#They're from when I first started experimenting with fashion and dressing how I want
ough I'm going through my stuff to cut down rn and I HATE that I have such a weird size because I would love to pass some of this stuff down to somebody but I simply do not know anyone who wears my same sizes
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vincentbriggs · 3 months
Hello! Transfem person here. I haven't started HRT yet, but want to procure a 1730s menswear suit (actually decided based on your video). I would prefer not to wait for it if possible, since I don't know when HRT is going to be possible. I am, however, a little concerned about my bust size changing and affecting the fit of the waistcoat. Is that decade usually pretty forgiving in it's tailoring? I am also considering having the upper back tie like some later waistcoats to accommodate if necessary (even if it's not entirely historical), but I figured I would ask you.
Thank you!
Hello! Ooh yay! Not enough people do early 18th century, so I'm delighted to hear that! (Link to the 1730's suit mentioned.)
I think the fit would be affected, yeah. The sides of the waistcoat are easy enough to let out (and we have extant examples of waistcoats with an extra strip of fabric added into the side seam) but the curve of the front is pretty important to how it sits on you. But then, it is fashionable in that era to leave quite a lot of the top portion unbuttoned, so maaaybe you could get away with it not fitting as well, depending on what changed and how much?
Regarding the adjustability of waistcoats, some of the earlier ones actually do have lacing in the back! This red one is an especially nice example, and it's separate all the way to the top.
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(c. 1740's, V&A) (Though you also do see ones with the back hacked up and a bunch of ties that were likely added by Victorians for their fancy dress parties.)
The breeches also have adjustable waistbands, of course, so I think the hardest part to alter would be the coat. The back vent is edge to edge, so there's no overlap to sneak a bit more width out of, and letting out the side seams would require re-doing those massive pleats, which were the part I found the most difficult when making my coat. But fortunately those coats were worn open a lot of the time, so even if they're not quite right when buttoned, they should still look ok unbuttoned.
It's very difficult to predict how the fit will be affected, since HRT is different for everyone and things keep changing years down the line. (One comment on this post talks about suddenly getting more breast and hip growth after 7, 12, and 14 years.)
I only have experience from the transmasc side of things, and alas, I very much did outgrow all my old waistcoats and coats. My 1730's suit needs alterations, because the waistcoat is a bit too small, and the coat seams could use a bit of letting out too. (I made those the year after top surgery, but my ribcage kept expanding and my posture improving for quite a while.)
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I've been putting it off because alterations are boring :/ My pre-top surgery waistcoats are all way too small across the chest even though material was removed, because my posture was kinda bad and I didn't even notice it, and I expect that the opposite could also lead to the same sort of better posture from more confidence & comfort.
But bodies keep changing forever anyways, even without transitioning. Plenty of cis people can't fit into the things they sewed when they were younger, so we may as well make things to fit us now. Perhaps you could make the suit now, but use a not-too-expensive fabric, and then maybe alter it later, or make a newer and better one with the experience you gained from the first one!
Also I know you specifically said menswear suit, but I want to add the fun fact that women's riding habits in this era looked extremely similar to men's suits!
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(Left: Maria Amalia von Habsburg by Franz Joseph Winter, right: Member of the Van der Mersch Family by Cornelis Troost.)
As far as I can tell, the main differences are that the riding habits have a petticoat instead of breeches, and are made to fit over stays.
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(Empress Elisabeth Christine in riding costume, unknown artist.)
So similar, in fact, that this portrait of a young lady in a riding habit was misidentified as a young man!
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Most of the petticoat is out of frame, but you can still see that it's not beeches, and the stays shape is pretty obvious. Very silly of Sotheby's not to notice!
I have no idea if you're interested in wearing a riding habit, and I'm not sure how difficult it would be to alter the somewhat looser men's coat to fit over stays, but thought I ought to mention it.
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maxislvt · 1 year
Halloween Town
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pairing(s): milf!wanda maximoff x reader
summary: your relationship with Wanda was starting to get serious. that meant your relationship with her boys had to get equally serious. what brings a family together better than good ol fashioned trick-or-treating?
warnings: non-sexual pet play, milf typical flirtiness
a/n: um someone have my babies please and thank you
Event Masterlist
Your role in the Maximoff family was getting bigger every day. Billy and Tommy had started to accept you as their guardian. 
Well, less of accepting you and more of dragging you by your ankles into that role. Wanda was happy to see you three getting along but often had to remind them to slow down just a little bit. You didn't have much experience with children and Wanda was afraid the boys would overwhelm you. So she spent hours meticulously planning every outing to make sure you were comfortable but also got to explore things with the twins. She found it easier for the three of you to bond over new things. Even if it meant having three of the people she loved most get in the car and spend fifteen minutes telling her that kayaking during peak mosquito season was a bad idea.  
Fortunately, mosquito season was long gone and fall had begun. 
Fall activities were Wanda's specialty. Whether it was putting up the decorations or finding the perfect costumes for the year. Billy and Tommy always had an amazing Halloween. The only way to make it truly amazing this year was to weave you into their celebration. 
"Can you call off work next week?" She asked suddenly. You were such a busy person that Wanda often had to coerce you into taking time off. Wanda would get you all small and cozy and use that voice you couldn't say no. If you were hesitant, a couple of kisses would always do the trick. "I was thinking you could come trick or treating with me and the boys. They're really into Halloween and I know you're into scary stuff too."
In a more aware state of mind, you'd argue about how there's nothing inherently scary about your music taste but you were much too comfortable to even raise your head. "That sounds fun," You mumbled with your face still buried in Wanda's chest. She had you wrapped around her fingers when you were conscious, there was no telling what you'd agree to in that state. "I'll call off…tomorrow...yeah." 
Wanda smiled down at you. "Why don't you just let me do it for you right now?" She didn't bother waiting for you to respond and simply took your phone. Your phone already recognized her face so making the call was easy. Your boss had already started to recognize her voice so scheduling your day off was even easier. That budding friendship between her and Steve would easily be the death of your stress, you just didn't know it yet. 
"Can…can I get my costume?" 
Wanda hummed for a second. She already had a couple of ideas for what to dress you up as, but you already had an idea she wasn't going to stomp on it. "If you want to." Her hand rubbed down your back when you became too antsy. "Shush, you can be whatever you want to be, baby. What matters is that you're there." She placed a kiss on your forehead. 
She could buy a backup just in case. 
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The downside to your sleepy agreements is that you would forget them unless Wanda reminded you. Considering her ulterior motives, she chose not to. 
You went weeks without properly thinking about it. There was a nagging feeling that something was missing but you didn't know what. None of your assignments were missing, you remembered to clock in, and you brought all your props for the photoshoot you were booked for. When you tried to think about it harder, you only felt guilty. 
A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you pulled into the driveway. Guilt was so heavy in your stomach you considered sleeping in your house for the first time in weeks. The thought of washing your sheets before bed was enough to deter you from avoiding your beloved girlfriend. 
"Babe, I-"
Halloween costume. You needed to buy a Halloween costume. 
Billy and Tommy sprinted downstairs the second they heard your voice.
 "Look," Billy shouted, "Mom made us the costumes from that movie we watched!" He stood back and turned around to show off the details of his outfit. 
"Mine has my soccer number on it!" Tommy said excitedly while posing for you. 
You were initially appreciative of the costumes, but immediately became nervous when you realized that Wanda had found out you let them watch that movie. Warriors wasn't the most violent film, but Wanda had explicitly told you not to let the boys watch it. Of course, you were easily swayed by the cuteness of them and had let them watch it with you one night past their bedtime. You made them promise not to tell, but it appears the excitement of Halloween overpowers sworn secrecy. 
You quickly glanced up at Wanda and immediately noticed the mischievous glint in her eye. Your eyes didn't go any lower because you didn't trust yourself not to stare. "These look great," You crouched down to their level as if you were about to tell them some top-secret information. "You didn't hear this from me but Tony is only giving out full-sized ones this year.  Why don't you two run down the street and get some of those before he runs out of the foodstuff?"  You patted the boys on their back and sent them off on their merry way. "I swear I didn't mean-"
"Upstairs now, unless my puppy wants a third punishment tonight." Normally, she'd be kind enough to give you a warning or at least ease you into subspace, but she was on a mission today. She didn't wait long before following you up the stairs. The longer she left you unattended, the more time you had to pout your way out of trouble. "And here I thought puppies had good hearing."
You were actively fighting against slipping into subspace and trying to avoid arousal. Being a good puppy was your number one goal, but the threat of punishment made your body tingle. You were even more turned on by Wanda's costume made you feral. As beautiful as the nod to her culture was, your hands were just itching to rip it off.  "Sokovian fortune teller," You said while rubbing your hand against the fabric. It was like a succubus had invaded your mind. "You look pretty." The admiration in your eyes was nothing but genuine.
