#The only explaination I can even think of as to where Mia 'I can and will kill you for my family' Winters would actually not be present
maeblack · 8 months
„God, I love the way my name sounds, if you moan it like this, cara mia“
Paring: Theodore Nott x reader
Warnings: smut and a bit dominant Theo
also, English is not my first language and I’m doing my best, so please be patient with me and be warned :)
Word count: 2508
Summary: sometimes jealousy leads to hot shower sex and affirmations
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„Theo?!“ my voice echoed from the walls like my steps. Which became even quicker as I neared myself to the boys change room. Where the hell was he? Without a knocking I swung the door open. A few curses were heard and every pair of eyes laid on me, as I passed the few still changing boys.
„Y/n, what gives us the honor to welcome you in our secret place of hottness?“ Draco purred as he leans against the wall near his locker. The black towel around his waist hung dangerously loosely. Which exposed his well trained body and didn’t left many space for imagination what’s underneath. As i didn’t respond, he spoke up again „you like what you see?“ he teased. „Unfortunately yes, but i‘m not here for you, Malfoy“ I explained sweetly.
While I snaked past him, I mocked: „sorry, I think you need to wait for the next pretty girl, who crosses your way, if you’re half naked, to suck the life out of your dick“. A few chuckles filled the moist air. „This beautiful case happens not as rare as you might think lovely y/n“ he responded as he turned around to face me. I had stopped in front of Theo’s open locker. „Sure Malfoy“ I muttered absent, as I scanned the things in front of me. The quidditch uniform hung on the open locker door. That meant he‘s not in the hospital wing. Good. So he doesn’t have to go there twice on a day when I’m done with him.
But his favorite black sweater also still hung in the locker. So he weren’t already back in his dorm. Or hers. Which was the actual reason I was here. „Where is he?“ i questioned snippy. „I don’t know who you talking about, if you have such an attitude“ Draco shrugged. I inhaled sharp. „my dearest friend Draco, it would be very nice, if you tell me where I can find Theodore“ I declared with a fake smile in my face, my voice still snippy. „Hm I don’t know, if I would be a good friend to him, if I tell you where he is, when you are that mad at him“ Draco explained while he pulled his shirt over his head. „I just want to know, if this whore is with him“ I revealed trough clenched teeth. Silence. „He‘s still in the shower“ he informed me grinning „I don’t know if he’s alone“. „Oh“ I said. My voice sounded more uncertain as intended. Draco chuckled. „Naw if you‘re scared to go in, you can still accept my offer“ he teased, while he fiddled on the towel around his waist. „No thanks“ I admitted quick „I’m already a big girl and I can handle my jealousy alone“. With this I turned on my heal and went straight into the shower room.
The moment I stepped in, the humidity increased immeasurably. The room was filled in steam fog, which enveloped Theo’s tall figure. He stood with his back to me under one of the showers in the back of the elongated room. He was alone. An indescribable burden fell from my heart. The stream of water washed around his body as I came closer. With one hand on the wall, he supported himself, while his dark brown curls hung into his closed eyes. My anger was floated away as my eyes scanned ever millimeter of his gorgeous body. No hickeys. Just his cute freckles all along his neck down to his shoulders. The butterflies in my belly did some flips as they went crazy. The muscles on his back twitching, as he lifted his head and stretched it towards the heated water. The space in between my tights already as wet as the air around us. „Do you want to keep staring at me or will you join me?“ Theo’s husky voice reached my brain. I nervously cleared my throat. He chuckled raspy, which send shivers down my spine. He would be the death of me, I already knew it. Why did I thought I would be able to yell at him while he‘s IN SHOWER? Only the thought about his body made me numb. And now I was more than able to see everything. God
A few moments must have passed since my voice was lastly heard, because now I was the one with a raspy whispering voice. „I was searching for you“. It sounded sweet. Merlin. I was pissed until I took the step inside the shower room. Since when did Theodore Nott made me that weak?
„Aha“ he made slowly, bringing me back to reality. „Then congratulations… you found me“ he purred while he let his head fell back. My body heated up even more. How could someone look that good? It was a curse and blessing together to have this beautiful sight of him. „Then what do you want from me, if it’s not joining me?“ he asked again. For a moment I was confused myself. „If you just wanted to know where I am, you could have asked somebody? You didn’t have to follow me into the shower…“ he added. „Oh yeah?“ I snipped. My voice had its force back. „Maybe your new fangirl could have told me where you are! But oh wait, I forgot, she left together with you“. With every word I talked myself back in anger again. For a few seconds the water streaming on the floor was the only thing heard. He chuckled quietly as he shook his head slightly.
Only as he turned around to face me, I noticed how close I stood. The water from his hair dropped on my face as I glanced up at him. My eyes still sparkled aggressively. But as I got lost in his deep brown hazel eyes, I felt my knees go weak again. My breath went hard. The anger still slightly cocking in my veins. But I got more and more distracted as my gaze followed the tiny watersprinkles which made their way down his face. It looked so magical.
„Is there someone jealous?“ he questioned after his eyes had searched along my whole face. His voice unfathomable, which made my heart twitch. I wasn’t sure what to say. Could I admit that I am jealous? Am I allowed to be jealous? Actually not. We weren’t together. He wasn’t mine. And I wasn’t his. God why am I even here then?
In the shower. While he‘s completely naked. And I’m fully dressed.
The second I thought about it, was the first moment I could feel the hot water streaming down at me, even though I stood like this for minutes. After this determination my eyes flew automatically down my soaked wet cloths. And with this, down his body too. His incredibly defined abs peaked out his upper body. I fought against the instinct to slid my fingertips along them. His cock already standing hard. Which made me bite my lower lip while I felt my mid already clenching.
„Y/n“ His voice brought my attention back to his lips. „Why are you here?“ he asked urgently. My voice trembled as I started to mouth an answer „I just had to make sure if you’re here. With her.“ „and then?“ he questioned darkly. I shivered. „What do you thought we would do here together?“ he continued his asking. „I -“ I started searching for the right words. „Go on little y/n“ he purred „tell me your naughty thoughts“. I swallowed hard against my dry throat. Why did he had such an effect on me? Even if it would be possible not to think about his hard cock. Which now slightly tipped against my mid as he came closer to tug my hair behind my ear. I melted under his touch and my whole body burned.
„Tell me what you thought we were doing in here“ he demanded.
I gathered all my courage as I spoke up. „After I saw how she undressed you with her looks on the pitch, I thought I would find her on her knees for you. Sucking your dick like you deserve after the good match“ I explained as I lifted my chin towards him. „Aha“ he hummed, his voice melodically. A grin drawn on his lips. „You think I deserve a naughty little whore who sucks my dick?“ he questioned. I nodded. „And why in this case you wanted to stop her?“ Theo asked taunting. „Because it’s my job“ I said, not knowing where his sudden confident came from. „Aha“ he repeated his answer from before. This time his grin grew even bigger.
„Then I won’t hold you back any longer… do what you’re here for“ Theo crooned. His left hand, which loosely hung in my hair after he tugged it behind, grabbed deeper in my strains and pushed me slightly down on my knees. My mouth milliliters away from his dick. I looked up through my lashes and locked eyes with him as I straddled his cock with my fingers. I admired the changing expression in his face as I licked his tip. He breathed in sharp as I took his hard cock in my mouth. His soft skin unter my tongue made me melt. And as his groans filled the air, my mid was dripping for him.
„Oh Merlin - y/n“ he groaned trough clenched teeth as I took him all in „you do your job fucking good“. As his muscle twitched he withdrew from my mouth and pulled me back to my stand. His hand still grabbed with full force in my hair as he brought me in front of his lips. Every inch of my body ached for him. „And now, amore mio? What happens next in your dirty little mind?“ Theo’s voice dagging deep into my brain. „I want to feel you“ I admit while locking eyes with him. His intense stare made my body melt in pure pleasure. And as his lips formed into a grin, I knew my deepest desire would come true. Slowly he closed the last gab between us and placed his soft lips demandingly on mine. Our lips moved so sync I thought I‘ve already kissed him a hundred times. His other hand found it’s place on my waist to pull me even closer, so every part of my body could feel his. And how I could feel his body. His cock pressed hard agains my belly while he pressed me against him and my back on the cold wall behind us. I wanted to melt together with him and stay like this forever.
But my aching mid reminded me of what I really needed. „Theo“ I managed to say under my heavy breathing „I want you inside of me“. His eyes sparkled furiously as he took a step back. „If you take off your cloths for me, I will do anything for you to make you feel as good as you made me feel, while my dick fucked your beautiful mouth“ he said and his voice sounded like honey. In trance I took of my all wet sweater. It fell to the ground with a muffled noice. Then I opened the zip of my skirt, which made it slid down my legs slowly. Never breaking eye contact with his beautiful hazel eyes. Patient he waited as I unclipsed my bra until I freed my breasts. Suddenly he was right in front of me. His lips on my neck, searching for my sweet spots, making me gasp. His hands all around me. His fingertips softly caressed my burning skin. And his tip pressing against my soaked panties. „So wet for me already, cara mia?“ he said sweetly „and I have barely touched you yet“. „Mhm“ I mumbled. I was about to melt in his hands. Only the nickname he called me made me weak.
And then there were his soft lips sucking on my neck, leaving marks, everyone could see the next day. But I don’t care. I wanted to be his. And I wanted everyone to see. Slowly he kissed himself down to my breasts. The moment he took my nipple in his mouth to play with his tongue, I know, I must be in heaven. I moaned out his name. His hands rooming my body and sliding down my panties. „Theo, please“ I pleaded. As he didn’t responded nor did anything else than before, the aching pain in my mid grew bigger. I whimpered again until he let go of my breast and looked deep in my eyes, while he came closer. Right in front of my lips he stopped and whispered: „I like it when you plead for my dick“. Then he closed the gap between us again and kissed me. This time his tongue become even more forceful than before and I could only bare imagine, how it would feel to have his tongue playing with my pearl. The moment I tought about it, I felt his thumb where I needed him the most. I gasped as he quickly rubbed against it. My whimpers became moans at the sudden intense feeling. And as the feeling in my stomach grew bigger and bigger I started to moan out his name again. Whereupon he locked eyes with me. „God, I love the way my name sounds, if you moan it like this, cara mia“ he whispered. Only his words were enough to push me over the edge.
But he didn’t give me time to ride out my orgasm. Instead he pressed his tip on my pulsating clit and cared it along my entrance before he spoke again: „and because you moaned my name so beautifully, I want to know how it sounds, if I give you a reason to scream it“. With this he pushed his tip deep inside of me. With one hand on the wall and the other around my throat, he supported himself as he drove deeper with every thrust, while he fucked me against the wall. And as he said, with the feeling of his hard dick pumping into me, he made me scream his name over and over again. As he pleased spots I never new even existed, he made me reach one high after the other.
One of my hands searching for support in his dark curls, while my finders played with his strains. The other one laid on his shoulder, digging my nails in his soft skin. As his trusts became harder, he broke the connection to my neck, where he drew a masterpiece of his affection. „Since I heard you scream my name, amore mio, I don’t want to hear anyone else say it like that ever again“ he confessed breathlessly between his trusts. The nickname and the affirmation pushed me over the edge again. I whimpered and clenched around him, which dragged him with me into his orgasm. „I‘ll moan it for you anytime… I‘m all yours Theodore“ I whispered trembling in his ear, which made him groan as he nestled his face between my neck and my hair.
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cupid-styles · 2 months
golf (sugar daddy h)
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word count: 1.3k
content warnings: spicy but no smut, dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism if you squint
sugar daddy h masterlist | main masterlist
talk to me
. . .
Mia doesn't care about golf. 
Not once in her life has she ever thought it was a fascinating sport. There are some sports, like hockey or baseball, that, at the very least, seem hot, if not a little attractive, but golf isn't one of those. 
And of course, Harry loves to golf.
It's nothing against him, really. If she's being honest, in her eyes, golf is a rich man's sport. Since they started seeing each other months ago, Harry has always made it a point to go golfing at least once a week. He has a membership to a country club nearby and either goes by himself, with his friends, or takes business partners there, where they spend the day drinking and hitting balls and whatever else wealthy people do at country clubs.
Mia wouldn't know because she's never gone and, quite frankly, she never wants to go. 
She adores Harry. She really, truly does, but being a frequent attender of the country club to play such a silly, boring sport just serves as another class barrier between them. Harry grew up going to golf camp, for crying out loud! Mia spent her summers working at the local ice cream shop, where she got paid $7 an hour to get yelled at by angry parents because she was only allowed to let their kids taste three flavors before they had to buy something.
So when Harry asks if she wants to spend her Saturday golfing with him at the club, she tries to come up with a million excuses as to why she can't. But because he's him, and he has a pretty face and a soothing voice and he threw in the prospect of spoiling her with a massage at the spa after they finished their game, she can't find it in her to say no. 
Harry has a business dinner the night before so Mia sleeps at her own place, which she's kind of surprised with, to be honest. (She anticipated him asking her to stay over so she didn't have a chance to get out of it.) Even despite the text he sent her at 11:40 pm to let her know that he got home safely (that's basically 2 am in Harry time), he shows up to her house in his golf clothes at 9 am on the dot, breakfast and coffee in hand. 
Mia has to physically drag herself out of bed to let him in, a scowl on her face, even though he went out of his way to go to her favorite bagel shop. 
"Morning, grumpy," he greets cheekily, smushing a kiss to her cheek. He doesn't even bother toeing his shoes off like he normally does, instead giving her bum a soft pat when she turns back around, "We have reservations at the club for 10, so you should go get dressed. You can eat in the car."
"Are you sure you want me to go?" Mia asks, and Harry has to ignore the slight hopefulness to her tone, "I've never even played golf before, I don't think I'll be very good—"
"It's not about being good, honey, I just want to spend the day with you. Show you off, y'know?" he leans forward to press a kiss to her temple before ducking down to catch her ear. "Now be good and go get dressed."
He doesn't catch the narrowing of her eyes as she reluctantly heads back to her bedroom, where she grabs the stupid golf outfit he insisted on buying her for this very occasion. She told him she was fine with wearing leggings and a tee-shirt, but he explained to her that there was a certain etiquette that came with golf, which included clothing. (Like Mia said, it's a rich man's sport.) So he bought her a short little skirt and a workout top and, if she's being frank, she's not sure if it's not more for him than it is for the game itself. 
She tried it on a few days ago when he brought it over and she batted at his chest when she saw the length of the skirt on her — unlike those trendy workout skorts that had spandex shorts underneath, the pleats of the one Harry purchased barely went down to the tops of her thighs. With a grumble, she said she'd just wear boyshorts to make sure no one "saw the goods."
But now that she's getting dressed for their golf day, she thinks she has a better idea. 
. . . 
Mia sucks at golf.
Harry keeps trying to encourage her and help her, but they're on hole 8 of 18, and she's exhausted. It's warm, she's sweaty, and Harry's beating her ass in the game. (What else would you expect from someone who spent their summer vacations playing every day?) 
"You got this, baby," he says, giving her waist a small squeeze as they approach hole nine. She rolls her eyes from behind her sunglasses, rolling out her wrist in an effort to get rid of the cramps. "Do you still need me to help you?"
Just as she's about to say yes, she remembers the impulsive decision she made this morning. And she realizes she knows exactly how to get this game to end. 
"Actually, I think I can do it," she replies with a smile, jumping out from the golf cart. "Will you just stand behind me and make sure I'm doing it right?"
Harry's pleasantly surprised but nods his head, a zip of enthusiasm firing through his chest. He follows her out and stands with his hands on his hips as she sets herself up, trying to find her stance. 
Per Harry's instructions, she leans over just slightly, a small bend in her knees. And that's when he sees it. 
She's not wearing anything underneath her skirt. 
"Mia," he growls, ambling towards her to cover her from behind, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Um, I think it's called teeing off? That's what you said, anyway—"
"Not that," he mutters, a protective hand squeezing her hip. He glances around them to make sure no one's watching them as his fingers dance down to the hem of her skirt, gently pulling it down. "Why aren't you wearing any underwear, Mia?"
"Ohhhh, that?" she asks, turning in his grasp. "I must've forgotten them. I'm sorry."
She has a look of false innocence on her face, her eyes rounded slightly and her lips pouted as if she was truly making a genuine apology. He's seething — he wants nothing more than to bend her over his knee and issue loud, harsh smacks to her ass, but he thinks she would like that too much. 
"You're such a fucking slut." he mumbles angrily, his jaw clenching. He grabs the golf club from her hand and uses his other to yank her back in the direction of the golf cart, a surprised yelp sounding from her mouth. "Are you that much of a brat that you've been walking around with your pussy out all day?"
She shrugs nonchalantly as she climbs into the golf cart. Harry rolls his eyes and shifts the key into the ignition, starting the machine back up. 
"Guess you'll just have to take me home, then," Mia replies with a sigh. Harry snorts and shakes his head. 
"You fucking wish," he says. She blinks at him. "No, baby. I'm gonna take you into one of those private bathrooms, edge you until you're crying, and then we're gonna finish this game."
Mia's eyes widen, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as he drives over a bump in the road. 
"Good thing I brought that nifty little remote control vibrator with me," he continues with a smirk. "Had a feeling you'd be a fuckin' brat today."
Mia doesn't know if she's ever regretted something so much before.
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raya-hunter01 · 6 months
Can you do a jey uso imagine where you both see who can last the longest without sex plz 🫠?
Seven Days Without Sex...
One Shot!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Mia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, masturbation
Summary: Main Event Jey Uso’s words on Gentlemen’s Podcast has him in hot water with his girlfriend. The rules of engagement are laid out as Mia and Jey have a battle of the wills. Can they make it seven days without sex!
Who will give in first, or will they make it seven days without sex. Hope you enjoy your request @mya2real 
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Jey’s House
Atlanta, GA
Mia’s POV
“So what you sayin’ is you can go seven days no problem without sex,” I said as Jey shrugged his shoulders.
“Hell yea, I can do it easily,” he said as I scoffed at his attitude. “Really, Mr. I’m sending the jet to get you because I can’t spend another night not being inside you,” I mocked as he groaned.
“Fuck, it was true, I couldn’t wait to see yo’ fine ass.  Why you bringing up old shit?” he asked as I rolled my eyes. “Jey, it ain’t old shit, it was yesterday!” I said irritated as he laughed.
“Damn sho was, wasn’t it?” he replied as I got up and put on my robe.” I’m going to take a shower,” I huffed as he growled.
“I know you ain’t mad Mia, I didn’t hear yo’ ass complaining yesterday. You packed your shit wit a quickness and got yo’ fine ass on the Jet,” Jey said following me into the bathroom.
“I ain’t mad about that shit, because yo’ ass has caught many red-eye flights before you owned the jet. Don't even get me started on the all-night drives you used to make just to be up in this pussy for a couple minutes or a couple hours,” I said making it known he was just as whipped as me.
 “Babe, I never said that I didn’t, you know how we get down. I love that about us,” Jey started as I interrupted him.
“Don’t play wit me Jey, we crave each other. Stop fakin’ the funk like it’s one-sided to stroke your ego when you are doing interviews,” I said turning on the water.
“Look, I didn’t mean it like that, I don’t even remember what I said on that podcast. It’s a men’s deal where they discuss random shit and sex came up. I really don’t even remember what I said that could have made you mad,” Jey said as I frowned at him.
I began mocking Jey response to the host to refresh his memory.
“I know if me and my girl did the seven days without sex challenge I would win because she can’t resist me. I can make the call no matter where I am in the world, and she will get her ass on my personal jet and come handle business. She loves how I dick her down, end quote,” I said making quotations with my fingers as he sighed in frustration.
“What’s wrong wit what I said?  It’s true, men would kill for that shit and I can’t help but feel lucky, that you down for ya boy dat way,” he said as I threw up my hands it frustration, he wasn’t understanding.
“I actually ain’t mad about that, what irritates me is how you only told one side of the story and didn’t disclose how you do the same for me.
