#abuser name drop
cjoatprehn · 4 months
Okay so…this was a poem I made in Escapril 2024, for @adventurerswritingguild’s prompts for the prompts, “A Childhood Memory,” and “Portrait.”
I initially thought it was too personal to post a spoken poetry video for this or to even post outside of the discord. But then I thought about it again, and concluded that it is because it is so personal, that I have to post it. Not for anyone else, but for me.
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I have also scheduled a spoken poetry video. I must state this now. In the thumbnail and video is my late great grandmother Sadie and baby me!
👵🏼 👶🏽
Important disclaimer.
⚠️ No one is to desecrate, violate, or go after anyone mentioned in this video. I don’t want anyone going to fight or try to scrap over this. I don’t want anyone harassing or threatening or anything of the sort towards any names that are dropped. That is a boundary in place.
⚠️ If you do so regardless, you aren’t doing it because of me or even in my name. You’re doing it because you wanted to; not me. You will be removed from my audience and blocked.
This will premiere on May 17, 2024 at 2:30PM.
Yall get my baby pic and a picture of my late great grandmother, Sadie Jones. She passed in her 90s in 2008. I will forever miss her. She was the only one who showed me love.
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nonconstories · 3 months
Someone pissed me off a couple of days ago
So! Below are several links to programs and foundations that promote adult literacy! Hundreds of millions of adults world wide were failed by their education system and now must fend for themselves while trying to read contracts and hospital bills and infographics from the CDC. But they don't have to be alone, and it is never too late to learn!
ProLiteracy: A network of educators, researchers, and advocates which provides research reports, learning materials, and other support to adult education programs. They assist with connecting volunteers to local programs and provide guidance and support to community leaders trying to use their programs' findings to advocate for social and political change.
Adult Literacy League: An adult education program in Central Florida, which aims to provide students with one on one attention to foster growth and confidence. It also offers English Second Language courses and job skills training, and each new student receives a comprehensive assessment to determine the best plan for them.
Saint Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center's Foundational Skills Program: A 100% free adult education program aimed at adults reading below a fifth grade level. It operates year round and is either in person or remote, and they now have a GED testing center that is open to students and the public alike.
Washtenaw Literacy: A free network of trained tutors for adults in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Adult Learning Program (Las Vegas/Clark County): Free education classes to those lacking a high school diploma, those seeking to learn ESL, and adults who read below an eighth grade level. Also assists in students' search for gainful employment. Nevada got so fucked by COVID and the education/literacy numbers in the South West are grim. Please help these guys.
Hawaii Literacy: In addition to helping adult residents of Hawaii Island learn to read and write AND bridging the education gap in Hawaii's underserved children, they offer computer literacy classes, ESL classes, and a bookmobile. 1 in 6 Hawaiian adults struggle to read and write.
#Not Stories#mutual aid#adult literacy#'uuhhhggg its soooo disappointing when i meet a girl who's like 'yeah omg i luv 2 read'#'and then she only reads booktok trash and grocery store thrillers and manga'#'like come on thats such a turn off :/'#'like aren't you bored??? what about reading The Foundation and War & Peace and Grapes of Wrath where's THAT girl haha'#nobody gives a shit what sort of high school reading list gets your dick stiff! NOBODY!#I'm too busy dealing with the fact that most public education systems hate students of color and anyone with a learning disability#from the very bottom of my very dyslexic heart go fuck yourself#'this chick only read 8 books in twelve months lmfao thats so pathetic'#'i read eight books a MONTH some people really give up after high school'#do you think my great grandfather or his father got to fucking finish high school????#or were they busy getting fucking shot at in germany in two different fucking wars????#thank every god you wanna name that my lunatic mother stopped abusing me long enough to put me through FIVE YEARS OF TUTORING#to get ME literate because that's what it fucking took#I watched more than one kid from my underserved semi rural district drop out at 17 or 16 or 15#because their parents needed a third paycheck or they were gonna lose the goddamn house#10% of my majority black school district graduated FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and not an ounce of it was those kids' fault#our racist ass school district failed them and the district did NOT protect my white ass when I was diagnosed dyslexic#the adult literacy crisis is not about you getting a girlfriend who can discuss Ayn Rand with you#the adult literacy crisis is about us being exploited and neglected and made easier to control and manipulate#reading is FUCKING HARD and learning to read after the age of six is SO MUCH HARDER#so from the VERY very bottom of my VERY very dyslexic heart#FUCK. YOU.
