#abortion discussion
gayluigi · 25 days
Not to be political, but it makes me SO ANGRY when conservatives talk about “late term abortion”. They imply that these babies are unwanted, unloved, and that their parents are morally reprehensible for aborting them. That is just not the fucking case WHATSOEVER.
I lost my little cousin Charlie James to “late term abortion”. He was somewhere around 20 weeks along, but past the legal cutoff limit for abortion. He was wanted, planned, and very much loved. However, at the anatomy scan, they made a very grave discovery. He didn’t have a bladder, and from what I understand, his kidneys didn’t develop correctly either.
Charlie’s family’s medical team searched TIRELESSLY for a way to save him, but there was simply nothing that could be done. Continuing the pregnancy would’ve been incredibly dangerous to his mother. After about the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s urine makes up most of the amniotic fluid. Well, Charlie wouldn’t have been able to urinate, so there wouldn’t have been enough amniotic fluid, which would’ve caused serious problems for his mom. It was simply no longer safe to continue the pregnancy. (If it had been possible, I assume that his mother probably would’ve wanted to continue the pregnancy for organ donation purposes. She works in the medical field, and I’m sure she would’ve wanted Charlie to have been able to help save other babies’ lives.)
After a lot of discussion, Charlie’s mom was induced, and Charlie was born. He was such a perfect little boy, except that he just wasn’t meant to survive. He had ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes, a little button nose… he was perfect. His family was able to hold him, cuddle him, tell him how much they loved him. Then, he passed away.
Charlie’s family bought the plots that were once intended for my family in case we had all passed away in some tragic accident when we were younger. Thankfully, we didn’t, and the plots were still available. (We wouldn’t use them if we passed away these days— Charlie’s family lives in Nebraska, and my family’s lived in Texas for 27 years. That’s just not where we belong.) Charlie’s buried in one of those plots, just a few plots over from my Papa (my maternal grandfather). Now, Papa passed away like 13 years ago, and he wasn’t biologically related to Charlie (Charlie’s on my dad’s side of the family), but I’m sure that Papa’s taking good care of him. ❤️ Charlie’s got a headstone, and he was buried, which shows you just how loved he was. He wasn’t treated as medical waste like an unwanted aborted fetus. He was treasured and cherished and has a place of honor in a cemetery.
So I guess what I’m saying is, when you think of “late term abortion”, don’t think of some family cruelly and callously deciding to terminate a pregnancy at 20+ weeks simply because the fetus is unwanted. That’s just not reality. (Not that that’s what I think of people that choose abortion for that reason— it’s just the picture that conservatives try to paint.) Instead, think of my little cousin CJ. Loved, cherished, planned and wanted, but incompatible with life. If you’re a religious person, then you could say that it just wasn’t in God’s plan for him to survive. If you’re not, then you could say that it was just a natural fluke in the developmental process, perfectly natural and not at all unusual in nature, but incredibly tragic. Either way, think of baby CJ and remember that these pregnancies aren’t terminated out of hate, but out of compassion for both mother and child.
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nyaskitten · 2 years
Does it matter if someone is pro-life as long as they don't try to push their beliefs on other people or treat others differently if they have had an abortion? Or do you just not like them either way?
(this is a separate anon from the other one by the way, i just finally got the courage to ask this. I think your cool and i've been wondering this for a while)
Calling oneself "pro-life" means you don't care who is aborting, you're against abortions for everyone. And because of recent events (overturning of the only thing protecting safe abortions), I don't want to associate with anyone who uses the label pro-life.
If you want others to be able to abort, but you yourself don't want to abort, that's being pro-choice. If you want others and yourself to have a say in the matter, you're pro-choice.
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peroxide-pest · 1 year
Working on my first ever Cordano fic.... what do people think? Are you interested in reading more??
“Six weeks” she replied, her voice so quiet that Robert had to gently brush her curls away to be able to try and hear her. “I started getting nauseous, blamed it on university food and stress at first. Then I realised I hadn’t had my period…I got the bus to the next town to get a pregnancy test, didn’t want to risk anyone at all finding out. I did the test in the toilet of the McDonald’s next door, and I remember vomiting furiously after I saw the result, as if that would change things. I remember being on the bus home, my mind racing, thinking about gin and hot baths, falling down the stairs and all the different home abortion methods I’d heard spoken about. Thankfully I came to my senses by the time I got back to halls, and had a cup of tea and made an appointment with my GP for the next day.” She swallowed, hard. “I lay in bed that night, with my hand on my stomach, and let myself imagine. I imagined a little girl, with curls like mine, looking up at me with such love and adoration…wanting to cuddle, or read a story, or do a science experiment. I imagined walking her to and from school, the excitement in her voice when she explained what they’d been doing. I imagined her as a baby, smiling every time she heard my voice and reaching out for me. I….I imagined being loved, and being wanted, and being needed, for the first time in my life.” She sobbed, the heartache of an abandoned little girl who just wanted to be loved coming to the fore for the first time in her life. “I just….wanted…to be…loved”.
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transinclusionary · 1 year
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what does this symbol in ur banner mean ?/genq
Thank you for asking! In many places where safe abortions are illegal people use coat hangers to remove the fetus. This symbol is another way to say pro-choice and to stop coat hanger abortions. It is incredibly dangerous and often leads to mortality. Hope I explained it well
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yall🤝me- arguments about abortion w/ family members (mentally i am giving you guys a supportive should pat) -nickel
She literally thinks that just because we will never have kids that we can't have a say in abortion rights??? But??? She's saying that abortions in general are wrong? and that abortions after 12 weeks are wrong? she's just...she has a shitty view about it and she's a mother
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sassydefendorflower · 6 months
I want to talk about something. I want to talk about ableism in fandom. And sexism in fandom. Oh, and racism in fandom.
Mostly though, I wanna talk about how the discussion about these things often gets derailed because people don't understand what trends and typical behaviors actually are.
Whenever a Person of Color, a woman, someone disabled, someone queer (or an intersection of any of these groups) points out that certain fandom trends are bigoted in some shape or form, half the replies seem to be "but they are my comfort character! Maybe people just like them better because they are more interesting!" or even "people are allowed to have headcanons!" - the very daft even go for a "don't bring politics into fandom" which is a personal favorite because nothing exists in a vacuum and nothing is truly apolitical. But alas~
What most of these replies seemingly fail to understand is something very, very simple: it's not about you.
You, as an individual, are just one datapoint in a fandom. You are not the trend. You do not necessarily depict the typical behavior.
When someone points out that there is racism in fandom, that doesn't mean every fan is racist or perpetuating racist ideas*. By constantly mentioning your own lack of racism, quite often, you are actively derailing the conversation away from the problems at hand.
When someone names and describes a trend, they don't mean your headcanon specifically - they mean the accumulated number of headcanons perpetuating a harmful or outdated idea.
I am not saying this to forbid anyone from writing fics about their favorite characters or to keep anyone from having fun headcanons and sharing their theories and thoughts - quite the opposite actually. A critique of a general trend is not a critique of you as an individual - and you're going to have a much better, and more productive, time online if you can internalize that. If you stop growing defensive and instead allow yourself to actually digest the message of what was pointed out.
