#ab workouts for women youtube
The Best Workouts for Women: Top 5 Picks
Discover the ultimate collection of ab workouts for women that cater to all fitness levels. Achieve your dream of a toned midsection with our carefully curated routines. From beginner-friendly exercises to intense sessions, we've got you covered whether you prefer to work out at home or the gym. Sculpt your abs, target lower belly fat, and tackle love handles with expertly designed routines. Embrace the best ab workouts using weights to challenge yourself and see real results. Whether you're a beginner, over 50, or seeking quick results, our diverse range of effective exercises will help you achieve a strong core and a confident, fit physique.
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shelly-annlee · 1 year
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@youtube shelly-ann lee
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wild-wombytch · 7 months
I don't know if any of you gyns care, but in case you do, I'm sharing the free routine I've been doing on top of my modified workout (since my legendary -and sadly not recorded- asphalt-diving injuries) :
It's in French, but I think it's perfectly doable by just looking at her moves. The main things she insists on anyways are to keep your stomach/abs hard, hips static when moving upper body and back flat. You can also add weights. And if your cervicals/neck hurt, you can support it with your hands as long as you engage your abs and not neck while raising your upper body for the floor workout part.
It's just standing for most part, so it keeps my knees, arm and ankle safe. It's beginner level. If it's too intense, you can pause. There are more intense free workouts on this YT channel with different coaches if you wanna check, it's just that this one hasn't wrecked my injuries afterwards yet and helps me to gain/maintain muscles while still recovering.
And if you do this and/or other routines multiple days a week and have the proper food intake, you should definitely gain muscles. I shit you not, I'm on this YT channel in the first place because I saw an elderly woman like, a month ago, who had a literal six packs and she told me was just doing 3 videos like that per week for 2y when I asked her about this sorcery. Eldery women have some Lore™ to share!
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twingirlsfitness · 2 years
18 min Cardio at home for burn calories | side abs strained, no equipment, no repeat
In this video, we're going to show you how to do 18 minutes of cardio at home using just your own body weight! This cardio routine will help you burn calories and build muscle without any equipment or strain on your side abs.
If you're looking to burn calories and tone your side abs without any additional effort, this is the cardio routine for you! By doing this routine at home, you'll be able to exercise in the privacy of your own home and hit all the major muscle groups in the process!
00:00 START UP
04:27 SQUAT - JUMP
16:20 PLANK
❤️Love yourself, Love workout.
I am here to support you 100%. Don't say tomorrow, or next week, Do a workout today.
This workout is for men and women. Evan, it's suitable for beginners.
I am here 100% to support you, so please comment if you have any questions.
Please Subscribe to My Workout Channel:
@Twin Girls Fitness
Thank you for being so supportive.❤️
Hiit it, Girls. 🔥
⭐My other Workout videos you might be interested in:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NasIKfJdT_I (Legs & Glute Workout)
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkvEHs583Sg&t=11s (6-Min Abs Workout At
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drdemonprince · 4 months
It’s 9:30 am on a Monday, my regularly-scheduled time for a workout. Like always, I pad across the floor of the living room, roll out the yoga mat, arrange the dumbbells, and flip open my laptop to find a follow-along strength training video on YouTube.  The algorithm knows my patterns and proclivities. Populating the first row of content is a perfect encapsulation of my weekday psyche: a thirty-minute shoulders and abs video, a fresh episode of The Bald and the Beautiful to listen to while I complete it, and for relaxing afterward, a 60-minute livestream in which a sweet-faced middle-aged mother named Sammie is repeatedly dropped into a hypnotic trance and made to repeat mantras of obedience and servitude by her loving hypnotist and boyfriend.  I love all the sides of hypnotized Sammie: when she is made to be a giggling maid, and when she dons fuzzy ears and mewls like a cat; when she devotedly calls her hypnotist Master and erases her memories for him, and when she freezes, smilingly, into a happy doll begging to be played with. I’ve watched all of her hours-long livestreams in their entirety, some of them multiple times, her vacant, entranced stares and stiff, robotic movements sending my own body roaring into a satisfied climax, sometimes without even touching myself.  But I am not attracted to Sammie at all. In fact, I’m not at all attracted to women. To the extent that my sexuality involves making contact with other people, I’m a gay man, exclusively interested in other queer men. But to even bother with that distinction confuses things a bit, because ultimately my sexual orientation does not hinge upon people’s identities or bodies. Though I can admire the beauty of all kinds of people, and even feel a handsome man igniting my curiosity at times, ultimately I’m just not really “into” human beings at all. What I’m into is hypnosis. Or mind control, brainwashing, and conditioning, if you like. Hypnosis is the bedrock that holds my psychosexual landscape together; without it any potential engagement in sex slips, and falls apart into nothing. Hypnosis is the anchor that keeps my insatiable libido grounded; without it, any possibility of having satisfying sex floats away, and my mind dissociates from the event as it’s happening.   I’m a deeply sexual person, and I always have been. I discovered masturbation early, at around four or five, and took part in it actively, getting caught a few times as a kid before I learned to sequester into my bedroom for it early in the morning and late at night. Beginning in my teen years, I got into the habit of pleasuring myself for between an hour and a half to two hours per day, and that rate has continued throughout much of my adult life.  And yet, I am also asexual — because as much as my body craves sexual release, and as often as I pursue sex, my drive has no relationship to how other people look, or anything else about them, and my release doesn’t need to involve any specific sexual activities at all.  Hypnosis is sex to me. Even in its most stagey and sterile forms, I find it inescapably erotic — and that leaves sex itself as just some boring party trick. You can touch me, or you can perform a series of backflips in front of me on the floor; either way I’ll tell you that you’ve done a very impressive job and all but it will not make me cum. 
You can read (or listen to!) the full essay for free at drdevonprice.substack.com
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ovaruling · 2 years
low-impact exercise for women
hey gyns! every now and again i see some ladies asking about exercise resources that aren't an influencer-styled overstimulating end-result/image-focused mess. i'd say a fair number of us just want to get our bodies moving with intent, get our blood flowing, release some endorphins, and maybe build some strength.
no fitness trainer online is ever gonna be perfect, but i'd like to offer up Pahla B on youtube as an option to explore. she is a woman in her fifties who began exercising late in life, and has been on youtube for nearly a decade at this point. she specializes in low-impact workouts (no jumping, no floorwork or transitions to the ground).
my two cents of a rundown on why i prefer her channel, since a general wariness of fitness folks on youtube is good to have:
to reiterate, she specializes in moderate low-impact workouts. this means no jumping, no transitions to the ground. (her earlier workouts are not always low-impact, but she has recently in the last couple years redoubled her efforts to focus on strictly low-impact workouts.)
she has something for everyone: knee-friendy workouts without squats or lunges; shoulder/arm friendly workouts with no overhead moves; tons of full-length SEATED workouts; balance workouts; standing abs workouts; active rest; indoor walks, indoor runs, indoor walk-and-run intervals; equipment-free, or when dumbbells are involved she will often suggest that you can use water bottles or soup cans or whatever you have on hand... it goes on and on. her organized playlists are numerous.
her workout length (for the last year+) is reliably 20 minutes, including warm up and cool-down. she uses a timer, too, so you always know how long intervals are going to be.
she’s cheerful, easygoing, and talks constantly through the workout, from start to finish. this is great for those of us who need constant stimulation or focus reminders. she speaks to an audience of mostly middle-aged menopausal women, having conversations about mental and emotional and physical well-being, and each workout has a different topic with a focus.
she is a fitness trainer, but she’s pro-body neutrality. one of her running topics is "your body's gonna do what your body's gonna do." she talks often about this and it is extremely refreshing imo
no makeup or sexualization at all!
