#a mutual arrangement
aflockofravens · 4 months
Also, Jinshi in "How to Buy Out a Contract" was hilarious.
Do you think he's prettier than me
I was contemplating your murder but my future wife cat thinks you'll make a good brother in law so I'll let you live
My future wife cat trusts you, so I trust you. Don't fuck it up.
Have some money to leave my future wife alone forever go marry her sister
Did you see that Gaoshun? I did a socializing. Do you think Maomao will be proud of me?
Also Lihaku is precious. What an adorable golden retriever of a man. He went from absolute disdain at Maomao when she approached him for an escort to being like "help me little sister, I'm in love".
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rudeboimonster · 9 months
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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spyglahass · 1 year
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a little thing I did for a friend I got for a secret santa 👉👈
something something, they signed a treaty and have to take part in an official celebration
fwhip has no idea how to dance AND is a gay mess about it
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aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
Scrooge: I’m not that in love with Goldie
Huey: you are doodling your wedding invitations
Scrooge: no, this is our joint tomb stone.
Huey: …my bad
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opultea · 9 months
Me Instead
Younger! Ayato x GN Reader (No Pronouns)
Fluff - Drabble - Romantic - SFW - mutual pining - arranged marriage - happy ending
Word Count: 0.7k
Note: This drabble is set just after Ayato assumes his position as head of the Kamisato clan, so he may act more brashly due to his youth
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"M-my lord, please, if you will only wait a moment-"
Ayato slid the paper door open a little too harshly, making it rattle in its rail as he stepped into your room.
“Ayato, you couldn’t have waited outside? For all you know I was changing,” You commented casually, almost jokingly.
The attendant fixing your hair was startled by the commissioner's entrance, but tried to continue her work with her slightly shaking hands.
“What do you think, is this fan too simple? I believe the Kado clan has always preferred more colourful designs,” Ayato’s chest heaved at your question.
“Why do you insist on giving such thought to the preferences of a man you’ve only met once?”
“This meeting matters to my parents, Ayato. A proposal would be their dream come true,”
“Yet it’s everything you would despise,”
You silently dismiss your attendant, who scrambles to bow before closing the door swiftly behind her.
“Ayato, please,”
“This isn’t what you want,”
“Don’t be naive, Ayato.” For the first time since he had entered, you looked him straight in the eye. The tired smile you gave unnerved him in a way he would never be able to shake. “You know that doesn’t matter,”
Ayato was new to his position as the Yashiro Commissioner. In the eyes of the Tri-Commission and the other noble families, he was only a boy, barely ready to take over such a cumbersome responsibility. Ayato knew well how the other commissioners thought of him, he knew they thought him naive. But hearing it from you was a different sort of sting. Did you truly think so little of him? Did you truly think so little of how he thought of you?
How could you say that you didn’t matter, when you were all that mattered to him?
“But it could matter, if you let it,” Ayato argued, his shoulders fixing themselves back to make his form stronger than his heart. When you sigh, he only presses on. “Don’t go today, I’ll give your parents an explanation. They are hardly in a position to defy the word of the commissioner, after all,”
“And they would only reschedule,” You shake your head, gently holding your temple as if the weight of your thoughts has finally become too much. “Besides, what would you even tell them?”
“That you are to marry me.”
The silence that follows has Ayato near sick. He tenses his jaw in hope that his sudden queasiness doesn't show. He doesn’t know if it’s better that you're not looking at him anymore.
“Marry… you?” You breathe. Ayato steels himself to explain.
"If it is a proposal that your parents desire then that is what we will provide. If you are willing, I will be dutiful and will care for you as you deserve. Never will you need to take concern in your comfort; I shall provide everything you feel you need. Not to mention a marriage between two people with a friendship established between them is more likely to be fruitful, and of course there will be no need to partake in any marriage acts that you are uncomfortable with-"
“Ayato!” It takes him a moment to realise this is the third time you have called his name. You stare at each other for a moment, your eyes catching as you slowly approach him. "I have no doubt that you would be a respectful and dutiful husband, as well as a continued friend. You'd certainly be better than the first son of the Kado clan, anyhow. He's actually quite boorish, really," You chuckle, making a puff of laughter escape Ayato's chest as he feels some of the weight release.
"So, is that perhaps a yes?"
"Well, you haven't actually proposed yet," Your lips shift into a smirk as you tease. Ayato clears his throat, half to shake off the mild embarrassment and half for the sake of dramaticism.
"Will you, my greatest friend, most resourceful ally, and most honoured critic, take my hand in marriage?" Neither of you seemed to notice how you had gradually shifted closer, not until your hands brushed together and your breaths were nearly shared.
"It would be my greatest pleasure,"
Ayato knew this was hardly the ideal circumstance for your engagement, but he supposed that if he was going to ask for your hand anyway, it was better sooner than too late.
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I present to you: a tiny moth and his even tinier emotional support human
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And also a tiny spring moth (he placed/pinned/braided flowers in your hair and in turn you decorated his floof with flowers because his hair was too short :P)
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"excuse me, that's my emotional support human" -Foul Legacy at some point or another
OHHHH I LOVE THE IDEA OF DECORATING HIS FLUFF WITH FLOWERS,,, imagine it's the early summer and you get to pepper his fur with both flowers and fireflies that like nestling in the soft strands, glowing like little stars
he tries his best to delicately tuck a flower behind your ear too- please teach him how to make flower crowns, he'd love that!!
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himeryu · 2 years
could i request an ayato and arranged marriage fic w a reader as clever as the man and a happy ending w requited love? im like. desperate to find more of these
Happily Ever After (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
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CH NOTES: established relationship, arranged marriage, mutual pining, misunderstandings (infidelity), kimono is mentioned (implied fem!reader), happy ending, fluff, slight angst (just a little though)
PAIRING: Ayato x reader
SUMMARY: Ayato x Fiance!Reader resolving misunderstandings in the most adorable way possible 
A/N: the joy I felt when I received this request,,, anyways here’s a fic!! who knows I might make a sequel.
