#Thor Loki
vbecker10 · 1 year
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Extras - Deleted and Extended Scenes
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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
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consulting-ghosts · 10 months
The thing is Loki never wanted a throne. He said that even in Thor 1. He just wanted to be seen as Thor equal, to be loved and respected the same way as his brother. We all know he wasn't in his right mind in Avengers. 
Then he met Mobius, someone who knew all his history and who Loki was and despite that still loved him, respected him and accepted the way he was. It must be scary at the beginning, because after all this bullshit he's been through, how Loki could believe this was true, and not some ploy to hurt him or kill him in the end? With time he started to trust him. 
What's beautiful about their relationship among other things is that Mobius didn't change Loki. He never wanted to, he gave him room to be who Loki wants to be - good or bad. He supported him in whatever Loki did and was there when Loki slowly moved on his way to reach his full potential. 
Now, I make myself cry. 😭😭 If they don't reunite at some point even after a long time I will scream. 
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starsopinions · 11 months
Sylki should have been a sibling relationship
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Loki season 1 starts with Loki from The Avengers, Loki is at a very low point in his life, and he hates himself. I have seen people claiming that he falls in love with himself because he is just such a narcissist, but he doesn't even like himself let alone a different version of himself. He hasn’t had any of the character development of the later movies yet so why would the writers try and give him a romance plot when there is such a good opportunity to have Loki and Sylvie have a sibling relationship which neither of them had growing up. So here is why is think Sylki should have been a sibling relationship.
Sibling relationship
In Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok we see Loki and Thor’s relationship building and slowly getting better but before that and up until The Avengers, they fight all the time and Loki is angry at Odin and Thor. Loki constantly feels left out and, in his own words, lives in Thor’s shadow. So when his life is suddenly uprooted by the TVA and he meets Sylvie, instead of being interested romantically he could instead take her under his wing and have a more sibling-like relationship. He could then see what it is like to have a good relationship with a sibling, in contrast to what his relationship with Thor was like. 
I think this could also work to set up a future reunion between Thor and Loki. Kevin Feige recently said: “But for that meeting to really be fulfilling, we have to get Loki to a certain place emotionally.” I think that this sibling relationship could get him there. He could see what went wrong between him and Thor and see that maybe Thor didn’t always do the right thing but he meant well. Loki would be the ‘older sibling’ in this situation which could help him gain more insight into Thor’s decisions and have a better understanding of them.
I think that, on the flip side, it also works well from Sylvie’s point of view. She barely remembers Asgard or Frigga and probably can’t recall ever having a (good) relationship with Thor. She has been on the run her entire life and has never known real friendship or family. So Loki could teach her what it means to have a family, or they could even discover it together seeing as Loki doesn’t have the best relationship with his family either. Loki could teach her what Frigga taught him and tell her stories about their home (imagine how cute that would be). Sylvie could learn to trust again and experience fun in her life. 
Sylki doesn’t work
Besides this, I also want to shine some light on why I think that Sylki, as a romantic relationship, does not work. As I said earlier, Loki is at a really low point in his life and it doesn’t make sense to give him a romantic interest because he has issues and he desperately needs some character development which is just blatantly ignored in favour of this romantic storyline. But even his romantic interest doesn’t seem to be ready for any romance in her life. Sylvie has barely had the chance to see what life is like and it seems such a weird choice to immediately jump into something romantic without her getting the chance to live. There is also the argument that these characters may not be ready for love but that sometimes it is just there, no matter if you are ready or not. But I don’t agree with that because these aren’t real people, there are writers who can 100% decide what happens. So I think they should get that character development that they need through their sibling relationship. 
I think something else that has been bothering me is that it is kind of, maybe, possibly incest. I know the lines of that are blurry because obviously, we have never seen something like this before in real life so it’s hard to judge, I do understand if anyone else doesn’t think it is weird, but it just doesn't sit right with me. I also think the show writers realised this and that’s why Sylvie isn’t named Loki and she doesn’t look like Loki at all and all that makes it even weirder.
