#VERY nervous to start in the fall but it will be so good. im going to meet such fantastic people here
peachesofteal · 2 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader requested by multiple: doctor visit
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The pediatrician's office is very bright.
Bright walls, bright furniture, bright toys. The hallway is painted a bright blue, dotted with wispy, spongey clouds, spiraling in patterns from floor to ceiling.
The exam room is not much better. It's yellow. Supposed to be soothing, you tell him. It's anything but.
The bright colors unsettle him, but he shoves it down. Swallows the gnawing anxiety brewing in the back of his mind, forces away the spiral attempting to swallow him whole. He falls back on what gives him comfort, what allows him to sleep at night, what makes him feel whole. The only one who doesn't make him feel torn to shreds. The one who can touch his bare skin without making him shake. You.
You're nervous too. It started when you got the baby undressed, and has only gone downhill from there. He can see it in the way you pace back and forth in the room, holding Ry to your chest, bouncing him, rubbing his back. There's dread scrawled into your expression, grim unease radiating from your bones.
"C'mere mama." He reaches, pulling your forearm and tugging you close, resting his chin on top of your head. You relax, but barely. "Everything's going to be alright."
"He hates shots."
"He's a baby, course he does. Can't blame 'im. Huh bub?" He strokes Orion's chubby and round cheek, tilting his head to press a kiss to your temple.
Someone knocks on the door, and it creaks open.
"Hi!" A young woman in a white coat smiles at them, giving Simon an odd look before stepping forward. He swallows the acid burning the back of his throat.
"Hey, Dr. Marsh." You greet weakly, face pinched. She says hello, and washes her hands, keeping a stream of chatter until she's seated on a rolling stool with an iPad in her hand.
"How's our big man?"
"Still big." You quip drily, and she laughs, glancing up at Simon. You look at him too, and then your mouth drops into a little o. "Sorry, this is Simon. Orion's dad." She stands, extends her hand. He takes it, careful to not squeeze too tight before letting go and hanging his own rigidly by his side, tense, like he's priming for a fight of some kind.
"I guess we know where he gets his size from." Fingers tap across the screen, and then she sets it on the examination table. "So, how is it going?"
"Fine, good, I think. He's still feeding every three hours. I feel like he's gained ten pounds since our last visit." She nods. "I've been trying to pump as much as I can but... there's just... not as much."
"That can happen. If you're still happy with breastfeeding, I don't have any concerns. Of course, if you want to stop, that's more than okay. As long as he's getting what he needs, there's no wrong way to feed him." You nod, rubbing his back. Dr. Marsh asks about any other concerns, and after you say you have none, she reaches for him. "Let's see if our guy is still a ninety nine percenter, huh?" Simon frowns.
"Ninety nine percenter?"
"He's uh, in the ninety nine percentile. Very big."
"Very big, and very tall." Dr. Marsh says from over her shoulder, where she's now got Orion on the baby scale. "Born at what mum, four and a half kilograms?" Simon blanches. Bloody hell. You haven't really told him too much about the birth, and he hasn't pushed you on it. Maybe this is why. You don't have a c-section scar, and he winces thinking about you giving birth, naturally. He should have been there. Should have held your hand, told you how amazing you were. How strong. The familiar feeling of regret resurfaces, and he gives you an apologetic look. You shrug with a little smile.
"He looked like a giant in the nursery, next to all the... regular sized babies." Dr. Marsh laughs, but Simon grimaces. Guilt settles in his stomach like a rock.
"Sorry, mama." He apologizes sheepishly, squeezing your hand, and you rub your thumb over his knuckles.
"It's okay, I kinda," your eyes sweep over him from head to toe, "expected it."
"Alright, so," Dr. Marsh brings Ry back over, handing him to you, but Simon intervenes, pulling him into his arms. He worries about your back. She smiles again, types something into the tablet, and then clears her throat, "growth is slowing down."
"Is that bad?" You sound alarmed, and she shakes her head.
"Not bad, considering he's been outperforming in height and weight since he was born. This happens, it's normal, there's nothing to worry about. However, he's still in the nineties. Just shy of eight kilograms."
"What's normal?" He's curious now, wondering how big his son is really, compared to others. He'd even feel proud, if he wasn't worried about the trauma having him may have caused you.
"Fiftieth percentile is around six. Now," she rests her hands on her thighs, and levels a serious look at you. "How are you? Sleep getting any better? Are you keeping up on hydration?" Simon peeks down at you, lips tugged into a firm line.
"He still feeds every three hours, and I'm the source so... not really."
"Any more dizzy spells?" What? His head snaps your direction. Orion gurgles, and he pats his back absentmindedly. Dizzy spells? Why haven't you said anything?
"Uh, not really. Maybe a few."
"Breastfeeding can take a lot out of you. It uses a lot of metabolic energy, so try to make sure you're eating enough and drinking a lot of water. It's normal to feel exhausted or fatigued, but taking care of your nutritional needs will go a long way. I know I sound like a broken record but, I think it will help. You might also try talking to your OB, since you know... I'm only a little human doctor." You swallow.
"Okay." She gives you a serious look, and you nod.
"Alright then, let's move on to everyone's favorite part."
He holds Orion for the entirety of the rest of the visit. He squirms and screams as he gets his shots, crying at the top of his lungs, and Simon closes his eyes at one point to take a deep breath. He's okay. He's safe. They're both safe. They're here.
You take him afterward, lips to the top of his head, eyes closed as you whisper. "Shhh, I know baby, I know. It's over now. All done. You were so brave." Simon's heart aches. It hurts to know you're struggling, that you see yourself as a failure, when it's so blatant that you're anything but. He's going to fix that.
You stop at the reception desk, lingering until the girl behind it gets off the phone. "Um, can we update Orion's emergency contact list? I want his dad to be on there, too." Simon looks down at you, momentarily dumbstruck. Sweet, sweet girl. Sweet little kitten. The receptionist smiles brightly, taking the information he provides, phone number, back up phone number (work cell) and his name.
The two of you head towards the elevator, and you give him a hesitant look as you step inside. "You don't mind right? I didn't want to overstep but... you're his parent too, I thought you might want to be-" You don't get to finish before he's swooping down with a hand at the small of your back and another on the baby's head, slamming his lips to yours so fiercely your breath hitches.
"Mama," he kisses your forehead, and then cups your chin. "You and Orion are my family now. You're it for me, and I'm chuffed you'd think to put me down as an emergency contact." You jerk back at his words, eyes wide. Too much? Too soon? Too strong? He doesn't care. He needs to start easing you into it, getting you used to the new reality, before he's moving you and the baby out of your flat and giving you a new last name.
"Simon." You whisper, but he shakes his head.
"I told you. I wanted you the night we made him, and I still do. You're everything. You're mine. You and our boy." You don't say anything, and the silence kills him until you reach for his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. "An' we're going to have a talk about you getting dizzy and not saying anything to me. Alright?" You gulp.
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puppybong · 1 month
advisory meeting went good i was so scareddd and got lost on campus but i get to sign up for fall classes … huge for the puppybong community
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13eyond13 · 1 year
Sometimes I still think about how sweet it was when that anon checked on me last year when I was posting overly dark jokes. Thank you whoever you were, that was kind
#i am so much better now but last year was a bad one for me#there was a time in the fall where i literally couldn't get out of bed just because it felt pointless#anyway my mom also forced me to make a doctors appointment and luckily my doctor is super kind and got me on a good medication#but it also was just from stuff like losing my job struggling in school and going through the hurricane etc#im just so glad that i was pushed through that by concerned folks because im enjoying life much better now and that wasnt that long ago#anyway if you're struggling badly right now pls know its not hopeless#reach out for the help youre given and try to see yourself as worth it to fight for#take it little steps at a time#celebrate the small victories like having a shower or taking a walk or answering a call#the best thing for me other than the doctor was just finding ways to be around other people more#instead of feeling defeated i had to think of ways i could fix the loneliness that was affecting me so much#i had to get proactive like i started volunteering and started a book club etc#also i just made myself be very honest with the friends i already had about my struggles and it helps with feeling closer to them#and less alone in it all#because its not that uncommon to have those kinds of struggles and it helps other people open up about their own or just know how you are#the hardest things to do were the most rewarding things in the end#volunteering gave me a reason to get out of the house meeting new people and trying new things and feeling good about myself and#i had to remind myself that i was able to offer things of value and that other people like having me around actually#like the book club is something my friend group looks forward to so much and made new friends through and i started that!#even though i was nervous about it and didnt know if theyd like it at all#other people need you just as much as you need them and thats the truth bby#p
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lynnielovestlou · 9 days
ellie fucking you in the middle of the night <3
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cw: smut , nsfw , men dni , strap usage , reader sits on ellie's face , dom! ellie , sub! reader , kinda vanilla , reader and ellie's relationship is a secret , y/n used (im sorry) , sitting on ellie's face
daily click
the problem is, you dont want to keep things casual. you said it because it felt like a thing you should say when you start fucking your best friend. now, you're lying in bed wearing ellie's shirt, wishing shed sneak down the stairs and crawl in with you.
you try to talk yourself out of it so many times. you'd already almost got caught once. but your body doesn't care and neither does your heart. you want her hands in your hair, her warm skin against your own.
which is why you creep through a dark house and up the stairs, keeping to the edges to avoid any creaking that might wake up joel. one peek into his room at the top of the stairs and you see him sprawled like a starfish. your lips curve up at the sight and then you very, very gently shut his bedroom door before padding down to the secondary bedroom as the opposite end of the hallway.
the door is closed and no light shines from beneath. you twist the handle and walk right in. her curtains are open and ambient light from outside filters in through the massive windows. the door clicks shut behind you and you walk across to the king-sized bed. much like joel, she is all long, muscular limbs stretched out in the middle.
unlike joel, you don't turn away.
you press one knee onto the mattress and crawl in her direction. ellie's breaths are deep, and the entire bed has a faint sandalwood smell. you think you'd settle for just lying here beside her, breathing her in.
instead, you kneel at her side. soaking her in, so relaxed. she looks younger—more carefree—like this.
with one hand, you trail the tip of your fingers over her lips—just like you did every time joel had his back on the two of you. a simple gesture, just to remind her you were there, even if it was for a moment.
ellie's big strong hand flies up, steely fingers wrapping around your wrist, "y/n."
it's not a question. she knows it's you.
"what are you doing?" she asks from behind closed eyes.
"touching you."
her lips curve up into a sinful smile, "i thought you wanted to keep things casual in front of joel."
"right." you whisper, "it's just that i thought about it and decided being casual is overrated. i want you to touch me too."
a raspy chuckle spills from her as her green eyes open and dive into your own. chills erupt from the back of your neck, racing down your spine and over your arms.
"so, what now?" she asks beneath a quirked brow.
"i don't know." you suddenly feel nervous. you snuck up there with no plan, only knowing you wanted to be close to her, "do you want me to leave?"
she stares at you extra hard now. it's borderline unnerving. the weight of her stare. the way your stomach flip-flops under her attention. you've never felt this way before.
"no, y/n. i want you up here." her voice is soft and deep as she reaches for you. broad hands circle your waist and you squeal as she hauls you on to her, so you're straddling her torso.
"gonna need you to be quiet, baby." she murmurs as her palms slide up over your quads, tips of her fingers dipping inside your underwear at your hips.
all you can do is nod, lick your lips, and watch how good her hands look roaming over your body.
"n-now what?" you practically stutter.
"now you're going to hold on tight to that headboard, sit on my face, and try to keep your mouth shut while i make you come."
before you can respond, she's moved you up, yanked the gusset of you panties to the side, and has her tongue in your pussy.
you gasp and fall forward, holding the headboard like she instructed, more out of needing something to hold on to than because you're good at following directions.
your head falls back when her teeth graze you clit. she palms your ass and holds you close, like she's eating her favorite fruit. her eagerness does nothing but drive you even more wild.
"hmmm," you hum, trying to cover for the string of expletives currently sitting on the tip of your tongue. your thighs shake with the strain of holding yourself over her and fingers dig in hard.
ellie pulls away, only to grumble at you in that deep tone. "baby, i said be quiet. and stop being polite. i told you to sit on my face." the hand gripping your underwear yanks you down hard so that you're fully seated.
she sucks your clit and your body bows into him. her hand slides up from your ass, over your hip, stomach, and up to your breast, where she gently caresses you. she holds you. touches you.
she gives your nipple a good, firm twist that has you gasping and grinding against her mouth. all the response you get is a satisfied growl against your core as she continues to lick, and suck, and tease.
you ride her shamelessly. she told you to stop being polite, and so you do. you lose yourself in the sensation, the feel of her skin on yours. the smell of her wrapped around you.
there's something empowering in asking for what you want. to be touched when you want. and you're drunk on that—drunk on her—when everything inside you clenches. when that pressure builds so quickly, so intensely, you can't hold back... you shatter.
you feel like you blew apart into a million little pieces. your skin is hot, your eyelids feel heavy. and as much as you try to stay quiet, you can't.
her hand shoots up over your mouth and you slump into it, using her arm to prop yourself up while you cling to the headboard.
"ellie," you whisper as she moves you down. her limbs are moving and there's fabric rustling around you, but you're too incoherent to keep up, "ellie."
"y/n, baby. i told you to stay quiet."
your brain is too addled to care. "more." you fold yourself over her, dropping your head into the crook of her neck and kissing her there. your teeth graze over the lobe of her ear, and you realize she's removed her boxers while you blacked out. and, she had put on her strap that she conveniently kept in her nightstand.
you nod, feeling her throat move against your forehead as he swallows. "more."
her hands move firmly, all business, as she removes your underwear. then she sits up, leaning against the headboard and taking you with her.
you can feel her hard length propped against your ass as she positions the two of you.
her eyes stay on your face as she reaches down to grip the hem of her shirt. the one she gave you to sleep in when she walked you to the guest room door and told you it might help you miss her less. right before she smirked that annoying, i'm-right-and-you-know-it smirk of hers.
she wasn't, though. which is why you're here.
your body coils with anticipation again as ellie's gaze rakes over your bare skin.
her hands roam slowly yet purposefully. over your arms, your collarbones. reading you like braille. you think she's always been able to, and you just didn't know it.
"i'm not sure you can handle more, baby." she kisses your chest as your hands move in tandem, feeling her in a way you didn't get to earlier. "you're not very good at keeping quiet."
"i'll be good," you murmur, grinding your pussy back on her and feeling her steely silicon dick twitch against your ass.
suddenly her lips are on your nipples and your hands are raking through her hair. she reaches between the two of you, urging you up onto your knees, you move obediently, and in return, you're rewarded by the sensation of her faux cock sliding against your pussy.
back and forth. back and forth. your eyes flutter shuts she tortures you. one hand grips your shoulder while the other is fisted around her length. you swivel your hips, feeling her crown notch inside you.
"goddamn, honey. you're even better than i fucking dreamed," she mutters roughly. then she shoves herself in, and you bite your lip to keep yourself quiet. because no one and nothing has ever felt this good.
your eyes snap open as your body adjusts. the light sight of her taking you so roughly has the blood thrumming through your veins at a rapid pace. your heart pounding even harder than before.
you stare at each other. her cock is buried deep inside you his.
"move, y/n. show me how bad you want it."
your pelvis undulates because you do want it. you lift and you drop back down, feeling every thick inch of her as you do. reveling in the way her eyes widen before taking on a more hooded appearance.
what starts off slow and deliberate comes apart at the seams. hands that were searching are now gripping.
breathing that was even is now choppy. everything is hot and damp as you writhe together in silence.
you don't need words. they wouldn't do justice to something that feels like this anyway.
"you're gonna come on my cock now, aren't you, baby?" she growls roughly, breathlessly, against your ear. your body shudders in response. "i can tell. your eyes give it away, even in the dark. then every muscle on you goes all tight. you ride me so damn hard. so eager. so warm. so fucking tight."
you're so full of her. her words. her body. it's too much, and right when youre about to go barreling over that edge again, she kisses you soundly, swallowing the sound of you screaming her name as you come.
with a fist full of your hair, she pumps into you hard.
spilling herself, filling you up thoroughly right as your orgasm rocks you. flays you. leaves you slumped in her arms, desperately trying to catch your breath.
you don't know how long the two of you stay like that. you straddling her lap, her cock snugly inside you, clinging to each other and kissing. slow, languid, deliberate kisses that make your throat ache with their tenderness. eventually they slow and ellie tolls you off her carefully.
always carefully. even when she's rough with you, shes so damn intentional. you feel nothing short of pampered with her. and when she gets up to retrieve a warm washcloth, the point is only driven further home.
"what are you doing?" you breathe the words, trying to stay quiet as she comes to kneel between your splayed legs.
"taking care of you."
the warm cloth swipes over your swollen core and you let out a soft moan. "you don't need to do that."
she continues wiping you gently. "but i want to."
you're struck silent by such a simple sentence.
you lie in ellie's bed, letting her take care of you. and when she's finished, she lifts the covers, crawls in behind you, and holds your body against hers all night long.
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glitterjay · 1 month
can u do gynaecologist enha (whichever member u want) with patient reader?
Also can I be🦢anon?
⭒ gynecologist!sunghoon, fingering, head implied (f. receiving) , suggestive content minors dni
⭒ c's note: this is a new approach, and i've never been to a gynecologist before, so im sorry if it's bad ㅜㅜ welcome to the club, 🦢'anon! do let me know if you liked it or not
⭒ due to popular demand, you can find part 2 here
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @enhabooks
you were quite nervous, to say the least, about visiting the gynecologist. you just wanted to get a checkup to make sure everything was right with your body, but since it was your first time, you were shy and embarrassed.
you had arrived at the place of your appointment just in time, walking straight into the doctor's office.
it took you by surprise to see a man. you had told yourself that a woman would be taking care of you, so you shouldn't be so embarrassed by this at all.
he noticed your shocked expression and asked you to take a seat by the desk, adjusting the glasses that were just about to fall off the tip of his nose. "you might have been expecting, dr. kim in here, but she had to go out. i'm dr. park, sunghoon park. there's no need to worry, i'll take good care of you."
his voice was deep yet soft, and it made butterflies appear in your tummy. you blushed, looking away from him and scanning the things adorning the room.
"i see that you came in just for a checkup. is it your first time?" you nodded, playing with your fingers as you looked down at them. the oen he was holding seemed to be from the college he attended and the year of his cohort. to your surprise, it was just a year before you graduated yourself.
"im gonna need you to lay in that bed over there for me, please."
you did as told, still fidgeting with your hands. he was getting ready for your check up, and he had to admit you looked very pretty.
"alright," he sat in front of the bed, and pulled out a robe. "there's a bathroom right over there. you can go change into this so your checkup can start."
sunghoon had started conversation so you could feel less nervous. you had find out he was indeed a year above you in college, and has been working ever since graduation. it was a small world, and you were glad you didn't know him until today, or else it would've been worse.
the latex gloves he's was wearing were close against your sensitive skin. it send shivers up your spine every time sunghoon moved and touched. it was until a small moan left your mouth that sunghoon noticed what his hands were causing.
it was as if an angel had ascended straight from heaven to sing. sunghoon's body count was big, but he had never heard such a beautiful and melodious voice before.
he glanced over at the door, making sure it was locked, and went straight to business.
his long index finger started gathering the juices that were leaving your body, his eyes gleaming at the sight before him. he didn't lose anything, right? after all, both of you would win something.
"your body is perfectly healthy," he said, his fingers trying to stuff back the juices making your cunt glow. was it weird what he was doing? probably, but it had this weird and addictive feeling growing within you, so you didn't tell him to stop.
sunghoon inserted his whole index finger, curling it up as soon as he could. this made your body jump a little, allowing him to hear another wonderful moan.
he kept fingering you for a while, adding more fingers as he went on. as soon as your walls started to clench around him, he stopped.
he lowered the chair he was sitting on, so now his face was right in front of your exposed heat. he was staring at it like a hungry man, and you blushed when he looked up at you through his glasses.
"it looks pretty," he said. "perfectly taken care of, and I bet it tastes amazing too."
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 7 months
Howling Hearts
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Summary: Countess Romanoff and her lover, Lady Maximoff, find themselves inexplicably drawn to the Countesses oldest, most trusted and loyal guards. One night after a particularly rambunctious banquet, they finally decide to act on these forbidden urges and claim the two wolves as their own.