. . . navigation masterlist
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“C-can you repeat that for me, [Name]?” Ayaka stutters, her hands trembling. She tries to keep the smile on her face, but it doesn’t hide her uneasiness. She could not believe what she had just heard. You sigh at the youngest Kamisato, not wanting to repeat the words you just said. However, she is your dear friend– and future sister-in-law– so you’ll repeat for her.
Ayaka starts drinking her tea, waiting for you to speak. You look down at the teacup wrapped around your hand, “I think Ayato is having an affai–” “PFFFTT–”
You immediately look up to see the youngest Kamisato choking on her drink. Your eyes widen as you stand up, walking towards Ayaka who is sitting in front of you. “Ayaka, are you okay?!” You ask worriedly, handing out your handkerchief to her. 
She grabs your handkerchief and starts to wipe her mouth– her face beat red from embarrassment. “I apologize for… erm, that,” She replies nervously. You observe her closely, her face still red, and her gaze doesn’t meet yours. 
“Are you hiding something from me?” you frown. Ayaka immediately turns to face you, her eyes wide. “No, Of course not!” She denies, placing her hand on her chest, “I have nothing to hide from you.” 
You sigh as you run your fingers through your hair, sitting beside the youngest Kamisato. You look at her intensely, making Ayaka gulp slightly under your gaze– you’re serious, terrifyingly serious. The atmosphere in the drawing room tenses, “I think Ayato is having an affair,” you continue, “Do you know anything? Ayaka?” You question her, eyebrows furrowing as you look at her firmly. 
“I know nothing,” Ayaka replies unyieldingly, “if I did know anything, I would tell you immediately, [Name], I swear.” You and Ayaka stare intensely at each other, your gazes not wavering. Ayaka is nervous under your stare yet holds her ground. You then look away– breaking eye contact–, and the atmosphere around you softens, opting to believe the youngest Kamisato. Ayaka sighs in relief, knowing that you believe her. 
You start to calm down, your seriousness disappearing but not your suspicion. “[Name], may I ask, when did you start suspecting my brother?” Ayaka asks, you look at her determined expression. You give her a small smile– despite being his younger sister, she looks as if she’s willing to choose you over him. 
“Alright, I’ll tell you,”
Your suspicion started a week ago at Lady Hiiragi’s tea party. After the abolishment of the Vision hunt decree, Chisato Hiirago took over as the head of her clan. To celebrate, she hosted a tea party in her estate located in Ritou. As the fiance of the Yashiro Commissioner and her friend, you were undeniably invited to the tea party alongside your Fiance. 
On the day of the tea party, everything was going well until your Fiance excused himself– leaving the room. You didn’t mind, because you know very well that he dislikes gatherings. But after a while, he still hasn’t come back. Worried, you excused yourself from the tea party and started looking for your Fiance. 
As you were looking for him, you saw him talking with Lady Hayashi, an unmarried woman, who specializes in clothing. Out of instinct, you hide behind a nearby tree as you listen intently to their conversation. At first, it started casually, only exchanging pleasantries, until it changed. Your eyes narrowed as you continued to listen intently. 
“My lord, about that... Ehem, special request, it has been going smoothly.” Hiyashi smiles, “You can come over tomorrow.”
You freeze on the spot. ‘Special request? Come over? What is going on?’ you thought. You bite down your lower lip as your heart thumps out of your chest. You try to conceal your presence with the use of your vision, hoping none of the two would notice your presence. 
“I’ll be there,” Ayato replied– your heart sank. You place your hand over your chest as it continues to beat loudly. You watch as they bid each other goodbye, going their separate ways. You don’t know why you're feeling like this– horrible and unfamiliar. 
You walked back to the venue, feeling odd. You didn’t understand why it felt like everything came crashing down. The night went on, as usual, hoping that no one would notice your dampened mood behind the smile. As the night comes to an end, you are convinced that no one saw through your facade– after all, no one came to ask about your well-being. But you were unaware of the lilac-colored eyes looking at you in concern the entire night. 
As the only descendant of one of the most prestigious clans in all of Inazuma, you were immediately engaged to Kamisato Ayato at birth, and it did not bother you at all. Out of the other noble candidates, you were undeniably closest to the eldest Kamisato, so you were glad that it was Ayato.
From then on, you and Ayato spent each other’s childhood together. He was there at every significant event in your and vice versa. From winning your first sparring competition to you crying over a book Guuji Yae gave to you– Ayato was there all the time. And the more time you spent with him by your side, you slowly developed feelings for him– however, it took you a while to admit your feelings.
After all, it is a form of weakness. 
But you couldn’t help it– Kamisato Ayato is so easy to love. From his smile, ambition, flaws, and sense of fashion to his love of Boba, you fell in love with everything. So when you overheard that conversation, you were devastated. 
“So basically, you overheard my brother talking with Lady Hiyashi about a special request?” Ayaka asks, seeking confirmation. You nod as a reply.
“Maybe he just ordered some garments– hence he sought Lady Hiyashi,” Ayaka assumes, trying to ease out your ambitious suspicion. When you told Ayaka your suspicion, she could not believe it. After all, Kamisato Ayato is madly in love with you since he first laid his eyes on you! So having an affair is more unlikely than Diluc Ragnvindr reconciling with his brother! Not only that, Lady Hiyashi is lesbian, so there is no way she would have an affair with her brother. 
As much as she wants to tell you, she decides to stay quiet about it. (not because she finds this amusing of course).
“That’s what I first thought,” You announce, staring at your hand as you fidget your fingers, “but I have checked the ledgers, and there was no documented transaction between Lady Hiyashi and Ayato,” “I ‘asked’ around and for the past couple of weeks, Ayato has been meeting Lady Hiyashi.”
Ayaka continues to smile, despite knowing that you did not just ask around. Knowing you, you most likely ordered the elite ninjas in your family to get information between Ayato and Lady Hiyashi no matter what. 
Hearing footsteps approaching the room, Ayaka decided to graciously help her dear brother. Noticing a silhouette standing behind the Shoji, she decides to take this opportunity. Ayaka asks her distressed friend, “Are you perhaps in love with my brother, [Name]?” 