“Mia, I thought that it explained itself, I didn’t mean no harm baby,” Jey said as I saw him smirking.
"I’m not mad, I just think it would be fun for us to do the seven-day challenge to actually see who cracks first,” I said as his smirk finally left his face.  
“Uh, I don’t know about that. Come on Mia, we got a week before you go home. Do we really want to play this game for seven days,” Jey said as it was my time to smirk.
“Oh, I wanna play, I really think it would do us good to see who can last the longest without sex,” I said as I heard him grumble.
“Fuck, you are really serious?” Jey asked as I smiled at him. “What are the rules of engagement?” he asked as I smiled at his uneasiness.
 I can tell this was going to be fun teasing him these next couple of days to lose control.
“It’s easy, no sex, no oral, no kissing, but masturbation is allowed,” I said shrugging my shoulders as I saw Jey’s arm twitch.
“So, I can’t even kiss you, come on, that ain’t fair. You know it’s somethin’ bout dem kisses,” Jey said as I slowly walked up to him dropping my robe as he groaned.
“You are so evil, but I love yo’ ass,” he whispered as I smiled slightly biting my lip.  
“You could end all this baby, all you got do is take me,” I whispered seeing him lick his lips as I slowly turned and walked into the shower.
Yea, let the games begin.
Survivor Series,
Allstate Arena, Chicago, IL
Day one
Early this morning we flew out for Survivor Series but thankfully Jey's bus was delivered to the building today so we wouldn't have to fly back.
I love how he is investing his money to take some one stress off of himself.
The other good news is after tonight we’re going back to Jey’s house in Atlanta. Raw is scheduled to take place in Atlanta so we will have three days of alone time and l I can’t wait.
 I have to put this plan into action quick because I go back to Pensacola in six days. There is no way I’m leaving here without being properly dicked down correctly, especially knowing they are about to do a UK tour.
Looking over this fly outfit Sandra put together for me is definitely going to assist me in teasing my boyfriend. Hell, he may cave tonight, one can hope right.
"So how did I do?" Sandra asked as I smiled brightly at her.
“You did the damn thang! Thank you, Sandra, I love it!” I exclaimed hugging WWE’s most amazing seamstress. She had made me a camo skirt to match Jey’s tights and cut up one of his new shirts for me.
“I know Jey is going to love you in this,” she said as I went into her little changing area to try on my skirt.
Looking in the mirror I found myself smiling. I knew he would love it as much as I did.
“Does the skirt need to be made longer?” she asked as I looked down at my exposed thick thighs Jey loved so much.
“No, it’s good, I really like it. Now ask me if I’m bending over with wild abandon tonight?” I said as she sighed.
 “Mia, are you planning to bend over with wild abandon tonight?” she asked as I smiled.
 “In the crowd no…Now on the bus tonight, I hope so,” I laughed as her jaw dropped in shock.
“Oh my god, ya’ll two are something else,” she said as I finished getting dressed.
"Let me make sure you good," she said as I came out to let her inspect her work as Jimmy came up with his jacket.
"Aye, how you doin’ Sandra, do you think you got time to fix this rip?" he asked as she glanced at him. "Yea, I got you, Jimmy, she said smoothing my skirt down.
“Damn Mia, you trying to give brother a heart attack ain’t you? I heard about the bet,” he said leaning over and giving me a hug.
“I’m even matching Jey down to the shoes,” I said proud of myself. “She’s looking for trouble is what she’s doin'. She knows teasing that man ain't gon' end good,” Sandra said as I smiled.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, I promise,” I said as Jimmy smirked at me shaking his head.
“You know he ain’t letting you in the crowd like that without someone out there with you,” Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes.
“I’m gon’ watch in the crowd with Truth so I’ll be safe,” I said giving him a hug.
“By the way my money is on you, so you better win,” Jimmy whispered as I laughed before walking away.
“Bye Jimmy, and thanks for everything Sandra,” I said as Jimmy waved and gave his jacket to Sandra as she searched for her needle and thread.
“Enjoy the show, I’ll hit you up later,” she said as I continued my journey to Jey’s locker room.
Jey’s POV
“I should have kept my damn mouth shut and not said a word. Now I done got myself in some shit,” I muttered to myself as I laid back on the couch closing my eyes, trying to relax my mind. 
Last night was torture as I laid beside Mia and couldn’t dick her down. That was the point of flying her out so I could spend as much time as I could knee-deep up in dat pussy before this upcoming U.K. tour.
Hearing the door open, I knew it was her but kept my eyes closed as she shuffled around the room.
“Babe, you could have at least picked your stuff up off the floor,” she said as I opened my eyes, my breath hitched in my throat.
 In front of me, Mia was bent over and all I saw was ass, and those sexy plush lips I love to make love to with my mouth covered in blue lace.
She knows blue is one of my favorite colors to see on her and it's a lacy thong...Oh yea, she playin' dirty.
“Damn Mia,” I hissed, sitting up and grabbing her hips. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked casually like her pussy wasn’t drippin’ wet in my face begging me to reach out and claim it.
I fought to maintain control and remember the bet.
 “You fuckin’ know what’s wrong wit me,” I hissed swiftly moving her out of the way.
“What’s wrong Josh,” she said dramatically turning around and looking at me as my dick strained painfully against my tights.
Fuck, I needed relief and quick as she looked at me innocently.
 “Damn, that’s all it took baby?” she whispered as I licked my lips seeing her whole outfit for the show tonight.
 “You know that’s all it takes when it’s you,” I moaned, tempted to touch her as she adjusted her shirt.
“I wanted to surprise you, we’re matching baby,” she said as I grabbed the bottom of her shit pulling her to me. The gasp that fell from her lips as our bodies touched made my dick jump in anticipation.
“I see and I love it, you look so sexy,” I praised as she moaned. “How much do you like it?” She asked caressing my face as I caressed her hips innocently, our lips almost touching as I teasingly changed course, burying my face in her neck and inhaling her intoxicating scent.
“What are you doin' Jey?” she asked as her body trembled against mine as I teased her.
Mia’s POV
Fuck, he knew how sensitive I was to his touch, and he thrived on it. The minute he pulled me to him, I wanted to fuck his brains out.  
“I bet you wet as fuck and I ain’t even touched you yet, but I got you, baby. I can calm dat ache you feelin’ Mia," he declared as I tried to calm my breathing.  “You can baby?” I questioned as he nodded.
“Yea, I can baby, and all you gotta do is give in to me,” he whispered against my ear as I shivered against him in anticipation.
I couldn't help but Imagine how good it would feel to give in to him and let him take me. Stay strong Mia, don’t give in.
I continued to struggle to catch my breath as I felt his dick pressed against me, begging to be touched.
“Just touch me, Mia,” he whispered, his words snapping me out of the spell he had me under.
 Nah, you ain’t getting me today, this is war, Mr. Fatu.
 “I can touch you baby, but you need to say I win,” I said as I innocently removed his hand from my waist and slid up against him as he hissed.
 “Shit, you playin' dirty rubbin' all up on me, knowin' I need some help” Jey whispered pointing to his huge bulging erection as I smirked at him.
“I ain’t did nothing, baby,” I said walking away to take a seat on the other couch acting unbothered, but inside I was screaming. The whole interaction was so innocent but so fucking hot at the same time.
“Damn, I need to take a cold shower and calm down,” I heard him mutter as I smirked. “Daddy you ain’t gotta calm down, you can come lose control all in this pussy. She misses you so much,” I purred spreading my legs wide, my blue lace thong on display as Jey growled readjusting himself in his pants.
“I promise you when this is over, I’ma demolish dat pussy and yo’ ass ain’t gone be able to walk for a week. I’ma fuck dat pussy so good it’s gon’ cream every single time you think about me,” Jey declared as I shivered at the thought.
“Damn, I can’t wait,” I whispered blowing him a kiss as he stalked into the bathroom as I laughed.
“First rule of war, never underestimate your opponent, Mr. Fatu,” I muttered.
Yea, it won’t be long, by day three it’s a wrap.
Jey’s House
Atlanta, GA
Mia’s POV
Day Two
Day two and I'm losing it, I almost jumped him in the shower this morning. Opening the refrigerator door I sighed. Bless his heart, he is rarely home and his fridge shows it, practically bare.
Heading back upstairs I knew I had to wake him and I hated it because he really needed his rest.
“Jey, we need to get some groceries, I’m hungry and it’s lunchtime babe,” I said walking into the bedroom, a strangled moan escaped my lips as I saw Jey sprawled out on the bed naked with a smile.
It’s a trap Mia, abort mission! Do you hear me, girl?  Abort mission, just say no to the dick.
“Baby, we ain’t gotta go shoppin’ right now. Daddy got yo’ lunch right here,” Jey moaned slowly stoking his dick as I felt my thighs clench.
“Oh, you motherfucka,” I whispered, his eyes never leaving mine.
“What, I was just up here waiting on you to come get yo’ lunch,” Jey groaned never stopping his strokes.
 “I think you trying to trick me,” I countered walking slowly towards him, watching him in wonder as my pussy was getting wetter by the second.
“I ain’t tryin’ to trick you. You can do what you want wit me, I’m yours to use Mia,” Jey moaned as I bite my lip, his knowing smirk rendering me speechless. He was playing dirty, and I loved it.
  “I think you want to sit on Daddy’s dick and ride him real good, don’t you? Come on Mia, Daddy won’t bite, I promise,” he whispered, his strokes deliberate.
Slowly I crawled to him, his hand movements and moans were becoming more urgent, as our eyes remained focused on each other.
“Does it feel good baby?” I purred knowing exactly what I was doing and so did he. This was a battle of the wills and we both were losing.
“Hell yea, but it could feel even better, but you playin’. You know you want dis dick,” Jey whispered against my ear as I felt myself about to explode just from his words as I clenched my thighs tight.
Don’t give in Mia, stay strong you got a point to prove.
“Just hop on Mia and ride Daddy like the good girl you are,” he groaned as I bit back a moan.
“That’s what you want me to do Daddy?” I purred as our eyes met again. “Hell yea, just ride dat shit like only you can,” he moaned as I placed my hand over his, helping him, knowing he was close to his end.
“Mmhm, fuck yea, help me out,” he panted, his eyes now closed in pleasure.
 In a last-ditch effort, I decided to shoot my shot to end this game.  “Mmm, give in Jey…Please Daddy,” I moaned against his ear, as an animalistic growl fell from his lips.
Quickly I found myself on my back as Jey kneeled between my legs, rubbing his dick against my clit. The sensation was so strong I almost came from the excitement.
"Jey, please, just give in'" I whimpered wanting him to sink inside me as far as he could.
“Mmhm,you feel dat shit don't you? It’s all for you, just say I win, and I’ll make you nut so good, I promise,” Jey moaned as I whimpered in need.
“You know what you need to do then? Just tell me that I win and just slide right in baby. She’s so wet and misses you,” I groaned feeling him close to his breaking point.
“Fuck! Mmm, not yet…Unless you givin’ in,” he taunted, continuing his torture of us both. My body was betraying my mind as he took pleasure in my sweet torture as his dick masterfully played with my clit.
“You gon’ give in to me Mia, one way or another, now cum, Jey groaned as I fell apart underneath him.
“Yea, dats it, this my pussy and don’t you forget it. I love how she cum when Daddy tell her too,” he declared as he joined me on the trip of absolute pleasure.
“This is not fair Josh; just quit,” I whimpered still feeling the ripples of my orgasm as Jey smirked at me.
“Damn, that was a first for us. That shit was hot as hell, I’m having fun now,” Jey said winking at me as he walked into the bathroom.
Damn, he’s good," I muttered relaxing on the bed. Lord, it’s only day two. Mia, you can do this, hang on in there.
Rule number two in war.. Never….Ever.. Underestimate your opponent.
Jey’s House
Atlanta, GA
Jey’s POV
Day Three
Day three and I’m horny, paranoid, and hearing Mia moans in my damn sleep. The sexiest moan ever known to man, I swear this game is bout to be over. I can’t take much more of this shit.
 I felt Mia moving beside me as the bed slightly rocked “Jey, you feel so good” I heard her moan, my eyes snapped open as I turned to look at her.
It wasn’t a dream, it was cruel and unusual punishment up in this motherfucka as I watched her perfect body writhing beside me as she chased her orgasm.
Mia was blissfully unaware that I was awake, her eyes closed as she pleasured herself.
Hearing a slight buzzing noise, I realized she was using her rose, I had surprised her with it when she got here the other day and we hadn't had a chance to use it.  
“Mmm, baby right there,” Mia moaned as I growled beside her as she opened her eyes, looking shyly at me as I caressed her face.
 “Yeaa, it feels good don’t it?” I moaned as she nodded unable to speak. “Good, don’t you fuckin’ stop either, keep goin’. You gon’ soak this fuckin’ bed do you hear me?” I declared as she whimpered beside me.  
“Yea, Daddy’s up now, and he wants to watch. You so beautiful,” I whispered as she gasped in pleasure.
“Yes, Daddy, anything you want,” she moaned, moving her hips against her toy as it took her to new heights.
I could hear the wetness, licking my lips I knew I was moments away from losing it. I knew the question I wanted to ask would be my breaking point, but I had to know.
“Mia, is that toy makin’ my pussy cum as good as I can?” I whispered honestly curious.
“Mmm, It’s close, but nothing like you!” she exclaimed as the sounds on the little rose-shaped toy intensified. She had turned up the speed, fuck, that's it, game over.
 I had to have her as I saw her hand trembling trying to hold the toy in place. Crawling between her legs, I moved her hand and took control.
“Jey! Wait, oh my God, baby!” She screamed as I held it over her clit, excited to witness what was about to happen.
“Yeaaa, Jey's here now baby, enjoy yo’self. You deserve it,” I praised as I watched in pleasure how her body was responding.
The sounds of the toy drowning in her wetness clouded not only my thoughts but my vision.
 leaning down, I claimed her lips in a kiss catching her off guard as she gasped in pleasure. “You win baby,” I whispered as she moaned against my lips in satisfaction as I slid into my home.
That was what she was to me, home. “We both win baby,” she gasped. "Damn right, we do,” I declared as she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist, drawing me closer to her.
Pressed tightly against her, I began to thrust long and deep with one hand still masterfully placed on the rose, as her body trembled with need as I reclaimed her.
Mia’s POV
I have never felt more on edge, and alive in this moment as I began grinding my hips against Jey and the rose, feeling a huge release approaching.
“I got you, Mia, let it go. Let it all go for Daddy,” Jey encouraged as he began sucking greedily on my neck. His thrusts going deeper and harder each time, setting my body on fire.
“Jey! I…I.. Fuck! I love you!” I exclaimed as my orgasm took over “I love you too, yea,dats it, Mia. Gush all on dat dick. Fuck you feel so good,” Jey moaned biting my neck as I continued to fall apart in his arms.
“It’s just for you,” I whimpered as he grasped my neck, snaking his tongue around my lips before taking me in a possessive kiss.
The rose long forgotten as he tossed it off the bed, his long deep strokes sending me into another orgasm.
“Fuck! You are such a good girl, damn.  Just squirtin' for Daddy and he didn't even have to ask you too,” Jey praised as my essence soaked the sheets. 
His grip slightly tightening around my neck as his thrusts become even more powerful. “Baby! Mmhm baby!" I shrieked as he smirked against my lips.
 I felt him become even harder as his thrusts became more wild.
“Yea, you feel dat shit don’t you?.. Uh-huh, you got my shit all rocked up and hard as fuck. Now make me cum Mia,” Jey challenged as he skillfully rolled us over with me now on top.
Oh! Fuck! Yes!,” I exclaimed at the new position and angle as I began riding his dick hard.
Happy about the new mission he gave me, I planted my feet on the bed and put my good knees to work as I rode his dick my hands planted on his stomach for leverage.
“Damn, you got them good knees, fuck! You betta do dat shit,” Jey praised as my pussy clenched around him as I bounced with wild abandon enjoying the powerful ride myself.
Jey’s growls and moans made me feel like the most powerful woman in the world.
“Shit, you ridin’ dat dick, Yea, show me how you love dat shit,” Jey said slapping me on the ass now meeting my thrusts.
Leaning over, now on my knees riding him, I grasped his neck gently kissing him before moving my kisses to his neck.
A powerful moan escaped his lips as I felt his arms pulling me close.
“Cum for me, Daddy,” I whispered nibbling on his ear as Jey moaned grabbing my face as our passion-filled eyes met.
Our pleasure reached even newer heights as we breathed and moved in sync. “I love you, Mia," he declared, reclaiming my lips as we both came together in ecstasy.
I love you too Jey,” I whimpered against his mouth as we rode the wave together, totally spent as I collapsed beside him in exhaustion as he held me close.
“Damn, you won girl,” he said as I laughed. “Nah, we both won,” I reassured him as I kissed him. “These last three days been torture,” he sighed as I nodded in agreement.  
“You gotta admit it was kinda fun,” I said as he laughed “Yea, it was, but you play dirty,” Jey said as I rolled my eyes at him. “So do you, so we’re even,” I said as we shared a chaste kiss on the lips.
“What’s wrong with you? I asked almost anxious to know what devious plan was cooking in his head as I saw the smirk on his face.
“Just know when we get this nap in I got some unfinished business to handle,” he said caressing my pussy as I gasped in pleasure. “Jey, seriously you play too much,” I whined as he smirked.
"Oh, yea, I ain't forgot, I’ma demolish dat pussy and yo’ ass ain’t gone be able to walk for a week so get ready,” Jey declared as I gulped.
He was gon’ make it hurt so good and I can’t wait.
