#This took a stupidly long amount of time
lamb in a cult or whatever that game is
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seluneclerics · 2 hours
been avoiding talking about the future love interests i have planned for alcina & donna because i don’t wanna spoil the rest of “more the fool me (the unwise lord)” but i feel like we’re far enough in that i just can’t hold it back anymore. more the fool is far from done just yet but i do want to at least give you guys a tiny teaser into my future long fics for my other RE ladies.
Donna Beneviento - “the stars we’ve grown”
Multi-chapter longfic, in the same universe as “more the fool me (the unwise lord)”
Set in the year 2004, you are Yang Meiling. Born into a prestigious clan in your homeland of Taiwan, you’ve always felt out of place amongst your family and friends due to your inability to conform. The night before you were set to claim your inheritance, you decide on flee to Romania in hopes of starting life anew as a gardener.
It is only when you arrive at Lady Beneviento’s door do you realize something is terribly wrong here.
Alcina Dimitrescu - “do you understand? (my heart can’t beat again)”
Multi-chapter longfic, in the same universe as “more the fool me (the unwise lord)”
Born and raised in Brazil, you are Adriana Downs. Charismatic and bold, you are a photographer and architectural historian that hopes to revive your career in the art world by capturing photos of abandoned grand structures. The first stop on your list? Castle Dimitrescu. In the year 2007, you travel to Romania to fulfill your dream, camera in hand.
Unfortunately for you however, the residents of the castle don’t take too kindly to your intrusion.
more the fool me (the unwise lord) - Mother Miranda/Alcina Dimitrescu/Donna Beneviento
the stars we’ve grown - Donna Beneviento
do you understand? (my heart can’t beat again) - Alcina Dimitrescu
ever the fool (a wiser whitaker) - Mother Miranda
This is the official order of my “tale of the three” series over on AO3! I’m so excited to share these stories with you all, buckle the fuck up! Lots of hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, smut, death, and more coming your way.
I won’t be giving a description for ever the fool, as it would contain direct and heavy spoilers for more the fool.
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mosaic-hunter · 1 month
just had the worst day of my life all i need rn is tickles
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okay idk how much art ill post exactly but. stupid album redraw w some ocs
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vaugarde · 2 years
i did go into wicked vaguely aware of the love triangle bc ive seen the lyrics to “im not that girl” and was expecting it to be annoying but man. actually it was so pure. i support elphaba and her himbo on the run and i think glinda should also run away and join their polycule.
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growling · 1 month
reminder that ur very cool hope ur having a good day
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happy74827 · 2 months
Say Yes to Heaven
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[Logan Howlett x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes all it takes is one look. One gesture. One word. One action. To remind them that not everyone sees them the same, and It's enough to send a person over the edge.
WC: 3690
Category: Fluff, First Kiss, Logan’s POV
Another Grumpy!Logan x Sunshine!Reader because it’s my comfort trope ✨🫶
He never realized how much he wanted someone to care for.
It was something he didn't know he desired. A year ago, he didn't care for a single thing. He felt nothing. He was so numb. So empty.
He was an angry man. The kind of man people kept their distance from. Wade ruined that; he aggravated him so much that Logan started actually caring about his life. And for as much as he despised his fugly ass, he was internally grateful for him. He started to open up more and more.
Wade had a part in taking him out of rock bottom, as they say, but you… you aggravated him in the most endearing way possible. You were so bright, so happy, and full of life. Logan couldn't understand how someone could be like that, and he hated you for it. He thought it was so ignorant of you.
"I mean, come on, how could she be that happy all the time? It's fucking dumb. She doesn't even know me!"
That's what he said to Wade, but his roommate only laughed. He found his frustration hilarious and made fun of him constantly.
And don’t even get started on the way you spoke. Never once have you raised your voice at anyone. You always talked softly, and even if you were pissed off, you still found a way to make your words sound gentle.
The man couldn’t wrap his mind around the way you acted, you weren’t a mutant, but you damn well could have been with that forever customer service smile you wore every day.
The level of patience and understanding you held for people was insane to him, especially the amount of patience you held with him.
He was constantly telling you to fuck off, and you took no offense; you just returned that stupidly kind smile and told him that if he needed anything, you were there for him.
You had no clue what he’s done, what he's capable of, and yet you treat him with the utmost respect. And being a mutant, respect, and kindness were two things he hadn’t received in a very long time.
It made him realize things—about himself and others. He started noticing you a little more—the way you looked and the way you acted. It started out as simple confusion and disgust… the typical reactions one would have when one sees an overly happy person.
But it evolved slowly into intrigue and curiosity.
Then something else. Something he couldn't describe.
His first instinct was to push it away. To try and convince himself, he was disgusted. He did this with everything he felt, but he couldn’t keep lying to himself.
It wasn't disgust.
He couldn't name it; he wasn't ready to, but he knew it wasn’t that.
Wade had noticed the change in him, the way he looked at you, the way he started being a little less rough with the words he chose to say. He didn’t bring it up, but the shit-eating grin he gave each time Logan walked in and saw you was more than enough proof that he had picked up on it.
Of course, it only resorted to grins because the one time he opened his mouth, Logan didn’t restrain himself. He popped his claws and had to go couch shopping the next day.
So, with Wade keeping his mouth shut after being chewed out by Blind Al and Logan trying his best to push away the foreign feelings, it finally reached a point where he could no longer ignore them.
He didn’t understand why, of all nights, it had to be this one, but it was.
It was 3 am, and his old nightmares had come back to haunt him. He was restless, sweaty, and couldn't take another second of sleep.
It took a rinsing of the bathroom sink and a pitiful glare at his reflection for you to return his gaze.
He froze for a second.
You were wearing a large T-shirt, with a pair of shorts underneath. Your hair was messy, but it looked so soft, and your face was clear of makeup, leaving the imperfections of your skin that made you all the more beautiful.
Always wearing a smile. Always greeting him with a soft voice, sometimes a little raspy if just waking up, butnonetheless soft.
But once he rubbed his eyes and let out a tired yawn, you weren’t there anymore.
Because you were never there, you lived across the street. You were in your apartment, sleeping, with no idea that, at that moment, the man who constantly told you to fuck off realized he couldn't stop thinking about you.
The same man who would grunt, scoff, and throw away every kind gesture now realized he secretly cherished them.
He stood there for a moment, just pondering his thoughts. His eyes were still on the spot he saw you in.
His head turned to the right, seeing the digital clock that rested on the nightstand.
3:02 am.
You were asleep…. most likely asleep. You would be unhappy if he came over and woke you up, wouldn't you?
He looked back at the sink.
You could be upset, but you could also be happy. You could give him that smile. That sweet, warm smile.
It would be worth it, right? Just for that?
3:04 am
He didn’t think about it. Not even for a second. Ironically, it started raining as if to test him, but the man was determined.
He put on a jacket to cover his bare chest, threw on some random shoes, and was out the door before his mind could stop him.
3:13 am
He knocked on your apartment door. He was completely drenched from the rain. His hair was messy, his jacket sticking to his body, and his shoes were so wet that the squelching sound they made was the only thing audible.
He heard shuffling. Soft steps coming closer. He could smell your scent. It shocked him how easy it was for him to recognize it.
You unlocked the door. Your brows furrowed in confusion.
His mental image of you being in sleepwear, messy hair, no makeup, had been confirmed. You were beautiful.
You had a tired look, one of the many looks he wasn’t used to. But it was still a good look, and it still held your signature kindness.
He had a feeling it would.
You didn't look too shocked, just tired and confused.
You spoke. "Logan, is…? Are you okay?"
Your voice was even softer than usual, the raspiness it held only making it more comforting.
You were genuinely worried about him, and it hit him then that he was being an asshole. Making you wake up in the middle of the night, and for what? Just because he wanted to see you?
Just because of that, he should’ve given you a reason. An explanation.
He should've asked. He should have done so many things differently, but he didn’t.
His head was in the clouds, and all he could think about was you.
You. That was all.
But his expression gave away that he was in a daze, and your worry only grew.
"Logan? What's wrong?"
You stepped out into the hallway and reached a hand to him.
His heart jumped a bit when you did so. It was just a gesture—one simple act of compassion.
He wasn't worthy of that, but he couldn't resist. He didn't want to.
Your fingers barely brushed against his upper arm before he moved. He grabbed your wrist.
His grip wasn't hard. His hold was gentle, as he had no intentions of hurting you. You could’ve easily pulled your arm away if you wanted to, but you didn't.
His eyes locked with yours. He wasn't sure what possessed him, but it felt so right, so he followed his instincts.
He tugged at your wrist, causing your body to fall into him. Your chest pressed against his. His arms wrapped around you, one hand cupping the back of your neck, the other resting on the small of your back.
The embrace was so sudden, and he knew the situation was far from ideal, but his senses were overflowed by your presence, your scent, your softness.
His chin rested atop your head, and his eyes fluttered closed.
It wasn’t the first time he ever hugged someone, but it was the first time he hugged someone in such a way. He held onto you tightly, his grip possessive but not painful.
He was afraid to let go.
He felt your hands press against his chest. You were probably going to push him away, he thought, and he tried to prepare himself. He told himself he would let you go because it was the right thing to do, yet he didn’t need to.
You hugged him back, and he almost lost his footing.
How long had it been since he last received a hug? Since the last time, someone held him and showed him affection?
Too long.
Your hands went inside his opened jacket and held onto him. Your fingers pressed against his skin, and your soft, warm breaths caressed his neck.
He could stay like this for eternity, and he would never grow tired of it.
Your voice reached his ears.
"Logan, did something happen?"
He had been standing there for quite a while. He wasn’t aware of how long. Time seemed to freeze around you, but he didn’t mind. He wasn't one to believe in such nonsense, but when it came to you, he was ready to accept it.
Your hand rested on his arm, and he knew you were subtly prompting him to move, and so he did.
He pulled away from the hug just enough to look at you.
Your lips were turned upwards. The corners of your eyes creased.
It was then that his actions registered—how utterly close the two of you were, how intimately you were holding each other. He was already warm just from genetics alone, but now he felt everything around him heat up.
He didn't know what to say. It was like he was back in that bar, drinking away every thought. He couldn't think. There was nothing. Nothing but the feel of your body against his.
But what truly sealed the deal was when he felt your thumb gently caress his knuckles. It was a small movement, barely noticeable, but it was centered exactly on the scars his claws made.
That little movement made his brain short-circuit. His hands twitched. His grip tightened. He held onto you with his entire body as if scared to let you go.
"What happened?"
You were patient with him. The fact that he hadn’t even answered any of your concerns said enough.
But, eventually, he did find some words to respond with. It wasn’t the answer you were searching for, but it was a response.
"Why are you always being so fucking kind?"
It was such a simple question, and yet the amount of pain it carried was overwhelming. He knew you could hear every word behind it. Every word he couldn't bring himself to say.
He didn’t deserve it. He wasn’t a good man. He did horrible things, and sure… he made an attempt to make up for it. To be better, but it couldn’t have been enough, could it?
You were still here, looking at him with those soft eyes.
Why couldn't you look at him the way he deserved to be looked at? Like he was a monster.
Why did you have to look at him with those goddamn beautiful eyes?
"You deserve kindness, Logan. We all do."
And then, your voice became even softer and a little shaky. Your hands went back to massaging his knuckles. His scars.
"Just because you see yourself a certain way doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I see the good in you. Always have since we first met."
You spoke so softly, yet your words were heavy with emotion.
"I know it's not easy, but try to have a little more faith in yourself."
You didn’t deserve the harsh words he always threw at you. You didn’t deserve any of his anger. You didn't deserve him.
"Why?" He repeated his question, his voice strained, and you didn't miss the way his jaw clenched. "Why should I?"
His arms loosened their hold around you; his hands moved down your sides, and his touch feathered light. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he couldn’t quite let go just yet.
You paid it no mind. Only staring back into his eyes with the same kindness he was so used to, the one he had grown to treasure.
"You have a right to feel the way you do, Logan. And I can't claim to understand what you've been through. I can't begin to imagine. But you are a good man. A little rough around the edges, maybe, but you’ve shown me time and time again that you're trying."
A smile crept its way onto your face, and a soft giggle escaped past your lips.
Now, to be fair, he was used to hearing your laughter. With your… odd sense of humor, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. But, this would be one of the firsts to add to his collection.
The one reserved for him and him only.
Your laughter wasn’t loud, or annoying, or anything like Wade's. It was soft, sweet, and oh-so pleasant.
You were looking at him. Staring up at him with such love and warmth. You didn't even realize it, but he did.
"Besides, who wouldn't be a little grouchy waking up to that handsome face every morning?"
And, now, he was repulsed by the unwelcome vision of a certain masked man making his way into his head. He was so disgusted by the thought he didn’t bother responding. He didn't want to.
So, instead, he moved.
He had a habit of moving on his own and not thinking about it. It went from his hands going to your sides, and now, his hands reaching out to press against the door behind you.
You were pinned against the door, and the way you looked at him didn’t change. Of course, it didn't. Your eyes were always kind. They always were.
You were leaning against the door. Looking at him, waiting.
And he stared back.
He was so close, and he was tempted to pull away. To take a step back and leave. It would be the best for both of you; at least, he thinks so.
He couldn't give you anything.
He had nothing.
There was only himself. His body. His mind. His past.
His claws, too, if that counted for anything.
But, besides those, there was nothing.
He wasn’t a bad man, but he wasn't good either. Not like you were. He couldn’t possibly begin to match you, not even if he tried.
Which is why he had no intention of trying.
Yet, even as he thought that, his body moved even closer. The dog tags he had never taken off since he was given them hung loosely, dangling in front of your face.
One of your hands was on his chest, the other gripping onto the material of his shirt.
You spoke his name so softly. Almost a whisper, and yet, the sound of it was all his senses were focused on.
Your gaze shifted between his eyes and lips, and the hand that had been holding onto his shirt moved, reaching up to his shoulder.
The touch was light, as if hesitant, and it caused him to lean even closer.
It was so close. You were so close. You had been before, but never like this. Never in the way he wanted.
He wanted you so badly.
And you were right there. Looking at him with those eyes, with a soft, tender smile, and with an expression he didn't recognize.
He knew that was an invitation. You were always an open book, and your body language was no different.
And it wasn't the first time you did so.
There were many times when you looked at him. Your eyes trailing over his face. Your gaze went downwards, lingering before you snapped out of it and looked away.
He always saw it, always knew it was there, but he just chose to ignore it. He wasn’t in the right mind, then. He was just another broken man, struggling to get by, trying his best.
Trying to find some meaning in his life.
But, even now, he was still hesitant. Even after coming all the way here and making his intentions clear, he struggled with it.
"Are you sure?"
Because you were so much better than him.
Because he could still remember the day the two of you met. How much of an asshole he was, how rude, how angry.
It wasn’t until the seventh time you approached him that he realized that he had met someone who genuinely, wholeheartedly cared.
It wasn't until the twentieth time you approached him that he finally accepted it.
He could never forget the way you smiled and spoke to him, even though he had given you no reason to.
"Hi, Logan!"
You would say.
"Good morning!"
You would wave.
"Have a nice day, Logan."
You would nod, even though the man himself chose to ignore you. Goddamn it. You were so much better than him.
Much purer. Much more innocent.
You had a heart of gold, and a soul as white as snow. You were so good, so kind, and the thought of soiling you, of ruining your light with his darkness, it scared him.
It was the sole reason he didn't give in, even now, with you offering yourself to him.
He didn't want to ruin you.
No hesitation. No second thoughts.
Your eyes were so kind. So full of love, and the same emotion reflected back in his own.
But, even with the clear sign of assurance, he still felt the need to create one last line of defense.
With the hand against the door, he peeled it back enough to have your eyes catch sight of the fist it made.
In a millisecond, he unleashed his claws and slammed his fist against the door, the sharp adamantium easily slicing through the wood, causing the door to crack.
And, yet, no reaction. Not a single flinch, not a wince, not even a hitch of breath.
You weren't afraid. Not at all. Even as the claws were mere inches from your face, you weren't scared.
The corners of your mouth twitched. Upwards, and it soon bloomed into a bright smile.
He retracted his claws, and gave you another once-over, just to be sure, and you responded by lifting your hand, grasping the metal chain hanging from his neck.
Your fingers grazed against the cool metal, and your smile softened before turning into a small grin.
"For a man who states he isn’t scared of anything, you sure have a lot of defense mechanisms, Logan."
Teasing. That was a new one for you.
He liked it.
"Say it again." Now, finally, you showed a different expression. Confusion mixed with curiosity. You were wondering what he meant. "My name."
For you, his actions were mere seconds. You had no time to process the feeling of his breath against your lips. The feeling of his stubble tickling your skin. The feeling of his warm, dry lips pressed against yours.
But, for him, it was a slow, steady motion. He took his time. He pulled you closer, his hands moving from the door and cupping the back of your head and your waist.
The kiss was soft. Gentle. Nothing rushed.
He held you like you were fragile. Like you were made of porcelain and could break at any moment. He could, theoretically, but he would rather go through Cassandra’s entire repertoire of torture than hurt you.
He lifted you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arms around his neck, his own pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your skin.
You tasted exactly how you were. Pure. Sweet.
Like heaven.
He was sure he was leaving that of the bitter alcohol he had downed on your lips, but you didn't seem fussy about it.
Not that he could focus on anything else, anyway.
He was too distracted by the way his tongue danced with yours.
Too focused on the taste of your mouth.
Too distracted by the way your hands made themselves a home in his wet hair. They would tug every once in a while, releasing a groan he hadn’t known was there.
He was too distracted to care.
He was too lost in your scent. Wade always called him that character from that shity vampire movie due to his nose.
He always disagreed until you happened to mention the resemblance. Then, and only then, did he see the logic.
And you saw the logic here, too—the logic of how good you melted together. Experiencing it now made him question his decision to stay away.
If it was always going to be this good, this intoxicating, he should’ve done it a long time ago.
He should've taken the chance.
It would've saved the two of you a lot of frustration, and a lot of headaches.
But it didn't matter. He was here now.
And, as his foot broke into the door, mouth still latched onto yours, with him figuring his way about your apartment, he thought:
It doesn't matter.
As long as I’m here.
As long as you’re in my arms.
It doesn't matter.
Fortunately, that meant he didn’t have to wake up to that toupee-stapled face every morning, as he had so dreadfully imagined.
Unfortunately, it also meant that the next time he saw Wade, he would have to deal with him talking his ears off about what had transpired.
But, for now, he could live with that.
He was more focused on the fact on making sure you weren’t regretting your choice.
Because he sure as fuck didn’t.
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hey look at the thing im learnign
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
do you believe me now? | 3
in which spencer reid spends a rainy day teaching inexperienced fem!reader how to touch him. of course, her efforts don't go unrecognized, much less unrewarded
series masterlist
18+ (smut) warnings: inexperienced reader, softdom!spencer, sub reader, oral m receiving, reader swallows lol, a truly sickening amount of praise, like really, you JOKINGLY refer to each other as dirty sluts, r has longish hair, spit mentioned once, thigh riding (moans loudly), its filthy idk what to tell you, i feel like i've crossed the desert on foot i don't even know what else is in here, your honor they're in love, i take you to dinner first, this part is stupidly long a/n: had a fucking field day the three separate times i had to rewrite this el oh el... but think i like how it turned out?! anyway, if u like this PLS lmk bc writing it took a small piece of my soul, and yes there will be a part four!! take care of yourselves!! i love you!!!
You give Spencer half a minute or so before knocking on his door for a second time. 
It’s miserable outside, and though the hallway you’re standing in now isn’t terribly cold, you’d much prefer to be in Spencer’s apartment, where it will be the same toasty 68.5 degrees as always. Not that the heating will magically dry you. And not that you’ll be there for long, if the date you’d scheduled last week goes on as planned. 
You’re getting worried, about to knock for a third time when the locks finally click and the door opens to reveal a disheveled Spencer Reid—not at all looking ready for a date. You take in his ensemble; blue checked pajama pants, FBI Academy crewneck, the usual questionably paired socks. He’s rubbing his droopy eyes, which slowly widen as he notices your attire. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, our date! I mean—you look really nice. I look… like this. Why don’t you come in while I get ready to go?”
He holds the door open a little wider and you step through, relishing in the familiar warmth as you pull your hood down and excess water droplets spatter on the ground. 
“When did you get in?” you ask, hanging your raincoat up on a hook. You know he’d wrapped up a case yesterday evening, but you’d gone to sleep before the team left Cincinnati. 
Spencer pauses in the middle of the room, staring at the antique flooring like he forgot what he was doing. 
“Uh… four hours ago.”
“Wh—four hours? Spencer, you must be exhausted.”
He laughs awkwardly, running a tired hand over his face. 
“I mean… I’ve definitely felt better.”
You kick your soaked shoes off and cross the room until you’re toe to toe with him. Immediately his hands settle on your waist and yours find his arms. His eyes are kind, and he’s clearly pleased by your presence despite his lack of energy. 
“The weather’s terrible, anyway. Let’s just go out another day.”
His features have softened and you can see how tired he truly is—not just in his bleary eyes, but the way his fingers grasp weakly to you, the way his head bows slightly. It seems bone-deep. 
“But I haven’t seen you in a week. I don’t want you to go home.”
Your lips twist. A clap of thunder rolls in the distance and the rain starts coming down even harder against the windowpanes. 
“We could hang out here. We can take a nap!”
Spencer sighs—half resignation, half disappointment. 
“But we made such good plans,” he laments. 
You kiss his cheek. 
“Plans that can be rescheduled. The bookstore will still be there next weekend.”
It takes him a moment to settle into the idea, but you watch the exhaustion win. 
“Okay. But no nap. I want to be awake for you. Coffee?”
You nod enthusiastically, beaming at the prospect of getting to spend the day doing nothing with him. Spencer mirrors your grin, before pressing a kiss to your head.
“You’re so cute.” Heat creeps into your cheeks and you can’t think of a satisfactory reply, but in the end you don’t need to, as he tugs gently on your hands. “C’mon. Tell me what mug you want.”
The kitchen counter bites into your palms as you lean with your back to it, watching Spencer putter all around the kitchen as he works on the coffee. It makes you tired just to watch. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to take a nap? Caffeine isn’t a substitute for sleep, you know.”
“I do know,” he agrees, measuring coffee grounds. “But other than last night, I actually slept fairly well this week.”
“You seem exhausted.”
