#ace hotel london
bubbleddisasters · 2 months
Stupid Shit I’ve done/Gotten myself into by accident/been dragged into as Twisted Wonderland Characters:
Ace : Heard my sister screaming bloody murder downstairs and didn’t do shit because I assumed she was watching a horror movie. Turns out there was a fire in the oven.
Bonus: Sniped my friend in the eye from across the Cafeteria with a Ketchup Packet, Meant to hit his glasses, but he repositioned them at the last second.
Deuce: Answered Maine four times on a Historical Geography test and was wrong all four times.
Cater: Threw my phone out of the window in a panic after seeing one of my Idols followed me back.
Bonus : Accidentally convinced a transfer camper from Wales I was from London after I quoted something in the accent to myself in the showers and was too awkward to tell them I wasn’t when they struck up the conversation.
(I am from America, and the camp is in America.)
Trey: Accidentally created a puddle of Dark Red Icing and Stepped in it four times in a row while making a cake at 2 am.
Bonus : Befriended and helped out the owner of a French Bakery down the street when they started out, they ended up becoming really popular (rightfully so, her stuff is amazing) and now I either get free shit and/or Friends and Family Discounts.
Riddle : I have read the dictionary on multiple occasions out of sheer boredom.
Bonus: I once read the bible and marked down verses. Im not religious I just needed to win an argument.
Leona: Slept through an earthquake and 3 ambulances coming to my house bcs my sister was hurt.
Ruggie: Waited for families going inside to pass by and asked them to hold the door for me so I could sneak into a VIP rooms for free food. (Usually only at fancy hotels but luckily this strategy is flexible when your 5’2 with a baby face.)
Jack: Used to Smash open large rocks containing Crystals or Quartz at the beach as a kid, and now I have a large collection of them.
Bonus: I have extremely good hearing, to the point I hear into the negative decibels up to -15 - -20 (according to the audiologist this is rare but i literally don’t know shit about audio and decibels) so my old dormmates used to try and bribe me to tell them what I heard about certain things or themselves.
Bonus 2: Almost got shot by an illegal hunter while in the woods with my sister.
Floyd : Cracked my skull open at the pool, lost consciousness for a few seconds and woke up in the water calling for help, then got confused on why I was calling for help.
Bonus : A Sea lion once came up to me while I was scuba diving and did little circles, bumped its snout on my mask and just followed me the whole time in a very gleeful manner as a temporary homie.
Bonus 2: Apparently ate / took bites of my moms library books as a little kid (????) according to the librarian.
Jade: Taught myself to untie my hands with my hands behind my back, tie by hands behind my back with my hands behind my back, deciphered, translated and memorized a fictional hieroglyphic language, Read from Act 1 to Act 6 of Homestuck, and accidentally discovered how to disguise Chocolate Ice Cream as Pistachio; all within the span of 2 weeks. (I had covid and was A-Symptomatic)
Bonus : Lived in the Woods for 7 months (in total), had a large bag of mica and Almost Drowned in a tent when there was no moving water nor rain. (Basically, I was asleep, Woke up underwater, nearly went back to bed, then shot out of my tent screaming “My Tent Titanticed!” )
(It was like 3 am don’t judge me)
Azul: Somehow ended up with $2200 dollars in $100s in Monopoly at the end of the game. Also have been stuck between two identical twins while talking with both and boi that shits TRIPPY. (I also almost died with them later but it was fine)
Bonus: I lived on a middle of fuck knows where island during the spring and summer up until covid, yet I absolutely despise eating fish or Shellfish, and the smell often makes me nauseous.
(Bonus 2: I love shiny things, but very specifically fancy looking keys. I also had a weird obsession with signing a shiny contract after watching Ariel. Another tiny thing Is I own a Flotsam and Jetsam Scarf which I chuck around when Floyd or Jade pisses me off ingame.)
Kalim : Got distracted by a cool leaf while at a fancy resort in Xatapa, Mexico, and waddled off from my parents and explored around to try and find more, somehow managed to get extremely far and ended up lost in a whole different city for 6 hours while trying to find my way back.
Bonus 1: I had an obsession with Kiwis for awhile as a kid, and our neighbors house had a Pangium tree that reached over to our yard. (It was planted before either families moved in so we didn’t know) I thought it was some kind of strange Kiwi and ate one. I didn’t like it and was like “Oh maybe its not ripe” and waited 3-5 months then tried it again, same reaction, repeat process one more time.
I went to my parents out of curiosity and asked them what it was, and so after some process I am unaware of but I think my mom brought one of the fruits somewhere, we discovered what it was.
Pangium contains Fatal amounts of Cyanide if not properly prepared. I was fine but for the love of anything please don’t try eating it like little me did.
Bonus 2: I’ve Almost died more times than I can count on both hands and feet. Im not an heir or something fancy I just have wackass luck.
Jamil: Once had to talk my sister out of jumping off a tour boat because our cousin dared her to.
Bonus : Managed to make French Toast in the middle of the woods with Dehydrated Milk, Cinnamon, Three Eggs I stole, and a loaf of bread we got once a month. Also made 3 kinds marinated chicken in the middle of the woods.
(My Cooking Style is literally “just trust me bro.” I’m like Lilia except it actually works and is edible)
Epel : Whenever we went applepicking at my Grandfathers house, I’d climb into the trees and throw or pass the apples down. Sometimes I actually wish I could sit in trees more often shits comfy.
Bonus: My Mom was a Champion Horseback Rider as a kid, and sometimes took us to this Ranch I shall not name for my own privacy, but I’d run around with this group of kids and this one herding dog like a damn movie protagonist, sometimes go riding horses, or the one time we stole a tractor and near crashed it (THE REGRETS I STILL HAVE-) etc.
The WHIPLASH from that to going back to a whitewashed Northeast suburban town is insane.
Rook: My Cousins and I, and sometimes the kids at the priorly mentioned ranch, would play the most intense games of manhunt (basically really intense hide n seek at night) ,
I mean wearing camo if you had it, alliances, little dollar store walkie-talkies, code words, binoculars, climbing in trees or hiding in bushes/tall grasses/Hay to “scout”.
I hid in a large pot/vase more than once and another time on a roof, and (ONLY ONCE, DO NOT DO THIS IM STUPID) under a car.
I still remain the top in last man standing points. Mostly bcs I’m stingy with rescues but shhh
Vil - Accidentally poured a lot of liquid eyeliner into my eye, was literally crying out Eyeliner for 30 minutes. Also taught myself to run and jump in heels as a kid because I thought it looked cool in movies.
Ortho : Unknowingly was Hacking my Elementary School Databank for several years,
I genuinely thought it was normal to go on the school website, press a few buttons and be able to find a friends address if I had a playdate and needed to tell my mom where the house was, a parents phone number if needed communication with my friends parents , and mostly ignored the other general info.
I didn’t even know I did this until my dad told me a few months ago that I almost got suspended for it but by the time they found out it was the end of my last year there. ;—;
Idia: Accidentally acquired both a Nahida and Eula in Genshin and was genuinely annoyed at the time, they are now my most powerful DPS’s…
Bonus : I own a shit ton of original Japanese first edition Pokemon Cards my cousin gave me, (they are probably worth more than me which is neat), and I have a giant pile of Pokemon plushies I have infact fallen asleep on or in on multiple occasions.
Bonus 2: I was playing Breath of the Wild, and my very first thing I did after getting off the plateau was beeline for the castle. I actually got all the way up and took out 2 blights but the Wind one kicked my ass.
Bonus 3: Got confessed to and asked out by a guy I did not like nor knew very well, and I panicked, said “Maybe, Sorry no.” And ran into a wall. Also have crawled through a chute to avoid an awkward situation as a kid (do not recommend its dusty and definitely not safe)
Bonus 4: Once didn’t sleep for 5 days.
Malleus : Accidentally attended a Private Party and a Private Funeral in the same week. I was not invited nor knew anyone present. Stayed there for most of it because I was too nervous to say I wasn’t supposed to be there. Whoop.
Bonus: Got nicknamed the “Trip Curse.” By my Old Dormmates because everytime I went on a trip with them everything seemed to go to shit or get hella chaotic.
Bonus 2: Another camping one: Once woke up at night with a shit ton of fireflies just chilling in my tent. It was serene but also I genuinely thought I was hallucinating for a few minutes.
Lilia: Literally will hang upside down anywhere I can, its so fun bro.
Bonus : I know an extremely large amount of useless historical information, and once genuinely realized I know more about poison than what flour and eggs are used for in baking.
Silver : Once befriended a wild horse ( Im like 90% sure he was a Chestnut).
I called him Clover the Dog like horse because he was honestly just a golden retriever in the body of a horse.
This is great and theres alot of sweet moments, but then theres the times you have a giant horse galloping full speed at you for attention or trying to nudge you affectionately and nearly pushing you into a creek in the process.
Sebek: Got groundstruck by lightning once. Also I am often told I have a loud voice.
Che’nya : a good friend of mine and I have an inside joke at school where if we see eachother through a window (my school has alot of indoor windows for some reason?), we’ll text the other “Behind you.” Or “To your left.”
Theres more things I can think of but I have run out of characters and this is getting too long, so ye!
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edosianorchids901 · 5 months
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Hope Rekindled
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "a reunion hug"
Utah, 1869
Really, Crowley wanted to be asleep. Preferably back in London, asleep, but asleep back in New York would do. Even asleep in any random hotel in the middle of nowhere would do.
But no. He’d gotten himself into this, by talking up how great railroads were for sin and crime and everything, not to mention how much they could expedite demonic work without as many travel expenses. And now, for some reason, Hell wanted a report on two railroads joining up. Big deal.
A twinge of grief tugged at his stomach, and he tried to ignore it as he steered his horse around a bend. Normally, he would think this was a big deal. He’d even tried to get excited about it with the aid of copious amounts of alcohol. But without Aziraphale in his life, everything just seemed pointless.
At least soon, he’d be able to stop riding around following the progress of the Union Pacific and go back to somewhere with a more reliable source of alcohol. Maybe he’d go investigate the rampant corruption of the railroad’s operations. That should make Hell—
“Awfully sorry, but I’ve gotten a bit turned around, do you know the way to—”
Slowly, Crowley raised his head. There, coming around the bend from the opposite direction, was Aziraphale. On a light palomino, dressed in fancy beige clothes that really didn’t belong in this rough and tumble territory. Staring at Crowley with the same shocked horror that Crowley could feel on his own face.
They hadn’t spoken since Crowley asked for holy water. It might be smarter to turn around, to head back in the opposite direction. Aziraphale had to be pissed off at him, for that whole thing.
Crowley gulped and scrambled for words. “Er. Hi. What’re you doing here?”
“Um.” Aziraphale’s lip trembled, and he fumbled with his reins. His horse pinned its ears at the restless fidgeting. “Heaven, um, sent me to witness this great act of unity.”
“‘Course that’s how they see it. Never mind the corruption or theft of land or…” Crowley cut off. Normally, he and Aziraphale would have a rousing debate, a fun debate. But it seemed too risky now. “Hell wants me to witness the expansion of greed n’ stuff.”
“Of course that’s how they see it.” A small, nervous smile tugged at Aziraphale’s expression, and he gestured. “Um, would you ride with me? I’m afraid you’ll have to lead, though. I’m lost. I’ve been following the railroad—”
“No, I’ve been following the railroad,” Crowley interrupted. “I’d definitely have seen you.”
Aziraphale pointed to the west, towards the Central Pacific’s line. “The other railroad, dear boy.”
“Oh. Right. Opposite Sides, of course.” Frowning, Crowley tried to figure out why Heaven would be backing them. “Are they somehow less shady than the Union Pacific? At least, in Heaven’s eyes.”
“I believe they’re both rather reprehensible. But I happened to be in San Francisco, fomenting peace.”
“Right. I happened to be in New York, fomenting chaos.”
They stared at each other, their horses now both looking impatient. Finally, Aziraphale gave a little sigh. “Well, do you know where we’re supposed to be going?”
“Er. No, actually. I’m slightly lost too.” Crowley looked around, but he couldn’t catch a glimpse of any of the trails or sections of rail from here. “Guess we could just ride until we find the railroad, follow that.”
A very familiar look crossed Aziraphale’s face now, shy but mischievous. “Or. We could, um. Share a drink and a snack. I still have a very nice bottle of wine that I brought with me from San Francisco. And some absolutely lovely little cakes that I got at the last town. I’m sure the newspapers will paint a vivid enough picture for us to write our own reports.”
“Really?” Startled, Crowley pushed his hat back to see the angel more clearly. Aziraphale was blushing a little. “Wow, am I just that bad of an influence, or have you been dodging your duties this whole time?”
“Well, you are a dreadful influence.” Aziraphale gestured to a shrubby patch of trees. “But in truth, I’d much rather enjoy the serenity of nature than to watch humans get into a measuring contest over whose railroad tie is longer.”
Crowley sputtered, and Aziraphale gave him an entirely innocent smile. As always, it was impossible to be completely sure whether Aziraphale was completely oblivious or fully aware of the innuendo.
“Right. Okay.” Yielding, Crowley tipped his hat and struggled off his horse. His hips and legs throbbed, and he gritted his teeth against the pain. Riding horses was always a torture of its own.
“I’ll tie the horses, shall I?” Aziraphale asked, already taking the reins.
His fingers brushed against Crowley’s, and both of them froze. Crowley battled the urges that barraged him. To babble apologies, to demand apologies, to wrap Aziraphale in a hug and never let go again.
Before Crowley could make up his mind, Aziraphale did. The angel dropped both sets of reins, stepped forward, breaths shaky, and wrapped his arms around Crowley’s waist. It was a tentative hug, shy and unsure, his fingers worrying at the fabric of Crowley’s jacket.
“I missed you,” Aziraphale whispered, and tried to pull away.
But Crowley had finally regained his senses. He hugged Aziraphale back, holding him close, and pressed his face into the soft curls. Their hats knocked together, his own nearly sliding off. “Missed you too.”
Apparently, Aziraphale found this just as embarrassing as Crowley did. When they let go of each other and stepped back, they studiously avoided each other’s gaze. Aziraphale took the horses over and tied them to a sturdier tree, and Crowley snapped a blanket into existence for himself and Aziraphale to sit on.
“Here we are.” Still avoiding eye contact, Aziraphale joined him with the wine and cakes. “I don’t suppose you have any goodies to contribute?”
“Unfortunately not. Haven’t been hungry lately.” Crowley’s hand shook, but he held it out anyway. “Today, cake sounds terrific.”
As Aziraphale passed him a little iced cake, their eyes met. Aziraphale smiled, just a little, and Crowley smiled back.
At first it was awkward, talking again after all that had happened. They skirted around any complicated topics, mostly just updating each other on things. But after only a few minutes, it became easier. And in no time, as they drank wine, ate cakes, and laughed together, it was as if they’d never been upset with each other at all.
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trendfilmsetter · 26 days
Apple Music’s ‘100 Best Albums of All Time’ list:
#1. Lauryn Hill — The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
#2. Michael Jackson — Thriller
#3. The Beatles — Abbey Road
#4. Prince & The Revolution — Purple Rain
#5. Frank Ocean — Blonde
#6. Stevie Wonder — Songs in the Key of Life
#7. Kendrick Lamar — good kid, m.A.A.d city
#8. Amy Winehouse — Back to Black
#9. Nirvana — Nevermind
#10. Beyoncé — Lemonade
#11. Fleetwood Mac — Rumours
#12. Radiohead — OK Computer
#13. Jay-Z — The Blueprint
#14. Bob Dylan — Highway 61 Revisited
#15. Adele — 21
#16. Joni Mitchell — Blue
#17. Marvin Gaye — What’s Going On
#18. Taylor Swift — 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
#19. Dr. Dre — The Chronic
#20. The Beach Boys — Pet Sounds
#21. The Beatles — Revolver
#22. Bruce Springsteen — Born to Run
#23. Daft Punk — Discovery
#24. David Bowie — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
#25. Miles Davis — Kind of Blue
#26. Kanye West — My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
#27. Led Zeppelin — Led Zeppelin II
#28. Pink Floyd — The Dark Side of the Moon
#29. A Tribe Called Quest — The Low End Theory
#31. Alanis Morissette — Jagged Little Pill
#32. The Notorious B.I.G. — Ready to Die
#33. Radiohead — Kid A
#34. Public Enemy — It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
#35. The Clash — London Calling
#36. Beyoncé — BEYONCÉ
#37. Wu-Tang Clan — Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
#38. Carole King — Tapestry
#39. Nas — Illmatic
#40. Aretha Franklin — I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
#41. OutKast — Aquemini
#42. Janet Jackson — Control
#43. Talking Heads — Remain in Light
#44. Stevie Wonder — Innervisions
#45. Björk — Homogenic
#46. Bob Marley & The Wailers — Exodus
#47. Drake — Take Care
#48. Beastie Boys — Paul’s Boutique
#49. U2 — The Joshua Tree
#50. Kate Bush — Hounds of Love
#51. Prince — Sign O’ the Times
#52. Guns N' Roses — Appetite for Destruction
#53. The Rolling Stones — Exile on Main St.
#54. John Coltrane — A Love Supreme
#55. Rihanna — ANTI
#56. The Cure — Disintegration
#57. D’Angelo — Voodoo
#58. Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
#59. Arctic Monkeys — AM
#60. The Velvet Underground & Nico — The Velvet Underground and Nico
#61. Sade — Love Deluxe
#62. 2Pac — All Eyez on Me
#63. The Jimi Hendrix Experience — Are You Experienced?
#64. Erykah Badu — Baduizm
#65. De La Soul — 3 Feet High and Rising
#66. The Smiths — The Queen Is Dead
#67. Portishead — Dummy
#68. The Strokes — Is This It
#69. Metallica — Master of Puppets
#70. N.W.A — Straight Outta Compton
#71. Kraftwerk — Trans-Europe Express
#72. SZA — SOS
#73. Steely Dan — Aja
#74. Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral
#75. Missy Elliott — Supa Dupa Fly
#76. Bad Bunny — Un Verano Sin Ti
#77. Madonna — Like a Prayer
#78. Elton John — Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
#79. Lana Del Rey — Norman F*****g Rockwell!
