#The Favorite Foods Diet Review
nevermorgue · 24 days
Okay but what about modern Amnabel's group food preferences?
cracks knuckles. Alright, let’s get into it.
Annabel Lee - complicated. Annabel likes to have the upper hand in every situation, even in casual afternoon lunch outings. She will adapt to almost anything put in front of her. For example, if she goes to someone’s house and they serve tea and scones, she will claim that they are her favorite. Are they? Who knows. She will play it as if whatever is given is something she enjoys immensely, creating the illusion that the world seems to cater to her- that she got lucky that it was her favorite meal. She does this ALL. THE. TIME. “Oh, they are serving pie. That is one of my favorites.” No it is not. She is just making it seem like it is to create the look that “Wow, how lucky for her. The world seems to love her- they’re serving her favorite food!” You get it? She says it’s her favorite for convenience sake. This is why Prospero brings her so many varied pastries when he can. He’s trying to figure out what she actually likes.
As for what she actually likes: She has a pretty varied palette. She does prefer food that is considered more “common” as it tends to have more flavor, and she absolutely loves American food far more than what she had at home. Is the type of person to eat popcorn one piece at a time, but then resorts to shoving 4-5 pieces in her mouth when she’s invested in whatever she’s doing.
Keeps up appearances by ordering what is expected of her. Teas, light foods with small portions.
- packs snacks throughout her school day like grapes or small cheese cubes. Dainty, barely filling little things.
- She loves spicy foods. Hot curries, salsas, she loooves the burn.
Ada - Also keeps up appearances, but obviously not the same way Annabel does. She will pretend to only like more expensive things, but she honestly thinks such things are too bland. She’s a southern girl used to flavor and savory dishes.
- LOVES cheap frozen dinners. She would rather die than admit this of course. Like think those frozen mac and cheeses you put in the microwave.
- She can and will force herself to eat something she doesn’t like, especially if Annabel/Prospero is eating it.
- Hates squid. Calamari? Yuck.
- She likes to comment on things she eats like she’s doing a shitty food review on Youtube. The only person that listens is Will, but you can’t really tell that he’s even paying attention.
- Loves celery
Prospero - This man has a sweet tooth, but he knows how to keep it tamed. He has a very balanced diet and makes sure to make every lunch or breakfast filling enough to last him through morning classes.
- Salad man. He will put so much shit into a salad. He’ll make days worth of salad and sometimes he and Annabel will just eat the whole thing in between classes.
- His favorite dressing is balsamic vinaigrette.
- Very rarely eats fried foods. Corn dogs are cool and he’s more likely to eat one of those rather than something else fried
- For snacking he always gets the things that are called “thins” or “light”, and he is very strict when it comes to the “no eating three hours before sleeping” rule.
- This man hates cashews
- I HC prospero as a mama’s boy idk i get the vibe. He grew up having homemade pasta and refuses to eat it if the restaurant isn’t like locally Italian.
Montresor - Big on steak. Big on potatoes. Big on veggies when they’re roasted or oven baked or anything where they’re mixed up and peppered and cooked. Dude will eat a raw carrot for fun though
- crunches loudly on chips. he does it on purpose.
- has a surprisingly shitty spice tolerance. It’s not BAD, but his face will get red and he tries to play it off.
- Likes messy finger foods like ribs
- Licorice kind of guy. specifically red.
- Prefers green apples over red ones
- really likes blue cheese, especially for his wings
- cannot STAND marzipan anything
Will - Peaches peaches peaches peaches pea-
- Prefers simpler foods. Basic ham and cheese sandwiches, a bag of chips…normal and boring.
- gets overwhelmed when served anything more complicated than what you’d get at an Applebees. He doesn’t really think he nor his body are suited to eat such things. They’re TOO delicious and he isn’t worth it.
- He loves cheesecake brownies. He’s literally only had them twice in his life but he would go insane if he ever saw any for sale anywhere
- The drinks he gets at coffee shops are considered “girly” to Montresor, so he only buys them when he’s alone. Like fruity refreshers and stuff.
- He would like a lot more food if he actively attempted to try new things, he just has no desire to treat himself.
- eats wheat thins for fun
- Only eats 1 singular fruit for breakfast or just skips it all together.
- would probably start crying if he ate a soup. it’s warm and filling and it makes him feel like a waste of space. the warmth settling in his stomach reminds him that he’s real and he hates it.
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nnnneeev · 1 year
(all) obey me characters with gn!mc who gets immersed in doing something that they forgot to eat their meal
"...good grief”
will constantly remind you to eat your meals. have you forgotten that you’re human?
gives you a stern lecture about the bad effects of skipping meals. i hope you learned your lesson now
if you still forget, he might just have to use his last resort..
that’s right, he’ll prepare you your meal himself. no you cannot reject it. he needs to witness you eating it with his own two eyes
"what do you mean you forgot?”
a bit clueless but then he remembered that constantly skipping meals are bad for humans
what if you passed out from hunger??!
gives you cup noodles. well, it’s better than nothing!
you’re not allowed to complain. that’s all he's got right now. promises to treat you something better next time
"Well I haven’t eaten anything since morning.”
he knows the feeling. he’d also get immersed in gaming that he constantly loose track of the time
even though there’s snacks lying around his room..
maybe you can both share these rainbow pizza together?
cheers to the team ‘woops i forgot to eat again’
“Eating proper meals are vital for a human to survive.”
invites you to a cafe. you need to wind down for a bit and eat something
better late than eat nothing at all
suggests you to try the pomodoro method
makes you something to drink as well. it’s not much but aside from eating, you also need to stay hydrated
"WHAT?! Oh no, hon. We’re going to hell’s kitchen RIGHT NOW!”
seriously? how could you forget? you’re not on a diet, are you?
nuh-uh. you’re not going to skip your meal. not on his watch
oh you often lose track of the time? how about he spoon feeds you instead? <3
skipping meals is bad for your skin, darling. make sure you don’t forget now, okay?
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?”
boy will make it his sworn duty to always remind you to eat
worries about you. he can’t even imagine what would it feel like to skip meals
will pick you up in your room every dinner time
he knows what you’re doing right now is important, but eating to replenish your strength is also important, y’know?
“..is that so?”
will order something if you like. cooking is too bothersome
lets you do your own thing
but if you’re still constantly forgetting it, he’s gonna pull his youngest brother card on you
tries to catch your attention/clings on you like a koala. will not let you go until you come down to the dining hall with him
“Aren’t humans supposed to eat at least three times a day?”
ohhh so humans tend to forget something important like this, i see i see
Will ask barbatos to prepare you something. eat up!
proposes to do your works together. in that way, missing your meals would be impossible
reviews what the stuff you’re working on is all about (despite his tight schedule). maybe he can do something to lessen your workload
"Oh dear, that’s no good. You should take care of yourself more often.”
will cook for you, that’s a given
the food he made is nutritionally balanced; calculated to perfection to make up with the energy you lost
pairs it with tea. it will help you relax
keeps a mental note to himself about this habit of yours
"You should at least eat something, you know?!”
scolds you for not taking care of yourself
will deliver you cookies to snack on after you ate your meal
‘Solomon said that eating sugar gives you energy... so i prepared this for you!’
will also leave some cute motivational notes together with the sweets
"You forgot...? I see. I’ll bring you something so stay put, okay?”
makes you his signature BLT sandwich
sandwiches are great snack when working on something that requires a lot of focus
he’s made sure to add extra servings of your favorite sides
leaves it on your table and will check on you from time to time 
"Stay right there. I’ll whip something up for you real quick.” “Solomon, you really don’t have to...” “No, I insist. I promise you’re gonna like this.”
it’s a great opportunity for him to try this new and improved recipe of his
sorry it’s too late to stop him now. you’ll just have to prepare for the worst..
got too enthusiastic in cooking that he already blew the kitchen up three times
just.. ignore those explosions and focus on what you’re doing
"I have some leftovers here. Not sure if you’ll like it, but it’s still better than whatever that damned sorcerer has to offer”
your name’s not on the list so she’s not that worried that you’ll die from hunger
but you’re still human. aren’t you supposed to eat something at least?
there’s a shop that just opened recently. wanna go check it out? yea just forget whatever you were doing earlier. let’s have fun instead!
her treat since she’s the one who invited you to go with her
"We have plenty of leftovers from last night. Solomon made it so I’m sure it tastes amazing.”
no? well, how about an apple?
will keep an eye on you from a distance
you were too focused that you didn’t even notice someone leaving snacks on your desk (or maybe it’s just because he’s too stealthy)
sometimes it’s a cupcake, oftentimes it’s an unidentified matter
“Are humans really this careless? Just what will Lord Diavolo say I let a human like you collapse from hunger?
mc think of what will happen to diavolo’s reputation if a human got sick because they’re not eating well
you’re not doing this on purpose, are you? ..no? are humans really like this?
brace yourself because you’re about to get the fanciest, most expensive-looking full-course meal you’ll ever get
prepared by his personal chef ofc. consider yourself lucky
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nightprompts · 1 year
&. 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝: 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  inspired from the pun book from the last of us, here are some dialogue prompts of various puns. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ for a fungi to grow you must give it as mushroom as possible. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope. it'll still be stationary. ❜
❛ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ❜
❛ people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. ❜
❛ why did the scarecrow get an award? he was outstanding in his field. ❜
❛ what did the triangle say to the circle? you're so pointless. ❜
❛ a book just fell on my head, i only have my shelf to blame. ❜
❛ i tried to catch some fog earlier. i mist. ❜
❛ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. then it dawned on me. ❜
❛ diarrhea is hereditary... it runs in your genes. ❜
❛ what did the green grape say to the purple grape? breathe, you idiot! ❜
❛ i'm reading a book on anti-gravity, and it's impossible to put down. ❜
❛ what is a pirate's favorite letter? tis' the c. ❜
❛ i wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then i changed my mind. ❜
❛ what washes up on tiny beaches? microwaves. ❜
❛ why are frogs so happy? they eat whatever bugs them. ❜
❛ i don't trust trees. they're shady. ❜
❛ i was going to tell you a pizza joke, but it's too cheesy. ❜
❛ i want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body. ❜
❛ there’s a new type of broom out. it’s sweeping the nation. ❜
❛ did you hear about the man who lost his left side? he’s all right now. ❜
❛ what do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? a maybe. ❜
❛ i tried to make a belt out of watches. it was a waist of time. ❜
❛ i got fired from the calendar factory, just for taking a day off. ❜
❛ did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? he was lucky it was a soft drink. ❜
❛ tequila may not fix your life but its worth a shot. ❜
❛ why are there fences around cemeteries? because people are dying to get in! ❜
❛ thanks for explaining the word 'many' to me, it means alot. ❜
❛ i once ate a watch. it was time consuming. ❜
❛ why are teddy bears never hungry? they are always stuffed! ❜
❛ i don’t trust stairs because they’re always up to something. ❜
❛ never trust an atom, they make up everything! ❜
❛ i couldn't figure out how to put my seatbelt on, but then it clicked. ❜
❛ how do construction workers party? they raise the roof. ❜
❛ what do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus. ❜
❛ when a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. ❜
❛ i made a pun about the wind but it blows. ❜
❛ it's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. ❜
❛ what did the ocean say to the beach? nothing, it just waved. ❜
❛ i have a joke about chemistry, but i don't think it will get a reaction. ❜
❛ i'm on a seafood diet. i see food and i eat it. ❜
❛ why did the restaurant on the moon get bad reviews? it has no atmosphere.❜
❛ how do you organize a space party? you planet. ❜
❛ i once heard a joke about amnesia... but i forget how it goes. ❜
❛ the frustrated cannibal threw up his hands. ❜
❛ it takes guts to be an organ donor. ❜
❛ why is the mushroom always invited to parties? he's a fungi. ❜
❛ a guy walks into a bar... he was disqualified from the limbo contest. ❜
❛ jokes with punch lines can be painfully funny. ❜
❛ so what if i don’t know what apocalypse means? it’s not the end of the world! ❜
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obaex · 1 year
the one that chases you (two) - rafe cameron
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summary: you adjust to life back on figure 8 and realize how much you missed it and how much someone there missed you
word count: 2k
series masterlist
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You slept fitfully, tossing and turning and weren't surprised when you found yourself lying in your bed watching the sun rise through bloodshot eyes. What was the first stage of grief? Denial? You were well passed that. There was no denying that JJ Maybank had no interest in holding down a relationship with you long term and was probably already circling in on his next hookup. The thought made you nauseous.
