#YALL shes got DOLPHINS in her EYES!!!
tedscansstuff · 1 year
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🌺🐬 2009 Lisa Frank coloring & activity book with stickers. Cassie the surfer girl 🫧🐠
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Summary: You’re a siren washed up on the beach. Elvis and his mafia discover you, and Elvis suddenly becomes very protective. 
Warnings: none - wholesome as shit lil’ drabble. protective!elvis incoming!
A/N: well this one came out of left field. LOL. i suddenly felt compelled to write this weird, supernatural-y fluff piece that was completely self-indulgent. with that said i hope yall like it anyway!
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The taller of the male humans approach you with caution. Alarmed, you inch backward, an effort that is in vain; unused to being on land, you cannot maneuver your body in the way that you want, the sand creating a divot from your tail’s efforts to retreat, effectively trapping you in place. 
“Don’t worry, hunny, I ain’t gon’ hurtcha,” he male coos, a deep low murmur that sounds soothing to your ears, although its language remains foreign to you. 
You tilt your head in confusion, stilling, although you remain alert. Something about this human has your defenses lowered somewhat despite all you’d heard about his species. The males, especially, were prone to violence, killing even. His presence seems conflicting with such an image. Besides, you admitted you were hardly in a position to turn down help: the longer you stayed on land, the more harmful it would be to your health. 
“Good girl,” he said, his beautiful blue eyes alight with marvel as he reached toward you with open hands. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Watching your expression remain unchanged, he laughed. “And you have no idea what I’m saying, do you?” 
You recognized the words as a question only, and shook your head, earning a pleasant hum in return. He nodded toward the waves a few feet away. “You need help gettin’ back in the water, don’t you?” You nodded vigorously, hair shaking, for once understanding his meaning. 
“I can help ya, but I gotta get your permission to lift ya in my arms.” He flashed his hands palm facing you, motioning toward your body and then the water. You understood, although weren’t too pleased about how it would have to happen. You supposed you didn’t have a choice. 
“Only if you’ll let me,” he reiterated it was your decision to make. 
Sighing, you nodded, and just as he bent to pick you up by your waist, the other hand reaching toward the dip where your tail naturally bent, an approaching figure startled you, causing you to cry out and evade his touch. 
The human male by your side turned angry, yelling something at his companion who stood dumbfounded. 
“Whaddaya think you’re doin’, scarin’ her like that, Red? Jesus, ain’t ya got any sense in that thick skull o’ yours? She’s clearly already scared and confused. And just when I was gettin’ her to trust me.” 
Seeing him angry scared you further, and his temper calmed some, like a balloon deflating. “Aw, hell, doll, didn’t mean to scare you even more. That mean old man ain’t gonna hurt you, I promise. I wouldn’t let ‘im.” 
The stranger snorted, walking off. He seemed to be goading your savior now, but he paid them no mind. 
Satisfied with the distance, some tension left your prone body. The human smiled, pleased. “All right, let’s try this again. One, two, three-!” He picked you up in one fell swoop, your heart pounding; you’d never experienced this feeling before, this feeling of weightlessness. You felt suddenly inclined to look up and you caught eyes with the human who smiled endearingly back at you. 
“Just when I thought you couldn't get any prettier,” he said, and his gaze dipped a little lower to your heaving chest, and your little tummy where a slight roll rested below your bellybutton. Balancing you, his hand came up to briefly run through your hair, petting you like you would the dolphins and seals when you were in the water. “Just gorgeous.” 
His companions yelled something at him, and he startled, remembering his duty. “Right, let’s get you back in the water. Poor thing, you’re already dryin’ up out on land.” He tutted, resituating you in his arms and taking fast, long strides towards the ocean. 
The sun was starting to set, and it made your water shimmer. Every atom in your body was charged, anticipating the feeling of being submerged once more. 
“Gonna set you down, nice n’ easy.” You were a few centimeters from splashing in the shallow end when he suddenly drew back. You swung your head to him, concerned. Had he changed his mind? “I-I just wanted to say this since I’ll probably never see you again,” and he looked suddenly very sad. “I know you don’t understand m-me,” his laugh was less joyous sounding and more teasing, as if of himself. “I just feel since this is of the heart some part o’ you should get my meaning. Well, I just really liked being around you, even if it was only for a minute. You made me feel things I ain’t ever felt with no other woman before. And n-not just cause you’re technically not a woman, but, hell, you get what I mean.” 
Your eyes had water building up in them, and you weren’t sure why or what it meant, but with every utterance from this human’s lips it grew stronger. “Aw, don’t cry, darlin’.” 
“Maybe... maybe there’s a chance, one day, we’ll see each other again.”
You lifted your hand, to which he watched in awe, and you placed it on his bare chest right where his heart lay. You said something in your language. 
Someday, you’d said back; you understood not a single word of his proclamation, but you felt certain of the longing in his eyes. He’d wished to see you, and you wished for it, too. 
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butchniqabi · 2 years
yall this hiking trip has been soooooo fun omg ive become fully self-actualized and bore witness to horrorible and beautiful transformations within a wilderness that isnt at all lonely or desolate. i mean i saw a never ending sermon written in moss by a creature i couldnt comprehend, was shown the unbeholdable sublime by said creature, saw my husband in a dolphin's eye (and we both witnessed and understood one another for the first time), read notebook entries left by hundreds of people who all walked down my path and all ended up in the same place, and i got to annoy and interrogate my boss about the area we were in and she complimented me though she clearly still hated me and i sat there with her as she succumbed to her injuries and turned into moss. i dont think i'll ever want to go home!
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Martin: works on one of Peter Lukas’s ships. Is the one to first catch Distortion Michael (aka: the merm) and takes the issue to Jon, thinking they’d know what to do.
Peter: is a boat captain that mainly catches and sells highly prized but endangered animals such as whales, seals and dolphins.
Jon: an Oracle. He was taught by gertrude how to read into the mind’s eye, and lost quite a bit of his humanity when elias murdered her. When Martin came to him with the issue, he was able to direct him to Gerry.
Gertrude: was the original Oracle. She also had an affinity toward witchcraft and dark magic of any kind.
Mary: with gertrude gone, Mary was the most feared witch in London for those who knew what she could truly do. She had a bookshop that sold magical books, spell books, and regular witchy items.
Gerry: once Mary died from self mutilation during an immortality spell gone wrong, Gerry was forced to take over the store. He doesn’t really like the store much, and is neutral toward witchcraft, though he does practice it at times. Knowledgeable on the supernatural.
The Distortion: a parasitic being capable of deception and horror beyond what the human mind can comprehend. It’s true form can only be witnessed under the lens of water- which is where its energy is from. It’s known to drive people mad if they look at it
Michael Shelley: used to be a village boy who worked at the library. He helped gertrude out by bringing her food and trying to keep her company because he thought that she may be lonely. During this time, gertrude was trying to find a way to pacify the Distortion. She decided to sacrifice Michael to its hold- which bound his body to the sea. The curse could only be broken if the body of Michael dried out completely. Because of the way the distortion could lie and fight, that was a near impossible task. Even when dry the Distortion remains bound to Michael so the curse would activate yet again if he ever got wet- adding another layer of impossibility
Nikola: is the ringmaster in a traveling circus known to exploit occult wonders.
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 23: patronus
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Chapter 22
a/n comment yalls thoughts on the story so far and what you think about the choice of patronus! My patronus is a boar and I hate it lol! Let me know what yalls patronuses are!
I began to turn around to head back, there was no way I'd go in there, it's called forbidden for a reason. I looked down at the map as I began to walk away and it started to disintegrate in my hands and crumpled up into ash. "What!? Come on!" I said as it blew out of my hand. "Ughhhh!" I said slapping my forehead, this is bullshit. I looked back at the forest and walked up to the edge of it again.
 I squinted looking into it, "Lumos" I said, raising my wand and holding it up. I looked in trying to see as far as possible into it, but it was almost pitch black. I looked behind me at the castle and back to the forest, tapping my leg thinking about what to do, I mean what if someone's in trouble and they need my help. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked back once more, when I turned to look in the forest again I noticed a green footprint on the ground. I walked up closer to it and another illuminated after it, "No I shouldn't this is crazy '' I said looking at the footprint, the only sound I could hear was the wind in the trees. I walked a step closer and another set appeared after that. I mean if the person really didn't care if I came they wouldn't have done all this right? I cautiously stepped forward, now entering into the forest. I'd been in here before for Care of Magical Creatures, but it was daytime, and I was with a class and a teacher. I slowly began to follow the footprints holding up my wand and looking around in all directions for anything that may come at me. The footprints led me for a while taking turns and going over hills. I could barely see where I came in at this point and was growing more afraid by the minute. I looked around and didn't see anything except the trees and branches. I stopped for a moment and the footprints stopped as well, and noticed they would disappear behind me, I couldn't see the entrance anymore and started feeling very paranoid, my heart was beating faster and I started taking deep breaths to try and calm my nerves. I decided this was stupid and turned back to head out but heard a faint voice, I stopped for a moment and decided I'd seen too many scary movies, and continued walking. "Y/n" I stopped in my tracks and stiffened, I turned to where I'd just decided not to go and looked in the direction trying to figure out if I was just going crazy. I tucked my hair away from my face and slowly walked towards the voice, thinking maybe it was a teacher or friend trying to get my attention, I knew this probably wasn't the best choice, but I did it anyway. I walked back to where the footprints had been and they continued again. I looked at my watch. "How could it be almost two o'clock already?" I said as I tightened the grip on my wand and gingerly kept walking. I followed the footsteps for another fifteen minutes or so and eventually they stopped. I looked around to where I was, but I wasn't anywhere, it was just in a random spot of the forest, it looked the same as everywhere else. I tried to refrain from shaking, but it was cold, and I was terrified at this point, but i'd gone too far to not figure out why I was here. "Y/n" I looked in the direction I heard my name once more and stayed still for a moment. The voice was light, like a girls, and it seemed familiar but I wasn't sure if I'd heard it before. I looked in the direction still, debating what my next move was. "Y/n come here" my eyes grew wide as I realized, maybe I was dreaming? Or this was a weird trick the forest could do. "Connie?" I whispered as slowly walked towards where her voice was coming from. "Y/n come on follow me" I walked slower looking around me for any signs of immediate danger, my wand ready if I needed to protect myself. This was totally freaky, it had to be an illusion or something, but why would it happen out here? "Where are you?" I asked hoping she'd respond and give me a sense of where and why she was here. The twigs and leaves crunched under me as I continued forward, swallowing the lump in my throat and taking deep breaths.
   "Here look isn't it amazing" she said a little bit closer to where I was. "What Connie? What is it?" I said afraid, I knew this wasn't her, but something in me was too afraid to doubt the voice. I saw a faint glowing green light and cautiously walked towards it, I walked up the slight hill and I looked down at a clearing, a bright green light glowing from the middle. I rest my hand on a tree for balance looking at the light. I looked around it and gasped when I saw her. It was my sister, she was a ghostly looking figure, fused of blue matter that was glowing, almost sparkling. I held my breath as I lowered my arm, I pinched myself as I stayed frozen, hoping maybe it was just a dream, but I knew this was happening. "Connie what are you doing here?" I said , voice shaking, not moving from my spot. "It's gorgeous isn't it?" She said not looking at me and just staring intently at the glowing light. I slowly walked down the hill closer to the scene. "Yeah, Connie how are you here?" I said, holding my wand tightly and eyeing her intently. "I can't seem to take my eyes off it." she said, still not looking at me. I looked down at the light, approaching it more and standing in front of it, the light standing in between us. "Constance." I said trying to get her attention, but her eyes didn't leave the light. I looked back down at it. What is this thing? I looked around us not seeing anyone or anything. "I could almost touch it" she said, bending down and slowly reaching her hand out. "No Connie don't!" I said not knowing what this thing would do. I grew afraid and stepped back as her fingers grew nearer and touched the strange glowing light. As soon as she did her figure slowly dissolved and broke into a million tiny glowing blue specs and flew away in the wind, I gasped and cupped my mouth watching everything happen. I looked at the light and it began to do the same, only when all the green lights floated away, it revealed a small singular black lotus flower, the center of it faintly glowing green. I looked around me and gripped my wand together, my knuckles growing white. I was holding back any tears, I couldn't be crying in a situation like this. I squatted down in front of the flower, observing it closely. I looked into the center and got drawn into it. I couldn't seem to look away. I raised my hand but tried to stop myself, I mean after what it did to her this couldn't be a safe little ordinary flower. I thought about how this had to be why I was led here though, I mean someone wanted me to find this little flower.
