#a viper lizard's tales
crescentmoonrider · 10 months
A viper-lizard's tales, chapter 203 "Disentanglement"
in which Zuko tries to break old habits, both his and Jet's
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vestaignis · 6 months
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Колючая кустарниковая гадюка (Atheris) — род ядовитых змей, обитающий в тропических лесах Южной Африки в таких странах, как Конго, юго-восточной Уганде и западной Кении. Считается одной из самых красивых гадюк, благодаря впечатляющей изогнутой чешуе в форме колючек, имеющей яркий разноцветный окрас.  Благодаря такому необычному строению чешуек, придающим змее щетинистый вид, она становится похожей на сказочных грозных драконов, поэтому сильно ценится среди владельцев искусственных террариумов. Ярко окрашенные колючие гадюки (желтые, красные или серые) редко встречаются в дикой природе.
Самцы колючей кустарниковой гадюки достигают в длину до 75 сантиметров, а самки — до 60 сантиметров. Колючая гадюка — живородящее пресмыкающееся, в среднем самка рожает до 12 детенышей за один раз, длина которых составляет около 15 сантиметров. Змея отлично лазит по кустарникам, небольшим деревьям и крупным цветам. Охотится, в основном, в ночное время на лягушек, ящериц, жуков и мелких млекопитающих. Человеку лучше избегать встреч с этой гадюкой, поскольку она относится к ядовитым змеям. Яд этой гадюки содержит нейротоксин с большой порцией цитотоксина. Поэтому, если колючая кустарниковая гадюка укусит человека, то его мышцы не только парализует, а приводит к сильному кровотечению внутренних органов.
The spiny bush viper (Atheris) is a genus of venomous snakes found in the tropical forests of South Africa in countries such as Congo, southeastern Uganda and western Kenya. Considered one of the most beautiful vipers, thanks to its impressive curved, spine-shaped scales, which have a bright multi-colored color. Thanks to this unusual structure of scales, which gives the snake a bristly appearance, it becomes similar to fairy-tale formidable dragons, and therefore is highly valued among owners of artificial terrariums. Brightly colored spiny vipers (yellow, red or gray) are rarely found in the wild.
Males of the spiny bush viper reach a length of up to 75 centimeters, and females - up to 60 centimeters. The spiny viper is a viviparous reptile; on average, a female gives birth to up to 12 young at a time, which are about 15 centimeters long. The snake is excellent at climbing bushes, small trees and large flowers.It hunts mainly at night on frogs, lizards, beetles and small mammals. It is better for a person to avoid encounters with this viper, since it is a poisonous snake. The venom of this viper contains a neurotoxin with a large portion of cytotoxin. Therefore, if a spiny bush viper bites a person, then his muscles will not only paralyze, but lead to severe bleeding of internal organs.
Источник:https://prajt.livejournal.com/468465.html, https://t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, vk.com/wall-149472484_824944, //www.zoopicture.ru/atheris-hispida/,/bogatyr.club/6936-koljuchaja-kustarnikovaja-gadjuka.html, //kartinki.pics/pics/1748-koljuchaja-kustarnikovaja-gadjuka-art.html,//livt.net/info/2017/07/09/kolyuchaya-kustarnikovaya-gadyuka/, dzen.ru/a/XLu9R3Ii0ACzPYI-.
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jabbage · 1 year
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ao3life · 2 years
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A viper-lizard's tales by Yumi_Take
Jet's issues have issues
War with consequences
there are no viper-lizards in this fic
there is however a baby
Jet has been promoted to co-author because he keeps doing whatever the hell he wants and I hate him
the only canon I acknowledge is the show(s) and yall can fight me on that
everyone in this fic needs a nap
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psychologeek · 2 years
Just got back home and OMG AO MANY UPDATES YESSS
chapter of 16 The Time that was Erased by @starrystories2
What if, somehow, Jason, as Red Hood gets sent back in time, goes to Ethiopia, straight up shoots the Joker in the face while saying some snarky comment, saves his younger self and then goes off grid. Well... mostly off grid.
CHAPTER 15 OF MIGHTY OAKS!!!! by @a-witch-in-endor
High Sage Kenji blesses Fire Prince Zuko with the resilience of the reed, who bends in the wind and never breaks. When he is done, Fire Prince Ozai narrows his eyes, seemingly displeased by this blessing. But Kenji does not speak for himself; he is only a vessel.
The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple.
This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake.
EvieNyx posted chapter 35 of Fractures :)
Zuko realizes his destiny much earlier. As in, as soon as he wakes up in the palace after his Agni Kai and is told he is banished. Unfortunately, he's never been a patient one. So he storms right up to Ozai and tells him what he's going to do. And gets locked up for over three years. Then, one day, he's being pulled out and told he's the new Fire Lord.
A "Zuko never meets the Gaang and suddenly becomes Fire Lord after three years of literal torture" AU. In which the Gaang doesn't know what to think of the new Fire Lord who happens to be the missing nephew of Aang's firebending teacher, Iroh constantly has a headache, and, sure, maybe the world hates the Fire Nation, but the Fire Nation LOVES Zuko, and he can work with that.
chapter 178 of A viper-lizard's tales  by Yumi_Take
The desert sun burns and Zuko probably shouldn't touch the moving cloth, but he does anyway.
Marvel x Harry Potter:
chapter 76 of God of Mischief, Master of Death by CrazyArtChic
Loki gets a chance to change everything. The Norns, having become tired of Odin's meddling in the Weave, have decided enough is enough. Death sees this as a chance to plead their case, asking for Loki to go through the trials needed to become the Master of Death. In order to stop Thanos, Loki would agree to anything, knowing what is coming, and so he does. Hera Potter grows up not knowing who she'd been, what she is expected to go through, or that she's already fighting for something greater than herself. As the barriers fall between this life and the last, Hera will have to navigate through who she was to stay who she is. She was Loki once, but she is more than that now, and she will fight to keep it and the life she's made. If that means flinging her soul across time and space, or using the knowledge she has to navigate through a future she should not know, she'll do it. Who is Thanos to threaten everything she loves? Who is Dumbledore to think a child should be responsible to win a war? And where does Odin get off thinking he had any say at all?
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
do u have any atla fic recs? all time faves? can be shippy or not
Fun fact, I am incapable of holding back on reclists. In other words: brace yourself, anon. There’s a reason I put most of this behind a cut.
First off, these are almost all Zuko-centric, because I shamelessly play favorites. I’ll sort them by author rec, gen, shippy, and then by other characters because honestly the numbers break down well that way. Within those categories it’ll be more just as I think of it, so no special meaning to the order. I’m not always good about bookmarking even my faves, so some excellent stuff will no doubt be missing, especially since I haven’t read a lot of the more recent stuff yet/forgot some really old stuff, but this will definitely still give you plenty of fic to enjoy.
There’s a good number of FFN links on here so apologies to people who dislike it, but a lot of great stuff is still on there so give it a chance.
Author recs
Everything by @awesomeavocadolove​​  Such hits as Another Brother (Zuko adopted by Hakoda pre-S1), and currently has a Zukka soulmate fic I’ve been meaning to start reading, as well as Unchained Melody, one of my favorite Zukka fics ever. Always quality, you can’t go wrong.
Everything by KimberlyT.  I do not kid. She’s written a variety of ATLA fic ranging from Zutara/other romance to gen, seriously emotional to cracky cabbagebending. I think my favorite is probably Mismatched (S1 Zuko adopts a baby) but honestly just go read it all.
Everything by @emletish-fish​​. She has a very fun writing style and honestly her end-of-chapter notes on why she’s made the choices she has are fun minimetas worthwhile in their own right. Some of her top fics are the Stalking Zuko series (S3 suspicious Katara to Zutara) and The Worst Prisoner (the Gaang kidnaps Zuko in S1 and can’t get rid of him). I think there’s still a good amount of her fic that can only be found on FFN so check there too.
Everything by @botherkupo​​. Especially her Undying Fire series (healer!Zuko) but also just literally everything she writes, it is all so great. Tends toward Zutara but strong gen fics as well sometimes and a lot of fun. Check it all out!
Everything by @muffinlance​​. Loves to toy with her readers’ emotions in the best of ways. Tons of fantastic gen Zuko-centric AUs, I have adored every single fic I’ve ever read by her, can’t praise them enough. Very productive as well, her tumblr is a hub for the ATLA renaissance and her fics inspire lots of others. Has also organized a fanmade ATLA coloring book for charity so get that once it’s out. In the meantime read everything she’s written.
Everything by Haicrescendo. My favorite is What We’re Given (the series where Zuko finds more air bisons and raises them), but there’s a lot of good Zukka fic too. I tend to steer away from explicit works in this fandom unless it’s a smaller part of a much longer plot-centric fic, so there are a number I haven’t read, but I really like the Pokemon!AU Zukka.
Everything by @gaycinema. I really love the EK fight club series (Zuko fights in Rumbles/etc.) but all of it is a good read. Some Jetko, mostly a lot of introspective or emotional oneshots. Which isn’t really a great depiction of how good they tend to be, you’ll just have to read them and find out. You won’t regret it, trust me.
Everything by @captainkirkk. So far eight stellar fics, starting with kind Fire Lord Zuko and ranging to Floating Tea Shop!Zuko who doesn’t want to hunt the Avatar. I love her style and have laughed out loud at multiple of these. 
