#Treats her like shit every time he's in a pissy mood but even he has to acknowledge that
aingeal98 · 9 months
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Thinking about the stephcass first meeting again.
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Sinclair Brothers Au X Reader (F)
Highschool Au with the Sinclair Brothers. Fluff and Angst. Bo mentions sexual stuff but in a joking manner.
They have a crush on you while you're dating someone else.
SFW, Fluff, and Angst.
Bo Sinclair - Female Reader dating Lester
He hated this. His stinky, stupid little brother just had to bring his girlfriend over. You’re supposed to be his girlfriend. You just never got the memo.
Lester had the biggest smile on his face as you and him sat next to each other at the dinner table. Vincent wasn’t paying attention, too engrossed in his gumbo and comic book while Bo sat there shooting daggers at his brother. Thank god Bo is always in a pissy mood around his family, they thought nothing of his sneer.
Bo watched with fury whenever he caught Lester leaning in close to you. His brown eyes look at you with adoration. Could tell when Lester ran his hand up and down your thigh, thinking he was being slick. Amateur.
“Y’know, Y/N, ever since you’ve started dating Les, he’s been showering. See Trudy, told ya it’d take a girlfriend to get him to act human.” Lester went bright red and looked down in embarrassment.
“Victor! What you mean is it’s nice to see Lester so happy he’s just showing us all just how happy.” Trudy knew what Victor said was right, just it broke her heart to see Lester’s face fall at his words.
“Let’s hope it lasts,” Victor mumbled.
“It won’t,” replied Bo.
“Beauregard! Can you not?” Trudy fumed. Bo stood up from the table not wanting to be a part of the awkward tension that was dinner. He stole a glance at you as he walked away. He swore he saw it, that look. The look of “Please don’t leave.”
He lied in bed, not wanting to listen to your laughter downstairs, Lester singing your praises, how you both planned on going out Friday night for another date. Fuck.
That night it was Vincent who went to Check up on Bo. Your Twin will just know when something is off.
“She looked at me, y’know. I could read her eyes. She didn’t want me away from her.” Bo said with a smug knowing tone. Vincent shook his head and signed,
“She probably felt bad, felt awkward, it was her first time here.”
“Ya, well, let’s hope it’s her last.”
Vincent turned towards the door. He slumped his shoulders. Bo took in what Vincent was staring at. His stupid stinky little brother. Lester’s eyes, usually so vibrant, were downcast, a little glossy even.
“...Just because you hate her, Bo…” Lester couldn’t finish before he walked away from his older brothers, cursing himself for not sticking up for you.
Vincent gave Bo a knowing look and left.
Bo stewed on his bed, remembering when he first fell for you. Mrs. Power had partnered you up in science class. Bo wasn’t the best partner, he never did the work but he sure could make you laugh. When you first laughed at one of his jokes, be it from genuine humor or just being nice, Bo fell in love.
Then why didn’t he ask you out? Why did he have to date those other girls instead of you? Would be an ass to you in front of his friends but sweet on ya when it was just you and him. Why did Lester have to bug him at his lockers? Lester had immediately taken a shine to you right then and there. Why did you have to fall for his stupid stinky little brother, the one who used axe body spray like a shower? The weird one who collected roadkill and was friends with the employees at the dump.
How in the hell could his brother think he hated you. You. Warm, funny, kind you.
Bo doesn’t hate you. He wishes he did...
Lester Sinclair - Female Reader dating Metalhead Vincent
Lester made his way to Bo’s truck. Dodging past his peers and moving cars, Bo always parked the furthest away in the student parking lot. He wanted his car right at the exit so he could get the hell out of school asap.
“Hey, Bo!”
“Hey, Rat boy.”
“Don’t fuckin’ call me that.”
“What? You are our Rat boy.” Lester hated his brother. But he was Lester’s ride home so he never pushed a disagreement too far.
The two stood in awkward silence just waiting. Bo broke the silence with a huff. “The Freak is probably three deep in her right now.” Normally Lester would laugh at such a crude remark but it involved you. He didn’t want to treat you as some faceless girl the guys joked about being ‘loose’
“That freak better hurry up, he has a doctor’s app in an hour. And Dad likes it when a patient gets there early. Crotchety old man…”
Lester just stood there, remembering the last skin graft surgery and how the skin didn’t take to Vincent at all. Vincent tried his best to hide the pain, the physical and mental, but late one night he could hear his brother sobbing a room away.
“You know since he started dating, Y/N, he’s been less nervous about these appointments. Fine by me, I can’t stand when his ass gets all moppy.”
Lester knew what Bo meant. Bo got just as nervous as Vincent and vice versa. It was some weird twin thing they shared.
“There’s the fucker!” Bo pointed you and Vincent out. Lester had seen you and Vincent countless times together and every time he saw you both it felt like the first time all over again. That twist in his gut and pain in his throat. He remembers the first time he saw you with Vincent. You were acting all shy around Vincent’s metalhead buddies. They kept patting Vincent on the back,
“Good job, man!”
“Didn’t think you’d get a cute one.”
“Hey, Y/N, got any friends?”
Vincent wore his wax facial prosthetic covering most of his face but Lester knew that his brother was as red as a tomato.
Lester remembers meeting you in geography class. In the same group tasked to map out the local park. You and Lester buddied up, mapping the wooded trail. “Oh, Lester look, frog bones!” You quickly covered your mouth, embarrassed at pointing out something so weird but Lester fell in love. A girl into vulture culture? Perfect. You and Lester looked around for more bones, finding none. You handed him the frog skull. “Here, a memento of this weird day.” You smiled as you said it, Lester knowing you wanted to say more but fear of sounding sappy took over you.
Lester should have known it was the beginning of the end of the night you stopped by to drop off his assignments after he had been sick with mono. Instead of Lester at the door greeting you, it was his long hair, covered in judas priest-like stud bracelets and, Metallica shirt-wearing brother.
“Hi, Vincent! Huh, these are for Lester, do you mind giving these to him?” Lester wanted to scream out to you but with his groggy state wouldn’t allow it. He had no idea what Vincent was attempting to say to you, Vincent could speak but it was horse and quiet. Lester fell back asleep, your laughter from downstairs should have been soothing, should have made him feel better, but knowing it was because of Vincent…
You and Vincent were hand in hand making your way to Bo’s truck. Bo wore a straight face while Lester hid his disdain. “Hey, Lester!” You shouted with a smile! Damn it, Lester tried to hide his blush, he turned his head around to make sure you didn't catch it.
“Y/N, wanna ride home? If so, hurry up, Candle Head has an appointment.”
Vincent flipped Bo off and helped you into the truck. You snuggled together in the back seat of the car, Vincent nuzzling into your hair and murmuring sweet nothings.
Bo gave Lester a look, smirking at Lester’s scowling.
Vincent grumbled as Bo pulled up to your place. He tapped Bo on the shoulder and Bo nodded, understanding his brother without words.
Vincent walked you to your door, his large hand holding yours. You kept looking up to Vincent, smiling and giggling.
“Les, you can stop scowling.” Said Bo.
Lester grumbled.
“If it helps you, do it for now. Just learn to get over it. Vincent has never been happier. When Candle Head is happy, I feel it. When he’s sad, I feel it. So just let Vincent have this. Besides, you chickened out on asking her.”
Lester ignored his brother and watched you and Vincent. “Oh shit, haha, Hey Candle Head! Nice one!” Bo shouted out the window to his brother, making Lester’s ear ring in the process.
Lester watched as Vincent removed some of his wax prosthetic and gave you a deep kiss. His stomach churned, his heart stopped, his head felt full and his left ear was still ringing.
Bo was right. Lester had chickened out. He had so many opportunities to ask you out but his insecurities got the best of him. He couldn’t be too mad, Vincent was happy for the first time in years. He’d learn to be happy for his brother, but not happy at losing out on you.
Vincent Sinclair - Female Reader dating Bo.
“Hey, Vin, want some? Vin?” Vincent stared intently, eye not leaving you. Lester spoke up “Hey, Candle Head?” Vincent whipped his head at his little brother, he had his prosthetic on but Lester knew he was scowling. “Hey, got yer attention. Want some of this?” Lester shoved a funnel cake in his brother's face. Before Vincent could react “Well, too bad, you’ll have to get yer own.”
God, Vincent hated his brother sometimes. Speaking of brothers. Bo had you under his arm, shouting over your head to one of his friends “Ya, see you later, no, much later, I’ll be busy!” He leaned down to kiss your cheek “Busy with you, Dollface.” Vincent loved your laughter, just hated when it was Bo who made you laugh.
“Hey, Candle Head, gotta fiver?”
“Bo, don’t call him that, it's mean.”
“It’s a family thing, Candle Head don't mind, right?”
“Stop it, Bo!”
Bo scoffed at you and sneered at Vincent. “I’m gonna bum us some food.” He said to you as he kissed you on the forehead. Bo slammed his shoulder into his brother as he walked by. Vincent stood firm, his wider frame feeling nothing against his brother.
Walking up to Vinny you placed your hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry for him. I know he’s your twin but he still doesn’t have to be that mean.” Vincent shrugged his shoulders, hands deep in his pockets. He fought the strong urge to pull you into him, hold your head into his chest and never let you go. He hated himself for being so sappy over you but he really couldn’t help it.
Vincent remembered when he first met you, the school library after class time. He was looking for an art history book. He saw you in the same aisle, grabbing scanning for what he remembers was ‘a book about frogs’ It was for your science class. Vincent walked over to you, did his best to speak, and ask what you needed. You excitedly told him, which shocked him. Mostly because, even though he talks to girls, they are never happy to talk to him. You rambled on and on to him, how annoyed you were at your stupid science partner, Bo. Vincent laughed, explaining to you that was his stupid brother.
“I feel like an ass. Sorry.” You sighed and hid your face behind your hands. Vincent assured you that it was okay and Bo is an asshole. If Bo was an asshole, why did you have to start dating him?
He remembers when Bo snapped at you in the hallway, the embarrassment was all over your face. Remembers when Bo stood you up on a date. You came into school the next day cussing out Bo. He called you a bitch and from that moment on he found a new sense of hatred for his twin.
“Hey, Candle Head, get yer own girlfriend, Babe, get over here.” Vincent gave you a sad look as you returned one to him. You ran into Bo’s arms and he spun you around, careful not to drop the red snow cone in his hand. “See, Babe, Red, so we both can enjoy it.” You giggled sweetly at him, he held it up to you, pushing it into your nose.
“Bo!” You scolded but laughed as he kissed the red juice off the tip of your nose.
Vincent’s feet felt like lead. He wanted nothing more than to walk away and not look at the gut-wrenching scene, but seeing you bashful and just got to Vincent. He’d give anything to have that be you and him. Give anything to go back to the day he met you and ask you out himself.
“Come on, Candle Head, we need one more person for the strawberry twirly ride thing,” Bo called out, gesturing for Vincent to follow. You turned to Vincent and grinned at him.
“Come on, Vinny!” For you, Vincent would follow. No matter how much it hurts.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
How do the boys take the ‘I think I’m pregnant’ scare? And how do they react and feel if it’s true versus just that-a scare.
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[How would the bois treat their pregnant significant other?]
This is the behemoth I mentioned before! It’s so big that I kept having issues trying to save it while I was working on mobile. Included is first reaction, if it’s a scare, if it’s not a scare, through the pregnancy, and as a bonus, during labor (you can thank my hubby for that one)!
Classic- He's freaking out. that's- that's not how babies work- that's not how- He's hyperventilating. He's going to pass out... When he gets ahold of himself and realizes that he doesn't know about how having kids between monsters and humans works... It... might be possible...
If it's a scare- he's pretty relieved. Not because he didn't want kids- it's just that it was so sudden! He didn't even think it was possible! You can bet he's doing more research into this so they can take precautions. Next time, if there's a question about pregnancy, it'll be when they're ready.
Not a scare- he- he'll be ok- really he will- just... in a minute... After he gets over the shock, he takes another moment to himself before he goes to his S/o and a bit awkwardly apologizes for the freak out. He asks how she's doing and what she wants to do.
Through pregnancy- He tries to make sure that his S/o is comfortable, that she has everything that she needs, and at the beginning, he is super frazzled. He’s keeping it together- but just barely! Look just a little closely and you’ll see that he’s about to start falling apart at the seams. His brother helps the best he can, but the best part of it, as far as he’s concerned is when they’re in bed, arms wrapped around each other, nothing to worry about but letting the peacefulness wash over them and sleep. When he finally relaxes back into the fact that they’re going to have a baby, he manages to be much more chill. Even the worst day at work doesn’t stand a chance to keep him upset when he gets home and his S/o is there, waiting for him, her round belly ready to be stroked as he grins goofily at it, their little soulling starting to make movements inside... This really is the life.
During labor- Oh- oh stars- he has to do something! What?! What is he supposed to do?! He has to get her to the hospital- has to- now! How does he- Oh- duh! Wait- can he take her through a shortcut while she’s in labor?! Is it safe?! She ends up leading the boys both to Creampuff’s car, and Creampuff drives them, showing off his driving skills and how quickly he can get them there, while Classic is in the back yelling for him to slow down, observe the speed limit- for the love of everything nice and happy, please show him mercy!
Creampuff- Uh... He understands that people often see him as child like, but he does know how babies are made... And he didn't do anything physical, or take his soul out...
If it's a scare or not- Not likely to happen with him; it would have to be on purpose.
Through pregnancy- Since this was planned, he is very prepared! It’s adorable just how ready he thinks he is, and how all of his plans fail. “YOU MEAN... WE WON’T EVEN NEED THIS FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS...?” But his big watery sockets make his S/o pull him close, comforting him, and he’s happy again- as long as he has them, everything is all right. He mother hens his S/o quite a bit, only letting her do things that are “safe for the baby”, as dictated by “authorities” on websites. And he takes it upon himself to premake her meals for when he’s gone, so that he can make sure she’s getting everything she needs, also banning his brother from taking her to Grillby’s... but, when the cravings hit, he caves ridiculously easily to her. But, his S/o's life isn’t all laying around and premade heath snacks! He makes sure that she does her baby yoga and prenatal exercises, too. Have to stay healthy for the baby!
During labor- He’s running around trying to find the go bag and everything the websites said they need- he knows it was here just the other day...! His S/o is either going to have to get him to calm down (a tall order) or call for an ambulance to get them to the hospital.
Red- Uh- uh- wait- but- how...?! He- he- ...he feels like he should be panicking more... Outwardly, he's tense, snapping at everyone else, keeping everyone away from his S/o, sweating and watching her a lot... Inside? He's nervous; it's her decision what happens... He knows he's got the whole dad thing down; how awesome his brother turned out shows that! But... He's not worthy of his S/o, and those are his genetics... How does his S/o feel about that? What if this is the thing that makes her figure out that she deserves better?! He won't say anything, though, his S/o will have to ask him what's going on with all the almost touches and switching from holding her close to distancing himself.
If it's a scare- He's a bit... disappointed... he'd just started thinking that his S/o would accept, and maybe even like, the forever of being bound to him with a child...
Not a scare- He's still a bit tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop; he knows that humans don't always want to have kids, and they can do something about it... When his S/o tells him that, of course they want to keep the baby, he's so relieved- it feels like the suitcase of anxiety he'd been lugging around all this time has disappeared.
Through pregnancy- Red is the ultimate provider and protector. He makes a nest the softest his S/o has ever felt, he puts all sorts of barriers and traps and gizmos all over the place! His S/o has never felt safer- as long as she doesn’t try to go outside alone... There’s nothing that she wants for more than a few moments- usually. Even on the days he’s knock down, drag out tired, he sees her cravings and pregnant moods as his little hellion influencing her, and... he wants to feed and spoil them more... It’s rare that he’s ever actually pissy with her, but when he is, he leaves to get what she wants, bitches and gripes the whole way there and back, and feels better by the time he gets back- and makes her bribe him with affection. He’s rigged it so that anyone who tries to get in that doesn’t have an approved magical signature... well, they won’t be getting in. ... possibly anywhere- ever. He may have held back in the Underground, hating what his world had become, but this is his mate and his child. He’s not holding back. He doesn’t know anything about gardening, but he can rig a setup so that a plot of garden can be perfectly watered at all times, and his brother takes care of the rest, so they’ll never run out of resources. He has threatened to maul others if they look like they’ve got aggressive plans for his S/o, but he waits until she’s gone; he doesn’t want to upset her. Somehow, while he’s done all of this, he always seems to be there when it’s nap time, or when it’s being lazy around the house time, cuddling, nuzzling, and letting it be known how happy he is. Edge gives him shit for purring so much, but he’s actually very proud of how active and motivated he is. Red does get anxious whenever she wants to leave the perfectly protected den he’s made her, though...
During labor- He freezes. What the hell- what is happening?! It’s such strange behavior that it takes him a few moments to figure out what was going on. When he does, He has his brother get his car, getting his S/o in the back and being on hyper alert for danger- that is, if he doesn’t manage to convince her of a home birth. it’s jus’ so much safer! in here- where no one he doesn’t want to get in can get in! Edge guards the door while Red glares at the midwife and birthing team to make sure nothing hinky is going on.
Edge- That... can't happen... He knows how baby bones are made! Oh- but his S/o is a human... Maybe that is how it works for his S/o...? The whole time he's not outwardly reacting, standing stiff, looking like he's waiting for orders or something. His S/o will have trouble telling for certain if he's angry, or it's just his normal emotionless mask.
If it's a scare- He's relieved! That was something he didn't think could happen, and too many questions leading to too much information were piling up in his mind at one time. He's also a bit... let down. While it was too much info and overwhelming to try to think about it all in that one moment, it could have been nice...
Not a scare- He leaves. Not to abandon his S/o! He tells Red to stay there and that he needs to run an errand- the errand is trying to wrap his skull around his new reality. He just needs a bit to process this! It's so many things he thought were impossible all happening at once! Once he gets his skull together, he comes back and immediately holds his S/o close against him. He knows that the two of them are smart enough to get through this, and despite all the shit he gives his brother, Red is also very smart, and he knows he'd do anything for him.
Through pregnancy- He’s hot and cold more than usual. He- has- some... feelings for her that... may be love like... And he’s going to keep both his S/o and their child safe. No matter if he has to intimidate everyone from here to the moon! He’s not used to being able to show emotions other than anger and toughness... Good thing his S/o is so fiery! He regularly engages in verbal battles with her to help her get rid of some of her stress and irritation from all the things that are going on with her body. It does backfire a bit, though, sometimes... When they’re both making their points and she’s yelling at him, her rage twisting her features- uh... well... He can’t stop thinking of taking her right there, or putting her to her knees and twisting his phalanges in her hair and feeling her throat around him- He... he’s never been so sexually driven before... and it’s not like it’s going to change soon; neither of them can help it- Pregnancy looks so fucking sexy on her... it makes her seem like a goddess of fertility and war. His soul beats for her with every breath.
During labor- Once he gets his S/o to the hospital and set, his internal mini panic ends. Now he's yelling at her, reminding her about the proper breathing technique and working her through the contractions. The staff feels like maybe they should worry about abuse, but then... His S/o is ruling the room- she's glowing, ordering everyone around, looking like she's about ready to punch anyone who gets too close, shouting and demanding the nurses give her the DAMN DRUGS! He's so in love, so- turned on... Is it wrong that he's thinking about putting another one in her right that moment...?
Blue- He's silent. The words "I think I'm pregnant" echo around in his skull, which looks devoid of emotion. Is his S/o teasing him because she thinks he doesn't know how babies are made? But... she doesn't look like she's joking... A sudden look of shock hits his face as he realizes that- he was with her during his heat! Oh! Oh... Well... That could explain it! He smiles and pulls his S/o close, nuzzling against her and scenting the heck out of her.
If it's a scare- Oh... Well! Maybe there is a chance that can happen, but... not yet! This will give them time to figure out how it can happen and what to do about it so they can decide on a better time when they’re more ready for this!
Not a scare- His S/o is going to have his baby... He’s the proudest skeleton around! He walks around with his skull held high, chest puffed out, huge grin, and nothing short of a strut. All of his coworkers wonder what’s going on with him, but they don’t have to for long, because he’s so happy he’s not even trying to keep it a secret.  
Through pregnancy- You know those over the top cutesy couples where one insists on getting the one carrying the baby anything they want? That’s Blue. His S/o is going to have to be careful, because he will over indulge her cravings and with anything it even looks like she’s interested in. His S/o will protest that he’s doting on her too much, but he’s convinced that he’s the happiest damn man ever in existence, and she’s giving him this, so she deserves to have anything that he can give her- and he can give her a lot. They now have the nicest and best feeling nest that’s probably ever existed. She has more of anything than she could ever hope to use or need, but he’s always happy to give her more and make sure she’s taken care of in every way possible. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind who the father of the baby is when they walk around; he’s so full of pride that he’d dislocate a rib if his chest puffed out any more, and his skull barely has room on it for how big his grin is.
During labor- He's running around, yelling for his brother and trying to find the go bag and everything they had ready- he swears it was right there just that morning! Until Stretch wanders over, twirling the keys on a phalange, ushering the two of them to the car. When Blue sees the stuff in the back seat, he remembers that he'd moved it there to be even more ready... He'll be happy when this part is over and he can just hold his S/o and child safely in his arms! He's not a fan of them being in pain, so he's going to be asking the staff to have every kind of pain meds on hand, just in case...
Stretch- Stretch.exe has crashed and needs to be reboot to make any changes. He- didn't just hear what he thought he did... did he? See, there's no way that- except, unless there was... He slowly regains feeling in his extremities, and stares at the empty space in front of his sockets a bit longer before fully coming to. that's... *he can't decide whether he's supposed to be happy or horrified, his S/o's expression isn't telling him* wow... that's something, huh? science. *shakes skull in amazement*
If it's a scare- He needs to be more careful. Maybe someday, in the future, he'll want kids- but right now- he messes around too much; he's not serious enough to take this on. He spent so long raising Blue, his whole childhood and teen years, really, he wants some time to just have fun. He doesn't want to ruin life for everyone involved by getting in that situation and blaming them.
Not a scare- Oh shit- oh shit! Oh, god of motherfuck! He's zoned out staring off at nothing. Panicking internally. After trying to get his attention for long enough, his S/o just slaps him, yelling at him in frustration and leaves. The slap brought him back to the real world, but it's Blue yelling at him that makes him realize just how bad that had been. "HOW CAN YOU JUST STAND THERE LIKE A SAND SCULPTURE?! THEY'RE AFRAID, TOO! IF YOU WEREN'T SO BUSY THINKING OF ONLY YOURSELF, YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT! AT LEAST YOU HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE RAISING A BABY BONES! THEY HAVE NONE! THEY NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER! ... AND IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY COXXYS AFTER THEM RIGHT NOW, I'LL INFORM MUFFET OF WHAT HAPPENED, AND CELEBRATE WHEN YOU'RE BANNED!"
Through pregnancy- It’s... it’s not as bad as he made it out to be in his mind. He’d felt like someone had been about to hand them a baby any second, and then their lives would have been over. Instead they had nine and a half months to figure their shit out and get ready for what was coming. With many times set aside to talk everything out, and Blue there to mediate (make sure that Stretch was actually saying what he thought and wanted instead of trying to please by going with the flow) they managed to to work it out so that by they time it reached the third trimester, he’s pretty happy with the warm little life they’ve gotten all set up for themselves, and is a very cuddly skeleton. Also, a little secret he’s found out about pregnancy is that it makes his S/o’s pussy taste so much more delicious.