   I tried to pull away but the force in me was stronger and pulled my hand towards it. I stared into it, its glow reflecting in my eyes. My fingers grew nearer and I touched the glowing light that came from the center, immediately the light left the flower and almost absorbed into my fingertips, I felt a shock run through my body as I watched it run up my arm and across my entire body, I shivered as it made its way through and closed my eyes as it washed through me, I stumbled and fell to the side on my back as the green light traveled along my skin and disappeared. I stayed laying on the ground, trying to get up, but could barely move. I looked at the flower, noticing it was no longer glowing and reached my arm out, I pulled it from the ground and held it in my hand. I didn't know what to do as I layed there, I thought about all the books I'd read and all the spells I'd learned. None seemed to be helpful in this moment and I thought for a second I may die from a stupid decision id made. I could barely turn my head or move my arms and legs, they felt tired and sore, stiff but limp. Like if I tried to stand they'd just give out. I layed there looking up at the stars, "Come on universe, what do I do?" I spoke out softly. I saw the constellation delphinus. The dolphin, I recalled the time my sister was learning the patronus spell and found out hers was a dolphin. I always thought of her when this constellation was out. That's it, my patronus! I had never fully successfully cast it out before, I never learned what mine was, but if I had any hope of getting out anytime soon, and not being eaten by wolves this was my chance. I set my wand down for a second and tucked the flower into my cardigan sleeve. I tried to muster up some energy and bent my leg up "Ohh fuck!" I shouted quietly as I heard it pop and I used it to push myself over to a tree that was next to me, I used my arm and slowly tried to push myself up to sit against it. "Shit shit shit" I said as I squeezed my eyes shut in pain and leaned my head back once I finally sat up. I let out a couple breaths from all the effort it took and grabbed my wand.
   Ok you can do this, it's very simple, and you've seen many people do it before. I took a couple breaths and relaxed myself, trying to relax my mind and nerves as well. Connie and I had discussed what we thought my patronus might be. It wasn't a shock hers was a dolphin, she was sociable and friendly, she always thought mine might be a unicorn since she always thought I was special, but id just laugh and disagree, I was only special to her, she thought I was the best person ever im sure, she was very positive, so if anything hers would be a unicorn not mine, I always pictured mine as a cockroach, or something stupid, I could never imagine anything worthy enough for me. I was a bitch to put it simply, I was snarky to those I didn't like, and I was sarcastic and truthful to those I did like. I always pictured mine to be a panther maybe, or a fox. I guess there was only one way to find out. I looked down at my watch, it was almost 4 o'clock. I held my wand tight and winced as I lifted my arm. I relaxed my shoulders and thought about everything she had taught me. I set my intent, pointed my wand up and began to swirl my wand in a circle slowly I could see a little spurt of blue coming, but it looked like a firework that wasn't going to go off, I kept trying, closing my eyes and thinking about anything I could to encourage it. "Come on please" I said opening my eyes, the blue grew more and more consistent and I squeezed my wand tighter, I moved it faster and got ready, extracting more and more power through it. "Expecto Patronum" I yelled, it shot out some blue lights, but nothing happened. "No come one please you have to work" I lifted my wand again and pointed it to the sky. I swirled it around the blue light being stronger and I could feel the power of the spell increasing, I closed my eyes and thought of my sister, her smile when hers showed up, when her dolphin swam around us in her room, I then un intentionally thought of Severus, our lessons, his kind words, his smell, his eyes. I opened mine and yelled once more, "Expecto Patronum!" I screamed it out and out from the tip of my wand shot a bright blue light, I stared intently and a smile grew on my face, my eyes lighting up from the light, and light tears falling from my eyes, swooping down and around the trees was a beautiful magical creature, it wasn't a unicorn, but it was an Abraxan, it was a breed of winged horses, and it was beautiful, it swopped and landed down in front of me, the dirt on the ground kicking up into blue fog, I looked down at me and I looked in its eyes, it was my patronus, so it knew exactly what to do, with a strong gust of wind it flew up into the sky and over the trees out of sight. I laughed to myself so glad I was able to do it, and hoping it would get the help I needed. I relaxed against the tree and felt all my limbs go tired and numb, I was exhausted from using all that energy and felt myself drift off into sleep.
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ningningsdream · 4 years
t h i r t y   t w o | kdrama
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summary: “why do yall act like you’re in a kdrama?”
pairing: y/n x jeno
warning(s): none
main masterlist |   kdrama masterlist
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y/n took a shower after getting home, changing into more comfortable clothes. She put the dress on her desk chair reminding herself to ask her mother to take it to the pressing. She was lying on her bed when her phone buzzed next to her. It was a text from Jeno.
I'm outside. Can we talk please?
"What is it?", y/n asked as soon as she opened the door, stepping outside.
"I wanted to apologize for what happened. I'm sorry I didn't took your side-"
"It's not about taking side, Jeno. It's about you willing to let someone be belittled because we were at your parents' gala."
"I- It's just that there were so many people, my parents, Somin's parents. I didn't want them to assist to something like that. I didn't want my parents' reputation and relation with the Jo family to be tainted by my actions."
"Jeno...", she sighed, "Somin's a bully and not the kind that has a deep backstory explaining the reason of their hatred towards society. No, no, no, she just enjoys the powers she has over others. I will not let her get away with her actions, school or not school, I don't care."
"I understand but-"
"No, you don't understand Jeno. You're handsome, rich, smart and nice, you probably had never been bullied in your entire life.", his silence only confirmed her words, "You don't know how long it takes to get the courage to stand up to the people who belittled you. So yes, I am sorry if I embarrassed you in front of all those 'important' people but I would still do what I did which is standing up for myself and show the bully that I won't be one of her victims."
"I-I'm sorry. I get what you mean, I- it's just that being at my parents' gala made me act completely differently."
"Thank you for apologizing...", she said, making him smile a little before it turned into a pout when she added,"...but I'm still mad at you. You apologizing like this would've work on the female lead of a kdrama and even though I've said countless of times that your life resembles one, this is real life. My feelings got hurt and the fact that business is more important than friendship hurts even more. I'm not going to forgive you that easily this time. Goodnight Jeno.", she finished, closing her door at his face.
y/n went back into her room and as soon as she closed the door, she leaned against it and sat on the ground. Angry and frustrated tears were falling from her eyes little by little. She didn't know what she expected but she should stop hoping for Jeno to finally take her side during events like this. She got it, she's not more important than his parents' reputation, 'I mean his parents' reputation will become his one day.'
Her phone buzzing interrupted her thoughts and she picked it up, wiping her tears away and sniffing.
Incoming call: baby dolphin 🐬👶🏼
"Have you been crying noona? Your voice seems a little weird.", he asked, voice laced with worry.
"Nah my mama ain't raised no weak bitch. I don't cry!", she tried to joked, earning a little panic gasp from the younger.
"Noona! Stop cursing or I'm putting you off speaker. I don't want my mom to hear this.", he replied, making y/n chuckle.
"Why did you call?"
"Oh right. Jisung and I were talking and we were wondering how you were doing after everything that happened earlier. Jisung asked me to call you because he said that if he did, there will be too many awkward silences."
His reply made her laugh as she said, "I'm fine just a little tired."
"Good I'll let you go to sleep then, noona!", he said with a cheerful tone that always makes her smile.
"Goodnight lele.", y/n said before hanging up. She stood up and went to her bed, plopping down on it and cuddling into her covers. She slowly started to fall asleep, Jeno's words replaying in her head one last time.
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a/n: oof how is jeno going to make up for that? anyway i need more distraction i'm bored
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ellie livewatches the night manager ep. 2
forgot to mention, but this intro is bussin’
drugs? (with a rolled r)
ah shit, we’ve got a bad relationship with a parent
well thats just a bit rude
girlie you need therapy
omg the little boy from wonder...JACK WILL, thats who he played
god she’s tall
ooh, i’ve never made paella before, nor tried it
my brother got to drive a boat once lol. that was the first time i ever saw dolphins
ah yes, rich people shit
thats a nice lil table
you see, i’ve tried veal, (deer) in sausage form and it A. tasted weird and B. was dryas fuck. i’ll have it again, but maybe like with rice, mixed in, like i sometimes do with ground beef. it was very lean lol.
i mean.....he’s gulping that shit my lord
remember kids, always make sure you’ve got some water on hand, as well as food in your stomach before drinking xx (or so i’ve heard)
hehe, STOP
ooh, i do adore mr. groff’s laugh though
awwwwwww. this is a very cute moment.
w-was she a little kiddie?
like, not 5 years old, but like a MINOR, um..hmm
oh shit
i’ll be damned if i dont run after MY kid, or someone in my family if they’ve been kidnapped.
also, this may not be EVERY KID.
but i’d be looking for weapons left and right to hurt this person, straight up. any type of exits, im looking for them. all of that.
poor baby
oh, we’re going back this time.
some backstory ehhehehehe
ah, attached memories i see
this is worrying, just a bit. my god.
i feel like he could’ve done that a bit better.
yo why tf didn’t he day “who is it?” before opening the damn door.
i want a tea n’ biscuit too goddamn
um.........i dont know if i could do this, personally. i really couldnt. maybe im too sensitive for it lol.
jesus christ, another murder
ugh yes, he can ride motorcycles. hells yeah
well thats a bit of a rude shock
thats even worse goddamn
ewwww more roper
look at him go
in case yall didnt know, im VERY anti-capitalist, anti-capitalism, all that shit
this dude is just grossing me out
i miss being on my bike lol
yayyy he can cook
RIP to her at that point
i take it back.
no, actually, rip to her.
i love watching people’s eyes dilate. one of the things that i really enjoy learning about is genetics, and how different traits come about. it’s one of my favorite things. he’s got such pretty eyes too, it makes this all the better.
whomst the fuck was that
he did a good pitch, if i say so myself.
ooh, a history between the two
thats a fair reason
i know his ass is scared
that reminded me of the one scene in family guy where stewie beats brian’s ass for not having his money. im talking blood and broken glass fighting, mind you.
im scared
god i hate this
i have never seen this man be this upset dear lord-
im scared of him
oh no-
wheres the body?? who’s body was it?
well fahk me innit
damn....das hot
oh, not the pot
..........oh lord
god, how long has he been there, and how long did it take them to get there?
im not a medical professional, but ehhh that blood looks fairly clotted, like...kinda.
damn he’s in rough shape
corky my beloved
bro wtf, this is SO TERRIFYING
woahhhh, he looks fucked up
wonderful hair, even with a fucked up face
this is such a beautiful shot, my lord.
that ambulance cut too close to the curve for me lol
u cant call dead people, ms. jed
danny ur father was right for asking you to thank the person who saved your life, HOWEVER, i do hate your dad.
awwww!! yes, i would love to hear about squids.
giving me captain james conrad vibes with the shirt color
yeah, corky’s cool (for the time being)
i like the name mordecai
speaking of which, i DID, in fact, have a crush on mordecai from regular show
i dont think smoking would be good for the cracked ribs
ah, so corky is figuring shit out
he does have nice ankles.
i dont know if he would be any good at running with CRACKED RIBS.
i would be milking everything i could if i was in his position.
he looks more upset than anything.
mr. frisky, i think you need some therapy for that.
get them pics.
thee river house
okay sir, shut the fuck up before i punch you through the damn screen.
angela burr my beloved.
