#The Soul Squad
Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 5 Group 22
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Greendale 7: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Pierce Hawthorne, Shirley Bennett, Annie Edison Soul Squad: Eleanor Shellstrop, Chidi Anagonye, Tahani al Jamil, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Janet
Greendale 7:
they are so stupid together and they were all normal human beings in the beggining but as time went on they just kept being more like themselves and went even insane-er and even the dumbest combinations of people in the group is just so much like different people within a family interacting ,,, I hope to find that kind of family to myself one day
they are all toxic people who form a very dysfunctional family and kind of learn to be better thanks to each other. i love them dearly
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Soul Squad:
four humans specifically chosen to make each other miserable, the demon torturing them, and an (initially) unfeeling construct become so ride or die for each other they literally change the afterlife at a fundamental level
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phayz · 1 year
friend said "im on some kinda wave tonight" and sent this screenshot that is obliterating my attention span
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mumblesplash · 2 years
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he’s back !!!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Thank you for all the Pigsy art you have ever drawn I love Pigsy and he's one of the reasons I stay in the fandom but I don't see that much art of him where he's not just there as a background character. There is some but he just isn't as popular as some of the other characters (Same with Sandy, and also Tang even I think-) Also the way you draw him makes me grin 👍
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every time someone enjoys pigsy i draw 52599 pieces of art
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Just a little bit of Soap comfort...
You didn't have to call him. He was already waiting on your doorstep when you came home.
"C'mere, bonnie." His voice was like velvet. Soothing the open nerves of your heart while his arms welcomed you into his loving sanctuary.
You had cured an unspoken bond when you were together. It was so long ago, yet the tendrils of devotion still pulled at your souls like vines. Stubborn and overgrown.
"I still love ya, y'know." He spoke soflty into the delicate fibers of your hair. Burying your head into his chest, encapsulated within the safety of his embrace as your world shattered like emotionally stained glass all around you.
"I can't do this, Johnny. Not now." Your feigned attempt a reluctance was met by a tighter hold of his arms around you.
"I know. We donnae 'ave to do anythin'. Jus' talk if ya want."
That 'just talk' lasted no more than thirty minutes before Johnny had you splayed out underneath him.
Every thrust fracturing your soul. Every fragmented whimper swallowed by his greedy void. Feasting relentlessly on your heartache, emptying the pain within your chest. Filling the vacuum with his overwhelming tenderness to dull the burn of healing as your mind and body cauterized itself from yet another failed relationship.
"Johnny," you whimpered breathlessly into his mouth.
"I know, bonnie. I know."
His wavering timbre sending you barreling into overstimulatation. Clenching your eyes, digging your nails into his flesh of his back as the pulse of an orgasm radiates deep within your pelvic floor.
"Open your eyes, love. Got'a see ya. Fuck, miss seein' ya like this."
You willingly follow his grunting command. Meeting his gaze, immediately drowning in his cerulean seas as you reach your climax and blissfully convulse around him.
"Joh-" your murmured whine was quickly silenced by his mouth. Defeaning your moans as he slows his pace, his hips stuttering with a growly moan as he abruptly empties himself deep within your welcoming caverns.
"I fuckin' love ya, bonnie. Love ya so goddamn much."
"I know, Johnny." His exhausted proclamation ricocheted off the walls and straight into your heart. Cementing the borders of your soul once more as you found yourself again within the deep recesses of his eyes.
You trail a finger across his sweat covered brow. Curling tendrils of his overgrown mohawk behind his ear, find your voice once more as his body steadily trembles above you.
"You wanna try again, Johnny? See what happens?"
"Aye. I'd try fer a lifetime if it meant I could 'ave jus' one night wit you."
You sealed the next juncture of your renewal with a kiss. Rekindling the flame between your conjoined bodies as the doors of eternity opened in a welcoming embrace.