“I… am tired in lots of ways. Not all of which can be resolved with more sleep.” he admits.
Your heart drops ever so slightly at the way his voice weakens as he looks through the fridge. Sometimes you remember there are still things you don’t know about him—sides you haven’t met. His work side is one of them, and it more than a little intimidates you.
“Bad case?” you ask, voice quiet and crackling with nervous energy. 
Spencer nods, approaching and setting a carton of milk on the counter behind you—caging you in with his arms in the process. It’s hard to find the words when he’s this close, but you manage to stumble through them. 
“Do… do you wanna talk about it?”
Spencer hums, tilting his head before gently saying, “not right now. But thank you for offering, lovely.”
“Okay, well—if you change your mind… if there’s anything I can do to make you feel better…”
Finally he stops with the teasing—the unabashed staring at your lips, the faux-attentive nods—and drops his head to your level to kiss you properly. It’s obviously an attempt to get you to shut up, you’re not dumb enough so as to miss that—but you don’t really care why he’s doing it so long as he does it at all. 
“I feel pretty great right now, actually,” he murmurs against your lips, a hint of a smile coloring his words. “Do you want sugar in yours?”
Your eyes dart helplessly between his as he pulls away and you struggle to un-fluster yourself enough to answer his simple question. Spencer seems to delight in this. The longer it takes you, the bigger his perfect smile gets. 
“You took too long. You’re getting sugar.”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” you plead later on the couch, for the third or fourth time, setting your mostly-empty mug on the coffee table. 
His eyebrows raise. 
“I’m sure, honey.”
“But I want to help,” you pout, pulling your knees into your chest. Spencer regards you for a moment from the other end of the couch, before beckoning you closer wordlessly. 
“You are helping,” he assures you, gently grabbing your wrist as you crawl into his lap. He rubs soothing circles into the delicate skin with his thumb. “You being here and being you is plenty.”
It’s the closest you’ve been to him since before he left, and while you’ve all but given up on asking him to sleep with you, it doesn’t mean you don’t think about it multiple times per day. It’s especially difficult to keep your thoughts PG when you haven’t seen him in a week, and his hair is all messy, and he’s got his pajamas on, and you’re in his lap, and he’s looking at you like that. 
“What are you thinking about?” Spencer murmurs, likely concerned by your lack of response and the glazed-over look in your eyes. You reanimate, averting your gaze to the spot on your thigh he’s now rubbing absentmindedly. 
“Nothing. I just missed you.”
“I missed you a lot, too.” You don’t even have to look up to know that his brows have twisted into a pleasant sort of bemusement, like you are a particularly complex puzzle—you can hear it as he continues speaking. “I’m still not used to having something external take up so much of my attention while I’m trying to do my job. I’ve never had that before. Not something good, anyway. It’s like every time I leave, I’m thinking about you more than the time before. And I was already thinking about you a lot.”
The corner of your mouth twitches as he rambles. 
“Yeah, really,” he chuckles. “You prove to be incredibly distracting even when you’re hundreds of miles away. Do you know how many nights I almost called you before realizing it was one in the morning?”
A slow smile spreads over your face. 
“Oh? Whatever could you have been calling about at one in the morning?”
You’re teasing him, and it works. He blushes adorably. 
“Um… probably exactly what you’d expect. In hindsight I think it’s best that I refrained.”
“What?” You grin, incredulous, forgetting your shyness and leaning closer. “You totally should’ve. I’ve never had phone sex before. I would’ve done it.”
“No, you wouldn’t!” Spencer laughs. “It would have just been me talking to myself with you on the other line. I don’t think phone sex is really up your alley.”
“Shut up,” you laugh as your lips meet. He smiles into the kiss. Before you get too lost in it, you pull away, leaning back when he tries to follow you. “I think you’re over-complicating it. It’s just dirty talk, right? I can totally do that. It’s just, like… blah blah blah, dirty slut, something something…”
You trail off as he gives you a look. Poker faced—aside from the slightly narrowed eyes sparkling with humor. 
“You want me to refer to you as a dirty slut?”
Maintaining eye contact is an uphill battle—you crack in a matter of seconds, resting your forehead against his and closing your eyes stubbornly. 
“No. For all you know I want to call you a dirty slut.”
It’s a ridiculous, but he recognizes the bravado for what it is, still smiling slightly as he rubs your hips. 
“Right. I apologize for assuming. But just for future reference, I don’t want to be called that, and I don’t think I’d be comfortable calling you that, either.”
“But you can call me other stuff,” you remind your boyfriend, pulling back and still not looking at him. 
“Yeah? Like what?”
And just like that, you’re shy again. 
“I don’t know… nice things. I like when you’re nice.”
“I like being nice to you.” It’s so sincere-sounding that you meet his gaze, examining his face. His eyes are clear and soft on you, the only source of warm light on such a grey day, as his hands keep running slow lines over your sides. “Kiss?”
And how could you ever deny him anything? 
As has happened before, the kiss starts out innocent enough. And it’s not that it gets particularly heated, or anything—it’s just that it doesn’t end, and after a few moments your mouth slips open and so does his and that’swhat gets both of you worked up over a period of minutes. Pressure and heat that you’re becoming accustomed to build between your legs, and you don’t even notice that you’ve begun rocking back and forth in his lap until Spencer is attempting to still your hips with patient but assertive hands. 
“Honey, that’s—slow down, sweetheart.”
Finally he gets a grip on you and you realize as soon as you stop moving that there had been friction occurring—and you’re pretty damn sure you know what you were grinding against. 
Your whole body feels hot with arousal and embarrassment. 
“Oh my god—I’m sorry,” you mumble, moving your hands from his shoulders to cover your face. “That was an accident, I—”
“It’s fine,” Spencer assures you, squeezing your waist gently. “I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing because I know we haven’t… gotten there, yet.”
A moment passes—your hands fall to the FBI stitching across his chest, studying the letters without really seeing them. You haven’t gotten there yet… but why not? Why haven’t you touched him, or even seen him? You think back to the few times he’s touched you and realize that you had been too busy with either your own insecurities or pleasure to genuinely consider how it might be affecting him. He says your name gently, drawing your attention. 
“You okay?”
You nod haltingly, brow furrowed as you think. 
“I—yeah. I was just realizing that I haven’t, like… touched you, yet.”
It’s silent for another long second, and you glance up, to where he’s studying you with a dissonant kind of relaxed scrutiny—a knowing confidence that probably comes with a lot more experience than you have. 
“Do you want to?”
Usually you have to beg on hands and knees and prepare a slideshow presentation before he agrees to doing anything sexual in nature. He’s never so overtly invited or initiated it before. Not that you’re complaining by any stretch of the imagination.  
You nod shyly, still fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. 
“If you want to, I can show you how. But it’s also absolutely okay if you don’t.”
Show you how? 
Your brain is melting into sludge at the idea. 
“I do,” you admit, meeting his gaze again. It’s kind, and you know he really wouldn’t be upset if you said no—but now that you’ve thought about it, you feel deeply compelled to try. 
“Okay. Come here, first.” You lean forward expectantly, eyes fluttering shut as his hand finds the back of your neck and he pulls you into another soft kiss. By the time your lips separate again, your head is spinning. “We’re just trying something, okay? You’re allowed to stop whenever you feel like it. Really low stakes. Got it?”
You nod, still close enough that your noses brush as you do. 
“Got it.”
He presses one more chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away and leaning back into the couch. 
“Scoot back a little, angel.”
Wordlessly you do so, heart pounding with nervous excitement as he lifts his hips and slides his pajama pants down just enough to where he can comfortably pull himself out, and—
Your breath catches. 
Now, you may be about as virginal as they come, but you weren’t born yesterday. You’ve seen porn, you’ve received unsolicited nudes—it is the 21st century. Yet never before have you thought to yourself; wow, that dick is the pinnacle of beauty. Perfect. Breathtaking. But there’s just no other way to describe him. 
So that’s what hits you first—how unexpectedly pretty it is. 
The size sinks in a quick second later. 
You can’t tell with perfect accuracy how many inches he is, but you’re pretty damn sure he’s big. That’s meant to fit inside of you?
No, no—that’s a consideration for another day. Right now you need to stop staring like an idiot. You glance up at his face, and he’s sporting a cocky little half-smile which lets you know you’ve been caught. Motherfucker he’s so hot. It’s unnerving. 
“Do you have something you’d like to say?” he asks politely, quite obviously containing his amusement. But you can’t summon a sufficiently sarcastic response. 
Your voice comes so soft when you reply, “you’re pretty.”
Spencer melts, eyes impossibly softening. 
“Pretty?” His smile is earnest now. He strokes your cheek and you can’t not lean into his touch. 
“Mhm. I want to, um…” your lips twist to the side as you look back down, finding he’s not gotten less intimidating since you last checked. “But what if I’m bad at it?” you whisper. He chuckles, brushing hair over your shoulder.  
“It’s kind of a hard thing to be bad at. And I’m gonna help you, okay?”
It’s the honesty with which he speaks to you that makes you feel so safe. There are no hidden intentions or words that seem to mean one thing but really mean another. Spencer wants you as a person more than he wants you as a body and that’s been clear since the first time he touched you. You take a deep breath. 
“Okay. What do I do?”
“First, you’re gonna spit in your hand.”
You look up, alarmed. 
“You want me to intentionally get my spit on you? Is that not your worst nightmare?”
“Believe it or not, I’m not super worried about yours,” he teases. “But if you’d prefer, I can spit in your hand.”
“Actually, mine is fine,” you laugh nervously. 
Hesitantly, you do as instructed, even though it seems frankly bizarre. 
“Good. Now just wrap your hand around it, like this.” His voice is quiet, focused as he guides your hand downward. Your heart rate ticks up again as he encourages you to wrap your hand around the base of his cock. He feels much warmer than you’d expected—his skin is silken beneath your touch but he’s undeniably hard and that sort of eliminates any sense of him being fragile from the equation. 
“It’s gonna be less sensitive down here—and then, up here—” he slides your hand back up, covering your thumb with his own and swiping it just below the head of his cock on the underside. He hisses and you look up in fascination. “That’s the most sensitive part.”
Without further instruction, you do it again, keeping your touch light and watching his face for a reaction. His drawn brows twitch, furrowing deeper for a second, and his lips part. A heavy exhalation passes between them and quickly builds into a breathy laugh. 
“What?” you murmur, over-eager to please and very nervous to do something wrong. 
“Nothing. Just feels good, that’s all.”
“Don’t laugh,” you pout. Of course that makes him laugh again, and he leans forward to kiss your head. 
“I’m laughing at myself, angel. I’m a grown man fighting for my life from a handjob that you’ve barely started. I knew it would be different with you but I didn’t realize it would be this different.”
Heat rises in your cheeks and you look away. 
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m not lying,” he urges, grabbing your free hand and encouraging you to uncurl your fingers. His thumb traces circles in your open palm, before capturing your entire hand in his. “Do you feel how much softer your hand is than mine?”
You frown, attempting to feel whatever it is that he’s pointing out. Despite the fact that you think he has very nice hands, you realize he’s right. By no means would you say that they’re rough, but you can tell where his gun normally sits in his hands, where his fountain pen rubs against his fingers. “Yeah.”
“Yeah. Anything you do is going to be perfect because it’s you.”
Spencer drops his hand to your leg, rubbing it soothingly. The other moves to cover yours—the one wrapped around him. 
“You’re gonna help me, right?” you ask quietly. Some adventurous part of you is very excited about this as an experiment—fascinated by the reactions you’ve already gotten from him and eager to push it. 
“I am. Little bit tighter, honey. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
You do as you’re told, and he’s murmuring more praise—slowly encouraging you to begin moving your hand with his own. A shaky exhale catches your attention, drawing your gaze to his face. His eyes are, of course, cast downward, but his expression is hypnotizing. Those lips remain slightly parted, and suddenly you wonder if he makes noises like you do. In that moment it becomes your life’s mission to find out. 
For a while you continue letting his hand guide your movements, but he keeps things so slow for your sake that you’re getting impatient. You forgo his direction, picking up the pace but trying to keep the rhythm he’d instilled in the motion. His hand slackens around yours. 
“Fuck,” he hisses to himself. The hand on your thigh rubs achingly deeper into the flesh. “Angel, what are you doing?”
“I want it to feel good.” Suddenly shy again, you slow down. His hips stutter, which you think may be a sign that it was working. “Am I—was that bad?” Spencer looses a breath, looking almost… frustrated?
“No, I’m just—I’m weirdly close to coming.”
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“Well,” he mutters, “not usually. Mostly it’s embarrassing.”
You giggle, a release of some tension, and begin pumping your hand again. His breath hitches and he finally looks up at you, meeting your eyes with his own lust-glazed ones. Heat pools deep between your legs. 
“I want you to come,” you admit quietly as you twist your wrist, brushing that spot underneath the head of his cock again. His jaw literally drops, and a look that is part confusion, part pleasure, twists his features. You see the surprise sparkling in his eyes and it only spurs you to keep talking. “I’ve never seen how you look when you do, but I’ve imagined it. I bet you look so pretty when you come, Spencer. ‘Nd then I would know that I can make you feel good, too.”
“You… you are making me feel good,” he assures you. The way his brow furrows and his  lips are parted give you a feeling that’s entirely new. Normally, you’re the one falling apart under his touch—but when it’s the other way around there’s a whole new kind of pleasure in it for you. You feel kind of powerful. Maybe even close to confident. 
“Really? I’m not this quiet when you touch me.”
“I’ve ha—ah—had more practice not making noise.”
“But why?” you implore, ignoring the fact that he’s slept with other women and enjoyed the sounds they made, and opting to brush your thumb across that extra sensitive part he definitely shouldn’t have told you about. His hips buck up and he hisses, which is immensely gratifying to you. 
“Because I like to listen.”
“What if I do, too?”
In a moment of divine inspiration , you cover the tip of his cock with your hand, swirling beads of pre-come over your palm. Spencer moans and his hips jut up into your grip. It’s a beautiful sound, just as you’d hoped. 
“Jesus, fuck.”
You understand why he seems to enjoy touching you so much. It’s so rewarding to watch as his breathing picks up and pleasure contorts his face—to watch him get messier and messier and lose his composure a bit more with each stroke of your hand. It’s so simple but Spencer looks at you like you’re exercising some arcane deviant power over him and he’s not sure he should be enjoying it as much as he is. 
Distantly you think about how it felt when he had his hands on you—and then, in clearer focus, how it felt when he went down on you. Both were perfect, but something about his lips so gentle on the most intimate, vulnerable part of you had felt like ascension. Maybe it was the emotional component, or maybe it just felt fucking good. Regardless, it seems an irresistible thought. 
You keep stroking him until his head is lolling on the back of the couch as he groans.
“Yeah, baby?”
He sounds so destroyed it makes you clench around nothing. Without any indication that you’re going to do so, you stop touching him, and the speed with which he lifts his head again is almost comical. Immediately, while he’s utterly defenseless and desperate, you ask, “can I use my mouth?” 
His eyes widen, and then shut, as he processes your request with a tiny shake of his head—probably trying to clear the haze of pleasure from his mind before he answers. 
“Honey,” he rasps eventually, opening his eyes and smoothing a hand over your hair, “you don’t have to do that just because I do. That’s not why I do it.”
“But I want to,” you murmur, shy and mildly embarrassed by what feels almost like a soft rejection. “I don’t think I could do anything, like, mind-blowing, but… I want to try.”
Your face is hot by the end of the sentence, and you can’t meet Spencer’s eyes as his fingers twitch over your hip. A quiet moment passes—but it’s short-lived.
“Okay. Go ahead, baby.”
Wide eyes dart up to his. 
Spencer smiles fondly, brushing an invisible speck from your cheek. 
“I don’t think I’m capable of turning that offer down. Not when it’s you.”
“Okay—um, should I just—” Spencer watches on, finding your sudden enthusiasm completely adorable as you scoot off of his lap and gingerly kneel in front of him. Your eyes are big and glassy as you look up at him, hands set politely on his knees. You squint suspiciously, eyes darting between his face and his cock, now about as hard as it’s ever been due to your toying. He knows it’s probably intimidating for a girl who has never seen one in real life, and he feels kind of bad about it. You do terrible, wonderful things to him that he doesn’t understand. “Wow. So... it looks bigger from down here.”
“Please don’t try to choke yourself,” he instructs hurriedly, leaning forward slightly. “I really don’t need you to do that. It’s fine if you can’t fit it all, I just—” he exhales shakily. Spencer is most definitely strong-willed but he can’t pretend like the sight of you on your knees for him, inches from his aching cock for the first time isn’t impacting his cognition. Most importantly he doesn’t want to make you feel pressured. He’s trying to not let how badly he wants this show in case you change your mind. 
Spencer watches as you psych yourself out—wilting like a thirsty flower. 
“But what if I’m bad at this?” you mumble, hands curling into loose fists atop his legs. Spencer pushes your hair back, tucking it behind your ears. 
“What’s your worst case scenario?” he asks. Your answer is immediate. 
“That I’m so bad you make me stop halfway through.”
Spencer can’t help but laugh again. 
“I’m sorry—I just… honey, you are really underestimating how profound your effect is on me. I just almost came from a minute long handjob. I can assure you that I won’t make you stop halfway through because I’d rather not have your mouth on me. That is… that’s just not going to happen.”
You lean your cheek against his thigh. He might actually pass away. 
“Will you tell me if I’m doing something wrong?”
“Honestly, as long as you don’t bite, you’re in the clear.”
Your eyes squeeze shut and your lips pull into an embarrassed little smile. 
“Great. Thank you for that invaluable advice.”
“Of course,” he smiles. It fades slowly as you take a deep breath and look up at him, obviously steeling yourself, before leaning forward and taking him in your hand again. He watches with bated breath, repeating no sudden movements to himself over and over as your hand moves up and down a few more times and your head lowers. 
You delicately, so lightly trace your tongue from the base of his swollen cock to just underneath the leaking tip, mapping a vein, and his hips buck as you take him into your mouth experimentally. Only the first few inches fit but the sight of your lips wrapped around him, the way you’re looking at him is so unbelievably erotic Spencer knows he won’t last very long.
From a purely technical perspective—he knows he’s gotten objectively better head. Still, something about the way you’re so delicate with him, so soft and timid in the way you lick and kiss and take him into your mouth has him fighting not to come already. Maybe it’s wrong, but knowing that he’s watching you do this for the first time in your life is obscenely arousing. The idea that you’ve never trusted another person this much; that you’re letting him be the one to help you navigate something as new and as important as sexuality. The more he thinks about it, though, the more he realizes: it’s not your inexperience that turns him on. It’s just you. Everything you do is so undeniably you—he recognizes your mannerisms in every tiny motion, in every glance, and it’s killing him. You’re like a dream as you look up at him with big nervous eyes, (no, really, he has had this dream) and he remembers he wants to be reassuring you—not pondering life and human connection. 
“Look at you,” he murmurs, groaning and hips twitching as your cheeks hollow, wrapping his achingly hard cock in soft gentle warmth so sweetly it feels taboo. “So good, baby. So gorgeous like this.”
You whine around him, receptive as always to his obsequious praise, and he notices the way your hips wiggle as you seek friction. God, you must like this a lot. Spencer gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail, resting his hand on your head as you begin to bob it. That, he wasn’t prepared for. He’d have been satisfied with just kitten-licks and suckling but he won’t complain about this. It’s slow, and so intentional as you keep watching him for feedback cues. Ever his observant girl, you’re constantly paying attention. Aware of his reactions. He needs to keep telling you you’re good or else you’ll assume you’re terrible. 
“Over-achiever,” he whispers through a little smile as you down even more of him. 
Spencer is for the most part a kind and gentle person. For better or worse he is also a man, and he can’t help but fantasize about getting you all teary and drooly as he holds your mouth open and sees how much of his cock he can push down your throat. But again—kind. Gentle. So when you get a little over-zealous, attempting to sacrifice your comfort for his pleasure, he pulls your head back slightly. “That’s far enough, angel. That’s—fuck. God, you’re good at this.” The words are thoughtless, muttered to himself more than you as he watches through a haze while you look up at him with glassy, half-lidded eyes, slipping him in and out of your warm mouth, a little faster now as you gain confidence. 
You whine desperately around him, like you’re the one nearing orgasm and not him. The sound of your pleasure as you suck his cock makes him dizzy. His hips buck, pressing him a little deeper into your mouth. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he exhales. “Slow down, baby. I’m—” a louder moan from him like you’ve never heard as he thrusts shallowly turns you on profoundly. He’s so much more vocal than you’d have imagined—sonically and verbally. He breathes out a quick, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” pulling your hair slightly, and you’ve never wanted to touch yourself more but you know you can’t focus on both. Instead you work on making him come—you can worry about you later. He says your name, with an authoritative edge to his tone that makes you throb. “Honey, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna come—”
You swirl your tongue around the top of him like candy and he’s done for. Spencer tries to pull out, which only results in cum both in your mouth and on your face. The orgasm is his strongest in recent memory, and he grunts, watching your lips part and a little squeak escape as he comes all over your face—but you keep stroking him all the while. Once he’s 90% sure it’s over, he falls against the back of the couch, breathing heavily and looking down at you through hazy eyes. Oh, he’s going to feel terrible about this in a few seconds—but right now you look fucking perfect. Your eyes are wide, nervous as his essence drips over your face and down your neck—he groans when you swallow cautiously, averting his eyes to the ceiling lest he do another thing he regrets. 
“Baby, I am so sorry,” he mutters, forcibly clearing the haze of orgasm from his mind and sitting up, fixing his pants and looking around before locating the box of tissues on the side table. “I’m so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” You look up at him attentively as he wipes himself from your face as gently as he can. 
“Why not?”
“Because I didn’t ask you first. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”
Spencer guides your head around by your chin, wiping your jaw and lips. 
“It’s okay, Spence, I—”
“No, it’s not,” he cuts you off, trying to at least turn his guilt into a learning experience for you. He’s not deluded enough to think someone like you will stay with someone like him forever, because sometimes he does things like that, and he’s reminded that there are certainly people out there more deserving of you. At the very least he can clarify that nobody should ever do what he just did to you. “It’s really not nice to do that to someone.”
“Do you care what I think at all?”
Spencer freezes, finally forcing himself to look you in the eye. Despite the fact that he’s mad at himself, he’s sure it’s coming across as being directed at you. And he knows you’re sensitive, especially about this kind of thing. 
