#TERRIFYING. even knowing it wouldn't succeed
aromanticasterisms · 1 year
am i just. supposed to be normal
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire!Reader
Imagine being an alien similar to DC's Starfire, you can follow the original line of the character (I follow more than anything the one from the comics or the 2003 series) where your planet was conquered by another race (thanks to your sister) Or you can go the more "family friendly" line, which is that you decided to explore the world outside your home planet but ended up in the hands of some kind of intergalactic trafficking network.
I imagine that if it is the first case, it is most likely that your race has been conquered by the Viltrumite themselves, which caused a MASSACRE to occur from which you and your sister were miraculously able to escape.
Regardless of what you choose, you ended up on Earth, although having gone through great traumatic events, so when you see this new world, with a strange species, you begin to attack by mere instinct (like what Starfire did in the first chapter of Teen Titans)
That's when Mark or rather INVINCIBLE appears.
He tries to fight you at first, get you away from the civilians, that is until he realizes how scared you are (especially if we're talking about the case of the Viltrumite invasion and you realize that Mark IS a Viltrumite). So he tries to change his strategy and try to calm you down as much as he can.
When he succeeds, he ends up taking you to the Globe's guardians to see what to do. I imagine that you are a little different than the original Starfire, you are more scared and defensive in this situation, at first you only trusted Mark.
For this reason, Cecil decides that you will stay in the Pentagon until they know what to do with you. Mark helps you learn the "normal" things of the Earth and show Cecil that you are not a threat.
(if you had to learn the human language by "lip contact" the whole team definitely makes fun of Mark a little for being in love now).
Imagine Mark and Eve bringing you clothes to try on!🥺Eve probably just created it out of nowhere, but she also brings clothes that her parents give her that she doesn't want and for some reason you like.
Mark offers to help you train! At first he tries to go easy on you, but when you almost knock him out with your laser beams, he learns his lesson.
He definitely takes you out to eat junk food! More when he realizes that the Pentagon's food doesn't help you much because of your big appetite. Mark was surprised at how much food you could eat but luckily Cecil pays for it (just don't tell him yet🤫)
Definitely one of Mark's favorite things about you, when you're over the trauma, is your innocent attitude, even after all, you're very bubbly and friendly. which is at least difficult to find in your line of work, so he wants to keep that part of yourself as much as possible.
Mark definitely took you to meet his mother, at first he was a little nervous that she wouldn't accept you after what happened with his father, but surprisingly Debbie took it very well.
Thanks to this you were able to learn more about the culture of the Earth, you constantly asked Debbie about the places she had seen, what they were like and their culture (even some anecdotes about Mark when he was a child), and with your bubbly and youthful attitude she did not It was difficult for Debbie to warm to you easily.
Apart from that it helped you fall in love with the Earth quite quickly, see its beauty for yourself, which encouraged you to be your own version of a hero.
When you want to become a heroine, Mark enters into an internal conflict. On the one hand, he KNOWS very well that you don't want someone to make decisions for you, he respects that, but on the other hand, he is TERRIFIED by the possibility that you will get hurt, captured, or lose COMPLETLY your being or worse, DIE.
It is probably thanks to this conversation that you two become a couple.
In general, at first Mark tries to do your first patrols with you to teach you the basics, then he lets you do whatever you want, and he is SO PROUD when you beat someone.
"THAT IS MY GIRL!" kind of proud.
He definitely really likes flying with you and just wandering, at least he feels like there you two have more privacy. Apart from that he likes how you look in your element. according to him.
If you talk about the first case of origin that I mentioned at the beginning and your sister comes back, Mark sees through ALL the red flags and will be the first to warn you about her, since he went through something similar with his family, you don't want to go through that.
If both fight together, POWER COUPLE. LITERAL. You have certain skills that Mark doesn't, so they complement each other very well.
If Mark gets hurt, you go into RAMPAGE MODE and honestly? Mark doesn't know if he should be scared or more in love. or excited.
If YOU get hurt GOD HELP US, MARK IS ANGRY---someone is going to have a bad time. And You a Lot of cuddles.
Overall, both of them are like two Golden Retrievers being happy together.
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Shares, reblogs, and comments are very welcome
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cosmicjoke · 11 months
You know what's really screwed up about Eren's confession to Armin in the end? He admits to Armin that he knew only 20% of the human population would be saved, that 80% would perish, and even knowing that, he still went ahead and enacted the Rumbling. He knew the conflict wouldn't be solved, or ended, by enacting the Rumbling, because he knew the future, and knew that he wouldn't succeed in wiping out the entirety of humanity beyond the walls. He knew by enacting the Rumbling, he would only worsen the conflict and ensure its continued existence. He knew, in the end, that he was in fact dooming Paradis, not saving it. And he did it anyway. He did what he wanted anyway. That's why Armin gets so upset and angry at him, why he asks him so emphatically "why?", because he realizes what Eren is saying, what he's confessing to being. If anyone ever had any doubt, or actually thought Eren did it to save Paradis or the Eldian's or his friends, his confession to Armin at the end unequivocally proves otherwise. Eren did it because he wanted to. Because he wanted to see the sight of an empty, desolate world. That's what ultimately broke Eren, having to be faced with the truth of his own monstrosity. He couldn't hide from it, even as he initially lies to Armin and tries to tell him he did it to save his friends. Eren was a monster. Tragic for how he genuinely cared about his friends, genuinely loved them, but he couldn't put them over his own, selfish desires, and couldn't overcome his own, horrendous nature. Eren is a cautionary tale too, for what happens when we persecute others, and blame others and collectively punish others for things they didn't do. Eventually, it leads to someone gaining power who shouldn't have it. An idiot like Eren, a child like Eren. He never matured as a human being. He never grew. He retained the selfishness of a child to the very end. And we see then what a person like Eren does with that power. Truly terrifying.
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moonsaver · 4 months
Okay, honestly, I'm still reeling from the entire penacony quest, but here's my take on Sunday so far;
He's manipulative, obviously.
But like.. the type that's kind of hesitant from time to time because he's still sincere to a degree. At least, when it comes to his loved ones.
So, I guess that hesitance decreases a lot if you're just some nobody. Even then, Sunday does want the better for everyone, too. It just means that others may bear the brunt of it for the most part before being able to get ahold of it.
Also, at the very least, even if some people suffer, at the end Sunday believes they will reach where they want to, after. In that case, however, Sunday suffers far more than them, without actually ever reaching his own destination or idea of paradise.
However, this view is a bit distorted. Sunday believes to be "sacrificing" himself, shouldering loneliness and burdens in order to uphold everyone else's "paradise". But to the others, he's simply a tyrant overruling everyone's will with his own idea of Order.
Sunday deeply cares. He cares too much. That's kind of the problem.
A bit of self-destructing tendencies when pushed too far, I guess.
Lets ignore logic established by the quest for a second (because i literally am still reeling from it)
Imagine Sunday first discovers this possibility. He's terrified of it, but at the same time, he truly thinks this is humanity's salvage – for everyone who has deeply suffered. He thinks of you.
You who have had your fair share of pain, who confides in him late at night in the quiet of your privacy, hushed voices like silenced by a thick blanket through the wall.
You deserve to live a sweeter life. He thinks. No. You deserve more. He knows.
The first person he ever wants to step into this paradise – you.
Now, although Sunday was defeated in the end, we all know that unfortunately, our ragtag team had to wake up again because defeating him first was a dream. This means at some point, Sunday did succeed.
And after everyone wakes, you don't. You continue sleeping soundly. So does Sunday.
The rest of the world can return to their miserable, bitter lives outside of this dream; but Sunday will be damned if he's letting you go. Perhaps.. it's not a selfless wish, anymore. Perhaps at this point, Sunday desperately, selfishly, grips onto you with the latches of a sweet, deep dream. One where he was fatally destined to never reach, only to control from the waking world. Now that everyone else has woken, he wants to return to the dream. He wants to return to you, who he has so lovingly entrenched deep into it.
Also, Robin. Im in SO much pain... PLEASW..
Do you guys think.. even if Robin was vehemently resistant against Sunday's ideas..
Even though Sunday knew she wouldn't stand for it..
Do you guys think.. he wanted her to also join him at the end and enjoy the "Paradise" he created aswell?
Do you think he would have wanted Robin to stop worrying about everything, to take rest, to finally come home, and sing to her heart's content inside the dream? The dream where they set the bird free? The dream where Sunday still has a sweet tooth? The dream where she never has to wear elaborate neck-pieces? The dream where neither of them was hurt? Where neither of them left each other?
Oh...ogh. . My heart.
Sunday would be such a scary lover, too.
I mean even normally, I don't think a relationship with him would be that healthy
Particularly because it seems so healthy
If reader was in a relationship with normal sunday, I mean.. it's gonna at least appear healthy and normal, even to them. It's probably just Sunday having to constantly burden himself with all the dirty strings he has to pull, the quiet rush of water when he washes his hands before caressing the side of your face, the tight, closed smile he would give if you ever asked him what was wrong.. he can't let you know.