Wanda revealed in the compliments you gave her. It was nice to see you weren't scared to touch her anymore. "You can't wiggle your way out of this one." She squeezed your hand affectionately before dropping it in your lap. You had to be punished, no amount of puppy dog eyes could change that. "You're lucky I have a costume for you just in case, but I don't want to hear any complaints." 
Your eyes followed Wanda as walked to her dresser and pulled out your costume. "I'm sorry I forgot. I know they like Halloween, I just…I don't know what happened but I promise to do better." Your apologetic mood quickly turned into unease when Wanda turned around with your costume. "You want me to wear my collar in public?" 
"It's not your collar, just a collar." Wanda didn't bother arguing with you and wrapped the collar around your neck. She showed you the set of ears she bought for you. "But these you will be wearing later," She said with a smirk. The ears fit snugly on your head. "Oh, I bought you some teeth too!" 
You thought you were going to die from embarrassment.  Even though you were convinced no one would think anything of it, you still felt ashamed. "...are the fangs at least cool?" You mumbled. 
Wanda opened the box. She tripped the extra latex off the top so they'd fit in your mouth comfortably before handing them to you. "You're going to be the cutest werewolf in the whole neighborhood." She kissed your cheek only for you to fake a scowl and rub off her kiss. Wanda scoffed and gave you another kiss. "Those boys are starting to rub off on you in all the wrong ways."
You kissed Wanda back but still shrugged. "You said you wanted me to be more adventurous…they're bringing me out of my shell a bit."  Your tongue corrected the positioning of the fake teeth in your mouth before you stood up. "Well, we better go get those little rascals before they sweet talk Tony out of a whole bag of candy."
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The rest of the night went on pretty well. 
Wanda was too late to stop Tommy and Billy from robbing Tony blind, but she didn't exactly have time to reprimand them for being greedy. You were snatched up and dragged around the neighborhood for most of the night. She couldn't keep up with the balls of energy she was grateful to call her sons. It worried her at first. The last thing she wanted was for you to get overstimulated or push yourself too hard, but you seemed to have everything under control. 
You were the one to slow down and check in on her this time. 
You walked back to Wanda with a sack of candy. "Are you okay?  I can get them to take a break if you want." The concern on your face was so genuine that Wanda couldn't help but laugh. 
Wanda giggled. "I'm fine dear, but thank you for asking. Just go back and have fun." She leaned to the side and examined the sack of candy you had on your back. "Is this your version of a dad tax?" 
You shook your head. "Nope, I have been pressured into abetting a robbery of all the people in the town." You held up the bag to show how full it was. The sack was already halfway full and the boys had only been out for about half an hour. "I guess between all the dads liking the costumes and the seemingly empty candy buckets they're racking up a nice stash." The boys had been dumping their collections into your bag to collect more candy and you didn't mind. Especially since they promised you 15% of their candy from the end of the night. "Your kids are scarily good at business." 
Wanda let out an amused sigh. "That's all Vision," She said. Her hand held yours as you two trailed behind the twins on their candy-collecting adventures. "...Are you doing okay?"  She turned to look at your face, searching for any signs of sleepiness or stress. "We can head home if you want." 
"Baby, I promise you I'm fine. Just let Billy and Tommy run themselves tired so we'll have an easy bedtime." 
Considering the rather complex system the boys had in place, it didn't take long for them to tire out. After two hours of trick or treating, you were carrying two very sleepy baseball-playing gangsters back home. 
Just as you predicted, putting the boys down for bed was as easy as pie. They didn't even throw a fit about having to take their face paint off, but you did promise to do a proper photoshoot with them in their costumes another time. 
Once the twins were adequately tucked in, you headed upstairs to start your nightly routine. You were going to only bother with some of the fancy creams and tools Wanda had bought you since it was so late. Just a simple face wash and a shower would do just fine. Or so you thought.
"Oh puppy, don't tell me you thought mommy forgot about your other punishment."
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preposterousjams · 4 months
Girlhood and Cassandra Cain: a messy analysis
I love how through Batgirl (2000) we just see Cass learn to be a semi-functioning "normal" girl and how she slowly goes from a life centred around justice and violence to a girl with so much wonder in her heart
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Like girl starts out only knowing that she can be one thing: A good fighter. So obviously, to her, her own life outside of that means nothing if its non existent.
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And at the same time, she doesn't really know what being a "regular person" means. She's had 2 identities: Weapon and Batgirl. In between both she was just surviving and it probably sucked rlly bad. She used to not picture a life outside of Cain, and now she cant picture a life outside of Batgirl. She literally has met like a total of 30 ppl in her life and talked to like 4.
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But even with her very limited idea of normal social interactions she is unafraid of trying to show ppl love. She sees through their body language that the opposite of pain is love. But that kind of love requires an interaction outside of fighting.
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She can't understand english much at the beginning but her initial drive to learn is not to be a better detective or batgirl related, its her love for people. For them to be happy. Its like a way of being useful.
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But when others treat her in the same way, when others show her affection, she wants so bad to experience those connections over and over again. Mutual loving relationships are a new experience to her and she can't get enough of it.
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She needs help on a case so what does she do? She breaks into Stephanie's room after meeting her like a single time because who knocks anyways?
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wdym its not normal to knock ppl out when they're annoying? Like its convenient so y not?
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She quickly makes her first friends but doesn't really know how to act or communicate but still manages to joke around in her own way. But they're happy, and she's happy, so it works.
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She even watches crime shows and reality tv like guides on how to interact with people on missions and irl.
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But gradually, all these small interactions let her become a person, for her to share small things about herself with others. Relationships let her be someone. Sharing thoughts, having conversations, working together, and anything that involves the small human pleasure of company become things she looks forward to.
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And little by little, she starts doing things for herself. Like bro runs around Gotham, night into morning, holding onto a rose because its something thats hers and its pretty but she doesn't even know how plants work, but she's got the spirit. (yes ik that the rose is a randomly placed metaphor for cass having a bad work life balance but its so cute)
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She starts going outside as a normal person instead of only for missions. She does normal girl things like going to restaurants but kind of not really cause wtf is a balanced diet.
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Being able to share something about herself with someone and to sit in a mutual understanding of each other becomes easy. She lets herself be open to change and finds herself looking forward to living.
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Wanting something for herself and being her own person is such a foreign concept to how she was raised but she loves it.
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She experiments with everything to see what feels right. She starts flirting with boys, going to parties, dressing up in different styles of fashion. She wants to experience everything that girls do
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She also learns that being a girl is different from what the other bats experience
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Which sucks especially when she can read people's body language. As batgirl, in her scary ass outfit she was only terrifying and strong. But as a normal girl, people sometimes objectify her which has to be the oddest experience when u could kill someone with the blink of an eye.
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Even her new father and brother see her differently than she sees them. Theres a weird social thing that comes with "girlness" that she doesn't understand, where girl things are supposed to be weak and have to be protected. But logically, shes like, yall gotta be protected from me be so forreal.
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She dont gaf. Shes got bigger things to be ashamed about and being a girl is not one of them.
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As she experiences the downsides of girlhood, she learns of the social expectations that come along. And instead of playing along blindly, she uses them to mess with ppl (and bruce). Cass understands more than anyone that social expectations and behaviours are just created performances that bring ppl together. So she chooses the ones she likes and completely rejects what she doesn't like.
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and in the end she picks girly things like bold lipstick, fancy dresses, fashion, because she loves pretty things not because its whats expected. Social norms are like toys she can play with and put aside when they aren't fun.
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Like she'll still get into a bar fight after eating the entire menu cause she can. Anyways ted talk over
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20dollarlolita · 8 months
silly question but I wouldn't know who else to ask: Does having too much lace and poofiness ever interact badly with your wheelchair? I know most chairs have a shield between the wheel and the seat but it seems like the overflow could get damaged or stuck and this is something I'd like to consider before I start buying things
Oh, it's absolutely a thing I have to deal with. Most of the time, I'll drape my skirt over my side guards for the sake of taking a picture, and then tuck it back in before I go somewhere.
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So pictures like this, I'm definitely going to protect the dress again before we move anywhere.