No, you were pretty sure you had successfully crossed into the next stage, anger. You regretted every moment that you spent wasted on him, pining over him. The things you had done with him, the way you had let him have your body after going on two 'dates' which consisted of hanging out at The Wreck with all of his friends. You were furious with him and with yourself. How could you be so naïve? How could you let him fool you like that?
Your anger pushed you out of bed as you began opening the drawers of your dresser, pulling out his t-shirts, hats, bandanas, and pictures of the two of you together, throwing them in a carboard box in the corner of your room, eager to erase his memory. That did little to quell that storm raging in your body; you looked down to see your hands shaking. You needed to blow off some steam. Your eyes landed on your nike running shoes. You used to run all the time, but had blown it off to hang out on the cut, indulging in weed, beer and whatever fried food Kie could scrounge up from The Wreck to share. You changed quickly, pulling on your sneakers and grabbing your airpods before thinking about it further.
You stretched half-heartedly in your driveway, pulling up your favorite playlist and then you let your feet carry you down your normal path, pounding the pavement, sending shockwaves up your calves and quads, arms pumping at your side. You were sprinting before long, trying to release the anger and frantic energy inside of you, craving the tightness in your legs and the burning in your lungs. No way you were going to make it more than a mile at this speed, but you didn't care. The pain felt good, both punishing and rewarding. Around the one mile mark, you had to stop, keening over, hands on your knees to catch your breath. You were sorely out of shape and you were sure your diet of bud light and fruit rollups over the last month wasn't helping anything.
You were bent over, taking heaving inhales and exhales when another figure ran by you at a lightning pace. You looked up quickly enough to see Rafe Cameron on a run of his own in a cutoff tank top, athletic shorts and his own pair of airpods. He acknowledged you with a brief wave and a smile as he rounded the block ahead of you. You didn't even have time to wave back as you struggled to catch your breath, your mind suddenly racing with the memories of the two of you running together almost every morning, matching each other's pace, taunting one another, racing each other. That had stopped when you started hanging out on the cut. JJ had made it clear that Rafe wasn't someone he wanted you spending time with.
Part of you wanted to run and catch up with Rafe, to explain what had happened, to apologize. But at the same time, he had just run right by you, he didn't seem phased. Not to mention, your legs were shot and there was no way you were catching up to him now. You turned around and walk-jogged back to your house.
When you got home you made yourself a protein shake, your body eagerly soaking up the first healthy nutrients you had fed it in months. You slid into the shower, letting the hot water soak your skin and indulging in the expensive beauty products that had been untouched for weeks, since you had nearly lived at the chateau where the boys only had three-in-one shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Which, upon further review, was extremely sus.
You spent the day at the beach with Sarah, soaking in the heat of the early summer sun. You could tell she was torn, wanting to spend time with you, while also wanting to spend time with John B and his friends. You had no desire to go back to the chateau, but you didn't want to make your situation her problem so that night she went to hang out with them without you, bringing the box of JJ's stuff with her as you stayed home alone. And honestly, the solitude wasn't the worst thing in the world. You made yourself dinner with the fresh ingredients your parents kept at home; you had been chugging water all day following your run and you had the first tanlines of the season. You felt good. It was like the haze was parting on the last six months of your life and you were finally getting back to who you were.
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The next morning as you laced up your sneakers for your run, you could feel how sore your legs were. This was going to be brutal. You stretched out as best you could and then began to jog, trying to maintain a more reasonable pace than yesterday. You had slowly found your rhythm, your legs and lungs screaming in protest as you passed the one-mile mark and pushed forward.
"Y/L/N!" you heard someone shout, turning to see Rafe running up to you. He slowed his pace to match yours as you paused your music.
"Cameron" you acknowledged.
"It's been a while" he said, a statement that hung in the air like a question: Where have you been? Why did you leave?
"Aw, Cameron, you missed me!" you teased.
"Missed the look on your face every time I outran you."
"Nice try" you said, reaching out and shoving him with one hand as you both laughed. You continued in silence for a while, your breathing clearly more labored than his.
"You don't have to slow down to keep pace with me" you conceded.
"Eh, it's technically my rest day, I can afford to go easy" he said.
You glanced up at him, catching him smiling at you before returning focus to his run.
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So began a daily routine, up early for runs with Rafe in the morning, days spent soaking in the sun and enjoying life back on Figure 8. You noticed the physical effect this was having on you: your morning runs and healthier diet had you leaner, days spent in the sun chugging water instead of napping all day and drinking beer had given you a deep tan and cleared your skin.
When you were hanging with the pogues it felt like a constant bash-fest for everything on this side of the island. Sure, Figure 8 had it's issues and assholes, but if you were honest you missed the comforts of this life, your plump mattress, the fully stocked refrigerator, air conditioning and showers that always ran hot. What surprised you most of all was how much you had missed Rafe. You had always been good friends; you felt like you knew a side of him that he didn't share with other people. You had relished that. But you had dropped it all the minute JJ said he didn't like Rafe and didn't want you hanging out with him. You didn't even question it, not wanting to strain your new relationship. You let Rafe's text messages and phone calls go unanswered until they slowed and stopped as he was resigned to your silence.
All of this was playing on an endless loop in your head on your run the following morning when Rafe interrupted you, taking in the scowl on your face.
"I can hear the gears turning in your head from here, what's on your mind?" he asked.
You slowed your pace to a stop, putting a hand on his arm to slow him down with you.
"Rafe, I owe you an apology. I am so sorry for how I acted. I can't believe I just ignored you like that" you said, running the back of your hand over your sweaty brow. "It's no excuse at all, I'm my own person, but JJ just had this hold on me. He had a way of eclipsing every part of my life and he didn't want me hanging out with you anymore. He made me promise."
"He what?" Rafe's tone surprised you.
"You know how it is. Kooks hate the Pogues, Pogues hate the Kooks and you are the poster child for this side of the island. He said we couldn't be together if I was friends with the 'King Kook'. I-I didn't know what to do, but I chose him over you. And I regret it. Seriously, I'm sorry."
Rafe was pacing back and forth with his hands on his head. A look of confusion, frustration, sadness and latent anger on his face. You could see a tic in his jaw as he worked it back and forth, thinking about how to respond.
"Please say something" you said, your mind whirling.
You didn't have JJ anymore, you were constantly having to share your best friend, you didn't want to lose Rafe too. As your adrenaline began to crash from your run and the feeling of anxiety over the abandonment you'd felt over the last few weeks caught up to you, you felt your eyes begin to water and you began to take deep breaths to prevent the tears from spilling over.
Rafe clocked the shift in your breathing and when he looked at you and saw tears in your eyes, it felt like a vice on his heart.
"Hey, hey" he said, "None of that, c’mere" as he wrapped you in his arms in a strong hug. Your skin stuck together, slick from the sweat of your run. The feeling of your warm body against his slowed his heartbeat. The feeling of his arms around you slowed yours.
"Are you mad at me?” you asked, your voice muffled against his chest.
"Honesty? I was, for a long time. I just didn't understand what I did wrong."
"You didn't do anything wrong!"
"Yeah, I know that now. If I would have known then that Maybank was behind all of this I would have caved his face in."
"Still might.”
"Rafe!" you said, louder this time, pulling yourself from his arms to shove him away playfully.
"Can you blame me?" he said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "We went from spending nearly every day together to complete silence overnight. I-I wasn't ok Y/N."
"I had no idea, Rafe. Sarah didn't say anything."
"Sarah didn't know, no one did. You know I don't let a lot of people in, least of all my sister. I don't deal well with people leaving like that, you know with my mom and everything..." he trailed off and started pacing again, chewing his thumb nervously, avoiding eye contact with you.
Realization struck you and suddenly you couldn't believe you had been so selfish. You had never stopped to consider how your absence would affect him. Your heart squeezed as you watched him before putting your arms around him again.
"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."
He slowly put his arms around you, sinking into your hold. "You promise?"
"I promise."
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JJ was sitting up in bed, head pounding with the beginning of the day's hangover as he glanced at the naked girl beside him before reaching for his phone. He tapped through the insta stories from the night before before landing on one that had just been posted that grabbed his attention.
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He whipped his phone across the room in anger and it bounced against the cardboard box of his belongings in the corner.
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part three series masterlist
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tumbleweed-writes · 5 months
Now That I Have You: Chibs Telford X OC Fic. Chapter One
This was the very first fic I wrote for this fandom like a million years ago. I'm currently giving it a rewrite/edit on A03, but thought I'd post it as I'm editing in case anyone wanted to check it out. Not sure it's my best work but it was my first.
Molly Garrett let out a sigh pure irritation taking over as she turned the key in her little rundown blue Volkswagen bug. The ignition sputtered a few times as the car struggled to come to life.
Her honey blonde bangs hung in her dark eyes, damp from the heat of California sun and her lack of air conditioner. She struggled to bring her sad old car to life grumbling under her breath.
"Shit." She blurted out as the car sputtered a few more times refusing to start up. She widened her eyes realizing the word that had just slipped out of her mouth.
She glanced in her review mirror looking at the little boy strapped into the backseat clutching a Spiderman action figure.
Cursing wasn't exactly a good habit to have in front of a five year old boy who would more than likely pick up on the impolite language.
"Sorry baby. Don't say ever say that word okay." She apologized not surprised that the boy didn't respond to her.
Mason hadn't spoken in days. This entire situation hadn't been easy on either one of them.
Thinking about how frightened her little guy was made her want to break down. Her son was the most important thing in her life. Mason was her world.
She closed her eyes holding back the tears; she had sobbed enough in the past few years for a lifetime. Her son needed her to stay strong.
Molly let out a laugh feeling a small victory as her poor little bug finally came to life. She took a final glance in the review mirror making sure that Mason had remembered to fasten his seatbelt.
She smiled at the sight of the family dog sitting up beside Mason, a little fat female pug named Rocket. The poor dog was panting just as hot as her masters.
Molly made sure the coast was clear hoping that she could see as well as she thought she could around the small Uhaul trailer. The uhaul was hitched to the back of her bug blocking most of her view. She said a small prayer as she pulled out of the McDonalds' parking lot.
They had to eat cheap for this road trip, so cheap burgers and fries had been on the menu for days now. Luckly there was a McDonalds everywhere and that was often the easiest thing to get a five year old to eat.
She felt a little irresponsible letting Mason eat so much unhealthy food, but she reminded herself that it was just for this trip. As soon as they got settled she could get him back on a more well rounded diet.