Another issue I have with this couple is that, in my opinion, they just aren’t that cute together. They don’t have any romantic chemistry and all their bonding seems more sibling-like rather than anything else. Take for instance season 1, episode 3. They are on Lamentis and they are fighting over the TemPad (around 6:30 if you want to watch it back), their bickering and taunts seem so sibling-like. Another example is season 1, episode 4. They are both captured and are about to meet The Time-keepers (around 35:00). The way Sylvie checks in on Loki, I just don’t see them as a couple they act like siblings. Even the iconic blanket sharing moment (S1, ep 5 30:00), the awkwardness and the way Loki tries to take care of Sylvie. To me, it just seems like an older brother trying to take care of Sylvie. 
And on top of all of that, I think there is one more point left to make. There is a much more suitable match for Loki right there, and it’s Mobius! But like I said, I think Loki needs some character development before he is truly ready for an actual relationship. Especially because this show is about Loki and a part of that is that he is bisexual and genderfluid which isn’t explored at all in the show so I think it would be cool to see him coming out as bisexual in season 1 and slowly growing comfortable around Mobius. I think it would fit the themes of the show well and a good slow burn is always welcome in my book. Also, did y’all see the way Loki searched for Mobius in season 2, episode 1? Because that’s the kind of chemistry I’m missing in Sylki!! 
I’m very excited to see where they will take us with Loki season 2. I think so far (2 episodes in) they are doing an amazing job with storytelling, comedy and cinematography and as always Tom, Sophia and the rest of the cast have been absolutely killing it!! Let me know if you agree with me and don’t forget to maybe reblog and like and all that fun Tumblr stuff :) 
Disclaimer: This is no hate at all to anyone who worked on the show! I am a huge fan but these are just my opinions! :D
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gamoraaaaaa · 10 months
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iliveunderarock · 2 years
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ninarobinson-author · 2 years
Odin’s Hypocrisy Translated
Odin to Loki: “Everywhere you go there is war, murder and death.”
My commentary: Hypocrite much!
Odin: “All this, because Loki desires a throne.”
My commentary: He says this while sitting on the throne of privilege himself while Loki is in the chains of slavery.
Loki: “It is my birthright.”
My commentary: Like I said, Odin dangled the glory of rulership over his head while pitting Loki and Thor against each other for it.
Odin: “Your birthrighT, was to DIE! …as a child. Cast out on a frozen rock.”
Translation: I was going to kill you when you were a mere baby and I regard your home realm as nothing more than a “frozen rock.” Again, hinting at my racism and lack of remorse for the genocide of your people.
Odin to Loki: “If i had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.”
Translation: If I had just murdered you when you were a baby then you would not be here now exposing my lies to everyone and making me look like an unsuitable king and abusive kidnapping monster.
Odin to Loki: “Frigga is the only reason you’re still alive and you will never see her again.”
Translation: Unlike me, Frigga is remorseful for lying to you and I must keep her happy or else she may go rogue and expose me for who I really am to the Asgardian people and I don’t want to lose my throne of power and control.
Odin to Loki: “You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeon.”
Translation: I can’t kill you so this is the second best option, hide my victim in the dungeon or else he cries “me too” and my rulership is threatened.
Loki to Odin: “And what of Thor, you will make that witless oaf king as I rot in chains?”
My commentary: Yes of course! Thor is his only son and Odin is too narcissistic to let the Asgardian people live free without rulership, the people must be under the thumb of the Odinson bloodline.
Odin to Loki: “Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done, and will bring order to the nine realms, and then yes, he will be king.”
Read the full article Loki’s Injustice: A Case Against Odin at Villainism.com
Written by Nina Robinson author of Villainism: A Villain’s Transformation
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dreambunnyangel · 2 years
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Inktober day 10, Loki - Cube
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anjouuuu-e · 2 years
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Based on a scene Loki and Thor had HDHDHS.
Sketch and I’m not sure if I’ll color it but anyway!! I had a strong urge to get this down cause when I saw the scene on my reels on ig I just thought it just describes what their sibling dynamic sort of looks like LOL
With this kind of scene I can just imagine the two of them reuniting after over 10 years because they have something they need to achieve that can’t be done without the presence of the other. I don’t imagine this kind of scene to be the first time they’ve seen each other again tho HAHaA, but a time they wished they didn’t have to see each other again 🤣
Also, throwing a shoe at his own defenseless brother might seem harsh but it could have been a whole lot worse considering what he did to Caine HAHA
Ocs and art belong to me
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k-writer17 · 2 years
“Valentine's Day.
