mazzystar24 · 4 months
1. Tommy figures out quickly that ongoing circulation issues mean Buck's feet are always freezing in bed. So their first Christmas together he gets him several pairs of very nice slipper socks, warmly lined, that he can wear to bed.
2. Buck never thought he had much talent vocally, but Tommy just makes him so *happy* he almost doesn't care and just has to sing about it. He has no idea until his song ends that Tommy was listening, but with such a soft smile that he doesn't even feel embarrassed.
3. Their favorite date is Muy Thai lessons followed by showering together and then grilling on the deck.
4. They move in together three years in, and on their fourth Christmas, Tommy proposes.
Hi anon I’m assuming this is for that anon who sent the bucktommy headcanons ask and I had to awkwardly tell they got the wrong person hahaha
Again tumblr should get a way to tag anons istg
This is the ask in question for anyone wanting context
Hope that anon sees this!
Also sorry it took so long for me to post this I would like to say I didn’t see it but if I’m fully being real with you like the day you sent this ask a whole bunch of drama/discourse surged again and I was like okay better NOT post this which I’d have to tag in the bucktommy tag and that unfortunately means that the toxic side will come to my page, then I had exams and completely forgot to post so flowers for you babe 💐💐💐
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ackerfics · 3 years
so this is love — annie leonhart
— annie leonhart x female reader
— request by anon: I kinda have a request. How about royal au? Where 2 kingdoms are at war with each other, and reader is the heir of the throne of one kingdom (but they’re not the spoiled type of heir, more like the solider one?) and then the kingdoms decided a truce. Reader will have to marry the heir of the other kingdom which is Annie. Idk maybe those arranged marriages that they never get along at first? Kinda like they were enemies bc they never get along until some development of feelings happen along the way. Maybe Annie will realize that she has feelings when reader got injured since they’re a soldier
— warnings: mentions of war, slight angst if you squint, just two idiots falling in love with each other :))
— summary: you were sent off to another kingdom as a sign of a truce, promising to yourself that the engagement is close to death at how you got off on the wrong foot with your betrothed. it was hell at first but who knows? maybe, unbeknownst to you, the two of you are a match made by the gods.
— word count: 7.5k
— author’s notes: i am so sorry this came out so long :((( we just finished our exams and we have a case study to write as our midterm for a subject. i hope this will still quench your annie fic cravings. and by the way, i fashioned the kingdom of idylle to mondstadt because genshin impact is my stress reliever right now and a kingdom built upon freedom sounds like a gem. plus, the glass castle of the reader is based off of the castle of cinderella, which is the reason for the title hhhhhh happy reading !!!
so this didn’t appear in the tags so i reposted it :”(((
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Corsets were abominations that needed to be burned.
The girl with your features staring at you from the mirror was someone you couldn’t recognize from all the preparations your chambermaid did on your figure. The make-up was appalling and thick that you could see a smear on the back of your hand when you tried rubbing your itching nose. Your hair was done in a half up-do with too many decorative pins sticking out, creating a makeshift crown of silver roses, one of the symbols of your kingdom. The dress your mother expected you in was straight-up ridiculous, you couldn’t move from the tightness of the corset and the heaviness of your skirts was hindering you from moving freely. You couldn’t even deny that it was a lovely gown but its inconvenience was irking you at the slightest turn or stretch.
Dressing up this lavishly was rare for you, the Crown Princess of the kingdom boring flags of silver and lilac. You very much preferred the heaviness of your armor and your title as one of your kingdom’s Commendatore rather than the ladylike image your mother has been forcing you on the past few weeks.
You were livid when your parents renounced from the ten-year war that was purging the continent with just a sign on a piece of paper — one that included your name and your honor. Everything was brutal, carnage dotting every town and village of the two kingdoms throwing spears and fire cannons, and you witnessed it all firsthand when you started being one of your kingdom’s soldiers four years ago — a sixteen-year-old girl throwing orders that gave you an advantage from your enemies wearing the crest of the kingdom that painted your lands a heart-wrenching red. Of all solutions that your parents and the other kingdom could come up with, it involved you in the most unacceptable way possible. Officially entering your twenties this year, your parents thought it necessary to offer you as a bride that signified peace to the warring nation right beyond the border. The idea made your vision red, an outburst coming out of your mouth mere seconds after the proposal was announced in the council meeting.
A soldier, a knight, a commander — that’s what you are.
Not some forsaken young woman ready to be shipped off to your rival nation because it was the only way out of this bloody mess.
You had no choice.
The only way for you to grasp the final moments in your kingdom was relishing the touches of the chambermaid and taking in the décor of your room — the small trinkets scattered on your nightstands, the books you escaped to, the jewelry that boasted the colors of your family, and the stuffed animals your nanny sewed for you when you were a toddler. You closed your eyes and let the feathery fingers of the people around you lull you into a prayer for the gods in their celestial thrones, asking for their blessing in this far travel. In the middle of reciting an ode dedicated to the goddess of divine bravery, you felt a cool pendant carefully slide over your collarbones.
Your mother’s face appeared beside the watery princess of the mirror, a forced smile pulling on the corners of her lips. Your distinctly colored irises flickered down on the necklace your mother placed upon the exposed parts of your body. It was a flower-pressed necklace, the gold plate carefully protecting the flower representing your birth. The golden chain holding the necklace together was so thin that you worried for a moment that the fragile piece of jewelry might break in less than an hour while you meet your partner-to-be. You met your mother’s gaze in the mirror — from a chivalrous princess of armor to a dignified queen ruling within a land of eternal spring.
“You look so beautiful,” your mother breathed your name, holding your arms tightly against her ring-adorned hands. Tears blossomed her eyes, trickling down her cheeks akin to the lavender flowers’ petals of the large white tree in your backyard. “You look like the queen you were supposed to be.”
You tried smiling but your wobbly lips made you falter. You can only purse your lips in a tight, flat smile as you face your mother, face set in a kind expression. “Please don’t cry, Mother,” you murmured, placing your palm on top of hers, squeezing it for reassurance. “They wouldn’t do anything to me.”
They, meaning the kingdom you were at war with, the nation that claimed they needed a bride for their Crown Heir. In your world, there was freedom even in marriage — with the kingdoms pairing their sons with the sons of their enemies all for the sake of a truce, especially if the two of them were firstborns. This is very much your situation at the moment. The kingdom of Idylle was a beautiful haven of songs dedicated to the god of the winds, very contrasting to their military power that could take down a good number of your soldiers. You heard stories from some villages in your nation that Idylle was a hoax, that they were bloodthirsty warmongers hungry for the spilled blood of the people of Glaieul, your kingdom. You couldn’t help but believe their words. That was the only addition to your knowledge of Idylle except for their battle tactics and placement of soldiers on the battlefield.
“We’ll pray to the deities that they will do just that,” your mother laughed a little despite the tears. “Or else your father will wage war if they so much scratched you.”
“He wouldn’t do that, Mother,” you shook your head with a slight smile. “You two have worked so hard for this peace treaty. If I ever scratched myself in Idyllic lands, trust me that it would most likely be my fault. Not theirs.”
Your mother’s laugh twinkled in the room, painting everything in a light that erased the heaviness shrouding in every corner of your chambers. “I suppose so. You and your love for your sword are unrivaled. I can still remember the time when you first got the weapon, you were so thrilled for a six-year-old that one would think you were born in the barracks. I have to admit, you looked adorable swinging your sword until the greeting of the night and its stars.” She wistfully sighed, looking down at the necklace she gave you. “Your father was so proud when you came back for dinner that night.”
“My sword has always been a lifelong companion. I will even bring it to their castle.”
Your mother placed a hand on top of her chest, over her heart. “I hope you don’t unsheathe it in front of their royal family.”
You breathed a laugh. “No promises.”
The two of you talk about all the things that happened in your childhood, your laughs echoing through the hallways. The maids and the butlers bade you goodbye and safe travels as you passed by, never forgetting to nod in their direction in acknowledgment. You will miss their company for they saw you grow up before you decided to partake in the war. Almost all of them fussed over the mess you made while practicing your swordplay, cleaning up the broken vases and the mud on the carpeted floors. Even one of the apprentices of the Keeper of Books residing in the palace, Armin, enthusiastically waved at you, his friends flanking him for a visit in the kitchens. You didn’t miss how Eren directed an incredulous stare towards the blonde man, with Mikasa looking shocked at how easily the apprentice interacted with you in a public setting since your times with them only happened behind prying eyes.
You gave the three of them a huge smile that gave their faces a pretty rose shade.
Upon reaching the foyer, your father stood at the foot of the stairs along with the soldiers you acquainted in your time on the battlefield, sending a wave of warmth through your chest. His silver coat lined with gold details was a beacon and his white breeches were tucked in a pair of knee-length boots. His chest was decorated with his sash full of medallions, the kingdom insignia of lilac gladioluses and silver roses pinned on top of his heart. The king of Glaieul softened his eyes, crinkles appearing at the corners, at the sight of you and your mother descending on the stairs.
“My little flower,” was his greeting to you when you reached him.
“Father,” you breathed, picking up your skirts to settle in the embrace of waiting arms. You buried your figure against him, inhaling his scent of pine and rosewater, creating the last memory you will have of him. The two of you pulled away for a moment, your eyes watering at the sad visage your father sported. You felt the lightest brush of his kiss on your forehead. 
“Now I’m becoming reluctant in sending you off,” he told you. “I felt guilty when I saw you fight against this during the council meeting. But it is what they offered and I have no say in the matter.”
“I know.”
“May the eternal spring never waver in your soul.”
You nodded before taking a step back, bowing with your knees on the marble floors. Your crown glinted against the light from the stained-glass windows, your hair forming a curtain around your face as you replied, “I will let it fester among the ballads and idylls they will offer. I will carry the name of Glaieul with faithfulness, honor, and grace.” You raised your head to meet your father’s eyes. “I promise to never deter the eternal spring.”
It would be that way until your last years in that kingdom. And as you rode the carriage with the soldiers you fought with guarding the vehicle with their lives on the line, you could only sigh and offer another round of prayers that this swerves in a more positive direction than what you were expecting. After a hefty journey across the bustling capital (people stopped by and waved your carriage goodbye, offering you flowers that one of the captains of the fleet, Levi, scowled at — you coaxed him that it was alright, though) to the hectares of meadows in the countryside, the sight of flowers mixed with emerald turned into a sea of teal as you entered the outskirts of Idylle, your betrothed’s home. Everything was bathed with the endemic species of grass solely blessed by the god of the winds on Idylle — legends say that it was because He wanted the kingdom that worshipped him to look different than the rest. No matter how much you deny it, it was beautiful.
“How are you faring, princess?”
Your daze was interrupted by a baritone voice, deep enough to alert some of the men around the carriage. His gray eyes provided you support during the war. You couldn’t help but smile at the onyx-haired man riding by your right window. “Hello, Captain Levi.”
“Tch. Drop the title, brat. You and I both know that the war made us friends somewhat.”
You let out a small laugh. “Well, Levi, to answer your question, I’m quite fine even though my parents just sold me to gain peace.”
Levi rose an eyebrow at the remark. “I am not one to have the capabilities to comfort someone but think of this as a way for you to help the kingdom without sacrificing your life for once. A nation without its heir is just like losing its king. I’ve seen you train when you’re starting as a squire and to the point when you got the position you deserve. This would be like a small walk in the gardens of your mother.” He fixated his stare on you, eyes dull yet determined to get his point across. “You have a role in every part of your life and this time, this is what the gods crafted for you. Do not fret, princess, you have more chances of being on the battlefield again.”
The words Levi spoke settled in you until you reached the capital of Idylle, a small island in the middle of a clear azure lake with walls resembling a huge castle. The bridge leading to the gates was lined with guards bearing the kingdom’s crest, all of them standing under the flapping flags bearing the symbol and colors of the royal family they serve — a harp surrounded by the colors of gold and blue. Their eyes warily followed the series of carriages, postures becoming stiff in the realization that the entourage holds the visitor their rivaling country sent. That was still the scenario when the series of carriages and horses passed by the marketplace, the vicinity on the lowest part of the walled capital, as if the wind even ceased to let the people gawk at the brightly-colored entourage making its way to the highest tier depicting mansions and the main plaza where their patron god stood tall and proud in front of the palace’s gates.
Everything looked magnificent.
It was a breath of fresh air from the glass castle you grew up in. Whereas your kingdom built a white, blinding home that withstood for hundreds of years, Idylle’s palace blended with the brick walls with its leveled mansard roofs and turrets. The gates were made of gold, welcoming you into a huge square of maze-like hedges, a fountain sitting in the middle of the labyrinth. Some gardeners stopped their daily chores to greet the carriages with a wave of their hat, seeing as you were going to be an addition to the royal family after the wedding in a few months. The steps leading to the main doors loomed in front of you with only a few servants waiting for you to step out of the carriage.
You took in a deep breath, nodding at Levi to open the door. When it swung open, you placed your hand on top of Levi’s as he guided you down the propped steps on the side of the carriage.
“Well,” Levi hummed from behind you, making you glance at him with a curious eye. “May the eternal spring never waver in your soul, Your Highness.” He bowed in front of you, only a dip of his head, a firm hand on his heart, and yet that was enough for you to reciprocate it with a kind smile.  
“Safe travels back, Captain Levi. May the gods protect you.”
The servant boys standing on top of the stairs jumped an inch in the air, going down in fleeting steps to get your luggage when they realized they were staring too long at you. You smiled at them in gratitude before stepping inside the palace as the guards opened the huge, gilded double doors in front of you.
The inside was just elegant as the exterior appearance of the entire capital. Everything was bathed in gold that seemed to rival the Sun and it made you look away for a moment. The grand hall followed the kingdom’s colors, from the turquoise carpets leading towards two winding staircases to the golden ceilings decorated with paintings of cherubs and the story of how their god of the winds came to be. One of the servant boys slightly cleared his throat, snapping you out of your curiosity of the myths laid on the ceiling. You turned to him with raised eyebrows, spurring him to whisper a faint, “Follow us, Your Highness.” They led you through hallways hung with tapestries and paintings, drawing rooms where the queen hosted her tea parties (Levi would have loved it), and ballrooms that have the same aesthetic as the foyer. Finally, you stopped in front of one of the apartments in the palace, the servant boy who told you to follow them brightened at the guard stationed there.
You waited patiently and let your eyes roam across the hallway.
“Hello, Falco, Udo.” The man, Reiner, smiled at the young boys before turning to you. He placed a hand on his heart and bowed. “Welcome to Gale, the capital of Idylle, Your Highness.”
“Thank you for the welcome,” you replied, motioning for him that it was quite alright to straighten his posture. “The palace looks lovely.”
