#Whumptober day 7
comfort-questing · 1 year
7. "can you hear me"
... can you hear me? we're home, we're going to be all right. we did get back safe, the others found us. it wasn't too bad, after we got clear of the woods. I'm safe and so is Kate. she's downstairs making her reports, I think. it's just you we're waiting for now, silly. wake up and say something, you're scaring me.
can you hear me? it's late and it's just me here, I'm sitting up with you because even healers need to sleep sometime. I'm sorry we had to hurt you so much changing the bandages. I don't think you knew it was us, I really... kind of hope not because I don't want you to think we were hurting you on purpose. outside the window the moon is like an old silver plate and the clouds have cleared since yesterday. you'd like the way it looks...
shhh, shh, can you hear me now? just... calm down. it's all right, I know it hurts, I'm so sorry. I'm here, I'm holding you, you know it's me, right? you need to drink this. I know it's nasty but it'll bring your fever down and you'll feel better then. please, please, I really mean it... there, yes, another sip now, shhh, not much more. then I'll let you rest again.
I don't know if you can hear me. I... I hope so. I'm staying here anyway, I'm not leaving, I don't want you to go anywhere either, understand? please. just stay with me. the others are here too, everyone's keeping an eye on you, you know we'd never leave you alone. don't leave us.
... can you... hear me? squeeze my hand. yes, there, that's good, I felt that. good job. I know you're tired, you don't have to move, just hold my hand while I clean you up a little. we're fine, everything's fine, it's four days since we got back and your fever's broken. I'm sure you still feel awful but you'll be better soon... Kate's crying out by the chicken coop and I can hear her out the window even if she thinks she's hiding, it's just that she's happy you're all right.
there, you can rest now. get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up.
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
The Family I Chose
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whumptober day 7: disowned by family
pairing: natasha 'phoenix' trace x bestie!reader
characters: natasha trace, fem!reader, oliver trace, the dagger squad, nat's family (tess, elijah, mason, and brody)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, teen pregnancy, mentions of abortion, abusive parents, disowned by family, standing up to family, crying, please let me know what i'm missing
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
also also, i do want to apologize for getting this up late got distracted while writing it so i finished it later than i had hoped
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: the quote "blood is thicker than water" is often misused. the full quote is "the blood of the convenent is thicker than the water of the womb". meaning, the connections you choose to make are stronger than the ones you're forced to have
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Natasha held her cheek, tears in her eyes as she looked at her mother.
“How could you?!” Tessa, Natasha’s mother, screamed in her face, holding the positive pregnancy test up. “You slut, can’t keep your legs closed around that boyfriend of yours. And look where that got you, pregnant at seventeen. I can’t believe you could be so reckless!”
The plastic stick was shoved into Nat’s chest. “Mason brought that to me after Brody found it, at least one of my daughters has the decency to be honest with me!”
Natasha looked from the test to her mom. “I-I swear I was going to tell you, but-” 
“‘But’ what, Natasha Jordan?” Elijah, her father, asked, stepping in. His arms were crossed over his chest as he glared at his eldest child. “I don’t think that you were gonna tell us, because if you were then you wouldn’t have left your test in the trash!” He yanked the test out of her hand and broke it before throwing at her feet.
“I didn’t know how to tell you! I was scared, I didn’t know how you were gonna react! And clearly I was right to worry. Because parents are supposed-”
Natasha held her cheek again, wide-eyed at her parents who stood there with their faces contorted in anger and embarrassment almost. But love? Compassion? Sympathy? None of that was present.
“Terminate it or pack your shit and leave,” Elijah said coldly, face unchanging. 
Natasha felt sick to her stomach at her father’s heartless words. The ultimatum proving her fears right.
Despite the things she wanted to scream and shout at them, she just nodded curtly and left. Not even bothering to get in her car as she left to go to her best friend’s house.
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“Tasha? Hey, Nat are you okay?”
Phoenix blinked and shook herself out of her thoughts before smiling at you. 
You were the best friend she ran to that day eleven years ago. The best friend that caught her when she launched herself at you as she sobbed, words fumbling out of her mouth as she tried to recount the horrible things that her parents had said to her. The best friend that helped her pack up her bedroom, leaving it looking like Natasha never lived there and considering you found a box of every photo of Natasha that no longer hung on the walls in the basement – you had made the right choice, even taking the box with you when you left.
You were the best friend that helped her through the pregnancy, considering Jasper left the moment he learned Nat was pregnant. The best friend that threw her a baby shower and helped her stay on track with school as she got into those final months. The best friend that held her hand in the delivery room when she gave birth to little baby Oliver. The best friend that held her when she learned that Oliver was deaf and would never hear her voice. 
You were her rock then, and you were her rock now.
“I’m just nervous…” Nat admitted, playing with her hands as she looked up and over at the group of pilots playing with her son. “It’s been eleven years since they abandoned me… gave me a horrible ultimatum. Now they want to come here and be grandparents? I don’t trust it.”
You nodded, “And you have every right to be hesitant. They were supposed to be your parents and they turned their back on you. You have every right to set whatever boundaries you want. If they don’t like it, they can fuck off and go back to North Carolina with their shitty attitudes.”
She smiled at you, “Thank you Y/N, for everything. I don’t think I could have done all of this without you.” You hugged her tightly. “I’m always gonna be here for you, and that little rascal over there. You and Ollie deserve the fuckin’ world.”
Nat sniffled and pulled back to wipe her eyes, “Thank you.” “Of course Tash.” 
You both smiled at each other before a nerf arrow flew between you two. You look over to see Oliver on Fanboy’s shoulders with his new nerf bow and arrow that Bob had got him.
“Someone wanted his mama!” Mickey put Oliver down and sat next to you on the beach chair.
Nat smiled at her son, “Did you say thank you to Uncle Bob?” Oliver nodded, sending her a capped tooth grin, “Yes, I’m like Hawkeye now!”
You smiled and tickled Oliver’s sides to get his attention, “Hey Ollie, why don’t we get you a target and Uncle Jake can train you to hit the bullseye.” He nodded and turned to Nat, signing ‘please’ over and over, making her laugh. “Okay baby, we’ll get you a target.”
You smiled at them and Oliver ran over to Jake, letting the pilot pick him up.
Hearing footsteps approach, you turned your head, and your smile dropped immediately.
“Nat,” you said, the seriousness in your tone catching her attention. “What is it?” You nodded in the direction, “Your parents are here…”
She tensed but nodded and stood up.
“Do you want Ollie?” Jake asked. But Nat shook her head, “I want to talk to them first, alone.”
That word ‘alone’ was directed more at you and you nodded but gave her hand a gentle squeeze to let her know you were there if she needed you. She gave you a smile and squeezed your hand back before going to her parents and younger siblings.
“Natasha,” Tessa greeted curtly, clearly trying to peek around her at Oliver. “Mom, Dad,” Nat said, crossing her arms as she looked at them both.
“I’m gonna be honest, I’m surprised you agreed to meet with us,” Elijah said, looking from Nat to the group behind her, playing with Oliver. She shrugged, “It’s been eleven years, I’m willing to give you a chance.”
