#listen. i like the idea of yuu not being the only person dealing with The Isekai Nonsense gfhjfgjhfg
twstunes · 1 year
AU where the real reason the Great Seven are interpreted so differently from how they really are is bc they were the result of people getting isekai'd into Twisted Wonderland as those characters. Like in a "they existed as they were in canon before abruptly getting hit w/ memories from a past life" sorta way.
They all keep their original memories that shaped them into the classic villains we know, but gaining a whole extra lifetime worth of memories causes more than a bit of an unavoidable personality shift…and, save for the Queen of Hearts, they all want to avoid their scripted deaths. (Or fate worse than death, in Hades' case.)
Most of them choose to play it safe, simply live out their lives without making the same disastrous power bids as in their canon stories. If they happen to be a little nicer too, well, maybe they just happened to have a change of heart as of late. It's really no big deal if Ursula does some simpler requests pro-bono, or if the Queen of Hearts is just a smidgen less trigger-happy about punishments, right? No one's complaining about the changes, that's for sure. Scar and Jafar are both more ambitious, successfully accomplishing their goals without falling prey to their original characters' flaws; Scar is more present as a political entity, Jafar reigns in his hunger for ultimate power.
This started off as a joke but man. Even with all of them dodging their respective fates, Maleficent and Hades would still outlive the rest by a long shot. Idk what would be worse: watching the few people who remember your old world slowly die off one by one, only learning they had memories of your old world after their deaths, or never knowing you weren't so alone. Personally I'm leaning towards the first one—save for Ursula, they're all political figures who have reason to come into contact with each other at some point. (And for Ursula, well, maybe the Sea Witch misses walking around on land every now and then. Who knew she'd run into an important so-and-so while on a jog one day?)
But yeah I'm just picturing Maleficent hearing about how her grandson has befriended a student from another world and immediately calling up Hades like "homeboy you're not gonna BELIEVE this." Both of them brainstorm how to go meet this kid without drawing unnecessary attention in the process. Yuu winds up with the two remaining members of the Great Seven as quasi-guardian figures bc Yuu is the only one that gets their other-world pop culture references.
Everyone's already shocked to see the Thorn Fairy and King of the Underworld strolling the town streets of Sage's Island, but…who's that kid with them? And what's that cat-like thing the kid is carrying…? (They're having their biweekly hangout. Their schedules simply don't match up well enough to hang out more often, unfortunately. Grim demanded to come with his hench-human, and is having fun even if he doesn't really understand what the other 3 are talking about.)
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A wish you want?
Azul Ashengrotto x Stoic/Apathy! Reader (not Yuu) Genre: Fluff
Summary: You got yourself into a contract, and yet the contract doesn't seem that interesting and yet you just casually agreed to it to find a purpose...even if the contract is broken.
"With this contract, I will grant you the wish to have a purpose~ So What will you say?"
And this is how you got yourself into a strange situation, being part of the monstro lounge but something is very odd about you.
You are a normal person who is in the dorm of Ignihyde, Blending into the shadows despite having decently good grades, normal stable life, and a good amount of magic (almost similar to Riddle in a way) but there is one catch.
Apathy is the main reason why you show much of your own pride to others, because of that a few people purposely mistaken you for a weak mage even tho you are mainly the opposite, but that is right besides the point.
For some odd reason (before Azul's overblot) you seem to notice Azul making a contract with the others. Getting exam answers perfect to a tee just to win at the first place, if failed to meet the terms they are now employees till they graduate. At first it seem to be a desent thing to like and accept but for others they would complain cause not only they would be forced to obey but their own unique magic is taken away.
But to you.... this is unique.
One day you decided to make a deal with Azul.
"So you want a purpose?"
"Yes... A purpose to find meaning."
This is something that Azul is not prepared, he has the wish solutions prepared and all that being made and ready but your own wish is unique and is hard to fulfill it. But Azul is never back down from a challenge and got a bit too confident to help you with your wish. Thus the both of you did sign the contract, but even after the events of Azul’s overblot you are still here in the Monstro Lounge as a staff member cleaning the place up.
And Azul does mentally admits that your wish is pretty hard to achieve, he can achieve others’s wishes easily but not this.
If he needs to grant your wish in a effective way…
“(y/n)-san, pardon the intrusion. May I had a work with you on your wish?”
“Hm? What is it, Azul?”
“I can understand the term of your wish, but I do have one question. What type of purpose or desire do you prfer?”
When Azul as you that question, you paused yourself. Even he too didn’t know the meaning of your wish, “I….” Staring at your own hands you shrug as Azul stares at you, he too was wondering himself, “Still no answer?” He asked as you nod sadly, “I understand, thank you for answering my question, (y/n)-san.” And yet he did not treat you badly, unlike before he did not grant your wish but now it would seem that answering your wish is his newest challenge.
Ever since that awkward question, Azul decided to have an idea. Gathering up the courage he decided to search up your conditions and evenly asked the Leech twins to keep an eye on you, but once the research has been set. Azul soon understands why you don’t hold a grudge against him when he did put you on a pressure in the Monstro Lounge, with the new found knowledge in mind Azul has an idea.
If you can’t find a purpose, why don’t he hang out with you to find your purpose with him.
Surely it can work so easily well.
But as a result, Azul did not realize one thing…
Thanks to the hangouts for almost everyday, he grew closer to you to the point that he realize he is in love with you slowly. You are a good listening to him especially when you also accepted him just the way he is, you help him out in Floyd’s place everytime his mood is bad, and most of all your support is what got him to enjoy your presence more. Because of that he loves you and your company, it gives him less stress and reassurance that things will go well, and yet he is scared that you won’t understand his feelings.
And yet he was not aware that he got successful in fulfilling your wish.
One day, you were about to head back to your dorm and call in for the night till Azul decided to come see you and invites you over to dinner with him here for free, it was delicious and yet you feel a bit guilty knowing that he just did it to make you happy. But as a result….
“Can you give me your hand?”
Azul hesitated for a second till he obliges, gently taking his hand and removing the gloves you give him a kiss on the hand which caused him to blush. Once you pull away you smiled at him.
“Thank you Azul. For fulfilling my wish.”
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Yuu can do it!
Part 36
First - Previous - Masterlist - Next
When Enma returned home later that day, excited to tell his friends about ‘Magift’ (which, from what he had gathered, seemed to be similar to American Football, but with magic), he experienced the ultimate betrayal: both of his friends had known about it, and hadn’t bothered to tell him.
“Oh, yeah, the tournament thing coming up?” Ito said, frowning to themself. “You’re interested?”
Kuroki was even worse, groaning and putting his head in his hands. “I thought we were going to get past the cutoff without you realizing. We were so close.”
“If he wants to participate in the – uh – Magift tournament, who cares?”
“He will. It’s a magical team sport, Ito. Between dorms.”
Ito gave a quiet hiss of sympathy. “Oh.”
And then Enma realized that, unfortunately, if Magift was a team game, his team would be the other Ramshackle residents. Which… listen, he liked Ito, Kuroki, and Grim, but he could not imagine being on a team with them and winning. Enma couldn’t ask Kuroki to play, not with his magical asthma or whatever it was that he had. Ito was fine, not particularly good or bad during their gym class. Still, neither of them had magic, which left them at a huge disadvantage. Grim was the only one of them who had magical capabilities, but they weren’t particularly advanced, and he couldn’t imagine the monster being a good team player.
And that wasn’t even taking into consideration that there definitely wasn’t enough of them to fill out a team.
He sunk to his knees, devastation washing over him.
Kuroki patted him on the shoulder. “I was going to wait until the deadline passed so you wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
“I appreciate it,” he sniffed.
“Deadl – oh!” Ito looked at Kuroki. “That reminds me. Crowley told me to remind you about a Housewarden meeting tomorrow.”
Kuroki joined Enma on the floor, curling up into a ball of pure depression. “I don’t waaaaannaaaaaa.”
Grim floated into the room, only to pause. He looked at Enma and Kuroki, who were both grieving, and then Ito, who had gone back to their economics homework. “What happened?”
“Human boys are weird,” Ito said, shrugging.
Grim nodded sagely. “Yeah, true.”
Ace looked at the Ramshackle residents as they all shuffled into class the next morning, and his eyebrows shot into his hairline, his grin freezing on his face.
Which was understandable. They must have been quite the sight. Enma had a plaster over his nose, and Ito and Kuroki were both clinging to him. This was not ideal, as his entire body hurt (yes, his nose hurt the most, but everything was just awful for one Enma Yuuken), and their too-tight grips on his arms were not helping at all, but whatever, he’d deal. Grim was floating along behind them, entirely unaffected outside of being mildly annoyed that Kuroki was shaking too badly for him to use the boy as his own personal transport system.
“What the fuck happened to you guys?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Enma muttered.
“The ghosts sabotaged our house again,” Grim said regardless. “Enma fell through the floor.”
“Ohhhhhhkaaaaayyyyy,” said Ace. “So, Ito is just worried for him?”
“Yeah. The way Enma fell was, apparently, super dangerous.”
Ito shivered. “If he had been looking any further down the cartilage in his nose would have shot right back into his brain and killed him.”
Ace looked mildly disturbed. Enma could appreciate this, he liked it when people weren’t entirely comfortable with the idea of him dying.
“I guess Kuroki is freaked out about that, too.”
“No, he’s scared of the freaky murder basement Enma fell into.”
“The fucking what now,” said Deuce, finally looking up from his textbook (apparently, in his eyes, seeing the Yuus cling to each other was normal enough that he didn’t care to pay attention to it, even if it was Enma in the middle instead of Kuroki this time, which was something Enma might put some thought to later).
Enma sighed. He wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose but, unfortunately, he wasn’t able to do that anymore without blinding pain. Also, he couldn’t currently move his arms with his friends dragging them down. The entire world is against him.
“Deuce. There are ghosts in our house. Consider why they are there.”
“... oh…”
At lunch that day, Enma was in too much pain from his sudden fall to even be able to dream of trying to carry their food like he always did. Truly, his life was terrible, and the only way he could ever be expected to recover was if he could go just a few days without straining his poor muscles.
Ito had thrown him a skeptical look at that, but they had agreed to hold everything, so who cares?
Now, you may be wondering, what about Kuroki or Grim? Didn’t they have their hands free? Shouldn’t they help, since Ito wasn’t as strong as Enma?
Well, yeah, but also… be for real.
They watched people bustle about, trying to shove their way to the front of the line.
To ‘improve student morale’, and also probably because the bakery paid him royalties to serve their food there, Crowley would allow them to drop in about once a month and sell their wares. Enma had heard the food was good, but the Ramshackle kids weren’t really in the place to splurge.
Hell, they were technically eating two meals between the four of them. Sure, their ‘abuse the buffet option’ thing had been said aloud to make Deuce feel bad, but they absolutely were that poor.
At least they got a bit of preferential treatment, since the ghosts liked them (wanted to kill them, Enma reminded himself, his nose twinging painfully, though he supposed that was just the downside of the ghosts liking them). They no longer bothered hiding the fact that they were all eating off of the two meal tickets they bought a day. The ghosts had heard them talk about it more than once, and if they were going to report them to Crowley then they would have done it already.
Things were better than they could have been.
Still, it was a little annoying to watch Ace hook his arm through Deuce’s and start trying to drag him away. “C’mon, let’s see if we can nab something before it all sells out.”
Deuce hesitated, though. “Hey, Enma, do you… want anything?”
The group of Ramshackle students gave each other wide-eyed looks. This had never happened before.
“Do you…” Enma frowned. “I don’t know – need homework answers or something?” 
Deuce shook his head just slightly before, apparently, his brain caught up to his body, and he nodded fervently. “Yes! I need – uh – Personal Magical Ability answers! Personal Magical Ability answers for a snack.”
“Oh… okay,” said Enma.
Deuce nodded once, the deal made, and then finally allowed Ace to drag him off so they could both muscle their way further up the line.
The Ramshackle kids simply watched him go, still in shock.
“¿Entiendes?” Ito murmured, finally.
Admittedly, Enma and Kuroki didn’t know Spanish, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t picked up on anything over the time they’d been living with Ito. Mostly curse words, admittedly, but also the occasional slang term.
So, yes, they knew what Ito had just said.
Kuroki grinned. “Ito-chan, everyone here is en-tien-des.”
Ito snickered. “Well, no shit, it’s an all-boys school. I mean, like, specifically for Enma.”
Enma’s nose scrunched. He sure hoped not. That would be awkward. Besides… “I thought he and Ace had a thing going?”
“Do you think that Ace has enough self-awareness for that?” Kuroki asked rhetorically.
Enma had to give it to him. That was a fair point. He shrugged awkwardly. “It’s probably just because I’m injured, guys.”
“Oh. We should get injured more often, then,” Kuroki said.
“Please don’t,” Ito groaned.
Kuroki opened his mouth to joke back, only for his hand to shoot out and snatch up Grim, who had been trying to sneak away and cause mischief while they were distracted. “Absolutely not.”
Grim groaned and wiggled in the boy’s grip, even going so far as to bite him – or at least threaten it, his sharp teeth didn’t even break the skin – but Kuroki held fast. Apparently, it had been a good thing that he was refusing to carry anything. Who knows what would have happened if the ravenous beast were to escape.
Still, Grim whined on and on about how he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. Enma was pretty sure that, if he kept going, Ito might just make one for him to shut him up. Maybe that was the monster’s intention.
He tuned it out, looking up at the menu, trying to decide what he wanted today. Couldn’t be anything too spicy, Kuroki was probably going to panic and get chicken tenders again, so he’d whine his way into eating off of his and Ito’s plates as well… maybe sushi…?
And then. Enma heard it. The spray bottle-like laugh that haunted his nightmares. He whirled around, panic gripping him. Nonono he wasn’t at work he was supposed to be safe –!
Ruggie was looking at someone else with that hungry gleam in his eyes. The person a few spaces in front of them in line, holding a sandwich, gave Ruggie a confused look. Enma wasn’t religious, but he was absolutely ready to start thanking God for his mercy.
“Heyyy, pal,” Ruggie said, in the kind of way you absolutely should not talk to someone you consider a ‘pal’. “I see you were able to get your hands on the highly-prized deluxe cheese sandwich. Incredible!”
The student’s expression shuttered closed, annoyance stealing its way across their face instead. “It’s my food. You got here late. Fuck off.”
“I did get here late, that’s true, that’s true. And you got it fair and square…” Ruggie agreed in that exact tone he used when he was about to make Enma’s life miserable. Enma was so glad that this wasn’t happening to him for once. Ruggie slid a hand into his pocket. He pulled out… a hot dog bun. It looked like it had lint on it. “How about a trade? Your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?”
Enma thought he was going to slap it out of Ruggie’s hand just for that insult, that was certainly what it looked like the student was going to do, and Ruggie didn’t stop him so Enma figured that maybe he was going to go with the ‘break it you buy it’ approach to make him hand over his food…
But, at the last second, the student's hand closed around the bun.
Even the student looked surprised by this development, looking down at the piece of bread in his hand with wide eyes.
Ruggie used that moment to snatch the sandwich out of the boy’s other hand. “Thanks for trading with me! I do hope you find something to fill that bun with! But that’s not my problem, so, I’ll be off, thanks!”
“Hey, senpai,” Ito called after him. “What’s the economy like in the Savannah?”
“Cool, thanks!”
“Mhmm! See you in class, comrade!”
Ito gave him a vaguely amused look, but they were more concerned with fishing their homework out of the bag on Enma’s back to mark down the answer.
Kuroki, however, grinned widely. And then he twisted his face into one of pure betrayal. “Ito? Are you a communist?”
“I hate you,” they decided.
“Dodging the question, I see.”
Enma grinned at their dumb little conversation, but his eyes found their way to the guy Ruggie had just scammed. It… didn’t make sense. Don’t get Enma wrong, Ruggie was pretty convincing, but his strategy usually relied on simply annoying Enma into giving him a discount just to get rid of him. This? Where he had… what? Vaguely offered a terrible trade? He wasn’t sure how the person had fallen for it. It wasn’t like Ruggie had shoved it into their hands and overwhelmed them or anything, they had grabbed the bun of their own accord…
The kid frowned down at his hotdog bun, dissatisfied for obvious reasons.
Enma shook his head to clear it, grinning at Ito. “How do you know Ruggie?”
