#UK fauna
thylacines-toybox · 2 years
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Toast (any pronoun)
Stoat by Dowman, bought from a shop in Edinburgh in January 2023.
I decided to modify the position of this stoat's tail. Progress pics below!
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The tail's original position seemed a bit high on the rump, as if coming right from the stoat's lower back. I decided to move it down a bit.
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I carefully unpicked the seam that the tail is sewn into, removed the tail, then continued opening up the seam a little further down the butt (pardon the indecent image...)
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Then, starting from the bottom, I begin to ladder stitch the hole closed again. After the first few stitches I start to include the tail, passing the needle through it each time I move back and forth between the two sides, until it is secured in a seam again.
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Then I continue the ladder stitch up the back until the hole is closed, and we're done. Still a perky tail, but growing from a slightly more tail-like spot, and making the stoat's back look a little longer! I made it flop to the left too, the same way the stoat is looking, which I thought looked nicer.
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peacephotography · 1 year
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Photograph: Kay Roxby
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s38s73r · 1 year
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New definitive coinage, UK, 2023
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alexmurison · 1 year
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The beautiful valley of Warren Wood. A temperate rainforest nestled in the welsh mountains full of mosses, lichens and ferns
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jammiedoggo · 2 months
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UK radioactive mutant wildlife
Description: (This is fictional, not real) Wildlife inhabitant the outside radioactive comtaminated area of facility has mutated into monsterous beast with national distinctive feature, the teeths. An offical statement from goverment warned everyone to be cautious and leave the these beast alone while profesional handle them when in circumstance. Their wild habitat must be left alone due to how dangerous both radioactive comtaminant and the beasts. A research has been started to study and understand them while the plant is still in decomissioned and demoshing.
Short summary Windscale/Sellafield history: 10th october in county Cumbria, England, UK. A fire broke out west coast at windscale nuclear reactor facility and Plutoium production plant, that was UK most serious and worst nuclear disaster. when a routine heating of the No. 1 reactor’s graphite control blocks got out of control, causing ajacent uranium cartridges to rupture. The uranium thus released began to oxidize, releasing radioactivity and causing a fire that burned for 16 hours before it was put out. The fire left about 10 tons of radioactive fuel melted in the reactor core. The Windscale fire also caused the release of sizable amounts of radioactive Iodine into the atmosphere. As a consequence, the government banned for several weeks the sale of milk produced in a 500-square-km (200-square-mile) area around the reactor site. At the time, the British government released only sketchy details of the accident and in general tried to minimize its seriousness. The contaminated Windscale reactor was subsequently sealed until the late 1980s, when a cleanup of it was begun (cleanup expected to be completed in 2015).
Source: Here below
Short summary (That i cheated by copy and paste): https://www.britannica.com/event/Windscale-fire
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Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscale_fire
Journel: It is originally going to be joke art based on the Bri ish meme of jagged teeth combined with Windscale/sellafield radioactive comtamination from fire disaster in 1957, then cyberpunk idea comes up and i loved it. So it's part Bri ish joke combined with cool cyberpunk.
Everyone knows about the infamous nuclear disaster chernobyl and fukushima but not for windscale/sellafield and i'm bringing it to the spot light here. I first learn't about is from youtuber fasinating horror who does short docmentary of disaster incident for educational.
The inspiration of the other artstyle beside from cyberpunk is credit to the artist Tomb of null: https://x.com/tombofnull. I adore the artstyle and artworks, check out this artist artwork if you want.
Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments.
There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed.
[!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).
If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.
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richs-pics · 1 year
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Wild orchid
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impoliticwestie · 11 months
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Primus Inter Pares, London, 2023
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mothlagoon · 2 years
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Trip to Kew Gardens (2022)
◯ Malum Noctis | Shop | KoFi | Insta | TikTok | Links
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good afternoon to all my fellow fun-gis (don’t hate me for that)
as someone who is ever eager to learn more about the beautiful woodlands i call home in the uk, i thought i’d start this page in hopes to learn more about all things nature. i’ve also taken quite an interest in wildlife conservation, specifically in the uk, and am so lost i don’t even know where to begin. any tips or help would be much appreciated if this does reach you! if not, then i’ll be posting all of my learnings and adventures here
much love
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devieuls · 1 year
ˋ Let me Love you༄ ✾
Neteyam Sully x Na'vi Fem Reader < SERIES >
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Warning of the Serie: MDNI. Dom Neteyam x Fem Na'vi Reader.
SMUT: Dirty Talk; Fangs; Bites; fingering; Blood; Spit; Jealousy and Possessiveness; Foreplay; violence; Swearing; Teasing; Unprotected Sex; betrayal; slut shaming; oral sex; dacryphilia; outdoorsex; jealousy BDSM.
ANGST: mention of suicide, toxic relationship, words inherent in death, sexual assault, self-harm, derealization, suffering, Requited / Unrequited love, prejudices, bullying and insults. and FLUFF. There will be flashbacks in this series
Aged characters: Neteyam 22 y.o / You 19 y.o.
Synopsis: In the darkest point of your life, swallowed by the abyss, you decide to put an end to your sufferings, seeking relief in the extreme act. Your life was an intricate dance between life and death, and when life decided to take leave and leave death alone in you, you got lost. And as if he had been sent by Eywa himself, a mysterious Na'vi, saves you from hitting bottom, sacrificing himself so you don’t give up. Becoming the light that shone in your darkness. He is the sun that faces your night, and you are the Moon, eternally distant from him.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you away, taking you to his village, a place of healing and hope where he will try to make you love life again, showing you the light you had long lost. Starting a journey of healing, to fight against your demons that tormented you relentlessly, to finally find happiness where you would never have bothered to find it.
Two fates crossed under the tacit protection of the Great Mother, to show that even two opposites can create something perfectly chaotic.
And what happens when night and day dance together, to the rhythm of the stars and waves of balance, eternal opposites that are inevitably attracted?
This is the story of how death falls in love with life; how the sun one day decided to save the moon and how darkness is not so dark if light can penetrate. But also a story of suffering and torment, where not everything is roses and flowers.
CHAPTER WARNING: Mention of suicide and slight violence.
Lenght : 7.6k
NA'VI WORDS: 'Ite: Daughter; 'Itan: Son; Tanhì: bioluminescent freckles; Txepvi: spark; Tspìngs: The austrapede; Uk: shadow
Tspangoe: I invented this, it means "Suicidal". It comes from "Tspang": Kill and "Oe": I/Me. I couldn’t find a word that came close, so I made it up; Olo'couple: The couple formed by Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk/Tsakarem ("Olo'" in Na'vi means "Clan").
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Chapter III: On again, Off again
Within minutes, that woman had managed to ruin the little thread that Neteyam had managed to wrap around you, to get you close to him. And now he seemed to have returned to the starting point, making him frustrated and angry with his companion who had been petty and disrespectful.
The days spent in the heart of Pandora, were frustrating and futile for your person who still harbored so much pent-up anger and disgust for the situation from which you could not get out.
The village of the Omatikaya clan stood as a living work of art, enveloped by the unparalleled beauty of the forest, but despite that you could not accept the people who lived there. You thought it was annoying, too joyful and quiet, in contrast to the deafening noises and voices you heard screaming and scratching your eardrums with an exasperating constant.
You felt like a stranger in your own world, a world you couldn’t understand, and couldn’t understand you. Surrounded by "familiar" faces that you could no longer recognize as a source of security, becoming your nightmare.
The village, with its bright colors and the vibrant sounds of flora and fauna, seemed to be a place made especially to open the doors of joy and harmony. And yet, for you, every glimpse of beauty that opened before your eyes seemed dark and dead, and when it wasn’t, you couldn’t help but feel disgusted and bitter.
The wounds were still fresh and burned with a deaf pain that constantly reminded you of your failure, < the nth > you thought. You had hoped that falling from that waterfall, the rushing waters would take away your suffering and wash away the emptiness that devoured you day after day since your skin had tasted that sour wind of 'freedom'. But fate, or maybe a divine whim of the Great Mother, had caused someone like Neteyam, stood between you and your desire to escape that agonizing hell called…life, making you again a victim of your own story.
And so, day after day, spent in that village, it was like an eternal dark night. It seemed to be the apotheosis of freedom and happiness that you put in your head when you decided to end it. So much so that you had retreated into self-destructive loneliness, hiding from the curious and compassionate looks of the clan, who knew you by the label of "Tspangoe" that their Tsakarem had attached to you. Their cheerful and carefree laughter, just like their joy, resounded in your ears like a cruel mockery, for every note of tranquility and harmony seemed to emphasize your sense of alienation.
