#Springtime in Magnolia Bloom
l-effleur · 6 months
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╭╯❃╰╮𝑰 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈; 𝑰 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 ╭╯❃╰╮
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itsautomaticfaegirl · 6 months
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The beauty of clouds, meadows and flowers amazes me daily - it is never ending - and should be painted for all eternity
Source: @itsautomaticfaegirl
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breathe-rainbow · 6 months
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Spring 🌷
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choosing violence
today I woke up with a sparkling spirit
to some it looks like a glitch in the system
but nonetheless you'd still get lost
to the stars in my eyes
I know everything works in cycles
and seasons and all the behavior patterns
we choose to keep or not
in our lives
I'm all over the place
and today I don't feel like
getting into place
if I didn't dread the concequences
today would be the perfect day
to provoke a well-deserved conflict
but I've still got a cold
so that may be the dayquil talking
can dayquil make you aggressive
it has benedryl in it and that
actually does make me aggressive
I miss you
but I miss you in the past
and I don't know what that means
for the reality I'm living now
there's something about breaking apart
that makes everything that had meaning
go through a series of really
awkward investigations
it's finally spring and I get the warm breeze
every single day with birdsong
the lilacs have buds they grew all last summer
kept warm in the winter
so they can be the first to burst
all in divine timing
don't we know yet that nature is divine
fierce and nurturing and
bloom verses clockwork
national mechanics
you're the barbed wire
I'm the rose entangling her vines
iron and thorns
resist me please
things are getting complicated
but I love solving people
and there's nothing like
silence and time
that ages my analysis
like a predictable
fine wine
and my heart
is drenched in it
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outofangband · 6 months
Beleriand springtime headcanons
Last year’s: elves, humans
This is just a random little collection of thoughts! More about each group can be found through their tags! Please feel free to ask for locations or cultures and I’ll write some spring headcanons for them!
Beleriand is full of old growth forests and in the springtime, the forest floors are blanketed in crocus, bluebells, snowdrops, wild garlic. Common meadowfoam, globe thistle, lavender and buttercup grow in spring in Nevrast, parts of Ossiriand and other milder regions of Beleriand.
In the region of Nargothrond, the tending of the orchards starts in early spring though they are maintained throughout the year. Although apples and pears will not grow until later, the trees begin to bloom early and the spring festival in Nargothrond is harkened by crowns of apple blossoms, sugared pansies on soft breads and games in the orchards and over the Talath Dirnen. Indeed although some sugar is traded for from over the Ered Luin, some is made from apple. I have a lot of thoughts about the Telerin influences in Nargothrond’s culture (more in the Nargothrond tag!) and this is part of it!
In several Avarin cultures, primarily in southern Beleriand, the word for spring is related to the words for sound or renewal of sound. This refers to the music of returning birds, awakening frogs, spring rain and wind storms, and melting creeks that often accompany the return of spring
In Dorthonion, a ceremony is held in the early spring to commemorate the people and animals who died in the winter. This is usually held around the time that the spring births of their goats, sheep, alpacas and rabbits occur. The Bëorian tradition dates back to their journey over the Ered Luin and was lost after the Bragollach when such a devastating number of people and nearly all animals died and the displaced survivors did not have the means or access to the old locations to continue the tradition.
The Falathrim chart seasonal changes (among other things) by the stars, even before the rising of the sun and moon. They have some of the most detailed calendars of elven peoples in Beleriand during the first age.
Frogs especially tree frogs represent spring for the green elves of Ossiriand and elsewhere in Eastern Beleriand.
The Sindar of Hithlum and Nevrast harvest magnolia blossoms in the spring and use them in teas and seasonings as well as in traditional medicine. These customs were taught to the folk of Marach and maintained for many years after.
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evereinefaust · 7 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Leo (Loke) X afab!Reader
Synopsis: It's springtime. And what better to enjoy it than to have a date with a lover like Loke.
