#Vocabulary List
kinakolatte · 11 months
Basic quantifiers in Japanese
台 (だい) - used for cars, bicycles, machines, mechanical devices, household appliances
杯 (はい) - used for cups and glasses
匹 (ひき) - used for small animals
本 (ほん) - used for long and thin objects
階 (かい) - used for floors
回 (かい) - used for occurrences, numer of times
個 (こ) - used for things that are small and round
枚 (まい) - used for thin and flat objects
人 (にん) - used for people (but we say 一人 (ひとり) for one person and 二人(ふたり)for two
冊 (さつ) - used for books
歳 (さい) - used for age
Plus general quantifiers:
一つ (ひとつ)
二つ (ふたつ)
三つ (みっつ)
四つ (よっつ)
五つ (いつつ)
六つ (むっつ)
七つ (ななつ)
八つ (やっつ)
九つ (ここのつ)
十 (とお)
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anza-langblr · 22 days
部屋探し|Apartment Hunting
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Let me share with you my current struggles on finding a place to stay in Japan with this long vocabulary list!
住宅(じゅうたく)housing, residential building
住宅街(じゅうたくがい)residential area
最寄り駅(もよりえき)nearest train station
共同住宅(きょうどうじゅうたく)residential complex, apartment house
不動産屋(ふどうさんや)real estate agent
物件(ぶっけん)object, property (real estate)
ネット上(じょう)on the internet
掲載する(けいさい)post, insert (advertisement)
共益費(きょうえきひ)common fee, utility fee
月額(げつがく)monthly amount
初期費用(しょきひよう)initial costs
入居する(にゅうきょ)move into
翌月(よくげつ)next month
翌月分(よくげつぶん)next month's rent
礼金(れいきん)key money (fee paid for rental rights)
清掃費(せいそうひ)cleaning fee
火災保険料(かさいほけんりょう)fire insurance fee
賃貸(ちんたい)lease, rent
賃貸借契約(ちんたいしゃけいやく)rental contract
借り主(かりぬし)debtor, tenant
貸主(かしぬし)lender, landlord
一時に(いちどき)at once
滞納(たいのう)falling behind (with a payment)
Moving into a Japanese property comes with high initial costs which can be broken down into numerous different fees. Unfortunately, share houses are not necessarily fully excluded from this, but it really depends on the company. I'm glad that I could take some time to work and save up money before going to Japan. The first month will be very expensive.
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P-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with P in Chinese!
Participate - 参加 - cānjiā
Perform - 表演 - biǎoyǎn
Persuade - 劝说 - quànshuō
Plan - 计划 - jìhuà
Play - 玩 - wán
Point out - 指出 - zhǐchū
Prepare - 准备 - zhǔnbèi
Present - 展示 - zhǎnshì
Prevent - 防止 - fángzhǐ
Produce - 生产 - shēngchǎn
Promise - 承诺 - chéngnuò
Protect - 保护 - bǎohù
Provide - 提供 - tígōng
Publish - 发布 - fābù
Pull - 拉 - lā
Push - 推 - tuī
Put down - 放下 - fàngxià
Pay - 付款 - fùkuǎn
Practice - 练习 - liànxí
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grim-benkyou · 8 months
Vocabulary list | School
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教室 - きょうしつ - Classroom
授業 - じゅぎょう - Lesson
先生 - せんせい - Teacher
学生 - がくせい - Student
学校 - がっこう - School
高校 - こうこう - Highschool
大学 - だいがく - University/College
科目 - かもく - Subject
試験 - しけん - Exam
学期 - がっき - Semester
夏休み - なつやすみ - Summer break
冬休み - ふゆやすみ - Winter break
春休み - はるやすみ - Spring break
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I might do a post with just school subjects or going into specific words in a subject! ありがとうございます♡
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bobbiprintables · 3 months
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Free Printable Vocabulary List Templates
Download Here
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imtryingtolearngerman · 10 months
Reading vlog vocabulary
 想う「おもう」= to think
読書「どくしょ」 = reading a book
興味深い「きょうみぶか」 = very interesting
興味 「きょうみ」= interest
短い 「みじかい」= short
小説 「しょうせつ」=novel
主人公 「しゅじんこう」= protagonist
夜更かし 「よふかし」= staying up late
髪「かみ」= hair
満喫「まんきつ」= enjoying to the full
ダラダラ = leisurely; idly
Original vlog
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er-cryptid · 9 months
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chinesekoreanandmore · 5 months
Vocabulary List #58
夕 [xī] - evening
名 [míng] - name
千 [qiān] - a thousand
舌 [shé] - tongue
不 [bù] - no; not
的 [de] - belonging to
大 [dà] - big
又 [yòu] - again
粥 [zhōu] - congee
茶 [chá] - tea
橙子 [chéngzi] - orange (the fruit)
子 [zi] - child; noun suffix
了 [le] - completed action marker
错了 [cuòle] - wrong
对了 [duìle] - correct; oh, by the way...