You freeze, blood rushing to your face as your cheeks shade red– heating it in the process. Your pupils shaking profusely and your ears reddening. You cover the lower half of your face with your hand, trying to avert your gaze from Ayaka, who is grinning at you. Ayaka glanced at the figure behind the shoji, then glanced back at you. 
“It’s just that,” Ayaka says, resting her face on her hand– tilting it– “Since you and my brother are in an arranged marriage I suspect that you wouldn’t care if he has a secret lover,” Your shoulder tenses up. “But seeing you distressed, I assume you care deeply for my brother more than a friend, isn’t that right?” 
You press your lips tightly, hesitant to answer Ayaka’s question. As mentioned, it took you ages to admit your love for Ayato, so admitting it out loud is further admitting that you love him. 
While you lost in your own thoughts, Ayaka once again glanced at the silhouette behind the shoji. Kamisato Ayato has always been a terrible hider. During her childhood, her brother would always play seeker because, in his words, he would rather play hunter than be hunted. 
“Yes…” You whisper, making only Ayaka hear. Ayaka smirks teasingly, “I’m sorry [Name] but I can’t hear you” 
You pout at the young Kamisato, who is looking at you with a teasing grin. You sigh then you speak, “Yes”, this time saying it much loudly. 
“Yes to what??” Ayaka smirks, your face turning redder than a ripe tomato. How annoying you playfully thought. You just want to wipe that grin off her face. You take a deep breath as Ayaka looks at you expectantly. 
“I love Kamisato Ayato!” You yell, Ayaka’s eyes widening at the volume of your voice. Her gaze goes back to back from your flustered face to the silhouette behind the shoji. She wasn’t expecting you to yell– but you did!
 “From his smile to his annoying attitude, I love it!” You look at Ayaka with hearts in your eyes. “[Name] are you alright-“
“The way he firmly commands his subordinates with an iron fist but then treats them well regardless of status,” You add, “I love it all!”
You have never told anyone of your undying love for the commissioner because you believe it to be a show of weakness. So you buried it deep within your heart for months, never expressing your love. 
It was painful not to express your love for Ayato. But you endured— well, not until now. 
You continue to sing of your love for Ayato, almost forgetting the fact you were distressed because of him. 
Ayaka just sits there and listens as you ramble about her brother, slowly regretting her choices. Ayaka turns to look at the shoji, she could just tell that the person behind the shoji is blushing so hard. Oh, how badly she just wants to see it. 
Then, an idea popped inside her head, and she smirks. “[Name], excuse me” Ayaka smiles at you as she stands up, you look at her curiously. “Are you going somewhere?” you ask her, who is now walking towards the door, slightly tilting your head to your side. 
You look at the shoji where Ayaka is walking, your eyes widen as you see a silhouette— a silhouette you are familiar with.
“Brother, it isn’t nice to eavesdrop on conversations, you know?” Ayaka sarcastically jokes, sliding the shoji door– revealing your flustered Fiance holding a wrapped present. You cover your mouth as you blush profusely, slowly realizing what has just occurred. 
Ayaka grins at the sight of two love-sick idiots. “I’ll leave you two here. I need to ask Thoma to bring in more Dango!” Ayaka nonchalantly says as she leaves the room, leaving both of you here.
“Hey,” Ayato nervously greets you, shutting the door behind him and then walking towards you. You look down, not wanting to face him after your outburst. “Don’t look down,” he whispers as he continues to walk toward you. You tense up at the tone of his voice– firm. You continue to look down, his shadow swallowing your figure. 
Your eyes widen as he holds onto your chin, slowly tilting it up, making you face your Fiance. You gasp at the sight; Ayato looks down at you with a grin on his face– his cheeks still red.
“Didn’t you say you like my eyes?” He teases, slowly leaning forward– making you tense up, “So don’t look away.” Your cheeks heat up as you both get lost in each other’s eyes. You’re mesmerized, not wanting to look away from his eyes. Though he has an arrogant expression, his gaze is so soft, gentle, and full of love, making your heart skip a beat.
The more you two get mesmerized in each other’s eyes, the more Ayato loses his cool. Kamisato has always been a great actor, knowing how to conceal his emotions when needed, he just can’t do it in front of you. Slowly, Ayato’s facade starts to crumble apart as his cheeks heat up, making him blush hard– again. His smug smirk turns into a soft smile. You continue to stare at him in daze as he removes his hold onto your chin and then sits down next to you. 
“I’m sorry,” He apologizes, “It appears that I can’t stay calm around you.” 
“Did you hear everything?” You ask as you both maintain eye contact. Ayato reddens, “Yes,” 
“As in, everything?” 
“Do you want me to repeat everything you said?” 
“No!” You immediately refute, your eyes wide. Silence befalls you two until you both burst out laughing. You both smile at each other after your laughing fit. Then Ayato grabs your hand, intertwining it with his– making you blush, even more, you didn’t even think it was possible to blush this hard. “I got you something,” Ayato says, grabbing the wrapped present with his other hand.
“This is?” You look at the beautifully wrapped present. You swore you’d seen this wrapping from somewhere. “Open it,” Ayato suggests; you look up at him and then back to the present. You let go of Ayato’s hand as you grab the present and then unwrapping it. 
“A box?” You mutter to yourself. With both of your hands, you lift the box, eyes widening as you look at the present– it’s a kimono. “This is!” You remove the kimono from the box as you admire the design.
“It’s beautiful,” You praise, your excited eyes not leaving the blue-colored kimono. “I designed it, just for you,” He grins. Upon hearing his remark, your excited eyes turn to look at him, startling him. “It’s gorgeous!!” you exclaim. 
As you continue admiring the Kimono; you notice how the color matches Ayato’s clothes, the golden embroideries, and the lily pattern. “It is beautiful,” You say, turning your head to face him “so beautiful,” you smile widely at him. Ayato’s eyes widen at the sight, his heart skipping a beat as he continues to admire your smile– he’s captivated. Compared to his design, your smile is much more beautiful. 