“Indeed, it is.” Reiner opened the doors of your room and once again bowed with an outstretched hand towards the room. “Here are your chambers and I will be your guard for the entirety of your stay here in the palace, Your Highness.” You muttered a faint ‘thank you’ as you entered a drawing room with a door to the private chambers on the left and the bathrooms to the right. There was a table fit for two people, armchairs, and drawers with vases on top. A huge floor-to-ceiling window illuminated the room, your feet carrying you there to open them, and letting the wind caress the curtains as they danced in the breeze. “If you ever need anything, you can call for my name and I will be here in an instant. Your chambermaid will be up here in a moment to help you prepare for the family dinner. For now, rest well, Your Highness.”
“Thank you, Reiner, Falco, Udo,” you smiled, retreating towards the private chambers.
You let out a sigh and stared at nothing for a few moments. It came down to this. To think that you were in enemy lands and was treated so well without any degradation came as a shock to you. The people so far that radiated negativity at your arrival were the guards stationed at the bridge and some of the townsfolk and nobles parading in the streets. As you think about the servant boys and Reiner’s calmness in receiving you in the palace, you immediately thought that it would be better than you expected.
You took off your heels under your dress, mind racing that this wouldn’t be so bad, and plopped on top of your canopied bed, its baby blue curtains protecting you from unknown disturbances and drowning you in a rapid of dreams.
The dinner didn’t go so well as you expected.
You donned a more suitable dress for indoor use, something that doesn’t include forcing your figure in a tight corset and yet presentable enough to be shown in the family dinner. You even placed a circlet of silver flowers on your head to compensate for the dull dress you chose, the description fitting after one of the chambermaids expressed their perplexity at how simple regarding design your dress has. Your light blue skirts fanned out around you as you made your way to one of the grand dining rooms reserved for family use. The choice of the color of the dress should be enough to express that you are willing to be on good terms with the family of the person you will marry.
But your first meeting with Annie Leonhart was interestingly disappointing.
Before departing from your kingdom, you learned the royal family and even Idylle’s customs. You learned how they always valued freedom and expression above all else, compared to your home that valued their ties with the gods more than the idea of getting rid of the shackles placed by your deities. You learned how they have this festival dedicated to celebrating the love they share with their patron god and how it spanned for half a month.
Finally, you learned about the indifferent Crown Heir of Idylle, the young woman with the piercing blue oceanic eyes sitting in front of you at the dinner table. She was known for building up walls that discouraged some of her engagements with other royalties across the continent. She was so closed off that she didn’t even glance in your direction for one second. Her hair was done in an elaborate bun wrapping around her head in a braid, her small, thin diadem resting against her golden hair. Annie kept her gaze on her plate, even playing with her food mindlessly for a couple of minutes before sighing and taking a bite of the chicken the maids served. No conversation was exchanged and the dinner ultimately became one of the most awkward meals you had. The king even tried to engage his daughter for casual talk but Annie dismissed them with a hum.
The queen had to apologize to you several times after the dinner, with Annie huffing at the back and eager to get out of the room. Despite how much she was against this engagement, you still bowed at her before you retreated to your room.
Now dressed in your nightgown, you stared at the canopy of your bed, already missing your home the more you fixed your attention on the bundled-up curtains. You badly needed to hit a straw dummy with your sword to let out your frustrations. Of all the royalties present in your continent, why did it have to be you that was shipped to this measly forced marriage? There were still so many solutions that could lead to a peace treaty but why was this the only one the kings and queens could present to their courts? A sigh escaped your chest once again at the thought of actually getting to know Annie. You laid on your side, curling your legs towards your chest and prayed that the god of dreams will visit you sooner than expected.
A knock reverberated through your chambers, the sound making you sit up.
You went to the receiving room and opened the door. You kept the small hitch of your breath in your chest at the sight of Annie and her half-lidded eyes. There was no one in the hallways. You figured that she sent Reiner away for some privacy, meeting the blue irises you likened to brilliant sapphires. 
“What brings you here, Your Highness?” you asked, opening the door wider.
“Annie.” She saw how your eyebrows raised in surprise. “Call me Annie, we’re betrothed after all.”
“Of course.” You smiled. “Annie,” you tested her name softly, missing the way she inhaled too sharply at your voice. 
Annie reciprocated the gesture by saying your name. The two of you stared at each other and it felt like an eternity before she looked away to focus on the receiving room behind you. She noticed how your eyes held kindness underneath the star-like shine even though she showed hostility during your first dinner with her family. Your hair was disheveled and it didn’t take her a minute to realize she might have woken you up from a good night’s rest. The journey from Glaieul to Idylle was a long one. You deserve all the rest you can get, “I apologize if I woke you up but I feel like I should do this before dragging it out.” You once again raised an eyebrow so she took out a leather box, opening it to reveal a ring with a holographic gem showing teal and pink in the middle. The Leonhart family ring. “Here.”
You were gawking at the beautiful piece of jewelry, with Annie taking the matter in her own hands. She took the ring out of the box and pocketed the container. Her hand reached out to hold your palm against hers, sliding the ring in your ring finger. Your hand still hovered in front of you after Annie retracted hers to find their place by her side. She continued to eye your mesmerized visage with a half-lidded gaze, clearing her throat to catch your attention. You turned to her with a small apology for spacing out.
“It’s fine,” Annie waved off. “It’s yours starting today.” She turned away from you and went down the hallways but not before saying a “Good night, [Name].”
The entire week of your stay in Idylle was uneventful, to say the least.
Annie kept her distance from you after that night she gave you their family ring. It left you thinking that you should also gift her the [Last Name] ring your family treasured for centuries. The ring was placed in a small cushioned jewelry box that you opened and propped on one of your night tables. Your conscience was telling you to give it to her but there wasn’t exactly any moment alone with her let alone just passing by her in the hallways. The blonde princess made it her mission to never let your fates meet the more time you spent in the capital. You then decided that she probably didn’t want this engagement to happen.
But she gave you the ring. Wasn’t that a strong signal that Annie accepted you as her betrothed, unlike the others before you?
You shook that thought as you focused on giving consecutive hits on the dummy in front of you. Two days before, you proposed to the king to let you have a moment alone in the training grounds for about two hours or so to keep you in shape. He reluctantly agreed, but not without a side stare at the queen. They heard of your glorious feats during the war, how you managed to become one of the Commanders of a battalion of soldiers tasked with being in the frontlines and how you won constant ambushes against Idylle’s numbers. Two hours of training became three until here you are, still not stopping as you finished every single dummy in the private training grounds. With your day spent outside, you thought it would be nice to have a nice dip in the bathtub before dinner.
In your walk towards your chambers, you spotted Annie in one of the drawing rooms, sitting in the window seats with a book of war tactics in hand. You recognized the author as one of the revolutionaries mentioned to you by your tutor. 
“That’s a nice book,” you couldn’t help but mention. Annie turned to you unfazed by your interruption though there was a glint of interest in her eyes. “The book mostly describes battle formations but I think the author likened it to every situation on the battlefield. For instance, the phalanx was native to the empire of Great Findara and it was great for preventing casualties until it was overpowered by the infantry tactic of the city nation of Khisfire where every man has a role and a weapon depending on their group. The latter was more on the long-range yet melee way of taking back the territory.”
Annie hummed. “Do royal tutors of Glaieul teach this to their students?”
“Oh, no. I learned it while taking on the role of a squire.”
She once again hummed. “It completely slipped my mind that you are one of the Commanders in your military. You were ruthless as the folks in the noble plaza say, blood tainting your hands from doing raids in the border villages of Idylle.” Her tone was like a jab to your side, like an arrow tearing through your skin. “I know it was a time of war and desperate times call for desperate measures but our people didn’t deserve to experience the massacres.”
“They were far from being massacres,” you gritted your teeth.
Annie scoffed. “Then what were they? Because that’s what it looks like to me. I can still remember the story two years ago of a young girl wearing her lilac cape in the bloodbath, eyes so dull that you can see your reflection on it. What’s to say that this engagement is a hoax plotted by your parents to assassinate my family for you to win a territory you greatly needed because of the resources?” She closed her book with too much force, bitterly spitting out the next words, “The apple doesn’t fall from the tree as the saying goes.”
“If you question my being here then why did you give me your family ring, Annie?” you asked, your body now facing the tense young woman by the window. You cursed at how the light made her look angelic like the girl the god of the winds sacrificed his life to before he ascended to the heavens. “This peace treaty is everything my family wanted even though hundreds of our soldiers died in vain for not meeting the ends of what they fought for. If you’re saying that my parents placed me in an undercover predicament to add to the weight of deaths on my shoulders, I suggest you tell your father to put a stop to our betrothal. Because I don’t even want to be here, Your Highness, and it would do me such a huge honor. I would rather spend my time out with my fellow soldiers than pretending I’m some dainty princess my family sheltered when in fact, I was anything but that.
“Have a good day and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Chapter ten was a personal favorite of mine,” you dismissed, turning towards the direction of the apartments.
Once you reached your door, Reiner straightened his posture, faltering for a second when he noticed the cross look on your face. He chose not to say anything as he opened the door for you. You took off your boots right beside one of the armchairs of the receiving room and immediately went inside your private chambers. The glint of the ring on your night table mocked you. You stomped over the furniture and forcefully closed the small jewelry box, throwing the container inside one of the drawers.
Maybe sleep will be much kinder to you, the sheets enveloping you in an embrace you wish your mother can only give in this time of need.
You were radiant under the harsh heat of the Sun.
Annie was scheduled to have a free slot in her timetable after being included in one of the court meetings regarding the resiliency plan of some of the villages in the borders that managed to survive the Glaieulian raids. She suggested that the villages should be moved to one of the more remote villages nearer the capital, where the terrain is suitable for growing crops and starting small farms. There wouldn’t be an issue with overpopulation because the recommended village was home to the elderly and children. The newly situated families will also aid the old people as they go about their mundane activities. It was a sound suggestion and her father was also considering it. Annie hoped that would be the case as she scribbled a small note on a piece of paper. After the meeting, she stopped by one of the windows overlooking the training grounds, and there you are.
Your small argument that happened a few days before stirred some guilt in Annie’s stomach. 
You weren’t even part of the raids she was talking about. They were led by a commander by the name of Erwin Smith. The stories about you that she heard were from Idyllic soldiers that suffered a lot during the war, not from the people of the villages Erwin raided. Annie couldn’t deny it but she did step out of the line by accusing you of being an assassin. That was too far-fetched. She was just stuck in her suspicions when she was supposed to be getting to know you.
All she knew about you was that you were adept with a sword and can name any tactic written in books about wars.
Annie saw a maid cleaning one of the vases in the hallway. “Miranda.”
The maid turned around, curtsying in a haste before patting her uniform. “What can I do for you, Your Highness?”
“Can you prepare a tray of iced apple juice and some cakes?”
“Of course, Your Highness.”
Annie nodded. “And can you place this note on the tray and deliver it to [Name]’s room?”
The maid was taken aback. “Well, it would be my pleasure, Princess.”
“Thank you.” With that, Annie walked away without a glance back.
Curious eyes followed the princess’ form, the maid finding herself looking at your figure sparring with Reiner and a smile instantly greeted her face. This could be a turning point in the betrothal because she could’ve sworn Annie had a small blush on her cheeks at the mention of the other princess. 
After your training, a tray of sweets and a pitcher with glasses of apple juice awaited you in your receiving room. You wanted to ask Reiner if he asked some of the chambermaids to prepare the afternoon snack but a folded note caught your eye. With one hand gripping the towel around your shoulders, you read the note, your face warming up at the short yet endearing sentence.
Indulge in these, they taste better after a good training session.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all, you thought as you munched on a sprinkled cookie.
Her eyes kept following a trail of gold tulle, silks, and laces, never looking away the moment her blue eyes laid themselves upon a beauty that rivaled the goddess of oneiric realms, the most ethereal goddess of the heavens. You were dressed in an off-shoulder gown with loose sleeves reaching your elbow, the bodice carefully wrapping around your torso in the most flattering way possible, and skirts adorned with silver gems. In a sea of aristocrats with fabulous dresses, you were a sight to behold in this ball dedicated to commemorate the truce between Glaieul and Idylle as well as announce the engagement between the two countries. You were starlight personified, shining in Annie’s eyes under the lights of tens of chandeliers in the ballroom. 
You were on the other side of the ballroom, laughing with your friends from your home kingdom. There was a tall brunette that seemed to be star-struck because of you just like Annie, a black-haired young woman who was smiling slightly, and a blonde who was engaged in an animated conversation with you. Your smiles were refreshing, to say the least, Annie seeing it for the first time since you came to their palace. Your laughs are genuine and it came out of you so easily when in the company of your friends.
Annie visibly stiffened when you turned around and smiled at her, gesturing for her to come to join the small huddle. Your three friends tensed noticeably at her half-lidded stare, with you reassuring them that she’s not that indifferent all the time. 
As if sensing Annie’s hesitance, Reiner chuckled behind her. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to introduce yourself to them, Your Highness.”
“I’m getting to that, Reiner.”
A laugh came from the blonde man. “She’s good for you. That much I can tell. The kindest soul I’ve ever met in my life.”
Again, guilt pooled in Annie’s chest. Those words are the opposite of what she spewed out to you the last time you talked. She called you a power-hungry monster who ravaged the war with no care on your shoulders. She didn’t even apologize yet. Annie sighed, “I know.” Then, she pulled up her skirts, navigated the ballroom, and stopped directly beside you. Her blue eyes scrutinized the three people you grew up with, with the brunette and black-haired woman stepping a small step forward to assert their dominance while the blonde pinched their backs to warn them not to step out of line in another kingdom. “Hello.” She transferred her eyes on you afterward, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back and rubbing it in a comforting motion. “I hope you enjoyed the ball so far.” Those words were directed to you.
You only nodded with a smile. “Annie, this is Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. They’re my friends when I was growing up in the glass castle.” Annie nodded. “Everyone, this is Annie, my fiancé.”
“We know,” Eren, the long-haired man in a low ponytail murmured with his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Eren,” Armin reprimanded. He smiled at a stone-faced Annie. “Thank you for making [Name] happy! I can sense that she has a different air around her while we talked. It must be because of you.”
Annie stayed quiet, her hand coming into a still on the small of your back. It was a good thing her left hand was hidden away because they would immediately think that you didn’t accept the engagement. She glanced at the ring nestling in your finger, a perfect match against the golden train of your dress. Realizing that she created an awkward stretch of silence, Annie could only nod wordlessly before shifting her attention to you again. It seems like you’re the only one who can calm her nerves down inside the vast ballroom. She never took her gaze on you even as you continued the conversation between your friends.
Her mind was fogged with thoughts of only you throughout the ball.