I think he'll take a yandere route in an established relationship if you do happen to find out what's been going on behind the scenes. He'll have to calm you down, and you promise you won't peep about it. The build up is almost invisible, because things seem to go back to the way they were. Before Sunday starts acting a bit.. restless. That would be when his yan! Tendencies would start kicking in, for a variety of reasons.
I feel like y'know, out of all the hsr cast, he's one of the characters who is genuinely very close to becoming a yandere canonically. Control freak? Check. Twisted ideals? Check. Unchecked power? Check. Hypnotization/manipulation? Check.
Also, the slight difference of his color pallete as opposed to Robin's.
His is much more washes out than Robin's. It's more "duller" but also more professional, and the gold of his halo is more colder than the warmer tone of Robin's halo. They both still have white/grey as a major color in their palletes, but Sunday's is accompanied by deep navy blues, or washed out blues. Robin's is very vibrant and purple. The only blue segment of her pallete is her hair, and it's remarkably more vibrant than Sunday's.
Also.. Sunday's whole ideas on "weak" and "strong"
Of course, it wasn't all correct, but that doesn't mean they didn't hold some semblance of sense.
Regardless, this playing with yan! Tendencies..... HOOOOO boy
So many thoughts. Sunday manipulating his partner is quite possibly the most common theme in them.
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kobitoshiningneedle · 2 months
WHA chapter 40...... What have you done.
I fully empathize that this is the Orufrey witch husbands doomed yaoi haven, but ALSO it manages to develop Qifrey's character in a twisted-grey areaish AND more symathetic way
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He actually really loves living in the atelier.
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And he genuinely enjoys being a mentor to the girls. It often happens that this kind of "settlted down" life is a disguise for a hero to pursuit his covert objections, but it's the case with Qifrey. The part about living a quiet life with the close friend and girls that are practically like daughters to him is genuine. 'Professor Qirfey' is real.
All of which, curiously, reinforces Qifrey's pursuit for the Brimhats
First of all, I guess Qifrey thinks he's a Naruto character is somehow sure that catching Brimhats who experimented on him and returning his remaining eye may stop his vision loss*
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What witch can fare without vision? And what Professor would he be if he wouldn't be able to see how his girls succeed?
The other reason why Qifrey is all worked up about Brimhats is more terrifying
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(too many tasty Qifrey frames. mwah)
So the Brimhats are trying to create a new, more twisted type of magic instead of using older forbidden spells they are known for. And apparently this is something truly dangerous so that he couldn't even tell Oru about it.
So there's a threat Qifrey knows about. Something that may directly affect the way witches live. Something that poses danger to his way of life... and to his family.
None of what I said is something obscure and groundbreaking, it's in the plain text, but I really wanted to point at how greatly the chapter recontextualizes Qifrey. It shows him as a more sleazy and shady man who isn't above messing with his best friend's memories, but also as a really desperate person who actually was trying to preserve everything he loves. His actions are out of love, not only revenge
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You get it, do you, Bel? Although in some way he's working exactly to not letting his home being destroyed.
*actually, this condition really does exist in the real life! It's called sympathetic ophtalmy. After one eye gets injured (or destroyed) the immune system barrier between blood and eye tissues is gone, which causes inflammation of the intact eye to the point of losing vision in it. It usually happens after several weeks/months after the trauma. Really clever of Shirahama to do that
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Who's more terrifying as a villain? Dick or Tim? Considering both have their own powerful friends willing to turn to the dark side or are already part of the dark side? And how both would ultimately follow each other to the dark side?
That heavily depends on a variety of factors.
Also, forewarning this is probably not canon accurate ⚠️ This is just how I interpret these questions. I am mostly ignoring Gun Batman and Vampire!Dick
You are correct about the friends part. Dick and Tim have tons of connections to people who will support them regardless of the side they are on and/or if the ally is already on the dark side.
Now, whether or not people would join either of them depends on how the Bat asks their possible ally. I do not predict either to turn evil just for the hell of it, but a ton of their allies probably wouldn't join them unless the Bat was trying to help people (in a convulted way which classifies them as a villain).
Tim, if asked (and maybe if not asked too) would join Dick. 100%. Whether or not he's actually on Dick's side depends on a few factors: how evil is Dick initially acting and what's their current relationship like.
Bottom line, there's an over 80% chance that Tim is joining Dick's path to evil.
Dick, on the other hand, would probably join Tim. The factors needed are more, however. Dick wants what's best for Tim. If he was convinced that the path Tim was on would hurt the younger brother or cause him pain, he would try to steer Tim off of it. If Tim attacked other family members, Dick would stand against him.
While Tim wants the same things for Dick, he also fully, to a fault, trusts Dick to make the right decisions and would default to his judgment (for Dick being the villain). Therefore, as long as the harm done to the other family members isn't extreme and there seems to be a reason (even if Tim doesn't know what it is), he would either stay out of Dick's way or help him.
Dick is Tim's hero and older brother. Tim is Dick's little brother. Dick was an adult when they formed permanent meaningful bonds. Therefore, their responsibilities and roles in the relationship are drastically different. That does play a role in this scenario.
Let's classify what they would be like as villains.
Neither of them actually need people on their side to enact their plans, and neither would have issues gaining allies. They would still need people in general.
Tim would probably have a mental breakdown and unnecessarily sacrifice himself if he didn't have anyone to rely on.
Dick needs to feel loved and cared for. He needs that reassurance from someone as he loves and care for them. He would become too depressed and sloppy without it.
Both of them are intelligent, charming, and manipulative people (not necessarily in a bad way).
Tim, as a villain, would use more remote options. He can, and would, get his hands dirty, but he would subtly manipulate technology, people, and the situation to have his plans (or backup plans) fall into place. He would lose a battle if he knew it would win him something else.
Tim is terrifying to me because you wouldn't know if you actually caught/stopped him or if, by stopping him, you're just helping him instead.
There's also his ability to make disguises that would make tying his crimes to him more difficult.
Dick, on the other hand, would get right into the issue personally. He'd still manipulate and strategize, but he's also in-person charming everyone. He'd disarm people and make them naturally trust him (even if he's not smooth. It's the way he seems so real, genuine, and personal that hooks people in).
He could also convince people to do shit for him where the other person believes they are doing the action for the right reason.
So, who's more terrifying?
It depends on whether Tim can be stopped or will listen to reason. If not, he's absolutely taking over the world.
But, Dick Grayson will get his shit accomplished. He will not be stopped. I fully believe he will succeed unless he doesn't want to.
Let's put it this way:
Tim will have drastic impact on the entire world (mostly other villains and civilians)
Dick will also obliterate the entire hero community just with him "switching sides" (not to mention if Dick actually put effort into harming them)
I don't know if this makes sense, but basically Dick Grayson is scarier under most circumstances
Feel free to send in an ask, reblog, or comment if you agree, disagree, or have more to say on any of this!
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slytherheign · 1 year
THE ARCHER | charles leclerc
PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: nothing and no one ever stays the same, you just have to hold on and hope that everything will work out in the end. these are dark nights.
WARNINGS: angst, time skips, doubts, overthinking, and family issues. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: G]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title. dedicated to @a1leexxa, i hope you’re having a great day!
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“You can’t do this alone,” your father told you, glaring at you with so much hatred and disgust.
“I can,” you replied.
“Your trust fund from your mother isn’t enough.”
“I got a scholarship.”
“You can’t survive without us.” 
You looked at your older brother, your tearful eyes asking him for support. He only stood behind your father, doing nothing.
So, this was it then.
“Watch me,” you replied, wiping the tears that escaped your eyes as you walked to your room.
Your bedroom was dimly lit, filled with scattered belongings and an empty suitcase on the bed. You sat on a chair, deep in thought.
They said blood was thicker than water, but what if that blood held you back from your dreams? What if staying meant sacrificing who you were meant to be?
You gazed at a faded family photo on your bedside table. Looking at the photo reminded you of all the times you tried to fit into their expectations. Your mother was the only exception, she only expected you to follow your dreams—the exact thing your father and your older brother didn't want you to do.
How many dreams have you crushed for their sake? But enough was enough. 
If your mother was still here, she wouldn't hold you back.
You stood up and began packing your belongings into the suitcase, quickly and determinedly.
They would never understand. They would never see the fire burning within you, urging you to break free from their judgment and limitations. Your mother taught you that dreams were worth the risk, they were worth the uncertainty that lay ahead. You refused to live a life dictated by doubts and disapproval. You knew you deserved to discover your true potential, to explore the possibilities that awaited you beyond these walls.
You zipped up the suitcase and took a final look around the room, taking a mental image of the life you were about to leave behind.
You were leaving behind the echoes of unsupportive words and unfulfilled dreams. From this moment forward, you were choosing to surround yourself with those who believed in you, and who would uplift and inspire you on the journey you were about to take. You might not have those people right now, but you trusted that you would find them soon.
You walked towards the front door, suitcase in hand, ready to embrace whatever was on the other side. You caught their eyes momentarily, casting them a glance before focusing your sight back on the door.
For years, you've allowed their lack of support to hold you back and to suffocate your aspirations. 
But not anymore. Not today.
