance and swirls around it, not quite entering, and she stills, waiting, anticipating. When he continues with his same teasing movements, she lets out a frustrated breath and speaks.
“Please,” she whispers, her voice pained.
He smiles against her breast, slipping his finger inside, and she moans low and long, throbbing once around him. He experiments with different ways of touching her, inside and out, and soon she’s gasping and breathing raggedly, flexing her hips into his hand, nearly suffocating him with her breast in his mouth and he feels like he’s in heaven.
“Oh god,” she moans, then goes still for a long moment as he feels her walls clench tight around his finger. Then she’s coming, throbbing rhythmically and pulling his face up to kiss her, pouring her blissful moans right into his open mouth and clutching him as close as he can get with one hand in her pants. Finally, she touches his wrist gently and he pulls his hand free, enveloping her fully in his arms as they kiss with just as much passion as they started with.
“That really wasn’t what I had in mind when I suggested ice cream,” she says against his mouth, and he smiles, breaking the kiss.
“So that wasn’t some kind of ‘dessert’ double entendre?” he asks, pulling back slightly and looking at her flushed cheeks and still-dilated pupils.
“No, but I’m not exactly devastated that you interpreted it that way,” she replies with a playful lilt.
“So...what now?” he asks cautiously, neither wanting to overstay his welcome nor do what Frohike delicately calls ‘hit it and quit it.’
She bites her lip and considers the question. “You wanna hang out for a bit and watch TV? I’ll have to kick you out at 9:00, it being a school night and all.”
He feels his mouth stretch into a broad smile at the confirmation of his suspicion that she calls it early on work nights.
“Sounds perfect,” he replies, then steps back so she can jump down from the counter, re-fastening her jeans while casting him a mirthful glance.
They snuggle up on the couch and half-watch whatever is on, but mostly they talk, and kiss, and laugh. He finally asks her about the little gold cross necklace she’s always wearing, and he finds himself further enamored with how complex she is; a woman of science and religion, beautiful and strong, smart and fun. He’s working hard to temper his expression of it, but if he was only ninety-five percent sure he was in love with her when he said it back in August, he is one-hundred-twenty percent sure now.
True to her word, she kicks him out at 9:00 and promises that they will get together for coffee this week once she takes a look at her autopsy schedule and knows which days she’s free.
Once in his car, he drops his head against the back of the seat with a satisfied sigh. All week at work, his colleagues will ask him what he’s smiling about, and he’ll tell them truthfully that he’s just really, really happy.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
The Receptionist and the Profiler (Four)
Chapter Four: Casino Night
(Spencer Reid x f!Reader)
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/N: y’all gonna hate me for this one
Nowhere in the office was safe for Spencer. Every single room, except for the men’s bathroom, was completely overtaken by Y/N and every other woman in the office rambling about the upcoming wedding. They’d apparently gone dress shopping together and he’d overheard them discussing the dresses Y/N had tried on. Not that he was interested in the act of dress shopping itself, but he imagined that even the ugliest dress on the market could never take away from Y/N’s beauty. She could drape a potato sack on her body and put on a veil and Spencer would still think she’s the most beautiful girl in the world. He wondered if Anderson thought the same.
But seriously, it was getting unbearable. The breakroom--the centerpieces, the bullpen--the dress, the kitchenette--whether or not she’ll have her hair up. He practically had to hide in the men’s room when he wasn’t on a case. Spencer hadn’t had a proper conversation with Y/N since the announcement. He missed her. He missed their little chats and he missed making her smile at his dumb jokes. 
He was currently hiding in the bathroom--despite him being absolutely grossed out by every surface--he planned on staying here for a few minutes, just to calm his racing heart. Every time someone brought the wedding up, it would send his heart and sweat glands into overdrive. He was glad the bathroom was empty so he could wash his face and pick at his nails until he was ready enough to leave it. He was leaning up against a wall when the door opened and Morgan walked in.
“Hiding, huh?” He asked knowingly, as if he was completely unfazed to see Spencer in there.
“Yup.” He replied simply, turning away as Morgan went.
Morgan sighed heavily as he emerged from the urinal and began to wash his hands, “I’m sorry, man. I can’t imagine how annoying it must be for you, but seriously if I have to hear Garcia ask one more time if she’ll be able to provide a vegetarian option, I might actually explode.” 
Spencer found it hard to smile back at his friend but managed to give him a nod. Morgan dried his hands and stood in front of Spencer, “Hey, have you tried talking to her? Maybe..telling her...” He trailed off suggestively.
“No! I haven’t even had the chance to say anything to her besides ‘good morning’. You know, with us being on cases and stuff, and now we’re in the office and I can’t even talk to her. And you can absolutely forget about me telling her anything about anything.” Spencer nearly pouted as he ran his hands over his face, absolutely exhausted.
“Well, okay, then forget the office. Talk to her at Rossi’s, she’s coming to Casino Night on Friday, right?” Morgan tried to reason.
“Yeah, but so is Anderson, and she won’t leave his side. So when the hell am I supposed to talk to her?” Spencer huffed frustratedly.
“You’ll figure it out, man. Now come on, you’ve been gone for too long, I think people are starting to worry about you.”
Rossi was hosting a mini casino night in his house--mansion--as a means for the whole team to unwind. Everyone was glad for the distraction since the last case hadn’t gone so well. It also gave everyone the excuse to dress up, which was nice for a change. Spencer wasn’t even sure whether his teammates would like it if he played with them, but he’ll go anyway, even if it’s just because he wanted a chance to talk to Y/N. 
Friday rolled around way faster than any of them had expected, or maybe because Spencer was stressing so much that time seemed to fly and everyone else experienced time normally. Thankfully they hadn’t gotten any cases and had the entire weekend off. Of course, he was the first to arrive, again. What is so difficult about coming on time? He was just jumpy and anxious because he’d try to talk to Y/N tonight. He doesn’t think he’d be confrontational or….confess anything, he just genuinely misses her. She and Anderson arrived half an hour after Spencer had. She looked...stunning. It wasn’t often that he’d see her all dressed up, it was almost too much for Spencer to handle. He could barely take his eyes off of her. 
She’d spotted him in the kitchen as soon as she came in and sent him an excited wave from the doorway. His face responded with a blush far faster than his hand responded with a wave. Morgan quickly whisked Anderson away and Spencer hoped it would be that way for the rest of the night. She quickly made her way over to him and Spencer was absolutely entranced by the way her emerald green dress sparkled and twinkled under the light coming from Rossi’s expensive chandeliers.
