#Why they have to make you into a poor sad meow meow?
rainstormfrost · 1 day
Sometimes I think... What if Willow was not a canon character? What if she appeared only in some fanfic on AO3, how people would feel about her?
I mean, she has pattern of standard Mary Sue from some fan fiction. Lemme explain.
Firstly, she is strong. Even stronger than Emperor's Coven scouts, who've been, I'm reminding, harshly trained for years and have a lot of experience. But Willow just beats them like it's nothing for her.
Meanwhile, there is no clear reason for her to be so strong. All creator says is «she is talented and trains a lot», but... Willow has started training after the Grugby episode from season 1. That means she's been training only for two or one month. I'm not an expert but I think you can't get so much strength by that little time.
Well, okay, we can assume that Willow started doing Flyer Derby specifically after the Grugby episode. Maybe she was training even before that, but... It's still a shitty argument. I have some friends who've been training for many years and I can say they can't defeat a trained soldier. After all, a soldier knows special techniques and special fight skills. Scouts in EC can use any kind of magic, so they MUST learn every of nine tracks magic. So, how do you think, can a schoolgirl-plant-witch defeat a trained soldier with an experience.
Secondly, Hunter's character after meeting Willow. Hunter was positioned (before «Any sports in a storm») as a goofy, strong, confident person, but then we know him as a traumatized, apathetic and lost character who needs someone to help him to get out from toxic influence of his «uncle».
But what he's becomed after meeting Willow? He became a poor little boy who needs hugs and comfort 🥺🥺🥺. After joining the Hexsquad Hunter lost most of his power, he sometimes becomes a damsel in distress so Willow can save her little meow meow.
Please, separate a traumatize character who needs help and spirit mentor from a poor little thing who need comfort. Hunter is not the first thing. He is the second.
I know, this is kinda not Willow's problem as a character, but just imagine if all episodes after ASIAS were just a fanfic. How would you feel if a strong and mean character (Hunter) became a weakling who needs help from his girlboss?
Thirdly, cliche. I don't think Willow's story is bad, but I must admit it's kinda unoriginal. She has a standard Y/N storyline. «Poor girl was bullied, but then she discovered her true power and became stronger than her bullies». Where have we seen that? Well, practically in every fanfic.
What do we have in result?
Willow is somehow stronger that trained soldiers.
A strong and complex character became a total mess and crybaby because of interactions with her.
She has a quiet standard backstory.
I'm pretty sure: if Park was a fan character she would've been hated by everyone. We would've seen a lot of angry posts about little girls spoiling canon character's personality for their own fantasies.
But why the canon character with such traits is considered as something good?
UPD: It gets more sad for me, because I read fanfics and have my own TOH fan characters. I saw a lot of good, fleshed out and deep OC, but they was branded as Mary Sues because they was smart and powerful. Must specify, but all, these powers were explained, so characters wasn't skilled out of nowhere. I'm trying to make my own characters as realistic as I can. I paranoidly make a lot of flaws to my OCs so they can't become Sues. But then I see canon TOH characters and think: does it worth it? Why am I trying if I know that all of the canons are overpowered without any explanation?
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#so the thing about Dara from the Daevabad trilogy is#or rather the thing about the fandom reception of Dara#is that I think he's neither a poor little meow meow nor an intolerable piece of garbage#and I think reading his EoG arc as 'Shannon Chakraborty caving in to Dara fans' does it a massive disservice#like yes he's committing atrocities while whining about how sad that makes him but simultaneously continuing to do them#but have you considered#that we're not supposed to uncritically agree with his perspective here#EoG gives us a lot of detail on Dara's personal history and thoughts and interior world#and yes part of that is seeing his perspective on the war crimes he committed#and - surprise! - he has ways of justifying those to himself to varying extents#and those justifications start to fall apart more and more#but it's still a PROCESS#like the point here is to trace the psychology of someone who committed a slew of atrocities#and to understand why that happened#why he did those things#that is NOT the same as excusing or absolving his actions#we're supposed to understand the internal logic of Dara's thought process but that doesn't mean we're meant to agree with it#Dara's story is about redemption and it's about how that is HARD#'oh you talk about him like he's Zuko but what he did was much worse'#I don't know how to explain this to you but Zuko's arc isn't the end of all redemption narratives#some people do bad things for reasons other than 'having the emotional maturity of a 13-yo and being goaded by your abusive father'#and the books make it very clear that he's not fully redeemed at the end#he's SEEKING redemption. he's at the START of that journey. and he's very aware that he doesn't know where or when it'll end#but that that end is still very far away#also I think it IS good and thematically important that he chooses his own punishment actually#in part because what he goes for very much leans towards restorative rather than punitive justice#but more (thematically) importantly because the horrible things that he did were all fulfilments of other people's orders#part of why he allowed himself to not take responsibility is because he 'just did what he was told to' 'he was just an instrument'#(this is bullshit of course)#but I think it's really important that his life from here onward
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Battinson on SNL
Idk how popular Saturday Night Live is outside of the US so there will be some links for context. That said, as a New Jersey native, I think Battinson would totally watch the show. And since he's a celebrity...👀
To promote WE’s newest charity fund, Alfred signs Bruce up to be a guest host on SNL (à la this post) The announcement is made, and everyone’s like “oh this is going to be a disaster. That man can’t even hold eye contact or speak a full sentence without crying.”
But oh, that’s why it’s so funny.
Now, hear me out. Bruce’s strengths are displayed best when he’s himself. That’s why he’s so popular in Gotham. That’s why the internet calls him Relatable TM and a Disaster (Affectionate) and “Poor Little Meow Meow.” It’s his ✨ essence ✨
But he tends to get overwhelmed or self-conscious onstage, right? Because he can’t be Himself himself if he has time to overthink something. So after a few meetings with Bruce, the writers of SNL figure out the perfect way to keep Bruce from getting anxious.
They decide to load this episode with as many skits where Bruce plays different caricature-like versions of himself as possible. The objective? Make him break character and laugh so he doesn’t overthink. And if he breaks character, he’ll still technically be in character because he’s playing himself, you know? Genius.
So that’s how they go about structuring the show. During the few days they have to write, they decide to take everything about Bruce’s public image and either ramp it up to 11 or turn it on its head.
He speaks quietly? Turn it into a running gag. He dresses in all black? Make him emo. He tips well? Add that in too. He’s “depressed” and “sad?” Literally, all he does on screen is laugh and break character. What’s not to love?
Of course, Bruce also gets to decide what skits are in each episode as well. (Refer to this if you have no idea how SNL works.) He loves the idea, though, and he has a surprisingly dark sense of humor which bleeds into some of the sketches. They add in a few skits without him, and they’ve got their lineup.
It’s the wildest episode of the season. Here are the highlights:
It’s the big night, everyone’s excited to see Bruce Wayne hosting a live sketch comedy show with no idea how it will turn out.
To begin his monologue, Bruce walks on, opens his mouth to start talking, and immediately two cast members appear as stagehands to set up six microphones in front of him. He is already struggling to keep himself together.
Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m host- Cast Member: *adds one more tiny microphone to his chest* Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m hosting tonight.”
It’s working. The audience loves it.
Halfway through, Kate McKinnon comes out in a dark cloak with a chalice. “Your sustenance, my lord.” *sees camera* “Oh. Sorry. Carry on.” And she shambles off. Bruce has to take a second before continuing.
Bruce knows when (most of) the jokes come. It’s literally on the cue cards, but he still falls into a fit of giggles.
There are a few more gags, including Lex Luthor peeking out from behind the band set-up, all teasing the show to come.
Overall, an amazing way to set the tone for the episode. Expectations have been set. Then the skits begin!
(Oh but before I forget: During every single live skit with Bruce, the writers have scheduled for one of the cast members to run in dressed as a stagehand and put an extra mic on him. They do not tell him when it will happen.)
Between the monologue and the first skit, he has to do a really fast quick change, but to everyone’s surprise, Bruce is a natural. (Huh, wonder why.)
The skit is called Gotham PTA Meeting. We open in a meeting room full of stereotypical PTA moms setting down baked goods and gossiping. And apparently, there is a new PTA member attending today 👀
Right as the meeting starts, he enters. Bruce walks in wearing the most emo get-up imaginable. He’s got a Nirvana shirt, a comical amount of eyeliner, black skinny jeans, chain accessories, metal rings, AND a clip-in extension to give him fringe.
Someone immediately runs in and puts another mic on him.
PTA Mom: “Oh, Bruce! You made it! Did you bring a snack?” Bruce: “I brought lemon bars.” PTA Mom: “Why are they black?” Bruce: “They match my soul…they’re also vegan.”
He talks like a moody teenager. HE CONSTANTLY has to brush the fringe off to the side to read the cue cards. And because there’s so much eyeliner and he’s sweating a bit from the lights, it starts running everywhere.
PTA Mom: “Bruce, you’re a little quiet. What are your thoughts on increasing the school lunch budget?” Bruce: *eyeliner dripping down his chin* “I think it’s a great idea.”
For a pre-filmed skit, they bring back the Chad character with Pete Davidson.
It’s 2 am, and Chad is working at a 24hr drug store in Gotham. He’s reading Twilight (the book is upside down) when the lights begin to flicker.
He turns around and tries the light switch, turns back around, and JUMPSCARE it’s Bruce dressed as Edward from Twilight.
Yes, he IS sparkly.