Today, you set yourself free from the chains of conformity and rejection. Today, you allowed yourself to embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. 
It was time to leave.
It was time to chase after your dreams, even if it meant leaving everything behind.
It was going to be a combat, you knew that. But that didn’t stop you.
You took a deep breath before opening the door.
And then you left.
You were ready for combat.
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Leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown was both exhilarating and terrifying, but you did it. No one believed you would succeed when you gave up everything to move and study architecture in Monaco, but here you were, doing the exact same things they said you would never be able to do and living the exact same life they said you would never be able to live. 
Cruelty wins in the movies, but not in yours.
Your roommate turned best friend, Charlotte, became your number 1 supporter and you became hers. You may not be related by blood but you two were sisters—always inseparable and never without the other.
You haven’t heard from your father or brother after you left them. You had their numbers and they still had yours, but none of you wanted to do something to initiate a conversation. There were times when you wanted to call, you’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches you wanted to tell them but you just didn’t know how to say them so you always ended up not doing anything at all.
Easy they come, easy they go.
Charlotte came into your life as quickly as you lost your brother and father. You jumped from the train and rode off alone, but once you reached your destination, she was there to welcome you with open arms. As far as you were concerned, she was your family now. 
“I think we deserve a night out after those exams,” Charlotte sighed, stretching her arms before preparing to get ready.
“You know I always preferred staying in and just sleeping, but for once, I actually agree with you,” you replied. 
“Oh my god, is this real? Are you actually letting me drag you out of this room?”
“Yup,” you laughed, rolling your eyes before standing up and getting ready as well. “Where are we going anyway?”
“I’m thinking the casino,” she answered.
“Girl, what?” you stopped what you were doing and looked at her.
“What?” she asked.
“What are we even going to do there?” 
“Uhh… chill and gamble?”
“Right,” you sighed. “I forgot how rich you are,” you joked.
“C’mon, you can’t say no now,” she said.
“Oh, I’m not saying no. I’m still going,” you told her.
“That’s the spirit!” she hugged you.
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You went to where the drinks were while Charlotte stayed busy playing some games. You sat on a stool, waiting for your drink when a man sat beside you. You focused on your drink being made, not paying attention to who the person was. He started talking to you and you couldn’t help but look at him.
“Are you here alone?” he politely asked before he ordered his drink.
“I’m here with my best friend, well more of like my sister, but yeah,” you answered, thanking the bartender when he gave you your drink. “Are you?”
“No, I’m here with my older brother. He’s ther– wait, he’s not there anymore,” he sighed.
“I’m sure he’s somewhere,” you chuckled. “Why do I feel like you don’t want to be here?”
“I just got dragged here, to be honest,” he laughed. “I was enjoying for a while, though.”
“Was?” you asked.
“My social battery got terribly low and they all seem to have a lot of questions about my job.”
“And yet, you’re here talking to me…” 
“Thanks,” he said to the bartender before looking back at you. “Well, you looked like you needed someone to talk to. Am I wrong?”
“You’re not,” you smiled. 
“I thought so too,” he winked. “I’m Charles, by the way,” he reached out a hand.
“Charles Leclerc. Of course, I know who you are,” you shook his hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“You know me? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You’re pretty important here, everyone knows you,” you sipped your drink. “I just figured you’ve already been pestered with questions a lot, so I’m not even going to try to ask you about F1.”
“I appreciate that,” he smiled.
“You wanna go somewhere for a bit? Somewhere with fresh air?” you asked.
“I was about to ask you the same.”
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That was the night where you hit it off. A couple of years later, you were official to everyone close to you that mattered. Soon, the public would know. But right now, you were just enjoying the tranquility of being in each other’s presence.
You stared at him as he dressed himself after taking a shower. There he was, the love of your life. Every time his eyes met yours, your heart skipped a beat. His gaze was like a warm summer breeze, sweeping away all your worries and doubts.
You gently smiled when he winked at you. He settled next to you on the bed under the covers, holding your hips and turning you so you were facing him. He caressed your cheek, looking at you lovingly.
His eyes sparkled as if they were telling stories only your heart could hear and you longed to listen to every whisper they held. It was as if you were home. Home in his gaze, in his arms, in his love. And each time he looked at you, you fell deeper and deeper, discovering new depths of affection for him.
But it wasn't just his eyes that captivated you. It was the way his presence changed the atmosphere. It was the way his smile illuminated every room. It was the way his touch electrified your senses.
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before closing his eyes to sleep.
You took a deep breath. The moment his eyes were closed, you felt the familiar cloud of doubts looming in. One moment, your heart soared, confident in the love you shared, envisioning a future bursting with endless possibilities. The next moment, shadows crept in, whispering doubts, and questioning the path you trod together.
There must be some kind of downside to this. You were happy. And you knew that every time you were happy, there would be some kind of consequence in exchange for your happiness.
You closed your eyes in hopes of dying down your inner thoughts but amidst the darkness from your eyelids, you saw the room on fire and felt the invisible smoke surround your body. You opened your eyes immediately, withdrawing a shaky breath.
You looked at Charles who was deep in his slumber. He was far too perfect. Surely, there was a dark side to him? You searched for his dark side, but what if the dark side was right where you were because it was you?
You feared the uncertainty that awaited you. What if love was not enough to weather the storms that life would inevitably throw your way? What if your dreams would someday diverge and pull you apart instead of uniting you?
It was unnerving how love brought both immense joy and an overwhelming sense of vulnerability. Charles moved in his sleep, pulling you closer to him. He must’ve felt your uneasiness because he woke up just to ask you how you were. “Are you alright, chérie?”
“I am now,” you smiled, looking at his eyes. Amidst the sea of apprehension, a gleam of hope emerged. And it was him. It was Charles.
You found solace in embracing the present moment, cherishing how his arms embraced you, and trusting that, regardless of what might come, your love would anchor you through the churning tides of the unknown.
But still, you knew those dark thoughts would still continue to haunt you in the coming days. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put you together, but perhaps Charles would. He could always see right through you.
You have been the archer, you have been the prey.
Who could ever leave you and who could stay?
As you moved your body closer to Charles, you felt the arrowed heart necklace he gave you shift slightly on your neck. You held it in between your fingers, and then you whispered something only you could hear while you looked at his sleeping state.
“Help me hold onto you.”
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
FORMULA ONE TAGLIST: @dreamingofautopia @lpab @matildrry @fangirl125reader @tall-tanned-tattoo @aundercover @stevesworld9 @princessria127
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junegirl06 · 3 months
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Some spamton art and rambling
Spamton is a very interesting character. Anybody who had payed attention to Deltarune after chapter 2 would know this. And his sheer popularity makes sense. His odd way of speaking, the perfect mix of quirkiness and terrifying insanity, the tragic backstory. The elements are all there to make a insanely well written character. But uh- I'm not here to gush about how good of a character Spamton is. (I mean, technically I am) I'm here to look at his character specifically through the lens of him being a spam bot.
Despite what the addisons said about Spamton being "like the rest of us," I think Spamton always was meant to be a little different. The way his appearance is very similar to the addisons but not quite the same - I'm pretty sure his marketing tactics followed the same principle. Whether it was because he was simply a bit more pushy with his advertisements, or that there was something a bit unnerving about his character even before gaster/the mysterious entity came into play, I'm sure there was a reason the customers ignored him. Just like how people ignore real life spam emails. They're annoying, unsafe, weird, stupid. Spamton was always meant to be ignored. To be that one email guy popping up at people with advertisements on the streets. People just DON'T LIKE SPAM.
Then the mysterious entity came into Spamton's life. Somehow, defying all logic, they made spam emails popular. They made Spamton popular. But they also gave him knowledge on the nature of their world. That everything is controlled by the plot and other such unseen forces, and that nobody can truly make their own decisions in this world. With this, Spamton knew his popularity really wasn't supposed to have happened in the first place, but everybody already loved him, (well, the addisons left him- but that was just because they were jealous! He didn't need them!) and he'd ride the wave as high as it'd take him.
But it all came crashing sooner than even Spamton expected. Without the entity's help, the world corrected itself, and everybody went right back to hating spam emails. Spamton would go back to being that forgetful email guy. No, it was even worse now. At least back then he had some people that were friendly to him. Now... he had nobody. He didn't even have a house.
He was always meant to be this way, wasn't he? No matter how hard he tried, the world simply wouldn't let him be a big shot. Spamton absolutely hated that. He wanted to fight back against this cruel world. Now, he didn’t just want his popularity back, he wanted freedom. To escape the confines of this story and his role as a personified spam bot, to become something… more. To truly become a [BIG SHOT]!
But that didn’t change the fact he was still a spam bot. And what do spam bots do? They just keep sending emails to as many people as possible, just in the off chance somebody will click that link. That’s exactly what Spamton does to try to gain his freedom. He latched on to a ray of hope- that robot in the basement- and repeatedly attempted to sneak inside the queens mansion to get to it without regard for exactly how good his plans are, in the vain hope one of those attempts would succeed at one point. He just kept trying. Over and over and over… slowly losing his mind even more in the process. There is evidence that he tries multiple times to get inside the basement, with Sweet Cap’n Cakes mentioning a “funny little man” asking them for help to sneak in the mansion, and Swatch mentioning an impersonator- which is probably Spamton. Which uh… the image of the tiny dude dressing up as this huge bird guy and thinking it’s a clever enough disguise to get past everybody in the mansion in a funny thought- but kinda sad at the same time. Seriously- did Spamton really think there was a chance that’d work??? But I digress.
