#a present from the easter bunny
sycamorelibrary754 · 3 months
Happy Easter
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Summary: You are three weeks from your due date, but the thought of you and Natasha missing Easter at the Barton’s farmhouse in Iowa was simply inconceivable. What will you do if your little bundle of joy makes an early, unexpected entrance?
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Natasha x reader, Avengers x reader (platonic).
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy belated Easter! I wanted to post this fic on Easter, but there wasn't enough time. This is part 3 of Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! I recommend reading those stories first, but it can be read as a stand-alone story as well. This was so much fun to write. I hope you enjoy it! 
"Does anyone know where the purple egg dye is?" you inquired, scanning the table as you addressed the Barton kids. "I could have sworn we had two cups of every color." Cooper and Lila were fully engrossed in the Easter egg decorating contest, meticulously crafting their designs, while Nate seemed to relish in using every color available on the table. "Oh, it's on the counter.”
You were just about to rise from the kitchen table, no easy feat at this stage of your pregnancy. It felt like yesterday when you surprised Natasha with your pregnancy at Thanksgiving in front of her family and announced to the team that they would all be aunts and uncles at Tony’s annual Christmas party. Your due date was three weeks away, but missing Easter with Clint’s family in Iowa was out of the question.
“Don’t get up, Y/N. I got it!” Nat said as she jumped up to grab the paper cup of purple egg dye behind you.
"Thanks, sweetheart," you said as Nat placed the cup on the table.
"How are you feeling?" Natasha asked as she gently caressed your cheek. "Maybe you should take a break?”
“Nat, I promise I’m okay. Come sit back down and color some Easter eggs with us,” you replied, trying to put your wife at ease. 
Natasha was looking forward to Easter, too, but she was more focused on you and the final weeks of your pregnancy. Dr. Cho had given you the green light to go, with the condition that you'd have daily check-ins by phone and go on bed rest as soon as you returned home.
"Auntie Nat, look at this!" Nate proudly showed off an egg with The Black Widow symbol on it.
"Look, Auntie Nat," you echoed with a smile.
"This is amazing! Maybe I should have you design my next suit instead of Stark," she said.
"Shall we start the judging?" Clint asked as he entered the room with Laura.
"Yep, all set," Cooper confirmed.
"Just a sec," Lila said, focused on decorating her egg. "There, done."
"Where are Yelena and Kate?" Laura asked.
"We're coming!" came a shout from the living room.
"It's not a Fabergé egg, you two, come on!" Nat yelled.
"Tada!" Kate exclaimed, revealing a beautiful purple egg with green and orange stripes.
You whispered to your wife, "So that's where all the purple dye went.”
You placed your egg on the table with all the others. Pink and blue with red polka dots. Symbolic of your current anticipation over the impending arrival of your bundle of joy. You and Nat both agreed you wanted to be surprised.
“Hmmm, this is going to be a tough decision,” Clint said, stroking his chin. “As you all know, you will be judged on creativity, technique, and presentation.”
Walking back and forth in front of the kitchen table, you couldn’t help but giggle at his mock seriousness. 
“Allow me to confer with my fellow judge,” he said. After a few moments of hushed whispers with Laura, Clint returned to the group. “We thank you all for your participation. You all decorated beautiful Easter eggs. The competition was tough this year, but one egg stands head and shoulders above the rest,” pausing for dramatic effect. “The 2024 Barton Easter Egg Decorating Champion is Nathaniel Barton!” 
You shouldn't have spent so much time on the sketches!” Yelena said, slapping Kate on the arm. 
“Yes!!” Nathaniel cheered. 
“You are hereby awarded this Lindt Milk Chocolate Gold Bunny,” his father said, handing him the gold-wrapped chocolate as big as his head.
“That you will share with the rest of the family and not eat in one sitting,” Laura added.
“Aww!” Nathaniel whined. 
You spent the evening on the porch, surrounded by the laughter of the kids playing on the lush green lawn as the sun set over the farm. Laura served her delicious homemade Lemonade as you shared stories and reminisced about old times. The air was filled with nostalgia so vivid that you could almost reach out and touch it. Natasha sat next to you, holding your hand gently, her calloused touch a reminder of the strength and resilience she had acquired through years of training.
You were taken by surprise as you felt the baby begin to kick.
"Wow!" You exclaimed as you gently placed your hand on your belly.
All eyes turned to you. Though unspoken, everyone shared the same nervous anticipation as your wife for the approaching due date.
"Are you alright, malyshka?" Nat asked, her eyes filled with concern as she squeezed your hand.
"I'm okay. The baby is kicking. Here, feel." You said as you took her hand and gently guided it to your stomach, trying to find the right spot. 
“Oh,” Nat squeaked. “I’ll never get used to that feeling.”
“Think how I feel!” you teased.
“Move aside, sestra; I want to feel my little plemyannitsa or plemyannik.” (Niece or nephew).
Yelena playfully bumped her sister out of the way with her hip and eagerly reached to touch your stomach.
"Wow, that's amazing!" she cried out. "Hey there, little one. I'm Aunt Yelena, and I will spoil you rotten!"
"Have you two settled on a name yet?" Kate inquired.
"No," you sighed. "We just can't seem to agree. Since we both want to be surprised, it's been twice as hard to come up with two names."
"Don't worry, you'll know when you see the little bundle of joy," Laura reassured.
"This wouldn't be an issue if either of you were open to any of the names I've suggested," Yelena added with a grin.
“Yelena is not an option,” Natasha frustratedly replied.
“What about—“ 
“Neither is Alaska! That isn’t even a name!” Your wife is exasperated.
“It could be!” Yelena said. “What about—“
“Or Wolfgang!” Nat interrupted.
“You lack all originality, sestra,” Yelena berated.
The soft glow of the table lamp reflected off your glasses as you delved into the pages of your latest beloved read. You placed your bookmark between the pages at the sound of your wife closing the bathroom door and crawling into bed beside you.
"Did you get a chance to talk to Helen today?" Nat asked as she helped me fluff up my pregnancy pillow.
"Yeah, I did. She was glad to hear that the swelling in my ankles went down and suggested taking a warm bath to help with the discomfort," you replied, shifting to get comfortable against the pillow.
"Mmm, a warm bath does sound amazing," Natasha hummed as she settled down on her side, facing me.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you’d be joining me?” You said softly, with a sly grin and a raised eyebrow.
“Of course I would, detka,” leaning over and kissing your baby bump. 
You gently squeezed Nat's hand, feeling a wave of anticipation as your due date drew near. Thoughts of what your baby would look like and who they would become filled your mind. Would they inherit Nat's fiery red hair, or perhaps have your Y/E/C eyes? The anticipation was almost overwhelming, but knowing that Natasha was by your side made it all feel possible.
"Are you looking forward to the Easter egg hunt tomorrow?" You asked, pulling yourself out of your daydream.
Nat giggled, "You make it sound like I'm the one participating."
"Well, you might as well be. I can never tell who's more excited, you or the kids," you replied.
Natasha glanced down at our intertwined hands and then back up at you. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds.
"I think it's because holidays in my childhood weren’t real. We filled the photo album with fake pictures and empty boxes. But this," looking around at the small details of Clint and Laura’s farmhouse, "Is real, and I’ve always done my best to help ensure that Cooper, Lila, and Nate have everything I didn’t. A carefree childhood filled with love," Natasha explained.
"You’ve done a wonderful job with Clint’s kids, Nat. They love you so much, and I know you’ll be just as amazing with our little one," you said, doing your best to reassure her. “Goodnight, Natasha,” kissing her lips. 
“I hope you're right, detka,” Nat said, kissing your lips in return and laying a hand on your stomach. “Goodnight, malen'kiy (little one).
The following day, you awoke to the sun shining through the window and a soft breeze that caused the curtains to dance gently on the wind. Your back was aching, and you were tired, but you were determined to make it through today. You slipped into the most comfortable maternity outfit you had. Natasha helped you with your shoes, and you both went downstairs to the kitchen. 
“Happy Easter, you two!” Clint said upon seeing you two enter the kitchen. 
You sat down at the kitchen table as Laura placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of you and Nat, along with two glasses of orange juice. The kids were already eating and arguing over who would find the most Easter eggs this afternoon. 
Yelena and Kate walked in a few moments later, clad in bathrobes and their hair disheveled. 
“Against the idea of showering and dressing before breakfast, were you?” Natasha asked.
“Kate Bishop kept me up all night with her snoring, and Lucky and Fanny woke me up by sitting on my face,” Yelena mumbled as she flopped beside you. 
“Hey, that’s how dogs shows affection,” Kate interjected.
“So, I should consider your snoring a Valentine?” Yelena deadpanned. 
After breakfast, the kids ran upstairs to prepare for the Easter egg hunt while Clint got a head start on hiding the eggs. Nathaniel insisted Nat accompany him to help find his Easter basket, but she hesitated to leave you.
“Go ahead, babe. I’m fine.” Motioning for her to follow her namesake. 
“So, how are you really feeling?” Laura asked, now that Nat was no longer in the room. 
You let out a deep sigh, “Tired and sore,” resting your head in your hands. “But this quality time with you all means so much to both of us. I can make it one more day before going on bed rest.”
Laura rubbed her hand softly on your back, “Why don’t you sit in the family room with Kate and Yelena until the fun starts.” 
“Okay, that’s a good idea. Make sure Yelena and Kate haven’t snuck into the Easter candy,” you laughed. 
Laura helped you to your feet and then began to clear the table. As you started to walk, you felt a minor twinging pain in your stomach. You winced but thought nothing of it. With the amount of shifting the baby was doing these days, you had every spasm and cramp in the book. Unfortunately for you, you were in a house full of spies, and Laura picked up your discomfort. She made a mental note to watch you as the day progressed.
"Look, there's one!" Cooper exclaimed, pointing at the leather seat of the tractor in the front yard. He dashed towards it, but Lila beat him by a step. "Ha! Slowpoke," she teased.
From your spot on the porch, you glanced over and saw my wife hoisting Nathaniel onto her shoulders to carefully grab an Easter egg from the crook of an old sycamore tree. 
After about 15 minutes, everyone's baskets were full of eggs. Now came the fun of opening them all. You watched as all three kids dug into their baskets, opening the eggs to find mini Hershey bars, M&M's, jelly beans, or starbursts.
Nathaniel walked over to you and placed an Orange Starburst in your hand. "Here, Aunt Y/N. I know the Orange ones are your favorite."
"Aww, thank you, Nate," you said, kissing his forehead.
As you were about to open the soft toffy candy, a sharp contraction cut through my stomach. “Aaah!” you reached for your stomach as you bent over at the knees. Much stronger than anything you had felt before.
Natasha rushed to your side. “Y/N?! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Reaching for your hand.
"I don’t know," you grunted.
Natasha's voice quivered with anxiety as she tried to rationalize the situation. "This—this can’t be it. We’re still three weeks out," she said, her mind racing with worry. "Maybe it’s just false labor."
That was the moment when your water broke. "Oh God—" you took a sharp breath as another contraction hit.
"Okay, not false labor," Nat conceded.
"It’s okay, Y/N," Laura reassured you calmly, gently taking your hand. "Most first births are a long labor. But we’re going to get you inside, okay?"
You felt a surge of panic. "What? No, no. I can't have the baby here. I'm not ready. We had a birth plan; I don't have my overnight bag!" you started to ramble, the anxiety rising in your voice.
"You're not boarding a Quinjet now. “I'm going to call Helen,” Clint said as he started to run inside.
"What's wrong with Aunt Y/N?” Nathaniel asked.