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YAYYYY. he got a lobster!! im proud of him
bruh, sit in the chair, not on this man’s thigh hairs
watch him sleep through all of tomorrow
me pretending to sleep when my mama checks in on me:
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cosmictulips · 4 years
hi i’m BM💗 (19) and i’m a sagittarius whose favorite color is pink, and likes to eat hot cheetos! i’m inquiring about NP🧜🏾‍♀️ (19) whose a pisces. so NP and I met at work where we instantly became best friends. i ended up liking NP and I told her after it became really bad for my health. we established that she didn’t feel the same and we remained friends. She ended up going to the Navy but we kept in contact, sending letters back and forth and then ft calls when she was able to. i made her do majority of the reaching out at this point because i used to always be the first and i couldn’t read her to know if she would do the same for me. in August of last year i got tired of feeling like i was the one doing the labor for the friendship and after the smallest disagreement i told her to have a good life without me. i reaches back out in september to rekindle because i missed her and i told her so, but after a failed plan of going out i decided that i felt i was forcing her to care and love me, when it was known on my part. i stopped communicating with her first and she reached out again on my birthday but kept it short and almost rude. i told her happy new year and even wished her a good deployment. i still think about her quite often, because this person was my best friend and is someone i can’t choose to love, i just do. i honestly just want to know if the love is reciprocated and if we have a chance of reuniting once she’s back from deployment? my favorite animals are dolphins 🐬 and cats 🐈. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ENERGY❗️(i left a tip but idk if i properly put my name and initials)
HELLOOOOOOO your daily dose of tarot -and an essay lol-  has arrived =D Before we get into it, I would like to preface this with any wondering eyes that this is actually a very good example of my readings lol.   Anyway,  a disclaimer:  the future is always changing, nothing is ever set in stone. I give you one possiblitiy of countless others.  I try to pick up as many as I can but ultimately since this does deal with other people,  I can only give to you what the cards want me to see. if some of this seems open ended it is because the other person, or people involved have not decided fully what they want to do.  If you do not like what the cards say you literally can and should change the outcome. With that being said, lets get to it ;)  if you have any other questions for me -especially regarding pendulum- please feel free to let me know.  You did tip as well so if there’s any other forms of uh divination you would like me to use please let me know.  Otherwise I have stuck to the big three ;) Pendulum, Tarot, Oracle.  okay, let’s get into it lol  oh, also, if you want an actual pdf of this, I will gladly give it to you lol
I got your tip and don't worry about tipping more lol. I do not do this for the tips,  but merely to help =)  I only started the tipping thing because in depth readings take a lot out of me and so yea, that's why it's only like three dollars lol also before we get really into it some notes:  I noticed this reading has a lot of love energy in it.  whether it is self love, platonic love, or romantic love, it does not matter to me.  I am a firm believer love conquers all things and I truly believe that with a bit of it, you two can get back to being friends again or move on to something better.  a LOT of your oracles mention love.  take how it resonates to you,  but I firmly believe a lot of it is platonic and self love.  there’s also a huge theme of something ending.  it could be the relationship with her and you two departing but I’m feeling it’s the relationship as you know it.  I think you two will become stronger together and fight through this. 
The Energy between the two of you: three and ten of wands, six of swords, Eight of wands, High Priestess with the Tower as the overall energy. (also King of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, hanged man, chariot, queen of wands, ace of pentacles, 2 of cups)
Ace of cups, seven of pentacles, Judgement, the Hermit, three of pentacles, Queen of Cups also flew out. 
So let's begin with the wands.  We have Three, Eight and Ten of Wands.   The wands tell a story about hard work and perseverance.  here with the three of wands and eight of wands,  it tells me that your pisces here is probably under a lot of stress.  and ... I think this goes for you as well.  I feel it definitely around the work and home life here.  NP is very focused on their goals,  and with the ten of wands,  they are carrying a lot of responsibility on their shoulders.  they see this as a good thing though.  something they want.  they had to work hard to get where they are and they love having it.  but much like burdens it's tiresome and I'm sure they're just stressed out and want a break.
We should then go over to the swords here.  because we have the six of swords.  the six of swords is probably the biggest indicator of how they're feeling about everything in regards to what you have told me.  this is the card of moving on.  I see that they are trying to push what has happened past them.  and I see with the Ace of Cups that there is going to be something new for the both of you coming down the road. we  We can also see this with the Seven of Pentacles.  the seven of pentacles is all about working and putting effort into things.  in this case, relationships.  there's going to be a change in the relationship. this can mean one of two things though.  One, you both go your separate ways and you both work on yourselves,  or two,  you both come back to each other and work in a new, healed relationship.
so then, we have a ton of Major Arcana lol.  We have the Hermit, Judgement and the High Priestess.  we also have the queen of cups so don't let me forget about that.
so here's what I'm thinking lol. I think you two are going to end up reflecting each other.  I have some other cards, and if you notice, there's also the queen of wands.  I think NP  is going to form into this queen of wands, and you are going to step into the queen of cups here. because I see this journey.  this could also be reversed because you're a fire sign and she's water but like roll with me here.  one of you is going to become more introspective.  the Hermit is all about searching for inner truth and guidance.  Judgement and the High Priestess is all about awakenings and trusting the inner guidance that you have.  someone, is going to be stepping into their power and presenting themselves as the queen of cups. and I think that's going to help your situation a lot.
So then we have the overall energy.   We have the Tower.  this tells me that you two are probably going to come to a head when you two finally get to sit down and talk about this.  if both sides are willing.  I don't know why but Im hearing that maybe a third party is going to be involved with you hashing it out.  and they could represent the tower energy but I think they're going to embody the King of Pentacles.  this could also be the situation you two come together.  something logical with both of yalls heads on straight.
we have the 6 of pentacles here too with the ace of pentacles so something new is coming for the both of you.  one that is both generous and one that brings you both in a union that you two can work together -see the 2 of cups there as well ;) -  with the hanged man and the chariot with the queen of wands, I'm thinking this is going to get a little... spicy lol
Like, I think you two are going to be a little rough around the edges at first.  which is fair I mean, you both were kind of on different wave lengths and shit happened ya know? it's okay to be riled up and hurt over the past.  but luckily this isn't going to be ending in a way that you both are hurt and sore about.  this is going to be a mutual ending.  something you both can agree on.
so now, I'm going to get into more of the oracle stuff and pendulums.  I have a few questions set up but if you have any that you would like answered, feel free to let me know =)
Is there a chance that you two will come back together?
yes -oh okay so I saw the wheel of fortune when I got this answer. this tells me that you two will be able to end the cycle of this situation and be able to move on into something more beautiful.
Will there be a third person involved to help?
Is it someone you both know?
Is there a chance for building a stronger connection?
yes. and a key message I got for this is to have patience, take some time to rest and “is it worth the fighting?’  which Im assuming is going to be when you two try to sort it out lol
Will the Pisces reach out first?
Is it wise to make the first move now?
no.  considering the top one here is a yes, I think it’s best to sit back and let this happen. 
Oracle Advice
Your feelings are real and are worth exploring
Trust--- this situation is requiring to have faith.
transformation occurs through acceptance.  Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform
Getting to know each other.  Reveal yourselves to each other, it helps to deepen the bond. 
Transformation:  your relationship with one another is about to deepen. love conquers and transforms all things.
Power--- You instinctively know what is right for you and you have the power to say no or to walk away at any time
someone has deeper feelings for you than they are letting on.
Friendship--- nurture the bonds of friendship within your relationship and your love life will dramatically improve.
The most unlikely friendships can form; like variegated lichens on hard rock, they create a tight bond. 
Don’t make decisions based on guilt or what you think you should do, for it is only in being true to yourself that you can be true to others. 
Breathe -- break from beneath the waters surface and soar up beyond the turquoise sea
Meditate- make some quiet time in the still air Travel -- seeing the surface of the ocean is not the same as driving deep to see the coral
Voyage --- set sail on a new course
Resilient --- stay as strong as evergreen trees
Let Go -- enjoy the pulsing light of the firefly but don’t hold on too tight
Idyll Hours ---  take some time out to lie on the emerald grass. 
Growth -- the tallest oak tree once started as a seedling. don’t be afraid to start something new. 
Prosperity lies ahead 
getting clear on what you value most will help you find peace
Don’t let your past hold you back
release the past
just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should
Step out of your comfort zone
time to stop obsessing over someone or something. 
stand on your own two feet
balance spirituality and practicality
follow your intuition, it won’t let you down
The end of a tough cycle approaches
stop fearing the worst
A firey climax approaches
being assertive is good-- just don’t push it on to anyone. 
I hope this helps if you need anything, like I said let me know. if you have any follow up questions I will be happppyyy to answer them. =)
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Oh wait! What did everyone get for christmas? How did yall spend the holidays? Man this is late, but better late than never
“Let’s see... I got DK West some henna tattoo kits, I know he doesn’t like them fading out. Which I could have gotten better quality ones. He got me a globe with an outer layer with the constellations so you can see their position in the sky throughout the year.”
“I really appreciate the henna. I got Zuke a new drum set to make up for the one I sold... he hasn’t stopped playing it ever since he got it. Zuke got me more necklaces, and wants to make a few with me soon.”
“I got Bìng a stable for his unicorn. It’s been a long work in progress. I’ve also gotten more dresses for him. I saw that he had an eye on a certain designer garment of Eve’s design.”
“I am never not wearing this now. Except when I don’t want it torn. I got Xiāngsī some suits and an artwork, as we’ve mentioned before.”
“I spent the entire month stuffing stockings for everyone. I’m. Not really able to buy fancy and specific gifts. The kids seemed to really love that. I got Kul a tape player.”
“Volcano is already a gift to me, man. I l got her treats, she loves those.”
“I have SO MANY books about mermaids and dolphins!”
“Kliff un-grounded me, which means I can use this sick skateboard Zuke got me! Kul Fyra also signed it! It’s the kul-lest skateboard ever!!”
“Mayday gave me all the candy she didn’t want and I think that’s great.”
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
You went to MICA, right? I’m currently going there and it’s good (stressful as fuck, but good) and I wanna know; what did you hate and what did you love about it? (Oh my god I sound like those end of year surveys they give you)
Hello there!!! Omfg I’m literally on campus right now for pride!!! LOL just got myself a smoky burger from OTH what what. okay okay okay good questions. 
MICA has changed quite a bit since I was there. Like, my freshman year was fucking lit. If you take the shuttle and get Mr. Robert or Ms. Yvette, ask them about the nudists. Shit was wild. 
Our freshman/foundation year was different in general too? Like
Okay. So. lol. Our classes were:
Elements of Visual Thinking - Which was a chance to explore concepts, mediums, learning how to properly critique, etc. 
Critical Thinking - Which was just critical theory, but more on your own practice I guess? I don’t really know how to explain it. 
EMAC - Which was exploring different forms of digital media and how to use them (Premier, Photoshop, Audacity, recording devices, etc)
Sculptural Forms - Which was a chance for you to explore 3d media. So it was held in what used to be 15/15 and it was woodshop, plaster, 3d printing, and cardboard. 
Then, this is where I get pissed off and seriously fucking angry about this change. 
But we USED to have Painting and Drawing. Now, if you got a 5 in AP art, you gained an extra credit and could skip Drawing/Painting 1. HAH. IMAGINE THAT. HAVING A PAINTING AND DRAWING CLASS AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR ART. BECAUSE IT’S KIND OF NECESSARY. 
can you tell im a bit fucking salty?
They were separate classes and I think, they were extremely fucking important to the development of not only my art but my peers. For example, I fucking hated painting when I went to MICA. Literally fucking refused to touch the medium. 
I went to my first class with Latoya Hobbs, tried oil paint, and everything fucking changed. I was a GD major (or that was my plan) and I immediately switched to Painting and I never looked back. 