During labor- Stretch freezes, then his brother's loud voice pulls him back, and he puts the fluctuating panic to the back of his skull and shortcuts away. They think he's running off, but by the time Blue, who's very pissed at him, gets Stretch's S/o to the car, they see him stuffing the bags of supplies in the back.
Black- Oh- stars- he- he didn’t actually mean that- goddamn it! Ok... maybe he had... but-! He’s worried; worried about keeping them all safe, and worried that if he reacts in a way to keep them safe, his S/o will be angry with him and leave him forever! He- he can’t live with that!!! He growls and takes his S/o home, somewhere safe where he can hold them close against him. “Tell Me Again?” He asks softly. “I think I’m pregnant.” It’s said more levelly than it was before, more believing that he’s going to say something stupid. “Oh, Love... I’m The Happiest Monster In The World...” He pulls back to meet her gaze. “I’m Going To Make Sure That You Are The Most Well Taken Care Of Mate In All The Land.”
If it’s a scare- Oh... Well... That’s too bad... But... Now they can see how they’d react to the real news. And... now that it’s gotten them thinking about it... he kind of wants to actually try... hopefully his S/o will want to soon, too.
Not a scare- He’s so happy. Others speculate why he’s so happy, but they can never get him to reveal the truth, though they’ve all heard outlandish, crazy things by now, all said with a straight face, as though they were the truth. He never lets his S/o be without him or his brother- protection precautions. They will be a happy little family... and even though this little one was on accident- the next little one will be completely on purpose... and not too long after.
Through pregnancy- He is great at noticing things, and what he notices, is anything his S/o wants. Anything their eyes stay on for longer than a moment, anything they mention wanting or wondering about in passing. And, the strange thing about his observations is- they seem to just manifest out of nowhere! Right when they really wanted them the most! Those cookies from Muffet’s- somehow ended up on the kitchen counter... The soft fuzzy blanket they’d forced themselves to put back, draped over the couch. The relief they need that just hovers around the edges, tormenting them with an unscratchable itch they just can’t scratch- Black is there, holding them close, finding just the right angle, and sliding against it at just the right speed, and just the right strength to make his S/o's mind melt, their body doing the same in his arms. They are spoiled rotten by the end, and that’s just how he likes it; no one can do for them what he can, and they’ll never leave. Also hidden under the surface that is his joy of giving his S/o everything they could ever want, is his happiness and pride of the show of their bonding. Let no one doubt who his S/o belongs with.
During labor- The sudden cry of pain makes his skull snap to his S/o and search the area. What happened?! Who hurt them?! Who does he need to kill?! When he realizes that it's time, he yells for his brother to get the car, (softly and lovingly) telling his S/o to sit back and relax while he runs around and gathers everything, then stops where she is and helps her to the car. He only allows staff that he has personally vetted into the room, and only after he or Mutt have checked every form of ID available. No one will hurt his mate, or his heir. The moment he feels like any of the staff has messed up, he'll yell at them and push them out of the way- He'll Do It His Damn Self, Thank You!
Mutt- uuuuuuhhh... huh... um... hm. that’s... um... a thing, now, isn’t it... crazy how... humans reproduce... all run by chemicals, you know... Oh, damn it, look, he’s really... not sure how to behave! Is his S/o excited or pissed?! What is he supposed to do?! Does she want him to- no. No, he doesn’t think he wants to do that... He’s going to say no. If she asks, his answer is that he can’t do that. He realizes that she’s panicking, too, and is glad that his stony exterior made it so that none of his thoughts came through. He pulls her close and stands there, holding her, until she calms down. Even though he’s silent, he gives her what comfort he can, even if it’s just from his presence of being there. He’s not sure what else he could do... Except what he’s always done; take control of the situation. Their relationship is based on them both getting what they want from each other, and that what they want is the same thing... but... if he can’t convince her... if he tries to force her... she’ll just dig her heels in harder.
If it’s a scare- Oh, well... ok, then. He supposes... that it was just a mistake... something confusing... but... It brought up his memories of raising Black, and... he kinda liked remembering the way Black used to look up at him like he was the most amazing monster to ever have lived... made him think that... he probably... wouldn’t say no if there was the chance to do that again...
Not a scare- This situation sucks. The way that it happened sucks. He hopes that his S/o doesn’t end up hating him over this. He really loves them, and... that’s his kid. He’s not going anywhere. God and stars help the person who looks at his S/o the wrong way... and they’d have to help her if she ever tried to leave him, now...
Through pregnancy- His inner yandere shows itself very obviously. He’s always there, no matter where she goes. At the store? He’s lurking in the aisles. Taking a walk around? He’s silently shadowing her, keeping a socket out for anyone looking even remotely like they’d start something. Riding a bus to work? He’s somewhere... though you’d have to have a really good eye to pick him out. If they weren’t dating, he would probably get hit with stalking charges. Instead, he gets hit with, “why don’t you just ask to come with me instead of creeping the shadows like a freaking weirdo?”
During labor- Mutt internally freaks out for a moment, but gets ahold of himself while his brother guides his S/o to the car. Everyone around him is going to be glad for Black in this time. Mutt is looking like a murderous, protective bodyguard, standing just on the edge of the shadows, growling at anyone who even gets too close. No one except previously approved staff are allowed in the room. Everyone who is human thinks this is bizarre, but all the monsters there take it in stride as the norm. Black orders everyone around, which saves them all from having Mutt growling at them and seeming to stand over them, about to attack, even if he does sound like he's micromanaging.
Axe- He... uh... oops... He feels kinda guilty; there had to be intent involved, and... well, his S/o is pregnant, isn’t she? So... obviously he meant it... He’s half excited for a baby, and half really nervous because his brain keeps going back to; more mouths to feed, need more food- food! He hopes his S/o isn’t mad at him...  
If it’s a scare- He’s a bit relieved, since he was worried about his S/o finding out and being mad at him... but, maybe they could open the conversation about it...?
Not a scare- He breaks down and admits that he caused this, asking his S/o to stay with him and love him even though he was so reckless- but he fully intends to stay with them, even if they say no, it will just be from the shadows... but he can’t just let her take their baby and go! It’s dangerous out there! It’s not- ... oh... they were trying for a baby...? oh yeah... wait- no they weren’t! But he appreciates her telling him that they were to make him feel better...
Through pregnancy- He’s not leaving their side. He’s going to protect them through everything- like being around other people, or not having space to sit on a bench at the park... He gets a bit underfoot, honestly... But, he’s doing it for the most thoughtful reasons! He loves his S/o, and isn’t going to let anything happen to her, or their baby.
During labor- He's panicking hardcore! What's he supposed to do? What's he supposed to do?! Did he ever know what to do? He'd ask his S/o, but they're too busy screaming! Wait- Paps! Paps'll know what to do! He's good at remembering the stuff his mind shuts out! They all get to the hospital, and his S/o is in a room. All of the noise and commotion is messing with his mind, making that problem that makes him block access to his memories act up... He's kicked out of the hospital in approximately six minutes. He's also not allowed back until the baby is born.
Crooks/Bun- He’s not likely to start up these activities on his own, so it would either be a huge surprise, with him being pretty quiet and just blinking for a few moments. Axe will probably come over and see if someone needs to get smacked, honestly, or, he'd expect it and be excited!
If it’s a scare or not-  Yeah, this would 8/10 have to be on purpose. Those other 2/10, would be 1 oh wow, so it can happen after only one time... and 1 oh... wow...
Through pregnancy- He’s so happy, going everywhere with his S/o, talking about everything they plan to do, going on many parenting websites and doing research in his spare time, and babyproofing everything. He’s delighted to find out that the baby proofing helps with Axe, too, since he can’t trip and injure himself on everything when he’s not paying attention, now.
During labor- Oh- Ohh- Oh My! What To Do! Oh, Yes, To The Hospital! At the hospital, he's there as the amazing birthing coach he is, encouraging and rooting for his S/o!
Dusty- uhhhhhhhhhhh... um... what the fuck did his S/o just say? She thinks she’s what? ...! He’s freaking out, not only because he apparently was so reckless, but also because now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. There’s going to be a kid- it’s going to be his kid- what if- what if there’s a reset- what if that demonic hellspawn comes back- oh fuck- what if it tries to take over his kid?!
If it’s a scare- He’s still severely rattled, and needs lots of time alone. Why isn’t Papyrus talking to him? Is he mad at him? It’s so quiet in his head now... at least, thank the stars, there’s not a chance of that stuff happening...
Not a scare- panic- panic- no disco, lots of panic! Where’s Papyrus?! He’d know what to do! Fuck- fuck fuck fuck- he’s going to be a dad- fuckfuckfuck!  
Through pregnancy- He’s very nervous. He needs a support animal or something. He’s so sorry that his S/o has to go through this with him dragging her down- he- he has feelings for her, though, and he’s sorry, but- if anyone else tried to step in and take her off his hands, they wouldn’t be a problem very long. A puddle of blood? Yes. A problem? No. And no one better fucking touch her! Ok, he’s calm, he promises- backthefuckupbuddy! His S/o will have to be patient with him as he adjusts and fights his way through the clouds of LV and psychological torture induced madness...
During labor- He blanks. He panics. He freaks out. His service dog nudges his hand and positions the handle of the vest under his hand, and he holds on out of habit. The dog leads him to a spot away from the noise as his S/o calls an ambulance. She gives the dog the command that tells them there's going to be a loud noise, because they probably won't remember to turn the sirens off when they get closer. She drops the note for Dusty in the spot they'd trained the dog to bring him notes from, and is on the porch, leaning against the wall, waiting for the ambulance. When Dust comes back to himself, his dog brings him a note that says "I'm at the hospital, I went into labor. Call me, love you! S/o." He's so glad to hear her voice when he calls.
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dapper-wings · 5 years
SPN 15x13 “Destiny’s Child” Reaction
Guys this episode KILLED ME i loved it SO MUCH HOLY CRAP
Spoilers for Supernatural season 15 below but holy crap y’all, GO WATCH THIS EP XD
Wow this then and now is just nostalgia lane huh
I freaking love Billie she is a gift to supernatural every time she comes on screen I’m just like YAAASSSSSS
This Billie/dean snarkiness tho
“Who’s gonna take over, Jack?” *jack pops bubble* “yeah probably not*
This one feels so familial I love it!!!
Danieel in the House!!!!!
Is she wearing a dress over a sweater I love her
not gonna lie that flashback scene of Ruby’s death kinda did stab by heart tho
hers too lmao 
omg all that takeout food tho #confirmed jacks a Winchester
Jack and Cas bonding I love it
So they’re just in hell now gosh remember when this was a big deal and now it’s just like “welp sure we have a vacation home there”
even the demons are done
“I’m far from happy” #mood
Is that Bobby’s flask
Cas no don’t go to the empty!!! What the heck I guess there’s just no holds barred anymore that’s fine okay sure yeah okay
“am I still an idiot” “well yeah” 
“I have a dumb idea”
witch Sam DOES things to me I’m tellin’ ya
ooooooo crap I hate hellhounds 
They are parents arguing over their child lol
aw jack baby no
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detroitbydark · 5 years
Moonbeams and Ridinghoods Chp7
Pairing: Werewolf!Haz/Reader, Tom Holland/OC
Word Count: 2100+
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Harrison comes to a realization that changes everything.
A/N: We're getting there lads. Slow and steady and all that jazz. Thank you to @aossi​ who convinced me not to delete the whole thing and start from scratch. Love you child of mine!
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Harrison and Tom slump into the house. Training had been later than expected after issues at one of their clubs had caused the work day to run long. It was always something whether is was a personnel issue or a supply chain problem. There was always a proverbial fire that required attention. After going some rounds with Tom before  hitting the weight room everything ounce of him felt heavy.
“How you feeling man?” Tom asks posting up with his elbows on the kitchen counter.
“Fucking knackered. I want dinner and bed, one directly behind the other.”
Tom chuckles as he scrolls through his phone.
Harrison pushes his exhaustion to the back burner as rummages through the fridge for one of Emily’s prepped post workout meals. He pops the lid and inhales deeply. the smell of sliced steak and spicy mixed vegetables makes his mouth water but another scent hits him as well and he drops the Tupperware on the counter before looking over at Tom. The Alpha’s nose is twitching and he inhales deeply. 
“Cat is here.” He notes cocking his head to the side. 
Harrison smells her familiar scent, that was no shock. She was close with Tuwaine and, while not officially pack, she was treated as an honorary member. Cat’s isn’t the scent signature that makes his wolf take note. There’s another, far softer scent, sweet like vanilla. Tom doesn’t know who it is but Haz does. He’d know it anywhere. It’s Y/N.
Tom is not pleased. Harrison can see it instantly in the way his jaw tightens and his nostrils flare at the unfamiliar signature.
“It’s Y/N” Harrison clarifies and though Tom doesn’t seem any more happy because of the knowledge at least he hasn’t stormed out of the kitchen yet.
“I don’t like strangers in my house Harrison” Tom’s voice is low and even.
Harrison waves his hand in his friends directions “Last I checked we all lived here and yes, Tom, I’m very aware of your predisposition.” He feels irritation and something else prickling under his skin. He doesn’t miss the quiet growl as Tom pushes from the counter and stalks out of the kitchen. Following on his heels, dinner forgotten, Harrison reminds himself that Y/N doesn’t know pack rules. Emily did. This was Emily’s fault that he was going to have to deal with a pissy alpha wolf after a shitty day and try not to let you get mixed up in it at the same time. 
Tom is just a few steps ahead of him as he enters the movie room. Tom makes a beeline for Emily who is quick to rise to meet him. Harrison knows that look in her eye. She knows what she’s done, purposefully broken Tom’s rules. She unapologetic.
Harrison’s eyes move from the alpha couple to Y/N’s pretty face. Her eyes are glazed and her body is loose, head resting lazily on Harry’s shoulder. Of course. Emily got her drunk. He hoped Y/N hadn’t tried to keep up with Em and Cat. Their metabolisms could handle more than the average human could. If she’d tried to match the other women, Y/N was bound to be hating life in the morning. 
Harrison levels a glare at Emily who. Leaning past Tom, the alpha female waves the tips of her fingers and blows a kiss.  Tom steps in front of her, blocking Harrison’s single fingered gesture. An irritated growl rises in his throat. Unable to get at Emily his eyes narrow in on Harry next. To be sure he knew who he had his arm around.  Even if he hadn’t  laid a proper claim, his own packmate should have enough sense not to mess with the woman he was… What was he doing with Y/N? He’d tried hard to be practical when thinking about her. She wasn’t like him. They had a code of secrecy to maintain. She probably wasn’t even going to be staying. Even with all that and more he couldn’t keep his feelings out of the mix. His wolf, his other half, knew exactly what she was. Harrison, the man, was just being slow to accept it. 
 His head throbs dully.  Harry’s eyes go wide as catches Harrison 's.  He dislodges his arm around Y/N’s shoulder, moving quickly away. That’s when she decides to finally notice him. Her eyes brighten and a smile slips across her lips. It’s instantaneous, Harrison’s irritation shifts to delight. 
“Haz!” Y/N slurs excitedly. 
Harry moves close to Harrison, his eyes cast toward the ground. He freezes when Harrison’s hand clamps around his shoulder and fixes him with a look. A  quick explanation tumbles from his lips. 
“No funny business,man.” He holds his hands up. “I stopped her from getting any worse off.” he points between Em and Cat. “No thanks to these two. You know I would never-”
Harrison holds up a hand. Taking a steadying breath he nods and the two come together, touching foreheads in a quick greeting before Harry's eyes are darting across the room from his brother to his future sister-in-law. The two are close and their voices are low and angry.  Everyone feels the crackle of tension between them. 
“Christ Emily we’ve talked about this!” Tom snarls. His body is tense, muscles coiled tight as he waves a hand in Y/N’s direction. Harrison feels his hackles raise.
“Get off of it Thomas.” Emily’s prim tone was a well crafted ploy to irritate the piss out of her mate. He hated when she did it, hated it even more when she called him ‘Thomas’. She turns to move away and Tom’s hand wraps around her upper arm. She tries to shake him off but he holds firm. 
“Rules are in place for a reason. You know this!” His hand runs roughly through his hair, his eyes close and he takes a deep breath before refocusing on Em.  “Come on, do you think i do this shit because I want too? It’s to protect this family. To protect you!” Emily jerks away, teeth bared. 
“To protect me? You’re the reason I am who I am Tom. For better or worse, right? I’ll bring a friend home if I want and I’ll certainly bring her here when I see you two.” Her dark eyes flash at Harrison before she’s turning back on the alpha, “Trying to tempt history into repeating itself. She has every right-”
“Enough!” The snarl rises from deep in Tom’s chest. Emily freezes mid-sentence. Even she knew when it was time to stop pushing. Tom glares daggers from Emily to Y/N and Harrison finally has an explanation for that prickling sensation he’s been feeling since realizing she was here. 
He needed to protect his mate. Y/N doesn’t know what she is to him yet but it’s crystal clear to him now.
The instinct is urging him between Tom’s line of view and Y/N. She was only safe so long as he could protect her. The pull to move to action is strong and rooted in his bones.
 The alpha raises a brow in question as Harrison follows what his gut is telling him. Tom gets a stiff shrug from him in response. Of all people, Tom should know what it was like to be compelled to protect what was his. Y/N was his as much as Emily was Tom’s and he can’t shake the sinking feeling in his stomach as she talks about history repeating. 
Y/N is trying to stand and he turns his back to the alpha pair and takes her hands. When she’s on her feet she leans against him her face immediately nuzzling into the crook of his neck, hiding from the loud voices and angry posturing.  
“Christ Haz” Tom snarls, “Get her out of here.”
Harrison’s lip curls and he fights back his own indignant sound. If Y/N wasn’t here maybe things would be different but he’s too close to getting what he wants. He can’t let her find out like this. He’s got to learn from Tom’s mistakes. He has to ease her into it, not allow her to be thrown face first. 
The sour tendrils of fear rise from Y/N. They’re faint, acrid, just slightly burning at his delicate nose. Her apprehension is obvious. Even as blitzed as she is she has enough sense to recognize danger when she’s in its midst. He doesn't acknowledge either of the pack leaders as he loops his arms under Y/N’s knees and scoops her up. She sighs softly, pressing further into his arms. The trust she puts in him tempers his foul mood. He’d have it out with Em and Tom later. For now he had his girl to take care of. 
Toeing the door shut Harrison takes a moment to enjoy having Y/N close. He buries his nose in her hair, inhales softly. The sour smell is dissipating and her sweet vanilla has returned. It reminds him of birthday cake and home.
“You smell nice” Her voice is a soft slur as she nuzzles against his chest. A tremor of excitement runs through Haz.
“I smell like I just showered at the gym.” He corrects gently
“Underneath that” she mumbles ‘Smells like you.”
Y/N’s voice is far away and airy as she speaks, Haz can feel the way her nose bumps against his pulse as she snuggles in closer. 
It’s an adorable challenge getting her to bed. He’d thought to place her safely in one of the guest room but after the argument downstairs he didn’t want her out of his sight. He didn’t know if he trusted his baser instincts but right now his wolf wouldn’t allow for her to be anywhere but with him. 
Figuring out how to get her into pajamas is his first trial. She’s like an octopus the way she clings to him. He can feel her delicate lips against his neck as she murmurs. She’s got him half hard by the time he drops her unceremoniously to his bed. She bounces and laughs falling back, her hair falling into a halo around her. She continues to giggle softly as she attempts to push herself into a sitting position. She fails miserably. 
“I’m stuck” she whines.
A soft smile crosses Harrison face. It felt right having her here. In his home. In his room. In his bed. 
After retrieving sweats and a t-shirt he has to manhandle her back into a sitting position. 
“Come on sweetheart. Got to get you ready to go to sleep.” He says propping her up. He tries to keep his eyes averted as she clumsily pulls her shirt over her head and slips into his t-shirt. She’s a happy drunk at least, he thinks as she giggles each time she fails to put her arm in the appropriate hole. 
“Will you sleep with me?” 
His eyes fall to her. She’s managed to shimmy her jeans off and is wearing his t-shirt like a nightgown. It skims her thighs giving him far too good a view of her smooth legs. Her eyes are innocent and unfocused as she yawns.
“Will you behave?” he asks and she pouts. Harrison chuckles as he watches her crawl to the head of the bed. She wiggles her legs under the covers and crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Wanted to kiss you.” she says sulkily. He can’t help his grin, knows it’s entirely too predatory but her admission makes him happy. “I’ll give you all the kisses you want, Darling.” Y/N’s face lights up only to fall a moment later, “when you're sober and know what you’re doing.” Paying her no mind he moves to his closet to change into his own sleep clothes. He’d normally just wear a pair of boxers and call it good but he wants more between them than just a thin scrap of fabric. Grey sweats and a clean white tee will protect his modesty he thinks with a chuckle. 
He’s only gone for a few minutes but when he comes out he finds Y/N already asleep curled up around one of his pillows. Her breathing is soft and slow as the covers are pulled back and he readjusts her body to cover you up. Soft little disgruntled sounds slip from her throat as her arms search for him. Once he’s tucked in close she quiets. His arms were meant to be around her, her body fits perfectly against his own. It all feels right. The wolf and the man are both of the same mind. Y/N was his mate.  She belonged tonight, tomorrow, forever.  Now, he just needed to have the hardest conversation of his life and hope she could understand. 
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beepbeeprichiellc · 5 years
Could we maybe get a sequel to the hockey player au? Like maybe they meet at an after party?
Sure can! Part one
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Hard as Ice
Richie was astonished with the lack of subtly in Stan’s pursuit of his crush. First he comes to the game-practically drooling on the sidelines-and now he insisted that they hang around the locker room so that he could ‘accidentally’ bump into Mike. Richie sure hoped this meat head was worth the amount of shit Stan was going to get from him and Beverly for all of this. Every time the locker room opened Stan nearly pissed his pants with excitement. If Richie wasn’t having such a horrible time, he would have enjoyed the sight but the green monster on his back gnawed at his skin mercilessly. 
“Holy shit Stan, this guy better put out after all this trouble.” Beverly jested, nudging Richie in an eager attempt for him to chime in. When the trashmouth snorted she rolled her eyes and added, “I hope he looks better without all the padding than with.” 
“He does.” Stan replied with a grin, making Beverly laugh and Richie scoff. Eventually, Stan got what he wanted as Mike and another player exited a few seconds later, their hands full of bagged gear and hair wet from what could only be assumed to be from a much needed shower. Mike smiled brightly, waving at them before saying something unheard to his team mate and strolling over. Stan bounced with excitement, his eyes wide with intense attraction. “Oh hey, we were just heading out. Fancy meeting bumping into you.” 
“Yeah, no it’s not.” Beverly said under her breath, earning a sharp elbow to the breast. 
Mike laughed, “Oh guys this is my friend Eddie.” He politely introduced, nodding to the short brunette beside him. “You know Stan already, this is his friends Beverly and Richie.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Eddie said with a kind smile, extending his hand out to which Beverly accepted instantly. When their hands dropped he moved to Richie, and the trashmouth was tempted to accept it-with the boy’s doe eyes and freckled face making his heart skip-but his bad attitude got the best of him and instead he turned his head and scoffed-actually scoffed which surprised even himself. 
Eddie withdrew his hand as if he had been burned, his lips turning downward into a scowl. Stan came to Richie’s aid, insisting that he just had a bad day but Eddie looked unconvinced as he replied with “Right, well as fun as that was…” He looked at Mike with annoyance. “You ready to go?” 
“Oh yeah right, hey the team is going to a bar for a little celebration, you guys should come!” Mike offered enthasically, his kindness like a blinding light that only pissed Richie off even more. “Sadie’s Bar down on Third Street. It’s not the nicest but it has cheap beer and good music.” 
