#Steve is a little depressed
Words: 4030
Summary: Steve Harrington has always dreamt about running away from Hawkins and his parents. Ever sense he could form his own thoughts, he has always wanted to travel the world in a beat up van with those he loved. Yet obvious circumstances stop him from leaving. Instead of being on a beach somewhere he is stuck in Hawkins, Indiana waiting for the world to end at any time. He loves all of his friends, but he has been missing a piece of himself for a long time. After taking the first steps of self discovery and putting down the crown, he realizes that he’s barely touched the surface of who Steve Harrington really is. Even if it means running away from home last minute, taking chances and using the flimsy excuse of a family emergency to get away from his friends for a while, he’s willing to do what it takes to make himself feel whole again. Make those thoughts finally disappear and maybe be more then what others has set his image to be.
Part : 1/?
Ao3 link
Note: I have the next few chapters planned out, but I don’t think this will be a terribly long fic. Five chapters is most likely max. But who knows I might like writing this so much that I add a few more. I just didn’t want to rush the process and not have Steve returning to Hawkins different hit the way I wanted it 😭
Steve runs a hand through his hair, water droplets falling down his forehead and down his nose. Watching each one move down his freckles through the reflection of the mirror. It wasn't uncommon for Steve to sleep in, honestly it was very common for him to sleep until nine am at the latest. Lately though, his body has been craving for a lot more sleep then what he can offer it. Flapping his hands a bit, spraying water around the small little bathroom of the diner moves himself out of the cramped space. Giving a tight smile to a older male that pushes his way through before he's heading back to his table. Moving, wiping his hands off his pants a little, fidgeting a bit before he plops himself into his designated spot next to Robin. Who was currently rambling about something, hands flying in the air as she leaned forward at the table in a chaotic manner. Matching Eddie, who was nearly standing on the opposite side of the booth from excitement. Steve isn't sure what part of the conversation he catches them in as his brain goes foggy again. The splash of cold water not grounding him into reality like normal. The feeling was annoying, and instead of catching either of his friends attentions he moves to start eating his food. Zoned out a bit as he planned out his day in a way that he could get a nap in. Maybe he was coming down with something?
For the last couple of months? Yeah no fucking way dude. There was something wrong with him and he wasn't sure what. Though he was physically good in health, maybe cutting back the amount of time going to gym was making him feel so ill. But that also didn't make any sense, he still felt the same icky feeling going to the gym, one of the reasons why he stopped going more then twice a week. He's chewing carefully on a strawberry when Robin playfully shoved him with a soft smile. Not showing concern, but looking curiously at him. Steve furrows his eyebrows as he swallows the fruit in his mouth. Letting a soft hum out, "Hm?" Licking his lips shortly after as he turns his head to glance over at Eddie who's properly kneeling on the booth seat, head cocked to the side a little bit. Trying to read him almost.
"Do you want the rest of my pancakes?" She asks gently. A common ritual between the two friends. Her eyes would be bigger then her stomach which left Steve swooping in and finishing what was left. He needed the calories anyway, constantly burning a decent amount on his morning jogs and in the gym. Though with the cut back of exercise he wasn't feeling all that hungry. That was the excuse he came up with as he shakes his head no, carefully licking some whip cream off from the top of his mouth.
"Nah, I'm find Robs." He responds with a hum. Watching the way she stops mid movement, holding the plate in her hand as if she was already on her way in moving it to put on Steve's. He chuckles gently, raising his eyebrow at how awkward she looks. Startled as well as she jokingly moves a hand forward and touches Steve's forward with the back of her palm.
"You feeling okay Dingus?" She asks softly. Not holding the plate for much longer as Eddie moves quickly scooping it from her hand. She doesn't bother looking over at the table, where Eddie was currently shoveling the food in as if he hadn't eaten a hamburger, a full plate of fries, and a strawberry milkshake with chocolate syrup mixed in a little bit. Steve had thought once the other wasn't on the run any more he would stop shoveling food into his face so fast that he nearly hit some of his fingers off. That, did not seem to be the case.
"Yeah, just started cutting back on how much I go to the gym." He admits, "so I'm not as hungry." He says softly. Watching Robin relax, the softness in her eyes grounding him better then the water in the bathroom. Her eyes crinkling a bit as she playfully pokes him lightly in the stomach.
"See, I told you so. Lady's dig the dad bods dude." She teases playfully. Causing Steve to laugh gently, shaking his head amused as Eddie starts to choke on a piece of fruit. Coughing a bit as he pulls back from hovering over the plate, any closer and his nose would have been touching the glass.
The day goes the same, for the most part. Steve drives to his shift at Family Video, sharing it with Robin like normal. Watches the neighborhood kids come in and leave after inspecting the shelf that held a , "new movies" sign above it with a life sized cut out of David Hasselhoff leaning against kit the talking car. It was a couple of years old, but it worked fine with getting the younger boys excited about the car. More desirable then having to move a life sized cut out of a girl in a bikini away from a drooler. He's fiddling a random rhythm on the counter as he tries figuring out what he has to do. Feeling a tad forgetful lately he frowns as he moves crouching down as he picks up a lollipop stick off the rug. Probably Robins wrong doing, scrunching his nose from disgust as he moves it likes it's the plague, to a trash can. Hearing the bell of the front door going off, following along with a very pissed off Dustin. Steve's lost as he swings himself over with the rolling chair.
"This is such bullshit Steve!"  Spit goes flying everywhere as Dustin has no control over his lisp. Voice Loud enough that it echos through the store catching Robins attention. Who had been opening new boxes of tapes. Behind Dustin is Max who looks agitated, Will Byers who looks confused and wants nothing to do with this conflict along with Mike Wheeler who's face is a light pink and looks like he's done something. What, Steve isn't sure. If they didn't all look like they were in one of the most serious situations in their life's Steve may have snorted and cracked a small comment to Dustin about "saying it not spraying it."  However the saying went.
"What is Henderson?" Steve asks slowly. Furrowing his eyebrows tiredly as he tries to catch onto what the other was talking about. He hadn't forgotten anything had he. But even if he had Dustin would not be this pissed. Mistakes happened, and most times Dustin made sure to ride his bike everywhere.
"You're parents!" Dustin spits out again. Steve's lost again, he hasn't heard anything from his Mother and Father in a couple of weeks. Doing god knows what in god knows where.
"What about my parents?" He asks confused. Moving his arms a bit as he looks concerned as well.
"Hellfire Club, or any club that doesn't fit a Christian like bubble can not and will not be allowed at Hawkins high because someone's parents refuse to donate money to the school if it's not a preppy Christian love nest!" Dustin says upset. And oh, that makes sense.
"But- I thought hellfire was banned already?" He asks confused.
"It was! But you don't understand, the only clubs that are allowed are all sport oriented." Dustin snaps.
"Ok—" Steve drawls out. "You can't create you're own—" before he can finish Dustin's snapping again.
"This is bullshit! Of course you would side with your parents, and here I thought you were on my side!" Dustin in clearly upset as he slams his hand on the counter. Normally Steve would be able to handle a out break like this, he understood he used to be a moody teenage boy himself. For the most part Dustin wasn't all the angry. He stands up startled, eyes glancing over at Max who says softly. Almost as if she was shy, moving her body around as she keeps her arms crossed around her self.
"They cut robotics club-" and oh. That made sense why Dustin was so pissed. He had been so close to creating a device where no matter how far away you were, it would use some form of connection to connect to another device. The purpose was to be able to tap on it, like Morse code almost. Which he somehow knew, along with his girlfriend Susie who would definitely appreciate the more private way of communicating instead of having a sibling eavesdropping. Though knowing this Steve was also a bit upset.
"Too far Henderson-" he says calmly, trying to get rid of the agitated part of his tone. Watching the way Henderson's shoulders deflate under the words. Meeting his eyes a bit. That mutual agreement they had months ago coming through, not once has Steve ever had to say to far to Dustin about something. Normally it was Steve who took the jokes to far sometime. Used to tough jocks his age who made fun of stuff like that, not a small teen boy who was obviously going to have some insecurities. "First off, I don't agree with my parents. Honestly, I didn't even know they were doing that. Haven't spoken to them in weeks, with the 'earth quakes' my phone line has been down, and I just got it fixed a few days ago. Plus, it’s not like my parents ask me for permission to do anything before they do it!" he rambles out. Most days he doesn’t even touch his phone, it was always through the radio that he contacted the group by.
"Second, I am sorry about your club. I'm sure that you brainiacs will figure out a way to steal the parts back and finish it up by yourselves. You've got a lot of it done. Third, no I am not on your side dude. I'm on all of your guys. Which includes the others not just you Henderson." Steve says waving his right hand loosely, leaving the other on his hip. Cocking said hip off to the side a little bit, his nose flaring a little as he hears Robin moving around in the back. His head was starting to kill him from all of the commotion, as he moves forward grumbling under his breathe as he pulls a ibuprofen out. Popping it in his mouth before swallowing and then sassily waving his hands for the kids to get out.
"Now scadadle. Start coming up with ideas for your own clubs, I'm sure you can create your own. Don't need money to just hang out with each other. Plus, I expect you to figure out a way in stealing what you started to  create Henderson." Steve says with a playful huff. Dustin his moving back a little as he nods his head eagerly. Much more calmer then what he been earlier. Now he looked like he had a part of a plan formed in his head as he playfully bounces up and down walking backwards out of the store with the other goons following shortly behind as their voices start to mix and go over each other as ideas started to form.