Gen Zuko fic
Bringing Out the Blue by maguena1. [unfinished, long] Definitely worth the read. The first ATLA fic I ever got really sucked into. The Blue Spirit never gets knocked out so Aang doesn’t know his true identity; he joins the Gaang on a recurring basis, while Zuko attempts to tell himself this is only for information on how to catch them, they definitely aren’t his friends.
It’s Impossible by Sandra Phillips. [abandoned, long] One of the earliest Avatar!Zuko fics (sort of) and a really interesting take on some spirit stuff.
Embers by Vathara. [complete, long] A landmark fic in the fandom, and for good reason. I didn’t love everything about this fic, but it is very well-written and an absorbing read certainly worth the praise. 
the art of description by incandescens. [oneshot, short] Five descriptions of Zuko and Toph’s field trip from various perspectives. Short, sweet, and funny.
Breaking Point by Kryal. [oneshot, short] Zuko isn’t banished but instead sent to serve in the Home Guard. I love Zuko loving his people, and alternate canon explorations, and this is exactly that.
The Alternative by Lunatique. [oneshot, short] The reason Zuko is so determined is because he fears what will happen if he isn’t the next Fire Lord. An idea I support in canon, to a degree, written well.
Hands and Knees by gigerisgod. [oneshot, short] Zuko reflects on the choices he’s made, and experiences he’s had, when joining the Gaang. A nice introspective fic.
Relative Misery by peroxidepest17. [oneshot, short] Toph complains about her family and Zuko takes her on a field trip. Not a fic I take too seriously, but funny in a sad way.
Second Nature by lazyartisan. [possibly abandoned, long] An AU stemming from Zuko’s capture at the North Pole. Well-written and characterized, an old favorite that I actually find needing to reread to give you more detail, but I can promise it’s good.
Year One by peroxidepest17. [oneshot, short] Lessons Zuko learns in his first year being Fire Lord. I really like explorations of Zuko’s journey as Fire Lord and this is a lovely little window into that.
Soft by PenPistola. [oneshot, short] Zuko and Toph bonding after the Ember Island Players. Short and sweet.
The New Phoenix King by JoeMerl. [oneshot, short] Fire Lord Zuko is overthrown, and no one but him is bothered at all. In fact they help. Hilarious crack.
First Name Basis by JoeMerl. [oneshot, short] There’s some popular posts going around Tumblr lately about Zuko not knowing the Gaang’s names, but this fic did it first back in 2008. As amusing as you’d expect.
Male Bonding by glamaphonic. [oneshot, short] The original ‘Zuko and Sokka bond and are also dumb idiot boys’ fic. Katara is permanently rolling her eyes.
it’s not the waking, it’s the rising by isamagicdragon, thegracious [ongoing, series, medium] Azulon tells Ozai to kill Azula instead of Zuko, which leads to heartwrenching fire sibs adventure. I haven’t caught up on the last chapter yet but god is it fantastic and also just a really interesting and new perspective on what could have happened.
Doe-Eyed by Anonymous. [complete, medium] Zuko is a baby, Azula is a loving big sister. More fire sibs and a great exploration on Azula’s POV of turning against Ozai.
kintsugi by discordiansamba. [ongoing, series, long] Zuko doesn’t have Iroh after being banished, and winds up hired as a guard to protect the frail Beifong daughter. Fantastic preseries Zuko+Toph found family fic.
Legacies by WildInkling. [ongoing, medium] Far in the future, a historian studies the journal of Fire Lord Zuko. Also, he was secretly a famous author but no one knows. A funny and poignant outsider POV.
#UndercoverZuko series by naggeluide. [complete, series, short] A completely cracky concept written straight enough to be actually quite touching in parts, but also just really funny. Zuko goes Undercover Boss on his ship pre-series.
Avatar Ficlets by JaggedCliffs. [series, oneshots, short] An ongoing series of disconnected oneshots, mostly post-canon and mostly Zuko-centric. Some a pretty fun, one is a great view on Zuko and lightningbending, all worth the read (and follow for when more come out).
The Blind Leading the Blue by BrusselsSprout. [ongoing, medium] An epic Zuko and Toph field trip set in S2. I love them and this.
half in the shadows, half burned in flames by r_astra. [oneshot, short] Iroh dies, Zuko gets caught on the Day of Black Sun, everything ends up all right but damn does it hurt getting there.
A Tale of Earth and Fire by chiiyo86. [complete, medium] Zuko and Toph are married for Politics in a FN Wins AU, and follows them slowly bonding as friends to beginning a revolution. They’re married but it’s not romantic, just some good friendship.
Eight Principles of Yong by psocoptera. [oneshot, short] An exploration of immediate post-show FN politics (sort of), calligraphy, and Zuko. Also has some lovely non-fighting firebending; I always love when people explore other uses of bending.
Healing Properties of Cinder Sage by Dawen. [oneshot, short] Zuko gets very sick in the Western Air Temple. Some good interaction when he’s new to the Gaang, and Toph+Zuko friendship.
We Ourselves Must Walk The Path by WinterSky101. [complete, medium] The Gaang agrees to make Zuko their prisoner in the WAT. Speaking of new-to-the-Gaang, tension, this fic has plenty of it, and also features some good Toph and Zuko.
Frozen by Aris Merquoni. [oneshot, medium] Zuko is captured in the NWT. Some politics, lots of angst, and eventually, healing. Also actually makes me somewhat like Hahn? Incredibly enough.
Reluctant Hero by PAW_07. [ongoing, long] Avatar!Zuko fic. I got to beta it way back when for a little while before I got too busy, and have always been a huge fan of this fic. Great concept, one of the best executions of it I’ve seen, and also one of the first. Definitely read this.
Morality Chain by Pureauthor. [abandoned, long] Azula and Zuko were always on each other’s side; how this changes canon. I love this concept and would happily read a lot more fics with it (please guys, I need more fire sibs).
A viper-lizard’s tales series by Yumi_Take. [ongoing, long] The world needs more of Zuko adopting pets and small children, and those are just facts. This only has one of the two, but it’s a EK baby! Jet plays a big role in this fic as well, a weird kind of uncle-ish to the baby/friend/murderer Zuko needs to watch closely and hold back kind of thing.
(life happens) wherever you are by howlikeagod. [ongoing, long] Katara doesn’t find Zuko and Iroh in the teashop, and canon takes a sharp left turn. Excellent Gaang fic.
The Best Path series by EudociaCovert. [series, ongoing, long] Zuko meets Jet in ‘Zuko Alone’ and winds up getting claimed as theirs by the remaining Freedom Fighters. Really really well-written, I got quite emotional over some scenes.
Shippy Zuko fic
Balm by Thyme In Her Eyes. [Maiko, oneshot, short] A sweet little fic about Mai’s thoughts on Zuko’s lightning scar.
The Black Games by Mrs. Pettyfer. [Zutara, complete, long] Hunger Games-esque AU. It’s the first in a series, and I lost interest after this one but I remember enjoying the fic and it was more personal preference rather than a drop in quality that had me leaving.
Lie To Me by Inkcharm. [Toko, oneshot, short] I’m not actually a fan of this pairing romatically (at least until years down the line), but this little fic of Toph and Zuko bonding through lying to one another is sweet. I choose to ignore the more shippy parts and enjoyed it.
Zutara? What the heck is that? by Ryxl. [Zutara, oneshot, short] Complete crack, have a good sense of humor and I think you will enjoy. Just the mental image of the Gaang finding a Zutara propaganda flyer had me chuckling.
The Three Chores series (1, 2, 3) by Fandomme. [Zutara, threeshot, short] Zuko and Katara slowly bond as he helps with chores. I will admit it’s been years and I barely remember this, but what I do recall is lovely and I always appreciate people lightening Katara’s load.
read the inscription by suzukiblu. [Zuko/Song, complete, series, medium] When Zuko is banished, he is left alone in the Earth Kingdom to fend for himself. Very touching, and I love Song in this.
Hooked by TGP. [Jetko, complete, long] A classic ‘Jet didn’t see Iroh warming his tea’ fic. They’re almost all this premise but so many well-written and very long ones. 
Something To Hold Onto by Wildgoosery. [Jetko, complete, long] The EK fell and Li stayed to fight with the Freedom Fighters to protect the city during its foreign rule. Jet didn’t see the tea fic that goes very AU from canon.
Foxfire by Rahar_Moonfire. [Jetko, ongoing, long] Zuko loses his memories Jetko fic, but with heavy spirit influence and lovable EK OCs, both of which I adore and should be in far more fics.
Once Upon A Teashop by anaer. [Zukka, Jetko, ongoing, long] Cracky Ba Sing Se AU that gets gradually more and more serious. Jet hits on Zuko a lot and Sokka gets a job in the teashop to keep an eye on both of them. Endgame Zukka but heavy Jetko, and both pairings are handled pretty well, not a love triangle that makes me too mad, although as always bear in mind Jet’s messed up. 
Names by TGP. [Jetko, complete, long] I feel like I’m forgetting some more excellent Amnesia!Zuko fics, but this is one I do know of. To be honest I don’t remember it super well because it may be mixed up with other Jetko/amnesia fics in my mind, but I think it was really good. I’ll have to reread myself.
