#Velocity error
lisafication · 1 year
On Section 230 (Or: How to kill the internet in one court case)
This isn't going to be quite as long as the last lengthy post, but I thought I might talk for a moment about Title 47, Section 230 in US law. Now, I myself am not an accredited lawyer nor even American, so take this with a grain of salt, but I have some experience with its implementation and how necessary it is for a site to function.
I see a number of people arguing for its removal, largely, as far as I can tell, to screw over tech companies. Now, I can certainly understand disliking Meta, Twitter, Reddit, or other such companies but I want to just explain the legal framework behind how modern social media and other content hosting sites (such as Sufficient Velocity, Archive of Our Own or tumblr itself) operate.
As a content host, you are the publisher of any content on your platform. That's why Terms of Service inevitably include language such as "you agree to grant us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free license to Your Content as described above".
Without that license, sites simply don't have the right to publish anything you post. How does this tie into Section 230? Well, by default under US law, you are liable for anything you publish. Section 230 carves out an exception for this, as described with the following language in section(c):
"(c)Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
(1)Treatment of publisher or speaker: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
(2)Civil liability: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—
(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1)." To de-legalese that, subsection(1) means that we, the content host, are not liable for user-generated content, while subsection(2) means that we are not liable for any good faith (though this is a very fuzzy term) attempt to moderate any given content. In short, subsection(1) means we don't all get arrested if someone posts CSAM, while subsection(2) means that people can't, for example, take us to court for violating their First Amendment rights for deleting a 'phobic screed or banning them as a result.
In other words, without these carve outs, we get shut down the second someone official notices illegal content on the platform — even if we ourselves are unaware.
I mention CSAM because it is by far the most common rhetorical bludgeon used to attack Section 230 — the argument is that it means content hosts are allowed to let it proliferate on their platform. And the answer to that is... well, not really. There's already a law for that.
As described in Title 18, Section 2258A, content hosts have a duty to report CSAM — I won't quote the whole thing as more-or-less the entire text is relevant, rather than a specific section, but this is the text describing the duty to report:
"In order to reduce the proliferation of online child sexual exploitation and to prevent the online sexual exploitation of children, a provider—
(i)shall, as soon as reasonably possible after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(A), take the actions described in subparagraph (B); and
(ii)may, after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(B), take the actions described in subparagraph (B)."
I'm not going to break down precisely what those paragraphs are referring to because that would make this post way, way longer, but to summarise: as soon as we find out about it, we have to take specific steps including reporting it to the relevant agencies. We are also granted certain exemptions from the usual restrictions on user data to report identifying information we may have on the offender(s).
To whit, we are already legally compelled to do essentially everything in our power about CSAM (as defined by US law) that we learn about. Blowing up Section 230 isn't going to improve this situation, it's just going to obliterate social media and the internet as we know it. The answer is (must be) technological, rather than legal.
As is something of a theme in my posting, content moderation remains the great unsolved problem of the digital landscape, and any seemingly-easy solution, isn't.
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spidrboots · 11 months
@e-m-p-error . continued from here .
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the grip surrounding his wrist is an all too familiar ache, valentino's fingers encircling his limb with ease. part of angel dust knew better than to try & fight against him ; he had been burned by val plenty of times before, & while the overlord has scorched him time & time again, his fire worked to light a flame under angel. he didn't like being controlled -- he could still recall the days when he was alive, where he would burst into a room, guns blazing, & demand respect with his presence alone. he thinks he might have taken that time for granted.
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a yelp of pain springs into his throat & catches there. he stumbles forward, nearly tripping into valentino's chest. he hardly remembers how this all had started . . . perhaps it was the offhanded remark that wasn't supposed to be heard by anyone but him, maybe it was the fact that he had begun fighting back once he took note of val's mood turning sour. whatever it was, biting back his own sass was hard to swallow.
"you're hurtin' me," is all he can manage. it feels like a good intermediary comment without him having to completely lay down & grovel. tears spring into his eyes, & all it does is piss him off. even if he knows it's futile, angel still tries to pull away from val's vice grip. "i - . . . i didn't mean it, val. i'm sorry, alright ? now, c'mon, it ain't gotta come to this."
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sidmjkgc · 1 year
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Son problemi seri eh...
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prokopetz · 1 year
Kerbal Space Program was once afflicted by a bug the fans dubbed the "Deep Space Kraken", whereby if you travelled far enough from the origin of the game's coordinate system, floating point rounding errors would cause your spacecraft's components to become misaligned and/or clip into each other, resulting in the craft falling apart or exploding for no obvious reason.
The bug was later fixed by defining the active spacecraft itself as the origin of the game's coordinate system. In effect, the spacecraft no longer moves; instead, the spacecraft remains stationary and the entire universe moves around it. Owing to how relativity works, to the player this is indistinguishable from the spacecraft moving about within a fixed coordinate system, and it ensures that the body of the craft and its components will always be modelled with maximal precision.
While elegant, this solution introduced a new problem: it was now possible, by doing certain stupid tricks with relativistic velocities, to introduce floating point rounding errors to everything except the active spacecraft. In extreme cases, this could result in the destruction of the entire observable universe.
Some might call this one of those situations where the solution proves to be worse than the problem. I call it a perfect expression of what Kerbal Space Program is truly about.
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
there wouldnt be any way u wld write a slightly sub five fic like you did with him and vivi? .... :)))
Ask and you shall receive! In this one, you and Five are working as trained assassins and you're not exactly happy with him. Enjoy! 😽
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Five x Reader One-shot, 5,202 words
Warnings: Smut, light bondage (very light), light dom/sub, oral sex
If Five noticed your silent treatment on the drive over to the crappy motel, he hadn’t let on. You waited with increasing irritation as he took his sweet time getting the room key out and opening the door. If you weren’t set on not talking to him, you would have not-so-gently reminded him that he didn’t need a damn key in the first place, but you let him struggle instead. Once he opened the door for you, you pushed past him and threw your bag and rifle case on the one sad and saggy double bed in the room. You crossed your arms over your chest, looking around with a scowl.
“This place is a dump.”
Five shrugged, setting his own bags down on the floor and shrugging his suit jacket off before placing it on the back of the one chair provided.
“It’s not great, I’ll admit, but could be worse.”
His casual tone told you he had not, indeed, picked up on your anger. As you stood there, glaring daggers in his direction, he finally looked up and had the nerve to act surprised.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.
You put your hands on your hips. “You want to tell me what the hell that was back there?”
Five balked, the innocent look on his face aggravating you even more. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
With a loud huff, you turned to start unpacking your bag. “Of course you don’t.”
There was a pause and then Five sighed. “Well, are you going to tell me what you’re mad about, or do I have to start guessing?”
“You seriously don’t know?” you asked, spinning to face him.
He shook his head, putting his hands in his pockets in that way that told you he was starting to get fed up with your passive-aggressiveness. “No, I seriously don’t know.”
You gestured in the vague direction of the door, indicating the outside world you’d just come in from. “Out there. When you literally pushed me out of the way and took my shot.”
Five rolled his eyes and sighed. “That? You’re mad about that?”
“You knocked me on the ground!”
“I helped you back up,” he said with a smirk.
You made a frustrated growling noise and clenched your fists together. “That’s not the point! You’re supposed to be my partner! You’re supposed to support me! I had the fucking shot!”
Five hung his head and then looked back up with a grin that you immediately wanted to smack off his face. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, cocking his head to the side in a condescending way.
“As your long-suffering partner, of course I support you 100%. But I’m not going to sit there and watch you make an error that could get you or both of us killed.”
You scowled up at him and shook yourself free from his grasp. “That’s a bunch of horse shit and you know it! I had that shot set up perfectly. Just because you can’t handle a little competition does not mean you get to just shove me out of the way like that.”
He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes again. “You did not have it set up perfectly. You would have missed.”
“I would not have,” you spat back between clenched teeth.
“With the way you were aiming and the fact that you hadn’t accounted for wind trajectory and velocity, you absolutely would have missed.”
You threw your hands in the air. “Of course, I factored in the wind trajectory! What do you think I am, a moron?”
“Of course I don’t. Stop being so dramatic.”
“That’s it,” you snapped, turning back to your bag on the bed. “I’ve had enough. I’m asking for a new partner when we get back.”
“Oh, is that right? You’re just going to waltz in there and ask for a new partner?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Because whoever else they can pair me up with has to be better than someone that can’t possibly admit when they’re wrong.”
“Uh-huh,” Five nodded. “You going to ask for a new husband, too, while you’re at it?”
“Maybe I will!”
“I don’t think that’s how that works, darling.”
A few seconds passed and you felt his arms wrap around your middle from behind. He rubbed his face into your hair and kissed your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he said, not in the least bit convincingly, and you could feel the smile on his face.
“I don’t think you are.”
He moved your hair away from your neck and kissed the side. “I’m so very, very sorry. And if you come join me in the shower, I can show you how sorry I am.”
You closed your eyes and held your breath for a few seconds before letting it out in a loud exhale. He always knew how to get to you. And how to make you weak for him. But this time you were not going to give in. You were still too pissed.
“No, thank you,” you responded brusquely.
You felt that smirk against your neck again, before he moved down to your collarbone, using his teeth to very gently scrape across it over your shirt. Your mouth pressed together in a straight line as you tried not to give in.
“Please, sweetheart. You know you can’t stay mad at me,” Five mumbled against your neck. “Especially when I saved your life.”
“RAHHH!” You yelled, turning around so quickly that Five stumbled backward in surprise. “You did not save my life or anyone else’s! I had the shot!”
Five ran a hand down his face. “Ok, honey, you had the shot. I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about. Can we move on?”
As you stared at him with rage, you had to remind yourself that you really did love him. He was your husband after all, and it’s not like this is the first time his arrogance had created a rift between you two. And he was right when he said you couldn’t stay mad at him. You knew damn well it was just a matter of hours (probably less) before you’d give in and he’d have you on your back, moaning and crying for him, after accepting his half-ass apology and letting him make it up to you. Because, fuck, he really did know how to make you forget why you were mad at him in the first place.
Even though you were not ready to forgive him quite yet, you couldn’t help looking over his body, and the way that tailored suit fit him just right. Other married couples you knew had lost that lust for each other over the years. But not you two. It was usually part of your work routine to come back to your shithole motel after a day of hard-earned assassinations, and not be able to get one another’s clothes off fast enough. There was something about a loud and rough post-kill fuck that neither of you could get enough of.
You saw that flicker of amusement behind his eyes and a tiny bit of a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and you decided you really were still mad at him. But that anger was turning into something else. Something you could possibly use to your advantage.
Taking a few steps forward, you grabbed his tie in your fist and pulled him roughly into you. “We can absolutely move on. But here’s the thing. I’m still not buying your apology, so you can drop that little act. I do, however, have a way you can make it up to me.”
Five smiled. “And what’s that, love?”
“Get on the bed and I’ll show you.” You tugged harder on his tie. “Now.”
Five raised an eyebrow. He was not used to being ordered around in the bedroom, or anywhere else, for that matter. He did the ordering. You waited to see his reaction.
You could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out if he wanted to play along or counter with his own demands. And truth be told, you’d probably give in immediately if he took charge like usual.
He gave a small nod of assent and you let go of the tie. He sat on the side of the bed and waited for you to direct him.
“Lie down,” you instructed.
Five did as he was told, lying down on the bed, stretched out on his back. That small, smart-ass smile was creeping back again and it was only fueling your desire to dominate him.
You shoved the bag and your gear off the bed and climbed on. You were still dressed in your own matching suit, although yours was fitted and tailored for a woman. Your shoes were kicked off and you threw your blazer to the side and ripped off your tie. Then you straddled Five’s thighs and looked down on him with an overly sweet smile.
“You are all mine, now. Isn’t that right, darling?” you said, using his usual pet name for you.
Five paused but nodded slowly again. “Yes.”
“And you’re going to let me use you however I want to, right?”
His eyebrows creased together and his mouth opened partially. You figured this would be where he would protest. To your surprise, he didn’t. “Yes,” he agreed.
“Such a good boy,” you praised, cocking your head to the side. “But, you know…I just don’t trust you. I think I need a little more assurance that you’re going to stay put.” You dropped the fake smile. “Hands over your head.”
Five hesitated only for a second before he stretched his arms over his head so that his hands were close to the headboard. You scooted your body up a little and grabbed his tie, unknotting it and pulling it out from the collar of his shirt. Wrapping the tie around his wrists and securing it to the headboard, you made sure to make the knot extra tight. You knew, of course, that Five had the same training you did and could easily get out of his restraint. Not to mention his handy superpowers that meant he was nearly impossible to imprison.
He pulled against the tie, but it was secure. He shook his head. “You do have amazing knot-tying skills, my love, but you do know I can just blink out of this, right?”
Of course you knew that, but you just looked down on him with an amused smile. “I don’t think you’ll be doing that.”
“And why not?”
“Because if you do, then you’re not going to be getting anywhere near this pussy tonight. And I know that’s what you’re dying for.”
You gave a little push against his groin while you were straddling him and he groaned quietly.
“So, here’s how this is going to go. You’re going to do everything I say. I get to decide when you’re going to eat me and if or when I’m going to use that big cock of yours. And I don’t really care how you get off, but you better make sure I come first. Understand?”
“Yes,” Five said softly, licking his lips.
With your thighs still hugging either side of his waist, you started to unbutton your shirt, exposing your tits that were spilling over the white lace bra you were wearing. You knew Five loved this bra. He had picked it out for you. And he liked you in white because he liked knowing his assassin wife was dressed like an angel underneath her blood-stained clothes. You were a ruthless killer, just like him, but he knew the real you. Inside you were pure and you loved him unconditionally.
You were still going to torture the hell out of him, though.
Throwing your shirt off to the side, you let him have a good look at you while you ran your hands up your sides and onto your breasts. You squeezed them together and rubbed the tips of your fingers over your hardened nipples. You looked him directly in the eyes and traced your bottom lip with your tongue. Five groaned and you felt his dick come to life under you. When you ground down onto him, he let out another gravelly noise and pushed his hips up; his cock becoming fully hard.
You leaned down and kissed his mouth, pausing to bite at his bottom lip with your teeth before pulling away. His breath began to quicken as you unbuttoned his white dress shirt, tugging the bottom out of his pants and opening it to reveal his chiseled torso. You made a soft whimpering sound and slid the palms of your hands down his chest, over his stomach, and down to his waist. Your hair brushed over his skin as you leaned down to place a line of teasing kisses down his body, starting at his neck and traveling down to his navel. You could taste the salt from his skin and smell his familiar scent that you couldn’t get enough of.
“Oh, Five…do you know how hot you are? The things I want to do to you?”
“Do anything you want. I’m all yours, sweetheart,” he breathed out.
You gave a small shake of your head, like you couldn’t believe he was already acting up for you, and then placed a light slap onto his cheek. “No talking unless I say so. Just lay there and look pretty for me, ok honey?”
Five gave a short laugh, but he shut up and didn’t say anything else. He shifted his body under you and you gave him a squeeze with your thighs. He was all laid out there for you, shirt open and his hands tied behind his head. Usually, you would be the one pinned underneath him, writhing in anticipation. Now things were totally in your control.
After one more aggressive roll of your hips into his, you climbed off the bed to undress yourself the rest of the way. Five watched each movement you made and when you were down to just your white, sheer panties that matched your bra, you smiled when he pulled at the tie again in frustration.
You liked to tease him, but you also had a few other plans in mind, and for that, you needed to be fully nude. Making sure he was watching closely, you shimmied out of your panties and stripped your bra off. Once you were naked, with Five practically salivating at the sight of you, you climbed back on top of him.