Mason stepped out from behind Tessa and Elijah, “Hi, Nat…” Nat smiled gently at her sister, “Hi Mason.” “I’ve missed you.” “I’ve missed you too.”
“So, when do we get to meet our grandson?” Tess asked impatiently. Nat rose an eyebrow, “Your grandson? You think you just get to call him that? After what you did?”
“Look, Natty,” Elijah tried but Nat held up a hand. “No, you don’t get to call me that. Before I ever let you anywhere near him, I’m laying down ground rules.”
Both of her parents groaned, “Really? You think you can lay down ‘rules’ for us to see our grandson?” She nodded, arms still crossed, “Yes, I do, because he is my son.” “Fine.” 
Nat’s temper was rising but she wasn’t going to freak out, because she knew that would get her nowhere. And even though Ollie couldn’t hear her, he could see her and it could scare him, and the last thing she wanted to do.
“First, you will never be alone with him.” Tessa looked offended, her hand over her heart as she gasped, “Do you not trust us?” Phoenix arched her brow again, “Honestly? No I don’t. But that’s not it. My son is deaf, none of you know sign language and I doubt you would learn.”
“Deaf? Did you not get him cochlear implants?” Elijah asked, almost disgusted. 
“No, because he is perfect the way he is. And don’t act like that after what you said.” 
Nat was already at the end of her rope, it had barely been five minutes. She doesn’t know why she thought it was a good idea. Maybe she wanted to fix that scared teenager, the one that sat in the bathroom with her best friend speechless as she stared at the two lines.
“That was eleven years ago Natasha,” Tessa sighed, acting like they hadn’t pulled the rug from under her when she needed them most. 
“He told me that if I wanted to stay at home, I had to get an abortion. And now you both want to come here and act like you give a shit?! Seriously?!”
Nat tongued her lip and shook her head. “This was a mistake…” 
Nat’s head whipped up to see her brother holding a two year old girl.
“Yeah, princess?” 
Nat saw red.
Her brother, her nineteen year old brother, had a two year old daughter? And their parents let him stay? 
What the actual fuck?
“Oh, so Brody could have a kid in high school, but I was told to either terminate my son or get kicked out? That’s fucking rich. Tessa, Elijah, go fuck yourselves.”
Both gawked, “Excuse us?”
“You fucking heard me.”
“Look, if Brody had just left Lainey it would have ruined our reputation. Just like you being pregnant.”
Natasha laughed, “Right, right, because it’s all about the reputation or the company. Fuck you and fuck your reputation.” 
Elijah stepped forward, “But you’ve helped our reputation, have you not? With you joining the Navy and then graduating Top Gun. Being the best of the best?”
She shook her head, “I did this for me, my son, and my best friend. This reputation I’ve built is mine and mine alone. The people who disowned me aren’t allowed to enjoy my accomplishments.”
“We didn’t disown you.”
“Really? Because when Y/N and I went to pack up my stuff, Y/N found my photos in a damn box. Then out in public you ignored me. You didn’t come to my graduation after I worked my ass off! I still work my ass off!” 
She turned and looked at the squad, you and Oliver. 
“You aren’t my family.” 
Natasha pointed at the group with tears in her eyes, “They… They are my family. The family that I chose… The family that chose me.” 
She let the tears fall, “They actually love me and they love my son. They learned sign language when they didn’t have to because they love my son that much. They have supported me, sure things were bumpy in the beginning, but we came out stronger on the other side. Because we care about each other. You two care about nothing other than yourselves and I will be damned if I put my son through that.”
Tessa and Elijah were speechless, and behind them Brody and Mason had smiles on their faces – proud of Natasha for doing what they were too scared to do.
“Take your entitled asses back to North Carolina and never contact me again.”
All her parents could do was gawk and make unintelligible noises, but they didn’t move to leave.
Then you approached and they were huffing and leaving, “C’mon Brody, Mason, we’re leaving.”
Nat held her composure until her parents were gone and she just ran into the Hard Deck. 
“Tasha! Nat!” You called after her. But it was no use, she was inside the building. You sighed and hung your head, she needed time.
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After talking with Mason and Brody for a few minutes, you walked down to the group.
“Hey, I need Ollie,” you said to Bradley as you got closer. He nodded and got Javy to get his attention.
When you saw him looking at you, you spoke and signed, “Mama needs you bubba.” He nodded and ran over and grabbed your hand. You smiled and led him to the Hard Deck. 
“Hey Penny, where-” “My office.” 
“Thank you.” 
You and Oliver went to Penny’s office and opened it to find Nat sobbing on the floor. 
Oliver immediately got in her lap and hugged her. Nat wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close as she cried.
You get on your knees beside her, rest back on your heels as you rub her leg. She looked up at you and you smiled softly at her. You reached up and wiped her tears gently.
“I think she’s healed now…” Nat croaked out, scratching Oliver’s head. “That scared, hurt teenager… she’s got some of her dignity back. Finally let it out…”
You smiled and kept her cheek in your palm, “I’m so proud of you, Tasha.” 
More tears filled Nat’s eyes and she started crying again as she nuzzled your hand, “Thank you, Y/N… for everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend.” You nodded, smiling at her still, “Neither could I.”
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mayhemmanaged @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @cassiemitchell @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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serickswrites · 1 year
"Slightest of Sounds"
Warnings: explosion, injury
Caretaker clutched the radio in their hand. They hadn't let go of it since Whumpee had gone into the building to try and negotiate with Whumper. Hadn't stopped clenching it in their hands as the Whumper detonated the bomb in the building with Whumpee still inside. Hadn't let go of it as they screamed and screamed for Whumpee to respond. Hands around Caretaker's chest had stopped them from running in the building. But they never stopped calling for Whumpee.
But Whumpee's radio was silent.
That was hours ago and Caretaker still hadn't left the scene. It was clear that Whumper had never been there and it was a trap for Whumpee. Caretaker felt like they had been so stupid falling for this. For letting Whumpee go in alone.
Static crackled across the radio. And Caretaker thought they heard a sound. "Whumpee?" Caretaker whispered as the radio crackled to life in their hand.
"Can.........anyone.....hear......me?" Whumpee's voice was garbled and distorted by the radio, but it was Whumpee.
"Whumpee!" Caretaker shouted, relief filling them. "Whumpee, I'm here! I can hear you! Whumpee."
"Care......r," the radio cut out mid word, "I....don't.....know.....where........am."
"That's ok, Whumpee. Help is on the way, just hold on, Whumpee."
"'old...g," Whumpee's voice crackled across the radio.
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finn-m-corvex · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 7 - Alleyway
Day 7 and another one set in the movie universe! I'm addicted to writing movie!Jay send assiatance I literally love him so so so so much-
@splinnters one day your feed will stop getting spammed I promise
Words: 2.3k
They were chasing him.
Jay rocketed down the alleyway as fast as he could, heart hammering away in his chest as his feet pounded the pavement. It was the middle of the night, and it was taking all of Jay’s focus to avoid slipping in the puddles on the ground and the trash cans littering the alleyways. He had no idea where he was going; he just had to hope and pray that his first instinct was going to lead him to a safe place.
