#Writer on tumbler
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My life in school right now
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n-amelessart · 2 years
RECEIVED BY: Matron Gate
DATE: 143/79 NC
TIME: Ert- 7:21AM UTC
[A channel activates to soft static.]
> Iosha: What channel is that?
> Elek: Oh damn! It’s here! It’s them!
[Chairs squeak and wheels roll against the floor.]
> Elek: Ready?
> Iosha: ...My name is Iosha, Senior Communications Handler for the Matron Gate, formerly reported as Operator One.
> Elek: I am Elek, Recruit Communications Handler for the Matron Gate. I was Operator Two in the previous report.
> Iosha: As per the orders of Chief Iane and the Exploration Department, every incoming message from the Drifting City will be recorded for... some reason.
> Elek: That isn’t very professional.
> Iosha: Shut up and turn up the volume on that channel. Start the trace too.
[Static grows louder. Static is sustained for 2 min 34 seconds.]
>Sender 1 (S1): *unintelligible through static* - just saying that you would be interested if you could be... Nope. *Microphone brought very close to Sender’s mouth.* Let it be known that in addition to being a liar, Captain Jackass has never once felt an emotion besides a general and constant irritation. *Microphone is pulled back to a suitable distance.* I, on the other hand, have never spoken a lie. What is recorded here can be taken as absolute, unbiased, perfect, objective, total and complete -
> Elek: This is the valuable data we need to record?
> Iosha: Shh. 
> S1: - truth. Here are some truths now: the hallway is dark, the hallway is long, Jackass had his spine put in place through his ass and I am bored... Hey, you said chronicling things would be fun... Fun, time-consuming, same thing... I’ve been doing this for a half hour already... Yeah but that half hour wasn’t fun. Hallways, hallways, hallways, storage rooms, warehouses, hallways, closets, stairwells, hallways and did I mention hallways? I can only say the same thing so many times... hey wait!
[Grunts, pulled fabric and the transmitter hitting the ground can be heard. There is a pause and the transmitter is picked up.]
> Sender 2 (S2): Dumbass has been relieved of the duties of a chronicler and authority has been transferred to me. Considering - *S1 agitated in the background* - CONSIDERING the quality of the contents in this and the previous recording, I will start fresh. Recording device was discovered in what is assumed to be the Bridge, judging by the large window, the consoles and window-facing chairs, roughly a week ago. Since then, we have since travelled approximately 800 kilometers and have not found anything of interest. “Interest” is the wrong word. More like, “useful.” As stated in a... previous record, we are hoping to find protection for our feet. And if we happen stumble across a way to fix Dumbass’s arm, we will do that as well... That is all for this record. How do I turn this -
[Transmitter hits the floor again and is picked up immediately after.]
> S1: That has to have been the least interesting string of words anyone has ever said. But the great thing about you is that you prove me wrong all the time. Anyways, where was I? Oh right. Hallways. Lots of them. I am probably an expert in hallways at this point. Maybe I can brag about that when we met someone who doesn’t want to kill us, haven’t seen a person like that in a while so it should be about time we find another. Hmm... what else what else? Hmmm... I like the color purple. Apparently, I can’t actually see it but I like it anyways... *S2 in the background* No, I don’t want you to explain it. Let me just like the color. Oh! Wait, let me guess. Your favorite color issss... grey? ...Oh? Long silence? Am I right? Is Captain Jackass that predictable?... Slate isn’t a real color! Shut up! You even make winning feel bad. You must have given me a virus somehow.
[The channel falls silent for 4 minutes 23 seconds.]
> S1: Well. I guess that’s it. This concludes this record.
[Channel cuts off.]
> Iosha: What did you find?
> Elek: I was right, the transmission is from outside the Belt. Way outside the Belt. What did you say was the furthest outpost you know?
> Iosha: The one on Titan is the furthest one I know of with my credentials.
> Elek: We are way out of depth then.
> Iosha: You drive me nuts with this crap. Just say it straight out.
> Elek: If the numbers are right and the trace is correct, then... then the source is coming from Kuiper.
> Iosha: ... Give me that. I’ll send the report. This is Iosha, Senior Communication Handler for the Matron Gate.
> Elek: Um - I’m Elek. Recruit Communications Handler.
> Iosha: End recording.
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tumbler-polls · 9 months
If you wish, tag your MBTI/enneagram type!
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alaaalkhateeb · 3 months
At the morning of the first day of Eid al-Adha, we see the blood of children filling the streets instead of the blood of the Eid sacrifices.
Please save my family from this horrible war by donating or interacting with my posts🙏
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angadgautama · 1 month
This world is like a Railway Station,
some passengers are coming,
some are going.
status of human is just like a toy.
for living you need money,
but death is free of cost.
this world just like a mound of deads.
souls can't live here forever.