Warnings: talk of blood/feeding on blood, graphic violence, slight Omegaverse concepts for the werewolves, Reader has a penis, sexual content (fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, breeding)
Authors note: first time writing Bucky in anything, so please go easy on me if he seems out of character at any point 💖
Authors note 2.0: sorry this is later than intended, still hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 10011 (im sorry its so long lmao) 2023 Halloween Specials Marvel Masterlist
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   It was a cool evening, and a soft rain pattered against the castle's stained glass windows, providing a tranquil atmosphere to the room. Several times now you've become a bit lost in that feeling and have let your eyes linger a bit too long on Countess Romanoff as she sits in her exquisite chair by the fireplace. 
   Admiring her wasn’t new, in fact you were sure that after so many centuries you could paint the curve of her lips blindfolded and you were certain that your mate James could too. But lusting after the vampire that you were in service of wasn’t exactly acceptable behavior. If any other werewolf heard of such a thing it wouldn't go over well. Falling for the species that imprisoned yours to use like glorified watch dogs…they’d shun you at the very least.
  “Lady Romanoff, Starks fledgling is here to see you.” one of her guards announces, breaking the peaceful silence
   A brunette boy stands there beside the guard with wide eyes and he quickly offers the Countess a polite bow. She chuckles at his clear nervous energy and beckons him forward. Somehow the young vampires wobbly legs carry him further into the room
   “So young one” the Countess begins, giving the visitor her full attention “What brings you here on this lovely evening?”
    And lovely it had been indeed. With her lover out for the day it left her able to just focus on the presence of her two oldest and most trusted guards, her wolves. Something Wanda would indulge in as well, but normally they’d be too wrapped up in each other to daydream long. At least while in the same room as you, in their bedchambers it was a different story. But alas, the arrival of this fledgling had chased her decidedly naughty thoughts from her head.
   “Lord Stark wanted you to be informed that he and Lady Potts shall be in attendance of your upcoming banquet” he tells her, looking like he might pass out from anxiety at any second
   “Thank you and I’m glad to hear that. Do give them my best when you return home”
   He quickly nods and understanding that to be a dismissal he turns on his heels and heads back out the door you're standing by. He passes you with such a speed that you have half a mind to tell him to let the horse ride in the carriage as he takes the reins, but you hold your tongue. A good thing too, because no sooner did he disappear from view did Lady Maximoff arrive.
   She smiles as she passes by and heads straight for her lover, kissing the woman's cheek before taking a seat on her lap. You're used to such behavior by now, but at the start it had surprised you, as the Countess was not one to allow such affections from her nightly escapades. Then again, Wanda had always been different. She wasn’t some fledgling picked up for fun, nor was she a human chosen to be a plaything before a meal. No, she was every part an elder vampire, just as your master was, and they were quite old friends before the relationship ever began. 
   “Hello moya lyubov'(my love), is your brother well?”
   The brunette smiles, “He is, and still annoying. Who did I pass in the hallway?”
   “Starks fledgling, here to tell me that my invite was accepted” she explains
   “Oh good. It's not a proper banquet without Tony”
   The redhead chuckles, “How very true. We’ll have to have the kitchen staff keep extra glassware on hand, just in case he causes a debacle like last time.” 
   The two continue talking, making plans for the upcoming party as well as catching up on what the other had been up to in the few hours that they had been apart. You and James tried your best to stay focused and not watch the way the Countesses hands roamed across her lover's waistline and mid back as they converse but that proved to be a very difficult task.
   Eventually one of their servants enters the room with two goblets, indicating it was time for the two women to feed. Now, they could eat food like you and James did, but it did nothing for them. It didn't fill them or give them sustenance so it was something that they really only did when they felt like it or were craving something particular. Otherwise, it was all blood. The fresher, the better.
   "Here you are, my Lady" the servant greets, handing both women their cups
   “Thank you Sylvia” the Countess says before taking a deep gulp 
   The servant quickly excuses herself, heading back to whatever duties she was attending to before she needed to bring the two women their meal, and part of you wishes you could follow her. Not because you wished to be apart from anyone you were currently in the company of, but due to the feeling that stirs in your gut, and to your embarrassment, sometimes your pants, when you witnessed the women consume blood.
   You couldn’t help it, there was just something about being able to watch them feed. The way their fangs grew before they sunk them into their victim, their eyes turning nearly black as they drained the person's essence to fulfill their need was incredibly enchanting. And the way the red liquid dripped from the corners of their mouth, or how they licked their lips afterwards had your heart racing. Which is exactly how you feel now as a drop of blood trickles down from the corner of the Countesses mouth, down past her jawline and down her neck.
   Wanda notices this droplet as soon as Natasha moves her cup and she wastes no time in leaning over, letting her tongue lap up the treat before she attaches her lips to that same spot. She begins to suck a mark into the pale skin there, eliciting a throaty chuckle from the older vampire
   “Behave. You are not the only one currently present”
   Wanda's eyes travel over to James as she continues to mark up Natasha, before they eventually move to look at you as well. You sincerely hope she hadn’t noticed the way you shifted your stance in order to adjust the growing bulge at the front of your pants. The last thing you wanted was for either woman to begin to feel uncomfortable around you, or find you some kind of pervert. 
   “Dorogoy(darling), I said behave” the older woman repeats, gently tugging Wanda's hair to remove her from her neck and get her attention once more
   “But I like getting to mark you. I like the reaction it elicits” 
   Natasha smiles, “I like it too. But if that's something you want, then our room is a much more suitable place for us”
   Wanda wordlessly removes herself from her girlfriend's lap and waits for the redhead to stand before they both begin to make her way towards the doorway where you and James stand by. Wanda shyly smiles at you both and turns to the left, indicating that the bedchamber was exactly where they were headed
   “If anyone needs me” the Countess states, looking at James, “I’m not to be disturbed until I’m out of my room. Unless it's of utmost urgency”
   “Of course, my Lady” he responds, and she quickly follows after the brunette. After he's sure she's out of hearing range he looks to you with a brow raised, “Really?”
  “Oh, shut up.”
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  Down the hall, Wanda finds herself pinned to the mattress as Natasha slowly undresses her, “So wet already. You get turned on marking me up in front of them?”
   “Yes” she whimpers, remembering how she felt like she was putting on a show for you both earlier
   “Mmm, you weren’t the only one” Nat replies against her lovers ear, making the younger vampire shudder, “They liked it too”
   Wanda's eyes shut as she tilts her head back, the feeling of hands roaming across her now bare body fogging her mind. Still she manages a reply, “Yeah?”
   “Oh, yes. Couldn't you see the hunger in their eyes? Or the bulge in Y/ns pants?"
  Another whimper leaves the brunette as Natasha gropes her breasts, "Yes, I saw"
   "And you liked it, didn't you? Causing that reaction in them."
   "I loved it…" she admits, looking into Nats eyes, "I want them, Tasha"
   "I know, my love. I do too, but you know we can't." She sighs, "Even if they feel the same, you know we can't. Our laws forbid it."
   Wanda sighs, a sadness now etched upon her features, "But I don't care about keeping the bloodline pure, and neither do you. So why can't we indulge in our heart's desires?"
   "Because we could be found out, which would endanger James and Y/n" 
   "But- "
   "Shhh darling" Nat interrupts, kissing her girlfriend's plush lips, "Just focus here right now. Can you do that for me?" The younger vampire nods and Natasha smirks at how eager she already seems, “Good girl”
      The mixture of praise and her girlfriend's touch causes Wanda to moan, and Natasha finds herself eager to hear more. She pulls more sounds from the brunette by pinching her nipples and sucking marks along her collarbone, letting her fangs brush against the sensitive skin there.
   Occupied by her lover's mouth, Wanda had failed to notice the removal of one of Natashas hands from her chest, until she felt a thumb press against her clit. Her hips jump slightly and another, more throaty moan leaves her as Nat slides a finger through her wet folds
   Wanda whimpers, her walls clenching around nothing, “I need you inside me, please”
   “I’ve got you” Nat coos, slowly inserting one of her fingers into her girlfriends tight hole
    “Please, more” she begs, and taking note of how wet she already is, Natasha slides a second finger inside, stretching her open as her thumb circles her clit, “Oh god, fuck me Tasha, please”
    Nat smirks and quickly begins to thrust her fingers, and she leans down to capture her lips in a kiss. She easily dominates the action, sliding her tongue into the awaiting girl's mouth while avoiding her fangs. Wanda's walls tighten around the older woman's fingers, causing her to smile and break away from the kiss
   “That feel good, my love?”
   “So…good” she pants, trying hard to catch the breath Nat keeps stealing from her, but its of no use when the redhead quickens her pace, “Ooh fuck!”
   “Which one are you picturing taking you right now?” Nat asks, smirk still plastered on her face. Wanda only wimpers, her fists tightening against the silk sheets as her head leans back, “It's ok darling, you can tell me. I wanna know”
   “James!” she practically shouts, feeling herself nearing her orgasm
   “Leaving poor Y/n out, hm?” Nat teases
   “No” she gasps, trying hard to focus on her fantasy, “She's…ooh!”
   Nat soothes her by kissing her chest softly, “She's what? Tell me”
   “She's making me suck her cock”
   Nat hums, fully agreeing with the mental picture her lover is painting, “I bet she tastes so good. Don’t you think?”
   “Yes!” she moans, her back arching off the bed
   “And James would absolutely fill your pretty pussy up, is that what you want?” she questions, nipping at the younger girls jawline
    The brunette's walls clamp down around Nat's fingers, “Yes! Oh god Tasha, please can I cum?”
   “Go ahead dorogoy(darling), cum”
    Wanda's legs shake as a loud moan leaves her, and her juices drip down her girlfriends hand to the sheets below. Natasha continues to slowly fuck her through her orgasm, prolonging her high until all she can do is whimper and grab at the older woman.
   “Good girl” she praises, gently pulling her fingers free before licking them clean, “Mmm, I’ll never tire of how you taste”
   “Can I taste you now? Please?”
   Nat smiles and quickly rids herself of her own clothes before she settles herself against the mattress, and if that wasn’t a clear enough ‘yes’ she spreads her thighs wide to reveal her pussy
   “So pretty” Wanda mumbles, leaning in to pepper her girlfriend's thighs with marks of their own
   The closer she gets to the redheads core, the more intense the older womans breathing becomes, until finally it's too much for her to take, “Come on darling, I thought you wanted to taste”
   Wanda quickly lets her tongue dart out, lapping up some of her girlfriends essence that had leaked out. The older woman lets out a small moan, which only urges Wanda on. She licks again, this time letting her tongue go even deeper inside as her nose bumps against Nats clit
   “Oh god, just like that”
   Priding herself on doing as she told, Wanda keeps going, exploring every part of the beautiful redhead before her with her talented mouth. The moans she's able to get her girlfriend to make only make her want to cause her more pleasure, and Natasha quickly finds herself reaching her own release
   “Fuck…” she mumbles, struggling to voice her own fantasy, “I wonder if Y/n can eat pussy as good as you”
   Wanda nips at the woman, meaning it as more of a ‘no ones as good as me’, but all it manages to do is leave her girlfriend grinding against her face
   “I’m so close Wans, please”
   Hearing her lovers please Wanda moves to suck on her clit and is rewarded with a gush of juices and a scream of her name. She carefully moves up the bed, straddling her lover's body before kissing her. The two stay locked together, passionately making out for what seems like hours as they continue to pleasure each other. Effectively ending the night as they did most, with whispered declarations of love and shared fantasies of their favorite werewolves.
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   They're awoken the next morning by a loud pounding on their wooden door, "My Lady, pardon me waking you, but I imagine your guests will be arriving within the next few hours. I wouldn't want you to oversleep"
   A soft smile spreads across the redhead's face, "Thank you, Y/n. We'll be out shortly. Do tell Sylvia not to fret"
   "Yes, my Lady"
   Once Wandas sure you're out of earshot, she turns to her lover, "I do wish that maybe just once, they'd have to come in here to wake us. I'd love to just pull them into the bed with us"
   Nat chuckles, "Naughty girl"
   "Not like that. Not this time at least." Wanda corrects, "Right now, I just want to cuddle. I want to feel their arms wrapped around us as we all share the bed"
   "It does sound wonderful…" the Countess sighs
   "But it's just a dream, isn't it?"
   Natasha gives her a tight lipped smile, "I'm afraid so, dorogoy(darling). Now come, we need to get dressed for the banquet"
   After trying on multiple dresses each, they both finally settle on their choices and proceed to get ready. Wanda is dressed in a maroon dress, with her hair done up in a low bun. A few red gemstones decorate her hair to tie into her gown while a delicate necklace adorns her neckline. It was a gift from Nat earlier in their relationship, a golden chain with a dangling centerpiece consisting of golden knots and rubies. Natasha is in a black dress, her hair done up in exquisite braids with small charms and gemstones decorating it. Around her neck she wears a golden necklace with multiple chains dangling from it, each adorned with a few rubies. At the very center hangs a larger pendant that dips quite low, sitting snugly in her cleavage. 
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   By the time they arrive in the grand hall, the area has been completely set up by the Countesses staff. The large gathering table for the heads of houses sits up front, while a few others are spread around the vast area. Each is decorated with an ornate cloth and set with plates and goblets for meal time. A few large candles sit at the center of each table with wines on either side for their guests to freely drink from.
   “My Lady” you greet, entering the room with a large tray of hors d'oeuvres
   “Y/n” she greets, swiping two samples from your tray. She hands one to Wanda before biting into it, “Mmm, the kitchen staff have done an excellent job”
   “They’ll be happy to hear that” you reply before making your way around the room to distribute the food to each table, “The main course should be ready about an hour after everyone's arrival, and James is tending to the humans chosen for tonight. But he’ll be joining us soon”
   “Perfect, thank you”
   With your task done, you can finally focus on them, which allows you to fully take in their appearance. And the words came out of your mouth before you even realized you were saying them, “Wow. The two of you look incredible”
   Both women smile, which helps to calm your nerves of overstepping a boundary. And if you didn’t know better, you’d swear a hint of pink was now visible on their cheeks, but vampires didn’t blush, right? And if they did, it certainly wouldn’t be due to a compliment from a lowly werewolf
   “Thank you, Y/n” Wanda says, pulling you from your thoughts, “You look great tonight too” 
  “You really think so?” you ask, glancing down at your outfit
  The Countess had gotten you and James formal attire a while back for situations like this, because every other house just had its wolves show up in a regular outfit, which she admits she did as well. Until she overheard a group of wolves talking about how ostracized they felt at events and gatherings, and she wanted you both to feel included. But she and Wanda had yet to actually see you wear them.
  “Absolutely, you look quite dashing” Natasha quickly condoms
   You smiles shyly, “Thank you, my Lady, and you as well, Lady Maximoff”
   Before either woman can continue the conversation, James arrives carrying an ornate dagger in its sheath, “My Lady, the humans are all properly secure and are all still in perfect condition for this evening.”
  “Thank you James” she replies, “Go ahead and set that by my seat”
  “Of course”
   As he moves to do as he's told, both women appreciate the way he looks in his new uniform as well. You can’t help but notice them doing this, and you find yourself wondering if they had been looking at you with that same amount of interest. The idea that they could have has your mind swimming with thoughts on what that could mean.
   “James, you look good in your suit too” Wanda finally offers up
   He smiles, “Thank you Lady Maximoff, I tried to clean up nicely for this evening”
   “And you did a wonderful job. You both did” the Countess assures, watching fondly as the two of continue to carry out your duties
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   A few hours later and the banquet is in full swing. Many of the Countesses' friends and acquaintances are in attendance, bringing along a handful of their own guards or a couple of their werewolves to ensure the safety of themselves both during travel and here in the Countesses castle. The grand hall was quite full due to this, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t put you a bit on edge.
   You knew your Countess didn’t necessarily trust everyone she invited, but had to do it to keep the peace among the elder vampires and their houses. Meaning that someone here could easily be at odds with her, and with a handful of guards at their disposal they could cause a disturbance and multiple injuries if they chose to do so. Not to mention how easily someone with ill intentions could slip in and remain hidden in a crowd this large. 
   “You alright?” James asks, coming to stand beside you, his hand caresses your shoulder gently to hopefully ease some tension away from you
  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just….I don’t know, something seems off. Like there's an unnecessary heaviness in the air” you explain, eyeing the room suspiciously 
   He nods, “Yeah, I feel it too. Might just be our nerves, or it might be something, so lets stay on our toes just to be sure”
   You agree and the two of you do your best to not stray far from the main table for the next hour, wanting to ensure the safety of both your Countess and her girlfriend. If one of you had to do something or got called to have a conversation, the other made sure to not stray. And thankfully, so far, everything has been going well.
    “You know, if Lord Pyms fledgling isn’t careful with how he holds the elders daughter while dancing with her, we might have to step in to make sure Scott doesn’t lose his hands.”
   You glance over and notice Scotts hand dangerously low on Hopes back and catch the glare the older man is sending the two as they remain oblivious, “Oh, I would hate to be on the receiving end of a look like that. He's absolutely going to get a reprimand the entire way home tonight”
   “Guarantee it.” another voice replies, causing both of you to look in its direction. 
    “Carol, glad you're here”. It's nice to see you. you happily greet, having not seen the blonde werewolf in some time
    “You too, Y/n” she says with a smile, turning to look at your partner, “And you as well James.”
   “Hi Carol. Maria here too?” 
   She nods, “Of course she is, Count Fury wouldn’t go anywhere without both of us. Ah, there she is now”
   “Hey guys” the raven haired werewolf greets, and her mate happily kisses her cheek, “How are the two of you?”
   “We’re well” James replies, linking his fingers with yours, “How about the two of you?”
   “We’re good too” Carol replies, pausing to look at you, “Have the two of you been allowed to find an Omega yet?”
   You swallow and glance at James, unsure of what to say. Because packs worked a certain way, and that's essentially what a group of guards under a vampire's service was, a very small pack. Alphas were in charge, generally more offensive in actions, and were the ones responsible for breeding. And Omegas, who were still an equal threat despite generally being more defensive, and the ones that would carry any children. And due to you being in the service of vampires, you’d have to get their permission before finding mates and expanding your pack. Which, as Alphas, you and James had a big say in.
   And it's not like your Countess had forbid you from looking for an Omega, but it's not like you had asked either. Whether that was due to the two of you being content without more of a pack, or due to the two of you being infatuated with the two vampires was another matter. One that you couldn’t admit to.
   “Uh, well, we haven’t really brought it up to anyone yet” James admits, causing the two to share a look that you have a bad feeling about
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    Back up at the main table the Countess sighs as Lord Rogers continues to drone on about something that not only happened thousands of years ago, but that he retold at every gathering. Wanda gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, and she turns to find the brunette rolling her eyes. She chuckles lightly at the action, until Count Fury sits down beside her
   “Countess Romanoff, such a lovely banquet so far. Though, personally I would have gone for whiskey instead of wine”
   She smiles, “Count Fury, I’m glad you could join us this time. I can have a servant get you some whiskey if you’d like”
   “I’d appreciate that”
   She quickly signals for Sylvia, who is just as quick to appear, “Please bring out one of our finest whiskies and a glass for the Count here”
   She nods and does as told. He takes his time pouring a glass sampling it. Once satisfied with it he fills the glass entirely before refocusing on conversation, “Seems my Omega wolves have taken a liking to your Alpha ones”
   Her eyes immediately snap up, trying to find you and James in the crowd, and once she does she hates what she sees. Carol is standing mere inches from you with her hand resting along your bicep while Maria stands inches away from James, brushing a long stand of loose hair back behind his ear. 
   Her jaw clenches as she watches neither of you do anything about their close proximity, and has half a mind to let Wanda go over there and sort things out. But she can’t afford to have a scene caused due her her affections for the two of you
   “The bitches will be in their heat soon, if you're looking to let your wolves have a bit of fun, I’m sure we could strike a deal”
  Her stomach sinks at the very clear implication, and based on how quickly she sees Wanda turn her head from the two of you back to her, she knows her girlfriend felt the same dread
   “I can assure you that they both come from good backgrounds genetically. And they've never laid with any Alphas before, your wolves would be the first, and presumably last.”
   “No thank you”
   He raised a brow, apparently surprised,“Are you certain? They seem like a good match.”