He smiles back at you, “it took me weeks to design this,” he says as he holds onto the silk of the Kimono, “And then I had to request Lady Hiyashi to bring the design to life.” You tense up, your excitement slowly disappearing at the mention of her name. You then recall the reason why you are in the Kamisato estate in the first place. Ayato notices your sudden change in mood, and concerned, he speaks “[Name] are you alright-”
“What is your relationship with Lady Hiyashi?” You interrupt him as your expression darkens. His eyes widened at the question, “Excuse me?”
“A few days ago I saw you and Lady Hiyashi talking about a special request and–”
“[Name], are you assuming that I and Lady Hiyashi are having an affair?” Ayato interrupts, and you nod in response. The next moment, Ayato’s laughter fills the room. Your face flushed in embarrassment as you stare at the eldest Kamisato in disbelief– is he mocking you?!
“Are you mocking me, Kamisato Ayato?” You snap, eyes narrowing, as Ayato starts to wipe his tears of laughter.
“Dear,” He says in between his laughter, “Lady Hiyashi is lesbian and is in a 5-year relationship with her childhood sweetheart.”
Your eyes widen at the newly founded information. You immediately turn to look away from Ayato from embarrassment as he continues to laugh at your remark. “Though,” Ayato grins teasingly, “To think that you love me to the point you’d get jealous, I’m honored.”
You refuse to meet his eyes– dying from embarrassment– just a while ago you were suspecting that he might be in an affair. You internally cursed at yourself for jumping to conclusions, you even told Ayaka for Archon’s sake! “If I tell you about me, will you finally look at me in the eyes?” He whispers, your ears perk up in curiosity– something about Ayato?
“Maybe,” You mutter in reply, Ayato smiles.
“Did you know I’ve been madly in love with you since childhood?” Your eyes widen, “You were always so unique as a child, so clever yet you always listen to your heart than mind,” He grins, “Just like now.” 
Ever since Ayato was a child, he gave away his heart to you like he was just passing toys, regardless of the advice of his peers. ‘As the heir to the Kamisato clan, you must never give your heart away so easily’ they would say, ‘it is a form of weakness. He would always take the wise words of his peers seriously– after all, knowledge is important. Yet he easily threw it all away when it comes to you. He easily gave you his world, despite knowing you could break it all in a heartbeat. 
He knows how closed your heart is, after all, you too received the same advice. The only difference between you and Ayato is that you took it to heart. 
“I’m sorry,” You whisper softly, still refusing to meet his eyes in shame. Ayato looks at you almost as if his world is about to crumble apart. “I only started developing feelings for you 6 months ago,” You add.
Ayato’s jaw drops at your comment, and then you both hear an outburst of laughter coming behind the shoji door. You and Ayato turn to the door as it slides open, revealing Ayaka laughing her heart out, and Thoma trying to suppress his laughter while holding a plate of Dango.
BONUS: [Name]: So why have you been meeting with Lady Hiyashi? Ayato (held at gunpoint): It’s because we need to talk about the designs [Name]: Why secretly? Ayato: I wanted to surprise you, hence the unrecorded ledgers [Name]: Why special request then? Ayato: it’s because i’m the yashiro commissioner which is why every request i make is special??????
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A/N: im so sorry i have no idea how to make reader as someone as clever as the man I just like this idea akjsdjhfak also this is my longest fic slay
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mercuryspit · 5 months
Shout out to the Snowjanus Bible (First Testament: Arrangements) (Second Testament: Thoughts of You Consume)
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lil-grem-draws · 7 days
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The kind of arrangement Cyrus shares with Paul (@polina_sango). No commitment or romantic feelings but some nice company sometimes to go along after a night of gambling (mostly Cyrus losing money to Paul's establishment). Dresses are not normally present but tonight Cyrus is rocking it 💸🧨🃏🔥🐍
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
god i hate takes on lae'zel that try to paint her taking you to the creche as her doing a Nice Good Thing and not that she is literally stranded on a world she doesn't know and is one sword alone. she needs you and everyone else to make sure she reaches the creche for her salvation. she doesn't know how dangerous this is going to be, if she can survive alone, she thinks she has 7 days to get this done and who knows how slowly she'll go if she's one person fighting alone. plus she doesn't know these locations, someone from the sword coast can go 'oh? its that place? well i know where that is' but lae'zel doesn't know that, she's travelling blind and is relying on you. not to mention she's not exactly a conversationalist and threatening people can only get you so far. what if she was attacked by a whole fucking town of people for threatening someone for information? and she's by herself? c'mon
if she didn't need you, she wouldn't take you to the creche. full stop
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faeriegirl · 7 months
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Emily Bronte/Traverse
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admrlthundrbolt · 2 months
Love From The Other Side (Bowser x Chubby Reader)
Your kingdom had recently come on dire time. With the Koopa Kingdom having a vast army. Well who was Bowser to deny your family's pleads. Especially when you were being offered to him on a tempting platter.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Don't think that I wasn't writing, I just found out I had an allergy. So I had to deal with that. But I'm back and with a cute Bowser story. I've wanted to write for him since the new Mario Bros movie. It wasn't until recently that I thought of a decent plot though. Any who I hope you enjoy.
He was surprised at receiving a request for an audience with your kingdom. A trading kingdom from a far off port. He had seen your parents from time to time at galas or Royal conferences. They seemed to be respectable if not private people. What was most peculiar though, was your name in the letter. He had heard mentions of you of course. But outside of your own kingdom, no one had seemed to see you.
It may have been your presence that made his decision. Who was to say, either way, your family would be at his castle within a fortnight.
Your hands fidget together as the carriage made its way down the rocky road. Glancing around you notice your mother frowning out the window. While you father was staring at you. Looking down quickly, you braced for a lecture.
“You know this is a last resort, don't you?” His gaze seemed to bore through you to your very soul.
Nodding you hoped that would be answer enough. As he didn't turn away, you said. “I do.” Though the whole situation only made you feel as if you were only an object.
A ghost of a smile fell on his face. Though it was as hollow as his next words. “I'm glad.”
Your mother's eyes narrowed as they surveyed the passing scenery.
Your families arrival rang throughout the castle. The Goombas were rushing around to do last second tidying. While Kamek ordered Koopas to finish the dinner preparations.