I am saying this to encourage some critical thinking.
Allow me to offer up some examples:
Case 1: A DC blogger made the daring statement that maybe Tim and Jason were such a popular fanfic focus because they are the only two undeniably white batboys. Immediately someone replied saying "no, it's all the fun traumatic situations we can put them in!". Which is an insane statement to make, considering the same can be said for literally ANY OTHER DC Batman and Batfam character.
The original post wasn't anything groundbreaking, they didn't accuse anyone, didn't name any names... but immediately there was a justification, immediately there was a reason why people might like these characters more. No one stopped to take a second and reflect on the current trends in fanfiction, no one considered that maybe this wasn't a declaration against people who like these characters but a thesis depicting the OVERALL trend of fandom once again focusing on undeniably white (and male) characters.
(don't get me started on the racebending of white characters in media that has a big Cast of Color and the implications of that)
Case 2: A meta posted on Ao3 about ableism in the Criminal Minds fandom caught my attention. A wonderful piece, very thoughtful, analyzing certain characterization choices within the fandom through the lens of an actually autistic person. The conclusion they reached: the writing of Spencer Reid as an autistic character, while often charming and comforting, tended to be incredibly infantilizing and at worst downright ableist. They came to that conclusion while CLEARLY stating that the individual fanfic wasn't the problem, but the general fandom trend in depicting this character.
Once again, looking at the replies seemed to be a mistake: while many comments furthered the discussion, there were quite a few which completely missed the point. Some were downright hostile. Because how dare this author imply that THEY are ableist when they write their favorite character using that specific characterization.
It didn't matter that the author allowed room for personal interpretation. It didn't matter that they noted something concerning about the entire fandom - people still thought they were attacking singular people.
Case 3: I wrote a fic about abortion in the FMA(b) fandom (actually I've written a weird amount of fics about abortion in a lot of fandoms, but alas) and I got hate comments for it. Because of that I addressed the bias in fandom against pro-choice depictions of pregnancies. I pointed out that the utter lack of abortion in many omegaverse stories or even mpreg or het romances, painted the picture of an unconscious bias that hurt people for whom abortion was the only option, the best possible ending. The response on the post itself was mostly positive, but I got anon hate.
(which I can unfortunately not show you since I deleted it in the months since)
And I'm not overly broken up about it, but it also underlines my point: by pointing at a general problem, a typical behavior, a larger trend... people feel personally attacked.
This inability to discuss sexism, ableism, racism, transphobia, etc in fandom without people turning defensive and hurt... well, it damages our ability to have these conversations at all.
Earlier I said YOU are not the problem - well, i think part of this discussion is acknowledging that: sometimes YOU are in fact part of the problem. And that's not the end of the world. But you can only recognize yourself as a cog in the machine, if you can examine your own actions, your own biases, your own preferences critically and without becoming defensive.
And, again, this is not to keep you from finding comfort in your favorite characters and headcanons. This is also not to say that I am free of biases and internalized bigotries - I am also very much a part of the system. A part of the problem.
This is so you can comfortably ask yourself "but why is there no abortion in this universe?" or "why are my favorite black characters always the top in my slash ships?" or "why do I write this disabled character as childish and in need of help?" - and sometimes the answer is "because I am disabled and I want comfort", and that's fine too.
There is no one shoe fits all in fiction. There is not a single trope that captures all members of a group. There is no single stereotype that isn't also someone's comfort. No group is a monolith, no experienced all-encompasing (or entirely unique).
There is never a simple answer.
But that doesn't mean you should stop questioning your own biases, your own ideals.
Especially, if you grow defensive if someone points out that a certain trend you engage in might be racist. Or sexist. Or queerphobic. Or fucking ableist.
*this does not mean negate the general anti-blackness perpetuated by most cultures as a result of colonialism and slavery
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
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it hurts to hope for more
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz Mature || 15k
“I’m never - I’m never going to be a dad,” Buck sobs into Eddie’s shoulder. “She didn’t want kids. Why do I keep dating people who don’t want the same things as me? Is- is the universe telling me that I don’t deserve it?” “Hey, no,” Eddie pulls back from the hug and Buck lets out a pitiful sound at the loss of contact. “The universe doesn’t do that. The universe doesn’t scream and it definitely doesn’t get to tell you what you deserve, because you deserve everything Buck. Everything.” OR Buck wants to be a dad, it takes a couple break-ups and a major non-romantic heartbreak for him to figure out that maybe he already is.
2023 was a weird year for Buck. Maybe one of the weirdest years he’s had in his 30 plus years on earth, if he’s being honest with himself. He died, he lived, he delivered a baby that was biologically his but not his in any other way, he pulled most of his team - his family - out of a bridge collapse, and he finally met someone who he can see himself with long term if things keep on their current trajectory.
Natalia is the first woman that Buck’s dated since Abby that makes him feel seen, that makes him feel like a better version of himself. But unlike with Abby, Buck has other people in his life that also make him feel loved and seen, so he’s less dependent on Nat for all of his emotional support. If he’s being honest, he’s kind of avoiding relying on her for too much emotional support since he doesn’t want her to think he’s needy. 
Honestly, for a guy who was dead for just over three minutes four months ago, he’s doing fucking great. 
He’s doing so great that getting a picture of a tiny baby laying on one of those mats with ‘one month’ circled and a gummy little smile wearing a tiny firefighter onesie that he’d given them as a gift, it doesn’t break his heart. In fact, the picture from Connor just makes Buck grin at his phone. 
Continue on ao3
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entertext · 4 months
HGSN 23-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Hikaru: (A change...)
Yoshiki: ...It's my fault
Hikaru: No, it's not...Stop saying things like that
Hikaru: (So that's why I started to feel pain)
Hikaru: (and lost to the impurity at the family restaurant and got my head chopped off, huh?)
Hikaru: (And on top of all that, somehow there's this strange feeling...)
Hikaru: Oh! That guy! The sword that sunglasses guy cut me with...
Hikaru: That sword wasn't normal...
Hikaru: That guy must have attacked me knowing that
Hikaru: There's something suspicious about it.
Rie: ...It's clear that he must be someone well-informed about that sort of thing
Yoshiki: (I'm so stupid! I didn't notice anything...)
Yoshiki: If you get attacked by him again...
Hikaru: Then I'll just run away!! Even if he cuts my head off again, it'll stick back on!
Hikaru: But maybe my head'll come off easier now, haha!
Hikaru: Wahahahahaha
Rie: As I thought, this child is dangerous
Rie: But...it's no good. I've also gotten attached...
(sfx: crowd chatter)
(sfx: crowd chatter)
Yuuki: Maki was surprisingly the one that worried the most, cute huh?
Maki: Hey!
Yuuki: You said "It's so boring when Hikaru's not around" like ten times
Maki: I did not!
Maki: By the way, what've you been writing all this time?
→Grants wishes in exchange for human heads?)