“Spence! Hey!” She began as she greeted him with a hug.
“Hey yourself. You, uh, you look really really pretty, by the way.” Spencer stammered as he stared back at her. He cursed himself for being so nervous.
“Thank you. You look dashing. You know how much I love this tie on you.” She grinned as she extended her hand to rest on the tie. Spencer was terrified she’d feel his heart beating through his chest, but was more than glad she’d noticed his tie. He’d worn it specifically because he remembered her complimenting him every time he wore it.
“I do...know, I mean.” He chuckled awkwardly as he tried not to focus on the way her hand was still on his chest. She was so close he could definitely smell her divine perfume. It always reminded him of her, he’d be able to recognize it anywhere. She gazed up at him so sweetly and Spencer’s eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the rich redness of her lipstick. So perfectly lined, so tempting. 
He’d decided then, red was his new favorite color.
“I missed you all week, we haven’t had the chance to talk at all.” She pouted her bottom lip ever so slightly and he never felt like he wanted to kiss someone as bad as he did then. He almost frowned when she stepped away to start pouring herself a glass of wine.
“Yeah, we haven’t.” He felt as though her gravity was pulling him in and all 187 of his IQ points had decided to disappear right into thin air as she smiled up at him.
“Are you feeling okay, Spence?” She giggled, sipping from her glass, eyeing him from her spot at the island of the kitchen.
“Yep, totally great.” He tried to laugh it off, but before he could make more conversation, JJ had swept into the kitchen and announced that they were starting another game. She pulled a laughing Y/N out of the kitchen and to one of the makeshift round tables.
“Nu-uh! I’m not playing with Reid!” Emily exclaimed as Spencer took a seat at her table, which consisted of Morgan, Rossi, Anderson, and Garcia. Spencer laughed and raised his hands in defense.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys kinda suck.” Spencer joked and Rossi practically jumped out of his seat.
The night went on, filled with lots of laughter and sounds of chips hitting each other. Y/N found herself trying to catch Spencer’s eye most of the night. She’d missed him. The girls had been so excited with planning and discussing the wedding with her that she hadn’t talked to him in forever...well, it was only a week of intense distraction, but it felt like forever, okay? The few times he’d caught her eye, she found herself blushing and looking away quickly. 
Two hours later, Spencer had felt the need to get some fresh air outside when he heard Anderson get up and excuse himself inside. Oh no, they were leaving. He didn’t get to talk to her.
“Hey, babe, you ready?” Anderson asked Y/N, who was clearly in the middle of a game with the girls.
“Um, we’re leaving already? We just got here.” She replied, temporarily leaving her spot at the table.
“I’m just so beat, Y/N. I really wanna go home.” Anderson replied, coat already on, barely leaving her with any choice.
“Okay, um...no problem, I think I’ll stay for a while, I’ll catch a ride back with JJ. I’ll walk you out, hun.” She smiled and put up a finger to the ladies at the table to gesture that she’ll be back soon. Spencer sighed as he watched from the front porch as she led him to their car and pressed a kiss to his lips from the window when he got in.
“Night, babe. See you when I get home.” She smiled and waved as he drove away.
Spencer stood from his seat and she smiled upon seeing him.
“Hey! What are you doing out here? Bored already of taking everyone’s money?” She giggled, walking back up the front steps to meet him.
“Uhm, nothing, I was just getting some fresh air.” He attempted a smile, “Hey, so can I talk to you about something? Do you, want to...go back inside or would you like to, um, go to the backyard with me? It’s really beautiful.”
She totally forgot about the game going on inside and nodded, “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go see the backyard.”
He led her to Rossi’s gorgeous backyard which was more elegant than anything the two had seen. The pool shone under the twinkling garden lights which also did an amazing job of giving her an ethereal glow. Spencer was nervous all of a sudden as he led them both to the center of the garden. It was quiet, the chatter coming from inside the house was faint, but it was peaceful enough for him to be able to catch his breath.
“So, are you having a good time?” She attempted to fill the silence as they strolled a little in the backyard.
He laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets, “Um, well, considering Emily’s basically banned me from playing with her and Rossi literally shooed me away from his table, yeah, I’d say I’m having a great time!”
She laughed and the sound echoed in the garden, leading her to place a hand to her lips to try to suppress her giggles, “Sorry…” she mumbled a shy apology. He wanted to tell her to never apologize for laughing because it was truly music to his ears and his favorite sound in the world. 
He shook his head, once again in a trance, “You are so beautiful.” He said, with a dopey grin on his face. She felt her face grow hot as she caught his lovesick stare.
“Thanks Spence…” She recoiled shyly into herself, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by his gaze. They hadn’t realized they stopped walking. Spencer found it hard not to stare.
“So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” She gazed up at him curiously. She caught herself thinking that his honey colored eyes were something she’d always want to stare into.
This was his last chance. It’s now or never.
“Um, I just- uh…” He trailed off nervously. 
His heart wasn’t just beating, it was absolutely going batshit crazy in his chest. He swallowed nervously as his hands made fists in his pockets. He wasn’t up for this, he really wasn’t. He’d never confessed...anything to a girl, let alone his undying love for her. Why is this so hard? It’s just five little words. Yeah, but five little words that had the power to ruin everything so quickly---
“Spence?” She prodded, her hands finding each other nervously. But as he looked down at her, he thought, how could he not be irrevocably in love with her? He took a deep breath and braced himself.
“I’m in love with you.” His eyes were alight with adoration and admiration as he confessed. Years and years of pent up love and feelings have finally led up to this moment.
“What?” She stared up at him incredulously. Of all the things she thought he’d say, that was absolutely not one of them.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry if that makes things weird. I know it’s really bad timing, you’re about to get married in less than a month, but I had to let you know. At least once, so...I’m so undeniably in love with you, Y/N.” He swallowed nervously.
“What are you doing?” She began to frown, shaking her head in disbelief, tears beginning to line the inside of her waterline, “How am I supposed to react to that?” 
Her hands fiddled with the ring on her finger. The ring that suddenly felt too heavy on her hand. It felt wrong to wear it. Half of her heart wanted to throw it in the pool and run away with Spencer into the night and the other half--the half that was currently winning--was planting her feet into the ground.
“I just wanted you to know, Y/N. I’m not expecting anything from you, right now, or ever. Just as long as you’re happy, even if it’s...with him.” He felt the tears gather in his own eyes.
