#White Knight kiddos
zexapher · 4 months
The Culmination in a Kiss
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Threw this one together over a day, so pardon some of the rough edges. But I really wanted something to cap off the amazing shipping tournament we’re having, and to make something for Weiss' birthday today! Really hoping White Knight wins out in the ship war, it’s been an insane series of firsts for the ship. This was the first time we made it past the very first round! And here we are in the finals!
This is so momentous; with Rooster Teeth shutting down, RWBY’s continuation hopeful for the future but a bit up in the air, and on the day of Weiss’ birthday (and won’t she appreciate this little comic as a gift). And for me personally, as someone that’s shipped White Knight from the start, and saw how the community’s attitude towards it has evolved and so radically flipped. It makes seeing White Knight coming out so strongly, and really dominating the tournament even, something truly special. I have to thank everyone that’s been taking part, this little competition has been a lot of fun.
Win or lose, it’s been great. Just like the show itself. Of course, I wouldn’t say no to winning it! Come on White Knight! One final effort is all that remains! One last mission! It’s time to finish the fight! Make it official!
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kyraxyrespace · 2 years
Evolution of White Knight in RWBY (Start)
White Knight, the pairing name for RWBY’s characters Weiss Schnee (White) and Jaune Arc (Knight). Not a popular pairing, but my personal favorite coupling out of the show. A requirement I hold for all my favorite couples is that they must be friends first and foremost, and over the course of the series, we see what started out as a one-sided attraction eventually reach a level of friendship that was not perceived possible at the start of the series.
I’ll be posting their interactions and evolution daily leading up to the release of Volume 9. The only volume that won’t be present is Volume 4, and that’s because the two were on separate continents.
Please join me as we explore their relationship.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
I think we need something wholesome: so uh anything LSO MK related cuz I found comfort in him
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Comfort Food
(Made to pair with Let’s Start Over!MK)
The kitchen always smells so nice when MK is at the stove. The air is scented with spices and herbs, drifting through the house. The whole place feels cozy, even though it’s snowing pretty hard outside.
Most of the mountain monkeys have herded inside to weather the storm, lounging on your bed and toying around with your clothes.
“Clover,” your mentor calls, using a nickname born of your status as the fourth owner of the Ruyi Jingu Bang. “You want extra peppercorns?”
You nod, slow and noncommittal- there’s more important things on your mind right now, after all.
Lying beside a few of your happy little white-furred friends is, of all things… a tail. Yours, specifically. It had only grown in a short while ago, so there was still a sort of unease around using or even seeing the simian appendage… but the mountain monkeys were eager to “help” by grooming it to neatness by MK’s request.
MK turns to check on you and smiles, slowly relaxing his tense shoulders. He always calms down when he you’re safe and content, tucked in nearby and within eyesight.
Unlike the monkeys, who had found your tail amicable from the start, your mentor was a more… complicated case, to say the least. At first he had been shocked by his child student sprouting a brand new appendage, especially since nothing of the sort had ever happened to him.
But he had quickly gotten over that initial shock, which made him more than aware of how you feel. He glances over his shoulder at you again, before returning to the stove.
Are you questioning yourself the way he questioned himself?
“Almost done, bud!”
He’s spent a lot of time trying to keep your spirits up about the change.
The hero takes up a small bowl of finely ground peppercorn and stirs the powder into the boiling pot, then turns the heat up a little higher.
As he does, a monkey hops up onto the counter to try and swipe a pepper, only to be “swatted” away by a wooden spoon. Really, all MK does is lightly tap the monkey’s head with a gentle wrist flick, prompting a pouty chitter.
“Y/N, try getting him to come over to you- with only your tail.” A little task that would, hopefully, distract you.
“Monkie Knight, I’m not sure-“
“Ah ah ah! Just give it a shot, bud! A flick or two won’t hurt you or anybody else, right?”
Please do something that takes your mind off the worries that he knows are racing in your mind even in this moment of comfort.
With a nod, you slowly lift the still clumsy appendage, trying to beckon the gluttonous little furball back to the couch with the rest of his troop.
The little simian doesn’t move, instead cocking his head with confusion. He doesn’t know what you’re trying to do. The monkey looks at you and then MK, then back at you again, chittering.
MK is trying not to smile, covering his mouth as he watches. “Come on- use it like you would your hands. Try and coax him over there. You’re not just supposed to be “good” with monkeys- you are a monkey, kiddo.”
Like him. Gods, there’s finally another like him.
Sitting up to give a more spirited attempt, you jerk your tail around to insistently point at the monkey, then the spot beside you on the couch.
MK snorts, struggling hard to hold back an uncommonly heard rumble of laughter.
Do you know just how happy you make your dad mentor?
The monkey looks at you, then the spot… and suddenly, it clicks. He finally begins to move towards you, hopping up onto the couch. The monkey finally comes to understand your intent. With an “Ee-EE!” of excitement, the monkey scampers across the floor and jumps up onto the couch, immediately nuzzling his head against your cheek in affection.
“Oh, oh! He… he actually listened to me,” you call in happiness, your tail flicking about wildly and erratically. “Monkie Knight, look at him!”
A proud smile blooms across MK’a, clearly amused as hell. He leans over to watch the playful scene unfold, giving the pot one final stir before taking it off the oven.
“See? You’ve got a good handle on it. You’re a natural, bud.” The other monkeys notice their friend has gotten cuddles, and start chittering and clamoring to get your attention as well. They want to be loved, too.
Maybe those desperate feelings were a reflection of their caretaker’s own.
You work to pull as many of the little critters into your arms and tail as possible, excitedly scooping them up with little grace- sure enough, the monkeys are overjoyed with your efforts and you quickly have hold a heap of chattering and writhing fur. They’re crawling over each other to dote on you, some of them even climbing up your shoulders to get to your hair.
MK makes a short trek from the cozy kitchen and into the cozier living room, holding a steaming bowl of jajangmyeon in one hand, and a pair of smooth wooden chopsticks in the other.
Most of the monkeys hop off your body as your mentor sets the bowl and chopsticks on the table in front of you.
“Here, eat up. But be careful- I don’t want black bean sauce on your clothes.” He says, already imagining the stain it would leave. He doesn’t want to have to deal with the headache that clearing it would take. “Don’t burn your tongue, either. And don’t eat too fast.”
There’s an annoyed twinkle in your eyes at his fatherly fussing, looking at your mentor from the corner of your eyes while breaking the chopsticks cleanly.
“I’ll be fine- dad.”
You joke now- but MK is sure that he’ll hear you say that for real eventually.
One of his hands drifts to your head, mussing the hair with a large and scarred palm. For a moment there’s only the sound of your munching and his breathing, you focused on the noodles and him focused on the parental fantasy of taking complete control of your safety and welfare, of having you entirely rely on him.
It would take a while, but…
It’s the sort of thing he’s willing to wait for.
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littlespacereader · 10 months
Is it the first of December? Yes. Is the Halloween fic finally finished? YOU BET! I apologize for the wait but here it the long awaited Moon Knight Halloween Fic!! I rewrote the story a couple of times but I hope you all enjoy the Fic!!🌙👻🎃
The Little Protector of the Night🌙
A Moon Knight Halloween Special🎃
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Caregiver!Marc Spector & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags - Marc Spector saves the reader, some mean things said about regression, pacifiers, sippy cups, stuffed animal, pull-up (mentioned), dress up, hand holding, hugs
Nicknames - kid, kiddo, little moon knight
A month ago I was walking back from a night class when I came across a group of people. It was almost as if they were waiting for someone to stumble upon them so they could cause trouble.
I tried to just walk past them to no avail. They kept standing in front of me, trying to grab and push me around.
“Go away!” I yelled, looking for my chance to run.
“Aw! Come on! It’s not every day we get to see walking by this time of night.”
One of the members of the group grabbed my backpack and ripped it off me. “Well, well, well, what have we got here?”
“Give it back!!” I rushed forward to grab it back but one of them shoved me back onto the ground.
They proceeded to dump all of my belongings inside onto the alleyway floor. Scattered across the payment fell my school books and such but also my little things like my pacifier, my favorite stuffie, a pull-up, my crayons and coloring book, and some fidget toys.
The group paused only for a second seeing the items. Then they bursted into laughter.
“What are you three?”
“Awwww! Just a little baby are you?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime baby?”
They inched their way back to me, though not without stepping on all my belongings. I started to crawl backwards and they started towards me.
“No! Stop! Please!”
Tears sprang my eyes as they approached. I just covered my face and wished they would disappear.
And in a way, they suddenly did.
I felt a gust of wind blow past me. Then the sound of the men falling onto the ground 5 feet away. I lifted my head to see, and what I saw widened my eyes.
This god like figure appeared from the night sky and started attacking everyone. One guy got hit into the alley wall, another smashed down to the ground.
I froze in place, watching the man dressed in all white take on the group of people. Where did he come from? How did he know I was in trouble?
Sure, I knew superheroes existed but they were mostly in America. Was he a superhero? He didn’t look like an Avenger. He looked different, but in a good way.
With the last guy taken care of, he stopped and looked at the scene, at all my belongings scattered around, my backpack thrown to the side and me still sitting on the ground with my legs pressed to my chest and on the verge of hyperventilating.
He looked almost like a mummy the way he was wrapped up. A long cape behind him, his face shielded with a mask and a hood. In his hand he held a crescent shaped dagger of sorts. He looked intimidating but so cool.
His mask disappeared and suddenly he was just real. More real than he was before. Before he felt like something from another world, almost god like. Without the mask he was just a person, just like me.
Once his eye caught my own and I think he could see that I was still in a bit of shock because he put the dagger away and held his hands up.