(sfx: snap shut)
Yoshiki: No...it's nothing
Maki: Are you looking up "Unuki-san"?
Yoshiki: Huh? What...did you just...?
Maki: Hehe, I'll tell you all about it
Maki: A looooong time ago, around these parts
Maki: It was used as a secret codeword
Maki: Since ancient times, this area for some reason has suffered from lots of illnesses, crop failures, and accidents
Maki: Despite being a place like that, the reason there was still a fair amount of settlement was 'cause mercury could be mined here.
Maki: Even so, year after year, the amount that was extracted dwindled...
Maki:...and in the struggle to put food on the table, there was often the need to abort a pregnancy
Maki: In order to do that, they made a medicine using the mercury here
Maki: An abortion pill local to this land
Maki: If I remember correctly, the medicine was called "Uronuki" medicine
Maki: Apparently it refers to "infant-culling" medicine
Maki: Since it was a medicine made with mercury taken from the mountain, they started to call using it to end a pregnancy as "returning it to 'Unuki-san' of the mountain"
Maki: That's what it's code for... Ummmm
Maki: Eventually, it started to be worshipped as the god of the mountain...
Maki: And after that, strangely the illnesses and stuff died down...
Yoshiki: Mercury... that's the origin of the name of the forbidden mountain, Nisayama*?
Hikaru: ...
* 丹砂山 - red sand (cinnabar) mountain
Next chapter: 2023/01/02
Twitter Extra (link):
Yoshiki: Is the line on your neck okay?
Hikaru: Yeah, there shouldn't be anything physically wrong
Hikaru: 'cause it's a ghost scar!
Yoshiki: Oh...that's a relief
Hikaru: Oh, it came off
Yoshiki: Uwaaaaaaah!!
(sfx: wakes up)
EDIT 2024/01/18:
Fixed Translation Error: It's what you'd call "haunted" → There's something suspicious about it.
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Tim Drake's Mom is actually Lara Croft! AU
After getting pregnant Lara Croft disappears off the face of the earth, takes up a shell company in Gotham left to her by her father, and assumes the identity Janet Drake.
(DC made Timmy's parents archeologists! so Sis it was between Indiana Jones or the Tomb Raider and well here we are!)
Lara Croft has a daring archeological adventure/world saving mission with a dashing man she only knows as N. Drake (if u know u know) and finds out she's pregnant weeks after.
Lara Croft did not expect to be Pregnant. Lara knows that she shouldn't have a baby. She knows this intellectually and emotionally, she doesn't have any family left and after nearly 10 years of traveling the globe and putting herself in life or death situations she knows her life can't accommodate children. Lara knows the responsible thing to do, she makes an appointment with NHS/MSI and focuses on her next project. (TW: Discussion of Abortion)
Lara never gets her appointment. She misses her abortion date in London when she gets caught up in another mad expedition that takes her half way across the world.
On this mission she nearly looses everything, her friends, her own life, what's left of her father's legacy, all for a semi cursed magical artifact that nearly blows up the South American Coast.
Lara's tired, scared, she's been running from Trinity (evil org) for nearly a decade now . She's 29, she's 5 months pregnant, and she's stuck floating on her back in the middle of the South Atlantic sea watching the sky burn.
Lara's rich she could always get the abortion, legally or otherwise, her father left her a billionaire and the souvenirs she'd collected from her travels do nothing but add to that wealth.
Trinity wants Lara Croft dead, they'll never stop chasing, and Lara just wants respite. She wants her quaint childhood in the English countryside with her father, she wants to curl up and sleep for a thousand years. She wants to be someone else, just for a moment.
Her heart beats wildly in her chest and she can almost feel another heart beating alongside it.
Lara Croft makes a decision. She sinks into the sea and doesn't come back up for air even when it burns.
On the shore a nameless woman washes up, water logged and looking for passage to America.
The Croft's have had shell companies for years, one can't be a billionaire these days without at least a few, Medi-industries is an unassuming medical supplier located in Gotham, New Jersey the crime capital of North America. It's the perfect place to disappear.
Janet Drake Lands in Gotham on a gloomy morning in March, she's got enough money to throw around that people forget to ask what family she's from, this is Gotham new money is nearly unheard of.
By mid April Janet has reestablished control of Medi-Industries, Now Drake Industries, and purchased an old English style mansion in Bristol, which the real-estate agent has assured her is a great neighborhood.
Timothy Jackson Drake is born July 19th at nearly 3 in the morning squalling high into the night like a banshee. He is perfectly healthy and perfectly safe in Janet's arms.
It is only in the safety of their home, in the house Janet picked, because it was high on a hill for tactical advantage and had bullet proof glass nestled between quaint wood paneled windows, It is only in the heart of Drake Manor that Lara dares to Whisper her son's name
"Timothy Jackson Croft"
Badass Lara Croft being the cool mom TM
A family portrait of the Drakes, Including Janet, baby Tim, and a mysterious Jack Drake (who was a very discreet and well paid member of Gotham's theatre society, and who was also more then happy to pose as a rich ladies dead husband for a day)
A Socttish Nanny/Housekeeper with a very keen eye and discreet mouth who will not tell a soul that she is fairly sure she's employed by Lord Richard Croft's, eccentric billionares, missing daughter.
precocious and slightly British accented baby Tim who gets to have his Mom with him for 10 whole years! before she inevitably runs back off to save the world
Tim being unaware of his mother's past life beyond her name until the age of 13 when he becomes Robin and is able to actually find out what his mom's been protecting him from his whole life.
I imagine in this AU that eventually Trinity finally catches wind of where Lara is hiding and she has a big confrontation with them in New Jersey. It's way too close to Gotham and Tim for her comfort, she knows this is the only chance she'll get to control the chaos.
So she packs Tim up to move him into the dorms at Gotham Academy and promises she'll write and be home for his birthday in the summer. After she's finished her "company" business first of course.
Tim's confused but he trusts his mom, he gets unsigned postcards from all over the world and pins them above his bed in the dorm and goes to sleep trying to guess what country she's in every night.
The move to the dorm is kind of cool to Tim as well because it means he can start his plan to follow Batman and Robin in the city! (in this AU there's no way Lara wouldn't have noticed him sneaking out at 9, but Gotham academy security? totally oblivious)
Tim celebrates his 10th birthday with his mom at home, he has so many freaking questions about where she was! and she tells him outlandish stories about daring fights and cursed artifacts that he rolls his eyes at but enjoys none the less.
it isn't till he's 15 that his Robin work and his mom's adventures cross paths.
After so many years of close calls, of hiding bruises from his mom with same concealer she uses to hide her own wounds, of wondering if it was selfish to wish his Mom cared a little bit less about the world and would stay with him for more then a few weeks at a time. Finally it all comes to a head in the worst way. Lara Croft's latest adventure puts her right in the middle of a Bat Level investigation. It has Tim near loosing his mind with worry hoping his mom is alive and Lara having the worst freakout/Blow up of her life realizing her son has been putting himself in Danger every night she thought he was safe.