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pvremichigan · 4 months
Whoopsie time
#vent tw#cw vent#I'm stupid to have dropped out of college#now I don't know what I'm doing and I can't do the very passion I set out to do#Animation was my dream and I ruined it for a guy who groomed me and ended up physically abusing me.#I didn't realize trying to animate and failing because I don't understand it no matter what I look up about it would result in a breakdown#Not to mention I'm regressing in my art skill right now.#My art is ASS right now no matter how hard I try to improve it#references... Practice... Doodles... Warmups you name it#nothing is going right and I have the urge to quit art altogether#I'm not going to and I can't bring myself to ever do that but It's aching inside me#I want my art to be good according to me. not others. People can say it's great but if I don't like it... I'm not going to settle for it#I shouldn't have left#I loved college#I loved SELU#I loved my life back then#And now I'm here. And I'm not happy anymore.#Even with writing. I even took a long break from writing and I still can't do it right according to myself.#Now I have no muse or motivation for any of it#I feel empty. And I can't go to therapy because I can't afford the balance on my account.#I just feel like I failed.#I feel like I failed my parents and myself. They always tell me theyre so proud of me but I don't understand how they can be.#Not when I ended up in two severely abusive relationships... Dropped out of college twice... And now work in a factory full time.#Yeah i make decent money in a place I enjoy but it all just feels empty.#I could've been more#i could've done better#[[out of ammo]];; ooc
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wompwomf · 6 months
kids these days will want anything to be a trauma story for them
"my dad groomed me" and "im a ramcoa survivor"
and then when you ask them about it they end up describing their dad being a normal loving parent and they just left a church because the pastor was mean once (he was probably pointing out bad behavior in sunday school)
and as a survivor of grooming, i can't say anything on the ramcoa bit, its fucking disgusting how many kids will call me a groomer for wanting to be friends, or for calling them a nickname, you can be friends with people of other ages and not be romantic
and im sorry if this part specifically offends you, but 2-3 year age gap IS NOT GROOMING, grooming is 5 or more years apart when one or both is under the age of 18!! and 17 year olds, stop trying to make every adult out to be a groomer for trying to help you
ive met people who are actual groomers, and people who have been groomed, if an adult inconveniences you YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED, being groomed is when the intent is specifically and clearly romantic and or sexual INITIATIVE FROM SOMEONE OLDER, if you are making advances on an adult, youve been groomed or your fucked up, but that is on the adult to stop or block you!!! YOU making advances and them stopping you IS NOT GROOMING and im tired of people acting like it is!!!
stop pretending to have actual trauma from something non traumatic, when you ACTUALLY get groomed i will listen and console you, if you say your groomed i will believe you UNTIL i hear your story, if your story is just a normal encounter with someone 2 years or older and YOU interpreted it as romantic or sexual, im leaving you and your trauma at the door because I couldn't care less
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here are the definitions if grooming and pedophilia, YOU ARE NOT BEING GROOMED!! if your experience does in fact fit into these definitions, i recommend getting help from a friend or a professional to get out of this problem, whether you are a pedophile, or are being victimized by one, and i sincerely hope everything gets better, my prayers are being sent to you and to a safe recovery 💜
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 2 months
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she ate that one little thing all give her that
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measureyourlifeincake · 2 months
anyway speaking of the new teaser i am admittedly a bit of a lestat hater but after watching that i think this new season might make me enjoy his character a lot more
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
also it's something (better) like, the exercise of deliberately [art imitates life imitates art] holding up Billions to My IRL Things Perspective and going like whaaat would i want for winston. first answer is you want any character to not have been within the scope of the show in the first place, and to exit it since they are. and you kind of get that in the accidental reward in banishing winston, since like in the end it's just that the show doesn't care about him existing at that point But like it's winston sitting there quietly as everyone leaves & turns out the lights & Then he can leave too; others have peaced out & nobody remembers he exists so Now he can go off & do whatever.
