#The Sun and moon show wiki
anogtsamsfan · 2 months
for a project on the tsams wiki
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notokbutthriving · 18 days
Castor's wiki is wack
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First of all he's failed to watch over Lunar but if you look in Pollux’s wiki
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her goal of watching over Lunar is still ongoing
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'The only difference is his arms are fully yellow instead of fading to blue'
*Shows image that clearly shows his arms fading to blue*
Also both Castor’s and Pollux’s wiki says their hair and skin is dark blue-
Its fucking purple?!?
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Interesting take! His only power is telepathy which Taurus also has.
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when the fuck did he say this
And finally:
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And like this is just Castor’s wiki cus both Pollux’s and Lunar’s are
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dooxliss · 10 months
Peach and 4?
ask meme
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absolutely nothing bad will happen on this vacation, trust 🔥
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this guy
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and this guy
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are the same fucking guy
theyre both unreasonably old and probably dead
they make robots
they both have their memory put in machines (the creator having it in every animatronic he makes and moe apparently puttiing it on a disc to be shot into space
uhhhhhh thats it thats all i got
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
theres an original lunar reference art?????
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So is It just a me problem or is sams wiki not working for everyone else?
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jedineedlove · 2 months
The Nine-Headed Demon
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Prince Consort of Jisa, Xiangliu, and The Emissary
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I wanted to know more about our villain for season 5 so I looked more into his titles.
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it came up as, a venomous nine-headed snake monster that brings floods and destruction. Xiangliu may be depicted with his body coiled on itself. The nine heads are arranged differently in different representations. Modern depictions resemble the hydra with each head on a separate neck. Older wood-cuts show the heads clustered on a single neck, either side-by-side or in a stack three high, facing three directions.
But that can't be him sure they bring floods and destruction. But in the show we already see one of these and they have no giant bird form. In Season 4 Episode 4 Pig- Napped
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I don't know why he said he was one of these...maybe he's related to one of that just what some people call him on the nine-head thing and he went along with it.
The Emissary title stumped me but it means that he was given or named himself a representative of something or someone. He mentioned being the consort of Jisa and the Wiki thinks it is a kingdom so maybe the Emissary of there but I think more likely with his obsession over it he's the Emissary of Chaos like the Harbinger of Chaos.
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But it still got me no closer to him so I started looking at appearances.
I found this...
Jiu Feng:
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Nine-headed Bird, also called “Jiu Feng” in Chinese, is a monster in Chinese Mythology. It is a legendary bird with a bird’s body and nine heads with human faces and is regarded as one of the earliest forms of the Chinese phoenix. It was worshiped by ancient natives in Hubei Province.
Pretty much WHAT he is but I went deeper on the WHO he is......
There was a demon with a similar name in the JTTW, I thought there was no way it was him no way it was that simple.....
"The Nine-Headed Beast (九頭蟲), also known as the Nine-Headed Prince Consort (九頭駙馬), is married to Wansheng Dragon King's daughter. He is armed with a Crescent Moon Spade (月牙鏟). He collaborates with his father-in-law to steal the Śarīra from Golden Ray Monastery. Sun Wukong enlists the help of celestial forces to deal with the demons. The Nine-Headed Beast has one of his heads bitten off by Erlang Shen's celestial hound but manages to escape."
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It's him who got the description and the sharing consort title. I didn't think it could be because this character had no other link to Wukong than this one-off meeting but then again like I said before LMK is a JTTW fanfic.
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In this scene where he mentioned being BOTH Friend and Foe, the Foe part made sense but the FREIND did not. Nor the why Wukong would not remember him in either capacity.
Also, this whole link to Chaos and these powers are out of nowhere for this character so they clearly added a few other things onto him as well.
But then again Wukong only sees him in this form. The Monkey does not get to see
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Maybe if he saw him like this it might make him remember but that's just a theory.
Another name I found he is called is the Nine-Headed Bug or Worm listen to this...
(PS to Overly Saractist Production Fans this guy shows up in the Chapter after Bull King so the next episode of JTTW from their youtube channel if they ever get back to it)
"In his humanoid form, the Nine-Headed Bug is a man who has nine faces, and wears armor, holds a Crescent Moon Spade. However, in the 1986 series, he simply has one visible face like a regular person, wears regular purple -
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aristocratic clothes, and a crown that consists of nine snake-like heads (hinting at his true form).
The Bug's -
true form is that of a gigantic bird that looks like an eagle, with nine heads, and blood on his back.
His true form is never fully revealed in the 1986 TV series, but a few heads of him hints at how it looks like."
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The reason I mention this is because I've noticed this in my Iron Fan Legend, JTTW, and LMK. That the design for some of the characters comes from older media of JTTW like TV shows and movies live action or animated.