“Hey kiddo, it’s alright now. They’re not going to hurt you anymore.”
His voice sounded surprisingly calming despite being someone who just appeared out of no where and beat up a whole group of people. His voice also sounded surprisingly American.
“Are you an Avenger?” I asked before I even had a chance to think about it.
The man chuckled, “No. Far from it. But I’m a good guy, I promise.“
He began to walk over to me but paused. His eyes caught the sight of my stuffed animal bunny laying down on the gross ground. He picked the stuffie up and walked over towards me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry for what these people did to you and your belongings.”
He crouched down on my level and held out my stuffie to me. “But it seems like your bunny made it out unharmed.” He smiled.
I carefully took my bunny back into my arms and held it tight to me, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. What’s your bunny’s name?”
“Fluffy,” he smiled again. “That’s a nice name fluffy. Fits them perfectly.”
“What your name? I mean your real name and your superhero name?” I asked so curious to who the mystery man was.
“My superhero is Moon Knight, but you can call me Marc. I’m the protector of the travelers of the night just like yourself.”
He stood up and offered me his hand to help me stand. I gladly took it, standing up on legs a bit wobbly. He quickly realized and came over to my side, helping me for a moment till I was okay.
“Thank you. That was scary. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you…” the thought started to make me upset.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay! There’s nothing to worry about anymore. You’re alright and safe now.”
He held his hand in mine for a little comfort. “Let’s get your belongings and take you home okay? I don’t want you out any longer tonight. You shouldn’t be walking home at night by yourself.”
I nodded my head and squeezed his hand. He squeezed it right back before letting it go to help me.
He picked up all my belongings, well, the ones that weren’t destroyed and put them back into my backpack for me. My sippy cup and my pacifier were two of the thing that they destroyed but were replaceable.
Then with my backpack zipped he flung it over his shoulder and took my hand in his once again. “Now, let’s get you home.”
He held my hand the entire walk back to my flat. I thanked him again for everything and just like that he left. And I haven’t seen him since.
The only sign of him from that night was a package I received a few day later. Inside was a new sippy cup and pacifier. I looked at the box confused. I didn’t order anything. But then it hit me who sent it.
No note or anything, just a new sippy cup and pacifier wrapped in tissue paper. The cup’s had a beautiful moon and star design to it and the pacifier had a little moon charm on it.
That was a month ago and yet it feels like yesterday. I can’t shake the idea of him from my mind. He wasn’t like the Avengers, no he was so much cooler than them.
Yet he was so gentle with me. Unlike the group that was trying to hurt me, he didn’t judge me for regressing, in fact he didn’t even mention it. He just noticed and started to help me.
It was weird to say but I missed him. When he held my hand and walked with me back to my flat I almost wished that he was going to stay and make sure I got settled okay. He made me realized maybe I wanted a Caregiver in my life.
But I shook that thought away. No. He was just some guy who knew about regression and was kind to me. I mean that was a month ago! The chance of me seeing him again were slim to none.
Halloween arrived and everyone in London dressed the part…literally. Everyone walking around was wearing a costume and it was fun to see.
This year I opted not to buy a costume but make my own. With the help of some medical bandages and hot glue I made a replica of the costume I saw Moon Knight wearing. It wasn’t a copy of his costume but I think it was close enough. I even made his crescent moon daggers out of cardboard.
My friends invited me to their house for a costume party. I stayed for a little bit and hung out. Obviously no one knew who I was for Halloween. They just assumed I was a mummy and I was alright with that. The costume was for myself more than anyone else.
But as the night dragged on I could feel myself starting to get tired and starting to regress. So I said my goodbyes to everyone at the party and called it a night.
I don’t live far from them so it wasn’t a long walk. But my quiet night walk was interrupted by someone yelling behind me.
“Hey it’s that moon freak!”
I turned around to see who was yelling and my heart dropped. It was the same group as last time. How? I have no idea.
They must’ve recognized me too but I didn’t give them the chance to comment on it. I took off running. I was close to home, maybe I could make it.
But the group was fast on my tail trying to get me. My feet and their feet echoed down the alley way towards my apartment.
I grabbed the door and was about to enter when they grabbed me and pulled me off. The group pulled me away despite my struggles to break free.
“Can you imagine our luck! The baby from last time. And look, they’re dressed up as that crazy man with the cape.” One said.
I tried to pull my arms away from their grip but I couldn’t. “Stop!! Go away!!”
“It’s a shame he isn’t here to join us in our reunion! Oh well, guess we’ll just have to go on without him.” Another laughed.
Suddenly a mental crescent dagger hit the man next to me, then suddenly another.
We all looked up to see Moon Knight flying from the roof top down to the alley way. I stepped back as he started to take on the group for a second time. Like the last time it was interesting to see.
But as he was fighting I could see one of them grabbing something to hit him with. So armed with my two cardboard crescent moons I threw them at the guy. It did nothing to him, but it did distract him enough for Marc to take him down.
“Nice shot kid!” He yelled out.
I smiled back, proud to help the fight. Then, like the last time, everyone was laying unconscious on the ground. Then it was just Marc and myself.
“What did I say about walking alone at night?” His mask disappeared again so I could see the eyebrows raise.
“I was right around the corner! I didn’t know they would be here!” I argued. I’m
Marc smiled, dropping the tough guy act. “I love your costume this year. You look exactly like me. It’s almost uncanny. Did you do that yourself?”
“Yeah! I made it myself! I really wanted to be you for Halloween! You look so cool.” I smiled.
“Well I think you look cooler. Plus my costume isn’t homemade, making you’re the coolest.” He winked.
He walked over to me, “Where’s fluffy tonight? Didn’t join you for Halloween?”
I shook my head, “I didn’t want to lose them at the party.”
Marc hummed. He looked around and sighed, “Listen kiddo, I don’t feel safe with you going back to your flat with these idiots laying unconscious outside. But I also don’t want you to be alone with your headspace right now. So, if you feel comfortable with it, I can take you back to my apartment and keep an eye on you there. Sound good?”
I smile broke out across my face, “Yes!! That would be so much fun!!” I was practically jumping up and down.
Marc smiled back, “Alright good. Let’s go to your apartment and get your things and then we’ll head to my place.”
Running up the stairs of my apartment, I quickly brought Marc into my flat and introduced him to every stuffie I had, all of which he shook their hands, paws and fins. Then he helped me pack a bag and grab whatever I would need for the night.
With my apartment door closed and locked the two of us started walking towards his apartment, strolling through London together hand in hand.
Problem was his apartment was a bit of a walk across London. So as the walk went on I could feel myself starting to get more and more tired. At one point it felt as though he was dragging me along.
Eventually he turned and picked me up, holding me on his hip. “There we go. Tuckered out from all your crime fighting my little moon knight?”
My little moon knight. It sounded so nice.
“Can I be your little moon knight?”
My heart was beating out of my chest. It’s wasn’t just anything…it was asking if he was a caregiver and wanted me as his little one.
Marc smiled, “I would be honored to have you as my little moon knight. My little sidekick in both life and now crime fighting.”
I smiled back and rested my head against his shoulder. I can’t believe Moon Knight is now my Caregiver. I’ve never felt more safe and happy.
I drifted on and off while Marc walked through London. After the the third time waking up in his arms I lifted my head up and looked at him confused.
“Are you going the right way?”
“Yeah…yeah I think we’re going the right away…I have to ask Steven.” Marc said talking to myself more than me.
At first the comment went over my head, blame it on the tiredness. But then it hit me.
Who the hell is Steven?
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
How the boys react to altars?
(Ximena x Simon.{COD} Morgana x Marc y Altars.{Moon Knight} Enjoy this multi fandom chapter I wanted to see how this went!)
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Simon x Ximena Riley:
The crisp air hit Simons face as he returned home. Seeing his little house covered in yellow and orange flowers
His brown eyes looking to the driveway. Loose petals leading to the doorstep. A tradition he has grown used to around this last week of October.
His wife coming from a small town in Mexico. Still celebrating day of the dead. Seeing it the first time was confusing. He got used to it as the years have came.
He grabbed his bag, and a few bouquets of flowers he got on the way home. Holding the large bag in his arm as he walked inside.
Seeing garlands of flowers coating their living room. Hallways to the bedrooms the same.
But the living and kitchen-
He smiled a bit. Locking the door behind him as he took his boots off. Setting his bag down.
Looking around as the house was empty. But the pathway of flowers lead outside to the garden.
He set the flowers down. Remembering to tell his wife when he finds her.
The house had candles around. Not yet lit.
Bread was on plates. Multiple meals cooked, many he likes or haven't tried yet. His eyes landed on the photos.
His eyes shaking for a second as there was many of his own on there. His whole family
Besides his sperm donor. Thank god-
"You're back early."
His head turned to met her. His eyes soften as he smiled to her. Ximena was in a simple white dress. Her flat ballade sandals on. She had twin braids down to her knees.
A kinder smile to her lips as she grabbed a tray. Setting the food on it.
"I was hoping to have this done. Surprise you even. Kiddos are outside setting up and having fun. Luna's with them too." She was softly speaking. Grabbing some of the pictures.
Even the one of her father that passed recently.
Her eyes stilled as she set it on the tray. A small tear slipped as her smile softly faded.
Simon walked over as he gave her head a gentle kiss. Pulling her in by the side
" 'M home. That's all that matters luv. And what surprise?" He asked her as he peer down at her.
"I was adding your family for this years altar."
His eyes met hers. Seeing the kindness she had for him. He never took her up on the offer. Scared if he'll disrespect his family. Or if waking them from their deserved rest was selfish for a few nights
He learned a bit of the holiday with his wife. And her loving family. He felt at ease as she wanted to do this small act for people she met a few times. Because she understood how much they meant to him
" Such a lovely idea my luv. Need any help?"