The worst day of the year...for you anyways.
Everyone you see is all lovey dovey with each other as they stare at each other with love filled eyes.
It made you want to throw up.
Okay maybe your overreacting a little but it's just not nice to be single on Valentine's Day.
This doesn't mean your going to ruin it for everyone else...”
Is your dream man going to sweep you off your feet or will valentines end bad for everyone?
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vbecker10 · 1 year
Moving Day
Pairing: Loki x female reader (established relationship)
Warnings: kind of smutty (haha as close as I've gotten at least so don't get mad at me), fluff, brothers being brothers, forced brotherly bonding, annoying friends, nothing bad really... should be a fun one I hope (except for the ending possibly lol... there had to be angst somewhere)
Summary: You and Loki have been together for over a year and you are excited to be moving from your small, SHIELD agent quarters in the Tower to his much larger apartment on the Avenger's floor. Loki is looking forward to spending the day alone with you but you've decided to use the downtime between missions as an opportunity to force him and Thor to spend some 'quality time' together. After a few unexpected helpers drop by, you are finally able to get started moving your things into your new place while the two Asgardians bond (hopefully).
A/N: I was reading through some of my longer fic, Shadows of the Past, and I thought this chapter would be a fun little oneshot. I reworked it so you don't need to know anything else about the story to read it (and there is an additional character who isn't in the other version). If you do like it though... it is chapter 42 and the link to the rest of the fic is here Shadows of the Past (work in progress)
Dividers by: @harlequin-hangout
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Loki walks into your bedroom and places a few empty boxes on the ground by the door but you don't notice him. You're facing the bed when he quietly comes up behind you, putting his arms around your waist as he gently rests his chest against your back. His touch breaks into your wandering thoughts and you place your hands over his.
"So... what are you thinking about, darling?" he asks, kissing the side of your neck softly and you relax into him.
You think for a moment before you answer, knowing Loki might worry if you tell him the truth but you've never been able to lie to him. You can't help but let a soft moan escape you when you realize he isn't waiting for an answer, he came into your room with a very different agenda in mind. His lips continue to travel up and down your neck slowly, making sure he doesn't miss a single inch of skin while one of his hands begins to slide up from your waist. You forget he had even asked you a question as you lean back against his chest and close your eyes.
His lips move to the base of your neck and you abruptly turn to face him just as his hand stats to massage your breast over your t-shirt. Wrapping your arms around his neck loosely, his hands settle on your lower back, keeping you close to him.
"You can't ask me a question and then do things like that," you giggle as you look up at him.
"Why not?" he asks with an innocent expression and when you roll your eyes he presses his lips to yours. You give into his kiss as his tongue moves against yours. You feel him smile when you run your fingers up and down his back. He bites your bottom lip lightly before releasing your lips and you look up at him.
"See... now I have no idea what you asked me," you tell him honestly with a smile.
"What were you thinking about?" he asks again.
"Oh," you say and he loosens his hold of you slightly. "Nothing, it's stupid," you tell him with a shrug but you can tell by the look he gives you that he isn't going to accept that answer.
"I just..." you try to find the right words. "I mean, this is the first place I've ever had that was just mine. I know I don't own it and it's just the standard SHIELD housing all the other agents get too but... it's still my first place." You look around the room briefly then back up at Loki, his smile missing from his lips.
"Are you rethinking moving in with me?" he asks quietly.
"No! No, of course not," you tell him, touching his check softly and he nods. Even after two years you could tell he worried you would betray him or leave him like he thought everyone else in his life has done. "You know I couldn't be more excited to live with you right?" you ask and he nods again but this time his smile returns. "Is just that this is a big change for me. I moved in here right after I graduated from college so I guess I'm going to miss it a bit... I have so many great memories here, with my friends and with you," you tell him, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
"Speaking on fond memories here," he starts, "Do you know what my favorite memory in this apartment is?" he asks you and shake your head, unsure of whether his answer will be about one of the numerous times the two of you made love in the various rooms or if it will be genuinely sweet. "When you were trying to teach me how to make pasta and you 'accidentally' admitted you had a crush on me."
