johnbleepingzoidberg · 9 months
Number 17 for the OC asks! 🥰
17. Have you ever been in love?
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(he's talking about his first motorcycle)
EDIT: adding a bit more of a serious response because i forgot the reblog meme said to answer honestly LMAO
"Love? Have I ever been in love?" Craig sputters, his eyebrows raising to the top of his head. He sits back in his chair with a huff, crossing his arms indignantly. "Nah." He smirks a little. "I don't have time for love. Never saw, or, really, felt the need for it. Never understood those... urges everyone talks about." He ponders this for a moment, his guffaw fading from his face. "Part of me wonders if it's because I've been too focused on surviving my whole life. Too focused on finding the next job, too focused on making sure I have enough parts for the project I'm working on, making sure I have enough parts for myself." He raises his arm-- it's a slightly different shade of bronze than the rest of his body-- so as to demonstrate how he himself is seemingly held together with duct tape and WD-40.
His expression turns whimsical. "I guess my honest answer, though, is that I've always found more enjoyment in my work. Married to my job, or whatever it is those losers at the Rule say."
You and Craig stare at each other for a beat. As quickly as it appeared, his whimsical smirk drops into a scowl. "And don't you dare think about asking if I can't love because I'm a robot."
Craig juts his thumb behind him. He rolls his eyes, faking a gag as Zed practically climbs into David's lap on the waiting room loveseat.
for context: david is a human and zed is a robot and they are very much in love hehehehe (and craig is absolutely sick of it)
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hellparkreimaginado · 10 days
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Craig was resting by the window of his room, calmly observing the landscape that always greeted him when he woke up. He had no worries at that moment, nothing to do, all his household chores were completed, and he had no extra schoolwork. This gave Craig plenty of time to simply watch his peaceful town from the comfort of his room. The raven-haired boy looked at the mountains beside the sun for a while, creating an image as beautiful as it was tranquil. Craig loved taking photos of landscapes like this: simple, beautiful, calming. It was everything! Sometimes, when he looked at that natural mural that was the sunset in his town, Craig couldn't help but think of his partner: Thomas Lacey. That boy with blond hair and beige eyes was the most beautiful thing Craig's young eyes had ever seen. They had been a couple for a few years, and although Thomas suffered from a peculiar condition called Tourette's, which caused, among many things, tics, spasms, and sudden outbursts, this did not matter to Craig. He loved him with all his flaws and problems. And whenever Craig brought Thomas to his house, he didn't hesitate to show him some of the photos he had taken of landscapes like the one he was seeing right now.
The raven-haired boy started to get lost in his thoughts, imagining his entire life alongside that handsome boy, imagining them in those mountains: sitting with their children, having a meal while watching the sunset from the top of that mountain. Maybe his dreams often weren't realistic, but anyone would imagine a whole life with the person they love the most if they wanted to.
As Craig continued imagining that teenage novel in his mind, he didn't notice a series of notifications coming from his phone. He was too immersed to care; after all, couldn't they give him a moment to admire the views? After about two minutes, Craig turned and glanced nonchalantly at those notifications: they were messages from Thomas, and what they said was anything but normal.
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• Craig, I have to thank you for all the time you've spent by my side. No one, no one, NO ONE will love me as much as you have. YOU, you, Craig, you are the most important person in my life, the most beautiful and sincere person in the world. And I have to apologize for being so weak, for being the most useless person in the world, for... failing you. Forgive me, but I simply don't belong in this world. I deserve to die; I've only caused sadness and pain to everyone who loves me, including you. I'm not made to live; God hates me; I don't deserve to live...
• Craig, I'm the worst person there is, but I truly cherished all the time by your side. Goodbye.
Craig's heart stopped for a few seconds: his eyes widened as much as possible, his breathing sounded like something was choking him. Almost instantly, he felt a huge lump in his throat; he couldn't even say a single word.
Craig ran with the speed worthy of the Olympics towards the exit of his room. His entire family saw him run and ignored them when they tried to ask what was happening. Craig didn't even stop to look at them, opened the door of his house, and ran through the neighborhood. His beloved's house wasn't far from his; he could easily get there in a minute at the speed he was going.
But all his hopes of saving Thomas ended when he heard the thunderous sound, like a distant lightning strike. Craig fell to the ground on his knees: he couldn't even scream or make a sound of agony after hearing that noise. He knew very well where that shot had come from, he knew very well that there was nothing he could do about it now. The lump in his throat grew so large that he could almost feel like he was being choked by it. Those were agonizing seconds, the purest silence covered the entire town. The town that no more than a minute ago enjoyed the beautiful melody of birds singing, of united and happy families chatting about their lives, now everything was in the most absolute silence. There wasn't a single soul on that street, just Craig kneeling: his eyes quickly filling with tears and spreading across his forehead.
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The first to break the silence was his father: Thomas Tucker.
• Craig, is everything okay!? What the hell is happening!? - said his father.
T. Tucker shook his son nervously, wanting him to say something, not understanding why he ran out of the house, but knowing very well that the distant shot had something to do with all this. But Craig still didn't say anything, he couldn't even make a sigh, much less say what had just happened. Craig remained motionless for a while, the only thing he could think of was that if he had seen his partner's message a minute earlier, all this might have happened very differently. Maybe, just maybe, Craig could have saved him. But now, now the only thing left was to go to his beloved's house.
Without even the slightest bit of hope, Craig headed to the home of what was no less than 10 minutes ago his partner. And when he saw the house open, with his mother crying inconsolably on the floor and a couple of neighbors comforting her, he understood that, indeed, his worst fear had come true. His partner, his boyfriend, his life companion, was... gone. He couldn't even look at the lifeless body of the person he loved so much. He wasn't strong enough to do it; he couldn't bear to let all his sadness out. He cried in silence as he walked towards Thomas's mother: she was simply devastated. That poor woman had to live through her husband's divorce, had to see her son humiliated for his illness over and over again, had to watch her son isolate himself from the world, and finally, had to live through the death of the only thing she had left in life.
• No~ I don't understand~ I don't understand!~ I DON'T UNDERSTAND!~ I did everything for my son~ but I didn't realize what was happening to him...~ - said that completely broken mother, with eyes that looked like dried grapes from crying so much, her voice becoming weaker and weaker the more she cried, making it increasingly difficult to understand what she was saying.
• I- I don't understand either, ma'am~ I- I loved him,~ I always tried to make his day better but~ but...~ I don't understand what I did wrong...~ - Without saying much more, the raven-haired boy hugged the mother of his deceased boyfriend; only she could understand the pain he was feeling at that moment.
• Oh, Craig~ - Mrs. Lacey closed her eyes and, still sobbing, said to Craig: - D-do you know?~ Of the few moments I remember seeing Thomas happy in these last months was when you were by his side,~ he wouldn't stop talking to me about you and everything you did together. I thought he was getting better,~ but, honestly, I don't understand what happened.~ I don't know what I did wrong~ - The inconsolable lady wiped her tears a little and then handed Craig an envelope with a blue seal.
• Here,~ T-Thomas wanted you to read this~ -
Craig inspected the envelope with his tired eyes; it was very clean and well-kept, adorned with innocent hearts on the sides that seemed to have been drawn with extremely fine and bright markers, while in the center was a blue seal and below it a message that read: "For Craig, my one and only true love." Instantly, an avalanche of emotions overwhelmed Craig. He seemed to have a nervous breakdown, a combination of sadness for knowing this was surely the last thing Thomas did in life, and massive regret for not being there for him. All those feelings that seemed to have dissipated came back, stronger this time. He tried to calm down, tried to look away, only to feel the urge to flee from that place at once. He simply didn't want to be there any longer.
Craig ran out with the envelope in one hand and wiping away the tears running down his face and extending to his neck with the other. He didn't pay attention to his family, much less to his boyfriend's mother, who was asking him to please come back. Amid many tears, Craig just hid in his room and lay down to cry in silence. Everything had happened so quickly, he was so exhausted after this horrible day. He just lay in his bed, but it was impossible for him to sleep. Hours passed, he didn't let anyone in to console him; he felt so guilty and so powerless that he didn't even have the strength to see what was in the envelope given by Thomas. It was simply too much guilt, to the point where he couldn't look anywhere but at that letter he couldn't even open.
And as the hours passed, the only thing Craig heard was the sound of a gunshot in the distance... It was the only thing he could hear inside his head for hours.
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
Ooooo if requests are open. Can I maybe get something for Butters! Some fluuuuuuff please! 💖🙏 thank yoooou I hope I'm not a bother! 😭
Of course you can lovely! It's never a bother!
Warning: Tooth-Rotting fluff, Strong Language
Pairing: Butters x Fem!Reader
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"And would you believe it fellas, she said yes! Boy, I sure am excited this weekend is gonna be the best!" Butters couldn't contain the excitement in his voice, the little drawl in his accent slipping out more than usual.
"Yeah Butters, this is the third time you've told us. I think I can believe it." Stan responded with a sigh as he put down the lukewarm burger back down on his tray.
"Oh yeah...hehe!"
Butters giggled as he pushed his fingers together, his knuckles rubbing against each other. Maybe he was being a little annoying, but he couldn't help how excited he was, the giddy feeling was getting stronger with each passing hour. He just had to wait a few more hours and school was over, and more importantly it was Friday so that meant the weekend was already here!
Absent-mindedly he picked up one of the soggy fries off his plate and took a bite out of it, he was in such a good mood he didn't care how horrible it tasted. With his cheek tucked into his hand, he let his eyes wonder over towards where you were sitting. Watching you giggle at a joke Red was telling, nothing else seemed to matter around him but your smile.
The rest of the boys cast side glances at each other, it was Craig who finally broke the silence. "He's gone. We lost him to whatever spell she has over him."
"Come on guys, we should be at least happy for him. I mean look...", Kyle spoke in a whisper as if the blond wasn't sitting right beside him. Before he continued his point his hand came up to Butters cheek, pinching the skin lightly. His green gloves smooshed his cheek in between his fingers, and when Butters didn't react, he continued "Nothing, not a single reaction. It's like we're not here."
"What did he say they were doing anyway?" Craig asked, looking between Butters and Kyle.
"Apple picking." Cartman responded, the look on his face was filled with dread like the very thought of the whole ordeal was exhausting.
"I think it's sweet..."
"You fucking would. It's stupid! I doubt she even knows it's a date, and you know what I don't blame her! Who the fuck goes on a date and picks fucking apples!" As if the whole situation wasn't enough for Cartman, the minute Kyle tried to make light of the situation it set something off in him.
"Why do you care!? I swear to God Cartman do not ruin this with one of your stupid ideas!"
"Fuck you Kahl! You're such a fucking know it all! You just have to be right about every god damn thing, don't you?!"
"For the love of god..."
Stan pinched the bridge of his nose and Craig only went back to watching the two bicker and argue. Everything seemed to just seem to fall into place, a normal lunch on a very normal day. Butters couldn't care less what was going on or the fact that you and him were the topic of their conversation. His lovesick look was only broken when you finally looked towards the commotion, hearing Kyle and Cartman raise their voices at one another. When your eyes met with his he gave you a wide grin and a little wave, causing you to laugh and wave back at him. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he watched you stand up and whisper something to the girls.
Butters felt his heartbeat pick up with every step you took towards him, the tip of his ears turning red from it all. You closed the distance between the both of you, gliding across the lunchroom like some sort of angel.
"Hey Butters, are we still on for this weekend? What time did you want to meet up?" Your voice rang out past the screaming like chimes, it took Butters a second to register what you even asked.
"Uh, w-well I figured I'd pick ya up! I asked my dad if I could use the car and everything! W-we gotta be careful with it though! Dad said if we made a mess I'd get grounded again!" His mind was screaming at him as the words just kept pouring out of his mouth, but he couldn't stop babbling. Couldn't stop just spewing embarrassing shit about his fear of being grounded.
Expecting you to laugh at him or even call the whole thing off, he felt his heart soar when you smiled warmly at him. Was that a blush on your face too?! Were you just as nervous as he was? But any hope of being on the same level was shattered when you took his hand and gave it a little squeeze, and so was any attempt at keeping the red off his cheeks.
"That's very sweet of you! I'll be ready around four, is that okay? You still have my address, right?"
Sweet. You said he was sweet. You were looking at him like he was the only boy on the planet and calling him sweet. If he wasn't sitting, he was sure his knees would have buckled from that alone.
"Y-yeah! Yeah, I do! Four works swell." Swell. Fucking swell, that's all he could come up with was swell. His lips quivered at his own mind screaming at him, but you didn't seem to mind. You never did.
"Awesome. Thanks Butters, text me~" You cooed, finding the blond in front of you to be the most adorable thing. That was when you delivered the final blow, you did the thing that made Butters sure you were trying to kill him. You leaned down and kissed him on his head. Giving his hand one last squeeze, you let go and made your way back to the girls who were giggling and grabbing at your arm.
Silence fell over the table as the guys looked over at Butters with awe. Kyle's hand loosened off of Cartman's collar and Stan felt his arms slack no longer needing to hold the two back from each other.
"Let's fucking gooooo!" Kenny exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Butters unable to contain his own joy for his friend. Shaking the blond back and forth, his laugh being muffled by the black mask over his face.
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lynnmatthewswrites · 3 months
The New Girl at Hogwarts: Chapter One- The Move
Authors Note: Hiya! I started writing this because I couldn’t see myself in so many fanfiction protagonists! I love the Harry Potter series and really relate to Hermione and Luna, who were so proudly not submitting to stupid things like pink and girly stuff! This fic is a love letter to the quirky girls and the girls who love Hogwarts! I also thought id include a gay character for gay rights! Sorry if there r any typos I tried my best.(LMK if you want a Y/N ver)
Sarah Lynn Clampitt wasn’t like a lot of girls she knew. Sarah Lynn didn’t like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey. Her favorite band was Panic! at The Disco, or maybe Paramore, though they were so underground most of her friends had never heard of them. Sarah Lynn didn’t care about short skirts and being girly, and much preferred hanging with the boys and getting dirty over lip gloss and glitter. She was also a witch, and went to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, that was until her rich father died tragically, and she had to move in with her mom’s sister in England. (her mom died when she was a baby in a tragic accident and it was really sad)
Sarah Lynn would miss Ilvermony, even though she was sort of unpopular- all the other girls liked Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour and the Barbie movie, while Sarah Lynn hung out with boys- and the boys liked her, but still! Sarah Lynn sighed, looked out of the airplane window, and shed a single tear, missing her dad and her friends from New York. But they didn’t matter anymore. She was going to Hogwarts, and things were gonna be different! She put in her wired earbuds (airpods are stupid) and started playing one of her favorite songs- “House of Memories” by Panic! at the Disco. (AN: most people have never heard of this song but def check it out! it’s super good) She really liked P!ATD, even though Brandon Urine had collabed with stupid taylor swift. 
Sarah Lynn realized she had fallen asleep on the plane, and they were now landing in London. She pulled her golden blonde hair into a messy bun and pulled down her baggy t-shirt and walked off the plane with her backpack. Her aunt had texted her that she would pick her up at the airport, but Sarah Lynn had just now realized her aunt’s appearance was a total mystery to her. She walked off the plane and into the airport, where she began to read the names on signs- John, Craig, Angie, Bob, Robert, Bobby, Bob, until she saw a sign that made her freeze. It was a pink, glittery sign, with hello kitty and my little ponies on it. Even more terrifying was what it read. Sarah Lynn. THIS was her aunt? Sarah Lynn looked up to see a bleach blonde, lip-gloss wearing, stanley-cup-having woman. “Hi sweetie! I’m your aunt Jessica!” Sarah Lynn was terrified. Who was this woman? How was she even related to Sarah Lynn’s beautiful mother(who died when she was a baby)
“Hi Aunt Jessica?” Sarah Lynn grimaced. 
“C’mon sweetie! Let’s get to Kings Cross!”
So the pair climbed in to Aunt Jessica’s cramped and cluttered mini, which Aunt Jessica wasn’t an adept driver of, and drove to King’s Cross, where Sarah Lynn climbed out of the car, thanked Aunt Jessica, and walked off to platform 9 and ¾. When Lynn got on the train an old man with black hair stopped her. 