"Can you bring out the candles? I'm almost done."
He nods his head as he grabbed he ones from the kitchen she had set.
Walking out after her. Seeing their garden to life even as the sun was setting.
The stringed lights flickered on. Lanterns set in the pond, the garden had fireflies floating around. The many plants they had for fall flourishing in the still warm night.
Anna was playing with the twins keeping the toddlers distracted.
Johnny was helping his mum. Setting the photos on as they chatted a bit.
Simon smiled as he walked behind hearing his wife chatter on as she taught her kids about the tradition
"Once a year our ancestors visit us. For a few nights they come and enjoy the company. They're our family, so we cook food for them they loved while alive. We put their favorite things like bread or trinkets, or anything really"
She spoke on and on as they finished the most. Taking the candles from her husband as she set one each with a photo.
Most of them filled with her family. Aunts he met a few times. To her godparents, to her tia's and tios. Even her grandparents.
On the top of the tiered alter, her father sat. And then his mother. Underneath was his brother and his family. And her brother with his daughter.
A few years dripped, her hand shook as she finished lighting the last ones.
Stepping back she stood there admiring the table theys set.
Johnny grabbed his mum's hand. As she softly cried at the sight.
Simon came besides her as he squeezed her shoulders. Giving her a kiss on the head as he smiled.
"They would love this... Thank you for taking the time." He whispered as he gave her arms a rub. Letting her cry a bit.
He knew why she was crying more. It's only been a month since her own father untimely passing.
The girls came over as they admired the alter. Giving their mum a hug as they smiled.
"It's ok mum. They're visiting us tonight." Johnny said as he beamed with his sweet smile.
Making Ximena chuckled as she gave a kind smile back.
"Yeah.. they're always with us mijo~"
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Morgana x Marc and the boys
Steven came home first before his wife and kids. The young man fidgeting with his backpack as he hanged it up.
He was tired from their trip back from New York. They had a few months out there dealing with Khonshu's deeds.
"Blood hell. Those stupid wankers in New York." He mumbled a bit as he noticed how the usual cleaned Victorian house looked.
Clothes and robes everywhere. His eyes flicker to his wife's library of books being litter on the floor.
He noticed even her crystal ball. Usually covered and tucked away was smashed on the floor.
The mirrors she had hung up were smahed and broken.
"Lads- You gotta see this." His voice was a bit shaky as he let Marc front. His eyes flickered as he stood straight. His hands flexing as he took it in.
Marc's eyebrows furried in confusion as he looked around the rest of the house.
"Girls! You're not home right?!" He called out trying to make sure none of his family was home.
Thankfully it was quiet.
Besides the bird coming in as he noticed his avatar being deranged
"What are you doing?" Khonshu's voice boomed as Marc sighed
"Can't you see I'm dealing with something? And you!" He pointed his finger at the god
"Can't be inside this house! Or aren't supposed to be!"
"Whoever or whatever did this. Broke her protection circle and her work. So I'm here now." He sassed the human as he stood in a corner. The bird looking around at the damage
"Someone knows what they were doing."
"Well that someone is gonna be murder if she comes home to this."
Khonshu laughs as he sneer at his avatar
"You fear that woman?"
"Fear? God no. But I do know not to piss her off. Have you seen what she can do? She took me out one night because a civilian was hitting on me."
He stared at the god as he stared back
"She banished me from your house"
"She really hates you. You should know that after what five years?" He gave him attitude back as Marc started to clean. He flinched when he felt a small burn.
Khonshu walked over as he used his staff. Nudging the broken mirrors.
"Someone was here. Smarter than you even. Cursed all her objects. Only she can fix this. Or her gods."
Marc held his hand as he groaned. Knowing his wife was gonna be a storm to handle.
As the time did arrive. Marc cleaned what he could. But all her magical objects were out of his field
Morgana came home alone. Wearing a long frilly dress. She had meetings all day with the other clans -
"Marc Specter!"
Here it goes.
"Are you okay?" Her voice was gentle as she rushed into the kitchen. Seeing her husband as she noticed all her items broken
"I'm fine. How was the meeting?"
"It was a trap."
He moved and shook his head at her declaration.
"Clearly it was. Because I know you value your life more than break my items."
Marc gentle nods his head as he sipped his espresso. A wince in his face as he hated the taste alone.
His eyes flicker as Steven came forward. Finishing the cup as he set another to brew
He smiled as he walked to his wife, grasping her hand as he spoke
"I'm terribly sorry my love. Those wankers deserve whatever you serve them back."
She smiled gently as she looked up to him. Her waves swirling as she stood on her tippy toes. Her little fangs brushed against his lips as she gave him a kiss.
"And that's why I love you boys. Always good at keeping me calm."
"I say other reasons too"
Her eyes widen as she wiped her head to the dreadful bird
"You're not supposed to be in my house!"
Khonshu sighs as he ran a boney hand down his beak
"Your protections got destroyed!"
"I know! No get out you good for nothing bird!" Morgana sassed him as she tapped her foot. Her house swirled and spun as the bird was thrown out
The broken items swirled as they picked up. Restored even as they set her things to their rightful spots. She was calm again. Her curls landing flat against her back. She brushed a few strands out of her face.
Everything was fixed. Her protections, her items, and her house. But she would have to find out who did this.
"I'll be in the attic. The girls are coming home with Adrian later. He took them out for dinner."
She seemed peeved, as she ascended the stairs. Her steps seem more eerie as she was out of sight.
All three knew something was wrong.
Jake pulled to the front as he told the others to shush
"I got her~"
Marc rolled his eyes at him as he sighs
"Oh you got her? What about us?"
"You two haven't seen... Everything she can do."
As Jake walked up the stairs. The attic seemed cold, he got a glimpse in as his wife was lighting her candles. She was in a black fluffy robe. Her hair in braids as she wrote on the floor in chalk.
Marc and Steven peer with Jake as they saw how cold she seemed.
"It's her worship room... Usually I don't bug her. Unless she needs help with something."
"What kind of something?" Steven asked as he noticed Jake scratched his cheek
"Sex rituals."
"And she's only asked you?" Marc asked as he seemed upset.
Jake smiled as he shook his head.
"Hey you two would freak out from the things we've seen."
The trio got silent as they noticed the room shaking. Morgana was moving with the air swirling around her. Her eyes shut as she was thinking.
Her hands ran through the chalk ward she made as she chanted
"Gods above. Gods below. Come and aid this witch. Come from sea and off the mountain peaks. I becon those I seek to aid me in my defeat"
Her eyes flickered open as she smiled. Seeing her two favorites floating besides her.
And Jake just watched. Seeing the gods in view.
Poor Marc and Steven were slightly confused why they could see them.
"Why can we see them???" Steven asked as he watched his wife talk.
Persephone and Hetec
The pair eyeing the woman. But small smiles to their lips as they took her offerings and her speech.
"Those clans should know better than to cause distrust with the Aradia clan. They left their own clues to know who it is child. Seek those clues. Find it and they'll reveal whom you seek." Hetec was calm as she gave her piece.
"If they seek to start a war. Knowing those other groups. All acting like children during these trying times for our kinds. But if they seek a war. They will receive one" the goddess vanished.
Leaving Avatar with her goddess
Persephone beamed as she floated over.
"I'll need a better offering child. You know the kind. And I think your husband's do too. But hear my words. If they believe a war is important during these times. They're mistaken. As fall creeps in, they might think this is the best time to strike. Keep a keen eye on your enemies my child. Anything can happen~" the goddess gave her a cryptic speech. Leaving her be as she floating away.
Morgana sighed as she didn't get what she expected. Her eyes flickered to the doorway as she noticed Jake
"Come here my love. We got some offerings to make~"
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agirlattea · 5 months
Mahoyaku Children’s Day Voice Lines: 
Central Wizards: 
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Oz: When I was young, I lost to the twins countless times. I was once sealed in an iceberg and abandoned there. The next morning, they came for me, saying “Poor thing, it must have been cold”. At the time, I questioned the point of locking me away but… … Even now, I still question it. 
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Arthur: When I was younger, I admired the way Sir Oz’s hair would flutter in the wind, and I wanted to grow out my own. At the time, I was told to refrain from doing so until I was powerful enough to protect myself, as parts of Wizard’s bodies can be used as mediums in spells, but… I wonder if it’s about time for me to match Sir Oz? 
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Cain: Was becoming a knight my childhood wish? Yeah, of course! … Is what I wish I could say, but it was pretty different when I was little. According to my Mom, my dream was to become bacon until I was about three years old. Why? ‘Cuz it’s delicious… Hey, don’t laugh!
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Riquet: My childhood memories… I enjoyed the time I spent talking with the Head Priest. He taught me what I needed to know and what I should do. I wonder what he is thinking, now that we have been separated… … I hope he feels lonely when he thinks of me. 
Northern Wizards: 
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Snow: The other day, I witnessed a child fall down and cry on the street. When I summoned sweets with my magic, her tears ceased and she smiled. The expressions young children wear are always innocent. They do not yet harbor hidden intentions. It is touching* to see.
*Due to the roots of the word 愛しい (Itoshii), it can have a double meaning of both beloved/dear and pitiful. 
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White: A strange child approached me on the street and offered a small flower as a token of gratitude. I thought her foolish for approaching a stranger but… it appears she was grateful for something Snow did for her to bring her back to her senses. This happens quite often. I think I will decorate our room with this flower for a while. 
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Mithra: I don’t have any particular childhood memories. All I had to do was transport the corpses on my boat… now that I’ve remembered, I want to pick it up again. Please play the role of a corpse. I’m going to take you to the other side of the shore and throw you there, so please roll over docilely. 