“Of course, I do, baby. I’m sorry. Do you want to come back up here with me and tell me what you’re thinking?” he murmurs, cupping your jaw. Hesitantly you nod. The tissues end up on the table—which he will be thoroughlywiping down later—before you crawl back into his lap from the floor. Spencer helps you settle against him, hoping he hasn’t messed this up irreversibly. He keeps his voice quiet as he rubs your leg. “What were you going to say?”
“I was going to say,” you begin, “that it’s fine, because you’ll remember to ask next time. And because… I kind of liked it. I like when—when you do stuff like that.”
It’s a miracle he can hear you with the way your voice drops into an almost-whisper and you’re hiding against his shirt. 
“Like what?” he murmurs. Although he’s not sure he’ll be able to handle the answer. 
“Like… I don’t know. Like you can do whatever you want to me. Like I’m literally yours.” Each word makes you cringe further, but Spencer has to try hard to maintain a cool facade as he processes this. If he’s going to try and be chivalrous, you’ll have to move away from this topic—this revelation—immediately. Thankfully, you seem eager to move on. “So… how did I do?”
He almost laughs. It seems exceedingly obvious how you did, but as per usual, you require verbal reassurance. 
“That was really good, baby. You did well.”
You blossom. 
“I wouldn’t lie.”
“Was I the best girl out of all of the other girls?” 
I wasn’t in love with any of the other girls. 
Just barely, he manages to stop himself from saying it, pinwheeling his arms on the edge of a very steep verbal cliff. The realization that he’s been in love with you for a while hits him like a truck. But he can’t tell you that right now. He should wait until you’re less vulnerable.
He really wants to tell you right now. 
“Actually—don’t answer that,” you decide, while all of this happens in his head in less than a few seconds. “I want to go back to pretending I’m the only girl you’ve ever seen in your life.”
“You’re the only one that matters,” he offers, relieved to express at least some portion of the much bigger truth. Then he frowns. “Not that the other women I’ve met don’t lead important lives. I actually know a lot of incredibly influential and intelligent people who are women. I have deep respect for all of them. Am I helping or making it worse?” he rambles. You giggle. He has his answer. “What about you? How do you feel?” he asks after a moment, tenderly, lowly, stroking your hair as you lean against his chest. 
It takes you a moment to deliberate, fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. 
“I feel good. I, um… liked it a lot more than I would have thought.”
“Well, that’s good. Much better than if you had hated every second of it.”
You hum in agreement, and he waits for you to say whatever you’re holding back. It comes sooner than he’d have anticipated. 
“I feel bad about the times before. How did you just… go to sleep after? Were you not, like—insanely turned on? Not that I’m, like, irresistibly sexy, or whatever—you know what I mean.”
Spencer smiles because he knows you can’t see him. 
“I wasn’t doing it to pressure you into feeling obligated to reciprocate, I guess. My line of reasoning was that it would be less intimidating if I didn’t even present it as an option until you wanted to try.”
Spencer thinks he sees where this is going. 
“Why?” he asks, leaning back and encouraging you to look at him. “Are you insanely turned on?”
“Wh—that’s—I didn’t say that!”
Spencer can feel how warm your cheeks are as he presses his lips to the side of your face. 
“You can tell me if you are,” he murmurs, all smiley as he moves to kiss your lips. “If you want something, you need to ask for it. I’m not a mind reader.”
“Yes you are,” you grumble. “That’s literally what behavioral analysis is.”
Not quite true, but surprisingly, he doesn’t feel the need to explain to you the semantics of what he does for work right now. 
“What got you all excited?”
“You know what,” you mumble, trying to look away again. Spencer doesn’t allow it this time, gently grabbing your jaw. 
“Yes, I do. But I want you to tell me. If you want me to make you feel good, this is how you’re going to convince me that you deserve it.”
You whine wordlessly, looking at him with those big, lust-glazed eyes.
“You wanted me to teach you how to use your words, right? This is it. I’m giving you an opportunity. If you don’t want to, that’s okay. Maybe we can take a nap, like you said earlier.”
“No! I liked—um, I liked all of it. I didn’t know if I would, because I was really nervous. But when I first—you know—and you got all quiet… it was like you couldn’t even talk for a minute. I was kind of proud of that. Because normally nobody can ever get you to stop talking.” Spencer narrows his eyes incredulously, a small smile tugging at his lips. But he doesn’t interrupt—not when it seems you’re finally starting to get more confident in your words. “And I really liked the noises you made. I think that was my favorite part. I liked when you pulled my hair back, and how you spoke to me. And when… when you got me messy and I had to swallow it. I really liked how it felt because I couldn’t think of anything else, just making you feel good. I really wanted to… make you proud, I guess. Is that weird?”
Spencer shakes his head no, a fond smile on his face when your eyes meet his again. 
“No. It’s a pretty normal thing to feel when you’re nervous and wanting to impress someone you care about. And I would have been proud no matter what, for the record. You were being very brave.”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, watching him expectantly. Spencer should have known you’re too needy to truly absorb anything he says to you right now. Which is actually pretty cute. Everything you do is endearing to him. 
“Stand up.”
You frown. 
“Just stand up,” he demands calmly, preferring to think of himself as firm and not bossy. 
You do, looking rather annoyed and confused as you plant yourself in front of him. 
“You are so full of questions.” His hands slip up the side of your legs, under your skirt, and hook in the waistband of your underwear. Spencer looks up at you meaningfully and you nod, swallowing. 
As he pulls down, Spencer can literally feel the resistance of the fabric clinging to your soaked core. Under his touch the skin of your thighs is warm and soft. He wants to feel it on either side of his face, he wants to hear you whine as his stubble rubs against it, he wants to feel it clamp around his wrist, he wants it between his teeth and he definitely wants it pressing against his hips as he—
But no. 
There will be time for all of those things—especially the last one—later. For now, he’ll reach between your legs just to see—
“Oh, my god,” Spencer half-chuckles, half-groans, upon feeling how wet you truly are for him. He drags his knuckles from your dripping entrance up over your clit, pinching very lightly and earning a squeak from you which he ignores. “You really did like having your mouth full of me, huh?”
“I told you,” you breathe, visibly relaxing some as he continues to play with you for a moment. Then he pulls his hand away again, patting his thigh. 
“You want me to…”
“Yes,” he says, simply. 
“But is it not going to… am I not going to mess up your pants?”
“You are even more neurotic about messiness than I am. I can wash them, honey. Come here.”
Spencer guides your hips over his thigh, watching your pretty face twist with uncertainty as you fully settle on him. Fuck, he can feel your warmth through the fabric instantly. Already he’s getting hard again. 
“What am I supposed to do?” you whisper, bunching his shirt in your fists. Spencer slides your skirt up higher, revealing the way you’re nestled against his thigh. He spreads you a little further apart, exposing more of your clit to the material underneath you. Immediately you press against him—he watches the delicate flesh rubbing gingerly against him and  his grip tightens ever so slightly. 
“All you have to do is rock back and forth. It’s easy.”
Already you’re starting to do it—but he guesses it’s like earlier where you don’t even realize it’s happening. 
“But… I wanted your mouth,” you admit, quietly, slinging your arms around his neck and burying your face there. 
“Do this for me first. Just get yourself off like this one time and then you can have my mouth. You said you wanted to help me feel better because I’m tired today, right?
“Yes,” you mumble, squirming over him. 
“Well, there are a lot of days when I get back home and I’m tired. I’m gonna need you to be able to get on top of me, just like this, and make me feel better. And I know you don’t know what it feels like to have something that deep inside of you yet, but it’s gonna be a lot. Even once you know how it feels to have me inside when you’re underneath me. I need you to practice for me right now so you’ll be ready, okay?”
You could come from the words alone. You nod, dazed with need as you roll your hips in a circle, pressing his thigh against your clit. 
“Back and forth, baby,” he murmurs, guiding your hips forward with his hands locked around them. “Back and forth, just like this…”
You moan quietly, shamelessly, eyes fluttering as you look down and watch your clit dragging over the darkening fabric. It’s easier if you isolate your hips, grinding down without moving your legs or upper body at all. 
“It feels really good,” you whisper under your quickening breath. 
“Yeah? Does it?”
“Good, angel. You look like you know what you’re doing.”
It’s audible now, quiet and wet and dirty. 
“I don’t,” you breathe. He sucks in a breath of his own, stilling your hips with fingers pressed deep into your flesh. 
“Sit up, baby.” You really wish he would stop making you stop, but you don’t want to keep going in case he needs you to quit—so you rise slowly, thighs trembling as you kneel. Spencer groans at the strings of your arousal momentarily connecting your core to his pants before they snap, getting your inner thighs wet. There’s a dark, very wet patch over his thigh, shining like glass. He thumbs over your slick clit absentmindedly as he looks up at you like you’re a miracle. “You’re fucking soaked. I’ve never seen you like this. Is this all from making me come?”
You nod feverishly, hips grinding against nothing in search of friction. He sits you back down on his leg, allowing you to sloppily find your rhythm again. Spencer bounces his leg lightly and you cry out softly, buckling forward. His arms wrap around you, still pressing you down against his thigh as you rut against it. 
“You’re sweet. Maybe I should have known how much you’d like it when I came all over your pretty face. You really like hearing that you did a good job, huh? I bet you like it even more when I prove it to you.”
You moan a “yeah,” barely processing his words. 
“My good girl even swallowed on her first try. Took it so well. And now look at how you’re taking this. You’re gonna love riding, baby. Just going to be another thing you’re good at as soon as you try it.”
“Spencer,” you gasp, overwhelmed by the praise. He’s bouncing his leg at regular intervals and everything is so sensitive.
“I know it’s harder to finish this way, but just one time, remember? And then you can have my tongue for as long as you want. You are my only plan for the day. Just give me one like this.”
But it’s not really harder to finish this way. Then again, you’re so turned on you could probably finish if a breeze hit you just right. Regardless, the thought of him going down on you again pushes you even closer to the edge.
You don’t know how much time goes by like that, you rubbing against him like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do, him pressing up into you until the pressure is so taut it snaps. There’s no time to warn him, but you suppose you don’t really need to. You writhe against him, caught between wanting to keep going and not being able to take more stimulation. He lifts you up just slightly, trying to separate you from his leg. You exhale deeply as your body relaxes, already close to dozing off against his chest.
“We can’t have you tapping out just yet. I still have to fulfill my end of the deal.”
In the end, he fulfills it three times over, and you end up showing your appreciation in kind one more time—much slower and more comfortably in his bed. He gives you plenty of time to learn what he likes, taking your teasing and coquettish explorations like a champ and never so much as tightening his grip in your hair. Turns out, you don't exactly spend the day doing nothing.
And you do end up taking that nap after all. Just... much, much later. And with less clothing on.
part 3.5
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suguann · 7 months
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✎. he’d asked why your coworkers weren’t waiting outside with you—it's not safe here—at the same time you asked for a kiss. it just sort of slipped out. | wc. 2.8k+
tags. fem!reader, grinding, unprotected sex, oral sex, some mutual pining (it's implied he doesn't know how to talk to reader), there is not a world where gojo isn't rich, fwb to lovers, jealousy, gagging on how very much in love gojo is with reader and she doesn't see it, praise kink, pet names [18+ only]
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You’re not sure how it all started.
(As how all arrangements like these seem to start.) 
You remember calling Gojo on a night out with your coworkers—one too many cheap vodka cranberries in your system clouding your judgment—just as he left the office for the day, asking if he could pick you up from a shady nightclub downtown. 
(You’d hardly been acquaintances, and there was a long period of time where you’re sure he only tolerated you for Shoko’s sake since she’s the one who dragged you into their group of friends. You’re always the last one he acknowledges in the room, and he seems to clam up when you’re alone together.
You refused to let it get to you. Especially when you only see him a handful of times every other month or so, although less now that you’re around, and you pretend it doesn’t eat at you.)
It’s still a mystery why you called him out of everyone you know—you had to scroll through an endless amount of contacts just to find a message you sent him months ago that he left on read with the express purpose of annoying you—and even more surprising that he answered.
You didn’t know him as well as Shoko, but maybe a secret hidden part of you knew he’d help if you were in a pinch.
(He might be the most infuriating human you know, but he has a voice like rich bourbon. 
He’s also stupidly attractive. Beautiful, even, with his straight nose, soft-looking mouth, and thick hair that adorably curls around his ears. However, you’d never say that to his face, for his head would get too big.)
“Do you think you could give me a ride?” It was almost a miracle that your words didn’t slur.
You half expected him to hang up, but then he asked for the address, and several minutes later, he pulled up to the curb in his shiny sports car that probably cost more than everything you own combined and watched you stumble into the soft-leather passenger seat. 
It should be embarrassing how long it took you to buckle your seatbelt, but then you finally got a good look at him and took note of his expensive-looking suit: his tie slightly undone, shiny watch and cuff links glinting under the passing street lights, how his hair looked like he ran one of his bear paws for hands through it several times. 
You think it was the first time you realized he was as tall as he was wide.
The quintessential businessman in a three-piece suit. You understand the appeal now. 
(That je ne sais quoi that makes you want something out of reach. Why your friends from college ask if he’s single when all you see is a man who never takes anything seriously.)
He’d asked why your coworkers weren’t waiting outside with you—it's not safe here—at the same time you asked for a kiss. It just sort of slipped out.
Gojo gave you a look that would have made you giggle if you weren’t serious. “What?”
“I want a kiss,” you told him again.
It was the little once-over he gave you afterward, the way he missed the exit to your street and took the one that led to his, how he kissed you until your knees were wobbly and weak, and you could barely walk to his door in your heels as he pressed small ones around your mouth while his fingers sunk into your hair.
(That. That—)
You came against his thigh—staining his Burberry suit while he whispered dirty things into your ear—right there in the hallway where anybody could see if he didn’t have the whole floor to himself.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned into your mouth once he had you in his room, his hands trailing up and down your sides until he found the zipper for your dress and tugged. "I can't believe this is really happening."
(Later, you spend a lot of time analyzing what he meant.)
You urged him toward the bed when he had the black slip of fabric pooling at your feet, dropping down to your knees in front of him, and together, you scrabbled at his pants, shoving them around his hips. You’ll never forget how hot and heavy he was in your hand that first time, how your fingers barely touched and looked so small in comparison.
There was a thick vein along the underside of his cock, and you trailed it with your tongue, going up and up until you took the slightly purpling head into your open mouth.
You kept taking more of him until you couldn’t go any further without gagging, which wasn’t far because he was big—possibly the biggest dick you’ve ever seen outside of porn—and it made you a little dizzy how quickly it robbed you of air. 
“Holy shit.” He stroked your hair so softly, so sweetly, groaned things that made you preen and nuzzle into his touch. “You’re so good at this. You gonna let me cum down that throat?”
That made your belly flip—the fact that Gojo Satoru, of all people, called you good—a stone creating a current of new possibilities.
You hummed a muffled “Uh huh” and squeaked when he held your head down—the coarse hair at his pubic bone brushing against your nose—cumming down your throat in hot, heavy spurts, and you’re surprised you swallowed it all because it was a lot.
He fell back against the mattress, freeing you of his grip, arms spread wide and panting as he lay there with his eyes closed.
“Was it good?” you asked, licking away the small amount of cum that escaped the corner of your mouth.
That got him to pop his head up to look at you, a hint of something too soft on his face than you were used to from him. “Come here,” and he let you crawl into his lap.
A sigh escaped his lips as his hands hovered close to the side of your waist before letting them fall back against the mattress. “You’re trouble, you know that?” he mumbled after kissing your forehead.
(That’s how you think it started.)
Everything’s fine.
Perfectly fine before Gojo sits by you, casually planting himself between you and the newest member of your group of friends, Nanami. You roll your eyes at how childish he’s being, refusing to react to his blatant jealousy.
Then he inconspicuously rests his hand on your knee. You jump at first, and the few people sitting at the table with you glance at you curiously, including Gojo, who gives you a mischievous little smirk that can only mean trouble. 
Again, you roll your eyes and choose to ignore whatever is going on in that lizard brain of his.
That doesn’t last long because he’s leaning across you to grab a handful of pretzels, only to lean in close, lips brushing the shell of your ear as he sinks back into his seat.
“You look so fucking good in this dress right now.” His voice already sounds hoarse, stretched thin—raw with want—and you inconspicuously rub your thighs together under the table. “Are you wearing what I bought you underneath? You’d show me, yeah?”
(Because he buys you things now—perfectly normal for someone you’re sleeping with who’s not your boyfriend, but maybe your friend—and sometimes you playfully call him Daddy when he has your wrists tied above your head with one of his silky ties.
And who cares if a few of your things and a toothbrush have found their way into his place? He lives closer to your job. Nobody can blame you for choosing convenience over a forty-minute ride through the subway.
Distantly, you’re aware that you aren’t alone, and there are several ears within earshot distance, but that doesn’t stop the little gasp that escapes past your lips. 
“Satoru, knock it off.” You glance around the table to make sure no one is paying attention, your tensed shoulders relaxing a little when you find everyone too preoccupied with their own conversations.
Gojo already has acknowledged this, too. 
“I bet you still taste just as sweet as you did this morning. You have no idea how much I want you. It’s making me hard just thinking about it.” At that, you peek down at his lap to find the prominent bulge pressing against his khaki pants. 
“Oh?” voice soft when you finally tear your eyes away from his crotch to meet his heated gaze again.
You can tell that he sees your walls cracking, that it would only take a few sweet words before you finally caved: “You’d let me have another taste, wouldn’t you?”
Your breath hitches because, yes, you would. 
That’s how you find yourself with your thighs parted and one of your legs draped over his.
You bite your lip, trying to hold back the moan threatening to escape while the rough pad of his middle finger presses small circles over the top of your panties. His fingers tease, exploring the slick seam of you and retreating when you start arching your hips up into his touch.
It feels like you can’t breathe—or perhaps you’re too fearful to find out what other noises you’d make if you did—practically choking on the torturous (because that’s what this is) pleasure you’re receiving, and you’re ready to beg. You really are. However, you aren’t prepared to face the mortifying consequences if you happen to open your mouth.
Something that sounds a lot like, please, just waiting on the tip of your tongue.
It feels like every pair of eyes at that small table are on you, but they’re none the wiser to what is currently happening beneath the party-themed tablecloth, still laughing and mingling around the yard as they celebrate Geto’s birthday. 
It’s not as if it’s all that obvious, either. 
Gojo is turned away from you, currently in the middle of a discussion with the birthday boy himself. You have no clue what they were talking about because you’d stopped paying attention a while ago—not that you’d be able to listen if you wanted to with Gojo’s fingers turning every spun cotton candy thought back into melted sugar. 
He traces lightly over the covered seam of your lips before finally slipping under the silky material—his skilled fingers working slippery circles at the apex of your thighs—and the subtle relief forces you to swallow another moan. 
“Satoru,” you warn under your breath, grabbing his wrist to stop his movements. But the feel of him patting your sticky, sensitive clit with three fingers cuts off all of your protests, forcing you to sit there and let him play with you.
Heat crawls up your neck as he explores your slick folds, the loud music, and chatter, thankfully hiding the wet sounds produced between your legs. 
He does offer some mercy when he notices the slight quiver in your thighs, how they jump and jump until he stops teasing to press to fingers inside you and grind the heel of his palm into your clit. Your hips start rocking forward against his hand slightly, and you pray nobody notices because the heat spreading through your belly is almost too consuming to stop now, making you dizzy with it. 
Your abs hurt from how hard they clench, and your legs shake, culminating in a slow drop just before you resurface. Gojo can probably feel it—attuned to your body after all these months—and starts moving in a steady rhythm, and—
The breath you’re about to take gets caught in your throat, fingers gripping Gojo’s wrist and the ledge of the table as you tip over the edge. Your legs tremble while you convulse onto his hand, and you have to lean into him to keep from falling out of your chair. 
His fingers bring you back down, slowly, rubbing soothingly against your inner thigh as the fog gradually dissipates from your brain. And what you’d give to hear him call you his good girl at that moment—
“Hey, are you okay?” Shoko asks you from across the table. “You don’t look so good.”
All eyes turn towards you, including the smug little gleam in Gojo’s. 
“Yeah,” you squeak before standing up hastily. You pull Gojo up with you, not caring that it’s the same hand covered in your sticky-wet slick. “I just remembered that I need Sa—Gojo’s help with something.”
Only a few are dumb enough to believe that lie, and you avoid the smirk Shoko gives you as she watches you practically drag Gojo toward the house.
(Because, of course, she knows.
And perhaps she’s not the only one.)
The tipping point in your relationship—the one that turns it from a maybe into a definite something, and not just two people who have been having sex and somewhat living together for six months—happens on a night Gojo comes home late from work. 
(Exactly five minutes to eleven.)
You’re not usually the jealous type, but you’ll admit that dating someone like Gojo—rich, attractive, owns more Tom Ford suits than you have jeans, and just important enough that he has an assistant who runs said suits to the dry cleaners—can stir up some insecurities.
A more reasonable person would lay out the facts like a deck of cards: you know he’s someone’s boss’s boss, so he likely had to stay behind to fix someone else’s mess, but the proverbial chip onto the poker table comes with his new assistant. 
A girl who’s fresh out of college and around him more hours of the day than you see him during the week, and from the few times you stopped by his office, you can tell she has a thing for him—her lack of subtlety could compete with Gojo’s nonexistent observation skills.
Much later, after you’ve slept on the softest sheets you’ve ever laid on, you’ll admit you overreacted. How you shouldn’t have thrown blankets and pillows at him from his bed for him to sleep on the couch with as soon as he walked through the front door—not to mention how you never give him a chance to explain himself and keep huffing whenever he opened his mouth.
After the second pillow (almost comically, if you weren’t so upset) hits him square in the face, he drops the blankets to grab your wrists.
“Would you stop throwing blankets at me and tell me what’s wrong?”
"Like you don't know," you hiss unhelpfully just to be difficult.
"I wouldn't be asking if I did." This time, his voice is softer when he says, "Talk to me."
"It’s your assistant."
He frowns. “My assistant…?”
“Yes, your assistant,” you huff, making an unsuccessful attempt to yank your wrists free. “She obviously has a thing for you, but you’re too thick to notice. You forgot your phone, and she answered and said you were busy...”
He probably sees the vulnerability on your face. Hears what you’re not telling him because he presses a kiss to your forehead—I’m not seeing anyone other than you—another to your mouth before he’s showing you with your thighs pressed to your chest that every piece of him (even the parts he doesn’t show to anyone else) is yours.