   “She said no” Wanda interjects, practically ready to go shove the mans wolves away from you and James
   Nat raises her hand to signal her girlfriend to contain herself, “The offer is very generous, but I must decline. I’m afraid that my wolves have yet to show interest in such a thing”
   “A little push surely wouldn’t hurt matters, but if you are sure in your decision then there's nothing I can do about it”
   “No, there isn’t” she affirms, signaling for her servants to bring out the humans. Her anger needed to be taken out on something, and this would also allow her to temper her hunger
   A row of chained nude men and women are led into the room and brought before the main table, prompting the Countess to stand and grab the ornate dagger. She makes her way to the first person and smirks, “This won’t be quick”
   Before he can even register it, the dagger is brought across his neck and he slumps backward as blood begins to pour from the wound, prompting the remaining humans to let out noises of shock and disdain. You and your mate can only stare in awe at her brutal efficiency. 
   “Who would like a taste?” she offers, beginning to take goblets shoved her way to fill
   You and James watch on as your Countess helps fill chalices for those that approach her, but suddenly a sharp movement to your left catches your attention. You turn to find a group of four men attempting to approach her, but something is off with them. They seem determined, focused. That's when you spot their gear, strategically hidden within their cloaks. Miniature crossbows and blades. 
   “James, we need to move. Now!” Your stern tone immediately has his attention and he turns in time to catch you shifting into your werewolf form. 
   You cause a bit of a commotion as you turn, pushing others down or shoving them away as your size increases and black fur begins to cover your body. People quickly make room for you, effectively halting the men you would soon be after in their tracks, as they are cut off or bumped into. 
   Seeing you transform, Wanda is on her feet at once, “Y/n?”
   Nats eyes move to you then, and her brows furrowed in confusion as she sees you in your werewolf form standing there on your hindlegs, towering over everyone. She only becomes more concerned when your lip curls back in a snarl and a deep growl emanates from your chest.
   “Hey! Control your mutt!” someone, who is quite obviously a vampire shouts, and a good amount of others begin to murmur in agreement 
  But it’s then James sees them too, as they all turn to lock eyes with you, “Go, I’m right behind you.”
   You lunge through the crowd, causing a surprised gasp of indignation to leave the vampires, who somehow still haven’t managed to sniff out the humans in their midst. But the roar-like sound that leaves you as your ears pin back quickly has them fleeing the area of whatever you have perceived as a threat. You land a few feet in front of the small group, and the room is quickly being cleared of all other guests and guards aside from those at the main table, effectively plugging up the rooms entryways and stopping more of the Countesses guards from rushing in
   “We ain't here for you!” the one shouts, “Move outta the way and I’ll reward you with your freedom!”
    Your growl at them and bare your teeth, obviously not swayed by such a thing, afterall Natasha was good to you. She fed you, clothed you, even let you have a room, and you'd never known what it was like to be on a chain or to be whipped. No, you had it good here, the best as far as werewolf standards could go. Plus, you were kinda hopelessly in love with her and her girlfriend, so to you and James, this was freedom.
   You stalk forward a few paces, and they all finally reveal their weapons, aiming them at you. Both Natasha and Wanda can feel their own lips curling back in snarls, showing off their fangs. Neither can tell though if it's due to the anger at the brazen attack or their protectiveness for you however.
   “We just want Romanoffs head” another one of them declares, chuckling, “It’s gonna look real nice on a pick in the center of town”
   It would seem that James wasn’t a fan of that idea either, because in only a few seconds he's shifted into his werewolf form as well and circles around to the groups one side. They seem a bit shocked by his telltale white fur, no doubt connecting it to the legends that run rampant of when he was younger and kill crazy under the service of another vampire named Vasily Karpov.
   “Certainly you recognize the white wolf as being the one your kind calls the Winter soldier” Natasha states, venom clear in her tone, “And as you can see, he is not alone. Surrender and I might spare these citizens their lives”
   A third man shakes his head, “We don’t make deals. We’re leaving here with your head”
   “You won’t be leaving at all” 
   Her comment is as good as a command, and you surge forward with a roar. The recognizable sound of a crossbow firing can be heard only seconds before your teeth are tearing into the soft flesh of the man's neck, and the metallic smell of blood fills the air. 
   Upon seeing this, two of the men attempt to scramble away, but James moves after them. He jumps on the first one, sinking his claws into his back as he bites down on the man's shoulder. He yells out a strangled cry for help before his neck is snapped by a large paw. The other man looks on in sheer horror as he frees his blade, it shakes in his hold but he's determined to not die without landing a blow
  “Come on then, come get some!”
   He lets out a growl that sounds rather like an amused chuckle before striking, tearing open the man's leg with his razor sharp claws. The man yells as he collapses, and he wildly swings his knife, catching your mate with the blade. It slides across his fur covered forearm leaving a small gash and terrible burning sensation in its wake. He quickly swats the blade from the man's grasp, breaking his wrist in the process before getting right up in his face. 
   He stares him down as he slowly bleeds out, having had his artery severed by claws not too long ago, but his attention quickly switches to you when the smell of your blood hits his nostrils…
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   The man that had stayed near you instead of running had watched on in disgust as you ripped away a part of his friend's windpipe before dropping his body. And he knew as soon as your eyes locked onto him that he was next. He decides to be brave as you walk forward, and he fires another bolt into you. Unlike the earlier one that lodged itself in your shoulder, this one hits your abdomen, causing an involuntary whine to leave you as blood drips down to the stone floor. But you don’t allow this to slow you down, and you rush him before he has a chance to reload. He screams as your claws tear into him, ripping open his abdomen and spilling his guts. 
  But before you can finish him off, the pain sets in, and it's quite clear even in your animalistic state that the tips of the bolts had been silver. You recoil from him, letting out another whine as your paw wraps around the arrow in your shoulder, and you yank it out with all your might. 
   The pain nearly has you on all fours at this point, and James quickly rushes to you. His head rests in the crook of your neck as his tongue laps at your shoulder injury. You whine again, almost collapsing as the silver rushes through your bloodstream and Wanda finds she can’t hold back anymore
   She rushes over and carefully runs her hand through the black fur of your uninjured shoulder. Your head turns to her, and she swears she sees your eyes light up as you take in her presence. She watches as you sway, clearly weakened by this attack and she helps you lean into her. Though smaller in size, vampires are amazingly strong and she has no issues helping keep you upright. As she does so, the last of the crowd clears from the doorways, and the Countesses vampire guards make their way into the room. 
   “It's about time!” she shouts, trying to keep her worry for you under wraps, “Get the elders out of here and safely to their carriages, and put these humans back in the dungeons”
   “But, my Lady- ”
   “Go! My wolves took care of the threat and now the elders would like to be in their own castles, see that they at least get safely out of mine!”
   The nod, “Of course. At once”
   As soon as the room is empty, she rushes to join Wanda at your side, “How bad is it?”
   “She can hardly stand Tasha, I think it was silver” she admits, pulling away from your now human form
  The Countess frowns, knowing you must be really weak to allow that to happen just now. In all the years of knowing you, she's never seen you become human again in front of them, likely due to your nakedness. She rubs the fur of James shoulder to gain his attention, and he looks over at her
   “Can you carry her to our room?”
   Though confused, he nods and scoops you up into his arms. It agitates his own injury slightly, and he winces, but he powers through it easily.
    “Set her on the bed” Wanda tells him, and he does as he's told. Only he refuses to move away from you
   Natasha reaches up to rub his muzzle, “I know you're scared right now, but please James, I need you to step back so I can help her”
   His eyes move from her, to you and he takes a few hesitant steps to the side, giving her enough room to maneuver around you. There's still a bolt lodged in your abdomen that is likely causing an extreme amount of pain as well as letting silver remain inside you, but she can’t remove it. Not until she deals with your shoulder wound that's bleeding profusely
  “Just hang on, Y/n” she whispers, grabbing the cloth Wanda hands her. She presses it into the wound, causing you to whimper, “I know, I’m sorry.”
   Wanda hands her a blade then, and James watches in awe as the Countess slices open her own wrist, letting her own blood pour out. He knows she intends to offer it to you, as a vampire's blood has healing properties. But he also knows that this is completely unheard of. He's never known a vampire to allow a wolf in their bed like this, and he certainly knows that none have ever let themselves be fed off of by a wolf. He knew Natasha was a kind vampire to werewolves, much kinder than most, but still he can’t help but think that something different is going on here.
  “Y/n, I need you to drink, okay? Please.”
   You weakly take the wrist she has offered you, attaching your lips to her soft flesh and begin to let the coppery flavor of her blood wash over your tongue. 
   To your surprise, you immediately start to feel its effects as the pain in your shoulder numbs. And you're fairly certain you can feel the wound trying to close itself, something your healing factor normally wouldn't help with when silver was involved. She moves the cloth away with her free hand, and sure enough it's only a small injury now.
   "Okay, I'm going to pull this one out now" she says, gesturing to the bolt in your belly, "It's going to hurt"
  You nod and she pulls, causing you to grimace around her wrist. And honestly if she wasn't so worried about you, she would have been going insane over the feeling of your lips and teeth on her skin
  "That's it, keep drinking" she tells you, turning to look at her girlfriend, "Wanda, James is hurt too, let him drink from you"
  The brunette picks up the knife and holds it to her wrist before looking up at the looming white werewolf, "You can shift back if you'd like, unless you're more comfortable like that"
   His head tilts to the side like some confused dog as he thinks on it, before deciding to shift back. Wanda watches in amazement as he turns back into the man she's familiar with
   "There we go" she says with a smile, but before she can cut herself his hand in hers stops her
   "You don't have to. I appreciate it, and I appreciate you, my Lady, helping Y/n. But my injury isn't in a vital area. You don't need to"
   "James, Natasha helped Y/n because she cares. Deeply. As do I. And we feel the same about you. I don't care if it's not fatal or that it will eventually heal. I can help you not to hurt now, so I'm going to " she explains, effectively causing both his heart and yours to race
   Wanda slices herself as soon as he lets go and gives him her wrist, "Now drink"
   As he does as he's told, Nat removes her wrist from your mouth as she looks you over. She tries not to let her eyes wander, only intending to make sure your injuries are closed, but when she sees your v line and happy trail she can't help but glance further down. She bites the inside of her lip to hold back a groan, because even soft you're bigger than she's ever had the pleasure of taking. But your voice pulls her eyes and attention away
   "Thank you. You didn't have to save me"
   "Of course I did" her eyes soften as she looks at you, and you swear you're dreaming when her hand cups the side of your face, "I couldn't let you die. Besides, you saved me tonight too"
   You can't help but be confused, "But that's my duty to you as your guard. You…you don't have that duty"
   "I don't. But Wanda's right, I care about you and about James far more than a Countess should. And I have felt this way for a very long time. As has Wanda" she explains, leaning closer, “And I think, the two of you feel the same way”
   “We do” you admit, your heart fluttering as you get lost in her intense gaze
   She smiles, “Good, then you won’t mind me doing this”
   She leans in and captures your lips with her own, and you move your hand to cup the back of her head to ensure she stays there. Her lips are so plush, and they fit perfectly against your own. It’s better than you ever imagined, and when her tongue prods your lip for entrance, you eagerly allow it. You then wrap your arms around her waist to pull her even closer, causing her to let out a soft moan. The scene practically has James’s jaw hanging open
   “Why let them have all the fun?” Wanda says, bringing him out of his daze and offering him her hand now that he's done drinking from her
   He swiftly takes it and she leads him to the other side of the bed. Before she can say or do anything however, his hands grasp her hips and pull her against him. She lets out a small sound of surprise before he leans in, pressing his lips against hers in an awaited kiss. Without realizing it, he leans her backwards, letting her come to rest on the mattress below.
   When all four of you finally pull away from each other, James helps Wanda out of her dress and jewels while you do the same with the redhead above you. With all four of you finally able to see each other fully, you each silently study the other. Each of you intends to take in every freckle and scar, committing them to memory before giving in and worshiping each other. 
   Natasha makes the first move, smirking at you seductively before effortlessly flipping your positions. With you now on top of her she guides your hands to her body, “Make me feel good, baby”
   Your hands begin to caress her sides, slowly making their way up to her chest while your mouth kisses along her jawline. When your hands finally cup her breasts, your mouth has moved to her collarbone, where you leave a few of your own marks beside some of Wanda's older ones. The Countess shudders in anticipation as her core throbs, spilling her essence to the bedsheets below. 
   Beside you, James does similarly. His hands squeeze the brunette's tits while his mouth trails the valley between them, leaving kisses in his wake. Wanda squirms beneath him, a flushed mess as she feels her arousal drip between her thighs. She's honestly surprised by her girlfriend's patience, as hers has run out.
   “James” she calls out, her voice a bit raspier than usual. His eyes glance up at her but his mouth never leaves her chest, "I need you lower"
   He eagerly obliges and slides himself further down pressing gentle kisses against her bare stomach before settling before her mound. His eyes darken as he sees how wet she already is, and his tongue darts out to taste her.
  “Ooh” she moans as his tongue gently parts her folds and enters her awaiting hole. He swirls the muscle around before pulling back to suck on her clit, causing her to clench around nothing, “Feels so good, baby”
   He hums at the praise, causing her to roll her hips against him as she seeks out more pleasure. He obliges by pushing his tongue back inside her, letting her walls squeeze him as his nose brushes against her bundle of nerves.
   Hearing her girlfriend moan beside her has Natasha eager for the same treatment. But she needs not wait long, as you're already busy marking up her plush thighs.
   “Y/n…” she sighs as you test her patience, so you finally give into both of your desires
   You practically dive in, attaching your lips to her clint instantly, earning yourself a loud moan from the woman. She quickly brings one her hands to tangle in your hair to hold you close as the other hand twists up the sheets
   “Fuck….just like that” she encourages, scratching lightly at your scalp, “Good girl”
   Her juices drip down your chin as you slip your tongue inside her, causing more sounds of pleasure to come from her. They mix with Wandas as you both work on getting them to come undone.
   It’s not long before both vampires are writhing, their muscles tightening as they begin to reach the peak of their bliss. You and James increase the pace of your mouth's movements as you both hold down their thighs to avoid being crushed.
   “Fuck!” Wanda shouts as she treats your mate to a gush of her cum, which he happily swallows
   The sounds of her girlfriend coupled with your motions is enough to have Nat falling over the edge as well, “Oh god!”
   Her grip on your hair tightens as you continue your movements for a bit, until she slumps back against the bed. Though neither of you want to, you both pull away, not wanting to overstimulate either woman. They both look at you and JAmes through hooded eyes, clearly still blissed out as smiles grace their features
   You and your mate share a similar smile as you glance at each other, clearly forming an unspoken plan with each other. This plan is put in motion quickly as the two of you trade places on the bed, allowing you to each slide between the legs of the other woman you’ve yet to please, and taste.
   You effortlessly wrap your arms around Wanda's thighs and pull her close to you, making her moan deeply as your lips make contact with her still sensitive pussy. Natasha makes a similar sound as James’ tongue slides inside her. You both work at the same pace as before, making both women shudder as their second orgasms quickly approach. Wanda's hand instinctively reaches out to grab her girlfriend's hand, and they both shout out your names as they cum again. You both help work them through it before pulling away to let them calm down.
   It takes them a moment to regain their composure, but once they do, Natasha is sure to praise you both, “They did so good for us, didn't they detka(baby)?”
   “They sure did. Took such good care of us” Wanda agrees, reaching down to affectionately stroke your cheek
  Natasha hums in agreement, “I think it's time to take care of them, don’t you agree?”
  “Oh yes” 
   You and James watch them with anticipation as they stand from the bed, gesturing at where they once were laying. You quickly understand the implication and both move up the mattress to take their places. They both eye you hungrily as they realize you're both hard, and both leaking precum.
   Natasha moves to straddle James, reaching down to grab his cock. She gently wraps her fingers around it, causing him to moan as she jerks him off. His head leans back against the pillows as she presses his tip against her entrance, and she then moans as he slips inside. She slowly sinks down, bracing herself with her hands on his chest as he bottoms out inside her
   “Fuck…” he whimpers as his hands move to her hips, “You feel so good”
   She smiles down at him, “Mmm, so do you. Filling me so well.”
   As she begins to rock her hips, Wanda makes her way to you, straddling your lap with a confident smirk. She strokes your cock as she lines herself up with you, and you both moan in unison as she begins to sink down on you. Your hands cup her breasts in effort to add to her pleasure as hers rest against your abdomen, and she whimpers as stills against your hips
   “So big” she mutters, not used to anything other than Natashas fingers inside her
   With your ego boosted you smile up at her with a cocky grin, “You think we’re big now, you should see us in our other form”
   The thought alone has them both clenching around you, causing both you and James to moan as their movements increase in speed. An your mate glances over at you with a knowing look
   “I think they like the sound of that” you tease, only to be shut up by the brunettes lips on your own
   “Damn right we do” Natasha admits, still eagerly riding James’ cock, “After Wans and I make you two see stars, we want you wolf forms to claim us. You don’t need Omegas now that you have us.”
   James grunts at her words and tightens his on her hips, she's almost sure it’ll bruise and that excites her, “Does that sound good, handsome? Does the idea of knocking us up excite you?”
   “Yes…” he breathes out as his cock twitches inside her, “We’ve never wanted Omegas, only the two of you”
   Wanda pulls away from you, looking into your eyes as she continues her hips movements, “Yeah?”
   “Yeah” you assure, wrapping an arm around her waist, “All we ever thought about was you two”
   At your confession, Natasha leans over and connects her lips to James’ while the brunette on top of you cups your face. Even without words, it's clear the sentiment is the same for the two of them. Besides each other, all they thought of was the two of you. And that paired with they way they both still ride you, neither of you will last much longer.
   “Fuck…Wanda, I’m gonna cum” you grit out, trying to hold yourself back until you know she's close as well
   She moans at your words and her walls tighten around you, “Go on baby, cum in me”
    With her permission you unload inside of her, sending her over the edge directly after you. You hold her close as you thrust your hips upward, helping her ride through her orgasm.
   Beside you, Natasha pants, quickly approaching her own climax, “Thats it, being such a good boy for me. Keep going, I’m so close”
   He nods in understanding, “Me too. God…I’m gonna fill you up” 
   Natasha moans loudly, cumming all over his cock at his words, but his hands continue to guide her in her movements until he spills inside her. She practically collapses against him once he's finished, and he runs a soothing hand through her hair.
   A few minutes pass before the four of you have caught your breath, but once you have, you look over at the redhead resting against your mate, “Did you mean what you said? About our wolf forms?”
   She reaches out to caress her girlfriends back, who still lays on your chest, before answering, “Yes. We want you both in every way we can have you. Right, dorogoy(darling)?”
   “Right” she answers, kissing your chest, “Please Y/n?”
   James looks over at you, “Come on, love. If they want to be ours, who are we to deny them that?”
   You nod, “You're right”
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   The two of you carefully move the two girls off of you as you stand, and once they’re situated you both make your way to the foot of the bed. James gently grabs your waist and pulls you against him before leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss. You eagerly lean into it and wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close for a moment
   After the two of you break apart you walk away from the bed a bit to ensure there's enough space before shifting forms. The two vampires watch in awe as you both transform, and their jaws nearly drop as they take in the size of your still erect cocks.
   You both walk over to the bed, eyeing them as if they were prey. Which, in a way, they were. Just not the kind to be attacked or eaten, but the kind to be claimed. You lick your maw as you climb above the Countess, and she reaches out to stroke the fur covering your chest.
   “Come on, baby. Use me.”
   As soon as the words leave her mouth you reach out your large paws to flip her over, showing off her ass to you. She gets the idea and moves to be on all fours below you, and you eagerly bend over her. She can feel your throbbing member resting just against her folds and grinds back into you, showing how eager she is for you.
   Seeing the position you have her girlfriend in, Wanda quickly moves to get in the same one, hoping to entice James to come to her faster. Her plan works and he moves to hover over her. He gently licks the back of her shoulder as he lines himself up with her and he pushes his tip against her pussy.
    She moans loudly and pulls at the sheets as he pushes himself further inside her, stretching her open even further than she had been on your human cock earlier. He stills for a moment to let her adjust to the new size, only continuing to move once her breathing evened out. Now fully inside her, he lets out a possessive growl and drops a bit more of his body weight on top of her as he waits for you and Natasha to catch up.