“Are you Sarah Lynn Clampitt?” he asked. 
“Yes” I said.
“Well, you’re new, so you have to go to the transfer student cabin!” he yelled, pulling Sarah Lynn by her arm to the back of the train into a cell-like chamber filled with moldy bread. 
“No! Help!” Sarah Lynn screamed, banging on the door, but to no avail. Eventually she fell asleep in the cold cell, and when she woke up… she was at Hogwarts!
She was ushered inside, where she was led up to the sorting ceremony with the first years. Wow she thought. Cool. When she was pushed up onto the stage, everyone looked at her confused- she was fifteen, not eleven! Sarah Lynn blushed, before going “Erm- awko taco!” and then everyone laughed and clapped. Dumbedore put the hat on Sarah Lynn’s hat and it didnt even hesitate, just yelled GRIFFYNDOR!! so Sarah Lynn went to sit at the Gryffindor table. 
She sat next to a girl with curly hair, a ginger boy, and a boy with glasses. “Hi! I’m Sarah Lynn Clampitt. Can I sit here?”
“Of course!” The curly haired girl said. “My name is Hermione Grager, and these are Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.”
“Nice to meet you” Harry said “Where are you from?”
“Im from Ilvermony in New York. But then my dad died, and my mom died when I was a baby.”
“Im so sorry” Ron said. 
“It's ok. I’m just happy to be here!” Sarah responded
“You seem really cool for a girl. Girls are so much drama.” Hemione vocated.
“Oh my god you too! I hate Taylor Swift.”
“I hate her too. I hate her I hate her I hate her. What type of music do you like?” 
“I love Panic! at the Disco and Paramore- you’ve probably never heard of them.”
“I’ve never heard of them ever!” Ron said gingerly
“They’re super good. I love Brandon Urine, even though he made a song with stupid taylor.”
The group all ewwed in unison. Just then a boy in a Charli XCX shirt sat down by Harry. Harry exclaimed “Hi Neville!”
“Hey ddady!” Neville remarked svltrily. “Snatch my wig and i oop lets roide lavender lamborgini roll up in a blue bikini- whos the new girl??”
“That’s Lynn. She’s cool.” Harry dictated. “She’s from America.”
“Oh America the land of Beyonce werk slay queen girlboss!!” Neville announced. “That’s so mother of you.”
“I hate Beyonce. She’s basic.” Sarah Lynn remarked. “You seem cool though.”
“Oh Em Gee, how can you sin upon mother girlboss? That’s so not cool I T G I R L U know I am that girl of you!” Neville sobbed.
“He’s a little sensitive.” Hermoine remarked as Neville ran of sobbing. “But he’s cool sometimes.”
“Huh.” Sarah intoned, before Dumbledore started talking. “Welcome students? My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the headmaster of this school. This year, we’ve welcomed dementors and also fortune-telling because Voldemort is on the rise. Anyway, enjoy the feast!” dumbledore exclaimed as delicious food appeared before everyone- it looked like everyone got to eat their favorite food! Sarah gasped as chicken nuggets magically appeared before her. Sarah Lynn loved chicken nuggets.
“Oh my god I love chicken nuggets. Oh my god.” Sarah Lynn cried.
“Me too girl!” Hermine attributed.
“I’d be late to my wedding and just run in like SORRY I WAS GETTING CHICKIE NUGGIES!” Sarah quipped.
Sarah Lynn and Herione cheersed each other with their chicken nuggets, looking out on the other girls eating their salads and protein shakes, rolling their eyes. Stupid iceberg lettuce and croutons. Sarah Lynn felt very happy, like she’d finally found her place. A girl who was also not like other girls. Two new boys she could be one of. She was excited to learn the in and out of Hogwarts- and then she saw him. 
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
Kyle Stan and Kenny for the ask game? :3
(ask is in reference to this post. thank you for the ask!!)
Sexuality Headcanon:
Stan: flip flops between labels but eventually settles on "queer" because he likes the ambiguity
Kyle: my god, this bitch is gay! good for him, good for him.
Kenny: doesn't deal in labels. if you ask him to define his sexuality he'll just laugh. if you keep pressing he'll be like "my type is hot people. so dont worry, I'm not going to hit on you."
Gender Headcanon:
Stan: this fella is a walking identity crisis! he uses he/they pronouns but if you ask him to define his gender he will break down into garbled screaming and run away to go shake and sob in a corner :)
Kyle: cis man, comfortable with his gender identity and aware of where he sits on the spectrum thanks to countless conversations about it with stan. he thinks he's only interested in presenting and being perceived in a masculine way until someone calls him "pretty boy" and then kyle.exe stops working 🥴
Kenny: no label, any pronouns, whatever whatever whatever. "gender? no thanks, I just ate."
A ship I have with said character: okay firstly I must state my affinity for STYLENNY SUPREMACY 🛐 but in terms of non-poly ships:
Stan: Style (shocker), Stutters, Stolkien, Stary, Stenny, Staig, t4t Stendy
Kyle: Style, K2, Cryle
Kenny: Bunny, Crenny, K2, Twenny, Stenny
A BROTP I have with said character:
Stan: Stan & Craig. they openly loath each other, but they secretly see a part of themselves in the other and so are motivated to help each other out in their problems in a fucked up egocentric kinda way >:D
Kyle: Kyle & Tolkien & Wendy form an unlikely friendship because they enjoy doing hobbies together that their friends find boring, like reading and being sensible. they're also the go-to group when one of them needs to rant and rave whilst the other two nod their heads sympathetically
Kenny: Kenny & Bebe as unstoppable beings of sheer power
A NOTP I have with said character: (no hate to people who ship this, it can be cute but it's just not my cup of tea;
Stan: Stendy, when it's basic bland and cishet
Kyle: Mutual Kyman makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons that I don't need to get into because I'm sure you can all guess. Once sided Kyman (from Eric) can be interesting though, but it's gotta be done Just Right for it to pass my personal vibe test
Kenny: I don't love Kenny ships where he's written with predatory/rapey undertones (this was more prominent in the early fandom days I think). write him however you want but at the end of the day we all know he's a consent king with so much love to give <3
A random headcanon:
Stan: he has acne!! he's self conscious about it but tbh it's cute on him
Kyle: loathes the summer with a passion because of his hayfever. loathes the winter with a passion because he just gets one cold after another. this guy loathes the weather 24/7 and he will make it EVERYONE'S problem >:(
Kenny: my guy can fall asleep anywhere. on a bus? lights out. in class? snoozing. right in the middle of a conversation? zzzzz. his go to response to any problem or crisis is a nap. it drives his friends up the wall but what are they gonna do, whake him? when he looks so sweet and peaceful curled up like that? you'd have to be a monster to distrupt that bliss
General Opinion over said character: good god I love these guys 🥹
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falloutjay · 3 years
The guys playing Outlast with s/o?
Ahhhh, you gave me such a good reason to rewatch my favorte Lets Play of the games while writing. I still need to actually play the second game myself already but I rather watch than do it myself. :D
Hope you enjoy! <3
Hyped to try.
He had it laying around but never got to play it, so when you discovered it in his collection and asked to play, he was on board.
He made his mom get good snacks and drinks and you guys will switch playing ever so often.
He will try to play more though, as he loves playing.
You don't mind at all, as you like leaning on him and watch him get slaughtered whenever an enemy gets him.
He's a secret fanboy. He played the first game, Whistleblower and the second.
Despite having played the games some time ago, he still knows every major scare and enemy by heart.
He's not interested in playing, but he loves having you in his lap and watch you.
Every once in a while, when you get caught by an enemy too many times, you will begrudgingly give him the controller as he laughs.
Its really fun with him, since he will gladly explain what’s going on, when you don’t get it, and he will give you tips or background information on the game and its characters.
Newbie. No idea what he's in for. He knows it's a horror game but not much beyond that.
When you first saw Chris Walker, Kyle immediately renamed him to Cartman.
He will be scared sometimes, but not all that bad.
You love watching his somewhat serious side slip whenever he gets nervous because he heard something or gets caught by an enemy.
It's a real treat for you and you don't mind at all giving him the controller more.
His favorite is Outlast 2 and he is the only one who thinks so.
He's no stranger.
When it came out, he saw some let's plays and later got his hands on a used edition to play the first game himself.
He's happy when you offered to play Whistleblower and Outlast 2.
Just one weekend and minimal hours of sleep later you were done with both and it was amazing.
He will gladly let you play and make some bad jokes about having to hug you, so you won't get scared. (Even when he was the one that almost pissed himself at the Eddie Gluskin jumpscare)
He’s one of the funniest people and makes the game a little less horror, since he will involuntarily make you laugh, even when being chased around he asylum.
He was no idea what the game is and gets quite nervous when you show him the cover.
"Why is that fella looking all roughed up, Y/N?"
Upon hearing that it's a horror game he would love to just say no, but he just can't deny your wish to play with him.
He feels super uncomfortable most of the time, since he's scared easily and would rather play a cute harmless game.
"Why are those fellas naked and.... Why do I even ask..."
You had to play at your house, since you know his parents would freak of the sight of the game.
He sat through the game, but he won't play Whistleblower or the second one with you.
Such a big mouth.
When you first asked him in school, he'd brag about how he will hold and comfort you and that no horror game can scare the big and strong Clyde Donovan.
You let him talk.
Yet at the very first scare he will hide in a blanket and watch you play.
"I-I it over yet?"-Questions every 5 minutes.
He liked the game and its story, but he will be so relieved when you finally tell him it's over.
He would never admit at school he was scared and will tell anyone that you were the scared one when you aren't near.
His friends saw right through his lies when you asked him to play the second game and he couldn't hide the dread on his face.
You’re both new and don’t know much about the games so its mutual curiosity.
Playing the game on Tokens big ass TV gives a whole different vibe but you both enjoy it a lot.
Switching after a major event is the rule and you root for each other and easily rush through the three games with joy.
You two are certainly not immune to jump scares though as you get caught off guard with a high-pitched scream ever so often.
Token is super enthusiastic about the game and you enjoy replaying the game once in a while.
It becomes a new hobby to try new horror games together and Outlast will forever be a special one that you replay ever so often.
You wouldn’t have guessed that when you asked the stoic Craig Tucker to play Outlast, you could actually see his expression falter for a second.
In private he will admit that he’s not a big horror fan, but you manage to convince him to give Outlast a try.
So, you go over one weekend, place Strip with you guys on the bed, so he can calm you two and you start playing.
Once he actually gets to play and finds clues to what’s going on in the asylum, he’s hooked and cant stop playing.
The weekend after you guys will play whistleblower and after that the second game.
You both get scared ever so often, but Craig is a good partner when it comes to the chase sequences, as he is somehow better than you.
Similarly to Kyle, he will rename Chris to Cartman.
Craig will actually be thankful for showing you the games.
He will immediately say no. No Outlast. No horror games. Too scary.
If you still manage to convince him, he will just sit next to you with a dreadful expression.
He hates you so much for showing him all this shit.
He will scream and twitch like crazy whenever a jumpscare comes.
This blonde boy will never sleep again.
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citadelspires · 3 years
Amphibia Oneshot Thing(I Never Claimed To Be Good At Titles)
I had an idea for a fun little story thing while I was at work over the weekend, and decided to take the time to write it up into this. In all honesty this is ridiculously self indulgent, and I wrote it late at night with no editing, beta reading, or even just looking back over it once I finished. Essentially I wrote this entirely for myself and just threw it on here in the hopes maybe a few other people might enjoy it like I do. That’s all I gotta say up front so just, here you go. (this is a long one so most of the story will be under a cut).
Anne found herself wandering around a lot of parks these days. After all her time inAmphibia sitting around in her house only made her anxious, and the city was just dull. So she would sit in the areas with the most foliage, where it always felt the most comfortable. Like one of her old adventures could come find her any second. Like she could pretend her friends were just around the corner and surely if she waited just one more second Marcy would come tumbling out of those bushes, launching right away into a rambling speech about a new plant she'd found, the perfect mix of adorable passion and somewhat interesting information that would always make Anne smile.
She knew that wasn't going to happen. She'd known and tried to force herself to get used to the idea, but even as her miserable daydream was interrupted by the rustling of the very bushes she'd imagined, she hoped for a second maybe she'd imagined it all. She hadn't of course, and the boy who pushed his way out of the bushes was anything but her Marcy. Even so, he must have noticed her solemn expression, because he immediately walked over to where she sat with a look of concern on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Anne was surprised by the question for a moment, then again, she realized, she probably did look pretty miserable, moping around in the dirt in a random park. She was tempted to give an offhanded reply of dismissal, she was fine and his concern was almost certainly just a polite formality. But she was never good at following through with all that smile and say Im fine stuff.
"I've been better," she sighed.
The boy in front of her frowned, and took a seat beside her.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction. She took a second glance at the kid, wondering what his deal was. He looked a few years younger than her, probably about Sprig's age, dressed for wandering around the woods. He looked like a kid who liked an adventure, maybe that's why Anne felt like she might be able to talk to him. She couldn't say everything of course, god knows she'd need a full time therapist for all her turmoil, but maybe she could simplify it a little bit, dance around the truth slightly. Besides, the more she thought about it the more the idea of talking to a regular kid sounded nice.
"Well," she began, searching for each word and phrase carefully, "a while ago, me and my friends found this weird place. It was scary at first, and I was nervous for a bit, but after a while I grew to love it a lot. I think- I know my friends felt the same. It was a really magical place, but it, uh, well its not around anymore. And I feel like I left a part of myself with it." Anne suddenly became overwhelmingly aware that she had just poured her heart out to a random stranger, and probably sounded insane on top of it, "Ugggh I sound stupid, nevermind kid just ignore me, thanks for trying though."
She started to get up and walk away but the boy jumped up at the same time.
"Wait, hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but from the sound of it, I think I kind of get it. I've got a pretty magical place of my own, I can't imagine loosing it. I know it's not the same but, I could take you there, if that would help?"
Anne turned back to look, not sure why this kid was so eager to help, until she saw the look on his face. He just looked like a kid who wanted to help, just for the sake of being nice. In that moment he reminded her of Sprig again, and she couldn't help it, she laughed.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. You sure?"
The boy shrugged and smiled. "There's lots of cool people I don't know yet. And you seem nice. So," he reached out his hand, "my name's Craig, nice to meet you."
As weird as this was, Anne had seen weirder, so sure, why not. She took the boy's hand.
"Call me Anne."
As they walked Anne started to wonder where this weird kid was taking her. Sure “magical place” in her situation was fairly literal, but she didn’t think she was exactly in the most common position for a kid. Or really for anyone for that matter. Still, the boy seemed pretty excited about it, so she figured she’d give it a shot. Better than moping around in some random bushes all day. Who knows, maybe she could even get her hopes up a little bit there would at least be something cool out there.
‘Something cool’ turned out to be a tree stump. Anne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious or not when they first got to the clearing, but based on the way he jumped up on the tree base and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome to the stump!”
Anne stared at him for a few seconds, not sure how to respond. Before bursting into laughter. She just couldn’t help it. There had been so much buildup, all for, apparently a regular tree stump. Craig crossed his arms and spoke up.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t look like much, but you haven’t seen anything yet, watch this!”
Whatever he was about to do, though, was cut off by a battle cry and a flash of orange hair flying at Anne from the trees. It was pure instinct, really, when Anne dove behind cover of the stump screaming,
“It’s an ambush!”
She realized her mistake a few short seconds later. Ivy Sundew literally could not be here. So, with no small amount of hesitation, she peeked over the edge of the stump to see a small girl pointing a homemade sword at her while trying to cover up a pouting expression. Anne could vaguely make out the girl muttering under her breath about how “noble warriors don’t ‘ambush.’“
“So, uh, are you gonna put the sword down orrr...”
Anne trailed off as the girl gave her a weary glance and muttered something about ‘intruders.’ It was at this point that Craig, who seemed to have tripped and fallen off the stump in the chaos, also poked his head back up and called out,
“Kelsey, wait! She’s with me!”
The short girl’s demeanor changed immediately.