The two of you excused yourself from the trio when Annie’s father called for everyone’s attention from the front of the huge chambers. “Everyone, kind souls and pure-hearted people of the continent, since tonight is all for enjoyment, the waltz of the ball will now commence.” His blue eyes went to his daughter, standing at the side of his throne. “The moment everyone is waiting for — the first waltz.”
She rehearsed this too many times for when a proper betrothal comes into play but why is her hand shaking when she outstretched it in front of you? You must have felt it because you flashed a comforting smile her way. The two of you went to the middle of the ballroom, the guests staring expectantly at the birth of a romance. They were wrong because you hate her and she hates you. Right? Her hatred for you will never waver for killing her people even though you look like a descended goddess with the lights of the chandeliers raining on you. Hatred must be fueling her heart to beat faster than ever, why she seemed to trip over her skirts and how her words stumbled in her tongue. That must be it.
The dance slowly made its way to the part where she struggled, dipping you as gracefully as she can. Before it happened, you whispered to her, “Please don’t make me fall.”
Annie’s voice was soft, for your ears only. “I promise, my princess.”
It truly was a birth of a romance, the two of you unaware of it all.
“Come on, Reiner!” You shouted at him from across the training field. “Come at me with all you’ve got.”
The blonde man hesitantly shifted into position as he eyed you. “Are you sure, princess? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” He remembered the threatening look he received from Annie before this training session and he would like all of his limbs intact, thank you very much. “I just don’t want your chambermaid to nag me again after last time.” He managed a cut on your arm your previous session and you had to wear a long-sleeved dress in such stifling weather.
You scoffed lightheartedly. “I can handle it, Reiner. You don’t have to worry about it. Plus, I can dress my wounds perfectly.”
Reiner didn’t believe that. Your skills in covering up your wounds were lacking despite being a soldier. The most you could do was apply some salve on your bruises, that was it. He had no choice because the past month he spent his days with you, you were like a persistent little child that reminded him of his younger cousin. He hoped that you two wouldn’t meet. “Alright, here I go, Your Highness.”
Parry after parry could be heard in the private training field. You were doing fine in deflecting Reiner’s sword but your ankle immediately ached after shifting your body, leaning back to avoid the sharp edge of the knight’s weapon. You let out a huff as you dropped on the ground, jolting when Reiner called for you to stay alert. Seeing the glint of his sword, you rolled away and the pain on your ankle flared, even more, traveling through your calf. It also didn’t help that you received a cut on the side of your bandaged arm. You picked yourself up despite the throbbing pain on your ankle and arm, now being on the defensive as Reiner continuously struck you with his sword. He then circled his weapon around yours, throwing your sword on the side and pushing you to the ground with the tip of his weapon. That was the time where your ankle finally twisted into a sprain.
“Princess?” Reiner’s tone became alarmed, dropping to your level and taking off your boots in an instant. His hands ghosted around your swollen ankle, not knowing what to do. “Gods, Annie’s going to kill me!”
“Annie?” You asked between pants. “What does this have to do with her?”
He only shook his head, carrying you in his arms and into the palace. His steps were hurried and the maids gasped at the sight of your red ankle. “Please prepare a bucket of ice and bring it to Princess [Name]’s private chambers.” He turned to you. “Hang on for a moment, Your Highness, we’re nearing your room. Just a little bit more.” Reiner entered your room and gently placed you on your bed. “I’m going to be taking off your other shoe, Your Highness.”
“Reiner, I think I’ll take it from here.”
Reiner stiffened, slowly turning his head to the entrance of your private chambers. Annie was impatiently standing with a bucket of ice in both hands, eyes glacially set on the blonde man kneeling on the floor in front of your confused form. She didn’t care if Reiner trembled in front of her. She vividly remembered telling the knight to never hurt you (she didn’t see the cut you had last training session because Annie was in another court meeting involving the incoming tax collection of various villages). Annie glanced at your ankle, barely grimacing at the state of it before gesturing for Reiner to get out of the room. The large blonde man took his leave, bowing at the two of your hastily and closing the doors with finality.
Annie mimicked Reiner’s position, kneeling in one knee to place your injured foot on her thigh. She didn’t wear any dresses for the day and it made her look dashing. The image implanted itself in your brain. Her hands are gentle against your skin, your cheeks flaring at the contact. Her features were contorted in a downturned one that showed how bothered she was. 
“How did this happen?”
Your eyes settled on the top drawer of your nightstand. “I dodged Reiner’s blow and I twisted my ankle in the process.”
“You should be more careful.”
“I’m always careful.”
Annie scoffed. “That’s clearly obvious.” She said nothing more while dipping your foot in the ice bath. She lifted her head too fast when you winced at the coldness of the water. “Deal with it. We wouldn’t want this to be worse than it already is.”
“Thanks for the concern,” you dryly mentioned.
“What makes you think that my being worried is all fake?” You’re silent, Annie choosing the moment to continue the words she didn’t have any control over. “When the maids prepared this bucket of ice in the kitchens, I was out of the council meeting. When I saw then bringing this up to your chambers, I was alarmed and my mind was a mess of thoughts concerning what happened to you.” At each word, her face held a multitude of emotions that you never saw on her. Her lips became pursed whilst you wordlessly stared at her. “I am not pretending to care for you. How could I pretend when I’m already feeling foreign emotions when it comes to you? It’s my first time feeling this way so I don’t know if I can categorize this as falling in love. But it feels like it. So, for the love of the gods, can’t you see that I’m rambling because of you?”
You didn’t reply, instead, you reached out to the drawer where you kept that ring.
“What are you doing? You should be still right now.”
You pulled out the jewelry box and flipped it open, showing the blonde the ring fashioned in a vine, the centerpiece being a group of small gladiolus flowers with diamonds in their centers. 
Annie’s cheeks reddened, flustered at the pretty jewelry. “What?”
Words never came out of you as you took Annie’s left hand. The ring looked pretty on her, the two of you admiring it after you slid the engagement jewelry in her ring finger.
“I now accept you as my fiancé, my future lover, and holder of my heart. Annie Leonhart, may our eternal spring bloom for centuries, and may your god of the winds bless us with his idyllic ballads.” Annie’s eyes were wide and you can see your reflection on them, along with constellations that lit up her irises. You placed your forehead against hers, looking straight into her flushed face. “They were right, this is the birth of a romance.”
And as you two kissed for the first time, the gods were rejoicing in their thrones, each of your prayers answered — your love finally etched in a whimsical melody. 
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blazichu · 3 years
#catch me rattling on about GG pt 2 for paragraphs
Please continue when you can. I love your reading your analysis!
Apparently I'm incapable of looking over one half of Good Genes without doing the other, so I guess we get a double feature tonight:
Part 1:
I am, of course, contractually obligated to point out my favorite line from the cold open: "My friend Donatello is one of the gentlest souls I've met, with one of the finest minds I've ever known." It seems especially relevant since, later on, Stockman reduces Don to "The smart one"
One thing I noticed this run through is that Leo's speech is slightly different than usual this arc. My favorite is his response to "It's only a matter of time before [Don] is lost forever"; his tone changes dramatically between the two halves of his line, "That's not gonna happen" and "We can't let that happen." The first is his usual 'decisive leader' voice, but the second has this kind of worried warble to it. It's great, and Sinterniklaas gets an A+
Of course there's the breakfast sequence. I don't really have much that hasn't already been said about it, but there's something sweet and sad about how Mike says that he "Just wanted to give him some food". It's just so little, a basic need that he's trying to fill because he cares, and it goes so wrong so fast.
My fourth point is kiiiinda weird and a stretch, but I've always loved the way Outbreak (as an arc) sets up so many bits and pieces that pay off specifically in AiTS/GG. It's usually stuff Don's been working on-- like the trapper gear, the tunnel to April's, or Stockman's helicopter. It's just neat, kind of setting up how indispensable Don's presence really is if he's able to help without being mentally present.
Anyway, right back to Leo and line delivery. The other part of this is that he keeps hesitating and grasping for the right words when it comes to what happened to Don. He refuses to put a name to it when he tells everyone that the helicopter was the last thing Don was working on, "[...] before... Before."
There's also "Don got infected. He's been transformed into... into a monster."
This is something I've definitely written about before, but idk if I ever posted it. Don's behavior after arriving at Area 51 is remarkably intelligent. He's able to use the guards' taser sticks against one another to get free, take out Leatherhead while he has the element of surprise (notable in that Leatherhead was the biggest threat/the one to subdue him in AiTS), turns on Stockman (who was responsible for the transfer in the first place), uses the glass from the containment unit as a shield, and actively prevents Splinter from doing whatever mind thing he did earlier. It's a far cry from lashing out and snapping wildly, and I've always thought it was interesting.
And the tranquilizer scene. Honestly, I find it kind of hard to watch, but I do like the way Leo kneels down next to Don after he's knocked out.
Part 2
I'm gonna talk about cold opens again, because I just realized that this episode essentially begins and ends with the same message: "It's an impossible mission, but what can we do? Our brother is sick, and there's nothing we won't do to save him."
So. The really cool thing about Good Genes Part 2 is how much it directly highlights the lack of Don's presence without actually saying as much. Raph splits off to handle the technology (albeit in an explosive manner) and is seen hauling the duffelbag around. Leo has the headset and is coordinating with April throughout the mission. Which leads me to...
One of the major set pieces in this episode is a callback: the obstacle hallway, Mystic chamber and elevator from Return to New York. I don't think it was an intentional connection, but part of their plan involves repurposing a mech suit to use against the Foot, which is exactly what Don did with Stockman's robotic body in Return. This bulletpoint is 100% me finding meaning where there probably wasn't any, but still.
This one's slightly off topic, but I've said before that I thought it was a dumb decision to have Leo confirm to Karai that the rest of his family was alive and well at the end of Prodigal Son-- this episode is 99% of why I think it was a missed opportunity. Iirc, Karai doesn't appear between then and now, so this would be the first indication she'd have that anyone survived her assault-- and all the boys are here except Don. I just think there's a lot of potential there.
At one point, as Karai calls the Elite into the fray, Leo tells Mikey to take the Heart of Tengu and run-- that he'd hold them off. 'Them' being the Elite; he's about to face the Elite by himself to ensure that this works out. Just try to tell me that's not a statement and a half.
Idk why, but "Get in get out, right? It's not about Karai, right?" always stuck with me.
It's interesting how the episode also calls back to the old intro sequence, where April's piloting a helicopter and Don's jumping onto the rope ladder hanging down from it. Not much to say here, but it's neat.
I'm really bad at making out overlapping voices (and can't make sense of Mikey's line here at all), but after Leatherhead catches Don, you can hear Raph ask him how he's feeling, and Leo say "It's so good to see you again"
I mentioned Raph helping Don to the helicopter in the tags of that last post, but I'm also going to point out that Leo, who is supposed to be flying the helicopter at the end of the episode, is emphatically not watching where he's going.
And, of course, the big one: "I hope you guys didn't go through too much trouble for me."/"Nah!"
In addition to the first point for this episode-- the implication that NO trouble would have been too much-- there's the fact that, when nobody answers for a bit, you can see Don's expression fall. It's that fact that makes me love Mikey's reaction so much-- the way he grins back and tries to sooth that worry down.
Idk how much of this was really analysis, Anon, but I did promise to rattle on for paragraphs, and had a good time doing it. I hope you get some entertainment out of this ;)
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
Hi I love your writing. Could I please request some angst with the lovely Prince Oberyn Martell? thank yoooouuuuuuuuu
Anon, I’m pretty sure you meant to send this to someone else, but I’m more than happy to give it a whirl. 🤣
Title: Mistaken Identity Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Reader Word Count: ~2000 Rating: R Warnings: Angst, but with a happy ending, mentions of sex and violence typical for the show (I think), no explicit content though. Author’s Notes: shrug idk man I know nothing about GoT. This may go really well or it may go really poorly.
📚 My Master List 📚
If you want to be tagged in anything, send me an ask or leave a comment!
Wind howls through the long, winding stone corridors of the ancient castle you call home. Outside, lightning flashes, briefly illuminating the wild, windswept landscape. Whispers of your Prince’s death had taken the castle by storm, occupants and servants alive working themselves into a frenzy until a blood-stained golden cloth had been brought in. It felt like a fist to the gut. Even now, your breath comes in tiny gasps, your head swimming as you struggle to stay on your feet. Now, in your narrow room, you watch as the servants begin to build the funeral pyre in the courtyard.
“Milady,” comes a soft voice from the door.
“I do not wish to be disturbed,” you say, the words thick in your mouth. “Leave.”
“Milady,” your lady’s maid insists. “Please, come away from the window. You will catch your death if you linger in this cold.”
Pursing your lips, you step back, knowing that the older woman speaks the truth. The nights have grown chilly as of late. You wonder if you will ever feel warmth again without Oberyn’s arms around you. How could this have happened?
“Milady, if it pleases you,” she says, standing next to the bed.
She keeps her head bowed, but you can see the apprehensive look on her face, as if she fears you will fly off in a fit of hysterics. Part of you wishes to fly off into hysterics, but you know that you cannot afford to do so. With Oberyn gone, there is no one left to protect you, should someone decide to begin gossiping. You need to worry about what your future will bring, but you cannot bring yourself to such selfish thoughts.
Oberyn is dead. He deserves to be mourned.
She slides the warming pan out from under the sheets as you slide in. The bed is pleasantly warm. As she draws the curtain, she dims the candles and excuses herself. When you are certain she is gone, you grab your dressing gown and sink down into the divan at the end of the bed. His tunic is still here. It looks like he had left for just a moment to attend to business elsewhere, as if he will return in just a few moments’ time.
“Oberyn,” you whisper softly, eyes filling with tears as you stroke the golden silk between your fingers. “Oberyn. How could you leave like this? Without so much as a goodbye?”
Your throat tightens and the tears stream down your face, but you stifle your sobs, lest the maid in the adjoining room hear and come investigate.
“I still remember the day we first met,” you continue softly, running your fingers along the embroidered neckline. “My brother wished to curry your favor. I did not want to come – I confess, I was terrified. I could not stop shaking, praying that you would not notice me. I thought you might eat me like a snake would.”
You had hidden yourself behind your brother, drawing up your veil to conceal your features, hoping that the Prince known as the Red Viper would ignore you. That he would not notice you cowering in terror.
“Of course, I would not be so lucky, would I?” you ask softly, smiling sadly. “You greeted my brother by name. Then you looked at me. I could feel your eyes boring into my soul, Oberyn. Like I was completely bare before you.”
You had kept your eyes downcast and focused on the stone beneath your feet. Then he stepped closer. Then his hand drifted into view. Hard, calloused fingertips pressed against your jaw, as gentle as a butterfly’s wing, tilting your head up. Still, you refused to look at him – still terrified that he would have pupils like a real snake.
“Such lovely eyes,” he remarked, and that had broken your resolve.
