#The Living Queen of the Underworld AU
The Living Queen
There’s a variety of mythological figures I head canon as Liminal, mostly the ones that involve the figure in question visiting the underworld/fey realm/otherworld and then returning unharmed but 100% changed (and sometimes with powers).
But there’s only ever really one that I head canon to be a halfa the way Danny, Vlad, and Dani are halfas. As in having two distinct forms, one human and the other ghost. And not having a singular blended form.
Persephone, goddess of spring, queen of the underworld.
Mainly because the myth of Kore becoming Persephone has her kidnapped by Hades (the guy), but they also often mention the ground itself splitting open a portal to Hades (the underworld) basically right underneath her. Not to mention her hanging out for some time in a meadow just outside of the underworld gates.
So we have Persephone (or Kore if you want to be picky), spending an extended amount of time around a portal, and then having a portal almost on top of her, before being taken into the underworld. Where she then consumes the food of the underworld and has to return there for part of the year every year, as she’d been partially made an underworld goddess.
Granting her all the upsides and downsides being an underworld goddess had, but allowing her to continue to remain a living goddess as well, able to walk the living plane without consequence. Along with her getting a new name befitting of her status as an underworld goddess.
I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty similar to what happens to Danny (at least as far as fanon is concerned).
The boy lives his entire life on a thin spot, eats ecto contaminated food for most of his life, and then has a ghost portal open directly on top of him. Making him part ghost as a consequence, with all the ups and downsides that entails.
Not to mention: Blood Blossoms.
You can’t tell me those things weren’t something Demeter cooked up trying to keep Hades away from her daughter.
But also she 100% was the Ghost King. Sure, she went by Queen while her husband went by King. But Persephone was the Ghost King of her time, even if Hades was a ghost before her, and is the reason she became half ghost. That’s why there’s no Hades in Mycenaean mythology, but Persephone is still around as an underworld goddess and ruler of the underworld.
Persephone was The Living Queen of the Underworld.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Iridiscent (Pt. 4)
Pirate AU! Miguel O'Hara x Mermaid! Reader
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WARNING: Angst, mentions of violence, graphic depictions of violence, mild gore, political implications, character origins, character backgrounds, introduction of character, Greek mythology mentions.
Summary: The aftermath of a mermaid encounter brings an unexpected ally.
A/N: Pirate Miggy is back ❤️
Mermaids, sea witches, sirens, sea monsters. The latter was the most accurate name for what your mere existence rendered. And now, men eater.
Existing since way before humans understood the concept of civilizations, silent watchers of eons of evolution, yet unfortunate by the simple fact of being.
The permanence of the kin itself was a result of a fateful domino effect the God of the dead had unleashed by being invaded and bewitched by a mortal feeling. Love.
His whim had turned into obsession and this somehow morphed into love. A feeling so strong that made him kidnap the Spring goddess for himself, tired of the miserable companion solitude was in the underworld. And that was the moment everything changed.
The nymphs in charge of their queen's safety were turned into winged beings, as a punishment from none other than Demeter. Her wrath over them, ruthless and merciless as they were forced to look everywhere for their vanishing queen to no avail.
Some of the nymphs had escaped the aftermath to a recluse island, abandoning all purpose of finding Persephone, to follow the whims of their hearts in lieu. Singing and music.
But even so, Demeter's fury had no match, vengeful and blinded by anger she looked for the rebel ones to kill them, but these hid in the sea. Eventually, the feathers hardened, turning into scales. These etched and covered their legs. Securing them in a colorful long tail.
Bird's talons turned into beautiful and deadly hands, that once a prey was caught there was nothing it could do but to accept it's fate. Death.
Damned be Hades and his stupid obsession. Damned be Demeter and her blinding rage, and damned be the men that polluted the earth above with their existing and constant evolving.
Men. The real wretched creatures. The executioners of everything they decided unworthy of living. Stupid beings that played God in a self imposed role in  life's hierarchy.
Creatures that had hunted and killed your kin for ages, forcing to separate and face new dangers at every turn in the endless ocean. Humans, a little too praising title considering their acts and actions were everything but, had forced you to hide in the deepest waters and forbidden lands not many were brave enough to venture in.
A couple of centuries were more than enough for you to have a glimpse of their nature. Destructive, dangerous and merciless. They sullied and tarnished everything unfortunate enough to go under their hands.
They killed everything unknown or deemed too frightening for their existence and had no mercy while at it. The bloodier the better. A disgusting yet necessary example of behavior you had to follow in order to survive.
Humans had shaped your temper. Heart rejoicing at every sunken ship the sea swallowed. Even their flesh had lost the sizzle to be enjoyable enough, making your feeding habits more inclined towards other creatures within the sea.
You didn't eat men because you hated them. You ate them because their hatred had poisoned enough the seas, leaving you without resources, pushing you to consume them. And your refusal had made your body weak, it had been years since your body felt properly satisfied.
You collapsed.
How many days had passed, certainly was unknown. Time under the sea was measured by how long it took for a reef to go completely white, how often the ships let their nets in a single spot. Sometimes you remained on land, sea too dangerous to venture alone.
But none of that mattered anymore. Inanition wasn't exclusive of humans, the last thing in your mind was to curse Hades and the men.
But death escaped and picked you and others alike within a net. Pushing some survival instinct back in you as the net wriggled and broke. Injecting the right amount of life to hand you a buffet in a wooden platter. Gathering your bearings after the little commotion in your head, was quickly overlooked when the attention focused on the scene unfolding.
A ship full of men, that stared in wonder and fear. One of them stood out from the rest. It reminded you of Hercules. His physique unique, just as his eyes. A fine specimen and surely a delicious one. Their language was unknown, but it became clear the moment you kissed the fool before your apparent naive form. Absorbing his knowledge and a little more in that simple gesture. Which was little.
But enough to understand what the men said and whispered around you.
Foul and salty smelling, with a faint tinge of wine. He tasted sour and ashy, but edible enough to sate your rampant huger. You wanted to go for the herculean man in shackles, his scent rich in leather, voice like a soft and firm caress in the back of one's head. His cinnamon toned skin made your mouth water.
You were about to move for him, but Elliot, the idiot infront and your hunger kept you in place. You knew your initial prey would fight and would waste the little reserve of strength you had left. He was no fool.
As moronic as the man on your way  was, he'd save his purpose. The prey was subdued, flesh and bones devoured; bland and tasteless, but well welcomed within your body. Revitalizing energies and restocking the strength you had been lacking for a time.
Expected as it was, they attacked, all by the command of the shackled man, that had dared to injure you with a bullet. But you were too frenzied and hungry to care. Your meal hung in your maws, as you fought to get it off the ship.
Your Hercules watched in horror from afar, and never in your life had you felt more realized and satisfied to provoke such disturbing reaction in a man.
You could almost taste the fear behind his raged and shaky breathing, his shock in every powerful beat his heart did, the denial in his eyes as they widened the more your teeth sank into the corpse. It fueled you. And also ignited with new strength the already flickering purpose of your existence.
Destroy as many of them as possible.
You went under the ship, away from their archaical defense to eat and consume your food. Humans weren't definitely on the top, for a moment the hunter became the prey and didn't survive to brag about his new kill.
Skin and flesh was torn, consumed with such hunger it had you full and completely sated like never before, within matter of minutes. Elliot Jackdaw no longer existed, but served as a reminder that your kin prevailed and endured.
But also, had unleashed a new domino effect you weren't aware of.
The man in shackles, your forsaken greek god, was thrown at the sea. Your territory. You saw him move, fight against the current; trying to free himself from the heavy cuffs that weighed him down and reach back to the ship. And then nothing.
He became still and it made you frown. Where that bravado had gone? The smirk that was about to emerge in your lips faded as soon as a red cloud oozed and swallowed his head.
His scent was too rich and alluring, stagnant almost. Sickly sweet for your senses and he wasn't moving.
If you recalled, he was called a captain. What was a captain doing out of his ship drowning in the sea? Your lip twitched in scowl.
The lack of loyalty among his kindred was another reason to hate them. He wasn't the first nor the last you had saved in these conditions. Mostly women or little children that were expelled without much reasons other than being a burden.
As much as you cursed your heart for not turning its back to these sort of injustices, and your need to have a tiny taste of him, you hauled him up shore. Light as a feather in water, but heavy as lead on land. The heavy iron around his wrist didn't help, so you destroyed it, inflicting little cuts around his flesh in the process.
Ancient eyes scrutinized his form. Sharp cheekbones that could only match a sword. Strong features that screamed fighter in every direction you looked. A jagged and nasty cut on a side of his head, some strands obscuring his face, you removed them and some bloodied debris from his wound, inspecting it.
Not a too deep cut, the contusion of his head against the moving ship had been rough. A single cut in the upper right cheekbone, clothes clung to him like a second skin. His pockets however were too tempting to be left alone.
Sand and water on them, along a shiny pearl that had you staring and sniffing at the trinket for a close inspection, that didn't pay attention to the locket nesting deeper inside. The pearl was true, so you took it as it quickly etched to your skin, under the ribcage as a decor motif of the raggy top you used to cover your chest.
He'd surely serve as one of Aphrodite's lovers. His forearms laced in tiny and fading scars, that also loitered his solid and somewhat hairy chest. A man through and through. A natural enemy of yours, yet you had saved him.
Probably, he would hunt you too, like the scarce quantity of men you had pulled out of danger. The pearl was a token for saving his life.
You could kill him, filling your tabs with another number, but it wouldn't be honorable. Even if you were a different species, you refused to let some of their habits to rub on you. You opposed greatly to be like them, and so with a look that would suppose to be a final one back at him, you dipped back into the sea.
He was on land. Alive, heart beating along every single erratic breath. The sea waves washed over his hips, not cold neither lukewarm. Just the ideal temperature for the humid weather
I'm alive.
His mind couldn't comprehend what had happened. One moment he was in the sea, to then hurl himself back up and puke all the salty water his body had unwillingly ingested.
Miguel was dizzy, but alive. Beaten up, but still breathing. Pissed and ever ready to get his treasure back. But he had to recover some energies first.
Sighing and rising slowly, he turned around to kneel in the moist sand. Tiny grains of it etched to his moist skin, they were rough, altering his sensorial touch for a second. Feet finally got the strength to stand up, careful to not let the nauseas get to his head entirely. Skin burned, but he could bear the discomfort, what Miguel truly needed was a big gulp of water.
He remembered the sun being high on the sky, blazing with all it's glory and witnessing his crew marooning him for good. And now it was night. Somehow thankful that he didn't have to deal with the weather's inclemencies. Step by wobbly step he approached to the thickets and palms rooted in the soil, dressing up modestly the land he walked on.
As another wave of nauseas hit while his head pounded, Miguel stopped to rest in a nearby palm. Calloused hand cupping and covering his mouth to prevent the bile and vomit to spill out once more. Dehydrated as he was, Miguel also understood the dangers of drinking too much salty water.
If dehydration didn't kill him, puking too much without having any other resources on reach would. But none of his survival could be done with the unbridled headache that hammered in his head. A side of it was caked in dry blood, like some strands of his already matted and full of sand hair.
With careful steps he ventured in deeper into the jungle, looking for a spot to spent the night away from land's troubles. The island wasn't familiar for him, he didn't even know if it was big enough to harbor sustainable life, or if ships would pass nearby. With a gasp and a frantic move, he palmed his pockets.
Mierda, no! No
Panic rose upon not feeling the pearl, the sudden motion made his steps stutter as he puked, unable to hold it in anymore. But once he was done and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, he searched into them.
Por favor
The pearl was gone, that was for sure, but relief washed over him upon feeling the fine golden chain of the locket. Hand clasped on it while he brought it to his chest and sighed.
He nearly gave up.
Heart pounding in his ears along his head, and only when he opened the locket, the tears flowed. Calloused fingers full of sandy grains probed the valuable mineral, feeling the dents of the shell shape he knew by heart at this point. Eyes drowning and his voice muffled into a silent and wrathful sob as he inhaled the trinket.
Perdóname, Gabi. (Forgive me)
A faint tickle of fresh home bread, coconut oil that he used to fry the fish, and the eucalyptus ointment that was always next to him brought back the bittersweet memories that flooded his mind about the last years he had with Gabriella. She adored when he cooked, and always smelled his fingers after using the oil.