Word Count: 1,337
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It's springtime, and your boyfriend, Loke, invited you to have some fun outside Magnolia. You kinda hate the guy, since he's a flirtatious playboy, after all. You also got into trouble because of him, because of his other girlfriends. But you are Loke's first-ever girlfriend that he truly loves, and you love him back with all your heart. He promised himself that he would change, that he would never have a girlfriend other than you. And of course, he kept his promise. You are so happy that you changed the male. And now, the two of you will be having fun on this day.
You woke up by the sound of your alarm clock, stretching in your bed, you turned the alarm off. You sat up on your bed, looking around your room. "Today's the day Loke had invited me to enjoy Spring..." You mumbled to yourself, getting out of bed with a smile gracing your lips. You took a quick shower, slipped into your [f/c] dress, then tied your hair into [f/h].
"[Name]-chan~!" There goes your boyfriend. He is already in front of your house, fetching you for another grand date. "Coming!" You yelled back as you raced down the stairs and then put on your shoes. "Good morning Loke!" You greeted him when you opened the door. There he stood with a bouquet of flowers for you, he was wearing a black tuxedo in his spirit form. "For my lovely girlfriend," He gave you the bouquet which you accepted.
"Thanks, Loke!" You gave him a kiss on the cheeks. "Shall we go then?" He held his arm out, motioning you to take it. "Gladly" You entwined your hand in his arm. Loke decided to take you to a cafe shop since you hadn't eaten for breakfast yet.
The two of you sat outside the cafe, and a waiter went to your table to take your orders. "What do you want, [Name]-chan? It's my treat" Loke smiled at you. "I will have [f/drink] and [f/snack]" You told the waiter while reading the menu. The waiter wrote your order, bowed then left.
"What do you think about Spring, [Name]-chan?" The orange-haired asked you. "Well, it's kinda okay. I got to watch the cherry blossoms, look for a four-leaf clover, and feed the ducks at the pond" You replied, leaning on the table. "I see" Loke smiled again. "How about you?" You turned to him.
"Me?" Loke chuckled, and you nodded. "Every day is perfect for me when I get to see you" He stated, another one of his cheesy lines. "Oh, really?" You laughed. "Don't be like that, [Name]-chan. You're literally my life, after all" He lifted your chin to lock eyes with him, and you can't help but blush.
"Yeah right. Well, you are a celestial spirit and I am a human. You can't die while a human can" You retorted, looking away from his gaze. "If you die, I will come with you" He removed his hand as he said that. You looked at him in confusion, "You will what?"
"Just like I said, I will come with you" He repeated, adjusting his blue glasses. "Why would you do that?" You asked again. "Just like I told you earlier, you are literally my life. If you die, I die" He explained, lips forming into a smile. You just huffed, "If spirits can actually die"
Before Loke can argue back with you, your orders came that prevented him from saying anything. You enjoyed the first part of your spring break with Loke, just sitting outside the cafe while eating, chatting with your boyfriend, and watching the flowers bloom.
After your breakfast, the two of you went to the pond. "Why are we here again?" You asked him, walking your way towards a pond filled with ducks. "We're here to feed the ducks!" He beamed at you, eyes brimming with excitement and enthusiasm.
"Okay..." You sweat-dropped but smiled. The orange-haired gave you some corn and peas for the duck, then motioned you to kneel near the pond. You obeyed his orders and then started feeding the ducks. The two of you enjoyed the time, chatting and laughing while feeding the ducks.
After all the food was gone, Loke decided to take you to the park next. "And what are we going to do here?" You asked him, a smile on your face as you curiously wanted to know what was in his mind. "We're going to find a four-leaf clover" He snaked an arm on your waist, pulling you close. You blushed at his sudden actions, "W-what are you doing?! We're in public, don't do things like this!"
"Oh, come on [Name]-chan~ The park is a perfect place for couples like us~" He flirtatiously whispered in your ear, you could feel shivers running down your spine. "And the best part, the loser has to obey the winner's every command" He added. Now you're sweating.
"S-shut up! And just remove your arm from me and start whatever you just declared!" You flushed red while struggling to get out of his grip. He chuckled before releasing you, you sighed in relief and started to search for a four-leaf clover.