Bruce is awkwardly holding a bunch of items, all concerning. He plops down a few knives, several raw meats, Sudafed. Chad: “Oh hey.” Bruce: O_O “I’d like to check out please.” Chad: “Lit.”
Chad’s “No Fucks Given” energy and Bruce’s “Please Do Not Perceive Me” energy clash like titans. The whole skit centers around it.
Bruce: *sweating bullets* “Oh. You’re reading Twilight?” Chad: “Just the title.” Bruce: *throws the book through the window at lightning speed* “It’s not very good. You should probably read something else.” Chad: *shrugs* “Okay.”
Chad: “ID?” Bruce: “ID? For what?” Chad: “Sudafed.” Bruce: “Oh. I don’t really need that, actually.” Chad: “Already scanned it.” Bruce: “Haha. Of course.” *awkwardly produces a scroll from his pocket that says Bruce Wayne DOB: 1901* Chad: “Okay.”
Bruce checks out, Chad picks up a porno mag or something, and we see Bruce turn into a bat and fly off through the window behind him.
The next skit they have is Celebrity Family Feud: Billionaires Edition. Again, Bruce plays himself, but he’s more of a background character. Instead, the skit makes fun of billionaires as a whole.
Bruce’s team consists of Kylie Jenner, Lex Luthor, and Oliver Queen. So just imagine three Lucille Bluths standing beside one another. 
Bruce’s bit? He just keeps handing cash to Steve Harvey every time he breathes in his direction.
Host: "We got the richest man in the world: Bruce Wayne!" Bruce: *hands him a roll of cash* Host: "Oh, what’s this for?" Bruce: "It’s your tip. I always tip." Host: "Oh, Mr. Wayne, you don’t usually tip the show host. I’m also a millionaire myself." Lex Luthor: *snatches it* "Well, if you’re not going to use it, I will…for charity, of course." Host: "Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night."
Just a ton of fun quips, the usual.
At some point, Harvey says, “That’s batty.” Bruce: *ducks* “Where?!” Host: “Oh, I don’t mean Batman. He’s not here.” Bruce: “You don’t know that.”
This time, the mic bit is a bit different.
Host: “We asked 100 billionaires: How much does a loaf of bread cost? Top three answers are on the board.” Bruce: *hits buzzer* Host: Bruce, your answer is? Cast Member: *runs in with a megaphone and holds it in front of Bruce* Bruce: “TEN DOLLARS?”
Board dings! That was the #1 answer
Brucie Wayne for the win
Next is a skit that dares to ask Gotham, “Why would anyone live here?”
The skit begins with someone opening a press conference for Wayne Enterprises. “And now presenting: Bruce Wayne!” Bruce walks in…
But it’s not him. Instead, it’s one of the cast members dressed in a black suit with horribly gelled brown hair.
Everyone in the audience is wondering where the actual Bruce is before another cast member runs onstage crying, “Help! Help! I’ve just been robbed! Somebody call Batman!”
A mini version of the bat-signal lights up…
We hear some generic hero music play…
And there he is: Bruce Wayne dressed in a horribly cheap Batman costume
(They got the cowl ALL wrong btw)
Bruce puts his hands on his hips in a weird superhero pose. Bruce: “I’m Batm-” Cast Member: *runs out to attach another mic to his costume* Bruce: “….I’m Batman!”
Cue all of the gags and digs against Batman. The fake Bruce faints then starts crying under a table. Someone calls Batman a furry. Bruce is barely keeping it together the whole time. Lord help him, but he asked for it. He approved the skit.
Bruce: “Looks like a job for my bat taser!” Cast Member: “Isn’t that just a taser with a bat on it?” Bruce: *whispers* “You shut your mouth.”
He saves the day, the police take the thief into custody, then Batman myStErioUsly disappears. Bruce: “Look over there!” *runs off* Cast Member: “Oh my gooood, how did he do that?”
Finally, they have the Weekend Update where Bruce comes on as himself for the final time.
Since they got his permission, the writers switch out some of Bruce’s jokes last minute. (Think Bill Hader’s Stefon which notoriously caused him to break character because the writers would mess with his cue cards.)
News Anchor: “Here to promote his newest humanitarian project: Bruce Wayne!” “Mr. Wayne, what a pleasure to see you today.” Bruce: “Thank you. This is probably the longest I’ve been out of the house.” News Anchor: “Since the Riddler catastrophe?” Bruce: “Since ever.”
News Anchor: “So Mr. Wayne! Before you make your announcement, any life updates?” Bruce: “Yes, actually. Just a few days ago, I adopted five- *starts losing it* five more children.” News Anchor: “Wow, really? So you have eight kids now.” Bruce: “Uh huh. *tears streaming down his face* One more orphan and I get the tenth one free.”
News Anchor: “So where can people find you online?” Bruce: “Well, I don’t have social media because I’m afraid of people, but sometimes I’m on Twitter.” News Anchor: “What about a phone call?” Bruce: “Oh no, phone calls- *giggle* phone calls give me fainting spells.”
It’s a great way of finishing the show, with the most genuine version of Bruce. Then, he gets to what’s really important!
News Anchor: “So if they can’t reach you on social media or on the phone, what else can our viewers do, Mr. Wayne?” Bruce: “They can donate to the Wayne Foundation’s newest charity called The Arts Initiative. It funds programs for the arts in underdeveloped school districts nationwide. I’ve already donated $30 million, and I’ve pledged to match every dollar donated within the next week.”
And that’s what he’s here for :) They share a link for where and how to donate. The anchors praise him for his charity, which he deflects because he can definitely afford this, and the 90-minute broadcast is over.
The camera pans away with the whole cast waving goodbye, and Bruce is seen keeling over with laughter.
Along with some of the other skits, these four specifically go viral. WE raises a fuck ton of money, and everyone loves Bruce.
LOVE YOU ALL!! Let me know what you think :D
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author's note - meow i love this woman.
content warnings - black!coded!reader ig????, fluff, els i love u ellie williams pls handcuff me to ur bed and police-brutalize me! , text msgs from reader that are very me-coded! , mostly just based off every grumpy but cool cop i've seen in media, lots of notes from me i'm going insane I NEED HER!!!!! , there's a white man in a pic i put... you have been warned, smut/suggestive shit at the end!
- def wanted to be a cop when she was a kid and then was a total fucking juvenile as a teen. (duh!)
- always loved the police officers who barely ever gave troubled kids a hard time. (this is coming from a troubled kid. acab all the way except for u guys. well, still acab, but y'all r cool!) would refuse to talk to anyone except her favorites. i fully believe that's one of the reasons she would go into this workforce.
- when she got approved to start training to be a cop, u were home with her favorite strand of weed and she gave u a look like, "🤨🤨" , "can't be doing that no more baby, i'm gonna be a cop." , "...stfu and take the first hit before you piss me off..." , she's wearing a SHIT-eating grin before she takes it. (don't ask me how she passes her drug-tests!) (probably gets jesse to do it or someone idk maybe joel if she's lucky!) (def not joel...)
- ADDING ONTO THIS!^^ : every single time you smoke when she can't she'll look so sad or just side-eye tf out of you... "really?" , "what do you want me to do ellie..." u stopped smoking around her when she couldn't...
- this woman is so intimidating but once those cop dogs come on the scene she's so cute<3 . she's so smiley and happy they love her AND SHE LOVES THEM. she definitely sent u a picture of her with the group of the babies and was like, "can we adopt them all pls i love them ):" . you guys adopted a rescue pup shortly after...
- whenever you're doing ANYTHING EVER she flashes her badge at you and says something so loser of her , "don't make me handcuff you..." or makes finger guns with the sounds and GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN.
- speaking of badges, she always has her badge on her. ALWAYS. it is EMBARRASSING!
- when she got her first arrest she was so happy:3 . i FEEL like she took a picture with the fucker and everything and she looked so proud of herself. "good job baby now pls get to the station before that mf breaks out of those handcuffs he looks like he's gonna murder u..."
- this is a headcannon of mine (and canon so why am i saying hc maybe it's just bcs it's more in-depth in my head.) but she loves kids and whenever she sees a younger person at the station, she makes sure that they're ok and have everything they need.
- with that being said, she HATES the teens who don't have a valid reason to be such delinquents. lovable delinquents are her soft-spot but those... THOSE ONES😧.
- definitely is a kitten-saver-cop. hates getting the call but she responds every time.
- sends u this pic anytime u say something mildly threatening to her in text msgs:
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- the day she got her uniform, you wanted to jump her bones. she came back home, poor girl was so tired and all you could think about is how good she looked in that shit.
- like i said... the badge is with her at all times... maybe this is too feral but i feel like she put IT in ur mouth and took a polaroid of it after u were done eating her out or SSAAAWWWWMMMMTHHHIIIIING. (pls let me wear ur badge baby i'm on my knees BEGGING YOU!)
- definitely joked about role-playing jailer/jailed and then it wasn't a joke anymore. y'all tried it once and couldn't stop laughing.
- has definitely used her handcuffs on u or vice versa. she gets so excited when u pull that shit out.