He wasn’t even in his uniform, which meant that he didn’t have his weapons either. Tonight was just supposed to be a fun night out with his friends at the arcade, something that he hadn’t ever done and was looking forward to; it was not supposed to turn into a twisted game of cat and mouse after he spotted some familiar faces, sprinting away as fast as he could out of pure instinct.
And unfortunately, his good luck ran out.
Stumbling past a trash can, Jay’s head flicked left and right in terror: he had run straight into a dead end. Hands shaking, Jay frantically searched along the brick walls for something, anything that he could use to climb up and out of sight of his pursuers. A fire escape, some trash cans, window ledges, anything. Tears started blurring his vision, rolling down his cheeks and staining his orange scarf. He was screwed, he was so screwed-
“Hey!” someone shouted behind him, and Jay turned to face the mouth of the alley with wide eyes.
It was them: the same boys that loved to bully him at school. The one in the front had a large metal pipe, swinging it against the palm of his hand with soft thwacks as his cronies snickered behind him at Jay’s fear. Jay backpedaled until he hit the wall behind him, feeling himself start shaking as the bullies stepped closer and closer.
“Look at him! Look how pathetic,” the oldest said, and the word cut through Jay like a knife. He bit his lip to keep it from wobbling.
“W-What do you want with me?”
“Aww, hear his stutter? How stupid is that?” the one on the right leered, and the tears started flowing faster much to Jay’s shame. He didn’t even mean to stutter.
“Please just go away.”
“Go away?” the last one said, faking confusion. “But why would we leave when the fun’s just getting started? We still gotta teach you a little lesson, junkyard boy.”
Junkyard boy. He hated being boiled down to nothing more than a junkyard boy.
The trio started advancing, and Jay pressed himself even further back into the wall, trying his best to melt into it. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, pressing the emergency alert button that Zane had installed on it and then disposing of it behind him. Experience had taught him that the bullies wouldn’t hesitate to break it if it meant that he couldn’t call for help. More than enough phones had been lost to a stray fist or a deliberate stomp.
All of that thinking went out of the window when the first bully took a large swing at his face.
His fist collided hard with Jay’s cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground and smacking his head against the filthy pavement. Pain blossomed across his face, the bruise already starting to set in. A trash can went down with him, and Jay flinched from the loud noise it made, not looking up to see the foot descending onto his head. They were trying to break his nose, but Jay knew how to defend himself, quickly tucking his head and letting his crown take the blow instead.
None of them liked that very much, if the harsh kick to his ribs was any indication. Nothing cracked after the first kick, but Jay wouldn’t be so lucky after the third or fourth. His phone started pinging, and Jay had to kick it away before any of them could hear it go off.
“Stupid brat,” one of them snarled, reaching down to grab Jay’s hair and roughly yank him up. “Who taught you how to do that, huh? Tuck and hide like a little turtle? What a coward. You know what happens to people who try to run from us.”
Jay gasped when he was hit in the face again, feeling his nose start to bleed and his jaw crack under the pressure. Nothing was broken. In his frustration the bully shoved his head back into the wall harshly, and Jay grit his teeth to keep from making any embarrassing sounds. He couldn’t afford to make any more trouble.
“Let’s see how much he can take before he starts crying,” the oldest one jeered, and spit erupted from Jay’s lips as the fist smashed into his stomach. He reared back and punched again, harder, and this time Jay couldn’t contain the vomit that came up. It was warm and sticky, squishing between the toes of his sneakers as it soaked through his shoes. Every inch of him was screaming at the sensation, but he couldn’t get away, especially as he saw one of the other’s fists aiming for him.
Again and again they punched him, some of the blows landing on his face and others on his chest. Someone kicked his leg, aiming for his ankle, presumably to make it harder for him to get away if one of them were to loosen their grip on his hair. For some reason they loved messing with his hair, mocking its curliness and how messy it was at any given time; he still remembered the time they tried to put hair gel in it, and they made him eat the hair gel.
He was thrown to the floor with a harsh cry, going to cradle his sore head. Cruel laughter filled his head, and Jay heard something that he had never heard from them before: the sound of a switchblade flicking open.
No. No. No.
They were not going to cut him up like a Christmas ham!
Please please please the others had to get here soon-
One of them nicked his arm before Jay could even blink, slicing through his sleeve, and he flinched backwards. The blood was warm as it ran down in his arm, and the cut was deeper than he would’ve liked. Really he wouldn’t have liked any cuts.
Another kick to the head had him sufficiently disorientated, struggling to see straight as they hauled him up by his hair again. “Look who’s finally crying!” the leader exclaimed; he was the one holding the switchblade and Jay’s hair.
There was nothing he could do. The other two pinned his arms to the wall, and Jay could feel his breathing start to stutter, panic washing over him and triggering all of his adrenaline to start flowing. He sobbed, watching the glint off of the knife’s blade as the boy brought it closer and closer to his throat, lightly pressing right over the spot where Jay knew his jugular was located. Holy shit, were they actually going to try and kill him?
He felt a small bead of blood trickle down his neck, landing on his white shirt underneath; the shirt was already bloodied and covered in throw-up, so he supposed that it couldn’t really get any worse. “What do you think, boys? Think he’d look pretty with a nice little scar right here?”
Snickering, the other two agreed with the leader, and Jay would’ve started thrashing if there wasn’t a deadly object pressed to his neck. He started feeling floaty, almost like he was starting to leave his body, and Jay relished in the sensation. Anything was good if it meant that he didn’t have to be here. Maybe if he thought about his friends, or maybe if he imagined that they were here, then everything would be better. His scarf was tossed carelessly aside in the alley, discarded at the first opportunity, and he was so preoccupied in zoning himself out that he didn’t see the black boot stomp down on top of the orange fabric.
All of the bullies turned, the ringleader finally taking the blade away from Jay’s neck, and their faces paled at the sight of Nya Smith standing in the mouth of the alley. She looked furious, her eyes blazing and mouth set in a familiar snarl that made Jay sob. “Get the fuck away from him!”
“Who's gonna make us?” the bully on his left jeered, tightening his grip on Jay’s wrist and making him squirm. There were going to be bruises. “Just you? Because right now it’s three against one.”
“Make that three,” and if they were pale before, they were as white as a sheet now at the sight of Lloyd Garmadon stepping out from behind Nya, her brother Kai slamming his fist into the palm of his hand. Lloyd curled his lips into a sneer that was very reminiscent of his father’s, and Jay felt a shiver run down his spine. “And four if you count our friend that you’re messing with.”
“This guy? You sure about that?”
“He’s plenty strong enough to take you on,” Kai growled, flanking Lloyd on the opposite side of Nya. The sight made tears spring to Jay’s eyes.
Jay had no time to prepare himself for the thug on the right to smash the discarded pipe into his face, his friends shouting in surprise as Jay yelled in pain. His nose finally gave way, cracking under the blow, and Jay felt even more blood gush down his face. Wasting no time, the leader thrust the switchblade forward, aiming for Jay’s abdomen before it sunk into his arm. The one holding up his left wrist let go, and Jay collapsed onto the ground before he could catch himself.