“Oh, cool! Hi Craig, hi new girl, sorry I attacked you, I thought you were a devilish intruder.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get randomly attacked a lot, it happens.”
The girl, Kelsey, apparently, looked over Anne again, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“You do? Do you need a heroic guardian to protect you?”
Well, Anne noted, maybe this girl wasn’t so similar to Ivy after all. Though she still got the feeling the two of them would get along exceptionally well. She gave Kelsey a grateful smile, but shrugged off the offer.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Kelsey nodded, seeming to finally relax, though she did pause for a moment and stare off into the distance, though to Anne it seemed more like she was probably just gazing into the depths of a random tree. She gave Craig a curious look, but he only waved it off, apparently this was just how things worked with Kelsey. Noted. When she came back down to earth Craig was waiting with a question,
“Where’s J.P.?”
“Oh he found a butterfly and then chased it into a mud puddle. It was close though so I went on ahead.” Her tone of voice suddenly changed into a much more dramatic one. “He and I both had our own battles to fight.” Before immediately going back to her normal one. “But he should be right behind me.”
Sure enough it was at  that moment another boy crawled out from the foliage outlining the clearing. This one already in a considerably messier state than either of the kids Anne had met so far. He wandered over to the stump, repeating the tale Kelsey had just told them, this time with a much higher focus on the mud puddle. He didn’t seem to notice Anne at all until she cleared her throat and waved hello. The boy, J.P. she assumed, immediately jumped with an exclamation of surprise.
“Relax J.P. she’s cool.”
Anne was a little pleased to notice this reassurance came from Kelsey this time, and didn’t miss the way Craig nodded in agreement.
“She was off by herself so I thought we could give her a tour of the creek.”
That last bit caught Anne off guard, just a bit. Up till this point she had just been assuming Craig had took her here to see the stump and his friends. She wasn’t sure how much more exciting one creek could be, but after all her time in Amphibia she wasn’t one for making too many assumptions about that kind of thing. Turning her focus back to J.P. she noticed how he looked her up and down with squinted eyes, before seeming to focus on the leaves and sticks that had (again?! seriously?!) gotten tangled in her hair, and nodding sagely.
“Good call Craig! I like her style.”
As J.P. immediately began to inspect the ground for his own leaf, which he immediately deposited snugly in his, much shorter, hair, Craig waved Anne over to the stump, where he’d rolled out a large piece of paper.
“This,” he announced proudly, “is my map of the creek!”
Anne wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but a fully detailed expansive rendition of what must have been a really large area of land, complete with notations of inhabitants, activities, landmarks, and literally anything else one could find to write down, had not been it. She gave a low whistle of appreciation. Man Marcy would’ve loved this.
Craig beamed at her show of awe, allowing himself a pleased, “drew the whole thing myself” before asking, “So, where do you wanna see first?”
After that, Anne was pulled around the creek to all sorts of locations, each one more intricate than the last. There was an entire colony of kids in these woods, a civilization even. Even on Amphibia she had never seen anything quite like it. It was wild, and, kinda cool? The more she saw the more she started to get what Craig meant. The whole place had its own feeling to it that didn’t quite mesh with any of the surrounding area. After a while, she was even able to push (most of) the weight that had been on her shoulders for so long to the back of her mind.
Which wasn’t to say that her time in Amphibia left her completely. In all likelihood it was more inclined to have already made her a primary target for whispers and gossip to all the kids there. Though she never would’ve expected it before she’d gotten flown away from earth so long ago, she was kinda an expert at being in the woods now. Though she did slip up once or twice. For one dangerous moment there she was mortified that everyone would think she was insane when, upon being shown to the trading tree she had casually remarked,
“I don’t see why you need a whole place to trade for snacks when there are so many perfectly good bugs to eat out here.”
In her defense, she also preferred a good bag of chips over tiny dirt critters, but what could she say, she’d gotten used to a lot of weird things. While her immediate first reaction upon the words escaping her mouth had been to play it off as a lame joke(especially considering the way all the kids stared at her, some in horror, some in awe, at least one clearly wondering to themselves why they didn’t think of that first, the clearing totally silent save one kid who apparently didn’t get the memo and loudly exclaimed something Anne thought sounded like “my candy!”) her backup plan ended up being totally unnecessary as J.P. just started laughing, confidently proclaiming,
“I told y’all, she fits right in here”
And sure, maybe that made Anne smile just a little bit.
After that they had a few more people to meet, including a few girls prancing around a big open field, one of whom blushed slightly as she informed J.P. that she liked his leaf, to which J.P. gave a cheerful giggle and a thanks. (Anne considered it one of her foremost signs of character development that she didn’t break out any magazines as soon as they got back to the stump). But eventually things started to wind down, and the trio of friends, along with their new straggler, made it back to the little home base.
Anne took a few minutes to discuss the finer points of exploring woods with Craig, who had been eager to talk about it since they’d gone out earlier, while out of the corner of her eye Anne watched Kelsey do mock battle with an imagined enemy.
“You know, my little brother is much better at this stuff than I am, maybe you’d like to meet him sometime?” Though she’d posed the question to Craig, she didn’t bother to wait for an answer, as she saw Kelsey perform another made up sword move, and something occurred to her. “Hold that thought.”
Walking over to Kelsey, Anne continued to watch her form, confident enough based on where she was swinging and where her eyes were trained on that she had a pretty good idea of what the fake enemy the other girl was fighting might look like. Eventually she offered,
“You’re pretty good, but if you’re fighting something that much bigger than you, you’re gonna want to switch up your strategy a little bit.”
Without waiting for Kelsey’s reaction Anne grabbed a stick off the ground and performed a demonstration of a few moves she’d picked up in Amphibia. Though sword fighting was never something she had expected to be proficient at, she couldn’t deny that at this point she’d picked up a decent amount of skill. Once she’d finished her quick combo demonstration she turned to where Kelsey was standing, a little surprised to see a look of pure awe on the younger girl’s face, before she shouted,
Anne grinned sheepishly at her excitement. “Uhhh, yeah, a little bit I guess?”
She’d barely gotten the words out before Kesley was on her, begging her to show more moves or better yet, spar with her. Anne waited for the tirade of excitement to slow down before smiling and offering,
“Sure I guess I could, but honestly my little sis knows way more about this fighting stuff than I do. If you want someone to practice with she’s your best bet. I could bring her out here some time, if you’d like.”
Kelsey’s excited nodding was interrupted by an instrument Anne couldn’t quite place, and suddenly the smaller girl’s shoulders fell in disappointment, before immediately perking back up again.
“That’s dinner, but you can bring her tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
She waved goodbye as she rushed off, as did J.P. though with considerably less rushing, leaving just Anne and Craig, who seemed to also be on his way out. Anne figured that was just one more of the natural ways of the creek. As he left, though, Craig paused for a moment.
“I’m not sure where your special place was, but this is a pretty good one for a lot of kids here. I hope you had fun, I know we did. See you around Anne?”
Anne could tell the last bit was phrased as a question, and she paused to think, if only for a moment. Sure this was no Amphibia, and sure a lot of the stuff that had happened since Craig had tumbled out of those bushes was pretty weird. And maybe she did feel a little guilty that she was off playing around while her friends in Amphibia were, well... But still, for the first time since her birthday, Anne had gone one day where she actually felt like the 13 year old kid she was. Sooner or later she could blow their minds with magic powers and frog siblings, but for now, she was just Anne, she was just a kid. She gave a grateful smile.
“See you around, Craig of the Creek.”
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Ch. 5
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, Angsty Angst, drug and alcohol use, surprise flights, Anthony Ramos. Lots of Plot.
Word Count: 3.5 K
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal in the form of their Blindspotting musical, Bay Boys. Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, star of the superhero movie series Invincible.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were toxic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
A/N: Keep in mind that this the same AU as Arrivals, with Holly Woods, but is BEFORE Rafa and Holly get together. And don’t come for me about Anthony.
Read the Previous Chapter.
NYC, May 2023
Jasmine was blowing up your phone as you were trying to get dressed.  You had to search for it under the pile of clothes on your bed.
You had procrastinated getting ready, trying to finish one of your applications for a summer internship at this law firm in Harlem that you were excited about.  
You wanted to finally relax after finishing Columbia law in the top 10% of your class. You just wanted to relax and enjoy this weekend.
Craig, your mom and your uncle were the only ones to attend your graduation.  They knew you didn’t want any fanfare, so your famous friends didn’t attend, and they had a show to do, but they’d sent you tons of well wishes.
We're coming up, get decent!
You chuckled and shook your head. Anthony usually raided the refrigerator when he came over. This time, you told him to bring his own snacks..
You slipped on what you were wearing for the night.  Craig was in his room getting ready and you had volunteered his place, so you were playing hostess. You were surprised that he was so chill about it, actually. 
“Pika Pika,” you said to yourself in the mirror then ran to answer the doorbell. It was almost 6 pm.
You opened the door for Cookie Monster and Big Bird.  You burst out laughing. But you stopped when you saw Anthony's face. He had like five bags from Whole Foods that he was juggling in his blue arms.
"Jazzy!!!! There's my girl.  Hey Ant! leave the food and your girl. We may run off together."
Anthony came in the door loaded down with bags and kissed you on the cheek.  
“I love you Lindy, but fuck you man.” You punched him on the shoulder. 
“Ow! Time to get this party started!”
Linden heard Jazzy’s Brooklyn accent turn into a London lilt as she started play fighting with Ant. They felt like family at this point.
Ever since the launch party in January, Jasmine had pursued you as a friend persistently. You normally didn’t let anyone in because of the circumstances of your life, but Jas was oblivious to your awkwardness with normal human beings.
“Girl, you are fucking DOPE, and you are NOT gonna deny my love.  I know your life has been a trip, and you don’t have to tell me all of it, but I’m not gonna let you shrivel up and be a little retiring wallflower. Life is to be lived.” 
Jasmine telling you that during a Saturday brunch date in February was the key to your heart. She drew you out, and you didn’t see what value you added to her life.
But she loved you anyway. And you loved her, and of course, Anthony was part of the package.  
He was beautiful, loud, talented, and reckless, but he reminded you too fucking much of Dell to be annoyed with him very long.
Your circle had certainly widened from just Craig. That was one thing for which you could thank Mark. You were working on him being a distant memory.  He hadn’t lasted too long in Bay Boys, quitting soon after the musical opened in March.  
Daveed’s hands and feet had ‘slipped’ one too many times during the scene when he was stomping his ass on stage. Mark cited health reasons, and publicly spiraled a bit. He was currently in rehab. 
You had not heard from him and that was absolutely fine with you.
Because Jasmine was in Bay Boys and that was her life, the cast and crew became yours as well. Rafael was the type of chaotic creative genius that fascinated you; you could listen to him talk for hours.  
Things with Daveed were more tricky. Ever since that awkwardness with him after the launch party, you’d kept your distance, but you hung out a lot, so you were trying to be friends.
When you and Jas and Ant and Rafa hung out and talked, Daveed was there, smiling shyly and sneaking glances at you, throwing in pearls of wisdom every so often. 
He was so dope and so talented and intelligent and so freaking hot, but you were trying to get yourself together.  You were convinced that night in January had been a mistake. 
You needed some space. And time.  Law school was no joke, and you were in therapy so entanglements was not what was up.
Daveed sensed your hesitancy and decided to stop pursuing you. But he couldn’t stop how he felt.
You were both a little wasted and keyed up the night of the launch party, and despite the way you were beautiful and intelligent and sexy as fucking hell, he was not going to press you. 
Daveed was sure that you two could be something special if you would give it a chance, but he didn’t want to chase you, but he was so gone for you, that if you just nodded your head at him, he would be at your feet.
The attraction was undeniable. There was a crazy little dance you two did that everyone recognized and respected.  This group seemed to know you were fragile, and that you didn’t need to be pushed too far.
But the more they persisted, the more you came out of your shell.  The more you trusted, the more the old Lindy came back. 
Craig noticed first soon after you started hanging with the crew when you were trying to find a place to live. He went to one showing with you and sat you down for a talk.
“Girl, I love the light in your eyes.  I haven’t seen this Lindy since…well in a long time. Stay with me for as long as you want. I know you need to get through this last semester of school, you don’t need one more thing to think about. I’m proud of the work that you’re doing on yourself, Linden.”
You were grateful to Craig.  His place on the Upper West Side was super convenient to Columbia, and not having to think about finding a place was so clutch.  Third year was kicking your ass.
“Besides, I wouldn’t have this place if it wasn’t for…”
“Hush,  I don’t want to hear that.  Dell would have wanted this. I love you cuzzo.” 
Craig came out in a Sully onesie and immediately dragged Jasmine into a conversation about the Met Gala that had happened a few days ago. 
You approached the kitchen where Ant stood, food all around him on the counter. You were whispering. He smiled a secret smile at you.
“I’m so proud of you doing this for Jasmine.  It’s good for you all to get away. I’m glad that she got a little break. She deserves it all.”
Anthony had arranged for this little get together to be a surprise for Jasmine. This was going to be a kickback weekend.
The show was on a four day hiatus while the set was moved to a bigger theatre.  It was a hit and was destined for a long run.
Ant’s green eyes lit up as you kept talking about Jasmine.
“Yeah, she does. And the woman of the hour deserves all the happiness in the world.” He lifted his beer to you.
They way he said that was weird and you were about to ask him what was up with that when the doorbell started ringing, you went to answer it and were stuck there for a few minutes as people started coming in. 
The food and the drinks were flowing while all kinds of characters came in. 
Now they also had Jack Skellingtom, and a Care Bear in the house to add to Big bird, Cookie Monster, Pikachu and Sully. It was an odd cast of characters who were jamming to 90's rap, eating chicken wings and basically tripping like only friends could do.
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Then there was Toni, some tag-along chick who showed up with Rafa.  She had on a plain gray onesie.  What a downer.  
You’d  pegged her for  a star fucker who only hung with Rafa because of who he and his friends were.  The girl was too much in everyone's business. 
"Sooooo. You and Mark ARE broken up for real for real. The tabloids say y’all are back together!  I told my friend Susie you weren’t, but she wouldn't believe me."
You  just smiled and didn't confirm or deny, treating Toni like the paparazzi. The girl was oblivious to your hate and just kept talking.
Daveed rescued you. 
"Hey, Toni, show these folks how you can blow. They're setting up the karaoke machine over there. Show us what you're working with. Someone might hook you up with a gig."
Toni perked up and hurried over to Anthony and Craig, who were setting up the lyrics on the big screen to match the karaoke music. Some Bad Boy joints were up.
Rafa was behind them screaming, "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan!" 
They were a scene.  You  breathed and relaxed a little.
"Don't stress. She's not coming with us  to the island."
You looked up at the tall, fine Grumpy Care Bear who was nursing some of your special 18-year-old Chivas Regal that you had gotten for graduation. His beautiful smile shined out of his brown face and beneath the curls tumbling out of his hood. 
“I’m not pressed. I’m chilling. You can do what you want. With who you want.”
“She’s not with me. Rafa brought her for the ride to the airport. And it’s not entirely true that I can do what I want. With who I want. Because what if who I want to do doesn’t want to do me?”
You knew what he meant. But you eyed his drink instead of looking at him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him. That was far from the truth. You didn’t want to get lost in him. And you could see that happening.
Daveed saw your wheels turning. You were over analyzing again.  He’d spent three months observing you every chance he got. He felt like he knew your anxieties.  So fucking smart, but here you were thinking too much.
"Hey Genuis Ass. Want some?" Daveed’s voice was softer as he grinned and offered you some of his drink.  “Or, I could go make you something?” For some reason he wanted you to get loose. 
"Nah, I'm good Diggs.”  For some reason you needed to stay in control.  You played it off by changing the subject. 
“I still can’t believe y’all call me that.” 
Daveed just smiled and nodded, chuckling a little. He craned his neck and looked at it, having to dodge a smack upside the head.
“That ass is genius, you know. That’s the one thing He Who Shall Not Be Named was right about. And you’re one of the smartest humans I know.”  