#80. Eminem — The Marshall Mathers LP
#81. Neil Young — After the Gold Rush
#82. 50 Cent — Get Rich or Die Tryin'
#83. Patti Smith — Horses
#84. Snoop Dogg — Doggystyle
#85. Kacey Musgraves — Golden Hour
#86. Mary J. Blige — My Life
#87. Massive Attack — Blue Lines
#88. Nina Simone — I Put a Spell on You
#89. Lady Gaga — The Fame Monster
#90. AC/DC — Back in Black
#91. George Michael — Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
#92. Tyler, The Creator — Flower Boy
#93. Solange — A Seat at the Table
#94. Burial — Untrue
#95. Usher — Confessions
#96. Lorde — Pure Heroine
#97. Rage Against the Machine — Rage Against the Machine
#98. Travis Scott — ASTROWORLD
#99. Eagles — Hotel California
#100. Robyn — Body Talk
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hoodharlow · 1 year
No One Else
AN: I'm so sorry I haven't posted this. I was struggling with the beginning and cut a bunch of stuff bc I wasn't vibing. Anyways we get to see Jack work on No Enhancers 🤞🏻 and tyyy to @nattinatalia for the Oscar Isaac edit <3
Requested? 2 of my lovely anons sent in concepts that fit the chapter <3
Warnings: almost smut, brief tension/angst and mentions of vomit
Word Count: 3.8k words
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Miriam hugged her Max Mara teddy coat tighter. She was outside in the private landing strip waiting for the jet to open. Jack and his team were in Berlin for one of his shows last night and they flew back to London earlier today because Jack is one of the honorees for GQ's Man of the Year awards. The ceremony was being held later in the evening. Miriam was in London because she was presenting her co-star, Oscar Isaac, at the GQ awards as he's also an honoree. 
In addition to that, Miriam was also in London for work. The show she was filming with her mom and Aaron Taylor-Johnson was going to have time jumps throughout the season, but they filmed everything from the past first in Atlanta then the 'present'. The present was taking place in London so that's why she was there with AaronTaylor-Johnson. Her mom's character was only needed for the 'past' scenes. The present is actually the ongoing investigation of her character's random death and the past were what led up to her mysteriously passing.
The private jet finally opened and Jack and his team came trailing behind. Miriam smiled seeing Jack thud down the steps, dick first, but her smile curved down when he walked past her. He turned around and scratched his head as he walked towards her.
"Oh shit I almost didn't recognize you with your new hair." He joked. 
"You're not funny." Miriam deadpanned. 
Her hair used to reach the middle of her back but she cut it for work and now it's up to her shoulders, but when she straightened it reached her shoulder blades. She was supposed to wear a wig to indicate the time jumps in the show, but the hair stylist couldn't get it to fit without making it obvious she was wearing a wig. So Miriam suggested that they just cut her actual hair to the length they wanted. Either way she was due for a trim because her ends were a mess. Now she rocked curls in a lob. 
"I'm just playing." He said, leaning down to kiss her, but she curved him. 
"What's your girlfriend gonna think?" She joked. 
"I don't know, what do you think?" Jack retorted. 
Miriam rolled her eyes in response. 
Jack laughed and pulled her into a deep kiss. He slipped his hands inside her coat and slid them down to her ass. He backed Miriam into the SUV. Jack wedged one of his legs in between hers and let her slowly rub herself against his gray sweats. Miriam stood on her tippy toes, pulling him closer. They slowly devoured each other, bodies melting into each other.
Urban cleared his throat dramatically, “You nasties saw each other a week ago fucking chill.” 
“I swear I heard the pornhub theme song the second y’all started dry humping each other.” Ace piped up behind them.
“You wish we were on pornhub.” Jack said, hugging Miriam from behind. 
“Whenever you guys are ready we can get back to the house.” Miriam said. 
“Yeah, me and Urb are staying at the hotel with the rest.” Ace said.
Urban nodded. “We would like to actually sleep and not hear you two go at all night.” 
“We’re not gonna go all night, just all afternoon.” Jack smirked. 
“I can’t stand you.” Miriam rolled her eyes then got in the car. 
Jack jogged to the sprinter van to let his managers know he and Miriam were leaving. They told him that they were getting picked up at seven. He got in the back seat of Miriam’s car and then Beto drove them back to her family’s house. 
They arrived half an hour later. Miriam led him inside the house. In the living room were the twins watching tv. 
“Shit let me get my noise canceling headphones.” Joseph joked, seeing Jack and Miriam walk passed them. “I want to sleep tonight.” 
“It was one time–” Miriam began but she was cut off by her older sister.
“No because these two snuck off to fuck and they were found in a broom closet because of Miriam’s loud ass moans.” she told her twin. 
Miriam rolled her eyes as her siblings imitated her and her sex sounds. She grabbed Jack’s wrist and tugged him upstairs. Her siblings always found ways to embarrass her in front of Jack. He found it endearing that her siblings liked him enough to include him in their banter and teases. 
“I’m gonna hop in the shower.” he said once they reached her room. 
Miriam nodded as she took off her coat and hung it on its hanger. She felt Jack’s eyes on her ass. She overslept and rushed to get ready to pick him up, so she threw on the first pair of leggings she found. What she realized later was that they were a pair of worn out leggings that looked like panty hose around her ass with how thin they got in that area. Thus revealing the bright pink thong she wore under.  
“Don’t start.” She warned him. 
“I haven’t said anything.” Jack said defensively. 
“But I know you.” Miriam eyed him. 
Jack didn’t respond. He went into her bathroom and showered. Fifteen minutes later, he came out with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. Miriam laid in her bed reading a book with her knees bent in only a t-shirt, giving Jack a peek of her thong. He put on some navy blue boxer-briefs. After he did his after shower routine, he climbed on top of Miriam and laid on her chest. He sighed contently and nuzzled his face into her breasts. 
Miriam bookmarked her book and set it aside. She brought her hand down and gently scratched Jack’s scalp. 
“Are you hungry?” She asked him. 
“Not right now. I wanna catch a quick nap.” He mumbled.  
“Okay.” She nodded. 
Miriam kept playing with his hair, eventually making her way down to his shoulders. She rubbed her thumbs into his shoulder blades, earning a moan from Jack. He was tense as fuck. 
“Get off.” she told him. 
“Why?” Jack frowned.
“You’re stiff as fuck.” 
“My dick isn’t even on you, how did you know?” He smirked.
 “No, bro, seriously, I can feel that you're tense. Are you good?” Miriam asked him softly. 
“I’m good.” He insisted, trying to shrug it off.
When he started his tour, Jack had been working on his new album to pass the time. Ever since he performed at the Today Show he confessed to Miriam that he had been feeling overwhelmed and overworked, but at the same time it felt like he wasn't doing enough for him and how he had to keep pushing himself to keep the momentum going.
“Let's talk about it later, yeah?”
Miriam nodded, not wanting to pressure him. She got out from under him and grabbed a lotion. Taking advantage that Jack was still laying on his back, she straddled his ass. Miriam pumped a generous amount into her hand and smacked it down on Jack’s back. She rubbed all over his back then she applied more pressure onto him. She worked her fingers into his shoulder blades, making him groan. 
"Fuck, Miriam," he whined, "You're so good to me." 
"Can you lay on your back porfis?" She asked him.
"Yeah," he nodded.
She got off him allowing him to roll on his back. Jack patted her thigh and Miriam straddled him once more. She put some more lotion on her hand and rubbed his on his chest. 
Jack smiled to himself watching Miriam be so focused and diligent. She took her time massaging him. Once she was done with his body she moved up to his neck and face. 
"You're my favorite view." He said as he was eye level to her breasts. 
"You're annoying." She shook her head, smiling. 
"I was expecting a more sarcastic response." He 
"I wasn't in the mood to banter." She shrugged. 
"But you love my banter." Jack frowned playfully. 
"Who said that?" Miriam giggled. 
She looked down at his lips then back his blue eyes. She was about to pull back but Jack held her in place by her neck and claimed her lips. It was a slow kiss. She had one hand on his chest balancing herself as Jack moved his hand to cradle her face. His other hand tightly gripped her thigh. He moaned into her mouth, feeling her slowly rutted her hips against the very tall tent in his boxers. 
Miriam pulled away and sat, removing her baggy t-shirt. She cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a needy kiss. Jack pushed her down on the bed and continued kissing as Jack skillfully managed to pull her panties and pulled down his boxer-briefs, just enough to get his cock out. 
They were interrupted by a loud shriek and her bedroom door slamming shut.
"Miriam, if you're gonna fuck have the decency to close the fucking door." Joseph yelled through the door. 
"Hola Vogue, soy Miriam Dominguez and today I'm going to show y'all how I do a simple red carpet glam for tonight's GQ event." Miriam said into the tripod she set up in her large bathroom. 
She was filming a Vogue Beauty Secrets video. Originally she was going to do a video of her nighttime routine for when she got home after a long day of filming. But she procrastinated and now she was filming a grwm video. She was going to straighten her hair as well but the nap she and Jack took was longer than expected. 
Miriam caught herself in the bathroom's reflection. Her neck and some of her cleavage were marked up. 
She looked at the camera like she was in the office and said, "But first we're going to do a quick lesson on how to cover your hickies because my partner is part octopus." 
She pulled out her cream color kit. Miriam explained color theory and how complementary colors work in order to mute each other so foundation could cover what needed to be covered. 
"See, like nothing." She showed the camera. She was about to put it away but then she remembered that Jack’s neck looked like hers. 
Almost like he sensed she needed him, Jack walked in the bathroom with a matcha for her. He was wrapped up in a fluffy robe and had some gel patches under his eyes. When they woke up from their nap, Miriam noticed he had some dark circles from not properly resting. So she put some hydrating gel under eye patches on him so they could make him look more awake. She also put on a pimple patch on his forehead. 
"Sit," she motioned at the bidet. 
"I was joking when I said we should film a sex–" 
Miriam clamped her hand over his mouth. "I'm filming for Vogue." 
"Oh," he said softly. 
"Let me cover your hickies, so your manager doesn't beat my ass." She said. 
"I've seen you kickbox, you can take Neelam." He joked.  
Miriam rolled her eyes and got to work. She did the same technique she did on herself, but the only difference was that Jack's hickies were more pronounced because he had lighter skin than her. She also made a foundation base to go on top of his covered hickies that matched his skin tone. 
"All done." She said rinsing the pallette where she mixed her colors. 
Jack got up and inspected himself. He had no idea how Miriam managed to do that. His neck and collarbones were all one even shade. He wasn't even sure where Miriam marked him up. 
"You're fucking talented." He said, sitting back down on the Bidet. 
Miriam smiled and went on doing her makeup. She did a set by set process on how she prepared her face with sunscreen, toner, moisturizer and primer. Jack leaned against the sink and watched her in awe as she talked to the camera. He had no idea what she meant but he couldn’t stop staring. Miriam sighed, reaching for a clean makeup wipe. It was her fourth attempt at doing a cute eyeliner design. She wasn't good at eyeshadow so she mainly stuck to one color then did a fun design with eyeliner. 
"Am I distracting you?" Jack asked. 
"A little." She said, quietly. 
"I'll leave you to it then." He said. 
"No, it's fine." She waved him off. 
"I know you, bro. I gotta work on some stuff anyway." 
He got up and squeezed her hips as he passed through. 
Miriam smiled to herself then dabbed some more of the soft orchid liquid eyeshadow on her pallette and dipped her thin eyeliner brush over it. She went on talking about Halsey's brand, About Face, has some of her favorite colors to work with for eyeliner looks. She also talked about her look for the night. 
It was a vintage long black dress from Gianni Versace’s Fall-Winter 1994. It had the iconic gold-tone Medusa buttons going down the length of her dress. The back was held together with a long strip that went down the middle of her back kinda like overalls. Since the gold buttons were a lot Miriam was keeping her accessories to a minimum. Once she finished her makeup she thanked Vogue and went to her room so she could upload her video to the Vogue team so they could edit and post it in afew days. 
She found Jack sitting on her bay window with his MacBook and a notebook on his lap. She liked watching him in the zone. She just hoped that he wasn't pushing himself too much. She knew that he wanted to work on something new that felt more personal to him. She read a few lines that he showed her when she visited him on tour back in October and as a fan she was excited to see where he took his music this time around. 
"I can feel you starin'." Jack said, putting his things off to the side. 
"Damn, I can't admire my man." She said in a playful tone. 
"Knowing you, no." He said sarcastically. 
Miriam sat on his lap and ran her nail along the designs of his robe. It was them when noticed that she got them done. They were long and nude pink. 
"What are these called?" He said intertwining their fingers together. 
"Acrylic nails." She replied. 
"No smartass, the shape." 
"Oh," she giggled. "These are coffin shaped. Why do you ask?"
"Just wonderin'," he shrugged, looking down at his notebook.
Miriam via Instagram Stories
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"Work husband?!" Jack confronted Miriam when she walked in the studio. 
Jack, Urban, Ace, and Nickie were at a friend's studio while Jack recorded some of his songs. Miriam had the day off from filming but she spent the day self taping for an audition. She finished that and went to Nandos to bring them food.
"Huh?" Miriam looked at Nickie, Ace, and Urban confused. 
"Bro, they're eating me up on Twitter." He said, passing her his phone. 
'Dating a bad bitch like Miriam Dominguez is not for the weak. Idk how Jack Harlow is dealing with this.' 'What if Miriam calling Oscar Isaac her work husband was Jack Harlow's 13th reason?' 'Jack Harlow and Oscar Isaac's wife are braver than any US Marine.' She read the tweets to herself. Evidently annoyed, she passed him back the phone. "I'll delete it damn. It was just a joke." 
"Bro I'm just kidding, why are you getting so worked up?" Jack asked in an irritated tone. 
"And that's our cue." Urban mumbled as he walked out of the room with Ace and Nickie trailed behind him, taking the food she brought them. 
"What's up? Like everything was good and then you brought down the vibes." Jack told Miriam. 
"Oh so my presence bothers you. Got it." She said, turning on her heel. 
"Miriam, that's not what I meant." He sighed. "Obviously something is up, and you're taking it out on me." 
"I'm fucking done." She said with her voice cracking at the end. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so tired. I'm so fucking overwhelmed and…and…"
She didn't finish her sentence. She ran to the nearest trash can and threw up everything she had for breakfast which wasn't much to begin with. One of the tell-tale signs that Miriam was going to have a panic attack was that she threw up. Jack had seen her have her fair share and knew the drill. He knelt behind her and gathered her curls into an oddly shaped bun. He helped her out of her coat and rubbed her back whilst she vomited once more. 
"Let's go outside and get you some air." Jack said softly after a few minutes. 
Miriam nodded and stood up with his help. Jack draped her coat over her shoulders and took the trash bag out of the trash can. They made their way out to the parking lot. He sat her down on the curb while he went to throw away the bag in a large trash can. The guys were in the sprinter van eating so he went over to get some water, hand sanitizer, gum, and wet wipes for Miriam. 
"Here." He said, sitting next to her. 
Miriam took a generous sip of the water, swishing it in her mouth before spitting it out. She cleaned her mouth and hands then popped the gum in her mouth. 
"I'm sorry for blowing up in your face like that." She said quietly, resting her head on knee. 
"Can I ask what made you upset?" He asked, gently pulling her curls out of the bun he did. 
"I got my schedule for Poison Ivy. We start rehearsals on the 28th." She sighed. "I thought I was going to have a few weeks off to rest. But I don't even get a week off. We're scheduled to finish filming the show on the 23rd. I won't be able to fly home." She said before tearing up once more. 
"C'mere," Jack said, pulling her to his chest. 
"I'm so exhausted." She sighed defeatedly. "The show is draining. We're doing fifteen episodes and each one is somewhere between forty minutes to an hour long which is rare for a show on a streaming service."
"I'm sorry." 
"Jack, you have nothing to apologize for." 
"I know but part of me feels like I should." He said, making her snort. 
Miriam nuzzled against his chest. That was when she noticed he was only wearing a long sleeve. 
"Bro, why are you only wearing a long sleeve?! Let's get inside before you get sick and your manager beats my ass." She quickly got up and pulled Jack upright. 
"I'll be fine." 
"Inside now." She said sternly.
"Inside you? Out here? In the parking lot? Damn, you're a freak, Miriam." He smirked. 
"You're so unserious." She rolled her eyes. 
They went back inside. Surprisingly Miriam had an appetite and ate her food. While the guys went over the beat of a song where Jack talked about himself through different ages of his music career, she pulled out her sketchpad and worked on her designs. It was her design for the upcoming Met Gala. They announced the theme a few weeks ago at Paris Fashion week so she was getting a head start because she was making her own outfit. 
If Miriam were being honest, she didn't like the theme. Sure Karl Lagerfeld was iconic, but he'd done her mom and sister dirty. In the 90s he didn't believe that Isabela was the right look for Chanel. Then when Katalina started modeling he would take her out of runway shows at the last minute because she wasn't fitting the vibes for the show and then would get replaced with a white model. There were also some comments he made about women and diversity in fashion that just gave Miriam a bad taste in her mouth. It was also why she didn't own that many Chanel pieces. She didn't feel comfortable spending her money on someone who had those ideals. In addition to him, she stopped supporting brands like: Dior, Dolce and Gabbana, Carolina Herrera and Alexander Wang. 
She was invited to the Met Gala but she was planning on walking the red carpet. Though she was positive that what she had planned to wear would get her banned from future Met Galas by Anna Wintour, that wasn't going to stop her from doing what she was going to do. 
"Are you busy?" Jack asked, walking up to her. 
"No, what's up?" Miriam asked, closing her sketchpad. 
"Wanna do some backup vocals for me?" 
"You have to contact my manager for payment methods." 
"I got a few options but I don't think your mom would want to know what they are." He smirked. 
"Okay, jokes aside, my mom does need a contract or whatever y'all have to have on file." She said. 
"I'll have Chris send it to her." He reassured her. 
"Okay, what do you need me to do?"
Jack pulled her to the soundboard. Miriam sat on one of the spinning chairs and listened attentively to Jack as he explained he wanted her to do a short freestyle at the end for the outro of the song. Truthfully, she was nervous. She's never done something like that. Sure she's quick with her comebacks, but this was different and she didn't want to disappoint Jack.
"Okay we're gonna play the song a few times so you can get a feel for it and when you're ready just go for it." Nickie told Miriam. 
"Okay," she nodded, giving him a toothless smile. 
Miriam made her way to the soundbooth. She removed her blue sweater vest and tossed it at Jack. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and put on the headset. She kicked her feet on the stool, waiting for the song to play. Within the first seconds, she knew it was the instrumental of the song he wrote for her over a year and a half ago. The lyrics were different from the original. She figured since he used part of the original lyrics in Lil Secret. 
She smiled to herself when Jack rapper 'and my baby she a natural.' It had more than one meaning. Of course the obvious was that Miriam has a natural body and she hadn't got any cosmetic surgery done. But the second meaning was something he would sometimes tell her when he'd catch her belting out ballads and be impressed at how effortlessly she would sing. 
At the mention of her nails, she looked down at hers. They were exactly like the ones he described in the song. They were her go-to design when she wanted to get her nails done but didn't want to commit to a color or design. 
She listened to the song a few more times and eventually she said, "I can't believe you said 'You know I make you laugh like no one else' as if my job isn't acting and I know to fake laugh. Hell, I even fake org–"
"That's good." He cut her off, making her cackle loudly. 