“You want me to send this video to her to let her know you’re the only girl I want to fuck?” he grunts, making sure his phone captures the way his cock pushes in and out of you, hissing dirtier things that only you hear—the tightest pussy he’s ever had. “Would you like that?”
“Y-yes,” you whine, fingernails digging into his hand wrapped around your throat. “Please, Toru. I want it.” 
“So fucking dirty,” he growls, even though he’d do it for you anyway.
He stuffs his cock into you over and over again until you’re a twitching mess underneath him, the walls of your cunt clenching down around him as you cum with a squeak.
“There you go,” he groans into your ear, tossing his phone to the side to pin you against the mattress so he can reach that tender spot deep inside you that made you cum so hard once your foot cramped, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. “Is that what you needed? To make you cum because you’re mine? Fuck, baby—I’ll never get tired of this perfect little cunt.”
“Better not,” you whimper, eyelashes wet, squirming beneath him as he fucks you hard into the soft sheets.
“Never, sweetheart, never.” Gojo’s thrusts turn rough and brutal, almost working you into overstimulation just to prove a point. "You're my girl. The only one for me."
It's not quite an 'I love you,' but it's close.
Afterward, he pulls you between the sheets, holds you close with a hand cupping the back of your head, and asks you to stay.
“For good this time. No more leaving in the morning,” he whispers, lips grazing your cheek. “You like the walk-in closet and the clawfoot tub. We have enough room to turn the spare bedroom into an office for you because you like how sunny it gets in there during the day.”
It’s not a question, but you still say ‘I do’ because you really like how the word we sounds coming from him.
…You say yes because it’s not as if you want to be anywhere else.
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reidmania · 2 months
love you like a sailor | spencer reid
summary ; situationship’s, friends with benefits, and no commitment arrangements are great until lines began to blur and feelings become too real. Especially with Spencer.
warnings ; MDNI, mentioning of sex and fingering even tho theres no actual smut. situationship, messy feelings, friends w benefits, reader is avoidant of her feelings, spencer is in love, reader is in denial, mentions of alcoholism but more in a joking way, commitment issues, insecure reader, anxiety, overthinking, talks about relationships ending, talks about death for like a second fem reader. This is ridiculously wrong and i honestly had a horrid headache while writing it so it’s probably crap… angst, fluff, hurt, comfort, this is the whole shabang.
an ; WONT YOU KISSS ME ONNN THE MOUTHH AND LOVEEE ME LIKE A SAILOR. i wanted to write this so bad i couldn’t wait. this is for my avoidant attachment girlies, this is definitely a bit out of character spencer, very self indulgent.. Look at that list of warnings my gosh. this is stupidly wrong and probably not great. BUT ENJOY POOKIES. bc u so kindly encouraged this @parfaitblogs 🎀🎀🎀
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"Get some rest." Hotch mutters out as he walks past, your gaze follows him from where you had been sitting cross legged on your desk chair. You and the team had gotten back from a case only a couple of hours ago -- to say it had taken a lot out of you was an understatement.
You were tired but the response left your lips almost instantly as you tilted your head. "Why would I do that when sleep deprivation works so well for me" You hummed out with a soft smile on your face, his head shook as he rolled his eyes. He didn't bother pushing your argument as he made his way towards the elevotor.
It was inching later into the night, a lot of the team had already left to return home to their families, or partners, or even to outings with their friends. You stayed in place at your desk, ignoring the way the arm of the desk chair digged uncomfortably into your knee as your legs remained crossed.
"Sleep deprivation does not work well for you." You jumped slightly as your head tilted up at the voice and feeling of hands on your shoulders, a smile warmed your cheeks. The papers on your desk long forgottened as Spencer's hands brushed gently over your shoulders, down your arms. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, hair out of place from the amount of times he had dragged his hand through it, from you running your fingers through it while he slept on your shoulder on the jet.
"You get grouchy all day, drink an unhealthy amount of cofee until you end up falling asleep on your desk, or on Gacia's beanbag in her layor." He reminded, he bent down to press his lips gently against the top of your head.
Your chest tightened, a playful roll of your eyes and a smile later your pushing the chair away from the desk to twirl it to look at the man standing over you. You could see the tiredness behind his eyes and it made your heart sore in a way that left your stomach uneasy.
Your gaze holds his, "You just catch me at a bad time" You resorted.
He snorted, letting out a soft, 'mhm' along with unconvinced nodding, as his hand reached out for yours. You took it wordlessly, uncrossing your legs as you stood. You didn't need to ask to know what he wanted, he was inviting you home with him.
Your free hand worked to grab your bag off the ground. You eased into the feeling of his hand tighting its hold on yours. His fingers worked to move between yours, interlacing them as the two of you walked in sync to the elevator.
"Take out and doctor who?" He asked, looking at you as he pressed the button for the elevator. You turned your head to look at him cheeks heating more than you wanted to admit when you noticed the gleam in his eye.
This thing. Whatever it was between you and Spencer was overwhelming in the way it had you feeling too much and not enough at the same time. It was a constant game of give and take, push and shove, one step forward and three steps back, it all remained unspoken between the two of you.
"Only if we can get thai from that good place on forth." You revert back to the conversation as your eyes maintain on his. His hand squeezes your gently as the two of you walk into the elevator when the doors opened. His body turned to face yours and you had a familiar feeling building in your stomach.
The feeling you dreaded more and more everytime.
His free hand rose to your face to push away stray hairs from your face. His head leant towards your, foreheads placed against one another and his hand fell from your face to your hip. “We can do whatever you want, angel” He muttered out.
The words made your stomach turn. You couldn’t tell if the feeling was good or bad. You didn’t know how you were supposed to feel when he called you that, it wasn’t the first time either.
They slipped off his tongue as if they belonged there. Easily and simply. Everything was so easy and simple for him, you were almost jealous of it.
The elevator dinged. Moments later you were in his car, his phone in your hand, connect to the aux of his car. You fingers scrolled through the playlist he had made specifically for car rides — or any times he was with you.
It was filled of your favourite songs, songs that reminded him of you, songs that you had sent him saying he should listen to it. It was your playlist.
You settled on a song before closing his phone placing it in the centre console. You placed your hand onto his that rested on your thigh, your thumb, feather touched, running over the prominent veins that cascaded their way down his hand.
His eyes stayed switching between the road and you as you mumbled out lyrics to the song playing through the radio. His eyes danced over the features on your face momentarily, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip when you met his eyes. He offered you a soft smile before returning his focus on the road.
There was a feeling that consumed your entire being. You pushed it down and ignored it to instead enjoy the moment with Spencer. Whatever that meant.
By the time you had gotten food, got to his, and finished eating, it was nearing midnight. The feeling of tire you had only an hour or so ago had subsided completely as watching doctor who ended up with you curled in his lap, head hidden between his neck and shoulder as his hands smoothed the back of your shirt.
You waited for the movement of encouragement, you waited for the hinting signal that he wanted more right now. You were waiting for his lips to trail down your neck or for his hands too low on your back, or too high on your thigh for his touch to remain innocent.
It never came.
His hands stayed soft and sweet in their movements. You pulled away from his neck, eyebrows pushed together in itching confusion. He met your eyes, eyebrow raised, puzzled at your expression. His hands paused on your back, waiting for you to elaborate on whatever it was that was bothering you.
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know if you wanted to bring up the unspoken silent agreement between you two. You couldn’t even explain what the agreement was if someone asked, you would be loss for words. It was just something you and Spencer both knew and never talked about.
That this wasn’t going to happen.
You and him.
The two of you would continue passing comments and compliments in private at work, being each others safe space after a particularly hard case, you would continue coming to his house to watch doctor who, and eating way too much take out.
You would continue fucking in the bathroom of whatever bar the team decided to go to, where spencer would ramble about how unsanitary it was to be doing so while curling his fingers inside you. You would continue kissing in elevators and in the passenger seat of his car when no one else was around.
You would continue falling asleep at his house, in his bed, in his clothes, leaving way too early in the morning leaving a note.
It could never be more than that.
You and Spencer weren’t supposed to be more than that. You had that decided in your head the first time he kissed you in your hotel room on a case months ago. It was a simple innocent conversation and then he kissed, and you kissed him back.
Now the lines around your unspoken agreement were fogging. Every time you fell asleep in his arms you could feel the lines being erased more and more until they had been nothing more than a faint outline.
He noticed your lack of words as his hands squeezed your hips softly. He studied your face as his twisted into something you could only describe as conflicted. He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out.
But the look in his eye told you everything you needed to know, your face fell flat. “Spencer” you spoke warningly but it didn’t matter, the words were being spoken. The question was being asked.
“What are we doing here?”
His words left his lips quiet and meaningful. They held the emotions he tried to ignore for your sake. The words hit you like a ton of bricks, immediately sending your mind into a frenzy.
‘What are we doing here?’
‘What are we doing here?’
‘What are we doing here?’
The words replayed in your head as your stomach twisted up in denial. How were you suppose to know anymore than he did?
You deflected, shrugging your shoulders. “Um.. Watching doctor who” You said, eyebrows pinched. You knew exactly what he meant, he knew you did, he knew this game. He had been playing it with you for months.
His hands remained on your side as you reverted from his touch. Shutting down in the way he had seen you do probably a hundred times. You would make yourself small, and avoidant of everything you felt beyond surface level.
He mumbled out your name, in a way that caused your heart strings to tug. His mutter of your name came out like a warning sign, like he knew you knew what he meant.
“Spencer” You muttered back as you moved out of his grasp to shuffle off his lap, instead on your knees on the couch beside him. You were sure your tone showed exactly how disinterested you were in having this conversation.
It would only end one way.
You knew it would have to happen eventually, that there was only so much time the two of you could dance around it, but you wanted to stay in your bubble a little bit longer.
“Please.” He begged.
You weren’t sure what it was he wanted. To have this conversation? a label? To end it? You didn’t know and you weren’t sure you wanted to either. You and him never spoke about your feelings for each other, but it was evident you both had them.
The difference was he indulged in his feelings while you ran away from them.
It didn’t help when he was looking at you with the softest pleading eyes, his hands reaching out for you. It made you almost forget every ounce of common sense.
“I think I should go” You breathed out as your head turned away from his. You saw his face fall in your peripheral vision, making your heart feel as if it was ready to shatter into a million different pieces, each one covered in his name.
His hand tucked under your chin turning your head to face his. His eyes locked on yours and you swore every ounce of your self control was tested in the way his eyebrows furrowed sadly and his eyes pleaded with you.
“You don’t have to go.. Just talk to me..” He muttered out your name, thumb rubbing over your chin, before slowly it trailed down your bottom lip to pull it out from its place under your teeth. “I need to know, sweet girl.” He said gently as his thumb returned to its place on your chin.
“We wouldn’t work.” Your hand wrapped around his wrist that held his hand to your chin. You tried to keep your voice strong but it betrayed you as it came out quieter than you wanted. Your eyes stayed locked on his, the tension between the two of you suffocating.
His eyebrows deepened, “Why not? We worked before, we work now.” He spoke, his eyes holding every emotion you refused to let yourself feel. It was almost infuriating.
Your head shook in his hold. His words were touching parts of your mind that you avoided even attempting to approach. His eyes remained pleading at you.
“It’s different. You know it is. Relationships are different. It gets messy. We don’t need messy- We’ve had enough messy for a lifetime.. or three” You try to joke to deflect to bring the conversation back above the surface level, it didn’t work as you saw his eyes flash with something.
“This already is messy.” He said, his teeth gnawed at the gums of his cheeks, as he stared at you. He was right, you knew he was right.
“We are messy. this, us, whatever this is, its messy. Whatever feelings you are so scared of confronting are messy. That doesn’t go away just because you refuse to acknowledge it” His words were gentle yet spoke like one of his scientific rambles. He spoke every word like the was evidence to back it up.
It made the words fall flat against your tongue as your head dipped down into his hand. He didn’t make an attempt to push you to look at him, instead his hand moved gently to cup the back of your head, encouraging it towards his chest.
You gave in to his touch with ease, like muscle memory. Your arms wrapped under his arms as his hand stayed in place cupping the back of your head as his fingers ran over your scalp hidden by hair, his other resting around your waist.
“You know sailors right?” He muttered out, voice almost a whisper as his fingers curled softly in your hair, fingernails scratching your scalp soothingly. You nodded into his chest despite the confusion of how that had anything to do with what you guys were talking about.
He hummed at your nod, “They spend their entire lives at sea, everyday, every night. They dedicate their entire lives to the sea because they love it. They love it regardless of the storms, or the dangerous currents.” His other hand trailed over your back, under your shirt his warm hand against your soft skin.
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t know what he was trying to say.
“At least 2,000 sailors die and sea each year, but they die happy because they died doing what they love. They died in the one place they dedicated their entire lives to, despite the storms or the dangerous currents. They don’t let the chance of a tsunami stop them from perusing what they love”
Your head pulled from the fabric of his shirt, furrowing your eyebrows slightly. You didn’t want to admit the fact that even though you were confused, him talking relaxed your muscles and the intensity of the emotions coursing through your body.
“So what?” You huff, eyes squinted as you look up at him.
His lip quipped slightly, “So, no matter how much you don’t want to hear it. I love you.” He said, his words came out sure and honest. The intensity in his tone so pure and careful.
You didn’t say anything as his words sent shockwaves through your body. You didn’t know what to say. It was easier to ignore his obvious feelings for you when he wasn’t saying them looking into your eyes like that.
“Like a sailor. I love you like a sailor” He huffed, finishing his point.
Your eyes twitched downwards, “You know most sailors are alcoholics so their judgements isn’t really something to go off” You mutter out, “They don’t care about the dangers and risk because they are stupid and drunk half the time to deal with the loneliness”
He snorted, he couldn’t help it. “Yeah well, Im not an alcoholic. Stupid maybe, but not an alcoholic” He said. Your head lifted to meet his eyes as a scoff left your lips.
“You aren’t stupid, you know you aren’t stupid.” You muttered. He smiled, his hand on your back encouraging you closer towards him.
“Then trust me.” He spoke.
Your eyebrow raised. He didn’t stop there. “Trust me. I won’t hurt you, god id rather lose my entire IQ and everything else than ever hurt you — Yes there will be hard times, of course there will, but we work through it. There is no reason why we couldn’t make us work. I love you. You know I do.” He pushed.
You paused for a moment, “Spencer” It was warning.
“You love me too. No matter how much you try not to or deny it. You love me” He just kept pushing and his words stuck something, causing your ribcage to ache as your heart thumped against it.
“Its not that simple-“ He didn’t wait to hear your argument as his hands cupped your face. “I love you, do you understand that? I love you. You love me. I love you, how many times do I have to say it before you believe it? What will it take for you to let me love you?”
Your lips pursed, “Stop talking”
But he didn’t.
“You love me, just admit it” He pleaded as his hands cupped your jaw. It made it clench in his grasp.
Of course you loved him, that didn’t make it easier to let him in, it didn’t stop your mind coursing with every single way that this could ruin everything between the two of you. The years of friendship, the dynamic, everything could fall apart.
He sighed when you didn’t answer him. His hands fell from your face and you instantly felt the burn from the cold air around you that replaced them.
“We have a 50/50 chance.” He breathed out as he leant back from you. His hands stayed reaching out for your own. The screaming in your mind telling you to run and leave now was ignored when you fingers intwined with him.
He made so easy to stay.
He watched you open your mouth to argue, but he cut you off. “Yes, there is the chance that we wont work out, not that i see it but realistically there is that chance. However there is an 100% chance that we can work through whatever issues arise. There is no question about whether I love you enough to stay through hard times. All you have to do is trust me. Take the chance and trust me.” He spoke clearly. His eyes glazed over with emotions he tried to downplay.
“There is nothing that I don’t want to know about you, there is nothing about you I wouldn’t fall completely in love with” He said quieter this time.
You breath caught in your throat. Your mind racing with contradicting feelings. Nothing you were capable of putting into words as everything you tried to keep buried inside you rose to the surface before you could stop it. The look on his face told you enough to know he wasn’t going to drop this, there was nothing you could do to push him far enough away for him to stop wanting you all the same.
That was terrifying, it was confronting and overwhelming. It was too much.
Your body was quick to move towards him. You didn’t want to say you threw yourself at him, but you basically did. Your lips were on his and your hands were tangled in his hair. Every emotion and feeling you couldn’t admit out was made all too clear in the way your lips pressed against his.
He kissed you back with the same intensity. His hands pulling you closer as his other cupped your jaw, fingertips curling into your hair. Every unspoken word. Everything you tried to deny made clear in your lips against his.
“I love you” You said, chest heaving when you pulled away from his lips, your forehead falling against his as heavy breaths left your mouth. His hand stayed on your jaw and you leant into the touch. “Im sorry— I love you, you know I do. I know I do — I- You are so- I love you” It comes out as a ramble
“You idiot.” He muttered, shaking his head. A wide smile deeming place on his face. His hand dragging you towards his lips once more.
“I love you like a sailor, even though that analogy is cringey, and sickeningly sweet. I love you” You breathed out once his lips pulled away from yours.
He only grinned wider. “What happened to them being stupid drunks?” He teased, mocking your earlier words as his hand came to push a strand of hair out of your face.
You shrugged, “Im okay with being like a stupid drunk when it comes to you.”
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the-saltiest-saltine · 8 months
Reservations and Repose
(Yan!Chrollo x Fem Reader)
@sukunasfavoritehole hopefully this is enough to tide you over until my ao3 finally gets an update hehe
Word count: ~7.3k
You’re naïve enough to believe Chrollo’s asleep. He loves that about you.
Warnings: NOT SFW, non -con thigh fucking, somnophilia, drugging, imagined not sfw scenarios etc
Also this is my first time writing smut so please go easy on me 😥
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Chrollo is very disappointed in you.
You let him kiss your cheek this morning following a deep sleep. You didn’t reciprocate, though he continues to see your progress and knows that an ever-hopeful yet can be added to the end of that statement. To some extent, the allowance of such an act could be chalked up to his acceptance of you, flaws and all, willing to appreciate the neutrality of it as opposed to ardent rejection. In a matter of weeks, you’ll be returning the gesture. And in a matter of months, you’ll be doing it gladly. Warmth, or perhaps weariness, has slowly but surely seeped its way into your actions recently, your shaky hands finding a place in his, fingers interlaced.
Is that to say he was under the impression that you’d completely given yourself to him? Absolutely not. There’s fear in your smiles, as much as they may have metamorphosed from obviously and mockingly forced to meek and endearing. Chrollo has shown you all that you know he can do. This has been enough to keep you relatively restrained over the months. If he showed you all that he knows he can do, you’d most likely curl up into a ball and sob until you dried out. That’s not necessary, though. It’ll never be.
Like many things, it wasn’t linear. It was a path that went upwards and downwards and forwards and backwards and in cycles, cycles that would always leave you curled up, sobbing in his arms, grasping onto him for whatever comfort it would give. But progress is progress, right?
Ignorantly, he began to believe the crumbs of affection, of acceptance, of acquiescence. Stupidly, he thought you were making progress. It’s been a significant amount of time since he was last this naïve. If he wasn’t so disgruntled by your transgression, he’d most likely bask in the nostalgic feeling. But he can’t, for the time being, because you’re trying to do something very rash.
As unfortunate as it is, you’re trying to leave him.
It’s audacious, having thought that the monumental power difference between you two had been thoroughly demonstrated on multiple occasions, a well established and silently acknowledged fact of your travels with him.
It’s irritating, although regarded with the same irritation as one would have with a pet goldfish trying to jump out of its tank. You silly thing, why do you want to abandon the place in which you are safe?
It doesn’t particularly make sense, though. He’s checked his cards - nothing suspicious has been bought in his name. No travel tickets or prepaid car hire. He’s even checked the jewellery collection - maybe you���d snatched up a nice necklace or bracelet or pair of diamond earrings to pawn off. But again, nothing. No suspicious bags have been packed. No loose tiles or floorboards or ceiling panels to hide supplies in. Your clothes are all neatly folded and hung in your wardrobe. 
You’ve got something up your sleeve- something desperate and jittery and not fully thought out. Something that relies on luck and prayers far more than precision and blow-by-blow planning. He never particularly took you for a daredevil, but to see you get pushed to such a limit, to be forced against your own timid nature, is beyond satisfying. If he could pluck it out of you and analyse it under a microscope, he’d be elated. Or perhaps even, he supposes to himself, he’d be so fulfilled that he might abandon the current pathway of his life, aimless and bloody and cyclical, finally so consumed with his obsession over you that nothing else is valued in the slightest. 
He can’t say he didn’t expect an ulterior motive for your apparent benevolence, at least initially, but for it to be kept up for this long? The stares felt almost too natural. The gradual lessening of your flinches when he placed a hand on your shoulder, the way your gaze would be drawn to him rather than away, even if only to flick away immediately - the subtleties were downright impressive. To be able to track everything simultaneously, to be able to remember to exhibit so many behaviours at once…Perhaps he should be taking acting lessons from you.
Chrollo had watched you, humming a pop tune this morning, cheekily shaking your hips from side to side as you fried some eggs, over easy, the notes sometimes interrupted with a sharp inhale between your teeth when the oil spat just a bit too high and would burn you ever-so-slightly. A domestic sight.
You’d let him give you another kiss on the cheek before he shrugged his coat on, giving you one last lingering glance before he’d walked out the door and into the hallway of the apartment, locking it with warm Nen made of comfort rather than capture. He gave you another cheek kiss (despite his ever-growing urge to dip lower) when he got home to the smell of spices and vegetables and the bubbling sound of a low simmer. You don’t fight them anymore, and barely even recoil now, a result of steady but slight crossing of boundaries - his record was eleven times in one day (at least, his record for when you were conscious) when he was feeling particularly affectionate, although you’d definitely soured up by the end.
The…fantasies he’d had of domesticity…they were just that, weren’t they? Fantasies, mere ideas that were appealing enough to fully flesh out in his mind. Whatever actions you’ve taken, whether it be pecks to the cheek or folding his shirts, staining them with the scent of you, they’ve all been a means to an end. That certainly wasn’t part of the fantasy. 
You’ve been buttering him up like the thick slices of white bread next to his bowl. What a betrayal.