Sounds of fighting filled the alleyway as the other three surged forward but all he could do was lay there, feeling the blood well up around where the knife had sunk into his left arm, sobs finally breaking free and tears spilling down his cheeks. He started when a hand grabbed his arm, but he quickly latched onto it when he realized who it was: Cole.
Cole was shielding him from what was going on in the alley, pulling him up and propping him against the brick wall. “Hey, Jaybird. You called?”
“Y-Yeah,” Jay’s hands were shaking as Cole held them, “you came?”
“Of course we came,” Cole said, confused. “Did you think that we wouldn’t?”
Jay sobbed; he didn’t know what to say. If he said yes, then he would be a liar, but if he said no then Cole’s feelings would be hurt and he would tells the others and then they would all be mad at him and leave him here and the bullies would come back—
“Woah! Woah, Jay,” Cole tried, but Jay started hyperventilating, his chest heaving up and down as the floaty feeling started to come back. Nothing Cole did was working; Jay didn’t want his hands anywhere near his curly hair, and even when Cole went to inspect the switchblade Jay pulled back his arm with the speed of lightning to cradle it to his chest. “Jay, you need to listen to me. In and out, okay?”
Shaking his head, Jay shrunk into himself, feeling the vomit from his shirt start to seep into his pants as he hugged his knees. He was so disgusting, pathetic, weak.
Until she was there. Nya hugged him from the side, laying her cheek on the top of his head as he buried his face into her shoulder. His nose was throbbing, and he knew that he was getting blood on her.
“Jay,” she said softly, in a tone that he knew she reserved for the people that she cared about, “you gotta calm down a little, okay? The bullies are gone, it’s just us.”
Not that he didn’t believe her, but he still peeked out to check. The alleyway was indeed empty, Lloyd and Kai looking a little bruised and battered at the mouth as if they were watching for something or someone. She was right, they really were gone.
Threading a hand through his hair, Nya frowned at the blood on the back of his head. “Can you let Zane look at the switchblade, honey?”
Honey. It washed over him like a warm blanket, the feeling soft and fuzzy in his chest as the butterflies came alive. He held out his arm for Zane to look at, the ice ninja frowning as he looked it over. Reaching for the blade, Zane tugged it out as gently as he could, but Jay didn’t say a word in favor of tucking his face into Nya’s neck. Scratching at his scalp and holding him close, Nya exchanged a look of concern with Cole. “Is he talking?” Cole mouthed, and Nya shook her head.
“It isn’t deep,” Zane said finally after the full inspection, pulling back and grabbing Jay's phone off of the ground, “but we should get him to the hospital just in case. He will most likely need stitches.”
“Alright then,” Nya tapped the side of his neck to get his attention; Jay had started floating off again. “Jay, do you think you can walk?”
Even if he could, her gut told her he wouldn’t want to, and she was proved right when he shook his head and held out his arms. Cole sighed, moving to sit in front of the smaller boy and pick him up like a child. The larger boy grimaced from the feeling of bodily fluids seeping into his shirt, but it was a small price to pay for his little buddy being safe.
They would always keep him safe.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Whumptober day 7- alternate prompt, shaking
Shadow has a bad time :)
It was all he knew, all he could feel, all he could see. Time didn’t seem to exist in this place, everything was stagnant and still. But it didn’t bother him, nothing did. In fact, he didn’t feel anything. There was nothing. Just… emptiness.
That was until something disturbed the stillness of the place, a voice, a light, and a hand reaching out to him. He was grabbed and pulled towards the bright light, causing him to feel something.
He hated the light.
Pain shot through him as he got closer, and he couldn’t hold back the scream as it touched every part of his body. His eyes stung, his throat burned, and his skin ached, but the light did not let up. He wanted nothing more than the pain to go away. Tears streamed down his face as the pain became unbearable, and suddenly, it was gone. The light was gone, the burning agony through his body left, and he felt… himself.
“… dow… adow…”
His eyes fluttered open when he heard the muffled voice. Was it calling out to him? His vision was blurry, but he could barely make out a color.
Shadow’s eyes cleared and he saw his old friend cradling him in his arms.
“V-V-Vio?” His voice shook, and Shadow was almost embarrassed at how weak he sounded. Vio smiled at him and gave him a tight hug, which Shadow tried to reciprocate, but found no strength.
“Shadow… you’re here, you’re ok,” Vio whispered soothingly— well, as soothingly as he could. Vio sounded just as shaken up as Shadow.
“V-vio what—what am I d-doing here?” Shadow asked, remembering the mirror being destroyed, with him being gone as well. He shouldn’t be here. Why was here?
Vio sat him up so he was leaning against his side, and Shadow noticed something tucked away in his own hand. He opened it and saw a circular glass pendant, the glass feeling like it belonged to the dark mirror.
“Vio… what—“
“I couldn’t leave you in there… not again,” Vio finally said, not looking at him.
Shadow stared at him. He looked exhausted, and he seemed to have been shaking as well. What did he do?
“You— you brought me to… your world?”
“Why? W-why did you even bother with me?”
Vio looked up, but still refused to look at Shadow.
“Because that’s what brothers do.”
Shadow sucked in a breath, clutching the glass pendant. “I’m not your brother, Vio,” he said quietly.
“Yes you are.”
“No, I’m not. I—I don’t deserve to be called your brother.”
“You’re a part of Link just like I am. Just like the others are. You’re my brother.”
Shadow shook his head and tried to pull away, but he didn’t have the strength. He stared at Vio’s tunic for a moment, realizing something.
“Are you… split?”
“Why? I thought—I thought that you guys merged back together right? Or… or maybe—“
“It’s a long story. We decided to permanently split.”
Shadow gasped and whipped his head up at Vio, who was staring at him now, his light pink eyes staring into him, but he quickly looked away, almost looking defeated.
“Look, Shadow, we… never fully merged back together. Mentally we were still split.”
“Basically Link was four people trapped in one body. We would take turns controlling Link, but sometimes we would argue about what we were doing and… ugh… it was hard. Something happened and we got the four sword back, so we decided to stay split. It also gave me the freedom to try to bring you back.”
Shadow shook his head again. “I don’t deserve this.”
“You sacrificed yourself for us. You do deserve it.”
Shadow sighed and stared at the pendant in his hands again. He frowned.
“What is this?”
“That is what will keep you here safely. It’s like… a mini dark mirror.”
“You made a mini dark mirror?”
Vio nodded, and Shadow understood the bags under his eyes.
“Goddesses Vio… you did all that for me… I just… I don’t—“
“Can you please shut up about not deserving this?” Vio said bluntly. “A ‘thank you’ would suffice.”
Shadow pursed his lips and looked across the messy room. It was dark in there, perhaps to have no light infect the dark mirror. He sighed, Vio did deserve his gratitude. He pulled him out of… wherever he was.
“Well… thank you.”
Vio smiled slightly and pulled him into another hug.
“I’m glad you’re ok Shadow,” he muttered, and Shadow melted a little into the hug. He was glad he was ok too.