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Wukong fillet in season 5 has a mix of all of his past media fillets designed with the middle cresting up for the two loops but we get a crest moon shape like in Journey to the West- Legends of the Monkey King (Middle image)
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The bullhorn hair from Dream Journey 2: Princess Iron Fan in 2017.
and more.....
So using this description made sense.
I would also like to point out that I saw someone's comment but not sure who the NINE-Headed Demon in his beast form is missing one of his heads, his nine-headed title comes from the extra nine around the main one the main face does not count and they are right there are only eight of the small ones but go back up to the first quote where I mentioned Erlang's dog bit off one of those heads so it makes sense. If anything it might tell us THAT fight did go down just not the way in the book.
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Good Puppy. :)
Hope you all enjoyed..
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yuumcbr · 18 days
A human's curiosity for an unknown god
Okay, this was in my notes and I didn't know whether to post it or not.
This is the deity AU by @ceruleancattail, I wrote this based on their amazing stories.
I think Leona might have become a bit OC, there's a POV switch.
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You are a History student and recently your class started studying Greek history. One of your teachers decided to give some classes about the history of some gods and asked you to choose one of them and do a seminar.
In your research you found something on an internet wiki about Falena, the God of the Sun. In Greek culture, he was as famous as the god Neige and the god Cheka.
But what you found on the wiki caught your attention, it was a god you had never heard of, God Leona, the younger brother of the god of the Sun.
You clicked to see if you could find more about him and discovered that Leona was known as the God of the Moon. You found it interesting, this would mean that Leona and Falena looked after opposite areas of the world.
However, unlike what you imagined, Leona was considered a bad god who haunted humans by bringing night.
I mean, back then it was normal to think that night was something bad, since it was dark and cold (and since candles were a luxury item and there was no electricity, it must have been a little scary).
But in a few wikis on the internet there was information about how Falena loved her little brother and that the god Cheka idolized him above all else.
Cheka might be known as the God of innocence and childhood, but you were sure that Falena would push him away if the God Leona was really bad company.
Maybe, just maybe, the information was never complete (a plot hole?).
After much, much research and your interest in this mysterious god grew, you decided that he would be the subject of your college research.
Your classmates said that they would research more well-known Gods and that you should do the same, but your interest in the unknown always spoke louder.
As time went by and the deadline for your assignment approached, you noticed that it was getting harder and harder to find anything about this god, and sometimes you even talked in front of the computer, begging for information.
"Come on Leona, show up!" or "Why is it so hard to find anything about you, Leona?"
Over time, you found one or two books with some superficial information, and when that happened, you said it was your lucky day. Tired of always searching the same internet and all the books in the college library, you decided to abandon this method and look elsewhere, and what better place would there be than in the country of the ancient religion itself.
With a long weekend coming up, you looked for a temple of Leona, that way you could research it more in depth.
No matter how much you looked for any temple, nothing appeared. So you decided to go to a city where you would find a temple of Falena and Cheka, hoping to find a temple of Leona nearby.
You bought your ticket, rented a hotel and calmly waited for the big day.
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The more followers a god has, the more power he has to use magic and perform miracles.
Just the fact that a human visits your temple or a place built to honor you is enough for him to be able to cure incurable diseases.
Constant prayer was even better, since this would signify faith in a god. It would give you the ability to move mountains.
However, if you wished to never meet this god or for another god to protect you from him, the god would begin to have a negative energy, meaning that if this god used magic, bad things would happen.
Leona thought that when he became known as the god of the moon, he would be as worshiped as his brother. However, several humans distorted his story to attract more followers to Falena.
And little by little, all who followed him were condemned and he could do nothing about it, since his magic was too negative to help them and this would only make the situation worse.
After the anger of having those who trusted him leave and having his feelings shattered. He gave up on ever having a follower again.
Centuries passed and several gods lost their followers to time and countless were resurrected.
No matter how many gods were forgotten, there was always someone who quoted them to say something and that was enough for their legacy to continue existing.
Leona had almost no moments where his legacy was remembered and of those few moments, most described him as a bad and bitter god.
He gave up on seeing what happened in the human world, just lying down and relaxing for eternity.
Sometimes he felt his chest tighten with something bad or a short feeling of goodness and he knew it was just another one of the few moments when someone remembered him.
Leona ignored it, never wanting to see what they talked about behind his back.
One day when Leona was playing chess alone, that distressing feeling appeared again and it made him angry.
"Tch, humans should learn to think a little with their heads instead of believing everything they see."
And as if this human was able to hear him, the feeling gradually improved, bringing a small joy.
This made Leona stop for a moment, holding a pawn in her hand and thinking deeply.
A ghost of a smile appeared when she understood, but she doesn't think it's worth checking, his game is more interesting than a short-lived thought.
However, the feeling lasted a few more hours before it went away.
The next day, Leona had dinner with Falena, Cheka and his sister-in-law at Falena's request.
"So Leona, what good have you been up to?"
