eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Somewhere, in an alternate universe, Grelle Sutcliff wears blue
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mint-midnight · 4 months
my therapist told me to make people angry on purpose as part of my homework (as advice for people pleasing recovery) and all i’ve done all week is say no to everybody i don’t want to say yes to and they’re all raging 😂😭
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mukuberry · 4 months
shidou kirisaki hungry nicole. hungry shidou
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vizthedatum · 7 months
I’m sure I’ve said this before on my blog but…
As much as I want to or compelled to, I cannot heal, fix, get someone to come out, or get someone to admit to something even if I genuinely want to help them.
I just can’t.
I couldn’t do it for my exes, I couldn’t do it for my friends (both past and current), I can’t do it for my family, I can’t do it for community members who are struggling with addiction or substance use disorders, etc.
It’s really hard for me, and I definitely have been the person who made recommendations upon recommendations or over gave… to no avail. It was frustrating for everyone involved.
Oh yeah, my friends in the past couldn’t do it for me either - there were times when I didn’t even understand the advice they were giving because I wasn’t equipped to make changes.
It goes both ways.
It’s one thing to be supportive and give helpful suggestions, but you have to allow people to have their autonomy without forcing them to do things they’re not ready to do.
And if you think you can’t handle their choices, then you have the power to control yourself and choose your own fate (like leaving a relationship or having more personal boundaries).
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holloweyesfullmind · 1 year
Chronic Giver
You give everything all too often. You overwater your plants because you don't know better. You give yourself to everyone around you because you have no sense of self-preservation. And, slowly, small pieces of yourself are chipped away, put in the pockets of people who wouldn't give the same to you.
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freefromchurch · 2 years
When Good People Feel Guilty
Perhaps the most heartbreaking stories a person hears is when someone’ s love, giving, or service is misused, taken for granted, or met with disdain or even worse.  The command to love our enemies sits along with the commands to love God, ourselves and our neighbors.  As with most generalizations, figuring out what that looks like when applied can be murky.  What do we want for others?  The…
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thesirencult · 9 months
Pick A Card Reading : New Year Guidance
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
What you should start doing in 2024.
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What you need to leave behind in 2023.
7 Of Pentacles Leave behind not aligning your goals with your values. Sunk cost fallacy is when you don't stop doing something that is costing you and harming you because you have been doing it for a while. This is so 2023 babies! Are assesing your input vs the output you receive. Where in your life are you selling yourself short?
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
4 Of Swords, 6 Of Pentacles In 2023 you learnt that everything comes with the cost. The cost though, better not be your physical and menatal health. A piece of wisdom you shoul keep is that resting is as important as growing. Also, remember to not sell yourself short and to stop self sacrificing and overgiving. Equal giving and taking is a moto you should keep repeating throughout 2024 and the end of 2023.
What you should start doing in 2024.
4 Of Cups, 10 Of Cups In 2024 you can start practicing being grateful for all you have already received or want to receive. Focusing on what you have and what you want to accomplish is more important than looking into what you lack. This will help you fight off any remaints of the "scarcity mindset". Also, practice patience and learn to bask in the light of the journey, not obsessing over the destination.
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
King Of Cups Rx, 3 Of Cups Rx What you need to leave behind in 2023 is your inability to express your true emotions and to listen to your heart instead of your mind. Many people around you do not have your best interest in mind. You have noticed that due to how they act when you succeed on your endeavors. Leave these people back in 2023 and use their jealousy as fuel to gas yourself up. Your inability to see your worth clearly is another hinderance. Learn to autonomously realize what your true value is without needing to use others as a mirror. Sometimes the mirros around you are broken and a change of surroundings can go a long way. Being autonomous and self-sovereign will help you navigate life in 2024.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
9 Of Swords 2023 taught you that negative self talk and a toxic environment affect your self esteem, image and life choices. You should hold close to your heart all the moments you suffered and you were left alone with your thoughts. This will help you understand that you are far more powerful than you think and that in big life choices we are always on our own with only Spirit by our side. If you wanna go fast, go by yourself. If you wanna go further, go with others, but, remember, that others have to want to reach the same destination as you, or else, you will keep visiting cities in ruins.
What you should start doing in 2024.
The Lovers Be independent and learn to make choices all by yourself, without considering how it affects others, if your choice is not directly harmful to them. Being a part of a unit and team is amazing but spreading your wings and flying is even better. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Be yourself unapologetically and authentically. Stop trying to blend in and fit in or you will bleed out.