Bowser's eyes swept over the grounds until they landed on the colorful carriage. It had wonderful murals of coastal scenery. As well as being drawn by creatures that weren't quite fish or horse. He was eagar to see what other oddities your kingdom may have. Hearing a scuffle next to him, he looked down to see Bowser Jr. shuffling in excitement. It wasn't everyday someone visited the castle under pleasant circumstances. Smiling down at his son, he ruffled his hair affectionately.
The carriage parked in front of the king and the driver opened the door. As regal as ever, your father and mother stepped through the door. He was a moment from greeting them, when you appeared. Beautiful as anyone he had ever seen and full as an overripe fruit. You were the visage of a deity.
Your father cleared his throat causing Bowser to reluctantly look away from you. The man had a knowing yet somber expression on his face. While your mother was out right scowling. A sheepish look crossed your face as you joined your parents.
Putting on a more professional air, he waved his arm towards the castle. “Welcome, please come inside and rest in your rooms a while. Dinner will be ready soon.” With that he rushed inside, Jr. trailing behind him. All the while berating himself. Coming up with a plan to not make so much of a fool of himself at dinner. Not noticing how Jr. couldn't stop looking back at you admiringly.
“Charles are you sure this is the right decision? I mean did you see the way he was gaping at her.” You could hear your mother's complaints ringing through the room you had been shown to.
“Evie please, this was a descion that had to be made.” There was a tense silence that followed. “It's not as if we've forced her. You know better than anyone that no one can will her to do anything.”
This caused an uncomfortable pressure to build behind your eyes. Not wanting to hear about your parents thoughts on you. You swiftly entered the room. “Have they called us for dinner?” You had already heard the Koopa tell your parents it was ready. But it was easier to change the subject quickly and avoid their gaze this way.
Your father smiled and gave you a endearing smile that you weren't sure you deserved. “Yes, should we start making our way then.”
He sat at the head of the table. Desperately hoping that he didn't seem to eagar as your family approached. Jr. bounced in his seat to the right. To his shock you took the seat on his left. It was in this moment that he was glad that Kamek had suggested a smaller table. Something about it being a less intimidated and cozy gestured.
The first dish came out and only the sound of silverware filled the room. It wasn't until the main course came that the tension was broken by your father.
“I'm sure your curious as to why we've called for this audience.” His gaze felt piercing to the turtle tyrant.
His eyes flickered to you for a brief moment, before focusing on him. “I was surprised why such a distant kingdom would reach out.” Without knowing the reason for your visit, it felt like he had to walk on egg shells. Why were you here?
Rubbing a hand across his aged features, he said. “It is not under happy circumstances. We are receiving threats from a nearby kingdom. Are you familiar with the Eezla domain?”
He had to hold back a flinch. Even he had a hard time dealing with the war hungry dictator of a leader from there. It was no wonder your family had seeked out an audience with another kingdom. The only question was why his.
“He has come to us with a demand. Our daughter's hand in marriage or a battle for our ports.” His tone was weary.
Your gaze dropped to the table with dread. You wouldn't mind sacrificing your morals to save your people. But as the only heir for your family. It was an obvious ploy to take over the kingdom. You wouldn't have been surprised if your parent's death would have followed the potential ceremony.
“So instead we talked together on the matter and came to a new conclusion. It would be far more difficult if our daughter was wed to a more tolerable kingdom. Though they would need to have a formidable army.” He would have continued his eloquent explanation. If not for your mother's bitter interuption.
“She choose you. Can you believe that.” Her glare burned through him. “Out of all the options she had. You were her first pick.” Folding her arms over her chest, she resembled more closely a toddler than a queen.
Standing up quickly, you gave a hard stare to your mother. “It was the logical choice.” Looking away from her, your timid demeanor returned. “If the other party accepts that is.”
He could help but think that your gaze was as piercing as your father's. Though there was a graceful openness to you. He thought of Peach for a moment and had to keep a grimace off of his face. It had been a blow to his heart when she married Mario. Looking at you, it was like a golden opportunity had been dropped in his lap. “I do.”
It was an odd feeling to bid fairwell to your parents. But with your mother's distaste for the arrangement and time running out. It was better that they go start the ceremony preparations now. It was a relief to only have to make final decisions. Also that Bowser agreed to a wedding in your home lands.
Placing your ear against the door. No large footfalls could be heard and your shoulders sagged in relief. You shouldn't be avoiding your betrothed. On the other hand, if he asked about what your mother said. You just may die of embarrassment.
Just how was a sheltered princess supposed to explain to her newly betrothed about her powers. That the only reason the ruler of Eezla had found out you are a seerer. After that it wasn't long before he demanded for your hand. By choice or force. This had prompted you to shut yourself away and look for the best path. It hadn't taken long. The moment Boswer entered your visions, it was all but decided. The sight of his heart break was surprising. Followed by the tenderness he held for his son. He provided for his citizens, raising a fierce army.
A blush took over your face as you remembered your possible future together. Growing to care for one another. Parenting Bowser Jr. together, even visions of your own children. It was almost to much to handle, your face felt as if it was on fire.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered yourself. Stepping out the door, you bumped into a small figure. It was a shock to run into someone shorter than you. But a gasp escaped your mouth as you saw Jr. on the floor in front of you.
Scooping him up on your arms, you fussed. “Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you there. Are you ok?”
He beamed up at you and nodded quickly. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. He got a new mama, she was super nice and pretty! “Are you coming to breakfast?”
Looking down at the sweet boy you hesitated. “Is your father there?”
Shaking his head, he said. “No, he had to go with Kamek. So I told him I would take you to breakfast.” He was bouncing in your arms. It made him a bit hard to keep a hold of.
So placing him down gently, you nodded. “Yes some food sounds good.” You felt guilty for avoiding him. But you thought some time apart may bury the comments your mother made.
Feeling a tug at your hand, you allowed the excited child to lead you.
He couldn't keep his mind off of it. You had chosen him. Of all people why him? He could hardly pay attention to the map sprawled out before him. No matter how many times he told himself that knowing the enemy territory was important. His thought just couldn't stop straying to you.