At the park, four-leaf clovers are hard to find, especially when there are a lot of people hanging around the place. And unluckily, Loke is the one who first found the lucky green leaf. "Damn that Lion" You hissed under your breath as you stood up from the ground, glaring at his happy face.
"Don't glare, [Name]-chan~ You're going to enjoy the remaining time you will have with me, after all" He walked to you with the small green leaf between his fingers. "Whatever" You rolled your eyes, arms crossed and face flushed red because of what he meant, and you understood what he meant.
"Let's go and watch the cherry blossoms next, shall we?" He suggested, extending his hand to you. "Well... I guess it doesn't seem so bad" You replied while placing your hand on top of his. He gave your hand a squeeze before leading you toward the center of Magnolia, where the large rainbow sakura trees are planted.
It's almost evening and the sakura leaves will become rainbow in color. Loke knew that you both love rainbow and sakura trees and since you hadn't seen those beautiful trees, he planned to take you to watch them glow. "There are a lot of people here" You commented while the two of you were making your way towards the front. "There will be a special event here soon, that's why there are plenty of people" Loke explained.
"I see. I don't usually go out of my house, so that's why I don't know what's happening in Magnolia that much" You looked down, flustered. "Don't worry about it, [Name]-chan. I will take you outside often so you enjoy here in Magnolia" Loke flashed you a smile, and you smiled back.
Once you and Loke were in front, you saw many large sakura. "Wow!" Your eyes widened in awe, Loke just smiled. "Let's wait and there is still a surprise coming right up," Loke told you, you nodded. After a while, when the skies darkened, the sakura's leaves slowly glowing rainbow.
"Amazing!" You breathed, awestruck at the scene before you. "I know, that's why I took you here" Loke snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. At first, you flinched at the sudden contact, but then you relaxed then placed your head on his shoulder.
"Loke...?" You called, still watching the Sakura light up. "Hm...?" He hummed. "Thank you for this day," You said. "No problem. I'm happy to give everything to my girlfriend, after all," He replied. You gave him a quick peck on the lips before resuming your watch.
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claybefree · 6 months
Tulip Poplar
Sorrow is my own yard
where the new grass
flames as it has flamed
often before but not
with the cold fire
that closes round me this year
William Carlos Williams- The Widow’s Lament in Springtime
Every spring I have to ask for the name again. Tulip poplar, Saucer Magnolia, something like that, you’d think I wouldn’t be surprised by her anymore. Whereas last week empty arms cast veins of silhouettes across a cold carpet of previous year's leaves, today I’m able to come home from a long day of work, and face her canopy of flowers, half open like teacups, and that is miraculous news. I take it as further evidence that after two years the sucking wound in my chest has finally closed.
Each March was a celebration, a maelstrom of pink hung beneath the blue, pinks so dark along thick shouldered leaves, almost purple, and then bleeding out rapidly to porcelain white, there was no ignoring it. I notched one end of an eight foot pallet we brought home into the main cluster of stems, six feet up and propped the other end with a door. Of course the kids never climbed into the blossoms, but we did.
Now everyone’s gone but me and the whole yard creeps more every year, abandoned gardens filled with weeds crawling out of their beds, privet’s relentless march choking everything in between. A cold wind brushes the tulip against the rafter tails outside my bedroom, waking me. Limbs resting on roof shingles, a stitch of yellow rope left from a swing I hung years ago cut deep into the bark like a tourniquet. Her blooms will turn brown and slimy and clog the already rusted gutters. Neither tree nor house belong to me but as far as I’m concerned, I’m the steward of both, for now.
So I spend sixty dollars that I do not have on a bright orange pole saw from Lowes which I run up into underbelly pierced with morning light, trying not to focus on saw teeth tearing past bark into white flesh, or sap raining onto my cheekbones. I’m grateful for the strength I have in my arms for this work today but I worry I got started too late in the season and the half dozen or more wounds I’ve left will become infected and kill her. Despite all this I work for the better part of a morning, and pile up branches tall as me in the burn pit in the middle of the yard. In the fall I’ll light it up and likely scare the new neighbors. The blossoms lining the crooked pile go for broke and open their white faces wide to the sun.