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Owen: I don’t have any childhood memories: I don’t remember anything… <Cur Memini>. Look, I’ve reverted the weak wizard’s hearts back to their childhood state, so go watch them. Most of the things children do are the same.  
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Bradley: When I was a kid, my human siblings were still kicking. Every time I did something, people complained. They were weak and annoying, but when I look at the manor’s kiddos… I remember them.  
Eastern Wizards: 
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Faust: I don’t have any grand childhood stories. I simply did my best to play the role as the head of my household, with the support of the adults in my village. I’ve been told I was polite and hard-working, I don’t think I was very cute. …That can’t possibly be true? Haha, you’re quite kind. 
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Shino: My childhood memories aren’t great… No. Actually, there was a dream I had once ina. While that I liked. I was a rich man’s son. I went to nice restaurants with pocket money, had a nagging tutor, and fought with someone who was like my younger brother. That’s pretty nostalgic; I forgot about it until just now. 
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Heathcliff: When I was a kid… ah, no. I was remembering a friend: an irreplaceable friend whom I met in the Orangery of the courtyard of my parent’s home. Someday, I will definitely take Shino with me to visit that friend once more. When I do, you should come as well, Master Sage. Please, allow me to introduce you once more.  
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Nero: When I was a kid, huh… Well, I was born in a pretty bad place*. If I didn’t want to be abused and used by others, I had no choice but to be stringer than them. That’s probably why the first time someone praised me with “good job”… honestly, I barely understood what was happening. 
*Literally: A place with bad manners
Western Wizards: 
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Shylock: Myself as a child? I loved the view from the top of the hill, and on sunny days I would stroll through the vineyards. At times, I would sneak grapes off the vines before the harvest… Even now I have not forgotten that fresh, sweet taste. 
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Murr: What I was like as a child… hmm, I wonder? That’s right, lets ask this Red Beryl*! After all, this is something I cut myself as a kid. I’m sure it will still remember me though, I was young. <Eanul Lambru>!
*A type of gem 
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Chloe: I cried pretty often when Rustica first found me, I’m sure it scared him. I mean, even when I ate delicious food, or wore beautiful clothes I cried. That’d surprise anyone, right? But each time, Rustica wiped my tears. That’s why, from now on, I’ll wipe his… 
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Rustica: I tend to be quite forgetful, so I can’t tell you much about my childhood… instead, why don’t I change to the age you wanted to know about? Whether it’s the age Chloe and I met as or younger… fufu, very well then: <Amor Est Viesse>.
Southern Wizards: 
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Figaro: I wasn’t very childish as a kid. Both adults and children relied on me, and I wanted to guide them in turn. I didn’t have a particularly childish childhood, but in that regard I’d say Oz and Mithra are quite similar to me. Don’t most Northern Wizards have stories like that?  
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Rutile: Aaah! Glasses! …Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Leno. Earlier, Mr. Owen cast a spell on me that turned me back into a child. The spell was already broken, but for some reason I’ve become really scared of glasses… Oh, Mr. Faust. Aaah! More glasses!
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Lennox: A story from my childhood… I started working in the coal mines when I was young, so I don’t have many interesting stories. …That’s right, I remember being told I had long legs and looking forward to growing as big as my father. I was so proud when I outgrew him. I’m sure my father felt the same. 
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Mitile: A portrait of me as a baby? …Ah, there is one, but I don’t want to show it to you. Because my head was so big as a baby… Mr. Figaro used to say it was “Rounder than the full moon” … Hey , Master Sage, please don’t laugh!
Back to Voice Lines
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Ive reread you poison apple au and im in love i just can help but imagine the fun raven and dex have with their kids
And apple who marrys her to continue the story i feel like shes stubborn enough to raise a child on lies of stolen happily ever afters
I cry this got buried in the asks ( I have over 140 TTuTT I'm trying to get through them)
Raven and Dex have so much fun with their kiddos! They love them so much and the family is almost always on Fairytales Scrollazine (Peoples Magazine XD) as they became somewhat local Spellebrities after everything that happened.
They have so many aunts and uncles who adore them and Raven's parents are a constant when the kids are young. Diana tried to play the step-sister card once to visit but that was shut down so fast.
With Apple, yeah, she did find someone who would marry her, but it was purely for her looks, and for her, it was purely to try and continue the storyline. There was no love lost between the two, and it's a known secret that the two have lovers here and there. But both do love their children. A boy and a girl. Darius Charmont Knight (yes, Apple named her son after Daring. She lost him once. Not again.) and Winter White Knight (after her lost birthright. Her husband argued their daughter would be made fun of but Apple insisted and overall went behind his back to name the children.) She tries to raise them to believe in their birthrights as a Prince Charming and Snow White but her husband does all he can to make sure it doesn't stick.
Divorce is not a thing really in Ever After. It's been done, but to do so, it's basically like putting a mark on you and your family. It's seen as shameful. But Apple's husband it basically at the end of his rope when he kids turn 6 and 5, respectively and all but demands a divorce from the Supreme Classic Council who grant it prettily easily once the evidence is presented and once they find out who his wife is.
Apple somehow got supervised visits.
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howlingday · 9 months
cauiten of hte blake and yang maidne au
And so it begins...
First / Previously
"And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." The headmaster of Beacon waved his arm to the four girls, who then took to the stage. Standing before an audience under a blinding spotlight, Blake fought the urge to cover her eyes. Looking to her fellow faunus, Ruby Rose, she noticed she didn't feel such hesitation and raised an arm over her brow. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose."
More cheers and applause followed. Ruby dropped her arm in surprise, while Yang immediately squeezed her new leader, embarrassing her by lifting her off the ground and swinging her. Weiss was moreso shocked, likely expecting herself to be made the Team Leader instead. But Blake looked past her team and to the headmaster, who gave a solemn nod.
Soon it would be time to talk.
"Dad! Dad!" Ruby called into the screen from her seat. Taiyang, on the other side of the screen, shoved her dad. "Dad, did you hear me at all?"
"I heard ya just fine, kiddo." Her dad said with a yawn. "Ya got into Beacon, right?"
"I said that weeks ago!" She whined, her wolf ears going flat. "I'm here now, and I-"
"Made team leader, right?"
"Oh, so you were listening?" Taiyang said with a scowl. "We're both proud of you, Ruby."
"I was up late doing an important job for your headmaster." Dad gave a grin. "And he's wanting me to swing by in a couple months." At this Ruby squealed.
"Would you keep it down over there?!" Ruby winced as her partner shouted over the barrier between them. She'd been so caught up in the excitement of the day, she'd forgotten she wasn't the only one with family to tell the good news to. "Apologies, Winter. My team leader decided she just has to be as loud as she possibly can."
"Hey, by the way, where's your sister?" Dad asked. "Coulda sworn she was gonna tell us with you."
"She got called to the headmaster's office. I don't know why, though." At this, the two men looked at each other with concern. "I-I'm sure it's nothing serious! She's just, y'know, got, uh..."
"It's fine, Ruby." Taiyang sighed. "I just didn't expect her to go to see Professor Ozpin already."
"It's probably because of her previous record at Signal." Dad explained. "She was a bit of a troublemaker back there."
Aside from a few pranks, not really. Maybe a little anti-bullying violence after Ruby showed up, but nothing to the point where she'd have to go straight to the headmaster's office. What could have happened that required her to go after her initiation?
"Ms. Belladonna?" Blake looked up from her seat in the waiting room. The deputy headmistress, Professor Goodwitch, eyed her from her towering position over her. "The headmaster will see you now."
She and Yang had been called to the headmaster's office for some reason. At first, she thought it was in regard to herself being the Fall Maiden. However, the inclusion of her newest partner Yang muddied the conclusion. Could this be because Yang was now her partner, or something else entirely? Yang hadn't left yet, so she was still in there.
With a nod, she stood up and entered the elevator leading to the Beacon Headmaster's office. The large room at the top was massive, almost dome-like with it's ceiling nearly obscured by massive, moving gears.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Belladonna." Professor Ozpin formally greeted.
"Wassup, Blake?" Yang informally greeted.
"Now that you are both here," the headmaster began, "I would like to congratulate you both on passing initiation. And with that said, I would like you both to properly introduce yourselves to each other."
"Of course." Blake nodded, then turning to Yang. "My name is Blake Belladonna, and I am the Fall Maiden."
"No way!" Yang covered her mouth. "You're a Maiden, too?!"
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bruh-myguy-what · 1 year
If Not Him, Perhaps Me
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Hellooooooo frens! It has been a long, overdue update, but here we are! I've had so much going on but you guys consistently reminding me of how much you love the story has really helped me refresh my desire to continue the series! So I am so thankful! I really hope you all enjoy chapter 3! Also I apologize that it isn’t the best chapter I’ve written, but I promise to continue to make each chapter better for you guys :3
If you want to join the tag list, just let me know below in the comments!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Pairing- Thrawn x f!reader x Luke Skywalker
Summary- Luke finds out about you being taken by the Empire, and you have another encounter with the Grand Admiral.
Word Count- 2K+
Warnings- Mentions of kidnapping and imprisonment
"What do you mean they took her?!" Luke's fearful tone echoed off the walls of the commissary area of the Flacon where Lando assisted Chewie in cleaning up the mess made by the intruders.
Han raised his voice over his brother's, "hey now! Don't speak to her that way, it wasn't her fault and you know it!" The older man appeared by his wife's side, arms encircling her protectively. "Besides, what did you expect her to do? She's pregnant!" Han quipped harshly, the blue of his eyes darkening as he narrowed them.
