#The third wheel fanfic
must-be-mr-boggins · 6 months
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Smaug ghost-wrote this before interrupting the moment.
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think-like-a-poet · 5 months
Idiot in love
Max: I hate you.
Charles, confidently: I know you’re lying, Max.
Charles, looking to Pierre: He’s lying, right?
Pierre: *banging his head on a desk*
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oscar-fastri · 10 months
you and me, just us (and your teammate sergio)
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wc 3.3k | rated t | lestappen | fluff & humor
🔗 ao3
Checo was fully aware of what he’s walking into. Still, he seriously doubts that anyone could have been prepared for the full force of Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc being heads over heels in love with each other and not even trying to hide it. Or: 5 times Checo thirdwheels Max and Charles + 1 time it's everyone else's turn
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slowly moving my fic posts here!! this was my first f1 fic and i still think it's funny lol
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wisefoxluminary · 3 months
Dean and Castiel fighting over the wheel in a nutshell
Clip is from Madagascar
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So in SVSSS we know that Shen Yuan was kind of wealthy in his first life, but what if he wasn’t?
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan meets whoever Shang Qinghua was right when he loses his original draft of PIDW. SQH starts crying and rambling about how he’s going to have to base his livelihood on poorly written porn. SY, who’s been having trouble paying his medical bills or something, comes up with a harebrained scheme to write over the top spectacles of hate comments to generate publicity.
Somehow it works. It doesn’t make them a ton of money, but at least they aren’t starving. PIDW isn’t the masterpiece either SY or SQH hoped for, but they managed to have a lot of fun with it and they somehow ended up besties. SQH is absolutely devastated when SY dies.
And then they both get transmigrated. In this AU, SY would absolutely feel great amounts of embarrassment and shame over the dumpster fire of a world he helped to create. But at least he has his best friend around to help him not die! And SQH is over the moon to get his friend back.
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ratective · 1 year
i like seeing pearl portrayed so stupidly in love with rose but i also need this fool to MOVE ON and see the world beyond roses huge hair!!!! not in like a leave thoughts of rose completely behind you and forget her altogether type of way but broaden your horizons bitch there’s garnet. bismuth. go give them a kiss!!! right now!! AT THE SAME TIME!! HEAL BITCH HEAL
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huggybearsunshine · 2 years
Another Love
[One-shot ficlet] Sam asks Dean about the endverse.
“You said a lot about you, bit about me,” Sam raised a careful brow, “but…”
“What?” Dean already looked a little more guarded as if he knew what was coming.
“Where was Cas?” Sam’s voice was gentle, and he wore an expression to match.
“Ah,” Dean looked away and took a swig of his beer, “Cas was… Cas was there.”
“I was?” Cas’ voice spoke from over Dean’s shoulder and the hunter’s eyes fell shut.
“Yeah…” Dean sighed, “Hey, Cas.”
“You never said…” then it seemed to hit him, “Never change,” he recalled as he took a seat with them at the table.
“Yeah… guess we’re doing this,” Dean rubbed his face with one hand and pulled a flask out of his jacket pocket, “I’m gonna need something stronger.”
“I was… I wasn’t myself, was I?” Cas assessed softly.
“No, but I was…” self-hatred dripped from Dean’s reply, and Sam regretted bringing it up.
It had been so many years, but he’d always wondered, and Dean finally seemed somewhat willing to open up.
“What happened?” Cas laid a hand upon Dean’s own and the hunter stared down at it with a look of regret.
“You, uh…” he took a swig of the flask with his free hand and then set it in front of Cas like an offering.
The Angel removed his hand to take it and accepted a sip if for no other reason than to comfort the man who offered.
“You were human,” Dean began, “And I think you were really sad,” he leaned back, looking away from the two at the table with him, “You didn’t show it, but I could tell…”
“Because of Sam?” Cas asked softly, having heard previously about the other hunter’s possession.