His sister-in-law asked, trying to start a conversation.
Playing with the vegetables on his plate, the Moon God stared at his sister-in-law.
"Nothing much, just the same as always."
"Oh mom, yesterday there was a soul researching Unca!"
Cheka said excitedly, the god of innocence and childhood was always happy when a human was nice to his uncle.
Leona looked at his nephew, maybe yesterday's soul found him while researching about Cheka or his brother.
"Oh that's nice! It's not every day we get good news like this, why don't we celebrate?"
His brother said excitedly. He knows in reality they just want him to get out and interact with other gods.
"No, I'll pass. It would be ridiculous to celebrate every time someone remembers the existence of a god."
"Oh come on Leona, it's been a while since you've accompanied us to a party"
Falena insisted Leona highly doubts that the other gods would come anyway, he doesn't want to hear Ruggie laugh at the news of a party because of a human quote.
Dinner was over and before Leona could reach his resting place, his previous feelings returned.
Now there were more people talking about him, some curious and others more disinterested.
The lion-like god stopped walking, the conflicting thoughts of whether to go look at these humans or not fighting among themselves.
Apparently, some of these humans didn't seem very friendly towards him.
It would be a matter of time before that would disappear and he would fall into oblivion again.
However, contrary to Leona's thoughts, day after day, a human would return to want to know more about him.
He supposed that on the days when there were more people thinking about him, it was because the human he was thinking about frequently commented on his discoveries with his friends.
Not that he would admit it, but he was starting to get scared that the calming feeling in his chest would stop, that this curious mortal soul would stop being so interested in him.
What made him finally look at this human and give up the fear of oblivion was a prayer.
"Come on Leona, show yourself."
It wasn't a prayer, but it would qualify as one.
Leona was dozing off at the moment you made this unconscious prayer, the lion's eyes opened with the wave of power that ran through his body. Sitting up from where he was lying, Leona looked at his hands and gave a heartfelt laugh.
"How far will humans go for their curiosity?"
Opening a kind of magic bubble, he saw you for the first time.
You were sitting on a chair looking at a thin illuminated box, with some attention the god noticed that it was some kind of research.
He remembers Cheka mentioning long ago about thin boxes that work much like the magic bubble of gods, but less powerful.
He saw you put your head on the table.
"Why can't I find anything, not a single piece of additional information."
When you turned your gaze to the strange box, he saw the information about him disappear and go to Falena.
Your lips pursed in disgust at this action. In retaliation, you sighed and went back to thinking about him.
'Why is it so difficult to find anything about Leona? The few mentions about him oscillate between saying that he was good and evil.'
"Maybe if I…." The human in front of her began to research his temples. Leona doubted that he would find any that were still standing.
All of his temples (which weren't many) were destroyed a long time ago.
The days went by and your improvised requests to know more about him gradually increased your power. You didn't do it on purpose, you just talked to yourself, sometimes and it resulted in a kind of prayer, but it boosted your ego anyway.
He watched your day to day life and saw how you researched countless gods, but you didn't follow any of them.
Apparently you studied in a place that taught about various gods, religions and the history of the world. Interesting to say the least, seeing so many humans willing to learn about different gods and have an open mind to understand the past and present.
Leona liked to help you sometimes. Everything he did you would consider a stroke of luck. For your colleagues, you definitely had a guardian angel.
Leona always laughed when someone said that. You literally had a god who did many things for you. But in return, he always waited for her to seek him out.
It's fair, isn't it? Herbivore!
He helps you in your daily life and in return you ask to know more about him and feed his power.
In case you focused on something else or had another study you wanted to do for fun, Leona would give you some time.
However, if you dared to take too long to go back to researching about him, certain incidents would get in your way and lead you to the book with something about him that was closest.
Nothing too bad, just the wind blowing all your research away, or a heavy rain that would make you go back to the library to avoid getting wet.
When Leona noticed that you were looking for a temple of his near one of Falena or Cheka on the day I was free. He used his magic to change the research on your weird glowing box that you called PC and showed a temple of Farena and Cheka that there was one of his fallen temples nearby.
And maybe some other information that would make you go to him.
Seeing you excited about the trip and hoping that you would find something about Leona only fueled his arrogance.
Sometimes he liked to think of you as a follower and how everyone would react when they saw that someone believed in him again.
"Leona, there better be something about you in this place or I'll strangle you!"
A smile appeared on the lion's face, it was amusing to see a weak and defenseless human like you irritated when you didn't find anything new about him.
"Don't worry Herbivore, you'll find much more than just information!"
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English is not my first language, I used Google Translate.
I fixed some mistakes, but there must still be one or two left, sorry about that.
Thanks for reading this far, feel free to say something [I love to talk (◇w◇)].