You looked him right in the eyes. Even now, you still feel the warmth quivering in your belly when you recall his beautiful brown eyes. They had been filed with fire, burning into your very heart. You had let your eyes admire his features – soft, curling brown hair, prominent brows, and a distinguished nose. A plump lower lip. Carefully trimmed facial hair. Yet you could not stop looking at his eyes, marveling at his warmth.
“Of course, I made a fool of myself,” you whisper, sniffling as you laugh. “Do you remember, what I said next, my prince?” You wipe your eyes. “Oh, Prince Martell, the rumors are false!”
You laugh into the neck of his tunic, catching the faintest whiff of his rapidly fading scent. You choke back a sob, curling forward around the fabric. “You asked me, ‘What rumors, little one?’ And I…I…oh, how did you not refrain from simply removing my head?”
You laugh quietly.
“My Lord, your pupils are round!” you whisper with a soft smile. He had been in utter shock for just a moment before carefully schooling away his response. Before he could respond, your brother had turned and grabbed you by the arm, his other hand rising to beat you for your insult. “But you stopped him from flogging me, Oberyn.”
He caught your brother by the arm and forced it back down, eyes flashing with fury and jaw set tightly.
“I am called the Red Viper,” you whisper softly, remembering the keen look of amusement he had shot at you. “Do not strike her for believing the tales you have likely whispered into her ear.”
Your brother had been furious with you. After the prince had left, he had caught you by the arm and squeezed so hard he left a violent, hand-shaped bruise on you. He had promised to inflict punishment for your embarrassing behavior, to ensure you could never speak so improperly to your lord again.
“Before he could hurt me, you invited me to serve your lady here in the castle,” you continue. “He could not refuse without causing offense, and so you saved me. You have saved me so many times from my own stupidity.”
There had been so, so many of those moments as well.
“You taught me to read, to write, and to defend myself,” you say. “You gave me a dagger, Oberyn. You coated it in poison and made me swear to use it only to protect myself. Without you…what will happen to the kingdom? To your family?...to me?”
Sighing, you let your shoulders sag. You had spent countless nights here with him. From that first encounter where you lay on the bed, stiff as a board, terrified that it really would hurt as much as the married women back home told you it would. Until he told you that you had no obligations to share your bed with him. That he would not force you to partake. That had brought you pause – your brother had often lectured you on what would await you on your wedding night. Drink copiously, he said, it is the only way to make it bearable that first time for a woman.
“You are the only person who listened when I said no,” you say softly, tears splashing onto the fabric, dotting the fabric with damps spots. “You were so kind to me. You were gentle. You showed me that I did not need to be afraid.”
Oberyn then sat on the edge of the bed, tunic unbuttoned to his belly button, and looked at you with those warm, sympathetic, brown eyes. Shyly, you asked him to stay and tell you stories about his time at the Citadel, about the things he had learned there. And he did. He told you about the lands he had traveled to in his youth. The duels he had won. The time spent with the mercenaries in Essos. You marveled at his stories, staring up at him in awe, until you had finally drifted off to sleep in that soft, warm space in his arms.
For a week, he came back every night to hold you and tell you stories.
Then, one afternoon, you happened upon him training with one of his men. You had hidden yourself in the shadows to watch him, stunned into silence as he spun, parried, dodged, and blocked with ease. He moved with such deadly grace, lunging once to claim victory over his opponent.
The uncomfortable throb in your belly lingered until that night, where you shyly confessed to spying on him. He had given you such a mischief-filled smirk, whispering “I know” as his fingers slipped under your skirt.
This time, you encouraged him to continue, biting your lip at the memory of his fine, muscular body as his fingers found your intimacy. He had kissed you, touched you, made you feel like you were floating in the sky like the clouds. Oberyn showed you the most exquisite pleasure at his hand. You had never known such fire, such passion. That was not all he taught you.
“You taught me to stand up for myself. To protect myself when you were not here. How would my family react if they knew I would gut them for touching me?” you ask, hand falling to the sheath on your thigh. “How would they react if they knew I could read, write, and provide for myself?”
Sighing, you press your hand into your face. So many people had tried to take advantage of you, and he had protected you each time. Slowly, surely, you had learned the games played at court, and you adapted.
“Oh, my prince,” you whisper sadly. “Now you are gone, and it feels as if my soul has shattered. Will this ache ever end? Will I ever be whole again without you here?”
Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, you press your face into his tunic again, shoulders shaking as you finally break down and sob. You are only vaguely aware of the door opening and footsteps. A warm hand falls to your shoulder. Pure anger fills you at the thought of the maid touching you. You shove the hand off and jump to your feet, ready to snap at the girl. You come to a half upon seeing those familiar brown eyes.
“O-Oberyn?” you whisper. He grins. You sink down onto the divan, your face draining of its blood as he comes a step closer. He reaches out and presses his fingers to your cheek. He tilts your face up and leans in for a kiss. You stay there, staring up at him.
“I thought – I thought you we-were dead,” you stammer out, shaking your head.
“They neglected to mention which lord was dead,” he says. The impish grin on his face fades away at the expression on your face. “Oh, my sweet – you truly thought I was dead, didn’t you?”
Mutely, you nod, and then the overwhelming relief spills out. You begin to sob into the tunic in your hands. Oberyn joins you on the divan and wraps his arms around you. You bury your face into his shoulder, inhaling his scent. He smells like sweat and the road, as if he had ridden nonstop to get back home.
“Oh, my sweet, I am here,” he whispers into your hair. “I will not leave you that easily. I am here. Do not cry. It was someone else who perished.”
That does not help you in the least bit. The sobs grow louder, much to your mortification, as you grab great big handfuls of his robes, holding him tight. Oberyn holds you closer, hand massaging your back, as soft noises escape him. It takes a long time before your sobs die down, but he holds you the entire time, never once letting you go.
“Dry your tears,” he soothes. “Do not weep for me.”
He reaches up and brushes one of your tears away with his thumb.
“There we are,” he says. “Let me see that beautiful smile.”
You smile for him. He leans in and presses his lips to yours. You close your eyes, sighing with pleasure as he deepens the kiss, teeth grazing your lower lip. A whimper escapes you as his hand finds your breast. He kneads gently, pinching your areola lightly. When you gasp, his tongue flicks out against yours, his free hand curling around the back of your neck. Before you can gather your thoughts, he pulls away.
“I am going to bathe,” he says. “I will return shortly, my sweet.”
You sulk as he smirks at you.
“Surely you can last?” he asks. “Or would you like to join me in the bath?”
“I will join you,” you say, getting to your feet.
Oberyn grins and laughs at you, offering his hand. You take it and let him lead you out of the bedroom, the thoughts of a hot bath soothing away the anxiety and fear that had been plaguing you all day.
@hdlynn @princessbatears @oloreaa @phoenixhalliwell @reader-without-a-story @nelba @aeryntheofficial @trippedmetaldetector @jedi-mando @marthastewart89 @razzlefrazzum @paintballkid711 @hayley-the-comet @prxtty-big-simp @aesnawan @leias-left-hair-bun @shadylightbearherring @calamity-queen @pedroepascal @dinsdjarinwp
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Sketch (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Anon requested: “Hi, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you write Bakugou. I always blush when reading one of your stories. Can you write one with Bakugou where they go to his room and they see like a journal of his or artwork of his that has poems or drawings of her? And he walks in and sees her reading/looking at what his work, and he gets embarrassed, but the reader absolutely loves it, and showers him with love? Pretty please with a cherry on top, and thank you!!”
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,643
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: Anon, you’re so lovely, why would I say no to you?  Thank you for requesting this!  I had a lot of fun writing it!  I have another Baku headcanon request coming tomorrow so look forward to that.  I hope you all enjoy reading this, and thank you again for 900 followers~ I really need to think about a 1k special event hhh idk what I’m gonna do, does anyone have suggestions?
"You didn't make it too spicy, did you?" I tease, eyeing the plates Bakugou sets the table with.
My boyfriend smirks at me.  "No, I know how much of a baby you are."  He sets down a glass jar of orange-red paste at his place setting.  "I'll just add my own spice on the side."
"Hey, I can take a little spice, I'm not totally hopeless!" I jut my lip out in a slight pout.
Another few small bowls of side dishes are placed in the middle of the table, one of them being kimchi.  "If we're gonna be together for a while, you better get used to it."  
The thought of dating Bakugou for a long time down the line warms me up, and I find myself smiling as he fetches the large serving bowl of our main course and sets it down in the middle of the table.
"And dinner is served!"  A proud grin stretches across his face when he plops down in his seat.  "Let's eat!"
Like the gentleman he is, the blond scoops out the spicy udon soup onto my bowl first before filling his own.  The broth isn't too thick, but what slightly scares me is the orange color.  I take a spoonful before Bakugou has the chance to poke fun at me being a coward.  While the spice dances on my tongue, it mingles with the rich, slightly sweet flavor to provide a happy balance that makes the heat bearable.
"Mm, Bakugou this is amazing-"
I cut myself off when I spot the boy across from me dumping a heaping spoonful of his red paste into the broth, watching in horror as the orange color of the broth turns into an angry scarlet as he mixes the paste in. He glances up at my gawking and chuckles, "Yeah, this is how spicy I like my food, babe."
My eye twitches.  "You're a monster."
He just winks in response.  "I'm your monster."
I flop back into my seat with a groan.  "I can't tell if I'm full or I'm overwhelmed."
Bakugou throws his head back and laughs at my running nose and flushed face.  "You can't handle spiciness babe, I'm sorry.  Just look at you!"  He hands me another napkin.
"Hey, at least I'm not crying."  I gladly take it from him and swipe under my nose.  But my tongue might be burning for a while.  I tried to pace myself on the water so it doesn't look like I'm struggling too much, but I ended up drinking at least 3 cups the entire meal, and this jerk across from me is relishing my pain.
"If you had another bowl, I'm sure you would have," he unsuccessfully chokes back his chuckles.
I'm aware of the swelling in my lips and the thin sheen of sweat on the back of my neck and my hairline.  "It's not funny," I pant out a whine.  But he might not be wrong.  I gulp down the rest of my fourth cup of water and rise from my seat to help clean up.
I clear the dishes from the table and bring them to the sink, where my devilish boyfriend started soaking the dishes and the bowl.  I wrap my arms around him from behind and lean my head on his shoulder.  "Babe, do you mind if I spend the night?  I didn't bring clothes though."
He shuts off the sink and turns around to hug me at the waist properly.  "You can take one of my shirts and my shorts if you wanna spend the night."  Calloused fingers stroke my cheek before cupping my chin and bringing his lips down to mine.  Surprisingly, the few kisses he places there are quick, desperate, before he nips my bottom lip, earning a yelps out of me.  He smirks at the sound.  "Your lips are so swollen, it's like they're calling me to kiss them."
An intense blush coats my cheeks and I push away from him.  "I-I'm going to look for your clothes," I stutter and scurry off to his bedroom.
"Second drawer from the bottom," he cackles after me.
I duck into his room, patting my cheeks to calm myself.  I find his drawer and pick out an oversized black tee and red basketball shorts.  When the shirt's on, it already goes down to my thigh.  I hold the shorts in my hand, debating if I should even wear them, but I err on the side of modesty.  Bakugou's already riled up seeing me eat spicy food, I don't want to push it.
"Silly, hormonal boy," I shake my head, slipping the shorts up my legs and tying off one side of the shirt to shorten it.
Somehow, my eyes meet directly with it, the sharp corner peeking out from a slightly lifted corner of his mattress.  Being the curious - and slightly nosy - person I am, I pull the object out to find that it's a thin, paper notebook.  The cover is void of any labels; I would think it was empty if there wasn't a pen hooked into it, the clip bookmarking a page in the middle.  Without another thought, I open up to the page only to stare wide-eyed at it.
Inked onto the unlined page is a half body sketch of me smiling.  The crinkles of my eyes, the out of place hairs, the smile lines, the contours of my face and neck; every detail I didn't know someone would recognize just by looking at me is inked before me in loving care.  I flip to the previous page to see a full body drawing of me gazing absently out a nearby window, the same attention to detail paid.  More flipping showed more candid moments of me drawn onto the page.  Weightlessness blooms in my chest as I scan every inch of the notebook.
It dawned on me so suddenly that tears fill my eyes in a whiplash of emotion.  Bakugou not only watches me from a distance when he thinks I'm not looking to paint this memory into his mind, but he takes the time to lovingly sketch it out into this notebook every night because he wants to look back on it.
"Babe, you-"
I snap my head towards the doorway, the ash blond frozen there as he glances at the object in my hand.  His eyes widen into saucers.  "Where did you find that?"  His voice goes half an octave higher.
"Katsuki."  That's all I can manage in my shaky voice.  A million overwhelming thoughts and emotions tumble inside me that I don't know how to start.
"You weren't supposed to see that!"  His cheeks turn scarlet as he stumbles towards me, hand outstretched to snatch the book out of my hand.
I shut it and hug it to my chest, protecting it as I examine the boy in front of me.  It hasn't been terribly long since Bakugou and I started dating, we just crossed 6 months a few weeks ago.  There are still times when I'm unsure of his feelings towards me, an insecure side of me that I can't help.  But now that I've seen this silent gesture of his affection, I see our relationship in a new light.
Bakugou groans out.  "Shit, I never wanted you to see it-!"
I throw my arms around him to shut him up.  "You idiot, I love it.  It's not creepy or weird or anything like that.  I didn't even know you saw me like this, you big lovable dork."
"Wait wait," he pulls me away by my shoulders, "You're okay with it?"
"Katsuki, you're too sweet," I laugh wholeheartedly and start peppering kisses all over his face.  "This is the most flattering thing someone's done for me, why would I hate it?"
His face turns a deeper shade of red.  "I dunno...  I don't do this for everyone, just you, I didn't know how you would react."
"Well now you know."  I let go of him to stare at another page, my chest comfortably full.  "Look how much love you put into this, I can't believe you hid this from me."
Bakugou scratches the back of his head.  "You...wanna know which one's my favorite?"
My eyes widen as he takes the book out of my hands and flips through, landing on one page near the beginning and shows it to me.  "It's rough, but it's one of my favorite memories of you."
I didn't think my heart could swell more than it already has, but it did with this one.  My head rests facing up on Bakugou's lap, my eyes closed and a lazy smile gracing my features.  One of his large hands rests on my cheek like it's softly caressing the skin.
"Say something at least," my boyfriend grumbles after a few moments of my awed silence.
I decide not to, opting to plant a kiss on his lips instead.  "I don't know how you manage to make me look more attractive than I actually am, thank you."
"Dumbass, of course you're actually this attractive."
I lean back against his chest, admiring his line work.  It's not the most artistic, but it still manages to bring out the beauty and love in the image.  "Maybe you should draw one of us together."