It reminds me of you, Papa.
She loved freshly baked bread. But hated the smell of the eucalyptus ointment the doctor left her.
The only memento he now had of his beloved and long gone daughter. The only thing that mattered the most for him.
How dared them betraying him when he had been everything but fair and good?
How dared them into taking his ship and some important things he had hid inside? But most importantly, how dared life to show him that mermaids were real when the reason he believed in them in the first place was no longer with him?
Who was he supposed to tell that he saw a mermaid?
A karma for turning into a pirate, maybe. All his mind was able to remember was the way the creature looked at him, a clear assessment of her power. Fear invaded every fiber of his being, making him too stunned to actually think or act until he saw the creature devouring Elliot.
Another reason for him to respect the sea. Now that he had a glimpse of what laid underneath, Miguel wondered what other things crawled in it's depths. But he would think about it all tomorrow.
His eyes drooped in exhaustion. Thinking consumed the last bit of his energy reserves. Despite the thirst clawing at his throat with a vice grip, the headache and weariness were greater. Even though a thicket wasn't the right choice to spend the night, he hadn't the time nor the energies to be picky. He just collapsed once more and hoped whoever above to live another day.
The sunlight was slippery enough to leak through the dense foliage and reach patches of the humid and moss textured land, as well parts of his weathered face. With a wince he rolled to his side, avoiding the aurifeous and warm touch from the ever blazing sun.  Head clear from it's pain, and thoughts in order, like it should be.
With a sigh he rose and stretched, popping joints back in their place. Discomfort remaining in his head and wrists, that upon further examination he deducted the cuts in them were fresh, and undoubtedly someone had saved him from a certain death. Who, he didn't know but was grateful for the mysterious savior to let his revenge start.
With a rested yet hungry body, and a fresh head to think, he rolled his shoulders back and took a look around. Surveying his environment to decide which way to go. No weapons, no resources but packed with skills that were honed precisely for these sort of situations.
He still remembered the first time Mundaca had left him in an island with a single knife to fend for himself, since Miguel refused to accompany him in a slave hunting trip. At first he thought that Mundaca had left him for good or out of spite, but Fermín had only taught him a valuable surviving lesson. This time however, he didn't have that knife and would rely only on his hands, brain and brawns.
Naturally, Miguel headed for the north, palm trees left behind, instead acai palms, rubber trees and soursops begun gathering in the place. The scent of wet soil and rotting wood was pungent in the air, oddly, he liked it. Macaws and other birds cackled and cawed as he pushed deeper along some distant rustling.
The overgrown roots twisted and tangled here and there, weaving a walkable path free of them to his right, His eyes darted to the tail of a cobra slithering away from him, minding it's business.
The copious squaking of the birds was a good white noise along the crunching of his wet boots. His throat was beyond arid, that even spit couldn't form in it if he wished; stomach rumbled violently, begging him for some food. Breathings paused but deep.
Hours stretched for what seemed forever, he didn't know if he was walking in circles, the island was definitely not small. He had found some fruit trees along the way, but the things were so our of reach, that attempting to climb for them was a risk. He'd knew the wait would worth it.
Ears however perked at the gunshot given in the distance. Eyes widened, both in surprise and excitement at the thought that civilization was within. Cause that meant, food and water. And also weapons. And what a better way to confirm it than a booming gunshot that spooked away the nearby fawn.
With careful steps, he followed the echo, making the least of noise possible. As much as it thrilled to have a bite, he also understood the implications of such things. Armored men, guarded bodegas, overpowered foremen and probably slaves.
Time flew by, but his spirits lifted upon spotting the first red uniforms in a distance. Two of them. He approached closer to take a better look.
The soldiers had a rifle each, a belt full of ammo and firing at what were now dead slaves as shooting dummies. To his right, Miguel saw a few tents and supplies. Food and water tossed in a nearby bench, a fire was alight, serving as a cooking source for the pot placed above. His eyes however fell upon a machete. Probably belonging to one of the dead men tied up in the wooden posts.
After all, working tools had to be in perfect conditions, leaving no room for slacking off.
Miguel forayed slowly, moving within the foliage until he reached for the machete, with paced breathings he awaited for another shot to rumble to pull the weapon within his reach. The metallic drag was drowned. He couldn't eat until the men were disposed off.
Now that he was armored, a distraction was needed. The branches used for the iron's pot makeshift support were weak, the stew inside boiled. Miguel pushed the tip of the machete on the pot's edge, a little clink connected as the pot was pushed forward, but it barely tumbled it. He awaited for another gunshot to echo to push the pot entirely on the ground.
The lard immediately sent sparks on the floor as smoke surrounded the area. The noisy thud of the pot alarmed one of the guards that didn't waste time into blaming his companion for the shitty structure and how they'd have to go fishing again to get food done.
A little too late the guard noticed the fiery red eyes that glowered at him. Before he could even say something the sharp blade of the machete sliced through this throat in a firm thrust, all the guard could do was a gurgle, perturbed, before plummeting on the floor, staining the blade with a warm crimson as Miguel pulled it out of the body. Flesh sizzling at the contact of the hot coals and wood.
He took a rock that filled in his palm and aimed it for the head of the remaining guard, the other soldier yelped as he fell on the ground, the rock hitting his head with a lurid crack. Miguel lurched for him to end his misery by impaling the weapon in his back. Right in the middle. It was quick, deathly and effective.
Miguel panted but waited in case  another guard was around, but none approached, just the wing flapping of a macaw somewhere. With the machete in  hand he approached to the tent and wasted no time in gobbling down the water in a container, quenching his thirst, not really caring for the droplets that rolled down his neck.
His hands then wiped his face as he scrubbed the caked blood and sand away, then scarfed down the leftovers left in a plate and devoured anything within reach that was cooked or preserved, Adia probably would scold him for eating like an animal, despite being starving.
Once he was satisfied and his strength back, he looked for other weapons he could use. As much as the machete proved a worthy aid, it was long and it made noise. The opposite of what he needed.
The Red Eyed Demon searched into the soldier's pockets, a couple of coins, bullets and gold teeth that seemed freshly pulled out of the bodies in the back. He took the bullets and left the rest, he also found a short ranged pistol, a combat knife and a rope.
Also, to his luck, some fresh clothes. As much as he was set into his vengeance he wouldn't waste the chance into being comfortable while at it. His boots were soiled full of sand and saline water, he changed them, like his pants. The shirt was the only thing he kept since none of the men actually wore his size.
Ridiculous as it was, one of the soldiers had abnormally larger feet. But were perfect for him. Pants still a bit too short but he'd had them any other day instead of walking around feeling uncomfortable and itchy by the salt etched to his skin and clothes.
He ventured deeper only to find a familiar scene before him. A state. Hacienda Valverde read in the overly embellished metal structure that held the sign.
So far, Miguel had done a good job in keeping himself hid, the least of attention he attracted, the more successful his escape plan would be. So far he had counted around fifteen soldiers in the property. Five of them scattered through the plantations, making sure the workforce didn't dally in their duties.
He ventured over the trees, avoiding unnecessary trouble, to then land nearly quietly in a mountain of hay. His breathings stopped at every time an unsuspected guard passed by him. Heart pounded in his ears when his steps brought him closer and closer to danger
The rest of the guards were scattered through the property, watching over the stables, the main storage room, inside the hacienda and of course, watching over the supply.
He had snuck in the warehouse, to his surprise the cells were empty, he went through each of them to see if anything worthy had been left behind, but the sound of the lock being picked made him hide behind a couple of haystacks.
"Stop, Stop!" A groan came from a wriggling man, "I told you the truth! Let me go!"
Miguel couldn't see who was the prisoner, peeking out would be too risky, but the lack of accent, gave him a hint. An American.
The man grunted as he kicked, managed to land a punch or two to the guards that only twisted his shackled hands backwards. This made the man whine and curse, blind hot pain shot in his ribcage as another soldier hit him with the base of his rifle.
"Shut your fucking gob!" With a rough shove, the fighting man was thrown into the cell, the enclosure's door stilled with a loud creak as the main door was slammed shut.
The only noises the pirate could hear was the pained grunts that only increased when the prisoner tried to pick himself up from the floor, and the shaky huffing that turned into whiny whimpers when he managed to recover some air.
The day was set to surprise him, cause in his life he had seen a white man being thrown in a slave cell. Until now.
The man was tall, lean muscle in his body, a five o'clock stubble in his narrow cheeks and blue eyes. Hair hapzardly peeking ontop of his head.
"Fuck..." He groaned but recoiled in his cell even further upon seeing the shade of red glinting at him behind the haystacks. Pain screamed in every breathing he did, but that didn't stop him from trying to get himself free.
The man's eyes widened as soon as Miguel came into full view. He had to crane his head upwards to meet his eyes and gulped as soon as he realized the color in the behemoth of a man. Breaths shallow but less erratic than before now that he knew he had company.
"Please. Help me out of here, pal"
He was definitely American.
"And why would I do that?"
Miguel’s bushy brow quirked while taking another look through the warehouse, searching for alternative escape routes.
"Cause my wife just gave birth and I wanna meet my little girl."
A red stare seized the blue one. His unwavering, but the man's rivalled against it. Miguel broke contact as his hands fisted briefly. The prisoner's chest heaved whole he rubbed the area he was hit on.
Lucky bastard
"I was supposed to arrive last week but I was taken from the ship."
Miguel looked through the haystacks and other corners he didn't have the chance to search thoroughly.
"That's what I'd like to know!" The man sat against the lateral bars and winced defeated, watching at the moving man.
"I was a merchant, on a trip to improve a little familiar business I have, but Nueva York isn't precisely friendly with the working class." He paused to take some air the hit had taken away, "So I came back. And that's where the english trapped me." His forehead rested ontop of his scrapped and bloodied knuckles. The spark that gave him a beating and his imprisonment.
"The English are press ganging civilians at sea."
Miguel's lip twitched in a scowl upon hearing the news. Of course they would, Americans and English were too deep in political wars that could barely stand eachother. But in the sea, the English were the masters and none was there to stop them. More like he wasn't there to sink as many of them as possible.
"How old is your daughter?"
The pirate asked above his shoulder and this made the gaoler to look up.
"Three weeks old. According to my wife's last letter."
Miguel's shoulder slumped, and he turned to look at the man. A little hesitation passed over his eyes, but it vanished as soon as he saw an old acquaintance of him. Hope. Red eyes rolled annoyed, as if regretting the sudden decision he was about to make.
"Do you know how to use a weapon?"
The question surely threw the man off, but still managed to reply
"Y-Yeah. Not fond of them, but yeah."
"Not a complete useless if that's what you're hinting at."
Miguel chuckled and approached closer to the cell, examining the lock while the detainee put on his pair of boots.
"Gimme a wire and I'll get myself out of here."
Miguel instead took a nearby shovel to destroy the lock in a couple of hits. The metal piece clanking on the floor as it fell.
"O-Or you could do that. Yeah."
The man stood on his feet and stretched before offering his hand to him, Miguel just stared at him for a moment before taking his hand in a firm shake. Peter hid a wince at the sheer display of strength and that he had grabbed his injured hand.
"Peter B. Parker. Merchant and lock master."
"Miguel O'Hara. Pirate."
Peter could only blink stupidly at him.
"Let's go."
But followed him without much thought.
@nerdykat @munixumai @raiirai @sarapaprikas-blog @deputy-videogamer @rizahawkeye1380 @littlenyx @marit332 @iz-iplier @mad-hatter-rici @viriexo @obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @lishdfish @not-ur-average-fangirl @freehentai @darksidecorner @winteringfalls @ellasarich @eustashh @nyxismoon @murnsondock @pluviophilis @oooof-ifellforyou @plusultrayokai @teacoffeeflavored @ctizu1 @dickfartcheesy @s0lm1n @vonev @iwumrndbm @azuredragonstrike @Iyykeyyy @arrozyfrijoles23 @frompeach @ghostlyworld @liamdasimp @straw-berry-ghoul
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kiachiako · 1 year
april nct recs
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my library of favorites from APR <3 all creds to authors
[ sorted by word count ]
JAEMIN | better than your next (i'm the next) | @ddeonuism 11.9k [ part one ]
RENJUN | messenger | @dojunie — smau | You find a phone number written on the mirror of the Sulim Library's second floor bathroom. It’s scrawled messily across the glass in erasable expo marker, the handwriting underneath almost closer to hieroglyphics than lettering— and what you thought it read, was ‘SEND DUCK PICS FOR A GOOD TIME.’ (You suppose, in hindsight, it was a good thing this person’s penmanship was so shit— because if you knew what it really said, you might have never stumbled across the oddly intriguing inbox of one Huang Renjun.)