“He’s in my Econ class. Not sure why, I’m pretty sure he hates it,” Ito said, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Is he… er… like that in there?”
Ito didn’t even have to ask Enma what he had meant. “Oh, yeah, definitely.”
Kuroki squinted at Enma. “Wait, wait, wait. Did you call him ‘Ruggie’? No ‘Bucchi-senpai’, or even just ‘senpai’? What the fuck? We almost died for the right to be called by our first names!”
“Oh, that. Yeah, no, I just don’t respect him.”
Kuroki nearly fell over laughing.
Enma and Ito walked along, a half-step behind Kuroki as the boy complained all the way to the meeting:
“— should be a torture method. I mean, going straight from a shift at the lounge to a meeting? Just kill me, seriously.”
Ito rolled their eyes. “Crowley said the meeting shouldn’t last longer than an hour.”
“It’s still a hate crime.”
“You know, I don’t think that’s true,” Enma said.
“It is, it is!” Kuroki pretended to wipe away a tear. “It’s because I’m so cool. They want to drag me down.”
“Who is ‘they’ in this scenario?” Ito asked, because they were an enabler.
“Kuroki, that’s definitely not what a hate crime is,” Enma sighed.
Grim looked at them all oddly. “What is a ‘hate crime’?”
“What Kuroki just described,” Ito said.
And, listen, misinformation is bad, actually.
However, Enma desperately wanted to see that blow up one day, he thought it would be funny, so he did not argue any further.
Oh. Oh no. They’ve been spending too much time with Ace.
… he didn’t want to think about that, actually.
Instead, he sighed and ruffled Kuroki’s hair. This only served to make Kuroki glare at him and quickly try to right it again (he was utterly unsuccessful, but that wasn’t all that shocking considering he didn’t have a mirror to look into), but at least he was no longer concentrating on how terrible his life was.
Or maybe he was. Kuroki opened his mouth again to complain once again:
“Seriously, though, the only other ‘non-threatening’ server fell down the stairs like a dumbass, so I had to cover his shift.”
“How dare that other guy get hurt. Doesn’t he know what inconveniences you?” Grim said. It was hard to tell whether he was joking or not.
Kuroki nodded along anyway. “You get me, Grim-chan.”
Grim gave a little huff at the -chan honorific, but when Kuroki turned his head to press a kiss to the top of the monster’s head, he leaned into it.
Enma absently thought about trying to convince Kuroki to wear lipstick, just because he was curious as to how hard it would be to get a kiss mark out of the monster’s fur, but then disregarded the thought. Not because he wasn’t still curious, but because he knew Kuroki would never do that to his, quote, ‘favorite little terrorist’.
Of course, if Enma was curious enough he could always try kissing Grim with lipstick on – ‘try’ being the keyword there, as he would probably get his nose bitten off before he could attempt it.
They finally reached the chamber where the meeting would be held and, though it annoyed him, Enma would be forced to wait outside. Maybe he would fight Kuroki for the Housewarden spot after all.
… no, he’d feel bad. It wouldn’t even be a fair fight. Kuroki was, like, 5 centimeters tall and built like a twig.
And Ito would probably be mad at him, too. Ugh.
He would have to settle for Kuroki’s too-brief recaps after the meeting.
Speaking of Kuroki and the meeting… Ito grabbed him by the hand, dragging him closer so they could fix his hair. Grim floated over to settle himself on one of Enma’s shoulders.
And then, the moment every hair was back in place, Enma pushed Kuroki into the room and shut the door behind him, because he knew that, if allowed to linger, Kuroki would absolutely wait out the entire meeting.
Which is what Enma, Ito, and Grim were supposed to do, not him. The group shuffled to half-hide in an alcove, pressing close to each other so they could read their Alchemy textbook (or, in Grim’s case, so he could be warm and comfortable while he slept… they’d catch him up on everything before the finals). Enma wasn’t quite as bad at Alchemy as Ito – which was understandable, given they weren’t reading in their first language and were, therefore, more prone to mistakes – but he was still… well, Enma always questioned why the ingredients and potions needed to be prepared in a specific way, and then he found out.
Finding out was both his favorite and least favorite part. He liked knowing things. He didn’t like things blowing up in his face (literally).
The textbook, sometimes, answered his questions, and the less almost-dying he did the better off he would be, he thought.
A person with a blue armband shuffled over, and Enma immediately snapped to attention. Blue armband students – Ignihyde students – were practically mythical creatures, almost never seen out and about, squeaking and running the moment anyone laid eyes on them, and all pictures that managed to be taken of them always ended up corrupted somehow.
Enma opened his mouth to say hi, but the Ignihyde student did as Ignihyde students do: yelping pitifully and rushing to the relative safety that was the meeting room.
He pouted. He hadn’t even gotten to ask a single question. “Life is pain and suffering.”
“We can try and ambush him when he leaves if you want.”
Enma pressed a hand to his chest. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
“Oh, hush. I just have free time, since I’ve finally gotten the library to something passable and all,” they joked.
“Mhmm mhmm,” he teased, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and dragging them closer to his side. “Totally. You definitely aren’t fond of me, or anything.”
“I would never,” Ito said, sticking their tongue out at him. “I think someone is projecting.”
“Yeah, you, obviously.”
“Ooooh, what a great comeback, how will I ever recover –?”
“I guess the rumors were true,” a voice drawled. Enma’s head shot up to look at… the person from the garden that he and Grim had run into during their first week. Grim made a quiet snuffling sound and shifted, lifting his head to bare his teeth at Leona. Leona didn’t even blink at the clear display of hostility. “You magicless students really don’t leave each other’s sides unless you have to.”
“You’re going to be late for the meeting,” Ito said.
Enma was kind of proud of them. Last month they probably would have told Leona to ‘fuck off’ outright. But they had held back. Progress.
Leona considered this statement for a moment. Or, maybe, he was considering them, green eyes narrowed as they scanned over the three of them. And then he snorted, spinning around smoothly. “I guess you’re right. And this is an important one…”
Enma sighed. He watched him disappear around the doorframe, the sound of Kalim’s cheery voice starting to greet Leona managing to slip through before it closed behind him.
And then… well, there wasn’t much else they could do besides wait.
Grim was fully awake now, grumbling and bunting his head against both Ito and Enma. Enma recalled that cats did that to ‘scent’ people and things, essentially marking their territory, and he snickered. There was no way that Kuroki was going to be able to befriend the mice in their house when Grim was around. He was surprised the poor things hadn’t keeled over in fear yet.
Ito was flipping through their textbook, and, vaguely, Enma thought that he should have been reading it with them…
But he couldn’t really bring himself to concentrate.
The conversation with Leona had reminded Enma of how Deuce hadn’t even blinked at the sight of them clinging to each other that morning.
He was aware enough of the fact that they were probably more ‘touchy’ than the average person here. Kuroki liked to hold onto at least one of them when he was anxious (which was pretty much all the time). They slept in the same bed, so it was no surprise that their boundaries for what they could touch would be lax. Besides, Enma and Kuorki both came from a culture where skinship wasn’t all that uncommon. Ito was the exception, and accordingly didn’t often initiate touch, but their experience having younger siblings did make them more used to random hugs or hand-holding.
However, they had been far more affectionate that morning, both of them practically glued to his arms, and Deuce hadn’t even batted an eye because he didn’t see it as ‘out of character’.
Which meant maybe they were a bit too close.
Then again, all of the people here refused to call those they cared about ‘friends’, instead insisting on calling them ‘business associates’ or things of the like. Ace and Deuce would talk about how they hated Riddle when pressed on how much time they spent at Ramshackle Dorm. Even Grim continued to insist on calling them his ‘henchmen’. So maybe they weren’t the best gauge of what a ‘healthy friendship’ was.
Besides, considering their circumstances, it really shouldn’t have been surprising that they were as close as they were. No one else here could really understand them. No one else had been abducted from their original world without warning. No one else was forced to live in a run-down house full of beings that would kill them if given the chance. Heck, no one else was magicless. Why wouldn’t they cling to each other a little bit more than was ‘normal’, when they were the only somewhat familiar things in a world that was so hopelessly strange?
Enma liked it there, don’t get him wrong, but that didn’t mean that he was unaware of the fact that he didn’t truly belong.
Not that he would ‘belong’ back home, anymore, either.
His eyes fell away from the textbook – he wasn’t really seeing the pages, anyway – and slid to a candle on the wall, the flame flickering.
He rested his chin atop Ito’s head, his eyes falling shut. He’d had a long day.
“‘M gonna take a nap,” he murmured.
Ito gave a small hum to say they had heard him, and he didn’t wait for much longer before letting himself drift off.
He awoke to a hand prodding him in the side, and sent Ito and Kuroki a tired grin. “So, what was the meeting about?”
Kuroki’s grin spread wider. “Ito, you owe me.”
They huffed, rolling their eyes, but dug a couple of Madol out of their pocket. Enma was beginning to suspect that they lost bets on purpose, because surely they should have won at least once by now, no one can be that unlucky…
Wait a minute.
Enma squinted. “What did you bet on?”
“What the first thing you said would be,” Grim said, pouting. “I thought you were going to curse. No extra tuna cans for me.”
“You thought I would – why?” said Enma. He didn’t even curse! He made a point not to!
“Waking up sucks,” Grim shrugged.
Enma sighed, and looked at Kuroki and Ito, who were both snickering at his offense. “What’d you think I’d say?”
Kuroki smirked. “I knew you’d ask about the meeting.”
“I thought it would be a greeting,” Ito shrugged. “Y’know, like… ‘hi’ or ‘good morning’ or some shit. I had faith in you.”
“Terrible decision.” Enma looked at Kuroki again. “So?”
“Uh… well, it was a reminder to get application forms in for the tournament before the deadline, and then they started talking about this… Draconia-senpai guy. Apparently, Crowley wanted to disqualify him from playing, ‘cause he’s OP, but everyone went ‘nooooo that is so unfair’ or whatever. So he’s still playing.”
Ah, Kuroki, your eloquent descriptions never fail to both amuse and annoy Enma.
Ito frowned. “Didn’t Crowley say that this was an important, mandatory meeting?”
“It’s Crowley,” Kuroki said, shrugging.
“Oh. Yeah.”
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
This 100% started out as a joke btw. The idea is a new implementation in Mostro Lounge, a service where you can sit with someone during your meal and chat, much like happened in Ouran. But the person Azul hires is Yuu (and Grimm too since they're a package deal), everyone likes Yuu after all and sales have only increased since he did this.
The thing is, instead of everything being perfect, everyone is mesmerized by the chance to sit with Yuu over lunch and listen to all the stories they have to tell. And soon employees are scrambling to see who will serve their table, people are acting violently while Grimm is trying to eat everything he can and Floyd is doing something weird to get your attention.
Anyway hilarious. Especially if the people fighting are Yuu's simps, AKA the dorm leaders and vice leaders.
i like it, its a rly funny idea!
i can just imagen how happy azul is to be getting so much money service, but then yuu and grim ask for a raise or sm and he is horrified. and jade getting yuu to recommend his mushroom dishes lmao
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Werewolf - 2
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: 310mc (JP)
Translation: Bella & hyenahunt
Rinne: You ain’t talked at all, Sazamin. Ain’t that sus? You tryin’ to keep somethin’ from us?
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[Location: Seisou Hall Common Room]
Sora: (Hehe ♪ Dazzling-oniisan and Shinobu-chan are the werewolves this time, huh~?
Yuu-chan’s the seer, and Master’s the medium.
As for Ei-chan senpai, Jun-chan-senpai, aaand Gambler-oniisan —
—they're all villagers. Sora’s got a good grasp on the situation!
This is gonna be an interesting game, huh~♪ Sora’s looking forward to it!)
Is everyone ready~?
Morning's come~. Please start!
Natsume: AlRIGHT. Tenshouin-senpai — or rather, the old fart is a wereWOLF. Everyone, vote to hang HIM...♪
Shinobu: Wha!? That's how you're going to start things off!?
Eichi: I object, Sakasaki-kun. Not only to the name you gave me, but even more importantly — why decide I'm a werewolf without any investigation whatsoever?
I’d like to hear your grounds for accusation, at the very least.
Natsume: Because I say you ARE? As you’re the worst person HERE, you old FART.
Eichi: How heartless. I’m a genuine law-abiding villager, you know? Hanging me would do nothing but put the villager faction at a disadvantage.
Shinobu: C-Could the two of you hold on for just a moment...
Yuta: Sakasaki-senpai and Tenshouin-senpai, please calm down!
Shinobu: (Yuuta-kun...! That's Yuuta-kun for you, coming to the rescue. The game can't keep going like this, so those two have got to be stopped!)
Yuta: I mean, if we're doing this based on sheer villain vibes, then a certain someone fits the bill even more. Isn't that right, Rinne-senpai? So yeah, let's all vote him out ♪
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Shinobu: You too, Yuuta-kun!?
Jun: Both of your grudges are seriously on full display, huh. This ain't even a game anymore.
Rinne: Hold up, don’t just go decidin’ shit on your own! Ya boy’s one of them goody-two-shoe villagers too, yanno!?
Y'know, with the way he's makin' such a fuss to get me, a villager, hanged… Maybe Yuta-kun's actually the werewolf here.
Yuta: I'm a villager, alright! I swear to God I really am!
Rinne: I don’t trust a single thing that comes outta that mouth of yours. All you gotta do is change one li’l thing and your name gets pretty damn close to Judas, don’t it? [1]
Yuta: Excuse me!? My name's Yu-u-ta! And for the record, it's a tall order asking anyone to trust you!
Hiyori: Say, Jun-kun? Is the game supposed to play out like this?
Jun: Not in the slightest.
Hiyori: Hmm, that so?
Alright, I'd like everyone to stop and listen to me! At this rate, we're not going to get anywhere, are we? First of all, why don't we come out with our various roles?
For your information, I'm an innocent villager of the highest social standing, of course!
Eichi: Well, it’s just as Hiyori-kun says — senseless arguing will only waste time. I don’t have that much to spare, you know?
As for me, I’d like for the seer to reveal himself. We don’t have enough evidence otherwise.
Of course, staying hidden is a viable option, but… we’d simply have to start hanging people at random in that case. That wouldn’t be ideal for either faction, now would it?
Shinobu: Mmm... You've got a point there...
Well, I'll come out with it, then. I got the role of the "seer".
The first villager identity the GM told me was Tenshouin-dono.
Eichi: Fufu. That’s proof enough of my innocence, isn’t it? Too bad.
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Natsume: TCH… But we still don’t know whether or not Shinobu-kun’s telling the TRUTH.
Yuta: Huh? W-Wait a minute! I'm the real seer!
And on that note, the villager I learnt of was Sakasaki-senpai.
Natsume: HmMM, well, it is true that I am ONE.
(Heheh. I’m not just a villager THOUGH.
I’m the “medium,” though I have to hide THAT. My very existence spells trouble for the “werewolves” who try to deceive everyone else in this PHASE.
After ALL, I can speak with the DEAD.)
NOW, isn’t that STRANGE? For there to be two “seers” HERE... That is to say: one of you is a sham — a werewolf in sheep’s cloTHING.
Yuta: Seriously~? I'm the real deal, though...
Shinobu: N-No, I am?
Jun: Hm? Speaking of which, aren't any other roles gonna out themselves? I guess it's typical for the "medium" to stay low, huh? I'm a villager, for the record.
Eichi: Ah, I see. With that, all of us have outed ourselves. Now - what shall we do?
Rinne: There’s nothin’ else to do but hang the two seers one after the other, yeah? The real one might bite the dust, but I’m pretty sure we’ll get the werewolf too.
Hiyori: I do wonder about that? As it stands, these two are in a gray zone ready to be hanged at any time. I believe it's worth noting that we could get even more information from actively leaving them alone!
After all, should we choose the wrong one to hang, it'll be a breeze for the werewolves to control the flow of the game.
Rinne: Man, you can think that way all you want, but that just looks like you’re a werewolf protectin’ his packmate, y’know? Hiyori-chan?
Hiyori: I'm fully prepared to be suspected for speaking up, of course. But it's precisely because I'm innocent that I can come out and say all this, you know!
Rinne: Whatever you say. By the way, I’ve been wonderin’ about somethin’...
You ain’t talked at all, Sazamin. Ain’t that sus? You tryin’ to keep somethin’ from us?