- ggggg...g-g-gu-....gggggggggguuuunnn ki-
- definitely has fucked u in the uniform. u two probs have had a quickie in the station bathroom on multiple occasions.
bonus round - police!els edit<3 :
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sarah-yyy · 1 year
what: period cdrama // 40 eps, roughly 55 mins each  where: youku (you can also dl the app) // youtube // coming up soon on viki (usual disclaimer that i do not use eng subs so i don’t speak to the quality of subs) why: do you love watching a poor little meow-meow get tortured in a variety of ways before he decides to go fuck it, i’ll be a demon lord and kill everyone who wronged me?? do you like enemies to fated to kill you lovers??? do you enjoy PAIN AND SUFFERING??? this is the show for you
meet tantai jin, the cdrama fandom’s newest obsession 
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cursed prince of the Jing kingdom who was sent as a hostage to a neighbouring kingdom. he’s been unloved and bullied all his life - think, discarded and left to die by his own father, kicked around by servants, begging for scraps of food, abandoned and slowly betrayed by everyone around him... it’s NOT GOOD buddies, you will watch his life unfold and you will become attached and want to let him do whatever the fuck he wants 
surprise surprise this sad pathetic man will one day become
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THE demon lord who destroys all of humanity etc etc. look at this wardrobe upgrade??? amazing. beautiful. bad for humanity but great for him. good job, bud, you did well.
ANYWAY this show opens with demon lord tantai jin (affectionate) going on his lil’ murder spree (understandable). the fate of humanity as we know it to be rests on the shoulders of one li susu
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to defeat tantai jin, she will transmigrate to the past into the body of ye xiwu (tantai jin’s evil wife who whips him every night (not in the fun way sorry buds) and tortures/bullies him for because it pleases her) to try to kill him while he’s weak, before he turns evil and amasses power. this is for the good of humanity!!! but also he’s truly so pathetic in the past that she can’t quite seem to put her heart into it (there’s also this whole finding his evil bone and getting rid of that before she can kill him problem but HMMM) and decides that?? maybe if she shows him some care and love??? she’ll subvert his murdermurdermurder tendencies????
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this is the gist of the show!! there are a few arcs that we go through like all good xianxia cdramas, so we get to see them live through a few different lives (think: ten miles of peach blossom, pillow book etc etc), and every single dynamic between them is SO GOOD!!!!! we have spicy enemies to lovers!! cutesy arranged marriage between strangers to lovers (who don’t communicate enough for them to be happy)!!! star-crossed lovers fated to kill one another!!! 
the show is so goddamn pretty!! the aesthetics!!! the cgi!!!! the costumes ohmygod, i have never wanted to buy so many headdresses before
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he’s got this whole demon look LOCKED IN who else does it as well as my boy tantai jin
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this show is very PRETTY but make no mistake there will be a lot of angst!!! that’s part of what makes it so good!! luo yunxi does Tortured, Feral and Deranged™ SO WELL i weep every time i see him on screen, i have truly not been Okay since this show started airing, buddies please join me in till the end of the moon hell, you will not regret it, promise 😇✨
⚠❗ few post-finale thoughts so y’all go into it with full disclosure (and can’t yell at me for inflicting pain on y’all, just know what i am also Suffering™) - stop reading from here if you want no spoilers for the show at all. 
trigger warning: there is some dubcon in ep 14 (stretches between approx. the 25:00-27:25 min mark) between ming ye and sang jiu 
we were all hoping for a happy ending, but this ends on a bad-open scale, depending on how you look at it. @minmoyu​ has helpfully directed me to a happy audio-epilogue which was apparently shot but didn’t make its way into the episode?? we still dk if the footage will be released as an extra?? we can all form a prayer circle and HOPE i guess
the plot is HMM the further to the end we get, probably because they had to cut the eps down, so it’s a little choppy, esp the last few scenes??? idk idk. it’s a bit exhausting to watch towards the end, because you root for ttj so so much and he tries so so hard and SIGH. i need another few working days to digest this, i’m still a bit :/ about the ending
would i still rec the show, post-watch? yes! this show starts off really solid, and luo yunxi carried the show throughout. like. y’all thought lyx was good in ashes of love?? watch him in this. every single micro-expression was flawless. bai lu’s acting is always so dependable, and it’s the same with this show!  
this show has an a+++ ost (i mean it’s got the king and queen of cdrama osts liu yuning and zhang bichen, literally how could this be bad)!! and CERTAIN side characters are so so good (pian ran my baby girl, ye qingyu who grows on you, decidedly NOT bingchang/tian huan/mo nv although i will concede that chen duling’s acting in this show was Incredible). 
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doublel27 · 20 days
Sometimes your wildly angry and hateful response to a piece of media has nothing to do with the actual piece of media and has everything to do with your own triggers.
Let me explain: sometimes a piece of media uses a common human failing. Something that happens all the time. To explore humanity within the confines of the story, as stories often do.
Sometimes, for you, that small human failing is the crux of the pain and anger you carry inside. Sometimes even the smallest and least harmful version of it, to quote RWRB, tears all the way down through the floor and into the sub-basements. Beyond where anyone would think that small human failing might go.
Because for you, it’s not what’s happening on screen but the painful things that have happened to you and you haven’t dealt with. You’ve locked them in a box or you’ve festered in them. Made it part of your personality to be against anyone or anything that carries this common human failing. Because the person that hurt you is, in your mind, a monster. You’ve divorced this action from humanity and you’ve made it that it’s only a thing that bad people or monsters do.
And the way the characters are treating this common human failing that happens every day is not how you want to handle it. Or is perhaps how you handled it and you wished you didn’t. And it makes you so incandescently angry.
When that happens, my loves, I want you to sit with it and ask yourself why you’re so incandescently angry or sad. Feel your feelings. Examine what it means when a character you love does something you equate with being monstrous. Or even more dangerous, when a character you love forgives something that you deem monstrous. Or if the failings of the characters remind you of yourself in some way. What is hiding underneath the anger and sadness? Is it shame? Is is loneliness? Is it worthlessness? Is it invalidation?
Because this is why the character who is genocidal mass murderer/serial killer is your poor little meow meow and the character with the every day failings is the worst character ever to exist. Because we look for the humanity in monsters, especially when we feel monstrous. But when a character is framed as human and shows a failing, we demonize them, because they remind us of our monsters who were also human. And I want you to think about it. Sometimes.
You have the choice at any time to stop engaging with a piece of media because it’s too painful or too raw or you’re not ready. But that doesn’t make that piece of media bad or evil (mostly there are some exceptions for the writings by the worst of humanity).
Take care of yourself. Please. 💜💜
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clairyclue · 3 months
my thoughts on Majestic Rep’s RTC
it’s a lot sorry guys
tags: @jencattv @ray-winters @keatondj
(spoilers below the cut)
you can tell when ocean starts questioning her attitude and how conflicted she is, especially right after WTWN 
jane gets startled so easily poor baby
noel’s riffs are amazing!! (noel’s lament)
the choreo is awesome too!
mischa is a such a sweetie he genuinely cares so much about the other choir members 
mischa flipping ocean off before “i love you guys” haha
constance’s finger guns after “fornication” 
constance laughing at ocean out down jokes and then switching up is so funny 
i love oceans line delivery she’s like three seconds snapping i love it 
jane going from being able to move
fluidly during the songs to being stiff again she looks so confused every time 
ricky. just ricky ❤️
connie i thought the crystal meth joke was funny 
^^ i love all the dialogue in that scene i don’t remember it in original cast slime tuts 
fuck mischa’s adopted parents fr you can tell his anger is a defense mechanism because when he feels comfortable with the choir he’s so sweet!!
(i’m gonna start categorizing by song now i don’t have much for WTWN and Noel’s Lament so)
jane dope 🔥🔥
mlia gives mad sibling karaoke vibes 
karna i see u bopping along 
the singing too is immaculate 
OK JANE i see u dropping it down 
this mischa genuinely seems so into it he deserves so much credit in way of character work 
the way he gets all bashful during his Talia monologue 💓
background harmonies (constance is carrying and also i can hear her so well!!)
again riffs!! well done 
the choreo goes crazy!! this applies to all the songs tho 
the arms making a steeple 🥺😩
THE ENDING RIFFS 💔💔💔😩😩😩😭😭🥺🥺😞😞
the projection i’m gonna end it all 💔
MISCHA FUCKING CRYING INTO NOELS SHOULDER HELPHELPHELP and even once the dialogue moves on he’s still clinging to him and Noel rubs his back
“ocean why aren’t you talking right now it’s weird” (ricky in the bg: ☝️)
i love u connie awkwardness 
jane is so reactive to everything she hears like a little puppy 
“OKAY!! 😁😁😁😁” (autismo lore dump time)
oceans face when he’s explaining it 😀 to 🙁 to 😟
AND THEN SHE FUCKING MOANS U CATHOLIC FREAK (no offense to catholics reading this)
noel’s face me too bud 
ricky’s lore is kinda gross just because it wasn’t always this way. but sigh what can you do
ricky my little freak boy ❤️
spacedolls realness coming through 
rip ricky u would have loved therian tiktok 
little curtain face thing “it gets weird now :)” (•.•)
the emotion behind his lines the whole time tbh adds to the comedy (“i thought i told them !! 😕😕”)
the ending “b-b-b- bachelor man!” (“meow!!”)
we love u mischa hype man (again sweetest man alive)
constance’s “oh man!” was so agressive i loved it the one in the soundtrack seems so sad. this constance is less shy more awkward and i love it
i know i know. but choreo. 
vocals!! ily jenna 
bg vocals as well!! 
the mixing 🥹
the choreo at “a choir never complete” reminds me of the opening funeral scene from beetlejuice. definitely fits the vibe!
the borderline growl/anger in “and i’m asking why lord” yes!!!!
she sounds so desperate. crying. 