The days are consistently warm enough and the new tires on my motorcycle beg to be chewed up, but my heart’s not in it. Not yet. One morning soon I’ll blast out 64 sometime before eight thirty, get away from the Florida interlopers that keep trying to kill me and hit the Blue Ridge Parkway and adjacent counties on this side of the mountain- Nelson, Rockbridge and Amherst.
The best road out there is also the most dangerous, and yet with half a dozen ways up to the Parkway, I still find myself on route 56 more often than not. A million years ago I guess, before someone gave it a name, the Tye river cut a gorge out of the mountains, twisting impossibly through the rocks and at some point homesteaders ran a road alongside and named that 56. Highly technical, it’s not the curves that will dump me. Every rental cabin and vacation home has a driveway cut into the shale and sandstone hills which provide, after every good rain, an opportunity for gravel to spill out on the tarmac. If I’m not on top of my game that’s what will kill me.
But before all that, when it breaks off from the Rockfish Valley highway, 56 passes through a couple thousand acres of farmland on one side, and the Tye river on the other. For some reason I think a good bit about the people who work that land. Last year the fields appeared to be left fallow, two years previous, in the fall, thousands of pumpkins were left scattered and rotting on the vine, collapsing into orange pulp. All I could think was that the pumpkin patch contract fell through.
I want to find the old timers and see if anyone will talk to me about August 1969, when Hurricane Camille dumped two foot of water in three hours and drowned birds in trees. When the Tye jumped its banks, broke the back of every bridge that dared cross it and cut the census of Massies Mill nearly in half.
Sometimes I see the pictures they post and get jealous of my friends who travel abroad, but I’ve decided what I need is to ride a motorcycle entirely too fast through the middle of some fields in Nelson county every three months and do that in perpetuity. I’ve been in that valley headed home late in the day with the sun low under the clouds turning everything golden, worried that I’m too far out. I’ve encountered the Tye river in a spring flood, washing across 56 nearly to the point where I had to turn back and find another route. I’ve ridden it half frozen in a driving rain, tucked behind the fairing with a mother of three on the back seat holding onto me for warmth.
Back in 2022, at my lowest, whenever I talked about tulip flowers or graveyard moss carried home from a chapel where it crosses over the mountain and heads down toward Vesuvius, my closest friends would encourage me to move out. They’d point to the marks on the door casing in the kitchen chronicling each child’s growth, five years worth, both hers and mine, and yeah, I got it. My argument was I’d have to find something else just like it- a shed for my tools, a garage for my bikes, somewhere to write. I dunno, man, I would say, it just feels like I belong here.
One of these days, instead of waving to them on their harvesters, I’m gonna pull over and talk to one of these guys. Yeah me, a wild eyed weirdo biker from the city rambling on about something I don’t know if I could even put into words. The idea of the two of us having a shared language with a place, a connection, whether it be on a tractor or a motorcycle, bound by both sorrow and joy. The connection running deeper because you’ve seen it flood, seen it bake, seen it come alive every year in a blaze of green.
Clay Blancett, 2024
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princesssarisa · 9 months
What are the favorite Four Seasons of the Disney Princesses? 🌼☀️🍂❄
Snow White, despite her name, loves spring. She adores flowers and baby animals, and the fact that her "sleeping death" lasts through the autumn and winter, but she wakes in the spring, makes her easy to view as almost a Persephone figure.
Cinderella I imagine loves autumn. The weather is temperate and gentle, the leaves are red-gold like her own hair, there harvest provides plenty of food for her animal friends, and the pumpkins are ripe, reminding her of her coach to the ball.
Aurora loves spring, for the same reasons as Snow White. "She'll walk in springtime wherever she goes" are the last words of Flora's gift to her as a baby, and as with Snow White, her sleep and awakening can be seen as a Persephone-like "winter to spring" allegory.