Epistles by Lady_of_the_Flowers. [Zukka, ongoing, long] I love epistolary fic and I love Zuko and Sokka bonding earlier in canon. I will be honest I haven’t read this in a long time and been updating all the while, but the premise alone (Zuko and Sokka become messenger-hawk-pals in S1 and then fall in love) is fantastic. 
Ozymandias, King of Kings by Think_of_a_Wonderful_Thought. [Zukka, ongoing, long] Zuko rebels earlier and actually is sent to the mines, until he is ‘rescued’ by the Water Tribe. Dark but getting lighter over time, and more reluctant-to-rule Zuko which always wrenches my heartstrings. I prefer super loyal and dutiful to his people Zuko but this trope always makes me feel things.
Fallen Drops of Fire by Chasmfiend. [Fullmetal Alchemist, ongoing] Young Azula and Zuko somehow appear in Amestris, and encounter Roy Mustang. I adore the fire sibs, and their relationship in this strange situation is the star of this fic for me, but it’s also fun seeing the FMA perspective of these two.
The Dragon-King’s Temple by Kryal. [Stargate SG-1, long, complete] The best crossover fic out there. Zuko and Toph get stranded on the other side of a Stargate. I don’t know anything about SG-1 but it didn’t matter, the fic was fantastic, they were badasses, it explored language and culture from an outside perspective, and it was just a ton of fun. Must-read.
Other character fic
Loyalty by Julia451. [oneshot, short] The ship captain didn’t misspeak when he called Iroh and Zuko “prisoners” in the start of S2. A lovely look at a nameless character, giving depth to a small moment and humanity to a FN soldier which I always love.
The Only One by HarlowR. [oneshot, short] An excellent exploration of Azula’s mindset regarding Zuko, her desperate need to be loved and jealousy of him matching his own. I think Azula was one of the greatest tragedies of the show, and this fic makes me feel it.
Blood by theAsh0. [oneshot, short] Katara-centric thinkpiece on bloodbending and healing. Dark but really interesting.
Touch and Go by Cadence. [oneshot, short] After Iroh’s struck by lightning, Toph doesn’t let Zuko drive them all away. A momentary alliance and the seeds of friendship. More Toph-focused but still heavy on the whole Gaang.
Shortcomings by Menamebephil. [oneshot, short] Iroh thoughts during his imprisonment, on the theme of mistakes. I love this man and don’t understand why I am so drawn to fic about him that makes me sad.
Watch And Review, Please by Becca Stareyes. [oneshot, short] The Ember Island Players receive some constructive criticism... sort of. Funny and quick.
Azula Redemption Trilogy (1, 2, 3) by Mistress of Sarcasm. [threeshot, short] Second person and deeply introspective, three short little fics delving into Azula’s head and bringing her closer to redemption.
Echoing Refrains by catie_writes_things. [oneshot, short] I really like nuanced explorations of the whole FN royal family. It’s perfectly fine to write Ozai as pure evil bastard, but exploring  what might have been or how he got there, or even as in this fic his talent for music being inherited by Zuko is really interesting too. Iroh-centric.
our curse by ohmygodwhy, and the last dragon by thesometimeswarrior. [twoshot, complete, short] Stay away if you don’t like to cry. In the first Zuko learns Ozai is executing Iroh, and isn’t able to stop it; the second is even worse because it’s Iroh’s POV. I put this in the other characters section because honestly I adore the second fic even more than the first, but they are both fantastically written and will hurt you a very great deal.
Finally, I’m not quite bold enough to put my own fic on a reclist, but just shameless enough to mention I’ve written a few Avatar fics I quite like if anyone feels the desire to check them out on my AO3. ;) But seriously give love to all the rest of these, they deserve it. (And as I said, there’s lots more excellent stuff, this fandom is so prolific and well-written!)
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wisdomsfromeast · 4 years
Namaste 🙏
Welcome back guys! I was literally out for 2 months searching Fanfics which can compete my or replace my Azuko ship for the reasons I will tell you. Firstly some part of my morality and culture etiquette where I live in and traditions which are dear to me were heavily conflicting in my mind that should I support this Incest shipping or not. Some said should and other said shouldn't. The other one overwhelmed plus having a sibling elder sister made me more conflicted that how could I? it's so taboo? If I write one what my public image would be? So I stopped supporting Zucest uninstalled the app and started searching good Fanfics of Other shipping which can counter Azuko. I literally read 5 to 7 fanfics a day just to have Zuko or Azula have peace in their life with their partners and you know what I got unnatural hatred or bashing of either Sibs which made either of their life miserable which I hated the most. Zuko centric ones got Azula either dead or made her total maniac. Azula centric ones made Zuko's future miserable or nearly made him small as if he was weak and Idiot from birth and Ozai was right. So let's start with shippings with their fanfics which could have countered Azuko
The most celebrated pairing will ever find in ATLA fandom. Every day you will find thousands of writers write for this pair in FF.NET . Even though I hated this pair so much because of three main reasons. First Mutual distrust from the beginning. Second Opposite mindset. Third Impatient Katara.
I gave in through I read one of the best ones My Heart Burns for you
Sometimes it's just only beginning
Around the Sun
Fall of the White Lotus
AU ones like The Undying Fire Series
The Palace etc.
All of these are literally lack the most important thing attraction through sight even though writers force it its still not appealing. The dangerous thing which writers miss is suspicion my lord even though they are friends and Zuko sacrifice everything for stubborn Katara she always suspects and can't even read him. Zutara whatever you call it. It's failed creation just to feel love life for Zuko.
Reverse Zutara really. Sokka has brains and can control strong girls like Toph and Mai but Azula is too much for him to bear I series he outright fear her. Only in The Day of The Black Sun episode had some courage because she didn't had her bending when she got back he screams literally screams. I read
Gladiator 107 chapters
Airship Down with its sequel
Smoke Demon Series of MadameAtomic Bomb
Opposite Elements AU
Gentlemen of Weapons AU
These are the best ones but what found the worst is they are not at all commited to each other especially Sokka is shown so reluctant and Azula is as casual as Ty Lee which both of them aren't. Sokka either cheats or leads himself in love triangle which I hate the most because one of the life either gets destroyed or damage.
The worst one for me I really feel sorry for Mai but she should have encourage herself to be with Zuko in his childhood days if Zuko could have spoke in War room out of turn she could have been with him in banishment. She could have shown the courage which she have show in Boiling Rock I liked that. Zuko could have known more If Mai led herself open up more. Zuko even left her this show only one side love or to say infatuation Zuko is so cold in Maiko which he isn't. Even though few writers really focus them like.
Miscalculation and Equivalent Exchange by Ablaster86 (I read them)
They are literally used as side couple for Tyzula or Kataang which doesn't show how their relationship can develop and become one. Either their Marriage fails or they breakup which hurts me the most.
Yes most popular even though why I don't know. No Offence to LGBT community neither in the show both of them are shown homosexuals Ty Lee is flirty with cute boys as she claims and Azula is bitchy and frustrated that how boys hover around Ty Lee not me even though she so beautiful as jewel but boys fear her. No signs of romantic feelings for each other rather Ty Lee is bullied by Azula every time as a servant to keep her under her feet. Dominant love relationships exists I like those but Azula and Ty Lee's relationship is like Lion and Cheetah. Once got a chance strike back and free yourself. Just because Korrasami was promoted by creators bring Tyzula in counter. Just because Zuko has Mai and boys fear Azula bring Ty Lee with her who is most terrified from her. Somehow I read some
Restraint and Aphelion it's sequel
Broken Dragon and Fireflight by Nikipinz
Both in them Ty Lee acts like a friend in need but again Ty Lee is OOC a girl who freed herself from a Psychotic girl may help her in future but not sacrifice herself for friend she hated inwardly.
Really they are Bros and thanks to Zuko he got his trust from a guy called him in names Angry Jerkbender before.
Seriously I don't get just pair Zuko with everyone. I read
Foxfire and The Viper lizard tales
I couldn't get it what those writers wrote. How could Jet tolerate Firebenders or Fire Nation citizens. It will require whole character arc for Jet to understand Fire Nation like Zhao to believe in balance and harmony amongst nations in Rufftoon's Water Tribe.
The Palace
Again you know it will so hard for Azula even redeem one to have a peasant as a partner for life same goes to Jet to accept a Firebender.
To much 😧😧 Zuko and Aang are friends please for God's sake bring characters those are ingrained with same sex attraction. I can't stand this ship didn't even bother to read any of its fanfics.
Enemies till last breath and one killed one's last hope. One lost by one in her day of coronation anytime each see one another either of one will die. This pairing can't be supported because each caused huge pain which can't be relieved they can be distant friends but can't lovers. Even though I read one
Measure Each Step to Infinity
This one made me sad of Aang and Katara is too much selfish which she isn't. She likes to be concubine of her former enemy but hates to like live with a man whom she had all hopes of world peace and gave her life to save him. This is impossible! Writer didn't gave good reasons sudden changes.
This is a very interesting pairing Toph knows Zuko very well and in future they can understand each other as couple but one flaw which only limits them just to be friends is that Toph is a freedom loving girl and Zuko is honour bound to traditions and destined to be a good Fire Lord.
Lava and it's sequel
Just a Girl I recommend this one
Toph made Zuko to come out of his turmoil and become a master I just didn't like Azula being killed that was extreme.