and she works out barefoot! she explains this as a personal choice and not to do it just because she is, but it lends a really relaxed casual feel to it. you don't have to spend ages getting geared up to work out--i've done her workouts in my pajamas before. it’s very “come as you are” which is nice 
demonstrates in a small-space workout setting. she works out on the length of a small rug, often with her pets nearby.
she tells you what to do for moves that you don't want to do--if you don't want to squat, she tells you substitute with a kick, and explains why that is equally as effective as a squat, so that you're not sitting there berating yourself thinking you're losing out on fitness gains by not forcing yourself to do something that your body isn't comfortable with.
she is big on moderation. never too much, never too little. she talks about finding what's right for you and your body.
she used to be a preschool teacher, and her coaching style reflects that. there's no harshness, no yelling, lots of flexibility, lots of care and walk-you-through-this-thought etc
she does not play music during her workout. this is great, because even though she's talking, i just play my own music a few volume-ticks below her so that i can still hear her and the timer.
she has a few videos where she has added some instrumental music and those are indicated by music symbols in the title. they are a rarity, but they're a nice change sometimes.
she debunks a lot of harmful trendy myths about nutrition, fitness, body image, and menopause.
also: many of her videos have titles that seem like weight loss clickbait, which may put a lot of you off. but i promise you the content is not Like That. if the video title is like "Burn Belly Fat!" i can guarantee you she's going to tell you why you need body fat, why a strong core is what you want and why a "flat belly" is a harmful myth, and how to reframe your thoughts to be about strengthening your abdominal muscles in order to strengthen the rest of your body. she does this in a soothing way imo--you can come into the video with a fixation on a certain body part that you want to spot-reduce (she will tell you why this is a myth, too) and you will get a maternal-feeling conversation that doesn't chastise you for this anxiety but instead offers you a different way of thinking about the way your body works and allowing yourself to become familiar with it through movement. in short, this woman talks you through it.
she often discusses why dissociating from your body makes you feel anxiety, and she emphasizes why workouts that are moderate help you EXIST in your body and allow you to be present in your movements. she refers often to  what she calls "the mind-body connection," not in a spiritual way but in the way of understanding that YOU are your body.
are you a runner who’s not comfortable outdoors? Pahla is an experienced runner and has a host of videos of indoor runs, where you can run in place or in a small space. some have walking intervals, some are straight runs. she has soooo many of them.
want to learn to run but don't have any experience/don’t know how to start safely? she has a series of videos for learning to be a runner that involves graduated intervals--like, 10 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking. and then another video will be 20 seconds of running, 20 seconds of walking, and so on.
want to focus on building muscle? she has an entire 30-Day Body Shaping Series for Women that is meant to be repeated. it's strength-focused with some days that are low-impact cardio, and one "push day" per week where the workout is a bit tougher (heavier weights, but still low-impact) and slightly longer, meant to challenge you. the day after that is always an active rest day where the workout will be like a soothing stretch or a light walking workout.
like the idea of her but want something more challenging? she has a huge archive of older workouts that are TOUGH. truly, no joke, super tough. many are equipment-free, too. there are longer intervals/workout lengths (her longest that i've done was an hour!), high-impact (jumping, transitions to the ground), floor-work, high-intensity.
don't have 20 minutes? she has an archive of "the Hot 100" which was a summer series of 10-minute videos every day. she has a lot of 5-minute-fix workouts too that can be fit in to a busy day.
you can recommend her to the older women in your life. this is not a 20-year-old insta influencer who's been working out her entire life and is going to make your mother or grandmother or aunt or coworker feel alienated. this is a middle-aged woman--who began working out in her late 30s--who is making workouts for middle-aged women. it's FREE, there is a wide variety of accessibility-focused videos including seated workouts, and while the variety in general of her workouts is incredibly vast the format of her workouts for the last 2 years has been 20 minutes in length. and she focuses on topics that are relevant to women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. she also builds in like, 2 minutes of balance to each workout to aid in fall-prevention, and talks about how lifting weights benefits bone density, stress, strength, mood, etc, and why that's so important for women.
even if you're like, 18, the things she's discussing about menopause are worth knowing, for yourself and for other women in your life.
for reference, i have autoimmune issues, and fibromyalgia, and a separate central nervous system disorder. there are days when i can barely lift my arms for fatigue or pain. i have been working out ~with Pahla for 3 years now and it has been a lifesaver for maintaining my strength without doing anything over the top.
a little personal testimony: my mom in her 50s has really bad arthritis in her back, knees, and hands. she also has heart problems and is mostly sedentary due to chronic pain. as a way of spending more quality time with her and to help her with stress, we decided for both of us to take 20 minutes each day and do a Pahla workout. my mom could barely lift her leg when we started, but she liked Pahla's style and kept at it, doing what she could and substituting exercises she couldn't do with walking in place (one of Pahla's frequent suggestions). we did a lot of seated workouts after some of her, and my own, surgeries, when neither of us were able to walk or do load-bearing movements.
my mom can now almost squat. she can ACTUALLY almost squat. just from doing the little bit we do each day, just from keeping herself moving. no crazy crossfit stuff, no "30 day squat challenge!" nonsense. she just found herself growing a little bit stronger every day, and because she wasn't injuring herself by overexercising, she was able to keep showing up the next day. she is now the most active i have ever seen her in my entire life and her mobility has improved beyond anything she said she ever hoped for.
anyway. for any women on here who don't want to do the gym, who feel safer and more comfortable indoors, who like the idea of low-impact workouts that aren't brutal but are still going to challenge you, who are tired of the way online profit-pushing fitness trainer culture is going--this is a free resource that i think some of you might like, too.
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frociaggine · 5 months
As a certified #jock do you have any home workout tips? I got to get back into a gym but in the meantime I have a barbell and dumbbells at home but no bench or rack, and I don't want to die in an embarrassing self-inflicted accident
I DO!!! Ok, you might know this but reddit is a goldmine for exercise tips; I really recommend the r/bodyweightfitness wiki, and the FAQ over at r/xxfitness (women-centric, nb/trans inclusive) that has an excellent routine rec page for intermediates & beginners.
PERSONALLY. I love love love Caroline Girvan on youtube, my quarantine workout buddy. I think she's since moved to a paid app, but her workout programs are still up. They are actual programs, with a progression scheme etc; she demonstrates exercises and modifications in the videos; and they're pretty tough depending on the amount of weight you use. They helped me not only keep but also grow muscle mass during lockdown, with just an adjustable dumbell set (I swear I'm not being paid to say this) and they're quite fun, with timed reps, supersets, bodyweight exercises etc.
Each program is 10 weeks, 5x weeks (but you can take it at your own pace) and it includes 1 full body workout, 1 cardio / HIIT / circuit training day, and 2x lower body + 1x upper body or viceversa depending on the week. I'm probably making it sound harder than it is, just check out these playlists:
Epic 1 // Epic HEAT // Iron Series <<< these are the ones I've personally done, but there's a LOT more on her channel. I recommend different weights for lower and upper body if you can swing it, and you'd probably want to modify the exercises to incorporate barbell work where you can manage it - like for lunges and rows - maybe bridge chest press from the floor if you feel up for it?
Fun alternative! If you don't want to follow youtube programs is bodyweight-centred programs? Again I rec bodyweightfitness above, they have loads of resources for recommended progressions for stuff like pistol squats or push-up variations etc. Or work on explosiveness doing jumps dumbell cleans, lunges work etc. I feel like you can build a pretty decent upper body progression program even without a bench doing floor presses and maximising what weight you have doing single-arm stuff (like, one dumbell holds stready, the other arm presses) or playing around with isometric exercises and so on.
If you want to unlock next level home workouts you could also get a kettlebell / abs wheel / other deadly instrument. I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
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decadencediary · 1 year
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Decadence woman tip:
The perceptions that you want others to have of you is reliant on how well you appear to take care of yourself. This includes your beauty rituals. There’s a reason why women in countries like Brazil, Colombia and Croatia are known as hotspots for where to find beautiful women. The women in these countries take the time to workout and body build, fix their hair and wear clothes that are flattering to their specific body shape. You can look just as perfect as you are right now with just a few adjustments to your beauty routines.
