#Twitter continues to lose money
silverfox66 · 1 year
When you don't pay your bills 🤷‍♀️
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cvctuslesbian · 1 year
people are aware that social media websites are going to be forever money sinks, right? like there is never any possibility for a social media website to get into the black, let alone green. you will never be able to turn a single cent of profit from a social media website
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artfulstar · 25 days
Woah woah woah. Twitter is shutting down in Brasil? I'm thankful for your mental health but what?
TLDR: Elon fired everyone in the Brazilian offices of twitter but legally Twitter can't continue existing in Brazil WITHOUT a legal representative. So now our Federal Supreme Court subpoened him to apoint a new representative or the website is getting shut down in the country
The long version with the context about the fight:
It all started when the supreme court started to shut down in the country profiles of brazilian people who had commited crimes using the website (an example is Monark, a dude who literally used his profile to say we should give n*zis and racists unlimited freedom of speech [he fled to the US to escape prison btw]).
Elon caught wind of this and decided to threaten our constitution and said that he would get the profiles back on because he wouldn't accept a government restricting "freedom of speech" on his platform. The supreme court issued a statement that if he did that, he would face a fee everyday for every account reactivated. It was money so he didn't do that (or maybe turns out he couldn't do it anyway and he was just lying for his lil fanboys).
This was all back at the start of the year but suddenly almost two weeks ago it was reported he fired every single employee in the offices of brazil, including the legal representative.
Then tonight, around two hours ago the official profile of STF replied and tagged elon with the doc of the subpoena because since they didn't have a legal representative, they couldn't do it in the proper way. The subpoena says that Elon has 24 hours to appoint a new guy for the job or the social is getting shut down in brazilian territory.
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So we have 3 options for whats gonna happen in the next 24 hours:
Alexandre de Moraes (The guy who Elon started a one-sided beef with) backs down and doesnt shut down the website (highly unlikely)
Elon backs down and appoints a new guy so he doesnt lose the 4th biggest public of his site
Twitter gets shut down until Elon's manchild's ego gives in
thats all <3
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This was Elon's reply to the tweet. YES he is pathetic like that
Edit 2: it's currently 17:38 brasilia time of 30/08 and Twitter is bound to get disconnected soon, the order has been given by Moraes. People who use a VPN to access Twitter will get fined 50k reais (almost 9k dollars).
Yesterday a note was posted lying about Brazil being a dictatorship and saying that one of the people being censored is a 16yr old girl. The truth is that it's a grown ass man that use his daughters account to promote attacks on delegates, ministers, judges and other politicians. They also call orders to ban n*zi accounts "illegal orders" (WHICH ARE VERY LEGAL UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF BRAZIL). They also say "we don't want every other country to have the freedom of speech laws the US has" meanwhile they've been trying to impose them in a sovereign state.
I would say what I want to say to Elon but unfortunately my mother taught me to keep those kinds of thoughts inside. Just know they're three letters <3
edit 3: twitter was officially unavailable on brazilian territory by the time it struck midnight of the 31st
Edit 4:
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Translation: 🚨 NOW: Elon Musk is looking for executives to represent Twitter/X in Brazil, to negotiate the platform's RETURN in the country, reports Correio Braziliense.
he's going to do what cellbit said kkkmk he purposely let them suspend it, then after a few days he'll come out and be the savior of the brazilian people and say he only did it for us
Don't let elon fool you. He doesn't care and is probably only doing it because his investors are threatening him with money
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barbarastreisandof · 11 months
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Blocking out her name and picture to protect her from harassment, but this is a Palestinian journalist reporting out of Gaza who I've personally had contact with through Twitter.
Money and aid is not getting through. Crowdfunding is not helpful. Ordering things is not helpful. Buying keffiyehs that say the money goes to Gaza is not helpful.
Gaza is a concentration camp - nothing is getting in or out that Israel does not approve of and right now Israel wants people dead or dying.
Most of social media, and tumblr is no exception, skews toward "taking action" being things that put you at zero risk and only ask for money or bits of time, or sometimes just doing nothing and calling it a boycott. "Call your rep!" "Buy this thing!" "Share this link!"
The reality is that you get out what you put in and if it was easy and low risk and comfortable for you to do it, then that is the level of impact it is having - low, comfortable to ignore, and flimsy.
Palestine, Gaza and increasingly the West Bank, NEEDS real help and the reality is we do not have the power as individuals to give it.
We DO have the power to band together and influence things collectively and the best way to do that is to loudly unequivocally express our anger and clarity of purpose.
So that does mean calling reps and being polite and firm and brief and giving your real address because otherwise they can't confirm you're a constituent and they'll ignore you. "Hello, my name is ______ and I am calling as a constituent to demand representative/senator _______ support aid to Gaza and to call for an end to support for all support to Israel."
It is important that your support for Gaza include opposition to Israel - there is no supporting Gaza while supporting Israel, it genuinely is one or the other.
Tear down pro-Israel posters. Tear down those fake kidnapped propaganda posters. Show up to rallies and marches where you can and if you can't, find out who's organizing them and get in touch to offer your support and help. Talk to family and friends. LEARN! Read up on these things and teach yourself history so you can better advocate and push back on propaganda.
Be willing to have people not like you. Losing friends over this is, and I don't mean to be cold here, nothing. It doesn't matter. Fuck em. If advocating against genocide costs you friendships and gets people calling you antisemitic, fuck em, good riddance. Privately process the loss of those relationships if they really matter to you, but publicly don't give it air because this is not a time to be focused on the feelings of people who cannot bring themselves to oppose ethnic cleansing.
The culture is shifting, support for Palestine is growing and it NEEDS to continue and we have the power to make sure it does.