Your sweet temperament and melodious voice. How well your plush form filled out your clothes. How you looked at him without any fear or animosity. You had chosen him.
Shifting his mind onto a task to aid you. Yes that's how he could keep himself on point. This was for you. The more he knew of his new enemies. The better he could protect you.
You didn't see each other again until dinner that evening. You having spent the day with Jr., avoiding any thought of the large turtle. While he made battle strategy and his mind wouldn't stop returning to you.
It would have been a quiet meal, if not for the youngest participant. He animatedly talked about what you both had done that day. His father couldn't help his admiration for you growing. You obviously had already taken a special place in his son's life.
“Then I slipped off the stair.” Waving his arms around wildly, the pint size turtle almost tipped out of his chair. You both leaned forward, until he settled back down. Your face flushed as your eyes met. “But Ms. (Y/N) caught me with sparkles.”
Bowser's eyes widened, he hadn't been informed of you having magical ability. He wondered if it was anything like Kamek's spells. “I wasn't aware of you being a caster.”
Your face darkened as his attention was solely on you. “Not many people are. That's one reason my parents kept me from the public eye. With how rare magic users are and all.” He wanted to questioned you a bit more. But the subject seemed to make you more timid than usual. So instead he turned back to Jr. and listened to his day with you. Hopefully with time you would feel comfortable enough to open yourself up to him.
You couldnt stand it any longer. You had to tell him the truth. It felt deceitful to keep your ability from him. The day you were meant to be bound was fast approaching. You didn't want to start your married life together on such a sour note.
You steeled your nerves as you came upon the door to his private chambers. It was well past Jr.’s bedtime, so you knew interuptions were unlikely. Raising a fist you knock lightly, when no immediate answer came you were torn. A part of you was relieved to not have to deal with this quite yet. Still there was a throb of anxiety about waiting any longer. You battled with yourself to knock again or leave. Until the door swung open.
Bowser toweled off his firey hair as he looked down at you. It was an unlikely yet pleasant surprise to see you outside his chambers. Grinning down at you he invited you in. “Make yourself comfortable.”
As he left through another door, you glanced around the room. It was about as grand as you had imagined it. Lavish paintings and banners decorating the walls. Though an area was sectioned off for Jr.'s art. It was adorable and heartwarming to see how much he had saved. A flush coated your cheeks as you noticed the only place to sit was the large bed. It was a lavish setting, dark stained wood with deep red bedding. You felt a shy yet scandalous heat travel through you. It wouldnt be long before this would be your chambers as well. The very bed that you would share together.
You almost jumped out of your skin as he reentered the room.
“Sorry about that, you caught me after a shower.” His hair drooped in a freshly washed fashion. It was a look you hadn't had a chance to see yet. It was an odd, but endearingly boyish style. “What was it you wanted to discuss?”
“Oh I was um.” The blush spread deepening to your neck. It was one thing to come up with the resolve. But another to go through with the difficult task. Still you needed to do this, for both of your sakes. “I need to let you know the truth. Why I chose you that is.”
He watched you carefully. It was something that had been on his mind for a while. Who was he kidding, since it was mentioned. But as he watched you fidget in place, he couldn’t take the usual pleasure he got from others squirming. So instead, he sat next to you patiently and waited for you to continue.
Gathering all your courage, you spat it out. “I can see the future.” A stagnant silence filled the air. Each of you waiting for the other to break it.
He awkwardly shifted to get a better look at you. Was that why you had chosen him? Was he the best pick or did you settle. Gazing down at you, he took you in. Your flush full cheeks and eyes looking everywhere but him. Your soft body, if only you knew how much your plush form filled his dreams. Taking your warm hands into his own, he smiled genuinely. “So you saw us together?” You nodded. “Were we….” He paused not knowing how to put the next question.
You noticed his hesitation, it made you want to sigh in relief. It was nice to know that you weren't the only one having a difficult time navigating this. Tightening your hold on his hands you explained. How the leader of Eezla had found out about you being a mage. But the only thing he was interested in was your proficient seer abilities. His demand for your hand was met with refusal. He then threatened the lives of your people. This led you to searching for a solution, which turned out to be him.
Eyes wide he wanted to deny it all. “But I'm just as bad as he is. Why choose me over him?” He hated himself for bringing it up. But a part of him would feel worse if he didn't.
Shaking your head you glared at him. “You are nothing like that monster. I know you have a sorted past with the Mushroom Kingdom. But the moment Peach married you left well enough alone. Not to mention the way you care for Jr. and your citizens. And when we have our daughter, your eyes light up the first time you hold her.”
He stared at you with astonishment. “We have a daughter?” You cover your face mortified. Only to shriek in the next moment as he scoops you up and spins you around the room. Your screams turn into elated giggles as you relax in his arms. Pulling you closer he gazes into your lovely eyes and leans forward. You meet his lips in a tender kiss.
Things went well, pleasant conversation and sweet looks were exchanged. It seemed that things were going to work out. Until the Mushroom Kingdom caught wind of a damsel ‘trapped’ in Bowser's castle.
Mario suits up as his brother looks at him skeptically. “Are you sure you should go charging in there?”
The shorter man glared at him. It wasn't like he had a choice. The minute Peach heard some woman was there she threw a fit. Complaining about her time there and what she had to deal with. If it was her he wouldn't hesitate to rush over. Even if she was right, he just wanted to relax every once and a while. If it wasn't his new royal duties, it was his family back in Brooklyn. It felt like he hadn't had a day off in years.
Waving a hand at the other man, he said. “I'm just going to check things out. Not start a war or anything.”
With a weary nod he followed after his older brother.
As time was drawing closer for the wedding, you were pouring over the final details with Bowser. He had originally insisted that you make all the decisions. But after convincing him this was a ceremony to join you both, he relented. You were elated at the combination of opinions and styles. It was going to be a magical event.
Jr. had tried not to get bored while you went over the seemingly endless papers. He really did, but what was a young boy to do. Although when he heard the words flower arrangements. He knew there was something he could do to help. Calling out that he was headed to the gardens, he darted away.