Most women get caught up in new contour techniques rather than contouring their faces to accentuate their natural features. When performing your makeup routine, always go according to your face shape. Your highlight and contour routine should always be done in a way that accentuates what you have. The celebrities and influencers that we look up to as current beauty standards don’t try to look like anyone else. Their makeup artists have excelled in making them look like the most perfect version of themselves. You can do this too! One thing you can do is to pay attention to YouTubers who have similar facial features to yours to help with this.
The beauty standard for a woman’s body has fluctuated throughout the years. Do not allow this to affect you. If you don’t have the financial means to get surgery for a “perfect” hourglass figure, let me tell you, you don’t need to. Going back to the women of Brazil and Colombia, yes those are surgery capitals of the world but at the same time, if you pay attention to events like Carnival, you notice how much effort these women put into their bodies. Abs, legs, arms -all toned and godlike in form. Taking care of your body will not only make you look like the goddess of your dreams but you’re also going to have the confidence like one as well.
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wildlyplanted · 1 month
Snap back
Make a cup of tea or coffee because this is a long one :)
The other day, I was watching the YouTube channel of a couple I follow. They just welcomed a baby, and the latest vlog was the woman showing her 3 weeks postpartum body, which looked unbelievably great, and for some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable while watching.
I asked myself, "why?" as I thought back to all the similar vlogs I’ve viewed. I think the postpartum vlogs that make me uncomfortable are the ones where the woman seems to be having a quick “snap back.”
“But why?” I asked myself, again. Then it dawned on me. Most of the women I know didn't recover as quickly as some of the women I see in vlogs and on social media. I think this notion and perpetuation of "snapping back" is detrimental to women, especially while they’re in such a vulnerable state, having just given birth.
In this particular vlog, the woman mentioned (multiple times) how she still needs to lose weight, criticized and pointed out areas of her body, including her stomach, even though her body was recovering, remarkably. This blew my mind because I was thinking "Oh my goodness, you grew a baby in your uterus, of course it’s still swollen! You just brought life into the world! Stop!!”
In my sensitive opinion, I think the conversation around postpartum should not be focused on a mother’s body and how fast she is, “snapping back” and I don’t think women should offer up their postpartum bodies for debate. These “snap back” vlogs and social media posts can cause women to be subjected to unfair comparisons by their partner, causing feelings of inadequacy and stress. Comparison shouldn’t happen, but I can guarantee it does.
Instead, the focus should be on mothers receiving an abundance of support from their partners and the trusted people around them in caring for a new baby, eating well, getting ample rest, feeling ease and calm, feeling confident in expressing the status of their mental and emotional health, and overall feeling extra taken care of.
I understand that for some women, the healing process happens nicely, and they feel good enough to exercise as soon as they're cleared by the doctor, and they're in a good space. I also understand that many women who give birth for the first time have been shocked to find out that 6 weeks is not entirely accurate for how long it can take a woman to heal because the dominant narrative is the quick “snap back.”
I'm so thankful and appreciative that more mothers are sharing their childbirth and postpartum journey and showing how different it can look from what we see on social media. Showing that it can be a long way down the road before you feel comfortable in your body again, or before that favorite outfit fits the way it used to.
Additionally, I’m grateful to all the women who are bringing to the forefront, important conversations about healing after having a baby. As someone who has yet to give birth, I want to know as much as I can about the process, keeping in mind that each woman’s experience is unique to her. Something that I’m surprised to only have recently found out is that before a woman even thinks about any sort of working out, she should first take care to strengthen her core and pelvic floor, and only after that, begin working out again.
Hearing and seeing different narratives are so important, because for example, I had no idea that Pelvic Floor Specialists existed until a couple of years ago. I also had no clue that so many women experience Diastasis Recti and when that is the case, they should absolutely not do any typical ab workouts because it will make it worse and most definitely cause setbacks and issues. Working with a Pelvic Floor Specialist is the appropriate procedure.
I’m quite stunned that the medical community does not do women justice regarding postpartum. Why aren’t all mothers given a proper exam to determine if she has Diastasis Recti? Why aren’t all mothers referred to a Pelvic Floor Specialist as a place to start after they’ve been cleared for movement? I’m not sure if insurance would even cover the cost of the specialist.
If men were the ones to give birth, the postpartum period would be 6 months, not weeks and every sort of specialist would be offered up to them, along with insurance covering it all!
Not only is 6 weeks an inefficient and unreasonable amount of time, in my opinion, for a woman to heal– it’s definitely not enough time for a mother to even begin thinking about losing weight or “snapping back.” I would imagine, she just wants to be able to sit and stand without being in pain.
The last point I would like to make, is that I don’t think men truly know how painful and traumatic childbirth and postpartum healing is. Even though more women are sharing about the realities of childbirth and the aftermath, I think so many more don’t share because their journey doesn’t look like what we see on YouTube and social media.
Not enough women are talking about how terrible it feels (I can only imagine) to have swollen and painful private parts, a swollen uterus, hurting when peeing, bleeding a river up to 6 weeks, in some cases, pain during breastfeeding and experiencing issues like Diastasis Recti. Now add on top of that, being expected to perfectly care for your baby, knowing exactly what to do at all times, enduring sleepless nights with little help in some cases, leaking milk and standing in a body that you don't feel comfortable in and can hardly recognize. Then add even more on top of that, being the main person your baby clings to for survival and support and fighting unhealthy thoughts about how your body looks like or what it will look like weeks and months down the line. Imagine how mentally and emotionally taxing it is to love your child and at the same time not like what carrying and birthing your child has done to your body. It’s A LOT!
Welcoming a baby into the world will always be a heavier burden on the mother and just straight-up unfair to her in so many ways. The “snap back” narrative just adds more unreasonableness and should be done away with!
*Shout out to the loving partners who play an equal part in caring for the baby and who help alleviate some of the mental and emotional stress that women experience during postpartum.
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted
YouTube: Wildly Planted (this is a work in progress, but I’m finding direction)
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eazy-group · 3 months
Brittnee lost 120 pounds
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/brittnee-lost-120-pounds/
Brittnee lost 120 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Brittnee lost 120 pounds and became a personal trainer. She wanted to feel good about herself, find clothing easily, and be a healthy wife and mom of four. She shared the habits and lifestyle changes she embraced to get results.
Social Media: Instagram: @momdrip_fitness Tiktok: @Momdripfitness Youtube: Mom Drip Fitness Facebook: Mom Drip Fitness
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? My motivation was to feel great about myself. I wanted to look amazing in my clothing, find clothing easily, and be healthier for my kids and husband. Also, I did not want to continue taking hypertension medication.
How did you change your eating habits? I watched “What the Health” on Netflix. That documentary changed my mind about eating meat. That was in 2017 – The last time I’ve ever eaten meat. I transitioned from plant-based to vegan to vegetarian. Now I am Pescatarian. I intermittently fasted for a few years off and on. 
What is your workout routine?  I do strength training with body weight and equipment. I also do cardio. 
How often did you work out? I started with 1 hour of cycling six days per week for six months. Then, I began strength training 3-5 times per week for 30-45 minutes and cardio 1-2x per week for 30-45 min
What was your starting weight? What is your current weight? My starting weight was 300 pounds. I am now 180 pounds.
What is your height? I’m 5’6″.
When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take? I started my journey in 2017, and I’m still trying to continue.
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? I developed diastasis recti. I had an abdomniplasty / tummy tuck due to my ab seperation being 12cm wide. I had a ton of loose skin from giving birth to four huge kids that were within five years (twins included). 