“I love both of those things.” Stan blurted. 
“You hate both of those things.” Richie corrected. 
“We will be there.” Beverly assured, shooting daggers in Richie’s direction. “Thanks for the invitation.” 
Mike nodded, saying that he would see them there. As he walked away, Eddie lingered as if he was going to say something. His eyes were on Richie, his face still and breath even. Richie felt as if he should apologize, it wasn’t Eddie’s fault that he was so bitter-it was an unrelated meat heads but the words refused to take the plunge. Eddie’s face scrunched up as he left, and Richie felt even worse that he did before but there was a bit of himself that still burned.  
And it kept burning all the way to the bar. 
“Let me buy you guys the first round.” 
It was really hard to dislike Mike, Richie had decided. He was perfect for their little Stan. Gentle, soft spoken and very, very kind. The total opposite to Stan in every way-which is why Beverly had decided they were soulmates. For whatever reason, this made Richie’s mood worsen. It had been over six months since his last relationship, if that could even be called a relationship. All they had done was fucked, she was good in bed but that was all. If Richie lingered long enough, he would feel loneliness nip at his heels but he refused to do so. Instead he focused on spending his time griping and bothering those closest to him. 
“He’s great, isn’t he great?” Stan gushed, watching Mike walk to the bar. 
“Yes, he is great.” Beverly replied, smirking to her friend. “The best one yet.” 
“He’s alright.” Richie chirped, bitter and flat. “Kind of seems fake to me.” 
“Shut your hole trashmouth.” Stan growled, rolling his eyes. “Mike is amazing and you’re just pissy because you are still hung up on that shit head that treated you so badly.” 
“Stan!” Beverly hissed. 
Richie felt like he had been slapped in the face, the sting off his past relationship now becoming painfully apparent. It wasn’t like Stan was wrong, per say, but it had been a nonverbal agreement that the past would not be spoken of until Richie was over it all and yet here they were mentioning the only man he had ever loved. Like a scar that just wouldn’t fade, his lover had damned him to all hell. When Richie went to reply to his friends harsh remark, there was no time as Mike sat down four beers as well as four shots. 
“Thought we could start the night off right, bourbon is good for the soul I hear.” Mike said with a friendly smirk. “Beer is the chaser of course.” 
There was only a second between Mikes words and Richie’s eagerness to down the shot without warning. It burned-just as it always did-and it felt better than the ache in his chest. If Mike had judgment on his tongue he didn’t show. “Hey Mike!” A voice rang out from across the bar, making the player look up and grin. 
“Excuse me but it looks like my boy Ben just made it. You wouldn’t mind if I just-”
“Go head.” Stan replied, grazing the top of Mike’s hand with such fondness that Richie wanted to upchuck the liquor. “I know you’ve been waiting for him.” As Mike left Stan filled them in. “Ben’s his and Eddie’s old friend, he’s been in France for six months designing their new amphitheater. He’s only in for the night before heading to London for another contract.” 
“Busy man.” Beverly whistled, craning her head to get a glimpse of the interaction. 
“Should be, you don’t get named in People’s Magazine’s 30 under 30 without being busy.” 
“No shit?” She sounded impressive, and Richie himself would even have to admit that it was impressive. “Think Mike will introduce us?” 
“Ofcourse.” Stan said knowingly. 
Richie couldn’t help but put his grumpy two cents in, “Surprised those meatheads are friends with someone so smart.” 
He could feel Stan vibrate beside him, “I’ll have you know that Mike has a masters in Ancient Civilization and is currently working on his dissertation for his masters.” Richie opened his mouth to retort but was cut short with, “And Eddie has his Medical Degree form Duke, just because your ex was an idiot doesn’t mean anyone with skates is.” 
Baffled, Richie sipped his beer instead of replying. Maybe running his mouth wasn’t the appropriate thing to do tonight, even if it was the only thing to hide his burning aggression. They sat there for a bit, in comfortable silence as Beverly asked about the mystery man that just arrived and Stan joked about her finally getting laid. It wasn’t long till they caught the attention of another guest, although this one wasn’t a friendly one. 
They stood at the end of the table, bumping it slightly so that the three would give them their undivided attention. Hockey players-that they definitely were-but they were none of the ones that had been on the ice with Mike earlier. These two-they were meatheads if Richie had ever seen them. Rotten to the core with scowls for days. “Look, we don’t want to be ‘those people’ but I am obligated to let you know that your kind isn’t welcome at this bar.” 
Beverly raised a defining eyebrow, “Excuse me?” 
The bigger boy snickered, “I’m sorry but we are talking to the fairy here, not you okay? So go be a good little girl and get us some beers eh?” 
Richie felt himself stand before his mind could register, being a spitfire he had always been ready to fight but there wasn’t a need because there was someone there to defend his friends. “Is there a problem here?” 
It was the goon. 
“Nothing that you have to worry about it.” One of the two replied calmly, holding up their hands in defense. “Go back to your friends, we don't’ want trouble.” 
“These are my friends.” Eddie shot back immediately. “Whatever problem you have with them-you have with me.” He was squared up, a good defensive stance that Richie recognized. The trashmouth expected him to glance at them, to decide if they were worth the effort but he didn’t-apparently having already decided. 
“Alright then, we didn’t know they were with you Eddie.” The same player replied, taking a step back. They were scared of the man who was nearly half their size. It amazed Ricihe, astonished him that such a spitfire could earn a reaction like this. “We apologize, isn’t that right Patrick?” 
The bigger one narrowed his eyes, as if he was about ready to disagree and the tension it left was sour and unwelcoming. But this passed, and the man also took a sizable step back. Still so, Eddie kept his shoulders firm. The smaller one turned to leave but as soon as he took a step away the Pactrick guy muttered something under his breath that only the four of them could hear. “Fucking faggots.” 
Eddie chuckled-actually fucking chuckled which made Richie reere back in suprise. Shaking his head he grabbed Mike’s shot, doing it before reaching for Beverly’s and doing the exact same. “That word, you know I hate that word right? Such a dirty word.” Eddie straightened up, pulling at his shirt and wiping his lips. “Right then…” 
The punch was unexpected, quick and so fucking hard that Richie himself could hear the cracking of bone. It was painfully clear that Eddie had done this before, the way it was one hit and done, sending Pactrick sprawled out on the floor-out cold. Bouncing back he was ready for the other friend, who bounced onto him right after. This started a bar fight, members of Eddie’s team coming to his aid. 
Richie, Beverly and Stan all stood up from their seats and staggered back as the table they were at became a landing spot for some guy and the one who was pounding on him. “Fuck!” Beverly cursed, pulling Stan just in time to save him from a flying beer bottle. 
“Hey, come on. This way!” A voice called from behind them, and without really thinking about it Richie followed-dragging his friends along with him. They were sent through the back and spilled out into the alley where the air was crisp and the night was young. “Bill is going to kill Eddie for this one.” It came out as a raspy laugh, and it was then Richie got a good look at their savior-Ben. 
“Whose Bill?” Stan asked, looking back at the door with a slight pinch of worry. 
Ben smiled. “The owner, one of our childhood friends. That’s why they come here-to support him. Not that he likes owning a bar, he’d much rather be writing somewhere.” When he noticed the three of them staring at him with disbelief, Ben backtracked quite a bit. “Ben Hanscom by the way. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself and that’s bad manners.” 
“Beverly Marsh.” She introduced herself, a smile growing around her lips. “This is Richie Tozier and Stan Uris.” 
“It’s nice to finally meet you Stan, Mike talks about you all the time.” Ben said, nodding in the direction of the man who refused to pay attention-being that it was all caught up in the loud commotion coming from inside. “And I’m sorry I’m not meeting you guys on better terms but Eddie can be a bit hot headed when it comes to defending his friends.” 
“We aren’t his friends.” Richie corrected, feeling the need for clarification even if it burned his throat. Eddie had defended Stan, a person who Richie was sure he had met only a handful of times. Who in the hell did that?
“Well, you might not think so but I’ve got some news for you.” Ben replied, a slight knowing tone in his voice. “Eddie doesn’t do this shit for just anyone. Either you guys are his friends or he sure as hell has changed in the six months I’ve been gone.” 
The shouting seemed to calm down from the bar and soon Mike stumbled out with a sideways smirk on his face. He was a little disheveled, and worse for wear but alive nonetheless. “Hey, sorry about all that.” There was a pinch of sorrow behind his tone, making Richie wish he was anywhere else as Mike strolled towards Stan, placing gentle hands on his shoulders. “I had no idea those guys were going to say that stuff to you. Bill runs a no shit shift, I don’t even know how they got in. I swear he doesn’t speak for anyone on my team and I-”
“Mike.” Stan cooed, cradling the man’s face in his hands and sighing. This silenced the rambling, and Richie knew that in that moment, the world had faded away from them. “It’s okay, as long as you aren’t hurt I couldn’t care less what those idiots say.” 
Mike leaned in and caught Stan right on the lips. It was a soft and chaste but it lingered long enough to make everyone around turn away in embarrassment. Richie wanted to let go of the bile in his throat but refrained and instead took a very strong interest in the brick wall. This ended when Eddie burst through the door laughing, a fresh shiner yellowing up from under his left cheek. He looked content with himself, even if his shirt was covered in stale beer. 
“Yeah, we are banned for the month, Bill is pretty pissed. I haven’t heard him yell like that since we accidentally ran his car into the lake senior year.” Lifting his hand he wiped away a stray line of blood from his lips. Looking between all of them he asked, “You guys okay? I didn’t see where you went after Victor jumped on my back.” 
“We are fine.” Beverly hummed, “Ben came to our rescue, isn’t that right?” Richie knew she was laying it on thick, he had seen it before. She wanted in Ben’s pants, which was weird because she typically went for stupid jocks. “My savior.” She cooed, tugging on his sleeve. 
“Oh well I don’t know-I just kind of-uh-” Ben sputtered, his face turning red. 
“Well, the party is over.” Eddie said, “I guess we better just head home and try this whole getting to know each other next time.” 
“I’ll walk you home Stan.” Mike offered immediately, to which was eagerly received. 
“Well if Stan gets to have a big strong man walk him home I should too.” Richie nearly laughed at the way she patted her eyes up at Ben. “I mean what if we run into one of those guys again?” Beverly was a black belt in jiu jitsu, she had literally beat the shit of a guy last week for calling her baby. 
Ben sputtered, “I can walk you home, although I’m not really as strong as Mike and don’t know-”
“Oh thank you Ben. That’s so thoughtful of you.” 
“Wow.” Richie whistled, “That’s just great, what that just leaves me all alone then?” 
“I’ll walk you home you big baby.” Eddie said in an exasperated voice. 
“No I don’t want you to-” 
“Come on before the four of these start taking their clothes off and doing it in the alley.” Eddie cut rolling his eyes and walking past his friends who were way too engrossed in one another. “I’ve got literally nothing better to do.” 
“Great.” Richie groaned as he followed.
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
How did the kids deal with their wisdom teeth?
Alex and James got theirs out at the same time. In which Alex cried because she was worried they were about James. When they both got home she latched onto him like a koala and wouldn’t shut up. She kept saying things like “are you okay? I hope they didn’t hurt you too bad. “ because james’ were worse and he was in pain.
Scout was surprisingly quiet. He didn’t say or do much of anything. Wanda made sure he had plenty of books to read to help distract him of the pain.
Siyanda relied on painkillers because she is horrible when it comes to getting teeth pulled or anything like that so she was a big baby. But it was understandable. Thankfully Aunt Shuri helped brighten the mood by hanging out with her a whole lot.
Thalia was just extra loopy coming out of the surgery. She also hated not being able to eat good food. Like, she full in cried because she couldn’t eat toast.
Orion has no wisdom teeth so he avoided the torture, same with Drew.
For Bianca it was probably one of the easiest things she endured considering the way her body was treated and torn apart. Wisdom teeth being removed was small beans.
Fox never needed to get hers done (thankfully) because her parents couldn’t afford it but they also grew in fine. Which happens to some people, and she considers it one of the only lucky things to happen to her.
Nathaniel tried his best to be independent but Mama Laura was not having it. She coddled her sweet baby boy and doted on him until he was better. He secretly enjoyed every minute of it.
Chloe and Arthur both had theirs out at the same time like Alex and James. Only Chloe was super pissed off the whole time and Arthur was very quiet. He kept looking around like he was seeing some weird shit. Meanwhile Chloe was ranting about “its stupid we even have wisdom teeth. And why did they need to take them out? This is more pain than the mild discomfort of keeping them!”
Penny hasn’t had hers out yet but she’ll need to.
Harper’s parents footed the bill but it was a pretty hefty one for them. Harper managed to do all she could to sill help around the house but she had her younger siblings to help keep her company when she was feeling particularly bad.
Max had his out and he pretty much slept 24/7 as a way to cope with the pain of it.
Piper watched a shit ton of movies with Tony and Pepper. Only problem was Piper hated how she couldn’t laugh at her dad’s jokes because it hurt to bad. It resulted in laughing then crying which only made her laugh harder.
Enzo hasn’t had his out yet but Sage will take good care of him.
Now, Sage was suuuper pissy when she had hers out. Aside from trust issues and having to be put asleep, she hated the doctor because he kept saying that there could be complications and there could be permanent numbness instead of trying to reassure her. Ultimately she had a resting bitch face the entire way home.
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artistlove17 · 5 years
I cut my last 2 friends off yesterday. 🙄
Let me try to get it all in one post... if that's possible.
For starters, they keep stealing from us. Several times my friend Joseph (who has been our friend since 7th grade) has stolen shit from my fiance. He stole a power cord out of our playstation and claimed it was his, even though my fiance and I both remembered that when he came in he said he had forgotten his cord and we gave him ours to use while he stayed at our house. But as he was leaving my fiance asked for it back and he defensively claimed it was HIS power cord and shoved it off in his bag.
My fiance also let him borrow a bunch of games once while he was out travelling and couldn't play them, only to come home and Joseph claim he never gave him any games. We're 99.99% sure he sold those games because he thought my fiance would forget about them. 🤦‍♀️
Joseph also stole some fake plastic guns my fiance had one time. We had them in the trunk of our car and Joseph literally just took them when he was getting his bag out of our trunk.
Then there's Eli. Joseph's "wife."
We took them camping once and had bought a first aid kit as a part of our camping supplies. But then when we were dropping them off back at their house she just took our entire first aid kit. She carried it in with her and then when she went to the bathroom I grabbed it and took it back to our car. It really pissed me off how she just took it and didn't even care that we saw her taking it without her even asking, like she really thought we either wouldn't notice or wouldn't say anything to her. 🙄
I have no idea why they just keep stealing random shit. 🤦‍♀️
Then there is the fact that they make their relationship seem like a competition with ours. My fiance and I have been dating for nearly 7 years (it'll be 7 in January) and have been engaged for 1.5. Joseph and Eli have been together maybe 2 years. They started dating right before my fiance and I got engaged, and then they immediately got engaged after we did. Then they RUSHED to get married, Joseph even made comments about selling his playstation so they'd have money to get married. 🤦‍♀️ And as soon as Eli got a $6000 inheritance from her Grandma, they ran to the courthouse and got married and invited one of Eli's friends but didn't invite us... even though they had been talking about wanting us to come with them for weeks. And every time they're around us they just make their relationship seem like some kind of competition with ours and keep asking us when we're "finally" going to get married... as if we haven't been together for 7 fucking years. Marriage isn't even really anything we're focused on right now. It just really irritates me that they think their 2 year, unhappy, problem filled relationship is ANYTHING compared to ours.
Another problem IS their relationship. They are constantly having break downs and yelling at each other and constantly asking us how "we deal with things like that".... my fiance and I have NEVER yelled at each other. We've never gotten to the point of just absolute anger that we have a full blown fight. We bicker and argue yea, you're going to do that with ANY other human being. But we handle it like adults and talk about it. We don't just freak out and throw tantrums like children and yell at each other the way that they do. 🤦‍♀️
They honestly have a very toxic relationship. Joseph treats Eli like crap.
For example: My fiance made four hotdogs in our campfire the last time we went camping. He made one for each of us for breakfast. Joseph got up and got 2 of the hotdogs... and then Eli said "I'm hungry" and he told her to make herself a hotdog... my fiance told Joseph that he made one for her but Joseph ate both and so he should make her another one. Joseph acted all upset to have to make his WIFE another hotdog after he fucking ate hers... like what the actual fuck?
He's also admitted to my fiance that he gets mad at Eli and yells at her and calls her names, like she went to open their car door once and the handle broke (not her fault) but Joseph got pissed and called her stupid. And he acted like that was just completely normal and was wondering if we ever did that... 🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ like what the FUCK. No, that is NOT normal you dumbass mother fucker.
There's also the fact that Joseph is just... nasty. Like not to be mean to the guy, he was our friend for a long time, but over the last couple years every time we hang out he just smells like shit. Like actual shit. He will not take a shower and he's always got oily hair and smells terrible. He literally refuses to shower and it's really nasty and the smell makes me gag when he gets in the car.
We've also tried and tried and tried to get Joseph to come work with us. We've offered to pick him up and take him to and from work with us and everything... but he literally won't even answer the messages despite him and Eli CONSTANTLY complaining that they need jobs and they have no money... Eli is "disabled" so she thinks she can't get a job, despite the job we are at now being a sitting job. She thinks her hips wouldn't be able to handle her working... which is whatever, I can't tell you what HER body can handle. But Joseph is perfectly capable of working yet he will not even talk to us about an EASY job that we can 100% get him... it makes no sense. He just DOESN'T want to work. He wants to sit around playing video games but that's not going to get them anywhere, and when his dad (who is morbidly obese and in terrible health) dies, they'll have nowhere to go and not a penny to their names.
And the biggest thing for me... is that they CONSTANTLY... CONSTANTLY, use their mental health issues as EXCUSES for everything. I have depression and anxiety and my fiance has severe social anxiety... but we still FORCE ourselves to go out and do things and get a job and take care of ourselves. We don't allow our mental issues to ruin our lives, we just DEAL with them in any way that we can. We aren't about to sit in a room rotting and make ourselves even more depressed because we don't want to deal with our shit.
They have melt downs and episodes every single day and just sit around focusing on things that MAKE them feel bad. They will sit and complain and whine about something until they make themselves depressed... they do it all the time when we take them out to do stuff and then it just ruins mine and my fiances moods.
We went camping last weekend and it really sealed the deal for me cutting them off...
We got there and it was getting dark. We always go camping at my moms because they have a lot of land and we can camp by ourselves wherever we want on their land, which is awesome.
So my fiance and I wanted to go let my family know that we were there like we usually would do. And when we came back Joseph and Eli were sitting in the car very pissed off...
Eli tried to say some crap about us leaving without setting up their tent first and tried to make it a joke. "Well we said we should probably set up the tents first! But nooo, and now it's dark" which I didn't find funny at all... it was just really annoying. Like first of all, I needed to let my family know we're here so they don't freak out about someone being on their land. And secondly... ya'll are both 21 and 22 years old, you can't set up your own damn tent??
Which, they do that shit any time we go camping. They act like we're supposed to treat them like they're our damn kids or something and do every little thing for them. And it's so damn ridiculous.
Then my brother came down there to drink with us and Eli and Jospeh walked off on their own and Eli was crying and shit and having a breakdown while Joseph was just pissy about something. They acted like they just did not want my brother to be there... which really pissed me off.
Like, that's MY brother. This is HIS land that my family and I have invited ya'll to camp on. I invited him to come drink with us because I wanted to hang out with him... and ya'll are forreal throwing a fit because we aren't giving you all of our attention or something??
Ugh. That's all for now. I might add something else I think of later.
But point is, we had really shit friends and I'm so done with them. 😤🤦‍♀️
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lolainblue · 6 years
Phoenix -- Chapter 19
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   Annoying Friend (who I found out was actually named Angela) kept her word and returned for the show that evening. With her help, I was able to make plans to meet up with Viola again the next week when we played in Milan. It turned out I really liked this girl. We had been able to chat more with Angela around, and as I suspected, she was cool and funny, a little sarcastic but mostly fairly chill and upbeat. But every time I started to relax and just go with it, I would catch a glimpse of Jane and a wave of guilt I couldn't quite sort out washed over me. I shouldn't have felt guilty, it wasn't as if Jane and I were in any way together now, and she had all but outright given me her blessing with Viola. So why did I feel like shit when I thought of her seeing us together?