The Drake/Crofts are messy! Bad at communicating! And unfortunately the exact same kind of reckless and self sacrificing!
Fun food for thought:
Lara canonically is a killer, if you've played any of the reboot Tomb Raider series she can be pretty gruesome and efficient! Very cool! Jason would stan! Tim is kind of appalled! Lara is glad Tim's never killed, that he's never had to.
Lara still dies in this AU but it's in a big Trinity X Obeah Man X Captain Boomerang Cluster fuck where Lara finishes off Trinity and Obeah Man for good but looses her own life in the process. Tim is devastated, he feels like they were just starting to really be 100% transparent with each other before her death. Que Tim's not good very bad year!
if you've made it this far in my rambles here's a treat! I actually wrote a lil fuckin blurb for this!
preface: This the first time Robin and Lara Croft have ever met/are on the same mission.
" mom!" Tim shouts, running before Bruce can even properly land the BatJet.
The old temple is ablaze, the ancient structure already half crumbled in on itself with what's left of it is spewing out clouds of jet black smoke.
Tim's mother limps out what was once the front entrance clutching at her ribs.
She's filthy, covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime. but she's got on a triumphant smile like the cat who got the cream.
" Mom!" Tim yells again watching as she does a double take at his choice of moniker.
Her mouth twists in a grimace as she stumbles and Tim dives under her arm quickly moving to support her left side.
Lara Croft meets the white lenses of Red Robin's eyes in confusion
" What'd you call me?" She slurs trying to blink away the smoke inhalation that makes it hard to focus and leaves her lightheaded.
Lara's right ankle which took the brunt of a very nasty dive from a very high perch, not 20 minutes earlier as she raced out of the Dead Kings Tomb, finally gives up the ghost and she pitches forward taking Red Robin with her.
He's young, she thinks, he's very young.
Before either of them can hit the ground Batman intercepts their fall hefting Lara into a secure hold.
Red Robin catches himself and latches onto Lara's hand.
He yanks off one of his gloves and tries to wipe some of the grime out of her eyes.
" Mum" he croaks this time, voice breaking nearly in half on the last syllable.
Lara furrows her brow, the cowl covers so much of this young man's face, from his nose too his brow bone, but his chin is startlingly familiar as is his absolutely atrocious British accent.
He reminds her terribly of Timothy.
" Tim" she says deliriously, Lara tries to smile but her eyes start to droop and her head lolls slack against Bruce's arm. She's clean out.
Tim makes an odd lunge and jerk movement pressing his fingers into her carotid artery to feel her pulse.
He's shaking, more wrong footed and anxious then Bruce has ever seen him.
Batman is extremely grateful when Nightwing comes up behind him and gently pulls his younger brother's hands away from his mother's comatose body.
" She's fine Red. We need to get her on board so we can get her some oxygen though, the smoke inhalation is getting to her. "
" Right" Tim says, still frozen in place. He shakes it off quickly " Right." he repeats pivoting in place and leading their small party through the remains of the ruins and back to the jet.
" I'll prep the med bay."
pics or it didn't happen! (ps, if u wanna write, draw, or HC anything for this AU feel free my lads)
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Angel, share the good news with Husk!
TW: Discussion of abortion
Angel Dust: *waking up*
Husk: Hey. How are you feeling?
Angel Dust: *smiling* Like I’m floating. Am I on the good dr*gs?
Husk: No…at least I hope you’re not…
Angel Dust: I guess if I’m high it’ll be my last time since I’m pregnant.
Husk: Have you made your decision about what you want to do?
Angel Dust: I…need a DNA test…or a blood test…or something that can tell me who the father is…
Husk: Will…that affect your decision?
Angel Dust: *nods slowly* I sound terrible, but I couldn’t live with myself if I brought Valentino’s offspring into existence. I would die all over again…even if my soul is free of him…if I have his offspring…it’ll be like I’m still trapped with him.
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babyotterboy · 1 month
I dont know why tumblr recommended your blog since I am very much sex repulsed. But I am also morbidly curious what's makes the difference between breeding and pregnancy. Like in theory one would lead to the other.
yeah uhm i also dunno why! but if you actually want to know (though as bad as i am at reading tone, doesn’t seem you do? idk)
i’m.. t4t and gay. like man that likes men. i am also sterile!
also, being t4t, and the lovely sexually explorative world we live in - there are MANY toys available to give the “experience” without having something inhabit my hostile womb for 9 months / having a person that needs me to survive when i can’t afford to eat myself <3
i also, like many trans men i’ve met at least that are gay, have had many, many horrible experiences sexually WITH cis men/chasers/“detrans masters”, that think for some reason someone HAVING a womb gives them the right to impregnate it.
and frankly, it’s 2024, abortions exist. miscarriages are very common knowledge. conception does not always equal child, nor does every load create life.
hope this helped! /gen
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
Cynical Reviews just dropped a video on an anti-choice propaganda film called "Unplanned" and I cannot believe the balls they had to blatantly lie like this. Actually, I can, because pro-lifers will eat up any anti-abortion propaganda you put in front of them.
I love how this movie deifies the protestors who stand outside of Planned Parenthood and scream "WHORE!!! MURDERER!!!" at teenage girls who are just there for a pap smear or whatever. All while making PP staff look like heartless monsters who laugh about dead babies and force abortions on unwilling girls. I honestly have nothing but disgust for propaganda like this.
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glitter-soda · 9 months
Something I genuinely wonder is why a lot of trans activists seem to have a problem with using “no uterus, no opinion” as an abortion slogan. It’s perfectly inclusive of women, trans men, and female enbies, just like y’all want. Sooo what’s the issue?
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wastemanjohn · 8 months
You KNEW my prompt was gonna include pregnancy lmao but I’m gonna say samdean accidental pregnancy — your choice if Dean or Deanna, your choice which season but I wanna see Dean(na) confessing to Sam that s/he’s knocked up!
here you go mate <3 (sorry for sneaking my deanna and david bowie headcanon in here but i had reason to believe you wouldn't mind xD - and exploring this pushed me nicely out of my comfort zone so thank you for the prompt!)
The skies over the salvage yard are pink with shepherd's delight clouds.  The evening breeze has a little bite, and the air smells like rotting oil and dead leaves. The latter scent is one Sam associates with shoplifting school supplies, with the good coffee shops opening up on campus again. It's an awkward nostalgia, but it comes to him anyway as he buttons up his shirt for warmth and makes a start on staking out the boulevard of broken cars, armed with two bottles of El Sol and a mental note of all the phrases he's learned not to say. Deanna's gotta be out here somewhere.
The thing is, Sam thinks as he passes the nearly restored Impala, it had seemed like his sister was doing a little better. She's still sharp tongued and irritable, but she's not been spending 12 hours a day doing god knows what under that hood. She's been hanging out with Sam and Bobby more in the evenings, not really saying much, but sometimes she smiles with her whole face at something someone says, and Sam's always a little surprised at the force of his relief. She's even been talking a bit about getting out on the road again, even if she never directly mentions Dad; but Sam's caught her quietly leafing through his journal now and then lately. Not that he's said anything about it, because that's just asking for trouble; and anyway, regardless of any improvement, Sam still has no idea what's going on in Deanna's head, really. She feels very far away.