The young Jedi was silent for a long moment, eyes darting from his sister's face to her irate husband. "Well-I…" finally huffing indignantly, Luke growled to himself as his hands found his hips. "No…no, I know it isn't your fault, Leia." There was a loud roar from the other side of the ship where Chewbacca shouted his own defense. "No, it's not your fault either Chewie. I'm just…" The younger man moved one of his hands from his hip to rub the irritation away from his eyes, "this is my fault." Luke choked, placing his hand back on his hip. "I…I should've been here to protect her instead of leaving. They're only after her because of me."
Leia started forward and touched her brother's arm, "no, Luke, don't blame yourself," she insisted, "you can't blame yourself. How could you possibly know she would be in danger?"
"Leia's right, Luke," Lando piped up as he waltzed up to join the group, "none of us could've ever guessed that the Empire would've come to get her specifically. Though," he sent a glance toward the young mother, "I think we can all agree that it was better that they didn't take Leia. Who knows what they could've done to her and the kiddos." The grave tone in his voice matched Han's expression, Luke noticed, as he watched the slight movement in his wife's stomach.
A moment of silence passed between them all before Chewbacca growled softly. "Yeah, Chewie's got a point too. Blaming isn't going to get (y/n) back any sooner." Han huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, leveling his stern gaze at Luke. "So, Jedi knight, how're you going to get your girl back?"
Ignoring the term he used to refer to you, Luke closed his eyes in thought. Maybe he could reach you through the force…? Maybe you weren't that far away yet and he could somehow reach out to you so he could tell you that he was going to save you. Surely you knew he'd come for you, right? Or had he really placed such a serious wedge between the two of you that you'd even begin to believe that he'd leave you in the hands of the Imperials? What with all of his stupid beliefs of 'Jedi having no attachments' and everything. He accepted that idea, he really did, but…the more he weighed it and considered the look on your face when you smiled at him, how could he ignore the feeling so deeply set in his heart. The way your eyes sparkled at him in the starlight…it just…
Resolutely, Luke opened his eyes and headed to the front of the Falcon.
"I'm going to find her."
The dim lights of the Grand Admiral's office were an inviting change to the glaring white lights that consistently welcomed you wherever you were led- though, the silence that plagued the room was hardly comforting.
"So," you spoke up as you crossed one leg over the other casually, the linen dress you still wore draping easily back down your legs, "are we meeting because you expect me to give you more information?" As flattering as it was to be so 'important' to someone so high in rank, the narrowed glare given to you from the other side of the desk was equally as irritating.
A soft smile appeared on the admiral's face, he thought your bitterness was humorous, did he? "Perhaps," he replied curtly, glancing away momentarily to grab his datapad, then returned his glowing eyes back to you. "Though I do marvel at your tenacity just as considerably as any useful piece of knowledge you could offer me." He sure knew how to use his genius to annoy people, huh? Before you knew it, the man behind the desk was now standing and making his way around to you. "I must also admit that I find your eagerness to face a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy with such fearlessness very…" he seemed to ponder to word for a second before continuing, "compelling."
Thrawn's full height was accentuated by the way he stood over you in what felt like the galaxy's shortest chair (now with him towering over you). "Well…" you choked out nervously, "I suppose since there is no empire, that means no imperial navy to be a Grand Admiral of, therefore the title has no real significance to me." He could be as intimidating as he'd like but you weren't going to back down now. You'd been here for what felt like a week and, with no real evidence of how long you'd actually been aboard the Chimera, you assumed it must've been as long as it felt- or close enough to it. You’d been sat in this specific seat multiple times during different segments of the day, the fear was starting to lose its luster. Looking up at him once again you were struck by his expression.
He was stoic. He was just gazing down at you.
"Indeed, I suppose you are correct," Thrawn covered his mouth with one of his hands- deep in thought as he removed himself from beside your seat, finding his new position beside one of the large structures holding the ysalamiri- or at least that's what he'd told you they were at another point in a different conversation. "I seem to be continually amazed by your astute wit, (y/n)." He was petting the ysalamiri before him, his broad back facing you so he was unable to see your confounded expression. Was he getting enjoyment from your responses? "I also find it amusing how you consider that I see you as a source of amusement when in fact," Thrawn twisted around to face you, his hands positioned firmly behind his back now, "you are a prisoner of mine, and whatever I desire to know you will tell me."
The red of his eyes darkened significantly enough to drive a cold chill to straight down your spine. Perhaps the Empire was no longer a danger, but this man, this alien, he sure was. Taking a beat to regain your composure, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "A-Alright," of course, your voice would fail you now, "I understand that you are my enemy and the things I know might be crucial to you, but-"
"Tell me, (y/n)," Thrawn interrupted as if you weren't even speaking, "why are you traveling with Skywalker and his crew if you are as useless as you say?" Thrawn truly seemed curious about the answer as he made his way back in front of his desk, towering before you, awaiting your response. "What was your profession before you were a 'freedom fighter'?"
Cocking your eyebrow in challenge, you wondered where your sudden boldness came from after he was so forward about where you stood in his eyes. "Why ask if you already know?" You hated talking about the life you had before you joined the rebels. The Empire wasn't all bad, the idea anyway. You actually preferred the organized structure of the government over the scattered nightmare of the rebel cause, or even the Republic you'd learned about prior to the Empire. The current ‘New Republic’ wasn’t doing much better either. But, after meeting Luke- after he saved you- it was more of a loyalty to him than to the cause. Upon seeing that Thrawn was still silently waiting for your reply, you huffed. "Fine. I was an artist. A painter. I sketched or painted nobles, moffs," your voice trailed off and the admiral hummed in understanding.
"Admirals as well, I assume," it was less of a question and more of a statement. Of course, he knew and, rolling your eyes, you nodded.
"Yes, admirals as well. Though I suppose I wasn't in the Empire whenever you rose to command because I've never met you before now." You knew you hadn't, his warm red eyes would have been burned into your memory.
Thrawn nodded in agreement, "indeed, I myself would have remembered you." He rounded the desk to return to his seat. "Though I have seen your art before," the man commented as a hologram of a painting you'd made years prior to your disappearance materialized between you. "It is quite astounding. I enjoy art, myself. I believe it can give insight into a person, or people." He clarified coolly and you noted how intently he was studying your art. The scrutiny of one of your pieces made your cheeks warm in embarrassment, you'd not had anyone ever really stare at it the way Thrawn seemed to.
Curiosity struck you, "w-what do you see in my art?"
Thrawn seemed unfazed by your question, but took his time before replying to it all the same, "you despised your subject." The honesty struck you to the core. How could he even know that? He was completely correct, but…how? The dumbfounded look on your face caused Thrawn to continue, "but, while you hated the subject you were instructed to paint, you treasured the creation itself. Which I admire. Your talent is," the pause in his voice again made your cheeks burn as you awaited more of his surprising critique, "unmatched."
Too stunned to immediately thank him for his honesty, you blinked dumbly. Eventually, you nodded at his comments, "well…thank you," you whispered softly, hands suddenly more interesting than anything else.
"Have you made very many paintings since your disappearance from the Empire?" His question startled you slightly. Why was he so curious about your art? What was he trying to gain? Thrawn hadn't asked about it any of the other times you'd spoken recently. So why now?
Shaking your head in response, you figured it was useless to lie to him anyway. "No, unfortunately, I haven't had the time…or the funds to be able to continue." You sounded more distressed than you would've thought if asked about it. Though now that you thought about it, the topic never really came up between anyone on the Falcon.
The hologram disappeared, leaving Thrawn gazing directly at you now, scrutinizing you as if you were now the artwork. "No, I would presume not," was all that was said, simply.
Again, the silence retrieved its choking grasp on the atmosphere and you glanced up at the exact moment the Grand Admiral waved his hand in his normal dismissal, "you are free to go for the evening." His tone was casual yet as stern and stoic as usual, but not having the white-clad troopers come in to grab you and lead you out was…new. So, awkwardly, you stood from your seat and waited a moment, quizzically looking at Thrawn. After a few seconds of no argument from the admiral, you slowly made your way to the door, jumping only a little as it whooshed open revealing Rhuk.
"Come now, Rhuk," you heard Thrawn chide stoically from his desk, "do not scare my informant. She is," he caught your eye with a small smile, "essential." The look in his eye seemed mischievous but you weren't certain if that was something you should be worried about.
As you returned to your cell, you settled down for the night on the solid structure they called a bed on this ship. "Alright, before you get all cozy," you heard a familiar trooper voice and sighed when you had to sit back up. You weren't as annoyed with the troopers anymore, they'd actually kept decent company and most of them were kind enough.
Once fully sat up, a trooper reached through the bars and held out a larger notebook full of paper. Curiously, you reached out and took it, along with the set of pencils given to you. "W-What is this?"
The trooper shrugged, the plastoid tapping against itself with the movement. "Beats me," he replied, "the admiral asked one of us to bring it to you. He said you deserved to continue what you love, even as a prisoner." Then the trooper was gone.
Gaping at the notebook in awe, you were awestruck, silent. Thrawn gave you this notebook? Out of…generosity? 'There's no way,' you thought to yourself as you set back against the wall connected to your cot, opening the notebook. Upon the first page was a beautifully written script, reading; 'I thoroughly acknowledge that you will see this as a means to acquire additional information from you, however; I would find it regrettable if you were incapable to resume such excellent work due to confinement. I, myself, am not an artist, though I can speculate how it must feel to be suffocated by the inability to do what one loves. So please, sketch. Thrawn.'