I read Ashes to Ashes but Zuko and Jin again I must say infatuation from Jin side. Zuko is really dork.
Lost cause what can I say just to counter Zucest these ships are being made
Lost and Found by Tubendo
Addicted to Love
First one writer didn't knew when to start where both start to like each other. Second is just nonsense a Lord of a Nation started having crush on a Guard who has a love in her life more stronger than other's attraction come on Zuko isn't that kind of guy.
Ty luko
"I know you" "You don't know me" Those are heavy words Ty Lee used for Zuko she knows his depression and messed up life give by his parents. Even though show doesn't show any direct interaction between them except "I know you" Zuko acts as a moral support for Ty Lee. Boiling Rock is another big example Zuko's freedom gave Ty Lee hope to be free.
I know you
Good Fanfic I recommend.
One remained (Azulaang) I will give my detail analysis of mine in a next post because I read 10 of them and it's huge and I am not satisfied.
After whole lot of reading, self introspection and guidance from which I believe Scriptures. I literally fought a battle inside me and tried to find out which will win and Honestly Zucest won seriously just because it was incest I dropped it by societal norms. I was writing a Fic but stopped because what people will say? Crazy, deranged? But I can't resist it's too hot for them to be siblings and not to be intimate other wise I find that if they really wished to repair their relationship stop their all hatred of all those years they need love which will break those barriers and too much love always brings eros. So what's the big deal.
The Fire Royals allow Females to be Fire Lords so how come line continues if Female becomes Firelord and marries a noble even a sage which are below the rank. Household norms in every medieval culture is patriarchal. Which means child first belongs to man and to his family which results child to be a noble and not royal from his mother's line and that child will become the Fire Lord from that line of Family and the Royal line will end. Could it be possible for Princesses of Fire Nation got married with nobles or aristocrats and not to loose their claims to the throne are the Fire Royals that stupid that this will end their line if their females get the throne. Inbreeding is persistent among royals only just keep their divine status
As Azula says "Power is something you are born with" will her child get that power if she marry noble which are below the rank. Big No
Timeout !!!
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part One {AO3} {Read from the Beginning}
Chapter Thirteen → in which Monty receives a New Assistant
“Nick,” Lilac said, peering into the room, “You need to tell Solitude that she’s allowed in other rooms besides this one.”
“Tell her yourself.” Nick said, glancing over at the corner, where Solitude was laying on her stomach, staring at the two-headed lizard, which was scampering around a small area, looking for an insect that had gotten loose. The toddler hadn’t moved from that spot for several minutes.
Their first week with Uncle Monty had gone by in a blur for most of the children; Violet had settled in first, getting permission to tape blank paper all across her wall, so that she could sketch out invention ideas, even if she got them in the middle of the night, and every day she’d rush downstairs to grab whatever breakfast she could find before going into the Reptile Room and sitting at the table with the snake traps, taking them apart and putting them back together, her hair pulled back as tight as she could tie it with her ribbon. More often than not, Lilac would join her after checking in on her other siblings, or she’d find an empty cage to tinker with, or a journal to read through, or she’d spend her time watching over Sunny, who wanted to do little more than play with her new best friend, the Incredibly Deadly Viper.
Klaus put himself in charge of reading up on Peru, and he’d usually take a stack of books up to his and Nick’s room, where he’d sit by the window until long after night had fell, using a large brass lamp to keep enough light for reading until he fell asleep, still curled up with a book on the Peruvian rainforest open in his lap. Nick, meanwhile, was reading up on every kind of herpetological study, from both Monty’s journals and other books, and that was mainly because it was all Solitude wanted to do; Nick would read aloud to her as she played with one of Monty’s safer reptiles, very carefully petting them and being very careful not to hurt them, something a bit unusual for a child of her age. Whenever she occasionally tugged too hard on a tail or poked too unexpectedly, she got incredibly upset and apologetic, and Uncle Monty would come in to show her and Nick- and whoever else happened to be in the room- how to properly handle the animal. Solitude seemed to learn this information at a speed that rivaled Nick’s memorization, and at night she’d babble to Klaus what they’d learned that day while he read, or she’d tell Sunny over lunch, and Sunny would tell her about what she and the Incredibly Deadly Viper had bitten that day. While Solitude was slightly jealous that Sunny had befriended such a large snake, she had her own pet; she’d named her tiny frog Babbitt, and the small animal tended to jump onto her shoulder or into her dress pocket whenever they had the chance.
And when Uncle Monty wasn’t showing Solitude how best to handle the Dissonant Toad or the Inky Newt, he would still be in the Reptile Room, taking care of his reptiles, showing the children who weren’t doing anything else how to feed and care for them, or telling them more about the different animals. And often, Monty would segue into stories about his travels, and all the people and animals he’d met on his journeys and adventures they’d had. Nick and Violet were fascinated by the tales, while Lilac would only occasionally listen, usually drowning out the noise with a fixation on whatever she was repairing, and Klaus would mostly just sit somewhere with a book, though sometimes he did move over to listen, and sometimes, when Violet and Nick started telling Monty their own stories, he and Lilac would join in, while Sunny would play with the Incredibly Deadly Viper and Solitude would sit by a reptile cage to observe, with Babbitt curled up on her skirt.
Currently, while Solitude busied herself with the two-headed lizard and Nick read aloud about alligators, Klaus had taken up the table with a bunch of blueprints and charts, while Violet and Sunny sat on the ground, trying to feed the tortoise.
They heard a moan, then, sounding similar to the sentence Woe is me.
“Cheup!” Sunny called to the crocodile in the corner of the room. “Don’t be sad! Uncle Monty will be back soon!”
“Sun! Cor!” Solitude called, meaning, “Sunny, the broken-hearted crocodile just sounds like it’s saying ‘woe is me,’ he’s not actually sad at the moment.”
“She knows that, Soli, she’s just being playful.” Violet said.
“I wish he’d go back outside.” Klaus said, flipping a paper. “He’s annoying.”
“Klaus, don’t be a dick.” Nick said.
“Language.” Lilac said.
“Be nice to the crocodile.” Nick said. “We were just reading about them-”
“You were just reading about alligators.” Klaus said. “They’re different.”
“Not really.”
“Sinensis.” Solitude said. “Klaus is right, actually.”
“Traitor.” Nick said. Soli stuck her tongue out at him.
The broken-hearted crocodile let out another Woe is Me, and Klaus snapped, “Woe is you? We’re the ones whose parents are dead, and now we’re being tossed from place-to-place like hot potatoes!”
“Klaus!” Lilac said quickly. “Klaus, it can’t understand you-”
“I know that!” Klaus shouted, slamming his hand onto the table. They all jumped, and upon seeing his siblings so startled, Klaus quickly said, “Sorry! I’m sorry, I…”
Slowly, Lilac stood up, walking to stand beside him. “Klaus,” she said, glancing around at all of her siblings, “Listen. We’re always going to miss our parents. But, well… Monty’s been a good guardian so far. I think we’re safe here. I think… I think he really does care about us.”
“Lilac.” Klaus said, looking over at her. “He said he knew our parents. They never mentioned him, never took us to visit. I thought we knew all of our parents’ friends, I thought we knew everything about them.”
Lilac bit her lip, sharing a look with Nick. “I’m sure they had their reasons.”
“You think it was the same reason they sent us to Briny Beach?” Violet asked, glancing up as Sunny reached out to pet the tortoise.
“Or the same reason they had a cylinder-thing with the same Eye that’s fucking everywhere?” Nick asked.
“Oh!” Klaus reached for a paper. “Speaking of which-”
“Bambini! Baudelaire Bambini!” called Monty, from down the hall, using his favorite term for them.
“In here, Uncle Monty!” Violet called, looking up excitedly.
Monty entered the room, smiling brightly. “There you all are! How was your day?”
“We fed the reptiles!” Lilac said quickly.
“I polished the tortoise!” Violet said.
“I’ve been reading through these herpetological journals.” Nick said.
“Corwin!” Solitude cheered. “And I’ve been listening!”
“Very good!” Monty said. “I have some final supplies to procure in town before we leave for Peru- wasp repellent, toothbrushes, canned peaches and a fireproof canoe- but my new assistant, Stephano, should be arriving today. I hope you will make him feel welcome, should he reach the house before I do.”
“Of course.” Lilac nodded. “I’ll lock Nick in the attic so he can’t say anything.”
“Shut up!” Nick yelled.
“Make me!”
Monty laughed, used to the sibling bickering by now, and he added, “Tonight, we will all go see a movie together! How does that sound?”
“That’d be amazing!” Violet said. “Sunny and Soli have never been to the movies before, but we’ll make sure they behave.”
“Serpe?” Sunny asked, looking over. “Can we bring the Incredibly Deadly Viper?”
“Unfortunately, no.” Monty said. “The theater does not allow pets.”
“So we’ll have to leave Klaus.” Nick said.
Klaus glared over at him. “I’m going to throw you out the window.”
“You couldn’t lift your own bookbag, Klaus, there’s no way you’d be able to do that.”
“I will find a way.”
“What movie are we seeing?” Lilac asked, interrupting the argument.
“We won’t know until we get there!” Monty said.
“I’ve never heard of a movie theater that doesn’t tell you what movie is playing.” Klaus said.