   Viola spent the night again, without Angela, and she stuck around until it was time to leave. I kissed her a long goodbye as we stood in front of the idling tour bus, my emotions a confused muck. More than anything I wanted to ask Jane about what she had said yesterday over lunch, it played over and over in my head, except for the moments where Viola was looking at me with those big brown eyes of hers. She hadn't asked any more questions about Jane, it didn't take a genius to work out that there was a bad breakup there. All in all, it was shaping up to be an awkward mess.   Jared kept Jane on a tight leash the next few days, never letting her out of his sight for more than a few minutes, and never without someone else there to keep an eye on her. I began to suspect he realized I would want to talk to her and was doing his best to keep us apart. I was a little irritated, but I probably would have done the same thing in his place.    Jane mostly avoided speaking directly to me. We all shared a few meals together but other than that she hide out in Jared's bunk or Jared's room. I had woken from my own bunk several times on the road to catch her playing video games with Tomo, only to have her immediately excuse herself and retreat to the other end of the bus.    It wasn't until four days later, when we were backstage for the Zurich show and Jared was off putting out some fire that could have easily been dealt with by someone else, that Jane and I found ourselves alone. She was perched on top of a giant black equipment case, swinging her feet in time with the music being piped out into the venue. It was bleeding in so softly back there I hadn't even noticed it until I saw the rhythm of her legs. She was dressed in ripped jeans and a Mars t-shirt, and even though her hair was blown out straight and once again looking like something out of a shampoo commercial, it floored me to see her looking like that.    I had learned, in that time before, that with Jane, you could easily read her mood by how she was dressed. For her, the expensive clothes and ladles of makeup were a sort of battle armor, something she put on as protection while she ventured places further from her comfort zone. Jeans and t-shirt Jane was unguarded Jane, but also confident Jane. When she dressed like that she was comfortable in her element. Jared's conquests usually showed dressed to the nines, wielding their physical beauty like a bludgeon, ready to smash anyone that got between them and Jared. When they did dress casually it was usually a studied, trying-too-hard kind of casual, jeans and a 'messy' bun with an hours worth of contouring, a wrinkled t-shirt that they just happened to pick up off the floor, but it was Jared's t-shirt and Jared's floor. They were as pissy and territorial as cats. Jane was none of that. She was just back there, listening to music, texting someone on her phone, just being relaxed and confident in her position and 100% Jane.    She had always dressed to the nines when she went to shows with me.    “Hey, Janey,” I greeted her.    Jane looked up from her phone and quickly scanned the room as if searching for a missing bodyguard. It hadn't been Jared that was keeping her so closely watched over and chaperoned. It had been Jane. I hated that she seemed to be afraid to be alone with me, but I really had no one but myself to blame.    “Hi, Shannon,” she said hesitantly, placing her phone down beside her.   “Chatting with Roger?” I asked, hoping a little chit chat might put her at ease.    Jane smiled. “No. His girlfriend, actually.”    “He has a girlfriend?”    “Mm-hmm,” Jane nodded but didn't elaborate. She stared at her toes but didn't pick her phone back up. I tried again.    “You look good. Happy. Jared says you've been teaching?”    Jane nodded again. “Yeah, English to schoolchildren in Tanzania. It was a wonderful experience. I hope I'll get to do it again soon but I've been really busy.”    “Wow, that's uhm...” I trailed off as I realized I didn't really know what to talk to her about. She'd always been just a little outside my reach, but a lot of things seemed to have changed with her. Jared had mentioned a thing or two but there were still so many gaps.    “Shannon,” Jane began. Her tone was rife with exasperation and I feared she was going to cut the conversation off so I swallowed and went for broke.    “Why did you say what you did to Viola?”    Jane's feet finally stopped swinging and she looked at me. Her expression was flat and when she spoke her voice was too. “I said it because it was true. When you love someone you're wonderful.”    “That's not what I meant. The part about wishing I could have loved you. I did, Janey. I loved you so much. I still...”    “No, you didn't, Shannon. Maybe you like to tell yourself that you did, but it's not true.”   “Don't say that. How could you even fucking think that? “  “You made a conscious decision over and over again that you had to know would break my heart. That's now how you treat someone you love.”    I didn't want to hear that point so I just blundered on with a different one. “I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant for any of it to go like that. I just...”    Jane made a growling noise.  “Do you really want to do this now, Shannon, before you go on stage?”    “Well, I would do it another time but you've made damn sure not to be alone long enough to let me.”   Jane hopped down off her perch and stood toe to toe in front of me, her green eyes peering up at mine. i dare you to kiss me i dare you to kiss me i dare you to kiss me i dare you to kiss me. I  had to swallow hard to shut out the voice of Jane past that echoed in my head. This Jane wasn't smiling.    “Fine," she spat, a little bit of her temper bleeding out and I braced myself. "Look me in the eyes and tell me why.”    “What?"    “Why, Shannon? If you loved me so much, then why did you do it?”     It wasn't like I didn't have an answer for her, but the aggressive way she was asking threw me. “I... “    “Don't you fucking dare say you don't know. You've had four years to reflect. You know. By now, you know why you did what you did.”    She was right of course. “I didn't know then. And I'm not trying to make an excuse now. I know this was all me, was all my fault.”    “But?”   “You loved someone else.” My voice was barely a squeak, mortification catching it in my throat.    Jane rolled her eyes. “I told you, I wasn't in love with Angus. It was more convenience than anything.”    I dropped my eyes because I knew how my next sentence was likely to be received, although I was curious if time had changed anything. “I didn't mean Angus.”    “Oh.” Jane's voice was oddly dispassionate and looked back up to see her face had gone slack.    “Yeah. Don't say you didn't, because I still can't even mention him without you looking like I was about to kick you.”    “It's a complicated situation, Shannon, for a lot of reasons, all of which I told you. I don't see why that makes a difference though. It's not like he was around to compete with. I don't understand.”    “I had girlfriends too after you left, you know." I knew this was going to be hard to make her understand, I was shit at explaining myself, but I had to try. "Some of them just overnight guests, some even less, some of them stuck around for a while. But I thought you were out there, just around the next corner. I thought you would pop back up any minute. I thought you were out there looking for me too.  So I never took any of it seriously. I never thought it counted.”    “Shannon...” Jane's voice was softer, the anger from a moment ago dissipated. “Everything counts. Every day. All of it.”    “I know that now.”     Jane wound a finger into her hair, twisting one strawberry curl while she seemed to manage her emotions. “So did you somehow think if you fucked around on me that wouldn't count either?”     Dammit. “No.Of course not. Not that was doing a lot of thinking back then, but I was just mad, even if I couldn't figure out why. At first, I just something was off, something I could put my finger on. Then I told myself you didn't really love me like I loved you, not if you hadn't waited.  I told myself a lot of stupid bullshit. But I was really just mad that I had thrown away years when I should have been living them like you did.”     Jane nodded and fidgeted with her hair some more. The pauses between her responses were killing me. “So you did do it to get even with me?”   “On some level, I guess. But like I said, I didn't even know I was angry until later. I tend to do that, in case you haven't noticed. React badly and do stupid shit and then figure out why down the road.”    “Is that why you sent that letter to Jared?”   “That one, I knew I was pissed. You got between me and him.”   “Well fuck, Shannon, you broke my heart and got between me and Roger and I didn't run behind your back exacting petty revenge schemes.”    Suddenly I realized I had no idea what had happened in Jane's life after that moment she left me standing in a hotel parking lot in Irvine. The mountain climbing and teaching were the least of it. “I got between you and Roger?”
   “I blamed him a little too. He kind of figured out what was going on before I did but he didn't warn me, just left me there alone with you and flew home. You burned my life to the ground that summer, Shannon.”    Jane turned to the side and lifted the edge of her t-shirt. There was a tattoo there, one she hadn't had when she was with me. It started just above her waist, a little pile of burnt ashes with sparks that floated upward, converging into a brilliant orange, gold, and red firebird. It was vibrant and brilliantly done, and probably hurt like hell, sitting on her rib cage like that. Mine had hurt and I wasn't half as thin as she was. Reflexively I reached forward to touch it but she quickly dropped her shirt again.    “It's a Phoenix. I broke down and let myself lie in the ashes for far too long, but I eventually got back up, put everything back together and rose above it.”    “I didn't mean to break you.”    “Well, I sort of  had a hand in it too.” Before I could ask her more about that she continued. “The party then?”    “That one... I didn't even realize I was still pissed, to be honest. I thought I had kind of gotten over things. It wasn't until we were all in that room together, and Jared was trying to “handle” things the way he always does while you just stood there, frozen, waiting to see what was going to happen, that I just... something just snapped. I think it's Jared I was actually mad at but it all came out at you.”   Jane considered that for a moment then took back her seat on top of the equipment case. “I was going to apologize. That night, when I saw you again, I followed you back to that room to apologize.”  “Apologize for what?” I was damn sure it wasn't for sleeping with Jared.    “I mean, I've been working a lot on owning my own bullshit," Jane explained. "To be honest, I was out of control long before I crashed back into you at the bookstore.”  “Jane, you don't need to apologize for anything.”    “I was an emotional train wreck back then. The partying, the bad decisions, running around with you while I was still technically engaged to someone else, dragging you into trouble...”    “I can find trouble on my own just fine. I'm a professional at it.”   “I bought you drugs!” she protested.     I had to stifle a laugh at Jane's horror over tainting my last vestiges of non-existent virtue. “Also something I could easily accomplish myself. Lead me not into temptation, I can find my own way...”  “Very funny. It's no wonder you got mixed signals I guess.”   “You were in pain.”    Jane's eyes instantly dampened. “What? I mean, how could you have known that? I didn't' know that, not then...”    “I of all people should have known better." I hopped up and took a seat next to her, carefully resting my palm on the black plastic behind her.  "You were trying so hard, grabbing onto anything you could to steady yourself... I know what that kind of pain looks like, even if you didn't. I should have known better. I should have been there for you instead of being a self-indulgent dickhead.”    “Shannon...”    “No. It was me. You may not have been in a good place but I'm the one that destroyed everything. I wish I could take it back.”    “For what it's worth, you taught me a lot. The way you treated me that first time, back in Los Angeles, made me realize that I didn't want some safe, lukewarm love. That being loved back passionately was important. That being wanted was important. Being alone was better than not truly being wanted. I also learned that you can love someone and it still might not be enough. We weren't at a place in our lives then to be with each other, not then. It didn't matter that we were in love.”    “I don't know, Jane. Maybe we have that one wrong.”    “No," she said firmly. "I got the lessons wrong the first time, or I forgot them. Because I had to learn them all over again. I mistook being wanted for being in love. I was looking for the wrong things. Angus wanted me, but I didn't love him. I loved you but you didn't want me.”     Not that again. “Jane, that is so far from the fucking truth.”    “Is it? You had a choice between me and having a good time playing the rock star, and you chose to play the rock star.”    “No. that's not the choice I made.”    “But it is. You can blame it on misplaced anger or emotional immaturity but it was a choice and you made yours.”     I could feel my breath faltering as I began to realize how badly I miscalculated. “I'd have chosen differently if I'd understood.”    “You can't undo it, Shannon. There are no take backs. This is life. Sometimes you get second chances but there are no real do-overs.”    “And no second chances here, huh?”    “No.” Jane turned away for a second and swiped at her cheek. “You can love someone, heart and soul, and it still might not be enough. Maybe I guess you get to learn that one now. Twice is enough for me.”    I didn't say anything to that one.  What could I say? I thought she had misunderstood but I was the one without a clue.    Jane's phone chimed and she picked it up and read the screen. “You know, you really should give Viola a chance. She apparently has had a crush on you for years. Saw one of your music videos. I only know her so well, her sister Bernadette and I used to party together when that was my thing, but Viola wasn't really old enough to hang out with us most places. I've been talking to her a bunch the last few days though. She's got a good head on her shoulders, smart, and really kind. She has plans beyond modeling. She's actually kind of amazing. You should give her a chance and get to know her. I mean, yeah, she's a little young but if that doesn't bother either of you it's none of my damn business.”    Too young to hang out with them? “Wait, how old is she?”    Jane thought about it and then gave me a sad smile. “She's the same age I was when I met you. Just turned 21.”   “Ouch.”    “Don't let it put you off. I mean you should find someone that you have something in common with, someone on your level. Age is just...”    “Someone on my level?" I bristled. "Are you trying to say that I'm immature?”   “You're putting words in mouth," Jane huffed.  I just meant she seems more likely to want the kind of relationship that you do, and...”    “You do get that Jared is my little brother right? You're dating my baby brother?”    “How is this about Jared?” Jane's voice started to rise and I should have backed off but my mouth had slipped over into sarcasm mode.    “Well, you know, now that you're too mature to be giving me second chances and all.”   “I didn't say that. That's not at all...”    “Look, I get it, okay? Nothing says “I'm over you” quite like fixing your ex up with someone else.”    “Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dig the knife in deeper. I like Viola. I thought you did too. I was just trying to help.” The air was silent and thick, the faint murmur of music gone and a dull droning in its place. The opening act must have been getting ready to take the stage. “For what it's worth, I'm not angry anymore. I'm not even hurt, I don't think. Not anymore. I'm just done.”    Well, I guess that settled that. “Did he even give you the birthday present I bought you?”   “The bracelet? Yes. It was a very pretty bracelet, Shannon.” Jane said far too diplomatically.    “Do you ever wear it?”   “No.”  Jared appeared in the doorway and looked ready to rush to Jane's aide but she hopped back onto the floor again and held up a finger for him to wait. “I don't ride Ferris wheels anymore either.”    “Why not? Too mature now?”    Jane gave me a withering look that told me all I needed to know about how over me she was. “Because they're haunted. All of them. I'm always yours on Ferris wheels. And I'll never be yours again.”    She bounded off into Jared's arms without a glance back and I found that I was the one swiping at my eyes now. I had wanted a second chance, some glimpse of a way back into her heart. What I got was closure. Not what I had come for, but something that I needed all the same. Closure, wrapped up in a wakeup call.    I took out my phone and texted Viola.         @thepromiseofanend @msroxyblog @nikkitasevoli @llfd1977     @fyeahproudglambert @little-poptart @snewsome756 @guccilowell @monicasanoli @lady-grinning-soul-k @pandaliciouz  @lostinletoland @moody-by-nature
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hoeassproductions · 6 years
Break A Leg: Chapter 6
A/N: Disclaimer, this is a work of fiction. I do not own, possess, or have any links to Chris Evans, nor do I profit off of this work. Any claims otherwise are grossly misleading. This work is not to be posted anywhere else without my explicit permission.
If you would like to be added to the tag list, reply here or send me an ask. I’d be happy to add you! Happy reading!
Word Count: ~1,600
Self Preservation
Monday comes and goes. Chris and I only see each other in passing.  Which is probably for the better. Since Saturday when Hannah called me out for liking Chris, I feel like an already complicated situation got even worse.
Seems like our M O. Are you even surprised?
A few days pass and more of the same. Chris is busy with meetings with the other directors and I'm busy with the welcome distraction of making concept art for new costumes. It works in both of our favors.
Avoiding him won't make my feelings go away but a girl can damn sure try.
Eric and I are getting along phenomenally as usual. I ask to see his portfolio of work and he shows me props and costumes he’s helped with dating from before he started at this company 5 years ago. I can tell he’s very talented and i can stand to learn a thing or two from him. He will be a great asset to me for sure, and an even better work friend. We look over the designs I have so far and we agree that he can make a few adjustments before we send them to the head seamstress for approval.
Just after lunch on Thursday, I am able to find a few minutes of quiet by myself as I sit on the edge of the loading dock. The first time I’ve really taken a moment to myself since this week started. Listening to my music with one ear bud in and enjoying the sunshine caressing my skin, I get lost in the sway of the rhythm. I begin to do a little jig in my seat. 
Enjoying this moment of freedom doesn't last more than a few seconds when I begin to hear a loud, deep laugh from behind me. I turn around and catch a glimpse of Chris engaged in a full body hysterics as he tries to get words out.
“You just… you're really… “ he says between laughs, tears now brimming his eyes.
I begin to chuckle at the scene before me. “You alright over there?” I ask. After a few moments of continued laughter, I stand up and address the man who is beside himself in front of me. “Get it together, Evans.”
Chris stands up straight as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “Okay, I'm good. Sorry but man that dancing was something else. I was not expecting that. It was exactly what i needed.”
“Ha ha ha, I'll have you know that I'm an excellent dancer,” I say as I narrow my eyes at him.
Chris walks closer with his voice low, never breaking eye contact. He says “I'd like to see that.” With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, he inches even closer now standing only a few inches in front of me. As I look into his eyes, I realize that the underlying huskiness in his voice indicates he’s thinking of something a little deeper than a few dance moves.
Words fail me and I can't think of anything else than standing here with him in this small moment of uncertainty .
As we continue looking into each other's eyes, a loud bang breaks us from our trance. Coming back to reality I realize the noise is from a truck being unloaded on the dock opposite from us. In an attempt to stifle my inner weirdness from finally coming face-to-face with him after realizing my feelings, I look at my watch and begin to turn to leave when he grabs me by the arm before I can make a clean getaway.
“Y/N, wait.” I slowly turn and raise my eyes to meet his. “It’s been such a busy week, I haven’t gotten a chance to really see you. Is everything OK? You seem… different. I can't put my finger on it.”
“I'm fine. Just adjusting to everything. It's all so new and I'm still settling in.”
He stays quiet, then whispers “Why don't I believe you?”
I stop dead in my tracks.
Damn it to shit.
I’m now slightly irritated, not ready for him to know anything, and i’m not prepared to accept it myself. Giving him any indication will only add more confusion. He can’t know. Not yet. I need this conversation to end. Now.
In an effort to brush off his comment, I overcompensate. “I don't know Chris. We've only just met. Maybe you don't know me as well as you like to think you do.” With his jaw now on the floor and myself in a pissy mood of my own making, I walk off.
For the rest of the week, we mostly avoid each other. Only acknowledging when necessary, which isn't too hard.
I have a quiet weekend at home without much going on. Zero distractions lead my mind to drift to Chris and how I treated him last we interacted. I felt instant regret the moment the words came out and I could see the hurt in his eyes before I turned away.
I know I fucked up. I got scared and took it out on him.
Laying in bed Sunday, I begin to think up an apology for hurting him when he’s really innocent in all of this. It's not his fault I've developed feelings and are managing them like a little bitch.
He doesn't need to know that though.
As I turn out the lights and settle into bed, my phone lights up on the nightstand. It's a text from Chris.
C: I know we haven't said much to each other as of late but I took my mom to that restaurant we went to. She loved the food so much she said it gave her family recipes a run for their money. Thank you.
I read and re-read this before I hit the dial button. He answers after the first ring.
Before Chris can get much else out, I start my apology.
“I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I was a bitch and you didn't deserve that. I was frazzled and what you said caught me off guard. I just… it's hard for me to let people in and you’re you. It's not like you're some random nobody...you're a freaking movie star that actually cares about me and is my friend. In a general sense, and many others, you kind of scare me.”
“Y/N, why didn't you tell me? If I would have known, I could have helped. I'm not entirely thrilled about my celebrity status myself. I know it makes all of this, even just being...friends, more complicated. You know how many roles I've turned down or people I've avoided to try to have some semblance of a normal life? Trust me, it's a blessing and a curse but if there's one thing I've learned it’s that sometimes you have to lean into the fear. Trust someone is there to catch you.”
“That's what I'm afraid of,” I say just above a whisper.
“I didn't catch that. What did you say?”
“I said that makes sense. I'm sorry I'm not so easy to be friends with. Totally understand if you say ‘This bitch is crazy’ and want to call this friendship off.”
“Y/N, I promise you, you're worth it.”
After wiping a tear from my eye and composing myself, I ask Chris about his experience at the restaurant with his mom. We discuss how his meetings have been going and we talk for about an hour before saying our goodbyes. Laying my phone back on the nightstand I feel a weight has been lifted off my chest. I actually feel excited to see him tomorrow.
Don't kid yourself, you're a goner for sure.
Walking into work the next day, I feel lighter. Once I get into the shop, I find a covered plate on my desk with a note.
“Just a little something to start your day off right. I'm happy we cleared the air. Find me later.” - C.
I uncover the plate to find a big slice of banana cream pie topped with whipped cream.
How did he know? 
I eat half of the slice before I go to find Chris. After a 20 minute search I find him backstage talking to the stage manager. As they end their conversation, Chris’ eyes land on me. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as he walks towards me.
“Hi” I reply with a smile on my face.
“I'm guessing you found your surprise” he says with a cheeky grin.
“Yes I did. I already ate half of it. How did you…?”
“Y/N, did you just get here?” Adam asks coming out of nowhere.
“Yes, why?”
“Where are your bags? We need to get them on the bus.”
“Adam, what are you talking about?”
“The two week all company/all staff annual retreat. It happens every year at the beginning of the season. We leave within the hour. No one told you?” He says.
“Clearly not. What do I do? I have nothing here.”
“You can ride with me” Chris pipes up. “I arranged to drive down later tonight because I have a few business things to attend to before I leave. If you go now, I can pick you up at your place around one.”
“Are you sure? It’s very last minute.”
“Yes, I’m sure. Now get your butt in gear!”
“Thank you, you're the best!” I say as I hug him.
“Great!” Adam says as he claps his hands together. “I'll let them know we are ready to go then. See you guys down there.”
Adam turns and walks from whence he came leaving Chris and I alone, and I realize that I willingly committed to that before thinking about the implications.
Fuck. Me. Why can't I catch a break?!
Previous Chapter
A/N: These two just can’t get it together! It’s always something! I know it’s been a bit since i posted. The holidays and whatnot, but i was feeling a little uninspired with all of the distractions. Anyways, let me know what you think! Thanks!
Tags: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @beccaheartschrisevans @avenger-nerd-mom @mycapt-ohcapt-writes @mad-for-marvel @vanillabeanlattes @captain-ariel-barnes @emilyevanston @thewife101cevans @loricameback @plussizeappreciationfics @a-tale-of-two-comics @melodramaticfanatic @writingcreatingstorytelling @kirstie-lotr @mywritingsblog @disney-fire-fox @harrinoodles @lookwhatyoumademequeue @janeyboo @aglarelen
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write-havoc · 6 years
This Is How I Disappear Ch. 18
Summary: A girl named Chuck finds herself in the exact place she doesn't want to be, living with violent men in a desolate nursing home. After her former gym teacher finds her, will he be the savior she was looking for?
Fandom: The Walking Dead AU
Pairing: Negan/Original Female Character
Status: Completed (story continues in The Flame Is Gone, The Fire Remains)
Contains: swearing, violence, sexual assault, blood, smut
Readers 18+ of age only
Masterlists in my bio
Negan and Sherry reenter the rec room after Sherry’s smoke break to the rest of the women talking about their pasts. Sherry finds a chair at one of the tables and sits down as Negan sets Lucille on another table and leans against it.
“I had this lady come in and want platinum blonde hair and her hair was jet black!” Tonya continues on with her horror stories from her old job. “I told her it would take several sessions, but that bitch wasn’t having it. She told me I was just trying to get more money out of her. A week later she comes back in with fried to shit, bright orange hair and asked me to fix it. She tried to bleach it at home, by herself, in one sitting!”
“Did you fix it for her?” Chuck asks with a chuckle.
“She fucked her hair up so bad the only thing I could do was cut it into a pixie cut. It was cute, though. I made it work. But I probably should’ve told her her to fuck off after she was such a bitch.”
“You think that’s bad. You can’t even imagine how many guys get wood during a massage! And they were never the kind of guys you would want to see that way.” Frankie starts with her own horror story, “This one guy-“
“Alright, alright,” Negan interrupts. “I don’t want to hear about fuckin’ gross ass boners.”
“Come on Negan.” Kayla giggles. “We’re just exchanging war stories from our old jobs. And I bet you have some good ones about the kids you used to coach.”
Negan shoots Chuck a look before he turns to Kayla. “My past is my fuckin’ business,” Negan growls.
“I’m sorry,” Kayla says quickly as her face drops.
Chuck’s face instantly blushes at his icy words. She tries to sink into the couch she is sitting on, hoping Negan and the wives would let the topic drop.
“Negan. Don’t-“ Sherry begins, but is cut off.
“Shut the fuck up, Sherry,” Negan barks out. “I’m sick of your mother hen shit,”
“Jesus Christ, Negan!” Tonya exclaims. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“My problem?” Negan spits back as he paces the room. “You fuckin’ women seem to be fuckin’ allergic to following my goddamn orders!” He stops in front of Chuck and points his finger right in her face. “I fuckin’ told you not to tell anyone. And you couldn’t even do that,” Negan hisses coldly.
Chuck can barely even look up at him. She feels anger, embarrassment, and guilt all at once. Tears start to well up in her eyes no matter how hard she tries to fight them.
“Hey!” Frankie yells, getting his attention. “You told us before that you worked in a school. And we told Chuck that. All she did was confirm what we already knew!”
Kayla and Chuck are both sitting on the couch, tears running down their faces. The other women are in various states of shock at the turn of events.
“Jesus fucking Christ! This is why I don’t spend my fuckin’ time with you girls.” Negan rubs his face and looks to the ceiling.
“Then don’t! Find someplace else to sleep tonight. We don’t need you here,” Tonya bites back.
“I’ll sleep where I goddamn want to, Tonya. You don’t fucking dictate my fuckin’ decisions. None of you do!”
“Fuck you, Negan. You son of a bitch,” Tonya spits out.
Negan goes over to Tonya and gets in her face. “I’m sick of your shit. So why don’t you -and everyone fuckin’ else here- mind your own goddamn business when it comes to me and Chuck. That would be fuckin’ great.” He ends in sarcasm.
“You’re the one that brought Chuck into this,” Frankie responds as she points at Negan. “Not Tonya or Kayla or anyone else.”
Every time Chuck hears her name, she cringes. She hates that everyone is so angry because of her.
“What-the-fuck-ever! What I said stands. If you guys have a fucking problem with how I treat Chuck then you can get the fuck out! Join the fuckin’ workforce!”
“Hey. Calm down. Don’t take this out on them because you’re angry at me,” Sherry says as she moves toward Negan.
“Why is he angry at you?” Tonya asks Sherry, trying to get to the root of what is going on here.
“It doesn’t fuckin’ matter. So just drop it,” Negan dismisses.
“I asked him about his relationship with Chuck,” Sherry answers, ignoring Negan completely.
“Goddamnit! What the fuck did I just say?! And why the fuck do you even care?!” Negan yells.
  That’s it. I can’t take them fighting over me anymore. I’m not staying here a second longer as they talk about me like I’m not even here.
 Chuck gets up and makes her way to the door with her head down, hoping everyone is too busy fighting to notice.
“Where the fuck are you going?” Negan barks as she passes him.