On sleepless nights, the thunder of the waterfall echoed in your mind, a constant dreary melody that created noise in your memories. Your wounds kept burning, and time seemed to have no power over them. And because of that, it was only in the evening that you dared to venture out of the Tsahìk's marui, trying to silence that noise. When the shadows fell on the forest that welcomed the natural bioluminescence, and wrapped the village in a protective mantle where the Na'vi could go to silence and sleep. The darkness, your only friend, offered you a kind of shelter, a veil of anonymity behind which you could hide your fragility. Your pace was slow and unstable, as if every step was almost an unbearable fatigue or a walk on the burning embers, in a constant state of tension and agitation. No Ikran song or flower that you once loved could cheer your heart too heavy, and the spiritual bond with Eywa seemed an enormous unbridgeable distance.
You found peace, albeit for a very short time, in admiring the small similarities between your old clan and where you were. You admired the delicate weaves of the maruis, carefully woven by the skilful Omatikaya hands, which reflected the bioluminescent light of the flora, allowing you to rest your fragmented soul.
You walked on tiptoe, while your fingers gently touched the tissues of the houses, passing them to enter the night forest that almost seemed to call you. You felt like a poisoned flower that withered everything as you passed through the lush Omatikayan garden, unable to catch the light of that idyllic gloom. The wild forest could welcome a poisonous flower like you, understand it and grow it much more than the pure flowers of a clan not yours could do.
In the forest the voices in your head had shut down, giving you a break that let you breathe for relief. The lights of nature created like a path that took you almost unconsciously, while the rustle of leaves was the only noise, along with the sound of crickets and the breaths of animals, that guided you. You found yourself after an hour in front of the same waterfall that should have put a point in your life, and instead "it" preferred to give you a semicolon to start from.
You sat on the ground, far from the edge this time, crossing your legs, carrying them to your chest while your thoughts seemed to follow the flow of water. You wanted to cry, and you were, but no tears, in a silent, deafening noise that seemed to be pounding in your chest.
You looked at the dark horizon, dusted with stars dying to give life to others, while the great planet above you almost seemed to look at you with its eye, as if the Great Mother was looking at you that way.
"Go away." you whispered, noticing the presence behind you that seemed to hide from you. You knew exactly who it was, and you resented the idea of being monitored like a baby.
The shadow sighed before sitting beside you in silence, its scent crashing against your nostrils as the waves do against a cliff in full torment.
"You always say that, but I know you don’t want to be alone" the beads of his braids collided, creating a clink that frightened your thoughts, causing them to hide in your mind.
"Sure. 'Cause you know what I want. As always" you hissed with a tone too much acid, while the warm hand of Neteyam approached your face and carried some braids behind your ear, looking at you with sweet look.
"Sometimes. Your silence speaks more than you can think" he admitted as you hit his hand as you do with an annoying insect, making him smile.
"You’re annoying. You Omatikaya don’t sleep at this hour?" You snorted while you were rolling your eyes, not looking at him at all, just wanting him to leave.
"Yes, and that’s something you should have done. But since you are in the mood for long walks, I gladly accompany you" His voice was warm and comforting as he leaned against his elbows behind him, taking a long breath.
"I didn’t ask you." You spit with resentment as you took a long breath just like him, savoring the smell of the forest mixed with that sweet Neteyam, which seemed almost made of the same substance.
"But you didn’t forbid it." You turned to him, sighing, looking at him badly as he smiled softly, making you look down. You couldn’t watch him sour if he smiled at you so lovingly.
"Annoying." He laughed at your answer, happy that I had not answered him with insults or curses as you had done in the days before, where he tried to animate you or take you out of the marui.
"You know, I’m glad you’re out. A little less happy in the place where you decided to spend time, but still happy that you finally approach the world. is a big step" He encouraged you, as yet another puff came out of your lips, almost annoyed that he was interrupting that moment of silence.
"I will not throw myself off the cliff, don’t worry. Stubborn as you are you would go to recover me again." Your eyes were fixed on the ground before you, sad not to see the jewels you had stripped of, your only memory of the clan to which you belonged. You didn’t let Neteyam notice your eyes leaning down while you thought about it.
"I know, but it’s nice to have confirmation…" Neteyam paused, taking a short break where he seemed to be looking for words with which to continue the conversation.
At that moment a gust of wind hit your shoulders, bringing your braids to your face as you turned to understand where the wind came from. In front of you now was a majestic Ikran, with the wingspan totally flat as it seemed to land gracefully on the ground.
"Don’t look him in the eye, he’s… touchy," Neteyam advised as he stood up and approached the Banshee, stroking his chin and then his neck, as if to calm him down. You looked at him intrigued, his skin was emerald green, reflecting the light in a natural way, with yellow stripes and brown spots.
"'He'? Your Ikran?" you whispered as you stood up and approached to better observe the Banshee. In your clan it was not the custom to tame Ikran, so this was the first time you saw such a pure spirit so close to Eywa, being fascinated by it.
"Yeah, my Ikran. Uk, he’s a good boy, just a lil touchy." His voice sounded joyful as he spoke of his spiritual brother, caressing him with affection and care. You nod, keeping the distance between him and his Banshee, studying the animal.
You wouldn’t have touched it, the little respect you had left for religion and tradition Na'vi, denied yourself to dirty the skin of an animal sacred to Eywa. So you stayed on yours until Neteyam approached you from behind and took your hand, resting it on Uk’s cold skin, making you shudder. Your eyes quickly snapped on those of Neteyam, who kindly accompanied the movements of your hand, remaining behind you. You opened your mouth to talk and he shut you up.
"I told you. Your silence speaks, and so do your eyes. It’s probably the first time you’ve seen an Ikran so close, right?" Your eyes slightly turned away from the boy’s amber ones
"How y-" the words died in your mouth, as the warm air of Neteyam’s voice collided with your shoulder as he responded.
"Your eyes. They shone for a moment, they were golden and alive. They opened almost without you noticing, so I thought it was the first time"
You didn’t answer, and he understood. The tips of your fingers hesitated to continue contact with the soft but rough and resistant skin of the Banshee. Your eyes began to shine again as you felt almost washed by that mud that covered you, as if you were not soiling Uk, but that he was purifying you. As if the Great Mother was cleaning your hands gently
The warmth that emanated from the animal’s body enveloped you like a comforting blanket, making you feel safe and protected. Through your hand you felt like a deep connection with the Great Mother who was in all Pandora’s beings. Neteyam’s hand moved slightly on yours, silently encouraging you to further explore the skin of his Ikran.
Every curve, muscle, dip, and scars seemed to tell his story before and with Neteyam. You were amazed, although a whirlwind of emotions overwhelmed you: fear, admiration and peace merged together in a whirlwind of pleasant sensations that you have not felt for a long time. You ventured slowly towards the neck of the Ikran, where the skin seemed smoother and more delicate. When your fingers slipped on the surface, Uk closed his eyes and emitted a buzz of satisfaction, welcoming your delicate touch, leaning on it. Neteyam took a step back as he looked at you with a sweet smile, allowing you this moment.
The moment seemed to last an eternity, yet time seemed to fly away too much in slice. You felt connected somehow to the banshee, remembering your touch on your now deceased spiritual sister. You could feel it against your touch as you closed your eyes, leaning your head against its, and remembered. With a sigh of tacit gratitude, you turned to Neteyam, your eyes crossed in a silent understanding, as if you both shared a part of yourselves.
It was at that moment that Neteyam, approached with silent step. He saw the expression of pain and sadness on your face and understood the anguish that was gripping you. Without saying a word, he took your wrist gently but firmly, guiding you to his chest.
You found yourself squeezed against Neteyam’s warm chest, feeling his heartbeat in perfect sync with yours. Initially, you felt a slight resistance, but his reassuring presence enveloped you, allowing you to let go. His free hand wrapped itself behind your head, letting you vent and free from everything you held inside. Slowly, your tears began to flow hot against his chest, and a choked sob echoed into the night air. Neteyam placed your hand on his back, allowing you to hook yourself to something, while he wrapped you in a warm embrace, absorbing your pain as he cradled you.
"Shhh… You don’t always have to keep everything inside. I told you, I’ll be a partner to cry on if need be. I know you want to show yourself strong in this world that… I don’t know what it did to make you this way. But I’ll be there. To take offense from you or to welcome you into my arms if you need to vent. Give yourself a break from all this, txepvi." His voice, soft as the wind, whispered in your hair, encouraging you to let go of everything you had held for too long.