“Spencer...you--I can’t.” She sniffled, wiping a stray tear from underneath her eye. She couldn’t leave Anderson, not even when she knew she returned every bit of Spencer’s love and admiration. 
He nodded solemnly and wiped at his own eyes, “I get it.”
“You have no idea what this friendship means to me…” She began but Spencer shook his head, raising a hand to stop her.
“No, stop, stop, I don’t want just that,” he shrugged, “I want to be more than that, Y/N.” He sniffled through his nose.
“I’m...I’m sorry, Spence, I can’t.” He watched her red lips turn downwards into a deep frown as they tried to contain her small sobs. 
“Yeah, I know. It’s not your fault.” He tried to smile as he wiped his cheeks, stepping past her and slipping right back into the house.
Her feet felt as though they were rooted into the grass, the tears falling from her eyes were watering her in place. She couldn’t believe her ears. 
What just happened? 
Did Spencer really say all that or was she dreaming again? Did he really love her? As in, love her love her? That sounded too good to be true. It felt different than when she thought back to when Grant had first told her he loved her, did it feel like she felt now? Grant was such a safe option...he was always there. She’d always thought she’d marry him, he was the only person she’d ever been with. They’d been together for so long, it felt ridiculous to think of leaving him. Was she thinking of leaving him? She hadn’t decided yet. She was never the type to leave someone at the altar, Grant was the safe option, she repeated. It’s already all planned out.
She hadn’t realized how much time she had spent in the garden until she found JJ taking a seat next to her on one of Rossi’s bamboo chairs.
“Hey, you disappeared, is everything alright?” JJ asked and Y/N was glad she was slightly turned away from her so she couldn’t see the remnants of her tears.
“I...I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’m--I’m just--,” She choked back a sob, her emotions bubbling up inside of her. JJ was quick to pull her up to wrap her in a compassionate hug, “I don’t know what to do, JJ.”
“What is this about?” JJ asked, even though she had a very strong inkling as to what it was about.
“He’s my best friend.” She said simply and it clicked in JJ’s mind. She sighed and nodded, but her blue eyes looked past Y/N.
“Um, I think you two have a lot to talk about.” JJ said before leaving hurriedly, giving the two the privacy they needed.
Y/N turned to face Spencer again, who had his hands in his pockets, “Spence, I’m sor-” She began but she was immediately cut off by Spencer’s soft lips enveloping hers. She gave in quickly as his hands came up to cradle her cheeks and guide her into his face as much as he possibly could. Her hands instinctively rested upon his warm chest. It simultaneously felt as if they’d both kissed a thousand times, yet it was still foreign to her. She’d never known that a simple kiss could be so powerful and intoxicating. Of all her years dating Anderson, never once had he kissed her with this much passion. She’d thought all those authors of all those romance novels must have been exaggerating when they’d said a kiss transported them somewhere--but now she knew. She knew what that felt like. And she never wanted it to end.
But it had to end. Because everything that’s good ends.
All Spencer could remember thinking was, finally, finally! 
Their lips pulled away from each other and neither could contain the little smiles they had, but their faces remained close, “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
She blushed, shaking her head slightly, “No, I think I might have an idea.”
Spencer’s thumbs caressed the soft skin of her cheeks as he gazed longingly at her lips again. Now that he’s gotten a taste, he’s not sure he can control his impulses. He found himself leaning in for more and her almost giving in before pressing firmly on his chest.
“Spence…” She spoke against her better judgement.
“You’re really going to marry him?” He frowned, taking back his hands from her face, she felt the warmth disappear immediately and found herself wishing for it back. As a compromise, she grabbed his hands before they went to his sides, trying to hold onto any semblance of warmth she could.
She nodded solemnly, having made up her mind, although Spencer’s kiss was nearly pushing her off the edge of what was right and what was wrong, or rather--what was safe and what was not. She never had to worry about whether or not Grant would come back home to her, she never had to worry about Grant being blown up in some ranch in Colorado, she never had to worry about serial killers chasing after her. 
“Okay.” He nodded simply, respecting her final choice. 
He took a few steps back, their hands slowly slipping from each other, before disappearing into the house once more. 
He felt as though that was the end. He’d let it all out to dry, she finally knew how he felt about her. And that was the most important part. He was broken, sure, but at least he felt a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. 
He didn’t have to hide anymore.
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psychedellic-phase · 4 years
Blind Date
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((gif by moi))
A/N: This is the first smut I’ve ever tried to write sooo let me know how it is!
word count: 3.6 k
tw: smut, swallowing, plain ol’ sex with a plot
Spencer spun around lazily in his desk chair, flipping through a case file when Derek walked up to him.
“Pretty boy! Just who I was looking for!”
Spencer looked up from the folder at Derek and groaned internally, “What’s up?”
Derek half sat on the edge of the desk, barely containing his excitement as his leg bounced.
“How would you like to go out tonight on a date?”
Spencer scrunched up his eyebrows, a vague look of confusion painting his face. He was waiting for the punch like of this joke, or prank or whatever it was Morgan was trying to pull.
“A date?”
“Yep, a date.”
“With who?” Spencer dropped the file on his desk, crossing his hands across his chest and looking up at Derek. A date? He hadn’t even talked to a girl since Maeve. How was he supposed to go on a date?
“This nurse Savannah works with, (Y/N), I think you guys would be a great pair.”
So this wasn’t just another prank. Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes with his hands.
“I don’t know, I haven’t, since—“
Derek cut him off, “I know, but it’s been three years Reid. She’d want you to move on.”
Spencer thought about it for a moment. It had crossed his mind recently that he needed to get back out there if he wanted any chance at a family in the future. He came to terms with Maeve’s loss a while ago, but it still felt like he would be cheating on her if he even looked at another woman.
“Look, kid, I think this one could really be worth it. She’s funny, kind, super smart and outgoing, I think you’d make a good match. I wouldn’t even bring it up to you if I didn’t.” Derek looked sincere, his eyebrows furrowed with worry.
Spencer thought for a moment and nodded, a sudden feeling of confidence coming over him, “Yeah, yeah okay I’ll go.”
What’s the worst that could happen? She could hate him and end up being a crazy killer? The odds were slim.
“Really?” Derek’s eyes were wide.
“Yeah, if she agrees to it why not?”
Derek slapped the desk and then squeezed Spencer’s shoulders, “Savannah and I will pick you up at 7, loverboy.”