"You okay Steve?" Robin asks curiously. Moving over to him, slightly hovering over him as he sits down on the chair. He looks up with a soft smile, feeling her hand laying on his shoulder where his neck met his shoulder. He moves his own hand placing it on top of her tinier in a comforting manner. As if he wasn't the one who needed it.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles dimly, watching his friend relax before patting his shoulder absent mindlessly then walking away to go finish what she had started.
Thing is, Steve has always randomly gotten the urge to pack up and leave. Leave everything behind, start over, become someone new - someone that wasn't Steve Harrington. Son of two rich assholes who didn't have any real touch to reality. Become something more, be something more then the image his parents have created, no spray painted all over this town. Of course he's used to it but the thoughts are particularly hard to shut up tonight.
Has Steve really not changed at all?
Is he still like his parents?
What if everyone around him was better off without him?
Now, the last thought was a bit shocking. Steve wasn't suicidal, he just wanted to curl up somewhere and disappear for a while. He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to be living in a sense. He was exhausted, feeling his bones ache to just lay in bed for a while. Though he was tired, he couldn't fall asleep. It was the most annoying thing he's ever felt. He rubs a hand through his hair, runs a hand down his face. Sitting up when the reality of the situation hits him. He can start over, he can leave Hawkins behind, he can go off and start off fresh. The excitement fills every part of his body as he throws himself out of his bed, looking around the room as he realizes he can make his own room. Have something that was his own, just as long as he got out of this town. Just as fast as he makes the decision to leave, he is quick to shut it down. Running a hand through his hair. Stressed out by the thought of even leaving Robin and the kids behind.
Deflated of all hope he moves curling back into his bed. Deciding he would much rather live in misery, then conflict any hurt feelings on his friends. His rambling thoughts are non stop as he stays curled up, now on top of the comforter. Feeling the sun beaming through his window as he turns on his shoulder getting more excited about getting up and seeing Robin. Though slightly agitated that he had just spent the last eight hours laying in bed doing nothing. Hopping off the bed he moves, pulling his sweats off, then his shirt before scratching at the slight happy trail he had that connected to even more hair hidden behind his boxers. Moving his body at weird angles as he starts to get changed, tracing his v-line as he looks at the mirror. Slight scaring placed underneath his finger tips before he pushes himself out of his room, heading to the diner to meet Robin and Eddie for breakfast.
And today feels like yesterday, then feel the same as tomorrow. As he sat down next to Robin he felt like everything was moving around him so fast. Robin and Eddie’s voices drowning out in the back of his head. Eyes glossed over with exhaustion as he looks around the diner. Eyes stopping at the newspaper that had been pinned up on a board near the kitchen. Swallowing a bite of food he leaves his eyes trained there. Looking at the image of a town further away, that seemed to somehow be smaller then Hawkins. That seemed nice, Hawkins was pretty big for a rural town. In his head Steve realizes he’s daydreaming about leaving. About just disappearing, imagining everyone’s reactions. Knowing that not many people would care. Most likely only Robin and Dustin would be the only ones to notice his absence.
The slight shove against his side and his attention is back on Robin who’s not asking this time as she forces the last of her pancakes on his plate. Leaving a bit more for him then what she normally would, as if she was trying to make up for the day before. Steve smiles tiredly as he starts to eat. Staying silent as he glances over at Eddie. Who was a little disheveled this morning. Hair a mess, bags under his eyes as he rambles his thoughts out as well. Robin seemed a bit more tired then normal as well. “What’s got you two so tired?” He teases. Knowing his excuse, but it was rare for Robin and Eddie to have sleepless nights on the same night. It was more common for one to come in like a zombie and the other to be beaming until their roles were reversed. Steve would be the consistent one, always getting enough sleep. On occasion though he had his moments, like today.
“Oh, Eddie decided he wanted to throw a long ass session yesterday. Argyle, Jonathan, and I were all up until three am dealing with his bullshit.” Robin laughs gently. Steve looks amused, though his chest ached. Logically he knows he wouldn’t have been playing with them, but it still stung that he hadn’t been there when they were playing. He wouldn’t mind watching. And typically before every session he was invited to join anyway, to watch which he gladly accepted. Though there is no comment said about him not being invited, as if it was just common knowledge that he wasn’t accepted in the group.
“Oh?” He chuckles gently, running a hand through his hair as he lets the topic die. Letting Eddie take over, talking about some movie that was coming out. His brain wandering, not finishing his food as he steps out of the booth when it’s finally time to leave. Normally the minutes went by super fast, and he didn’t want to go. Today, he was bored out of his mind and couldn’t wait to head back home. Not having a shift today, maybe he could get a quick nap in. Waving at Robin, who would catch a ride with Eddie who would be passing the family video on his way home. Steve moves clicking himself in the car and rubs his eyes. He’s on a loose thread, and he felt like something was coming. Something that was just going to cut it in half and force him to have to do something he had no plans on doing.
And it does. When he gets a phone call from Keith, the store manager. Who’s trying to get him to come in on his day off. Wanting him to cover a shift, that someone else could easily cover. Steve was close to passing out, there was no way he was able to get behind the drivers wheel and drive like this. “Keith! Can you - dude I can’t come in right now!” He snaps. Running a hand down his face. This was really going to be his last straw. Something so small yet so big. The urge to run away was getting stronger, to escape from the real world. His exhaustion running deeper then just physically but also mentally. Before he can even think about what he was saying he spits it out. “Fuck dude! You know what, I quite. Don’t even bother calling me again, my uniforms already in my locker so I don’t even need to drop it off.” Steve snaps. Slamming the phone into its holder.
It felt amazing, the slight relief of not having something tying him down. The feeling was addictive as he sets his back against the wall. Sliding down dramatically as he feels tears forming in his eyes. Then the relief is gone and he’s overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with everything. Soon, he knows Robin will be calling him. Probably chewing him out about quitting the only stable job there was in Hawkins. His mind was making everything seem bigger then what it really was, anxiety eating away at his stomach as he tilts his head back. He felt like he was drowning, though just a few days ago he had been perfectly afloat. Fine really. Then something happened and he was being pulled down. Shuddering at the thought of a hand wrapping itself around his ankle and yanking him down he throws himself off from the cold floor. Rushing to go to his room.
Logic was gone, he needed to leave. Before this town dragged him down any further. Duffel bag on his bag, his movements and decisions are erratic and stupid. Any person staring and watching from a third persons view could see that. God even Steve could see that, but his brain was so wrapped around the feeling of being buried alive that he doesn’t even care. He wasn’t crying, but he wasn’t calm either. Pulling what he needed out, this was all last minute and he knew that the second he left Hawkins he would be stuck in shitty hotels and sleeping in his car for awhile. Though that sounded more exciting that sleeping in this empty house.
Moving to his closet next he pulls out what he needs, leaving everything else as is. There wasn’t much he needed here. Grabbing his walkie, hoping that where he went would be able to catch the station the kids were on. Moving to the bathroom packing soaps and his toothbrush. Careful not to let any of it explode in the bag. Moving out to his car tossing it in the trunk, before he’s moving back in grabbing any food that wouldn’t expire any time soon and didn’t need to be refrigerated. Though he was panicked, he was clear minded enough to think about cleaning the fridge out. Not much in there anyway. Running a hand through his hair he grabs his keys and takes one final look at the house. He could back out now. But that made him more upset then the thought of leaving Robin and everyone behind. Of course he left a small note, where he knew Robbie would find it. Though he’s sure that he would call when he got to a gas station. Coming up with an excuse about a family emergency.
Moving out side he realizes the thought of never returning to this ugly house didn’t phase him as much as he thought it would. Growing up he was convinced that he would be crying when he drove away from it for the last time. Instead none of those emotions were there. Instead his hands shook as he gripped onto the steering wheel. Looking forward, and not behind him as he pulls out. He shouldn’t be driving, with the lack of sleep he really shouldn’t. Though he needed to hold onto the walkie. Moving and grabbing it from the other seat he presses it hard on his right thigh. Letting the windows down, wind wipping his hair all over. He’s sure that this stunt would only last him a couple of weeks, he would be back in no time.
As the sun comes up, he slips his glasses on. Beaming excitedly as he turns the radio on. Letting whatever station that had been on last play. Heading off to god only knows where, with only what he got, a wallet with all of the money he’s saved up over the past couple of months and a bank account filled with hush money that has been yet to be touched. There was nothing but looking up from here. Letting the road take him where ever it wanted to, hours away from Hawkins. And when it was time for him to meet Robin and Eddie at the diner for their daily breakfast, he’s tempted to turn back. Hearing the panic in Robins voice through the speaker. Reminding himself that he would call later, he turns the thing off. Throwing it to the seat, hearing it thud to the car floor. Nothing but the woods and dirt roads surrounding him now as he finally fulfills his dream of running away.
With the time he had, he knew he was being stupid. Stupid got you killed. But kids his age were allowed to be stupid, so why wasn’t he allowed to be stupid. It wasn’t fair. He sighs as he sees a huge sign that read open. Moving and parking in the driveway, feeling and hearing his tires crunch against the rocks as he heads to eat in a entirely new diner, all by himself and alone for the first time in months.
And god, did it feel good.
Tag list; @whalesharksart @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @justforthedead89 @kengwisi @anzelsilver @miss-wright
*note if you wanted to be added to tag list let me know, though again I don’t plan on this being more then a few parts and no more then 20-30k words because I’m also working on a bang fic lol*
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
He doesn’t talk to the Munsons much. (Doesn’t talk to anyone, really, aside from his mom and Robin and that one older woman who keeps renting and returning Gone With The Wind as an excuse to leave her house.) He keeps his head down and his nose clean, doesn’t care to make friends with the neighbors; just wants to get by.
