#Sorry DX
askthestarbunnie · 10 months
When's Identity V?
Sadly I can't play that game if it keeps making my recorder stop working so that's the last let's play of that unless Editor fix that.
I love the characters thou.. they look cute even acrobat!! <3
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evilesbiautism · 7 months
The most common argument you'll hear against self diagnosis is that people will fake being [X] for attention. But every disabled person, physical or otherwise, knows this could only work in online spaces - the world was not made for us, and brandishing your disability as a badge of honor that gives you ~special privileges~ is such a funny idea.
Like, honey - that doesn't happen. No one gets anything from being disabled. Maybe extra accommodations if you're lucky - but nothing else. And the internet isn't as important as you seem to think - eventually it just feels hollow.
Ask disabled people how often they had to fight to get diagnosed so their medical needs could be met and their complaints would be heard. Doctors are just hardwired to delay this as much as possible.
I knew I was autistic since late 2018 - I got an official diagnosis 4 months ago. Knowing yourself and how you can make your own life easier is a lifesaver.
And this isn't even going into how many *cons* there are to a professional diagnosis, like being met with disdain at best and denied services at worst.
I don't care if a 16 year old who self diagnosed after taking 1 online quiz about autism is wrong. And honestly I think it's weird people treat this 'issue' with so much hatred.
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jazmeanb · 10 months
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Cthulhu Konig is here. but as a savior or oppressor? ˚‧º·(ᵒ﹏ᵒ)‧º·˚
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lagomorphpaw · 4 months
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in honor of her canon description dropping i think it's important that i just keep drawing her over and over
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doublxpresso · 1 month
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☀️ Morning
1 << 3 < . > 5
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ezgurple · 10 months
I thought it was so cool that other people were drawing there ocs with your boys so I ended up trying with my own turtles! I really love your au and your art style!
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YOUR RAPH LOOKZ AWESOME 🤬ANF YOUR DONNIE IS A ROBOT!?!!?! MY BRAIN BLEW UP. now i wanna draw more of them together. im sorry my don ripped your donni’z hed off…🤦 he can be so weird sometimes
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pepsidogonline · 4 months
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solitaryschizoid · 5 months
I'm tired of hearing that self diagnosis isn't valid as if so-called medical professionals don't frequently misdiagnose their patients.
As if the industry of psychiatry isn't evil when homosexuality used to be considered a mental disorder and abused slaves were labeled mentally ill for escaping.
As if the DSM actually makes any fucking sense at all being only descriptive of external symptoms that others deal with when dealing with a person with that disorder instead of symptoms that describe how it's actually like to live with that disorder for the person who has it.
As if everyone conveniently ignores that the stigmatization of mental disorders is created by the psychiatric industry and there are mental disorders that therapists refuse to treat or diagnose because of that stigma.
As if everyone forgets that some mental disorders are so stigmatized that having a diagnosis on your record can ruin your life and make you the target of discrimination and abuse by any and every entity who wishes to have power over you by using your disorder against you.
As if the entire population of the world has access to healthcare which is a privilege that only the fortunate and wealthy can afford.
As if the process of formal diagnosis doesn't begin with self diagnosis.
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luimagines · 7 months
You Give Him a Massage Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part three will include Hyrule, Legend and Sky
Content under the cut!
It was a long day. One that everyone nearly collapsing over themselves at the end of it. You were thankful that there wasn’t a lot battle that you had to do but that didn’t make it any harder to keep awake at the end of the day.
The group finally settled down to break camp but you couldn’t muster up the energy to help them sat anything up.
Looking around, it looked to be the general consensus of the rest of the group. No was willing to do anything. Wild takes out a flaming sword and makes the camp fire by striking a bunch of wood and calls it good.
He makes kabobs and that your meal for the night. 
You’re tired enough to find that you don’t really care for the lack of everything.
You sit by a tree, watching everyone half hazzardly throw round their bed rolls and flop into them for the night. You plan on staying up a little bit longer. At least until it finally becomes the hour your normally sleep at. You don’t plan on tossing away your sleep schedule that way. It would take weeks to get it back on track if you did. 
Wild goes to bed. Wind was the first to fall asleep. Sky follows his example within minutes. Warrior and Time struggle to decide which one of them goes to bed first since someone still has to take the first watch. Legend offers to do it just so they both shut up but he’s ignored.