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No, “convenience” isn’t the problem
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in CHICAGO (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Using Amazon, or Twitter, or Facebook, or Google, or Doordash, or Uber doesn't make you lazy. Platform capitalism isn't enshittifying because you made the wrong shopping choices.
Remember, the reason these corporations were able to capture such substantial market-share is that the capital markets saw them as a bet that they could lose money for years, drive out competition, capture their markets, and then raise prices and abuse their workers and suppliers without fear of reprisal. Investors were chasing monopoly power, that is, companies that are too big to fail, too big to jail, and too big to care:
The tactics that let a few startups into Big Tech are illegal under existing antitrust laws. It's illegal for large corporations to buy up smaller ones before they can grow to challenge their dominance. It's illegal for dominant companies to merge with each other. "Predatory pricing" (selling goods or services below cost to prevent competitors from entering the market, or to drive out existing competitors) is also illegal. It's illegal for a big business to use its power to bargain for preferential discounts from its suppliers. Large companies aren't allowed to collude to fix prices or payments.
But under successive administrations, from Jimmy Carter through to Donald Trump, corporations routinely broke these laws. They explicitly and implicitly colluded to keep those laws from being enforced, driving smaller businesses into the ground. Now, sociopaths are just as capable of starting small companies as they are of running monopolies, but that one store that's run by a colossal asshole isn't the threat to your wellbeing that, say, Walmart or Amazon is.
All of this took place against a backdrop of stagnating wages and skyrocketing housing, health, and education costs. In other words, even as the cost of operating a small business was going up (when Amazon gets a preferential discount from a key supplier, that supplier needs to make up the difference by gouging smaller, weaker retailers), Americans' disposable income was falling.
So long as the capital markets were willing to continue funding loss-making future monopolists, your neighbors were going to make the choice to shop "the wrong way." As small, local businesses lost those customers, the costs they had to charge to make up the difference would go up, making it harder and harder for you to afford to shop "the right way."
In other words: by allowing corporations to flout antimonopoly laws, we set the stage for monopolies. The fault lay with regulators and the corporate leaders and finance barons who captured them – not with "consumers" who made the wrong choices. What's more, as the biggest businesses' monopoly power grew, your ability to choose grew ever narrower: once every mom-and-pop restaurant in your area fires their delivery drivers and switches to Doordash, your choice to order delivery from a place that payrolls its drivers goes away.
Monopolists don't just have the advantage of nearly unlimited access to the capital markets – they also enjoy the easy coordination that comes from participating in a cartel. It's easy for five giant corporations to form conspiracies because five CEOs can fit around a single table, which means that some day, they will:
By contrast, "consumers" are atomized – there are millions of us, we don't know each other, and we struggle to agree on a course of action and stick to it. For "consumers" to make a difference, we have to form institutions, like co-ops or buying clubs, or embark on coordinated campaigns, like boycotts. Both of these tactics have their place, but they are weak when compared to monopoly power.
Luckily, we're not just "consumers." We're also citizens who can exercise political power. That's hard work – but so is organizing a co-op or a boycott. The difference is, when we dog enforcers who wield the power of the state, and line up behind them when they start to do their jobs, we can make deep structural differences that go far beyond anything we can make happen as consumers:
We're not just "consumers" or "citizens" – we're also workers, and when workers come together in unions, they, too, can concentrate the diffuse, atomized power of the individual into a single, powerful entity that can hold the forces of capital in check:
And all of these things work together; when regulators do their jobs, they protect workers who are unionizing:
And strong labor power can force cartels to abandon their plans to rig the market so that every consumer choice makes them more powerful:
And when consumers can choose better, local, more ethical businesses at competitive rates, those choices can make a difference:
Antimonopoly policy is the foundation for all forms of people-power. The very instant corporations become too big to fail, jail or care is the instant that "voting with your wallet" becomes a waste of time.
Sure, choose that small local grocery, but everything on their shelves is going to come from the consumer packaged-goods duopoly of Procter and Gamble and Unilever. Sure, hunt down that local brand of potato chips that you love instead of P&G or Unilever's brand, but if they become successful, either P&G or Unilever will buy them out, and issue a press release trumpeting the purchase, saying "We bought out this beloved independent brand and added it to our portfolio because we know that consumers value choice."
If you're going to devote yourself to solving the collective action problem to make people-power work against corporations, spend your precious time wisely. As Zephyr Teachout writes in Break 'Em Up, don't miss the protest march outside the Amazon warehouse because you spent two hours driving around looking for an independent stationery so you could buy the markers and cardboard to make your anti-Amazon sign without shopping on Amazon:
When blame corporate power on "laziness," we buy into the corporations' own story about how they came to dominate our lives: we just prefer them. This is how Google explains away its 90% market-share in search: we just chose Google. But we didn't, not really – Google spends tens of billions of dollars every single year buying up the search-box on every website, phone, and operating system:
Blaming "laziness" for corporate dominance also buys into the monopolists' claim that the only way to have convenient, easy-to-use services is to cede power to them. Facebook claims it's literally impossible for you to carry on social relations with the people that matter to you without also letting them spy on you. When we criticize people for wanting to hang out online with the people they love, we send the message that they need to choose loneliness and isolation, or they will be complicit in monopoly.
The problem with Google isn't that it lets you find things. The problem with Facebook isn't that it lets you talk to your friends. The problem with Uber isn't that it gets you from one place to another without having to stand on a corner waving your arm in the air. The problem with Amazon isn't that it makes it easy to locate a wide variety of products. We should stop telling people that they're wrong to want these things, because a) these things are good; and b) these things can be separated from the monopoly power of these corporate bullies:
Remember the Napster Wars? The music labels had screwed over musicians and fans. 80 percent of all recorded music wasn't offered for sale, and the labels cooked the books to make it effectively impossible for musicians to earn out their advances. Napster didn't solve all of that (though they did offer $15/user/month to the labels for a license to their catalogs), but there were many ways in which it was vastly superior to the system it replaced.