You laugh and playfully hit him in the chest, "You tricked me into telling you that."
He pretends to be offended and says, "I didn't trick you. I simply asked a serious of very well thought out questions. How was I to know it would actually work?"
"Mmhmm," you hum in response, crossing your arms but still letting him hold you loosely. "You know... you could have at least told me you liked me too. Did you really need to wait almost a week to ask me out afterwards? I nearly died of embarrassment."
He smiles but doesn't answer, you sigh mildly annoyed at the fact that he will probably never explain to you what took him so long. Instead, he closes the small space that had slowly grown between the two of you and you uncross your arms as he leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back, running your fingers through his long curls. His fingers grip your hips tightly and he picks you up suddenly causing you to gasp in surprise but he keeps his lips sealed to yours, kissing you deeply. You wrap your legs around him, one arm still around his neck while you pull his hair with your other hand and he bites your lip in response. Loki moves to the foot of the bed and drops you carefully onto your back. He looks down at you with a smile you know means you're not leaving this bed any time soon. Your legs dangle off the edge and you begin to move towards the pillows. 
“Where do you think you're going?” he chuckles. He grabs you by your ankles and easily pulls you back to him, you giggle with nervous excitement. Loki kneels on the edge of the bed then he positions himself on top of you. His lips quickly find yours again as you feel his body press you into the soft mattress. Your fingers coil through his hair as his kisses trail down your jaw, neck and collar bones. Your back arches to meet his lips as he kisses every inch of skin on your check that is exposed by the deep v neck of your t- shirt. One of his hands is next to your head, gripping the sheet and supporting him, while the other finds the hem of your t-shirt. He slowly slides his hand up your stomach, his fingers causing goosebumps to form as they move under your shirt.
You hear three sharp knocks at the front door to your apartment and your grip on the back of Loki's shirt tightens. "Loki?" you try to get his attention but he presses his hips down against yours and continues to kiss your neck as if he hasn't heard the person waiting at your door. You bite your lip to quiet a moan as Loki slides your shirt higher, his fingers moving steadily upwards.
"Ignore it, love," he whispers and you can't help but nod, his lips barely touching your ear. You forget about your visitor when Loki's lips meet yours again, one of your hands moves down his back to his ass and he chuckles against your mouth when you squeeze his cheek.
Two more loud knocks break your focus from Loki. His lips leave your skin as he sits up, his attention shifting to the one responsible for interrupting his time with you. "Who in the nine realms could that possibly be?" he asks, not expecting you to answer. You look away, avoiding any eye contact with the annoyed God above you. He looks down at you, surprised to see you aren't as upset about being disturbed as he is. "Y/N?" he asks, slowly tilting your face so you are looking directly up at him and you smile nervously.
"I... um... I invited your brother over," you mumble from underneath his large frame.
He looks at you in shock and at the sound of two more knocks, he groans loudly. He drops his head down on the bed next to yours and you stifle a laugh at how cute he looks when he is annoyed.
"Come on," you rub his back lightly and he lifts his head just enough to look at you. "It could be fun," you say hopefully.
He sighs in response, clearly not believing you and if you were being honest, you weren't sure if you believed that either. This had the potential to be a great experience for both of them or a complete and utter disaster.
Loki moves so he is sitting on the edge of the bed, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed tight. You climb off the bed, fixing your hair and adjusting your t-shirt as you stand in front of Loki. He opens his eyes and you lean down to kiss him lightly, a smile begin to creep across his lips and you quickly take a step back. He reaches out, catching you easily around the waist and pulls you back to him.
"Tell him to leave," Loki urges with a smirk as he looks up, one hand remains around your waist while the other strokes your cheek.
He runs his fingers under your chin and brings your lips to his and you feel yourself giving into him once again. With his arm still holding your waist, he lifts you onto his lap and then he tries to pull you with him back onto the bed. You break the kiss and put your hands on his shoulders to separate yourself from him. You smile while shaking your head at his attempt to continue where he left off.