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Jun: Wha!? You've got the wrong idea, man. I'm just overwhelmed by your combined enthusiasm.
Rinne: Then lemme make it a li’l easier for you. Tell us whatcha got, Sazamin!
Jun: Hmm... I guess I'd agree with Ohii-san here...
It's true that the more info we have, the more likely it'll be for us to get confused in this game, but if we let 'em live I feel like it'll be easier to find the second werewolf as well.
Watching out for who tries to protect each other is gonna prove to be important, I feel.
Hiyori: Yes, yes, Jun-kun. That's exactly it!
Sora: (Haha~♪ Dazzling-oniisan and Shinobu-chan sure are amazing at this, huh~? They’ve got the appearance of being villagers down pat!)
Translation Notes: [1]: Rinne’s nickname for Yuuta is Yuta (ユタ), which, upon adding a dakuten to the last syllable, transforms it into Judas (ユダ) of Biblical traitor fame.
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britishassistant · 3 years
I can see in the beggining Ortho being the one to give Idia the idea to kidnap Yuu.
Like: "ah yes, they were kidnapped by everyone and they became friends! Maybe they'll be friends with big bro to!"
Cue Yuu being dropped by idia's room and Ortho looking the door "be nice to each other!"
Now each Sunday yuu is kidnapped by Charon for his gaming master plan date
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
Ortho to the rescue of his brother’s social life!!
Yuu tries to explain that them being kidnapped does not automatically equal friendship, only to be stymied when Ortho plays video evidence of Yuu, indeed, being friends with most of their kidnappers thus far.
It’s while the reporter is struggling to come up with an answer that Ortho deposits them in their destination in Charon’s lair and locks the door behind them.
Charon promptly freaks the fuck out.
Yuu is made to sit in the farthest corner of the room facing the wall, with instructions not to turn around or get frozen while Idia struggles to deal with the invasion of his personal space. He decides to put on the latest episode of the anime he’s been watching, hoping if he turns it out loud enough he can drown out the sounds of the reporter’s existence.
Yuu ends up listening to the anime with their back turned, but waits until the end of the episode to ask questions about the story. Idia is kind of irritated at having to explain the detailed nuances of such an epic tale to a normie, and ends up putting on the first episode while he does his dailies in gacha. He even lets them turn around for the second episode, to properly appreciate the animation.
Ortho unlocks the door after another hour or so and takes Yuu home.
They get kidnapped again a week later by Ortho, saying that his big brother claims he got better gacha rolls while Yuu was there.
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Hey !!!! how've you been? I hope you are taking care of yourself. I would like to order the dorm leaders reacting to MC / Yuu listening to Yagami Yato
I post it again because tumblr ate it and it doesn't show it to the number of people who deserve it
I'm going to be honest, I've never heard a single YY audio in my life and I had to do homework for this request ... and let's say ... I liked it ... quite a bit ... her patreon is for drooling. Which pet name is your favorite? And witch one do you thing the dorm leader will give us? I bet my ass Leona will continue call us Hervibores, but in a suave tone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh My God. Imagine our queen's red face as he hear the moans coming from your headphones.
He saw your red cheeks and your inability to focus on the notes in front of you and thought you were having a fever.
"Hey! You're good? Your cheeks are completely red and your face is boiling ”
He put his forehead against yours, causing the headphones to drop to your shoulders and the moans and * applause * to be heard clearly.
It is not that Riddle ran away… but he left the room with a quick step.
Poor thing, give him a few days, maybe a week, and then try to look at him in the eyes again with what little dignity you have left.
Those sounds may have been imprinted on his mind when trying to fall asleep at night, imagining indecent scenes with you.
Try to picture his angry face when he heard moans coming out of your headphones.
He had gotten up from his usual nap in the botanic garden and noticed that you were sleeping next to him, with your arms around his waist. He removed the headphones from your ears when he saw that they caused a bad posture to your head and a moan escaped at the right time.
For a millisecond he thought that moan had come from you, perhaps some risque dream or that you were waking up, but when he heard more and more moans and they were not coming out of your mouth, his mind went blank.
More moans and applause came from your headphones, getting louder and more lewd. Leona went feral and turned your headphones into sand.
He shook you in a very abrupt way, even imposing his deep voice to wake you up at once. When you did, Leona's angry emerald eyes were the first thing you saw.
“What the fuck is this bullshit!?!?”
Your face turned fifty shades of red and it was difficult for you to reason and put into words an explanation.
"You can have the real thing and you go and listen to this ... I think I have to teach you a lesson of who owns your moans, your hornyness"
He pinned you down and approached your ear "The only moans and grunts you have to hear are mine"
Would you believe me if I told you that Azul found out about these audios thanks to a blunder that he himself committed?
He wanted to try the new speaker the twins got, and he couldn't think of a better idea than to borrow your cell phone.
“Can I play music from your cell phone to try this new speaker, little inky?” "Sure! No problem, try any audio "
Well… with putting any audio you didn't mean the first one that appeared in your gallery, in large letters *YAGAMI YATO SAMMICH COMPILATION*
But poor Azul, he's too innocent to know what Sammich means… Well, he’s about to find out.
As he press play, applause and moans * from Hawks, my daddy bird, cof * came out of the speaker and reverberated throughout the room.
Make a deal to never talk about this moment again for the rest of your days.
The problem here is ... that the twins were present, except that behind the front door ... and they didn't make any deals with you two. So… get ready for an ashamed Azul for the rest of the academic year.
Another baby who we need to protect… because when he’s listened to this lewds souns coming out of your headphones, lets say that you broke him.
He ran through the corridors, trying to find you and when he saw you sitting in the library his smile widened, until it went from ear to ear.
"Hey! Whatcha doing? Studing? ” his outstanding voice reverberated through the walls, achieving a lot of "shhh" back. You took a headset out of your ear and replied with a sweet smile that you were just resting.
Kalim sat next to you, too close with the perverted audio playing, and unconsciously you fell back, hoping to get this sunbeam away from that audio.
But… actually, it had the opposite result. He gave you some wet puppy eyes and his pot was to melt. He got closer and again unconsciously you went back, and he got closer and closer, until your back touched the wall.
Being so close at last, his smile returned to his lips and in an almost invisible movement to your eyes, he raised his hand towards your headphones with the intention of hearing the same as you.
"Eh..wait Kalim ... hold on a sec"
And with a headset on his ear, his smile disappeared again. You wanted to die. You REALLY wanted to die.
Leaving aside his amazement, which lasted a few days, Kalim is not the one to judge you by your tastes. If you want to listen to those audios, that's good for him… but, he said, if it could be more pleasant to listen to them with him.
Honey… you really didn't give a shit where you were or with whom, and this was the case with Vil in the common room of his dorm.
There you were, reading a book, with the cell phone aside, without headphones and an asmr in the playlist. You knew what was about to happen and you were going to enjoy it.
Vil came through the door and hearing the soft sound of the music (which was about to change) sat next to you, giving you a light kiss on the forehead.
"What are you reading, potato?" "Ah, just a book that Trein recommended me to understand your history a little more." He gave you a little hum and took out his pocket mirror to retouch his makeup. A small moment of tranquility that Vil appreciated, he could live from these moments.
Until a deep voice suddenly sounded, cutting the quiet music.
If you paid too much attention, a small rustle of glass was heard from Vil's side.
"Potato ... what is that?" "What is what?"
You gave him a serious look, your eyes didn’t take off for a second of his, waiting for a response.
For the first time in history, Vil Schoenheit, our beautiful queen, was speechless.
Bold of you to assume that Idia has never listened to some similar audios before.
Obviously he didn’t listen to Yagami Yato, but surely some fanservice of some favorite characters from his video games.
Either way, his flame turned red when he heard the distinctive applause when you connected the computer audio to the video call.
Smoke everywhere. You could hear the fire alarm go off and Ortho's small, quick footsteps approaching Idia's room.
"Don’t enter, don’t enter, DO NOT ENTER !!!"
Meanwhile, you were trying to unlink the perverted audio from the video call.
When the situation calmed down thanks to Ortho, you decided to dedicate a visit to his bedroom.
“Do you want to listen to these audios one night with me?”
Call Ortho again, the room is on fire.
Honestly, Malleus had absolutely no idea what was going on, much less what he was hearing.
To his innocent ears, he was only hearing loud applause and one person as if was complaining, or going through a terrible fever.
By your side, with the headphones tangled in the horns of our beloved fairy and a face like a tomato, you wanted the earth to swallow you. As much as the situation was a little "tangled" you knew that anywhere Malleus was, Lilia, Silver and Zebek would be close ... very close.
It was Lilia himself who untangled you from the headphones and a few plants in the botanic garden. And it was also himself who had the great decency to explain to Malleus what he was hearing.
Gotta get out of here faaaaaaaaaaaast.
Give Malleus time to process the new information… and maybe you could enlighten him a little more about these * audios * that you love to listen to so much.
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Theory: Who will unite the Shinoa squad?
(Because I am bored~)
Many people must know by now that the whole Shinoa squad is dysfunctional and the members cannot lead themselves to a single goal. They call themselves family but in the end all of them have their own problems and priorities that prevents the members from staying united in difficult situations.
Yuu was the driving force of the squad but now his mentality reversed to one of a child (as a defence mechanism to cope with his traumas) to the point that even Kimizuki and Yoīchi cannot deal with him. On top of that, even if he calls everyone ‘family’, he wanted to commit suicide when Mika died even if it meant leaving the other squad members behind.
Shinoa is the official squad leader but in my opinion I feel that she failed at doing her job properly ever since Nagoya arc finished. Also, she has to deal with being the vessel for Shikama Doji and her newfound feelings for Yuu so she cannot take care of everyone equally in the squad.
Kimizuki is the ‘big brother’ and voice of the reason in the squad but Yuu never listens to him which adds to his own exhaustion. On top of that, even if he expressed his desire of letting go of his responsibilities recently, he still wants to prioritise Mirai over anyone else in the squad.
Yoīchi is the one who takes the role of calming things down. However, he is hiding his dark side from the squad which sets a barrier between him and the others, and he always chooses to follow Kimizuki and help him. Yoīchi also has the pending goal of torturing and killing Lacus. Moreover, he is unable to take initiative and ends up being dragged by the others such as when he changed his mind and decided to drink like the girls did (probably to cope with the recent stressful events).
This all makes me come to the idea of what if this is Mitsuba’s time to shine? When Shinoa got possessed by Shikama Doji and Yuu offered himself as a lab rat, Kimizuki went to where his little sister was with the idea of taking her and running away from everything even if meant leaving Yuu and Shinoa behind. Yoīchi and Makoto immediately decided to tag along with Kimizuki. On the other hand, Mitsuba stayed because she got concerned when she saw what Yuu was about to be injected with and when the Hyakuya Sect member took Yuu, Mitsuba turned around to tell everyone just to realise that they were gone the betrayal. Everyone has a specific person as a priority while Mitsuba’s goal has always been the same since the beginning: to maintain formation.
She doesn’t have a specific person she wants to protect nor any hidden side of her so far. Even if she doesn’t have a black demon unlike the others, she is still a member of the main squad of the series and it’s so intriguing why Kagami left her the last when it comes to showing her demon and the inside of her heart. By referring to the importance of the demons in the Shinoa squad, Shinoa’s demon should have been saved for the last but interestingly this was not the case.
In chapter 45, called ‘The Sangū sisters’, when Crowley attacked Mitsuba she caught his foot while expressing her low self-esteem because she felt she was holding her squad back the same way she felt as a hindrance with her previous squad. This could have been a great chance to show even just a few panels of Tenjiryū addressing Mitsuba’s inferiority complex. But Kagami didn’t take this chance, and even if the chapter title referred to Aoi and Mitsuba, they barely had any protagonism in here which makes the choice of the title awkward. However, I heard that Kagami-sensei said that the real story begins now which makes me wonder if Kagami purposely did things in a half-assed way so he could come to this point to turn the tables.
Although it is likely that Mitsuba’s demon will be revealed to be more important than initially established because of the meaning behind their name ‘Heavenly-shaped dragon’, which contradicts their demon nature, I am not essentially saying that Mitsuba will be like Shinoa and turn out to be special. In hindsight, what the squad needs the most right now is not more powerful people but someone who can maintain the structure of the squad. Recently Kagami-sensei has given us moments of every squad members’ thoughts about the current situation but only Mitsuba has been weirdly quiet.
Now Mitsuba must be feeling lost. She started out as the most promising member of the squad, the elite soldier with battle experience since the age of 13, but now all the other four ‘rookies’ turned out to be powerful genetically engineered humans while she stayed as the normal and weakest one what a punch in the gut. This makes me wonder if Kagami waited this much to develop the strength of the other four to worsen Mitsuba’s inferiority complex enough so she can now have her time to fight her own insecurities and grow as a character. Before Mitsuba felt inferior to the others for a reason her mind created on her own due to her past traumas but now she has an actual, visible reason to feel inferior.
Mitsuba initially was angry at the fact Guren chose Shinoa as the squad leader and eventually settled with the role of second in command. The advantage that Mitsuba has over Shinoa and the other three members when it comes to the current situation is that she is not directly affected by it. The actions of Shikama Doji, Guren, Mahiru and other masterminds had influenced the other members a lot like the genetic composition of Yuu and Shinoa, and the lives of the sisters of Kimizuki and Yoīchi. This would mean that Mitsuba is the character with the most availability to take this vacant role. Even if we consider Mika and Makoto as part of the squad, neither Mika nor Makoto have a special emotional attachment to the squad so I doubt they want to lead them. Moreover, Mika’s current situation takes him out of the question and Poseidon has disappeared since like 20 chapters ago💔
I know many people are not interested in Mitsuba’s character🤧 I was one of them but after being continuously disappointed on how Kagami handled the character development of the main characters, I started focusing on the characters that still didn’t get any development and realised their potential in the manga. That’s why I really hope she will not become another victim of Kagami’s poor depiction of female characters.
P.S. Or maybe it’s just me and I am being delusional after so much OnS angst and I would probably need to lower my expectations a bit😭🤧
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randomtwstuff · 4 years
TWST - What They Hate + Why
Warning: kinda long, definitely unnecessary. Don’t mind me.
Riddle - rule violations; it’s been explained in his backstory in chapter 1 but he’s had basically every part of his life formed around obedience and following rules set out for him, so it makes sense that witnessing someone else go against that sort of thing would probably set him off
Trey - not having brushed his teeth before bed; Listen. I honestly have no idea why this boy like his teef so damn much. But thinking about it, him being around sweets all the time probably makes him wary of getting cavities. So there’s that.
Cater - sucking up to his older sisters; Completely understandable from a younger sibling’s standpoint.
Deuce - limited time sales; Another one that’s hard to understand without character context. But to me, this reflects on his inability to think of solutions in a pinch, and how stressing such situations probably are for him.
Ace - indecisiveness; Boy likes having a plan. Can’t argue with that. Also, his quickfire personality definitely contributes.
Leona - playing with children; And yet, he’s still a beloved uncle. But in all honesty, someone who radiates this strong of a tsundere vibe will automatically be reluctant to involve themselves in overtly emotional situations, such as anything dealing with kids.
Ruggie - being at a disadvantage; My boy’s from the streets, and most definitely has been in enough bad situations to warrant not wanting to experience such a situation again.
Jack - fighting without reason; He’s got a strong sense of justice, and works hard to get anywhere - especially grades - so doing things without a worthy reason or otherwise wasting time over starting drama and fights is against his personality. Good good boy.
Azul - relying on luck; He’s worked extremely hard at everything he’s ever done to get where he is now, and relies on his own learned methods and tools to get jobs done. So, it would make sense that relying on luck, or witnessing someone else rely on luck (and even worse, succeeding), drills directly into his being.
Jade - predictable and expected things; He and Floyd have said time and time again that if Azul were to become boring, they would leave him. And although Jade doesn’t have nearly as erratic a personality as his brother, they are close enough in motive that his sense of adventure and excitement would prevent him from being around anything overly boring - thus his trips up mountains and collecting weird mushrooms.
Floyd - shackles; I’m uncertain if this means shackles as in the object, or shackles as in he hates being restricted in any way, but I feel like it might be the second one. Floyd is a very, very free spirit whose ever-changing personality makes him unpredictable in every way. So, it fits that any method of restraint - mental or physical - would clash heavily with him.