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@'mdm: in my pop girl era
@'jackharlow: relax, you're just doing backup vocals for me
-> @'jackfan: backup vocals?!?!?! Are we getting a new album
->@'fanofjack: bffr, when would he have time to make it?
->@'anotherjackfan: they're probably just messing around, they're both busy working
@'urbanwyatt: "urb take pictures of me like I know what I'm doing"
-> @'mdm: shushhhh
@'mackshipper: omg they're gonna pull a Big Sean and Jhené Aiko and make a joint album
->@'hater: as if Jack and Miriam had their talent
@'haileesteinfeld: obsessed <3
View all 46,723 comments
Taglist: @cherry4everrr @heavyhitterheaux ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezyxo @youngharleezy ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @a-moment-captured @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract
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233 notes · View notes
around1302 · 1 year
SPARE PARTS: a series
(W) strong language, oral (male receiving)
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Cheers ring throughout the arena, thumping so loud even the floors shook. Charlie watches off stage, hands over an agape mouth as she tries to process just how proud she is – which is a pretty impossible feat. Amelia’s screams deafen her from the left, her own jumping adding to the shakes and only making her husband worry because a woman only two months from her due date definitely shouldn’t be moving like that.
(Even if she insists she knows what’s doing by the third time round).
“Oh, my God, this is going straight to his dick,” Liam laughs, whistling so loud that a few fans nearly spot them hidden behind the curtain. It was absolutely essential no one saw them – this wasn’t their night in the slightest.
“Thank you so much London!” Louis belts to the crowd one last time, trying his best to soak those emotional final few moments in before descending and joining his friends backstage.
They all scream, engulfing him in a suffocating group hug Amelia’s forced to bow out from early. Louis is clearly high on adrenaline, nearly shaking with the thrill of it all, as his former bandmates lap over each other to congratulate him.
“God, it felt so weird at first,” he pants, nodding his thanks toward the crew member who handed him a water as they all made their way to the tour buses. His tour buses, “being up there alone, but it was incredible. I just want to go out there and do it all again.”
“Good job you’ve booked a whole ass tour then,” Niall grips his shoulders, kissing the back of his sweaty head.
“Lou, you were fucking ace!” Zayn shouts over the phone Liam nearly forgot he was holding. It’s a miracle the signal and battery even held up in the 02, especially from Zayn’s hotel in Florence.
“How’s the exhibition going?” Louis responds, taking Liam’s phone to face Zayn for a minute.
The five of them climb onto the buses, each taking a minute to gasp at how different it is. Like slipping on an old cardigan, they all expected to see the red leather they were so used to and the posters they’d chosen and the always stocked mini fridge. This bus is all Louis now.
“So good,” Zayn begins to break up as the bus quickly sets off to Louis’ London apartment, “I had a buyer yesterday, meeting with him after tomorrow’s gallery opening.”
Everyone gives their congratulations, then Louis hangs up the phone before Zayn turns into nothing but a blob of pixels, handing Liam’s phone back to him.
“I’ve never seen a crowd like that,” Niall shuffles on the sofa he would never say is uncomfortable, but, well. It’s no Spare Parts tour bus. “So impressive mate.”
Amongst the pumped up conversation about Louis’ first solo show, Charlie feels her silenced phone buzzing away in her back pocket. Pulling the device out, she can’t help the small smile that makes it’s way onto her face – earning knowing groans from the others.
There’s only one person who can elicit that smile.
“Just answer it.” Louis chuckles.
“It’s just because I told him to call if there was an emergency–”
“Answer it before I do!” Amelia intercepts, throwing a cushion at Charlie. She barely catches it before it hits her face, so as she stands to take the call, she sticks her tongue out at her best friend.
And a finger.
Charlie hears a muted, “love you too!” as the door to the bunks close and she’s alone.
“Hi,” Charlie accepts the FaceTime, unable to hold back her smile as her husband comes into frame. “Everything okay?”
“Look,” he holds up a toy, specifically a 2 year old Rubik’s cube that aims to help with colour awareness. Charlie thought it was dumb, but it’s hard to argue with Harry when it comes to Reagan. “Our kid’s a genius.”
Charlie scoffs. The cube has one side completed in red, all four squares.
“Our kid’s two years old,” Charlie cocks her head, “but did she really do that?”
“Yep, we sat there for like an hour–”
“Well her fingers aren’t the strongest.”
Charlie breathes out puffy laughter.
“Who did the cube?”
A pause. Tired eyes crinkling at the seams.
“Okay, so I physically did it, but she told me where to go!”
“Rae can say, like, five words, she did not.” Charlie loudly guffaws. Then she realises Harry’s been whispering this whole time, so she quickly clamps her mouth. “Is she asleep?”
“Yes,” Harry yawns, “took fuckin’ forever.”
“Hey! No swearing with Rae in the house.”
“She doesn’t know what they mean, Char.”
“And what happens when we send her to preschool with that in her vocabulary?”
“God, I don’t know. Do we go to jail?”
Charlie rolls her eyes, Harry cracks a lazy smile.
“How was it?”
“Oh, H, it was amazing. He was so good.”
“I’m sad to have missed it,” he yawns again, “I always knew he’d kill it solo.”
“Mm,” Charlie props her chin on her palm, “go to sleep baby.”
“Not tired.” Harry lies, his fringe tickling his lashes as he shakes his head.
“You just yawned three times in five minutes.”
“I want to stay up.” He nearly sounds like a sulking child.
“I’m not going to be back till gone midnight.”
A pause. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Charlie chuckles, “we’re nearly at Louis’ apartment and I promised I’d actually stay at this party.”
“Do you have to?”
“If ready-to-burst Amelia is, I hardly have an excuse.”
Harry softly laughs, and Charlie wants to wrap herself in that laugh. In fact, she’s wanted to go back to her husband and her daughter and their dog for hours, but she can’t hide away from yet another party.
“I’ll be back at 12:30.”
“Okay babe,” Harry yawns. Again. “Have fun. Give Louis my congratulations.”
“I will,” Charlie let’s her eyes drop over Harry for a minute. After three years of marriage, the sight of him in sweats and blankets and messy curls is no less sexy than when he’s in his silk shirts and his–
“You’re pulling that face.” Harry snaps her out of it.
“Your eyes,” Harry shifts, Daisy’s fur visible in the corner of the screen as she clearly hogs her side of the bed, “you sure you don’t want to come back early?”
The door to the bunks open and Liam’s head peaks through, “Charlie, we’re here.”
“Okay, I’ll be one minute.” Charlie smiles, standing up.
“You alright, Harry?” Liam shouts.
“I’ll be one minute,” grits lilts, shooing Liam out with a smirk.
“I really need to go now,” Charlie’s attention reverts back to the screen, to Harry. “I love you. Stay up.”
“Always,” Harry has to have won some kind of world record for yawning at this point, “I love you.”
Thousands upon thousands await him, chanting and cheering for him as the final recognisable song from his (carefully curated) pre-show playlist slowly fades to a halt.
He should be jumping up and down on the spot, breathing short, sharp breaths and recounting the lyrics he always forgets (and probably will always forget). He should be hyping himself up to play his first ever stadium alone, he should be warming up or fuck, praying.
But no. He’s nowhere to be found.
He’s late.
“Fuckin’ unbelievable,” his manger, Jeff, paces over Ibrox’s backstage, about ready to quit, steam leaking from his ears - cartoon or not, his top client is always the one to make that happen.
Jeff could accept late six years ago. It was nerve wracking, opening a tour alone after a controversial departure from the band. Plus, he was well aware of his reputation, Jeff knew what he was signing on for.
But the man’s twenty-eight, for fuck’s sake. The man’s not some stupid early twenty-something who sees this whole thing as a fun little quest he gets to dictate. Over the years, and especially through the pandemic, he finally matured. He finally realised that being punctual is actually okay! And more than that, it doesn’t give your manager and crew kittens three minutes before Golden is supposed to blast to 50,000.
… except when it comes to pre-show blowjobs from his wife.
“Oh, my God, baby.”
Harry throws his head back, fingers taking turns in fisting the cushy sofa beneath him and raking through Charlie’s curls. Her tongue swirls his tip, her own insistence for punctuality urging her to make him finish as soon as possible. She looks up at him through long lashes, knowing eye contact while she mouths him like that will have him tipping over the edge in no time.
It was never even supposed to happen. She only went in his dressing room to wish him luck, see how he was doing, give him a chaste kiss if anything. And, if she was a little honest with herself, she wanted to see his outfit before the world did.
Catching him half-dressed with the hair that told her he’d been nervously messing with it for half an hour, well. Who wouldn’t drop to their knees and kiss their way to his cock in their mouth?
“Yeah, shit,” Harry pants, forcing his head to roll forward so he can watch her. “How do you just seem to get better at this?”
Charlie smiles around his prick, injecting butterflies into his stomach and–
“Harry, I’m going to ask one more time.”
“One minute!” Charlie surfaces, barely able to breathe as she shouts at Jeff this time. Jeff’s grumbles are audible from the other side of the door, as are the sound of feet shuffling away.
If there’s one person Jeff isn’t going to yell at, it’s Charlie.
Harry’s eyes widen, embarrassment heating his neck, but Charlie’s hand pumping his shaft silences him till he’s biting blood into his bottom lip and announcing,
“Baby, I’m gonna–” he doesn’t have to finish his sentence before her mouth is back on him, and he’s coming down the back of her wonderful throat.
The noises he makes as he finishes only spur her to suck him through his orgasm, all the way till he’s pulling her away and twitching with sensitivity.
“Okay, you need to go.”
Charlie stands, wiping her mouth and shanking his boxers and trousers up for him while he lays back, dazed the fuck out of his mind.
“Huh?” He barely understands a word she’s saying, let alone able to comprehend where he is and what he’s about to do.
“You have a show, H,” Charlie straddles his lap to fix his hair, styling it quickly in the way she knows he likes. Harry’s hands instinctively fly to her waist, grinning lazily as she fusses over his fucked-out appearance.
“That might’ve been your best work, sweetheart.”
“Shut up,” Charlie mumbles behind a smile. He pecks her swollen lips.
Standing up, she adjusts herself, too. Her hair that had been ragged at by a feral Harry, her lipstick that was practically cheekstick by now. Her top, that he’d messily yanked down during their initial make out session when he insisted he just had to bite at least one mark into her breasts.
“Okay, you have two minutes,” Charlie checks her phone, grabbing his white tank and jacket from his coat-rack. Coming round from the head, panic starts to set in.
“Shit,” he mutters under his breath, standing up. Charlie turns around, noticing that gone-off look in his eyes which tells her he’s either about to brush it off completely or melt into a panic attack. Neither are exactly great coping mechanisms, but Charlie really needs to prevent the latter right now.
“H, it’s nothing.”
She throws him the tank, waiting for him with the jacket. He glances at her, that postcoital glow long gone. Anxiety was starting to seep into those gaps she had managed to close just a few minutes ago, but were starting to crack at the seams.
“50,000 is not nothing.”
Charlie puts his jacket on for him, afraid he’d stand there forever if she didn’t.
“50,817.” She corrects. He scowls. “Sorry.”
“Look, of course it’s not nothing. It’s a huge deal. But I know you,” she grabs his face, forcing his eyes to still on something solid. A stray curl falls against his forehead, framing his furrowed brows. “You’re going to get on that stage, and you’re going to fucking kill it.”
Harry huffs a breath, unconvinced.
“Honey, you’ve done it before.” Charlie smiles softly, brushing away the strand.
“Yeah,” he mutters, “with you.” He nudges his nose against hers, and Charlie wants to cry at his vulnverability. It’s rare she sees a Harry like this. For as long as she’s known him, he’s remained stoic in the face of fear, and although he’s not as rigid as he used to be – he’s never one to panic so much.
Endearingly, Charlie can pinpoint when he became much more of a worrier to one day, one person.
“H,” Charlie firms up, “it’s just like that. You have your band, you have me and your friends and–”
Harry interrupts the beginning of Charlie’s pep talk by grabbing her face and kissing her, hard. As if he was pouring out all of his nerves into her mouth and something in her lips and her tongue managed to just kill them. He pulls away, pepping light kisses against her cheek and jaw, making Charlie chuckle softly as his hair tickles her face.
“Okay, okay,” she leans back, forcing him away from her skin, “round two after the show, yeah?”
Harry holds his pinkie out. Charlie rolls her eyes, and holds her pinkie out. They kiss their respective thumbs and Harry nods.
“You got this.” She scrunches her nose, and Harry swears he feels his heart drop out of his stomach, which, how? After all this time, how does she still manage to do that to him.
It needs to be studied.
As he leaves his dressing room, Charlie gives him a swift slap to the ass, laughing as he turns and playfully scowls (despite knowing full well he loves it). She says a silent prayer for her husband as she follows him toward the stage, the sound of thousands of impatient fans already deafening.
They round the corner to backstage, where the team and Jeff are minutes away from breaking down themselves. Jeff nearly drops to the floor in relief at the sight of Harry, but wastes no time in calling tech over to mic him up.
Charlie gratefully smiles at Sarah, taking a fussing Reagan from her arms. Harry turns to let the team thread his mic through his jacket, and finds his remaining anxiety instantly dissipating at the sight of his daughter wearing entirely too big headphones and fisting at Charlie’s t-shirt as she complains about said defenders.
“Hi, princess,” Harry coos, reaching out for Reagan to grab his finger with her little hand.
“Daddy, you look funny.” Reagan giggles, wiggling enough for Charlie to set her down.
“Heey,” Harry lilts, getting the go ahead from the tech man before bending to his four-year-old’s height. “You don’t think I look handsome?”
Reagan shakes her head, brown curls bouncing against her cheeks.
“You look like play-dough.”
Charlie snorts, because she kinda hit the nail on the head. Harry’s band are giggling, too, as they prepare to get on stage. Harry narrows his eyes at them all.
“Do I have to wear these?” Reagan bashes her fists against the headphones.
“Afraid so, Rae,” Harry adjusts them so they sit a little looser on her head, but she’s still unhappy. “Your ears are too little right now,” he tries to explain, but if he knows his daughter at all, he knows she’ll be upset throughout the whole show because her hairdo’s squashed.
That’s Auntie Amelia’s damning influence.
“I don’t want to interrupt, but–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry stands, not deaf to the chants for him outside.
He kisses Reagan’s head, then turns to his wife.
“How’s Daisy?”
“Daisy’s fine,” Charlie sighs around a smile. Of course Harry’s worried about their dog right now. “Lia and Niall texted, she’s passed out on the sofa.”
Harry nods, clearly trying to delay the inevitable. So Charlie hurries it along for him, knowing he could stand there and ask stupid questions all evening to avoid that initial opening.
“Don’t fuck it up.” She winks, pinching his chin. Harry breathes short laughter from his nose, his lips squashed as Charlie pulls him for one final good luck kiss. Reagan sticks her tongue out at the sight of her parents’ affection, to which Harry does the same back and earns a tinkling of giggles back.
Charlie lifts Raegen so she can blow a kiss to her dad, currently jumping up and down and getting a few final stretches in before the opening to Music For A Sushi Restaurant fills the stadium, the screams become deafening, and Charlie watches as her rockstar husband takes the same stage her rockstar self did last year.
@lilfreakjez @be-with-me-so-happily @sirtommyholland @tpwksm @b-reads-things @tiaamberxx @daphnesutton @mleestiles
201 notes · View notes
jdmcdonagh · 2 months
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Bisexual Undertaker
Damian x JD
Smut. Based on TJD's Damian, JD and Finn's European Tour.
Minors don't interact.
78% upvotes for a smut on TJD boys, so I had to share this with y'all💜🩷
Damian, Finn and JD were on a UK tour, they finally landed in London after Cardiff and Birmingham wrestling trip, and the next stop was to Belfast, staff led them to their private rooms. Finn took shower and put some loss outfits on and landed at JD 's door, Finn knocked on, few minutes later JD slightly open the door and found Finn outside he hugged him slightly and they decided to meet at nearest bar, Finn taps on JD's chest and walks away, JD salutes him and goes back in to his room and changes the clothes and as he locked his room and turns his head to the way out he got Pearce's call, JD attended the call.
" Yeah, Pearce, is it JD? Ugh okay I'll be there in a minute!" JD answers the call.
Pearce sends him to autograph signing convention center, nearby the hotel, JD arrived at it the perfect time, Pearce grabbed him by his shoulder and show him his seat, JD thanked him and took his seat, half hour later, autograph signing was almost over, JD pulled his phone out and start scrolling on it, then he opened the camera he was about snap some photos of himself but as he opened the camera he found Damian there, Damian was sitting in ankle on knee position, those tight jeans and black lines tee were looking fascinating on him, JD smiles then he just remember Rhea's sexual comments on Damian's post, that memory just made JD smile, JD without letting anyone know about his thing, without permission JD took some shots of Damian.
It works miracle, Damian found the tweet about JD signed on Damian's face from some guy, Damian slowly tilted his head a bit and he saw JD sitting right there and scrolling on his phone, as Damian raised his eyebrow on him suspiciously, JD's just started to hide his smile, and that was enough for Damian to find out what's JD up to exactly, he immediately realizes JD is keeping eye on him through his phone's camera.
Damian slowly titled his head, as convention over Damian got up and began his steps forward to JD, JD immediately got up from his seat, with a naughty smile on his face, all the staff guys were talking loudly, JD approached Damian after putting his phone back in his back pants pocket.
JD stopped right next to Damian.
" Sup bis... ahem, big Damian?" JD clears his throat.
Damian smirks off.
" So you also learned this trick from her, right?" Damian asked, while watching over the staff, his hands were in his pocket.
" Trick? What trick? I ain't no magician you know eh! " JD replied, he didn't get what Damian just said.
" Keepin an eye on me? I know you were filmin me! " Damian finally looked down at him with a smirk on his face.
" Wasn't filmin, snappin some pictures of ye, if you know, you know? '' JD replies with a huge naughty smile on his face.
" Fair enough, I saw what you did on 'x' to my graphic, guess what I don't like it, JD! Damian said as he croaked his head a bit and leaned towards JD.
" Woah, take it easy big lad, don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy you know! " JD clarified and put his hands up, bending his elbows a bit.
" I kid, I didn't mind, JD!" Damian said with a badass sexy smile on his face as he turned his head back to the staff and they asked something Damian just signals them with an up thumb, Damian now turns his attention back to JD.
JD was staring at Damian's body reading his every single move.
" And that's my line, ace, whatcha starin at?" Damian asked with a chilling voice.
JD smirks and starts curving his hair on his finger then croaks his head to the other side.
" Eyes on the prize, a big bisexual one smooches " JD 's demeanor changes as he starts flinging at Damian.
" Uh come again? " Damian tilted his head slightly.
