#accounts service
tariah23 · 8 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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aroundthefurgf · 1 year
Hi so yesterday on my birthday I accidentally set my apartment on fire because I left a candle burning before I went to work and everything is pretty much gone I mean all I have is my phone charger and my laptop and my childhood stuffed animals so far from my apartment so anything you could possibly spare would really help me right now
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jmdbjk · 6 months
White Bear Artillery Brigade.
I'm not here to share anything earth shattering or reveal new information. I'm just going to elaborate on what I know and how I see it. Feel free to form your own opinions.
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Ok so, from everything I know, this is how I'm understanding it (long ramble)...
Republic of Korea (ROK) Armed Forces is one of the largest and most powerful standing armed forces in the world. At any given time, it consists of about 600,000 active duty soldiers and approximately 3 million reservists.
Soldiers are automatically transferred to the Reserve Forces upon discharge from their initial active duty service and serve four years in the Mobilization Reserve followed by four years as a Homeland Reservist. No one ever talks about this. They are not "free" following their active duty service. They are still considered reservists.
Jimin and Jungkook are in the White Bear Artillery Brigade of the 5th Infantry Division of the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA).
ROKA itself, the Army, is the largest of the military branches. The other ROK military branches are ROK Navy and ROK Air Force. The ROK Marines are part of their Navy forces.
It might be difficult to fathom the scope and size of ROKA. Here is an outline of the structure. You will need to scroll down a ways to see where the 5th Infantry Division falls. It is under Army Ground Operations and then under V Corps (Corps 5).
The White Bear Brigade consists of the: 195th, 196th, 205th and 988th Field Artillery Battalions. The 196th is also called YELLOW DRAGON.
I do not know which Field Artillery Battalion Jimin and Jungkook are assigned to.
Each of these Field Artillery Battalions are scattered in different locations but tied to the 5th Infantry Division. The 5th Infantry Division's top general controls these Field Artillery Battalions.
And the term "field" only means they are not located at the training base where Jin is.
It means they are out in the "field" in another remote, secluded strategic location, away from the main base, where if necessary, they and their artillery, can be deployed efficiently and rapidly should this action be required.
They don't see Jin any more. He is at a separate location.
The front line between South Korea and North Korea is lined with hills and low-lying mountains, they will be nestled up in there somewhere.
"Field" does not mean they are living in the middle of a farm field in tents, cooking food over campfires. It means they are at a base somewhere in the hills and mountains. This base will hold lots of other soldiers, though not as many soldiers as there are at the original training base where Jin is because that's sort of a hub where they deploy the newly trained soldiers from.
Simple terms: Jimin and Jungkook are out there in the middle of nowhere near the front lines at a base where they take care of weaponry like tanks and the ammo for tanks in case they have to quickly respond to an attack. Heaven forbid.
Anyway. How many ways can I explain that? Obvs a bunch.
Military jobs.
There are probably dozens of jobs that an Army base like theirs requires.
Cooking food to feed all the soldiers is one of those jobs. Cleaning the kitchen after cooking is part of that job. There were rumors since January that Jungkook was a kitchen worker. Those in the K-military call it Kitchen Police. And then JK just said he is cooking rice and cleaning up to the ceiling so that pretty much confirms he is indeed a Kitchen Police.
In the context of him being enlisted in the military and him coming to tell us he is doing good in the military, he is telling us he cooks rice and cleans up afterward.
He didn't mean he sometimes randomly cooks rice in his room. Nor did he mean he made himself a snack. It doesn't mean he also has a second job of cleaning. Everything he does will be associated with the Kitchen Police.
Their days are very regimented and structured. He will be one soldier on a team of soldiers tasked with creating enough food 3 times a day to feed the entire base. It is a full time job.
The rumor for Jimin is that he might be in a role that involves maintenance. Maintenance of what? We don't know. But what we know about Jimin is that he was on the robotics team in school, he has leadership skills, and he made a bunch of LEGO kits and a miniature house model in front of us during several weverse lives. Is he putting together computers? Is he reassembling machinery? We don't know.
The Companion Enlistment Program.
The buddy system was created in 2003 in order to foster better outcomes and psychologically stronger soldiers. It allows those who choose to enlist under this program to be with someone who they can gain this support from throughout their enlistment. That's the whole point. To be together during their enlistment.
The age range is dynamic. Every year this range progresses one year.
For 2023, the age range for this program were those born between Jan. 1, 1995 and Dec. 31, 2005. For 2024, the age range will be those born between Jan. 1, 1996 and Dec. 31, 2006. And so on.