Tonight’s stew is spicy and chunky, served courteously by you. His palate is experienced from an adulthood of travel, wealth, and nights spent with gullible women who couldn’t tell the difference between a Prince Charming and a swindler. Truly, there is little he hasn’t at least tried. Including this.
So, if there’s no other signs of you wanting to leave the comfort of the apartment and the familiarity of his presence, then what could’ve possibly cued him into your motives?
It’s something tenuous, something that could’ve gone unnoticed to anyone else. It’s something subtle, buried under layers of rosemary and thyme and paprika. But diphenhydramine is such an acquired taste. And it’s one that’s made the past few weeks and months crumble to dust.
Oh, you sweet thing.
Acting as oblivious as ever, he spoons chunks of zucchini and carrot onto the bread, taking large bites, chewing and swallowing with purpose, the taste of the sedative lingering. He considers smacking his lips for good measure, to play around with you a bit, but eventually decides against it. That’ll come later.
You sit across from him, silence between you two. Normally, he’d fill it with tales from his busy day - but you’ve been so good lately, that he’s begun to refrain from doing that. Nowadays, he asks you what you’ve been up to, every painstaking detail from your dull days without him. But that’s only if you’ve been good, or at least if he’s under the impression that you’ve been good. As it turns out, you haven’t been good, you aren’t being compliant, and now he simply waits.
You stare into your bowl of stew, but he can tell you’re watching him in your periphery. It’s so very fascinating, the way you absorb each mouthful he takes, washed down with frequent sips of water (there’s no other substances in that, obviously). He takes another swill of the liquid, tilting his head slightly back, and in the corner of his eye, he can see the way you observe his Adam's apple bobbing with each gulp. Does it appease you, the sight? Does it intrigue you? Does it make you, even for a moment, reconsider what you’re about to do?
Chrollo pauses for a moment, before placing the half-empty glass back onto its coaster. He knows the smirk that comes onto his face is nothing short of wicked, but he truly can’t help himself. 
“Are you not hungry, my love? You’ve barely touched your food.”
Barely is an understatement. You haven’t touched it at all, in fact. Stupid, really. He knows that you know that he’s observant - but that information is irrelevant in this situation, considering it doesn’t take an keen eye to figure out your pattern of stirring your spoon around, picking up some carrot - even blowing on it for good measure - and nodding along with what few words he spoke initially, before giving an mhm! of agreement and letting it drop back into the bowl. You spend extensive amounts of time apparently fishing for just the right piece of zucchini, sorting through copious amounts of lentils (and seemingly taking the time to individually count them all), dragging chunks up the side of your bowl only to push them back down into the fray of assorted vegetables.
There’s almost a sort of jump in response to the words, ringing clear and well projected. But it’s contained above the shoulders - your head snaps to look at him, your eyes widening momentarily, staring into his own, trapped.
He can feel the shaky breath you take to steady yourself from over here, air stagnant and mouth dry.
“No,” you reply, “not particularly.”
He cocks an eyebrow at that, mouthing an oh before returning to his meal. It doesn’t matter whether you take the bait or not, his suspicions have long since been confirmed. Confirmed, in the sternest sense of the word, syllables enunciated with force, the knowledge of your true intentions well recognised. Whether that displays on his face or within his interactions with you is inconsequential to the known ending of your silly stunt.
The sound of you chewing is enough to bring his attention back out of the bowl. That’s not fake.
So you’re eating it too? It’s certainly a bold move, but one he wouldn’t dare put past you anymore. You were always a clever one, one to be placed a mere few tiers below his own intellect.
He hasn’t caught you swapping the bowl out for a fresh one. Maybe you’ve mastered the art so quickly that even he can’t notice?
No, not likely. Not in just a few months. That’d be impossible.
Your bites of pumpkin are preceded with the slightest hesitation, a quick breath to presumably psych yourself up to the self-sabotage. He hates to see you so scared when you’re properly sharing a meal with him like this, deciding to return to normalcy as a reward for your cooperation.
“Tell me, darling, what did you get up to today?”
Your eyes flick to his, momentarily ensnared in the grey, before looking up at the ceiling to aid in the process of giving a verbal description of what you read, how you cleaned, how you entertained yourself with rearranging your meagre book collection (not his, that would be asking for trouble). The response is practically identical to every other time he’s asked the question, plain and unindulgent. It’s boring, he thinks, even with the unacknowledged omission of the hours you spend staring at the walls and pacing around the living area. He’s tempted to pry into how you decided on tonight’s dish, but decides against it. Not for lenience or mercy, but rather amusement. To give away what he knows now would simply be a waste of a situation you’ll never attempt to put yourself in again.
If you knew what Chrollo knew, would you still bother to indulge him?
You stare at him for a moment, allowing him to draw things out, before nodding at the I see he gives in response. He gives a forward nod to your bowl, giving you gracious permission to eat again after starving you for the length of your interrogation, merciful as ever. Your fear is better contained behind a split second’s confusion before you register the nonverbal instruction, picking up your spoon once more and eating with more confidence this time, taking exaggerated bites of zucchini that barely make it past your teeth, chewed excessively into grey paste before being swallowed. Maybe you reason that if you chew enough, you can break the drug down into something that won’t knock you out. A cute thought.
The spices stain your lips an enticing red, the chilli making them plump up so deliciously. If he kissed them, would they burn him? Would the capsaicin leave his lips tingling, a reminder of your soft touch?
He likes to think he’ll know the answer soon.
Chrollo feigns sleepiness, furrowing his brows in mock confusion as he tells you that he can’t quite keep his eyes open - perhaps he overdid it at work today. 
Yes, work, as he loves to call it, like there’s the possibility of him spending his time away from you at a desk, punching in numbers on a computer, monotonous and repetitive and damn, couldn’t things just switch up for a day? Work, as in a beer-bellied husband whose idea of experimental fashion is changing which tie he wears with the same white button-up and black dress pants each day. Work, as in an assembly line employee who wakes up at three o’clock to be at the factory by four, ready and willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to support his loved ones. Work, as in something at least vaguely respectable.
Work, as in literally anything other than stealing and slaughtering and scourging.
Chrollo relishes in the way your shoulders relax a little. It’s almost too adorable. Chrollo also relishes in the way they tense up again when he adds how it’s suspicious really. I don’t believe I’ve ever felt a tiredness such as this.
There’s an underlying anxiety in your pretty, pluckable, ever-so-slightly bloodshot eyes. Where others would be concerned for your health, he finds endearment, you precious thing. After admiring them silently for a moment, he announces that he’ll be off to bed now, darling. Remember to be there for me when I wake.
He leaves you alone in the kitchen to stew in your unease.
Now he’s lying in bed, on the side closest to the door, limp as anything. It doesn’t matter whether his facade convinces you or not, he’ll have you in his arms by morning. The blinds aren’t fully down, leaving a pleasant blue hue that gives him a good visual of most of the room. Your side of the bed is still firmly tucked in from when he made it this morning, after running his hands up and down your arms until you’d given a great shudder and shoved him away - a pitiful attempt that he’d impishly gone along with. 
Anticipation tickles his nose and prods at his heart. Childishly, he wants you to get over with it already, to sprint in, swinging a knife wildly, or cue him to start the chase with a slam of the front door so violent that the hinges threaten to crack. It’s unfortunate how your faux compliance conditioned him to be unable to accept a halt, or even slowing, of progress.
Ah, some solace - he can hear your footsteps come up to the door, attempting, albeit poorly, to be quiet. Or maybe they are quiet, to the average man, but someone well-versed in the art of stealth can practically see the way you tiptoe closer. The faint sounds paint a detailed visualisation of your movements - the balls of your feet lifting from the ground, the flexing of your toes, the dorsiflexion at your ankles, the soft thud of your heels hitting the ground.
The bedroom door creaks open, a thin streak of light hitting his eyelids, making him see an ever-so-slight orange behind them. He might be able to visualise your walk accurately, but the same cannot be said for your face. Are you fearful, lips downturned and eyes wide? Are you determined yet cautious, eyes narrowed and lips pressed into a thin line? Are you smug? Condescending? Grinning from ear-to-ear, excited to finally have what you believe to be freedom?
You’re not, he discerns.
Instead, you huff a sigh, a sweet note that makes his heart jump, a small flutter that could only be instigated by you. It’s a sigh of relief. The door is shut. He expects another door to be slammed, too - the front door, hinges quaking as you sprint to the stairs as far as you can, too scared to wait for the elevator (and for your sake, he hopes you’ve brought a pair of running shoes - you’re on the 35th floor, after all). But that doesn’t happen.
Instead, he can hear the clanking of bowls and dishes, the smooth schwip as you push breadcrumbs off the chopping board into the bin with the back of the serrated-edge knife, and how you place said knife into the block without taking another one out.
So you’ve decided against stabbing him tonight? How agreeable.
In fact there seems to be no malice in the way you’re stacking the bowls, no scraps of extra force in how you shut the fridge. Whilst the sounds of your cleanup are nothing short of a ruckus to his alert ears, there’s an intentional tenderness he can hear. A conscious effort to be as quiet as possible with somebody sleeping peacefully in the next room.
It’s a gesture he’ll interpret in the best way he can. Even if he knows he’s deluding himself that you want to be quiet for his own peace rather than so you can escape, he’ll be sure to bring up the former as reasoning for your actions over the next few days, regardless of how you’ll spit venom at him, hissing that he couldn’t be more wrong.
Next is a movement he didn’t expect in the slightest.
You come back to the bedroom, with a pile of fabric in your hands - clothes, maybe? He thought you’d be off and away as soon as possible, or you wouldn’t get close to him again at the very least, standing patiently by the door until whatever you’re waiting for had occurred. 
The quiet-ish footsteps make their way past him this time, and straight into the ensuite.
There’s the soft sound of clothes falling, and then the tap is turned on.
You’re…showering before you leave?
You really are a good teacher of the quirks of humanity. Logical as ever, he’d most certainly take no time for hygiene practices if it reduced his chances of being able to go on a small, liberating adventure. But perhaps that’s part of the plan? Do you not want to have a speck of dirt on you so you don’t smell bad? Will you hide out at a fancy gala, and have to be as fresh as possible? Are you trying to wash off Nen, perhaps? 
No, that would never work, and he’s certain you know this too. Still, the idea of a little hopeless fire in you, taking a precaution you know is futile, makes his lips twitch.
So many questions, few of them answerable at present. His mind is stimulated so wondrously, for once not finding boredom in the predictability of human behaviour. He’s truly chosen well. 
And then there’s something else, rising above the sound of the rushing water, above the drain gurgling it down, greedily gulping it away.
You’re humming.
It’s relatively random, most likely improvised, and slightly off-tune, but endearing all the same. He can taste the notes, sweet and soothing, running down his throat smoothly and pooling warmth in his belly. 
You heave a sigh, and the tune changes. And then he recognises it.
It’s something he heard as a boy, back in Meteor City. He’d hear it at night, walking back to whatever semblance of a refuge he had with Franklin and Shalnark, past the hamlets of the younger children. Letting himself get lost in it, he can feel himself crawling to shelter on scraped knees, walking on calloused heels, eating stale bread, all accompanied by the faint smell of garbage, a smell that years of exposure had waned to a neutral accompaniment of the setting, rather than an inconvenience or hazard.
Despite the unhygienic nature of it all, it’s sweet. It’s these memories - memories of grime and rot and infection - that are the most pure. The most uncorrupted. They’re full of innocence and hope - just like you.
These qualities make you think you’ll leave him.
Upon remembering this, he’s tempted to barge in and ruin your peace, eager to hear your inevitable yelp and nervous laugh as he quizzes you about tonight’s events. But he doesn’t. Your lullaby is too enjoyable, the tune far too agreeable to stomp out yet. Resisting sin by committing another, he decides he doesn’t want to kill this mockingbird, if only to selfishly continue to hear it sing.
Few moments have come like this since you came to be with him. They’re all short-lived in comparison to the cold life he’s had, a firecracker popping on his tongue, fleetingly filling his mouth with syrupy sweetness before quickly dying off, barely an aftertaste to be savoured. He’s scratched them all down in an old leather journal with a quill and ink, lest he forgets what it feels like, or how to get that feeling again, but thankfully they’re scratched even deeper into his psyche. 
You’d been agreeable enough for a reward of a dinner somewhere several stories up, city lights shining behind you, framing your hair beautifully. You were reluctant at first, turning your nose up at him and the priceless food in front of you, opting for the bottle of red wine instead. It wasn’t supposed to be gulped down with such vulgarity like that, but that was part of your charm and by your second glass you were giggling and halfway through your third you looked at him right in the eye, cheeks tinged pink, and you smiled a smile that you’d forget by morning but he wouldn’t…
He’d returned to the villa after a long day to find the fans blasting, and you slumped over on the couch as credits rolled on the screen in front of you. He’d flicked the TV off, not before noting the rom-com’s name, and regarded you, with your deep, even breaths and singlet strap falling down. He picked you up and carried you to bed, laying you down on the thin blankets, fixing your strap despite the small voice that called to him to take off the thing entirely. Your head rested on the pillow, your face not scowling for once, and you’d huffed the sweetest of sighs…
That’s the kind of moment this is.
There’s no thought of what he’ll be doing with the troupe tomorrow, or in a week, or what move to make next depending on what you decide to do. Every nook and cranny of his mind, every convolution of his brain is filled with the thought of you. Tonight, it’s warm and viscous, slowing time and cutting both of you off from the rest of the world; the rest of its filth.
In this moment, he can see himself in the shower with you. He’s across from you, lathering body wash onto his shoulders, letting the foam run down his back. All the while, he keeps his gaze on you, watching how your hands run over your body, soap running along your sternum, between your breasts, along the curve of your hips, your ass, all whilst you hum that tune… shit, he can’t let himself get hard now. He manages to drag himself out of the daydream, barely, just managing to claw himself to the surface of reality.
Caps are popped open and the lathering of soaps can be heard over the course of your performance, with a finale of the tap being turned off. There’s a fumbling of fabrics before you come out, followed by yet another move he doesn’t expect.
You walk up to the bed, peel the sheets back, and lie down beside him. You then roll onto your side, facing him. After a few moments, you prop yourself up onto your elbow.
A moment of nothing. You’re frozen, as is he. Calm before the storm, he prepares himself to catch your wrist and hear you shriek.
You lean over.
And then there’s a featherlight sensation on his forehead, right in the middle of his tattoo. 
Had it been a split second later, he would’ve opened his eyes and turned to face you with a smirk as you screamed. But it’s not a split second later, it’s now, and now you’re kissing him. There’s no real benefit for doing such a thing that he can identify right now - perhaps you know he’s awake, and would like to make amends? Surely you know that that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him.
The contact sends an electric zap to every corner of his body, although he manages to not make himself jolt. Months of stifled desire bubble up from his insides, desire that’s spent so long smothered by rationale of better outcomes and forcing himself to think of his bloodied obstacles and late nights alone in the shower. As often as his lips find their way to your forehead, unfortunately the reverse doesn’t occur even half as much.
You pull away, like you’re hesitant about what you’ve done, like you’re waiting for him to snap his eyes open and sit up with inhuman speed, ready to pin you down or tie you up or even slap you for tonight’s inconveniences. But that doesn’t make sense, because hesitation is supposed to occur before such an intrepid act, not afterward.
After receiving apparent confirmation that you’re not about to be attacked, he can sense your head slowly but surely coming to rest on your pillow. You shouldn’t strain your neck like that, someone like you could get hurt over time.
The back of his shirt is peeled up, slowly, delicately, and he has to focus to keep his breathing even.
There you lie, staring at the twelve-legged spider etched into his skin, his number a pale contrast to the black ink, practically jumping out at you.
It’s your reminder, he supposes, of what he is. Theoretically and legally nonexistent, practically traceless. Zero evidence. Zero remorse. Zero morality.
One, two, three.
Your lips mark a trail up his spine, at the bottom of the abdomen, right in the middle of the zero, on its head. Don’t shudder.
Once your deed is done, you pull back. There you lie, staring at the twelve-legged spider etched into his skin, so silent that you’re barely breathing.
The fabric of his nightshirt is guided back down. You roll over and proceed to go limp, succumbing to the drugs intended for him.
What was that?
You’re not touching him anymore. He can sense the gap between your bodies, one that he would close every night, pulling you close. 
Was it a relief? To go to sleep without him touching you?
You’d always stirred up such a fuss about his arms being around you as you slept. 
It had always been a cause for seething rage on your part, later argument, later whining, and more recently huffing. Even last night, the stiffness before you fell asleep was a cause of his own discomfort. But you didn’t have to deal with that tonight, and now you’ve fallen asleep in record time. He can’t say it was just from the pills.
Did you change your mind on leaving after you felt their effects? It doesn’t seem likely that you’d ditch all that to sleep. Rather, that you wanted to sleep on your own terms.
He’d spent so much time concerned with stopping a potential escape, that he didn’t stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, that was never the goal to begin with.
And now Chrollo rolls over to face you, gently tugging on your shoulder to pull you onto your back.
You’re serene as ever, a sight to behold. 
He brushes the back of his knuckles along your hair, feeling its texture, so light that his calloused hands - hands that have seen many a bruise and burn and slice and hangnail caught and ripped on the job - almost can’t feel it. Your exhales come out more as huffs and sighs now compared to gentle breathing, and he allows a chuckle (one that he finds incredibly endearing, as much as you’ve let your disagreement to that sentiment be known, preferring to describe it with wounding words such as “condescending” and “grating”) to slip past his lips. 
It reminds him of you when you’re awake, when you used to try so hard to be difficult for him, when you used to scream and scratch as he’d spoon you, grip ironclad, until all you could do was huff and puff and plead with him (and as much as he enjoyed your attempts to compromise, this was something he simply could not relinquish) and eventually, your cursing would die down, your muscles would go limp, and you’d fall asleep. 
Sometimes the sun would be up by the time you relented, and your breaths would be the heaviest then. It was amusing, how quickly you’d switch. One second, you were cussing him and his troupe out, the next, you were a paragon of tranquillity, the visage of an angel before him. He’d pray you love him.
He wants to grab your jaw, hold it firm, and kiss your lips as hard as he can. He wants to tilt his head and take and take and take. He wants to keep taking even if your breathing lightens. He wants to keep taking even if your eyelids flutter open, hazy doe-eyes looking at him with dozy confusion.
Well, he’d never deny his own indulgence.
Leaning in, he presses a kiss to your forehead, just as you did to him.
The touch is as gentle as he can make it, as gentle as he can permit himself to be. There’s a split second of what he could almost call fear, an image of accidentally squeezing you too hard and hearing your bones snap flashing in his mind.
He rubs his thumb over where his lips previously were, feeling an unanticipated wetness left behind.
It’s then that Chrollo realises his mouth is full of his own saliva - whether that was because he was so entranced by your actions that nothing else mattered, body as limp as he could allow, or because, like some sort of filthy animal, he couldn’t help but drool at the contact from you, starved for it like a hyena, he doesn’t know. He swallows. That’s better.
And now for the main event.
He dips down to your lips, and lightly presses his own against them. The feeling is so heavenly, he wonders if you really are an angel. If you were one, would you bless him? Would you destroy him?
If you were to know what he’s doing, would you hate him more?
He pulls away. 
The journey to get here was sizable. Memories of tonight flash by; your cooking, your conversation, your shower. Your humming.
Ah. The tune he heard as a boy. Innocent, naïve, hopeful.
Well, he’s a man now. And far less innocent.
He lets out a hum of his own, deep and rumbling.
Chrollo moves to straddle you, peeling the duvet and sheets back, layer by layer, unveiling the best present he’s ever gifted himself. Just moving into such an intimate position is enough to send pangs of heat downwards, the hardness he fought against earlier returning with an urgency.
For a moment, he tries to fight against it.
Is it to save himself from your hatred? Is it to save you from what he’s planning?
It’s neither, he discerns, as the attempt was doomed to fail before it even started. He knows it was never meant to succeed.
His groin only throbs harder, aching for friction. It’s a spur-of-the-moment thing, the way he presses it against your clothed crotch, rocking back and forth, the slight relief just momentary as his desire only grows.
He regards your unsuspecting face. Stunning. 
Restraint is draining faster now, but still is present just enough to stop him from grinding any harder despite the urge. But if he’s to stop his movements, he’ll need a different kind of stimulation.
He bunches your shirt up, pulling, sliding a hand under your back so he can slip it off your arms and neck.
Now your chest is bare. How ravishing.
His fingers hook under the band of your sleep pants, dragging them off in a clean motion.
And now your legs are bare. How alluring.
He doesn’t take your underwear off - that would simply be crude, and he doesn’t need to tempt himself anymore. If he got the privilege (or right, considering your standings) of seeing you fully nude, as opposed to having a single layer covering the most tantalising part of you, he’d be oh-so-inclined to do something regrettable. His logic fights to win space within his buzzing thoughts, fingers daring to twitch as his imagination fills in the gaps of what the thin black layer forces to be left to it.
Chrollo parts your thighs for good measure, the maximum he can allow himself at this moment. It’d be impossible to not let his hands and gaze trail up them, observing how as he roams upwards, your flesh gets softer, warmer; how the flimsy fabric can’t hide all of your darker flesh; how your lower lips are pressing against the cloth, visible despite the darkness…
God, you’re so fuckable.
There’s a pretentious voice in his head, albeit muffled, that cries protests at the use of such a word to describe you. You’re something far more than that - beautiful, exemplary, one-in-a-million, ethereal. Surely your mouth would be better put to use having a fulfilling conversation with him, a conversation he can dissect and steer and puppeteer, as opposed to just opening as wide as it can to accommodate his cock, taking it as deep as your gag reflex will allow, barely able to breathe, much less talk. Although, he thinks with a faint, deep groan, twitching in his pants, that’s certainly a hypothesis I’ll have to test.
With the sight of your breasts, nipples hard and skin goosebumped from the chill of the room, it’s decided. Just because making his cheeks warm and his cock rock hard isn’t your most prominent trait, doesn’t mean that you aren’t absolutely exceptional at it.
Temptation isn’t something he’s inclined to resist, brushing a thumb over your nipples before leaning down to take one into his mouth. He swears he can hear your breath hitch as his tongue swirls around, breathing getting slightly lighter. An eager hand reaches for the other one, kneading as gently as he thinks he can.
Soft is the first thing he thinks. Your flesh is so soft, so delicate, so tender. If you were awake, he’d vocalise his compliments - and do so loudly, unrestrained.