@blueberry-thrawn @myevilmouse @agenteliix @blackmonitor @coffeeorsomething-irl @torchbearerkyle @rebelmarylou @danger-xylophones
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veliara · 3 months
Junelezen2024 Day 18 - Evening
It was a quiet evening. Charibert finished reading his latest report and glanced at the boy sitting on the couch nearby. Ciel had fallen asleep. The black mage grinned and shook his head. Again he thought that the boy was strange. No one in the city would have ever dared to fall asleep in his presence. The book slipped from the boy's relaxed hands, but Charibert caught it easily. Putting the papers aside, he decided to read what astrologians were being taught these days. Soon footsteps were heard in the common room and Guerrique cheerful voice was heard. "Good evening Charibert! How was your day?" The mage's golden eyes slowly turned to the newcomers. Guerrique and Hermenost stood in the doorway, having already partially removed their armor. Hermenost had even gotten a cup of tea. "Shh." The mage shushed quietly.
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When the knights raised their eyebrows in surprise, Charibert silently got up and walked over to them. "Is something wrong?"Hermenost asked. Charibert shook his head and nodded silently toward the sleeping boy. "А! The little one is asleep. I see." Guerrique nodded. "You're keeping an eye on him as usual. How's his training going?" They moved toward the dining area. "He's picking things up fast. It's a shame that nature didn't give him the manna reserves he needs. Such talent is wasted," the magician said softly. "Yes, it's a pity," nodded the black-haired warrior "It would be nice to have a healer. It would be easier for our mages." "Alas. I have to make sure he doesn't overuse his powers. He doesn't know when to stop and take a rest." Janlenoux came into the room. "Dinner will be ready soon." "Great! I'm so hungry, I could eat a yak." Said the white-haired warrior. "Janlenoux, Ciel will be joining us for dinner." "Sure, I'll get him a plate." The paladin nodded. "I'll go wake him up." "Don't worry, I'll wake him up myself!" Charibert only had time to raise an eyebrow, while Guerrique was already shaking the boy "Hey, kiddo! Wake up!" Charibert could only sigh.
P.S. We'll continue tomorrow. On Day 19 - Food.
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jacksdinonuggets · 11 months
Agere fic!
Age regressor Amity had a fight with her mother but can relax with Eda and Luz.
Btw, im sorry to those who voted on the birthday thing, I got de-motivated.
After another fight with her mother, Amity was walking to the owl house. She needed to cope from everything going on and she felt like regressing was the best option. But she couldn’t do at the Manor, not with her mother and father there. She knew Luz and Eda were very accepting of it and told her she could come over whenever she was feeling upset or small. Luz was the most understanding in the whole thing because she also sometimes used it to cope as well. However, she was more of a caregiver than a little. 
Hooty noticed Amity looking upset when she came up to the house. He let her in without saying much and went to alert Eda that she was here.
Eda came into the living room with Luz and saw Amity curled up into a ball on the couch. They looked at each other with sympathetic looks on their faces, deciding on what to do and how to comfort the sad Blight. 
Since Eda keeps adopting kids and becoming a mother-figure to almost everyone, she decided that she would try to comfort the kid while Luz grabbed Amity’s little stuff that she kept in a spare bedroom. 
“Hey, kiddo,” Eda sat down next to the curled up blight. She wasn’t crying or anything, she just seemed distressed or sad.
“Wanna tell Mama Eda what happened?” She placed a hand on the kid’s shoulder. She didn’t seem to move away from the touch, so she wasn’t feeling an overload of senses. 
“She was being mean again…” Amity mumbled into her sleeves. Eda knew who ‘she’ was. It was clear she was talking about Odalia. 
“I’m so sorry, kid. But you’re here now, and you can relax while we take care of you,” She offered to the purple haired teen.
“How old are ya feeling?” Eda asked.
“Two or fwee…” She lisped.
“Alright, kiddo. Luz’ll be back any second with your stuff.” Eda assured the kid.
“Otay…” Amity curled in on herself further, looking ready to cry any second.
Not too long later, and Luz showed up in the living room, holding Amity’s Little bag. It was a big, cute, pink, fantasy themed bag. There were knights and dragons on it with castles and witches. 
“Hey, Bebe, I got your stuff!” Luz grinned, shaking the bag a bit before handing it to Amity. The sad girl got excited when she saw the bag and dug through it, finding her white and purple pacifier and plopping it into her mouth. She grabbed her stuffed demon that had tusks and looked sort of like a bear. It also had a cute shirt that said “Emotional support” on it too. Amity hugged it tightly and felt its soft fur. 
“Do you wanna play with your toys?” Eda asked, holding up the azura action figure that was inside the bag. Amity nodded, grabbed the figure and got onto the floor with her stuffy. Eda knew she would get bored of it easily, so she went over to the “little” closet. It was just a closet that had a bunch of communal little gear or just little items that couldn’t fit into a bag, like high chairs, diapers, staff booster seats, and other stuff. There were also a couple bags of toys like blocks and big versions of legos. She got the bag out and set it in front of amity. The witchlet saw it and got excited, opening up the bag and beginning to build with them. She tried to make a tall tower but it fell after it got too tall and didn't have a good base. 
When the tower had fallen down, it made a really loud noise, making Amity cover her ears. The waterworks started and she began to cry due to the startling noise. Her paci had fallen out of her mouth and she couldn’t suckle on anything. The pacifier was a huge comfort item for her and didn’t feel right to not have it. Luz had left to get Amity warm milk in her sippy cup a minute earlier, so Eda was the only one able to comfort her so she rushed to Amity’s side
“Hey, hey, its okay, sweetie, nothing is going to hurt you,” Eda pulled the little into her lap and began rocking her to try and calm her down. Luz came in right after she was done and gave Amity the sippy. She drank the warm milk and finally relaxed in Eda’s arms.
“Th-thankies, mama eda,” Amity mumbled into her shoulder. Eda smiled and stroked her hair.
“You okay now?” 
“Mhm! I wanna build a fowt now!” She crawled out of Eda’s lap and went towards the pillows.
“Ooh! I’ll grab some chairs for you and pillows from the closet!” Luz exclaimed before running over to the closet. She got a bunch of couch pillows and tall, hard pillows. She also found some chairs in the basement that they could use.
Luz returned with all the stuff and they began building. Amity was the main one building as she tried to shoo everyone away from the fort. But they knew she was just having a hard time asking for help (she tends to neglect her needs and wants while little and has a tough time asking for help). So they tried to build as much as they could while being as friendly as they could to her. 
Soon, they were done building and could go inside. Amity brought in her stuffies and blanket and got cozy in the corner of the fort. Luz put up a little lantern in it while Eda brought in snacks. Luz set up a cute disney movie on her phone for her and snuggled up with her.
Amity held her stuffy in her lap so they could see the movie too. She and Luz cuddled while watching it. She started to flap her hands around when the movie got to a really good part.
Eventually the movie ended and Amity was jumping out of her seat and stimming. She looked so happy and adorable. Eda and Luz were getting cramped while in the fort so they decided to probably take it down when Amity was napping. However, there was no way they could get her down to sleep now. So they figured she would get tired from playing pretend.
Amity, Luz, the stuffy, and Eda played pretend while waiting for her to get sleepy. She and her stuffy were two good witches and luz and Eda were bad guys during the game. It made Amity really happy to be able to do things like this. She was almost never able to play when she was physically younger. 
But soon enough she and her sidekick (stuffy) got sleepy. She didn’t even need to say that she wanted to take a nap, Luz and Eda already knew and helped her get changed into pajamas and a pull-up, just in case of any nighttime accidents. Since she was so sleepy, she didn’t realize that the two caregivers were taking down the fort and used a bunch of it’s pillows and blankets to make the couch more comfortable. Luz set up short vined walls on the edge of the couch so they could act like bed bumpers. Eda kissed her and her stuffy’s forehead before shutting off the lights to let the little have a sweet and peaceful sleep.
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Age regression discord server
I created a mostly fandom and writing related agere discord server if anyone is interested.
there's a room for babies, one for kiddos, one for animals and one for cargivers, a place to info-dump about anything, a vent zone, a writing/art spot, lots of fandoms rooms (House MD, Lucifer, Good Omens, BBC Sherlock, Brooklyn 99, Moon Knight, Supernatural, Doctor Who, White Collar, Our Flag Means Death, NBC Hannibal, Bones and a room for other fandoms) that's it for now but there might be more things in the future
there's only 13 member yet but it would be good to have more people so if you want to talk about fandom and agere, make friends or are just looking for a safe space we'd be happy to have you :)
here it is:
it's still a bit in construction to make it even better so as the creator i'm always up if you have ideas on how to improve it
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orginllazyblog · 1 year
The White Knight and the Lone Raven
How the Two Vessel's Meet
Enemies to Friends to Lovers
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Lucian Mackinley, the vessel of the Noble Sevens, was tasked to find the other vessel of the Great Sevens, called the "Evil Flower." Before they could take over Twisted Wonderland. Or so he been told.
The King (of KoH) wanted him to kill it before it's too late. As for the Queen, she only told Lucian to observe to see if this evil flower really evil or misunderstood.
"Your Majesty, not to be rude, but why do you think the evil flower is misunderstood? The phropercy said so."
"Lucian, they might of been hurt so bad that it's hard to let go. Instead of raising your weapon on them, try to lend a hand. Listen to their story, heal their broken wound, and guide them to a happy ending."
After hearing those words from the Queen, he couldn't understand what she could have meant. As the white carriage carried on, Lucian was sent off to attend Royal Sword Academy to start off with his quest.
"Don't worry, little apple. Maybe once you meet this other vessel, they might not be so bad after all." (Snow White)
"Hard to say, I couldn't forgive what Ursula did to my father." (Queen Ariel)
"Same here. The Queen is just pacifiest." (Sultaness Jasmine)
"Wild Flower, just take easy and enjoy the view outside or get some sleep before you arrive." (Queen Aurora)
'I will. Thank's, Mother Aurora.' (Lucian)
It's been 9 months and still can't find the evil flower vessel. Lucian had been busy with their school life, finishing essays, group projects, sword practice, upcoming potion presentation, and keeping quiet bein the vessel of the protagonists, and their sidekicks. Well, not that everyone knnows about them except his home country.