You clung to his back, fingers squeezing and scratching his soft skin as you indulged in your emotions. It took so little to make you overflow, not being able to bear to hold that boulder on your heart that hurt you. The pressure you had held for years was finally released, and as you wept on his chest, you felt light, as if a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders
In the meantime, the Banshee slowly approached, brushing your naked back with his snout. It almost seemed to console you too, with an extraordinary empathy and a sense of silent understanding, as if the Great Mother wanted to participate and make you understand that you were not alone. Your tears continued to flow incessantly until you felt exhausted but also finally freer. You were finally given permission to deal with the pain and grief and emptiness that they left inside you.
You trembled in Neteyam’s strong arms as you slowly pulled yourself off with your head down, still feeling the warm and reassuring presence of his arms around you. You turned, trying to hide your fragility, rubbing the palms of your hands on your eyes, trying to erase the tears from your face. Your breath was still heavy, but you tried to regain your composure, looking up before taking a deep breath, turning again. Neteyam’s eyes were sweet and patient, understanding your gestures. You didn’t want to be weak, you didn’t want to show yourself so vulnerable.
With a thoughtful gesture, he gently stroked your face, removing the last traces of your tears, slightly lowering his gaze from your eyes, not wanting to make you feel weak.
"You don’t have to hide anything, y/n" his quiet voice. "Your emotions are precious, and I respect them deeply. It’s good to get rid of your weight"
You looked down, still feeling fragile but also grateful for his empathy.
"It’s just… I’m not used to… this." you barely admitted, gritting your teeth.
"I want you to know that you don’t have to face it alone." He looked for your gaze as his fingertips approached your elbow. He found support on your skin, glad you weren’t moving away from him.
"Your clan hates me, I will face it alone, and then I will leave," your voice turned bitter, your eyes dark again.
"You are not alone. You have me, and the village does not hate you… It does not know you. Let me help you, at least this time" He put two fingers under your chin, gently lifting it. "I’m not letting you go this time"
His words were comforting just like his eyes, and a sense of security and trust filled you. You sighed as your eyes softened again, failing to hide your emotions, not afraid to share them with the man before you. He smiled, nodding after understanding your gaze. He took your hand and kissed the back, making a small, almost princely bow.
"Thank you." He whispered as he pulled himself together and gave you a sweet smile, accompanying you to Uk. "Have you ever seen Pandora from above?" You looked at him not immediately understanding.
"Not… I have never ridden an Ikran. I have always seen this land from below. Why" Neteyam took you from your hips and approached you to his Ikran.
"I’ll take you up close to see the stars. Maybe we can take some of them and make you shine those amber pools again" He laughed as you snapped, and he was already pushing you up, making you cling to the saddle of the Ikran that moved, making you scream slightly. "This is new to me. You yelling was something I didn’t expect to hear"
You manage to mount the Ikran.
"Ma Eywa, you won’t let me go alone? and if it leaves? Neteyam! I swear to you, if I-" He laughed again, noting with pleasure your fear. It was a good thing that you were rediscovering fear, because until a few days ago you had thrown yourself without problems from a waterfall.
"I keep you. Uk is a good Ikran, I promise." He said as he found a place behind you, making you cling to the Banshee’s antennas while he connected the queue to Uk. One arm was tied around your waist, while one hand was resting on one of the antennae.
"No! Neteyam. Really-" You started, quite frightened, feeling the adrenaline flowing in you. You haven’t felt fear in a long time, and this was the first time he hit you so brazenly hard.
"Mawei, Uk. We have a scared co-pilot with us," he said teasing you, as you hit his thigh before screaming cursing when Uk fell off the cliff
"Neteyam!" You yelled again, because of the scaring and he leaned his head on your nape, holding back laughter.
The adrenaline rushed through your body as the ground disappeared beneath them. In free fall, with the wind whistling through your hair and your ears rustling. You grabbed the banshee’s antennas more firmly as you hoped that Neteyam’s hold was strong enough not to drop you. Your heart was pounding in your ears as everything seemed to be speeding in front of your eyes. It was as if the whole world was opening under you. You closed your eyes ready for impact with the earth, but Uk changed direction, opening his wings majestically, going up to the sky. A little cry of melted from your mouth, while you kept your eyes still closed.
"Y/n… Open your eyes." He whispered in your ear, gently hitting your side. You opened your eyes and found yourself surrounded by the vastness of the sky around you. "Forgive Uk, he loves to get adrenaline before taking off the flight, I forgot to tell you" his voice was playful, but he smiled while enjoying your reaction. He slightly moved the antenna and the Ikran tacked gracefully, starting to glide through the clouds.
"Woah…" you whispered, starting to relax a bit, letting yourself be carried away by the enchantment of the flight.
The mountains, the rivers, the waterfalls and the forest all flowed beneath you. Your eyes were amazed at what you were admiring. Pandora from above was charming seen from above, the beauty that you had so denied to see, now appeared before your eyes.
"Breathtaking, isn’t it?" he said as he felt your body relax.
The forest stretched in a green expanse, dotted here and there with sparkling bodies of water, and bioluminescence helped to find the idyllic panorama. Your heart was now beating with emotion, lifting your head and seeing the stars almost closer, you caressed the low clouds and turned to Neteyam.
"And you live this every day?" He smiled nodding, he would have given anything to see you smile and almost damned himself for putting you in front of him, depriving himself of that moment that he could see again who knows when.
"Every time I’m with Uk. And I’ll never get tired of this sight" you smiled slightly as you looked around. The forest looked like a miniature painting of something near paradise. Now you could give a figurative image to the word 'peace'.
The night breeze that collided between your braids, the clouds that broke at the touch of the Ikran and Pandora that seemed to breathe at night thanks to the games of light bioluminescent. The night carols and the hand of Neteyam who didn’t seem to let you go by accident. His scent wrapped you stronger than his arm could make and the warm skin of his chest against your skin. This was the closest you could hope for.
As Neteyam looked at you from behind, smiling as he saw you looser and almost happy? honored to have been the first to give you this experience. He would have wanted to talk, add something, but the moment was so fragile and perfect that he would not have added words. Limited himself to holding you in his arms a little longer, taking care of the hidden inner-child that was in you.
When you finally decided to return to the mainland, the Ikran made a soft and safe landing in the forest near Omatikaya village. Neteyam came down first, and then offered his hand to bring you down. You slipped, not taking the side of the saddle because of a sudden movement of Uk. You found yourself falling into the strong arms of Neteyam that caught you, even though he went out of balance and you both fell to the ground. Your breast was pressed against Neteyam’s chest as your noses grazed, just like your mouths.
You remained in that position until you blushed slightly, getting up from the ground, settling the loincloth, while Neteyam did the same, dusting away the earth on his body and loinclot, before passing a hand between the braids.
Uk looked you to the side, before snapping his head and shaking his wings taking flight and returning to the forest to go to rest. Neteyam contracted his jaw, knowing that because of the spiritual bond, Uk could feel his feelings slightly and act accordingly. Linking your fall to his movement.
"Umh… well" you began, stepping back for no reason. "I…" you said together, only to have the precedence ceded by Neteyam with a wave of the hand.
"Thank you… It was…incredible" you whispered. You didn’t understand why you found yourself so clumsy, carrying some braids behind your ear, breathing deeply.
"You are very welcome. I did it w-with pleasure… umh-" he approached, but you stepped back gently before pointing your thumb at the village behind you.
"It’s… It's late. I have to go back to the marui and you to the marui with… Tsu'Län" You turned your head, ready to leave, glad you hadn’t stuttered or seemed touched by the situation.
"We have separated marui" he replied almost instinctively and promptly, and then reassembled and cleared his throat. "B-But, yes… it’s late. You should rest, you’re still recovering"
"Actually, I’m feeling better. Tsahìk said so" Neteyam’s eyes lit up at the news, his tail almost wagging, before being caught and stopped by his hand
"Good. I-It’s good that you’re okay, I mean, it’s cool. No." he started, starting to fit words by words into the sentence. "That is. Yes. Go rest." Neteyam took two fingers to his temples, massaging them, trying to pull himself together.
"Good night Neteyam" you turned, hiding a smile for his behaviour, as you walked towards the Tsahìk marui, weighed down by the steps, still slightly sore.
"Goodnight… Goodnight Y/n!" he yelled softly before turning down the tone and watching you leave.