Ariel loves all the seasons, but I imagine she loves summer best. The sunshine and warmth is everything she always longed for, so different from the cold, shadowy undersea world of the merpeople, and there's so much exciting outdoor activity!
Belle loves winter: the time for playing in the snow, for Christmas, and best of all, for reading by the fire.
Jasmine I imagine likes spring. Not as unbearably hot as summer in the desert can be, but warm enough for her to wear the light clothes she likes and to go on nighttime magic carpet rides with Aladdin.
Pocahontas loves summer, the perfect time for swimming in the river and canoeing through the rapids.
Mulan loves spring, when her namesake magnolias are in bloom, and when the weather is neither too hot nor too cold for outdoor activity and athletics.
Tiana loves spring and summer. Fresh fruits and vegetables reach their peak, and tourists – for Mardi Gras in spring, and later for summer vacation – flock to her restaurant.
Rapunzel loves summer, the time of her birthday and the floating lanterns.
Merida loves autumn. The weather is just right for horseback riding, and the landscape looks like herself, with the leaves red like her hair and the evergreen needles dark green like her favorite comfy dress.
Anna loves winter, while Elsa, ironically, loves summer – this mirrors their love for each other.
Moana likes summer, the time for sailing.
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janewilsonrva · 2 years
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Springtime in Virginia
Richmond, Virginia (USA)
Based on a photo from March 5, 2023.
A Tulip Magnolia, already in full bloom in a suburban front yard.
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dulcey4 · 1 year
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It’s Springtime and my favorite go-to spring tea is now in bloom! Magnolias! Magnolia tea has an excellent source of vitamin C (perfect for fighting spring colds) and is great for relaxation and overall mental health. When harvesting, make sure the bud or flower smells sweet before picking it. There are other trees that smell rotten.. those aren't the flowers you want. 😝
When chopped and seeped when the petals are formed the tea turns the same color as a hibiscus tea. It tastes like fresh dewy spring air with sweet flowers! ☕️😋🥰🌸🌱🌧
You can seep the buds as well as the petals once they’re formed, and can bake with them! The @blackforager has some bommbbb recipes on her profile. Go check her out!🔥🌸
xoxo, Tina
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Marshmallow! What type of flowers usually grow in your area?
There are tons of different kinds!! More than I could count, and there's probably a ton I can't name x)c But there's daffodils, buttercups, peonies, magnolias, hyacinths, daisies.... A friend of mine really likes daisies, so I take extra good care of them! I hope that friend stops by soon....
Oh!! Um, there's plenty of other flowers too! It's kinda magical in a way, cos it's always like Springtime around here!! I've seen my flowers bloom in Autumn, it's never happened anywhere else I've been.
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wildhood · 1 year
there are cherry blossoms and magnolia trees in bloom all around me i feel so rejuvenated!! springtime is so so gorgeous
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anas123 · 2 months
Honeymooning in the USA: Best April Destinations
April is a wonderful month for honeymooning in the USA, as the weather is typically mild and the landscapes are bursting with springtime beauty. While many couples consider international honeymoon places to visit in April, the USA offers a diverse array of destinations perfect for a romantic getaway right at home. From scenic coastlines to vibrant cities and serene natural parks, there are plenty of options to consider. Let’s explore the best honeymoon destinations in the USA for April, where honeymoon tour packages can help create unforgettable memories
1. Napa Valley, California
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Napa Valley is a dream destination for wine-loving couples. In April, the vineyards are lush and green, and the weather is perfect for exploring the region’s many wineries. Take a hot air balloon ride over the valley, enjoy gourmet meals at world-class restaurants, and indulge in spa treatments at luxury resorts. Honeymoon tour packages in Napa Valley often include wine tastings, vineyard tours, and romantic accommodations with stunning views of the vineyards.
2. Charleston, South Carolina
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Charleston exudes Southern charm with its cobblestone streets, historic mansions, and blooming magnolia trees. April is an ideal time to visit, as the weather is warm but not too hot, and the city’s gardens are in full bloom. Couples can take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the historic district, dine at award-winning restaurants, and relax on nearby beaches. Many honeymoon tour packages in Charleston offer guided walking tours, romantic dinners, and stays in charming boutique hotels.