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This specific wheelchair has low profile side guards, because I get my wheelchairs off ebay and that's what the person I got it from had. If I ever order a new chair for me, I'd probably want to get taller guards with a fender on the top. With the kind of clothes that I wear, I'd be willing to pay some extra to get some additional protection. (That said, I'm hopefully not going to ever buy myself a brand new chair since this one's great, already been around for over a decade, and works just fine for me. One of my favorite things about lolita fashion is how much we respect and reuse older things, and that's something that is also part of my life in other ways. We still have hopes of me being able to recover and get back into walking again so I don't want to spend a ton of money on something when I have a thing that's working fine.)
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Most arm rests do have some form of protection between the wheel and the clothing, so those are an option as well. I've found that I personally don't like having arm rests, but you can have both clothing protection and arm rests.
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The normal way that I tend to have my stuff tucked is to push as much as I want under my legs, and then to shove the extra fullness behind my back. This lets the skirt still look good but also stay out of the way.
Also you can see how I extended my side guards with some fabric-covered timtex that velcros into the chair. Those are actually the exact same guards as I have on the new machine, but you can see how they look a lot shorter. This is because the wheels on this chair are at a different height relative to the frame, versus my current chair. There are things that I could have done to adjust the side guards, like moving them forward. However, by the time that I replaced that wheelchair, the frame was just too narrow for me, so I could move those side guards wherever I wanted and would still be touching the wheels.
So yeah, there's definitely concerns about wearing very voluminous skirts and using a wheelchair at the same time. I try to keep my chair width pretty tight, because I pretty much exclusively self-propel and I like the access to the wheels. I know that a lot of guides for buying wheelchairs say to get a few extra inches of width beyond your physical body measurement, and that would probably make things easier in terms of clothes. I think that the two-post flip-back arm rests on the first chair I used (which is this one and it's pretty good in my experiance) actually protected my clothes a bit better than my current side guards. However, all of the things that made it better for lolita fashion made me like it best as a main means for propelling myself around the world. Extra space and arm rests are really good when other people push you, so that's a thing to consider. At the end of the day, I just got a chair that let me be as independent as I could, and then figured out how to do the lolita part in post.
Little rant time: One of the things that drives me crazy is when people who aren't disable the way I'm disabled try to make lolita rules for people who are disabled like I'm disabled. Usually it's people who do mean well, making statements like, "I think that EGL coords only look good with heeled shoes," and then add things like, "Unless you're disabled and can't wear heels." The person who's saying that thinks that they're being more accepting of disability in the fashion, but what they're actually doing is making a separate set of rules for the disabled to follow. However, people who are disabled are actually pretty aware of what our limitations and abilities are, and we're usually pretty used to problem solving when it comes to these things. I can use a combination of knowing where and what I'm doing and how I'm feeling on any given day to pick footwear that is both safe and appropriate for my given setting. I don't really need a stranger on Rufflechat to try to make separate rules for me without knowing that. Quick tip to people wanting to be accepting of disability in lolita: find disabled lolitas and listen to them. <NOTE: that heels comment is an example opinion and is not at all commonly accepted lolita opinions>
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weregreatatcrime · 2 months
Anyways *deep breath* thanks @omalahsocs for making me think SO MUCH about this bcz of the prompt during stream. It's very late and I'm tired but I want to get the concepts down before I lay down and presumably forget all about it
So heres some Trans Girl Noctis ideas to ruminate on
I've said it before I'll say it again: her sculpted shoulders are one of her FAVORITE parts of herself and she is PERMANENTLY salty it means struggling to find dresses and blouses that fit
(Thanks to omalah) A? Corset?? You're galaxy brained
Corsets are just Gender it doesn't matter what the gender IS they're just Gender and wonderful. Tiss isn't sure about them at first but then she tries one on and it's like. A back brace that pushes her pecs up. She looks hot as FUCK
I'm probably going to draw this at some point gfdi
All of the chocobros are supportive in their own ways but absolutely nothing compared to how feral Prompto is. He hears a misgender and he is about to Throw Down. He hears "His Majesty" and Prompto is pulling out a gun
He goes through all of Tiss's mail and crosses out everything addressed Incorrectly with a sort of manic glee that Ignis doesn't even dare stop him
Ignis is so supportive in an Ignis way. He does All the research. He's that ally that knows more about trans experiences through research than most trans people do from personal experience. While they can't exactly do much for her transition medically on the road and technically being fugitives (and she's not overly concerned either) he still goes over every single potential option she has just so she Knows
Ignis is very annoyed that they actually Do Not Have The Funds to help Noctis like, socially transition in terms of clothing and jewelry and presentation. Tiss has to inform him that she is still perfectly happy dressing masc on the regular because they are, in fact, war fugitives and no, she does NOT need a new wardrobe
He still finds little ways to help her feel a little fem. Ignis is the one who starts to paint her nails for her and will on occasion just hand her a hair clip or small bits of jewelry she's not sure how he got
If Ignis ever gets the chance to find Noctis feminine formal ware he just about has a heart attack because instead of her usual grumping and groaning about how stupid formal wear is she is actually very tentatively excited. She definitely wants to wear the pretty dresses, Iggy. She doesn't UNDERSTAND a lot about fashion and shit but going over dozens of pretty dresses is a million times funner than going over dozens of suits.
She still gets bored after like an hour. But that's an hour of Noctis going through CLOTHES. Ignis is taking so many notes
Gladio isn't very like outwardly supportive or anything but he is so good at being the scariest thing in the room. He will Loom behind her and make people think twice about talking shit
He is the one who has to nearly tackle Prompto from trying to attack people at the SLIGHTEST hint of bigotry
He's not good at fancy shit. But while they're on the road, living out of the armiger and clothes bought from thrift stores and hunter depots, Gladio helps resize dresses and shirts and everything that won't fit her
He's not the one who'll give a nice pep talk or comfort her when she's down but he WILL be the first to pull her aside and ask very seriously if she needs a hug
Being the one and only one of them with a living female family member, Gladio also is the resident "Iris does X girly thing, if that helps?"
The day that Prompto and Noctis wear matching skirts Gladio calls them fucking ridiculous, ruffles their hair, and threatens to lock them in a closet together
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magnolia-sunrise · 22 days
while im wrangling with other parts for the short comic im trying to make, just like last time when i was starting work on the "first meeting 8 years ago" comic (you can read it here) (and the concept designs for the comic are here) im doing a little bit of design concepting of Wolf and Bastien about.. 1.5-2 ish years after that meet cute at knife point and i thought maybe it would be fun for you to see as well :')
it's always so interesting for me to go back and into a point where the two of them are starting to grow into the people they are at -present time - but not quite there yet and how that informs the way they dress or carry themselves.
here's Bastien circa freshly 30, in their Will Graham haircut era, tired as hell from trying to get the clinic going with no resources and no help. he's started to dress a little bit more casually, but he's clearly not very comfortable in his own skin or clothes - most of them picked out and bought for him by his boyfriend, they tend to be either oversized or a size too small but never quite right. they're still putting a lot of emphasis on layers and trying to hide their hips and body in general, just putting on whatever clothes rather than thinking about what makes him look/feel good.
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Wolfgang is doing a bit better since the last time we saw them, they're a lot more confident in their body and after a long, arduous time they feel a real sense of freedom. their current fashion style is very much already emerging here, though they have still a few wounds/scars they want to conceal and ideally get rid of entirely. they're also very carefully experimenting with feminine elements of their presentation, not really wearing make up or a lot of jewelry at this point, and their wardrobe doesn't fully match their very selective and expensive taste yet.
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a lot of how they carry themself and what they chose to wear here has to do with how they're trying to appeal to Bastien at this moment, since they have a lot to make up for in terms of their first impressions 🫣
edit: + together since i rarely ever draw them side by side facing forward and Wolf without high heels
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jasonswh0rre · 3 months
Girl Dad! Jason Todd pt. 2
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( I'm on a serotonin boost )
🧸 Send me the dental bill for the tooth-rotting fluff
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⭐️ Tea Parties 🫖:
Despite his "bad boy" exterior there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that he would ever say no to his daughter. I can see Jason sitting with his knees tightly together around a pink table sipping from his tea cup having a very serious discussion with Sir Cuddleton III and cookie preferences with his daughter. Teddy bear delegations are very hard on an empty stomach.
⭐️ Fashion Show 👗:
Jason would allow his daughter to dress him up anyway she sees fit even if that means wearing a feather boa, tiara, and messy glittery eyeshadow—anything to make her happy.
⭐️ Bedtime Stories:
Every night Jason would read a book, but they wouldn't just be your typical fairytale story. Stories that involve adventure with brave heroes
⭐️ By night a vigilante, by day a videographer 🩰:
Ohmygosh! Jason would be the ultimate ballet dad, he would learn how to do hair to pull his daughters hair in the perfect bun exactly how she'd want it. During recitals, he would sit in the front row recording the whole thing from his phone and would always bring a bouquet of flowers to tell her how amazing she did.