The end
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real 
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leclerc-s · 6 months
mamma mia! - part three
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mia tate do you think i would go to german jail for punching a reporter in the face?
daniel ricciardo please tell me you haven't already done that.
mia tate no.
mia tate but hypothetically speaking, if i did, it was because he asked me a really gross question and he was annoying.
max verstappen oh my god. this is hilarious. please tell me you did.
charles leclerc she did. it's on twitter.
daniel ricciardo is this why fernando was cackling earlier??
mia tate yes, and he also pulled me away from the reporter before he could punch me. hypothetically speaking
max verstappen alright, i'm settling this the only way daniel has taught me
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max verstappen added two people
mia tate well you got one thing right, you are motorsports biggest headache.
max verstappen i didn't add you so i could be bullied. i added you so that someone could fucking explain what happened earlier. christian is glaring at me and i had nothing to do with this
lando norris oh she rocked the shit out of that reporter.
alex albon who taught you to punch and can they teach me?
mia tate my ex boyfriend
george russell well that took a turn mia tate AND NOT IN THE WAY YOU GUYS THINK!! I LIVE IN NEW YORK! ONE WRONG MOVE AND THEY'LL MUG ME! abigail tate you idiot.
fernando alonso oh it was great maxie, the reporter said some things i will not be repeating, it went on for ages and mia took it like a champ until finally he asked a really gross question and she punched him. i think abigail almost bit him, or that's what twitter is saying.
fernando alonso being the driver closest to them i stepped in when he looked like he was going to hurt mia and abigail. sebastian vettel, being the great guy he is, called security on the guy before you could show up and go all mad-max on him.
max verstappen i would not have done that.
daniel ricciardo oh my god
lance stroll oh this just made my day so much better.
sebastian vettel lance, not the time lance stroll i feel like i should be honest. they should know the mess they're getting into.
pierre gasly how is this whole thing going to work? like is mia moving to monaco or are the three stooges moving to new york?
charles leclerc she just said we could get mugged! i am not moving to new york
max verstappen what? your pretty face can't take a hit? charles leclerc are you flirting with me? abigail tate how have you two not fucked? matter of fact how has max not fucked daniel or charles? lando norris THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!! JUST FUCK EACH OTHER AND GET RID OF THE SEXUAL TENSION!
mia tate why would i move to monaco??
daniel ricciardo because that's where we live? you could bring your emotional support mia tate bunch of tax evaders you people are. a french, an aussie, and a dutch, who would've thought? charles leclerc I'M MONEGASQUE!! mia tate TAX EVADER!! charles leclerc I WAS BORN THERE!! MAX AND DANIEL ARE THE TAX EVADERS!! max verstappen AND YOU'RE JUST AN INCHIDENT BITCH!
sebastian vettel can you stop acting like children?
esteban ocon i'm not even religious but i pray for that child's sanity
charles leclerc sorry seb
max verstappen sorry seb
mia tate for the record, i'm not sorry
daniel ricciardo i, for once, did nothing wrong
mick schumacher can i be godfather?
max verstappen you're a child?? how are you supposed to look after another child mia tate but he's so adorable? how can i say no to him?? charles leclerc by saying no?? mick schumacher haters. let me have this one thing
carlos sainz let me be godfather. i'm charles teammate.
daniel ricciardo we are not having this conversation right now. max has been silently plotting how to murder a reporter. can everyone please focus?
max verstappen yes, like what was his name?
sebastian vettel NO MURDER!
mia tate wow, you really are a dad.
sebastian vettel someone has to be the responsible one here and it's not fernando, kimi, or lewis.
kimi raikkonen  👍
kimi raikkonen  🤰🏼?
lewis hamilton yes kimi, the girl is pregnant kimi raikkonen  🦥 🦡 🏎️? lewis hamilton yes, no one knows who that dad is yet. it's either max, daniel, or charles. kimi raikkonen  😂
abigail tate how did you get that from a few emojis?
lando norris max is the sloth because he's sid from ice age
max verstappen fuck you norris
george russell daniel is the badger because people call him honey badger
alex albon and charles is the car because of this
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mick schumacher does that make mia, sally?
abigail tate OH MY GOD THIS IS GREAT!
lance stroll what the fuck is code dad? is she going into labour?
lando norris don't be ridiculous, she's only a month pregnant. their dad is probably here.
mia tate don't be so dramatic. he's not an asshole, he never abused us. he just had bigger dreams for us and when we failed to do what he wanted he disowned us.
sebastian vettel that's still not good mia. he left you two when you needed him. you're children.
kimi raikkonen 🤬
esteban ocon even kimi agrees, which is a first
esteban ocon uh oh sebastian has adopted two more kids. mia and abigail, welcome to the family lance stroll he’s only known them 2 hours?? esteban ocon the girl is pregnant because of his former teammate and the mini versions of him. he’s attached lance.
mia tate he was a single dad raising three kids under the age of 8. he tried his best sebastian. it may not have been the best but i turned out alright, jury's still out on abby.
daniel ricciardo do you two need anything? like do you need us to keep him away from you two?
abigail tate we'll be okay danny, besides, i think sebastian and fernando have made it their mission to be our personal bodyguards. like mia said, he was never a bad father, he just made some mistakes.
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robert tate why did i just get asked around the paddock if i was excited to be a grandfather? who got someone pregnant or who's pregnant?
abigail tate i forgot we let the idiot name this chat.
marc tate take that fucking back! i am a stressed medical student in his final year of school, let me fucking be.
marc tate do you think i have time to date?? much less sleep around? wasn't me.
abigail tate kids are icky.
robert tate mia?? is it you??
mia tate mia can't come to the phone right now. please leave a message after the beep. love, the war criminal.
marc tate war criminal?? what the hell have you two been up too.
mia tate mia is unavailable - seb
mia tate 🖕- 7️⃣
abigail tate her phone's been hijacked by three world champions.
marc tate YOU GUYS ARE AT SPA??
abigail tate what the fuck happened to 'i'm a medical student, i have no life?'
marc tate school does not matter when it comes to f1.
robert tate abby?
abigail tate oh, she's not lying. CONGRATS YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GRANDFATHER!!
marc tate oh my god she's the girl that f1 twitter is losing it's mind over?
abigail tate congrats your grandchild is either half honey badger, half mad-max, or half il predestinato. we're not quite sure who the dad is.
robert tate abby, is she okay? our problems aside, for once, how is she?
abigail tate she's fine or at least as well as anyone who is faced with this current situation is. ignoring the sexist and misogynistic comments people seem to throw at her. she punched a reporter today, i almost bit his ankles (in theory).
robert tate can we talk? all three of us?
mia tate if you want to talk to mia, you're going to have to apologize for your actions and choices against her and abby. - seb
mia tate mia will talk to you but i will be present. there is no excuse for what you did to your children. - seb
abigail tate so that's why they call him paddock dad
mia tate heyyyy - charles
mia tate pleasure to meet you two! hi abby! - daniel
mia tate why does charles get to be called il predestinato but i get stuck with mad max? it's not fair! - max
mia tate i swear to god if one more driver steals my phone i will be committing crimes against them.
robert tate okay. i made choices i'm not proud of and i will take responsibility for my actions. i have been going to therapy now. i can see where i made mistakes.
mia tate wow. it's almost like mom leaving didn't just affect us and it affected you too. WHICH IS WHAT I'VE BEEN FUCKING SAYING FOR YEARS!
marc tate oh that she has been saying. therapist also said that dad was afraid of you and abby leaving so he pushed you two away. it's not an excuse btw, that's what dad's told me. look at that maybe we should all go to therapy.
abigail tate maybe max can join us!
mia tate fuck you - max
abigail tate wow is that any way to talk to your sister-in-law verstappen??
robert tate what the fuck?
mia tate FOR NOW! - CHARLES
marc tate well, this family has a lot of issues to solve.
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taglist: @six-call @barcelonaloverf1life @janeholt3 @queen-aria-things @camdensreg @mycenterfold @woozarts @vellicora @nichmeddar @thisismereading @inloveallthetime @baw-sixteen @floxly @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @ilove-tswizzle
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! listen i needed someone who was a motorsports fan and had played a doctor and i could only think of one person, patrick dempsey. (i've never seen an episode of grey's anatomy in my life) i was also going to make him an asshole but i do that too much, so i gave him a redemption (sort of). is it a redemption? i also know nothing about therapy because i've never gone, feel free to correct me if i get anything wrong in that aspect.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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rallamajoop · 3 months
Resident Evil 7 and Mia's secrets
(Oh, did you think I was done talking about Mia? Not even close! >D)
Coming into this fandom late, I was surprised that popular fanon has it that Mia never does come clean to Ethan, post-RE7. Sure, RE8 depends on Mia not having told Ethan he died in Dulvey, but that has nothing to do with her own past with the Connections (and far more to do with Ethan's own denial, but that's a whole other thing).
Myself, I’d taken it as given that the scene where Ethan learns the truth must have just happened off-screen. Because, disappointing as that omission is, the whole damn game is leading up to it.
And having replayed RE7 lately, I realised there'd be no better way to explain my take than to catalog every time the game spells out to us that Ethan knows Mia’s keeping secrets and wants answers, and that Mia herself wants to come clean.
Heck, it’s just about the very first thing we learn about them.
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“Ethan... You were right. I did lie to you. I shouldn’t have, but…”
Ethan's not actually stupid, and Mia's secrecy has obviously strained their marriage for some time. And as soon as Ethan finds her, he’s asking questions.
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Here, he’s mostly asking who did this to you; it's way too early for real answers. But then Eveline takes control, shit goes down, and next we see her, it’s in her recorded message from the “Mia” video tape.
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“There’s so much you need to know.”
When Ethan finds Mia again under the old house, he’s angry and has every right to be, and he doesn’t pull any punches.
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“I always wanted to tell you…”
But Mia’s memory’s still a mess, and Lucas interrupts. Ethan’s next chance to ask questions comes in the boat, and he wastes no time.
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“You had something to do with this, didn’t you?”
Mia’s a little more defensive here, but she’s not lying about the holes in her memory. The game’s gearing up for the big reveal anyway, and the writers aren’t about to let her spoil it early.
If you choose Zoe instead of Mia, Ethan spends the boat ride asking all the same questions, only louder.
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“I knew Mia was hiding something.”
But in the end, what do we get?
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Whoever you choose, Ethan only gets a few brief moments with Mia after she frees him from Eveline’s mould, and no explanations are offered. But if you do pick Mia, then we end with Ethan flying away with her in the helicopter, saying only, “Mia's back and she wants to start over,” and I’m left going, wait, what? Haven’t we skipped something here?
In defence of the fanon consensus that Ethan never finds out the truth, that does seem to be the ‘canonical’ intent ‒ at least inasmuch as there's this one throwaway bit about Mia not wanting Ethan to know buried in a bonus text file only available with this one overpriced DLC for RE8. That’s it, that’s as much explicit recognition as this thing ever gets, one way or the other. And fucking hell, but that's a let down.
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Even if we assume that Mia’s desire to come clean goes away once her memory comes back, why would Ethan just stop asking? He’s been asking questions the whole damn game – was clearly asking questions long before the game began! Knowing that Eveline was controlling people doesn’t explain what Mia had to do with it all. Now he’s suddenly all, ‘killed the bad guy, saved the girl, everything’s fine’? Was all that ‘a door closed’ bullshit supposed to be him accepting he’d never get answers? Why?
There are workable ways to spin Ethan never finding out. You could suggest he just accepts that Mia’s memory is gone (hell, for all we actually see of the ending, Mia genuinely might have lost her memory again after Eveline sucked her back into the mould). After all the trauma Ethan’s been through, you could also suggest he’s gone directly into denial, refusing to face anything that might threaten his ‘happy ending’ with Mia. You could even suggest that that bit with Eveline saying 'I can make him love you' is her actively wiping Ethan's suspicions away. There's some lovely, subtle horror in any of these possibilities ‒ I would genuinely love to see all of them explored in fic! But none of them actually come through in the ending we get, and that omission is the single biggest issue that makes that conclusion to RE7 unsatisfying to me.
The whole damn game has been building up to the big confrontation where Ethan finds out the truth and (eventually, if not immediately) finds a way to forgive Mia, so we can still have our happy ending. As much OTT hate as Mia gets, the game is consistent in portraying her as someone who is painfully aware of how bad she’s fucked up, regrets it, and is committed to doing everything she can to protect the man she loves from the fallout of her mistakes.
I cannot overstate how willing Mia is to die to save Ethan, from the very moment she realises she's infected. She does die to save him if you choose Zoe over her. It's so much of why I ship them do hard.
But most frustrating of all, denying Mia the chance to come clean denies her any chance to explain herself. How did she get involved with the Connections? Did she know from the outset who she was working for? Did she genuinely buy into the idea they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers on battlefield, that the human casualties of all their work was worth it? If not, why did she keep working there? Was she slowly frog-boiled down to the deep end, did they have dirt on her, did she fear they might kill her if she tried to leave? What excuses did she make to herself as the months or years went on?
It's possible Mia’s the kind of hypocrite who doesn’t care about the human casualties of her employer, just as long as she and hers are okay, but nothing we see from her sells me on that interpretation. And even if she ever was, it's even harder to believe she's still that person after all she's been through.
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It aggravates me that the games never gave us answers, not just because I want explanations that cast Mia in a sympathetic light, but because not giving us answers leaves this huge hole in her character. I'd even take explanations that cast her in an unsympathetic light, as long as it all ties together.
It irritates me even more because, even if Capcom wasn’t up for giving Ethan and Mia the big emotional confrontation they deserved, the solution was so simple: let Ethan find Mia’s diary on his way out of the ship. The whole goddamn franchise is filled with diaries and documents where characters lay out their backstories and motivations in ludicrous detail – why does Mia never get one? Just give us a handful of entries dated over the years, laying out her own feelings and anxieties about the job she’s doing. It would’ve been so easy!
It irritates me nearly as much that, even in the few corners of this fandom sympathetic to Mia, no-one seems to be very interested in answering these questions in fic or shared headcanons (and if there are examples out there I don't know about, please do link me to them!) How much did Mia know about what she was getting into when she started working for the Connections? Was it the job she kept telling herself was just until she could find something better, only for that ‘something better’ to never come along? Did she have stains on her record that made it hard to find another job? How much of her lying was a misguided attempt to protect Ethan, and how much was simply about protecting herself? There's so much to explore here!
This is also where I mention that I've already put my money where my mouth on this one, and written up my own take on Mia's backstory, and how Ethan might have found out the truth. You don't have to agree with my version, of course ‒ I mean it when I say I'd love to see other people's ideas too. Heck, I'd even be up for versions where Ethan ultimately can't forgive her, just as long as people come at it from the angle of looking at Mia as a character, not just a one-dimensional-villain.
But of course, I'd still prefer to think about versions where these two do find a way to make it work. It takes a lot to make me ship het this hard, but these two stealth-badasses have pulled it off with style.
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magicfootballstuff · 10 months
Finalist (alessia russo x reader)
Summary: World Cup fluff. Alessia has no idea you're on your way to Australia to surprise her before the final.
“Did you watch the game?” Alessia asks, calling you at the earliest opportunity after the semi final ends. You know she must still be at the stadium and you can hear the sounds of her teammates celebrating in the background.
“As if I’d miss a match as important as this one,” you reply. “Your goal, baby - that was something special.”
“Really?” Alessia asks, the giddiness apparent in her voice, even over the phone.
“Yeah, it was. It was incredible. You’re incredible.”
“I wish you could be here,” Alessia says.
You glance up at the departure board and read the words “Sydney - gate opens in 20 minutes” before you sigh and reply, “Yeah, so do I. I’m sorry.”
Because what Alessia doesn’t know is that you watched her semi final match from an airport lounge in Singapore, where you have a layover between flights on your way out to Sydney.
“Don’t apologise,” Alessia reassures you. “I know how hard it is for you to get time off work.”
It has been hard, you’ve been so busy at work recently that you were forced to stay in England while Alessia competes on the other side of the world. But after the Lionesses won their quarter final, you knew you had to fly out to Australia for Alessia’s final match, whether it was the final or the third place match, just to get the chance to see your girl play in a World Cup. And now that you know it’ll be a World Cup final that she’s playing in, you’re extremely glad that you managed to persuade your boss to let you have the time off.
“Anyway, it means a lot to know you’re supporting me, even from so far away,” Alessia continues.
It takes all the effort you can muster not to confess everything and tell her that you’re not as far away as she might think, but you’re determined to keep this a surprise.
“Always supporting you,” you promise her. “All the way to the World Cup final.”
You can practically hear her beaming down the phone, and you can picture the way her face scrunches up in delight as she replies, “It doesn’t feel real yet. I don’t think it’ll feel real until we actually step out on the pitch.”
“I’m so proud of you,” you tell Alessia.
You hear the opening bars of ABBA’s Mamma Mia followed by a shriek down the phone, then the distinctive sound of your girlfriend’s laughter.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Alessia apologises. “Ella wants me to dance. I’m gonna have to go. But I love you and miss you so much!”
“Love you too! See you soon!”
You only realise the slip of your tongue when Alessia has already hung up, by which time you can only hope that she’s too distracted by the dressing room celebrations to notice and ruin the surprise of your impending arrival in Australia.
For reasons you can’t explain, you’re nervous as you wait by the Sydney harbour, against the backdrop of the opera house and the famous bridge. You only landed in Australia this morning, and though it’s now early afternoon, it feels like the middle of the night to you. 
You’re about to see your girlfriend for the first time in six weeks and Alessia has no idea. Maybe that’s why you’re nervous, afraid that your sudden appearance on the other side of the world to where Alessia currently thinks you are will somehow distract her from her preparations for the biggest football game of her career. 
You check your phone for the millionth time in the last twenty minutes. Your most recent message is one from Luca, who is in on the surprise, telling you that Alessia insisted on stopping for coffee and that they’ll be with you in ten minutes. 
That was fourteen minutes ago.
You turn around, leaning back against the harbour railing, and glance down at the bouquet of flowers in your hand. What if this was a silly idea? What if your arrival in Australia two days before such an important game is a distraction for Alessia? What if she has other plans for her last day off before the tournament ends and you’re taking that away?
But then you glance up and you see her in the distance, walking towards you with her brothers on either side of her, laughing at something that one of them has just said, and your heart stops in your chest. She’s changed out of the England tracksuits you’ve become so accustomed to seeing pictures of her wearing and into a pair of dark trousers and a white crop top, a pair of sunglasses perched on the top of her head that pushes her blonde hair out of her face. Maybe it’s the sun kissed glow from spending more than a month in Australia, maybe it’s the fact that she looks so relaxed and happy, maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t seen her in person for so long, but she looks like a goddess as she strides obliviously towards you.
You push yourself off the railing and try to straighten up your own appearance, fully aware that spending thirty hours on planes and in airports and your current state of jetlag probably means you resemble a zombie more than your normal human self, certainly not somebody worthy of Alessia, but you can only hope that doesn’t matter.
She continues to come closer, still unaware that she’s walking towards you, until she’s close enough that you can hear the familiar laughter as she jokes around with her brothers. 
And then her blue eyes find yours and being the clumsy girl that she is, she actually stumbles slightly when she sees you, doing a double take as she recognises you.
“Oh my god,” Alessia says, and then she’s running towards you.
You hold your arms out wide as Alessia launches herself at you, knocking you slightly off balance as she wraps her arms tightly around you and buries her face into your neck. It feels so strange, yet so familiar to have Alessia in your arms after so long apart, and you’re never going to take spending time with her for granted again.
“But … but you’re in England?” she says, her voice muffled by your hair.
“I’m pretty sure this is Australia,” you reply lightheartedly, squeezing her tighter.
“What are you doing here?” Alessia asks, pulling back and cupping your head with a hand on each side of your jaw, staring at you in disbelief, as if she still isn’t completely sure that you’re not a figment of her own imagination.
“Sightseeing,” you tease her. “No, I’m here to see you, silly. My girl’s playing in a World Cup final on Sunday - do you really think I’d miss the chance to see that live?”
“But we talked yesterday,” Alessia says, her face scrunching up in a cute frown. “You were at home.”
“I lied, I was in an airport in Singapore,” you confess.
Alessia’s eyes widen in surprise, then she says, “You sneaky little… I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“These are for you, by the way,” you say, untangling your arms from around Alessia so you can present her with the bouquet of flowers you bought - red and white for England, obviously - before they get too squashed.
“They’re beautiful,” Alessia says, as she accepts the gift and admires the flowers.
“Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl,” you say cheesily. “I’ve got something else for you too.”
“Uh huh,” you nod, as you place your hands on Alessia’s hips and pull her closer, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes to close the height difference and press your lips against hers.
Alessia’s lips are exactly as soft as you remember them and she gasps at the contact, before pulling you in even closer with her free hand. You try to savour the moment, enjoying the way that Alessia’s aura surrounds every part of you, her lips pliant beneath yours as you fit together like it hasn’t been over a month since you last got to kiss her.
It’s a special kiss, one that you wish could last forever, but a kiss that is ultimately ruined by a raucous wolf whistle followed by fake retching noises from Alessia’s brothers nearby.
Alessia pulls back with a groan, then turns to her brothers to scold them.
“Okay, you two can get lost now. I want to spend my day off with my girlfriend.”
You turn to Luca and Giorgio and give them an apologetic shrug.
“Sorry guys, Lessi makes the rules.”
You endure a bit more teasing, Luca continuing to gag while Giorgio makes a comment about you being whipped, but that’s quickly forgotten as Alessia pulls you in for another kiss, and by the time you break apart again, the Russo brothers have got the message and left you alone with your girlfriend.
“This is the best day ever,” Alessia says, reaching for your hand and threading her fingers through yours as you start to walk side by side towards the Sydney Opera House. 
“Are you sure about that?” you tease her. “I mean, you scored a goal that helped your team get through to their first ever World Cup final yesterday. That sounds like a pretty hard day to beat.”
“That was good but this is better,” Alessia answers without hesitating. “I might have to reconsider on Sunday though. You know, if we…”
Alessia trails off without saying the word win, and you know probably still can’t quite get her head around the fact that winning the World Cup is a possibility.
“Whatever the result, I’m so glad I can be here to support you,” you tell her, bringing your joined hands to your lips and pressing a kiss to the back of her fingers. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You’ve travelled halfway around the world for Alessia, and you’d do the same journey a hundred times over, just to see the smile that spreads across her face at your words.