What you need to leave behind in 2023.
8 Of Swords, The Fool, 6 Of Wands Let go of the belief that others can hold you back or that your past dictates your future. Do not let others tell you what you're capable of accomplishing. Everything lies in choice and perception. Master the last two and you have the key to open the door of success and happiness. Stop closing your eyes to the truth. You are capable of setting yourself free. YOUR choices dicatte your life. You are responsible for yourself and your future. Leave behind analysis-paralysis and planning but never following through. Keeping the promises you make to yourself is as important, if not more important, than making them. Clear your head and your vision. Stop feeling unlucky and fallen from grace. Stop thinking you are uncapable of being seen as succesfull, powerful, beautiful and being able to connect with others. You can be a leader and example for others in the future. Authority comes from self-belief. It should make you mad that people with one third of your talent, wisdom and capabilities are achieving more because their ego is inflated. Be the good guy who wins in the end. Your scars are your medals. Show em. Let yourself be seen.
What you should keep from 2023 and wisdom it gifted you with.
The Hierophant, 7 Of Wands, 10 Of Pentacles IDK. Maybe, I said, MAYBE THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY THING STANDING IN YOUR F*ING WAY AND SPIRIT WANTS YOU TO SEE THAT YOU'RE MEANT TO BE HAPPY AND WEALTHY AND SUCCESFULL, you naughty little thing! In 2023 you saw a glimpse of what lies ahead and what you can accomplish, if and only if, you dare to have faith in yourself and to trust in the highest power. Remember that you are not meant to follow the "traditional" path to success. This reminds me of the "Dumb Money" movie. Outrageous succes. Overnight success in the making for years. Looking in the dashboard and seeing the 000s pileing up while brushing your teeth in 8am unaware type of success. Rebel against the norm. You're in service of spirit because you have a pure soul. You are chosen and protected, you dumb lucky b*tch (I'm aggresively affectionate and you KNOW it). You are meant to be a leader and a guide for others. You are the reverse of pile 2 when it comes to this. Others can see the power and the beauty of yours. They love basking under your warm rays. You are the one unable to see your light. Just like a star, you only see the darkness around and the lights of others. You have been cursed to be unable to see your own beauty and light, so, take this as a sign and continue shining, tone it UP a bit. Connecting with Spirit/Universe/God and channeling is something you learnt this year. You might be my creator/energetic healer/tarot reader/coach/astrologer/crypto bro pile.
You are a creator at heart. A trendsetter, an influencer (in your own unique way). Keep sharing your ideas as they attract abundance and wealth in all forms, as well as your tribe. Sidenote. This year you had to protect yourself and learnt how to set boundaries. If someone disrespects you do not hesitate to get those claws out pantheress. Community, legacy, wealth and abundance were the pillars around the pieces of wisdom this year gave you. Also, read "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Be brave and fierce.
What you should start doing in 2024.
Ace Of Swords, The Magician, Temperance
What you should start doing from now on and going forward is learning how to act as the equaliser, alchemist and embodying the witch/wizard archetype.
The next year your consciousness will further heighten and your task is to communicate your insights with others.
Accept and believe that you are a winner and develop the "winner's mindset" that will lead to triumph.
Don't play small, for once. Be selfish. Hold the mirror up and see the light. This is your light. No one can take it away from you. Profit from your light, don't let others be warm while you are burning yourself up or shivering in the cold.
Act with your personal interest in mind (Honestly, how much of a people pleaser are you? Do I have to tell you that? *Totally hugging you and playing with your hair while flaming you.*
Go watch some YouTube beauty influencers from 2016 and take some notes from Kim Kardashian when she was searching for her earrings in the Carribbean or somewhere, while people were dying.)
Keep on having that tunnel vision and focusing on personal gains.
Be resourceful. Create, transform and pivot when it is necessary. We are making this whole thing up along the way, this is LIFE, get over it, lol.
Meditating will help you ground yourself and set those energetic boundaries.
Hmmm, last random thoughts : Dare to blend multiple energies and to unite extremes. Be your OWN niche. Keep connecting people with spirit and their highest potential. Be a mediator for others and lastly, share as you keep on studying and learning.
We are not here to be perfect, we are here to BE. FULL STOP. PERIOD
Bye my fellow unhinged b*tches.