“Maybe, but seemed like it was mostly ‘cause of me,” Dean took another swig, “I think we were… I think they were together… the other us…”
Cas’ posture stiffened and Sam’s brows rose as he listened, mostly forgotten by the other two.
“I- he… the other me… I think he kept it a secret and I think it made you feel…” Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “You were always high or having meaningless sex…” a dark chuckle escaped him, “Think you took a page out of my book with the self-medicating.”
“Dean-“ Sam started, feeling responsible for opening what was clearly a still-healing wound.
“Let me…” he stopped him, “Just… let me get this out.”
Sam silenced himself again, sinking smaller in his corner.
“By the time I got there… He was ready to sacrifice you,” Dean met his eye for the first time since he began his story, “And you were going to let him.”
“Dean, that was not you,” Cas reached across to grip his shoulder, eyes begging for his words to stick, “Zachariah wanted to give you every reason to need to change that fate. You must know his fabrication was just that.”
“Yeah, but he did get some things right,” Dean’s voice wavered, “Didn’t he…”
Cas swallowed, hand loosening and sliding down his arm absentmindedly.
“Yes,” Cas finally affirmed, “I suppose he did.”
Sam’s eyes darted between them, breath held in fear of intruding on something he wasn’t entirely sure he followed, but he had a pretty strong feeling of what was being said between the pair.
“That was the worst case scenario,” Cas continued, “It doesn’t mean it’s what would have come to pass if…” the Angel trailed off as he sought out the right words to say, “If that had…” he looked terrified of his own thoughts, trying unsuccessfully to keep in what he desperately wanted to express, “That is not the man you became, Dean.”
“Nothing from that world actually happened, but I was always afraid I’d… ruin you…” Dean took another large gulp, “All the Angels said it! The moment you touched me in hell, you were lost! That I ruined you!”
“To them, you did,” Cas was now the one gazing down at the table and lost in his own thoughts, “But that is not my opinion of what happened.”
“It’s not?” Dean’s voice crackled under the strain of keeping his emotions from surfacing.
“No,” Cas’ lips tilted upward fondly, “You saved me, Dean… I was nothing of my own before you.”
“When your powers started weakening, I thought…” he shook his head, eyes falling onto the hand that still clung to his arm, “I was worried it was happening again.”
“No, Dean,” Cas sighed sadly, “You are not the one at fault for that.”
He leaned back and Dean found himself missing the warmth of his hand as it slid off.
“The Angels I killed weakened the Host- Heaven…” Cas explained, “I am suffering the consequences of my own actions, not yours…”
“So, do you-?” Sam hesitated, but powered through after a moment of doubt, “Do you two,” he paused again, unsure of how else to ask, “love each other?”
The other two men’s eyes met across the table, equally challenging and questioning.
Unsurprisingly, though, Cas was the first to answer.
“Yes,” he replied simply, holding Dean’s gaze, “I think you know I do.”
The hunter’s eyes broke under the attention, cutting upward toward the ceiling.
“What if it’s a mistake?” Dean avoided answering directly, and Cas’ fondness returned.
“I have made a lot of mistakes,” the Angel nodded, “But loving you was never one of them.”
That statement was apparently the line where Dean met his breaking point, as he went completely silent, just staring at Cas in shock.
Too many years of keeping it in made it near impossible in that moment to make even the smallest semblance of a sound.
“Dean,” Sam finally decided to butt in, “Now would be the time to say something.”
“Yeah,” Dean’s eyes darted between them, “Fuck…”
“Not what I meant,” Sam covered his face, now red with second-hand embarrassment, “I’m going to give you guys the room…”
He clapped Dean on the back as he passed.
“Don’t be dumb,” he added quietly before disappearing through the doorway, leaving the room in yet another thick silence.
“Dean,” Cas took pity and broke it for him, “It’s okay if you don’t feel what they did… I’m very happy with our life as it is.”
“Are you really?” the hunter finally managed, and the exhaustion in his voice was heartbreaking.