Then why we run after others.
why we want to take pain of others.
we came alone, and will go alone.
if you win whole the world,
at the end what will Change!
This world...........
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hectorfrombritain · 5 months
It's honestly quite beautiful how you begin to pick up little habits and traits from the people you love,
like getting introduced to a music artist who becomes your favourite by someone you only talked to twice,
doing something the same way a friend once taught you,
pronouncing a word in a 'different' manner than normal because a friend used to say it like that,
loving the flavour of something such as a specific ice cream because it was a friend's favourite,
and much more.
Probably that's why I believe it's so hard to part from people,
because it feels like they've become but a part of your soul itself,
however small it may be, and now they're no longer with you
But they'll always be there in these little habits and traits.
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lababbyblue · 7 months
No escribirte me duele, pero me duele más tu indiferencia.
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moneyloverspender · 6 months
Loud thuds of your boots as yOu walk down the hallway of the school, heading down to the principal's office.
Opening the large door with a loud squeak. The white haired man and a boy with pink-ish hair comes into view along with the cursed puppets made by the Older man sitting in front of them.
"You're late L/N. " Yaga stated as he patted the cursed puppets head.
"Had to deal with some bastards along the way." You replied as you glanced at the younger boy who is staring right at you.
"It's rude to stare, you know" you glared back.
"Oh I'm sorry-" he stopped, a strong aura changed the atmosphere as a mouth and eyes appeared on his face.
Your face quirking into a frown and your guard rising up along with the two men.
"Oi Yuuji... " the snow haired man muttered beside you.
Slapping his hand on his face, an attempt to make the curse's face dissapear on his.
"Oi, whats wrong with you" he stated on the face on his.
The 3 men casted their glances at the woman who seems shock as well.
"You seem to know me, Ryomen Sukuna" you stated a smirk forming on you face.
"You... Are oddly familiar... " he stated, his voice rough.
You glanced at Gojo, he nodded in response.
With a snap of his finger, Yuuji fainted, Gojo catching him on his arms.
"What the hell was that about?" Yaga asked irritation and anger lingered in his voice.
You stayed quiet, lots of questions clooding your mind "What the hell does he mean by familiar? "
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nasrallahharmoush · 1 month
😎 My self-confidence is higher than Mount Everest 🗻❄
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nuisancevian · 23 days
¿Por qué en Tumblr casi todos somos tan calientes, tan intensos y a la vez tan melancólicos, depresivos?   ¿Será que aquí venimos a caer todas las almas desoladas? ¿Los que estamos en búsqueda de algo que justifique el caos de nuestras mentes? ¿Algo que le encuentre sentido a todo?
Culpo al deseo carnal, al deseo de sentirnos vivos, culpo al VACÍO existencial que sentimos.
Aquí es en donde nos desahogamos...Donde toda nuestra mierda no se juzga...
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shelovesskiez · 20 days
September is here, and I still can't figure out how August passed by so quickly. It's still raining here; it's beautiful at times like that. You realize the warmth of hot soup, that perfect cup of tea, and the comfort that your blanket holds. It's not too cold nor hot; it's just fine. You get a bittersweet feeling; it does get gloomy sometimes, but in most scenarios you'll see rainbows only when it rains, so let it pour; enjoy the process; it won't be raining always. Sunny days will be there, and the warmth will mend your soul. "Nature doesn't hurry yet, everything is accomplished."
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© - Shelovesskiez
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sarrf · 12 days
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idazahardt · 3 days
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annakayy · 8 months
Been revising this novella lately and I’m actually quite surprised at how far my writing has come within the past six months. I started The Hinterlands to stay dedicated to writing during the year, to make sure I couldn’t make up any excuses as to why I couldn’t write, and it’s helped immensely with productivity and, evidently, improvement. It makes me wonder where I’ll be in five years or so, what will have changed. I’m curious as to what I’ll think of my writing now. Will I cringe? Will I admire it? Will I be completely indifferent? Will I be using any of the characters that I’m focusing on now, later on? How will their fates have changed? What kind of themes, what new stories will I have written?
Things like that are the kind of things I look forward to knowing. The future is promising!
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alaaalkhateeb · 4 months
- What are your dreams after the war?
= To feel safe
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angadgautama · 1 month
I often think about those time,
when there weren't the boundary.
feeling weren't surrounded by the wall of fear.
when human slept under the open sky...
although books tells that they were ugly.
but there was the real smile and sadness.
they were neither like joker nor crocodile.
Everyone have stuck down.
Relationship Have become hanging rope.
Where is the butterfly of peace!
Where is the pigeon of good hope!
Where is world without politics!
Where is the world without banks!
Where is edge of this destruction!
Where is the part of world for me!
Where are the real of you?
Where I can go to find the real of me?
where those good times have gone....where!!!!!
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