XOXO, the CEO of being unhinged, 💋💕🤎
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He Tells Me
You've fallen into psychological stalemate with a man who does things for you without needing to be asked, and neither of you want to give up the last say.
Joel Miller x Reader | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, fluff, overgiver!joel & yn, ellie 'JUST FUCKING KISS ALREADY' williams, typos, etc.
A/N: ive fallen into this song again. ITS SO JOEL CODED
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @multifandom-fangirl4
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▶ ♪ Play touch tank by quinnie ♪ ◀
I love you isn't always I and Love and You; it isn't always the words that tumble out of your mouth or the lump that's stuck in your throat.
I love you isn't always a kiss and a hug; it isn't always the way lips brush against skin or chests press against chests.
Sometimes it's good mornings. Good morning, I love you. Did you sleep well, I love you. Have you eaten, I love you.
I love you, I did the dishes.
I love you, I fixed your faulty light.
Hey, let me carry that for you.
This reminded me of you, here.
I think you'd like this.
I love you.
But somehow, those I love yous read to you as you owe mes, and now, you were paying back every bit of your debt with blood, sweet, and a burnt hand.
Ellie opens the door and smiles, immediately calling your name and pulling you into a side hug. You lean into her embrace as much as the steaming casserole in your hand will allow you.
"You made it just in time for dinner!" she says, pushing you in with her.
You chuckle, "oh, Elle-machine. I'm just here to drop this off and-"
"Don't be silly," a voice cuts you off. Joel comes down from the stairs, barely glancing your way as he overtakes you both, heading for the kitchen. Still, you notice his faint smile and a shot of electricity ripples down your spine, a swell of warmth crawls up your ears.
Joel walks off, grunting as he did, "you're staying for dinner. End of story."
Ellie watches you be rendered frozen in your spot. She does not hide her grin, "he just called you silly."
You turn to her, finding the pot in your hand was feeling heavier, "... he did."
You and Ellie make it to the dining table and you set the food you prepared on a table next to the other dishes.
"Wow," you mutter, "roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and a salad," you look up at Joel, who was walking over with another pot. He sets the pot down as you turn to Ellie, "is it your birthday or something?"
"No," Ellie sit down with a smile, "Joel just knows I'm a growing child who needs her food."
You bring a hand to your mouth to hold in your giggles. Joel catches this and furrows his brows.
"Consider me jealous, honey," you tease her.
"Well, you could always move in with us," Ellie props her elbows on the table.
Before you can reply, Joel takes your hand, making both you and Ellie turn to him. Your heart pounds. His expression hardens as he takes in the cloth wrapped around your palms, "what happened to your hand?"
You watch him examine your hand a second too long. Joel looks back at out, ripping a response from your lips, "I- uh- the... the casserole."
Joel raises his brows, "you burnt your hand cooking?"
The worry in his brown eyes ate away at your heart. You clench your jaw, unwilling to admit you were a useless and bad cook, "... no."
Joel thinks back to the contents of the first aid kit in the compound.
"I- I was doing something with the pot and then I-"
"I think Tommy has burn ointment somewhere," Joel trails off, immediately releasing my hand and marching off.
Your stomach drops. You immediately catch his arm, "wait!"
Joel stops in his tracks, looking back at you.
"It's not a big deal!" you say through an airy chuckle, "I put it under running water for a while. I just put a wrap because it hurts when I-"
His hand, warm and gentle, coming atop yours cuts you off. Joel shifts in his spot; your ears perk, as they were sensitive to the sound of his boots. He gives you a look, a kind one, a patient one, a tender one, "it isn't a big deal. I'll be back in two seconds."
The moment Joel walks off, Ellie pipes up, "you should just take a seat. You know you can't argue with him. Well, I mean you can but that normally doesn't end up well." She pats on the empty chair beside her, "want to hear about what I did in school today instead?"
You release a soft breath and smile, "of course, darling."
When Joel came back, he announced there was no burn ointment, but he did find an ice pack. The only problem now, there was no ice. And so as the three of you began to eat, he explained he'd fix the broken ice cream freezer in the warehouse and make ice for you tomorrow. To which you said-
"You really don't have to," you shake your head, suddenly too embarrassed to get anymore food than you already had on your plate. You had one scoop of mashed potatoes.
Joel moves the bowl of mash closer to you then takes off the lid of one pot, "I meant to do it anyway. They found spare parts for it. Now I have a reason," he turns to you, "have some pasta. I made it for you."