Hyrule throws his bed roll close to you and flops down just like the others. It’s a little funny how similar they all are even if they don’t to do it. It makes you giggle
Hyrule looks up at the sound with a cross face. “What?”
“Nothing. Good night, Link.”
His face softens and he scoots closer to you. He places his head on your lap, making himself comfortable. You snort. “Better?”
“Yes.” He grins.
With an affectionate roll of your eyes, you put your hand sin his hair, carding through his locks gently before you start massing his scalp. You can see the way the stress of the day melts off of his with every pass of your hand. “...That’s nice...”
“Good night, Link.” You repeat yourself. Distantly, you think that you’re also going to have to sleep soon and you’re going to have to figure out how to get the boy off of you without waking him up- but that’s a problem for future you.
You keep massaging his scalp, taking quiet wonder at how soft his hair is despite the lack of up keep.
Your subtle, minute motions lulls you into a deep calm as well. You think you see Four awake still, even though he’s lying down. Twilight is also up against a tree on the other side of the camp but he’s huddled into himself. That’s going to be a horrible position to wake up if he stays asleep like that. You don’t want the same thing to happen to you.
You can feel yourself nodding off despite yourself.
You have to move Hyrule. You have to lay down before you also fall asleep against the tree. How do you move Hyrule without waking him up in the process?
You fall asleep with Hyrule still in your lap.
Legend growls somewhere off to your right.
You look over to him curiously.
Legend’s been rubbing the side of his head for a while now. His face is twisted in pain and his hair has been mused up in the process. His cheeks are pink and his hat is about to half off of his head from everything he’s doing.
You frown. “Legend, are you ok?”
He hisses but looks to you. In an instant his gaze softens when his eyes land on you. He had looked borderline angry before, but you’re thankful to know that it has nothing to do with you. “...I have a headache... hurts...”
You’re heart hurts for him. “How bad it is?”
“Bad.” He says. “I feel like someone is trying to cave in my skull with a hammer.”
You open your mouth.
“Not that anyone’s tried to do that before.” Legend eyes you tiredly before you can speak.
You press your lips into a thin line. Now’s not the time for poorly judged jokes. “I can help.”
Legend gets almost a pleading look on his face. “Really?”
“I can try.” You amend. Walking towards him, you take off his hat and urge him to sit down nearby. “Just let me know if you want me to stop, ok?”
“...ok..” He says, clearly willing to do anything if it means relief from his headache.
You start by gently running your hands through his hair. It takes a minute or two but Legend’s shoulder eventually fall from their hunched position. From there you start to rub small circles into his scalp, now that you’ve cleared away more of the tangles from his hair.
You start small, a little worried about the pressure you’d put on his already sore head but with time you gradually get firmer. You try to keep the pressure slow and steady, going in circles around his head.
It doesn’t take too long before you seem to find the area that’s been bugging him the most and focus in on it.
A small sound leaves Legend and you pause. “All good?”
“Mm-hm.” He hums and slowly moves his head this way and that. A beat passes and you see his face contort again.
You take that as your queue to start up again since the pain had returned. “Have you had any water today, Vet?”
You didn’t think he heard you until he finally makes a noise of acknowledgment. “...I think...”
“Hm.” You’re not impressed. “I’m going to go get you something to drink and if this happened because you were dehydrated then I’m going to yell at you.”
“Please don’t.”
“I make no promises.”
You ignored it the first time.
You ignored it the second time.
“Ow.” He hissed for the third time.
You sighed and looked over. “Sky? What on earth are you doing?”
“Nothing. I’m fine.” He bit his lip, trying to whittle a piece a wood into submission. You’re not entirely sure what it is he’s trying to make but he looks like he’s struggling with it. His hand makes a move and he hisses again. “Ow- by the three-!”
He drops the knife to his lap and cradles his hand. He seems to be pressing his thumb into the palm of his hand.
You move over to his side and take his hand. “You’re learning their figures of speech.”
“Completely on accident on assure you.” He growls, pouting as he watches your movements.