⭐️ At the Aquarium 🐳:
Jason would enjoy the tranquility of the aquarium but he'd definitely enjoy teaching his daughter about the many fishes that live under the sea. Definitely took a photo op picture and now keeps it on his person.
⭐️ Surprise for Mommy 💐:
They'd start the day with a breakfast in bed, Jason holding the pan still so his daughter could flip the pancakes. For the gift well the best kind of gift is memories so Jason would help his daughter create a memory box. Momentos that hold personal memories: photos, jewelry, letters or anything else special. Then the night ends with a special dinner all three as a family.
⭐️ Dedicated Caregiver 🩺:
In caring for his sick daughter Jason wouldn't take any chances and would immediately see a doctor about his child's health. He would use a mix of medication prescribed by a doctor and home remedies he's learned. Jason would make a really tasty soup (a recipe he probably learned from Alfred)
⭐️ Tantrums 😠:
Before reacting, he'd listen first and encourage her to tell him what's making her upset, if she's able to articulate it. Understanding from his own experiences of anger and frustration he would definitely validate her emotions. Listening and hearing her before he speaks, he wouldn't stand when talking he'd crouch down and make sure they're at eye level with each other after all this is his daughter, not his subordinate.
⭐️ Daddy! Buy me North Korea 💎:
Jason has his moments of spoiling his daughter rotten but I think it would be because he's spent so long without that he wouldn't want that for his child. Whether that be with clothes, the latest toys, special events like a play or musical, theme parks, or accessories he is always going to make sure that his daughter has enough.
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 5 months
Hello! We saw you were doing matchups, and we'd love to have one, if you're up for it. :)) We're pansexual, so we're open to any gender but have a preference for males. However, we're just interested in seeing who would vibe with us!
Personality type: reliably INFJ/INTJ, 4w3 (tritype 458). If horoscopes matter, Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Sagittarius Rising.
Physical Looks: 5'3'', with a lithe body (we have a ballerina's build), and dark wavy hair. We prefer dressing in timeless classics/business casual, with our style often being described as elegant and put-together. We've also been told we have a soothing voice.
Personality: Personable while maintaining a certain emotional distance, and often described as enigmatic (we mainly chalk it up to how we ask after people but rarely disclose things about ourselves, and how we allow people to speculate about us without confirming or denying anything). We're often likened to a femme fatale or a chapette—a sociable, image-conscious, fashionable lady who plays into a stereotypical image of "cuteness" or "prettiness" that tricks people into underestimating them, when in fact they're highly educated and clever. However, with our small circle of close ones, we're intense and open with our love, and they are privy to the full scope of our emotions, knowledge and resources.
Love Language: Gift Giving and Acts of Service. We love being able to manifest our love as an experience: tailoring a gift so that every step of the process is enjoyable, from opening it to the reveal; providing our love in tangible manners by the actions we take on your behalf. It's this level of tailoring and attention that we seek to provide to our loved ones, a chance to truly be seen.
Interests and Hobbies: We read a wide range of literature, but can be most often found engaging in philosophy, psychological fiction, or horror (we like media that make us think/give us existential crises). Same deal with writing as well. We love the arts, and can sing, dance and act, as well as crochet and embroider. We love learning languages, and can currently speak 4. We also love going to museums and bookstores. Big on fashion and aesthetics. Dabbles in Chinese medicine. Knows a strange amount about tea.
Miscellaneous: We're currently a bit unsure about where our life is going to take us (currently a creative writing final student), but we know we want to work in the arts. Ideally, we'd be a writer, but we ultimately just want to tell stories by any means possible. Have a sweet tooth for creamy desserts (fruit sando, tiramisu). Will lounge in sun spots like a cat.
Hello wonderful human!!
After carefully combing through this beautifully worded post I think the only man for you would be 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Hiromi!! the one and only oratrice mechanique d'nalyse cardinale😩
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I couldn't find a gif for him since he hasn't been animated yet but I think picture does him justice. Starting with your first paragraph just based on your aesthetic I feel as though you two would look beautiful together and have that old money kind of classy vibe seeing as he’s a lawyer and such.
Hiromi is very introverted and more on the jaded side so I feel like an INFJ and Leo sun would compliment him personally cause we INFJ’s are very stimulating yappers so I feel as though you two would have some really good conversations.
I also think a soothing voice is exactly what he needs after a long day of work. Hiromi can be quite jaded as I’ve mentioned due to his work but I just see you two lounging on the couch just talking and enjoying wine, idk y’all are really giving classy.
He’s a pretty passive man in his day to day life so I feel like a femme fatale like yourself would definitely catch his eye cause he likes a strong individual who has concrete opinions.
I feel like your love languages might clash a bit because I feel like he’s not very good at receiving material things so you may have to be a bit firm with him.
He has no problem helping you with your assignments and writings on his days off, whether it’s giving it a set of fresh eyes or bouncing ideas off of each other. He’s blunt in his criticism but he’s also very honest and gives praise when praise is due. He’s not one to sugarcoat but he finds all of your works lovely anyways.
This man is depressed y’all and honestly you become his reason for getting up in the morning. He calls you his song bird and his smart ass(affectionate).
Activities you do together..
• reading and swapping books together
• he’s not too fond of horror, but he’s willing to get the cliff notes from you
• trying new cafes together on his dime ofc
• philosophical convos over tea and sweets late at night
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cidthesquid · 4 months
How the npc's helped me irl - Style Savvy : Styling Star! (bonus post)
[Previous Post]              [First Post]              [Next Post]
Alright, so right off the bat, This is going to get a little personal, And because of that, this is not 'Style Savvy : Styling Star Post #2', That will come later, so feel free to skip this, or just check out the pics
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I believe I've mentioned a few times in the past, how much I enjoy the fun and quirky NPCs in the style savvy series, In most fashion games, customers are just basically 'orders' to fill, No personality, no drive, and once you help them they're gone forever But in style savvy these are portrayed as individual characters.
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While I'm not going to argue that these characters are super realistic, or even all that fleshed out, the fact that they put effort into making them all distinct, often with reasons for 'why' they're coming from the shop, This made it feel like offering a suggestion for a friend, rather than just blindly generating outfits. And seeing them again was always fun, even if I did not remember what they were up to last time.
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And with each new entry, the community aspect grew! And with the 3rd entry (Fashion Forward) character profiles were more fleshed out, with their jobs and hobbies. You could also explore your town to meet new customers and chat with old, and some would even invite you to events outside of town, wearing the outfit you made! And I don't think I ever fully appreciated just how much this adds to the experience.
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I already talked about this a bit in my Fashion Forward recap, The game's environment felt like a 'safe' play for me to experiment with fashion, without having to worry about my choices effecting others, or being judged for it. It may sound like a bit of a silly concept for some, And I've already discussed the idea of how I though others could perceive a guy being into fashion games. (creepy/controlling) And how playing around in a closed-off environment, let me experience a version of fashion were actively helping people But I don't really think I touched as much on a different idea I was struggling with at the time, Mainly some of the other 'more negative' aspects related to fashion, that I could be (unintentionally) contributing too.
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I don't really know how much detail I want to get into, As I'm sure it's a sensitive subject for some, And I don't think Style Savvy is doing anything wrong. But growing up around family members with strong opinions on how women have been portrayed in art and various media. I have become painfully aware that some people are (rightfully so) disappointed when they see only one body type presented, when makeup and fancy clothing as described as a required way to make someone 'beautiful', and people often remark that some people are "more attractive than others". And while I do agree that there are a ton of problems, and I can see how these things could put unrealistic expectations on women, I think the way these ideas were presented to me was a bit unhealthy. Even to this day, (at 30+yrs old) I've literally never complimented anyone's appearance or attire, out of fear, that that would infer that I care more about how they look, than about them as a person. I would never try to claim that I'm the real victim here, or anything, but the way they presented it was less of a "The world needs to change", idea and more of "Being attracted to women in any way is objectification" kinda deal. And now I'm starting to learn that maybe that's not really helpful either.
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And this caused a conflict when I first started with Fashion games, I was never really taught how to handle feeling on other's appearance, Just given tons of examples of how others have done it wrong, And since I did not know anyone with any interest in fashion, the only reasoning I was ever given for why some people dress different was "Oh they just want attention!", or "They feel they have to dress that way because that's what men expect", The idea of clothing as a form of self-expressions was not even a possibility. And that's one of the reasons I felt so guilty about messing around with fashion in games. I'd be perpetuating a 'bad situation' and objectification.