You wanted nothing more in this moment then to tell Thor to go away and let Loki take you on your bed one more time before you move but you had a plan and you needed to stick to it. He would just have to be patient and wait until the move was finished and his brother leaves to continue. A part of you was very excited about the idea that Loki would more be desperate for you all day. That hadn't originally been a part of your plan but it wasn't something you were going to complain about. You knew from past experiences, the more frustrated you made Loki during the day, the longer your night was going to be when he was finally able to have you. You smile to yourself as you think it was a good thing you had taken off from work tomorrow. It was still early but based on the way the day was progressing, you were going to need your rest after tonight.
He groans in defeat, letting go of you as he lays on the bed with his hands over his face. "Don't be so dramatic Mischief," you laugh, taking one of his hands and pulling him to a seated position. "It wouldn't kill you to be nice to your brother for a few hours."
"No, but I might very well kill him," he suggests and you sigh as you leave your bedroom, checking over your shoulder to make sure he is following you. You walk quickly through the living room as Thor knocks again. You had to give it to him, the God of Thunder was persistent.
“Hey Thor, sorry about that. We didn't hear you knocking. Come on in,” you say with a welcoming smile.  
"Ah, I will have to remember to knock louder next time,” he replies.
"Wonderful," Loki says sarcastically as he leans on the wall next to the couch, his arms crossed tightly.
You ignore Loki's mood and so does his older brother. "Thanks for coming," you tell him.
"Of course. Always glad to help," he replies happily as he gives you a hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground.
“Careful not to crush her, brother” Loki says protectively from behind you and Thor sets you down. Before you can say anything to either of them, there is another series of loud knocks and you quickly make eye contact with Loki. He looks more annoyed than he did when Thor entered, if possible and you shrug to let him know you don't know who it is either.
"Uh, hi Steve," you say when you open the door again.
Steve gives you a quick hug and you take a step back so he can come into your apartment. “Thor told me you were moving today and we figured you could use the extra hands,” he says cheerfully, Thor pats him on the back before taking a seat on your couch.
"Um, yea this is great. Thanks," you force a smile as you start to close the door. You hear footsteps down the hall and poke your head out to see Sam and Bucky slowly coming towards your apartment. You open the door wide and take a step out to meet them, "What are you guys doing here?"
"There are more of them?" Loki asks in no one in particular as he throws his hands up.
Sam walks past you into your room with a small almost apologetic wave while Bucky explains, “Steve made us come."
Steve rolls his eyes at Bucky and you laugh a little at his honesty. "Is anyone else coming?" you ask Steve nervously as you close the door.
"There better not be," Loki says sternly.
"Nope, just us," Steve answers, either unaware of how much he is annoying Loki with his presence or not caring.
You look around your living room at Thor who has made himself at home on your couch with his feet on your coffee table, Loki leaning against the wall near his brother, grinding his teeth so harshly you can almost hear it and your three friends standing by your door. “Wow... so I have two Gods," you point at the brothers making Thor smile and Loki roll his eyes again, "Two super soldiers," you count Bucky and Steve who gives you a thumbs up, "And-"
"And Sam," Bucky finishes for you with a smile, obviously pleased with himself.
"Right... and Sam," you laugh as Sam hits Bucky in the left arm, regretting it instantly. "My point is, I'm just moving from one floor to another and I've got a ton of help," you tell them.
“Surely one God is more than enough,” Loki insists with a wide smile as he walks over to you, his arms stretched out dramatically.
You walk into his waiting arms and kiss his cheek, whispering to him, “It's going to be fun, I promise."
“What would be fun is finishing what we started before my idiot brother and the others showed up,” he replies, his hand quickly moves to cup your backside and he squeezes it causing you to gasp then playfully hit his hand away.
“We can do that tonight, in our place,” you tell him and he sighs knowing once you have set your mind to something, there is little he can do to change it.
The room is quiet for a moment then Steve asks “So... what do you need us to do?” awkwardly as he claps his hands together. 
“Leave,” Loki answers immediately, waving vaguely towards the door and you put your hand over his mouth.
"Sounds good to us," Bucky agrees with a shrug and Sam opens the door to the hallway but Thor doesn't move from his seat on the couch.