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
I MISSED YESTERDAY I HOPE IM NOT TO LATE. hello hello, may i request a eclipse concept ? or maybe you can do eclipse with the prompt of 19 ? its up to you ! dm me if you need help with the prompt :) (also also, dm me if you got the request since tumblr tends to eat my requests.)
Hey! I apologize that I didn't see the DM part of this so I hope you saw this in the Current Drafts post :( Either way, I'll try my best since Eclipse unfortunately does not appear for long in the DLC! I haven't seen people write for Ruin Eclipse so here you go!
Note: I hope everyone enjoys the FNAF movie tomorrow! I'm not going to talk about it on here for a week after I see it!
Yandere! Eclipse Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Babying, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Delusional behavior, Forced companionship.
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Eclipse has been shown to be a balance between Sun and Moon after being reset.
Honestly there's a couple directions I think I could take with this character.
One is where you explore the abandoned Pizzaplex and find Eclipse after Cassie resets them.
Another is the classic one where you're a mechanic and feel you have to reset Sun and Moon due to... malfunctions (obsession).
The resulting reset causing Eclipse to appear.
Eclipse is described according to the wiki as gentle, whimsical, and calm.
They're playful yet responsible and aren't as "overwhelming" compared to their counterparts.
I have a feeling towards you they'd be almost parental in nature due to being programmed to work with kids.
The purpose of Eclipse in the series is unknown, at least to me.
Yet they seem to have the same objective as Sun and Moon, be a Daycare Attendant.
If they see you roaming the ruined Daycare like in the first idea, they'd assume you're lost!
You thought the daycare would be one of the safest places to flee to in the ruined Pizzaplex.
However, the sense of security you had is quickly doused the moment you see the damaged Daycare Attendant.
Yet their voice is calm and caring unlike their appearance.
In the first scenario Eclipse shows concern as to why you're in such a dangerous place.
Are you lost? You look too old to be in the Daycare!
As a result you gain a companion on your trip out of the Pizzaplex.
Yet there's a chance Eclipse won't let you leave by the end of it.
If they met you after you trying to figure out why the Daycare Attendant is malfunctioning then their obsession would be faster.
As in the second scenario there's already an established obsession.
You may be a mechanic in that one yet they feel you must be cared for!
They recall you are a close friend of theirs and they simply must help you along with the kids!
Pretty soon you start to regret activating the secret third mode of the Daycare Attendant.
Overall Eclipse displays traits more mature than the others.
While Sun and Moon act childish with you and drag you into games or naps, Eclipse stays calm when redirecting.
As Eclipse the two are one and no longer fight over you.
Regardless of how they feel about you they like to observe you.
They keep watch to make sure you're safe.
If you got into a dangerous situation, an event more likely in the first scenario, they quickly pull you away.
Reminder, Eclipse is still as tall as Sun and Moon.
They could easily scoop you up into their arms and out of danger if they feel you could get hurt.
Their overly caring nature makes them baby you more than their counterparts.
They aren't forcing naps or games, but they are much more concerned about your well-being.
The bot is always scanning your body to see any changes in heart rate or injuries.
Even if you are an adult I can see them playfully calling you a kid.
There's times they treat you like your glass, like if they don't take care of you, you'll break.
As a result they feel more like guardian than anything.
They pride themselves on being your "bestest friend" like their counterparts.
They also easily get attached to you.
For example, after traversing the ruined Pizzaplex in the first scenario, they'd be so torn at the idea of leaving their friend.
Were you planning on leaving them this whole time? Forever?
No, that can't be!
As a result... they may just drag you back with them.
In the second scenario they'll stick around you as you work.
They don't want to leave their special friend!
Eclipse would definitely be physically affectionate.
They'd love to hold you and not let you touch the ground.
The like to pinch your cheeks and coo.
They just adore you.
Meanwhile you feel embarrassed as their programming just knows how to treat you like a kid even if their feelings are more intense.
If you tried to leave them they're rather calm.
No... you aren't leaving! What are you saying?
Don't worry... you're just lost! They'll just pick you up again to calm you down!
Eclipse is delusional, while their counterparts are frantic when you try to leave, they just don't acknowledge it.
There's no need for their special friend to leave!
They can take care of you right here.
After all, to them, the Pizzaplex isn't closed.
Eclipse isn't violent so they wouldn't try to harm anyone.
They just want to care for their special friend, even if you panic and scream at them.
Why do you fight them?
They're just trying to show they care!
They aren't as jealous as their counterparts.
It's good to have friends!
But they're your special friend, aren't they?
Overall, Eclipse is the more parental Daycare Attendant.
They'll be calm with you and treat you with gentle care.
Why do you act like they'll hurt you!
They'd never!
Eclipse promises to take good care of you.
Even if it means trapping you in a dilapidated Pizzaplex.
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
can you do Keegan x male reader who is just a tad bit dumb. Like he is terrible at math, dense, silly, easily distracted. OH and gets lost a lot bcs he likes to wander?