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cherikdogfood · 1 year
Sound of Silence
A Cherik fanfic for Whumptober #7: Can you hear me?
The first thing he notices is the hard, cold metal underneath him. He tries to move, but realizes that his arms are shackled to his sides.
Charles blinks. Once, twice, and still, he can't see anything. It's simply pitch-black around him, and the silence is disconcerting. He's lying on something, probably a metal table, he realizes. And he's naked.
He can feel something attached to the sides of his head, something like wires and cords that remind him of Cerebro, but he can't be sure because of the darkness around him.
Instinctively, Charles tries to reach for the minds around him. But when he does, it's like an invisible wall is blocking him from the outside world.
A pang of panic stabs through his heart, but he reigns it in and tries again. Still, he can't feel anything. His chest feels stuffy and he tries again -- and when he feels the wall blocking him, sharp bursts of terror claw at his heart.
'There's no way this is happening', he thinks. The nothingness is suffocating. The invisible wall, the one that blocks the minds of everything and everyone from him, feels like a stone weighing on his chest.
It's disconcerting. It's terrifying. It's like losing a limb. And Charles starts to panic.
He tries again and again and again. Reaching, stretching, trying to break down the walls that block his powers. He's used to feeling a buzz at the back of his head, the constant humming of voices and feelings and thoughts. He's used to the warm glow of minds all around him. The constant reminder that he isn't alone.
But now he is alone.
Charles wants to cry.
Charles has no idea how many times he tried to use his powers. It's futile, he knows that by now, but he can't stop trying, because if he stops, then that means there's no hope... And when there's no hope...
Charles shakes his head and takes a deep breath. There's no use panicking like this. For now, he has to calm down and analyze things carefully.
When he first woke up, he was so terrified by the fact that he was alone that he didn't think things through. How did he get here? Who kidnapped him? And how can he get out of here?
Charles jogs down his memories and thinks carefully. After Erik and Raven left, he was devastated. The loss of his legs, his sister, and his best-friend-slash-lover was too much to bear.
Thankfully, he still had the children to think of -- it was a great distraction, and he had welcomed it with open arms. He had busied himself with setting up his school, taking care of Alex and Sean and Hank...
'That's right, the school,' he muses. He had been wheeling his wheelchair in the grounds of Westchester to 'get some air', as Hank had put it, when he was barraged with a feeling of hatred and disgust and anger and... it was suffocating.
Charles remembers hearing Hank shout something. He remembers falling to the ground. He has glimpses of black boots thumping on the ground and coming to a stop in front of his eyes.
He recalls feeling the panic and fear and shock in the children's minds, and he remembers telling them to run. To get away from these people.
A quick glimpse inside the kidnappers heads was enough to let him know that their target was him, not the kids... He remembers feeling a sudden stab of pain and drowsiness... and then?
What else...?
Charles squints his eyes, even though he can't see in the dark, and thinks further.
He was kidnapped, that's for sure. And his kidnappers knew to come find him in Westchester. That was disturbing, and when he got out of here he would have to investigate that part further.
He remembers the suffocating minds of his attackers, how he tried to grasp their minds and make them stop... But why didn't they stop? Charles knew the extent of his powers and he knew that logically, his mind would've been able to stop their actions.
But now, for some reason, he was here. Kidnapped, alone, and unable to use his telepathy properly.
Who kidnapped him? Was it the CIA? Some other government agency? Or someone else, someone like Shaw?
"Hello?" Charles speaks aloud and winces at the sound of his own voice.
He can't hear anything but the sound of his own breathing, but it doesn't stop him from trying again.
"Hello? Is anybody there?"
He is met with silence.
"My name is Charles Xavier," he tries again, louder this time. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"
Charles stops talking and strains his ears, trying to catch a sound, any sound, really, that could give him clues as to where he is and what his kidnappers want from him.
He swallows uneasily and tries to talk again, hoping to communicate with someone, but when he hears nothing but his own voice in the darkness, he starts to falter.
Everything is suffocating. The darkness, the silence, and the emptiness in his head...
Charles doesn't know how many times he called out to someone. He even resorted to screaming, hoping that someone would take notice of him and reply.
At first, he was hoping to talk to someone, convince them to release him, maybe. Or even better, use his telepathy on them, to dig inside their minds and see what they have in store for him.
Now, Charles just wants someone to answer. Even if the voice will mock him and tell him he's stupid. Even if the voice will threaten him.
He just needs something. Anything.
Several hours later, Charles feels his heart plummet to his stomach as panic sets in. For the first time in a long while, he doesn't know what to do.
Charles finds himself drifting off into a dreamlike state, hovering between sleep and wakefulness. He knows he shouldn't be sleeping -- he should be trying to get free, doing something.
But Charles is tired, and he just wants the darkness to embrace him. So he gives in, letting sleep pull him into the abyss.
It's just that, the moment he falls asleep, Charles is woken up by a jolt of electricity that stuns him, jerking him awake. He gasps at the stinging pain and blinks slowly.
What was that...?
"Hello? Is somebody there?" Charles cries out loud. His voice is raspy, but he doesn't care.
Nobody responds, and he does not feel the sting of an electric shock either, making him wonder if it was just an illusion.
But just now, the pain was real. Charles remembers it. He was going to sleep, but the electrocution woke him up.
Charles tries to shift his body into a more comfortable position (not that he has many options; after all, he is shackled to a table, and his legs... Charles tries not to think about them).
Several minutes later, Charles finds himself drifting into sleep again. But just like before, when he was about to truly fall asleep, Charles is stunned into wakefulness with a sharp burst of electricity.
He feels dread curling at the bottom of his stomach. Were his kidnappers... planning to shock him every time he tried to sleep?
The idea was impossible, it was too cruel, too... inhumane. And Charles desperately hoped that he was wrong.
Two hours later (during which he had accidentally fallen asleep and rudely stunned awake at least five times; Charles stopped counting after five), Charles found himself terribly exhausted.
He was already tired to begin with, but now, added with the fact that he wasn't allowed a single moment of reprieve, he felt despair and fear clawing at his heart, threatening to burst.
How much longer were they going to do this? Surely they didn't plan on killing him with sleep deprivation, right?
Charles could feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier with each passing second. Since he hadn't eaten or drank anything since his capture, his mouth was dry and his stomach ached a little.
He tried to distract himself in little ways. He thought about his favorite tea. He thought about sunshine and warm cardigans. He recalled his thesis, the one that always made Raven fall asleep within seconds...
'Oh Raven, how he missed her,' he thought. When he felt a lump forming in his throat, he quickly thought of something else... Something that wouldn't make him cry.
He thought of Alex, who was getting used to his powers and eager to train as he got better at aiming...
He thought of Sean's laughter as he said something silly that annoyed Alex and Hank; his scream when he started flying for the first time and his glee when he succeeded.
He thought of Hank, insecure and shy, so smart and yet so awkward with himself...
He thought of rainbows and kittens and Oxford and chess with Erik, and oh how he missed Erik.
A stray tear flows out of his eyes, down the side of his face and unto the metal table. And at that moment, it's like the walls he built to protect himself has been breached.