Unfortunately, yall don’t have that opportunity anymore. Especially since when you choose your major, you tend to stick with those classes. Which really fucking sucks, because you can tell the variety of art has gone down since this change happened. And I think that’s the thing that I dislike about MICA NOW the most. I had the chance to take things, was required to take them, and then I knew how to do a variety of things BECAUSE of those changes. And from what I understand, you don’t have those opportunities anymore. Which really fucking sucks. Because you also miss out on the amazing fucking professors in other majors as well. For example, Karen Warshal. I HIGHLY recommend taking her Portrait class and her Anatomy class. I swear to god, those were the best, more useful classes I’ve ever taken. Is she crazy? A bit. But she’s the most genuine, caring, supportive, and one of the hardest professors I’ve ever had. And thats what you WANT. You don’t want someone to butter you up, tell you your art is poppin when it’s not, and to try and let you off easy because you look upset. Karen tells you how it fucking is and that’s so god damn important. no matter what major you are, TAKE HER FUCKING CLASSES. They’re important and they’re necessary to your development as an artist. Even if you’re not into figural art. - also she makes food and brings it in. and if you’re sick she might make you chicken noodle soup. shout out to karen
Honestly, Karen was probably one of my favorite things about MICA. Along with Mark Karnes,  TONY FUCKING SHORE. LISTEN. YOU NEED TO TAKE A CLASS WITH TONY SHORE (PAINTING). I think he might be doing a class on race (which haha he knows hes white as fuck) and i think it will be fantastic. so keep an eye out, AND RUTH TOULSON THE ANTHROPOLOGY TEACHER. IT MIGHT STILL BE A REQUIREMENT. HER CLASSES HAVE AN 80+ WAITLIST. IF YOU GET ON. ITS SO WORTH IT FUCKING TRUST ME. SHES OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. PAUL LONG, HE’S AN ACADEMIC TEACHER (TEACHES POETRY AND SOME OTHER SHIT. HE’S GREAT. BRINGS SNACKS EVERY DAY), and others?? if you want to know more, please message me and i’ll give you them!
Anyway, I havent really answered your question!
Dislike:Housing situation fucking sucked. getting a room was fucking ridiculous. They ran out of room for us because they started accepting more (this happened when sophomore housing was required. My year was the first year that went into effect and they had to buy out bolton hill apartments. people had to break leases, etc. it was fucking ridiculous). 
The MICA store is eh? It used really good and held in dolphin. But it was literally falling apart. Now its too.. idk. It’s fine. I prefer artists and craftsmen. 
Access to studios and equipment is eh too. Because of time constraints. 
How the student body treats the fucking faculty is DISGUSTING. One girl literally called one of the sweetest security guards the ‘help’. Ms. Gloria (senior in security) is fantastic, Officer Green is everything, Ms. Yvette is so fucking sweet, and Mr. Robert makes my heart sing. 
The student body in general LOLOLOLOLOL. ‘Surround yourself with good juju’ - Former MICA Grad (my best friend) The fucking student body mica page is a fucking dumpster fire lol. 
I don’t like how white MICA is and how entitled a good part of the student body is. The amount of entitlement is fucking ridiculous. And the amount of ignorance is astounding. Also the obviousness to what fucking city you're in, is so wild i cant fucking even. Like. MICA is deceptively beautiful (the MICA bubble). Which is why it is high in crime lol. Just be alert and don’t be a god damned dumbass walking around at 3 am with your fucking headphones in, smoking a cigarette, and acting like you’re fucking immune to being mugged. Just saying. Take the shuttles and you’ll most likely be gucci. 
I don’t like how MICA spends its money (our money). And what they choose to invest in - like buying random fucking buildings and not telling the students what it’s for, and fucking raising the price of tuition and living in order to compensate. 
The total and utter lack of transparency, etc. It felt eehhhh I don’t know how to explain it. 
But really. I loved MICA. I wish I could go back. I met so many amazing people, made great connections, and I don’t think I would have had the same love at any other art school. (I have friends in SAIC, Pratt, Parsons, FIT, SVA, RISD - they all complain about the same things. they in the grand scheme of things, are material. Which important because, hah, money. But, material nonetheless. If you have the means, I don’t think these things I explained are deal breakers)
Now what I loved about MICA. Because honey. I fucking LOVED MICA:
When I was touring schools, I was kind of eh about them? Not in the sense that I wouldn’t have a good time or be ungrateful, but I didn’t get that feeling. Does that make sense? For example, I took a tour at SVA and I have very very strong opinions about SVA, I had no feeling. When I stepped on MICA’s campus, that was fucking it for me. Not only was I comfortable there, but the professors that were at the tour, made it their duty and went out of their way to make myself and the other potential students feel welcome. They were personable, they were kind and welcoming, they were warm, and that continued even after I decided MICA was the place for me. 
My class at least, had no drama lololol. Again, my freshman year was a hell of a lot of fucking fun. We didn’t have any big racist shit going on like other years (ahem ahem 2018, 2019). INSTEAD, we had the nudists, we had carrot videos (ask around about that), it kind of felt less cliquey? Because everyone was generally interested in being friends? Idk. Like we definitely had groups and they became more evident as majors really clicked in, but in the beginning, everyone was pretty much together (this was the first year that the grill opened and leake was a thing. So we were all figuring out the dorms together). I mean we had drama but it wasn’t... idk. It wasn’t like mica student body (maybe its because we didnt have that to fuck shit up lolol). 
On The Hill was my shit. Still my shit. I fucking love on the hill with a fucking passion. Pom Iced Teas, where you at. The neighborhood in general was really nice. Baltimore is one of my favorite cities and the stigma of it will be broken as soon as you start exploring it. HOWEVER, BE FUCKING SMART. DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT. IF YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE SOMEWHERE, YEET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. TRAVEL WITH OTHERS. DON’T BE THOSE DUMB ASS WHITE GIRLS FROM RURAL FUCKING TOWNS THAT THINK THEY CAN WALK AROUND AT 4 AM OR JUST WHEN IT’S DARK OUT, ALONE, AND BE OKAY. TAKE. THE FUCKING. SHUTTLE. 
The studio spaces were really nice so as they’re taken care of. the equipment is really nice. take advantage of it while you can. because once you’re out of school. hah. you’re screwed. 
Networking was nice. 
Being close to the Walters was amazing and the ability to go to DC for the day only spending 8$ on the Marc train to get there was amazing. Having Penn right on campus. 
Again, the professors were in majority, fucking amazing. 
Some professors had classes outside of MICA (karen has model drawing classes at her studio) take them! They’re really worth it!
I actually didnt mind the dorms. 10x better than most colleges. 
Accessibility was amazing. Especially since its not a closed campus, but everything is in one place. That’s not the case with a lot of Art colleges. 
And most of all, I just loved being there. I loved learning. I loved the people. I loved baltimore, i loved the professors. MICA 10000% shaped how I am as an artist in the best way and I think it’s an amazing place to be despite the downfalls. 
Don’t take everything I said as gospel. like I said, these are just my experiences as well as a few of my friends in the same fine arts department. The others, I’m not sure about. But yeah. I hope this helps! You can always message me and I’d be happy to refer you to classes, professors, etc. Good luck with next year!
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pinkykitten · 5 years
we’ll be okay
Peter Parker x Lia Stark (oc) 
Warning: death, did not re-read srry, sadness 
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, comedy, one-shot, oc
People: ...everyone....
Words: 3,375
Requested: By @barnes-parker peter parker x stark!reader, if you accept ocs her name is Lia, please hehe. they both reunite in the battle after peter was gone for 5 years. they both miss each other then share a kiss before they go on with battle, thank you!!! <33
Authors Note: i actually cried so hard while writing this beauty of an oc(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ). i love how it turned out regardless lol. if you havent seen endgame like pls do not read this cuz there is spoilers up in here. thank you for requesting if yall know me i love writing yalls ocs like so much so thanks and hope you peeps love this one!(ˇ⊖ˇ)
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All this time Lia spent fighting, convincing herself it wasn’t the end. Peter was not really dead. “I’ll use all that my father has taught me.” She would reason with herself over and over again. Trying every formula, every possible way and she always felt she was missing something. All the fails she has had just ended in sadness and loneliness. 
“Dad I’m back,” Lia entered into her father and Pepper’s house. It was cozy, a comforting feeling that actually felt normal. Lia never blamed her dad for leaving and trying to start a new life. He went through something traumatic and didn’t want to waste his life away trying to cure or fix a problem that was not fixable. Lia smiled, running her hands through the drawings Morgan put up. They were happy drawings, dolphins, rainbows, stars, unicorns. “At least someone has an imagination.”
“Lia?” Morgan ran down the stairs, jumping into Lia’s arms. 
“Hey sweetie,” she gushed over Morgan’s cuteness, it never got old. “Did you take down that evil pirate yet?”
Morgan squinted her eyes and went into her battle position. “I’m glad you asked. He’s been hiding all morning, I think I may need some back up.” Morgan lifted her arm up just like her father presenting a fake Iron Man arm. 
Lia set her purse down and got on her knees, ready to “fight”. She scanned the area. “Alright sport, so we gotta the evil land of Legos right in the living or dead room. In the cafeteria base we got a,” Lia gasped as she through her keys to make noise in the kitchen. “I think we found him Morgan.”
Morgan put on a brave face and they charged into the kitchen. Morgan impersonated Tony’s blast noise. The high pitch shriek probably waking the whole house up. Lia pretended to fight the pirate. Swinging back and forth, “I think I got him Morgan!”
“No wait! Mrs. Lavender is still on the battle field. She’s gonna get hurt. We’ll never make it!” Morgan pointed to a teddy bear lying in the middle of the hall. 
Lia as fast as she could ran and slid to pick up Mrs. Lavender, “got her!”
Morgan clapped her hands excitedly, “thank you Lia! You saved the day!”
Lia ruffled Morgan’s hair, “couldn’t have done it without you.” Lia picked Morgan up but was startled by a certain clapping. 
“Wow, my two girls are having fun without their dear, old, dad,” Tony grinned, a twinkle in his eyes making Lia feel calm about his safety and happiness. 
“Yeah daddy, you are old!” Morgan giggled as Tony scoffed. Lia sat Morgan on the counter, “sorry dad, did we wake you?”
“No not really. Beside’s I love to hear you guys laugh,” he went to Morgan and picked her up hugging his youngest tightly. He brought Lia in the group hug, loving both his girls. “So,” Tony clapped, “did you have breakfast yet?” Tony asked Lia. 
“No not yet, but I can make it.”
Tony set Morgan down. She jumped up and down raising her hand high up, “ooh ooh I know what I want! I would like a cheesy egg sandwich.”
“Then you shall get that my dear warrior princess Morgan,” Lia deepened her voice to sound high and mighty. As Lia got the items out Tony leaned against the counter, sipping his morning coffee. 
“So, how have you been doing?”
Lia put the eggs in the pan. The sizzle of the food was the only thing heard. Lia hated that question. She always wanted to breakdown and tell her dad how she truly felt but she didn’t want to pain her father or see him in distress, especially not in front of Morgan. Tony sensed the issue and called for Morgan, “hey baby, why don’t you go in the living room and watch some TV?”
Morgan nodded and sprinted off, following her dads orders.
“...Lia, you know you can tell me anything, right?”
Lia faked a smile, “I’m fine dad...I just miss him thats all.”
“I know sweetheart I know,” he embraced Lia, kissing the top of her head. “I do too. He was, he was something else that kid.”
Lia cried silently into her dad’s shoulder. 
“You know its okay not to be okay. Even though I have my family I still miss him.”
Lia wiped her tears in distraught, “yeah but how do you move on? I try to dad, I really do and it just feels like I never can. I see him all the time. I hear him. I miss holding his hand, his laugh, just everything about him. Its like I will never get over him...never.”
Tony bit his lip in thought. He wished he could take Lia’s pain away. To make her feel good again but after what happened he counted himself as one of the lucky ones, blessed that he still had the loves of his life with him. 
“Do you still try?”
Lia’s lips trembled as she watched the sprinklers turn on outside from the window. The heartache she felt was unimaginable. “All the time, dad...everyday.”
Tony was about to lecture his daughter but he was interrupted by a knock at his door. 
“Hold on.”
Tony went outside leaving a curious Lia. She could hear chattering quickly back and forth. She peaked through the window to see Natasha, Steve, and Scott. She gasped as her heart sped up. Could this be they found something?