The record labels responded by suing tens of thousands of people, mostly kids, but also dead people and babies and lots of other people. They demanded an end to online anonymity and a system of universal surveillance. They wanted every online space to algorithmically monitor everything a user posted and delete anything that might be a copyright infringement.
These were the problems with the music cartel: they suppressed the availability of music, screwed over musicians, carried on a campaign of indiscriminate legal terror, and lobbied effectively for a system of ubiquitous, far-reaching digital surveillance and control:
You know what wasn't a problem with the record labels? The music. The music was fine. Great, even.
But some of the people who were outraged with the labels' outrageous actions decided the problem was the music. Their answer wasn't to merely demand better copyright laws or fairer treatment for musicians, but to demand that music fans stop listening to music from the labels. Somehow, they thought they could build a popular movement that you could only join by swearing off popular music.
That didn't work. It can't work. A popular movement that you can only join by boycotting popular music will always be unpopular. It's bad tactics.
When we blame "laziness" for tech monopolies, we send the message that our friends have to choose between life's joys and comforts, and a fair economic system that doesn't corrupt our politics, screw over workers, and destroy small, local businesses. This isn't true. It's a lie that monopolists tell to justify their abuse. When we repeat it, we do monopolists' work for them – and we chase away the people we need to recruit for the meaningful struggles to build worker power and political power.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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anobjectshowguy · 7 months
I hope people in the OSC (and other fandoms in general) who are ok with or neutral about Kosa realize that not only will we lose a bunch of platforms that allow us to interact with each other (Tumblr, discord, Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter, YouTube, etc) but will also get rid of at least 80-95% of our fandom.
The OSC consists mostly of people between 13-17 who (if Kosa goes through the Senate and Houses of Representatives and gets passed as a law) will most likely no longer have access to YouTube and other social platforms which actively kills almost all the people who read and watch Object Shows!
By visiting and sharing animated shows like II or BFDI those creators make money which gives them the means to keep making their shows and paying their animators, voice actors, writers and so much more. This bill will actively get rid of most of the people who watch these shows which will cause a large loss in support and revenue for these creators and will most likely mean the end for any smaller object show.
Object show comics rely on people sharing them around in fandom spaces since they’re not animated and put on YouTube like animated object shows are. By losing these spaces and the people who support their content these creators will no longer be able to reach a large audience and get the support they need to continue their comics. This means that we will lose a lot of the comics that the OSC has!
Most of the content you see in the OSC is made by minors, which this bill will actively destroy and thus kill this fandom and many others!
So I am begging of you OSC and other communities, Please please please sign petitions, tell your senators and representatives that you don’t want this bill to pass, and tell anyone that you can reach about how this Bill is a violation of privacy and minors' rights! Re-blog anything you see with helpful information about what Kosa is and keep talking about it! We need to tell people about it so that this doesn’t go through the Senate. Remember, the final day is February 26, we don’t have that long!!!
Here’s some helpful resources:
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bump-inthe-night · 4 months
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Vivziepop only wants Hazbin Hotel to continue forever because she wants more Broadway actors to voice her characters, suck more money from her fans, and most importantly, remain relevant. 
She loves being in the spotlight and the center of attention, receiving praise and adoration from her fans, which feeds her ego. Vivziepop wants to drag out Hazbin Hotel and make spinoffs about the 3 Vs and Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss. 
She wants Hazbin Hotel to go on for years like Family Guy, a show that has declined drastically in quality overtime. Hazbin Hotel is an awful show that will only worsen based on what we've seen in Helluva Boss, which is in its second season and has turned into a fanfic-like soap opera about Stolitz.
The hype around Hazbin Hotel died off among the general audience almost immediately after its first season was over. Helluva Boss' views are declining, while fewer people buy merchandise to support Vivziepop and Spindlehorse. More people are criticizing Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss' writing. Vivziepop and her fans are the laughing stocks of Twitter because of their horrible behavior.
Vivziepop doesn’t want to continue Hazbin Hotel out of passion but out of fear of falling into obscurity and losing the attention and money she desperately craves.
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sundaylemon-if · 5 months
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Coffee & Co.
(This game is about the woes of minimum wage labor. + a dash of fantasy and comedy)
Be a barista!
Everyday is coffee, coffee, coffee; many people shuffle in and out of the shop everyday like zombies as you continue to do what you do best. Make a cup of joe.
Flirt and fall in love with some weird customers, get high with your coworkers, cry in the reach-in-cooler when things get tough.
Just don't get fired.
Hailey (He/Him): A regular customer who always seems to be running from some place to somewhere. Scatterbrained and forgetful at best, he seems to be losing track of time. He has his own lost and found box under the register. Energetic and headstrong, he's always trying to do his best.
Andy (She/her or He/Him): Your ex- partner. Hot and cold, blunt and no nonsense. They were the most important person in your life at one point. But that was a long time ago, and you're over it. Aren't you?
Mori (They/Them): The most popular regular at the shop. When they enter a room, heads turn. They have a laid back personality but not much is known about them.
Partial ROs
Lynette (She/Her): A customer you can see if you're lucky. She always sits in the corner edge of your vision, scratching frantically into a notebook covered in flowers. When she comes around the shop, the air is even sweeter then usual. But you're probably imagining it.
Ciana (She/Her): Your coworker who takes no shits from anyone, her demeanor is standoffish and brusk. But she cares deep, deep, deep down. She's the type to ask for pickles when you won't. Maybe. Well at the very least she's good at her job and seems to always work to closing shifts no one wants.
Ivan (He/Him): A man who flirts like his life depends on it. Maybe it does, but thats not really your problem. Based on his twitter account he seems to drop all his money on mobile games with shiny graphics.