His eyebrows furrow together.  "No way, I did this for you, not me."
"But it would make me really happy if you did one of us together.  It makes your love look one sided when you know that's not true."
He wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.  "Fine, I'll do it for you, babe."  His calloused hand reaches up to brush my face.  "But just so you know, I'm totally drawing you all flushed over spicy food because I really liked seeing you that way."
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Girl Friends
Requested fic by anon. (If you have any fic ideas or requests you'd like me to write, you can leave me an ask!)
Book: Open Heart 2, (after) Chapter 15
Pairing: Jackie Varma x f!MC (Casey Valentine)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 3,145
A/N: Jackie has something special planned for MC. Okay ngl, I STRUGGLED with this one. Idk why but I did so I’m sorry if it’s not the best but dw, there’ll be more hopefully better Jackie x MC fics in the future! Also @playchoices make MC and their LI official challenge.
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 @jjlover01 @soft-for-drake @dopeyouth @alexroyard @satrinadia @toalltheboysididntlove @mypegasifly @samanthadalton @playallthechoices @queensayeed (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics and if you only want to be tagged for certain pairings.)
"Do you know what's up with Jackie?" I asked Sienna and Elijah while we had brunch together at the dining table. Aurora and Jackie were at work but we were off today. "She's been a little jumpy lately."
They looked at each other then back at me.
"I mean I know she had that whole thing with Panacea Labs but I don't know... this feels... different," I explained further. "She won't even tell me what's wrong!"
Elijah let out a cough while Sienna just ate her cereal quietly, suddenly very interested in the little loops floating in milk.
I squinted at them. "You both know something."
Elijah looked away, not wanting to face me but Sienna's head shot up and her eyes widened.
"What? Of course not!" she exclaimed defensively. "Why would we? Right, Elijah?"
She chuckled nervously and I heard her murmur, 'oh god' under her breath. Elijah glared at Sienna and whispered to her 'shhh!'.
"I'm right here!" I threw my arms up in disbelief. "If you guys know something, you better spill! And don't even try lying to me."
"Okay, yeah we know something," Elijah admitted and Sienna gazed at him worriedly. "But we can't tell you, I'm sorry."
"Why not?" I questioned, feeling myself get annoyed. "I'm worried for her, I've never seen Jackie so on edge and it's stressing me out!"
"She's planning to take you out tonight!" Sienna blurted then immediately covered her mouth with her hands.
"Sienna!" Elijah shouted.
"What?" Sienna screamed back. "She was gonna find out eventually! Jackie's gonna call her anytime now!"
And just like magic, my phone rang.
"Hey, Casey," I heard Jackie say nonchalantly. "What's up?"
"Just having brunch with Sienna and Elijah." I shot them a glare and saw them shrink a little in their seats. "Did you need anything?"
"Uh, yeah, actually," she replied awkwardly. "How do you feel about dinner?"
"I have strong feelings about it," I joked. "I don't have it every day but it is pretty important."
I heard her scoff on the other side and I could almost see her eye roll and smile. "I meant with me, doofus."
"Dr. Jackie Varma," I said dramatically. "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"God, I'm regretting it already."
She wasn't.
"That wasn't an answer," I teased.
"Hypothetically, if I were to ask you to put on something nice and get ready by 7 for me to fetch you to take you out for dinner, would you?" she avoided the question and I couldn't help the grin forming on my face.
"Hypothetically, of course!"
"So I'll see you at 7?"
"I thought you said it was hypothetical?" I messed with her.
"Oh my god," she groaned. "You're such a dork, I'll see you later."
I laughed at her frustration. "Alright, alright, bye, have a good day at work."
We hung up and I turned to find Sienna and Elijah looking at me cautiously.
"That's what's been bothering her?"
"Uh, yeah," Elijah sputtered out. "Yup, that's it."
"But I don't get why she's been jumpy, we've been out for dinner together before," I stated, confused.
The only response I got was Elijah shrugging while Sienna covered her mouth.
I narrowed my eyes at them. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"
"No! Of course not!" Sienna squealed in a voice that was higher than usual.
Obviously, I didn't believe them but I decided to let them off the hook.
"Fine, I'll figure it out myself. But at least just tell me Jackie is alright. Tell me nothing bad happened."
"Nothing like that!" Sienna said immediately.
"She's fine, don't worry about it." That was Elijah.
"Okay. Okay, that's all I need to know."
They were visibly relieved that I dropped the subject but I couldn't help but wonder, what the hell was going on?
It was just before 7p.m. and I was touching up my make up. I leaned back and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I was presentable.
I was wearing a black body-con mini dress with a plunging neckline that was covered in sequins, making it glitter. My makeup was done to perfection and so was my hair.
I turned to admire my reflection and you know what? Screw presentable.
I looked amazing!
I heard the doorbell ring and I grabbed my purse, rushing out to answer it.
I saw Elijah and Sienna sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. I remembered him saying something to Sienna about showing her this action series he's been into during brunch but my mind was still too busy on Jackie to be focusing.
"Oh my gosh!" Sienna shouted when she saw me. "You look great!"
"You planning to make Jackie pass out?" Elijah joked.
"Thanks, guys," I laughed and grinned, moving to answer the door.
I opened it and there she stood, the woman I came to care for, who's always had my back and been there for me through thick and thin. The woman I adored and was the most important person to me in the world, staring at me as if she's be struck by lightning.
And I was sure I was looking at her the same way.
She was wearing a dazzling dark blue halter neck dress that ended mid-thighs, showing off her body. The collar was covered in rhinestones and she wore a bracelet to match.
Her hair was in her usual chignon style while her makeup highlighted her already strikingly beautiful features.
Jackie looked gorgeous!
"Damn," she whispered. Her wide eyes started to smoulder and her slightly agape mouth turned into a grin. She bit her lip.
She sauntered up to me and slid her hands to my waist, eyes running up and down my figure and finally landing on my chest. I shivered under her touch and gaze.
"You cleaned up good."
"Are you talking to me or my boobs?" I laughed and she dragged her eyes up to mine, offering me a mischievous smile.
Her hand grabbed onto the back of my neck and she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips met in passionate haste. Her other hand roamed my back as mine rested against her hips. I felt the familiar butterflies start to flutter in the pit of my stomach when she kissed me.
We pulled away when we heard Sienna shout, "Not again! Please!"
We burst out laughing against each other's lips and decided to stop traumatising the poor girl.
"Hey, Sienna, Elijah," Jackie greeted them, peering into our apartment.
They greeted her back and before we could walk away to head to her car, Sienna shouted, "Have fun! Good luck!"
Jackie shut the door in a hurry and placed a hand on the small of my back, leading me away from our apartment.
"Good luck?" I looked at Jackie questioningly. "What for?"
Jackie shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows with that girl."
My brows creased skeptically but once again, brush it off. Maybe she was right.
When we made it to her car, she stopped me.
"Wait, I got something for you." She opened the back door of her car and pulled out a bouquet of sunflowers. She presented them to me, avoiding eye contact and said, "Here."
"Aww, Jackie! This is so sweet!" My heart melted at the sight.
"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome," she murmured.
I accepted them and stepped closer to her. "Aw, you're embarrassed too!"
"I'm not!" she huffed and I giggled, placing a hand on her cheek to direct her gaze to meet mine.
Her skin burned under my touch. Yup, she was definitely blushing.
"You're so cute," I said and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Not exactly my brand," she said with a sly grin. "But I'll take it."
She opened the passenger's seat door for me and I ushered me in, me still holding the bouquet.
She closed the door behind me and got into the driver's side. She started the engine and pulled out of the car park.
Throughout the entire car ride, Jackie was jittery. I noticed her fingers drumming against the steering wheel which I've come to learn meant that she was nervous even if her face was stoic.
"You okay?" I asked her worriedly.
"Oh, yeah," she said mindlessly and turned the corner.
"If you say so," I said quietly and the rest of the ride was silent until we reached our destination.
Jackie parked a few blocks away so we had to walk to the restaurant. Once again, she opened the door for me and this time, offered me her arm hesitantly.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. It was definitely a pleasant surprise but this was way out of Jackie's character, I wasn't even sure if this was the same woman.
Wordlessly, I looped my arm around hers as we made our way to dinner, trying to neutralise my surprised expression.
We stopped in front of a grand restaurant which definitely looked like a meal here cost more than our rent.
"Jackie!" I turned to her. "We're having dinner here?"
"Yeah, is it too much?" she asked hurriedly. "If it is, we can just go somewhere simpler."
"No! No, it's just that, can we afford this?"
Jackie's face fell into relief. "Oh, don't worry about it, I've been saving up for a while now." She bit her lip and she lead me into the building. "Also the parents of one of my patients owns the place and they said they'd give me a discount but that's not important," she said jokingly with a smile.
I let out a laugh as Jackie checked our reservations with the maître d'. A waiter lead us to our table and we took our seats.
We opened the menus and after a while, Jackie said, "Okay, I have no idea what any of these are."
"Me neither," I giggled, trying to make out some of the words. "I think this one is... duck?"
"How sure are you?"
"Not at all."
We laughed and Jackie spoke.
"Alright, alright, why don't I randomly pick something for you, just tell me when to stop."
She ran her finger up and down the menu.
"Stop!" Jackie stopped her finger and squinted at the menu item her finger landed on. "What is it?"
"As if I know," she replied laughing. "You'll find out later."
I did the same for her and after we ordered when the waiter returned, I asked, "So was this outfit what you were sneaking out in that garment bag this morning?"
"You saw that?" She gave me a surprised look.
"'Cuz I definitely couldn't see it behind your back when you came into my room this morning to kiss me goodbye," I grinned as I watched her soul leave her body.
"You were awake?!"
I nodded, trying to hold back my laughter. "I always am when you do."
"Oh god," she groaned and hid her face behind her hand. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was waiting for the perfect moment to reveal it so I can tease you and revel in your embarrassment. Which so happens to be now!" I stated proudly.
"That's it, I'm never giving you a forehead kiss ever again." She crossed her arms and slumped in her seat.
"Aw, come on," I reached out to take her hand in mine. "Pleaseeeee?"
She rolled her eyes but fought the grin appearing on her lips. "I'll think about it."
Just then, our food was placed in front of us and we just stared at our respective orders for a good minute.
"What is this?" Jackie asked.
"I wish I knew."
We looked at each other's plates and burst out laughing.
"After you," I said.
"No way, we're doing this together!" She smirked at me. "Unless the great Dr. Valentine is scared of a little..." she trailed off, trying to figure out what was served in front of us. "Whatever that is."
I grinned. "Of course you'd make a competition out of this."
"Hey, less talking, more eating."
We both cut out a small chunk of our food and lifted it to mouths.
"Okay," she said. "Three, two, one..."
Jackie and I bite into the forkful and braced ourselves for the worst. But it wasn't the worst... nor was it the best either?
"I can't tell if I like it or not.. or what this even is," I admitted.
"Me neither."
We looked at each other and started laughing again.
"Let's just stick to sushi next time."
"Agreed," I said, still giggling.
We talked as we ate but I could still sense that Jackie was tense.
"Am I missing something?"
"The sudden dinner date, the flowers, the opening doors for me," I explained. "Don't get me wrong, I love it, and it's really sweet of you... but you, well, normally you don't do stuff like this. Is there a special occasion today? Did I forget something?"
She glanced at me then back at her food.
"I just wanted to do something nice for you," she said quietly.
I grinned at her, "Well, I definitely won't complain about that, so thank you, but is that it?"
Jackie started playing with her food, obviously trying to avoid the question.
"What's wrong?" I took her hand in mine from across the table. She let me intertwine our fingers together and I squeezed.
"Nothing, nothing, just a little tired from work."
She looked me in the eyes and her gaze softened from seeing my worried expression.
"Can we get out of here?" she asked.
"Are you done eating?"
"We can grab a hotdog or something if you want," she grinned and stood up. "Not like you were actually enjoying it, right?"
I chuckled and let Jackie guide me out of the restaurant.
When we got out, she turned to the opposite direction from where she parked her car.
"Er, where are you going?"
"To go get you a hotdog," she motioned me to follow her. "There's a stand nearby. Also, I need to talk with you."
Uhhh, that didn't sound good.
"Talk to me?" I puzzled, worried. "About what?"
"Nothing bad, don't worry, I'll explain after I get you some food."
She bought me a hot dog but didn't get one for herself.
"You don't want one?"
"Nah," she shook her head. "And I, uh, I'm not gonna lie, a little too nervous to think about food right now."
She took a deep breath as we strolled down the empty street. "Promise me you won't say anything until I'm done? I just... I have to get it all out."
"Is that why you got me a hotdog?" I tried to lighten the mood even though I could feel my heart sink to my stomach. "To shut me up while you talk?"
She snorted. "Even if I did, would you complain?"
"About getting free food? Never."
"Exactly," she let out a soft laugh.
I glanced at her and I knew she was trying to gather her thoughts. I let her, finishing my hot dog in the meantime. Finally, after a few minutes, she spoke up.
"Okay," she began. "I think it's pretty obvious, I'm not one for romance. I'm not the most romantic and I'm no good at it. But it didn't matter, because I thought it was a waste of time, that relationships were a waste of time. I was used to hookups and one-night-stands. And when I first saw you, I thought it would be the same." She paused for a moment and glanced at me. "Except it wasn't."
My heartbeat picked up at her confession and my eyes never left her face even though she wasn't looking at me. A million emotions raced in me.
"I told you during our intern year that I was avoiding you because you were a distraction. Which was true, but I was also avoiding you because I couldn't remember the last time I felt this way about someone. Or if I ever have. I don't do the whole relationship thing, hell, the last was probably in high school. And I thought I'd never get into another one again... but then you came along. I pushed you away but you were still there for me."
She stopped walking and I followed. She looked me in the eyes, gaze never wavering and I stared back into hers. You didn't have to, but you did and suddenly, I could picture me doing all of this... with you. The romance, the commitment, everything. I've never cared about anyone more than I do you. You're the most important thing in my life, Casey. And I don't want to lose you."
She inhaled deeply and slowly let it out, steeling herself to say the next words. "So what I'm asking is... what I'm trying to say... ugh!" she slid her hand over her face and blurted out, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
She composed herself and cautiously took both my hands in hers, adding on softly, “And can I be yours?”
I looked at her, stunned. “Really?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jackie let go of hands rubbed the back of her neck. “Unless, you don’t want to,” she quickly said. “The forget I even asked-“
I cut her off by pulling her into me by the waist, smashing my lips against hers. Hers arms instinctively made their way around my neck to bring me closer. I could feel her racing heart drumming against my own as our lips moved in sync, passion crashing between us.
I broke off the kiss, feeling breathless, arms still around each other. "Yes!"