You rubbed yourself against his hard cock, trapped beneath the fine material of his dress pants. The firm bulge slid between your legs, adding a delicious amount of friction as you rocked your hips against him a few times. Five closed his eyes and let out a low groan.
“So hard for me already.” You pushed yourself down and he grunted. “I like that.” You tilted your head to the side as you continued to work him over, letting him watch as you humped his clothed cock; grinding down until you were sure it was a mixture of pleasure and pain for him. He hissed through gritted teeth and closed his eyes.
Taking a little bit of pity on the poor old man, and also not wanting to risk the chance that he may just come in his pants, you stopped gyrating on top of him. You moved down a little so that you could have access to the fly of his pants. You slowly unzipped his fly before shoving your hand in, cupping his balls through his boxers, and rubbing your palm over his erection. He was clearly trying to restrain himself, but you could see the way he desperately wanted more. His hips pushed up into your hand as he swallowed hard and sucked in a loud breath.
Five’s head fell back as you pulled his pants and underwear off, leaving them in a pile on the floor with the rest of your clothes. He was left in just his open dress shirt and nothing else, his arms stretched over his head and his hands bound to the headboard. It was the sexiest fucking sight you’d ever seen.
You were on top of him again, this time avoiding the urge to rub yourself on his dick, even though it was tempting as hell. But you wanted him to squirm a little bit more. Instead, you leaned down and kissed him roughly on the mouth, tangling your hand in his hair and pulling hard. Your tongue slipped inside and you sucked at his lips, devouring him. When you gave a severe bite to his lower lip, he winced and jerked against his restraints. You dragged your tongue across, licking up the few drops of blood that had seeped out. Your breath was ragged and loud as you sat back again.
“Sorry, baby,” you breathed out. “I got a little carried away because you’re just so fucking gorgeous. You ok?”
Five looked up at you, breathing hard as one side of his mouth turned up, accentuating the dimple on the side of his cheek. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, licking at the blood, and nodded.  
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Good. Because I have plans for that beautiful mouth of yours.”
With that as your warning, you crept up his body until his face was between your legs. On your knees, you grabbed onto the top of the headboard. He couldn’t hold onto you, or adjust his body too much underneath you, but you lowered yourself until you could feel his hot mouth against your wet and aching sex.
Five knew what you liked and how you liked it. He knew how to work you over with his lips and tongue. He moaned into you as he dragged his warm tongue up through your slit, tasting all of you. You whined loudly as you tipped your head back, closing your eyes. Everything felt so damn good; his tongue flicking at your clit, the warm wetness of his mouth as it completely engulfed you, and the stubble from his five o’clock shadow scratching your inner thighs. It was hard to hold back. You wanted to push down harder and start riding his face. As you grasped onto the headboard, you let out a high-pitched noise of frustrated restraint, allowing yourself to thrust onto him a few times before letting up again. After all, you didn’t want to suffocate the poor man. But fuck, it was incredible, and he was slowly driving you insane.
Five hummed, the noise muffled by the constant grinding of your dripping cunt against his mouth.
“Five…oh my god…” you groaned out. “You’re doing so good for me, baby…so fucking good.”
If you had a little bit more clarity about you, you may have noticed him laughing briefly before sucking and licking at you again. He wasn’t missing the irony of you using his usual comments of praise on him.
As you were lost in your own little paradise, you could feel him pushing his hips up, desperate for some sort of contact. You had hardly paid much attention to his cock yet, and he was starting to become a little desperate. You smiled down at him, still rolling your hips against his face.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. Keep going just a little longer, ok? Then I’ll give you what you want.”
You almost laughed at yourself. You really could not believe he was letting you get away with this. You expected him to blink out of his restraints at any second, appearing behind you before fucking you ferociously, all while reminding you who was really in charge. Instead, he continued letting you call the shots. And he sure as hell didn’t seem to be minding it.
Reaching behind you, you gave him one slow stroke up his hard shaft, making him momentarily lose concentration.
“Oh, fuuuck…” he groaned out. The words vibrated against you and you followed it with your own moan.
Which gave you an idea. You climbed off of Five’s face, letting him get in a couple of good gulps of air, while you repositioned yourself over him again; this time facing the opposite direction. You leaned forward, taking his cock in your hand and giving it a teasing lick around the head. When he made another desperate noise, you could feel the exhale of his breath against your wet pussy as you hovered over him.
“Do you want me to suck your dick, baby? Would that feel good?” you asked sweetly, giving it another lick up the side.
You felt another hiss of air against your skin. “God, yes,” he breathed out.
“Alright, I can do that for you. But you better keep eating me out, because if you stop, I stop. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, got it,” he whined and you smirked at his obvious need.
When your lips wrapped around his girth and slid down the shaft, slowly and deliberately, his hips thrust up into your face, making you swallow the entire thing, the head driving down your throat. As you began to gag and pull back, he relaxed back onto the bed. You removed your mouth and glanced back over your shoulder.
“If you do that again, you’re not going to get anything at all. So hold. Still,” you warned, squeezing his dick slightly just to remind him who was calling the shots.
There was a quiet huff of frustration, but he didn’t argue. When your mouth was back on him, he kept still, just like you instructed. You felt his tongue flick inside of your dripping hole as he lapped into you and you pushed your backside into him again. As long as he continued to mouth fuck you how you wanted, you continued to suck his dick. It was hard to concentrate and every time he moaned, you did it back in response because it made it that much hotter. The longer you worked his cock over, and the longer he ate you out, the more you wanted to feel him inside you.
Taking your mouth off of him, you moved again, turning around so you were facing him, kneeling between his legs. Five’s mouth was red and swollen, glistening and wet. His chest was heaving with the effort of trying to catch his breath after you were sitting on his face and from the amazing blow job you had just been giving him. You were panting, too, and you ran your hands down his torso as you started to straddle his waist. When you leaned down to kiss him, you grabbed his hair in your fist and pulled his head back.
“God, I love you, Five,” you snarled, before you were back to kissing him roughly again, sliding your tongue inside.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he groaned against your lips.
“I want to fuck you so badly right now. Do you want that? Want to sink your rock-hard cock into my tight hole that’s only for you?”
Five nodded, looking into your eyes with the desperation of a man who was on the edge. “Shit, yes, baby…I want you to fuck me.”
You pulled your mouth to the side and shook your head. You lined yourself up with his dick, rubbing your wet slit up and down, making him suck in a loud breath and close his eyes.
“Before I let that delicious dick inside, I need one more little thing from you, ok?”
He nodded slowly again, trying to thrust up into you, but you held tight. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Just…god damn it…what is it?”
You leaned in close to his face, your mouth less than an inch from his, and you grinned wickedly. “Admit I had the shot.”
Five was silent as he took that in, but his eyebrows furrowed together. “Excuse me?”
You tugged at his hair again and slid your slick folds over his shaft. Five grunted. “You heard me. All you have to do is admit I had the shot and that you just wanted it for yourself. Then I promise that I’ll ride you like a fucking bronco until you're filling me up with your cum. It’s so easy,” you cooed with fluttering eyelashes and a sweet smile.
The only sounds in the room were those of your collective, ragged breaths as you both waited each other out. It was a standoff. But you were pretty sure you had the upper hand. There’s no way he was going to be able to hold out.
He breathed out a long, loud exhale. “Fine. You had the shot.”
You smiled. “And?”
“And I just wanted it for myself,” he said quietly and clearly unhappily.
“So, you admit that I know what I am doing and you, Five Hargreeves, are not the only one out there that has a brain?”
Five growled, his teeth clenched together and his body jerking beneath you. “Yes! Fuck! I admit it…I told you! You were right, I was wrong. Now please…just fuck me!” His voice cracked with his begging.
You brought your hand down, tracing the lines of his jaw. “Thank you, my love. That’s all I wanted.” You gave him another patronizing smack on the cheek, this one just a little harder than you had before, which you only just realized a second too late. His head turned to the side with the force of it and a light pink mark was left in its wake.
His eyes flashed with that steeliness you had seen from him many times in the past. That darkness that would come over him when he would look at you like the prey he was about to consume. A small smile formed on his face, his dimple peeking through and creating a contrast of severity and innocence as he looked you dead in the eyes. Your pulse quickened at the sight and suddenly you weren’t feeling so in control anymore.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he said slowly in that dangerous voice of his. “I think we’re done with this game.”
You swallowed loudly. You didn’t think you could have gotten any wetter than you already were, but you were proven wrong when you felt a rush between your legs as your breath hitched in your throat.
There was one more second of eye contact before you were collapsing onto the bed on all fours, a flash of blue surrounding you, and Five’s body no longer beneath yours. There was no time to register what was happening before you felt strong hands on either side of your hips, pulling your ass back while you cried out in surprise. There was also no time before Five’s hard cock was slamming inside of you in one thrust. His hand gripped your hair as he started fucking you.
“Five!” you exclaimed, inhaling a stuttering breath as he continued to rail into you. “That’s too…oh, fuck…keep going.”
You heard a quiet laugh from behind you, right before your body was tugged upward by your hair, and Five’s mouth was on your neck, his harsh breath warming your already hot skin. His other hand snaked around to finger your throbbing clit and you tipped your head back with a pleading whine.
“Oh god…yes, Five…please…”
“Fuck, I love to hear you beg for me. Keep going...beg me to let you come on my dick. Beg for my cum inside you."
"Ahh...please, Five..." you could hardly think of words or any coherent thoughts as he kept driving himself inside you. "...please...come inside me!"
"That's what I needed...you're always so good for me," he said tenderly next to your ear before pressing harder into you with his fingers and rubbing circles against you.
Damn it, he always knew how to get to you. It had been a fun game while it lasted, but you both knew this was what you really wanted. To be dominated and praised by him. To be owned by him.
You came for him, just like he wanted, crying out his name and trembling against his body as he held you to him with all of his strength. He followed soon after, groaning into your neck and shoulder; his face pressed into you as he emptied himself inside you with long, pumping shudders of his hips against your ass.
When you were both left panting for air, skin damp and bodies weak, he moved from behind you and you laid down on your side. Five fell onto his back, his chest still working for air as he looked over at you with a smile that you returned. He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss.
“I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me,” he smirked.
You scoffed. “I had you begging for me and you confessed to being a big liar!”
Five shrugged. “Confessions given under coercion are considered false and inadmissible in court. I think you know that. Therefore, I admit nothing.”
Your mouth hung open for a second and your eyes narrowed. “I swear to god, Five, I really am going to get a new part—”
He cut you off with a kiss and a gentle hand on the side of your face. When you pulled away his smile had evolved from arrogant to sweet and loving. He stroked your cheek and lips with his thumb.
“You know I love you more than anything in the world and I would never do anything to get in your way or to try and make you look bad. You are my amazing, sexy, smart, bad-ass wife who can do everything I can do and more. So, I swear to you when I say—”
“I know,” you said quietly with a nod. “I was going to miss, wasn’t I?”
He kissed you again. “Maybe. Maybe not. But when it comes to you, I’m not taking any chances.”
You nodded again. “I know that. And I couldn’t ask for a better partner or husband than you.” Then you grinned. “But if you knock me in the dirt again, you’re going to pay with more than just your hands tied over your head and a little slap to the face. Understand?”
Five laughed. “Fair enough. But you never know…I might like it.”
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planete777 · 1 year
getting high with lando and u somehow end up on his lap and u kinda accidentally grind down on him and he moans and says that feels rlly good and ur just like yeah? and u end up riding him
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( lando norris x fem!reader )
WARNINGS. 18+, MINORS DNI, getting high (as per), p in v unprotected sex (practise safe sex guys!!), semi public sex, riding, a little bit of body worship, high!lando x reader being hot (as per pt. 2)
NOTE. anon prbly wanted this as a small thought post, but i had to write a proper fic coz planete.exe 404 error: BRAINROTTING! so plz enjoy my first ever smut (sorry if it sucks i tried), and remember, don't get high!! or do wtv u please.... ok bye 🫶
SIDENOTE. my askbox is open! feel free to send in any thoughts, scenarios, requests etc about high!lando 🤍
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all in the name of needed getaways, y/n and lando find themselves in the aforementioned's car, basking just behind the local park, where the sunset could perform best. clocks are just shy of 7pm, the wind a couple of degrees cooler than hours prior, and sitting in their adjacent seats with doors wide open, both lando and y/n have lit and inhaled their spliffs by second nature.
lando's beyond glad that the vehicle is out of plain sight, veiled by thick trees and bushes, because he was completely struck, dazed with not a thought in mind, and the sight would make a journalist's field day. yet, it's the thrill that keeps him flippant to all seriousness and discretion. the presence of y/n, uncaring and completely liberal in nature, gives him a second identity to just let it all go and succumb to the skewed vision and thrumming fingertips.
seats reclined by a bit, lando's foot rests just below the dashboard, y/n the same but with both instead, and lando can't feel a thing.
it's light conversation that carries the mood, punctuated by the aux that y/n has complete control over, and the rest of the world simmers away as they let the high take them before the ombres of the sky. it gets chiller, and it knocks y/n into partial sobriety slamming her side of the door shut.
"shut the door, lan', it's fucking cold now."
he groans, "nah, can't move."
he hears her sigh, mumbling a disappointed 'dickhead' beneath her breath, and he smiles before zoning out again. a few seconds of shuffling commences, then weighted friction lands so heavily on his thighs that it excavates a vehement puff of air out of him, red eyes snapping open. he can't say anything, not when y/n leans to grab the door shut and grinds on him with so much force that it has to be intentional.
lando knows he accomodated a semi throughout the whole car ride. something about seeing his best friend in her element turns him on so much that he could probably cum untouched.
but now, he feels too much, there's pressure on his dick, accompanied by warmth only y/n could emanate, and the moan that flies out of him rumbles in his chest.
"fuck, that feels good."
y/n freezes as she settles again, but then she's smirking, and no matter how more shut than open his eyes are, he can see it blatantly.
"yeah?" her voice sounds light and airy, and it runs lando mad.
"mhm." his chest is heaving up and down with a quickened velocity, and he feels far from being at the peace he was just seconds before.
the girl leans in, lips tracing along the skin of his neck with a phantom touch, and lando can feel every single inch of his resolve melt away. his hands rest on her hips, teasing a slip beneath her hoodie, and he squeezes, hard.
she goes higher, and higher, stopping at his ear, "let me ride you."
then it's all gone. composure complete in lack, his hand reaches up to her nape and slams her lips against his for a gratifying kiss. his eagerness is matched instantaneously, y/n combing her hands through lando's curls and tugging so hard that he nearly fears that some would rip out of their roots.
nothing amounts to the all encompassing sensation of y/n everywhere. her grinding turns more frantic, and he pushes her down hastily, hands crawling upon the skin of her back.
"get your dick in me, lan'," she says, with no room for more words, and he does just that, welding their lips together again as he fumbles with the knot of his joggers.
y/n finds a way to free herself of her hoodie, leaving her in nothing but her bra, and lando, pushing down to free his hard, aching dick, expresses his distaste for that.
"take it off, y/n."
she's smirking, and lando's losing it even more, "what? you're gonna suck them out here?"
he almost finds it offensive that she doesn't think he'll worship her anywhere. public be fucking damned, he'd be at her mercy whenever he could.
"and you'll fucking love it."
"damn right."
just as she unclips her bra, she grabs lando's dick, and, unprecedentedly, sheaths herself in.
everything is hot. god, he can't do anything but moan and moan again, shutting his eyes and going completely limp. it doesn't deter y/n, in fact, her wet, tight cunt squeezes and grinds upon lando's dick without mercy and the pleasure that soars through him burns and tickles.