Kalim - eating by himself; Why would anyone ever let him be alone??? My poor boy???? Alone??????????!?!?AaaaaaaAAAAA - But in all seriousness, it makes sense considering he’s probably spent a significant amount of his life surrounded by people, and the idea of having to go to a meal (or probably anything) completely alone would make him sad.
Jamil - touching bugs; Now, is it just the touching part, or do bugs in general...bug him? sorry not sorry Because both the situation of him calling in someone else to take care of a bug - maybe Yuu - because he doesn’t want to be anywhere near it should it try to crawl on him, and the situation of him freezing up at seeing one or shrieking when one lands on him are just so fucking funny. (I don’t really have any explanation for his feelings toward bugs since a lot of people hate bugs.)
Vil - intentional negligence; I had to look this word up I’m so fucking dumb Vil takes things like self care very seriously - even if his ‘routine’ is a bit lengthy and he seems harsh at times about it - and as such having to witness someone intentionally leaving themselves in a state of disarray because they simply don’t care about it would very much tick him off.
Rook - people intruding on his private life; He is a hunter. With a wall of mystery photos. And an album full of other mystery items. It seems he has no problem with other peoples’ privacy, only his. Probably because a lot of his things are weird. I still love him though
Epel - being mistaken for a woman; He wants to be ‘manly’, and as such, being called the supposed ‘opposite’ would be a blow to his attempted persona. Boy wanted to be in Savanaclaw, after all.
Idia - face-to-face conversation; Since we don’t have any other information as of right now - he’s an introvert. Who spends so much time inside, with only Ortho as his physical company, that talking to anyone in person terrifies him. Honestly, I feel like there may be more to this than just introversion, since he is quite possibly one of the most extreme cases I’ve seen in a character, but who knows, he could just be a stereotypical otaku-nerd-man character (like Levi!)
Ortho - lightning; I don’t really know enough about him to make any assumptions other than that, he’s a robot - or what many people have headcanons of, a cyborg - who runs on at least some form of power source, with its own generated energy. Lightning generates an absolute fuckton of electricity, and a human being struck by it can a.) hurt a lot, b.) permanently damage their body, or c.) fucking end them, so a robot/cyborg being struck by it - as machines being struck by lightning have shown - would be annihilated. Completely valid fear to have.
Malleus - using machines; He’s probably very old, being a fae and all, and although Lilia has shown that they play videogames and watch TV, he very well may have been raised away from it - although, he was raised at least partially by Lilia himself, so either they were both introduced to machines later on and Malleus was the only one who struggled, or he just never got used to them.
Lilia - losing things; I am unaware of any backstory to this, but it is a very valid thing to hate. I do it all the time, so it’s very relatable.
Silver - sleeping away his time; Seeing that he has been shown to fall asleep at random - possibly narcolepsy, or something else we’ll find out about later - and also him being a loyal knight to the current prince, it makes sense that the former would interrupt his duties as the latter. You can’t exactly protect someone if you’re knocked out. I mean, unless you sleep-fight. Then you’re good.
Sebek - being considered a nuisance by the Young Master, whining; I find his undying loyalty to Malleus adorable, to be honest. Having this much of a senpai crush going on would definitely make any negativity from said senpai hurt quite a lot. But what does it mean by whining - does he himself hate whining, or does he hate it when other people whine? Maybe both?
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phantom-of-nrc · 4 years
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Hello, I would like a Twst matchup (I am open to both student and/or staff) please. I’ll go by as 🌺 and my pronouns are she/them. Also I would like to remain anonymous.
I am an INFJ, Gryffindor with the DND moral alignment of True Neutral. My chinese zodiac is the Snake while my astrological zodiac is Gemini. My favourite colours are subdued pastels and neutral tones. My love language is quality time.
Appearance wise, I am 5'4 light-skinned filipino with a softened hourglass figure. I have a button nose and soft brown almond-shaped eyes. I have straight black hair that goes half-way down my back, but usually is tied up in a messy bun. I wear thin gold framed glasses. I tend to wear lose sweaters, black leggings and runners. Outfit wise, I go for the cozy academic look.
Personality wise, I am pretty reserved with strangers but with people who I am close to (which is pretty hard since I am quite closed off), I am more outgoing. I am quite witty with my responses and playfully tease those who I really trust. Even then, I am overall softer and gentler in mannerisms. Due to closed off nature I tend to listen more in a conversation, but I sometimes am quite chatty. Funnily enough, I have been described as ‘baby’ and 'grandma’ at the same time. At times I can be child-like because of how easily excited and happy I can get over the little things, but at the same time quite old because of the advice I give. I am quite tactile with people who I am close to. I am described as being super imaginative and creative. I am known to be very honest and willing to communicate with others. I also live by the saying “do no harm but take no shit”. I have also been known for grey morals because how I don’t judge or assume things about others. My energy level from day to day can switch from super productive to lethargic.
By nature, I am quite calculating and observant of people and my surroundings. I have a knack for reading people and acting accordingly. Sometimes I become manipulative if I am genuinely mad, which is rare. People usually approach me for advice, comfort or just as someone to talk to. Also, I have been known to be quite philosophical and super chaotic. On the other hand, I can easily get anxious, and become skittish as a result. Quite surprisingly I have a quite a realistic and borderline pessimistic world view. To note, I do struggle with my mental health because of my past, and as a result I deal with moderate depression and have scars.
My hobbies usually consist of reading, writing, sleeping, playing videogames (either story-based or strategy-based games) or just trying out new recipes. When its winter I love to go skating. Overall, I tend to want to learn about things in general, so I also tend to watch art vlogs or educational videos (Science-centric). Currently I am working on learning German in my free time. When I am alone, I tend to sing to myself. (my voice is suited for lullabies and soft jazz) (funfact: people have been trying to get me to join choir because of my voice)
I like softer things such as pastels, flowers, and nature. But I always have a love for the macabre. In the future, I am looking to invest in getting a large dog as a companion/emotional support animal. Currently I am working towards learning Environmental Studies. My favourite drink is Bubble Tea.
Thank you in advance !
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔢?
🗝 Is this an unlikely result? Who knows? The Snake zodiac and INFJ MBTI combination, you’re the woman that Dire Crowley needs. While you may have days where you tend to be lethargic, the productivity that comes to you on the other days is something that our ever-so gracious and hard-working headmaster needs. Of course he pays no mind to the days where you tend to be lethargic, the two of you could have some fun while the poor Ramshackle residents would have to deal with overblots— 
🗝 With your relationship, I do believe that it would be a slow burn, but once the two of you have finally gotten together, expect to be one of the quirkiest couples in NRC. Dire Crowley is someone who tends to be excited over certain things like vacations and events that would polish his and his school’s reputation. With you who’s also someone who’s easily excited, the two of you are basically the sunshine couple of NRC. How unusual considering Dire Crowley’s dark style, right? But alas, love works in mysterious ways, and not even Dire Crowley is immune to the spell that you have put him under.
🗝 In all honesty, I kind of see you and Dire Crowley as the couple who runs the campus together. He does need some help, after all. The fact that you’re observant and calculating is also a benefit if you don’t mind with helping Dire Crowley run the campus. If Dire Crowley ever dumps his work on you, do tell me and I’ll bonk him for you! Don’t worry though. There’s always Yuu and Grim for him to dump some duties to💖
🗝 Please tease him, his reactions would certainly be adorable! He’d be very flustered whenever you tease him, the students are basically standing there, watching like children having to watch their parents share a lovey-dovey moment. It’s inevitable for one of the students to say “Get a room.”
🗝 I envy this man’s ego confidence. Are you feeling anxious? Nervous? Don’t worry, your beloved Dire Crowley is here to save the day and give words of encouragement as the gracious lover he is! Isn’t he just the ideal boyfriend?
🗝 One word: Simp. He’s a simp for you. He’s simps for your voice, he might’ve cried over how peaceful you looked while you’re asleep, he cries while he simps for you.
🗝 Do you have any ideas on events that you’d like to take place in NRC? Just ideas in general? If you do, don’t hesitate sharing them with him! Oh? Are you writing? Curiosity comes and hits Dire Crowley! Would you like to come and spend some quality time with him? Would you like to go to a vacation with him?? Every experience is twice as fun with you! 
🗝 On the other hand, he treasures you dearly. Learning of your depression and scars, he’s going to make sure to find ways to help you, to bring a smile to your face and chase the memories of your past away with a relationship full of fluff and years of enjoyable NRC.
🗝 Even if Dire Crowley wears dark colors and you like pastels, it doesn’t get in the way of your relationship. In fact, it makes the two of you an even cuter couple!
  Dire Crowley is a man who may have a knack for travelling. Currently, he was taking a vacation from handling his school as its headmaster. 
  Ice skating has always been something that the headmaster was curious to try. Considering that he, being the gracious headmaster he is, has been busy with his prestigious school. With the chance provided for him by the vacation, he could finally try ice skating. 
If only he wasn’t too excited to skate for the first time. 
  As soon as he attempted to glide across the icy rink, the oh-so graceful headmaster body flopped. It seems like this was the last thing that you have expected. Hastily trying to stop yourself from tripping over the headmaster’s body flopped body, gravity seemed to be feeling a little mischievous as you stumbled and landed on the headmaster. 
It seems that Dire Crowley’s eagerness to try ice skating have led to the discovery of a new chapter of your lives.
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haikyuu-matches · 4 years
hi! omg ur matchups are so well written, may i pls have a matchup + possibly headcanons if u have the time? ♡ straight, she/her, 5'6", short blue hair, septum/ear piercings! busy 24/7 in art school. told i come across as intimidating but just v chill, stays in my lane + luvs makin new friends! open to new experiences, places, ppl + ideas. just ~vibin~ most of the time + happiest traveling, skateboarding w friends w a good playlist, spontaneous nights out bein dumb, makin playlists for luved ones, singin/guitar seshes—solo or w friends + art! labelled as the “Always Down” + “Advice Giver” Friend, here if u need a shoulder to cry on or vibe on. nonstop teasing, bantering + jokes. love language = physical touch + acts of service! v independent, huge ambivert + doesn’t like relying on others much; tho still cherishes all my relationships. a generally positive outlook on life/ppl, but can’t stand ppl’s bs/drama/insensitivness/rudeness/etc. will stand up for myself or others when smths wrong. easily captivated + curious so always learning a new hobby or study (new thing for me is rock climbing!) (v bad at it atm but she out here tryin lmao). work hard/play hard mindset—determined to be a cartoon creator + storyteller! but still takes time to explore/enjoy life. sarcastic, ez-goin, confident, adventurous, cup half full + Doin My Best™. enfj/leo sun/scorp moon/gem risin. TYSM! 💗
hey lovely ! you seem so cool dfshuissfd thank you for your kind words & waiting so patiently! hope you like it!!  (*´︶`*)╯
i match you up with … 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 𝐘𝐔𝐔𝐉𝐈 !!
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i got major terushima vibes & i feel you two would make such a chill but a total goofball couple??
first off, i think the fact you’re such an open-minded & fiercely independent person will make you ten times more attractive in terushima’s eyes. coupled with the fact he thinks a girl with piercings & dyed hair is hot .
you two will never be bored around each other because you’re both down for adventures & trying new things– even spontaneous or impromptu experiences are a go! some dates will be a spur of a moment kind of thing…  like “let’s just go to this place !” 
those dates honestly end up being so fun because you both understand that sometimes the best things aren’t necessarily planned.
from amusement park dates to rock climbing to nature hikes (with a waterfall hidden somewhere), you & terushima will thoroughly enjoy every venture because you’re together and you find that there’s no one else you’d rather have these exploits with!
in the end, i feel you both feed on each other’s optimistic & spunky attitudes. rather than having someone “keep you grounded” per say, you both would keep each other afloat & strive in supporting each other in whatever endeavors.
oof i stan for that sm.
also … all your hobbies sound like something terushima would love to do?? like i can totally imagine you two travelling the world (with a lot of memorable shenanigans that only the two of you know), skateboarding through the city whilst listening to bangin’ bops (catch this crazy athlete trying to impress you with his cool skateboard moves-), late night tomfoolery where you two totally bond over your somewhat chaotic but hilarious energy, and even just chilling out with guitar sessions (he surprises you with how quickly he learns the instrument-) & art experimentation (you both prolly laugh at his attempts at traditional art) !!
since you’re the go-to friend for advice, your advice must be golden– and your words of wisdom aren’t at the extent where you’re nagging. which. that’s something terushima appreciates greatly. 
but of course, in certain situations, you’ll tell it to him straight if he does need to be reprimanded. he does strike to me as someone very impulsive…
on a different note ! when you both become really close to one another, he will open up to you & his unexpected vulnerable side will be revealed to you. something he wasn’t expecting to ever happen even if he got a girl.
it just shows how much trust he puts in you, and while you have your good amount of shenanigans with him, you also have your share of more serious moments that also act as a bonding moment.
i have a strong feeling you two would become like best friends at first (vibing with one another), and then terushima will for sure have to make his move because his thick skull realizes how much he treasures you??
and he may genuinely fall for you?
oh man, he doesn’t want to mess it up… because that would mean losing his best friend & closest confidante. also there’s the fact committing can be lowkey scary?? probably explodes & confesses at a random time-
okay anyway
when i saw “nonstop teasing, bantering + jokes”, i definitely can see that being a thing in your relationship.
witty banter & teasing is something like a life force in your relationship; you two will always have something to quip about each other & while people may question why you tease each other so much and ruthlessly, it’s a way of showcasing your love to one another.
you know that moment when that person pokes fun at their lover & then their lover pretends to be really hurt by those words? yeah that’s what terushima does to you. he’ll feign being wounded by your sarcastic words, and then uses that as ammo for a kiss to have you make it up to him oml-
cheeky boy.
speaking of which, terushima can’t keep his hands to himself. literally. he’ll love showing you off as his- whether he has to wrap you up in a big hug as a greeting (he doesn’t really care about what others think) or having you leaned up against him when you’re sitting next to each other… or even giving you an unexpected peck on the lips– he just thrives on showing his love for you through physical touch.
if you do this back to him, he’ll die of happiness & come back to life in order to reciprocate tenfold.
you two seem to be cut from the same cloth?? i don’t think terushima’s the type to stand bs & drama either; he’s far more on the side where it’s all fun & games. so, this is why so many people will be naturally drawn to you two because you two aren’t the type to deal with unnecessary drama.
after all, if you aren’t enjoying life & living life to the fullest– what’s the point?? 
but at the same respect, he admires your mindset of work hard, play hard– he’s always been the “just play” kind of guy, so he’s drawn to your balance of having fun but also working hard (something he had to learn).
by the way, he thinks your passion to become a cartoon creator + storyteller is really cool?? like, he normally doesn’t like to read and such, but when it comes to you, he’ll always be down to read or listen to your ideas & sketches!
terushima honestly has so much respect for you & he’ll be so pumped if he can make you his. after he gets over his slight anxiety over commitment.
so essentially, you two will definitely be such a dynamic couple– striking that balance of work and play & going on fun-filled adventures. some people may be shocked how you can handle the personification of a firecracker, but you confidently take it in stride.
possible runner-ups:
nishinoya yuu
yamamoto taketora
— lily ! ♡
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toonstarterz · 5 years
Summer shenanigans are a staple of the manga and anime work, though how much you can expect the clichés to actually happen depends on how much effort you’re willing to put into making it a reality. Fact is, summer is never as fantastical or memorable as we’d like to dream. You only get three(in Japan) high school summers in one lifetime. But as they say, it’s who you spend it with, not what, that will stick around with you. 
Chapter 165: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Enjoy My Last High School Summer Break 
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Hey, if Futaki wants to be a professional gamer girl (minus the bathwater), she’s gotta stay on top of the new releases. 
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Mother always knows. Always.
There’s a fine line between persuading and threatening, Katou. Just saying.
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I can already see the (not totally implausible) jokes about Mako and Yoshida secretly meeting to hook up. Even though that’s 99% not what will happen, Mako’s vagueness is something to note. The way I see it, Mako doesn’t want Yuri to feel left out, so she’s downplaying the “fun” she’ll be having with Yoshida.
Or Nico Tanigawa are blatantly ship-teasing. Either or.
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Nemo’s got a pretty sweet LINE avatar.
Even through her messages, Nemo is still passive-aggressive, like she expects Tomoko won’t listen to her unless she’s demanding in her tone, exclamation points and all. She still gots a way to go to meet Katou’s level of intimidation, however.