“does no one care?!” again the anger and emotion!
the roller coaster. them being sucked back into it choreo wise. reverse looking. 
ocean being the one to put the birthday costume on means a lot to me. idk
ocean comforting her too 🥰🥰
janes birthday claps!
SNATCH !! 🧁🧁
ocean doing connie’s hair ❤️
savannah scene!! 
we don’t get to see it but i know the waltz is happening 
“ur ma best frand 💓“
^ and then ocean immediately snaps my heart again. 
“no you don’t ocean. 😕”
i understand oceans monologue she just. executed it badly. 
constance 😝 beat her ass girl 
“or they’ll call you a cow” baby. come here. 💔
constance. i get you. i get u connie baby. 
oceans face ❤️ i don’t know how to describe it but she looks. proud. and her sitting almost re-evaluating everything in the back. (assuming)
ricky giving her the mic ❤️
them scooting her around aghhhahahdhdbdheh
cloud props!
jane looks so happy with her ballon skipping around 🥹
the ending!! ILY CONSTANCE 
mischa helping her down awww
ocean and connie hug!!
can’t forget the nischa hug
ocean losing her voice inflection and sounding so genuine. so scared. so raw. 
janey when she gets chosen 🥹🥹
ocean and connie hug 2
crying over the ending brb 
the slideshow will always get me 
something about the whole scene. houfhhhhhhh
“and you give and choose while you live and lose” and the lines preceding it get me 🥹
the first lines of it’s just a ride. no music. so raw sounding 🥹 the teary voices. the haphazard harmonies. 
ocean and mischa holding each other. big bro little sis 💓
they’re having so much fun. they’re dead but they’re LIVING for the first time. 
all of the hand holding. my babes. 
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Heeeeeeyyy. I don't know if your taking requests or not, so if not then just ignore this and I'm sorry. I recently got into your blog and I LOVE the way your write. I was wondering if you could 2003 Raph x mute reader who is the adopted niece of Mrs. Morrison (the blind woman Raph helps). Reader got in a car crash with some friends one night and her vocal cords got permanently damaged. Parents can't afford to house her due to medical bills and sent her to live with her aunt. Reader is really gentle and kind and just the picture of feminine grace and maturity. I imagine Raph would go visit Mrs. Morrison and she would want to introduce reader and reader and Raph would just look at eachother like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️👁️👄👁️
Mrs. Morrison’s Niece (Angst/Fluff)
2003!Raphael x mute!reader
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A/N: Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you like my writing❤️💕 But now about this one; the only way I know of where a blind person and a mute person can communicate is using tactile sign language. I do not know tactile sign language myself, and therefore I hope the communication shown between Mrs. Morrison and the reader can be considered somewhat accurate, given the amount of knowledge I have. Hope you enjoy❤️🐢
Warnings: Mentioning of a car crash, mentioning of damage to vocal cord, mentioning of poverty, a non tactile sign language user describing tactile sign language.
Mrs. Morrison was a nice old lady, and though she could be a little naive at times, Raphael quite liked her. She was sweet, soft spoken, and cared about every creature she came across. Even Raphael. That still surprised him from time to time how nice she could be, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
It wasn’t uncommon for Raphael to come and visit Mrs. Morrison for tea or even dinner. White visiting, he would help her clean and get the house in order. A task that sadly had gotten harder for the poor old woman as she grew older, causing her to rely more and more on the kindness of people like Raphael. Her blindness didn’t help much, causing her to stay at home most of the time, only venturing out to get groceries.
One evening during dinner, Mrs. Morrison told him about her family. Her beloved dead husband, who’s picture she kept framed both in her living room and by her bedside, and her extended family that lived out of state. Raphael listened closely, while keeping close attention to Lucy, the white cat that had decided to sleep on his foot. Mrs. Morrison had a little sister she sadly didn’t get to see very often, given the geographical distance between them. This sister had a husband and daughter who she loved dearly. Other than her late husband, they were the closest family she had. And this broke Raphael’s heart. The thought of this poor old lady living alone with her cat. Everytime Raph thought about him, it made him sad. That was one of the many reasons why he had given her his number, so she could call whenever she needed someone to talk to. And call she did.
Mrs. Morrison never called too often, and when she did call, it was mainly to hear how Raphael was doing and if he was eating enough, or invite him over for yet another meal. Sometimes he could hear Lucy meow in the background, causing Raph to jokingly say that the friendly cat was missing him. Mrs. Morrison found that highly amusing.
One day Mrs. Morrison called Raphael and invited him over for dinner that evening, just like she normally would when she invited him over. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that would let Raphael know that this day would be any different than the rest.
Just like Raphael always did, he knocked on Mrs. Morrison’s back alley door and patiently waited for her to open the door. She came to the door and opened it, letting Lucy make her way to Raphael, before rubbing her head against his ankle.
“Good evening, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael said, smiling as he took Lucy up in his hands. He sometimes wondered if she could smell Klunk on him. Maybe he should bring him one day.
“Raphael!”, Mrs. Morrison smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so glad you could come! Come in! Come in!”
“Of course, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael smiled, following the old lady into her apartment, letting Lucy run into the living room before he turned to close the door.
“(Y/N)! Sweetheart! Please come and help me get Raphael seated”, Mrs. Morrison said, as she made her way through the living room.
Raph turned from the closed door, staring after Mrs. Morrison in fear. There was someone else in her house? Oh no, that sweet old lady. She had no idea about Raphael’s true nature, so why would she see anything wrong in having other people in the house. Crud! This was surely going to end badly for Raph.
But as you walked out of the kitchen with a small smile on your face, washcloth still in your hand, ready to greet the guest at the door, all of Raphael’s fears washed away. His shoulders slumped as he took in your face, feeling his guts doing funny jumps and his knees going slightly weak.
You however jumped at the sight of the mutant turtle standing at the door. Unsure of what to do, you started fidgeting with the washcloth in your hand.
“(Y/N)”, Mrs. Morrison said, her hand finding your shoulder. “This is Raphael I told you about. Raphael, this is my niece, (Y/N)”.
You did not say a word. All you did was stare at Raphael. Starting was nothing knew for the red clad turtle, yet there was something about your gaze that made Raphael feel things he had never felt before.
“Uhm… Nice to meet ya, (Y/N)”, he managed to get out, stretching out a hand for you to shake. A little unsure you took his hand, giving it a small shake. But still no words. That confused Raphael a bit, yet he kept his mouth shut. He knew better than to start asking people why they wouldn’t talk to him.
You, Raphael and Mrs. Morrison moved into the kitchen, where Raphael and Mrs. Morrison took a seat at the table, while you continued your cooking. Raph couldn’t help but cast glances in your direction as he listened to whatever Mrs. Morrison was telling him about. But the moment your eyes met, Raphael almost jumped out of his shell before quickly avoiding your eyes, his cheeks burning hot. You too turned away, your face pink in a slight blush.
At one point you left the kitchen to go get something in a room on the other side of the living room. He watched you leave, before jumping at the sound of Mrs. Morrison’s voice.
“She’s nice, don’t you think, Raphael?”, Mrs. Morrison said, smiling in his direction as if she knew he had been looking after you.
“Uhm… yeah, she is”, Raph said, fidgeting with his fingers under the table. “If ya don’t mind me asking, Mrs. Morrison, but… is she okay?”
Mrs. Morrison sighed, her shoulders fell as an expression of sadness washed over her face. “Poor (Y/N), God bless her soul. The sweet thing was so unlucky to end up in a car crash with some of her friends, where her vocal cord sadly got permanently damaged”.
“I’m… really sorry to hear that”, Raphael said, his gaze turning towards the living room. He could hear you move around in the room on the opposite side.
“She has not had it easy afterward”, Mrs. Morrison sighed once more. “My sister and her husband sadly aren’t doing too great on the finances. I don’t blame them. These are hard times. But that sadly has to cost my sweet niece. The medical bills have been too much for them, and her parents don’t have the money to house them all, especially not now. Therefore we decided it would be best if she came and lived with me”.
“It must really be heard for her”, Raph said, more to himself than the old lady sitting at the table.
“It is”, Mrs. Morrison sighed. “I may not be able to see it, but even I know she’s sad. Who wouldn’t be after something like that?” Mrs. Morrison paused for a moment. “That’s why I called you, Raphael. You were so nice to help me out when I needed help, so maybe you can help (Y/N) a little? I’m not asking you to do much more than keep her company. I think she could really use someone other than her old aunt around her”.
Raphael jumped in his seat when you returned to the kitchen. He watched as you lightly poked Mrs. Morrison’s shoulder to catch her attention. You held out our hands for her to feel, as you moved them in signs. Mrs. Morrison nodded with a smile.
“In the cupboard on the left, sweetheart”, Mrs. Morrison said, smiling as you clapped on the shoulder as a thank you. Raphael felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of your smile. He couldn’t deny how beautiful your smile was.
During the dinner the chatting was light. At least from Raphael’s side. He sat quietly and listened at Mrs. Morrison’s words, all while throwing glances your way. You were smiling and nodding at your aunt's words, tapping on the table to let her know that you did so.
Raphael couldn’t help but feel fascinated by you. Sure, he had seen pretty women around New York City, but none of them ever struck him the way you did. You seemed so sweet and soft, yet your eyes shone with a maturity rarely seen before. Maybe it was because of the things you had been through. It had hardened you and matured you, yet you still seemed so friendly. Maturity wasn’t the only thing shining in your eyes. A shimmer. A light of sorts. Something Raphael couldn’t quite place, yet it drew him in- oh crud, you were looking at him. You had seen him stare at you. Oh crud! Shell fucking shell!