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? I’ve learned to take it one day at a time and have fun with my workouts. Treat yourself daily by working out. Don’t watch other physiques. Watch your own.
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Eat less processed foods. Also, go to bed early and workout as much as you can.
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ajcorectology · 6 months
Hi I'm AJ!
Hello and welcome to my HYPOXIX channel! I have a few missions that I am passionate about delivering to you in this channel:
1. Learn how to control your breath during exercise by learning the Breathography breathing method and applying it to all modalities of exercise [cardio, strength, core, mobility, and recovery]
2. Learn about how a daily practice of breath-work, both stationary and dynamic with movement, can be one of the most effective variables for positive change in terms of stress, fitness, and injury prevention.
3. Become inspired to MOVE and BREATHE every day with the videos that I offer. I aim to be as frequent as possible with my postings to be able to better educate.
A little about me: I am currently in my second year of research on the Breathography method with exercise, which is the use of slow/controlled breath, inclusive of short breath retentions. My original goal when developing this method was to help post-natal women with their diastisis recti (and it worked very well!), but after going back for a masters in Exercise Science, and diving deep into the world of altitude/hypoxic training, I became enthralled by the benefits of hypoxic training for the general population. That being said, it is not widely accessible due to cost and time barriers. I began developing the extended exhales with SHORT retentions to see what the minimum effective dose would be to achieve SpO2 levels that were "just right" to achieve the sweet spot as seen in altitude training. Our next study will compare the blood oxygen to traditional hypoxic training studies. Our first pilot study showed improved fat-loss, strength gain, and resting metabolic rate in the experimental group [the Breathography Breathers with functional movement!]
I started my professional journey pounding the pavement as a starving artist, with big dreams of Broadway...with no connections or fancy conservatory under my belt, many said I was a fool! But, 10 years later, I performed for 4 years in the Broadway smash hit Mamma Mia! While in that show, I trained clients during the day before heading to the stage door each night...it was a crazy life before kids! Now, I live in Brooklyn with my husband and 2 young kids. My husband is also my business partner. We work well together (most of the time), and his former career as a musician, photography, and AV specialist has helped the studio I shoot out of LOOK and SOUND amazing! It truly is a family affair! Please like, subscribe, and share videos as that helps to support the channel! Here are some places you can visit to explore my work more deeply: Are you a trainer and want to learn the breath method? Take the FREE course link in bio! Get your CEUs doing it!
https://www.hypoxix.fitness/thebreathingcore Want to learn the method and apply it to functional movement using only a towel?
Take my FREE 4 week BREATH BRAIN BODY CHALLENGE HYPOXIX.fitness. https://www.hypoxix.fitness/4-week-free-breath-brain-body-challenge Want to do a WALKING ONLY program using the Ab-Ribbon and BREATHOGRAPHY?
Take the 28 Day BREATHOGRAPHY WALKING PROGRAM! https://www.hypoxix.fitness/view/courses/a1acb19a-9f83-4a7b-a1d0-f5a6154f852a/2210411-default-section/6988296-days-1-14
For more Info, please visit my Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW06UTCryX0
See you in the workout!
#breathwork #physiology #exercise #core
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hourglassworkouts · 1 year
15 Minute Leg Workout for TONED GLUTES & THIGHS🔥No Equipment Home Workout#gluteworkout #pilates #wallworkout15 MIN GLUTE & ABS Workout | Pilates workout At Home |WALL Workout No Equipment | Glute Workout.  #wallworkout #gluteworkout #pilates  wall workout Pilates is a fun kind of video to make and this is a wall workout for the glutes and ab workout. this video is a glute workout no equipment because you can access a wall at any place. glute and abs pilates with the wall is a great workout at-home plan for you. a Glute Workout, specially Glute workout for women with a little bit leg workout, and Abs Workout, off course Pilates workout in a 15 min workout youtube video . a "knee friendly" Booty Workout or Glute and Abs workout pilates workout at home and you can lose belly fat a lot. booty workout for Beginners is a booty Pilates workout youtube video in 10 min workout. booty workout with weights is also a good booty workout for women but as a beginner workout person intermediate workout is better to do witj no equipment. https://tunetank.com/license this 15 min Glute and Abs workout made for those who are interested in Abs and booty workouts or the ones who like abs and glute workouts and as in every video Burned Calories are measured for you to do this pilates workout at home and be certain about The good health and The Fit person you are going to be. #homeworkout #lowimpact #45minuteworkout Relevant-hashtags: 
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
You won't wanna do this, but it truly makes bodyweight wizards.
From the light-body legends of Wu-tang, to the powerbatics proteges of the polar regions -- there is one single element of training that's absolutely hated by kids, teens, men, women, for thousands of years, and I can almost guarantee you that you too will hate this training method, though it yields the strength of smelted iron sculptures.
Failing to understand it, skipping through it, or bouncing from video to ideo will lead to continued failure in fitness and in health. So stay focused, fellow pacrimian, this is not Tik-Tok.
And I'll show you exactly what it is, how it relates your mental and physical training, and at the end of the video, several examples you can take away with you and implement today.
Lee Weiland, Pacific Rim Athletics, creator of powerbatics and welcome to training. Grounded, unwavering strength and sustainability should be the goal of each human with a body not yet in the ground, starting as young as possible and continuing into your golden years.
Maybe that's you. Awesome. Continue on your quest.
But many say they can't. They're too old, too fat, their arms are too short, like a t. rex.
But many say they can, and then do it.
Like surfer Bethany Hamilton who overcame a shark attack. Or Vennie Nemecek, the Real Wolverine. If you don't know his story, you should watch some of his videos on our channels and website.
(by the way, subscribe, but also use the link to opt-in, because if Google or social media every goes away -- which may in fact be for the betterment of mankind -- it'll be nearly impossible to stay connected with our community and videos, hidden in the mountains of Alaska.
so be sure to dive into our universe.)
And what I'm gonna show you has been used for millennia, so powerful in fact, that warriors from Shaolin to Mongolia used this methodology.
But it requires something brutal. A mentality that goes hand-in-hand with the training method I'll show you in a minute, and it will solidify your personal avatar of strength, flexibility, stamina and special skills.
But here's where most go wrong.
At best, they want sets and reps and exact workout plans, and timelines and freebies -- at worst, well... maybe not the worst, but this is pretty bad... they'll jump from video to video, comment to comment, celebrity to celebrity, making demands or complaining. Parents and adults, 40, 50, 60 plus, you know what I'm talking about.
YouTube is filled like fidget spinners on eBay with how to get abs, arms, and an 'apple-bottom'.
Anyone can do it. Here's exactly how. In 15 seconds or less.
Nutrition. Whole, real, and if real, organic food. Water. Supplement for defeciencies.
Muscle. 3-5 sets, 5-10 reps, 3-5 days per week, 2-3 bodyparts per day. Lower the reps for maximal strength and increase the reps for bull-body and endurance. Compound movements for mass and/or power, depending on the number of reps.
Flexibility. Static, passive stretching for one to five minute holds, then add dynamics when ur advanced.
For skills do sets of ten, up to a hundred, drills building the skills, always ending on a high note.
I know that's probably more than 15 seconds, but sadly that won't change the 90+% failure rate for online education, as Seth Godin has shown in his research. Because it all boils down to this one training method, but these failures stem from Unitarian Philosophy --
and yes everyone has a philosophy/theology and the better you get it, the better off you'll be in all areas, including your physical training; and I'm coining this term here first, an athletosophy that's stronger than iron.
You see, Unitarianism denies the eternal coexistence of unity and plurality. In other words, it disregards human individuality and coalesces everything into singular forms, like mass-institution, certain forms of government and cookie-cutter video courses. It's like putting bacon, eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice all in the blender and calling it breakfast. Like many political regimes do, and like the four institutions that Unitarianism is famous for, the public poorhouse, the mental institution, prisons and the public school. And like social media is now emulating, which in turn shapes people's personalities into lowest common denominator cookie-cutter forms of mainstream mediocrity, even down to how they speak, think and yes, even workout.