“Hey who knocked?” Pepper asked, drying her hair as she just came out of the shower. 
Lia knew Pepper didn’t like discussing about what happened and frankly neither did Tony. “Oh its nothing Pep-”
“Mommy its the Avengers!”
Lia mentally slapped her self as she got a look from Pepper, “what? That is nothing to me.”
Pepper looked out the window, annoyed as well. “Hey honey why don’t you go save daddy.” Pepper told Morgan. 
Lia eyes widened as she heard the muffling voices of them. She heard about a Time Heist and going back in time to save all humanity and bring back all those who were snapped away. Morgan ran outside “saving” Tony. Tony walked back inside, looking distraught at remembering the past. 
“Hey dad are you o-”
“Yeah I’m fine I just need to think for a moment.” Tony walked to the backyard with Pepper going after him. 
Lia knew something was up. She couldn’t let this opportunity go. Opening the door she startled the others. “You think you can save them.”
They all looked shocked at one another, “Lia we told your dad already he didn’t want to-” Steve started. 
“Thats my dad, thats not me. I heard about all of it, the going back in time and all that my question is...do you think it will work?”
Scott smiled as he knew they had gotten Lia on their side. “We have a plan.”
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Lia had just helped put Morgan to sleep when she heard F.R.I.D.A.Y come on and could hear her dad downstairs. Sleepily, she wobbled to see what he was up to. To her amazement he was putting the plan Scott had talked about together. Tony almost looked as if he were about to cry as he saw it was possible. 
“Holy sh*t!” Lia broke her cover. 
“Hey young lady what are you doing up at this time?” Tony quickly took off the model. Acting like nothing happened. 
“No, no, no! Don’t pull that crap on me. I saw everything! I heard what they were talking about earlier. Dad if there is a way-”
“Sweetheart this is just a model, its not for sure that it will work.”
“Are you serious right now? So what? Dad if there is even a small chance that I might be able to bring Peter back, you da*n right I will. I will keep trying and trying until my very last breath.”
Tony was quiet, knowing this mattered a lot to Lia. 
“Dad I know you’re scared. I know you don’t trust Cap but we’re in the endgame. We are more than desperate. You have Morgan and Pepper and thats great an all but its sometimes not fair. I feel like I don’t have no one. There are people out there that have no one. I want to help, I want to go back and change what needs to be changed.”
Lia clenched her fist, “what?”
“You...you forgot about you. I have Morgan, Pepper and you. Baby, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should tell them or just keep it locked up in a box forever. Should I set it free?”
Lia placed a hand on her father’s face, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Dad I believe you will make the right decision.” Lia was about to go back to bed but Tony called out to her, “you want to help me work on it?”
Lia beamed as she embraced her father. Nearly suffocating him. “Thank you daddy. Thank you.”
All night Lia and Tony worked on the model to perfect it. Only donuts, cookies, candy and coffee keeping them up for the job. Until the morning, “its perfect dad. I can’t believe it, it might actually work.”
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Everyone got the stones back. A life was lost during that. Lia kept a remembrance of Natasha as she fought alongside her father. 
“I can’t let you do this Lia. You’re too young and you can’t fight with me.” Tony gripped your arms tightly as Thanos sat only a few feet away, waiting. 
“I have to kill that monster dad! He killed Peter!”
“No okay no! I can’t risk losing you too.”
They all fought with Thanos as Lia awaited behind some debris. Thanos punched her father and Lia flew to Thanos. She made a version of the Iron Man suit for herself just less technical. She always thanked her father for teaching her those things. Teaching her from when she was little about atoms to now saving all of humanity. She knew the great importance knew what was at stake and in the end all she wanted to do was bring back all those people. 
“How dare you touch my dad!” Lia screamed as she fought Thanos. Getting in a few good punches but Thanos caught her leg, swinging her, her hitting a piece of debris. 
“No!” Tony yelled as he flew to Lia’s body. “Baby, stay with me, baby?” He took his mask off to inspect his daughter further. “Sweetheart please talk to me.”
Lia took her mask off. Her nose dripping with blood as it seeped in between her teeth, she smiled, “I’m okay dad, just...thats gonna leave a bruise.” She looked to see Steve. He stood there seeming to wait. “Dad?” Lia pointed up into the sky and down came Thanos’s battle. 
“Holy sh*t,” Tony whispered in fear. They were only a few and this army was coming down from the sky. It was all over. Tony shook as he remembered the past. All the nightmares, panic attacks, they were all resurfacing, and Lia was not safe at home like last time...she was here, about to fight. 
Lia could sense her father’s fear, placing her small hand on his, “dad, its okay. At least I am with you.” Tony’s lips trembled as he accepted his and his daughter’s fate. 
“A voice...,” Lia shushed her father as she listened intently. She could hear a voice on Steve’s ear piece. “Dad?”
All of a sudden portals started to open up. Out came King T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. Lia held onto her dad, fearing this was all a dream. “Dad...whats going on?” Lia felt her heart beating rapidly. 
“Oh my god...,” Tony and Lia stood, amazed. 
The portals opened up, one by one. All those who had been snapped away were...there. Lia placed her hand on her mouth, shocked. Could it be? Planet Titan appeared and who swung by was no other than Peter Parker. 
“Oh my god dad look,” Lia looked to Tony and then Peter, sobbing uncontrollably. 
When Peter made instant contact with the ground his eyes searched for no other than his love, Lia. 
Lia stood, silent, breathless. She wanted to scream at him, call his name but it all felt so surreal, like a dream. Peter looked and looked until his brown, puppy eyes landed on Lia’s. His smile melted Lia’s heart as he looked at her full of love. 
“Oh Peter!” Lia flew to him, not even bothering to close the mask. With a loud thud she landed in front of him. “Oh my god Peter...is it really you?”
Peter chuckled, his eyes getting watery. His hands found themselves on her cheeks. Her smile never faltering. “It is Lia...it really is me. I’m,” he glanced around her, his head down, “I’m sorry Lia. I’m sorry for everything that I have put you through.”
Lia scooted her face to be under his. His eyes widened as he saw her beaming grin, tears falling effortlessly down her face. “Peter, you have nothing to be sorry of. It was not your fault. I’m so happy you’re here. You can’t believe how much I missed you-”
Peter picked her up in a embrace. Twirling her around as he giggled and cried, stuffing his face in her hair. “I felt so lost without you too. When Dr. Strange told me how long you had waited, I just, I cannot imagine.”
“But its okay now because you’re here with me and I’m never ever letting you go Peter,” Lia and Peter fell onto their knees. Peter inched closer and closer until finally kissing the love of his life. Lia closed her eyes, her lips moving slowly with Peter’s. Peter kissed all over her face making her chuckle. 
“I love you so much Lia,” Peter exclaimed as he held onto her tightly, not wanting to let go. 
“I love you 3,000 Peter.”
Peter stood alongside Lia, the two holding hands. “Are you ready?”
“Oh yeah Peter, I think I’m ready to kick some as*.”
Peter and Lia knelt down, giving their superhero landing. Peter covered his face and so did Lia.  
“AVENGERS...!” Steve shouted...”assemble.”
In that instant they were ready. Lia flew into the air alongside her father and Pepper. Blasting any of the enemy she can get her hands on. 
They gave Peter the gauntlet. Peter was saved but then he crashed leaving Lia worried, “Peter!” She quickly flew to him, forgetting about the battle and only about his safety. 
Carol swiftly took down one of Thanos’s ship. Peter lay against a piece of debris. “I don’t know how you’re gonna get through all that.”
Carol smirked, “don’t worry,” Wanda appeared. All of a sudden the women superheros appeared. 
“She’s got help,” Okoye held her head up high. 
Lia giggled as she landed beside Peter, “she will always have help.”
The ladies all shouted and proceeded to fight. 
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He held his gloved hand, all the Infinity Stones placed in their correct orders to be used. 
“And I...am...Ironman.”
One by one they started to disappear. They, the enemy, Thanos and his men, his army all started to wander about but only to poof away, their ashes swarming in the air. 
Until finally, the one and only Thanos disappeared himself. 
There laid Tony. His skin pale as a ghost. Some of his armor already broken off. Lia, everyone knew time was important. That there was not much time left. 
Rhodey, Peter, and Pepper said their goodbyes acknowledging the fate of Tony.
Lia knelt in front of her weak father. Peter stood beside her, consoling her. Lia kept her cries at bay not wanting her father to feel guilty. She held onto his hand. It took everything out of her to not want to scream for her father not to leave. She felt like she needed him, but she was okay. She had people there who loved her and would make sure that she was fine and happy. 
“Hey daddy,” she sniffled as she clutched his limp hand, “its okay. I’m okay. I’m gonna be okay. You can go to sleep. I’ll be alright...I’ll watch over them...I’ll watch over her you have nothing to worry about. Sweet dreams daddy...I love you.” As her tears hit the ground Tony Stark was not alive anymore. He made such incredible memories with everyone. He managed to make an impact on each soul and he left some amazing people that will forever keep his name going. 
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Lia sat on the couch, being there for Pepper and Morgan. Everyone watched as Tony gave his last recording. 
“Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back... it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.
God, what a world. Universe now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren't alone, let alone you know to this extent... I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know. That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's going to find a way to grow up in. So I found a private area to record a little greeting in case of an untimely death on my part. Not that death at any time is ever timely.
This time travel thing that we are going to pull off tomorrow... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of all this. But then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to.
I love you all 3000.”
Lia smiled as she wiped her face with her sleeve, holding onto tightly Morgan’s hand. “I think its time.”
They all walked outside. As Lia was about to head outside as well she heard the recording still continue playing. 
“Hey Lia, you still there sweetheart.”
“Dad?” She turned around hastily. 
“Hey kiddo...I hope he’s there with you. I hope you continue growing and learning, and teach Morgan all the stuff I taught you. Don’t teach her the bad things though, Pepper would hate me.”
Lia chuckles as she stares longingly at her dad’s recording, wishing he was there.
“I’m proud of you Lia, I really am. You have grown into such an incredible woman and I’m proud to have you as my daughter but I left you something.”
Lia raises a brow.
“Its in the garage...remember me Lia, but most importantly live on. Live your life how you want it. Make your own story or however the saying goes. I thought if anything should happen to me, theres gotta be a new Iron Man and well I thought who would be better than my own daughter so go and save people ,” a tear cascaded down Tony’s cheek, “now...go get’em.” The recording ended with Tony’s hand laying flat against the recording. Lia held up her hand against his hologram one. She smiled as she ran to the garage. 
As she turned on the lights she gasped in shock, “no way dad!”
Standing in the garage having all the gadgets of the Iron Man suit stood Lia’s own Iron Man suit.
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(not mine! do not own!)
“Holy crap that thing is awesome!” Peter said in awe. 
Lia laughed as she saw the beautifully made suit. She saw something peeking from the bottom of the boot and looked to see, “I love you 3,000″ carved from Tony. “I love you too dad.”
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After the funeral Peter and Lia walked through the forest are of Tony’s house. 
“You think you’ll be okay babe?”
Lia wrapped her arms around Peter as she got on his back. Peter and her share a laugh as Lia kisses Peter’s cheek lovingly. 
“With you and my family by my side...I’ll always be okay.”
“So, what are you gonna name yourself now that you have the new suit?”
Lia grinned, taking in the setting of the trees, nature, and now knowing her responsibilities
“I am Iron Girl.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe 
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes 25
Book 25
Narrated by Marco
Marco actually has a love life and is a fucking dweeb about it. Neat
Not only is Marian gorgeous, with long, black hair, deep, dark eyes, and
dimples that make me want to cry every time she smiles. She's also
nearly as smart, charming, and charismatic as I am.
You can see we're a perfect couple. The only flaw I can find in her is
that she doesn't seem to think my jokes are very funny.
That, and her taste in music.”
Marco’s dad likes classical music
The school has served tainted meat to the students at least once
Apparently this is a shitty school if things are getting shut down b/c someone had to take it to court over asbestos 
Marco did poorly on the date. Should not pretend to like things that you don’r actually like to get with people
Marco talks about his love life with Cassie
So… the animorphs can scope out someone that Marco’s date probably isn’t a host but do they do that for their families?