But before Raphael could let panic take him, you gave him a little smile. A little calm friendly smile. For a moment it felt like time stilled as you smiled at him, your expression telling him more than words ever had.
After dinner, Raphael helped you clean off the table. You gave him an appreciative smile as he started cleaning the plates in the sink. He said no words, finding that the communication with your eyes was enough, and somehow also strangely comforting.
After the two of you had cleaned the kitchen, it was time for Raph to go home. You and your aunt followed him to the door, where he told Mrs. Morrison goodnight as he moved from the apartment and out in the alley.
“Say hey to your brothers from me”, she said, smiling big. “They sound like some nice young men!”
“I will be sure to do so, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael said, before she turned and went back into her apartment, leaving you and Raph alone in the open door.
Under normal circumstances, Raphael would have found the silence awkward, wrecking his mind to find something to talk about. But with you and your friendly smile, Raph did not feel the need to talk, finding your smile comforting enough.
Lucy was the one to break the silence, meowing as she wrapped herself around Raph’s leg. That was when Raph saw your shoulders shake and a bright smile on your lips, eyes closed. You were giggling, finding the interaction between the mutant and the white cat entertaining. Raphael bent down to pick up Lucy, letting her meow in his arms as he scratched her behind the ear.
“Before I leave”, Raph finally said. “I will just like to say, that it was nice meeting ya, (Y/N), and if ya won’t mind, I’ll very much like to see ya again”.
You smiled at him once more, before reaching your arms out to take Lucy from his arms. Raphael watched your movements, wondering what your next would be. As Lucy cuddled up against you, your hand went into your pocket, fishing out a small piece of folded paper you then gave to him with a sweet smile. Raphael unfolded the paper, and was surprised to find your number written down, along with a “text me when you get the chance;) - (Y/N)”.
Raphael smiled from the paper to you. “I will be sure to do so”, he said, watching as your smile got wider. “I’ll see you around, (Y/N)”. Those were his last words before he turned, jumped onto the fire escape and started crawling, all while you stood smiling in the doorway.
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
author notes: something quick born from a chat with @mcdonaldsnumberone, I hope our chats will never come out LMAO. This idea come from an old gintama post I made years ago, but I love the idea.
tw: suggestive content but nothing happens
Michael Kaiser – Yellow Persian cat
-Michael doesn’t know how he found himself in this situation, he only knew that he finished training, showered and started to walk towards your house, happy to finally be able to see you after so long afar from each other.
-All of sudden everyone was taller than a building and- Was this fur?? Imagine his surprise when looking at himself on a shop mirror he saw a cat.
-“Incredible, I look good even as a cat”
-Sun was going to leave soon his place to the moon and kitty Kaiser decided to place himself in an empty card box left on the main street, then a drop, and then another one.
“Don’t tell me it’s starting to rain-“ A loud thunder, his pointy ears turn downward “Fuck” People starts to run left and right, nobody had pity on the poor pathetic left in a wet card box meow meow at their feet.
“Oh! Poor kitty come here.” An angelic voice that Michael can recognize between a million of others; yours.
-That’s how he found himself in your house, clean and dry, looking at you trying to cook for the both of you.
-“You know this is Michael's favorite food, he is my boyfriend, by the way, I suppose you’ll meet him soon.” You put both your food on the table, finally sitting down. The melancholic undertone isn’t missed by your boyfriend that starts to rub his face toward yours.
“You are so nice, meanwhile he is the bane of my existence-” The yellow cat stop his action, if you listened closely you could hear a huff coming out his little mouth “but I miss him so much, God.” You put your face in your hands, fork still inside the plate and a loud sniff escapes your mouth.
“I still didn’t hear him today, maybe he got caught in between his fangirls, who knows.” You let out a fake giggle, the one Michael is used to hearing when you want to break off tension.
But nothing right now could pull together his broken heart.
“I know he isn’t that dumb-“ and Michael can’t stop weighting “that” “but I get worried you know? Even more when you are afar for this long” you fill a bowl with water that you position right after the plate filled with food for the kitty “Ahh! I’m so dumb! Me and my insecurities, fuck me!” Kitty Michael can only look at you with wide eyes, his tongue poking out licking slowly some water from the bowl.
-Soon going through this sad parenthesis kitty Kaiser didn’t mind his life as a cat after all, not only he found new topics that you absolutely need to discuss when he’d go back to normal, but he could enter the bathroom when you are showering!
“What are you doing here? Are you curious? Or you are just a pervert kitty?” You let out a giggle, a real one this time, and Michael felt like melting and becoming one with the floor of your bathroom.
You, all wet and happy.
He is a pervert in the soul.
-Plus the biscuit making, ohhh the feeling of your chest and ass, your soft tummy under his paws, and not a single slap behind his neck.
-And your heart thrumming the perfect lullaby to make him fall asleep.
-“M-MICHAEL?” What a terrible way to be woken up.
“Why are you screaming so early in the mor-“
“Then why are you naked!?” Seems like the curse was temporary after all.
“Well, well, the bane of our existence is here to teach you something.”
“Mh?” You widen your eyes, his strong arms at either side of your head lifting him on top of you in all his naked glory.
“This guy here has eyes only for you.” It’s a quick kiss, one that follows many deeper ones “I missed you too liebe.” You don’t have to reply back with sass, you just hold him closer to you.
-You’ll have time later to tease him about his tail swinging left and right like a happy pup; seems like the curse didn’t totally wear off…
Kenyu Yukimiya – Salt&pepper giant Schnauzer
-Look, it’s still hard to understand what is going on, but for sure waking up with Otoya at your doorstep with a giant dog wasn’t something you were expecting.
-“Take him just for today, I think you’d get along, plus I’ve seen today it’s your free day so you have no excuses” He talks as fast as possible, some words lost but one thing is sure; you had to take care of this big boy.
-You look at him, he looks at you, up and down, like he is judging your pajamas (that you honestly find wonderful) and you both let out a sigh; seems like you are on the same wavelength.
-Honestly, you thought having to deal with such a big dog would have been a mess, but he is so well behaved?? You notice he probably can’t see well, so you guide him a little trying to make him memorize your house.
-“Otoya called you Yuki, right? My boyfriend has a similar surname but you are cuter!” The dog that was previously swagging his tail with tongue poking out just stopped, still as a stone, almost…menacing? But you don’t get bothered too much, patting his head and calling him good boy.
-He follows you like a shadow, never leaving your side and looking at you with eyes full of love, they got aggressive when during a walk to the park some guys tried to hit on you, he even growled at them! But luckily you sent them off quickly and went on with your walk.
-Evening arrived fast and after preparing dinner for both of you, going to the sofa to watch a film seemed the best idea to end the day.
-“My God, Bret is the hottest human ever-“ “I’d gladly wash my laundry on his abs” “You can’t understand how much I’d pay to be in the backstage with him.” “He could treat me as his bad partner any time he wants” you sing sang. Not exactly, after all, you were just typing to a friend your recent thoughts about this actor.
But Yuki is counting. Noticing every single squeak, every single smirk. He doesn’t show it, he just waits patiently, head laying on your right leg for the right moment to strike.
-You both fall asleep on the sofa, film long forgotten a soft cover on both your bodies.
-You are the first to wake up, and it was hard not to scream at the sight in front of you. Your boyfriend, Kenyu, is laying on top of you, his long brown curls falling on your chest, his breath calm, still sleeping peacefully ah, he is also butt naked.
-And are these dog ears?? And that tail? Is it possible that-
“Morning love.”
-You feel a chill running down your spine. That voice had never brought good news.
-”Wanna tell me more about that Bret actor you like so much.” The shiver gets more intense as he slides up on your body, his face now at the same level as yours.
“You know what, don’t say anything-“ he taps his forefinger on your lips “I’ll make sure you’ll be only able to babble my name after I’m done with you.”
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spiderbeam · 8 days
I hate the condescending way some people talk about Colapinto in regards to his performance. From the beginning I saw so many people say basically "oh they're throwing this poor little nobody directly into an F1 car just to fail" , "He's going to fail so hard it will ruin his career" And then he showed up...and he is doing super well...
I can't help but sense that the condescending tone comes from a place of prejudice because Franco is Latin and some people can't catch the stereotypes they foster every single time they talk about him. How can you not see what it looks like to say "Oh they took our precious little meow meow Logan and they put this guy from Argentina and he's PROBABLY going to fail because why would he be any good" and say that and not catch how incredibly xenophobic you sound. I see it so often it's embarrassing I swear
yeah i agree tbh. the hate that exists towards franco DEFINITELY has some xenophobic/racist undertones, and it’s really sad to say that i’m not really surprised??? i mean checo’s been dealing with similar comments for a while now :/
i think i made a post a little while ago about this, but the rumors that franco only got into f1 because he was a pay driver honestly sounded so much like the rumors about checo only keeping his redbull seat during this second half of the season because of the mexican gp/sponsors. like isn’t it funny that people think that the two pay drivers on the grid happen to be the two latin american ones 🙂 like the racism is not even subtle at this point.