"oh fuck fuck fuck," lando's mouth rains profanities, and as he goes to open his eyes, y/n moans and they roll back shut again. he's red all over, feels his t-shirt sticking to his skin with sweat, and the girl keeps on bouncing and grinding. he can't survive with it on, and so he yanks it off, coming skin-to-skin with y/n's naked chest.
"fuck lan'."
she can say nothing more, and neither can he, his hips thrusting upwards to meet hers. she lets out a high pitched moan, and lando's ears ring as he brings his hands up to cup her breasts. they fill them so perfectly, and his mouth waters like it aches for honey, attaching it to her left nipple and sucking it like he was running mad. he's drunk off her essence, a complete goner, and y/n throws her head back as her grinds slow down.
"feels so fucking good."
she's so deep in euphoria that she's on the verge of tears, and lando decides to let himself do the work, grabbing her hips and grinding upwards frantically.
the car smells sharply of sex, humid and steaming up the windows, and y/n hazily complements the scent with a drag of weed, eyes rolling back, and mouth puffing out pouts of smoke and moans. she feels the knot tighten in her gut and her toes curl just as lando sloppily licks wet kisses up her chest and neck, then into her mouth.
the kiss is barely one, filled with clashing teeth and the exchange of sighs, but lando keeps their mouth attached, sneaking a hand into hers to steal the spliff. y/n lets him, jaw slackened and too tired to engage in the tangle of tongues either.
"fuck, i'm cumming— shit shit shit!"
"cum with me y/n, cum on my dick," lando slurs out, taking the roll into his mouth before inhaling and exhaling the white smoke. his dick spasms sporadically, sensitive and completely throbbing as he spurts right into y/n's cunt, feeling her own coat and pool at the base of his dick.
they can barey ride down their high, exhausted and completely satiated, and all y/n can do is rest her head on lando's shoulder, rubbing her hands up and down his chest as he does the same.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 5 months
Thursday 2005 demos
These are some early demos for A City by the Light Divided which were stolen from the band and leaked in September 2005. I haven't seen anyone post about them so I thought I would myself. Below are lyrics and some extra context. I have tried to transcribe the lyrics as best I can but I have pretty bad auditory processing disorder so there will inevitably be some errors. If you spot a mistake, let me know and I will edit the post. The formatting and details of the lyrics are mostly based on the CD booklet.
Blog post
After the demos were leaked, Geoff made this blog post on the Thursday website on September 21 2005:
1 - At This Velocity - Lyrics
Hey friends-
SO… we see that the early demos we did for the record have FINALLY leaked. In this day and age anything and everything that passes through a computer eventually ends up being available to everyone at the click of a button. Many of you know that Thursday is one of the few bands that actually supports file sharing!!! We love the fact that music is available to everyone whenever they need it. We have always told our friends and 'fans' that they should download any of our albums that they can't afford or can't find in stores.
These demos, however, weren't ready for anyone to hear. These songs have all changed substantially since those demos and will probably change between now and the recording. Just to help you guys understand these demos, here's a user's guide: 1. most of these songs don't have names because the lyrics are still being written… a song only really becomes a song for us when we figure out EXACTLY what it's about. 2. One of these songs is actually the reincarnated out-take of a song that we cut from war all the time. 3. Andrew had just joined the band as a full fledged member when we recorded these and his keyboard parts were still sketchy at best. 4. There is one song, however, that is much closer to finished than the other's. It's called "At This Velocity" and it's about a crash landing in an airplane on the other side of the world. This song was started when we were in Australia on tour with the Flaming Lips, the Mars Volta and Poison the Well. The first line of the song is, "We were safe, Now we're paralyzed, Suspended in flight…" We hope you enjoy it.
On a related and timely note, we are very excited to announce that we will be heading into the studio with Dave Fridmann at the beginning of October to start on our new album. His work with the Flaming Lips, Weezer, Mogwai and Sleater Kinney has produced some of the finest albums of the last ten years. Dave is one of the few modern producers really pushing the medium and he's one of the nicest guys in the business. We started preproduction on the sixteen songs we've written. In the short amount of time we've been working with Dave he's already pushing us to new musical and emotional ground.
Anyway, thank you all for the love that you have always shown us. These demos aren't really a good indication so try not to listen to them too much (we don't want you to get used to them this way!!!). We're just happy that all the really great stuff on this album is still a secret!!!
Keep checking the website for updates and tidbits.
thanks and love,
Geoff (and all the Thursday boys)
We were safe
Now we're paralyzed
Suspended in flight
At this speed it makes no difference
Where I start and where you end
Or if you sit in an emergency aisle.
We could be dead
Complete the equation:
Our names are X and N
We have no value
In these calculations:
We're placed on a plane,
Pointed straight down,
Traveling at five hundred feet per second,
Five thousand feet from the ground -- how long will it take us to hit?
How fast will we start the disintegration?
No time left - just keep moving
No time left - just keep moving
How fast will it take us to hit?
How long till we start the disintegration?
2 - Telegraph Avenue Kiss - Lyrics
We could be safe here, forever,
Floating in the clean blue air.
Somewhere between the sun that gives us light and the ground that puts it out.
And we'll kneel in the aisles
Press our hands together, close our eyes, speak these words so softly into the black box
And it goes:
"Mother, father, can you hear this?
I want to thank you for all the sweetness.
I'm not coming home, we're never coming home."
She's the song that you tried to sing
And the note that you couldn't hit
So you locked her up in a music box
Turned the key on all of us
She spins silver strings in the dark
With metal teeth that ring in her heart
When the cover drops
The world just fades away, away, away
From her, waiting, waiting, waiting for her to say:
It doesn't matter what you say,
Doesn't matter what you think you mean,
You know our love's not unconditional.
A book of matches and a cigarette
A love note that you never sent
You can fold it up but you won't forget
You can strike a match but it still might not light
Now I'm the one that's stuck inside the silver cage,
The bird that can't fly away, clip its wings if it sings
Of the way, the way, the way that it hurt
Waiting, waiting, waiting for her to say:
It doesn't matter what you say,
Doesn't matter what you think you mean,
You know our love's not unconditional.
Doesn't matter what you say,
Doesn't matter what you think you mean,
You know our love's not unconditional.
The music box is open
It's spinning with the room
If you're the record playing, I'm the needle in the groove.
Listen to our song:
You're in my heart,
In my hands
In my lungs.
3 - The Other Side of the Crash / Over and Out (Of Control) - Lyrics
We move like a carousel
Streak lights and mirrors in our eyes
It's time to let this go
Can't stop spinning
Around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around, around
You know our love's not unconditional
You know our love's not unconditional.
Note: This contains a section from Panic On The Streets Of Health Care City, the "reincarnated out-take" mentioned in the blog post. Panic later appeared on Kill The House Lights.
The lights go down, outside (before our cars collide)
The city silhouettes itself (in forty shades of fire)
Do you know where these lies are leading? I'll meet you there.
I'm covering up my eyes
Before they cover up your eyes
And wrap your body all in white,
And we awake in the light of all the lies
This can't be happening
These sirens are for me, yeah
We wake up
Covered in the marks of all these razors
Racing up our veins
We'll live and learn to love again
Open up your eyes and we'll be safe again
From the razor's edge.
And the hospital ward sleeps
Through the surgery
Hiding needles in the drawer
(for emergency)
While upstairs they sleep
In maternity
Fever and the pitch.
It's a brand new day,
Just to be awake,
This is how it feels
To live and learn to love again
Open up your eyes and we'll be safe away
From the razor's edge.
4 - Autumn Leaves Revisited - Lyrics
The I.V. drips, the days drag on
The anesthetic's not wearing off
Adjust the light switch in the hall
Someone has left it on,
And maybe the x-ray screen keeps it from getting dark
The bulb burns out when it gets too hot
Keep crashing this car (over and over)
Keep crashing this car (over and over)
Keep crashing this car (over and over)
I can't keep crashing this car
Still it spins out of control
So hold me close or I might disappear this time
Out of control
We fight currents in the water
When we can't let go of the shore.
We've lost control.
The leaves will fall and so will you
When you do, bury me under them too
Seconds pass, we'll make it through
Eventually we all go home
It won't be long
It won't be long
I live with a girl who’s been waiting
Seven months left till they bring home the baby
He swore he was paying for school
They shipped him over. Now he scatters on the front lines
He swore he would follow his conscience
But done the wrong way follows his orders instead.
When he shoots, he sings this song
But he doesn’t know that she’s been singing it, too.
It won't be long
It won't be long
Until they find a way home
We walk along the wire tied between horizons
You close your eyes like it's nothing at all
Throughout the rise and fall, everything, everything
Changes, I will be here when you die
Did you hear the trumpets play the day your father died?
Did the violins swell those circles under your eyes?
Did you play the part straight like a march?
Or get lost in the beat, thinking and feeling…
Did the drums in the streets make the people dance?
Or fall to their knees from the sound?
Knock the leaves from the trees,
and they fell from the branch?
They looked beautiful
As they hung in the air
Spinning around
Did you float in the air?
Spinning around?
There must be somewhere that cigarettes burn through the night
And the leaves don't abandon their trees to the light
Where the sky's always clear and the summer never ends…
Won't you take me there?
5 - Untitled - Lyrics
The leaves will fall and so will you
When you do, bury me under them too
Seconds pass, we'll make it through
Eventually we all are going home
Note - this didn't end up on ACBTLD, but did make it onto Common Existence as Last Call.
The center cannot hold, the side collapses
Full of broken words, sing the song inside the dark arcade
Color me in city greens
The streets unwinding, spitting flames
Cars around the arteries
We scream and swerve and fall apart.
Everything we love, it falls apart,
And the architect abandons us.
I'll save us from the sky until a feeling burns, you try
It plants a seed of fire that flowers in the corner of your eye
Circular breathing
We'll keep them always moving
Heart attack efficiency,
Erase the figure as it falls.
Everything we love, it falls apart,
And the architect abandons us.
Everything is falling apart.
The city shakes like tired hands
The light divides what darkness mends
Our bodies echo in our plans.
Everything is falling apart.
The wedding starts
The guests appear
The church bells ringing endlessly
The bride and groom are hand in hand
And everything goes as it's planned:
The parents smile,
The priest chokes up,
The organ plays "Amazing Grace"
And underneath the thin white veil
And the people sing:
La la la la, da da da…
Everything is falling apart.
The city shakes like tired hands
The light divides what darkness mends
Our bodies echo in our plans.
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sinfonia-relativa · 5 months
Pinta tus lágrimas con acuarelas de mil colores, porque también hay belleza en los errores. Aunque te venza la desesperanza, aunque llores, no se detendrán por ti los relojes, es su especialidad el ser veloces, y no hacen ningún stop por desamores.
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oliviax727 · 1 year
Physics Friday: WTF is Dark Energy/Dark Matter? (Part 1)
To see what this is all about click here.
Preamble: Dark Numbers
Education level: High School (Y9/10)
Topic: Cosmology (Astronomy)
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This equation is surprisingly the best representation of what we are doing with dark energy and dark matter. The equations we are using to figure out the nature of the universe are quite literally 'not adding up'.
When we have a situation where we encounter a missing number we are faced with three scenarioes:
Our model is wrong and we fucked up, physics is over
Our model works, but it's not complete. There are situations where it doesn't apply, and we are seeing an example of it
Our model is simply missing a few terms
Scenario 1 would imply that basic physics such as Newton's laws of motion and gravity are just plain wrong. Which is ... well ... a bit difficult to try and prove.
Scenario 2 implies that there is a more fundamental theory that underlies our current one. While it is not off the table, it can be difficult to find a theory for just one or two specific phenomena.
Scenario 3 is like 2, but it's a bit 'softer', what we're doing is just adding an extra number to balance out the equation and then trying to answer "What does this number mean"?
By Occam's razor, we can go with option 3, as it's simpler, and also appears to be more correct than a complete model change.
Dark Matter and Galaxies
Our galaxy is like the solar system in the sense that there is a large object in the centre surrounded by a bunch of stuff moving around that centre.
The difference between the two is the ratio between the central mass and the mass of the rest of the system.
If you combined all of the planets in the solar system together, it would still be less massive than the Sun.
This means we can easily calculate how the planets move around the Sun. As the motions of the other planets don't really affect that motion all too much. And thus we can use Kepler's 3rd Law:
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If you combined all of the stars in the galactic 'orb' surrounding the centre, you find that it would be much heavier than the black hole in the centre.
This means you have to account for a more spread out mass as you change your distance from the centre of the galaxy.
The further you are from the centre of the galaxy, the more stuff there is beneath you i.e. there's more stuff closer to the core than you. We have to calculate gravity taking this mass, and the radius to it, into account.
Thankfully, we have methods that can calculate this much easier. And we can use this to figure out our orbital velocity as a function of distance from the centre.
So let's try and calculate things! Take a galaxy, measure it's mass distribution independent of orbital mechanics, and find the orbital velocity!
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Image Credit: Citizendium
What we get is the graph above. In a normal universe, we expect our orbital velocity to increase near the core as more stuff gets added to the mass pulling us in. It then peters out as gravity looses it's strength.
What we actually see is that the orbital velocity takes a lot longer to peter out. If Newton's Laws/General Relativity are working how they should, this means that there must be a lot more mass in the galaxy.
What's worse is that this mass is much more evenly distributed. And not just that, but we cannot see it i.e. it does not interact with electromagnetic waves (light).
Hence we label this weird matter 'dark', because we can't see it and it helps us account for the disparity in the equation.
Next time I'll go into what we think dark matter actually is.
Dark Energy and Einstein's Blunder
General Relativity is one of the most backed-up theories in all of physics. The original conception of the theory comes from the Einstein Field Equations (EFEs):
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We can safely ignore all of the fancy jargon symbols. What's important to us is what's missing.
When Einstein was playing around with his equations, he made an error. This error led him to missing a part in his equation. And thus he added an additional term to the EFEs:
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This capital lambda term (Λ) helped balance his erronious equation.
Eventually, Einstein figured out that this was a mistake, a mistake so big that he called it his 'Biggest Blunder'. It turns out that the EFEs don't require Λ to actually work.
A few decades later, in the 1990s, researchers were trying to use the principles of general relativity to figure out the expansion of spacetime. Thanks to Edwin Hubble, we knew that space was expanding, but we didn't know how it was expanding.
The difficulty is that both the curvature and the amount of energy in the universe affected the expansion of the universe. This is dictated by the Friedmann equations:
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Where the a's are the universe's scale factor, i.e. the current 'size' of the universe. The two p's are the mass and energy densities in the universe.
Using measurements of Type Ia Supernovae (you will see a topic on this in the future as I've done research into this), two teams of researchers were able to determine that the expansion rate of the universe was accelerating! Something completely unexpected.
This would require us adding an additional term to the equation involving our suspicious little friend:
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This Λ variable, called the cosmological constant, can be propagated up the mathematical derivation chain to show that Einstein's 'mistake' was actually the correct equation all along!
The cosmological constant acts a energy density term that exists outside of our current understandings of the matter and energy in our universe. And because it's outside of our understanding, we call it 'dark' energy - because, just like dark matter, we can't see it.
It's a type of energy that isn't represented by any of the fundamental forces. What's more is that it is constant, which means as the universe expands, more gets added. And even more is that this energy density is negative, suggesting even that the universe is not a vaccum.
This discovery landed three researchers from both teams the Nobel prize in physics. One of the laureates includes the vice chancellor of my very own university, Brian Schmidt. Doxxing myself aside, this is a fact that neither me, nor my university, will shut up about.
In another part, I'll talk about what this dark energy could be and what an accelerating expansion of the universe could mean.