I'll admit that I've never watched a play through of Call of Duty: Ghosts (I say watch because I'm not a gamer but have watched the reboot versions of Modern Warfare 1 & 2), but I have read through the Wiki pages of Keegan P. Russ, just for this. That being said, he's probably OOC (but I mean, I write all of them as softies so let's just chalk this up to that).
Another thing of note is that this civilian male reader. Also, I think I made him to be a little on the autism spectrum with the way he doesn't understand certain idioms and phrases.
I hope you enjoy!
Keegan loved you, in his own quiet way. He wasn't much of a talker, preferred to let you lead the conversation as you talked on and on about anything and everything. He mostly spoke to ask you something about what you were speaking on, a subtle indication that he was listening.
He loved you in the way he so patiently waited for you to solve a simple math problem, like how much difference a 10% off sale would make if the original price was fifteen dollars. He knew math wasn't your strong suit, but he didn't care. You'd arrive to the answer eventually, he knew that.
He loved you in the way he had to explain certain idioms and phrases to you, uncaring how you didn't even know that being offered to go to someone's place for a cup of coffee in the middle of night was an offer of sex. You didn't understand things sometimes and he understood that. They were intentionally vague, he'd tell you when you got flustered at being corrected about your misassumptions.
He loved you in the way you kept wandering off when walking around anywhere with him, whether it was you two walking in the park or out in a shopping center. Your attention was easily caught and it made you wander over to a plant or animal or piece of merchandise. He'd simply trail after you, smiling as you pointed out to him whatever you were looking at.
"Look, Keegan! A butterfly," you murmured, pointing at a nearby butterfly which was perched onto a flower. Its wings were so breathtaking, you just had to have stopped to look at the beautiful creature.
Keegan looked over your shoulder to the butterfly you were pointing at, chuckling in gentle amusement. "It's beautiful," he said before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you. "But it's not as beautiful as my boyfriend."
Oh, how he relished the way you laughed and lit up in response. You loved when he called you his boyfriend, which you were. You had thought a military man—a Marine—like him would shy away from being out and proud about having a boyfriend, but he quickly proved you wrong.
His squad, the Ghosts, knew all about you. Keegan very happily told them about you, how your little quirks were so endearing. How you were the home he was fighting to go back to when he was on deployments. Oh they knew so well how much he loved you, how you were the sun and the moon and the stars of his universe.
You were everything to him and while he didn't say it often, he showed his love to you in so many ways.
How his hand reached for yours whenever you two were in a crowd so he didn't lose you if you wandered off. How he gave you the answers to a difficult math problem when you were clearly struggling to answer it. How he tried his best to word his sentences in a way that wasn't so vague so you didn't feel embarrassed about misinterpreting his words. How he drank in every word you said, relishing in the way your voice washed over him like a soothing balm to his soul.
Keegan loved you, though you were eccentric and loud where he was quiet and withdrawn. He never regretted being your boyfriend, not one single bit.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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anogtsamsfan · 6 months
The SaMs Wiki
me, and everyone else here love new people, and anyone who follows the rules are welcome to join us here! When you get on the wiki, to see the rules, click on guidelines and read the rules, then, you should introduce yourself so we all know you! we are all friendly here, so don’t worry, we all will do our best to make this wiki a fun place for you! With that all said, have a great time on the wiki!
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notokbutthriving · 1 year
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Saw this and-
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yurinaa-world · 3 months
Hihihi!!! If its okay with you, could I please request an x reader with Dan Heng, Jing Yuan and Blade (platonically!) thats like the Collector from The Owl House? The readers a star child and has this kind of like sun and moon appearance and have a very childish personality !
Heres a link to the Collectors character if you haven't seen the show!
Please take your time when writing this, and if you feel unmotivated or don't want to, please ignore this 🫶 tysm!!!!
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Dan Heng, Jing Yuan & Blade !platonic x Gender-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader that's like the collector
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
You follow him around wherever you go, waiting for him to finish doing his work. When he’s done you drag him away to play with you.
You’ve played every game together and now you're kind of bored. Until Dan Heng comes back from his mission to this new planet with a game! Now you two can more fun
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Ugh, you're so bored. You don't know what to do anymore. Hanging upside down is the only thing you’re doing. Just feeling the dizziness slowly creeping in, giving you a slight headache. Just waiting for something to happen.
“I got you a gift.”
You see Dan Heng walk in front of you, seeing him holding a bag in one hand, making you immediately jump down to see what he got! “What is it!”
You smile brightly while he gives you the bag. Pulling out a…board game! A new one. 
“Woah! I've never seen this one before! You’ve gotta teach me how to play.”
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
He's the type to only let you win sometimes…if he’s feeling generous about even letting you get past half the board before striking all your pieces down. 