“Well,” Monty said, “Klaus Baudelaire, I have a feeling that there are many things you’re going to see that you’ve never heard of before. Life is a conundrum of esoterica. Goodbye for now!”
After he left, Violet asked, “What did he mean, ‘Life is a conundrum of esoterica?’”
“Well, ‘conundrum’ means ‘mystery.’” Klaus said, reaching for the paper again. “And ‘esoterica’ are obscure objects or documents.” He finally unrolled the paper onto the table, and said, “Come look at this.”
Nick and Violet stood up, walking over, while Solitude simply turned back to the lizard and Sunny crawled over to the tortoise. The four older children crowded around the table, and Klaus placed his cylinder on the edge of the paper so that it would stay in place.
“These are the original blueprints for Uncle Monty’s landscaping.” Klaus said. “This, right in the middle, is the hedges outside, and they make up a labyrinth. And if you look at it from the top-”
“It looks like the Eye Tattoo.” Lilac said.
Indeed, the blueprints clearly showed the hedge maze making up the familiar eye.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Violet said quickly, “And no. Uncle Monty can’t be working with Count Olaf.”
“If this Eye is just a symbol for Olaf,” Nick said, “Than our parents were working with him, too. They had the Eye on that cylinder thing.”
“There’s no way our parents would associate with him!” Lilac said.
“Whatever it means,” Klaus said, “It means that Monty’s not telling us everything. Why would he keep this a secret from us unless it was bad?”
“Monty’s too nice to be wicked.” Nick said.
“He seems that way.” Lilac sighed.
“And people aren’t always what they seem.” Klaus said. “Something strange is going on here.”
Lilac suddenly reached forwards, snatching the blueprint away, and the cylinder clattered to the table. “Well,” she said quickly, “We can’t very well figure it out by standing here bitching about it. Nick, keep reading to Soli, and Klaus, go through Monty’s journals. Violet, help me feed the reptiles so we can take more journals once we’re done.”
“Who put you in charge?” Violet asked bitterly.
“I’m the oldest, so I’m in charge.” Lilac said.
“We should vote.”
“We’d just all vote for ourselves and you know it.” Lilac said. “Go clip the iguana’s toenails.”
Violet flipped her off, but did head towards the iguana cage. Klaus went over to the bookshelf, and Nick hesitantly went back to the book he was reading. “Alright, Sol,” he said, “Wanna hear more about alligators?”
Solitude nodded excitedly, her entire face lighting up as she lifted the two-headed lizard, gently toddling over to Nick, who sat on the floor, and placing it on his knee. As he read, and Klaus picked books off the shelf, and Lilac and Violet got to work, Solitude walked over to the corner of the room, where a harmless snake was sleeping on a table. She picked it up, before walking back and draping it over Nick’s shoulders.
“Soli,” Klaus said quietly, flipping a page in the journal, “Stop piling reptiles onto Nick.”
“No.” Solitude said, before going to pick up a frog out of a terrarium on the floor and walking back to put it on Nick’s lap, followed by a very confused Babbitt.
They continued like this until they heard the ring of the doorbell.
They looked up, surprised a moment, before Lilac said nervously, “That must be Monty’s new assistant.”
“We should let him in.” Klaus said hesitantly.
“Should we all go?” Violet asked.
Lilac considered a moment, before saying, “Uh, yes. Yes, we should all go say hello- actually, you know what, Nick, stay here.”
“Hey!” Nick said.
“You and Soli put those reptiles away,” Lilac said, “And we’ll get Stephano settled in.”
Nick and Solitude sighed, but she picked up the animals she’d placed on him and helped put them back as Violet picked up Sunny, Klaus put his books away, and Lilac managed to coax the tortoise into its pen. Then, as Nick and Soli continued taking care of the reptiles, the other four children headed towards the door, feeling dread build inside, though they weren’t entirely sure why.
Lilac reached the front door first and, carefully, she grabbed the doorknob, and swung the door open.
And she immediately wished she hadn’t.
Because when the door opened, and they all looked up at the man who stood before them, it slowly dawned on them who it was.
Ahead of them stood a very tall, very skinny man. And though he had shaved off his eyebrow and now wore a thick beard, they recognized his shiny eyes, and they recognized his pale face, and they recognized his voice, even through his obviously fake accent, as he said, “Hello, hello, hello.”
Lilac froze over, and Sunny leaned into Violet, who backed up in order to stand in front of Klaus, who looked very, very angry.
“I am Stephano,” said the man they recognized, “Dr Montgomery Montgomery’s new assistant. If you could help me with my luggage-”
“We will not help you with your luggage.” Klaus spat. “You’re Count Olaf.”
The man simply looked at them, before finishing, “-it would be very helpful. The ride along that smelly road was dull and unpleasant.”
“If anyone deserved to travel along Lousy Lane, it’s you.” Violet said.
“We will not help you with your luggage,” Lilac said, moving forwards and grabbing the door again, trying to slam it shut, “And we will not let you in this house.”
Before the door could shut, moving quick as a flash, Olaf pulled a knife from his pocket and stuck it into the wood, holding the door in place. Lilac jumped back, instinctively throwing a hand in front of Violet, Klaus and Sunny.
“Well,” Olaf said, dropping his ridiculous fake accent and pushing his way into the foyer as he removed his knife from the door and pointed it towards the children, causing Lilac to push her siblings farther behind her, “I see you children haven’t changed a bit. Still annoyingly clever.”
Lilac pushed her siblings some more, and they raced backwards towards the staircase, keeping their eyes locked on the knife. None of them had a plan, but they understood quickly why they were heading upstairs; it would keep him far away from the Reptile Room, where Nick and Soli were still, probably unaware of what was happening. Olaf kept following them, his knife swinging between them, as they stepped onto the stairs.
“Lilac,” he said, “You’re stubborn as ever. Violet is still as rude as ever. Klaus, you still have your idiotic glasses from reading too many books. And little Sunny still has only nine toes instead of ten.”
“Uh-oh.” Sunny whispered, glancing up, and Violet held her a bit tighter as they went farther up the stairs.
“What are you talking about?” Klaus asked angrily. “Our sister has ten toes, like the- the vast majority of people.”
“Really?” Olaf said. “That’s odd. I could’ve sworn that she lost one of her toes in an accident, when a man was so upset at being called the wrong name that he dropped a knife onto her foot.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Lilac said, pushing her siblings to move quickly as they reached the top of the stairs, stopping slightly underneath a wall of photos.
“Let’s not discuss what I would and would not dare do.” Olaf said. He glanced at the pictures, and then tapped one with a knife. “Let’s discuss your poor, unfortunate parents. Very brave in their days. But their days are done.”
“That’s not a picture of our parents.” Klaus said, glancing at the photo. “That’s a piano.”
“Yes it is, they’re inside the piano.” Olaf said.
“How would you know that?” Lilac asked, once again pushing her siblings a bit more behind her.
“I took the picture.” Olaf replied. And as the siblings jumped, shocked, he continued, “Now all that’s left of them is their enormous fortune, and that- wait.” He stopped, scanning them. “There were more of you. Where are the other two?”
The siblings froze, and Lilac glanced behind them, at the second set of stairs. They could run down, but Olaf would follow, so they’d have to have a good head start to get to the room, they just needed a distraction…
At that moment, they heard what sounded like a reptile’s screech- only it was very, very loud. Olaf jumped, turning to look down towards the source of the noise, but Lilac didn’t bother, instead whipping around and pushing her siblings towards the staircase. Violet moved fast, holding Sunny close and almost leaping down the stairs, followed closely by Lilac, who turned around once she realized Klaus had fallen behind slightly. She froze, horrified, as she saw Olaf reach forwards and yank his arm, but thankfully Klaus managed to rip himself away. As he did, the cylinder in his pocket fell out, clattering onto the stairs, and Lilac grabbed onto it with her right hand and grabbed Klaus with her left, pulling him behind her as they ran back down.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw Violet away, with Nick and Solitude standing at the landing, waiting for their siblings. As soon as they saw each other, the Baudelaires raced into the Reptile Room, shutting the door tight behind them.