"Nothing, sweetheart, but the baby is coming a little bit earlier than we thought," Laura said calmly as she and your wife Nat gently guided you up the steps and into the warm and welcoming embrace of the house.
"Cooper and Lila, please grab a soft, warm blanket and clean towels from the linen closet?" Laura called out to the older children, her voice steady and reassuring.
I'l boil some water and tear up some sheets!" Kate announced frantically.
"This isn't Little House on the Prairie," Yelena quipped. She looked at you and Natasha with a warm yet nervous smile. "I’ll call Mom and Dad.”
"I thought you said this was a long process?" you managed to say between deep breaths, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
"Yes, but there's nothing wrong with being prepared, honey," Laura replied with a comforting smile, her hands steady as she and Nat helped you onto the bed.
Natasha gently grasped your hand and locked eyes with you. "Y/N, look at me," she said reassuringly. “You’re okay, and I'm right here with you. Let's take a deep breath together.”
You took a deep breath, trying to follow Natahsa's lead. The air came out shakily as it moved around the sharp pain of the contraction.
"Do you remember your Lamaze breathing?" Nat asked, her voice calm and reassuring.
"I think so," you replied, trying to focus on the breathing technique you had practiced during the prenatal classes.
Contractions came and went over the next few hours. You were thankful that childbirth was part of the first aid classes all SHIELD recruits were required to take. Otherwise, the prospect of giving birth in a farmhouse in the middle of Iowa would have been more terrifying than it already was. 
You heard the front door open and the screen shut behind it as footsteps hurriedly approached the bedroom. When you saw Dr. Cho, you just about burst into tears. 
Helen! Oh, thank goodness," you exclaimed just as another contraction began, your face twisted in agony.
"Y/N," Helen responded, rushing to your side and gently pushing the sweaty strands of hair away from your eyes. "Clint and Laura briefed me. They said that you're handling this wonderfully. Let me take a moment to set up, and then we'll check your dilation progress.”
Okay," you managed to say, catching your breath. "Where's Bruce?"
He's in Kamar-Taj with Wong. Something about ten rings? I'm not entirely sure, but don't worry, both of you," she reassured, meeting your and Natasha’s fatigued and apprehensive gazes. "I have a backup.”
Thor strode into the room, effortlessly carrying a collection of Helen's equipment that seemed as light as a feather in his hands.
"Thor? What are you doing here?" Natasha asked, clearly puzzled.
Thor glanced at your wife, then at you, then at Laura, and then at Helen.
"Hello, everyone," he said shyly. "I was, uh, Helen and I—Dr. Cho. She invited me for Easter, and we were enjoying a nice glass of Asgardian Mead when—"
"When Clint called," Helen finished. "Anyway, he's here to help, right?"
"Of course," Thor replied. "I've never witnessed a human birth before, but I've been present for the births of many Gods and am well-versed in many newborn blessings."
You and Natasha locked eyes, your nervousness quickly replaced with gratitude as you realized the significance of having another close friend by your side during this pivotal moment in your lives.
Natasha expressed her gratitude to Thor, finally breaking the silence. "We're both thankful that you're here," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. 
You nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging the sentiment.
"It's my pleasure, ladies," Thor replied warmly.
“Thor, can you bring the rest of my equipment in from the Quinjet while I check to see how far Y/N is dilated?” Helen asked.
“Sure, and do either of you need anything? He asked.
Some ice chips would be great, you said in a tired voice. “Thank you.”
“Water,” Natasha said.
Shortly after Thor departed, Yelena entered, engaging in small talk as they crossed paths in the hallway. "What's the God of muscles doing here?" she inquired.
"It's a long story," Helen responded.
"I spoke with Melina. She and Alexi are en route and should arrive by morning. At least, I think that's what she said. It was hard to hear her over Alexi's ecstatic screams in the background."
"Okay, Y/N, you've done most of the hard work in my absence. You're just about at 10 centimeters. It’s time to start pushing. You two are going to parents soon," Helen announced with a smile.
“Oh my God,” you said, looking over at Natasha. 
“Hey,” your wife said, running her hand through your hair, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” you said.
“Push. Push, just a little more! Come on, push for five seconds. 5…4…” Helen counted down.
Gasping for air, you exclaimed, '3-2-1 oh!!' as you fought to catch your breath.
Thor gently wiped away the sweat from your forehead with a cloth.
“You're doing great, Y/N. The next contraction should be coming in about twenty seconds," Helen encouraged, glancing at the monitor. 
“I can’t,” you cried. “I can’t push anymore, I can’t.”
Natasha reassured you, "Yes, you can, Y/N. You're so close," she reached out and firmly took hold of your hand.
“Oh God, twenty seconds, my ass!” You shouted.
Natasha screamed in pain and fell to her knees beside you as you squeezed her hand. “Fuck, detka!”
"Here, Lady Y/N," Thor said, taking her hand in his, "Give my hand a good squeeze; you won't hurt me. And when you reminisce on this moment, you will remember that a God has faith in you. You can do this!" Thor's voice was solid and reassuring, his eyes filled with genuine belief in your strength.
Your eyes shone with tears as you held Thor's hand tightly, feeling the strength in his grip while Natasha enveloped you, her arm supporting your back.
I can see the baby's head. Are you ready to push one more time, honey?” Helen asked, “Here we go, on three: 1... 2... 3!”
You let out a final scream and then collapsed back onto the pillows, trying to catch your breath. As the room fell silent, the innocent cries of your and Natasha’s baby filled the air.
"It's a boy!" Helen exclaimed with joy.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Natasha, who was also crying. It was more emotion than you had ever seen Natasha show before.
Helen held up your son for both of you to admire. His little head was adorned with the beginnings of red hair. 
"He's absolutely perfect," Nat exclaimed with a radiant smile as she affectionately kissed your temple.
Thor carefully cut the umbilical cord, and then Helen gently passed the newborn over to Laura, who began to clean him up. 
Overwhelmed with emotion, you exclaimed, "He's so tiny! Where'd he go?"
Natasha reassured you, "It's okay. They're just wrapping him up," as she wiped away her tears. Concerned for the baby's well-being, you cautioned, "Okay, well, be careful with him. He's really tiny!”
Moments later, Laura tenderly announced, "Here he is," and placed your precious son on your bare chest, swathed in a soft blanket.
"Hi, baby boy," you whispered, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I know you."
As your voice reached his ears, his little Y/E/C irises opened, revealing a world of innocence and wonder.
At that moment, gazing at your son, you experienced a love so profound it felt as though your heart had been laid bare.
Natasha tenderly kissed his head and softly murmured, “Dobro pozhalovat' v mir, moy malen'kiy mal'chik.” (Welcome to the world, my little boy).
We’ll give you a few minutes," Helen said with a reassuring smile as she closed the door behind her. In the serene stillness that followed, the only sound was the gentle cooing of your precious newborn son.
“I can't believe he's finally here,” you said.
"I know. He’s so beautiful," Natasha said, her gaze fixed on the newborn.
"It looks like he’s going to take after his Mama," you chuckled, running your hand over the delicate red hairs sprouting from his scalp.
"Yes, but look at his eyes—sparkling Y/E/C like yours. Wow," Nat said.
You remarked, "I guess this narrows the names down, then."
Nat sighed in relief, "Thank goodness I don't have to explain to my sister why we didn't choose Yelena."
Looking into your wife's eyes, you asked, "So what do you think?"
A short while later, a gentle knock on the door signaled Helen's arrival as she peeked inside. "Hey, you three. I need to conduct a few routine tests, and there are some eager people outside who can't wait to meet your son."
"Please, come on in, everyone," you welcomed them.
You couldn't hold back the tears as you witnessed the heartfelt expressions on their faces as they laid eyes on your baby boy. It was as if he instantly captivated them, just as you were when you first saw him.
"Oh, my goodness," Laura exclaimed as Clint enveloped Natasha tightly. Tears glistened in his eyes as he held his best friend close.
"He's beautiful, Natasha," Yelena said, her eyes brimming with tears. "Privet, malen'kiy plemyannik," she whispered (hello, my little nephew).
"He's so cute, Y/N! Oh my gosh," Kate exclaimed as your son wrapped his tiny hand around your finger.
"He is lovely," Thor added, his voice filled with warmth. "Strong and brave, like his mothers."
Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel gathered around you, admiring the newborn in your arms.
"Everyone," Natasha began, her hand resting lovingly on your back. "We have someone special we'd like you to meet.”
“This is Nikolai Odison Romanoff," you announced with a proud smile.
"Nikolai! What a beautiful first name," Clint exclaimed, wiping his eyes. "It suits him perfectly."
"Oh, my, Odison," Thor said wide-eyed. "Ladies, this is an honor fit for someone else. I wasn't even supposed to be here, I—" 
"But you were, Thor. You were here when I needed someone the most," you said, looking at him with gratitude. "We'll never forget what you did for us."
The God of Thunder exhaled, visibly touched by your kind words. "I'm truly honored, Y/N. Thank you," he said, kissing your cheek.
Excuse me, ladies," Helen said, "May I borrow him for a moment? We'll be right back.”
Nikolai began to cry at the loss of contact with you, and the sound tugged at both your and Natasha's heartstrings. "It's okay, little one. It's okay," Helen soothed him. 
Then, looking up at your wife, you added, "There is something else we wanted to ask. 
“Clint and Laura, we would be honored if you would be Nikolai’s godparents,” Natasha said.
“Of course!” Clint declared.
“Nothing would make us happier,” Laura added.”
The couple hugged you both in appreciation as Helen returned with Nikolai. 
“You have a healthy little boy on your hands! Born March 31st, 2024 at 7:23pm. He weighs five pounds and eight ounces and measures 16.5 inches long," she said as she gently placed your son in Natasha’s arms. "He's a bit small, but that is because he was impatient and arrived a bit early," Helen explained with a warm smile. "Nothing to worry about.”
Natasha cradled the baby in her arms, swaying gently back and forth as a soft yawn slipped from his tiny lips.
“We’ll spend the night here, but I want to bring Mom and Nikolai back to the compound tomorrow. I want to perform a thorough examination in my lab before sending you all home.” Helen explained.
"Of course, whatever you think is best," you agreed.
Natasha nodded in approval before a sudden realization struck her. "Oh, Mom and Dad! They're on their way here."
"They can join us if you'd like," Helen suggested.
"That would be great," you said. "Right, Nat?"
"Yeah, great," Natasha said, her mind racing as she tried to imagine the chaos of the Quinjet flight home with Alexi and Melina.
Yelena couldn't help but burst into laughter, fully aware of what her sister was thinking, until Kate elbowed her in the ribs.
"We'll leave you all to get some rest," Helen said. "I'll be outside if you need anything, and I'll be back in a little while to help you with breastfeeding him.”
"Thank you, Helen, and all of you, for everything," you said, feeling the exhaustion and emotions of the day overwhelming you as tears began to fall.
After exchanging warm embraces, everyone exited the room, leaving you and Natasha in peaceful solitude with your precious newborn son, savoring the tender moment.
Natasha gently settled Nikolai in Nathaniel's bassinet, a family heirloom lovingly retrieved from storage by Clint and Laura. As your little one drifted into a peaceful slumber, you both couldn't help but marvel at the miracle of life, watching his tiny chest rise and fall with each breath. It was a moment you never wanted to forget.
“Rest, detka. I'll take care of Nikolai," Nat offered, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance.
"I can stay up; it's fine. You should rest," you insisted, determined to take responsibility.