He even got himself some sort of cat beast which he encounter during his orientation. A female magical cat beast with white fur and their pink flaming tail. With name suggestions from the noble sevens, they name it Felicia.
Friday was here, Lucian went to a fast food place to eat dinner as he can't cook anything other than making breakfest. As he walk out with his food, there he sense it.
'The evil flower must have been near.' (Lucian)
"Be careful kiddo. Remember to what my decendant said." (Hercules)
"Don't draw attention, cub." (Simba)
As to what they said, Lucian looked around his suroundings. There he saw a figure in the distance far away, and their....huh? Is it another magical cat?
"Grim, we need to head back home. The sun is setting." (???)
"Mmm..." (Grim)
"Aww~ You went fast asleep. Dont worry, I'll cary you back." (???)
To Lucian surprise, this person, the evil flower the king told him, just turn out to be a teenager like him. As he walk to them, he feels a powerful aura from them.
"Oh? Can I help you?" (???)
And... CLIFFHANGER! Now as for Lucian, I thought about him being the "Yuu" version of RSA, just the opposite as for Yuu in NRC are friendly than the rest of NRC students.
And if he is a similar of Yuu, then he should get a magical familiar. A ragdoll cat, the opposite of Grim by having flames inside of his ears and having a pitchfork tail like.
With Felicia, she has a pink tail flame, and little feather wings by their paws for glidding, not flying. The name is referance to the kitten in The Artistocats movie. She would have a have scarf with the magic stone on it.
Now time to prepare myself as the Diasomnia Arc part 5 is tomoroow.
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paddysnuffles · 1 year
Why you should watch Red, White, & Royal Blue on Amazon Prime Video
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It's a queer romance story
Bisexual and gay representation!
Queer person of colour representation!
There's a woman of colour in traditionally male job
Characters of colour who are just characters who happen to be of colour rather than it being a major part of their character
It's the first queer prince representation I've ever seen in adult pop culture (I've seen one example in kid lit, in the picture book Prince & Knight)
Both the leads are hot eye candy
The storyline's really good
The cinematography is really good
The soundtrack music is bangin'
The story deals with very different experiences regarding what being queer is like
The president of the US in the story is a woman (Una Thurman!)
Happy ending!
It's also a book!
Note: If you're a kiddo you may want to wait until you're a bit older to watch this if your parents aren't okay with you watching stuff with swearing or a sex scene.
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Prom Night ‘86: Eddie Munson- My Queen
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Smut/Fluff, Prom night, Crowns, Ego, Shyness, D&D.
Summary: Your prom night is cut short when you and Eddie are called up to be crowned Queen, and King of the '86 prom. What everyone doesn't notice is when the two of you disappear.
WC- 3.4k
A/n- fireflygraphics for the amazing dividers
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // Series Master List // Prom Night '86 Master List
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The music in the gym was loud. It was giving me a headache, but dancing here with Eddie I couldn’t care less about the headache or the ache in my feet from the two-inch heels that only gave me so much height on Eddie’s 5’9 inches.  
I had forced him to wear a suit, a black and white suit. But of course, to my own stupidity Eddie had modified his suit to fit his own personality. I loved him for doing that though. The suit which was just an easy buy from the local salvation army. Eddie had tailored to fit more like the DM he was. The ends were tailored to flare out, with small embroider pieces added.  
Regardless of that Eddie had put his hair into a large puffy bun.  
My dress was long and red with strikes of black that were hidden by the large glitter of the red. Eddie had helped me pick out the dress nearly five months before our prom. He picked me up in the van, standing at my front door flattening out his shirt and dress pants that he looked awfully uncomfy for him. He smiled as I came up to the door, opening it and letting him view the fullness of the dress. Eddies eyes grazed over the fabric and then landed on my face. Rosey cheeks. “You look... amazing. Not that you don’t always look good but you know what I mean? Don’t you?” He said stumbling over words.  
I smiled and pulled him into the foyer of my house. My parents weren’t in town and wouldn’t be for the next months. When I pulled him in, he stumbled over his feet and landed awkwardly. But nothing stopped that man from kissing me any chance he got even if he was in an awkward position.  
My makeup was minimal not wanting to take away from the dress. Eddie pulled out from behind his back as we walked further into the house, a tiny box. “You said red and black right?” He asked, I hummed and reached down the couch for my clutch. When I came back up the box was open and inside was a tiny black and red rose corsage alongside was a black and red rose that looked like a pin.  
“May I?” Eddie asked, I gave him my wrist. Wrapping the corsage around my wrist the intimate nature of his fingers grazing softly over my skin and giving me a tingling down the center of my back. “The other one?” I asked. “For me, if you don’t mind?” Eddie said. I went through the motion of undoing the pin and connecting it to the lapel of his jacket. He took the moment to kiss my forehead ever so lightly.  
When we finally arrived at the Hawkins gym the carpool line was long, and Eddies van puttered away. Prom was going to be the best night even if the kiddos weren’t here, all the others were though. Robin, Nancy, and even Steve. All having gotten dressed up and made it prom just like Eddie and I had.  
He parked the van, and I gathered my gown but was stopped as Eddie rounded the corner to open the passenger door for me. “My lady.” Eddie said in a cheeky voice. “My knight is shining armor.” I said letting Eddie take my hand to help me out of the van. The fabric of my dress bunched up at my ankles, and I swore under my breathe wishing I had gone with something else.  
“It’ll be alright.” Eddie said, I giggled and took another step forward getting my balance on the gravel ground with my heels. “You look beautiful even if you get annoyed with your dress Y/n.” Eddie said as we walked into the gym hallways. The music began to fill our ears as we made it closer into the gym.  
When we finally did make it to the gym, it was adorned with streamers and silver balloons. Sparkling lights lite our ways towards what had been created into a dance floor. The sounds of music began to pump me up, and I let Eddie guided me towards the floor. “Let’s dance.” He spoke.  
The music began a new song, and it felt like heaven starting to dance. My ankles ached but I let the pain subside. Eddies hands grazing over the sides of my waist. I wasn’t the best of a dancer, but with Eddie there I had someone to rest my head on. Slow dances were the best, just resting my head on Eddies shoulder, him humming along even though Eddie didn’t enjoy the pop music. Eddie Murphy's ‘Party all the time’ was the hit of the ‘86 year. Hairspray smell lingered around the gym and the hallways around.  
The vibrations from Eddies humming were almost lulling me to sleep. That was until the music was stopped and the mic sent sound waves through the whole building. Eddie and I were taken by surprise by the stopping music, and the suddenness that people around us had stopped dancing too. All of the sudden I felt the light tap of someone touching my shoulder. “They plan on calling king and queen Ya know.” Said Nancy behind me. “Jeez Nance Ya scared me.” I said praising to the gods that I was still holding hands with Eddie I hadn’t taken a tumble when she startled me. Eddie squeezed me hand at my startled state. “Really? It hasn’t been that long though.” I said continued the quiet conversation we were having with Nancy. “Well, it’s already been an hour since prom started so it’s around the correct time to have to lucky seniors be crowned prom King and Queen.” Nancy said as we watched a older women and man that I was pretty sure worked at Hawkins High climb up the stairs to the stage where the DJ was standing.  
The mic had horrible feedback as it changed hands from the DJ to the older women. “So, this is our class of “1986’s prom, and we are now going to crown our prom king and queen, but we do want to call to the stage the 2nd and 3rd place winners from this classes list.” The lady said, her voice is thick with a southern voice it almost lulls me to sleep. “Oh, I can’t wait, I’ll have to write this for the schools paper.” I hear Nance say as she gets exciting.  
“This year's 3rd place king and queen are, Robin Buckley and Billy Hargrove.” The crowd of seniors goes quiet watching the two from climbs the stage. “Those two don’t even each other.” I hear someone say in the crowd. “Billy’s an asshole.” Another voice rings out. The two stand together but nearly as close as a couple would have. “2nd place winners for the king and queen of ‘86 is, Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham.” Now the crowd goes wild for the two perfect match that climb the stairs. “Yeahs, fuck yeah.” Can be heard around the entire gym.  
“Now the true king and queen of this year's 1986 prom are, Eddie Munson, and Y/n L/n.” The southern lady says. Eddie and I just stood there. Looking at each other before shrugging our shoulders. “Go up you two.” Nancy says. “No, it’s most likely not even true. That’s probably just a prank that the rest of the kids are playing on the two of us.” I speak. “Eddie Munson and Y/n L/n, you two need to come up here for your prom crowns.” The women say in a harsher and louder voice the before. “Come on love we might as well go up there.” The walk is incredibly awkward, with many jocks staring us down along with the nerd groups focusing in on the pair of us. When we make it up to the stage Eddie doesn’t let go of my hand, the two older teachers put one crown on me and another on Eddie. We stand, and the crowd is forced to clap for us.  
“Come now let's get out of the spotlight.” Eddie said as the mic gets handed back to the DJ. Nobody says anything as we reach down the stairs, or as we walk into the crowd of people. The only ones that do are our mutual friends. Eddie’s bow towards him as we pass, and Nancy alongside Robin give me a tight squeeze when we finally stop in the back of the gym. The music gets turned back on and everyone goes back to dance moves and to their life's.  