You had to look at him then. The flecks of gold in his eyes tho.  But you could tell from the slight redness that he was a little zooted.  He didn’t get that way around you a lot, but you knew for the stories that he partied occasionally. 
He and Rafa and that Toni chick must have pre-gamed.  You remembered the last time you two were  tipsy together.You cleared your throat and looked away.
“Why did you lie to that girl? She can’t sing.” You were shaking your head, scowling at Toni’s screeching from the karaoke machine.
He winked at you. D was well on his way to getting LIT.
"What? She can blow.”  Daveed sipped his drink and watched her. 
“She’ll suck your soul out and spit it back in your mouth." Daveed was loose. And so was his mouth. But he didn’t care.
Your mouth was hanging open at Daveed as you wondered what Daveed had done with Toni, what Daveed AND Rafa had done with Toni... 
Shit, you were just going to ask.
"How do you know that she..."
“No, I was like, negative 5..”
You raised your voice as he traveled away from you, smiling. He was not slick.
“Well you missed out being tardy to the party…” 
He was backing toward the mic, knocking it out of Anthony’s hand and starting the rap. Rafa joined him, trading verses.
Now as the record spins around, you recognize this sound,
Well, it's the underground,
You know that we're down with wutchyalike
Yeah, with wutchyalike, yeah
And though we're usually on the serious tip, check it out:
Tonight we're gonna flip and trip and let it all hang out tonight,
We're gonna say what we like.
'Cause, yo, yo, we want to know how many people in the flow,
Would like to just let yourselves go
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, well tonight's your night.
Just eat food, try not to be crude or rude,
Kill the attitude, chill the serious mood,
And doowutchyalike,
Yeah, and doowutchyalike,
Everybody doowutchyalike
Everyone was dancing and Daveed had effectively deflected your question. But you would never forget.
By 8 o’clock, Craig grabbed the mic and motioned for Jasmine to come with him. You had enjoyed some cocktails finally, and just figured they were going to duet Wind Beneath My Wings just like they always did. 
You were actually moving to the music and feeling good.
"Ok guys, whew.  I'm hot.  Is it hot in herrrre?" Craig was fanning himself.
“Whoooo! Nelly!”
You yelled and everyone laughed.
Craig took his hood off and started to unzip his onesie. Jasmine did the same.
You kept dancing nervously, not realizing it, looking around at the others who were also disrobing. You did a double take as D’s abs came into view.  What was going on?
Craig continued.
"Lindy, I just need a minute to talk, can you stop whatever it is you're doing?"  He grinned at you from across the room. "You're still moving Lindy."
You blushed and stopped fidgeting.
"Ummm, Craig, what the..."
One by one people dropped their onesies, all except Toni, who had no clue what was going on. Soon, everyone was standing in Craig’s condo in their swimsuits, looking fine as hell. 
You just looked around, then in your cup wondering if you were too drunk and hallucinating.
“Lindy, you’ve worked real hard, and this past few months have been crazy, so we wanted to do something special for you this weekend, for your graduation, and for your birthday, WHICH IS SUNDAY!!”
Everyone cheered as Jasmine took the mic. “You think this party is for me. Well the joke’s on you bitch, because you have been hosting your own party!”
You opened your mouth, squeaked a little, then spoke,
"But why?.. Everybody?  But what..."
Daveed moved close.
"Damn, you fine," you whispered. 
Your hand flew to your mouth when he smirked in response. Everyone was rolling because turns out, you didn’t whisper.
Daveed cleared his throat. "Thank you. You’re fine yaseif. Anyway, Anthony and Jasmine have a house there, and we’re flying out of JFK tonight.  In about two and a half hours in fact. So we gotta get going.”
You still had only a part of a clue of what was going on. But you couldn't resist all of this.
"Okay? But... I don't have any clothes. And I don’t have a ticket..."
Craig came from the storage room off the kitchen with one of your suitcases. Others started getting their bags as well
"Everybody's shit has been in my house for a week. And girl, you know I got your information. It ain’t nothing but a thang.  Your ticket is ready and waiting. Just sent it to your email.”
Your mouth dropped open and you stared at Craig as everyone pulled their onesies back up and got their bags together.
Your eyes filled with tears that you hurriedly brushed away. Craig came over and hugged you. Then every else joined in for a group hug.
"You deserve, Lindy. Let us celebrate you."
You looked like you didn't quite believe it, but you went along. You laughed, visibly deciding to go with the flow.
"I'm down!"
Toni was nearby. When the hug broke up, she started asking questions.  Your  patience was wearing thin.
"I don’t believe that all these people really roll like this. Y’all wild. Susie won that bet."
You just continued to look at this fool.
"But isn’t this dope?  All these famous, successful men being so fearless with their love and appreciation for Black women, of all people. Who woulda thunk they didn't want white women?"
Toni just kept saying the wrong thing. It was the "of all people" for you.
You stared daggers at your houseguest. Toni caught the look.
"Wait, are you mixed?"
You narrowed your eyes and said, "Black mixed with Black."
Toni clutched her pearls.
"Oh wow. Didn't mean to offend. I just mean everyone knows Jasmine is mixed, with her dad and all, as black as can be. But her white British mom saved her from his skin tone. I mean, she has braids in now, so you can see it, but all she has to do is blow her hair straight and she can pass..."
Toni jumped when Rafa spoke. She didn't know he was there.
"Toni. Not Jas. She's the homie." 
The look in his ice blue eyes could burn. 
"And you are a Black woman, so you know how dope they are. Why would anyone NOT worship at your feet?"
Lindy just sipped her drink as Craig entered the chat. "Amen!"
"Maybe it is time for you to get going, honey. I might call you when I get back."
Rafa  led Toni to the door as she protested.
"But I was going to take you to the air..."
"And I APPRECIATE you Black woman, but we'll get there.  See you later."
Then Rafa shut the door in her face. Linden discovered she loved him eternally at that moment. She was rolling.
No one mourned Toni’s departure as arrangements were made for cars to take everyone to the airport.
"You and Daveed can ride with us, Rafa." Ant to the rescue.
"Yeah, Jasmine loves to look at my profile." Jas pinched him so hard he jumped.
Ant  was screaming as he, Jasmine and Rafa went out the door. 
"Peace! See you at airport security.  If you get nabbed by TSA, you on your own!”
Daveed lingered. “I don’t know if all of us and our bags will fit in one car. Can I ride with you and Lindy, Craig?”
Craig smirked at Daveed, but didn’t say anything. “Of course...you good with that Lindy?”
You tried to keep it light. 
“Sure.. no biggie,” you cleared your throat and headed to the bathroom to make sure you had everything you needed.
By the time you got to your Uber, the traffic was horrible. It took over an hour to get to the airport. You felt both anxious about missing the flight and keyed up about sitting next to Daveed in the car.
His thigh and side pressing into yours in the dark in the back of an Uber Black brought back memories of that reckless night. 
When he put his arm up on the seat behind you, “For more room,” he said, in that voice and flashing that megawatt smile, you were enveloped more into his scent and warmth. You had to control yourself not to melt into him.
Craig was sitting on his phone, sneaking glances at you and smirking the entire ride. He’d insisted that you be in the middle because you were so tiny.
The whole world was against you, you thought, as you and Daveed both stared straight ahead, both flashing back to that January night.
You were the last three people to run through the airline gate just at they were about to close it. All your friends in first class cheered when you took their seats, and Rafa popped a bottle of champagne.
"Talk about cutting it close," Ant commented as Rafa gave Daveed a high five.
Daveed looked at you. You shook your head at him. Somehow, you were sitting next to him. You just decided to let it be and have some time.
“Just make sure you don’t molest me under this blanket, Ms. Marshall,” Daveed intoned when you were settled and given amenities for the night.
The flight attendant had to tell y’all to keep quiet as the cat calls went up.
Welp, you thought. This will be the vibe the entire weekend. 
You weren’t mad at it. You loved these people. And you were safe. You just smiled, settled down, and looked out of the window to watch the lights of New York fade away.
Read the next chapter
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Tagging:  @braidedchallah @einfachniemand @sillyteecup @commandersmiley @ohsoverykeri-blog  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @id-do-it-for-free-babe
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1990jeevas · 3 years
hi hello i dont think we have talked b4 but i would love 2 hear ur craig ND headcanonz :))
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hehe hello!! thank you for the asks!! here's my ND craig headcanons aka me projecting onto one of my kins :>
note? ig: im diagnosed with adhd buuuut i probably also have undiagnosed autism and idk how to separate those symptoms tbh so im not gonna be too specific about what's what ig. this truly will just be Pure Projection soooo
let's go!
-was absolutely that one kid growing up that got either "never applies himself" or "has good grades, but issues with socialization" on report cards
-bad at making and maintaining friendships :/
-school probably tested him and was like "yeah there is something here but we arent gonna diagnose bc that means we have to give him Actual Accommodations" and then stuck him in SPED classes which just got him bullied ajsksk
-has bad sensory issues with like. the feeling of skin and the sound of like silverware on plates, it literally makes him wanna peel his skin off. there's other ones obvs but those ones are the worst
-sensory overload makes him incredibly agitated or just downright pissed. gets very snippy but doesn't yell bc yelling feels Weird and he doesn't like it
-cant wear more than 2 layers, cant sleep with more than one thin blanket, it makes him feel like he's being suffocated and having his movement restricted
-always stimming but pretty good at making it unnoticeable, has a lot of normalized stims like playing with rubber bands, leg bouncing nail tapping, cracking knuckles, etc.
-but when he isnt trying to hide it? ohhh boy is he a loud motherfucker, very into stims that involve noise like rolling his r's, doin lil brr sounds, clickn buttons on like remotes and stuff, etc.
-not very good at masking tbh
-mmm echolalia galore
-flappy hands!! lots of flappy hands :]
-stims by hitting the balls of his hands/wrists together repeatedly, is probably one of his most used stims
-has like. harmful stims when he's upset or in pain? like hitting himself, scratching himself, etc.
-has lil dancey stims but only really does them in private or around close friends
-so flipping people off is already basically a stim in canon lbr but imagine he starts doing 👉👈 as a joke and then it just becomes a Default Stim. he jus be standing there and outta nowhere he's goin 👉👈 while having a completely normal conversation
-very bad at reading tone and social cues but he just wont admit it. refuses to ask questions either. leads to a lot of bad situations but he'd rather die than ask for clarification
-if you don't tell him exactly what to do he will just kinda. be confused. like you need to give him a step by step tutorial otherwise he will not do something very obvious on his own just incase he's wrong
-low empathy my beloathed /hj
-uhhh pls dont put him in a situation to comfort someone he will say and do all the wrong things even if he's trying his best
-red racer hyperfixation <3 guinea pig hyperfixation <3
-the most dry texter known to man bc he refuses to have important conversations over text due to Lack Of Tone Indication (his friends would be an exception bc tone indicators pog but still greatly prefers irl)
-its the having multiple swears as stimmy words for me /hj
-walks while leaning on the outside of his feet more than having them like. level? if that makes sense. similar to toe walking but like on the sides of the feet
-dont ask him to read a book he'll either hyperfixate or end up rereading the same page over and over again bc he retained nothing
-very blunt but he's not trying to be mean he just has literally no idea how to Not talk like that
-does a lil high picthed mm sound when happy flapping and usually rocks back and forth with it :]
-will be in the middle of the test and you'll just hear him softly muttering "bonk. bonk. bonk. bonk. bon-"
-that ^ or bababooey
-basically any tiktok sound he hates turns into a stim at some point
-has a playlist just titled "neurodivergent moment" bc he's that kind of person. the first song on it is the home of 47, followed by stupid mf (idk if the person who made the home of 47 ((trolleycat)) can reclaim the r slur but it's used a good amount in the song, stupid mf is just blatantly ableist tho lol)
-*info dumps by tearing apart his favorite media and then gets offended when a NT does the exact same thing*
-calls things ableist when they dont go his way
-has a lot of oral stims like give him anything he can chew on and he will fucking destroy it unless it's made to be chewed
-*sees strings on hat* *sticks end in mouf* *complains when its soaking wet 2 minutes later*
-hyperfixates on a lot of problematic media so he has become the most critical ass mfer when it comes to the shit he consumes
-sometimes he just. screams. bc he can. and he feels the need to.
-has rsd but shhh he'll never discuss it
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dc41896 · 4 years
Fill Me In
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Hey guys☺️! Just wanted to say this idea was inspired by the song “Fill Me In” by Craig David, which is one of my faves and I would definitely recommend if you guys want to look it up
Pairing: Colin SheaxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff!💕
Warm, soft lips peppering the back of your neck with gentle kisses, you giggle to yourself as you begin to stir under your covers lazily draped over you and your boyfriend’s bodies. Twisting your body around, you’re met with familiar calming blue eyes that now looked the lightest shade of green from the bit of sunlight peaking through the sheer curtains and hitting his face just right.
“Morning beautiful. Sleep well?,” he lazily smiles with groggy, morning voice still intact making your stomach flutter.
“Mhm,” you nod as he kisses your lips, already leaving you breathless and hoping you can stay like this all day.
“So what’s the plan for today?”
“Honestly, nothing besides getting breakfast and eventually lunch and dinner.”
“Oh good, which means we have all the time we want for this.” Leaning down to your neck, you feel lips making their way from your collarbone back up to your jaw leaving more sweet kisses and destined hickeys. Giggling even more from the sensation on your most ticklish spot, your hands make their way to the back of his neck and run through his short, dark brown hair while he holds you close making it impossible to escape.
Loudly vibrating the wood of the nightstand, your phone interrupts your giggle fit, however Colin could care less as he continued his antics.
“Babe cmon let me get the phone really quick.”
With a light huff, he groans into your neck taking a break from his love bites to let you lean over to your waiting phone.
“Hey mom.”
“Hey sweetie! From the sound of your voice I can tell you’re still in bed,” she chuckles.
“Yea I had a late night getting some things done for work.”
“As well as other things,” Colin quietly adds making you smack his chest.
“That’s my girl! Get that work done sweetie,” your dad shouts, smile being felt over the phone and making you laugh.
“Thanks dad, I’m trying.”
“Well hopefully you’ve gotten enough rest because we’re 15 minutes away.”
“Oh from Boston?”
“No, from the apartment!” Quickly sitting up and accidentally scaring Colin, you feel your heart race and stomach grow queasy. “We wanted to surprise you since we haven’t seen you in a while and I even brought all your favorites to cook for you.”
“Aww thanks mom, you guys really didn’t have to do that though.”
“We know but we wanted to, now go ahead and get dressed we’ll be there soon. Bye!”
“Bye,” you reply quickly hanging up your phone and clumsily leaping from the bed with the grey comforter wrapped around your body leaving your boyfriend confused as he sits up covering himself with the thin sheet left.
“So I’m guessing we’re not staying in bed all day?”
“No. My parents decided to pay me a surprise visit and will be here any minute so I have to get ready,” you answer rummaging through your closet like a tornado through a small town trying to pick something out.
“Oh ok, where are we going? I know this great place downtown that they’ll love,” he smiles picking his clothes from the floor and beginning to put them back on. Pausing as you finish securing your ankle length, slit skirt to your hips, that queasy feeling comes back in full force along with guilt from what you were about to say.
“Um actually they’re coming here since my mom’s gonna cook, but uh they’re expecting only the three of us to be there...,” you explain still facing the closet not wanting to see his reaction. Shaking his head, the bed squeaks from him sitting down looking at the carpet beneath his feet.
“You still haven’t told them about us.”
“Babe I’m sorry-,”
“We’ve been together almost a year Y/N. I’m starting to wonder if it’s really you being afraid to tell them or not wanting to because you’re ashamed.”
“What? No of course not!” Walking over to the bed, you crawl across the mattress to wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss his cheek from behind.
“I want to tell them it’s just I know how they get; especially my dad. That’s why I haven’t even mentioned me quitting my job.”
“Y/N you’re a grown adult, I get not wanting to potentially upset or disappoint them but you also have to live your life.”
“I know, and I promise I’ll stop being afraid...one day...eventually,” you reply making him chuckle. “Now I say this with all the love in my heart, but put on your clothes so you can get out please?”
“Yes ma’am,” he laughs before turning to peck your lips.