[m] JAEHYUN | seeds of pomegranates | @anashins 29.5k — The day the god of the underworld steals you away, he expects to have found a timid wife to make his isolated life more bearable. Little does he know that the rose he picked from the garden called earth bears knives instead of thorns, and he might not have found a timid wife, but a queen with a heart as dark as his.
[m] JAEHYUN | hearts are won at practice | @angelwonie 21.2k — jung jaehyun is an obnoxious, way too handsome footballer whom you have no intention of getting to know. at least until a series of coincidences forces you to spend time with him, and you realize there might be more to him than what meets the eye.
CHENLE | potential | @rrxnjun 20k — rich kids au, childhood friends au, friends with benefits au. angst, fluff, suggestive | You saw his potential without seeing credentials. And maybe that's the issue.
[m] HAECHAN | monochrome | @sundaysundaes — Lee Donghyuck once believed in the concept of soulmates—how fate would connect a red thread from one lover to another, in a form of dreams and memories. That was how his parents met, that was how they claimed their happiness, and he wanted nothing more but to live his life the way they lived theirs. Until one day, as he sees her slipping away from his hands, he has no choice but to stop believing entirely.
CHENLE | i still love you | @xiaodejunletsact 17.4k — high school can be complicated. thats why when your crush of three years, zhong chenle, approaches you out of nowhere offering to drive you home you are right to question his intentions.
HAECHAN | free trial wedding style | @liliansun 10.6k — when a random, cute, guy comes up to you and practically asks for you to follow along, you do so without much thought. that is until you get home and see he’s your new neighbor who just might need your help a little more than you expected.
[m] HAECHAN + MARK | the girl is mine | @luvrkives 10.5k — mark and hyuck can't stop fighting over you. who fucks you better, who makes you laugh more, who you like most, who fucks you better, yada yada yada. but honestly, why argue when you would happily take them both?
JAEHYUN | love you goodbye | @serendipityseulgi 10.3k — the one with the story of dysfunctional love between you and jaehyun. aka, you both want different things and your love isn’t always enough.
[m] JOHNNY | color evasion | @ncteez 8.7k — or the one where you join a kink website and a specific dom’s profile catches your attention enough to actually meet him at a hotel and practically ignore your safe words bc man, he’s good. 
[m] HAECHAN + JAEHYUN | mine too | @waithyuck 7.5k — donghyuck x jaehyun x reader (f), smut, basically pwp
JAEHYUN | eye of affection | @aitarose 6.6k — for as long as he can remember, jaehyun’s world has been in black and white - giving him no reason to appreciate his mother’s profession as an artist and the beauties that art can provide. however, an accidental meeting with you gives him reason to doubt his former beliefs - proving to him that there may be true beauty in a world that’s void of everything bright, that beauty being the sunshine that you provide. 
HAECHAN | full of love (and stars) | @httplastic 6k — friends/roommates to lovers, light angst
[m] HAECHAN | unavoidable | @sunpopz 5.8k — after swearing to yourself you're done catching feelings for people; you meet someone who makes that incredibly difficult. you think you can avoid him... then you're assigned a final together.
RENJUN | hard to let go | @cinnajun 4.3k — your high school friend group had an ambiguous and messy end, and you never got any closure for anything. two years later, and lee donghyuck’s girlfriend lives on the same floor as you, and you’re forced to face huang renjun, whose abandonment hurt you the most.
HAECHAN | she's quiet | @ijuliet 3.4k — although you were not looking to make new friends, the ones you had tried their hardest to push you out of your comfort zone to find something abnormal for you. which is why you’re at a frat party on a thursday night, watching as lee donghyuck observes you from afar.
[m] HAECHAN | all bark no bite | @jjsneo 2.5k — lee haechan is the most annoying man you’ve ever encountered. but that doesn’t mean you don’t find him hot; and maybe that’s why he has you flat on his mattress one night at a random frat party.
JAEHYUN | in the rain | @sehunniepotwrites 1.9k — All this time, you were looking for love in the wrong places and in the wrong people. As a serial dater, you never thought you would find it in the pouring rain and in the person you trusted the most. 
. . .
ur fav recs n fics blog is back hehe | happy reading <3
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months
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The JJK x TWST crossover that started living rent free in my head >:'D
Random Doodle Edition
Ahem, so, uhh, turns out the characters of Jujutsu Kaisen fit pretty well as Night Raven College students, temperament-wise, and that was all the excuse I needed. Yes the ages get funky but whatever. Happy high school AU except they still get cool powers and Trauma(tm). Just less than JJK canon so I count it as a win.
I also may or may not have written an entire oneshot (here on AO3) for some freshmen Satoru & Suguru bonding, featuring me still bullying Satoru over his funky eyes.
Image Text (and me rambling more) underneath the cut
Gojo Satoru (of the Jupiter Clan)
Ignihyde Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Sky Dragon (Fae) Club: Movie Analysis Club Unique Magic: Six Eyes—pretty much just like canon Six Eyes. They can see far and wide and out of normal sight, and they can see magic in a highly detailed manner. They are also powered by magic that just, never stops ever, so he can decrease or increase the power/range at will to a degree, but technically, cutting off magic from them altogether will blind him. Also he has an inherited magic that he by no means asked for, which is, sad drumroll, Gate of the Underworld. (There are no shrouds in this AU, just me finding ways to forever make Satoru instrumental to the well-being of the world to his own detriment. I have waaaaay more thoughts about the "Jupiter Clan of dragons" and what that actually entails, but they are still jumbled and shifting, so. Maybe later.)
Geto Suguru (of the Draconia Clan)
Diasomnia Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Night Dragon (Fae) Club: Equestrian Club Unique Magic: Magic-eater—can consume and nullify any spell and gain its base magic. With minimum side effects. Mostly. :)
Satoru and Suguru are their usual brand of special-grade menaces, being the only two adolescent dragon fae in the world, buttttt they still inevitably become besties. With Shoko too, of course, who has no fear and will mess with them as they see fit.
Suguru is essentially Malleus in this AU, though in Suguru-fashion, he's way more stubborn when it comes to trying to catch up. (Translating him being new to sorcery to being new to technology was surprisingly low-hanging fruit.) Meanwhile I borrowed the Jupiter name/legacy because it was fitting and made the Gojo Clan into a long-lived dynasty of antisocial dragons who fist-fight and deal with Phantoms and recently accidentally became a tech empire, which is pretty close to the Sorcerer Family vibe a la TWST, if I say so myself.
There's definitely a lot of backstory I have in mind for the two of them. Neither of them beat teen parenthood (they are currently Malleus-aged, so 178 years old, but that's still teenagehood for a dragon/fae) and acquired children through various means, much to the consternation of their elders/court. I might develop/write more solid ideas later, but Suguru has a reverse characterization moment when he finds two starved/beaten human children (the twins) and begins his journey of losing all intrinsic racism via love, and Satoru still somehow gets his shit wrecked by Toji (probably a heist gone violent or something) and then finds out he had abandoned children: human Tsumiki and half-fae Megumi.
Nobara Orientation Comic:
Nobara: Obviously, I'm going to get ~Pomefiore~ because I'm elegant and graceful. (And a badass queen, of course)
Mirror: The nature of your soul is... Savanaclaw
(Nobara gets her reverse-Epel moment, but she adapts quickly. Especially because she still comes to have mad respect for Maki.)
Ieri Shoko
Ignihyde Vice-Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Merfolk (Nurse Shark) Club: Science Club Unique Magic: Reverse—rewinds a target to its previous state within twenty four hours. The longer within the range, the harder/more magic it will take, especially for larger targets, so realistically her range is less. (For example, if someone cracked a piece of glass 24 hours ago, Shoko could restore it, but a day-old wound on a living being would be much harder.)
Making Shoko a mermaid was a joke to myself at first but then I liked it and it spiraled and now Nurse Shark Shoko is unironically one of my favorite things that I have drawn. The joke was right there too, but it's mostly fun to me because nurse sharks are docile and apathetic creatures, for the large part (they are still sharks lol), and I think match her temperament well.
Also when Satoru pestered the previous housewarden enough times to accidentally gain the title for himself, he made Shoko his vice (mostly because he trusted her) to make sure he never had to do the paperwork and the boring parts. She makes him do it anyway. To the dorm, she is less of a vice and more of a "dragon wrangler," which is still extremely appreciated.
Zen'in Maki
Savanaclaw Housewarden Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Track & Field Unique Magic: N/A—Maki doesn't actually have magic of her own, but she is unnaturally resistant to most magic. She can, however, use magic/cast spells through a magic-capable familiar.
She befriended a phoenix when she was younger, having survived an encounter with a wild youth. (idk what I want the details to be but I think it would be cool if she had some related burns to it, with the idea that these creatures are rare and volatile and hard for normal humans to handle without high magic resistance.) His name is Torch because I don't think Maki would put that much thought into a name, so long as its not completely stupid sounding. I almost named the phoenix Jogo but I refrained for my own sanity.
Inumaki Toge
Savanaclaw Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Reality Speak—pretty much just how Cursed Speech works but with a world-friendly name. Also it can apply to inanimate objects as well. The power and scope of the command is proportional to the magic required.
Toge gets an overall nicer time in this AU because he doesn't have cursed speech 24/7 and therefore can speak normally. Though the idea of him being able to affect people/bend reality with his words does freak people out. I imagine he had a rough childhood nonetheless, because why not, leading him to be less verbal than he would have been otherwise.
Okkotsu Yuuta
Diasomnia Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Wraith Pact-maker—he can enhance/bolster a ghost's magic/presence through making a link with himself. It has to be mutual, and it can last for any duration of time, although actively using the link does require magic. The ghost in question gains magic and grounding from Yuuta, and Yuuta can use the ghost's magic, including their UM, if applicable. He can have multiple links, but the first and main recipient of this magic is his childhood friend Rika.
Between her longlasting connection with Yuuta and her brutal death, she is a more wraith-like and powerful ghost. Her unique magic was to copy other people's UMs, which Yuuta can use through her in short bursts.
I didn't have space nor solid ideas for unique magics for the Hasaba twins and the Fushiguros, so I didn't do full bios for them. Later, perhaps. All of the girls are sophomores and Megumi is a freshman. Tsumiki and Nanako are sharing their social brain cell and trading stories of stupid things their dragon dads/older brothers/untitled guardians have done, while Megumi is helping budding-gamer Mimiko learn Pokemon strats. I love the idea of them all being friends, maybe after minimal difficulty in the girls' first year, likely on account of the twins being a little Sebek-shaped, in terms of wanting to be The Best Guards for Suguru, etc etc.
I technically have way more ideas for other characters and other dorms, but, I will end this here, for now. I am trying to reign myself in lmao.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
What do you think Hades/Persephone Au Brutalia, with Talia as the Queen of Underworld and Bruce god of spring ?
That has so much promise. I've always loved Persephone going to the Underworld willing, so I'll do the same thing here. But Talia is Queen of the riches, too. Riches are never truly pure.
Bruce being fascinated by humans. Bruce loving humans. Loving their resilience and their stubbornness and their steel unwillingness to go down easy.
But it's different with children. Children shouldn't carry the burden of resilience. And when little Jason Todd, Bruce's most beloved mortal, dies, -- murdered. He was murdered.
He can't sit by and cry. Tears without action is just water with salt. So he knocks on death's door, a tiny body breathing too quietly in his arms, and begs.
Talia's fingers are freezing. Ice and steel on his skin, tipping his chin forward, making him look death in the eye. And bruce doesn't flinch. " I don't control death. I tame it. "
"And you bend it. Please. An exception. Just for him. For my little bird."