Chuck doesn’t answer, but continues to the door. She opens it slightly, but a large hand comes crashing down on the door above her head, slamming it shut.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Negan growls out and Chuck turns to him hesitantly.
“I’m not staying here anymore,” she answers meekly.
“Where the fuck would you go, Chuck?” Negan moves his arms to cage her in place.
“Somewhere,” she says with a hitch in her voice.
“That’s convincing,” Negan replies coldly.
Chuck musters up the courage to answer him more directly. “The barracks.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? There’s no way in fuckin’ hell I’m letting you share a goddamn bunk with god knows fuckin’ who!”
“I don’t want to be here to listen to you all fight over me!” Chuck yells, losing her cool.
There is a soft knock at the door and Jose’s voice came from behind it. “Everything okay in there, sir? ”
“Everything’s fuckin’ peachy. Back to work,” Negan calls out roughly.
“Chuck? You okay? ”
“Yeah. I’m fine,” she answers as evenly as she can.
Negan lets out a little growl, seemingly irked at Jose for wanting Chuck to answer. Both Sam and Jose take their jobs protecting the wives very seriously. Even if they have to protect them from Negan, so it seems.
Negan and Chuck stare at each other for a few moments before Negan pulls away. He walks over and sits on the couch, running his hands through his hair with a sigh.
“This shit is done now. I don’t want to hear another fuckin’ word about it. We’re all gonna fuckin’ stay right fuckin’ here, no one leaves until this bullshit storm passes and then everything goes back to fuckin’ normal. Everybody under-fuckin’-stand that?” Negan looks around to all of the women.
Everyone nods, though not enthusiastically. Tonya leans back on a table, arms crossed, gaze cast anywhere but Negan. Sherry, however, glares at Negan like she is willing him to do something different. Frankie sits down beside Kayla and wraps her in a hug. And Chuck moves away from the door and curls up in an armchair in the corner of the room, discreetly wiping her tears off her cheeks.
Everyone is quiet for a long while. Eventually, the squawking of Negan’s radio breaks the silence.
“Sir. Part of the fence is down on the west side. Tree branch got it.”
“Shit.” Negan groans as he stands from the couch.
“Oh my god!” Kayla exclaims in fear.
“Any biters coming through?” Negan asks into the radio.
“No. We haven’t seen any since the storm began. We figure the wind and rain are keeping them down.”
“See. Nothing to fucking worry about,” Negan throws out to the wives. “I’m coming over to see,” he says into the radio and leaves.
The women remain quiet until dinner comes. They all sit around the table and begin to eat their meals.
“Negan is such a dick sometimes,” Tonya starts.
“Please don’t bring it up, Tonya,” Kayla pleads. “I’m sorry I asked him about his past. I didn’t think he’d get so upset. This is all my fault,” she says into her chest.
Chuck grasps Kayla’s shoulder. “No. It’s my fault for telling-“
“It’s Negan’s fault for not being able to deal with his emotions,” Sherry interrupts.
The women all nod in agreement.
“Let’s just drop it like Negan said,” Frankie suggests.
“Of course. Like we always do,” Tonya mutters and rolls her eyes. “Every time he gets pissy and blows up, he has to have the last word. And he never compromises! He has this way of making it seem like you get what you want, but you really don’t. He never changes.”
Chuck has the sudden realization that Tonya is right. “Wow. He does do that.”
“How do you even deal with him all the time?” Tonya asks Chuck. “I can only deal with him long enough to cum and that’s it.”
Even though Chuck is still hurt by what Negan said, she feels the need to defend him. “He’s not that bad most of the time.”
“Do you guys just fuck 24/7? Because that’s all he’s good for,” Tonya states with a smirk, lightening the mood a bit.
“No! We don’t.” Chuck giggles a little. “We... hang out, I guess. Like friends.”
“I can’t really picture him doing friend things,” Frankie says.
“He’s mostly a normal guy, I think.” Chuck shrugs. “He puts on his ‘Negan’ persona when he’s out, but he’s just... normal... all the other times. I’m sure you guys see that, too, when you’re alone with him.”
“Not really,” Kayla answers. “I guess he treats us a little differently than the workers or saviors. He makes sure we’re okay, but that’s really the extent of it.” Kayla looks to the other wives for confirmation.
“You’re the only one that gets cuddly, kissyface Negan,” Tonya says to Chuck in a light tone.
“Oh.” Chuck isn’t sure how to take this information.
The women finish up dinner and decide to play more games to pass the time. Sherry finds a deck of cards and some chips and the women sit at the table to play some poker. It soon becomes apparent that Chuck has absolutely no poker face.
“I fold,” Tonya says.
“Me, too.” Frankie sets her cards down.
“Yup.” Kayla folds, as well.
“Yeah. Me, too. Chuck obviously has a good hand,” Sherry comments with a chuckle.
“Aw. Come on, guys. I actually could’ve won big on that one.” Chuck sets her cards down, a full house, and picks up her measly winnings.
“Oh shit! You girls are playing poker,” Negan calls out excitedly from the doorway, like nothing had happened earlier. “Deal me in!” He comes further into the room, closer to the table.
“No way. You’re not taking over this game,” Sherry says to him as she deals.
“What!? You want me to just sit my ass on the couch by myself with nothing to do?” Negan pouts.
“There are books to read,” Tonya replies, not looking up from her cards.
Negan lets out a huff and walks up behind Chuck to peek at her cards. He leans down and brings his hands around her to reorder the cards in her hand and sets two of the cards down.
“Do you mind?” Chuck says with no real bite as she turns to look at Negan.
“Not at all. You’re shitty at poker. I’m doing you a fuckin’ favor.” He takes the cards Sherry puts in front of Chuck and places them in her hand, pulling her hands, and the cards, close to her chest to hide them before she has a chance to see them. “You’re fuckin’ welcome.”
“I didn’t even see what they were,” Chuck whines as he keeps her cards hidden.
“That’s the point, sweetheart. Those fuckin’ cards are written all over your face.”
“Have you even seen her play, before?” Kayla asks.
“She has like four chips left.” He points to her very small pile. “I’m pretty confident her poker face is severely fuckin’ lacking.” He grabs two of her chips and throws them in the pile.
“Call,” Sherry says.
Everyone shows their cards and Chuck wins with three of a kind.
“There you go, sweetheart. I won you some chips,” Negan says as he moves away to grab a book from one of the shelves.
“That doesn’t count!” Tonya teases.
“Let her take the chips,” Sherry says with a giggle.
“Yes! Pity winnings! I love it!” Chuck jokes and gathers her chips.
The women play a few more hands before Negan’s radio squawks to life. “It’s clearing up outside. Storm seems to be on its way out, sir.”
Negan brings the radio to his lips. “First floor, report.”
“We got a couple of inches of water down here, sir. Nothing seems to be too damaged though.”
“What’s it fuckin’ look like outside?”
“One part of the fence is down. We already sent guys out to work on it. No dead in sight. There’s shit all over the grounds, though. It’s a real mess, sir.”
“What about the outposts?”
“They got shit to clean up and some repairs, but nothing too major.”
“Good. First thing tomorrow, everyone fuckin’ pitches in to get this place back up and running. And I mean fuckin’ everyone. I want this fuckin’ shit cleaned up pronto.”
“Copy that, sir. ”
“Does that mean we can sleep upstairs, tonight?” Frankie asks.
“No. We’re all staying here until the fuckin’ morning,” Negan answers.
Kayla clears her throat. “And then we’re going to help with the cleanup, too?”
“Fuck no! You ladies will go back upstairs. There’s no way I’m having you wives traipsing around unattended with every other motherfucker here thinking he can get away with shit because people will be distracted. That’s a recipe for fuckin’ disaster if I ever saw one.”
“I want to go downstairs to help,” Chuck responds.
“The fuck did I just say?” Negan bites back.
“I’m not a wife. I’m just a worker. And if everyone needs to pitch in, isn’t it my job to help out?”
“I think you should stay with us,” Kayla interjects. “It’ll be safer.”
Negan gestures to Kayla and looks at Chuck. “See! She gets it.”
“I would really rather help out any way I can. Please.” Chuck looks up to Negan with wide eyes.
“Fuck...” He rubs his beard and looks back to Chuck. “You’re glued to my fuckin’ hip tomorrow. Understand.”
“I mean it, Chuck. You never leave my fuckin’ sight.”
“I won’t.”
 The next morning, the wives move back upstairs and Negan leaves to make sure everything is on track for the day. When he gets back, Chuck and Negan leave the rec room to go downstairs to help with the clean up.
“Where are we headed?” Chuck asks.
“Outside. It’s a fuckin’ mess. That’s where most of the fuckin’ people are working,” Negan answers.
They walk through the halls of the first floor, trying to avoid the people sweeping away mud from the floors. At least Chuck is trying to avoid them. Negan just walks through, never pausing or moving out of the way. He opens the doors to the outside and Chuck is taken aback at the sight.
“Oh my god! It is a mess!” she exclaims.
There are tree limbs, bits of metal, and other debris all over. People are moving back and forth, moving the trash into pickup trucks to be dumped somewhere. Some people are patching up the walls and fences, but most are just clearing the debris from the yards.
“We’re headed to the back.” Negan leads Chuck around the building to the gardens.
There are several people working in the area including a group of middle aged women who are kneeling in the dirt tending to the plants and soil. Negan and Chuck make their way closer to them.
“How is it, ladies?” Negan asks to the women.
“We lost some plants, but I think overall it’ll be okay,” one of them answers.
“Good. I know you ladies don’t like strangers fuckin’ handling your plants, but I brought you another worker to help. And she’ll be real fuckin’ gentle. I promise,” Negan says and pushes Chuck forward.
“Oh, hi.” Chuck greets shyly. “I’m Chuck. So, uh... what do you need me to do?”
The women introduce themselves as Patty, Irene, and Natalie. Chuck kneels down in the dirt as Negan walks off to help clear debris nearby. She follows all of the women’s specific directions closely, but looks up from the dirt every once in a while to check up on Negan as he helps to clear debris.
Well, not exactly to check up on him.
“Oh, yeah. He needs to lose the jacket more often. He looks absolutely fine in just that T-shirt,” Natalie says with a growl and the others giggle.
Chuck looks back from Negan to see that all the other women are staring in his direction, also.
“He’s too skinny for me. But I admit that him all sweaty and lifting things is pretty hot,” Patty offers.
Chuck looks back down to the dirt, hoping the women won’t see the blush crawling across her face. She can admit to herself that Negan is a handsome man and she very much enjoys looking at him, but her shyness keeps her from being able to talk to anyone else about it.
“Don’t be so shy, Chuck,” Irene says. “You can ogle all you want. And if you work out here in the gardens with us, you’re gonna hear some girl talk. So join in.”
“Girl talk?” Chuck asks with a smile. This isn’t like any girl talk Chuck is familiar with. And she certainly isn’t confident enough to talk about Negan or any other man in the ways that they are.
Patty points to Simon who is walking by. “Ooh yeah. Like look at him. Sex on a stick! I like ‘em big and muscle-y.”
“Simon?” Chuck calls out to the women in a startled tone a little too loudly causing the man to turn to her and come in their direction.
“Shit, Chuck! He heard you!” Patty whispers harshly.
Simon walks over to the garden and looks down at the women before focusing on Chuck. “Heya, angel. What are you doing down there in the dirt?” he asks with a smile.
“Uh...” she looks around to the women who all look shocked at Simon’s familiarity with her. “I’m helping with the garden.”
“Yeah. I see that. You need something?” he asks, obviously thinking that Chuck had called him over for some reason.
“No,” Chuck replies unconfidently.
“Ok, then. Don’t work too hard,” he says with some confusion as he pats Chuck on the back and turns to walk to Negan.
Natalie lets out a gasp and points at Chuck when Simon walks far enough away. “You’re sleeping with Simon!”
“It’s always the quiet ones,” Irene jokes.
“No! Nonono! I’m not sleeping with Simon. He’s just a friend.”
“Friend? How did a girl like you become friends with Negan’s right hand man?” Patty asked. “That was literally the first time I’ve ever seen him talk to a worker, you know, casually.”
“Uh...” Chuck isn’t sure how to explain it. She doesn’t really want to say that she is close with Negan and that’s how she got close to Simon. In the two and a half months she’s been at The Sanctuary, she’s managed to keep her friendship with Negan quiet. Mostly due to the fact that she isn’t close with anyone outside of the top floor. And the saviors that are aware of her closeness to Negan know that it would be a mistake to spread it around.
Chuck inadvertently looks to Negan in her nervousness. When her eyes find him, she sees that he’s already staring at her. The women around her follow her gaze, seeing Negan for themselves.
“Holy shit. Are you with Negan?” Irene asks in astonishment and the other women gasp.
“What?” Chuck snaps her gaze away from Negan and back to the women. “No! I’m not with Negan. I’m not a ...wife. Obviously.” She holds her dirty hands out, showing that she is a worker and not a wife.
“Well, he’s looking at you like he wants to pounce on you,” Natalie responds.
“Shit. He’s coming over here. Shush,” Patty whispers quickly and the women go back to working the soil.
Negan, carrying his jacket and Lucille in the same hand, saunters toward the women and looms over them before he speaks. “Getting the job done, ladies?”
“Yes, sir,” Irene answers quickly, with the others nodding.
“Well, that just tickles my balls!” Negan laughs. “There’s a fuckin’ meeting in the main hall in an hour. Be there,” he directs to the women as he holds his free hand out to Chuck. “Come on, sweetheart.”
Chuck looks around at the knowing smirks on the women’s faces and blushes furiously. She takes his hand and stands from the ground, walking away from the gardens by Negan’s side.
“What’s that look for?” Negan asks as they walk, heading to Negan’s room.
“Nothing,” Chuck answers.
“No. It’s not nothing. You’re all blushing and your fuckin’ face is all scrunched up.”
“Those ladies. They, uh... They were asking about you.”
“Asking what?” Negan inquires with a smirk.
“About you... And me,” Chuck says quietly.
“I see,” Negan scratches his beard. “So the secret’s out, huh?” he questions in a somewhat joking tone.
“Well... I said I wasn’t with you. Which isn’t a lie, technically.”
“Did they believe that?” He looks down at her with a smile.
“I don’t know.” She looks up at him. “Probably not.” She shrugs. They start up the stairs to the fifth floor.
Negan lets her go ahead of him. “Don’t worry about what they think.” Negan pinches her butt with a chuckle.
“Negan!” She bats his hand away then looks around to make sure that no one is around. “We’re still in public even if no one is in the stairwell,” she growls at him.
He laughs and the pair continues to his apartment in comfortable silence.
“We’ll grab a shower and head down to the meeting,” Negan says and starts to strip his clothes off.
“Shower together?” Chuck asks.
“You getting fuckin’ shy on me, now? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other fuckin’ naked before.”
“We’ve never showered together, though.”
“So?” Negan, now naked, moves toward Chuck and lifts her shirt up and over her head to get her started.
“Showering is kinda... private. You know?” She begins to assist him in taking off her clothes.
“If you want to rub one out when we’re in there, you have my fuckin’ permission,” he jokes.
“Oh my god, Negan! I didn’t mean that kinda private.” She hits his shoulder as she lets out a chuckle. “One track mind.” She shakes her head and walks past him and into the bathroom.
After showering and redressing, Chuck leaves for the main hall without Negan, allowing him a little bit more time to prep his speech. Chuck maneuvers her way through the crowd of people standing in the main hall to a spot that is a little less densely populated. Everyone waits for a few minutes before the door on the catwalk above them opens up.
Negan walks forward toward the railing and everyone kneels down on their knees. Chuck follows suit, not wanting to look disrespectful around the other workers.
“On your feet!” Negan calls out and everyone rises. “I am pleased. as. punch with the way y’all fuckin’ hustled today to get this place spic and span and back to fuckin’ normal! This hurricane shit could’ve knocked us on our motherfuckin’ asses, but we all worked together. We all stayed fuckin’ calm and we came through the other side of this shit tornado smelling like fuckin’ roses!” He gestures to the crowd. “As a reward for you guys being so fucking awesome, everyone is getting a fuckin’ surprise at dinner tonight. We are having fuckin’ cake for dessert! No points necessary!”
Everyone erupts in applause at the words, including Chuck. Desserts are incredibly rare and usually very expensive.
“Dismissed!” Negan yells out and everyone starts to leave.
Chuck holds back, waiting for the crowd to clear out before she leaves, heading back up to the fifth floor with nothing but sugary confections on her mind.
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Open Flames
Chapter 1
Word count-5937
“Tony, I told you I wasn’t gonna join your little boy band. I’ve finally found a job that I like and a boss that doesn’t treat me like shit. I am not gonna be your next charity case.”  Azariah rolls her eyes as she wipes down a table. In two hours, the doors to the state’s most lavish nightclub, Lux, would open, and she needed to make sure the place was ready. She really didn’t have the time to be having this conversation, but if she didn’t, Tony would most likely show up in person, and she reallllyyyyy didn’t want that.
“You mean, the guy that thinks he’s the Devil? Yeah, that’s a winner right there. Come on, Azar, you can do so much better than that. Look, I can pick you up and have you settled in your very own room here within a couple hours. I’ll even set you up in a room between Legolas and Point Break. You’ll be a great addition, Matchstick.” She had to laugh at Tony’s random nicknames, and she considered saying yes for 2.5 seconds before her brain started prioritizing.
“You are not calling me Matchstick. I will burn down everything you own before I let you call me that, and you know it. I really do like this job. Pay is great, the boss is pretty cool, and I get sweet benefits. Plus, the boss looks the other way when I accidentally set things on fire. I call this a win-win.” Azar finishes with the rest of the tables and starts stocking the bar. She glances at her phone briefly before sighing, “Look, I have to finish setting up. Can’t we talk about this later? The club opens in about an hour and a half, and I still have a lot to do.”
The amusement in Tony’s voice was very apparent, and he knew better than to push his hothead friend. “Alright, you win. I’ll think of a better one and get back to you.  I’ll tell you what it is when I show up. I can’t wait to meet your boss. See you in a few Azar.” Without waiting for a reply, Tony ended the call, leaving Azariah staring at her phone. She couldn’t decide if she was angry or amused at the fact that her impulsive and overprotective friend was now on the way to her club. With a sigh of exasperation, she got back to work.
Time seemed to fly by, and soon enough, the place was packed with people. The club was always crowded on the weekend, but this Friday seemed even more packed than before. It would seem that rumors had gotten around about the gothic, redheaded bartender that could set fire to things. People crowded the bar, waiting for a glimpse of this ability. Azariah didn’t mind because it meant more tips coming her way. She had everything under control until some 
asshole threw his drink at her because she wouldn’t give him her number. 
She clenched her teeth and grabbed a few napkins to wipe her face and chest off as she tried not to set the man on fire. The idiot was still yelling obscenities at her until he was abruptly cut off. The sudden silence from him made Azar look up and into the eyes of her boss and owner of the club, Lucifer Morningstar. Her anger seemed to die a little now that Lucifer was here, but it wasn’t gone completely. “Hey boss, what can I get ya to drink?”
Lucifer’s grip on the rude man’s shoulders tightened a smidge more, making the man flinch and look very remorseful. “Why Azariah, it looks as though someone has made a poor mess of you. Who would do such a thing to someone as delectable as you?” Lucifer could flirt and threaten someone in the same sentence as easily as breathing, and it didn’t hurt that he had such a beautiful exotic accent. 
“Some idiot felt I owed him my number and got pissy because I didn’t give it to him. Now I’m covered in alcohol because he threw his drink at me. Good thing you showed up because I was about to show him what it felt like to be in the hot seat.” Opening her fist to a charred and crumbling napkin, she blew the ashes towards the two of them, and it seemed to make the man grow pale and gulp.
Lucifer jerked the man so that he was now facing the angry devil. He grinned, but it wasn’t something someone would want directed at them. “What kind of a sod throws a tantrum just because he doesn’t get a lady’s number. Since you can’t respect a woman’s wishes, you are no longer welcome in my club. Apologize to Azariah before I do something; you’ll very much regret it.” His eyes flashed a bright red for a moment as he stared the man down.
“I... I’m sorry, lady. It’ll never happen again. Sorry for troubling you.” As though a signal had been given, security dragged the troublemaker away and out of Lux.
Sighing, Azariah grabs a few more napkins and tries to wipe off more of the sticky liquid before giving up. She flips her hair back and places her hands on her hips, “Thanks for the save. I was trying really hard to be good, but he was pushing some serious buttons. Now I probably look like shit.”
The Devil leaned over the bar and waggled his finger at Azar, “You could never look like shit. You would look beautiful even in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Why don’t you take the rest of the night off and let Maze finish the night?” His eyes held sympathy and regret, but his smile was full of unspoken suggestions.
“I would love to, but a friend should be showing up here any minute. I’ll never hear the end of it if he shows up after I’ve already left.” Lucifer looks her over for a few minutes in deep thought and then waves over the other bartender. “Look after the bar for a few moments while I take our luscious lady here to go freshen up.” The bartender smiles at him before getting back to work.
“I don’t have any other clothes here, Boss, I’m fi...” Before she can say much else, Lucifer is already interrupting her. 
“You must call me Lucifer, I insist. No need for such formalities.” He holds out a hand for her to take, and with a moment’s hesitation, she lays her hand in his, letting him lead her from behind the bar to his elevator.
“I really am fine. I’ve dealt with much worse, and I didn’t exactly bring a spare set of clothes to change into.” Azar says as they enter the elevator. It made her nervous and awkward being this close to the self-proclaimed Devil, but she did need this job, no matter how weird her boss was.
He turned his full smile on her, and her knees started to shake. Something in her ignited as she stared into his eyes, and pure lust filled her. Something had changed, and now the redhead was inexplicably drawn to him. “Nonsense. I can’t have my employees drenched in alcohol because of some idiot. I have some female clothing that should be to your taste, but by that look, you may not need clothes at all.” It took a moment for his words to register, but when they did, her brain kicked back into gear, and she managed to beat the lust back.
She had started to lean towards Lucifer and quickly straightened back up. “I…ah...I don’t know what happened. I’m not usually like this, especially when it comes to my boss.” Azar looked at the elevator doors in such utter confusion over what happened. She never mixed work and pleasure, but there was just something about Lucifer that made you want to roll all over him, like a cat to catnip. Thankfully, the doors opened, and she quickly walked out into what appeared to be his penthouse.
Lucifer walked out behind her and led her to the bedroom, “Oh, no need to be ashamed. It’s a natural reaction when in my presence. Now, let’s get you out of those clothes and into something clean.” They stopped in front of a massive walk-in closet, and her jaw dropped. Every variation of clothing was stuffed in there, and it was bigger than her bedroom. Everything in there must cost more than her apartment building. 
He started rummaging through the clothes with single-minded determination, mumbling to himself about each item until he had a few articles. When he was satisfied, he turned and handed them all to Azariah, who was still in shock. She shook her head and grabbed the items, “Bo-Lucifer, I can’t do this. They cost way too much, and I can’t afford to pay you if something happens to them.” She tried to hand them back, but he simply walked past her to his private bar. 
Grabbing a glass, he pours himself a drink and walks over to his couch. “Oh, nonsense. Think of these as an apology for what happened. Try them on and keep what you like. As you saw, I have plenty of others, and if I need to, I can buy more.” Lucifer smirks and raises his glass to her as if he is shooing her to the bathroom. Without another word, she turns and quickly heads to the bathroom, her long, dark red hair flying behind her.
Azar slams the door behind her and rests against the door as she takes in the gorgeous bathroom. It looked exactly like she imagined a billionaire bathroom to look like. The tub looked like it could fit 15 people in it easily. She was determined to stay on Lucifer’s good side because if he could afford all this, then he could undoubtedly ruin her. With a sigh, she lays the clothes out on the counter and looks them over. 