Following you down the wooden stairs of your loft apartment, he gives you one last kiss goodbye before opening your front door only to come face to face with your parents equally as surprised.
“Hey sweetie! Who is this?,” your mom smiles holding a couple bags of groceries.
“This is um-,”
“Colin. Colin Shea, nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Ohh this is Colin! Y/N’s mentioned hanging out with you a couple times, it’s nice to meet you as well. And please call me Diane.”
“Funny he’s never been mentioned to me,” your dad, Simon, speaks seemingly analyzing Colin.
“Yes he has, remember a while back she was going to listen to a band and she said her friend Colin would be there?”
“Oh right uh nice to meet you,” Simon half smiles making his way between the two of you to place a kiss on your forehead before setting the bags down in the kitchen.
“If you don’t have any plans Colin, you’re more than welcome to stay for dinner.”
“Yea um about that-,”
“I’d love to!,” he smiles taking the bags from her as she walks in. “I can help out with cooking too if you want.”
“You’re so sweet, but that’s ok. Y/N and I have it, you just relax with Simon.”
“That’s Mr. Y/L/N,” he adds removing the various ingredients from the plastic bags.
Watching as your mom joins your father to start getting things prepared, you hold onto Colin’s arm halting him from the step he was about to take.
“What are you doing?,” you ask in a hushed tone not to be heard by your parents.
“Umm staying for dinner?”
“Colin I’m serious let me tell them when I’m ready. Do not try to ‘accidentally’ have it slip.”
“I know and I promise I won’t say anything. I’ll continue this night as your very close friend who has seen the oddly shaped birthmark at the top of your left buttcheek.”
“Calm down you have nothing to worry about,” he winks moving to join your parents in the kitchen.
“This is definitely not how I imagined today going,” you thought as you took a deep breath and plastered the best smile you could muster on your face as if on the inside you weren’t screaming to the top of you lungs.
“And that was the day I learned that cats really don’t like water and officially became a dog person,” Colin finishes making you and your parents laugh. Taking a bite of the remaining dinner on your plate you were pleasantly surprised, and grateful, at how smoothly everything was going.
While you and your mom cooked, the men talked football on the couch and eventually sounded as if they had known each other longer than a couple hours from their back and forth of which team was better.
Colin being a Boston boy of course siding with the Patriots, while your dad adamantly argued the Falcons like the stan he is.
From football the conversation moved to other topics making you smile to yourself after every glance their way.
Seeing them get along so well, even over dinner, you were just hoping this was a good sign for things to come. Heck, you were so giddy you felt like telling your parents everything right then and there feeling as if nothing could damper the mood.
“So were you guys gonna tell us you’re seeing each other this trip or during the holidays when you also say you’ve eloped and I’m gonna be a grandpa?,” your dad asks sitting back in his chair with arms folded over his chest.
Andddd spoke too soon.
“W-What are you talking about? We’re just friends dad,” you nervously laugh looking at Colin doing the same as he drinks the water from his glass.
“So explain why you’re wearing his necklace then? And before you object, I know in fact it’s his because when he was showing me stats during our football debate I saw the picture on the screen was him and I’m guessing his friends and that same pendant was around his neck. So either you’re that close of friends that you having matching necklaces or something else is going on.”
Still drinking from his glass to avoid having to talk, you slightly shift in your seat unable to find any words to say.
“Or if that’s not enough for you, when we got up to come eat I could smell your perfume on his shirt,” he calmly explains leaning forward to take a bite of his mixed vegetables. “So tell us again how you’re ‘just friends’.”
“Dad I can explain-,”
“I don’t know who I’m more mad at, you my own daughter hiding stuff or you not being man enough to come tell me to my face, or even call, to say you’re seeing my daughter,” he replies directing his attention to a slightly offended Colin.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s me you should be the most upset at. Colin wanted to meet and talk to you guys but I told him no.”
“Because you’re overbearing and judgmental,” you blurt out before your brain could think of a nicer way to try to phrase it. Hand over his chest, he lightly gasps at your allegation while your mom avoids his eyes.
“I am not! But if I was it’s because I’m looking out for you.”
“And I appreciate that, but I’m a grown woman. At some point you’ve got to let me live my life and with the decisions I make whether you think they’re good or not.”
Sighing as his arms fold on the table, he looks over at your mom shaking his head while she busies herself folding the napkin in front of her.
“So you’re just gonna let our daughter talk to me like that?”
“You already know I’ve been telling you about easing up but nooo. Just like you’re daughter, you’re too stubborn.”
“Now that you mention it, she is really stubborn,” Colin adds.
“If you think she’s bad now you should’ve seen her as a child. Lord the tantrums,” your mom laughs along with Colin as if the prior events had never happened and they were still in the middle of a pleasant conversation.
“Okay I’m pretty sure we were talking about dad and not me.”
“Alright I may be a bit stubborn, but that still doesn’t make it right you sneaking around.”
“Simon please, you act like we never did the same thing,” she retorts making your dads eyes quickly fart in her direction trying to silence here while Colin wildly laughed as he leans his head back.
“I gotta have dinner with you guys more often.”
“You’re whole freshman year you’d beg me to come visit and send me bus tickets fully knowing my parents did not want me to be in your dorm.”
All eyes on him, your father sighs running a hand over his face looking defeated and embarrassed.
“Okay you caught me, I did the same things since I too wanted to live my life and do what I wanted. It’s actually funny because I remember telling myself whenever I had kids I’d never be like my parents, all trying to figure out your business and constantly breathing down your neck. But when I first held you and wanted to keep you untouched and protected, I realized that’s all our parents wanted from us too and slipped down that path,” he chuckles to himself shaking his head.
“I never wanted you to feel like you couldn’t come talk to me with any and everything on your mind and I’m sorry I have for all these years. It’s gonna take some time, but I promise to do better bun.” Giggle breaking through your hard expression at the use of your childhood nickname, you lean forward grabbing his hand with a small smile.
“I appreciate that dad.”
Softly squeezing your knee under the table, you turn to Colin tilting his head in your parents direction with a reassuring smile. Knowing what he was referring to, you take a breath mentally preparing yourself.
“And as part of me being more open, I think it’s a good time to tell you that I quit my job.” Blankly looking at you, your parents remain quiet as if they might not have caught what you just said.
“Did...did you just say you quit your job? The job that pays for this apartment as well as other things that aren’t free?!,” your dad asks.
“Yes but I have a new one though! I’m a writer for a local magazine here, and yea it’s a bit of a pay cut but I’m still gonna be fine and it’s something I really love.”
“I thought you loved what you did before?”
“It was nice, but it could never replace writing for me.”
“As long as you’re happy and know what you’re doing, then we support you a hundred percent. Right hunny?,” your mom smiles looking towards your father and nudging his arm.
“Right...if you’re happy, we’re happy.”
“Plus with the more flexible schedule, I’ll have more time to spend home with the baby.”
“BABY?!?!!,” your parents both shout while Colin chokes beside you.
“Baby?! When did that happen?!,” he asks looking at you with red tinted ears and heightened breathing visible through his shirt.
“Oh I’m sure you know when it happened!,” Simon glares in his direction quickly rising from his chair and making Colin hide behind you.
“GUYS! Guys relax I’m kidding! I’m not pregnant it was just a joke! I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
“Too soon bun,” your dad replies clutching his chest as your mom and Colin both breathe a sigh of relief while you laugh.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals-writes @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @renfrewscorner @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @secretmysteriousperson @plokyu23
If anybody wants to be added to the taglist, has asked to be added but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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yannfredericks · 3 years
PLEASE talk about your polly backstory 👀
omg ty SO much for asking!!! 🥺 (and sorry for taking far too long to answer!!)
To me, polly shows obvious signs of being an only child with a massive inferiority complex instilled by her parents for not meeting their outrageous expectations, but I think that’s only if you’re specifically looking to understand why she is the way she is and not just writing her off as Pretty Popular Girl Is A Bitch :) This has gotten very long so I'll put it under a read more!
So in my mind, she’s not only an only child, but the only gryffindor in an all slytherin family. Her family were ~almost~ in the sacred 28 (which they pride themselves on) and only missed out due to the ‘unfortunate’ choice of partners a very select few of their ancestors made. They weren’t necessarily on Voldemort’s side, but I wouldn’t say that they were overly opposed either, I imagine they mostly kept themselves to themselves and skirted by by keeping up appearances and being friendly with, but not close enough to end up entangled with, pure blood extremist families. So not great people needless to say, quite cowardly too in all honesty for all their ambitions of being amongst the likes of the Malfoys. While this mostly concerns her grandparents, they raised her parents to have the same values and general outlook on life.
So then we come to Polly’s childhood. Her parents never really loved her unconditionally so much as loved the idea of her being the golden child to restore their name and carry on their legacy. Which was unfortunate when she failed to show any signs of magic for the first 9/10 years of her life. They didn’t have any real time for her being a child and mostly regarded her and expected her to behave like a little adult. She didn’t get to play or actually be a child really, she was usually left to her own devices outside of schooling and piano classes and was in many ways, raised by the family house elf Pipsey. Polly mostly saw her parents at the dinner table, for breakfast and supper and had the rest of the day to herself, mostly shut in her room with her piano (which, although reasonably good at it, she grew very quickly bored of). She had a very vivid imagination and grew bored of study and lessons easily. She wasn’t given any dolls but managed to make her own out of the clothes she grew out of, while they weren’t very pretty she loved them and could create stories out of the most mundane things since that was really all she had at her disposal. This carries on for the first 6/7 years of her life, she would create stories in her room for hours and was much closer with Pipsey than her parents knew, which meant that Pipsey was often involved in her (very limited) play time under Polly’s instruction. This lasted until she started homeschool.
She was expected to study every day from the day she started school as her parents demanded excellence, which is where the disappointment started but no where near where it ended. She was schooled in a group of other pure blood girls, the children of her family’s friends, which was where she first learnt how effective manipulation and humiliation was. Actually, that’s not quite true, the first person she learnt that from was her father, who seemed to find endless things about polly childish, unbecoming and disappointing. Her mother wasn’t much better, and the more time that passed without her showing any signs of magic, the more resigned and borderline hateful they became of her, calling her a squib and a ‘failed endeavour’, and unfortunately, as children often do, she started mimicking this behaviour around the other girls and found out very quickly how to get what she wanted. Whether that be to get a specific girl to be her best friend, another to be ignored by everyone, to get answers for the homework, to get out of the homework, or most importantly: frighten the girls out of ever bringing up the fact that she couldn’t do magic. She probably made threatening comments about being very powerful and not trusting herself to use magic around them to cover up the fact that she was coming up nine and a half and still hadn’t had a single instance of magic.
I don’t think she really understood how horrible her behaviour was then and likely thought this was normal behaviour bc the girls she was schooled with weren’t exactly nice either, and when that’s how people behave in your home and in your class/every aspect of your life you tend to make the assumption that that's just how everyone is. It made her feel good in the moment, having power over others often does have a certain appeal, however dark, but I imagine she spent a lot of time thinking about it at night and feeling awful but not being able to articulate why. I like to picture her having long chats with Pipsey and skirting around the subject, wanting to talk about it but being too afraid to find out what was making her feel this way.
Skip forward and her parents began to talk about replacing Pipsey, she’s old and a lot slower these days and far, far too indulgent with Polly. Polly, struggling to get her parents attention at the best of times, begs and begs them to keep her on, begs them to just get another elf to help alongside Pipsey instead of getting rid of her entirely, and when they refuse to listen and send her off to her room, she throws the tantrum to end all tantrums, screaming, crying, kicking, throwing things, all the behaviour she has been taught against suddenly comes tumbling out of her until they all realise that she's levitating their massive heavy wooden bookshelf up and up in a very menacing way over her parents.
It’s not her conscious intention to hurt them, but on a subconscious level it’s definitely her desire to make them feel the hurt, upset, and fear that they’ve made her feel, and I’d consider this the first time we see just how strongly she cares for the people she loves. It’s the fear of losing Pipsey that drives her to use magic for the first time. Her parents are OVERJOYED at this display of magic as they’d honestly almost completely given up on her and decide to keep Pipsey as a reward for her display. Not a great thing bc it instilled in her the idea that she can get whatever she wants if she throws a big enough tantrum and is threatening enough, but on the other hand it teaches her to always fight for what she feels is right so... plus Pipsey is so grateful to Polly for working so hard to keep her (as if Polly would /ever/ let anything stand between her and what she loves)
The magic doesn’t come easily after this though, it comes rarely and is quite difficult for her since she’s been raised to be so reserved and emotionless, but she’s felt it now and manages to achieve the barest of minimums from here on out. I don’t think magic is exclusively connected to emotional states or a persons openness but being closed off has definitely been to the detriment of Polly’s power. She’s got a renewed sense of self worth from the experience though and begins to feel once again like she might be able to make her parents proud.
She gets her Hogwarts letter and it is the happiest she’s ever been and it’s the closest they’ve ever felt like a real family. Everything is perfect until the moment she meets Yann Fredericks on the train and her world image starts to crumble.
Yann is easily the nicest person she's ever met and it's confusing and INFURIATING and she has no idea how to cope with it, but suddenly (and she doesn't know HOW) she has a friend and the sorting hat is on her head and she's in Gryffindor with this boy she's only known a few hours and her entire world is upside down.
That first night she creeps down into the Gryffindor common room because she's so confused and sick with anxiety that she can't sleep, only to find Yann down there too. He also can't sleep, but his reason is that he misses his mums and his sister Leah, and the combination of that mixed with his excitement for the years ahead means that he probably won't sleep for hours. They end up talking about anything and everything until they can't keep their eyes open, and although she's still more nervous than she's ever been, she's also made her first real friend. They end up having long, quiet chats in that corner almost every night for the rest of their time at Hogwarts.
She gathers the courage to write to her parents the next day and never receives a reply, which is a reply in itself, and she's absolutely devastated. Not to mention she's not managing any better with her magic, and seems to be just about the only one with this issue except for:
Albus Potter.
Her homeschool days come back to her and suddenly she's picking on Albus and pointing out all his flaws and the fact that he can hardly manage any magic it all and now no one even notices that she can't get her feather to levitate or a broom into her hands because they're all noticing that in Albus. It's not nice and it doesn't make her feel good, but it's a relief to not have to worry about herself when she's got everyone laughing at someone else's misfortune. And in doing so she makes another friend: Karl Jenkins! Who seems equally as keen to make jokes at the expense of others, and who introduces her and Yann to his friend Craig Bowker Jr.
I could go on and on but it's already taken me like, a year, to answer this!! and it gets a bit more just 'story' rather than 'backstory' from here so there you have it! I'm sorry for taking an absurd amount of time and for rambling so much and probably only making a small amount of sense but there you have it! I love Polly so much and I'm so excited for her to grow, mature and get the help that she needs to become the person that she's meant to be <3 Thank you thank you thank you for asking!! I am literally always down to talk about Polly, or any other member of the gang, and I will endeavour to do better than a year's turn around in future <3 love youuuuu
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joannie95 · 4 years
Legacy Part- 39
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Carter!reader 
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
Word Count: 3K+
Warnings: mentioned past death 
 A/N: If it wasn't obvious before its obvious now that this will be a Steve Rogers pairing story. Thank you to @mo320  for proofreading and helping with the ideas for this chapter and @welldonebeca for reviewing the story, thank you to @writeyourmindaway for making these awesome text dividers I’m so excited to use them all
A/N: the two songs I used were Benny Goodman- Sing sing sing and Helen Forrest- I’ve got a crush on you
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Ever since he spent time with your grandmother you and Steve have become closer. You're helping him get accustomed to the world a little at a time so as to not overwhelm him. He and your grandmother continue to occasionally spend time together, you're not sure what they're talking about but you're glad they're able to talk. 
You were currently in your lab typing out some reports for a past mission. It became a sort of routine, whenever you and Steve weren't on a mission you would sit in your lab and spend time together. Sometimes you would work, eat lunch together and at times there would be a peaceful silence between the two of you but lately, he's been asking you questions. About things that have gone on in the world but more so trivial facts about yourself. 