As he gathered flowers, weeds, and grass. He failed to notice the two plumbers approaching the castle. He jumped and whirled around as they called out to him.
“Hey kid, have you seen a new lady around the place?” Mario thought it would be easier to ask than sneak around.
Eyes narrowing at the brothers, he frowned. “What’s it to you?” There was no way he was letting these guys near Mama. When they didn't answer, he turned back to a patch of red flowers.
Getting frustrated with the whole situation, the shorter man put a hand on the boy. Only hoping to get his attention again. He was shocked when the child ran from them.
“Mama!” He stumbled in his hurry to escape from the brothers. Tumbling end over end, he landed on his knee. Scrapping the skin, blood seeped from the wound. Tears sprang from his eyes as he sat on the ground. Luigi started to make his way over, until the wind began to pick up and the ground shook.
The entrance burst open as a red eyed Bowser and a whirlwind sprinted towards the group. The wind calmed down a bit. The brothers were faced with a woman that looked as of she wanted to bite their heads off. They had never seen a more fierce expression on a person before.
Your hair whipped around your face wildly. The only thing that brought you back was Jr. wrapping his arms around your leg. Dropping the magic immediately, you scooped him into your arm. Cuddling him close to your chest, you wiped the tears from his cheeks.
Allowing himself to take a moment to gaze at the two of you tenderly. He enjoyed the sight of the woman he was growing to love caring for his child. It was a veiw that he could get used to. A glare slid on his face as he turned towards the brothers. “Is there any reason your harassing my son. Make it quick, you interupted something important.” One wrong move and he would tear into these idiots. He would risk peace with the Mushroom Kingdom for his families’ safety.
“We came to make sure she wasn't here against her will.” Mario was done with this entire situation. He was obviously sent on a dead end trip. You were treating Bowser Jr. like your own child. Not to mention Bowser putting himself between you and the brothers. It was obvious you were here by choice.
This made you finally take your attention off Jr. These men come here and accuse your betrothed of forcing you here. You know he had a sorted pass. Though your ability showed that he was passed that phase. It was one thing to make baseless claims. But it was a whole other to harm a child in the process. “I am here of my own accord. In a months time I will be marrying Boswer and taking my place in this kingdom. If that is enough evidence for you, I will now be leaving to heal my son. If not then I won't hesitate to make sure this is your last trip to the Koopa Kingdom.” The wind picked back up at your threat.
“No, we'll be on our way.” Mario just wanted to go home and soak away this entire experience. Pulling Luigi along, he shushed his protest with a wave of his hands.
Bowser followed after you, pupils practically shaped like hearts. He wasn't sure what he had done to be so lucky to meet you. But he would be sure to keep his plush queen by his side.
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possamble · 2 months
realizing im kind of a weirdo about laios and marcille
#possramble#ignore this im just babbling but#the thing is that like. i don't ship laios and marcille together. their relationship is so so important to me in that laios comphets himsel#and THINKS that he might be in love with her but he isn't and that's my insane obsession#platonic soulmates for real but they're so sweet together that i fully expect them to be shipped together#like i get it. that's almost the appeal for me. if dungeon meshi were any other series there'd be an epilogue where they get married#convention dictates that they're meant to be together as the male protagonist and his beloved female deuteragonist#but dungeon meshi DOESNT do that and i love it so fucking much they're the comphet besties ever for my strange little brain#like if i ever did an arranged marriage au it would absolutely be laios and marcille having a platonic political marriage and then just#the most insane mutual pining with marcille and falin while laios and marcille struggle their way into becoming best friends#the imagery of the king and his beautiful court mage being tender to each other and everyone thinking they're in love is like catnip to me#like yeah they'd be like that and have no idea people think they should be together and the subversion makes me so obsessed#the more people ship them romantically. the more i enjoy their platonic dynamic it's like some sort of weird comphet fetishism idk#people think they're in love and im outside the window like YES... YES!!!#but also the second i see stuff of them kissing on the mouth or fucking im like oh god no i went too deep in here i gotta get out#don't wanna see that. i'll go feral over the idea of laios and marcille being arm-in-arm like king and queen but they would not fuck.#i want marcille to be his default comphet beard and dance partner/plus one at official royal events but they're not kissing.#she's there on his arm because he's scared of the other noble women tryna get him and being a baby about it#and people see them muttering to each other and laughing and generally being very sweet and think that they're dating but they're not.#she's actually covered in hickies from falin underneath her dress and is gonna get dragon dicked right after the party is over#like she's in her bedroom and falin's helping her take her ridiculous dress off while listening to her complain about politics#and falin is the person she goes home to the person she falls asleep to and wakes up with#they're a triad of utter devotion to each other but only farcille's side of the triangle is romantic#it's almost like an open secret because they're not trying to hide it at all but people assume and are surprised to find out#like people are so right about her relationship with the toudens but with the siblings' roles switched#love of her life & irreplaceable life companion. does anyone get it#anyway. i don't know what's wrong with me#it bothers me that they're not the undisputed most popular het ship for marcille on ao3#it's unnatural. marcille being paired with any other man should be a fringe case.
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
Megatron: I already hate this wedding and everything about it
Optimus, who doesn't want to be married either: why do you have to be so difficult
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Hello! If it’s not too much I’d like some recs for Fae or non!human Luffy or Law! I apologize if you’ve already done this.
I appreciate everything you all have done! Please make sure you all drink water and take care of yourselves! <33 -Gibberish
To Give You My Name by cosmicatta (M)
Trafalgar Law, last of the faes, had committed a fatal mistake 15 years ago: he had given Doflamingo his full name. Now, even after having escaped, the looming threat of his ownership still follows Law everywhere he goes. He can only try to survive as a runaway, hoping to, someday, find a way to cut the invisible string tying him to his former captor. Until he meets Luffy. He’s just a regular human. But maybe that’s all Law needs.
