#Spiritual Defense
We have a duty to protect ourselves. If we are really working on this spiritual path, it is because we believe that there is a way to really serve God and help humanity in the process. And so when other entities try to seduce us, to manipulate us, to attack us, we have a right to protect ourselves and we have a duty to protect ourselves, because the work that we are doing at this time is very important. Many, many people are suffering, and the work that we are doing to become better human beings, to connect with divinity, to follow the will of God through the guidance that we are receiving internally, is very important, because as we see every day on the news, this planet is going through an intensifying period of suffering. So the more that we are doing to preserve our covenant with God and to work with the three factors to strengthen our consciousness, to live ethically, to follow the guidance of our own inner divinity, the better it will be for us, for everyone around us, and for humanity as a whole. So take spiritual protection seriously, and do what you can, but most importantly, know that by purifying your own mind through daily meditation and following God's guidance and comprehension, that is the best protection that you can have.
Gnostic Instructor, Basics of Spiritual Defense
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Understanding Hauntings: Exploring Mirrors and Salt as Protective Measures
Experiencing hauntings and paranormal phenomena can be a deeply unsettling and frightening experience. Whether it’s encountering unexplained occurrences or feeling a malevolent presence, the effects of hauntings can have a profound impact on one’s sense of safety and well-being. In this medium-sized blog post, we’ll delve into two commonly used protective measures against hauntings: mirrors and…
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xnitkov · 4 months
defense for spiritual warfare
*dealing with voodoo and energy draining
Ajeti i sure za zaštitu od spiritualnih napada i crne magije (iz knjige "Veliko Sunce bića tvoga")
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iza sabahnamaza pročitati pa puhnuti u ruke i protrljati se po glavi i cijelom tijelu. znači, sabahnamaz ja neradim...(i know) ali treba prije čitanja temeljito se otuširat, oprat uši, oči, stopala, ispuhat nos, oprat zube i nakon tuširanja nemoj se mazati nikakvim kremama ni uljima i nemoj stavljat dezodorans. I nakon što opereš usta nemoj ništa glupo/ružno govorit/psovat. I prije tuširanja se naravno, moraš israt.
E sad se možeš namjestit za čitanje ali prvo;
Klekneš na tapitić (nemoraš na tapitić, možeš na suho), posoliš oko sebe te stvoriš čarobni krug u kojem si zaštičen od svih negativnih sila i entiteta. Poprskaš unutrašnjost tog kruga kako bi ga zaštitio od svakog zla i napada.
To sve izgovaraš u sebi dok radiš.
Onda možeš počet čitat:
3x pročitaš - puhneš to što si pročito sebi u ruke i protrljaš se po glavi i prsima. po gotovo srčanu čakru.
jer ovaj je ajet je za lupanje srca i duševne bolesnike (ansioznost i depresija, beznadnost itd.) tako piše u knjizi (Veliko sunce bića tvoga). Piše da si ovo možeš čitati sam, ili ti netko drugi može ovo čitati nad glavom.
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watchigtbj · 8 months
Wiseman Daniel Stands Strong: Defending Prophet TB Joshua Against BBC Allegations
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chicagognosis · 2 months
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Learn to defend yourself in spiritual warfare. New video with transcription and accompanying podcast!
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sanjiaftersex · 5 months
cant believe 20 y/o me was like "im a grown adult now and i should have some productive social media time" and opened a naruto blog
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blackbrownfamily · 3 months
Negro Spirituals
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hundredsspoons · 1 year
Do we ever get an explanation for why Midvalley can kill people with his saxophone.... or is that something nobody really questions
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
the danger of (focusing only on) the Mind
in difficult moments
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The mind has a tendency towards defense,
and with defense, being connected to this mechanism, in moments when we face some kind of threat, fear, or difficulty, the mind focuses on seeing the negative.
Since it feels that it is important to protect itself from everything, it soon understands that you must be on the defensive.
This is why pessimism tends to arise.
For in moments when something negative appears to deal with, the mind immediately wants to take us to defense.