Your breathing changes as he points his tongue to lightly flick at your nipple repeatedly. Chances are you’re being taken out of REM sleep, but your consciousness doesn’t matter at this stage. And some part of him hopes for it, brief images flashing in his mind of barely-open teary eyes slowly rolling to the back of your head. They’re obscene, so utterly immoral to even fantasise about, yet even the split-second thought makes his stomach jump, shivering a bit as he feels himself be almost overcome by them.
He can’t help but slightly wet his lips in anticipation, relishing in the knowledge that his instincts are being held back with the slightest thread. If he moves even slightly faster than his rational, calculating, non-carnal mind intends, then it’ll snap. He’ll snap.
Almost trembling, he reaches across to his bedside table. The movements are imprecise, but he’s sure this practice will allow him to execute them with much more grace for the inevitable time you’ll be awake. Yes, you’ll be awake and whining and he’ll wet his lips in anticipation and be met with your lingering taste and you’ll want him as much as he wants you- 
He almost falls forward as his own lust threatens to overtake him. Focus on the necessary steps.
Taking a shuddering breath, he leans down to pull open the drawer, to find a bottle hidden at the back, purposefully concealed behind an upright copy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Quickly shifting his weight back, he pops the cap open, spreading some of the slick contents onto his fingertips. With his free hand, he pulls down the loose elastic of his pyjama pants, shucking them off, the cold air making him quiver slightly.
Time’s running out.
The movements are trembling, sloppy as he pours lube onto his length, and then onto your spread thighs. There’s a frantic inertia of sorts, a mad momentum - the more he does, the faster he has to go, the anticipation making his stomach swell and dip. He’s really going to do this. It’s really going to happen, and it’ll be amazing.
There. Done. Everything’s ready.
Chrollo takes a shaky breath, gripping just above your knees, and squeezes your thighs around his dick.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Your thighs are warm from the duvet, perfectly cosy and wet from the lube for his cock.
Little time is wasted as he begins to thrust his hips, trying not to give himself too much too soon. The steady pace is slowly increased, little by little, a fragile incline so he can drag this out for as long as possible. 
Can you feel it? Can you feel the warmth radiating from him? Is there some part of your mind that’s awake, but can’t do anything to stop him? Or better yet, is eager to please him?
He strains out a hiss through gritted teeth, peppering kisses over your exposed neck, trying his best not to bite. The pace increases yet again. His eyes are fixated on the mound in your underwear, a more sinister form of curiosity burning within. 
What does your pussy look like?
He won’t use En, that’s just cheating. He wonders and ponders and conjures up the most filthy images his mind can muster. A warm, tight hole that clenches for him as he slips in and out, teasing you. A pretty clit for him to tease with his fingers as you whine, for him to suckle on as you choke on sobs of pleasure. Folds for him to run his tongue through as you rut your hips against his face; for him to run his tip along, collecting your slick.
He imagines how his cock would look disappearing inside of your cunt, how your grip would be so suffocating, how your tits would bounce as he fucks it (because shit, they’re already moving so vigorously now, as he holds his strength, and he can’t even begin to picture what they’d look like if he loses control buried deep inside you, repeatedly stuffing you to the hilt as you cry out). He imagines how you’d tighten around him, babbling something incoherent as you wrap your arms and legs around him, and oh fuck, he can’t pull out now. He imagines the tension snapping, giving a rumbling groan as he shoves himself into you as deeply as possible, eyes screwing shut and burying his face in the junction between your neck and shoulder, riding out his high with a few shallow thrusts.
And finally, he imagines how his cum would look leaking out of your pussy, twitching and swollen from a nice good fuck. The afterglow. The squeak you’d give if he fingered it back into you, growling at you to not waste a drop, keep it all inside for me.
The thought makes his hips stutter a little, threatening to slip out of the plushness between your thighs. Once he regains his rhythm, though, they’re speeding up, relentlessly fucking himself into your thighs over and over, kneading the flesh as he squeezes them tighter and closer.
Chrollo cups your face with a single hand, and leans in. 
It’s the second time he’s properly kissed you tonight, and it feels fucking amazing. Your soft lips, your soft thighs, they’re all working together to make his head swim in bliss. You’re working to make him feel good. Yes, him. Nobody else. You’re his.
The thoughts run wild. He has as little control over them as he does his hips.
How would it feel to fuck you in some other position? How would it feel to flip you onto your stomach, pulling your hips back to meet his, as he stuffs himself into your sopping cunt over and over, watching your ass bounce? How would you cry out at the way his balls slap against your swollen clit, building up the pressure inside you until you just can’t take any more?
How would you grind on top of him? How would you moan as you bounce, tilting your head back as you stretch yourself on his length, panting? How many times could you do it until your legs trembled uncontrollably, forcing yourself to impale yourself on his cock just one more time? When he’d plant his feet on the bed firmly and thrust his hips up, grabbing yours and bouncing you in time, would you wail, or simply slump over, completely unable to form a thought as you cum around him for the nth time?
You’re flexible enough to fold into a mating press, right? How deep could he go? How fast could he go? How would your beautiful skin look covered in love bites?
The coil of pressure within him grows even tighter even faster, balls slapping against your thighs, hips pistoning rhythmlessly.
If he asked, oh-so-nicely, for you to get on your knees and please him with your mouth, would you oh-so-sweetly do it? Would you suckle his swollen tip? Would you tease him with a glint of mischief in your eyes? Would you find his most sensitive spots and exploit them? Would you trace your tongue along the veins? Would you massage his balls? Would you let him control the pace, a hand intertwined in your hair? Would you look up at him as you tear up, doe-eyes wide and eager to please? Would you rub your pretty pussy while he shoots thick ropes of cum down your throat, pressing your nose against his pelvis?
Yes, he decides as the coil begins to snap, you would.
Chrollo comes to a sudden halt, choking out a rich groan in a low timbre. The noise becomes more strained as he rides out the high, the overwhelming euphoria becoming just a bit too intense as it begins to morph into overstimulation. Once he’s sure the moment’s over, he lets go of your legs, pulling back to catch his breath and admire his work.
Ropes of cum paint your chest, some making it as far as your neck, your chin. It’s beautiful, the unruly mess he’s made - no, the mess you’ve made of him.
You’re a real beauty, you know that?
The bathroom tiles are cold against his feet as he grabs a washcloth to clean you up. It’s sad to see it go, to a primal extent, but it’s probably for the best to ensure he doesn’t get any ideas for a second round tonight.
For future nights, though? The chest he’s covering up will soon be exposed soon enough.
He’ll have to get more sleeping pills. You simply must try this again soon. 
Next time, he’ll taste you. The time after that, you’ll taste him. He can hardly wait, nor can he stop the dull throbbing starting up in his groin again.
He sates himself for the time being with the knowledge that the time after that, you’ll be awake.
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lustspren · 11 months
P.S.T EP. 8 | After Hours ft Giselle.
length: 10.1k words✦
Giselle & Male Reader
genres: anal, oral sex, hard sex, creampie, foot worship, ass eating, pool sex, public sex
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The flight landed on the night of Tuesday, August 8, 3 days before the performance that Aespa had scheduled for Outside Lands on Friday. San Francisco was a city that for some reason you had always liked a lot, it was not exactly the most tourist friendly city in the country thanks to its stupidly steep streets, but all that was compensated by the beauty of the tourist places they had, among them the very famous Golden Gate, City Hall, or more discreet places such as Lombard Street or the Painted Ladies of Alamo Square. As if all this were not enough, they had a tram system that went to any corner of the city, you didn't know if you would have the opportunity to get on one, but it would be on your list of things to do.
You passed the respective controls at the airport, and when you went outside, towards the street, that was when everything became a dangerous situation for you. Cameras, and fans. Noze had warned you minutes before that for your own good you should put on sunglasses and a cap, obviously like the good fool you were, you didn't listen at first, but time proved her right and you had to put sunglasses on while you walked behind them dragging your suitcase. You knew that they were giants as a group, but you didn't fully assimilate it until you experienced it in person, a few meters from all the noise and the spotlight.
When you left the hot zone you finally reached the street, where a long black van with chrome windows was waiting for you with the door already open for you, the path delimited by a row of security guards who kept people and photographers contained. You finally entered the van, and took a deep breath when the door closed and it drove away.
"Get used to it, this was rather quiet," Noze laughed, patting your shoulder, as you settled into your seat and looked outside, wondering what the hell you had gotten yourself into.
The hotel you were staying at was the Hilton San Francisco, a five-star hotel, known for having the highest bar in the city located on the 46th floor of one of the buildings. The infrastructure was imposing and rudimentary, contrasting with the amount of luxuries that should have been inside.
The check-in when you arrived at the lobby was faster than you expected, Noze was certainly incredible at her job, and you were impressed by how enormously organized and effective she could be for some things. She always had everything in order and on time, even the most insignificant things that anyone could have overlooked.
Each of them were given the access cards for their respective rooms, the girls had deluxe rooms with a single bed each, while you, Noze and the rest of the staff members had regular rooms with a single bed. When you went up to settle in, you realized that a regular room in that hotel was without a doubt the most beautiful room you had ever stayed in, and you considered your bedroom as a palace of kings.
The room has a king size bed, with a small nightstand on the left with a landline phone, and on the right a larger nightstand with a digital alarm clock on top. In the far corner was a sectional sofa that covered a bit of the bed wall and much of the wall to the right of it. In front of the bed there was a long dresser with few things on it, with an office chair in a space to put your legs when sitting, and on the wall above the dresser, a television that was nothing special and that honestly didn't work. you had planned to use.
The views you had weren't particularly impressive either, it was just the inside of one of the buildings that made up the structure of the hotel, but even so, it felt like a comfortable and pleasant bedroom, perfect for a few days that you knew would be long.
You began to unpack your things patiently, leaving the suitcase open on the floor next to the bed and then taking out the important things from your backpack, your laptop, which you left on the dresser in front of the chair, AirPods, power bank and some snacks that you had bought at the airport. You were going to continue One Piece with the chapters saved on your laptop, you were about to sit in the chair, and at that moment someone knocked on the door. You sighed, closing the laptop to go to the door and look through the peephole. It was Noze.
You reluctantly opened the door, meeting Noze's playful gaze.
"Was the flight fun, pretty boy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, and you huffed, turned your back on her and went to sit on the edge of the bed. She just laughed at your annoyance.
"I'm not going to comment on it, woman," you said, crossing your arms, "what's wrong?" you asked, looking at her.
"Nothing really," she said, stepping forward and closing the door behind her, "I was just coming to talk to you about some things," she walked over to the chair and grabbed it by the back to roll it around until it was facing you, then she sat there so she was on the same level as you, "How did you handle that walk through the airport? You know, with all the flashes and stuff."
"Fuck, it was an experience," you sighed, your face softening as you looked at the ground, "I'm not going to lie to you, it was kind of claustrophobic... I wasn't expecting so much commotion," at that moment the screen of your phone lit up. and it buzzed twice in a row, out of the corner of your eye you noticed it was Chaery and the girls. Noze also saw the phone, but she ignored it.
"Well, that's nowhere near the worst you'll ever experience, probably," she said, scratching her temple and raising both eyebrows, "panic attacks can be fatal, so try not to fall for that, oh, and something else-" she was interrupted by more buzzes from your phone, which she looked at for a few seconds and huffed in annoyance.
"Uh… sorry," you said, grabbing your phone and skimming through all the messages through the notification bubbles. They were all messages from the Itzy girls worried about you, asking if you had landed safely and if you had seen Cake's performance on Mnet. When you finished reading everything you turned the phone face down.
"Aha, no problem," she nodded, thinking that your phone was no longer going to bother you, "look, you have to make an effort to play your role, okay? You're supposed to be just another staff member, we can't raise suspicions among fans." 
"I don't think that's too complicated for me, the ones you have to keep in line with those matters are your girls," you said with a small mocking giggle.
"You are right, but it still doesn't hurt to warn you. You are listed as the girls' personal assistant and translator," she began to explain, "in short, you are supposed to help them with everything related to cultural integration."
"But don't you already have Giselle for that?" you asked with a confused expression.
"We had to have a cover for all this, don't ask questions!" she said tiredly.
"Alright alright, fair enough," you laughed, and contrary to your expectations, your phone rang again, but this time it wasn't a message, someone was calling you. You picked up the phone to see who it was. Yeji.
You stared at the screen for a second just like Noze, but unlike you she did act on it. She snatched the phone from your hand and answered the call.
"Honey, our little man is really busy right now!" she said loudly into the phone, already losing her temper, "I would appreciate it if you would leave him alone since he doesn't have time for distractions right now, damn it!" she finally hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed, next to you. You just stayed silent for a few seconds, taking in what just happened.
"What the fuck did you just do?! Are you crazy?!" you said, raising your voice to her, frowning. Noze took a deep breath and rolled the chair forward, sticking it as close to the bed as possible to lean forward and leave her face a few centimeters from yours.
"Listen to me, boy," she grabbed your chin, "do you know how fucking lucky you are to be sitting in this fucking bed you're in right now?" she said in a low but threatening voice, "you know that right? Now tell me, are you willing to take this damn thing seriously or not? Because I have no problem going to the airport right now and buying you a plane ticket back to Korea. "
Your blood was boiling inside, your fists were clenched between your legs, and your teeth were clenched as she kept her grip on your chin firm. In your mind the idea of abandoning everything at that precise moment flirted closely with you, but so did the image of Ningning's pretty eyes looking at you, just like her sweet voice or how tender she had been with you from the first moment. She didn't deserve that.
"Fuck, fine, I'm sorry," you said, letting out a heavy breath, you closed your eyes, hoping your anger would go away. When you opened them again, you met Noze's now more relaxed gaze. From that distance it was easier to detail her face, and boy was she stupidly beautiful. She let go of you and leaned back.
"You'll have time to talk to them, okay? But for the love of God, focus on the here and now," she asked, as if regretting the fact that she had to talk to you like that so you could wake up, "Anyway, as I said," she sighed, "being photographed and seen in public with the girls is inevitable, this is why we can't afford to be suspicious of any kind, everything has to look natural, and nothing out of the ordinary. Understood?"
You meditated on it for a few long silent seconds, realizing that all of this was bigger and more serious than you had contemplated. What she was asking of you wasn't exactly difficult, your own anxiety was never going to allow you to act any differently towards girls in public, just normal conversations with little or no physical contact. You could control that, but you couldn't control how the girls were going to behave. You were afraid of that.
"I understand," you nodded, "you don't need to stress it to me again."
"Great," she nodded too, "can I have your phone for a second?"
"You're not going to call Yeji again to yell at her, are you?" you said picking up your phone with a raised eyebrow. Noze rolled her eyes.
“No, just give it to me,” she insisted, placing her outstretched palm in front of you. You handed her your unlocked phone, and watched as she entered the number pad, quickly adding the girls' contacts and hers, "look, they already have your number," Noze warned, "if anyone texts you for... you know, you must go immediately, no matter what you are doing."
"What if I'm taking a bath?"
"As soon as you finish bathing."
"What if I'm sleeping with my phone on vibrate?"
"You are not going to sleep with your phone on vibrate, it's an order."
"Okay..." you were silent, "...so what if I'm taking shit?"
"Fuck you get my point!" she yelled already annoyed, you burst into laughter, "stop laughing, this is serious!" You wanted to stop laughing, but you had met few people who looked so cute and at the same time funny in a situation like this.
"Okay, I'm sorry," you said, taking a deep breath to mitigate your laughter.
"I'm going to kick your ass," she said annoyed, and then sighed, "anything else you need to know?"
"Not really," you shook your head.
"Cool, now, I must give you some recommendations and warnings," she leaned back in the chair, "Minjeongie is... fuck, that girl really is like a black hole, no matter how much is inside her, she always wants more."
"Well, that's a pretty accurate analogy."
"You should be especially careful with Aeri, she really likes playing with fire," she sighed, you guessed she was remembering all the trouble she had given her, "you know, she doesn't abandon her American ways."
"I'm not surprised, she looks like something out of Mean Girls."
"I loved that movie when I was a little girl. I liked Lindsay Lohan so much..." she said going off the deep end for a second, you stayed silent watching her, and when she realized what she had said she blushed, "Ehm, like I was saying. Ning likes to drink, she's not an alcoholic, but she likes it, and when she gets drunk she tends to get into trouble."
"She drinks alone in her room, for example? Is that what you mean?" you asked curiously.
"Aha, she doesn't do it often but when she does we find her red-cheeked and acting like an idiot," Noze put a finger between her eyebrows and massaged that space, "and about Jiminie there's really nothing important that you don't know already, she's really competitive and always wants to win."
"I fucking know that," you said with a huff, remembering how she kept you from cumming in Ning's mouth.
"Well, I think we're done for now," Noze said, straightening up in her chair, she rolled it back and stood up, "By the way, we're going to dinner in a few hours, get ready and wait for my message."
"Alright, I'll take a bath then," you said, standing up as she walked towards the exit.
"Oh, one last thing..." she opened the door and put half her body behind it, only her head and part of her chest sticking out, "Honey, you're no longer just a masseuse, you're now part of this whole industry and the gears that move it. I know how fucked up being in a relationship can be from firsthand experience, so please..." she took a deep breath before continuing, "make sure you make this easier for the Itzy girls, they are very sweet enough to go through heartbreaks."
With all that said, Noze left your room and closed the door, leaving you silent and staring blankly as you took in everything she had just said. She was right, you knew perfectly well how the industry and Korean society behaved when an idol was discovered or involved in a dating scandal, and causing a problem of that caliber to girls was something that did not cross your mind as something that you wanted to live, but still, how the hell did you plan to get away from them? Your bond at that point was already too close, especially with Chaery. It wouldn't be an easy task nor one that you would want to do. Besides, what did she mean by saying she knew it from her own experience? Was she a trainee? Had she been with an idol?
You mulled it over for a few minutes until you grabbed your phone to respond to the Itzy girls, telling them all that you had landed safely and that you were going to watch their Mnet performance in just a moment. Then you specifically told Yeji that you were sorry about Noze just now, that she had just caught her at a time when she needed your attention. You had also written that you missed them all very much, but you thought about what Noze had told you a few minutes ago and you growled bitterly, deleting that part of the messages and sending the rest.
You left the phone on the bed and went into the bathroom, undressed and entered the shower. You turned on the cold water and put a hand in to test the temperature, too cold. Your hand went to the other handle, and you turned it until the water began to come out at a warm, perfect temperature. You took your time in the shower, not thinking about anything specifically, you simply relaxed, eyes closed and doing breathing exercises to come out as calm as possible.
After about fifteen minutes you turned off the shower and walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around your waist. You quickly searched your suitcase, looking for something appropriate to wear. In the end you opted for an outfit with a sporty aesthetic: a gray Japanese windbreaker jacket, black sports pants and silver New Balance 408 sneakers (which were one of the three pairs of shoes you had barely brought) and a black Nike cap.
As you tied your shoelaces your phone vibrated with a few notifications, reaching out to pick it up and checking it, there was a message from Noze telling you that it was time for you to meet in the lobby, but you also had messages from each of the Itzy girls.
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You wanted to respond, but you no longer had time to sit and write messages for each one, so you finished tying your shoelaces, grabbed your phone and wallet and left your room heading to the hotel lobby.
When you got there you saw the group of girls standing not far from the bar, near the group of tables and chairs that made up the place.
"Do you think those shorts are appropriate for going out, Uchinaga Aeri?" You heard Noze scold Giselle as you walked towards them patiently with your hands in your pockets. You wanted to see how Giselle defended herself.
"Oh come on, who are you, my aunt?" Giselle teased her, followed by an arrogant giggle, "I'll be fine, woman, don't be dramatic," at that moment you stood behind Noze, who turned to look at you and sighed in relief.
"Fuck, thank goodness, it's already late, let's go," she nodded towards the exit, and you all followed her.
As soon as Noze moved and started walking, your eyes went straight to Giselle's perfect fleshy legs, she turned around, and that's when you noticed how stupidly short her shorts were, thanks to the amount of butt they revealed, it wasn't anything out of this world, but for an idol it was a lot.
"Do you want a photo to make it last longer?" She asked, looking at you over her shoulder as she walked, a mischievous smile on her face, then she stopped to wait for you, and when you stood next to her she moved closer to your ear making a wall with her hand, "I'm not wearing anything underneath… in case you were interested in knowing," a shiver ran down your spine, and you did your best to play dumb.
"Hey, get in the van," Noze said, and you stopped to let all the girls walk in front of you, Giselle last of all, right in front of you. Your eyes never left her round ass, and she was perfectly aware of it, she even pretended to fix a strap on her sandals just to bend over and give you an even better view of her ass. You took a deep breath, and when she got in you followed her into the van.
The trip wasn't too long, in fact it was rather short. You stopped at an In & Out Burger, a fast food chain with which you were not very familiar. Before going down, Noze told you and the girls that they would be recording some group and individual tiktoks trying In & Out's burgers.
You got out of the van, and went inside the restaurant to all sit at an empty table. You made to take your seat, but Noze put a hand on your thigh to stop you.
"Honey, could you order for us, please?" she asked you kindly.
"Yeah, sure, what do you want?" you asked, and Noze looked at the others as they looked at the menus, you waited patiently, until Noze finally gave you everyone's orders. You turned to go to the register, but Giselle interrupted you.
"I want my Animal Style," she told you, and then she winked at you. You could see everyone frowning in confusion.
"And what the hell is that?" Ningning and Karina asked Giselle.
"Don't worry about it," Noze interjected, motioning with her eyes for you to go order. And so you did it.
After a few minutes you returned to the table with hamburgers (you had to make a double trip to carry all the trays), fries, sauces and shakes for everyone, including Giselle's Animal Style. You all had a pretty nice meal, the girls loved their burgers, and they ran out of fries in a matter of a few minutes. Noze recorded a few tiktoks just as she had said a few minutes ago, and then it was the girls' turn to record their respective individual videos.
Everything ended up being pretty normal, and you all went back to the van.
"Hey, make sure you sleep early today," Noze said, looking at you in the rearview mirror, "you have a dance studio booked for tomorrow for your rehearsal for the festival. I need you to be energized and refreshed."
"Oh, unnie, you have sauce there..." Ningning said softly, pointing to one of Giselle's thighs.
"Oops, how did that get there?" Giselle said, playing dumb, then she wiped the sauce on her thigh with her index finger and brought it directly to your mouth. You froze, savoring the sauce as you watched her with wide eyes. She just laughed, and Karina sighed.