So despite the names, dark energy and dark matter are actually two different things that have two different sets of properties purposes (at least that's what we think). The names simply derive from the same method of using constants to help make our equations work better with reality.
It's always possible that we are wrong and there is a more fundamental equation that helps us understand these things. But that's a task for the future.
Hope you enjoyed reading and please give me feedback! I'm doing this every week as well, so feel free to follow if you want.
Next week I'll probably do something mathematics-related, before continuing on with this part.
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cassiesdevblog · 1 year
~Shmovement~ in Grey Area
Hello goober goblins! Grey Area comes out ~September 15th~ and I wanna make some posts going over my involvement with the project 👁️👁️
I joined the project back in March because, while playing early builds, there were a million things, big and small, that I wanted to be able to polish up to really make the game shine, and my top priority was Hailey's movement
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Grey Area is a game where beginners will mostly play inside a small range of velocities, but, thanks to @bisthefairy, there are ways to build and maintain greater speeds, so Hailey's movement has to be tuned for both small-scale, precision platforming and large-scale, broader movements. Plus, as most of the level design was already finished when I joined, all my changes had to work with, rather than against, the established design
General momentum adjustments
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When I first joined, there were a few ways that slow and fast play would clash with one another. For instance, Hailey had low air friction. This was nice at higher speeds, because you should be able to briefly release the d-pad to shave off a little speed without getting rid of all of it, but it didn't mesh with tighter sections where you'd be asked to land precisely on small platforms
Luckily, since the smaller range of speeds Hailey usually stays within is well defined, I was able to just dramatically increase her air friction while not pressing a direction, only while inside that range.
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Unfortunately, this led to a small problem: There are lots of spots in the game where you're meant to bonk off a wall and land on a platform. Where you could previously do this without having to hold a direction, you now had to hold back a little or Hailey wouldn't make it. To fix this, I just made her use the old friction during a bonk. That may seem unintuitive, but the bonk is all about Hailey bouncing back off a wall, so it feels natural for her to travel further. In practice, the discrepancy doesn't feel like a discrepancy.
Dive momentum changes
Hailey's main mechanic is her dive: a burst movement option that lets you speed straight forward. You can cancel out of the move at any point, cutting off all your momentum. However, when I first joined, Hailey would keep a small amount of the dive's momentum after a cancel. The intent was to let you keep the flow going even after a cancel, but it led to lots of overshooting in a game with low margins for error. I preserved the original way if the player is holding in the direction of the dive, so you can still keep your flow going, but if you're not pressing a direction, Hailey will instead cancel all the momentum and drop straight down
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Release cancel (aka, half the reason I joined the project)
These subtle changes have made Hailey much more reliable to control. It feels much easier to translate your intent onto the screen regardless of how fast you're going (September 15th btw)
Speaking of intent, I've had a big impact on this game's controls! The first time I ever played, the dive could only be canceled by releasing B and then pressing it again. I felt this was really cumbersome and I barely felt in control, so I wanted to cancel by just releasing B
This was controversial though, as everyone else preferred the original way, so I instead suggested being able to cancel by pressing back on the d-pad, as it felt instinctual to hold against the direction of momentum to cancel it. I also suggested being able to press down to cancel, since a player might think of it as dropping Hailey down. Fortunately, both were implemented and the game became a bit more comfortable for me, but I couldn't get the idea of releasing B to cancel out of my head
Later, when I finally got my hands on the project, release cancel was the first thing I added, and it felt just as right and perfect and natural as I imagined it would. I figured, if I just made the other devs play with it, they might see the merits of it and change their minds. Tragically it didn't change any minds, but I was ultimately able to persuade Alayna to make it an option in the options menu. When you play the game, especially if you don't like how cancelling is controlled, please please please try changing "Press to dive" to "Hold to dive" in the options menu and join the church of release cancel. We have plenty of room :')
Other controls
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I've made a bunch of other small changes to the controls too! Generally, I like every button on the controller to do something, so I mirrored a lot of functions to previously unused buttons. Hopefully this makes the game feel more responsive and playful, as well as a little more accessible! I also made it so Hailey sits down when you press down :) It's one of only a few graphics I drew for the game! (did I mention September 15th btw)
The Bounce 👁️👁️
I've saved my biggest (and most iterated upon) change for last >:3
When Hailey dives at smaller enemies, she'll bounce off as if she goomba stomped them, which cancels her dive and allows her to dive again. I added this because I thought the sick tricks and possibility for advanced play were too sweet to pass up. Not to mention it just seemed like fun. Plus, it would add exciting counterplay to some previously unexciting enemies. It's a simple mechanic, but it underwent a lot of changes!
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Firstly, it used to work on almost every enemy, but it didn't feel right against bigger monsters. We ended up deciding that Hailey should only be able to do this against enemies around her size, so in practice, this mainly comes up with the Golch enemy. When I first played, I found the Golch really annoying, as the best and safest strategy to deal with it was to just stand and wait for it to fly toward you so you could jump on it. Now, you can dive right at it and pull off sweet tricks instead! This has ended up making room for tons of cool skips and it feels great >:3
I even redesigned the Golch's flight path so that it will usually be flying at your exact elevation (it moves faster vertically than it does horizontally to accomplish this) so you can more consistently dive straight into it
I also made it so that bouncing off an enemy clamps your speed within a relatively small range, as otherwise you would carry the momentum of the dive and easily fly off into a pit
Now, in my mind, this all worked perfectly, but then disaster struck
@zombielesbean, who uses press cancel, would try to press B to cancel right before running into an enemy in order to avoid it, but would press a few frames too late and instead the input would happen after Hailey had bounced off the enemy, so she'd dive again and accidentally fly off into a pit. We tried a million different avenues to resolve this, but all of them were significant downgrades to the mechanic
Fortunately, Alayna found that the issue was only happening because of the enemy placements in one or two spots, and after adjusting them, it was no longer an issue, so fortunately the best version of the mechanic got in >:3
So yeah!!
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Those are a few of the ways I've cleaned up and improved Hailey's movement since I joined! I've gotten my grubby paws all over every bit of this game in a similar way. Cleaning things up, tuning numbers, adding effects, making things more clear, overhauling things, enhancing the flavor
A huge takeaway from this project for me has been that polish is a full time job!! Every little bit of polish seems small on its own, but when you add them all up they can make the difference between a decent game and a total banger. It just takes a huge amount of time to accrue all those tiny things. I think that's why they say you should triple all your time estimates on gamedev...!!
Fortunately, I have a good eye and a strong passion for all those little things, so I feel like an extremely valuable asset on this project, even though my hand is largely invisible and it takes long-winded posts like this to even explain what I've done
As Bis puts it, "Cass did for Grey Area before release what Sonic modders do for Sonic games after release"
~September 15th you vibrant fools~
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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When I heard the story from her, various emotions clashed within me.
I could no longer put it aside as a coincidence.
Are you really someone who can influence fate?
Also, am I really that involved with you?
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Galileo: "........"
After checking Mitsuki's condition, I returned to my room.
After some hesitation, I opened my desk drawer and found an old, forgotten origami crane tucked away in the back.
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Galileo: "I suspected as much."
(Was that scar on her forehead caused by me?)
The scar on Mitsuki's forehead, her past stories, and the origami crane I now held in my hand all intertwined, bringing back vivid memories of that time.
Back when I traveled to various countries and time periods using the door in search of my dhampir brethren, I encountered an incident in a certain country.
Bystander: "A truck is coming! Run!"
A vehicle made of metal was speeding towards us at a velocity unimaginable in my era.
Among the cries of the surrounding people, there was a girl standing in the vehicle's path.
(If this continues...)
Before I could even think, my body moved.
Galileo: "Guh..."
Just before the collision, I embraced the girl and rolled onto the ground.
The vehicle then came to a stop, barely avoiding us.
Galileo: "Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "I-I'm fine."
The girl was trembling and clinging to my chest, perhaps out of fear.
Still, I was relieved to feel her warmth in my arms.
Galileo: "Ah, finally, I..."
Those words spilled out of my mouth involuntarily.
The girl then looked up, and I noticed the smell of blood.
She had scraped her forehead on the ground when we rolled over, leaving a smear of blood on the right side of her forehead.
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Galileo: "Sorry. I've caused a wound on your face."
Mitsuki: "No, it's okay. I was so scared earlier that I couldn't move."
Mitsuki: "If it weren't for you, I would've died. I'm alive, thanks to you."
The girl smiled brightly, and her innocent eyes overlapped with the eyes of someone I had lost, causing my heart to ache.
(Perhaps my body moved instinctively because their heights were similar.)
Cruel scenes suddenly flashed through my mind.
Mitsuki: "Mister!"
Suddenly, the girl called me.
Galileo: "What's up?"
Mitsuki: "You see, I want to give you this as a thank-you. I folded this at school today."
The girl held something in her hand.
Galileo: "What's this?"
Mitsuki: "It's an origami crane. When you spread the wings like this, it looks like a crane."
Mitsuki: "Origami cranes are symbols of peace!"
(Peace, huh?)
The girl spoke those words cheerfully, even though they sounded like dry words to me.
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Mister. You're my lifesaver."
After that, I watched the girl run off to what seemed like her mother and then left the scene.
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Galileo: "I couldn't save anyone, I..."
(Being called a lifesaver doesn't seem right.)
(Even though I saved one person, the weight of what I've lost remains unchanged.)
Just like how light casts shadows, despair lies next to hope.
Still, that scene remained in my memory and connected me to a strange twist of fate. 
---------Flashback Ends--------
Galileo: "The girl I helped back then was Mitsuki."
Galileo: "That event happened when I traveled to the future, which means..." 
Galileo: "Mitsuki came from the future, using the door in the mansion."
Traveling back in time, meeting the historical figures who have returned to life, and finally, without warning, meeting Mitsuki in that garden, it was as if I was following the thread of destiny. 
Galileo: "Even if she doesn't have any special powers, it seems she's still the woman of destiny."
(On top of that, the girl whom I once saved might have the potential to hinder my purpose.)
Galileo: "How ironic."
The coincidence that turned into fate made me want to laugh at myself.
(But the past is the past.)
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(Regardless of any connection between her and me, it doesn't matter to me now.)
I tried to convince myself of this, but the eyes of the girl in my memory overlapped with Mitsuki's earnest gaze.
(The girl from that time is still alive.)
The fact that the life I had saved was now right in front of me made my heart tremble.
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montecarloedexistence · 2 months
Driving myself Crazy for three hours trying to make an incomplete Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation in Python
The following post is a rant. I try my best to explain and dumb things down, but I'm writing it with too much frustration at my code so I apologize in advance.
For those who wanna go oooh colors changing pretty here's a short clip of the animation I generated. There's a longer simulation linked at the bottom of the post.
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Read on about how I made the simulation under the cut.
Okay, so, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics. It's one method of Simulating Fluids (gases and liquids and plasmas basically) with computers. It's mainly got applications in two places, from what I know. One is in Science Research, and another is in Game Development.
There are two major methods of representing a fluid for a computer, one is with Particles, and another is with grids. I tried to make a grid-based simulation but that has a lot more math, and I can't do math without some meth so here I am.
Okay, so Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics. How does it work? Well, like it says, it's basically simulating the constituent and then smoothing them out to sorta get the hydrodynamic behavior. [3]
The Ancient Indian natural scientist Maharshi Kanada [1] postulated that everything in the world was made of tiny little things indivisible things called Paramanu. Democritus proposed a similar theory, that all matter was composed of small indivisible particles which they called "atoms" [2]. The idea of smooth particle hydrodynamics builds on top of that. If everything is made up of these constituent particles, then so must fluids as well.
These constituent particles (particles henceforth) are nice. They don't break further, and they undergo elastic collisions. (ACTUALLY, the actual molecules that make up a fluid are not like this, we're just assuming that they are cuz this whole mess is complicated enough without having to simulate intra-intermolecular interactions). Elastic Collisions, basically mean that the particles, when they hit each other, they don't lose the energy of motion (kinetic energy). [4]
An actual Liquid is going to have MILLIONS OF BILLIONS of particles. Actually, we have a name for something that big, it's called a Mole. [5] One mole is like 10^23 particles. (10 times 10 times 10... twenty three times). But my computer is a useless piece of potato that can't even be used to make a goddam french fry, unless you wanna heat up the oil with how hot this thing gets doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Okay sorry for the tangent. It's like almost 2 in the night and I'm hungry. My point is that my computer can't keep track of one mole of particles. It's too many particles. So, what I say is, okay, out of the one mole of particles, I'm going to keep track of only like say, 1000 particles. And then whatever results I get, I multiply it with a big number and scale it up to approximate the results of one mole of particles.
So, I just put a bunch of particles, and then I have to keep track of their positions, velocities, accelerations, and all that jazz. So if you remember 8th grade there were these equations of motion, where you'd change the values of position, velocity, and acceleration using some formulae. [6] Those formulae are continuous, which means for fancy sphancy reasons (Remind me to write another post about this when I'm in a better mood about this one it's super cool) I can't use. I need to do something called Discritize the equations. [7].
For that, I used something called the Explicit Euler Method first. [8] That's basically a method that Euler came up with I guess so it's got his name. Why does the Wikipedia article on this thing not have a history section but a section on "In Popular Culture" wth. Someone pls edit it if you know the history of this thing anyways.
The problem with Discretization is that, the way you're implementing it in computers, it's not going to be accurate. There's going to be some errors and they build up. So normally when you drop a ball from a certain height, and ignore the fact that heat and air and friction exists, then the ball hits the ground, and bounces back, it should go back to the height it started at. But because of the errors from Discretization adding up, the ball kept losing height. That's not good. So I moved over and implemented this thing called the Runge Kutta Method. [9] These methods were developed around 1900 by the German mathematicians Carl Runge and Wilhelm Kutta. If you're looking at the wikipedia page for this and wondering what the heck is this, same gurl same. I just asked chatgpt to implement this method into my code and it gave out something that I think is correct I'm not sure. But the point is that this is better and doesn't throw that much errors in calculation.
Okay now that that's done, I threw like a 1000 balls onto the screen, gave them random velocities, put them under an arbitrary downward gravity, and hooray. That covers the particle part of the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics.
(YES I know particles don't go through each other like they do in this simulation. I'm supposed to include some collision logic, and I could not be bothered to implement it yet, because it is 2 AM and I AM GOING CRAZY with just this much.)
Now, for the Smooth part of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics. If only I could use this as an excuse to pull out my smooth pickup lines but I'll stick to the physics for now. Basically, one way of calculating density is, suppose I have a box, I can toss in say 100 balls, and then the density of the box is 100 balls / box. The box has some volume, so I divide this unit I've got with the volume of the box. And each ball has some mass, so I multiply the unit with the mass of each ball. And that's basically what I do here.
Suppose, I take a point and then around it, I draw a circle. I first count the number of particles in this circle, and then divide it with the volume of the circle. (There's a few more steps here but i'm not bothering. I'm giving more importance to the particles closer to the point and less to the particles more far away but that's a mess to explain and I can't think of a way to explain it.). And then I multiply and divide by the mass of particle and volume of the circle respectively, I end up with the density at the given point.
But that's just for one point. If you sit and plot it for as many points as possible, then you get something resembling the density function of the system. What I've done here is basically divide my domain into a 25 by 25 grid, and I calculated the density at the center of each of the grid boxes. The more particles and the More Grid boxes you have, the more smoother your function will be. Here, not so much. It's a pixelated mess, but the same logic applies. I calculated the density grid for each instant of time, and then let the simulation run for like 1000 frames.