It's as if the negative situation is, for the mind, a confirmation that everything is negative and that only evil exists. Hence the pessimism.
However, because it is an exaggerated state of defense, the mind falls into the traps of sadness, melancholy, aversion to opening up to others, generating anguish and melancholy.
Focusing on the heart, intuition, and feelings can save us from this. <3
For instead of insecurity, we will find some internal support and assistance. Instead of the inner voice saying that nothing is reliable, by relying on your heart and yourself, you can feel confidence in yourself.
It is important to remember that the more these things happen, the more the human mind deals with crystallized thoughts of pessimism, closing off from the world, defense, anger, and the need for isolation, precisely because it believes that life is only this.
Remember: you are not your state; states come and go, especially intense states that demonstrate phases of your life!
You are more than that. You are stronger than your own mind!
After all, it is only a part of you.
And the mind, lies!
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prismonautic · 6 months
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hello everyone — i’m back from my little sabbatical with a pretty ubiquitous ward. what you put into this ward is what you get out of it, and the limits of this ward are the limits of your creativity + resourcefulness. if you’re nifty enough, you’ll be able to use this ward for any type of purpose freely.
think of using this spell as downloading a program — in order to gain access to the copy of the program you’ve downloaded into your device (which in this case, downloaded into your reality), you must agree to the terms of use and understand the consequences that will ensue if you misuse this spell. it’s embedded into all copies of the spell cast, and any attempts to tamper it will be met with consequences ranging from the ward being disabled, or you being blocked from accessing any of the spells and spirits i’ve created in general.
anyone who is seeing this likely doesn’t have to worry about any backlash from the spell — the main rules:
A) don’t attempt to use this spell to intentionally harm / sabotage me or my loved ones with anything in their lives. this WILL work against you.
B) don’t attempt to change the source coding of the servitors (in this case, the three sisters) of this spell. while you can have them do various things + there are few limits to what you can stretch the spell to do for you — don’t try to control these spirits as if they were your own. this spell can be an incredibly useful tool for you and benefit your life, but don’t get too hasty about changing around the spell’s composition.
C) you can create something separate INSPIRED by this spell (w/ credit!) please treat this creation of mine with respect — in the best case scenario, any infringements will simply not work. if mimicking this spell comes from a place of envy, jealousy, or any baneful energies that encourage you to steal it and claim it as your own, your work will work against you. please use this with an authentic heart.
unsure of any of the conditions above before using? want some clarity? need to be reassured? feel free to dm me and i’ll address any concerns that you have.
now that we’re through all the formal stuff, let me get into the spell.
notes: why would i need this?
you know how in more popular forms of paganism, there is mythos that gives context to the energies that you’re working with + give you a deeper sense of how that energy will work with you and your purpose? it’s like that.
much like how devotees to aphrodite know her origins, correspondences, and relations to certain energies — those who work with the three sisters should know some lore to have a grasp on what they’re working with. it’s like how a person devoted to apollo would know the lore he has as a bringer of plague or healing would know his lore before appointing him in supporting a healing spell.
this mythos isn’t literal - this fictional story is a simple aide to preparation for the spell.
by reading this simple story, you’re already connecting to the energy of the three sister’s ward.
use this short story as a little mirror of divination to see if you’re compatible for this spell. if you feel creeped out / too intimidated after reading, this spell may be too heavy for your energy. i don’t recommend those who are strictly “love, light, harm none” to engage with this spell. if you’re someone that feels guilt for fighting back against things that seek to harm you, this is not for you.
if you feel vindicated/allure/relief/hope at the idea of having strong protection that is both offensive + defensive towards those who seek to harm you, this spell is definitely going to serve you well.
this story is written with heavy amounts of metaphors. it’s not designed to be read as you would read prose - think of it as poetry. you fill in the gaps of this story with how you resonate with it.
The Three Sisters of the Forest originated from a solitary witch named Rosalia, who created and summoned them in order to protect the forest she dwells in from being decimated and dominated by enemy ritualists that aim to use the forest for their selfish purposes.