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luvendiary · 3 months
of moons and crowns / r. lupin
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remus lupin x reader; royal!au
part 2
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a/n: hiiii! i've been mia for a bit now. life's been pretty hectic. i've had this one on the drafts for a really long time, so in my spare time i've been slowly adding to it, and i think i got carried away. there's a part 2 in the works, so let me know if you'd like to see that. also i'm really sorry for all the requests i haven't put out. there's some that i have already started. i'll try my best to get to them. but honestly, i try to work on what inspires me rather than the order in which they were sent since i can't dedicate a lot of time to this anymore because of college. as always, let me know what you think. also, i think this is the first marauders fic i publish!
summary: the life of a servant in the palace was hectic. the life of a servant in the palace who so happened to get along with the princes, was even more so.
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It wasn’t everyday that a royal ball was announced. Especially not one where the three crowns would be attending. 
The kingdom was buzzing with excitement, and even whilst doing your daily chores you could not be spared of the gossiping and chattering.
“Do you think that both Black princes will attend?” one of the maids -Lucy- asked dreamily from across the small pond you were washing your clothes at. 
“I sure hope so!” another chimed in. “But I have my eye on the Crescentwatch prince…” she continued dreamily.
“I’ve heard he is quite handsome”, you said with a giggle. As you couldn’t help but to offer your two cents of the conversation. 
“You already have two handsome princes in your palm,” she said in a joking manner. “Leave some for the rest of us.”
“I can assure you Eva, that Sirius and I have no romantic intentions with each other. And as for James…well, he is James”, you explained simply as you splashed a bit of water into your fellow maid,
Your friendship with the princes was a strange phenomenon. Royalty would usually limit themselves with interactions amongst their social ranking, however thanks to your time working with the Most Noble House of Black, an out-of-odds friendship had sparked with the heir. Truth was, your time with them had not been a fairy tale. In fact, it had been quite the opposite. You had experienced their abuse and mistreatment first hand whilst working for them. And last time the Blackhaven monarchs had visited the kingdom, they made sure to make your life impossible, just for old times sake. You were no stranger to the Kingdom of Blackheaven’s tyrant rulers. But you were also no stranger to the kindness of their heir. Sirius Black had been your only distraction from the torment of the monarch’s unending chores.
Your friendship with Sirius started one night when he found you out in the gardens after a particularly cruel punishment from King Orion. Your hair was a mess, and angry tears had rolled down your blotched face. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You had been pacing angrily and muttering to yourself about how you would give him a piece of your mind one day. How you couldn’t care less about losing your head if that meant you could be far from them. 
In a moment of pure anger and frustration, your hand flew out in a fist and hit a tree. You had immediately regretted that, as all you received back was a pair of bloody knuckles. 
“You might want to be more careful”, an amused voice said, immediately flooding you with panic. The previous heat that had been flowing through your body because of the anger vanished. Being replaced with dreadful cold instead. 
“Your majesty…” you breathed out, as you straightened your posture. There in front of you stood Sirius Black in all his glory. His long hair was tied up, and his white shirt was sloppily tucked in his waistband. 
For a brief moment you considered acting as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't caught you cursing the absolute hell out of his parents. But you were tired. You could not put up a front anymore.
Your body deflated visibly once again, and you ran a hand through your hair. 
“I would say that I’m sorry for my imprudent behavior, my prince. But that would be a lie”.
A moment of silence passed between you two. You patiently waited for him to say something. A death sentence maybe. However the next thing that came out of his mouth was far from that. 
Laughter boomed from deep within his chest, making your head snap up immediately. Was he mocking you? Was death just a joke to him? For a brief moment you chastised yourself from expecting anything different from the Black Heir. After all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if you didn’t mock me. I doubt that death is a laughing matter, even for royalty”.
Sirius’ laughter dissolved into small chuckles. “Death? What do you mean?”
“My execution. I got punished earlier today because I poured the king the wrong type of wine. I highly doubt that you'll let me off the hook with just a warning for badmouthing them”.
A flash of anger and hurt passed through Sirius’ eyes before a soft grin adorned his features. “Lucky for you, I’m not my parents”.
Confusion made its way to your features. “So you won’t kill me?”
“Why would I do that?” he said approaching you. He inspected you for a moment before taking your hand and eyeing your bloody knuckles. 
He dragged you to a nearby bench and without hesitation ripped a part of his shirt before proceeding to carefully -but sloppily- wrap your wounds with it.
You stayed quiet through it all. The correct thing would have been protest and decline his acts of service. He was royalty after all, and you were supposed to be attending him. But you were so tired. 
“Let me see it”, he spoke up after a while. 
“Your punishment”.
You glanced up at him with tired eyes. You considered sparing him from the sight of the marks on your back. But to hell with everything. He should know what his servants were going through under his father’s reign. He was going to be king one day after all, and he needed to know if a change was going to be made.
You turned your back to him and carefully unbuttoned the back of your dress. The fabric had been scratching at your new injury, making it redder than it already was. 
There in between your shoulder blades was a deep scorch mark in the shape of  the king’s crest. The wound was deep from the several burnings you had gotten over the years. Some were even unaligned from their usual place. A result of your trashing and pleading for mercy.
You expected a gasp or an indication of surprise from the prince. But you heard nothing. Instead, from your peripheral vision you saw him uncorking a small vial of a dark purple paste. He dipped his fingers into it and carefully smeared it on your back. 
The cool sensation of the paste combined with his fingers on your skin and the stinging of your wound, made you tense up. 
“I’m no stranger to my father’s rage” he whispered.
Only then did it occur to you that the rumors of Sirius’ rebellious personality and his constant acting out in events might not please Walburga and Orion. 
“Has he branded you too?” you asked bluntly.
“Yes, but not with the family crest. That would mean that he’d had to consider me his property. And if it were up to him, he would have disinherited me a long time ago”, he explained as he closed the vial. “He prefers a simpler method when it comes to me”, he continued. 
You did not expect him to show you anything. Royalty tended to protect their honor in that way. They didn't want to appear weak, especially not in the presence of their subjects. But Sirius kept surprising you. Slowly, he untucked his shirt and lifted it just enough for  you to see the lash marks that peeked over his stomach and seemed to take root from his back. 
You didn’t say anything. Your hand twitched in your lap, aching to trace the scars and maybe provide the same attendance that he had offered you. But you stopped yourself and instead just looked at him, eyes full of exhaustion. 
“Why haven’t you abdicated? You can get out of here. I’ve heard of your friendship with Prince James and Prince Remus. Everyone knows that the Noblehaven royal family would take you in in a heartbeat”.
He chuckled. “I hardly think it's fair to leave my kingdom behind. I want to free my people of my parent’s torture. And I think that his anger is a sign that I’m going in the right direction. It means that I’m making  changes -changes he doesn’t approve of”.
You chuckled. “I’d hardly call getting drunk during the Queen’s Jubilee making changes”. 
He laughed. “No one ever speaks to me like that”.
“Does that mean that I just got myself a death sentence?” 
He smirked, “It means I like you. You say what you mean. Unapologetically”.
You chuckled and smiled to yourself. You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you thought you liked him too.
Ever since then, your meetings with Sirius had become more frequent. Whenever his father decided to punish either of you, the other would attend to their wounds. You would both bond over your dislike for his parents and would never fail to make the other laugh. 
It wasn’t until one particular bad punishment that Sirius decided he needed to get you out of there as quickly as possible. So against your wishes, he arranged for you to be presented as a “gift”  to the royal family of Noblehaven. 
“You can’t be serious!” you screamed as you stormed into his chambers.
“I’m always Sirius,” he said, unbothered by your anger.
“You can’t just gift me away! I won’t go!”
Sirius closed his book and slowly looked up at you. “I’ll miss you too. I’ll miss you so much. But I can’t keep seeing you get punished. It’s not fair. I already talked with James. He’ll take care of you. You’ll be in good hands, I promise”. You noticed a teary smile make its way to his face. “You’ll be safe”.
You tried to stay mad, you tried so hard to not break. But a sob managed to escape your lips and you crushed into his body as you wrapped your arms around his torso. 
“I can’t leave you Sirius. I can’t go knowing you’re still here. Who will take care of your wounds?”
He laughed, amused by your protests. Truth was, you did so much more than just take care of his wounds. He couldn’t imagine his life these past years without you. But for your own good, he will have to now. “I can manage”, he replied as he hugged you back and buried his nose in your hair.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The Noblehaven royals had done right by their promise. They provided you with far more commodities than the Blacks ever did. You had also managed to befriend Prince James. You often found him in the halls and he made sure to send a flirty comment your way, which you always replied with a sickly sweet voice, pretending to swoon with his advances. Your whole act was amusing for him. Which is why he also liked to search for you whenever you had work to do, so he could chat your ear off. 
It was to no surprise then, that when the ball was announced, James had come running to you to give you the news. You were over the moon when you realized you’d see Sirius again soon, which had put you in a fantastical mood for the rest of the day. Perhaps in too good of a mood, since you had forgotten that Sirius would not be coming alone.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your fellow maids, as they called out your name. You hadn’t realized you had been harshly scrubbing the coarse fabric against your skin, causing it to turn visibly red. You looked up to find the girls already looking at you with amused expressions.
“I think someone’s waiting for you,” one of them said as she subtly signaled to something behind you. 
Following her gaze, you came to find none other than James standing by the outhall of the gardens. Your heart immediately jump started. He could possibly bring news of Sirius.
“I’ll be right back,” you said, smiling apologetically at your friends.
The two of them giggled before easing your worries, offering to take your basket of unwashed clothes in with them if you weren’t back by the time they were done. 
You thanked them quickly before skipping over to the prince.
“Your highness”, you said as you curtsied.
James chuckled and offered you a little bow of his own. “My lady, I bring pleasing news for you”.
“Get over with it James!” you said as you punched him lightly. “Sirius is coming right? Will I be able to see him? Please don’t let me be their maid in waiting again!”.
“Calm down dearest”, he said as he patted the arm that had been previously interlocked with his. “The Blacks did send in a particular request for you, and unfortunately it’s not mine to deny”.
Your posture deflated immediately. You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn't noticed James leading you to the guest wing of the palace.
“We're here…” he said as he let your arm go. 
Your eyes immediately went wide. “They're here already?!” you whispered harshly. “I can’t go in there! They’ll kill me if I show up like this!” you rambled as you pointed to the tethered dress you wore. 
“It’ll be alright. I won’t leave your side”, he assured you. Although his words did little to calm you down, you knew they couldn’t cause you actual harm in here. Which is why you weren’t throwing an absolute fit over the situation. You were a maid after all, and it was your duty to do as the royals requested.
You sighed and attempted to fix your clothes along with your wild hair which had begun to set itself free from the braid you had constricted it into just this morning. “I thought you were supposed to give me good news…” you mumbled before straightening up and reaching for the door handle, missing completely the grin James was trying to suppress.
You prepared yourself mentally for facing the two most terrible people you ever had the displeasure of meeting. But you were surprised to find one figure instead of two. He was the same as his father, except that he was totally different in all the right ways. His sharp features had never looked so beautiful to you, and his tied up hair was a good sign. He felt comfortable.
Your hands immediately flew up to cover your mouth and you felt your knees buckle. “Sirius…” you whispered as a huge smile morphed your face.  
“Well, don’t just stand there…” he said with a laugh as he opened his arms, inviting you in for a hug. 
You wasted no time immediately running up to him and jumping into his arms. “I’m so happy to see you!”
“I´m happy to see you too,” he said. You felt his chest rumble with deep laughter, and it just settled in the fact that he was here.
“Oh god…” you separated immediately from him. “Where are your parents? They're going to kill me”, you whispered frantically.
“That's the best part,” James jumped in as he wrapped his arm around Sirius cheerfully. “They are not coming”. 
The revelation that the dreaded Black monarchs were not attending the royal ball lifted a tremendous weight off your shoulders. The relief was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel grateful to whatever twist of fate had kept them away.
Sirius noticed your visible relief and chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "No need to worry. James and I have our ways of handling them. We convinced them that attending this ball would not align with their interests. Besides, they've grown tired of these social gatherings."
You exchanged a glance with James, who winked at you playfully. It seemed the princes had orchestrated this whole scenario to ensure your peace of mind. Your gratitude towards them deepened, and you couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness of your friends. You also couldn't help but to think of what Sirius had implied. It wasn’t in the likes of the Blacks to show weakness such as exhaustion. They would always make sure to show other kingdoms their coldness and unwavering manner. But if what Sirius said was true, maybe Walburga and Orion’s reign was coming to an end. Maybe it was finally time for Sirius to step up to the throne and finally lead Blackhaven into prosperity. No wonder he looked so healthy. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
As the days leading up to the royal ball unfolded, life within the palace took on a whirlwind of excitement and preparation. Noblehaven was adorned with flowers, banners, and elaborate decorations, creating an enchanting atmosphere in anticipation of the grand event.
Sirius and James, with their usual mischievous flair, took it upon themselves to involve you in the preparations. You had already told them -repeatedly- that your attendance at the ball was not assured, and even if it was it would not be as a guest, but rather as a servant. That did not discourage them, however, from imagining your dress, which was starting to sound more like an elaborate pastry to you.
In the midst of this bustling activity, you found yourself navigating the corridors of the palace on an errand to deliver a message for King Fleamont, James's father. The palace, as majestic as it was, could be quite confusing for someone not accustomed to its intricacies.
In your rush to fulfill your duty, you turned a corner and collided with a figure rushing in the opposite direction. Books and papers scattered across the floor, and the collision left both of you momentarily stunned.
"I'm so sorry! I should have been more careful," you exclaimed, hastily bending down to collect the fallen items. Heat rushed to your face, praying to whoever was listening that this mysterious figure was not any sort of royalty. 
A warm chuckle reached your ears, and you looked up to find a young man with sandy-brown hair and gentle hazel eyes, who was also crouched down, gathering the scattered belongings. Your first instinct was to plead for him not to worry about the mess you had just made, but one look at him had you speechless. 
"No, it's my fault. I was not looking where I was going," he replied with a smile, handing you a few loose papers.
Standing in front of you was none other than Crescentwatch’s own heir, Remus Lupin himself. 
You had heard James and Sirius talking about him. Everyone knew they were basically brothers. The other maids also talked a lot about him. His handsome face, his mysterious scars, his dreamy eyes, and his soft hair. But for some reason you had always seemed uninterested in the topic. You supposed that royal gossip wasn’t as entertaining when you were so close to it. You had enough things to deal with with James and Sirius, adding another royal to the mix didn’t sound as appealing, especially if he would be as rambunctious as the other two. 
Still, the prince’s handsome features were not lost on you.
“I'm so very sorry your majesty!” you said as you offered him a curtsy. 
“Oh please- that's not- '' his words were cut short by a louder voice coming from down the hallway that called your name.
“I've been looking all over for you!” James said as he jogged up to the pair. Next to him, Sirius’ grin widened as he realized who you had just bumped into.
“Ah! So you’ve finally caught the third prince uh?”
“I-” you looked frantically between the three men who now blocked your way to King Fleamont’s study. “I’m sorry, I should’ve looked where I was going”, you said frantically trying to get past them.
James laughed. “I hope that you’re on your way to try your dress on”, he teased.
“Are you sure you’d like to know about my dress or are you more interested in Princess Lili’s gown?” you shot back as you reorganized your papers and combed a hand through your messy-looking hair. 
Sirius laughed, Remus chuckled and James turned red. “That’s what I thought”, you mumbled pleased with yourself. “Besides, the only gown I’ll be wearing is my uniform. The fancier one, if you’d like details.”
Sirius groaned. “But you were supposed to be my date!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. You would’ve loved to attend the ball with them. They were your closest friends. Despite that, you could not ignore your social standing. It would not be appropriate for a prince (a crown prince, at that), to be seen in such a formal event with a servant. 
“I already get enough comments on how I charmed my way into your bed and out of Blackhaven Sirius. I don’t need more of those, especially when they aren’t true.” 
Sirius sighed dramatically.
Remus spoke up then, “what about me?”
Your shocked expression made a small smile appear on his face. Up until now he had watched you retaliate James’ and Sirius’ comments with ease. Leaving you speechless was something he prided himself with. Even if you had just met a few moments ago, both princes would not stop talking about you. 
“What about you, your majesty?” you asked.
He chuckled at the title. “What if you were my date?”
You glanced around at the boys. James’ mouth hung open, and Sirius had an unbelieving smile on his face. 
“You sly dog…” you heard the latter mutter as you gently tapped Jame’s chin close. 
“Is that an order?” you asked with a small tilt of your head. You still weren’t sure where exactly you stood with him.
“It’s an invitation,” he replied, without missing a beat. 
After a moment of silence -and uninterrupted eye contact with the Crescentwatch prince- a small smile broke its way onto your face, despite you trying to remain serious. 
“Goodbye your majesty,” you said with a curtsy, before turning around and resuming your way to King Fleamont’s study. 
Silence remained amongst the three boys. Each still trying to comprehend what had just happened. 
“So the good news is…”, James said after a moment. “That wasn't a no”.
That seemed to break Sirius off his trance as he jumped onto Remus and started blabbering about how he didn’t know he had it in him. 
Remus however, did not hear a single thing his friends were saying. With a smile still gracing his features, he wondered what his next move would be.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 6 months
I know it's really late, but yandere Ethan Winters. (He deserves better than Mia even before RE7, fight me.)
RE7Yandere Ethan Winters x reader/you
warnings: a few rather changed canon events, spoilers (kinda re8 spoilers too with one thing?), have a bit of buildup to living with him as yandere, clingy, unwanted touch, obsessive, bit of coercion, delusional behavior, sorta stockholm in a way?
(Before yandere) Ethan who you befriended while Mia was gone and offered to come with. You just had a bad feeling and didn't want him going alone. Somehow he agreed.
Cue you loyally following him and helping him every step of the way. You two watching out for each other and saving each other's asses on way more than just one occasion.
As time passes he slowly starts to feel as if he doesn't love Mia anymore. She still wouldn't tell him anything, and has kept many secrets from him in the past he eventually found out. He's having his doubts of why and how she's here even though she explained it before. The more he thinks of it, the more it feels like another lie. But you haven't lied to him. Kept serious secrets from him even if you were just friends. Even though he's only known you for like two years, you've shared everything with him. You were his rock, his staple to keep everything together when she was gone.
You never see Eveline, but Ethan does and she's not very happy of his slow change of heart. He starts latching onto you, always grabbing your hand whenever you both have to rush somewhere. Or even when it seems to be a minute breather of everything going on. You take it as him just making sure not to split up and lose each other.
That's partially true, but not fully. It's a constant, festering need that rapidly starts to grow in him to always feel you close. Even he himself at the beginning thought that it was worry you both would end up splitting up too. You're the only sane one around him besides Zoe, but she isn't physically around him in this hell. However, he quickly figures out and accepts the truth. He can't tolerate you no longer being around him.
It may be the place itself. It may be him. It may be some sort of fucked up trauma this place is giving him, or even a mix of all three. But none of it matters. Only you do at this point. He never felt as close with Mia as he feels with you now, and no longer even cares for her.
All he wants now is to get out of here with you. But he has no idea what way to get out of this hell, so he'll listen to Zoe until then. He does have a growing resentment for Mia though. Compared to you, he should have seen so many red flags from her in the past. And look now where that's made him and you end up. As a "gift" he's saving several 44 Magnum bullets he plans on using on them. Sure, it might not kill Mia anymore, but it sure as hell will at least slow her down for a while. He also doesn't like how aggressive she is on you compared to him. Sure, none of your limbs have been cut off, you haven't gotten any near-fatal injuries, but it's still bad she's targeted you first every time she comes back.
You two take a short rest break. You lean against his shoulder and end up falling asleep from the now lack of adrenaline rushing through your body.
He lets you. Zoe can wait. Lucas can for sure wait. Mia can definitely wait. It's only you who is important. He also takes the chance and injects you with the serum. You likely don't need it in the first place. He will not have Eveline trying to corrupt you. Try to take you from him. No. One. Can. He won't let them. He'll fight her with his dying breath if he has to as long as you make it out alive.