One day Eddie approaches their door, waving a gas bill that got mixed up in their mail, and Steve greets him pleasantly enough.
“Stab anyone today?”
“Eat glass, Harrington.”
So it goes.
Steve watches the world pass and the weather turn, lets the hours bleed into weeks and squeezes his eyes shut against the flashbacks when they threaten to overwhelm.
Things with his mom are weird.
They don’t really speak, preferring to shrug their way past each other with careful, tight-lipped nods, and his mom takes these pills the doctor gave her that keep her perfectly pleasant and calm. Silent. Physically present but not really here.
And he can’t imagine how it feels to be her: Florence Harrington, ripped from the comforts of the upper crust and left to rot in a tin can seven miles across town. She spends most of her time letting out weary little sighs as she swans from room to room, drifting like a shade on the banks of the River Styx. (He can make that reference now because Robin won’t shut up about mythology. “It’s so gay, Steve. The Greeks were literally so gay.”)
Shit’s weird with the kids, too. He still drives them around — lets them loiter at Family Video when it’s slow; hangs around when they need a ride to the arcade or the movies or the skating rink; and he’s still on the hook for ‘ice cream. for. life,’ so…
It’s just not the same.
Like. Not to be dramatic, but who the fuck is Steve Harrington without the house and the pool and the free-for-all fridge? Just some kid with a car and a bat and a punchable face. And he can barely afford to keep the car now, anyway, so pretty soon they won’t need him for that, either. They’ll learn to drive; they’ll get their own jobs. Maybe Lucas builds enough muscle to take over as the party tank.
Maybe it’s better if he shelfs himself now before they realize he’s become obsolete.
“Oh, my god, you’re being pathetic,” he groans to himself. His voice is muffled where he’s lying face down on the couch. Ridiculous behavior, because everything is fine; Steve is fine. In the grand scheme of things where there are monsters and melted corpses and all kinds of crazy, horrible shit?
He’s being obnoxious. It’s a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon with just the right Autumn breeze going — gentle but cool; long sleeve polo weather; his favorite kind — and he’s sitting inside throwing himself a pity party.
Fucking absurd.
…Five more minutes.
Just five more minutes, then he’s getting off this couch.
He gets to a minute and a half when he hears the crunch of tires against the gravel, the clanging of a little bell from the handlebar of a bike, and then:
And that’ll be Dustin, trying to bang the door off the hinges and piss off the whole park at the same time. Kid’s nothing if not a multitasker. Steve lets another aggrieved groan loose into the couch cushion.
His mom’s out with the car; the lights are all off. Maybe he can just play dead ‘til Dustin leaves? He loves the kid, he really does, but his left ear is full of static, and he just wants to fucking sleep. Or sulk. Or both.
Jeeeeesus Christ. “Okay, chill,” Steve grumbles as he hauls himself upright and throws open the front door. His limbs feel like lead; there’s drool on his chin. “Wake the whole goddamn neighborhood, why don’t you?”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Yeah, and half the people here work nights.”
“Oh-kayy,” Dustin drags out the word, “but you don’t.”
Ugh. Whatever. He’s not gonna be shamed by a toothless teenager for his depressing loser tendencies. “Did you need something?”
Steve scratches at his belly hair through his shirt, feels a muscle twinge in his shoulder and send a spark of nerve pain skittering up to the base of his skull.
Dustin either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve’s body is falling apart where he stands, because he just rolls his eyes and says, “Uh, yeah. I need to know why you’re avoiding everyone? Mom’s tried to invite you to dinner six times now.”
“I was working.”
“All six times?” Dustin glares. Steve feels a little pinned by it, feels guilt seeping through the cracks as he fidgets with his bad ear. This kid’s gonna be the scariest lawyer some day. “She’s worried.”
Guilt squeezes hard behind his ribs; he knows Dustin uses his mom as a mouthpiece for the feelings he can’t express. “I’m fine,” he sighs, letting his eyes and voice go soft. “Honest.”
Dustin holds firm, gaze fierce and fists clenched. “Bullshit,” he insists.
“Man, don’t—”
“Bull. Shit.”
Suddenly, their impromptu interrogation gets interrupted by a crashing drum fill, a shriek of electric guitar as Munson’s van squeals into the lot. He’s blasting some melodramatic metal shit about wizards or whatever; Steve doesn’t know. He only knows that the skitter of nerve pain he felt is ramping up to a fullblown migraine now because this guy has to listen to his racket at full fucking volume, apparently, and isn’t this all just “fucking great.”
part 5
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 days
For way, way too long after he's thawed, Steve uses the quip "put me back" at every minor inconvenience he experiences.
His toast burns in the morning? Put me back. His pencil breaks when he's sketching and marks the page up? Put me back. He hits his hip on the corner of a table? Put me back.
Back where? Anyone around him asks.
Back on ice, is Steve's answer.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
i know that it is incredibly normal to NOT post 1-4 posts every day that involve a lot of thinking and creativity. that being said, i'm WORRIED about you bestie!! hope that you're okay xx
separately, bc i feel like when most people write in they have prompts, have any of steve's students weighed in on the hate he's been getting in eddie's comments since they tend to see eddie's videos anyway and come to his defense?
anyway take care of yourself !!
No need to worry!! I’m fine! I left for work early yesterday because I’m preparing for an audit that is quickly consuming my will to be employed. Also, great prompt.
I feel like I say this a lot, but I think you’d have both sides.
Of course some of Steve’s students will see a rude or hateful comment and be like, “Hey, shut up. That’s my teacher and he’s great” because Steve is such a beloved teacher.
I also think that some students would feel protective of him in a sense because Steve is very honest and open about his epilepsy with them and because they see the effects of it on him. They also play an active role in his recovery when he has a seizure at school.
It’s something that Steve would quickly shut down once he knew about it though. He does not want or need his thirteen year old students defending him online and he definitely doesn’t want them engaging with hate comments on his behalf. He uses his serious voice so his students know he really means it.
I think you’d have the opposite effect too.
Some kids are easily influenced and if what you’re seeing is a bunch of videos talking about how your math teacher is actually a jerk who’s mean to your favorite TikToker than maybe you’d believe it. Maybe you start paying attention to the way Steve rubs his eyes before checking a text message or that sometimes he takes a deep breath before responding to a student’s question, and you start interpreting that as him being annoyed.
Whereas I think Steve would definitely notice when a student is being short or rude to him, I don’t think he’d confront the issue. He kinda knows that it ties into the Tiktok thing but if he thinks too long about it, he’s going to go insane. So he doesn’t.
It more or less fades over time. Steve’s a good teacher and it get harder to stay mad over one video calling your teacher an asshole when you’re seeing the contrary five days a week.
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theha1r · 15 days
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hello everyone, good morning, here’s a serving of the sads -
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meliake · 4 months
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Little doodles from 'pre-serum steve is sent to the future' AU
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sunsetcurveofficial · 2 years
read parts 1-7 (completed) here on ao3
New Year’s Eve 1986 (part 1)
Steve Harrington is pleasantly buzzed from the bottle of wine that he stole from his Dad’s wine cellar and that he’s had all by himself when midnight approaches on New Year’s Eve in 1986. The whole gang is gathered in his house, and Steve is glad to see the place filled with life for once. His parents haven’t been home since Vecna ripped Hawkins apart, and Steve doesn’t think they intend to return. They bought an apartment in Chicago, and apparently, his mother loves it so much, she wants to stay there permanently. Steve doesn’t think it’s the full reason his parents left him behind in Hawkins, though. They would never tell him, but he knows they’re disappointed in him, and the catastrophic events around Hawkins probably just topped it all off. Steve is unsure if he’ll ever see them again and he doesn’t know how to feel about that. He doesn’t want to dwell on it either, so he occupies his mind with alcohol while he stares at Eddie Munson across the room, watching as he tells the kids a story and throws his entire body into it as he makes it come to life in front of them, gestures and movements so dramatic, Steve’s kind of entranced by it even though he can’t make out what he’s saying.
“Eddie’s got you under his spell again?” Robin asks, and Steve didn’t even notice her approaching, so he nearly spills his drink when she rips him rather violently out of his trance.
“For fuck’s sake, Rob,” he curses. “Warn a man next time.”
Robin chuckles, throwing an arm around his shoulders and squeezing him into a sideways hug. He can tell she’s not entirely sober by that alone, cause Robin is never a hugger unless she’s had a drink or two.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you’re so obsessed with him that you tune everything else out.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shoves her away from him.
“I’m not obsessed with him,” he murmurs, knowing full well that’s not entirely true. He’s not about to admit it, though.
“Sure you’re not.” Robin cackles like a witch, and Steve gives her his most deadly glare in response. “You didn’t break your arm while playing basketball because you were too busy staring at him either. Totally unrelated events. Or that time when you dropped an entire stack of rewound tapes because he came into the shop and called you sweetheart. Ooor when Will came out to all of us and you literally zoned out because you were staring at Eddie instead of listening to the kid and I had to tell you again after we left. No relation at aaaallll,” she drawls, and Steve feels his cheeks heat up as he empties his glass. Robin might not be wrong with her list of isolated events, exactly— but it’s only because Eddie is pretty noticeable, alright? It’s not Steve’s fault that the guy knows how to get the attention of everyone in the room upon entering it.
Robin chuckles again and Steve kind of wishes a new portal to the Upside Down would open up just so he could push her through it and get some peace.