   Seeing how your mate has already mounted Wanda, you move your hips back slightly before moving them forward again and you slowly begin to slide into the woman beneath you. She moans and reaches out to grab ahold of one of your giant paws to help ground herself as you inch forward until you're all the way inside her and you thank her by softly licking her neck
   “Please” Wanda whimpers, moving to look at James the best she can in her current position, “Please fuck me”
   With a grunt he begins to move, slamming his hips into hers without little care for how rough his movements may be. His sole focus now is on his pleasure, and filling the brunette with his seed. His powerful thrusts have Wanda a mess beneath him, and all she can do is make sounds of pleasure as his cock pulses inside of her.
   Below you, Natasha wiggles her hips in an attempt to entice you, “Come on Y/n, please”
   You thrust your hips forward with a growl and move your paw to be on top of the hand that was once holding onto you as you start to pound into her. Noises similar to Wandas leave her as your movements never falter and she nearly screams in pleasure when you brush up against her cervix
   “Oh god….oh god” Wanda mumbles, feeling her own arousal drip down her thighs as she approaches her third orgasm of the evening, “Don’t stop”
   He grunts as he increases his pace, proving to her that he had no intention of doing such a thing. He can feel her walls tighten around him, which only spurs him on. He lowers his head next to hers, letting her hear him pant against her ear which proves to be enough to tip her over the edge
   “James!” she shouts, and he nuzzles against her as she shakes but continues to fuck her, not planning on stopping until his knot is buried inside her. 
   Your hips slam into Natashas with a similar roughness, causing the redhead to whimper. She tries her best to force her hips back to meet your thrusts, intent on chasing her next orgasm that's oh so close. And all it takes to send her over is your other paw moving to grab at her chest
   “Oh fuck! Y/n!” she yells as her walls squeeze you in a way nothing ever has before. But you don’t let up either, only thinking about locking your knot into place so you can fill her properly.
    The two of you continue to rut into them with such force that has their arms nearly giving out, but neither cares too much as you both have their eyes rolling to the back of their heads and drool dripping down their chins. Neither has ever felt pleasure this intensely before, and they honestly aren't sure they ever want it to stop. But just as that thought crosses their minds they can feel themselves approaching their climax once again, and they are eager to be filled with potent werewolf cum.
    “Please, please, please” Wanda begs, grasping the sheets so hard its a wonder they don’t tear, “Please knot me, please”
    James grunts, a bit surprised at first that she knows enough about werewolf anatomy and breeding to know of a knot, but when he remembers their admittance of wanting this for a long time he gets the idea that they may have looked into it just to understand the two of you better. And that thought has his knot instantly growing. It slams into Wanda's pussy a few times, and feeling how big it is she nearly changes her mind, but with a final hard shove from him, it slips inside her
   “Ooh god!” she moans as his hot cum practically pours inside her, sending her into her yet another orgasm
   As Nat watches Wanda practically collapse from exhaustion and pleasure  her excitement of being knotted by you nearly doubles and she does her best to turn her head to face you
   “Please baby, I want your knot.” she whimpers, “I need it”
   Her admittance has your knot growing, and she can’t help but moan as it slams against her. Then, without warning it slips inside fully and locks into place, and she swears she cums so hard she sees white as your seed seemingly endlessly pumps into her. She also practically collapses, so you and James both ease them into a prone position as you both gently lay on top of them, and without meaning to they both begin to drift off.
   By the time they come back around, you and JAmes are human again, and are spooning them from behind. Large smiles envelope their faces as they realize that you both not only stayed but you had also cleaned them up a bit
   “Ah, you're awake” James says from behind Wanda. She hums in acknowledgement but its NAtasha that speaks
   “Hopefully not for long. Just wanted to check on the two of you”
   “We’re fine, love” you assure, pressing a kiss to her still bare shoulder, “And we aren’t going anywhere”
   “Besides, how much safer could the two of you be now that your guards sleep in the same bed as you” James teases, causing all of you to chuckle
   “Promise you’ll be here?” Wanda mumbles, clearly only moments away from returning to slumber
   James squeezes her a bit tighter as you answer, “We promise”
   She give you a sleepy smile, “I love you all”
   “Love you too detka(baby)” Nat replies before James and you answer in unison
   “We love you too”
   Nat smiles as her girlfriend closes her eyes, “I also love you both”
   “And we love you too” you answer
   “Indeed we do” James says, nearly drifting off to sleep himself
   “Sleep now” Nat tells him, turning to look at you, “You as well.”
   “Mkay” you admit with a yawn, pulling her even closer
   And as the Countess feels the love and warmth of her three lovers around her, she knows that any risks that come with such a relationship, potential hybrid children and all, will be absolutely worth it if it means she gets to have this for the rest of time
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megalony · 4 months
You Need To Choose
This is an Evan Buckley imagine, requested by anon. I love writing tropes like this so thank you for sending it in and I hope you will all like it. Feedback always makes my day.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
Buck Masterlist
Summary: Evan saves a woman who then becomes very attached to him. While he is at work, she visits his home and takes his pregnant wife hostage.
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Oh God, why was she back again?
Her smile did something to unnerve Evan, although he wasn't altogether sure why. It was the way she looked at him, like there was some kind of aura around him that nobody else had. It unsettled him, it made him panicked and uneasy and unsure about how to act or what to do.
Evan could feel his hands suddenly start to drag up and down his thighs in an anxious habit that reminded him of (Y/n). He didn't realise how many of her anxious traits he had too until he noticed the way (Y/n) would fidget or cling to him when she was nervous or ready to go home if they were out somewhere.
"Hi Buck,"
He fought hard to smile and try to be polite. It wouldn't be kind if he stared at her blankly or let his unease become visible.
"Hi… are you okay? Can I help you with something?"
Evan tucked his hands into his pockets as he stood in front of her but kept a safe distance of three feet between them.
This marked the third time Cara had come by the station and the second time, Evan had been lucky enough to be out on a call. She was only stopping by to talk to him, she didn't want to see any of the team. She asked for him the first time she popped round and she came to say thank you.
It had been very sweet, not many people willingly came by the station to thank any of the team when they helped people out of bad situations. They said thank you on the scene but never followed up and it was nice for Evan to see Cara was doing well. He often wondered about the people they saved, if they were okay, if they were happy or struggling. If they remembered the people who came to help them.
The second time, Evan had been uneasy when Chimney told him Cara came by again but left when she was told Evan was out.
Now she was back again, and Evan couldn't see why. She had thanked him the first time and he told her it was his job, he didn't do this for praise although it was lovely of her to stop and say thank you.
She had been trapped in a crumbling building when the team turned up at the scene and Cara had been seconds away from crashing through a window and falling to her death when Eddie and Evan got there. Evan went down on a rope and managed to grab her before she fell. He could see how it would shake her up and make her grateful, but he couldn't see why she would come back again and again to thank him when she didn't have to.
"I'm a lot better now, thank you. I thought I'd stop by and give you these."
Evan had been preoccupied wondering why she was here and missed the tuppaware box she had in her hands. When he leaned forward, he realised she had made some sort of cake.
The team got a lot of food, mainly chocolates or baked goods to say thank you and that was usually around Christmas or Easter.
Evan wasn't used to getting gifts from the people they saved, a polite thank you and a hug was always more than enough for him. He got enough gifts from the team and his family on special occasions. The last gift he got was (Y/n)'s gift on his birthday telling him he was going to be a dad. That had given him a whole new high he never felt before.
"Thank you," He tried his best to smile and took the box when she suddenly thrust it into his hands. "You didn't have to do that."
"It's the least I could do for my hero."
He could feel his smile fading away when she reached up and wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him into a hug.
He usually gave small hugs on the scene after saving someone, not weeks later when they came by to say thank you. He wasn't sure what to do. It wouldn't do him good to stand like an uncomfortable statue but he also didn't want to hug her as if they were good friends or give her the wrong impression. Evan was big on hugs and physical contact but only with close friends and family.
He was always messing about with Bobby and Eddie but they were more like family. Evan didn't do so well with strangers.
"Okay… take care." His smile was definitely more forced this time and looked more like a grimace when Cara finally let him go when she seemed to realise he wasn't hugging her back.
It wouldn't be professional to hug her back. He hadn't done anything to warrant a hug, he saved her almost three weeks ago and she said thank you on the scene. She wasn't a friend, she wasn't family or someone Evan knew well enough to have physical contact with. And he was married. He didn't want nor need to be hugging her.
As soon as she left the station, Evan turned around and let his shoulders deflate. He sighed and gritted his teeth as he looked over towards Hen who was checking the inventory in the ambulance.
"What'd you get?"
"Cake, I think." He hoped.
"Taking it home for (Y/n)?" She poked her tongue out between her teeth and grinned widely but the grin started to slip when Evan shook his head and frowned like she'd just insulted him. "You get given cake- something your extremely pregnant wife loves, and you're not taking it home for her?"
"Not when I don't know who's made it." Evan brought the tuppaware box up to his eyes and squinted through the plastic. "I don't know what's in it, I'm not risking giving that to (Y/n). Do you want it?"
He could see the wheels turning in Hen's mind and she hummed, pursing her lips as she suddenly agreed with him.
It was a lovely gesture, but Evan didn't know Cara. He didn't know if she would lace the cake like one woman had done with the brownies she sent in. Evan didn't know if she would drug the cake or add some strange ingredient. It was too risky to take home to (Y/n) when Evan got a bad vibe from Cara as it was. He wasn't giving her food baked by a stranger.
(Y/n) was nine months pregnant, Evan wouldn't risk giving her something that might make her sick. He'd rather play it safe and buy her cake on the way home from shift.
"Erm, maybe not."
Evan nodded her way before he walked towards the stairs and on his way past, he tossed the box in the bin. It was a kind gesture, but he wasn't eating it and Bobby had rules. No food or drink to be accepted from strangers. It didn't matter how kind they were or what lovely intentions they had, no one should accept food. Only close friends and family could bake goods and bring them into the station.
And something told Evan not to try that cake.
"What are you doing?"
A gasp burned past (Y/n)'s lips and her left hand clutched the curtain rail while she flapped her right hand out. She grabbed Evan's shoulder to steady herself when she suddenly felt his hands tightly digging into her hips and his chest press up against her hips and bum.
"Evan don't do that!" She bashed her hand against his chest before she moved back to clutching his shoulder when she wobbled.
Her lips pressed into a thin line and she scowled down at her husband while he pressed his chin against her hip and stared up at her with that stern expression that made her weak at the knees. She slowly let go of the curtain rail and shuffled around on the stool until she was fully facing Evan.
Her hands held his shoulders as she hunched over in a silent plea for him to help her down.
"The curtain came down again, I was putting it back up." She mumbled when Evan locked his arms in place and kept her stood high up above him. She watched him tilt his head forward and press his lips against her bump while his hands curved round from her hips to hold the back of her waist.
He let her lean her weight down onto him and slowly eased her down until she was safely back on her feet. (Y/n)'s hands stayed on Evan's shoulders and she tilte dher head back to look up at him.
"And you thought giving me a heart attack was worth it?" His eyes darted between (Y/n) and the curtain until she leaned forward and buried her face in his chest.
He peered into the nursery and saw her standing on a stool, leaning heavily on the window. And from his angle, it looked like she was unsteady and about to fall. Evan didn't need that kind of panic when he was already on edge as it was. He had one more week of work and (Y/n) was bang on nine months now. Her due date was next week and Evan was panicking that she was going to go into labour while he was at work.
He didn't need to walk round the house and see her daring to stand on a stool like that and risk a fall.
"I've done it now, I was fine until you scared me."
"Well next time just tell me rather than risking a fall." Evan was taller, he could reach the curtain rail without straining or going on his tiptoes. (Y/n) didn't have to do it by herself when she could just tell him and he would sort it.
Her hands tightened on his shoulders and she tilted her head back so her chin was tucked into the middle of his chest. The way she batted her lashes at him made Evan's chest tighten and she knew she had won him over when his stern look faded into a soft smile.
"How do you feel today?" He let his hand slide down to cradle her stomach and his head tilted to the side. They both knew what he was actually asking.
(Y/n) looked down and let her fingers glide down Evan's arm until she cupped his wrist.
"Just kicking, they're not coming today. You can relax, baby Buckley is staying put for today." Her thumb smoothed across the back of Evan's hand which she moved to the lower right side of her stomach so he could feel a small kick.
She wasn't feeling any strange movements or feeling the baby turning round yet. No more lower back pain than usual and no dull aches or cramps anywhere that would imply labour. They still had a few more days or even a week left. Evan could go to work calm, knowing he wasn't going to miss anything today.
"Good. You're not allowed to go into labour without me."
"I know, but I'm not holding out much longer. The baby might not be ready, but I am."
"Just three more shifts, baby girl. Wait three more shifts, for me, please?" Evan lifted his hand to cup her chin and tilted her head back while he smoothed his thumb across her lower lip that he pinched to watch her take a sharp breath.
He knew (Y/n) was getting restless. He hadn't known her take so many baths as she had in the last three months, but it was where she felt most comfortable and where the baby seemed to settle and sleep. (Y/n) was tired. She thought she would of had the baby by now, she thought she wouldn't make it to her due date. But the baby seemed very comfy and cosy and (Y/n) was getting fed up of waiting.
Evan, on the other hand, was somehow containing his excitement. He had agreed with Bobby to work right up until (Y/n)'s due date because it gave him an extra two weeks off after the baby was born. Rather than taking time off in the lead up to the birth. He would rather work until (Y/n) had the baby and then he could have a few straight weeks off to be home and help her with the baby.
He had barely taken any annual leave this year so he had a lot stored up that he could take when the baby was born in case (Y/n) or the baby were ill or needed him. Or in case he had a hard time going back to work, he had a feeling he wouldn't be able to settle back at work and leave his family at home.
"Sweet-talker," (Y/n) muttered quietly before she pushed up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He enticed a gasp from her lips when he sank his teeth into her bottom lip so he could swipe his tongue past her lips. (Y/n) could feel his hand tightening in the back of her shirt and he tugged her closer until she was tightly meshed against his front.
"You'll be late."
"Hm," He grinned and panted against her lips as his nose brushed against hers until she shook her head when it started to tickle. "You call me if you need me, even if you just feel sick. I've always got my phone on me now and if you can't get hold of me, call Bobby."
"I promise." Her lips attached to the side of his neck and she curled her arms around his shoulders to pull him down to her. Her face buried into his shoulder and she could feel his chest vibrating with a chuckle.
(Y/n) seemed to be promising Evan every shift that she would call him if she needed anything. She never did. Maddie was always popping round to check in and make sure she was alright when she knew Evan was at work and so far (Y/n) had been fine. But she knew Evan had cleared it with Bobby for (Y/n) to be able to get hold of him because if she needed him, he had to be able to answer.
Her hands trailed to his shoulders and she leaned back when Evan bent forward and pressed his lips against her stomach. His hand slipped beneath her shirt to dance across her skin because he knew it made her shimmy and squirm.
"Be good. Don't make an appearance until daddy comes home."
When Evan felt a kick near his lips, he grinned. (Y/n) tangled her fingers through his curls and steadily stroked them towards the back of his head while she rolled her eyes.
"They're definitely going to be a daddy's child."
"Hello?" (Y/n) tightened her hand around the door handle and tried to form a calm smile when she opened the door.
She wasn't expecting visitors today, she wasn't even sure that Maddie would stop by today or if she was at work. (Y/n) had been expecting to spend another calm day at home and tuck herself up in bed until Evan came home later on tonight.
(Y/n) didn't recognise the woman on the other side of the door. She had shoulder-length gritty blonde hair that was slightly damp from the hot weather and it made her hair curl and crimp at the ends. She had one hand curled around her bag on her shoulder and the other was planted firmly on her hip.
Whoever she was, she didn't seem happy to see (Y/n) opening the door. Had she gotten the wrong address? Was she looking for a friend or family?
"Who are you?" Her demanding question took (Y/n) by surprise and the smile faded from her lips as she clung a bit tighter to the door. It should be (Y/n) saying that, not whoever this woman was.
"Where's Buck, is he home?"
The way she leaned to try and peer around (Y/n) into the house made a shiver crawl down (Y/n)'s spine.
So whoever she was, she clearly had the right address. She was looking for Evan. (Y/n) dared not think why this woman was looking for him, she seemed rather put-out at seeing (Y/n) instead. And the way she was tapping her foot against the doorstep made (Y/n) uneasy, it was like (Y/n) was wasting her time.
"He's at work right now… can I help you? I'm his wife." It seemed to be the wrong thing to say.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together and braced her left hand out on the wall when the woman in front of her took a stumbling step backwards. It was as if (Y/n) had gone and slapped her.
Who was she? How did she know Evan but not know that he was married? He wore a silver band on his ring finger for God's sake, that was a big giveaway. His lockscreen was a picture of them when they were on holiday and his home screen was a more daring picture of (Y/n) that not many people saw or noticed.
Evan didn't hide the fact that he was married, he told just about anyone and he had been high as a kite these last few months at the notion of being a father. His friends were mainly the people he worked with and the few friends he knew from college. All of whom (Y/n) had met and gone out with on quite a few occasions.
Their circle of friends was close-knit, small and secure. And this woman was not a part of that circle.
"His- no, he's not married." Cara's hand tightened on her hip and she tried to smirk, but the look faded again when (Y/n) simply frowned.
"Excuse me?"
(Y/n) could feel her annoyance beginning to build up like a fire ebbing away at her and growing with each passing second. She was tired, she wanted to go to bed and lie down and dwindle away the hours until Evan came home. The last thing (Y/n) wanted was an argument on her own doorstep because some derranged woman had turned up out of the blue.
"Who are you?"
"I told you, I'm his wife. He isn't here, do you want me to call him?" (Y/n) wasn't playing this silly game. She didn't have to prove that she was married to Evan. It was up to this woman to explain what she wanted Evan for and either call him herself or leave.
(Y/n) leaned her weight on the wall when the baby started to move and press down on her hips.
But when she watched the way the stranger in front of her suddenly stared down at her stomach, (Y/n) felt like wishing the ground to swallow her whole. She could feel the daggers burning into her stomach and the woman's face turned a dark shade of red like the epitome of anger was right here in front of her.
The silence was unbearable, until (Y/n) strained hard to hear what this woman was suddenly muttering under her breath. Then, (Y/n) was suddenly desperate for the silence to come back.
"Pregnant? You're having his kid? You can't be. You can't be."
It was like those were the only words this woman could comprehend and it made (Y/n) shiver.
Was this the lady who kept turning up at the station? Evan mentioned a woman kept stopping by even after she thanked him and the team for saving her. (Y/n) didn't think anything of it because Evan didn't seem to elaborate or make much of a fuss.
"I think you need to leave now."
"I'm not going anywhere!"
(Y/n) shuddered and quickly backed up when the woman smashed her hand out into the door and slammed it so violently it hit the wall and rebounded into (Y/n)'s arm. She felt a bolt of electricity shooting down her elbow towards her hand that spasmed in pain but she swallowed down a cry.
There was no time for (Y/n) to try and slam the door shut, let alone think about locking the door to keep herself and her baby safe.
Before she could move, the woman was over the threshold and pushing her way into the house.
(Y/n) tried to bash her hands out but she recoiled her hands to her chest with a gasp when something sharp caught the side of her wrist and burned down her arm.
She had a knife. A swiss army knife, to be exact.
It was a red rectangular plastic with a lot of various sized blades tucked away and even a thin set of scissors attached. (Y/n) didn't see her take that out of her bag, she moved far too quickly and it was very unsettling to know this woman carried one around with her in her bag.
"Where is he?!"
"I- I told you, he's at work- please stop. Why do you want to see him?" (Y/n) tried to swipe away the small trickle of blood from her wrist but she lashed her left hand out again when the woman moved the knife near her stomach. She wasn't going to harm the baby. (Y/n) wouldn't let her.
"I want him! He's mine- he saved me. We've been out on dates, bet you didn't know that."
It took all (Y/n) had not to roll her eyes or make a sarcastic sound. As if she would truly believe Evan could be the way he was around her and then go behind her back with someone else. He wouldn't be this clingy and attached to (Y/n) if he really was going out with someone else and he wouldn't be so excited about having their baby if he wanted to leave (Y/n).
She knew her husband and she knew he was as devoted to her as she was to him. Everyone at the station was always telling her that. Clearly this woman had either been reading the signals wrong, or she had been living in a fantasy that had just broken.