It looked like Lucifer had given her a few different styled dresses and a corset/ pant set. Everything was Black with just small splashes of color.  He had been able to nail her style perfectly; of course, it was pretty obvious what she liked, so it wasn’t that hard to figure it out. Not feeling in a dress mood, she undresses and puts on the corset and tight leather pants. Somehow, that sneaky devil had gotten her size just right. The pants had been relatively easy to put on, but the corset would be a problem. She was going to need help with lacing the back up.
“Hey, Lucifer? Do you mind helping me out? This top is a little outside my expertise.” 
“Ooh, is that an invitation to look at that enticing figure of yours? My dear, my hands are yours to use as you please.”
“Psh, not like that, you deviant. I just need help with the back of this corset.” She had to smile and laugh. She had gotten used to these kinds of comments in her short time working at Lux, and her boss had made sure it was all right before he started suggesting the really naughty stuff. He was all about that consent, which was even better.
The door opened, and in popped Lucifer, mischievous smile plastered on his face. “Oh Azariah, that outfit looks absolutely ravishing on you. I dare say, Mazikeen would approve of this. 
Although I think the clothes would look much better on the floor than on you.” He waggled his eyebrows as he walks up behind her and starts to tighten the laces in the back.
Her cheeks turned bright red, and the towel next to the sink caught on fire. She makes a move to throw it in the sink, but Lucifer tugs on the laces, pulling her back into place. Looking up in the mirror, she gives him a questioning look, “Do you want your place to burn to the ground? That’s exactly what’s going to happen if you keep saying things like that. I can’t keep control if you keep getting me all fired up.”
“Perhaps, a loss of control is exactly what you need.” He leaned forward and whispered that into her ear. His nearly black eyes were staring into her bright, emerald green eyes through the mirror, causing her to shiver. Lucifer knew precisely what he was doing, and it was driving her wild. Flames flickered from her fingertips, and wisps of it moved through her hair. Thankfully, her phone went off, saving her from the lust that was running rampant.
Lucifer smiles and winks at Azar as he straightens and moves back, leaving her space to answer her phone. “Well, if you do not wish to take me up on the offer, then I shall leave so you may finish getting ready.”
“Thanks again for letting me borrow the clothes and for the help. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” The bathroom door shut, and Azar scrambles to answer the phone before it goes to voicemail. She never bothered to see who was calling, but the Black Sabbath ringtone gave it away. “Please tell me you’re not here.”
The pounding of music in the background told her everything she needed to know. “In the flesh. The only thing that’s missing is you. Where’s your boss at, Firefly? I want to know what kind of a crazy person calls themselves the Devil and owns the hottest nightclub in LA.” Tony sounded like he was in the thick of the club, and it would only be a matter of time before the ladies started to cling to him like glue. 
“There was a mishap earlier, and I had to change. I’ll be down in a few. Stick to the bar so I can find you. Oh, and Tony, if you try and make firefly stick, I’ll murder you.” It was said with that sickeningly sweet voice that portrayed innocence, but you just knew it meant pain. Hanging up the phone and turning to look in the mirror, Azariah checked herself over one last time before leaving the bathroom.
Lucifer was standing on his balcony, looking out at the busy city. “Are you ready to go back downstairs? I’m assuming that was your friend on the phone letting you know they are here.” He turns towards her, walking to the bar to put his glass down.
“Yeah, he’s waiting for me by the bar. Unfortunately, he wants to meet you. Honestly, you don’t have to meet him if you don’t want to. Tony is such a pain in the ass at times, and I just want to finish my shift and go home. With him here, that won’t happen.” Hands on her hip, she rolls her eyes and sighs. 
“Oh, my dear, if that’s the case, then I’ll gladly distract your friend so you can make a quick getaway.” He drains his glass and puts it on the bar, all while winking at her. She had to laugh at that. Just imagining Lucifer flirting with Tony put a smile on her face. Both of them were playboys; though Lucifer would flirt with everything in sight, Azar was pretty sure that Tony was straight. She couldn’t wait to see this play out.
She laughs as she makes her way back to the elevator. “You’re more than welcome to be my distraction. It’ll be hilarious seeing you try to pick up a straight man.” They both step into the elevator, and a thought pops into her head, causing her to turn to the taller man in concern, “Are you ok? I didn’t burn you earlier or anything? Why aren’t you freaking out about what I can do? Most of the time, when people see the things I do, they either scream in terror or try to use me as the star of some freak show. You don’t even seem phased when I accidentally set something on fire.” 
Lucifer laughed as he hit the button on the elevator that would take them back to the club. “I am the Devil. It would take something more than a little fire to hurt me. You needn’t be concerned about my wellbeing, little Inferno.” She would have asked him more questions, but the doors opened, revealing the ongoing party.
Bodies writhed to the music, and the lights flashed in different colors. The place seemed even more crowded than before, though that was no surprise. LA seemed to come alive at night, and Lux was known for being the safest and best nightclub around. Famous people from all different walks came here to party and have a good time.
Azar walked to the bar without looking to see where Lucifer went and nodded at the bartender, who went back to their side of the bar. She immediately started taking orders and got back into her rhythm. It wasn’t too long before someone whistled and started shouting at her. “Hey Hotrod, what’s a guy gotta do to get a hug from a friend?”
A broad grin crosses her face as she looks in the direction of the voice. Putting a hand on her hip, she sarcastically calls out, “Maybe when said guy stops trying to give his friend a stupid ass nickname.” People at the bar started laughing at that, along with some cheers from the girls. “My shift ends in an hour, and then I’ll introduce you to the boss.” She was already pouring him a glass of whiskey; his taste of alcohol always the same.
Tony winked at her and disappeared into the mass of bodies as though he had never been here. She focused on getting everyone their drinks, and before she knew it, her replacement was tapping her on the shoulders and telling her to go home. With a smile and a thank you, Azar stepped out from behind the bar and started the search for Tony. It would be easier to find him from higher ground, so she made her way to the stairs.  She found Lucifer standing at the top, leaning over the railing, sipping on his drink.
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Usually, you’ve gone up to your penthouse with someone on your arm.” Azar stands next to him and leans over the railing, looking for her missing friend.
He chuckles and takes a drink, “Yes, well, I couldn’t exactly leave before meeting this friend of yours. I assume that’s who you’re looking for now. I believe you’ll find him down there surrounded by women. Why didn’t you tell me that your friend is the great and illustrious Iron Man?”
“Of course, he’s surrounded by women; everyone wants a taste of the billionaire. I didn’t tell you because you would have figured it out when you met him. It’s not like I was keeping it a secret.” Humour laced her voice as she spotted the hero.
“Well, let’s not keep the man waiting. I’m sure he’s eager to catch up with you if he has come all the way from New York. I know I am eager to meet the man.” Lucifer smiled mischievously as he makes his way towards Tony. Azar laughed at his apparent eagerness to meet her old friend and followed close behind. 
The crowd parted for them, and they were eventually standing in front of a small group of women circling Tony like vultures. Clearing Lucifer’s throat to get their attention didn’t work, they were too focused on the man called Iron Man, and Tony was playing to his audience. Azar sighed and gave a shrill whistle, causing everyone to stare her down. “There you are, Red! I thought you would try and sneak out on me, not that you would have gotten very far. I do know where you live after all.” He started making his way towards the duo, but the crowd refused to move. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I’ve got a friend to recruit.” If looks could kill, then Azar would have been in some serious trouble. Every woman was glaring at the newcomer, mumbling under their breath to each other.
The crowd dissipated, and the friends hugged each other. “I figured it would be best to get this over with; I’d rather not be hunted down like one of your criminals. I swear to the fucking Devil, if you don’t stop coming up with dumbass nicknames for me, I will melt every one of your metal suits. Try me fly, boy.” She was smiling as they stepped back, and Tony gasped in mock offense.
“You wouldn’t dare! I’ll have you know that I thought long and hard on those nicknames, and you shouldn’t be so judgmental. Every single one of them fit you.” 
“I would do it, and you know it. So, go ahead and keep coming up with them. See what happens.”
Lucifer burst out laughing at the threat. “I think I would tread carefully. As someone who has seen what happens when Azariah is messed with, I would head the threat.” He takes a few steps closer, no longer willing to watch from the background.
“I don’t take advice from some guy who calls himself the Devil. In fact, I have a few psychiatrists on my retainer. Call Claire, and she can help you with your delusion.” Tony sneers and pulls a card out of his wallet and hands it to Lucifer. 
“So hostile towards someone you just met. Tell me, Tony Stark, what is it you desire?” Lucifer cocks his head and smiles as he looks into Tony’s eyes. Tony’s hand lowers slightly as his eyes start to lose focus. He opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, seemingly struggling against an unknown source. “You’re one of the harder ones, I see. Come on, with all your vast riches and knowledge, what is it you truly desire?”
Azar watches as Tony struggles against whatever Lucifer was doing to him. She had seen him do this with a few of the patrons but not up close. It was certainly entertaining to watch Tony struggle not to answer. The Devil in question seemed to be getting a kick out of it too. His smile widened the longer Tony took to respond.
Tony loses the battle, and his hand drops completely. “I... I want to protect the world and right the wrongs that I’ve done.” He takes a step back, blinking as if he was just coming out of a trance. His eyes widen in surprise, and he looks at Azar for confirmation that that did indeed happen.
“A noble man indeed. A much more attractive trait than the one you normally portray.” He had a Cheshire smile on now that his question had a desirable answer. 
Tony collects himself and seems to be thinking hard about something. “That was not the weirdest thing I’ve ever encountered, but it was up there. I know a man that is a god, so I guess meeting the devil isn’t that strange. You got any more abilities hidden in that body of yours?”
“Tony, Lucifer is not joining the Avengers. Don’t try to steal my boss for your boy band. I won’t let it happen.” Azar sighs and smacks him on the arm.
“Let him ask his questions, Azariah. If he wants a demonstration, then I will happily oblige.” Rubbing his hands together, he looks at Azar as if signaling something to her.
It takes her a moment but finally, it dawns on her what her boss was about to do. She doubles over, laughing at the scene that was going to unfold before her. “Tony, I don’t think you want to see what he can do.”
“What? What’s happening? I feel like I’m missing the joke here. See, now I have to know.” Tony looks at the two of them, completely confused, throwing his hands up in the air.
Struggling to get her laughter under control, she shakes her head. “Don’t say I didn't warn you. This is gonna be a sight to see.” She takes a few steps back so that they have more room and so she wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire. 
Whatever Lucifer did up in the penthouse was nothing compared to what he was doing now. Even though his focus was entirely on Tony, Azar could still feel the effects. She backed up even further to try and lessen the blow, breathing deeply. Lucifer took another step towards Tony, 
“Not only can I get people to tell me their deepest, darkest desires, but I can also draw out desire. Just look at me.” He motioned to the full length of himself. “I am just dripping with sin, so it’s only natural that people are drawn to me. Now, tall, arrogant, and handsome, you’ve told me what you desire. Let me tell you what I desire.”
The lust in Lucifer’s eyes was apparent as he took yet another step towards Tony, who was standing his ground with a smirk. His breath hitches as he stares into the devil’s eyes. “What I desire… is you. That luscious body of yours tangled in my sheets. Throw in a few different toys, and we could have an absolutely wonderful time. What do you say?”
The deep breaths weren’t helping, and neither was the imagery that Lucifer was so eloquently putting together. Azar could feel the heat rushing through her body as the pull towards Lucifer became stronger. Everything in her longed to run her hands over his body and do exactly what he wanted. She had taken a few steps towards the men before she caught herself. Thankfully, neither seemed to notice.
Tony leans towards the taller man and licks his lips. He thinks about it for a moment before shaking his head. “I need a drink. You want a drink because I definitely need a drink.” 
A collective sigh draws Lucifer and Tony’s gaze to their surroundings. They had drawn a crowd; men and women alike had gathered to watch the display, hoping to see more. It didn’t help that Lucifer’s amped-up power had drawn them. Tony looked over at his friend, only to see that people were trying to avoid the woman that had flames coming off her skin. 
“You ok over there, Sparks?” Tony’s voice is the ice needed to break the spell over her. Azar takes a deep breath and sighs as the flames vanish. She blinks a few times before giving him a weak grin. “Yeah, I just need some air.”
“Why don’t we continue this conversation upstairs. Azariah will be able to get her much needed air, and we will be able to talk without drawing in such a crowd.” Lucifer motions to Tony and walks off towards the elevator to his penthouse. Tony looks at Azar, who nods, and they both follow after Lucifer. 
Tony and Lucifer talk as they enter the elevator, though Azar pays no attention to them. She’s too focused on trying to control the flames that want to burst free. When the doors open, she rushes out, immediately making a beeline for the balcony. Inhaling the fresh air, she leans over the railing and looks out at the city. Time passes, and she can hear the guys talking, but she tunes it all out. Her skin felt tight, and her nerves were shot from trying to keep such tight control over her power. She was used to keeping her power under lock and key, but she was having a much harder time with everything happening tonight.
“You doing alright, Hot Stuff? You seem tense.” Azar jumps in surprise when Tony walks up behind her. He stands next to her with his arms crossed and a look of concern on his face.
She nods and smiles at her friend. “Yeah, I just needed a moment to myself. I normally don’t have such a hard time, but a lot has happened today. I’m not sure how to explain it without sounding crazy.” A small chuckle escapes her lips.
“I work with a God, spy, super soldier, a guy who turns into a green rage machine, Clint, and I have you as a friend. Not to mention I’ve just met someone who almost has me convinced he's the devil. Nothing you say will sound crazy to me. So, what's on your mind, Kid?” His words ease the tension in her mind. 
“I’ve gotten pretty good at controlling my ability. I don't set things ablaze just by walking by them anymore, but today… I was stupid and let someone guy get me riled up. Then, I’ve felt Lucifer’s power twice, and I just couldn't keep that box shut. I’ve got no way just to let go, and that’s making it harder and harder to keep everything contained. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt someone…. again.” She shudders at the reminder of her childhood.
Nodding his head, Tony wraps Azar in a brief hug. He looks down at her with a sympathetic smile and then smirks. “You know. You wouldn’t have this issue if you just came with me. You need to let loose, and I do know a few people that can help you with that.”
“Tony, I don’t know how many times I have to say this before it sinks into that big head of yours, but I’m not going.” She flips her hair back and waggles her finger at him.
“I’ll make you a deal. If you win, I’ll stop bugging you about coming with me. If I win, then you have to join the Avengers.” He raises an eyebrow and smirks as if he’s already won.
“What’s the deal?”
“It’s a yes or no question.”
“You expect me to just agree to a deal that I know nothing about?”
“Let me think… Yes.”
“How about a big fat no. You either tell what the deal is, or I don’t agree to anything.”
“That’s fine. I hope you get used to hearing my wonderful voice every day.”
“You’re serious? How are you gonna do me like that?”
“Oh, come on, it’s me. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen.”
“Knowing you, a lot.”
“It’s a simple question.”
“FINE! I give. Now, what’s the deal.” 
“You let Devil dude over there use his mojo on you. If you can keep your powers locked down, then you win. I see even a hint of fire, and you have to come with me.” Tony’s smile widens at the exasperated look on Azar’s face. He had her, and he knew it.
She glares at him, “You are such an asshole. You knew I would say no; that’s why you refused to tell me. I can’t believe I fell for it. Of course, you pick something you absolutely know you’re going to win. Watch your back cause I’m getting you back for this.”
Tony holds out his arm and laughs, “After you, M’lady.”
Azar walks inside and finds Lucifer sitting at his piano, playing a beautiful melody. She walks over to it and crosses her arms. “Are you in on this?”
He looks at her briefly before turning his attention back to the song. “If you’re referring to the deal, then yes. If you are referring to something else, then that would be a no. What was your answer?”
“After being tricked, I agreed.” She sighs in resignation and sits on the bench next to Lucifer, watching his fingers expertly move across the keys. “So, what’s next?”
Lucifer doesn’t answer the question, but the melody on the keyboard changes to something darker, more compelling, and that’s when he started to sing.
When I was a child, I'd sit for hours.
Staring into open flame
Something in it had a power.
Could barely tear my eyes away
All you have is your fire.
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
Lucifer belts out the lyrics as he continues to play. His voice was going with the ebb and flow of the melody; his body was gently swaying as he played. To Azar, it felt like he was drawing the darkness out of her. She could feel his power drawing her in, calling to her. Another part fought violently to break free of the spell he was weaving.
When I was 16, my senses fooled me.
Thought gasoline was on my clothes
I knew that something would always rule me.
I knew the scent was mine alone.
All you have is your fire.
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
She leaned towards him as the song washed over her. She had no idea what he had planned next, but if it was half as beautiful as this, then she didn’t mind in the slightest. Her hair started to rustle as flames flickered in her hair, and the heat began to rise. Neither of them cared, and Tony stayed back, content to watch the scene play out.
When I was a man, I thought it ended
When I knew love's perfect ache
But my peace has always depended
On all the ashes in my wake
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Lucifer let go of the keys and reached out to Azar, caressing her cheek and pushing back her fiery hair. He leaned towards her, singing the last lines softly. Azar’s breath hitches as he gets nearer, heart racing.
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
He sings the last word on her lips and then kisses her. 
An inferno blazed through Azar, and the box flies wide open. The curtains burst into flames, and Lucifer’s glass on the table shatters from the heat. Azar jerks back from the kiss as Tony tries to smother the fire. “Tony, get back.” He quickly does as she says.
Holding her hand upright, the flames leap into her hands where she smothers it. She sighs as she stands up, looking back at Lucifer with the mischievous grin on his face. “I told you I was going to set your place on fire if you kept doing that to me. This was not my fault.”
“I think a few crispy curtains and a broken glass are an even trade for a reaction like that. I’d love to see what happens if we take things farther.” He laughs, and that makes her roll her eyes.
“That is so not happening. No offense, but I can just tell that this would end badly for me.” She turns towards Tony, who was texting someone. “A deal is a deal. When do we leave?”
“We have a flight that leaves in two hours. That gives us enough time to go back to your place and pack what you need. I’ll have somebody come by and collect the rest of your things later.”
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say that I quit. Thanks for all the help. I’ll see you around, I guess.” Azar starts to walk to the elevator when she hears Lucifer call out. “Oh, I should hope so. I’m not letting the two of you leave me behind after a spectacle like that.” She waves goodbye to him and walks into the elevator. The doors shut on the two men arguing about whether Lucifer would be going. Guess she would just have to wait and see when they got to the plane.
0 notes
xshipping · 7 years
Jiho needs some encouragement and pushing to get over his latest lyric assessment from the producers so you try out something new.
Honestly it was like any other day you got to spend with your boyfriend. However, today was one of those days your boyfriend had a bad day at work with producers getting on his case of his shit being subpar. This of course is reason for him to get pissy and complain to you. You loved him dearly but when he gets in this sort of mood, it truly is a huge turn off for you.
“Those fuckers don't know what good lyrics are even if hit them between the eyes.” Jiho spat angrily pacing around the apartment.
“Well you just have to prove them wrong then! I’m sure-”, but he cuts you off.
“Babe look i know you mean well, but please i need some space right now...” Jiho says giving you a quick peck on the top of your head and going out on the balcony for a smoke. 
You hated seeing him like this. He always beats himself up and you always tried to cheer him up being nice to him. This time you wanted to try a different way to encourage him and get back in the game of writing a song that would be a hit. Your best friend had told you before that when she wanted to get her boyfriend to get shit done she pushed his buttons until he sprung into action. It sounded like a good idea, so why not give it a try right?
You walk over to the balcony door and said, “You know the song really was subpar.”
“...What?” He said quietly and gave you a side eye that could melt steel.
Swallowing your nerves you continue, “ You heard me. That really was a shit song. I’m surprised you really thought it was good enough to take to the producers.”
“Babe....i really...need you to go away before i lose my mind.”
“I mean it was subpar just like your stroke game. No wonder i can’t even have one proper orgasm...” 
You truly felt the tension rise with that last jab. Maybe you went to far...after all the way you two had sex was nice, though honestly after some time just doing missionary got boring. Granted being able to see him moan and whatnot was the best part of missionary. 
He flicked the rest of his cigarette off the balcony and had this look in his eye and to your surprise he was half hard. It was an I’m angry as shit, but you still turn me on sort of boner. “Stroke game? Really.....you need to choose your next words carefully otherwise I’ll show you how weak of a stroke game i have.”
Without thinking you shut the balcony door and lock it before he could take a step towards you. His eyes go wide and he tries to turn the the knob, but when it’s met with resistance he very calmly says, “Open the door....Now. It’s cold out here and i don't want to play games right now.”
You grin at the incredulous look he gives you when you stick your tongue out at him. It was cold outside, December’s in Korea really were no joke. 
“You know i don’t think i will...After all a subpar person get’s subpar treatment right?”
His hand smacked the glass out of frustration and said, “You better hope i don't get it because the minute i do you’re going to get taught a lesson.”
It was a cheesy line, but you liked what was going on. He was slowly getting harder and you were getting wetter. The power dynamic thing that was going on currently was new and something you really liked. Slipping your bra off under your sweater you drop it on the floor. He looks down to it and watch his already wide eyes fill with lust. This was definitely becoming an interesting situation.
You play with your nipples under your shirt and a soft moan slips out. By now Jiho was zeroed in on what you were doing. You tweaked your nipples and enjoyed the zings that shot straight to your clit. By now you were wet enough to feel it through your panties. Bracing one hand on the glass you slip the other hand past the waist band of your sweats and you feel your face flush when you touch yourself over your underwear and it made a lewd wet noise. 
“Babe please let me in.” Jiho says in a deep voice. His hand that was still closed around the knob was gripping it so tightly that you could see his veins. The cold did nothing to his rock hard dick as he watched you. His cheeks were flushed and whether it was the cold or arousal you couldn't really tell. Probably a mix of both.
You lean in and give the glass a small peck and smirk again. You turn around and ever so slowly you pushed your sweats slowly down until your underwear was completely showing. You press your ass to the glass, show casing the wet spot on your underwear for Jiho. At this point you were drenched, so you reached between your legs and ever so slightly pushed your underwear a bit to the side and glided your fingers over your entrance and when they came back wet Jiho hit the glass. You look over your shoulder and see he was palming himself over his shorts and your heart nearly leapt out of your chest by what he said next. 
“Open this door now otherwise when i get in by my own force you’ll be sorry.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and walked off to go get some water because all of a sudden you were parched and definitely needed a glass of water. You were never this daring and it felt like ages since you felt this sort of fire between you two. You didn’t know what to expect when you opened the door, but when you went back to the balcony door Jiho was gone.
Rushing over to the door you unlocked it and saw Jiho was no where to be seen and then you heard your neighbors yelling curses, things clattering, and then noises from the hallway. You race to the front door because holy fuck he just went through the neighbors balcony and apartment so if he got in he would most likely fuck you until you died. You got to the front door entrance at the same time he opened the door.
You were both breathing hard and locked eyes with each other. “Jiho...it was just...i was just trying to get you over what those stupid producers said.”
Looking down you saw just how hard he was and your mouth went dry while you felt yourself get more wet than ever before. 
“You know our neighbors really don't like others parading through their place especially when the person has a rock hard dick.” Jiho said with a deep and quite voice. He slowly shut the door behind him and heard the lock slide into place.
You licked your lips to try and get some moisture back to them and the action caught Jiho’s eyes and he kept focused on them while he spoke, “You know i was always careful and loving with you, but right now you deserve to be treated like a bad girlfriend.What should i do with you...”