but like in true form i think they definitely accidentally baked in another divine reward for winston in that, like, the way he's kept around as fodder for these fun little [pov: enjoy abusing this guy] asides with him, where it Just So Happens that he's autistic as something they're unaware of but is completely relevant to the expectation we understand him to be inferior(tm), it Just So Happens that he's also ""bad"" at not ""causing"" abuse to be turned on him. he's ""bad"" at staying in line. like well yes Yes that's what i want for him. just like In Real Life it's like yeah Ideally i'd want people to be able to extricate themselves from where they're trapped in power structures & i'd want them to have the perspective about it of understanding they're not Inferior / i.e. they are as much a person as anyone else and they're not corrupting everything good / i.e. it wasn't them Bringing It Upon Themselves and it's not them being Destructive by toppling a jenga tower of a hierarchy that happened to be pressing down on them. and winston is the kind of [the ruinerrrrrr] who is Turned On exactly because he keeps acting like someone who's on the verge of breaking out of the [being in line] someone demands of him as autist, employee, whatever other supposed manifestations of [inferior]
like in the 5 second stretches in which winston's allowed to speak before retaliation, it's because he's like "matter of factly" delivering whatever Information that's useful for another plotline. then he Brings It Upon Himself by making people aware that he's Also existing in his own right as a person rather than what they think serves their own deal / what they want from him at all times, perhaps by expressing his personality (didn't appeal to them! so it was Wrong) or not b/c of anything in particular said or done at present, just b/c people have a constant / accumulating contempt for him so their being in the same room as him & able to see & hear him is already dangerous. the [we're just seeing Any Abusive Dynamic in action] continuing apace.
and it's like, well, right there. he's written as acting like someone who doesn't blame himself for how he's treated, which billions frames as being Rude & Mean, and so too does everyone's abusers lmfao like and that these are his moments that are written to be Bringing It Upon Himself. and it's like hell yeah he doesn't blame himself. hell yeah that his self-esteem can manifest as anger at all. hell yeah that he keeps expressing himself with personality & confidence & doesn't even disguise his having been hurt, & it's this [his ass is Not grey rocking] that billions frames as both him "causing" his abuse & making that abuse "successful" lol, wrow just like real life!! and when like speaking of real life yeah it's not "bad" that people Do engage in strategies to mitigate & survive, including things like blaming themselves or being too "boring" to be anything but a non dialogued background character b/c that's all that goes unpunished, it's bad b/c it's done to them at all, not [ohh they're doing it to themselvesss] and like i'm asking myself like Ideally. what do i want Ideally. and i'd want winston to know that it's being Done To Him & i'd want him to find as much room for his personhood & autonomy as possible. and that's basically how he's written anyways, and billions hates that like You See this is why he deserves it this is why he's doing it to himself. and i'm like my god if that's not Inspiration for like "so what if people don't find you Personally Likable" and not preemptively holding back all personality or anything that'd draw attention as if you exist as a person in your own right & not something that only either gets in the way of or serves their wants of a Real person (someone with more power) like hell yeah you have him out here doing it =']
another fun addendum is like, billions isn't getting into it much b/c it doesn't seem to care much about "what if some people were peers & seem to have a genuine, recipcrocal relationship?" but that it just so happened to be like "oh tuk as the next closest loser who deserves it might be nice to winston" while it's framing winston as the "worse" Loser as being....unconditionally supportive of tuk. while the one downside of billions Also giving bentuk as much as it is is that it also inevitably has that shadow of "but ben is Superior to tuk" and like that it's correct that everyone encourages tuk to Stop Bringing It Upon Himself and start being less of a loser; it's wrong for winston to be like hey let's go have a foursome. like yeah probably don't make a list of the women you work with you'd be dtf but it's not like i'm convinced "ah billions and it's strong anti misogyny stance like" roflmao and billions is Not reflecting on "the downsides of unconditional support?" there when winston was beaten up for criticising taylor earlier like we WILL take his ideas while looting his [beaten unconscious] body there but he WAS wrong to express them as though he's BETTER than taylor!!! mafee's beautiful show of loyalty in kicking his ass even when he might agree