Even with his repeated unsuccessful attempts to infiltrate the mansion- there was one attempt that worked. When Kris and the player came into the picture. But even with the help of a lighter and a literal god-being on his side helping him with his plan… he still failed. That neo robot didn’t do anything for his situation. He was still trapped. And so he turned against Kris, and by extension the player, in a last ditch attempt to get his freedom. That was what fully solidified his utter failure. He was going against us. But even if he hadn’t attempted to fight the player, he would’ve have failed in any other attempt anyways.
From the very moment Spamton decided to oppose the rules of this video game world, to try to become something more than a spam bot, he was destined to fail. Even if he managed to get Kris’s soul. Even if he somehow became as powerful as Asriel in undertale, he still wouldn’t get the freedom he wants. Because he is a character in a video game, and he will never become anything more than that.
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Norman Fucking RockWell-a blurb for my main man Rafe Cameron😩. they’re in an argument about wtv you chose and Rafe gets mad and starts breaking stuff, scaring the reader and with a fluffy ending. If you want to, thanks love<3
I was a bit stumped on this but it's okay
What Happened To Us?
Rafe Cameron x fem!Reader
Warnings: ANGSTY ANGST...., fluff, yeeting of objects..., bad ending, crying, rafe being scary, topper being bestie, I already said fluff but FLUFFY ENDING
A/n: thank you for requesting this Love 😘😘😘 Also not me staring at the gif for 5 mins straight 🫣 lowk me just tryna figure out the layout of his apt so I know how to get to the bathroom when I move in...it's a joke. No it's not. Also I changed the name of this one like 20 times so....just ignore it if it has a bad name...
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You were on the floor crying while Rafe was yelling louder than he ever had before. You were slightly surprised and also relieved you hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. You were almost entirely positive Rafe hadn't paid any attention to how you looked, a curled up, terrified, shaking mess. You were scared and it was evident in the way you were shying away from every little move he made while yelling at you. You don't even remember why this argument started anymore. All you knew was you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Why did you do it!? Huh? What? Are you not going to talk now?" He asked too aggressive for your liking.
You just sat there suddenly remembering why this all started in the first place.
at a party earlier that night
"Hey, Y/n, right?" A random guy said whilst walking toward you. You didn't recognize him so you thought he must be a touron. Except a touron wouldn't know your name, so who was this?
"Ummm...? Who are you?" You asked wanting to just walk away to find your boyfriend.
"I'm one of Rafe's friends. He told me to come find you." He said suspiciously in a manner you didn't believe. You know all of Rafe's friends, even Barry so him saying this confused you.
What you didn't know was Rafe was watching this encounter thinking you were flirting because from across the room your scared, awkward smile look friendly and inviting, but it wasn't. He thought you were finally trying to find someone better than him after all he's done. What he didn't know was you were occasionally trying to look around for him but didn't succeed at all.
You learned the guy's name is chez. Where he got that name, you're not sure. All you know was you wanted out of there as soon as possible.
You still refused to follow him to Rafe because you didn't know his true intentions. Rafe on the other hand thought he knew your true intentions which weren't true at all.
After you politely denied several times and stated that if Rafe wanted you, he could come get you on his own. Chez didn't like that you didn't want to follow him so he tried to lay a hand on you. You quickly ran away, ironically right into Topper, Rafe's best friend. When you asked if he knew Chez and when he said no you got even more suspicious of him.
"Topper, can you take me home?" You asked, already knew the answer. Topper was like a brother to you, he would do anything to make his 'little sister' happy. Plus he was deemed the DD tonight.
"Yeah, of course. Why? Did something happen with this Chez guy? Or Rafe? What happened, Y/n?" He asked in a kind if rapid-fire manner.
"No, nothing happened, I'm just kinda tired and I want to be home." You say lightly not wanting the interrogation to go on longer than it has.
He just silently agreed and walked you to his truck.
"Did you tell Rafe you were going home?" He asked to make sure his best friend knew he was taking his girlfriend home.
"No, he would've wanted to come with...I just wanted to be alone. Please don't tell him, Top. I'm trusting you for a reason right now." You said quickly, knowing he wouldn't tell rafe anyway if you hadn't already.
"Y/n, I wont, I promise. He won't know." He assured with a hug as he puts his truck in park after arriving at your house.
"Thanks, Top. You're a real one." You say jokingly.
"Of course, Y/n. And I know I'm a real one. You wouldn't like me if I wasn't." He jokes along.
"Who said I like you now?" You continue on with the joke as you unlock your front door while waving goodbye to Topper. "Thanks again, Topper!" You shout lightly while walking in.
Back to present
"you were flirting with that guy, huh?!?" He yells at tou once again.
"No, let me talk! Who was that? Why were you smiling at him? Tell me!" He screamed loudly at you while shoving one of your favorite vases from a table to the floor. Not one of your favorites now. You flinched. He didn't notice and kept yelling 'tell me' over and over again
"Rafe, listen to me. He was a Creep. Trying to get me to follow h- him because he- he said you were friends and I- I didn't believe him so I kept stalling s- so he would forget why he came to ta- talk to me and then he l- laid a hand on my arm an- and I j- just ran away an- and I asked topper to take me home...I'm sorry." You said through broken sobs and suddenly his violent dark eyes softened.
He immediately kneeled down and hugged me. "Baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. It looked like you were enjoying his company because I was kind of preoccupied. I'm so sorry sweetheart. Did I scare you at all?" He asked worried.
You nodded lightly not wanting to move much.
"Aw, baby, I'm so sorry. You wanna go take a shower while I clean up my mess?" He asked while looking at your puffy, tear-stained face. He just wanted to have you relax now.
You nodded again. Still not wanting to move that much but you had to now.
He helped you up and gave you a kiss on the forehead and started to walk away to get the broom.
You slowly got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and when you walked out your favorite movie was playing on your TV and a note on your pillow that said:
Dear, Y/n. You have no idea how much I love you. I'm so sorry about scaring you earlier. I'm on the couch. I'll leave you alone for the night. – Yours, Rafe
You read it and wanted him in here immediately but you knew he wouldn't budge if you tried so you just went to bed.
Taglist: @dreamingwithrafe
Lmk if you want to join
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explodingchantry · 24 days
In hushed whispers is dead ass such a beacon of everything wrong with dai's writing. Because it should be a very, very terrifying quest. It literally shows you what will happen if you don't succeed. It should put so much pressure on you.
But it doesn't.
I think it's interesting especially because they nailed the looming ever-present threat so well in dao. The blight IS scary. You see first hand how it can absolutely decimate an entire army. You realize one day - even if it's long after you've finished dao - that Loghain... Was right. The flank wouldn't have mattered. They would've all died. He did save the men he pulled back from the front. And you feel the heaviness of that throughout the game. You watched more skilled, more numerous warriors die facing a terrifying amount of darkspawn. Saw the person meant to be your mentor die to darkspawn. You're alone, two new Grey wardens against a world ending catastrophe you know barely anything about, tasked to stop it.
And there's this sense of constant despair all throughout the game. I think, especially, what it does well is the random encounters that are so annoying, when you travel the map. Because at first you get a few straggling darkspawn. But then they grow in number, in power, in threat. As you advance through the main quest, the threat grows, so that it's always scarier than you. Even the last quest, what should be a triumphant conquest of the darkspawn, it's got this foreboding element. You're hyperaware of all the death they've wrought. Of your potential fate as you see a more senior warden so easily killed by the archdemon. But you try, because it's the only thing you can do. It's a masterful way to escalate a game-long threat
And inquisition... Tries... To do that. And fails every single time. Because you're always triumphant with very little losses. Even when you lose haven later, you end up gaining a beautiful imprenable ancient fortress. You literally never lose. And the very mission ABOUT losing, in hushed whispers... Doesn't get anywhere. Because you don't truly SEE the results of your loss.
You pick up your companions and sure they've got that spooky red lyrium effect on them and some may vaguely hint that things suck but... That's it. Most just spring back up and join to help. A year they spent, likely tortured, likely seeing hundreds die, maddened by the red lyrium around them, and.. Nothing. Not really. You get three lines of dialogue, maybe a couple quips from them as you move around. But that's it. The quest is meant to build up on the red lyrium threat, show it growing everywhere like a disease. And it supposedly does something. But... Does it?
Does it do anything? Aside from make your companions glow a little and have slightly spooky voices?
Dragon age 2 has a small shard of red lyrium alter varric's personality so suddenly it's genuinely worrying - but dai has him next to a giant pillar of red lyrium for a year and he just springs back up, jokes with you and just... Joins you with no other.... Consequence... ?