"He isn't here-"
"So call him and get him here!"
When the knife moved closer to her stomach, (Y/n) backed up into the lounge and nodded. Her hands started to tremble as she turned and looked around for her phone. This woman had to be derranged. She clearly didn't have Evan's number or she would have called him herself and unless Evan had a secret phone he wasn't telling (Y/n) about, he couldn't be having an affair.
No one nowadays had affairs where they only talked in person or through the post. This woman didn't have Evan's number, she had no way of contacting him and it was clear she had never been to the house before. Her fantasy was unravelling because she was realising Evan had a life and a family that she wasn't part of.
(Y/n) slowly pointed to her phone and picked it up just as she felt the knife press against the side of her abdomen. She couldn't make any sudden movements unless she wanted to risk harming the baby.
"H-he might not be able to answer, if he's out on a call…" (Y/n)'s fingers trembled as she unlocked her phone.
Her lips pressed together in a thin line when she looked at her home screen. Evan, lying in bed with one hand tangled in his hair and a cheesy grin on his face as he squinted up at the camera.
Her thumb hovered over Evan's icon at the bottom of her phone where two hearts surrounded 'hubby'.
"Either he answers, or he truly doesn't love you. He wouldn't leave you alone ready to pop without a way for you to contact him, would he?"
It didn't feel safe to tell this woman that they had protocols and plans in place for that kind of event. If Evan couldn't answer the phone, (Y/n) was supposed to ring Bobby. If he didn't answer, she had the fire station emergency line where someone at the station would answer and they could radio through to Evan. He would get (Y/n)'s message either way, but right now, she needed her husband to answer the phone.
God knows what this woman would do if he didn't pick up.
"What do I tell him?" She couldn't risk getting a knife to the stomach if she said the wrong thing or said something this lady didn't want her to say. (Y/n) needed to know what to do.
"Tell him to come home. Tell him Cara's here and she needs to see him, if he doesn't… I think you know what will happen."
(Y/n) let herself slump down on the sofa as she clicked Evan's icon and pressed the phone against her ear. Her free hand tangled in her hair before she moved to press the back of her hand against her mouth to stop herself from crying. But she couldn't fight off the few tears that silently slipped down the bridge of her nose.
The baby was twisting. Her stomach was flooding with adrenaline. Her body was shaking from the panic. She felt like she was going to be sick. (Y/n) wanted her husband more than ever.
"Sweetheart, everything okay? Is it time, is the baby coming?" Words rambled past Evan's lips and he couldn't see the relief on (Y/n)'s face when he started to speak. He knew she wouldn't ring him unless it was urgent or an emergency.
"Evan, can you come home please?"
"Baby are you okay?" He could hear the wobble in her voice and it made his heart clench. He would come home, she knew he would, but Evan had to know what the situation was and why he was coming home. He had to know if (Y/n) was in labour or if she had fallen or was feeling sick or felt like something was wrong. He needed the specifics.
"Cara's here, a-and she wants to talk to you… it's important, please come home."
"Cara? What's she doing at the house- how does she know where we live?" Evan tangled his fingers in the short curls at the back of his head as he spun round in a circle.
How did she know where he lived? Why had she turned up at his house and not the station?
Oh God, had she been following him to know where he lived?
"Baby are you hurt, please tell me she hasn't hurt you?"
(Y/n) darted her eyes to the left and glanced over at Cara to see if she could hear Evan through the phone or not. She looked a little calmer now but the fire was still burning in her eyes. She was sat on the arm of the sofa next to (Y/n), the army knife still dangerously close to (Y/n)'s stomach just to show her she still meant business.
When she looked up, she noticed Cara had seen her eyes darting down to the knife and something sinister flickered across her face.
"You can tell him I have a knife with me. And I will use it if he doesn't take us seriously."
"Did- she's got a fucking knife?!" Evan's feet moved before he could comprehend what he was doing or where he was going. He needed help. He needed someone to come down to his house with him. He was sure he heard Cara say she would use her knife. He couldn't have her threatening or hurting (Y/n). Especially not when she was so close to giving birth.
"Evan-" (Y/n) shuddered and took a sharp breath when the phone was suddenly snatched from her hand.
"Buck, it's me. Are you on your way?"
"What are you doing at my house? Don't you dare hurt my wife! I swear to God I'll-"
"Enough talk. You need to come home now, so you can choose who you really want to be with. You need to choose the right woman for you."
(Y/n) flinched when she heard Evan begin to yell before the call ended and Cara tossed the phone on the floor. At least Evan would be coming home soon. (Y/n) wouldn't have to be on her own with this unhinged woman for much longer.
For a little while, (Y/n) began rubbing her hands up and down her thighs and across her knees as something to distract herself. She was desperate to run her hands over her stomach and try to settle the baby but she didn't dare draw attention to her stomach. Not when the knife was still held so close to her that she could almost feel it.
Part of her prayed that Evan would bring someone from the station with him, maybe Bobby or perhaps he could get hold of Athena. But she wasn't sure what Cara would do if he turned up with anyone else and if he called the police, everything would get worse.
Both women turned to look at each other when they heard the screeching of tyres in the drive.
It had to be Evan.
"Up. Now."
A shiver rocketed through (Y/n) but she did as requested, she didn't exactly have a choice.
Her lips pressed into a thin line and her hands coiled around her chest when the knife jabbed into the left side of her waist. She could feel the jagged edge beginning to pull the threads on her shirt and if Cara pushed just a little, she would pierce through into (Y/n)'s skin.
Cara's other hand moved to grip the back of (Y/n)'s right arm and she pushed her to stand near the window just as Evan banged his knuckles on the door.
"Baby it's me." The door was open but Evan felt apprehensive about going inside. He didn't know what he was going to be walking into, he had no idea if (Y/n) was okay, if she was going to be in shock or crying or hurt or oddly calm. He didn't know what state Cara would be in either.
"You'd better be alone. No one else comes in or I'll hurt her." Cara tightened her hand on (Y/n)'s arm and kept the knife in place to stop (Y/n) from moving when they both watched Evan walk through the hall.
He had his hands out in front of him to show he wasn't about to do anything. He had Bobby waiting outside in the car, but Evan wasn't stupid enough to tell Cara that. And Bobby was on the phone to Athena who was going to send a squad car down here without lights or sirens so Cara didn't get disgruntled.
"It's just me." Evan walked around the corner and paused near the sofa.
(Y/n) saw the way his eyes darkened and his broad shoulders tensed and lifted up when he looked at them. He lowered his hands down to his sides and clenched his hands into fists while his biceps started to push against his cuffed sleeves.
A quiet 'good' murmured past Cara's lips and she smiled triumphantly while her eyes focused on Evan. He stood behind the sofa and leaned his hands down on the back of the sofa. It showed how tense his arms were and they both heard his neck crack when he twisted his head from side to side.
"Are you okay?" Evan focused his eyes on his wife. She had a cut on her right wrist but it didn't look too extensive. He could see her trembling and tears were traced down her features, but she didn't look too shook up which is all he could ask for right now.
"She's fine."
(Y/n) bit her lip but she nodded, she didn't want Evan to worry, she was as fine as she could be in this situation.
"I'd feel a lot better if you weren't holding a knife to her stomach. Can you put it down, please?" It felt horrid to try and be reasonable and bargain with Cara but Evan needed her to stop holding (Y/n) like that. She was going to hurt her or send her into shock and Evan didn't want either of those things happening.
"No. Sit down, we need to talk."
Evan locked his jaw when Cara gave (Y/n) a sudden push towards the armchair beneath the window. He watched with narrowed eyes as (Y/n) slumped down into the chair and dug her nails into the arm rest while her other hand moved to press against her stomach.
When Cara perched down on the arm rest and kept the knife against (Y/n)'s stomach, Evan moved round and sat on the very edge of the sofa. His knees spread out to the sides and his hands clasped together and hung between his knees.
"You didn't tell me about her." The way Cara inclined her head towards (Y/n) and her upper lip curled in distaste made Evan take a deep breath. "You led me on. I've been to visit you at work, I've been out with you, and no mention of her."
For a second, Evan frowned and looked up at Cara like she had grown a second head.
But then it dawned on him. He'd seen her when he was out at the shop last week. He'd seen her again when he went for a drink with Chimney and Eddie after shift. He even saw her at the gas station walking past while he was filling the jeep. Nothing about those instances had seemed strange because Cara barely spoke to him on each occasion.
Had she thought seeing him out in public meant they were going out together? Did she somehow concoct a whole story with Evan without him realising? Had she been following him instead of simply bumping into him in the street?
"I'm sorry, but you can see why I didn't tell you… I was married before I met you." Evan didn't exactly know what to say, but he knew he had to try and go along with this for a little while. He had to calm Cara down enough to get (Y/n) out the house, then he could sort out this mess. He just needed his family out the way and safe.
"Well now you have a problem. You can't have both of us, so you have to choose."
The knife pressed closer into (Y/n)'s stomach and she flinched. She shuffled as close to the right as she could until she was curled around the arm of the chair with her arms around her chest and her eyes locked on Evan.
"Will you let (Y/n) leave then, so you and me can talk in private?"
He could see she wasn't expecting that response, and Cara didn't know what to do. Evan was trying to get (Y/n) out safely, he wanted her out the house and out of harms way and Cara might be able to see that. But she also couldn't pass up the chance that Evan might just want to pick her and talk this through with her.
"What about the baby? If you leave her, will you leave the baby too?" When Cara jabbed the knife into (Y/n)'s side to prove her point, (Y/n) visibly winced and bit down her cry.
"We can talk about that when (Y/n) leaves us alone," Evan was losing his patience now, he couldn't play pretend for much longer.
Cara seemed to debate it for a few seconds before she nodded but her actions contradicted her gesture when she moved the knife and against (Y/n)'s neck. She seemed to revel in the way (Y/n) whimpered and leaned back and more tears drenched her face.
"Go upstairs. You're not leaving the house to call any of your little friends."
(Y/n) could feel the knife pressing tightly into her neck until it pierced the skin and a small trickle of blood trailed down the side of her neck, but she couldn't move. Her hands stayed locked around the arm of the chair and she closed her eyes for a few seconds. She didn't feel well enough to move. Everything within (Y/n) was telling her to move, to get up and go and keep the baby safe.
She knew Evan could look after himself, he could get the knife off Cara and calm her down until they could get the police here. But she couldn't find the will power to move when her stomach was twisting and she felt sick.
"Sweetheart," Evan chomped down on his tongue when Cara sent him a warning look. "(Y/n), go."
"Are you stupid? Move, he's told you he doesn't want you here anymore."
Tears tumbled down (Y/n)'s face and she stumbled up to her feet when Cara gave her a rough shove between the shoulders and she felt the knife slide down her neck, creating a superficial wound.
(Y/n) could feel her knees quaking but she couldn't stop the small cry from errupting past her lips when she looked down. Both her hands cradled her stomach and she darted her wild, panicked eyes to look over at Evan. She watched the way her husband tensed up and his eyes bulged in their sockets.
Her waters had broken.
"Evan…" She didn't know what she wanted to say or what she wanted her husband to do, but (Y/n) needed Evan to do something.
She cringed and pinned her elbows into her waist when Cara snagged a handful of her hair and pulled her head right back until her neck felt like it had broken.
"You've done this on purpose! This is to make sure he won't leave you- you bitch!"
"Let her go- Cara that's enough!" Evan raised his voice out of instinct and bolted up from the sofa when he saw the knife move near (Y/n)'s stomach. He couldn't let her do anything to his wife. She was frightened and in pain and now she was going to go into labour at the worst possible time. Evan had to keep them both safe and away from Cara.
(Y/n) reached her hands out for Evan when he stumbled towards her. She let out a scream when the knife swiped near her stomach just as she tried to lunge forward and pull out of Cara's tight grip on her hair.
Her hands curled around Evan's arm and she let him yank her forwards until he had her safely behind him. Evan hated the way he felt (Y/n) go down on her knees behind him and he felt her hands scratch down his back and his leg but he couldn't grab her. He had to reach forward for Cara who tried to lunge with a violent scream that almost deafened him.
The knife slashed the inside of Evan's palm but the adrenaline countered out the slight sting he barely felt. He curled his fingers around the blade and pulled until he had hold of the weapon which he launched somewhere behind him. He heard it clatter against the bannister and was satisfied it was far enough away so Cara couldn't reach for it again just as he heard the front door swing open.
Evan had never been happier to hear Bobby's voice and the thudding sound of approaching footsteps told him that someone else was in the house too. Someone else was here to help. He latched his fingers around Cara's wrist and pushed until they both stumbled and a scream tore from her lips when they clashed into the armchair.
When hands grabbed his shoulders, Evan let go and allowed whoever it was to reel him backwards until he was towards the sofa.
He realised it was Bobby who had hold of him and Athena was now stood in front of him like a bodyguard, trying to move and calm Cara enough to arrest her.
"Buck, Buck, come on, up." Bobby slipped his hands beneath Evan's arms and pulled until Evan bent his knees and managed to stand up. He could feel Bobby turning him in the right direction and giving him a helpful nudge until he moved towards (Y/n).
She was cowering down on the floor behind the sofa, one hand braced on the arm of the sofa with her other hand cradling her stomach.
Tears flooded down her face and she could barely see when Evan held her chin and tilted her head up so they were level again. His thumb swiped across her lips and (Y/n) could see his eyes raking over her to see what injuries she had. Her wrist was aching but it had already stopped bleeding, it was more of a nuisance than anything. There was a slight pinch in the left side of her stomach and (Y/n) knew Evan could see the small trickle of blood soaking into her shirt.
The knife had given her another superficial cut on the side of her abdomen that was nothing to worry about. But the look in Evan's eyes said it all; he wasn't impressed, not in the least.
(Y/n) curled her hand tightly around Evan's wrist when his hand slid round to cradle the back of her neck. He leaned closer until (Y/n) could bury her face in his neck and his other arm curved around her waist to keep her tucked up against his chest.
"Alright, alright sweetheart I've got you. It's okay." He spoke quietly into the top of her head as he felt her tears soaking into his neck and it made him shiver.
"Are you both alright?" Bobby rested his hand on Evan's shoulder as he crouched down and tried to assess them. He knew Evan's hand was bleeding, he could see the blood pooling between his fingers and trickling steadily down his wrist. But he hadn't been inside when everything turned south, Bobby hadn't seen if they had been hurt before he and Athena barged in.
"Her water broke."
"Right, then we need to take a trip down to the hospital."
(Y/n) tried to keep her face tucked up into Evan's neck but he gently reeled her back so he could look down at her again. She could feel his thumb smoothing up and down the back of her neck beneath her hair and his other hand began rubbing circles into her lower back. The smile o his face was calming, but not as much as the way his blue eyes seemed to swirl like a light was being shone in his aqua blue iris.
"Let's go have a baby."
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iouinotes · 6 months
Beautiful Boy | Alex Walter
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pairing: Alex Walter x female!reader
show: My life with the Walter Boys
warnings: mostly fluff and love confessions, but a bit of implied sexual activities
word count: 4,6k
summary: You are completely in love with your best friend. When the chance is given, you decide to finally take it and show your love.
a/n: The story will mention a review from the past, where they play truth or dare. So, I was inspired to write that scenario: match made in heaven is here!
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He's everything I ever wished for. It´s silly, thinking about it, really. My ongoing crush for him since the first time I met him all these years ago.
It was during the first day after the winter holiday. It was dark outside, very cold and rainy weather. Well, unfortunately it did not look like that in the morning, so I instantly panicked after school, because I forgot to bring my jacket. Normally one of my friends picked me up after school and drove me home, but she was sick today and I heard about her being ill, last minute.
So now I´m standing in the hallway, debating if I should better start to go to the bus station (probably getting soaked) or if I just walk to the school library, hoping that the weather cools down. I was drowning in my own thoughts, when I first heard his voice.
"Are you okay?" The second my eyes landed on him, I was gone for good. Because the boy in front of me was utterly beautiful. Handsome round face, freckles, warm brown eyes and a shy smile. One look at him and I fell in love with his beauty. Little did I know, I would soon fall head over heals for his personality or the way his voice sounds when he is making fun of me, because I believe in love at first sight. How could I not, when I have met him?
He was very caring the first time we met. Even though I was embarrassed of my situation, he made me feel comfortable. When I told him about my difficulty, he instantly helped me out. He told me, that his brother also picked him up from school every day, so it wouldnt be a problem, if I came along. Not only this sweet gesture made me speechless, it was also the way he stripped out of his jacket and gave it to me without hesitation, when we went outside and he saw that I didnt bring a jacket.
"What? No, I can´t-" I tried to argue, but one blink of his lashes, one look at his eyes, was enough to keep me occupied. "My mom would kill me, if I didnt. It´s okay, I dont mind." He really was the sweetest. His jacket kept in fact, keep me warm. And it also smelled like him, thats what made me blush in the end. I didnt know, if he noticed me looking at him from time to time (but then again, he nowadays didnt noticed it either), but I could not contain myself.
He was a gentleman, shy and adorable. He was all I wished for in a guy. When his brother - who I idetified as the most popular guy of our school- Cole, came in sight, only then it clicked. The boy in front of me, with his nervous smile, was Alex Walter.
When the car parked and the headlights were visible in the rain, we quickly ran to the blue vehicle. His brother didnt talk much, so the car ride was mostly quiet, my eyes were out the window and my thoughts were on Alex previous gesture of holding the door open for me. He didnt intend for me to fall in love with him, but I couldnt think of anything else to do, better than exactly that.
"I didnt get your name?" was all he said, when the car stopped in front of my house. "Oh right, sorry. Im y/n." He smiled again at me and my heart wanted to jump out off my chest. I didnt really notice Cole in the front and his famous "Cole effect". I was all catched up, by the beautiful boy next to me.
"Alex" he shook my hand and it made me giggle. I saw his ears turning pink at my laughter, so I smiled at him, so he knew I wasnt making fun of him. He relaxed then, but much to my dislike the blonde brother spoke up, before I could say something else. "I dont have all day, so are you two done looking at each other or can you go now? I swear, I saw y´all nearly kiss." At that, I was the one who turned red. "Sorry, thanks for the ride and-" as I wanted to strip off the jacket, Alex stopped my movements. "Oh no, you can have it. I mean- it´s still raining outside, I-I dont want you to get sick." Maybe I was already at that exact moment, falling in love with him. I also think, that his words made my cheeks turn a shade of red, that wasnt even on a scala anymore, because it was so high.
"But when do I give it back to you?" The last thing I wanted to do, was crossing a line with the Walter brothers. And maybe I also hoped to see him again. "Tomorrow? I will be in the gaming room in third grade. If thats okay with you?" He spoke quickly, because Cole kept getting more annoyed. "No, its fine. Thank you, Alex." I kissed him on the cheek (dont know where that one came from) and before I could look back, I was already out of the car and running towards the house. When I opened the door and the warmth embraced me, I looked out of the window from my house. The car was already gone, but I remember smiling so bright, I almost could not contain the happy feeling that consumed me.
That was the first time, my diary heard of Alex Walter.
The next day, I searched through three gaming rooms before I finally found him, starring at his laptop. As soon as I tapped him gently on the shoulder, he turned around and looked at me suprised. When he asked me, if I had had any trouble finding him, I said "what no, it took five minutes", when in reality it took 20 minutes, but he sounded really sincere, so it didnt matter.
That was the start of our ever-lasting friendship. We became best friends quickly and are verly close ever since, he is my other half. We are always together, in the hallway, at lunch, we see each other at the weekends and we even got the price "the best of best friends" by our friendgroup. I mean it was funny and its nice, really. But it says everything. We are just friends.
It´s very funny actually, because he knows me better than anyone and I can´t keep one secret from him. He just knows, when something is up. But my biggest secret of all time, that was the part where he was clueless about.
My love for him.
He just doesnt notice and I tried to not show it, but everyone knows I like him. Well, expect for him. When I look at him too long, because I (again) got lost in his eyes or looked a second too long at his lips, while he talked, he thinks he has something on his face. When I compliment him, for literal anything, he thinks I make fun of him, so he doesn't take it seriously. And I tried almost everything, so he could finally notice. Maybe then he could make the first move.