Seiichi (He/Him): Are you sure he still works here?
(everything is subject to change)
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reasonandempathy · 5 months
The weird radical/revolutionary politic larpers on this site are so allergic to political pragmatism I swear lmao. I am definitely left of the Democratic Party and I am certainly voting for Joe Biden in November. Not because I like him (I don’t). He is absolutely horrific on Gaza and that’s only the top (and priority considering there is a genocide going on there) of a list of complaints I have about him. I even voted uncommitted in my state’s presidential primary (the Pennsylvania one; I had to write it in) to protest. However, I’m still thinking pragmatically. Trump has said things that make me credibly think he will be worse on Gaza (insane that being worse on Gaza than Biden is possible but it is unfortunately), and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Project 2025, the potential for him to appoint more deeply conservative justices, more of his aggressively screwing over poor and middle class people with his tax policies. And does anyone else remember the spike in hate crimes after the race was called for him in 2016? Before he was even inaugurated? Whether people vote or not in November we will still have to deal with one of these two men in office come January unless all of the internet ancom larpers overthrow the government by then (doubt), so I’d rather deal with the one who will be marginally less bad and who didn’t try to overthrow the government. Can’t have your revolution if nobody’s alive cause you kept pushing off politically participating because there was no perfect option. 👍
Political pragmatist anon, sorry for ranting in your askbox but I feel like I lose brain cells watching these people talk. The other day I saw someone say Biden is bad because Roe v. Wade fell under his administration… even though the reason for that was Trump appointed justices. 💀 (2/2)
Fucking insane. Sincerely.
It's a completely, flatly binary choice for anyone with a brain stem and sincerity. It's distilled into the two below images:
Where all major third party candidates are even on the ballot
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How many electoral votes the largest of those (green party, a.k.a. Jill Stein) would win if they won every single state they're on the ballot for.
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They are literally, legally, incapable of winning the election. They are not on enough state ballots to win and Jill Stein would need to somehow win California and Texas to even "win" all the states they're on the ballot for. Which, again, would still not be enough to win the presidency and throw it to the currently existing Republican House of Representatives. Which would put Trump in office.
It's that straightforward. That simple. That BLARINGLY obvious to literally everyone except these people.
On the one hand you have:
Significant and continuous support for Israel and it's genocide
Record levels of pardons for low-level drug offenses
the gearing up of the strongest anti-trust regime since the early 20th century
the most aggressive NLRB I've seen in my lifetime, with massive wins and institutional changes to help workers
Including getting Rail strike workers a week of sick-leave that gets paid out at the end of the year, which is better than NYC and LA sick leave laws
Millions of people (not enough) getting student debt forgiveness
Some trillion dollars (not enough)of investment in renewable resources and infrastructure
Proposed taxes on unrealized capital gains (a.k.a. how billionaires never have any money but can still buy Kentucky, Iowa, and Twitter)
Effectively an end to overdraft fees
The explicit support of leftist world leaders like Lula de Silva. Who he has explicitly worked with to expand worker rights in South America.
Has capped (some, not enough, only a tiny amount really but it's something) some drug prices, including Insulin.
Reduced disability discrimination in medical treatment
Billions in additional national pre-k funding
Ending federal use of private prisons
Pushing bills to raise Social Security tax thresholds higher to help secure the General Fund
Increasing SSI benefits
and more
Said Israel should just nuke Gaza and "get it over with"
Personally takes pride in and credit for getting Roe v Wade overturned
Is arguing in court that the President should be allowed to assassinate political rivals
Muslim Ban Bullshit, insistently
Actively damages our global standing and diplomatic efforts just by getting obsessed with having a Big Button
Implemented massive tax cuts on ich people, tax hikes on middle class and poor people, and actively wants to do it again
"Only wants to be a dictator for a little bit, guys, what's the big deal"
Is loudly publicly arguing that the US shouldn't honor its military alliances after-the-fact
Tore up an effective and substantial anti-nuclear-proliferation treaty with Iran
Had a DoEd that actively just refused to process student debt forgiveness applications that have been the law of the land for decades now
Has a long record of actively curtailing and weakening the NLRB and labor movement, including allowing managers to retaliate against workers, weakened workplace accommodation requirements for disabled people, and more
Rubber stamped a number of massive mergers building larger, more powerful top companies and increasing monopolistic practices
Fucking COVID Bullshit and hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths
Openly supporting fascists and wannabe-bootlicks ("Very fine people" being only the beginning of it
It's really not fucking close.
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eamour · 6 months
unfavourable concepts.
i've been meaning to address this for some time now. with social media becoming a platform with such a large number of people talking about different concepts in love, work, health and so on, there are concepts which i think need to be discussed, especially as they affect so many of us.
before we start, celest1albeing on twitter inspired me to write this post! make sure to check out their thread on there as well.
these are concepts that don’t serve me personally. i don’t expect you to stop believing these concepts or make them apply to you and the world if you have no problems with them. if you can resonate and identify with these, that’s perfectly fine.
concepts of love.
information · these are all only examples which i seem to encounter frequently and which seem to be common.
young men cannot commit · men only treat pretty women with respect · all male friends of women just wanna hit · if he wanted to he would · they categorise you into sweet, sexy and pretty · he doesn’t love you if he does this · men always cheat and lie · they all only want one thing · they only like ass or tits · all men are the same · you can't change his type · you aren't his dream girl · men love quiet women · if a man doesn’t pay he isn't the one
you are just an option · once you are married your partner will become less romantic · after 3 months their true colours will show (honeymoon phase) · true love doesn’t exist · after the talking stage you either get into a situationship or go no contact · getting into a relationship is hard ·
women can’t be friends with men · women are complicated · they only want your money and wouldn’t want to date men who earn little · there is always another woman · they always look for someone better · you have to work on your divine feminine energy · you need to get out of your masculine energy · a woman needs to know her place
concepts of work.