It eventually comes to a head of Zoe and Mia needing the serum.
Now he's thinking he should have waited until now to inject you to show Mia as a final "fuck you". Oh well. Doing it earlier guaranteed they couldn't swipe it from him if he tried to inject you then.
That's when you think of something. "Wait a minute. Would the serum even work?" The three look at you like you're crazy.
"Why would Eveline give the Baker's family the one thing that could kill her? She's likely not the only thing like her created. Could it be a fake from her knowing Zoe was searching?"
Now Zoe looks at you like you're stupid, while Mia looks like she had a terrifying realization. "That's a very far stretch."
Mia shakes her head, knowing she has to reveal what she's done. "No... It does."
Zoe sighs. "then it must be in the crashed ship they came on."
"the... what ship?" Ethan is trying real hard not to be upset right now. He injected you with a useless serum??
you all decide to get on the boat for now to go to the ship.
Things didn't go as planned as you guys crashed somehow at the ship, and Eveline took Ethan away.
You were wary of her from how many times she previously attacked you, but for now it really seemed she didn't want to. She admitted what she actually was, making you feel really bad for both her and Ethan.
She found the actual serum that will kill Eveline and gave it to you, yelling at Eveline all the while.
Eventually you and Mia find Ethan and work together to pull him out.
She manages to push you and Ethan out the door before closing it. He didn't put up much a resistance, just more confused what she was doing.
It finally comes to a close when you and Ethan get in the helicopter, and you're relieved to see Mia. Ethan... He's not. Especially after finding out by you he was right. She WAS a part in all the hell Eveline caused, and was even her "handler". That just drastically furthered he doesn't want a thing to do with her anymore.
She took it hard he didn't want to start over with her. Even tried to manipulate him. Since he no longer loved her he could see the signs a mile away, making himself even more angry at his past self for ignoring all of her bad things.
It didn't work. But he did beg you to live with him for at least a while. You were pressured by the Blue Umbrella agreeing with him and wanting to keep a close eye on you two for a while. He was thrilled by his luck of them agreeing.
The clinginess came on FAST. Everywhere you went in the house, or anywhere out of the house, he followed you like a lost puppy. Watching a movie? you better cuddle up to him or he's wrapping his arm around your shoulders to have you lean on him.
The most uncomfortable to you was sharing the same bed, and him cuddling you then as well. You tried to take it again as him just traumatized from the events of before. You know you sure as hell are and still scrub yourself raw every shower remembering the textures of everything. And also feeling bad for him losing Mia. He told you they broke up.
One day out of the blue he started calling you pet names. Hasn't even been a month when he started doing that. You weren't into that type of thing with a friend, and told him to knock it off.
It didn't work. He just became more adamant on it. He wanted to be with you. He absolutely loves you and every single little thing about you.
Now that blew you away. He's gotta be out of his mind. You try to ask Blue Umbrella to move, but they deny. It's as if they don't want you from him either. They don't. They know what he is but thought it would be better not to tell him. They comply to what he wants though to keep him stable. And to run tests on him, which he complies with it that will keep them making you stay with him. He doesn't think that way though.
In some sort of twisted logic in his mind, he doesn't think they're making you stay with him. You just need a little persuasion to realize how you really feel.
It's much more than persuasion though. More like light coercion by the Blue Umbrella. Warnings you'd never get to see your friends or family again did it. Now you can, but Ethan has to be with you, and you absolutely cannot tell them anything of what happened.
You hate to admit it, but as time went on, you started to love Ethan back, craving the constant touches. His constant words of praise, love, adoration, and anything else possible slowly broke your resolve of refusing to love him from it feeling wrong. He almost seemed to worship the floor you walked on, catered everything to you. Spoiled you with everything possible, and with the money given by Umbrella, anything was on affordable range.
You eventually surprise him with a kiss on his lips, sealing your fate together with him further. But hey, at least you're both happy now.
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drunk-on-dk · 2 years
I Just Think You're Cool | Pt 1 - Lee Seokmin (m)
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✦pairing: college athlete!seokmin x afab reader
✦genre: fluff, some smut (minor DNI)
✦warnings: Best friend Mingyu, teasing, drinking, y/n has a bit of a stalker at one point, SMUT, fingering, cunnilingus lmao, i gotta think of any other warnings, MINORS DNI
✦wc: ~6.2k
✦summary: Seokmin knew you were off limits, you were Mingyu's best friend, and he had been quite protective over you. However, your sudden reoccurring appearances make it harder for Seokmin to not fall for you even more.
✦ AN: I hope you all enjoy it! This is not super proofread towards the end, so I apologize for any errors. A little all over the place, but I had fun writing it. Got a bit carried away with the lead-up, thinking of maybe a pt 2 with some more smut. Otherwise, Cinema by Harry Styles was on repeat during this. ENJOY!
part one | part two
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Seokmin was surprised to see you so bright and early at 6 AM in the morning, watching you from where he was warming up on the field as you fumbled with a camera bag and tripod near the bleachers. Mingyu was next to you, helping you set up and keeping you from falling when your foot got tangled in the strap of your camera bag. Seokmin had to hold back a chuckle as he witnessed you almost topple over from afar. He watched as you regained your balance, Mingyu and you laughing at your clumsiness, a graceful smile was drawn over your features in contrast to your near fall.
Seokmin had to pull his gaze away, hating the ping of jealousy that he felt as he watched Mingyu pinch your cheek before he jogged back towards the team on the field. Coming to a halt alongside Seokmin, Mingyu gave you a thumbs up, which you returned, but also waved at Seokmin upon noticing that he had been looking your way, a blush shading your cheeks realizing he probably saw you trip. Seokmin waved back, still unsure as to why you were here at their practice, and Mingyu seemed to notice this as he continued to stare in your direction, seemingly confused.
“I thought I let everyone know on the team, but Y/N is helping out with our social media,” Mingyu explained, grabbing a soccer ball nearby to begin running some drills with Seokmin. “You know, like posting about our games, making promotional videos, all that fun stuff. You may not know it, but Y/N is good with stuff like that.”
Seokmin nodded, passing the ball back and forth between Mingyu and him. “So that means she’ll be at all our practices?”
“Probably as many as she can make it to, and most likely as many games as she can attend as well.” Seokmin couldn’t deny the giddiness he felt, realizing he’ll be seeing you around more often, losing his attention as the ball that Mingyu kicked his way flew right past him. “Hey, pay attention to the ball.”
Mingyu was Seokmin’s kind, best friend who he had met his first year on the university’s soccer team. You were Mingyu’s even kinder, best friend that Seokmin was absolutely infatuated by, but could never admit it to anyone, fearing that Mingyu may beat his ass. Seokmin had seen you around often of course, due to you being Mingyu’s other constant in life other than his soccer team. However, your interactions were scattered, only briefly catching up with Seokmin at parties the soccer team threw, the occasional pregame or hangouts that Mingyu held at his place, and the couple of times you passed each other on campus, always greeting him with a shy wave and smile. That was it though, as Mingyu wasn’t your only friend, and you had become MIA over the years due to you going out with other friends from your own extracurriculars.  
Seokmin remembered the first time he met you freshman year at one of the first parties the soccer team had thrown. His friendship had just begun with Mingyu, and the two were already attached at the hip. To no surprise, Mingyu had invited you to the party, as you two had quickly become close friends upon meeting each other on your first day of lectures, only to find out you both live in the same dorm building. Seokmin watched you walk into the party with Mingyu, to which Mingyu introduced you to all his teammates. Seokmin thought it may have been love at first sight, you were attractive and incredibly charming, so he quickly brushed it off as a freshman crush.
Of course, Seokmin wasn’t the only one interested in you, there were other teammates who tried to make advances on you. This would prove to piss Mingyu off by the end of the party, pushing an older teammate, Jeonghan, away from you when he tried to make a move on you. You had eased the situation, guiding the heated Mingyu away from the perplexed Jeonghan, making sure to direct a bright smile and blow a kiss towards the older boy. Jeonghan of course teased Mingyu for the rest of the year up until he graduated
Ever since then, Seokmin has treaded very lightly around you, still unsure three years later if Mingyu was being a protective friend, or if the boy has a crush on you just like all his friends. Unfortunately, Seokmin’s crush never went away, you only became more and more attractive over the years, not only did you tend to get prettier each time he saw you, but as he learned more about you as well. However, he’d never risk his friendship with Mingyu, especially since they were on the same team. Still, Seokmin was sure to follow you on social media, giddy when you followed him back, and tried to speak to you whenever he came across you in person.
On the other hand, you still couldn’t believe you agreed to helping Mingyu and the soccer team out with social medias. Sitting down behind the camera you let out a huff, feeling slightly uncomfortable as the morning dew that had settled on the metal bleachers was now soaking into your leggings. You enjoyed editing pictures, videos, and were savvy with social media, so you had blindly agreed when Mingyu asked you to help manage social media for the team, not being aware of how much of a time commitment it may be. This wasn’t necessarily related to your major at all, but hey, it wouldn’t hurt to be affiliated with your university’s official soccer team, the management skills potentially being beneficial for your resume. Also, you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed watching attractive men play soccer all day, for your own selfish reasons.
An hour later, practice had come to an end, but Mingyu had to stay an extra half hour due to a screw-up he had made during a scrimmage game that cost him extra practice time. Mingyu had called out to you from the field before Soonyoung, the team captain, began pushing him to start running laps. “Catch a ride with Seokmin, he’s the only fool that I trust to get you home safely, don’t wait around for me.” Upon hearing that, Seokmin points to himself dumbly, looking up from where he was packing his cleats into his bags and over to Mingyu, who paid him no attention.
You laugh at the confused boy, haphazardly carrying your camera bag and tripod towards him, “you don’t have to take me home, DK, I can wait around for Mingyu. I really don’t mind.” Seokmin could have sworn the wind was knocked out of him upon hearing you use his nickname so casually in a sentence. He came to his senses, closing his jaw that was slacked open, realizing why you may think he doesn’t want to take you home per his shocked expression.  
Scrambling to pick up his duffle bag, Seokmin takes the tripod from you to carry as well, and quickly tried to play off his odd behavior. “Y/N, don’t worry, I can take you home,” Seokmin laughs, “Sorry, I was just shocked that Mingyu wasn’t being protective of you for once, and that he said he trusts me out of all people.”
You laugh at his statement, following him towards his car in the lot near the field, and decide to tease him a bit. “Good point, Mingyu tends to be overprotective. Can I trust you though, hmm?”
Seokmin smiles at you as he piles your stuff and his into the backseat of his car, you both climbing into the front seats once everything is all set. You always have noted how dazzling Seokmin’s smiles are, it’s the kind of smile that extends up into his eyes, and always makes you want to smile in return.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” he says as he revs up the engine, putting the car into drive and pulling out of the lot. “I’m hungry, and you don’t want to see what I can do when I get too hungry. Otherwise, I’m pretty trustworthy, won’t cause any harm, I promise.”
“Hmm,” you seem to hum in consideration, “how about I get you breakfast this morning in return for driving me back?”
Seokmin’s heart almost pounds out of his chest, as he refrains from snapping his head in your direction to see if you’re messing with him. Of course, this was just an innocent suggestion on your end, but the thought of any chance to spend more time alone with you sends his mind and heart into overdrive, danger mode.
Before he even has a chance to respond, you’re jumping in your seat and pointing towards the popular twenty-four-seven diner on your campus. “Here! Pull over here! Let’s get breakfast at the diner.” Due to the enthusiasm in your voice, he’s whipping into the first parking space he can find at the diner, shocked by how you grab his hand once he locks his car, pulling him into the diner and to the nearest empty booth.
Breakfast with you is comfortable, even with the subtle pounding of Seokmin’s heart. You are incredibly entertaining to him, constantly coming up with new topics of conversation, and never failing to make him laugh. He takes pride in making you laugh as well, especially when you almost spit out your coffee when he fails to perform a pseudo magic trick using his napkin and utensils. Seokmin uses this as a chance to get to know you better, but so do you, taking the time to ask him questions about himself. He swears he’s only digging himself deeper, further realizing how kind and funny you are, loving the twinkle in your eye as you talk about the things you enjoy doing, sharing tid-bits about your hobbies, such as editing pictures and videos, and your friendships outside of Mingyu.
He knows he's in really deep when the waitress spills a full cup of water on the table, the puddle leaking onto your lap. She’s quick to apologize, claiming it’s been an off day, but you graciously assure her that it is alright, that it’s just water, with the kindest eyes he’s ever seen. You’re even sure to leave her a tip above average, mentioning that you hope it helps brighten her day and that you’ve been there before. Seokmin had only inquired, in hopes that he can help chip into the cost of the breakfast, but you stubbornly snatched the check away from him, tucking in enough cash for the food and a hefty tip.
The car ride back was comfortable as well, but Seokmin’s heartbeat had only picked up even more, not wanting his time with you to come to end just yet. You were in the passenger seat, singing along quietly with the music that played on the radio, and he thought he could get used to having you around, even if that meant he had to suppress his itching desire to make you his.
Much to his dismay, he pulled into your apartment's front entrance, but you seemed to be bummed a bit as well. You huffed, holding your palm out to him, “hand me your phone.” Seokmin stumbles to pull his phone out of his pocket and unlocks it, tossing it into your hand like a hot potato. You don’t seem to notice how nervous he is, watching as you type your number into his phonebook, and giving yourself a quick call. You hold your phone up to show him that you have his number as well before ending the call.
“Let’s be friends, DK, I had fun today. Text me if you ever want to hang out,” you say whilst handing his phone back, and he holds it almost as if he’s been handed a relic. You’re quick to hop out of his car, snapping him back to reality. Seokmin watches as you grab your stuff from the backseat before heading up to the front door, shooting another smile his way and you bid him goodbye with a wave, disappearing into your apartment complex.
This is how Seokmin ends up texting you for the next couple of weeks, leading to your friendship blooming, and despite trying his hardest to not fall more for you, his heart was growing fonder of you day by day, text by text. He sees you around more often now due to your frequent attendance at games, practices, and any team event you are invited to. However, he still hasn’t had the guts to ask you to hang out one on one. Of course, Mingyu is still your best friend, so he can’t help but feel as if he’s betraying some sort of bro-code, even though he’s only set his intentions on becoming a good friend of yours for now.
Mingyu starts to pick up on your newfound friendship with Seokmin too, noticing how instead of being by his side as per usual at the pregame, you’re actually in the corner of the kitchen giggling at a joke that Seokmin says. It must be obvious that something has shifted since Seungkwan from the team had the audacity to walk up to Mingyu and tell him that you may have found a better friend on the team. Mingyu lets his comment slide, pushing the younger boy away, but he’s sure to note the way that you lean into Seokmin as you both continue talking. He’s not sure what he’s feeling, but he sure doesn’t like that his two best friends are bonding without having him in the loop.
When you’re all out at the bar later, Mingyu pulls Seokmin aside to ask about the clear difference in your friendship. You had disappeared into the crowd a while ago, noticing a group of people you had recognized, and you had ended up taking shots and moving to the dance floor with them.
“What’s going on with you and Y/N?” Mingyu asks his friend, looking down at the half-drank beer in his hands. “Just curious, since you two seem to be closer now.”
Seokmin is quick to pick up on Mingyu’s mannerisms, as he doesn’t seem too hostile, but there is still that protective tone in Mingyu’s voice. “Just became friends I guess; we’re pretty alike you know.”
Mingyu laughs, Seokmin was right, you two were almost the same person, and he couldn’t believe he basically had two clone best friends. “True,” Mingyu hums, seeming to trail off, unsure of what to say next. He’s not sure why he’s acting this way, or why the question leaves his mouth. “Do you like her?”
“Do you like her?” Seokmin asks back, unsure how to respond, and hoping his wide eyes don’t give him away. There’s an awkward pause as Mingyu chokes on the beer he had just sipped on.
“No way,” Mingyu almost stutters out, but Seokmin gives him a knowing look. “Ok, I liked her sophomore year, but she completely, flat out rejected me. Nothing really changed otherwise though, stayed best friends of course. That’s over now, but that may be why I’m so protective. That’s also why I’m asking, do you like her?”
Seokmin isn’t sure if this is a test from his friend, unable to read the look in Mingyu’s eyes. Thankfully, you and a friend of yours pop up out of nowhere, and you’re too excited to notice the tense air between him and Mingyu. Quick to wrap an arm around Mingyu’s waist, you take his free arm and place it over your shoulder.
“There you guys are,” you slur, you’re much drunker than before, and you’re leaning most of your weight into Mingyu, your other friend quick to grab the drink you almost spill out of your hand. “We were looking everywhere for you.”
“Hey, Maya,” Mingyu greets the girl who is next to you. Maya, per Seokmin’s observations, seems to blush as Mingyu smiles at her, and he knows the feeling all too well.
“OH MY GOD,” you screech, scaring your friends slightly and making Seokmin jump, “Seokmin, you have to meet my roommate, this is Maya. Maya, this is Seokmin, one of the nicest guys ever.” You break loose from your grip on Mingyu, stumbling over to the hesitant Seokmin who catches you, wrapping your arm around him in a similar matter. Seokmin avoids making eye contact with Mingyu at all costs, feeling how he eyes you two up and down.
“Nice to meet you, Maya,” Seokmin greets your roommate, charming as ever of course. She gives him an all-too-knowing look, before looking back at you and engaging in some unspoken conversation between you two. Mingyu can’t help but notice how you smile endearingly up at Seokmin, understanding your body language and comparing it with how you act around him. He can tell you're into Seokmin like crazy.
“Nice to meet you too, Seokmin. Unfortunately, we do have to head out, which is why we had been so desperately looking for you guys so that Y/N could say goodbye,” she laughs, trying to pry you away as your hold tightens on Seokmin. She’s successful in pulling you away from the man, even though Seokmin is just as reluctant as you are to let go, but he helps Maya out anyways. “As you can see, Y/N here is a little too tipsy. Nice to see you gents, and hope you have a good night.”
Maya and you bid the boys goodbye, of course not without pressing a quick peck to both of their cheeks before she can drag you out of the bar. Maya is quick to apologize on your end, saying goodbye again and pushing you out the door towards the uber.
Mingyu notices the bright hue on Seokmin’s cheek as you exit, and before Mingyu can point it out, Seokmin ultimately confesses his feelings to his friend, “Fuck, I like her a lot. I’m way too into her for my own good. I’m so sorry, Gyu.”
Mingyu can’t suppress the bit of jealousy within him, but he knows you two are never meant to be anything more than just friends. With a huff, downing the rest of his beer, he grabs Seokmin’s shoulder, “break her heart, and I will kill you.”
The next day, upon what can be considered Mingyu’s blessing, Seokmin finally works up the nerve to ask you to hang out. He sends you a simple text, asking if you’d like to get some coffee, assuming that you may be a bit hungover this afternoon.
You respond back quickly, but unfortunately not in his favor. You let him know you’re already out with Mingyu for the day. Seokmin internally curses Mingyu, of course, you had to be out with him. Seokmin is quick to send a response back, asking if you may be available to hang out tonight, as his only plans were to go to the field late at night to run some practice drills alone. It was a Saturday, but with there being a game tomorrow, he had no intentions to go out.
You never do respond though, not until later, apologizing that Mingyu had distracted you from your phone and that you already had plans to go to the bar again tonight, serving as redemption after your night before. Later when you had posted a picture that night on your story with Maya, he couldn’t help but notice how good you looked, cursing that he couldn’t just give in and go to the bar himself.
Ultimately, that leads to Seokmin spending his night on the field, running practice drills, and repeatedly kicking the soccer ball into the net to let out some steam. He had done this for a couple of hours, working up a sweat, and finally, when it reached 11 pm, he made his way back over to his duffle bag. As if perfect timing, he noticed he was getting a call, not just from anyone, but from you.
Fumbling to pick up his phone, he quickly answers, “Y/N?”