I once talked about my ideal type, because it was a truth or dare on my birthday party and I literally described him - he didnt notice. I swoon on a daily basis over his beauty, his intelligence , his personality, his habits, his cute flaws like staying up all night to play a video game - he doesnt know. I tried to learn his favorite video game, I read the Lord of the Rings saga, I even watched baseball games with him, I do anything so he will notice, how much I care about him. But he just doesn't get it.
If I would know, he simply didnt like me that way, I could somehow cope with that. But then, there are moments, where I would catch him starring at me, where he seems to be the one wanting me. He watches romantic movies with me and lets me cry about it after, when I´m sad about the ending, Sometimes I even get to lay on his chest. He listens when I talk about my newest book obsession, he goes shopping with me, even though he hates it. He helps me studying and I can tell him anything, he´s always there for me.
So it could be, that maybe my feelings were not completely unrequited. But then again, why didnt he made a move by now? Nevertheless, it keeps me awake at night. Because I want nothing more than to kiss his soft lips, feel his skin against mine, to look at his eyes and study every single freckle from his neck to his forehead. I want to love him. In a way, he knows it.
These feelings, these thoughts are constantly in my head. Especially now, when I sit across him and simply look at his concentrated face. His eyebrows are drawn together, he´s currently biting on his bottom lip, his nose scrunched in a frown. The light of his room shows me every little detail of his face. In moments like this, on a friday evening, where we study together for a biology test, I wish he would know how I feel about him. Because it would make everything so much easier.
Its currently raining outside, a remember of our first encounter, the clouds are dark and I hear loud thunder since the last couple of minutes went by. "Do you think, it will get better? The weather clearly looks bad." I shift my gaze to look at him and when I catch him starring at me, my heart swells in my chest.
I want to break the distant between us and close the gap of our lips. Want to get to know every little detail of his body. But as he speaks up, I clear my head. "I dont know, Danny said something about a storm. I honestly didnt know, it would be that bad." He closes his textbook and stands up, looking out the window. ,,Should I go?" My question suprises him. "Now? I think if you take a step outside, you will get swept up by your feet. It´s not safe." He looks at me unwary. "I dont know, I always wanted to fly. Maybe thats a sign." I grin at him and he laughs quietly. "Yeah, of course. Let me ask my dad, what he thinks is for the best. Maybe he can get you an umbrella and you do your best Mary Poppins impression."
30 minutes later I find myself in a full-on Walter-family-disscussion. "But uncle! I dont get to have girls stay overnight. Thats unfair!" Lee is looking at George, unable to hide his jealousy. "When did a girl ever wanted to stay overnight with you?" Isaac asks from across the table. Lee just ignores him, an angry look in his eyes.
"Look, its nothing that I will allow forever. But right now, she cant go home, so she is welcomed to stay here." I smile at him, thankful that I´m not getting thrown out. "Also, she is like a thirteen family member. She´s practically living here." George added. One look at Alex and I wanted to know what he was thinking. Was I just like a sister to him? "Okay enough of that. Y/n, dear you are welcome to stay the night. We will figure it out. Nathan is staying with Skylar, so his bed is free." I´m glad, Katherine is here. I thank her and George and by the time, we ate dinner and Alex got me a toothbrush, so I could get ready for bed, it was late after 11.
As I make my way back to Alex's room after using the bathroom to change into my clothes, leaving me with shorts and a shirt, Cole is suddenly standing next to me. "Well, what a great opportunity for you." He grins at me. At his comment, I am visible confused. "What do you mean?" I look up to his smiling figure. "You have him all by yourself, of course. Your chance to finally do something. I can´t stand it anymore, you like him and he likes you. I always thought you were the clever one out of you two, so please put everyone out of this misery and kiss him, because he´s a complete idiot. It's long overdue for you two to get together."
His words leave me stunned. After he´s done talking, he makes his way silently back to his own room and I´m still standing in the hallway, trying to process his words. Kiss him. He likes you. Does Alex really likes me or is that some cruel joke for Cole? I hope not. Because my friends have told me several times, that they think, Alex likes me too. But I always thought, they were wrong.
My heart is heavily pounding as I make my way back to his room, taking a deep breath as I open the door. Alex is playing a video game, as always, but I see that he also changed into something more comfortable. It helps me calm down my nerves, when I see him doing something, he always does. I take a few steps towards his chair and his concentrated figure.
I mean, what was there in life, if I didnt take any risks? If he likes me back, it could be the answer to all my dreams and if not - well, the weather was still going pretty bad and could help me out of the awkward situation.
When I decided to test their he-likes-you-too-theory, I quickly came up with a plan. Okay, so I wasnt the best at flirting, that was for sure, but I could make a move. For starters, I wanted something, I often thought about.
As I stand behind him, I trace my fingers along his shoulders, hearing his surprised breath, that he quickly tries to hide. Well too bad, I heard it.
"Alex?" My voice is quiet.
"...yes?" I can see his muscles tense, while I keep touching his shoulders, going lower until I touch his arm. Something about what Cole said, about Alex liking me, gives me a certain confidence, that wasnt there before. Please dont let the King of hooking up be wrong.
"Could I borrow one of your hoodies? I´m freezing and only have my shirt." I try not to think about the possibility that he laughs in my face and says no. But then again, I know that Alex wouldnt do that. "I-uh, yeah. You can, um, grab one out of my closet." I smile to myself, when I see his eyes nervously scanning the display. He paused the game, even though he doesnt look at me while he talks.
"Thanks." As I turn towards his closet, I get the feeling that he´s secretly watching me choose a hoodie. When I get a hold on a dark green one, I immediately know its the one from when we first met. I take it and walk towards the other bed, getting a glimpse of his eyes, that continue to follow me. And then I do something, I thought I would never do in front of him. I change out of my top, the cold air hitting my skin and I hear him gasps.
When I change into his hoodie, a settling warmth embraces me. I smile to myself, a joy blooms in my chest, the feeling of wearing his clothes, makes me feel too good to be true. The shorts I´m wearing are the same ones as before and I think, that I kinda like the casual look. And maybe it looks fine, that could be a good way to get Alex attention. My shorts cover my thighs, but because his hoodie is bigger than what I normally wear, this way it looks like I only wear his hoodie.
When I turn around and fix my hair, he already started another game again. Okay, mission getting-some-sort-of-reaction, is starting to get interesting. "Soo, what do you think? Too big?" I wait for his reaction. When he slowly turns around, one hand holding up his headphones, I see him trying not to stare too hard. But since I see his eyes scanning my body, it´s impossible for him to pretend. I smile to myself.
"And?" I make a step in his direction, watching him swallow. His eyes wander to the floor and a nervous expression crosses his face. "I- I need to finish this game so-" he turns around so fast, I´m almost surprised his neck didnt broke. Shit. That wasnt part of the plan. I glance around the room, trying to come up with something, another way to keep his attention at me. I sit on his bed, near his computer and decide to watch him play. I hear the sound of the game playing in the background, while I continue to think of a way for him to notice me.
And even though I keep my hands to myself, I see him sqirming in his seat. I laugh quietly. "Everything okay?" it seems he isnt that concentrated anymore. "Yeah, uh, are you bored? You never watch me play." His head turns to look at me. "You could teach me some moves." I say, looking at him and then the game, that shows a spider attacking some creature. He raises his eyebrows at my words.
"You sure? I thought you didnt like video games." My eyes wander to his lap as I quickly come up with a plan. "Maybe I will like it, if you show me some tricks. And also, I like you and you´re really interested in gaming, so I thought I could make an effort." His cheeks are blushing, my eyes are starring at his clueless ones.
A smile tucks at his lips, but he tries to keep his cool. "I mean, I´m really good at this, so I could teach you one or two lessons. Where do you want to sit? I only have one gaming chair, but-" he glances around the room, trying to come up with something.
"Well, we could share?" I ask, my voice sounding sincere and not as much thrilled at the idea, to sit in his lap, even though I am freaking out in my thoughts. His eyes widen, when he realizes what I just said.
"You want to-" he doesn't finish his sentence, stuttering at the idea of me sitting on his lap. "If thats okay with you, of course? I think its the best solution, I mean I do want the full experience. So its fair." I see him nervously licking his lips. "Yeah, yeah. I get that. Okay, cool, how do you want to-" I smile at him and his nervous speech. "Just relax, I dont bite. You do know that, right?" I laugh when I see his ears turning pink.
"Right. So uh, come here, I guess?" He puts his arms on the armrests to give me good access and I feel myself getting nervous. God, I never got to be this close to him. I stand up, his eyes take my form in his sweater in, I see him starring at the naked skin. And when I see something shining in his hair, I act without a second thought.
"You have something in your hair, dummy." It's a little paper ball from Benny, probably from the previous dinner (fight), I lean myself down, facing him forward in his lap and cross my legs over his thighs. I don't notice what position we are in until I lean back to show him the piece of paper and suddenly, I'm just a few centimeters from his face. Shocked by the less to no space we have left between us, he doesn't speak and neither do I. We just look at each other.
"i-i got it." The words leave my mouth, the distance between our faces -god his lips look so soft- leaves me speechless. It takes him a moment, but when he answers he sounds just as out of breath as me.
Again, we sit in silence. Suddenly I loose my balance and I almost fall out of the chair, but his arms are quick to catch me. So now, he has his arms around my waist and my arms linger around his shoulders for support. If I would lean closer, I could kiss him.
The thought of kissing him, makes me sqirm and when he lays his hands onto my waist to still my movements, I feel dizzy. Because Im not just sitting on his legs. Indeed, I sit literally on his lap. So when I feel myself getting wet, because he makes me so touch starved, I completely loose my mind.
"Im sorry- i didnt mean to sit that way. I just-" his eyes are so fascinating, brown, green and warm. It feels like he´s looking at my soul. He´s watching my every move. I know I should probably get up, but its the first time, he is that close to me and I cant stop looking at him.
Without a thought in my head, I raise my hand and touch his cheek. I see his lips breaking apart, so he can draw a surprised breath. "You have so many freckles everywhere." My eyes wander around his face. His voice comes back to life for a second, but only to sign. "Too many, actually." I draw my eyebrows together.
"It suits you and it´s not too much. Thats a perfectly fine amount of freckles. Look-" I start to count them. Each and every one. Starting from his ears towards his cheeks, his nose, further down until I stop at his lips. "You have one right above the corner of your mouth." I mutter, my thumb brushes his lips for a second.
Caught, my eyes sneak back to search his gaze. But he just looks at me. My heart feels like it could break any second, if I dont open my mouth to say something.
"You are" I begin to say "so beautiful to me. Every freckle you have, the colour of your eyes, your hair, your lips, your voice, just you."
I cant hold back anymore.
"i-i love you, Alex. I really do. I thought it would just be a crush that would go away, when time goes on, but it hasnt. You´re in every piece of my heart, you hold it together. You are my joy, my laugh, my sadness, you were everything for me, the first second I got to know you. Because you are the best person in my life, my best friend, my other half, my partner in crime, I would bail you out of jail in a heartbeat. Without you, my heart wouldn't beat anymore anyway. Because you make it live. Every day, every time I see you. Maybe if I would have known better, I would have never agreed to take your jacket, the first time we met. If I would have known, how absolutely in love I would get with you, it would have scared me to death. But now? Now I know better than to be away from you, because I better live as your best friend than without having you in my life. Because now, being away from you would be my death."
In one second, I bail my heart out and before I know it, he takes my face in his hands and leans forward. He stops his movement right before our lips touch.
"I think you will be the death of me too, sweetheart."
And with that, he kisses me.
Slow at first, his lips touch mine, so very soft and gentle. I almost think I´m dreaming, because his lips do feel like a dream to me. His hands caress my back and I clutch to his shoulders, afraid the moment will end. His warm hands strive back to my cheeks, tilding my head in a way he can have more access.
And I let him, mainly because I´m too caught up with this emotion and also because I would let him do anything with me. My hands are in his dark hair, gently tugging at his strings, so I get to hear that little breathless sound he makes, that makes my heart flutter.
I sink in his warm embrace, moving my lips with the same rhythm as him, hearing my heartbeat in my ears. His right hand goes to the back of my neck and this action makes me weak in the knees. And he notices it. Gently he breaks apart, leaving me with the want to have more of him and when I open my eyes - I didnt know I closed them - he looks at me, like I´m the sun and he´s the moon, that was away for too long.
"God, you´re so beautiful." His voice is deep, I can hear him catch his breath. His words make my heart ache until I think it isnt able to comprehend his compliment. I feel his lips again, my eyes flutter at the contact. One hand around my hip, holding me steady and the other one, around my neck, making me unsteady.
"alex-" a moan wants to escape me, but I try to hold myself together. His lips leave my mouth and trail further down, finding a spot at the curve of my neck.
"god, yes. Say my name again." I´m pretty sure, I never wanted him more than now.
My hands linger in his hair, I feel his hot breath on my skin and clench my thighs together. He is making me feel all worked up. As his lips leave that spot, I whimper his name, but as soon as his mouth leaves my body, he reconnects with it.
Brushing my hair aside, he kisses me again for a second before he lets go of me. With that, im completely convinced he hates me, the way he´s making me suffer. I hear him quietly laugh, so I slowly open my eyes to watch his face.
"You look drunk on love. Are you alright?" He smiles at me, looking at me, like he didnt just turn my world up site down (and my panties wet, by the way).
"What?" I ask, catching my breath. His skin glows and as I watch every detail of his face (how could I not), I almost miss his next sentence. "I would have never thought that this was your idea of gaming." I feel his shoulders move, when he tries to keep himself from laughing.
I gently smile and roll my eyes. "You are just too handsome for me, to concentrate on anything other than you." His cheeks turn red and there´s a glimmer in his eyes, that makes me feel completed. "So that´s why you have bad grades in math, maybe I shouldnt be sitting next to you then." His joke makes me laugh.
"Well, maybe you can give me some private lessons, so I could improve." At that, he opens his mouth, but no words are said. "Too stunned to speak?" I lean forward, his eyes follow my lips. "You just never flirted with me, its distracting." He looks up.
I just shake my head. One of my hands sneaks around to linger at his cheek. "Oh, trust me. I have. You just never noticed." His eyebrows rise. "Thats a shame. But I guess I have now." He catches my lips.
Yes, he definitely did notice me now.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairings: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Matt has this weird obsession with being a predator and Y/N being a prey, but will she fall for it….
Warnings⚠️: ERMMM…..this is juicy smut so if you’re a child go to bed thank youuuuu. There’s spit, manhandling, use of the word slut, face smacking, throat grabbing, feral Matt….i feel like that’s it but bitch this was DIRTY😏
Song of the chapter: Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact⚠️
I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart
Matt had this weird obsession with wanting to chase me around a wooded area like I was his prey. At first I humored him a little bit, laughing at this crazy idea, but when it wouldnt stop, and he started to constantly bring it up I got concerned.
“Matt no, I’m scared of the woods, and I do not want you chasing me” I told him
“Come on babe. It will be so much fun, I chase after you while you’re scared and aroused” he said back
“Why the fuck would I be turned on by this” I asked him
“Oh I didn’t tell you? Well see I’m the predator and youre the prey, and if I catch you I get to fuck you how I want” he responded. This sent a shiver down my spine, and weirdly I was turned on, but still very very scared.
This conversation happened about two months ago, and suddenly stopped, so I figured his little fantasy was over.
Matt and I had flown to Boston to visit his parents, and Nick and Chris had already been there for a week at this point.
Two days after being in Boston, Matt told me he had a surprise for me. He wanted to take me on a little vacation to get away. Of course I agreed because a vacation by ourselves was what we Needed.
I didn’t ask many questions, but once I started to realize we left a busy city and entered wooded areas I started to feel uneasy.
“Where are we going Matt?’’ I asked looking over at him
“It’s a surprise baby” he said looking over at me and smiling
“I’m getting a little nervous as there is no outside life here” I told him shifting in my seat
“Baby don’t worry okay” he said to me grabbing my hand
About 30 minutes later, and we had arrived to a cabin in the middle of the fucking woods.
“Matt what the fuck is this?’’ I asked in fear
“A cute cabin get away” he said nonchalantly
“No this is frightening” I said grabbing my bag, and walking to the front door
“Oh come on it’s literally so cute here” he said rolling his eyes
“Yeah maybe to a serial killer but not me” I told him as he opened the door and we walked in
“Y/N just enjoy this please” he said groaning
“But im scared” I said walking into the living room
“Oh my god! Do you hear that??” He asked me
“HEAR WHAT” I said jumping
“Absolute fucking silence” He said smuggly
“Oh you dick! You scared the shit out of me” I said smacking him lightly on the arm
“All that peaceful silence, that will soon be broken when I fuck the shit out of you” he said pulling me in to kiss me
“Matt you’re filthy” I said kissing him back
“Only for you” he responded
Matt and I had made dinner laughing and talking the whole time, and after we ate we sat on the couch for a while laughing some more. And we both decided to shower. The whole shower Matt was teasing me, but wouldn’t do a single thing and it was making me a little bit annoyed
Once we hopped out the shower and changed I had laid in the bed and Matt was out in the living room doing god knows what.
“Babyyyy I have a surprise,” he said, calling from the living room.
“Oh yeah what is it” I asked him
He walked into the bedroom and grabbed me
“Alright close your eyes and follow me” he said, and I shut my eyes letting him guide me
All of a sudden I felt a silk material wrap around my eyes
“Matt what’s going on” I asked him confused
“Shhh you’ll see” he said while letting his fingers brush against my back
“You’ve been such a good girl for me lately. Letting me tease you, and not asking for more” he said in my ear, sending chills down my spine
“I want to reward you for that, my good good girl deserves a reward doesn’t she?” He asked smacking my ass and then gripping it
“Oh my god…..” I let out immediately getting turned on
“Answer me baby” he said grabbing my waist and feeling up on me
“Yes Matt. I deserve it” I said sighing and throwing my head back a little bit
“I will give you exactly what you want, but first we play it my way” He said walking around to the front of me
“Umm okay” I said meekly
“You’re going to go outside and run. I’ll give you a 10 second head start, but if I catch you, which I will. I get to fuck you so hard you’re a weeping mess” he said
“Matt no! I’m not doing this” I said sternly
“No?? Oh no no baby. We’re not negotiating this” he said laughing
“How bad are you yearning to be fucked like a good slut” he asked me
“Matt…..” i told him in a warning like way
“Answer the fucking question” he said bluntly
“No” I told him
“If I put my hands down your pants right now you’re telling me you won’t be dripping for me?” He asked
“Can’t you fuck me normally” I asked him
“No I can not. So you’ll be listening to me” he barked at me
“Fine Matt let’s get this going. I want to be fucked already” I told him getting annoyed. He hummed in approval
He unlocked the front door and opened it, and then came over to me removing the cover from my eyes, and immediately I booked it out the front door.
I ran so fast into the wooded area hiding behind a big tree that I knew he hadn’t seen.
10 seconds later I hear his loud voice
“You better find a better spot because you’re making this too easy” he yelled
Slowly I started to walk deeper into the woods taking zig zag patterns. However I was starting to get more and more worried as it was really dark, and I could no longer see the house
“Oh Y/N” Matt said in a sing-song way that sent shivers down my spine. I heard him step on a branch, so I ran away from him again trying to keep my breathing steady. But it was becoming harder, as I was genuinely getting scared
As I was backing towards a tree I stepped on a twig, and the sound of it was enough to echo throughout the trees
“I think i got you” I heard Matt yell, but I couldn’t tell from what direction, and then it got really really quiet
I wanted to give up, and yell out to him because I was getting really really scared now. Just as I went to spin around the tree there stood Matt
“BOO” he said, and I jumped back screaming
“What’s the matter Y/N? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost” He said and immediately grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder
“MATTTTT STOPPP MATT” I started to yell
He smacked my ass to get me to keep silent as he walked us through the woods back to the house. Once we got back to the house he got us through the front door and slammed it shut. Walking us to the living room and dropping me to the floor
“I got my pretty girl now, didn’t I?” He asked with a scary look in his eye
“What are you going to do with me” I asked looking up at him
“Whatever I want to do, and you’re going to take it” he said
“Yes sir” I said still looking up at him
“Get on your knees now” he said, and I immediately got on my knees, he removed his shirt, and started to unbuckle his belt
“You’re gonna suck my cock like the dirty little whore you are” he said as he started to pull his pants down
“Yes whatever you want I’ll do” I said looking up at him from my lashes
“Open your mouth” he said, and when I did he leaned down a bit and spit into my mouth. “Swallow” he said and I did
“Good girl” he said petting my face, and then lightly smacking me
When he backed away he started to jerk himself off, and nodded his head for me to come closer. He spit down onto his own cock and continued to jerk himself off
“Come on baby use that pretty mouth of yours” he said, and with that I grabbed his dick putting it into my mouth, and immediately deep throating him
“Fuckkkkk” he said rolling his head back
I was bobbing my head up and down, and when I got to the tip I would suck extra hard. Matt was whimpering and moaning.