You took a step back and he took one towards you. The second you turned around you wanted to at least make it back to the bed, but he was on you in a second making you both fall to the floor. You try to wriggle out from underneath him, but he hissed at the feeling of your ass rubbing his cock. His cold hand clamped down on the back of your neck and you yelped at how cold it was. 
“What’s wrong princess are my hands too cold?? What can i say, somehow the door locked when i was out there...” Jiho purred next to your ear.
You feel him lick the shell of your ear followed by teeth. You gasp and feel his other hand slip under your sweater and trace your spine all the way to your underwear. He gave a firm smack on your ass that had you gasp and moan in pleasure.
“Jiho...I...please touch me.” You breathe out.
“...With pleasure.”
He man handles you until your back is pressed against his chest. He erotically spread your legs to the empty apartment and you felt really exposed which was honestly embarrassing. “Wait Jiho this position is a bit-”, but you get cut off when he firmly presses down on the obvious wet spot on your underwear which made more lewd wet noises, but not as lewd as the loud moan that rips from your throat. 
“Oh baby I love hearing you moan.” He says and then bite and licks the back of your neck as his fingers easily shove the wet material aside and slide over your clit. The stark contrast of his cold fingers and your heat was amazing. He easily slid his long fingers inside and ran his finger along your g-spot making you shout his name. You are definitely not a screamer in bed, but every stroke and touch Jiho ate up the noises you made greedily. 
“Wait Jiho please i feel weird, please-” You push out between moans. It felt like you were going to pee and needed a short time-out to go to the bathroom, but his fingers didn’t stop.
“Now why would i listen to that request when you couldn't even unlock the door for me hm?” Jiho said in a deep and pure sex filled voice that made your head spin. “I can feel you clenching on my fingers, it’s a shame that it’s not my dick huh, but i don't know if you even deserve it at this point. If you can’t handle my teasing now then i would suggest not pushing me here sweetheart.”
You felt it happen with no warning. You’ve never squirted before and you had tried by yourself before to see if you could, but after a few failed attempts you just scrapped the idea that you could do it. Your fingers dug into Jiho’s thighs as you felt the scream get caught in your throat. His fingers, which by now have warmed up, kept the same pace even though you begged him to stop because of how embarrassed you were. The wet spot was clear as day on the laminate floor and you wanted to hide in embarrassment. 
“Jesus babe...lucky that this isn’t carpet right? Who knew my sweet girlfriend had such an erotic body no one would be able to guess right?” Jiho said in a strained voice. It was clear how close he was to losing it especially since he just made his cute and ‘innocent’ girlfriend squirt all over his fingers. Your head was resting on his shoulder trying to catch your breath, but a few readjustments Jiho easily lifted you up and carried you to the bed. He tossed you on and before you could stop bouncing he was back on top of you fully naked. 
Hooking your legs around his waist he slid in all the way with no warning and you shot into your first orgasm. He moaned loudly and started moving ever so slowly riding out the orgasm, “Oh baby, fuck i love you. You feel amazing.” 
He leaned in and licked your lips before diving in for a kiss. You could barely breath so when he broke the kiss a sticky trail of drool went from his mouth to yours and he licked your mouth once more. Slowly pulling almost all the way out he slammed back home making you scream his name. “That’s right babe, scream my name more. Let everyone in this building know my name.”
You gasped when he slowly pulled back out and rammed back in aiming for your g-spot. Swallowing hard you felt a tingle that started all the way from your toes building to a more and more intense waves of pleasure and when Jiho finally started a steady pace fucking you, all you could do was hold on for dear life. Feeling his hair tickle your neck he licked your right nipple followed by a light bite and he did the same to the other before coming back up to kiss you. 
“My lovely princess looks so fuckable right now, i wonder what people would say if they saw you like this.” He jeered at your loving that he got to see how you flush with embarrassment. “You’re embarrassed, but i can feel you clenching down even more on me. Do you like when talk to you like this? You’re such a slutty girlfriend I don't know if I'm lucky or cursed.” 
His words make you orgasm a second time which make him choke on his next words. He sped up his pace not letting you ride out your orgasm and already working on the third one. You didn’t know when you had closed your eyes, but you open them and see probably the best sight in the world. Jiho’s face and chest were flushed red which colored his tattoos and his ab muscles rippling with each thrust. His bleached hair had been pushed back in a sweaty mess and his full lips seemed downright abused with how swollen they were from both kissing you and him biting them. He opened his eyes and you two immediately locked eyes and he broke out into shit eating grin, “You are really enjoying being teased like this, i didn’t know you were into this shit. You should see yourself, you’re a mess.”
With that he pulled out and you cried out from the loss, but he flipped out over, gripped your hips, lifted you up, and slid back in. Bracing yourself on your elbows you bury your face in the sheets loving how deep the position let Jiho go. Then you felt a heavy handed smack on your ass that made you shoot up in both pain and pleasure. Gasping his name he did it again.
“Babe open your eyes.” He ordered in his deep voice. 
You open your eyes and see you two in the mirror across from you and see how absolutely sexy you two looked right in that moment. 
“If this is what i get to see if i treat you like a sex kitten rather than my girlfriend i’ll do this every time then.” He whispered in your ear then giving it a lick.
He picks up the pace and you reply back, “Harder Jiho please, I'm so close.”
Picking up the pace Jiho starts fucking you faster and harder, “I spoil you too much..” he says in a barely understandable deep voice.
You both were a panting mess and you feel his hands run all over your back and travel back to your ass. Digging his fingers into your flesh his hips speed up even more and then moaning your name he rams all the way hitting the deep sweet spot in you, making you orgasm a third and final time. Gripping the sheets you feel as if you just exploded into a million pieces. 
You both stay in the same position for a few seconds trying to catch your breath since both of you feel as if you just ran a marathon. He slowly pulled out making you both moan from overstimulation and you both flop down on the bed. He pulls you in close and sees all the bruises forming from him gripping you too tightly before. 
“Sorry..” he starts to say, but you cut him off.
“Don’t be. That was...amazing. All of it. I loved it.” You tell him. You give him a soft peck on his red lips and give them a small lick yourself. “I hope there are more of these type of fucks to come in the future”
His eyes go wide and he swallows hard nodding, “You bet your ass there will be.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Bianca’s Acid Tongue (Bitney) - Lolacola1
After a long day of interviews all Roy wanted to do was get home to his boyfriend, Shane and relax. But things don’t go to plan when he opened the front door and found a very annoyed Shane waiting for him.
Roy gathered up all his Bianca things from the back of the car before making his way up the small path towards his front door. He had left the house at six in the morning and fourteen hours later he was finally home. He had hoped Shane would have guessed the kind of day Roy had, and would have dinner ready for him. All he wanted was to close the front door behind him and enjoy a nice quiet night at home with his boyfriend.
“You son of a bitch.”
“Are you talking to me?” Roy asked confused as he looked behind him.
“Yes I’m talking to you.”Shane stood at the front door, arms folded giving Roy his pissed off look.
“Okay,” Roy nodded. He placed his bag down by the front door before straightening up to look at his boyfriend. “And what exactly have I done?”
“Well if you don’t know then I’m not going to tell you.” Shane spun around sharply and marched towards the bedroom.
“So that means there’s nothing to eat?” Roy asked.
“Go fuck yourself Haylock,” Shane yelled from the bedroom.
Roy looked around the hallway confused before he made his way towards the bedroom door. He found Shane sitting on the edge of the bed. Legs folded, arms crossed. “I left here this morning to you being happy. The last thing you said to me was I love you. The last text you sent said you were missing me. What the fuck happened here today?”
“Do you know what I did today?” Shane quizzed.
“Of course I don’t, I haven’t been here all…”
“Don’t be a smart ass with me,” Shane warned.
“But you asked,” Roy mumbled.
“Today I had the pleasure of watching some you tube videos,” Shane continued. “Do you know what kind I watched?”
“No,” Roy frowned. “But I’m guessing they weren’t good ones. I’m guessing they’re the reason for this pissy mood you’re in right now.”
“I got to watch a channel called Wowpresents,” Shane snapped. “And a little show called Really Queen.”
“Did I wear something of yours and it’s annoyed you?” Roy asked confused.
“You made a fool of me,” Shane complained, which really confused Roy.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I watched your Really Queen about me,” Shane snapped.
“I see,” Roy nodded. “But you know that…”
“You called me old.”
“Shane I’m seven years older than you,” Roy pointed out.
“You said my outfits were shit.”
“I told you that last week in this bedroom,” Roy frowned. “Why are you so upset?”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Shane answered quietly. “Of all the people out there, you’re supposed to be the one that’s on my team. You’re not supposed to be on line pointing out my faults. I have enough people doing that.”
“And you know what hurts the most?” Shane continued. “You decided to pick ever real thing I’m ashamed of and make fun of it to the world.”
“Come on Shane that wasn’t what I was…”
“It might not be what you were trying to do, but you did it,” Shane interrupted.
“Shane,” Roy sighed as he took a seat on the bed beside him. “You know… you know more than anyone that I don’t mean any of the shit that spills out of my mouth when I’m in drag. Jesus I don’t even remember saying half that shit.”
“I’ve accepted your weird distaste for showing that you care about me in public,” Shane sighed. “But did you have to treat me like I’m just another queen to you? Like I’m nothing to you.”
“Shane please,” Roy sighed as he took Shane’s hands in his. “You know you’re not nothing to me.”
“Do I?”
“Shane we told everyone about us,” Roy sighed. “It’s not like we’re hiding. Everyone knows we’re a couple. They’ll also know that all I said about you was just jokes. Just my sense of humor.”
“Is it though?”
“Is it just one of your jokes or do you really think of me as a talentless blonde bimbo? A Spice Girl reject.”
“I said that?” Roy asked confused.
“Not in so many words,” Shane shrugged. “You just called me an ageing twink.”
“That’s not all I said,” Roy frowned. “I mean your video was the longest one I did. Hell I had to stop just to think of things I could say. And what about all the nice things I said about you? You’re just choosing to ignore all those?”
“What nice things?”
“I said plenty of nice things about you,” Roy answered.
“Well I’m guessing they had too many bad things to fill up the video,” Shane shrugged.
Are you seriously angry about this?” Roy frowned. “About a few jokes.”
“It’s like you can’t let the public know you love me,” Shane sighed. “I mean that’s if you love me.”
“Of course I love you,” Roy frowned. “Now you’re just being stupid.”
“It’s not the first time you’ve done this,” Shane shrugged. “What about last month when we went to that party in West Hollywood. You wouldn’t even dance with me.”
“I was stone cold sober,” Roy frowned. “I never dance sober. Anyway you soon got over that when Alaska’s brother got up and danced with you. But then you do forget about me when there’s a straight man around.”
“Don’t you dare,” Shane warned as he stood up. “Don’t try and turn this around on me.”
“I’m just trying to get this to stop,” Roy sighed. “It’s all silly. We’re arguing over nothing.”
“We’re arguing because you made me look stupid in front of the whole world,” Shane snapped. “All of our friends are going to see that. My mother is going to see it.”
“You want me to call them and get them to take it down?” Roy asked. “Because I will.”
“What’s the point?” Shane shrugged. “Everyone has already seen it. I’ve already got the twitter messages asking if I’m okay. Telling me to move on because they know you’re not that into me. That I’m just some fun until you get bored. That we’re not in a real relationship. That we’re just hooking up”
“Who the hell is sending you messages like that?” Roy frowned. “If Willam thinks…”
“It’s not Willam,” Shane sighed. “Its fans. And they’re all saying the same thing. Well there are a few that are trying to make me feel better.”
“And what are they saying?”
“They’re asking if I’m okay, and that I shouldn’t listen to you,” Shane answered. “That you probably don’t mean it.”
“Of course I didn’t mean it,” Roy groaned. “Shane you know most of the shit that comes out of my mouth I don’t mean. Well unless its a Queen I don’t like. Then all bets are off, but you happen to be my favorite queen. So anything hateful I say about you isn’t true.”
“I just wish you were brave enough to say something nice about me,” Shane admitted quietly.
“I say nice things about you every day.”
“Sure,” Shane nodded. “When we’re alone. When we’re in this bedroom surrounded by walls. Then you can say all the loving things you want. But when people are watching, you have to turn back into Bianca. You just can’t let people know you have a heart.”
“I just thought you’d know it was a joke,” Roy admitted. “I mean you always laugh when I say something.”
“Because if I don’t laugh everyone will see how heartbroken I am by your words,” Shane admitted before standing up and walking out of the bedroom, leaving Roy sitting on the bed alone.
Shane lay curled up on the sofa for the longest time. The silence surrounded him. He had left Roy alone and the older man had chosen to stay in the bedroom. It was probably their biggest fight, and Shane didn’t see how they were going to fix this one. As he lay staring at the coffee table in front of him his phone began to ring. Even before looking at the screen he knew it would be Willam.
“Yes I saw the video,” Shane sighed before Willam could even say hi.
“Court, what have you done?”
Willam’s stunned voice has Shane sitting up from his position on the sofa. “What are you talking about?”
“You better tell Bianca to take that post down before her fans turn on her,” Willam continued. “That mean bitch had a bang to the head or something?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Bianca’s new instagram post,” Willam answered. “Look I’ve got to go, just tell your other half she’s crazy.” With that Willam hung up leaving Shane to look confused at his phone. Before he could think, he went searching for Roy’s instagram to see what Willam was talking about. It was the latest post.A picture of him and Roy together, with a long caption beside it.
‘I know I sometimes come off as a heartless bitch, who was raised by wolves, and mainly that is me, but there is another side to me. A side I didn’t know I had until someone came into my life. You might see the two people in this photo as Bianca and Courtney, but to me it will always be Roy and Shane. And it wasn’t until today that I realised I can’t blur the two any more. I’m Bianca so much that I sometimes forget to be Roy. Because truth be told, most people only want Bianca. It’s a rare few that are happy with Roy, and today I hurt the one person who loves me just for being Roy. Today I finally realised that I have found what I’ve always been looking for in life. For years I was desperate to find that one person who would love me and cherish me. The person who doesn’t need for me to be Bianca to have a good time. Shane’s just happy for me to be Roy. He doesn’t need the added bonuses of Bianca. He just wants the stripped down version of me. Plan old me. He just wants me, and I didn’t realise that until today. I guess like with every other relationship I’ve been in, I’ve been waiting for the time to come when he sees plan old me and he decides he doesn’t want that any more. I just didn’t know he was staying with me for the real me. That he saw that person the very first time we met. I guess I’ve just realised that I don’t have to be a clown for this relationship. I know most of you won’t understand any of this so I’ll make it clear. I am in love. Me, Roy. I’ve gotten to forty two and I’m finally in love. I want the world to know that it’s very real and means more to me than anything else in my life. Shane has given me so much. He’s made me a better person. My whole world changed the second he stepped foot in it. And no matter what I say trying to funny, doesn’t matter because it’s not real. What’s real is what I have with Shane and as long as he’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life making sure he knows what I feel for him. Because he’s it for me. He’s what I’ve been looking for.’ #myangel  #loveofmylife #ImsorryifyouthoughtIfeltanydifferent
A noise from the bedroom door pulled Shane’s eyes away from his phone. “What did you…”
“I meant every word of it,”Roy answered as he took a cautious step towards the sofa.
“Willam thinks you’ve had a bang to the head.”
“I don’t give a fuck what Willam thinks,” Roy admitted. He stepped around the sofa and sat down beside Shane. “I only care what you think.”
“I think people are going to think that you’ve had a bang to the head as well.”
“I don’t want one person to ever think we’re just two people hooking up,” Roy took Shane’s hands in his. “You will never have to hear that question again. The whole world now knows how serious we are. I mean that’s if you still want to be serious with me? I wouldn’t blame you if you ran out of here and into the arms of the first buff body builder you find.”
“And break all those Bitney hearts?”Shane asked.
“That wouldn’t be the only heart you’d be breaking,” Roy pointed out. “You’d be breaking my heart too if you decided I wasn’t worth it any more.”
“Well it’s lucky I still think you’re worth it then,” Shane smiled before leaning in to kiss Roy’s lips.
“So I’m forgiven?”
“This time,” Shane nodded. “But next time…”
“Oh trust me,” Roy interrupted. “There will never be a next time. Courtney is completely off limits when it comes to Bianca’s acid tongue.”
“Well don’t go too far,” Shane warned. “I’m sure Courtney would love to experience Bianca’s acid tongue.”
“Don’t,” Roy said pulling a face. “Don’t go all lesbian on me.”
“but you want to make it up to me, don’t you?” Shane asked as he ran his hand up Roy’s thigh.
“Yes, I do,” Roy nodded. “But Bianca has nothing to do with it.”
“Bianca was the one that said it,” Shane pointed out as he pressed his lips to Roy’s ear.
“You won’t be happy until Bianca has Courtney face first into a pillow, will you?” Roy asked annoyed.
“Or bent over the sofa,” Shane smirked. “Whatever floats your boat.”
“My boat feels like it’s sinking,” Roy grumbled.
“I don’t know,” Shane smirked letting his hand go higher on on Roy’s thigh. “Your boat feels like it’s sailing just fine.”
“I have a feeling I’m going to regret ever meeting you,” Roy frowned as Shane giggled into his neck.
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naughty-teddy-innit · 7 years
A Sharp Tongue…A Mature Angry Ed Oneshot  (NSFW)
https://naughty-teddy-innit.tumblr.com/post/164686788130/masterlist-of-ed-fics-goodiesTitle:      A Sharp Tongue: An Angry/Rough Ed Oneshot (REQUEST)
Author: @naughty-teddy-innit
Rating:  NC-17/MATURE/NSFW 
*TRIGGER WARNING*- Teddy is ROUGH, push and pull of an argument happens, but everything that happens is 100% CONSENSUAL xoxox
Author’s Note:  I wrote this quite a while ago, because who DOESN’T need Bossy/Angry/Rough Teddy now and then, and it was requested!  >:)  Please please pretty please, send me feedback, notes and all horny thoughts by leaving a comment or shooting me an Ask! I LOVE ASKS!  I love to hear from you guys! By all means feel free to reblog should you feel so inclined :-D 
What a FUCKING day.  One thing after another; late for this, missed that, asshole interviewer here and a migraine there.  Managing to make it to the venue on time helped, but 2 broken strings and an uncooperative Chewie Monster later, even I could tell Ed was at Fuck It ALL level. This was clearly a night where alcohol was going to be a necessity.  In all the time I’ve known Ed, been drawn in by his smile, his patience, his kindness, I’ve rarely been witness to real anger.  When he means business?  It’s clear, but his gentleness and positivity were just who he is.  He was a calming force to be sure, but everybody has a breaking point, and damned if he wasn’t right the fuck at it tonight.  
“TREV!” I jumped suddenly, not used to hearing THAT tone come from my usually sweet Boy.  “The fuck happened??  How’m I supposed to end the show with no goddamn guitar and no fucking loop??”
“Baby…he’s doing the best he can, he’s only got 2 hands…” I said softly, trying to placate him, seeing how wound up he was.  
“His job is to make sure when shit goes wrong I don’t look like a sodding idiot in front of all those people!”  He glared and stormed off, fists clenched.
“Trev…” I started to say, feeling awful.  
“Darlin’, everybody’s allowed a bad day now n then.  No skin off my back, don’t worry!” Trevor said cheerfully. “A bigger heart there was never was, he’s a good lad.”   He wandered off towards the stage to start packing up his gear for the next show, and I hurried off to find my extraordinarily cranky boyfriend.  
I knew his first stop after a show was usually the closest shower, so I figured his dressing room was a safe bet.  I let myself in, and sure enough, I could hear water running.  I flopped down on the couch, and exhaled, allowing my thoughts to wander to my cranky-yet-sexy boyfriend.  His patience and gentleness tended to translate to most areas of his life. Rarely if ever did you two blow-up and have fights, and he had the patience of a saint most of the time.  Even in other areas….you could feel your cheeks pinking up and a naughty grin pulled at your lips.  There was no dancing around it, spending Naked Time with Edward Christopher Sheeran was top of your Ways to Spend Your Time list.  His soft perfectly pink lips, his scratchy cheeks, his long fingers, his silky, soft, copper curls, his strong, inked up arms, and all the other cuddly, strong parts of his body, these were the things I could spend hours touching and kissing and loving.  Sex was ALWAYS good with Ed, he was a love-maker, a worshiper and a sweetheart. His focus was never getting himself off, it was always seemed to be about me.  Every kiss, every caress, every breath was about him taking his time with me and showing me how much he adored me.  I never felt more loved and cherished then when we made love. He was the epitome of gentleness and kindness is every way.  
Honestly though…there were times…well, he could stand to be a little LESS gentle, ya know?  Ed wasn’t one to be the bad boy, to take control or be rough. A girl needs a little hair-pulling in her life now and then. I love when that man makes love to me, there’s nothing like it, but the need to be fucked till it hurts? Every girl’s got it now and then.  
“FUCK…” I gasp and bolt upright as the bathroom door flies open and bangs against the wall.  The sopping wet Ginger that stomps out of the bathroom has an empty beer bottle in his hand and damned if that face isn’t pissed.  
“Teddy…I know it’s been a rough day.  Nobody’s purposely trying to-“. He cuts me off.
“Don’t particularly give a fuck right now, quite honestly.” He snaps.  “Don’t appreciate my girl going against me when somebody on my team FUCKS UP!!”
“Wow.” Where the fuck is this coming from??  It’s not like him at all, and it’s unsettling. “What the fuck is your problem?”
He grabs his jeans, a clean button-down, boxers, and another beer.  “I don’t have time for this.  I’ve got to meet Benny and his mate at the hotel,” he mutters and he strides to the bathroom without even looking in your direction.
“How many beers have you had?” I asked irritably, noticing a couple of empties on the table.  Ed was widely known for being quite the cuddly, I-love-EVERYBODY drunk. Give the man jagerbombs and tequila and he could drink just about anyone under the table, but feed him beers and he was the world’s cheapest drunk.  Apparently mixing a bad day into a drunk Teddy made for a BAD combination.
I could hear the blow-dryer shut off, and he came stomping out of the bathroom, a sour look on his face.  “The fucks it to you, how many beers I’ve had??  God forbid I not meet your standards.”
He doesn’t even look at me.  My mouth is just about hanging open, not used to this kind of attitude.  Hell if I’m gonna sit here and take his bullshit, beer or no, bad day or no.  I stand up and head for the door.  
“You know what, everybody here cares about you and gets that bad days happen, but I’ve never done a fucking thing to earn being spoken to like that. “
He beats you to the door, after placing his last empty on the table and grabbing his wallet.  “Whatever.  I have to meet Benny.  The car’s outside, you can join me or not.”  And with that, he determinedly walks out and leaves you behind.  
With that immature outburst, I am quite assuredly NOT getting into ANY car with him right now, so I grab my things, check that I have my phone, and head out to hail a cab.  It’s late when I arrive at the hotel, and I’m half-tempted to just ignore his pissy ginger ass and head to bed, but I figure I’ll try and salvage the night one last time.  I drop my stuff in our room, run a brush through my hair and head down to bar, still irritated as hell, but hoping he’ll realize he’s being a dick.  
I’m surprised how many people are still having drinks this time of night as I wander in, and I almost have to laugh that it’s not Ed’s flaming red hair that catches my eye first, but Benny’s crazy wild brunette bouffant of curls.  Let’s be honest, they’re hard to miss. They’re sitting at the bar, talking, and surrounded by several empty shot glasses.  “Lovely,” you think, “that’ll help his mood.”  You plaster a smile on your face and purposefully walk over to them, hoping he’ll have chilled out.