Cas took a deep breath, “Dean…”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Cas, I stopped looking for women a long time ago…”
“I had noticed a… dip in your social, um… proclivities, yes,” Cas took the flask and downed a bit too much of it, “Sorry…”
Dean’s eyes lit in amusement, draining some of the discomfort from his posture.
“You never wondered why?” he furthered, catching Cas’ wandering eyes.
“I assumed you were busy and stressed,” the Angel floundered, “Also I know human men can have trouble sexually as they age-”
“Hey, that is not the reason!” he was quick to defend.
“Right, of course,” Cas back-tracked.
“Like, not at all, okay?”
“Absolutely,” a smile began to pull at the Angel’s lips again, “Understood.”
“I… I think I just had everything I needed already…” he glanced down before working his nerve back up again, “You know what i mean?”
Cas opened and closed his mouth a couple of times as uncertainty flooded his features, but Dean could only think how beautiful he looked when he was flustered.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is… yes,” the hunter added to further his point.
“Yes?“ Cas sought clarity.
“Yes, Cas,” he looked pointedly at him, waiting for the Angel to catch up.
“Oh,” his entire face fell flat.
“I’ve tried not to, believe me,” Dean furthered, “For your sake… but I’m just so fucking stubborn, and no matter how hard I tried to want someone else… It was always just you.”
“You think being without you is in my best interest,” Cas gave him a tilted look, reminding him of that first conversation in the barn all those years ago.
The hunter hesitated before chancing a glance, “I mean, it is, isn’t it?”
“That is not my opinion, no,” the Angel shook his head, “Dean, I know you think that loving you is a curse, but I need you to understand that, to me, it has only been a gift.”
Dean’s brows knit as he tried to make sense of how that could ever be possible.
“Whether you return those feelings or not,” Cas placed his hand back atop the other man’s own, “It will always be a gift.”
Dean was silent for a moment, letting the words sink deeper into him, hoping that if he buried them deeply enough, no one could ever take them away.
Not even himself.
Cas allowed him this time, until the hunter stood and approached him, never releasing the hand he had given him.
With a tug, Dean pulled him to his feet and Cas was close enough to count the freckles on his cheeks, see where his eyelashes went from light to dark, and smell the whiskey on his breath.
And his shook on an inhale before Dean’s lips met his own soft but assured.
All the Angel heard was his own gasp before everything else faded away. Only coming to in any real way when Dean’s hand slipped onto the curve of his neck and into his hairline.
A noise escaped him that he had no name for, but Dean seemed more than happy to elicit.
“Dean,” he warned as the light bulb in the fixture above them grew brighter and louder.
He pulled away and it returned to normal as a hand- his own, he noted- reached up to touch his lips.
Dean looked beside himself when the Angel’s focus returned to him, chest heavy with each breath.
“Are you alright?” Cas asked in fear that he had ruined the moment.
“Not even a little,” he answered on a laugh, “The lightbulbs aren’t going to be either.”
He pushed him into the wall behind him and the warmth of his mouth trailed down Cas’ neck before the entire bunker went dark.
“Powers draining, my ass,” Dean chuckled in his ear.
“I didn’t know I could still do that,” he pressed the words into Dean’s lips.
@destiel-wings @destieliscanon5nov
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binkywinky · 4 months
do you think we're going to see morph and wolverine's relationship develop more next season given morph's feelings? also poor storm dealing with being the 3rd wheel
Hmm. Probably, but not in the way people think.
Morph's feelings for Wolverine appear (and were confirmed by the head writer) to be one-sided. Wolverine only sees them as a friend, so I can see maybe a reveal of feelings, heartbreak they are not returned, and then a resolution to be friends.
And honestly, that's assuming we even get that far since, you know, Wolverine is fucking dying in an alternate timeline. How Morph feels about him is quite literally not even in his Top 100 concerns at the moment.