She went out this afternoon. For hours. Didn't say where she was going; but it's got to be the first time she's left Bobby's place in weeks. She left her phone behind on the nightstand, in this way that Sam couldn't help but suspect was intentional, because there had to be something about that; had to be something in the way Deanna caught Sam's eye through the window as she was coming back, coming all slow down the path with Dad's jacket over her shoulders and this tight expression on her face. Something in the way Deanna had sharply changed direction at the sight of him, veering off until she faded into the salvage yard and Sam couldn't see her anymore. And it's not that Sam meant to be hovering near the front of the house at the exact moment of her return like a worried parent, but shit happens.
Let her be, son, Bobby had said, without looking up from his scotch and that leatherbound demonology book he'd been annotating all day. Harder you push, the more she's gonna clam up.
It bothers Sam when Bobby talks like that, like he knows Deanna better than Sam does or something. As for letting her be - well, if Bobby knows Sam at all, he's got a strange way of showing it.
As Sam goes deeper into the yard, he can hear music. Tinny, faint; but Sam recognizes David Bowie. He spent enough time being subjected to every single tape the guy ever made, even the really out there ones, over and over again as a kid to know that voice anywhere. That had been one of Deanna's more intense phases. Sam thinks she finds him comforting now, maybe; familiar, well worn, like an old blanket. She'd deny that, of course, the way she always denies shit that she thinks sounds girly, or maybe just vulnerable - but it hadn't been lost on Sam over the past year, how Deanna would play those tapes during nearly every overnight drive they took. Her hands always a little too tight on the steering wheel, Dad's unknown whereabouts breathing down the backs of their neck like a spirit.
Sam follows that bustling piano, ch-ch-changes, until he finds his sister. She's sitting on the floor, leaning against the dented door of an eighties truck with a mangled hood. The windows are down. The music is coming from inside.
Dad's jacket is so big over Deanna's shoulders. It practically drowns her, looks kind of ridiculous, if Sam were to be mean about it; still smells like Dad's cigarettes. Deanna doesn't look up, when Sam approaches, but she doesn't hide her face or snipe at him to fuck off either. Which means this is already going well.
"Hey." Sam says it cautiously. "What are you doing out here?" 
Her eyes roll up at him. "Making bacon and eggs, jackass. What's it look like I'm doing?"
Sam doesn't know, actually. Still, he takes the sarcasm on the chin. He holds one of the beer bottles out to Deanna; she glances at it, then shakes her head.
It surprises Sam, but he doesn't push. "You look like crap," he offers.
Deanna snorts. "Well. Don't you know how to make a girl feel special."
There's no bite in it. That tells Sam they're okay. She does, though; look like crap, that is. Tired; washed out. She's been sleeping in the day a lot. Bobby says it's the grief, that she needs it. Sam could believe that. He wonders, though, if Bobby's heard Deanna throwing up in the night lately. Not just one of her tactical upchucks to stave off a hangover, because she's not been drinking all that much lately; but these real hacking puke sessions that jolt Sam out of sleep in the early hours of the morning. She never comes back to her bed afterwards. And Sam has his suspicions about that too, like with the left behind phone; it's Deanna's way of not giving him a chance to pry. She knows how thin the wall between the bathroom and the spare bedroom is.
"Can I sit?" Sam asks.
Deanna shrugs. It's as good as permission.
Sam lowers himself down beside her, gets comfy on the rough gravel. He puts down the beers; doesn't feel much like drinking by himself.
They sit in silence for a while. Puts Sam on edge; but it's hard to know what to say to Deanna most of the time these days, which isn't a position he's ever been in before. Then again, they've never been in the position of losing their father before, so there's that. It still doesn't feel real. It probably never will.
"Keys were still in the ignition," Deanna says, nodding up towards the truck. "Tapedeck works. Engine's salvageable. Bobby's way too quick to junk these babies. Upsets me."
Sam smiles. "Dare you to say that to his face."
"Hey, maybe I will. If he gave me half a day with this death trap I'd get her purring again. Turn her into a whole new woman."
She folds her arms, tilts her head back against that dented door. Her eyes are kinda pink and bleary.
"You should see the tapes in the glove compartment," she adds. "'S a fucking goldmine.
"Is this Hunky Dory?" Sam asks.
Deanna raises an eyebrow. "Wow. And there I was thinking you weren't paying attention all this time."
"You didn't exactly give me a choice. You only played this album every day for like ten years."
Deanna grins. "I'm proud of you, Sammy. I knew you'd learn to love it eventually."
"Love is a strong word," Sam replies.
Deanna snorts again. Something like affection passes over her face. Sam hasn't seen that in a while.
"I lost this album years ago," Deanna says. "Think it ended up with Dad, maybe. You know how our stuff used to always get mixed up." 
Sam's a little stunned. And maybe it shows, because Deanna narrows her eyes at him. "What?"
"Nothing." He swallows - "Just that you, uh, mentioned Dad."
"Yeah. So?"
It's quick, defensive enough for Sam to know to shut up. He's getting good at that kind of thing. 
Deanna's scowl fades; she grins, lightly punches his thigh. "You creep. Quit staring at me."
Sam didn't realize he was. But if they were a different kind of people, maybe Sam would tell Deanna how pretty she looks under the dying sunlight, under those pink, glowy clouds; but he wouldn't really know how to put something like that, and Deanna would never let him live it down if he said it aloud anyway. So he keeps it to himself. Instead, he watches Deanna pull at a spooling thread from her shirt sleeve peeking out from beneath Dad's jacket.
"You know," Deanna says, "being out here always reminds me of us being kids. Bobby letting us play in the yard until the sun went down. Bringing us lemonade. Do you remember?"
Sam smiles. "Yeah, Dee. Of course I remember."
Deanna carries on like she wasn't expecting an actual response. "We'd never had homemade lemonade. Remember how I used to try to make it for you when we got back on the road? Mine always kinda sucked, though."
Sam feels a little on edge, hyper aware of everything his body is doing, like he's trying not to spook a wild gazelle. This is the most Deanna has spoken in weeks. "You tried," he offers, because she did, Deanna always tried so hard with stuff like that. He hasn't thought about Deanna's crappy lemonade in years. With Bowie warbling about life on mars on the stereo, and the memory of Deanna's sticky too-bitter attempt alive on his tongue, it feels like it's 1992 again.
Deanna keeps pulling at that thread. "You know, back when I used to watch you - I was, I dunno, maybe ten or eleven. And you were so - you were so damn innocent, you know? Just really cute, I guess."
"Cute?" Sam echoes.
"Yeah." There's this tight, half-smile on her mouth that Sam can't quite read. "You were so curious about shit all the time. Always wanting me to tell you stories. Always getting yourself scraped and bruised because you couldn't stop fucking climbing stuff." 