Today all she'd managed to get down for lunch was a crappy salad and an iced tea. It had been the cheapest thing on the menu. At least Mason had eaten all of his chicken nuggets though. It seemed to be his favorite food and she'd hoped that it would cheer him up.
It would be okay, she reminded herself. Once they got to California and she was able to start her new job at Saint Thomas then everything would come together.
Charming, California seemed to be the perfect place to start anew. She'd sent in her application to several hospitals all over the country, but Charming had caught her eye and much to her relief the local hospital there had hired her on the spot with just a phone interview.
She'd chosen her new home partially for the name; Charming. It was silly she knew picking a home because of its name, but what better place than to start a new life than in a place called Charming?
At twenty seven years old, Molly Garrett finally felt like she was starting her life on her own terms.
She had faith that it would be a better life; a safer life for her son and her. She hoped and prayed that it would be a life that would hopefully be free of the violence they'd both long endured.
She'd escaped an almost six long years in a marriage from hell with a man who hit first and asked questions later.
Brian Parker had seemed like a sweet guy at first, Molly and he had met in college both in their final year. He had swept her off of her feet and had seemed to be a good match for her.
She'd been impressed by her husband when they first met. She's felt like he was a practical prince thanks to his affluence and his gentlemanly charm. She was just a poor girl on scholarship who had grown up in a trailer right outside of New Orleans with a single working mother and two siblings. She had come from so little and Brian had come from so much in comparison.
Brian came from a nice wealthy family; he had a promising future at a job at a nice well-established real estate firm. The job was at a firm that his family had owned for years. He'd grown up with privilege and he'd been so willing to share that privilege with Molly. He'd showered her with gifts and promises.
He had promised her a comfortable life with a nice safe home and a future full of children and maybe someday grandchildren. She could admit she'd been blinded by both the promises and the presents he'd bestowed upon her. He'd made her feel so special to be worthy of such expensive nice things. He'd given her jewelry and nice shopping sprees. It was more than she'd ever known. She felt like a fool looking back seeing how he'd showered her with such things and love bombed her as a way to lure her in
Two months after dating Brian, Molly had become pregnant. Soon after she'd found out she was carrying his child, they'd gotten married. She had been so excited starting a life with a man who she was sure would protect her from all of life's horrors.
It had turned out though that the only horror she would have to fear would be her husband.
The violence hadn't started until Mason was two. No he hadn't been always kind to her before that but it was the first time he'd put his hands on her at least in a violent act. He'd been belittling to her up until that point and sex had at times felt like something she was pressured into. She'd always blamed herself for his verbal abuse and had been in denial about the lack of consent in some of their sexual acts. She'd told herself she was ungrateful and horrible to deny him and when he'd insulted her she'd believed that it was her fault. She'd been taught to believe that she was so less worthy than him. She'd been conditioned to think that she was just the poor piece of trailer trash that he'd given an opportunity to rise above her station. When he lashed out at her, she told herself that it was her fault. The act of physical violence had stunned her.
Molly had excused the violence the first time it'd happened. She'd made excuses for her husband.
She'd tried to tell herself that Brian was under a lot of stress; his temper had just gotten the better of him. His father was his boss and he was the prodigal son expected to be a model employee and that wasn't easy when he was trying to support a young family.
Brian had apologized to her, promised her it would never happen again, but he'd lied. It seemed that his temper got the better of him over and over again. Soon the physical abuse was as just as regular of an occurrence and the emotional and sexual violence
It was the same cycle over and over again. He would apologize and claim he was a changed man or worst convince her that it had all been her fault really. When she thought about leaving he'd lure her back in. She would come back to him hoping against hope that this time would be different. It was insanity she knew; believing that each time would be different. Wasn't that the definition of insanity though; doing the same action over and over again expecting a different result?
She knew that she should have left the second Brian hit her but she'd been blinded by naïvety and a poor sense of self worth. Honestly she knew she should have been out the door the second he started to mistreat her verbally. She'd been blinded by him though. It felt as though she'd been under a spell.
Brian had killed her self-esteem telling her that no man would ever love her like him. No man would ever want her especially after she'd had a kid. She was his and that was that. He reminded her of how lucky she was; how privileged she was to have the life he provided.
Molly had had believed him for three long years. She'd hidden it all from family and friends and from Mason as well. She had played a happy loving wife pretending that her life was just peachy with her adorable son in her husband's nice old house.
Her breaking point had been when Brian had struck her in front of her baby. He'd had a long day at work and she'd made a mistake in his eyes by not having dinner waiting on the table when he got home.
Her brother had discovered the bruises on her body. Jack Garrett was no fool. Her brother knew about the violence and he'd tried to talk his baby sister into leaving time and time again. He'd even threatened to call the police.
Molly had finally started to see the light after that beating, and had started to listen to her brother. She had enlisted him in helping her leave, helping her find a job far away.
Brian found out about her plans to leave somehow, he had made her pay for ever thinking about leaving him. Bruising her body and cracking one of her ribs.
The abuse that night had been severe more severe than it had ever been. Mason had witnessed the entire thing.
The boy had witnessed his mother on the floor crying begging him to go upstairs and play. He'd watched as she'd cried out telling him that it was all okay when it clearly wasn't.
The boy had been silent since that night. Her body still ached from the violence her soon to be ex-husband had put her through.
It was as though a light switch had gone off in her brain when the violence had ended. She'd looked in the mirror studying her battered body when it hit her; she knew that she couldn't live like this. This wasn't a way to live; it was a way to die. If she stayed she would die and if she died her child would be left without his mother to protect him.
She had to save her baby from this life and from his father. She had no doubt that without her there to protect Mason, that Brian would turn the violence onto his child. He was already neglectful of the boy at best. Without her there to shield her child the anger Brian had inside him would have nowhere to find an outlet other than his son.
The morning after that beating, Molly's sister Candace had helped her pack up her things while Brian was at work. The two women had stuffed what little she had into a Uhaul trailer. She had left setting out west that night leaving her old life behind without a trace.
Candace had wanted her to stay in New Orléans, but Molly knew that she couldn't stay in Louisiana. The only way Mason and she would be safe would be if they disappeared.
That had been a week ago. Molly and Mason had been on the road for a week now and we're finally right outside of Charming heading for the rental home she'd recently signed the lease on.
The little house wouldn't be much; just a tiny two-bedroom house with one bathroom and a kitchenette and joined living area. It was dainty but in a quiet neighborhood.
Jack had found the rental for her; he'd been the one responsible for setting up her new life, arranging her lease and cosigning for her. She just hoped that someday she'd be able to find a way to repay her big brother. The home would not be much but it would be hers and that made it feel like a dream come true.
The little rental property was a big step down from the sprawling old plantation home that Brian and she had lived in for years. It had been in his family for decades a grand home that she had been so entranced by when they'd first married.
The people she knew had all been so jealous of her life; not realizing that it was a lie. Behind the old glorious home and fine lifestyle, it had been years of pain and fear.
She just hoped that the fear was over. The pain had to be over and it could never happen again, she told herself.
This was a new life. She knew that she had to make it work, not just for her but for Mason. Her baby boy deserved a good happy life. They both were worthy of a good life.
Molly rushed to get Mason ready for his first day of daycare. It was summer time so he wouldn't be able to start school for a few more months at least.
So for now the hospital's daycare would have to do. She had managed to land a job as a phlebotomist.
People were often a little freaked out once they found out that she drew blood for a living. She used to joke that she was the resident hospital vampire at her old job in Louisiana. She was always amazed Brian had even allowed her to maintain a job back home. She guessed he liked the way her job made him look. He'd been able to brag that his wife worked in healthcare and was so giving and kind. Her accomplishments at work made him sound better to those he wanted to impress. He'd been able to present them as a hardworking couple successful in their own careers. It was a career she loved. She knew now that her career was hers alone. She had worked hard for it. She was responsible for her accomplishments. Brian didn't get to take credit for her hard work.
She knelt down in front of Mason straightening his dark hair noticing that it had gotten a little too shaggy, but he wasn't too keen on hair cuts. His dark hair was one feature he'd inherited from his father.
For the most part Mason took after her; they shared the same hazel eyes, the same slightly round face, and the same smaller features such as their noses.
Molly spoke trying to sound cheerful and not stressed. "You're going to have a fun day today. You'll meet a ton of new friends, I bet. You're going to have such a blast. Maybe mommy can meet some new friends too. I bet we're both going to have a good day today."
Mason didn't reply. He only nodded his head as she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
She pulled at her blue hospital scrubs knowing that she looked like hell. She hadn't had the time to straighten her hair, so she'd just pulled it back into a messy bun.
At least she'd managed to put on a little makeup though. So hopefully she didn't look like the walking dead. She knew she was exhausted though. She knew that the exhaustion would be all worth it. This was the first day of the rest of her life.
She hadn't had much time to unpack anything the night before. She'd spent all day before unloading the uhaul on her own. The first thing she'd made sure to do was unpack Mason's bedroom.
Her bed still remained disassembled and most of their belongings remained in boxes around the rental home. She had slept by Mason's side the night before, in his little bed on his Spiderman comforter. They'd eaten cheap pizza the night before surrounded by boxes and watching kid's movies on the portable dvd player she'd packed.
The little house was not what she'd hoped for. It was so hot inside that it felt like an oven. She had spent hours on the phone trying to get a hold of her landlord. She'd hoped that he could come take care of the problem, but so far she had been unsuccessful. He dodged her calls until finally making an excuse that it would take a while to get someone out to look at the problem. She'd been told that she was just one of the many properties her landlord owned, so she would have to be patient.
For now it seemed that Mason and she would just have to sweat it out and make do.
She took Mason's hand in hers as they left the house. She held the one hand that wasn't clutching his action figure.
The Spiderman toy seemed to be a comfort to him. He brought the toy everywhere he went. He even slept with it like it was some kind of teddy bear. She'd worried he might leave it at the daycare, but he seemed unwilling to even consider parting with it this morning. She was willing to allow him the comfort despite her concerns about a misplaced forgotten toy.
Molly turned on the radio to an alternative rock station as soon as they got into the car, hoping that she could entice Mason into his favorite activity. He loved to sing along with the radio though he was too young to get most of the lyrics right.
It always managed to make her smile seeing him sing along like he didn't have a care in the world. She lived to see her child happy. It had been the one thing that kept her going throughout her marriage to Brian. Her child had been a lifeline through the misery.
Her smile failed to come though as Molly glanced in the backseat and spotted her silent son.
She shook her head as she pulled out of her driveway hoping that maybe the daycare would help Mason come out of his shell.
She feared that Mason might never recover from what he'd witnessed. He was afraid, she knew that.
She had done her best to explain things to him in a way that a five year old would understand.
Molly had told him that they were going on an adventure, to a place called Charming. They were going somewhere where he would meet new people and get to live in a whole new house. She'd tried to sound upbeat and make it sound as though they were doing something so grand. She'd tried to keep positive hoping that it would hide her anxieties and fears.
She had been unsure what to say about Brian. Molly knew that the time would come when she would have to explain to Mason why he had seen daddy hurt mommy and why daddy wasn't here with them.
She just hoped that she could find a way to explain it all. It wasn't right, a five year old child having to see something that horrible. She felt so guilty for letting him witness it all. Deep down inside she knew Brian was the only one to blame for his actions. She knew she had been a victim in this.
She hated herself for exposing her beloved child to something so terrible though. She felt pure shame for allowing herself to stay with a monster out of fear.