You bring his hand closer to you, tucking it close and slowly kneading into the palm of his hand. You can already see the problem. There’s a muscle out of place. Whether it’s twisted or stretched, you’re not sure. But it looks painful.
“How did you manage to do this?” You whisper to yourself, bordering on horrified.
Sky hears you anyway. “I’m not entirely sure. I just woke up this morning and it was like that. It doesn’t bother me too much, only when I move it a certain way.”
You grunt and keep up with kneading into his hand. Sky bites on his lip when you go particularly deep and squirms in his seat. You look up and tilt you head. “Hurt?”
“That time. Yes.” He keeps his hand limp in your hand at least, trying to not make it harder for you. “You don’t have to do this.”
“If someone doesn’t help you fix it, you’re going to make it worse.” You don’t leave room for argument. “What on earth are you thinking? Why would you be whittling? Clearly your hand needs to rest instead so that it can get better from whatever the hack happened to it.”
Sky at least has the decency to appear a little sheepish. “...I’m bored.”
“And dumb.” You flick his forehead.
“Hey now...”
“Hush.” You grin, not letting him defend himself. “It’s out of love and you know it.”
“Yes, I feel very loved right now.” Sky rolls his eyes, relaxing a little more as time goes by. Little by little, you’re moving the muscle in his hand back into place and it’s hurting him less and less. “...Thank you...”
You snort. “You’re very welcome.”
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shadowsbrainrot · 1 year
if anyone tries to give me shit for being self dx i’ll just tell them that yeah my psychiatrist and my therapist believe me but are just unable to diagnose me bc healthcare literally sucks ass
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yomkippur · 1 year
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house m.d. // phoebe bridgers lyrics
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cemeterylight · 5 months
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I haven’t done this kind of thing in a hot minute but who else was gonna make the steddie dating sim art
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gotchibam · 2 years
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Commissioned piece for Danielle!
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s3rrrpentine · 1 month
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im sick as shit for daysssss now i am achoo-ing as we speak I HATE ITTTT I CAMTDRAW GHOAP IN THIS CONDITIONNSHDJEBSJJ
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doublxpresso · 3 months
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「Your absence」
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/!\ Content warning: Implied character death Updates on sundays and wednesdays + early updates on my kofi :3
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cybers-sillyzone · 5 months
The year is 2050, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, now known as WOKEmon LIBERAL COMMUNE is being remade. It has remakes of all four games, Rescue Team is now **Rescue Theys**. Your partner will always be non binary and there are 63 gender options for your hero, though hero and partner are stigmatized terms, so now we have the social activist and the anti-racisim pal. Team Meanies is now Team LGBTQ Rights. Gengar is Gengay, Medicham is now Ru Paul, and Ekans is now Yranibnon. The meteor in the end of the game has been replaced with the capitalist party. **Explorers of Sky** is now Explorers of Activisim. The Guild is now the Liberal Party. Wigglytuff and Chatot are now a proud lesbian couple with Wigglytuff being a trans woman and Chatot being non-binary as it's too misogynistic to have only men in power. Wigglytuff is no longer the guild master but the Prime Minister of the Activists. Team Skull has been rebranded to Team Cis and represent the capitalist party. Skuntank is now Trump, Zubat is now Cishet, and Koffing is now White American. The other major change is to the future trio, Grovyle is now Wokevyle, Dusknoir is now Duskhernoir, and Celebi is now Celebisexual. **Gates to Infinity** also faces lots of changes, Paradise is now Pride 2050. Emolga is now Gayolga, Dunsparce is now Dunsparce, Virizion is Dykeion, Espeon is TWeon and Umbreon is CWeon. The Bittercold has been replaced with the Florida Governor. Dunsparce and Gayolga are a proud gay t4t couple. Dykeion and Keldeo- I mean Kelthey, stopped being friends after Kelthey triggered Dykeion by mentioning Harry Potter. Oh! I forgot to mention, but the fighting mechanics have now been replaced with debating mechanics, in which you debate the other Pokemon on the best way to stop climate change. Anyways, finally we have **Super Mystery Dungeon** called what else, but Super Woke Local Commune. Nuzleaf is now Nuzshe, and gives single mothers representation. The Expedition Society is now the Red Society (communisim) and the scariest part? This game doesn't come out in 2050. It's being written RIGHT NOW.
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