"Y/N, you've just brought new life into the world. You deserve to rest for the rest of your life," Nat chuckled, her eyes filled with affection and concern.
She settled beside you on the bed and enveloped you in a comforting embrace.
"Look at your face," Nat suddenly remarked, her expression softening with genuine admiration.
"I must look a mess," you replied, a tired smile tugging at your lips.
"No, Y/N, you look absolutely beautiful," Nat insisted, her words filled with sincerity. "I've never seen your face more radiant than it is right now.
Natasha's soft lips met yours in a tender kiss, and in that moment, you felt the truth of her words resonate deep within you.
The following day, Laura prepared a delicious breakfast and brought it to you and Natasha in bed. Both of you had barely gotten any sleep with Nikolai waking up every couple of hours. Despite feeling utterly exhausted, you didn't mind one bit. This weariness stemmed from the joy of caring for your precious newborn son on his very first night.
Twenty minutes later, the tranquil moment was interrupted by familiar voices outside. Natasha gently pulled the curtain back to glimpse her parents making their way up the front porch steps.
Yelena strode into the room with her arms folded and a mischievous smile on her lips. "Brace yourselves," she teased, "The grandparents have arrived.”
"Where's my little guy?" Alexi eagerly shouted as he entered the room.
"Shh!" Natasha hushed him with a grin, motioning to Nikolai nestled in her arms. "Oh, look at him!" Alexi whispered in awe. 
"Mom, Dad, this is Nikolai,” Nat said, wiping a tear from her eye.
"He's beautiful, Natalia," Melina murmured.
"May I hold him? I washed my hands," Alexi asked eagerly.
"Of course," you replied, carefully passing the baby to Alexi. The sight of the mighty Red Guardian tenderly cradling your newborn son made you smile.
"Hello, Nikolai. I'm your dedushka," Alexi said affectionately. "You're so adorable; yes, you are."
As he spoke, Nikolai slowly opened his eyes, and you could have sworn you saw your father-in-law's heart swell with love. 
Alexi gently placed the baby in Melina’s arms. Your mother-in-law had always been a complex and enigmatic figure. She was one of the longest-tenured widows, and her resilience made her one of the strongest women in your eyes. As she cradled your newborn son in her arms, a single tear traced its way down her cheek, revealing a depth of emotion and vulnerability that you had never seen before.
Yelena inched toward you and whispered, “He won them over faster than you did.” 
The next morning, Thor joined in to assist with packing while Clint hurried to the store to purchase an infant car seat for Nikolai. You were a family of two when you arrived, and you were leaving a family of three.
After a swift diaper change, Natasha placed your precious bundle of joy in his carrier. "Time to head home, Nik," you said, taking his tiny hand in yours. 
You bid farewell to everyone and securely placed Nikolai's carrier beside you on the Quinjet.
Nat smiled as she prepared the Quinjet for takeoff. Your first Quinjet ride," she said. "You're already an overachiever, moy sladkiy mal'chik" (my sweet little boy).
Your phone suddenly vibrates with a flurry of notifications.
"The team group chat is blowing up, sweetheart," you informed Natasha, showing her your phone.
Nick Fury: Congratulations on the arrival of your precious son, Nikolai! It's heartwarming to see the Avengers family welcoming the newest member. Everyone at SHIELD looks forward to meeting him and supporting you and Natasha.
Steve Rogers: Hey, Y/N and Nat, huge congratulations! I'm so excited to meet Nikolai, the newest addition to our Avenger family. 🎖️
Wanda Maximoff: Congratulations to you both! All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience. I’ll drop off some food for you both in the morning. 🥰
Clint Barton: Hey, Y/N! Make sure Nikolai is securely fastened in his infant carrier. I hope he sleeps the whole way back. If he gets fussy, let Nat know to ask FRIDAY to turn on the cabin pressure stabilization. It's a feature I insisted Stark add to the Quinjet after SHIELD found out I had kids. You're welcome. 😏
Laura Barton: I know things didn't go as planned, but I'm grateful we could share in your special day, Y/N. Nikolai is absolutely beautiful! Please let Nat know that I'll give her a call tomorrow. 😊
Tony Stark: Rushman! Y/L/N! Congratulations on the arrival of your precious son. Nikolai will bring you endless joy and fulfillment and become your favorite reason to lose sleep for the rest of your lives. 😉
Pepper Stark: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Nat. I can only imagine how incredible it must feel to look into Nikolai's eyes and feel like everything is right in the world. Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do to help. Sending lots of love! ❤️
Bruce Banner: I'm truly sorry I couldn't be there; I’m thrilled for you and Natasha. I can't wait to meet Nikolai! 💚
Maria Hill: Congratulations, Y/N and Nat, on the arrival of baby Nikolai Odison! I can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy and see those tiny fingers and toes. The name Nikolai Odison Romanoff is absolutely beautiful. I spoke with Thor this morning, and the honor deeply moved him. 🥹
Thor Odinson: I am incredibly grateful to have been present for the birth of your son, Nikolai Odison Romanoff. Your decision to include me in this momentous occasion is a great honor, and I want to assure you that I will always be there to support and care for all of you. The arrival of Nikolai is a joyous event, and I am committed to being a steadfast presence in his life. ⚡
Peter Parker: Y/N! Congratulations on the arrival of Nikolai! I'm so thrilled for you and Nat. What does he look like? Does he have your hair or Natasha’s? What color are his eyes? I'm already thinking about all the adventures we'll have with him. I'm going to text Nat right now. I can't wait to meet him! 💙
Yelena Belova: Give my little nephew a kiss and hug from me. Also, heads up - Mom and Dad are considering staying with you for eight weeks to help care for Nikolai. Happy Parenting! 😂
Kate Bishop: Yelena is sitting next to me, and she can't stop laughing, so I'm going to assume that everything is going well. Please give Nikolai a kiss and hug from me! 🩵
You and Natasha stood together at the front of the Quinjet, the hum of the engines surrounding you as the aircraft soared safely through the sky. 
“Nikolai is sound asleep. I don't think your parents have taken their eyes off our son since they got here,” turning around to see Melina and Alexi lovingly admiring their grandson. 
Nat lovingly reached for your hand. “Our son,” she repeated with a big smile.
Nat took her place in the pilot's seat and turned off the autopilot as you settled in beside her.
"Come on, Y/N. Let’s go home.”
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princessbrunette · 3 months
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easter at the chateau was pretty non existent. atleast until bunny!reader came along.
they’d heard you before they saw you, the sweetest thing clad in white — bunny ears flopping atop your head and basket rumbling in your hand as you run across the dry grass, attracting attention of the two males on the porch.
“happy easter!” you squeal, diving into jj’s arms and wrapping your legs around his waist.
“jesus girlie, you got a rocket up your ass or what?” he pats your butt, his own smile unable to be hidden, always happy to see you. you jump down, straightening out your skirt.
“hi sweetheart.” john b seems less alarmed, arms crossed as he leans against the front door hinge. “uh, what’chu got there?”
“your first clue!” you pant, still out of breath from your eccentric entrance. you reach into the otherwise nearly empty basket, merely there for appearances and pull out a neatly folded pastel pink card, handing it to john b.
“clue?” he frowns, opening it up as jj wanders curiously over to his side.
“you guys are always chasing treasure so i decided to make you guys a little easter hunt!” you grin, eyes glimmering hopefully at the two. jj points his finger at you.
“now that? that is adorable. can this little hunt maybe like, wait until i’ve had some breakfast? or—”
“you have to do it now!” your voice cracks, looking devastated at his lack of enthusiasm.
“—you know what now is the perfect time for a hunt, actually so— that’s perfect, yeah—”
john b is smiling down at the card, reading the rhyming clue you’d scrawled in pretty little curlicue. it was terribly easy, but incredibly sweet. the brunette touches his chest with a genuine smile, looking back up at you.
“healing my inner child right now, y’know that?”
his blonde best friend snatches the card, adjusting his pants with the other hand as he reads over it. “when’d you have time to hide all these clues around anyway?”
“last night! when you guys were sleeping.” comes your simple smile, fiddling with the lace trim of your mini skirt. they look at you, and then eachother before shrugging.
“yeah, checks out.”
you follow them around, giggling on their tails as they pretend to struggle with your clues. when they arrive at the last card, you scramble away— waiting for them in the bedroom where the hunt ends, shedding your clothes to reveal a frilly white lingerie set, and presenting a carrot cake you’d baked just for them.
when they bust in casually, you’re stood with a grin — stopping them in their tracks. john b’s eyebrows jump up as his gaze rakes over you and jj is quick to fix his cap, licking his lips. “woah—”
“tada! s’me! i’m the prize!” you can barely contain your excitement. small kitten heels with the fluffy ball at the toe tip tapping against the wooden floors. john b is the first to break into a grin, closing in on you.
“you know, i had my suspicions that might be the case, but i didn’t wanna presume…” his voice is warm and deep and you’re already biting your glossy lip, gazing up at him like he hung the moon and stars as he strokes the skin around your waist.
“wow, really guys? on such a holy day?” jj sarks with faux disapproval as if he isn’t actively working his belt off his shorts. you thump your foot lightly.
“guys! you have to try the carrot cake first. worked hard on it.” you’re pouting, fluttering spiky black lashes up at your boyfriends as the darker haired of the two twiddles with the white fluffy bunny ears you’d secured to the top of your head.
“yeah screw that.” jj scoffs. you furrow your eyebrows, john b shooting him a look. “oh you know i love your baking babydoll but right now i got my mind on eatin’ one thing and one thing only.” he approaches with a charming smile, dropping a kiss to your lips as john b works your panties down your legs.
“pussy?” the brunette tilts his head.
“yep, pussy. definitely pussy.”
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lovinpelova · 5 months
secret santa | j. fleming
summary; jessie leaves your real present at home. [SMUT]
🎵 right my wrongs - bryson tiller
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you watched on excitedly as millie opened her present from you, a massive grin appearing on her face once she caught sight of the white t-shirt you'd had custom made for her. a cartoon drawing of her and rachel was in the middle alongside their dogs by their feet, a massive 'daly dose of brightness' calligraphy sign above them as they pointed up to it, millie looking up and finding you immediately as she knew only you would get her something like that.
"i'm putting this on right now!"
she stood up to take off her shirt and modelled for the girls when they wolf-whistled at the sight of her shirtless, quickly putting on her new shirt and continuing to model it as you all cheered her on. the defender made her lap of the group whilst doing a model walk and arrived at you, kissing your forehead with a thanks before sitting down again. emma picked up a gift from the pile in the middle of you all and read the name, looking up to find you.
"think fast!"
she threw it towards you and applauded when you caught it with ease, slightly disappointed you didn't let it drop. the present was shaped like a flat rectangle and light, the price limit on your secret santa was twenty-five pounds so you had no idea what it could be, all the girls watching to see what it was as you tore it open. you noticed it was a 2024 calendar - cleary personalised - with the back showing twelve pictures of your teammates dressed up in stupid outfits matching the seasons.
january was erin and guro wearing new years hats with partyblowers in their mouths, february was jessie holding a heart-shaped pillow and wearing a hat that said 'happy valentines day' whilst blowing a kiss to the camera, april was jess dressed up like the easter bunny and mia sneaking out of frame with a basket full of eggs, june was zecira and lauren wearing hawaiian shirts with sunglasses on a fake beach whilst pushing their cocktail glasses together in cheers, october was niamh and fran dressed in matching vampire costumes alongside guro fighting them off with a garlic clove and wooden stake and december was all of the girls in different christmas jumpers surrounded by presents.
the remaining months were just your teammates wearing random things and being stupid if there wasn't any specific holidays, one of them being millie dressed up as a firefighter and pretending to slide down a pole with one leg popped up behind her and a finger on her pouting lips, a running inside joke on your team being that she'd make a great firefighter purely for the 'sexy' calendar photoshoots they have.