Molly took a deep breath knowing that she would never allow that to happen again. No one would ever lay a hand on her or her baby ever again.
This was the right choice, she reminded herself. She was doing the right thing.
Of course Molly's bug chose that morning to get a flat tire. She was just lucky that she made it to a garage before she got herself into a wreck. She had to think it was a miracle that there happened to be an auto mechanics close enough to reach. Perhaps God was looking out for her? She had to hope someone was looking out for her despite the flat tire.
Chibs Telford raised an eyebrow as a pathetic looking Volkswagen Bug pulled into the parking lot of TM Auto.
The car was a sad sight; the paint on the right side was chipped and fading and the transmission sounded just awful.
It was still early; the garage hadn't even opened yet. He had come in early though wanting to bury himself in his work to avoid thinking about his personal troubles. He was thankful for the work even if the garage was still technically not open. He knew that he could manage to get the owner of the car checked in and take care of business despite the closed sign on the door. He was grateful for the distraction of work. It was a relief to his over exhausted brain and aching heart.
Chibs made his way over to the car as it came to a stop and a young woman opened the drivers' side door giving him a smile.
"I've gotten myself into a real mess." Molly stated giving the man who was slowly approaching her a sheepish smile.
She ran reached up tucking her side bangs behind her ear as the man spoke. "I'd say I agree love. How are ya even runnin that thing?"
She raised an eyebrow a little taken back by his Scottish accent, and the word love. She had expected to hear neither from the mechanic. A Scottish accent was an odd thing to encounter in Northern California
Molly felt her cheeks flush as she found herself staring at the thin scars along the Scotsman's cheeks. She looked away fearing that he thought she was rude for staring. She mentally scolded herself for being so rude. She'd been raised with far better manners than to gawk at something someone couldn't help. She felt like a jerk for even staring away making so clear she'd been gawking.
Chibs wasn't surprised that she turned her eyes away from him after staring for a bit.
He had long ago become accustomed to people's reactions to the scars Jimmy O' had given him before he'd taken Chibs' family and banished him from Ireland.
The pain had finally ended now that he'd gotten his revenge. Now that Jimmy O' was dead and gone and he knew that his girls were safe.
He tried not to let his mind focus on his girls for too long. His girls made his heart ache more than ever lately. He knew they were safe but they were so far away. Things had changed between his girls and he so quickly.
Fiona and he had come to an agreement just a few months ago; their marriage was over. There wouldn't be a divorce on Fiona's insistence. In Catholicism marriage was a sacrament that couldn't be broken, so divorce wasn't an option...or that was what Fiona had claimed. Chibs felt bitter over the refusal to even consider the divorce. He felt bitter about it all to be honest. It hurt though he knew in the end it was right...ending the estranged relationship entirely...agreeing to just be coparents to Kerrianne.
It had hurt losing the wife he had so long pined for. No, he'd not been faithful to her during their time apart. He'd allowed himself to fall into the chaos of SAMCRO and the women who serviced the club. His heart had belonged to Fiona though. It felt painful to realize that his heart could no longer be hers. He had no idea where to place that love now.
At least he still got to see his Kerrianne. He made a trip to Belfast as often as he could to see his soon to be fifteen year old daughter, hoping that they could build the type of relationship a father and daughter should have.
Kerrianne had been told so many lies about her father, by Jimmy. It had been hard for Chibs to convince her that her da was a good man despite his status as an outlaw biker. He'd done his best to prove his love and devotion to her. He'd allowed her to remain in Belfast knowing it was her home. He'd sacrificed the chance to take her back to the states with him. He'd given up that dream letting her remain in her home knowing it was what she needed.
As time went by and Kerrianne and he became close. They spoke on the phone weekly and developed a relationship. He sent her gifts often. It felt as though a void that had long existed in his heart had finally been filled. He was getting a chance to be a father. He loved having his little girl back in his life again.
Chibs could admit that he was a little taken back by Molly's accent as well. It was distinctly southern; strange to hear in Northern California.
He was also taken back by the woman's features; he would be lying if he tried to say that she wasn't a beautiful woman.
She wasn't very tall she barely came up right at the center of his chest. Although she was petite she had a nice figure, full hips and breasts. He could spot the figure even in the unattractive scrubs she wore. Her hair was a dark blonde; almost the color of honey and her eyes were a pretty hazel.Her complexion was milky and smooth looking. Her hands seemed petite and her short nails were painted a lovely shade of lilac.
He found himself glancing down at her left hand at her ring finger. He was a little shocked that there was no ring there. Still though that didn't mean that she was single.
A girl like that had to have a man somewhere. He felt foolish for even looking for a ring. He knew that even if she had no man in her life. she would probably never want a man like him. It was a foolish hope thinking of her in that way; checking for signs of her being available. He felt like an old fool for even considering her relationship status.
It was her smile that really caught his attention. It was friendly despite the fact that Chibs often intimidated people given his appearance and his ties to Samcro. Usually people didn't smile at him. She had a pleasant smile though her eyes looked tired. He was not accustomed to people smiling at him so politely. The smile made him feel warm inside. He felt silly for the thought; feeling a soft cozy glow under her gaze.
Chibs snapped out of admiring her looks as he managed to speak. "Looks like ya hit a nail on the back right tire... and yer transmission is shite."
"Yeah...like I said, I've gotten myself into a mess...and now I'm late for my first day of work...great." She replied though the last part of her statement seemed to be more to herself than to him.
He was shocked as she opened the backseat and leaned in helping a little boy out of the car. The boy was tiny; delicate. Chibs was certain the kid was small for his age. The boy seemed healthy at least; his hair was dark, loose shaggy curls that made him look angelic. His eyes were identical to Molly's hazel bright and clear. The boy held on to Molly's hand staying close to his mother.
Chibs felt a sense of embarrassment realizing that he'd just cursed in front of a child. Sure he had done far worse in his life but he was sure that the boy's mother wouldn't appreciate his language. He grimaced sure he was about to get an earful about the foul language in front of a child even if had only been one word.
He did his best to give the boy a smile as he spoke up hoping to smooth over any upset he may have caused the kid's mom. "Sorry I said a bad word little lad."
Mason stared wide-eyed at the strange man not saying a word. He moved behind his mother's form hiding from Chibs' gaze.
Molly cleared her throat quickly speaking up trying to explain her son's silence hoping that the Scot didn't take it as rudeness. "He's shy."
Chibs nodded his head understanding. He'd found that most kids that didn't know him well enough were just as intimidated by him as adults were. Which he could admit was hurtful. He had always loved children. He had loved his nephew back in Belfast when the lad had been growing up. He'd spent so much time with him and had appreciated being involved in his life. Now though he knew that most kids tended to shy away from him. They took one look at his face and felt fear. He had found comfort in the Teller boys at least. He liked being Uncle Chibs to them. It had felt healing to be around the boys. He knew Jimmy O' had not taken being Uncle Chibs from him at least when it came to the Teller boys...his heart ached knowing that Jimmy O' had taken his nephew from him though.
Chibs pulled his mind from thoughts of his late nephew as he spoke nodding back to the poor Volkswagen. "We're a bit backed up ere, but I can get yer car in this afternoon. Don' know how long it'll take though, Love. Like I said, we're a wee bit backed up. Lotta wrecks last week, lots of folks coming through for summer trips getting into wrecks. Plus we gotta a few custom bike jobs ahead of ya. I can't promise fast work, but we'll get ya fixed up anyhow."
Molly gave him a smile thankful that her car would be repaired and not break down on her anymore. She spoke taking a look at the name stitched into his gray works shirt: Chibs, she found herself unsure if she should call him that or not. She was quite certain the man's parents had not given him such a name. "Thank you so much...uhm.."
Chibs raised an eyebrow realizing that she was asking his name. He took himself by surprise saying his real name and not the name everyone but his family called him. "Filip."
"Filip." She repeated causing him to do something else that he found astonishing. He felt a genuine smile develop across his face. He couldn't help but to like the sound of his name on her lips.
She spoke again reaching out to take his hand. "I'm Molly and this is Mason."
Chibs nodded in response as he took her hand in his giving it a firm shake, unable but to enjoy how soft her skin felt against his calloused hands.
He was shocked that he was so reluctant to let go of her hand. He shook his head wondering what had gotten into him.
Maybe it was just that he'd been alone for too long. He found himself unable to really get back into the biker lifestyle once Fiona and he had agreed to end their relationship.
All those years Fiona and he had been estranged he had found himself easily falling into a pattern, booze and croweaters.
He'd sleep with any one of the girls who hung around the clubhouse, a different girl just about every night.
Nights of drunken sex with women whose names he couldn't even remember by the next morning no longer felt fulfilling to him.
After Fiona and he had agreed to end their marriage, Chibs had found that he could not sink back into the life of meaningless sex with crow eaters. He had discovered that he just didn't enjoy it anymore. It felt cheap and it made him feel empty. At first he thought that maybe he was just getting old, but then he'd realized something.
He was lonely. He longed for something more, something real. He watched Jax with Tara and Gemma with Nero and he felt so alone. He laid in bed at night without anyone by his side and fretted over his future. He had come to the realization he would die alone without love. He'd so long hoped Fiona and he would reunite but that dream was dead and he knew it was for the best...but it still hurt. He had finally realized that he was truly alone. It was a realization that made his heart ache and yearn.
He felt so foolish but as he stared at the pretty blonde he found himself wondering what it might be like to lie by her side at night. He shook the thought from his mind knowing he was just an old fool. There was no way a woman like her would ever lie by the side of a man like him.  
Molly spoke up as she stared down at her cheap red plastic watch unaware of Chibs' inner turmoil. "Is there a phone I can use?...I need to get a rental car and I need to call Saint Thomas Hospital and explain why I'm late."
Chibs nodded his head not astonished by her workplace. The scrubs made it obvious, there was only one hospital in Charming. He sighed more sure than ever now that she would never have the time of day for him. She was a responsible adult with an important job who would not be interested in the outlaw biker. Sure, he knew Tara had loved Jax despite her mainstream job, but there was history there. Chibs knew he held no history with Molly. They were from two different worlds. She would not want anything to do with his world. 
"I can have someone give ya a lift to the car rental place. As far as a phone, I'm sure I can sort that out too." Chibs stated as he turned getting the attention of one of the prospects motioning over to the man.
He spoke to Ratboy as the man came up to him. "Can ya take Molly and her boy ere down to Davis Rentals, and let er use yer cell too. She needs to call her work."
Molly widened her eyes a little surprised by the friendly gesture of allowing her to borrow a cell phone.
She spoke hoping that it was clear just how thankful she was for the kind action. "Thank you, Filip. I appreciate it more than you know."
Chibs ignored the look on Ratboy's face as he spoke the smile once again developing along his face. "Yer welcome, Love. Just leave yer number with Ratboy here and We'll get to ya when yer cars ready."
Molly nodded trying not to show how strange she thought that the man who was giving her a ride was called Ratboy. What was it with this place and the employee's nicknames? "Thank you so much."
And with that she let the prospect lead her and her son away to a tow truck.
Chibs watched her walk away cursing the yearning in his heart. He told himself he was an idiot for the feeling. He was trying to bat out of his league and he was too beaten down and worn to even dream that he could charm her. Charming her would be foolish. She was a mother and most likely just saw him as the older dirty mechanic who had been providing good customer service.
Chibs was surprised as Mason turned to face him looking at him through the back window as the tow truck pulled away. Mason did the last thing Chibs' had expected considering the kid's silence. He stared as Mason waved.