“Yeah just like that you’re doing so good” he told me as he grabbed the back of my head. I gagged a few times and the vibrations made Matt moan. That sound alone was making me so fucking wet.
Suddenly he pulled me off him. Kicking his pants off and roughly grabbing me. He lifted me up, and immediately pulled my shirt off of me, and then moved us over to the coffee table. He pushed me down to kneel infront of it, and then he kneeled behind me
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t remember your name” he said
“Please Matt, I need this” I said looking back at him. He pulled me in by my throat into a disgusting, sloppy, needy make out
He pushed me over the coffee table, sending everything falling to the floor. And immediately pulled my underwear down. Smacking my ass and then massaging it
“Mmm so fucking wet for me” he said looking at my glistening cunt, and I just moaned like a bitch in heat
“Please Matt I need you” I told him
He spread my legs a little further apart, and started to massage my clit rubbing my arousal everywhere
“Fuck MATT” I said from the sudden pleasure
He put his middle finger and his finger finger in his mouth, and then immediately inserted them into my pussy
“Oh my god” I said, shuddering. He started to finger me at a downwards motion towards the ground, and my legs started to shake
“Your pussy just takes any part of me so well” he said as I heard his fingers slide back into me at an ungodly paste
“Matt Matt I’m going to cum” I told him, and I wish I never did because he ripped his fingers out of me
“Not on my fingers baby” he said smacking my ass again
He leaned down towards my pussy and spat. This made me gasp and squirm. Slowly he ran his dick up and down spreading my arousal, and his spit everywhere
“Gonna take it like a good girl” he said before sliding into me
“Oh my god” I said with my back arching back like a cat
“Fuck” he sighs lightly slowly rocking into me. Allowing me to adjust to his size.
Within a minute Matt started to pound into me ruthlessly. Grabbing my arms back allowing my back to arch as he pound into me
“Matt fuck matt matt” I said clawing at his arms
“Shut up, and take it” he said breathing heavily
Continuing to pound into me non stop. He was drilling the fuck outta me, and all I could do was cry out like a bitch
“You’re so good to me baby” He said letting my arms go allowing me to lean over the table again
This time he grabbed my hips, and started to thrust into me harder and deeper
“Oh godddddd” I pounded almost crying out
Matt was above me grunting and moaning as his sweat started to drip down on me.
“Fuck Matt I’m so fucking close” I said gripping the wooden table. I’m sure there will be marks in it from how hard I was holding onto it
“Me too baby” he said, and immediately started to slam into me. Breathing extra hard than before. And the wooden table was digging into me in such a deliciously painful way
“MATTTT IM CUMMINGGG” I screamed out arching my back, and clenching down onto his cock shaking and trembling as I came all over his cock. His name falling from my mouth like a mantra. I leaned against the table limp and exhausted and in total bliss at the crazy orgasm I just had
Matt’s thrust be came deep and slow, and within three more thrust he was cumming deep inside me holding us together
“Fuck fuck fuck Y/N” he was moaning while slightly convulsing as his lowe abdomen contracted
After we caught our breath he pulled out allowing his cum and my cum to drop down onto his cock and lower stomach
“Fuck Matt. That was so fucking good” I said as he helped me off the floor, my knees immediately feeling like jello
“You’re so fucking good to me” he said kissing me while holding my chin
“Whatever weird ass fantasies you have please just tell me, because if it ends like this? I want more of it” I told him
He smirked at me and nodded his head biting his lip
“Lets get cleaned up baby” he said as we both walked to the bathroom to take a second shower of the night.
The night ended in us immediately knocking out after our shower because of how physically drained we were.
The End
Ouuuu hope you guys my lil cabin in the woods imagine. I have 8 more stories to write 🤭🤭 so let me stfu and get to typing. Once those are done I’ll probably open my requests up again💋
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berriweb · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ unconditional love ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. johnathan ohnn x gn! reader
: ̗̀➛ warnings. none
: ̗̀➛ a/n. someone save me from the chokehold pathetic men have me in, especially this one in particular, Im addicted to this man😞
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“does it not bother you?”
The question pulled you out of your trance, almost not catching it as you’d become so consumed in the background noise that the drama series you’d put on played on your TV. Your gaze shifted from the flashing pictures on the screen to where Johnathan laid, his lanky body entangled with your limbs, arms wrapped around your waist and his head snuggled into your chest and turned with his ear pressed right above where your heart would be so he could better view the screen.
“Hm?” You chirped at first, taking note of his refusal to turn and look at you, even if your gaze technically couldn’t be met. The episode that played showed a couple in the show going on innocent dates, something akin to a slice of life to make up for all of the building tension in the series. Part of you wondered if that was the cause of his sudden question.
“This…all of this, does it not bother you in the slightest? Our situation.” The second time around, Johnathan sat up, pulling his arms away from your body but still focusing on the screen. That part of you was right. “We don’t get to go out for dates anymore, we can’t see movies and eat at fancy restaurants- I can never see your friends or family, we can’t do any of that. How are you just okay with it?”
His words gave a mixture of guilt and frustration in his tone, and your heart aches for him. Besides the initial discussion when you first found out what had happened to your boyfriend, you two hadn’t really talked much about how things would go from then on. You just fell into a pattern that the two of you silently agreed on, and part of that agreement was that Johnathan didn’t really go out much due to his insecurities and knowing that he’d never be seen as normal, never accepted.
“Johnny, I don’t-” “And in the house too,” he started, not even seeming to realize that he’d cut you off, “I don’t have a face anymore, I’m not me. It doesn’t make any sense.”
Your hands pulled away from him before cupping his cheeks and gently turning his head to face you, eyeing the hole where his features should’ve been. He didn’t try to resist. “I’m not going to lie and act like I don’t miss your face, none of this was fair too you and you don’t deserve any of it. But I didn’t fall in love with your face, I fell in love with you. None of this is going to change that.”
“And the others? Being seen with me in public would be shameful.”
“I’m never ashamed of you.”
He let out a sigh and his head hung low, you were lucky that his expressive personality and your ability to read him so well made up for the fact that he no longer had a face to express himself with. “We can still go out, I’m never against that. If there’s anyone in my life that even thinks of shunning you like the rest of them did then so be it, I wouldn’t want to be associated with someone like that anyway.”
You silently pulled his head back down to your chest and laid your own head back, staring up at the ceiling as you felt him relax on top of you.
“How are you so good at this?” He muttered.
“I’m not, you’re just easy to influence.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“…you know, if you’re really worried about going out in public we could go see a movie or something. No one would even pay you any mind in the theater, it’ll be like baby steps. You can’t stay cooped up in here forever.”
Johnathan picked his head up to look at you. “Really?” He asked, sounding both surprised, nervous and just a tad bit excited.
“Of course, there is just one thing that does bother me though.” He tensed up for a moment, and you almost felt bad for springing the topic on him.
“What? What is it?”
“You’re gonna have to put on some clothes.”
“…that’s it?”
“I’ve been wondering for a while why you stopped, it’s just a bit weird.”
“It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve seen me naked…”
“You did it the few times we went out in public too!” You argued, and he got defensive.
“I didn’t think it mattered! It’s not like I have-”
“It’s the principle, Johnny.”
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chrisevansonly · 8 months
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 | 𝒐𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒑𝒊𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊
☁︎ oscar piastri x female reader
☁︎ oscar is experiencing thanksgiving with your family for the first time….and boy is it crazy
☁︎ no warnings just fluff and maybe a tad overwhelmed oscar lol
☁︎ i can’t believe october is starting to come to an end, these little fall fics have been making me so happy, i think ill do another one in december too to get ready for christmas 🤭 p.s thanksgiving in canada is beginning of october in contrast to the USA which is end of november in case you’re confused :)
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Thanksgiving was a little chaotic in your family, when everyone gathered together and all sat down for the annual fall meal, only this year it was your boyfriend Oscar’s first time attending it with you. He knew you got your vibrant and extroverted personality from your parents, but now that he looks back on it, he’s pretty sure your entire family played a part in it.
“Oscar when do you and my little sunshine plan on having children hmm?” your grandma asked, causing you to choke on your water
Oscar laughed patting your back gently to help with your coughing
“I think whenever the time is right, we’re in no rush”
“Well you’re only getting older!”
You shook your head at the old woman’s antics your mother stepping in before you
“Mom, leave these two alone, they’re both still in their early twenties, no babies for them, eat your turkey”
“Never too early to have a baby, such nonsense!”
Leaning over to Oscar you looked at him apologetically
“I’m sorry, she’s very persistent”
He only smiled, kissing your forehead as he squeezed your knee under the table
“I don’t mind at all, it’ll happen someday anyway”
The two of you may have been young but you both knew that you were endgame for each other, there was no one else on earth more perfect for either of you, and everyone was starting to see that.
“So Oscar, i’ve been watching your season, looks pretty good this year”
It was your father’s time to chime in, Oscar nodding as he gave your father 100% of his attention.
“Yes, it’s been going really well, the car feels good this year, so i’m looking forward to finishing the next few races and then having some time off” he replied, a bit hesitantly as he always did with your dad
“That’s good to hear, I’d love to come see a race sometime”
You smiled
“You should come to Las Vegas with us dad! You and mom have been wanting to go back there so why not?”
In hindsight you should have asked Oscar first if he was okay with this, but knowing him, he wouldn’t mind at all. He loved spending time with your family as much as you did with his.
“Oh that’s a great idea honey, i’m sure we can figure something out!”
The rest of dinner went off without a hitch, calm conversation and laughter shared between everyone, you could already feel the classic thanksgiving hangover hitting you as you lounged on the couch tucked into Oscar’s side, your eyes heavy and tired.
Oscar laughed hearing your little cousins playing uno in the other room as you rolled your eyes. If anyone was the loudest on these holidays it was the kiddos.
It wasn’t long before your aunt went in there and told them off, quiet chatter resuming after the mini scream fest over the classical card game had ensued. Truth be told you were nervous for Oscar to experience thanksgiving with your family because you weren’t always put together and fancy, you were loud and energetic, your family loved playing games, having treasure hunts and playing games of charades.
You knew deep down it wouldn’t everyone’s cup of tea but Oscar wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d never felt more comfortable and at home like he did with you when you visited your family. It made him feel normal and accepted, he didn’t have to worry about the media, the race track or the constant murmurs going around the paddock.
“How was your first thanksgiving experience love?”
He smiled down at you, his finger tips running up and down your back
“I loved it, really it was so much, I can’t wait to keep experiencing this craziness with you”
“Oscar loves the thanksgiving craziness…never thought i’d say that”
The Aussie laughed leaning down to kiss you
“Well now I get to experience a different craziness from yours everyday”
You frowned jokingly but he was quick to once again bring his lips to yours, deepening the kiss enough to have your face flush, thankfully your family too enamoured in their own activities to notice your little display of affection.
“I love you and all your craziness darling, it’s what makes you, you.” he stated softly, taking his time to admire you
“I love you more.”
Oscar had all he needed right in front of him, he’d never felt more welcomed and appreciated than he did right now, curled up on the couch at your parents house after a delicious dinner, something he would continue to be apart of for years…and years to come.
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tiyoin · 2 months
Now I'm thinking about twisted anxiety reader being able to sing really well. I feel like there could be some very interesting/funny moments (4 us not reader).
Reader probably only sings in a reclusive area like a forest around the dorm
I wanna say that the forest already has haunting rumors about it ,and when someone (jade or rook) hears reader singing they think that the "ghost" is up and active again. So students start doing a "test of courage" type thing.
I put Jade or Rook being the one to hear reader cuz they're really the only ones that would really be in that area without a reason.
I also know they're intelligent enough to know it's not a ghost ,but start the rumor anyways cuz they want to know who's singing. And it becomes this big thing the school trying to figure out.
Cut to reader losing her mind cuz she like "wow, I didn't know people thought it was that bad. How am I supposed to live, laugh, love ever again??"
When in reality they were just memorized by reader's singing. And they really want to find out who it is.
Bonus points if they film it and sent it to the group chat you posted about earlier. And reader just has to be like 🧍‍♀️ "whattt???? No way!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ a random voice in the woods 😱😱"
I'm sorry for sending 2 long asks back 2 back ,but twisted anxiety just gets my head going.
Also if you don't like being sent stuff like this just tell me and I won't send any more. I don't want to over step at all. These are just like head cannons I give to reader ,cuz I just love making things worse for her. Can't let her know what peace is
i’m going to give you the fattest smooch alive you don’t understand. AND I LOVE IT WHEN I GET LONG ASKS!!! so please! ask away i don’t mind, i actually get really flattered that people want to share with me their long, detailed thoughts !! i was actually nervous people wouldn’t like my long responses 😖
no cause that’s ALWAYS one troupe i ALWAYS go back to.
i was thinking about making them a singer, REALLY I WAS- but i had second thoughts cause i thought people wouldn’t like it / maybe people would think its too… y-nie or im trying to make twisted anxiety reader too much, ya know
BUT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU MEAH MWAH (also dw i got your other ask and fully plan on answering it, this one was just at the top of my inbox 🫶🫶)
but oh my god,,,, HEAR ME OUT;
twisted anxiety reader getting pent up because they. have. no. outlet.
maybe they played a sport in their old world, but no longer can’t because seriously?? going up against beastmen, mermen, fae and just,,, men?! absolutely not.
they can’t do anything fun in ramshackle because of the ghosts can and will find a way to stick their noses into your business. also hello??? no privacy at ramshackle👎👎
honestly, twisted anxiety reader doesn’t have any friends so they can’t blow off steam that way either. and going to the gym is out of the question because 1. anxiety 2.gym bros- and working out at home is… different.
so there has to be a way to let off steam… good thing twisted anxiety reader dilly dallied in everything!!
they want to sing but aren’t confident enough to join the pop music club, and the walls to ramshackle are paper thin.
there’s absolutely no where you can go.
and yet… every time you glance at the forest. you can’t help but wonder…🤔
“everything stays” from adventure time
“love all mine” by mitski
“rises the moon” by liana flores
“sky fall” by adele
“memory” from cats
“listen” by beyoncé
“hopelessly devoted” by olivia newton-john
oh my god i have to make a separate post for this before i completely rot and accidentally write a whole chapter because i’ve been WAITING to write about this and i’d feel bad about making this SUPER LONG
but i can’t imagine rook going for a sunset “hike” (…sure, let’s go with that) and hearing you. belting your little heart to “hopelessly devoted” HAGFJAIWOFOSOWOFOAPEIFOZOQFOXOD
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such passion! such devotion! how marvelously beautiful! rook is stunned.
of course after you finish singing he can hear you moan and groan about trivial things but- rook hunt was not a hunt if he didn’t appreciate the gift the forest provided.
and yet, the carful hunter made a careless mistake. cursing silently, he glared at the twig his boots stepped on before he snapped his head up to the clearing up ahead.
ah, you fled.
to say rook was… upset was an understatement. yes he was able to marvel in your voice, but he lost the privilege to listen to more, to observe from afar.
the strange songs you sang and possibly wrote (what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him) are gone with the wind and the high step of your foot as you vanished into thin air.
rook could easily hunt you down, but he stopped himself after a slight muscle twitch. non non! he was the enjoyer of beauty! not the hunter! yes he hunted beauty but it would go against his very being to trap it instead of let it fly free and continue its song.
so let this be your little secret, okay.
jade would def walk into you singing ‘everything stays’
readers just like;
“time to find a new location☝️”
*there’s no where those two won’t be able to find you fyi*
please send more headcanons i love reading them 🙇🏻🙇🏻
babes this is me n u rn:
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urmanzack · 4 months
head canons of heartslabyul boys having a crush on a gender neutral reader?
Heartslabyul boys crushing on you
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Summary: Short head canons on what they'd be like if they had a crush on you Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Characters: Riddle, Trey, Deuce, Ace, Cater Warnings: None! A/N: zero clue how to write trey
Riddle 🌹
- poor boy
- he'd be SO nervous around you, but at the same time try to look like the cool house warden he is
- ace teases him way too much, whispering and elbowing him obviously whenever you walk by, or straight up waving you over
- trey, on the other hand, would gently encourage him; try to get him to learn about your favourite things
- it’d take a little bit, but if you hadn’t already he would talk to you probably after class, and offer to study with you to get your grades up even if theyre already great
- he absolutely melts at your praise
- riddle just thinks you’re the sun, you’re so gorgeous to him
- definitely stares, and blushes if you notice while hes obviously admiring you
Ace 💖
- ace has been in a relationship in the past (his middle school girlfriend NO IM NOT MAKING THAT UP HE FR GHOSTED HER), but when it comes to you? it’s so much more complicated
- will go on and on to deuce about how much he likes you and why
- tries to be really confident around you to get your attention
- the type of dude to do idiotic things in front of his crush and fall on his ass
- terrified of what you think of him, do you think he’s annoying? cocky?
- will bite someone's head off if they say anything bad about you, even in casual conversation. you know he likes you if he gets annoyed instead of joking about it
- you would have to be friends with deuce, the 3 of you would most likely hang out together
- but on some days you sit with ace under a tree, having your own little picnic
Deuce ♠
- mamas boy
- does his best!
- tries to avoid you finding out he was a delinquent during school, he doesn’t want you to think he’d be a bad boyfriend
- similar to ace, you’d have to get along
- now and then he makes dumb jokes to try to get you to smile
- definitely someone who pines (pining is when you think the other person doesn’t feel the same way)
- befriends you first, friends to lovers fashion
- then would ask you out real casually
- literally loves you so much
- writes letters to his mom about you
Cater ♦
- there’s no way this man hasn’t been in a relationship before, he’s so social!
- he flirts with you 24/7, but it’s hard to tell if he’s joking around or if he actually means it
- likes all of your social media posts, and definitely would stalk your account to see what you’ve been up to
- not afraid to talk to you at all, one day he might come up behind you, wrap his arm around your shoulder and start making conversation as if you’re the best of friends
- very good at hiding he likes you
- but tries to make it obvious
- if you’re oblivious and don't get the hint… he’d just ask you out
- adores taking photos with you
- matching profile pictures, phone cases, bios, you name it
Trey 🍀
- he’s not an obvious flirt, but he’s not shy either
- trey most likely compliments you often, being really casual and calm
- he wants to make a good impression
- “You didn’t eat breakfast? Here, have some candied violets, they’re my favourite.”
- always wishes you a goodnight's sleep and says good morning
- a worry bug if you're late to class
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angelzai · 5 months
This was coming and I'm sorry about it but-
I need some brain rot on Akutagawa so I wanted to ask if you could do the nsfw alphabet for him as well, please? you can also do just a few letters if you can't manage the whole thing <3
nsfw alphabet - ryuunosuke akutagawa . . . .ᐟ
wc: 2.7k
cw: switch leaning dom!aku, rough aku, gn!reader, spanking, cum eating, creampie, clothed sex, edging, brat taming, dirty talk, nicknames (angel, doll, darling, ryuu), light bondage/choking/impact play, marking, toys, mention of face fucking, inappropriate use of rashomon lol
reid: my lovely niko im so sorry about the wait! i wanted to do the whole thing for u ehehehe i hope you enjoy
. . . .ᐟ
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
soft sweetie
he’s not super intuitive when it comes to reading what you need, but he’ll ask
tell him, he’s on it
very apologetic if he was rough - he’s got his own little awkward way of being sweet and coming back down to earth with you
“you alright, angel? do you need anything? ‘m sorry if i got a little carried away. you were perfect for me, okay?”