Sure redcliffe castle is fucked up looking, but you don't see what it used to look like in dai before the quest. You can imagine it didn't use to look like this but it still stands that its ruin won't hit you as hard as if you'd seen it lively and animated. "but you see it in Dao" you try to defend - and I'll come back to that. In a moment.
There's some ominous codex entries you can find around but let's be real, only a small portion of die hard fans actually read those. They don't get the point across and furthermore, it makes the narrative fall into telling us how bad things are rather than SHOWING us.
There's extra rifts in the castle. Okay? So? At this point you mightve closed a dozen rifts, and the little time magic circles around them barely do anything. The demons are exactly the same as everywhere else. Oh, and there's like 30 venatoris total you face. Cool. What else?
The one thing that DOES actually drive the attempted point across is Leliana. She looks dreadful. She's cold. She's bitter. She actually acts like someone whose been thoroughly tortured and lost everything. Too bad she's the only one. Too bad her main scene ends abruptly. Too bad she then only has a couple quips. Too bad no one else matches her tone.
We don't see outside redcliffe castle. We don't actually know how bad the world is. How far the red lyrium has spread. "the breach is everywhere now" and sure enough the sky is scary. But that's. It. Where are the large demons, the raw magic of the fade seeping through and making things float and distort, making time and space melt? Where are the victims? We do find ONE tortured chantry woman in the dungeons early on. The sounds coming from the room are scary. But the mage we kill inside is normal. The corpse isn't mangled. There's not even proper environmental story telling. Just the sound telling us "we swear something cool happened!! Its super scary!!" and begging us to believe it.
The magic side of things is also.. Silly, I'm sorry. They excuse the shockingly strong magic that literally can alter TIME by saying the magister (I already forgot his name even though I just replayed the quest, he's that remarkable.) used the raw magic pouring out of the rift but then this is never repeated or built on throughout the whole game. Just dropped there and then never spoken about again, it's implications just forgotten. What do you mean the fade holds magic so powerful it can alter TIME? why does no one make a bigger deal of it? Why wouldn't Solas use it, now, on trespasser, in veilguard, or at the time of elvhenan?
Not to mention that time travel itself will always break any canon it's introduced to, but anyway. I won't even dwell on that because the game sure doesn't.
This part of the game somewhat holds more weight to dragon age veterans because we do have attachment to ferelden and redcliffe and some of the characters present (varric if you take him along, and leliana) but dai markets itself as friendly to people who've never played dragon age. So imagine yourself playing a new game, you know nothing about it, and a few hours into it (and it can be very early depending on your priorities) you're thrown into this worst case scenario with characters you basically know nothing about. It's a great hook - the whole game is a great hook, its characters are great hooks, the game is full of fucking hooks. But just like every other hook in the game, there's no line, no sinker. It just falls flat as hell.
The last scene, of your two other companions sacrificing themselves, of leliana sacrificing herself - of a grand total of 5 demons and 10 venatoris attacking her... It falls flat. It just does. The only power it holds is if some of the faces attached are familiar because you're a sucker whose played all the games, as well as a single line from leliana (when she says this timeline, her present, isn't real for you, but she suffered it and as did everyone else and you preventing it won't change that). You're going back so their deaths don't have to be real to you but they're real to them. But this can only carry you so far.
Also that boss fight against mr time magister is shit, it's got no stakes and no panache. And then you come back to the present and he just gives up, as if he was aware of the future you defeated him in? Of the future in which Felix is still dying? Did he really not have anything else up his sleeve? No other spell? He's desperate enough to plunge the world in chaos but he can't even do some blood magic to escape you and keep trying to save his son? His son dying a preventable way by just idk making him a warden? (granted Felix could very well die in the joining and being a warden rly is more a way to slow one's taint progressing but it's better than nothing innit). Or trying some fancy blood magic ritual since it's in the blood?? No ?? Nothing?
And don't even get me started on the political talk from your advisors and everyone involved re: choosing the mages and then allowing them to join the inquisition as people rather than slaves prisoners. Jesus fucking Christ.
Idk this post is a mess of jumbled thoughts but my GOD I forgot how pointless dai's writing was. Because in hushed whispers tries to replicate what Dao did - make the threat you face feel hopeless and terrifying - but it falls so flat and every other main quest after it only gets worse from there. Because you never lose. You always just gain double what you ever do lose. It's just... Empty. Idk.
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I think one of the reasons that kaladin can deal with actively killing as a soldier but not with accidentally (passively) letting someone die as a surgeon is the sense of failure (plus of course the obvious protection aspect and the whole me-vs-them mentality he only really starts to question when Shin joins bridge four, and he starts interacting fairly regularly with a light-eyes he can genuinely respect). dalinar himself said that he "love(s) taking responsibility for things", which is especially clear in the way he still can't quite blame amaram for tien's demise (because he feels like this is his failure, too).
like we can see in the first book that the deaths of the people he swore to protect weigh on him not only because of the dying people per se, but also (and I would argue: especially) because of his FAILURE to keep them alive. he always makes this connection to himself, thinks of their demise in relation to HIS own person and HIS role and HIS failure (cue the whole "stormfather cursed me specifically" thing). like, besides tien and the bridgemen (who we know because they are active current characters), can we truly say much of anything about the people he failed to protect in the past? the only thing we really know is how HE feels about it and how it messed HIM up. but the people themselves??
kaladin just has insane main character syndrome, and everything happening to him (first dark-eyed to have the rank of a light-eyed, one of the only surgebinders, guy able to survive multiple fights with actual shardbearers, etc etc) do the opposite of helping him dissuade the notion. I feel like I lost the plot of my own post. Kal is honorable and a good guy and everything but he is also pretty self-centered? which I actually find really cool because many times people who do objectively good actions are still kind of demonized if they don't do it for the "right" reasons (aka purely 1000% selflessness), but Kal explicitly starts helping the bridgemen not because he actually cares about them but because he needs a reason to not commit suicide. and when he loses bridgemen (especially in the beginning where he barely knows them) he always immediately thinks back to the other people he FAILED to save. he isn't devastated because that person in particular died, he is upset because he is very bad at dealing with his own failures and also terrified that the wretch will use this to lure him back onto the ledge. i mean, he loathes failure so much he was resigned to never see his parents again (who he clearly loves a lot and who he knows would welcome him back with open arms; it's his own shame that he can't confront)
he helps people primarily to try to make up for the failures of the past, an attempt to dissuade the guilt and shame eating him alive 24/7 (which of course never works because guilt is a very unreasonable emotion and as long as he doesn't change his mindset and confronts his own beliefs about himself and the world it will never go away.)
"do the fire sprin create the flames or are they attracted by them?" of course syl was compelled to follow kaladin around. dude keeps actively (even if semi-unconsciously) putting himself into the same role and situation over and over again in the hopes that if he can only succeed one time it will somehow redeem him for his past failures. literally every single thing Kal does and thinks and believes is rooted in the fact that he blames himself for tien's demise. he needs to somehow redeem himself in order to be able to live with himself but at the same time he can never be redeemed because letting tien die is an unforgivable crime and yet he needs to make it up somehow because the wretch is always in the back of his mind and he's actually terrified of it but he is equally scared of actually somehow managing to get over this sense of guilt and failure because wouldn't forgiving himself mean he thinks tien is less important than his own stupid (and, in his mind, deserved) feelings?
that guy is so not over his brother's death it actually isn't funny anymore 💀 please get that dude some fucking therapy 😭😭
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Just the teens of the Agency being taken care of by the others.
Because yeah maybe Junichiro and Atsushi aren't that much younger than say Dazai and Kunikida. But to them and the rest they're still kids.
And this job can be a lot.
If no one else is injured, Yosano seeks them out first after a mission for a check up.
She's made sure they know her door is always open, to come to her even if they don't think a wound is serious.
Atsushi and Kyouka have to be told this more than anyone else. They still hesitate but Yosano always smiles when they approaches her, letting them know it's okay.
Atsushi's childhood and Kyouka's time in the Port Mafia taught them to show weakness. But somehow that rule falls aside when their in Yosano's office.
Because they trust her.
Naomi rarely ever needs to go to the infirmary. But she's had too and what she's seen terrified her. Yosano has ushered her in and listened, comforted her that she's safe now.
Kenji and Atsushi spend a lot of time in the infirmary.
Kenji is always sweet and bright but there's times even he feels scared and hurt. Junichiro holds it together but he breaks down when their alone.
Yosano stays by their sides, a kind presence in the chaos and hugs them close.
Ranpo always knows when to take them off a mission.
When Junichiro has a test coming up, when Kenji needs to rest after using his ability. He won't have them overworking themselves, no way.
Ranpo will instead having them guide him to his cases or get him snacks.
Or just straight up tell him to take a break. He's even used his ability to save them time on cases when there's too much going on.
"There you're done, now go take a nap."
Ranpo's memorised which snacks and sweets they like, and periodically drops them on their desks. Reminding Atsushi that it's a gift, he can have it and that it's okay.
Kenji gets the most, especially when he's had to use his ability a lot. Ranpo's not letting him go without having something to eat.
After the guild incident Naomi gets a huge bag of her favourites dropped on her desk.