"oh this is so cute! best present ever."
you commented whilst flicking through the months and showing your teammates your favourites, getting slightly distracted on february but quickly snapping out of it once erin started teasing you for shamelessly staring at jessie. there could have only been one person who came up with this thoughtful idea and actually went through with it, no one but your girlfriend would take the time to make such a cute gift. you quickly stood up and walked over to the canadian whilst kissing her on the cheek, thanking her quietly as she smiled brightly with a blush, so happy you liked the gift but still growing a little shy once you kissed her.
the rest of the girls opened their presents and were all happy with what they received, sitting and talking for an hour or so before some people started to leave once emma dismissed you all from the team bonding session. jessie informed you earlier that she had another gift waiting at home, claiming she forgot to bring it as she was in a hurry that morning but wanting you to open it when you got back to your shared place anyways. your curiosity got the better of you and you'd practically dragged your girlfriend out of cobham training grounds towards your car, ignoring the chuckle she'd let out when you were beginning to grow restless out of anticipation.
"come on we're literally there! you might as well tell me what it is."
"sorry baby, no can do."
jessie refused for the umteenth time after you asked her to say what your actual gift was, unlocking the door to your shared apartment and letting you in first as she watched you practically sprint towards the bedroom where you knew it would be. you saw a neat box laying on the bottom of your bed with a red bow over it, picking it up to see there was no brand name or indication of what it could be. you carefully untied the ribbon with jessie leaning against the doorframe as she watched on with a smirk, grinning when you took off the lid and gasped at what you saw.
a black lace lingerie set was neatly laid out in the box in front of you, your eyes unable to leave it as you'd never worn anything like that before and didn't think jessie would be into it. (future you would be screaming about just how into it jessie is.)
"you like it?"
you turned to jessie and nodded your head shyly, kicking off your shoes by the end of the bed and pulling the set out of the box, holding it up to find thankfully she hadn't bought you a thong as you didn't like wearing them. it was a simple black lace lingerie set- yet you were obsessed. you hurried into the ensuite as jessie sat down on your side of the bed patiently, slowly getting more and more riled up at the thought of you in lingerie just for her, thinking about how gorgeous you'd look in the set and that she was definitely going to make you keep it on somehow as she fucked you later on.
she was knocked out of her thoughts by you opening the ensuite door and leaning against the doorframe shyly, not knowing what to do with yourself as jessie took you in and chuckled at your awkward nature when it came to things like this. she waved you over with a massive grin playing on her face, shamelessly checking you out as your arms went around her neck whilst you straddled her lap when she moved to lean against the headboard, squealing at the unexpected slap she landed to your ass before squeezing it.
"you like it?"
you repeated her earlier question in a teasing manner, watching the way her eyes wouldn't stay still as they roamed all over your body alongside her hands.
"god, i love it. this is so much better than i ever could've imagined. you get more beautiful by the day."
you blushed at her endless array of compliments as she babbled them out like she was drunk, lips moving forward to take the skin above your breasts and below your collarbone into her teeth as she bit harshly, grinning at the hiss of pain you exerted before she ran her tongue over it whilst sucking. she continued this all over your chest and neck, moving to flip you over so she could move her lips down your stomach and repeat her actions, loving the way your hands tangled in her hair and breathing picked up. the canadian looked up to see your chest rising and falling at a faster rate, absolutely adoring the way your bra was hugging your breasts in all the right ways to drive her feral; she couldn't help but move back up to your chest and pay them extra special attention once she was done with your stomach.
"god i love your tits. they look so fucking gorgeous right now- i'm gonna go insane."
"the least you could do is fuck me before i commit you to an insane asylum then."
jessie shook her head at your stupid joke, chuckling alongside you as she leaned down to kiss you sweetly, moving her lips down your neck to make more marks.
"if i could i'd take a picture to make sure this moment never ends."
"i never said you couldn't."
you smirked up at her, watching her eyes light up as you nodded your head in approval of her questioning glance. the midfielder reached for her bedside table and found her polaroid amongst her mini collection of cameras, positioning the lens in a way that only showed the bottom of your jaw all the way down to the waistband of your underwear, quickly taking a picture and placing the camera back on her drawer to sort out later on. her lips quickly found their way to your inner thighs and continued the trail of love bites she'd set herself on a mission of making, teeth wrapping around your waistband and pulling back before letting go, grinning at the whine you let out when it snapped back against your skin.
unable to control herself anymore, her fingers dipped under and softly began rubbing your clit to earn a moan of her name, your legs spreading open further in a silent plea as jessie moved her digits down to your entrance and prodded them both in slowly to not stretch you out too painfully. you pulled her into a heated kiss as she moved her free hand to massage your breast over the bra she'd gotten you, your hands tangling into her hair and tugging when she started moving her fingers. she quickly built you up and attached her mouth to your nipple over the bra, curling her fingers simultaneously as you pushed her head further into you and arched your back with a groan of pleasure.
"you're so fuckin' sexy babygirl. been dreaming of havin' you wear something like this for months now."
"won't be the last time if you keep fucking me this good every time i wear it."
you promised with a wink whilst keeping back your moans, throwing back your head as she observed the way your body was reacting to her hand. she was curling her fingers into your g-spot, pulling out every now and then to tease as she rubbed your wetness over your puffy clit frantically before going back to finger-fucking you like her life depended on it, loving the way you were whimpering at the loss of her digits every time. you grabbed her wrist when you felt her pulling out and gave her a look of warning, loving the way she cowered under your gaze and stopped the games with a peck on your lips in apology.
her thrusts started to get rougher and more forceful when she began to take in your body again, the sight of you getting fucked in lingerie riling her up to no end as she moaned, no longer keeping the thoughts of what she wanted to do to you at bay. jessie felt your walls clamping down on her fingers every time she pushed them in, growing tighter with each thrust whilst she groaned in response to the feeling of your arousal flooding her fingers.
"you gonna cum baby? am i fucking you good?"
"m'gonna cum- don't stop!"
you begged continuously as she kissed along the love bites she'd left behind in response, moving her thumb up at an awkward angle to rub your clit in tight circles whilst your nails raked blood-red trails down her back like she'd just been mauled by a tiger. jessie grunted in pain whilst biting her lip to distract herself from it, focusing on making you feel as good as possible.
"gonna be a good girl and look pretty whilst you cum all over my fingers?"
"m'your good girl."
"that's right baby. such a pretty princess. dressing up for me and letting me fuck you like this, such a good girl. my good girl."
that's all it took for the floodgates to open and your mouth to start letting out as many expletives as you could think of, nails continuing to make their mark on her waist and back as jessies hand didn't relent for one second. your breathing eventually evened out as your orgasm finally subsided, realising your girlfriend still had her fingers knuckle-deep inside you as you looked to her in confusion, seeing the dark look in her eyes as she raked them up and down your body in a way that said 'i'm not done with you yet' whilst she turned you over so you were straddling her again.
oh, she was gonna fuck you so good.
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buginateacup · 1 year
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alotofpockets · 3 months
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Easter hunt | Grace Clinton x Reader
Where you create an easter egg hunt for your girlfriend's birthday
A short little fic for the birthday girl!
Woso masterlist | Words: 870
A lot of fans were surprised when they found out that you and Grace were dating. You were the definition of sunshine and grumpy,and golden retriever and black cat, but the people close to you had no doubt about it. You loved Grace, and Grace loved you. 
That is why it was to no surprise to your teammates that you had an elaborate plan set in place to celebrate your girlfriend’s birthday. You had asked them for help setting everything up, while you made sure that she would have a great birthday morning. 
Since Grace's birthday fell on Easter Sunday this year you planned to give her her gifs in the form of Easter baskets throughout the day. Far from the grumpy or black cat vibes you gave out to the world, but in Grace’s eyes you were a sweet, soft, and caring person, and you would do everything to bring a smile onto her face. 
After some morning cuddles, you headed into the kitchen together in your pyjamas, where the first basket was standing on the counter. Grace had no idea of your plan, but gravitated right towards the bright blue mixing bowl filled with ingredients, and baking tools. “What’s this baby?” She asked while looking through it. “Your first birthday Easter basket. Happy birthday, my love.” She ran back your way and jumped into your arms. “You are the sweetest, thank you so much!” You hold her tight, while you smile into her chest. “Of course, you’ve been saying you want to bake more, so I thought what better way to start than making pancakes or waffles for your birthday breakfast.”
You were dancing through the kitchen together, to one of your favourite playlists, while mixing ingredients together to create a batter. Grace went for blueberry waffles, and they tasted delicious. After some more soft moments together in the kitchen, you got ready to head to practice, where the next surprise awaited your girlfriend. Celin had been your biggest help in setting up the surprise for you. So, when you arrived Celin was the first one running up to wish Grace a happy birthday, after which she handed Grace a basket. Grace looked confused between the both of you, “Good luck on your Easter hunt!” You and Celine said at the same time. The girl’s eyes lit up, you made an Easter egg hunt for me?” Celine pointed to you, “She did all the work, I just hid the eggs around the training grounds.” 
Grace was running around like an excited little kid collecting the plastic eggs, showing them off every time that she found a new one. Her excitement over the silly little activity you had planned was one of the reasons you loved the woman so much. “Did I find them all?” She asked when she hadn’t found any for a couple of minutes. “Open the eggs, and you’ll know.” You said with a smirk. Finding the eggs was not the only part of the game. Inside each plastic egg was a puzzle piece, meant to reveal a hint to where her next Easter basket present was waiting for her. 
She put together the pieces that she had, and realised she was still missing two. You knew that with the ones she was missing she could still flip the puzzle and read the clue, but what was the fun in not completing part one of the game? So you told her she needed to find the last two as well. With a couple of hints from Celine, she managed to locate the eggs. She rushed back to where she made the puzzle, to add the missing pieces. She flipped the puzzle and read your scrambled Easter egg message. To find your basket, you must look in the place where the Easter bunny practises its hops. She thought for a moment, and then she realised that they had practised their high jumps in the gym last week. “Is it in the gym?” She asked you, with shrugged shoulders you responded. “I don’t know, let’s go look.”
Of course Grace had guessed right, and her next basket was waiting for her amongst the weight rack. Another basket filled with goodies, this time there was a variety of gardening supplies, some tools, and flower seeds. Gardening was another hobby that Grace wanted to pursue more, and you wanted to make sure that she had everything she needed to start. Grace looked through all the stuff in the basket, and couldn’t believe you had listened to her ramble about hobbies she wanted to explore. “Thank you so much, you are the best.” She said as she hugged you again. 
Once she was done with the Easter hunt, you and the team started training. You were thankful for the staff, who allowed you to plan something special for Grace during a part of the training, to be able to celebrate it with your friends. 
You had more planned for the rest of the day, but for the following hours your focus would be on training. But you were going to make sure that Grace had the best birthday, like you tried to give her every single year.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
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Happy Easter 💞 I had this idea yesterday and it wouldn't leave my mind. Enjoy 💞💞
Imagining Eddie organising a little Easter egg hunt for your kids. He's been wanting to do one for a while and now the kids are almost four he thinks it's the perfect time.
He plans the Easter hunt as intricately as he plans his d&d campaigns, goes overboard on the treats for the hunt and as well as chocolate, buys two bunnies plushes and easter themed books for the kids to enjoy.