These enemy ritualists, were only enemies because they disregarded her forest’s wellbeing and brought harm to it in the process. They excessively harvested the abundance of her plants, leaving the flowering bushes near the lakes barren.
Scorned and with a pounding heart, Rosalia decided that all the harm brought into this forest would turn into beneficial and nurturing energy for the forest.
She summoned the spirits of the three lakes of the forest: N’vai, U’nai, and Ktaa.
Each lake spirit had a different personality and different attributes of the element of Water. While the lake spirits were different in performance, they shared the foundation of water’s energy. Fluid, transformative, yet destructive.
N’vai was the western-most lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest. She was like a fly-trap. Her lake is surrounded by colorful fruits and animals that were appealing to the eye — but for anyone who knew better, all of the appealing colors were a trap. The nature around her trapped the greedy and baneful. Those too haughty would feast on her abundance of fruits, and be left there to be paralyzed and at the mercy of the nature around her. Gradually, all the entities there would become one with the fertile soil around her lake. Venomous, she is. The wise know to avoid what seems easy to conquer.
U’nai was the eastern-most lake of Rosalia’s Forest. She was absorbent and resistant to anything coming her way. Spirits passing through U’nai’s lake made sure to not stay there too long, for they would have a fate of eternal slumber within her area. Like Midas’ touch, all the entities around her would slowly slip into becoming one with her. Some dying spirits experienced it as sinking into quicksand. Others experienced it as feeling a euphoria they melted in, until they went into a deep eternal sleep. Regardless of how their fates came, U’nai has worked with N’vai protecting undesirable energies away from the final lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest — K’taa.
K’taa was the southern-most lake of Rosalia’s forest. She was the spirit closest to the cottage of Rosalia, and where seeds would go to flourish. Her waters guaranteed growth and nourishment to any energy she was told to give power to — she loved sleeping at the bottom of her lake, letting each breath of hers give life and power to the water. Rosalia would use K’taa’s water for scrying, blessing, clarity, healing … it felt like K’taa was the purified life force of those who scorned U’nai and N’vai, transformed into pure energies used to the benefit of Rosalia and the peaceful inhabitants of her forest.
The lake spirits heard Rosalia’s plea, and fulfilled it by unifying and creating an energetic ward around the forest — this ward, however, was special. It knew to target those who were desecrating the fruitful parts of the forest for their own.
Under these wards, these enemies turned into flies that were going to unknowingly decompose in their traps.
The Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest united to materialize the protective spheres of energy surrounding Rosalia’s forest, emphasizing their unique traits in each layer of the sphere.
Rosalia’s enemies were met with destruction the next night they came to disturb the peace of her forest again. N’vai was the outer sphere of the ward, and they met her wrath for daring to attack the area — no being that comes with malice in this forest shall come out.
The soil upon the bare feet of the enemies shot feelings of needles through their feet. It was like each grain of dirt looked up to stab the feet of the enemies who stood above them — shooting pains made them collapse to the ground, paralyzed. Their deeds were stopped right then and there, and their process of being decomposed into being pure energy that circulates the forest.
Any enemy that decided to tread here sealed their fate. They will become the pure water that waters the fruits in this forest — they will be the nutrients that the trees leech upon to continue standing tall. No weapon shall prosper in this domain.
The ground slowly swallowed them up, one by one. While N’vai struck them down and swallowed them into the Earth, U’nai would absorb and neutralize their beings into part of the forest — U’nai would feed what she got to K’taa.
From how the waters K’taa produced became more potent, versatile, and sacred, along with the peace she experienced with no ill-willed beings treading on her forest — Rosalia knew that her forest was now protected.
Who needs to waste energy on actively fighting when you can simply use them as a resource anyways?
No ill will shall cross into her domain without consequence.
this is a long-term ward that has offensive capabilities, and it’s best that you’re using this ward for something you’re VERY SERIOUS about guarding. if you wouldn’t fight to defend it, do not ward it with this spell.
do the grounding, centering, and cleansing you need to do before / during / after the spell. i’m not responsible for what’s up if you fail to do that.