Six seeds. For six months. Eternity isn't big enough a price for Bruce. Jason Todd was meant to live. Thought Bruce won't tell anyone a small part of him enjoyed licking pomegranate off Talia's hands.
" I'm trying," she says, " To make you...Comfortable. But I'm made of terrible, cold things. Things you don't deserve." Don't suffer. Not for me.
A common misconception about The Springbringer; No one survives without teeth. No flower survives winter by luck. " But things I want to earn. " Talia never touches him.
She's terrified he might wither and crumble. And so Bruce touches first. She melts for him, and he endures for her. "Would you let me earn you, sweetling?"
" Whatever you want, little dove."
Somewhere, In Bruce's garden, Demeter, -- thought he prefers Thomas, these days, -- screams so deep it shakes the earth.
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twstunes · 8 months
AU where the real reason the Great Seven are interpreted so differently from how they really are is bc they were the result of people getting isekai'd into Twisted Wonderland as those characters. Like in a "they existed as they were in canon before abruptly getting hit w/ memories from a past life" sorta way.
They all keep their original memories that shaped them into the classic villains we know, but gaining a whole extra lifetime worth of memories causes more than a bit of an unavoidable personality shift…and, save for the Queen of Hearts, they all want to avoid their scripted deaths. (Or fate worse than death, in Hades' case.)
Most of them choose to play it safe, simply live out their lives without making the same disastrous power bids as in their canon stories. If they happen to be a little nicer too, well, maybe they just happened to have a change of heart as of late. It's really no big deal if Ursula does some simpler requests pro-bono, or if the Queen of Hearts is just a smidgen less trigger-happy about punishments, right? No one's complaining about the changes, that's for sure. Scar and Jafar are both more ambitious, successfully accomplishing their goals without falling prey to their original characters' flaws; Scar is more present as a political entity, Jafar reigns in his hunger for ultimate power.
This started off as a joke but man. Even with all of them dodging their respective fates, Maleficent and Hades would still outlive the rest by a long shot. Idk what would be worse: watching the few people who remember your old world slowly die off one by one, only learning they had memories of your old world after their deaths, or never knowing you weren't so alone. Personally I'm leaning towards the first one—save for Ursula, they're all political figures who have reason to come into contact with each other at some point. (And for Ursula, well, maybe the Sea Witch misses walking around on land every now and then. Who knew she'd run into an important so-and-so while on a jog one day?)
But yeah I'm just picturing Maleficent hearing about how her grandson has befriended a student from another world and immediately calling up Hades like "homeboy you're not gonna BELIEVE this." Both of them brainstorm how to go meet this kid without drawing unnecessary attention in the process. Yuu winds up with the two remaining members of the Great Seven as quasi-guardian figures bc Yuu is the only one that gets their other-world pop culture references.
Everyone's already shocked to see the Thorn Fairy and King of the Underworld strolling the town streets of Sage's Island, but…who's that kid with them? And what's that cat-like thing the kid is carrying…? (They're having their biweekly hangout. Their schedules simply don't match up well enough to hang out more often, unfortunately. Grim demanded to come with his hench-human, and is having fun even if he doesn't really understand what the other 3 are talking about.)
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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In the mood for a fic...
1. I'm kind of in the mood for jiang free wangxian fics, where the the extent of jiangs involvement in the plot are just brief mentions / For ITMF, a longer canonverse wangxian fic that doesn't heavily feature Jiang Cheng on page. Canon divergence is very welcome but not mandatory.
2. hi! do you have any fics where lwj struggles with his sadism? canonverse please and bonus points if they are E rated ;) @chellsky
still waters by piggybo (E, 3k, WangXian, Consensual Kink, Light Sadism, Light Masochism, Outdoor Sex, Painful Sex, Spit As Lube, Kink Discovery, Light Bondage, Internal Conflict, CQL!verse, Post-Canon, not as explicit as the tags make it sound, but still pretty explicit)
bb!Sadist by Betty (T, 3k, WangXian, Non-Sexual Kink, Sadism, Modern AU) not canon but a good read cause it's abt the Struggle
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings) in the Magical Marriage Ribbons series, Teen!Wangxian continuously need to discuss around LWJ's reluctance to admit what he wants sexually in earlier parts that's very lovely!
3. Hii!!! Im back for another ITMF! I've been seeing a lot of art of spider-man aus for wangxian and I was wondering if you knew of any fics with either one or both of them having spider-man powers? Thanks so much! @loveshinesbrightly
4. hiiiii it's me again for the next ITMF I was reading a fiction and lqr said that : "He could definitely picture an alternate reality wherein he didn’t overhear their conversation, and Wangji ended up impulsively withdrawing his entire trust fund to elope cross-country with Wei Wuxian and start a new life together - all to avoid having to face the disapproval of their families." do you know any story where it actually happens ????? thanks✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
keep your electric eye on me, babe by ilip13 (M, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, Falling In Love) is mostly a meet-cute fic but does involve lwj running off with wwx at the end
5. Hey, I'm looking for some Daemon AU fics. @the-dolphin-queen
🧡 like speaking to my heart by SnowshadowAO3 (T, 613k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Daemons, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canonical Character Death, Some people live!, additional warnings in specific chapters, if you don't know what daemons are that's ok because I explain it in the author's note, also by slow burn I VERY much mean slow burn)
Daemons and Sentient Swords Comp
6. hi! i was wondering if you knew of any mafia au fics? 💖
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex)
Miscalculated Misreckoning by LadyVamp (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Organized Crime, Attempted Kidnapping, Murder Husbands, Blood and Violence, Violent Sex, Married WangXian, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, YLLZ WWX, Hair-pulling, Office Sex, Desk Sex, Dark LWJ, Protective LWJ, Dark WWX, Partners in Crime, Gun Violence, Gun Kink, Crime Syndicate Qíshān Wēn Sect, Arranged Marriage, Crime Lord LWJ, Crime Lord WWX)
of demons and the good they bring by mimi123meg (M, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mob, Crime Boss LWJ, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JC, Slight Violence, not too graphic, but definitely there, Established Relationship)
Take Some Advice Paesano by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 8k, wangxian, modern, mob au, mafia the 🤡 version, humor, mistaken identity, getting together)
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun Series by 2501987 (M/E, 130k, WangXian, XiCheng, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Mafia, Murder husbands, Torture, Possessive Behavior, Blood and Violence, Older JC, Younger WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Dark)
The Damage You Do by stiricide (E, 87k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/Sub, Dark LWJ, Mobster LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Sex Worker WWX, Sugar Baby WWX, WWX adopts LSZ, Dubious Consent, each chapter has sex tag notes on it, BDSM, Sounding, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Due Process by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 279k, WangXian, XiSangCheng, ZhuiLingZhen, Modern AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Foxxian, dragonji, Genderfluid WWX, Wwx identifies as male, Organized Crime, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of child abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Reincarnation)
Naughty Kitty Go Meow Meow: An Urban Romance From The City of Dragons by Hinu (E, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, RuoXian, Modern AU, Mafia, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dragon LWJ, Cat Hybrid WWX, Porn with Plot, Organized Crime, Pole dancing, Possessive LWJ, WWX has a Vulva, Omegas have a vagina, GNC WWX, Good Person WZL, Dark LWJ, Sexual harassment, Non-Consensual Bondage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Eventual Fluff)
Beautiful Nightmare (Sweet Dreams) by Cy_an_Blue (E, 79k, WangXian, Modern AU, explicit depictions of torture, explicit depictions of violence, Dark LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Crime Boss LWJ, Mafia AU, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, (Kinda but not really), Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Harassment, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Not by WangXian, Dubious Consent, Age Difference, Kid Fic, Heavy/Dark Themes, Cheating, not wangxian, 365 days (2020) inspired, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Past QingXian, Minor LWJ/Other(s), Homophobic Language, Derogatory Language)
To Protect My Family I'll Give You Anything by stiricide (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Gangsters, Gangbang, Fisting, Public Sex, Public Humiliation, Knotting, Mating Bites, Happy Ending, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Spanking, Dubious Consent, Top WWX, Threats of Violence, but not between wangxian)
there is a mafia au comp !!
7. A) In the mood for wen Ning and Wei Ying being close
B) Is there any wangxian book which is like omniscient reader's viewpoint? Fusion or similar. I just plain and simple love it to the end of the world. @whateverweilanlovechild​
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP) 
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 65k, WRH & WWX, wangxian, WN & WWX, Wen WWX, abuse, whipping, manipulations, smart WWX, possessive behavior, implied/Referenced rape/non-con, past rape/non-con, WIP)
8. ITMF superhero wangxian!! i’m not too particular on the context, be it only one of them, or both of them, or hero/villain. the more explicit the better, though 🌝
mission report by bosbie (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Fluff, Humor, First Meetings, Falling In Love, Getting Together)
a wild heart to tame mine by theroyalsavage (G, 10k, WangXian, Superheroes/Superpowers, Strangers to Lovers, bookshop owner lwj/superhero wwx, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Wangxian-typical tenderness)
Tired of the Sunset by julomaiboulomai (M, 55k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, Parent-Child Relationship, Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death, Also Canonical 'He Gets Better', Unreliable Narrator, superhero fights, Major Character Injury, Major Character Undeath, Slow Burn, But also somehow, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, JC-LWJ Mutual Hate Society, Domestic Fluff, Co-Parenting, Making Out, well slowish burn, Fade to Black, Brief mentions of suicide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Art Embedded)
🧡 Of Ghosts and Heroes by The Silverfish (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 51k, AS & WWX, AS/YH, WangXian, BNHA/MHA Crossover, Dimension Travel, POV Outsider, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst) Sort of? It's a crossover with bnha and I think a few mdzs characters become heroes in it
Free Wifi for Heroes by JJSparrow (E, 50k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, Pro Heroes (MHA), Switching, Engineer!WWX, Hero!LWJ, CEO!WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Inventor!WWX, Top/Bottom Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time)
9. Hi, thanks for doing these recs!
For the next itmf, I'd like wangxian in the Cloud Recesses Study Arc, kinda like Stunted, Starving Juvenility. Preferably long, like 50k+, but any length is fine!
Thank you! @moonlightflora-101​
Silenced With A Kiss by NinjaKK (E, 88k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, flirting, fluff, teen romance, happy ending, secret relationship, falling in love, first kiss, first dates, inventor WWX, genius WWX, protective WWX; protective LWJ, happy ending, ripple effect, first time, fluff & smut, supportive LWJ, BAMF WWX, WIP)
The initial parts of 💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings, link in #2) also fits for 9, I think
O, What Learning Is! by Comfect (T, 60k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, No Fall of Lotus Pier, No Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It, Butterfly Effect, Fluff, Cultivation Theory, Cultivation Sect Politics, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, WWX-Typical Obliviousness, Unreliable Narrator WWX, The Undeniable Romance of Quests, Good Student WWX (for a given value of good student), Canon-typical treatment of children, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR)
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, WangXian, Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Comedy, Fade to Black, Mild Sexual Content, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot No War AU, Falling In Love, Non-Graphic Violence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sparring, Harm to Animals, Don't Worry The Animal is Fine Wangji Makes Sure of That, Developing Friendships, teenagers in love, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Blood, First Time)
Unstoppable by Netrixie (T, 149k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Unreliable Narrator, Slow Burn, Minor OC's, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Wolf-shifter WWX, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, Fix-It, Shapeshifters, Sunshot Campaign)
In Walls of Glass by Comfect (T, 43k, WangXian, XiCheng, Good Uncle LQR, Teacher LQR, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Yet Another Butterfly Effect Fix-It, JC friendly, Family Feels, Demonic Cultivation, Cultivation Theory, Tagged CQL not MDZS, POV LQR)
10. Hello! ITMF where WWX is super duper Mary Sue. I just read “The Darkness Before Dawn” by PsycheStellata707, and I loved how WWX was just the most beautiful, the most powerful, the most smart, the most loved, the richest, the super bamf. It was indulgent and fun. Any other fics like this?
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) (link in #14)
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex) (link in #6)
Whatever you do by apathyinreverie (T, 8k, WangXian, somewhat darker cultivation world, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF LXC, not Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, wwx is appreciated, genius wwx, everyone is a little darker in this, except for wwx, Fluff, Possessive LWJ, Fix-It)
11. Hi hi, hope everything is going well :) Sorry if this has been asked before, but for either ITMF or Fic Finder are there any good fics with Yunmeng trio shenanigans/slice of life?