with the argument and then benefit when it's adopted by taylor anyways! so it's as usual actually purely based on hierarchy & who gets to be in charge of people. it's correct for ben to be in charge of tuk, unless he has to step aside for that bizarre dead-end subplot about how it's tuk's fault if he's treated badly, b/c it's really his own Failure to have Confidence to know he has good ideas [raising our voice to deliver this message over the sound of breaking desks and chairs and computer monitors over winston because he had the confidence to act like he deserved to talk to someone and because he knows his ideas efforts & results are good & valuable around there] like. and isn't it sooo fucked up to talk about who you're dtf in the episode that has it be neutral if your boss is dtf & lets you know but is nice about it (and you're already Correctly tending to their ego, which you're responsible for!) like hey no possible problem! it's not even so much of a problem for a boss man to have the sex they're entitled to & be rude about their leveraging their power in that acquisition that it Stays a problem into the next season. ew, winston is Known (Inferred) Dtf??? we'll use it to exploit His vulnerability, exacerbate it, & punish him further for good measure in another episode that just revels in abuse & violation with a sexual aspect once again, but like, hey tuk don't do that, winston's such a Bad Influence for being like, shrug, kneejerk intervening with the Good Friendship where the One In Charge leaps in & Tells tuk the Correct thing to do. obviously there's also the tragedy that billions will Never let winston push back against Real Winners like rian or taylor in A Way That Matters (actually gets in their way at all) lol like. one thing that would have really been fun, winston should've literal kneejerk started physically fighting wags in either pertinent scene in 7x03 for real 110%. i wouldn't be like Gasp Violence Is Never The Answer if he just hit someone to hit them b/c fuck you. or broke anything on his way out etc etc. billions would Never let him. which is the other side of the same coin of [why he should get to]
tl;dr how great that winston's being "out of line" means he's basically always noticeably flouting & rebelling against the [He Deserves Abuse] agenda lol. that IS what i want. his being "beyond hope" like ohhh he's sooo stupid he doesn't realize how much he has the bad tastes & wrong interests & annoying personality He Will Always Be This Way like hell yeah!!! billions like oh no winston's personhood will never stay tamped down & locked away such that some godawful person tolerates keeping him in their inventory :( ohhh the ABA will never work :( that's right!!!!!!!!!! although they're not sad about it because it's about relishing the promise there will always be True Inferiors you can enjoy abusing with your righteous power over, but like well you wrote him escaping anyways even while dragging other "better" characters into standing around to serve axe's need for more than 1.8 employees and [crickets, reverberating cough, sneaker scuff] like. another ""wrong"" thing for winston to do, another thing for him to not "deserve," which is itself godawful actually lol like lord what it "rewards" its Good, Deserving characters with, no thanks. meanwhile winston's punishment is that he's autistic and """bad""" at being abused like lmfao good for him, fantastic for him, just what i want
#winston billions#a series that did inadvertently power up the stances of someone who actually is Not a fan of ableism; abuse; authoritarianism; and cetera#real winston billions fans might also get written off the series into the ether....but hey. the power up#the ''i saw the autistic character. i saw the tour de force'' was there & it mattered#myself marked glad to be A Ruinerrrrr; to like be present where other people might be aware & even say & do things & [my personality]#throw it back to the last post like my experience going hahaha >:) but you made one mistake. decade old minivan in my name#enough to Get Outta There....but that naturally if it Wasn't that Would be an avenue of punishing / reeling people back in#hey you Stole this from me. hey winston that's Stolen Time and stolen data who give a shit. it's the principle of [we own winston]#my experience also indeed getting ''''worse'''' at being abused lmao i.e. more conflict & resentment as i was increasingly aware i didn't#deserve it. no thanks to much of anything i learned in; say; interacting with others as an autistic person lmao. hmm!#meanwhile even if exploring like Winston Having Fun Being Himself it's like one thing is just. never having the Site of that be like#first & foremost An Romance lol. like even if it's like sure someone could interpret this as romantic that's like; an extra thing#and it's not The Guideline like; not thinking that for winston to be okay he Needs to get on the soulmate track#(billions does think that lol) and like. while billions says winston Has dated (i do think they meant to imply Multiple Times in 5x05#i just think we see that they usually don't care oh so much abt continuity; certainly not across the board) & that he has a crush#like then uhh yeah sure it's like. well i can readily extrapolate then that he's had abusive dating relationships.