"Oh poor boy... there's no way you're going to survive this tour," she said, feeling sorry for you and everything that lay ahead of you.
When you returned to your room again the first thing you did was take off your cap, throw it in your suitcase and jump on the bed to take out your phone and answer the girls.
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After sending all the messages you left the phone on the nightstand next to the landline and stood up to take off your jacket, leaving you only in your sweatpants and socks. You turned on the air conditioning, and got under the blankets ready to sleep. You lay on your side, hugging the free pillow like you always did, your eyes still open, lost in nothingness. What Noze had told you didn't stop spinning around in your head, and you wondered if it was the right thing to have told everyone that you missed them, then you thought about it for a few seconds, and you concluded that it wasn't right to be an idiot either. Being honest wasn't going to hurt anyone, and the truth was that you did miss them all.
You closed your eyes ready to fall asleep when your phone rang again. You opened your eyes immediately and reached out to pick it up from the bedside table, hoping that it was Ryujin's aforementioned fancam, but to your surprise, it was a message from Ningning. A silly smile appeared on your face when you read it.
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Before you could put your phone back on the nightstand you received another message, but more than a message it was a video from Giselle. You downloaded the video quickly, and your jaw dropped as you watched what it was about.
Giselle had put the phone on the dresser in front of her bed recording her. She fixed her hair and looked at her angles a few times before starting the action. Her hands went to the button of her shorts to unbutton them and slowly lower the zipper, when she did, she grabbed her shorts by the curb to lower them very slowly. You noticed a slight well-groomed bush on her pubic area, and before you could see her pussy she turned around to continue pulling the garment down, this time revealing her wonderfully round ass. She spread her buttocks with her hands and shook her ass from side to side, showing you her pussy and her butthole before turning around, walking over to her phone and stopping the recording with an evil giggle.
It didn't end there, seconds later you received a photo of her that only showed her shorts wrapped around her ankles, and her pretty, perfectly pedicured feet. You watched the video about three or four more times in which your cock was rock hard, until she sent you several text messages.
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After reading the messages you received another video, in this one Giselle was lying on her back recording herself with the rear camera, she wiggled her fingers adorably, but then slowly brought one hand towards the bush at her crotch, ending the video as soon as her fingers reached to her pussy. You were left drooling again, and the next thing you received was a goodnight from her.
You finally put the phone on the nightstand and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep with a painfully hard erection.
When you woke up the next morning the first thing you were going to do was go wash your face and teeth like you always did, but when you got out of bed to go to the bathroom you noticed that a folded piece of paper had been passed under your door. You took it to see that it was an itinerary for today, you read it carefully and folded it again, left it on your bed and went directly to the bathroom to clean up.
That day was going to be much heavier than the previous one, so you opted for an outfit just as comfortable as last night, a gray sweater with a collar and black trim, black sweatpants, and the same sneakers from the day before. When you were ready you took your things and went down to the lobby, where there was a significant flow of people going to the bar area to enjoy the hotel food, sitting at one of the tables you found the girls without Noze, they had saved you a seat, from what you saw.
"Good morning girls," you greeted, sitting down with them, and they greeted you back. There was already all kinds of food for breakfast on the table, and you slightly rolled up the sleeves of your sweater so as not to stain them, "Did you sleep well?" you asked as you grabbed a plate.
"Fuck no," Karina said while eating a piece of toast with blackberry jam, "Mingjeong's noises didn't let me sleep at all," Winter, beside her, let out a small mischievous giggle as she looked at her waffles, into which she was pouring Maple syrup.
"I slept like a baby," Ningning told you as she looked at you with a small smile.
"I slept very well too," Giselle said, drinking some strawberry juice, "And how did you sleep, honey?" she asked back with a hint of mischief in her voice.
Before you could respond, Noze arrived at the table with you and interrupted you.
"Girls, are you done yet? We have to go," Noze said as she checked her phone.
"I haven't even eaten," you said with a poker face.
"You can take something to eat on the way, silly, but we have to go," she repeated, and then all the girls finished what little was left of their plates. You had no choice but to go to the people in charge of the buffet to order a takeaway breakfast. When you came back they were all ready and waiting for you to go to the van.
"Alright let's go," you said, nodding toward the exit, your packed breakfast in your hand.
"Hey, you're not going in our van today," Noze told you as you walked to the street, "I need you to go with the rest of the support staff and make sure everything is in order, provide logistical support and help them with the language, you know."
"Roger that," you nodded, and when you went out to the street you saw the girls, "see you in a while girls," you said, waving your hand, to go to the second van where the rest of the staff was.
"Oh by the way!" She told you from the distance, "In the afternoon we will meet in the lobby again, the girls will have a photo session and then you will have the night free!" You just gave her a small military salute and got to work with the rest of the staff.
You never thought you would feel that way, but for some reason you really enjoyed helping the staff work. They were all very nice and fun people, and it was really interesting to see how all the logistics behind such a giant group worked. The day passed faster than you expected, and the moment you least expected it, you were back at the hotel.
There in the lobby everything was quite chaotic, since as soon as we arrived they had the photo session practically within half an hour, so everything was a mess of people going in all directions, including the girls, making all the preparations and cleaning up to be able to arrive presentable at the photo studio.
In the photo studio your job was quite simple, in fact, it was quite close to your real role, a personal assistant for the girls. You went from here to there, with blankets and bottles of water to give to the four beauties who posed behind the lights with a truly enviable naturalness. You were inevitably closer to Ning than the others, and you knew that you shouldn't show preferences towards anyone, but the warmth and tenderness with which Ning always received you made you feel at home.
When the photo shoot was over all the girls thanked the staff with smiles and bows, and Noze gathered you all together to give each of you a Snickers chocolate bar.
"Alright princesses, we're going back to the hotel, night off," she said with a small smile on her face, and the girls cheered, "what you want to have for dinner or how you want to spend the night is up to you, but if you want to go out of the hotel, don't forget to inform me beforehand so I can assign you a staff member."
"Understood boss," Karina agreed with a small smile.
"Your departure is already approved, by the way," Noze told Giselle, "you're going with Yoonjung," Yoonjung was one of the stylists.
"Brilliant!" Giselle said with a little smile and small applause.
"I'll take a nap for obvious reasons," Karina sighed, looking at Winter who was avoiding her gaze while she played dumb.
"Can we go sightseeing?" Ning asked Noze, bright eyes only searching for a 'yes'.
"I'll work on it right now, for that you need bodyguards," Noze agreed.
"Thanks unnie!" Winter said in her tiny voice.
"Rest for a little while while we pick up everything, okay?" Noze said, taking a few steps away, "except you, handsome, come help," the girls laughed at your face.
"On my way," you sighed, and went after Noze.
You helped the entire staff by packing things and served as a translator between them and the photo studio staff, it took you about 15 minutes to put everything in order until you were ready to leave. The staff van had once again served as your transportation to the hotel, where the first thing you did was go to your room to lie down for a few long minutes in which you only dedicated yourself to scrolling through Twitter.
The fatigue accumulated in your body began to take its toll on you, and your eyes began to feel heavier than usual, you were falling asleep. You didn't want to take a nap at that moment, the night was still very young and you definitely knew it was going to be busy, so you made the decision that 70% of young adults would make being in a luxurious hotel with an open bar, go to the restaurant from the lobby.
With such a wide variety of drinks and beverages it was difficult to choose, but there, sitting at the restaurant bar surrounded by dozens of strangers, you didn't care to think about what to drink, anything would do to prepare you for that night.
"Tell me sir, what do you want?" one of the bartenders told you, waiting for your order.
"Surprise me, I honestly have no idea," you said with a nervous laugh, resting your forearms on the bar as you looked at the good atmosphere around you.
"Do you like vodka?" he asked.
"I love vodka."
"A White Russian will do, then," he said before turning around and starting to make the cocktail.
You took out your phone and waited patiently, calmly scrolling through Instagram, until an unexpected appearance made you take your eyes off the screen.
"Hey there, taking a well-deserved break?" Noze asked, leaning with both arms of the bar to the side of you, quite a bit closer than you expected. You were surprised by her presence, you thought she would be busy with more important matters.
"Oh yeah," you nodded with a smile, watching the bartender prepare the cocktail, "and you?"
"Well, I ran out of things to do today and I got bored," she shrugged, looking at the shelves full of bottles, "us managers need breaks sometimes too," she laughed.
"And you certainly deserve it, I can tell these days have been stressful for you," you commented.
"Don't mention it," she sighed, "have you ordered anything yet?"
"Yup, do you want something?"
"A Rusty Nail would be nice," she said, her arm tucked into yours.
"Hey boss!" you caught the attention of the bartender when he came with your drink, "Give me a Rusty Nail too, please."
"On the way!" he said, setting the small glass with your drink in front of you.
"Damn, Scotch Whiskey?" you asked amused.
"I guess I have a pretty strong palate," she said with a giggle, "Hey, are you hungry?"
"Now that you mention it, yes," you took the glass and took a sip of your drink, and your palate was delighted with the taste of the liqueur coffee mixed with the vodka and cream, "are you inviting me to dinner?"
"I don't know, do you want to have dinner with me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow with a little smile.
"It wouldn't hurt me," you laughed, taking another sip of your drink, and at that moment the bartender arrived with Noze's drink, you raised both eyebrows, seeing the strong, yellowish content inside the glass.
"Damn, I hope it's not too strong," Noze said, making a face of fear as she took the glass.
"And you worry about that now?" You took a sip of your drink, "Just drink," Noze took a small sip and scrunched up her face, you let out a few small laughs.
"Well, I was certainly hoping for something softer," she said, stirring the glass, "but it's perfect, let's sit down, pretty boy," she nodded at you and stepped away from the bar for you to follow her.
You and Noze went to sit at a table in the middle of the restaurant, and talked for a few minutes until you finally ordered your food. Noze was a much calmer and more ordinary girl than she seemed, your conversation flowed very well with her at all times, and she had a quite pleasant sense of humor. You enjoyed each other's company so much that as soon as you finished eating you continued ordering drinks, one after another, until you finally got up the courage to ask her something that you couldn't help but question since the flight.
"Can I ask you a question?" you asked, leaning back on your seat as you looked into her eyes, she looked back at you, her cheeks a little red from the alcohol.
"Sure, tell me."
"Why weren't you with the girls when... you know," you cleared your throat, "quality control."
"Oh... that..." she paused for a moment, and looked down at one of the empty plates, as if memories had invaded her head, "well, it's kind of complicated, honey."
"I understand..." you nodded slowly, "well, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"And you're right, I don't want to do it right now," she said with a small smile behind which you noticed a hint of sadness and nostalgia.
"Then I have another question for you," you took a sip of your drink and set it down on the table, "how come you're Aespa's manager? I mean, look at you," you pointed at her with your outstretched hands, "you look like something out of an arts museum," Noze laughed adorably at your comment, but the same expression from a moment ago returned.
"Do you wanna know the truth?" she asked rhetorically, "I was a backup dancer for Red Velvet back in the day, I thought that my future was there and that my artistic career would take a big leap... but something happened, and well, events let me know that there was no future for me in that field," you didn't quite notice it from her downcast gaze, but you could swear that her eyes were crystallized, "the company knew of my good leadership and intelligence, so they offered me to be the manager of the new group that was about to debut, and I clearly accepted."
You remained silent as you watched her, carefully analyzing her body language and her face, it was very evident that she had a lump in her throat. You didn't want to push her about it, but curiosity was killing you, and the alcohol didn't allow you to contain yourself.
"But… what happened?" You asked in dismay, but at that moment you saw from the corner of your eye how Giselle arrived at the lobby without noticing your presence, you followed her with your gaze, and upon seeing your gaze Noze turned to see her too.
"We'll have to save that conversation for another time, darling," she sighed, swallowing thickly as she wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater, "you have work to do, so go," she nodded at you. Giselle, "I'll pay the bill, don't worry."
"Are you sure?" you asked, before standing up.
"Yeah, no problem, I'll go check on the other girls too," she told you with a smile.
"Okay..." you grabbed your phone, put it in your pocket and walked to stand next to her, putting a hand on her head, "And hey, I'm open to listening to you whenever you want," she looked up to see you with puppy eyes.
"I appreciate it, a lot," she made a small silence as she looked at you, "come on, go."
You nodded and started towards your room, and just as if Noze predicted the future, as soon as you arrived you received a message from Giselle.
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As soon as you read the message you rushed to search like crazy in your suitcase, you knew you had put swimwear in there, but you took out and took out clothes without any success, in the end, your swimsuit turned out to be at the bottom of the suitcase. The you of the past was quite unintelligent. You changed your clothes quickly, putting on a pair of Crocs, swim shorts, and a loose white t-shirt. Once ready, you hurried to the hotel pool.
It was 12, almost 1 in the morning, at that time you expected to find at least several people in the hotel pool, but to your surprise, in the distance, already immersed in the water, you could see Giselle with her forearms leaning on the edge of the pool. You walked closer, looking in all directions to make sure no one was there.
"Oh well, what a shame," she said with some disappointment in her voice when you showed up just a meter away from her, "I was hoping you'd forgotten to pack your swim shorts and come in your underwear," as she said that, she planted her hands on the edge of the pool and pushed herself up to support her abdomen on it, letting you see the incredibly hot swimsuit she was wearing. It was a two-piece bikini, the top resembled an ordinary black bra, and the bottom part covered up to the middle of her abdomen, but it brought out all the dump truck that Giselle had as an ass, "you join in, dear?"
"You don't even have to ask," you said, taking off your shirt and crocs to sit on the edge of the pool, and with a little jump, you joined her in the pool, where the water reached you by a few inches under the chest. It was quite cold, but you acted brave in front of her.
As soon as you entered the pool with her, she swam towards you, clung to your body with her meaty thighs and to your neck with her arms and crashed her lips against yours without even thinking about it, you reciprocated for a few short seconds in the that you felt her soft flesh rub against your skin under the water, but when you came to your senses you pushed her away.
"Huh? What's wrong?" she asked, confused.
"Are you crazy?" you said looking around paranoidly, "we can't do that in public, someone might see us and photograph us!"
"Do you want to know something funny?" Giselle approached you again, this time placing a hand on your chest as she looked at you with her lips parted, "my aunt is a pretty important business woman here in the United States, do you want to know who one of the co-owners of this hotel is?" There was no need for you to answer her question, because immediately after she said that the lights around the pool went out completely, leaving you alone with the surrounding light and the moonlight.
"Dear residents, the pool will be closed until further notice due to an electrical problem in the machinery area, we appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience," said a voice through speakers that were invisible to you at that moment.
"You see?" She said in a cocky way, and then took your hand to guide it inside the bottom of her bikini, your hand went down slowly, until it found an area of extremely soft skin where yesterday you remembered there was a bush, that's when you realized where she had gone today. Your first instinct was to lower your hand a little further and begin to slowly rub your fingers along her slit and clit, but she winced and stopped you, "I'm still very sensitive from the waxing, honey."
That was not an impediment for you. You pulled your hand out from inside her bottoms and used both to quickly lower them to her ankles, where she kicked them away. Now you had Giselle naked from the waist down, with her bare ass and her meaty legs fully available to you.
You submerged yourself completely under the water, and took Giselle's legs to put them over your shoulders, sitting her on top of them to cling to her thighs and begin to eat her pussy in the most tender and careful way you could, making sure to do the least amount of damage possible.
Her pussy was fucking delicious and soft, you already knew that from your past experience on the flight, but this time you had both your hands free to take them to her ass and squeeze it as much as you wanted, massaging and groping it as much as you could. After a few seconds you stuck your head out to take a big breath of air.
"More!" she moaned, her face already twisted with pleasure, and you listened to her, diving back under the water and burying your mouth in her pussy again, attacking her clit and her soft folds. After a while you came back out for air, "Oh my fucking god more!" She moaned again, a little louder than the previous time, and you submerged yourself in the water again. This time while you were eating her pussy you took one hand to run a finger through her butthole, but when you got there you found a round, metallic piece. A buttplug. Instead of removing it you started playing with it, moving it around in circles a bit and taking it in and out a few times until you had to come back to the surface for air, "just take it off," she told you, referring to the buttplug.
You submerged yourself under the water again, and continued eating her pussy while you took off her buttplug, which floated away in the water. One of your hands went to one of her buttocks to squeeze them, while the other went directly to her butthole to trace the outline of it with your fingers, playing with it a little before inserting your two fingers inside.
You pumped your fingers in and out of her dilated ass for a few long seconds while you kept giving attention to her sensitive pussy, which you were impressed by how stupidly addictive it was, and you reluctantly had to come up for air again.
"Fuck, let's go to my room, right now," Giselle demanded, her face red and her breathing heavy.
"I thought you'd never ask for it," you said with a smile, and turned around to go grab her bottoms and her buttplug, but she quickly grabbed your forearm.
"Just leave them, there's no time," she said, taking you with her to the edge of the pool, "quickly, get me a towel."
"But..." you sighed, seeing both things floating in the water with some concern, "gosh, okay," you got out of the pool, and quickly went to one of the pool chairs to grab a couple of folded towels.
When Giselle got out of the pool you helped each other dry off as you walked towards the light, when you came out of the darkness you already had towels wrapped around your waists. As soon as you entered the hotel, you noticed over your shoulder that the pool lights had turned on again, but there was no announcement this time. Giselle was undoubtedly a clever girl.
You quickly moved towards Giselle's room, a path that had you on edge at all times with the fear that someone would see you, but luckily for you, the hotel at that time was not as busy as usual. When she got to the room, the first thing she did was finish drying herself properly and tie her hair into a ponytail.
"Honey, would you go to the bathroom to get the lube, please?" She asked, giving you a peck on the cheek.
"Sure thing," you nodded, and walked towards the bathroom to look for the aforementioned lubricant. You had a hard time finding it, since she had it hidden behind another bottle of body lotion. When you returned to the room you found her completely naked on the bed, legs wide open while she rubbed gel on her pubic area.
"Oops, sorry," she said with an embarrassed giggle, "I thought it would take you longer to find the lube."
"Nah it's fine," you said, leaving the bottle of lube on the bed, "do you want me to help you?"
"You're very sweet darling, but no thanks," she said with a little smile, "anyway, I wouldn't mind if you worshiped my feet while I'm done here."
You immediately got to work, kneeling in front of her on the bed and grabbing her ankles to bring her pretty feet directly into your mouth. It didn't take long for her toes to be completely salivated thanks to your tongue and lips, which worked with great dedication along the length and width of both feet.
Giselle didn't bother to hide her pretty moans as she continued rubbing the gel on her pubic area. A few seconds passed, and when she finished applying the gel, you grabbed her by the waist and turned her face down, to continue sucking, licking and kissing her feet the same way you did with Karina.
While you kissed one of her feet, Giselle moved the other one directly towards your cock, rubbing and squeezing it over your swim shorts, which you pulled down with a quick tug so that her foot rubbed against your cock without any restriction. You moaned against her foot, letting her rub your cock with her free foot for a few seconds until you pulled her by her ankles towards the edge of the bed, leaving her bent at the waist, her incredibly hot, round ass raised and her chest pressed against the bed.
You stood up for a second so you could take off your shorts and be completely naked. You bent your knees, and brought your hands to her ass to grab her buttocks and spread them wide, to immerse your mouth in her pretty butthole and start eating it with as much enthusiasm as her pussy.
Giselle moaned loudly at the feel of your tongue and clung to the sheets, while you worked your best to eat her delicious ass. Your hands squeezed her buttocks, soft and fleshy like two pieces of cloud, and your cock throbbed thanks to her sensual moans.
"Lick faster and towards the edges honey!" She asked between moans, and you thus pleased her demands, following her instructions to the letter and driving her crazy with pleasure.
After a few minutes of being immersed like a hungry dog in her ass, you stopped to take a breath and give your tongue a well-deserved rest.
"Keep your ass open, baby," you told her, as you grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some of it over your fingers, leaving them nice and slippery. Giselle complied with your order, grabbing her buttocks and holding them open. You brought your fingers to her butthole, tracing a circle around it before inserting them completely inside her ass.
"Fuck!" she squealed, as you began to slowly pump your fingers in and out of her butthole, which let your fingers slide in as easily as if it were her pussy. Your pumps became faster and more intense, and Giselle's squeals gradually became louder, "Hey... did you r-really mean what you s-said on the plane?"
"What are you talking about?" you asked with your mouth slightly open, panting as you fucked her ass with your fingers.
"D-don't play dumb... ah!" she moaned, "about how my ass and pussy were the tastiest you'd ever tasted."
You stopped pumping your fingers and bent down again to plant your tongue flat on her clit, slowly moving up through her folds until you reached her ass, kissing every inch of it.
"I meant every damn word I said," you said, placing kisses and bites on her buttocks, "I could eat you all day because of how fucking delicious you are, Uchinaga Aeri."
At that response, Giselle put a hand on your forehead and moved you away from her ass, settling on her hands and knees for you.
"Then let's hope it's also the best ass you've ever fucked," she said in a provocative voice, biting her lower lip.
You had been waiting for that moment since you were on the plane, and you didn't hesitate for a moment to grab the bottle of lubricant and quickly lubricate your cock. You knew that her butthole was well lubricated and dilated, so you didn't take long to grab your cock and press it against it, sinking to the bottom with a single strong thrust.
Feeling your cock buried deep in her ass, Giselle broke her own volume record with a single moan. You smiled, and gave her a small, spicy spank before holding onto her waist with both hands and starting to fuck her ass fast and hard right from the start. She buried her head between her forearms, moaning like crazy as your cock pounded in and out of her ass.
You pounded her ass so fast and so aggressively that it only took a few seconds for Giselle to reach her climax. She moaned from the rooftops, crumpling the sheets under her fingers as she pounded herself against your cock, her entire body trembling and writhing with pleasure. It was hypnotic to watch how her ass bounced against your pelvis, and how her buttocks wiggled like jelly with each crash.
"I'm not done with you yet, cutie," you said after letting her rest for a few long seconds.
"I didn't want you to stop either, fuck my damn ass as hard as you want, handsome," she demanded in a provocative voice, and you leaned forward to grab her ponytail and forcefully yank her head back, making her scream in a combination of pain and pleasure.
Her ass was once again being brutally hammered by your cock, without any kind of mercy or care towards her, only pure aggression and desire which was reflected in your moans and hers, which made a perfect symphony that was consistent with the pleasure that you both felt at the moment.