Yeah I’m still bullshit on the whole dogs are always good and happy b/c alien pacifist spirits. B/c like dog? Not always happy or friendly.
Jake has charisma like plain oatmeal has flavor.
AU where the free horks assassinate Visser 3 when they’re feeding their host
Visser 3 scracthers their butt in public
So bug ships are good with flying through a planets atmosphere
So… does Visser 3 get parasites often enough that they don’t immediately jump to the andalite bandit conclusion?
The animorphs continue to be the luckiest motherfuckers in existance
Visser 3 has a collection of tourture instruments in their private quarters
The animorphs getting hosts killed b/c they didn’t think their plans through again. Huzzah
“Rising up behind her was a pillar of glass. A cylinder ten feet, twelve feet tall, and half as broad. Inside the cylinder was a vague shape, blood-red and midnight-blue slashes highlighting a glistening silver body.
Yes, body. Because despite the frosted glass and the mist that filled the cylinder, that ten-foot-tall tube contained something biological. There was a row of the cylinders spaced across the cargo bay. Maybe ten in all.”
Venber hybrid design
I’m guess he means -200 F?
Also the animorphs are so lucky that the yeerks don’t belive in video survalence
So can the writer’s just not count? Or does teh editor just not exist? 4 fucking doors opened in that fucking sequence. Ach counted 6 doors in this sequence and i trust that she’s better with numbers than I am
Ah the animorphs getting more people horribly maimed and killed b/c who the fuck knows is in the cansister with the alien that lives in absurdly fridgid temps
The free horks should hate these children and they’d be justified
And Visser 3 continues to be a shit leader
Rachel saving Cassie’s bacon
I mean Cassie, yer a Californian wolf (already kinda odd) but like you don’t think that an animal that lives in a hot place wouldn’t be good in the cold. No mexican wolf is gonna do well if just dumped in the arctic
Rachel keeps Ax warm as he and the others morph to hide in her fur from the cold. 
Jake, you have a Siberian tiger morph, why are you gonna hide in Rachel’s fur? That tiger should be doing just about as well as Rachel’s bear
Oh no I was wrong just Ax and Tobias hide in Rachels fur
Marco goes into shock b/c he stayed a tropical animal instead of at least trying his wolf morph
...Rachel, hitting someone in the head is a good way to give them a concussion or brain damage so not helping 
Again at best yall have Mexican wolves or Timbers adapted for the heat, Rachel’s grizzly is better than that
If you’ve been heading north al this time the arctic is more likely
“There were two of them. About eight feet tall. Humanoid. Torso, head, and limbs in the usual places. Only their heads were shaped kind of like a hammerhead shark's, oblong with big, dark globs on each side that must have been eyes. Each creature had two thick upper arms growing out of broad shoulders. The upper arms split at the elbows to make two forearms.
Big, burly, nasty-looking beasts. Silver, with flashes of blood-red and midnight-blue along their flanks, along their shoulders, and converging in their faces.
They were sliding toward us on long, ski-like feet. They used two of their forearms, one right and one left, to propel themselves forward.
And they glistened in the light like diamonds or crystals.”
More venber hybrids
Who apparently look exactly like regular venber
“The Venber kept coming, making strange, crunching noises. Regular, repeated sounds that seemed to ricochet off the rocks behind us in a weird, distorted echo. ”
Venbers echolocate apparently
Huh, so they’re not that far north then if the sun is setting
There was a polar bear at the zoo they got their morphs from. Too bad they never whent and collected more morphs from there
And teh andalites totally commited some form of genocide against the Five
Just assuming that humans are the creatures with the most complex genetic info avalible to the yeerks. But noooo the series isn’t saturated with ‘Humans are special!’
There’s fucking grass more geneticly complex than fucking humans
Really bitches? Yall do worse than seal shredding to yeerk hosts on a regular basis and Cassie you should be used to fucking predation
Ok i checked and this is after the dinosaur book more or less. Why are they surprised by Cassie being ok with hunting/scavenging? She’s already demonstrated more survival skills than the lot of yall
Cassie you’ve broken that don’t kill a sentient creature unless in absolute self defense many many times. I have not forgotten book 19 when you decided to kill a downed hork-bajir host that didn’t pose a threat to you
I like how all dolphins are lumped together by that statement
… dolphins have no blubber? Marco you just joined Jake’s “bows and arrows are close combat weapons” level of the fuck?
Seals have the instint to run? Sure
Amazing how these orca have blubber and can survive the artic waters
Also isn’t it a bit all that all the natives that the animorphs encounter all imediately assume that these kids are spirits?
I like this new kid but uh not the writers
Derek has a job
Derek is friends with a polar bear named Nanook. This is not getting less suspect
Friends as in watches him from a distance is slightly better
Derek goes back to his own life. 
You know animorphs you could warn him about the whole yeerk thing in case, ya know you guys loose. Spread some info around. 
Also, ya know if his village gets cable they can probably communicate to other people
Also, so, this inuit kid named his bear friend a bastardized version of the word for bear in his presumably native tongue
According to Marco polar bears hunt for fun b/c they are capable of going without eating for awhile. Almost like its difficult to find food in the fucking arctic and requires time and luck. These fuckmothering writers
The venber are strong enough to bend steel in their hands
Poor venbers
So there might be two surviving venber at the lest. If the yeerks can’t track and recapture them. If their programming stopped and they still arent attacking all quadrupeds putting them at odds with the locals who probably own dogs.
The book is finished at least. Did not enjoy that.
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the-static-and-i · 5 years
Star-lit Date Night
//Hey yall, so depression has been kicking my ass and I dont know how to write whump without it being my/Sam's fault in some way, which is one of my big triggers, so I'm gonna pause on those for a hot sec and just write some fluff, because I need that so bad rn. I'm sorry about the prompts, I'll get to those as soon as I hate myself a little less, but for now just enjoy the kinda badly written gay cliche
TW: Gay panic, brief mention of not eating or sleeping much, mention of medicine, kinda suggestive talk.
Sam hadnt stopped telling everyone about this girl she had met since ten minutes after meeting her, which was three weeks ago now. If she wasnt texting her, she was infodumping everything about her to Kat or Sofia or occassionally Jackie and Nic when they were free and up for listening, and if she wasnt doing that, she was daydreaming about kissing her and moving in together, she had even planned their wedding.
Ren tried to keep her in check, so she didnt talk everyone's ears off about some girl they hadnt even met, but even she had to admit she was smitten with her too.
Of course, Ren didnt allow herself to talk to this girl, aware that there would be questions that she couldnt answer with a clear conscious. But she could at least admit she was gorgeous, and Sam's dramatic exaggerations of her beauty werent that far off, or were at least deserved.
They had finally gotten into a point in their friendship where Sam felt comfortable enough to blurt out that she liked her as more than a friend, and as they waited in an increasingly awkward silence, she and Ren decided that no matter what happened, they were glad to have met her.
Dani had responded positively, though! She liked Sam back, and wanted to get to know her more, so she invited Sam on a date on Friday night.
So she acquired permission for Sofia's car, and then waited in an anxious ball for the next two days to pass by. She barely slept and barely ate, only remembering to take her meds because of her alarms and Kat's gentle reminders.
Finally, Friday morning rolled around.
Ren took them to the bathroom, showering and shaving and curling their hair and washing their face with 13 different products, finally finishing with some "light" makeup.
Sam hated it, wanting to scratch at her nose and cheeks and forehead, but knew it would just mess up Ren's hard work. Admittedly, she looked pretty, and Ren's skill was impressive.
They left the bathroom in a towel, giving an awkward smile to Kat as she headed out of the cabin.
Arriving in their room, Sam realized she had to actually get dressed, but didnt know what the fuck to wear. She didnt wanna get out of the towel dress, didnt wanna wear pants or shorts or, gods forbid, a skirt.
So, the only option was a dress.
She had a few, and she liked most of them, but a couple were Ren's, and those were on the downward side of her "like" spectrum.
This is when Ren started stirring again, coaxing Sam to at least try on a few of hers, just to see how they looked with her hair and face all dolled up.
Sam decided to humor her, trying on three before finding one of Ren's she did actually like; a black long sleeve dress with a short skater skirt, and weird ass hole patterns along the whole thing. Weird patterns aside, it was a gorgeous dress, and hugged her body in some pretty flattering ways.
She kept it on, hanging up the other dresses and doing a quick spin in front if the mirror.
Oh yeah, this was a good dress; the skirt flared up and twirled around her, probably showing off her ass a little, but she would put on those dress short things that hide your underwear and call it good.
Despite how happy she was with the dress, there was a new one she got that she honestly loved, and had been waiting for an excuse to wear for a few weeks now.
So she slipped off the black dress carefully, pulling on the dark blue one instead, the pink and peach flowers catching her eye in the mirror immediately. She slipped her hands in the pockets and spun, flaring the dress manually. Even if she had to put work in, the action still made her smile, and she decided this one looked pretty too.
Ren sighed quietly, saying that they were both pretty but the black one was a little nicer, yeah?
Sam groaned, honestly unsure which she preferred. A quick glance at the clock told her that she didn't have a whole lot of time to debate, so she bit her lip and decided to get third party opinion.
Remembering Kat had just left though, her heart started beating faster in a small panic. She grabbed her phone and pulled open her messages, seeing the last person she talked to was Nic!
He would know how to do the date thing, right? I mean, he got the only person as cool as him, so he had to at least be able to advise her for clothes right? Fuck, she hoped so.
She snapped a quick picture of the blue dress while it was still on, quickly pulling it off and putting the black one back on.
Taking a picture of that too, she gathered both and sent them to him, captioning it "Fashion emergency, Ren and I cant decide what to wear for our, my? Date tonight!! Mind helping a little?"
She sent off the message, twirling for a second in the dress again, habitually reaching for pockets that werent there and frowning a little. She didnt dwell on lost pockets though, going back to her closet and pulling out different shoes.
If he picked the black one, would she wear heels or boots? Flats maybe? Not boots, for sure, but I have 4 pairs of black flats and 3 different heels.
Okay, fuck that, what about if he picks blue? I have 2 pairs of blue flats, plus a pair of blue heels, and any of the black shoes would be cute probably.
Sam groaned, quickly realizing she had far too many shoes, and she was completely hopeless with fashion stuff.
Luckily, she wasnt alone with her indecisiveness; Nic responding with a comment about how pretty she looked and how happy he was for her, finishing off by saying that her hair accented the blue one in a really pretty way.
Sam squealed and set her phone down, sliding the dress on and examining herself, brushing some setting power off of the chest and brushing down the skirt a little, finishing by fluffing her hair a tiny bit.
Yeah, she looked good.
She grabbed a pair of comfy blue shoes and a pair of cute heels that she could totally walk in if Ren was fronting, snapping pics of them on her bed and sending both to Nic, saying "You're a fucking lifesaver and I preesh you. Would you mind if I asked for one more?"
His response was quicker, "Go for more comfortable in case you're out for a while. Dont wanna cut tonight short cause your feet hurt!"
Sam laughed a little, enjoying the implications that Dani would actually enjoy her presence enough to want to hang out past dinner.
Still, she slipped on some small socks and the flats, floofing the hem of the skirt in front of the mirror again. Dad made the right call, and she was fucking rocking the look.
She took a better quality picture, showing off the whole look to Nic, writing a quick, "You're a fucking god and thank you so much!! Love you, dad :D"
She didnt wait for a reply, putting her phone into a sorta-matching bag and making sure she had her wallet and keys in it. Finally, she was ready, and ahead of schedule!
She left the cabin quick, making it to the car and driving off without incident.
30 minutes later, she was in the restaurant checking to see if Dani had already been seated. The host led her back to Dani's table, the latter standing up and pulling Sam into a hug before pulling away.
"You look stunning, Jesus Christ.." Sam blushed, stuttering out a small thank you and reciprocating the compliment.