He can't stop crying, and this time, he doesn't try to stop himself.
Erik, he whispers through his tears. Please come back, he sobs painfully.
I hate being alone.
I need you.
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
Working title: Hey Birdie Hold Still
I posted it to ao3 this time, I’ll get this all together eventually lol. 
Childe blinks awake. He lays there, staring at the ceiling.
It’s dark….still night, then. The moonlight filters gently through the drawn curtains. He hears a quiet huff as Kalliope rolls over and nuzzles into his side. She’s his daemon, so she’s awake, he knows. She’s underserstandably none too pleased about it.
It’s night….why did he wake up? His brows furrow, his senses straining for anything amiss. Maybe the click of armor, the rustle of a weapon being drawn-
Instead, what breaks the silence is a loud thump somewhere.
“Shit- Diluc-” Without another thought, Childe springs up from the bed, covers flying as he crosses the small inn room. He hears the small click click click of Kalli’s claws on the wooden floorboards right behind him. A quick glance to the side shows that his travel companion’s bed is indeed empty, no blankets or bird in sight. Shit. Shit.
Read the rest on AO3!
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dump-o-whump · 2 years
Red Market — 2: Auction
@whumptober day 7: shaking hands | seizures | silent panic attack
day 18: “just get it over with.” | treading water | “take my coat.”
day 19: (alternate prompt) whimpering
day 20: going into shock | foetal position | prisoner trade
aaaa thank you for the support on chapter 1! it means so so so much, and it’s given me a lot of motivation to write more :)
content: pet whump, human auction, regenerating/immortal whumpee
“Pet.” Leo heard the firm words muttered from the corner of his cell and shot up, senses violently awake.
“Hello, Master!” He grinned, incredibly excited. Master is here and everything is better now. “Good morning, Master, you look-“
“Don’t waste your breath. I’m still getting rid of you.” Master had gotten more blunt recently. Leo didn’t like that. “Get up.”
Leo did as he was told, smile fading slightly as his last hopes of staying with Master were slashed. Master fitted a chain to his collar, knocked him to his hands and knees, demanding him to crawl like the pathetic bitch he was. He did as he was asked, but not without a quiet whimper.
He was led through hallway after hallway. The walk was silent. Too silent — the only sound Leo heard for the next hour and a half was the uneven tap of his footsteps against the clack of Master’s steel-toed boots. The floor was dirty, covered in broken glass or stones, and hurt incredibly to walk on. Leo winced with every step, hoping Master wouldn’t notice.
Finally, he was allowed to stand up. They had reached their destination. Leo had never seen that part of the building before, but some older pets — he still specifically remembered Aiden talking about it — used to call it ‘The Hall’. And that it was; a huge, well-decorated hall with shiny wooden floors and a stage with thick velvet curtains. Rows and rows of comfortable-looking chairs were lined up before the stage.
“Why are we here?” Leo cocked his head to the side and eyed Master.
“This is where we’re gonna have your auction.” Master said, pulling Leo over to the stage and then up the stairs.
“Oh,” Came the quiet reply. Leo didn’t completely understand what Master meant. Auctions were for objects, right? Was he an object to Master?
Leo was led up to a pedestal, which he had to stand on. Master punched him in the back of the knees and sent him crashing into a crawling position, demanding he stayed like that, or else. Leo nodded vigorously.
“I’ve always loved the way you shake and shiver,” Master began circling Leo, grinning as he drew in a shaky breath. “I might actually miss that.”
Leo felt himself start to cry. If you’ll miss it, why don’t you keep me?
“People are going to start arriving soon, and I don’t want to loose out on anything, so you’d better not fuck up.”
“N-No. I would never, Master.” Leo said, and meant it. A small part of him — a small, naive part — was still convinced this was all a sick joke, and Master was going to bring him back with a kiss on the head and an apology.
“Good boy.” Master said, and promptly walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Leo didn’t dare to move a muscle for a few minutes. When Master didn’t return, he adjusted himself on the pedestal, shaking in confused terror.
Nothing. The only answer he got was his own echo.
“What’s going—“
He was interrupted by the tall, dark oak double-doors at the other end of the hall being slammed open. Master was grinning ear-to-ear as he let in a flock of people. They were all very well dressed — the women in gowns, the men in suits — and there were no children whatsoever. The youngest person there other than Leo would have to have been just over 20.
“Hello! Hello, everyone, and welcome!” Master stepped up onto the stage, arms wide open as people filed in. He turned to Leo and snapped “Kneel!” as he slapped him. Sobbing, Leo did as he was asked.
Despite all of the new faces, Leo couldn’t help but stare at Master. He was wearing a black cape, of all things, and had a belt with whips, tasers, and other things that terrified Leo before the auction even began.
“Oh, look, he’s pretty.” A woman in a red dress pointed and giggled at Leo. The man next to her, a young-looking guy with brown hair who didn’t look at all suited to be wearing formal clothes, laughed slightly.
“I’ll buy him for you, if you want.” He straighten his tie and wrapped her hand around his arm for her. She blushed. Leo was getting increasingly uncomfortable watching them, the urge to shout ‘Get a room!’ growing stronger and stronger in the pit of his stomach.
“Oh, A—“ (Leo didn’t quite hear the name over all the chatter), “—would you?”
“Sure. Just get it over with.” He chuckled.
The talking died down as Master held his arms up, that sickly grin still on his face. Leo stayed perfectly still despite the flashing of cameras and the laughing of guests.
“Welcome, everyone. I’m very, very proud to present my most well-trained pet to date. He’s my 27th, and I think he’s turned out beautiful.” Master turned to Leo, who gave him a cry for help in a facial expression. He was ignored. “And he has super-sped healing. Isn’t that neat? You can so whatever ten fick you want to him and he’ll have healed by the morning.”
The crowd laughed. Leo sobbed.
“Now, I’m just going to show you exactly what I mean when I say he’s well-trained, and then we can get into it.”
Master climbed up onto the stage as the crowd went wild. He pulled a hammer out of his belt and grabbed Leo by the arm, holding it out from him and waving it about for the audience. “Let’s hear it beg!”
He turned to Leo. “Beg, scum.”
“P-Please, Master, don’t hit me, I’ll be good, I-I promise I’ll be good but please don’t—“ Leo pleaded desperately, tears streaming down his face. The crowd went wild. Someone threw a wad of cash on stage that very narrowly missed Leo’s head.
Master smashed the hammer into Leo’s elbow. He howled in pain and the crowd cheered once again. He felt the bones shatter, crumpling onto the ground. Master sat him back up with his hair. Leo sobbed desperately as he cradled his bleeding, splintering arm, begging and pleading as hard as he could.
“Shock him!” The woman in red screamed.
“No!” Leo whimpered. His hand shivered in front of him, shaking so fast they blurred. He could hardly breathe in terror.
“Yes,” Master cooed, picking out the taser from his belt. Leo shot him a hopeless look, a silent plea for mercy, but Master didn’t pay attention. He pressed the sharp ends of the taser into Leo’s bare ribs.
Leo was already screaming from the pain of his arm, but now he screeched, falling off the podium completely as he scrambled away from the pain, begging pitifully and sobbing pathetically. The crowd cheered and Master sneered.