“He’s just kidding,” you tell them as Loki licks your hand causing you to pull it away quickly, he winks in response and you roll your eyes but can't help letting out a slight laugh. It wasn't the first time he licked you but he didn't usually do it around the team and it was typically in a less joking manner.
"Get back here," Steve closes the door, keeping Sam and Bucky from leaving. "You guys said you were happy to help Y/N out today," he reminds them.
"That's not even close to what we said," Sam replies as he shakes his head.
"We said we were happy to not have to go on a ten mile run with you this morning," Bucky corrects Steve.
“There isn’t a lot to move honestly, I think this should be pretty quick,” you promise everyone with a forced smile and no one replies.
Thor breaks the silence by getting up and hugging you again, he says, "Well I'll help you with whatever you need. I'm just so happy for the two of you. Moving in together is a big step in any relationship.” He sets you down and turns his attention towards Loki who takes a step backwards from his brother. For a second, you think Thor might actually catch him in a hug but the God of Mischief is just quick enough, narrowly avoiding his outstretched arms at the last second. 
You laugh as you watch them together. They might not be related by blood but there is no doubt in your mind that they are brothers. 
"I don't see why you need to make such a fuss," Loki tells Thor. "Y/N has spent almost every night at my place since we started dating. Most of her clothes and a fair amount of her belongings are already there."
"That's the whole point," you explain and Loki looks at you. "It was your place, but now it'll be our place."
"I understand that, darling, but I'm still not giving anyone a hug over it," Loki mumbles as he keeps his distance from Thor.
"I always knew he was the sentimental type," Sam says sarcastically to Bucky but when Loki glares at him he steps slightly behind Steve.
"Oh, don't look at him like that," you tell Loki and he looks down, putting his hands in his pockets. Sam steps out from behind Steve. "You and I both know you're excited about me moving in with you," you say with your hands on your hips.
"Of course I am excited," he agrees, "But I would be more excited if this whole experience hadn't turned into a team building exercise."
You put your arms around his neck and look up at him, "Look at it this way, the more help we have the faster I can move and the sooner we will be alone." You wink at the word 'alone' and he smiles.
"Very well," he tells you and you pull back, smiling up at him. You kiss his cheek quickly and take his hand as you decide what everyone should help with.
"Ok..." you think. "I guess Steve and Bucky, you guys can pack up the kitchen. Sam, you can help me out here in the living room," they all nod but Loki raises an eyebrow as he waits for you to tell him what you need him to do. "Loki, you and Thor can finish up in the bedroom. Most of my clothes are upstairs already but there are still some things in the back of the closet that need to be boxed up." Thor slaps Loki on the back cheerfully and everyone splits up to their assigned spaces.
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You glance uncomfortably at the closed door to your bedroom while you place the picture frames Sam hands you into a box. At first the door had been left open but about fifteen minutes into packing, Thor closed it. He didn't slam it, he didn't shut it hard, he just calmly closed it without a word to anyone. For the first few minutes after it was closed, you found yourself waiting anxiously for Loki to open the door and storm out of the room or for the screaming to start but nothing happened. You weren't sure if the quiet made you more or less worried but you hoped that meant they were finally talking, you didn't even care what they were talking about just as long as it didn't lead to a fight.
You make sure to flash a bright smile when Bucky and Steve walk into the living room with four boxes from the kitchen. You were thankful for the extra help of course but your plan was to use today as a means of literally forcing the two brothers together, even if it killed one of them. You hated that the only time they spent together outside of missions was to train a few hours a week. They only spoke during training sessions to criticize each other or to gloat. As soon as the session was over, they went their separate ways because if they were together any longer, they would begin fighting.
Despite what Loki may think, you know Thor still cares for his younger brother the same way he always had, before they found out Laufey was his real father, before he fell from the Bifrost, before Thanos manipulated him into attacking New York. Thor had told you how he felt about Loki one horribly long night several months ago.
Loki had been badly injured during a failed mission and remained unconscious even after he had been brought back to the Tower. Thor waited with you by Loki’s bedside in the infirmary until he finally woke up the next morning. You held Loki's hand waiting for him to open his eyes while Thor told you stories about how close they had been as children. He smiled broadly as he recounted the numerous pranks he had been the victim of and the dozens of spells that had been practiced on him.