“You and Savann–“ Spencer cut himself off, “Wait it’s a double date?”
Derek shrugged, “Yeah, that way if it goes South we can swoop in. But don’t worry. This date is not going downhill, not on my watch.”
Spencer just laughed lightly and tucked his overgrown hair behind his ear. A slight pang of guilt and dread formed in his stomach but he did his best to ignore it. Maybe this would be good for him? He hoped it was.
“No,” you said to Savannah over the nurse’s station.
She was trying to set you up, yet again, on another blind date. She was your best friend and you loved her, but she couldn’t let it go. She was constantly trying to matchmake for you, especially since she met Derek. You always told her she got the last decent guy, to which she’d roll her eyes and say, ‘Your guy is out there!’ You didn’t think that was true anymore.
“Y/N! C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
You rolled your eyes, skimming another patient file, “That’s what you said about Dylan. And Brian. And Craig. And they were not fun Sav!”
You started walking down the hallway and she followed you, shoes squeaking, “This one is different though.”
You stopped and made eye contact with her. She looked hopeful, genuine, sincere. Part of you wanted to say yes, but after several disaster dates with the disaster men that she sent your way you were very doubtful.
“You also said Scott was ‘different’ and he ended up still living in his mother’s basement.”
Savannah laughed and shook her head, “Okay, I was wrong about Scott. But I mean it. Spencer’s special!”
“He’s special?” You sounded bored.
“Yes! He works with Derek. The nerdy kid, remember?”
You vaguely remembered her meeting some of his coworkers and nodded, “Yeah he’s like a genius or whatever?”
“Yes him!”
You pretended to think, tapping your chin over zealously and then finally said, “Nope,” popping the ‘p’. You started down the hall way again, her still following you. She always was persistent, and even a little stubborn.
“Y/N, listen to me. Spencer is like 6’1, smart, lanky, kinda awkward but sweet, nerdy, brown shaggy hair; he’s literally your exact type.”
You sighed, she was right. That is your exact type. If you could build-a-man like build-a-bear, Spencer Reid is who you’d make. Savannah did always prefer the more masculine men like Derek, whereas you had a tendency to go for guys who looked like they ran on coffee and adderall and had sensitive eyes.
“Derek and I will be there too, double date style, just in case you guys need a little nudge.”
“But Sav—“
“Nope, no buts. You’re coming. This is a good one, Y/N. I can feel it.”
“But what about work? What if we get called or they do or?”
You were rambling looking for an excuse not to go. You had no good reason to say no, you were just tired of one too many bad dates.
“Work is NOT getting in the way this time! I’ll see you at 7,” she cooed, waving as she slipped into a patient room.
Maybe she was right, maybe he would be special?
So that’s how you ended up sitting across from Spencer Reid in the booth of a diner at 7 pm on a Thursday night.
“I swear I reserved the restaurant for tonight!” Derek said, Savannah on his arm as you all walked a few blocks to the diner. They were Barbie and Ken, just hotter. You and Spencer walked side by side, about a foot between you.
When you had arrived at the fancy restaurant at 6:45 the hostess informed you all that Derek had reserved a table for a Thursday three months from now. The backup plan was the 24-hour diner you and Savannah hit many times post shift.
Spencer sat across from you, folding open the massive menu to find something he’d like. He was exactly how you remembered him: wickedly smart and devilishly handsome.
A dangerous combination.
“So Y/N, Spencer’s from Las Vegas,” Savannah started, not to subtly nudging you under the table with her leg.
“Really? That’s nice, I love Vegas,” You said and Spencer nodded slightly in response, “You’ve been?”
You nodded, “Yeah, for a few girls trips.”
He just nodded and let the conversation die. You felt a little defeated. Was this guy that bad at dates? Or did he just not like you?
True to her word, Savannah stepped in again.
“Today Y/N had a patient throw ice chips at her.”
“What’d you do to make them do that?” Derek said, peeking over the massive menu at you.
You laughed, “That’s not even the worst thing that’s happened.”
“What rotation are you on right now?” Spencer asked you and ordered a Shirley temple. What kind of guy orders a Shirley temple? This guy. This impossibly cute guy, who probably didn’t want you.
“Labor and delivery, so I’ve had many things thrown at me, been called many names,” You laughed and he smiled back.
“I can only imagine.”
“Pretty boy here has actually delivered a baby before,” Derek chimed in.
You stifled a laugh, “Really? Is that so?”
Spencer’s cheeks turned a light pink, “Yeah, actually, and it was not what I expected.”
“Well what did you expect?”
He smirked, “I read all the manuals, I didn’t expect rose petals and magic but that much fluid? Where does it all even come from?”
You and Savannah chuckled, “Squeamish Dr. Reid?”
“Surprisingly, birth is harder to see than some of the dead bodies we get.”
“Hey hey, no dead body and grossness talk at dinner. I’m trying to eat here,” Derek said as the food arrived.
Spencer put his hands up in defeat, “No more dead body talk, I promise.”
You did the same, “No more birth talk, promise!”
You all started to eat, and of course you and Spencer reached for the ketchup at the same time, bumping fingers, like in those teen movies.
“I’m sorry, ladies first,” he said. You grabbed the bottle and squeezed ketchup all over your french fries.
Savannah cringed, “She doesn’t put ketchup on the side of her fries to dip like a normal person, she squeezes it all over top like a psychopath.”
You feigned insult and lightly hit her arm, “Hey! Don’t call me a psychopath in front of all the FBI agents!”
“For what it’s worth, Y/N, you definitely aren’t a psychopath,” Spencer said, offering you a shy smile, “I know psychopaths.”
“Thank you Dr. Reid,” you blushed and he took the ketchup from you, squirting it all over his fries just like you did.
“See! I’m not crazy! He did it too!”
“Probably because you’re both psychopaths,” Savannah giggled and the four of you laughed.
You reached over and took a fry from Spencer’s plate and then you both were finally comfortable. You looked at Savannah once and gave her a thumbs up; she was right, this was a good one.
The rest of the night was perfect. You and Spencer joked and laughed and learned about each other, by the end of the night you almost forgot Derek and Savannah were even there. The two of you were in your own little world, and it was amazing. You would’ve stayed out forever if they would’ve let you.
“We can all hitch a cab?” Derek said as you all stood on the corner. It was cold out and Spencer had so kindly given you his suit jacket. It smelled like fancy cologne, how much more attractive could he be?