That was when Leo’s memory starts to shake. After he fell off, and when Master sneered at him, everything went blurry.
He remembered getting burnt, whipped, slapped, stabbed — every single thing on Master’s belt was used. Everything was as painful as the last. By the end of it, there was a standing ovation of people shouting five-digit numbers. Then six digits.
Leo’s eyes flickered open for the last time and he saw the woman in red clapping as the brunet next to her held up a board. Master pointed to him and grinned.
And he passed out.
this took so long omfg
taglist: @whumpsday, @mry-2, @frogsinmaiddresssupremassy, @nicolepascaline
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fletcherwilbury · 2 years
@whumptober Day 7: Shaking Hands
Warning for hypoglycemia, self-neglect, past theft, and mention of low blood volume.
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calinaannehart · 2 years
Day 8: Everything hurts and I’m dying
Stomach pain | head trauma | back from the dead
Buck had witnessed miracles before.
But this? He’s never witnessed this before.
This isn’t just a miracle, this is something else entirely that Buck can’t even begin to try and name.
Eddie’s heart had stopped.
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newwwwusername · 11 months
Fic title : MIA (Missing, in Alleyway)
@whumptober 2023 prompt : “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds” (Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”)
Rating : Teen & Up Audiences
Fandom : Helluva Boss
Pairing : Loona & Blitzo
Additional tags : Worry, Missing Persons (he gets found), Drug/Alcohol Benders, Blitzo Has Issues (Helluva Boss), Blitzo Needs a Hug (Helluva Boss), Loona Cares About Blitzo (Helluva Boss), Caring Loona (Helluva Boss), Apologies
Word count : 381
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Whumptober Day 7
Prompt #7: Alleyway/"Can you hear me?" Pairing: Willow Nightingale/Kelani Johnson (OC) Mentions of: Solo Sikoa, Eddie Kingston, The Mogul Embassy, Swerve Strickland Verse: Heroes/Villains TW: Kidnapping
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Being the man in the chair had never been easy for Willow Nightingale. She was a bright and bubbly young woman in the prime of her life. She had always tipped her waiters and baristas, had always been the one to help old ladies cross the street. That had always been her own private way of being a hero.
Well, that and the aforementioned man in the chair position.
There was no name for the team she worked with, but two of her partners in plain clothes were members. There was Pebble, a.k.a Kelani, who got her powers directly from her father. Both could control rocks and stone, manipulating the earth around her. Her older brother Aleki used the codename Vai, controlling water wherever he could find it. Their cousin...was it cousin? The family was so big and Willow couldn't remember how exactly everyone was related. Either way, Solo or Afi as he went by in the field, was a fire manipulator. And finally, there was Eddie. No codename, no use to hide his secret identity, there was just Eddie Kingston who ran his mouth and got stronger the angrier his opponent got.
It was Willow, or as she went by when in the chair just Nightingale, who kept up with the four as they patrolled their sectors of the city.
Something was wrong about tonight, though. Not too long into their patrol, Solo's camera and earpiece had gone down. There was no contact from the man, just the vibration of a scuffle, the sounds of a fight. No matter how much Willow had tried to get some sort of response, there was nothing. It had not been long after that when Aleki's camera and earpiece had gone down. This time Willow had sworn she saw the outline of a being in the shadows, its teeth gleaming silver and fur seemingly around its neck.
"Any sign of the boys?" Eddie's voice echoed in his earpiece. He was downtown, the electronics district to be exact, and Willow's eyes tried to keep a lookout. She was so sure there was something else she missed and didn't want to let one of her partners down any more than she had tonight. "Where the fuck they at?"
For a moment Willow thought she saw that shadowy figure again, before there was a flash of what seemed to be radio static. Unlike the radios of the other two, there was no scuffle. It just seemed like there was something wrong with the audio-visual technology. Almost like it would with...
Willow's eyes went wide as she adjusted her seating, checking the camera from Kelani's view. An alleyway. A dark alleyway with nothing but shadows. "Pebble...can you hear me, babe?"
"Eddie went silent too," Kelani answered, a slight fear in her voice. She was the newbie to the team and this was a lot for any hero.
"Yeah...yeah he did, Pebble. Watch the shadows. I think we're dealing with a group of people. I think it's-"
"Me, baby girl?" a voice seemed to come from the shadows as four men materialized. Willow's blood ran cold. She 𝒉𝒂𝒅 seen silver teeth in the shadows. She 𝒉𝒂𝒅 seen fur, only it had been a jacket. She had seen-
"Swerve," Willow whispered with a twinge of fear.
Swerve Strickland and the men he considered his Mogul Embassy were the worst of the worst. Swerve had no kindness, no remorse. What he did have was power over shadows, able to both control them and use them to teleport in and out of, and a telepath in the brute to his left, Brian Cage. Behind him to the left and right respectively were Toa Liona and Kaun, whose powers would have been enough to cancel out Solo's and Aleki's. "Hey baby gir," Swerve smirked again, "cute little team you got here."
"Pebble, get outta there," Willow ordered sharply, "power up and get outta there! You gotta-"
Brian went to raise his hand, but Swerve put a hand on his arm for a moment. "I want her to hear me, man. I want little baby Willow to know this is for her. She wants to be a hero? Let's make her a hero."
"Swerve...please..." Willow begged. She winced as the camera cut to static as Kelani screamed. Willow slammed her hands against the desk that held her computer setup. She had always wanted to play the hero, but not like this.
Not against her ex.
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boowhumps · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
Day 7
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Injury
~ Mentions of Death
I ran as fast as my legs would take me. My body ached from the strain, but I couldn't stop myself.
Something in me snapped.. And I was scared..
I ran until I spotted an alleyway.
All I saw was a way out, and I took it.
I ran into the alleyway, finally sinking to the ground.
I learned my head back, breathing heavily.
The attack flashed over and over in my mind. There was no excuse for what I did..
I left her there..
She hadn't moved..
I don't even know if she's still-
Don't think like that..
Fuck.. don't think like that, [CENSORED]..
I'm snapped out of my thoughts as a droplet hits my face. I open my eyes to see the sky dark, hinting at a storm..
I breathe out, eyes wide.
Just my luck..
I groan in frustration, I had never liked storms..
Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I jump, but I'm quick to answer.
I look at the caller ID.
I sigh in relief. Better him than my mother..
"..hello.?" I say as I answer the phone.
Sam's voice comes through. "[CENSORED].. where are you right now.?"
"..why are you asking.?" I reply.
He sighs. "Can you just.. answer the question?"
I take a deep breath. "Some.. alleyway.."
There's silence.
"The hell are you doing in an alleyway? You should be in school right now, no?" He questions.
I sigh. "..I fucked up, Sam.."
"I figured as much." He responds. "Give me 5 minutes."
I stop. "What.? Why.?"
"I'm heading to your location."
"We can just talk over-"
"Nope. Plus, it's about to storm. I'm not leaving you in an alleyway during a storm."
I groan. "..Sam.-"
"Not happening. Just.. wait for me, yeah? I won't be long."