“I’m onto you, dingus. You’ve got a crush and his name is Eddie Munson. I don’t care if you claim you’re straight. My gaydar works impeccably and you, my friend, are gay for a certain brown-eyed metalhead.”
Steve reaches over to calm a hand over Robin’s mouth, frantically looking around them to make sure no one’s heard her theory that might not be entirely made up from thin air. He doesn’t know, okay? He never thought about the possibility before he found himself daydreaming about the freak from Hawkins High of all people. Eddie Munson. Goddamn him.
“Robin, I told you. I’m not gay. I like girls.” That part is not a lie, at least. Honestly, Steve is mostly just confused these days. So goddamn confused.
“Well, duh. That doesn’t mean you don’t like Eddie too, though. You could be bisexual.”
“Bisexual?” Steve frowns, trying to remember where he’s heard the term before. Robin slaps him around the back of his head.
“I explained that to you last time, but you zoned out then too because you were too busy watching Eddie on the dance floor.”
And well, okay. Maybe it is kind of becoming a problem that he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from Eddie whenever they’re in a room together.
“Just tell me again, Rob,” Steve says with a sigh, and Robin kindly complies, which in turn leads to several lightbulbs switching on in his head. Bisexual. It makes sense to him, but a voice in his head tells him that if he calls himself bisexual, it also means that he admits that he likes Eddie, which he doesn’t. He’s always been brilliant at lying to himself. So he sends Robin away to tend to her girlfriend and goes back to staring at Eddie instead, nursing a new drink while he feels a little sorry for himself. It would’ve been so much easier to just be as straight as he always assumed he was.
When it’s time for the New Year’s countdown, Steve finds himself next to Eddie as everyone is gathering around the pool to watch the fireworks. Everyone else is paired up - Dustin and Suzie, Robin and Vickie, Nancy and Jonathan, Mike and Will, Eleven and Max, and Lucas and his new girlfriend - and Steve watches them all gloomily as they prepare for their New Year’s kisses. Eddie grins stupidly at him, seemingly unfazed by the fact that he and Steve are the odd ones out. It makes something twinge in his stomach, and Steve wishes he had brought his drink out with him.
“Looks like it’s just you and me going without a New Year’s kiss this year, Harrington,” Eddie says, bumping his shoulder into Steve’s. “I’ve been told it’s bad luck, but how much worse can ours really get, eh?”
Steve snorts, finally daring to meet Eddie’s eyes. Eddie’s smile is almost blinding in the dimly lit pool area, and Steve wonders faintly how the hell that’s possible. Eddie leans a little closer, and the twinge in his stomach turns into a full-on flutter.
“Unless you don’t wanna risk it and pucker up, big boy,” Eddie says with a shrug, impossibly close now, and Steve’s heart suddenly beats so loudly, he can barely hear the others counting down the seconds. He knows Eddie is just joking, teasing him to rile him up, but god fucking damn it if Steve doesn’t want to kiss him. It kind of feels like he’s going to die if he doesn’t.
“…3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!” their friends yell, and Eddie’s staring at his lips as he wishes him a happy new year in a much softer voice. Something snaps and Steve takes his face in his hands before he leans all the way in and kisses him. It’s soft despite its urgency, and the surprised gasp that escapes from Eddie’s mouth makes Steve pull him even closer as he licks over the seam of his chapped lips. Eddie’s hands are on his waist and judging by the way he kisses him back, Steve gets the faint idea that he’s not the only one who really wanted this kiss.
“Happy New Year, Munson,” Steve says against his lips just before he pulls away, panting heavily as he finally gets fresh air back into his lungs. Eddie looks dazed as he salutes him and does a little bow.
“Yeah, Happy fucking New Year to me indeed,” he comments breathlessly. “I’ll be damned, Stevie.”
Steve smiles at him, trying his best to calm the raging swarm of butterflies in his chest. He’s bisexual then, alright. Robin grins stupidly at him from a few feet away, sending him a thumbs up, and Steve rolls his eyes as he flips her off. She might have won, but that doesn’t mean that Steve’s going to help her celebrate. He doesn’t have to either, because Henderson drags him away from Eddie before he can say anything else, asking excitedly if he really just saw him kissing Eddie and if that means he’s in love with him and they’re gonna be boyfriends and why he’s never told him he likes guys. And Steve thinks he should’ve gone to Robin to celebrate her win after all as the little gremlin grills him relentlessly. At least it distracts him from the onslaught of butterflies in his chest.
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steffen-dilfrael · 2 years
Me @ myself every single night
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(From little miss sunshine, 2006, one of my favourite movies and my favourite Steve Carell role by far)
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
the way nothing hits quite like s2 harringrove
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sammi-phoenix · 1 year
I am tired and wanted to write about Steve Harrington...
CW: cancer, parents dying, queer as a slur
It sounds strange but Steve had always been aware of this sort of darkness within him. It sat right under his heart, deep enough in his body that he never had to worry about it leaking out. Despite its implied properties, the darkness wasn't heavy, in fact, it was a light and soft feeling as if Steve had swallowed a balloon. 
It always felt lighter when Steve said things he didn't mean. 
When he lashed out, the pit defied gravity. It soared when Steve called Jonathan queer and implied that he had killed his brother. 
Steve, in his infinite wisdom, acknowledged that what he had said was possibly the most horrible thing he had ever said. But the gaping hole in his chest felt less like a burden when the words spilt out of his mouth in a litany of garbage. 
He hadn't felt as light since then. 
Maybe when he punched Billy Hargrove in the Byers' kitchen and his heart screamed to call Hargrove a pussy for picking on middle schoolers but said middle schoolers were in the room and freaking out so Steve kept his mouth shut and the maw starving. 
It was darkness plain and simple. Why else would it whisper all the things wrong with the people around him? Or tell him things that Steve shouldn't even know. How Betty from the grocery store was getting divorced and that's why she was dressed like she was going to walk a street corner later. And how despite how put together he looked the middle school science teacher, Mr Clarke, had just lost his father and was extremely emotionally vulnerable if Steve wanted to say something about his old man loafers. 
Why else would it whisper about Karen and Ted Wheeler's marriage? 
Why else would it remind him that Robin’s mom was dying of cancer?
Why would it do that if it wasn't a gravity-defying piece of shit? 
And why did Steve Harrington listen? 
It was a ball of air in his chest that inflated to twice its size when Steve was a bitch and Steve had stopped being a bitch. He had stopped calling out people's insecurities and making fun of them. He was leaving that darkness behind. 
So why did it sit dutifully underneath his heart and behind his ribcage where no one could see it and everyone could gawk?
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hannaxjo · 2 years
"Steve Rogers Sadness Errands" is an actual tag in Ao3, this is amazing
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The Mysterious Art Of Coping - part 1
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Hey so I’m starting to post all of the parts on tumblr as well as I want to start writing this again, but does anyone know how to link parts like others do? Like part 1 | part 2 | part 3 and all of them have the links to each part?
Also let me know if you want to be tagged :)
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01. 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡
"ι'νє gσт α gιяℓ ¢яυѕн, нαтє тσ α∂мιт ιт вυт ι gσт α нαя∂ яυѕн ιт'ѕ ѕℓσωιη' ∂σωη, ι gσт ιт яєαℓ ��α∂, ωαηт єνєяутнιηg ѕнє нαѕ тнαт ѕмιℓє αη∂ тнαт мι∂ηιgнт ℓαυgн ѕнє'ѕ gινιη' уσυ ησω, ι ωαηт тσ тαѕтє нєя ℓιρѕ уєαн, '¢αυѕє тнєу тαѕтє ℓιкє уσυ, ι ωαηт тσ ∂яσωη муѕєℓƒ ιη α вσттℓє σƒ нєя ρєяƒυмє, ι ωαηт нєя ℓσηg вℓση∂ нαιя, ι ωαηт нєя мαgι¢ тσυ¢н, уєαн, '¢αυѕє мαувє тнєη уσυ'∂ ωαηт мє נυѕт αѕ мυ¢н ι'νє gσт α gιяℓ ¢яυѕн"
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Eddie had formed a crush on Steve Harrington their freshman year of 1980, always seeing the popular boy walking down the halls with the little clique he had created, or more like the clique created around him. It was hard not to see the other boy during the day, his presence filled the halls even more than the principles. Everyone had a different schedule but somehow Eddie found himself passing the preppy rich boy every other class. On his way to Drama, Band, or Global he had grown used to walking by Steve who was always next to his locker talking to a new girl. The longer school went on the more Harrington's presence slowly became treated like a King.
With that new label, King Steve started to flourish. When everyone else thought about King Steve they thought about how he destroyed a creeps camera or how he somehow beat Billy Hargrove's ass. Though Eddie had a different image in his mind that he thought of when he looked back to see how much Steve has changed.
The first picture that popped itself into Eddie's mind was the image of barely worn striped blue Adidas and perfectly slicked back hair. He could remember it vividly as Steve had been the only guy in the entire school that hadn't bothered to grow a mullet. The new horrible haircut that came to replace the last and there were very few guys that didn't have that haircut. A few kids in his drama class that he can't place names for, him and Steve 'the hair' Harrington.
It had been a shocker to some of the more popular kids that Steve wasn't following the trends like he normally did. Instead that year his sides were buzzed closed to his head while the top of his head stayed long for his fingers to run through. Something Munson wasn't the only one to pick up on. All of the girls in his Math class did too and all of them were constantly drooling all over him as he struggled to answer an algebra question. Though Eddie had been one of them. Sitting there chewing on his pencil without even realizing it, already having his answer sheet filled.