And I don't see Storm dealing with like... any of that. It would be insulting to be honest. So much shit is going on - why would she subject herself to that? Storm is one of the core X-Men members and one of its best leaders - she has other shit to do right now. Not to mention, I'd honestly expect more development of her relationship with Wolverine than Morph's, simply because it is actually one of the strongest and most enduring of the franchise - and exists (sorry to break it to you but Morph isn't even that big of a deal in the comics and died for the final time over 30 years ago). Having Storm be a third wheel to Wolverine and Morph of all people would be absolutely ridiculous.
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deathcapyandex · 5 months
Here's a neat insult for a friend who doesn't know they're forcing themselves in as a third wheel
"you're the 4 in 649, the reason this slow burn is still burning is because you keep it at a simmer, remove yourself and things will finally heat up for once."
Or like
Any character in the way of your otp
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kevin being an asshole is my new religion. nora painted him as a spineless coward the whole serie and i fucking hate it. you can see clearly that behind the trauma, the addiction, he's a strong person with even stronger opinions. kevin is stubborn, quick to anger (him choke slamming neil lives rent free in my brain), he's distinctly a passionate person who loves deeply and dearly, he is also a loyal friend BUT he's an asshole and i love him for it.
give me strong man kevin, give me haughty kevin with a superiority but also an impostor syndrome, give me a survivor kevin who lived through hell and made it to the other side. stop painting him as a coward, i'm tired of it.
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freckliedan · 11 months
worlds most evil threesome only because i woudl be third wheeling the entire time. still doing it though i NEED to get sister dan pregnant i swear
i literally don't even care that i'd be third wheeling i need to put a baby in that man.
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sl-newsie · 2 months
I used to not understand what the big deal is about eating ice cream alone.
Now I’m eating Dairy Queen in my car scrolling through Tumblr.
I think I get it now.
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abnormal-normality · 1 year
• | floraison (bloom)
One of the reasons QNW was so popular was due to its unique little twist on the RoFan genre: soulmates.
Still, a part of him hadn’t expected to have any soulmates in this world. Not everybody had soulmates — in fact, it was an important fact that the second male lead, Jesse Venetiaan, didn’t have any — so Jung Yeseo didn’t think he’d have any either.
It’s a bit hard to deny the truth when the injuries caused by the monster on Cédric’s body start to appear on both his and Christelle’s bodies.
(The world of QNW has soulmates. Like with any butterfly’s wings, this has… consequences.)
(Okay, so I wanted to write a whole bunch of other fics for @polyshipweek , but unfortunately I could only do one :’) so there’s still some stuck in the wips lol. anyway, here’s for day 4 of the week - soulmate. the original idea was to do a bunch of oneshots featuring different subversions of the soulmate trope, but, again, only managed one, so here’s some flowers 🌸)
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mirroringdust · 1 year
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New chapter is up of George being annoyed with Locklyle.
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missseeker · 4 months
Figuring It Out
Sand bucket in hand, and a bucket on his head. I never can meet his eyes, he just looks away instead. But what is he looking for, when he looks at her? I notice but all the times I see it have run into a blur.
He never seems to care if it's just him and me. But in the end, I'm second place, the best I'll ever be. Because my hair's not orange, and my eyes are not as keen. I'll never be her, and I feel a bit unseen.
It's hard to be the third in all things that only take two. But I still will tag along, got nothing else to do. I'm okay to go with the flow, the plan of someone else. I keep my own opinion though, so of me, they won't think less.
I just can't quite figure him out when he doesn't say as he means. And I don't think it rude, but he isn't as he seems. Does he really like us, or is this all just play-pretend? If he could have a choice here, where would the journey end?
It's hard to bring this up to him, or anyone really. For who would believe an 8-year-old girl being rather silly? So I guess I'll leave it be, as Shiloh just is as he is. But I still can't quite explain him, or that offset grin of his.
(An old poem, probably not kept along with the others in her book. Written when MC was 8 years old, and before Cove moved to town. Shiloh has always seemed off, and she never knew where she stood with him, but it was easier to write it down than talk about it.)