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
adores your ass <3
loves the way his fingers sink into the plush of your asscheeks. loves the jiggle whether it's big or small. loves holding you by your ass even nonsexually. it's just so grabbable, so smackable
he likes his own hands - let him finger you from behind so he can spank and admire your ass while he makes you cum
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he thinks his cum is a nuisance
he’s nervous to cum in you, feels guilty cumming on you, kind of hates the feeling of cumming in his hand - it’s just something to clean up after, he’s indifferent to it.
your cum, however
he wants to drown in it.
your cum is the hottest thing ever to him. squirt on his stomach while he fucks you. make a mess on his fingers. cream on his tongue. he’ll lap it up like it’s nectar.
reassure him what you’re comfortable with when it comes to his - you insist you want him to cum on your face? well, okay, he’s gotta admit you look so pretty on your knees with your tongue lolled out and your lashes fluttering. anywhere else on you? are you sure? he doesn’t want you to feel gross. in you??? god, don’t even make him think about it - i think he’s partially afraid that he’ll find it so sexy and it’ll feel so good to fill you up that he’ll never want to stop. he can’t let you make him any weaker than you already have.
have a firm discussion about that shit and lock those legs around his waist in missionary. he’s a changed man after
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he's very conscious of his body and will probably prefer to have sex with clothes on a lot of the time
not that he doesn't want to see your body - he absolutely does - he just doesn't want to make you feel awkward by insisting you be fully naked while he keeps his shirt on
you might be able to draw this out of him, but don't count on it; he'll probably write it off as a kink thing
(worship his body until he loves it as much as you do, please)
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i know, i know. again. i know.
but listen. he just doesn’t really have time to focus on this kind of stuff! not that it never crosses his mind, but until he meets you it’s just something he doesn’t spare a passing glance at
he’s certainly had opportunities among the cohort of the mafia, but he’s just. . .not interested in other people
he’s interested in you, though <3
he gets off very quickly when you first start going at it - he’ll happily build up his restraint though (tie his hands behind his back and edge him til he cums untouched <3), especially if it means making you feel good
takes some practice and instruction, but everything you tell him gets burned into his mind. he can make you fall apart in minutes after a few weeks of getting to know your body
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary or doggy - he can’t pick because they’re both so different and have their own perks
missionary? he can palm your chest, hold your cheeks, bite your collarbones, kiss your lips, and watch the way your face grows more and more fucked out with each thrust
doggy? he can grip your ass, pin your arms behind your back, pull you up by your hair, trace the expanse of your back, and reach so deep in you
probably doggy, actually - he loves watching your ass jiggle while he's blowing your back out <3
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not goofy, but sassy.
he's serious about it too - can you say brat tamer?
prefers you to alleviate the tension so he can run with his power dynamic <3 mouth off to him a little! make jokes! it makes it easier for him to put you back in your place and believe me, he enjoys doing it
“what was that? think you’re funny? we’ll see how funny you think you are when you can’t walk tomorrow.”
“try to talk back with cock in your mouth.”
“crying now? this is what you asked me for, angel.”
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
coarse black hair that he prefers to remove entirely, even if he’s not sexually active
it’s just a distraction/buffer from watching how deliciously he slides in and out of you
he’d wouldn’t ask you to remove yours if you really didn’t want to - i think he prefers a little hair on his partner anyway - but he likes how it looks and feels on him
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he’s a little unpracticed in romance and he loses himself easily - he can be rather rough and selfish when he’s chasing his own pleasure
when he slows himself down and puts his focus solely on your pleasure, however, it seems to come so easily to him that you wouldn’t think he’s all that inexperienced
he does call you by your name a lot during sex, along with a few nicknames <3 his favorites are angel, darling, and doll
goes out of his way every once in a while to set the mood super right just because it’s something he enjoys and feels like he should do for you. the whole shebang with candles and silk sheets! maybe some aphrodisiac chocolates or a surprise involving something you’ve mentioned wanting to try in the bedroom - when he pays attention you’ll feel like the luckiest partner in the world
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
doesn’t do it much - refer to the top of letter c.
when he does, though -
and okay, okay maybe this is my bias showing -
but i think we have another pillow humper here. . .
just THINK with me for a second about how pretty a sight it would be to walk in on him - he’s not usually so pent up that he can’t wait for you, but maybe you’ve been gone a few days on an assignment. you arrive back in yokohama early, but you don’t even check your phone because you’re exhausted; you just walk through the door of your apartment to hear heavy breathing and shuffling from your room
so you fumble to your bedroom doorframe. . .just to find aku on his knees, straddling your bunched up pillow
his button-up hangs open and you can see his stomach flex as he rides the pillow furiously, his dick leaking through his boxers - you catch a glimpse of his pretty, uninhibited face as he breathes your name into a moan
before he sees you and scrambles beneath a blanket, of course
all you can do is giggle and make your way over to him - sure, you’re tired, but you’ve kept your boy waiting so long! the least you can do is help him get off since he’s obviously so desperate for you, right?
“aww, ryuu, couldn’t wait for me? no, no, keep going, show me how you’d get off on my lap.”
you’ll get it for teasing him, but it’s worth it <3
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
impact play!!!
rashomon’s a big help here - you don’t need rope, and tying is easy!
tie him up, let him tie you up - he’s a fan of either - he could be a rigger or a rope bunny depending on both of your moods.
he’s not opposed to rope, though - the work and the sensuality that goes into it is often more rewarding. plus, he just thinks you look wonderful with a silk rope harness around your chest <3
when you’re not tied, don’t be afraid to smack him around a little. bite him, slap him, choke him, scratch him up. he’s tough, he can take it, and he won’t mind doing it back if you’re into it, too.
he’s a quiet guy, but he likes sound! the wet pap, pap, pap! of your skin against his while he fucks you is just heavenly to him
bigggggg big fan of spanking you as punishment <3 be bratty, get spanked
(he’ll always take care of your after)
(plus, he swears the marks you leave on him are darker, harsher, and last longer after he punishes you - just how he wants them <3)
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
at home, in bed. he’s a simple guy
optimal for privacy, optimal for intimacy, optimal for snoozing or cooking a meal after <3
(i think he also just enjoys being domestic with you. having sex in your home, cooking in your kitchen after, sleeping in your bed. . .)
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you in any position of authority
it’s odd because he prefers to be dominant. maybe it’s the thought of putting you in your place, or being the only one to have you at his mercy. he’s not sure but either way, he likes seeing his partner in charge and maybe a little frustrated or bossy <3
you’re heading a report? giving an assignment to your squad during a meeting? in charge of any sort of coordination? you’re getting fucked after. he can’t help himself - you’re so hot and you’re all his.
say his full first name. he knows it’s a mouthful, no pun intended, and he loves when you call him ryuu, don’t get me wrong. it makes him feel cared for a close to you, it’s so important to him
but when he’s in you, fuck - call him ryuunosuke and beg him for it harder. i promise you he’s trying not to cum right then and there
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
public sex
i think you could work him up to an empty-office, locked-door quickie but it’s absolutely not his favorite methodology and he won’t go any riskier than that
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
loves loves loves giving. there’s nothing he can find that he doesn’t like about it
in fact, it relaxes him
loves how you taste, loves how you sound, loves how you smell, loves fingering you and rubbing you while he does it to draw pretty whines out of you - it’s almost like stress relief for him
far from polite when receiving - he’s a face fucker, sorry y’all
he’ll always reward you handsomely after he uses your throat, promise <3
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
pretty rough, to be honest. it’s his nature - he’s done very few things in his life without violence and aggression, and he’d be lying if he said he doesn’t like the control it gives him.
he can certainly be gentle with you after you show him the ropes - otherwise, this is all he really knows
gentle or rough, he fucks fast. he comes to really love the lewd noises your bodies emit together that way <3
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
only at home, really. he’s not a fan of fucking where he could get caught
if you so please, he will split you open against your apartment door before you both leave for work
can’t deny how much he loves watching you disheveled, tucking your shirt back in, as you catch your breath before you lean up to kiss him and say you’ll see him later for more <3
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not super down to get caught or be watched. he’s much more inclined to remind you you’re his in a place where you won’t be distracted by anything or anyone else
he’ll experiment kink-wise, especially with his existing kinks - if you let him use rashomon to bind your wrists, he only wants to see how much further you’ll let him take it from there <3
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
our chronically ill king, only one or two for him
his stamina isn’t great. but!!!
he can alternate between fingering you and eating you out for hours <3 and he often will
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
edge him with a cock ring on
just do it.
he’s impatient but he can’t deny how intense his orgasms are after you do this to him <3 he’ll bitch and whine and cry through it but he secretly loves it
will surely use toys on you if you’d like him to - i can’t see him owning anything other than maybe a plug or dildo he’s experimented with before (that’s a whole post of its own), so introduce him to whatever you’d like
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
loves teasing, hates being teased.
he can dish it but he can’t take it. gets agitated and impatient when you’re dangling yourself in front of him and he can’t have you right away, but he’s nowhere near above flustering you in public, grazing his hands over your ass after you hug him, or tracing your jaw with a wandering finger for minutes at a time while he looks at you with bedroom eyes
he adores you when you’re worked up and unable to keep your hands off of him - aww, you want him? he won’t say this but it’s super cool ‘cause he loves feeling wanted. <3
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s quiet on instinct - lots of silent screams and heaving breaths out of this one
only really moans when he’s ready to cum - this is part of the reason why edging him is so fun, because you can draw out sounds you’ve never heard from him before <3
whisper-mumbles to you through his climax
“fuck, that’s so good! s- so good, doll, thank you! fuck fuck fuck don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop i love you. . .!”
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
on the topic of clothed sex - sometimes grinding through clothes is even hotter to him than penetration <3 there’s just something about how desperate it feels. . .
plop yourself on his lap to make out and grind on him desperately until you’re both cumming through your pants <3 nghhhh
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
kind of hung and he doesn’t even realize it
girthy and almost 7 inches
two pretty veins that split off from each other on the underside <3
i think he curves up a little and gets a bit thinner at the tip
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
low to average - he doesn’t think about it all the time, and it mostly comes to his attention when you bring it up
regardless, he’s unlikely to turn you down even if he wasn’t particularly thinking of it at the moment. just because it isn’t consuming him doesn’t mean he’ll pass up an opportunity to be buried in you <3
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sleepy demon boy
he can bounce back from a blowjob, but after fucking you? whew now he calling me nyquil or whatever nicki minaj said
within minutes, baby
hold him and kiss him while he dozes off <3 he'll mumble and grumble about how much he loves you until he's out
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love in the moonlight
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summary: filming on the set of scream vi was all fun and games. until you started falling head over heels for your best friend. confessing your love in the moonlight was not at all what you expected to be doing.
word count: 1.2k fluff!!
"ugh i don't know what to do!!" you whine, falling back on the sofa in the makeup trailer.
"hey you already know what im going to suggest" jenna giggles as the makeup artist does some final touches.
"i can't just walk up to him and be all like 'oh by the way im like super in love with you' " you explain.
"no that's exactly what you need to do!" jenna pleads. she walks over to you, flopping down beside you.
"but what if i tell him and ruin the whole friendship thing" you whisper, turning your head to meet jenna's eyes.
"oh my god. have you seen the way he looks at you?? that man is in love. i guarantee it."
you look away from her, staring back up at the ceiling wondering how you got into this situation.
wrapping up your final scene for the day you head back to your trailer. not much to your surprise jack is already outside waiting for you. he;s leaning against the side of the trailer as his skin glows from the moonlight. you can't help but stare for a moment to take him all in.
"hey pretty girl! all done?" he asks, a smiling spreading across his face at the sight of you.
"mhm im so tired" you respond opening the door to your trailer. while also hiding the blush on your face from the nickname.
"you wanna get changed and go back to my place?" jack asks.
"yeah ofc! just give me a couple minutes!"
soon after you open your trailer back up making sure to turn everything off. putting your tote bag on your shoulder, you gesture to jack signaling your ready to go.
"how were your scenes today?" you ask while walking
"they were really good!! except at one point i bumped into this extra and i felt so bad. i think i made up for it by giving her my number though. she was really pretty" he explains with a giggle.
"oh, yeah that was nice" you fake a smile as you feel your heart sink.
you soon arrive back at jack's place, where you found yourself spending a lot of time. dropping your tote bag, you immediately fall back onto jack's bed.
"well someone is tired" jack laughs glancing over at you.
"movie night?" you smile while getting more comfortable.
"you know it!"
jack puts on one of your favorite movies and joins you in bed. you two had always done stuff like this but for some reason tonight felt different. jack begins talking pulling you away from your anxious thoughts.
"hey so i was thinking maybe you could help me text that girl i was telling you about" he asks while handing you his phone.
"oh yeah um sure" you say taking the phone in your hand.
"so what do you want to say" you question.
"do you think its too soon to ask her on a date?"
you try to keep your composure hearing those words come out of his mouth.
"uhm maybe not" you whisper feeling tears brim your eyes.
"okay maybe start with 'hey! i think you're super gorgeous and i was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?' " he finishes.
you stare at the phone for a second feeling all your composure slowly break down.
"i'm too nervous to send it you do it" jack giggles fidgeting with his fingers.
"i can't im sorry" you say, a tear threatening to slip from your eye.
"what?" he questions at your sudden mood change.
feeling hot tears down your face you quickly try to get out of the room. why were you so worked up? why were you crying over such a small gesture he was making? why were you making a fool of yourself? god this was so stupid.
jack very quickly notices your distress. you're already walking out of his room before he can even get the chance to ask what's wrong. all he does is stare in shock as you gather all your belongings.
"hey hey what are you doing? what's wrong?" he questions, you can hear the full distress and concern in his voice.
"i just really need to go home" you say giving his phone back. this is the first look of you he's been able to see since you started freaking out. he grows even more worried when he sees your glassy eyes and red nose.
"was it something i did? what can i do to help?" he pleads.
"nothing i promise i just really need to go" you respond, you can feel your voice betraying you as your vision becomes blurrier.
"okay well at least let me drive you home" he says reaching for his keys on the counter.
"no jack please just let me go" you slightly raise your voice.
he stays silent and you take this opportunity to walk out the front door. quickly calling a cab, you feel your face cool as the cold wind hits your tear-stained cheeks.
"okay i tried to be considerate and let you go but i just can't. seriously what's wrong. please tell me i just want to help" he pleads.
you slowly turn around to face him. faces just inches apart, you stare into the same eyes you've loved for so long. you let your eyes roam his features, just taking him in. his cheeks and nose slowly turning a bright pink from the cold wind.
"i'm in love with you jack" you finally confess.
“and i have been for a really long while, i just never knew how to tell you" you whisper, growing insecure. he doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity and you very quickly regret everything that has just happened.
going to turn around you are very quickly interrupted by jack's strong hands snaking around your waist pulling you closer. shocked by his movement you stare at him wide eyed. staring into each other's eyes he closes the gap and meets your lips. taking a few seconds to register what the hell is happening you very quickly kiss back.
wrapping your arms around his neck trying to get any closer you could possibly be. hands roaming his curls as his hold your waist even tighter. breaking away from the kiss you take a moment to process.
"im in love with you too" he finally confesses.
taking a moment to process everything, your thoughts finally catch up to you. "why didn't you do that like forever ago?!" you yell pushing his chest.
"what?!" he questions, confused at yet another sudden change in emotion.
"i've literally spent so much time going insane over you" you laugh.
"what!!! i've been going insane! i have been sending so many signals but you're oblivious or something!" he responds laughing as well.
"okay so we're even" you smile.
"one more thing and we're even" he responds, pulling you closer and kissing you again.
"so you're not going out with that girl right?" you question, putting your arms around his neck to hold him closer.
"oh she wasn't real i was just trying to make you jealous" he calmly explains.
"jack!! oh my god i hate you" you say in disbelief.
"mmm you just said you love me" he responds with a fake confused face.
"oh shut up" you giggle, pulling him in a for another kiss.
and there you were, two teenagers in love kissing in the moonlight.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
Sooo..Could you write maybe a one shot where the reader is in the band and like they tease Bill on stage like idk bumping against him or sum like that and then later Bill punishes the reader IDK IM JUST SO THIRSTY😍😍 No pressure ofc
YESYESYESOFC🤭 i also got another ask about something very close to this is im combining them
2010 Bill Kaulitz x fem!reader
Warnings: hair pulling, semi public sex, unprotected sex, slight overstimulation, oral (fem!receiving) written as 2010 Bill but could be read as whatever era u want!
Your body rocked slightly as you were performing on stage, trying to keep up with the rhythm. Bill walks towards you a little like he usually does to everyone when performing. Your back was facing him as he approached you and you got an idea.
You walked back slowly, meeting him halfway. His chest was pressed against your back as he continued singing. You bend over and little and rub your ass against him. The crowd noticed this and went insane, screaming and cheering you on. He watches as you move against him subtly, slowly growing more frustrated with you. He steps away from you and gives you a warning look when you turn around to face him, a huge smirk on your face.
After the concert…
Bill grabs your hand and storms into his dressing room, slamming the door after you both entered. He pushes you up against the wall and clashes his lips onto yours. You gasp and tangle your hands into his hair.
“You’re such a little brat. Fuckin teasing me in front of that many people. You think I’m gonna let you get away with that? Hm?” His voice is raspy from singing for so long, and it makes hear rush through your body.
“Did it to make you mad. It was pretty funny too.” You knew that you were making your situation worse, but that what you wanted. His eyes turned darker at your teasing words.
“Oh that was funny? We’ll see who’s laughing after I ruin you.” He grabs you by your thighs and lifts you up. You gasp and wrap your arms around his neck so that you dont fall. He wraps your legs around his waist and walks you over to the old looking couch that was placed against the wall across from the door. After he sets you down, he gets on his knees and forces your legs open so that he could be in between them. His lust filled eyes stare into your own and you feel a little nervous about whats about to happen.
“Bill… what if someone walks in? Were not exactly in a private spot.” He laughs as he tugs the waistband of your pants down, making you lift your hips so that he could take them fully off.
“Well, we weren’t in a private spot when you were practically grinding on me, were we? I think you’ll be ok.” He mocks you, which makes you shiver with excitement. Bill notices and lays wet kisses against your inner thighs, “and judging by how fucking soaked you are, I’m guessing that you like the fact that we could be caught at any moment..” he cocks an eyebrow at you and you stay silent, knowing that hes right.
“See, I know exactly what you like. Which is perfect, because that means I know how to make you fall apart for me.” Before you could protest, he attaches his mouth onto your aching cunt. With your eyes rolling back, you grab fistfuls of his hair to tug him closer to you. Bill grunts and you feel it vibrate against you, and you can’t help but let out a few breathy moans.
“Fuck Bill! You’re so good. So good..” your word’s trailed off when you felt his lips wrap around you clit and tug it into his mouth. He laughs at your reaction and continues his harsh sucking. You could feel your release building up inside of you and your hips lift off the couch slightly, pushing up towards his face. Bills actions only speed up as he pushes your hips back down and holds you there. You felt yourself start to let go before you could stop yourself.
“Fuck! Cumming! I’m cumming Bill!” His tongue thrusts into you, helping you ride out your orgasm. As your body starts shaking, he begins to pull away,
“You always taste so good. I love you so fucking much.” Bill’s still upset with you, but he wants you to know that he loves you.
“I love you too. You look so pretty right now.” You tell him, looking down at him lovingly while you play with his hair. His hair is all messy from you pulling on it and his makeup is smudged under his eyes. He stand up to unbuckle his belt and pulls his pants and boxers down. His hands guide you to lay down and he hovers above you.
“You ready baby? Im gonna fuck this pussy real good.” He doesn’t even let you answer before pushing into you. Your mouth opens but no noises come out of it as he immediately starts thrusting into you at a quick pace. He seemed to notice your body was already shaking from the first orgasm he gave you, and that made him smile. He holds your jaw with one hand and rubs your clit with the other. You whined and pulled him down to kiss you. Both of you were breathing hard and you could feel his breath hit your face.
“I’m sorry for pissing you off Bill. I wanna be good now.” Bill could feel his heart beat faster at your switch in attitude. He smiles down at you and leans back up to thrust into you at a better angle.
“See? All you need was for me to fuck that attitude out of you. Now you’re being a good girl.” He uses his hands to spread your legs father apart, giving him the perfect angle. You throw your head back and gasp at the sudden change, feeling another orgasm building inside of you.
“Shit.. gonna cum again baby! Feels so good!” Your hand reach up to cup the back of his head, pulling him down to kiss you once again. He groans when he feels your cunt clench around him. His pace starts to speed up when he feel’s himself about to finish, and his head falls into you neck when he finally finishes inside of you. Both of you lay there until you hear a knock on the door.
“Hey who’s in there? We gotta go!”
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