Your grip on her ponytail was firm and strong, keeping her head up at all times as you made every part of her body shake with each hard thrust. You used your free hand to give her ass another hard spank, but one turned into two, and two became countless spanks that made her scream with pleasure while her buttocks were marked red hot.
You felt your orgasm incredibly close, but her ass was tight enough for her to tell by how your cock was throbbing inside it.
"Pull out!" She ordered you, and you reluctantly did so, your cock aching and wanting to cum. She rolled over onto her back, and lifted her bent legs up to her chest to place her arms behind her knees in a firm grip, "You can get back to work now, honey," she gasped, and so you did it.
You took your cock and guided it back into her butthole in that new position, she felt you deep again and her toes curled tight as she squealed. Your hands went to either side of her body, and you leaned forward to pin her against the bed and begin pumping your hips aggressively up and down, making the entire bed and thighs tremble.
She moaned uncontrollably, her eyes watering and her mouth open the entire time, she writhed, and grunted with every pump of your cock against her ass. It didn't take her too long to cum again in that new position.
She whimpered, finally letting go of her tears and giving in to her violent spasms, which prevented you from moving any further. Her butthole clenched very tightly around your cock, and you crumpled the sheets under your fingers as you gritted your teeth and growled. Her toes were curled up and wiggled, and you couldn't help but take them into your mouth again to suck and lick them, hammering her ass back without barely giving her any time to rest.
"Fucking look at me!!" Giselle squealed as she felt your cock throb again inside her butthole, "look at me while you fill that damn tight ass with that hot load!"
With her toes still inside your mouth you looked into her eyes, pumping her ass hard again and again, multiple beads of sweat running down your temple as if you were running a marathon, seconds later, after a few violent thrusts. In and out of her butthole you reached your sweet spot, which became more intense due to the eye contact that you and she maintained.
Your cum shot freely into her ass in thick, long streams, which painted every part of her tight butthole and left it full as you moaned uncontrollably, pumping now with the same force but slower. Giselle accompanied you in her orgasm, and she came for the third consecutive time when she felt how your hot load was stored inside her ass.
The moans did not disappear for a few long seconds, in which both you and she did not stop writhing with pleasure, rather a little while passed until you finally slowly came out of her ass, which began to spill an abundant waterfall of cum that made a thick pool on the sheets.
You gave yourself a short break before standing up and going to the bathroom to grab some toilet paper and help Giselle clean up after picking up everything. You didn't let her do anything for herself for a single second, you yourself took care of cleaning her ass, the sheets and even the sweat on her forehead, which you instinctively kissed before lying down next to her and hugging her.
"Fuck, now I can understand how the Itzy girls are so possessive and protective of you," she said with a giggle, snuggling into your body with her arms.
"What do you mean?" you asked, brushing away some of the hair stuck to her face.
"Not only are you the best fuck I've ever had in my fucking life, but you're also so sweet and tender," she said with a smile, tracing circles on your chest with her finger.
"Well… it comes naturally to me, I guess," you laughed, and she laughed with you before letting out a long yawn.
"Honey... you should go," she said in a softer, more tired voice, "we can't risk falling asleep together and getting caught."
"No problem, cutie," you gave her another kiss on the forehead and stood up to get dressed and gather the rest of your things. You were about to leave the room until she interrupted you again.
"I'm sorry you couldn't fuck my pussy, but I was too sore," she said looking at you, lying on your side with your arms curled up to her chest. You approached her, and put a hand on her shoulder to give her a kiss on her lips.
"Hey, it was perfect," you assured, "besides, it's going to be a long tour, right?" you said with a giggle, and she giggled back. You winked at her, and then turned back towards the exit.
"One more question!" she said, and you turned around, “was fucking my ass as good as eating it?”
"Better, so much better," you said with a seductive smile, you blew her a kiss and finally left her room towards yours.
You were so distracted looking at your phone that when you got to the hallway where your room was located you didn't realize that Noze was standing in front of your door. You looked up at her, meeting a pair of furious eyes, Giselle's bottoms in one hand and the buttplug in the other.
Well, you were pretty screwed.
"This shit is fucking unacceptable!" She said loudly and then buried the bottoms and the buttplug in your chest, extremely angry with you, "Am I supposed to trust you like this? Don't fuck with me!" she shouted, "I'm not always going to be around to clean up your damn messes, so this better be the first and last damn time something like this happens!"
She finally walked away and left you there alone, with Giselle's bottoms and buttplug in your hands. You were completely stunned, as you had never seen a person as upset as you saw her in your life, much less with you. You didn't know what the hell to think, the only thing you felt inside your chest was a great feeling of disappointment towards yourself for having failed Noze.
You went to your room completely collapsed, leaving the objects in the corner of the bed and lying down on it completely dejected. You grabbed your phone, which you hadn't checked in a while. Multiple unread messages.
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You sighed, realizing that Noze had not been the only person you had disappointed today, but also Ryujin. You dedicated yourself to responding to all the messages, leaving Karina and Winter as read.
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When you finished answering the messages, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you simply left your phone on the nightstand and fell asleep with the window of your room open, letting the cold wind accompany you to rest after that bittersweet evening.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 4 - "Do you even know what this means?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
Tim stared at his family with pure exhaustion before letting out a sigh while covering his face with his hands because of the worried looks they were sending him after his long rant.
It had all started with a stupid school project. It was just supposed to be a stupidly simple school project. Did he think of the whole thing as the greatest nonsense project his school has ever come up with? Yes. Did he still do it? Yes. He needed the extra credits, because of some stupid meetings he had missed other projects which was the entire reason he took part in this one.
Maybe he should have tried buying his grade out of it like all the other snobbish rich kids but then he would feel guilty and the moment Alfred found out, he would have to life with the disappointed™ look. Something he really didn't want to deal with. So instead he took part in this stupid ancestry project his school had organized.
But when he had allowed the school to send in his DNA he certainly did not expect the result he got back. Because when he opened the email, he noted that it was addressed to someone named Danny Fenton not Tim Drake, he didn't even read the rest really. That should have been his first warning.
His second warning was when he had hacked into the that DNA testing facility to actually get his results back and then found a note on his data file about a near 100% DNA match to one Danny Fenton which caused them to assumed that Tim was Danny and just had sent in his DNA a second time after, he peaked through his finger onto the screen, 5 years. That should have been his second warning.
But no, Tim had actively ignored all the warnings and decided to dig into who this Danny Fenton was. Because there were so many possibilities of how they could match but only so little to explain the time difference between them sending in the DNA samples. For dear good Tim hoped to all things that there wasn't someone else to have attempted to clone him before Ra, no worse even, he hoped HE wasn't the clone in this situation.
Really he didn't want to add existential crisis to all the problems and cases he already had to deal with.
So what does one do best when they learn there was someone with nearly the same DNA you have? He looked that someone up. So that was what Tim did next. He had spent nights looking up anything he could find, summarizing all the information he found, branching off when he found other concerning stuff and then stewed in some frustration of the incompetence of some people when discovering other facts.
In the end Tim compiled all the data he had found into a 30 slides long power point. That he had presented to his family and was awaiting their reaction. Bruce had grunted earlier and the demon brat had huffed out something in between slight 25 and 26 earlier. Jason had muttered something right at the beginning and Dick had stayed quiet the entire time, so did Cass. Steph hadn't said a thing either and Duke looked just puzzled.
"Do you even know what that means?" Demon brat finally broke the silence, causing Tim's eye to twitch before aggressively pointing to his last slide still on the presenter.
"Yes, I do know what this means. I have listed all possibilities right here if you haven't noticed. And i explained possibility three, four and six on slide-"
"Replacement. I don't think that's what the brat means." Jason cut in and Tim glared at him.
"Timmy, when was the last time you slept?" Dick carefully asked and Tim directed his glare at him.
"I believe Master Timothy hasn't slept for about 72 hours now." Alfred added in with that disapproving stare of him and time looked away stubbornly. How was the amount of sleep he got relevant right now? There was a possibility of him being a clone or someone having cloned maybe even years before he started to follow B around as a kid with a camera.
Bruce let out a sigh and Steph appeared to try to hide a chuckle leaning on Cass shoulder. "He must be lacking sleep if he doesn't see the most obvious possibility considering the time line he presented on slide 18."
"Oh so, I am not the only one thinking he is missing another obvious possibility?" Duke asked and once more Tims eye twitched. Getting fed up with his family, Tim huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at them all.
"And what is it that I am obviously missing?"
"The screenshot of the mail you put in slide 3 stated that it's not a 100% match but 89%. In addition it stated in the last line a suspected possibility of a familiar relation. I am disappointed, Drake. That you would miss something this obvious."
"What?" Tim whirled around going to the slide to reread the mail.
"Considering that I am pretty sure, we don't have any sort of cloning case here Tim." Dick started his voice now slightly laced with Humor and Tim narrowed his eyes at his older brother over his shoulder. "You just discovered that you had a twin, that we probably still go to rescue."
Tim's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. He did not know what to say and before he could even catch up with what his brothers had said Alfred was already behind him pushing him towards the elevator.
"It is time for you to get some sleep Master Timothy. I am sure Master Bruce and the others will be perfectly able to handle the rest of the situation with the information you compiled. You can join them after you have rested."
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bellawoso · 9 months
Ona Batlle x fem!reader
-> Ona being a flustered mess around her ‘cute doctor’
Definition of love at first sight for my darling onita!!
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Ona Batlle hated medics. It wasn’t that she hated them as people, she actually really admired people who dedicated most of their youth studying to help others. What Ona Batlle hated was being treated by medics. During both training and matches Ona would go to extreme measures just to hide an injury so that she wasn’t sent away to ‘waste’ valuable time that she could have been playing football as she says.
However, due to the amount of time she has been caught attempting to hide her pain, Ona’s hate for being seen by medics is infamously known by every player in the Barcelona Femeni team.
So therefore when Ona went down due to a mistimed slide tackle which resulted in someone’s studs harshly connecting with her ribs, Alexia’s ‘hawk eyes’ as Ona calls them, immediately noticed the wince that Ona tried to suppress with every step she took in attempt to ‘walk it off’.
“Off now Ona.”
At hearing this Ona’s eyes widened in shock as she realised she had been caught, everyone including Ona knew that it was useless trying to argue with Alexia, who was the most stubborn player on the team. In attempt to show the captain her annoyance, Ona let out an exaggerated sigh, which was ignored by Alexia, who instead shooed the defender off the pitch.
Ona made a point to walk as slowly as possible off the pitch and shoot a harsh glare at the player who injured her. Ona was annoyed. She had been deeply looking forward to the match against Real Madrid, and was excited to assist Barcelona in keeping their winning streak against them, only to be sent off just 27minutes into the game which she suspected she would have been playing full time for.
When she got to the sidelines the physios told the young spaniard to head to medical room 5 for a scan to check for broken ribs making the brunette internally groan at the possibility of having to miss any more time playing football due to some broken bones.
When Ona eventually arrived at medical room 5, she had a mental battle while staring at a spot on the floor whether she should stay and get checked by a professional or go back to the locker rooms and get a long relaxing shower while it was quiet. However, her train of thoughts was interrupted by the door suddenly clicking open and a soft voice grasping her attention.
“Hello, can I help you?”
Ona was about to reject your offer and return back to the locker rooms, but as she looked up to match a face to the voice, her future words of dismissal died on her tongue.
“Oh- uh, t-the physios. My ribs.”
Ona internally cursed herself at her unusual nervousness and flustered state. She wouldn’t admit it but she also cursed you for making her feel like there were a million butterflies in her stomach, and she prayed that you mistook the blush on her cheeks for a visual of the past half hour she had spent running around the pitch.
“Of course, if you’d like to come in? What’s your name?”
Ona however had stupidly decided to try act casual by taking a large gulp out of her water bottle, but had hurriedly swallowed it in order to not leave your question waiting, which resulted in the brunette entering a coughing and choking fit. You quickly sprung to action and rubbed soothing circles onto the spaniards back until the coughing subsided, and Ona felt the tips of her ears burn as she looked at the ground.
The silence didn’t last for long though, as it was almost instantly interrupted by laughter that filled the air. Ona hated it. Ona was used to making girls laugh after a sarcastic quip she made in a bar, when she flirted her ways into someone’s bed, however Ona was definitely not used to a girl laughing at her, after she had almost basically died due to how much of a blushing mess you reduced her to.
However, as much as Ona hated your laugh, she could not resist the tugging of the corner of her lips at the soft giggles that you emitted. Ona was down bad instantly.
“Hola, soy y/n.” You said with a cheeky grin adorned on your face which made Ona swoon.
The brunette couldn’t help but chuckle at the heavy northern accent coating your words.
“Your pronunciation is terrible.” The defender replied with a smirk of her own.
“As is yours.” You said, but the truth is, Ona’s pronunciation was practically flawless, but she didn’t need to know that.
“No it isn’t, my pronunciation is perfect.” Ona said.
“Arrogance looks good on you.” You replied as you looked into her eyes. As cliché as it sounds, Ona’s eyes were beautiful, a gorgeous deep brown with specks of gold and green littered near her pupils. Little did you know Ona was also admiring your eyes aswell.
After sitting her down on the examination bed and taking some quick x-rays of her ribs, you ruled out the possibility of them being broken, and instead decided to feel the area to see the extent of the bruising.
At the sight of her abs up this close your breath hitched, and you prayed that Ona didn’t hear, on any other day Ona would have noticed and would make an effort to tease you for it, but today Ona was fully focused into trying to not let you see the effect you had on her this close.
At first, Ona relished the addictive feeling of your cold finger tips trailing around the area, but as the gentle touches faded into harsh prodding at the people and blue tinged skin, Ona’s wince became apparent for you.
As soon as you noticed Ona’s discomfort, you were quick to mutter a soft apology, and while Ona thought about her embarrassing first encounter with you, she realised something that she felt like kicking herself for. Ona had forgot to tell you her name.
Of course you knew who Ona Batlle was, your studies the entire team after you scored the job as their personal doctor, but you hoped that asking Ona her name would help you two get to know each other on a personal level.
“Ona.”was all the spaniard uttered quietly.
“What was that?”
“My name. My name is Ona.”
As you looked down at her, you couldn’t help but notice the dozens of freckles littered on her nose, and couldn’t help but smile softly at the defender.
You placed an ice pack onto the bruised area, strapping it to her skin with a bandage, then tugged her shirt back down and Ona took this as her que to sit up and wait for your diagnosis.
“Well Ona I’m happy to say that you have no broken ribs but you do have severe bruising in your ribs so I would recommend sitting out the next match to prevent further injuries, okay?”
Normally Ona would have freaked out at the idea of not being able to play the next match, and would have probably argued with the doctor until they told her she could play. However, with you Ona wanted nothing more than to listen to and respect your judgement. Ona knew she had fallen for you.
As you followed her to the door, the spaniard turned around to see you a last time before she left.
“Bye y/n”
“See you around Ona” You said with a grin.
As Ona walked into the locker room she was shocked to be met with her teammates emerging from the showers and going to get dressed. How much time had she spent with you?
As her teammates noticed her arrival, Ona was immediately faced with questions about her change of opinions on medics, its safe to say that no one actually thought Ona would actually go to the medical room.
Patri immediately came over to her and bombarded her with questions.
“Why did you go to the medics?”
“Are your ribs broken?”
“Why are you happy after returning?”
Fortunately Ingrid came to Ona’s rescue and led the brunette over to where Alexia and Mapi were sat. The two best friends stopped their conversation as soon as Ona neared them, also confused at why Ona actually went to the medic.
“I can’t believe she actually went” Mapi said under her breath.
Unluckily for her, Ona heard.
“I went because they told me to” the defender said with a scowl upon her face. To which Alexia raised a brow in disbelief.
The questioning was soon interupted at the sound of the locker room door bursting open, making the multiple conversations stop.
But upon seeing who entered, Ona wished the ground would open and swallow her whole to save her from the relentless teasing she is bound to receive from the team after this.
There you were, stood at the doorway looking around the room until your eyes made contact with Ona’s and you offered her the same reassuring smile that Ona fell in love with.
You rushed up to the spaniard, only to hold out your hand.
Dammit. Her water bottle.
“Here you forgot this, but try not to choke this time” you said with your signature cheeky grin, before saying “adios” and turning to leave.
“B-bye y/n” Ona said, her flustered state returning at the realisation that her whole team had found out what convinced her to go to the medic, you turned around to shoot her a smile until the sound of the door clicked behind you.
“Because we told you to, huh?” Alexia said with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up, she was cute”
A/N : There will be a part two to this, and hopefully I will have it written by the end of this week! Feel free to send in requests for your favourite footballers! 🤍
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trentsgirl · 8 months
— 🤍 ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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⟡ summary: after being banned from the next match, jude decided to drown his sorrows in alcohol. as you accompanied him on his way home, he shared something with you.
⟡ notes: had this in my drafts over a year and i just had to get it out of there. i thought it was cute, but eh.
⟡ content: friends to lovers because who doesn’t love this trope 🫶🏻, very very fluffy, alcohol mention, jude is stupidly drunk here, reader is sober, around one thousand words, part two?
⟡ streaming: delicate by taylor swift.
⟡ masterlist, part one, part two.
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strolling beside jude, he accidentally collided with you again, causing a burst of laughter that brought a warm smile to your face.
it was clear to anyone seeing jude that he was heavily intoxicated. as a consequence of being banned from the next game, he had decided to indulge in excessive drinking to the point where he could barely walk straight.
your arm was wrapped around his waist, while his rested on your shoulders. the scent of alcohol and the cologne enveloped you, creating a cozy and comforting feeling.
“jude,” you said with a grunt, struggling to maintain your balance. “i can’t keep walking like this... we’re going to end up falling.”
ignoring your concerns, jude continued his unsteady stride. it was only a matter of time before he stumbled, as you had anticipated.
without even attempting to assist him, you let go, aware that his strength would likely drag you down too.
“ow…” he muttered from the ground, resembling the idiot he is. you sighed, silently resolving never to let him consume such excessive amounts of alcohol again.
the streets were relatively empty, given the late hour, for which you were grateful. if anyone caught sight of jude in his current state, he would undoubtedly become the subject of jokes for weeks.
you lowered yourself to his level, feeling the ache in your feet from the heels you had worn all night. noticing a cut on his knee only added to your exasperation.
“jude, sometimes you act like a complete child.” you murmured quietly, helping the man you helplessly adored in supporting back onto his feet.
“knee… blood…” jude weakly pointed out the blood on his knee, his voice slurred and distant, indicating that he was on the verge of passing out. however, you knew you couldn’t take him home without tending to the cut first.
spotting a nearby shop a few steps away, you carefully guided jude and yourself towards it. settling him on a bench outside the shop, you assured him, “i’ll be right back.” not expecting much of a response.
as you turned to leave, jude grabbed your wrist, causing you to look back at him in confusion. his pouting lips and pleading eyes melted your heart, leaving you swooning at the adorable sight.
“don’t leave,” he pleaded, his voice barely audible. “i need you.”
you released a gentle sigh, a soft smile gracing your lips. aware that his intoxicated state might have influenced his words, you still couldn’t help the rapid beating of your hopeless heart.
“i won’t be gone for long, i promise.” you reassured him.
“pinky promise?” he questioned.
a laugh escaped you, causing jude to misconstrue it as mockery. he glared at you, extending his pinky finger and waiting for yours to join.
“alright, alright,” you composed yourself, intertwining your pinky finger with his.
after assuring jude that you would be back in five minutes, you entered the shop and swiftly purchased a pack of adhesive bandages.
unfortunately, the cashier happened to be a new employee and encountered some difficulties with the machine. as a result, when you returned to jude, he was sitting there with crossed arms.
“seven minutes and ten seconds,” he grumbled. “you took too long.”
supressing a laugh, aware that it would only annoy jude further, you sat down beside him on the bench, wearing an apologetic expression. “i’m sorry... but look what i got for you!”
jude’s pout vanished, replaced by sparkling eyes and a wide smile. “kinder bueno!” he exclaimed, swiftly snatching the chocolate from your hand.
taking advantage of his distraction, you carefully applied the bandage to his knee, despite the challenge of his constant twitching and movement.
“all done,” you proudly grinned, discarding the bandage wrappers into the nearby trash bin. “the bleeding has stopped, and i’m sure the cut will heal in a few days as it-”
your words trailed off as you noticed jude gazing at you with an unusual expression in his eyes. it was difficult to discern if it was shock, adoration, or infatuation that filled his gaze.
you looked at jude, puzzled, and asked, “are you okay?”
he took a moment to respond, and when he did, your eyes widened as your heart sank to the pit of your stomach:
“i love you.”
a disbelieving chuckle escaped your lips as you observed your intoxicated best friend. you knew better than to believe his words. after all, he was drunk.
moreover, you were his best friend – it was impossible.
“jude... it’s not funny. please don’t joke about something like that.” you murmured, your voice quiet and uncertain.
you stared at jude with furrowed brows as he vehemently denied, “i’m not joking, y/n. i love you, so much.”
the insistence and urgency in his voice sounded genuine, however, expressing his love while under the influence made it difficult to trust his words.
“jude.” you cautioned, hoping to dissuade him from continuing.
ignoring your warning, he persisted, “i am hopelessly, stupidly in love with you. you mean… everything to me, and i wish i had the courage to ask you out when we first met.”
you despised how easily you fell for his words, yearning for them to be true. countless nights, you prayed for jude to reciprocate your feelings, and now he was speaking what you had always longed to hear.
however, he was shit-faced drunk.
furthermore, whenever jude drank, he would become affectionate and cling to you, so you assumed his behavior was merely a result of alcohol coursing through his veins.
“alright, that's enough,” you announced, regaining your footing. “it’s getting late and you definitely need some rest.”
jude refused to accept your attempts to avoid his emotions. he acknowledged his drunken state, yet his feelings for you were ever present. he was simply too afraid to express them when sober.
he needed to convince you because he wouldn’t play games or deceive you about something like this.
“y/n,” jude pleaded, his desperate tone freezing you in place.
bridging the gap between you, he gently cupped your face with his warm hands, contrasting against your cold skin.
“i know i’m drunk and slur- slurring my words, but please believe me when i say i love you. i’ve loved you since the moment we met.”
you sighed, uncertainty still lingering within you.
“i want to hear you say that when you’re sober, jude,” you murmured softly, gazing deeply into his eyes with uncertainty.
jude could only groan in frustration, regretting every sip he had taken.
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