#billions does Not put forth that someone treating winston Well is where he gets the bulletproof confidence or anything lol#just cursed like again i'm not. i'm not gonna accept [wild you dropped steph into our Visuals as like 1 Confirmed Winston Ex]#but it's also like well then any Depiction would be The Perspective....not like. the abuse currently happening & in any way that is meant#to be ''''obvious'''' & ''''convincing'''' to someone w/no idea what it looks like anyways. vs the mundane ordinary parts that speak to it#or just the ways that experience & concomitant perspective could manifest outside of it even with No look inside it#running into issues like [good thing riawin didn't even hook up or that'd be More vulnerability in an abusive relationship already]#but what if they did & Montage Of Malaise? well to even brush up against inevitable more ''blatant'' things would then either be like#well immediately move Away from that then. before or after but Exit the [current] situation. Or it'd be like. rian has to Reconsider#but a) the character absolutely does not & based on everything will not. & b) if she actually Does; e.g. in a fic. well it's about her now#but i can think of ''yeah maybe winstuk fic that is also framed with bentuk b/c it's not really about Romance & if it's like sure then why#Not presume winston has experiences w/abuse & violation aplenty b/c that's the full context for the character lol it's then still like#and here's little details in which that could Manifest that would just be [??] or unnoticed to others anyways. just like real life!!''
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
As much as I enjoy the hurt/comfort with the Mario Bros, a part of me wishes we could get some more lighthearted fare with them in fanworks. Like, give me the Bros bonding over exploring the MK and enjoying all the nature there. Maybe have them goofing off and sparing with each other using power ups, poking fun whenever one of them gets a sillier one. I just want more cute and fun scenarios is all.
Haha yeah those are super cute idea 😊
As much as I also agree that those types of fics would be great to see more of, in the end, I think it all comes down to what influences the imagination the most.
Remember: the wholesome the relationship, the more the fans fixate on the angst >:3
The Bros have a wholesome relationship, would die for each other, and go through so much for each other in the movie; things that give fans plenty to explore in "what if" scenarios.
I've seen plenty of this in Ash and Pikachu fanfics - back when I first explored the web as a young'un 😌
We know that things end happily in the movie, and the Bros are happy in the Mushroom Kingdom - so it's easy to assume that they did visit those places together. There's not much else to explore there...
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tariah23 · 5 months
I’m sorry but I’m never getting over Kendrick mentioning Drake’s cats name in the diss track bro.
#what the fuck 😭#rambling#I’m done talking about the most of it online because white people and nbs have left a bad taste in my mouth regarding it I feel like#whenever any black shit or art goes viral we have to have the same conversations about how our art is also valid and I just- it’s over with#but my sister and I have been 🧠 in#I’m just glad that more people have gotten comfortable enough to start publicly calling out predators by name#regardless of what sorts of repercussions it’ll have for their careers#especially someone who’s as huge as Kendrick man#that really means something#he’d have to reevaluate the people he works with in the future tho regardless of their legacies (Dr dre…. Kodak black…. and recently#posting a vid of xxxtentation of him eluding to the fact that Drake had him assaulted)#but I could care less about xxx since he’s an abuser as well so what would’ve been the point of calling attention to drake being a creep#towards little girls for over a decade if he’s still willing to work with a convicted rapist y’know?#I’ll always be a Kendrick fan regardless he does show that he cares a ton about our culture and black people and the sacrifices that we#have to make in order to survive and so on… he’s always seemed like a positive guy#obviously you can’t put celebrities on a pedestal but you get it#he’s that guy#I always look forward to whenever he drops any music because I know that it’s going to be amazing and that he actually cares about what he#puts out into the world#he’s not a numbers guy either he just seems to put out what he personally likes and what’s dear to him and it’s always nice to see artists#put their soul into their work#and make themselves vulnerable enough to share with the rest of the world#he doesn’t that all of the time man
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coquettesamosa · 1 year
just finished this one book and i have . thoughts.