Your eyes land on the pot. You begin to feel a nasty little feeling claw up your nape at the thought of Joel going out of his way for you. I mean, you made the casserole to repay him for helping you do your laundry, and if it wasn't bad enough that he saw your underwear, he made you food, one of your favorites. You offer Joel a smile, "thank you, Joel."
He reaches out to your for your plate. You hand it to him wordlessly. He mutters, "you're welcome, sweetheart."
Your lips part. He's never called you that before, only Ellie.
He stills the moment he has your plate in hand, "I- I mean-"
"NAH," Ellie cuts as she rips off a chicken leg, "you called her sweetheart. No take backsies."
Joel clears his throat as he puts pasta on your plate.
When you all finished eating, not a lick was left on your plates. You obviously insisted on washing the dishes and Joel countered you wouldn't be because you were a guest. The back and forth became so insufferable Ellie stepped up and volunteered, insisting instead that Joel walk you back home. You had no means to insist your way out of that.
And so you waited by the front door for Joel to get his jacket from the second floor. When he got it, the two of you headed out, walking quite leisurely.
"You know," you shove your hands in your pockets. You couldn't help it, "my house is literally, like, two steps away from here. You don't have to walk-"
Joel draping his jacket around your shoulders silence you. He pulls the thing by the collar, making sure it was snug on you, "yeah. All the more reason to walk you, since it's so close."
You watch him pull his pants up as he looks around. He offers, "but if it's a challenge you want, we can circle 'round the compound a bit before heading back to yours."
A warmth envelopes you, and it's not because of his jacket.
He turns to you when you don't respond, immediately blurting, "only if you want," he wipes his lips, "I'm not trying to make you do-"
"No, I know," you shake your head, "I know what you mean."
You and Joel look at each other in the quiet while walking. He takes a moment before nodding. He chuckles rather uneasily, "okay... good- that's good."
Seconds pass with just the sound of your footsteps between you.
You decide to say what's on your mind, "Uh," you turn to your feet.
Joel immediately locks his gaze on you.
"Next time," you purse your lips, "just leave the pasta to me."
Joel knits his brows. Damn.
"You know..." you look away, "like, I'm glad you invited me over and all, but you-"
"Was it that bad?"
You finally turn to him, "what?"
"Was my cooking that bad?" Joel feels his insides churn. He feels so stupid suddenly for not following the recipe to a tee. Damn his personal tastes.
You shake your head, "no. No! Your cooking was great! It wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it. This isn't about your cooking."
He makes a face, "oh..."
You nod, clarifying, "I just- you don't have to do that for me."
He takes a moment to think. Oh... He snorts and rubs his nose, "ah... I see."
You knit your brows at that.
Joel's shoulder's slump. It was him then. Well, he doesn't blame you for not being interested. He releases a breath. It was stupid of him anyway. He thinks of a flimsy excuse to break the tension. It a horrible lie, "sorry, uh, it's just-- Ellie just really wanted to eat with you."
His words make you knit your brows deeper. You blink twice, "Ellie... wanted me to join?"
"Yeah," Joel huffs, "she thinks your great."
You nod slowly.
"But... if you don't want to eat with me, I'll make sure to-"
"Wait, what?"
The both of you stop walking.
Joel feels his insides disintegrate when you look at him the way you do. He looks away and clears his throat. Man up, "I... don't want to make you uncomfortable with any... unwanted advances."
"Wait," you quickly step forward. You rapidly shake your head, "no! I..." you raise your brows, "I just- I don't want to burden you with... with- d-doing things for me."
A deep line forms between Joel's brows, "burden? Who said anything about burdens?"
You look away as you continue to shake your head, "I- I don't know. I just- I don't want to bother you-"
Both of you snap to the side There, from the second floor window, was Ellie, head sticking out of the window. She cups her mouth with her hand and screams again, "KIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS!"
You look away from her. You turn to your feet as you feel your face burn.
Joel's loud voice surprises you, "GO TO BED!"
"I'M NOT 4!" Ellie screams back.
Joel decides to end the screaming match with a grumble, "well, you're damn acting like one." He turns back to you, "sorry about her, she's-"
"I really like you," you blurt when you look back at him, "I really like being around you."
Joel feels his fingers tingle.
Your impulsiveness only now begins to feel like a bad idea, "I-" your voice gets smaller, "it's not unwanted advances... not per se... It's just- when people do things for me, I don't- well, I don't know, I-"
"You can't just accept it?"