The reason is because only Korean men between the ages of 18-28 are conscripted. 2023 was the last year Jimin was eligible for this program.
The criteria is very specific when choosing this type of enlistment. You can't "game" the system by enlisting in this program for reasons other than the ones the military has set for this type of enlistment. It's the military... they are masters at the "game." Strategy, out-thinking the enemy, creative warfare... that's their gig.
The barracks where Jimin and Jungkook sleep will be the same. The bathroom where they wash up will be the same. The cafeteria where they eat will be the same. Their recreational facilities will be the same.
It's the same base, same facilities. They may not be in each other's faces while they perform their jobs every day, but they see each other EVERY DAY. They sleep together EVERY NIGHT.
Delulu time.
Every time I say that I go "hammer time" and think of MC Hammer and the song starts in my head...anyway... I'm a dork.
I can imagine Jungkook's day starts a little earlier than Jimin's because the kitchen will need to be ready to serve breakfast for the rest of the soldiers.
There might be other teams/groups who also begin their day earlier than others. Perhaps they all gather and do some sort of brief, early morning drills or general chores before heading off to their respective posts/jobs for the day. I don't know, just guessing.
The kitchen team would do things like take in supplies, store the supplies correctly according to regulations, place orders for more supplies, gather the ingredients to make that day's menus, prepare the foods according to specified recipes, serve the food, maintain and clean the serving area, maintain and clean the cooking appliances, cookware, cooking utensils, clean the food trays and eating utensils, clean the kitchen from floor to ceiling, plan and prepare for the next day's menus, doing any preliminary prep like thawing frozen food, etc.
Menus are not decided on a whim. The Army will have set daily menus and have contracts within the country's food industry to provide ingredients and supplies in bulk.
I used to think it was slightly odd to obsess over the food they were being served in the military. But now I'm keenly interested. Is there a jikook food tray account on X?
As I don't really know the details of Jimin's job, I can only guess that he reports to his job, carries out his duties just like Jungkook and just like all their fellow soldiers. His duties may be similar in that he inventories supplies, orders new supplies/parts. Or he might be training for a specific skill like polishing glass for gun scopes or something. I just made that up to use as an example.
Of course, duty on base would be vastly different from combat if they were to actually be activated to fight. I don't want to think about that.
Perhaps during the course of their week, they all attend classes or lectures or informational meetings or whatever. I don't know. That's just a guess. But somehow, information would need to be shared and continuing training would need to occur.
At the end of the day, they'd head back to their own barracks and enjoy their evening of free time. They'd get their phones for a short period of time. From what I understand, depending on their location, their wireless signal may not be reliable or strong.
Maybe they work out. If so, they do it together. They are accustomed to doing that so there's every reason to think they'd also work out together while enlisted.
They can decompress in the company of each other, relaxing, being themselves in the comfort of familiarity. They can talk about things that they accomplished, things they learned or situations they got embarrassed about.
They can make jokes with each other, poke fun at each other, commiserate, empathize, laugh, express frustration or joy with each other.
If they have enough moments of privacy, they can vent about assholes they had to deal with or they can hype the nice people they interacted with during their day.
Or they can just relax in the company of each other in silence and nothing else.
You know... all the things you do with the person you are most comfortable with... the person they wanted next to them sharing the ups and downs of this period of their lives. It works out wonderfully for them.
Then lights out and go to sleep and do it all over again the next day.
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Anyway. I send up my thoughts every day that they are safe, healthy, eating well, and that their bodies and minds are strong. I am thankful they have each other. It is day 97 into their service. 451 days remaining. FIGHTING!