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Summer school?
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Oh, the beach.
The greyscale nature of the manga medium makes this beach look a lot prettier than it probably is. Those delightful memories involving washed-up stingrays sure doesn’t help. 
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I’m not entirely certain just how studious Yuri is as a student, but I imagine she’s playing up the “all work, no play” angle just to free herself from Nemo.
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Nemo makes a fair point. Getting too cooped up indoors where it’s comfortable can make it difficult to study, especially when you're surrounded by distractions. A change of scenery can clear your head and make it easier to retain information. 
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Of course, that sort of environmental shift doesn’t work for everyone. Someone like Nemo may appreciate the summery atmosphere, but a girl like Yuri would get agitated by the heat and humidity. Having external stimuli is ideal if you’re the type who operates better when your attention is dispersed. But for those that need to be focused on a single task to complete, it can be quite difficult.
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Next time on Mythbusters...
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But in all seriousness, I would like to see if there have been any real-life studies on certain sounds–waves in this case–improving one’s ability to concentrate and overall performance. My amateurish theory is that a lot of that “improvement” is a result of the placebo effect, or that there are otherwise too many extraneous factors to make a clear correlation.
In that respect, I think Yuri and Nemo’s arguments are both valid.  
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A recent trend I’ve been noticing with Yuri is that she looks to Tomoko for validation. She acknowledges that they’re not the same, but having Tomoko back her up probably makes her feel more confident in her opinions, if for nothing more than having an equal-to-majority rule.
Of course, when Tomoko does disagree with her, that’s when Yuri has to either stubbornly stick to her guns, or honestly reassess herself. And thanks to the beauty of character development, the latter’s been happening more at a healthy pace.
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It pains me to see Okada call out Yuri like that.
It pains me even more that you can’t really call out Okada for it, either.
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Introverts are generally self-conscious about the very traits they embody, even when it’s that’s their comfort zone. Much like how an otaku will get uncomfortable when non-otakus hype them up. Sure, Okada probably meant it as a compliment when she called Yuri talkative, but it’s based on the idea that Yuri’s quiet nature was an incorrect assumption, which can feel kind of demoralizing.
It’s not an easy thing to address, and I’m curious to see how they’ll work through it going forward. 
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Quick, someone go update their Wiki pages!. 
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Reality ensues. All those amazing anime-esque summer plans can be deterred by something as simple as unreliable weather.  
Although, having to make your own wave sounds kind of defeats the purpose of being there, doesn’t it, Nemo?
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Now playing...”Eroge BGM” Playlist.
Set on autoplay.
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I’m glad that no one’s complaining about translating this text, cause let’s get real. The amount of redraws that would take is ridiculous, especially for an unofficial translation. 
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If you think that I’m going to screencap every image of Yuri smiling just so we can bask in her cuteness...
You’d be absolutely correct.
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Oooh man, this is arguably worse than calling out the quiet kid as “talkative”. At least during that time, it could pass as just an innocent observation. But being able to smile is one of those things they supposedly instill in you during primary school. Bringing it up like that suggests that Yuri is a child who purposely tries to hide her smiles. Again, Okada meant no harm, obviously, but if they’re going to push for an OkadaxYuri friendship, there’s going to be a lot of hoops to go through.
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Tomoko may have opened her mind up more about the negative stereotypes about “normies”, but the positive stereotypes still persist. In this case, it’s the idea that her more sociable peers would enjoy school simply because they can hang out with their friends. Little did she know, that’s often not the case...
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Ahem, pardon my outburst, but I’ve got a lot to say about this. We’ve known for a long time now that Okada is part of the “semi-in-crowd”, and it was easy to assume that all her socializing–going to karaoke for example–were just things she always enjoyed.
But what if it wasn’t. From what Okada’s implying, she sometimes ends up hanging out with people that she would rather not. Perhaps its a friend-of-a-friend type of struggle, where she hangs with people she doesn’t really like out of politeness for a mutual friend. And even if Okada is harboring a few dark thoughts, there’s plenty of reasons to not like going to school, as she said. As someone who’s relatively extroverted, having to work through the more solitary parts of school like studying can be especially difficult.
In short, hidden depths are great.
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I can’t really blame you, Tomoko. When you secretly put people on a pedestal like that, it’s hard to acknowledge their human sides that show how they struggle with everyday problems just like anyone else. Even the most well-adjusted of people have their share of frustrations. 
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This was totally Nemo’s plan all along.
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All these panel shots of Yuri off to the side while everyone else gallivants fills me with those paternal feelings of a father wanting their daughter to make friends. It goes against everything I know about Yuri’s character, but I guess you shouldn’t underestimate the power of moe.    
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This is a pretty good example of the line that separates Tomoko and Yuri. They have very similar perspectives, but it’s Tomoko’s status as an introverted extrovert that allows her to go in the ocean, while Yuri’s extroverted introvert personality lets her stay on the sidelines. 
Poor Beach-kun is not having a good day.
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So even the others are noticing how Tomoko is like Yuri’s social floatation device.
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Another person probably would’ve taken the sentimental route, going on about “saving these precious memories” or “I want you to experience this with us”. The kind of things Yuu-chan would say.
Thing is, Tomoko would get too embarrassed saying that touching crap, so she has to go the indirect route instead. Using pseudo-logic so she doesn’t have to exaggerate her emotions (which are there, just more reserved). 
Either way, it still sounds vaguely creepy coming from her.
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Thankfully, it actually works here because Yuri has trouble articulating her emotions, too. Tomoko probably knows subconsciously that touching crap doesn’t work on Yuri, so it makes a great deal of sense that Yuri would be more responsive to dumb logic. Especially if it’s from her loveably dumb friend.
I can get used to Tomoko and Yuri unknowingly showing Nemo up.
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Off in the distance...
“Getting tangled up in gross seaweed so you can spread your own grossness to other girls? Gross!”
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Okay, so I know Tomoko is probably just genuinely startled by what's happening here, but you can’t tell me that her face doesn’t scream, “NOW’S MY CHANCE FOR A GROPIN’!”
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Okay, let’s be honest. I’ve watched enough anime to know that shots like this are easy fodder for fanservice. Conveniently transparent wet uniforms, amirite? And to be frank, I don’t think the mangakas are totally playing the innocent game. Sure, it’s not as blatantly objectifying as a lot of other series tend to do in scenes like this, but the posing of the girls and angle of the camera just seems too opportune to be anything but deliberate. Be careful when walking that fine line, Nico Tanigawa.
On a more positive note, I’m glad Tomoko’s first instinct was just to help them up. Though heaven knows she’s gonna milk this for all it’s worth back home.
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Oh, Yuri and your accountability issues.
When life gives you lemons...you know the rest.
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The best part about watching the crazy shenanigans you see in anime is that you can omit all the boring and troublesome real-life consequences. So yeah, accidentally getting splashed by beach water may seem fun in the moment, but the annoyance of having to wash your clothes afterward just isn’t worth it.
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Sometimes, summer just won’t give you a break. 
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Yes. Yes, you did.
Ignoring Tomoko’s embarrassed (or lewd–it’s kind of interchangeable) expression, this is probably the most wholesome summer chapter is the series’ run. That’s not to say that the chapter is “unrealistic” in any way. Sure, the end shot of all four of them reeks of 4-girl slice-of-life moe, but it actually deconstructs it a little. Instead of a fun memory, the memory itself is decidedly bothersome and more trouble than it’s worth, but there’s a sense of enjoyment to be gained from that. As Tomoko once implied, doing stupid, embarrassing things isn’t so bad when you can share in the experience. There’s a reason for the saying, “A few years from now, we’re gonna laugh at this,” after all.  
It may be Tomoko’s final summer in high school, but it will most certainly be her fondest.
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thedevillord-writes · 5 years
Pandora - Worth
"Anything worth having is worth fighting for"
-Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Coming to an event like so without Eisuke felt odd. She recognised every face but for once, she was not greeting them for business. Times like this, however, reminded Haruka of the harsh reality that she did not belong. As she watched the socialites, she could not help but wonder what it was like to be in their world. Wearing a limited edition dress of an exclusive brand, only to discard it after one wear. Showing off their one and only branded bags but only seen carrying it at the event. Drinking wine like it was water, wine that she would not be able to afford even with her current salary. The more she observed, the more she felt out of place.
A tap on the shoulder snapped her back to reality and Yosuke handed her a glass of white wine, nodding to the other man joining. Haruka recognised the man instantly: Nakahara Yuu. Although with no business relations, she had seen him at such events enough times to know him well. On several occasions, Eisuke was seen speaking with him though they never formed a partnership. He was one of the few people whom Eisuke could tolerate and actually had compliments for. He was a warm person, always greeting with a smile and treated most people like friends and families rather than just associates. The only word that she could think of to describe him was 'grandpa'.
Holding her hand out for a shake, Mr. Nakahara took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. There were times when she felt disgusted by such a greeting but never by Mr. Nakahara. He never lingered, never held her hand for more than necessary.
"Just the person I've been looking for. You weren't next to Eisuke when he arrived, I thought I wouldn't get to see you today. Thanks to this young man, I can sleep well tonight with no worries."
"I'm not sure if catch your meaning, sir."
"I can't make a decision regarding a business, and I need your opinion."
Many had tried to take advantage of Haruka before. They knew of her extensive research regarding anything and everything, as long as it was relevant to Eisuke's work. In the business world, information was far more valuable than any power or money. One simple information overlooked could be the end of one's company. Eisuke did his best to protect her from the vultures and Haruka had learnt how to evade such a situation.
Mr. Nakahara, however, was sincere. With Eisuke, he never spoke business. He congratulated Eisuke on all his endeavours, praised him for his natural business mind but that was it. He would talk about Akira and his younger years, his daring moves that set him apart from others and put Ichinomiya Group on top. He especially loved talking about his past, the many wild adventures he went on and those he did not. He was one of those 'Back in my day' people, but his stories were always interesting and never lecturing them about how hard life used to be for them. This was the first time Mr. Nakahara ever asked for business related help and if she was being completely honest, Haruka was a little bewildered.
"M-my opinion?" Haruka asked, double confirming she heard him right. "I don't know much about businesses, Mr. Nakahara. I do the paperwork and research but I have absolutely no idea how to close a deal. Or even make one to begin with."
"Ever the humble woman," Mr. Nakahara smiled, putting a reassuring hand on hers. "You don't know business but you do know companies. You see, I'm looking to invest in power, electricity. I have two companies in mind, both have their strengths and weaknesses, but my board and I can't seem to settle on who has the upper hand between the two. What can you tell me about Synchro-Mana and Abe Electrics?"
Watching Haruka flustering had to be the most entertaining thing in the world. Her expressions changed every two seconds, from confused to shock, from shock to honour, then back to confused. Any other person Yosuke knew would have inflated their ego the second someone paid them a compliment. He was glad he ran into Mr. Nakahara when he did; Yosuke came to this event for him after all. The old man was already looking for her, all Yosuke did was lead the way. Still, depending on her behaviour, Yosuke might be getting one of the most exclusive information he had been after. All for leading the way.
"Abe Electrics is an old company, they've been around for more than seventy years now which means they know what they are doing. Working with them would be very stable and you know for sure that you would be getting quality work. And since they've been around for a while, they would have all the proper connections. The only down side is because the company is senior in the industry, they are traditional. They are very set in their ways and some would say that their techniques and equipment are outdated.
"Synchro-Mana, on the other hand, is a relatively new company. Despite that, their CEO is a very hardworking man and he managed to put them on the market in just three years. Their technologies are all state of the art, and they are full of refreshing ideas. Even as a new company, they are actually leading in renewal energy. The down side to Synchro-Mana, however, is that they are young. There have been rumours regarding attitude and projects being delayed because of new 'better' ideas that they came up with."
"Thank you, Miss Matsuoka."
"I'm not sure if that helped."
"You were of great help," Mr. Nakahara reassured, petting her hand gently. "My secretary will be in touch with you, Yosuke."
With a nod, Mr. Nakahara parted ways with them. Coming to her senses once the man left, Haruka turned to Yosuke with a frown. Why would Mr. Nakahara's secretary be getting in touch with him? She should have known the second she saw Yosuke with the old man. She should have known the reason why he wanted her at this event was not as simple as he needed a date. This was not the first time he used her in such a way, after all.
"You planned this, did you not?"
"I knew Mr. Nakahara would be here tonight, yes," Yosuke nodded. "He's not a very easy man to crack. I've been wanting something from him for a while now, and he kept refusing. Until I found out he wanted to see you," he admitted, shamelessly. "And you did wonderfully! As always, as expected."
"Coming from you, it doesn't sound like a compliment at all. Nor am I appreciating the fact that you're basically pimping me."
"Pimping seems a little harsh. I'd like to describe our relationship as-"
Stopping mid-sentence, Yosuke's attention was suddenly directed elsewhere. He stared intently at the stage, a square platform set up right in the middle of the hall with a grand piano atop. Sat in front of the piano in a pure white dress was the world famous pianist, Kanemoto Misaki. She was playing a piece, very much suiting the atmosphere in the hall. She was barely a few seconds into the piece but just like Yosuke, every person was instantly captivated.
Several times, Eisuke tried to invite her to perform at the I.V.C but the pianist was always too busy. Only two years older than Haruka, she had already done six world tours with each and every concert sold out within half an hour. She started out playing existing pieces then slowly expanded into composing her own. It had been said that she was the musical prodigy of the century. Her music was always simple, not overly decorated with technique yet it had the power to draw the listener in from the very first note to the last.
Though, something else was more intriguing than the pianist's appearance at the event.
The way he was staring at her, the way his eyes softened. His signature mischievous glint was no longer, and she had never seen him so focused before. This was the same Yosuke who regularly tricked her into meeting men she did not ask for. The same Yosuke who had no qualms about conducting background search on strangers without their consent. She never thought she would ever see such a docile Yosuke. An actual human being Yosuke.
She took the chance to step away, to get away from the very scene she needed a break from. Walking out onto the large balcony, she took in a deep breath of fresh air and let it out slowly. No matter how many times she attended these events, she could never get used to them.
Looking over her shoulder, Haruka found herself bowing slightly to the woman. Sauntering over, Junko joined her by the edge and placed her champagne glass on the ledge. "I didn't know you would be here, Miss Inoue."
"I'm Eisuke's date."
That word never used to bother her. Before Haruka was competent enough, Eisuke brought dates to places too. They would be hooked on his arm all night and he was more than happy to parade them about because it was easier to talk business when there was a beautiful woman to distract the other man. Then Haruka replaced those women. She became his permanent date and he liked it that way; there was no need to entertain her like those women.
If Eisuke brought any other woman, she would not have cared. But Inoue Junko, there was no way she could ever compete with her. Appearance alone, Haruka lost in every way. A model's physique, paired with one of the most beautiful faces around, Haruka was far from her.
"It's good for him, you know, to bring someone else other than his secretary," Junko continued. "After all, a man like Eisuke, it's only logical to pair him with someone who actually fits him. Don't you think?"
"Of course."
"Because what would people think of Eisuke if he were to choose a secretary? Workplace affairs are not unheard of, but to choose a commoner? They would say he's out of his mind. A commoner is never good enough for a blue blood. And a commoner should know their place too. Just because they had a taste of a different world doesn't mean they belong. Do you understand?"
She understood.
Haruka understood every word. They were words she heard all the time, from many women who were determined to get her out of the picture. She heard them so often that she was numb to them. This time, however, every word Junko said felt like a stab straight to her heart.
"That would be Mr. Ichinomiya's choice to make, is it not?" Haruka asked. "Mr. Ichinomiya is not one to care for things like bloodline or background. If you knew him well, you would know that about him."
Her sharp tongue was a skill she had learnt over the years, to fend off all the obnoxious. Over time, she also learnt to enjoy her comebacks and watching the reaction of those snobs when a commoner had rendered them speechless. Even Eisuke found it entertaining and would stand to the side to watch instead of stopping her. But her sharp tongue failed to save her this time.
Anger was evident in Junko's eyes but instead of arguing with her, she picked up the champagne glass and smashed it on the ground before letting out a blood curdling scream. She dropped onto the ground and picked up a broken glass shard. Reacting fast, Haruka reached out to stop Junko only for her to slash her palm with the shard. Before Junko could do anything else, people were already coming out to the balcony.