At six am he's up and ready to hide the treats in the garden, he's followed by your cats Ozzy and Lexi (who he rescued from the streets a few years ago) who are curious what Eddie is doing.
You giggle as Ozzy who's particularly mischievous chases Eddie around the garden, at times you're sure he's more like a dog than a cat. Eddie is stressing about where to put the plushes so you intervene before he begins to panic.
"I just want everything to be perfect" he mumbles and you wrap your arms around him, kiss him sweetly and marvel at how you're so lucky to have married such a sweetheart of a man.
He spoils the girls constantly and you as well, showers the three of you with love and gentleness.
"Addie and Lily will love it, stop worrying babe okay? let's just finish the rest of it so we can wake them up" he nods and you help him blow up some balloons and set up the table in your garden with a pretty tablecloth and flowers that the girls will love.
When it's all finished and it's time to wake the girls up, Eddie can't hide his excitement and bounds into their room. Your heart melts at the giggles of the twins and Eddie as he wakes them up.
"Mama, daddy says we have surprises in the garden" Addie climbs out of bed to hug you and is already awake and ready to find out what you and Eddie have in store for them.
Lily who's always been the quieter of the two cuddles sleepily into Eddie
"Oh I don't know baby, guess we need to go have a look?" You smile indulgently as she claps her hands in delight then charges out of the room like a mini tornado or a mini Eddie.
Lily not wanting to miss out clambers out of Eddie's arms and rushes to catch up with her sister, "Addie, wait for me"
You and Eddie follow them and Eddie looks delighted at their gasps of delight at the treats waiting for them.
"It's an Easter egg hunt for my two little princesses" Eddie exclaims and the girls are even more hyper now, you get the baskets for them to collect their mini chocolate eggs and mention that there are more treats in store for them to find.
They race all around the garden and excited squeals fill the air as they begin to find the chocolate and the books Eddie has hidden.
They both rope you and Eddie into helping and once all the eggs and books are collected Eddie lets the girls in on their last surprise.
"We still have to find the extra present that the Easter bunny has left for you as well, I wonder what it could be" he shrugs his shoulders and you and Eddie watch as the girls search for their last present.
Lily is especially happy about this news and looks to Eddie with a wide eyed stare, "Daddy do you know the Easter Bunny?" She gasps and clutches Addie's hand in delight.
Eddie gently taps his nose and smirks, "I may have put a special word in about you two" you hide your grin as you cuddle close to Eddie, he apparently has a special in with Santa Claus too, you dread the day when the girls lose their sense of childlike belief and wonder.
You vow that you and Eddie enjoy it for as long as you both can.
Eventually the two of them are clutching the plush bunnies close to them and hugging them tight, it's adorable.
"Now that's settled, who wants pancakes?" You tease and it's a race to the door between Eddie and the girls. Pancakes are your weekend tradition and hopefully this Easter egg hunt would be a tradition a new tradition too.
This may very well end up as a seasonal series, or perhaps a new series in general. I loved writing about this lil family 💞🥰
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Could we please have dad mick feel like I haven’t seen him for ages, you can pick but oh I love dad mick 🥹
"Mama", Aurora whispered loudly as she pushed open your and Mick's dedroom door and giggled as she noticed you both still sleeping, letting her siblings walk inside before she did the same. Harriet smiled cheekily and walked towards the bed first, seeing you twitch your nose and snuggled into the mattress. Suddenly, something jumped on the bed and the room filled with little giggles as you opened your eyes slowly and smiled at the three kids.
"Mama, papa", Sebastian squealed excitedly, "the Easter bunny came. He left lots and lots of eggs!", he announced.
"Happy Easter, my loves", you said, rolling onto your back and shaking your husband awake, Mick groaning as he slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Aurora was the last to join everyone on the bed, finding a spot between you and Mick at your knee level.
"Papa and Mama also have a present for you", Mick said as he sat up straighter, the kids' eyes wideninh as they watched their father lean over the bed and pull a bag out.
"Happy Easter, little Schumachers", Mick said, placing it on the bed so they could open it together.
"Look, it's bunny ears!", Harriet shrieked as she out them on her head, prompting Sebastian and Aurora to do the same.
"Oh, they have their fluffy tails, too!", Sebastian said as he got up, putting the little clip on white fluff on his pyjamas pants, "I'm a little bunny!", he smiled.
After helping the girls do the same, the three of them hopped around the room, pretending to be bunnies, "Oh, we should get Angie and Hazel!", Aurora suggested, "can I get them, mama, please?", she pouted.
"Sure, just be careful on the stairs, darling", you said, sitting up straighter and cuddling up to Mick, "they look so funny, I'm not sure what's best: Harriet's ears or Seb's white fluffy tail on his butt", you mumbled into his chest.
"Look, mama! I gave Hazel my tail!", Aurora said as both dogs walked inside the bedroom, Angie seemingly running away from the kids and shielding herself in your protection while Hazel walked slowly, her own tail wagging with the new accessory.
"Are you afraid they'll get to you too, Angie? Mama can protect you, don't worry. Papa got those, by the way", you snitched Mick as the Australian Shepherd looked at him sideways.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 7 months
James, being an only child, grew up with his parents teaching him that all things such as Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, etc were real to the point where nobody could change his mind. Peter having grown up with James was the exact same. Now Sirius on the other hand, was told that things like Santa were all nonsense and that things like that were just make-believe. and Remus just was one of those people who never really did believe in those types of things. So on their first Christmas at Hogwarts, James and Peter were doing all the Christmas traditions, things like making cookies to put under the Gryffindor common room fireplace and hanging up everyone's stockings on their respective dorm room doors. Sirius is really confused because wasn't everyone taught growing up told time and time again that Christmas is but a silly children's tale? He goes to Remus about this and asks why they are decorating and acting so happy at this, and Remus explains that they still believe in Santa, Remus then has to explain to a very confused Sirius what Christmas was all about as Sirius had grown up not celebrating it and thinking it was a silly thing muggles created to just simply lie to their children. That night a heartbroken Sirius cries because he has never got to celebrate such a lovely holiday before. The Marauders decide that they are going to have the best Christmas ever so Sirius's first Christmas will be one to remember. They open presents, they ran around the halls with charmed Christmas cards that sing Christmas songs over and over (until Mcgonagal confiscates them of course), The four of them eat till they can't eat anymore, and then to top it all off, they drink hot chocolate in there dorm room until they all fall asleep in the blanket fort they made in the middle of the room, all of them but Sirius, who sits at the window with a smile on his face, looking up at the stars reflecting on his very first Christmas, on all the gifts he got. On the other side of the country, on a little street in London Islington, in one of the many houses on that street, in a room on the fourth floor, sat Regulus Black looking out his window with tears in his eyes as distant yelling came from downstairs. Regulus had just went through his first ever Christmas without Sirius
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"Where's papa Missa?" is the first thing that Chayanne asks in the morning.
"Oh, he's just helping your godfather with something - we'll go meet up with them after breakfast," Philza brushes aside in concern, already knowing exactly what is going on.
Chayanne and Tallulah both give him wary looks, but his kids are good kids; they eat their breakfast, and start getting dressed.
"Wear something you don't mind getting dirty," Philza tells them. Which is true of every day, and so the reminder really does set them both on edge.
"Is something happening?" Tallulah asks.
"Well, it is Easter," Philza answers her. "Some people go to Church and stuff, but otherwise we just use it as an excuse to eat lots of chocolate. Just like Santa brings presents at Christmas, the Easter Bunny brings good kids chocolate eggs. Or decorative ones. Missa mentioned something about confetti but I'll be honest, I was half asleep so none of it went in."
That has their attention; both kids start glancing over the house, looking for a stockpile of treats. Philza can only laugh, and promise they'll find the eggs later.
Find being an operative word.
He had been meaning to hide them about the house, it's true, but then Bad had suggested maybe something for all of the eggs, and Tubbo had taken it upon himself to offer to host. Philza was a little worried about letting all of the kids run around the factories, but Tubbo had promised back and forth everything would be turned off - and he knows his friend would never do anything which could harm the kids.
Tallulah, having learnt there is a special event going on, insists on a different hat, and Philza helps her tuck flowers into her curls. Chayanne wants to immediately run off, hovering next to the door as he waits for his sister, and only begrudgingly accepting a tiny flower crown for his ducky.
Philza snaps a photo of Tallulah placing it there, and double checks he has a couple of fresh albums.
The teleport over to Fobo is fast, and involves being hit with a wall of sound. Before the purple has even faded Philza can hear Pac yelling for Richarlyson to get down from... somewhere? while Mike dies laughing on the floor. Not all of the eggs and parents are here, yet, but the earlier types are - Fit and Ramón, Pac and Mike with Richas, Bagi with Empanada... And, of course, Tubbo with Sunny. Leo also seems up already, probably under Tubbo's supervision, while Roier is sat on a picnic rug with Missa, the pair of them both half asleep while Pepito crawls through a nearby bush. Aypierre is examining one of the machines, so surely Pomme is about.
Now that he thinks about it, while a fair few parents aren't up so early, the only kid who seems to still be missing are Dapper and Chunsik. A quick glance at his comms shows that Bad, Acau, and YD are all awake, so it's not likely long.
"Hey guys!" Philza calls, drawing attention to their group. "We made it!"
"Great!" Tubbo grabs a pair of baskets - one wrapped with purple ribbon, one orange - and brings them over. "Here are your baskets! There's ten gifts specifically for each of you - they'll have a ribbon that matches your basket on them - hidden around the courtyard. Once everyone's here, we're gonna let you guys into town, where there's a whole bunch of eggs that don't belong to anyone, just waiting to be picked up. For now you can look for your own, just stay nearby, ok?"
And they /are/ good kids, but they are also excitable, and so the pair of them are three eggs apiece before remembering to come and hug Missa good morning.
Philza, having by then greeted everyone already there and found a bit of roof to perch on, captures the laughing and the smiling in his camera.
Once the kids have returned to their hunt, he drops a copy of the best down on Missa. It earns him his husband looking up, with a grin and a wave. Philza grins and waves back, snapping a quick photograph of Sunny directing Pepito towards one of Pepito's eggs as he swings down to the rug.
He is immediately met with a plate of gorditas. Phil takes one, squeezes Missa's hand in greeting, and joins the slowly growing collection of parents on the rug; Bagi and Mike have also joined, leaving Pac to wrangle children with Tubbo.
"Early morning?" Philza knows Missa was up at the crack of dawn, unusual for him, but it's still a nice thing to ask.
"Sí," Missa only nearly drops his plate as he yawns. "Eggs needed painting."
"I really thought you'd come home after delivering the eggs."
Missa waves his hand, "Tubbo had too many to hide. We stayed to help."
Between the chocolate eggs, the painted eggs, the little plastic eggs of jellybeans, and the cascarones, Philza just knew there were going to be more than the hundred and ten eggs they'd agreed upon. Ten for each kid had been plenty, but with a general hunt as well...
Philza watches the kids scrabble around, looking for everything.
"Did he work out how to balance it so none of the eggs get left out, or is that why some eggs are marked as for them?"
"No more than ten extra eggs, and there are some extra special prize eggs hidden about. The older kids can hunt the prize eggs, and the younger ones just want the shiny ones."
There's a bit of doubt as to if if that will actually hold, but it's as good a plan as any. Kids thrive on a bit of contest, right? It'll be fine. If nothing else Chayanne will wrangle the older kids into sharing stuff out a bit more evenly, if only for Chunsik and Pepito's sakes.
