#Tw body shame
epixu · 5 months
So i'm at my grandparents rn and I've been body shamed several times in the past 2 days everyone is like "you've lost weight" or "you've barely eaten" I know that's the point of me barely touching my food stop trying to make me eat more less weight means I'm happier with myself
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mountinez · 9 months
i don't know if you've seen this (there is talk about weight in this so proceed with caution!) : https://www.tumblr.com/ultrasofties/728725591311925248/both-ted-and-karun-and-martin-brundle-saying-that?source=share
this honestly makes me so angry. charles is getting the 2019/2020 seb treatment and as a fan of them both, it's so frustrating watching the same crap being used over and over again. different driver, same shit.
no, literally... i didn't see it per se but i saw some mutuals talking about it and i'm so done. honestly, idk why the narrative is changing so fast because charles was the one getting results for ferrari until summer break. i am struggling to understand what his weight has to do with this, why people feel so comfortable talking about charles as if he is a piece of raw meat (i don't even eat meat btw just for you to know). and yeah, exactly how they did to seb... i am so done!
& ferrari as always is not lifting a finger to protect or defend charles and it is just infuriating.
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ozym4ndi4s · 10 months
Are there any posts here calling out Gabriel on his bullshit when he literally fatshamed my baby boy?
like bro what the fuck?
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angel-dust-bitch · 1 year
Angel sat in the corner of the room... A sheet thrown half-hazardly over his mirror, and any other reflective surface around him was either covered or smudged. The lights were also off...
And seemed rather out of it himself...detached from everything and everyone around him.
Call it another one of those kind of nights...
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doll-carcass · 2 years
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Thank you to my friend for helping me out the next few pages aha
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Seamstresses need models, don't they?
Summary: Your roommate likes to, so you end up modeling for her, at first she finds it hard to model for you given your somewhat rectangular build, but eventually she gets it, its nice.
Warnings: Sewing needles, pins, Terezi isn't entirely blind, bad habits, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: Fic five folks, fic five, I am making steady progress, also, this one was fun to write, and is it a little bit of a projection, yes, but that don't matter, once again, I take reblogs as a form of currency over likes.
Three months.
That's how long it's been since the Trolls assimilated into humanity.
They all live on the top floor of an apartment building, Beta and Alpha alike, two Trolls per apartment.
Gamzee and Karkat.
Nepeta and Equius.
Aradia and Feferi.
All quite predictable groupings made to prevent as many fights as possible, the only one that didn't make sense was Terezi and Kanaya who agreed to share only because they were the last ones.
It started extremely rough between the two of you. Where Kanaya couldn't handle the sound of crunching chalk, you couldn't stand the amount of fabric she owned. Eventually in a fight you had, you destroyed her only mannequin left. You both panicked, that was the only flow of money, the clothing she made and sold, you were fucked.
Three days later, she came to you with a few pins in between her teeth and a roll of fabric in her hands. At first you were confused, why would she have those items, then she told you to strip, you nearly jumped out of your skin. It took her a second, but then her face burned Jade and she apologized before explaining she needed you to model for her. To that you said you would just put on tighter clothing so it wouldn't screw up your form as much, an awkward nod was what you got in response.
When you returned she held shears in her hand made for heavy duty jean fabric, you flinched, very, very sharp items. She held them up and beckoned for you to step closer, you suddenly felt, very, very aware of how not made for modeling you were. You were literally shaped like a brick, you ain't an hourglass or any other weird shape, you were a rectangle!
Panic started to pump through your veins as you stepped closer and closer until you were in the middle of the room, you spread your arms out. Then Kanaya started to measure, the tape measure tingling as it pressed against your skin, she handed you a skirt to try on. You left the room and tried it on, it was suffocating, curse beauty standards, you awkwardly walked back out, and Kanaya groaned. She told you to put back on your pants and hold still when you returned, you did exactly that.
Three weeks, and many failed outfits, later, Kanayas finally figured out how the fuck to sew for your build. It took a lot of trial and error, a lot more error than either of you will admit, but its happened. She ended up turning most failed outfits into arm warmers or overcoats and sold them for cheap so you two could still eat.
Now she's finally finishing stitching your first official outfit she's proud of so far.