Another reason why Eddie could pinpoint this year so easily was that he had recently moved back to Hawkins to live with his Uncle. This also had been the reason why he didn't have a mullet either. Along the way, he had caught lice from one of the cushions he had slept on while waiting for whatever public transportation to pick him up. His case worker had only traveled with him halfway there before abandoning him to find his own way to Hawkins. Which he had thankfully. After receiving help from the Chief of Hawkins police department. Which he now recognizes as El's Father, who drove up over three hours to pick him up for Wayne Munson.
Though he heard war stories and even met the man again recently he still didn't understand how he had gone from a grumpy miserable drunk to the happiest asshole alive. He remembers how miserable the other had been on the ride back grumbling about how irresponsible it was for a case worker whose job was to keep kids safe, to abandon a fourteen-year-old in the middle of nowhere.
Though Eddie never really thought too much about this even as he did Freshman year. As a twenty-year-old who was still in high school, he did think about his earlier years of success before it all went downhill and he got held back twice. Though his thoughts would always land back on Steve Harrington and his stupid hair. Steve Harrington and that stupidly cute polo shirt that made him look so soft and sometimes a little feminine with his curves poking out a little. Plus those damn high wasted jeans that stuck to his ass just right. Eddie probably had that shit engraved into his brain by now.
Freshman year was also the year that people slowly stopped falling trends from outside of Hawkins but those that were in Hawkins. Steve Harrington was once again at the center of this. When he changed something up a lot of boys would start to scramble around and try to copy him. As even more time passed there were more little changes in the others' clothing style that not a lot of them had caught. Like the way, he would cuff his jeans, the way he would tuck his shirt into his pants, and the way he would wear the most colorful sweaters ever.
As the increase of people following the King's trends started to grow, so did Eddie's hair. Sometimes he forgot how he landed in Hawkins in the first place, let alone what he looked like. He was barely the size of a twig with the ugliest buzz cut in the world when he showed up at the start of freshman year, by the end of it he had gained some weight and his hair was at ear length. Though his curls made it look a lot shorter than it was.
Unlike Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson started like the rest of the nerds in high school he was more reserved and shy about what he did. Never talked to anyone else as he never really understood the social cues of Hawkins. The expectations of being a teenager in other teenagers' eyes never really clicked with him. At first, he didn't do it on purpose not wanting to be singled out from the rest of the school. Though deemed already impossible the second he received the nickname 'Freak' when he opened his locker and a huge Steven King book slammed on the floor in the middle of the hallways. The bullying had gotten worst but he slowly started to use it to his advantage.
Considering everyone viewed him as a freak he started to do crazy stupid things that made a few kids start to sit next to him. As with his image, everyone thought he was crazy and just avoided him along with everyone that interacted with him. This was how he started hellfire club or the baby version of hellfire club. The worst bullies got, the worst Eddie got. When one of the kids under his wing was having issues with someone he would take a snake dead or alive and put it in that bully's gym locker. His father's lessons finally paying off to get behind the locks. With his growing reputation, it started to mix with Steve's. But Eddie purposely made sure to never let it get to that point where him and Harrington even fought.
When it was their junior year and Steve smashed Jonathan Byers camera he didn't stick anything into his locker. Eddie had heard the stories about Jonathan but thought they had been sick rumors. So as he watched Steve destroy the boys' camera, something was off. The preppy boy had never really gone that far before, sure he was a dick but not as bad as everyone else. Eddie had walked over to help the Byers kid who he felt bad for. He just lost his brother and now his stuff was being destroyed. But when he picks up one of the ripped photos on the ground and sees a very shirtless Nancy Wheeler he understood completely. He rips the image to shreds before he's heading into the school.
After that, he had a new respect for the King that most didn't get. Though it started off innocent it was slowly starting to become something that bothered Eddie. His heart would raise when he would watch Steve Harrington kiss Nancy Wheeler. Not even realizing he was putting himself into her place. The way his stomach would do flips whenever he watched the other play basketball on the skins team, or the way he couldn't even look in the others' general direction in the showers without feeling a little aroused. He had pushed his dirty thoughts to the side as intrusive thoughts. Though Eddie was a smart boy, even though he didn't know if he was going to piece it together at some point.
After what seems like forever everything starts to click into place and make sense. As he watched fellow male classmates get girlfriends he slowly started to realize that he hasn't started the typical girl craze as every other guy had. Even the kids that he helped protect were in the girl craze. After listening to one of the boys, John, talk about one of the cheerleaders Shay it slowly clicked in his brain that those were the feelings he had for Steve. Where he wanted to make out with him so bad and know how he tasted to the way he wanted to cuddle with him. Hold him in his arms as if he was something that needed protecting. This was not normal for a guy to be feeling he had started to realize.
He slowly started to fall off the bandwagon after this, willingly swimming in the disgusted looks and remarks he received from everyone without a fight. So far in denial, he convinces himself that it was just a Steve Harrington thing. Something he would be able to forget about after high school. His thought process was that because he's never shown any attraction to another male before that if he avoided thinking about the pretty rich boy he would be okay. He would be back to normal. But this little realization had opened the flood gates that couldn't be closed again. Now that he was mentally trying to ignore the other it seemed more difficult than he had thought before.
Where ever he looked Steve Harrington seemed to be there filling his thoughts. When he had to go to the bathroom the other seemed to be always coming out from there. Whenever he finished a hellfire session the other seemed to be getting out of a sports game with his girlfriend on his hip. Another thing that he's never thought he would get jealous about. He never thought he would be jealous of Nancy Wheeler. Someone that he deemed a bit of a gold digger but couldn't place a finger on why. His last straw was when he shows up at a party for the first time in a while and it seems almost obvious Steve just got into a fight with his girlfriend. Though this wasn't the thing that set him off. It was Billy Hargrove.
He knew that Billy was a new kid and he never paid much attention to him until now. His heart beats in his throat as he stumbles over himself a bit, his eyes never leaving the other boy's body. It was something a little worst than Steve. He wasn't romantically interested in the dickhead but he was very much sexually attracted. Fidgeting with his new ring as he looks at Billy Hargrove's gloved hands. The way his mouth wrapped around the cigarette he had been smoking. Eddie wasn't sure what was Billy and what was Neal Hargrove. Who used to live in town when he was younger and was a well-known racist drunk. On some levels, Eddie could understand the other but after that, he hated the guy. Hated his personality but hated how hot the other was.
Later that night he decided he needed to cool off somehow. His mind was just picturing all of these dirty images of Billy on top of him but the other side was picturing Steve underneath him. This was only causing his brain to go even more crazy. He needed something to relax and he's done drugs before but he's never needed them like this before. He knew his Uncle was cool with him smoking just as long as he was responsible. Eddie had never been properly high, but he was aware of how to smoke. He gets everything set up a little bit on the sloppy side and he starts to take hit after hit nonstop until he couldn't properly think.
The plan seems to backfire as he smokes it slowly starts to dawn on him. On how fucking hot David Hasselhoff from Knight-Ridder was. The way his hair blew back when he was driving with the windows down. Reminding him of Billy a little bit, and those disgusting thoughts slowly start to come back and eat him alive. But unlike earlier Eddie's thoughts were slow enough for him to understand and catch now, compared to the complete blurred mess that he was used to from the second he got up to the second he went to bed. The thoughts weren't the only thing that seemed to slow down. The energy that was constantly pumping through his bones seemed to be gone now as he watches TV and his anxiety. He's probably an hour into his high before realizing that his goal of not thinking about guys like that was very unsuccessful.
Having his first case of the munchies he's snatching a Big Mac from the fast food bag his Uncle brought home from work the night before. Sure it was hours old, but it seemed to please his stomach enough to shut it up so he could focus on what his brain was trying to tell him. Eddie sits there with smoke surrounding him as his face goes a tad pale. Fuck. I think I'm Gay, and I'm not completely disgusted by this the more that I think more about the possibility.
Eddie now knew that it helped a lot that his Uncle was fairly progressive when it came to things. As in the 70's he had once been a stoner and in his words partied a little too hard that some mornings he woke up next to a guy instead of a girl. Eddie wasn't ever disgusted by the idea of his Uncle being with men. He wasn't disgusted by boys being together at all. He was just grateful that his Uncle had been chill with those types of things and showed that throughout the years. Though now that the long-haired boy thought about it, the adult seemed to be hinting at something and he can't help but think, he can't possibly know, can he? Though now that it finally clicked in his brain and he's come to terms with it after a bowl of wee, he now knows that if his Uncle wasn't so open that he probably would have been really homophobic about the situation. Like most guys were.
Eddie soon started to smoke regularly after that, and discovered things that he wouldn't normally have if he was sober. Like how freaking good 'The Outsiders' were when he wasn't focused on how embarrassing it was for him, a seventeen-year-old boy to be watching that. That and how fucking hot Tom Cruise was. His new hyper fixations soon settled into movies, though it slowly started to form around Black Sabbath and even more on DnD not long after that. Though it was just the beginning of his gay awakening he was pretty sure he was a hundred percent gay. There was no doubt in his mind about that at all. He couldn't feel more alive than he did then.
• • • • •
Now here he sits years later in a brand new trailer that he never thought would be called his, in front of a small crowd of teens and adults. Uncle Wayne had gladly taken an offer from the government to replace theirs not knowing the other had a portal to a different world in it. With his Uncle not knowing the truth about anything, Eddie had slowly started to discover that he was having a very difficult time coping. He had never lied to his Uncle about anything and him being gay had gone unspoken for years between the two of them. So he had never felt guilty about not telling the older man that secret. Unlike Eddie, though he finds that everyone else in the trailer had seemed to have gotten over the recent events. God knows how.