Sam isn't sure what to say. There's something about remembering himself as a child that makes him uncomfortable. Maybe it's the idea of being so small and so helpless; or maybe it's the memory of that hard-to-place unease that lived inside of him like blood from the moment he was fully sentient, that gut-deep sense that something about his life - his family, his barely present Daddy - just wasn't right.
"You were a pain in the ass," Deanna continues, with this fond chuckle. "Asking me questions all the time. Wanting to know how every little thing in the world worked. If I didn't know the answers, I'd just make 'em up. You believed everything I said." She clicks her tongue. "Man, do I miss that."
Why are we talking about this? Sam nearly asks. But that runs the risk that Deanna will snap shut like an oyster, and Sam will never get the answer at all. So he keeps his mouth closed. He lets Deanna carry on.
"Sammy, I used to -" She trails off, looking weirdly sheepish. "This is so so fucking weird, but like - when I was watching you, I used to wish you were actually my kid. And you - you kinda were, you know? Felt like you were mine... mine just as much as you were Dad's."
Dad, again. Sounds so unfamiliar in Deanna's voice now that it takes Sam a moment to process the revelation that came before it. "You did? Seriously?" is all he manages.
"Yeah." She's looking at her lap. Still that tight half-smile. "Seriously."
And Sam struggles to know what to do with that, what it means. Because it's hard, lately, for Sam to be angry with his father about much; makes him feel almost empty, actually, after a lifetime of nursing this near-addictive resentment over things he never fully understood. And of those things, Deanna - getting her stuff mixed up with Dad's, being so intertwined with him, resembling her martyred mother so much Dad could never stop commenting on it - Deanna seeing Sam as her own, apparently - well, he doesn't know. Sometimes Deanna just says shit. He probably isn't meant to read into it.
And besides, Sam doesn't know anything for sure. Always felt like he never really wanted to. And as he's already made his choice to love his father, he needs to keep it that way.
Deanna shuts her eyes, then. They're puffy under her lashlines, kissed with gray. "I mean," she says, "Don't get me wrong. You annoyed the crap outta me sometimes." She shrugs, hard, like a defence to an attack Sam hasn't made. "I - I do know that, Sammy. I know there was times I coulda been nicer to you." She looks a little pained.
"We were just kids Dee," Sam offers. "Not like either of us were exactly saints." 
"I keep remembering," Deanna continues, in that way, like Sam hadn't spoken again, "There was this time Dad kind of - got caught up in something. Still don't know what. But he wasn't home when he said he'd be. We were running out of everything. Food, money. No one was answering the phone. And you - you were driving me insane, Sammy."
Deanna says the last part a little too quietly; her head bows, hair covering her face. And Sam thinks he knows where this is going. He's getting a little uneasy.
"You just - you kept on and on with your damn questions. 'Where's Dad? What does he do while he's away? When's he coming back?' Then you - you asked about Mom."
She shakes her head, cutting him off. Something bitter on her lips, not quite a smile. "Who punches a five year old in the face, Sammy? I can't believe I -"
"You were only nine, Dee." Sam reminds her, when she doesn't finish the sentence. "You didn't know any better."
And it's true; Dad made sure of that, with his shoot first, ask questions later manifesto. But Deanna would never see it that way. She just laughs, colorless, bitter. "Yeah. I did. I shoulda, at least. I just -" She huffs. "Sometimes it feels like I just - I couldn't stop screwing up."
"You were doing it all by yourself." As the words leave his mouth, Sam registers how they sound. Like something you'd say about a single mom, some divorced thirty something with three kids, working two jobs to keep everyone fed and clothed. Not a nine year old.
"I guess -" Deanna sucks in a breath. "I just think about that a lot. That's all."
There's this dread growing inside of Sam as he watches Deanna's mouth twist up; she blinks, angrily. "Are you - crying?"
"Shut up," she mumbles.
She turns her face away a little. Draws her knees up to her chest. And it's strange and unsettling for Sam to see, like a horse walking on its hind legs or something; because Deanna doesn't cry, crying is for girls, and anatomy aside, she doesn't much like being seen as one of those. Even before Dad's pyre she stood, solemn and silent, breathing slow, composed. A hell of a lot more composed than Sam was, anyway.
"What's going on, Dee?"
She shrugs. That's very different to I'm fine.
And if things had been in any way close to normal over the last couple of months, Sam might touch Deanna's hand right about now. Lace their fingers; cup her face. Kiss her, maybe, the way she hasn't let him kiss her in a long time. Not since - well - not since the night they let Dad go. Sam can still remember the heat from the fire on his face, the way Deanna's hair felt grainy with ash; how her lips had tasted earthy and swollen, how she felt so small and fragile in his arms, more than she ever had. Still his big sister. Still the person he wants when he's scared and spiralling and doesn't know what to do but grab onto her, and hold on and on and on.
Deanna sniffs, loudly. "I just - I had so much on my shoulders, you know? Dealin' with you... dealin' with Dad..."
Her voice cracks a little. Sam says, "It was - it was a lot. I know." 
A lot. So much summed up in those two words, but it's not like Sam's had a lot of practise in talking about this.
Deanna laughs down at her folded knees, all thick. "You don't know, Sammy. You don't know at all. And I'm - I'm really glad you don't."
Sam isn't sure what to say to that. Partly because he can't gauge Deanna's tone, and partly because that feels like one of the most honest things Deanna's ever said to him. And now he's really worried.
"I just - I always wished I had another chance, you know? A chance to do over all those screw ups I made."
Tentatively, Sam reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder. It tenses a little beneath his fingers; but she doesn't pull away. That's good.
"I don't know where all this is coming from, Dee," Sam admits.
There's a pause, and Deanna seems to blink for a little too long. "It's - Sammy, I just keep on thinking. Dad's - Dad's gone." 
It's the first time she's actually said it. Sam swallows; throat feels a little thick. "Yeah. I know."
"And I was just getting - you get used to things being one way, you know?" She runs a hand through her hair, shiny with grease like oil slicks. "It's always like that. You start getting used to things, and then - then some other shit happens. And suddenly things are a whole new way. Before you can even fucking -"
"What do you mean?"
"Sammy, I knew something was wrong. I - I think I knew all along. But - today..."
Sam does everything in his power to keep his growing anxiety out of his voice. "Where did you go today, Deanna?" 
Her lips press together. She's still looking at her lap.
That dread expands, curdles, in Sam's gut. "Tell me."
Her hands are shaking against her thighs. "I - I went to the doctor."
That's absolutely the last thing Sam expected. "Since when do you go to the doctor?"
"I kinda had to."
Sam watches the little quiver of her fingers; and with that, he thinks back to the puking, the tiredness, how not right his sister looks. He thinks about Jess, how they were talking about what color to paint the living room 24 hours before she went up in flames on the ceiling. He thinks about Dad calmly sending him off for coffee before he…
Things are one way. Then suddenly they're another. Before you can blink, before you even remember your own name.
"Are you - are you sick?" Sam tries to keep his voice even.
Deanna isn't looking at him. "Kinda."