money doesn’t grow on trees · it’s hard to get money · you have to work hard in order to afford your lifestyle · only if you do the work you can get a promotion · you could never be a ceo · you need to be privileged and born into richness for this position · this generation is lazy · no one wants to work · they are all going to end up jobless and poor · nowadays we are only evolving backwards
concepts of school.
you need to learn in order to get good grades · you cannot be smart without putting in the effort · teachers always have their favourite students · it's almost impossible to get good grades by teachers who can't stand you
concepts of health.
pasta makes you gain weight · you need to eat xyz and you cannot eat zyx · junk food is unhealthy · you need to workout in order to be fit · you can only lose weight by eating less · good skin requires an expensive skin care routine · t's hard to treat acne · you cannot get rid of scars on your face
self sabotage.
all in all, it all comes down to one thing: but is this what you want to believe in? do these beliefs serve you in any way? can you continue believing in them without worsening life for yourself? see, i am not the one shoving these concepts down your throat and expecting you to tweet "men ain’t shit". it’s all up to you if you want to claim these concepts as your truth or not. but if you keep believing in any undesirable concept that you KNOW does not help you in any way, you are only self sabotaging yourself IF you know that you can change these beliefs of yours.
the reason why i made this post is to emphasise that you can CHOOSE to believe in these concepts or not. you aren't tied to them. you don't depend on them. and you don't need to follow these concepts either.
i know we live in a society where even if you don’t initially believe that men suck or that you will get cheated on one way or another, we are still influenced by the experiences of others and may end up experiencing these things regardless. but you don’t have to!!! just because jessica had a man promise her the world and left her with nothing it doesn’t mean that it’s gonna happen to you as well. you are NOT her, you aren’t — and you don’t have to be — ANY of these people telling you about how awful people are, how sickening it is to date in this decade, etc. you don’t have to believe ANY of these things, in fact, you can change these concepts and the people around you.
in conclusion, you are your own person with your own individual beliefs. however, you have the CHOICE. no one's forcing you to believe any of these concepts, nor do they hold a universal truth to them. they come from the same awareness that can state the exact opposite.
with love, ella.
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starrclown · 9 months
☆The vilification of a victim: How toxic Stolitz shippers blamed the victim☆
Ya ever see a post that makes you so mad ya have to rant about it? That's what we're here for Matey's!! I am a Stolitz shipper, my Stolitz. I'm specifying that because I changed everything about cannon Stolitz in my rewrite. I was on a blog post I enjoy and I saw this screenshot from someone on Twitter. (Yes I'm calling it Twitter. Call your daughter by her name then we'll talk about calling it X Elon)
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2 problems with this image. Here I'll give you time.
Figure it out? Here.
1. This tweet implies that STOLAS is the one that needs to get away from Blitzø. He needs to have a actual relationship, no string attached. He needs love!! I mean the poor owl has such a mean wife!! He needs love and care!! 🥺🥺!! BLITZØ needs to pull his head out of his ass and stop abusing our poor defenseless owl boy!!
2. Vivziepop liked this tweet.
Incase you didn't catch my sarcasm that first point is absolute bullshit. How the fuck did that person rationalize in their head that, Stolas, the one that started the deal, set the conditions, and continued to break Blitzø's personal boundaries. (This is completely off topic but it annoys me that at the end of Loo Loo Land we never actually see Stolas pay Blitzø.) I'm sorry but what? Hi, ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW??? How the hell did you rationalize that BLITZØ, is the abuser!! Dude if this deal ends then Stolas loses nothing. He still has money, he still has his title, he still has his job. BLITZØ WILL LITTERALY LOSE HIS BUISNESS!! HE, LOONA, MILLIE, AND MOXXIE WILL BE OUT OF A JOB!! Blitzø is screwed if this deal ends. I really hate how that person implies that Stolas is the one that needs a relationship with no strings attached when Blitzø is the one being sexually explotied. The fact that Vivzie liked it only amplifies that that's how we should be seeing the relationship. It just makes me sad.
(This is short and bittersweet because my next post is gonna be explaining MY rewrite Stolitz!! Can't wait to gush about them!!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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lonniemachin · 5 months
Hamza’s brother Zain reached out to me to help share Hamza’s fundraiser. Hamza is a Palestinian nurse urgently raising money to help evacuate he and his family from Rafah. He has only made $2,129 out of his $35,000 goal! Please share and donate, and if you can’t donate, please still share!
Hamza’s Twitter/X account: @almofty_hamza
From Hamza’s GFM:
Hi, my name is Hamza, and I am raising funds to rebuild my family's home and support my loved ones during this war.
As you may already know, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza. I have lost more than a hundred relatives, many still missing, and my family trapped in Gaza can attest to countless more coworkers, community members, and friends they have seen killed firsthand.
Prior to the war, I was an active member of the community. I have a passion for helping others, and for this reason, I was a nurse practicing in hospitals around Gaza. Outside of nursing, I was also a volleyball player for the Palestinian national team. After the war broke out, I volunteered at hospitals to treat those injured in the airstrikes until I was forced to stop to move with his family.
My brother, Zein El Dein, had taken courses in web development and dreamt of becoming a programmer. His dreams were cut short after the school he went to was destroyed and flipped his entire life around.
My sister, Islam, earned top marks in school that landed her in a program for engineering at her local university. Her studies were paused during the war, and with the bombardment of that university, she is trying to find somewhere outside of Gaza to continue her education and pursuit of that dream.
Omar and Mariam are both children who were still in grade school when the war broke out. Their education was not only put on pause, but were forced to grow up and try to understand why they were being displaced, why they struggled to get food, and why their friends and neighbors were being killed in airstrikes.