Just as he's thinking that, he spots Sunny and Ramón sneaking up on Fit. He gets his camera just in time to catch the moment they break a cascarón over his bald head, showering him in confetti, a matter which only ends with them being chased across the courtyard, shrieking in delight as Fit leaves a trail of glittery confetti behind him.
It is about then that the rest of the kids arrive, their parents trailing behind. Bad is immediately met by attacks by Pomme and Richas - Philza has no fucking clue where the water balloons full of glitter came from - while Tubbo tries to round everyone up.
Philza takes more photos, but otherwise leaves them to it; conversation is largely about the amazing picnic spread, one he can keep up to in his sleep.
Even if the occasional joke does draw his attention for confused laughter and a double take.
Tubbo gesticulates dramatically as he speaks, excitement already high for the present children, but being driven further as they are congratulated on progress so far, and hyped up for the hunt to come.
It's nice, seeing everyone and the island at a bit of peace for once. The town is safe enough - as soon as it was announced as hosting the event, Philza and Bad both spent hours checking all of the lighting, and adding clear fences. It's a daytime event, but you can never be too careful with these things. Tubbo can be trusted with the kids and machines, but just to make sure Mike and Aypierre have both looked over it, while Pac and Fit helped Foolish make sure any roofs that could be accessed were not ones you could fall off without putting effort in to doing so.
Philza's pretty sure someone - probably Richarlyson - will still find a way, but it's not like there's a big area to cover, and there are plenty of both adults and other eggs about if anything does happen.
He might go perch and take some more photos.
In a little while, though; Missa hands Philza a cup of something, with a whispered 'they'll be fine'.
Philza accepts the cup, pours one for his husband, and gets out his album to show him the ones already taken.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 3 months
An Easter Eggs Benedict Engagement🍳💍🌷🐰
Miguel O'Hara x gn!Reader S/O
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Synopsis: Easter breakfast with Miguel and Gabi! They have a heartwarming surprise for you. 🥰 part 3 of my Easter proposal mini series🐰💍💝 (these are all separate, unrelated stories but each one has a happy ending and cute twist) You don't have to celebrate Easter to enjoy the story. 💜 Word count 1.1k
Easter proposal masterlist
CW: none, just fluffy
You watched Gabi with a warm smile as she happily giggled at the large Easter basket waiting for her on the kitchen table, reaching down to hand her the Easter quartet of bunny squishmallows you and Miguel picked out for her
"Thank youuuuu!" Gabi squealed, practically in tears at all her beautiful presents.
Miguel smiled, walking from behind the kitchen island where he was cooking breakfast to give her a kiss on the head. "Feliz Pascua, mijita..." (Happy Easter my little daughter)
"Gracias, papá, te amo..." (Thank you, papa I love you)
Gabi runs across the kitchen and hugs your legs. "And I love you!"
"Awh...." You feel your heart utterly melt faster than a chocolate egg. "I love you too, princess. I'm so happy you love your presents!"
"We got something for you too, silly!" Gabi says, resting her chin in her hands as she looks up at you from where she's leaning against your lap.
"Oh?" Your eyes flicker quickly to Miguel who quickly goes from making a zipper motion over his lips to trying to act neutral. Your eyes narrow playfully.
"Does your daddy know about this gift?"
Gabi gasps and covers her mouth. "Wait, no! It's a surprise!"
"Allllright..." Miguel sighs and walks over to both of you. He bends down, whispering something to Gabi, who nods and runs out of the room giggling. "Watch the eggs for me, will you honey?" Miguel winks at you and you laugh, shaking your head and crossing your arms as you walk to the stove, eyeing the eggs so they don't burn.
"You two are killing me!"
Gabi returns with a proud smile on her face as she hands you a small cardboard box with shimmery green fake grass. In the middle, is a gorgeous, hand painted egg made of a thin material. It's white with little pink flowers and red roses adorning it, complete with green vines running delicately in orate patterns around it.
"You painted this?" You ask softly, your soul enormously touched at the heartfelt gesture.
"Mhmm!" Gabi answers, head held high with pride. "Papá can't paint to save his life, so I did it!" She grins, her adorable smile missing one of her front teeth.
Miguel grins bashfully from the kitchen, slowly walking to stand by your side.
"You're supposed to crack it!" Gabi says crossing her arms.
"Wha-?" You look concerned at Miguel. "It's too pretty to just break..."
Gabi waves you off. "I have like a gazillion of them in my room. Don't you wanna know the big surprise?"
You look at Miguel, who gives you a nod of reassurance, and, with a nervous smile, you gently crack the egg against the kitchen counter. Your mouth falls open at its shiny contents. Out tumbles a square cut, shiny white gold diamond ring. As soon as you look up, Miguel is down on one knee and Gabi is silently squealing, jumping up and down in the corner.
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Source: Pinterest
"My love?" Miguel takes your hand in his, you shudder and let out a loud sob, clapping your free hand across your face when you realize this is for real.
Miguel's own eyes become shiny with his own window of tears that threaten to leak when he sees your reaction. His voice is thick with emotion, but he manages to keep it steady. "I don't want to be without you any longer..."
He takes a deep breath. "You mean the world to me and Gabi. Our family would not be complete, if you were not a part of it." He takes the ring carefully in his fingers. "I know that the promise we make in our hearts to one another well surpasses the ring, the certificate, and the worldly, tangible symbols of our love...but, I want to make this permanent. I want to ask you to be mine in the most lasting way I can. By making you my spouse. My forever companion. So sweetheart..."
You close your eyes, a huge smile erupting on your face through your tears as he brings the ring just over the tip of your finger.
"Marry me?" He asks, his voice hovering just above a whisper, the words he utters nearly brings you to your knees. The feeling of bliss that only barely started to brush the surface of being close to this one was when he told you he loved you for the first time. That beautiful night in the rain outside your favorite coffee shop when you kissed, not minding that you were completely soaked.
Now, you stood locked in a tender embrace in your kitchen, hugging this man who was going to be your husband, uttering the word, "Yes" what felt like a thousand times. Saying it as if every time it left your lips, it wasn't nearly strong enough to convey how devoted, how utterly in love you found yourself with this man. You both make space for Gabi as she wedges herself in between you. This beautiful, happy, family of three celebrating what's sure to become an Easter to remember.
Miguel finishes cooking your breakfast: Eggs Benedict with regular bacon in place of ham atop two buttery, flaky English muffins, California style with neat slices of avocado and tomato and a healthy dollop of creamy hollandaise and a garnish of fresh chives. For the side: crispy hashbrowns and freshly cut strawberries and juicy grapes.
Your mouth waters as you take a bite. Miguel flashes you a dazzling smile at your approval of his cooking. You sip your coffee and take Miguel's hand in yours in quiet gratitude. His lips gently graze your left hand just above where your gorgeous ring sits in its permanent spot. He gives your hand three squeezes. I love you.
You answer with four. I love you more. Miguel smiles, pressing one more kiss to your hand then turning his attention to a chatty Gabriela, nodding and humming attentively to his little girl as he gently rubs your thigh.
Even though this was a big step for all of you, the truth is you've been a family for ages. Your heart flutters with a wave of bliss as the hot food and coffee warms you from the inside out, leaning on the arm of your devoted husband-to-be as you watch your lovely daughter sit her squishmallows on the empty chair next to her so they can enjoy Easter breakfast too.
The ruby of Miguel's eyes and the gentle sound of his voice keeps you grounded in this blissful reality that only seemed like a dream. Your own little piece of heaven on a joyous Spring morning.
A tranquil rain shower began to kiss the tender petals of the pink tulips that Miguel bought you that sat in a planter on the patio; its new blossoms symbolizing this promising life you were beginning together as the late March Easter rain made its landfall.
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letssimptogether · 1 year
“Never Have I Ever…”
Scream Group 4 x Reader
Summary/Warnings: The group of 4 is having a house party at Stu’s, drinking alcohol and playing “Never Have I Ever” — suggestive language and mentioning of alcohol in the fic below!
A/N: Sorry I took so long Anon! Had some things going on LOL
Requested: Yep!
Taglist: @kazuubaby @tulipsatmidnight @belaballs
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It was a Friday night at Stu’s house, and so far, Stu, Randy, and Y/N were all sitting on the couch, the three of them deciding on which horror movies to watch and which were too campy. Billy was in the kitchen trying not to struggle with the popcorn.
On her way with Sidney, Tatum was bringing some jell-o shots and a few regular shots.
“What’s up, bitches!” Tatum chants sticking her tongue out, sauntering into the house with bags of what seems to be alcohol in the air.
Sidney shook her head smiling slightly, and quickly made her way next to Y/N, Tatum finding a spot near as well.
“You guys ready?” Randy wiggled his eyebrows, pointing the remote at the TV.
He didn’t wait for anyone to respond before turning on Halloween II; Sid rolled her eyes while Y/N and Tatum downed a shot before reaching for a handful of popcorn.
Billy took a shot and mumbled something to Randy and Stu.
“Let’s make this more interesting,” Stu stood up, a cheshire cat smile forming, “We should play ‘Never Have I Ever’!”
“I’m gonna need more alcohol, then.” Sidney half joked,
Sid’s response had Stu practically throwing a jell-o shot at her. Then Tatum, and finally Y/N. The boys grabbed their own, and Stu poured everyone a cup half full. The group all took the shot, and looked around at each other, silently quizzing who’s going first until Tatum finally broke the small silence.
“Never have I ever,” she paused for a moment, but then wiggled her shoulders and joked suggestively, “gone skinny dipping!”
Everyone looked around as Stu, Billy, Tatum, and Randy take a sip of their glass. Sidney and Y/N looked at each other quizzically, but laughed.
“Never have I ever,” Sidney spoke up, “never have I ever snuck into a building.”
Billy, Randy, and Stu all took a shot, while Y/N, Tatum, and Sidney sat there looking around at each other, whisper-joking.
“You think they had a threesome in there?” Tatum giggles.
“Oh definitely.” Y/N snorted, reaching for their glass.
“Oh my,” Sidney chokes taking a small sip from her glass.
Everyone turned their stare to Y/N, who just put their cup down. By this time, the alcohol was kicking in, and everyone was feeling a little giggly and witty. Stu started extending his arms, as if he were presenting Y/N.
“Never have I ever,” Y/N started, “been choked or choked myself during sex.”
The group shot their drinks practically through their noses as they watched Y/N take a shot.
“I beg your pardon, Y/N?!” Tatum gasped, “and you didn’t tell me?”
Sidney’s eyes widened, ‘with who?’ she mouthed to them. Y/N just winked at the pair in response.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” They joked, the liquor making them a bit flirty as Y/N set the cup down, touching fingers with Tatum in the process.
☆ ☆ ☆
By this time, Randy, Sidney, and Tatum all went home. Sid and Tatum spending the night together, and dropping Randy off at his house in the process. The only ones left were Y/N, Billy, and Stu.
The drunken triplet laid cuddled up on the floor and watched horror movies till around 3AM.
Stu’s voice slurred happily, “D’ya hear about the Woodsboro Murders-”
Billy’s intoxicated laugh rang through Y/N’s ears as they nodded their head.
“You know that’s us right?” Billy finished Stu’s sentence, and the both of them busted out laughing, before realizing what they admitted and going dead silent.
“I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re the Easter Bunny and friends, if you stop cuddling me I’m gonna be pissed!” Y/N remarked, much emphasis on the word ‘pissed’.
The trio ended up cuddling the entire night, Billy to Y/N’s left and Stu to their right—their head rested in the crook of Billy’s neck as Stu’s arm draped around their waist.