This leads to wanting what others have. The desire for immediate results without years of practice. And other shortcuts without coaching or community. Use this training method instead.
Here's half of it. The mental half.
Do the boring stuff. The hard stuff. Without the pre-workout, blaring death metal, stimulants, demands, complaints or instant gratification.
And don't worry, we'll get to the moves. Let's part the waves like the Red Sea, knowing the chaos all around, but standing immovable in the middle, between the walls of raging water in the calmness.
And don't think I'm over-exaggerating here.
This is what training actually feels like. If you've ever grappled, fought, competed in a race, recovered from injury or sickness, you'll know what I mean. Let your body and mind become firmly grounded like the granite strength of a gargoyle perched atop its gothic spire.
You see anyone can be distracted. I mean, study a bunch of videos, do a wad, throw around some iron. Or you can become the iron. Physically, yes. But more important, mentally. Then you will, as Jackie Chan said, not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
From the hand-balancer's routine to the break-dancers freeze. From the powerlifters squat to the monk's unshaken balance on poles. From the mountaintop to solitude in the wilderness, exercising patience, the strength moves will come. Patience for eight week cycles of muscular development. Patience for twenty week cycles of flexibility development. Otherwise you hit roadblock after roadblock. So slow down. Stop hitting the Unitarian with your training and use this unmoving concentrated static training instead. Which is the med I'm gonna show you --
powerbatics static training.
[the final two minutes, the trap has sprung, we've grabbed the bait]
Some have called this brutal.
Handstand positions from basic to intermediate, then to advanced.
For 10, 30, 60 second holds.
Stances. Horse. Snake. Crane. Lunge. Stick.
For 60, 120, even 360 seconds.
You know, when we train like this at our facility, every time a person drops or touches the floor, they actually amass another something special for everybody at the end.
Take the wall handstand, for example.
Ankles together, arms on your ears, nose on the wall. Five minutes, no comedowns. Every time they come down, it adds another bridge pushup for everybody. And you dare try this on your own at home, where you find where your true breaking point is, and push beyond it.
You can do it on your own, no doubt in my mind.
There might be in yours though, once you hit 29, 39, 49 seconds, but you can push through, and not only this, but all challenges in life.
Do you see why I save the moves for the last? You absolutely need to listen to the first part of these messages to even get into the headspace to do this. It's what we teach our coaches and even most advanced studence, and then this builds, level by level, into mastery.
Dyna-combos, full katas of strength, flexibility and skill. We only provide fee content to inspire you. We don't even turn adds on.
But if you'd like to take your training to higher levels, you can talk with me and my team in the next day or so. And you really will go much further than watching videos and using DIY courses by working with a sensei, teacher or coach. It'll save ten years of trial, error and frustration, since you're getting the combined decades of experience and thousands of data points from an entire team.
Or do self-study for 10-20 years, that's okay, too.
Either way, we have more videos coming up on the screen that'll help you, and I'll see you in the next video or hopefully in training soon.
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promrotsistle1971 · 4 years
Fashion Tips Dresses 10 Min Abs Workout To Get A FLAT BELLY IN 30 DAYS! - YouTube
Fashion Tips Dresses
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10 Min Abs Workout To Get A FLAT BELLY IN 30 DAYS! - YouTube
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cleoooelizabeth · 3 years
Spot Me?
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Chris Evans x Black Femme Reader
Warning: smut, language, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it my lil sluts).
Word count: 5760-ish
Synopsis: You plan to go to the gym with your friend, they don’t show up so you need someone to spot you whilst using the heavier weights. All the men in the gym are vile (no surprise there lmao) and have been staring since you arrived. You decide the best person to ask is the one person that hasn’t been watching you like a creep, you didn’t realise who it was until you tap him on the shoulder and he turns to face you… (this boutta make your coochie throb).
You sigh dramatically, throwing your head back. “For fucks sake.” You mumble to yourself.
Your friend was supposed to meet you outside the gym in your apartment building 20 minutes ago. After realising she was bailing on you, you decide to work out anyway, needing a good sweat to wash away the stress of working a 9-hour shift. Sitting behind a desk for that long, surrounded by a bunch of old white men can’t be good for anyone. The only reason you became an accountant was because the pay cheque was a beautiful sight at the end of every month, and it allowed you to live in a bougie apartment building, far away from your toxic family.
After readjusting your duffle bag on your shoulder, you fix your mask and stroll into the gym and straight to the women’s locker room. You tap your personal digits into a small key pad on the locker closest to the floor-to-ceiling mirror that spanned one wall of the room. The locker sprung open allowing you to shove your bag into it after retrieving your water bottle, airpods and phone. You whip off the hoodie you had been wearing, throwing it on top of your bag and closing the locker, making sure you heard the whirring sound of the locks sliding home.
Before you leave the locker room, you check yourself in the mirror, adjusting your plain white sports bra and tight black Nike shorts. No one needed to see the shape of your vagina in 4K.
You decide to start with a 10-minute stretching session, you didn’t want to pull any muscles or cramp up during the rest of your work out. You could feel dozens of eyes on you as you walked through the gym into the far-right corner. You place your belongings on the floor and pull a matt out. Sitting on it, you grab your phone and scroll through your Spotify until you find your work-out playlist. With “Mo Money Mo Problems”, by The Notorious B.I.G, playing through your ears, you get up and begin your stretching routine. Reaching up as far as you can, you keep your back straight and bend at the hips until your finger tips touch your toes. You stay in that position for a second, swaying side to side softly to feel that slight burn in the backs of your thighs and calves. You stand back up, pushing your braids back over your shoulders and out of your way before you finish stretching.
After 10 minutes, your body felt warmer and ready for more challenging activities. You spray the matt and wipe it clean before returning it to its rightful place. Grabbing your belongings, you move back into the centre of the gym, finding the weight machines.
“Fucking hell.” You whisper to yourself. Realising you had no one there to spot you on the machines. I’m gonna kill her later. You thought to yourself about your flaky friend. You weren’t trying to get yourself into a position where you couldn’t lift the weight, ultimately ending in your neck being crushed, so you look around the gym for a free staff member. Finding no one around, other than the creepy men that had been staring at you like starved animals, you keep looking and you see one man a couple machines over from you, wiping his forehead with a small towel and taking a swig of some refreshing looking water.
Building up your courage for a second you decide he is the best option because he was clearly the only man in the room with even a modicum of self-control. After pausing your music, you walk over to him and tap one manicured finger on his shoulder.
He turns around, his black mask covering everything but two beautiful blue eyes, I recognise those eyes,you ponder.
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you.”
“No, problem. What can I do for you?” He replies, his eyes crinkling slightly, letting you know he was smiling behind his mask.
“Ok, so basically, my friend was supposed to come here with me as we usually spot each other when using the weights. But she is a lazy fuck and didn’t show up.” You giggle.
“Right, and you need me for that?” He said, attempting to decipher what you had said.
“Well… You’re the only person in here that hasn’t been staring at my ass so I thought you would be the best candidate.” You say bluntly.
He had definitely been looking, he just wasn’t so blatantly obvious about it.
“Fair enough.” He laughs. “So, where do you want to start?”
“I usually start with the bench press, if you don’t mind.” You say to him, already walking towards it.
He follows you, eyes on your soft, slightly curvy figure as he pushes his phone and headphones into his pocket.
You place all of your things on the floor next to machine and lay back on the bench, one leg each side. Your new work-out partner dropped his belongings next to yours and moved to stand behind the machine, the front of his thighs lightly brushing the crown of your head.
“Since I’ll be relying on you to not let the weight crush me to death, I think I should probably get your name.” You giggle, looking up at him, his face upside down to you.