1) Write your petition to the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest.
Your petition will consist of the subject you want protected, what you are protecting the subject against, and any other clauses that you would like to include while working with the Three Sisters ward.
Your petition should be clear and direct, addressing each problem you want warded off — and preferably, how you want specific events to be dealt with. The more detail you push into your ward petition, the better this ward will function on your behalf.
If you’re having trouble writing the petition, visualize your ideal outcome + petition actions that the ward can do to bring that ideal vision to life.
If you want help with this, you can commission me to write a detailed and strong petition for your subject — we’ll discuss the needs of your ward 1 on 1, and work on your petition until you are satisfied.
2) Name your petition, and turn the name of your petition into a sigil.
It’s like compressing a folder with a ton of information into one .zip file. It’s more effective to sigilize the petition than have the entire petition laid out in the casting circle — trust me.
3) After necessary energetic procedure (cleansing grounding centering etc) on any piece of paper, draw the casting triangle below, and draw the sigils in THIS ORDER: N’VAI —> U’NAI —> K’TAA —> YOUR SIGILIZED PETITION.
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4) Near the casting circle, repeat the following incantation TEN times, observe any visualizations that arise as a result:
“N’vai protects endlessly, U’nai transmutes endlessly, K’taa’s fruit of abundance shall always bless us through her graceful energy — may the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s lake rise and bring these petitioned desires to me.”
(nuh-vEYE, Oo-nEYE, Kh-Taah, pronounciation, if you need it. “ai” is like “EYE” here.)
5) Close the spell with “The deal is sealed, the wall is raised, all undesirable energies are destroyed today.”
6) Take the paper and burn it somewhere safe. If burning is not an option, destroy it by soaking it in water and tearing it. The spell is over, and the ward is fully raised and activated.
In the event you want to edit your petition (you probably will), keep your petition written out somewhere safe + editing. The ward will update with the changes of the petition, since it is connected to the sigil you destroyed in the casting triangle.
You can communicate with the Three Sisters through any divination method that’s most comfortable for you. I’ve found that dream-work is a solid medium, along with clairvoyance + clairsentience.
In the event you want to dismantle / relocate the ward, re-do the ritual but have the petitioning sigil be a petition of removal.
i think i covered all i could.
if you’re interested, intrigued, abhorred.. like this post and follow me to show your appreciation <3
any love is met with much love back, and if you follow my page follow the link below!
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take care, my oneironauts <3
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Study the full lecture here:
"We have a duty to protect ourselves. If we are really working on this spiritual path, it is because we believe that there is a way to really serve God and help humanity in the process. And so when other entities try to seduce us, to manipulate us, to attack us, we have a right to protect ourselves and we have a duty to protect ourselves, because the work that we are doing at this time is very important. Many, many people are suffering, and the work that we are doing to become better human beings, to connect with divinity, to follow the will of God through the guidance that we are receiving internally, is very important, because as we see every day on the news, this planet is going through an intensifying period of suffering. So the more that we are doing to preserve our covenant with God and to work with the three factors to strengthen our consciousness, to live ethically, to follow the guidance of our own inner divinity, the better it will be for us, for everyone around us, and for humanity as a whole. So take spiritual protection seriously, and do what you can, but most importantly, know that by purifying your own mind through daily meditation and following God's guidance in comprehension, that is the best protection that you can have."
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grislyintentions · 6 months
|| HC- Diviner's Fate ||
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In reference to the Glimpses into the Beyond manuscript penned by Fuxuan herself, she spares little effort in reminding/warning other diviners that any actions that imply attempts to predict Yaoshi's fate will be treated as an unforgivable felony.
Despite the considerable leniency that is offered to those who attempt to predict the fates of other Aeons (still illegal), the Ten-Lords Commission equates acts of trying to predict Yaoshi's as a crime equal to the Ten Unpardonable Sins. Diviners found guilty of said transgression will be punished strictly- provided they are still alive after committing said crime as those who have tried have all met tragic fates of their own.