Jackie laughed blissfully into the night, "Yeah, I think you made it pretty clear."
“That’s why you’ve been skittish all week?”
Jackie scoffed. “I have not been skittish.”
“You so have been!” I argued. “That explains the flowers and everything!”
“That’s Bryce’s idea,” she muttered. “Blame the Scalpel Jockey for most of it.”
“More like thank him,” I laughed. “I can definitely see Bryce written all over this evening.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe I went to him for advice,” she smiled. “I must have been pretty desperate.”
I giggled. “And I’m guessing Bryce told Sienna and Elijah?”
“And Raf and Kyra. And Sienna told Aurora,” she went on. “They were more excited than me.”
“’Cuz you were peeing your pants?” I teased.
She rolled her eyes but let out a small grin. “I plead the fifth.”
“Whatever you say, girlfriend.”
Jackie beamed and pulled me back into her. “Shut up,” she whispered against my lips as she kissed me.
And so there we stood, under the streetlight with no one else in sight, trapped in each other’s arms as our lips locked in an embrace, with me finally getting to call this amazing woman my girlfriend.
(More fics!)
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There’s a lot of shit that was bothering me lately and i need to get it out of my system. I understand a lot of you don’t wanna read that kind of stuff so i’m tagging discourse and putting the rest of the post under the cut. Hope it’ll work
The first thing i wanna talk about is the way Jack interact with us here on tumblr but also on reddit. Do you remember favouritism drama that happened last february? People were pointing out Jack rebloging from same people all the time, he said he doesn’t do it on purpose, things were talked out and were ok for a while. However we came back to the same place again. I wouldn’t call it necessary favouritism but idk, ignorance maybe? I payed attention who Jack rebloging from, who’s posts he see in reddit vids. Before ya’ll jump on me, i don’t blame artists or people who he interact with at all. I’m glad they post and i hope they continue. The point i’m trying to make is Jack going through most popular most of the times. I don’t know why is this. I tried to ask him, i tried to ignore it, i tried to convince myself that i’m just jealous bitch and he does care about us all still equally. It’s really hard to think that when you see over and over popular creators, who already got good amount of notes, being featured in vids/ rebloged/ interacted with. Again, i don’t blame creators at all. I just feel frustrated that smaller creators doesn’t have chance to be seen, not only by Jack but by anybody really since a lot of people avoid tag to not see tea blogs posts. And then Jack saying in videos that he’s sad creators leaving… Are you surprised? Really? It was going fo so long and nothings changing in that regard.
I remember Jack said something along the line once “it’s better to interact with few than to not interact at all”. That’s true when “few” changes constantly but if it’s same few over and over you shouldn’t be surprised when people feel like worse of a fans and leaving.
“Draw for yourself, not for Jack”. Yeah, i do. I do draw and colour and i’m being creative whenever i have time. I just don’t post that often here anymore. Don’t be hypocrite. You all posting in the tag because you want to be seen. If you wouldn’t be seen you wouldn’t post in tag or even anywhere online. It’s very easy to say “notes doesn’t matter” when you get feedback whatever you post. I don’t want him to interact with everybody. A little bit of variety wouldn’t hurt tho.
I’ll quote something he posted on tumblr early this year: “I know I reblog and interact with certain people here more than others, I don’t think it ever really occurred to me properly because I usually just fly through the tag each day and interact with stuff as I see it and what it pertains to. It’s never been on my mind to do it for some more than others or “play favourites”. Some people are just FAR more active here than others and in the tag way more often, so just by sheer number alone it would make sense that I would see their stuff more as it’s usually more current. I’m sorry if people felt left out or underappreciated as a result of that. It’s a byproduct of things rather than the intent.” First of all I don’t believe he doesn’t recognize people artstyes at this point. Secondly it’s not hard to see the same popular people if you only going through most popular posts.
Another thing that’s bothering me are charity streams. Not that Jack raising money, that’s good. I’m not that much of a bitch. I mean the way streams are handle. Jack seems often unprepared. I don’t talk about games here, but about charity itself. Shouldn’t he know more about them instead of reading what they’re doing from their website? It was especially bothering me with team trees charity because this topic is talked about a lot and it’s really not that hard to find informations about it. “Let’s plant 20mln trees and save the planet!” No hun, it can and will help but it won’t save the planet as you claim.
“You’re going on the board” pissing me off so damn much everytime. I never watch streams if i don’t feel well mentaly because of that board thing mostly. I understand that you wanna reward people somehow, i get where it came from but again, it’s so unfair. Let’s give example. There’s person A who have a good job and earn quite a lot. It’s no problem for them to save thousand or two for charity. They will go on the board for that. There’s person B, who has shitty job, or is unemployed a lot of time. They have health problems and strugling everyday. They still wanna help out and give a dollar for a charity every month. Are you familiar with a biblical story about widow from Luke chapter 21? That’s what i mean with this example. Did you notice the way Jack read donations? How pumped he is when somebody give thousand dollars or at least few hundred and how he rush through one dollar donations? Because i did. Please don’t come to me saying he’s not guilt tripping people because he does. I don’t believe he’s doing it on purpose but don’t tell me you never felt that way. I just don’t believe you.
Forced PMA. This was talked about many times. Jack said it’s not about being happy all the time. Most of the community agree, yet i constantly see PMA = no negativity mentality and Jack incourage that by liking that kind of posts. Jack used to play “serious games” and tried to take opportunities to talk about mental health and about reaching out to friends, parents and getting professional help if it’s needed. I don’t blame him for not playing that kind of games anymore but he switched from that to making meme videos, and God forbid, yelling “a meme a day keeps the depression away”. And people take it seriously. They really do. I saw with my two own eyes on jse discord that somebody said they have depression and they don’t feel too well and another person replied with - go watch some MEMES because a meme a day keeps the depression away hehe. What is this??? Is it really the message you wanna send? Just google those memes. They’re disgusting.
Tea blogs. Again, are you surpriced they’re there? Are you surpriced that when one get deleted another two or three appear? I’m not at all. Because everytime someone try to voice their opinion respectfully (especially more popular people in community) they get anons saying things from “that’s not very pma of you”, “You’re just jealous”, “Jack would be disappointed”, “Jack doesn’t want you here”, “If you don’t like him then leave” to “go kill yourself”. Nobody want to get such lovely message. To avoid that they’re going to tea blogs. Sure, there is a lot of hate there too. Sure, there are people who just wanna talk shit and spread lies. But there are also issues like the ones i wrote above. They won’t disappear if we won’t talk about them. I do care about Jack. I really do. I want him to do well and i want have good time watching his vids. i wanna interact with people who i met in this community. That’s why i’m writing it all, because i believe we’re better than that. I wanna see us improve not go down.
I really like what Jack tweeted and deleted  "We all need love & support in life but also need someone to call us on our shit now and then. Don’t surround yourself with just “yes” people".
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
hello for you two! I just realize that today was way past 1st of August which the day you open your matchup! 🥺 So, how are you? hope you get enough sleep and stay safe.
and as this already intended, I’m here to request a matchup for a male characters of Haikyuu, Naruto and Demon Slayer. And I’d feel happy if you make it a mix of NSFW and SFW (if you can’t do that then it’s all fine with me too, please just do what you feel the best because i trust both of you 🥺).
to tell you about myself, I’m a 5'3 girl with a black colored eyes and my hair was cut short above my shoulder and it wavy/curls in the end with a color of black. I have a few moles decorating my face and I have this pouty lips which makes me looks like I’m being in a bad mood for my whole life. my body is on the big curvy said as i really love to eat. why food are so delicious 🥺
I can say my personality as an introvert but i can enjoy some companied from people I know. I also have this sassy and sarcastic sides and people around me know that. I can say that I’m also short-tempered and the way to calm myself is to distance myself for a while. I’m afraid of ghost but i like to watch horror movies only to regret it later when i need to use the bathroom in the middle of night. I can say I’m strong, physically and mentally. I also learn taekwondo and my friend often taught me how to do boxing when he was still alive.
I really likes to sleep, my longest time to sleep was about 21 hours and my family keep checking on whether I still breathing or not at that time. I also likes to sing even though i sucks. watching anime/movies are a part of my daily life.
I’ve never been in relationship before so idk how it works, lol. but i can say i likes to being patted and hugged and I like it if my s/o would depend on me especially when he needed the most. I also would like to doing nothing but just chill out whether in my place or his. just laying on the couch whether we be each other pillow and I’ll be busy watching/reading something while he’ll be busy doing whatever he likes to do. I’d also like it if he’d spoiled me like a brat but also give me a responsibility of being an adult (I know it’s weird 🤣). the most important thing is he can makes me feel loved and cared as much as i makes him feel like that too.
i think it’s more than enough information. I’m sorry if it’s wrong or if I’m doing it wrong, i already read the rules and yeah, i thought i did the things in there. if it by chance not the way both of you wanted can you please inform me so i could do the right way? and thank you for your hardwork. come out as anon sure worth the masterpiece i will get from both you. please have a good day and ily ❤️
Hello @niki-han, and thank you for submitting with us! We are both great, and I hope you are too, and I hope you see this, seeing as I can’t tag you, but yes! I sincerely hope you enjoy the boys I paired you up with!
>Admin 𝕋
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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I ship you with Shikamaru! As for appearances, I think he would appreciate how you look from your dark eyes to your little moles that make you unique! Though Shikamaru isn’t one for look being the only thing to like a person, but with you, he will see your pouty lips and your need for space face, and think how nice you look. He’ll think that you are one of the most beautiful, unbothered girls that he has ever met! He will be appreciative of your curvy body, thinking that it is the right plushiness and softness for naps, and for grabbing when you both are having a good time in the bedroom!
Shikamaru will like the fact that you are an introvert, seeing as he is one too, only liking to be more outgoing with people he is close with, just like you! And being as he is as sarcastic a sone can get, he will definitely like that you are sassy and sarcastic; someone that can hold their own against his sarcastic behavior and snide comments, which you could definitely do. And sometimes it will get to the point of foreplay, eventually leading to a good three hours is sensual fun. He will also want to learn a few taekwando moves from you, just for fun, though, not something serious, as it would be too much of a bother for him!
Oh boy, does Shikamaru love sleeping too. You both would have such a grand time sleeping for hours on end, wasting the day away, snuggled in each other’s arms, laying the other’s head on their chest, listening to their heartbeat as you both sleep! 
Shikamaru would be a wonderful person to treat you with love. It may not seem like it, but I feel like he is someone who would be very affectionate when no one is looking. SO, when you are both are alone, either in bed, or on the couch, watching a movie or maybe just talking, he will hold you close to him, whisper into your ear how much he adores you. Shikamaru will rub you on your back, run his fingers through your hair and just be generally really cuddly. And when he is horny, he will signal you by grabbing your thighs and squeezing, gently caressing your body until you understand what he wants. He will make you feel as much as you deserve and want, you tell him what you want and he give it to you!
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As for Demonslayer, I think Giyuu would be a great match for you! Appearance wise, he will be the same as Shikamaru, not really looking at the physical appearance, but he will love how you look anyways. I feel like he would stare at your cute little moles, and when he was wasn’t paying to his actions, he would take his hand and gently touch them, thinking that they are your cutest feature, along with your pretty hair that curls at the bottom, and your enriching eyes! He will sometimes get lost in them, not knowing his surroundings, you just distract him that much.
For personality, Giyuu will find your introverted personality nice to deal with, someone who is quiet, but can be a bit more outgoing with people you trust, will be something he admires. Tomioka will also like the fact that you are strong, mentally and physically. He will admire the fact that you do taekwando, and can hold your own against an enemy of some kind, and mentally he will need someone who is strong willed and someone who can think through you’re emotions and not be too drowned in negativity. And for your physical capabilities, I feel that Giyuu would easily get turned, especially when he sees you fight, it’s very attractive to him to see you so strong like that. You won’t be able to move for hours after everything is said and done.
I don’t see Tomioka as one to sleep a lot. I see him as someone who would get the needed amount of sleep of like six hours, get up early and do some training. But, he will let you sleep in for how long you want or need. Sometimes, when he is done with his practicing, he will just sometimes affectionately stare down at you as you sleep. It’s cute, I swear.
Giyuu wouldn’t know much about being in a relationship either, but he will try his absolute best to make sure that you are happy with him! He will snuggle you if you want. He will get things for you if you want something. Though he will like it when you are independent mosr of the time, he will cater to you rneeds if you want to be spoiled, because he understands that sometimes, being spoiled is just what is needed for someone to feel loved. It may be bumpy in the beginning, but it will be worth it! Even in the bedroom;.
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Sakusa, the germaphobe and the calm collected boy that he is, would definitely like someone like you! For appearances, he will like the fact that you also have moles on your face like he does. He won’t react to it, but know on the inside, he thinks it is so awesome that you both have little dots. He’ll tell you it bonds the both of you, like destiny. He will like how you essentially are the girl version of him, but curvier and prettier. Not saying he’d date a doppleganger, but he thinks it’s pretty cool and would have a lot of appreciation for it. I also feel like he would really be into your body and how curvacious it is, he would want to constantly stare at it, just observe and just imagination what the could do to it.
For personality, well, it would kinda be the same as is, but you would be a little more outgoing than he is. He will like that you commonly quiet and calm, but then you can go out and laugh loudly and be noisy when you are comfortable with the people around you, unlike Kiyoomi, who is cautious and prideful of who he is around. He will like that you can kick ass when need be, and how independent and strong you are. Like, it’s a must for someone he will know can take care of themselves or he will not give them the time of day. He will also think it is pretty dang hot that you can do taekwando, as the other boys would, like how could they not??
For sleep, he wouldn’t care either way, though he will think it is kinda amazing that you can sleep for that long. He’d want to try it, but unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to do it. But, he would be impressed nonetheless.
Relationship wise, I feel as though Kiyoomi wouldn’t be the most affectionate in the grand scheme of things, but as you guys date, the longer you guys date, the more affectionate he will become. Because he will be comfortable with you, he will know your touch and how you feel on his bare fingers. It will take him awhile, but know this, when it happens, when he starts touching you gently, it will all be worth it in the end. Though he will really like the independent side of you, kind of turns him on actually, watching you be in charge and strong headed, taking your life on your own accord. But Kiyoomi will definitely make you feel loved, he will make you feel wanted and needed, and just loved. Kiyoomi may not be the best at showing his emotions, but he will show you just how much he loves you with actions. He will hug you and kiss you and give you all the love in the world!
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
One-shot : Jealous
Pairing : Tom Holland x Reader
Warning : Language ; SMUT 18+ !!
Word Count : 1.5k
Requested by anon : hi idk if you take requests, if not i’m so sorry and please disregard this completely, but if you do can you do a tom holland x reader where the reader is part of the vlog squad and tom visits them and gets jealous of her friendship w jeff or david and ends in smut? thanks doll!