12. hello! sorry to bother you, but theres any new wangxian fic with mpreg? especially (only) pregnant wei wuxian, please and thanks! 💖🙏🏽
Hello, can you suggest any fluffy wangxian fic where wei Wuxian is pregnant. Would love it if it is long. Thank you 😊😊 @mayavsworld​
In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 64k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mpreg, Teen Pregnancy, Shotgun Wedding, Good Uncle LQR, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Unspecified Setting, Probably ooc, WWX Has ADHD, A-Yuan is Wangxian's son, Pregnant WWX, Humor, non-graphic birth, Family Drama, The Lans love wwx, Male Lactation, Mild Smut in later chapters, wangxian's canonical breeding kink, Tooth-Rotting Fluff) it's marked as a WIP but the main story is over the rest are sides stories
My Heart is a Cavern of Longing, Please come home? by LadyVamp (E, 28k, WangXian, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Bitch WWX, Forced Marriage, Accidental Baby Acquisition, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Forced Bonding, Forced Pregnancy, Depressed WWX, Sex In A Cave, Uncontrolled heats, JZX Lives, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Pining LWJ, Pining WWX, Child LJY, LJY is WangXian's son, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant WWX, Mpreg)
Bonded Fate by Missty0foxx (E, 19k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Canon Divergence, Dubious Consent, Mating, Mating Bites, Knotting, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Lubrication, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Teenage WangXian, Time Skips, Mpreg, Caring LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Pregnant Sex, Pregnant WWX, Mating Cycles/In Heat, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, LWJ Has a Biting Kink)
The Beautiful and the Damned by Anonymous (M, 15k, WangXian, Wingfic, Immortal LWJ, Demon WWX, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX, Wing Kink, Human JC, mmortal LXC, Immortal LSZ, Immortal LJY, Crow WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Are LSZ's Parents, Gambling, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, CNC and Dubcon elements, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Unplanned Pregnancy)
Pregxian & Pregji Comp
13. Hey guys hope all is well , I’m in the mood for a fix with bodyguard Lan Zhan just out here protecting wei ying idk if anything like this exists but I’m intrigued.
Thank you for all your hard work x @red-spacekitten
Bodyguard king by 74243 (E, 8k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Idol WWX, Bodyguard LWJ, Female NHS, Platonic D/s, Loss of Virginity)
lightning in a bottle by nighimpossible (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bodyguard LWJ, Scientist WWX, Mutual Pining, Blow Jobs, (light) Rope Bondage, Kitchen Sex, Anal Fingering)
14. Itmf for fics where LWJ has friends!! Who teases him!! And are there for him!! I've often seen Mianmian with him and I've enjoyed those fics alot!! Preferably canonverse but modern au's are fun too!!
❤️ save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, modern w magic, college/university au, fake/pretend relationship, single parent WWX, homophobia, light angst w/ happy ending, idiots to lovers, fluff) is really good
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) Scarlett storm does a great job of showing lan zhan with actual friends and a support system , however this one in particular is great !
mating rituals by detectorist (E, 16k, WangXian, XuanLi, JZX & LWJ, Modern AU, College/University, Humour, Pining, Getting Together, Idiots in Love)
correspondence of two fools madly in love by serenedebeautea (G, 2k, WangXian, XuanLi, LWJ & JZX)
forget-me-not by mellowflicker (E, 31k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy WWX, Sugar Baby LWJ, Professor WWX, Student LWJ, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Secret Relationship, Age Difference, Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, JZX & LWJ Friendship, Family Issues, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs)
Orchids in Lotus Pier by Vamillepudding (G, 21k, WangXian, JC & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Mutual Pining, Protective JC, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings)
15. Hi there! Hope you day is going good!!! I need your help to find me a(lot) fan fiction with dragon lan wangji/human wei wuxian please 🙇‍♀️🥺 @mahamhere
Coil Tightly by Thunderstruck (Blueyed_Impala) (T, 50k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Shifters, Modern with Magic, WWX is oblivious to magic, Slow Burn, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, References to Animal Abuse but the animal is LWJ, Hurt/Comfort, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, WWX has abandonment issues, Possessive LWJ, Clueless Flirting, OC Lan disciples for plot reasons)
These Mortal Treasures by ChilianXianzi (T, 9k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fantasy, Dragon LWJ, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Possessive LWJ, Domestic Fluff, implied eggpreg, The Cultivation World's canonical fuckery, eggyuan!, Gift Giving)
Love at first bite by luckymoonly (M, 14k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern setting with dragons, Falling In Love, NMJ and JYL own a bakery together, Interspecies Romance, Crossdressing, Everyone lives in the same building, First Time, Fluff and Humor, Mpreg, LWJ's canonical big dick, Horny lwj, Smut, LXC and LWJ are dragon princes, Lingerie, Dating, Medium Burn, Possessive LWJ)
wind and rain by hauntedotamatone (E, 15k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Porn With Plot, Size Difference, Mildly Dubious Consent, Spit As Lube, Fairy Tale Elements, Double Penetration in One Hole, Rough Sex, Biting, Curse Breaking, Teratophilia, Fuck Or Die, but not for who you'd think, Meet-Ugly, Rimming, Past physical abuse, consensual and sane but not 100 percent safe, Non-Human Genitalia, Come as Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Copious Amounts of Come)
Jaws of the Dragon by celerydragon (Not Rated, 7k, WangXian, dubcon, Exhibitionism, Nonconsensual Exhibitionism, Bestiality, Belly Bulge, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Breeding Kink, dragonji, LWJHas a Big Dick, lwj can transform into a human)
other earths and skies by binghecarer (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, (but not in the typical way?), Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Scars and Injuries, Curses, Hurt/Comfort)
fell by you by Vrishchika (E, 44k, Dragon LWJ, Fantasy, Explicit Smut in Last Chapter, Pining, POV LWJ, Canon Divergence, Immortals, Deities, Canon-Typical Violence, Dragon WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
this river runs to you Series by aubreyli, sundiscus (T/E, 66k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending, First Time, Oral Sex, Coming Untouched, Porn with Feelings, Established Relationship) 
Making Mouths at Dragons by athena_crikey (E, 10k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mpreg, baby fever, near PWP, Dragon sex, also human sex, Rimming, Size Kink, Egg Laying, Family, Feel-good, hints of self-worth issues, Dragon LWJ)
16. hello!! for the next itmf, any fanfics where they elaborate on wei changze and/or cangse sanren? secret families, they survive, even pre canon, just some wei family feels. thank youu <33
I Will Call You By Name by DisasterMages (T, 73k, WangXian, WWX raised by XXC, Canon Divergence, Family Feels) does ´I will call you by name’ by DisasterMages count they’re a few flashbacks about them
tall as the mountains that sheltered us by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously, childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov) wcz & cssr are saved by the lan.
The Long Winding Road Home by Admiranda (T, 12k, CSSR/WCZ, wangxian, time travel, post-canon, not JC friendly, fluff, family reunion, mocking LQR to his face, mocking JC to his face, wild rumours) wcz & cssr return after 30 years trapped.
Silver (Bloodshot) Eyes by GeminiWillow (T, 15k, WangXian, WCZ & WWX, WCZ & JL, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly, JC Bashing, YZY Bashing, Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Bashing, BAMF WCZ, Ghost WCZ, JC Canon Characteristics, Mentions of WWX's Canonical Child Abuse, Child JL, JL Needs a Hug, Revenge) vengeful ghost wcz torments jc during the timeskip. jiang bashing.
The Wei of family by HikariNoHimeWriter (E, 46k, WangXian, WCZ/CSSR, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Male omega with vagina, Vaginal Fingering, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Falling In Love, some violence, Genius WWX, WWX Has ADHD, CSSR Has ADHD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Eventual Smut, Love Confessions, Mating Bond, WangXian Elope, Kinda, Not JC Friendly, not yzy friendly, Mpreg) omega wwx grows up with his family and finds love
a burden of figs by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 16k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Breaking Up & Making Up, Getting Back Together, Hurt/Comfort, Injured WWX, caretaker LWJ, Mutual Pining) rogue cultivator wwx dating to breakup to makeup.
somehow, someway, we all get to someday by Stratisphyre (T, 75k, WangXian, CSSR/LQR/WCZ, MDM Lan/OFC, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Canon-Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Parenthood, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Threesome - F/M/M, Family Feels, Not JFM Friendly, Not Lan Sect Friendly, past emotional abuse, Demisexual Character, Inclusive discussions of reproductive rights) jfm & yzy die on a nighthunt and wcz & cssr run the jiang as regents for jc.
17. Hi!! ITMF for submissive LWJ with a praise kink. Whether he's top or bottom doesn't matter.
Shatter All Barriers by YunmengLotus (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Painplay, Light Dom/sub, very brief subdrop, Praise Kink, Wax Play, Temperature Play, Sex Toys, Communication, light blood play (really light but there is blood), BDSM, Intercrural Sex, thigh fucking, Non-Penetrative Sex, Coming Untouched, Piercings, Needles, Sub LWJ, dom WWX, kind of, Getting Together, piercer wwx)
Maybe You're the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
old wounds by BloodRedCarnation (E, 23k, WangXianYu, Established WangXian, PWP, Kink Negotiation, Switch WangXian, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, Threesome, healing through sex, Breathplay, Light exhibitionism kink, Praise Kink, Dom/sub, Virgin MXY, Post-Canon, Fix-It of Sorts, Double Penetration)
Caffeine, Small Talk by mistergoblin (E, 144k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, or more accurately: frenemies to fuck, buddies to lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, touch-starved lwj, Slow Burn, high levels of sexual tension, Misunderstandings, Getting to Know Each Other, Switching, Bottom LWJ, bottom WWX, slight D/s, Happy Ending, side yanqing, lwj's patented horny grip, Sub LWJ)
Here Comes The Heat (Before We Meet) by mistergoblin (E, 15k, WangXian, Fluff and Smut, Getting Together, D/s elements, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, but they switch wbk, Collars, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Spanking, Explicit Consent)
a new kind of silence by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Autistic LWJ, Communication Disorder, Trans LWJ, Protective WWX, Pregnant LWJ, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Soft WangXian, POV WWX)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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the-broken-truth · 6 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [1]: The Great Seven
Broken: Here are some critical points to remember - if there is anything I forgot o mention or you are confused, please ask me and I shall explain:
Yuu is the biological child of the Great Seven. Their creation involved the combination of the seven powerful magics into a single vessel made of flesh. To ensure a remotely normal life, Yuu was sent to live in a human realm. However, Yuu's parents would occasionally visit the mortal world, and as such, Yuu has knowledge of their true origin.
Yuu has magic, very powerful magic, however they refuse to use it in order to keep their identity hidden and protect the ones they value. In order to suppress their vast magic, Yuu wears a Sealing Stone in a ring they constantly wear; making it seem as if they are magicless. This is why Leona couldn't smell Yuu's Magic; the ring was blocking it.
Yuu has 4 Mothers (The Queen of Hearts, The Sea Witch, The Fairiest Queen, and The Thorn Fairy) & 3 Fathers (The King of Beasts, The Sorcerer of the Sands, and the King of the Underworld).
All of Yuu's Parents are loving & doting but they tend to be very overprotective of their one and only child; the King of Beasts & The Thorn Fairy are the most protective. They also have Human Forms to prevent tearing the fabric of reality by their mere presence.
Yuu shall be referred to by the [They/Them/Their] Pronouns; use your imagination to make the perfect Yuu for this situation.
In this AU - Malleus is related to the Thorn Fairy. The Thorn Fairy is Malleus' Grandmother, thus making Yuu - as the Thorn Fairy's [Son/Daughter] - Malleus' [Aunt/Uncle]. Yeah. I'm going there.
[Night Raven College - Lunchtime - Cafeteria]
[Dorm Wardens: Azul, Riddle, Leona, Malleus, Jamil (Hes a Vice -Dorm Warden & More Familiar with Yuu), and Vil]
[Everything seems to be going smoothly for the Dorm Wardens of Night Raven College, however, everyone seems to notice that the Prefect of The Ramshackle Dorm, Yuu, seems to be on edge and rather nervous about something. The Dorm Wardens decide to speak to Yuu during Lunch and try to get something out of them. While Yuu is looking at their phone while sitting at their favorite table after eating their lunch while Grim munches on Tuna when they find themselves surrounded by the Dorm Wardens.]