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And ofcourse now I know that's, not exactly how things work, But back then I only really felt okay with starting Style Savvy, as I thought of it as a *"loophole"*, I'd just be selling clothes to people specifically based on what they asked for. But in the early days it still felt a bit weird, and I'd feel a little guilty whenever I though, "wow that looks really good on them", even if it was as simple an outfit's color/style that really complemented their skin tone or makeup, I felt that i was not allowed to feel that way. But over time, talking with customers, I started to learn that they actually enjoyed dressing up, and had actual reasoning behind their outfit choices, even if it's as simple as "I wanted to try something new!"
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So I was starting to learn that while, yes, people's fashion choices can be influenced by other (external) factors. Possibly someone just wants to look Cute, Cool, or even flashy! There were even examples of people asking for clothes to actually help change their mood. It took a while to internalize the idea, but that combined with the "I'm helping" idea helped me push forward. And in Style Savvy, all the messy real-world politic around fashion did not exist, So I could just enjoy making outfits and helping people look how they wanted. Free of any external influences.
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However, this still left the idea of 'objectification', This is not really a topic I feel I'm qualified to talk about in detail, But the remaining through process was still related to aspects of that, even though I was playing a game targeted toward women, by me making outfits I though looked nice, Or making choices for my own or other characters in terms of makeup and hairstyles, was me deciding how to make them more attractive And somehow "enforcing my own standards of beauty on them", After all, who was I to say they did not look good already?
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And this idea took the longest to deal with, as in, I just put the final touches on starting to deal with it, this morning. Again, we're dealing with video game characters here, not real people, But this did not really ease my tension, as it felt like I'd still be in the same negative mindset. And I really don't want it to sound like I'm telling anyone else, how to think or feel! (feel free to disagree in the comments, I read all of them) I've spent a ton of time online researching the topic, speaking with you guys in the comments, and hearing some VERY strong opinions online, the final idea I came up with was 'focus', and mostly 'Intent',
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What's the intent of the work, and what's being focused on. With style savvy, and it's well flesh out NPC's you're helping people express themselves, and I enjoyed doing that, I listen to their stories, and aided them the best I could. And I actually enjoyed doing that, even though they were virtual, I was treating them like real people. (That's not to say everyone needs to do this, But that's how I felt most comofrtable when getting started.) I enjoyed walking around the town, and was happy seeing them in outfits i picked out for them, upon reflection I can see that I actually enjoyed the procedural aspect of putting an outfit together, and seeing them try it on and happy accept it. Same for hairstyles and makeup, when working on them, I did not honestly think, "Ok how can I fix this person", it was more, "how can I bring out the X look they're going for?"
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And when making my final trendsetter's gallery, I looked through my screenshots and saw just how many outfits I'd made over my time with the game, I began to see that even in this 'E' rated Nintendo published game, I just purely enjoyed the act of making outfits. It's crazy how long it took me to understand that! If the main goal was not treating people like objects, then in a way I had already been proving to myself that I'm capable of that. So turns out it was possible for me to like how someone looks and still care about them. they're not mutually exclusive. There are of 'Fan Service' game out there that don't have much to go on other than how the character looks, Little to no thoughts towards giving them a personality, or even decent gameplay, Instead just focusing on simply showing off parts of a character, without any other real intent than 'eye candy' I'm Not saying this type of game is 100% 'bad', And I have tried a few, but 'showing off' a character is diffrent than what's happening here. With Style Savvy the 'intent' is just having fun with fashion, and it focuses on multiple different aspects of that. And things that's what really what got me to stick with the series, It was not simply about cute characters in cute outfits. The focus is clearly on the character as a whole, rather than indiculal parts,and how changing aspects of their outfit change the image they present. And positive intent is also show in how you're not trying to *"Fix People"* or *"Make them beautiful", it's framed more in a way of helping them express what their already feeling, or try something new! And for my own character, it's pure self-expression, whatever I think looks good, as it's not being pushed on anyone else real or digital.
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There's still things left for me to figure out in terms of how I deal with how I think about fashion. (Including internalizing this new line I've come up with) Again, this is me not saying "I've solved the idea of caring about people vs how they look", just that in some (even small) part , apperaince is not the only thing that matters too me! And now I have my own (personal) way to mesure that! I'm not really sure if this story will really help anyone else, as it's pretty tied to how my specific brain works. (I'm also not really sure if this is the healitiest path to acceptance :-/ ) But the realization finally clears up a long-standing issue I've been dealing with, (even if it's only one small slice), and it's a HUGE relief knowing I have a way to explain it to myself, and start fighting back! I'll be the first to admit, my situation is by no means perfect, and there's still a ton I need to figure out on the IRL side, including figuring out my potential contributions to the negative systems at play. But at the same time, maybe my negtives don't define who I am. Anyways, I think I'm on a positive path, and style savvy's fashion sandbox continues to be helpful with figuring things out!
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Thanks for reading! This one was kinda embarrisng to write out But I hope reading it provided some form of insight or benifit. (Click here for Post #2)
As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome!
You literally can't bother me, (unless you go out of your way to be a jerk), so post whatever you need to say!
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yukipri · 2 years
Question for any folks who have experience with Batuu Bounding/Disneyland!
I'm going to Galaxy's Edge for the first time very soon, and I'm both extremely excited but also terrified I'll do something wrong. I've been wanting to go since it was first announced, and I'm not sure when I'll get another opportunity so I want to make this count!
I love dressing up so of course i want to try Batuu Bounding (dressing up in-universe), but my personal sense of what counts as costumey or not is extremely skewed. Adults are technically not allowed to wear costumes inside Disneyland, but people are also encouraged to "dress like a local" when visiting Batuu, aka Galaxy's Edge, aka Star Wars land. This creates a very gray zone on what counts as a costume and what is Batuu bounding.
I've tried to do a ton of research on my own, reading the official rules, blogs, and even reddit, but would appreciate any feedback, especially if you have personal experience! Note, I'll be going to Disneyland, aka Disney West, aka Anaheim, California.
So my question: Do you think they'll let me in with these outfits?
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Technically I'm following their guidelines:
-Not attempting to look like any official character
-No robes/cape (just a scarf that can be adjusted)
-No weapons except lightsaber (yes, it's the Visions one from Lop & Ochō. I'm Japanese, I thought it fitting I get the Japanese lightsaber lol)
-No hard armor—except the back of glove plates, which are really small and I think I've seen people with those? After receiving advice on Twitter, I'm just gonna leave the gloves off entirely, better not to risk it plus they're gonna be uncomfy anyway
-Nothing dragging on ground
-No costume pieces; both of the above outfits are a combination of traditional Japanese-style, J-punk/rock, alternative, and natural cotton/linen fashion, all of which I wear regularly as part of my daily wardrobe (see what I mean by "my sense of what counts as too costumey is extremely skewed" LMAO)
-I know they have a "no masks" rule, but mine is a COVID mask, and they allow those right? If the outer mask protector is too costume-y, I can defs take it off, but I ain't going without any mask.
-My "I am not a cast member" item is the jetpack backpack, but idk I don't think I look like a cast member
I was gonna make the black dress one main but I think I liked the second one with vest and kama more (let's see if I can tolerate wearing pants all day lmao). Everything is layered, can easily mix 'n match tops/bottoms, I have a few other color variation tops I can mix in too. I also think Cali is gonna be way warmer than I'm expecting so I may shed layers. For now I'm thinking of making my main day the second one, except instead of a green shirt under the green vest, I'll wear a black one.
Also, note that while my True Mandos leather patch is skewed on the green outfit in the above photos, it'll be properly attached on the day of. I just wanted it lightly attached for a quick try-on photo, but it can securely attach via pins on the back! (also yes, that is a mini Fennec-inspired light-up Greeblie <3 )
Also a few more closeups:
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The empty strap thing is a harness to carry a Droid Depot droid, which I have a reservation to build on the first droid. The casings holder thing on the strap that makes it look like a bandolier are kyber crystal holders. I also have an empty leather holder for a detonator soda can and yet another kyber crystal holder on my belt. After getting advice on Twitter, I'm going to put all of these in my bag when I enter the park to reduce how cluttered I look at the entrance, since they're technically all things to carry stuff I will be buying inside the park but do not yet have.
I have a giant mythosaur brooch on my scarf, but it's not solid metal, but a resin-metal mix. I think it should count as a "pin" and not armor.
The thing on my left arm is a decked out Magicband+. I still have no idea how to use it but I hope it will be intuitive ^ ^;
(yeah, so many Etsy sellers have received my money over the past half year that has passed since I started planning for this trip lmao)
I also received feedback on Twitter that my lightsaber sheath looks too much like a katana which may trigger security, so I'm going to be making a little end cap for it to make it look blunter. It's a nice Pixel blade attached to an expensive Proffie lightsaber, so I do want to protect it, and hope a blunted endcap will make it clearer that it's a lightsaber.