Returning to the village you felt different from when you left. You could feel a sense of lightness and tranquility in your mind, almost happy to have spent time with Neteyam alone. You appreciated his character more when no Na'vi surrounded you, you were more spontaneous away from everyone.
A light breeze caressed the marui, as you went back into the tent and laid on the soft carpet, while the tips of your fingers caressed the soft texture. Your heart was still beating inexplicably strong for the emotion you felt during the evening spent with Neteyam, but now, in the tranquility of your solitude. You could indulge in a real smile and a slight laugh that you had not heard for a long time.
As you turn around on the carpet, looking for a comfortable position, the fresh memories of Neteyam’s laughter and smiles, his touch on your skin, the flight through the starry sky and that moment of shared fragility, all danced in your mind, keeping away the thoughts and voices that tormented you, as if it were a play of lights and shadows. You found comfortable position to sleep where you could look at the village outside the entrance of the tent, finding the clan, first gray and tasteless, now slightly more colorful and cozy thanks to the presence of Neteyam. Your eyes closed slowly, while your heart was still at the mercy of those feelings. Sleep quickly enveloped you, the negative thoughts that had so tormented your mind seemed to slip away for a moment, in silence, leaving room for soft dreams for once.
The sound of the forest, with its birdsong and nature noises, seemed more intense and contradictory that morning, despite not finding it as annoying as other times. You could hear the whisper of the leaves of the trees, almost as if nature was watching you carefully, trying to understand your role in this context. You opened your eyes, feeling watched, and found not far from you a na'vi that you had never seen. She had two small braids on the sides of her face and short straight hair, unusual eyebrows and you immediately noticed the presence of an extra finger by the hand, because of her playing with some fruit in a basket. She observed you in silence, studying you with interest, but her presence was almost white, quiet. As if her person were pure positive energy
You sat on the carpet, sighing as you passed a hand through the now-defunct braids, watching the girl, waiting for her to speak first.
"I see now why Tsu'Län doesn’t like you," she said, amused, her voice calm and gentle as Neteyam’s. Your nose pinched because of her words
"If you’re friends with that Skxawng, you can walk away," you huffed as you looked badly at her, thinning your eyes.
"Friend? Of that Tsakarem who doesn’t even know where Eywa lives? I feel offended" the na'vi laughed as your eyes slightly softened. "I said. She doesn’t like you because you’re obviously prettier than her. She’s always jealous of the other women who hang out with my brother."
"Your brother?" You raised an eyebrow while still looking skeptical to her.
"Mhmh, Neteyam. Is a tall dude, lots of muscles, future Olo'eyktan, a bit annoying, stupid but nice… sometimes. Especially intrusive… in the bad sense of the word, I’m not kidding. You know, right?" her voice was playful, yet sympathetic. You let your guard down, finding her almost sweet, someone who wouldn’t hurt you, not for the vibes she gave you.
"I know" you suppressed a small smile, turning your face to the side, hoping to seem indifferent.
"He sent me here and said we’d make friends. I’m probably one of the few not to listen to the rumors that Tsu'Län makes up… like you’re a tspangoe and blah blahblah, the usual bullshit she makes up" She said as she took a basket with some fruits she had picked up for you, laying them on the ground, near you.
You looked down before clenching your jaw. "I am." You admitted bitterly.
Kiri remained silent for a second and you thought that she would definitely leave without speaking to you, as any Na'vi from the village would have done, but she approached and handed you a yovo fruit.
"Here, this is my favorite fruit, Neteyam's too. These are his but he told me to bring them to you" you looked at her and didn’t see why she kept being nice to you. She put the fruit in your hand, and then leaned against the curtain wall next to you. "I don’t really care if you are. Neteyam cares about you, and if he cares about you, it’s because you’re a good person. Then so will I. Tspangoe or not. Who are we to judge you? The Great Mother should be the only one to do it, and if she kept you here, it is because you are simply na'vi like me and like all of them" she smiled before taking a fruit herself and eating next to you.
Outside the tent, Omatikaya village was already in full swing. The cheerful and familiar voices of the clan members were clearly heard. The rustle of the leaves, the movement of the Na'vi among the houses suspended among the trees, and their exchanges of greetings seemed to wrap you, but at the same time, you felt excluded from that social fabric.
"Anyway, I’m Kiri" she said when she noticed your gaze pointing out of the tent, watching the Na'vi coming and going outside. You turned your face towards her and nodded slightly. She held her fingers to her forehead and greeted you with a sweet smile, you counter the gesture later.
"Y/n" you answered before you took a bite of the Yovo fruit and sat down. Your gaze returned to the entrance of the door, hoping to see Neteyam like every morning since he had saved you and dragged you into his clan.
"Do you like my brother?" she asked casually, realizing that I was waiting for someone, logically, she doubted that you were waiting for Mo'at, so the only option was her brother.
"Wait. What?! No." you answered automatically, turning to her, almost disgusted with the question.
She laughed at your reaction and then nodded, noticing the slight redness on your cheeks. "Got it. It’s not that bad if you like him. Yeah, it’s kind of boring and repetitive and heavy and all, but he’s not that bad. So if-"
"He has a mate." You answered dryly, continuing to eat, trying to remain indifferent
"A companion" she corrected you. "who hasn’t made him feel anything for a long time now" Kiri admitted shrugging, drawing your attention. She smiled slightly as you looked at her, strangely interested, perhaps too interested. "Let’s say she’s very heavy with him. You’ve seen him, they’re not a functional couple"
"It’s your Tsakarem," your eyes collided with the girl’s amber eyes, leaning your head to the side as you watched. As much as you disliked the woman beside Neteyam, she was still a respected figure in the clans.
"No, it is the Tsakarem of Omatikaya, but everyone knows that she's not suitable. Mo'at is the most aware of all and my mother, the current Tsakarem, is also sure of it"
You swallow slightly, then shrug and eat again, hoping to seem indifferent to the dynamics between Neteyam and his partner. So why did those words seem to strike you in the mind to make an impression? You sighed slightly and Kiri watched you for a few moments. She suspected that her brother had some sort of "something" on you, both by the way he defended you to the sword but also by how he skipped training and commitments to go to the tent where you were to bring you food or just make you company disturb you.
Since you arrived, he was a little more radiant than usual, albeit more stressed out because of Tsu'Län’s jealous and rather toxic behavior. Kiri liked that you brought a little lightness to Neteyam’s life, in your own little way, so she liked you even before she met you.
"If she were not worthy, she would not be your Tsakarem. If the Tsahìk and the actual Tsakarem would not have allowed her to continue. Being Tsakarem is not something that everyone can do, it is not like the Olo'eyktan." your voice resonated with interest, and Kiri didn’t point it out, appreciating your spontaneity.
"Tsu'Län just happened to be in the right place at the right time. She’s everything a Tsakarem shouldn’t be, you know. Starting from the principle of spreading rumors of true or false things about a newly arrived person, just out of jealousy. The clan only hails her for her lineage and her appearance as a good future leader. Neteyam only tolerates it for forces of things, and you can tell. But you don’t care, so we’ll change the subject, yes?" She smiled and you looked at her bitterly. You wanted to hear more, what was wrong with Neteyam and his partner. But you knew you couldn’t afford to fall for someone you’d leave behind in the near future.
You nodded silently and then watched her get up and extend her hand to you.
"I bring you to know the village and my siblings. They’re curious to meet you too. I’m sure you’ll get along with Lo'ak, he’s a guy… well. You might like him if you don’t mind the weird stuff."
Before you could even think to answer, Kiri already had your wrist wrapped around her hand, walking and taking you out. Your heart started pounding in your chest as you came out of the Tsahik’s marui, feeling awkward and almost vulnerable as you stepped on the ground in daylight. The days spent in the marui had kept you away from the looks and judgments of the villagers, and you were almost happy in your small, not facing the problem. You accepted that they would call you "Tspangoe" behind your back, but now that you were facing them, exposed to the light of day and their curious but wary looks, you felt more fragile than you would have thought.
You kept your eyes high and fixed on Kiri’s back as you followed her as the na'vi almost seemed to move away from you, as if you were something dangerous and poisonous to watch out for, a palulukan that had infiltrated a place it didn’t belong.
As you were dragged through the village, you noticed that many avoided your gaze or lowered it in disgust and disapproval. Others exchanged looks almost of pity, while you just wanted to be a passing shadow.
You heard a little na'vi asking her mother "Sa'nu, 'upe Tspangoe ral?" (-Mother what does 'Tspangoe' means?-) before being taken away and silenced, you clenched your teeth, ignoring. The words of the people resounded in your ears, hitting you like arrows thrown at the sky, trying to stay strong and walk.