Sam thinks about Deanna hooked up to wires and machines. The miracle; how miracles don't happen. He's been harboring a little fear that there has to still be something wrong. A lacerated organ. A foreign object. Something they must have missed. But he thought - hoped - it was just that - a fear.
Sam sucks in a breath. "Okay. So - so what..."
Deanna smiles grimly. "Turns out I've got a parasite."
He watches Deanna shift. Her hand move towards one of the pockets of Dad's jacket. She keeps her eyes on her lap as she passes a small slip of paper to Sam. Small, rectangular. He takes it.
It's a moment or so before he realizes what he's seeing. Kind of like a photograph; a fuzzy sepia. Odd shapes that slowly begin to make sense.
"Ten weeks," Deanna says, her voice a little hoarse with disbelief. "I'm - I'm ten fucking weeks pregnant, Sammy."
Sam stares numbly at that ultrasound still. At the shapes, like two beans stacked on top of each other. Faint, fuzzy lines. Tiny arms. Tiny legs. He stares at them until they blur.
Ten weeks. Ten weeks since -
"So it's - " Sam can't finish the sentence.
"Yeah, Sammy. It's yours."
Her voice sounds very far away. And Sam can smell ash and fumes, traces of hospital grade body wash on Deanna's skin, skin that was bruised all over from cannulae and wires; and Sam couldn't catch his breath because Dad was gone, the last of him was just yards away on that burnt out pyre, gone; and Deanna's hands were on his face, tangled up in his hair, forehead pressed against his, and she was straddling his lap in the Impala's backseat, her eyes shut, muttering ssh, ssh over and over, maybe to Sam, or maybe to herself, but she kept saying it, even through the long kisses she kept pressing to his mouth; and Sam remembers he could barely see, he felt like he was choking on that ashy air, but he had Deanna, and he needed Deanna, he'd never needed her so much in his entire life. And Deanna understood, the way she's always understood things like that; and Deanna had kept on with her kissing and ssh-ing as she moved on top of him, fast, desperate, and Sam had clung onto her waist and met each roll of her hips, fast, anguished, because he couldn't get close enough, deep enough; and Deanna had been making these pitchy, breathless sounds like she was in pain, but she didn't stop Sam, and the whole time her eyes were wide and fixed on his face; and Sam remembers tangling her hair around his fingers like rope, he remembers arching up against her as he came, his body going through the motions, his senses numb to it. That numbness hasn't really left him since.
"Sammy, say something."
Deanna's voice, strained, cuts through the memory. Hauls Sam back to the present; Bowie, rotten oil, dead leaves. That autumnal breeze. His sister's face, tight and worried. Sam recognizes that pallor a little more now: shock.
It's passing through Sam as well. Of all the things he expected - this was nowhere on the list. Nowhere close.
"Alright," he manages eventually. Amazed at how calm he sounds. "What do you wanna do?" Because that's the thing to ask, right?
Deanna's lips twist again. "I mean - like, right away, I thought about just - you know - going off and taking care of it. Not even telling you. Just - "
"You wouldn't have told me?"
"I said I thought about it, Sam." She clicks her tongue; another rough wipe of her eyes. "I'm telling you now, aren't I?"
Sam keeps staring. Staring, at that image. That tiny, tiny baby. 
"Is that what you want?" he manages, eventually. Hoarse as Deanna. "To - take care of it?"
Deanna's pause seems to roll around the length of the yard. Then, her eyes stray to her lap again. "You know, Dad used to lecture me about this shit. Made it very clear how disappointed he'd be if I ever accidentally got myself knocked up."
Sam says, "Really?"
"Yeah. All the time." There's something acidic in Deanna's voice. "And you know why he harped on about it so much?"
"Because he said it wouldn't be fair to bring a kid into all this. Into the life." Deanna laughs, this flat, one-note thing. Something sharp flashes through her eyes; something gone too quick for Sam to fully identify. "Can you believe he said that to me? After everything he..."
She stops. And Sam watches Deanna's face reset, as if she hadn't expressed something like anger towards Dad for the first time ever. Something like what Sam has been saying, feeling, thinking, ever since he was old enough to understand. Everything Deanna always denied.
"It wouldn't have to be the same." It comes out of Sam's mouth before he can catch up with it. "You know. The same as we had it."
Deanna keeps on looking at her lap.
"You -" Sam takes a breath. "You know that, right?"
Deanna sighs. More like the breath whipping out of her body. "I'm not gonna stop looking for the demon, Sammy."
She says it like she expected Sam to insist on it. He clarifies: "I'm not saying we do. I'm saying we make it work."
He has no idea how. No fucking idea. His brain hasn't quite absorbed what's in front of him yet, the news undigested; but he's certain, somehow, of that.
Deanna gives that odd laugh again. Sam isn't sure what it means, this time. "It's also..." She picks at that thread on her shirt again. "I mean, the doctor said it looked healthy. But what if it comes out and it's like, a cyclops or something?"
"Why would it be -"
Deanna's shoulders rise. "You've seen Deliverance, right?"
Sam swallows. His eyes stray back to the picture. Not that he can see much; not that there's much to see. But there's enough there for Sam to think it looks absolutely perfect.
"There are risks," is all he can think to say. "But it's - you know. It's not completely inevitable."
Deanna narrows her eyes. "You've already looked this stuff up, haven't you?"
She says it in this accusatory way. Sam runs his thumb delicately across the grainy image. "There was always a chance this could happen, Dee."
Always a chance. They've never done much to mitigate it, really. There's not enough space in Sam's brain right now, to wonder why that is.
Deanna skips over it too. Runs a hand through that greasy hair. Her lips twist.
"I just think," she says, after a while, "even if it comes out with three heads, playing a fucking banjo... would I care? You know?"
She's still not quite meeting Sam's eyes. Sam prompts, "Would you?"
"I mean. It's not like it'd be the only freak in this family, right?" A smile spreads across her mouth. "Sammy, you know I wouldn't care. I'd -I'd love it no matter what."
"Me too." It comes out thick; Sam's never been more sure of anything in his life.
He hands Deanna back the picture; takes her hand, deceptively delicate and cold in his, as he watches her eyes fog up with tears again. She doesn't hide this time; leans in to press her forehead against Sam's, just like that night ten weeks ago, just like they've come full circle. And fuck, it feels like forever since Sam's been touched like this, touched by anyone; he's just wondering if leaning in for a kiss would be pushing it, when he feels Deanna's plump, dried out lips brushing his. They feel a little sticky, and there's this malodor to her breath, but Sam barely registers it. It's like coming home.
I missed you, he doesn't say; can't, when Deanna's mouth would smother it anyway. When Deanna would only screw her face up and call him a big girl, and he'd rattle with guilt about feeling a little humiliated by that, but he'd feel it anyway.
Deanna pulls away first. She's a little flushed, and Sam can faintly see the capillaries in her face, like pink lines on a map under her skin; she squeezes his hand, laces their fingers. Moves them together until Sam's palm is flat against her stomach, the warmth of her body underneath that worn flannel.