+ if i might add it also feels a lot like people are just waiting for the moment franco makes a mistake. like if you checked out the comments after franco’s crash in free practice you could just see people jumping on the opportunity to shit on him. and it’s apparently so easy to forget that franco:
previous to monza, franco had only done a total of 8 consecutive laps on an f1 car.
franco has never raced in baku before.
a year ago franco was driving for f3.
people were so quick to jump on the bandwagon that giving logan’s seat to franco would ruin him and that he would never make it, and yet he’s clearly succeeding thus far? even if he ends up p20 tomorrow, franco and his team have been repeating this time and time again: this is a learning experience from him. there is a learning curve.
finally!!!! i also wanna add a little something checo mentioned in an interview yesterday. he said that he had a heart to heart with franco because he knows that representing your country as a driver from latam is so drastically different from being a european driver. people tend to forget that the world of motorsport is so much more easily accessible to drivers that are from europe—i mean look at the grid—but also that drivers that are from latam that are currently making it have had to sacrifice so much to get there. that’s not to say the other drivers haven’t. but you see stories of franco having to sleep in factories when he was a teenager to cut costs. you see a teen checo having to live in a restaurant an ocean away from home, unable to make calls to his family because they were too expensive and sponsors wouldn’t cover the costs.
drivers from latam have their entire country—if not the entire continent—standing behind them. it’s why checo could break into motorsport in the first place. why franco managed to make it into f2. and honestly i am so sick of hearing racist comments about the two of them i just block people when it comes up. anyways.
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you can rip them from my cold dead hands
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mysouleaten · 1 year
raining cats and dogs !
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tokyo rev cats x gn! reader
summary ... it only started with [name] taking in two strays when they were driving home from work, it was pouring and the two poor strays were soaked! you couldn't leave them… so you took them in
warnings ... fluff, fluff, fluff
[part two]
it was pouring, pooooourrring!! pouring!
honestly, this was one of the most giant rain storms that has happened this year
it was around six-thirty pm when you got out of work, you worked in two pet shops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and then had the evening all to yourself
but the afternoon pet shop hours bled into your evening rest, which meant you had to stay a couple more hours because some brat threw a fit when he couldn't have the specific breed of dog he wanted and the mother wasn't much help either, threatening to call the cops on the pet shop because we had 'poor' customer service...
entitled people really are a pain...
you were stuck in traffic by seven pm and it lasted almost twenty-five minutes! you might have as well brought a pillow and blanket for a nap, and by the time traffic started to ease its way.. the storm had hit at first it was small droplets of rain, then it started to increase, and then finally a nice heavy water fall let down on gods stupid creation called earth
you liked the rain, it was nice and calming, when you weren't getting wet but one thing you didn't like about the rain was when you were driving!! you couldn't see a damn thing especially in the dark streets of tokyo! >:(
god knows if you accidentally hit someone but you wouldn't know! because it's dark as hell out here! even with the bright lights of the city that were being dimmed because of the heavy rain
maybe you would know if you hit someone? because you would obviously feel a bump? or a scream? or a- okay enough of that
you let out a breath when you finally saw your apartment complex
'bright lights tokyo apartment complex'
was the name of your fancy apartment complex, it was nice, spacious, and had a nice view of the city
and another plus was the strays that would walk around, some strays would let you pat them and feed them and others didn't like that all too much but it was still nice seeing them
though you wouldn't be staying for long, you were moving into a house soon. it was much closer to your jobs and it was known to have more strays around there, so that was a plus!
you parked your car near your building and turned off your car and just sat there for a little while, contemplating if you wanted to make a run for the stairs or just sleep in your car until the rain was over.. why? because you didn't bring an umbrella
you kissed your teeth and looked out the window, 'yep still pouring' you thought, you'd hoped the poring rain would decrease after a while but sadly it didn't
you looked around inside your car and let out a long breath "yep, gotta make a run for it" you said
quickly opening your car door and slamming it shut, and running towards the stairs that led you up a floor-to-your-apartment, finally having some shelter that stopped the rain from drenching you even more
you made it halfway up the stairs before hearing a small faint 'meow'
you made a confused face before looking over the railing and down to see if you could see what was making that sound, you didn't see anything
"curiosity killed the cat," you said to yourself and then started to slowly walk back up the stairs before you again heard the sad cry
you turned your head back and looked out into the car parking lot and then looked down to the bottom of the stairs
"well at least it isn't an old man crying for help... so how bad could this be?" you quietly said, you made your way down the stairs and looked left and right
you heard the sad cry from the cat again in the bushes on the left side of the wide opening, finally making your way all the way down the steps and then crouching down, wiping away the rainwater that was sliding down your face
"meoww.." there it was again
you stood up and walked closer to the wall, crouching beside it to look out into the bushes, there you saw a soggy shoe box with the lid half off of the box leaving whatever is inside open to the heavy rain that was pouring through the leaves of the bush
"meeoww..." hearing the sad cry again made your heart clench
"okay buddy im coming," you said, you stood up from your crouched position next to the concrete wall and quickly reached your arm into the bush to drag the shoe box out, you heard a whimper and a small hiss
"it's ok.. not gonna hurt you" you whispered finally getting the shoe box completely out from the bush and the pouring rain
you sat on the second step of the rain, letting the soggy shoe box have a place on your already-drenched lap
looking into the box you saw two cats, a yellowy-orange cat with stripes and a brownish-pinkish cat
they were curled up next to each other, seeming to keep each other warm
the orangy cat looked up at you with its cyan-blue eyes and blinked a couple of times and then pawed at its face to get rid of the extra moisture of its face
"hey, there buddy lemme get you inside it's cold out here" you quietly said, you didn't want to scare it. the cat didn't seem to protest so you carefully got up with the box in your hands and made your way up the stairs finally
when you got to your apartment door, you reached inside of your pockets to find them empty...
right.. all your belongings are inside your car..
that was in the parking lot...
in the cold pouring rain..
that's great, you had to make another trip in the rain, you most defiantly are gonna catch a cold now
"meow to you too buddy..."
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 1 year
Funny how the delta rune fandom treated Berdly as some supervillain and forced homo/transphobic and/or misogynist characteristics on him just to find a valid excuse to hate on him, when he is literally a CHILD that's HEAVILY implied to have been neglected by his parents, and made clear that he wasn't born smart and that he worked HARD for it. When in reality he really just wanted the best for Noelle and was manipulated by Queen. But then proceed to to treat the madman Spamton that literally sells you a damn torture device to two kids on the Alternative Route like a damn poor meow meow. Don't get me wrong Spams got an incredible sad backstory too but it's no excuse for what he did on the Weird Route.
Not saying you can't hate Berdly I just wish they had taken Queen's "there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying" line to heart because that's it. That's all about it. There's nothing wrong with him, he isn't a super villain or anything like that he's just annoying, he's a TEENAGER for heaven's sake every damn teenager is annoying, Instead of pushing problematic characteristics on him.
Especially with making him "homophobic" when really. He respected Kris pronouns better than the whole fandom every did. (All the humans in ud/dr are non binary and only use they/them)
You want my honest opinion?
I believe Berdlys actually very damn brave and cares much for his friends. I absolutely love him and the Weird Route literally shows this:
He realised that something was wrong with Noelle and Kris. He realised that we were hurting Noelle, we were also hurting Kris too be unforntaly he doesn't know about this. But he didn't run away, no no instead he fought us, He wanted to protect Noelle. He wanted to stop what he realised was wrong, He also only targeted Kris because he believed they are hurting Noelle (when in reality it was us but like I said he doesn't know of this) and he isn't stupid he probably realised what Snowgrave was the moment he heard it. But he still didn't run away, I can't imagine how scared he must of been at his last moments but he still didn't run away. Because he cared too much to continue letting us hurt Noelle.
Again it's okay if you dislike Berdly I can understand why but the amount of mischaracterization he got was absolutely insane to me
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midnightbrightside · 4 months
I’m desperate to your immaculate takes on Krisnix from that one ask—what do you think about 2 and 39 (bonus if the little animals get thrust upon them…it’s Trucy who brings home a box of kittens or something)
ayyy thank you im glad you like my krisnix thoughts!
2- What would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare?
when phoenix has nightmares kristoph holds him as he sobs, gently shushing him and saying it was just a dream. phoenix grips kristoph's arms tight to ground himself and it sometimes leaves bruises. kristoph always points them out in a "look what i put up with for you" kind of way that fills phoenix with shame. "really, phoenix, what would you do without me?"
when kristoph has a nightmare he needs to be completely alone but also held as tightly as possible, he also stops speaking. phoenix holds his hands but kristoph snatches them away like the touch burns him and he looks up with wide, scared eyes. so phoenix keeps his distance and encourages kristoph to breathe deep until he stops shaking. then he asks kristoph if he wants to talk about it, kristoph shakes his head. phoenix then asks if he wants a hug, kristoph croaks out very quietly "im not... a child" and phoenix nods "you're not" and holds out his arms. kristoph collapses into them.
39- Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
i got too excited abt this one. gonna put everyone one my "kristoph loves animals" agenda.
trucy comes back home absolutely drenched by the rain holding a box of 6 sopping wet abandoned kittens. she begs phoenix to let her keep them and it absolutely breaks phoenix heart to say "we dont have the space or the money for everything they need. it's late so we can keep them for tonight but we'll have to take them to a shelter tomorrow, im sorry, sweetheart." trucy is NOT happy about it. in true preteen fashion she takes them to her room and starts planning all the ways she, a 12 year old, could raise 6 kittens. phoenix sighs and starts searching what he should feed them, just for tonight.
kristoph arrives later on to pick phoenix up for a date, sees the little furballs meowing around the apartment, and immediately starts fussing.