Pandora’s sun made its warm presence felt on your skin when you heard a soft laugh that your mind had archived all too well. The rays filtered the green of the leaves, some of which were blown away by the wind, causing you to stay still for a few seconds. Even though he had his back, you recognized his braids and the feathers behind his ears and some beads, the back that you had scratched the night before, his cummerbund and the armband, even if it was his laughter that was more recognizable.
Kiri pulled your wrist slightly, starting the time again, while the figure of Neteyam was away and Kiri smiled warmly before returning you to walk, without ever leaving the grip on you, almost comforting you from the sour looks of his clan. You clung to his smile and the scent of Neteyam to close yourself to seeing the village beyond the people.
The maruis stood majestically around you, made of the same coriaceous material that you saw at night, but that by day seemed to be protagonists that blended more with the flamboyant nature. Neutral colors blended perfectly with nature, as your gaze fell to the totems in the center of the village, where the interwoven decorative elements seemed to tell ancient stories and a deep connection between Eywa'eveng and the clan.
The village seemed to return to their duties and the sound they created seemed a natural symphony of a flute: the melodious song of the birds, the wind blowing through the leaves, the slight rustle of the flowers that hatch while the laughter of children and the voices of adults almost seemed pleasant to you.
After spending time exploring the village with Kiri and almost getting used to the atmosphere of the clan, she led you to the marui where she lived with her family. As you approached, you could recognize that it was the marui of the Olo'eyktan because of its majestic grandeur and how it seemed to stand out more under the golden rays of the morning. You could feel something like nervousness at the thought of meeting Toruk Makto and his family.
Kiri gently pushed the curtain into place, inviting you to enter with gentle eyes. The interior of the marui was cozy and carefully decorated, with some natural and tribal objects. There was a sense of warmth wrapped around your skin, and you felt almost less tense.
Your gaze was immediately captured by a young girl, who had no more than twelve years for the appearance. Big golden eyes shining like dew drops at dawn, a warm and almost shy smile as he approached curiously.
"Tuk, she’s…" Kiri began, before being stopped by the girl’s sparkling voice.
"The newcomer, right?" she asked, looking softly, as she held a hand to her forehead and addressed it to you as a greeting. You were almost surprised, for you did not expect such a greeting. "I am Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite, the youngest daughter of the Sullys, it is a pleasure to meet you…" she waited for your answer.
"Y/n" you returned the greeting and she smiled again as she looked at you, peering at your clothes that looked now old and off.
Tuk was dressed as the worthy daughter of an Olo'eyktan and a Tsakarem. The braided top was reminiscent of the roots of a tree, while some yellowish feathers were set between the various threads, covering the breast, while the fabric had some beads of conjunction that seemed almost mixed with her tanhì. The loincloth was made in the same way as the top, only with a more intertwined shape to allow greater coverage, shorter on the sides and longer in the center, climbing thanks to the skilful weaves. In her hair she had the same feathers used in her clothes.
She noticed your look and smiled at you again. "I’m one of the weavers of the clan. If you like, I’d like to make some new clothes for you. I’m sure you’d fit in better with our clan, starting to wear clothes like mine or Kiri’s" she kindly offered and you nodded.
"I would love to, thank you," before you could finish the sentence, you suddenly felt pushed forward by something, almost unbalanced yourself. When you turned to face the person who came at you, you noticed the annoyed face of a tall Na'vi, it was different from the na'vi you had always seen. He looked like Kiri in some ways, both in his thick eyebrows and the fifth finger you noticed when he nervously passed his hands on his face.
"Damn it, Kiri! you can get out of the fucking way…" He started growling annoyed, before to lose his words when he noticed you.
You loomed the highest Na'vi, expecting an apology as you stood up and dusted your shoulder, puffing. "I’m… I'm sorry, I-I thought..." His eyes lingered over your figure for a few seconds, before lowering slightly his gaze, embarrassed by the situation.
"Lo'ak, since when do you think? This is new in the family" Kiri teased him, being supported by Tuk’s laughter, while the guy in front of you growled slightly, ignoring the sisters.
"I’m sorry, I thought you were my sister" you rolled your eyes, sighing at his words. "I’m Lo'ak" he also greeted you as usual, bending over as he offered his greetings. You return the greeting after a few seconds where you were deciding whether to do it or not, and then introduce yourself.
"Is Lo'ak blushing?" Tuk whispered to Kiri, not whispering too much. The older sister laughed slightly, looking at Lo'ak’s cheeks
"He’s definitely blushing" She teased him, before she was struck by the look of Lo'ak, who passed a hand between the braids before turning and walking towards the sisters.
"Ma Eywa, you're like two Tspìngs before their first cycle" he growled before overcoming them and being stopped by a tall woman, albeit slightly lower than Lo'ak.
She had long black braids, small and narrow, decorated with cerulean and green beads, had behind her ear feathers similar to those of Neteyam, and around her neck a choker necklace made of small feathers and beads woven with skill, so much so that it seemed to merge with her skin. The top resembled that of Tuk, although the weaves were much wider and more geometric, with some feathers; while the loincloth wrapped her hips and fell with an almost precious fabric to the eye. Her eyes seemed tired but definitely loving as she looked at Lo'ak and kept her hands on his shoulders.
"Ma'itan, apologize to your sisters." The warm and understanding voice made its way in the short silence.
You were almost amazed that that woman was their mother. Lo'ak opened his mouth as if to fight back but after a look, he sighed and apologized to both Tuk and Kiri, before leaving, giving you a last look. The mother smiled as she watched the boy come out and puff, happy that despite everything, he had satisfied her request.
Her eyes moved from her son to you, her presence was as strong as her amber gaze that peered at you in silence. Her gait was nothing short of regal as she approached with the grace typical of a warrior, her sure and light footsteps. It almost seemed that with that look she was reading your soul, accustomed to doing so because of the role she held in the clan. Reading between the lines expressions and movements, understanding them. You restrain the breath when his hand was placed under your chin, raising your face to look into your eyes, and a short moment of silence wrapped the marui, leaving in silence also the two daughters.
Neytiri didn’t judge you precipitously, not even when they heard you named "The Tspangoe". She was aware of the rumors and prejudices about you, and she knew you knew. In those moments as she looked into your eyes, she tried to perceive the emotions within you, capturing the character of your soul. And in that now extinguished pool, she could understand that a great pain fed on you, the same that fed on her when she lost her father, the Ikran and her sister, only darker and deeper. Your well was the increased reflection of what she was.
Neytiri’s past experiences had made her tolerant and compassionate, able to welcome even those who seemed on a point of no return, understanding their pain, trying to guide them towards serenity. This was the role of a wise Tsakarem. But you felt studied, still at fault and almost frightened by her figure.
Then, with a kind but firm smile, he stood before you. Tsakarem cupped her hands under her face, beginning to speak in a warm, reassuring voice.
"Oel ngati kameie, ma 'ite" You felt a bite in your throat for what she called you. For a few seconds you saw in that woman your mother, unconsciously leaning to her warm touch. "I am Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite, the present Tsakarem of this clan. Neteyam told me a lot about you, I’m glad to see you standing, ma 'ite" her smile warmed your heart, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, almost feeling guilty for thinking that all the people of this clan were disgusting and annoying.
"O-Oel ngati kameie" you replied voiceless in a sweet tone, as Neytiri let go of your face, and you let out a sigh. Her hands were as soft and warm as your mother’s and her enveloping and familiar presence.
"Welcome to our clan, I hope you’ll find your place here" you looked around, expecting to find the Olo'eyktan of the clan, without even seeing the shadow. Neytiri noticed your lost look. "Are you looking for Neteyam? He’s-" you stopped her before she could finish the sentence.
"No!" your voice sounds strangely ringing, and you clear your throat. "Actually, I thought…" Neytiri nodded, realizing who you were hinting at.
"Olo'eyktan is not here now, you will meet him later. He too has heard a lot about you"
You nodded and looked down. You knew that in the Olo'couple there was the strong and the most accommodating part, and if Neytiri was the sweet part, surely the Toruk Makto would have been a bitter bite to digest.
His story was known in all the clans, his figure was something legendary and very present in all songs.
You knew he was a strong leader, a man who most of all had earned his place among the people, someone strong and determined. Your clan admired him and that was why the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk were more than happy to be their allies, knowing that they would be protected by the great and strong wings of Toruk and the Olo'eyktan that had managed to tame him. You were nervous to face him, because you knew that such a figure would never accept a Tspangoe, not when his ideals were so strong and known.