Yuu (Locks their phone and places it in their pocket while looking at the Dorm Wardens surrounding their table): Hmmm... Hello.
Malleus (Folding his arms): Child of Man, we have gathered together in order to question you as to why you appear to be so nervous these past few days.
Yuu (Swallows nervously): Nervous? I don't know what you are talking about...
Leona (Points at Yuu with one hand whole the other hand rests on his hip - like the sassy prince he is): Don't even try to spout that crap, Herbivore. You've been zoning out during coverstations, not focusing in class, while neglecting your sleep and eating; two of those things are things people expect from me, but from the Prefect of Ramshackle.
Riddle: As much as I hate to, I agree with Kingscholar. You have ben acting strange and this is very unbecoming of you. As Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul & your friend, I am calling upon the Card of Friendship to force you to spill your guts about what you are hiding or you shall be placed on trial.
Yuu (Exhales): You guys are not going to let this go, are you?
Dorm Wardens + Jamil (In Unison): No, now spill your guts!
Yuu (Inhales through their nose then exhales through their mouth): Alright, I'll tell the truth. The truth is... My Parents are coing to visit me today.
[The Dorm Wardens (+ Jami) look rather confused by Yuu's Words as the Prefect ran their hand through their shot black hair with a deep exhale.]
Malleus: Child of Man, you are aware that your human parents would not be able to travel to our world, correct? How would they come to visit you? Even if it were possible, why would you be so on edge about their visit?
Yuu: Well... I wasn't completely honest about my lineage and where I came from; I am from the Human World, that's where I grew up, however hat is not where I was bor. As for my parents, I' normally happy to see them, but I didn't want them to come here beacuse I didn't want you guys to look at me differenty by knowing who my parents really are.
Vil (Waving his hand dismissively): First Potato, you are worried about nothing. We do not judge people based on their lineage. Besides, you have done so much for Night raen College, what would make you think we would treat you any differently by learning who your parents are?
Yuu: You see, My Parents are really...
[Yuu is cut off by a lightning stike crashes into the ground outside the front of Night rane College and was soon followed by a Lion's Roar so loud that it shook the entire foundation of the college, making the students cower in fear while Yuu hung their head low.]
Malleus (Looks around with shock as the building stops shaking): What in the name of the Thorn Fairy was that?!
Leona: I don't know! Whatever that roar was, it shook the how fucking school; it's stronger than the Kings Roar!
Riddle: It came from in front of the school! We need to investigate! Yuu, remain here where it is safe!
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) run out of the cafeteria to investiagte teh sound of this noise while Yuu slowly gets out of their chair and follows after them at a much slower pace while Grim rides their shoulder.]
Yuu (Thinking): 'Damn it, Guys...'
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) arrived at the front of Night Raen College and their eyes widen at the sight of the strangers standing before them as they instanlty fall to htier hands and kneels, inflicted by the Magic Pressure of the Aura of the Stangers. Standing before them were the Great Seven in Human Form. The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) are too fearful to speak outright but they are all wondering the same thing: Why are the Great Seven here and what could they want?]
King of Beasts (Standing there with folded arms while glaring at the students before him with a displeased look on his face): They did not answer my call. Just who are these children before us?
Queen of Hearts: They would happen to be the Dorm Wardens of this college - The Leaders of their Respected Houses.
Socerer of the Sands (Points his staff at Jamil): He hails from the House of Scarabia but he doesn't hold the title of House Warden, he is mere a Vice Dorm Warden.
King of Beasts: I care not about them, I came here for one person and they are not here; I'm going to call them again.
Thorn Fairy: King of Beasts, your roar shook the very foundation of this school; what if your second roar were to distablize something and they were to get injured?
King of Beasts (Scoffs): You underestimate and coddle them too much, Thorn Fairy; mere rubble with not injure them. I am calling them again. (Inhales to roar again)
Yuu: No need. (Walking out of the building with on hand on their pocket and a shaking Grim on their shoulder) I heard you the first time and I was on my way here.
Leona (Pushing through his shaking fear): H... Herbivore , what are you doing here?! Get back in the school! It's not safe for you here!
King of Beasts (Looks at Yuu as a smirk appears across his face): There you are... Judgement has come for you! Challenge begins now!
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) watch in horror as the King of Beasts jumps over them and charges at Yuu with his fists reeled back; he was going to attack them!]
Malleus: CHILD OF MAN!
Riddle: YUU!!!
[The King of Beasts reach Yuu and throws his fist out towards there face, but everyone is shocked to see Yuu dodge his attack. The King of Beast and Yuu seem to dance around each other attacking and doging each others' attack but the Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) are utterly confused; how can a Magicless Student stand up and holding their own against One of the Great Seven?!]
[The bout comes to an end when Yuu manages to punch the King of Beasts in his stomach with great strength, knocking the wind out of his lungs before jumping in air to reach his head.]
Yuu: What did I say about subltety?! (Roundhouse kicks the King of Beasts in his head)
[Everyone watches as the King of Beasts goes flying across the field before crashing into the fountain, shattering it into pieces.]
Thorn Fairy (Walks over to Yuu as they look at the King of Beasts in the destroyed fountain): Well done, My Dear. It's good to see that you have not nelgected your training.
Yuu (Dusting off their clothes): Thank you, Mother.
Dorm Wardens (+Jamil): MOTHER?!
King of the Underworld (Smiles): Yuu, aren't you going to introduce us to your friends? It would seem that you haven't told them about us and they looked rather confused as to what just happened.
Yuu (Sctaching the back of their head with a nervous blush on their face): I guess I have no choice in the matter now. (Looks at the Dorm Wardens while gesturing to the Great Seven): Friends, I would like for you to meet my parents: The Great Seven.
Dorm Wardens (+Jamil): WHAT?!
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Since death knows all the great seven and more, she definitely had some distain for some. Like Hades and Frollo
Certainly. Death saw them during their time when their perspective on life and their purpose began to change. So not long after when Death befriended the Epel's many many great Grandmother/ancestor. During this time, Death actually slowed down and began looking at the mortals and their lives. they saw many goods, but also terrible mortals.
Let's start with Hades. And Let's get the hierarchy clear. At the tippy top are Time and Space, and under them are Life and Death, and under them are the lesser gods. The lesser gods are any higher beings that were created by Life and Not Time or Space.
Hades is one of the underworld Gods that did not betray Y/n Death. And their partnership ended on a bittersweet note.
The Evil Queen- She was the first Mortal she ever started observing and was not happy. Death indeed thought the queen was beautiful when she was faced with a potential rival. She sought to snuff out the life of the innocent who could care less about the queen's vanity compaction. Y/n thought her death was well deserved, dying as an ugly old hag.
The Queen of Hearts- She was crazy, Death simply saw a tyrant, who used her temper tantrum to scare the obedience of her citizens. So Y/n may or may not have used their pendant to pretend to be human and start an uprising. Witch leads to the queen being beheaded herself. After that Death Left the white queen in charge.
Jafar- Death simply thought he was a man, who wanted to be heard. But that's where their mercy ends, As he did bring harm to good people. And tried to force a girl to love him with magic. But he is now a genie, so they had to wait a really long time to collect his soul.
Scar- (In this Au, the whole lion king characters are human beastman) Death saw him as a spoiled second prince, who knew nothing about running a kingdom. But he had good leadership skills and was very clever. He could have been a great general, or caption of the Royal guard.
Instead, he killed his brother, attempted to kill his nephew, and almost drove his kingdom to starvation.
The Sea Witch- Death knew she was a deal maker who targets those who are at their lowest, or in a desperate mindset. And made unfair wages on her victims. So death was more than happy to collect her soul when she tried to murder the two lovers. And death used her magic to undo the curse of all the victims of Ursula when she perished.
Maleficent- She is the only one of the Seven, as a mortal, meets death. And even mock them to their face. For she believed that she was so powerful that she could live forever. Since she compared her life span to humans, she thought herself immortal. And after spitting in Death's face, this did many things for her ego.
So much so that she gets offended when she's not invited to a random baby's birthday. And curse death upon said baby. So Y/n was happy to watch the fear in maleficent eyes as they came to collect them.
"And that is my experience on the great seven," Death said, as the Dorm leaders sat around their meeting table.
All of them stare at death with wide eyes and disbelief.
"You started a rebellion?!" Riddle gasped.
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dandytron2000 · 2 months
Discord redesign for my silly little AU !
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Second child of Queen Chrysalis and Tirek the lord of the underworld... He was born for the single purpose of sabotaging the efforts of the pony princesses in fighting back against the empire. But, being a mischievous airhead he is with a relatively harmless skillset of chameleon-like camouflage and chaos magic he rarely if ever lived up to the expectations put on him.
He was the first apostle of the empire the main 6 faced, and easily the most cooperative one, as he was just waiting for an excuse to switch sides.
Discord lies about his age relentlessly, but the fact is, he's around same age as Pinkie Pie, likely a month or two younger than she is. He doesn't know the exact date of his birthday, which Pinkie of course considers blasphemous so they share a birthday party now yay
And of course fluttercord is canon in this au because autism couple forever <3 There are many reasons why they're very special for one another, but this isn't a deep lore post so I'll just say that they both are nature freaks and freaks of nature at the same time.
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lyranova · 4 months
The Golden Dawn Mafia AU!
William Vangeance: The King. He grew up in poverty and was mostly ignored by everyone, until eventually it was revealed to him that he is the bastard child of a major company’s CEO, and was set to inherit it. But after moving in with his father and step-mother his neglect and mistreatment only grew worse. Until eventually he ran away as a young teen and stumbled into a high class bar that was run and owned by Julius Novachrono called “The Grey Deer”, and Julius took him under his wing (along with Morgen Faust, Yami Sukehiro, and Marx Francois) and eventually showed him his true business before helping him establish his own “Mafia Family”.
Zera Cassia: The Queen. She is the youngest child and only daughter of Rika Cassia, the leader of a world renowned Mafia group. Originally she wasn’t supposed to get involved in the “underworld” like her father and brothers, but they all found that she seemed to have a knack for it and so was put in charge of smuggling things in and out of the city of Clover. Many suitors asked for her hand, not because they loved her, but because they wanted her family’s power and influence. So in order to get the suitors to stop harassing her decided to choose a random mafia leader to marry; William Vangeance.
Yuno Grinberryall: The Ace. He is the son of a wealthy CEO and his wife, and is an only child. After his father was killed when he was an infant he was raised by his mother and was set to inherit his father’s company after he became of age. But at the age of 15 he discovered that his father was assassinated by a mafia family called the Zogratis’s, and so after some searching he went to the Golden Dawn mafia family and joined them to find out who killed his father and to take revenge while also keeping his mother and the company safe from the Zogratis family.
Neva Belmonte: The Diamond. She is the adopted sister of William and is the daughter of a popular chef and baker. When she was 7 years old her parents were killed during a robbery and because she had no living relatives was sent to an orphanage. She wasn’t there long as the next day William Vangeance, a good friend of her parents, came to get her and raised her as his little sister ever since. He tried his best to keep her away from the mafia life, but instead she ran right for it, and ended up becoming one of the strongest in the family. She is referred to as “the Princess of the Golden Dawn” by the other family members.
Mimosa Vermillion: The Flower. She is the daughter of a wealthy mafia family, but instead of joining the family like they expected her to, she decided to join the Golden Dawn and become the mafia family’s in-house doctor.
Klaus Lunettes: The Lance. The son of a well to do business man, Klaus was projected to go to college and take over his fathers business once he decided to retire. But after he witnessed William Vangeance and his mafia family help a group a young women that the cops ignored and wouldn’t help, he found that he admired them. So instead of taking over his fathers business, he decided to join the Golden Dawn.
David Swallow: The Joker. He is cunning, sly, and is one heck of a gambler. After trying and getting caught cheating at cards, he was saved from being killed by William and Langris Vaude. To repay his debt, he decided to join the Golden Dawn. Now he runs the gambling houses and casino’s that are in the Golden Dawn’s territory.