“Seokmin,” you mutter out quietly, “I’m so glad you answered, Mingyu wasn’t picking up at all. Can you please stay on the phone with me, I left the bar since I needed some air, but I think this guy is following me.”
“Of course, where are you at?” Seokmin is stern, not with you, but immediately felt tense considering you have someone following you.
“Umm, I’m right on Caldwell Lane, walking down towards Market Street,” your breathing is shaky, and he wishes he could be right by your side. “Where are you at, Seokmin? I’m far from my apartment, and I don’t want to stop here for an uber.”
Just then, Seokmin has a realization. Thank goodness he’s been practicing for so long, he realizes that once you get to Market Street, if you walk a block or so more, you will be at the soccer fields. “Y/N, just keep walking to Market, take a right once you get there, and you’ll be at the soccer fields. I’m here right now.”
He swears he can hear you whimper, “OK, I’m almost there, I’m going to pick up my pace a bit.” He can hear the clicking of your heels in the speaker as the urgency of your steps pick up. Seokmin can’t help but run down the street, hoping he can see your figure appear and at least have eyes on you. Once you do, he lets out a breath of relief, seeing that you’re safe and alone. However, much to his dismay, a guy is trailing you, making a turn at the corner and continuing to follow you.
“I see you, Y/N,” Seokmin says, increasingly getting more and more angry as the man continues to follow you. “You’re almost here, I’m gonna hang up now and call out for you.”
You seem to protest, but Seokmin hangs up, jogging towards you with arms wide open. “There you are, I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it out tonight with you.” You’re quick to fall into his arms, Seokmin staring at the man behind you with blazing eyes to let him know he’s been caught, to which the guy turns off conveniently into another local pub.
You’re near tears in his arms, grasping onto Seokmin for dear life as he runs a hand over the back of your head in comfort. “Thank you, Min, I’m so glad you picked up the phone.”
His heart flutters at the new nickname, “of course, Y/N. Please call me whenever, seriously.” He leans back, keeping you in his hold as he grabs your face in between his two hands, brushing a tear away with his thumb. He can’t help but notice how pretty you are, even when your nose has turned slightly red from all your sniffling. “My stuff is back on the field; I can go grab it and take you home.”
“No, no, no,” you mutter, mustering up a small smile. “I don’t want to intrude on your practice time.”
He scoffs, “Y/N, it’s 11 pm, I was getting ready to go home anyways,” Seokmin begins to lead you back to the field, and you follow, holding his hand tightly in yours, feeling safer that way. The field picks up all the noise pollution from the bars, booming music echoing throughout as you stand near Seokmin, reminding you that it truly is 11 pm. You pout when you notice he does pack up, pathetically playing with the soccer ball in your heeled booties as you wait for him.
“What if I don’t want to go home yet, Seokmin,” you ask, still kicking around the ball. Seokmin takes the time to look at you from where he is crouched over, packing his things up. You really do look good tonight, honestly extremely sexy in his opinion. He couldn’t believe the sight before him; you kicking around a soccer ball in your knee-high boots, black mini skirt, a trendy long-sleeved blouse, and your curled hair a bit tousled from the wind. He tried not to stare at you for too long, quickly standing up from his stuff, and snatching the ball from you with his own feet.
“Well, what do you want to do,” Seokmin asks gently, trying not to let his voice waver as you seem to chuckle at his playful nature of taking the ball from you.
“I want to do something fun,” you joke, getting a bit closer to him and pushing him to try to receive the ball back. Truthfully, you don't want to go home, you want to spend as much time with him as possible. “Play a bit of soccer with me.”
Seokmin can’t deny you anything, especially not when he hears your melodious laughter ring through the air as he starts to play along with your request. Your mood has flipped from before, now giggling as you somehow get the ball back from Seokmin, booking it down the field to attempt a shot at the net. However, Seokmin is too fast and skilled for you, albeit you’re in blocky heels, swiftly kicking the ball out from under you, but ultimately almost causing you to fall over.
Seokmin is quick to catch you, noticing how you lose your footing and trip over yourself. He pulls you in close like before, however, this time his body burns against you with a new heat in comparison. You’re breathless, you’re not sure if it’s from the running or the way Seokmin looks into your eyes, darkness in them that you haven’t seen before. He seems to be breathless too, but you see the way his demeanor changes before quickly letting you go.
You miss the heat of his body, not wanting him to let you go, and deciding to risk it, you pull him back into you. He is silent when you do so, so you panic, trying to sway along with the music echoing on the field. “No, please hold me, Min. I mean, do you hear that music? Dance with me or something.”  
Seokmin can’t tell if you’re still drunk, he can still smell the trace of alcohol on your breath, but you aren’t acting too out of sorts. He almost shivers when he feels your hands travel from his arms, up to his shoulders, and all the way into the hair on the back of his neck. This results in his grip on your waist tightening to pull you closer to him as you sway along to the distant beat. He can’t tell if you know exactly what you’re doing to him, letting out a sigh as you gently tug on his hair. You were acting quite odd, still, he couldn't bring himself to pull away from you.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” Seokmin almost pouts, an incredulous laugh escaping his lips as your close dancing starts to turn into sillier dance moves. You couldn’t believe that you had come onto Seokmin like that, trying to play off the situation by spinning in his arms, blaming the alcohol for making you act up again.
“I don’t know, having fun, Seokmin,” you giggle as he spins and dips you, playing along with you a little bit more now. The two of you must look so funny to any passersby, both of you dancing on the field, as you’re dressed up in going out clothes and he’s in his practice gear. He still looked extremely attractive to you though, the sporty look and messy hair sending your mind into overdrive.
“Seriously, what’s up with you?” He continues to laugh but finally pulls away, holding you steady for once.
You suck in a breath, staring into his eyes again, trying to pick up on any cues on how he may feel about you because you are surer than ever that you want him and want him bad. You had developed feelings for him as well, and it was beginning to drive you crazy. You quickly spit out, “I just think you’re cool; I like being around you. Do you think I’m cool too?”
Seokmin has to stifle back a laugh, “I think you’re cool too, Y/N.”
You shake your head, finally deciding to let it all out, “no, Seokmin, like I’m way too into you. I don’t even know why I said that.”
Seokmin stares at you incredulously, and all he can think to do is to lean down and gently pull you into a kiss. However, upon kissing you, you let out a moan, and for once he feels something snap within him, making him act out differently from his usual gentle style. He grabs the soccer ball from the ground near your feet, hoisting you up onto his shoulder, being sure to cover you from your mini skirt rising, and he leads you over to the building next to the field.
Dropping you down gently onto the ground, Seokmin tosses the soccer ball into the metal-wired basket where the rest are all piled up, and he pushes you up against one of the many lockers. You soon realize this is the locker room, noticing Kim Mingyu’s name engraved on the locker across from the one you’re pressed against. Your skin feels hot, noticing how Seokmin’s demeanor really has changed, his eyes back to the darkness that they were before.
“Stop with all that cute shit and playing games, Y/N,” Seokmin grabs your jaw with one hand, the other hand holding your hip against the locker behind you. “Fuck, I’m into you too, didn’t you ever notice that? Did you ever notice you have most of the soccer team running laps for you?”
You gasp when his lips connect with your neck, messily trailing up to your jawline where he holds you tightly. “I-I never n-noticed,” you breathe out, feeling breathless at his touch, grabbing onto his arms as you tried to ground yourself. You feel how they flex under your touch, this side of Seokmin being something you never noticed until now, truthfully. “I l-like the way you t-talk with me, h-how playful you are, and how,” Seokmin harshly sucks on your neck, nibbling gently, “fuck, h-how you make me feel.”
With new fervor, you gain some dominance, ripping his hand away from your face and pulling him into a rough kiss. Your heart flutters at the feeling, the kiss messy as your noses bump into one another, and his one hand slams into the locker making a loud noise. You jump slightly, but Seokmin keeps his mouth on yours, still battling for dominance against you.
Seokmin only pulls away from the kisses to whisper praises to you, “I can make you feel so good, darling. You’re so good for me, you deserve it,” he says, making you rut your hips up into him. Seokmin has ignited something in you, something you hadn’t felt in a while, and you were becoming more desperate as each second passed. “You look so beautiful, so gorgeous with my name engraved behind you, sounding so sexy moaning my name out.”
You gasp, moaning out when his hand travels down to your chest, palming roughly at your covered breasts. You realize you must be pressed against his locker, a way for him to stake his claim on you, and you continue to breathe out his name like a mantra as his hand travels farther down your body and closer to your core. By the time his hand makes it to your heat, you’ve wrapped a leg around him, his other hand helping hold it up for you.
His deft fingers run over your clothed folds, and you buck into his hand, feeling needy for his touch. “So sensitive for me, darling,” he groans out when his fingers move past your damp panties, slipping two of them into your seeping cunt. “So fucking wet for me too, is this really all for me?”
He looks at you so innocently, but his long fingers start moving in and out of you expertly, curling and hitting your g-spot. You’re gasping for air, hands pulling at his hair as he bites at your bottom lip, “all for you, Min, only you make me this wet.”
“Such a sweet girl,” Seokmin moans out, crashing his lips against yours as he relentlessly fingers you, and you can feel your own juices begin to drip down your thighs as he continues his ministrations. You let a loud moan slip past your lips as he begins to rub fast circles into your clit, your high approaching you quickly as Seokmin catches your moans with a kiss. He has your hips pushed against his locker, not allowing you to chase his fingers, but he’s able to get you to reach your release just by fingering you.
You feel the coil inside you snap, and you almost scream out in relief from the orgasm, but Seokmin is quick to capture the sound with a kiss, knowing you can’t be too loud. Seokmin almost loses his mind at the way your walls clamp around his fingers, wishing that he could feel you squeeze around his cock instead. However, tonight is not the night for that, knowing you’re a bit tipsy, and wanting to wait until he can really take his time with you. Regardless, he knows he is not done with you for the night. Not after the way you whine out when he removes his fingers from your core, pulling them to his mouth to taste you for the first time.
“Of course, you taste so fucking sweet, too,” Seokmin can’t help but sink to his knees, pulling the leg that was wrapped around his waist, and placing it over his shoulder instead.
“P-Please,” you beg, “I n-need more, please.” You’re gripping at his hair, as his hand roughly shoves your panties out of the way again, wasting no time diving into your heat with his mouth this time.
“No need to beg, darling,” Seokmin laps at your cunt, looking up at you from between your legs, and you swear you almost collapse at how innocent yet sexy he looks. “Taste so fucking good, let me take care of you.”
You’re grinding against his face as his tongue fucks into you, his nose deliciously providing pressure against your clit as you chase your high once again. “Just like that, ride my face,” he encourages you, only working his tongue even more messily into you, adding his fingers to the mix.
The rubber band inside you is quick to snap again, as Seokmin’s tongue and fingers work you through your second orgasm. You’re a writhing mess, your legs shaking as he tries to still the one hooked over his shoulder.
Once he comes back up for air, he’s pulling you into a heated kiss. The taste of you on his lips still makes you want more, even though you’ve become sensitive from the overstimulation. You try to trail your hand down to where he is obviously hard, all from getting you off, but he stops you before you can reach him.
“No, no, darling,” he says gently, pulling away from the kiss. “Just wanted to focus on you tonight. Let’s save this for later.”
You almost pitch a fit, but your cut off when you hear your phone vibrating in the distance from where you hand dropped it on the bench earlier. Quick to scramble away, you grabbed your phone to realize it’s Mingyu returning your calls. You quickly eye Seokmin, unsure if you should answer, feeling a bit frazzled by what had just happened.
As if he knows your almost asking for permission, he nods, smirking slightly as you pick up the call from your close friend.
“Oh, hey, Mingyu,” you say, and there is still a breathlessness to your voice that only Seokmin knows the reasoning behind. “Oh no, everything is okay. I’m fine now, don’t worry.”
Seokmin can hear Mingyu’s concerned voice on the other line, unable to make out exactly what he is saying, but he’s sure that the other man is making sure you’re safe. “Yeah, I’m safe now, Gyu. Seriously, I am perfectly okay.”
You breathe out once again, making eye contact with Seokmin, feeling the butterflies erupt in your stomach, reminding you of your orgasm ebbing away from your core. He looks so perfect as he stares at you with such love, you almost melt, forgetting you’re on a call with Mingyu. “I promise you, Gyu. Everything is perfectly fine. I'll see you at the game tomorrow.”
Seokmin pulls you into his arms after you assure Mingyu once again that you were safe and hang up. He's sure to scatter kisses all over your face, pulling you into a tight hug. You can’t hide the smile that covers your features, hiding your blush behind your hands as you try to cover your face. “I mean it, Seokmin, I’m really into you.”
Seokmin knows that Mingyu would kill him if he knew what had taken place right before that phone call, but he was sure he’d never let Mingyu down in the sense that he’d never break your heart. “I’m really into you, too, darling.”
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter One)
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Summary: Reader has her first day at the BAU in training to take JJ's place on maternity leave. She gets comfortable around the office with the help of her father Davis Rossi and the other members of the team, especially one specific genius.
Warnings: None
AN: This is my first real try at this idea that's been collecting dust in my brain, so far this chapter doesn't have a whole lot and it's mainly intro to the character but yeah. Also reader doesn't have Rossi's last name fyi and she's taking Jordans place in season 4 but they're not the same I promise.
Series Masterlist
   Well, I knew the time was coming, just not so out of the blue.
   I was training under the Communications Liaison of the BAU today, Jennifer Jareau, due to the fact that she's leaving for maternity leave soon. 
  It was only a matter of time before my dad, him being THE David Rossi, pulled some strings to get me to that spot despite me barely finishing the academy. I mean, I rocked it, but they usually want someone of more...experience in a position as such.
But here I am, walking through the doors of the bullpen and Jennifer walking up to me with a friendly smile.
"Ah! Agent Y/L/N, glad to see you," she said cheerily, holding her hand out for me to shake it.
"You too" I say returning the gesture and trying to keep my composure and maintain the same cheeriness as her, but failing.
"Nervous?" She asks, seeing through me with ease but continuing to keep her friendliness and walking me to her office.
"No of course not" I say sarcastically with a playful smile on my face as we enter in the room filled with a vast amount of case files.
She motions for me to sit across from her at the desk and laughs softly, "Don't worry, after your first couple of cases it gets easier..ish." 
"I just hate the part of the job that involves dealing with the press" I admit, with the stuff I've heard from my dad I can understand the stigma around journalists and outside sources.
"Tell me about it, but you'll get the hang of it, it's usually just repeating yourself after a while." She replies and we continue to discuss more about the details of the job and what I'm gonna have to do in the next weeks. 
"Alright enough of this, everyone should be here by now. I'll introduce you to everyone." She says and we get up and out where three agents stand talking.
"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She'll be taking over for me while I'm on maternity leave." She says and I smile at the three that Jennifer has described to me.
I go to shake their hands, "You must be Agent Prentiss, Agent Morgan, and Dr. Reid." They all return smiles to me, "Agent Jareau has told me so much about you all."
"La mia bambina!" I hear a familiar voice say as I look over to see my dad, his arms stretched out and pulling me as he kisses my cheek. 
"Hi dad." I say sheepishly, my face burning as the agents in front of me furrow their eyebrows. 
"Dad?" Prentiss says and continues, "Does your last name come from wife number 2 or 3?" she jokes and Morgan laughs in response.
My dad waves them off and looks back to me, "Training start today?" I nod and he holds me with his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah if you can let me go I can finally start" I joke with him and he lifts his arm in response.
"Yeah Rossi, I'd like to get her started with that." Jennifer says playfully as I wave once again to the others when she brings me with her to look over a case before bringing it to the team.
"I may have forgotten to mention that part to them," She says, looking at the file in her hand. "Oh, what? That Rossi's my dad?" I ask, her nodding and I continue, "No worries, I don't think he's ever even brought up having a kid. One that he knows about at least. We haven't been that close in all honesty." I explain to her. It's really no big deal to me, he wasn't very present in my childhood but as I've gotten older, he's put in a lot of effort to be a part of my life even if it's a little late. Hence, my place at the BAU.
We spend the next hour going over cases and she guides me on how they decide where to go and whether or not the risk of more lives being lost is prominent. Once we settle on one she lets out a breath, "Alright let's take a break, I need to stop staring at all of this" she says motioning to the abundance of cases on the desk. I nod in agreement smiling and make my way to the break room for a cup of coffee.
"Agent Y/L/N, right?" I hear someone say as they walk in. I turn my head and see the tall stature of Dr. Reid.
"Yes, yeah. Hi." I say, waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing. He walks over and waits next to me with his empty mug. "But I don't really care about formal titles, you can just call me Y/N."
"Okay, Y/N. You can call me whatever, Spencer, Reid, I don't mind." He says gently and continues, "Rossi never mentioned he had a daughter. Let alone one coming onto the team."
"Temporarily" I remind him, but it's more to myself, "but I don't know how often he really wants to talk his personal life." I say lightheartedly and the coffee finally fills up my cup and I move over to let him use the machine.
Spencer shrugs and begins to make his own, "How long have you been in the FBI?"
At this I get nervous to respond, you can be as young as 23 to get into the FBI, but the BAU needs prior experience. But of course, my dad rushed the process some. "Well, uh, I kind of just finished the academy. I'm only 24 so there hasn't been much room for familiarity."
He looks at me with a slight surprise in his face, "Really? I mean if it makes you feel any better I started here as soon as I could. So in reality, you don't need all that much prior experience in the FBI to work here."
"Aren't you like, a genius though?" I laugh, Jennifer did tell me that about him.
He laughs and nods, "Well..you know what I mean. They make exceptions."
"Yeah, I suppose"
"Are you interested in profiling?"
"I only just recently figured that out." I laugh and explain further, "Psychology has always intrigued me and that's what I majored in, so once my dad figured that out he kinda shoved me into this field." I say, doing an exaggerated push motion absentmindedly.
He smiles and nods, "I think you should go for it, after this whole liaison thing of course, I wish you luck." He says and waves as he walks out. In that moment I can feel my face flush slightly, it wasn't that big of a deal but I guess I just wasn't expecting that sort of kindness on my first day.
I shake my head slightly and walk back to where Jennifer and I previously were.
She was already back on her side of the desk and reading a file, looking up she points at my cup, "Good thinking" she smiles and I take my seat again.
"I'd hate to think about how much coffee is drank in this building." I joke.
"Probably enough to supply a small country." she laughs and goes on, "Alright so I think you're pretty much all done for now, I don't think you'll be able to join us on the case but you can just get yourself used to the team if you want."
I nod and the day goes by with loads of 'how to's' around the office and in the perks of Jennifer's job. Sooner than later I get to go home and I get my stuff packed up and walk in the elevator.
The doors start to close but before it shuts completely, I see Spencer rush towards the elevator and I hold them open for him.
"Sorry- sorry." He says awkwardly as he gets in next to me. "How was your first day?"
"It was new. That's for sure. Just a whole lot of information on what I need to do." I say, fidgeting with my hair slightly.
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but if you need anything I know anyone on the team will help" He reassures me, and i smile back. "Thanks, really. I appreciate it."
"Of course." He smiles and the elevator opens up leading to the parking lot. "I'll see you later." He says and I smile back walking to my car.
I can feel the pink in my cheeks when I sit in the front seat and drive home.
I think I'm gonna like my time here.
okay chapter two will be out sometime between today and next week I hope y'all like it so far ik it's not a lot but give it some patience lols
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taranasaurustea · 13 days
BSD 115 theory!!
Or why Teruko is alive and how that connects with why Fyodor created ‘Fukuchi’ and why Atsushi and Akutugawa have to fight this monster alone.
1. Teruko’s death
So Teruko’s death while horrific struck me as a bit odd. We can see that when ‘Fukuchi’ stabs her in the forehead that she turns into a liquid.
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Further, she turns into bubbles when ‘Fukuchi’ sucks her up almost like drinking a liquid. But why? If turning her into a liquid killed her why would he need to drink her?