As you continued to type you could see him looking at the pictures that sat on your desk. You closed your laptop and pushed it to the side. "Alright, what's going on with you. You seem quieter than usual." 
He put the picture down. "What do you mean?" He questioned you.
"I mean, usually when we're just sitting around we either have a normal conversation or there's a peaceful silence between us but today you seem tense and distracted. If there’s something you'd like to talk about you can tell me." You smiled and tried to sound earnest so he doesn't shy away.
"I'm just remembering something Peggy told me. I knew she was right but I had to give it time before it felt right to ask." He was avoiding eye contact.
"Steve." You took his hand in yours and tried to look him in the eyes. "We're friends, you can tell me anything."
He cleared his throat but that didn't stop him from fumbling his words. "Would you maybe like to go out as more than just friends." 
You placed a hand on his cheek to try and get him to look at you. When he did you gave him a kind smile in the hopes to calm him. "I'd really like that Steve."
His eyes immediately widened. "Wow, okay that’s great. How about this Friday? I can pick you up." He lit up when you nodded in agreement. He stood up and got ready to leave. "I need to get going but I'll see you Friday." 
You handed him a slip of paper with your address and internally screamed. "See you Friday." You watched him walk out of your lab and once he was gone you burst out in excitement. You never expected this to happen. All that was left to do was work and wait for Friday to arrive. 
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When you woke up that Friday you were a nervous wreck. You were going out with Steve Rogers, all your life you'd fallen in love with stories about him and here you were about to go on a date with him. You picked up your phone and called the only person you could think of. "Darcy, I need you." 
An hour later there was a knock on your door. You opened it and there was Darcy, she gave you a look that made you realize you did in fact look like a mess. You were in a robe, your hair was all over the place and you had a different shoe in each hand. You grabbed her hand and pulled her to your bedroom, there she saw clothes thrown all over the place and just about every shoe you own on the floor.
She let out a slow whistle as she looked around your room. "What the hell happens here, it looks like a bomb went off." 
"I have no idea. I need help." You looked and felt defeated as you fell back onto your bed.
"Damn right you do." She yanked your arm and pulled you up. "Get yourself together, fix." She gestured to the nest on your head. "Whatever that is, and I'll find something for you to wear from that pile in the corner.
You somehow managed to look put together. You were able to fix your hair and pin strands back to look like a half updo with a few soft curls framing your face and had your favorite red lipstick on. Darcy was able to scrounge together a first date outfit. Through the piles you left she found a pair of dark wash high-waisted jeans that were rolled at the hem, a black cropped sweater, and one of your many t-strap heels, a nice mix of modern with a dash of vintage.
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You looked in the mirror and smiled. It finally started to hit you that you're actually going out with the man you've admired for most of your life. You turn to Darcy with excitement written all over your face. "This is actually happening, it doesn’t seem real."
When you heard a knock on the door Darcy rushed to answer it while you grabbed your bag. On your way to the door, you overheard her in her best dad voice. "I want her back no later than 10:30, do you understand me." 
You pulled her back and laughed. "Alright, that’s enough out of you." You looked towards Steve and smiled. "Ready to go?" 
"Of course, see you around Darcy." He looked back and waved. 
As she shut the door she pulled out her phone and made a call. "Peggy you'll never believe what's happening." 
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You both walked up to a small diner called Tom's on the corner of the street you probably would have missed if you weren’t looking. You stopped next to Steve as he looked up in excitement.
"I couldn't believe this place was still here, I was walking around a week ago when I found it. I used to come here with my best friend." He walked up and held the door open for you. You both took a seat in a booth in the far corner and looked over the menu. "You look very pretty, I mean not that you don't always look pretty. Because you do." He looked down and his cheeks started to redden.
You smiled and chuckled. "Thank you, you look really nice too." You felt your face warm when he placed his hand on top of yours. 
Once the waitress took your order not much later she came back with 2 burgers and fries and 2 shakes. You took a bite and had to hold back a moan. "Is it just as good as you remember?"
He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. "Even better." After a few more bites he starts to make conversation. "So how did you and Darcy meet each other." 
You smile as you reminisce about your first encounter. "We actually met at a park, I was 5 and she was 4. There was a boy pushing her around and pulling at her hair so I did the most rational thing and punched him in the nose." 
Steve suddenly spit out the milkshake he was drinking and went between laughing and coughing. "I’m so sorry." 
You laughed along with him before getting up and patting his back. "It’s fine really. Are you alright?" You sat back down once he caught his breath and helped clean up. 
"Yeah, just a little embarrassed is all." He took a napkin and thanked you. 
"There's no need to be, I'm glad my childhood shenanigans amuse you." 
The two of you sat there and talked for the next couple of hours. You asked him a few questions about himself but he mostly asked you about your life. 
"So how'd you learn how to use a sword so well. It’s not a weapon I thought I'd ever see an agent use."
"Phil actually taught me, a couple of years after my parents died I got very angry and instead of getting into fights at school, he showed me a better way to take out my aggression. After some time sword fighting became second nature to me and it actually helps with hand to hand combat." 
"That’s amazing, do you think you could teach me a few things? It never hurts to learn a new skill." 
You got quiet for a few seconds remembering the last person you taught to sword fight was Craig. You spoke up again. "Yeah of course, just come by my lab whenever you're free." 
Soon you both got up to leave, he paid for your meal even though you insisted on splitting it. He walked you back to your apartment. "I had a really nice time." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Me too." You smiled and almost felt in a trance as you looked at him.
" I'd really like to go out again if that's alright with you." He looked down at his feet nervously and looked back up with a nervous smile.
"I'd really like that too." The world seemed to slow down and you started to get nervous when you saw him lean in. 
He lightly kissed your cheek and pulled back. "Goodnight." He turned around and walked away.
"Goodnight." You stood there with what you knew was a goofy smile and placed your hand right where he kissed your cheek. You went inside and heard your TV playing, you walked towards your living room and saw Clint, Natasha and Darcy sitting around a table full of junk food. You raised your brow but walked towards your bedroom before shouting back to them. "Make sure you clean up when you're done!" 
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You and Steve went on a few more dates after that which all ended the same. He walked you to your door and kissed you on the cheek, each time sent butterflies to your stomach. You always hoped for more but you were perfectly content with how it ended. You were getting ready for another date, something about tonight seemed different. You felt more hopeful about how the night would end. This was your first date together that wasn’t as casual as the ones before. You run your hands down your blue lace cold shoulder dress and pin a few strands of hair back while pushing the rest over your shoulder.
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You rush to the door when you hear a knock. When you opened it you both looked at each other and seemed mesmerized. "Hi."
"Hi." He stared at you for what seemed like forever. "You look just. Wow." 
You looked down with a smile and grabbed on to your necklace. "Thank you, you look great too." You locked up and headed out.
"I saw a flyer for a music performance in the park so I thought that would be fun. It's not supposed to start for another half-hour so I thought we could walk around until then." 
After a few minutes of walking, you noticed Steve seemed a little off. "Are you alright? You seem quieter than usual."
"Yeah, it’s just." He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to figure out what to say. "There's some things I've wanted to ask you for a while now but I just. I didn't know how." 
You stopped walking and turned to him "You can ask me anything Steve, really it’s fine."
He started to backtrack his words. "No, it’s fine really. I mean it's none of my business anyway so you don't have to, especially if you don't want to and-." He quieted down when you grabbed his hand.
You smile when you notice his cheeks redden "I want to, how about this. You get 3 questions but, if I feel like I can't answer, we'll stop. Deal?." You stick your hand out for him to shake.
He slightly chuckles and takes your hand in his. "Alright deal." He took a second to think of what his first question would be. "What happened between you and Stark? When we first met there seemed to be animosity between the two of you."
"Well, when I was growing up we were extremely close. He was practically an uncle to me, but once his parents died he seemed to change. He became very cold and distant. Then a few years later when my parents died I thought that maybe he'd come around and see that I needed him in my life. When he did come by he said a few things that really hurt my grandma and I. Since that day we went-." You stopped to think about it. "16 years without speaking or even seeing each other. Things are getting better now but, I don't think they'll ever be the same again." You lowered your gaze to keep your composure before looking back up to Steve with a smile. "Alright, next question."
"Ok, let me think. The first day I talked to Peggy she said we have a lot more in common than I think. What exactly did she mean?" 
You rubbed the back of your neck and let out a nervous laugh trying to figure out how to tell Steve you willingly experimented on yourself. "So about that. 9 years ago I may have found my parents journals with formulas and experiments based on your original serum and I may have successfully replicated it and I may have used it on myself." You looked at him and waited for his reaction.
He stayed quiet for a moment probably trying to comprehend the information you told him. "So you're a super-soldier. But why?" He didn't seem mad, just confused as to why someone would put themselves through that not knowing if it could work or not. 
"Honestly I saw it as something my parents started and I could complete in the hopes that I could make them proud of me. People killed them over this information and I'm sure they'd go through any length to get it. So if I could accomplish what they didn't get a chance to and stop the people that killed them why not try." 
He looked at you, trying to figure out what his response would be. "Ok, I understand. You were doing what you thought was the right thing, if the roles were reversed I would do the same." 
You sigh in relief that he didn't see your reasoning as selfish. "Ok last question so make it a good one." You smile to try and clear the tension.
He took a second to clear his throat. "How did your parents die? I asked Peggy but she said it wasn't her story to tell."
You mentally prepared yourself to tell Steve the story of the worst night of your life."Alright, well like I said they were killed for the information they were working on involving the serum. That night we were coming back from dinner, when we arrived home my dad noticed our alarm system was disarmed. He walked in before us, my mom and I followed behind and before I knew it he was being pulled to the side and he was screaming at us to run. My mom and I ran to their bedroom and she hid me in the closet. Through the crack I could see everything, she and the intruder were fighting. For a second I thought everything would be okay but next thing I knew he was releasing a round of bullets in her chest and she laid lifeless on the floor." 
You stopped and tried to blink the tears away. You felt Steve squeezing your hand, you continued with the story. "I ran out of the closet to her and held her face in my hands. I looked up and all I remember seeing was these piercing blue eyes that had absolutely no emotion in them. He held a gun to my head and I shut my eyes and waited for the gun to go off, when it didn't I opened them and he was gone. The rest of the night just felt like a blur. The man was never caught, I did see him once more after information was stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D but, he got away." You felt Steve remove his hand from yours and pull you into a hug. The sensation felt familiar but you couldn't place it.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked that and made you relive such a horrible memory." He placed one hand on the middle of your back and another on the back of your head.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight. "It's ok, I promise." You pulled back but didn't miss how his chin dipped to his chest in disappointment. "The performance should be starting soon, we should get going."
He nodded in agreement and you made your way towards a gazebo where a band was just starting to play under. There was a group of people who started to dance along to the big band style of music. As you and Steve stood towards the back you started to tap your foot to the beat. 
"Do you like this type of music?" He smiled when he noticed you enjoying it.
"Oh I love it. My grandpa always had this type of music playing in his house. We spent Sundays listening to his records and dancing till the sun went down." Your eyes widened in excitement once you heard a familiar song. "Oh I love this song, this was my and my grandpa's favorite song to dance to." You grabbed Steve's hand and tried to pull him towards the group of people before he let go. "Come on Steve let's dance."
"Oh, I don't know." He started to rub the back of his neck. "I’m not that good and I wouldn't want to step on your feet or embarrass you." He didn’t want to let you down but he also didn't want to make a fool of himself. 
"You could never, all that matters is that you're having fun. Its like my grandpa always used to say, as long as you're having fun even bad dancer can look like a pro. So what do you say?" You stuck your hand out and gave your sweetest smile. 
After a second of thinking it over, he took your hand. "Alright, but I’m warning you." He smiled as you pulled him towards the dance floor. 
You took his hand in your and smiled when you noticed him blush when you placed his other hand on your waist. You put your hand on his shoulder and told him to relax. There were a few missteps here and there but as the song went on he started to get the hang of it. He even spun you once or twice. The sun started to go down, you both were having so much fun you didn't notice the crowd start to disperse. A few drops of rain soon turned into a steady stream. The band noticed you two still dancing so they kept playing.
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Once the song ended you both looked around and noticed everyone was gone. 
"Should we go?" 
You were both having so much fun it would be a shame for it to end so soon. "It’s not like either of us can get sick." You looked towards the gazebo when you heard the band play a slower song.
Steve placed his hand out asking for a dance and you immediately took it. He placed a hand on your lower back and you placed yours on his shoulder. He pulled you a little closer than before and you started to sway to the music. 
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Soon the rainfall turned to a drizzle and the clouds began to part to show a sky full of stars.
Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I've got a crush on you
He slowly spun you around and held you tight. When you looked into his eyes it felt like you found something you've been missing.
He lightly placed a hand on your cheek and tilted his head. "Is this ok?" 
You couldn't speak but simply nodded. You slowly close your eyes as he moves forward. 
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I've got a crush, baby, on you.
As the song ended his lips met yours and the world just felt as if it stopped. Nothing else seemed to matter, nothing but you and Steve at that moment. He slowly pulled back and placed his forehead on yours. 
He felt happy and for once since waking up. He felt, normal.
Legacy Tags:
@agentmarvel13 @1v-kayla @5sos-wdw @a-dancing-hufflepuff @agent-barnes40 @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff @annoylinglyaries @antclottz @avngrsinitiative @bradfordsgreekgod @babypink224221 @captainam-erika-trash @carisi-sonny @caseymcflurry @chook007 @cosmiccomicloverqueen @daniellajocelyn @doctoranon @ecamille-xo @editsbyjenny @ellieababy @eternaleviee @futuremissstark @geeksareunique @gummiwormsandonedirection @henrietteoaks @hermionie-is-my-queen @imahoeforbucky @ineedmorefanfics @isabella-bby @jaemingold @jamessbarnnes @junitorials13 @katykyll @keenmarvellover @klanceiscannon14 @lady-sigyn @littlephoenix-fire @lovemarvelousfics @l0kisbitch @luckyfiction17 @ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson @magnificentsoulecollector​ @mikariell95 @mistressoftorture  @moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @orderoftheflamingflamingos @oxodianaoxo @paintballkid711 @pastelpurplexoox @peteyparkersbabyy @princessizzy36 @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpete @starstruckgardenstudentzonk @stuckyandsciencebros @superhero2552 @thatharrypotterfan13 @thatweirdchick147 @the-ducks-umbrella @tienna-laufeyson16 @trustme3-13 @wishiwasanavenger @xalinx @yougottalovefandoms @zaza-jones @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Benoit Blanc x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: throwing up, almost stabbed, the end of knives out basically
Author’s Note: BRUHHH I love this so much. I have to do my Aldo request before this but I couldn’t because after Sylvia last night I have been on a Daniel kick. I hope this was what you wanted and thank you for being so nice. 
Requested: by anon, How about a benoit blanc imagine when instead of Martha getting fake stabbed by Ransom it’s the reader 😳💗 and Benoit being very protective over her 💗🥺 btw I love all your stories 💗💗💗💗💗💗 ty!!
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff
(not my gif)
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    Benoit had decided things were the way they were. He knew who had done the murder, he knew who had figured things out, he knew all about Ransom, the probelsm that had been held there. The things that he thought he wouldn’t find out, the secrets he had uncovered. 
    The whole thing was such a complicated mess. He had Marta on his side with her unfortunate no lying speal and he had you of course. You weren’t really his assistant, at least you hated to be called that but you were in all ways his assistant. You had a brilliant mind and he really had to hand it to you and Marta for getting him through the pieces he had left out.
    He was in the middle of his dramatic speal, the final reveal of who had done what and why. You watched him as Marta watched you and him, letting him speak without needing to be spoken to. 
    Ransom was there as well, watching, comprehending. 
    “So it’s all thanks to their brilliance huh?” he asked, once Benoit was done. You stood closely beside Marta whom you had grown rather close to throughout the investigation and also because Benoit was moving too much for you to exhaust yourself into standing beside him anyway. 
    “Well to be fair we all had a part to play,” Benoit said, shrugging. He looked rather proud of himself putting everything together in the end. Ransom looked like he was about to blow up from the sheer anger of what was going on.