You looked at Spencer, and he looked at you, and in that moment you made a decision. You were not going home without this man tonight.
“Actually, I live a few blocks that way,” You said, pointing in the opposite direction, the oversized jacket flopping as you did so, “I’m good to walk home.”
“Would you like some company?” Spencer said, his mouth turned up in a crooked smile. He rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I’d love some.”
Derek and Savannah gave each other a knowing look and bid you farewell. Spencer offered his arm and you grabbed it, leading him to your apartment.
As you walked he pointed out sights and told you the history of the landmarks you were passing.
“The Washington Monument was completed in two phases, a private one from 1848 to 1854 and then a public one from 1876 to 1884.”
“Have you ever been up in it?” You asked, stopping to stare up at the huge monument.
“No, have you?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I have.”
“Maybe you can take me up next time,” he stammered out, blushing and squeezing your arm tight.
You smiled, blush creeping up your face as well at the thought of a “next time.”
“Yeah, I’d love to, and then I’ll show you the best bakery in DC. I’m a sucker for an eclair.”
You released your arm from the crook of his elbow and grabbed his hand. He grabbed yours back, looking down at you in his jacket in the moonlight. His eyes were shiny and the brown was dark, almost black. His tongue darted in and out of his mouth and he bit on his lip ever so slightly.
You wanted to kiss him. Scratch that. You needed to kiss him. You stopped again and he turned to face you. Just as you went up on your tippy toes to kiss him, he knelt down to your level and connected your lips.
It was a short, sweet, innocent kiss that made butterflies erupt in your stomach, and other places. When you separated you were both grinning ear to ear.
The rest of the walk was hand in hand, him rubbing his thumb over your knuckles and you both talking. When you arrived at the front door, you both paused.
“Well, this is me,” You said and started to unlock the door. He stayed a few steps down, just smiling at you.
“Do you want my—should I give you my phone number?” He said, his voice laced with doubt.
You smiled and turned, “Actually...”
His face fell, a sad expression covering the smile he had moments ago.
“Oh, it’s okay I understand, I-I thought we were having a good time is all,” he mumbled out, rubbing his arms because he was freezing and you still had on his jacket.
“I was going to say would you like to come in?” You said, feeling just as awkward as he did.
His eyes widened, “Uh- do I want to come in?” Even he knew what that was insinuating.
You suddenly felt embarrassed, like you had misread the entire situation, “I mean, only if you want to?”
He regained his confidence a little, “Yeah. Yeah, I want to.” And he followed you inside.
You slid off his suit jacket and laid it nicely over a chair, “Can I get you a drink?”
He nodded, “Water’s fine.”
As you went to the kitchen to find him a glass of water, he made himself at home on the couch. You could’ve sworn you heard him mumbling to himself, but shrugged it off. You sat next to him and placed the two glasses of water on the coffee table.
You turned to him, “So—“
To your surprise, he immediately kissed you again, this time with less innocence and much longer. You kissed back, nipping slightly at his lower lip. The kiss got more and more intense, your tongue moving between his slightly chapped lips. His hands found a home on your hip bones, using his thumbs to rub small circles there. When you separated you both had to take a few slow breaths.
“Sorry, I don’t usually do this on a first date,” you mumbled, scooting closer to him so your thighs were touching.
He grabbed a stray piece of your hair and tucked it behind your ear, “I don’t usually do this at all.”
His hand went to cup your face and he was kissing you again. This time, you leaned back so he could hover over you, his tie laying over your chest.
His hands were on either side of you, and your fingers were running through his messy brown hair. You tugged slightly at the root, making him moan and open his mouth even more to you.
Slowly you reached down to fumble with his tie, his hand reached up to stop you.
“Patience,” he mumbled into your lips before kissing down your cheek and across your jaw. Each kiss sent jolts through your body, making the peach fuzz on your neck stand up. You put your hands back where they were in his hair, and one of his hands stayed next to you, supporting him, and the other landed on your hip. His lips found a spot just under your ear, and he sucked on it slightly making you moan and shut your eyes.
“The ears are a neglected erogenous zone,” he said against your skin before nipping and biting at the lobe.
“I-I like it,” you breathed out as you reached back for his tie and undid it, tossing it somewhere across from the couch.
“Should we take this somewhere else?”
You nodded, and in one motion he picked you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and giggled as you led him to your bedroom. He laid you on your bed gently.
You scooted up to the pillows and propped yourself up on your elbows, “Lose the shirt, Dr. Reid.”
He raised and eyebrow at you but did what you asked and soon his dress shirt and undershirt were on the floor. He was slim but covered in muscle. You bit your lip at the thought how scratch marks would look down his back.
“It’s rude to stare,” he joked, and another redhot flush graced your cheeks.
You absentmindedly rubbed your legs together in anticipation as he began to undo his belt. You felt like it was only fair that you undressed too, so you took off your dress and laid out in your bra and underwear.
When he returned to hovering over you he smiled, sloppy kisses running from your lips and down your neck. You silently cursed yourself for not wearing nicer undergarments, but Spencer didn’t seem to mind as he palmed your breasts over your beige bra. You moaned into the skin of his shoulder and started to kiss and suck there. Your hands scratched down is back, leaving red lines in their wake. He grabbed your bra straps and pulled them off your shoulders, pulling the bra down to expose you to him.
With a sharp intake of breath, his mouth was around one of your nipples, sucking on it and twisting it between his lips. His free hand came up to pinch the other bud, making you moan loudly again. You arched your back to meet him, and his hand left your chest to force you back down.
You whimpered as you felt him hard and hot against your thigh. Then he switched sides, wanting to give you equal attention. He stayed there until you begged him to stop.
“S-Spencer,” you said between breathy moans, “Just fuck me already.”
He pulled back and blew on your chest lightly, sending shivers down your spine and wetness to your center.
He stopped and looked at you, his eyes warm and full of concern, “Are you sure?”
You writhed underneath him, “Yes, I’m sure. I’m clean. I’m protected. Please. I need you.”
He completely removed your bra and underwear now, leaving you naked beneath him. You pulled his boxers down slightly, so he could spring out. You pumped him a few times and ran the tip across your entrance, making both of you groan. He kissed you kindly, like he had in front of the washington monument, and then slid inside of you.
You groaned at the feeling, clutching the sheets beside you as he let you adjust.
“Okay?” He whispered and you nodded.
“Do something Spencer, please.”