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2. Fyodor’s goal and ‘Fukuchi’s new power
One of the only things we know about Fyodor at this point is his goal of ridding the world of abilities which is the reason he probably created the triple singularity from Fukuchi in the first place.
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So what if the power of this singularity is to seal (and maybe utilise??) abilities within it similar to how the holy sword sealed Bram. This would make sense as it would be a big help in accomplishing Fyodor’s goal of ridding the world of abilities. Something that makes me think this is the case If it was just to kill all ability users why would ‘Fukuchi’ need to drink the body
But there’s a catch. Couldn’t he just kill them and take their abilities. I mean there’s no reason to think that just because ‘Fukuchi’ stole her ability she’d be alive.
3. Akutugawa’s words to Atsushi
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Akutugawa’s words to Atsushi seem ridiculous not just because of how overpowered ‘Fukuchi’ is but because they can’t be the only ones that would want to fight this thing.
Akutugawa is friendless and doesn’t have many allies in the vicinity, but shouldn’t the port mafia be able to get there eventually to help. It’s the same for the ADA and with Atsushi, I know most of them are locked up, but wouldn’t Kyouka at least try to get to Atsushi and would Kenji really sleep through this. Even if the ADA and PM are all MIA, you’re telling me that the government wouldn’t try to send someone or no other ability user would intervene? We know that Agatha tried to nuke Yokohama over what happened in dead apple and this seems like a worse event.
Regardless, no matter what it seems unlikely that they’re the only ones that would want to fight ‘Fukuchi’. No explanation seems plausible for why they’d be the ones to try. So what if the people who tried to intervene and fight ‘Fukuchi’ just got drunk up like Teruko. This explanation makes more sense as it explains why they’d be the only ones there without just saying that everyone else called in sick.
Atsushi and Akutugawa would be able to survive as Atsushi’s ability can cut through other abilities and Akutugawa can cut through space making them the only ones that have a chance of redirecting the liquifying hits.
This would also mean that because you can’t just kill everyone that got drunk, there is a likely chance that the souls that got drunk by ‘Fukuchi’ can come back when he’s defeated. This would mean that Teruko could come back!
4 Asagiri’s loves deathbaits
Even if this whole post seems like ridiculous copium (it is) my man Asagiri can death bait his way out of anything, there have been over 20 death baits in the last arc why should he stop here? Even, if Teruko is unlikely to be alive because they are a redhead and a child, two of the most unlucky bsd demographics, I believe there is still hope (until the next chapter where I’m proven horribly wrong.)
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pablitogavii · 10 months
angst where the reader is just really going through it and crying and can’t stop and gavi comforts her and she ends up falling asleep please. been going through it lately and just wanna be held 🥺
Always & Forever
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You were diagnosed with anxious depression when you were thirteen years old and everyone close to you was surprised to hear it since you were always a smiley go lucky girl.
There are times tho when your anxiety just becomes so overwhelming you feel absolutely helpless. Today was one of those days unfortunately.
When you just started dating Gavi, you didn't want to bother him with it a little worried he would find it weird and stupid. When you had a panic attack while he was there did he realize that there were things he needed to know about.
"I need to know about this so I know how to help amor..I promise to love you even more when you tell me" he told you that night that you were really happy that you explained it all to him.
Pablo quickly became the only person who could properly handle you during your down days as well as your panic attacks. He knows exactly what you need and is not shy to give it to you in an instant.
Today however he wasn't home because of his match against Getafe which was away. You didn't tell him anything because you knew he would make a fuss for Aurora or his mom to come stay with you for a day.
"Amor? You asleep preciosa?" he walked into your shared bedroom quietly and although it wasn't too late he wanted to make sure you didn't go to bed early.
"No.." you said peeking through the blanket which made him smile and sit down to kiss your lips lovingly. The moment you could smell his familiar scent, and felt his lips on yours did tears spill down your cheeks.
You just couldn't control it and Pablo didn't need a lot to figure out what was going on grabbing your small body and holding you in his arms tightly.
"Shh princesita mia..it's alright..I'm here now" he praised kissing the top of your hair while you silently sobbed nodding your head and feeling a little guilty for being such a mess.
"U..um..I'm sorry..Pablo" you hiccuped in between words but he wouldn't hear any more shutting you up with a sweet kiss on your lips.
"We said no apologizing when it comes to this, right princesa?" he asked and you nodded smiling weakly at him although you still felt so bad.
"You want some head scratches and cuddles huh??" he asked already knowing an answer before taking off his shirt knowing you love physical contact in situations like this and you quickly laid your head on his warm chest.
"There we go..you're okay preciosa..everything is going to be alright now that we are together" Pablo spoke softly while playing with your hair and the melody of his voice was lulling you slowly into sleep.
"Did you eat your dinner bombon?" he said and you nodded your head looking up at him with big eyes. It always warmed your heart when he would check up on you like this. Pablo smiled and nodded approvingly.
"Bueno..then I can give you my present?" he said and you looked excited which made him happy. At least he was able to distract you enough to give him a small smile again.
"But Pablito..we said no more presents! You spoiled me so much over the summer!" you tell him really hating that some people could ever think you are with Pablo for his money. You loved this boy's heart more than anything in the world.
"So I take it you don't want these mini gummy bears then??" he said taking out your favorite bag and your eyes opened wide taking the bag quickly while he giggled.
"I love you Pablito.." you said and he nodded his head loving how such a small thing can make you this happy. He always searched for a heart like yours and he was so happy that he finally found it.
"I love you too mi amor" Pablo said kissing your lips.
"Can you open it for me please?" you ask and he giggled nodding his head and opening the bag for you letting you much on it for a few minutes until you were done giving it to him to put on the bedside table.
"How are you feeling now amor?" he asks moving back and kissing the top of your head while you only sighed shrugging your shoulder.
"I'm sorry..you brought me a present and I'm still sad" you say with a pout which Pablo kissed holding you tighter in his strong arms.
"What did I say about saying sorry for this amor??" he said and you nodded nuzzling your face into his neck and letting him move his hand up and down your back. Tears were falling down your cheeks since your head was a mess but Pablo didn't mind at all just letting you cry and be there with him for as long as you needed.
Soon enough you grew exhausted as you stopped crying holding onto Pablo for dear life while he reassured you that he is not letting you go no matter what happens.
"U..um..thank you" you whispered on the verge of falling asleep holding his hand that was on your cheek and leaning further into his touch.
"Always mi amor..always and forever" he said and you smiled once more starting to feel a little better and your eyes were closing slowly.
"You have such big hands P..Pablo..and the little freckles on your fingers are so unique and cute" you were talking half asleep and he found it adorable kissing the top of your head letting you play with his fingers to distract yourself.
"Thank you mi amor..why don't you get some sleep for me huh?" he said and you nodded finally letting your eyes close and your body completely rest.
"Sleep well mi preciosa..I'm going to be right her..always and forever" he whispered letting himself relax too and get some well deserved rest.
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trlvsn · 1 year
phoenix wright making apollo justice present forged evidence is, as rightfully rage-inducing as it is, also perfectly understandable and even justifiable to an extent. in this essay i will not cut my introduction off with an old-fashioned tumblr punchline and will actually elaborate on why i think so and what i think about phoenix wright in general.
the first few paragraphs will be rather surface-level, but bear with me: i'm writing this in one breath. it has already been established that the change in phoenix's character was so big and shocking that the fandom is still actively discussing it and making theories. i have seen people compare his sprites with mia and diego, kristoph and miles, yanni yogi and many others, and every single on of them is, in in my opinion, correct: there are actual similarities between them, intentional or not. i believe it can all be explained with two simple statements. one: phoenix is a sponge of a man. even before aa4, we frequently see him adopt mannerisms and figures of speech from the people he encounters. he learns, he absorbs, he changes, but only for a short while, as he stays true to his motivations, passions and drive. two: the seven years of being watched by kristoph and collecting data made him turn to that mimicking quality of his and use it as a weapon. phoenix wright could not afford to reveal his true motivations, therefore, he could not reveal what he was in general. it's a simple metaphor, really.
did he get lost in the deceptions somewhere along the way? absolutely. "what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive", a line said by him about kristoph, can easily be applied to phoenix. this is where the bloody ace comes in. incidentally, he is given the idea by zak: he is the one who says one can't win unless there's a ace up their sleeve, and, no matter how much of an influence that particular phrase had on wright, he follows the principle. here is phoenix's first motive for forging the ace: insurance. without concrete, dooming evidence, a trial could not end in his favor at the time. phoenix wright, post-disbarment, is no longer a man who relies on bluffs and "just believing in the client", he is strongly dissapointed in the system, outraged, offended, hurt, wounded, and he does not trust it at all, hence the dirty tricks. you can't just play fair against something unfair and win.
what i find far more interesting however, are his other motives. if the only thing that drive him to forgery was distrust and carefulness, he would have shared the plan with apollo or, perhaps, done something similar to the turnabout succession trial, where the letter is shown to the culprit, but never submitted as evidence and quickly admitted as a fake. really, i believe he is smart enough to find other ways. however, he doesn't. he gives the ace to apollo in a very specific way: through trucy wright, not a word of proper explanation. why is that? he is teaching apollo a lesson.
clearly, something about apollo reminds phoenix of himself. a young, bright, nervous mind, fighting for the truth and justice, full of belief, a little naive. phoenix knows what that naivety cost him, and he destroys it right away, because then it will hurt less, he thinks. the forged ace is a vaccine of sorts: you will experience some minor symptoms, but no actual serious consequences, and it will hurt for a moment, but for the rest of your life, you will never catch that sickness again. phoenix is already planning the jurist system reform and has already planned how this trial will go: the environment is controlled and safe for apollo, he will not get disbarred. if the truth is revealed later, under the new system, surely apollo won't be receiving the same harsh punishment wright did. so here you go, kid, learn your lesson, punch a lawyer or two in the face, and never ever, ever trust anyone like that ever again.
but wait, if the truth does get revealed, who will be receiving the punishment for it? of course, the man who forged the evidence, phoenix wright. here comes the third reason: punishment.
remember the class trial? young phoenix wright, blamed for a crime he didn't commit, overwhelmed and crying. what does the abandoned child do when the whole class accuses him of stealing? he stands up slowly and comes up to the kid with the grey hair to apologize for the money he stole but did not steal. he admits it. it doesn't matter what the truth is anymore, because if everyone thinks you did it, you might as well have.
you might as well do it again, for real this time, and maybe a weight will fall off your shoulders, because what you see in yourself will finally match the image the whole world has of you.
phoenix wright is working on the jurist system. phoenix wright is a father and phoenix wright is someone who will do his best to put kristoph gavin to jail. that doesn't mean phoenix wright sees any other use or future for himself. it simply does not matter. well, by the end of the first case, anyway.
he gathers more evidence. he thinks, a lot. he gives apollo advice on the cases, inevitability reminiscing. the new system is a success. in a new, better world, maybe he will take some piano lessons: he has grown tired of pretending he can play. he has grown tired of pretending in general. hell, maybe he will even take the bar exam again.
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bozepomagaj · 7 months
ATINY/MOA/CARATS vs Made in Abyss was the last thing I expected and its hilarious
feel like I need to say something since twitter absolutely loves spreading misinfo and just accusing people of shit, how have you people not LEARNED your lesson yet? Since when is twitter such a trusted source, especially gossip accounts?
And before you braindead stans start calling me a d!ckrider, I promise you I do not care about these men cuz I've got better things to focus on and I'm making this because people are overreacting and it's getting annoying. It's so obvious 90% of you haven't watched the anime (and thats completely fine, I get you) and then ended up listening to someone who made stuff up and overexaggerated. I'm not here to defend the author because I hate him as much as you do and can absolutely recognize the dude is into some weird shit but saying people are ONLY interested in this series because of r@pe and p€dophilia is INSANE. So let me answer some questions as a Made an Abyss reader (not calling myself a fan because you'll catch me DEAD before you see me buying any merch or manga despite my love for the series), kpop fan second.
Does Made In Abyss contain p3d0ph1l1c themes, gore etc.?
There absolutely is because the author is a creep (refering to the nsfw however, most of the times it's very easily skippable. As someone who hates l0l1con cuz it creeps me out, I can tell you that I really didn't have a hard time skipping said scenes even in the manga which is far more explicit than the anime (Prushka asking about Bond's 'stick', Faputa looking into Regs pants, Vueko's weird comments) and sometimes, they're even added as extras (0.5 chapters) which certain sites that contain scans don't even include. I didn't even know about the existence about a few of these chapters BECAUSE they don't include them.
The OVA is a nightmare to watch and was not only unfunny but creepy as fuck especially when they try to boil down such an amazing character like Ozen into 'I like seeing little kids in pain'. Now I have no idea if this was made independently but I don't remember the author making any spin-offs that they could base this on so I can't tell you who wrote it but even then I doubt that the author minded it since the man himself had to include that Faputas behind smells like the 'Sun' so again, not here to defend him cuz he most definitely is a weirdo, no doubt about it.
Is Made in Abyss torture p*rn?
If MiA is torture p*rn then AoT is military propaganda and supports child labor, TPN is also torture p*rn, JJK promotes violence, Berserk excuses r*pe and Evangelion is also p*do bait. See how stupid that sounds? Just because an anime INCLUDES something, does not mean it necessarily supports it. Yes, r*pe is mentioned but it's not even SHOWN, and it's a cruical part of a characters backstory. The torture that happens, happens only once if we exclude Riko's 'experiment' at the very beginning of the manga. And Mitty's transformation can't even be classified as torture cuz it's a.... transformation. Prushka's death is very censored so its not like you can jack off to that anyways. Now the piss thing is something I have noticed but haven't really payed attention it because bffr why the hell would I so idk, maybe the author is trying to tell us something or the guy thinks pee pee poo poo funny🤷‍♀️.
Is there any plot besides the weird stuff?
See now this is the part that gets me most because the reason why a majority of people nowadays got into MiA in the first place is BECAUSE of the amazing plot. The world building, the mystery, the fight scenes, etc. It's amazingly drawn, nicely paced and unique in its own way. But of course, it's manga&anime and what's anime without fanservice? I already explained that in manga, said scenes can be easily skipped and the anime thankfully doesn't include a lot of these. I do have to admit thag I dropped the manga for now since the chapter where they were in a bath cuz it was another one of those 'here we go again' moments where it made me roll my eyes and just close the tab so I don't really know what's been happening recently and if things go weirder.
I'm also gonna tell you honestly that yes, the fandom is filled with sweaty dudebros itching to see these kids half naked and the author is aware of them and pondering to them because he too is one of them. But a large majority is back from when the anime originally came out and are mostly hiding on twitter so it's easy to avoid them and they've been pretty rare ever since people with actual interest in the series have begun watching it. A reason why back in the day I didn't wanna interact with the fandom at ALL was because the moment I tried to have a normal conversation about the plot and what might actually be going on, I instead get bombarded with "UWAAAA😭😭😭" and 'c*nny' comments. I also cannot defend and don't even plan on defending the fact that Faputa is pretty much naked the entire series. I get that she lives in the literal wilderness, but the very least you could do is put a cloth on her y'know. And mind you, I'm talking about the manga. The anime is a LOT more heavily censored, and from what I heard, even MORE censored in Korea.
To sum it up:
Do I think Mingi/Soobin/Woozi are p*dos cuz they watched the anime? Absolutely the fuck not. Considering Mingi is a big CSM fan, I can see why he watched Made in Abyss because I was in that same pipeline. I think some of you are going way too far with these comments, if you wanna call them weird, creepy, wanna unstan them for reading stuff like this go ahead, not gonna stop because in the end no one can but accusing people of crimes isn't funny and never will be. If they were exposed for watching shit like Kodomo no Jikan then that most definitely IS eyebrow raising. Maybe I'm slightly biased due to me only enjoying MiA for the plot so seeing people say the fans are p3d0s when the first time I watched this was when I was freshly 15.... yeah idk abt that one. Whether they liked the weird and questionable scenes, I have zero idea I'm just here to say that you can enjoy said anime without being a weirdo and you shouldn't begin jumping to conclusions and start calling people straight up criminals. If anyone wants to have a productive conversation and ask questions abt said anime cuz I doubt you're gonna go watch an anime over a Twitter drama, go ahead and ask. If you wanna insult me and call me a d!ckrider then go ahead and do that too, who am I to stop you?
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 2 months
“You’re a Disappointment,” An Analysis
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Seven years. Seven. Years. And it only just now finally hit me what Toffee truly meant when he called Marco a disappointment in Storm the Castle, and I feel pretty silly for not realizing it before.
Before Storm the Castle, Toffee has only seen Marco on two significant (canonical) occasions, Fortune Cookies and Mewnipendance Day. (As you may remember, Marco was MIA during Marco Grows a Beard, considering he was… physically trapped in that bathroom as his beard overwhelmed the house)
Fortune Cookies:
The entire plot of the episode, besides the ever enjoyable introduction to our favorite lizard, is Star once again being amazed by another Earth oddity: fortune cookies. She believes that the fortunes are genuine predictions of the future and are infallible and to be relied on for all of her future decisions (not helped by Marco who did influence this misconception by messing with her). This immediately establishes in Toffee’s mind— after learning from Buff Frog that she believes the messages in the messages in her cookies are fortunes— that she’s naive, impulsive, easy to stray, and immature. Of course, he very quickly learns about her impulsivity, fighting prowess, and stubborn will, but her naivety is what sticks out to him in this moment, and it’s what he takes full advantage of. (Note: I don’t think he actually looks down on her for these traits alone and expects her to be mature at all, I think he sees those traits going hand and hand with her age. She’s only 14, after all. Nevertheless, they are still traits he can use to his advantage to further his goals.)
This is something that Star has in common with the monsters Toffee has found himself within the company of. The only difference here? These are grown adults who he expects to have a bit more dignity under their belt, ESPECIALLY Ludo. While I’m sure he’s grateful that Ludo was naive enough to hire him with clever wordplay alone— overall assisting to further his goals— he can’t help but feel annoyed by the plain stupid amount of immaturity he possesses.
I think this is less so with Ludo’s army. Even if they share very similar traits, he knows they’ve been living under Ludo’s childish tyranny, and probably has a bit more faith that they can be molded into proper soldiers. Though, his patience is still worn extremely thin by their shenanigans.
Toffee takes advantage of this by planting a fortune in her bag, “Love is Always the Answer.” While I personally believe there’s a deeper meaning, it’s not relevant right now. But anywho, the core purpose is to let Star’s guard down enough so Ludo can gain ownership of the wand.
While Star believes the message hook, line, and sinker, Marco immediately sees past the ridiculousness of the fortune in such a dire situation. “What? Not in this case! Fighting is!”
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“Really? Now??”
He immediately sees past the fortune, relying on logic to reason that such a simple trick is just that: a trick. Clearly Star’s pacifism isn’t working, and they need to make the rational decision to fight. He’s immediately proves himself to be the level headed one of the duo, the one who keeps his head on straight and is clearly the maturer of the two.
Marco saw right through the trap and displayed common sense and logic. And he was later vindicated when it was revealed to Star that the fortune cookie was a trap.
And I can guarantee you Toffee noticed this, and it was only further cemented in the next time Toffee sees him again.
Mewnipendance Day:
In this episode, Star is celebrating what she knows as “Mewnipendance Day”, also known as the Great Monster Massacre, where the first Queen of Mewni attempted to wipe out monsters from the face of the planet, an attempted genocide of innocent people who lived on the land she stole from them.
Star explains the entire story from the Mewman’s propagandized perspective, going through a pop-up storybook to demonstrate the beginning and the end of the massacre. She gives an explanation of the beginnings, skips past the actual genocide and fighting itself, and ends with “And the Mewmans won!”
And guess who’s the only person who notices and brings attention to it? Marco Diaz himself.
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“Wait, but you just blew past all the important stuff.”
Once again, Marco is the one who’s calling out important things, looking deeper and more critically at the situation, opposed to everyone else who just goes along with it. He shows very clear and obvious signs that he’s more mature than his peers.