" Surreal she was right, you're a baby girl! " JD spilled out mistakenly then his eyes widened as he realized what he just said.
" I'll show you what bisexuality really is, JD! " Damian muffled his voice as he leaned against JD then he grabbed JD from his collar and took him out of the convention center, JD was panting a bit scared.
Damian took him into the elevator and pressed some buttons, the elevator just started.
Damian stalls JD against the lift and leans forward to him that much closer so JD can even feel Damian's hot breath on his temple.
" You just run your damn mouth too much this time and now it's up to me to teach you where you actually need to run your mouth! " Damian whispered in JD's ear, making him panted out a little sigh.
" D..." JD kept panting heavily, he immediately put his hand on Damian's chest.
Damian just licks off his own upper lip, as the elevator stops and its door opens Damian dragged JD out and took him into Damian's room and locked the door, Damian gently let go JD now but he pushes JD a bit to the shower.
" Go and take off your clothes, JD!" Damian whispers in JD 's ear from behind.
" Oh, okay... h" JD said goes to the shower and took off his clothes while mumbling.
JD slowly entered back to the room as he reached the doorframe he saw Damian naked sitting on the bed in a Fowler's position, scrolling on his phone.
" Woah.. a big naked baby gal view here!" JD smirks at Damian.
Damian heard him, he gently loosened his hair and put his phone aside, next to the pillow he used his fingers to invited JD back to him.
" C'mere, you talk too much, I'm gonna teach you a good lesson! " Damian said, as his voice curved into the sass.
" Oopsy woopsy!" JD smirks and approaches Damian, he slightly hops on the bed and crawls to Damian.
Damian grabbed his arm gently and placed JD on his thighs in a cowgirl position.
" Nicely done, now run your mouth here, JD..." Said Damian then he panted out a sigh and led JD to suck him on Damian's nipples.
JD began his sucks on Damian's nipples and gasping from the chest, JD made muffled sounds while sucking on Damian's nipples.
" Yeah... keep runnin your mouth just like that... while uh.. I fuck you!" Said Damian and moans softly then grabbing JD from his hips Damian just enters it inside of JD.
JD immediately puts his hands on Damian's shoulders as he feels the body's connection with Damian.
Damian closes his eyes and stalls his head back to the bed board, the relaxing look on his face was priceless.
JD slightly opened his eyes and gazed at Damian then closed back.
JD fastens his movements then gathers himself and slowly puts his head on Damian's left shoulder.
" Uh... goodies, I can sense your glistenin juice inside of me.... uh.. " JD moans softly and tenderly, he gently kisses three times in a row on Damian's shoulder then places his head back in the very same position.
" you're soakin my thighs, JD... hh.." Damian whispered in the air.
JD turned his head to Damian then he slowly pulled Damian's hair gently and kissed him deeply. Damian puts his hand on JD's back while kissing him back, JD can even feel the warmth from Damian's hand on his back.
JD slowly pulls out Damian's lips from his mouth and JD slowly leaning towards Damian's ear and he slowly kisses there and begins to lick on Damian's ear.
Damian tenderly blinks then he trims JD's hair with his bare fingers then he opens JD's hair and puts his hair catcher aside.
Even Damian's world title was placed next to his pillow.
Damian gently pulled JD's hair to make him stop licking his ears, Damian dragged JD's head a bit back and started licking on JD's neck, JD 's eyes started to roll back into his head, this movement just making him smile shamelessly.
JD's phone was vibrating but too bad he left his phone in the shower where he took his clothes off like Damian said.
" Am sure you're enjoyin as much as I do... JD " Damian slowly let go of JD 's hair and stalls his head back in the very position.
" D' Damian.. do me a favor... don't stop..." JD panted a short but loud sigh out.
" So you're here and demandin... not a bad th'ang JD, dime cuándo parar.. okay?" Damian whispers in JD's ear and kisses on his temple and takes JD's face in his palms and stares him in the eyes.
" Uh.. I will... D.." JD replies with a short sigh then he holds on Damian hugs him tightly.
Damian closes his eyes.
1 and half hour later, JD was sleeping on Damian's chest while Damian was scrolling on his phone.
JD breaks from his sleep as he finds himself on Damian's chest. JD smiles deeply and kisses there.
" Welcome back, JD!" Damian said softly and smirked.
" Thanks for the early thang Damian.... '' JD smiles back then he suddenly remembers Finn's face.
" Uh, how could I lose track of time, Finn invited me earlier, I gotta go D, I'll catch up on ye latah " JD slowly got up and looked at the clock and got off of the bed gently.
" My pleasure, JD, oh hey ace?!" Damian scrolled on the phone while smiling. He called JD.
JD slightly turned his head to Damian. " Yeah, big guy?" JD asked.
" Don't tell Finn, or it won't be cool for your bones, you got it?" Damian moved his phone a bit away while asking for favor.
Damian's decent threatening just brings a huge smile on JD's face.
" Alright I won't, happy!?" JD replies.
" Good, I'll be there in a minute! Damian said and winked.
" Okie dokie D, see ya there!" JD says and goes to the bathroom and gather his clothes and put them on and he waves to Damian then snaps a picture of him from his phone.
" Good Lawd, not again, just go away!" Damian chuckles and signals JD to get out.
JD giggles then turns around and walks out.
Finn was still at the bar drinking while scrolling on his phone, he sensed the presence of JD.
" My my that delay? Finn said then looked at JD.
JD smiles and takes a seat next to Finn.
" Pearce put a heavy autograph signing on me, sorry bout delays, mad professah!" JD smirks and replies.
" Mm hm, how's Damian, JD I know you were with him, I can read it from your eyes kid!" Finn smirks at JD.
JD was sipping from his beer ; he chuckled and put his glass aside.
" Alright uh admitted, he asked me not to spill it to you, Finn, oops I guess!" JD replies with a smiley look on his face.
" Oh I see, well I think I should ask Damian bout it then, it's ok you can have your drink, JD! '' Finn smiles then drinks his beer after cheers with JD, JD smiles back and drinks his one.
" This is my sixth one, you know!" Finn says and smiles.
" Jayzus! you okay?" JD checks on Finn's forehead and smiles.
" Am fine, let's move on, Pearce texted earlier, you remember our next stop is Belfast, right?" Finn asked.
" Yeah, dyin to get back to Ireland baby, woo, wish Dom and Rhea could join us on this trip! " JD said.
" Yeah, and she said to video call her and Dom when we got to the plane! " Finn said and got up.
" Hookay, hey money's on me I made ya wait so long! " JD said and put the money with the glasses and walks out of the bar with Finn.
As they reached the hotel, Damian was waiting with their suitcases and other stuff.
" Pick your stuff I ain't your butler, dawgs!" Damian said and walked to the airport with swag of his own.
" Good God, why did I boyfriend him, uh!" Finn sighs then chuckles and takes his stuff and follows Damian.
" Goody bags, hey ye both wait for me!" JD shouts and runs after them with his stuff.
As they finally got on the plane they all received a group call video from Rhea and Dom they all attended and connected with them.
Pearce was watching the three TJD boys shake his head as he walked away.
" Nowadays people, phone scrollers!" Pearce mumbles before leaving for his seat with Aldis and Triple H.
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
2014 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years, back to 2013.
1 January - Taylor wrote Say don't go
2 - 4 January - Harry and Kendall Skiing with Jeff and his GF
6 January Lover Journal January 6, 2014, LA: Taylor decides to move to NY “dating is awful”. Reports KUWK producers wanted to film Harry and Kendall and Harry said no.
18 January - Harry puts his arm around Kendall at Eagles Concert. Kathy Griffiths said he was wasted, said that Tom hanks joked about wanting to drive Harry rehab and that he didn’t stay with Kendall inside.
19 January - Harry covered "things I can't" with bible and Silver Spoon tattoo's
21 January - I know places written, then Welcome to NY, you are in Love. Ryan Tedder said Harry was in the Studio then also.
25 January - Lover Journal: January 25, 2014, LA - after Clive Davis Grammy party at night that she never felt better about their chances of winning a Grammy. Rumour Harry seen with Kendall.
26 January - Red doesn't win Grammy, Taylor decides to make 1989 sonically cohesive
9 February - Clean written
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11 February - Taylor gets haircut, Harry seen backstage, she then writes Shake it off. He writes Stockholm Syndrome
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14 February - Taylor posted "there's nothing like real love"
18 February - Kendall at London Fashion Week, Harry goes to Cara's show not hers, in the BUA the next week "Harry purposely didn’t go to the Topshop show or have his planned party so people wouldn’t speculate about him and Kendall,”
19 February -Taylor writes Style in LA. Harry later to collect Brit because he was in bathroom. Rumour he was smoking with Nick G, Harry left after party with his mum, Zayn and Louis not there.
20 February - Harry arrives in LA in afternoon
21 February - Harry at Sushi Dream with his mum and Robin, later dinner with Jeff, may be the date Charlie Puth tweeted about him.
22 February - Lover Journal February 22, 2014, LA, Been in the studio with Max, Shake it off, has been in Conway Studios all week. Taylor walks on beach with Lorde. Ariana Grande also recording album with JALBOYH in Conway Studios, Max Martin working on both records. Harry MIA in day, then at same Miley concert, Kendall goes separately. Harry and Kendall BUA, work commitments
24 February Harry got anatomical heart tattoo (a real heart for a real love) HSA Publishing Limited (UK company) (private limited company) this is harry’s publishing company was incorporated in February 25, 2014 and is the publisher of JALBOYH
25 February - Article about Harry having written with John Legend and on 20 songs away from the band, says he had worked with Alex & Sierra
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1 March - Both at Oscars party. Karlie Kloss flies from Paris to LA.
2 March - Harry seen in LA, then disappeared for 10 days, then LA again. 1D on break.
3 March - Taylor at vanity fair party
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4 March - Alex & Sierra posts photo of Meredith in Taylor’s LA home. Harry wrote I love you for them and this was like meeting him about that, Taylor later confirmed she heard it
5 March - Harry tweets ‘hands on the wheel’ when Taylor posted the photos from the weekend starting with a photo with Ed and others at vanity fair “this weekend was like..” and including a road trip to big sur with Karlie. Karlie has posted daily till she arrived in LA then started again when Taylor posted her photos. Who took the photos? A tumblr user assumed they stayed at Deetjen's Big Sur Inn resort because someone who took a photo in the same place did, maybe, the hotel is 4 star.
13 March - Harry had dinner alone in LA, Kendall on date with someone else down the street. Harry’s motorbike broke down, he looked sad, guy who came to help mad.
19 March - Liam and Harry take fan who won competition out to dinner at Sanctum Soho Hotel London
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24 March - Lover Journal: March 24, 2014, New York; Moved to Tribeca, never felt more busy.
25 March - Harry The Ace Hotel Shoreditch with Ed and Lou Teasdale for a book launch
27 March - 1D Where we are tour rehearsals London. MH plays call or delete with Nick Grimshaw and calls Niall and Harry, he says he has Niall’s number because he is writing a song for one direction and that he had never spoken to Harry before (but had his number and Harry recognised his voice.) MH asks to borrow £5k and Harry agrees. Harry probably knew he was on Nick Grimshaw. Harry and Niall seen in rehearsals in England.
22 April - HS in LA at Sharks game with Jeff
25 April - 5 October - 1D Where we are Tour. South American dates till 11 May.
26 April - Harry Fern Tattoos, healed, covering "Might as well..."
29 April - Matty Healy's mum says MH is writing a song for 1D
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4 May - Taylor attends met gala and later features this dress of ‘old Taylor’ in LAYMMD, marked start of 1989. 1D in Argentina.
7 May - One direction bread van to Christ the redeemer in TV special. Earlier Harry drunk at the hotel pool, floated his hat in the sea and Brazil! Tattoo. 1D sue over condoms using their name, MTV says it means fans will “never ever sleep with Harry Styles”
8 May - One Direction record Change your ticket in Fasano Hotel, (2:12) Rio De Janeiro. The TV Special shows Niall working out the lyrics and Harry recording WDBHG (2:25) also, though the hotel is not credited for WDBHG. In 2016 Matty Healy messily said he had been asked for a song for Four which wasn't used and felt Change Your Ticket was similar to guitars on the 1975 Girls. 1975 or MH never pursued it other than the shade. MH said to Capital FM he heard change your ticket before it came out and asked to take guitars off he didn’t write on it.
11 May - 1D tour break till 23 May, working on Four.
17 May - Taylor on tour break in NYC, working on 1989. Taylor seen most days in NYC in May.
24 May - One Direction (headliner) and Ed Sheeran play Radio 1 Big weekend in Glasgow. Ed wrote 18 this week. Liam said they had a show in another country the night before and that night. Taylor leaves NYC not seen for 6 days until Japan 31 May. 23 May - 13 July Europe 1D dates.
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26 - 28 May - One Direction break, Taylor MIA. Harry in London and plays celebrity football game on 26th. After scoring a penalty shot Harry hugged Niall then kissed his heart tattoo.
27 May - footage of Zayn and Louis smoking weed in a car leaked, filmed in April. Harry quoted in media being annoyed they let it be filmed. Ed Sheeran live on Britans got talent, Simon Cowell asked for a 1D song, Ed declined then wrote 18 the next day.
30 May - Lover Journal: May 30, 2014, Shanghai 1989 cover art. 2 June - Tokyo, then asian dates till 12 June. Taylor arrives at a commercial airport with so many fans it’s talked about 10 years later… and held up as why she flies private when she had owned a jet for years… Harry Manchester show.
31 May - Tree Paine starts as Taylor’s publicist.
7 June - rumour Harry was getting dual citizenship
8 June - 1D had 5 day break starting in London then Stockholm on the 13th. Heart kiss in You and I
11 June - Harry sent a fan a video for her wedding “"You don't have to go through with this, you know all men cheat these days and it usually happens pretty fast. It’s not too late, I’m going to be waiting at Orli’s in Borehamwood for the next three hours. If you don’t come I’ll understand but that’s where I’ll be.”
12 June - Red Tour ends in Singapore, then seen most days in NYC till the 20th.
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18 June - Taylor adopted Olivia Bensen, model Steph Smith with her, Steph posts to instagram and follows both Harry and Taylor that day. Harry can be heard laughing in this video. Harry not seen, but in Copenhagen the day before and day after in London
19 June - Harry in London dressed the same as in the Four booklet
20 June - Taylor seen in NYC then not again for 10 days till 30th. 1D Paris
2 July - Ariana Grande talks about Harry writing JALBOYH. She says it's a beautiful song he's an amazing songwriter.
4 July - Taylor squad party at RI. 1D had a show in Switzerland.
17 July - Harry and Paige at same GQ party.
31 July - Harry in LA, not seen on 28th. Taylor NYC
March - September - Harry wrote for Four: stockholm, Where do broken hearts go, I love you (Alex and Sierra) & Little bit of your heart.
1 August - 5 October - 1D US/Canada dates.
2 August - Taylor played 1989 for Harry. Harry followed Jack Antonoff on Twitter the next day. 2 November Harry said he spent a week in the US and then played daytime TV for the rest of break.
14 August - Taylor wore black and white rose dress on Tonight show with jimmy Fallon, prompting rumors 1989 will be called Roses
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18 and 20 August - 18th seen with fans in US, Harry MIA on 20th
19 August - Shake it off released, 1989's lead single with Hella Good Hair line.
24 August - 1D show in Dallas where a fan has a “Harry you have hella good hair”’poster Harry grins at. Harry comes back (he first sees it at 1:03) to point, thumbs up and again smile at the sign.
23 and 25 August - Harry in Nashville. JALBOYH released.
26 August - 1D in LA for Ellen, then Chicago then disappeared
20 - 25 August - Taylor in LA, MIA till 3 September
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30 August - Heart Kiss you and I
31 August - 9 September - Harry MIA, only seen LAX 5 September then appears in London on 9th.
3 September - Ariana says she nearly refused to record JALBOYH
When asked whether she felt pressure recording a song written by Harry, Ariana said, "No, I was more intimidated because he recorded a demo for me so I could learn the song. I was like, "I don't know if I wanna touch this song.'" She has previously said ""I remember when I heard it I was like 'Wow that's a really strong verse, that's really beautiful' and then the [pre-chorus], I was like 'wow that's a really beautiful pre, that's a really strong pre!' and then the chorus I was like crying!"
3 - 14 September - Taylor seen in London till 7th, then MIA till NYC on 14th (i.e. both go from LA to London and MIA for a week) Niall said they had 10 days off and didn’t see each other.
8 September - Taylors 1989 Rolling Stone Interview where she said it was infatuation, RS said she sounded jaded.
11 September - Rolling Stone things you learn hanging out with Taylor Swift included:
"“I think the way I used to approach relationships was very idealistic,” she says. “I used to go into them thinking, ‘Maybe this is the one — we’ll get married and have a family, this could be forever.’ Whereas now I go in thinking, ‘How long do we have on the clock — before something comes along and puts a wrench in it, or your publicist calls and says this isn’t a good idea?'”
13 September - One Direction - Rose Bowl Los Angeles, during You and I on “did they ever hold each other tight like us?” Harry kissed the heart then had chest pains later in the show. He ends the show visibly unwell.
14 September - Four written with Fools Gold. First day Taylor seen (NYC) in a week, last seen London. 18 September Niall mentioned a 10 day break and again said the band didn’t see each other on break.
19 and 20 September - both play the iHeartRadio festival, on the 19th Taylor played WANGB, IKYWT, Love Story with a speech about Romeo & Juliet and a lot of pointing 22 and Shake it off. and 1D on the 20th, Harry kissed the heart tattoo in Little Things.
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Late September Harry had US shows, he kissed his heart tattoo un Better than words (4:23) and was in a great mood. Taylor wasn't seen until NY the day of that show. Harry’s instagram goes b&w between 24 September and 23 October. Out of the woods released 14 October, may refer to screaming colour lyric? Taylor posted about screaming colour. Also over 28 sept anniversary
4 October - Lou Teasdale shares photo of Harry’s braids
6-11 October - Taylor in Paris and london
8 October - Harry pumpkin picking with Erin Foster. E news “It's unlikely it will ever become serious, but they are casually dating whenever they are in the same place at the same time and it works for both of them. Meanwhile, their outing was PDA-free and didn't seem to hint that any sort of romance was brewing.”
10 October - Taylor performed Riptide performance on BBC 1 with the lyric "I love you when you're singing that song / And I got a lump in my throat / 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong"
12 October - Harry threw up on side of the road in LA and sign put up. He had been at lily Allen’s party the night before. Press included quotes from Ed that Harry didn’t drink in the US
24 October  - Taylor MTV You are in Love is about Jack and Lena, who didn't know and her body language is guarded. Recorded this date.