I'll probably only bother with the droid carrier + lightsaber + kyber crystal bandolier on one of the three days I'm there, so I can travel lighter on my other days!
I'm really hoping I'll get to talk to Boba/Fennec/Din on at least one of the 3 days I'm there, which is one of the reasons why I've got so much Mando stuff on (in addition to just, trying to make a "bounty hunter" look, and also eyyy Mandos). Idk if it's too subtle or if they'll ignore me bc I'm trying too hard sobs
So yeah, with my aforementioned modifications, do you think they'll let me in?
Any feedback, opinions, or even general advice for a first time visitor to Batuu would be immensely appreciated <3
Thanks so much!!! ;A;
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angelinthefire · 2 years
A few days after the firing range incident, Dean had introduced Cas to the magic of Putlocker. They sat next to each other on Dean’s bed, the heat from the laptop battery mixing with the heat from Cas’ thigh pressed against Dean’s. Dean angled the laptop screen towards Cas, letting him scroll though the titles. Problem was, Cas seemed to pick movies based entirely on how pretty he thought the posters were. After Dean gently steered him away from a number of films that prominently featured sunsets and women in old fashioned dresses, Dean decided to lay down the law.
“Look, Cas…” he started, but then came up short. There either weren’t words for what Dean wanted to say, or when he came close to finding them, they sounded kinda stupid. You’re not allowed to watch those kinds of movies? Cas was nothing if not a rebel, so that was sure to be a dead end. You’re a guy, and guys don’t go for that kind of stuff? Cas was already getting down on himself about his sudden lack of expertise in everything. Listening to music, watching movies was supposed to be the easy part of being human; so Dean wasn’t about to tell him he was doing that wrong too. If you don’t act right, you’ll let him down. They’ll see through you and then you’ll be nothing? Dean didn’t even know where that thought came from or what it meant, and he quickly shoved it to the back of his mind.
“I actually have a plan,” Dean ended up saying.
“A plan?”
“Yeah, like a curriculum,” Dean bullshitted. “Best movies of all time. Must-sees for any human.”
Cas nodded. “Well, you’ve been a great teacher so far.”
Dean could feel heat rising in his cheeks, and the corner of his mouth twitching up involuntarily.
“Where do we start?” Cas asked
“With the classics, of course,” Dean answered, and typed “A fistful of dollars” into the search bar.
Regarding this meme:
Pick any passage of 500 words or less from any fanfic I’ve written, and stick that selection in my ask/fan mail. I will then give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what’s going on in the character’s heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else that you’d expect to find on a DVD commentary track.
About this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30781544/chapters/75979019
The funny thing is that when I started writing Life Skills, and even after I posted chapter 1, I didn't conceptualize masculinity as The Issue of the fic. It was just An Issue, along with Dean’s general obliviousness. It wasn't until I got to the end of chapter 2 that I realized I had to make more of a thing out of Dean’s masculinity issues, so I went back and added this scene.
One thing that was fun about this fic was the sense of intimacy between Dean and Cas when they're hanging out, and finding ways to show their closeness. Like Dean pouring syrup all over Cas' food, or putting his hands all over Cas when he's teaching him pool. The thing about their thighs touching, and the heat from the laptop battery was one of those things.
About Dean's inner monologue -- the thing that makes this whole fic really work for me, is that Dean's hangups are so inwardly directed. Like, he's not coming down hard on Cas for Being A Man Wrong and Violating Man Rules. He's internalized all of it so much, he genuinely believes that it's vitally important to know How To Behave (and that belief is backed up by experience), and he takes that belief for granted. Everything he does is because he wants to help Cas. Like, he's just so genuinely sharing and teaching. It's the caretaker aspect of Dean's personality that comes through. And in the end, it's the desire to help Cas, that originally compelled him to teach Masculity to Cas, that compels him to disregard the demands of masculinity.
So yeah, that little internal monologue about needing to act right shows that. That Dean's not just unthinkingly perpetuating stereotypes or anything, his anxieties are deep-seated and significant. And he's motivated by good intentions.
And while Dean's having this inner tug of war, him and Cas are almost cuddling and smiling and blushing at each other, and I just love that vibe.
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caffeineandsociety · 2 years
Speaking of how people use accusations of pedophilia as a thought-terminating cliche, we need to have a conversation about how blatantly fucking racist the internet's current lolicon panic is.
Like - and I DESPISE that I have to include this preface - I don't like that it's a staple of harem and harem-adjacent games and anime to have the token edgelord little sister and looks-like-a-prepubescent-child romance options either. In my personal opinion it's uncomfortable at best and ruins the entire damned piece with its out-of-place bad-kind-of-weirdness at worst, and I think it's at least mildly irresponsible to sell taboo fetishism in the mainstream, as a side element in pieces that are decidedly not about the taboo fetish, to lonely people without caring if some of them are inclined to forget that some taboos exist for DAMNED GOOD REASONS, because "eh, not my problem, they have disposable income."
You know. Just like how it's irresponsible at best for adult-ish, dark-ish high fantasy to insist on having gratuitous sexual assault scenes out the wazoo for "historical accuracy" in a universe with dragons and absolutely no racial diversity despite ample evidence of trade networks that expand beyond these homogeneously white bubbles we focus on.
Yet way too much of the internet is out here, subtly or not, subconsciously or not, acting like this one shitty trope means Japan is just some den of degenerate men and gleefully submissive women, this perverted land that will sexualize anything and everything and in fact takes it as a challenge to cross every line and thinks child molestation is fun for the whole family because their age of consent is 14-
Which is. You know. Hm.
First of all, it can be argued that the age of consent in Japan is 14 in the same sense that the age of consent in the US is 12 or even nonexistent - that is to say, that's the youngest any prefecture is allowed to permit, and the only time it's actually used is in the case of close-in-age cases ("Romeo and Juliet laws") - i.e., the kind of legal codes that make it harder for homophobic parents to have their 15-year old children's same-age same-sex partners arrested and labeled as sex offenders. For no-strings-attached age of consent it's 16-18 depending on prefecture, exactly like it is in the US. The fact that even people who really try not to be racist or xenophobic will end up parroting this myth is...alarming.
Second, again, it's not like anime and Japanese games are the only things that have really uncomfortably sexualized genre staples, or that treat extremely young girls like sex-objects-in-training. It's not an anime-only thing that if we want a female character to have a ~dark~ backstory, it almost always involves sexual violence, as if women can't have any other kind of fear or traumatic experience (or as if men can't have sexual trauma except as an excuse to pay it forward, for that matter). Child actresses are often expected to wear fashionable, form-fitting clothes from damned near the moment they start walking, whereas young boys on screen generally get to just dress like kids. Western kids' media, especially that aimed at girls, is often glutted with obvious creator fetishes meant to fly over the kids' heads - and, okay, some of the breakdowns of this pattern are unfair and themselves the ones doing the sexualizing, the overlap between "things adults semi-often have fetishes for" and "things kids giggle at and/or may enjoy as sensory play" is...A Lot, but it is often framed in a weirdly sexual way, never mind that foot guy at Nickelodeon who got caught fetish mining from his audience of children.
Yet, for some reason, we only care about those cases when they're in the headlines, but when it's anime, we have to be on the lookout for it 24/7 and call it out EVERY time it shows up in ANYTHING we see and complain LOUDLY about it ALL the time or else we're child abuse enablers?
It's. It's xenophobia and racism. Full stop. And I'm sick to death of seeing it.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 months
Happy Octopath Day! Have any fun headcanons for your favorite characters?
I was unaware of the Octopath Day thing until I checked Twitter this morning. But it's cute, 8/8 and all.
I'll stick to Osvald and Partitio here since those are the two I've been working with the most. I would do Papp and Roque as well, but I'm in the middle of writing a fic centering around them and don't want to spoil anything. I'll also try not to spoil any future plans I might have for my main two here...or rehash stuff I've already written in my published fics, for that matter. That said, most of this is still going to be in the context of my own fic continuity rather than strictly adhering to canon. I imagine no one reading this will mind.
Osvald knows how to dress and act in fashionable urban society purely from careful observation, although he has no actual care for social rules and will generally do only the bare minimum required of him. This does at least help him when he's on dates with a crossdressing Partitio.