"..fine.." I respond, hanging up the phone.
The rain begins to pick up as I sit there. I don't really mind it, but at some point I'm going to be soaked to the bone, and that won't be fun.
Soon I hear a 'psst' and I turn to see Sam. He waves me over, and I force myself to go to him.
He gives me a look. "Please tell me you were not sitting there in the rain."
I look away. "..I was definitely sitting in the rain."
He sighs, and pushes me to walk with him.
I look at him. "Where are we going.?"
"My place." He responds.
"But aren't your parents-"
"Oh shut up, you know they like you."
"..I don't want to be a bother.."
"Trust me, you won't. Plus, my Pa will have my head if he finds out I left you in the rain."
I sigh. "Whatever.."
Sam gives me a weird look. "Do you.. want to talk about anything.?"
I shake my head. "Not now.."
He nods. "Alright.. let's just get going.."
It didn't take long to get to Sam's house, and his Pa was quick to usher us both inside away from the rain.
His parents always fussed over me. It was weird, since my own parents never really bothered with that type of thing..
Now, I sat in Sam's room, wearing some clothes I left behind last time I was here. A mug of hot chocolate warmed my hands, and my hair was drying out.
Sam takes a seat next to me, sighing.
"You ready to talk now?"
I nod slowly. He nods back, giving me the cue to start talking.
"..It all started this morning.. I felt weird.. like something inside of me just wasn't right.." I start.
"I didn't think much about it.. not until lunch time anyways.."
I stop. Sam gives me a look, and I force myself to continue.
"It was just Millie being Millie.. but today, it made me mad.."
Sam hums in acknowledgment.
"She went on mocking me.. and I-.. I.." I stop, remembering her screams and her blood on my hands..
Sam nudges me. "Hey.. c'mon.. talk to me.."
"I hit her.." I mumble.
Sam's eyes widen.
"I couldn't stop.. I just kept going.. and when I stopped.. she wasn't moving.." I say, beginning to spiral..
Sam says nothing.
"Sam.. I think I-"
"No, you didn't, okay? Don't think like that.." He says, holding my shoulders.
"I.. I didn't mean to.." I say, beginning to cry.
Sam shakes his head. "[CENSORED], I know you didn't.. if I'm being honest, she had it coming.. but I'm sure she's fine.." He tries to reassure me.
He hugs me as I break down, trying his best to comfort me. I never meant for things to go this far..
Sam sighs. "How about you stay the night, yeah?"
"But my parents-" I say as he shakes his head.
"I don't want you with them right now. They probably know what happened by now.. and I don't trust them.." He says sternly. "You're staying the night, it's better that way."
I slowly nod. "..okay.."
He lets go of the hug and takes our empty mugs.
"I'll be back, lay down for now." He says before leaving.
I sigh, laying down on his bed. My eyes droop with exhaustion as I get comfortable.
Sam comes back, laying next to me, but still leaving some room between us.
"Try to sleep, yeah? We'll figure something out in the morning." He tells me.
"Alright.." I mumble. "Night.."
"Goodnight, [CENSORED]." He says, turning to the side to turn off the lamp.
As night falls, I struggle to find sleep. I stare up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. Slowly, they loll me to sleep, hoping that all my problems will disappear when I wake up.
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serickswrites · 2 years
Shake and Shiver
Warnings: captivity, torture, electrocution, forced to watch (well, sort of), restraints, caretaker and whumpee, cruel whumper, sadistic whumper, emotional whump
Caretaker flinched at the sound of the screams coming from down the hall. They balled their shaking hands into fists. They had to control the shaking. They couldn’t let Whumper see how much hearing Whumpee scream affected them. They had to do something to get a grip on the panic threatening to consume them. 
Caretaker had broken into Whumper’s compound what felt like days ago. In reality, they knew it had only been a few hours. But they had found Whumpee. Beaten, bruised, and restrained to the wall. They tried to rouse Whumpee. But Whumpee had only moaned in their fitful sleep. 
Before Caretaker had the chance to break Whumpee free and carry them to safety, the door slammed shut behind them as Whumper stalked in. Caretaker had jumped up with a snarl and lunged at Whumper. Anything to protect Whumpee. But in their haste, they failed to notice the taser in Whumper’s hand. But they felt it as electricity coursed through their body. 
Whumper had dragged them from Whumpee’s room and into this room. Chained them to the wall. Chuckled as they left and Caretaker shouted curses and profanities at them. 
But it was no use. Caretaker was stuck. Trapped. Just as trapped as Whumpee. But they weren’t hurting. Physically at least. 
The screams had started up as soon as Caretaker could sit upright. Caretaker could hear Whumper laughing, Whumpee pleading for the pain to stop. But they were powerless to help Whumpee. 
A fine tremor traveled up from Caretaker’s tightly clenched fists to their arms, shoulders, and finally whole body. Whumpee had stopped begging. Had gone silent. No. 
Caretaker tried to take deep breaths. Tried to not let the panic consume them completely. They needed to get out of there. Get Whumpee out of there. 
Another scream. Louder than before. Caretaker’s blood ran cold. They weren’t sure that it was Whumpee screaming anymore. And there was nothing they could do. Nothing to let them know that Whumpee was still alive. 
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ordon-shield · 1 year
Whumptober Day 7: “I paced around for hours on empty, I jumped at the slightest of sounds”
AO3 link
alleyway | radio silence | “can you hear me?”
The moon rises red, for the first time in years, on the first night he spends on the surface after leaving the Great Sky Island. It’s only when he looks up and sees the blood moon returned that Link truly realises what’s happened, what has begun. This is only the start of another quest, another journey across Hyrule in search of answers and in hope of finding the truth.
Then, he hears her. Her voice echoes into his head, just as it did in when he first woke in the Shrine of Resurrection, just as she called out to him in his first true memory. But… there’s something wrong about it, something off in her tone as she makes an ominous proclamation, declaring the blood moon risen, and monsters revived.
It’s still Zelda’s voice though, and when she falls silent, he finds himself waiting. If she can reach out to him from wherever she is to give him warning, couldn’t she speak to him again? Couldn’t she tell him where she was, or at least assure him she was alright?
He knows he should be finding shelter soon, the lights of Lookout Landing not too far away, but he finds himself lingering, calling out for her in the vain hope that she can hear him, that she’ll respond.
She never replies.
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whumptober #7
Trope of the day: “Can you hear me?”
The words in their head are getting louder and louder, nothing seems to stop them. It takes whumpee another few minutes to finally fully regain their consciousness, the voice getting louder. It sounds familiar, but they can't make out whose it is ... not yet.
“Can you hear me?”
Finally, crystal clear words as whumpee cracks one eye open, a sillhouette in front of them.
"Kid, it's me," the voice continues as they try to blink and grunt because of the sudden pain.
"Good, open your eyes, don't fall unconscious on me again, buddy." Whumpee finally realises it's caretaker and their body relaxes a bit at the sudden realisation.
“Can you hear me?”, they repeat and whumpee manages to move their had a little, a nod indicating that they finally do. "Great news ... this will hurt a little, but you have to stay awake, okay?"
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