FINALLY the plotting. I just plotted the points where they are with a scatterplot, and then the background I put the heatmap of the density. And of course I didn't bother naming my axes, because that's the standard practice for plotting graphs. (When you're lazy like I am right now. Always label your axes in a serious graph)
So here's the GIF I finally generated after the trials and tribulations going for like 1000 frames. Let's hope Tumblr can render it pls.
I cited my references in the order of the paragraphs I wrote so deal with the non-linear citations. This ain't a research paper and it's way too late in the night for me to be bothered about this sorry. Why did I even bother with the citations if I was going to half-arse this thing anyways this is why you don't write stuff when half asleep.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ka%E1%B9%87%C4%81da
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomism
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothed-particle_hydrodynamics
[4] https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elastic_collision
[5] https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(unit)
[6] https://byjus.com/physics/equations-of-motion/
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretization
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_method
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods
Okay yeah that's about it time to sleep for me. I just wanted to finish writing this post before I could sleep, cuz I know for a fact I ain't goina be in a mood to write it once I wake up. 100% gurantee I'll lose the motivation to write it once i wake up lol.
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itsgerges · 1 month
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Best Greetings
The Gravitational Waves Reflection In The Solar System (Analytical Study)
I provide in following the major refutations against (twelve theories) in the modern astrophysics with new definitions for (Planet motion, velocity, mass, formation and the matter creation process)
The provided refutations are written in summarized ideas show the logical errors in the theories avoiding the deep discussions of the planets data – let's refer to the article contents in following
I- The Refuted Theories
Newton- The Sun Gravity Theory
Newton- The Mass Gravity Can Cause Motion
Einstein- The Sun Gravitational Field
Planet Orbital Distance Doesn't Depend On Its Mass (My 1st Equation)
Planet Motion Produces Energy (The Space Has Mechanical Features)
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies
The Big Bang Theory (My Planet Diameter Equation)
The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory
Einstein- The Max Speed Is speed of light 300000 Km/S
Giant-Impact Hypothesis
 The Moon Orbital Motion Details
The Tidal Locking Effect. 
II- The New Definitions
Planet Motion Definition
Planet Velocity Definition
Planet Mass Definition
Matter Definition
Planet Formation
Let's start our discussion
(1st Theory)
Newton- The Sun Gravity Theory
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity – Newton is wrong- because- the planet moves by the force caused its creation- means- the planet creation and motion is done by one force only- because- if two forces have effects on the same one planet this planet would be broken- now- suppose the planet is created (by any force) and the sun gravity attracted this planet and forced it to revolve around the sun by the sun mass massive gravity (as Newton imagined) that would force the planet to move against its inner creation and will cause this planet to be broken- this is similar to a human is forced to walk on his hands in place of his legs and when this human refused to do that (they told him we can force you by our power) for that this human walk on his hands forcedly and later this human is dead by this motion- shortly- the planet is NOT broken by its motion because the planet creation force is the force causes this planet motion- it's one force caused the planet creation and motion-
(2nd Theory)
Newton- The Mass Gravity Can Cause Motion
The mass gravity force can NOT cause any motion- the mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- (the Earth and the moon are bond by the mass gravity)- by that they are similar to a lorry and its trailer – if the lorry moves the trailer will move with the lorry- but the mass gravity can NOT cause any motion- why? suppose the moon moves by the Erath gravity force- the moon moves an produces energy (1/2mv^2) and we have to ask from what source this energy will be provided?- from the mass itself- means if the Earth causes the moon to move the Earth and the moon masses should be decreased by the motion energy- this is a wrong definition for the mass gravity- the mass gravity creates a bond between two masses (The Earth and the moon) if some outer force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with it and in this case the outer force will provide the motion energy for the Earth and the moon-
(3rd Theory)
Einstein- The Sun Gravitational Field
The Sun Doesn't Create A Gravitational Field Nor Has Massive Gravity – there are 3 proves for this fact
(1st Proof)
The sun rotation period is (25.4 days– at equator) and (34.4 days – at pole) that shows the sun has no massive gravity nor even ordinary gravity equal any planet gravity otherwise the sun would rotate around its axis in one period of time- 
(2nd Proof)
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity – (proved Before)
(3rd Proof)
The mass gravity force can NOT cause any motion (proved Before)
(4th Proof)
The gravitational wave are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the sun gravitational field (be proved in the next theories)
(4th Theory)
Planet Orbital Distance Doesn't Depend On Its Mass (My 1st Equation)
(My First Equation)  d^2= 4 d0 (d- d0)
d = A Planet Orbital Distance
d0= Its Direct Previous Neighbor Planet Orbital Distance
The equation depends on the planets order, for that , just 2 neighbor planets can be used in this equation, means if (d is Venus distance, d0 be Mercury distance) 
The equation exceptions are,
Earth depends on Mercury Not Venus – and Mars depends on Venus Not Earth And Pluto depends on Uranus Not Neptune - Let's see examples
(1) Venus Motion
(108.2)2 = 4 x 57.9 x (50.3)                                        
d= 108.2 million km  = Venus Orbital Distance
d0= 57.9 million km    = Mercury Orbital Distance
50.3 million km          = The Distance Between Venus And Mercury 
Venus Depends On Mercury
(2) Saturn Motion
(1433.5)2 = 4 x 778.6 x (1433.5- 778.6)           
d = 1433.5 million km = Saturn Orbital Distance    
d0  = 778.6 million km = Jupiter Orbital Distance Saturn depends on Jupiter
(3) Neptune Motion                                                                         
(4495.1)2 = 4 x 2872.5 x (4495.1- 2872.5)
d= 4495.1 million km = Neptune Orbital Distance    
d0 = 2872.5 million km = Uranus Orbital Distance    Neptune depends on Uranus
Notice the error is less 1% for all planets except (Earth 2.8%) and Neptune (4%)  
The Conclusion
The equation proves each planet orbit depends on its neighbor orbit and no planet orbital distance is defined by its mass – Newton and the gravitation equation are wrong. (Notice my research gives more analysis about the planets orbits creation)
(5th Theory)
Planet Motion Produces Energy (The Space Has Mechanical Features)
Planet moves and produces motion energy (1/2mv^2) and this energy can NOT be stored inside the planet body because the planet temperature would be raised by this energy and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- that forces us to suppose that the planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form- means- the planet motion in the space is similar to the fish swimming in the sea- the fish moves because it hits the water by its body and that creates waves in the water and these waves move by the fish motion velocity (because of the reaction force)- similar to that- the planet moves in the space and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by velocity equal the planet velocity- means- Mercury (for example) moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by velocity = Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) – we understand that these waves are similar to the sea water waves they move far from their source and can be reflected.
The previous analysis forces us to suppose the space has mechanical features and it's similar to the sea of water almost typically because the planet motion energy has no place to store in except the space by that the space mechanical features are proved clearly.
(6th Theory)
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies
Now we know the planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves are similar to the water waves they move far from the source and can be reflected
Now let's ask (Can these waves be the gravitational waves?) – let's try to answer in following
Planet moves and produces motion energy (1/2mv^2) and this energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by velocity equal this planet velocity –
Let's ask can we follow these waves trajectory in the solar system? Yes let's do that  in following
The planets revolve around the sun in the same direction- for that- the planets motions energies waves move toward Pluto orbit (Perpendicular on the revolution trajectory) and in Pluto orbit the planets motions energies waves are unified into one unified wave which moves by the planets velocities total – means- while the planets revolve around the sun there's one unified wave revolves around the sun and moves by velocity 205.8 km/s (the nine planets velocities total =176 km/s but I add the Earth moon velocity 29.8 km/s because the energy is stored finally in the Earth moon orbit-notice-the moon velocity equals the Earth velocity because they revolve together around the sun- the velocities total is 205.8 km/s )-
Shortly – One unified wave revolves around the sun its velocity 205.8 km/s and This wave is found in Pluto orbit        
This unified wave (205.8 km/s) will reflect from Pluto orbit to Venus orbit.
This unified wave is the gravitational waves- the scientists have discovered them but they called them (gravitational waves) because the scientists supposed the waves are produced by the sun gravitational field- while the waves are produced by the planets motions energies – as we have seen the logical analysis forces us to accept that the gravitational waves must be produced by the planets motions energies because no place to store the planet motion energy except in the space as moving waves- by that the waves in the space must be produced by the planets motions energies (also I have refuted the sun gravitational field theory)  
(7th Theory)
The Big Bang Theory (My Planet Diameter Equation)
The big bang theory tells the planets creation is done by random process
In details- the theory tells the planets diameters are defined without geometrical reason and the planets diameters are effected by unknown historical factors– for example – some planets suffered from collisions and these collisions changed these planets diameters and we can't know the real diameters before the collisions- by that the planets current diameters are defined by random process and without geometrical rule – this is the major Idea behind the creation process provided by the big bang theory –This idea is refuted simply because the planet creation data has effect on this planet motion features- means- by analysis for the planet motion features we can conclude how its creation data is defined.
FIRST - My planet diameter equation disproves the theory because the equation tells the planet diameter is defined based on a mathematical equation and by a geometrical rule- No random creation is found here – let's see my equation in following
Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                          
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
(The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
The equation tells, each planet diameter is created by its value and no change is done for any planet- means- Jupiter diameter is created as 142984 km and never changed since its creation- the historical effects idea was pure imaginary one
Notice- only Mars diameter is changed by 4% and this change is recorded in Mars data because Mars motion depends on its creation data 
The big bang theory refers to a serious problem in the physics book because the planet motion theory doesn't interest for the planet data- for example- the physicist provides a theory for Jupiter motion while Jupiter diameter is 142984 km but let's ask if Jupiter diameter is changed to 180000 km what changes would be happened for Jupiter motion? we see the problem, the theory doesn't depend on the planet creation data – shortly – whatsoever Jupiter diameter and mass the motion theory would be the same without change- clearly the theory is wrong because it doesn't see the planets data- let's refer to my planet diameter equation concept 
The Equation Concept
Planet diameter should be a function in its orbital distance –otherwise- this planet would be broken by its motion- the fact is that – The necessary requirement for planet safe motion is to create a function between this planet diameter and its orbital distance.
The designer can't create a function has only 2 variables (Planet diameter and its orbital distance)- the function in this case can't be useful because – If this planet changes its orbit its diameter would be broken also because the diameter is a direct function in the orbital distance without any other variables
As A Result  
The designer created the planet diameter as a function in this planet rotation period and the planet rotation period is created as a function in this planet velocity and the planet velocity is created as a function in this planet orbital distance- by that- the function between the planet diameter and its orbital distance is created but the function contains also more variables (rotation period, orbital period and velocity)- by that- if the planet changes its orbit- this planet diameter will not be changed but its rotation period, orbital period, and velocity will be changed and the diameter will be saved-
NOTICE No. (1) -Mars is the example for this theory because Mars had migrated from its original orbit (Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated from this orbit) but Mars diameter is changed only with 4% because of the collisions with the Earth and Venus – the change is recorded in Mars data – and also Mars diameter is not damaged by its migration because Mars changed its velocity, rotation period and orbital period that caused to save Mars diameter.
NOTICE No. (2) – My planet diameter equation provides new definition for the matter and its creation method- the equation is analyzed in details in point no. (**)
(8th Theory)
The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory
The sun is NOT doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays- but- the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies- there are 4 facts prove that – let's refer to these facts in following
1st Fact 
The Sun Corona Temperature is 5 millions Kelvin but the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin
This fact puzzles the scientists – No puzzle here-
Simply the sun rays is Not produced by the sun nuclear fusion but by the planets motions energies – the energy is Not produced from the sun body but by the planets motions energies – means- The energy out of the sun is greater hundreds times the energy inside the sun because the energy is provided by the planets motions energies-
The Sun Corona Temperature proves that the sun is NOT doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays – instead the planets motions energies total is used as the source of energy to produce the sun rays
2nd Fact 
The gravitational waves are created by the planets motions energies- I have proved that- simply Planet motion energy (1/2mv^2) should be stored in the space in moving waves because no other place to store this energy- that tells the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- this is a doubtless conclusion- the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Here we see clearly the fatal error of the sun nuclear fusion theory because the solar planets revolve around the sun moving continuously and by this motion massive motion energy must be produced and that tells massive motion energy must be stored in the space in moving waves- so we have to ask (when and how this stored energy will be used?) understandable the energy can not be stored in space forever without using- means- the sun rays is the outlet for the stored motion energy and the using of this stored energy protects the solar system from all risks found by the unused stored energy-
The logical problem here tells, the scientists created a strange source of energy (the sun mass) to produce the sun rays by the nuclear fusion process and no one interests for the planet motion energy nor the stored massive energy in the space-
The mistake is that- the scientists supposed the planet moves and produces NO energy while the motion energy (1/2 mv^2) is elementary concept in the classical mechanics
The planets motions energies create a very great problem for the sun nuclear fusion theory and disproves it because No Source Of Energy Is Required where massive motion energy is stored in the solar system and needs to be used – here the sun rays is the outlet for this massive motion energy and provide the energy in very useful and peaceful method-           
3rd Fact 
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
this article tells the gravitational waves can move by the speed of light and can produce a light beam-  the question was (If the gravitational waves move by speed of light how can these waves produce a light beam?) – the answer was –
the gravitational waves are reflected and the reflection causes to square the velocity and by that the gravitational wave moves by speed of light and when this wave be reflected its velocity will be squared and by that the value (C^2= squared speed of light) is produced and by this value the light beam can be created.
here the planets data depends on this process – let's see that-
the unified wave move by the velocity (205.8 km/s)= the planets velocities total- the square of this velocity will produce the speed of light (205.8)^2 x 7.1 = 300000 as I have explained before- then the speed of light square will produce (C^2= squared speed of light) and by this value the light beam will be created –
means- the planets data is in harmony with the light production process
please note- the energy reflection is proved strongly because the planets data is reflected by it (the paper discusses the reflection of energy proves)- means- I provide a theory shows full harmony with the planets data that prove the theory is a fact because the planets data proves it   
Before the Earth moon creation the planets velocities total was 176 km/s (the nine planets velocities total only without the moon velocity)- let's try to reflect this wave
The wave reflection causes to square its velocity  (176)^=30976 km/s
Now we use Lorentz length contraction effect rate 7.1 (this rate is produced for  speed =297000 km/s=99% speed of light)
The result is 30976 x 7.1 = 220000 km/s
Here I accelerated the unified wave its velocity (176 km/s) by the same Method I used for the velocity (205.8 km/s) but the wave (176 km/s) after acceleration produce the velocity 220000 km/s which equal (75% of speed of light) and this velocity square can NOT produce the value (C^2 squared speed of light) and by that NO Light Beam can be created
Let's review our wave velocity
(205.8)^ x 7.1 = 300000
Means- the unified wave with velocity 205.8 km/s is the only wave can produce the light beam by the reflection of energy- that tells us – the sun is created after the Earth moon creation – because the moon velocity 29.8 km/s is added to the total – and also that tells the planets data is in full harmony with the sun rays creation by the gravitational waves motions- this analysis gives proof for my theory tells (The Sun Is Not Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays But The Sun Rays Is Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total)
The previous analysis proves the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies and not by the sun nuclear fusion- can we add one more crucial proof for this fact? Yes – the crucial proof tells that (The Sun Rays Is Created By A Relative Motion)
Means the method by which the sun rays is created is (the relative motion)- let's examine this proof in following
As we have seen the light production depends on a gravitational wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) then this wave is reflected and by the reflection the speed of light will be squared and produced the value (C^2= squared speed of light) and by this value the light beam can be created
Means- the main player to produce the light beam is the gravitational wave moves by speed of light- then let's ask- suppose this wave moves by speed less than speed of light what would happen? In this case the energy reflection will not produce the value (C^2= squared speed of light) and as a result NO Light Beam can be created 
Means- the process cornerstone is the wave motion by speed of light? But relative to what? The question asks (if the wave moves by speed of light relative to what?)