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I don't know what this is, besides a heap of emotional mumbo-jumbo. Whatever. I love writing SoftSoap. And writing this just healed my soul.
Drabbles Masterlist
@deadbranch @sofasoap @jynxmirage @glitterypirateduck @homicidal-slvt @astraluminaaa @punishmepunisher @d3athtr4psworld @ghosts-goldendoodle @obligatoryghoststare @shotmrmiller @writeforfandoms @thetrashpossum @simpingoverquestionablemen @mykneeshurt @haurasha @kkaaaagt @luismickydees
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timethehobo · 2 months
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Just really love their synergy ok.
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lyn-ne · 9 months
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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moonpie016 · 3 months
Newly formatted rules for the Heart squad.
Heart has noticed the growing of the Mind hate club.
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The others don't really see this seriously as Heart does, but go through with it.
The Heart Squad.
This is also open for asks, random requests for this Mind hate club, still a work in progress.
All questions won't be immediately answered
(Because of time, I have a life/lh. But!!! Will be answered when I get to them!
All answers will be drawn of course. So another reason for taking a while to answer. If not drawn, then most likely written. Because I can't always draw at times. Just putting this here so that it's understood.
I wasn't expecting people to join the hate club, but yay! I guess this'll be a comic style thing.
(Celebration music)
I have nothing else to say. :]
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 15 Group 71
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Soul Squad: Eleanor Shellstrop, Chidi Anagonye, Tahani al Jamil, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Janet
Paladins of Voltron: Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Coran
Submissions are still open!
Soul Squad:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Paladins of Voltron:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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mercyluvsyouuu · 8 months
GUYS. judge me based off the games I play
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Sadly I can't tag everything. Oh well
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loverln · 2 months
i am a bkdk shipper til i die but god i need whatever they put in the edit with this song injected into my veins.
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would literally die for Rody too tho
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amenarlert · 8 months
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I think I’m developing brainrot
But he was so cute on the saucer
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
Fine I'll send another. Captain MacTavish ON THE BEACH. 🥵
I love the beach. I live on it during the summer. It's my second home, I swear. And the way the sea salt air and warm waters can cure the soul is something I just can't ignore with this man. I love this ask so much!!!
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18+ MDNI Sexual Themes
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You sat alone, comfortably in your beach chair with a cold beer in hand under a magenta colored sky as the sun set beyond the horizon of a turquoise painted surf.
The rhythmic sound of the waves synchronizing with the beat of your heart as the scent of sea salt and sunscreen etched itself into your skin.
The air was still warm, yet it carried a cool breeze off the waters edge as the slow curtain of dusk crept over the white sanded landscape.
It was perfect. A picturesque conclusion to a hot summer's day.
And off in the distance, with a Yeti tumblr of whisky in one hand and a cigar permanently clutched in his mouth, Captain MacTavish cast out his last line into the crashing surf and placed the warn grip seamlessly into its plastic holder dug into the sand.
The beach had done wonders for him since his retirement only a few years ago.
Soothed his war torn psyche with the constant ebb and flow of the tide. Molded his scars beneath a layer of sun kissed skin that further accentuated the seascape blue of his eyes and made every woman swoon with just a mere glance and a smile.
Yet it was here, under the blanket of encroaching night that you saw the man he had truly become.
A man at peace with himself. Letting the setting sun and roll of the tide absolve him of his past and breathe fresh life into his lungs at dawn's first light.
You couldn't pull your eyes off him anymore, and you were no longer ashamed about how your stare lingered on him.
The loss of sunlight elongating the shadows within the curves of his musculature. Accented by the seafoam swim trunks that hung perfectly on his hips. Creating a more defined sculpture of his frame as he effortlessly strutted along the sand to take his place beside you.
"How long you gonna fish for tonight, John?" You asked quietly, rim of the beer can caressing your bottom lip.
"As long as you'll let me, m'lass."