3. Sedona, Arizona
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Sedona’s breathtaking red rock landscapes make it a stunning destination for a honeymoon. April offers pleasant temperatures perfect for hiking, jeep tours, and exploring the area’s natural beauty. Couples can visit the famous Chapel of the Holy Cross, enjoy a sunset hike at Cathedral Rock, or relax with a couples’ massage at a luxury spa. Honeymoon tour packages in Sedona often include outdoor adventures, wellness experiences, and stays at resorts with spectacular views.
4. Key West, Florida
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Key West is a tropical paradise with a laid-back vibe, making it an ideal honeymoon destination in April. The weather is warm and sunny, perfect for water activities like snorkeling, diving, and sailing. Couples can visit Ernest Hemingway’s Home, enjoy the vibrant nightlife on Duval Street, and watch the sunset at Mallory Square. Honeymoon tour packages in Key West typically include water sports, romantic sunset cruises, and accommodations in beachfront resorts or historic inns.
5. Asheville, North Carolina
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Asheville is a haven for nature lovers and art enthusiasts. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the city offers stunning views, vibrant arts and music scenes, and excellent food. In April, the weather is perfect for exploring the Blue Ridge Parkway, visiting the Biltmore Estate, and hiking in nearby national forests. Many honeymoon tour packages in Asheville include guided nature tours, winery visits, and stays in cozy mountain lodges or chic downtown hotels.
6. Maui, Hawaii
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Maui is a top honeymoon destination year-round, but April offers an especially delightful experience. The island’s beaches, lush landscapes, and luxurious resorts make it perfect for romance. Couples can drive the scenic Road to Hana, take a sunrise hike at Haleakalā National Park, and enjoy a traditional Hawaiian luau. Honeymoon tour packages in Maui often include guided island tours, snorkeling excursions, and accommodations in beachfront resorts with stunning ocean views.
7. New Orleans, Louisiana
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New Orleans, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and lively music scene, is a fantastic honeymoon destination. In April, the city’s famous French Quarter Festival takes place, offering live music, delicious food, and a festive atmosphere. Couples can explore the historic French Quarter, take a romantic steamboat cruise on the Mississippi River, and indulge in Creole cuisine. Honeymoon tour packages in New Orleans typically include guided city tours, jazz club visits, and stays in charming boutique hotels.
Choosing the right honeymoon destination is crucial for creating lasting memories. These top seven honeymoon places to visit in April in the USA offer diverse experiences, from cultural immersion and adventure to pure relaxation and luxury. When planning your honeymoon, consider honeymoon tour packages that cater to your preferences and budget, ensuring a seamless and romantic journey. No matter which destination you choose, April is a wonderful time to embark on this special adventure with your beloved.