We only stand there for a few moments before I can’t help but feel like I’m being suffocated by the room, by the people, and just everything. I need some place that isn’t here right now. I can feel Eddies hand as it lays on my hip. I look up at him pleading eyes to get me out of here. “Eds. Can we go … go somewhere else?” I asked. Concerned was etched into his face, and he did the only thing a gentleman would do. Whisking me away from the large crowd and loud music towards the only calming place Eddie knew of. 
Wandering though the quiet and dark halls of the school we ended up far from the loud music and right into his D&D room. The throne was still in its place, but the table was cleaned off. “Take a seat in my spot okay doll.” He says closing the door as I take a seat. I take a deep cold breath in, and then out calming my anxiety I then only started to feel better. Eddie came back to me, take a seat just in front of me. His hands coming out, “Are you starting to feel better?” He questions me. I don’t answer right away instead taking is outreached hands. “Better baby, much better. Your chair is so comfy, did you know that?” I say enjoying the way that the chair almost sinks me into it. “Do you enjoy my throne, Doll?” Eddie asks, a seductive tone falling behind his words The crown on his head falls ever so slightly to the side. It makes me giggle even though his words are circling through my head.  
“You look so pretty in a crown baby.” Eddie says sweetly scooting a little closer to me. I hadn’t realized that I still was wearing the crown that had been placed on my head just a few moments ago. “How does it look?” I asked, trying to take it off but getting stopped by Eddie and my own hair that was pinned up. “You look the most beautiful queen I’ve ever seen.” Eddie said getting up from the chair. Bending down to meet my lips, he kisses me with a deep purpose behind them. Lips, then teeth, and then finally tongue.  
All in one kiss with Eddie.  
“Eds.” I whispered against his lips. “Hmm?” He hums looking at me behind lust intense eyes. “I asked you a question baby. How does my crown look?” I asked again. “Hm, it’s beautiful. Rose gold with green gems.” He said looking between the crown on my head and my eyes. “Can I show you something?” He asks me, it’s the arch in my brow that I can’t help.  
When he picked me up and took me from the comfort of the throne to the coldness of the cleared table in front of us. My ass landed on the table with a jiggle, all while Eddie’s hands stayed planted on my hips. “Eds what are you goanna do?” I asked drunk on his action already. If I knew anything about Eddie over the years that I had been friends with him, and now dating him. When Eddie started something, he always finished it. “Oh.. I just plan on claiming what is mine.” He said with a huff before his lips meet mine again. Rough still, but not unforgiving as I took a second to settle myself into my spot. “ 
And nobody noticed that we disappeared from the prom. Now I most definitely hated my chose in dress. Eddies hands making their way towards the back of my dress. The zipper slides down and the coldness of the basement room hit my warm skin. “Eds.” I whined under my breath. “Cold Y/n, that’s okay I’ll warm you up.” He said kissing me quickly before his nimble finger worked on getting my strapless bra from my shoulders.  
The dress had bunched around my waist, “Lift your ass for me.” He said sliding he dress down the rest of the way. He threw onto his throne. My lace panties stayed on a little longer as I could help but force the lapels of Eddies outer jacket into my hands. Sliding them down his long arms. His white button up was more than annoying as I tried to undo the first couple of buttons as Eddie pulled at his bowtie. Undo the fabric was easy enough for him. But watching me struggle must had only frustrated him. I was forced to lay back down. Watching as my boyfriend lifted his shirt from the inside of my dress pants undoing the last few buttons.  
Now here I was my breasts out nearly all naked and my boyfriend with his slacks on and a tank top on. “Eds” I whined. “Oh sweetie, it’s okay I’ll get there, but I wanna taste you first. ” He said with a wink before kneeling to the ground. Nimble fingers tickling my inner thighs, grazing over my flesh. My panties were already soaking through the black fabric giving me away for Eddie to see as he peeled the black lace panties away from my pussy. Pocketing my panties in slacks. Dirty fucker.  
“All of this for me baby?” He questions me, but doesn’t want an answer. As he blows a strip of cold air against my pussy. It gives me shiver down my spine, and makes me shriek. As if I wasn’t already cold all over. I whine at Eddie, wanting nothing more than to have him all the way between my thighs. I want his hair tickling at my plush thighs. I want his tongue on my pussy and clit teasing tonguing me and pushing me over the edge, but before all that can happen, he has to put his delicious lips on my pussy. “Please Eds.” I plead with him, reaching an open hand towards Eddie’s hair. “Come now please eat me out Eds.” I plead as I try to push his head closer to my pussy. I’m soaked and I revel in the feeling of his lips against my pussy. Wet and rough all at the same time. His hands coming to push my thighs down, keep them down while he ate me out. “Eddie, please don’t... don’t tease me.” I whined as he continued his small ministrations against my soaked core. He hums against my pussy, finally prodding my tongue into me. A hand coming around and a thumb being used to play with my clit. I tried to stay still, but his movement were getting me to riled up that I couldn’t stay still. My hips bucking up to meet Eddies tongue, and at the same time trying to get away from his teasing motion on my clit. My vision went white as I mumbled out a mixture of curses and Eddies name as I came down hard from my sweet high.  
When Eddie came up his chin was wet, and his eyes were blown out with lust. Cheeks red, and breathing hard. His cock was pressing hard into his slacks, the pressure of making you, and then watching you cum all on his tongue had gotten his just riled up. When I was released down from high, I arched up putting my weight on elbows. Looking at the mess of a man that Eddie had become all while eating me out. I let my eyes wonder down the man's slick frame. “You want me to help you baby?” I asked. Staring at his cock without shame. “No baby, I just wanna fuck you now.” He said a straight face, his hands coming u to strip himself of the rest of his clothes. My heels still resting on my feet. Maybe for comfort's sake I should take them off, but was stop again by Eddie. “No leave them.” He said, his slacks were now off and no matter how many times Eddie and I had sex I always wondered if he’d fit all the way.  
“No worry doll, you know I’ll fit. And If I don’t, I’ll make it fit.” He said, before giving his shaft a few sloppy rubs before he stepping forward rubbing the tip of his redden cock against my soaked pussy. Our bodies finally mixing together. Our bodies juices slicking him up, and he slapped his tip to my clit. Causing me to buck and shriek at the sudden and aggressive touch. Eddie winked and pushed himself to the hilt. His cock reaching a part of my pussy that I’d never be able to reach on my own.  
His first few thrusts were soft and calm, but then something always changed. Maybe it was my half-closed eyes, soft moans, or the sound of our skin slapping together with each of our thrusts. “Come on Y/n, squeeze around me baby.” He said through gritted teeth. I did as I was told and grip at Eddie cock. Making it nearly impossible for him to pull himself out of my pussy and then back in. He groaned at the way my pussy kept his cock deep within me. He always did love that fact that he could grab at any part of my body using it to his advantage.  
His hands making their way to grab at one part of my waist to be able to pull me against him, and the other landing softly around my throat. I moaned as Eddie fingers clenched around my throat. “Eds.” I moaned around Eddie fingers that were sitting on top of my lips. Sucking at them, even nibling a little at the edges. Eddie grunted as his thrusts began to falter, and that hand that made it way to my waist disappeared back down to my spent clit. A mixture of thrusts from Eddie and teasing at my clit had caused my moans to become breathy nearly gasping for air, as Eddie continued to thrust deeply into me. “You gonna cum with me Y/n?” He grunted through thrusts. “I... I’mmma cum EDDIE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as Eddie kept his thrusts up as best as he could. “You ready baby. I want... I want you to cream all over my cock, baby!” Eddie said a few better deep thrust later I was covering Eddies cock with my cum, as Eddie came deep within my pussy.  
Hard breathing was the only thing I could hear beside my own heartbeat within my ears. “Fuck me Y/n.” Eddie whimpered out as he slipped out of my pussy. Our cum mixing together and pouring of my redden lips. I whined at the loss of him in me. He chuckled and grabbed at his white tank top to wipe clean my thighs, but not at my core rather grabbing my panties and slipping on my legs. “You get to keep that right there.” He said lightly slapping my core after slipping my panties on me. I yelped at the friction. My arm falling over my head hitting the crown that was still sitting on my head. I smile to myself, Eddie catches it. “What are you smiling about pretty girl?” He asks, “My crown.” I said simply. “Your crown. It’s still there.” He said pulling me up, slipping my bra back on my breasts, and then asking me to stand. MY heels hitting the ground first. Eddie helped me slip into my prom dress, zipping me into the fabric. He took my hand once again. “Home sweet home, so I can show you some more.” Eddie said, I blushed against his shoulder.  
Prom King and Queen had disappeared and nobody seemed to care as the music continued to play, and dancing still was happening.  The next day of school Nancy sat in the news room putting together her front page. A picture of Eddie and Y/n had been taken as the two of you linked arms walking out of the back of the high school. The title was perfect.  
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Completed on: 11/12/22
Posted on: 11/13/22
The Adults-
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People love to pretend Ai is a neutral ground when it comes to art. "Ewwww! Artists cost money! We don't have the ability to pay them, so we'll just generate it!" I'm not afraid of saying any human art is better than any ai generated image because it has soul! Had this exchange blurred his name because even if he was a dick and kept calling me kiddo (reddit behavior) I am not after his head.
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He wants to white knight for ai so whatever at the end of the day. He's just a fool who doesn't know what it means to be an artist, but this entire kicking up of sand got the creator to make a pinned comment here:
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Seriously, I know art isn't easy, but giving up and just generating it is quitting. The towel is thrown in before the game starts.
An artist friend told me that in order to get better, you have to try. Pick up a pencil, a stylist, anything! You can do it if you put your mind to it, and while I'm still not where I wanna be, I encourage everyone to try.
I've never wanted to draw out of pettiness before, but I'm not going to draw it because artists aren't free, and they shouldn't need to be for people to consider commissioning them
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