Terribly late, but I made the chapter longer than usual, so appreciate. Finally some nice things for Y/N.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I loved writing it, also because I also left some "easter Eggs" to let you understand some things of the story. I’m going to leave a lot of them in the show, because I don’t enjoy making things clear, it’s too easy and not very funny.
Anyway, have a good day, ma Syulang &lt;3
- Mel
TAGLIST: @riatesullironalite @shadowmoonlight0604 @neteyamtanhi @vanitaslvr
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csolarstorm · 6 months
Xerneas and Yveltal are Fungi: Let Me Explain...
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Source: Bulbapedia, Wikipedia, Bulbapedia, Enchanted Nature
Xerneas and Yveltal are my favorite legendary designs. There's something weirdly alien about these bio-luminescent approximations of fauna, like they're trying to look like animals and failing. I've always thought they looked a little bit...fungal.
Xerneas and Yveltal are like batteries. They're life energy brokers; Xerneas distributes life, while Yveltal drains it. Supporting and draining life is one of the main characteristics of fungi. In fact, it's like their whole thing.
Some fungi have a mutualistic relationship with their hosts, where they actually benefit their health. And in general, fungi are essential to supporting the ecosystem. Then there's fungi that are simply parasitic.
Fungi can also go dormant, as well as their spores. Staying still is their thing, just chilling in dark places. Xerneas and Yveltal's dormant forms are especially weird, showing just how anomalous these creatures are.
Now allow me to lichen fauna to fungi.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, New Forest Pics, Wikipedia, Mushroom Diary Blog
This is xylaria hypoxylon, also known as Stag's Horn fungus. (Not to be confused with Yellow Staghorn.) It reminds me a lot of the dormant form of Xerneas, or the "deactivated" form it takes in the PC.
Stag's Horn is also bio-luminscent, which means the tips of the fungus faintly glow - much like the tips of Xerneas's antlers.
Speaking of the first legendary Fairy Pokemon, mushrooms are often associated with fairies. Fairy Rings are circles of mushrooms that are connected by mycelium underneath. (I'll get into mycelium in just a second.) There are too many myths about Fairy Rings to get into here, so for now I'll just point out the Fairy Ring around Valerie's Gym in Laverre City.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Enchanted Nature, UK Wildlife
I'm not sure whether Bulbapedia or Dr. King on Pokemon Amino first likened Yveltal to Devil's Fingers, but the similarities are uncanny. Like Yveltal emerges from its cocoon, Devil's Fingers emerge from what is called their "egg stage". I tried to find the least unsettling picture of this that I could. Enjoy...?
I mean, what kind of bird turns into a cocoon, anyway? Honestly though, fungus isn't supposed to hatch from an egg either, so this is all mixed up.
Okay, so Xerneas and Yveltal are based on different aspects of Yggdrasil. But if you were going to design Pokemon based on Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the universe, wouldn't you base it on fungi rather than an actual tree? Mycelium can actually partner with the roots of plants and other fungus to create a widespread beneficial mycorrhizal network, a truly interconnected ecosystem of organisms.
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Source: BBC News - How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other
And that's why Xerneas and Yveltal are fungi. Or it could be part of their inspiration, at least. They're not necessarily inspired by these specific fungi, but I think the concept may be part of their design. Either way, Gen VI is especially fun to research!
Reviewed by @fluffybunnybadass.
Check out my posts about Pokemon Legends: Z-A:
Poll: What Does the Λ in Legends Z-A Symbolize?
Pokemon Legends Z-A: What Is the Λ?
Is Z-A Just Zygarde-A? (%1000 Zygarde and the Fragments of the Tree of Life)
Aaah, it's an A! Is the A in Z-A the Tree of Life?
How much longer am I going to have to wait for a freakin' Unova remake?!
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peacephotography · 1 year
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Richmond Park, London Photograph: Ed Hasler
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Gabby Malpas tells about herself:
"I am a NZ artist who has called Sydney home since 2003 after living in the UK for 14 years. You may be familiar with my still life images: flora and fauna viewed and grown in NSW Australia with more than a hint of chinoiserie.
My work could be interpreted as purely decorative. By using allusion and symbolism, I weave stories into my work based on my experiences as trans-racial, Asian adoptee: joyful and chaotic assemblage of blooms and fruit displayed with a collection of ceramics from anywhere and everywhere... There are stories to each of my works that lift them from the purely decorative into a narrative piece."
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third-world-punks · 3 months
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“Who are we? We are the global South, that large set of creations and creatures that has been sacrificed to the infinite voracity of capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and all their satellite-oppressions. We are present at every cardinal point because our geography is the geography of injustice and oppression. We are not everyone; we are those who do not resign themselves to sacrifice and therefore resist. We have dignity. We are all indigenous peoples because we are where we have always been, before we had owners, masters, or bosses, or because we are where we were taken against our will and where owners, masters, or bosses were imposed on us. They want to impose on us the fear of having a boss and the fear of not having a boss, so that we may not imagine ourselves without fear. We resist. We are widely diverse human beings united by the idea that the understanding of the world is much larger than the Western understanding of the world. We believe that the transformation of the world may also occur in ways not foreseen by the global North. We are animals and plants, biodiversity and water, earth and Pachamama, ancestors and future generations—whose suffering appears less in the news than the suffering of humans but is closely linked to theirs, even though they may be unaware of it.” — Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide.
We are THIRD-WORLD PUNKS, a blog devoted to cultivating a dark-academia aesthetic inspired by Latin America and the UK Punk Scene. I'm your host, PHILOSOPHIKA, a 33-year-old British and Colombian philosopher specialising in aesthetics (the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as beauty and ugliness and investigates the nature of art and the senses) and anti-totalitarian ethics. Keep reading to learn more about the aesthetic's main goals, sources of inspiration, and suggested hashtags.
To create a Latin American take on the 'dark academia' aesthetic from the perspective of the region's actual inhabitants. The T.W.P. aesthetic actively avoids depicting the region as a holiday destination (fruity drinks, trendy hotels, sexy pool boys, designer sunglasses, etc.) or representing the culture through a tourist's eyes (for example, as exclusively consisting of festivals or big public events). This aesthetic should provide the viewer with an intimate portrait of what it's actually like to call this region home. Images of local food, daily customs, traditional clothing, distinctive architecture, weather patterns, etc., are encouraged.
To provide a modern fusion between Latin American (principally Colombian) and UK culture that does not reproduce the aesthetics of British colonialism. To this end, the T.W.P. aesthetic steers clear of antique botanical prints, colonial uniforms, overly beige colour palettes, floral chintz wallpapers or decorative accents, leather trunks, and/or anything even faintly reminiscent of a plantation. Emphasis is placed instead on UK Punk fashion and culture (think Camden Market and Vivienne Westwood), extravagant and eclectic UK (& European) architecture and interior design, and Oxbridge academia vibes.
To challenge what traditional academia looks and feels like, as well as its core tenets (eurocentrism, US-centrism, elitism, abelism, etc.). The T.W.P aesthetic celebrates and encourages out-of-the-box thinking, ethnic and racial diversity, neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ higher education experiences, as well as discussions of postcolonial, queer, and feminist theory, among others (think TWAIL: Third-World Approaches to International Law). Quotations, reading lists, book recommendations or reviews, and catchphrases along these lines are welcome.
— art deco/decopunk — art nouveau — solarpunk— steampunk — gutterpunk — latin american geography, flora & fauna — latin american culture — spanish colonial architecture — pre-columbian latin america — 70's & 80's uk punk scene — elements of cyberpunk — alternative fashion — maximalism — haute boheme aesthetic
Do you want to tag something with this aesthetic on your blog? Check out the suggestions below:
#TWP —   #TWPs —   #TWP Aesthetic —   #TWPs Aesthetic | #Third-World Punks —  #Third World Punks —  #Third-World Punks Aesthetic —
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cyber-corp · 8 months
By the time I'm posting this, it will be January 26th, commonly known as Australia Day where I'm from. A country known for its sweeping plains, unique fauna and the PM fucking off during a nationwide crisis.
I think, despite all Australia's long-standing issues, there are some things about it worth celebrating the culture. Specifically, the music!
Here are some of (what I think) to be some of the most quintessential Australian albums to listen to:
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Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust (1987): Quite possibly the most Aussie album from quite possibly the most Aussie band. The biggest song off of this album, Beds are Burning, is about Aboriginal Australians being forcibly removed from their land, and the lead singer Peter Garrett is really outspoken about justice towards Australia's native peoples, even being in Parliament at one point. Listen if you want to hear what Rage Against the Machine would be like if they were a new wave band and regularly consumed Oak chocolate milk.