27 October - 1989 released, Taylor NY. 1D Film Night Changes  MV
1 November - Harry wore the Saint Laurent coat in November - December 2014. In 2016, He choose it, now with a lipstick stain, as one of '12 prized possessions', “I was leaving breakfast in London wearing this coat. I thought the girl was biting me. She was lovely.”
4 November - Taylor pulls her entire discography off Spotify over period that artists would not earn royalties.
5 November - Taylor Posts a video of herself lip syncing to Kendrick Lamars Backseat Freestyle
8 November - Taylor liked a tumblr post of Matty Healy wearing a 1989 t-Shirt on stage.
10 November - Taylor wore the Butterfly and Reputation Snake Ring in the Blank Space Music video.
13 November - Harry's mermaid tattoo. “I am a mermaid”
14 November - sad guardian 1D interview
15 November - Taylor in NY, Harry records Band Aid in London. Throughout November and December Louis and Liam seem annoyed with Harry and talk over him. Many consider this the point Harry told the band he would not renew his contract, the band tensions were high from this point. See One Direction break up deep dive on Reddit.
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17 November - One Direction releases Four. Perform Today show in Orlando live, Zayn missing. Filmed Four TV special. Released the Four Hangout where Harry describes the Stockholm Syndrome muse (TS) a Nympho and talks about writing from personal experience. At 31 mins Niall says WDBHG is his favourite 1D song, Harry says thank you and Niall hugs him. Harry agrees, then says best song ever then gotta be you One Direction song which (in the background) Harry adds "well done Tyler." Niall adds "your boyfriend’s back." (The boys had rhyming nicknames for each other, Tyler Swift was Taylor’s name in The Man) Change your ticket announced as bonus track on ultimate edition.
19 November - Harry and Taylor go to a 1975 concert together, ET reported they went back stage together. Change your ticket (which MH claimed was too similar to Girls after  1D did not use a song MH submitted for Four. Us weekly reports Haylor talking again.
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23 November - Harry looks in Taylors direction while performing, she points at him in her performance and he makes heart eyes/whistles at Taylors AMA’s speech. Harry stayed in LA an extra day to go to Taylor's mini post-AMAs part while 1D went to Australia. (Canyon Moon vibes).
30 November  - Taylor arrives London
1 December - Harry, Kendall and Cara at British Fashion Awards in London, the day of that photo of him at top of stairs.
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2 December- Taylor performs Style at Victoria Secret show and completely slays. Harry joins them at the VS after party and leave 5 mins apart. (So it Goes, pick you up, leak vibes) Taylor posted photos with Ariana also, JALBOYH was still charting. Taylor wears a similar outfit in the I don’t wanna live forever video with Zayn. This was also the first time Style was played live!
4 December - Taylor returns to NY
5 December - rumours Taylor at 1975 concert
Early December- Harry follows Xander Ritz on Instagram. Xander is a lacrosse player who is close friends with Harry and seen a lot in late 2015 and 2017/2018, there are ships of them. Xander is now married to Jacquelyn. Harry is still seen with his brother Maxwell. Max and Xander co-own the Loyalist in Brooklyn. The loyalist is a high end brand integration company. Like Taylor, Xander is from Philadelphia and his family is still there. He was seen with Jeff a lot and rumoured Jeff introduced them.
6 December - Taylor has laryngitis at Jingle Bell Ball. Matty Healy has a meltdown on stage, crying, lying down and is eventually dragged off stage. In 2015 he said this was about girl stuff, drug stuff, financial stuff. In 2016 is said "“Yeah. Absolutely. And the reason I mention that is because if I had gone out with Taylor Swift I would’ve been, ‘F***ing hell! I am NOT being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend.’ You know, ‘F***. THAT.’ That’s also a man thing, a demasculinizing, emasculating thing.”
8 December - Blind "The B- list celebrity offspring of two of the worst celebrity parents ever has been hooking up the past few weeks with the lead singer of the band that Taylor Swift loves. Apparently they sent Taylor a pic of themselves naked in bed together." (Ali Lohan (Dina and Michael)/Matty Healy “The 1975″)
9 December - one direction RTL episode where the band is angry at Harry, especially this section, where Liam seems drunk and talks about new experiences (shading Harry for saying he won’t continue 1D maybe) later in the interview says “we should have written a song about beards” and Louis said “or hair in general” and with a mocking look to Harry “har, har”, (possibly shading Harry for Matty Healy's meltdown the night before.) This was followed by a lot of interviews with Liam and Louis reacting to Harry like this and some they gave separate interviews.
12 December - Taylor performs the Z100 Jingle Bell Ball, with IKYWT over midnight to her birthday and during Shake it Off she gives a breathless sounding 'it's my birthday' she points to the left of the stage to say guy with the hella good hair. Harry was in Spain for Los40 Spain. Rob Sheffield writes a piece about just Harry (not band) in Rolling Stone which is positively glowing.
13 December - Taylor has a party in her apartment. Harry is in France for the NRG awards. Tweets asking the media to stop having her date her friends (MH & KK)
15 December - one direction performs WDBHG with Ronnie Wood on xfactor UK final
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19 December - Harry at the Bowery Hotel again, wears the Another Man 12 Prized Possessions coat that later has lipstick
22 December - Harry in Central Park, wearing Saint Laurent coat
24 December - Tabloid media about Ali Lohan/MH
26 December - Taylor wears opal ring thought to be from Harry.
30 december- Taylor morning show and says about Style “This song is about a relationship that is never really done. you always have that person who you feel like might interrupt your wedding and say ‘don’t do it because we’re not over!” I compared it to person comes in and out and never really go out of style with a smile. Asked if the person sings she says she wants fans to picture their ex-BF not hers.
Continue to 2015
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jane-d-ankh-veos · 3 days
Finished and translated the last chapter of my longest Fallen London (-and-actually-every-Failbetter-game) fic! Open the mushroom wine! 🥂
(Contains: hungry hotels; best Neathy violinists; ace courtly love of a femme knight; dark eldritch gods as co-conspirators and dance partners; petting cats.)
It was hugely significant for me, to be honest. Lots of deeply personal stuff hidden there, often in plain sight.
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georgefairbrother · 7 months
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This is the fourth in our occasional series featuring luminaries of stage and screen with a strong personal and/or professional connection with Northeast England, inspired with thanks by @robbielewis. Previous profiles were of Jean Heywood, John Nightingale and Edward Wilson. This time, Sunderland born actor siblings Malcolm and Catherine Terris.
Malcolm Terris was born on January 11th, 1941, boarded at Barnard Castle School in County Durham, then worked as a cadet journalist at the Sunderland Echo before training as an actor.
He was active on British television from 1963, his style perfectly suited to larger than life characters, and is possibly best remembered for his role as Great War veteran and salt-of the-earth union leader, Matt Headley, in 34 episodes of the Tyneside interwar social-realism drama, When the Boat Comes In.
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As Matt Headley, with James Bolam (Jack Ford) in When the Boat Comes In.
His more than 120 recorded screen credits include a variety of British television programmes, including Fall of Eagles, Doctor Who (Horns of Nimon, 1979), Reilly: Ace of Spies, three separate roles in Coronation Street, Our Friends in the North, The Bill, and a regular role in Rockliffe’s Babies. His final appearance was in Midsomer Murders in 2011.
His big screen appearances include as ship’s surgeon, with Anthony Hopkins as Bligh and Mel Gibson as Fletcher Christian, in The Bounty (1984), with Ricky Tomlinson in Mike Bassett: England Manager, and in Dickie Attenborough’s Chaplin, which starred Robert Downey Jnr in the title role. He has also appeared on stage including in productions of Othello and in a Broadway production of Hamlet.
He passed away at the artistes residential care home, Denville Hall, on June 6th, 2020, aged 79.
Catherine Terris was born in 1948, and trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). She has been active in British television since 1972, appearing with her brother in seven episodes of When the Boat Comes In. Her other television work includes Z Cars, two roles in Coronation Street, Anna Karenina, Inspector Morse, Dalziel and Pascoe, Heartbeat, George Gently, and a regular role (15 episodes) in William and Mary with Martin Clunes and Julie Graham. She also appeared in the hugely successful feature film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
According to her page on the Coronation Street fan site, Corriepedia:
"...On stage she has appeared in productions of Faustus, A Rite Kwik Metal Tata, Andy Capp, Tight at the Back, Rose, Tom Jones, Billy Liar, Queuing for Everest and Into the Blue..."
Her most recent television screen credit is In the Club (BBC 2014-16) and latest big screen appearance was in the 2021 feature film, Martyrs Lane.
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On stage with Sarah Gordy MBE (The A Word, Ralph and Katie) in the 2016 Arcola Theatre production of Into the Blue, written by Beverley Hancock and directed by Deborah Paige. Image from Sarah Gordy's official site.
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magpie-trinkets · 5 months
Ask Game (POG)
"Spell your username with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters."
Tagged by @astrofiish ! (Thank u sm!!)
So I don't know how to count but there are 22 leters in my url of questionable quality - so buckle up!
S - Speak up, pup! - Shi-Long Lang (Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney: Investigations)
O - Objection 2011 - Miles Edgeworth (Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney: Investigations 2)
L - London Town (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles)
I - Investigation - Opening 2007 (Apollo Justice Ace Attorney)
T - The Truth Revealed (The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles)
A - AWAKENING (Ghost Trick Phantom Detective)
R - Respite and Sunlight (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Y - Yatagarasu - The Gentleman Thief Who Dances in the Black Night (Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney: Investigations)
M - Molentary Express (Professor Layton and Pandora's Box)
A - Another Medium (Undertale)
G - Gate (Pokémon X & Y)
P - Price (Persona 5 Royal)
I - Ideal and the Real (Persona 5 Royal)
E - Easy Feeling (Hotel Dusk: Room 215)
T - Time Gear (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky)
R - Raven's Descent (Fall) (Stardew Valley)
I - Intermission - The Deepening of the 'Night' (Ghost Trick Phantom Detective)
N - N Final Battle Music (Pokémon Black & White)
K - Kakariko Village (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds)
E - Equipment (Miitopia)
T - The Grimm Troupe (Hollow Knight)
S - Seasong Beach (Poképark 2: Wonders Beyond)
22 people. That's like, double eleven. I don't have the mutuals for that, so feel free to ignore this if you want - and feel free to do it even if I didn't tag you!
@wordfather @evil-city @puzzling-angel @samthecookielord @des-fangirl @valid-name @starquake-shatter @u3pxx @taranza-stan @ivy-saurs @theghost-trickinglurker @sundial-junk @twistedj0ke @lunasolenna @theglowiestcloud @ruby-razzberry @soppsop @almostshamelesspenguin @voidan-null @chaos-breeds @zeldaenby @apoth THATS 22 BABEY (counts again...) YEAH
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bijouxcarys · 3 months
♥ (Playlist) Get Your Heart Beating ♥
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Jolene - Dolly Parton  |  Waterloo - ABBA  |  Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd  |  Rebel Rebel - David Bowie  |  Magic - Pilot  |  The Loco-Motion - Grand Funk Railroad  |  Lady Marmalade - LaBelle  |  Tiger Feet - Mud  |  Dancing Machine - The Jackson 5  |  Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe - Barry White  |  Same Old Song and Dance - Aerosmith  |  Train Kept a Rollin’ - Aerosmith  |  Jungle Boogie - Kool & The Gang  |  Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen  |  Mamma Mia - ABBA  |  Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith  |  Rock And Roll All Nite - KISS  |  Fox on the Run - Sweet  |  Fame - David Bowie  |  You Sexy Thing - Hot Chocolate  |  That’s The Way (I Like It) - KC & The Sunshine Band  |  Why Can’t We Be Friends - War  |  Get Down Tonight - KC & The Sunshine Band  |  Streets of London - Ralph McTell  |  Never Can Say Goodbye - Gloria Gaynor  |  Mandy - Barry Manilow  |  Sweet Music - Showaddywaddy  |  Bye Bye Baby - Bay City Rollers  |  The Hustle - Van McCoy  |  I’m Not In Love - 10cc  |  Lyin’ Eyes - Eagles  |  Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John, Kiki Dee  |  Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry  |  Dancing Queen - ABBA  |  You Should Be Dancing - Bee Gees  |  If You Leave Me Now - Chicago  |  Walk This Way - Aerosmith  |  You’re My Best Friend - Queen  |  More Than a Feeling - Boston  |  The Boys Are Back In Town - Thin Lizzy  |  Slow Ride - Foghat  |  Cherry Bomb - The Runaways  |  (Don’t Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult  |  Blitzkrieg Bop - Ramones  |  Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang - Silver  |  Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win) - Fleetwood Mac  |  Daddy Cool - Boney M.  |  Isn’t She Lovely - Stevie Wonder  |  All By Myself - Eric Carmen  |  Car Wash - Rose Royce  |  Enjoy Yourself - The Jacksons  |  American Girl - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers  |  It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll) - AC/DC  |  Hotel California - Eagles  |  Back In the Saddle - Aerosmith  |  Some Day One Day - Queen  |  Seven Seas Of Rhye - Queen  |  Brighton Rock - Queen  |  Killer Queen - Queen  |  Death On Two Legs (Dedicated To…) - Queen  |  I’m In Love With My Car - Queen  |  ‘39 - Queen  |  Seaside Rendezvous - Queen  |  Tie Your Mother Down - Queen  |  Somebody To Love - Queen  |  Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) - Queen
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the-brothers · 5 days
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Six - Nine Months
Nervously you entered the emergency entrance with Shanks in tow and scanned the waiting room for your brothers. They'd spotted you first and it only took seconds for Luffy to be wrapped around your legs.
Thatch was sitting across the room sweating over a clipboard while Ace sat quietly next to him. You scooped up your baby brother and made your way to them inspecting both of the little ones while addressing the eldest.
"How is he?"
Thatch glanced up looking more stressed than you'd ever seen him, "They are going to take him to the burn ward. He may need some grafts. They will know for sure soon."
"Grafts? How bad is it? What happened?" you sat in front of them with Luffy in your lap.
The brunette sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.
"The grill exploded in his face." Ace answered before Thatch could.
"Exploded?" you echoed in horror, a million horrible visuals flashing through your head.
"It's not how ever you're imagining," the brunette added with his face still burried in his palms, "the gas was on but the flame wouldn't ignite. When it did it blew out a fireball and Sabo was standing too close. It's my fault, I should have made sure he was out of the way."
"It wasn't your fault," you murmured as Luffy yawned resting his head on your shoulder.
"Accidents happen, and these guys are always all over the place." Shanks added.
"And Marco was home right? Having a first responder already there helped."
"Yeah, he's with him." Thach sighed.
"What did Pops say about it?"
Thatch paled and looked at his watch, "I haven't called him yet. It's two in the morning there."
"He won't care about the time. I still have a lot of minutes on the calling card he gave me." you passed Luffy to your boyfriend and stood, "I'll let him know."
"We'll come get you if the doctors come while you're out."
You nodded at your brother and headed back to the entrance while entering the information from your calling card and dialing your father.
"What happened lass?" Pops' groggy voice was already full of suspicion, "I'm assuming you know the time in London."
"There was an accident earlier with Sabo, we're all at the hospital now."
"Is he alright?" you could hear him fumbling around, "I can get the next available flight out."
"We don't know much right now, I wasn't home but the grill sort of blew up in his face. Thatch said he might need skin grafts."
"Blew up?!" Pops was extremely awake now stammering around his hotel room packing his bags.
"It was a build of of the propane. Marco was home thankfully but I don't know how much he could do."
"I'll be there as soon as I can lass, tell the boys I will see you all soon."
"I will. Be careful." with that you said your goodbyes and went back inside to wait things out with your brothers.
Not long after that Marco appeared and Shanks took his leave.
"He ended up not needing grafts but he'll be here for a few days to make sure his wounds don't get infected." the older blonde took a seat next to you, "We'll have a lot of after care to learn for him - yoi."
"How is he otherwise?" Thatch asked still quite stressed.
"Very lucky. He closed his eyes and didn't inhale, so it could have been much worse. They gave him a strong pain killer and sedative, so he's knocked out." Marco ran his hand through his hair, "He'll be in a private room soon. Either of us can stay with him but F/N, you should take the littles home -yoi."
"Shouldn't we all be here for him when he wakes up?"
Marco gave you a stern glance that you hated.
He was such a dad sometimes.
"These guys need to get actual rest and they won't let a bunch of minors just sleep in the waiting room - yoi."
"You take them," Thatch suggested, "I'll stay here around wait for Pops."
"He's coming home?"
"He said he was catching the first flight that he could." you answered.
"Well," Marco leaned down to scoop up a now sleeping Ace, "let's get these guys home and in bed."
Days passed and Sabo was released. His homecoming was quiet - per his request, but Thatch still made a huge meal of all the things he loved.
His left eye, shoulder and part of his chest were bandaged. His wavy locks had also been singed off. Every few hours his dressings had to be changed and drops had to be administered.
As he healed he was allowed to go bandage free to allow his wounds to air. He'd stayed home with Thatch doing assignments you picked up from his teacher when you picked Ace up from school. You began to worry about how reclusive he was becoming. It had been about two months and he was able to join in playtime outside in the snow but most times he refused. If you did manage to get him out he made sure to have a hat and scarf covering most of his face.
When you were home he clung to you.
After all the progress made in the last eight months it broke your heart to see him basically back at square one.
Christmas was coming, which for a kid who usually went without was a less exciting occasion. Every year on Christmas Eve your family threw the biggest party in town. Sabo had been fine at home where no one had to see him.  Now everyone would be there, in his new safe space, staring. Even worse most people knew of his accident and the last thing he wanted was pity.
"Your hair is growing again." you combed your fingers through your little brothers short waves as he leaned against you on the sofa.
"Not fast enough." he huffed.
"You don't have to grow it out ya know, it looks cute like this."
He scruched his nose at you, "I hate it like this."
"Ok, ok," you sighed not wanting to push him further.
"F/N?" you glanced down to meet his emerald gaze, "Do we have to go to the Christmas party?"
"I'm sure Pops won't force you if you aren't comfortable." you answered, "A lot of people want to meet you though, and they'll have gifts."
"Gifts?" he hummed, "but they don't know me."
"Yeah, but they are nice and know it's your first Christmas as a Newgate so it's like a welcoming and a Christmas gift." you explained, "Also, lots of them are rich so ya get cool stuff."
He let out a small chuckle as you shrugged, "Pops is rich too though, huh?"
"That's true," you laughed, "you brats will be even brattier after the holidays."
"You're a brat." he pushed your shoulder.
"No, I'm rubber and you're glue." you gently tapped his nose.
"So mature." he rolled his eyes and settled next to you again, "Maybe I'll go."
"It's alright if you change your mind or want to leave early too." you assured.
"I know." he nodded.
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magicshopaholic · 2 years
In Time (Taehyung x OC)
Summary: He's everywhere. Even months after your break-up, Taehyung is everywhere, even when you wish he would just disappear.