After everything, they had all gone their separate ways to recover and Eddie found himself nearly ripping his hair out within seconds of being in his room again. Though he couldn't spend long in there as a group of strange men started to force the tired boy into packing everything that he loved. Wayne had seemed to have already done that and Eddie was hoping to see him as soon as possible. But unlike he had expected they met up days later in front of the spot that once held their old trailer seeing it had been replaced. They both immediately hugged each other and started to prepare for their new beginnings. Eddie with his new reputation of being an ex-accused murderer and his Uncle who was now a new employee at a government-owned factory. Which brought in a lot more money than before.
As they settled in the new place he didn't waste time lighting a joint and got stoned thinking about how fucking hot Steve had been throughout the whole experience. The way he had bit into a bat and killed the shit out of it. Though his thoughts did take him back to their high-school days together like normal. The way his body had looked when he was wearing his vest to the way he seemed to show concern for all of the kids and not himself. All of it was hot. The whole babysitting thing seemed to be doing something for Eddie's old crush on the other male. Knowing he was great with children made his heart go crazy and his stomach do flips. As he sits there smoking, his thoughts started to slow down and he can't hold back the first small smiles he's had for days. He might have a chance to become friends with Steve Harrington. His Gay Awakening.
Now days later after that realization, the next big realization was that he's never going to be back to his normal. After everything, everyone looked at him as if he was a bigger freak and he could barely get a job let alone go back to school now. He was never going to be the same again. Every time he tried to walk through town people would start throwing shit at him in hopes of scaring him away from their precious yet cursed community. There was no hope of returning to school. Every teacher gave him a look and some even had the balls to pull him to the side and tell him to get the fuck out of their classroom. Though the students had been far worse. Tossing him around like a rag doll. Without Steve and Robin there he had no one who could stick up for him. What the hell was a mouthy freshman like Dustin supposed to do? It would only make things worst and Eddie forced the boys to promise to never stick their necks out for him again.
Weeks passed faster than what he remembered them being and his eyes held bags. Of course, the logical thing was to drop out, and that he did. Refusing to return to the shit hole known as Hawkins High. Which was understandable after everything. The rest of the gang had seemed to settle back into their day-to-day lives and Eddie was currently the only one who hadn't. He was even more of an outcast, while they all seemed to be holding on day by day with him being dragged behind them. Nancy had gone back to the newspaper dedicating it to her friend there that had died, Jonathan and his family moved back to town with the Towns old Sheriff, Steve and Robin were doing whatever they had been doing before and the rest of the kids started to be kids again.
Though to Eddie's shock, they all seemed to have noticed his falling out. The way he moped around more. He stuck out like a sore thumb and he was pretty sure they were all here to pity him. That and he was pretty sure Dustin had only thrown this together so that Eddie would join Hellfire again and write a new campaign. Which he hadn't done in over a month now.
Sitting there right across from him Dustin sat. His very judging eyes took in Eddie's hair which had grown into a rattier nest compared to the last time they had been together. His curls falling further down his back now along with his bangs covering his eyes almost completely. Wearing the same Black Sabbath shirt for the fifth day in a row with obvious pit stains that proved that fact. He stunk of weed and looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was so lost in his head that if this was months ago he would have noticed the way Steve was staring at him. He would have thrived underneath the look.
Steve Harrington's eyes were staring the other up and down and couldn't help but feel bad for the other. He remembered back to the days when he was like this. Though unlike now, no one showed up to save him from the darkness that had seemed to find its way around him. Currently, Eddie looked like one of those dogs from one of that SPCA commercials. Like he had been abandoned on the side of the road and forgotten. Which truth be told sort of happened. Steve had been so focused on recovering himself that he didn't realize that Eddie might need someone just as badly as Steve had needed someone when he was in the same position. Eddie's big sad brown eyes were the selling point for comparing him to a puppy. Like the animal, Steve was sure he probably would give in within seconds if the other even bothered asking for anything. Reminding him of the days he dated Nancy, little images of her doe eyes flashing through his brain remembering how she would give him a look and he was immediately running to do whatever she asked from him. Steve had been too distracted staring at the other boy he wasn't even aware that Dustin had started talking.
"We're starting hellfire back up and we want you there. But you don't fucking leave your trailer enough to even smell the roses before booking it back inside." Dustin says like he was the smartest one in the room. Steve rolls his eyes and catches that Eddie's doing the same. Steve isn't the only one to look at Dustin with a what the fuck look. Robin is too. Everyone had grown used to his insensitivity but this wasn't one of those moments that anyone was willing to let him be an asshole.
"Dustin," Robin says in a higher and annoying pitch. "What the fuck dude. Just because you're handling this shit better than Munson doesn't give you the right to treat him like shit." The girls looked at him with a very upset look. It wasn't often she got annoyed but it was normally because of Dustin. Who looks over at Steve for confirmation that he was being too much. Steve can't help but feel a tad annoyed too. Though he noticed how everyone's eyes turn to him now, expecting him to say something.
"Too far dude. Robin's right, you aren't being all that respectful. How would you feel if someone came walking in when you first went through this crap and shat all over the ways you were coping with things. Not everyone has the same reaction to things Henderson." Steve speaks and Dustin listens. Something he had started to do a little bit less lately. His hat holds his hair in place as he tries to say something but Steve's quick to add. "And you need to stop always looking at me whenever Robin says something. If you don't respect her enough to listen to her opinion you mind as well as say bye to your personal cab." Steve adds seriously as Robin looks over at him giving a small smile. Something that had been caught by Eddie who felt a pang of jealousy blooming in his chest.
Dustin only rolls his eyes at the threat as he crosses his arms a bit. Steve doesn't understand what has been going on with him but it's starting to piss him off. Though he always has to remind himself the other was just a teenager going through puberty during a shitty time of being forced to fight monsters.
"So, we've all discussed it and everyone here's willing to hang out with you whenever. Soon you'll be known as Eddie the freak grandpa who pisses on his lawn to water it, Munson, if you don't start going back into society again." Dustin rants more and everyone's looking at each other with raised eyebrows. Eddie's even doing the same as he hasn't heard the other talk to anyone like this before.
Steve's taking a pillow and throwing it at Dustin. "That's it, shut up dude. You are way out of line right now. Just because you seem to think you are better than the rest of us, doesn't mean you can be a dick." Dustin's trying to move to say something but Steve's giving him a look and he's shutting up as Mike is the one to break the silence.
"I guess Dustin's trying to force us to babysit you. And being a complete dick about it too. By the way, none of us mind hanging out with you at all. Will's good at playing DnD and he has more hours into it than me and Dustin combined. And like Dustin said, we're starting a new campaign which should start Monday if everything goes to plan." Mike speaks and Eddie listens. His eyes move over to the Byers kid who he catches looking at Mike. He's almost immediately raising an eyebrow at the way the other had been looking at Wheeler but he didn't want to bring attention to it.
Dustin's piping back in now even though everyone wanted him to shut up pretty much. He was completely embarrassed and pissing the group off all at once. "Yeah, and I know you probably don't want to be hanging around Freshman but Robin and Steve can hang out." He's looking between the two as they both nod watching Dustin skeptically as they let him finish. "And they're actually really cool. I think you'll actually like them. Though Steve doesn't hang out with anyone on Wednesdays. He calls them his 'fuck off' days. But I'm sure he'll be willing to hang out that day too." Dustin smiles causing Steve and Robin to look at each other.
Steve's quick to jump in, "Dustin I've told you three times man that I'm not hanging out with anyone that day. I'm barely home as is anymore and I can't even shower longer than five minutes because I'm always driving people around to god knows where. I made it very clear that day was a no go for me all around the board. I'll gladly kidnap Munson here and hang out with him if he wants, I need someone to go with the theaters with anyway. But I'm not giving up the one day I want to myself, and we both know you're only trying to guilt trip me into hanging out with Eddie so that you can get me to drive you to that DnD store." He rambles out as everyone raises an eyebrow. Robin smiles nodding her head with a grin sticking her thumbs up. Everyone was becoming aware of how she had been trying to help Steve set boundaries with Dustin. Who has been taking advantage of him for a long time now? For that Dustin didn't like her thinking she was trying to ruin his friendship with Steve.
"Was this your doing Buckley?" Dustin accuses as he looks at her with squinted eyes. Robin raises an eyebrow, and slowly this intervention isn't about Eddie anymore. The group was always too chaotic to stay organized and to stay on one topic. There were just way too many of them and to many opinions constantly flying around. So Steve's seeing what's about to happen a mile away.
Harrington immediately moves getting tired of standing and moving to sit on the couch next to Eddie. Even though he didn't know the others all that well he always had this thing about pleasing others. And it seems like Eddie really needed cheering up, and as the people pleaser he was he's glad to be the first to attempt to help the other out. Steve had always been good at reading other people and their needs and he knew the other probably didn't want all of the attention on him because he was struggling. So immediately he's moving closer to the other whispering as softly as he can,
"The shit heads been only talking about you for the past week and it's sort of hurting my ego man. You're supposed to be the jealous one here not me." Steve teased softly before adding. "Though shut up, I want to watch this unfold. Dustin's totally going to get his ass chewed out again and you're totally talking way to much." He says playfully. He remembered how the other was in the upside down and try's to imitate that. If he was honest he sort of wanted to hear the other ramble on about Ozzy again. Harrington, like the rest of the group hasn't heard the other speak for week.