Kunikida despite his schedule always makes time for them. He's lenient on paperwork (that doesn't apply to you Dazai!)
Junichiro hesitantly asks for his help on some homework and it turns into a full midday study session. And Kunikida wouldn't let him apologise for it.
He's contacted Kenji's family and gotten their permission to sign off on anything Kenji needs his parents permission on.
Kunikida comforts Atsushi when he makes a mistake. He reminds Kyouka that she made the right decisions.
He takes them out for dinner or cooks for them, and makes sure everyone's well fed and has enough food.
Kunikida had made himself all of their emergency contact. He has told them to call him whenever they need him. Rain or shine he will be there for them.
Dazai knows just what to say to lighten the mood. He reminds Kyouka that people like them can change. He will actually do his paperwork if he senses Atsushi's overwhelmed.
Reminds them all that one mistake doesn't destroy all their hard work. He'll praise their efforts and remind them of how far they've come.
Dazai notices when Kenji's smile isn't as bright and sits by his side. He shares stories that'll make them laugh and grins when he succeeds.
He's a calming presence when things get rough. Ruffling Atsushi's hair and patting Junichiro's head. Smiling kindly at Kyouka and Kenji.
He reminds them all that the world doesn't rest on their shoulders, they've got others to carry the weight.
And he'll break into their dorms to drag them out if he notices any of them isolating themselves.
Fukuzawa keeps an eye on everyone, but the younger members in particular.
He took Kyouka in and is her legal guardian. He signs off on anything that requires a parent or guardians permission.
He reminds Kyouka that people like them can change. Divulging into parts of his past to comfort her and Atsushi that he understands how they feel.
And doesn't see them any differently.
Makes sure Kenji can regularly vists his family. He's in close contact with them and keeps them updated.
Fukuzawa let's them nap in his office or take a breather in there.
His office is a safe space, tells them nothing and no one can harm you here. He checks up on them all whenever they're in the infirmary.
He has Junichiro's latest report card on the fridge and has told him on many occasions he's proud of him.
Fukuzawa keeps an eye out to ensure Atsushi and Kyouka are settling into the dorms okay. He has given them all his personal number for emergencies.
He checks on Naomi, especially after the incidents she was involved in and makes sure she's okay.
Doesn't allow any of them to overwork themselves. Has taken them to cat cafes on breaks when things get rough.
Because the Agency are family and they look out for their own.
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Oooooh!! I have an idea! How about a pitch black x reader where (Y/N) is totally Gen Z, so nothing really scares them and it drives Pitch INSANE.
Reader is so desensitized that anything Pitch tries to pull they just brush it off or think it’s funny!
Omg first request on my AU <33
Of course! Sounds so cool ^^
(After a lot of time i start writing again qwq)
Before starting, here's a little context on this AU:
I was inspired by @seaslugfanclub Disney Villains/ y/n park assistant concept, I thought something.
What if there was another company (generic name supposedly) that to go against this incredible idea of the Disney Parks to make the Villains turn into actual people decided to do the same thing with non- Disney Villains as well?
And this other y/n had to take care of them, because they are also very chaotic without a lead of some kind...
my most recent post includes way more villains i got obsessed with, so check out the list if you want to request me some asks!
Now, let's go <33
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The Disney Parks had made such a smart move on making their bad guys come to life, so their most brilliant rival decided to do same thing.
But how to make their choice not sound like a copy of their rivals?
Let's include multiple animated universes and let them come to life together!
Unfortunately for Y/N, the park attendant that has to reunite them all together and "take care" of their actions,
(no kids or human was harmed in this, writer of this confirms! at least not yet),
that wasn't an easy job. Not at all.
Don't get this wrong, the newest addition to the park really enjoyed villains of all kind (and despite not being accepted by the other park) she gladly wanted to work at this new one. Yeah, wanted.
Because the poor human didn't know tha chaos that was about to happen.
One of the villains that was a pain in the ass to tolerate was the lord of nightmares himself.
Now, normally one would be a little bit, at least for a moment, scared of what that man had in mind.
Well, let's just say that Y/N was one of those incredible (and so incredibly frustrating) humans that wasn't scared of the tricks and literal creatures Pitch could materialize out of nowhere.
Spiders? No, the park assistant wouldn't even look at them.
Clowns? You'll get a laugh and a few looks that seem to say "Not today, big guy"
Anything that the obscure could think about would never work.
"After months in your company, I'm still not sure on the reason why you are even able of seeing me, without any profound and maniacal fear in that head of yours."
Oh. That day you were literally head in the clouds, well not fully. You were trying to separate Rasputin and Rothbart (those bickering old-) that were for the thousand time arguing on who was the most powerful, had the coolest song, which one was almost going to be part of Disney (let's just think that he didn't succeed). And who had to help that mess? Guess.
So now you had another problem to fix. A big one.
You knew that he was a little disappointed from that look on his ashen face, so you had to fix that.
"Well, I actually am afraid of things, Pitch, but if I actually start panicking at any nightmare creation of yours, this park would be absolutely turned to dust. And I don't know where you'll go without me, and my frustrating emotionless face."
The villain then gave a small nod in your direction.
"Can you at least be scared next time? Just a little bit?"
"Would that make you happy?"
"I think so."
"Then alright big guy. I'll show you my terrified face, promise."
"I can't wait to see it."
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irrlicht-writes · 1 month
Behind-the-scenes hc thingies for Cash or Check! I probably forgot like half of them, lol.
Are they hc's when it's my own fanfic...?
-Alastor dislikes sex -Alastor didn't start out liking kissing, but kissing Vox makes his lips tingle and that's quite interesting let's keep doing it -He likes feeling weight on top of him (Vox optional) someone should introduce him to weighted blankets -He likes sleeping on top of Vox so he can hear/feel his heartbeat (Vox not optional, sadly) -He keeps everything Vox gave him, even if he might forget he has it in the first place -He doesn't mind following in a dance but he usually ends up leading anyway even if he keeps doing the woman's steps -He used to go to every opening night of Vox's movies and talked about them in his radio show when he knew Vox wouldn't be listening -Not that Vox will ever know, but when there was a competitor, they would "miraculously" disappear -He loves Vox, but he doesn't have the words to say it -If things had gone differently, he might've been open to having sex with Vox one day willingly -He has stolen some of Vox's clothes but has never worn them (he's unsure why he took them it just felt right) -He dreams about eating Vox sometimes -Vox is special to him, even more so than Niffty -Alastor doesn't know how or when he fell in love, Vox was just something entertaining/interesting at first before that shifted -Vox gets forgiven for everything, he can literally do no wrong (that doesn't mean he won't get shamed to oblivion for mistakes it's just that Alastor will forgive and move on) -He can yap about Vox for hours and not realise what he sounds like (Husk is a prefered suffering victim) -He has gender dysphoria (usually it's hardly an issue but lately it's been getting worse I wonder why) -As a child, he killed fifteen dogs in eight months' time -He tried to kill himself twice but didn't succeed -He's far-sighted but due to convience, he'd wear his glasses all the time -Alastor's initial, unspoken reaction to Vox's first proposal was "Are you fucking insane?" -In the same vein, he got a ring custom-made for Vox (it's white-blue with shark motif) -Alastor rarely ever gets in the mood and when he does it's more like a chore and Vox is not required to assist (Murder only gets him in the mood for more murder) -He indulges Niffty in her roleplay sometimes (pretending to be the big bad evil king with her as his princess) (Husk usually serves as the loyal royal steed (he's not being asked)) -Alastor likes soft things, although he's not entirely aware of it -He's a tease and likes to flirt but he's also prone to just walking off in a conversation (Flirting only goes one way, not the other) -Alastor's favourite position is none of them -He is the last to sleep and the first to wake -Unless Vox is there; when Vox is there Alastor falls asleep as soon as he gets tired
-Vox loves Alastor -He likes it whenever Alastor would put his hands on Vox's chest (it makes him feel big and strong and manly) -He loves how dainty Alastor is -His small waist is making Vox feel things that are not pg13 -Alastor absolutely terrifies him, like a beautiful monster -Vox used to be more creative, but it slowly drained out of him -Rodriguez doesn't work for him anymore, but they still have contact from time to time -Vox had been married with three children he didn't care for and often forgets even existed -He used to coerce young girls to have sex with him -Alastor is the first one he's tried his bisexual side with -He loves Al, but he also loves Val -When having sex with Val, he sometimes accidentally calls him Al (which Val often just hears as his own name so Vox's screen is spared destruction) -Vox's favourite position is all of them -Even while surrounded by highly skilled technicians, Vox usually only trusts himself and Alastor to handle the tech in his head -He has more wet dreams about Alastor than he likes to admit -He loves the soft fur on Alastor's body -While he won't pry, he'd really like to know the stories of Alastor's numerous scars - they are a part of the man he loves -Vox loves Alastor so, so much -He's not into feet at all, but Alastor's hooves are a completely different thing -His clothes on Alastor drive him insane -Calling Alastor a girl is a little like a game to him - he likes to be a big man -He doesn't really understand Alastor most of the time but he hardly lets that stop him -He'll never tell anyone but Alastor squeaks quietly when he sleeps
-Niffty's human name was Alice and she got adopted from an orphanage when she was seven -Neither of them know it, or will ever find out, but Niffty is in fact Alastor's biological daughter -Alastor yapped about Vox on three seperate occasions, so Rosie had the man investigated before concluding that her bestie had, yet again, went and picked up a stray -Velvette is a lesbian and considers Bunny to be "one of the girls" -Velvette and Alastor play HellVille together
-Everything you see posted is the first draft (let's not count notes) which probably makes me a bad author :) -I also probably forgot about half of what I wanted to write here :)
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nataliasquote · 9 months
Promises | n romanoff
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Summary: Natasha and Anastasia didn’t know love… not until they found it in each other. But the Red Room was cold, in more ways than one
Warnings: Red Room, death, blood, shooting
Pairings: young!natasha x young!OC
wc: 2.6k
Notes: this one hurts but I’m proud of it. Another oldie again
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30 pairs of pointe shoes became 20.