    “Oh shut up Blanc, shut up! Shut up with that Kentucky fried fog horn rag-horn drawl. Yeah I killed Fran but I guess I didn't, so what do you have on me. Nothing. What? Attempted murder? I get arson for the bombing, maybe a few other charges, with a good lawyer I'll be out before you know it,” he promised, pointing his finger at Benoit. He turned to Marta and I who were watching carefully. You were fully aware of the police beside you and also very aware of the fact that Marta was about to blow. 
    “And you two bitches. I’ll wreck both of your lives but especially you you little-” 
    Before he could finish whatever it was that he was about to say Marta threw up all over his face. You looked away, not needing to see her double over in the lie that she had just produced. 
    “What the shit!” Ransom yelled.
    “That means she's lying!” 
    “Yeah,” you announced, patting Martas back as she wiped her mouth. “Fran is dead. You just confessed to her murder,” you told him. The police showed the recording device they were holding and you stood up, sizing up the boy who had done all the harm around. He gave you crazed eyes and then seemed to focus in on your face. 
    Benoit stood up, ready to move him away from you simply because he had a knot in his stomach he didn’t like.
    “Well. In for a penny,” Ransom said and before anyone could react he pulled a knife out of the sculpture and lunged. All you registered was Benoit, screaming no as he tried to lunge forward and grab you but he was too late. Ransom landed on top of you, a knife plunged into your chest. 
    There was a split second of silence before you realized that there was no knife in your chest. The only pain you felt was from impact on the ground. You stared at Ransom as he pulled at the knife hilt and the blade came out. It was a prop.
    One of the police officers tackled him off of you and you scrambled away, feeling Marta prop you up more and finally Benoit practically fell to your side.
    “Are you alright?” he asked, worried in his eyes. You nodded.
    “Just a little shaken, I’m okay,” you promised. He nodded and sat on the floor beside you and Marta, putting his head on your shoulder. You all let out a deep breath and laughed a little that you even managed to pull it off. 
    You threw an arm over his shoulder and placed your head on his. You reached your hand out and squeezed Martas and she gave you a suggestive look as they went between you and your partner. You shook your head a little bit and she shrugged.
    “I’m glad you’re both alright,” you finally said to both of them. Benoit nodded and moved his head off of you, looking out the doorway that the police had taken Ransom.
    “Me too. I’m glad we’re all okay. I’m going to go talk to the police, provide statements. You comin love?” Benoit asked. You nodded, forcing yourself on your feet.
    “I think I’m going to make some coffee,” Marta muttered. You gave her a nod and walked through the front doors as she went to the kitchen. Benoit’s blue eyes landed on you and you stood on the porch, looking out at the family and the police, preparing yourself for questions. You and Benoit slowed to a stop and he leaned against your back which allowed yourself to lean back onto him. He rubbed your upper arms.    
    “Glad you weren’t stabbed,” he whispered. You chuckled.
    “Me too BB.” 
Benoit Blanc: @stardancerluv​
Daniel Craig: @records-and-stardust​
140 notes · View notes
marvelhero-fics · 5 years
Silent Britain
Series - Prologue
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader 
Summary: You and Tom are working as love interests in a new Scorsese film, essentially leading to be love interests in real life
A/N: Sorry, it’s been a hot minute since I've posted! Anyway, this is basically going to be a whole series. I have no idea how many parts it’ll be, and I’ll be updating at least every two weeks (but I’ll aim to update it weekly!) I thought it was kind of a fun idea so essentially in the film Tom plays a bad-boy mob members son, while the reader plays the opposing mob members daughter. Please enjoy! (This chapter is a bit of a slow-burn, but it’s essentially just setting up the plot and everything!) 
Also, all the italics in this story are the readers thoughts!
Word Count: 1,500
Silent Britain Masterlist || Full Masterlist 
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The uncomfortably loud alarm buzzed through your tired mind. A glance to your left told you it was 7:00 am. Time to get up. One arm reached out to turn your alarm off, while the other went to wipe your eyes as they opened sluggishly, adjusting to the illumination in your bedroom that crept through the blinds. Wasting no time, you moved your body from your large bed and stumbled your way to the kitchen. The house was quiet, no music playing, no TV’s on, signalling to you that your roommate/best friend, Evie, hadn’t woken up yet.
The thick script left on the dining table caught your attention. It was for an upcoming, untitled Nolan film. You’d been asked to read the script to audition, however you only made it about half-way through it last night. Looks like thats on today’s agenda.
Acting was your absolute passion. You’d been lucky enough to start your acting career about 4 years ago, acting in 2-3 bigger films, every-so-often working alongside a well known celebrity. Working alongside Robert Pattinson in dramatic indie film was pretty cool, considering you’d grown up around all the Twilight hype. Playing Brad Pitt’s daughter in another film was also a big moment in your career. Not to mention your recent role in the Emmy award winning show Big Little Lies really helping define who you were as an actress. Ever since then you’d been asked to audition for quite a few more roles. Shockingly, it actually took a bit of a turn on you. People recognised you more often, which meant it was harder to leave the house. It also meant you started comparing yourself to other actors your age, to which you never thought you’d live up too. Being rich and famous really wasn’t all it was cut out to be.
While mindlessly making breakfast, your phone began buzzing on the hard, marble bench top. It was your agent, Melissa.
“Hey, Mel.” You quickly answered,
“Morning, (Y/N), how’re you doing?” Her thick American accent sung through the phone. Melissa was from California. You weren’t, you were born and bred in England, and you’d continued living just outside of London throughout your career. It was just much easier having an agent closer to the action of Hollywood.
“Good, I’m a little tired, it’s like seven AM over here.” You responded,
“Well it’s 11 at night over here, but I’ve just received some fantastic news and I couldn’t wait to tell you.”
“You’ve got my attention.” You chuckled slightly, leaning down to rest on the kitchen bench, ready to intently listen to whatever Melissa had to say.
“You remember that Scorsese film you auditioned for a while back, Silent Britain?”
Oh my god. “Yea, of course I remember, what about it?” Your palms became clammy and your voice shook slightly.
“You’ve been offered the role! You’re playing Elizabeth Baker!”
Your head immediately fell to your hands. You were just unbelievably over-joyed, you didn’t even know what to say. This would undoubtedly be your biggest role to date. “Mel, oh my god, this is such huge news, I really didn’t think I’d get it. This is so, so, so incredible.” You stood and began pacing the kitchen.
“It gets even better, guess who else is already signed on?”
“Tom Hardy is playing your father, Anthony Hopkins is playing your grandfather,” Your jaw had already hit the floor at this point, “Chrisitan Bale is also signed on, and Jude Law’s set to play one of the detectives.”
“Melissa, holy fuck.” You paused, “holy fuck. This- that’s so many actors, incredible actors-”
“And there’s plenty more to be signed on. So I’m assuming you’d like the role?”
“Of course I’d like the role!”
“I’m sending through all the paper-work and details for you to flick through, I’ll also mail over a script ASAP so you can go through the whole thing. You’ll have to fly out here in about 2 weeks for the initial meet up with Martin and the cast, so I’ll book that in now, and we can work out the rest of the details when you’re here, how’s that sound?” Melissa explained quickly,
“Yea, yea that sounds perfect, when’s filming set to start?”
“It says mid-June, which is in two months, if all the actors have been accounted for by that time.”
“Okay, I’ll get all my shit sorted out and I’ll see you in two weeks! Thanks so much Mel.”
And with that, the two of you hung up. Leaving you alone with your thoughts. A fucking Gangster Scorsese film. It doesn’t get better than that. That’s peak-of-the-career shit right there. Everything you did the rest of that day was purely in order to be organised for your flight. You hadn’t been this excited since you landed the role of Reece Witherspoon’s daughter in Big Little Lies. After screaming in pure bliss with Evie about the news, you went to your nearest shopping centre to get any possible supplies you may need. Shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, toothpaste, a power board, a charging cable, new comfortable clothes, not that you really needed anymore, new nicer clothes, not that you fucking needed anymore, the list went on. Evie even came with you, as if your impulse control wasn’t already low, Evie made it plumet, suggesting you needed every second thing she laid her eyes on. You even bought a notepad with the Taxi Driver movie poster on the cover because Scorsese directed that too, and it’ll be funny incase I ever need to take notes.
You shut the boot of your car, hopping into the driver's seat next to where Evie sat comfortably in the passenger’s seat.
“So who else is in the film? Besides Venom, Hannibal Lecter, Batman, and John Watson.” Evie smirked at her own joke,
“Ha ha. Very funny.” You stated, pulling out of the car park. “That’s all I know about at the moment, here” you passed her your phone, “check my emails, I might’ve gotten an update.” Evie took the phone from your hands and held it to your face to unlock it.
“Melissa Bradd sent another email, with attached file, more details…” Evie muttered, mainly to herself as she opened the document. “Hmm, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hardy, you-” Evie gasped heavily.
“What, what is it?” You quickly interjected.
“I’m going to shit my pants, I’m gonna actually die right here, right now-”
“Evie, what the fuck!? What is it?!” You almost wanted to pull over the car.
“Timothee Chalamet is playing Joseph Baker, your brother!” She practically shrieked. Christ. Obviously you adored Timothee’s work, he was incredible and so devoted, but Evie absolutely adored him, for a long time now.
“Oh my god,” you uttered, just above a whisper. Reacting to not only Evies reaction, but also that another big name was going to be on screen beside you. “Anyone else?”
“It doesn’t even fucking matter who else is in it!” Evie sung, flailing her arms in the air.
“Evie, who else is in it!” You repeated, feeling a little on edge. Her gaze returned back to the phone screen, her excitement still clearly coursing through her veins.
“So far, Finn Wolfhard is set to play your younger brother, and Michael Fassbender and Christian bale are signed on as your uncles,” She read.
It was at this moment, your hands really started shaking. You tried gripping the wheel as tightly as you could, but it honestly felt like most of the blood in your body was vanishing, you didn’t seem to have control over much of anything, especially not your breathing. Evie looked over at you.
“Hey, (Y/N/N), you okay? You’re kind of looking a bit pale.” She spoke quietly,
“That’s a lot of big actors, Evie.” You responded, your mouth entirely dry.
“Yea, but you’re a big actor too, you know. You’ve been in some big films!” She lightly tried to reassure you.
“Eve, I’ve been a background character in like 3 big films.” You peered over to her, quickly returning your glare back to the road.
“You’re in Big Little Lies, that’s a big show.”
“I’m a daughter, I’m not a main character at all. This movie, I’m a fucking huge character in this movie. This movie practically fucking revolves around me, Tom Hardy, and Hopkins.” Your voice elevated as you spoke.
“Let’s just get home, and then we can talk it all through.” Evie said calmly, clearly not paying much mind to what you’d just said. You nodded in response. And, as if on cue, your phone chimed.
“What was it?” As you asked, Evie began scrolling through your phone.
“Another email from Melissa.”
“A couple more actors signed on.”
“And?...” Your head was far too close to exploding.
“Well, Rachel Weisz is playing your mum, and Daniel Craig is another uncle,” Evie was speaking softly, “Idris Elba is a detective, and- uhm- Tom Holland is your love interest…”
And there goes the explosion. “I need to pull over. I’m about to have a stroke.”
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thomasstalsworth · 4 years
Too Old ... Johnny Boy’s Bones
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[ Prior Chapter ]
Captain Florence was a stone, stoic, stalwart and able man.
He wore grey hair with easy features. The sort of unwrinkled face that a man of his age could only acquire through studious effort at not smiling, frowning, or otherwise revealing his innards. There was no emotion about him at any time, even when pressed. The worst of weather he ever wore was on the cuff of his jacket. A ring of sweat when times were at their worst, and a clean slate of white cloth for the rest.
There was a reason -- many reasons, in truth -- why Thomas trust him so well. Old friendship was powerful, but all the moreso was demonstrable history, trust and action. Florence was a man of action and not word, that much could be seen even by the stranger. And so Thomas asked the greatest of efforts needed to the man, allows constituting such things as an offer. The two men knew each other well, but even as his Admiral now -- a feat of strength so far beyond the measure and imagination of their younger minds -- Tom never ordered Florence. He offered, and requested what needed done.
And Florence always, without fail, did what needed to be done.
And so it was that Florence stood at the helm of a thin-strop vessel, a bare creature of wood and tar and two masts that was heavy enough to ferry himself and a trusted crew to Freeman’s Bones. A neutral, freebooter’s harbour and mooring some unfettered stretch of horizon South of Freehold herself. Yet where Freehold was a den to pirate, villainy and the dealings of men’s unsavory hearts -- Freeman’s Bones were just that.
A scattered mass of scaffolding, dockways, mooring posts and stray driftwood to form a bulwark against the rest of the world. A place for men and women of the ocean to take ease a spell before they were off again. A place where you were still free, even if your feet were on land.
Freeman’s Bones was barely such a thing. The wandering, rickety nature of it was all built upon the same, single spit of rock and reef. What had begun as a single dock and a bare-rattle pub with just enough grog for a man to drown in if he kept both nostrils pressed to the floorboards had become a thriving, seaside piece and trade. A freewater depth for the wanderer’s anchor.
And the current dwelling of Roderick Allhouse and Belly-Ann Hurstvale. The two freebooters, accomplished anglers, well-water privateers and occasional buskers that Thomas had asked Florence to find. Seek them out, inform them of the Admiral’s need and plan, and bring them back to Stormholme under a grey sail. Simple.
Thomas’ requests were never simple.
All hands at harbour, all hands on deck or below. Florence tread the half-scoured wooden walkways of the Bones alone. Nary a soul joined him, and with good enough cause. The most of them were green to boot, young men and women who were only of knowledge for that Florence had a pleasure’s call to the isle and her piecemeal wooden skeleton. The better and beastly and trusted of Stormholme’s harbour lay with Thomas. There was work to be done.
And Florence had his part to play. The man was not known for parting before his due was done.
Straight on the lace and burdened with principle, ethic and the equanimity of a Stormsong stream in midsummer, Florence walked through the vibrant pathways of the Bones. So many ragged, half-heart folk passed him by in all direction. An unhurried sort of congestion, ‘roads’ stacked atop each other and swollen high and wide with men and women.
Free men and women.
It was a ten-start of minutes at most before Florence found himself, prim and bucked up in the spine looking far, far apart from the generous masses, standing within the belly of the Bones. That rattle-skin pub that was the first building nailed to reef and pinioned to stand against the rock of the sea below.
The humor was not lost on Florence, and perhaps in the privacy of his own cabin quarter, with the curtains drawn and a disc of music playing from the gnomecorder, he might have allowed himself a single puff of air from the nostril -- to laugh. As close as he ever was to laugh.
The pub was wide, and squat. No ceiling laid higher than a man could reach up to touch. It felt so much like the hold of a vessel, all run up with the sweat, bluster and cry of sailing creatures that it jarred Florence. He was a perceptive man, though, and shucked off the peculiarity of the Bones to lay his mind to work.
Roderick Allhouse and Belly-Ann Hurstvale.
The former was a sprite of a lad who wore a fashionable face; in appearance he was many years younger than the hourglass would call to. Boyish face and skin so scuttled and soured with ink that his pale flesh was barely visible. They said he could no longer grow hair on account of it. Sailor’s ink dragged into his flesh so many times with whalebone pen that no hair could grow -- only gills and scales.
The latter was a woman of curve and compass, covered as often as she was not. More mindful and heartfelt than any combination of sea captains from the Bones all the way South to the edge of the charter, and back again until you hit the Frozen Sea. She was keen and observant, not unlike Florence himself. But she saw beyond what presence that a man’s eye could conjure.
To find a single soul of affect in the belly of the Bones was a task beyond most creatures. Even those with the powers of prestidigitation or prescience, divination or else wise. Florence had none of that. He was but a man with good cording and a sound mind, a penchant to dress in anticipation of the weather and the ability to inflict a potent right-hook.
He also knew what liquor that the latter and the former of his notion of task drank.