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dixiewishes · 3 months
i hope you are a gentle lover with kisses soft as springtime rains a body warm from the rays of the sun whispers delicate as magnolia blooms my lover made of stardust and wonder i pray you be as gentle to my body as you have my broken soul
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My favorite season: magnolia blooms 🌸
#IntenselyPassionatePhotography #iphone13 #dametraveler #adventurer #explore #wildwanderlost #photooftheday #potd #magnoliatree #happyspring #springflowers #bloomseason #magnoliablossom #springtime #woodbridgenj
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heydaytravelcompany · 8 months
New Details Revealed for 2024 EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival
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It may be winter according to the calendar, but spring is nearly blooming at Walt Disney World Resort. And nothing says springtime fun like the EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival! This year’s festival will begin on Feb. 28 and continue through May 27 for ninety days full of beautiful topiaries, inspirational gardens, delicious dishes and rockin’ music celebrating spring. From the tiniest tykes to the young at heart, there’s something for everyone! Today we’re sharing more details, from new topiaries to acts coming to the Garden Rocks concert series. Let’s dig in! New Topiaries to Enjoy Each spring, we look forward to the astounding topiaries our Disney horticulture cast create for the festival. This year, more than 70 topiaries, featuring a delightful array of Disney characters as well as other figures and whimsical items, will fill the park. As part of the topiary magic, guests can also look forward to seeing everyone’s favorite dragon, Figment, in the newly opened World Celebration Gardens. Something else we’re excited to share: For the first time, Groot takes root at EPCOT! The flora colossus from the “Guardians of the Galaxy” trilogy will appear near Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind in World Discovery. Also new this year, guests can look forward to viewing new topiaries from the Walt Disney Animation Studios film “Wish,” including Asha, Valentino and the Wishing Star, at the park’s main entrance. And in Mexico, we’re thrilled to share that Miguel and Dante from Disney Pixar’s “Coco” will take center stage! Fresh Garden Rocks Concert Series It’s time to dance and sing along to guest favorites as the popular Garden Rocks concert series takes to the American Gardens Theatre stage daily during the festival. Featuring local and globally recognized acts, there’s something for everyone. This year, we’ll welcome new groups, including Modern English, Crowder, Lit, Monsieur Perine, and Fonseca. And for the first time, Raul Acosta & Oro Solido will share the stage with Magic Juan, then return the next day with Luisito Ayala and The Puerto Rican Power Band in a series of unforgettable performances.* Garden Rocks Dining Packages Open Feb. 6 To guarantee priority seating for your preferred performances, be sure to check out Dining Packages, available at seven fabulous EPCOT restaurants: - Akershus Royal Banquet Hall - Biergarten Restaurant - Coral Reef Restaurant - Garden Grill Restaurant - Rose & Crown Dining Room - Le Cellier Steakhouse - Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Craft Brews & Barbecue (same-day, in-person walk-up packages only) For more information, including pricing and availability, visit DisneyWorld.com. Packages go on sale beginning Feb. 6. Flavor Abounds at Outdoor Kitchens It wouldn’t be an EPCOT festival without innovative and delicious dishes and drinks to savor! Stay tuned to Disney Travel News for the official Foodie Guide to EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival as we dish on all the new flavors coming to this year’s event, but in the meantime, we’re thrilled to share that many guest favorites will also return to Outdoor Kitchens located throughout the park. We can't wait to dig into Chicken & Waffles at The Honey Bee-stro Hosted by the National Honey Board! Also returning: the Muffuletta Panini at Magnolia Terrace and the Chocolate Whisky Cake at Northern Bloom. Inspiration and Play: There’s Something for Everyone Looking for interactive fun? At this year’s festival, the whole family can enjoy two seasonal scavenger hunts. Throughout the festival, follow Spike the Bee on his pollination trail where he’s “buzzing” to collect nectar from all the beautiful gardens with Spike’s Pollination Exploration. And for a limited time, guests can also hop around World Showcase for the Egg-stravaganza Hunt! Twelve beautiful, bunny-inspired eggs will be placed throughout the park; can guests find them all? Both scavenger hunt maps will be available for purchase while supplies last. Once the journey is complete – whether or not guests find all the items – they can redeem their map at Disney Traders, Creations Shop or World Traveler at International Gateway for a special surprise.** Also back this year, Butterfly Landing Presented by AdventHealth offers guests the chance to get up close and personal with some of nature’s most beautiful pollinators – butterflies! This walkthrough butterfly house highlights the lifecycle of butterflies and contains valuable pollinator gardens. At Blossoms of Fragrance Presented by Scentsy, guests create lasting memories with the help of unforgettable fragrances. And new this year, guests will be able to bring home some of their favorite fragrances experienced at Blossoms of Fragrance! Looking for a place to get a little energy out? At Camp Get Out N’ Play Garden Presented by OFF!, families can explore a camp-themed garden where kiddos can jump, play, climb and explore this area created just for them. So, summon the flower power, because everything will be coming up roses at the EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival before we know it! *Entertainment subject to change without notice. **Redemption valid through May 27 or while supplies last. Read the full article
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