"Go try it on, and be honest if it fits comfortably," Kanaya said, she had a sewing needle stuck into her hand, she had done it so often it didn't even hurt anymore, she handed you the outfit.
"I don't know, skirts aren't really my thing," You say as you hold up the item, Kanaya gives you a soft glare.
"We have spent two weeks making outfit after outfit to try and find something that works for you and people built like you, I am not quitting now, so please for the love of whatevers above go try on the outfit, Terezi," Kanaya pleaded, you gave a short sigh before leaving and putting on the outfit.
It was comfortable.
The skirt itself was a deep Teal, a slit running up to just above your knee on one side. The waistband had belt loops, you immediately grabbed the only belt you owned and tied it tight enough that it wouldn't hurt but would hold. The shirt she made was also nice, the shoulder covers weren't there so it didn't pinch, but their was still thick fabric strips that rested two inches below your shoulder. It was all black, it had your symbol in your color on the front, the hemming on the bottom was frayed a little bit, and it reached just past the high waist of your skirt.
Yeah, this felt really, really good.
You tucked in the shirt nice and smooth before walking back out, finding a waiting Kanaya who looked stressed. The needle in her hand was being pumped up and down as a nervous habit, she was probably biting her tongue as well. You cleared your throat and she snapped up to look at your, she gave a sigh of relief seeing the outfit didn't appear to tight one bit.
She walked over, dressed in her regular red skirt and shirt, she placed her hands on your exposed shoulders. She stared at you, the red of your shades reflecting her piercing eyes, man, she's so pretty. Your face heats up a little bit as you push away the thought, before you can even speak she starts.
"Does, does it fit comfortably?" Kanaya asked, her voice was a little bit shaky and she let go of your shoulders.
"It fits perfectly, I love it," you said, twirling a little bit, you were grinning, it felt so perfect.
"Thank fuck, now I can start doing these properly, soon enough I'll be able to by another mannequin for this," Kanaya said, giving a short sigh of relief as she takes a seat on the ground, she's not worried about all the bits and pieces of scrap fabric scattered everywhere you look.
"Yeah, that'll be nice when you get another mannequin," you said, holding back disappointment as much as you could, you didn't mind being her mannequin, it was fun.
"But, I don't feedback from a mannequin if it chafes awkwardly in one spot, or if the fabric isn't lined up properly," Kanaya said, throwing a glance at you, your face heated up a bit, ok, so, maybe over the past three weeks of having Kanaya pressing fabric to your skin and delicately threading pins through fabric to hold it in place on your form has had side effects on you feel about her.
"They sure can't, and it would be a shame if you got complaints because your outfits chafed," you said, not even bothering to hide the fact you quite enjoyed being Kanayas sewing model.
"Sounds like someones a bit jealous of an inanimate object," she said, grinning at you, you looked away, definitely not you whose jealous of a mannequin, "it was fun working with you, we can keep working together if desired."
"Absolutely! I mean, I would be honored if a seamstress of your caliber would work with me," you said, trying to regain composure, she giggled a little bit.
"Ok, Terezi, then get ready, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow onward," Kanaya said as she stood up, brushing down her red skirt as she did so.
Fuck, you've managed an amazing chance of fate.
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cura-te-ipsum · 7 months
Idk who needs to hear this, but on behalf of my former teenage self who wishes it hadn't taken me 20 years to figure this out:
Eating when you're hungry doesn't teach your body to feel hungry all the time. You were already hungry!
It does, however, encourage your body to communicate with you. It teaches your body its needs will be met. It teaches your metabolism food isn't a scarcity and we don't actually need to hold onto every morsel as if the world is ending.
Your body doesn't know the difference between "there is no food to eat" and "shame says I shouldn't eat".
Your body is just trying to keep you alive. That's its job!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
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Every now and again, I remember this meme (usually after seeing this exact situation) and I always want to spread it.