Dani was fucking gorgeous, wearing fancy pants and a nice top, with a complementing jacket draped over the back of her chair.
They parted completely, Dani stepping back and pulling Sam's chair out, coming around to sit again after she pushed Sam in too.
They ordered drinks, neither of them getting anything alcoholic, and then food quickly, only quiet small talk shared as they decided.
Once the menus were taken though, Dani started firing off random questions that Sam struggled to answer, the questions getting more ridiculous as they went; "What would you name a pet dolphin?", "If you could name your super-sidekick, what would you pick?", "Who came to mind when I said super-sidekick?"
Eventually they were both giggling and laughing, Dani not holding back with her head tilted back and a big grin on her face, and Sam keeping herself quiet by biting her lip, also suppressing her own grin.
Their food came, and they made more small talk while they ate, learning small things about each other that Sam loved knowing; Dani loved shellfish but hated other seafood, and her first dog was named Popcorn, and her first girlfriend was in the 7th grade, and they kissed on their first anniversary.
Dani didnt push when Sam frowned at the mention of first girlfriends, avoiding the subject by instead asking her favorite sport, and if she had ever been skiing, and what her favorite halloween costume was.
By the time they finally finished dinner, including a relatively small dessert that they shared, it was 11 pm, and they didnt want to go their separate ways just yet.
So they split the bill and took their leave, heading a block over to the nearest park. Sam started shivering as they walked, but she pursed her lips and ignored it, bracing herself against the breeze that was colder than she was expecting.
Dani stopped in front of the intersection, not even hitting the crosswalk button before taking her jacket off and draping it over Sam's shoulders.
Only then did Sam realize Dani was so fucking tall. Like, she was 5'4, Dani was at least a whole head taller, with slightly broader shoulders and such big fucking arms.
Distracting herself quickly, she slipped her arms into the warm jacket while Dani hit the button.
The jacket was so fucking big on her, naturally. The sleeves went past her hands, the bottom edge coming down past her butt, and the shoulders were already sliding down her, well, shoulders.
Dani wrapped her arm around Sam, keeping the jacket upright and also keeping their warmth closer to their bodies.
They crossed into the park, still entwined and cuddling, both content to walk around in the quiet night for a while.
Sam glanced up at the sky, doing a double take as she saw the big moon and bright stars.
Slowly, she started asking Dani about how much she knew about space, sharing little facts and tidbits that she knew, until Dani asked her to share more. She took the jacket off after a moment of hesitation, laying it on the grass and sitting down on it, patting the space next to her so Dani could sit.
She complied, even following when Sam laid back fully, listening quietly but enthralled as Sam pointed out constellations and planets and even a couple satellites that they noticed passing by.
Dani entwined their hands, looking over at Sam with a small smile. She didnt notice the gaze, still caught up in telling the story behind one of the many constellations she had loved learning about. Dani couldnt help but smile with her as her shy smile grew into a big grin that she didnt even hide the longer she talked.
Sam finally tired herself out, looking over at Dani with her smile returned to its shy, apologetic size. She leaned forward before Sam could speak, kissing her shoulder gently.
"You're really smart, and you clearly know your stuff about this. I love hearing you talk about the stars and space and everything involved with that, Sam. And thank you for sharing," Sam was shocked, her mouth opening a little, like she wanted to protest but though better of it. Dani gave her a small but genuine smile, squeezing her hand gently.
Sam squeezed back, whispering a quiet "Thank you," before nuzzling her forehead onto Dani's shoulder, hiding her face and her slightly-visible smile.
When she pulled away, she caught Dani's eye, both of them refusing to look away. Her hair was a forest green but looked so much lighter under the moon, and San wanted to run her fingers through it.
Dani was a step ahead of her, turning onto her side and releasing Sam's hand so she could pull her into a hug. Her forehead was pressed against Dani's collarbone, but she was so comfortable and felt so safe already.
After everything, she could use a little safe.
So she hugged Dani back, looping their legs together and holding her close, and they stayed like that until the sprinklers turned on.
They both grabbed their shit and ran out of the park, dripping wet and laughing, Sam doubled over by the time they reached the outer sidewalk.
Dani gasped for breath, glancing over at Sam before another laughing fit erupted from her. In the midst of her own fit, Sam barely registered that she wanted to hear Dani laugh like this more often.
The puddles beneath them grew as they slowly calmed down, Dani still letting out quiet giggles every so often, while Sam was just smiling big and proud.
"Your hair still looks beautiful, this is unfair, you're like a goddess or something!" Sam froze, looking over at Dani as she spoke. Her hair was falling into her face, whatever she had used to make it stand up clearly not being waterproof.
"Y-your hair is absolutely gorgeous, and you're rocking the whole.. messy hair vibe. Like, shit, you're so fucking pretty, I could actually ki-" Sam cut off, her eyes widening a little.
Its not that she didnt wanna kiss Dani, but she didnt want her to feel obligated to, I mean it was their first date, and they were both probably cold, and she was getting closer, why was she getting closer?
Dani rested her hands on Sam's shoulder and cheek, giving her a second to pull away before pressing their lips together.
Sam's hands flailed at her sides, before Ren placed them on Dani's hips and kissed her back. Sam came back in control, her eyes sliding shut in near bliss. Dani’s lips were soft and warm, and her hands were playing with Sam’s hair. 
They parted slowly, Dani meeting Sam’s eyes with a small smile. 
“You kiss good,” Were Sam’s first words, barely a whisper as her eyes flicked between Dani’s and her lips. Dani laughed a little, leaning over and kissing Sam’s cheek quickly. 
“You kiss good too. And thanks, Sam,” She was still smiling, and it had Sam smiling back. They stood there for a moment in silence, until Dani spoke up again, “Youre still shivering, do you want to call it a night?”
No, she really didnt, but she was really cold, and she had to take her meds before bed, lest she wake up like an asshole or have nightmares or both. 
She sighed, not knowing how to explain any of that without sounding fucking psychotic, so she simply nodded a little. “’m sorry”
“Hey, no need to apologize, i get it, its 2 am and we both have class tomorrow, its all good. You had fun tonight though?” Dani hooked her arm through Sam’s, guiding them back towards the restaurant and where they had parked. 
Sam blinked in surprise at the time, but didnt comment on it, instead answering, “This has been the best night ive had in.. ever? Its been so much fun just talking with you, and hanging out, and just.. being with you. Youre so sweet and funny and patient, and i.. really hope we can do this again sometime soon?”
Dani smiled, swinging their hands between them as she nodded rapidly. “Id be so down for that, and we can go out earlier than today? Just so we arent out all night?”
Sam nodded, looking up at Dani nervously, “Fuck yeah, or we could like.. i dunno, set up something so we spend the night together..?” 
“Sam Kyle, are you implying-”
“No!! No, not like that!!!!” Dani started laughing again as Sam covered her face with her free hand.
When Dani calmed down again, they had reached the parking lot and stopped walking. “I wouldnt mind having a sleepover though, with or without that.” She said with a fond smile. 
“That.. yeah, fuck yeah, how bout we plan something in the morning?” Dani agreed, and they shared another small kiss before going their separate ways. 
Sam walked quietly into the cabin, sure Kat would be asleep by now. She shot a quick text to Dani telling her that she arrived safely, getting one a few minutes later saying the same. They said their thank you’s and good night’s, before Sam noticed she still had Dani’s jacket on. 
She snorted as she saw herself in the mirror, flapping the sleeves briefly before deciding she did still look cute in it; the color even matched the flowers on her dress! 
She took one last picture, and went to send it to Nic, finally seeing that he had wished her good luck before she even left for the date, and had sent another message asking about how it went. With a small smile, she hit send on the photo, the caption a long ramble about how much fun they had and that they were planning another one soon. 
He responded with a small joke about the comfortable shoes, before saying how happy he was that she was moving on and finding some happy of her own. 
They talked for another few minutes while Sam took her meds, got changed into pjs and washed off the makeup, saying good night’s of their own before she laid down to finally sleep, after three very long, anxious days. 
She cuddled close to Peter, her amethyst necklace around his bear neck, bidding goodnight to the stars around her room and both her dads, finally having a completely dreamless night’s sleep. 
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dreamcity-rawr · 6 years
Attracted to your hidden side
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Character : Kim Jungwoo (ft Lucas and Chenle) Genre : romance, fluff  Plot : everyone sees you as a cold and not-so-friendly person but Jungwoo saw a side of you he immediately fell in love with Length : 1100 words
Request : anonymous : Helloooo~ Could I request an NCT scenario Where The main character is pretty cold to strangers, has a hardcore resting bitch face, strong, confident, seems in general rather unapproachable, but jokes a lot around with a few close friends and has a beautiful smile when she finally does smile, hehe. I don’t have a special member in mind, but just whoever you think whose attention would be caught by that type of person and who would be up for the challenge of getting her. I hope it’s not too much
Warning: none  just some uwus 
everyone at school knows you as the ice queen
because of the vibe that you give off
whenever someone makes eye contact with you, they turn away because of your stoic and fierce glare
even your resting face makes you look like you're pissed off
add to that the fact that you never falter before people’s words
and it makes you intimidating and unapproachable
now enter Kim Jungwoo
from the way he looks to the way he talks, everything screams GENTLE
he’s the type of guy that finds saying ‘no’ very hard
and because of that, he tends to be the person teachers often ask favours from
one of them being covering for a detention teacher
as in, keep an eye on the students in the teacher’s stead
and you happen to have detention one day for apparently ‘gLaRInG aND thReaTening THe tEaCHer’ when you actually just looked up at him from your book with a bored look
so Jungwoo walks into the detention room
you look up from the desk
your eyes meet
and Jungwoo freezes for whole three seconds as you watch him with a bored look
he’s heard of your reputation and he too finds you very intimidating
so he quickly looks away and walks towards the teacher’s table, stumbling midway typical
the next five minutes are absolutely nerve-wrecking for Jungwoo as you watch him quietly from your seat 
and he KNOWS you’re watching him 
but then the doors of the detention room open and he lets out a sigh of relief so loud he bet even you could hear it
“yo it’s ya boiiiii”
“goose goose”
Lucas and Chenle walk into the detention room, loud as always, that’s what got them there in the first place
and Jungwoo looks to them, ready to greet them 
but he literally FREEZES when he hears a chuckle
from you 
his head turns to your direction and his eyes go wide 
you’re smiling ear to ear, even giggling as you wave to Lucas and Chenle
and he feels his breath hitch
he’s NEVER seen you like this and he doubts anyone else really has either
the infamous ice queen, smiling and laughing
Jungwoo finds himself watching the whole interaction, amazed, barely even blinking
so ever since then, Jungwoo sees you in a whole new light
the picture of the smiling you always passes his mind whenever he sees you along the halls
before he knew it, you’d take up most of the space in his mind
so from then on, he’d be hyped to cover for a detention teacher
and he’d smile to himself every time he caught your lips curl up into a smile at Lucas’ stupid jokes and Chenle’s dolphin laugh
and he’d find it hard to contain his own laugh at YOUR hilarious jokes
you cracking jokes was such a charm to him
making his heartbeat go all crazy
this is the side of you that people don’t know
so Jungwoo makes it his goal to prove people wrong
like this one time his seat-mate made a rude comment about you
“y/n’s so cocky. she thinks she’s all that” 
“she’s not that bad, you just don’t know a thing”
and the student just look at him in shock because Jungwoo NEVER talks back
but right that moment, you walk by
your eyes meet and he SWEARS he saw the corner of your lips tilt up
and that was not the only time he was there in your defense 
every time you’d witness him speak out against someone, you’d smile to yourself as well
what Jungwoo didn’t know was that you were actually quite interested in him
you hear about him from Lucas, who describes Jungwoo as a goody-two-shoes
the few first times you saw him, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him
and you’d find it frustrating how people push him around 
and all he does is just comply with a smile back 
but these days, you see a new side of him 
instead of this small guy who doesn’t even know he’s being used and pushed around, Jungwoo slowly grows into a guy who knows how to stand his own ground and actually speak his mind
and without knowing it, you both were attracted to your hidden sides, wanting to bring out more of it
so you happen to go to detention this other time, not because you wanted to but Jungwoo wasn’t there
you overhear the detention teacher talk on the phone 
‘I can’t make it today...the kid’s weird today so no one’s covering for me’
and it actually made you smirk 
because finally, he’s not just taking shit from the teachers
then Lucas and Chenle walk in and you three are just LOUD, ignoring the constant warnings from the teacher
and then the doors of the room slam open, revealing a panting Jungwoo, looking like he just ran a marathon
“I have... detention... today” he says in between breathes
and you look at him, surprised. Jungwoo+detention?doesn’t add up 
“yo, join us my man” Lucas waves
and Jungwoo’s eyes literally sparkle when he sees you with that small smile
“I actually skipped class for the first time today” he said it with so much excitement it was cute
“what a thrill, right” you chuckle and Jungwoo’s just smitten for your beautiful rare smile
“woah, Jungwoo hyung having detention” Chenle exclaims
“I thought I’d finally say no to the teacher” Jungwoo says
and then he looks directly at you
“Hi~” he says, smiling, eyes twinkling
and you unconsciously smile back at him because that smile is contagious?