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Eddie’s Easter Bucket
Eddie Munson x Reader (Fluff)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: Not long after receiving custody of his 12 year old nephew, Eddie, Wayne Munson soon finds himself inventing a new family tradition for Easter.
Rating: General Audiences
Author Note: Gender neutral reader, they/them pronouns (if any). Written for the Easter Event on the Eddie's Sluts Discord Server.
CW: None, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 1,453
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For most of Eddie’s childhood, holidays were not really celebrated. With his mom gone and his dad always on the wrong side of the law, there wasn’t anyone around to make them into anything special.
Wayne picked up on this fairly early on after his nephew came to live with him. Outside of looking forward to the time off he got from school, Eddie was excited by little else. Even Christmas, normally the one holiday kids were the most rabid over, was barely a blip on the boy’s radar until Wayne surprised him with three small presents he managed to scrape up the money for.
Now that broke Wayne’s heart. Even with as dysfunctional as he and Ed’s parents were, holidays were always marked by some sort of acknowledgment, even if it was just something small. He decided right then that he would always do what he could to make holidays special for the boy.
Outside of Christmas and Eddie’s birthday, the other holiday Wayne liked to splurge on was Easter. Eddie had a bit of a sweet tooth and some of his favorite candies came out only during that time of year. So, as soon as Christmas was over, Wayne started setting money aside and soon a new Munson tradition was born: The Easter Bucket.
Initially, he was going to get Eddie an Easter basket, but when he went looking for one that first Easter with his nephew, he was shocked by just how much they cost. He had only expected them to be a dollar or two at most and didn’t have enough saved for both a basket AND the stuff to put in it. Finding himself in an unexpected predicament, Wayne started trying to think of a cheaper alternative to a basket.
Buckets, he suddenly realized, were free if you knew where to look. And he did know exactly where to look. Wayne was easily able to find a small plastic bucket that once contained roof nails, cleaned it up and used that instead.
Inside the bucket, Wayne shredded up some newspaper to act as Easter grass. Nestled in the shredded paper was a small chocolate bunny, a small bag of jelly beans, two Cadbury eggs and two Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. While the Cadbury and Reese’s were Eddie’s favorites, Wayne didn’t feel right not getting him a chocolate bunny and jelly beans, which had been the small Easter tradition when he was growing up. Both him and Eddie’s dad would get a small bag of jelly beans each and a small chocolate bunny to share.
Remembering those childhood Easter’s as he was assembling the bucket, Wayne couldn’t help but chuckle. These were some of his few good childhood memories. Since Ed was the older of the two, he usually ended up with most of the chocolate bunny, which always caused an argument which left someone crying.
“Damnit, boys!” Wayne recalled his mother’s voice griping at the two of them. “If you don’t cut out that damn fighting, y’all aren’t getting one next year!”
That always got them to calm down real fast.
Since Eddie was already 12 years old when he came to live with his uncle, Wayne wasn’t sure if the boy would even like the Easter Bucket. He knew there was the possibility that his nephew would claim to be too old for Easter.
But, instead, Eddie was very excited when he woke up on Easter morning to find the bucket his uncle had snuck onto his desk while he slept. It really caught Wayne off guard when his nephew came barreling out of his room to tackle him in a bear hug of thanks, not used to sudden bursts of affection from the boy, but it also made his day.
Every year after that, at some point on Easter, Eddie would find that same bucket sitting on his desk. While it would always have the same standard items that were in there year after year, some years there might be an extra Cadbury Egg or maybe something new if Wayne had a little extra money when Easter rolled around. One year, there was a bag of Reese’s Pieces added to the bucket. Another year, it was a Hershey’s chocolate bar. It just varied.
Once Eddie was in high school, Wayne figured it was only a matter of time before his nephew really did claim to be too old for Easter. But the Easter Bucket after freshman year was met with the same bear hug of thanks that it always was. Wayne saw no harm in continuing on with the little tradition since he rather enjoyed it himself, too, and so he kept at it.
Easter weekend of 1987 ended up bringing some momentous changes to the Munson household.
Eddie was moving out of the trailer and into your apartment with you.
The two of you had met at a party the previous spring break and immediately hit it off. It didn’t take long before you were dating and virtually inseparable outside of work. You were a perfect match. Now it was time for the next step of your relationship.
On Friday, you and Eddie finished packing his stuff, then stayed the night at the trailer to get an early start. The next day, Wayne helped out and, between his truck, Eddie’s van, and your car, almost everything got moved over within just a few hours.
Since Wayne was working a double on the holiday for the extra money and he needed to get some rest, the three of you stopped for the day by midafternoon. After a dinner of pizza freshly delivered from the Hut, Wayne went home for an early night and the two of you started unpacking Eddie’s things.
By the time you and your boyfriend got over to the trailer on Sunday to get the last of his things, Wayne had already left for work. But as soon as Eddie walked into his old room to finish packing, his eyes landed on his old dresser and he broke into a grin.
Just like every year on Easter, there on the top of the dresser was Eddie’s Easter Bucket.
But, unlike the years prior, there was a second, newer looking bucket sitting next to his.
The grin on Eddie’s face was replaced by a look of confusion. He walked over to the dresser and curiously looked inside the second bucket. It took him a second to register what he was seeing, but when he did, his face broke into a delighted smile.
“Hey Y/N?” he called over his shoulder towards the living room. “C’mere a minute!”
A few moments later, you came up the hall and into the bedroom.
“What’s up?” you asked.
Eddie stepped aside so you could see the dresser and he gestured towards the second bucket.
“Uncle Wayne left something for you,” he said, a happy smile on his face.
Curious yourself now, you walked over to the dresser and looked inside the buckets. While Eddie had told you about the traditional Easter Bucket, seeing the bucket wasn’t a surprise, but just like him, you were surprised by the second bucket.
Both of the buckets contained a chocolate bunny and a bag of jellybeans, one bucket had some of Eddie’s favorite candy tucked in the shredded newspaper, and the other contained some of your favorites.
You blinked in surprise, then looked up at Eddie’s beaming face.
“How did he know?” you asked.
“Uncle Wayne asked me what kind of candy you liked a few months back,” he said, eyes shining. “I forgot about it until now when I saw the bucket.”
With wide eyes you looked back down at the contents of bucket. You felt your cheeks heating up with a blush at Wayne’s gesture.
At the beginning of you and Eddie’s relationship, his uncle had initially been wary of you. Over the years, Wayne had become a bit protective of his nephew, especially once the bullying by the town got bad. Sometimes that resulted in him coming across as cold towards you. Despite Eddie’s reassurances to the contrary, you worried that Wayne didn’t like you and didn’t approve of the relationship.
Presently, your boyfriend gently elbowed you in the ribs.
“See?” Eddie said, his voice happy and excited. “Told ya. It just takes him a bit to warm up to people. He was the same way with the guys in the band until he got to know them better.”
Still speechless, you looked up at Eddie with a dumbfounded expression on your face that made him chuckle. He wrapped his arms around you then and pulled you in for a hug before kissing you on the forehead.
“Happy Easter, sweetheart," he said, squeezing you tightly. "And welcome to the Munson family."
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Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore @bmunson86 @tayhar811
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cherrythepuppet · 9 months
puppets before Christmas [Part 4 and a half]
Its a 4 and a half because I'm lazy and only did half the work ha ha @cloudy-dreams
"It goes something like this” (Y/n) Said as they played the theme of jingle bells on a pair of bells “How about it? Think ” (Y/n) asked “A one, and a two, and…” The band then began playing Jingle bells in a flat-key
Then Howdy yelled “Next!” and the band left while Wally came “Wally!” I need your help more than anyone's!” (Y/n) Exclaimed
“You certainly do, (Y/n)! I had the most terrible vision!” Wally said“That's splendid” (Y/n) Replied “No, it was about your Xmas. There was smoke and fire!-” Wally was cut off
“That’s not my Xmas! My Xmas is filled with laughter and joy and this--my Christmas outfit. I want you to make it!” (Y/n) Told him“(Y/n)!, please, listen to me--it's going to be a disaster!” Wally yelled
“How could it be--just follow the pattern. This part is red, the trim is white” (Y/n) Said, “It's a mistake, (Y/n)!” Wally groaned“Now don't be modest, who else is clever enough to make my Christmas outfit?” (Y/n) Chuckled
“Next!” Howdy yelled “I have every confidence in you!” (Y/n) Smiled at Wally“But it seems wrong to me, very wrong…” Wally mumbled before he walked away and Home’s Henchpeople came
“(Y/n)! we caught her! we caught her!” Julie exclaimed as Eddie and Frank dragged in a large sack that resembled a body bag- “Perfect! Open it up Quickly!” (Y/n) said Frank opened the bag and the Easter bunny popped out ‘That's not Wally Claws!” (Y/n) told them
“It isn't?” Eddie asked, “Who is it?” Julie asked, “Not Sally Claws...take them back!” (Y/n) yelled “But We followed your instructions-” Julie was cut off “We went through the door-” Frank was cut off
“Which door? There's more than one. Sally Claws is behind the door shaped like this!” (Y/n) told them while showing them a Xmas cookie in shape of tree“I told you!” Frank yelled as Julie hit his arm and then the two began fighting as Eddie stood there like an awkward teenager, (Y/n) Sighed before stretching out their face and screaming
Frank and Julie instantly stopped fighting but Julie stuck her tongue out at Frank, As Frank was about to say something Eddie grabbed his hand“I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Take him home first and apologize again” (Y/n) said while Eddie, Julie, and Frank began dragging the easter bunny back “Be careful with Sally Claws when you fetch her. Treat her nicely!” (Y/n) Called out
“You will be a decided improvement over that treacherous Wally” Poppy grumbled as she was looking at blueprints “Poppy, the plans!” her assistant said while they placed a different set of blueprints on the table“Excellent” Poppy replied
“This time, this time” “Making Christmas” “Making Christmas” “Making Christmas, making Christmas Is so fine” “it's ours this time, And won't the children be surprised It's ours this time” “Making Christmas”
“Making Christmas” “Making Christmas” “Time to give them something fun” “They'll talk about for years to come” “Let's have a cheer from everyone It's time to party” “Making Christmas, making Christmas”
“Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice With spider legs and pretty bows” “It's ours this time” “All together, that and this “With all our tricks we're” “Making Christmastime” “Here comes (Y/n)!”
“I don't believe what's happening to me My hopes, my dreams, my fantasies! Hee, hee, hee, hee!”
“Won't they be impressed, I am a genius See how I transformed this old rat Into a most delightful hat”
“Hmm, my compliments from me to you On this your most intriguing hat Consider this substitute A bat in place of this old rat Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong This thing will never make a present It's been dead now for much too long Try something fresher, something pleasant Try again, don't give up!”
“All together, that and this With all our tricks we're making Christmastime!” “This time, this time” “It's ours!” “Making Christmas, making Christmas La, la, la It's almost here” “And we can't wait” “So ring the bells and celebrate” “Cause when the full moon starts to climb We'll all sing out!”
“It's Christmastime! Hee, hee, hee!”