Of course the wave moves by speed of light relative to the sun point because the different velocity between the wave motion and the sun point motion will produce the light beam- means- the light beam is produced by a relative motion and this motion has two players which are
(1st player) the unified wave moves by 205.8 km/s and after its reflection will move by the speed of light 300000 km/s
(2nd player) the sun point of space moves by 1 km/s (stationary point)
How can the sun point move by 1 km/s and its velocity never increased?
We understand the space is movable and not static and the gravitational waves prove the space has motion- means- no stationary point can be found in the space (as no stationary point can be found on the sea because every thing moves by the sea waves) by that the point moves by 1 km/s (a stationary point) is a point created by some design because it can Not be found by nature- let's create this stationary point in following
The planets revolve around a point in space (any point in space) the revolution creates two velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value opposite in direction and by that the total be Zero –
Means- the revolution design creates a stationary point in the revolution center
By that the sun point (1 km/s) is created by the planets revolution around it
By the stationary point creation a relative motion is created- and this relative motion has two players as referred before
(1st player) the unified wave revolves around the sun with velocity 205.8 km/s and after its reflection the velocity will be equal the speed of light (C=300000 km/s)  
(2nd player) the sun point of space (1 km/s) (stationary point)
We should pay attention to the sun point because it's the process cornerstone - Why? 
Because the unified wave (gravitational wave) can not move by speed greater than speed of light (C=300000 km/s) where the speed of light is the wave velocity limit
But- the different velocity between the unified wave velocity and the sun point velocity should be equal = 300000 km/s = speed of light because any less different velocity can NOT produce the light beam –
That tells the sun point of space should be stationary point (1 km/s) and its velocity should NOT be increased in any case-
What's The Information Told By This Analysis?
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
The article tells the gravitational waves can move by the speed of light- but- the fact is that- the different velocity between the gravitational wave and the sun point of space is the speed of light- the wave moves relative to the sun point of space- as any other motion-
For example Pluto velocity is 4.7 km/s- why? because Pluto moves relative to the sun point of space and Pluto velocity 4.7 km/s and the sun point is (1 km/s) and the different velocity is 4.7 km/s- all motions are done relative to the sun point of space because the energy storing aims to create the sun rays- by that- if the article tells the wave moves by speed of light that means the different velocity between the wave and the sun motions is the speed of light – that makes the sun stationary point 1 km/s  
Shortly – if the sun point moves by any velocity faster than 1 km/s NO Light Beam Can Be Created and NO Sun Rays can Be Produced-
The sun point velocity is the process spine
This analysis proves the sun rays is created by the gravitational waves energy (the planets motion energies) and not by any nuclear fusion process- and also refutes the sun nuclear fusion theory completely- why? for 2 reasons
1st Reason
The sun rotation period is (25.4 days at equator) and the sun circumference is 4.37 million km- this motion velocity is 2 km/s
Means if the sun moves by 2 km/s, the sun will rotate around its axis one complete rotation in 25.4 days
This data proves the sun point is the stationary point because the actual accounts show the sun point velocity is 2 km/s
Notice -
The solar system geometrical design supposes the velocity of the sun point is 1 km/s but the real velocity is 2 km/s – it is NOT small change in Value – it's a great change in the whole machine- but the machine still can produce a light beam spite of that
And to produce the light beam- the machine has to depend on (2 seconds) in place of (1 second) and for that the planets motions distances total should be= (180000 million km) in place of the required distance (90000 million km) - Means – this small change in the sun point velocity (from 1 km/s to 2 km/s) causes to double the passed distances by the planets to produce the sun rays- we can imagine if the sun point moves by 15 km/s in this case it will be impossible to produce the light beam
Notice- (C^2 squared speed of light) equals 90000 million km if the period is one second- means- the planets motions distances total be 90000 million km in some period of time but the rates of time makes this period to be equivalent to one second of the sun clock that creates the value (C^2 squared speed of light)
The problem now is that- the sun velocity is 2 km/s that forces the planets to pass total distance = 180000 million km to create the rate (90000 million km for one second)
That shows the great effect of the smallest change of the sun point velocity
2nd Reason
The sun position and data is defined based on very accurate mathematical calculations 
The designer paid so great attention and incredible interest for this point- because of its massive importance and effect- for that- the designer made the sun position in the sky and the sun creation data to depend on exact mathematical calculations and strict geometrical rules to guarantee the sun point velocity Never to be faster than 1 km/s
Let's see some examples to explain that
Example No.(1)
We See The Sun Disc= The Moon Disc which enable the total solar eclipse to be occurred because
The sun diameter / the moon diameter= Earth orbital distance/ earth moon distance
Why does the diameters rate equal = the distances rate?
Example No.(2)
4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) = 1.39 mkm (the sun diameter) x 3475 km =12104 km x 406000 km = 12756 km x 384000 km = 6792 km x 2 x 363000 km
3475 km      = the moon diameter                 12104 km    = Venus diameter
12756 km    = The Earth diameter                6792 km      = Mars diameter
 363000 km, 384000 km and 406000 km are the distances between the Earth and its moon in perigee, orbital distance and apogee radiuses respectively
The previous examples show that the sun creation data and its position in the sky are defined based on accurate mathematical calculations- but why? and what's the useful result of these data proportionalities
The designer aimed to make the velocity of the sun point of space to be 1 km/s and He interested to guarantee that the velocity can Never be faster than 1 km/s – because any faster velocity than 1 km/s will destroy the chance of the light beam production- BUT
What's the relationship between the sun creation data and its velocity?
This question is answered by my planet diameter equation- the equation proves that the planet diameter is defined based on this planet velocity- for example- Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s that shows the change in velocity can change the diameter (my planet diameter equation proves that strongly) and based on that, the sun diameter is effected by the sun velocity and vice versa for that reason these proportionalities are necessary to guarantee the sun point of space to be (1 km/s) and never be faster.
The sun position and creation data by accurate mathematical calculations was necessary to guarantee the sun point of space velocity to be 1 km/s and never be faster by that the sun be the stationary point-  these calculations will be useless if the sun rays is created by the sun nuclear fusion process-
Means- the sun nuclear fusion theory doesn't see the massive motion energy which is found in the solar system and also doesn't see the relative motion which is the method to produce the sun rays- by that – the theory doesn't see the accurate calculations behind the sun position and its creation data- that tells- the sun nuclear fusion theory is completely very strange theory from the solar system geometrical concept and design.
(9th Theory)
Einstein- The Max Speed Is 300000 Km/S
The solar planets orbits (space) is created by one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed 1.16 million km per second –
Shortly- the max speed is Not 300000 km/s (the known speed of light) but the speed 1.16 million km per second which is the original speed of light –
The speed 1.16 million km per second is proved in my paper with major and massive proves which prove the fact without any double disproving Einstein hypothesis. 
(10th Theory)
Giant-Impact Hypothesis
Mars is the planet caused the Earth moon creation– Giant impact hypothesis is wrong
Let's prove that in following
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus with orbital distance =84 mkm and Mars had migrated into Mars current orbital distance (227.9 mkm)
Through Mars Displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), Mars had collided with Venus (at first) and then with Earth (at second) and then reach to its current orbital distance point (227.9 mkm).
Mars had moved from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) in a direct displacement – and had pushed with it all collisions debris in its direction
From these collisions debris the Earth could create its own moon and also Mars moons are created from them and the rest debris be attracted by Jupiter Gravity and Created The Asteroid Belt.
Mars Migration Theory is in full harmony with (Giant- Impact Hypothesis), but
Mars itself had collided with Earth and caused the moon creation and not the ancient planet (theia) as supposed by the Giant-impact hypothesis.
The point is that, the planets order (Mercury – Venus –Earth) shows that Mars was the second planet after Mercury – and Mars had migrated from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm)
Mars collisions with Earth and Venus left many proves behind which prove that Mars did these collisions and not the planet (theia)-for that-Mars Migration theory answers many questions left by the Giant-impact hypothesis – let's see them 
(1st Question)
Why has Venus no a moon? spite it suffered from a similar collision as Earth?
Mars had moved its displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), and through this displacement Mars pushed all debris with it in its motion direction and because of that, Venus had found no debris around, And couldn't create its own moon because of that.
But the debris lost some of their motion momentum at Earth position and Earth gravity is more strong than Venus, by that Earth could attract some debris by which Earth created its moon.
(2nd Question)
What's The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin?– It's Venus Because
The Earth moon rocks are created from the 3 planets debris (Mars- Venus – Earth) and for that the moon has a Magma Ocean (LMO).
Notice no.(1)
Mars Moons Creation is a good proof for Mars Migration Theory.
The collisions debris lost the great part of their momentum when reach to Mars orbital distance point (227.9 mkm), because of that, Mars with its small mass could attracted 2 moons, because the debris is too much around it and can attract them easily.
But Venus great gravity couldn't create even one moon because no debris be found around it    
Notice no.(2)
The asteroid belt is one more proof for Mars Migration
The collisions debris which were pushed with Mars motion to its current orbital distance point (227.9 mkm) couldn't all be attracted by Mars gravity because of its small mass, Mars had attracted only its 2 small moons
Jupiter great gravity attracted the rest debris and they created the asteroid belt.
Notice no.(3)
Mars diameter before Migration was 7070 km and be 6792 mkm after migration as a result for the collisions Venus and Earth
We know that because
The equation (7070 km x 1092 = 84 mkm), where 84 mkm=Mars original orbital distance. 
The equation (d = r x 1092) is the equation controls planet orbital distance based on its diameter. The equation be used by Mercury, Earth and Saturn but the planets migration effects negatively on the other planets using of it.
From this analysis we conclude, Mars Diameter be decreased with 4.1%
Additional Data
Mercury Orbital Distance 57.9 mkm = Mercury Diameter 4879 km x 1092 
Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm     = Earth diameter 12756 km x 1092
Saturn orbital distance 1433.5 mkm  =Saturn diameter 120536 km x 1092
(11th Theory)
The Moon Orbital Motion Details
Why Is The Orbital Apogee Radius = 406000 Km?
The moon daily displacement =88000 km and during 29.53 days (the moon day period) the displacements total be = 2.598 million km = 2π x 413600 km
The data tells us the moon orbital apogee radius should be 413600 km and also it tells, because the moon daily displacement (88000 km) is so long, the moon should revolve around the Earth through this apogee orbit its radius (413600 km) only and can't revolve around the Earth through any more near orbit…
Not Facts
The moon orbital apogee radius =406000 km only and the moon revolves around the Earth through near orbits and can reach to perigee radius (363000 km). 
How Can The Moon Do That?
The intelligent moon creates an angle (θ) between its motion direction and its orbit horizontal level by that the real displacement (L) through the orbit be less than (88000 km) because it be (L = 88000 km cos θ), as a result the total displacements be less than (2.598 million km) and that makes the moon orbital apogee radius to be decreased from 413600 km to 406000 km.
We should pay attention to the angle (θ), because this angle controls the moon motion features – where- with the angle (θ) increasing the real displacement (L) be shorter and the moon can revolve around the Earth through more near orbits – but –with the angle (θ) deceasing the real displacement (L) be longer and that pushes the moon far from the Earth to more far orbits.
The moon orbital motion depends on this angle (θ) it tells θ1 = θ0 +1.7
where (θ1) = today angle and (θ0) =yesterday angle
1.7 degrees be used as the moon daily motion degrees for the equation
As a result for the moon using of the angle (θ), the moon orbital radiuses be defined based on Pythagorean rule – because – the moon uses the angle (θ) in its motion – by that – Each point the moon passes shows this fact – and the radiuses be defined based on one another by Pythagorean rule – let's prove that
(363000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (373000 km)2
(373000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (384000 km)2
(384000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (392000 km)2
(392000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (406000 km)2         (error 1%)
363000 km = The Moon Orbital Perigee Radius
373000 km = The Total Solar Eclipse Radius
384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance
406000 km = The Moon Orbital Perigee Radius
Based on that – we see the moon motion uses Pythagorean rule
(12th Theory)
The Tidal Locking Effect. 
The moon orbital period = the moon rotation period =27.3 days
This feature is NOT found by the tidal locking effect on the moon motion- this idea is imaginary one- the periods equality is found because of my planet diameter equation- let's tell the story in details in following
My planet diameter equation works from The Earth to Pluto – Why? Because
The equation depends on the motion of the Earth moon
The Equation depends on the moon motion and that causes the Equation effect to start from The Earth to Pluto- Let's explain (why does the planet diameter equation depend on the moon motion?)
The equation dependency on the moon motion has a technical reason – where – the moon rotation period = the moon orbital period = 27.3 days
By that, the equation factor (s) be = (1) for the moon motion-
Means – technically the planet diameter equation needs a planet motion has this specific feature (its rotation period = its orbital period) where this feature enables the planet diameter equation to do its work because the equation factor (s) be =(1)
For this reason the equation depends on the moon motion
Let's deepen our understanding for this idea
Logically there's a problem here because the moon is created after all planets!
How does the planet diameter equation depend on the moon motion if the moon is created after all planets? (Only Saturn Is Created After The Earth Moon Creation)!
The fact is that
Venus rotation period was equal = Venus orbital period =243 days (in the past)   
That causes the equation factor (s) to be = (1) for Venus motion- and by that- the planet diameter equation depended on Venus motion and all planets diameters are created depended on the planet diameter equation by using Venus motion
Later relativistic effects are found in the solar system which caused length contraction effect with the rate (1.0725) to be found and by that Venus orbital period (224.7 days) is decreased by the rate (1.0725) from Venus rotation period (243 days)
By that Venus rotation period be NOT equal= Venus orbital period and the planet diameter equation factor (s) be NOT equal = (1) and by that the planet diameter equation faced a serious problem (because the planet diameter creation is Not a historical process and the equation needs the factor (s) be = (1) otherwise the equation can't work and the created diameters can't be saved) – for that reason- Venus motion created an effect on the moon motion and forced it to make (The Moon Rotation Period = Its Orbital Period=27.3 d) and by that the equation factor (s) be = (1) for the moon motion and that enables the planet diameter equation to work sufficiently again and saved all planets diameters.
This fact is discussed and proved strongly in my planet diameter equation analysis in my paper.
Planet Motion Definition
Planet Velocity Definition
Planet Mass Definition
Matter Definition
Planet Formation
(Definition No. i)
(Planet Motion Definition)
What's Planet Motion? the planet motion causes to change the energy rate of time
Let's use Pluto motion as example
Pluto moves by a velocity (4.7 km/s) relative to what? Relative to the sun point- because- the sun moves by a velocity 1 km/s- that means-the space around the sun has waves move by this velocity (1 km/s) that creates equal rates of time means (one second of the sun clock = one second of the waves clock)
Now Pluto moves by its velocity (4.7 km/s)- Pluto motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- and these waves move by velocity equal Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s)-means- Pluto velocity creates waves move by (4.7 km/s) – now these waves revolve around the sun- and the sun moves by the velocity (1 km/s) and the waves around the sun move by (4.7 km/s) that creates new rate of time (one second of the waves clock = 4.7 seconds of the sun clock) – we understand all motions in the solar system depends on one light beam motion for that all motions create rates of time based on their velocities- let's remember this idea- Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity that creates a rate of time tells (one second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock), by this rate the two planets move equal distances in the same period of time- shortly- the motions velocities rates create rates of  time
Now let's ask- what's the result of Pluto motion?  