The next day, you thanked Thor for sitting with you but you told him it made you sad to think that they had grown so far apart in such a few years. A part of you worried that Loki would keep pushing Thor further and further away until his older brother finally gave up and left.
Thor smiled at you and told you never needed to worry about that happening. He put his hand on your shoulder and said, "I will always be here for Loki, whether he wants me to be or not. He will always be my brother."
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"Do you think this is a good idea?" Sam asks as he takes down the last picture that was hanging over your couch. You stare blankly at him, having been too lost in your thoughts to hear his question the first time.
He asks again and this time you answer. "I'm honestly not sure but I hope so," you reply nervously.
Steve and Bucky place the boxes full of pots, pans and cooking utensils by your front door. Loki had a much larger kitchen then you did but the only time he used it was to make himself tea.
"I think it's a great idea, Y/N," Steve says optimistically. "What could possibly go wrong?"
Bucky sighs loudly, "They could end up trying to kill each other and destroy half the Tower in the process."
"My money is definitely on Loki," Sam says without looking away from the box he is sealing up but he turns when he feels everyone looking at him. "What? Oh come on, Loki is scary as hell."
Bucky shrugs, neither agreeing or disagreeing with him. Steve nods and says, "You make an interesting point and he does seem to be in a bit of a mood today."
"Yeah, because he's usually so excited to see all of us," Bucky says as he sits on the couch. Steve takes a seat next to him and Sam places the box he is done with on top of the pile they had started.
"Hmm..." Steve thinks. "I think I would have to go with Thor, in a fight between them I mean. Especially if he had Mjolnir." He mimics swinging the hammer and Sam laughs as you sit on the floor by the box you are filling with books. You try to ignore them as you feel a headache beginning to form.
"Yea, hopefully we'll have enough time to duck if Thor calls for it otherwise it'll take us out when it comes flying through here," Bucky adds.
"The good news is, it doesn't sound like they are fighting... Unless Loki just used his magic to turn Thor into a house plant or something," Sam jokes.
"Do you think he could actually do that?" Steve wonders and Bucky puts his hand over his face.
"Ok, you guys know what?" you interrupt them and they all look over at you. "This isn't actually helping," you tell them, rubbing your eyes as your headache thumps.
"Sorry about that Y/N," Steve says sheepishly and the others nod.
"We'll bring these upstairs for you," Sam says.
The three of them pick up all the boxes stacked by the door and leave, closing the door quietly behind them. You get up from where you are sitting next to your bookshelf and walk slowly over to your bedroom door. Leaning against it carefully, you try to hear what is going on inside. The door swings open just as your ear touches the wood and you stand up straight, trying to act like you weren't trying to eavesdrop. You giggle nervously as Thor looks down at you with a smile.
"He's all yours," he says, walking past you with two large boxes and a duffel bag.
You close the door slightly at you go inside and see Loki closing the drawers on your now empty dresser. "Hi Mischief," you say, testing his mood as you walk over to him.
He turns and smiles at you, "Hello love."
"So... it looks like you didn't turn your brother into a houseplant," you say, pointing over your shoulder towards where your had gone.
"I would never do that," he responds seriously then with a smirk he adds, "I did turn him into a frog a few times when we were children though."
"You did what!?" you ask in disbelief and he laughs, taking a seat on your bed which has been stripped down to just the mattress.
"Don't worry, the effects never lasted very long," he explains and you sit next to him.
He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him, you rest your head on his shoulder. You sit quietly for a moment, he lets go of your waist and slowly runs his fingers up and down your back, you can feel your headache slipping away as you relax. "So does this mean you aren't mad at me for leaving you alone with Thor?" you ask.
He shakes his head then says, "I'm not." You don't say anything in the hopes that he will tell you what happened and after a minute or two he takes a deep breath. "Thor told me that you are worried the distance growing between us."
You nod and sit up so you can look at him, taking his hand. He admits, "I was worried too. We used to talk about anything but ever since Laufey and Thanos, it's been hard if not impossible at times."