You stare at each other for a moment. You nod. Joel nods too.
"I'm usually the one giving, ya know," you say.
Joel nods again, "I do. I feel the same way. I don't like needing to get help from anyone," he crosses his arms, "but, you know, being with Ellie... she's taught me that sometimes-"
You can't contain the snort that leaves your mouth. Joel shoots a glare to his side. Still, he breaks into a chuckle, "I'm gonna kill her."
Ellie makes a face and waves her hands, "NO! DON'T LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT HER! LOOK AT- oh my god he actually did it."
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vintagegeekculture · 1 year
One of the cleverest and most practical use of Lego in movies would be in the Danish comedic crime series, the "Olsen Gang" movies. A group of hapless thieves led by Egon Olsen, the Olsen Gang never use weapons or violence, and often use everyday items in clever ways in their robberies, like lego or balloons.
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In "Olsen-banden overgiver sig aldrig" (1979), the Olsen Gang create a Lego device that is able to go up stairs and even open a door from the other side, created by the production team entirely out of real Lego toy parts, with no movie trickery whatsoever. The entire sequence is worth watching in its entirety.
Perhaps because of this astonishing sequence, and also because the Olsen Gang movies come from Denmark, home of Lego (and share Lego's whimsical and nonviolent ethos), the Lego community has a strange affection for the Olsen Gang films, often producing custom kits and figures of Egon Olsen, Benny, Kjeld, and Yvonne, along with his 1959 Chevrolet, and recreate entire scenes from the 14 movies in the series.
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nico-esoterica · 1 month
How to stop being a peasant in your own life
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It's still Leo season and as a Leo stellium, I'm here to encourage y'all to get in the habit (or knuckle down on) being ruthlessly self-centered and to put yourself on a pedestal at all times. The gag is that the more secure with yourself you are, you actually never feel any inclination to be rude or mistreat others. It'd be beneath you. So don't think you're gonna be some narcissist or something. Relax.
But this means prioritizing yourself. Many, many, too many of you were raised w/o boundaries, are chronic overgivers, and have no idea what 'no' means in relation to others, esp those around you.
This is how you start treating yourself like royalty. Baby steps create strides over time:
Create small promises with yourself and keep them (even if it's just eating)
Accommodate yourself unapologetically (do you need more space/time for things? do you need people to be mindful of something about you? tell them. think about where you feel discomfort and let the people around you help you or find ways to help yourself w/o guilt or shame -- there's usually blogs/youtube vids/tiktoks of people who give tips about everything uncomfy known to man you can learn from)
Treat yourself with dignity and compassion (hold yourself to a higher standard but be understanding about it)
Always talk to yourself like you would to a child (gently, encouragingly, constructively, lovingly)
Find something to be proud of yourself about everyday (even if it's just getting up)
Be your biggest cheerleader with your tasks (even if they're small)
Practice self-love by pretending strangers are describing what they love about you
Practice mirror work by looking in the mirror and seeing yourself through the perspective of an artist (who's in love w/ you tbh) and try to imagine what they'd find alluring or interesting about your body
Think of yourself as a character and think of what'd make you unique in a story (be biased and have fun!)
Do something small for yourself today that will make tomorrow easier or that you'll feel good about tomorrow
Think of an old limiting belief you can say goodbye to and remind yourself that it's gone if it comes up
Find little ways to take care of yourself that help you feel safe and appreciated (change your sheets, buy labels/post its for reminders, trash expired things, delete/archive old files on your tech)
Reflect on current boundaries within your relationships and start (safely) telling people you aren't available to do xyz, xyz isn't for you, you don't want to do xyz, and "No."
Researching if there are discounts/affordable versions of what you love (search reddit and twt communities for tips)
Adopt the mindset that everything in your life is easy and never going out of the way for anything/anyone unless you're prioritized (this makes you become aware of who/what's been taking advantage of you in your life)
Never doing anything which compromises your safety and to stop 'going against your gut' even if you're not 100% sure
If anyone/anything in your life doesn't make you feel good, find a way to put (safe) distance between you and it until you can cut it/them off completely. Mutual closure is subjective and isn't always necessary. Prioritize your peace over a lifetime of resentment
Devote yourself to joy in any way possible. Other people's opinions don't belong to you
Think of something your inner child always wanted to do and find a way to do it :)
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msburgundy · 5 months
thinking about all my friendships in the last ten years, those that have lasted and those that didn't, i've noticed one constant: people who have healthy boundaries by far make the best friends. people who simply won't let you be too much because they don't want it.