Somewhere, in the far corner that resembled a ‘stage’ cut into the pub’s depths, a lilting of music managed to buoy itself over the craig and call of the patrons. A few lads were having a go with a beaten string-body and a horse-hair bow, a few guitars, and a wooden drum, singing:
“Forty-five in the fox holes And of this I will boast Don't they look fine and handsome My poor Johnny-boy's bones … “
The song carried on, and the next -- and the next.
It took a few hours, but eventually after the fourteenth or fifteenth round that Florence’s purse bought for those in earshot of the pub’s counter top -- which was not far, as it stood, considering the roar of noise in the drink home -- the man and woman of his task slid through the crowd. Whether they had been there the entire time or only came about after getting word -- slowly, through the throng and sweat of sailors -- that free drinks were rolling like tidewater, Florence could not know.
“Two in the air, Bonny!” A male voice called, spirited in the way that young men usually were when they had an amiable lass on their arm and a desire to look the peacock.
“Gush it a’three, love -- thanks.” A female voice called crow to reply. Lilting moreso, but hazy in the throat in such way that constant smoke-fall down the gullet gave.
It was not useful to try to hide. Florence looked as much a member of the shifting, pierced and tattooed, sunk-heel and red-sashed, belly-raised and ‘member’-forward, cutlass-keen and pistol-first crowd as a husk of corn looked fitting in a Duchess’ garden.
He let Roderick and Belly-Ann take up their drinks before he spoke. The liquor was a revolting substance, in truth. But some peoples of the edges of the common folk took good favor to it. If the goal was to be inebriated, invigorated, and given better cause for a ‘second sight’ through the caustic waves of the open sea -- Bonemarrow was the way forward. Florence liked to think it was rum, but in truth no one but the settled souls of Freeman’s Bones knew just what in the good Godly damn was in the kegs that made it run so thick and black, like blackstrap syrup forged with intention to make children in hammocks by the groggy seaside.
-- Thoughts unimportant.
“Let us get a few down beforehand, aye?”
Florence spoke first, standing proddled and proper at the edge of the bar. In a space of pub so shoulder-to-briny-shoulder, it was quite odd how no one was willing to gather near him. Despite the way he spilled coin after shiny coin to pay off the rounds that were poured. Only greetings and raised ‘cheers!’ came his way. So when he spoke, it was noted. Roderick and Belly-Ann both looked to him, appraising each other, then reasserting their gaze.
“Better to know the after-hand first, cuff. Let’s a man know how many to get down first.”
Roderick replied with a simmering sarcasm. His tone was not any surprise. Tom had said he would be the worse of the two of them to net and drag. Liquor helped that, though -- and Roderick drained his marrow quickly from the glass, tapping an obscenely jeweled set of fingers against the vessel to demand more.
Belly-Ann had a covering over her head, some thin-spun silk sort of thing that would not have looked amiss among the caravans of itinerant merchants that often criss-crossed Wrynn lands. She did not say anything as she dragged her lips over her own pour of marrow.
“The after-hand is all gold, friend -- and Big Iron.”
The old name sprung memory back to both Belly-Ann and Roderick when Florence spoke. Few recalled Thomas’ old subtitles. Only those with more sands in the hourglass down with gravity’s flow than naught might have been possessed to know. By the sudden pause and quirk of pierced brow and ink-heavy lip, Belly-Ann and Roderick were counted in such crew.
“He wants you to come hear what he has to say. There is work to do, and a powerful need for capable souls.”
Despite Florence’s prim and structured state and tone -- the relevance and severity was cast in his voice. Even through the haze and smoke of pipe and pouch in the briny pub, his eyes cut through. His words were only buoyed by the marble cast he gave. A contrast, surely, as he was all pressed uniform and stiff collar, shaven face and unlacquered skin. -- But an understanding passed among the scream and huff and heft and lift of the crowd.
“.. I’ve an eye on the lass fifteen paces behind your stick-heel starfish. After I’ve gotten my fill, and if this marrow keeps flowing free to sole, then we’ll consider thumbing tooth with Big.”
Belly-Ann spoke first, and she spoke for both herself and Roderick. Keen and mouthy and saddled with fisticuffs, thin-man’s strength and scrawny draw as he was -- Belly was the mind between the pair. That was clear enough. Roderick nodded in obeyment, trying to eye out the lass that Belly spoke of.
Florence nod once, keeping an eye to them both. After enough of a spelling of seconds to be assured of their validity, he set his coin purse -- full and swollen -- onto the bar top. With a glance to the barman, who looked confused, but quite happy to take the coin and let the rounds keep rolling along, Florence turned and left the pub.
Thomas had said that if he managed to find them and get their mind for it, attention drawn and not quite quartered -- at worst halved -- then they’d know where to find his mooring.
And so Florence returned to his green-galley-gill crew and tried to act like he had just spent the last few hours having a go of his nethers, as had been the implication of the surreptitious voyage, rather than standing around the Coccyx and enduring the smell of spittle, beer and sour rum for hours, waiting.
And Florence waited more, sat upon a beaten old chair on the deck, by the gangway, until late -- late -- into the night, Belly-Ann and Roderick came aboard.
Cussing and ravaging and posturing died quicker than the good Captain could have thought. Florence need only tell them the most intimate of detail and none of the grandeur to gain their fallen faces -- both Roderick and Belly-Ann -- and their nod of trust. The man at the end of Thomas’ harpoon-aim had hurt his child. The man had hurt his child. Far apart as old friends could be in life, some things demanded loyalty no matter what.  -- They would join Thomas’ crew and help round up the disparate old friends -- and some enemies -- that he would need to conjure up a real chance at taking down the Red Lord.
With Roderick and Belly-Ann on board, Florence called to weigh anchor and sail -- back to Stormholme. Their last port of harbour before the hunt was on.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Eric x careless/troublemaker reader, reader was always a crazy kid, she felt no one really understood her, and her only real friend was Esther Stoley, Annie Knitts and Nicole. But Reader has always admired Eric and never gotten why everyone hated him (she finds both Kyle and Wendy very annoying). One day, she finds him and Butters making their next scheme, and she wants in. After an effective day of pranking, they (well Eric but reader likes Butters's company) take her under their wing. They generally start hanging out and starts to be the 'girl' of the main group (she thinks of Stan, Butters and Kenny has her brothers) and she finds Eric and Kyle's banter hilarious. It gets better (for her at least): she always defends him now (be it irrationally, rationally, verbally or physically) like: Heidi tried to warn Reader about Eric...but the poor girl leaves with a broken nose or Wendy was just upset how someone so awful, could have someone advocate for them and starts to plan to tell her about the breast cancer incident when Bebe would tell that it's Y/n and if anything, what she did to him would just make her stay more, making Wendy stop. She was also a big fan of the Coon and would just gush about how cool he was (she does like Wonder Tweek, Mosquito and Toolshed but she loves Coon the best). Everyone was pretty divsive, some people thought it was funny and teased him on it (like: Craig, Stan and Kenny), some people shipped it (like: Clyde, Butters and weirdly Nicole/Tweek), but some people were afraid of those two becoming a couple (Kyle, Heidi and Wendy). Eric is strangely 'no comment'y about all this until one day, Eric is just about to be turned into the principal when suddenly Reader in a elorate plan, knocks out the witness and pins the blame on someone else. After that's over, Reader can't take it anymore and happily asks him to be her partner/boyfriend and Eric proudly accepts and the two go on to create to create anarchy. May others pray for their safety.
Hey guys! It's me! I'm back! :D
I'm still stressed AF, but after my day was really nice, I felt super motivated to finally continue this lovely prompt, so I did.
I'm currently still in the process of moving and my exams are still not over, but I'm trying!
So I hope I can publish the next request soon and I love all you guys, thank you for all the likes, reblogs, follows and most importantly your patience! <3
Eric Cartman x careless!troublemaker!female!Reader
“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme Eric?” Butters asked, eyebrow raised as he listened to Erics new pranking plan. “No, it’s not at all, “eXtRemE”.” Eric retorted and shook his head.
They didn’t notice that someone approached them, listening to their plan. “W-well if you say so, I trust you, Eric.” As the fatter one of the two heard a twig snap, his head turned immediately and look at a kid from their class. What was her name again? “Who are you?” Eric asked unimpressed. “Y/N.” She answered dryly.
Butters kept looking between the two, moving his head, whenever someone said something. “What do you want?” “I want in on your plan.” “What makes you think I want someone like you in this? You normally play with the girls.”
“What does that have to do with anything. Just because I hang out with Esther, Annie and Nicole…That changes nothing about the fact that I love what you’re planning here, and I want in.” Eric seemed to think about the proposition for a second.
“Okay. I think I need one more person around here. Butters can barely do one fucking job.” So, he explained the plan to you in big detail. And in your humble opinion, it was brilliant. Once Eric had finished explaining, he looked at you with a sly smile.
“So, what do you think?” You pretended to think for a second, before an evil grin appeared on your face. “Why stop there? We can also pull a prank on the teachers and the school buses if we put in a little more effort.” “Never thought about that one before. I like your way of thinking, Y/N.”
The two looked into each other’s eyes, clearly seeing that mischievous spark in each pair of eyes. Butters watched you in horror, afraid of what he had just now witnessed. “Ohhh hamburgers.”
Y/N became a regular in Stans gang rather fast. Kenny and Stan love her to bits, just like she does. They love hanging out with her and to Kenny she’s like Karen. One thing that Y/N really enjoys is listening to Kyle and Eric's bickering. No matter the topic and no matter how loud or extreme the two get, she just sits there like it’s a cinema and the two are the newest marvel movie. Speaking of superhero movies, South Parks very own heroes are a topic ever so often too. And to Cartman’s delight, his trusted friend loves talking about The Coon. His super-secret hero identity. She would also gush about Wonder Storm, Mosquito and Toolshed but she would always praise The Coon, which is a melody in Cartman’s ears. Another thing Cartman loves about his only female friend is how she loves defending him to anyone. Be it teachers, her fellow girl friends, or anyone else. When Heidi tried to warn her that Eric means bad news, she had to visit the nurse afterwards. Y/N had detention for breaking the poor girl’s nose, but she sure as hell didn’t regret her decision. Even when she was shunned by the girls from there on.
“I just can’t believe her. Maybe she will change her mind when I tell her about the whole Breast cancer thing? You know… It could affect her too, maybe that’s wha-Wendy…” Bebe interrupted her and sighted. “You remember how Heidi was? How every time we said something mean about Cartman, she would only try harder to prove us wrong?” “Of course, I remember. How could I forget.” Wendy mumbled and stabbed her fork through her salad. “If you try to reason with her, she will just hit you with the whole “He isn’t like that”-schtick. You can’t change her mind, okay?” Bebe eyed their classmate who was happily chatting with Eric and Kenny a few tables away. “I guess.” Wendy said defeated and closed her eyes, asking herself how Eric could even make a girl interested in him.
On another table across the cafeteria, Craig and those guys were seated. Oddly enough, their topic was similar. Y/N L/N and Eric Cartman. “I don’t know why but they’d make quite a cute couple you know?” Clyde said with a smile before biting into his burger. “I know, right?” Nicole agreed and to everyone’s surprise, even Tweek nodded along. “I don’t think they’d become a thing though.” Craig mumbled lazily. “Why?” Clyde asked, obviously interested in the gossip.
“Well, Kenny, Stan and I teased him about it in History class, but he keeps saying he doesn’t like her that way.” “Aww, come on Craig, you know very well that he would never admit it just like that. Guys don’t just admit they have a crush. I’m sure he likes her. I mean, she the only one who can stand him for longer than a day.” Nicole commented, a sly smile spread across her face. “I just think the anti-Cartman fraction would rather die than see those two become a thing.” Token commented and his eyes darted across the room, looking at Kyle, Heidi and Wendy. “Well, I guess we will have some funerals to visit sometime soon.” Nicole replied and everyone at their table had to involuntarily smile.
“That’s it. ERIC. To the Principal. Now.” Mister Garrisons voice thundered through the hallways and a confused Y/N closed her locker. She let out a deep sigh, knowing something must have gone wrong with his new plan.
“Guess I gotta bust him out again.”
Knowing the way to the principal by heart she made her way there, only catching a glimpse of the in pink paint and glitter covered Mister Garrison, who kept cursing like crazy.
Y/N happily skipped past the not-occupied secretary desk and took a seat next to Eric. “I already wondered where you are.” Cartman commented unimpressed. “Sorry, I had to look at Garrison for a second. So what went wrong?” “This stupid asshole over there saw me set up the paint bomb in Garrisons locker thing.” The brown-haired whispered and pointed at the kid that was sitting across from them. “Thanks to that asshat, I will probably be suspended for some days or some shit.”
“Okay, I’ll handle it.” The h/c-haired said and got up to go over. She hovered over the boy who was looking up to her. “What?” He asked annoyed. “You’re Jonas Miller, right?” Y/N asked with the sweetest voice she could manage. “Yeah, what makes you care?” He asked, before a fist connected with his face. Surprised by her own strength, he seemed to be dazed and fell onto the other chairs.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” Cartman cried out confused. “Fast, hit me!” She said, not fazed at all. “What? Why?” “God, just do it!” Trusting his mischievous partner Erics fist landed on Y/N pretty face and he even felt a hint of remorse. “Good punch Eric. Now the other side.” Once again, trusting his opposite, he did what was asked. Despite now feeling rather woozy, Y/N grabbed Jonas and laid him down in a different position. She then made Eric kneel next to her and hold her.
“If you ever tell anyone I cried, I will tell everyone about your dirty little secrets, yeah?” Eric nodded, somewhat intimidated, and impressed, watched her do her best to cry heavily.
Hearing the blood-curdling scream, Mister Mackey and the secretary came running, looking at the scene before them. Mister Mackey immediately made sure that everyone was okay, before asking the roughed-up Y/N what happened. With a trembling voice, she answered: “J-Jonas over there did the prank on Mister Garrison and-and tried to pin it on-on Eric. So, I c-came here t-t-to tell everyone t-that Eric was with me t-the whole time. When Jonas n-noticed that, he hit m-m-me and Eric punched him, to-to help me.” The now fully awake again Jonas looked at the girl in horror. “N-No! That’s not the story! I- I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT, M'KAY?!” Mister Mackey interrupted him. “Hitting an innocent girl?! Jonas Miller, you will have to face the consequences!” Y/N still held up her best puppy eyes and Mister Mackey finally turned to the two troublemakers. “Eric, will you bring Y/n to the nurse, please. I will bring Jonas to PC Principal personally, m'kay.” Eric nodded, somewhat petrified, and guided Y/N along the corridors. He felt shocked. He didn’t know why. He never felt this scared before.
Once in the nurse’s office and after Y/N was handed an icepack, she was the first one to speak, once the nurse left them alone.
“You’re so quiet.” She commented dryly. “Thank you.” “For what?” “Getting me out of there. I never- It’s fine, okay? Don’t worry.” Silence fell over the two once more. Y/N just enjoyed the cooling ice on her burning skin and Eric still felt thankful for what she did for him. For him. And no one else. She would have never done this for Kyle. Not for Kenny. She did it for him.
“Hey Eric?” The boy next to her nodded. “You know I wouldn’t have done this for anyone else right?” Eric nodded once more. “Can I ask you for something?” “Of course.”
“You know, I like you a lot. So, would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?”
Eric gave no answer. He just slowly intertwined his fingers with hers and that was answer enough. “Are your cheeks red from blushing or is it from me hitting you?” “Maybe a bit of both.” She laughed and to Eric, it was the most beautiful sound he ever listened to. His girlfriend’s laugh.
Kyle was doing his math homework and started to get annoyed with the harder and harder becoming questions. A vibration ripped him out of his thoughts. He fished for his iPhone without taking his eyes off the paper and unlocked it. The contact read “FATASS” and it was a picture. Kyle's eyes widened in horror as his eyes scanned the picture. It was a picture of a list with dozens of prank ideas. The caption was what truly terrified him. “Me and my GIRLFRIEND brainstormed a bit, hope you’re ready Kahl <3”
Kyle felt like crying. Not only because of his math homework but also because his worst nightmare became a reality. Cartman has a Girlfriend. And it was no other than the infamous Y/N L/N.
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