土 [tŭ] - earth; dust
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vikinglanguage · 3 months
How to articulate your emotions in Danish
Literal years ago, I got an ask about how to talk about emotions in Danish. I was never really entirely sure, what the person was asking about, but I recently had the idea to just flat out translate one of those "how to identify which emotion you're experiencing" charts. So here goes nothing
Please note: all of these are approximations, and a lot of the words that are used to describe the same general feeling are in fact more or less interchangeable, as is the case with the emotion chart.
This is the chart I used:
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[ID in alt text]
bange - fearful
noun: frygt - fear
bange, frygtsom, ræd - scared hjælpeløs - helpless skræmt, rædselsslagen - frightened
nervøs, ængstelig - anxious overvældet - overwhelmed bekymret - worried
usikker - insecure utilstrækkelig - inadequate underlegen, mindreværdig - inferior
svag - weak værdiløs - worthless ubetydelig, betydningsløs - insignificant
afvist - rejected holdt udenfor, ekskluderet - excluded forfulgt - persecuted
truet - threatened nervøs - nervous udsat - exposed
sur - angry
noun: vrede - anger
skuffet, svigtet - let down forrådt - betrayed forurettet - resentful
ydmyget - humiliated ikke føle sig respekteret - feel disrespected gjort nar ad, latterliggjort - ridiculed
bitter - bitter forarget - indignant krænket - violated
vred - mad rasende - furious jaloux - jealous
aggressiv - aggressive provokeret - provoked hostile - fjendtlig
frustreret - frustrated arrig - infuriated irriteret - annoyed
fjern - distant tilbagetrukken/tilbagetrukket - withdrawn følelsesløs, følelsesforladt - numb
kritisk - critical skeptisk - sceptical affejende, afvisende - dismissive
frastødt - disgusted
noun: afsky - disgust
misbilligende - disapproving fordømmende - judgemental pinligt berørt - embarrassed
skuffet - disappointed forfærdet - appalled væmmes (verb, reflexive) - to be revolted e.g. jeg væmmes ved lugten af fisk 'I am revolted by the smell of fish'
frygtelig - awful kvalm - nauseated foragtelig - detestable
frastødt - repelled forfærdet - horrified tøvende - hesitant
ked af det - sad
noun: bedrøvelse, sorg - sadness, sorrow
såret - hurt flov - embarrassed skuffet - disappointed
deprimeret*, nedtryk - depressed mindreværdig - inferior tom, følelsesforladt - empty *while deprimeret like English depressed primarily should be used in relation to a medical diagnosis of depression, it is also used as a synonym of nedtrykt (literally ned 'down, de' + trykt 'pressed') in the vernacular
skyldig - guilty fortrydende, skyldbetynget, angerfuld - remorseful skamfuld - ashamed
fortvivlelse - despair adj: fortvivlet - despairing sorg - grief adj: sorgfuld, sorgramt, sørgende - grief-stricken, grieving magtesløs - powerless
sårbar - vulnerable gjort til offer, offergjort - victimised skrøbelig - fragile
ensom - lonely isoleret - isolated efterladt - abandoned
glad - happy
noun: glæde, lykke - happiness
legesyg, legende - playful ophidset - aroused fræk - cheeky
tilfreds - content fri - free lykkelig, glad - joyful
interesseret - interested nysgerrig - curious videbegærlig - inquisitive
stolt - proud succesfuld, succesrig - succesful selvsikker - confident
accepteret - accepted respekteret - respected værdsat - valued
stærk, magtfuld - powerful modig - courageous kreativ - creative
fredfyldt - peaceful kærlig - loving taknemmelig - thankful
tillidsfuld - trusting følsom, sensitiv - sensitiv intim, tæt - intimate
optimistisk - optimistic håbefuld - hopeful inspireret - inspired
overrasket - surprised
noun: overraskelse - surprise
forskrækket - startled chokeret - shocked forfærdet - dismayed
forvirret - confused desillusioneret - disillusioned perpleks - perplexed
forbløffet - amazed forbavset - astonished ærefrygt - awe
begejstret, spændt - excited ivrig - eager energisk - energetic
dårligt - bad
kede sig (verb, reflexive) - to be bored e.g. jeg keder mig 'I am bored' ligeglad - indifferent apatisk - apathetic
travl - busy presset - pressured forhastet - rushed
stresset - stressed overvældet - overwhelmed ude af kontrol - out of control
træt - tired søvnig - sleepy ufokuseret - unfocussed
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kinakolatte · 7 months
Basic adjectives in Japanese
大きい (おおきい) - big
小さい (ちいさい) - small
高い (たかい) - tall/high
低い (ひくい) - short
新しい (あたらしい) - new
古い (ふるい) - old
きれい(な) (きれい)(な) - beautiful/clean
汚い (きたない) - dirty
明るい (あかるい) - bright
暗い (くらい) - dark
簡単(な) (かんたん)(な) - easy
難しい (むずかしい) - dificult
速い (はやい) - fast
遅い (おそい) - slow
おいしい (おいしい) - tasty