“Ed…?” you touch his arm and open your mouth to continue your thought, “I-“  he doesn’t let you get another word out, and jumps off his stool, his face stormy.  
“Gonna give me shit for too many shots now??” he spits at me.  “Christ, just fucking give it a break, Mother Theresa!”  
I can smell tequila on his breath, and while he’s by no means plastered, I can tell him he’s had too much.  Benny looks like he has no clue what’s going on and jumps out of his seat, both hands out.  “Alrighty guys, too many shots I think and a fuck of a day to boot.”  He faces Ed, “Mate, take your ass up to bed.  Before she kicks it.”
He has NO fucking idea.  I am done with his shit today.  You coldly look at Ed and flip your hair out of your face.  “You?  Are being an asshole.  And I? Am finished.  Feel free to take your wounded Ginger attitude and SHOVE IT!”
As I throw my purse over my shoulder and prepare to storm out, he throws back the remainder of whatever was in the shot glass and slams it down on the bar.  I leave the bar with as much dignity as I can muster, considering there are more than a few raised eyebrows aimed in our direction.  I can hear his footsteps as he comes after me, but I have ZERO fucks to give.  I don’t know if I’ve ever been this furious with him before.  In my fury as I storm away, I fail to notice the fist-bump between Ed and Benny, as Ed shoves his stool back.  I’m crossing the hallway in the lobby, when I feel a hand clamp down on my arm and I feel myself being pulled down a hallway towards what looks like a kitchen.  
“Get your hands the FUCK off me!” I hiss, as he tries to steer me into the first empty room.  My blood is boiling and every muscle in my body is tensed.  I am ready to smack the shit out of him.  I try to pry his fingers off my arm, but he is NOT letting go.  
“Who the FUCK do you think you are????” he growls, his eyes narrowed and on fire. “I don’t need you up my ass every second of every day!  A man can’t have a sodding drink with his mate to close up a shit day??”
I only semi-notice the room we’re in, some sort of utility/change room, probably used by staff at the hotel.  
I’m not much for having a temper, I don’t scream, and usually avoid conflict at all costs, but right at this moment? I could go through the roof.  I have NEVER seen him like this, and I will NOT take his shit, alcohol induced or not. “I could GIVE two shits if you have a drink??  You’ve been treating me like shit and talking down to me all night!  You are behaving like a selfish, self-righteous prick, Sheeran, and as far as I’m concerned you can take your Asshole self and sleep somewhere else tonight!!”  I try to push past him, to grab for the door handle, but he yanks me back, his eyes blazing and teeth clenched.
I have no idea where it came from.  I’ve never remotely done anything like it before, but suddenly, my hand is moving.  I can SEE red, and my hand is aiming squarely for his cheek.  BASTARD!  I can see his eyes widen as he realizes that he is, in fact, about to be slapped.  In a split second, his hand pins mine against the wall, his body restraining me from moving.  I can feel his heart slamming against his chest, and I can see the fire in those clear blue eyes.  He’s worked up a sweat and there are damp copper curls stuck to his temples and forehead. His cheeks are flushed and he’s glowering at me, a look that is causing dampness in places it should NOT be right now. FUCK.  Why the FUCK does he have to be so goddamn sexy when he’s angry.  Like HELL am I going to let him have that effect on me right now??  I can feel that electricity, that pulse of energy and it heightens my emotion even more.  
“I swear to GOD, if you don’t get your goddamn hands off me NOW, I. WILL. SCR-“
My hands are suddenly shoved over my head and pinned to the wall, and his lips are on mine.  Hard almost biting, and there is NO way he’s pulling this and suddenly one hand is on my jaw, thumb holding my chin in place as his lips are trying to devour me, taste every bit of me, his tongue trying to taste my lips and gain access to my mouth and JESUS it’s like touching a lit match to dynamite, I can feel how wet I am, the slickness letting down, beginning to soak my panties, but I can’t NO.  He pulls this shit and thinks he can just have me at a moment’s notice?? NOT HAPPENING.  I fight back, gasping for air.
“WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE“, I manage to gasp, and when he growls and tries to grab me again, I bite down, HARD, and he hisses.
He rears back, and his fingers brush to his lips, but it doesn’t stop him. His lips are on me again, and I can feel that lightning bolt, that zap of electricity to my groin that feels like fire and if I don’t get him off me, it’s over.  I smack him, pushing him back with all my might, and the look of shock on his face, that I could be that strong, it’s fucking satisfying.  He charges at me, and before I can say word, do a thing, he’s lifted me completely up against the wall, hands running up the backs of my thighs pressing my pelvis against him, forcing my legs around his waist.
“PRICK!” I gasp into this mouth, trying to pummel his chest in a futile effort to push him away.  
“Don’t tell me you don’t want me to fuck you, I can fucking feel how wet you are! I know by now when you’re turned on.  You fucking WANT ME.” He growls.
I’m wearing a flouncy turquoise skirt and a tight, long sleeve, grey top, and the thong I’m wearing underneath is showing the evidence that he’s absolutely fucking spot-on because I can feel my wetness soaking through, and I’m so turned on I can’t see straight.  I’m still restrained against the wall, his hands on my ass, his lips forcibly kissing mine, and I’m almost embarrassed at how loud my breathing is, almost panting, when suddenly I feel his warm hands forcing my skirt up, and OH my god he’s RIPPED MY PANTIES OFF, SINCE WHEN, and suddenly I can feel his fingers push inside me, no warning, stretching me to the point of almost too much, but oh God, he’s just fucking me with his fingers, hard, fast, and oh FUCK, it feels like I’m going to splinter into tiny pieces, and suddenly they’re gone, and before I can even breathe I find myself back on feet, and I can barely keep my balance. I suck in a breath, and Fuck THIS, ALL of this, my resolve is fucking GONE.  He’s gonna hear about this later, but right now there is one thing I want. ONE. NOW.
This is lust, this is heat, this is carnal, fuck EVERYTHING else, and the only thoughts in my mind are of his rock hard cock slamming into me. I fucking need him, inside me, NOW.  It feels as though fire is trying to burn my flesh from the inside out, I want him inside me, filling me, stretching me till it hurts.  I still can’t fathom what the hell is going on, I’ve been craving this Teddy, this Ed that takes control and wants to rough me the fuck up.  I’m not even thinking about the part of him that’s being a DICK, I just know my blood is on FIRE, it’s coursing through me and I need to be fucked NOW.
I decide to egg him on, seeing how far he’ll take this. “I am not your goddamn SEX TOY!” I yell at him, before I pull myself away, and before I can gain any distance towards the door, his mouth is at my ear, his breath tickling my face, and his voice is one of pure fire, low and throaty, letting me know that HE is boss.
“You’re so fucking wet for me it’s running down your legs!!  I’m going to bend your beautiful ass over that chair and I’m going to fuck you so had you’ll be goddamn crooked tomorrow.  I will make youBLOODY. SCREAM.” He hisses.   I can hear the clink of his belt while he’s growling this at me, and before I can even utter a FUCK YOU, I feel his hands at my ass and he’s lifting me up, carrying me towards the armchair in the corner, lips still frantically trying to taste every bit of me, his tongue tasting every inch of my mouth, and as I’m struggling against him and pounding his chest, I know it’s working, because I can feel that hot, hard length pressing against me, and Goddamn it all to hell, I want it inside me.  Now. Hard. Fuck everything else.
I disentangle myself, blood pounding in my ears, and before I can say or do a thing, he grabs me HARD and forcibly bends me over the chair, while growling at me to lift my ass in the air.  He flips my skirt up, and grabs my hips, and before a coherent thought can enter my mind, I can feel his hard, silky smooth cock slam into me.  The man is blessed down there, it’s just a fact, and usually he knows he has to let me adjust a bit before he really gets going, but now, FUCK THAT.  I don’t want slow, I don’t want tender.  I want him to fuck me till I can’t move, can’t speak, and can’t think.  One hand roughly grabs my hip and jerks it up in the air, trying to open me up as much as he possibly can, while the other one shoves my back down as he yanks himself out, all the way out, and slams back into me balls deep.  It’s a punishing, urgent rhythm and it’s so fucking hot, he’s filling me up, every single time, my ass cheeks wobble with the slaps of his body as he fucks me, hard, fast, over and over and over, pulling out and slamming into me so hard it feels like I might just split in two, my delicate skin stretching, the sting as he enters is the most delicious bite of pain, but so fucking GOOD and I’m arching my back, slamming my hips back to meet his, loving the feeling of his plush, hot cockhead pushing past my slick soaked flesh, practically ripping me open, filling me up and pushing me past the point of no return.
“HARDER”, I gasp, as he slams me into the chair over and over.  “Ahh SHIT! Make it fucking HURT, Teddy!”
CRACK.  My eyes fly open and I have to bite my lip to keep my screaming, as he brings his palm down on my ass cheek, hard, leaving a delicious sting in its wake. I can barely contemplate that he just slapped my ASS, when does it again. I hear the urgent grunts falling from his lips as he fucks me hard, his breaths falling fast from lips, and suddenly his hands are in my hair, I feel his long fingers winding themselves in my long strands, and he yanks my head back HARD, leaving my neck exposed.   “You like it like this??” he grunts, “my cock fucking you till it hurts??”  
I can’t speak for the fiery points of pleasure peaking in my belly, he has my head pulled back and with every slap of his balls against my ass, his hand yanks my hair, HARD, so hard I can’t move my head and why is that SO fucking HOT?
I know I’m close, it hurts SO good, I just need that friction, that little bit to get me where I fucking want to be, and I don’t give a SHIT if it’s him that pushes me over or not but I need that release, I need it NOW.  I begin to slide my hand down, a finger brushing against the little bundle of nerves that I knew would set me off, but he’s having none that.
“NO” he growls.  “You come for ME, yeah?”
Just as quickly his fingers are there, he’s reached around and pressed those perfectly long fingers right up against that tiny pink bundle of nerves, and he’s frantically rubbing it, round and round in messy circles, trying to maintain a rhythm while he’s losing control of himself. His thrusts are becoming sloppier, shorter, and I can hear his breath stuttering, and the string of “fuck…fuck…fucks”that are falling from those sexy, perfectly pink lips tell me how close he is to coming.  
“Come for me” he gasps, “I need to feel you, you’re so fucking tight…Jesus CHRIST…”
His fingers switches from rubbing those messy circles over my clit, to flicking with his fingertip, over and over, fast, hard, back and forth, FUCK, that little bundle of EVERYTHING that has your world on fire right now, and oh, OH JESUS, there is no slow, delicious tightening, not this time, it’s like a fucking roman candle going off, fireworks exploding, I am OVER that cliff Swear to God it’s like white hot fire tearing me apart and every bone in my body is rubber, and my legs are buckling as it rips through me.
“SHIT…” I hear from behind me as he slams his cock into me one last time, and I feel his hands grab my hips in a death grip as he rides out his orgasm, keeping his pelvis flattened against my ass, emptying himself into me in shuddering gasps.  I have NEVER felt him come like that. I can feel his warmth running down my legs, and as I shakily look down, still trying to draw oxygen into my lungs and gather my thoughts, I can see remnants of his release dripping on the floor. I’m a bit transfixed, who would have thought THAT could be so fucking hot?
I can feel his hands unwind from my hair, his semi-soft dick sliding out of me, and he too is trying to catch his breath.  He slides down to the carpeted floor, and to my surprise, reaches for my hand and pulls me down with him, nestling me between his legs and planting a soft kiss on my hair.
“What. The. Ever-loving. FUCK. Was THAT?” I manage to get out, my mind clearing enough to remember what landed us in this situation, in this room, in the first place.
“Jesus….tell me I didn’t hurt you.  I didn’t hurt you did I, Love?” he asks me softly, with true concern etched on his face, as he brushes the hair out of my face and buries his face in my neck.  His beard tickles my neck…I love that.
“I…No?” I could not be more confused right now if I tried.  “That was goddamn mind-blowing, I’ve never seen you like that??  Sure as hell doesn’t explain your SHIT attitude tonight though…”
It’s an odd thing, it’s something I’ve always been aware of, even when I can’t see it, but I can feel his smile against my skin. “You wanted it rough, yeah?  I couldn’t just come outta nowhere and attack you.  It had to fit the situation innit…?”
I am without words.  Is he actually saying he PLANNED this??  I jump up from his lap and spin myself around, ready to throttle him where he sits.  I come face-to-face with a set of crinkled, clear blue eyes and a very nervous, cautious expression on his face.  
“Edward. Christopher. Sheeran.  EXPLAIN YOURSELF”, I manage to get out without cracking my own grin.  
“Well…you were texting with your friend a few days ago…and you left your phone on the bed.  It flashed on the screen and I believe your EXACT words were: He’s such a Teddy Bear…and I love it, but why can’t he be rough once in a while??  A girl needs her hair pulled now and then… Why’s he got to always be so NICE?  So…I figured I’d give it a shot…?” he flashes me a nervous grin and raises and eyebrow, waiting for my response.
“You were NOT supposed to see that…” I mumble, completely mortified. “You’re telling me you’ve been acting like a DICK all day just so you could rile me up and fuck me senseless??”  I’m…stunned? Shocked? Orgasmically sated?  What in the HELL?
“Was a shit day anyway, definitely wasn’t at my best, but… yeah…I played it up a bit.” He says softly. “Don’t kill me, but…seeing you all pissed off like that, it was kinda hot? Wasn’t expecting that?” His face flushed and he bit his lip.  “I knew what would push your buttons, and I just kinda went with it?  Get you going, innit?” he blushes.  
“Thank God.” I sighed.  “The thought of you treating me like that on purpose?  I’ve never known you to treat ANYONE like that, to be purposely selfish or mean, I couldn’t wrap my head around it!  I had no idea I had that sort of temper in me, either. The prick act worked well, Sheeran.  I didn’t know what to think…”  I couldn’t help but shake my head and crack a little smile.  
“Love…’” he whispered softly, “the thought of hurting you intentionally, of making you feel anything less than the most important person in my life, it makes me want to be sick.  You’ve got my heart, every bit of it.  I just wanted to…mix it up.  Have a little fun and give you what it sounded like you wanted?  Maybe I went about it the wrong way…”  He’s watching me warily, gauging my reaction.
I cup his face, and brush my lips against his, first catching his bottom lip, then the top, and finally both. They’re so soft, and he catches my chin and kisses me back, softly and slowly, infusing each touch with tenderness.  I break away and stare him in the eye. “Teddy that might have been the hottest, dirtiest sex I have ever had, and the most intense orgasm I have EVER experienced. I…don’t think I’ve ever wanted to both fuck AND slap the same person at the same time.  It was a very convincing act.  Having said all that?” I raised an eyebrow and looked him in the eye. “Leave the douchebag act at home next time, huh?”
He chuckles, kisses me again and struggles to his feet, helping me up at the same time.  “I am so sorry, Love, at least for the being a right dick part,” he whispers, “Forgive me?”
I look into his baby blue eyes, and really, how can you not forgive that puppy dog face?  Especially considering how fucking HOT the experience was. Bossy Ed…something to keep tucked in my back pocket for sure, because SHIT.
Leaning over, I gently push the tangle of copper curls off his forehead and place a kiss on his brow. “I forgive you, Teddy. That was fucking HOT, and I think I like Bossy Teddy….” I raise an eyebrow. “But not mean Teddy.”
“I love you so much….I hope you know that.” He breathes softly in my ear. “Mean will NEVER happen again. That’s a promise.  The whole Dominant Ed thing, it’s new to me. Not much good at it I guess…” he chuckles nervously.
“Better than you think…I love you too, Silly Boy. Always.”
He catches my lips again and kisses the breath right out me, letting me feel what he can’t put into words.  I do love this boy. SO much.
After making sure my skirt is in place and Ed’s pants are up, we head for the door, but as he reaches for the doorknob, I place my hand over his and lean over to whisper in his ear.
“…Think you left a mark on my ass….hope it won’t be the last time…”  
His mouth drops open and I brush past him, with a swing to my step and a grin on my face.
“Jesus……” he groans as he follows me out the door. “You’re gonna kill me, love.”
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izzy-b-hands · 8 years
On mobile so I can't put a read more, but I'm going to try and tag well--I need to vent. ----------- So today has been the worst day dealing with my mom in awhile. Like we've been in an okay patch where she hasn't been giving so many mixed messages and orders, but that came roaring back today for some reason. It starts out crappy because we head to my tattoo appointment, but my artist was sick and had to reschedule (though please note I'm not mad at him in any way, I'm glad he was going home rather than suffering sick thru work, because I know how much that sucks no matter what your job is. It just made me sad that I wasn't getting tattooed today and those appointments are like spa days for me.) Before we left for the shop though, she was super pissy and generally making me not want her there at the appointment because I didn't want her bugging my artist or being fussy at having to wait for my appointment to be over (which she's done at past tattoo appointments that I did offer to go to alone by getting a cab or taking the bus.) Anyway, after the tattoo shop we decide to go run a quick shopping trip, and our interactions go down hill. We're both struggling financially right now, but I've been buying a lot for the both of us the past week. But she asks me to get this trip, so I say yes because it won't do any good to say no. Then we get there and she's grabbing extra stuff not on our list, half assedly asking if it's okay even when the thing is in the cart and we're eight aisles away already--like, I'm not gonna argue and say no at that point, cause she'd just get pissy. The store was busy too, so we were both starting to get upset in general. Now, I will note that my fragile emotional state today wasn't all due to her. The whole 'you're still stuck at a shitty job in ND and haven't totally gotten your writing off the ground' thing has been hitting hard for a couple weeks, but especially today. But I wasn't complaining or bugging her with it, I was just trying to ignore those feelings. At the end of it she's rude to the teen cashier, (she knows that behavior is something I don't tolerate), but we get to the car. I offer to buy lunch out from a place we both like because at that point I was more treating myself than her. Like, I'm on the verge of emotionally overwhelmed tears in the car from the day and stuff building up for weeks and she's just hopping cause she gets her fav food. I was literally crying (quietly though) as we left the parking lot and she keeps going on about what sandwich she's getting. At first I thought she didn't notice, but then she looks over and goes "Oh," and that's it. So she noticed, and normally would at least be like, "hey, you're crying, is everything okay?" Not at that moment. In the drive through I started crying more, because I honestly couldn't help it (that hasn't stopped either, I'm on like my tenth cry of the day right now) and then she finally showed concern. I couldn't tell her anything she had done to cause it (in the past that's earned me shouting and 'ungrateful brat' kind of comments that she swears later she didn't mean) but I did explain the wanting to move and earn my primary income from my art frustrations though, and she surprised me by being kind and supportive. I thought we were okay then and the day would be okay. Wrong. We eat, she decides to nap cause she was getting a headache, I decide to play GTA V for an hour or two. The cat wakes her up in about that time (I tried to get Nish to let my mom sleep, but she wanted both her humans awake and wouldn't take any food or toys I offered.) Mom's mood is wildly different then. She's angry. She complains about clothes being ready to hang in the washer (I didn't see or hear her put them in, or I would have taken care of them) and goes to do that. I follow, and try to fix things by taking the basket and offering to help. As soon as we get in to the room we hang the clothes in to dry, she's even angrier. First I'm taking the dry clothes down too slowly, then too quickly when I hang up wet ones in their place. Then I'm hanging the clothes wrong on the hanger. I tried for a bit to make it work, but she was ripping clothes out of my hand, tossing the laundry basket around, and pushing empty hangers to the floor in the same way an angry toddler would. So I get her the extra hangers from my room, hang up my dry clothes in my closet, and go back to my laptop in the living room, and turn it all off. That was the breaking point for me--I knew she'd be pissed at me next for playing a game (that's the usual cycle of these situations no matter what I'm doing--if I'm just sitting there doing nothing then I'm still doing something wrong) so I closed it down. Here comes the mixed messages. She asks when she goes back to the couch, suddenly really quietly, why I'm packing my stuff up. I tell her I have a headache and want to be in my room (partially true, though it isn't a bad enough headache that I'd go lie down) she acts sad, but let's me go and I leave trying to figure out her 360 emotional spin. Fast forward a few hours of me crying quietly in my room, panicking over how she might act for dinner and how even though my psychologist said to stand up for myself and call out her behavior and how she'd be totally pissed at me if I'd acted like she had all day I still can't bring myself to say anything because I'm afraid of my mom yelling when I do that. There's a quick, tense discussion on what to do for dinner a bit later, and dinner itself wasn't awful, just uncomfortable (in part because we had pizza and I had to eat all the pieces left, or she'd do her usual spiel about how I don't eat left overs fast enough so I shouldn't leave them, yet she can leave them because she's formally dieting and I'm not.) I try to go back to my room and she stops me. "Bye," she says in a voice equal parts sad and offended. Now, no matter what I'd done here would have been a problem. In past moments like this, there have been some where she guilted me to staying in the living room (but then acted nasty towards me if I fell asleep and didn't wake her up to help remind her to take out her contacts or get her to bed at a decent hour) and some where I've gone back to my room (and she'd pop in every couple of hours to ask if I still wasn't coming back out, glare at anything I might have on the floor, and sigh even when my room is clean--the issue I've found there is that it isn't clean in the way she'd clean it, so it pisses her off, no matter how much I try and clean 'her way' even when executive dysfunction makes it hard.) Tonight, I chose my room, which brings us to now. She already popped in once, as I was typing so I had to hide my iPad so she wouldn't see this post. I already know she'll have fallen asleep in the living room, so I can't fall asleep yet in case she doesn't wake up by ten or elevenish on her own to go into her bedroom. And I get her headache might be making her feel like shit, but here's the rub-- We've been having these moments and situations since I was four. I know everyone has days where they act shitty cause they don't feel well, but why does she expect me to just ignore her on those days when she never lets me have a day like that. If I acted how she did today, she'd have yelled and been angry with me (even tho she stresses now how we're just as much roommates as mom and kid since I'm an adult, so we should treat each other more like roommates.) I was the one who was gracious and asked my artist if he was okay to check out my healing before he left (which he happily did, and he said he was glad I let him check because it showed responsibility as a tattoo owner that he doesn't always see) while she whined that we shouldn't have to pay for the visit and embarrassed the hell out of me (they didn't charge because we didn't tattoo today, and none of the artists at the shop have ever said they'd charge for a literal 'roll up your sleeve for two minutes and let me look' thing, tho I think they probably could and should--I'm willing to hand over my money to people who care about me and the art on my body.) I was the one who kept us on track during shopping and got us home at a decent time, with lunch, even tho my anxiety was at an all time high and I was already an over emotional mess. And I was the one trying to find a way to make her happy, even after she'd made me cry a few times over. I just wonder how long I'm going to go thru this with her. My five year plan now is to save up to move to California, but it's killing me I can't go now. To be closer to other artists and collab and share my art with them (one book in the series I'm writing is nearly done with my editing, the second books first draft is written, and I started writing the third books first draft this week, and I didn't even plan on it becoming a series); to be away from my mom and my family's bullshit; to be in a state that will protect my orientation and gender identity (they can still fire u for that first one in ND)--it all feels so close yet so far away and days like today I just feel so tired of living the way I am, yet I don't have the money or options to change anything yet. This got way too long--if u read it all, thank u but also I'm sorry. U can tell it got too long cause I've given up typing as formally as I usually do. Anyway, I should take this moment to thank u all for still following me and reading my blog--writing and rants alike. It's a small comfort, but it makes me feel less alone. And on days like today, that's one of the few things I have. Here's to hoping for easier days with family, for me and any of u guys that might be struggling with similar issues right now. If any of u ever need to vent, my ear is ready to listen (and comfort if u want.)
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