Alecdora Sandler: The Jack. He is the son of a wealthy business man and is the heir to his families ‘empire’. When he was a teen he was kidnapped and held for ransom for days, and just as he was about to give up hope of being rescued he was found by William Vangeance and his mafia family the Golden Dawn. But instead of going back to his family, he decided to join William, and he works hard everday to try and repay him for saving his life.
Letoile Becquerel: The Navigator. She is the daughter of computer engineers, and has always been very good at computers and communications. She is the Golden Dawn’s chief navigator and always makes sure that the family is where they need to be and gets to where they need to go. She tends to work off-site, and uses in-ear comm’s in order to communicate with the family.
Langris Vaude: The Knight. He is the youngest son of the Vaude family and is their pride and joy. He initially joined the Golden Dawn at his parents request, since they wanted to keep tabs on William and what he was doing with their money, but after a while Langris found he began to admire the man and started to follow him willingly. He mainly takes care of the business side of things, and leaves the “shadier” side to the others as he doesn’t like it nor does he want to be associated with it.
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
By The Book AU Timeline
[this will be edited as things progress and the au gets more fleshed out]
less of a timeline and more the a brainstorm chart for the plotbeats i have so far
Prince > Little Sage > Pilgrim > Immortal
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ACT 1, PRINCE: 2 years, S1 plus some of S2
ep0 special, MK becomes Monkie Kid
Fated Feast (tm) and dealing with it
MK learning how to use his powers
pretty much all the episodes of S1
Beijing Opera sideplot
first New Years is a Lion Dancing competition special
Macaque introduces himself
Spider Queens get exorcised, LBD reveal
Nezha and Muzha introduction
some more filler episodes of Monkie gang dealing with small easy stuff
MK gets invited to meet Guanyin
MK learning the Dao and Dharma, starts cultivation
Macaque causes trouble (basically Shadow Play ep but not), Wukong finds out
spicynoodles start becoming a thing late in the arc
S1 finale special, except it's LBD and some henchmen
Celestial Realm sightseeing moment, introduction to several immortals and gods
ACT 2, LITTLE SAGE: about half a year, part of S2 and a lot of changes
Red Son's investigation gets serious, Nezha is helping
Wukong gets more present to teach MK
most of what's left of S2, with some changes
Yingge and Longnü intro
Tang starts helping MK and Mei with magic
Mei starts training her dragon powers in FFM
Guanyin meets the Monkien gang, reveal of Tang's past reincarnations
MK gets deeper on training with his monkey form and powers
"recollections of red and blue" is set in this arc
DBK and PIF start making amends with Red Son
qpr chimera fully established, Red Son and MK get serious enough to tell their parents about it
more LBD shenanigans
S2 season finale, except not
LBD tries to trap him in a pagoda, everyone joins the fray, MK escapes because Macaque underestimates him, Wukong gets kebabed, Megapolis is lost and the gang flees for their lives
ACT 3, PILGRIM: about half a year, S3 in spirit but almost every plot gets scrapped cus its just filler anyway
they aren't on a ""journey to the west"", they are gathering allies and tools to use against LBD and Macaque
plan is, burn the motherfuckers with the Samadhi fire with the help of the four dragon king's armies to spread the fire with rain, and use some artifacts to then control the fire and put it out
drastic measure but it do be drastic times
LBD used the skeleton key to open the gates of the Diyu, so the world is slowly getting overrun by runaway spirits, as well as channeling the waters from it to freeze the land
apparently Macaque wants to consume every living thing he's trapped to fuel something, and nobody is sure what
anyway it's crisis politics time, nobody is having fun, everything sucks
time to check in with the past pilgrims for advice and some tricks they know, Monkie gang power up time
the dragon king of the north and his family are missing, time to find them
Shen Gongbao intro, he's involved but they figure it out
it's also time to draft some immortals, we love owing favors to people in this house amiright??
Mayor starts to think the henchman career isn't for him, time to dip
he fucks a plan cus he uses a pill of immortality to heal himself but oops the gang needed that
Mayor spills the beans on Macaque's plan, MK gets impulsive and runs off to face LBD
S3 special time except not
MK exchanges himself for the girl LBD got possessed, which builds the group time to wrap up lose ends
final battle time, hoards of the underworld versus whatever immortals got convinced to help despite going against the Jade Emperor's decree
MK sends a clone with his staff before he loses control back to the gang
Mei in dragon form fighting possessed MK, so that Red Son and Nezha can take a shot at MK to exorcise LBD out of him, Erlang and Muzha helping to hold Macaque back
MK gets shot with the Samadhi Fire, to explosive results
MK vs Macaque kaiju monkey battle time
Macaque gets nuked, LBD gets carbonized, Mayor dies saving people from the city before the fires get to them
everything is put back where it belongs, but there's a lot of loose ends to wrap up, ends in a bittersweet note
ACT 4, IMMORTAL: two years, S4 solely in name, basically a full overhaul lmao
oh man oh man shits gonna hit the fan lmao
the city is saved and the bad guys are gone; time for Consequences
Jade Emperor isnt very happy with the amount of unauthorized actions taken just now
MK goes to fucking trial for the crime of saving the world, it goes as well as one would think
luckily Guanyin comes in clutch and gets his sentence lightened to "community service"
there is an absurd amount of undead still walking around, which means MK has to get on that
also yknow. the devastating amount of damage in the mortal AND celestial realm
MK is given an assignment in the heavenly bureocracy, to help keep him in check and accountable to stuff. is great innit.
another part of his job is, dealing with Wukong's past sworn brotherhood cus they've been uppity since Macaque's attack and threatening to break the human-demon truce
Qi "two dads nuclear family" Xiaotian learns to deal with distant extended family relations with very specific social cues. again, goes as well as expected
under all that, Red Son still hasn't been able to get the missing memories situation fixed
also turns out even Wukong doesn't remember who MK was but he used to know. he doesn't anymore. and he doesn't know what happened. Red Son did not like learning that.
the celebration of Ulhambana in the Celestial Realm is approaching, and Red Son thinks he can get himself and MK invited to it so they can yknow, ask Buddha wtf is going on
so yknow, time to earn the trust of the Celestial Realm again, in a year. that's doable right? ahahah
and because he doesn't have enough on his plate, MK traded off a lot of his merits in exchange for LBD and Mayor speedrunning their time in hell so they can be reborn under his care
MK becomes An Uncle, what could possibly go wrong!
oh, jumpscare, Macaque is still around but Different
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lou-struck · 1 year
Let Me Go...
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Kyojuro Rengoku x reader
Mythology AU!
~You have made it to the Underworld to get your Fiancé back, but will he follow you up the steps and into the light?
This is my submission for @tsukkismoonlight What Could Have Been Collab.
Thanks for hosting Max!
This fic is inspired by the Greek Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, but I wouldn't call it a retelling, so there are a few differences.
Warnings: Lots of talk about death, extreme grieving, unhealthy mindsets, pretty much everything that comes with the og myth
Tagging: @tokyometronetwork
The obsidian floors feel cold against your knees as you stare up at the Lord and Lady of the Underworld. They sit side by side on their thrones, wearing robes stitched from the night sky itself. Their faces are partially lit by the light of human souls.
"Please," you plead, "Lord Kagaya, Lady Amane. I beg of you; I have done much to make it here. Please let me retrieve the man known as Kyojuro Rengoku~" you start to say more only to be silenced by the slow raising of the Lord's pale hand.
"My Child," the God of Death says, staring down at you with a pale gaze full of kindness. "You have done well to make it so far, but what makes this one worthy to receive the gift of a second life?"
"There are many who attempt the journey down here in hopes of bringing someone back." The Queen says softly, placing her hand atop her husband's. Her lavender gaze seems to stare into the depths of your soul, "There is a beauty that accompanies death the living do not yet understand."
You clench your fists, the sharp pain of your nails sticking into your flesh makes you feel more awake. It's true what they say; the living are not meant to be in the Underworld. Already you feel your body weakening. After everything you did to get down here, the trials, the bargains. You only hope that you'll be able to persuade them to let you bring Kyojuro back to the surface.
"There is beauty in life too." You respond. Your voice much stronger than you had intended it to be.
"And what does this man, this mortal, have to do with the beauty of life?" Kagaya says, leaning forward, interest piqued by your words
"Everything," you say, taking a step towards the throne determinedly, "without him, life is endless, its colors dull, and music silent. When the sun touches my skin, I feel a chill. Everything that I thought was beautiful before he died merely exists."
"The way you speak of the world saddens me," pearly tears rim the Lord of the Underworld's eyes at your words. "If this man means that much to you, I suppose I will give you a chance to bring him back."
Your heart feels tight in your chest "do you mean it? Will he be able to come back?"
"If you follow our directions, then your Kyojuro will be able to live as he once had." The Queen says, her features stone, but her eyes contain the same kindness as her husband. "Do you wish to guide your lover back to the surface?" 
You nod vigorously. "More than anything."
"Then listen well because you will only receive one chance to bring back your beloved." the King says; the ground begins to rumble around you until a gateway appears in the castle walls. Stepping closer to the stairs, you see that they seem to go all the way up to the surface. "Follow these steps with your beloved until you reach the surface, but do not look behind you, or his soul will be trapped down here forever."
The instructions sound simple, too simple.
 Tales of the god's trickery run through your mind, and you begin to doubt the Deities before you. "How will I know he is following me if I cannot see him?" you ask, raising a brow.
The goddess only chuckles, placing her pale hand in front of her lips. "It seems easy, doesn't it? As a sign of our goodwill, You shall be able to hold his hand and speak with him as you climb."
"It's alright to be apprehensive, My child." Kagaya soothes, "But you have been given an extremely rare opportunity; your body cannot withstand the power of the Underworld much longer. Go, and you will have proof your Kyojuro is behind you."
The sincerity of their gazes and the tiredness that wears down your psyche makes you inclined to believe them. "Thank you, your excellencies." you breathe, feeling the victorious drumming of your heart in your chest. "You have given me my heart back."
The Lord smiles softly at your words, but there is something sullen written on his face. "Remember, keep your eyes forward, and do not look back for any reason. If you do, your love will return to this place and shall never walk amongst the living again."
You nod and, with shaky legs, make your way to the steps praying to something ever greater than the gods that you are not being tricked. 
The steps look to be carved from the earth itself, the walls coated with sand and stone. The moment you take that first step, you feel the weight of the Underworld detach from your body, you don't sense his presence right away, but heeding the god's warning, you do not look back.
You climb a few more steps until you hear the soft falling of feet on the ground behind you.
You hear the soft shuffling of footsteps.
"Kyojuro?" your breath catches in your throat as you listen to the familiar footfalls., "Is that you behind me?"
A voice clears its throat behind you, "It's me, Fireball, I promise." The voice is small and a bit raspy from lack of use, but it's him.
It's Kyojuro.
The sound of his voice makes your knees give out on the steps. Your eyes fill with tears; you've never wanted to turn around more in your life. 
Before you can fall, his two hands come to sturdy your shoulders, keeping you upright. "Easy there, you're all right." his gentle murmurs overpower the feelings of exhaustion, pain, and hunger, and you let out a deep sob from the bottom of your heart. 
Your cries echo off of the dirt walls, and you are sure that everyone in the Underworld can hear you, but you don't care. "I want nothing more than to look into your eyes and see that bright smile of yours," you breathe. The muscles on your neck twitch in anticipation, but you shake the tempting thoughts from your head, "But I can't. If I turn around, I'll be losing you all over again."
He grabs your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. His skin against your own feels familiar, but it's different somehow. The calluses on his hands from years of training and hard labor are gone leaving only smooth skin remaining. "You've never lost me, y/n. I promise you that I feel the flames of your love every second I have been down here."
You can't help but let the tears flow again; the thin streams flow down your cheeks and drip onto the stone steps as you walk. "I've missed you so much; the world doesn't make sense without you in it." your legs shake at the memories of all the days you have spent in heartbreaking solitude. "I'd feel guilty for smiling because you weren't around to see it. At night 
"Please don't cry anymore," Kyojuro pleads softly, his voice picking up its usual jovial tone in an attempt to cheer you up. "Once we get out of here, we can go and have a big meal."