*Originally posted on my Ao3
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huggybearsunshine · 2 years
Always Yours
[Saw a tweet prompt but didn’t save it 😭- might’ve been a Bob Wess- but it led to this short, little thing here.]
Cas just stood there, waiting for Dean to exhale before he dared make a move, but once he heard the shaky breath leave his lungs, the words that followed seemed to still him even more firmly in place.
“So,” Dean looked him up and down with a firm eye, “We doing this or not?”
“What?” Cas didn’t consciously choose the word but it fell free regardless.
“You and me,” Dean pinned the Angel with a heavy gaze, stepping forward just a bit more as if scared of going further, “We doing this or not?”
“Did I miss something?” Sam asked, closer to the door of the dungeon than the other two.
“A lot,” Dean threw over his shoulder, “Shut up.”
“You can’t be saying what I think you’re saying,” Cas tilted his head in disbelief.
“Why not?” Dean grunted back as his brows furrowed together.
“You don’t… feel that way” his eyes cut toward Sam before returning again.
“Wait…” Sam looked as though a puzzle piece had just fallen into place in his mind, eyes darting back and forth between the back of Dean’s head and the unmoving Angel ahead of him.
“Sammy, I swear to god,” Dean’s jaw pinched.
“Dean, you don’t… right?” Cas’ eyes practically begged for his returned attention.
He was met with a steadying breath before his wish was fulfilled and green eyes fell upon him again.
“Of course I do,” Dean looked almost impatient as he pushed forward and gripped harshly to the back of Cas’ neck, “You’re so stupid.”
He tugged him into an embrace and his hands shook on the Angel’s shoulder blades as they clung.
Cas’ eyes practically melted closed, while his hands slowly crawled up to hug him back, Sam just staring slack-jawed and speechless from the short distance away.
“Sammy,” Dean backed up again after a brief indulgence.
“Uh, y-yeah,” he answered awkwardly.
“Get lost for a bit,” he never even looked over his shoulder as his brother nodded and gratefully took his leave.
“I don’t understand,” Cas’ chin shivered minutely, “Did you just call me stupid?”
“Yeah,” Dean laughed under his breath, “Yeah, I did.”
“And you love me?” the other half of Cas’ revelation caused a rasp to overtake his voice.
“Yeah,” Dean’s hand shook at his side, “That okay?”
“Dean,” the word had a soft reverence, and once again, he was reaching for him again as if his limbs didn’t know how to stop.
Warm and calloused hands gripped Cas’ face on either side and a sob worked its way up from deep within the Angel’s chest as their lips met.
It felt like coming home more than coming home had, and Cas never wanted to feel anything else.
He didn’t even notice the tears running down his cheeks, too overwhelmed by every other sensation around him, but when Dean’s lips parted from his and their foreheads met, he noticed Dean’s.
He reached up and swiped a thumb across the hunter’s cheek, resting the hand atop his wrist after, and was met with a wet chuckle from the man holding him.
“Please stop trying to leave me,” Dean’s grip tightened, “Haven’t you realized by now that I’m not going to let you.”
“I won’t,” Cas found himself whispering as his free hand ran through the taller man’s hair, “I won’t, I promise. Never again.”
“Seriously, man,” Dean furthered, “I can’t do it again.”
“I know, I’m sorry…” he continued his whispered assurances, “I’m so sorry, Dean.”
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Dean couldn’t seem to get close enough, wrapping his arms firmly around Cas and pulling him flush against him.
His lips found his hair line and pressed there as the tears continued seemingly unnoticed.
“You’re here,” he buried his face further, “You’re here.”
“Yes, Dean,” Cas’ own arms clung back.
“You‘re mine,” Dean’s fingers shook against his shoulders again, if they ever stopped, “You’re mine.”
“Yes, Dean,” Cas nodded against him, “Always yours.”
@destiel-wings @destieliscanon5nov
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