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anza-langblr · 5 months
銀(ぎん)silver (Ag)
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アルミニウム aluminum (Al)
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金(きん)gold (Au)
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銅(どう)copper (Cu)
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鉄(てつ)iron (Fe)
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水銀(すいぎん)mercury (Hg)
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ニッケル nickel (Ni)
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鉛(なまり)lead (Pb)
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プラチナ・白金(はっきん)platinum (Pt)
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錫(すず)tin (Sn)
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チタン titanium (Ti)
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selfstudyblr · 1 year
Multilingual Lists
Days of the week in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Lunes, lunedì, segunda-feira
Martes, martedì, terça-feira
Miércoles, mercoledì, quarta-feira
Jueves, giovedì, quinta-feira
Viernes, venerdì, sexta-feira
Sábado, sabato, sábado
Domingo, domenica, domingo
Months of the year in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
Enero, gennaio, janeiro
Febrero, febbraio, fevereiro
Marzo, marzo, março
Abril, abrile, abril
Mayo, maggio, maio
Junio, giungio, junho
Julio, luglio, julho
Agosto, agosto, agosto
Septiembre, settembre, setembro
Octubre, ottobre, outubro
Noviembre, novembre, novembro
Diciembre, dicembre, dezembro
Seasons in Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese
El invierno, l’inverno, o inverno
La primavera, la primavera, a primavera
El verano, l’estate, o verão
El otoño, l’autunno, o outono
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brazilspill · 1 year
Animal Vocab in Portuguese: Bugs (1/?)
Ant - Formiga
Aphid - Pulgão
Bee - Abelha
Beetle - Besouro (always spelled this way, but some states, like Minas, pronounce it bee-z'oh-hoo)
Butterfly - Borboleta
Caterpillar - Lagarta (little kids often mispronounce it as largarta), taturana (caterpillars that burn when you touch them; typically fuzzy but not always)
Centipede - Centopéia
Cicada - Cigarra
Cockroach - Barata
Cricket - Grilo
Dragonfly - Libélula
Flea - Pulga
Fly - Mosca
Hornet - Marimbondo, vespa
Ladybug - Joaninha (literally, "little Joana")
Louse - Piolho
Mosquito - Mosquito (in Minas they're called pernilongo, whereas a mosquito is a word for "fly")
Moth - Mariposa
Pill bug/roly-poly - Tatu bolinha (literally, "armadillo little ball")
Praying mantis - Louva-deus (literally, "god-praiser")
Scorpion - Escorpião
Spider - Aranha
Termite - Cupim
Wasp - Marimbondo, vespa
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O- Verbs in Chinese
Here are some of the most commonly used O-verbs in Chinese!
Obey - 服从 (Fúcóng)
Object - 反对 (Fǎnduì)
Observe - 观察 (Guānchá)
Obtain - 获得 (Huòdé)
Occur - 发生 (Fāshēng)
Offer - 提供 (Tígōng)
Open - 打开 (Dǎkāi)
Optimize - 优化 (Yōuhuà)
Order - 命令 (Mìnglìng)
Order (at a restaurant) 点 (Diǎn)
Organize - 组织 (Zǔzhī)
Originate - 起源 (Qǐyuán)
Overcome - 克服 (Kèfú)
Overflow - 溢出 (Yìchū)
Overhaul - 检修 (Jiǎnxiū)
Overheat - 过热 (Guòrè)
Overlook - 忽视 (Hūshì)
Oversee - 监督 (Jiāndū)
Overthrow - 推翻 (Tuīfān)
Owe - 欠 (Qiàn)
Own - 拥有 (Yōngyǒu)
Outline - 概述 (Gàishù)
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sunandhubris · 2 years
French city vocab
le centre ville - the city centre:
la poste - the post office l’hôtel de ville, la mairie - townhall le commissariat - police station la caserne des pompiers - fire station la banque - bank le bancomat - the ATM le tribunal - the court la bibliothèque - library le musée - museum le parc - the park le monument - monument la statue - the statue la fontaine - the fountain la place principale - the main square le trottoir - pavement, sidewalk le lampadaire - lightpost le métro - the underground la gare - train station la gare routière - the bus terminal l’église - church la mosquée - mosque la synagogue - synagogue le cimetière - the cemetery
amusement et plaisir:
le restaurant - restaurant la pizzeria - the pizzeria le bar - the bar (sells all types of drinks) la librairie - bookshop le magasin - shop le cinéma - movie theatre le théâtre - the theatre le patinoire - the ice rink la piscine - the swimming pool le stade - stadium l’aire de jeux - playground
autres lieux importants:
l’aéroport - the airport l’hôpital - the hospital la pharmacie - drug store le marché - market la boulangerie - the bakery le coiffeur/la coiffeuse - barber’s shop, hairdresser’s le tabac - the tabacconist’s
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