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crescentmoonrider · 8 months
A viper-lizard's tales, chapter 204 "Sunrise"
in which Katara spends the day in town with Aang, and considers both past and future
read on ffn
read on ao3
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parkertorrence-blog · 6 years
NecroManIcon part 1.2
Book of the Black Dragon
Part One chapter two :: Tiamat
According to Assyro-Babylonian mythology, at the beginning of the world there were two primordial beings-Apsu, the male incarnation of fresh water and space; and Tiamat, the female incarnation of the sea and chaos. [Dragons A Natural History by Dr. Karl Shuker, Simon & Schuster 1995]
The coming of order-the division of light from darkness, of the heavens and the earth from the waters-required that the first dragons be conquered, since they were demons of disorder. Their foes were gods, not men, for these leviathans existed long before humankind appeared. [DRAGONS (The Enchanted World) by the Editors of Time-Life Books 1984] On that very day when the Unicorn drew forth from barren rock a gushing spring of life, the seeds of doom were sown as well. For even as those shining waters spread their fertile mosture, they poured into unlighted fissures and trickled down to secret, burning caverns that wound among the mountains' roots. There, in those abysmal chambers, the sacred waters' life-bestowing charge was first expended in raising up a living thing. And thus in fire and in darkness was the Dragon born. Her nature bears everlasting testimony to the uneasy birth, and ever after, no other creature has possessed the same measure of strength and cunning. Now the first dragon was Yaldabaoth (though she is called Tliamat as well, and many other names besides). She was fearsomely wrought, with darting, lidless eyes; and the first sight caught in her unblinking gaze was her own image, reflected in the dark waters. She worshipped the sight, and a secret lust for that selfsame image consumed her heart for all time since. And Yaldabaoth grew great and spawned others like herself: Nagamat and Kaliyet and Orkus, Tarasque and Serpens; and many more besides. Now while dragons are of many sizes and shapes, all are swift and sharp of intellect, and thirst after knowledge. While the Unicorn seeks to divine the secrets of creation that he may more perfectly know the Creator, the Dragon desires the same that it may gain dominion over all the world, and thereby conquer death. [Quest: In Search of the Dragontooth by Michael Green, Running Press 1994] Poets of every ancient land spoke of the titanic patterns of their conflicts. From the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia, formed by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, came the earliest tales. There, thousands of years ago, an unknown scribe in the land of Babylon set down on seven clay tablets a story of creation that had already descended through generations of his people by word of mouth. In the beginning, wrote the scribe, when all was dark and formless, two primal beings came into existence. One was male, the spirit of fresh water and the void, and it was called Apsu. The other was female, the spirit of salt water and chaos, and it was a dragon, composed of elements of dangerous creatures yet to come: It possessed the jaws of a crocodile, the teeth of a lion, the wings of a bat, the legs of a lizard, the talons of an eagle, the body of a python, the horns of a bull. The dragon's name was Tiamat.     The union of these two creatures, wrote the scribe, spawned the gods, and one of them killed his father, Apsu. [DRAGONS (The Enchanted World) by the Editors of Time-Life Books 1984] ABSU rose up to slay the Elder Gods by stealth. With magick charm and spell ABSU fought, But was slain by the sorcery of the Elder Gods. And it was their first victory. His body was lain in an empty Space In a crevice of the heavens Hid He was slain, But his blood cried out to the Abode of Heaven. [Necronomicon by Simon, Avon Books 1980] Then in her dragon's fury, Tiamat gave birth to a new kind of offspring, a menagerie of monsters to afflict her first brood. She brought forth scorpion men and demon lions, giant serpents and-lesser versions of herself-glittering dragons. Chaos reigned in the formless void. In order to defend themselves, the gods called one of their own number as a champion. [DRAGONS (The Enchanted World) by the Editors of Time-Life Books 1984] MARDUK was chosen of the Elders to fight KUR and wrest power from the Great Sleeping Serpent who dwells beneath the Mountians of the Scorpion. MARDUK was given a weapon, and a Sign, and Fifty Powers were given to him to fight the awful TIAMAT. [Necronomicon by Simon, Avon Books 1980] This was Marduk, who would become lord of the universe. Armed with a net and a club, with poison, with bow and arrow and a quiver of lightning bolts, the god Marduk mounted a storm chariot drawn by four swift and violent steeds. He was escorted by the four winds and a mighty hurricane. Thus arrayed in terror, Mardruk searched the universe for Tiamat, his dragon mother. [DRAGONS (The Enchanted World) by the Editors of Time-Life Books 1984] Transported by the power of a tumultuous, raging tempest, he swiftly reached the appointed battlefield, and at once the massed forces of Tiamat arose to destroy him. [Dragons A Natural History by Dr. Karl Shuker, Simon & Schuster 1995] She summoned the Viper, the Dragon, and the Winged Bull, The Great Lion, the Mad-Dog, and the Scorpion-Man. Mighty rabid Demons, Feathered-Serpents, the Horse-Man, Bearing weapons that spare not Fearless in Battle, Charmed with the spells of ancient sorcery, ...withal Eleven of this kind she brought forth With KINGU as Leader of the Minions. [Necronomicon by Simon, Avon Books 1980] But as Tiamat approached, with her troops in her wake, Marduk flung his net over this vast monster, enveloping her in an inextricable tangle of mesh that bound her so tightly she was unable to break free. Immediately, Marduk directed the wild fury of the hurricane into her face, and as expected, Tiamat opened her colossal jaws in a frenzied attempt to engulf her persecutor. The hurricane surged into her moth, exerting the full force of its raging power to prevent her from closing her jaws again, gripping her heart with chill fingers of ice and inflating her belly with its vigorous breath. [Dragons A Natural History by Dr. Karl Shuker, Simon & Schuster 1995] Then, taking aim with his bow, Marduk shot an arrow between Tiamat's open jaws, straight down into her heart. "Her inner parts he cleft," wrote the scribe. "He split her heart. He rendered her powerless and destroyed her life. He felled her body and stood upright on it." The death of Tiamat threw her beast-brood into confusion, and they fled for their lives. But Marduk caught them all in his net and put them in chains and threw them into the infernal regions. [DRAGONS (The Enchanted World) by the Editors of Time-Life Books 1984] The old order was no more. Once he had annihilated all her panic-stricken followers, too, Marduk set about creating an entire world from the carcass of Tiamat. After cleaving her body in two, he fashioned one half into the heavens, and molded the other into the earth. He set the stars in the heavens and garnished the earth with fields, forests, rivers, and mountains, populating them with a teeming myriad of wildlife. [Dragons A Natural History by Dr. Karl Shuker, Simon & Schuster 1995] From the Blood of KINGU he fashioned Man. He constructed Watchtowers for the Elder Gods Fixing their astral bodies as constellations That they may watch the Gate of ABSU The Gate of TIAMAT they watch The Gate of KINGU they oversee The Gate whose Guardian is IAK SAKKAK they bind. All the Elder Powers resist The Force of Ancient Artistry The Magick Spell of the Oldest Ones The Incantation of the Primal Power The Mountain KUR, the Serpent God The Mountain MASHU, that of Magick The Dead KUTULU, Dead but Dreaming TIAMAT, Dead but Dreaming And shall their generation come again? [Necronomicon by Simon, Avon Books 1980] The world turned dark and I believed I swooned, though somehow I did not fall. Mind reeling, I gained my wits, and saw that I stood no longer above a hissing sea, but in a craggy wilderness overlooking a shadowy plain! The ramparts above us were gone; there was not the slightest sign of human habitation. I turned in utmost confusion to my host, and he responded with a look of grave intensity. "Behold Magh Dá Cheo, the Plain of the Two Mists," he said. "Follow, if you wish to know the beginnings." I followed. The ground was moist, and a rich damp fragrance filled the air. Wild mountains rose beyond the plan, and the sun hung at the horizon just as in the world we had left behind us. My host moved quickly forward down a narrow defile, for light was waning. We threaded our way along a path between jagged outcroppings, all overgrown in places with a rich cloak of fern and moss glowing like jewels in the last golden rays of the sun. There seemed to be ancient languages writ in the delicate wrinkles that adorned the rocks, but I cannot say for sure. My spirit rose in gladness, for I had found my way into the magic hidden realm! The dying light illuminated a great and convoluted thing hanging in the darkness. Along moment I regarded it in puzzlement, until with a start I saw it was a monstrous skull unlike any creature that I knew. Its forehead was fully three spans in width, and armed with horns and tusks. Yet it was also a thing of fierce and efficient beauty, and I knew suddenly that through the flesh was gone a refined and ancient will remained. Like a shining sword, it was both supremely rational and mystical. It would accept no obstacle; it would penetrate every opposing strategy in pursuit of higher purpose. [Quest: In Search of the Dragontooth by Michael Green, Running Press 1994]
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psychologeek · 3 years
so, I stole @captainkirkk‘s idea, and now present to you:
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. NOT E-rating
The (Mis)Adventures of Ambassador Sokka by:  That_Amazing_Asexual
starting with:  Diplomatic Immunity
Sokka may have done something mildly illegal. Only a third-degree felony, at the most. But that wasn’t the point.
Sir, This is My Emotional Support Turtleduck by BalrogDeMorgoth
A stressed out Zuko gets an Emotional Support Turtleduck, which he end up sharing with Azula. The Council learns to live with it.
A viper-lizard's tales by Yumi_Take
The desert sun burns and Zuko probably shouldn't touch the moving cloth, but he does anyway.
[PG: it’s just sooo cute! i really loved it!]
Hope Is A Mistake by Chuthulhu (Mangaluva), Mangaluva Zuko didn't escape the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse. Azula decides to invite him to her coronation, setting off a chain of events involving abuse, trauma, siblings, recovery, and rebuilding.
the very reason you're alive for by lesmiserablol for remussimp (demiboy_zuko)
Azula's life isn’t glamorous. It isn’t close to the life she ever imagined for herself. It is the kind she had sneered at once, deeming it for the peasants while she was destined to always be a princess.
She rises and rests with the sun. She gathers eggs from the pickens. She starts fires using spark rocks.  
Zuko has offered to teach her how to firebend again, how to find a source to reignite her inner fire, but she has never taken him up on it. Sometimes she tries, just to see what will happen, and sees only smoke come from her fingers. Eventually she stops trying.
(or: Azula goes to therapy, starts a garden, bonds with her brother, learns to bake, and meets her niece, but not necessarily in that order.)