"I keep thinking I can feel it," she whispers. "Now I know it's there."
Sam watches their interlaced hands dumbly. Overwhelmed. He can too.
"I kinda hope it's a girl." Deanna's voice has that hoarse quality again. "So I can - so she can have a Mom. So she can have what I didn't have."
She says it at the exact moment Sam finds himself hoping it's a boy. His reasons are similar. But for someone who doesn't like to talk, Deanna's always been way better at articulating stuff like that.
"You'll be a great Mom, Dee," he says, firmly. You were to me.
"Alright. You don't need to kiss my ass." Deanna ruffles his hair, like she did when she kissed him goodnight as a kid.
It takes Sam a moment to find his voice again. "I mean it, Dee. We'll make it work." He says it with this conviction that rises up from somewhere deep. "And I'm gonna be here for you, alright? Every step of the way."
Deanna groans. "Jesus Christ. I knew you'd be like this."
But she's smiling. And Sam allows himself to as well.
“You know Dad would kill us, right? But man, do I wish he was here right now.”
She says it with a laugh in her voice, her face all twisted up; and Sam can't help but remember how he and Jess had talked about kids, vaguely, sometimes, kind of like a concept, a distant dream. How Sam had thought to himself about Dad a lot then, too, the way he never really stopped thinking about Dad and Deanna. He remembers wondering to himself whether Dad would be proud. Whether he'd even want a grandkid; if he'd want to know at all. Back then, Sam genuinely toyed with the idea that Dad wouldn't even care. Never come back, Sam.
It's not the same, now. Holy fuck, this is not the same, and it can probably only be a good thing that Dad's not here to know about this; so Sam pushes away the thought. He puts his arms around Deanna's waist and pulls her as close as he dares.
"It'll be okay," he says again, because he can't think of anything else. Because it has to be.
Deanna's looking at him kinda intently. "Sam, do you think this is Dad's way of like - you know - coming back?"
"Uh - what?"
Deanna shrugs. "Dunno. Just - hormones talking, I guess." She squeezes Sam's hand against her stomach. "Forget I said anything."
Sam's not sure he can. They don't say anything after that.
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delphicfumes · 2 years
Nonviolence has lost the debate:
“Nonviolence has lost the debate. Over the last twenty years, more and more social movements and rebellions against oppression and exploitation have broken out across the world, and within these movements people have learned all over again that nonviolence does not work. They are learning that the histories of purported nonviolent victories have been falsified, that specific actions or methods that could be described as nonviolent work best when they are complimented by other actions or methods that are illegal and combative. They are learning that exclusive, dogmatic nonviolence does not stand a chance in society, at getting to the roots of oppression and exploitation and bringing down those who are in power. 
At best, nonviolence can oblige power to change its masks, to put a new political party on the throne and possibly expand the social sectors that are represented in the elite, without changing the fundamental fact that there is an elite that rules and benefits from the exploitation of everybody else. And if we look at all the major rebellions of the last two decades, since the end of the Cold War, it seems that nonviolence can only effect this cosmetic change if it has the support of a broad part of the elite—usually the media, the wealthy, and at least a part of the military, because nonviolent resistance has never been able to resist the full force of the State. When dissidents do not have this elite support, strict nonviolence seems like the surest way to kill a movement, as when pure nonviolence led to the total collapse of the anti-war movement in 2003, or an enforced nonviolence led to the collapse of the student movement in Spain in 2009. 
In dozens of new social movements around the world, people have gone into the streets for the first time thinking that nonviolence is the way, because contrary to the claims of many pacifists, our society teaches us that while violence may be acceptable for governments, people on the bottom who wish to change things must always be nonviolent. This is why from the Occupy Movement in the US to the plaza occupation movement in Spain to the student movement in the UK, tens of thousands of people who were participating in a struggle for the first time in their lives, who only knew about revolution and resistance from television or from public schools (which is to say, from the media or from the government) overwhelmingly believed in nonviolence. And around the world, experience taught many of these people that they were wrong, that the pacifists, together with the media and the government had lied to them, and in order to change anything, they had to fight back.”
from The Failure of Nonviolence by Peter Gelderloos (Left Bank Books, 2016)
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ppgxrrblove · 2 years
Oh Tumblr..your so predictable...sadly...
Tumblr media
I am sorry, but tumblr's melt down over Roe V being overturn is pretty darn funny, and something to definitely giggle about.
With that being stated I am super glad Roe got shot down, however,...there is always gonna be a however in this situation, these people decided it was a great idea to give the power to the state...instead of letting the people just end it all, instead we get the demo..the full package will cost people lots of protection, and well...this is uncomfortable to type this down but, there will be dead bodies for the full package to occur. Since tumblr folks are having - well tumblr witches, to feminists that I do believe are just plain witches, don't realize that Roe V..shtick is just limited.. sadly, it's a 'win' but not a win in a sense that you basically well send anybody in jail for killing an infants life, they still will be 'protected' using this loosely cause I know that folks will rightfully stop such vil ugly acts that is being done to an inoccent adorable pure life.
Nonetheless this was interesting to see the reaction of how it went down, because not only does it show how fallen society is in whole, but it really oozes out the real monsters that hide usually under ya bed, now they just ratchet rampant on wanting to murder, riot - all for the sake of killing a life that's not theirs anymore once you open those legs :"). Oh, and yes, I know of the satanic rituals that are gonna occur through out this week, cause these offended vile people -childrenofthedeviltobeexact- are gonna be doing some major nasty, illegal garbage stunt that we will all witness together; people dying because they wanna riot, harm peoples property to the people theirselves, which are, Republicans, Consveratives, to Christians including the 'church'(note; using it loosely because I know they will aim at catholics as well, soo, uhhh..if they burn down a false house of worship be my guest, I am gonna be honest; I don't care, you are practicing pagan acts..- like no, however, i dont wanna see people get harmed, call me a hypocrite if you want to, - makes no sense, because i dont want the people to be killed over this rather just want to see the false churchs go down hill, only in this topic dont try to twist it..forgot to mention, really gotta stop editing posts here, yet, once those false churchs get taken down it can be rebuilt again, but with the people worshipping the real lord not a false one..) - never an edgy moment for these vile things without squaking at the church, because they know as much as us christians know that we're the ones that began the whole thing of protecting babies..just like protecting anybody life out there but that can only extend so much...- meaning if you off hunting people down, and said person defends their self resulting to your death - the church nor anybody else will not defend you on your evil actions. Whatever it maybe, not just abortion but other stuff as well..common sense that everybody knows that if you come knocking to wanting to harm a person they have every right to defend theirself, whether you get offended by this fact or not is up to you.
Laughing aside to giggling from said comment I had made...
Am I gonna be sad, - like my comment on the church if they will be sad about such actions occuring? Heck yeah, that ain't a laughing matter..its serious, and it's depressing stuff. It's bleak, that people wanna go this far..it sucks, it really does but God's in control of everything, so I put my trust - everything on God cause i know the ones that are in that occult will end up turning to christ, not all, but some, and those who do thank you for choosing the light.
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