Pairing: Taehyung x OC
Genre: Angst
Word count: 10.6 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: language, heartbreak, anxiety, smoking, alcohol, fast cars
A/N: Set 7-8 months after the events of Austin, but can be read standalone. If you want to be added to my taglist, drop me a comment/ask.
Tagging: @bbl32, @ssaboala, @dreaming-with-happiness, @kflixnet, @k-radio
Credits to the loveliest beta readers @meirkive and @jeoniius: thank you so so much Mei and Tannie for all the feedback that gave me the confidence to upload a fic like this. Wouldn't be possible without you two <3
Listen to: “stormy weather” by etta james
taehyung masterlist | main masterlist
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Dilara smiles tightly and nods, muttering the greeting back to the woman at the counter. “Kamsahamnida,” she says quietly when she hands her the bottle of water, nodding slightly. 
“Your Korean has gotten better,” remarks Lexie as they walk towards the paddock on Thursday morning. “I dunno how, since you’ve got no reason to speak it anymore, but…” She shrugs.
Dilara frowns. “I said hello and thank you,” she reminds her. “And how can you tell?”
“Well, it’s more about the confidence with which you say it,” amends Lexie easily, pulling her long brown hair into a ponytail. “Plus, Chris told me. Apparently you spoke to someone at the airport?”
Dilara rolls her eyes. “I swear, his pity is worse than his insensitivity.”
“It’s not pity,” she disagrees in an admonishing tone. “He’s just… concerned. We know this won’t be the easiest weekend for you.”
“It’s been, like, four months, Lex. I’m over it.” When Lexie answers with nothing but a look, Dilara sighs. “Fine, I’m not fully over it but at least there aren’t any surprises this time,” she reasons, thinking back to the debacle in London two weeks ago with a shudder. “It’s the Korean Grand Prix - there really isn’t anywhere else I’d expect BTS to be this weekend.”
“That’s true.” Lexie sounds relieved. “And in any case, it’s a new track for everyone except Lewis and Seb - oh, and Alonso. The rest of you will have enough on your plate trying to ace it. D’you want to do a track walk later?”
Dilara answers in the affirmative as they near the Red Bull garage. The late June sun is warm but not glaring, and she tries to appreciate the fact that she’s one of the first drivers here this weekend, meaning the paddock is still relatively quiet. As the eighth race in a twenty-two race calendar, she hasn’t given up on the possibility that the Korean GP could be her chance to finally turn things around for the season. While the start was terrible, the races in Monaco and Great Britain helped steady her somewhat. Korea, despite whatever else it may represent, is going to be about nothing but the race as far as she’s concerned.
About twenty feet away from the paddock, Chris Park, who reached before them, spots them and waves before walking over. “Annyeonghaseyo!” he greets, looking tall and positively jolly as he takes off his sunglasses.
“Happy to be on home ground, are we?” Dilara asks dryly, looking around for someone to tell them where to head. “And, no, I don’t know how to say that in Korean so don’t even ask,” she adds quickly, pre-empting his next question.
His shoulders slump momentarily. “Fine. Where’s Freddie?”
“Went to the hotel to shower,” supplies Lexie, looking impressively nonchalant around Chris. She turns to Dilara. “Do you have PR now?”
“It’s Thursday, so probably…” She trails off as she sees Vicki Lloyd, Red Bull’s press officer, striding towards them.
“Hey, you lot,” she greets in her typical fashion, giving her and Lexie one-armed hugs. A thirty-something woman, always fit and poised even in jeans and Red Bull t-shirt, Vicki is the one person everyone takes seriously, sometimes even more than Christian. 
A chorus of “hey”s go up from the three of them before she turns to Dilara.
“Dilara, we need you back in the enclosure for a PR thing with the rest of the team,” she begins immediately, reading from a list on her phone. “Then there’s a meet and greet thing with BTS -” Dilara’s stomach jolts and she deliberately avoids her friends’ eyes “- with a few pictures and stuff… meet with Helmut... Alright, then you can get back to the hotel and freshen up before the show in the evening.” 
Dilara stares at her. “Before the what?”
Vicki looks up at her blankly. “The show,” she repeats, as though that explains everything. “BTS will perform, won’t they? Apparently, you can’t have an event in South Korea with BTS and not have them perform. You and Max, as the two drivers, will have to be on stage to introduce them and do some audience work with -”
“Back up - we have to do what?”
This time, she looks slightly sympathetic. “Yeah, I know, it’s a bit much. But don’t worry, Christian will mostly do it all. That’s what a team principal is for, right?” She shrugs. “You just have to stand on stage and smile when they come up.”
It’s the one thing Dilara doesn’t think she’s capable of doing but before she can grill Vicki any further, the press officer hurries away, reminding her as she leaves to be back in the paddock by four pm.
Dilara turns slowly towards Chris and Lexie. “Well, that’s a fucked up day to look forward to,” mutters Chris, and she can’t help but scoff in agreement. They head to the garage and she drifts away to her changing room for a bit of freshening up before going straight to PR, hoping to savour her last few BTS-free moments before this shitfest of a weekend.
The PR junket is pretty fun, overall; it’s another taste test with a bunch of Korean food, the staple sketch for every race outside of North America and England. As always, she and Max as the Red Bull drivers are joined by Pierre and Jehan, the drivers for Red Bull’s junior team, AlphaTauri. It’s a good group, reinforced by how they’d had her back during the fashion show in London earlier this month, and she tries to enjoy this as much as she can. 
Once it’s done, they head back to the hotel, a reasonably basic one just outside the circuit in Yeongam. On her way back to the paddock after she’s freshly showered and appropriately beautified (but still in a Red Bull t-shirt and skinny jeans), she starts to hear noise. Well, not noise, exactly - more like the best part of any F1 weekend: fans.
It’s a familiar rush, seeing so many excited people milling around wearing F1 gear. She also spots some in BTS merchandise, but she finds she can’t even fault them for it. If she were in a position where she had no history with the band and wasn’t a public figure, she might have been one of them. There are billboards and Army bombs being waved around and she realises with a sinking feeling that even after everything, there’s still a tiny, tiny bit of excitement in her stomach at watching BTS perform live.
Dilara tries not to think about it, for it isn’t going to help. November was the beginning of something good, March was the end of it, and it wasn’t until two weeks ago during the fashion show that everything came back to haunt her again. That evening had taken her by surprise; she’d spent all day fretting about whether this would be the day that Christian told her that Red Bull wasn’t extending her contract for next year after her terrible start to the season. Even while Lexie helped her get ready, she couldn’t get her mind off the possibility of being without a seat next year.
As it turned out, Christian told her no such thing. The next worst thing happened; BTS was announced as brand ambassadors for Red Bull, as part of the company’s plan to expand further into Asia. The shock in Dilara when she’d seen them walk up on stage was unparalleled, rivaling only the discovery that Christian had told everyone to keep it from her as some sort of surprise. Fangirl, he’d humiliatingly called her in front of everyone including the band, and Dilara had wanted to die.
The rest of the night had gone in processing their presence and doing her best to ignore it. The fashion show was still manageable, but the after party was a different story, and Dilara had been left with no choice but to instruct Max to keep her steadily plied with alcohol throughout. Max, who’d listened in stunned silence when she’d told him about the break up, had found himself feeling uncharacteristically guilty for not warning her and acquiesced to her demand.
After recovering from a horrendous hangover the morning after the event, she’d done nothing but focus on the race the following weekend (Silverstone, Great Britain), managing a double Red Bull podium with Max once again. It made two podiums in the year so far: Monaco a week prior, and Silverstone, two legendary tracks. She should’ve been happy - and she was - but the only two things on her mind were whether these overdue results would be enough for her to get signed again, and the next Grand Prix, which just happened to be Korea, revived after ten long years since Sebastian Vettel dominated the sport.
Dilara doesn’t see the actual band until they come on stage to perform. She and Max are backstage with Christian while they prepare to go on. She tries not to look at them; they aren’t paying too much attention to anyone else either as they get fitted with their mics and a bunch of stylists hover around them, fixing their hair and make-up. 
She also tries not to think about how the last time she’d seen them, at the fashion show in London. The alcohol blurred everything, but her constant fear of running into any of them, especially him, is seared into her mind. She remembers avoiding them best as she could, the loud music of the after party, her singular goal of avoiding every member of that band, looking away with a gasp when she’d accidentally met J-Hope’s smiling gaze, hurrying away when she’d bumped into Jungkook in the crowd, and dancing with someone to distract herself until she had to be taken home before she passed out.
Her stomach churns at the thought; seeing them from the corner of her eye now suddenly reminds her that it was most likely Suga who helped her into the cab after the party, his ice blue hair a distinct memory. The idea of her needing any of their help, after everything, is nauseating.
When they’re announced, they go up onstage in a cloud of smoke before the song starts and they start performing their hearts out. It’s not like she can shut her ears; unlike a week ago when she’d finally decided to unblock their hashtags on social media and listen to the new single, this time she can’t turn off her phone the moment she decides it’s too much. 
She hadn’t even listened to the entire song; after a point, listening to their voices and the resurfacing of old emotions at their music was overwhelming, and she’d turned it off after the first verse. She vaguely notes that it’s like a grown up version of Converse High, and now that she’s forced to listen to it, she’s also forced to admit that it’s actually not a bad song.
The audience goes batshit crazy as usual; Christian even leans over to her and Max to whisper it, as though afraid of being overheard amidst the loud music. “They’re a big deal, aren’t they?” he remarks in mild wonder, checking his phone, she’s sure, for the script he’s supposed to follow after the performance is over.
Once the song is done, the anchor goes up to congratulate them and they do a bit of audience work, all in Korean. Dilara finds herself becoming more and more jittery with every passing moment, hating everything about this: the people involved, the awkwardness of it, not to mention facing hundreds of people on stage. When they’re finally announced, she follows Christian and Max out on stage to applause. 
On her way up, she briefly scans the faces in the audience; while most are cheering, she can also see a few frowns and eye rolls. She bites her lip; it’s not unexpected that some fans still have some resentment towards her for her public proximity to the group, as former brand ambassadors of Honda, Red Bull’s engine supplier. She resists the urge to roll her eyes, wanting to inform them that she has nothing to do with their precious boys anymore, that they’re welcome to them, estrangement and everything.
Dilara feels a nudge to her stomach; when she looks up at Max, annoyed, he mutters at her to smile. She obeys, only somewhat paying attention to Christian and the Korean anchor, a vaguely familiar guy in his thirties maybe, and RM sometimes interjecting when they mention the band. Finally, they officially introduce Dilara Komyshan and Max Verstappen and she sees Christian pass the mic to Max who greets the crowd in English, just like in every other country apart from his own. When he passes the mic to her, she feels her stomach leap unpleasantly, already knowing what’s expected of her.
Heart thumping, she swallows and faces the crowd. “Annyeonghaseyo,” she begins, pausing for the crowd to cheer before continuing in Korean. Christian and Vicki had been clear about this; at least one of the drivers needed to say something in the language and as the only one with a Korean friend, Dilara had been automatically volunteered, her own discomfort be damned. 
“I’m really happy to be here and… to race in Korea, finally,” she adds, sighing in relief when she makes it through without messing up any of the words, although she’s sure her accent is rubbish. The crowd cheers even louder and she’s glad, for she’d specifically double-checked this with Chris before getting up on stage, making him send her a voice note where he said the words slowly and clearly. 
Her eyes automatically find the group across the stage to see them all smiling or grinning - at least the ones she can see - and she’s horrified to find their approval still means something to her.
I wanted to teach you.
The memory comes unbidden to the forefront of her mind, of a pouting ex-boyfriend and freshly laundered sheets. She lets out a ragged breath which, thankfully, no one seems to notice. Sneaking a look at the band again, she can see RM, Jimin, Suga and J-Hope in front. The others, she presumes, are at the back, being the tallest except for their leader. Dilara can’t see him, for which she’s thankful, and she immediately turns her attention towards the emcee, who’s still pointing at the drivers as he talks.
There’s a bit more crowd work being done before the band is then ushered offstage, leaving just Dilara, Max and Christian to be interviewed by F1 journalists this time. Lee Ji-won, their main reporter, asks them typical questions about the circuit and the season so far, and she feels herself getting slightly more comfortable now that the discussion has moved to her domain. She deliberately averts her gaze from the wings of the stage; she’d caught a flash of blond hair behind the reporter’s shoulder and the last thing she wants is to acknowledge the band any more than she already has.
When the interview ends and they step offstage, she hurries into the wings and immediately bangs into someone’s shoulder. She gasps involuntarily at the impact and feels someone’s hands steady her. “Gwaenchanha?” 
Dilara looks up and for a millisecond, her eyes meet Park Jimin’s. The horrifying memory of her last interaction with him claws through her brain and before she can begin to process how his eyes go wide and his mouth opens as if to say something, she flinches out of his grasp and hurries away, not stopping even when she hears him call her name, sounding uncertain.
It doesn’t get too much better after that. There’s a backstage picture everyone needs to pose for and when one of the stylists enthusiastically places her between Jimin and her ex, Max grabs her wrist at the last minute and pulls her towards him and she ends up placed between him and Jungkook. 
She tries to smile but it’s so hard. The moment with Jimin especially makes her so nauseous, not just because it’s incredibly reminiscent of the fashion show where she bumped into what felt like fifty percent of the band, but also because if she thinks about it, he was the last member of the band she ever spoke to.
Dilara flees the enclosure after that, feeling rather like she’s escaped a prison with no one but the biggest boyband in the world and its devotees. The weather is thankfully nice and cool, with the sky darkening a bit. There isn’t a place on earth she’s able to blend in less than in an F1 paddock, but for once, there’s a bigger celebrity than the drivers here and she gets to leave in peace. 
Three days to go, she tells herself like a mantra, hoping she has no further reasons to interact with them again. They’ll hang around the paddock and the Red Bull garages, she’s sure, but the crowded nature of both those places will at least ensure that she can safely stay the fuck away from them until she’s out of Yeongam.
“Hey, Dilara!”
She freezes. The voice is familiar and instantly makes her stomach churn, and it takes her a moment to realise that it’s none of the seven members of the band. She turns slowly to see one of Max’s mechanics walking towards her, smiling and waving.
Dilara exhales, her heart racing in anticipation. It occurs to her only now, when she sees his face and hears his voice, that this was the person she’d danced with in her extreme state of intoxication at the after party in London. She had spent most of the party drinking on an empty stomach and socialising as much as possible with people who were not BTS… including a member of Max’s pit crew. He’d been charming and fun, and as far as she can remember, had done his best to help her hydrate when her vision had started tunneling. Nothing had happened, but she couldn't lie to herself; after the horror that was that night, she would’ve done whatever it took to forget everything.
“Annyeonghaseyo,” he says, smiling and stopping a couple feet away from her, looking far sunnier than she feels
“Oh, annyeonghaseyo… Jaden,” she guesses, hoping she’s right. 
Jaden’s smile widens at her response. “How are you?”
Dilara frowns; he’s spoken in Korean and his accent is near perfect, from what she can tell. “Gwaenchanha,” she answers, watching his reaction.
He doesn’t disappoint. “You speak Korean!” he exclaims, his accent British - British like Chris’s, or hers. “Are you learning or is it just for this weekend?”
“Oh, uh… I watch a lot of k-drama,” she answers lightly. “Oh, and one of my best friends is Korean, too. But I don’t speak it. I know, like… six words.”
“That’s cool, that’s cool. How are you doing, by the way? After…” Jaden trails off and she feels her cheeks heat up.
“Oh, uh… I’m - I’m fine. Made the rookie mistake of drinking too much on an empty stomach,” she explains awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t start reliving the night, drunken dancing, eventual incoherence, or her breakdown which spurred Max to send her home immediately, calling Lexie as he tucked her into the cab.
Fortunately, he doesn’t go that far. “We’ve all been there,” he says easily, wincing mock-sympathetically. 
“Right.” Dilara nods slowly, feeling slightly better. “But, um… thanks. I know I was kind of… spinning out towards the end.” She smiles awkwardly.
“Oh, don’t mention it. You weren’t that bad. You were… charming.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, chuckling softly. “And none of my friends were there, so you ended up keeping me company that night, too.”
“I’ll take it.” After a moment where no one speaks, she takes a deep breath. “Anyway… see you around.” She turns to leave when he says her name again.
“Um, I was actually hoping I’d run into you. Outside the garage, I mean,” he adds, one hand going to the back of his head nervously. “Um, do you… do you maybe want to get a drink or something? Like, tomorrow night, maybe?”
Oh. Truly not expecting this, she pauses. “Look, Jaden, I -” She clears her throat. “I’m really sorry if I led you on at the fashion show or if I did anything inappropriate at all. I was really, really drunk and I just -”
“No, no, it’s nothing to do with that,” he assures her quickly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just… I dunno, I always thought you were cute, even when I was just a viewer. And you may have been really drunk, but…” Jaden shrugs, a small smile appearing. “At least it broke the ice.”
Dilara chuckles, despite herself. “At least something good came out of that disaster,” she mutters dryly. “But… I don’t know. We work together… and I honestly haven’t seen a restaurant in a five mile radius of this place.”
It’s Jaden’s turn to chuckle. “I can find one. I’m from here,” he says after a moment.
“You’re from Yeongam? Wait, you’re Korean?”
He grins. “Park Jae-won,” he says in answer, holding out a hand for her to shake. “I know I don’t look it. I’m only half-Korean.”
“No, I didn’t -” She takes his hand absently, suddenly remembering that at the aforementioned party where a transparent amount of k-pop was being played for the shiny new ambassadors, Jaden effortlessly sang along to songs she’d never even heard. “Wow. You grew up here?”
“Partly. Then we moved to Incheon, and then London.” He raises his eyebrows. “So? Is that a yes?” When she doesn’t answer, he shoves his hands back into his pockets. “It’s just free practice tomorrow. We’ll come back on time so you can get a good night’s sleep before Qualifying on Saturday.”
“I -” Dilara is genuinely at a loss as to how to answer. While there theoretically wouldn’t be any harm, she just doesn’t know if she’s ready to date yet, much as she hates the reason. She recalls a conversation she'd had with Lexie right after Silverstone a week ago, when she’d sympathetically but firmly advised her to start properly moving on - the main bit of which included dating.
“You don’t have to marry anyone,” she’d reasoned, as they sat in matching splits at the gym. “Just go out, get courted, have some fun and sex.”
It made sense then. Now, faced with the reality, Dilara finds herself getting anxious. But if she’s being honest, a distraction is definitely what she needs, this weekend most of all.
“Well… looks like you’ve thought of everything.” She shrugs, giving him a small smile.
It takes him a moment. “Really?” His face breaks out into a genuinely good-looking smile and Dilara, against all odds, feels her heart skip a beat. “Alright, then. Pick you up at six?”