Chibs raised his hand waving back without having to even think about the action.
He shook his head as the tow truck faded out of view. He let out a sigh trying to knock Molly and her boy out of his mind.
As lovely as he found Molly, there was no point in daydreaming about her ever giving him the time of day.
A girl like that didn't need a man like him.
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emmaharrison · 8 days
Essential Ingredients for a Perfect Vegan Pantry: How Vegan Connects Can Elevate Your Plant-Based Lifestyle.
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If you are you ready to transform your kitchen into a plant-based paradise. Stocking a vegan pantry is the first step towards embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. But where do you start? With so many ingredients to choose from, building a well-stocked vegan pantry can seem overwhelming. Luckily, Vegan Connects is here to help you every step of the way!
Vegan Connects is a vibrant new Facebook group dedicated to vegans, aspiring vegans, and plant-based enthusiasts living, working, or visiting London. Our community is the perfect place to share and discover tips on vegan nutrition, find the best vegan-friendly products, and connect with fellow plant-based foodies. Let’s dive into how you can stock your vegan pantry with essential ingredients and why Vegan Connects is the best place to do it!
Common Challenges in Building a Vegan Pantry
Identifying Essential Ingredients Starting a vegan pantry can be tricky when you’re unsure which staples are essential. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of beans, grains, nuts, and spices. Knowing what to stock up on can make a big difference in the ease and success of your plant-based cooking.
Navigating New Products With the rise in popularity of veganism, new products are constantly hitting the shelves. Keeping up with the best brands and new arrivals can be time-consuming. Finding reliable recommendations for high-quality, affordable products can save you both time and money.
Balancing Nutrition Maintaining a balanced diet while stocking your pantry can be challenging. It’s important to ensure you have a variety of ingredients to cover all your nutritional needs. This includes protein sources, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Avoiding Food Waste Purchasing large quantities of ingredients without knowing how to use them can lead to food waste. Learning how to effectively store and use pantry staples is crucial for reducing waste and maximizing your investment.
How Vegan Connects Can Solve These Challenges
Vegan Connects is a new Facebook group designed to make your vegan pantry-building journey smooth and enjoyable. Here’s how our community can help:
Discover Essential Pantry Staples Wondering which ingredients are must-haves for your vegan pantry? Vegan Connects is the place to get expert advice on essential items. From versatile legumes to nutrient-rich grains and spices that pack a punch, our community members share their top picks and tips for stocking up. You’ll get recommendations on the best products to keep your pantry well-stocked and ready for any recipe.
Get Recommendations on the Latest Products Stay ahead of the curve with the help of Vegan Connects. Our members are constantly sharing their favorite new vegan products and brands. Whether you’re looking for the perfect plant-based cheese or the latest in dairy-free milk, you’ll find real reviews and recommendations from fellow vegans who’ve tried and tested them.
Balance Your Nutritional Needs In Vegan Connects, you’ll find guidance on creating a nutritionally balanced pantry. Our community shares tips on how to ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients, from protein-packed beans to vitamin-rich leafy greens. Learn how to incorporate a variety of ingredients into your diet to support your health and wellness goals.
Learn Smart Storage and Usage Tips Avoid food waste with the help of Vegan Connects. Our members offer advice on how to store your pantry staples properly, ensuring they last longer and stay fresh. Plus, get ideas for how to use up your ingredients in creative and delicious ways, so you make the most of what you buy.
Connect with a Supportive Community Building a vegan pantry is easier and more enjoyable with the support of a like-minded community. Vegan Connects provides a platform for sharing your experiences, asking questions, and learning from others. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or just starting out, you’ll find support and inspiration in our vibrant group.
Join Vegan Connects and Elevate Your Plant-Based Lifestyle
If you’re excited to enhance your vegan pantry and connect with a supportive community of plant-based enthusiasts, Vegan Connects is the place for you. Our group is dedicated to making veganism accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Share your favorite vegan products, discover new ones, and get the tips you need to stock your pantry with confidence.
Ready to transform your kitchen and embrace the benefits of a well-stocked vegan pantry? Join Vegan Connects today and become part of a dynamic community that celebrates plant-based living. Your journey to a perfectly stocked vegan pantry starts here!
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Note: Ten favorite monsters, part seven. Part six. To be clear, do to past confusion, these are not lists of monsters I’d bang. Adult-content creator =/= turned-on 24/7.  ._.  Sometimes I just like to talk about character design and review media I like.
I pretty much like every kind of dragon, from friendly to terrifying. If we’re going off of scary, my favorite’s maybe from The Mists of Avalon. A lot of my fave monsters are literary, but don’t have official art. :(
1. Cat in the Hat from The Cat in the Cat
The Cat in the Hat’s more enjoyable if you view it as demonic horror. There’s a lot of elements I like. Quirky architecture, jokes that go over kids’ heads, goofy magic companion, fun costumes. Yet it’s not a good movie, even by my standards. Audrey Geisel was so disgusted by it, any plans for future live-action adaptations of Theodor’s works were nixed.
I’m kind of glad TCITH was the bad live-action, early ‘00s Seuss movie instead of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Imagine how horrifying they could have made the Grinch.
2-4. “Girly girl” dragons
Barbie As Rapunzel: I have the Penelope plushie, whose design I actually prefer to the movie’s.
Dragon Tales: Before FIM Fluttershy, Cassie was THE shy pink and yellow creature. Dragon Land’s just one of various portal fantasy realms I wanted to visit so badly as a tot. Still do.  
Raya and the Last Dragon: People were way critical of Sisu’s design, calling it Elsa’s scalesona. Like Disney hasn’t reused/referenced old designs, jokingly or not. Not that their human(oid) designs are always unique… But Ghibli gets more leniency in that regard. (Haku’s a great dragon design, btw.)
5. the Moving Finger from Nightmares & Dreamscapes
Horror doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective.
6. Jean Jacket from Nope
Take elements of UFOlogy, meteorology, marine biology, and animal exploitation, then produce the most terrifying movie monster ever.
7. Stuff from The Stuff
Metaphor for frozen yogurt? Diet food craze?
8. Scary Lion from The Teletubbies
A good example of how audio can determine whether something is cute or terrifying. 
9. Wild Things from Where the Wild Things Are
One elementary art class, we got to make our own chimeric Wild Things. Wish I knew where mine was. They’re grotesque, like to party, and actually pretty wholesome.
10. subway station from The Wiz
The Wiz is an interesting localization of The (Wonderful) Wizard of Oz. Garland!Dorothy is taken from Kansas to a mostly unfamiliar fantastical land. (I say “mostly,” because some of the Ozians have Kansan counterparts.) Ross!Dorothy is taken from NYC to fantastical NYC.
Originally, I considered using the book Kalidahs ‘cause I love mix-’n’-match critters. Then I watched this scene. That and the Munchkins coming out of graffiti like ghosts out of chalk outlines was oneiric as fuck. Anyway, the station isn’t just a liminal space, but another architectural monster. The train itself never appears, but we see trash bins and columns advance on Dorothy and co. There’s seemingly non-automated gates and prehensile electrical wires. Also, that peddler with his growing marionettes…
Note: The pic for “The Moving Finger” is actually from the show Monsters, but I only found out it was adapted after deciding to include it. Nightmares & Dreamscapes has one of my favorite covers, even if it’s deceptive. No scarecrow stories.
Unfortunately, the last gif can’t convey the awesome liminal horror that is the Ozified Hoyt–Schermerhorn Streets station. Fun fact, it was also used in The Warriors. 
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vezlayfood1 · 3 months
Why You Should Buy Vegan Food: A Look at Vezlay Foods
Have you ever thought about going vegan? Maybe you've heard about the health benefits or the positive impact on the environment. But how do you start, and where do you find the right products? In this article, we're diving into the world of vegan food, focusing on a key player in the industry, Vezlay Foods. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just curious, you'll find valuable insights here. And if you're looking to Buy Vegan Food, Vezlay Foods is a great place to start.
The Rise of Vegan Food
Veganism isn't just a trend; it's a movement. It has its roots in ancient cultures, but it's grown massively in recent years. From a niche lifestyle to mainstream adoption, veganism is now endorsed by celebrities, influencers, and athletes alike. With increasing awareness of health and environmental issues, more people are choosing to buy vegan food and embrace this lifestyle.
Health Benefits of Buy Vegan Food
Switching to a vegan diet can do wonders for your health. It's packed with nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Studies have shown that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Additionally, vegan food can boost your mood and mental health, thanks to its rich nutrient profile.
Environmental Impact of Veganism
Choosing vegan food isn't just good for you; it's good for the planet. The production of plant-based foods generates a lower carbon footprint compared to animal products. It also conserves water and land resources. Plus, by opting to buy vegan food, you're supporting animal welfare and reducing the demand for factory farming.
Challenges of Maintaining a Vegan Diet
While the benefits are clear, maintaining a vegan diet can come with challenges. There are misconceptions that vegan diets lack essential nutrients like protein and B12. However, with proper planning and a variety of foods, these concerns can be easily managed. Social and cultural factors can also pose challenges, but the growing availability of vegan options is making it easier.
Introduction to Vezlay Foods
Enter Vezlay Foods, a company dedicated to making veganism accessible and delicious. Founded with a mission to provide healthy and sustainable food options, Vezlay offers a wide range of vegan products. Their innovative approach and commitment to quality have made them a favorite among vegans and non-vegans alike.
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Popular Products by Vezlay Foods
Vezlay Foods has an impressive lineup of products. From vegan meats like soy-based chicken and mutton to ready-to-eat meals and snacks, they've got something for everyone. Their products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat, making the transition to veganism seamless.
Nutritional Value of Vezlay Products
What sets Vezlay Foods apart is their focus on nutrition. Their products are made with high-quality ingredients that offer substantial health benefits. For instance, their vegan meats are rich in protein and low in fat. Compared to traditional meat products, Vezlay Foods' offerings are a healthier and more ethical choice.
Cooking with Vezlay Foods
If you're new to vegan cooking, Vezlay Foods makes it easy. Their products come with simple recipes and cooking tips. Whether you're making a quick stir-fry or planning a gourmet meal, Vezlay's vegan options can be a game-changer. Try incorporating their products into your weekly meal plan for delicious and nutritious meals.
Buy Vegan Food
Wondering where to buy vegan food? Vezlay Foods' products are available in many health food stores and online. Shopping online can be particularly convenient, offering a broader range of products and often at competitive prices. Look for budget-friendly options and stock up on your favorites.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it; check out what customers are saying. Many users have shared their positive experiences with Vezlay Foods, praising the taste, convenience, and health benefits. Success stories highlight how Vezlay products have helped people transition to a vegan diet and improve their overall well-being.
Veganism in Different Cultures
Veganism isn't limited to one region; it's a global phenomenon. Different cultures have their own traditional vegan dishes, from Indian curries to Mediterranean salads. Vezlay Foods takes inspiration from these diverse culinary traditions, offering products that cater to various tastes and preferences.
Vegan Food and Fitness
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are increasingly turning to vegan diets for optimal performance. Vegan food provides ample protein and other nutrients essential for muscle recovery and energy. Vezlay Foods offers products perfect for pre and post-workout meals, ensuring you get the nutrition you need to stay active.
Future of Vegan Food
The future of vegan food looks promising, with continuous innovations and growing popularity. Vezlay Foods is at the forefront, constantly developing new products to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. Keep an eye on upcoming trends and new releases from Vezlay as they continue to lead the way in vegan food innovation.