20 filled beds because 10.
10 black leotards became 5.
30 terrified girls became 5 ruthless ones, eyes trained... emotionless killers.
Their dainty arms capable of a swifter death than a gun. Slim fingers able to twirl a knife like someone would spin a pen.
Sleep not filled with dreams of puppies and ponies, but the haunting features of their victims. The screams, the looks of pain and anguish on their faces that each girl took in only moments before each life was ended.
Each life less important than the last.
The air was cold. No signs of love. No comfort. Just stone cold harsh reality that they had grown accustomed to. Freezing their young hearts to not feel pain.
Teaching them to crave the feeling. The satisfaction of a clean kill. A bullet straight through the heart. A silent knife slice to the throat, lodged in the stomach of an unsuspecting victim.
Somehow, the inside of the ice covered building was colder than the outside. The only sounds were barking orders and screams of pain. Each gut wrenching noise not affecting the 5 girls who remained.
Their faces were cold, no expressions as they fought through the day. No words of conversation passed between roommates, no cheers of congratulations as sparring matches were won.
These girls weren't friends. They were competitors. And losing to someone else meant death.
But there was an anomaly within. A flicker of light in the endless pool of darkness. A spark.
Natasha Romanoff. The girl most likely to succeed. She was the top girl. Loved by all the trainers, she was the favourite. Her ruthlessness, her seductive ways were well beyond her years. So much strength in a tiny 15 year old body.
Yet she risked throwing it all away. For a girl.
Anastasia Vladimenkova.
The dark haired girl who was an incredibly skilled dancer and knife thrower. Her accuracy was unbeatable, but her sparring was not up to the same standard.
Somehow, the tiny piece of Natasha's heart that still remained took pity on her and trained her secretly at night, so she wouldn't be killed off in the next ceremony.
The girls formed an odd friendship, if you want to call it that. They didn't know love, but somehow found it in each other. And suppressed feeling spiralled quickly, so the friends turned into lovers quickly.
They would sneak out at night for stolen kisses and private moments, hands just roaming each other's bodies, trying to hold on to the last moments they got with each other. No one knew when their last day would be.
But the ceremony was looming over their shoulder, knowing their group of 5 would become 4 by tomorrow evening.
It was 2am and Natasha had taken Anastasia to the shower room, as the barred window let the moonlight shine down onto the cracked tiled floor, lighting their faces slightly.
Their bodies were pushed into the corner, Natasha's back against the cold stone as Anastasia laid her head on her chest. The atmosphere was different, they could both feel it.
"I don't want tomorrow to come." the brunette whispered,  breathing in Nat's scent as she spoke.
"I know. I don't either. Especially not if it means I lose you."
Anastasia swivelled round and sat opposite Nat, her hand on her cheek. "You're not gonna lose me. You know they don't put us against each other. We're too valuable to them."
Natasha sighed, the moonlight in the small bathroom window catching her eyes. The moon and stars looked so free, something the redhead craved more than ever. "I don't want to be an object anymore. I want to run away. With you." She turned her head back to Stasia and pulled her closer, their faces inches away from each other.
Green eyes stared into chocolate brown ones, fear dancing across their pupils. They could be as hopeful as a child on christmas, but it wouldn't stop the brutal ceremony from tearing them apart tomorrow. No one could predict the outcome, and it was something Natasha hated.
"I don't want to lose you. I cant lose you." The redhead whispered, her eyes glinting as tears filled up to her waterline.
"You have me right now. And I love you."
That was enough for the teenagers to gently press  their lips together, eyes closed in the blissful moment. It wasn't passionate or lust filled like it should have been, because the girls had never been exposed to that. The kiss was light and sweet, their lips moving together but nothing more.
"Natty." Stasia mumbled against her lover's lips. "We can escape. Tomorrow night. All we need to do is get through the ceremony. And then we go." The brunette pulled away and sat back on Nat's thighs, her legs hooked around the redhead's waist. "We can do it. We can make it work."
Nat shook her head. "How Stas? You know the guards; they're everywhere. We're small, but not that small. We can't slip past them without being seen."
"We can Nat. Please, we need to try."
Anastasia’s voice had raised slightly, which wouldn't have been an issue if everyone in their dorm room was asleep. But one blonde girl in the bed closest to the bathroom was laying awake, the sound of muffled voices sparking her curiosity.
Saskia crept out of her bed, her stealth skills coming in handy as she padded across the stone floor. Sticking to the shadows, she tiptoed across the room, hiding by the doorframe as she finally got a look at the girls who were hiding.
The red hair was an instant giveaway, and the girl she was lip locked with on her lap wasn't difficult to make out either. Natasha and Anastasia. The top girls in the class. The Madame's favourite girls.
As they spoke, Nat suddenly shushed Stasia, feeling a presence in the room. Saskia pressed herself closer to the wall, holding her breath. But Anastasia just giggled and pulled Nat's face back to her, joking about her being paranoid, which Nat accepted with a kiss.
Saskia smirked to herself, knowing how she instantly had an advantage the day before the fighting ceremony. She hovered for 10 more minutes, her smile growing wider as Anastasia’s excited voice muttered over their escape plan. It layer out perfectly in the blonde's palm and she scurried back to bed, finally able to sleep peacefully.
- ⧗ -
5 teenagers sat on the head table, tactical suits on their bodies, hair braided and pulled back out of their faces. Porridge filled their bowls, but none of them wanted to eat, the fear filling their empty stomachs, taking the space of any food that would give them energy to fight.
Saskia wandered in late, a smug expression on her stark features. She glanced at Stasia and Natasha, who were sat on the other end of the table, her eyebrow quirking up. Her plan was working.
As the girls lined up at the edge of the sparring mats, Nat reached out and linked her pinky finger with Stasia’s, their little promise ritual they performed before every fight. It was small and subtle, but it gave them a small promise and it had worked in every single fight they had done. Their promise to be there for each other. To not leave, to not betray and to not die.
Madam walked into the sparring area, her hands clasped as tightly behind her back as her hair was pulled up in a bun. She scanned the teenagers in front of her, eyes lingering on the redhead and brunette for a split second longer.
"As you all aware, today is your final sparring ceremony. The girls who survive will go on to become the greatest assassins the world has ever known. The KGB will be grateful for your services."
Anastasia gulped, her heart rate picking up. She always hated sparring; it wasn't where her skill set lay. If this was a knife throwing competition she would win by a mile. Her accuracy was unmatched.
"Natasha Romanoff." Madam's heavily accented voice called out, her eagle eyed gaze locking firmly on the redhead. Nat walked forward, wanting nothing more than to hug Stasia, but knowing it would get her killed.
"And your opponent will be... Anastasia Vladimenkova."
The girls' hearts dropped to their stomachs. No. This couldn't be happening. This wasn't part of the plan. Not at all.
With shaking hands clenched tightly into fists, Anastasia walked onto the mats, her head held high. She couldn't show her emotions right now, as much as she wanted to burst into tears. She was supposed to be made of marble, they both were, and so couldn't show weakness when put against each other. They were nothing more than sparring partners, fighting for their life.
They waited for the signal before starting to circle, fists raised in defence in front of their faces, eyes locked on each other. Natasha wished she had telepathic abilities so she could talk to Stasia, trying to form a plan in her head.
They were pulling their brunches as they fought, not wanting to cause serious injury, but causing the odd bruise here and there so it didn't look too suspicious.
But after 15 minutes, Madam called out for them to stop. She called 2 guards over and they grabbed Nat by the arms, causing the redhead to instinctively lash out, kicking and punching at her attackers.
"Nat!" Anastasia cried, running forwards before she too was dragged back. She didn't care that Madam was watching her. She didn't know where they were gonna take Natasha and terror flooded her body.
But she stopped fighting as Nat was forced into a chair, her face still as stone like and straight as ever. Not a single emotion flashed behind her eyes. Not when her wrists were tired. Not when Madam grabbed her face. Not when Anastasia had a gun forced into her hands, guards aiming their own guns at the back of the brunette's head.
"Love is for children. Are you a child Natasha?" Madam spat, her russian accent thick.
"No Ma'am."
She turned to Anastasia. "Are you a child Anastasia?"