So, after Free Practice the next day, Dilara gets ready for her first date in months. Lexie is beside herself with relief, even though she tries to hide it by pretending to stalk Jaden on Instagram.
“I’m your friend, it’s my responsibility to make sure he isn’t some kind of creep,” she informs Dilara knowingly, looking up at her outfit critically. “D’you want to borrow my blue top with the flowers? It’d make your boobs look good.”
Dilara laughs, surprisingly excited. “Sure, why not? I have good boobs, right?”
“Absolutely.” Lexie hurries to her suitcase to retrieve the blouse, a really nice top that she enthusiastically pairs with high-waisted jeans. 
One fallout of this unceremonious break-up was Lexie’s disappointment in the band. While Dilara’s had been mostly centred around heartbreak and humiliation, hers was closer to rage and genuine betrayal, partly as her friend and trainer, and partly as a fan. During the handful of times that either of them had even mentioned the band in the last few months, she’d been so savage in the way she spoke about them that even Dilara found herself wanting to defend them, feeling strangely guilty that she’d lost an artist she loved so much.
When Dilara’s finally ready, she heads down to the lobby of the hotel. As usual, the entire hotel is booked out for the F1 attendees, drivers, trainers and all other staff included. She wonders for the first time where BTS is staying, when she spots Jaden near the glass doors. He compliments how she looks in a very gentlemanly fashion, pressing a light kiss to her cheek, before leading her to his motorcycle parked outside.
“Wow,” she comments, taking the helmet he hands her. “Sexy bike.”
He grins, faded leather jacket making him look genuinely handsome. “Thanks. I watch a lot of MotoGP, too,” he confesses.
Dilara nods, warming up to him a bit more. “Me, too. I mean, If people think F1 is dangerous…” She shakes her head and lets out a low whistle. “MotoGP is a class apart. They can literally die at any moment.”
“On that encouraging note,” he says, climbing onto the bike, “hop on.”
They ride around fifteen minutes away from the hotel, a nice and cool wind blowing as they do. The more they ride, the better she starts to feel about her decision to say yes. Jaden ends up taking her to a pub quite literally in the middle of nowhere; it’s nice, though - quaint - and even though she’s dressed fairly conservatively (a jacket, jeans and boots), the crowd seems to be young enough to not care even if she wasn’t. There’s most motorcycles parked outside, along with one hatchback and a large black SUV.
They get a table near an old fashioned jukebox and right across from a dartboard; the first thing she does is pick up a lone dart and aim it at the board, smirking when it hits the bull’s eye.
“Athlete reflexes,” notes Jaden, coming up behind her. His chest brushes her back and she feels an old, familiar sensation of butterflies in her stomach. The fact that she can still feel it takes her off guard, a sign that moving on might just be possible. She leans back very slightly, turning up to look at him when he places his hands on her shoulders. 
“Can I get you a drink?” he asks. “Might help me to lower your reflexes a bit.”
Dilara laughs. “Okay, but just a beer. I still have to race tomorrow.”
It’s objectively a reasonably fun date. As it turns out, breaking the ice through her drunken escapades during the fashion show actually does help, because they seem to have made it past the awkward touches phase, automatically comfortable making physical contact. Casual nudges and playful pulling of the arms doesn’t feel strange at all, not even when she’s aiming a dart and he comes up behind her, gently pulling her back into his chest, hands light on her waist.
They kiss during the only English song that plays during the date; out of nowhere, Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen starts playing and they sing along to it, fortunately in a corner of the pub so no one quite pays any attention to them. During the guitar riff, there’s a moment of meaningful eye contact and, without making a big deal of it, Jaden leans forward and softly kisses her on the lips. She kisses him back but given that they’re in a public place in a fairly conservative country, they stop before it gets too heated. 
She expects to feel something; some nostalgia at a fun first date on a race weekend, or a hollowness at saying goodbye to a quick, rushed chapter in her life. But the kiss is too quick and she’s been consciously blocking out the events of March for months now. By the time she even registers that his lips are his, Jaden’s, and not the ones she’d dared to consider might be the last ones she’d ever kiss, the song changes and the moment is over.
They don’t have tons to talk about, if she’s being honest. It’s fun anecdotes and jokes here and there, but she can already tell that there’s nothing long term here. Still, it’s nice to have a night of fun with a nice guy - and he is a nice guy. It’s only towards the end of the date when he excuses himself to use the men’s room, kissing her on the cheek, that she finally has a moment to herself. Running her fingers through her hair, she looks around at the other patrons, a calm crowd mostly keeping to themselves. 
She half-expects to see someone she knows; people like Lewis Hamilton, Daniel Ricciardo or Charles Leclerc sometimes tend to head out on a race weekend to loosen up, especially if it’s a country they don’t visit very often. She tries half-heartedly to identify faces, until she does a double-take and, for the first time in six months, she makes eye contact with V of BTS.
Dilara’s heart stops. If he’s surprised, he doesn’t show it, which makes her think he’d already seen her. He’s in a black hoodie with the hood up, presumably to blend in, but there isn’t a single doubt in her mind that it’s him, especially not with the way he’s staring back. His long blond hair peeks out, framing his face, brushing his cheekbones and leaving his forehead partly exposed.
Weren’t you dating one of them? The tall one, with the blond hair? Max’s confusion had been understandable, given how she’d swept out of the hall the moment she’d had the opportunity, hoping with all her might that she wouldn’t have a panic attack here, in public - and because of him. It had felt like an ambush, how casually he’d waltzed back into her company event, her domain and her life, with his members flanking him in suits and more confidence than she felt they had any right to.
Christian had tried to force conversation, naturally: keeping brand ambassadors happy meant that money would keep flowing in. Money meant a good car and a real chance at the championship. Dilara knew it, of course, but at the moment it had meant nothing to her. She’d done her best to ignore their existence entirely, hoping to savour some savage satisfaction but instead feeling only cornered and humiliated, to the point where she’d considered faking a headache to leave early.
It was all talk, though. She was a racer; even at her worst, she wouldn’t hide. She couldn’t. It would be too hard to look at herself in the mirror. But there was nothing to say she had to bear it with a smile, which was when she’d enlisted Max to have her back, something he’d done loyally all night. Even seeing the members here and there during the party hadn’t been so bad while her vision swam… until she spotted him.
V of BTS was blond now - that much she had gleaned from Max. Her greatest achievement of the night, though, through all the ignoring and drinking, had been her ability to avoid him. She had managed even, during Christian’s small talk, to position herself such that he was somewhere behind her. On stage, he’d been standing at the back, and during the party she hadn’t caught a glimpse of him until the very end.
She’d reached the stage of the night where she’d started stumbling. Max had left her side for a few minutes to greet a sponsor’s kid somewhere, and Dilara had ventured to the bar alone and ordered a whiskey on the rocks, her least favourite drink. The bartender had nodded and started shuffling behind the bar, when she’d felt a brush behind her and an old, familiar, heartbreaking scent wafting over. 
Her body’s immediate reaction had been to give up; she had to grip the bar to keep from crumpling to the ground while her mind struggled to take in every ounce of it, every bit of the lotion and spicy cologne that she’d tried her best to repress over the last three months. Using nothing but her peripheral vision, she’d done everything in her power to not turn her head and keep it trained in the direction of the bartender. The new entrant had come up from behind her to stop at the bar to her left, approximately five feet between them. 
The first thing Dilara had noticed was the blond hair. There was a dark grey pinstripe suit, well-fitted, and a flash of red; her guess, a tie. He’d placed one hand on the bar and a familiar ring glinted on his index finger. Her chest had felt like it would literally close up and the moment she’d noticed his shoulders tilting towards her, the bartender had placed her drink on the bar and she’d let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Without a second thought, she’d picked up her drink, turned around and left. 
She’d allowed herself a few moments of weakness since then, wondering if he’d been about to say something to her. After everything, she couldn’t fathom for the life of her what he would want to say to her, or why he would even want to acknowledge anything between them. Even now, the entire pub could burn down and she doesn’t think he would have the inclination to say anything to her - or the nerve.
She feels an old, familiar irritation at how difficult his face is to read; there’s a hint of a frown on his forehead and his eyes are heavily lidded, his face tilted up slightly since he’s sitting at a booth and she’s on a bar stool. It’s then that she realises he’s not alone. She can vaguely make out Jimin next to him, but it’s too hard to tear her eyes away from V. She expects something to happen - tears or something. But the shock is too much, especially at how they’ve somehow managed to find each other in a crowded pub in a South Korean town. 
She still can’t place his expression; a shadow suddenly passes over his face and his eyes flicker. A moment later, she feels an arm go around her waist and Jaden kissing her cheek, making her jump.
“Shit, did I scare you?”  he asks, chuckling as he takes the seat opposite her. “Sorry.”
“No, I’m… I’m fine.” Dilara’s gaze meets V’s momentarily, and she wonders if he’s seen them this whole time, if he’s seen Jaden kiss her, if he’s seen her laugh with him… she looks away before she can go down this rabbit hole. 
“Hey.” Jaden’s voice breaks through. He waves a dimsum in front of her. “Aren’t you hungry?”
She shakes her head, glad for the distraction. “No, I…” She exhales and forces a smile onto her face. “It’s a race weekend. I have to make sure I don’t fuck it up.”
They leave soon after that. On the way out the door, she catches a glimpse of the same blond hair and diligently looks away, suddenly eager to just get back to the hotel and sleep. Despite a two hour date, neither she nor Jaden actually had much to drink; she, because of the race weekend, and Jaden she’s sure just wanted to keep her company.
When she reaches the hotel, Lexie’s in their shared room, eagerly awaiting details. Dilara tells her what she wants to hear: she had fun, he was hot, they made out in the parking lot (she leaves out the fact that she heard the door to the SUV slam shut and the car zoom away while they were), but she doesn’t see it going anywhere.
“Oh, well.” Lexie shrugs, flipping over onto her front on her bed. “At least you tried. And you had fun, so it wasn’t a total waste.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Dilara thinks about what she really wants to tell her closest friend, deciding that she needs a second opinion. She’s folding her jeans and tries to sound as nonchalant as possible. “By the way,” she begins, anticipating Lexie’s reaction, “guess who I saw at the pub?”
“Valtteri drowning his sorrows?” she guesses, referring to how the Alfa Romeo driver crashed his car out during Free Practice earlier today.
“Uh, no. I saw… well, I saw V.” Dilara looks up at her, trying to ignore how strange it feels to be saying his stage name.
Lexie’s eyebrows shoot up. “V… as in, V? As in Kim T-”
“Yes,” she cuts her off, swallowing. “Can you believe it? I mean, what are the chances?”
“Damn. Did he say anything?”
“No, we just spotted each other and looked away.” Dilara shrugs, realising in hindsight that while it felt like a huge moment, it wasn’t really one of any significance. “I guess I should’ve expected it. It doesn’t look like there are too many places around here for people to hang out.”
“Hm.” Lexie considers this. “Did he see you guys making out?”
Dilara stares, marvelling briefly at her ability to get to the point. “I - probably. I don’t know.”
“Good. I hope he did.”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s not like he gives a fuck. D’you think I should hit the gym in the morning?” she asks, successfully changing the subject. Honestly, Dilara is quite certain that she doesn’t want to get into the mess of jealousy - not because she doesn’t care, but because if she were to go by recent events, he doesn’t care. 
Lexie doesn’t seem fooled but she lets it go, going into trainer mode for their schedule tomorrow. The next day, Freddie Richter enters Dilara’s changing room while Lexie helps her stretch before the Qualifying round.
“Um, why did a mechanic from Max’s pit crew just ask me how you’re doing?” Tall, blond and German - and uninvited - he takes a seat on the couch. “And not like a supportive team member, but like he knows you?”
Dilara doesn’t answer, but Lexie takes over for her. “She went on a date with him,” she supplies. “Wait, we’re talking about the dark-haired, part-Korean guy, right?”
Fred nods. “Wow. What is it with you and Korean dudes?”
“She has a type.”
“It’s not a type until I date Chris,” disagrees Dilara, voice muffled against the mat. “And that’s never going to happen, so…”
Lexie and Fred snicker, and the latter whistles in a low voice. “Speaking of Korean dudes…” When she looks up questioningly, he cocks his head towards the ajar door. “Seven pretty famous ones just pulled up.”
“Fantastic,” she mutters, straightening up. “You guys will stay with me, right? I can’t get distracted before today’s session.”
They promise, and Dilara successfully avoids the group all afternoon. There’s a slightly sticky moment where Jaden comes up to talk to her while she’s next to her car, under the pretext of showing her how they’ve altered her car’s suspension slightly so that she gets maximum downforce, and when they straighten up, he asks her how she’s doing. She smiles a bit, of course, until she glances behind his shoulder to see V turning around and walking away. Despite her best efforts, she loses track of what Jaden is saying, wondering despite herself if he was really coming over here.
Qualifying is a blast. Given that it’s only an hour-long session on the whole and each driver doesn’t end up doing more than five or six laps, the fact that it decides the starting order for the race makes this session almost as important as the race itself. Twenty cars, going their absolute fastest - and Dilara is no exception. 
Despite whatever’s going on in her personal life, she drives the lap of her life and secures the first pole position of her career, beating McLaren’s Lando Norris by two-tenths and her own teammate Max by five-tenths of a second. The elation in her in starting first tomorrow is unprecedented, beaten only by her first race win in Austin last year.
Karun Chandok, one of the regular journalists on the paddock, takes her interview after, congratulating her on being the first female driver and the first Asian-origin driver to be a race winner and pole sitter in the history of Formula 1. After a personal congratulations on being a South Asian driver to make a mark on the sport, he finally bids her goodbye and she skips back to the garage.
Lexie is the first person to come up and hug her, followed by Christian, Chris and Fred. She’s not the first Red Bull pole sitter by any means, but it makes her feel warm that they’re still so happy for her. After Fred squeezes her hard enough to crack a rib and sets her on the ground, she catches Jungkook’s eye from over his shoulder. He’s smiling and clapping, eyes crinkling, and her own smile freezes on her face. She wants to look away but she’s suddenly aware of the same warm feeling creeping through her chest… like seeing another friend happy for her. 
Dilara holds his gaze for a moment and he seems surprised as well. The moment Jungkook realises she’s not looking away immediately, he stops clapping and lowers his hands, his smile transforming from the formal, chocolate boy camera smile to his real, genuine toothy one. He gives her a small wink and instantly, she feels tears prickling at the back of her eyes at the friend who followed her career even more than her boyfriend did, and who consequently hurt her almost as much as he did. She can feel her smile fading and before she can alert anyone to the fact that something’s wrong, she looks away, wiping her eyes and hoping it’ll look like happy tears.
The next day, everyone wakes up to weather reports of impending rain. It isn’t raining yet, but the sun isn’t out either, making everyone on the team slightly jittery as strategies are discussed on how best to deal with rain, should it come. In circuits like these, driving on dry tracks is hard enough without adding water to the mix. It makes for exciting viewing and racing, but it also means far greater potential for accidents and unexpected results.
Dilara tries not to think about it too much. She puts on her earphones the moment she’s on the paddock and in her race suit, focusing solely on warming up and getting in the zone, wanting more than anything for this pole position to convert into a win. The pressure is enormous, she discovers, when you’re in prime position to zoom ahead and build a steady lead. When all the drivers strap into their cars on the grid, she spots more than one driver glancing up at the sky surreptitiously.
Dilara doesn’t have a good start, though. As the pole sitter, the lead is already hers - or it should be. But Lando in P2 releases his clutch better and in the clean air, overtakes her straight away on Turn 1. It’s humiliating, especially when Max from behind him manages to get ahead of her as well, dropping her down to P3. With the sudden change in track position, she finds herself amidst a flurry of cars and the minute everyone goes into Turn 4, she feels a jolt when a car grazes hers on the front and she spins out onto the grass.
“Fuck!” she exclaims into the radio, trying to reverse and get back onto the track. Next to her, also on the grass, she sees a Ferrari and an AlphaTauri as well, the latter of which has stopped its engine. Without any further ado, with her race engineer Jonathan rattling off track positions into her earphones, she gets back on the track and into the pits for a new front wing, discovering with a sinking heart when she’s back on the track that she’s down to P14, all because Aston Martin’s Lance Stroll decided to pull out his dick and attempt some kind of overtake on another car.
Dilara is now stuck behind Sebastian Vettel who, as the youngest world champion in F1 history, is notoriously hard to overtake. At the same time, she has potential future world champion Charles Leclerc on her arse, his gleaming red Ferrari appearing menacingly in her rearview mirror. This goes on for nearly twenty laps, the first five of which are behind a safety car; she’s sandwiched between two prodigies of the sport, just about managing not to lose track position any further but also unable to move ahead. 
Fortunately for her, through another series of events including a safety car and a puncture ahead, she’s able to pit for fresh tyres again, arriving in P11, now one position away from at least getting points. In the next twenty or so laps, she steadily overtakes Esteban Ocon, Nick Latifi and Lance fucking Stroll to make it up to P8. Jonathan is still being encouraging on the radio, informing her that Max is in the lead at the moment. 
Of course he is. Max is her friend, but in the car and on track, that means nothing. He’s Max Verstappen, and him maintaining the lead is neither surprising nor well-received. In Formula 1 at least, there’s nothing worse than your teammate doing well when you aren’t.
She tries not to resent it too much; more than her own abysmal race, she’s also sure that should any adverse circumstances occur, she will be sacrificed to get Max his win. It’s an occupational hazard of being Max Verstappen’s teammate, one that led Daniel Ricciardo to quit, and Pierre Gasly and Alex Albon to be demoted for not being able to keep up with him. She has no doubts about the fact that if needed, Red Bull will be happy to replace her with either of the junior drivers next year - especially since her contract for next year still hasn’t been renewed.
In a bizarre turn of events, with seven laps to go, she feels droplets. As if on cue, she hears Jonathan’s voice crackle on the radio. “We’re getting reports of rain in Turn 5 and Turn 7. Do you want to pit for inters? I repeat: pit for inters.”
“I -” Dilara swallows. It’s a gamble at this point, not knowing how hard the rain’s going to come down. Either she pits now and loses track position or she stays out and risks skidding on a wet track, possibly crashing. I need points. Her heart starts racing. “Where will I come out if I pit?” she asks.
“P15,” comes the reply. “But we think others will come in to pit as well so you can make up track position. The rain will get stronger.”
In a sport where everything is determined by fractions of a second, she doesn’t have the luxury of weighing the pros and cons. If she’s the one of the first people to pit, she can get back her lead. If she’s one of the only people to pit… well, Pierre and Alex are doing just fine. 
She makes the decision in a split second. “Alright, I’m coming in.”