“Kathleen, Bobby, Susie, yes, Susie's been nice. Nice, nice, naughty, nice, nice, nice. There are hardly any naughty children this year” Sally mumbled as she read through her listThen the door chimed “Now who could that be?” Sally asked herself while she got up and then answered the door to see Eddie, Frank, and Julie
“Trick or treat!” The three exclaimed before attacking Sally and knocking her unconisoucs then shoving her in the bag “I feel bad…we just knocked out a pretty woman” Julie said
“Julie no-”
(Y/n) was wearing their Christmas outfit as Wally was Fixing the sleeves “You don't look like yourself (Y/n), not at all” Wally mumbled “isn't that wonderful! Why It couldn't be more wonderful!” (Y/n) grinned “But you're the Pumpkin Ruler” Wally replied “Not anymore! And I feel so much better now” (Y/n) Said
“(Y/n), I know you think something's missing. But-” Wally paused as he accidentally pricks (Y/n)'s finger with a needle “Sorry” Wally mumbled “You're right, something is missing but what? I've got the coat, the boots-” (Y/n) Was cut off by Eddie, Julie and Frank barging in
“(Y/n), (Y/n)! this time we bagged her!” They all exclaimed“This time we did!” Eddie said “She really is Sally Claws (Y/n)” Frank added “And She’s Pretty!” Julie grinned “Julie no-” Frank was cut off by Sally yelling
“Let me out!” Sally demanded as (Y/n) Opened the bag and Sally came tumbling out “Sally Claws in person! What a pleasure to meet you!” (Y/n) exclaimed while they grabbed Sally’s hand to shake “Why you have hands! You don't have claws at all!” (Y/n) mumbled
“Where am I?” Sally asked as she looked around “Surprised aren't you? I knew you would be! You don't need to have another worry about Christmas this year” (Y/n) Told her“What?!” Sally yelled “Consider this a vacation Sally, a reward! It's your turn to take it easy!” (Y/n) Said, “B-but there must be some mistake!” Sally shouted
“See that She's comfortable-” (Y/n) paused just as the three were about to knock Sally out again “Just a second fellows!” Of course, that's what I'm missing” (Y/n) finished as they took Sally’s HatJulie grabbed Sally's arm and then dragged her off
”You just can't!- Hold on where are we going now?!” Sally asked “This is worse than I thought, much worse. I know…” Wally mumbled
“Me? On vacation on Christmas Eve?!” Sally said, “Where are we taking her?” Frank asked “To Home! of course. There isn't anywhere in the whole world more comfortable than that and (Y/n) said to make her comfortable. Didn't They?” Eddie replied
“Yes, he did!” Julie grinned “Haven't you heard of peace on earth and goodwill toward Humanity?!” Sally asked “No!” The three yelled with a laugh
Wally was sneaking back into Poppy’s lab as Poppy slept, he went back to his room and grabbed things he thought he would need such as fake limbs and a jug of Fog juice
The three were laughing as they tried to get Sally down the Chute “Don't do this. Naughty children never get any presents!” Sally shouted “Her rays are in the way” Eddie said “She might not fit” He added
“If She can go down a chimney then She can fit down here!” Frank said before Julie successfully pushed Sally down the chute, Sally screamed for a moment before landing on the ground with a thud
“Well, well, well, what have we here? Sally Claws, huh? Oh, I'm really scared So you're the one everybody's talkin' about!”“ha, ha You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my eyes You're jokin' me, you gotta be This can't be the right gal She's ancient, She's ugly!”
“I don't know which is worse I might just split a seam now If I don't die laughing first! You'd better pay attention now 'Cause I'm the Boogie Man And if you aren't shakin' There's something very wrong 'Cause this may be the last time You hear the Boogie song, oh!”
“Ohhh” “Ohhh” “Ohhh” Ohhh” “Ohhh, he's the Boogie Man!“Release me now Or you must face the dire consequences The children are expecting me So please, come to your senses!”
“You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my ears Would someone shut this fella up I'm drownin' in my tears It's funny, I'm laughing You really are too much And now, with your permission I'm going to do my stuff!”
“What are you going to do?” “I'm gonna do the best I can Oh, the sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess With lives on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine!”
“Release me fast or you will have to Answer for this heinous act!” “Oh, brother, you're something You put me in a spin You aren't comprehending The position that you're in It's hopeless, you're finished You haven't got a prayer 'Cause I'm Mr. Home And you ain't going nowhere…”.....
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Pretty In Pink (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You and Calvin couldn't have imagined a more perfect way to spend Christmas than with your family until you find a gift for your daughter
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth, breastfeeding etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
You awoke groggy and heavy headed to find that it was still snowing outside, but that Calvin was just starting to wake up, your baby girl squirming in her little Moses bassinet at the foot of the bed.
"Mornin my sweet little pea," he cooed sleepily, gently lifting her to his chest, blanket and all. "Merry Christmas."
Ellen settled down against him, her whimpers starting up as she began beating at his chest with her tiny little fists. "Alright, alright," he chuckled. "I know, Daddy doesn't have anything you need, but Momma might."
You laughed a little as he brought her to you and gently placed Ellen in your arms. "Merry Christmas sweetheart," he said before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Merry Christmas Cal," you said, undoing the lacings on the front of your nightgown.
You felt Calvin's hand suddenly covering yours. "Let me help you sweetie," he said.
You smiled at him. He was always so sweet and considerate and so attentive since Ellen had been born just two weeks before Christmas. Calvin helped you undo the lacings and helped you so that Ellen could latch on and feed properly. Usually at this hour of the morning, she was fussier than usual, but in no time at all, she was happily sucking back her breakfast, her eyelids softly opening and shutting every so often.
Six-Thirty suddenly came darting in with a little note between his teeth and pawing at Cal's leg. He took the note from Six-Thirty and opened it, reading his mother's neat but scratchy handwriting.
"C'mon down, your nieces and nephews are getting impatient, love mom," Calvin read aloud, laughing to himself a little.
"We'll be down in a minute," you yawned with a happy, but sleepy smile still on your face.
"Take your time," he said, gently littering your cheek and forehead with soft little kisses.
As soon as Ellen was full, you joined the rest of your family and friends in the living room, excitedly opening your presents as Patricia, Cal's sisters and Dr. Powers's mother all began putting breakfast in the oven. The girls from your nursing major at school had joined as well, bringing a family member or two with them while Father McDowell and his wife Helen, had joined you with their children and grandchildren after the church services were done for the morning.
"Oh wait a sec, what's this?" Cal chuckled. "To Calvin (y/n) and Baby Ellen, from Aunt Jean."
"Oh Aunt Jean and Uncle Alfie?" Patricia asked, mixing together a mimosa. "They always send the nicest things for Christmas."
You and Calvin opened it up and to your surprise it was a pair of pink pajamas for Ellen with a little hood bearing a pair of floppy little bunny ears, the feet at the bottom also bearing the felted image of two little whiskered bunny faces. You and Calvin were in stitches when you saw it as were most of the other family members.
"You know what this means don't you sweetheart?" Calvin asked.
"Oh yes," you answered. "Plenty of photos for years to come."
Calvin carefully folded up the little pjs and placed them carefully in the box. You both couldn't wait to see how Ellen looked in them, nor could you wait for Easter to roll around, knowing she'd be the cutest little bunny anyone ever saw.
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callofdudes · 5 months
Dropping all my AU thoughts on you. (Lovingly) pt1??
Hunger Games AU: All of 141 bring previous victors from their games who find solace with each other in the capital. Would go through what they experienced in their individual games and how they won. But when the victors face off comes they all have to work together to end the games permanently.
Skyrim AU: Ghost works with the Dark Brotherhood. Johnny is 1000% a Companion. Gaz is a bard who is also attending the College of Winterhold to become a mage. Price is either a leader of the Companions, or he's a captain of the Imperial Guard. Don't exactly have a proper plot. And Gaz is obviously a redguard. Price is definitely a Nord. John is probably a mix of either Breton and Nord or something. It just makes sense. And Ghost is an Imperial. It just makes sense and I can't explain why!
Or, another Skyrim idea: Johnny as the dragonborn and Simon as a Daedric Prince of Akotosh who chooses to serve Johnny after doubting Alduin's reign.
Transformers AU: It could go either way, I envision it with Ghost as a Tranformer. He's the last of his squad who escaped captivity (I hope you catch on) and is sent to earth to protect Intel and find a place to stay. Runs into the annoying Scottish mechanic when his paint is dinged up. Or Simon as the angry mechanic who does not want to fix this alien thing that keeps yapping all day.
Rise of the Guardians AU: All the characters are there. If Y/n was present in this I'd make Ghost the angry easter Bunny who "hates his job". But if they weren't he's hands down Jack Frost. Sorry. Gaz can be Sandy (sandman) we all know who Price is, and Johnny can be the tooth fairy. If you know why, you know why.
Obviously a httyd AU: because everyone needs one. I'm already conjuring up things for Ghost's backstory it's insane.
Gaming AU: Price is a moderator for a large gaming community channel and streaming platform. He greenlights a lot of games that go through and plays them occasionally. RDR games and those likes. Johnny and Gaz definitely play the sims together. They'd play those games like Lethal Company and such. They try to play horror games but it doesn't always go well. Simon, (known to fans as Ghost) wears his mask or has one of those cool avatars. Plays horror games religiously and first person shooters which has attracted a glamorized following. Friends with Price and that's how he ended up getting together in the streaming group with Gaz and Johnny. They're annoying, but ok, they're cool.
Assassin's Creed AU: I've been working slowly on this for a while but Johnny as a sword/bow for hire whose work has slowed in the city he's at. So he packs up with friend Gaz who is going to a different city to study as a medic. Price is probably the king of said place. (I'm thinking of setting up in Greece or we're going to old Britain.) And Ghost is our famous assassin. And they meet and some stuff happens!
Not sure what to call this one (AU) As a young kid Johnny was diagnosed with ADHD and went to weekly day camp for kids like him. It wasn't particularly boring and Johnny had lots of fun. Until a new kid who is very socially awkward and reclusive starts coming. He's quiet and fidgety and doesn't make much eye contact. Johnny wants to be his friend. The story where Autistic Simon and ADHD Johnny become inseparable childhood friends.
Winged AU. I did a little thing on this a couple months ago. Some 30% of the popular are born with wings. Johnny is one of them. He's incredibly proud of his wings and it gives him some advantages and disadvantages in the military. Simon seems to hate Johnny for the sake of it. But every time Simon sees John's wings, he remembers the scars on his back and the pain of when his wings were torn off...
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when I read the tooth fairy story. It reminded me of the movie ‘Rise of The guardians’ 🥹
Little!yuu just showing everyone her tooth 👌👌👌
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Yessss it makes me so happy to see so many people catch the reference to the movie! It's absolutely one of my favorites ;;v;;
Imagine though: mini!Yuu gets excited about things that no one in Twisted Wonderland has heard of before. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Sandman...even someone named "Jack Frost". They shrug it off as being yet another human thing. Except...
Just like the Tooth Fairy, strange things begin happening around school. Students waking up from a good dream notice golden sand fluttering down on their pillows before it disappears, they start finding colorful eggs hidden around the school, and during the holidays...they find presents under the tree that came from an unknown sender with toys or games that they wanted (one of which actually caused Idia to shriek when he realized it was a limited edition figurine he had been unsuccessful in winning at a contest).
And when snow and ice begin to appear to an extent that even the fire fairies cannot control it and causing a school day to be called for student safety...it becomes a huge mystery when mini!Yuu goes sledding, ice paths appearing to guide them along on flat ground and ice walls and ramps rising up to send them on a literal sledding roller-coaster. Who was using so much magic so willy nilly?
"Jack Frost!" was all Yuu said as they doodled on another piece of paper. Scattered around them were drawings of the boys and the staff, but among them were five others: a hummingbird like fairy, a huge, burly man wielding twin sabers, a giant rabbit holding a pair of boomerangs with giant eggs around them, a short, golden man with sand swirling around him, and a white haired boy wearing a blue shirt and holding a crooked tipped staff.
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