When he heard the scream, Eisuke looked over to where it came from and quickly lost interest when he saw the crowd by the door. Then he saw Yosuke. He was rushing over to the balcony but Haruka was not with him. He scanned the crowd for her face but she was nowhere to be seen. Without second thoughts, Eisuke started to push through the crowd and there she was, panic written all over her face and her hand bleeding. Just as he was about to run to her, someone caught him by the elbow.
"Eisuke!" Junko cried, putting her head to his chest. "Eisuke, she tried to attack me! I was just trying to talk to her when she threw the champagne glass. She tried to hurt me but I stopped her. It was her!"
"I didn't!" Haruka protested. "She wanted to hurt herself and I tried to stop her. Mr. Ichinomiya, I would never do such a thing."
"Yes you would! Because you are in love with Eisuke and you're jealous that I'm his date!"
Whispers began rippling through the crowd. All those who once complimented Haruka on her hard work, on her dedication, and her good looks, they were now looking at her with judging eyes. No one knew the truth, but they were all standing on Junko's side. She did not need them anyway, she only needed him to believe her. Staring at Eisuke, Haruka waited for him to say he believed her, that Junko was lying.
"She would ne-"
"I don't want to make a big deal out of this, Eisuke. Daddy's not feeling well these few days, I don't want him to worry about me. Let's go before this gets out of hand."
The second she mentioned her father, Eisuke knew what was going on. Junko's father was definitely not a man to mess with, and she knew that Eisuke would not risk his business. Not in public at least. He looked over to Haruka, seeing the desperation in her eyes for his belief. As much as he wanted to run to her side, Eisuke suppressed himself and placed his hands on Junko's shoulder to guide her out.
Watching from the side lines, Yosuke expected Eisuke to run up to Haruka, though he found himself pushing through the crowd when he saw the other man had no intentions of attending to her. As they passed each other, Yosuke stopped Eisuke and glared.
"You're a disappointment. Haruka fell in love with the wrong man."
Without looking back, Yosuke went up to Haruka's side and took her hand in his. The cut on her hand was deep and her bleeding was not stopping, though Haruka seemed to only care about Eisuke who was leaving with another woman. Pulling out a handkerchief, Yosuke pressed it against her cut to try and stop the bleeding but even as he was clumsily dabbing on her wound, Haruka did not react.
"Let's get you to the hospital. This cut is too deep."
"No hospital."
"We have to go, you need to get stitches."
"No hospital."
"You need the hospital, don't be so-"
"No hospital!"
Attention was once again on them when Haruka screamed at him. Yosuke had never seen her like so. When he discovered her background and confronted her, she was angry and upset but she was feisty. She fought back and she made sure that he knew she was not afraid of him. The Haruka now, however, was hysterical. That was the only word Yosuke could think of to describe her. The way she screamed at him, it was too out of character.
Helping her up onto her feet, Yosuke held her other hand and lead the way out of the hotel without another word. There was no talking to her now in her state, but he had to deal with her injury somehow. When the valet brought his car out, Yosuke put her in the passenger seat and drove off; there was only one place he knew to go.
Haruka was silent the entire time. She stared out the window, her hand resting on her lap, but did not say a word. Neither did Yosuke; not when he nearly rear-ended another car at a stoplight, not when he was pretty sure he scratched his car parking, not when he was taking her to the elevator and up to his apartment.
This was the first time he had someone in his apartment. Not even the other guys at Paradiso had set foot in his place. With the nature of his work, keep his private information under wraps after wraps was essential. If they really wanted to know, Yosuke was pretty sure it would not be too hard for the others to find out something on him, especially Taki. Though here, they respected each other. They knew what to ask, and what not to ask. This seemed like the perfect place for her right now.
Searching his entire apartment, Yosuke somehow managed to find the first aid kit that Taki had so kindly provided with the apartment. Sitting her down on the sofa, Yosuke started by taking a look at her hand. The handkerchief he used was soaked through but as he untied it from her hand, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw the bleeding had stopped. Wetting a towel, he cleaned the blood off her hand and around the wound. Then, picking up the disinfectant, he poured some on a cotton pad but his clumsy hand poured some onto her cut instead.
That much disinfectant on a wound should have the person jumping up and down from the sting. Haruka remained seated on the sofa, her expression unchanging; she did not even flinch. Apologising under his breath, Yosuke continued tending her wound. He took a good hour, cleaning and disinfecting, then carefully stitching up her cut before bandaging it. All the while, Haruka sat silently and emotionless.
"One rainbow, two sugar, three candies, four puppies, and five kisses. Now you are healed."
"What are you doing?"
Just before Yosuke could kiss her fingers while chanting a weird spell, Haruka finally spoke. Looking to her with big eyes, embarrassment was slowly settling and he looked away.
"It's a spell. It's supposed to heal all wounds."
"Can I ask you a question?"
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Family Karaoke Night
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a kudos/comment there)
Plot: No matter what their singing abilities, anyone can get into karaoke - even an old rat.
((Finally finished this after having it in my drafts for like a month. Basically, I love family fluff, I love silly fun, and I love imagining characters singing. Put them all together, and you get this. Enjoy! ^v^))
While most kids her age probably had to be pushed and dragged into getting their homework done early, April had no problems with it. Of course, that MAY have had something to do with wanting to hang out with her brothers for a couple hours before having to go to bed and prepare for another exhausting school day, but hey, motivation was motivation.
Though, naturally, this motivation waned a little on the weekends, where it was far too easy to just push everything off until Sunday afternoon. It was a bad habit, April could admit that, but she had gotten a bit better at doing at least a little work each day before rushing off the sewers. And, on nights like tonight, she didn’t want to risk anything weighing on her mind and possibly ruining her night.
So, she worked through her assignments as soon as she got home, and munched on reheated leftovers as she wrote out the outline for her essay that was due the next week. Once she was satisfied with the progress she had made, April shut down her computer, grabbed her already packed bag and heading out the door, making sure to give Mayhem a quick pet goodbye before leaving. It was a bit later than she had hoped, though that hardly mattered when you were staying up all night.
“Heyyyy, I’m here!” April yelled once she reached the entrance of the lair. Almost immediately, she heard footsteps race towards her, and with a grin, she ran towards the brothers with open arms.
“See, boys? I told you she’d show up soon!” Raph said as soon as their group hug ended.
“Of course! I just had some homework I had to finish up, but there was no way that I was going to miss-”
“Karaoke niiiight~” Leo sang, holding a pretend microphone to his mouth. His brothers joined in, harmonizing. “Karaoke niiiiight!” “Karaoke ni-i-iiiiiight~!”
April snickered, shaking her head. Such dorks, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. After a moment though, she noticed the missing member of their quartet. “Hey, where’s Donnie?”
“Oh, you know how he is,” Raph answered, “He’s still downloading songs. I guess there was this album that was just released that he really wanted to sing?”
“Ah,” April nodded. That definitely sounded like Donnie. “Heh, you’d think he’d be happy with the songs we have. He texted me yesterday, tellin’ me all about how it was apparently ‘the most advanced karaoke machine of all time’. Wouldn't be surprised if that thing had a thousand and one songs on that thing by now.”
“Thaaat sounds about right, but apparently it’s still not enough,” Leo shrugged. Not that he could really complain, more songs could only be a good thing, just as long as they weren’t a bunch of cheesy love songs that he and his family sang at literal nauseum while they were high off a case of Rat Flu. No matter how fun the idea of an all-night karaoke night might have been, Leo wasn’t and would never be in the mood to hear a another three hour rendition of “My Heart Will Go On”.
“Come on, let’s go grab the snacks and then we can ask him about it!” Mikey told them, already grabbing April’s arm and eagerly dragging her towards the kitchen, “Oh! And April, did you bring-?”
“Of course!” April grinned, holding up her bag full of goodies. Beads and tacky sunglasses, huge hats and feather boas, and at least half a dozen old halloween costumes. It would seem that one person’s trash was another person’s stage outfit. Mikey grinned back at her, giving her a quick hug.
“This is gonna be AWESOME!” “Heh, isn’t it always with you guys around?” “Could say the same thing about you, sis~”
It took a bit of maneuvering to grab all of the snacks and treats Mikey had made in one go, but thankfully the box turtle’s near perfect balance and April’s experience in waiting tables helped them enough to carry all of it into the next room without spilling a single crumb - though they’d have to come back for the drinks. Naturally there were pizza puffs, as well as chicken wings, tortilla chips, popcorn shrimp, and even cupcakes (and in three different flavors, no less). Even with supper still settling in her stomach, she couldn’t deny that it all looked delicious!
“Gee Mike, you think we have enough to get us through the night?” April asked, smirking a bit despite the weight on her arms.
“I sure hope so.” Mikey placed the final bowl on his head, making sure not to tilt it. “But, if we get really desperate, I think we’ve got some ice cream in the back of the freezer.”
“Uh huh, and how old is it?”
Mikey thought for several moments before he finally answered, flashing a sheepish grin as he did so. “Uhhh, probably best not to ask.”
The tv room had been completely transformed. Leftover streamers from past birthday and holiday parties had been strung around haphazardly while a small ball with rainbow lights spun in the corner, giving the whole room a sort of disco effect. The lights were low and the projector was already on, and near the screen were two speakers that had been dragged out specifically for this night. From the karaoke machine, Donnie (whose classic goggles had been replaced with a pair of purple shutter shades) gave April and his youngest brother a brief wave, barely looking up from his tablet.
Beanbags, blankets and pillows had also been dug out, creating a classic sleepover mood. Near Splinter’s chair was their usual eating table, where they quickly dropped off their load. Almost immediately, Raph and Leo dug in, putting their “Best Power Rock Anthem of All Time” argument on hold for the time being.
“So, we about ready to start this night, already?” April asked, “Cause I’ve had a loooong day, and I’m ready to get singin’!”
“Just a few more minutes!” Donnie told her, “Just have to finish downloading these last few songs, plus install the love song blocker-”
“Tha’k yuu!” Leo said through a mouth-full of pizza puffs. His twin simply gave him a thumbs up.
“If April’s callin’ the first song of the night, then Raph’s callin’ the second one! After all-” He smirked, his voice deepening. “Someone’s gotta bring a bit of soul to this shindig. Awww, yeahhh~”
April snorted, covering her mouth before her giggles could escape. How Raphael managed to get into soul music of all things, she would never know. But hey, whatever made him happy. “Heh, second song’s all yours, Raph.”
“Sweet. Thanks, girl.”
“Ooh! And we’ve just GOTTA do duets!” Mikey chimed in, quickly turning back to his genius purple brother, “That thing does duets, right Dee?”
“It had precisely two hundred and thirty nine duets programmed into it, as well as a second microphone plug-in available. ...So yes, ‘Angelo,” he smiled simply, “It does duets.” Mikey leapt across the sea of blankets to pull him into a hug, silently thanking him for all his hard work. Not that it was really THAT hard or even that much of a bother - Donnie was just as much of a showman (er, show-turtle) as the rest of his brothers, and it didn’t take a genius to realize that they would be hearing quite a few Broadway numbers that night. Still, he appreciated the gesture, and returned it with a quick pat on Mikey’s shell.
“Well then come on, guys! Let’s stop talking about it and get started already!” Leo grinned, standing from his seat and striking a bit of a pose, “I hope you’re ready to be blown away by my sweet singing skills.”
“Hmph, gonna be hard to be ‘blown away’ if all you sing are meme songs,” Donnie retorted, rolling his eyes while everyone else snickered.
Leo however was hardly offended. “Don’t act like you still don’t consider ‘All Star’ to be a jam even after all the memes,” he said, smirking back at his twin.
“You know, in my time, people went out for karaoke rather than just taking over the nearest space for who knows how long.” Everyone turned to see Splinter in the doorway, looking not too happy about losing control of the tv room for the night. Sure, he had a tv in his bedroom, but the smaller screen plus what was sure to be a whole night of loud singing and laughter wasn’t much of a consolation.
“Aww, come on, Pop, don’t be like that,” Raph said, offering his father a welcoming smile. The rat man just huffed, crossing his arms.
“We’ve got snacks!” Dashing back over to the small table, Mikey picked up the bowl of chips. “You looooove snacks~”
Splinter hummed. “I do love snacks,” he mumbled, softening a bit.
“And-” Leo began, hoping to seal the deal and free themselves from their rat-dad’s grumpiness towards their special night once and for all, “I’m sure we could fit in some time to let you sing a few songs too! Come on, Dad, join in on the fun!”
At that, Splinter’s yellow eyes narrowed and hardened once more. “Ohhh, so NOW you don’t mind me singing, huh?” he asked, “Have you boys learned to appreciate other people’s musical talent, or do you simply not mind listening to something that ‘belongs in the sewers’?”
While April could only look on in confusion, the four turtles all winced in harsh realization. So THAT was why he was so upset and annoyed…
“Okay, but that was different!” Leo argued, “That was for our band and, and we just wanted it to be OUR thing!” In a lower tone, he added, “Plus it’s not like weird opera singing would’ve fit anyway-” Splinter growled. He tries to impress his sons a little with something unique and this is what he gets?
“BUT, that still doesn’t make it right!” Raph said, quickly jumping in (and shooting Leon a glare for good measure), “We’re sorry for what we said, and for bein’ so rude about it, okay Pop?”
“Yeah!” “Totes!” April nodded as well, despite having nothing to do with whatever incident brought all this up, just to give her support. Getting an idea, she then reached over and grabbed one of the microphones.
“You could even have the first song!” she offered, handing him the device as a peace offering, “What do you say, Master Splinter?”
“...” Splinter looked at the microphone, then at the faces staring back at him. All of them (the boys especially) were looking at him with concern as well as encouragement. Splinter sighed through his nose. He might have been petty at times, but he wasn’t so stubborn that he’d totally ruin his kids’ night. “I suppose I could sing one song.”
“Then step on up, Dad!” Donnie smiled, giving a dramatic wave of his arm towards the karaoke machine. Splinter smirked at the gesture, and began scrolling through the seemingly infinite song list.
“So you’re SURE there’s no love songs on there,” Leo whispered. Donnie nodded - though, he still wasn’t expecting that great of a ‘performance’ judging by how far back he moved, phone in hand. He just hoped whatever his father picked, it wasn’t too long of a song.
Thankfully, the genre tabs made it a bit easier to search for something familiar to him. He didn’t expect there to be any non-anime opening Japanese songs on there, but- “Aha!” He selected a song, and after a couple seconds, a light enough tune began playing through the speakers. First a keyboard and guitar, and then a blast of trumpets.
Immediately, everyone sat up a bit straighter. “Whoa! Is this-?” Raph asked, beginning to grin.
“I didn’t know he liked THIS kind of music too!” Leo commented.
“Ha! I grew up with this music, frankly I’m surprised YOU all even know it!” Splinter chuckled. The wonders of the Internet and timeless hit songs, he supposed. He then began to sing as he struck a bit of a pose, not even needing the words.
“Do you remember... the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders, while chasing the clouds awayyyyy~” His young audience started clapping along with the beat, giving a small cheer or two as they did. “Our hearts were ringing, in the key that our souls were singing. As we danced in the night, remember how the stars stole the night away~”
Sure, Splinter’s voice was still a bit gravely and off-key, but- “You know, he’s actually not that bad,” Donnie smiled, “Definitely has stage presence.”
“Heh, yeah,” Raph agreed, “And he can sure put a lot of energy into somethin’ when he wants to, don’t you think-?” April’s laugh cut him off, bringing the snapper’s attention back to the ‘stage’ in front of him, where his younger brothers now stood beside their father, happily singing along with the chorus despite not having microphones of their own. Splinter just grinned at them, not minding them all.
“Ba de ya!” Leo and Mikey sang.
“Someday you’ll remember-” Splinter sang back.
“Ba de ya!” They sang again, with Raph and Donnie now joining in as well.
“Dancing in September~”
“Ba de ya!”
“Never was a cloudy dayyyyy!” Splinter and April both belted out, with the latter still trying to hold back her laughter. The song went on, and not a single voice completely dropped out, with Splinter naturally taking the main part while his children kept the chorus strong. Even as the tune faded out, they all still sang and danced and giggled until Splinter finally spoke up once more.
“Well, I think it’s clear that I’ve properly gotten this karaoke night started~” He smirked, “April, I believe it’s your turn.”