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angelsdean · 11 months
a very specific headcanon i have that i've just written into one of my longer wips (so you won't see the scene for an age) is that john is kinda a dick abt food and dean's eating habits. and he's just. so oblivious to the amount that his kids are suffering when he's gone. because dean sure as hell is not gonna bring up how the money is never enough, how they're near starving toward the end of some weeks. how they've relied on charity more than once. so when john comes back and gets them big full meals and dean especially practically inhales his food (bc he's hungrier, bc he's given more of his portions to sammy) john chides him to slow down, it'll make himself sick etc etc. but dean struggles. and he's always SO eager for burgers and pie and carb-y filling things. because he's starving. but he gets a reputation for "eating junk." john teases him for it. or berates him for it when he's feeling especially mean. when dean's older, stanford era, and they meet up for a hunt and get lunch dean still digs into his food a little too quickly, he asks the waitress for pie with a little too much gusto, and john shakes his head, laughing, saying it's a good thing dean's a hunter, it's a good thing he's got the grueling work to keep him fit or else all those burgers and pies would've definitely caught up to him by now. laughs at how dean still eats too fast, "you've done that since you were a kid. never grew out of it, huh?" and dean bites his cheek, bites back a remark about why he always ate so fast, why he's still always squirreling away food and jumping at every "free food" "free samples" opportunity even now when money is easier to come by
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diejager · 5 months
Can you do a chubby reader? Asking for me 👉👈
Unconditional Cw: body shame, fluff, protective Gaz, self-hate, tell me if I missed any.
You often wondered to yourself why Kyle was still with you, someone unlikable, someone unfitting of the universal standards, someone so clumsy and so self-conscious —someone so fat. You weren’t like him, an adonis walking in the human world, his beautiful brown eyes, so warm and adoring, his smooth skin in the prettiest shade of chocolate that had you salivating and his smile, oh did it make you swoon, eager to drop on your knees for a man like him to give you a second of his attention.
Yet you wouldn’t have to beg for him, to drop to te ground with pleas when he already did it, whispering lovely things to you while he kept his eyes on you, never fleeting towards anyone else as if you were his whole world —you were. He loved you; he adored you, willing to do anything for a smidgen of your time, a small, tender smile of your pretty lips, the softness of your thighs and your warm body, always keeping him safe in the cool, winter times. He made sure to voice his devotion, speaking loudly and proudly how he loved you, unbothered by the venomous and envious stares of picture-perfect women with a model-like complexion. You held a piece of his heart as much as he had yours.
You told yourself that you were just lucky to find yourself someone so accepting, and he would tell you that this was fate, that he was bound to find you and fall head over heels for you despite your imperfections and queerness. He placed you on a pedestal that he was unwilling to let you move from, the shining star in his life, the gem in his eyes. He was chivalrous, a gentleman in today’s standards, treating you so well and confessing his love whenever he could. He took you out and fought to pay for you, reasoning that he was better paid than you and that he had to since he was the one who invited you (despite your exasperated complaints about wanting to repay him without depending on him soo much).
Perhaps that’s why your appreciation bloomed so brightly in your heart in moments like these, his beautiful face screwed in an offended frown, brows pinched and lips curled down. He showed his annoyance through small ticks: gritting his teeth, playing with his hands or jerking his foot beneath the table, but they were so small, inconsequential that most people ignored it for his pretty face.
“Hey, is this seat taken?” The woman - stranger - who’d approached your table looked like a model, a slim hourglass bodice, swaying breasts and round hips. She walked with confidence, her face curled with an air of sensuality and pride, so sure of herself when she had a perfect body.
Despite Kyle’s unamused expression, his eyes dulling, she fluttered her lashes, beating her long, doe extensions, expecting him to tell her what she wanted to hear. She’d probably been given everything she’s ever wanted, using her seductive appearance to garner attention and material with lower men, lonely and tired men, but Kyle Garrick was none of them, he was soft, he was gentle and he was sympathetic, much more human than people would give him credit for, for being a SAS soldier.
“Yes, sorry,” his tone was mellow, hiding well his distaste for her blatant ignorance of you, pushing you aside to make herself the center of his attention. She liked basking in attention. “I’m on a date.”
Her expression tore between shock and offensiveness, hardly containing her scoff when she glanced at you, chubby cheeks, round eyes and softer curves than her sharpness. Her narrowed eyes and little sneer made you flush in embarrassment, the shame boiling in your guts with a destructive self-consciousness about your weight and appearance. You avoided her gaze, preferring to stare at your fumbling hands, fingers knotting together in a mix of anxiety and hate. Kyle caught that.