Pluto motion changed the rate of time between the sun and the waves (the energy) – before Pluto motion the rate was (one second of the sun = one second of the waves)
After Pluto motion the rate be (one second of the waves= 4.7 seconds of the sun)
Shortly- the planet motion increases the energy rates of time – why? because the increasing of the rate of time increase the energy storing capacity- means- the planets motions aim basically to increase the stored motion energy because from this stored energy the sun rays will be created- means- this energy storing is a general behavior in the solar system because the sun rays needs massive energy and the planet motion energy is very small amount of energy –means – the solar system spine is the energy accumulation process-
Please note- there are many other methods can increase the stored energy even more effective than the planet motion itself – for example – the waves reflection causes to increase the stored motion energy with great amounts can not be performed by any planet motion.
(Definition No. ii)
(Planet Velocity Definition)
I extend the planet velocity definition- because –Planet velocity is defined by Three Rules  let's see them in following
v1v2 = 322  (my 5th equation)
47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)    x 6.8 km/s (Mercury velocity)             =322
35 km/s (Venus velocity)          x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2            =322
29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 2       =322
24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)         x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)             =322
(Max error 2%)
The constant 322 depends on the speed 1.16 million km per second because
1160000 seconds = 322 hours –
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves in 6.8 hours a distance = 1.16 million km and
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves in 47.4 hours a distance   = 1.16 million km
The constant 322 depends on the speed 1.16 million km per second (I prove this speed is found in my paper with major proves)
v1v2 = 1
The velocity here uses the solar day (86400 seconds)
Mercury moves per solar day              = 4.095 million km
Venus moves per solar day                 = 3.024 million km
The Earth moves per solar day            = 2.574 million km
The Moon moves per solar day           = 2.4 million km
Mars moves per solar day                   = 2.082 million km
Jupiter moves per solar day                = 1.1318 million km
Saturn moves per solar day                 = 0.838 million km
Uranus moves per solar day                = 0.5875 million km
Neptune moves per solar day              = 0.4665 million km
Pluto moves per solar day                   = 0.406 million km
0.406 (Pluto velocity)               x 2.4 (the moon velocity)           = 1    (error 2.5%)
0.4665 (Neptune velocity)         x 2.082 (Mars velocity)               = 1   (error 2.5%)
0.5875 (Uranus velocity)          x 3.024 (Venus velocity)/1.77   = 1     (error 2.5%)
0.838 (Saturn velocity)             x 1.1318 (Jupiter velocity)        = 1    (error 5%)
We understand that the two rules prove the velocities are reflected on each other- the same one concept (AB=constant= 322)   or (AB=constant= 1)
But there's still one more rule to define the planet velocity
v1/v2 = 0.8
47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)    x 0.8   = 38 (35 km/s = Venus velocity error 7.25%)
35 km/s (Venus velocity)          x 0.8   = 27.78 (The moon velocity)
29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 0.8   = 24.1 (Mars velocity)                  (error 1%)
24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)         x 0.8   = 2 x 9.7 (Saturn velocity)
13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)       x 0.8   = 2 x 5.4 (Neptune velocity) (error 3%)
6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity)        x 0.8   = 5.4 (Neptune velocity)
5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity)      x 0.8   = 4.3 (Pluto velocity 4.7 the error 7.25%)
Please note
The error 7.25 is found because of the length contraction effect 1.0725 – means
5.4 x 0.8 = 4.7 /1.0725
We note, the rate (0.8) defines the velocities – not only- we should see more effects of this rate on the planets rotation periods also
Now we can see that the planet velocity definition is complex more than the simple equation (v1v2= 322)- in fact the definition defines 3 planets velocities together and not only two planets let's see that in following 
47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 0.8 = 38 km/s (Venus velocity 35 km/s)
Venus moves per solar day 3.024 million km
1/3.024 = 0.3307 million km = Uranus moves per solar day 0.5875 million km /1.77
(note 1.77 = π^1/2)
For that
47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity) = 322
35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 0.8 = 27.78 km/s (The Moon velocity)
The moon moves per solar day 2.4 million km
1/2.4 = 0.406 million km = Pluto moves per solar day 0.406 million km
For that
35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2 = 322
29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 0.8 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)
Mars moves per solar day 2.082 million km
1/2.082 = 0.4665 million km = Neptune moves per solar day 0.4665 million km
For that
29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 2 = 322
13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 0.8= 2 x 5.24km/s (Neptune velocity 5.4 km/s error 3%)
Neptune moves per solar day 0.4665 million km
1/0.4665 = 2.082 million km = Mars moves per solar day 2.082 million km
For that
13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) = 322
Three planets velocities are defined together in each equation
the rate (0.8) is Uranus orbital inclination (0.8 deg) and it's the interaction point between Uranus and Neptune because (6.8 x π = 5.4 x 4)
means (Neptune velocity/ Uranus velocity)= (5.4/6.8) =(π/4)= (0.8)
and of course this is the same rate between Neptune and Saturn because
(π x Saturn diameter = 4 x Neptune circumference) we remember this data
We will use each planet velocity per solar day and the rate (0.8) in following- please pay attention because some wonders will be found here
Mercury moves per solar day = 4.095 million km x (0.8) = 3.276
(3.276 = 1.0725 x 3.024) and also (3.276 x 0.8 = 2.59 mkm)
3.024 million km = Venus motion distance per solar day
2.59 million km = Earth motion distance per solar day = Pluto motion distance in its rotation period
Venus moves per solar day= 3.024 million km x (0.8) = 2.4 (the moon velocity daily) 
The Earth moves per solar day = 2.57 million km x (0.8) = 2.08 (Mars velocity daily) 
Mars moves per solar day=2.082 million km x(0.8)= 2 x 0.838( Saturn velocity daily) 
Now the inner planets tell clear meaning
(Planet velocity = 0.8 another planet velocity as the rule defined before) – till now no problem – BUT – let's see the outer planets
Pluto moves per solar day         = 0.406 million km x (0.8)        = 0.3248
Neptune moves per solar day    = 0.4666 million km x (0.8)      = 0.3736
Uranus moves per solar day      = 0.5875 million km x (0.8)      = 0.4666
Saturn moves per solar day       = 0.838 million km x (0.8)    = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.3129
Jupiter moves per solar day      = 1.1318 million km x (0.8)   = 2 x 1.0725 x 0.421
Neptune motion distance in Neptune rotation period 0.3129 million km         (H)
Uranus motion distance in Uranus rotation period 0.421 million km              (C)
Saturn motion distance in Saturn rotation period 0.3736 million km               (D)
Jupiter motion distance in Jupiter rotation period 0.4666 million km              (3/2 H)
Pluto motion distance in Pluto rotation period 2.59 million km                      (2π C)
Neptune motion distance Per solar day 0.4666 million km                             (3/2H)
Uranus motion distance Per solar day 0.5875 million km                               (Dπ/2)
Saturn motion distance Per solar day 0.838 million km                                  (2C)
Jupiter motion distance Per solar day 1.1318 million km                               (3D)
Pluto motion distance Per solar day 0.406 million km                          (D x 1.0725)
H/D= 0.838 = 0.666/0.8
Dπ x 0.8      = 3H
C x 0.8        = H x 1.0725
The previous data show real wonders- let's try to analyze them in following
The data tells the wave velocity in Pluto, Uranus and Neptune is low velocity (205.8 km/s= the planets velocities total) – but – the wave velocity after Saturn be equal speed of light (300000 km/s) that's why the data shows the rate 1.0725 (length contraction effect rate) only with Saturn and Jupiter- because the high velocity motion is found only after Saturn
the data shows 2 reflections of energy- one reflection from Neptune to Saturn and the other from Uranus to Jupiter- the data shows clearly the two reflections of energy
In fact the data shows incredible miracle because the rate (0.8) is found among the planets velocities- and – when we use the planets velocities per solar day that doesn't create any negative effect on the using of the rate (0.8) because we use one period of time for all planets- but here- the data shows passed distances in planets rotation periods- means the one period of time (the day period) is removed and replaced with each planet rotation period which gives different periods of time and in this case how the rate (0.8) be still in using? The data gives incredible puzzle for us- also we should see that the planets order is removed also – let's give example to explain that clearly
Neptune moves per solar day 0.4666 million km and
0.4666 million km x (0.8) = 0.3736 million km (= Saturn motion distance in Saturn rotation period) 
In this data we see the difficult puzzle because the distance 0.373 mkm doesn't depend on the solar day as one period behind all planets velocities on the contrary this distance depends on Saturn rotation period where each planet has its own rotation period- by that the rate (0.8) among the velocities can't be used because the used period of time in not one period of time (the solar day)
Also – in fact – the rate (0.8) is not found- because – the rate (0.8) is found between Uranus and Neptune velocities where the data shows distances of Neptune and Saturn – here we see the distances rate (0.8) depends on NOTHING and found somehow (by chance) which is absolute illogical idea!!
Can We Solve This Puzzle? Let's put the general idea shortly-
The solar system is one light beam moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) and all planets are geometrical points carried on this one light beam    
The only motion motor here is the light motion its speed (300000 km/s)
Any less velocity can be created only if this velocity uses a rate of time – means – Mercury velocity is 47.4 km/s why?? because one second of the light clock = 6330 seconds of Mercury clock – by that- in one second of the light clock the light travels 300000 km/s  and Mercury moves 300000 km/s
Any velocity less than speed of light (300000 km/s) is found because there's a rate of time found with it- and this rate of time defines the planet rotation period that shows the connection behind this data.  
(Definition No. iii)
(Planet Mass Definition)
What's The Planet Mass?
The planet mass is a rate of time- we can understand that by the analysis for the solar system design.  
The planet moves and produces energy by its motion (1/2 mv^2) and this energy is stored in the space in waves similar to the water waves- means- the planet motion in the space is similar to a fish swimming in the sea, as the fish produces waves in the water by its motion- the planet motion around the sun produces waves in the space by its motion energy.
Theses wave are similar to the water waves they move far from the source and can be reflected. 
Because all planets revolve around the sun in the same direction, All planets motions energies waves move toward Pluto orbit (perpendicular on the revolution direction), and in Pluto orbit these waves are unified together into one unified wave- this unified wave moves by a velocity= the planets velocities total= 205.8 km/s Where (176 km/s = the nine planets velocities total but I add the Earth moon velocity because the energy is stored finally in the moon orbit)
Now the general vision for the energy distribution is very useful
The outer planets have great distances and areas and these distances are used to store the planets motions energies- we understand- the planets motions energies are stored in these distances to be so massive energy- means- so massive motion energy is stored in the space around the outer planets- specially in Pluto orbit- now we understand- the stored energy is so massive and can be similar to very great powerful river of water- very huge amounts of water (energy) are stored in these places (the space around the outer planets)- this great river needs wide areas to store the massive amounts of water and for that this water (energy) is stored in very great wide areas (the outer planets orbits) – means- the great distances and areas are required to store the energy to be so massive stored energy-
(we can imagine people create great lakes to store the river water and by that they have great amounts of water in these lakes)
Again the deep vision will be so useful
The sun rays is created from the planet motion energy- means- from this stored massive energy the sun rays are created- here we reach to the main point- simply the sun rays energy is so massive energy but the planet motion energy (1/2 mv^2) is very small amount of energy and this dilemma can be solved by the energy accumulation only- means the planets motions energies are stored day after day for long periods to be massive energy which can be sufficient to produce The Sun Rays- that's why the motion energy is stored in massive amounts and that's why the outer planets orbits have great areas of space to store massive amounts of the motion energy.       
This massive amounts of energy are required to produce the sun rays.
By that the great areas around the outer planets are used as stores for the planets motions energies to store the energy in massive amounts- and by this massive energy the sun rays is created –
Here we see the picture more clear-
The planets motions energies are stored to be so massive amounts of energy in these great areas of space around the outer planets – and now the sun rays will be produced from this massive energy which is stored
the sun rays is created based on the sun rate of time which is (One Second Of The Sun Clock = 1461 Seconds Of The Earth Clock) and also the square of this rate (1=1461^2) these rates of time depend on the sun clock- means- the massive motion energy can produce the sun rays only if this energy is so near to the sun itself–far from the sun No light beam can be produced- for that- the stored massive energy in the outer planets orbits will be reflected now and sent to The Sun – the massive energy is reflected from Pluto orbit to Venus orbit near to The Sun-
We see the picture clearly- we remember our great river with its massive amounts of water- now we send this great river toward some narrow streets and small areas  which can never stored such massive amounts of water – (The Massive Stored Energy Is Sent Toward The Inner Planets) What Would Happen? Of course the great river will destroy these small streets and all houses- simply – we send great amount of energy toward the inner planets but the inner planets are small planets and they have small distances and orbits– for sure- the massive energy will destroy the inner planets altogether- NOT FACT- instead- the sent energy will increase the velocity of the unified wave- it's very good solution- let's see this picture clearly
The massive energy is reflected from Pluto orbit in waves form- these waves are so massive in numbers and all of them move by the same velocity (205.8 km/s)  
The wave reaches to Venus orbit moves by speed of light=300000 km/s -
How can that be possible and why? Because the massive energy is used to increase the wave velocity
Not massive waves in number are found in Venus orbit (because it's small orbit) but one unified wave only and this one wave has energy equal all sent energy from Pluto orbit- how one wave energy can be equal the energy of thousands of waves? Because the sent wave from Pluto moves by velocity 205.8 km/s but the wave reaches Venus orbit moves by speed of light 300000 km/s shortly- the massive energy is used to accelerate the wave velocity and by that the wave velocity (205.8 km/s) is increased till be equal speed of light (300000 km/s) – here no great area is required but small area is sufficient for this process
Shortly – the massive energy is stored in the outer planets orbits in waves form and these waves are massive in numbers and all of them move by (205.8 km/s) – BUT- this same massive energy is stored in the inner planets in One Unified Wave only and this one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) relative to the sun- and by this wave motion all the massive energy is used- means – in the outer planets the energy is in massive numbers of waves but in the inner planets the energy is in the one wave motion speed- both cases refer to the same massive energy but using in different two forms-    
Shortly- the unified wave moves by velocity (205.8km/s) in Pluto orbit and this wave is reflected from Pluto orbit to Venus- and–the reflection causes to accelerate the wave velocity by using the massive energy and this acceleration causes the unified wave to move by speed of light 300000 km/s and the unified wave reaches Venus orbit moves by speed of light 300000 km/s = C
Then Venus reflects the unified wave one more time toward Mars orbit – the reflection causes again to accelerate the wave velocity- by that – the wave velocity be equal squared speed of light (C^2)- Means- the wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) in Venus orbit but the wave moves by squared speed of light (C^2) in Mars orbit and by this value (squared speed of light C^2) the light beam is produced.
Let's remember the question (what's the planet mass?) the mass is a rate of time- let's explain that- the unified wave moves by (205.8 km/s) but the sun rate of time is (1 second of the sun clock = 1461 seconds of the Earth clock)- by that the unified wave moves by (205.8 km/s) and during 1461 seconds the wave moves a distance =300000 km/s- by that the unified wave moves by (205.8 km/s) relative to the Earth but the wave moves by 300000 km/s (speed of light=C) relative to the sun because of the sun rate of time (1=1461)
Means- the rate (1=1461) enables the wave to move by speed of light relative to the sun but the light beam is produced by the value (C^2= squared speed of light) and this value (C^2) uses square rate which is (1=1461^2) means (1=2134521) these rates of time are saved in the planets masses –
Let's explain the idea in following
The outer planets masses are so massive relative to the inner planets masses and the rates between the masses contains the rates of time by which the unified wave velocity is accelerated.