Partitio, like his father, subscribes to a kind of loose folk worship of Bifelgan although neither have ever participated in organized religion. Partitio however is a bit more inclined to believe in the gods after hearing the story Osvald told during his proposal (rather ironically, since Osvald himself remains a devoted skeptic even after having literally conjured a piece of the Sacred Flame with his lover).
Osvald bottomed once during his university days, but found the sensation uncomfortable and has never wanted to since. At most he might allow Partitio to rim him, though more as an indulgence than as something he'd genuinely enjoy. However, seeing as I've made Osvald extremely hairy all over...Partitio would either be really into that or really not into that. I do have an idea for how I can get Partitio to top in one of my stories, but he won't be topping Osvald.
Tornadoes are common in the Wildlands, with Oresrush being approximately analogous to parts of the US that get them often. Because of experiences with them during his youth, Partitio isn't fond of wind magic which half explains his element switch compared to the OT merchant job.
Osvald knows that Roque is attracted to him, and also that Papp is psychosexually threatened by him in a "your son calls me daddy too" sense. I intend to use the former for a comic scene in my upcoming fic, but the latter would so complicated for anyone to entangle that they're all just going to have to live with Papp being quicker to think badly of Osvald than he otherwise would.
Despite the above, Partitio hasn't been quick to jump on the daddy kink angle with Osvald. I had him trying to minimize the age gap early on in my first fic, and at this point he'd probably be too embarrassed to bring it up unless Osvald nudged him in that direction. I'm not planning to write that...but if I do I'm going to have to get weird with it to fit in with all the other stuff I pile on these two. Like, Osvald seriously buying into Solistian!Freudian theory and believing that Partitio is attracted to his own father and needs to work out those feelings through him levels of weird.
In line with his struggles with empathizing with the perspectives of others, I could see a hypothetically heterosexual Osvald recommending, as what he considers friendly advice, that Partitio get his homosexuality "cured" through any number of 19th century pseudoscientific treatments, ex. electroshock. Mercifully I made Osvald bi right from the start, so Partitio never had to deal with any of that.
I believe I've made Partitio cry about half a dozen times across two fics, which seems excessive except that I think he's the only one of the OT2 travelers who ever cries in canon so it does kind of fit him. As with his incredibly hesitant use of the word "love," I'm saving up Osvald crying for an appropriately big moment.
Someone (probably Roque) will make a joke at some point about how ironic/appropriate it would be if, in a family composed entirely of queer men, Elena grew up to be a lesbian. Partitio is wholly supportive of this idea, but Osvald is weirdly indignant and will have to be told to get over himself.
Osvald will eventually come up with the magical equivalent of batteries, which may or may not expand into Partitio & Roque eventually bringing widespread electrical power to the world.
After both of his fathers have died - Papp dying when his age is a multiple of eight, because that's his backstory gimmick - Partitio will be faced with Osvald trying to talk to him about the very likely possibility that he'll survive his older lover by a number of years. This will upset Partitio considerably and possibly throw him into a state of denial, but he'll eventually come around to accepting it with Osvald and Elena's help.
Regardless of the proposed plan at the end of my second fic, I don't seriously see Osvald and Partitio adopting additional children. Both of them would be very happy with just Elena, and Partitio prefers to look at the bigger picture. He'd probably pour funding into whatever orphanages he can find and help out that way. That still doesn't stop him from fantasizing about getting bred and knocked up though.
Somewhat related, but while I have no plans currently to ever get Osvald and Partitio over to Toto'haha...if they ever do get there they're going to have kinky beastling sex because everyone loves the hunter job turning the characters into furries so they can have kinky beastling sex. It's like a canonical build your own Omegaverse!
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My mentality towards my transness over time
Maybe I'll put this stuff in a book one day. Just needed to write these words down somewhere.
6 - Hmm. I feel like a boy. I want to wear boy clothes. I want to play with boys. I wish I had a penis. I wish I could wear boxers. I wish I could wear swimming trunks and walk around shirtless in the summer time.
I get scolded when I express my masculinity. I don't like being scolded. I'm ashamed of this part of me because it brings disapproval. I learn to be embarrassed. I need to hide this and never tell anyone. My mom isn't gonna like this. My grandma definitely isn't gonna like it. My classmates will be mean to me. I don't have a penis. I can't change how I was born. In school they tell us that Jesus loves us just the way we are, and that God doesn't make mistakes. I just need to stop thinking about this until I forget.
If God doesn't make mistakes then why did he make me like this? Why didn't he just make me a boy? He probably did this to me as a punishment. Maybe before I was born, back when I was still a spirit living in heaven, maybe I did something that made him mad. Maybe if I can be good, then he'll make me a boy again next time.
10- For the first time ever, I see people with a similar experience to me. On Maury / Jerry Springer. This reinforces my hunch that being trans makes me a freakshow and the butt of jokes. These people are all trans women and are very deep-voiced and clocky. I learn that people will always be able to tell that I'm trans and therefore it's not worth trying to transition. Around this time I also see trans people on Oprah. It's less of a freakshow but the focus is mainly on surgery and struggles. I learn that being trans is painful and scary and full of surgeries. I'm scared of surgeries. I promise myself that I'll never get surgery unless there's an accident and I need a life-saving procedure. But I don't like being treated like a girl. I don't like dressing as a girl. When my mom takes me shopping for clothes I look at the mannequins on the boys' side and feel jealousy and yearning. I wish I could buy clothes from the boys side. But I'm scared to ask. And I'm embarrased and ashamed. What if people see me looking at boy clothes? It's hard finding clothes that I like. I'm angry that the clothes in the girl section are so...girly. Even when I find pants and tshirts. They're always super skinny jeans and jeggings, and crop-tops and curve-hugging shirts with v-necks. (Thanks 2010s fashion.) Why does everyone assume that just because I'm a girl I have to be girly? It makes me so angry. But don't call me a tomboy. That will invite teasing and alienation. I'm just, i don't know...a different type of girl, I guess. I'm not the weird one. Everyone is just wrong about what a girl is supposed to be like. I wonder what type of woman I'll be when I grow up?
12 - I start to learn about puberty. Maybe the estrogen from puberty will make me normal. Will help me to feel okay as a girl. I don't like that my chest is developing. I like having a flat chest. But in my sex-ed class I learned that it's natural to feel that way, and that many girls don't like going through puberty. It's normal to feel awkward about puberty. It's normal to feel awkward about your body changing. So I just need to not think about it too much. I'll figure it out eventually. Again I wish I could press fast-forward on my life and see how I figure this all out. How do I be a woman while still being me? Without feeling like I'm just playing a role?
14 - Puberty is in full swing. My hormones are raging. I'm horny. Well I'm a female, so that means I need to take it out on boys. I need to have crushes on boys. I need to wear my hair long, like a girl. If I keep wearing ponytails every day I'll start to stand out from the rest of the girls. People are gonna start to make assumptions about me, and treat me badly. Or laugh at me behind my back. Now is the time that I'm finally gonna embrace being female, and grow out of my masculinity. I'm gonna make a full attempt to figure out what kind of girl I am and where I fit into society as myself.
God doesn't make mistakes. I just need to try harder to be a girl. I promise myself again that I'll never be transgender. I'll never get surgeries, because that would be disrespectful to God.
15, 16 - God clearly made me this way as a joke. He knows I have the "personality of a guy". He just has a cruel sense of humor. He made me a lion in sheep's clothing. I lean into the joke. Most people know me as a girl with big dick energy.
18 - I feel like my puberty is incomplete. I still find myself waiting for my voice to drop. My voice cracks from time to time and I get excited about that.
I still can't bring myself to wear dresses or be feminine. My highschool has uniforms, so I can wear the uniform skirts without thinking too hard about it because that's the school policy. They gave me a formula to follow so that I don't have to think too hard about how to express my gender. Female students must wear skirts, so that's what I do. But when I go to college I'll have to figure out how to dress like a girl on my own. There's no unform. No formula to follow.
Prom happens at the end of highschool. I don't want to go but I'm begged by my mother and my friends. So I give in. I go to Sephora and a gay guy does my makeup. He does a great job, I look like a model. I don't even recognize myself. I show up in a dress. Everyone loves it. I want to disappear. To be invisible.
19 - I'm going to college. It's time to grow up and become a woman - or a young lady, at least. I should look 19 now, not 10. I buy some skirts and blouses from the women's section. I buy makeup and start watching makeup tutorials. I start watching "glow-up" videos, looking for a formula on how to present as a woman and be comfortable in my skin. That's what is praised, to be pretty and grown up. A young-adult version of myself. But the skirts stay in the back of my closet. I can't bring myself to wear them. I try the makeup for the first 2 months of school, and then I decide it's a waste of time. It stays in the makeup pouch which collects dust on my shelf. I don't feel myself.