the other major thing is that overgivers are actually much worse to be around than selfish people. especially if you are an overgiver yourself.
it's easier to see things aren't working when you're dealing with a selfish person, but two overgivers get really enmeshed in a horrible way. and you almost can't even back track once you've let it get that far
so if you're worried about setting boundaries and having people not like you keep that in mind. it's the only way to have healthy relationships that actually last. people pleasers are not actually pleasing anybody lol
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frankiecartier · 17 days
8th House Profection Year: Age 31 💋🐆
This year is the last year in the tunnel, the last year in the shadows facing mine and everyone else’s shadow they swear don’t exist. This is the final year of what has felt like a 10 year death sentence to a woman I’ll never be again. In one instance I’m glad I won’t be her, the pain from connections and community, the undiagnosed conditions, downplaying my experiences so that my mind won’t accept that I got treated the way I have and what’s worse I helped those people hurt me. The other instance is I’ll miss her, who she was and maybe could have been. Her gentleness and the versions of her I had to get rid of too early. 2016 was the start of facing people and relationships alone, taking advice and applying and seeing people’s limited view of myself. The girls that are your friends who loved being close to you in order to study you or have you around to make them feel better,goodbye. Goodbye to co-creating with them to make me feel small and willingly giving my power away, making myself small in return. Goodbye to overgiving and being clingy under the guise of sisterhood. Goodbye to the people who perform under the titles in my life like sister, friend, lover but treated me like anything but. Goodbye smallness and shame. Goodbye guilt and gaslighting. Goodbye to the women who I found myself being in my masculine energy around. Goodbye to the women who used me to look better for men. Goodbye centering men in my life as saviors. Goodbye 8th House Aquarius Saturn that has been reflected back to me during this 8th house profection year which is ruled by Aquarius. The darkness that has left a mark on me has fixed my vision. It has made me bitterly strong. But one thing 2016 to now has taught me is to let things die and let them die with class. Release the dead things with ease so that regenerative process can take place for all parties involved. I release the memories of pain and will leave with the knowledge of misalignment. I release victimhood and blame shifting and leave with accountability and focus. I leave behind manipulation, gaslighting, aloofness under the guise of undermining myself. Instead I walk away with a new peace of me that is also familiar and mine. I leave behind replaying the past in my mind as a means of staying in my comfort zone and choose to begin again. I release societal pressures that have also been adopted by those close to me. I take hold of my life and leave behind the chapter of defense because I choose to be on the starting line of my life. It’s time for offense. Here and I am and here I stand. Ready to stand in all of my imperfect glory that is mine and that I have refined after every disappointment. I pray that my love and desires for things and people does not supersede what I need, what is divinely for me. May my love affair with myself remain the upmost priority and no matter what I know that I will always rise because the things I want they want me back. Thank you 31 for showing me the way of desire. To never fold on my wants so that my needs maybe a reality. May my privacy remain a top priority even in the face of those that I love calling me sneaky. Never fold to insults. Give to who deserves and take your time figuring out who and what that is. I love you sweet priestess!
On your journey you will find yourself alone in the dark. It is a requirement of every great story. Stay in your heart space. Remember that you always will move forward. Release all internal emotions truthfully. Be honest about where you are so that you can reside in the truth.
There isn’t an obstacle that will stop me. My speed will be affected but my momentum will not.
Natal Aquarius Saturn in the 8th house.
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clarynewme · 2 months
Hi🤗@ihavenothingtodo10220 Oh really😳Thank you I appreciate it💕🫰
First thing I noticed in your natal chart is your 7th house scorpio. You probably crave an intense/deep/transformative connection. You wish for a deep emotional bond, love that consumes you (ride or die like Morticia Addams and Gomez) and passionate/intimate/private/secret relationship where you can grow and share your secrets/traumas, deep conversations. You probably won't feel satisfied with superficial connections and affairs.  You/ your spouse might be very intuitive and psychic knowing exactly what the other one is thinking; you might want to share your resources with your partner, building a foundation, wealth, etc. However this also indicates fear of deception(secrets)/intimacy, treason, suspiciouness, jealousy and possessiveness, control and power struggles. With that being said your partner might be intense, hot, wealthy, transformative, inquisitive (detective), honest/blunt, agressive, values finances and occult practices, spiritual, only opens up after a while or only with close loved ones, loyal, strong, persistent, can overcome obstacles, go through a lot of ups and downs, etc. Physical intimacy/touch and Gift giving could be his/your love languages.