The brunette's hands shook around the gun that was clasped between her fingers, aimed at Natasha who was sat straight on the chair. "No Ma'am."
"Weakness." She growled, her ice cold palm slapping Natasha across the face. "You are to be made of marble. Not wasting your time making faces at things like that!" Her bony finger pointed in Anastasia’s direction, seeing the weaker girl flinch under her gaze. All of Stasia’s training had gone out of the window, pure panic flooding her veins as she saw Natasha sat before her.
"Yes Ma'am." Nat's voice was emotionless, the sparkle Stasia was used to seeing completely distinguished.
"Natasha Romanoff you would have been the top student. I had high expectations for you, and you've thrown it all away. Thank you Saskia, for showing me that you're not truly cut out to take your place in the world."
"I have no place in the world." Natasha mumbled, her eyeline dropping to the floor.
"You're right. You don't." Madam turned back to Anastasia, who had dropped the gun to her side. "Anastasia. Shoot her."
"I- what?" Stasia’s eyes went wide, but there was no  hint of a joke in her instructor's eyes.
"You heard my words Vladimenkova. Kill her. You will not have any weaknesses."
Anastasia gulped but raised the gun, eyes locked with Natasha. Sweat trickled down her brow and she gulped, feeling a tear slip down her cheek.
"Nat." She whispered, trying to get a reaction from her.
"It's okay Stas. Do it. I'm with you baby. I'm always with you." Nat pushed down all of her fear. The sight of the gun brought relief, which was twisted. She was 15 years old, a gun should spark fear. Not be a source of comfort to end her pain. In her mind, if she couldn't have Stasia then she didn't want to live. And the Academy wouldn't allow her to have both.
"Nat no. I can't." She dropped the gun.
Big mistake.
The moment the metal clanged against the tiled floor, Natasha knew it was over. The guards' reflexes were fast. Too fast. The girl's pale fingers dropped the weapon and a shot was fired into her skull at the same second.
Nat had wiggled her way out of the rope, so the moment Anastasia’s body dropped to the floor, she leaped out of her chair and raced across the floor, screaming out as blood stained the old tiles. Anastasia’s body was limp as Nat got there, her eyes dull as she stared up at the ceiling.
"No!" The redhead yelled out, startling the giles standing on the opposite side of the room. She looked up at them, scanning and analysing each and every one of them. They were all scared, showing the same expression.
Except one.
Saskia had an guilty essence about her and Nat saw it straight away. She saw red and glared at her, breathing heavily through her nose. The snake. The reason her love was sprawled on the floor, a bullet hole in her skull.
Natasha's fingers curled around Stasia’s, their pinkies locking together like they'd done less than an hour before. Her tears dropped onto the brunette’ chest and she cried out before anger took over again.
Still clutching Stasia, she lifted her head again and locked eyes with Saskia, her bottom lip trembling. "YOU!"
But her rage was never taken out as 2 guards surged forwards, grabbing her arms and pulling her away. Nat's stone cold facade had dropped away and she screamed out for Anastasia, her gaze fixed on her best friend, her lover, the light in her dark life, her body laying abandoned on the floor like she was garbage.
"Stasia!! Stas no!" She kicked and screamed, fighting with all her might to get away from the guards. But her tiny 15 year old, malnourished body was no match for the 6 foot guards built of pure muscle. Not in her hysterical state. Assassin Natasha could take these guys out with 2 moves, but her body and mind weren't working as one.
She screamed and cried the whole way down the corridors, not even taking in her surroundings. She didn't know where she was until she was thrown into a cell, hearing the barred doors clang shut. But she didn't move. Her body landed in a heap on the stone floor and she stayed and wept, clawing at her chest and arms in pain as she wailed. She passed out hours later, her hands clasped together...
Her pinkies linked together.
Like the ghost of Anastasia was with her, watching over her and looking out for her, like they had always promised.
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Oh thank goodness Frederick has a cat-like flexibility. No but fr tho. The fact that he can fit in small places and just, fold his body??? He's a cat.
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OH I AM SO DOWN TO GWEN, AURELIA, THE POSSUM, AND THE RAT PROTECTING FREDERICK LET'S GOOOOO. Also The possum and Gwen's sharp teeth and Aurelia's spit? Heck yeah. AND THEN AURELIA PROTECTING GWEN!! I'm so glad she had a redemption arc :')
OH. OH. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Do you understand the amount of time I've been thinking about Frederick throwing a book at his bullies and Leland to the point I want to draw it but give up midway due to unable to draw anatomy of a person throwing a book? Yeah. And Frederick calling Leland a doofus LOLLLL.
Curtis not being able to see shit but still defending the aid kit station pretty well? That's what I call true skill. I mean he's really fighting multiple soldiers with armor and spear, and he's winning. But man his hand tho. I'm guessing those are from splinter and maybe some sorta swelling from holding the broom too long (idk how to describe it) or smth? Those has got to hurt...
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HAHAHAHHAHAH I can't believe I didn't expect she would say that LMAO. Also she looks so goofy in the second image HAHA.
Nah the commander really went for Laverne too... Did Leland even agree on that?
Omg....Lorena catching Suzie....Lorzanna....
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Leland's strength continues to terrify me. He just broke stair railing that seems to be made from marble, WITH HIS BARE HAND. I swear the Pastel palace is gonna need LOTS of renovation after all of these end.
"You don't decide what you want" oh bull I say, bull. Boooo Leland rotten tomatoes rotten tomatoes boooo nobody likes you go home boooo rotten tomatoes.
Eugh I'm surprised Frederick hasn't broken AT LEAST a bone with how much he got slammed and thrown hardly. The door broke bro the door broke. His spine...
Now that I think about it never have i ever with syrah would probably be wild XD
Okay at this point I am the most glad that frederick told cpc because otherwise many bad things would happen...
Wait a minute. What happened to spider Prez? I can't seem to remember...Did she pass out after breaking the door?
Wait so the Plaidypus isn't the royal plaid army?? Wait cause I'm kinda confused now :') if someone can explain it to me that would be great.
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Shit, Frederick fr need a doctor asap. All those tossing around, the dusts, nah...
Okay this is sad and all but Syrah with the long nose made me giggle.
THANK YOU PRINCEL-WHOSE-NAME-HASN'T-BEEN-REVEALD!! Blaine really missed like ¾ of the war lmao.
I swear cpc is responsible for me learning new vocabularies daily.
OH??? BLAINE?? BLAINE??? I don't, I really don't know how to start.
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First of all, there's a new meaning to this. So what I'm getting here, Blaine wants to be at the top because if he gets all the attention, Lance and Frederick won't be in trouble because he thought Leland wouldn't notice him much then. I suppose what's in Blaine's mind is, it's better to be neglected by your shitty parents rather than being noticed and verbally/physically abused by them?
Okay, I'm starting to get it. I'm the youngest sibling so I don't know if I'm getting it correctly, but this is what I get: "I will take all the abuse from our father so you, my younger brothers, can live a happy life without being notices by him."
Older siblings, amirite?
So, Blaine has been trying to protect his brothers but because Frederick keeps upsetting Leland and then making him proud, Blaine's plan keeps on being in shambles?
One thing I'm confused about though. Hear me out, Blaine most likely has golden child syndrome right? So how do we draw a line between which act is because wanting to succeed due to believing that's all his worth, and which act is from protecting his brothers?
Oh but he still owes Frederick and Lance lots of apologies though. Don't think I can forget what you said to Frederick in the dungeon, Blaine. That chapter broke me. To Lance, well, to be honest I don't exactly know what he should apologize about, but I feel like Blaine still has to? Sorry, I'm not making sense. Maybe apologize due to not talking to Lance and Frederick about his plan?? Oh man someone help me–
Imagine this tho: Blaine apologizing to Lance and Frederick for letting them get hurt by father, but then Isolde came and assured him that what Leland do isn't his fault. Haha I love to analyze this guy's mental health.
I hope he goes to therapy after this is all over. The plaid princes really need a lot of therapy. Actually the whole plaid family need therapy.
Okay say goodbye to my professionalism for awhile.
Frederick looks so amazed and I won't blame him cause I WOULD TO. IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE, And someone suddenly came to save me, then proceed to throw the bad guy and himself out of the window by breaking the window and letting the damn sun rise view come in. I. I would look like that.
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Blaine looking at the sunrise and realizing the true meaning of life and contemplating what he has done. I love him so much you got this bro.
Also Blaine turns out to be strong! I remember headcanons of him being the weakest out of the three. I mean that could still happen, but the fact that he carried Leland in which who knows how much he weights, and threw him out of the window. Damn.
But they're still falling though, that's not good. I doubt Blaine will die for that matter. It would be wasteful. He barely had his redemption arc. I'm thinking either he uses Leland to break his fall, or Nell's premonition about the tent save him. But the forest is a little far though... Oh! Or maybe, because the pastel kingdom is full of hills, they would fall and roll down towards the tent! That's a possibility!
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That's it for now. See ya next chapter!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Please actually tell me your thought on this because I NEED answers and theories. Also psychology analization will actually make me go insanely happy)
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