Aurora's heresy and Vesper's rebellion by KalonThorn (E)
Two faerie princes, Luffy and Law, decide to sneak off into the human realm to experience the true glamor of the human Christmas ball, thus breaking one of the most sacred laws of the whole faerie kingdom. What will be the consequences of such action and will Luffy’s outrageous wish come true? What will become of these two best friends in life and death, dancing in between the shimmering decorations and lights of the candles of the large Christmas tree above the heads of unsuspecting humans? The scent of fir and hazelnuts, the sweet sound of violins and piano, and the crackling of the fireplace. Is this perhaps love in the air?
Lay All Your Burdens to Rest by ArtlessThief (T)
Something is wrong. That’s all Law can think as he traverses the brush. He and the others had somehow gotten separated. It’s just him now as he tries to find his way. Is the forest getting denser? He had no way of knowing what direction he’s going. He isn’t even sure where he’s trying to go. Everything is covered in thick layers of moss, running water from a nearby river is ringing in his ears. It’s almost as if the sounds of the forest are speaking. Whispering to him. Calling to him…
The Forest Spirit’s Cure. by ReiBeams (E)
Law doing what he can to survive alongside his sister with an illness that seems to just get worse as time goes on, sets his mind to do what he can to change that outcome. Finding himself face to face with an individual like no other he’s come to know.
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Wei Ying smiles like the sun.
When they were younger, Lan Wangji had felt scorched by it. It had seared into his bones and behind his retinas, ivory-bright and burning, and so, for fear of what would become of him if he looked too long, he had turned away.
Now the clouds have covered the sun, and it shines through so rarely that every glimpse of it is a treasure beyond reason or compare, and so -- even though he knows he should not -- Lan Wangji creeps forward on silent footsteps, peering a little closer, desperate in a wordless, formless, twisting way for even a glimpse, even a glimmer, even a tiny flash of that smile.
The bunny burrows deeper into Wei Ying's robes, and he grins, and it is like Lan Wangji is standing in the sun again after so many weeks of rain.
Then the wind shifts. Lan Wangji's robes, his ribbon, his hair suddenly lift and carry out far enough to catch the corner of Wei Ying's eye, and the clouds return so quickly Lan Wangji feels dizzy with it, feels sick. Wei Ying's back goes perfectly straight, and his face falls into an expression of cold neutrality. Lan Wangji has to clench his jaw to choke back a cry of despair.
His husband turns to face him without actually looking at him. Wei Ying solutes him with formality and grace. Greets him with "Hanguang-Jun."
The sun is gone again.
The sun is gone, and there is nothing Lan Wangji can do to bring it back -- not when he is the cloud that covers it. He should have turned away as soon as he saw Wei Ying in the field. He should not have intruded on this private moment of happiness, not when Wei Ying seems to experience happiness so rarely, now.
Lan Wangji returns the bow, greets his husband. Tells him "I am being sent on a night-hunt. I will depart this evening, and estimate it will take me three days to return."
Wei Ying does not ask to come along. His eyes do not light up in curiosity, he does not bounce on his knees and pester Lan Wangji for information about where he is going or what he is hunting. All Wei Ying does is incline his head and say "Alright."
Come with me, Lan Wangji wants to say, but he knows he hasn't the right. Wei Ying is likely relieved to have Lan Wangji out of his hair for a few days. Maybe, without Lan Wangji there to cast a shadow over him, Wei Ying will allow himself to smile.
I didn't mean to take it from you. I didn't know I could. I didn't realize how much power I had, how much I was hurting you. I would do anything to make you happy here. I wish I could figure out how.
Lan Wangji accepts the dismissal for what it is. He turns, and leaves, and hopes his husband will breathe easier with him gone. Maybe he should start taking more night hunts.
He doesn't know how long Lan Zhan has been standing there, but it's definitely been long enough to see Wei Wuxian rolling around in the dirt with the rabbits like an idiot. He tries to correct his posture, schools his face. Maintain a proper seat. Do not smile for no reason. Excessive displays of emotion are prohibited. Act with decorum.
It isn't enough. By the time he has himself presentable, Lan Zhan is visibly grinding his teeth. Even from here, Wei Wuxian can see the way his jaw flexes when he clenches it. He's expecting to be scolded -- pets aren't allowed in Cloud Recesses, and this clearing technically isn't in the bounds of Cloud Recesses but no Lan has ever cared about technicality when it came to obeying their rules. (Or punishing people for not obeying their rules.)
Still, it isn't Lan Zhan's fault that Wei Wuxian is exactly as much of a terrible husband as Madam Yu always told him he would be, so he salutes exactly as is proper between married spouses and calls Lan Zhan by his title, as respectfully as he can.
Lan Zhan bows back, and doesn't immediately drag Wei Wuxian off to be punished. Huh.
Maybe... maybe he appreciates the attempt?
Wei Wuxian is trying. He's trying so fucking hard. Does Lan Zhan see that? Does he -- does that mean anything to him? Does it matter to him that Wei Wuxian is trying as hard as he can, even though he keeps fucking up?
"I am being sent on a night-hunt. I will depart this evening, and estimate it will take me three days to return."
Ah. He's just in a hurry, then. That makes more sense.
Wei Wuxian nods. Says "Alright," to show he understands. Lan Zhan will probably pass his punishment on to someone else, then, or he'll decide what to do about Wei Wuxian when he gets back.
The stupid, childish part of Wei Wuxian that refuses to fucking learn wants to say be safe or come back to me. Wants to take Lan Zhan's hand in his and kiss the backs of his knuckles as a goodbye. Wants to help him pack, and see him off at the gates. Wei Wuxian has accepted that he'll never step foot outside the Cloud Recesses again, so going with Lan Zhan isn't an option for him, but at least a proper goodbye, at least something --
He crushes that stupid, childish part of himself as ruthlessly as he can. He has bothered Lan Zhan more than enough. The poor man is literally trapped with him now, and Wei Wuxian still can't be a decent husband for him. Lan Zhan deserves a few days to himself.
He knots his hands in the skirt of his robes, and bites his tongue hard enough to hurt, and doesn't move, and doesn't speak, and doesn't lift his eyes from the fluffy back of the little white rabbit until his husband's footsteps have vanished down the path, and Wei Wuxian is alone again.
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