INXS - Kick (1987): If the UK had new wave, Australia had pub rock. Artists defined by their songs being so infectious you can remember while you're smashed on seven bottles of Tooheys Extra Dry (kidding. it's called pub rock because that's where they'd play their sets. in pubs). INXS is quite possibly the pub rock band, the genuine article, and this album is a nice gateway into their music; Punchy, upbeat, and memorable riffs for days. (Songs like Need You Tonight and New Sensation for a good idea). Listen if you like Duran Duran or The Cars.
Kylie Minogue - Fever (2001): GOD, how do I introduce Kylie. This country's shining grace. The superstar in our backyard. Our very own Princess of Pop. This album just extrudes that gleam and optimism that'd you find in a lot of Y2K dance-pop music, and I absolutely love it. Listen if you like Discovery-era Daft Punk or Grace Jones.
The Avalanches - Since I Left You (2000): My personal favourite off this list. It might not be the most "Aussie", but I think it makes up for it in its ethereal tone and sampling techniques. One song might just be made up of just one sample, while another might be made up of 50, (Frontier Psychiatrist was originally made up of 28 samples), but it's all tied together by this collective lofi sound. Listen if you like DJ Shadow, Portishead, or The Chemical Brothers.
Regurgitator - Unit (1997): There was this period in the 90's where Australian alt-rock went fucking berzerk, and Regurgitator was one of those bands. Everyday Formula opens with "Everyday I shit into the sea" and ! (Song Formerly Known As) is about not going out to parties and staying at home. Listen if you'd like Gary Numan mixed with the subject matter of early Weezer.
Spiderbait - Grand Slam (1999): Spiderbait was another one of the alt-rock outlets that got really popular despite being really vocal about the hypocrisy of the industry at large. This album contains a wide variety of influences, like 60's bubblegum on Glockenpop (song about the needless commodification of music. their most popular song and highest-earning single of that year. lol), pop punk on Dinner Time and hard rock on Shazam! A pretty good all-rounder made brilliant by vocalist Kram. Listen if you like Green Day or No Doubt.
Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream (2008): I put this one on because the cover is really funny, but then I listened to the album and I got a sense of bittersweet nostalgia listening to it. A mix of disco, dance-rock and funk (We Are The People is a good example) make for something that made me wish I was 7 again. Listen if you like Prince or Let's Dance-era Bowie.
TISM - Machiavelli and the Four Seasons (1995): TISM (short for This Is Serious Mum) are a fucking disgrace to this country. They are such a bunch of yobbo cunts that I can't believe they managed to get anywhere past 90 on the charts. Wankers like them deserve to be dragged out on stage and beat to a pulp viciously, to the ravenous delight of the crowd. Don't listen to this album and don't listen to Greg! The Stop Sign!! Listen if you're a masochist, maybe.
AC/DC - Let There Be Rock (1977): Ah yes, good ol Acca. The ultimate dad band. You could put any of their albums on this list because they all sound the exact same, but I put this one on because I prefer Bon Scott's vocals. The title track feels like it goes forever, but in a way where you wish it didn't end. Some nice fashioned high voltage rock'n'roll. Listen if you like Black Sabbath.
There are way more that I could have put on here (Gurrumul, Frenzal Rhomb, Powderfinger, Silverchair, The Presets, The Chats, Men At Work, Tame Impala etc.) but I think you could probably discover them in your own time. In the meantime, here is the very culmination of Australian music. Nearly 50 years has led up to this being made.
Fuckin skitz cunt.
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sw33tsnow · 9 months
Enchanted by the aching wounds
- (I) / (III)
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Mercenary!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Harpy!F!Reader
Summary: In a world filled with chaos, mankind and mythical creatures refuse to maintain a harmonious interaction. But it seemed not all would comply the exact same.
Warning: NOT FOR MINORS, size gap, mentions of violence, mentions of death, blood, vocabs, timeline ("once upon a time") Wordcount: 2k7
I've been working on The UK history for my field and came up with this blog's idea. I'll try my best to bring the vibe (might appear some grammar errs)
Inspired by: Maleficent (Angelina Jolie's role) and the incredible mini-serie Songs that sound like sea-foam - @halcyone-of-the-sea
Mother Nature - Nak created everything. She shaped mountains with scarce ores for the Dragons to guard, blew the wind and guided the Elves and Centaurus to bring seeds to the arid steppes. Whenever a precious life passed away, Nak would shed Her tears of sorrow and they would flow into vast oceans, becoming a great home for Sirens and Mermaids. Oases and islands, the same as floating land on the water surface, surrounded by sand and deep inside where the trees were so dense, there are jungles guarded by the Harpies. That's your kind, being called by an intimate name - the Aborigines, given by Nak and friends from other species. The reason was because jungles were the combination of nearly all the quintessence that Mother Nature has ever formed. Harpies' deep knowledge of flora and fauna impressed the meadow fairies to come back to learn, your kind's mastery in predicting the taste and temperature of liquid attracted the water fairies, and the respectful manners toward the mountains always pleased the Dragons.
Then the Sky came. He called Mother Nature his muse, allured Her and succeeded in making Her give birth to a short-lived, disgusting species called human. They're stupid, always curious and impatient. Nak wanted you - her beautiful children to treat them like family, just like the Sky treated Her. Yet unexpectedly, the Sky abandoned Her along with these brainless mortals for his new interest - the Moon. When He was still by Nak’s side, their passionate love resulted in endless harvest and warm sunlight illuminated the entire land but when He left, Mother Nature was drowned in inconsolable grief and forgot Her duty, causing what we called The ice age today. Those weak mankind rebelled because they couldn't stand the harshness which nature has given them. They sharpened their own weapons and started to hunt food, they exploited the mountains to take away the essence, and then started dividing territories and killing their own kind to assert their power.
Mother Nature's fury has risen, Her tantrum was beyond imagination. The mountains roared and spewed boiling melted rocks that burned fields dared to cross their path, the calm coastline was replaced by angrily tsunamis, the vast pastures turned to lifeless soil, and the forests became somber and dreadful. Mother Nature was unable to dissuade. She was your mother, their mother, but the mortals didn't know better. Instead of reconciled and coordinated, foolish humans with vague knowledge began to imitate your kind. They formed classes as you have your clans, their patriarch preferred to be called king, and your warriors were called guards in their language. They robbed your ores and molded the gold into cramped shapes entitled crowns, wearing them on their heads as if to represent their power. With endless greed, the mortals yearned for exotic garments and accessories so they did not hesitate to slaughter your brothers and sisters only for feathers and claws as the materials.
Faith vanished when the whines from families who lost their members and the desperate prayers couldn't reach Nak, She has banished you all, Her own blood. The survivors from all remaining species have gathered in the far-off island, separated and protected from the ugly world which mankind has conquered.
Afraid of being hanged for failing to track the left traces of you fairies, the vassals forged stories to delude their majesty. Spreading rumors about your kinds’ extinction and turning you fairies into mythical creatures that they chose to tell their later generations as bedtime tales. 
Reckless and brutal
The stories that you heard from the elders as a child told you all. Mankind is truly bloodthirsty. Time flies like an arrow, the war raged non-stop, the deafening explosions of the weapons they called 'guns' and the mournful screams of all things did not subside for decades. The mortals did not give up easily as they silently seeked for you creatures with the excuse that you fairies would take revenge. They massacred villages, shed no mercy on newborn infants to harmless old ones, women were captured to satisfy their animalistic desires and men who defied orders were killed unhesitatingly. However, not only you fairies had to shed blood, humanity also refused to spare their own people. 
Well, you aren’t on the same page. Humans are indeed ugly and cruel, but they have superior intelligence, which was clearly unfair. They learned from their previous mistakes in order to correct and improve themselves. Without special-given abilities, mortals built their own boats to help them travel on the sea, put up their own huts called houses to live in and start a family, they also learned how to herd animals and grow crops. 
That's also why you're here, chained below the sodden hold of an enormous royal cruise.