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theamazingannie · 2 years
Saw someone compare password sharing to buying a clothing item and expecting everyone in their family to get the same item for free and it’s like…no. It’s like me buying a shirt and letting my sister wear the shirt when I’m not wearing it. And then being told that I am not allowed to let my sister wear the shirt anymore because she doesn’t live with me. But continue making dumb arguments on the internet, bootlicker
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r3dlnk · 1 month
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As promised in this post, I’d draw the Kingsman agent that won the poll, so here’s Roxy aka Lancelot!! I might make this a bit of a series if people are interested, so please let me know😌
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
I just think that if you pay a subscription for a service it should be illegal to then have pop-ups asking you to pay for more stuff. I want to kill intuit with hammers
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guardianspirits13 · 23 days
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stottlemonk-moments · 3 months
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Stottlemonk Moments:
Monk s06ep16: "Mr. Monk Is on the Run: Part 2"
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit by Elon Musk’s X that had targeted a watchdog group for its critical reports about hate speech on the social media platform. In a blistering 52-page order, the judge blasted X’s case as plainly punitive rather than about protecting the platform’s security and legal rights. “Sometimes it is unclear what is driving a litigation,” wrote District Judge Charles Breyer, of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, in the order’s opening lines. “Other times, a complaint is so unabashedly and vociferously about one thing that there can be no mistaking that purpose.” “This case represents the latter circumstance,” Breyer continued. “This case is about punishing the Defendants for their speech.” X’s lawsuit had accused the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) of violating the company’s terms of service when it studied, and then wrote about, hate speech on the platform following Musk’s takeover of Twitter in October 2022. X has blamed CCDH’s reports, which showcase the prevalence of hate speech on the platform, for amplifying brand safety concerns and driving advertisers away from the site. In the suit, X claimed that it had suffered tens of millions of dollars in damages from CCDH’s publications. CCDH is an international non-profit with offices in the UK and US. Because of its potential to destroy the watchdog group, the case has been widely viewed as a bellwether for research and accountability on X as Musk has welcomed back prominent white supremacists and others to the platform who had previously been suspended when the platform was still a publicly-traded company called Twitter.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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can't believe tumblr is now more functional than twitter that was not on my bingo card for the year
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starlene · 11 months
Since there's a wave of panic on my dash about Tumblr going under, here's a reminder that our best chance of stopping (or at least delaying) that from happening is to buy ad-free subscriptions, checkmarks, and other badges from the TumblrMart.
So if you're worried about the future of this blue hellsite, maybe check out the selection and get yourself a fun badge, or whatever. Badges start from $4/€3.75. You can also gift them to a beloved mutual if you don't want them for yourself.
That is all!
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You are all cordially invited to...
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Welcome to the Buddie Wedding!!
This is my in-depth plan for Buck and Eddie's wedding. (This is what I have to do to get through this hiatus).
✦ Tonight's Schedule ✦:
Part 1 - The Proposal + The Rings Part 2 - The Wedding Party Part 3 - The Invitation + The Guest List Part 4 - The Bachelor Party Part 5 - Wedding Attire Part 6 - The Ceremony Part 7 - The Reception Part 8 - The Honeymoon
Disclaimer: This is not a fic. I am Not a writer by any means. This is more a design concept/creative direction.
I spent a week working on this so I hope you guys like it!!!♡
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leveragehunters · 1 year
An alternative to google docs
To paraphrase a recent post: google docs is pants as a writing tool.
I'm suggesting MS Word as an alternative. Yeah, I know, it's not perfect, but it is (IMO), better than google docs.
But I'm not just suggesting Word when I suggest Word. I'm suggesting a free Microsoft account, which gives you Word and OneDrive.
It only takes a minute or two and a free account gets you:
Word in the browser
A OneDrive with 5gb of storage - now, 5gb might not be much holistically but in terms of text based documents, it's decent. My entire 'Fic' folder is 2.11gb. That's everything I've ever written and all their drafts, wips and their multiple drafts, betaed fics, ideas, writing refs and guidance, archived drafts/fics, AND the 500+ fics I've downloaded as epubs from AO3).
Excel, Outlook, Teams, OneNote - basically the whole Microsoft365 suite - in the browser
I use Word exclusively, both for fic and for work (where I write extensively), and the online version does everything I need. It autosaves, has version control/reversion, and sharing (if that's what you're into), and you can seamlessly copy and paste from Word into AO3's rich text editor - no formatting adjustments required.
Anyway, it's something to think about. If you want to give it a try, the simplest way is to create a new OneDrive account, which will also give you everything else.
Go here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/microsoft-365/onedrive/online-cloud-storage (clickable link)
Click 'Create a free account'.
Click 'get a new email address' and follow the prompts (recommended but not required) or use an existing email address. If you create a new email address, don't actually use it for email. It's just the umbrella the account sits under.
That's it; you're done.
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sebaren · 1 year
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r3dlnk · 3 months
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Finally managed to finish this drawing of Harry Hart aka Galahad :) hope you guys like it!!
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
Deprecare Deum pacis, ut conterat Satanam sub pedibus nostris, ne ultra valeat captivos tenere homines, et Ecclesiae nocere ✝️✝️✝️
John Ward from hit New Blood game Faith: The Unholy Trinity in my inbox
Am I saved? Am I free?
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