And let’s not forget, Ludo and Toffee are watching all of this through the surveillance device (the “all seeing eye”). Sure, Toffee is a tad distracted by the book he’s reading, but with how intelligent he is I’m almost positive that he’s multitasking here.
And Marco only proceeds to exceed expectations, actually going through the book and starting to see, at least in part, the true reality of the situation, calling it out and bringing it to Star’s attention.
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“Star, I know the monsters are bad and all, but this seems… unfair.”
Marco demonstrates that he is willing to see past biases and to see reason. He sees past the blatant propaganda and revisionist history, at least in part.
Overall, he is actively more mature than the others with common sense that aids in critical thinking skills and nuance beyond what’d Toffee would expect at his age, especially contrasted against Star. And I think taking off rose colored glasses and seeing the monster massacre for what it really is (again at least in part) really helps with Toffee’s perception of Marco as some levity amongst the childish people he’s been surrounded with.
That is, until their third interaction in Storm the Castle.
Storm the Castle:
Toffee clearly sees Marco as a competent fighter, considering the double imprisonment with not only the chair that confines him but the crystal box prison too. He knows Marco is more competent and mature than most people in his vicinity
At least. He did.
During Storm the Castle while Marco is imprisoned, he takes on the traits seen with Ludo, his soldiers, and Star. He’s acting immature, he’s being impulsive, and he’s talking back with what he assumes is witty dialogue. He’s trying to act all tough guy, which clearly doesn’t work with Toffee. Toffee humors him a little bit during the sandwich dialogue, releasing him from the chair, and Marco immediately takes an impulsive swing at him, leaving him to punch the crystal and immediately writhe in pain at the impact. Marco then immediately throws away Toffee’s genuine attempt at offering him a meal. Toffee is a monster, and being a monster in Mewni means that food, especially good food, is invaluable, because it’s so hard to come by. Seeing Marco waste and make a mess of it without a second thought is probably the nail in the coffin.
Marco isn’t the slightly more mature young boy Toffee assumed he was. He had witnessed from afar Marco’s knack for nuance and critical thinking, a breath of fresh air amongst incompetence.
But as soon as they get one on one all of that is immediately washed away.
Marco is acting like everyone else he’s come across lately, openly defying the nuanced maturity Toffee had witnessed previously. He’s just like the others. He’s being childish. He isn’t special.
“You’re a disappointment”
It’s not some profound statement, there’s no weight behind it. Toffee had no expectations for Marco and wasn’t planning on using him for his goals. Marco just genuinely was not who Toffee assumed he was by his previous actions. Toffee was mildly genuinely disappointed to learn just how kiddish Marco really is. He really expected better.
I also think this explains why Toffee didn’t bother to put him back in the chair restraints. He really didn’t need to go that far with trapping him in the first place.
I don’t think Toffee is surprised, or even phased by it, Marco is a 14 year old child after all. I don’t even think Toffee’s expectations for his maturity were big, period, just the slightest bit of relief that Marco was a breath of fresh air amongst the sea of incompetence. But no. He wasn’t, as far as Toffee concludes at least. This one interaction completely killed any hope Toffee might have carried, and he would just roll his eyes for even allowing himself to put even a little faith in someone.
“Well, that’s unfortunate. Anyways…”
I know there were tons of theories on this, but the actual answer, as far as I’ve figured, is incredibly simple lol. And now that I’ve finally realized what that line really meant, I think it’s important to share.
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ghostskiss2-0 · 2 years
The Interrogation
Summary: Ghost has finally gotten a tail on you. After the Russians took you and your men down during the Black Bag Operation, you disbanded from the Shadow Company completely. You’ve been laying low trying to get a hit on the very man that set you and your men up. Graves. Ghost believes you’re spy and know all of Graves’ plans. Set in Las Almas, roughly after Ghost and team were betrayed by Graves. Soap is MIA.
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. It is loosely based in the 2022 reboot, with “You” inserted as a solider previously under command of Phillip Graves, Shadow Company. Explained more inside, but please don’t take everything to heart, COD game wise. Spoilers for game below, don’t proceed if you plan on playing the game.
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, interrogation, mask!nk, AFAB reader, no Y/N usage, praise, fear k!nk, penetrative, fingering, creampie, bound hands, rough
Word Count: 3.6k
Days. Days you have been here, in this town. In this home. You had found the base at the edge of town, far enough from most of the cartel, but close enough to get to them if you needed. You’d offered a money – a lot of it – to the family that lived here to leave. It was the perfect cover. No one would think you were lying low in a loving home, pictures of the family hanging on the walls, food in the drawers.
It was perfect.
Until now.
You’d just gotten back from trailing after a couple of Shadow soldiers. None you’d known or worked with; it’d only been a few months and Graves already had more soldiers than you could count. You were only one person, granted you were trained, but there was only so much intel and ground you could cover. It’d been a long day, you tell yourself, with the hair on the back of your neck on stand and shoulders stiff. That’s why I got caught off guard, you think.
You know better. You know what this is, who’s behind you in the dark corner of the kitchen. You can feel it in your bones. The very core of your essence. But that doesn’t ease your fear. No. It makes it worse.
Throat closing in fight with fear, your head barely moves an inch, chin dipping to your shoulder to cast a glance over it. Fingers trembling at the hilt of your knife strapped around your thigh.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you, love.”
The bass of his voice shakes your bones with anguish. How long had it been since you’d seen him? Years. Way before the incident that had left you scarred. The incident that had brought you here now, on the hunt for Graves.
“Ghost.” Your voice in a whisper. It wasn’t a question. Even before you heard his voice, you knew it was him. The very air changed around him, no matter where he was. His presence was a void. Dark and dangerous.
The man behind you doesn’t confirm, but instead steps out from the shadowed corner, the moon from the window adjacent to you casting a subtle light on him. His eyes gleam. You feel like prey, standing like this, shaking like you aren’t a trained soldier. You know this isn’t a friendly visit. Slowly, he makes his way in front of you, and you concentrate on not allowing your body to take a step back from him. His shoulders are wide, blocking your view of the window, of everything until there’s only him. Ghost’s gloved fingers brush against yours at the hilt of your knife, unsheathing it from your leg. Your gaze trails up from his chest to his eyes behind the mask and you suppress the urge to shiver. You can’t read him at all.
“Why are you here?” Your voice comes out with more conviction than you feel.
Pocketing your knife, he takes a step away from you and suddenly you can breathe. With a clearer head, you take all of him in. He has blood on his clothes, his chest moving with his breaths, like he’d just gotten done from running. You watch as he turns his back to you, a slight insult that you knew he was saying you weren’t a big enough threat to him to stay on guard. It makes you clench your fists in anger. He’d always looked down on you in field, going so far as calling you ‘Princess’ instead of your respected call name.
Ghost turns back to you, revealing a chair he’d pulled from the table. Gesturing to it with a hand he starts, “Have a seat. Nee’ta have a chat.”
A part of you wants to tell him to go fuck himself. It’s the fear of what he’d do that has you wetting your lips and listening to his command. If he was here, then he’d run into Graves. Who knew if he was on the Shadow Company’s side or not. He hadn’t killed or harmed you yet. Settling down, you yelp as he grips your wrists, bending to tie them behind your back. Now, you panic.
“Ghost, wait,” you frantically begin, trying to undo the ties as he quickly stands up from his position. Your teeth grit in frustration, he was too fast at everything to deal with in this field. You hadn’t even seen anything in his hands to tie you up with. “Please, you have to listen to me.”
Standing in front of you, the burly man crosses his arms, looking down with his piercing gaze. His head tilts for you to go on.
Swallowing, your tone firm but had an undeniable shake to it. No person could ever scare you like this, trained as you are. No one. But Ghost was a whole different entity in himself.
“I’m here for Graves.”
Ghost shoulders lifts in a sigh, like he doesn’t have time for this. “If you aren’t going to talk, love, I can find a way to make you.”
You try again, “There was a botched Ops job a few months back. I’m supposed to be dead right now, Ghost. The Company thinks I am dead right now.” You can’t tell what side he was on. Was he here to kill you under the command of Shepherd?
A knife produces from his gloved hand as he kneels in front of you. Tantalizingly slow, he brings it up, the light flashing against the metal, and he trails the tip of his knife against your collarbone. Your breath catches in your throat. If he thought you’d be able to talk now, trembling in fear, with tears pricking in your eyes, good luck.
“I already know that, Princess. Took me a bit to figure it out, but I did. Now tell me why you’re here. In Las Almas. You spying for Graves? Keeping an eye on us? Didn’t think I’d catch you sniffing around the Company’s vehicles?” As he speaks gently in that rough voice of his, like he’s talking about the fucking weather, his free hand whipping out to grip your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
A whimper comes out of you and his grip tightens slightly, knife trailing down the thin tank top you’re wearing. “Ghost, I swear, I didn’t know you were here. I had no idea 141 was involved. I’ve been tailing Graves. I’m not a part of the Company anymore.” Anger flashes through you, thinking about Erickson and Vance. How Dipaolo was just getting out of the burning vehicle, the hope that had blared through you as he was getting out only for it be shot down. How you had to suppress your shout as you laid out in the grass, hidden, unable to do anything as the massacre began.
The anger and hurt is what brings your spirit back. Ripping your chin out of his grip, your lip curled in a snarl, tears threatening to fall. “I watched my men burn and die. I watched it happen and then I watched Graves and Shepherd do nothing about it. Fuck you, Simon.” Venom laced in your tone as a tear falls from your eyes. Because how dare he. How dare he think you were working for the bastard that ruined your life. Your career. Everything.
Ghost makes an amused noise at your tone before he lashes out at you, picking you up from the chair by your shoulders like you don’t way a single ounce to him. Kicking out at him, you shriek, hands still bound behind your back. You were a soldier dammit, it was time to act like one. The initial shock and fear from seeing him subsided, and now you were going to get out of here. Or die trying. No one is going Graves from you. You don’t care what side Ghost is on.
Throwing your body weight against him, you struggle, trying to get his grip off you. Slamming your heel down, you stomp on his foot, a small ounce of joy filling you as he grunts with pain. He’s got you caged against him and the table behind you. A hand comes up behind your head, grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging harshly to bare your neck to him. Panting, you look up at him as his knife presses against your chest, and you still. There was no use in fighting him with your arms tied. He’s strong, way stronger than any man you’ve ever fought.
A smile curls against your lips as a dark thought ran through your mind. “I always wondered what it’d be like to be the one against your blade.”
Something in his eyes flash through them and suddenly you feel how close he’s pressed up against you. Your core tightens despite being held knife point by him. A whole different kind of shudder runs through you now, you gaze staring up into his. You watch as his eyes slowly trail down the front of your body, your nipples tightening against the shirt you wear. His cock twitches against your thighs he’s pressed up against. A shaky breath leaves your mouth and his eyes dart back up to your lips, his fingers in your hair flexing to get a tighter grip, making you cry out in pain.
“I’m going to get the truth out of you, Princess. Going to do it my way.” He growls out, and you start to protest, going to tell him you were telling him truth until he moves you faster than you can even comprehend. He’s so big, you’d never understand how he could be so silent and quick. He turns you around the table, shoving the top half of your body onto the table, hinging at the hips. You can’t hold yourself up with your arms bound behind your back, the side of your face pressing into the wood. A blush hit your cheeks as you realize what kind of position you were in for him.
“Ghost,” you start, almost panicky as heat envelopes your body. What was happening?
“Quiet.” He grinds out, his gloved fingers hooking into the waist band of your pants, tugging them down with force. You squeak, going to move up from your position, embarrassment and arousal running its course through you. He pushes you, forcing back down against the table and you try to hide yourself with your bound hands. “Don’t move, Princess. That’s a direct order.”
Your arousal slicks further and you nod, trying not to squirm under his gaze. “Yes, Lt.”
A groan coming from him behind you makes your pussy clench on air. You want to whimper and squirm further, feeling more vulnerable than you ever have in your life.
Hands run up the length of the backs of your naked thighs, palming your ass and spreading your cheeks. You stifle a gasp, trying not to move from the abrasive texture of his gloves against your skin. Moments pass and your whimpering, trying to get him to do something, anything, but he stays where he is, just looking at your pussy as it leaks down your thighs.
“Please.” You whine, trying to move from under his hands.
“Please what, pretty girl? Use your words.”
“Please touch me, Ghost. Anything. Please. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Tears are falling from being in this frustrating position, as he just looks and does nothing. Your arms are burning from being bound. And you’re so turned on to the point it hurts.
A hum comes from him, and you hear him shuffle up from behind you, no longer kneeling to watch as he pleased. He grabs your hands, unbinding you and you sigh out in relief, only for him to move your arms up over your head, binding them again. A pained moan comes from you from the change of blood flow, but you’re not allowed to dwell on it too long before he hauls you up from the table. He turns you towards him, setting you down on your shaky feet. You look up at him, tears staining your cheeks, and you swear you can see him smiling under his mask.
Humiliation settles in. Shielding yourself with your bound hands in front of you, you start to shy away from him. “You’re teasing me, Ghost.” Your tone is hurt and accusatory and you wonder what the hell this all about it. He’s teased you on the field before, calling you Princess and making jabs about how you do your job, but never something as cruel as this.
“Arms above your head, love. Don’t give me that look.” Ghost’s tone is light, like this could all be joke to him. Despite the swirling feelings in your stomach, you do as your told because who knows what he’ll do if you don’t?
Ghost takes his knife out again and you try to step back, arms quickly coming back down to your front. He tsks at you, pining you back down against the table, your legs dangling off the edge of it. His free hand jerks yours above your head and you start to shake again. The fear and arousal a dangerous mix inside of you. “Am I going to have to tie you up like this or are you going to listen?”
You nod frantically, “I’ll listen, I’ll listen.” To prove the point, he lets go and leans up from the table, eyeing you like you’ll move any second. You stay still. “Good girl.”
You press your thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing you can feel through your entire body.
Silently, he trails the knife down the front of your body, the tip catching against the fabric of your shirt. Goosebumps erupt on your body, as you tremble even further. His knife gets to the edge of your shirt, just above your belly button before he stops. His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs open to stand in between them. He presses against your bare pussy and you let out a small groan.
“Ghost—” You gasp out as his knife suddenly swipe up against your shirt, cutting it down the middle, his hands quickly shoving the material aside as he yanks your bra down, freeing your tits. He discards the knife on the table beside you.
“If you’re good, I’ll make you cum, Princess.” Ghost hisses as he meanly pinches one of your nipples, making you cry out.
Tears falling again, you nod frantically, almost out of your mind, ready to beg him.
He starts.
Ghost’s gloved hands trail down your body, squeezing and touching his fill. You’re so sensitive it feels like torture being touched like this. Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as he spreads your pussy, cruelly swiping his gloved thumb up and down your wet slit. The abrasive texture is too much on your clit, making you squirm, unsure if you want to press against the pressure or run away from it.
“You’re trying to kill Graves,” he says, like he’s unaffected by what he’s doing to you. Like you’re just a toy he’s playing with.
You nod frantically, unable to form any words as he teases you. There’s not enough pressure but the rough texture of his gloves is driving you insane.
“Words, love.”
Panting out you nod again, “Yes. I want to kill him for what he did. What he’s done here.” Your head clears just slightly, looking up at him. His gaze is soaking you up like he can’t get enough of looking at you.
“Hm.” Is all he says as he beings to take his gloves off. Your skin pricks with anticipation, barely moving so he doesn’t change his mind. “Let me see how wet you are for me.” He brings his bare fingers down to your wetness, a groan coming from him as he feels your pussy, his thumb starting small circles around your aching clit.
A whine comes out of you, your hips bucking up, trying to get him to go faster. He chuckles, sinking a finger into you. “That’s it, love. Fuck.” He groans as he looks down at where you’re fucking his hand, adding another finger in you, his thumb starting up again. ���Show me how bad you want it.”
Obliging, you rock your hips against him, the edge of your orgasm coming quickly. Your pussy grips his fingers, and you mewl out at how good he feels. Ghost starts thrusting his fingers into you, fucking you as the pressure against your clit gets tighter and you cry out, stars coming into your vision. Clamping down on him, you scream as you come, as it tears through your body violently, your vision blackening with how intense it is.
“That’s it, atta girl. Come for me.” He doesn’t stop his assault even as your pussy spasm around him, throwing you into another debilitating orgasm. Panting as you come down, he takes his fingers out, putting them under his mask to taste you and you moan at the sight. You want to tell him to take it off but you know better than to poke the bear. Your limbs feel like liquid, and even though your arms above your head are killing you, you can’t seem to complain.
Watching him, he takes his fingers out of his mask, producing a groan. His hand palms his cock in his pants and your pussy pulses with need. You need him in you. You start to try to sit up and he quickly pushes you back down, one of his hands on your inner thigh.
“Wrap your legs around me.” His voice is graveled and husky, and you smile up at him as you do. He shudders against you as he takes his cock out and you want to cry. There’s no way he’s going to fit.
“Wait, I don’t think—”
“You’ll take it. Be good, remember?” Ghost growls out, gripping the base of his cock to press the head against your aching hole. “I need to fuck this cunt. It’s going to drive me insane.”
His crass words make you blush and moan as he slowly starts to press inside of you. Your squirm, his other hand coming to your hip to keep you still. Crying out, he pushes inside, his girth tearing you apart as he spears inside of you. You both pant as he starts to bottom out, feeling him too deep, pressed tightly against your cervix. Then he starts pushing more against it.
“I-it’s too much,” you cry, fresh tears in your eyes. You feel full, like he’s going to rip you apart.
“Ah, fuck. So fucking tight, such a good cunt.” He doesn’t wait for you to adjust before he starts fucking you. He leans his weight on you, your bound arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
“Ghost, oh my god.”
He growls out, thrusting up into you, “Say my fucking name, Princess. Tell me who’s making this pussy feel good.”
You cry out again as he pounds into you, his cock hitting all of the right places and then some. “Simon, Simon.”
“That’s it girl. Take this cock. Fuck, you’re so fucking good. Love this cunt.” A hand comes up to curl in your hair, forcing you to look up at him, “Look at me, keep your eyes on me.”
Your gaze locks with his under his mask, and you moan out. He was going to ruin sex for you. Nothing was going to come close to this. Your walls tighten around him, making him curse out, fuck, you were going to come again.
“Simon, please. Please please, I’m going to come again.”
His pace starts to brutalize you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, cock drunk. Your orgasm takes you by surprise, stealing you so violently you scream out, chanting Ghost’s name.
“Oh fuck, that’s it. Milk my cock, baby. Good fucking girl. Fuck, I’m going to come.” Ghost growls out, pounding into you as he groans. Your pussy clamps around him, and you pull him closer with your legs.
“Come in me, Simon. Please.” You beg, tears streaming down the side of your face. Ghost inhales sharply, like he wasn’t expecting you to say that, before his cock throbs inside of you.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” He growls out, his thrusts slowing as he fucks his come into you. You moan lowly, your cunt spasming against him again, coming with him. His hips still, letting the both of you feel how tight of fit he was, squeezing around him.
Another groan falls from him as he pulls slowly out, dropping to his knees to watch his come leak out of you. You can’t think straight, still trying to gather your surroundings and think of exactly what just happened. It all went down so fast. Taking a shaky breath, you tentatively ask him, “Do you believe me now?”
A dry chuckle comes from him as he spreads your pussy lips, smearing his come on you purposely, making sure you were properly filled. A whine comes from you as he does this. “Did after the first time I asked you, Princess. I wasn’t going to let this pass up.”
You gasp with disbelief, tugging at your tied wrists now, “Simon!”
He hums, holding a finger up to silence you as he stands, his free hand clicking on his radio. “Soap – this is Ghost. How copy?”
A blush deepens on your cheeks as you close your legs, sitting up from your position on the table. Of course, he was on an op. You wait until Soap responds, Ghost telling him to meet at the church. He comms off and looks back down at you, taking in your state before cutting the ties at your wrists.
“C’mon, Princess, get dressed. Let’s go light up Graves.”
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