Your naked body was covered in wounds and coagulated blood stains from the whip, your hair disheveled and your legs were shaking from the loss of strength from being knelt for too long. The surrounding dark space limited your vision, there were some collision sounds that came from some valuable objects, the whimpers of animals and the jingling sound of the chains on your neck and your wrists as they bump into each other. On the main deck, the nobles were eating, drinking and dancing to the melodious music of the violin, guests all wearing masks as requested in the invitation. This ship's indeed well-known as a venue for clandestine auctions. Alcohol, jewelry, paintings, drugs or any other illegal items would be converged here for the wealthy to throw their money around. Attendees were way more crowded than usual thanks to the rumors about a special creature on display waiting to be owned here - you, to be more specific.
During the final purge on the island where you fairies were hiding, your parents sacrificed themselves to protect you from impending death. All by yourself, you had to hunt for your starvation, had to learn how to fly and use the gift you were given - mankind called it magic, without receiving any guidance. You came to realize that you were the last Harpy, the last child of Mother Nature - Nak while eavesdropping on a conversation between pirates. Couldn’t hide forever, you disguise yourself as a human-being and blend in the human society. Years of working like a dog, you have earned enough money, which the mortals used to trade for goods, and opened a pub of your own. You have learned their language to communicate and lived in peace for such a long period until a group of strangers ambushed and brought you to this cruise. Even though the time serving for pirates and monarchs' forces has whetted your battling skills, you’re outnumbered and were forced to surrender. 
They brutally tortured you, stimulating your wild's instinct to rise and revealing your true self before their eyes. They treated you like an animal, feeding you filthy stuff that even the most foolish creature wouldn't put in their mouth just to keep you from dying. If you dared to resist or went on hunger-strike, they would avoid damaging the valuables of your body and force you to submit by slicing your flesh. Devastated, you no longer have the strength to find a way to escape but accept your fate, being locked up and sold like an actual commodity.
In the hidden corners of the ballroom, four men with sturdy built frames were quietly observing every movement with hawk eyes. All four of them were dressed in late Victorian formal attire, after all it’s considered a formal event with plenty of royalties appearing. Standard plain white shirts with detachable white collars tucked inside the waistcoats, ascot or ties by choice. Their trousers and frock coats were not the same shade, perhaps to avoid unwanted attention. From head to toe, the costumes were meticulously tailored based on each individuals’ measurements because the job they undertook required quite a lot of manual work.
Beneath the giant painting hanging between the two paths leading to the balcony, a brunet with a black mask was staring at the end of the hall. That’s where the door leading down to the lower deck was, where his team had to reach as claimed by the instruction. The term of the contract was short and simple - his team’s party wanted the most valuable 'thing' in this auction.
Normally bland businesses like these would never be accepted, but they’d be fools if refused such huge sum. What’s more?  Free of charge handmade pieces of clothing and the chance to sneak those expensive liquor wouldn’t be unpleasant after all. 
The gentleman had begun to move. He lightly tapped on the bench where two charming men were sipping wine as if commanding, they immediately finished the booze before standing up and followed him. The brunet gave an oblivious glance as if observing the surroundings, a tall figure appeared out of nowhere and joined them as all four men quietly disappeared behind the door, not being seen by anyone.
Carefully removing the masks and cumbersome collars, the men gently pulled out the small arms attached to shoulder holsters hidden beneath their long coats. Checking the magazine again, a masculine face and neatly trimmed beard, seemed to be the Captain, motioned the other three to stick with him as they entered the hallway.
"What exactly are we looking for, sir?" The pretty boy with dark skin whispered in curiosity.
"We shall find out soon, son" The Captain replied 
Their eyes never left the dark path ahead. Gently approaching the hold, there were two guards positioned by the stairs armed with rifles absentmindedly chatting with each other. With his index and middle fingers pointing forward, in the back, the tallest man moved like a ghost behind the guards as he pulled out a knife grabbed around his thigh to stab one’s neck before raising the gun to shoot right between the other’s eyebrows. The cheers along with music and the guests' lack of alertness successfully masked the loud gunshots just well. They gathered up and began to hide dead bodies into the nearest wine barrels. Bounty hunters and petty thieves would leave evidence and traces behind but these men were professionals, could possibly tell by their swift movements.
All sorts of illegal services are offered in the black market in order to complete dirty jobs which customers didn't want to get involved with. And The One-Four-One, one of the most well-known mercenary teams, utilized by both the government and merchants, they're qualified plus always ensured to complete deals in their agreement. As long as they’re paid properly. 
Your dizziness was gone by the loud noise coming from outside, gunfire, you confirmed. Pulling yourself together, you dragged your sore body deeper into the darkness of the hold as your pointed ears perked up due to the sound of expensive leather heels on the wooden steps. Adjusted your breath and narrowed your eyes, you peaked up to the direction where the noise came from while purposely clacking the chain to entice those humans. As soon as two bulky men carefully approached and stood in front of you, using one leg to knock one of them down, you snatched the gun from his hand and aimed straight at his forehead. Your right knee firmly pressed on his chest and your left foot pinned his wrist down, not allowing him to sit up.
"Steamin' bloody...."
"Shut yer trap or ‘ll crush ye barnacles" You gritted your teeth and forced the gun harder against his head. Your gift could not be used if your mind were unclear, so there’s no other way but to improvise under this circumstance.
Opposite of the silky feathers image, the primaries of your wing were like sharp blades pointing at the adam's apple of the man behind you as goosebumps exploded on your entire body. The man was quiet, so quiet that you almost couldn’t realize his present when you attacked the human below you. He calmly pierced down at you, only his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and messy blonde hair were visible because the man wore a tubular cloth around his neck. His high nose bridge and lips were hardly seen beneath the stretchy material as it pulled up to cover more than half of his face. 
"Savvy?" You asked with an unemotional face and voice.
"Easy, ma lady.....easy" The dark-skinned boy knelt on the floor, one hand raised in the air to show that he had no intention of harming you, the other hand gently placing the gun on the wooden steps.
You didn't let down your guard, only turned your eyes to the boy, his wine-red cutaway spread out on the wet floor so delicately.
The blond didn't step back, he put his gun back in the holster and slowly took off his coat. You followed his every move as you retracted your wing, bringing it to block the front of your body while crawling down from the man lying on the floor. The faint scent of gunpowder and burnt orange peel tickled your nose as the blond man draped his large coat over your smaller shoulders, his calloused hands grazing your shoulders, leaving an indescribable itchiness on your skin. After helping the shorter man on the ground to his feet, they all backed away so as not to tower over you.
"Ye're one of them, eh, ma lady?" Your pupils shone brightly in the darkness as you focused on analyzing the older man in front of you.
"....Are ye mercenaries?" Sounded more like a statement.
"Aye ma'am" The man you have just pinned down to the floor was now brushing his suits while answering you with a grin on his face.
"Apologize for my previous acts" You glanced, "Am I yer negotiation?"
Your voice hoarse and your lips chapped due to dehydration, but still managed to deliver your words clearly. You retracted your wings and horns back inside. Couldn't stop peeking at mountain of a man leaning against the pillar, your claws which have been replaced by mankind’s fingers dug into the thick garment he handed you. 
"No" the blond grunted, "The requirement was the thing, they'll get the thing."
Word for word. You silently thanked him when he finally opened his mouth and spoke, his voice low and seductive, better than you expected. The gentleman was always silent but his expressionless eyes never left you. His decisive words and gentle gestures made you drunk, years of going through your heat by yourself, controlling desires has never been this difficult to you. 
"Simon" Simon, you mumbled, your lips thinned to a line as if just his name was enough for you to smile like an idiot.
"Blimey, Cap, ye saw how she held me down"
You understand why the Captain hesitated. Mercenaries’ jobs were neither easy nor safe, would’ve to pay with your life if you’re negligent. But the ridiculous hair man got his point, not only your other self could never be a burden, you alone were completely qualified for their team.
"Miss, ye ever been on battlefields?" The Captain sighed before asked you
"If the Tudors And Stuarts count" You answered bluntly, "Also an old salt on Sir Francis Drake and Anne Bonny's ships". Tilting your head, you slightly smiled as their eyes widened.
An impressed whistle was blown, the boy with the red cutaway walked over and patted the Captain's shoulder, whose face looked down and shook his head in defeat. The blond gentleman walked over to where you sat to unchain you as the oldest man cocked his head like a command, careful not to hurt you.
"Thank you" You said with sincerity, rubbing the scratched and bruised skin on your throat and wrists.
"Can ye stand, ma lady?" You nodded in response, "I still can walk, they spared my legs out", but seemed to receive disagreement from the rest.
" ‘ll carry ye" The blond spoke softly, "Allow me" 
Lifting you up effortlessly, he placed you on his bulky arm and the other held the gun. Nodding to the other three, you all quietly disappeared from the dark hold. 
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