"these poor babies! where did you find them, and why are they so filthy?"
phoenix explains whats going on and adds "we tried to give them a bath but..." he holds up his arms to show the scratches.
kristoph scoffs, "really, phoenix, you dont have nearly the means nor the knowledge to take care of one animal let alone six." he looks down to where trucy is sitting, playing with the kittens with a makeshift toy made of scrap cloth, and frowns.
"well, first of all, kris: ouch. i was actually thinking we could maybe keep one-"
trucy interrupts from the floor "THREE at LEAST!"
"- and secondly, as i said, we are going to take them to a shelter first thing tomorrow" he looks so apologetic, so sad.
"Absolutely not" Kristoph snaps, "the local shelters are overrun as it is, to say nothing of how they are managed. I wouldnt trust them with these poor creatures either." he looks like hes thinking about something, "Trucy, dear, have you noticed if these kittens are injured or perhaps sick?"
trucy perks up and lists how each cat is faring, which ones are walking funny and points out how one of them has a weird spot near it's eye. as she's rattling off each one's ailments, phoenix notes that she's already named them and his heart melts a little more.
kristoph tuts, "we'll have to take them to the vet then, we can get them microchipped while we're there. vongoles' carrier should be big enough for the journey, oh, she would make an excellent mother..." he almost sounds like he's thinking out loud.
"so we're keeping them???" Trucy beams.
kristoph explains that they're not old enough to be separated from their siblings yet and that she and Phoenix dont have the space to care for all of them, but he is more than happy to take them until they are ready to go to a good home. he shoots a sharp glare at phoenix as he says "typically, cats adjust to a new home much better when adopted in pairs", phoenix gets the memo.
the next day they take the kittens to the vet and kristoph buys all the supplies he could need. over the next few weeks he nurses them back to health and trucy drops by almost every day after school to see how they're doing and play with them. phoenix knew that kristoph liked animals, but it's something else to see this 6'1 icicle of a man dote on these tiny creatures, he even calls them by the names trucy gave them. in moments like these he doesnt seem dangerous at all.
and vongole LOVES them, she's so excited when she first sees them she barely knows what to do with herself. kristoph was right, she makes a great mother. phoenix finds everyone's energy infectious, he buys food, 2 cat beds, some toys, other supplies, and when the time comes he asks kristoph about the kittens.
"sorry, Phoenix, i already found good homes for them" kristoph smiles apologetically and phoenix's heart drops, "i didnt even know you wanted one, i know trucy did, but you didnt seem too enthused. perhaps it's for the best, you dont have the means to take care of a pet." oh.
trucy is miserable. phoenix feels like hes dissapointed her. kristoph is smug as all hell.
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boyslit · 8 days
HSR Cooking Headcanons!
found a big document of these i never finished but i think they're fun. doesn't include everyone but a vast majority of Belobog+Luofu characters
Trailblazer - not so great with a stove. Pom-Pom has PTSD flashbacks when they offer to help prepare meals and the Trailblazer is thusly shooed from the premises. they're used to foraging snacks and treasures in the trash anyway
March 7th - ADHD disaster. she can whip up desserts mostly but the kitchen looks like a tornado happened afterwards and she'll rope someone into helping
Dan Heng - this boy grew up in a prison and then spent his adult life on the run from his murderous ex, when did he have time to learn to cook? naw, if he's not on the Express it's takeout and fast food for this poor meow meow
Pom-Pom - the esteemed head chef of the Astral Express. they are the ruler of their kitchen and no recipe is beyond their grasp. you might wonder how they can reach the counters and grip utensils when they are so small and bunny-like but Pom-Pom is very good at what they do, so you don't have to worry at all!
Welt Yang - he's an ok cook, like many dads, but he's got a tendency to lean on parental shortcuts like frozen French fries or chicken nuggets (not that anyone ever complains about this)
Himeko - she's best left to her coffee brewing, let's just put it that way.
Kafka - also a disaster, but she has little interest in cooking for herself. this is also the reason the trailblazer can't cook - she wasn't able to teach them
Silver Wolf - no interest in cooking beyond TV meals or reheating leftovers. takeout, gamer supps and snackies take priority 
Blade - somewhere in his muddied floodwaters of memory there's the capability to cook, but it comes and goes and the pain in his hands make it difficult to grip utensils and other implements with the fine motor movements required to chop and whisk and flip. He used to cook for his husband occasionally despite Dan Feng having a personal chef as high elder
Gepard - he does his best… things like breakfast eggs, toast, sausage, noodles, these are easy to accomplish. anything too fancy is a step too far. he's really too busy to practice.
Serval - generally competent. she had to learn to feed herself after getting kicked out of the architects and staying on her own. she's adventurous, always trying new flavor combinations and changing recipes for fun
Lynx - a true outdoorswoman, knows how to forage and trap game and cooks a mean stew. it's unconventional fare, though, and not to everyone's sensibilities. 
Pela - a good cook. sticks to the recipes religiously, and very good at baking because of her precision
Natasha - "knows" how to cook but while she's great at the chemistry behind making medicines, food takes a backseat. grin and bear it if she asks you to try something she made, you don't want to make her sad. she tried really hard for you after all.
Hook - isn't allowed to cook without supervision but she makes an enthusiastic sous chef! helps Dad make dinner and sets a lovely table
Seele - abysmal but I can see her being interested in improving in order to cook something nice for Bronya. when asked why she's suddenly interested in learning, however, the lady doth protest too much. you don't question it further though because you don't want her to make you a knuckle sandwich.
Sampo - unfortunately my own biases cloud my judgement here because I love a man that can cook. but Sampo does seem like the sort of guy who operates on comedy law and that's something I am familiar with. option 1: he closes the door to the kitchen and refuses anyone's help. there's an unholy racket, a cloud of black smoke, some coughing, a Wilhelm scream, and then a few bars of whistling. when he emerges, it's with a pristine plate of gorgeously prepared braised meat and carmelized vegetables with delicate garnish. option 2: he puts on a bit of a show. it's like that cooking porn anime, and onlookers find they have to look away periodically or loosen a tie to keep themselves in check. finally, when he lifts the lid over the plate… the censorship committee has ordered it pixelated so it can still air in the same time slot. (both of these scenarios happen within the same week)
Bronya - she's too busy! she's always working or training or sleeping. luckily, Seele is hard at work learning to cook for her wife hard-working friend
Qingque - Maybe instant noodles, maybe the Xianzhou equivalent of box Mac and cheese. Otherwise she's patronizing the food spots in Aurum Alley and getting takeout ordered to her desk so she can be seen working through lunch (she's not actually working tho)
Fu Xuan - she makes a mean pot of tea but she's so busy she has no time to cook. She subscribes to box meals (like Hello Fresh, etc) so she can feel like she's not surviving on takeout and restaurant meals. She definitely has Girl Breakfast and Girl Lunch though (her favorite bubble tea and two cups of extra sugary tea for that afternoon pick-me-up, respectively) which is not great. Watch out for gastritis, sis.
Jing Yuan - he's got dad grilling vibes but I can't see this man seriously cooking. at best there'll be weaponized incompetence before he's shooed out of the kitchen, chuckling. since he's the general however I have to assume he has a personal chef. 
Yanqing - tried to cut vegetables with his swords once and was summarily banned from every kitchen
Jingliu - I'm not even sure she eats anymore. Doesn't she just feed off of ambient malice or something
Luka - Mr. Meat Boy knows his way around a grill and a campfire, but try to sully it with vegetables and you're getting the biggest glare he can muster. A boxer can't live on meat alone, and considering you're nihility path, do we think a vegetable may cause less despair?
Guinaifen - does this girl live somewhere? Like in an apartment or something? She seems to be always out and about, busy streaming or performing or meeting friends to do either of the previous. She probably eats like Qingque does, grabbing something from the Alley whenever her tummy grumbles, but otherwise we are on 👏 the 👏 go !
Topaz - this girl is BUSY busy, she's ordering Grubhubs and Doordashes and having her order from the caf delivered by drone bot while she works through lunch. likes big meetings in the conference rooms though, because there's usually pastries and coffee
Aventurine - much like the other hardworking folks, he ends up with a lot of Space Doordashed lunches and late-work dinners. He attempts recipes from internet videos sometimes, for fun and the love of the trend. He doesn't super know what he's doing but it always turns out marvellously.
Ratio - Few things are outside Dr. Veritas Ratio's wheelhouse, and because a healthy diet is required to maintain a healthy body and mind, he's well versed in cooking techniques and healthy eating. Occasionally will stoop to making something less healthy like french toast to spoil Aventurine with.
Ruan Mei - In my head she's got the 'tism that makes her dislike all but like 2 or 3 textures, and those textures are generally desserts she's learned to make for herself - smooth puddings and pastes, soft dough. I suppose the Lifeform Oven isn't technically cooking, however…
Mme.  Herta - [Automatic Reply] I'm busy. The cafeteria is open for this purpose. [This user cannot be replied to.]
Asta - there's a reason Arlan makes fried rice so well 🙃
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y2kbugs · 1 year
Why Rincewind deserves your love
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Tumblr loves characters like Rincewind right now. The sad, weary one who really doesn't want to be here but does it anyway cause no one else bothered, and is often vulnerable, cowardly, and a weakling compared to everyone else. In other words, the pathetic wet cat, the poor little meow meow.