Vegan food is more than just a diet; it's a lifestyle that benefits your health, the environment, and animal welfare. Vezlay Foods plays a significant role in promoting veganism by providing delicious, nutritious, and sustainable products. So why not give Vezlay a try and start your journey towards a healthier and more compassionate lifestyle? Remember, when you buy vegan food from Vezlay, you're making a positive choice for yourself and the planet.
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newstfionline · 6 months
Friday, April 5, 2024
Vocations (WSJ) Graduating high schoolers are flocking to the trades, with the number of students enrolled in vocational-focused community colleges up 16 percent as of last year. The percentage of students studying construction trades is up 23 percent and the percentage of those working in HVAC and vehicle maintenance is up 7 percent. Enrollment growth is vastly outpacing four-year college programs as a whole, which saw enrollments creep up a paltry 0.8 percent.
As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice (Washington Post) Jaye Rochon struggled to lose weight for years. But she felt as if a burden had lifted when she discovered YouTube influencers advocating “health at every size”—urging her to stop dieting and start listening to her “mental hunger.” She stopped avoiding favorite foods such as cupcakes and Nutella. “They made me feel like I was safe eating whatever the hell I wanted,” said Rochon, 51, a video editor in Wausau, Wis. In two months, she regained 50 pounds. As her weight neared 300 pounds, she began to worry about her health. The videos that Rochon encountered are part of the “anti-diet” movement, a social media juggernaut that began as an effort to combat weight stigma and an unhealthy obsession with thinness. But now global food marketers are seeking to cash in on the trend. One company in particular, General Mills, maker of Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms cereals, has launched a multipronged campaign that capitalizes on the teachings of the anti-diet movement. It has showered giveaways on registered dietitians who promote its cereals online with the hashtag #DerailTheShame, and sponsored influencers who promote its sugary snacks. The company has also enlisted a team of lobbyists and pushed back against federal policies that would add health information to food labels.
Biden Administration Presses Congress on $18 Billion Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel (NYT) The Biden administration is pressing Congress to approve a plan to sell $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, as President Biden resists calls to limit U.S. arms sales to Israel over its military offensive in Gaza. The State Department recently sent an informal notice to two congressional committees to start a legislative review process for the order, a first step toward the department’s giving formal authorization for the transfer of up to 50 of the planes. The deal, which would be one of the largest U.S. arms sales to Israel in years, would also include munitions, training and other support.
At least 241 people have died in El Salvador’s prisons during the ‘war on gangs,’ rights group says (AP) At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since the start of President Nayib Bukele’s “war on gangs” two years ago, according to the organization Humanitarian Legal Relief. Ingrid Escobar, director of the rights organization, said they received 500 reports of deaths in state custody, but they have confirmed about half, including two minors. In March 2022, Bukele announced a “state of exception,” waiving many constitutional rights to combat the gangs that have terrorized the Central American nation. Since then, El Salvador has arrested 80,000 people—more than 1% of the country’s population—throwing them into prison, often with little evidence of their ties to gangs and almost no access to due process. The prisons have been likened to torture chambers, with horrifying conditions.
Argentina’s Milei takes his chainsaw to the state, cutting 15,000 jobs and spurring protests (AP) Argentina said Wednesday that it had cut 15,000 state jobs as part of President Javier Milei’s aggressive campaign to slash spending, the latest in a series of painful economic measures that have put the libertarian government on a collision course with angry protesters and powerful trade unions. Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced the job cuts in a news conference, portraying them as key to Milei’s promised shake-up of Argentina’s bloated public sector. Hundreds of defiant employees—some notified of their termination last week and others before that—stormed their workplaces in Buenos Aires and nearby cities on Wednesday, beating drums, decrying their dismissal as unjust and demanding their reinstatement. Milei campaigned for president while brandishing a chainsaw—promising to fix Argentina’s long-troubled economy by chopping down the size of the state. However, his efforts have hiked inflation, making it even harder for struggling Argentines to make ends meet.
Pressure in UK to suspend arms sales to Israel (BBC) More than 600 legal experts, including three former UK Supreme Court judges, have called on the British government to suspend arms sales to Israel. The letter argues the exports must end to "avoid UK complicity" in potential breaches of international law, such as the Genocide Convention, citing South Africa's case against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice. Israel rejects the claim of genocide as "wholly unfounded". Scrutiny of arms sales follows the killing of seven humanitarian workers, including three British citizens, in Gaza in an Israeli strike on Monday.
After terror attack, Russia sees U.S. role (Washington Post) In the aftermath of last month’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but also have repeatedly accused the West of involvement—even though U.S. officials insist they gave Moscow a specific warning that the Islamic State could attack the venue. If the U.S. warning was so detailed, it raises further questions about Russia’s failure to prevent the country’s worst terrorist attack in two decades. But rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions, Russian security officials have disregarded the claims of responsibility by the Islamic State. Instead, they have insisted that U.S. and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike.
The true toll of the war in Ukraine is measured in bodies (AP) The true toll of the war in Ukraine—and the odds faced by each side—can be measured in bodies. More than half a million people have been killed or seriously injured in two years of war in Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates—a human toll not seen in Europe since World War II. The question of who prevails is being increasingly shaped by which side can tolerate higher losses. By that measure, Moscow has the upper hand. Russia had 3.7 times more men of fighting age than Ukraine in 2022, according to World Bank data. That means that though Russia has sustained nearly twice as many casualties as Ukraine, according to Western intelligence estimates, on a per capita basis Russia’s losses remain lower than Ukraine’s. “Manpower is another currency,” said Nick Reynolds, a research fellow at RUSI. “The Russians with their industrial base and larger manpower can expend manpower and materiel at less cost.”
People jump into the sea to escape raging ferry fire in Gulf of Thailand (AP) Panicked passengers jumped into the sea to escape a raging ferry fire in the Gulf of Thailand early Thursday, and all 108 people on board were safe. The overnight ferry from Surat Thani province was about to arrive at Koh Tao, a popular tourist destination off the Thai coast, when one of the passengers suddenly heard a crackling sound and smelled smoke. Videos showed people hurrying out of the ferry’s cabin while putting on life vests, as thick black smoke swept across the ferry. It was later engulfed in fire. Rescue boats could not get close to the ferry out of fear of explosions. A passenger said people had to jump into the sea to be rescued.
Taiwan quake: Rescue efforts complicated by aftershocks, rainfall (Washington Post) Rescue efforts resumed at dawn Thursday to try to free more than 600 people who remained trapped after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of Taiwan, as aftershocks continued to rattle the area around Hualien, the epicenter, and forecasts of rain raised concerns about more landslides. The efforts have been complicated by a large number of aftershocks—at least 324—in Hualien county, a scenic coastal region popular with tourists and hikers, and where the damage has been the heaviest. Taiwan officials said aftershocks of magnitude 6.5 to 7.0 were possible over the next three days.
World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés says Israel targeted staff in Gaza ‘car by car’ (BBC) World Central Kitchen (WCK) founder José Andrés has accused Israeli forces in Gaza of targeting his aid workers “systematically, car by car”. Monday’s strike which killed seven members of his staff was not a mistake, he said, repeating that Israeli forces had been told of their movements. WCK workers from Australia, Canada, Poland, the UK and the US were killed as well as their Palestinian colleague. Speaking to Reuters news agency on Wednesday, the Spanish-American celebrity chef said this was not a “bad luck situation where, ‘oops,’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place”. In a separate interview with Israel’s Channel 12 news, Mr Andrés said “it was really a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by everybody at the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]”. Humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is in doubt after WCK—a key provider of aid to the territory—suspended operations. “America is going to be sending its Navy and its military to do humanitarian work, but at the same time weapons provided by America ... are killing civilians,” Andrés said.
Gaza is going hungry. Its children could face a lifetime of harm. (Washington Post) Gaza’s children are going hungry. More than 25 have reportedly died of complications linked to malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization. Hundreds of thousands more face starvation as Israel continues its siege. Doctors and nutrition experts say the children who survive the lack of nourishment—and the ongoing bombing, infectious diseases and psychological trauma—are further condemned to face a lifetime of health woes. Malnutrition will rob them of the ability to fully develop their brains and bodies. Many will be shorter and physically weaker as a result. “At the simplest level, if you have impaired nutrition and growth, your brain stops growing,” said Zulfiqar Bhutta, a physician and the chair of global child health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In the short term, even less sustenance will be available for the children of Gaza: This week, an Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers led several assistance organizations to announce they would suspend operations.
African Elephants (CBS News) For any fans of ancient Roman history, elephant warfare is back on the menu. Unfortunately, it’s the 21st century, so no army of elephants will be marching into Europe anytime soon—instead, Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi has threatened to ship 20,000 African elephants into Germany following a public dispute between the two countries over elephant conservation. It all started earlier this year when Germany announced plans to restrict imports of hunting trophies from Africa. Botswana, which is home to around one-third of the world’s elephant population, quickly objected to the decision because Germany is one of the biggest hunting trophy importers in the world. Botswana has long struggled with its elephant populations, as overpopulation can bring the giant animals into conflict with people. Annual quotas for trophy hunting can be used to control populations while also providing much-needed economic support for local communities, but Western conservationists are more concerned about protecting the vulnerable animals. Masisi said it was easy for German ministers to call for conservation without “elephants in their backyard,” but added that he was “willing to change that.”
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prvtocol · 10 months
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@gwidien : What does your muse do in their routine to take care of themselves (physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise)? | Untitled Headcanon Questions ( accepting ) ᠂ ⚘ ˚
Or how does this workaholic stay sane? To start, Brianne knows she functions well if she sticks to a routine; she is routine-oriented. The type to wake up and go to sleep at the same time. Travel and timezone changes usually disrupt this but regardless of her location, she tries to maintain similarities in her daily work schedules.
One daily ritual is enjoying a hot cup of tea during set intervals during the day. It gives her a brief moment to slow down and reflect. She also journals in the evenings. Not your diary-type journal entry, but work-oriented thoughts with reflections on that day’s activities and a review of the next day’s priorities (akin to a to-do list).
Physical or health-wise, she eats healthy (we won’t talk about her subsisting on protein bars when traveling in suspect corners of the globe or in the field depending on verse). She tries to consume food that is organic, unprocessed (minus those bars), balanced, and portioned; it won’t weigh her down or give her brain fog. She also takes supplements to round out her diet (and hopefully make up for those meals she skips when her schedule gets overwhelming).
Things that mentally relax her and what the weekends are given over to are tending her garden and house plants, cooking favorite dishes, swimming in her pool, and phoning members of her close family. Though at times, work hardly gives her a moment, and not stopping is the best way for her to keep her emotions in line. Don't think about your troubles, just keep busy.
Brianne is also aware of when she needs help and will seek therapy and take medication if needed. This is primarily anxiety which heightens due to various factors depending on verse events.
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annbourbon · 8 months
A Master List on How to be THAT Girl
Beauty may be dangerous but intelligence is lethal
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Originally it was a post called "Interesting, Useful & Favorite Posts" which was also mixed with "The Useful Post" but then I decided to make it like this. Because one thing my parents taught me was that you need to think for yourself. To read, to explore, research, and learn. And keep an open mind. All the time. To be curious. Then, you need to decide if it is or not your thing.
There are several topics here that might be useful, and others that are sensitive topics. I hope you handle those respectfully, but I can't do anything about the way other people behave. So there's that.