“That makes sense.” He laughs with you, his right hand grabbing his left pectoral muscle.
“The names Chris, and you?” He asks. You don’t reply immediately, the cogs in your brain turning until something clicks. The bright blue eyes, the laugh, the voice, the titty slap… You knew who it was.
“I’m Y/N. But Chris… as in Chris Evans?” You ask, just to confirm your suspicion, even though you were already 100% sure.
“Uhh, yes actually. What gave it away? I thought this mask and hat would be enough of a disguise.”
“Well, I was already suspicious after I tapped you earlier, but that titty slap sealed the deal my friend.” You laugh together.
“Darn it. I didn’t realise I was known for that. So, are you a fan?” He questions.
You adjust the weight on the machine to an acceptable number before laying back down and returning your brown eyes to his blue ones.
“I mean, I’ve seen a few of your movies and a couple of interviews.” You lie, knowing full well that you had seen almost all of his movies and as many interviews as you could find on YouTube.
“Oh! Congratulations on getting ASP sorted out, it’s a very admirable project.” You mention.
“Thank you very much, I’m very proud of the work we’ve done so far.”
You grab the weight, securing your hands around the bar and lift before bringing it down to your chest and back up. Chris watches you, mesmerised by your strength. He couldn’t figure out how you could lift so well, not seeing any visible muscle in your arms. He shook his head slightly to bring himself back to reality. He refocussed his attention on you, placing his hands under the bar but not lifting any of the weight for you.
After a few reps, you could feel your blood pumping and a small amount of sweat collecting in your hairline and on your cleavage, making your brown skin shimmer under the florescent lighting.
Chris takes the weight from you, and places it back on its hooks above your head.
“Thank you.” You say as you reach for your water bottle. As you take a sip, the condensation from the bottle drips onto your chest, slowly making its way between your breasts and out of sight. Your eyes wander to Chris again, his eyes already on you, or more specifically on your cleavage. You slowly move the bottle away from your mouth and lick the remaining water from your lips.
“Like what you see?” You whisper seductively. You had no idea where this burst of confidence had come from.
Chris clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t.” You reply, keeping your eyes locked on his, wanting desperately to see the rest of his face.
“So… you live here right?” Chris questions, pulling his eyes from yours in an attempt to take the tension out of the atmosphere that you’d both created.
You drop the bottle on the floor and lift your long braids from your neck, the fresh breeze from the air conditioning providing relief for your heated body.
“Yeah, 8th floor. I’ve never seen you here before though, did you move recently?” You ask him.
“Yeah, I’m on the 10thfloor. It’s just temporary though, it’s closest to the set of this tv show I’m working on.”
You want to spend more time with him, enjoying his presence immensely. What could I possibly say though without sounding like a creepy fan?
“Oh cool… Would you want to have dinner with me? I- uh, have extra food and I won’t be able to finish it all myself anyway. I was tested for covid today at work, negative. Just to clarify” You shy away from his eye contact slightly, nervous of his reply.
“Really?... I thought it would take a little more convincing to be honest.” You say before standing and moving to the next machine.
He laughs a little and follows you, eyes on your ass. “Well, I have nothing to do after this, and I have a bottle of wine in my apartment that looks very tempting and I don’t want to end up drinking it all by myself.”
“I’d be more than happy to help you with that.” You joke with him.
30 minutes later, your session was complete. The both of you laughing and talking the entire time. Your abs had received more of a workout just from cackling at his ridiculous dad jokes.
“I’m just going to grab my stuff from the locker room. Should I meet you at my apartment?”
“Sounds good to me. I’ll be 20 minutes tops… I kinda stink so a shower is a must right now.”
“Yeah, you do sorta stink.” You pinch your nose and laugh at his expense.
“Wow. You’re so mean.” He says with feigned offence, clutching his chest dramatically.
“It’s ok, I stink too.” You laugh together.
“Ok, I guess I’ll see you soon…”
“Yeah, you will…” You wink and disappear into the locker room. But not before you see him adjust himself in his sweatpants.
20 minutes later, you were in your apartment after a steamy shower, and a quick shave. I mean, you weren’t expecting things to progress further than a potential make-out session, but you never know and you didn’t want to have to turn him down because you were too lazy to shave your cooter. You decide on grey pyjama shorts and a fitted white Henley top, not wanting it to look like you were trying really hard. Fortunately for you, as Chris should be there any minute, your skin had been cooperating recently so just a dash of mascara and some lip balm will do. Just as you were finishing, you hear a soft (but firm) knock on your front door.
Calm down, Y/N. You say to yourself whilst fanning your face and pulling your braids into a high ponytail to keep them off your clammy neck. You do a little jog to the door, opening it to a freshly showered Chris. Now, without his mask, you could see his whole face. His full beard and chiselled jaw-line was waking the butterflies in your stomach.
You attempt to hide your attraction, chewing on the inside of your cheek. You were being dramatic; he was only wearing a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
He pulls a bottle of red wine from behind his back. “May I come in?” His eyes flickering to your braless breasts, your nipples stiffening slightly as a slight breeze blew through the open door.
You bite your lip and step to the side, allowing him to fit his large body through the doorway.
Closing the door behind him, you move to stand next to him in the hallway. You clear your throat and play with your hands a little. “Um, the living room is this way.” He kicks off his trainers and follows closely behind you. Observing your apartment on the way.
You lead him to the sofa and he sits after placing the bottle on the coffee table.
“I’m gonna grab the bottle opener and a couple glasses… back in a sec.” He gives you a small smile, relaxing into the plush sofa cushions.
Once inside the kitchen, you rush to the sink and grab a paper towel to dab some cold water on your neck. This man has done nothing but exist and you’re already over-heating like a horny teenager. You throw the paper towel in the rubbish and move to the cupboard to pull the glasses out, leaning up on the tips of your toes, you still struggle to reach. As the tips of your fingers brush the stem of the glass, a much larger hand reaches over your head and retrieves the glasses with no effort. You freeze as his chest barely brushes your back. Keeping your back to him, he places the two glasses on the surface to your right.
“Thank you…” Your voice gets lost in your throat, coming out as a whisper, your hands grasping the edge of the surface.
“No problem.” He murmurs, his lips only just coming into contact with the shell of your ear, a shiver racking its way down your spine.
And just like that, he moves away. “You coming?” He asks, walking back to the sofa, acting as though he doesn’t know that he just made you cream your panties.
“Yeah, one second.” You reply, moving to grab the bottle opener before following him to the living room. You could feel his eyes on you as you sit next to him. God, he must be able to feel the heat radiating off of you. You pass him the bottle opener, doing your best to act normal. All that confidence you had in the gym was long gone, replaced with intense arousal.
He grabs the bottle from the table and pulls off the outer wrapping before pushing the screw into the cork. You watch as his bicep muscles flex. You didn’t realise you were staring until you heard the popping sound of the cork exiting the bottle. You avert your eyes and grasp a glass in each hand, allowing him to half-fill the glasses. You pass one to him and settle into the sofa, taking a sip of your own. Your eyelashes flutter as the red liquid hits your tongue.
“God damn, that is good shit.” He laughs out loud at your sudden statement.
“I’m glad you like it.”
You fall into a comfortable silence as you each enjoy the beverage, glancing at each other, then averting your eyes when caught.
“Oh, I forgot, we were supposed to eat!” You jump up from the sofa.
Before you can get any further, you feel his hand close around your wrist, turning you around to face him. He puts your glasses on the coffee table and pulls you to stand between his legs.
“There’s only one thing I want to eat right now, Y/N.” He mumbles against your stomach, glancing up at you through his long eyelashes.