Given these factors, there are two possible outcomes that befall Diviners who attempt to predict Yaoshi's fate:
Mental Collapse (Subsequent development of Acute Megalophobia)
Divination is by no means true omniscience. It is a practise of making calculations based on recorded instances of data and the Diviner's ability to map out multiple possibilities based on the movements, logic as well as thought processes from it.
As witnessed in March's story quest, the Matrix of Prescience is used by diviners to draw information from the past to predict the future by literally placing the observing person in said variable scenarios to derive accurate outcomes, albeit heightened by Fuxuan's third eye.
The Matrix actively draws the future it observes from Chaos.
So how does one even begin to calculate and predict the fate of Aeons who fill the skies like celestial bodies? A being that is incomparably huge, move according to their own Path with a transcendent mind? How does one even define chaos of such magnitude?
Both devices as well as the living mind has their limits. To withstand, hold and interpret something of this magnitude is realistically impossible to accomplish without breaking something in the process either by fragmenting of memory or mental collapse in efforts to preserve one's well being ie: amnesia, memory repressing etc.
In such a scenario, it is likely that diviners may experience a similar phenomenon. Their added ability to literally "visualise" observations may also cause the Matrix of Prescience to backfire and create a massive toll mentally. And they could thus develop an accute fear of vastness when bombarded with everything at once (fear of outer space, bodies of water, atmosphere so on so forth). TLDR: A living hellscape they cannot avoid. Resuming divination duties would be impossible with the emotional association, PTSD and trauma. ON TOP of having to be punished for committing what is essentially a crime.
Victim of Parasitism (Eventual Brain Death)
To essentially divine an Aeon's fate is to quite literally observe and visualise oneself walking down their path. While it might seem achievable at first, this places the human psyche in a very tenuous position.
They have to possess a certain level of emotional understanding in order to navigate the accurate steps. When tied with their own cultural complicated feelings towards Yaoshi, it can all form a level of cognitive dissonance and dissociation in order to process things.
With reference to how the "Aeons" in Herta's simulated universe could capture notice of the Trailblazer from his actions, why would this then be a stretch? Especially when the Luofu is a place already filled with Yaoshi's blessings, along with those who actively pay homage to their practises, it is all too easy for the Aeon to take notice of repeated engagement from a certain device.
Diviners who try to place themselves in the mindset of an all too generous Aeon will likely be further poisoning themselves with not only knowledge but also a stronger unfiltered emotional connection with Yaoshi.
With parasitic comparisons of my Yaoshi portrayal, I like to think that the diviners may suffer a similar fate to the ants who have the unfortunate displeasure of crossing the path of the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.
Once infected by the fungi, ants would often alter their behavioural patterns by searching for areas best suited for fungal growth. They then attach themselves to leaves, remaining there to their deaths from which the fungi spores grow and release from the spores in their head. This is something that has devastated multiple ant colonies.
Similarly for diviners, they will remain unawares to the facts that mara symptoms have begun to develop at an erratic rate within them. In the ensuing days to come, they may experience a radical change in ideology, compelling them to follow down Yaoshi's path or join up with the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus.
Those who fight to retain their own lucidity may experience the soul crushing endeavor of losing their mental faculties periodically, feeling their bodies and mind revolt against them. It is a slow, terrifying and debilitating experience that may cause them to take the only means out rather than give in to Yaoshi. Thus, also succeeding temporarily in accomplishing the Aeon's goal of relieving them from 'suffering'. They cannot escape not even in the end.