A/N : I hope you like it and sorry if the blog squad part is not accurate but have no idea how they are personality wise. :/ 
Disclaimer : I do not own Tom Holland nor the Vlog Squad people mentioned in this fic. This is only for entertainment purposes. 
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You weren't supposed to be part of the vlog squad but life plays crazy tricks on you. You were fresh out of Art school and thanks to your internship and good work, the movie company decided to put you on contract. You were a screenplay writer more to say and your first script was a comedy. More exactly the sequel to Project X. The production hired famous vloggers and along with it the vlog squad in question. That's how you got to meet David Dobrik, Josh Peck, Jeff Wittek, Natalie and all the others. You were closest to Natalie, David and Jeff nonetheless and became real fast friends. After the movie was done, David organized a huge party and invited you to officially become a member of the squad. You weren't sure it was a good idea but after a few heavy minutes of them persuading you, you agreed. It was also at that party were after a couple of drinks, you mentioned having a crush on Marvel star Tom Holland. No surprise in saying that they teased you every single day about it.
A couple months later, a funny turn of destiny led you into meeting your crush back at the movie production you worked for. Your new project was an indie movie and Tom was the lead runner for the male character. During the audition, your eyes kept looking with Tom's and you had a hard time focusing on his performance, to absorbed by his brown eyes and chiseled jawline. The casting director told him they would call him back if he got the part and he nodded before glancing a last time with a grin at you. "By Y/N's drooling state I think we found our guy", teased the casting director and chuckled at your expression. 'God this is terrible. But at least it's not David or Jeff teasing me', you thought.
That weekend, you joined the squad for Jeff's birthday party and were stunned to see so many people attending it, expecting more of a small gathering. "Hey Y/N, you made it", he chanted across the room once he saw you. Giving him a hug and wishing him the best, he smiled and led you to the main event while pushing a beer into your hands. You greeted your other friends and gasped when your eyes met Tom. You nudged on David's arm and asked him with big eyes what Tom was doing here. "It's my guest of honor", responded Jeff before David had the chance. You turned to Jeff with your eyes narrowed and declared, "What the hell are you guys planning at?". They faked hurt and declared, "What us? Nothing come on Y/N you know how we are." "Exactly my point !" They laughed at your flustered state and before you could add something more, David called after Tom. "So Tom let me introduce you to one of our newest member Y/N." The English actor smiled brightly and replied, "Hey Y/N how are you tonight?" "Tonight?", asked Jeff behind you. "Yeah, we already met during one of my auditions. You're the screenplay writer right?" You nodded to scared for your voice to reveal your emotions. "Ahhh heinnn, you met the famous Peter Parker and didn't share the news. I'm disappointed Y/N. I thought we were closer than this", teased Jeff with a smug smile. You saw Tom's jaw clench and his eyes turn slightly darker, his smile falter and his body tense.
"Do you guys want some drinks", you blurted out, needing an excuse to leave their sight. You got back inside and took a few shots (probably not the right decision) before taking another beer, fanning yourself with your hand. "What was that?", you heard David beside you. "I could ask you the same thing man. What are you guys doing?" He shook his head and exclaimed, "Can't you see the guy is head over heels for you." You laughed at his statement before taking another gulp. David looked back at Tom and Jeff who were both watching you. David smirked and leaned in, whispering in your ear, "He didn't stop looking at you since you arrived and he was totally jealous when Jeff was implying knowing each other intimately. Andddd 1…2….3". "What 1,2,3?", you asked confused. Someone cleared his throat and you turned at the source of the sound, seeing Tom standing in front of you. "Excuse me but can I talk to Y/N for a sec, for business." David smiled and replied innocently, "If it's for business", not hiding the effect of his innuendo very good. 
You and Tom went outside, where you could hear each other talk and he opened his car. "For privacy", he added when he saw your intrigued expression for him opening his car. You sat down with him next to you, the air thick. "What did you want to talk about?", you ask him nervously. "I lied back there. It's not for business." "Oh, ok. For what then?" He rubbed on his neck before stating, "God I feel stupid." You turned your body in order to face him and grabbed his hand in yours to get his attention, "Hey, whatever it is it's not stupid just tell me." "I… are you with Jeff or David? Like are you dating or something?" In that moment you knew David was right when he said that Tom was jealous and decided to tease him a little. "Why? Should I?", you asked with a smug smirk. He frowned and exclaimed louder then he intended to, "NO, no you shouldn't." "Why not?"
"Because, I-" "You what?", you whispered and closed the gap between your bodies, circling your fingertips on his neck and Adam's Apple, feeling him shiver under your touch. "Cause I want you to be with me. I want to get to kno-", he moaned when your lips kissed the side of his neck, his hands clenching your thigh. "Fuck it", he mumbled before capturing your lips with his in a hungry kiss. It was wild, passionate, sweet ; overwhelming all at once. His fingers attached around the base of your neck, pushing you closer to him, deepening the intoxicated air. You opened your shirt, revealing your lacy bra supporting God's wonders and felt shivers running all over your body when Tom's hands enveloped them. In no time, your clothes was discarded and you could feel (and see) Tom's arousal through his boxers. He moaned when you gripped the edge of his waistband, the fabric too tight around his manhood. A relieved sigh emanating from him when you let his dick out of the confins of the pleasurably road. He did the same with your matching panties and watched you with dark gaze while panting heavily. You nodded in reassurance, conforming him you wanted the same thing and he pulled you on his lap, your juices mixing with his pre-cum. He grabbed his discarded pants and took a condom out of his pocket ; a boyish smile crossing his features at your narrowed eyes. "You surely came prepared", you teased him. "Always be prepared, especially when I got confirmation you would be present." "Hmm, is that so. Spying on me?", you continued but didn't let him time to articulate a response when you began sliding down his shaft, making him groan. "Fuck", you both moaned at the same time, resulting in a breathed laugh. "You have no idea how good you feel", he said. "I do cause you feel divine dear", you teased back and well aware of his throbbing cock. You began to set a slow pace, letting you both feel the intimate connection between your bodies, your heads resting on each other, sharing the same breath, feeling the same bliss.
His hands grabbing your waist, he began to thrust up, joining your ministrations. The pleasure making you throw your head back, a moaning mess when hitting that special place. "Don't stop" "Fuck, so warm darling", he joined your moans. "I'm not gonna last long", he warned you and reached down, circling your clit. "I'm close too." Reaching behind, you massaged his balls and that made him lost it, his euphoria spilling in the condom, and yours following just behind. Heavy pants was the only sound heard in the car ; his head between your breast and your fingers massaging his skull. He kissed you deeply again before sliding off you, knotting the condom to put it on the trash and putting his clothes back. "You wanna go back to the party?", he asked intrigued. You grabbed your phone and texted Jeff, wishing him once more a happy birthday but that had to leave. "Yeah yeah, get that spider girl", was his response to which you chuckled. "What about we get to know each other again? Back to my place?", you asked him and saw his eyes glowing and that beautiful smile of his illuminating his face. "It sounds great to me", he responded joyfully. You ended the night talking about your mutual lives, your dreams and favorite things beside of course, getting to know each other deeply a second, and a third and all the others times when you became boyfriend and girlfriend.
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* gifs not mine, credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221  @robertconradjr @francezka10  @titty-teetee @breezy1415 @lunarprincess3977 @thelostallycat @introvertedsin
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
when to shutcho bitchass up.
so i had this long ass reply as i was about to reblog a haikyuu writer’s response to a hate ask but i had to eat lunch, and my wifi’s acting up so it all got deleted. but anyway, after lurking in the shadows for god knows how long, i decided to speak up about this on-going issue of hate being poorly masked as “constructive criticism”. 
it doesn’t just happen on haikyuu blogs, like, every fandom has it. and it saddens me because i’ve seen the greatest blogs out here just vanish into thin air (or has gone on hiatus and never returned/archived the blog/deactivated) for getting hate that they absolutely do not deserve. nobody does. nobody needs that hate; not now not ever. most often than not, there are people who hide behind the anon feature in asks. but i guess some people lately have now learned how to own up to their own mistakes; and yes, everyone’s opinion is valid, is welcome to be entertained; however the way you word these things out also matters. it’s just like when someone writes something, you know? why do you get to complain, “your writing suckxz” when you can’t even write down why you think so? lol gtfo. people can interpret your words in however way they want, and that’s the one thing you cannot control. so at least, when you attempt to apologize for something you “didn’t mean to” or “was just a joke”, at least make it sound like you mean it. if you want your opinion to be taken seriously, learn how to say it with manners.
anyway, this post will be terribly long, probably longer than the shit i’ve ever written anywhere lmao. some of the things i’ll say here might come off as redundant but because the same thing happens over and over again, what else would you expect?
Exhibit A: “constructive criticism” does not mean, or shall never be equated to “hate”
if you go around tumblr, there are tons of posts which educate people how to properly write a critique, how to decently and reasonably critic someone’s work, whether it be in the form of writing, or digital art, etc. even if you type “constructive criticism” on that google search bar, tons of websites are going to tell you how to do it, so it really is unacceptable to use “it’s constructive criticism” as an excuse when all you’ve said is “your writing sucks”. literally, how can “constructive criticism” go from “you’re not even a good writer, why the hype?” to “you’re too positive, too fake, if you’re sad, show that you’re sad.” that ain’t it chief. constructive criticism is given to the works of a content creator, not directed at the content creator itself.
ever heard of the sandwich method? yeah, yummy and easy, right? basically it means, you start it off with the positive things about the content creator, then the negative ones in the middle, then reinforce them at the end. okay, i’ll repeat that here, let me break it down if that isn’t enough for cute little noggins to understand:
tell the content creator what made you hooked on their works in the first place. what made you indulge in all that deliciously free content, that has brought you to tears, to laughs, to orgasm. you don’t necessarily have to praise them, but acknowledge that you’re aware of what they’re doing and how it is, or how their progress is so far.
now here comes the critique part. this where the “however” and the “but” words come in, to transition from (for example) “your way with words is breathtaking” to “sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once”. get it? pinpoint to the content creator just exactly what aspects in their current state do you wish they could improve on, or areas do you think they are lacking or weak, so to speak. be concise, be comprehensive, be nice.
lastly, my favorite part, is you give them tips or advice or just a fucking hint how you think they can achieve the things you said from #2. even if you know or assume that they’d understand your point, or “it’s their job to find it out by themselves”... well, a little input or jumpstart wouldn’t hurt, would it? so from the example, “your way with words is breathtaking” to “(however) sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once” you end it with a, “i think or why don’t you try doing so, and this, and that,”
lemme go back to the “it’s their job to find it out by themselves” aha, news flash honey: this isn’t their job. it’s their way of enjoyment, their leisure, their free time that they use up just to bring out free content for lots of people like you to indulge in. most people come here, or on ao3, or basically anywhere where you can post your work, just for fun. you cannot be demanding, that’s why they have their rules and all, but i digress. content creators feed on feedback, and feedback alone. i hope you have an idea how something as simple as “asdflkjshdls” in the tags can bring a phat smile to a content creator’s face, what more, if it’s something coherent. just fucking keyboard smash is a boost to their confidence (trust me, it’s very fun knowing that how “asdfgjkl” i was when writing something, is the same as the “asdfgjkl” the readers had when reading)
this sandwich method thing doesn’t only apply to this certain situation. in fact, this is an effective means of communicating your point across to people in school, at work, and even in the comforts of your home. right? 
didn’t you feel bad when your teacher returned your paper to you and just said, “i gave you that grade just because” and nothing more? or when that classmate of yours said, “no, i don’t like this idea. think up of something else” for a project? didn’t you ever question them, “why, and on what basis?” 
how about, when your boss returned your report, only saying, “revise this” but what is “this”? sure, there are bosses who do this to try to teach their employees to find things out and find solutions on their own, but you cannot deny that some are just being disgustingly rude about it. 
how about at home you say? well... remember that time when your parents compared you to their friends’ children, or even compared you among your own siblings? or that time you were lashed out on? actually, you know, what, i’m sorry for bringing this up, as light as this was worded out, some people might get triggered simply from those two phrases i put out. however, i will address this issue next.
Exhibit B: you don’t know the people you are talking to, therefore you do not know what they are going through
you can’t say, “oh, you’re all just so sensitive” or “it’s just an opinion” when clearly, this (tw: depression, suicide, family issues, gender and sexuality, body positivity, etc) topics is/are sensitive to most content creators, to most people. some brush it off fine, and take a while to reach their boiling point, but not everyone’s like that. you can’t tell people how they should react to your random spewing of hate. each person has their own level of tolerance, so don’t go off and assume that everybody online is the same and grew from the same fucking tree. 
some or most people use writing/drawing/etc. as a means to cope with what shit life has thrown at them; and then you, being so stupidly ignorant, just waltz in and drop that bomb on what possibly, could be the only ray of sunlight they have in their life, especially now in this bleak year. 
receiving anon-hate or hate-asks should not be the norm. it is not and never will be okay. i thought you were here to critic their work, why even joke about something that could have been personal to someone? why even joke about these kinds of things in the first place? why even bring up something that might have been a personal issue when all you had to do was critic their work? 
my god, stop acting like a boomer already. tbh the audacity of some people here, idk. if you’re not going through anything at all, then may god/brahma/allah/whichever supreme being you believe in or whatever good karma it is, bless you. 
it’s not that one should sympathize, or, it isn’t also expected of people to full on empathize, but a little respect goes a long way. why don’t we try to put ourselves in the shoes of the person we’re about to send that hate-ask to. if not us, how about that close friend who’s easy to bring to tears, or mom, or cousin? wouldn’t it be aggravating? wouldn’t it be painful?
well... who am i to assume, i don’t even know you. get it?
just please, acknowledge that everyone here is human. they have emotions, they have their own thoughts, they have their own lives outside of the screen. how they choose to portray themselves here has nothing to do with you. how they choose to react to that hate ask doesn’t have to do with anything you should concern yourself with. 
i know this post won’t get too far, but i have had enough of seeing the nicest people, who just wanted to express their creativity and share the happiness and the fun, be put down just because of unnecessary hate. i hope those people who send those in never get to experience that, or if they have, i hope they understand that doing so to others isn’t going to change anything about themselves.
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 7 years
Know any fics that feature lots of angst but with a happy ending? (on 2nd thoughts, without a happy ending is fine as well) Thank you
Hello anon! Sorry it took me so long to get to this, but I’ve been pretty busy recently and also angst is really not super my thing?? But because I have an insatiable need to read every highly-recommended Drarry fic, I have inevitably read a few really good angsty ones! Just keep in mind that my threshold for angst is not very high, and these will all have a happy ending ;)In Pieces by Cheryl Dyson (85K)- Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost.This fic is absolutely amazing and filled with lots of fluff but also inevitably tons of angst because Draco is a ghost??? They can’t even touch??? *cries* I remember feeling like there was no way it could possibly work out happily and believably but I was VERY pleasantly surprised!