And with that he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, stopping when he bottomed out. You wrapped your thighs around his waist and pulled him in closer to you while your hands tugged at his hair. The sounds falling from both of you were obscene and delicious. It was hard to tell where he started and you ended.
“Fuck,” he groaned, falling from his hands to his elbows over you. Your chests touched and he stuck his thumb in your mouth. You instinctively sucked in it and he took it between your thighs to start stroking figure-eights on your clit. You groaned and arched into him.
“Don’t stop,” You mumbled, kissing whatever skin your mouth could reach.
“I’m close,” he whispered, sweat dripping off his forehead and onto you but you didn’t care. All that mattered was the way he was winding you up with his fingers, getting you closer and closer to the edge. You stared up at him, his hair stuck to his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed. You made eye contact and he caught your lips in a lusty kiss.
“Wait for me,” you ordered, scratching more lines down his back as your orgasm took over. Your vision went black, your whole body tensing as you pulsed around him.
He rode your high with you while chasing his own.
“Where can I?”
“My mouth,” you said, as he pulled out and put his tip between your lips. You used your hands and mouth to finish him before he came.
The two of you flopped on the bed panting, then started laughing. You turned to lay your head on his chest, “I’m glad I went out tonight.”
He pulled you close to him, so your head was just above his pounding heart, “So am I.” And he kissed your forehead.
You snuck out of his arms to get cleaned up and returned to your spot on his chest. There he stroked your back lightly until you both fell asleep.
The next morning you were turned away from Spencer, your butts touching slightly making you chuckle. You looked over at him and he was still soundly sleeping, looking even more adorable than he had the night before, if that was even possible.
You looked for your phone and saw two missed calls from Savannah. You called her back.
“Hey,” you whispered so you wouldn’t wake Spencer.
“Sooo what’d you think? What’d you guys do? Did you....”
You rolled your eyes, “It was a great night Savannah.”
She squealed on the other side, “YES! I knew it. You owe me $15!” She called to Derek, who was no doubt listening on the other end. You had to stifle a laugh.
“So there’s a second date in your future? I don’t have to keep setting you up?”
You looked over at Spencer, his hair falling in angelic waves around his face. You admired the lips you had grown to know last night and couldn’t wait to feel them again.
“No more setting me up,” You whispered, “And you were right Sav, this one is special.”
You couldn’t tell but Spencer was awake, his mouth turning up into a smile as he overheard your conversation. When you hung up he stretched as if he has just woken up.
“Hey,” he said, voice raspy and groggy.
“Hey,” you placed a peck on his lips.
“How about breakfast is date number two?”
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kat-tamin · 4 years
i’ll find a new place to be from
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Summary: You’re new to the building and keep finding desserts dropped on your doorstep, but who’s sending them?
Warnings: None
Ship: Kat Tamin x Reader
Word Count: 937
Title from: I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers
You had only lived in your new building for a week the first time you opened your door to cookies. It was just a little blue, plastic bag with a few chocolate chip cookies nestled inside. Attached was a note: “Welcome to the building!” followed by a big smiley face.
Well, this was new. You had lived in the midwest all your life until now, growing up with stories of mean New Yorkers, and yet you still moved here. Those stories were not inaccurate. Yesterday, you said hello to the old lady across the hall, and she gave you a withering glance in response. The day before, you saw a fist fight at the bus stop.
But this, this was nice. You grab a cookie, careful not to crumble it, and sniff it delicately. Just because it was nice, doesn’t mean it wasn’t poisoned or drugged. Your mother told you to be careful.
But it smelt okay, a heavenly mix of sugar, flour and butter. Ignoring your mother’s voice in your head, you take a big bite. Instantly, you feel your knees go weak, and you have to lean against the door. It was the most perfect cookie you’ve ever had in your life. Who cares if it was poison if it tasted like this?
After finishing your cookie, basically stuffing it into your mouth, you look at the note again. Who was this mysterious baker of yours? A neighbour, most likely, but who? The mean old lady across the hall, apologizing for her behaviour? You let out a snort into the empty apartment. Yeah right. She was definitely not the type. But you didn’t know anyone else. A creepy neighbour who was interested in you? You shudder at the thought.
Every few days over the next month, you would come home to a bag of treats on your doorstep. It was simple cookies at first, but lately they have become more extravagant. Fruit tarts with delicate lattice tops. Layered squares of caramel and chocolate with a shortbread crust. Whoever was baking these was getting talented.
You loved these treats, but your mysterious benefactor was seriously messing with your diet. 
One day, about a month after getting your first package of pastries, you wake up with the nastiest cold. Your head feels like it’s being sawed in half, and your nose is all gross. You didn’t want to call out from work after only a month on the job, but you had no choice. Going to work sick was not the best thing to do when you’re a health care worker.
It’s 7:30 in the morning when you finally drag yourself out of bed. You usually were on the subway by now. You start filling up a kettle with water. A nice ginger tea with lemon and honey is what you desperately need.
You placed the kettle on the stove, when you hear movement outside your door.
Your heart leapt into your throat. It’s them.
Ignoring your achy body, you run across the room to your front door, and whip it open.
“Oh sh-!” A woman jumps, and presses a hand to her chest. “You scared me!”
It was not who you were expecting. It wasn’t a mean old lady, nor a creepy man. It was a young woman, around you age, with long hair in a ponytail. She was dressed professionally, in a grey blazer, and tight jeans.
Your eyes are drawn to the large box in her hands, identical to the one you received yesterday, which had perfectly frosted red velvet cupcakes. “You must be my personal chef.”
“I- yes.” The woman let out a breath, and nervously tugs on one of  herlarge, hoop earrings. “I make too much, and I saw you move in, so I thought I would…” She trails off, and meets your eyes for the first time. 
 They were a beautiful dark brown, warm and bright. They reminded you of the chocolate truffles she had brought you a week ago.
They were beautiful. She was beautiful.
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. “Well, thank you for the desserts. I really appreciate them.” Your voice comes out in a weird rasp, making you wince, and touch your hand to your throat.
“You alright?” The stranger asks, her brows furrowing. “You don’t look so good.”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes, but give her a smile. “Just a bit of a cold. I’ll be fine.”
“Gingersnaps.” The woman across from you nods decisively. “I’ll make those after my shift tonight. They go great with tea. Or Nyquil.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” You wave your hand, brushing off her suggestion. It was one thing to accept leftover baked goods, it was another for her to make them especially for you. “I just need some rest, and I’ll be fine.”