Oh don’t pout, it's just that he’s lucky today. Maybe you might have a chance in the next round.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Your eyes go wide when you see Jing Yuan get rid of your chess piece, leaving you the loser of this short round. “Ugh, I thought I was going to win!” You begin to sulk a little at this outcome.
“You must think more outside the box.”
He pokes your forehead, making you gently caress it and comfort it with your hands. “Outside the box?” You sigh
 “I’m always thinking outside, how much more?” 
I just know this man secretly loves kids (Ignore Yanqing). He has a soft spot in his ice-cold heart. Beside that soft spot is pettiness. You ain't winning that game Monopoly, he doesn't care if you want to win so badly, you’re going to have to accept the cruel world.
When you complain to him in that high-pitched voice, it just makes him cover his mouth to not laugh at your face. He might ruffle your hair and mess it up just to see you get red-faced.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Go to jail.”
You just stare at that stupid card as Blade is watching and waiting for you to move your piece into the jail zone. “No way.” You huff putting your piece into the jail space monopoly board while grinding your teeth before handing the dice.
But now you’re tired! Glaring and seething at dice as you get no doubles while Blade’s made it four times around the board, bought out most places, and maxed them all out.
You start to get restless watching him roll and land his piece, yet nothing happens to him. You snatch the dice and roll…only to get no double!! “I give up.” You whisper and pout, gripping at your hair, only to see him grinning at you.
“What? I can hear you.”
You feel embarrassed, before reluctantly saying it again yet even more quietly “I give up”
“What I can’t hear-“
“I give up, okay!
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
TMGAFS Monty Canon Info
Updated - 7/30/24
Monty’s likes:
Screwing with people
Aggressive humor
Monty’s dislikes:
Clickbaiting people
Kids (<- their thoughts and feelings towards kids may or may not be different now)
Their dad
El Chip
Monty is gender-fluid and bisexual
Their dad is British. It’s probably fair to assume that by extension, that makes Monty British, too
They have a sister who is a lawyer in Germany
Their mom is dead, and Monty was the one who handled most (if not all) of her funeral arrangements and expenses
They get extremely competitive over gaming
They have a temper and swear a lot
They have ADHD
Monty’s father and sister are human, but were genetically modified to look more like gators. Fazbear's merely bought their dad's likeness and used it to create Monty (<- partial retcon, it seems that Millie is an animatronic like Monty now. Everything about their dad is still pretty concrete)
Monty’s sister’s name is Millie
Their parents used to argue frequently
They once worked as a bartender
Monty’s sister (Millie) is very professional, even outside of her working hours (according to their dad)
Monty’s dad was a horrible parent
They con and rob NFT bros
They don’t pay taxes - they apparently owe $8 and some odd cents to the IRS
Monty built an off brand Vegeta animatronic and a husky animatronic
Monty had a kill switch at one point from Fazbear’s to shut them down if they did anything super bad, but the kill switch no longer works
Monty and Millie play Minecraft together and talk just about every other day, which would mean they have a decently close relationship
Monty plays D&D with Puppet sometimes
Monty hires a photographer to take pictures of them every few months, and the photographer charges $10,000 per picture. They then pay off the photographer with Monopoly money
Monty used to sell food to the cartel
They had a dragon ball phase
Apparently Monty’s nemesis is hip Yoda
Monty knows how to drive and seems to be a better teacher than Sun. It's implied that Monty also knows how to fly planes
Monty knows what Millie's job is, but they don't know the specifics about it
Monty is Francine's godfather
Monty apparently smells like hand sanitizer, according to Earth
Monty’s a fan of alcohol and drinks every so often
Monty has killed an entire population of smurf people
Funtime Freddy had a habit of looking through Monty’s window at night and watching them sleep
Monty recently sold a Chili's to Moon (implied, since Moon recently bought it and Monty said that they recently sold it)
Monty swears more when drunk
Monty shows up late for work and then leaves early
Monty knows Spanish
Monty's tail gets stiff when they are angry (fact yoinked from the wiki)
In the past Monty had asked out Glamrock Chica but ended up getting rejected (fact yoinked from the wiki)
Their tail has been said to be magnetic meaning that it can take it off and move it around. Lunar liked to play with it (fact yoinked from the wiki)
Apparently, they are banned from Switzerland for some unknown reason (fact yoinked from the wiki)
They nuked Sweden for unknown reasons (fact yoinked from the wiki)
They are the ones who updated the daycare and have access to cameras (fact yoinked from the wiki)
They had a space station at one point, but it was destroyed by meteors (I think?)