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falinscloaca · 9 months
pisses me off so much much that i’m not immune to people arguing about steven universe
#what is it about that g-dforsaken cartoon that makes my bones weep for blood#its like. the perfect combination of well intentioned progressive storytelling bungled themes antiblackness fandom culture and shipping bul#bullshit queer community physiology kids show and actually-good-except-all-the-bad-parts#anyways any defense of the show that starts with ‘lily orchard is full of shit huh’ immedialy into the trash you fucking go#not all criticism of the fucking thing stemmed from one annoying youtube skank. people have been hypercritical of SU since before that vide#was a glimmer in orchard’s eye - people have been making great and godawful points about it since steven fucking two#STEVEN TWO?!?#SEASON#like some points made against it ARE bullshit! but not all of them! and when real life seems to have spat out a few strawmen for yall to ar#argue against you’ll never make actual progress on the genuine fucking issues people have on it! its useless!#also it really irritates me that bc some people escalated criticisms of the diamonds to ‘su condones nazi redemption’ all responses to the#shows approach to justice just get countered with ‘but RS is jewish’.#like YEAH and actually her jewishness does inform the shows approach to justice abd punishment but that doesn’t make the end result GOOD#also judaism isn’t. spiritually speaking. 100% about reform and self-reflection rather than christian damnation barbarity or whatever#there is in fact harder edges to our shit its just unlikely steven universe would include WD getting hanged along with all her sons orchang#changing her mind at the last second because she hasn’t earned an uncomplicated admittance of fault and she sends and army after the#escaping stevenites only for said army to get drowned alive as the sea closes around them#lol#(or that it SHOULD have#imo while the diamonds did escape proper justice from just a tonal and like. thematic cohesion standpoint a violent execution of the#dictatorial class really would NOOOOT fit the show in any sense)
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 month
Before I turn on 'em, I kill Satan
And stick my red flag in the ground, it's Red Nation, uh
Now blood the fuck-up
Every day's a gamble motherfucker, tough luck
And we gon' fuck the World 'til that bitch bust nuts
I can't tell you what's good, but I can tell you what's what
And that's B's up, hoes down
Lookin' in the mirror, I'm nowhere to be found
Blood, I'm a dog, call me a blood hound
Throwin' blood in the air, leave blood on the ground
#c’mon lil Satanist keep visiting me @ my job I will not rise to ur bait instead I wrap that fishing line on ur windpipe & I don’t stop#until ur decapitated & then after ur torture time out in Hell concludes u’ll b getting the warmed welcum 2 my Wonderful Wood#I’m bored w ur low level demons send ur most elite team let’s see what u think u can do u can’t fuckin’ touch me or trigger me bc#I know who u r & what ur doing & who sent u & why & then I send out my own spiritual hit team who has never missed#come & taste ur own death ur most welcome 2 get ur immortal soul killed but first im gonna hurt u real fuckin’ good & Satan doesn’t give a#care what happens 2 u u r nothing to that lab rat & u threw away ur immortal lives 4 a weakling entity who wants ur immortal soul 2 be#killed#got a lil secret secret 2 u dumb cunts go ahead & sic whichever entity u want on me first of all u can’t break thru my defenses and secondly#lol… remember when I said if u sell ur soul 2 Satan u forced forfeit ur right to ascend 2 Angelhood & Godhood? yeah well there’s a loophole#2 everything (unless god cinches it off) & the loophole is after ur time in my Forest concludes I AM UR ONLY CHANCE & AVENUE 2 attainting#Angelhood & Godhood so each time ur demons come around me they realize that & come 2 my side 2 work 4 me as they so badly want to become#Gods so u risk a lot pissing me off u risk having ur immortal soul killed on the spot (applys 2 all entities) & never ever ascending 2#Angelhood & Godhood so keep playing w the red dots on ur Cupid bows u will find me most unyielding go ask ur sent minions (the anger of my#face is me envisioning everything I’m going 2 do 2 u u don’t fuck w Chosen Ones sans repercussions#2 the girl 1 state away go the fuck ahead & bring ur gun u pussy ass cunting bitch let’s see that gun get involuntarily (on ur part) turned#2 ur cranium & expedite urself 2 Hell & then my Forest I’ve got so much planned 4 u & can’t wait 2 show u what’s in store 4 u like a sneak#peek :)#Spotify
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i saw something they can't take away
(You're On Your Own Kid, Taylor Swift)
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blackbrownfamily · 3 months
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Marva Collins
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