As Jonathan predicted, nearly every car in front of her comes in to pit for inters as well, the ideal tyres for a wet track. The only ones that don’t are Lando, who predictably skids and falls out of the points, and Lance Stroll. Even Max comes in too late, by which time she’s already in a podium position, in the top three. In an epic twist, the Korean Grand Prix is won by Sebastian Vettel, Daniel Ricciardo in P2 and Dilara in P3.
When she jumps out of the car and takes off her helmet and balaclava, only to immediately get drenched in the rain, she can’t even bring herself to care. The entire Red Bull team is standing at the barriers, waiting to cheer for not only her, but other two as well. Photographers are going crazy clicking all three podium sitters, but Dilara is too winded to care. 
Even hours later, when she’s on her way to Christian’s office for a late meeting, she’s still dizzy with happiness. From pole position, to being out of the points, to snagging a podium in a wet race is classic, iconic even. She hurries up to his office, waving at staff leaving the paddock under umbrellas as she takes the stairs two at a time. The rain has slowed down but hasn’t stopped; after a rainy podium celebration combined with sticky champagne all over the podium sitters, she hurried to her changing room to shower quickly before heading to Christian’s.
She’s hoping it’s him telling her that she’s signed for next year; it’s the only thing she can think he’d want to tell her that he wouldn’t need Max for. Lexie has been invited, too, which can only mean it has something to do with her driving or her training. Hair wet from her shower and getting wetter from the rain, she jogs up the wet stairs, careful not to slip.
“... probably taking pictures or something…” She hears Christian’s muffled voice from his office. “... with Driver of the Day…”
“I’m coming!” Dilara calls, and a bunch of voices laugh. She can make out Lexie’s husky one and realises she’s the last one to arrive.
“Careful, don’t injure yourself!” Christian’s trademark voice is unmistakable. 
“I’m sorry I’m late!” She yells as she hurries down the wet corridor. “Got caught in the rain and - whoa!” She almost slips in the doorway of the office and catches the doorknob just in time. The laughter gets even louder and Dilara can’t help but laugh as well, sweeping her wet hair out of her eyes and off her face.
“There she is!” Christian exclaims, smiling proudly with his arms outstretched. There’s a smattering of applause in the room and she’s immediately engulfed in a rare fatherly hug from her team principal. “Pole and a podium! You deserved being voted Driver of the Day, darling,” he says, kissing her on the cheek.
“Aw, thanks, Christian,” she says, her cheeks hurting with how much she’s smiling. “Wouldn’t have been possible without the team and the pit -” She breaks off, finally noticing the others in the room. Apart from a few Red Bull staff members milling about, and Lexie, one side of the long table has none other than all seven members of BTS seated at it.
Dilara can feel her smile fade slightly and she looks away before it can become too obvious. She turns immediately to Lexie, widening her eyes at her friend in a what the fuck way, but all Lexie does is give her a small shrug and an apologetic shake of the head, meaning she has no idea what this is about either. Dilara moves towards the empty seat next to her, directly across from the band, certain that even BTS can’t dampen her mood today. 
“Alright, now I know you’ve probably had enough champagne to last the rest of the night,” says Christian, waving a bottle of Moet in his hand, “but I think we all deserve one more drink before we’re done with this weekend.” Before Dilara can respond, champagne flutes are filled halfway and being passed around. 
Christian raises his own glass and beams at her. “I know you didn’t have a great beginning to the season. March and April were…” he trails off, shaking his head sympathetically, while her cheeks burn because she’s sure it’s sinking in for the seven men across the table as to why those months might have been bad for her. “In any case, you recovered like a champ. Monaco was splendid, Silverstone was… well, you remember what Silverstone was like,” he grins, and she can’t help but smile at the memory. “And this weekend, you proved how right we were to sign you. To the driver of the day… Dilara.”
“Dilara,” everyone choruses. Dilara’s cheeks are burning with pleasure but for some reason, when everyone raises their glasses, she glances over at the band. All of them are looking at her with various kinds of formal smiles, but her gaze seems to gravitate towards V. He’s smiling at her with what looks like pride; the sight almost makes her want to throw up and she begins to wonder in disgust just how much he’s getting paid to sit here and put on such a show.
“Thank you,” she mutters in their direction, noticing how Christian frowns when she looks away from them. Everyone drinks and she downs hers instantly; a few people chuckle and she realises that she and Jimin have finished before everyone else. She almost - almost - slips and gives him a small smile, when she remembers the last time she’d had champagne with the band: the night of her first race win in Austin last November - the night she and V had got together.
Her heart lurches and she looks away again, wanting Christian to just get on with it so she can leave. 
He has no such intentions, though. “So, are you two taking the red eye back to London tonight?” Christian asks her and Lexie. “D’you want a ride to the airport?”
“Oh, no, we’re actually not going back tonight,” she answers. “Our friend Chris is from Seoul originally so we’re driving down to his place after this for a few days.”
“Oh, it’s a really cool city,” chimes in Vicki, acknowledging the seven Seoul residents that Dilara, until this very moment, had not remembered would be there. “You’ve never been?”
She shakes her head. “First time in South Korea.”
“Great,” says Christian jovially, voice still dry as ever, “now you have the most famous band in South Korea to show you around, too.” 
Dilara gives a half-hearted chuckle, hoping to all ends that he won’t say anything that will force her to hang out with BTS in Seoul. Fortunately, he doesn’t, and when she sneaks a look at the band, she spots Jungkook with wide, almost hurt eyes and V biting his lip and looking down. A memory surfaces without warning, of a boyfriend promising to show her Seoul at night, the beach at Incheon, his family’s farm in Daegu, a weekend away on Jeju Island…
Her eyes meet V’s for a moment and she imagines he’s remembering the same thing, but she looks away before she can read too much into his expression. There’s no point hashing out the past, especially when it changes nothing. She looks up at Christian again and exhales, hoping he finally gets on with it.
“Alright,” he begins, clapping his hands in a businesslike fashion, “so you’re probably wondering what this is about. Don’t worry, Max was already briefed about this before he left, but since you two will be involved marginally more than him, I thought this was the best way to let you know.”
Dilara frowns in confusion. It can’t be the contract extension he’s talking about, because why would Max need to be briefed about that? Moreover, why would Lexie need to be briefed about this? And why in heaven’s name is Bangtan fucking Sonyeondan here for it?
“As you know, Red Bull has put in a lot of money into marketing this year,” he continues, apparently not noticing her internal struggle. “With you and Max as a legendary pairing in the team’s history, along with world-famous brand ambassadors,” he nods at BTS, but Dilara doesn’t move her gaze from him, “they’ve got a two month-long PR stint planned that will start right after summer break, with Belgium and end with…” He looks around at Vicki.
“Japan,” she supplies. 
Japan… so, Suzuka. Dilara’s still processing why the name of the circuit makes her stomach roll, when she remembers that she hasn’t the faintest idea what Christian is talking about. “Wait, um… so what’s the - the PR plan?”
“The drivers and the band,” he answers simply, as though the answer should be obvious. “You and Max, along with BTS, for a bunch of PR things - junkets, photoshoots, adverts, some of those Instagram whatchamacallits -”
“ - lives -”
“- and - yes - and anything else that they might need, all to launch over the next few months.” He claps his hands again and gestures warmly towards BTS. “Two months of content, rolled out over the next quarter. This is the best time slot we could get, before the gentlemen here need to start preparing for their tour and you -” He points to her “- will need to get rid of all distractions before the final races of the season.”
Dilara can’t help but wonder why distractions can’t simply be eliminated altogether in that case, but Christian leaves her no room to respond, plowing on with vigour.
“As a result, Red Bull has offered to make it an all expenses paid experience - hotels, food, travel - the whole shebang. Oh, and of course, Lexie is also included,” he adds generously. “Can’t have your training interrupted during this or who knows what -”
“Um, hang on,” she says suddenly, cringing when she realises she’s interrupted Christian. “Sorry, but is…” She wants to frame it in a way that doesn’t let on that she has any inside knowledge at all. “Big Hit is okay with this?”
“Big Hit -” Dilara almost chokes when she hears RM respond, and grudgingly turns to look at him. “Big Hit and Red Bull came up with this together. They think it’ll be really good exposure for both sets of fans.”
The irrefutable nature of this logic makes her want to hurl. RM had himself told her, months ago when they were at the Austin GP for publicity, that just being spotted and photographed in an F1 paddock alone had led to an unanticipated rise in their sales and numbers. Moreover, it had introduced a whole new demographic of listeners for BTS: F1 fans, which included an overwhelming percentage of men who were pleasantly surprised with BTS’s music and the fact that it wasn’t as boyband-y as they thought.
Dilara tears her eyes away from him and looks at Christian again, dreading his answer to her next question. “What did you say about… all expenses paid?”
He grins, as though relieved she’s getting to the good stuff. “Yes, they mean all expenses paid. Hotels, obviously - oh, and I think there’s a beach house in one location, too -” He looks over at Vicki for confirmation, who nods. “Obviously, you’ll still have to live in a motorhome for part of the Europe leg, like the other drivers,” he adds apologetically, “but since BTS will be living out of rented accommodations, I insisted on a home gym in each place and full access for you in every one of them.” He gestures magnanimously to Lexie. “With Lexie there as well, there should be no interruption to your training.”
There’s something odd in the way Christian is phrasing his words, almost like he’s customised this arrangement for - and only - here. “What about Max?” she asks after a moment.
“Well, he’ll be there off and again,” he answers nonchalantly, “but he’s a contender for the world championship. We can’t let him get distracted. It’s in his contract.”
Of course. Red Bull’s golden boy gets to focus on his career while Dilara is left to pick up what’s left of her own and also carry out a majority of their rubbish marketing plan all on her own. She tries not to seethe too openly, and takes a deep breath. “So, me and Lexie… maybe Max and Dean…” she says slowly, “... and - and BTS?”
“That’s right. Alright, now Vicki’s going to talk logistics - although I suppose we can always email that to you. Vick, d’you think we should get Big Hit on a conference call…”
Dilara’s blood runs cold. She feels like she’s frozen to her seat, silently amazed at how the universe has managed to find the one thing that could, in fact, successfully ruin her mood after one of the best races of her life. She can’t even fight this; with all the times Christian has made sure to mention that Red Bull is pouring shit tons of money into this project, it’s fairly clear that if she has any hope of getting signed next year, she can’t mess with their precious marketing plan.
Two months of hanging around her estranged ex-boyfriend and his loyal friends, working with them… to get signed next year. It’s Red Bull, the reasonable, ambitious part of her says weakly. It’s a Red Bull seat… if you have any hope of fighting for a championship, ever… this is it.
It takes her a few moments of sitting in silence among chattering voices to realise she’s already resigned herself to this. Her chest feels like it’s closing up again, the unfairness and injustice of it all creeping up her throat. But she refuses to let anyone, especially her newest colleagues, see how much it’s affecting her; the only thing worse she can think of than being dumped is showing her ex she still cares.
She looks up at Vicki. “Um… can I be excused for a moment?” she asks, somewhat relieved at how calm she sounds.
Vicki nods and Dilara stands up from her chair; without looking at anyone, she walks out of the office at a steady pace until the door closes behind her and she’s standing at the railing, the rain slowing down outside. Without thinking about it, she slips out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of her hoodie and places one between her lips, flicking the lighter on and taking a long, desperate drag.
She hears footsteps behind her and a “Don’t!” that she recognises as Lexie’s voice. She turns to see her trainer hurrying towards her with a determined look on her face. Behind her, V stands just outside the door, eyes wide and expression sombre. Just when their eyes meet, Dilara feels herself getting shoved.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Lexie whispers furiously, forcing her into the room next door and snatching the cigarette from her hand, putting it out against the wall and chucking it in a dustbin. “What if someone sees? What if you get photographed?”
She’s right, of course. It’s reckless and stupid to smoke in an F1 paddock and Dilara is so angry with herself that finally, after months of trying to be strong, she starts to cry.
“Oh, fuck.” Lexie sighs and hugs her immediately, holding her tight. “Fuck, I know it sucks, D.”
“It’s not fair!” Dilara exclaims, pulling away. “After everything - I have to see him again? I have to - what? Work with him? Pretend we’re friends? Act like he didn’t -” Here, her voice breaks.
“I don’t understand it,” says Lexie quietly, shaking her head. She looks almost as troubled; her dark eyes are unfocused and she’s biting her lip, as though wondering where she went wrong. “Maybe they’re trying to make the European leg of the calendar and their European PR coincide? I don’t know...”
“I can’t believe this,” whispers Dilara shakily, furiously wiping at the tears escaping. “How could they say yes? How could -” There’s too many questions that can’t be answered so she kicks the dustbin with as much force as she can, watching it get thrown against the wall and its contents spill out on the floor. After staring at it for a moment, she sighs and gets on her knees, picking them up.
Lexie joins her. “We won’t talk to them. We won’t do anything with them - not unless we have to,” she says in a low voice, encouragingly. “You’ll have me and Max - and both of us have your back when it comes to this. Alright?”
Dilara nods, feeling wretched, but knowing she has to do this for her career. “Yeah,” she mutters, her voice hoarse, standing up. “Come on, let’s go back inside. It’s not like this can get any worse.”
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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Angelus Ex Machina (4697 words) by Tolpen Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: 大逆転裁判 | Dai Gyakuten Saiban | The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gina Lestrade/Original Character, Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes/Mikotoba Yuujin Characters: Gina Lestrade (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Mikotoba Yuujin, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Mystery, Original Character(s), POV Alternating, Romantic relationships are background, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 3 of Clockwork Heart Summary:
Yuujin Mikotoba had visited the United States of America as a guest lecturer for two years, and now he returns to London. Upon reaching the English shores another passenger disappears. Her enigmatic older brother, and her fiancé recruit the greatest detective to find her. Who is this mysterious Miss Minerva, and who would want her to disappear? Meanwhile Inspector Gina Lestrade searches for a missing mother of her close friend and colleague in a hardboiled fashion. But of course, nothing is ever straightforward, and the unofficial case quickly spirals into something more dangerous.
Enoch Drebber would like to remind everyone that none if this is his problem, please stop getting him involved, he is not a key to either of those mysteries. He is, of course, completely right. He is not a key. His is the lock.
Obligatory Excerpt:
Well then, gentlemen,” Holmes sprung to his feet again. “Mr. Foeward, good Father, we shall call upon you in your hotel the moment our investigation makes progress. I assure you that I shall see poor Miss Minerva safely returned to her family. Do not fret, do not worry; these kind of things do take time, especially when there are so few leads.” With such reassurances he ushered them out of the door, and only once he checked through the window that they had truly left Baker Street, he turned to Mikotoba: “Well, what do you think?” “I think,” Mikotoba said carefully, “that I am going to call on a mason to extract the remaining pieces from the wall. What on Earth have you been doing with them, Sherlock?” “I was playing shogi with Iris’s friend. Leave them be Yuujin, I shall put it upon him to get them out,” the man threw his frame back into the armchair upside down, lanky legs thrown over the headrest. He maintained that it allowed him to think better with more blood pouring to saturate his brain. Yuujin Mikotoba, who had his educated medicine thoughts about it, was content to leave him like that, because it meant the detective would be quiet for at least an hour and wouldn’t get under his feet. Yuujin thought that he could finally go and unpack his belongings for the stay, but Sherlock called out to him: “I still want to hear your thoughts on the disappearance of Miss Minerva. Doubly so, for you have met her.”
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greenghostlyjekyll · 9 months
My Gifset/Stimboard Links
Categories: Starlight Express, SCP, Misc. Fandom (Scary Godmother), and Personal
Starlight Express
Ashley & Buffy
(OC) BB the Bay Window Caboose (One) (Two)
Belle the Bar Car
Belle the Sleeping Car
(OC) Bobbie the Bobber Caboose
Bochum 2015 : Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Buffy the Buffet Car
CB the Red Caboose --- CB the Red Caboose (post 2018) --- CB Harlequin AU
CB & Electra
CB & Rusty
The Coaches
(OC) Dee the Drovers Caboose
Dinah the Dining Car --- Dinah's Disco
Dinah ♡ Greaseball
Dinah & Pearl
Duvay the Sleeping Car
Electra the Electric Engine --- Electra the Electric Engine (post 2018)
Electra VS Greaseball
(OC) EV the Extended-Vision Caboose
Flat-top the Brick Truck
The Freight Cars
Greaseball the Diesel Engine
The Hip Hoppers
(OC) Hive the Decommission Engine
Hotel Buenaventura : AC/DC --- Crazy --- He Whistled At Me --- Lotta Locomotion --- U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D
Jim'll Fix It Clip
Joule the Dynamite Truck --- The Animal Truck
Krupp the Armaments Truck --- London 1997
(OC) Mal the Sleeping Car
"Ouch" (One) (Two)
Pearl the Observation Car --- Pearl the First Class Carriage (post 2018) --- Pearl: On Ice (One) (Two) --- Pearl Harlequin AU
Pearl ♡ Rusty
Poppa McCoy the Retired Champion
Purse the Money Truck
The Rockies
Rusty the Steam Engine --- Rusty (Ray Shell) --- Rusty Harlequin AU --- Rusty Starshine AU
(OC) Starburner the Champion Racer
(OC) Supernova the Diplomatic Envoy
"Tonight Is Race Night!"
(OC) Tracy the Transfer Caboose
"The Trains Be Fighting"
Trax aka the Track Marshals
US Tour : One Rock and Roll Too Many --- 2003 : Freight is Great
Volta the Freezer Truck
(OC) Windy the Bay Window Caboose
Wrench the Repair Truck
SCP-052 Time-Traveling Train
SCP-682 au "Tobey"
The Black Lord --- Lord Nigredo, Before --- Lord Nigredo, After
The White Lord --- Lord Albedo, Before --- Lord Albedo, After
The Yellow Lord --- Lord Citrinitas, Before --- Lord Citrinitas, After
The Red Lord --- Lord Rubedo, Before --- Lord Rubedo, After
Misc. Fandom
Scary Godmother
The Green Ghostly Jekyll
Sprite Shenanigans
My Pet Hermit Crabs
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hctclcalifornia · 5 months
spell out your url using song titles !
h — hotel california, the eagles (i had to okay)
c — call me, blondie
t — this hell, rina sawayama
c — can't get blue monday out of my head, kylie minogue
l — london calling, the clash
c — cowboy take me away, the chicks
a — all i wanted, paramore
l — love is a wild thing, kacey musgraves
i — if i can't have you, the bee gees
f — friday i'm in love, the cure
o — our last summer, the mamma mia! soundtrack
r — roam, the b-52's
n — not strong enough, boygenius
i — (if you're not in it for love) i'm outta here!, shania twain
a — always get this way, the aces
tagged by: @thieved (thank you so much for tagging me!!) tagging: @withinthesebones, @behe4dings, @lastcrush and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet!!!
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