Vimes is also a perfect example of this archetype, he's there and he's great, but Rincewind to me is a sort of hidden gem bogged down by the author's early writing and the struggle to live up to those later, more deep characters. It doesn't really help that Pratchett also got bored of writing him, and only felt obligated because he had fans (which in a way sounds like Rincewind himself), but...
The first two books aren't even bad. The only thing I'd say is that TCOM has some confusing writing going on and feels more like a collection of stories but it's good and could be better if rewritten. Rincewind is a wonderful character and Twoflower is a delight. TLF is a definite improvement writing and character wise and gives development to Rincewind.
He's not "a weak character who doesn't do anything but run". He is not badly written. He is a character who does not want to be the hero but does it anyway. He has deep empathy and believes that throwing your life away for a good cause is inherently selfish rather than selfless (and! he does this himself, kind of. He does make a sacrifice to help somebody, but he lives).
He isn't stupid. He might be the smartest character in his books, but that's more because the other characters are relatively kind of dumb. The only thing he's really bad at is being a wizard, that's it. He's not a good wizard, but he's a great strategist, he knows a lot about magic, knows almost every language on Discworld and this was how he got to know Twoflower in the first place. I would call him an average intelligence and very high wisdom character in DnD. He's intensely rational and will point out gaps in reasoning and logic. He might be a pessimist, but he has experience and he's going to use that.
That's not to say he doesn't make mistakes. He absolutely does, but making dumb mistakes is much different from willful and sheer ignorance which he does not display.
His hat says "Wizzard" because it's supposed to be a pun on "he can't spell", and it's highly unlikely that he actually misspelled it not knowing the actual spelling considering he reads a lot.
He is very, very defensive and adamant about his identity as a wizard. It's pretty much everything to him and he has a crisis whenever other characters mock and have general distrust of wizards.
He's done the following:
Beat the shit out of an eldritch horror until it ran away from him (TLF),
forced an extremely powerful spell out of his head with sheer will (TLF),
Defeated the most powerful deceased wizard possessing a magical staff with only a brick in a sock, and took both himself and the wizard's son into the Dungeon Dimensions, where he fought back creatures to allow the boy to escape. (Sourcery)
Gave the boy a speech about how it's important to not let anyone define who you are as a person and no one should have to tell you what to do (Sourcery)
Used a whole terracotta army to beat an entire army, and succesffully intimidated them via psychological tricks. (Interesting Times)
Brought rain back to Fantasy Australia and talked back against Death who convinced him to give up. (TLC)
Maybe he's not the most sympathetic character, because he's not chivalrous or manly. He has no bravery and freely admits to being a coward, he's kind of a jerk who cools down as time goes on, and he's selfish enough that he thinks being selfless is a total waste of time and is selfish in itself. He's a cynic and a pessimist with a worldview shaped by his terrible experiences on Discworld, but he's very well-traveled even against his own will, and from this experience he knows precisely how to get out of danger, how to outsmart an individual (or a whole army) and more.
He's shown empathy. Being tired at the world at large and not liking the other wizards very much but going out of his way to save the world from a wizard gone rogue anyway because nobody else bothered to and he's angry, saving a boy from his abusive father's power and diving headfirst into the Dungeon Dimensions, trying to convince an "army" of mostly children why trying to fight against a legitimate army of warriors is a horrible idea and will only get them killed, Helping some thirsty sheep out to get access to water despite not needing to, bringing rain back to Fantasy Australia even though he could have given up and gone home at any moment, being made a "test subject" for the wizard's project in creating Roundworld/Earth, learning aabout the life on there over millions of years and talking about how hard it is for life to grow on there in its earliest millions of years, teaching Roundworld inhabitats the importance of art and creativity not only to outsmart the elves but because he wanted to (while the other wizards considered him stupid for this idea).
And he doesn't want to be a hero, he has no obligation to and is perfectly happy just being alone in the library and reading old books. He wants a life of peace and quiet and nothing life-threatening, but unfortunately he's pushed into these situations. Often though instead of simply resigning himself and giving up altogether, he sucks it up and goes and does it anyway with the expectation that he can go home in the end. That, and by now he's already expected this is his role: to fix shit and go home, even though he'd love to have someone else do his job.
It rubs me the wrong way to see people call him one-dimensional or just "the guy that is scared and runs away"...That to me is like simply calling Vimes "the depressed cop who drinks a lot" or Granny Weatherwax "the old witch who kicks ass". Of course the character will seem one dimensional if you describe them that way. Vimes is better written overall and gets better development for sure, which is also what his character is built for, as well as a more serious story that doesn't lend itself as well to basically slapstick. Rincewind isn't built for overcoming his fears, but rather his selfish attitude and to finally find peace with himself, and he works as a comedic character while also balancing out the fact he can be anything other than a clown or coward.
He gets what he always wanted in the end too. Pratchett might not have wanted to write him anymore, but instead of simply putting him on a bus, he gave Rincewind a position at Unseen University, only dampened by the fact the other wizards clearly don't respect him, therefore he can't really be a professor as a job, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he loves that. He gets free food, a quiet place to stay, and has zero obligations. He's happy, and the last thing we know of him is that he's studying the effects of plants on the nervous system (Raising Steam), and he's very important in the Science Of Discworld series, initially being a test subject and later being the "to go" for information about Roundworld/Earth, even getting to keep the globe in his room.
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To Me, From Me
Pairing: F! OC Evelyne “Snake” Gray x Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
CWs: Insecurities, ANGST with a happy ending, disassociation, poor self esteem, hints to abuse, mentions of pregnancy, slight pregnancy complication, Kyle is a sweetie, this is sad because I said so.
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At 17, Evelyne never saw herself getting married, let alone having children of her own, but at 27, she cherishes every moment with her girls. She finally had the life she wished for, an amazing husband, her sisters by her side, a daughter, and a second child on the way. She didn’t ask for anything more, so why did she get thrown into this situation? What the fuck did she do to piss off God so bad that He did this to her?
Scarlette’s piercing cry breaks Evelyne out of her thoughts, turning her head to see Kyle comforting their daughter. Claire stands up slowly to go make a bottle for the girl, passing a worried glance at her, and then to the man sitting smugly in her living room. A man she never thought she’d see again, who abandoned her at 17, running off to god knows where. “Nellian, what have you done?”
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“I reached out to him first, Ev, I swear! Its not his fault, he wanted to see you- he feels bad for not stopping what dad d-”
“Nellian,” Kyle’s voice broke through the young woman’s rant, “Go upstairs with Claire and Scar,”
“Uncle Ky please just-”
Nellian frowns, but heads for the stairs, Claire following behind her with Scarlette wiggling in her arms. Andrew sits there, calmly, eyes trained on Evelyne’s heavily pregnant stomach. His eyes flick to Kyle when the man comes up to sit next to her, turning his body to slightly block her from her brother’s view.
“Mars,” Andrew calls out, voice slightly raspier than before.
“Lorris,” the nickname rolls off her tongue easily despite her anxiety, as if she hasn’t not said it in 10 years. “You better have a good fucking reason to be here, Andrew. And you’ve got 10 seconds to make me believe your bullshit story.” Andrew scoffs at her husband, rolling his eyes. “Nellie had reached out, said she wanted to meet with me, so I did.” “Now,” Kyle leans his elbows on his knees, blocking Evelyne entirely from Andrew. “I know that’s bullshit, because you didn’t just meet with Nellian, you drove her back to my home, and walked through the fucking door like you paid the mortgage. Try again.”
Andrews leg bounces, a tick she will never forget of his, while glaring at Kyle. A wave of pain crashes through Evelyne’s body like lighting, causing her to inhale sharply. Her quick breath doesn’t go unnoticed, however, as Kyle immediately turns to her, brown eyes full of panic.
“Are you alright, love?”
Evelyn’s goes to nod, not wanting to cause a disturbance, but another wave of pain pulls a groan from her throat. It doesn’t feel like Braxton hicks, no, it feels exactly like when she went into labor with Scarlette. Kyle seems to notice her internal panic, standing up and grabbing Andrew roughly by the collar, dragging him to the front door. “If you ever show your ugly fucking mug here again, I’m putting a bullet between your eyes.” Kyle slams the door, rushing back to Evelyne, who is now surrounded by her three minions, meowing away at their mom.
“C’mon love, we’re going to the hospital.”
“But Scar,”
“Claire and Nel have her, we need to make sure you’re both okay.”
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“Well,” the OBGYN takes off her gloves, “I don’t see any reason to panic, it looks like stress caused minor pre-term contractions, but you’re not dilated, so just make sure you’re resting.” She reassured them before smiling and saying her goodbyes.
Evelyne relaxes at that, squeezing Kyle’s hand as he rests his forehead against hers. They stay like that for a moment, before he brings his other hand down to her bare bump, thumb brushing against old scars.
If only 17 year old Evelyne could see her now, belly the size of a beach ball, married, and so in love. The brat would probably laugh her ass off in disbelief.
As Kyle pulls her shirt down for her and helps her sit up, Evelyne wonders if she could have ever lived without him. If she would still be here, or if she would be living life through a lens, only alive for the sake of her sisters. If she would still see color in this world.
This time, a harsh kick to Kyle’s hand on her belly breaks her out of her thoughts. She laughs at his look of offense from being kicked by his unborn daughter.
“Not even born yet and the little shit is already causing trouble, huh?”
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