“What are you trying to do to me, Chris?” You sigh, your head rolling back onto your shoulders. He smirks as he pushes his fingers under the hem of your Henley. His thumbs massage your waist as he places soft kisses across a strip of your exposed belly. Your hands grip his shoulders as your legs began to feel weak, although you know his strong hands holding your waist would be enough to keep you from falling.
“I’m trying to seduce you, can’t you tell?” He says, the smirk still gracing his features.
“Well, you succeeded. Now what?”
He looks up at you, his hands moving to the backs of your thighs before pulling you to straddle his lap.
“Fuck.” You whimper as his semi-hard appendage pushes against your clit.
One of his hands holds onto the back of your neck, while the other arm wraps itself tightly around your lower back. He pulls you down by your neck, your lips slotting comfortably over his plush bottom lip. You gasp softly as his tongue brushes against your top lip, asking for entrance, which you allow instantly. At this point, he could do whatever he wanted with you and you’d be more than happy to oblige.
You wrap your arms around his neck and push your chest against his, wanting to be as close to him as possible in that moment. The hand that he had around your waist travelled downwards until it reached your ass, pushing it down as his hips snapped up.
“Ugh- fuck Chris!” You moan into his mouth.
He hums against your lips as he continues grinding your lower halves together.
“Is this ok with you, baby? Because I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop if we keep going.” He jokes.
“God- this is more than ok.” You moan, your hips frantically chasing release. Dry humping like a couple of horny teenagers. A soft warmth was building in your lower stomach, and your legs were tingling.
“Chris, you’re gonna make me come…” You gasp, kissing him passionately and squeezing your thighs against his as the heat of your orgasm spreads from your core to the very tips of your limbs.
“That’s it, honey. Use me.” He mumbles against your neck before sucking and nibbling at the sensitive flesh, still using his hand to push your hips against his own to prolong your release.
His head rolls back onto the back of the sofa for a second, his release not far behind yours.
“I want you to fuck me, Chris.” You whisper, taking the opportunity to suck at the side of his neck, just like how he did to you moments ago.
“God damn, you’re amazing.” He sighs, basking in the pleasure he was receiving as you continued to bite at his neck and gently roll your clothed pussy against his now fully erect dick.
The next thing you know, you’re on your back, pressed between the sofa and Chris.
He looks into your eyes for a moment, you shrink slightly under his gaze, covering your face with your hands. He pulls your hands away, pinning them to the sofa beside your head with his own.
“Don’t hide from me, baby.”
“Ok.” You whisper.
Chris sloppily presses his lips to yours before pulling your top up and over your head, throwing it behind him. Your shorts suffered the same fate.
“Fucking perfect.” He says it so quietly, you had almost missed it. His large hands wander all over your torso, from your collar bone to your slightly curved hips. When he reaches your calves, he pushes them up until your knees are brushing against your nipples.
He moves down, holding your legs up and open from the backs of your thighs, finger tips digging into the skin there. A puff of air you didn’t know you were holding escapes your lungs when you feel his lips kiss your pussy softly through the thin material of your panties. His eyes lock onto yours as his fingers pull your panties to the side, making sure he didn’t see any signs that you were uncomfortable. When he saw the lust in your eyes, your pupils blown wide, he flattens his tongue, swiping from your hole all the way to the hood of your clit, giving it 3 rapid flicks with his tongue. You moan louder than you were expecting, your eyes rolling into the back of your head and toes curling at the feeling. He smirks against your pussy as he continues his ministrations. One of his hands leaves your thigh, allowing you to relax the muscle there as it lowers onto his shoulder. Your back arches into the other leg that was still up as he presses his thick middle finger into your weeping hole, whilst sucking softly at your clit to distract you from any discomfort.
“You’re so fucking tight, baby. Squeezing me so good, and it’s only one finger. I can’t wait to feel you gripping my cock.” God, you’d never have expected THE Captain America to have such a filthy mouth, and yet here he was driving you insane with his dirty words.
Your body is thrashing around on the sofa. The sensation of his finger thrusting into you and curling up to meet that special place inside you, sending you off the deep end. His tongue was on its own mission, flicking as fast as it could against your swollen clit.
“I’m c- FUCK! I’m coming, Chris. Please, d-don’t stop.”
He increases the speed of both his finger and his tongue, watching as you fall apart underneath him. Your hands rush to roughly pinch at your nipples as you squirt into his mouth, whimpering and moaning louder than ever, your thighs shaking around his head and toes digging into his plump ass cheeks as your back arches. He slowly removes his finger, giving your over-sensitive clit a few more soft licks, sending shocks through you.
He drops your thighs from his shoulders, and removes your soaked panties, dropping them to the floor. Moving up to return his lips to yours, you could taste yourself on his lips and on his tongue, drawing a hum from deep within your chest.
“Such a good girl, coming like that for me. Have you ever squirted before, baby?” He questions, licking at your juicy bottom lip.
“Uh uh.” You say, unable to form full sentences. He’d fucked you stupid with only his tongue and finger, you couldn’t even begin to imagine what he could do with his cock.
“Look at you, honey. You can’t even speak. What did I do to you, huh?” He rasps, his voice deep and husky. He stands up, removing his clothing so you wouldn’t be the only one completely exposed and places himself back between your welcoming thighs, holding himself up with his elbows on either side of your head. You look down, admiring his size. You shivered slightly when you thought about the fact that you’d never had a cock of that girth inside you before.
“I think you broke me.” You reply, a nervous smile on your lips as you snap back to reality, and wrap your arms around his neck, your hands pushing into his soft hair.
“I’ve only just begun, baby.” He whispers into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
With that you squeal as he wraps his arms beneath you, his now bare cock softly rubbing against your sensitive pussy. He lifts you as he moves to sit back against the sofa, pulling you into his lap, the same position you had started in.
His lips find yours immediately, you whimper into his mouth as he leaves soft scratches from your shoulders down to the small of your back, your arms hanging idly around his neck. A low growl leaves his mouth as you rut your hips against his, your pussy soaking him as you did so. You whine as the tip of his cock catches on your dripping hole
“I need you inside me.” You say, finding it hard not to just slam your hips down and let his cock penetrate you then and there.
“I don’t think you understand how much I wanted those words to come out of your mouth.”
“Do you have a condom?” You ask him, your hands holding his neck when his hands grip your hips softly.
“Fuck.” He curses himself for not being more prepared.
“I have the implant, if you’re ok with that. I was tested recently and I assure you, I don’t want to be impregnated any time soon. Also, if you give me an STI, I know where you live.” You threaten him with a giggle to let him know you weren’t completely serious.
“I have a feeling I’ll pass out if I leave here without fucking you so… fuck it.” He states, desperation obvious in his blue eyes.
“I don’t think you understand how much I wanted those words to come out of your mouth.” A deep chuckle leaves him when he realises you had plagiarised his own words from before.
“I love your laugh.” You say, before softly pecking his lips. Before you can move away, his lips press against yours as his hands move to your ass, lifting you from his lap. His leaking tip once again pressing against your opening.
He looks down to watch as he pulls you down slowly, inching inside you. Your eyes rolling back as he stretched you so good, and he wasn’t even half way in.
“Fucking shit, you’re so god damn tight and wet, baby.” He groans, his head falling back against the sofa.
You became impatient, he was moving too fucking slow. You let him thrust the first few inches of his cock in and out a few times to allow yourself to adjust to his far above-average size. You move his hands from your ass, holding them on your breasts as you slam your hips down the rest of the way. A shout is ripped from both of your throats at the feeling of immense pleasure, your toes curling as the tip of his cock had hit your cervix.
“I think I’m in love with you.” He says, half laughing and half moaning, both of you breathing heavily.
You felt butterflies in your stomach, proud that you could pleasure him.
“Shut up and fuck me.” You whisper into his ear, licking his earlobe and placing your hands on his pecs.
You watch as his pupils dilate, your foreheads pressed together, lust taking over both of you.