Now, please take notice that not everything here's mine, but it's interesting so... go & take a look. And remember: Everything takes time
divider by @cafekitsune
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♡ Interesting Things to Talk About (A lady is never without opinions.)
♡ Interesting things to talk about (part 2) ~ A lady is never without opinions
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♡ ~Holic ★~Holic means obsession, or addiction over someone or something. In this case I'm using it as a synonym for nihilism. Contains: ~Dramas, Anime, Movies, Books, Music, Otomes, Manhwas, Series. is supposed to be a master list of things I need to watch, read or whatever lol but also is supposed to keep control over the things I haven't finished, and the things I already finished. It's supposed to be a list of reviews too. But we'll get there. Of course these lists are a W.I.P.★
♡ Fluff - My favorite posts here on Tumblr
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♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 1 ★Contains: Writing Tips only. This section is finished already. I'm creating another Section for more Writing Tips. Currently moving the Language section to part 3. ★
♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 2 ★Contains: Tips to be THAT Girl, Food Recipes, Diets, History and Nature posts★
♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 3 ★Contains: Languages: Korean, Russian, Japanese. Linguistics. The section it's a work in progress for now.★
♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 4 ★Contains: More writing tips. The section it's a work in progress for now.★
♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 5 ★Contains: More tips on how to be That Girl. Things like Witchy Tips, Fashion, Sewing, Skincare, Makeup Techniques, Workout Routines, Food recipes and other things that might be useful for you are here. The section it's a work in progress for now.★
♡ How to be THAT Girl - Part 6 ★Contains Art Appreciation posts and Study techniques★
⚠️working on it. ⚠️
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♡ Who are you? - Part 1 ★It's supposed to highlight to every historic character who was swept away or tried to disappear. It's not meant as a history lesson. Sometimes you're gonna have to google for more info on them. I simply try to make a brief mention. Mostly because I believe their stories are so interesting they coukd create biopics and they'd be quite successful.★
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hunkydorkling · 2 years
Was originally going to compose this whole book review solely for @variousqueerthings in the hopes of them picking it up someday For Clear and Queer Reasons, but tbqh I've considered writing a full blog post about it. The latter's won, so if you're reading this and are looking for a worthwhile bisexual heartbreak rec, consider Milk Fed. Will tell you why under the cut.
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I was randomly loitering around the interwebs sometime ago (which was... just last year) when I came across the website for 2022's Lambda Literary Award Finalists, which was where I discovered Milk Fed as part of the candidates. Having been a fan of So Sad Today, despite not hearing from Melissa Broder since the heydays of my Twitter use, I decided to pick this up and dig into it curiously because... duh. The cover's a tit. Wonder what that meant, they ask.
What you need to know (without me trying to spoil everything) is that the book immediately jumps into 24-year-old Rachel's thoughts as she details her woes—working at one of the biggest talent agencies in all of Hollywood, how many calories she can cut off, suppressing sexual fantasies about her coworker who could pass off as her mom. On a daily basis, she carefully-aggressively enters dangerous territory of intense-dieting-borderline-anorexia, often relying on nicotine gums, Splenda, and granola bars to get by. With those, she's perfectly capable of getting by. Oh, and she's a lapsed Jew, which is very important to note.
Per therapist's suggestion, she is recommended to do a 90-day fast from her mom, who's way up there on the Reasons Why Rachel's Got An Impaired Sense of Self Image. Through this fasting phase, she crumbles at the thought of tackling the mother problem this way, with much due fury at herself. On a random day, she decides to visit her favorite froyo place called Yo!Good and meets young Orthodox Jewish Miriam, the woman who's about to turn her whole life around (cheesy!).
It's no surprise how Miriam makes an imprint on her at that exact moment, too; Rachel has a very specific go-to order, Miriam doesn't listen and fills it all the way to the lip of the cup since it's "priced by cup size, not by weight". Melissa Broder writes with full visual clarity how Miriam is a plus-sized girl two years Rachel's junior, and from this encounter alone, Rachel realizes the starting effect that Miriam has on her debilitating views of her own form. What comes after is Rachel and Miriam's journey to Flavortown. (No, literally.)
"Above all, she was fat: undeniably fat, irrefutably fat. She wasn't thick, curvy, or chubby. She surpassed plump, eclipsed heavy. She was fat, and she exceeded my worst fears for my own body."
As I type this now, I tried to recall the exact feeling of wanting to own a copy right away, as there was simply no way I'd let slide a book that cycled between sexual thirst, body dysmorphia, and meaningful spiritual enlightenment, which are three things I'd probably lead with when going on first-time friend dates. I mean, it's textbook for me, but not textbook enough for confidence to suddenly rule over myself at any chance of introduction. The core of the book painfully deals with these three themes as they interweave through each other as needed, which in most cases are about Rachel's loose restraint on her calorie counting and her horny tendencies for Miriam, as brought on by food and their intensifying relationship. Sprinkled now and then are detailed Jewish rituals that are greater parts of Miriam than they were of Rachel's and how she decided to veer away from religion and spirituality in the first place, which in turn helped her realize the real-life impact it had during and after Miriam.
There are tabs that I've stuck on a couple of paragraphs, and reading them in retrospect helped me understand that most bisexual women (some whom I know and have read up about, as sample size lol) often feel strongly for all three cylinders, one much more casual than the other two on given days, and Melissa Broder takes all of these to certain extremes and couples them down as interdependent intricacies through not only hilarious narratives, but also in the rawest form that it possibly could be expressed.
I was inside a convenience station from a local gas station, waiting for my friends so we can go to a theme park, when I finished this book. While it doesn't bear the best ending—especially from the heights this novel had to go through—it's by far a couple of ways fulfilling, in that the act of simply letting people visit puts one's relationship with themself through a cathartic experience, especially if it's what one would otherwise bury deep into a pit. I think it was wonderful.
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themindbodynsoul · 1 year
How to Craft a Balanced & Nutritious Diet Plan 🥦🍎
🌟 Title: "Fueling Your Body Right: Creating a Balanced Diet Plan"
Hey Twitter fam! Let's talk about something super important – creating a balanced and nutritious diet plan. 🥗💪 We all want to stay healthy and energized, right? Here's how to do it without any fuss. 👇
1/ First things first, what's a balanced diet? 🤔 It's all about eating a variety of foods that give your body the right mix of nutrients. That means a combo of:
Fruits 🍓🍌 Veggies 🥦🥕 Protein (like chicken, beans) 🍗🍲 Whole grains (brown rice, oats) 🍚🌾 Healthy fats (avocado, nuts) 🥑🥜
2/ Fill your plate with colors! 🌈🍽️ Each color usually represents different nutrients. Like orange veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes) give you Vitamin A for sharp eyes. Leafy greens provide iron for energy. Mix it up for a nutrient-packed meal! 🥬🥕
3/ Portion control matters! ⚖️ Even if it's healthy, too much of a good thing isn't great. Use your hand as a guide: protein (palm), grains (fist), fats (thumb), veggies (lots!). Balance is key. 🍽️👌
4/ Stay hydrated! 💧 Water is essential for digestion and overall health. Plus, it's calorie-free! Drink up, aim for around 8 glasses a day. 🚰😃
5/ Say no to crash diets! 🙅‍♀️ Extreme diets aren't sustainable. Instead, focus on long-term habits. Small, gradual changes lead to big results. 📈
6/ Plan your meals ahead! 📅 Planning helps you make healthier choices and avoid grabbing unhealthy snacks on the go. 🥪🥗
7/ Treat yourself – in moderation! 🍫🍰 It's okay to enjoy your favorite treats once in a while. Remember, balance is about overall choices, not perfection.
8/ Listen to your body! 🧘‍♂️ Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat when hungry, stop when satisfied. Your body knows best.
9/ Get expert advice! 📚 If you're unsure, a registered dietitian can help you create a personalized plan that suits your needs and goals.
10/ Remember, it's a journey! 🌟 Creating a balanced and nutritious diet takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate every small win. You've got this! 💪🎉
So, there you have it! A guide to crafting your very own balanced and nutritious diet plan. Your body will thank you for fueling it right. Have questions? Drop them below! 👇🤗
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Visit our new blog and keep up to date with all the latest health and wellness tips, guides and product reviews.
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David Venable Weight Loss Gummies Reviews (Scam Alert 2023): Shark Tank Warning Exposed?
➢Supplement Review - David Venable Weight Loss Gummies
➢Category - Weight Loss
➢Base Ingredients - Magnesium-BHB
➢Side Effects - No Major Side Effects
➢Dosage - 2 Gummies per day
➢Administration Route - Oral
➢Benefits Delivered - Fat Burn and Boost Metabolism
➢Dosage - As Prescribed on Bottle or Consult Your Doctor
➢Results - 2-3 Months (Results May Vary Person to Person)
➢Availability - In Stock
➢Official Website - Click Here to Visit
✔️(OFFICIAL DEAL) Click Here to Order from Its Official Online Store
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The David Venable Weight Loss Gummies are most of the most effective options for the ketogenic food regimen when you consider that they help with appetite suppression, calorie management in addition to Ketone frame production while not having to take severe measures, which includes calorie deficiency to lose weight blessings of adhering to a ketogenic life-style frequently. The benefits of ordinary are awesome because it allows you to improve your consuming conduct and look, without the need to invest a whole lot of attempt into running out or ingesting. This is an absolute blessing for folks that are trapped in their body weight and are seeking out a distinct way to weight gain or different problems.
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What are the substances and the compounds covered within the formula?
Ashwagandha Root - The blood sugars and genetic fats cell content material together with the triglyceride level is stored at a healthful degree.
Wakame Fucoxanthin - It helps in energy burning and fat-burning techniques, and it takes place clearly
Guarana - In addition to making weight loss easy cognition will also be stepped forward to a certain degree with the assist of Guarana
Garcinia Cambogia - The most essential aspect on this tablet that blocks the procedure of regaining fats is that this precise
BHB- The component that provides you with extra power and reduces fat is BHB which affords a boost in slimming your parent
Are there any unfavorable poor results or harms which are associated with the David Venable Weight Loss Gummies?
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David Venable Weight Loss Gummies has been recognized to be one of the primary keto supplements that can assist to hold the ketosis place optimally. In addition, many different suspicious moves suggest the fact that Ketone bodies must be made via the frame as opposed to being injected via any supplementation system. This is simply one of the severa claims which can be based on hypothesis that divulge the ambiguities of any duty.
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Which are dosage suggestions and how to use the consequences?
Get David Venable Weight Loss Gummies to have low-carb opportunities to open up and do away with high-fats troubles as properly. A small amount of food plan and a slight exercising habitual will offer you with enough time to pay attention on yourself and add different accomplishments to your daily life considering the fact that this product is meant to be a standalone product that serves its reason. It is powerful while ate up three times in a row with an c program languageperiod of about an hour.No person is needed to consume this consistent with their non-public preferences, and they have a particular intake approach for David Venable Weight Loss Gummies.
David Venable Weight Loss Gummies has been blessed with the very best keto blessings available and allows promote weight loss as rapidly as feasible. Anyone who is seeking out a one of a kind approach to shed weight or manage their eating behavior should recollect David Venable Weight Loss Gummies to lose fats. This is an clean method to stick to a keto-pleasant weight loss plan, as all you have to do is take one Gummy and chew it with out a second concept. Gummies are in basic terms profitable. Gummies are absolutely useful in terms of dose and keto that promote the best nice of herbal substances that assist fulfill the choice for meals and introduce Ketone bodies as the primary source of electricity to support the body's features.