"I thought..." he pauses for a second, "I assumed he blamed me for having to leave Asgard. I had been under the impression that he was being forced to stay here in order to watch over me but he said he chose to stay so I wouldn't be alone."
He shakes his head and looks down at the floor, you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you. "I'm so glad you two talked and were honest with each other," to tell him with a smile.
"We still have more to talk about but I feel optimistic for the first time in a years," he says, "I don't know how to thank you for this. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too," you tell him then you lean forward and kiss him. He kisses you back, his hand resting lightly on your cheek and his other hand moves to your waist. You giggle against his lips as he pulls you effortlessly onto his lap. You run your fingers through his hair and continue to kiss him as he lays back on the bed, pulling you with him.
You sit up quickly at the sound of two sharp knocks on your partial closed bedroom door. You look over your shoulder and see Thor standing in the doorway looking anywhere but at you. "Um..." he says, "We finished bringing everything upstairs."
"Thanks Thor," you answer. "We'll be right up."
He closes the door and you laugh as you try to get up but Loki keeps his arms around you. You kiss his nose and he groans, "To be continued?" You smile and nod as you get up.
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"Thanks for all your help guys!" you say to everyone as you place the last empty box in the pile by the door. You still can't believe how quickly packing and unpacking went, especially when Loki decided to use his magic to try and hurry the process along. He barely had to flick his wrist and all of the kitchenware was neatly organized in the cabinets.
You ask them, "Is anyone hungry? I can order some food if you want."
Loki shakes his head and says, "Haven't they been here long enough, love?"
You roll your eyes but smile again as Bucky answers, "I could always go for pizza."
"Same," Sam agrees, raising his hand unnecessarily.
"I would never turn down food," Thor says.
"Oh, pizza sounds good," Steve smiles, throwing himself into Loki's reading chair in the corner. Thor and Bucky make themselves comfortable on the couch and Sam drags over a chair from the dining room to the coffee table.
Loki comes behind you and puts his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest. "You know if you feed them, they will never leave," he whispers as he kisses just below your ear. You laugh and you look up, giving him your most charming smile. "Very well," he gives in, "Pizza it is."
"Coming right up," you say, kissing Loki's cheek as you free yourself from his long arms.
You pick up your phone from the coffee table and look up the number for your favorite place. You ask your friends what toppings they want and while they are discussing it Steve’s phone goes off. At the same time Sam and Bucky's phones goes off as well as Thor and Loki's. All five of them take out their phones and read the message, the smiles gone from their faces.
“This can’t be good,” you put your phone down and walk over to Loki.
Thor shakes his head, then he stands up from his seat on the couch, “It's not. I'm sorry Y/N, we have to go.”
"Please be safe," you tell them, giving each of your friends a hug as they leave. "I love you," you whisper to Loki as he hugs you tightly.
He kisses you then runs his fingers down your cheek lightly. "I love you too. I will be back soon," he promises you and you force a smile as he closes the door, leaving you standing alone in your shared apartment.
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bombdotcomshop · 2 years
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I took these photos of my Valkyrie necklace before the movie came out, but I love how closely they ended up capturing the Love & Thunder aesthetic 😁
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everwalldigan · 1 month
(Dick coming to collect Jason after he’s been “wrongfully” captured by the justice league while Batman is off world:)
Dick: Listen, Hood might be a criminal, but he’s one of Gotham’s. And he’s my brother.
JL: he killed 80 people in two days.
Dick: …he’s adopted?
Jason, glaring while bound to a chair: SO ARE YOU???
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stevenrogered · 11 months
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THOR (2011) / LOKI 2x06 (2023)
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
The Avengers 2012 era was the best time ever in the fandom
Thor loves pop tarts, Clint lived in the vents, Bruce and Tony did science together, Steve was the mom friend of the team and did art in his free time, Natasha was cool aunt of the team, Loki was there too and a bunch of other characters like Peter, Sam, Bucky, Vision and Wanda all lived in the Avengers tower together
It was a much simpler time where everyone in the fandom was chill and having fun together
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iliveunderarock · 2 years
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more of the precious little green bean😘
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lousysharkbutt · 2 months
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patreon request!
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