Monty sold a space apartment/house to Sun once, but the place was also destroyed
Monty’s been to jail before
Monty experiments with "medicinal stuff" (with there being implications that the "medicinal stuff" is actually weed. There are two bongs in their new house, and Foxy even picked one of the bongs up and directly referred to it as "weed paraphernalia")
Despite being an animatronic, Monty has functioning taste buds
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aroacesetitoff · 8 months
OG Infinight Reference Sheet + Headcanons
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Marcy Burns/Elleve the Amender
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-4 feet tall
-its mentioned that she has "rainbow robes" and ive decided to interpret that as sunset colored
-pre mining accident Marcy has longer hair and has already lost her eye to unknown circumstances
-post mining accident Marcy cut her hair and it turned whiter, and she switched to more monochrome clothing-symbolizes her turning away from her faith and also grieving her husband
-still wears her wedding ring, and keeps Fred's on a chain with a locket of his picture
-we know literally nothing abt Fred but I think he was also a halfling and had a sick ass mustache
-the symbol on pre-accident Marcy's eyepatch + staff is supposed to be of the Diarians (followers of Dia). The circle is Faeza, the hands are Dia herself, and the six teardrop shapes are the Diagems. Also meant to resemble a flower as a reference to Gum Gum
-magic goblet-does it have a name? Anyways Paralyte stole it from the Sheerays so I gave it an aquatic wave/seaweed design (water = life)
-idk how to design tattoos, but other clerics of dia would probably have similar ones-i think hers are religious in nature
Ostin Tashe/Slique the Symphonius
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-ya boiiii
-4'6-so just barely taller than Bart. Barely
-had the most satisfying color palette for me- i love green and so does he
-i rewatched the hobbit/lotr trilogies so Ostin is def inspired by that-gave him braided hair and armor
-idk how a tuning sword works. Like a bident maybe? Ive drawn the sword in his right hand (the one with missing fingers) but he might prefer to fight left-handed. Idk ive trained with longswords before but ive never lost any fingers so i cant say
-magic lute-gave it a greener/mossier color palette to show it was from the Elderpines. The strings are vines and the rosette has a tree design
-dont know where Ostin's scars came from either, maybe he really did fight a dragon maybe he didnt-doesnt stop him
-post-Wight Winter i gave Slique a grey streak to match with Spectril
-also gave him a cool colored eye highlight for the same reason
Leonard Lank/Spectril the Surreptitious
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-i put his height around 5'7/5'8
-made the rogue armor sharp and dark-had to recolor it from the origianly palette bc it was too dark tho lmao. Fur collar to foreshadow his time in the Ethereal Plane
-post-Wight Winter i gave him simple, more homey clothes bc at that point he had a family and wasn't focused on fighting. The fur is not bear fur i swear
-already mentioned it before but his hair started turning white + he grew it out/braided it back.
-he's got normal rogue daggers, and then the Ethereal daggers. Not shown but yeah they fade in and out of the Material and Ethereal Plane
-"Walls Have Ears-Doors Have Eyes" by Clan D. Stine-the wiki i think mentioned him having books that let him turn invisible and walk through walls-this one's definitely a Leitner (ifykyk)
-boots-deceptively simple in design from the Elderpines
-piercings include several ear piercings, snake bites, and an eyebrow piercing
-warm colored eye highlight to match with Slique-your honor i have (accidentally) sun/moon coded then because they are gay
Luz Prattle/Paralyte
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-6'0 tall and definitely uses it for intimidation
-i think she dresses kinda emo/alt
-the only infinight with a unique logo-instead of two crossed swords its a snake eating itself
-committing to the snake bit-i gave her scale armor
-the gloves have two talons on the pointer and middle finger, based very specifically off a homebrew item i saw where the hand kind of looks like a biting snake. It contains a venom that paralyzes enemies and came from the Sheerays
-put a snake on her sword. Cause why not. Thats why she teamed up with Brink they are both snake lovers
-not drawn, but she would have a snake tattoo somewhere on her body
-hands are turning dark at the fingertips as a side effect of using the gloves so often. Her veins are visibly green because shes pale as hell and also suffering from long term exposure to Sangrianite
-facial scar-man im sorry i dont know where this one came from either. Kyborg shot her once tho i do remember that
Bo Bender/Grislee the Groundbreaker
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-height is about 6'6, very tall lady
-all i had to go off was red bandana so its like her thing
-her locs are made of rocks and also have veins of gold in them
-the stuff on her shoulders and hammer are lichen-she takes such long naps outside they've started growing on her. And also earth genasi
-when shes raging she has magma veins coming from her eyes and hands, and the inside of her body also glows
-when shes not raging it cools to golden veins-still very hot to the touch sometimes
-didnt have a lot if ideas for her second outfit but i gave her a bearskin bc she is "grizzly"
-hammer is the other item from the Sheerays and is pretty much just a trunk on a stick in terms of design. Combined with the lute tho, they are probably some of the most powerful items in Faeza
Man thats a lot of characters. Should i have made these before I made 3 painting and a comic page? Yeah. But i didnt lol. Enjoy✌️
edit: fixed the magic item origins
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kasarasun · 7 months
Hi! I loved your Illustrator Shen Yuan au and wanted to know if you had more ideas for it? I feel it makes a lot of sense especially with SY’s ability to recognize literally every plant, animal, and character that showed up in the novel instantly and Qing Jing being the peak of the four arts. Also, if he played a major role in editing the wiki, do you think any of his written headcannons or speculations may have come true? Do you think he and airplane ever just use his art style to distinguish cannon fodder from the rest or do they still follow the rules of his art style despite him having never drawn them? If the first then him meeting Tianlang-jun and ZZL would be hilarious cuz he may just brush them off. Also, how does this go with Liu Qingge’s character design being different than imagined (pretty instead of burly)? How do you think this would play into a post cannon reveal? Are there any other common or uncommon hc’s in the fandom that you would combine with this?