Desperate Times by Dawen
Ursa sat in her seat, pride of place as the only adult member of the royal family in the audience. She wore a small, concerned frown, watching the introduction of the fight, keeping a close eye on her husband. She worried; Ozai seemed a little… off. Enough to lose the fight? Ursa didn’t know.
To her right, Zuko squirmed uncomfortably. To her left, Azula held perfectly still, a small smirk curling at the corners of her mouth. Ursa had no doubt that she fully expected her father to win.
And then, five minutes into the Agni Kai, the unthinkable happened.
(Fire Lord Azulon doesn't die in his bed, mere days after the news of Prince Lu Ten's death reaches the palace. But it's still not long until Ursa's life changes forever, and her children's with it.)
The Stitches that Bind us Together by SunflowerSkys
Azula looks at it with disdain. ‘What’s this.’ she says in a voice so patronizing that he immediately feels offended.
5 year olds have no right to be able to achieve that tone he thinks indignantly
‘It’s a dragon, obviously.’ he huffs. Azula squints at the silk in front of her ‘Are you sure? This looks more like a tiger-eel to me.’ Zuko glares at her. ‘It’s a dragon’ he repeats.
Just an idea about embroidery traditions.
Mountains and Badgermolehills by Glass_Onion
After the Blue Spirit frees the Avatar from the Pohuai Stronghold, Admiral Zhao captures Prince Zuko under suspicion of treason. Isolated from his Uncle and his crew, Zuko has only one ally: the chatty prisoner one cell over.
On Top of the World by mindbending for Museflight
“Lord Agni,” Azula says, swallowing a laugh. It’s hilarious that she’s down on her knees, praying like she can rely on any force but herself. “I have power, but I’d like some more if you’d be so obliging. Power to get the things I want. Power so grand, it’ll shock everyone on earth- even me, if you can manage that.” She snorts before adding on her last ridiculous, meaningless request. “Power to match the Avatar’s or outdo him, if you’d like!”
Or: after the Boiling Rock debacle, Azula gets what she didn't quite wish for and wakes up as an airbender.
No friend like a sister by Dissenter
In which Ursa dies in childbirth, Zuko becomes the most obsessively overprotective big brother imaginable, and Azula looks up to the big brother who raised her a lot more than her mostly absent father.
Gratidad by nbj
Gratidad - noun / ˈɡrætɪdæd /
A deeply grateful father who tries to instill this gratitude to the Prince of the Fire Nation, to whom he owes his daughter's life. But with strong painkillers, childhood trauma and Zuko's general awkwardness, it's not as easy as Hakoda had imagined.
Object Permanence by a_6yearold_inside
Bruno made the effort to get to know all his nephews and nieces while in the walls and now he was out! It was great! He got to hug his sisters again, and join the whole town in rebuilding their home. It was great.
…except he wasn’t really sure Camilo existed.
In which Camilo's been doing a lot of shape shifting recently, Bruno doubts his sanity and assumes the worst.
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Awards and Works
Carol Lay has her own short comic stories such as The Big Skinny: How I Changed My Fattitude by Carol Lay and underground comic such as GOOD GIRLS. One of her most notable accomplishment is that she wrote and illustrated comic stripes for the L.A WEEKLY for eighteen years. Her comics and illustrations have made appearances in big publishers like The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Mad magazine and more. In 1997, Lay’s comic Joy Ride and Other Stories was nominated on Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards for Best Writer/Artist of the year. She’s worked in an incredible amount of comics as well, either as a writer or in inking o r in other small capacities. 
Chronologically, her resume is extensive:
Tumblr media
Fear and Laughter – ‘Fear And Laughter’
Marvel Special Edition: Star Wars #2 – ‘Part Two’
What If? #5 – ‘What If Captain America And Bucky Had Both Survived World War II?’
Star Wars #6 – ‘Is This–The Final Chapter?’
Star Wars #6 (35 cent Diamond Price Box) – ‘Is This–The Final Chapter?’
Star Wars #6 (35 Cent Diamond Price Box No Reprint Text) – ‘Is This–The Final Chapter?’
The Invaders Annual 01 – ‘Okay, Axis — Here We Come!’
Marvel Special Edition: Star Wars #3
Kull The Destroyer #25 – ‘A Lizard’s Throne’
Capitaine America #78/79 – ‘Les aventures du Capitaine America’
Captain America #219 – ‘The Adventures of Captain America!’
Captain America #220
Kull The Destroyer #26 – ‘Into Death’s Dimension!’
Laff-a-lympics #2 – ‘Trouble at the Track Meet’
What If? #8 – ‘What If… The World Knew Daredevil Was Blind?’
Laff-a-lympics #3 – ‘The Miraculous Moon Meet!’
Laff-a-lympics #4 – ‘Take Me Out to the Brawl Game!’
Laff-a-lympics #5 – ‘The Day the Rottens Won!’
What If? #10 – ‘What If…Jane Foster Had Found the Hammer of Thor?’
Laff-a-lympics #7 – ‘The Purple Pig Puzzle’
TV Stars #3 – ‘A Super Hero Special!’
Spotlight #3 – ‘All’s fair in love and warranty’
Spotlight #4 – ‘Big Magilla in Space!’
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Pontiac Tempura – ‘Reach out and Touch Someone’
Cocaine Comix #4
Eating Raoul One-shot – ‘Eating Raoul’
Marvel Movie Showcase featuring Star Wars #2
Raw #5 – ‘The Perils of Irene’
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #14 – ‘Crisis On Earth-C’
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #15 – ‘Crisis on Earth-C-Minus!’
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #16 – ‘The Dread Tread of the Screeching Tire’
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #17
Wimmen’s Comix #8 – ‘The Mysogynist’
Weirdo #10 – ‘Midwestern Wedding’
Viper #1
The Oz-Wonderland War #1 – ‘Gillikin’s Highland/Slay It with Flowers’
The Oz-Wonderland War #2 – ‘Deliver Oz From Evil!/Roquat’s Dread Glare!’
The Oz-Wonderland War #3 – ‘Jabber-Wacky!/Oz Well That Ends Well’
Eclipse Extra! #17 – ‘Champions’
Champions #1 – ‘Chapter 1: Full Circle / Chapter II: The Power of Demon’
Blackthorne 3-D Series #5 – ‘Bizarre 3-D Zone #1’
Champions 2 – ‘Chapter 3: Conflict! / Chapter 4: The Dark Side of Passion’
Champions #3 – ‘Chapter 5: The Castle Under the Frozen Sea / Chapter 6: A Demon in New Orleans!’
Champions #4 – ‘Chapter 7: Not What She Seems… / Chapter 8: The Woman She Was!’
Cannibal Romances #1 – ‘Brainfood’
Tales of Terror #11
Amazing Heroes #115 – ‘Swimsuit Issue!’
Good Girls #1 – ‘Ms Lonelyhearts’
Anything Goes! #4
Honk! #5
Good Girls #2
Wimmen’s Comix #12 – ‘3-D’
Good Girls #3 – ‘Beauty And The Beast With Two Heads’
Good Girls #4
Wonder Woman Annual 02 – ‘The Game of the Name’
Weirdo #27 – ‘The Prince and the Art Girl’
Good Girls #5
Good Girls #6 – ‘Face to Face, Mano a Mano’
The New Comics Anthology TPB – ‘The New Comics Anthology’
Twisted Sisters: A Collection of Bad Girl Art TPB – ‘Twisted Sisters: A Collection of Bad Girl Art’
Champions Classics #1
Real Stuff #7
Young Lust #8 – ‘Panty Raid’
Now, Endsville TPB vol. 01 – ‘Now, Endsville And Other Stories’
Simpsons Comics #170 – ‘The Generosity Gene’
Edition Comic Speedline Piccolo #3 – ‘Story Minutes – Minuten Märchen’
Twisted Sisters #4
Comic Speedline #40 – ‘Marc-Antoine Mathieu’
The Narrative Corpse OGN SC – ‘The Narrative Corpse’
Joy Ride TPB – ‘Joy Ride’
MAD #359 (Cover #2)
Strip Joint, Kitchen Sink Press
The Comics Journal #213
Supernatural Law #25 – ‘Fashionably Late’
Bizarro Comics OGN HC
Spark Generators OGN SC vol. 02 – ‘Spark Generators II’
9-11: Emergency Relief OGN SC
Wonder Woman: Mythos, Pocket Star
Bizarro Comics OGN SC
What If? TPB vol. 01 – ‘What If? Classic, vol. 1’
Bizarro World OGN HC – ‘Bizarro World’
The Comics Journal Special Edition vol. 05 – ‘Volume Five: Manga Masters’
Weird Tales of the Ramones OGN SC
What If? TPB vol. 02 – ‘What If? Classic, vol. 2’
Star Wars (Wal-Mart Exclusive) TPB – ‘A New Hope’
Bizarro World OGN SC – ‘Bizarro World’
Goodnight, Irene: The Collected Stories of Irene Van de Kamp TPB
Captain Carrot and the Final Ark TPB – ‘Captain Carrot and the Final Ark’
The Big Skinny OGN SC – ‘How I Changes My Fattitude: A Memoir’
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #52 – ‘Hobo Chillin”
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #53 – ‘Prank Pitchman’
The Simpsons Summer Shindig #4
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #54 – ‘Li’l Firecracker’
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #55 – ‘Twisted Sister’
The Chronicles of Kull TPB vol. 03 – ‘Screams in the Dark and Other Stories’
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #57 – ‘Desert Delinquent’
Essential Captain America TPB vol. 06
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #59 – ‘King of Late-Night’
The Simpsons Summer Shindig #5
Simpsons Comics #179 – ‘Scam Wow’
The Simpsons Winter Wingding #6
Simpsons Comics Präsentiert Bart Simpson #59 – ‘Nachtschwärmer’
Simpsons One-Shot Wonders: Ralph Wiggum Comics #1
Simpsons One-Shot Wonders: Ralph Wiggum Comics #1 (Cover B – “I’m in Mint Conditioner!”)