Imagines we have an electric current between point (A+) and point (B-) now we increase the voltages of these 2 points and this voltages increase causes to increase the current intensity and accelerate the electrons motions 
The huge masses do similar job- the great rates between the outer and inner planets masses create great rates of time, by these rates the unified wave velocity (205.8 km/s) is accelerated till the wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) relative to the sun- this acceleration is done by the masses rates which produce the rates of time-     
The picture is more clear now
We have massive motion energy stored in the outer planets orbits and their great areas of space and this energy is in waves form and these waves move by velocity (205.8km/s)- this massive energy will be sent to the inner planets which has narrow areas and small orbits- for that- the massive motion energy can't be stored in the inner planets- for that- the massive energy is used to accelerate the wave velocity (205.8 km/s) and by that the wave velocity is increased till be equal speed of light (300000 km/s) relative to the sun- the wave velocity acceleration is done by using the sun rate of time and the rates of time are saved as rates between the planets masses and now we see the outer planets masses so great relative to the inner planets masses these rates contain the rates of time and by these rates the wave velocity is accelerated till move by speed of light (300000 km/s) and after the third reflection the wave moves by (C^2) and by this value the sun rays is created.  
Means the wave velocity acceleration to be equal the speed of light (300000 km/s) is done by the using of the sun rate of time (1=1461) and the value (C^2) is produced by the rate of time square (1=1461^2) which is (1=2134521)
Let's use one Example to explain
Jupiter mass =26000 the Earth moon mass- but
2134521 = 26000 x 82 where
The planets orbital inclinations total is 41 degrees means (82 = 41 x 2) – that tells
The rate (1=2134521) is saved as a rate between Jupiter and the earth moon masses with help by the planets orbital inclinations total (we know that the planet orbital inclination is used as a rate of time also)
Clearly we see the masses rates between the outer planets themselves are so small means the wave velocity will not be accelerated so much because the masses rates are so small while the rates between the outer and inner planets masses are so great rates which enable the unified wave to be accelerated to be equal the speed of light and to create the value  (C^2= squared speed of light) by which the light beam can be created.
Please note- here the outer planets masses are the good method in compare with their great orbital distances – where the massive motion energy is stored in the outer planets orbits and their massive areas of space while this stored energy is used to accelerate the unified wave in the inner planets orbit by the rates between the planets masses because these rates contain the rates of time by which the unified wave velocity is accelerated.
All planets clocks are typical to the Earth clock (except Mercury and Saturn), means, if the unified wave moves by (205.8 km/s) relative to the Earth clock its velocity will be the same relative to all other planets clocks and NO acceleration for the wave is observed in any planet- but –the wave acceleration is done relative to the sun- because the rate (1=1461) is the sun rate of time-
Now the rate (1=1461) depends on the sun- why the accelerated wave is only the unified wave (205.8 km/s) which is reflected from Pluto (and Saturn) to Venus?
There's two reasons here
(1st Reason) the energy reflection pushes the energy toward the inner planets and by that the massive energy is found in the inner planets and the wave acceleration can be done there by this available energy- means- the energy motion direction has effect on the acceleration process
(2nd Reason) The masses rates are massive among the outer and inner planets, the masses rates enable the sun rate to time to work (1=1461)- and the masses rates among the outer planets themselves are so small which provides very small rates of time – no great acceleration can be done based on these small rates of time-
(Definition No. iv)
(The Matter Creation process)
What's the matter and how is created?
The matter and space are created from the same one energy and both move with the motion of this energy from which they are created- but- the matter creates for itself a distinguish form and moves by different velocity from the space motion (notice the gravitational waves prove the space has motion and not static).
This is similar to the sea of water- the space is similar to the sea of water and the matter is similar to a whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page-
The whirlpool (vortex) is created by the sea water and it's carried by the sea water motion- spite of that- the whirlpool is different in its form from the sea waves – also the whirlpool moves by different velocity from the sea waves motion velocity- this example gives good explanation for the matter definition- the matter is similar perfectly to the whirlpool on the sea page- it's created by the sea water motion but it has a distinguish form and different velocity from the sea waves-
The whirlpool dimensions depend on the sea water motion features- for example – we have a whirlpool its diameter is 2 meters, this diameter is formed by the sea water motion features (the water velocity- amount-pressure -……etc) that tells the whirlpool is found later after the sea creation- and the water motion is found before the whirlpool creation- this meaning is a fact for the matter creation and dimensions- the matter dimensions are created based on this matter motion- means- the motion is defined before the matter creation- this is proved strongly by my planet diameter equation- the equation tells (for example) Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s- the whirlpool idea explains how the planet matter data is defined based on its motion- because
The original energy was found in motion at first and the planet matter is created from this moving original energy and the planet matter dimensions are defined by this original energy motion features- after the planet creation, the planet moves with this original energy motion means the planet moves this same motion based on which the planet data is created that's why the planet data is in full harmony with the planet motion features.
Also the idea shows the planet motion reason- as I proved before- no planet moves by the sun gravity- Newton is wrong- because the planet creation and motion are done by one force only otherwise this planet would be broken if two forces have effects on it
Here we see the planet motion reason- the planet moves with the original energy from which this planet is created-     
What's the original energy?
The original energy is one light beam energy- because – the solar planets and their distances are created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam –means – the planets are geometrical points found on the same one light beam and the planets move with this light beam motion-
By that the planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light beam is this train engine- the light motion causes all planets motions
(Definition No. v)
(Planet Formation)
Before the solar planets creation
The solar system energy was found in one wave moves by speed of light 300000 km/s- Means-
The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving wave its velocity is 300000 km/s
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave its velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Notice– The solar system is carried by the light beam motion, NO stationary point can be found here – it's similar to a ship on this sea water- Nothing can stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea water –
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) on the sea page- 
The solar system needs to create this stationary point
Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following
The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates a stationary point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – let's prove that here
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
We know the answer- but - Let's remember it
The planets are geometrical points on the same light beam and move with its motion- for that- the planets velocities rates creates rates of time– for example-  Mercury velocity = 1.6 the Earth velocity- that means – one hour of Mercury clock = 1.6 hours of the Earth clock- Why??
Because Mercury and the Earth are carried by the same one light beam- the light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- by that Mercury and the Earth have to move this same motion and to pass this same distance in this same period of time- but the two planets velocities are different- for that- the planets use different rates of time based on their velocities rates and by that the planets move equal distances in the same period of time –
Now- the velocity (205.8 km/s) move relative to the stationary point (Zero) and creates a rate of time (1 second = 205.8 seconds) –
(one second of the unified wave clock = 205.8 seconds of the stationary point clock)
But – the energy is reflected in the solar system (I prove that in point no.6),
The energy reflection reflects the players – means
(one second of the stationary point clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock)
The stationary point will be THE SUN – by that
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of the unified wave clock) – means
(one second of the sun clock = 205.8 seconds of any planet clock) –
Now during one second of the sun clock, the wave clock needs 205.8 seconds while the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s- means –
During one second of the sun clock, the wave moves 42253 km = 300000 km /7.1
That creates the different velocity 300000 km/s between the sun motion and the wave motion-
Notice 1
The wave (205.8 km/s) moves during 1461 seconds a distance = 300000 km, and we know the Earth cycle (1461 days = 365 +365 +365 +366)
That tells, the speed of light (300000 km/s) is performed by the rate of time and that causes to create the Earth cycle-   
Notice 2
Planet velocity is created by the rate of time- means- if no rate of time can be used – No planet velocity can be created – instead- all motions will be only by speed of light (300000 km/s)- the planet can create a small velocity because it can use rate of time
We realize that clearly because
The planets motions depend on the light motion- by that – the motion is done by One Motor only which moves by speed of light (300000 km/s), the planets can only move by speed of light or create a rate of time for their smaller velocities - No more options are provided.  
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
This might not be in your line, but I was thinking about teleportation magic, and the fact that the earth is moving extremely quickly through the universe, while also rotating at an intense speed. Assuming a teleportation spell has to be cast from a fixed point to a fixed point, what school of math would be required to determine the second point?
Physics. Usually writers think of teleportation as a fixed relationship to a point of reference on the other end.
The earth rotates at about 1.6k km/h. So, that's “relatively,” easy to calculate. The earth orbits the sun at slightly under 30 km/s. The sun (along with the rest of the solar system) is moving at about 720,000 km/h. Oh, and the galaxy itself is moving at about 2.1m km/h.
So, all you need to do is take the trajectory of the galaxy, adjust for the movement of the solar system, then account for the orbital speed of the planet, and finally remember to account for the rotation of the earth. Once you've done all that you're ready to accidentally teleport yourself into hard vacuum because of a rounding error, or because you forgot to account for how velocity results in temporal lensing, and your perception of time is very marginally distorted, which wouldn't be a problem until you're dealing with speeds in excess of two million km/h. (For reference, the closer you get to the speed of light, slightly under 300m km/s, the slower time moves, or the perception of time, anyway. Normally, we're all on the same planet and moving at roughly the same speed, so the distortion is uniform, but when you're talking about calculating exact, non-relative points in space, the movement of the galaxy, and solar system, will throw your numbers off. Not by a large number, but enough to drop you outside of a breathable atmosphere.)
So, yeah, the short answer would be physics, but you'd be plotting a lot of vectors to work it out.
It's easier to work with teleportation when you can start taking some of those values off the table. Either by fixing your teleportation points with a fixed relation to one another (which would still have issues when trying to jump between planets, but should be fine if you're staying on earth), or based on fixed relations to a specific point. Untethered teleportation is a lot of math.
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audible-smiles · 6 months
Got in the worst car accident of my life today; rear ended a bus while trying to merge lanes on the highway. Busses are big steel bricks so it’s fine, and no one needed immediate medical attention, thank god. But all of my car’s airbags deployed. I have a seatbelt shaped bruise forming on my neck. The front of the car crumpled to absorb the shock of the impact, exactly as it’s meant to do. I feel very, very grateful to everyone involved in car safety testing and design right now. That one small error in judging relative directions and velocities could have easily killed me in a world without safety-conscious design.
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Chapter 3: Undoing
Chapter 2: Frontiers
Chapter 1: Backstory
Chapter 4: Casting
Chapter 5: Continuing
Chapter 6: Ergonomics
Chapter 7: Facts
Chapter 8: Gods
Chapter 9: Oneiric
Chapter 10: Replaying
Chapter 11: Storing
Chapter 12: Subsumption
Chapter 13: Transfer
Chapter 14: Transience
Chapter 15: Unlearning
Chapter 16: Velocity
Chapter 17: Vietnam
Chapter 18: Vilification
Chapter 19: While you were gone
Chapter 20: Xitalis
Chapter 21: Zooming
Chapter 22: Treatment plan
Chapter 23: What was it?
Chapter 24: Planning
Chapter 25: Acceptance
Chapter 26: Simple
Chapter 27: Editing
Chapter 28: Siphon
Chapter 29: Evening
Chapter 30: Universes
Chapter 31: Belief
Chapter 32: Meeting
Chapter 33: Molly
Chapter 34: The best of times
Chapter 35: Is that why?
Chapter 36: Sport
Chapter 37: Starlight
Chapter 38: Effects
Chapter 39: Girlbossification
Chapter 40: Status
Chapter 41: Fearful symmetry
Chapter 42: Reference
Chapter 43: Venom
Chapter 44: Letting go
Chapter 45: Sincerity
Chapter 46: Megido
Chapter 47: Mockery
Chapter 48: Freezing
Chapter 49: Ring
Chapter 50: New
Chapter 51: Discovering
Chapter 52: Destroying
Chapter 53: Conquest
Chapter 54: Liberation
Chapter 55: Seclusion
Chapter 56: Swelling
Chapter 57: Shaking
Chapter 58: Considerations
Chapter 59: Magick
Chapter 60: Dog
Chapter 61: Goncharov
Chapter 62: Lonely
Chapter 63: Hobbits
Chapter 64: Giving up
Chapter 65: Water
Chapter 66: Drops
Chapter 67: Depths
Chapter 68: Improvising
Chapter 69: Quid pro quo
Chapter 70: Hurting
Chapter 71: Anticipating
Chapter 72: Cavity
Chapter 73: Bypassing
Chapter 74: Building
Chapter 75: Assembly
Chapter 76: Nocturne
Chapter 77: Disappearing
Chapter 78: Memory
Chapter 79: Extinguishing
Chapter 80: Approaching
Chapter 81: Interpreting
Chapter 82: Target
Chapter 83: Numbers
Chapter 84: Late
Chapter 85: Safety
Chapter 86: Measures
Chapter 87: Worlds
Chapter 88: Granting
Chapter 89: Jumping
Chapter 90: Fleeing
Chapter 91: Discerning
Chapter 92: Now
Chapter 93: Ultimate
Chapter 94: Brackets
Chapter 95: Instructions
Chapter 96: Severing
Chapter 97: Dire
Chapter 98: Bodies
Chapter 99: Heal
Chapter 100: Consciousness
Chapter 101: Cyclical
Chapter 102: Heaven
Chapter 103: Species
Chapter 104: Empires
Chapter 105: Light
Chapter 106: Waterfront
Chapter 107: Impermanence
Chapter 108: Consummation
Chapter 109: Salving
Chapter 110: Unlimited
Chapter 111: Mediating
Chapter 112: Unity
Chapter 113: Space
Chapter 114: Birds
Chapter 115: Stars
Chapter 116: Telepathy
Chapter 117: Dawn
Chapter 118: Vortex
Chapter 119: Passages
Chapter 120: Defending
Chapter 121: Averting
Chapter 122: Control
Chapter 123: Stars
Chapter 124: Inhabiting
Chapter 125: Stars
Chapter 126: Spoons
Chapter 127: Stars
Chapter 128: Room
Chapter 129: Angels
Chapter 130: Shining
Chapter 131: Offerings
Chapter 132: Rhythm
Chapter 133: Overcoming
Chapter 134: Stars
Chapter 135: Patriarchy
Chapter 136: Rage
Chapter 137: Myopia
Chapter 138: Devouring
Chapter 139: Void
Chapter 140: Juggernaut
Chapter 141: Slumber
Chapter 142: Growing
Chapter 143: Flight
Chapter 144: Showing
Chapter 145: Mutation
Chapter 146: Revolution
Chapter 147: Customization
Chapter 148: Introspection
Chapter 149: Mandates
Chapter 150: Carnival
Chapter 151: Credulous
Chapter 152: Snack
Chapter 153: Earth
Chapter 154: Liberty
Chapter 155: Arete
Chapter 156: Instruction
Chapter 157: Allowing
Chapter 158: Memories
Chapter 159: Traveling
Chapter 160: Binding
Chapter 161: Outside
Chapter 162: Returning
Chapter 163: Birds
Chapter 164: Cabin
Chapter 165: Starlight
Chapter 166: Heat
Chapter 167: Service
Chapter 168: Severing
Chapter 169: Woods
Chapter 170: Siding
Chapter 171: Flowing
Chapter 172: Unreasonable
Chapter 173: Golden
Chapter 174: Unfolding
Chapter 175: Holding
Chapter 176: Sloth
Chapter 177: Wind
Chapter 178: Quarantining
Chapter 179: Awakenings
Chapter 180: Errors
Chapter 181: Motors
Chapter 182: Geometry
Chapter 183: Subsumption
Chapter 184: Crossroads
Chapter 185: Release
Chapter 186: Explaining
Chapter 187: Retrofit
Chapter 188: Returning
Chapter 189: Molly
Chapter 190: Haunted
Chapter 191: Bestowal
Chapter 192: Chances
Chapter 193: Firsts
Chapter 194: Margin
Chapter 195: Thy Kingdom Come
Chapter 196: Harbor
Chapter 197: Crisis
Chapter 198: Searching
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