“Are you-”
“I bloody am,” it was blunt, coldly snapping at her. It shocked the both of you, your demure boyfriend changed for something vicious and guarding. His usually comfortable and easily-approachable character became tall and imposing, someone you wouldn’t want to anger as he completely ignored her in favour of reaching out for you, taking your hands in his soft and warm ones. “Excuse us, but we have places to go.”
Rounding the table, he walked you out, arm wrapped around your pudgy stomach, the rolls plush under his hold, kneading your hip in soothing comfort. He leaned over to place a soft kiss on your forehead, smiling at your avoiding eyes, flushed and oh, so in love with the man you dated.
“Don’t worry, darling. You’re the only one in my eyes.”
He brushed away that pretty girl for you. It made your heart throb hotly, something warm weighing on your chest. It didn’t hurt, rather, it soothed your ache and fears, washing away the dark clouds of doubt and hate that hung over you.
Perhaps you truly were fated to be together.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
My mom was really getting on my case about how much weight I’d been gaining. She came to me, looked me dead in the eyes, and seriously suggested that I try participating in “No Eat November”.
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feral-ballad · 2 years
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Safia Elhillo, from Girls That Never Die: Poems; “Summer”
[Text ID: “My body swells in shapes / I do not understand / I am hungry for touch / & ashamed to be looked at”]
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doll-carcass · 2 years
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I will never be happy
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so-very-small · 8 months
the tiny, inside the walls, hyping themself up: It’s totally fine. Everything I’ve seen from this human shows that they’re kind, level headed, and normal. There’s utterly nothing wrong with this human, and I can totally befriend them! I shouldn’t be scared at all!
the tiny: *peeks out hole in the bathroom wall, looking up at the giant before them*
the giant, in front of the bathroom sink, obliviously doing their nightly routine: *removes their dentures*
the tiny, has no concept of what dentures are, who just saw this behemoth remove all the bones and flesh from its own mouth in one swift pull, without a flinch of pain: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
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In JJK the likes like Satoru, Mahito and Sukuna WILL fatshame chubby Darling, but Geto, I think, will totally do it too, as he is grown up, he became a lot meaner and petty and if you are not sorcerer it will tad worse for you chubby self
I had the dumbest thought of Mahito going "I can get rid of your excess body fat if you want! Here 😊" And he literally removes chunks of your fat and turns it into a Curse by imbuing your fear, pain, and body shame. Like it's a walking lump of fat just waddling around and bc it can tell it came from you it treats you like a parent. And Mahito has the gall to ridicule you for being so freaked out after he fucked up your body proportions and put your life at risk (imagine liposuction but without a sterile environment and no attempt at preparation or outpatient care). "Whaaat? You said you wanted to lose weight! I helped! It's a lot faster than dieting or exercise. And if you gain more weight again, I'll just make another one! It's a nice little incentive to not get that size again."
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transmascrage · 2 years
TW for discussion of eating disorders and body shaming
Since I had this exchange with @krispykrememothnuts I thought I'd look more into this:
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And yeah, the fashion industry has an issue with making clothes that fit short men and fat men.
This is something that affects transmascs and cis men.
The fashion industry isn't friendly to any fat person but I think it tends to be more lenient towards short women because it's more acceptable for them to be short.
Meanwhile, men should be tall according to the beauty standard.
We know that eating disorders are extremely common among cis men and transmascs (Cis men: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3. Trans men: Source 1, Source 2. Gay men: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3.)
And it doesn't help that all the representation in fashion that we get are tall dudes with abs that can (usually) only be achieved through dehydration, restricting diets and intensive work-outs. And that it's considered acceptable to make fun of people for their height, weight, hairline, face, as long as it's men.
And as I mentioned in the comment, not being able to find men's clothes that fit me I have to buy women's clothes that make me dysphoric and usually show my bra or binder straps, which immediately clocks me as not-a-man.
It's also important to note that a TERF talking point is that transmascs transition because of eating disorders. While it's possible that gender dysphoria and eating disorders have a link, it's not a cause-effect situation, i's more of a comorbid condition.
Looking into transmasc eating disorders could disprove this TERF theory but alas no one cares enough about transmascs to do a research only about our experience with eating disorders and trans people are usually treated as a homogenous group.
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