You smiled, watching him raise his tumbler in cheers to take a healthy swig while gently tapping the ash of his cigar into an empty can.
"Guess we'll be here all night, then."
"Aye. Looks that way."
As he relaxed back in his Tommy Bahama chair, your hand reached out to instinctually cusp the back of his head. Thumb and index finger pressing into the back off his skull, pulling a slight groan from his chest as your touch soothed his sun drenched soul.
"Careful, lass. Y'know what that skillful touch a'yers does to me."
"Mhmm. It's a good thing we brought the boat."
Soap rolled his eyes, glancing between your smirking expression and the vessel anchored just beyond the last sandbar.
"Which one ya love more, hm? The boat, or me?"
You raised a brow at his testing inquiry, firmly pressing into the back curve of his jaw with your fingertips as a hushed murmur fell from your lips.
"Don't ask questions you know the answer to, John. Won't get you anywhere."
Soap growled in response. Placing his hand on your thigh and giving your flesh a firm yet playful grip.
"May have ta shorten th'fishing trip then. Looks like I gotta assert my claim over you again."
"Claim over me, John?"
"Aye. Ain't no way I'm losing you to a gas guzzling bàta."
You both lasted no more than another twenty minutes before loading everything into the skiff and jetting back to his prized vessel. Where Soap MacTavish made good to his word and staked his claim over you once again.
Spreading you over every flat surface beneath the bow and docking his thickened cock repeatedly into the deep cove of your cunt.
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Master of the Swell Masterlist
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This is but a taste of the new WIP I have in store for you, Soap Squad. Johnny's got the 4Runner, the Captain's got a yacht. And goddman, do I have plans to rock that boat.
Tagging those who showed interest. Let me know if you liked to be tagged for further posts. Much love 💛
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@deadbranch @ohgeesoap @astraluminaaa @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @d3athtr4psworld @ghosts-goldendoodle @homicidal-slvt @shotmrmiller @glitterypirateduck @macravishedbymactavish @sofasoap @tacticalanxiety @random-thot-generator @writeforfandoms
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broadwaybalogna · 2 months
I saw this on my feed and was like: those words look oddly familiar… then I realized they were my words! So let’s debunk this!
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#1. “how can you be a fan of atla or Katara when[…]” because I love her and she occupies every inch of my mind. It’s actually that simple, really. It might be because I stay up until 4 am thinking about her because I’m hyper fixated, or it might be because I make constant fanart of her, or maybe because I adore every fanfiction revolving around her, but who knows.
#2 (AKA what this is actually about).
A while back, there was a post made by (probably a mutual of mine) talking about the final Agni Kai and how it would have been medically impossible for Katara to heal Zuko just with her Waterbending, and instead offered the idea that she might’ve been able to do it with bloodbending! Given the life or death circumstances of what occurred, I believe it could have totally fit!
While this is just a headcanon, I think it’s able to show how there are both good and bad things that come with a power like bloodbending. It can be used to heal/create instead of destroy.
Now, that photo was taken mostly out of context, everything mentioned in the post is result of headcanons as none of it is canon. Of course, it may be hard to come to this conclusion had someone not seen the headcanon I was referring to, I have just personally internalized it and made it my own little canon.
#3. IF, say, the previous headcanon was false and we were working off of canon, I still think Katara could learn to embrace all parts of herself, even the “ugly” bloodbending side with Zuko.
Zuko personally saw Katara bloodbend in one of her worst moments, and didn’t judge her for a moment of it. Zuko, the person who had a whole journey revolving around how evil had good and good had evil. Everything is capable of disaster as well of creation. I don’t know how the conversation would arise, maybe one night Katara is distressed about her past with the subbending and Zuko assures her that there is always good to be done with something (even if it feels pure evil) and she spends time considering it.
THATS what I meant when I said it. Letting Katara heal her trauma instead of being haunted by it is something I love seeing.
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tanoi · 9 months
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the souls and eaters in question
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