My father, Talaat, was pursuing a PHD in nursing at the time the war broke out. The university has been destroyed, and he has been trying to take care of his family since.
We are currently staying in Rafah, and below are pictures of my original home, now destroyed.
Many of the people that used to be around me are either confirmed dead, missing because they are trapped under the rubble, or displaced just like us. These are people who played alongside me on the national team, classmates who were pursuing their passion for nursing just like I was, and people who volunteered at hospitals when the war broke out.
Losing so many of the close friends each of us had to this war has only added to the suffering of the destruction of our home and our displacement to the refugee camps in Rafah.
As you can imagine, I cannot watch my family continue to be in this miserable condition after we lost what was everything. So, I turn to this fundraiser, and to the global community to rebuild what was destroyed and relieve my family of their suffering with financial support.
Please donate generously, share this widely, and pray for their safety and evacuation. Anything helps, and all contributions, no matter the sum, bring us closer to the goal of achieving our dream.
Thank you, salam
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statementlou · 6 months
i feel like i can talk to you about this because you have rational opinions. so louis bought a starbucks coffee at the airport and the fandom on twitter are eating him alive, calling him evil and wishing he goes to hell. i’m disappointed since starbucks is on the list of brands to boycott but i feel like this reaction is too much? someone even said jay would be disappointed in him, but people said that was taking it too far. i don’t know, i love louis and i’ll keep supporting him and his music but the fact he can be a careless millionaire is disappointing
1. thank you sweetie I would boop if I could 2. oh my god it's a fucking cup of coffee and if people think that's the worst thing Louis, a multi millionaire, has ever done financially they need a reality check! His money will be handled by bankers who are putting it into all kinds of evil fucking shit that he won't even know about, it's actually very hard to know or control that and there is no way trying is even on his radar. That's a passive thing and not on purpose; but the fact that people don't bother to know about that or care really speaks to how performative this kind of online approach to activism is, that they only care about image rather than effect (the effect of his investments would be easily thousands of times more than any number of coffees or even of the promotion Starbucks might get from him holding it.) But furthermore buckle in cause you hit a nerve: Starbucks isn't even an actual organized boycott target as concerns Palestine because THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT financially! The official BDS movement calls for boycott of very specific and pointed targets of which Starbucks IS NOT ONE it's literally just an online trend which is not the same as an actual boycott to materially impact a target! Losing them money is always great, they are a crappy union busting small business killing corporation, but it has zero direct effect to help Palestinians unlike supporting the meaningful boycotts called for by BDS. I don't think Louis has decided to buy starbucks because he has this analysis, but to me it's a pretty important point. Him crossing an actual picket line (playing Israel, playing Eurovision [lmaoooo that thought tho], waving an Israeli flag god forbid) would be a very different situation and something that would trouble me so the distinction matters to me. But I get that to people on twitter, that's what they feel like he has done. To which I would say...
There are so many fewer ways to help Palestine than we would wish, and it's SO hard to deal with feeling so powerless right now in the face of such horror, so I love that people feel so strongly about doing whatever they possibly can. But worrying about consumer spending, even on BDS targets, is perhaps the least effective of the things a person can do. Note that BDS boycotts do not mostly focus on asking people not to buy things; they list the products that are especially complicit, but the main work of the movement is to get large investors (corporations, public institutions, whole governments) to divest from the companies targeted because that actually hurts them enough that it becomes less profitable to continue to collude with Israel than to drop them as clients. Consumer spending is not enough to do this. It's easy and doesn't require doing actual work but it's basically virtue signaling, not organizing. Just NOT doing something (yes including voting) is not enough! I personally choose not to give my money to certain corporations because it feels bad to me and I can't stomach doing it, even if they never notice me doing it. But if I was running out of fuel and the only nearby station was a Chevron, I would spend a few bucks there and not beat myself up about it because it will have zero impact on their overall profit reports but a LOT of impact on my life. And if I was in the airport for the second time in mere days after circumnavigating the globe and playing a massive show and doing press and fan service before even having time to adjust time zones and about to get on another flight to another country I might buy a fucking coffee from whatever coffee shop was in there too! But Louis isn't me and I'm gonna be real honest I would be real surprised if he KNEW there was a boycott or gave a shit- he is not a political activist! It's reasonable to be disappointed if someone behaves not how you want them to, but just in general responding to being disappointed in people by lashing out at them is... not it. Not useful, not rational, and not actually an okay way to act to other people. Louis is an awesome sweet caring person who I believe tries hard not to have a negative impact on anyone directly and who cares very much about others; if that's not enough for someone to be a fan of him, okay then they should not be a fan of him! But warning: they're not going to be able to be a fan of anyone else either. No one is pure and perfect... maybe that energy would be better spent trying to make a meaningful difference in the world, and a great first step in that IMO is to recognize and challenge your inner cop. The better world I want to live in doesn't include policing other people, not on twitter and not anywhere.
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rainbowsky · 3 months
Hi rainbowsky....
How r you. .
Hope your summer vacations are going on well!!
Since yesterday, there are lots of posts on Twitter that Dapeng has unfollowed Yibo on weibo and also that he has not spoken anything about Yibo during award ceremony...
What are your views on it..
Hi Shakurablossom, I'm OK, hope you are too.
I'd like to remind everyone that Twitter toxic BS belongs on Twitter, not here. I closed my anonymous inbox for this very reason.
This whole thing with Da Peng is completely unsubstantiated. There is no proof that they 'unfollowed' each other, or have any kind of beef with each other, but there is evidence to the contrary.
It is true that Da Peng did follow Yibo in January of 2022, but Yibo did not follow him back at that time. I know that, because I made a comprehensive list months later of all of the people he followed, and Da Peng was not among them.
Yibo does not currently follow him, but as far as I can tell he never did at any point.