To Those Who Wait by loveglowsinthedark (8.5K)- Harry’s come is trickling out of my arse as I say ‘I do’ and promise to love and cherish Blaise in sickness and in health.The love of my life is preparing to leave the country as I smile for photographs.The excruciating agony of my heart shattering nearly brings me to my knees on what ought to have been the happiest day of my life.This fic is fucking FABULOUS if you want angst with a happy ending. And I’m not just saying that because @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ is my main bitch. Harry and Draco are basically soul mates they are so made for each other, but absurdly tragic circumstances have split them up (for now). I bet reading the summary alone has already made your heart ache and now the only way to soothe it is to go read the rest ASAP, so DO IT. Another Mask Behind You by lettered (116.5K)- Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies. (And then more porn. Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this. And please read the warnings.)This has a lot of things you should check the warnings for, but among them is ANGST LIKE WOAH. A mistaken(hidden?) identity fic and yeah I would be angsty too if I found out I had been unknowingly fucking and falling in love with my schoolboy rival! It’s soooo well-written and probably the angstiest fic I have ever LOVED. So much else (aka mostly hot hot sex!) more than made up for the stress it caused me! Another angsty and amazing fic that you should definitely read by lettered is The Boy Who Only Lived Twice, which also contains mistaken identity of a sort!
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (114K)- Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare?kfhdsjrg3hi SOUL MARKS!!! c;mbxneiu EIGHTH YEAR!!! rewuy,obsk AMAZING AUTHOR!!! Need I say more? (Idk if this one counts as “really” angsty but it has an angst tag and a pining tag and I just ran across it again and really want to rec it???)
In His Nature by create_serenity (20.5K)- Harry agreed to have sex with Draco once a month in order to keep him alive, what he didn’t agree to was Draco popping up all over the place and disrupting his life in more ways than one.Veela!Draco fic in which he needs sex with his mate to keep him alive. At first Harry thinks he’s doing Malfoy a huge favor, but soon he realizes how much pain he’s causing Draco by limiting their interactions and works on fixing that :).
Something Always (Brings Me Back to You) by Kedavranox (10K)- The Centre for Magical Theory and Complex Spell Classifications keeps fucking with Harry’s dig sites, and he’s pretty sure Malfoy has ulterior motives.This is a getting-back-together fic… but of course it can’t happen without several misunderstandings and life-threatening situations! Yep, yep. Definitely plenty of angst here.
Also I really can’t choose a specific one (there are so many!!) but most of the longer works by Lomonaaeren have a healthy dose of angst! She has a very unique style, but if you like it (I do!!) then her literal hundreds of fics are a goldmine! 
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howlingbarnes · 8 years
Love Over War
Characters - Peter x Reader, Steve, T'Challa, mentions of Tony
Word Count - 1029
Warnings - Fluff
Request - Hoooooows about the reader being SUPER smart about Peter's age on #teamcap and set after civil war, when Tony is too big to reach out to Steve for help Peter contacts y/n and the team kinda gets back together 'for the kids' sake, cause they're in 'puppy love'????!!!1!1!!1!? (Anon)
A/N - I went a little off from the request. Idk, I started writing and it just happened. Please let me know what you think!
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“Y/N,” Steve mumbled your name after hearing you sigh for about the fourth time in the past half hour.
Though your eyes were glued to the window, he knew that there was a longing dancing within them. Your heart was aching and you couldn’t help the knots that twisted tightly in your chest as you thought about the fight in Germany. You wanted nothing more than to just leave, you hated that you had to pick sides on the matter.
“I don’t want to be here anymore, Cap,” you spoke to the window, actively ignoring Steve’s sad reflection staring back at you.
“Sorry kiddo, but this is bigger than all of us,” Steve answered with a pat to your slumped shoulder before walking out of the room.
You pulled out your laptop and pulled up YouTube where you knew there were videos of the fight posted. A faint smile tugged at your lips when you say Peter appear on the screen. Your smile faded as you thought about how much It pained you to not be able to talk to him.
Sure, you didn’t know him much before the fight but, you took an instant liking to him. You’d never seen Spider-Man before and his skills were fascinating to you. That, and his adorable nature were enough to capture your attention.
You continued watching the video, biting at your bottom lip while Peter struggled to hold up the weight of the semi that Steve trapped him under. Your eyes glued to the image of yourself talking to the spiderman. The audio, thankfully, wasn’t able to pick up on the conversation. All you did was ask Peter his name which you knew was a bold move. He had on a mask, of course he didn’t want anyone to know his identity but for some reason, he told you anyway.
With just a name and a location locked away in your mind, you used your smarts combined with the convenience of the internet to find Peter on FaceBook quickly. At first he tried to pretend that he wasn’t who you were looking for but it didn’t take long for him to realize that you were much smarter than he was. He’d given you his phone number and you would spend every moment that you could, talking to him.
Steve found you out after catching you smiling at your cell more often than not and had taken your phone. You were so tired of him treating you like a kid and what bothered you even more was that you weren’t hurting anyone by talking to Peter. Steve told you that he couldn’t risk you leaking information to Tony. There were times Peter told you that Tony, who he always called Mr. Stark, would say the same thing to him.
It was all so unfair. You wouldn’t talk to Peter about the Avengers’ business, because neither of you were even Avengers yourself. Steve wanted you for your smarts and Tony wanted Peter for his unique abilities. This quarrel had nothing to do with you and at this point, you just wanted your life back.
You wanted to be able to talk to Peter about school and his life. He was the only thing that managed to make you smile these days and you wanted that back.
“I want to go back to New York,” you informed Steve, standing in the doorway that he’d just walked through.
“I can’t let yo-"
“I’m not asking, Cap,” you folded your arms across your chest, knowing that it was a bold move but you were miserable, “I haven’t done anything wrong and I’m not working with Tony. I just - I just want to be with Peter. You understand that, don’t you? You’re supposed to be a staple for freedom, yet you’re keeping me in Wakanda. You don’t need me here.”
Steve wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. You were right and you were your own person, no matter your age. Rubbing the back of his neck, Steve pulled your phone from his pocket and handed it to you. An apologetic look took over his face and you nodded at him before making your way to T’Challa’s office.
“I’m going back,” you poked your head in, pulling him from his work.
“That is good news,” he smiled softly before standing to gather you into a tight hug, “I’ll miss you and I must thank you for helping my team reconstruct an arm for Barnes.”
“Thanks, T’Challa,” you snuggled your face into his chest, feeling a small tinge of gloom in having to leave your friend behind, “make sure Bucky uses those new features for good, hm?”
“I will,” he replied with a laugh.
Your stomach was bubbling over with butterflies as you made to step off the plane that you were sent out on. With your bag in your hand, you stepped down the metal stairs that met you at the door but it nearly hit the ground when you saw the one person that you weren’t expecting to be standing there.
“Peter?” You shouted and sprinted before jumping into his outstretched arms. Your nose brushed the spot just behind his ear as he lifted you from the ground, and his sweet scent infiltrated your senses, “I thought you’d be at school.
“I don’t mind being a rebel for you,” he joked, his voice muffled as his face buried deeper into your shoulder, “I’m just glad that I actually get to touch you.”
“Sorry, that came out really weird,” he chuckled, squeezing you a bit tighter before returning you to your feet.
“How did you get here? I didn’t even tell you I was coming,” you pulled back, unable to pry your hands from his face as you escaped reality in his chocolate brown eyes.
“I guess Cap called Mr. Stark,” the words were coming out of his mouth but you couldn’t believe them, “and a car was sent to get me.”
“They talked because of us?” You asked in disbelief as Peter grabbed your hand, brining it to his lips to leave a tender kiss on your knuckles.
“Love is a powerful thing, Y/N.”
Tags - @bovaria @teamfreewill-imagine @bionic-buckyb @marvel-ash @mamapeterson @buckysmetallicstump @sebbytrash @mademoisellepryde @brightdae @legendarywinnergiver @lmein @feelmyroarrrr @nicmob @callalilyiskewl @andhiseyesweregreen @purgatoan @mellifluous-melodramas @obi-wan-my-only-ho @thirstybitchqueen @alexx-in-wonderland123 @bucky2-0 @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @my-blackbird-universe @wonderless-screwup
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Chubby Dan appreciation plz?
AHHH i luv Chubby Dan
INCLUDES : Crying, self hate, rimming, nipple play, etc.
i worked so hard on this and it sCUSKfgklfdh
also i might be more active??
“ Dan, come on, just try it on, you’re gonna look so cute in it!” Phil pried, holding up a grey crop top, which had a little alien on the left side of the chest.
“ No, it’s not my style.” Dan said, crossing his arms.
“ Dan. Dan……Dan. You’re all for tumblr aesthetic looking black, grey, white,” Phil said, naming every detail he could about Dan’s fashion sense.
“ What? No, I wear black and strictly black.. only black. I represent my emotions through my clothes, and i wear black… only black.”  Dan said, averting his eyes from Phil’s gaze, knowing that if they locked eyes for the slightest amount of time, Phil would know something was up with him.
“ Fine, okay, I get it, you’re depressed and have an existential crisis every five minutes. “ Phil laughed, replacing the empty place on the rack with the shirt Dan hopelessly rejected. Phil grabbed Dan’s hand and exited the store confidently, striding towards the sidewalks. He looked both ways, crossed the street and started back home. home, sweet home. The place where no one could see Dan, the place where no one could judge Dan, the place where no one knew that Dan hated himself.
Phil sat on the couch, editing the video for The Impossible Quiz. Dan featured in it, obviously, seeing that it was the channel that they shared.You know, besides DanandPhilCRAFTS, There was a part in the video that phi was editing out, where he want to go fetch drinks for the two of them. He watched the video slowly, noticing that Dan was acting weird. He watched until Dan looked down, and lifted up his shirt. Phil smiled lovingly once he saw the bit of chub poking out. It was adorable, but Dan wouldn’t agree. He poked at it and frowned, making Phil frown as well. Dan didn’t like it? 
Dan was in his room, wearing just his boxers. He stood in front of his body mirror, poking and squeezing all the chub that lie on his body. He frowned just as he did in the video, and laid down on his bed, a pillow muffling his cries, and taking in every last salty tear that attempted escape from his body.
Phil, still watching the video, skipped ahead to where he came back into the room. He payed close attention to Dan, who quickly plastered a smile onto his face and played as if nothing ever happened, his shirt falling back to where it belonged, his smile lighting up as he took the drink from his boyfriend and continued their game. Phil’s face fell in it’s entirety, and he set his laptop down beside him. He sat up on the sofa, and put his elbows on his knees, his hands carrying his face. Why didn’t Dan love himself?
Phil had to admit, he was a chubby chaser. he loved the bit of chub on thighs, and tummys. He loves to squish it, and kiss it, and just.. /love/ it. So why didn’t Dan love it?
Okay, so everyone had that bit of self depreciation where they just feel like a lump of shit, but Dan didn’t have to feel that way. He shouldn’t of ever had, or ever need to feel that way. He needed to fix this.
Phil quietly walked into Dan’s room, opening the door silently and taking big strides, as to not make any sound. His footsteps were also muffled by Dan’s sobs. Phil frowned at Dan, and straddled him. Dan quickly shocked awake, shoving the pillow off of his face, revealing the tear stained, puffy, red eyes. Phil was shocked.
“ Dan.. what’s wrong.?” Phil said, placing his hands on Dan’s stomach. Dan violently jerked Phil’s hands away, and shoved his face to the right.
“ Don’t touch me I’m fine.” Dan said, placing his own hands overlapping each other on his stomach,
“ No, you aren’t,” Phil said, taking a more dominant tone. He took hold of both of Dan’s wrists in a tight grip, pinning them  on either side of his head.
“ Phil, let me go.” Dan said, making the weakest attempt to be let go, before just giving up entirely.
“ No. Tell me what’s wrong. don’t make me start.” Phil said, holding now both of Dan’s wrists above his head, and his other hand was being placed on Dan’s chest, trailing down.
“ Phil, really. I’m fine.” Dan said, struggling more and more as Phil’s hands directed south,
“ No, you aren’t. You did this to yourself.” Phil said, leaning his head towards Dans, looking him in the eyes, and trailing his hand to Dan’s nipple. Dan looked down and bit his lip, looking back up at Phil and shaking his head.
“ Phil, please , don’t. I’m really fine, I promissss–ah..” Dans words were twisted into a pile of jibberish as Phil twisted and tugged at his nipples. 
“Tell. Me. What’s wrong.” Phil said, flicking the nub and rubbing the areas around, to work him up.
“ I’m fat.” Dan stated softly.
Phil stopped all movements, and hugged Dan, making sure that his mouth was right at Dan’s ear. 
“ I don’t think so.” Phil growled, biting the lobe of Dan’s ear, making Dan moan lowly, clenching the sheets with his now free hands.
Phil kissed down Dan’s neck until he got to his chest, kissing and sucking hickeys into the delicate, creamy pale skin. Dan whined at every suction and bite, Phil taking in every delicious noise.
He kissed Dans stomach, “ I love this, because it’s nice and squishy, and it’s like a pillow when we cuddle.
He kissed Dan’s thighs. “ I love these,” he squeezed, “ because they’re so nice and pale and smooth, and I love to have them around my neck when I make you moan and squirm.” Phil smirked, sucking over the cloth of Dan’s bulge in his boxers. He licked over the sensitive head, making Dan moan and grip Phil by the hair.
Phil pulled down Dan’s boxers until they were off of his body, laughing when complications came through.
Phil pulled Dan’s thighs onto his shoulders, balancing Dan’s body on his upper back. He kissed Dan’s thighs, and Dan trembled, throwing his head back and whimpering, whining for more.
Phil gave in, licking a stripe from Dan’s asshole to his perineum. Dan moaned, bucking his hips.
“Calm down baby, now tell me. You’re pretty, aren’t you?” Phil said, slicking up Dan’s hole with his spit,
“ B-but, I’m “
“ You’re pretty?”
“ I’m.. not?”
Phil slid his tongue into Dan, sliding it around the skin outside and thrusting back in.
“ I’m pre- ah! I’m pretty!” Dan screamed, coming thick, white ropes over his grey sheets.
Phil licked the cum, sliding Dan’s boxers back onto his body, as Dan apologized for coming so fast.
“ It was cute.” Phil said, kissing Dan.
“ Now say, you’re pretty?”
TAGS:   #danisnotonfire #amazingphil
#phan #danandphil  #phanporn
#phansmut #danhowell #phillester
idk how else to add tags when you answer an anon, so lOL
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