Your 7th lord mars is in leo in the 4th house so your spouse might be attractive, famous, influential, leader, creative, loves family/mother/kids, arts and sports and hair lol; expressive, funny, talented, childlike nature, confident, charismatic,ambitious, passionate, protective, supportive, caring, generous, intelligent, loves to shine, wants recognition specially from mother/family(high expectations), arrogant, dramatic, overgiving, big ego, loud, mommy issues, explosion of emotions, power struggles with family/relationships, loud/vibrant home environment, etc.
He might recognize you (your talents and strenghts) maybe even tell everyone(family) how they love you and boast about you increasing your confidence; family dates; fun dates; amusement parts; cozy nights inside; netflix and chill; over the top dates, etc.
Mars is opposite lilith in aquarius 10th house which means your future spouse might struggle with a desire of recognition vs social change, focus on his personal desires VS rebellion/changing the world/confronting social norms and society, focus on creativity/hobbies/fun vs responsibilities/work, leadership vs partnerships (individuality vs union), romance vs friendships.
Additionally Mars is sextile virgo saturn in 6th house this means your future spouse could do creative activities in a pratical/disciplined/productive way(organized/neat) He could balance work and his home, life. Acts of service could also be his love language.(cleaning the house, doing chores, helping his family, decorating the house, cooking for each other,etc)
Moreover mars is sextile libra venus in 6th house indicates that emotional stability at home is important in order to perform better at work; working together on creative goals; self care amd health are major concerns.
Lastly mars is square libra sun in 6th house indicating challenges with expressing himself creatively, going after his goals(laziness), letting go of responsibilities, power struggles with bosses/coworkers and family creating imbalance and instability,etc.
Your juno is in pisces 22 degrees(capricorn) in 11th house which shows a need for a emotional, stable, spiritual, dreamy, romantic, creative, understanding,  supportive, practical relationship focused on changing the traditional views of society, community -oriented,  friendships and humanitarian goals. Spouse will probably have these characteristics, be creative, spiritual, supportive, friendly, wise, aloof, serious, hardworking, dreamy, romantic,etc.
Jupiter significator of spouse is in Aquarius  10th house  so he would be humanitarian, hardworking, values independence and freedom, unconventional ideas, unique/different from you, influential , respected, might love politics, arts, sciences and technology; thinks outside the box, creative, ambitious, support your career, can improve your status and reputation, etc. This could be an unconventional or controversial relationship accordingly to society.
You can check jupiter aspects in  "aspects in the chart" section from @elysiansparadise   :
You can check Juno harmonious aspects to uranus on this post from @littleneptuneflower 💗 :
When it comes to his career I sugggest you  read @stellarsagittarius 🥰  in your case it would be 10th house leo with mars and 10th lord sun in libra with mercury+ venus+moon in 12th house. I am leaning towards artist, fashion, beauty, arts influencer, celebrity, social media, songwriter, actor, musician, dancer, etc.
In relation to appearance you could check out @lilithgreye post😇:
I see that with jupiter transiting in gemini in your 2nd house trine your natal aquarius jupiter (spouse) and trine libra venus (love) it's possible for you to meet a potential marriage or long term partner this year. (Interesting 2nd house -> taurus symbolism for meeting)
For more details/confirmation I would need to analyse the vedic charts.
You might meet around the themes of:
1.Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality,  tarot, astrology, Internet, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc...
2.Taurus: nature, earth, food, restaurant, luxury, jewel, bull, shopping, finances, bank, dirt, slow, Redbull, concert,music, voice, arts, beauty, etc
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Astrology placements: (these would have to be confirmed with birth details)
Leo/Aquarius/Pisces/Capricorn/ Libra/Taurus/Sagittarius/Aries/ Scorpio
Moon, mars, saturn, sun,venus influence ( Could be placed in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house or in exalted/own sign)
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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sayitalianolearns · 2 months
Diary entry 540
어제는 미나리라는 영화를 봤고 오늘은 운동하러 갔고 머리를 염색하러 미용실에 갔다. 오늘 저녁에 비가 올 것 같다고 말했다... 그렇기를 바라다.