As for whether Da Peng follows Yibo anymore, that, too, cannot be verified. He follows many hundreds of people, and on Weibo it's not possible to see all of the people he follows. When lists are long like that, Weibo limits how many accounts you can see at a time, and browsing through them all is difficult if not impossible.
Even if he did unfollow DD, that's certainly no proof of a rift.
There were reports and some video clips of DD waving to Da Peng at Weibo Movie Night, and of Da Peng enthusiastically applauding and cheering for DD when he won his award, which they wouldn't have been doing if they were mortal enemies.
Look, this kind of fandom 'enmity' narrative is not good for GG or DD, and hateful fan behavior toward colleagues will only make their careers more difficult and give them a bad reputation. Despite the massive size of China, the entertainment business is relatively small, and no one can afford to make enemies.
Not only that, but as I stated before back during the whole War of Faith controversy, fan behavior can backlash against the artist and cause them serious problems. Fans should remember the Clear and Bright campaign and behave accordingly, whether they agree with the intentions of the campaign or not. The rules are real, the consequences are real.
We cannot know what is happening behind the scenes, nor how DD feels about any of it. Fans make all sorts of assumptions about these relationships, but that is all they are: assumptions.
None of the claims about War of Faith added up. They still don't. Everyone involved in that project stands to gain by DD being acknowledged and winning an award, just as much as any other actor.
Given his high profile, age and background, I'd argue it's even more so in their best interest for DD to win an award. The attention the production would receive in such a situation - and the opportunities it would lead to - would be significant. No one's so stupid, selfish or short-sighted to not see that. No one in that industry hates money that much.
Everyone involved in that project - everyone, including actors, producer, director, etc. - stands to gain by DD remaining connected to it in a positive way, by DD's fans continuing to support and champion the project, by a possible sequel happening, etc. The show had only just begun to get more opportunities to air, and potential for a sequel was genuine.
Everyone involved in that project stands to lose by DD being passed over, stands to lose by DD's fans freaking out and turning against it, stands to lose from all the negative press. There's no motive for production to suppress DD's opportunity to win an award for his role. Quite the contrary. It doesn't add up.
The information the production team provided about what happened was adequate to explain the situation. The statements DD and YBO made were emphatic and sincere. Yet, incredibly, there are people who believe he was lying under duress.
Similarly, there's no motive for DD to create a rift with Da Peng, and certainly not vice versa.
I wish people would put in more thorough care and reflection before cracking off with these conspiracy theories. They're so harmful, and such a waste of time. They poison the atmosphere of fandom and turn everything into a battle between fans and perceived enemies. They cause rifts within fandom as well, and turn friends against each other. It's not a good use of anyone's energy.
For years we've all talked here on Tumblr about how 'protective' behavior by fans is not helpful nor healthy, but somehow it's as though we have developed a case of collective amnesia and suddenly almost everyone is engaging in it as though we are living in a parallel universe where none of that past reflection had ever happened. As though when XFX are engaging in it, it's awful and deluded, but when turtles are, it's righteous and valiant. That sort of double-standard is disappointing and confusing, to say the very least.
This sort of "my fave is the victim of some terrible, outrageous Injustice and I need to go to war for them" narrative is what nearly got GG canceled. I know I'm not the only person who holds that in painful memory.
The whole War of Faith thing led to a lot of that same behavior, including people reporting the drama to the government, claiming that the director and producer do not represent proper communist values, because they put forth for an award an actor who played an enemy of communism.
Are we now at a place in fandom where we are going to start openly embracing the idea that only actors who play characters that align with certain ideologies should be worthy of acknowledgement for their efforts? Are we at a place in fandom now where we're going to try to use a repressive government as a tool against people who we perceive to be our enemies?
There is that old saying, "When you have a hammer in your hand, everything starts to look like a nail." How we look at things shapes our perception of them.
We should all know this by now. After all, we see solos constantly swearing up and down that GG and DD are mortal enemies, and claiming to have proof of it. We see how their heteronormativity and boyfriend fantasies color their ability to see or acknowledge any of the evidence to the contrary. They see things through their own lens, and they approach things in a way that helps guide their toxic behavior. Nothing - however rational or substantial - will ever convince them that GG and DD don't absolutely despise each other.
GG and DD could be filmed making out in the back of a car, could issue a joint statement saying they're friends, could come out and have a public wedding, and solos would think it was all an act they had no choice but to engage in. They'll always have some other explanation. They'll never change their minds in the face of evidence because their perspective doesn't come from the evidence, it comes from inside themselves.
In the same sense, if we want to see a conspiracy of abuse toward GG or DD, that's exactly what we'll see. If we want to believe that certain colleagues are their enemies, no one will be able to convince us otherwise.
I am here to say that there is another way of looking at things, and a completely different perspective. One that does not align with the DD victim narrative people have been pushing lately.
We have a choice about how we view and approach things, and as fans it is incumbent upon us to choose very wisely and carefully, particularly if that choice is going to lead to disruptive and potentially damaging fan behavior.
Regardless of our perspective, we should always behave in ways that support GG and DD and will not put them at risk or endanger them, their careers or their reputations.
We need to trust GG and DD to manage their own relationships and careers, and behave graciously and respectfully toward everyone they work with. It is impossible for us to know when we are creating rifts where there were none. It's impossible for us to know what opportunities are lost, what delicate situations are tipped over in a bad way, all because of fan behavior.
It's better to take the higher ground than to dig into ugly thoughts, feelings and behavior.
If GG or DD has a problem with someone, I trust them to deal with it themselves. They have platoons of high-priced top lawyers and managers looking out for their interests. They don't need fan disruption. It's not helpful, and will just draw more negative attention their way and make them look even more like traffic stars, which is the last thing need as they try to shed that image and be taken seriously as actors. It will only add more stress to situations, and another headache for them to navigate and deal with.