“Don’t mind if I do!” April grinned as the rat passed the microphone.
April and Raph kept things in the 70s a bit longer with “Hanging On the Telephone” and a bit of Stevie Wonder while the twins brought it back to more moderns hits with  “Never Gonna Give You Up” (“Seriously, Leon? We were having such a great time and I feel so annoyed right now.”) and a bit of Daft Punk. Mikey nearly brought the sewers down with his rapping, and then it was back to Splinter with “Right Back Where We Started From”, a song the boys could swear they remember him singing from the childhoods, either while he was preparing food or just a light sorta-lullaby to calm them down.
The song selections went from disco to glam rock, broadway to hip-hop, soul to techno, and everything in-between. Costumes were naturally dragged out with each new performance, further adding to the fun as numerous pictures were taken. Snacks were replenished twice and Splinter grabbed some sake from his second “Do Not Touch” cabinet in the kitchen. He wasn’t much of a drinker these days, finding milk and cake more appealing, but he figured a glass or two wouldn’t hurt. As for everyone else, they loaded up on sugary pop and juice, not minding missing out.
It didn’t take long for Splinter to drop out after that, though he was still content with sitting in his chair and watching everyone else sing. He clapped after the surprisingly impressive rap battle between his youngest and his oldest, and laughed along with everyone else when Leo tried to sing some Vanilla Ice.
But, not even the most fun karaoke nights could last forever. The time between songs, where they’d just talk about random things or play on their phones, was getting longer and longer. Donnie had begun singing one of the more mellow songs currently on the billboard top 100 when Splinter finally closed his eyes.
When he woke up, the atmosphere in the room was much different. It was quiet, warm and peaceful even, despite the harsh neon lighting from the spinning light ball. On the screen, a turtle-shell logo silently bounced around. Surrounding his chair, Splinter could hear the light snores and mumbles of his sons and their friend. He could also see all the empty cans and wrappers, not to mention all the dishes and crumbs.
Splinter shook his head, mentally scolding them for the mess before shrugging it off. They were teenagers and making messes was just a thing they did, they could always clean later. He then put a paw to his mouth, muffling his cough. He didn’t lose his voice, but his throat was still pretty dry.
Slowly, he got up, and crept around the covered lumps, silent and swift like the ninja master he was. He stole one last glance at them once he reached the doorway, their laughter from the night before still echoing in his mind. He smirked at the memory, chuckling lightly before making his way to the kitchen.
Not wanting to wait for tea, Splinter just grabbed a cup and ran some warm water, drinking that instead. He made sure to sit as well, his aging joints still aching slightly despite being plenty mobile. He had accepted his age, having fought off any ‘mid-life crisis’ thoughts pretty well so far, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still notice certain things. The aches, the fatigue, the white hair.. (He still wasn’t completely sure if that last one was simply the mutation’s doing, or if raising four kids really stressed him out that much.)
Even so, nights like the one they just had and the content mornings like the one he was having now reminded him that he still had plenty left to enjoy and much more life to live. He definitely appreciated that… Perhaps that was why, once he finished his drink and his throat no longer ached, Splinter began getting out various pans and ingredients.
Ever since Michelangelo developed his cooking passion at the age of eight, he and his brothers had taken care of whatever meals that weren’t just ordered in. But just because Splinter was no longer the chef of the house didn’t mean he still didn’t know how to prepare a decent family breakfast. He started the rice first, then the eggs. They would have just enough for everyone to get one omelette each. He was just about to start cracking them when he heard footsteps.
“Morning,” April said quietly, giving him a nod.
“Good morning, April,” Splinter nodded back, “Feel free to go back into the tv room and relax, it’s going to be a while.”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna stay here for a while,” April replied, “I needed to stretch for a bit, and I do have another set of hands right here for you to use.”
“I’m capable of making breakfast on my own,” Splinter told her, his tone betraying his otherwise distancing words. You are a guest, don’t feel like you need to help.
April just smiled, and walked over to the counter. “I know, and so am I. Mind handin’ me a peeler?”
Having no real reason to argue, Splinter did as he was told. “...By the way, thanks for joining us last night,” she told him. With all the adventures there were to be had around the city and Splinter’s shows that he enjoyed watching, the six of them didn’t always get to hang out together too often. But just because these instances were more rare didn’t mean they weren’t still wanted. “The guys and I really enjoyed havin’ you around. ...You’re a pretty cool guy, Master.”
A warm smile crept onto his lips. “...I could say the same about you, April.”
The two worked in silence, with Splinter concentrating on the rice and eggs while April made her favorite hashbrown recipe as well as some bacon. Slowly but surely, the rest of their underground home (or in April’s case, home away from home) started coming back to life.
Mikey woke up first, greeting them both with a hug and eager to help by making toast. Raph came next, having smelt the food. With the food covered, he assigned himself table setting duties. Finally, a very groggy pair of twins joined them. Donnie started up the coffee machine and tea kettle (with the majority vote settling on camomile with a bit of honey) while Leo got out all the juice they had left in the fridge.
By the time everything was done, conversations had started up, hoping to hide the sound of their stomachs growling. “You know, we should try to do this next week!” Mikey said as they all began to sit down, “Or next month or, you know, just sometime soon!”
“What, karaoke till we pass out and then breakfast the morning after?” Donnie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Mikey nodded eagerly. “Yeah! At least once a month! Come on, you guys are lyin’ if you say you don’t want to do that more often.”
While Mikey’s brothers and sister considered it, Splinter hummed in consideration. “Not a bad idea, Orange, though why don’t we focus on eating breakfast and cleaning up last night’s mess before we plan anymore karaoke nights, hm?”
The box turtle gave a sheepish smile. “Heh, right,” he said as he began digging into his food, “Got it, Pops.”
Splinter smiled back at his orange son before looking back down at his own plate. He nibbled on his rice and toast, and resisting the urge to start humming a certain song from the night before… Fun karaoke nights with his family were one thing, but getting a tune stuck in his head for hours on end was quite another.
Still, it wasn’t a bad idea… Not a bad idea at all.
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vixenfur · 6 years
Tag at least 5 people you love and give a few words on why!
Since there was so much BS in the fandom today, time to share some love! :)
- @zeta-jane is an absolute godsend of a friend. They are sassy, funny, talkative, energetic and so full of amazing ideas!!! Zeta is always there for me when I need someone to lean on. They’re such a kind friend and they will not hesitate, baitch to fight people who hurt me- probably because they know I’d do the same for them! They’re such good company both online and IRL, and I am blessed to have met them! I am even more blessed to be writing City of Dust and Shadows with them, which has become the longest fic either of us has ever written! We may or may not surpass it with our future collabs, however ;) They are just the coolest person ever and they deserve all the love in the world. I adore them so much!!! TUT 
- @mikayu-chan is such a got damn SWEETHEART. They are trying to see the positive side of things, especially after so much fandom drama in the past, and I’m so so proud of them for trying their hardest to live their best life. They have it way too hard and I want to give them a big ole hug and many days of fun!!! They always make me laugh and we have a great time on calls! I’m glad that we see eye-to-eye on so many things and that we continue to teach each other new things all the time!! They are really an irreplaceable friend and such a joy to talk with, to write with, and to laugh with. I love you Chan
- @crazyloststar deserves the entire world and more!!!! oMg I cannot express how much I love Alex!!!!! Alex is just a big bundle of happiness and fun and she makes me so so so so so so so happy. I love calling with her and talking, I love writing with her and everything else!! We always have so much fun, I swear I can’t talk to her without laughing my ass off at least once XD we’re always DJDJDHDHDHDJD’ing at each other because we just can’t find the right words to express how hard we’re agreeing with each other/laughing omfg. I adore her and I cant WAIT to cosplay KimiYoi and RyuuTenn with her hopefully at next year’s Yaoi Con WOOT WOOT :D!!!!
- @yuudefensesquad is sUCH A GOOD BEAN who deals with SO MUCH and she just needs a big ole hug and lots of Yuuchan i stg. Caydence is such a funny funky lil nugget and I protecc her with my life okay. Her art? Flawless. Her shitposts? FUCKIN HILARIOUS. Her meta? Super engaging and intriguing! Her bravery? ABOVE US ALL LOL. She is just awesome and I’m glad I forcefully adopted her into my lil family of mikayuu nerds bc it just wouldn’t be the same without her. Caydence ily never stop being you. A lot of shit challenges her irl and everywhere else, but she still keeps her head up and man I really respect her.
- @mikaisatop is MY FRICKIN RIGHT HAND MAN. My SOULMATE. SARAHHH I ADORE YOU. You might be busy rn but I love you so much girl ;__; even though she’s busy I always bother her bc I want her to know I wouldn’t ever forget about her!! I’m so happy we got to collab so much and will continue doing so!! Winter’s Waltz is so much fun to write and I’m so happy she is writing it with me anyways despite such a busy schedule. If it weren’t for Sarah we wouldn’t have so much good MikaYuu content and I applaud her for it!!
- @6lilystrings9 IS JUST THE BOMB DOT FUCKIN COM. Lily and I didn’t super duper connect until more recently but omg talking with her is just a freakin BLAST. We always get so hype with each other, even over each other’s fandoms that we aren’t even in!!! Something about the energy in her pulls out the energy in me and we just get GOING lmao. She is so very talented and amazing and a fascinating person all around! I’m so glad we got to hang a bit at KatsuCon in 2017 but I hope we can do that again in the future! I miss her all the time!
- @weirdfairytales is the MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. Anna is just the biggest definition of a meme I can think of and I LOVE her for it. I’m so glad that we met way back when MikaYuuHell Skype existed and that she thought of the masterpiece that is Cherry Boy one wild night. I’m so glad we continued to be great friends and talk about so many things. I love when our messages get super long cause we just have so many things to say XD Cosplaying Victuuri with her at Katsu was so lit, and I can’t express how much I love her Victuuri fic too!!!
- @hannaadi88 is such. a. sweetheart. I can’t say it enough. Hanna does so much and gets so little I stfg yall need to APPRECIATE HER MORE. Her writing is STUNNING and the projects she makes for this fandom are just outstanding!!! From gift exchanges (I SAID ONS REMIX BEFORE IM SORRY i was wrong XD) to 365 Days of Mika and Yuu, she has put in so much for us constantly! She has also granted us with the lovely fic Scented, and not to mention one of my favorite fics of ALL TIME, Eye of Horus- the Ancient Egypt take on Unwritten!!! And she named it that without knowing my first tattoo is literally the eye of horus! XD I was shook lmfao and I still am. Meeting Hanna was amazing and the day I spent with her and @ihavetobenkyou (who is also a-freaking-MAZING and a big bundle of goodness!!!!!!) is one I’ll never forget. She’s so chill and just gives off this ‘wise’ aura idk why but I just look up to Hanna so much. No matter what she writes I will always support her and you all should too!!!
- @just-another-dream-about-yuu is ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS TO EVER HUMAN. Julia omfg I cannot express how much I love you. TwT Julia is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever seen, but she is so sweet and fun and so full of energy and excitement!! She’s super busy with adulting so she’s not around in the fandom a whole lot but I always make sure to include her bc I won’t let her leave XD JULIA YOU CANNOT ESCAPE…. lmfao I will always drag you back… I won’t ever forget the day I got a twitter notification that someone drew me Unwritten fanart and the croaking sound I made was insane LMAO my friend who was with me was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED XD I was so excited!!! I still adore every piece of fanart she’s given me and I always will. Thank you, Julia, for bringing my imagination to life so many times, for showing me what you saw when you read my writing. It means more than I can say.
- @coleglend is the most underappreciated person in this fandom I swear. Or, who was in this fandom- Cole is off doing other things besides OnS, but regardless, she is so very amazing and beyond talented. I can’t even express how beautiful her art is and the emotions each piece sparks in me. Even her new Marvel artworks are just breathtaking and I truly admire them!!! I don’t know anyone who can make such detailed, visually engaging art- everything she creates belongs in a museum I swear. I want to print them and frame them for my walls!!! I look at her art all the time!!! Now that I’ve established how gorgeous her art is, talk about Cole as a person! She’s so sweet and kind and I love seeing her little posts on Instagram and such, even though I can’t understand most of them, I like seeing that she’s with friends and having a good time.
- @linnpuzzle is one of the coolest most amazing people in this fandom!!! Her art is STUNNING and as she knows, I will drop everything to commission her and buy her merch because I just am addicted to her gorgeous art!!! I am so honored to have some of her art as part of my collection of OnS things and I am forever going to treasure the commissions I’ve purchased from her!! Besides being a great artist, I love talking with Linn, too! I’m so glad we have things in common outside of MikaYuu, like Voltron and Kyo Kara Maoh :D Linn is truly too good for this world and she deserves everything okokok.
- @zilleniose-chu is truly an ICON of this fandom. We don’t talk alot outside of business stuff lolol but they are just freakin amazing!!! I adore their art so much- I always have, ever since I first saw their page!!- and I LOVE their AU’s and headcanons!! They are full of such great ideas and humor and they can share those ideas through really stunning and captivating artwork
- @absolute-exclusivity IS AN AMAZIN. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BEAN OH MY GOODNESS i cANT TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE LYSIA. AAAAAAAAHHHH THIS GIRL IS GONNA SPEND MY BIRTHDAY WITH ME OUT IN LONDON LESSGO GIRL!!! I’m so excited you have NO IDEA. Lysia is so so so energetic and cute and overall such an amazing friend!! She’s so caring and always willing to listen even when things are busy for her!! She’s full of hilarious, tragic, and heart-pounding ideas and AU’s. We always get lit together talking about fics and headcanons and I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. I can’t wait to meet her and I can’t wait to collab with her and Zeta soon, too!!
- @rindartist is absolutely one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME no doubt about it. Rin is so amazing, always making so many beautiful artworks of MikaYuu, and now of other lovely series aswelll! I may not be into GBF but her art of it is just lovely and I suggest everyone to commission Rin if they have the means!!
- @p0isonpez is someone I’ve only seen from afar but I absolutely love her art and posts!! I am so happy to see someone new in the fandom sharing such lovely things and interacting with the rest of us!! you seem so friendly and kind and I hope we can talk more sometime! :D
- @temesasu is such a sweetheart!! We’re just starting to talk a little more, but I am soso happy!! They are such an amazing cosplayer and their ONS cosplayers bring such a big smile to my face. They are beautiful and able to make themselves look like so many different characters!!! They are so talented with makeup, I am in awe!! :D And they are so kind and fun to talk to, and I hope we talk more! Thank you for sharing your cosplays with us, you are amazing! Don’t stop!
- @seraph-star is such a good precious person who makes endless good content!! Omg, their edits are just so awesome!! they always have me bouncing my head along, or completely enraptured and breathless, or laughing!! They are so good at evoking different emotions through video editing and as a very casual video editor myself, I am so impressed with their work!! I also love their memes and art and everything else that they share!!!
- @angeru-artist is a precious PRECIOUS ANGEL who deserves the entire world!!!! Omg, Angeru makes such amazing art, with such expressive characters and cute little attributes!!! I love it when I see their art and I’m so glad that we share a few fandoms together rather than just one. Angeru is really bighearted and she goes through way too much hard times, and I wish I could just take her away to somewhere better!!! One day my friend we will forget about the world and just have fun!!
- @maqui-chan iS ONE OF THE BEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER KNOWN OMFG. her art is iconic and unforgettable!!!! Maqui’s art has always been one of my favorites of all time and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve commissioned her LOL!! I JUST LOVE HER ART SO MUCH OKAY!?? ITS SO GOOD GO LOOK AT ALL OF HER GLORIOUS CREATIONS! she is so talented and she can create anything, from angst to smut to humor, leave it to Maqui to create amazing things!! And omg Maqui ignited the fire in all of our ShuuNaru hearts amiright!??? GOD her art inspired me so much to the point to where I wrote a ShuuNaru fic and it was so much fun!!! Maqui, thank you for drawing so many awesome things and creating so much for the fandom!! Even if you’ve mostly fallen out of it, your creations are always going to be treasured by me and many other people- you’ve impacted people way more than you know! Thank you for always making me laugh on twitter aswell XD you’re amazing and ily!!! 