“I finally made you laugh” he mumbles
you feel your stomach flutter for the first time 
at how BEAUTIFULLY ANGELIC he looks 
“does my smile mean that much to you?”
he nods
“Please do it more often” he says
Chenle and Lucas in the background just UWU at the whole interaction
from then on, you guys hang out as a group of four
and Jungwoo’d actually become much more confident thanks to hanging out with yall
and while he’s falling for your soft side, you’re attracted to how confident and bold he surprisingly is
he’d always say and do things to make you smile and laugh
he’d even get so bold as to tease you and make you blush
Lucas and Chenle taught Jungwoo that
sometimes, you find yourself wishing to spend some alone time with Jungwoo, without the two loud-heads
because you had something to say to him
but he’d beat you to it because he was the first to confess
“I love how your lips curl up when you smile, I love the way your eyes shape crescents when you giggle, I love the sound of your laugh and I love the way you make me feel”
he’d list all of that and you raise a brow at him
“I’m...totally whipped” he says so so softly as he pecks your left cheek
you chuckle at his choice of words blame lucas’ help tbh
“I’m just so... smitten” he continues to peck your right cheek Chenle’s suggested words
“I’m in love with you, y/n” he finally says it and you smile at him as he slowly leans in and ̶
“CONGRATULATIONS MAN, ay he finally said it!!!” these lil punks imma just asdfghjk           
 Author/Writer :
MY FIRST REQUEST OMGGG, you have no idea how happy this actually made me. I love you anon~~~ So I was contemplating on whether to have this as a written oneshot or a bullet scenario, since you didn’t mention it, and I chose to stick with the latter. As for the character, I chose Jungwoo because to me, he seems like a person who’d love to find out new things and who’d be attracted to rare and hidden things. i think there’s not much of the fluff here, but I tried my best to put in a tiiiny bit of character development because I love that shiez. Anyways, I hope you liked it~ I love you~
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The Question
Okay, never commented on the Ruby and Sapphire episode "The Question". But YO JUST SO MANY OF YALL EXCITED OVER THE WEDDING!! XD
Okay, I really loved how they adressed the fact that Ruby and Sapphire are their own people, and how they are allowed to do what they please, and how Garnet should be their decision, rather than what Rose/Pink wanted.
I'm glad that Ruby was able to go to our main man Greg for advice, cause we ALL know that Greg is a wonderful person and a great listener. I just hope he's taking the whole Pink Diamond thing well.
I'm glad I'm also not the only one who was surprised that Steven eats raw flour. He's been hanging around Amethyst a little too much... Oh well, it's not scientifically harmful in any way.
I hope
Ruby becoming a cowboy was hilarious, so was Horse Amethyst. I just loved seeing a side of her personality, and how she would spend her free time.
Also, the proposal... I started making noises that weren't human. Lol but jokes aside, it truly was precious, and just how they agreed upon being together, even when they were apart.
Even after the proposal, they didn't fuse, they just has each other to hold, and it was so amazing.
Bonus: "Psst, it's me. I'm a horse." XxD
Made Of Honor
Okay so, let's talk about how Steven loves planning weddings. It's SO cute, he's so excited about planning the perfect wedding for his two moms, and knows exactly where they can get their recommendations for it.
It's so sweet and cute, he's so pure and adorable and I hope Connie knows what she's gotten herself into.
Flames and dolphins anyone? XD And Peridot complaining about making the invitations.
One thing that hit hard was how Sapphire was sad about most of their gem friends not being there.
Then Steven releases Bismuth. And OH BOY-
Bismuth: "Rose- Ah Steven..??"
Steven: "OOOH there's a third option now-"
Good lord Steven.
Bismuth trying to release Biggs Jasper was really sad, and honestly, I would've loved to see a new gem.
Also, Bismuth dunking her head into a vat of lava after learning that Rose was actually Pink Diamond, is honestly such a mood at this point.
So many Bismuth puns.
Also, she feels as if the gems won't want her back, that they're mad at her after what Rose must have said about her. But it's good that Steven is there to say that they care for Bismuth.
The reunion, was amazing, and how excited and happy the gems were to have her back. It was so sweet, the ending, and how Bismuth actually MADE RUBY AND SAPPHIRE WEDDING RINGS!!! AAAA-
*slaps myself*
*coughs* I'm good.
And finally...
(This one will be done in bullet points, since I JUST finished watching the episode.)
This was it! The day we had been waiting for! Ruby and Sapphire are getting married!
I love how the episode starts out, with the song that Steven is singing. While solemn at first, then he's so happy and excited, and these are some of the highest notes he's hit in a song! Amazing job to Zach Callison!
Sapphire saying she's not nervous, while there are nervous ice shards at her feet.
Ruby in a dress! Sapphire in a tux! So cute! And Ruby being so excited to get the wedding started.
Ruby's vows being about how they can be whoever they wish to be, how Sappphire will fight alongside her, and how if the Diamonds came, they'd kick their butts together.
Sapphire's vows being about how Ruby opened her eye (hahah) up to the universe's endless possibilities. It truly was meta as hell.
Everything's going so well, I'm so happy that- OH FUCK HERE COME THE DIAMONDS!!! THEY'RE HERE FOR THE CLUSTER!!!
Oh fuck here comes Blue Diamond and HOLY SHIT SHE IS SO STRONG-
GEM BATTLE!!!!! Bismuth freaking launched Peridot at Blue's face.
OH my gosh Peridot called Yellow Diamond a clod again!
Yo... This is like, a gem dreamscape of their thoughts. If that makes any sense. But it's really cool seeing it from their thoughts.
Poor Yellow Diamond feels responsible for Pink getting shattered. Ooh that's why the Trial with Blue Zircon hit a nerve of hers.
Steven trying to get through to the Diamonds was SO intense. Their emotions are out of wack.
Steven's new power was PINK DIAMOND'S AURA!! That's incredible, and now they know... they know who he is. Oh Blue sounded so shocked and sad. Yellow had a look of ACTUAL concern on her face!
God... what a finale... and now, we wait... for the conclusion...
Ya know, this post went from me discussing the episodes calmly to me freaking out about what was happening, basically all my live reactions. Oh well! XD
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dolcissimos-remade · 7 years
So i feel like I don’t see as much Jongdae scenarios and fics as I would like (or maybe I have not looked in the right places) but I thought I should just make this long post full of my favorite Jongdae based scenarios and fanfics cause I think he deserves a lot of love!!! :)
i hate you by @soobadnoonecanstopher
Here’s a sweet hate turned love one- shot for Jongdae. You two just can’t get along. He teases and criticizes you too much. You tease him back. Sometimes you’re downright mean to him. But he holds a secret behind his actions and one night when he unintentionally makes you cry he can’t keep it a secret any longer.
amber by @oh-ottoke
Your relationship with Jongdae was unclear. You had both talked about dating each other just two months ago, him saying he loved you in the most platonic of ways. But now here he was, leaving soft kisses along your jaw as you watched Netflix on his laptop.
librarian checkout
Maybe he wasn’t intending to check out books in the first place.
He has a way of capturing you on purpose or non purpose.
untitled college au by @ex0imagines
some shy chen, teasing exo, a little misunderstanding, but a cute confession at the end
@keypea (i should have just put the whole masterlist, huh? please go check out all their writings!!!)
fwb drabble
turn down the volume / part 2
meet cute(?)  neighbor stuff
prank war
Never before have you had such a strong urge to strangle your boyfriend
room service
Birthday suprise
A Valentines Day Imagine
@thong-in-the-twist (guys, who am i kidding, i love all this persons writing, these are just a select few that i love a lot, please go read her whole masterlist, thanks)
Guys, it’s just porn. There is no plot whatsoever. Like none.There is nothing.
Chen + mesh
technically, yes by @taemins-dolphin
You don’t believe in love, but surprise! Chen does!
how bad could he be / part 2 by @3kpop2jagi1
there is a wedding (not yours), and there is sex (yours!)
fluffery fluff // it’s really not chen’s thing but he’s trying for your sake.
better late than never
you weren’t sure what hurt more. being unable to confess, or having to watch jongdae fall in love more than once with people who aren’t you.
light bulbs
AU prompt : there’s a weird light switch in my apartment room and I have no idea what it does so I keep switching it on and off and you suddenly barge up my floor and demand me to stop because apparently that switch is connected to your room’s light.
cloud 9 / pt 2 / pt 3 by @smutfictionaddicted
NSFW / + 18 / smut /  fluff / phobia of flying and heights / intimacy on semi public places
take your time by @solarexact
oversized by @kookievmyoppa
Um…Surprise? by @yeolology
You and Jongdae have been dating for quite a while, but when he drops the L-bomb on you for the first time, you realise that you should probably tell him about the toddler back home that calls you mom. 
Jongdae forgets it’s your anniversary and lashes out because of stress
You pretend to sleep and moan a different member’s name
The Other Woman by @forexcapism
Everyone always overlooks the one person who suffers the most.
A - Z NSFW: Chen by @chantenyongs
썸타 by @thong-in-the-twist​ (complete)
based on this song
brilliance by SerpentineFire (complete / AFF)
Chen was completely infactuated with Jade, and didnt believe for a second he was good enough for her. If he ever got the chance though, he would show her how special she was. AMBW fic
the prince’s heart by @oh-so-scenarios (on-going?)
Royalty! AU
Collision Course by @yeolology (ongoing)
You were the typical girl with big dreams who moved to the city as soon as she had the chance, and somehow ended up in the wrong part of town - but you somehow manage to get swept up in an entirely different situation than you’d planned.
Chased by @gwaenchanhajagiya (on-going) (yall here me screaming, i love this writer so much ok!!!! bye)
Chen hasn’t been lucky in love. He’s found it, lost it, searched for it, and came up empty handed. Being the main thief in a mafia group isn’t the perfect profession to find it either. When EXO came into his life, everything got set upside down. He met Angel there, his best friend, who he loves dearly. But it’s not what he desires. He desires to be normal, to be wanted, to be loved. To be chased. He just doesn’t know it yet. But a certain aspiring journalist might be able to make him open his eyes. And cause a lot of trouble at the same time. Because a criminal being chased by a journalist is a dangerous combination
There Is No Third Option by @narika-a (on going)
Your parents gave you up so you had no choice but to become his wife.
Guardian by @kpopfanfictrash (on-going)
You keep seeing the same guy everywhere you go. In the coffee shop, on the streets, in your philosophy class. It’s getting to the point where you think he’s stalking you - only to realize that maybe there’s something much more mysterious at play. (AU: Chen is your guardian angel)
Caffeine by @3kpop2jagi1 (on-going)
You pointed to the door of your apartment. “Um that’s my place. I live here. What are you doing here?” you asked, your heart racing as you watched the grin overtake his expression, his hand moving up to ruffle his already tousled hair. With his free hand, he pointed to the apartment across from yours, the one that was empty since your old neighbors had moved out.
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