You feel him reposition his feet on the floor and his arms wrap securely around your back before he pulls you tight against his chest. He pulls his cock out until only the tip was left inside and brings you down onto him as hips thrust up.
“FUCK!” You scream. You struggled against him, wanting to grip onto something but your hands were stuck between your chests, his hips strong and unrelenting.
Your head rolled from his forehead until it landed on his shoulder, your neck unable to hold the weight as he continued to fuck you into the next decade. He looked down at your lolling head, your mouth open and eyes rolled back, soft moans leaving your lips.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He asks, a smirk on his face. He knew you couldn’t reply, and he knew how good he was making you feel, your body completely soft against his as any ounce of strength left you. He didn’t stop, he wanted to ruin you. He wanted to make sure you’d never want another man again. At some point during your time together, he realised he wanted this to be more than just a fuck and duck. He wanted to take you on a real date, spend time with you and get to know your personality, not just your body.
Your eyelashes fluttered and your nails dug into his chest to ground yourself when you regained your strength, skin slapping against skin was the only sound that could be heard. That and your own heart beat pounding in your ears.
“There’s those pretty brown eyes.” He says as he kisses you, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth and releases it with a pop.
“You’re so d-deep. You feel so g-gooood.” You slur, surprised you could even speak.
“I know, baby. You gotta sit up though, let me play with that pretty little clit so I can make you come around my cock.” He says, slowing his hips but still hitting you deep.
He helps you sit up straight on his lap, his hips never ceasing.
“Hold onto my shoulders, honey.” You do as he says, still not fully lucid.
His hands move to your hips, moving you back and forth. You caught on and continued moving as one of his hands released your hip and moved between your bodies. Your back arched when his rough fingers came into contact with your clit, rubbing small circles against the most sensitive point.
“Fuck, Chris. You’re so fucking good.” You moan as you felt your orgasm approaching. You mustered up the little strength you had, holding onto the back of the sofa, you pushed your breasts against his chest and began bouncing your ass hard and fast on his cock.
His eyes closed in pleasure but his magical fingers never stopped their ministrations against the swollen bud between your legs. You felt a little bit competitive at this point, after he had basically made you pass out. You wanted to make him come first. You sat up straight before standing up, his cock leaving you. His eyes snapped open at this. Before he could comprehend what was happening, you were back on his lap but this time, your back was facing his front.
Once you had gotten comfortable, you lifted your hips to line up his cock with your pussy. Chris puts his hands behind his head, relaxing as you dropped your hips down, his cock slipping in easily.
You placed your hands on his knees, using them as leverage as you bounced your ass over his cock. You gasped when one his hands made impact with your ass cheek.
“Just because you’re on top, doesn’t mean you’re in charge, Y/N.” The dominant tone of his voice made you whimper, but your determination to make him come first hadn’t wavered.
You squealed when his hands lifted you up and off of him entirely and stood you up on the floor.
“On the floor, baby. Ass up.” You couldn’t figure out what it was about him, but you wanted to do anything and everything he told you to do. So, there you were, on your hands and knees. Back arched and ass up, pussy fully exposed to him.
“Such a good girl.” You had no idea he was behind you until he spoke. His tongue swiping up the juices that had leaked from your sensitive pussy. “How is this pussy so sweet, baby?”
Before you could reply, he had slammed his cock inside you up to the hilt, his balls tapping your clit. You did your best to keep yourself in an upright position, your elbows stuttering against your weight and the force of his thrusts. Chris notices your struggle and uses his hand to put pressure between your shoulder blades, forcing your upper body and face to press against the soft carpet beneath you. He follows you down, trailing damp kisses across your back and shoulders, anywhere he could reach. Your legs now spread, he uses one hand to hold both of yours above your head, whilst the other attacked your pulsing clit.
“That’s it, baby, come for me.” He groans against your neck, feeling your pussy clenching and releasing continuously around his cock. The sensation of his balls tapping your pussy consistently, your sweat covered bodies gliding against each other, his fingers flicking, pulling and rubbing against your clit had you seeing stars.
“Fuuuuuuck! Chris, I’m coming!” You cried out, pushing back against him.
“Yes, honey. Come for me. Only me. Tell me who’s making you feel this good.”
“Ughhh. You, only you, Chris. F-fuck, only you!”
The next thing you know, he’s pinching your clit between his forefinger and thumb, the shock was felt from head to toe.
“Fuck, there it is, honey.” He moans, still gently rubbing at you to ensure you had gotten the most of your orgasm.
You collapse beneath him as he grabs your ass cheeks with both hands and continues fucking you into the carpet, chasing his own release. 1, 2, 3 more thrusts and he was exploding inside you. The warmth of his come painting your walls had you whimpering in relief.
“Oh shiiiit. You’re so fucking good for me. Taking me so well, honey.”
He pulls out of you, stroking your back as he reaches over to the coffee table, grabbing the box of tissues to clean mixture of your juices leaking out of your hole. Once he was satisfied that you were clean, he rolled you over and picked you up from beneath your shoulders and the backs of your knees, lifting you until he was standing.
“Point me to the bedroom, baby.” You pointed in a general direction, still delirious after your powerful orgasm.
He pushed the bedroom door open with his foot, before walking across the room and laying you down on the bed. He tucked you in under the covers and gently stroked your sweaty forehead. Just as he was about to walk away, he felt a dainty hand wrap around his wrist.
“Stay. Please?” You asked him, your brown eyes searing into him. How could he possibly resist you when you looked at him like that, lips slightly pouted and nose scrunched up.
He thinks about it for a second before walking around the bed and getting under the covers on the other side.
You roll over, your right leg over his hip and right arm across his chest. He wrapped both of his arms around you as he felt your steady breath against his neck, letting him know you had fallen asleep. He had never felt more at peace than he did in that moment, knowing he was going to keep you for as long as you’d have him.
Thank you so much for reading, please like and reblog and don't be afraid to comment your opinions 🥰 lots of love 💖
I give no permission for this work, or any of my other works/writing to be translated or reposted anywhere. Reblog from the original post only please.
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artfully-charming · 3 years
YouTube Channels for Your Quarantine Workout Needs (pt. 2)
Making this because I’m having a workout kick lately and what better time than the start of a new month?!
1. Leilah Isaac
You want to up your femininity and sensuality while getting those toned abs? Look no further than to belly dancing. Leilah has such a shiny personality which makes her videos fun and not boring. You also see how she herself makes mistakes, which for me allows me to make mistakes too and not be so hard on myself.
2. April Han
If any of you is trying to get fit AND learn Mandarin at the same time, then April is your girl. Her workouts are pretty doable, with a focus on toning up and let’s be honest losing weight, but the plus side to it is that they’re quite calming and less intense than someone like Chloe Ting. Her videos are all in Mandarin, so I think it’s a good one to do if you’re learning Mandarin too. It’s basically killing two birds with one stone.
3. Sanne Vloet
A VS model’s channel in the list. I’ll always unabashedly love the aesthetic and impossible standards VS has created, even if the company collapses sometimes soon. I love her channel because not only does it have calming pilates workouts, but it also contains a lot of her eating diaries. Her accent and the way she teaches is very calming, and I love doing her exercises when I want something more low-key.
4. Yoga with Adrienne
Yoga’s not my favorite way to exercise, but in the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes I need those little zen moments. Her videos are again, calming, and her dog is a mainstay. She has yoga videos for every type of situation, and usually I do a video that’s targeted for a specific reason, such as neck pain due to work or something along that line.
5. Sunny Funny Fitness
If you love K-pop, this is your channel. Her videos vary in length, but they all contain fun and energetic zumba workouts. The longer ones even have a section for abs, though I’m not the biggest fan of her ab workouts. They’re easy to follow, not too fast, and most of the songs are bops. I also just love seeing women dance and have fun, and it makes me feel like I’m in the studio with them.
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