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Ketosis is at once generated thru this
Greater restoration from fat-related ailments
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It is a entire rehabilitation program to improve fitness.
A top-best answer for the development of digestion
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David Venable Weight Loss Gummies has reduced the scale of every person who used this product and it's far a hidden gain which can make you appearance slender and filled with radiant self belief. People who've always failed at dropping weight, recollect this as a blessing and can level the others as a hassle. There isn't any need to be involved or harassed over the excess weight you convey, as the complete weight is going to be gone soon.
This is critical because David Venable Weight Loss Gummies tends to be the maximum useful element of ketosis, this is attaining ketosis and retaining the ketosis nation till your frame begins producing Ketone bodies. The Ketosis country represents the fats-burning nation which produces BHB(Beta-hydroxybutyrate) as a enough strength aid that could without problems transfer glucose inside the strength production procedure.
Official Website:- http://worldtrade24x7.com/david-venable-weight-loss-gummies-buy/
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/DavidVenableWeightLossGummy/
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/DavidVenableWeightLossGummiesOfficial/
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laughterbynight · 2 years
Le Comfort Tags
this is going to be long
these tags are brought to you by @burntotears
Comfort Movie(s): 2005 Pride & Prejudice, Jurassic Park, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, and Under the Tuscan Sun. Can't remember how well some of those aged...
Comfort Food (s): (okay so for about 9 months I had long covid before we had vaccines, which means, weirdly, my body developed allergies to a lot of foods I could tolerate previously. Old faves have *)
Cheese, big glass of Milk*, Pizza*, Tortellini Alfredo*, Miso Soup, Diet Coke*, Oat Milk Ice Cream, Teriyaki Salmon, Petit Fours*, Pastry Cream*.
Comfort Clothing: A very oversized T Shirt and nothing else or baggy pants and a velvet crop top. Very specific but it's my favorite thing to wear when I'm being cozy. I do like big sweaters but if I get overheated the feeling is ruined immediately.
Comfort Song(s): I apologize in advance but there's no way to make this short. Daydreaming means I'm always switching between a line up of songs that transport my brain to other places or set off specific feelings. Some probably don't sound comfortable per se but the familiarity is what gets me. A few have been my go-to escapism songs for well over a decade. And of course the line up is always in flux. Also, like, fanfic mood music is a must yo.
BZY-The Earth Laughs In Flowers Jean Dawson - Pirate Radio The 1975 - Happiness Great Heart - Johnny Clegg & Savuka the verve - bittersweet symphony Deco - bittersweet symphony New Radicals - You Get What You Give Tracy Chapman - Crossroads Temple of the Dog(aka soundgarden and pearl jam) - Hunger Strike ODESZA - Line Of Sight Steve Conte - Call Me Call Me The Midnight - We Move Forward Savage Garden - I Want You Stewart Copeland (yes from the police) - Misty Bog (spyro the dragon) Angels & Airwaves - The Adventure Broke for Free - A Beautiful Life Cressida- 6am (Kyau & Albert Remix) Niklas Harding & Arcane- Ice Beach Michael Cassette - Wateresque Nitrous Oxide - North Pole Fire Flowerz - Sugar
Technically you could probably put any intro and outro from the og toonami line up on this list. I stg it's like getting smacked in the face with nostalgia to hear anything from that time.
*if a song is like 8 minutes jump ahead 2. That usually gets you past the warm up.
Comfort Book(s): The Birth of the Firebringer, Vol 1. of the Sailor Moon manga, Pride and Prejudice (specifically the audio version by the sleepy bookshelf) which is also on spotify, and probably ACOMAF (the rest can rot but I still love that ONE book.)
Comfort Game(s): Spyro the Dragon (I know this game too well), Tomba 1 & 2, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon DS Cute, Dewprism/Threads of Fate.
Comfort Streamers:
Tbh although I check in with a handful of streamers from time to time Ray is probably who I watch the most. Quick wit, sarcasm, and snark are my favorite things, so Ray is my go-to. (yes, that Ray. He escaped RT a long time ago. It's a whole thing that's been talked about by him. He's a safe one, don't worry.)
dude plays pretty much anything and everything but if I had to rec somewhere to start go with either pokemon or stardew if you want chill vibes, or watch his plays of any of the resident evil or yakuza games for fuckery.
Comfort Youtube Channels:
I'm adding this because I use a few when I'm overwhelmed and need something familiar or gentle to watch. Separate from gaming stuff.
Kennie JD - Bad movies and a beat playlist (kennie is just hysterical anyway but omg these reviews. The Twilight ones in particular get me every time.
Anti-Chef - Watch Jamie attempt to cook through Julia Child's cookbooks. It's very charming and you're always rooting for him. He's very real about the process which is nice.
Dominic Noble - Lost in Adaptation. Exactly what it sounds like. Books vs Film and TV but he's also not an ass about it so it's a pleasant experience.
nigiricco - Bento videos like every three days it's wild but imo soothing to watch.
Sophia Phan - Movie Commentaries. She's adorable.
Imamu room - MORE BENTO
Joconde's baking - Really soothing baking videos imo as long as you don't mind the sound of it. Like almost asmr if that helps.
Chocolate Cacao - The master of baking chocolate I stg
José - Video essays and damn good retrospectives including scrubs, that 70s show, boy meets world, the golden girls, cheers, the fresh prince etc.
The Movie Budz - More great film commentary
PBS Idea Channel - Okay so this channel has been dead for 6 years now but it's STILL full of amazing videos that I have yet to see matched in their depth and scope. Plus it's nearly all pop culture which keeps it fun an accessible. If you aren't familiar with PBSID I highly suggest sifting through the archive. There are videos on everything from The Pokemon War Theory to How Does Night Vale Confront Us With the Unknown?
Hbomberguy - The dude with the Pathologic video. His other stuff is really good too.
Folding Ideas - Video essays and commentary plus some really good deep dives into other subjects like NFTs, Flat Earthers, and the Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings uh adaptation?
Primitive Technology - Okay, you know those videos YT recs where it looks like two guys built a hotel out of bamboo or something but it's clearly fake? This is the guy they're mimicking.
Peaceful Cuisine - Mostly vegan and/or gluten free cooking. Most videos have an asmr version and a version with soft music playing.
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Was all of that necessary? Probably not. I am now tired. To think I trimmed down what I was going to add.
Tagging folks but like everyone feel free to do it, and no you don't have to do all the categories I did. I added the youtube videos and went kinda wild with music.
Going by my activity page again otherwise this will be too long
@loveayeti @corpsefluid @deviess @metaphysicaltelephone @cobaltbluepub @kerrykhat @doommsatic @isixdream @aetheling @thesoilofblackpepper @blue-shale @thematurescholar @ghost-proof @pixiereadsb00ks @dreaminginspacecowboy @truculentbantam @tfisathoughtfulnickelbakeryfire Zuloo Idk why I can't tag you but I see your ass on my activity page so consider yourself tagged.
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emmaharrison · 22 days
Discover the Ultimate Vegan Hub in London: Join Vegan Connects Today!
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#### Facing the Challenges of Vegan Living in London
Living a vegan lifestyle in a bustling city like London can be an exciting yet challenging adventure. Whether you’re just starting your journey into veganism or you’ve been living plant-based for years, you’ve likely encountered a few hurdles along the way. Finding reliable nutritional advice, discovering vegan-friendly supermarkets, or simply staying updated on the latest vegan events in London can be daunting. But what if there was a community designed specifically to help you navigate these challenges?
#### Welcome to Vegan Connects: London’s Newest Vegan Community
**Vegan Connects** is a vibrant, new Facebook group dedicated to vegans, aspiring vegans, and plant-based enthusiasts who live, work, or visit London. Our mission is to make veganism accessible, enjoyable, and affordable for everyone in the city. Whether you’re looking for support, advice, or simply a place to share your vegan experiences, **Vegan Connects** is your go-to community.
#### Solving Nutritional Inquiries with Vegan Connects
One of the biggest challenges people face when adopting a vegan lifestyle is ensuring they’re getting all the nutrients they need. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by conflicting advice and a lack of clear information. But in **Vegan Connects**, you’ll find a community ready to support you.
Within **Vegan Connects**, members share tips on how to maintain a balanced diet, discuss supplements, and exchange advice on vegan-friendly nutrition. Plus, we feature insights from local nutritionists who offer expert advice on how to stay healthy while living a plant-based lifestyle. By joining **Vegan Connects**, you’ll have access to a wealth of knowledge and support to keep you on the right track.
#### Discovering Vegan-Friendly Supermarkets and Products with Vegan Connects
Finding vegan-friendly supermarkets and products in a sprawling city like London can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But with **Vegan Connects**, you’ll never have to search alone.
Our community regularly shares recommendations for the best vegan-friendly supermarkets, grocery stores, and products available in London. From the latest plant-based innovations to affordable staples, **Vegan Connects** is your guide to discovering where to shop for all your vegan needs. Join us to exchange your discoveries and benefit from the collective knowledge of London’s vegan community.
#### Sharing Your Favorite Vegan Cafes and Restaurants with Vegan Connects
London is a culinary melting pot, and its vegan food scene is one of the best in the world. However, with so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where **Vegan Connects** comes in.
In **Vegan Connects**, our members are always sharing their favorite vegan cafes and restaurants across the city. Whether you’re looking for a cozy spot to enjoy a vegan latte or a high-end restaurant for a special night out, **Vegan Connects** has you covered. We encourage members to post photos, share reviews, and offer tips on the best vegan dining experiences in London. Join us to discover new places and share your own dining adventures!
#### Exchanging Vegan Recipes and Cooking Ideas in Vegan Connects
Cooking delicious vegan meals at home is a key part of living a plant-based lifestyle, but even the most enthusiastic home cooks can run out of ideas. That’s why **Vegan Connects** is the perfect place to find inspiration.
Our community is full of creative cooks who love to share their favorite recipes and cooking tips. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy dinner idea or a show-stopping dessert, **Vegan Connects** is your source for culinary inspiration. Join the conversation to exchange recipes, share your own creations, and discover new ways to enjoy plant-based cooking.
#### Staying Updated on Vegan Events in London with Vegan Connects
London’s vegan scene is thriving, with new events popping up all the time. But with so much happening, it can be easy to miss out on something great. That’s where **Vegan Connects** comes in.
We keep our members informed about the most exciting vegan events happening in London, from food festivals to pop-up markets and beyond. Join **Vegan Connects** to stay in the loop and never miss an opportunity to connect with the city’s vibrant vegan community. Whether you’re attending events or just want to know what’s happening, **Vegan Connects** is your source for all the latest news.
#### Making Veganism Accessible and Affordable with Vegan Connects
At **Vegan Connects**, we believe that veganism should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget. Our community is dedicated to sharing tips on how to enjoy a plant-based lifestyle without breaking the bank.
From budget-friendly recipes to affordable dining spots, **Vegan Connects** is full of ideas for living vegan on a budget. Join us to learn how to make veganism work for you, no matter your financial situation.
#### Ready to Join Vegan Connects?
If you’re looking for a supportive community that shares your passion for veganism, **Vegan Connects** is the place for you. Whether you’re fully vegan, transitioning, or just curious about plant-based living, you’re welcome in our group.
Don’t face the challenges of vegan life alone. Join **Vegan Connects** today and become part of a community that’s dedicated to making veganism accessible, enjoyable, and fun for everyone in London. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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