So I hope that we can all focus on GGDD and their projects, rather than on what we perceive their relationships with colleagues to be. It's totally unknowable, and frankly none of our business anyway.
In the absence of clear and comprehensive information, let's try to be charitable in our assumptions, and represent GG and DD as humbly and graciously as they represent themselves.
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outivv · 2 months
Hi hi!!
This is gonna be a whole guide on how to and how not to boycott hoyoverse!! Also to answer some questions and educate people as best as I can!!
Firstly: why are we boycotting hoyoverse?
Mainly because Hoyoverse has (and is continuing to) ignored the complaints people have about the lack of representation and diversity in the entirety of their all their games, including Zenless Zone Zero, Tears of Themis, Honkai: Star Rail, Honkai impact 3rd, and mainly Genshin Impact. They also have a history of being racist in all of those games, and flat out refusing to give playable characters diverse skin tones.
Why is this bad?
Taking cultures for aesthetics in a video game is just… blatantly racist, and there’s no excuse for Hoyoverse to do this, because there are other Chinese companies that have made dark skinned characters. To name a few, Riot games, Lilith games, and Bluepoch. Hoyoverse is known to take cultures for their games but not give proper representation, make slavery jokes, be passively racist and stereotype cultures, and just overall be… not greatttt.
Can I still play Hoyoverse games?
Yes! Play Hoyoverse games, interact with fan content, just do not give any money to Hoyoverse! That’s completely like… counterproductive to what we’re trying to do here which is make Hoyoverse lose money, so they fix their issues!
How to boycott!! (I got a lot of these from @ nyaamari on Twitter, whose post inspired me to make this thread!)
Do spread awareness as much as you can!
Listen, and educate yourself based on the people whose cultures have been outright stolen by Hoyoverse.
Submit complaints through the in game surveys or feedback.
Email Hoyoverse! Specifically genshin, at [email protected]
Encourage others to speak up, and inform others who play Hoyoverse games!
Repost anything informative!
Review Hoyoverse games on the App Store! Don’t go review bombing other games, just Hoyoverse owned ones!
Argue with racists and colorists! Keep yourself safe, and block if they are refusing to let you inform them, it takes a want to learn on their end to actually take in any info!
Speak over other people of the cultures Hoyoverse has stolen from!
Spend any kind of money on any Hoyoverse games. No welkin, no top ups, no battle pass, or nameless whatever- nothing! Show them that we will spend money on their game if they give us characters that have some actual color and representation to them!!
Buy any official merch from Hoyoverse collabs!! Also use this as an excuse to support a small business that isn’t partnered with Hoyoverse or anything and get some sick ass merch from them instead!!
Harass Va’s and assume they haven’t spoken up! A lot of Va’s have spoken up already, and are completely on our side with this one!! Just please don’t harass them, the Genshin fandom specifically has a notorious issue with harassing Va’s.
Follow @ HYVboycott on Twitter!! They have a petition on their page that already has 25,000+ signatures as I’m making this!
Also please don’t let the Hoyoverse boycott deter you from any of the boycotts going on for Palestine, or just what’s happening in Palestine in general. Remember what is happening, stay informed, don’t stop talking about it just because we’re talking about Hoyoverse. I’m gonna start spreading more info about Palestine on this account cause it’s my most followed social media, and I wanna spread more awareness.
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triple-starsss · 6 months
i am SOOOO INVESTED in this au like im about to start a stan twitter account i'm about to make one of those one direction imagines IM!!! SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM!! i'm curious though how do triple s leave eggman's management and how do they continue as a band following that since you mentioned it in your answer about the music?? and seriously tysm for making this au it drives me insane /pos
AAAH IM GLAD TO HEAR THAT LOL i should make a Triple☆S fancam at this rate (also wooo on a roll with asks today asbdjf)
AND OUGHH still working out the finer details of this but i have a sort of vague idea of how i want it to play out!! (also brace yourself this is long as hell)
This is during a period where they start touring and are essentially at the peak of their fame!! They're all incredibly exhausted from the almost daily concerts - mentally and physically. It gets bad enough that Silver ends up fainting live (this was their sort of wake up call that okay shit, we seriously can't be doing this anymore)
With Rouge's help they manage to sneak away from their tour bus prior to the concert happening the next day (which would've been one of the bigger ones in terms of ticket sales). They stay at her place for the mean time, THOUGH OBVIOUSLY THIS CAUSES A PROBLEM FOR EGGMAN!!! Can't exactly have a concert without Triple☆S performing and there were already a shit load of people waiting within the venue - he promptly cancels the event and has to refund all the tickets they sold for this concert (causing a significant dent in his profit as well as reputation).
Fans are incredibly worried (and frustrated)- they don't hear from the band themselves for about a week as they keep missing the tours, Eggman is continuing to lose A LOT of money and his patience!!
this is the part that i'm still working out BASJDHF but eventually they make an appearance again, on a little stage in the middle of the city center. People quickly take notice, crowding around them, barraging them with questions and complaints ETC ABSDJ. They encourage people to start recording and they talk about Eggman, his cruelty (to not only them but his other workers), greed, unethical practices THE WHOLE LOT. This info spreads like wildfire and eventually Eggman is taken away to be put on trial (and is clearly guilty) - effectively ruining his whole business and severing them from his management (yippee!!)
after all that they take a LOOOONGGG ass break from the spotlight absjdhf but they've grown to really enjoy the band and each other's company - choosing to instead be a bit more of an underground (ha sonic underground) group, performing music more catered to their tastes and initial vision for the band (this does dwindle their popularity but they find comfort in that).
They do obviously end up losing their apartment too absjdf - Sonic lives with Tails again, Silver finally gets his own place and Shadow sort of bounces between living with Rouge and back with Gerald and Maria!!
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