“I have all the ingredients already, so it’s no problem.” She shrugs, and holds out her hand. “I’m Kat, I live a few doors down.”
You shake her hand, and feel your heartbeat quicken at the warmth. “I guess you can call me your taste-tester then.”
Kat lets out a laugh, and your face splits into a grin at the sound. Suddenly, she checks the watch on the hand that’s still holding yours. “Sorry, I have to go or I’ll be late.”
Was it your imagination or was she slow to release your hand?
“Um, when you come later?” You take a deep breath, and take a chance. “Will you knock this time?”
She smiles, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “It might be late.”
“It’s okay. I’ll wait for you.”
AN: The first of hopefully many Kat x Reader fics. Thanks for reading, and feel free to give me feedback :) 
Picture from JGH’s instagram
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ghxsty-writer · 4 years
Insomnia At It’s Best ↝ Hwang Hyunjin
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Hyunjin x Felix’s childhood friend!reader 
Requested? No this came from my very horny brain! 
Word count: 2,395 
Warnings: SMUT! Dom!Hyunjin, Bratty!Reader, Degradation, Daddy kink, Slight Exhibitionism, Bimbofication, unprotected sex (please protect yourself but you are on the pill in this), Sadism, Masochism, Orgasm denial, hair pulling, slight overstimulation, aftercare (BECAUSE THAT”S IMPORTANT) 
[01:04 am] You sat up on the couch, the dorm completely dark except the T.V. The boys were scattered at this point. Chan, Changbin, and Han were at the studio working on new songs. Minho and Felix were in the dance studio with Jeongin helping him with choreography. Seungmin was also there only to tease Jeongin as usual. Hyunjin, well, Hyunjin was in his bedroom asleep.  Minho made him come home because he was overworking himself. You were there to visit Felix all the way from Australia and you were a little disappointed that he wasn’t hanging out with you, but you understood that he was working. But you really couldn’t complain, he invited you to the dance studio to hang out but you were already comfy on the couch and in a huge t-shirt and black cheekies. With 8 boys in the house it wasn’t exactly the best thing to wear, but it was nighttime and you were always covered with a blanket. You looked at the clock on your phone. 
You groaned because you couldn’t fall asleep. You went through a mental checklist of things that could be keeping you up. Then it hit you, you were hungry. You stood up and crept over to the kitchen trying not to wake Hyunjin. Turning on a single bulb in the kitchen. It was dim enough that it didn’t blind you. You tried to reach up to the cabinet but it was too tall. You went to where the stool was and it crashed on the floor as you tried to place it in front of the cabinet.. 
Fuck. I hope that didn’t wake Hyunjin. 
You put it on the floor gently and you climbed the step stool. As you got the honey butter chips down, the tall blonde walked into the kitchen. “(Y/N)?” he questioned. And as soon as he saw what you were wearing his eyes went straight to the ceiling. “Oh! Hyunjin I’m sorry did I wake you?” You asked, remorse in your voice. “No I was up anyway.” he stated, still looking at the ceiling. “Hyunjin, honey, you okay?” you asked. But it clicked what was happening. He didn’t want to look at you. “Yeah I’m fine.” He said confidently, but his pink tinged cheeks said what he couldn’t. You got down from the step stool with the chip bag in your hand.  
This could be fun. 
“Hyunjin,” the fake innocence dripping from your voice, “why aren’t you looking at me?” He licked his lips. “Felix would kill me… and you’re wearing..” he swallowed hard “that”  Meaning the lack of what you were wearing.  “Are you afraid of little Lixie?” You questioned. His face changed for a split second. Anger? Frustration? “No, I’m not.” His tone even changed a little. Which sent a jolt down your spine. You saw the bulge in his pants and remembered something Felix had mentioned when you were all playing Spill it or Drink.
All nine of you were in a circle. You were all using a bottle as a spinner and shots of alcohol and gross things were on the tables behind you. Chan spun the bottle and it landed on Felix. 
“Alright, Felix, spill a sexual secret about the person to your right. Or drink one of those shots.” Chan demanded. Felix had already gotten so much bad luck and drank only two shots of alcohol and three shots of something gross. He looked at Hyunjin and said “Sorry, Jinnie.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes. Felix thought about it for a minute,  and then he got it. “Hyunjin is a dom who loves taming brats.”  Your eyes along with everyone else’s widened. Hyunjin hit him on the shoulder and covered his face. 
You wanted to see how far you could push him. You wanted to see Hyunjin in dom mode. He always acted so sweet and lovely to you ever since you arrived. You wanted to confirm that side of him for yourself. Partly because you didn’t believe it, partly because that image hasn’t left your brain since the game a few nights ago. 
You took a deep breath, and the brat came out. “I think you are, Jinnie. Or, maybe you’re just not as dominant as Felix said you were.” You put the bag of chips down and lifted your shirt a little more to reveal your hips. 
“Maybe, you’re just..” you stepped toward him, poking his chest. “a little.” poke “baby.” poke “boy.” After you were done he grabbed your wrist. His breathing was hot and deep. His neck snapped down to meet your eyes. 
“No. No. I think you need to shut your little mouth.” His voice got rougher. Your mind lit up with what you wanted to say next. You stood on your toes and got up in his face as much as you could. 
“Make. Me.”  
His jaw clenched, his lips pressed together, and his eyebrows raised. You saw his eyes go from the normal brown to dark with lust mixed with anger. His hand let go of your wrist and both of his hands rested firmly on your hips, pushing you up against the counter. His knee forced your thighs apart and put his thigh up against your clothed pussy. 
Your breath hitched, which didn’t go unnoticed by Hyunjin. The blonde smirked at the noise. He leaned down to your ear. “You’re such a brat. You need to learn your place.” Your eyes fluttered as he moved his thigh a bit. But you still wanted to see if you could push a bit more. You grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled, making him groan. A smile came across your lips as you said in a mocking tone “Who’s going to do it? Not you. You don’t have the balls.” 
That was it. That’s what did it. That’s what made him roughly take your hair and pull. And grab your hand out of his hair and lead you toward the couch. “You’re in for it, Kitten.” he tossed you onto the couch like a rag doll. The pet name made you bite your lip. He took off his shirt and got on top of you. His body was fucking remarkable. He pinned your wrists above your head and bitand sucked at your neck, marking you. 
“Jinnie, what about Felix?” Your breathing became heavier. His free hand went to your throat as he made eye contact with you. “Do not call me Jinnie.” He said sternly. This side of him was so hot. You were soaked through your cheekies at this point. 