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hi! I’m really enjoying Stain! I started reading it right after finishing Wind because I loved your writing so much, it’s actually got me back into reading fanfic after a long slump, so thank you for that! I know this is a ridiculous ask and I’m sorry for even asking, but I was just wondering if the therapist character is going to be prominent moving forward? Tim is the name of my abuser and I know it’s silly but I find it pretty triggering seeing that name when I’m not expecting it. It caught me off guard in the last chapter and now I’m just a bit shaken and worried that it’s going to kill my enjoyment of the rest of the fic. Basically I’m just wondering if he’ll be there a lot and specifically mentioned by name? Again sorry for asking I know it’s dumb. Thank you for writing these beautiful fics, I hope you’re having a great day!
Hi anon,
As someone with PTSD, who has found character names triggering in the past, all I can suggest is that you stop reading and take care of yourself, until you reach a point where the name doesn't cause the same reaction in you anymore.
I've written a story about a character who shared a name with a rapist in my past, and for most of my life I would never have been able to do that, and couldn't even be friends with people who shared his name, and then one day I could write a long multi-chaptered story, and have a lot less problems with the name. Hopefully one day you get a bit more distance that way as well. Therapy and a lot of time helped, and also just not forcing myself to be around it until I knew I could handle it better.
But until then, it's not good to push yourself, and I am not planning this story, but the therapist is definitely mentioned again by name and will likely be in at least one scene in the future.
Since you already know this makes you shaken, the best option is to simply stop reading. It's not dumb to ask at all, you're looking out for yourself, and that way I can give you an informed answer. :)
Reading a story you're enjoying is not worth being triggered, and there are millions of other fics on AO3, and quite a lot of them are good!
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thedroloisms · 7 months
Man I feel the same way. Seeing so many people say “I’m staying neutral! Think of Dream!” With this is… wild. This is a different story, it will never be the same.
like, it's such a different situation from dream? dream's situation involved a direct accusation, while this situation does not. and in dream's situation, if dream was being falsely accused, that doesn't make the situation without repercussions? like, the accusers would be in the wrong. there's a reason why legal action was taken (and continues to be taken in similar situations!) people are sitting here like "well if it's not him-" then she (and the people around her who clearly know the identity of the person in question!) are all collectively staying silent to throw him under the bus?? i guess?? and we're okay with the fact that an innocent man whose identity would easily be cross-referencable by the multiple people who have implied or outright stated that they know the identity of her abuser is getting his reputation thrown into the gutter for no obvious reason i fucking guess??? like
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t4tpumpkinduo · 7 months
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max-nolastname · 1 year
is max even her real name.....
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aftermathing · 1 year
Can everyone please stop pretending Baizhu is secretly evil now?
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reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
watching a show from the 80s/90s and SOOOO fucki ng mad this would be controversial now. this shit sucks we went backwards
#it's quantum leap btw#for anyone who doesn't know it it's about this guy named sam beckett who ''leaps'' through time into people's bodies and changes their life#and he HAS to change it to get to the next leap#like there's one where he becomes a wimpy teenage boy whose sister is engaged to an asshole#and his buddy al (who is w him holographically) tells him she ends up murdered by him or something#and she's already being abused but the show was like 'victims DO get stuck and think they have no choice but to stay'#and basically he gets the fiancé to almost kill him in front of her (and other witnesses) so that she gets the courage to break it off#and there's one where he becomes a beauty pageant contestant whose friend (another contestant) is tricked#by the pageant photographer into taking nude photos he would later sell and she'd leave home and go missing#this dude (as a like. 5'6" woman) dangles the guy out a fucking window and threatens to drop him until he gives them the film#he's also wearing makeup and dresses and heels during the episode and at one point hair extensions#and there IS a new series now and they JUST had an episode w their leaper (named ben song) leaping as a woman#and like he was wearing the dress and heels but no makeup! where's the stewardess required lipstick??#but also the new one is great and has a canon nonbinary character who is so fucking cool#but ALSO the original was like. actually popular and the new one is so fucking underknown#and the original had an episode about an interracial couple during race riots and was very on the side of acab#and had a line about how it didn't actually start that day#that it started with the refusals to hire because of race and when the first baby went hungry because of it and#the cops targeting people for their race and you fucking KNOW that people would be going fucking insane now about it
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