You let out a chuckle and feel the taste of salt on your tongue. "Whatever you want, Kyo."
"I'll hold you to it," He laughs. The sound usually puts you at ease, but now there is something else behind his words.
The entrance is only a hundred or so steps away, but something makes you want to slow down. "Is something wrong?" 
"I'm sorry I left you," he says softly. "You must've been lonely."
"You died, Kyo," you sniffle, "It's not your fault.
You can feel his frown from behind you. "I've caused you pain, and that is unacceptable."
"It's been hell," you sigh, ignoring the opportunity for a pun, "But..but It's all going to be okay now, right?"
"It will be." His thumb gently runs along the back of your hand. "If following you up here is what will make you happy, then I will come with you."
You came down into the Underworld for him, didn't you?
Why does it sound like he doesn't want to go?
You stop in your tracks and drop your hand from his grip. You can see the green grass just beyond the stairs as you gaze up at the surface. "Kyojuro," you murmur. "Why does it seem like you don't want this." He sighs deeply, and you feel his fingers brush against your hand, but you pull it away, clutching it protectively with your other one.
"Y/n, I love you more than anything else in this world and the next. But I'm at peace. I don't have to fight anymore. I-i'm tired. But if you want me to join you, I will stay by your side.
Your heart feels heavy in your chest, but you understand. Kagaya said there was a beauty in death the living could not understand.
He's already died once
In excruciating pain.
Do you want him to have to go through all that again?
"Can you promise me something?" you ask, staring at the last stone step between you and the future. 
He squeezes your hand softly in response. "I'll do anything for you, my Love."
You clench your first into tiny balls. "Promise me that we'll find each other in the next life."
His breath hitches in surprise, and he squeezes your hand, smoothing out the angry marks from your nails., "As if I wouldn't wait for you. Now I need you to promise me something in return."
You squeeze it back hard. "What is it?"
"Promise me you'll take your time." his voice cracks as he raises your hand to his lips, kissing it softly as a way of goodbye. You didn't get to say goodbye last time. "Live your life, find things that make you smile, and by the time we meet again, have many stories to tell me."
"I-i promise," you croak, taking a deep breath. "I just love you so much."
"And I you," he says softly. "I will be waiting for you."
It would be so easy. You are only one step away from the surface. If you were to just pull him up onto the grass, the two of you would be able to pick up from where you left off. A life with Kyojuro, starting a family with him. 
The dreams of the past are mocking you, calling to you like a siren's song.
But these dreams must stay in the past.
You grit your teeth and do the unthinkable.
You turn around…
Your eyes land on Kyojuro. His form doesn't look entirely living. It glows with the brilliance of his soul. The last thing you see as the winds pick up and he is pulled back down into the Underworld is his radiant smile.
The fluorescent lights of the kitchen shine through your lids and pull you from your slumber. The pages of your husband's lesson plans stick to your face as you lift your head. Peeling a sheet off of your face, you wonder if you drooled on them.
"Did I wake you?" Your husband laughs, leaning against his spot against the doorway, not looking the least bit guilty.
You smile and get up from your seat. Your neck is a bit sore from sleeping over the kitchen table. "Just a little bit," you say, kissing him on the cheek.
"You got some lines there," he says, gently tracing the little indent from the textbook out from your cheek. "Did my lesson plans put you to sleep?"
You shake your head and wince at the stiff feeling on your neck. "No, I was just tired, but I guess your Greek Myths Textbook isn't the best pillow." you tease, glancing back at the stack. 
He laughs heartily, a fire glowing in his orbs. "I'll have to tell that to my students,"
"As if they ever could fall asleep in your class," you chuckle, thinking about a group of high schoolers trying and failing to doze off to Kyojuro's loud lectures.
His red iris scans your face curiously. "Were you dreaming about something, I swore I heard you talking in your sleep."
You furrow your brows in concentration before looking up at his handsome face, "I think so, but I can't seem to remember it. It was strange, though. It felt like more than just a dream."
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cocotierz · 9 months
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A catalog of all my completed and ongoing fics. These are all explicit, please check ratings and tags.
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all the right reasons
Rey Palpatine has a big crush on Professor Solo. When she leaves her diary behind after wasting his office hour, Ben sees just how much he has to teach her.
baby blues
Rey becomes pregnant after a one-night stand. Ben decides to do the honourable thing.
rain on me
The state of California has put restrictions on water usage per household due to drought but Rey’s roommate Ben has a solution. What’s some platonic co-showering between friends?
signals crossing
It's a lot easier to accidentally chrome cast porn to your neighbours TV than one would like
loving you is cherry pie
Rey Niima knows for a fact her pies are nothing short of delectable. So why is it that neighboring criminal defense attorney and resident asshole Ben Solo keeps ordering slices just to pick at it without taking so much as a bite?
don't let it stop
Ben and Rey are no strangers to competition, so when Ben proposes they see who can resist the other for the longest, they both get extremely creative to make the other break.
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multichapter - completed
sign of the times
Fifteen-year-old Rey Niima can’t stand her neighbour Ben Solo. So you can imagine her surprise when she wakes up fifteen years in the future in bed with him — especially when he is calling himself her husband.
The guy Rey hooked up with at that frat party is turning out to be weird, pushy, with no respect for boundaries. And yet…
ask for more
Rey is single and wants Ben as her Alpha. Ben is hung up on some nameless Omega. They make a mutually beneficial and strictly platonic arrangement.
talk to me boy
In which Rey is a romance author, Ben is her editor, and Rey needs help with a sex scene.
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multichapter - wip
queen of disaster
Crown Princess Regina and First Son of the United States Benjamin Solo hate each other. Fate, it seems, has other plans.
once upon a dream
Rey and her virgin sisters live and dance by the lakes, giving offerings to the gods. That is until the demon prince Kylo Ren takes a liking to her and steals her away to the underworld, to be his wife.
cool about it
Rey treats her dms with a list actor Ben Solo like a diary of sorts, sending him rants, memes, nudes, and recipes. It’s not like he’ll ever see it…right?
playing house
Rey Niima became an au pair in order to sightsee and improve her French. She did not become an au pair to pine after her brooding host and grow attached to his adorable daughter.
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loser ben
drive through
Sixteen-year-old Ben Solo isn't used to pretty, kind of scary girls climbing on top of him and taking what they want - that is until he meets Rey.
video games
Rey really wants the snail Squishmallow at the arcade. She also really wants to suck her boyfriends cock.
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if you're seeking heaven (then you want to come and get it)
The girl next door is loud and arrogant and only a couple months into legal territory. Miguel shouldn’t be wanting to fuck her like some starved old man.
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
One-Shot Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Individual Masterlist
This is my one shot masterlist which will include all of my one shots and one shots series including poly and individual member. I will have each one shot categorized by member or if they are poly au. 
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“and you’re gonna be happy…and you’re gonna be happy. when everything is new, zero o’clock”
When everything seems to go wrong, you come home to the comfort of your boys and realize that maybe the universe isn’t against you.
idol!bts x office worker reader
mean kitty, soft kitty
Your injured form was the last thing Jin had expected when waking up one morning. But after healing you, and watching you leave, he wished he would wake up to you again, if only to see if you were okay. The rest of his home felt the same way, and when a storm comes, it brings you back to the men who made you feel safe.
hybrid bts x hybrid reader
“You are ours, little one. And we would crush the world in our fists, watch it crumble to pieces just to make sure it remains so.”
You had decided to make a change, not realizing your men would notice. The consequences bring to light your own insecurities, with which the boys decide it’s time you realize how precious you are to them.
mafia bts x plus-size reader
Eye Of The Beholder
As you begin to notice minute details unseen to you before, you start to realize that what you thought was the truth, was anything but. The people you thought were acquaintances had different ideas of their meaning in your life, and needed to show you who they really were to you.
mafia bts x neurodivergent reader
Doughnuts and Shell Casings 
you finally gather the courage to leave your routine and do something different. your expectations are blown out of the water as you meet your soulmates in a less-than-expected way. 
mafia bts x cafe owner reader
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Secret Story of The Swan 
You were staring into the stream, contemplating life when someone decided to take matters into their own hands. 
hybrid mafia bts x human reader
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My Queen 
Seokjin had just returned to find his court and staff were not treating you how they should when he was gone. You were hurt, and his instincts were telling him to claim you and make sure you were unharmed.
Pairing: Vampire King Jin x Human Reader
My Home 
It was close to winter, and your medicine was nearly complete for you to use. But when it came to, you helped another whose wounds were life threatening. Now, random items kept showing up on your porch, with each item bringing you closer to the creature you healed. And when he returned, he saved you. Now, with him, you felt like you were home.
Dragon Yoongi x Human Healer Reader
My Prisoner 
You were trying to buy a new notebook for your writings, not expecting to get lost in a forest you didn’t recognize from your map. After passing the same tree multiple times, you stop to rest for the night, only to be captured and taken to a King’s castle for judgement. You weren’t expecting a Fae King to keep you as his…prisoner?
Fae King Hobi x Writer Reader
My Goddess 
You tried to escape again, only to epically fail. Nothing seemed to work, and Hades just smiled as he watched you walk away. He knew the real reason you kept trying to run away, and was just waiting for you to realize it.  
God of the Underworld Namjoon x Human Reader
My Light 
“Your beauty brought out the light in him, made him see how dark the world truly was He couldn’t bare the thought of leaving you in the dark.”
Your uncle had left you a home in some seaside town you hadn’t heard of. Moving out there was easy, but living there was harder. Until he found you, then…you didn’t know what to think.
Mermaid Prince Jimin x Human Reader
My Witch 
It was Halloween night and you were in the old church fulfilling a dare your friends tasked you with. Little did you know you were being watched, and he had been waiting a long time to finally make you his. Now, you were his, and he wasn’t letting you go.
Taehyung x Human (witch) Reader
My Mate 
Your village was surrounded by a never-ending forest. Every 20 years, for as long as the village people could remember, offerings were held for the beast who roamed the forest. It was the only way your village could remain safe. This times offering, you were one of the women being offered up to the beast. You only hoped that you could make it out alive.
Werewolf Jungkook x Human Sacrifice reader
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
AU: Punkflower in Rapunzel
Hear me out!
Hobie as Flynn Rider! That's it. Idea SOLD!
Okay. Okay. 🤭 Here's the full AU.
Miles is Rapunzel living up in a tower painting away. (Disney Rapunzel, tehe) Same idea just a few tweaks to a PG13... maybe. Miles have long braided hair. Hobie hides in the tower to escape being arrested from stealing an expensive jewelry.
Villain: Olivia Octopus and the guy who's the Spot (forgot his name atm)
Anyway there's more adventures between Hobie and Miles running away. Miles wanting to see the lanterns, held by the kingdom.
Miguel is king to some kingdom. Gabriella is a princess. He saw how King Jeff and Queen Rio were upset for missing son, so he wants to help find him. He high Jess, his trustworthy General, who hired two famous warriors; Pavtri and Gwen. Pavtri is a great deceptive with amazing sword ship. Gwen is an excellent huntress.
King Jeff and Queen Rio have another child named Billie. Uncle Aaron is also a very well trained assassin.
Peter is another King from a Kingdom, and he had his own operation to capturing Olivia. But she's slick, she is an Underworld criminal working for Kingpin.
Everyone like Jeff, Miguel and Peter thought Hobie works for Olivia so they wanted to capture him for answers.
So Miles and Hobie run away together trying to hide from royal knights, but enjoyed the journey. The two get closer to the point falling in love. They make a whole lot of friends, create romantic memories, and share kisses.
When Miles is found out about being a Prince, he met his parents for the time. The reunite. Yet, he saw Hobie wasn't one to stick around into royalty lifestyle, he was about to leave during Miles' royal ceremony.
Just when Hobie took a ship, he saw Miles flying over the ship on a horse wearing white and gold. He wanted to run away with him for more adventure. Miles told his parents seeing how accepting they were and told him to always write to them. The two kiss and live happily ever after!
Also: Princess Billie will be Queen of the kingdom along with her friends May and Gabi. They rule with an iron fist (lolz jk, they rule with fairness and compassion)
Gwen and Pavtri quit being royal warriors and went on the journey with Miles and Hobie! Friendship is a powerful thing!
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