“It’s Daddy tonight, Kitten. And, Felix, will know the whore you really are after I’m done with you.” Releasing your wrists, he took off your shirt and flipped you over. He hovered over you and came down to your ear gripping your hair roughly. 
“Now, does the whore know the traffic light system?” you nodded and tried to lift your ass to feel the growing hard on in his pants. But he slammed you back down. “You’re such a little slut.” He said as he touched your pussy through the underwear. “Soaked and I've barely done anything to you.” 
“Please, Daddy.” you whined. Trying to help your case somehow.  He took off your underwear, and touched your soaked folds. “Oh so the brat is gonna submit now? You want Daddy to fuck you like the dumb whore you are?” With that he stuck two fingers in. Stretching you without prepping. You cried out as he curled his finger and started stimulating your clit.  He pulled your hair more, “Answer me, whore.” “Yes! Daddy, please fuck me, I’m your little whore, please.” you moaned and whined throughout the sentence. The pain felt so good it just made you even wetter. He moved his fingers and soon enough after a few minutes of him degrading you and the constant stimulation, the familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach came up. Sweat started to drip on your forehead along with his but he didn’t break the pace. 
“You gonna cum, Kitten?” you nodded desperately. And as soon as your leg started shaking he stopped. You started breathing heaving and you whined at the loss of your high. “You think I was going to let you cum after you pulled all that?” He laughed at your shaking state. “What’s your color, Kitten?” He asked. He may be a sadist, but a good dom always asks no matter what. “Green!” you practically yelled. He smirked. 
“You love this. You love being my little fuck toy don’t you?” He growled “Yes, Daddy. Please use me!”  
“I don’t have a condom.” “I’m on the pill, Daddy.” “Good because I want to fuck you raw.” He stripped himself of his boxers revealing his dick.  “God, I don’t even need you suck my dick you’re so fucking wet.” He said as he sat on the couch. 
“Get on my dick facing the T.V.” he demanded. You moved quickly and faced the T.V. He grabbed your hips and guided you onto his lap, but before he put it in he started having you grind on it to tease you. “Beg for it, slut.” He looked you up and down. It took all of his self control not to fuck you straight away. You had to learn your lesson though. And he loved seeing you beg for him. He honestly got off on your whines and moans and desperation. 
“Please!  I want to be stuffed full of Daddy’s cock!” He smiled, lifted you by the hips, and then slammed you down on his dick. He sat up, took your throat in his hand, one arm slinked over your waist as he stimulated your clit and put his lips to your ear. Your legs were draped over his legs, your wet cunt completely exposed and your feet didn’t touch the ground. Your back to his chest. Head on his shoulder. 
He started to fuck up into you. Trying to find your sweet spot. “What’s your color?” You couldn’t answer. Your brain was dead. It felt so good that’s all you could focus on. “(Y/N) if you can’t answer I’ll have to stop because you’re not consenting. So if you really can’t speak, then tap me once for green, twice for yellow, and three times for red. Can you do that for me, Kitten?” You nod, you tapped his shoulder once. “Good Kitten.” That was the first time he praised you that night. 
“I’m practically fucking you dumb, aren’t I whore? You like the thought of one of my bandmates or even your best friend coming in here and seeing you being used. They should be home soon. Maybe we should give them a show?” He started going faster. “No, Daddy!” You cried. “Really? Because every time you get degraded and I talk like this you clench more around my dick.  So I think you might like it.” He said smugly. 
You were reaching your high. You got up the energy to speak. “Daddy, I’m c-c-clo-close may I please cum?” Desperation filled your voice. And this was the moment he started hammering into your sweet spot. Moans filled the living room. “You can cum, whore.” he said with cockiness in his voice. He loved this. He squeezed your throat tighter and thrusted at an inhuman pace. “F-f-uck-k” You moaned. The knot in your stomach appeared and let go in the matter of seconds. 
Even after your orgasm he chased his climax, which overstimulated you. Your eyes went into the back of your head. “Daddy’s gonna c-cum okay, Kitten?” His breath was rapid, “Yes! Please cum in me!” You begged. The hot load fed your pussy. He was biting on your shoulder to mark you one last time before this ended. 
Stars filled your vision and his.  And you both slumped over from exhaustion. Sweat dripping all over.  Both of your breathing labored. He planted small loving kisses on your marks. You mustered the energy to get up but your legs collapsed and you fell on the floor. 
“Such a mess, baby.” He said smiling before picking you up and laying you on the other end of the couch. You tried to talk but he shushed you. He left the living room to get a warm wet washcloth, a new t-shirt and a new pair of underwear from your suitcase. He cleaned himself up, turned the light off in the kitchen, and went back to tend to you. He wiped you down gently, and dressed you. He cleaned up your clothes and his. 
He sat down beside you. “(Y/N)? What was that?” He asked, talking about what you guys just did. He pulled you into his chest and laid you down with him on the couch, covering you both with a blanket. Your face on his chest, laying on top of him so you could hear his heartbeat, which was still a little erratic from your session. “I was curious what dom Hyunjin was like.” you answered with a weak chuckle. 
“Well, if you wanted to know you could have just asked!” He said. “This way was much more fun.” You said, he lightly hit you on the shoulder. He admired the marks he made on you. “You’re such a brat.” he said, smiling. You were asleep. He followed after, feeling each other's warmth. 
The SKZ members came home at different times. All seeing you both laying on the couch together. Jeongin and Seungmin came home first at about 3:30 am, both stared wide eyed at you but they were too tired to do anything of value. Changbin and Han came home about 3:55 am, saw your neck and Changbin gave Han five bucks because they made a bet on if you two would sleep together. “I fucking KNEW it.” Han whisper-screamed but Changbin hushed him and shooed him towards the bedrooms. Chan came back at 4:10 am, and only thought, oh fuck wait until Felix gets home.
And finally Felix and Minho, walked in the door about 4:30 am. Let’s just say that Minho had to cover his mouth to keep him from killing Hyunjin and yelling profanities. “They’re sleeping, we’re exhausted, you can yell tomorrow!” He whisper-yelled at Felix. Who pouted and went to his bedroom.
AHHH I hope you liked it seeing as this is my first smut on this blog and I’ve been out of practice. I’m a bit rusty so I’m sorry if it’s not the best quality! Requests are open and I hope you have a great day <3 
The repost of any of my work is prohibited. All rights go to ghxsty-writer
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