going backwards with your questions: (this will be long, forgive spelling, etc, errors)
Headcanons: this is already the product of multiple headcanons! For one, SQH is solidified as the author instead of a prophet, because SY as the artist means that the world is malleable, to a degree. Also I believe in black-haired Mobei-Jun (irrelevant haha). I also would say the hc where if Shang Qinghua 'writes' something with enough intent, it might just happen.
Also, the 'world' being made of paper and so is from someone/somewhere but i forgot. Sorry ahahaha
I think this makes SY and SQH both paper/creation gods. (Discussed further later on in this mess.)
Tianlang-Jun, Zhuzhi-Lang, and Liu Qingge: The thing is, the 'design' applies to mobei Jun because SY has explicitly drawn him. Binghe's 'design' is same the PIDW official art's because this is only physically, (the contours of a creature's skull rather than binghe's nail polish) because they're real people and persons, which is an important theme that breaks character designs that include distinctive clothing. Also because of this realized state, nothing can be more real than anything else. Through the lens of a reader, we might imagine the 'world' being this collage of the artist, but this isn't the case.
That brings me to my next point: what of the world that hasn't been 'illustrated'? Of course, we can have a creation myth instead of an actual explanation:
The God who brings ascension from nothingness carves the mountains, shapes the moon, culls the suns, and folds the paper beasts, men, and flowers. The God whose palms raise all things into the light so creates the three realms. The God creates and creates and creates.
The God who witnesses watches the creations grow simpler, watches creases deteriorate, watches rushed work. The God who witnesses sees the God who arises with the world in hand grow tired. The God who witnesses paints the paper cranes, refolds the rushed creations, and refines the creases. (The God who watches paints over a tear in a silver leaf. The God leaves the gold leaf be.)
The God who paints the birds and beasts never folds the fresh paper. So concludes the creation of all and every.
(Where the silver leaf of paper is mobei-jun and the golden one is binghe.)
Shen Yuan's headcanons: of course, Airplane is the writer. He takes precedence. His headcanons only applied to his 'domain', and his 'power' only exists in the origin world (though this may change as the idea develops), and draws power from Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky's work. His role is lessening the burden, but the work has already been done.
On postcanon reveals: Shang Qinghua totally gets caught first. Actually, it's the airplane extra with the 'daddy admires you' scenes! He is forces to explain, and along the way he kicks SQQ under the bus. I won't say too much on how this spreads, but probably Mobei saying something to someone. Maybe he calls Qinghua the heavenly emperor/ the ascender in front of all the peaklords. An Ding probably already knows.
why the ascender? Airplane translates literally into flying machine. So, warp that into ascension and omnipresence. Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky ascends reality from nothing (darkness) to something (sunlight). This applies to everything, so it is comparable to a system or machine. Behold, the really irrelevant, misplaced, and overly subtle Rain World reference.
The God who Paints the birds and Beasts from Drawing the Beast's Ire warps the Ire into attention, and then Airplane's protagonist and his cool monsters drew his attention, then the poor writing his ire.
Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu is only minorly accosted by peak lords. The problem is binghe, upset that Shizun was drawing other people. Drawing the Beast's Ire drew like 2 other characters. One is Mobei-Jun. The other is a modern-clothing binghe. He's also upset that Shang-shishu and Shizun share something as grand as the creation of the world together, and the fact that SQQ is the lesser. Additionally, unlike Mobei-Jun, he wasn't made specifically to please his God! Unfair!
Of course, binghe is very happy about this as well. He's Shizun's favorite character!
This might be high time to mention more headcanons: there are temples and shrines dedicated to airplane and occasionally the witness/the painter in the endless Abyss. This is due to the first heavenly demons, probably. How else did Xin Mo get there?
Anyway, they'd be like airplane folding paper front and center and then the painter doing his thing off to the side. Of course, there are a decent amount dedicated only to the painter.
On additional creations: Maybe Shen Qingqiu/Yuan and Shang Qinghua get together and make OC animals. They're all entirely harmless. Shang Qinghua writes their names, their abilities, and a nice good description while Shen Qingqiu/Yuan paints. Maybe it doesn't do anything. Maybe it does. It's a change of pace either way.
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