OK OK I;M OUT OF STEAM I’VE BEEN TYPING THIS FOREVER OK i could go ON AND ON about even MORE people in this fandom but that would take me literal ages LMAO
TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHO I DIDN’T MENTION BC MY BRAIN IS JUMBLED AND I AM EXHAUSTED: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DONT STOP CREATING. THE FANDOM IS A FLAMING GARBAGE HEAP SOMETIMES LIKE IT WAS TODAY. But DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU from having a good time, doing what you love, and creating things that you are proud to share!!! And if your heart leads you elsewhere, to a different brand new fandom, I hope you always remember the people you inspired with your work!! I hope you forget the bad memories and always treasure the good ones. I hope that we can be friends and/or that I can continue supporting you no matter where we all end up in the years to come. And if you decide to support me too, I give you my biggest, most heartfelt thanks.
No matter how ridiculous this fandom can get and how much stupid discourse can dampen the mood and disappoint me, I will never let it stop me from loving MikaYuu and OnS and what I do. I will never let it stop me from writing all that my crazy little heart wants. I will continue to write until my passion dies, and when that day comes I will probably cry as I say goodbye and resort to watching from the sidelines as everyone else carries on. I will never forget the fun I had here. These past 3 years have been so impactful already, and I know the future ones will continue to be- with the old friends, with the new friends, and with friends to be made!!
Let’s spread love more often rather than hate. I encourage anyone who feels inclined to make posts (maybe not as long as mine if you dont want XDD) talking about your favorite creators and friends in the fandom, too! Or, if that seems too corny to you, just continue to draw, write, edit, and cosplay! Continue to make people laugh and smile and cry and swoon! Continue to support creators by leaving comments and kudos, by liking and reblogging, by following and commissioning, and sharing and crediting their work wherever you can! Continue to make a difference!
I love you all so much!
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Rewards of Losing:  Chapter 18
Vector strolled alongside of Yuuri, taking in the scenery. A few Fusion soldiers eyed him cautiously, probably disturbed by his lack of uniform, but the fact he carried one of their duel disks and Yuuri seemed to have him “in custody” meant they didn’t bother him directly.
Too bad. I could use the exercise. It might lessen his chances of succeeding at what he was doing but it would be fun, and fun wasn’t to be sneezed at, especially not these days. He would take it where he could find it.
“You wouldn’t be taking me the long way around, would you?” He asked. He suspected under other circumstances, he and Yuuri could have gotten along splendidly. And probably terrified a lot of people. Too bad things turned out the way that they had.
Yuuri snorted. “No. The Professor is just deep inside the building. He likes being protected.”
Well, that was interesting. Vector stored the information away to deal with later. He strolled onward, humming a bit under his breath. Yuuri asked something that he wasn’t quite expecting as they walked.
“Why do you people put up with those Cats? They’re repulsive. Cats shouldn’t be that large – or able to talk - let alone anything else.”
Vector snorted. “I don’t put up with them. I want nothing to do with one of them. They’re smelly and you have to get them registered and they walk in and out of your place all night long.” He shook his head. “Not worth the effort.”
Yuuri’s lips twitched at that. “You’re probably the first XYZ person I’ve met who has some intelligence, then. Most of them seem to fawn over the creatures. Quite annoying if you ask me.”
A few more minutes and they stood outside of a door guarded by two duelists, who eyed Vector untrustfully and respectfully saluted Yuuri. “Can we do something for you, Yuuri-sama?” One of them asked.
“I believe I sent a message that I was on the way with this XYZ defector to come and see the Professor,” Yuuri said, waving his fingers. “Step out of the way.”
The guards leaped aside at once, opening the door. Yuuri strolled inside without a care and Vector followed, adjusting his jacket and watching everything he could to commit it to memory. The room itself was large, with a few tables set out of the main way, and some sort of odd machine in the back. Vector had no idea of what that was. But he followed Yuuri all the way up to where the man on the throne sat, watching their progress. “Professor,” Yuuri said, tilting his head forward. “This is Vector. He offers to give us the location of the Heartland survivors, if we find him a Firestarter to bond to.” The Professor – a wrinkly old man that didn’t impress Vector at all – turned a stern gaze onto him. Vector sketched a salute and grinned. “A strong Firestarter, mind you. Someone worth the effort.” His eyes gleamed with desire. “Someone I can have a lot of fun with.” Yuuri chuckled at that. One of the Professor’s eyebrows quirked. Vector suspected he wasn’t as awed – or terrified – by Yuuri as most people seemed around here. “And your reason for this is? I find it unlikely that you would do this for such a small price.” “It’s not small to me,” Vector pointed out. “But if you want to give me more – a powerful Firestarter and a luxurious place to live here. For that matter, let me have some fun carding people. I’ve done it since I got this.” He raised the duel disk. “Let me keep on doing it.” The Professor made a faint noise that Vector chose to interpret as agreeing. His eyes rested on the duel disk. “Explain to me how you got that. My soldiers are trained to self-destruct their duel disks in the unlikely even they’re defeated.” “Oh, I know.” Vector waved one hand carelessly. “That's what I didn’t bother to defeat the one I took this one off of.” Again the Professor’s eyebrow twitched upward. Vector slipped his favorite knife from the hidden sheath and licked it slowly, savoring the taste of it. “I just killed them. It’s hard to self-destruct when you’re dead.” Yuuri’s eyes brightened in approval. “I don’t suppose you bothered to get their name? I want to talk to whoever their trainer was.” “Didn’t bother.” Vector shrugged, sliding his knife back. “Does it matter that much?” “Not really. But it would have bee amusing.” Yuuri turned back to the Professor. “I think that he could be useful.” “Then which Firestarter would you suggest for him?” The Professor wanted to know. Yuuri folded his arms over his chest and considered the options. “Most of the ones I can think of are either too weak or someone’s already bonded to them,” he mused. He gave Vector a measuring look. “Though there is one exception.” The Professor twitched his fingers; apparently that was enough of an incentive for Yuuri to keep on going. “Marufuji. He’s coming along reasonably well, though I might need a little help to get his memories properly restructured.”
“And who would you bond to in that situation?”
Yuuri’s grin turned feral and wicked. Vector approved. “I’ve got my eye on a Firestarter from XYZ. Brother to the girl you want taken. It will keep him out of the way so he won’t try to get her back.”
That got a small nod from the Professor. “And why not allow this XYZ Firestarter for our new – comrade?” He regarded Vector for a few seconds.
“Because I want to try him out for myself. We can make Marufuji what Vector would like. And I still haven’t decided that I don’t want him anyway.” Yuuri shrugged. “There’s time to make the decision.”
Vector nodded his own agreement. “I don’t know what Firestarter from XYZ you’re talking about but I don’t care. Just meet my demands and I’ll keep my part of the bargain.”
Both of them nodded, and Yuuri looked ready to say something else. He broke off with a sudden wince, one hand to his forehead, and in the same moment, Vector’s breath hissed between his teeth. He suspected, once he had a moment to consider, that he wasn’t as strongly affected because he wasn’t from this world. The Professor stood up.
“What is it?” He looked ready to summon troops with a single word if the occasion called for it. But Yuuri shook his head, turning around.
“There are intruders in my garden. Two of them -” His eyes narrowed as he listened to the voices in his heart. “They’re after Marufuji.”
Akaba Leo drew himself up. “From XYZ?” He raised one hand, starting to point at Vector, who snarled. He could hear the garden’s call, though not as loudly as Yuuri did.
“I have nothing to do with this.” It would be ridiculous to even consider. But the Professor didn’t back down, not until Yuuri spat out the next words.
“Only one – the Healer Cat. The other – from here.” His fingers curled into claws and Vector thought he saw Yuuri’s eyes flash slitted for a heartbeat. Strange indeed. “It’s Marufuji – Marufuji Shou.”
Well. This was getting more and more interesting. The Professor nodded then and snapped his fingers. His two guards stepped up at once.
“Send a contingent of Obelisk Force Firestarters to Yuuri’s Garden. Have them restrain the Healer Cat and Marufuji Shou. Ensure Marufuji Ryou’s safety.”
Yuuri snorted. “They won’t be able to. My Garden won’t let them in. It only let those two in because they could find the routes inside. But Firestarters can’t. I’ll go.”
Akaba didn’t rescind his order, however. “They can encircle the Garden and make sure that they don’t escape with Marufuji Ryou, until you get there.”
If Yuuri cared about that, he said nothing. He simply turned and stalked his way out. Vector watched for a few seconds, shrugged, and followed afterward, curious now to see what would happen next. What he saw as they exited the building – taking a short cut that he’d never dreamed existed given the way they’d come in – impressed him. Every tree, flower, bush, and blade of grass wove and danced in the wind of Yuuri’s rage. Some flowers burst into bloom and then fell into dust as he walked by. Vector didn’t think he’d ever seen a Healer that angry before. Most of them never reached that point since their Firestarters kept them balanced and steady. Yuuri needed a Firestarter more than anyone he’d ever seen.
Vector also wondered just which Cat it was that had snuck in and why. One way or the other, this was getting a lot more interesting than he’d originally thought.
Mizael sheltered himself underneath an overhang of stone. He’d grown a good concealing breadth of thorns to ensure that no one else would see him, but he could peer between them and see what was going on. He’d waited here for close to an hour and so far they hadn’t found any Fusion soldiers.
I know they’re here. What are they doing? Are they hiding? That didn’t make sense. Given the whole situation, there wasn’t any reason for them to hide. But he couldn’t see any.
He leaned back against the stone, closed his eyes, and let his mind wander, touching onto every tree and bit of lie that he could find, murmuring his questions. He wanted to know where the invaders were, what they were doing, and how to get them closer to him.
Eventually – he couldn’t have said when – he could feel an answer. As always, no words, but a sense that here there were Fusion soldiers – ones who couldn’t get away.
Mizael blinked at that. Why couldn’t they get away? He formed the question in the blink of an eye, and the answer floated back.
Because the wild foliage of XYZ wouldn’t let it. Because another Healer had asked them to hold onto these.
Who? Mizael wanted to know. Who asked you?
The Cat. He went away with another one of them, a nicer one.
Mizael shifted and frowned. That wasn’t what he’d expected to hear. A Cat who “went away” with someone of Fusion? Then he sat up. Kei? Was it Kei?
Cat. The whisper came. That was all he was likely to get. Finding the plant-life that could tell the difference between individual Cats and Healers that weren’t actually Dark wasn’t easy. Especially when he didn’t know the trees and bushes he asked.
Well, that gave him an answer regardless. He wriggled out from behind the thorns and headed over to where he knew Chris attempted to find Fusion soldiers. As soon as he walked up, the other Healer opened his eyes and looked at him.
“I know where to go,” Mizael said, gesturing down what had once been a pleasantly busy street. “I think Kei’s been dong some work.” He shrugged. “I should have thought about that before.” The Cat had said he was going to find a way to get to Ryou. How else could he do it except by stealing a Duel Disk, or a duelist?
Chris came to his feet in one graceful movement, Durbe joining him. He’d kept a watch on the area, ready to capture or incinerate anyone who came too close to his Healer. Mizael looked forward to one day having a partner like that – no, not Ryou of course.
“We’ll have to thank him,” Chris said, his lips quirked into a smile. “Do you think he’d accept fish?”
“I think what he wants is Marufuji back,” Mizael replied. He glanced away; if he were being truly honest with himself, he wanted the same thing. He wanted that pleasant night they’d had together to be real – to know that he wasn’t being lied to or used. To know that Ryou defended him because he cared, not for – whatever reasons he’d done it. Mizael didn’t know and hesitated on finding out.
He put it aside. If he ever saw Ryou again he would ask then what all of that had been about. He wasn’t sure if he should expect that or not.
I should go and help Kei. The idea formed simply and calmly. Kei was a powerful Healer but he was in Fusion, where he didn’t know anyone or anything. He would need all the backup that he could get.
But that would have to happen later. For now, they needed to find those Fusion soldiers Kei so politely left behind and capture those duel disks.
In point of fact, that didn’t take very long. Half an hour, more or less, to find where the captured Fusion soldiers were being held, securely wrapped in vines and branches. There were two of them, held back to back, muttering to each other. As soon as Durbe, Chris, and Mizael entered the clearing, one of them looked up.
“Get us out of this!” He snapped. “You could at least do us the c0urtesy of carding us instead of leaving us like this!”
Mizael exchanged a glance with Chris, who looked far too amused for words. “Now, why do you think we’d do something like carding you?” Though truth to tell, Mizael guessed a few people would happily do that in revenge for all those who’d already been lost.
The other soldier snorted. “Because we’re prisoners and that’s what happens to prisoners! What else would you think? So either let us go and let us card you, or card us.”
Durbe tilted his head, examining them carefully. “We know that you self-destruct your duel disks when you’re captured. How could we trust that you wouldn’t do that if we attempted to ‘card’ you? Or that it can’t be set up to work on us regardless?”
The first one rolled his eyes. “Because we can’t get to the self-destruct button the way we’re tied up. That monster Cat did this to us and brainwashed one of our good soldiers to take him to Fusion.”
Well, that was interesting indeed. Mizael strolled closer and peered down at them.. “Kei’s not a monster. At least not the usual kind. And I doubt he did any brainwashing.”
“You’re wrong,” the same one declared. “He made it look easy! He didn’t even duel her! He just asked to go to Fusion and she took him!”
Quick glances shot among the three XYZ defenders. Mizael held back a grin, but not by much. “So, he asked politely and she agreed. The only thing I find wrong about that is that one of you listened to someone asking politely.” His smile widened ever so faintly and the two Fusion soldiers stared at him, aware in that moment of why he was the supreme dragon user of XYZ. “Well, we’re not really going to ask politely. But I’m not Kei so I don’t have to.”
He leaned down, spied their duel disks, and unfastened them. It wasn’t that easy, especially since the trees and vines held them in a fashion so the Fusion duelists couldn’t get to them. But he managed, handing one to Chris and the other to Durbe.
“Good,” Durbe said, staring down at the one he held. “Now we can start doing to them what they’ve been doing to us.”
Akane hurried through the corridors of Academia, hoping to find Tenjoin Asuka before anyone else found her. She didn’t think anyone knew that she’d brought the Healer Cat there, but Fusion had a way of knowing what one did almost before one actually did. Even if she managed to get to Asuka in time, what about what happened afterward? She couldn’t be sure.
She couldn’t even be sure that Asuka would listen to her. But she’d always admired the other duelist’s strength of will and heart. After what she’d seen in the XYZ dimension, she couldn’t let that happen to such a pure and powerful Firestarter as Tenjoin Asuka.
Akane pitched to a halt at the utterance of her name, her breath catching in her throat. She looked up to see Asuka standing there, a curious tilt to her head.
“Akane, are you all right? I thought you were in XYZ.”
Here it was. Akane swallowed and stepped closer, glancing here and there to ensure that no one else stood close enough to hear her. “I was. I saw what we’ve been doing there.”
Asuka nodded, a gleam of light in her eyes. “I envy you. I want the chance to go there and -”
Akane shook her head at once. “No! No, you don’t!” She clasped her hands together and stared at the other, wishing as she never had before that she were a Healer and could offer the strength and balance that Asuka needed. All she could offer was herself, and Asuka hadn’t ever indicated that she’d wanted that.
But she kept going regardless. “What we’re doing there is wrong. We’re carding people – ones who don't fight back. Who are innocents.” Akane fought to keep the tears out of her eyes and didn’t think she succeeded very well. “This isn’t a war. This is a slaughter. It’s wrong. It’s unfair. They can’t fight back. They’re trying so hard, but they just can’t, and I can’t be part of that anymore.” She swallowed, wringing her hands. “I’m – I’m going to leave,” she whispered, pitching her voice so low that Asuka had to clean in closer to hear her. “And I want you to come with me. Please. You shouldn’t be part of this.”
Asuka’s eyes were round and shocked with every word Akane said. When the Osiris Red girl stopped, Asuka quietly reached out to her, resting one hand in her shoulder.
“If that’s what you want, then let’s go.”
Akane wasn’t certain what she’d heard at first. Asuka believed her? Asuka would leave with her? She wasn’t sure where they were going to go but they wouldn’t be a part of this anymore.
Then she slowly began to smile. A heartbeat of hesitation held her back. “All right. But first – would you like to meet a Healer Cat?”
To Be Continued
Notes: Remember, Akane got carded in canon. Will I do that to her? Will I send Asuka off with Yuuya’s dad? Not telling! But you’ll find out soon.
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