미나리를 좋아했다~ RAI TV에 그것을 한국어와 영어로 볼 수 있었고. 이탈리아 언어 더빙을 안 좋아했어서 진짜 행복하다. 한국어 듣기 연습했는데!
운동하고 나서 조금 피곤하다… 근데 2시 오후에 미용실에 가서 햇볕을 쬐고 걸을 것이고 더 피곤할 것 같아요 헷헷헤 여름이, 왜?? 쌀가루 비스킷도 사야 될 거야!
머리도 잘랐는데 좀 더 짧아서 반쯤만 행복하다. 어쨌든 괜찮아, 여름이야 그리고 머리가 다시 성작할 거야~ 비스킷을 먹자!
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what i learnt
+getting tagged in those random chain posts saying things like "i'm grateful for having you in my life!!" by people you are no longer in touch with since months and haven't been showing so much interest in you, does feel pretty embarassing tbh. how should i respond? "oh yeah me too!" sounds fake tbh. cause i'm not sure i ever was part of your life or you were of mine, yk. we're different people, we gave it a shot. you tried in the beginning, i tried later on (even changing a little and putting myself a bit more out there and for this i'm thankful ofc) but then you kept being the focus of each convo and i got nothing, so i... lost interest too? so yeah honestly no, i'm not sure i'm part of your life or ever was. maybe you have a different definition of being in someone's life than mine, and that's fine ofc but... i only was part of your life in the measure i got worried about you and showed interest in you, and reached out for you when you kept forgetting (until i decided to stop cause i was just overgiving imo). so please, let's stop pretending... it didn't work out, and it's okay: it doesn't mean anything about you or me. leave my place to someone you really care for. sai dicono che "finché dura fa verdura", poi succede che marcisce e quindi... meglio lasciar stare. mi spiace sembrare "rude" (all'inglese), ma... è solo che ora so quello che voglio e come voglio essere trattata. niente di più e niente di meno.
+i'm trying to listen to myself and my needs more, to meet them and not accepting crumbs anymore cause i deserve more. everyone does. and with more i mean what is right for each one of us. and whatever i'm getting for now, or better, whatever i'm allowing myself to receive, is no more what i want to receive. so i'm letting it go. i'm cutting with the past habits, focusing more on my self worth, on taking care of me emotionally and physically. listening to others who can guide me in the process, especially when it feels safe (not so much when i get they're too busy and distracted, when they don't listen entirely to me but are fighting their own demons too), taking the main inputs, making them mine and trying to do the best i can for myself. i'm trying to find a new balance and a new safety again. i need this, i owe myself this. same goes for my diet too. i'm also trusting myself (trying to, at least.. it's been a while). e grazie fisio per aver notato che sembro un po' meno un cadavere che cammina ahah! e per essere contenta per me e per preoccuparti per me, anche senza averlo detto troppo esplicitamente. sei ancora una delle poche persone che davvero ci sono, non solo come lavoro.
song of the day
oggi due perché sì.
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plasma-tree · 8 months
what if the undertaker had a secret lawful good twin called the overgiver and send
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
Sometimes we feel angry and we don't even know why. Or we think we shouldn't feel so. It happens a lot when we fall in the trap of people pleasing: we know we're giving a lot and getting nothing back, but we keep doing that. And deep down, we feel angered, cause we feel used, mistreated. We grow resentful. But we almost never accept this feeling. And we never tell others how we feel, nor we ask for help (maybe hoping they can finally understand and be enlighted about what they're doing/we need; spoiler: it's not so easy + they don't owe us to have this unnatural superpower). We criticize ourselves, cause we think we shouldn't feel how we feel (even if it's normal), and try to ignore our anger. So the cycle keeps going on. A cycle in which we keep giving outside, feel bad for not getting back and self gaslight, and start again. Until we cannot take it anymore. Anger bursts may happen all of a sudden, at the minimum slightly negative feedback we can get from someone (who didn't mean anything bad), and/or just cry everything out because of things never changing despite our efforts. That's the problem: we're the ones not letting things change and stuffing ourselves until we can't hold it anymore. So please, let's try to stop this: let's understand that others cannot read our minds, let's just ask for help and speak up (nothing bad is gonna happen), and most of all, let's understand we're self harming ourselves also by not acknowledging our emotions. And let's give first to ourselves, starting from time, space and love. Only after we're recovered, feel happy and refilled with love and peace, we can start giving the excess outside to others. Overgiving, doing more than we can afford or something we don't want to do, won't help anyone. And not us for sure.
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