Steve catches onto Eddie's amused look as his brown eyes meet Steve's. The shorter haired boy can't help but smile a little bit at the other before he's looking around finding a bag of chips stuck in between the crack of the couch cushion. He was really hungry and was forced to skip breakfast for this meeting, Dustin had scared the shit out of him and made him think that Vecna was back and he ran out the door immediately when he got the call.
Steve was fully aware that the chips were probably old and stale but he didn't care. His stomach was growling loud enough that Eddie had even heard. Blushing the hungry boy almost misses the others soft whisper back, "Jesus Harrington, did one of those Demon bats find its way into your stomach?" He teases softly and Steve can't help but look very amused as he chuckles rolling his eyes playfully. "Though I don't know if I would eat those if I were you, they've probably been sat on and been there for days now." Eddie warns softly.
Steve opens it anyway looking inside as he ignores the amount of eyes on him and the warning that he seemed to be the only one who had caught. Eddie's even looking at him full on now instead of trying to be nonchalant about it. And there's this spark in his eyes that Dustin can't help but catch onto. Something that only reached his eyes when he was playing DnD. Though they were all aware of the amused smile on Munson's face, but Dustin knew the other could be smiling the hugest grin and that crazy look in his eye wouldn't be there. Even Robin was even looking over for a second as she starts to scold Dustin, but then she's going back to Dustin who snaps out of the trance he was in.
Steve's reaching inside the plastic and popping a chip in his mouth as he chews slowly trying to figure it out. He's raising a eyebrow at everyone now as they look at him disgusted. "Should I remind everyone that I bit into a bat when I was in the Upside Down. I'm pretty sure Stale chips that have been in Eddie Munson's couch for god knows how long won't kill me. This could be way worst." Steve says interrupting Robin for a second who simply rolls her eyes a little amused before going back at Dustin ranting at him some more.
Then he's turning to offer Eddie some. "Hey man, you have no room to judge me. The chips were in your sofa not mine." Steve says with a mouthful of chips and Eddie's reaching in to grab a few. He's also had far worst things in his mouth then week old stale chips. He simply pops them in his mouth before he's turning to watch Robin rip into Henderson with Steve tuning into the end of it.
"You are the most obnoxious kid I've ever met. Steve has canceled on me five times just to go pick you up from whatever the hell you were doing. You do know gas isn't free right? Doesn't grow on trees? So why the fuck are you making him drive you everywhere when you have a Bike?" Robin rants at him. "You are fully aware that you are walking all over him and taking advantage of him and yet I don't see you doing anything nice in return, except argue with him about every little thing. It was his idea to come and check up on Eddie, and you twisted it into some stupid intervention. So why don't you bug off and stop trying to act like you are older then us. We all know you're smarter but it doesn't give you the right to bully Steve because he's not the brightest of the bunch. Look at him Dustin. He's eating ass chips out of Eddie Munson's couch. That in itself deserves pity not judgment. God knows how long they've been there!" Steve's chewing slowly before furrowing his eyebrows.
"Should I be offended by that?" Steve asks confused as Eddie speaks up for the first time sense everyone's been in the trailer.
"It's the tone right?" He asks as he turns his head to look at Steve who looks at him and nods his head agreeing. Steve swallows the chip he was chewing as he pauses for a second.
"It really is, I can't really tell if she's being sarcastic, serious or patronizing me. I really suck at tones man." Steve says as the two of them seem to be the only ones clicking right now. And god Eddie was freaking out inside that Steve Harrington was next to him right now talking to him like this.
Eddie throws his hands up happily as he thinks he's finally found someone who understands him. "Finally! I'm not the only one who finds it difficult to figure this shit out. I genuinely can't tell if I'm being talked to as a friend or as a freak for not leaving my trailer in weeks." He huffs as Steve offers him more chips. Steve nods his head in understanding as he hums a bit as crumbs fall on his shirt.
"If I'm honest man, you should totally come out more. Trust me, it doesn't get better being cooped up in here by yourself. If I had these many people to help out me when I first found out about Monsters, I would honestly fucking cry. I'm just going to sum all of this up before a fist fight happens in the middle of your living room. That and so we can get out of your hair. What we're trying to say is that we are here for you. That you aren't alone. And if you want to hang out sometime drop on by to my place. " Steve smiles before catching the time on his watch.
"Though I should probably get going, my parents are finally in town for the first time since before everything started and they have finally noticed I haven't moved out of their place yet." Steve rambles out a bit and Eddie can't help but follow the others movements and listen to him. "And they are sort of really pissed with me right now so yeah-" he says awkwardly setting the bag of chips to the side standing up and moving around the crowd as he moves to the front entrance.
Before Steve opens the door Eddie asks, "what's airing at the theaters Harrington?" He asks curious as he leans back on his hands a bit watching the other. Steve looks confused as to why the other would want to know before it clicks in his head what the other was suggesting. His brain nearly going blank as he realizes that Eddie 'The Freak' Munson seemed to be more interested in hanging out with him the anyone else in the room.
"Alien and The second Poltergeist." Steve answers before he's leaving.
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Words do not describe how much I hate Steve Cutts and his popularity.
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afewproblems · 2 months
Having depressing Steve Harrington Whump thoughts this sunny Sunday morning.
I usually headcanon Steve's parents as being neglectful and absent given their lack of screen presence in the show and thought about Steve grappling with this throughout his childhood.
Being left alone for days and eventually weeks at a time, starting much younger than was appropriate, but it was the era of latchkey kids and Richard and Darleen Harrington assumed Steve was capable enough to not really need watching. The house never burned down.
Their son was fine.
And Steve would be the first person to agree, to smile wanely while the migraines pounded in his head, a parting gift from Billy Hargrove and the and Russians. He was fine.
It was fine.
Until the spring of 1986 when all Hell literally broke loose.
During the last events of the Upside Down and the earthquakes that almost decimated Hawkins, the Harringtons finally come back to town, horrified to be called in from Indianapolis by the charge nurse at Hawkins General Hospital.
Their relationship does get a little better after nearly losing their only son. They don't talk about it, the lost years of quality time, but Steve has made begrudging peace with it and is happy to have them around now for family dinners and the holidays.
They are even fairly good about his relationship with Eddie once he finally comes out. Richard takes a little longer to warm up to the idea, but Darleen seems determined not to lose Steve again.
And things are fine for awhile, the four of them have found an equilibrium amongst each other. Richard busies himself with offering to help with repairs around their house as needed, the leaky sink in their guest bath or the backdoor that was never hung correctly. While Darleen is always quick to bring over a new recipe for them all to try at the next family dinner.
They don't talk about the fact that this is the most home cooking Steve has ever experienced in his 30 years of life or that he didn't know his dad even owned a screwdriver.
But it's fine.
They manage.
It's only after the adoption of their daughter that Steve begins to notice the changes in his parents in a way that makes his chest feel tight.
"I just, I don't get it," Steve says quietly to Eddie one summer day. Richard and Darleen are out in the yard with Abigail, playing in the sun. Abigail shakes a flower from the garden in Richard's face while he pretends to sneeze exaggeratedly, making Abigail break into peals of laughter.
Eddie frowns at Steve, watching as he crosses his arms tightly around himself.
"There has to be something going on, it doesn't make any sense how they're being with her," Steve bites out eventually. He lifts a trembling hand to his hair and tugs harshly at the roots.
"Okay woah woah," Eddie says slowly as he stops forward and gently coaxes Steve's hands away from his hair, "Stevie, sweetheart, I don't understand".
Eddie watches as Steve's gaze travels out the window once more to see Darleen lift their giggling baby girl above her head before lowering Abigail to pepper kisses all over her cheeks. Eddie smiles at the sight but it quickly vanishes as he looks back at Steve who is looking longingly at his mother.
"Because," Steve says, his voice catches on the growing lump in his throat, "if they were always capable of this, of being there, then why couldn't they do that for me?"
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
You’re Mine, Sunshine (masterlist) ♡
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♡ Pairing: Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Fem!Reader (Mob!Au Bodyguard!Au)
♡ Series Summary: Bucky gets picked by a very rich and respected man to be his daughter’s personal bodyguard. The Father warns him that it won’t be an easy job, that she is a brat and difficult to deal with. But what happens when Bucky meets you and you’re the complete opposite?
♡ Series Warnings: mentions of amputation, dark themes, violence, death/death threats, talk of parent death, fluff, angst, stalking, daddy issues, anxiety attacks/panic attacks, abuse, depression, depressive episodes, PTSD, dry humping, hints to smut, (warnings to be added as new chapters are released)
Trope ⇢ Grumpy x Sunshine ☀️
Last Updated: 9/8/23
⇨ Chapter One
↳ After Pierce interviews Bucky for the job, he warns him of you. Bucky is starting to rethink his decision, but when he meets you... you're not what he expected.
⇨ Chapter Two
↳ Bucky takes you home, and later finds you in the library. You both get to know each other a little better, but Bucky is hesitant.
⇨ Chapter Three
↳ Bucky has a surprise meeting with Pierce, getting informed about your secret admire. Meanwhile, Bucky tries to keep things professional, he’s hesitant to cross the line when you need him.
⇨ Chapter Four
↳ You don’t know what to think of Bucky after he took you to bed last night. Bucky can’t continue to keep the stalking situation hidden from you. Something is found on your doorstep.
⇨ Chapter Five
↳ Getting to know each other better doesn’t go according to plan. Bucky has to comfort you and fix the mess he made. Will you forgive him?