20 - I go back to wearing jeans, tshirts and sweatshirts. I feel much better.
21 - Maybe I'm a masculine woman. I give myself permission to embrace my masculinity in the ways that I know how. I finally go to the barber and get that lineup I always wanted. I go to the Dominicans and get a taper fade. I wear boxers. Damn, it feels way more correct wearing boxers. I never realized how much of a different it makes. Why didn't I do this sooner?? Holy shit I'll never go back to wearing panties.
I look at interviews / vlogs / podcasts posted by masculine women, learning about their coming-of-age and how they came into themselves. I watch some glow up videos of mascs / studs. What we have in common is being born female and feeling most aligned when embracing our masculinity, presenting in masculine fashion. Where we're different is dysphoria. What I often saw these women say in their videos is "I don't want to be a man. I know I'm not a man. I don't want a deep voice, or a beard, or a penis. I'm happy with my body. I'm happy with being a female and all that comes with it." All these women were saying the same thing. Well, I do want a deeper voice. I do want a dick. I want to pee standing up. I wish I had gone through male puberty. I want to be male. Maybe I'm not cis. Maybe...maybe I'm trans?
22- I start to watch interviews and vlogs from trans men. Bingo. This is exactly how I feel. These experiences sound like what I went through. I think to myself, "I'd go on testosterone if I could disappear off the face of the earth and start my life over with a different identity."
23 - I'm trans. I don't have to disappear off the face of the earth and start my life over in a different country. I live in a big blue liberal city. Actually I live in the birthplace of the modern lgbt movement. The doctors and trans healthcare here is some of the best in this country. I know it's a journey but I'm ready to work on accepting myself. I'm ready to start making steps towards transitioning and starting on testosterone.
24 - I'm a man. I'm a trans man. Key-word: man. There is nuance to my experience. That's valuable. Sometimes I get dysphoric but at least I know what's going on. At least I have a word to describe what I'm dealing with, and that makes it easier to deal with. Now I have a regimen for what to do when I feel dysphoric. And that makes a huge difference for me.
Years ago I never would've thought that I'd be where I am, living my truth like this. I thought I would bring my secret to the grave.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
dollar-chan's pattern school: picking a pattern and reading the envelope
So I'm trying to get my weird little pattern school idea floating, but I am going to be posting all the tutorials on this blog so that none of that info is secret and only allowed to people who want to learn on another platform. I'm a big fan of providing information for free.
So, in this school idea, the first project is to make something from a commercial pattern, and to choose something that doesn't require specific body measurements. This way, you can focus on learning to read patterns and it doesn't really matter too much if it's a bit smaller or larger than you originally intended. There's a whole lot of flexibility in this project. The important thing is just learning to pick a pattern, get some fabric, cut it out, and assemble it using the pattern markings and pattern instructions. If you already know how to do that, you can proceed to complete that step without even reading this.
Picking a pattern:
There's a lot of ways to make items you would use in a lolita wardrobe. Some ideas:
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Basic tote bags (relevant Lolibrary search) are easy to make and are a great first project to make from a pattern. Brands put out tote bags that are relatively easy to simulate by using good fabric choices. Lined tote bags are a very nice project because it teaches the basics of bagging out a lining. You also can pick those fun quilting fabrics that you can't use for main lolita pieces.
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Decor and craft items are fun and you can shoehorn them into this with "lifestyle lolita" as your theme.
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If you have fabrics or ideas you want to test out, you can try out some combinations on doll-scale before moving on to a full-scale project. This also lets you practice with print scale and that gives you a huge leg up when you start moving into lolita for humans. Note, though, that there's a lot of experienced sewers who make clothes for 18" dolls, so make sure you pick a pattern marked as an easy one.
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Aprons (lolibrary search) are a thing you can use in lolita. Gathered aprons have a similar construction to lolita dresses and so they're really good for learning other techniques you'd later apply to other garments. You get experience picking and working with prints on the same scale as you'd be working with future garments. However, since aprons aren't fully fitted garments, if you're off by 3-5 inches, no one will ever know.
Buying your pattern:
If you've never bought a pattern in a store before, they're usually kept in some impossible-to-search cabinets. Somewhere around there should be a big catalog with all the patterns. Look through the book, find one you like, and remember the number of the pattern. Then, you go to the cabinets and look up that pattern. It's super easy, but I've worked in a craft store for long enough to know that it's not universal knowledge.
Reading the envelope:
Most patterns that you buy will be able to make multiple variations of the same pattern, called views. The front of the envelope will have pictures of the views. They're sometimes photos, and sometimes fashion illustrations, but they'll tell you what the pieces should look like finished.
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The back of the envelope will have technical illustrations, sometimes of the front and the back of the views, and sometimes just of the back. These are simple line arts designed to show you the construction details. More about different kinds of fashion illustration here.
It will also have the suggested fabrics, and the information about how much fabric to buy for each view. If I want to make the view D bag, I go to the section of the table marked D, and know that it's how much of the fabrics I need. Let's get an easier-to-read envelope over here because I've photographed that one three times and it's still ugly:
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Yes, I've committed to using Comic Sans there.
On some envelopes, there will be a text description of the garment. This will occasionally give you useful information, and as you read more patterns you'll find things like the words "no closures" that just set off a flag. This is a thing that's sort of fallen out of fashion and a lot of patterns don't do this anymore, so don't worry if you can't find it.
Then, there will be suggested fabrics. This will give you a lot of important information, like if the pattern is designed to be made out of light or heavyweight fabrics, if the fabrics should stretch, and if the pattern needs to go in a specific direction. Sometimes, you will see things like "unsuitable for stripes, plaids, or obvious diagonals" and you'll know not to use those patterns.
Then, the fabric needs for each view will be listed. In this case, there are two listings. One is labeled 45" and one is labeled 60". When you pick your fabric, you will look at the bolt end, and it will tell you how wide that fabric is. If your fabric is 45" wide, you'll get the width listed as 45", and if it's 60", you'll get the width for 60". A lot of the time, you'll find fabric that is 44 or 43 or 59 inches, and you can almost always just round up. This number isn't always super obvious on the bold and it might just be "43in" listed in a long line of numbers, but in the USA it's a legal requirement to have this info available to the consumer, so it's there.
Sometimes, there will be different options for "with nap" and "without nap". If your fabric is directional, and looks different when you turn the print upside-down, you need to use a yardage marked "with nap" or "with or without nap".
If your fabric has stripes or plaids in it, or a pattern you want to match, you might want to get some extra fabric, so that you have some wiggle room to place the pieces where you want. Sometimes, the pattern layouts are very cramped and you need extra yardage if you want to deviate from them.
Some patterns need multiple fabrics. For example, you might need a main fabric, a contrast, a lining, interfacing, and trim. Each should be listed separately.
The last part is notions. These are pretty much all the things that aren't fabric that you'll need: buttons, tapes and braids, thread, safety eyes, sometimes something utterly bizarre like "approximately one hundred to three hundred pre-tied 2" ribbon bows". Don't forget about the notions section. Ask me how I know.
There will also be finished dimensions of the project on it. This is useful sometimes, especially with craft projects and bags, because it's hard to judge those things. If you're making a garment, there will also be body measurements somewhere on the envelope. When you're checking what size you should make, go off the body measurement and not the finished garment measurements.
So anyway, now you can go to the fabric store, pick a pattern, and then you can go nuts picking your fabric.
One last note: a)not every fabric store is sorted the way that the pattern envelope lists fabric. Just because the envelope says you can use challis or moire faille doesn't mean the people cutting the fabric have any idea what or where those fabrics are. It's actually not part of their job to know every single fabric that has ever been mentioned on a pattern envelope in the past 60 years so don't get condescending when no one had here of yumissima and b) if you're being rude to the fabric store employees you are getting expelled from pattern school.
And that's lesson 1 part 1, how to know how much fabric you need!
And now you get the great, great open world of which fabric to pick! That's why we're doing a craft project before we do a full garment.
I'm getting the discord up and running but I need to learn how roles work before it's open to all. Special thanks to the people testing it for me. Give me a couple of hours and we'll go public with the link.
As for how the discord is planning on working, each project is listed as a "step," so when you complete your tote bag/apron/perfect replica of kuma kumya but she's neon orange/sewing machine organizer, you get to post it as completed and move onto the next step. I promise to film a video of me throwing confetti at my webcam for the first 15 people to complete a step. Proably. Confetti is messy.
I just want to make sure I can, you know, not fuck everything up before I have a discord with like 40 people on it. Thanks for the patience there. I promise I won't be teasing with without allowing access for too long.
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