Simpsons Comics #190 – ‘the social fretwork’
The Simpsons Summer Shindig #6
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson#72
Dave Stevens: Covers & Stories HC
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #73
Simpsons One-Shot Wonders: Li’l Homer #1
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #74
Simpsons One-Shot Wonders: Maggie #1
Simpsons One-Shot Wonders: Maggie #1 (Variant Cover)
Carol Lay’s Illiterature: Story Minutes Vol one, Boom! Town
Murderville #1 – ‘A Farewell to Armories’
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #80
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #81
Simpsons Comics #201 – ‘The Murder Party’
Cartozia Tales #3
The Invaders Classic Complete TPB vol. 01 – ‘Invaders Classic: The Complete Collection Vol. 1’
Simpsons Comics #211 – ‘Double-Page Spread-Tacular’
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #92
Simpsons Comics Clubhouse TPB
Admin Emily: The sheer amount of things that Carol LAy has contributed to, whether inking, writing, or drawing, is mindblowing, and inspiring. All of her experience in the comic book industry probably came in handy when creating her own work all parts of which she did. 
Aaron, Jason. “Carol Lay - Comic Book DB.” Comic Book DB.  www.comicbookdb.com/creator.php?ID=3267.
Lay, Carol. “Carol Lay.” Carol Lay: About, www.carollay.com/about.html.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
At last, they stopped outside a door. It was made of different wood from the other doors down here, wood with a beautiful grain like a tiger’s coat that shimmered with a tinge of red under the naked electric bulbs that lit the cellars. ‘And let me tell you,’ Basta whispered to Meggie before he knocked on the door, ‘if you’re as impertinent to Mortola as you are to me she’ll sling you in one of those nets in the church until you’re so hungry you’ll be gnawing at the ropes. Compared to her heart, mine’s as soft as a little girl’s cuddly toy.’ His peppermint-scented breath wafted into Meggie’s face. She would never again be able to eat anything smelling of peppermint. The Magpie’s room was large enough to hold a dance in. The walls were red, like the walls in the church, but you couldn’t see much of them. They were covered with photographs in gold frames, photographs of houses and people crammed close together on the walls like a crowd in a space too small for it. In the middle, framed in gold like the photos but much larger, hung a portrait of Capricorn. Even Meggie could see that whoever had painted it was no more skilled at his trade than the sculptor who had carved the statue in the church. Capricorn’s features in the picture were rounder and softer than in real life, and his curiously feminine mouth lay like a strange fruit below the nose, which was a little too short and broad. It was only his eyes that the painter had caught perfectly. As cold as they were in the flesh, they looked down on Meggie like the eyes of a man examining a frog he is about to slit open to see what it looks like inside. No face, she had learned in Capricorn’s village, is as terrifying as a face without pity. The Magpie sat, curiously rigid, in a green velvet armchair directly below her son’s portrait. She looked unaccustomed to sitting down – like a constantly busy woman who resented having to stop, but whose body forced her to rest. Meggie saw that the old woman’s legs were swollen above her ankles. They bulged formlessly below her bony knees. Noticing her glance, the Magpie pulled her skirt well down over those knees. ‘Have you told her what she’s here for?’ She found standing up difficult. Meggie watched her support herself with one hand on a little table, her lips pressed together. Basta seemed to enjoy her frailty; a smile played round his mouth until the Magpie looked at him, wiping it away with a single icy glance. Impatiently, she beckoned Meggie over. Basta prodded her in the back when she didn’t move. ‘Come here. I want to show you something.’ With slow but firm steps, the Magpie walked over to a chest of drawers that looked much too heavy for its gracefully curved legs. Two lamps stood on it, their shades patterned with flowery tendrils. Between them was a wooden casket, decorated all the way round with a pattern of tiny holes. When the Magpie opened its lid Meggie flinched back. Two snakes, thin as lizards and not much longer than Meggie’s lower arm, lay in the casket. ‘I always keep my room nice and warm so that this pair don’t get too sleepy,’ explained the Magpie, opening the top drawer of the chest and taking out a glove. It was made of stout black leather, and was so stiff that she had difficulty forcing her gnarled hand into it. ‘Your friend Dustfinger played a nasty trick on poor Resa when he asked her to look for that book,’ she continued, reaching into the box and grasping one of the snakes firmly behind its flat head. ‘Come here!’ she ordered Basta, and held the wriggling snake out to him. Meggie saw from his face that everything in him felt revulsion, but he came closer and took the creature. He held the scaly body well away from him as it wound and twisted in the air. ‘As you see, Basta doesn’t care for my snakes!’ said the Magpie, with a smile. ‘He never did, not that that means much. As far as I know Basta doesn’t like anything but his knife. He also believes that snakes bring bad luck, which of course is pure nonsense.’ Mortola handed Basta the second snake. Meggie saw the viper’s tiny poison fangs when it opened its mouth. For a moment, she almost felt sorry for Basta. ‘Well, don’t you think this is a good hiding-place?’ asked the Magpie, reaching into the casket yet again. This time she brought out a book. Meggie would have known what book it was even if she hadn’t recognised the coloured jacket. ‘I’ve often kept valuables in this casket,’ continued the Magpie. ‘No one knows about it and its contents apart from Basta and Capricorn. Poor Resa searched high and low for this book – she’s a brave creature – but she didn’t get as far as my casket. As it happens, she likes snakes. I’ve never met anyone who feels less fear of them than Resa, although she’s been bitten now and then, isn’t that so, Basta?’ The Magpie took off her glove and looked scornfully at him. ‘Basta likes to use snakes to scare women who reject his advances. It didn’t work with Resa. How did it go exactly – didn’t she finally put the snake outside your door, Basta?’ Basta did not reply. The snakes were still twisting and turning in his hands. One of them had wound its tail around his arm. ‘Put them back in the casket,’ the Magpie ordered. ‘But be careful not to hurt them.’ Then she returned to her armchair with the book. ‘Sit down!’ she said, pointing to the footstool beside her. Meggie obeyed. Surreptitiously, she looked around her. Mortola’s room reminded her of a fairy-tale treasure chest filled to the brim. But there was too much of everything – too many golden candlesticks, too many lamps, rugs, pictures, vases, china ornaments, silk flowers, gilded bells. The Magpie looked at her smugly. In her plain black dress she sat there like a cuckoo that has forced its way into another bird’s nest. ‘A fine room for a domestic servant, don’t you think?’ she said with satisfaction. ‘Capricorn knows how to value me.’ ‘But he still makes you live in the cellar!’ replied Meggie. ‘Even though you’re his mother.’ If only words could be swallowed – caught and slipped quickly back between your lips. The Magpie looked at her with such hatred that Meggie almost felt the woman’s bony fingers on her throat. But Mortola just sat there, her birdlike eyes looking fixedly at Meggie. ‘Who told you that? The old sorcerer?’ Meggie clamped her lips together and looked at Basta. He probably hadn’t heard a word; he was just putting the second snake back in the casket. Did he know Capricorn’s little secret? Before she could wonder about that any more Mortola put the book on her lap. ‘A word about this to anyone here, or indeed anywhere else,’ hissed the Magpie, ‘and I personally shall prepare your next meal. A little extract of monkshood, a few shoots of yew or perhaps a couple of hemlock seeds in the sauce, how do you fancy that? I can assure you you’d find it a hard meal to digest. Now, start reading.’ Meggie stared at the book on her lap. When Capricorn held it up in the church she hadn’t been able to make out the picture on the jacket. Now she had a chance to see it at close quarters. There was a landscape in the background that looked like a slightly different version of the hills surrounding Capricorn’s village. But the foreground showed a heart, a black heart surrounded by red flames. ‘Go on, open it!’ snapped the Magpie. Meggie obeyed. She opened the book at the page beginning with the N and the horned marten perched on it. How long ago was it since she had stood in Elinor’s library looking at the same page? An eternity, a whole lifetime?
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crescentmoonrider · 11 months
A viper-lizard's tales, chapter 202 "Needle eye"
in which Han still doesn't care about wedding preparations
read on ffn - the site is currently (october 2023) working poorly, so if a page shows up blank, either try the mobile address, or just ->
read on ao3
Note : FFn is also glitched out and doesn't send out emails anymore. I hate to do this, because this site was basically my entire teenage years and I don't want to see it go down, but since it looks like things are. You know. Fucked, I'd highly recommend you at least subscribe to Viper-lizard on AO3, if not straight up read it there
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
A viper-lizard's tales, chapter 200 "Magnet pull"
in which Mai has a quiet evening, and Azula decides to go north
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
A viper-lizard's tales, chapter 199 "Slow work"
in which Azula doesn't understand the choices she has
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