⇨ Chapter Six
↳ Bucky receives a morning visit from Steve, with the news about what was in the box. Bucky continues to think about what he should do. Should he tell you the truth about your stalker?
⇨ Chapter Seven
↳ Bucky finds you making a mess in the kitchen, attempting to bake and offers his help. The two of you get to talking and some reveals about each other begin to come out. Will he finally tell you about your stalker?
⇨ Chapter Eight
↳ After a surprise visit from Pierce, tension arises as he threatens Bucky of his job. Pierce wants to have a talk with you and it doesn't go very well.
⇨ Chapter Nine
↳ After the events from the other day, you try and cope with the reality of what happened. The world is a lot less colorful than you remember. Bucky helps comfort you after you realize you have no one left.
⇨ Chapter Ten
↳ Someone comes knocking at your door in the morning. Bucky answers and is surprised with who he finds. Are they going to help them or hurt them?
⇨ Chapter Eleven
↳ The tension can't be ignored anymore between you and Bucky. Steve shows up and he's not alone.
⇨ Chapter Twelve
↳ Reality is hitting you as you, Bucky, Steve and his men all venture off to a secret safe house only Steve knows about. The events from the last couple of days are starting to hit you with a sickening force, leaving you weak and crippled.
⇨ Chapter Thirteen
↳ Your dreams consist of random memories of your parents, but are they really random? Despite the past days of hell—you still find it difficult to resist Bucky. You two spend a heated morning together, devouring each other while you still have these moments.
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
Steve got the tattoo the day they held the very small, very secret service for Eddie.
He knew he had to get it somewhere hidden, didn’t wanna answer questions, not even from Robin.
The E+S on his upper thigh was precious to him, all he had left of the promises they made to each other as children and again as teenagers.
Eddie was Steve’s, even if he wasn’t here, and Steve would always be Eddie’s, even if Eddie no longer knew.
But eventually, the end of summer came, and the kids wanted to have something normal. Normal for them was a pool party that ended in a sleepover, and Steve didn’t have much choice about making it happen.
He wanted them to have something normal.
So he got his bathing suit on, forgetting the tattoo was in a spot that might show in it, and tried to have fun with them.
Robin noticed and then Max noticed, and once he’d tried getting out of the explanation twice in a row, Dustin and Will noticed.
So he just explained that he lost a dare with Tommy years ago and that got them to stop asking.
But he found himself crying in the shower that evening, trying his best not to make any noise as sobs wracked his body and it got harder and harder to breathe.
The only thing that snapped him out of it was the knowledge that Eddie would want him to go back downstairs to be with the kids. He wouldn’t want to see Steve like this.
He kissed his fingertips and pressed them to his tattoo, just like he’d done every single day since he got it.
And then he went downstairs to be with the kids.
His one rule during sleepovers at his house was he still go to sleep in his own bed. Sometimes Robin would join him, but most of the time, he slept alone.
He couldn’t sleep.
He could feel the exhaustion deep in his bones, but every time he closed his eyes and tried to drift, he’d get an overwhelming feeling of being watched.
His eyes would open and he’d look around, confused and frustrated.
And nothing would be there.
Which was good, great even. He didn’t want there to be anyone or anything there. But he did want an explanation for this feeling.
He sat up in his bed and sighed.
Maybe he could-
Something was definitely in his bathroom. The door had been closed earlier, like it always was, and now it was halfway open.
The light was off.
Steve stood from his bed silently, crept to the bathroom with his nail bat raised, and considered what would happen if he died up here.
“That’s a depressing thought even for your melodramatics, sweetheart.”
Steve barely resisted screaming at Eddie’s voice.
“Oh god. I’ve finally fuckin’ lost it,” he said as he turned the bathroom light on.
“I dunno. You still got it, baby. Even if you lost some weight in your ass.”
Eddie, or something that looked and talked like Eddie, was sitting on the sink in the bathroom.
“I did like those little swim trunks, though. Hope you wear those again for me.”
“What the fuck.”
“You know, that’s exactly what I said when I woke up alive. Kinda thought I was dying. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t.”
Steve held his bat tighter.
“Eddie? How?”
Eddie hopped off the sink and stepped closer, slowly, so he wouldn’t scare Steve.
“Not sure. But it’s not the craziest thing that’s happened.” Eddie wanted to touch him, Steve could tell. His hands were clenching into fists to resist. “I know I’m not human, but I’m close enough, I think.”
“Close enough for what?”
“To love you.”
Steve dropped the bat and fell against Eddie, burying his face in his neck and breathing him in, not caring about the dirt or sweat or grime clinging to his skin.
It was Eddie, and he’d take him any way he could have him.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been trying to get back here for so long.” Eddie’s arms held him tight enough to bruise. “Won’t happen again, won’t leave you again.”
Steve’s sobs were loud, but trying to contain them physically pained him. He’d been in enough pain for months. He had to let these out.
He felt Eddie waving his hands behind him, but then heard Robin’s rambling and decided to turn.
“-and he’s been distraught for months but didn’t tell me anything and then I saw his tattoo earlier and I thought, well, must just be a joke you guys had. And then I was like, no, can’t be, because you barely spoke. Or at least I thought you did. Clearly I’m wrong. I’m super wrong. Wrongest I’ve ever been maybe.”
“Robs.” Steve’s choked voice silenced her. “You know how I told you to go for it with Nancy because I really didn’t have feelings for her?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, but yeah.”
“She protected me, both of us, really, so we could be together. Offered to pretend to date me so no one would get suspicious.”
“Steve. Steve Harrington. You had a beard?”
Eddie snorted. “I know you said she was funny, but I’m pretty she’s my second favorite human now.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ve been with Eddie for forever. I mean, since we were kids practically.”
Robin was silent. A rare thing for her.
“Sorry, just taking this in.”
“Yeah, Eddie being alive is a lot-“
“Not that. That is gonna come a lot later once I stop and think about the fact that he’s some kind of zombie.” Robin leaned against the doorway. “The fact that I came out to my best friend and he didn’t return the favor. That is queer code, Steve.”
Eddie laughed, and Steve let out another sob. He’d missed him so much, missed his laugh, his arms around him, his heartbeat-
“Eds. Eddie.” Steve lifted his head and pressed both hands to his chest. “You-“
“Ah. So I don’t seem to have a heartbeat anymore. As far as I can tell, I did actually die.” Eddie shrugged as if this news wasn’t absolutely insane. “So my best guess is vampire since I prefer blood to brains. But I can get by without it for a pretty long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, I haven’t had any since the day I woke up. Which is a few months according to your calendar.”
Robin held her hands up. “I’m going. Good luck. The kids are gonna flip.”
“Do not tell them. Not yet.”
Steve needed tonight, needed to have Eddie to himself before everyone else stole it for a while. He wanted to be selfish for the first time in a very long time. He knew Robin would understand.
“Sure thing. But you’re gonna have to be quiet. You’re lucky none of them heard you crying.”
Steve nodded and curled back into Eddie, placing a kiss against his neck.
“Glad you’re back Eddie,” she said as she left.
“I need a shower,” Eddie said. “Think it’ll wake the kids?”
“Nah. They slept through a tree falling in the yard last month during a storm. Just need to be quick,” Steve pulled away to start grabbing what he’d need for a shower, but Eddie pulled him back on, running his nose along his neck and sending chills down his spine.
“You wanna join me?” He asked.
“Of course I do. But we won’t be quick if I join you,” Steve smiled.
A real smile. One he realized he hadn’t had on his face since spring break.
“You wanna wait in bed for me, then?” Eddie beamed back at him.
“Can I stay in here? I don’t-“ Steve sighed. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Eddie’s smile softened into something endeared. “Yeah, sweetheart. You can stay. Talk to me. Tell me what I missed.”
Steve told him about everything he could while he showered away the Upside Down grime, watching his shadow behind the glass door of the shower to make sure it never disappeared.
They made sure the bedroom door was locked before crawling into bed together, Steve laying on top of Eddie like he always did before.
He was heavier, but Eddie never cared.
Steve slept so long, Eddie had no choice but to go downstairs in the morning so no one would wake him up.
The chaos that ensued was nothing short of overwhelming, but Eddie didn’t mind.
He was happy to back with all the kids, even if they asked incredibly inappropriate questions about his body to find out what he was.
When Steve finally came down, he was still half asleep and barely registered the open-mouth stares of everyone as he came up to Eddie and rested his head on his chest, wrapped his arms around his waist.
Eddie smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head.
“Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, baby.”
“Sunshine?!” Dustin yelled.
“Baby?!” Mike yelled louder.
“Make them go away,” Steve sighed against his neck.
“You don’t wanna explain?” Eddie asked him, half joking.
“Not today. Scare them or something.”
“You think Eddie can scare us? We’ve all almost died!” Lucas said.
“Fine. Eddie and I are together, have been forever. The tattoo on me is our initials. Get out of my house.”
The kids just stared at them in silence until Steve finally turned from Eddie and put his hands on his hips.
“I wasn’t asking. Get out.”
The kids scrambled to leave, making promises (threats) to come back soon.
Robin waved as she walked out with them, throwing them both a wink and knowing smile.
“So how long do you think we have until they come back?” Eddie asked, rocking them back and forth gently.
“Few hours maybe.”
“I can do a lot in a few hours,” Eddie nipped at Steve’s ear, making him shiver and laugh.
“You got super strength with your new life?” Steve grinned at him.
“I wouldn’t call it super, but I could definitely carry you back to bed.”
Steve jumped up and wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist, arms around his neck.
“Carry me to bed, then, Eds.”
“Anything your heart desires, Stevie.”
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